Celluclean® A new Cellulase for Whiteness Maintenance - Sepawa

Celluclean® A new Cellulase for Whiteness Maintenance - Sepawa

Celluclean® A new Cellulase for Whiteness Maintenance - Sepawa


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Celluclean ®<br />

A <strong>new</strong> <strong>Cellulase</strong> <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>Whiteness</strong> <strong>Maintenance</strong><br />

P. Skagerlind, N.M. Ryom, L.E.T. Baltsen, K.V.<br />

Jokumsen, P. Salzmann and T.L. Husum<br />

SEPAWA<br />

May 5/6 2008

2<br />

!!Enzymes in detergents<br />

An introduction<br />

!!Celluclean<br />

!!<strong>Whiteness</strong> maintenance<br />

Maintains whiteness of textiles/provides antigraying<br />

effects<br />

!!Stain removal<br />

Demonstrates unique stain removal properties on<br />

beta-glucan soiling<br />

!!Conclusions on Celluclean<br />

AGENDA<br />

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Use: H<br />

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3<br />

Enzymes <strong>for</strong> detergents

4<br />

Carbon black is used as representative <strong>for</strong><br />

outdoor soiling like traffic dirt<br />

Traffic dirt<br />

This is the blackish film we<br />

find on the surface of cars<br />

and inner-city buildings.<br />

It is a mixture of particulate<br />

soils such as soot (Carbon<br />

Black), silicates, iron oxide,<br />

and sulphuric acid.

5<br />

Celluclean <strong>for</strong> whitening effects<br />

- keeping whites white<br />

Without Celluclean<br />

65 remission units<br />

With Celluclean<br />

80 remission units

6<br />

Clay is another type of outdoor soiling used<br />

in Celluclean tests<br />

Clay<br />

This is used as a<br />

representative <strong>for</strong> soiling<br />

obtained from:<br />

•! Gardens<br />

•! Farm land<br />

•! Playgrounds

7<br />

Celluclean <strong>for</strong> soil removal and<br />

anti-redeposition of soil

8<br />

Celluclean ®<br />

- keeps whites white and colours bright<br />

Washed without<br />

Celluclean<br />

Live test swatches<br />

Washed with<br />


9<br />

Celluclean keeps whites white<br />

<strong>Whiteness</strong>/antigreying<br />

effect in<br />

one wash cycle<br />

Celluclean is efficient in<br />

both bleach containing<br />

and color detergents

10<br />

Celluclean supports claims on whiteness and<br />

anti-graying<br />

Three trends increase the whiteness<br />

challenge <strong>for</strong> soapers<br />

!! Less water used <strong>for</strong> washing " relatively higher soil load<br />

!! Amount of traffic dirt in the air worldwide is increasing<br />

!! Decreasing wash temperatures " more difficult to achieve<br />

whiteness<br />

“The whitening claim has seen a large increase…it is<br />

ranked among the top three claims in the reporting<br />

period. Products with this claim stress that they will<br />

make whites even whiter and brighter.”<br />

Mintel analysis of detergent product launches 2005-2006

11<br />

<strong>Whiteness</strong> claims in bleach detergents<br />

- Claim to boost whiteness <strong>for</strong> white laundry

12<br />

<strong>Whiteness</strong> claims in ”universal” or color<br />

detergents - Claim to have anti-graying effects

13<br />

<strong>Whiteness</strong> claims in laundry additives category<br />

- Claim to boost whiteness when added

14<br />

Celluclean is a beta-glucanase – a special<br />

type of cellulase<br />

Many food products contain oats and thus beta-glucans<br />

!!breakfast cereals<br />

!!drinks<br />

!!baby <strong>for</strong>mulas<br />

!!health foods<br />

!!cookies<br />

!!oat flakes - the classic example

15<br />

Examples of cereals with oats

16<br />

Biscuit and cakes with oats

17<br />

Baby food and bread with oats

18<br />

Dual action mode of Celluclean –<br />

Hydrolysis of beta-glucans and cellulose<br />

!-(1!3)<br />

Beta-glucan of mixed-link !-(1!3)<br />

and !-(1!4)-D-glucopyranose units<br />

Cellulose of linked !-(1!4)-Dglucopyranose<br />


19<br />

Clear stain removal benefits with Celluclean<br />

!!Small amounts of beta-glucan in the wash liquor cause<br />

clay deposition, which is prevented by Celluclean<br />

Detergent<br />

Detergent + Celluclean

20<br />

Celluclean provides stain removal<br />

and anti-redeposition effects<br />

Dirt particles Thin film of glue<br />

<strong>Celluclean®</strong><br />

Fabric<br />

Dirt particles entrapped<br />

in a thin film of glue<br />

consisting of beta-glucans<br />

Celluclean<br />

removing the<br />

beta-glucan glue<br />

Elimination of the<br />

thin film of glue<br />

on the fabric

21<br />

The amount of oat used in the tests<br />

Oat spillings<br />

Celluclean ® prevents the soiling<br />

effect caused by this small amount<br />

of oats

22<br />

The amount of clay used in the tests<br />

Clay soiling<br />

Clay soilings from daily laundry<br />

are enough to cause soil<br />


23<br />

Celluclean ® beta-glucan stain removal<br />

Cleaning<br />

effect<br />

Celluclean effect<br />

measured ON spot

24<br />

Celluclean ® anti-redeposition effect –<br />

removal of beta-glucan film with soil<br />

Cleaning<br />

effect<br />

Celluclean effect<br />

measured OFF spot

25<br />

Conclusions on Celluclean<br />

!!Celluclean is a unique enzyme that removes beta-glucan<br />

stains<br />

!!If beta-glucan stains are not removed, a film <strong>for</strong>ms all<br />

over the fabric, attracting dirt; Celluclean prevents this<br />

!!Celluclean removes particulate soils from cotton textiles<br />

and prevent re-deposition of such soils<br />

Celluclean keeps whites white and colours bright

26<br />

Celluclean ®<br />

- Taking white wider<br />

Celluclean keeps<br />

whites white and<br />

colours bright<br />

www.novozymes.com<br />

Pie<br />

Use: T<br />

standa<br />

setting<br />

Power<br />

colour<br />

gradie<br />


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