Paper Title: The freedom to enjoy dairy, also for lactose intolerant ...

Paper Title: The freedom to enjoy dairy, also for lactose intolerant ...

Paper Title: The freedom to enjoy dairy, also for lactose intolerant ...


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<strong>Paper</strong> <strong>Title</strong>: <strong>The</strong> <strong>freedom</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>enjoy</strong> <strong>dairy</strong>, <strong>also</strong> <strong>for</strong> lac<strong>to</strong>se in<strong>to</strong>lerant<br />

people<br />

Author: Dr. Arie Kies<br />

Job title: Senior scientist nutrition<br />

Company: DSM Biotechnology Center<br />

Country: NETHERLANDS<br />

Additional Authors:<br />

Abstract:<br />

About 70% of the world’s population is unable <strong>to</strong> digest lac<strong>to</strong>se fully, due <strong>to</strong> insufficient production of<br />

the enzyme lactase in their digestive system. In part, this lac<strong>to</strong>se is fermented in the large intestine,<br />

which may result in symp<strong>to</strong>ms, such as abdominal cramps, bloating, and diarrhoea. About 50% of all<br />

people show such symp<strong>to</strong>ms and are called lac<strong>to</strong>se in<strong>to</strong>lerant.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are different ways <strong>to</strong> prevent these problems:<br />

1. Evading any food containing lac<strong>to</strong>se (especially <strong>dairy</strong>). This is effective, but has a marked<br />

impact on food choices. Since <strong>dairy</strong> is a main source of calcium in our diets, there is a<br />

risk <strong>for</strong> insufficient intake.<br />

2. Consuming de-lac<strong>to</strong>sed foods. Foods (<strong>dairy</strong>) are processed with lactase <strong>to</strong> degrade<br />

lac<strong>to</strong>se. Also this is very effective. De-lac<strong>to</strong>sed foods are, however, not available<br />

worldwide, thus are not a practical solution <strong>for</strong> everyone.<br />

3. Taking a lactase-containing supplement with lac<strong>to</strong>se-containing foods. This is an efficient<br />

solution <strong>for</strong> lac<strong>to</strong>se-in<strong>to</strong>lerant consumers, who like <strong>to</strong> <strong>enjoy</strong> <strong>dairy</strong> products, provided the<br />

lactase chosen is active under s<strong>to</strong>mach conditions, such as that of Aspergillus oryzae<br />

used in Tolerase L.<br />

Different studies have shown that intake of a lactase with a meal can effectively reduce fermentation,<br />

as measured by breath-H2 test and symp<strong>to</strong>ms, and resulted in a positive evaluation by EFSA.<br />

Despite the positive clinical effect of acid lactase, some questions <strong>to</strong> apply the supplement effectively,<br />

and <strong>to</strong> aid in<strong>to</strong>lerant people maximally, remain <strong>to</strong> be answered. Two of these questions are:<br />

1. Is there a difference in efficacy between acid and neutral lactase?<br />

2. What is the best time of intake of the supplement vs. <strong>dairy</strong> food?<br />

<strong>The</strong> poster elaborates on these aspects.<br />

It is prohibitive <strong>to</strong> test all variables in human studies, due <strong>to</strong> the discom<strong>for</strong>t the lac<strong>to</strong>se-in<strong>to</strong>lerant<br />

participants will suffer when consuming lac<strong>to</strong>se without an effective dose or timing of lactase<br />

supplementation, and <strong>also</strong> <strong>for</strong> cost reasons. <strong>The</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, we built a mathematical model mimicking the<br />

lac<strong>to</strong>se digestion process, <strong>to</strong> address the above mentioned questions.<br />

For the modelled dietary conditions, the acid lactase Tolerase L was more effective than neutral<br />

lactase. <strong>The</strong> latter quite effectively breaks down lac<strong>to</strong>se when only consuming milk, but the required<br />

dose doubles, as compared <strong>to</strong> that of acid lactase, when combining with a meal, and it is very<br />

inefficient in a relatively acidic meal, e.g. yoghurt. One dose of 3000 ALU from Tolerase L<br />

effectively degrades lac<strong>to</strong>se from a glass (250 ml) of milk or yoghurt in all tested dietary conditions.<br />

Acid instability renders the enzyme ineffective, if taken <strong>to</strong>o early. In agreement with some literature, it<br />

is best <strong>to</strong> take a tablet just prior <strong>to</strong> eating or drinking, or after the first sip.<br />

In conclusion, a supplement containing Tolerase L, taken at the right time, can effectively degrade<br />

lac<strong>to</strong>se and prevent in<strong>to</strong>lerance-symp<strong>to</strong>ms. Now, whenever and wherever they want, <strong>also</strong> lac<strong>to</strong>se<br />

in<strong>to</strong>lerant people have the <strong>freedom</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>enjoy</strong> <strong>dairy</strong>.<br />

*: DSM is producer of Tolerase L.

Biography: Arie Kies is a senior scientist, with a background in both animal and human nutrition. He<br />

worked on many aspects of nutrition, including energy metabolism, protein/amino acid digestion and<br />

utilization, and mineral metabolism. After working in the feed industry in the Netherlands and in<br />

France, he joined DSM 20 years ago. Recently, he was mainly involved in projects concerning<br />

proteins, e.g. <strong>for</strong> application in sports foods, and digestive enzymes.

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