Children's & Young Adult Books 2013 - Natur och Kultur
Children's & Young Adult Books 2013 - Natur och Kultur
Children's & Young Adult Books 2013 - Natur och Kultur
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<strong>Natur</strong> & <strong>Kultur</strong><br />
Children’s &<br />
<strong>Young</strong> <strong>Adult</strong><br />
<strong>Books</strong> <strong>2013</strong>
Stories that Matter<br />
For me, it all started when I dialed a wrong number. By accident I happened to get through to a<br />
children’s book publisher, a conversation which ended up with the sudden decision that I would<br />
start as an intern there the following week.<br />
For <strong>Natur</strong> & <strong>Kultur</strong>, it started in the 1940’s with My Treasury, a series of anthologies<br />
containing a range of classic stories, rhymes and Swedish folktales – the first of its kind in<br />
Sweden. These publications for young readers are now considered classics, partly because<br />
of their distinctive design. I am proud to say that since then we have published a large<br />
number of award- winning books created by successful and unique illustrators and<br />
authors who dare to follow their own path. These books have been translated into<br />
many languages and published all over the world.<br />
When I made that call 15 years ago my mind was set on working with poetry and adult<br />
fiction, which was generally the most viable career path for us literary graduates. We had<br />
preconceptions that children’s books weren’t true literature, that they weren’t as intricate<br />
and demanding as books for adults. Today, I know this to be an utter misconception.<br />
Sadly, I still encounter prejudice in my profession, and I’m sure you do as well. These<br />
preconceptions undermine our work as publishers, but most of all they undermine children<br />
and their reading.<br />
Today, in this complex world that new generations of children are struggling to make sense<br />
of, books are more important than ever. It is crucial that publishers do not take the easy way<br />
out, but to keep searching for stories that matter, stories that take time. It’s urgent that we<br />
offer children literature that engages and fuels their imagination. If we fail in getting new<br />
generations of children reading, we won’t, in the long run, have any adult readers left.<br />
Ultimately it is a question of democracy.<br />
I have come a long way from looking at children’s books as something cute that anybody<br />
can write, illustrate or publish, and I feel the urge to upgrade children’s books on the literary<br />
platform. What if we decide that <strong>2013</strong> will be that year?<br />
Looking back, I’m so happy I dialed that wrong number. It has enriched my life.<br />
Warmly,<br />
Johanna Ringertz<br />
Publisher of books for all ages<br />
JUNE – AUGUST <strong>2013</strong><br />
Höjer/Hansson: Fiddle and Goony Meet Pirates/Fille <strong>och</strong> Gonkan hos sjörövarna (Easy reader/Fiction)<br />
Höjer, Dan: The Sockman and the Big Secret/Strumpmannen <strong>och</strong> den stora hemligheten (Easy reader/Fiction)<br />
Engholm, Bengt-Erik: Skeletons/Skelett (Easy reader/Non-fiction)<br />
SEPTEMBER – NOVEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />
Gustavsson, Per: When a Princess Visits the Zoo/När prinsessor går på zoo (Picture book)<br />
Gustavsson, Per: The Princess’ Book of Friends/Prinsessans kompisbok (Activity book)<br />
Mendel-Hartvig/Gustavsson: Otis’ Mittens/Otis vantar (Picture book)<br />
Nilsson, Frida: Jagger Jagger (Fiction 6–9)<br />
Ollmark/Wänblad: The Nightman/Nattmannen (Fiction 9–12)<br />
Rundberg, Johan: The Love Pizza/Kärlekspizzan (Fiction 9–12)<br />
Wester, Johanna: Bedtime Stories for the Sleepless/Nattsagor för sömnlösa (<strong>Young</strong> adult)<br />
<strong>Natur</strong> & <strong>Kultur</strong> was<br />
founded in 1922 and is<br />
Sweden’s third largest publishing<br />
house. It consists of textbook and<br />
academic publishing on the one hand,<br />
and a trade publishing division on the<br />
other. The trade division publishes some<br />
80 titles per year, divided between popular<br />
psychology, fiction and narrative non-fiction,<br />
illustrated non-fiction, and children’s and<br />
young adult books.<br />
MARCH – MAY <strong>2013</strong><br />
<strong>Natur</strong> & <strong>Kultur</strong> is also a not-for-profit<br />
foundation, with a mission to “counteract<br />
totalitarian ideas and forms of government<br />
and foster economic and political freedom”.<br />
Nilsson, Moni: The Class Trip/Klassresan (Fiction 12+)<br />
The foundation handles a range of stipends<br />
Nilsson, Moni: Alice Hearts Rob/Malin + Rasmus = Sant (Fiction 12+)<br />
Adbåge, Lisen: Koko and Bo. Do you dare?/Koko <strong>och</strong> Bosse. Törs inte! (Picture book)<br />
and awards, among which is <strong>Natur</strong> &<br />
<strong>Kultur</strong>’s Culture Prize. The fact that the<br />
publishing house continues to operate<br />
Bengtsson, Elin: Between Winter and Heaven/Mellan vinter <strong>och</strong> himmel (<strong>Young</strong> adult)<br />
Gustavsson, Per: The Shadow Side/Skuggsidan (Picture book)<br />
as a foundation, and promote its<br />
values, makes it a unique and<br />
independent force in the<br />
Sparring, Anders: Charlie the Wrestler and Boris Olsson/Karla Brottare <strong>och</strong> Boris Olsson (Fiction 6–9)<br />
Swedish publishing<br />
landscape.<br />
Björkelid, Anders: The Children of the Blood. Dusk of Frost/Berättelsen om blodet. Frostskymning (Fantasy)<br />
Langa, Annika: The Secret of Moon Mountain/Månsbergets hemlighet (Fiction 9–12)<br />
Ingves, Gunilla: Teddy Bruno’s Summer/Nalle Brunos sommar (Picture book)<br />
Höjer/Hansson: Fiddle and Goony Meet Dinosaurs/Fille <strong>och</strong> Gonkan hos dinosaurierna (Easy reader/Fiction)<br />
Mendel-Hartvig/Gustavsson: My Tree Can Never Die/Mitt träd kan aldrig dö (Picture book)<br />
Mendel-Hartvig/Gustavsson: Otis Longs/Otis längtar (Picture book)<br />
Contact:<br />
Catharina Lantz | Foreign Rights Agent, Children’s <strong>Books</strong> | | +46-8-453 86 94<br />
<strong>Natur</strong> & <strong>Kultur</strong> | Karlavägen 31 | P.O. Box 27323 | SE-102 54 Stockholm | Sweden |
New<br />
title!<br />
More hours passed, until not only my butt felt like concrete, but the entire me.<br />
My brain too. I couldn’t think, I was so freezing cold. I wasn’t afraid of the rats any<br />
longer. There weren’t any. Astrid was stupid and silly and super mean. So were<br />
Allan and George. I wished they’d never been born. No, I wish I’d never<br />
been born. That would have been better. Then there would be one less<br />
gross fatty on Earth. And mom wouldn’t have to be so darn sad all the<br />
time because she had a kid that no one wanted to play with.<br />
Frida Nilsson<br />
Tremendous<br />
Humor and<br />
Great Sincerity<br />
Describe yourself in three words!<br />
Fun, grumpy, brown-haired.<br />
Why do you write books?<br />
To think about something else for a while and to find out if things<br />
turn out well in the end.<br />
What’s the best part of writing books? And the worst?<br />
The best is when you come up with something that makes the story<br />
so much better. The worst is when you rewrite a paragraph five times<br />
and it still doesn’t get better.<br />
Do you have certain characters that you are more attached to?<br />
The rat Dante in Me and Dante at the Dump.<br />
Do you have any advice for getting started with writing?<br />
Just write. If it doesn’t work then don’t.<br />
Frida Nilsson (born 1979) writes about the big questions in life – friendship,<br />
death and love – with tremendous humor and great sincerity. She has been<br />
compared to writers such as Roald Dahl and Barbro Lindgren. Frida made<br />
her debut with The Crow’s Incredible Hitchhiking Adventure in 2004, and<br />
during the following year both Me and Gorilla and the first book about Hedvig<br />
were published. The second book about Hedvig, Hedvig and Max-Olov,<br />
was nominated for the August Prize in 2006, and two other books about the<br />
