Gems & Gemological Institute of Pakistan(GGIP ... - Gemology Online

Gems & Gemological Institute of Pakistan(GGIP ... - Gemology Online

Gems & Gemological Institute of Pakistan(GGIP ... - Gemology Online


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<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Pakistan</strong>(<strong>GGIP</strong>)-Peshawar.<br />


Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from<br />

imita&on/synthe&c gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters/<br />

Ultraviolet Lamp<br />

OR<br />

The effect <strong>of</strong> Blue stones colored by cobalt in Colored filters and<br />

in UV (Long wave/short wave)<br />

Presented to my best Japanese friend<br />

Akira Kono<br />

CEO <strong>of</strong> SERAPH & Co. Izumi, Osaka, Japan.<br />

Reported and prepared by Hamid Usman KhaIak (HUK)-­‐AG Gemologist<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> and <strong>Gemological</strong> Ins&tute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pakistan</strong> (<strong>GGIP</strong>)-­‐Peshawar.<br />

9/23/12<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imita&on/synthe&c gemstones with the<br />

help <strong>of</strong> color filters/ Ultraviolet Lamp<br />

OR<br />

The effect <strong>of</strong> Blue stones colored by cobalt in Colored filters and in UV (Long wave/short wave)<br />

} Introduc&on<br />

} Blue spinel colored by cobalt is reported in Vietnams, Hunza valley<br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong> and in Sri lanka.<br />

} Cobalt is a lustrous grayish silvery metal. It is very hard and can<br />

take very good polish.<br />

} Cobalt is also ferromagne&c and therefore is capable <strong>of</strong> being<br />

magne&zed.<br />

} Cobalt is a transi&on element and when it found in minerals or in<br />

gemstone in traces it produce two type <strong>of</strong> colors<br />

} 1.Blue 2. Pink.<br />

} Blue mineral and gemstone due to Cobalt are Lusakite and Blue<br />

spinel.<br />

} Pink minerals due to cobalt are Erythrite, roselite, spherocobal&te.<br />

9/23/12<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imita&on/synthe&c gemstones with the<br />

help <strong>of</strong> color filters/ Ultraviolet Lamp<br />

OR<br />

The effect <strong>of</strong> Blue stones colored by cobalt in Colored filters and in UV (Long wave/short wave)<br />

Aim <strong>of</strong> the introduc&on <strong>of</strong> new test in <strong>Gemology</strong>:<br />

The objec&ves <strong>of</strong> the introduc&on <strong>of</strong> this test are<br />

• to iden&fy the gemstones through a sample instrument<br />

(advanced gemological instruments are very expensive and<br />

their prices may be equivalent to <strong>GGIP</strong> fund).<br />

• To introduced quick iden&fica&ons methods to save the<br />

precious &me (easily separate blue spinel from blue stone lot)<br />

• Promote the using <strong>of</strong> sample gemology tes&ng tools which<br />

are easily available and affordable.<br />

• To promote an easy gemstones iden&fica&on methods which<br />

can handle easily a common trade people.<br />

9/23/12<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Test Details<br />

• Details <strong>of</strong> the conduct test : For carry out this<br />

test I selected 10 cut and polished blue<br />

stones( glass and spinel) <strong>of</strong> different tone and<br />

saturaMon. Due to unavailability <strong>of</strong> cut blue<br />

spinel I selected one number <strong>of</strong> blue spinel<br />

specimen , locality Hunza , <strong>Pakistan</strong>.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from<br />

imita&on/synthe&c gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters.<br />

Different tone and saturation synthetic spinel colored by cobalt.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from<br />

imita&on/synthe&c gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters.<br />

Different tone and saturation Glass(Paste) colored by cobalt.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from<br />

imita&on/synthe&c gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters.<br />

Natural Blue spinel colored by cobalt specimen . Many spinel<br />

crystals can be seen embedded in the calcite .<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from<br />

imita&on/synthe&c gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters.<br />

The selected gemstones for testing<br />

From left to right, first five are blue glass colored by cobalt then in middle one is<br />

Natural spinel colored by cobalt specimen and other five stones are<br />

Synthetic spinel colored by cobalt.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Tools need for this test<br />

1. To carried out this test we needs<br />

two types <strong>of</strong> filters and strong<br />

over head light (tungsten light is<br />

preferable) and white back ground.<br />

2. Ultraviolet lamp with capability <strong>of</strong> Long<br />

waves(LW) and short waves (SW),<br />

Black background.<br />

•<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

SeparaMon <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imitaMon/<br />

syntheMc gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters<br />

• Filters which we needs: The filters are divided<br />

into two category<br />

1. OpMonal filters 2. Compulsory filter.<br />

1. OpMonal filters : op&onal filters means that<br />

availability <strong>of</strong> any one filter is enough for this<br />

test.<br />

2. Compulsory filter. Compulsory filters means<br />

that without availability <strong>of</strong> this filter we can<br />

not do this test.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

SeparaMon <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imitaMon/syntheMc<br />

gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters<br />

• 1. OpMonal filters<br />

• In op&onal filters we are required any one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

following filters 1.Chelsea filter 2.Aqua filter 3.<br />

SyntheMc Emerald filter(The described three filters gives the same<br />

result)<br />

• 2. Compulsory filter.<br />

• For this test the Synthe&c Emerald support filter<br />

is considered a compulsory filter.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

