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<strong>Casidra</strong>’s New Chief<br />

Executive Officer<br />

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<strong>Casidra</strong> is an implementing Agency f<strong>or</strong> the Western Cape Department of Agriculture<br />

Stefan Conradie, <strong>Casidra</strong>’s new Chief Executive Officer<br />

he chairperson of the Board,<br />

Adv. Gary Oliver visited the<br />

head office on 1 November 2012 to<br />

welcome the new Chief Executive<br />

Officer, Stefan Conradie. During his<br />

address to the head office staff,<br />

the Chairperson of the Board asked<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong> staff to welcome Conradie<br />

and give him their full supp<strong>or</strong>t<br />

Adv. Oliver said, “We are very<br />

f<strong>or</strong>tunate to have Conradie as part<br />

of the <strong>Casidra</strong> team because of his<br />

expertise in the rural development<br />

sect<strong>or</strong>. His outstanding w<strong>or</strong>k in rural<br />

development received a lot of praise<br />

at the recent SCOPA meeting”.<br />

Conradie introduced himself and<br />

said, “I am very privileged and<br />

excited to be part of the <strong>Casidra</strong><br />

team and I am looking f<strong>or</strong>ward to the<br />

new challenge. As CEO I am ready to<br />

steer the ship in the right direction<br />

and I have a lot of ideas on how to<br />

take this company f<strong>or</strong>ward. I want<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong> to be recognised as one of<br />

the most progressive and professional<br />

government entities in the Western<br />

Cape”.<br />

Conradie was b<strong>or</strong>n and raised on<br />

a family-owned fruit farm in the<br />

Ceres region. He studied Agricultural<br />

Economics until Honours level at<br />

Stellenbosch University and later<br />

also completed an MBA at the same<br />

institution. Conradie started his<br />

career at ABSA bank as an Agriculture<br />

Economist and then moved to<br />

Fruitways, a fruit exp<strong>or</strong>t company,<br />

as Marketing Manager. He then<br />

joined H<strong>or</strong>tgro Services as Product<br />

Manager f<strong>or</strong> SA Pome and Stone fruit<br />

f<strong>or</strong> three years bef<strong>or</strong>e taking up<br />

the responsibility of Chief Direct<strong>or</strong><br />

Rural Development at the Western<br />

Cape Department of Agriculture. He<br />

is a happily married man and has a<br />

beautiful 8 month old daughter.<br />

Conradie concluded by saying<br />

that “W<strong>or</strong>king together as a team<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong> will have a maj<strong>or</strong> impact on<br />

the rural areas in the Western Cape.<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong> has a lot of potential as an<br />

<strong>or</strong>ganisation and it will be up to us<br />

as a team to unlock that potential. I<br />

am looking f<strong>or</strong>ward to w<strong>or</strong>k with all<br />

stakeholders of <strong>Casidra</strong>”.<br />

MANDATE: Agriculture and Economic Development within a Rural and Land Ref<strong>or</strong>m context<br />

Merry Christmas<br />

Vol 9 • Issue 2 • NOVEMBER 2012

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Carel du preez gives his last message to the Board and Management members<br />

asidra staff and Board members had an opp<strong>or</strong>tunity to<br />

bid farewell to the Interim CEO, Carel du Preez after<br />

serving his sixteen months term successfully. The rest<br />

of the Staff strongly believes that Mr du Preez certainly<br />

made an impact during his time at <strong>Casidra</strong> and hope that<br />

the changes which he has brought about will be carried<br />

f<strong>or</strong>ward. He was thanked by the staff f<strong>or</strong> bringing hope<br />

during uncertain times.<br />

The Chairperson of <strong>Casidra</strong>’s Board, Adv Gary Oliver<br />

and CFO, Freek van Zyl, paid a special tribute on behalf<br />

of the Board and Staff to the ICEO. In his speech, Du Preez<br />

said that he will miss his involvement in an <strong>or</strong>ganisation<br />

with such great potential. He encouraged all staff to<br />

believe in themselves and make it happen by saying ‘Yes<br />

We Can’!<br />

Du Preez said “<strong>Casidra</strong> makes a difference to poverty &<br />

inequality in South Africa and hopefully has succeeded in<br />

charting a successful road ahead and in giving hope f<strong>or</strong> the<br />

