Publications - Unisa
Publications - Unisa
Publications - Unisa
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Chapters in Books<br />
1. Information and Communications Technology Law contributed "Domain Names<br />
and Infringement of Trade Marks on the Internet" in (ed. Prof DP van der Merwe)<br />
(2008) (LexisNexis: Durban) pages 201-p237<br />
2. Information and Communications Technology Law contributed "Copyright Law and<br />
IT" in (ed. Prof DP van der Merwe) (2008) (LexisNexis: Durban) pages 239-p.311<br />
3. International Computer Law: A Practical Guide to Information Technology Law (ed.<br />
Prof Ernst-Jan Louwers) (Matthew Bender & Company: New York) (release 23<br />
(2008)) Software Protection in Africa: "Angola"; "Botswana"; "Namibia"; "South<br />
Africa" pages 7.4-7.7; 7.36-7.38.2; 7.181-7.187; 7.221-7.226.1;<br />
4. International Computer Law: A Practical Guide to Information Technology Law (ed.<br />
Prof Ernst-Jan Louwers) (Matthew Bender & Company: New York) (release 23<br />
(2008)) Database Protection in Africa: "Angola"; "Botswana"; "Namibia"; "South<br />
Africa" pages 13.3-13.6; 13.14.7-13.14.11; 13.55-13.59; 13.64.2-13.64.9;<br />
5. Languages et Droit D'Auteur / Languages and Copyright contributed "Bilingualism:<br />
The Impact of Language on the Development of South African Copyright Law"<br />
(eds. Ysolde Gendreau & Abraham Drassinower eds.) (Bruylant & Carswell) (2009)<br />
6. Law of Intellectual Property in South Africa (ed. Andries van der Merwe) (2011)<br />
(LexisNexis: Durban) contributed “Part 3 Copyright Law” pages 143-225<br />
7. Law of Intellectual Property in South Africa (ed. Andries van der Merwe) (2011)<br />
(LexisNexis: Durban) co-authored “Part 4 The law of registered designs” pages<br />
229-264<br />
8. Balancing Copyright – A Survey of National Approaches MPI Studies on<br />
Intellectual Property and Competition Law (Hilty/Nerisson eds.) Springer-Verlag<br />
GmbH Berlin Heidelberg contributed “South Africa” (2012)
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings:<br />
9. "The IP Protection of Electronic Databases: Copyright or Copywrong?"<br />
Proceedings of the ISSA 2008 Innovative Minds Conference Edited by Jan Eloff<br />
(Department of Computer Science, University of Pretoria) (Peer-reviewed<br />
conference proceedings) (eds.Les Labuschagne (Department of Business<br />
Information Technology, University of Johannesburg) Mariki Eloff (School of<br />
Computing, University of South Africa) Hein Venter (Department of Computer<br />
Science, University of Pretoria), p63-80<br />
10. ‘.za Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations: The First Few SAIIPL Decisions’,<br />
2008(2) Journal of Information, Law & Technology (JILT),<br />
(Conference proceedings)<br />
11. ‘The Legal Effect of Input Errors in Automated Transactions: The South African<br />
Matrix’, 2008(2) Journal of Information, Law & Technology (JILT),<br />
(Conference proceedings)<br />
12. “The Functional Equivalent Implementation of the WCT" peer-reviewed<br />
proceedings Legal, Privacy and Security Issues in IT (Part II) of the conference<br />
First International Conference on Legal, Privacy and Security Issues in IT held in<br />
Hamburg, Germany April 30-May 2, 2006
Peer-reviewed research ARTICLES in SAPSE accredited journals:<br />
13. “Cyberbusters versus Cybersquatters: Round II in the ZADNA Ring” (2009) 21 SA<br />
Mercantile Law Journal 836–854<br />
14. “Monitoring, Interception & Big Boss in the Workplace: Is the Devil in the Details?"<br />
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 2009 (1) 1-26<br />
15. "The Impact of Intellectual Property Law on Sustainable Development" 32 (2007)<br />
South African Yearbook of International Law 375-394<br />
16. "Copyright in the Information Age: the catch-22 of digital technology" (2006) 2<br />
Critical Arts 47-61<br />
17. "Developing countries and copyright in the information age – the functional<br />
equivalent implementation of the WCT" (2006) 2 Potchefstroom Electronic Law<br />
Journal 1-21<br />
18. "Aesthetics and economics? An overview of the copyright protection of utilitarian<br />
works in South Africa" (2006) 2 Speculum Juris 141-159<br />
19. "From snail mail to e-mail – a South African perspective on the web of conflicting<br />
rules on the time of e-contracting" (2006) 39 Comparative and International Law<br />
Journal of Southern Africa 178–213<br />
20. "Click-wrap and web-wrap agreements" (2004) 16 South African Mercantile Law<br />
Journal 568–576<br />
21. "Trade mark tarnishment: should we Laugh It Off all the way to ‘Telkomsucks’ and<br />
‘Hellcom’?" (2004) 16 South African Mercantile Law Journal 727–740<br />
22. "’Nobody knows you’re a dog’ – the attribution of data messages" (2002) 14 South<br />
African Mercantile Law Journal 737–747<br />
23. "Contract formation: a comparative perspective on the Model Law on Electronic<br />
Commerce" (2002) 24 Comparative and International Law Journal of South Africa<br />
129–156<br />
24. "Digital licensing of intellectual property" (2001) 13 South African Mercantile Law<br />
Journal 562–580 (co-author Brian Rutherford)<br />
25. "The protection of electronic databases" (2000) 12 South African Mercantile Law<br />
Journal 184–198<br />
26. "Formation of Internet contracts: an analysis of the contractual and security issues"<br />
(1999) 11 South African Mercantile Law Journal 282–299<br />
27. "The SABC, Madam & Eve, Mother Anderson and the Mealie Woman" (1997) 9<br />
South African Mercantile Law Journal 399–403<br />
28. "Teaching Intellectual Property Law in English-speaking Africa: current status and<br />
future prospects and trends" (1997) 30 De Jure 227–238 (co-author Coenraad<br />
Visser)<br />
29. ‘Protection of industrial designs in the European Union – part I: the copyright<br />
enigma" (1997) 30 De Jure 283–300<br />
30. "The Designs Act of 1993: aesthetic and functional designs, spare parts, and<br />
integrated circuits" (1995) 112 South African Law Journal 326–342 (co-author<br />
Coenraad Visser)<br />
31. "New technologies and old copyrights: the protection of video games as<br />
cinematograph films" (1995) 7 South African Mercantile Law Journal 112–120<br />
32. "The sui generis protection of semiconductor chips (part II) (1995) 28 De Jure 113–<br />
