ecial for Grandparents' Day' - Local History Archives

ecial for Grandparents' Day' - Local History Archives

ecial for Grandparents' Day' - Local History Archives


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Where are<br />

dogs' belly-<br />

buttons?<br />

Imponderables are life's<br />

small enigmas. They're the minor<br />

puzzlements often preceded<br />

by grumbled musings '" "If<br />

they can send a man to the<br />

moon ... why can't they .. "<br />

. . . make airplanes out of the<br />

same stuff airplane black boxes<br />

are made of, <strong>for</strong> Instance.<br />

Imponderables can't be<br />

solved. The answers can't be<br />

looked up somewhere. They're<br />

just - something to be pondered.<br />

• Like, who counted the peo_<br />

ple who were allegedly not<br />

counted in the 1990 census"<br />

After fretting Rnd fussmg<br />

about the vast uncounted <strong>for</strong><br />

months, U.S. Commerce Secretary<br />

Robert Mossbacher finally<br />

said that even though the census<br />

bureau estimated It had<br />

missed 5.3 million people, the<br />

government would not revise<br />

Its numbers<br />

Why, one muses, doesn't the<br />

government Just add 5.3 mJllion<br />

to the total?<br />

• Like, why are Slskel and<br />

Ebert on so late?<br />

Two highly respected, intelligent,<br />

witty, topIcal, entertammg<br />

guys with a simple,<br />

straight<strong>for</strong>ward TV show _<br />

that people like - are on at<br />

12.30 a m. Monday morning,<br />

while snore-fest stuff like<br />

"Monday NIght Football" IS<br />

blasted in our faces right m the<br />

middle of prime tIme. This<br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />

