The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog

The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog

The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911] - Get a Free Blog


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and frivolous Greeks of Antioch or Alexandria, but they ap<br />

pealed much more to <strong>Roman</strong> gravity. At Rome the rigorous<br />

mysteries of Mithra had paved the way for reform. SL<br />

August<strong>in</strong>e, Epist. f gi [202] ^Migne, p. L., XXXIII, col. 315),<br />

c. 408 A. D.. relates that moral <strong>in</strong>terpretations of the old myths<br />

were told among the pagans dur<strong>in</strong>g his time : &quot;Ilia omnia quae<br />

antiquitus de vita deorum moribusque conscripta sunt. longe<br />

aliter sunt <strong>in</strong>telligenda atque <strong>in</strong>terpretanda sapientibus. Ita<br />

vero <strong>in</strong> templis populis congregatis recitari huiuscemodi salu-<br />

bres <strong>in</strong>terpretationes heri et nudiustertius audivimus.&quot; See<br />

also Cir. Dei. II, 6: &quot;Xec nobis nescio quos susurros pz tsimorum<br />

auribus anhelatos et arcana velut religione traditos<br />

iactent (pagani). quibus vitae probitas sanctitasque discatur.&quot;<br />

Compare the epitaph of Praetextatus (CIL. VI. 1779 = Des<br />

sau. Inscr. seL, 1259) : &quot;Paul<strong>in</strong>a veri et castitatis conscia |<br />

dicata templis.&quot; etc. Firmicus Maternus (Mathcs. II. 30) de<br />

mands of the astrologer the practice of all virtues, &quot;antistes<br />

enim deorum separatus et alienus esse debet a pravis illecebris<br />

voluptatum . . . . Itaque purus.<br />

castus esto. etc&quot;<br />

24. This is clearly asserted by the verses of the epitaph<br />

cited (v. 22 fH: &quot;Tu me. marite. discipl<strong>in</strong>arum bono ! puram<br />

ac pudicam SORTE MORTIS EXIMENS. <strong>in</strong> templa ducis ac famulam<br />

divis dicas: | Te teste cunctis imbuor mysteriis.&quot; Cf. Aug..<br />

Epist.. 234 (Migne. P. L.. XXXIII. col. 1031. letter of a pagan<br />

to the bishop.) : &quot;Via est <strong>in</strong> Deum melior. qua vir bonus, piis,<br />

puris iustis. castis. veris dictisque factisque probatus et deo<br />

rum comitatu vallatus. .. .ire fest<strong>in</strong>at: via est <strong>in</strong>quam. qua<br />

purgati antiquorum sacrorum piis praeceptis expiationibusque<br />

purissimis et abstemiis observationibus decocti anima et cor-<br />

pore constantes deproperant&quot; St. August<strong>in</strong>e ( Ch. . Dei. VI.<br />

i and VI. 12) opposes the pagans who assert &quot;deos non prop-<br />

ter praesentem vitam coli sed propter aeternam.&quot;<br />

-5. <strong>The</strong> variations of this doctr<strong>in</strong>e are set forth <strong>in</strong> detail<br />

by Macrobius, In Somn. Scip., I, u. 5 ff. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to some,<br />

the soul lived above the sphere of the moon, where the im<br />

mutable realm of eternity began: accord<strong>in</strong>g to others, <strong>in</strong> the<br />

spheres of the fixed stars where they placed the Elysian Fields<br />

(supra, ch. V. n. 65; see Martian. Capclla. II. 209&quot;). <strong>The</strong> Milky<br />

Way <strong>in</strong> particular was assigned to them as their residence

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