33. "The sui generis protection of semiconductor chips (part I) (1994) 27 De Jure 271–<br />
293<br />
34. "The enforceability of shrink-wrap agreements in South Africa" (1993) 5 South<br />
African Mercantile Law Journal 1–19<br />
35. "Confidential information and the danger of confusing classifications" (1993) 5<br />
South African Mercantile Law Journal 330–345 (co-author Coenraad Visser)<br />
36. "Die outeursregbeskerming van funksionele artistieke werke – die problematiek van<br />
funksionaliteit versus estetika" ("The copyright protection of functional artistic works<br />
– the problem of functionality versus aesthetics") (1993) 5 South African Mercantile<br />
Law Journal 190–206<br />
37. "The Copyright Amendment Act 125 of 1992 and computer programs: a preliminary<br />
overview" (1992) 4 South African Mercantile Law Journal 346–359 (co-author<br />
Coenraad Visser)<br />
38. "The copyright protection of computer programs in the United States of America –<br />
the second generation questions (part 2)" (1992) 25 De Jure 166–182<br />
39. "The trendy sofa – a useful object or a work of art?" (1992) 4 South African<br />
Mercantile Law Journal 91–97<br />
40. "Service marks for retail and wholesale services: registration judicially denied but<br />
legislatively sanctioned" (1991) 108 South African Law Journal 606–613 (co-author<br />
Coenraad Visser)<br />
41. "Intention or origin? The requirements for the correction of a clerical error in a<br />
patent specification in limbo?" (1991) 3 South African Mercantile Law Journal 266–<br />
269<br />
42. "The copyright protection of computer programs in the United States of America:<br />
The first generation questions (part 1)" (1991) 24 De Jure 232–244<br />
43. "The rights of the user of a computer program and the legality of ‘shrink-wrap’<br />
licences" (1991) 3 South African Mercantile Law Journal 57–72<br />
44. "The enforceability of article 22 of the Warsaw Convention – an anachronistic<br />
system?" (1986–1987) 12 South African Yearbook of International Law 50–72
<strong>Publications</strong> in Professional Journals<br />
45. “In the Courts - The Trademarked City within a City” WIPO Magazine (3) 2010<br />
46. “Shrink-wrap and Click-wrap Agreements: Can they be Enforced?” 7 (1999) Juta’s<br />
Business Law 79-86<br />
47. “Economic Espionage” (1998) 6 Juta's Business Law (1998)<br />
48. “Copyright Infringement in Cyberspace” 6 (1998) Juta's Business Law 134-137<br />
49. “Confidential Information and the Rights of Employees” (1993) 1 Juta's Business<br />
Law 133-134<br />
50. “The Copyright Protection of Computer Programs Literary works Shunned by the<br />
Proposed Bill” (1991) De Rebus 833836
International Conference Papers<br />
51. “Electronic Commerce and electronic Transactions -Best practices in drafting cyber<br />
legislation: Concepts and techniques” paper delivered on 28 Feb 2012Workshop<br />
on the SADC Harmonised Legal Cyber Security Framework for Southern Africa<br />
HIPSSA ITU/EU Project held from 27 February to 2 March 2012 Gaborone,<br />
Botswana<br />
52. Electronic Transactions and E-Commerce: Presentation of the Model Law” paper<br />
delivered on 1 March 2012 Workshop on the SADC Harmonised Legal Cyber<br />
Security Framework for Southern Africa HIPSSA ITU/EU Project held from 27<br />
February to 2 March 2012 Gaborone, Botswana<br />
53. Principles of Collective licensing of copyright works paper presented on 8<br />
December 2011 at the WIPO-South Africa Summer School on Intellectual Property<br />
organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation<br />
with the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of the Republic<br />
of South Africa (DST) Cape Town, South Africa, November 28 to December 9,<br />
2011 WIPO/ACA/CPT/11/INF.1<br />
54. Branding and the management of trademarks paper presented on 30 th of<br />
November 2011 at the WIPO-South Africa Summer School on Intellectual Property<br />
organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation<br />
with the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of the Republic<br />
of South Africa (DST) Cape Town, South Africa, November 28 to December 9,<br />
2011 WIPO/ACA/CPT/11/INF.1<br />
55. “Internet Domain Names and Alternative Dispute Resolutions (+Illustration of<br />
Cases)” paper presented on 30 th November 2011 at WIPO-South Africa Summer<br />
School on Intellectual Property organized by the World Intellectual Property<br />
Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Department of Science and<br />
Technology of the Government of the Republic of South Africa (DST) Cape Town,<br />
South Africa, November 28 to December 9, 2011 WIPO/ACA/CPT/11/INF.1<br />
56. “IP and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Discussions of<br />
the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property” at the International<br />
Roundtable on WIPO Development Agenda for Academics by the World<br />
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Worldwide Academy held in Singapore,<br />
November 23 and 24, 2011.<br />
57. “Media Neutrality applied to Digital Copyright Law” paper presented at the Third<br />
Annual Conference on Innovation and Communications Law at Melbourne<br />
Business School, Melbourne, Australia 27 May 2011-29 May 2011<br />
58. “Three-dimensional Marks” paper presented on 9 December 2010 at the WIPO-<br />
South Africa Summer School on Intellectual Property by the World Intellectual<br />
Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Department of Science and<br />
Technology of the Government of the Republic of South Africa (DST) Cape Town,<br />
November 29 to December 10, 2010 WIPO/ACA/CPT/INF.1<br />
59. Protection of Trade Secrets and Emerging Issues paper presented on 8 December<br />
2010 at the WIPO-South Africa Summer School on Intellectual Property by the<br />
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the<br />
Department of Science and Technology of the Government of the Republic of<br />
South Africa (DST) Cape Town, November 29 to December 10, 2010<br />
60. “The Universal Principles Applicable to the Regulation of Electronic Commerce:<br />
The UNCITRAL Convention and other Instruments – Lessons For Namibia In The<br />