SeparaMon <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from<br />

imitaMon/syntheMc gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />

Optional filters and Compulsory<br />

filter.<br />

Chelsea , Aqua and synthetic Emerald<br />

filter are optional filters<br />

and<br />

Synthetic support Emerald filter is<br />

Compulsory filter.<br />


9/23/12<br />

SeparaMon <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imitaMon/<br />

syntheMc gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters<br />

• TesMng Procedure: placed the stones on white<br />

background under the strong over head light<br />

and see through the filters<br />

• Effect in opMonal filters: All the stones turn to<br />

red.<br />

• Effect in compulsory filter: on viewing through<br />

the Synthe&c Emerald support filter I obtained<br />

the following result<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imita&on/synthe&c<br />

gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters<br />

• All the glass <strong>of</strong> different tone and saturaMon do not<br />

changes its color<br />

• Natural blue spinel colored by cobalt turn into<br />

strong red.<br />

• SyntheMc spinel colored by cobalt stone turn its<br />

color into Pale color and on stone turn it color in<br />

very light reddish shade.<br />

9/23/12<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


optional filters<br />

9/23/12<br />

op&onal filters<br />

1. Effect in Chelsea Color Filter (CCF)<br />

In Chelsea filter all the stones turns to red.<br />

Separation <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imitation/synthetic<br />

gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


optional filters<br />

9/23/12<br />

op&onal filters<br />

2. Effect in Aqua Color Filter<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />

In Aqua filter all the stones turns to red.<br />

Same result as Chelsea filter.<br />

Separation <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imitation/synthetic<br />

gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters<br />


optional filters<br />

op&onal filters<br />

2. Effect in Synthe&c Emerald color filter.<br />

In Synthetic Emerald filter all the stones turns to red.<br />

Same result as Chelsea filter and Aqua filter<br />

Separation <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel <strong>Gems</strong> Colored & <strong>Gemological</strong> by Cobalt <strong>Institute</strong> from <strong>of</strong> imitation/synthetic gemstones<br />

9/23/12<br />

18<br />

with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters<br />


Compulsory filter<br />

Compulsory filter<br />

Effect in Synthe&c Support Emerald Filter.<br />

1. Glass do not changes its color<br />

2. Natural blue spinel colored by cobalt turn into strong red.<br />

3. Synthetic spinel color by cobalt turn its color into Pale color<br />

and one stone turn it color into very light red shade or Pastel red color.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Separation 9/23/12 <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt 19<br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />

from imitation/synthetic gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color<br />


9/23/12<br />

Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from<br />

imita&on/synthe&c gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters.<br />

From left to right Rectangular cut syn.spinel<br />

Turn it color into very light red and the other two<br />

Syn. Spinel stones looks pale color.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from<br />

imita&on/synthe&c gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters.<br />

Same stones but with different background<br />

From left to right Rectangular cut syn.spinel<br />

Turn it color into very light red and the other two<br />

Syn. Spinel stones looks pale color.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from<br />

imita&on/synthe&c gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters.<br />

Dark color Syn. Spinel in Compulsory filter<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Separa&on <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from<br />

imita&on/synthe&c gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters.<br />

Natural Spinel specimen in Syn. Support Emerald Filter<br />

In syn. support Emerald Filter Natural spinel turns its color<br />

Into strong Red.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

SeparaMon <strong>of</strong> Natural Blue Spinel Colored by Cobalt from imitaMon/<br />

syntheMc gemstones with the help <strong>of</strong> color filters.<br />

Summary <strong>of</strong> the effect <strong>of</strong> Blue stones colored by cobalt<br />

in Colored filters.<br />

S# <strong>Gems</strong> Effect in OpMonal<br />

filters<br />

(Chelsea, Aqua,<br />

SyntheMc Emerald<br />

filter)<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />

Effect in<br />

Compulsory filter<br />

(syntheMc Emerald<br />

support filter)<br />

comments<br />

Nat. Blue Spinel Red Red In all the<br />

men&oned look<br />

red<br />

SyntheMc Blue Spinel Red Pale to Very light<br />

red<br />

Blue Glass Red Inert<br />

Some stones turns<br />

to pale color and<br />

one stone turn to<br />

very light red &nt<br />

color.<br />


9/23/12<br />

The effect <strong>of</strong> Blue stones colored by cobalt in Colored filters<br />

and in UV (Long wave/short wave)<br />

• TesMng Procedure: placed the stones on black<br />

background and note stone's reac&on in the type<br />

<strong>of</strong> radia&on used -­‐ whether long waves or short<br />

waves.<br />

• Effect in Long waves: In long waves the blue glass<br />

show no change (inert), Natural spinel turn to red<br />

and syn. Spinel also turn to red.<br />

• Effect in Short waves. In short waves the blue<br />

glass turns to chalky, Natural spinel show no<br />

change (Inert)and syn. Spinel turn to chalky.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


