general instructions. - Limit Of Shunt

general instructions. - Limit Of Shunt

general instructions. - Limit Of Shunt


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178 G e n e r a l 'Nnstructions.---Continued.<br />


General Rules 207 (14) and B.T.R.<br />

A light engine with a second tender attached must be signalled on the<br />

block bell as light engines coupled, viz., 2 pause 3. The Locomotive Department<br />

will in all cases provide a man with hand signals and detonators to<br />

ride on the second tender. ( O . 2593).<br />


General Rule 210.<br />

1.—Care must be taken from time to time to see that the animals are<br />

travelling safely, and if any are found to be down in the wagons, steps<br />

must be taken to have them put right as soon as possible, and a note of the<br />

occurrence must be made on the guard's journal. •<br />

2—Guards of Freight trains must shew at the foot of their journals tohe<br />

number of wagons loaded with live stock which are conveyed by their<br />

trains and the points at which the wagons are attached and detached.<br />

When horse boxes or special cattle boxes are conveyed on goods trains,<br />

guards must distinguish them from other live stock vehicles.<br />

When trains consist entirely of live stock, it will suffice if the total number<br />

of vehicles of each class is given, i.e., horse boxes, special cattle boxes, and<br />

eattle trucks. ( O . 4500).<br />

3.—Guards must take special care of the documents handed to them in<br />

connection with live stock sent by their trains, and must give all such documents<br />

to the proper person at the place where they detach the wagons.<br />


BY NIGHT.<br />

General Rule 210.<br />

1.—Except by previous arrangement with the receiving station, no horses<br />

or other live stock must be sent to any station unless they will arrive while<br />

there is attendance at the signal box at that station. If the station is one at<br />

which the hours of attendance are not given, live stock must only be sent so<br />

as to arrive at or between the hours at which the first morning and last<br />

evening trains are shown in the working time table to stop at such station<br />

and, if, from special or unforseen detention on the road, the guard finds<br />

that the train cannot arrive at the station at or between those hours, he<br />

must decide at which nearest station (where there is attendance) he will leave<br />

the live stock, and instruct the driver accordingly.<br />

When an arrangement is made to detach live stock at night at stations<br />

.after block working has ceased for the day, the Station Master must arrange<br />

for the attendance of the signalman.<br />

2.—In order to ensure live stock reaching their destination as early as<br />

possible, they may, when desirable, be sent to the nearest station thereto<br />

at which there is attendance, or when an earlier arrival can be secured by<br />

means of a train from the opposite direction, they may be sent to the nearest<br />

station beyond their destination at which there is attendance, and brought<br />

back, but no charge must be made for the extra distance they are so conyeyed.:<br />

In such cases the guard of the train must, before starting, be distinctly

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