future. By this time – all should be familiar with <strong>Casidra</strong>’s<br />

destination – but getting there is in your hands”.<br />

Du Preez says that he will be watching from the sideline,<br />

and his vision f<strong>or</strong> <strong>Casidra</strong>, is a company which retains<br />

its competitive edge (not stifled by compliance issues);<br />

retains its proud audit rec<strong>or</strong>d; building its reputation as a<br />

non-partisan project manager (integrating across silos’);<br />

being a recognised rural development expert; being a<br />

successful promoter of sustainable rural development;<br />

with top expertise in project management; being the<br />

solution f<strong>or</strong> effective execution of programmes in the<br />

public sect<strong>or</strong> and being a key- and pro-active role-player<br />

in sustainable empowerment and land ref<strong>or</strong>m in the<br />

Western Cape.<br />

Du Preez concluded that by highlighting a few challenges<br />

ahead such as growing a culture of pro-active involvement<br />

in rural development with agriculture as the primary driver;<br />

playing a bigger role to ensure successful land ref<strong>or</strong>m in<br />

the Western Cape; creating synergy between Provincial/<br />

National departments and agencies; high quality project<br />

execution as non-partisan project leaders in rural areas<br />

and placing a marketing focus on municipalities, national<br />

and provincial government and non-government agencies.<br />

“I have no doubt that the motivation and goodwill<br />

is there to build a really strong and unified team to<br />

perf<strong>or</strong>m the imp<strong>or</strong>tant role that we all envisage f<strong>or</strong><br />

<strong>Casidra</strong>. Thank you f<strong>or</strong> the acceptance, supp<strong>or</strong>t and<br />

loyalty. All the best f<strong>or</strong> the future and God bless!” he<br />

ended.<br />

VISION: The leading partner f<strong>or</strong> development in resource po<strong>or</strong> communities.

T<br />




The Board chairperson, Adv Oliver hands the Annual rep<strong>or</strong>t to Minister van rensburg<br />

he Executive Auth<strong>or</strong>ity of<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong>, Minister Gerrit van<br />

Rensburg, once again congratulated<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong> on the achievement of its<br />

23rd clean audit during the Annual<br />

General meeting held at the head<br />

office.<br />

In his speech, the minister said,<br />

“We are reflecting over a period<br />

that has posed challenges as well<br />

as opp<strong>or</strong>tunities f<strong>or</strong> <strong>Casidra</strong>. Those<br />

challenges included the Department<br />

of Economic Development and<br />

Tourism down-scaling its involvement<br />

in some of its traditional mandates.<br />

This included the closure of RED Do<strong>or</strong><br />

offices in many areas as well as the<br />

termination of other programmes<br />

which led to staff retrenchments”.<br />

However, despite all those<br />

challenges, the Minister emphasised<br />

the fact that a new funding<br />

arrangement has also been put into<br />

place, whereby the Department<br />

of Agriculture became the sole<br />

institutional funder of <strong>Casidra</strong>. “All<br />

other departments and clients will<br />

be served on a full cost recovery<br />

basis. The emphasis in <strong>Casidra</strong>’s<br />

mandate on the economic side has<br />

theref<strong>or</strong>e, shifted to local economic<br />

development facilitation in rural<br />

areas within the agricultural sphere,<br />

as well as in the CRDP”, said Minister<br />

van Rensburg.<br />

He said that <strong>Casidra</strong>’s close<br />

w<strong>or</strong>king relationship with the<br />

Department of Agriculture brought<br />

many new opp<strong>or</strong>tunities, especially<br />

in its ability to provide supp<strong>or</strong>t<br />

services regarding the Department’s<br />

commodity approach, implementation<br />

of the CRDP and farm w<strong>or</strong>ker<br />

development. Minister van Rensburg<br />

concluded by saying “<strong>Casidra</strong><br />

also lived up to its reputation f<strong>or</strong><br />

accurate and fast disaster<br />

compensation facilitation during the<br />

period under review”.<br />

The minister extended his vote<br />

of thanks and appreciation to the<br />

Board, Management team and<br />

the entire staff of <strong>Casidra</strong>, f<strong>or</strong><br />

providing the necessary supp<strong>or</strong>t<br />

to the Department of Agriculture.<br />

He wished <strong>Casidra</strong> all the best f<strong>or</strong><br />

the future. The day ended with<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong>’s chairperson, Adv. Gary<br />

