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Appendix CASE ONE - Collection Point® | The Total Digital Asset ...

Appendix CASE ONE - Collection Point® | The Total Digital Asset ...


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Disputations of Scots Attending Universities in the Netherlands 103<br />

Senatu Academico per Magnificum D. Rectorem, D. Bronchorstium'. 33 Did<br />

this professor write a dissertation? 34 We may ask the same question about<br />

Guilelmus Mackdowall, that is William Macdowell, who took the degree of<br />

doctor iuris at Groningen on 20 May 1625. From 1614 until 1627 he was a<br />

professor ordinarius of logic (until 1620), physics, metaphysics and (from 1620<br />

also) ethics. 35 Again at Leyden, the highest degree in law was conferred on<br />

Guilelmus Hagius or William Haig by Professor Maestertius, acting on behalf<br />

of his colleague Bernardus Schotanus (12 July 1645). This time we know with<br />

certainty that Haig disputed publicly. 36 Unfortunately for the time being at<br />

least I have been unable to trace either a copy of the disputation or its subject.<br />

On the other hand two libraries possess a copy of the disputatio inaugurate<br />

which Robertus Hamiltonus defended successfully at Leyden on 25 August<br />

1671; it is entitled Disputatio politico-juridica, inauguralis, de Aerarii publici<br />

necessitate, ac pleno principum vectigalia, etc. imponendi iure. 37 <strong>The</strong> auctor et<br />

defendens Hamilton dedicated it to 'Carolus II, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae,<br />

ac Hiberniae Rex, Fideique Defensor, Pius, Felix, Inclytus\ As appears from<br />

his text Hamilton was a pure royalist. Not only does he regard his birth in<br />

a monarchical kingdom as a privilege, 38 but he also denies to parliament all<br />

right of interference with the imposition of taxation. 39 Thus the young doctor<br />

33 19 May 1604. See Molhuysen, Bronnen, i, 153. Cf. Feenstra, 'Legal relations', 137, n.21.<br />

34 Strangely enough Murdison's promotion is not mentioned at all in Bronchorst's diary; see Diarium<br />

Everardi Bronchorstii sive Adversaria omnia quae gesta sunt in Academia Leydensi (1591-1627), J.C.<br />

van Slee, ed., Werken uitgegeven door het Historisch Genootschap, Derde serie, xii (<strong>The</strong> Hague, 1898),<br />

112-15. <strong>The</strong> Advocates Library, Edinburgh, possesses a pamphlet containing the congratulations<br />

of Murdison's friends Baud, Daniel Heinsius and Petrus Scriverius on his doctorate of law, Vota et<br />

gratulationes amicorum quum Nobilissimus Doctissimusque Vir lohannes Murdisonius Scotus Naturalis<br />

Philosophiae in illustri Batauorum Academia Professor post licentiam in utroque jure summum in eadem<br />

facultate gradum assumeret (Lugduni Batavorum, Ex Officina Thomae Basson, 1604).<br />

35 See 'Li j st van promo tien', col. 448. Cf. Dictionary of National Biography [D. N. B. ], L. Stephen and<br />

S. Lee, ed. 22 vols. (1908-9), xii, 511; and N.N.B.W., ii, col. 862.<br />

36 See Molhuysen, Bronnen, ii, 292. Jacobus Maestertius himself was the son of a father of Scottish<br />

origin, Adam Mesterton or Masterton, cf. Feenstra, 'Maestertius', 297-98. 'Guilelmus Haig, Scotus,<br />

[Act.] 49, J[uris] Cand[idatus]' matriculated at Leyden on 1 May 1635 (Album studiosorum, col. 270).<br />

<strong>The</strong> interval between the matriculation and the promotion seems odd.<br />

37 See Molhuysen, Bronnen, iii, 315*. Copies of this disputation (printed Apud Viduam & Haeredes<br />

Joannis Elsevirii, Leyden) exist in Leyden University Library and the Advocates Library, Edinburgh.<br />

On 2 November 1668 'Robertus Hamilton, Scotus, [Act.] 24' matriculated at Leyden as a law student<br />

(Album studiosorum, col. 551).<br />

38 Disputatio, fo.B verso: '. . . verum cum mihi, quae mea est felicitas, in acre Monarchico nasci<br />

contigerit, contra omnes & quosvis Monarchomachos evincere conabor, Monarchae cuivis vere sic dicto,<br />

qui unus & solus imperat, cuique caeteri parent, . . . competere potestatem'.<br />

39 See e.g. Disputatio, fo.B 3 verso: 'Concludimus . . . Vectigalium, Tributorum & Taxationum<br />

impositiones esse legitima illud (sc. Aeraria bene constituta) fovendi & augendi media, hasque imponendi<br />

potestatem plenam atque absolutam summae in Republica competere Majestati independenter ab omni<br />

inferioris alicujus Magistratus assensu, quidquid hi enim habent vel dignitatis vel potestatis a summa<br />

Majestati mutuantur . . .'

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