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80<br />

In view of the adverse position of the establishment, which is largely to the<br />

lack of manpower, and lack of agricultural experience in remaining members,<br />

I have decided, after consultation with Comrade Smyth, to recommend that the<br />

<strong>Mallacoota</strong> Community Farm insofar as this location is concerned, be wound<br />

forthwith. It is with regret that I hereby tender my resignation as \executive<br />

Officer. I remain convinced that our ideal is capable of achievement, but<br />

drastic revision of methods of selection and procedure will have to be made<br />

before undertaking any further experiment, which I am determined to do and<br />

which I hope for your continued support and co-operation. 1<br />

At the same time Burch surrendered to Brady the leases which the group had taken<br />

over from him at an annual rental.<br />

Brady’s reaction was bitter, as perhaps could be foretold. This was an affront of<br />

fortune both to his theories and his pride. In a reply to a letter from three men who<br />

had resigned from the co-operative, Brady wrote:<br />

The reports and statements which I have received from various sources<br />

compel me to conclude that the scheme is a failure, but as to what or to whom<br />

the blame, if any, is to be attributed, I confess, in view of the contradictory<br />

nature of these reports and statements (and my absence from the seat of the<br />

troubles) I am unable to determine. 2<br />

These three men had earlier complained that Burch did not do his share of physical<br />

labour and protested against Burch’s plea that “outside” earnings should be<br />

contributed to the common purse. 3 However it was originally, planned that Burch<br />

was merely to launch the venture and that another socialist, Harry Cameron, was to<br />

take over its administration while Burch returned to Melbourne to assist in the<br />

enrolment and organisation of more recruits. It was never intended that Butch was to<br />

be an ordinary member; his enthusiasm led him to stay on to give the little settlement<br />

the best chance of success, but to no avail. He no doubt strongly agreed with Brady in<br />

his letter to the three ment when he said it was a matter of “profound regret” to him,<br />

as to the other participants, that “some measure of success did not result from out<br />

personal sacrifices and endeavours”.<br />

Brady further grumbled that the areas leased by the co-operative had shown a rapid<br />

growth of blackberries and rabbits which he was bound by law to eradicate, and that<br />

his borrowed equipment and his fences had been left in a state of neglect. This<br />

thought, whether true or not, exacerbated his own disappointment and disillusionment<br />

that his ideal had not proved capable of practical achievement in this instance. He<br />

blamed Burch” “Pity of it all was that like other intellectuals, he lacked the force and<br />

determination without which leadership is not lasting”. 4 But Burch had never claimed<br />

to be an intellectual; nor were his sincerity and enthusiasm ever in doubt. Perhaps he<br />

did lack qualities of leadership, being rather too suspicious of his own men, but he did<br />

his best; perhaps the deficiency was Brady’s for not ensuring that Burch returned to<br />

Melbourne as planned and that Cameron replaced him.<br />

1 Burch to Brady, 9.3.1933, in Mitchell Library.<br />

2 Brady to Lee, Ross and Newby, 13.3.1933, in Mitchell Library.<br />

3 Burch to Brady, 24.2.1933, in Mitchell Library<br />

4 Brady’s comments in Utopias Ltd., Vol 2, p.23.

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