Oliver, proudly presenting the<br />

company’s 2012 Annual Rep<strong>or</strong>t to<br />

Minister van Rensburg. <strong>Casidra</strong>’s<br />

Annual Rep<strong>or</strong>t was also tabled<br />

and accepted by the Standing<br />

Committee on Public Accounts.<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong> was further congratulated<br />

by the chairperson of the Standing<br />

Committee f<strong>or</strong> the excellent w<strong>or</strong>k<br />

done and f<strong>or</strong> keeping a good track<br />

rec<strong>or</strong>d of clean audits!<br />

MISSION: To facilitate growth and development, integration of development eff<strong>or</strong>ts, social cohesion<br />

and poverty alleviation in rural areas in a sustainable way.<br />


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The LED Manager, Juan de L<strong>or</strong>a hands the mobile office to the new Business Advis<strong>or</strong>, Desmond Alie<br />

ural Development has been named as one of the top five<br />

pri<strong>or</strong>ities by the State President Jacob Zuma to be achieved.<br />

To illustrate how serious he is about Rural Development,<br />

a National Department of Rural Development and Land Ref<strong>or</strong>m<br />

was established since his inauguration in 2009 to drive Rural<br />

Development nationally, and the National Comprehensive Rural<br />

Development Programme (CRDP) was announced.<br />

The Western Cape Department of Agriculture carries the mandate<br />

in the Province and established a new programme called Rural<br />

Development Co<strong>or</strong>dination to drive the CRDP. Dysselsd<strong>or</strong>p was<br />

identified as the first rural development pilot project in the Western<br />

Cape Province.<br />

The approach is holistic in nature and involves the establishment<br />

of an interdepartmental steering committee (ISC) f<strong>or</strong> each rural<br />

node as well as the <strong>or</strong>ganisational structuring of communities to<br />

w<strong>or</strong>k closely with the steering committee.<br />

The Dysselsd<strong>or</strong>p Interdepartmental Steering Committee (DISC)<br />

was the first steering committee f<strong>or</strong>med and started operating at<br />

the start of 2010 and consists of representatives from all three<br />

spheres of government which includes all provincial government<br />

departments within the Western Cape. The Western Cape has taken<br />

a unique approach to CRDP by <strong>or</strong>ganising the ISC into four w<strong>or</strong>k<br />

streams being social facilitation, social upliftment, infrastructure<br />

development and economic development. The responsibilities of<br />

the ISC are to focus on defining the responsibilities of each<br />

government department, creating cohesion and understanding<br />

between different spheres of government, identifying potential<br />

projects within the Dysselsd<strong>or</strong>p community and designing<br />

processes to implement the projects w<strong>or</strong>king with the community<br />

<strong>or</strong>ganisational structures.<br />

Acc<strong>or</strong>ding to the f<strong>or</strong>mer Chief Direct<strong>or</strong> of Rural Development,<br />

Stefan Conradie, very good progress has been made in this regard<br />

and strong teams have emerged driving the planning actions of<br />

each of the four individual w<strong>or</strong>k streams. The community of<br />

Dysselsd<strong>or</strong>p welcomed this CRDP initiative and were willing to w<strong>or</strong>k<br />

together with all the stakeholders involved. The development of a<br />

standardised implementation framew<strong>or</strong>k document inc<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ating<br />

the actions of all government in each ward brought a holistic and<br />

<strong>or</strong>ganised approach to implementation to maximise the impact of<br />

government services in the selected rural wards.<br />

Conradie added that since starting with the that one of the<br />

greatest achievements f<strong>or</strong> this programme thus far, was to<br />

successfully set up 10 rural development nodes as the service points<br />

across the Western Cape Province. Organised community structures<br />

have been established in each of the 10 rural nodes. They are as<br />

follows:<br />

• Oudtsho<strong>or</strong>n Municipality: Wards 9 & 10 – Dysselsd<strong>or</strong>p Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

• City of Cape Town Municipality: Ward 29 – Pella Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

• City of Cape Town Municipality: Ward 29 – Atlantis Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

• City of Cape Town Municipality: Ward 29 – Mamre Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

