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10 th <strong>European</strong> Congress of <strong>Trauma</strong> <strong>and</strong> Emergency Surgery<br />
www.este<strong>son</strong><br />
Accepted Oral Presentationss<br />
OP-309 Ultrasound as a selection method <strong>for</strong> the treatment of acute total achilles tendon ruptures<br />
Y. Pikoulin, W. Zuidema<br />
16 May, 08:00-09:00, OP-HALL 6<br />
Moderators: Fahri Erdogan (Turkiye), Pol Maria Rommens (Czech Republic)<br />
OP-310 Proximal Third Tibial Fractures: Evaluation Of Two Different Treatment Methods<br />
Güvenir Okcu, Nadir Özkayýn, Kemal Aktuðlu<br />
OP-311 Compari<strong>son</strong> of the use of a long-stem cementless femoral component with allograft <strong>and</strong> without allograft<br />
<strong>for</strong> the management of type B2 periprosthetic femoral fractures<br />
Laura Suárez, Jose Alberto Zafra, Rafael Navarro, Ismael Auñón, Carlos Resines<br />
OP-312 The risk of infection after damage orthopaedic control<br />
Alberto Zafra, Laura Suárez, Guillermo Parra, Pedro Caba, José Luis León, Carlos Resines<br />
OP-313 Complex treatment of gunshot fractures of long bones<br />
Shadiman V Sakhvadze, Pavle Buchukuri, Nugzar Elizbarashvili, Koba Sirbiladze, Vazha Kakhnidze, Zurab<br />
Oragvelidze<br />
OP-314 Plastic repair of limb soft tissue defects of missile wounds caused by aviation bomb splinters<br />
Shadiman V Sakhvadze, Pavle Buchukuri, Vazha Kakhnidze, Ivan Kuzanov, Alex<strong>and</strong>er Kuzanov, George Kuzanov<br />
OP-315 Volar fixed-angle plating of extra-articular distal radius fractures – a biomechanical analysis comparing<br />
threaded screws <strong>and</strong> smooth pegs<br />
Patrick Weninger, Enrico Dall'ara, Martin Leixnering, Christoph Pezzei, Herwig Drobetz, Harald Hertz, Heinz<br />
Redl, Philippe Zysset<br />
16 May, 08:00-09:00, OP-HALL 7<br />
Moderators: Levent Celebi (Turkiye) , Herbert Resch (Austria)<br />
OP-316 Lean Thinking-A value stream pathway <strong>for</strong> care of hip fractures<br />
Dip Chakrabarti, Taher Yousri, Zeeshan Khan, Richard Fern<strong>and</strong>es, Khaldoon Wahab<br />
OP-317 Statistical - Descriptive analysis of Locomotive Disorders in <strong>Trauma</strong>thology <strong>and</strong> Orthopedics Unit at Benigno<br />
Sánchez Hospital. January 2006 – October 2007 in the Municipality of Quillacollo, Cochabamba – Bolivia<br />
Juan Pablo Escalera Antezana, Fatima Milenka Siacara Aguayo, Rene Nava Romano<br />
OP-318 Reversed fracture prosthesis: first results of a newly designed shoulder prosthesis<br />
Stefaan Nijs, Paul Broos<br />
OP-319 Initially undetected injuries to the knee accompanying a presumed isolated femoral shaft fracture<br />
Alex<strong>and</strong>er Auffarth, Michael Mayer, Mark Tauber, Robert Bogner, Herbert Resch, Heiko Koller, Stefan Lederer<br />
OP-320 Assessment <strong>and</strong> Compari<strong>son</strong> of Shoulder Movements using the Fastrak® <strong>and</strong> Vicon® Systems<br />
Sabahuddin Ali Ahmad, Rami J Abboud, Graham Arnold<br />
OP-321 Surgical treatment of clavicle fractures: a comparative sudy of intramedullary nailing <strong>and</strong> plate fixation<br />
Petra Flikweert, Ger Van Olden<br />
16 May, 08:00-09:00, OP-HALL 8 Moderators: Otmar Trentz (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>), Hakan Kinik (Turkiye)<br />
OP-322 The results of the humeral fractures treated by immediate Sarmiento cast<br />
Mahir Mahirogullari, Faruk Akyildiz, Ferdi Donmez, Osman Rodop, Can Solakoglu, Mesih Kuskucu<br />
OP-323 Surgical management of intra-articular calcaneal fractures<br />
Konstantinos I Papagiannakos, Efstathios T Charalampidis, Georgios Vastardis, Kleomenis Papanikolaou,<br />
Gerasimos Sinnis, Savvas Moshos, Georgios Protopapadakis, Panagiotis Papagiannopoulos<br />
OP-324 Minimally invasive anterolateral hip approach an anatomical point of view<br />
Hilco Peter Theeuwes, Gert Roukema, Martijn Pieter Gosselink, Gerrit-jan Kleinrensink<br />
OP-325 Exchange reversed arthroplasty <strong>for</strong> failed fracture prosthesis: first results<br />
Stefaan Nijs, Paul Broos<br />
OP-326 Rotator cuff disease <strong>and</strong> acromial morphology<br />
Stefaan Nijs, Willem Metsemaekers, Paul Broos<br />
OP-327 Reamed Irrigator Aspirator grafts in bone defects<br />
Stefaan Nijs, Peter Reynders, Paul Broos<br />
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