Drafting Of The U/ETC” paper presented at Draft Use of Electronic Transactions<br />
and Communications Bill for Namibia held by the Office of the Prime Minister and<br />
the Ministry of Information & Communications Technologies held in Windhoek,<br />
Namibia 27-28 September 2010<br />
61. “The Legal Significance of Data Messages (E-Writing) and e-Contracting<br />
Provisions In The Namibia Draft U/ETC Bill” paper presented at Draft Use of<br />
Electronic Transactions and Communications Bill for Namibia held by the Office of<br />
the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Information & Communications Technologies<br />
held in Windhoek, Namibia 27-28 September 2010<br />
62. “The U/ETC Draft Bill Provisions on Automated Transactions: Consumers and<br />
Service Providers’ Liability & Obligations” paper presented at Draft Use of<br />
Electronic Transactions and Communications Bill for Namibia held by the Office of<br />
the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Information & Communications Technologies<br />
held in Windhoek, Namibia 27-28 September 2010<br />
63. An Overview of Recent Case Law in South Africa in The area of Cyber-Law paper<br />
presented at Draft Use of Electronic Transactions and Communications Bill for<br />
Namibia held by the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Information &<br />
Communications Technologies held in Windhoek, Namibia 27-28 September 2010<br />
64. “Internet Domain Names and Alternative Dispute Resolutions (+Illustration of<br />
Cases)” paper delivered on the 9 th of December 2009 at the WIPO-South Africa<br />
Summer School On Intellectual Property held in Cape Town, November 30 to<br />
December 11, 2009<br />
65. “Issues relating to the Use of Marks on the Internet” paper delivered on the 10 th of<br />
December 2009 at the WIPO-South Africa Summer School On Intellectual Property<br />
held in Cape Town, November 30 to December 11, 2009<br />
66. "Super-rights in the making? FIFA's Golden Hat Trick" ATRIP Congress 2009:<br />
Horizontal Issues in IP Law - Uncovering The Matrix, Vilnius, Lithuania 13-16-10-<br />
2009 (invited paper)<br />
67. “South African Copyright Law and Language” paper delivered on 20 February 2009<br />
at the Copyright Law and Language Conference, Montreal, Canada, 20 February<br />
2009 (Invited paper)<br />
68. "Role Of Geographical Indications And Certification Marks In Promoting Trade And<br />
Commerce" Paper Delivered On The 17 th Of June 2008 At The Workshop For<br />
Heads Of Intellectual Property Offices Organized By The State Intellectual Property<br />
Office Of China (SIPO), The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization<br />
(ARIPO) And The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Beijing, June 16<br />
To 20, 2008 (Invited paper)<br />
69. "Imperatives For An Intellectual Property Policy For Universities And R&D<br />
Institutions To Facilitate Licensing And Transfer Of Technology" Paper Delivered<br />
On The 19 th Of June 2008 At Workshop For Heads Of Intellectual Property Offices<br />
Organized By The State Intellectual Property Office Of China (SIPO), The African<br />
Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) And The World Intellectual<br />
Property Organization (WIPO) Beijing, June 16 To 20, 2008 (Invited paper)<br />
70. "The impact of intellectual property law on sustainable development", paper<br />
delivered at the International Law Association’s 2007 regional conference on Good
Governance And Non-State Actors In International Law: An African Perspective,<br />
University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 27–29 August 2007<br />
71. "Development of electronic communication and transaction law, intellectual<br />
property rights and privacy in Namibia, SADC and internationally", paper delivered<br />
at the Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Poverty<br />
Reduction and Sustainable Development, Windhoek, Namibia, 2–3 August 2007<br />
72. "Legal effect of input errors in automated transactions" and "Impact of digital<br />
copyright law on consumers", papers delivered at the Eleventh International<br />
Conference on Consumer Law of the International Association of Consumer Law,<br />
Cape Town, South Africa, 11–13 April 2007<br />
73. "Overview of project: developing countries and the functional equivalent<br />
implementation of the WCT", paper delivered at the Humboldt Foundation<br />
Introductory Meeting, Cologne, Germany, 12–14 October 2006<br />
74. "The functional equivalent implementation of the WCT", paper delivered at the First<br />
International Conference on Legal, Privacy and Security Issues in IT, Hamburg,<br />
Germany, 30 April–2 May 2006<br />
75. "Works of art and industrial designs in South Africa", paper delivered at the ATRIP<br />
conference on Intellectual Property: Bridging Aesthetics And Economics, at<br />
Montréal University, Montréal, Canada, 11–13 July 2005<br />
76. "Cyberlaw development and harmonisation within SADC", paper delivered at the<br />
SADC Law Conference and Annual General Meeting (conference theme:<br />
Challenges Facing the Legal Profession in the SADC Region), Windhoek, Namibia,<br />
16–19 June 2005<br />
77. "Report: due diligence review of Namibian laws for e-laws regime", delivered at the<br />
Seminar/Workshop for Development of e-Laws (Electronic or Cyberlaws) for<br />
Namibia, Office of the Prime Minister, Windhoek, Namibia, 23–24 May 2005<br />
78. "e-Commerce and issues related to intellectual property law – lessons for Namibia",<br />
delivered at the Seminar/Workshop for Development of e-Laws (Electronic or<br />
Cyberlaws) for Namibia, Office of the Prime Minister, Windhoek, Namibia, 23–24<br />
May 2005<br />
79. "Overcoming the legal barriers to electronic commerce: a Namibian approach",<br />
delivered at the Seminar/Workshop for Development of e-Laws (Electronic or<br />
Cyberlaws) for Namibia, Office of the Prime Minister, Windhoek, Namibia, 23–24<br />
May 2005<br />
80. "Update on revision of chapter 4 (Legal Issues) of Namibia ICT policy", paper<br />
delivered at the Seminar/Workshop for Development of e-Laws (Electronic or<br />
Cyberlaws) for Namibia, Office of the Prime Minister, Windhoek, Namibia, 23–24<br />
May 2005<br />
81. "SADC cyberlaw developments: the Namibian position" (co-presenter Gordon<br />