streetwise country-bumpkin followed.<br />
In 2008, Me and Dante at the Dump was published. It is the story of Helge<br />
who is innocently blamed for bank theft and escapes to a dump outside town<br />
and befriends a rat named Dante. Besides her books, Frida is well-known as<br />
a television and radio show host.<br />
Frida is internationally successful, and her books have been sold to<br />
France, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Serbia, Poland and Korea. Me and<br />
Gorilla, a funny and memorable book about the unconventional friendship<br />
between orphan Jonna and the gorilla mother<br />
that adopts her, was a Jugendliteraturpreis<br />
finalist in Germany in 2011 and a Prix Tam-Tam/<br />
J’aime Lire finalist in France in 2012/<strong>2013</strong>.<br />
Fall <strong>2013</strong> will se the publication of Frida’s<br />
new title Jagger, Jagger, a dark but humorous<br />
story about Sven, who is being bullied by the<br />
other kids in the neighborhood, and his only<br />
friend; the hobo dog Jagger.<br />
The Crow’s Incredible<br />
Hitchhiking Adventure<br />
Me and Gorilla<br />
Hedvig!<br />
Hedvig and Max-Olov<br />
Me and Dante at the Dump<br />
Hedvig and the Summer with Chubby<br />
Hedvig and Hardemo’s Princess
Elin Bengtsson was born in 1987 and raised in Uddevalla,<br />
Sweden. In 2010/2011 she was a student at Norden Association’s<br />
School of Writing at Biskops Arnö, one of the most prestigious<br />
writing programs in the country, and has previously studied political<br />
science. She is a co-editor of the anthology ”Alerta! – a report of<br />
Ecuador in change” (Nixon förlag 2008). Elin has also been involved<br />
in running writing camps for children and young adults.<br />
Between Winter and Heaven<br />
Debut Novel<br />
by Elin Bengtsson<br />
“Metal butterflies. He doesn’t know where they come from, from inside<br />
the guitar or from the black sky inside of himself, but he lets them go,<br />
lets them flutter out through the window or through the key hole of<br />
Andreas’ door. He doesn’t know if Andreas can see them, or if he’s just staring<br />
at the TV with the sound turned up loud without noticing them at all.”<br />
Martin’s younger brother Andreas is fifteen years old and will soon die.<br />
Everybody’s waiting for it, in their own way. While their mom is overprotective<br />
and their dad turns away, Martin takes refuge in music and resents his brother<br />
for not taking advantage of the little time he has left. But at night Martin dreams<br />
of condemning angels of death. Isn’t he the one who deserves to die, who<br />
despises Andreas for his dullness? Secretly, Andreas himself writes down three<br />
important things that he has to do. Now, before it’s too late.<br />
Between Winter and Heaven is a gripping and heartbreaking debut about<br />
being in death’s waiting room. It deals with muddled and confined emotions<br />
of sorrow and guilt, but also with reconciliation, love, and ultimately, hope.<br />
A book always begins much earlier. When it starts I am<br />
fifteen years old. I have tangled black hair, flannel shirts<br />
that are too big, and I am angry almost all the time. I read<br />
poetry and put up posters outside. And I write. And write.<br />
Write and write. Among other things I write a short story<br />
about two brothers. One of them is going to die. The<br />
other one plays the guitar and has a black sky inside of<br />
him. Years later, I start writing a novel based on this short<br />
story. That novel became Between Winter and Heaven.<br />
So you can say that it took ten years for this book to<br />
be created. I’ve been doing many other things in the<br />
meantime. Shelled peas and sold mor<strong>och</strong>o at a market<br />
in Ambato, Ecuador. Edited an anthology about political<br />
operations and popular resistance in Ecuador. Written a<br />
graduate paper in Social Science about anti-capitalism<br />
and the struggle against heteronormativity. Raked gravel<br />
and pruned trees at Ramneröd Cemetery. Run creative<br />
writing classes for fifteen-year-old girls who say: ”Elin,<br />
it feels like my language doesn’t fit inside the ordinary<br />
language, if you know what I mean, I can’t explain it.”<br />
While working on Between Winter and Heaven I’ve<br />
been exploring ideas about identity and alienation.<br />
The brothers Martin and Andreas both exist outside<br />
of established companionships – Andreas like a grey<br />
shadow, Martin like an unapproachable metal butterfly<br />
collector all dressed in black.<br />
To write this book has been to dive head first into<br />
the dysfunctionality of the middle class family. And to<br />
shamelessly delve into doubtful positions: the guitar boy,<br />
the girl in front of the mirror, the overprotective mother<br />
serving everyone raspberry lemonade. I am fascinated by<br />
the ordinary that in its ordinariness becomes grotesque.<br />
And infinitely fragile.<br />
The border zones. The limits of the intolerable. Of the<br />
imaginable. Or, like in Between Winter and Heaven, the<br />
limit that is set by death, by never having time to tell your<br />
brother I’m sorry.<br />
Thoughts about power and resistance. About Sara in<br />
front of the bathroom mirror. How she leans closer, almost<br />
touching the glass with her tongue before she backs away,<br />
HA-HA SO THAT’S WHAT YOU THOUGHT little Sara-inthe-mirror.<br />
That you would get to make out with the most<br />
beautiful girl in the world? Sorry, maybe another time.<br />
Thoughts about the seeping out, the seemingly<br />
paradoxical; wearing a weapon and a lace dress in the<br />
street, bearing blame and hubris, bearing pain that glistens<br />
and glows like a star. Writing for me is a political concern,<br />
a way to be. And the words are also my playground.<br />
I take her hand. The fifteen-year-old me. She looks<br />
suspiciously at me, because even though I am still<br />
wearing a shirt that is too big and I am no less angry,<br />
what I say and write is taken more seriously. But she<br />
presses my hand in return, and I say we did good,<br />
this book, us together.<br />
Elin Bengtsson
Bedtime Stories for the Sleepless<br />
Insomnia and the City<br />
Olivia is nineteen years old and Stockholm is the stage<br />
on which she performs the play about herself. She is at<br />
that age when she feels the pressures of adulthood but<br />
none of its freedom. Without an education and with a<br />
temporary job at a kiosk, the only thing keeping her flying<br />
free is the nights out on the town; in the bars and the<br />
clubs. There are her best friends Pascal and Chris, who<br />
cannot stand each other, but Olivia has tied them to<br />
herself, tightly. Then there’s Josef, four years older, who<br />
is the one Olivia drops everything for – her great love<br />
and sorrow. Josef lives with someone else, with Her, in<br />
a deep-rooted existence with work and a decorated<br />
apartment. But Josef does choose to be with Olivia<br />
Johanna Wester, born 1984, works as a children’s<br />
rights publicist at UNICEF and as an editor for the<br />
online magazine BarnsRä Previously<br />
she has published the book Ton År that garnered<br />
a lot of praise.<br />
during all those other times, when She is out of town,<br />
when She believes him to be out with the boys. And<br />
Olivia gratefully accepts, because Josef is the “tough<br />
Prince” that she dreams of. Not even a wild weekend trip<br />
to Amsterdam gets Josef off her mind. Meanwhile, Olivia<br />
doesn’t see Pascal who’s always been there, who might<br />
have wanted something more than friendship. And tough<br />
and hard Chris, who all of a sudden sees Pascal.<br />
Olivia is a female Holden Caulfield, demanding love<br />
and longing for another life to step into when her own<br />
becomes too messy. With a hypnotic language and an<br />
impetuous pace, Johanna Wester depicts a young<br />
woman without a guidebook in the adult world.<br />
My longing is my entire<br />
script, the only thing<br />
I can hang on to when<br />
I forget my lines. I can’t<br />
run from it.