• Witzenberg Municipality: Ward 1 – Nduli Council of Stakeholders<br />

• Witzenberg Municipality: Ward 4 – Prince Alfred Hamlet Council<br />

of Stakeholders<br />

• Witzenberg Municipality: Ward 6 – Bella Vista Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

• Matzikama Municipality: Ward 2 – Matzikama Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

• Beauf<strong>or</strong>t West Municipality: Ward 1 – Murraysburg Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

• Bitou Municipality: Ward 4 – New H<strong>or</strong>izon Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

• Theewaterskloof Municipality – Villiersd<strong>or</strong>p Ward 5&6 Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

• Beauf<strong>or</strong>t West Municipality: Ward 1 – Murraysburg Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

• Beauf<strong>or</strong>t West Municipality: Ward 1 – Merweville Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

• Prins Albert Municipality: Ward 2 – Leeu Gamka Council of<br />

Stakeholders<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong> supp<strong>or</strong>ts the rural nodes through various interventions<br />

in terms of rural infrastructure, food security and economic<br />

development on behalf of the Western Cape Department of<br />

Agriculture. The Local Economic Development Manager, Juan de<br />

L<strong>or</strong>a emphasized that two Business Advis<strong>or</strong>s will be servicing all the<br />

rural development nodes listed above. They will provide practical<br />

“hands on” business advice and related services to existing and<br />

potential entrepreneurs with special focus on co-operatives.<br />

De L<strong>or</strong>a said “The first appointment of the Business Advis<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong> the<br />

Southern Cape and Karoo regions has been made and we are in the<br />

process of appointing the one f<strong>or</strong> the Winelands and surrounding<br />

regions.” F<strong>or</strong> m<strong>or</strong>e inf<strong>or</strong>mation and services, the community are<br />

encouraged to use the mobile offices in their regions alternatively<br />

they can contact <strong>Casidra</strong> Head offices at Tel:021 863 5000 <strong>or</strong><br />

Email: crdp@casidra.co.za.<br />

VISION: The leading partner f<strong>or</strong> development in resource po<strong>or</strong> communities.

D<br />

ie De G<strong>or</strong>ee projek is gestig in 2004 met 116 lede.<br />

Die BEE-vennoot besit 52% aandele en bestaan uit<br />

die plaaswerkers van die plase Van Loveren en De G<strong>or</strong>ee.<br />

Hulle is in vennootskap met die 4 Retief-neefs van Van<br />

Loveren, wat die o<strong>or</strong>blywende 48% aandele besit. Die plaas<br />

is in die Robertson-distrik geleë en produseer hoofsaaklik<br />

wyndruiwe. Produksie staan tans op ongeveer 900 ton<br />

wyndruiwe per jaar.<br />

Die De G<strong>or</strong>ee projek is een van die BEE suksesverhale van<br />

die Wes-Kaap en groei van krag tot krag. Dit is ook een van<br />

T<br />


DIE DE gOrEE WYN prOJEk<br />

he Tulbagh Rural Development Association is an<br />

association of 15 farmers who secured property to<br />

start the D’Agen crèche in their immediate area. This<br />

property was previously used to dry fruit, particularly<br />

prunes. Alterations were made to the existing building in<br />

<strong>or</strong>der to convert it into an early learning centre.<br />

The establishment of the crèche was vitally imp<strong>or</strong>tant<br />

f<strong>or</strong> farm w<strong>or</strong>ker’s children because they had nowhere to<br />

go while their parents were w<strong>or</strong>king on various farms in<br />

the area. The D’Agen crèche is situated five kilometres<br />

n<strong>or</strong>th of Tulbagh, adjacent to the Winterhoek road. This<br />

location is fairly central and easily accessible by all farm<br />

w<strong>or</strong>kers. The crèche caters f<strong>or</strong> all pre-school children of<br />

farm w<strong>or</strong>kers.<br />

The Provincial Department of Agriculture partly funded<br />

the crèche and <strong>Casidra</strong> was the implementing agency f<strong>or</strong><br />

die min projekte wat al dividende aan die aandeelhouers<br />

kan uitbetaal. Die Retief–neefs en ds Reggie Boesak<br />

dien as die projek se ment<strong>or</strong>s en w<strong>or</strong>d deur die BEE<br />

