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son çalışma duyuru.FH10 - European Society for Trauma and ...
son çalışma duyuru.FH10 - European Society for Trauma and ...
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10 th <strong>European</strong> Congress of <strong>Trauma</strong> <strong>and</strong> Emergency Surgery<br />
www.este<strong>son</strong><br />
Accepted Oral Presentations<br />
14 May, 08:00-09:00, OP-HALL 1<br />
Moderators: Sten Lennquist (Sweden), Figen Coskun (Turkiye)<br />
OP-001 Prevalence of mortality among brain injured patients admitted in the Intensive Care Unit<br />
Karina Ugo<br />
OP-002 Factors affecting mortality in Intensive Care Unit <strong>Trauma</strong> Patients from UAE<br />
Ashraf Hefny, Hani O Eid, Kamal Idris, Fikri M Abu-zidan<br />
OP-003 Parenteral supplementation with glutamine in critically ill patients with sepsis<br />
Oya Gökalp, Miray Kýlýç, Umut Acar, Erol Erçað, Cemalettin Ertekin, Simru Tuðrul<br />
OP-004 Haemodialysis <strong>for</strong> Acute Renal Failure in <strong>Trauma</strong> Patients<br />
Asad Mushtaq, Thomas Machemehl, Peter Hsu, Hussein Pahad, Paul Williams, Tugba Han Yilmaz,<br />
Miriam Glapa, Dietrich Doll, Elias Degiannis<br />
OP-005 Complication pattern of ICU trauma patients compared to complication pattern of non ICU trauma<br />
patients; is there any difference?!<br />
Michael Bemelman, Martijn De Kruijf, Loek Leenen<br />
OP-006 Complications in the ICU trauma patient; which complications are related with an adverse outcome?<br />
Michael Bemelman, Martijn De Kruijf, Loek Leenen<br />
14 May, 08:00-09:00, OP-HALL 2<br />
Moderators: Robert Ernest Dob<strong>son</strong> (UK), Semra Gunay (Turkiye)<br />
OP-007 A novel fuzzy-logic decision support system <strong>for</strong> weaning from mechanical ventilation: design <strong>and</strong><br />
implementation over mathematical simulation<br />
Yusuf Alper Kýlýç, Ilke Kýlýç, Mesut Tez, Kaya Yorgancý, Iskender Sayek<br />
OP-008 Compari<strong>son</strong> of a novel fuzzy-logic trauma related mortality predictor <strong>and</strong> commonly used trauma<br />
scoring systems: Emphasis on the importance of response to resuscitation<br />
Yusuf Alper Kýlýç, Ali Konan, Nezih Akkapulu, Cemil Binarbaþý, Kaya Yorgancý, Iskender Sayek<br />
OP-009 A safe <strong>and</strong> minimally-invasive daily monitoring of immuno-inflammatory status in a mouse model of<br />
critical illness<br />
Katrin M Weixelbaumer, Mohammad Jafarmadar, Anna Khadem, Martijn Van Griensven, Heinz Redl,<br />
Soheyl Bahrami, Marcin F Osuchowski<br />
OP-010 Correlation of procalcitonin <strong>and</strong> C-reactive protein during the intensive care unit course of multipletrauma<br />
patients<br />
Canan Balcý, Remziye Sývacý, Gokhan Akbulut, Hamit Selim Karabekir<br />
OP-011 Recombinant human erythropoietin in severe traumatic brain injury improves survival<br />
Peep Talving, Thomas Lustenberger, Galinos Barmparas, Leslie Kobyashi, Kenji Inaba, Lydia Lam, Beat<br />
Schnueriger, Demetrios Demetriades<br />
OP-012 MRI Depiction <strong>and</strong> Quantification of Blood-Spinal-Cord-Barrier Permeability after Experimental<br />
Spinal Cord Contusion Injury<br />
Nadja Walder, Zuzana Majdisova, Elisabeth Sezemsky, Pavol Szomolanyi, Mika Brejnikow, Robert<br />
Schmidhammer, Siegfried Trattnig, Heinz Redl<br />
14 May, 08:00-09:00,<br />
OP-HALL 3 Moderators: William Schwab (USA), Tanju Ucar (Turkiye) OP-013 Cerebral gunshot<br />
wounds: a score based on 3 clinical parameters to predict the risk of early mortality<br />
Elias Degiannis, Michael Stoffel, Norbert Hüser, Kathrina Kayser, Monika Kriner, Asad Mushtaq, Dietrich Doll<br />
OP-014 Gunshot wounds to the head in civilian practice<br />
Elias Degiannis, Miriam Glapa, Maurizio Zorio, Frank Snyckers, Douglas Bowley, Tugba Han Yilmaz,<br />
Asad Mushtaq, Dietrich Doll<br />
OP-015 Secondary Intracranial Hemorrhage after Mild Head Injury in Patients with Low - dose Aspirin<br />
Prophylaxis<br />
Mark Tauber, Heiko Koller, Philipp Moroder, Herbert Resch<br />
OP-016 The effects of mannitol <strong>and</strong> melatonin on the blood <strong>and</strong> brain malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in<br />
head trauma<br />
Ayþegül Bayýr, Hasan Kara, Öznur Köylü, Ahmet Ak, Rahim Kocabaþ, Ramazan Köylü, Behiç Serteç<br />
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