Bo climbs to the top of the diving tower.<br />
“Jump! Jump! Jump!” Koko shouts.<br />
But Bo stands still.<br />
“Are you scared?” Koko says.<br />
“I don’t think I feel like it,” Bo says.<br />
“CHICKEN!” a tough guy yells.<br />
“Go ahead and dive yourself if<br />
you dare!“ Koko says.<br />
The guy leaves.<br />
Bo climbs down again.<br />
“How brave of you to tell that<br />
guy off,” says Bo.<br />
Koko and Bo<br />
The Dynamic Duo<br />
The second book about the wonderful duo Koko and Bo! Once again<br />
we are invited to take part in their everyday life, which is drawn with<br />
lots of humor and tenderness. What might be frightening to one person<br />
might not be so for another, but courage is about facing your fears.<br />
And that’s what Koko and Bo do, together.<br />
A warm book that you will want to read again and again. Lisen<br />
Adbåge’s illustrations have fresh unconventional perspectives, the<br />
colors give depth to the setting while the characters shine with their<br />
own peculiarities.<br />
About Koko and Bo<br />
“The nicest picture book in a long time”<br />
“It’s not only the sunset that sparkles, but Lisen Adbåge’s<br />
whole narrative in words and pictures”<br />
Tidningen Vi Föräldrar<br />
Svenska Dagbladet<br />
”One could say that the book has an excellent child’s perspective,<br />
but that would be an understatement. It’s better than that.<br />
The adult also has a place in it. Simply a good people perspective”<br />
Koko and Bo. Sold to: Denmark<br />
Borås tidning<br />
The Big Baby Switch by Petter Lidbeck<br />
(text) and Lisen Adbåge (illustration)<br />
Sold to: Denmark and Korea<br />
Lisen Adbåge was born in 1982 and<br />
lives in southern Sweden with her<br />
husband and her dog Stina. Lisen is an<br />
illustrator, author and graphic novelist.<br />
Koko and Bo. Do You Dare?<br />
Big Emma<br />
Isaac and His Island by Petter Lidbeck<br />
(text) and Lisen Adbåge (illustration)
Sigrid and Night<br />
A Quiet and<br />
Comforting Night<br />
Sigrid hasn’t slept a wink for the last 30 years. Early<br />
one morning when she is sorting out muesli she hears<br />
a strange scraping noise. Someone is hiding under<br />
the couch. It turns out it’s Night.<br />
“You aren’t allowed to be here,” Sigrid says.<br />
She puts Night in her cookie jar and screws the lid<br />
on tightly. Hours pass and the day never ends. When<br />
she finally takes out the jar, she starts telling Night about<br />
her life’s adventures and her friend, the elephant Olaf.<br />
One day Olaf became ill. Sigrid has to wipe her eyes with<br />
a handkerchief. How can one ever go to sleep when your<br />
best friend becomes ill and no medicines help? Night<br />
quietly listens, then lifts Sigrid up and carries her<br />
through town in his arms.<br />
Once again we get to step into Jöns Mellgren’s unique<br />
world of images. Sigrid and Night is a poetic and quietly<br />
beautiful picture book that comforts and warms the heart.<br />
Jöns Mellgren (born 1976) is an author, illustrator and a<br />
film maker. He made his debut at <strong>Natur</strong> & <strong>Kultur</strong> in 1999<br />
with the picture book Night in the Jungle. In 2009<br />
he wrote and illustrated the poetic picture book Mustafa<br />
and the Storm, in 2010 Rufus in the Underworld, and with<br />
this year’s Sigrid and Night the triptych is completed.<br />
The radio adaptation of Mustafa and the Storm was nominated<br />
for the Ikaros Prize for Best Drama Production in 2012,<br />
together with two other nominees from television and radio.<br />
Rufus in the Underworld<br />
”A humorous but also sad story<br />
that doesn’t give any simple<br />
answers.”<br />
”just peculiar enough,<br />
absolutely brilliant, incredibly<br />
funny with a clever sense of humor.”<br />
Sydsvenskan<br />
SvD<br />
Mustafa and the Storm<br />
”<br />
Night strokes Sigrid’s hair.<br />
Then it gently lifts her<br />
up in its arms.