Change.<br />

It's the watchword of 1992,<br />

politically, sociologically, educatIOnally.<br />

We're fed up with<br />

everything, and sometimes<br />

ready to throw out the good<br />

with the bad<br />

Matthew Hanly, the new<br />

headmaster at University Liggett,<br />

quotes the dean of the education<br />

school at Harvard as<br />

saying that we tend to pick on<br />

the schools when we're unhappy<br />

with ourselves.<br />

Nancy<br />

Pannenter<br />

A provocative thought. Amer-<br />

Icans have certainly maintained<br />

a steady, VICIOUSattack<br />

on their public schools, though<br />

private schools have tended to<br />

be viewed more favorably And<br />

Liggett has always held a more<br />

or less pre-eminent poSItIOn.<br />

But even at Liggett, the last<br />

decade hasn't been all roses.<br />

1'he school has had five headmasters<br />

in nine years, counting<br />

Interims (though Hanly says he<br />

can think of schools that have<br />

had even more hands on the<br />

helm). And nobody at ULS will<br />

say so, but rumors abound that<br />

the road under the last head<br />

had, shall we say, more than<br />

Its share of bumps<br />

ULS plunged wholeheartedly<br />

mto dIVersifymg its student<br />

body; like many independent<br />

schools, it is way ahead of pubhc<br />

schools In its ethnic<br />

makeup But that hasn't been<br />

accomphshed without difficulty<br />

- black stUdents there complained<br />

a couple of years ago of<br />

feeling inviSible, and the result-<br />

I:;S~y<br />

'II ( I I<br />

Margie Reins Sniith<br />

I 'll<br />

doesn't make sense .<br />

• LIke, why, every SIXweeks<br />

or so, do I go to bed lookmg<br />

normal and wake up needing a<br />

haIrcut?<br />

• LIke, why do some purchased<br />

envelopes have "After 5<br />

days return to" printed In the<br />

upper left-hand corner?<br />

Does the U S. Postal ServIce<br />

need to be reminded to put letters<br />

WIth illegIble addresses<br />

and Insufficient Postage aside<br />

- let them rIpen <strong>for</strong> five days<br />

- then return them to their<br />

senders?<br />

What if they're returned in<br />

four days? Or SIX?<br />

• Like, where are dogs' bellybuttons?<br />

• And hke, why do dogs bark<br />

at nothing?<br />

On a quiet summer evening,<br />

one small Lhasa apso-generated<br />

woof can set off a cham reac.<br />

tlOn of arfs and yips and bowwows<br />

that lasts 10 minutes and<br />

fans out across the Umted<br />

States like ripples in a pond<br />

Ron Blauet of the MIchIgan<br />

Humane Society recently offered<br />

an answer to this imponderable<br />

on his "Pet of the<br />

Week" spot on Saturday mornmgWJR-AM.<br />

Dogs bark, he said, because<br />

they hear other dogs barkmg<br />

Somebody dId a study, he<br />

saId, countmg the barks generated<br />

by a cocker spamel m Peo.<br />

ria (or someplace). She barked<br />

907 tImes m 10 minutes<br />

ThIS important research<br />

could be subcontracted to postal<br />

workers who are waltmg the<br />

reqUired number of days to reo<br />

The Op-Ed Page<br />

T~~<br />

"~;",m'/"N"";"mNmJl"'N""".uN;'W;~////////"'.h'N/,N/./~N;;';"';'~~~~:::/::::;f::/J::;;/;.////I'/;~//////Z;;;/:'<br />

