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Necklaces<br />
Pendants<br />
Earrings<br />
1<br />
10 1<br />
10 1218<br />
Necklaces<br />
Pendants<br />
Earrings<br />
Bracelets<br />
Bracelets<br />
We remember Raymond Vidor:<br />
Raymond and his wife Julia created EMMAPAGE®, our successful jewellery<br />
brand. For years, Raymond’s vision and passion for EMMAPAGE has<br />
inspired many throughout Australia and New Zealand.<br />
The Amway and EMMAPAGE partnership has helped thousands achieve<br />
their goals. Raymond’s vision and pride for EMMAPAGE, his support and<br />
of course friendship and guidance to so many will be sadly missed.<br />
<strong>COLLECTION</strong><br />
What Are Stylish Girls Made Of?<br />
A little bit of naughty, a little bit of nice.<br />
A pair of fabulous shoes and beautifully made up eyes.<br />
An outfit that’s to die for and a handbag that’s so fine.<br />
But she simply must have jewellery to truly look divine!