Perchville Otis<br />
Napoleon is Back<br />
This small town in the north of Sweden is where<br />
Napoleon and his friends Andy and Khaya live.<br />
On the surface, it may seem like a quiet and<br />
uneventful place, but there’s more to Perchville<br />
than meets the eye.<br />
It’s winter and strange things are happening in Perchville; there’s a<br />
break-in at the municipal office, a stranger visits Boris and urges him<br />
to move into a retirement home and Khaya receives a strange fortune<br />
cookie from the local Chinese restaurant. And what’s more; a company<br />
is planning to build luxury homes at the foot of Moon Mountain, but<br />
what are the true objectives behind the project? It seems as if all of<br />
these things are connected, and Napoleon, Andy and Khaya intend to<br />
figure out how.<br />
This is the suspenseful and clever sequel to Napoleon &<br />
Crackersaurus Rex, starring Napoleon Larson, nerd extraordinaire.<br />
Meet 12-year-old Napoleon Larson, a self-proclaimed nerd and misfit who is utterly<br />
hopeless at soccer and unlucky in love. However, this summer, he won’t have time to<br />
dwell on all that. No, he’s too busy trying to prevent the baby of the mythical Great Lake<br />
Monster from falling into the hands of two sinister bounty hunters. Will he, with the help<br />
of Andy, Khaya and ”crazy” Boris, be able to outsmart them and keep the poor animal<br />
safe? Find out in this thrilling and hilarious adventure story!<br />
Napoleon & Crackersaurus Rex. Sold to: Germany and Serbia<br />
Annika Langa is a Swedish journalist residing in Johannesburg, South Africa. Her<br />
writing has appeared in South African as well as Swedish media, and she’s also the<br />
co-author of two books about southern Africa. She made her fiction debut in 2012<br />
with Napoleon & Crackersaurus Rex.<br />
The Secret of Moon Mountain<br />
Tender Feelings and Angry Outbursts<br />
Otis’ Mittens<br />
Åsa Mendel-Hartvig lives in<br />
Stockholm. She is a journalist<br />
and works with public relations<br />
at Greenpeace.<br />
Åsa has previously written the<br />
books Tesslas mamma vill inte! and<br />
Tesslas pappa vill inte! with Caroline<br />
Röstlund, published by Olika Förlag.<br />
Otis’ mitten is stupid. It’s wet and and not comfortable at all. Stella<br />
has new mittens. Her hat has tassels and she doesn’t have to wear<br />
a scarf. Otis is jealous of Stella.<br />
Otis’ clothes are stupid. His hat is on wrong, his scarf is itchy<br />
and his shoes are on the wrong foot. All of a sudden EVERYTHING<br />
is stupid. Even Stella’s nice gloves. Otis and Stella take off all of<br />
their wet and itchy clothes and throw them to the ground. It’s fun!<br />
But then Otis’ dad gets angry. He’s the stupidest of them all!<br />
A playful picture book for the youngest children, unerringly told<br />
from the perspective of a two-and-a-half-year old. The second book<br />
in the sweet series about Otis.<br />
Otis Consoles. Sold to: Denmark and Korea<br />
Ane Gustavsson is an<br />
illustrator and a viola player.<br />
She collaborated with<br />
Lennart Hellsing in the book<br />
Drills and Dragon Ears. The<br />
Book about the Instruments<br />
(2011). She has also illustrated<br />
several books by Christine<br />
Falkenland. Ane lives in<br />
Arvika, Sweden.
Charlie the Wrestler. Sold to: Denmark Charlie the Wrestler and Boris Olsson<br />
Jonna Björnstjerna<br />
(born 1983) is an illustrator,<br />
cartoonist, and a writer.<br />
At <strong>Natur</strong> & <strong>Kultur</strong>, she has<br />
previously illustrated ghost<br />
stories by Dan Höjer. Her<br />
own book Godistrollet won<br />
the Book Jury award for<br />
best picture book in 2010.<br />
Charlie the Wrestler<br />
Who’s that Girl?<br />
Name: Charlie<br />
Age: 8 years<br />
Family: Dad Jean and brother Martin<br />
Worst enemy/Best friend: Ruth<br />
Hobbies: Wrestling!<br />
Special talent: Wrestling!!!<br />
Who do you wrestle to the ground?<br />
My friends, my classmates, my dad,<br />
my teachers, the police…<br />
Love interest: Josef<br />
Although she’s only 8 years old, Charlie can<br />
wrestle anybody to the ground. Is it because<br />
she’s really big and has lots of muscles? No,<br />
that’s not it. Charlie isn’t very strong at all.<br />
She just loves to wrestle!<br />
Charming and funny books in the spirit of<br />
Frida Nilsson, with a main character whom<br />
the reader immediately falls for!<br />
Illustrated by Jonna Björnstjerna.<br />
Anders Sparring (born 1969) lives in<br />
Årsta just outside Stockholm. Since<br />
1998, he has written for children’s<br />
television.<br />
Charlie the Wrestler was Anders’<br />
first book on his own. Beside writing,<br />
he’s also involved in stand-up comedy<br />
and runs a popular comedy club in<br />
Stockholm.<br />
The Love Pizza<br />
Love and<br />
Skateboard<br />
Tricks<br />
A story about falling down<br />
and getting up again.<br />
How on earth did he end up here, at the edge of this<br />
skateboard ramp? How did he become Movits the<br />
Skateboard Superhero, admired by all (including<br />
Beatrice, whom he has a serious crush on)? Perhaps<br />
you’re wondering: Is Movits a natural raw talent, born<br />
to be skating with the best of them? Nope. Absolutely<br />
not. But one should never underestimate the power of<br />
beginner’s luck. During a practice Movits manages to<br />
perform one of the hardest skateboard tricks there is.<br />
His achievement ends up on YouTube and it doesn’t take<br />
long before the TV show Top of the Class wants him to<br />
repeat the trick, this time before a live audience. Will he<br />
be able to pull it off once more? What if he’s exposed as<br />
a major phoney when people realize they’ve been duped,<br />
and worst of all – what will Beatrice think of him? Much<br />
is at stake when you’re prepared to be a fool for love.<br />
But, at the end of the day, what are a few bruises and<br />
broken ribs, compared to getting your pride hurt and<br />
your heart broken?<br />
Johan Rundberg tried out skateboarding when he was younger but<br />
after getting hurt and bruised he decided it wasn’t for him. Nowadays,<br />
he considers himself to be interested in skateboarding in theory rather<br />
than in practice. When Johan is not writing books he works as a<br />
sports journalist in Stockholm where he lives with his family.<br />
Previous titles by Johan Rundberg include the picture book Esther<br />
Branson and the Pet-Swapping Day and the books about Ella in our<br />
Easy Reader series.<br />
Biscuit & Gordon<br />
Life. Love. Lists.<br />
Biscuit likes to make lists. She does it to sort out<br />
her thoughts; to figure out what she is really thinking<br />
and feeling. But mainly she does it to understand<br />
herself better. Because even though she’s best friends<br />
with Gordon (the most awesome person ever!), and<br />
has a loving – albeit quirky family – life can be quite<br />
New!<br />
Biscuit and Gordon. Two<br />
Steps Forward and One<br />
Step Back<br />
Tsatsiki<br />
Biscuit and Gordon. Black<br />
Holes and Broken Strings<br />
About a Boy<br />
complicated. Nevertheless, Biscuit faces life head on,<br />
with tenacity and outspokenness, and always with a<br />
great sense of humor.<br />
