FONG WAN - Library

FONG WAN - Library

FONG WAN - Library


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nations by which he gained the first and second military degrees. Con-<br />

sequently, his official standing was higher than that of any other Chi-<br />

nese herbalist in America. Dr. Wan came to the United States as a<br />

member of the diplomatic corps of the second Chinese minister to<br />

Washington. After the expiration of his official commission, he con-<br />

ducted a herb business at 1133 Stockton Street, San Francisco, at which<br />

place Fong Wan resided and studied with him for several years. The<br />

establishment was totally destroyed by the fire that followed the San<br />

Francisco earthquake in 1906. Dr. Wan did not again set up in busi-<br />

ness, but accepted the appointment of Chinese Consul at New York.<br />

Fong Wan continued his study of English in California for some time<br />

and then went back to China. Upon his return to the United States,,<br />

he established the Fong and Lee Herb Co., at 209 Fourth Street, Santa<br />

Rosa, with which concern he was associated for five years. Seeking a<br />

wider field, he founded the Fong Wan Co. in Oakland in 1915.<br />

At the time that Fong Wan came to Oakland, none of the Chinese<br />

Herbalists were doing much business. Many had been driven out of<br />

town by the intereference of the Medical Board, while others, owing to-<br />

their inability to relieve an appreciable percentage of the sufferers who<br />

came to them, had been unable to gain the confidence of the public.<br />

With Fong Wan it was different. He was successful from the beginning.<br />

That success attracted numerous herbalists to Oakland, who<br />

sought in vain to imitate his methods. Since 1918, more than 14 new<br />

herbalists have opened establishments in Oakland; 80 per cent of them<br />

have failed to make good and have left town. Before Fong Wan began<br />

to serve the people of Oakland, there were very few Chinese herb com-<br />

panies in that city, but at the present time, although San Francisco is<br />

three times as large as Oakland, it has but half as many Chinese herb-<br />

alists.<br />

There' is no Chinese herbalist in San Francisco whose success has<br />

been so outstanding as that of Fong Wan. Consequently, herbalists<br />

have not been attracted to San Francisco as being a place where the<br />

people have received great benefits from the use of Chinese herbs.<br />

During the past 20 years, Fong Wan has given personal attention to<br />

about 30,000 sufferers, many of whom have come to him, not only from<br />

San Francisco, but from distant cities and towns. Throughout this<br />

period, with the exception of a brief business trip to China, Fong Wan<br />

has been on hand day after day, year after year. He is the company's^<br />

sole herbalist and no person is ever substituted for him and represented<br />

as Fong Wan. All sufferers are therefore assured of the opportunity<br />


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