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10 th <strong>European</strong> Congress of <strong>Trauma</strong> <strong>and</strong> Emergency Surgery<br />
www.este<strong>son</strong><br />
Accepted Oral Presentations<br />
15 May, 08:00-09:00, OP-HALL 12<br />
Moderators: Zsolt Balogh (Australia), Gursel Soybir (Turkiye)<br />
OP-206 Unexpected bulge in a young patient<br />
Inês Romero, Renato Bessa De Melo, Mariana Sacchetti, Hugo Sousa, João Araujo Teixeira, Humberto Cristino,<br />
Manuel Oliveira, Estima Martins, José Costa Maia<br />
OP-207 Can severe liver injuries be managed nonoperatively?<br />
Mari Streng, Ari Leppäniemi, Mika Koivikko, Lauri H<strong>and</strong>olin<br />
OP-208 Surgical Outcomes of Severe Hepatic Injury Cases<br />
Yasuhiro Otomo, Masahito Kaji, Junichi Aiboshi, Tomohisa Shouko, Kiyoshi Murata, Masato Homma<br />
OP-209 Unexpected surgical returns of the emergency department<br />
Rifat Tokyay, Tolga Taymaz<br />
OP-210 The Relation Between Cholangitis Phenomena <strong>and</strong> Pancreatitis with Choledocholithiasis<br />
Hilmi Uyar, Yavuz Yavaþ, Yüksel Arikan, Osman Nuri Dilek<br />
15 May, 17:00-18:00, OP-HALL 1<br />
Moderators: Kenan Erzurumlu (Turkiye), Kenneth L. Mattox (USA)<br />
OP-211 Successfull use of ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) as "last resort" in a case of blunt chest<br />
trauma<br />
Francesca Gavazzi, Pietro Bisagni, Roberto Faccincani, Simona Rocchetti, Carlo Leggieri, Mara Sc<strong>and</strong>roglio,<br />
Federico Pappalardo, Alberto Zangrillo, Michele Carlucci<br />
OP-212 R<strong>and</strong>omized clinical trial comparing sternotomy versus pericardial drainage alone <strong>for</strong> the management of<br />
the stable haemopericardium after penetrating trauma<br />
Andrew John Nicol, Pradeep Navsaria, Delawir Khan<br />
OP-213 Outcome of minor blunt thoracic trauma<br />
Marco Chiarelli, Giovanni Pesenti, Luca Fattori, Antonella Ardito, Antonio Intelisano, Angelo Nespoli<br />
OP-214 Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy <strong>for</strong> Posttraumatic Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.<br />
Karel Demey, Philippe Nafteux, Stefaan Nijs, Willy Coosemans, Herbert Decaluwé, Geert Decker, Paul De Leyn,<br />
Dirk Van Raemdonck, Ann Sermon, Paul Broos, Toni Lerut<br />
OP-215 Selective echoguided aspiration of traumatic pneumothorax<br />
Mauro Zago, Diego Mariani, Andrea Casamassima, Hayato Kurihara, Maria Grazia Turconi, Francesco Luzzana,<br />
Davide Poldi<br />
OP-216 Thorax injury leads to systemic activation of the immune system: an important risk factor <strong>for</strong> inflammatory<br />
complications<br />
Kathelijne Maaike Groeneveld, Falco Hietbrink, Tim Hardcastle, John Michie, Leo Koenderman, Luke Leenen<br />
15 May, 17:00-18:00, OP-HALL 2<br />
Moderators: Zelimir Korac (Croatia), Alper Cihan (Turkiye)<br />
OP-217 Penetrating cardiac injury: Factors affecting outcome<br />
Sedat Kamalý, Timuçin Aydýn, Arzu Akan, Oðuzhan Karatepe<br />
OP-218 Thoracoscopy in the diagnosis <strong>and</strong> treatment of thoracoabdominal stab injuries<br />
Salih Pekmezci, Kaya Saribeyoglu, Bilgi Baca, Erman Aytac, Kamil Kaynak, Tulay Mizrakli, Volkan Ozben<br />
OP-219 The Efficiency of NAC (N-Acetyl Systein) Therapy in Acute Pulmonary Damage Formed Blunt Thorax <strong>Trauma</strong><br />
in Rabbits<br />
Þerife Dinç, Ertuðrul Mehmet Kafalý, Hasan Kara, Hatice Toy, Mustafa Þahin, Fahrettin Acar, Recep Pekcici<br />
OP-220 St<strong>and</strong>ardized Smoke Pursuit in Experimental Acute Lung Injury Induced Rabbits<br />
Ertuðrul Mehmet Kafalý, Hasan Kara, Þerife Dinç, Mustafa Þahin<br />
OP-221 Hemostatic affect of "microporous polysaccharide hemosphere" (MPH) in a heparinized rat model with<br />
femoral artery bleeding<br />
Asli Aydinoglu, Gurkan Ersoy, Alper Dogan, Huriye Akay, Osman Yilmaz, Necati Gokmen<br />
OP-222 Tremendous Increase Of Vascular <strong>Trauma</strong> Patients In Our New Location With Low Mortality And Morbidity<br />
Ilker Mataracý, Adil Polat, Deniz Çevirme, Cemalettin Aydýn, Hüseyin Anasýz, Altuð Tuncer, Kaan Kýrali, Cevat<br />
Yakut, Alper Erkin<br />
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