projekbegunstigdes beskou as ‘n sleutel tot hul sukses.<br />

‘n Bedrag van R409 000 is deur die Wyn CPAC goedgekeur<br />

vir die aankope van ‘n trekker en spuitkar asook<br />

kanto<strong>or</strong>toerusting in die v<strong>or</strong>m van ‘n nuwe rekenaar en<br />

drukker. <strong>Casidra</strong> is die implementeringsagent en die<br />

trekker en spuitkar is reeds aangekoop en gelewer aan<br />

die projek.<br />

D’ AgEN CrECHE<br />

the project on behalf of the Department. <strong>Casidra</strong> sourced<br />

the infrastructure, equipment and training and ensured<br />

that the project was successfully completed on time.<br />

This crèche is well established and has an excellent<br />

management committee and employees. It offers various<br />

services and opp<strong>or</strong>tunities such as an early learning<br />

centre, school readiness, training, technical management,<br />

financial management skills, life skills development as well<br />

as sp<strong>or</strong>t and recreation.<br />

Acc<strong>or</strong>ding to <strong>Casidra</strong>’s Project Co-<strong>or</strong>dinat<strong>or</strong>, Lynette<br />

Neethling the crèche has made a huge difference in the<br />

farming community. “The mere fact that mothers of young<br />

children who attend the crèche are enabled to w<strong>or</strong>k<br />

reduces poverty by increasing household income,” she<br />

ended.<br />

MISSION: To facilitate growth and development, integration of development eff<strong>or</strong>ts, social cohesion<br />

and poverty alleviation in rural areas in a sustainable way.<br />


6<br />

A<br />

&BP Honey Business is a honey project situated in the<br />

Kouebokkeveld area which is 45km away from Ceres in<br />

Witzenburg Municipality. This project consists of four beneficiaries<br />

(three males and one female) and has two temp<strong>or</strong>ary labourers<br />

employed. The project involves farming with bee hives, with the<br />

main focus on pollination. However honey is also extracted and used<br />

f<strong>or</strong> secondary business.<br />

This project was funded by the Department of Agriculture through<br />

their Comprehensive Agricultural Supp<strong>or</strong>t Programme (CASP) and<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong>, an official project management agency f<strong>or</strong> the Department<br />

was appointed to implement the project acc<strong>or</strong>ding to the business<br />

plan. A 1.3 ton truck, bee hives with bees, diesel and protective<br />

B<br />


ittersoetHoney Business is situated 45km away from Ceres<br />

(Witzenburg Municipality) in the Kouebokkeveld area.<br />

Bittersoet Honey Business consists out of four beneficiaries (three<br />

males and one female).The project farms with bee hives, with the<br />

main focus on pollination; however honey is also extracted and used<br />

f<strong>or</strong>a secondary business.<br />

Acc<strong>or</strong>ding to the production manager, Willem Jansen has extensive<br />

experience with bees and he has been w<strong>or</strong>king with them f<strong>or</strong> twelve<br />

years.The second beneficiary, the f<strong>or</strong>eman, has also been w<strong>or</strong>king<br />

with bees f<strong>or</strong> five years.<br />


clothing was procured f<strong>or</strong> the project and successfully handed to<br />

the beneficiaries.<br />

Acc<strong>or</strong>ding to Khaya Dzula, the Project Manager of <strong>Casidra</strong>, this<br />

project has lots of potential and is very sustainable. He says…”we<br />

have played a very imp<strong>or</strong>tant role to ensure that the project is<br />

implemented on time without any delays.<br />

The project supplies their product to local businesses.During off<br />

season, they keep the bee hives at the Du Toit Family Trust land at<br />

no cost and the trust benefits from this by getting the pollination<br />

services at a lesser price than other clients when the season starts.<br />

If you wish to supp<strong>or</strong>t this business, feel free to contact Anna Smith,<br />

Tel: 023 317 0857; Mobile 0786070655.<br />


During off season, the project keeps the bee hives at Knapdaar Farm<br />

at no cost and the farmer benefits from this by getting the pollination<br />

services at a lesser price than other clients when the season starts.<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong> successfully implemented this project on behalf of the<br />

Department of Agriculture. A 1.3 ton truck, bee hives with bees and<br />

protective clothing was procured and an amount of R500 000 was<br />

spent at the completion of the project.<br />

If you want to supp<strong>or</strong>t this business, feel free to contact the<br />

Gert Pedro, Mobile 0784616386<br />

VISION: The leading partner f<strong>or</strong> development in resource po<strong>or</strong> communities.

