The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog

The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog

The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog


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NOTES SYRIA. 257<br />

heaven among the Semites are very numerous. Besides the<br />

ones I have gathered (loc. cit., n. 5) ; see Conybeare, Philo<br />

about the Contemplative Life, p. 33, n. 16; Kayser, Das Buck<br />

dcr Erkenntniss der Wahrheit, 1893, p. 337, and <strong>in</strong>fra, n. 75.<br />

Zeus Ovpai&amp;gt;ics; Le Bas-Wadd<strong>in</strong>gton, 2720 a (Baal of Betocece) ;<br />

Renan, Mission de Phenicic, p. 103. Cf. Archiv fur <strong>Religions</strong>-<br />

wissenschaft, IX, 1906, p. 333.<br />

71. Co<strong>in</strong>s of Antiochus VIII Grypus (125-96 B. C.) ; Babe-<br />

Ion, Rois de Syrie, d Anncnic, 1890, p. CLIV, pp. 178 ff.<br />

72. All these qualities ascribed to the Baals by astrological<br />

paganism (V^KTTOS, ira.vTOK.pa.Tup, etc.), are also the attributes<br />

which, accord<strong>in</strong>g to the doctr<strong>in</strong>e of Alexandrian Judaism,<br />

characterized Jehovah (see supra, n. 66). If he was orig<strong>in</strong>ally<br />

a god of thunder, as has been ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed, the evolution of<br />

the Jewish theology was parallel to that of the pagan con<br />

ceptions (see supra, n. 69).<br />

73. On this subject cf. Jupiter summus exsupcrantissimus<br />

(Archiv f. Rcligionsw., IX), 1906, pp. 326 ff.<br />

74. Ps.-Iamblichus, De mysteriis, VI, 7 (cf. Porph., Epist.<br />

Ancb., c. 29), notes this difference between the two religions.<br />

75. Apul., Met., VIII, 25. Cf. CIL, III, 1090; XII, 1227<br />

( Dessau, 2998, 4333) ; Macrobius, Couun. somn. Scipionis,<br />

I, 14, 2 : &quot;Nihil aliud esse deum nisi caelum ipsum et caelestia<br />

ipsa quae cernimus, ideo ut summi omnipotentiam del<br />

ostenderet posse vix <strong>in</strong>tellegi.&quot;<br />

I, 23, 21.<br />

&quot;IIXios ira.vTOKpd.Tus : Macrob.,<br />

76. Diodorus, II, 30 : Xa/WaZof TI/V TOV K.6afj.ov (pvaiv aidwv tyaaiv<br />

clvai K. T. -\ ; c f. Cicero, Nat. deor., II, 20, 52 ff. ; Pl<strong>in</strong>y, H. N.,<br />

II, 8, 30. <strong>The</strong> notion of eternity was correlative with that of<br />

elfj.apfievn ; c f. Ps.-Apul., Asclcp., 40; Apul., DC deo Socratis,<br />

c. 2: &quot;(<strong>The</strong> planets) quae <strong>in</strong> deflexo cursu. . . .meatus aeter-<br />

nos div<strong>in</strong>is vicibus efficiunt.&quot; This subject will be more fully<br />

treated <strong>in</strong> my lectures on &quot;Astrology and Religion&quot; (chaps.<br />

IV-V).<br />

77. At Palmyra: De Vogue, Inscr. scui., pp. 53 ff., etc. On<br />

the first title, see <strong>in</strong>fra, n. 80.<br />

78. Note especially CIL, VI, 406 = 30758, where Jupiter<br />

Dolichenus is called Actcrnus conservator totius poli. <strong>The</strong>

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