The effect <strong>of</strong> Blue stones colored by cobalt in Colored filters and in<br />

UV (Long wave/short wave)<br />

Summary <strong>of</strong> the effect <strong>of</strong> Blue stones colored by cobalt in<br />

Long waves/Short waves<br />

S# <strong>Gems</strong> Effect in LW Effect in SW Comments<br />

1 Nat. Blue Spinel Red Inert<br />

2 SyntheMc Blue Spinel Red Chalky Light color stones strong<br />

chalky in SW as<br />

compared to intense color<br />

stones<br />

3 Blue Glass Inert Two type effect<br />

1. Majority Chalky<br />

2. Yellowish color<br />

9/23/12<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />

It is observed that the<br />

glass which show<br />

yellowish color in SW<br />

have magne&c property.,<br />

weak to moderate. But<br />

blue glass show chalky<br />

effect in SW have no<br />

magne&c property.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Effect in Long waves/Short waves<br />

In Short waves blue glass colored by cobalt turns into two types<br />

1. Chalky (mostly) just like Syn.spinel<br />

2. Turn into yellow color and this type glass show magnetic property weak to<br />

moderate.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


In Long waves syn. Spinel colored by<br />

cobalt turns to Red<br />

9/23/12<br />

Effect in Long waves/Short waves<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />

In short waves syn. Spinel colored by<br />

Cobalt turn into Chalky<br />

Note: The syn. Spinel which body color is<br />

Light blue shows strong chalky effect as<br />

Compared to dark color syn. Spinel.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Effect in Long waves/Short waves<br />

Natural spinel colored by in Long waves<br />

In Long waves Natural spinel colored by cobalt turns into strong red<br />

But in short waves it show inter.<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

Other SupporMng Tests<br />

Following are the suppor&ng tests<br />

1. Spectrum<br />

2. Refrac&ve index<br />

3.Magne&c Effect<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


9/23/12<br />

1.Spectrum<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />

Synthetic spinel colored by cobalt:<br />

Three broad bands centered at 540,<br />

580, (Broadest) and 635:<br />

(Thin Thick Thin)<br />

Blue Glass colored by cobalt:<br />

Three broad bands centered at 535,<br />

590 (Narrowest) and 655.<br />

(Thick Thin Thick)<br />

Natural Blue spinel colored by<br />

cobalt spectrum<br />


9/23/12<br />

2.Refrac&ve Index<br />

S# <strong>Gems</strong> RefracMve Index<br />

(RI)<br />

1 Natural Blue Spinel<br />

colored by cobalt<br />

2 SyntheMc Blue Spinel<br />

colored by cobalt<br />

3 Blue Glass colored by<br />

cobalt<br />

1.718 Mostly<br />

1.728 or 1.730<br />

1.50 or 1.51 or<br />

1.52<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />

Mostly.<br />

comments<br />


9/23/12<br />

3.Magne&c Effect<br />

S# <strong>Gems</strong> MagneMc effect comments<br />

1 Natural Blue Spinel<br />

colored by cobalt<br />

2 SyntheMc Blue Spinel<br />

colored by cobalt<br />

3 Blue Glass colored by<br />

cobalt<br />

yes<br />

None<br />

Some blue glass<br />

have weak to<br />

moderate<br />

magneMc effect<br />

and some blue<br />

glass show no<br />

magneMc effect .<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />

I checked many specimen <strong>of</strong><br />

synthe&c spinel <strong>of</strong> different<br />

tone but found no magne&c<br />

effect.<br />

Note: It is observed that the<br />

blue glass which show<br />

yellowish color in SW have<br />

magne&c property., weak to<br />

moderate. But blue glass<br />

show chalky effect in SW<br />

have no magne&c property.<br />


Acknowledgement ,References and suggested reading<br />

9/23/12<br />

1.www.MineralsUK.com<br />

2. hIp://www.minsocam.org/msa/collectors_corner/arc/color.htm<br />

3.<br />

hIp://www.gemlab.jkharris.co.uk/Synthe&c%20blue%20Spinel%20and<br />

%20Co.Glass.html<br />

4.hIp://gemologyproject.com/wiki/index.php?&tle=Spinel<br />

Note:<br />

Everyone can use this presenta&on for educa&onal purpose without my<br />

permission. <strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> InsMtute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pakistan</strong> (<strong>GGIP</strong>)-­‐Peshawar<br />

slogan is “<strong>Gemology</strong> for everyone”.<br />

because gemology is not the property <strong>of</strong> Mineralogist, Geologist, Engineer, IT<br />

expert, or any other pr<strong>of</strong>ession or trade which directly or indirectly related to it.<br />

Hamid Usman KhaIak (HUK)-­‐AG Gemologist<br />

<strong>Gems</strong> & <strong>Gemological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>-Peshawar.<br />


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