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WOrLD FOOD DAY 2012<br />

he Provincial Department of Agriculture has recently<br />

celebrated the W<strong>or</strong>ld Food Day at Bella Vista in the Ceres<br />

area. This is an annual event that is celebrated along with other<br />

countries in the w<strong>or</strong>ld. The purpose of the W<strong>or</strong>ld Food Day is to<br />

heighten public awareness of the w<strong>or</strong>ld food problem and strengthen<br />

solidarity in the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty.<br />

The theme f<strong>or</strong> 2012 was “Agricultural co-operatives - key to<br />

feeding the w<strong>or</strong>ld”.<br />

In 2012, the Department of Agriculture, through its Farmer<br />

Supp<strong>or</strong>t and Development Programme mandated <strong>Casidra</strong> to<br />

implement the 63 Food Gardens project in Bella Vista, Witzenberg<br />

as part of the W<strong>or</strong>ld Food Day event. This area is one of the<br />

po<strong>or</strong>est communities in the Witzenberg Municipality area due to its<br />

high unemployment rate and poverty.<br />

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Western<br />

Cape, Gerrit van Rensburg started his day by visiting some of the<br />

63 food gardens bef<strong>or</strong>e the proceedings of the main event which<br />

was held in the sp<strong>or</strong>ts ground of Bella Vista. He was accompanied<br />

by several stakeholders who included the Executive May<strong>or</strong> of<br />

Witzenberg Municipality.<br />

In his speech, Minister van Rensburg said, “we live in times<br />

when people are flocking to our cities in the belief that there are<br />

m<strong>or</strong>e opp<strong>or</strong>tunities f<strong>or</strong> them there. This is turning our rural areas<br />

into traps of poverty, as job opp<strong>or</strong>tunities and basic services are<br />

concentrated in our larger towns and cities. But this trend does not<br />

have to continue f<strong>or</strong>ever. Rural South Africa has an abundance of<br />

resources and the people of our rural towns have unlimited potential<br />

f<strong>or</strong> development”.<br />

Minister van rensburg visits community gardens in Bella Vista<br />

Furtherm<strong>or</strong>e, the Minister emphasised that the Western Cape<br />

Government wants to create the environment where there will be<br />

many opp<strong>or</strong>tunities; also in our rural areas. “We know that if people<br />

are given an opp<strong>or</strong>tunity to improve their lives, there is nothing on<br />

earth that is going to prevent them from grabbing it. It is in our<br />

human nature”..<br />

Minister van Rensburg further emphasized that the ability to<br />

feed yourself and your family is the first step towards a better life.<br />

It is the first opp<strong>or</strong>tunity you can grab in <strong>or</strong>der to start the long<br />

journey towards fulfilling your destiny. A food garden can be the<br />

beginning of a successful commercial farm. The human spirit knows<br />

no boundaries, and a small backyard garden can become a large<br />

farm.<br />

Minister concluded, “A co-operative w<strong>or</strong>ks on the principle that<br />

when people w<strong>or</strong>k together; they are much stronger than when the<br />

individuals w<strong>or</strong>k on their own. This principle is the foundation on<br />

which all our rural development initiatives are based. A community<br />

that can w<strong>or</strong>k together towards a goal is unstoppable. A divided<br />

community remains weak and goes nowhere. It is my wish f<strong>or</strong> the<br />

community of Bella Vista that you will be united in your eff<strong>or</strong>ts f<strong>or</strong><br />

progress and rural development. Because when we w<strong>or</strong>k together,<br />

we do things better together”.,.<br />

He also handed over food parcels that were donated by the<br />

Western Cape Food Bank and South African Breweries to the<br />

<strong>or</strong>ganisations that qualified f<strong>or</strong> the food parcels. Three <strong>or</strong>ganisations<br />

had received the food parcels, Sisonke Service Centre in Nduli,<br />

Selfs<strong>or</strong>g Centre in P A Hamlet and “Moses se Mandjie” in Bella<br />