Elliot), paper delivered at seminar on Cyberlaw Development and Harmonisation<br />
within SADC, Centre for Specialization in Public Administration and Management,<br />
Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Botswana,<br />
Mbabane, Swaziland, 5–8 April 2005
82. "The web of conflicting theories on contract formation: SA ECT Act of 2002: in step<br />
or out of sync?", paper delivered at a conference on Internet and the Law: A Global<br />
Conversation, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, 1–2 October 2004<br />
83. "Copyright in the information age the catch-22 of digital technology", paper<br />
delivered at the international research seminar on the Political Economy of the<br />
Southern African Media / Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Communication and<br />
the Public Domain, University of KwaZulu-Natal and the University of Oslo, under<br />
the auspices of the Southern African and South-South Working Group on Media,<br />
Culture and Communication, Durban, South Africa, 10–14 May 2004<br />
84. "Drafting of research and development contracts for IP exploitation", paper<br />
delivered at the National Seminar on Education and Training in Intellectual<br />
Property, the World Intellectual Property Organization in co-operation with the State<br />
Department of Intellectual Property and the National Technical University of the<br />
Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, 11–13 December 2002<br />
85. "The development of an intellectual property policy", paper delivered at the National<br />
Seminar on Education and Training in Intellectual Property, the World Intellectual<br />
Property Organization in co-operation with the State Department of Intellectual<br />
Property and the National Technical University of the Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, 11–13<br />
December 2002<br />
86. "New trends in the teaching of intellectual property law", paper delivered at the<br />
National Seminar on Education and Training in Intellectual Property, the World<br />
Intellectual Property Organization in co-operation with the State Department of<br />
Intellectual Property and the National Technical University of the Ukraine, Kiev,<br />
Ukraine, 11–13 December 2002<br />
87. "Drafting of research and development agreements" paper delivered at a IP Policy<br />
seminar organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization in co-operation<br />
with the Kenyan Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), Eldoret, Kenya, 16–22 July<br />
2002<br />
88. "Developments in electronic commerce", paper delivered at a IP Policy seminar<br />
organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization in co-operation with the<br />
Kenyan Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), Eldoret, Kenya, 16–22 July 2002<br />
89. "The teaching of intellectual property law at universities", paper delivered at a IP<br />
Policy seminar organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization in cooperation<br />
with the Kenyan Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), Eldoret, Kenya, 16–<br />
22 July 2002<br />
90. "Needs for establishing innovation and invention support structures or services in<br />
universities of developing countries: Role and function of an innovation centre in a<br />
developing economy" paper delivered at the Regional Seminar on the Benefits of<br />
the Intellectual Property System for Universities, University Researchers and<br />
Research and Development Organisations, World Intellectual Property<br />
Organization in co-operation with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher<br />
Education of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 20–22<br />
June 2000<br />
91. "University-industry research and development contracts", paper delivered at the<br />
Regional Seminar on the Benefits of the Intellectual Property System for<br />
Universities, University Researchers and Research and Development
Organisations, World Intellectual Property Organization in co-operation with the<br />
Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of the United Republic of<br />
Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 20–22 June 2000<br />
92. "Intellectual property education and the needs of business and industry in the 21st<br />
century: challenges and opportunities", paper delivered at the International<br />
Conference on Intellectual Property for Business, World Intellectual Property<br />
Organization in co-operation with the Government of Bulgaria and the University of<br />
National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29–31 May 2000<br />
93. "The use of modern information technologies for teaching and research in<br />
intellectual property law", paper delivered at the International Conference on<br />
Intellectual Property for Business, World Intellectual Property Organization in cooperation<br />
with the Government of Bulgaria and the University of National and<br />
World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29–31 May 2000<br />
94. "The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS<br />
Agreement): layout-designs (topographies) of integrated circuits; protection of<br />
undisclosed information; control of anti-competitive practices in contractual<br />
licenses", paper delivered at the WIPO African Sub-Regional Symposium on the<br />
Implementation of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual<br />
Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) by Least Developed Countries (LDC’s) by the<br />
Year 2000, World Intellectual Property Organization in co-operation with the African<br />
Regional Industrial Property Organization (ARIPO) and the Government of the<br />
Republic of The Gambia, Banjul, The Gambia, 12–14 April 1999<br />
95. "The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS<br />
Agreement): copyright and related rights", paper delivered at the WIPO African<br />
Sub-Regional Symposium on the Implementation of the Agreement on Trade-<br />
Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) by Least<br />
Developed Countries (LDC’s) by the Year 2000, World Intellectual Property<br />
Organization in co-operation with the African Regional Industrial Property<br />