The books about Biscuit and Gordon are charming<br />
and refreshingly honest, simply a must read for every<br />
typical atypical teenager!<br />
Biscuit and Gordon.<br />
Love, Kisses and Records<br />
Sold to: Norway<br />
Biscuit and Gordon.<br />
Summer and Sweet Secrets<br />
Sold to: Norway and<br />
Denmark<br />
Tsatsiki-Tsatsiki Johansson has won the hearts of readers all over the world since the first book, Tsatsiki<br />
and Mom, was published in 1995. To date, the books have been translated into 17 languages and they<br />
continue to gain new generations of fans. Moni Nilsson’s portrayal of the everyday life of young Tsatsiki<br />
and his somewhat unconventional mother, is characterized by a unique familiar and captivating style,<br />
making the books true classics of our time.<br />
Tsatsiki and Mom Tsatsiki and Dad Tsatsiki on His Own Tsatsiki Falls in Love Tsatsiki and Retzina<br />
Biscuit and Gordon.<br />
The Dad with the Big<br />
Shoes Sold to: Norway,<br />
France, Denmark and<br />
The Netherlands<br />
The best part of being<br />
an author is when my<br />
fingers come alive on<br />
the keyboard and just<br />
write without me controlling them.<br />
The worst part is deciding whether<br />
my fingers have created something<br />
good or bad.<br />
– Moni Nilsson<br />
Moni Nilsson is one of Sweden’s<br />
most acclaimed authors of<br />
children’s books and young adult<br />
fiction. She has received numerous<br />
prestigious literary awards such as<br />
the Astrid Lindgren Prize in 2010<br />
for meritorious authorship within<br />
the realm of Swedish literature<br />
for children and youth.<br />
The Class Trip Alice Hearts Rob Bits and Pieces<br />
Liquorice and Sputnik Liquorice and Hedda High Hopes The Treasure of<br />
with Samuel<br />
Sejte<br />
The Princess<br />
Celebrating<br />
10 years!<br />
New<br />
titles!<br />
Per Gustavsson is an illustrator and an author, born in 1962 and living<br />
in Stockholm. He’s illustrated a number of books, both his own and<br />
others’, and his illustrations are often seen in magazines. The books<br />
about the Princess have been a success story from the start – they<br />
have sold in 150,000 copies in Sweden and have been published<br />
in all Nordic countries. The Princess has also been adapted for the<br />
stage, and started a rockband. The Princess Rockband’s song ”Glada<br />
tillsammans” (Happy Together) actually made it to the charts in the<br />
summer of 2012.<br />
The idea to write about a tough and adventure-seeking princess<br />
came when Per’s daughter Kajsa declared that all princesses only<br />
ever do is marry and have children – but of course princesses do<br />
much, much more, as depicted in Per’s stories. But has it ever been<br />
problematic to discuss gender roles when writing about princesses?<br />
”I think the premise of it being a princess or a prince actually makes it<br />
easier. Because they are so weighed down by how they should act according<br />
to tradition. You don’t have to make them do very extreme things<br />
until it’s evident that they’ve broken their own rules. For example, letting<br />
the princess carry a sword. That alone sets her apart from other princesses<br />
and opens up a lot of possibilities,” says Per.<br />
This year the Princess celebrates her 10-year anniversary. And if<br />
there’s one thing a princess knows how to do well, it is to celebrate.<br />
That’s what<br />
a Princess Does<br />
The Prince<br />
In 2009 the first book about the Prince was published,<br />
and since then three more books have been written.<br />
Just like the Princess, he is a sympathetic hero who<br />
solves problems, however a bit more reluctantly than<br />
When Princes Catch Dragons<br />
When a Princess<br />
Celebrates her Birthday<br />
When Princes Become Enchanted<br />
When a Princess<br />
Goes on Vacation<br />
When a Princess<br />
Wakes up at Night<br />
the Princess. The Prince may not be as tough as his<br />
friends, but sometimes it’s important to remember that<br />
it isn’t always the loudest and most cocky kid who is<br />
the bravest.<br />
When Princes Stay at Home<br />
When a Princess<br />
Throws a Party<br />
When Princes Stumble on Adventure<br />
The Princess’ Rockband
The Shadow Side<br />
Facing Fears<br />
Raymond makes a shadow figure in the shape of a<br />
bird. A cat shadow appears and Raymond makes the<br />
bird fly away to avoid being eaten. He follows the bird<br />
into a shadow forest. It turns into a spooky journey with<br />
the pencil as Raymond’s only protection.<br />
A poetic and thrilling story about a child who takes<br />
control of the fantasy world and overcomes his fears<br />
through his imagination.<br />
The most recent book by best-selling author<br />
Per Gustavsson!<br />
The Shadow Side. Sold to: Denmark<br />
The universe of Crab Lake Island<br />
Are You Brave Enough<br />
to Get Involved?<br />
The seaside town of Crab Lake Island holds many secrets, which<br />
Karl Dymling and his friend Sarah never seem to escape from.<br />
In the sixth book set on Crab Lake Island, inexplicable<br />
deaths start to occur around town. Karl and Sarah are<br />
determined to uncover who’s responsible for the terrible<br />
crimes and all things point to a mysterious figure known<br />
as the Nightman. But who is he and what does he want?<br />
The series about Karl Dymling is written by Lena Ollmark<br />
and Mats Wänblad. Lena is a journalist, a writer and an<br />
artist. She has written manga for teenagers as well as<br />
scripts for cartoons and children’s television shows.<br />
Mats is a well-known writer in Sweden, among others<br />
he has written the books about Lovisa who plays football.<br />
Vallona – The Haunted Ship<br />
Sold to: Denmark, Norway<br />
and Germany<br />
Captain Black-Oak’s Grave<br />
Sold to: Denmark and<br />
Germany<br />
The Spring of the Dead<br />
Sold to: Germany<br />
The Nightman<br />
Hanged Man’s Island The Visitor’s Shadow
Mamma Moo<br />
Imagine ...<br />
... if a cow did the things we do. How silly that would be!<br />
A question I often get is how I came up with Mamma<br />
Moo. How did it all begin?<br />
Sometimes I wish there was a simple and fun<br />
four-sentence answer to give, but the answer tends<br />
to be a bit longer than that. Mamma Moo is a tribute to<br />
children’s curious and clever approach to understanding<br />
the world. She does all the things she sees children doing.<br />
She tries things out and practices, and isn’t afraid of doing<br />
something wrong or embarrassing herself. She plods down<br />
the jetty to make the world’s most gigantic bellyflop, just<br />
like the children by the lake. She cleans her home and<br />
puts flowers in a vase, just like other women in the spring,<br />
she succeeds in getting her own library card, just like little<br />
brother, and she dances on her toes in the barn, in pink<br />
legwarmers, just like Lina in gymnastics.<br />
Mamma Moo has a child’s characteristically positive<br />
outlook on life. But just like children who encounter<br />
resistance in the form of unsympathetic and unwilling<br />
adults, Mamma Moo has Crow as her counterpart. Even<br />
though they’re friends and he actually likes her, he never<br />
admits it. He thinks everything she does is embarrassing<br />
