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Brady, along with others, joined. “We formed a compact militant outside left wing<br />

whose influence strengthened and inspired the Army of Labor.” 1 In his dual capacity<br />

then as a member of the Socialist League and the Labor Party, Brady has unique<br />

opportunities to observe and to participate in the Major social and political events of<br />

the day. One of these was a meeting on the Maritime Strike, held at Ernest<br />

Blackwell’s house at North Sydney, where the Queensland delegates were conferring.<br />

Even though a prominent politician H.H. Champion, had referred to the strikers as “an<br />

army of lions led by asses”, to Brady the strike leaders seemed to “radiate strength<br />

and sincerity”. So impressed, indeed was he, that he resolved to do all in his power to<br />

help. “I wanted them to win. I hoped they would win, and deep within me was born a<br />

desire to help if I could”. 2 It is true to say that this strong element of altruism and<br />

philanthropy remained with Brady throughout his life. There was always a genuine<br />

concern for the plight of the average man, the worker, the widow, the underprivileged;<br />

This desire to “help if I could” was never ever far below the surface. If polemic and<br />

wrangling, disgust and cynicism obscured it briefly it soon reappeared. The humanity<br />

of the man did much to offset the shiftlessness and tentativeness so often apparent in<br />

the execution of his good intentions.<br />

As editor of The Australian Workman, The Arrow, The Grip and The Worker and as a<br />

principal contributor to political and union journals, especially TheLabor Call, as a<br />

foundation member of the Socialist and Labor parties and an active member of the<br />

Socialisation leagues of the 1930’s, Brady developed and expressed the ideas which,<br />

taken collectively, can be described as his political creed. These ideas are expressed<br />

more systematically and usually in more detail in many unpublished manuscripts,<br />

especially The Red Objective and Religion of Humanity, and in the voluminous<br />

correspondence which he carried on throughout his life with his political friends as<br />

well as his literary associates. Fairly late in life, he wrote:<br />

On the walls of my workroom here at <strong>Mallacoota</strong> are three possessions – a<br />

reprint photograph of Karl Marx, a snapshot of Nikoli Lenin and a secular<br />

picture of Jesus of Nazareth. Marx arouses in me a feeling of distant but<br />

profound respect; Lenin I look upon with fraternal admiration; but the third<br />

picture affects me with an emotion I cannot explain. My instinct tells me that I<br />

am in the presence of the great comrades of the Cause.<br />

My reason asserts that there is a community of interest shared by these three<br />

and not yet fully perceived by Mankind; that Marx, Lenin and Christ were<br />

impelled by the same motive and the motive came from I know not where. I do<br />

not care what the Scribes and the Parisees say about Marx, any more than the<br />

Christian regards what they say about Christ………Marx was no mystic but he<br />

had the mind of a prophet…………The communication of this third great<br />

Socialist was an inspired message to Humanity. Inspiration is one phase of<br />

human consciousness that baulks definition. 3<br />

1 “Early Lights of Labor”, The Red Objective<br />

2 “The Pre-ninety Period”, The Red Objective. Miles Franklin, like Brady, recognised “The wheels of<br />

social mechanism needed re-adjusting – things were awry”. (My Brilliant Career (Edinburgh, 1901<br />

(Sydney, 1965)), p 35).<br />

3 “On the way to Political Power”, The Red Objective

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