Organization (ARIPO) and the Government of the Republic of The Gambia, Banjul,<br />
The Gambia, 12–14 April 1999<br />
96. "The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS<br />
Agreement): layout-designs (topographies) of integrated circuits; protection of<br />
undisclosed information; control of anti-competitive practices in contractual<br />
licenses", paper delivered at the WIPO African Sub-regional Symposium on the<br />
Implementation of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual<br />
Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) by the Year 2000, World Intellectual Property<br />
Organization in co-operation with the African Regional Industrial Property<br />
Organization (ARIPO) and the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Victoria<br />
Falls, Zimbabwe, 29–31 March 1999<br />
97. "The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS<br />
Agreement): copyright and related rights", paper delivered at the WIPO African<br />
Sub-regional Symposium on the Implementation of the Agreement on Trade-<br />
Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) by the Year<br />
2000, World Intellectual Property Organization in co-operation with the African<br />
Regional Industrial Property Organization (ARIPO) and the Government of the<br />
Republic of Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 29–31 March 1999
98. "Teaching of intellectual property law in African Universities: the South African<br />
experience", paper delivered at the conference on The Teaching of Intellectual<br />
Property Law in Africa, World Intellectual Property Organization, Cairo, Egypt, 5–6<br />
December 1996
National Conference Papers<br />
99. “Education and Capacity Development” paper delivered at the Accelerating IP and<br />
Innovation in South Africa Conference held in Cape Town on 18-21 September<br />
2011<br />
100. The FOSS Policy: The IP Connection” paper delivered at the SITA GovTech<br />
2011 on the 14 th of September 2011<br />
101. “The Challenge of Collective Licensing” paper delivered at the 8 th International<br />
Workshop on Commercial Law held at Sandton, Johannesburg on 3 rd of August<br />
2001<br />
102. “Intellectual Property Protection in Cyberspace in Africa” paper delivered at the<br />
Convention on Lex Informatica - (2011) held 22-26 July 2011 paper delivered on<br />
the 22 nd of July 2011 at the Convention on Lex Informatica - (2011) held 22-26 July<br />
2011 at the Burgerspark Hotel (invited paper)<br />
103. “An Overview of the Cybercrime and Laws of Various African Countries”<br />
paper delivered on 30 March 2011 at the Africa Cybercrime Security Conference<br />
held 30-31 March 2011 at Emperor’s Palace<br />
104. “The Good Thief: Children and Intellectual Property Law” paper presented at<br />
Information Security Awareness: Educating school children regarding cyber risks<br />
hosted on 24 November 2010 at the UNISA Muckleneuk campus in Pretoria<br />
105. “Cyberlaw Case Law” E-Diligence [Solutions] delivered 12 November at<br />
Chetty Law 11-12 November Johannesburg<br />
106. “The Ten Things I hate About the ECT Act or...the Ten Things that Should be<br />
Included in Project 126” paper delivered on the 22 nd of July 2010 at the Convention<br />
on Lex Informatica - (2010) held 22-26 July 2010 at the Innovation Hub (invited<br />
paper)<br />
107. "IP Implications of Outsourcing ICT" paper delivered on the 18th h of March<br />
2010 at the Outsourcing & ICT Contracts & Service Level Agreements held 18-20<br />
March 2010 in Pretoria (Invited paper)<br />
108. A Comparative Review of Trans-Border Domain Name Arbitration: How<br />
Alternative are the .za ADR Decisions? Paper delivered at the 1 st International<br />
Trans-border Commercial Law Workshop held on the 19 th -20 th of October 2009,<br />
Johannesburg, South Africa<br />
109. "Snail Mail, E-Mail and other forms of Mail: A South African Perspective on<br />
Slippery E-contracting Issues" Lecture presented at the E-commerce Workshop<br />
held on the 5 th of September 2009 at University of Pretoria, Pretoria<br />
110. "Legal Framework – National and International" Seminar Navigating Cyber Law<br />
at the Human Rights Commission, 6 August 2009<br />
111. "Synthesis of the Tools" Seminar Navigating Cyber Law at the Human Rights<br />
Commission, 6 August 2009<br />
112. "Web site compliance in terms of ECTA" Convention on Lex Informatica - The<br />
Law on Electronic Communications, Electronic Commerce and Information<br />
Technology (2009) Johannesburg, 22-24 July 2009
113. "Traditional knowledge and copyright protection" paper presented at the<br />
Conference on Traditional Knowledge in Legal Context, North-West University,<br />
Potchefstroom, 17-18 March 2009 (Invited paper)<br />
114. "Intellectual Property Implications of Outsourcing ICT" paper delivered on the<br />
26 th of November 2008 at the Outsourcing & ICT Contracts: Procuring Technology<br />
partners in the Private Sector Conference held 26-27 November 2008 in Pretoria<br />
(Invited paper)<br />
115. "Criminal Copyright Infringement on the Internet" on the 10 th of November<br />
2008 at the Cyber Crime Africa Summit held 10-12 November 2008 in<br />
Johannesburg (Invited paper)<br />
116. "Implementation of ADR for .za" on the 30 th October at the South Africa’s 3rd<br />
Annual Cyberlaw Conference 28-30 October 2008 in Pretoria (Invited paper)<br />
117. "SA/International copyright laws on web-crawling and data mining on the<br />
Internet" on 24 October 2008 at the SABS TC 37 SC3 Workshop: Towards a Legal<br />
Framework for 2 HLT in SA held on 24 October 2008 Pretoria<br />
118. "The Role of IP in the South’s Development Agenda" paper presented on the 10 th<br />
of October 2008 at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Conference on<br />
Sustainable Development of Southern Africa held on the 8 th ot the 10 th of October<br />
2008<br />
119. "Reverse Domain name Hijacking in ," paper presented at a training<br />
workshops held by the CO.ZA domain name administrators, UniForum SA, in<br />
association with the SAIIPL, the .ZA Domain Name Authority in Cape Town on the<br />
19th of September 2008<br />
120. "The meaning and Purpose of Reverse Domain name Hijacking" paper<br />