and he has the answers to all her questions.<br />
The friendship between Crow and Mamma Moo<br />
is central. That’s why the intolerable Crow is pretty<br />
lovingly portrayed. He’s not only the snippy expert that<br />
is discouraging, he has another dimension as well. He<br />
is afraid, just like many other cocky characters. He’s<br />
afraid of getting wet, he’s afraid of the dark, and there<br />
are bigger crows than him. But he’s also the one with the<br />
Jujja Wieslander<br />
is a well-known and<br />
successful author<br />
in Sweden and has<br />
written the books<br />
about Mamma Moo<br />
and Crow among<br />
others.<br />
ideas and a (although somewhat exaggerated) confidence<br />
in his own capability. The feeling of “I’m fantastic and<br />
fully competent!”. Just like many children´s wonderful<br />
self-esteem.<br />
The two forces – the will to discover, give it a try,<br />
practice and to grow on the one hand, and the need to<br />
correct, put on the brakes and control, on the other – are<br />
planted in the characters Mamma Moo and Crow. Many<br />
readers have said that they can relate to both.<br />
Just about all the stories about Mamma Moo and<br />
Crow come from a child’s world.<br />
Almost 25 years ago the characters Mamma Moo<br />
and Crow were born. The stories of the strange and<br />
playful cow and her reluctant friend first appeared in<br />
radio programs and songs, that were appreciated by<br />
children and adults alike. Me and my late husband Tomas<br />
Wieslander were behind them. When these stories were<br />
adapted for the world of picture books and chapter books,<br />
Mamma Moo and Crow were given their humorous<br />
physical appearance and setting by Sven Nordqvist.<br />
Now the books have been translated to 30-something<br />
languages and are scattered throughout the world.<br />
Sven Nordqvist<br />
is one of Sweden’s<br />
finest illustrators.<br />
Apart from the<br />
spirited pictures of<br />
Mamma Moo, he is<br />
most well known for<br />
his own books about<br />
Pettson and Findus.<br />
The Big Book about Mamma Moo and Crow<br />
Grammy<br />
Nominated<br />
Music!<br />
Mamma Moo and Crow’s Christmas<br />
Mamma Moo Builds a Tree House<br />
Mamma Moo and Crow<br />
Mamma Moo Goes Down a Slide<br />
Mamma Moo on the Sledge<br />
Mamma Moo Climbs a Tree<br />
Mamma Moo Reads<br />
Mamma Moo Gets a Scratch<br />
Mamma Moo on the Swing<br />
Mamma Moo and the Spring Clean<br />
Norwegian<br />
Finnish<br />
German<br />
Danish<br />
Estonian<br />
Icelandic<br />
Arabic<br />
Lithuanian<br />
Polish<br />
Chinese<br />
Spanish<br />
English<br />
Gujarati<br />
Hindi<br />
Kammala<br />
Kannada<br />
Hungarian<br />
Korean<br />
Kurdmanji Sorani<br />
Farsi<br />
Thai<br />
Turkish<br />
Assyrian/Syrian<br />
Vietnamese<br />
Japanese<br />
Russian<br />
French<br />
Malyalam<br />
Marathi<br />
Punjabi<br />
Tamil<br />
Telugu<br />
Free again in Italy and the Netherlands!<br />
Tickling Ghost Stories, Unbelievable<br />
Adventure and Sweaty Super<br />
Heroes by Dan Höjer!<br />
Ghost Stories<br />
Delightfully frightening ghost stories for young readers! Illustrated<br />
with suggestive black and white pictures by Jonna Björnstjerna.<br />
The Deserted Grave and Other Ghost Stories<br />
Sold to: Denmark<br />
Fiddle and Goony Meet Pirates<br />
Riding with Death and Other Ghost Stories<br />
New<br />
series!<br />
Fiddle and Goony are sleeping over at their super-duper old grandparents’.<br />
They are so old that they often forget things. But suddenly they remember<br />
what it was like a long time ago, in fact, two hundred years ago, when they<br />
were pirates and sailed the seven seas. Grandma and grandpa realize they<br />
still have their pirate ship stowed away, and Fiddle and Goony are suddenly<br />
whisked off through a secret passageway (the garbage chute) on an<br />
unbelievable adventure of pirate ships, treasure maps and scary enemies.<br />
The free-standing second book<br />
in the series is planned for 2014.<br />
The books are co-written<br />
by Roger Hansson, and<br />
illustrated by Anders Nyberg.<br />
The Phantom in the Attic and Other Ghost Stories<br />
Fiddle and Goony<br />
The Sockman and the Big Secret<br />
The Sockman<br />
Sold to: Norway<br />
The Sockman and the Superpro<br />
The Sockman<br />
The Sockman and the Superheroes<br />
The Sockman and Timmy Titmouse<br />
Siggy the Sockman is the master of small problems. He flies<br />
about in the sky splashing courage and confidence in the form<br />
of small drops of sweat on the sad and the worried. But he is<br />
also just like anybody else.<br />
In the sixth book, Siggy experiences jealousy and love<br />
trouble for the very first time. His best friend Lizzy is in love<br />
with the Sockman, but how will Siggy make her see him<br />
instead of his superhero persona?<br />
The Sockman series is written by Dan and Lotta Höjer,<br />
and illustrated by Ingela P Arrhenius.<br />
Dan Höjer, born 1964, is an<br />
author and journalist. He’s been<br />
editor-in-chief for Kamratposten,<br />
the most popular children’s<br />
magazine in Sweden, and has<br />
written many books for children.<br />
The Sockman and his Archenemy<br />
Non-Fiction/Easy Readers<br />
Thrilling Fun Facts<br />
Bengt-Erik Engholm and Jojo Falk’s award-winning non-fiction titles are<br />
packed with thrilling and peculiar facts, and humorous illustrations. They<br />
are informative, personal and fun! The book about fakirs won the Book<br />
Jury’s award for Best Non-fiction title in 2010. Did you for example know ...<br />
... that if you put a flashlight to<br />
your palm in a dark room you can<br />
see your own skeleton?<br />
... that some creatures like<br />
crayfish have their skeleton on the<br />
outside of their body?<br />
... that the smallest bone you<br />
have inside of you is in your ear?<br />
... that a bat can capture up to<br />
6,000 mosquitoes in a single<br />
night? If they’re not able to eat<br />
them all they make a small, handy<br />
bag from their own wing to store<br />
them in.<br />
Skeletons Bats Fakirs<br />
Sold to<br />
Denmark and<br />
Norway<br />
... that there was once a fakir who<br />
could swallow a frog and then<br />
make it come up again? Alive! He<br />
had trained the frog in the dark<br />
to not scare it when he forced it<br />
down into his belly.<br />
Bengt-Erik Engholm was born in 1959 and lives just outside Stockholm. His works<br />
include the series about Simon. He also translates animated film, teaches writing<br />
courses and works as a personal assistant.<br />
Jojo Falk lives in Stockholm with her family and has worked as a freelance<br />
illustrator since 1994. She has previously illustrated Mummies, by Malin Lilja,<br />
in the same series.<br />
Mummies by Malin Lilja and Jojo Falk<br />
<strong>Natur</strong> & <strong>Kultur</strong>’s Easy Reader series is like a bag of sweets<br />
to choose from, for everyone who has cracked the code of<br />
reading and has grown tired of their school textbooks. Our<br />
authors have been asked to write something exciting and<br />
funny, something they themselves would have wanted to read<br />
at the age of seven to nine. Every book in the Easy Reader<br />
series is like a piece of candy, just open it up and enjoy.
