Dr Anniekie Ravhudzulo's Bio - Unisa

Dr Anniekie Ravhudzulo's Bio - Unisa

Dr Anniekie Ravhudzulo's Bio - Unisa


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<strong>Dr</strong> <strong>Anniekie</strong> Ravhudzulo’s <strong>Bio</strong><br />

<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Anniekie</strong> Ravhudzulo is presently an Education Consultant in the Directorate:<br />

Curriculum and Learning Development at the University of South Africa. She attended<br />

and presented papers at national and international conferences. She conducted training<br />

in learning materials development for Open and Distance Learning at the Women’s<br />

University, Harare, Zimbabwe. She distinguished herself at <strong>Unisa</strong> as one of the three<br />

nominees for the 2006 Shoprite Checkers Woman of the year Award and was further<br />

awarded the “Inspirational Woman of the Year award” by <strong>Unisa</strong> Women’s Forum in<br />

2008. She was also elected and holds the position of Chair Person of the <strong>Unisa</strong><br />

Women’s Forum from 2009 to date. On 16 February 2011she gave a congratulatory<br />

speech during the installation of the New Vice Chancellor and Principal, Prof Mandla<br />

Makhanya<br />

She is a powerful preacher of the Word, an international speaker, counsellor and author<br />

of motivational books. She is passionate about research. She is the founding pastor and<br />

director of Nothing Lasts Forever Ministries of Hope, an International Organization<br />

dedicated to provide the finest biblical teaching tools and training. <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Anniekie</strong><br />

Ravhudzulo is the Chief Executive Officer and owner of Muanza-Zwivhuya Publishing<br />

House situated in Pretoria, South Africa. She is the author of several bestselling<br />

motivational books and has produced related DVD’s, CD’s and Audio Cassettes. She<br />

also contributed a chapter entitled “Spiritual Strength in Overcoming Adversity” to the<br />

book “Working Women: Stories of Strife, Struggle and Survival”.<br />

She is married to <strong>Dr</strong> Aaron Ravhudzulo and with her extremely busy schedule; she still<br />

finds time to care for her family. She is blessed with four sons, a daughter in-law and<br />

two granddaughters. She has overcome pressure, trials, hurt, depression; sickness,<br />

tragedies and loss of loved ones. She knows and understands what it is like to be<br />

desperate and without hope and therefore reaches out to everybody, everywhere, with<br />

the message “No matter how bad the storm, when you are with God, it shall come to<br />

pass.”<br />



Doctor of Education (D.ED.): Didactics, University of South Africa (UNISA) 2001.<br />

Master of Education (M.ED): Didactics, University of South Africa (UNISA) 1998.<br />

Bachelor of Education (B.ED): University of South Africa (UNISA) 1995.<br />

Higher Education Diploma (HED): University of South Africa (UNISA) 1991.<br />

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.): University of Venda (UNIVEN) 1987.<br />


Teacher<br />

Teaching from January 1978 to 1993 December<br />

Lecturer<br />

From 1994 to date: Lecturing in the Department of Curriculum and Professional Studies<br />

integrating all Learning Areas.<br />

Staff Developer<br />

Facilitating Curriculum design, Assessment system designs, Teacher Development and<br />

Support at District Offices and educational institutions.<br />

Facilitator<br />

Ensuring the enhancement and expansion of the capacity of educators to be effective<br />

facilitators and mediators of learning. Conducting centre-based, cluster-based and<br />

school-based workshops.<br />

Mentor<br />


Experienced practitioner who is able to offer appropriate advice and support to<br />

participants in teams.<br />


I joined the Institute for Curriculum and Learning Development in May 2002 as a<br />

Learning Consultant where my Key Performance Area is as follows:<br />

Learning Development<br />

Staff Development<br />

Management / Leadership<br />

Research<br />

Academic Citizenship<br />

Administration<br />


Course Materials Review<br />

Course Materials Review –attached to Teams in the following Faculties:<br />

1) Education<br />

2) Transport and Logistics<br />

3) Business Management<br />

4) Law<br />

5) Theology<br />

6) Health Science<br />

Multiple Choice Question workshops<br />

Short Learning Programmes Committee<br />

Induction Programme training<br />

Learner Support- workshops<br />

Quality Team<br />



Completed the following research work projects:<br />

Doctoral Thesis (D.Ed)<br />

In-service Education and Training towards educational transformation.<br />

Masters Dissertation (M.Ed): An assessment of teacher upgrading programmes.<br />


Served as a research project leader on the Research reference group of a Limpopo<br />

School Empowerment. The Limpopo School Empowerment is a joint Project between<br />

the Limpopo Province Education Department and Link Community Development<br />

attached to Ramaano Mbulaheni Training Centre and the University of Venda for<br />

Science and Technology responsible for initiating the research process and to see to it<br />

that the research is of high quality.<br />


2010 submitted a Learner Support book to <strong>Unisa</strong> Press for publishing. The book has 19<br />

chapters and 14 authors.<br />


1. Moderator and Assessor for Link Community Development – LINK AFRICA<br />

2. External Examiner –<br />

North West University – 23 Dissertations,<br />

Tshwane University if Technology – 30 Dissertation<br />

Tshwane University if Technology Co-Supervision<br />


University of Fort Hare – 12 Dissertations<br />

University of Venda – Examinations Assessor and Moderator<br />

Supervising 12 Masters students<br />

Mentoring 12 academics in Transport and Logistics<br />

Mentoring 26 men and women on how to develop proposals for their MEd and<br />

DEd<br />

Trained Academics on how to write for publication<br />


1. The Foundations Are Crumbling! Women Empowerment: A Strategy To<br />

Overcome Obstacles<br />

2. Nothing Lasts Forever: Strategies To Cope With Pressures Of Life In A Realistic,<br />

Reliable And Accountable Way While Holding On To Your Faith<br />

3. When Nothing Makes Sense: Don’t Wait For Your Ship To Come, Swim Out To It<br />

Because The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In Their <strong>Dr</strong>eams<br />

4. Young Adult, Have A <strong>Dr</strong>eam And Create An Atmosphere Of Expectation<br />

5. When Man Breaks You, Pick Up All Your Pieces, But When God Calls You He<br />

Will Form You<br />

6. Claiming Back Your Marriage From The Evil One<br />

7. Embracing Life Again After The Death Of A Spouse<br />

8. Can A Single Woman Be In A Ministry: Time For A Change!<br />

9. The Hurting And Healing: God Can Still Do It Again!<br />

10. Tshi Sa Fheli Tshi A Tula: Ndila Dza U Kona U Tshila Na Mitsiko Ya Vhutshilo<br />

Vho Farelela Kha Lutendo Lwavho<br />

11. Rediscovering hope and joy from a broken jar<br />


2009 - In the book entitled “Working Women: Stories of Strife, Struggle and Survival”.<br />

Published by Sage she contributed a chapter<br />

Published in different Educational journals<br />


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