presented at a training workshops held by the CO.ZA domain name administrators,<br />
UniForum SA, in association with the SAIIPL, the .ZA Domain Name Authority in<br />
Pretoria on the 16th of September 2008<br />
121. "The Phone Book Case: Reverse Domain name Hijacking" paper presented at a<br />
training workshops held by the CO.ZA domain name administrators, UniForum SA,<br />
in association with the SAIIPL, the .ZA Domain Name Authority in Pretoria on the<br />
15th of September 2008,<br />
122. "The IP Protection of Electronic Databases: Copyright or Copywrong?" on 11<br />
July 2008 at the 2008 ISSA Innovative Minds Conference<br />
123. "Meaningful Purpose of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking" paper presented<br />
on the 22nd of May 2008 at the Convention on Lex Informatica - The Law on<br />
Electronic Communications, Electronic Commerce and Information Technology<br />
(2008) Pretoria, 21-23 May 2008 (Invited paper)<br />
124. "Automated Transactions and Input Errors: Tata-Ma-Chance?" on the 21 st of<br />
May 2008 at the Convention on Lex Informatica - The Law on Electronic<br />
Communications, Electronic Commerce and Information Technology (2008)<br />
Pretoria, 21-23 May 2008 (Invited paper)<br />
125. "How alternative is the .za ADR?", paper delivered at the Second Annual<br />
Cyberlaw Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 4–6 September 2007
126. "Digital copyright law: the impact on access to information", paper delivered at<br />
the South African Commercial Law in a Globalised Environment Workshop 2006,<br />
Centre for Business Law, University of South Africa, Sandton, South Africa, 22<br />
August 2006<br />
127. "Copyright control", paper delivered at the First Cyberlaw Conference,<br />
Johannesburg, South Africa, 21 July 2006<br />
128. "Consumers’ right to complain: cyber griping and trade-mark infringement", paper<br />
delivered at the Consumer Protection in Commercial Law Workshop 2005, Centre<br />
for Business Law, University of South Africa, Sandton, South Africa, 25 August<br />
2005<br />
129. "Cyber griping: freedom of expression or abusive domain name registration?",<br />
paper delivered at the ISSA 2005 Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, 30<br />
June 2005<br />
130. "Cyberloafing@work: the monitoring of employees", paper delivered at the Sixth<br />
Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications, Rand Afrikaans University<br />
and the Technikon Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1–3 September<br />
2004<br />
131. "e-Mail monitoring and the ECT Act", paper delivered at the Fourth Annual ISSA<br />
2004 IT Security Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, 30 June–2 July 2004<br />
132. "Die beskerming van e-verbruikers: regsimplikasies vir e-handelaars" ("The<br />
protection of e-consumers: legal implications for e-traders"), paper presented at the<br />
AHI Legal Committee Meeting, Pretoria, South Africa, 26 October 2003<br />
133. "Thumbnail images, fair use & copyright owners" and On-line consumer<br />
protection – vapourware?", papers delivered at the e-Commerce & Current<br />
Commercial Law Workshop 2003, Centre for Business Law, University of South<br />
Africa, Sandton, Johannesburg, 28 August 2003<br />
134. "Intellectual property and electronic commerce" (co-author Coenraad Visser),<br />
paper delivered at the ABLU 2003 Annual Banking Law Update 2003, Rand<br />
Afrikaans University, Witkoppen, Johannesburg, South Africa, April 2003<br />
135. "Information security and the law", paper delivered at the Third Annual ISASSA<br />
2003 IT Security Conference, Sandton, South Africa, July 2003<br />
136. "Nuwe regsontwikkelinge in e-handel" ("New legal developments in ecommerce"),<br />
paper delivered at the AHI Legal Committee Meeting, Pretoria, South<br />
Africa, 1 August 2002<br />
137. "Intellectual property rights of designers", paper delivered at a training workshop<br />
Riches of Africa 2002 Jewellery Design Competition, Anglo Gold, Pretoria<br />
Technical College, Pretoria, South Africa. 22 March 2002<br />
138. "Intellectual property rights of designers", paper delivered at a training workshop<br />
Riches of Africa 2002 Jewellery Design Competition, Anglo Gold, Cape Town<br />
Technical College, Cape Town, South Africa. 20 March 2002<br />
139. "Intellectual property rights of designers", paper delivered at a training workshop<br />
Riches of Africa 2002 Jewellery Design Competition, Anglo Gold, Durban Technical<br />
College, Durban, South Africa. 18 March 2002
140. "Digital security", paper delivered at the Current Commercial Law Workshop<br />
2001, Centre for Business Law, University of South Africa, Midrand, South Africa,<br />
12 March 2001<br />
141. "Copyright infringement in cyberspace", paper delivered at the CyberLaw 2 Avoid<br />
Costly Litigation in Cyberspace Conference, Rosebank, Johannesburg, South<br />
Africa, 23–24 August 2000<br />
142. "Intellectual property law perspectives on e-commerce", contribution to the<br />
session on "Culture and content" at the ICT 2000 Innovation, Delivery and<br />
Development Conference, Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa, 25–27 July<br />
2000<br />
143. "Intellectual property and cyber law" (co-author Coenraad Visser), paper<br />
delivered at the Annual Banking Law Update Conference 2000, Rand Afrikaans<br />
University, Witkoppen, Johannesburg, South Africa, 12 April 2000<br />
144. "The protection of electronic databases", paper delivered at the Current<br />
Commercial Law Workshop 2000, Centre for Business Law, University of South<br />
Africa in Midrand, Johannesburg, 16 March 2000<br />
145. The enforceability of shrink-wrap and click-wrap agreements and the rights,<br />
duties and obligations arising there from", paper delivered at a conference entitled<br />
Year 2000 Disaster or Delight? and What is the Supplier’s Liability?, Sunnyside,<br />
Pretoria, South Africa, 21 April 1999<br />
146. "Formation of Internet contracts: an analysis of the contractual and security<br />
issues", paper delivered at the Current Commercial Law Workshop, Centre for<br />
Business Law, University of South Africa, Midrand, South Africa, 11 March 1999<br />
147. "The licensing of study material and the licensing and commercialization of the<br />