<strong>Young</strong> <strong>Adult</strong><br />
Like a Punch in the Gut<br />
”makes it difficult to breath” Dagens Nyheter<br />
”... remarkably well-written with resolute gravity and<br />
restrained anger” Expressen<br />
”Maja-Maria Henriksson has written a powerful and<br />
heartbreaking story about that which shouldn’t happen<br />
but nevertheless occurs over and over again in a world<br />
where young people should be allowed to feel safe. The<br />
language is pared down, like a naked body where scars<br />
are visible and the heart’s beating can be seen in every<br />
wound.” Göteborgs-Posten<br />
One in a Thousand<br />
by Petter Lidbeck and Max Elmberg Sjöholm<br />
Maja-Maria Henriksson made her debut in 2010 with I Exist, a story<br />
about 14-year old Johanna whose life is a mess. In school she is<br />
physically and mentally abused by two boys and at home by her mother.<br />
I Exist is Johanna’s own story about survival against all odds, when<br />
the adult world turns its back and fails to take responsibility for what<br />
is happening.<br />
Based on the author’s own life, the book is a powerful novel about<br />
hope, about standing up for oneself when nobody else is there to help<br />
you, a novel not likely to leave anybody indifferent. Maja-Maria was<br />
awarded the Hans Peterson grant, with the declaration that her book<br />
“was essential to write and is essential for everyone to read: both teens<br />
and parents”. I Exist won the Book Jury Award for best YA in 2010, and<br />
was also nominated for the prestigious August Prize in the category<br />
<strong>Books</strong> for Children and <strong>Young</strong> <strong>Adult</strong>s.<br />
In 2011, the sequel Not Real, Not Imaginary was published. Johanna,<br />
now turned 17 years, leaves her mother’s home to seek refuge, though<br />
unsuccessfully, at her father’s. She is homeless and alone, feeling unworthy<br />
of love. At her summer job at she meets Jens – someone who likes<br />
Johanna and wants to be with her. Due to her desperate search for love<br />
and belonging, she is driven into a destructive relationship with Jens.<br />
Man-Eaters in Maersta by Aase Berg<br />
I Exist<br />
The Daughter of the Dead<br />
by Janne Lundström<br />
Not Real, Not Imaginary<br />
An Epic Battle Against<br />
the Winter of Evil<br />
In the aftermath of an assault on their farm which caused the death of their<br />
father, twins Sunia and Wulf find out that they belong to the mysterious People<br />
of the Blood. Furthermore, a sinister Cold is spreading throughout the land,<br />
slowly embedding the hearts of mankind and unleashing the impending Winter<br />
of Evil. It soon becomes clear to Sunia and Wulf that their father had great<br />
plans for them; it’s up to them to challenge the Cold.<br />
They embark on a long and perilous journey. In order to fight against the<br />
Cold the twins are forced to adapt to the restrictive and complex traditions<br />
of the Blood, as well as challenge the covenant with the Underworld, and<br />
ultimately, piece together the clues to their own history.<br />
About Winter of Evil<br />
”Winter of Evil is like a mixture of Astrid Lindgren and CS Lewis, with one<br />
spoon of the Grimm Brothers and another of George Lucas.” SN<br />
”The story grips the reader from the first chapter and there are<br />
moments when it’s breathtakingly exciting” BTJ<br />
Carrier of Fire<br />
Sold to: Denmark<br />
Glowing Stars by Johanna Thydell<br />
The Alliance Breaker<br />
Anders Björkelid lives in Uppsala with his wife and two children. He<br />
works as a teacher and has published two picture books and planted<br />
more than 300,000 trees in his life. He made his fantasy debut with<br />
Winter of Evil, the first part of the series Children of the Blood, in 2009.<br />
One More Die by Johanna Thydell<br />
Don’t miss<br />
the final book<br />
Dusk of Frost<br />
in 2014<br />
Winter of Evil<br />
Sold to: Denmark and Germany<br />
In 2003, Johanna Thydell’s debut novel Glowing<br />
Stars was published and she quickly became one of<br />
Sweden’s most popular and acclaimed young writers.<br />
She was awarded the prestigious August Prize, and<br />
the book is loved by reader and critics alike. Her<br />
books have been published in 14 other languages.
”Do you know what happens if I press<br />
here?” I asked and pointed to a small<br />
speck on the wallpaper.<br />
“Probably nothing,” said big brother<br />
and yawned.<br />
“A secret hatch will open in the ceiling<br />
and the rainclouds will fall inside.”<br />
“But what happens if I press here?”<br />
big brother asked and pressed the light<br />
switch.<br />
“NO!” I screamed but it was already<br />
too late …<br />
Jonatan Brännström, born in 1986,<br />
works in a preschool. Working with the<br />
children gave him inspiration for The<br />
Lightning Gobbler. He made his debut<br />
with this gem of a picture book.<br />
Joanna Hellgren, born in 1981, won<br />
<strong>Natur</strong> & <strong>Kultur</strong>’s picture book competition<br />
in 2009. She is an illustrator and<br />
cartoonist. While living in Paris she<br />
published two French comic books.<br />
Mon frère nocturne (My Night Brother,<br />
2008) was nominated for the award<br />
Best Comic at the cartoon festival<br />
in Angulême. Joanna has also been<br />
represented at Grand Palais in Paris.<br />
Picture <strong>Books</strong><br />
Lightning Gobblers, Unruly<br />
Pets and Tooting Trombones<br />
The Lightning Gobbler by Jonatan<br />
Brännström and Joanna Hellgren<br />
Esther Branson and the<br />
Pet-Swapping Day by Johan<br />
Rundberg and Per José<br />
Karlén. Sold to: Denmark<br />
Mops by Eva Lindström<br />
and Emma Virke<br />
Drills and Dragon Ears<br />
by Lennart Hellsing and<br />
Ane Gustavsson<br />
Sold to: Korea<br />
“Without a doubt a breath of fresh air<br />
in the world of children’s books and<br />
definitely a debut which promises<br />
more” Svenska Dagbladet<br />
“Hellgren’s pictures stand out against<br />
the night’s frightening darkness with<br />
the color of adventure. There is much<br />
here to discover. The illustrations<br />
emerge from all directions on the<br />
pages, completely in harmony with the<br />
vast story. The fine interplay between<br />
the text and the illustrations reveals<br />
how a child’s imagination is triggered<br />
by small, everyday details”<br />
The Princess Who Never Went<br />
to the Bathroom by Petter<br />
Lidbeck and Thomas Fröhling<br />
Dagens Nyheter<br />
What are You Thinking about,<br />
Stumpy? by George<br />
