The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog

The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog

The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog


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Asia M<strong>in</strong>or, asserts (Handbook of Asia-M<strong>in</strong>or, p. 19), that<br />

&quot;the natives do not eat fish to any<br />

extent.&quot; <strong>The</strong> &quot;totemic&quot;<br />

prohibition <strong>in</strong> this <strong>in</strong>stance really seems to have a hygienic<br />

orig<strong>in</strong>. People absta<strong>in</strong>ed from all k<strong>in</strong>ds of fish because some<br />

species were dangerous, that is to say, <strong>in</strong>habited by evil spirits,<br />

and the tumors sent by the Syrian goddess were merely the<br />

edemas caused by the poison<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

37. On the *Ix^ s symbolism I will merely refer to Usener,<br />

S<strong>in</strong>tHutsagen, 1899, pp. 223 ff. Cf. S. Re<strong>in</strong>ach, Cultes, mythes,<br />

III, 1908, pp. 43 ff. An exhaustive book on this subject has<br />

recently appeared: Dolger, IX0T2, das Fischsymbol <strong>in</strong> friih-<br />

christlicher Zeit, I, Rome, 1910.<br />

On sacred repasts where fish was eaten see Mnaseas,<br />

fragment 32 (Fragm. histor. graec., Ill, 115) ; cf. Ditten-<br />

l^dvuv airodavri, KapTrovodu<br />

berger, Syllogc, 584: Eav Si n&amp;lt;; TUV<br />

avOrjfjLEpbv e-rri rov /3u/j.ov, and Diog. Laert., VIII, 34. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

were also sacred repasts <strong>in</strong> the Occident <strong>in</strong> the various Syrian<br />

cults : Ccnatorium et tricl<strong>in</strong>ium <strong>in</strong> the temples of Jupiter Doli-<br />

chenus (CIL, III, 4789; VI, 30931; XI, 696, cf. Mon. myst.<br />

et mantelium offered to<br />

Mithra, II, p. 501) ; promulsidaria<br />

the Venus Caelestis (CIL, X, 1590) ; construction of a temple<br />

to Malachbel with a cul<strong>in</strong>a (CIL, III, 7954). Mention is made<br />

of a detirvoKpirr/S) ^eirrvott; Kpeivac; irohAa fj.tr f.i&amp;gt;&amp;lt;j&amp;gt;poavvr}(;, <strong>in</strong> the<br />

temple of the Janiculum (Gauckler, C. R. A cad. Inscr., 1907,<br />

p. 142; Bollet<strong>in</strong>o communale, 1907, pp. 15 ff.). Cf. Lagrange,<br />

<strong>Religions</strong> semitiqucs, II, p. 609, and Pauly-Wissowa, Realenc.,<br />

s. v. Gad.&quot;<br />

38. W. Robertson Smith, pp. 292 ff.<br />

39. An <strong>in</strong>scription discovered at Kefr-Hauar (Fossey, Bull,<br />

corr. hell, 1897, p. 60) is very characteristic <strong>in</strong> this respect.<br />

A &quot;slave&quot;<br />

homage to his &quot;mistress&quot; (Kvpla).<br />

of the Syrian goddess <strong>in</strong> that <strong>in</strong>scription offers his<br />

40. Notably at Aphaca where they were not suppressed until<br />

the time of Constant<strong>in</strong>e (Eusebius, Vit. Const., Ill, 55; cf.<br />

Sozom., II, 5).<br />

41. Much has been written about the sacred prostitutions <strong>in</strong><br />

paganism, and it is well known that Voltaire ridiculed the<br />

scholars who were credulous enough to believe <strong>in</strong> the tales<br />

of Herodotus. But this practice has been proven by irre-

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