Vista.<br />

MISSION: To facilitate growth and development, integration of development eff<strong>or</strong>ts, social cohesion<br />

and poverty alleviation in rural areas in a sustainable way.<br />


C<br />


pLAASWErkErS gELuk<br />

L-r: Stefan Conradie, CEO, Salomie April, Award Winner, ge<strong>or</strong>ge Bell, Fruit Manager and Experience Matshediso, pr/Communications Manager<br />

asidra se Hoof Uitvoerende<br />

Beampte, Stefan Conradie, het die<br />

Amalienstein plaaswerkers geluk gewens<br />

wat goed gevaar het by die afgelope<br />

Plaaswerker van die Jaar kompetisie wat<br />

gehou is by CTICC. Die baie suksesvolle<br />

jaarlikse geleentheid is deur Departement<br />

Landbou gereël en geb<strong>or</strong>g deur Shoprite.<br />

Salomie April het die prys ontvang vir<br />

die Wes-Kaap Administratiewe Beampte<br />

van die jaar. Sy was eerste uit twaalf<br />

distrikswenners in die kateg<strong>or</strong>ie. Salomie<br />

was vol trane en o<strong>or</strong>stelp van vreugde en<br />

het gesê “Ek is baie trots op myself o<strong>or</strong><br />

wat ek bereik het gedurende die twee jaar<br />

wat ek op die plaas werksaam is”.<br />

Ge<strong>or</strong>ge Bell was ‘n distrikswenner<br />

wat gekompeteer het in die<br />

seni<strong>or</strong>bestuursafdeling. Hoewel Ge<strong>or</strong>ge<br />

nie sy kateg<strong>or</strong>ie gewen het nie bly dit ‘n<br />

uitsonderlike prestasie. Hy was ook vroeër<br />

aangewys as die Klein Karoo distrik se<br />

plaaswerker van die jaar.<br />

Conradie het Salomie en Ge<strong>or</strong>ge bedank<br />

vir hul deelname aan die kompetisie.<br />

“Hulle het ons uitstekend verteenwo<strong>or</strong>dig<br />

en ek is trots wat hulle bereik het. Dit<br />

getuig van goeie werk, toewyding en die<br />

wil om jouself te ontwikkel”.<br />

Conradie het beklemtoon plaaswerkers<br />

op Anhalt en Waaikraal ook aangespo<strong>or</strong><br />

moet w<strong>or</strong>d om in die toekoms ook deel te<br />

neem aan hierdie kompetisie. “Ek wil ook<br />

my waardering uitspreek teeno<strong>or</strong> al die<br />

<strong>Casidra</strong> plaaswerkers wat deel<br />

geneem het”.<br />

Die Burgermeester van kanneland munisipaliteit, Jeffrey Johnson het Salomie April geluk gewens met haar prestasie<br />

Dear readers,<br />

Let me take this opp<strong>or</strong>tunity to wish you a wonderful festive season. I hope you will enjoy your holiday with your families<br />

and friends. Travel safely and remember, Don’t drink and drive!<br />

Please f<strong>or</strong>ward us your ideas and comments on how we can improve <strong>or</strong> what you would like to read about in our CeeDee<br />

News. Experience Matshediso<br />

The Edit<strong>or</strong>, Experience Matshediso<br />

Tel: 021 863 5000 • Email: info@casidra.co.za • website: www.casidra.co.za<br />

Die volgende Amalienstein werknemers<br />

het plekke behaal in die Plaaswerker van<br />

die jaar in die Klein Karoo distrik:<br />

Ge<strong>or</strong>ge Bell, Seni<strong>or</strong> bestuur, 1ste Plek;<br />

Salomie April, Administratiewe, 1ste Plek;<br />

Olga Johannes, Juni<strong>or</strong> bestuur, 2de Plek;<br />

Jan Andreas, Diere Produksie, 2de Plek;<br />

Jerome Sass, Diere Produksie, 3de Plek;<br />

Jan Barry, Trekker Drywer, 2de Plek;<br />

Paulina Davids, Tegniese Operateur, 2de Plek;<br />

Aldrin Galant, Besproeiing Tegnikus, 2de<br />

Plek; Liticha F<strong>or</strong>tuin, Spesiale Toekenning/<br />

GO; en Amalienstein Boerdery Sertifikaat<br />

vir Positiewe Bydrae tot Plaaswerker<br />

Ontwikkeling.<br />

MANDATE: Agriculture and Economic Development within a Rural and Land Ref<strong>or</strong>m context

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