Johansson and Anna-Clara<br />
Tidholm. Sold to: Denmark<br />
Promise! said Lilly<br />
by Moni Nilsson and<br />
Joanna Hellgren<br />
”With its direct but sensitive treatment<br />
of themes such as sibling relationship,<br />
bravery and fear, and the struggle of good<br />
against evil, this picture book for three<br />
to six year olds is not only a welcome<br />
addition to any child’s bookshelf, but<br />
to their parents’ coffee table as well.”<br />
Sandy, Larry Lost and Other<br />
Monsters around Town<br />
by Andreas Palmaer and<br />
Per Gustavsson<br />
My Wild Life<br />
by Amanda Eriksson<br />
Swedish Book Review<br />
Ghosts and Monsters<br />
by Andreas Palmaer<br />
and Per Gustavsson.<br />
Sold to: Norway and<br />
Teddy Bruno<br />
The Big Little Adventure<br />
Author Gunilla Ingves<br />
truly knows her subject.<br />
In the Swedish countryside<br />
where she lives, she does<br />
meticulous research for her<br />
books about Teddy Bruno.<br />
As she spends a great deal<br />
of her time outdoors she<br />
dedicates herself to studying<br />
the surroundings, taking<br />
notes of her observations<br />
and, consequently, inserting<br />
them into the universe of Teddy Bruno. The result is a<br />
tender portrayal of the particularities of each season and<br />
how they change, the wonders of nature and animal<br />
life – big and small alike.<br />
The Teddy Bruno series illustrates how nature<br />
provides a space for quiet reflection as well as a setting<br />
for dramatic encounters and occurrences. Gunilla<br />
Ingves’ stories offer understanding about all forms<br />
of life, helping us to view nature in a different light.<br />
Join Teddy Bruno and Maisy the dog as they<br />
investigate mysterious animal tracks, build a new<br />
bird’s nest and search for missing potatoes. Here’s<br />
also your chance to learn about the different sounds<br />
of birds, the best time and technique for planting<br />
sunflower seeds, how to make sweet and delicious<br />
apple candy – and much, much more!<br />
Titles:<br />
Teddy Bruno’s Winter<br />
Teddy Bruno’s Fall<br />
Teddy Bruno’s Spring<br />
Teddy Bruno’s Summer<br />
(coming in 2014)<br />
Sold to Korea and<br />
Freddy Fixer<br />
One Beloved Handyman<br />
In <strong>2013</strong>, the handy Freddy Fixer and his reliable companion Buffa<br />
celebrate their 20th anniversary!<br />
Since the first publication of Freddy Fixer, he has captivated the<br />
hearts of young mechanics with his expertise on vehicles, machines<br />
and other gadgets. His matter-of-fact personality makes learning<br />
fun and easy. Having been translated into many other languages,<br />
this popular character is a man of many names: Willy Werkel, Mik<br />
Mekanik, Freddy Fixer, Gary Gadget, Masa Mainio, Meistri-Märten,<br />
Martin Mekk, Karel Klus etc …<br />
The luxurious and extensive collection Freddy Fixer’s Big Book<br />
about Cars, Machines and Airplanes was published in 2012,<br />
consisting of the most popular parts from the series, along<br />
with new material.<br />
Freddy Fixer’s Cars Freddy Fixer’s Boats Freddy Fixer’s Planes Freddy Fixer’s Tractors<br />
Freddy Fixer’s Trains Freddy Fixer’s Favorite Cars Freddy Fixer’s First Book.<br />
Cars<br />
34<br />
Freddy Fixer’s First Book.<br />
Hammer & Nail<br />
Freddy Fixer’s First Book.<br />
Machines on the Way<br />
Freddy Fixer’s First Book.<br />
Machines on the Farm<br />
Freddy Fixer’s First Book.<br />
Airplanes<br />
Freddy Fixer’s First Book.<br />
Car Wash<br />
George Johansson is a journalist and writer.<br />
He has published numerous works of fiction<br />
and non-fiction for both children and adults.<br />
Together with Jens Ahlbom he has created the<br />
hugely popular books, computer games and<br />
films about Freddy Fixer.<br />
Jens Ahlbom is one of Sweden’s most famous<br />
illustrators of children’s books. He is an art<br />
teacher and has illustrated more than 60 books.<br />
In 2003, he was awarded the prestigious Elsa<br />
Beskow Plaque for his work. Part of the jury’s<br />
motivation was: “An equal to Freddy Fixer when<br />
it comes to ingenuity and craftsmanship.”<br />
Freddy Fixer’s First Book.<br />
Racing Cars<br />
Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book.<br />
Why?<br />
Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book.<br />
Falling Asleep<br />
Freddy Fixer’s First Book.<br />
Machines in the City<br />
Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book.<br />
What a Mess<br />
Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book.<br />
Waking Up<br />
Freddy Fixer’s First Book.<br />
Machines on the Mountain Top<br />
Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book.<br />
Search!<br />
Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book.<br />
On Our Way!<br />
Freddy Fixer’s First Book.<br />
Boats<br />
Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book.<br />
Buffa Likes Cars!<br />
Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book.<br />
Who?<br />
Thomas & Emma<br />
Favorites since 1969<br />
The character Thomas was first introduced to the public in 1969, and the following<br />
years 9 more books about Thomas as well as 10 books about Emma were published.<br />
The books deal with subjects that parents and young children can relate to, making<br />
them, 30 years after they were first published, as popular as ever. Throughout the<br />
years the Thomas & Emma books have been translated into 14 languages.<br />
Emma’s Daycare Opposite Emma Emma’s Baby Brother<br />
is Ill<br />
Emma and Baby Brother Emma Visits the Dentist Emma at the Doctor’s Thomas Bakes<br />
Thomas Builds Thomas Goes Outside Thomas Visits<br />
the Doctor<br />
Thomas and Millie Thomas Cleans<br />
Thomas Takes a Bath Thomas Plays with the Cat<br />
Finnish<br />
Danish<br />
Norwegian<br />
Lappish<br />
Somali<br />
Arabic<br />
Persian<br />
Japanese<br />
Icelandic<br />
Irish<br />
Chinese<br />
Assyrian<br />
Dutch<br />
English<br />
rights<br />
available<br />
again!<br />
Emma Vacuums Emma’s First Day<br />
at Daycare<br />
INTO:<br />
Digital<br />
rights<br />
available!<br />
Emma’s Workshop<br />
Thomas is Small Thomas Plays Dress Up<br />
Can’t find<br />
what you’re<br />
looking for?<br />
Don’t hesitate<br />
to ask us!<br />
Contact:<br />
Catharina Lantz | Foreign Rights Agent, Children’s <strong>Books</strong> | | +46-8-453 86 94<br />
<strong>Natur</strong> & <strong>Kultur</strong> | Karlavägen 31 | P.O. Box 27323 | SE-102 54 Stockholm | Sweden |<br />
Catalogue made by Catharina Lantz, Karin Berg & Linn Yngborn