,///,N///,,//,/,"J1"'I'''''<br />

ing discussion and disagreement<br />

rOlled the campus <strong>for</strong> a<br />

whl1e.<br />

But even the students who<br />

complained said they beheved<br />

the school admmistratlOn was<br />

well-intentIOned about diversity,<br />

but Just didn't know how<br />

to go about achieving harmony.<br />

That's an illustratIOn of the<br />

change that Hanly hopes to<br />

bring to the school.<br />

Hanly, who started his duties<br />

officially in July, has a background<br />

in counseling (be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

serVIng as ULS middle school<br />

head). He's planmng to listen<br />

to the kids.<br />

"I hope to create a community<br />

of spirit," he said ''That, I<br />

think, has been lackmg at our<br />

school."<br />

Unity has been a popular<br />

theme at ULS, but <strong>for</strong> the last<br />

several years, it was focused on<br />

phySIcally umfying the campus<br />

Plans to sell the middle school<br />

property dIdn't work out <strong>for</strong> a<br />

variety of reasons, though Now<br />

the concept of umty IS refocused<br />

- on emotional unity.<br />

"I've seen us operate as virtually<br />

four separate schools,"<br />

Hanly said "I'm frustrated<br />

that we give so much play to<br />

our differences and so little to<br />

our commonality.<br />

"We are all young adolescents<br />

"<br />

And not necessarily nch adolescents,<br />

either Hanly is eager<br />

to make the point that about a<br />

quarter of the 6th.12th graders<br />

receIve financIal assIstance -<br />

and that almost all (98 percent)<br />

of the assIstance is need-based.<br />

And he'd hke to see the assistance<br />

base WIdened to mclude<br />

some of the younger kIds<br />

As to ethnic diversity, even<br />

Hanly was surprised when he<br />

looked at the numbers After<br />

attending a conference on diversIty<br />

while he was middle<br />

school head, he returned to examme<br />

the enrollment hsts He<br />

discovered that about 28-29 percent<br />

of the students '''~re chzldren<br />

of color, including blacks,<br />

Asians, HIspanics, and Middle<br />

Easterners But, he said, he<br />

was so accustomed to just<br />

seemg them as kids, he had<br />

hardly noticed.<br />

An emotIOnal community<br />

needs stabihty, whIch Hanly<br />

also hopes to provide. With<br />

luck, the school won't be lookmg<br />

at any more rounds of revolving<br />

headmasters. And<br />

Hanly, who has known since<br />

April that he would be headmaster,<br />

had a hand in selecting<br />

his successor at the middle<br />

school, as well as the new upper<br />

school head and dean of<br />

students (a new positIOn).<br />

That dean IS part of the new<br />

approach. There has been a<br />

great "perceived need," as Hanley<br />

put it, <strong>for</strong> Increased empha.<br />

sis on values and ethICS, as well<br />

as order and consIstent disciphne<br />

at the upper school Dean<br />

Dana Boocock WIll handle those<br />

areas - and superVIse a brandnew<br />

program of community service<br />

Commumty servIce isn't new<br />

to LIggett, of course, but thiS<br />

year, <strong>for</strong> the first time, It WIll<br />

be required <strong>for</strong> graduation.<br />

"There are both pros and<br />

cons to making it a requIrement,"<br />

Hanley conceded The<br />

Idea has been floatmg around<br />

the school <strong>for</strong> some time, but It<br />

was Hanley who gave the impetus<br />

to <strong>for</strong>mahzmg the re<br />

qUlrement.<br />

Students Will have to do 25<br />

hours of servIce during school<br />

breaks or after school hours,<br />

WIth the mtent that the mvolvement<br />

wzll heIghten their<br />

sense of belongIng to the larger<br />

community It's part of the increased<br />

emphasis on values and<br />

ethiCS that Hanly hopes will be<br />

mculcnted both by example and<br />

by new content In eXlstmg<br />

classes<br />

Portraits<br />

Wayne State UniverSIty's<br />

Department of Neurological<br />

Surgery recently commissioned<br />

portl'aits of <strong>for</strong>mer department<br />

chaJrmen Dr. Murray<br />

Thomas of Grosse Pointe Park<br />

and the late Dr. Stephen<br />

Gurdjian.<br />

The portraIts were painted<br />

by Harry Hammond of Panama<br />

City, Fla., and dedIcated<br />

at a reception held in honor of<br />

the chairmen and their famihes<br />

at the Renaissance Club<br />

Dr. Fernando Diaz, chairman<br />

of the neurolOgIcal surgery<br />

department, dedicated the portraIts,<br />

emphasizing the commitment<br />

to excellence in education<br />

and the contnbutlOns to neurosurgery<br />

of GurdJlan and<br />

Thomas.<br />

Tasters' delight<br />

FoOd from the kitchens of<br />

more than 50 of Detroit's finest<br />

restaurants wIll be ready <strong>for</strong><br />

sampling from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday,<br />

Sept. 20, at Schoolcraft<br />

College's Waterman Campus<br />

Center.<br />

TIckets to the event, called<br />

the Culinary Extravaganza, are<br />

$35<br />

"Workmg together," he saId<br />