university’s trade-mark rights", paper delivered at a conference on Commercializing<br />
Intellectual Property at Academic Institutions, Midrand, South Africa, 16 November<br />
1998<br />
148. "Copyright infringement in cyberspace", paper delivered at a conference entitled<br />
e-Commerce & YK2 Midrand, South Africa, 20 October 1998<br />
149. "Functional designs and the South African semiconductor chip industry", paper<br />
delivered at the Congress of the Association of University Law Teachers, University<br />
of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, 23 January 1996<br />
150. "Die outerusregbeskerming van funksionele artistieke werke: die problematiek<br />
van funksionaliteit versus estetika" ("The copyright protection of functional artistic<br />
works: the problem of functionality versus aesthetics"), paper delivered at the<br />
Congress of the Association of University Law Teachers, Stellenbosch University,<br />
Stellenbosch, South Africa, 20 January 1993<br />
151. "The enforceability of shrink-wrap agreements in South Africa", paper delivered<br />
at the LES (Licensing and Executive Society) South African Software Conference,<br />
Karos Lodge, Eastern Transvaal, South Africa, 21–24 July 1992
International Workshops Presented:<br />
152. Presented and led a five-day Workshop for Development of a Framework/Model<br />
for Open Licensing of Materials Between Southern African ODL Institutions,<br />
University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 27 February–3 March 2006<br />
“Developing of content of identified components” paper delivered on the 28 th of<br />
February 2006 at the Workshop for development of a Framework/Model for Open<br />
Licensing of Materials between Southern African ODL Institutions held on the 27 th<br />
of February to the 3rd of March 2006 at the University of South Africa<br />
153. Seminar/Workshop for Development of E-Laws (Electronic or Cyberlaws) for<br />
Namibia, Office of the Prime Minister, Windhoek, Namibia, 23–24 May 2005 on the<br />
23 rd of May 2005 at the Seminar/Workshop for Development of E-Laws (Electronic<br />
or Cyberlaws) for Namibia held by the Office of the Prime Minister, Namibia, at the<br />
Nampower Convention Centre, Windhoek, 23-24 May 2005:<br />
a. “Overcoming the Legal Barriers to Electronic Commerce: A Namibian<br />
Approach” paper delivered on the 23 rd of May 2005<br />
b. “E-commerce and Issues Related to intellectual property law – lessons<br />
for Namibia” paper delivered on the 23 rd of May 2005<br />
c. “Workshop II: Legal Aspects of Electronic commerce” (Panel Leader:<br />
Prof Tana Pistorius (<strong>Unisa</strong>)) workshop held on the 23 rd of May 2005<br />
d. “Workshop VI: Intellectual Property Law Aspects of the Internet” (Panel<br />
Leader: Prof Tana Pistorius (<strong>Unisa</strong>)) workshop held on the 23 rd of May<br />
2005<br />
e. “Report Due Diligence Review of Namibian Laws for E-Laws Regime”<br />
paper delivered on the 24th of May 2005
National Workshops Presented:<br />
154. Co-presented a one-day Workshop on Global Villages and IP on the<br />
Internet Johannesburg, South Africa, 12 September 2001 on "The protection of<br />
electronic databases", "Digital licensing", "Digital security", and "Limitation of<br />
liability for copyright infringement", and "Copyright infringement and the Internet"<br />
(co-presenter Prof CJ Visser)<br />
155. Presented and led a one-day workshop on Intellectual Property Policy<br />
Development, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1 March 2005<br />
156. Presented and led a two-day workshop Training Workshop for Magistrates on e-<br />
Communications, Forensics and Organized Crime, Nelspruit, South Africa, 12-13<br />
November 2007 "Computer terms expanded", "Overview of the ECT Act", "Legal<br />
recognition of data messages and contract formation", "e-Consumers and spam",<br />
"Signatures in electronic commerce", "Electronic records and evidentiary value",<br />
and "Illustration: Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence";<br />
157. Presented and led a two-day workshop Training Workshop for Magistrates on e-<br />
Communications, Forensics and Organized Crime, Cape Town, South Africa, 27–<br />
30 August 2007 "Computer terms expanded", "Overview of the ECT Act", "Legal<br />
recognition of data messages and contract formation", "e-Consumers and spam",<br />
"Signatures in electronic commerce", "Electronic records and evidentiary value",<br />
and "Illustration: Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence";<br />
158. Presented and led a two-day workshop at the Advanced Training Workshop for<br />
Magistrates on Contract Law, Pretoria, South Africa, 23–24 July 2007 "Computer<br />
terms expanded", "Overview of the ECT Act", "Legal recognition of data messages<br />
and contract formation", "e-Consumers and spam", "Signatures in electronic<br />
commerce", "Electronic records and evidentiary value", and "Illustration: Office of<br />
the Inspector-General of Intelligence";<br />
159. Presented and led a two-day workshop Training Workshop for Magistrates on e-<br />
Communications, Forensics and Organized Crime, Durban, South Africa, 16–17<br />
July 2007 on "Computer terms expanded", "Overview of the ECT Act", "Legal<br />
recognition of data messages and contract formation", "e-Consumers and spam",<br />
"Signatures in electronic commerce", "Electronic records and evidentiary value",<br />
and "Illustration: Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence";<br />
160. Presented and led a two-day workshop Training Workshop for Magistrates on e-<br />
Communications, Forensics and Organized Crime, Pretoria, South Africa, 21–22<br />
May 2007 on "Computer terms expanded", "Overview of the ECT Act", "Legal<br />
recognition of data messages and contract formation", "e-Consumers and spam",<br />
"Signatures in electronic commerce", and "Electronic records and evidentiary<br />
value";<br />
161. Presented a half-day workshop on "Commissioning Computer program<br />
development'; Legal issues related to information security and legislation;<br />
Introduction to ECT Act; Legal effect of e-communications; Platform development<br />
for e-commerce and m-commerce: Interface between legal & technical<br />
