son çalışma duyuru.FH10 - European Society for Trauma and ...

son çalışma duyuru.FH10 - European Society for Trauma and ...

son çalışma duyuru.FH10 - European Society for Trauma and ...


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10 th <strong>European</strong> Congress of <strong>Trauma</strong> <strong>and</strong> Emergency Surgery<br />

www.este<strong>son</strong>line.org<br />

Official Social Programme<br />


Thursday, May 14, 2009 / 18:00 - 19:30 / Hall A<br />

· Speech of ESTES President:<br />

Prof. Dr. Selman Uranues ESTES Honorary Memberships <strong>and</strong> ESTES Grants<br />

· Prof. Dr. Korhan Taviloglu’s speech:<br />

President of the 10 th <strong>European</strong> Congress of <strong>Trauma</strong> & Emergency Surgery<br />

· Welcome reception (Exhibition Hall)<br />

· Opening show: Fire of Anatolia - world famous group with many exhibitions<br />


Thursday, May 14, 2009 / 19:30 -20:00 / Hall B<br />

Fire of Anatolia, world-renowned Turkish dance group, will be on<br />

stage <strong>for</strong> the Opening Ceremony. The group has per<strong>for</strong>med in more<br />

than 40 countries from all around the world, in front of an audience<br />

of approximately 6 million people altogether.<br />

Including a synthesis of hundreds of folkdance figures <strong>and</strong> music<br />

different regions, The Fire of Anatolia is a unique project that gets<br />

its source from Anatolia’s ancient mythological <strong>and</strong> cultural history.<br />

Anatolia, where human being settled down <strong>for</strong> thous<strong>and</strong> of years,<br />

found its body within 3000 folkloric dance figures.<br />

Fire of Anatolia, which is a profile of the Mesopotamia <strong>and</strong> Anatolia’s history that is identified not<br />

only by “Fire” but also with peace <strong>and</strong> freedom, is a visual expression of the fight between freedom<br />

<strong>and</strong> slavery, beauty <strong>and</strong> the beast.<br />

“First there was fire on the immortal mountain, Nemrut, whose peak rises into the heaven. First<br />

everything was blessed in fire, all the creation, then it is dipped in flame with sacred language of<br />

the body <strong>and</strong> presented to the sun.”<br />


Saturday, May 16, 2009, 19:00 / Hall B<br />

• ESTES President’s closing remark<br />

Prof. Dr. Selman Uranues also declares ESTES Awards 2009<br />

• President of the 10th <strong>European</strong> Congress of <strong>Trauma</strong> & Emergency Surgery<br />

Prof. Dr. Korhan Taviloglu’s closing remark<br />

• Congress presentation awards<br />

Best Poster Awards (top 5)<br />

Young Scientist Award<br />

Oral Presentation Awards (top 5)<br />

• President of the 10th <strong>European</strong> Congress of <strong>Trauma</strong> & Emergency - Brussels talk<br />

Prof. Dr. Pol M Rommens<br />


Saturday, May 16 2009 , 20:00 / Hall A<br />

precious tastes of Turkish cuisine…<br />

Rich tastes of Turkish cuisine will compose the whole meal.<br />

Gala Dinner will take place in the congress venue, Rixos Sungate.<br />

everyone will be dancing…<br />

Group Turquoise, which is a very well known nine-per<strong>son</strong> team with the great symphonic repertoire<br />

will take the stage.<br />

The orchestra will play the 60’s-70’s <strong>and</strong> the 80's hit <strong>son</strong>gs, opera <strong>and</strong> symphonic chants, <strong>son</strong>gs<br />

from Broadway musicals, jazz st<strong>and</strong>ards, Latin <strong>and</strong> Turkish popular music.<br />

Group Turquoise will ensure an un<strong>for</strong>gettable night <strong>for</strong> all guests.<br />

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