"They're words I honestly believe,<br />

that we need to get all<br />

the groups pullmg in the same<br />

dIrectIOn<br />

"1 hope my style IS one of inclusion<br />

The headmaster can't<br />

do it alone"<br />

Fortunately <strong>for</strong> Hanly, the<br />

headmaster Isn't haVIng to do<br />

It alone. He and the rest of the<br />

ULS communIty are already<br />

plungIng ahead with a $7 million<br />

capital campaIgn, have<br />

completed a new hbrary, and<br />

are deep in work on a new prekindergarten<br />

building The<br />

largest portIOn of the campaign<br />

funds will be allotted to the en.<br />

dowment (to Improve faculty<br />

salaries) and to student aid,<br />

Hanly said.<br />

So change is all over the<br />

place at University LIggett and<br />

all Hanly has to do IS control<br />

Its dIrection.<br />

He appears to be up <strong>for</strong> It<br />

"There's tons of energy and enthUSIasm<br />

around the school,<br />

waiting to be unleashed," he<br />

saId.<br />

Watchmg political claIms<br />

and counter-clalms on TV the<br />

other day, Bob said, "You<br />

know, these guys can claIm<br />

anything - and we have no<br />

way of knowmg whether it's<br />

true"<br />

Bill Clinton had JUst saId<br />

there are 72 countnes in the<br />

world that have figured out<br />

ways to give parents some time<br />

off work <strong>for</strong> various family reasons,<br />

but that the United<br />

States has failed to step up to<br />

the challenge<br />

Well, we checked - and Chnton<br />

was wrong There are more<br />

than 100 countries WIth man.<br />

dated maternIty leave <strong>for</strong> work-<br />

109 women But ClInton also<br />

was TIght. We should get \'vlth<br />

It<br />

•<br />

Guests will get to graze, tasting<br />

and testmg a varIety of<br />

hors d'oeuvres, appetizers, entrees<br />

and desserts prepared by<br />

the likes of The Whitney, the<br />

Golden Mushroom and Joe<br />

Muer's restaurant<br />

Some participating Grosse<br />

Pointe eat shops are One23 and<br />

Tom's Oyster Bar.<br />

Grosse Pomter Tom Schoenith<br />

of the Roostertall Catering<br />

Club will be among the caterers<br />

represented at the food fest.<br />

Schoemth, hIS WIfe, Diane, and<br />

their son, Michael, will CJrCulate<br />

in the crowd carrying silver<br />

trays laden with hors d'oeuvres<br />

<strong>for</strong> hungry guests.<br />

This will be the fIrst gourmet<br />

taste event of the Schoolcraft<br />

Culinary Arts program, whIch,<br />

by the way, has graduated<br />

more than 1,000 students since<br />

it was established in 1966.<br />

The money raISed at the eu<br />

linary Extravaganza IS earmarked<br />

<strong>for</strong> student scholar-<br />

OzIlToday 527-7550<br />

1-800-272-5270<br />

Three 10canOn.lo ,erve you:<br />

9830 Conner, DetrOIt.<br />

12005 Morang, DetrOIt.<br />

21142 Mack. Grosse POinte<br />

turn lost lettet''> It might even<br />

Improve post office employee/<br />

canine relations, whIch hlStol'!<br />

cally have been le::.s than amicable.<br />

Blauet's answer also explazns<br />

several other Imponderllbles,<br />

hke why teenagerb wear TIpped<br />

Jeans and hang out zn shoppmg<br />

malls<br />

• Today's final imponderable<br />

What is the Hair Club <strong>for</strong><br />

Men?<br />

Is thiS a community service<br />

club? A speCIal mterest group?<br />

A chaTlty organizatIOn? A sup<br />

port group? Are women excluded?<br />

If so, is there a Ladles'<br />

Auxlhary? Do the men have<br />

meetmgs? What do they dl~uss<br />

at thelr meetmgs?<br />

Do they have an annual dm<br />

ner dance?<br />

If so, they could call It the<br />

Hair Ball<br />

Margie Reins Smith<br />

ships <strong>for</strong> the program<br />

Joe Muer of Grosse Pointe<br />

IS honorary chaIrman<br />

Tickets are avaIlable by call-<br />

Ing Schoolcraft's InstitutIOnal<br />

Advancement office at 462<br />

4417 VIsa, MasterCard, DIS<br />

cover and personal checks WIll<br />

be accepted<br />

Apple facts<br />

MichIgan WIll produce ap<br />

proximately 17 8 millIOn bush<br />

els of apples thiS year, accord<br />

mg to a USDA projectIOn<br />

There are 1,500 apple glOwers<br />

in the state.<br />

MIChigan IS the largest pro.<br />

ducer of Jonathan apples<br />

Apples are low-fat, sodIUmfree,<br />

low-calone. They'l e full of<br />

fiber, vitamins A and C, potas .<br />

slUm and other good stuff<br />

The average Amencan eats<br />

more than 18 pounds of apples<br />

a year<br />

Here's<br />

something~1!.<strong>ecial</strong> <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>Grandparents'</strong><br />

<strong>Day'</strong>--_ ~<br />

Gralldparents'<br />

Day IS September 13th<br />

The<br />

F1D@<br />

<strong>Grandparents'</strong><br />

Day Bouquet<br />

~i~<br />

. ""' Send thIS<br />

speCIal greelmg<br />

/11: ' arId you call<br />

'9 wma<br />

• "Gralld Famzly<br />

Re-ullion"<br />

call us<strong>for</strong><br />

details<br />

24.95<br />

Our<br />

Grand<br />

Fruit<br />

Basket<br />

l~<br />

A delICIOUS r-coliectlOll<br />

of L_ J

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