requirements" at the Artificial Intelligence and Information Security Conference<br />
2008 held on 29th h of August, 2008 ABSA Conference Centre, Pretoria<br />
162. Co-presented a one-day LEAD workshop for the Law Society of South Africa and<br />
delivered papers on “Overview of the ECT Act”; “Legal Recognition and Contract
Formation”; “Rights and Obligations of On-line Vendors and Suppliers” and<br />
“Domain Name ADR Rules and Procedures”; at Midrand on the 15 May 2009<br />
163. Co-presented a one-day LEAD workshop for the Law Society of South Africa and<br />
delivered papers on “Overview of the ECT Act”; “Legal Recognition and Contract<br />
Formation”; “Rights and Obligations of On-line Vendors and Suppliers” and<br />
“Domain Name ADR Rules and Procedures”; in Durban on 29 May 2009<br />
164. Co-presented a one-day LEAD workshop for the Law Society of South Africa and<br />
delivered papers on “Overview of the ECT Act”; “Legal Recognition and Contract<br />
Formation”; “Rights and Obligations of On-line Vendors and Suppliers” and<br />
“Domain Name ADR Rules and Procedures” in Cape Town on 05 June 2009<br />
165. Co-presented a one-day LEAD workshop for the Law Society of South Africa and<br />
delivered papers on “Overview of the ECT Act”; “Legal Recognition and Contract<br />
Formation”; “Rights and Obligations of On-line Vendors and Suppliers” and<br />
“Domain Name ADR Rules and Procedures” in Port Elizabeth on 31 July 2009
Contributions to law updates<br />
166. “Copyright” (1993) LAWSA Supplement (1993) (co-authors: Vorster LP; Faris<br />
JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
167. “Designs” (1993) LAWSA Supplement (1993). (co-authors: Vorster LP;<br />
Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
168. “Patents, Inventions and Heraldy” (1993) LAWSA Supplement (1993)<br />
(co-authors: Vorster LP; Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
169. “Copyright” (1995) LAWSA Supplement (1995). (co-authors: Vorster<br />
LP; Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
170. “Designs” (1995) LAWSA Supplement (1995). (co-authors: Vorster LP;<br />
Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
171. “Patents, Inventions and Heraldry” (1995) LAWSA Supplement (1995)<br />
(co-authors: Vorster LP; Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
172. “Copyright” (1996) LAWSA Supplement (1996) (co-authors: Vorster<br />
LP; Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
173. “Designs” (1996) LAWSA Supplement (1996) (co-authors: Vorster LP;<br />
Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
174. “Patents, Inventions and Heraldry” (1997) LAWSA Supplement (1996)<br />
(co-authors: Vorster LP; Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
175. “Copyright” (1997) LAWSA Supplement (1997) (co-authors: Vorster<br />
LP; Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
176. “Designs” (1997) LAWSA Supplement (1997) (co-authors: Vorster LP;<br />
Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
177. “Patents, Inventions and Heraldry” (1997) LAWSA Supplement (1997)<br />
(co-authors: Vorster LP; Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)<br />
178. “Trade Marks” (1997) LAWSA Supplement (1997) (co-authors: Vorster LP;<br />
Faris JA; Jansen M; Mare MC; Alheit K; Lotter S)
International Research reports<br />
179. Draft ICT Policy Document (2001) (by Schoeman, Miller & Esselaar et al)<br />
submitted to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Information and Broadcasting by<br />
Schoemans Office Systems 30 April 2001.<br />
180. Research Report on Guidelines for the Use of State Emblems (research paper<br />
commissioned by the Department of Trade and Industry and funded by US Aid (Oct<br />
2001))<br />
181. The Role of IP Right Protection in Encouraging FDI, Technology Transfer and<br />
Sustainable Development: Lessons from South Africa (research paper<br />
commissioned by the United Nations University (Nov 2007))<br />
182. A South African Perspective on the Treatment of Know how in international R&D<br />
Cooperation (research report commissioned and complied by University of Aachen,<br />
Aachen, Germany (project leader) and the Munich Intellectual Property Law Centre<br />
and Fraunhofer Institut), Munich, Germany (1 December 2008))<br /><br />
Eigentum.pdf<br />
183. The Legal Implications of Spoofed Caching: A South African Perspective<br />
(research paper commissioned by Oversi) (May 2009))
National Research reports<br />
184. Research Report to the Secretary of the Intellectual Property Advisory<br />
Committee: Comments to the Advisory Committee on Copyright, Trade Marks,<br />
Designs and Patents on the Copyright Amendment Bill, 1992 (31 June 1991)<br />
185. Select Intellectual Property Implications of Electronic Commerce And Global<br />
Information Networks: Copyright, Trade Marks, and Databases (co-authored by<br />
Prof Coenraad Visser) (2000) academic paper commissioned by the Department of<br />
Communications available at<br />
186. Contracting on the Internet: The Formation of Contracts, Trade Practices<br />
and Online Dispute Resolution (co-authored by Eddie Hurter) (2000) academic<br />
paper commissioned by the Department of Communications available at<br /><br />
187. Comparative Survey of Legislative Initiatives on Select Aspects of Electronic<br />
Commerce (2000) academic paper commissioned by the Department of<br />
Communications available at<br />
188. ZA2007-0005 (Telkom SA Ltd v the & white .za<br />
DNS ADR decision<br /><br />
189. ZA2008-00015 (Luxottica US Holdings Corporation v Preshal Iyar) .za DNS ADR<br />
decision<br />
190. Legal Opinion on Impact of Traditional Knowledge Intellectual Property Laws<br />
Amendment Bill, 2007 (research paper commissioned by the South African Music<br />
Rights Organisation (SAMRO) (May 2008))<br />
191. ZA 2009-0036 (Oceanair Travel (Pty) Ltd, Turbo Travel (Pty) Ltd, Boland Travel<br />
Paarl (Pty) Ltd, XL Travel Holdings (Pty) Ltd v NU-COM Systems Pty Ltd) .za DNS<br />
ADR decision<br />
00036.pdf<br />
192. ZA2010-0046 (Neotel (Pty) Ltd v Llowelyn Stainbank) .za DNS ADR decision<br /><br />
193. ZA2011-0074 (Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd v Grandwebs) .za DNS ADR<br />
decision<br />
194. Copyright Review Commission Report (2012) (Member of the Copyright Review<br />