Appendix CASE ONE - Collection Point® | The Total Digital Asset ...

Appendix CASE ONE - Collection Point® | The Total Digital Asset ...

Appendix CASE ONE - Collection Point® | The Total Digital Asset ...


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<strong>The</strong> Presentation of Cases in Medieval Chancery Bills 23<br />

vtensill to his halle<br />

belongyng all his beddys all<br />

his vessell of lede of tynne<br />

of gold and of siluer to<br />

pe valewe of C li. 1 and 40<br />

all that euer longid to his<br />

kechyn and to his Pantrye,<br />

which wille and diuise sire<br />

Thomas Luffyng [Preste 45<br />

wr]ote 2 John Lambard Henry<br />

Burnage and Richard Gore beyng<br />

present at pe rehersyng of 3<br />

the seid wille and bequest of<br />

the said John Gye 50<br />

which writyng and wille ys<br />

enbeselyd by pe seid sir<br />

Thomas and 4 William Hore on<br />

executour of the said John Gye<br />

and an other testament by hem<br />

forgid that ys to saie that<br />

the seid John Gye yaue and<br />

bequath to the said William<br />

Hore and to his heirs the said<br />

mies with his appurtenauncz,<br />

to your said suppliaunt<br />

diuisid and bequeth and the<br />

seid cotage and gardyn to<br />

your said suppliaunt bequeth<br />

to be sold by the said William<br />

Hore and Isabell executours<br />

of the said John Gye And also<br />

all the seid vtensill to the 70<br />

said Isabell bequeth, to the<br />

said William Hore.<br />

Which forgid testament was<br />

made and provid at the Archez 75<br />

yn London to that purpos to<br />

putte awaie the knoulech of<br />

theym that hadde any interesse<br />

of the true testament made at<br />

Sarum 80<br />

which forgid testament after<br />

the probat there of made atte<br />

London the vj day of March<br />

which wille and diuise sir<br />

Thomas Luffyng Preste<br />

wrot 2 John Lambard Henry<br />

Burnage and Richard Gore beyng<br />

there and knowyng the said<br />

last wille and duiuse of the<br />

said John Gye of Saresbury<br />

[PROBLEM]<br />

wich writyng ys<br />

enbesilid by pe seid sir<br />

55 Thomas and<br />

60<br />

4 William Hore<br />

oon executour of the said John<br />

Gye of Sarum and by hem an<br />

other testament forgid by<br />

whiche forgid testament the<br />

seid ij mees sholde be sold by<br />

the said William Hore and<br />

Isabell late the wyf of the<br />

said John Gye of Sarum<br />

executours of the said<br />

65 testatour<br />

wich forgid testament was<br />

made and provid at London<br />

yn the Arches to that purpos to<br />

putte awaie the knoulech of<br />

theym that hadde any interesse<br />

of the said testament at<br />

Saresbury made<br />

wich testament forgid the<br />

said sir Thomas deceitfull<br />

approuyd at Saresbury the vj<br />

1 to . . . li. interlined, manu alia, but the same hand that added the subsequent two interlineations in<br />

this bill (11.48,54- 55) as well as that which wrote the single interlineation in no. 120 (11.54- 55).<br />

2 Followed by a short erased section covered with filler.<br />

3 at. . . rehersyng interlined; of written over at, both manu alia (see above, n. 1).<br />

4 pe . . . and interlined, manu alia (see above, n. 1).

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