Inspired Talks - Swami Vivekananda

Inspired Talks - Swami Vivekananda

Inspired Talks - Swami Vivekananda


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THE MASTER 19<br />

personal abuse or malice. Everything good or bad,<br />

' the dual throng ', was from the ' Beloved Mother'.<br />

It was given to me to know him in an intimate way<br />

for a period of several years, and never once did I find<br />

a flaw in his character. He was incapable of petty<br />

weakness, and had <strong>Vivekananda</strong> possessed faults, they<br />

would have been generous ones. With all his greatness<br />

he was as simple as a child, equally at home among<br />

the rich and the great, or among the poor and the lowly.<br />

While in Detroit, he was the guest of Mrs. John<br />

J., Bagley, the widow of the ex-Governor of Michigan<br />

and a lady of rare culture and unusual spirituality. She<br />

told me that never once during the time he was a<br />

guest in her house (about four weeks) did he fail to<br />

express the highest in word and action, and that his<br />

presence was a ' continual benediction \ After leaving<br />

Mrs. Bagley, <strong>Vivekananda</strong> spent two weeks as the<br />

guest of Hon. Thomas W. Palmer. Mr. Palmer was<br />

President of the World's Fair Commission ; he had been<br />

formerly U. S. Minister to Spain and also U. S. Senator.<br />

This gentleman is still living and is over eighty years<br />

of age.<br />

For myself, I can say that never in all the years I<br />

knew <strong>Vivekananda</strong>, did he fail to manifest the highest<br />

in life and purpose.<br />

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