Sample Letter Requesting Insurance Coverage and ... - Ethicon
Sample Letter Requesting Insurance Coverage and ... - Ethicon
Sample Letter Requesting Insurance Coverage and ... - Ethicon
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[Date]<br />
[Contact]<br />
<strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Letter</strong> <strong>Requesting</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> <strong>Coverage</strong> <strong>and</strong> Authorization for<br />
[<strong>Insurance</strong> Company Name]<br />
[Address]<br />
[City, State Zip Code]<br />
Hospitalization <strong>and</strong> Surgical Treatment for Morbid Obesity<br />
Patient Name: [Insert patient name.]<br />
Policy Number: [Insert policy number.]<br />
Group Number: [Insert group number.]<br />
Diagnosis: [Insert diagnosis <strong>and</strong> ICD-9-CM code(s).]<br />
Dear [name or contact]:<br />
I am writing on behalf of my patient, [patient name], to request coverage <strong>and</strong> appropriate payment<br />
for [Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric B<strong>and</strong>ing (LAGB)/Gastric Bypass (GB)/Sleeve Gastrectomy]. This letter provides<br />
information on the patient’s diagnosis <strong>and</strong> treatment, as well as product literature demonstrating<br />
medical necessity for the [LAGB/GB/Sleeve Gastrectomy] <strong>and</strong> associated procedures.<br />
Predetermination/certification of insurance coverage, <strong>and</strong> authorization for hospitalization <strong>and</strong><br />
surgical treatment, are requested on behalf of [patient name] for diagnoses of [can include as applicable,<br />
examples: hypertension (401.1), diabetes mellitus (250.00), GERD (530.81), heartburn (787.1), sleep apnea (780.57), arthralgias of<br />
weight bearing joints (719.49)]. The patient’s general condition, suffering from multiple diagnoses, is<br />
complicating the underlying clinically severe morbid obesity (278.01).<br />
The conditions typically improve <strong>and</strong> may disappear with weight loss.<br />
Page 1 of 3 © 2012 <strong>Ethicon</strong> Endo-Surgery, Inc. All rights reserved. DSL: 12-0352.LR
I am requesting authorization for [LAGB/GB/Sleeve Gastrectomy]. (Insert relevant CPT surgical code <strong>and</strong> description;<br />
e.g., 43770 – Laparoscopy, surgical, gastric restrictive procedure; placement of adjustable gastric b<strong>and</strong> (gastric b<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />
subcutaneous port components)) to be performed for the treatment of the patient’s severe <strong>and</strong> lifethreatening<br />
diseases. The procedure will be performed at [hospital/facility name]. Without this<br />
procedure, it is my opinion that significant problems could develop that will result in future<br />
costly hospitalization(s).<br />
[Provide description of LAGB/GB/Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure here]<br />
This individual is [height], weighs [weight], <strong>and</strong> has a Body Mass Index of [insert BMI here]. [He/She] has<br />
been severely obese for a number of years despite many years of dietary efforts, including the<br />
use of dietary programs such as [provide complete history of tried <strong>and</strong> failed weight loss management treatment <strong>and</strong><br />
programs]. [He/She] has lost weight greater than [XX] pounds [XX] times; [he/she] has been unable to<br />
achieve a healthful body by dietary restrictions. As pointed out in the NIH Consensus Panel, it is<br />
very unlikely that [he/she] could accomplish this goal in the future. The scientific facts are that,<br />
despite years of treatments directed toward long-term reduction of body weight by nonsurgical<br />
methods, 90 to 95 percent of people who lose weight subsequently regain it 1, 2 . It is also well<br />
documented that there is a significant increase in mortality as the Body Mass Index exceeds<br />
32kg/m 2 . An editorial in the New Engl<strong>and</strong> Journal of Medicine 3 states, “studies provide<br />
additional evidence to strengthen the already compelling conclusion that extreme obesity<br />
shortens lives.” Studies also show a substantial increase in risk of diabetes with even a modest<br />
weight gain. This is truly a morbid <strong>and</strong> life-threatening disease.<br />
These conditions predictably will, along with other problems that characteristically appear,<br />
become increasingly incapacitating in the absence of significant weight loss. Because medical<br />
management has failed to produce <strong>and</strong> maintain weight loss for this patient, I strongly believe<br />
bariatric surgery is necessary in order to successfully resolve or ameliorate the multiple medical<br />
problems associated with [his/her] morbid obesity (278.01).<br />
Page 2 of 3 © 2012 <strong>Ethicon</strong> Endo-Surgery, Inc. All rights reserved. DSL: 12-0352.LR
As I have reviewed all options with the patient through informed consent, [he/she] has good<br />
underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the [LAGB/GB/Sleeve Gastrectomy] procedure <strong>and</strong> its risks <strong>and</strong> complications, <strong>and</strong> has<br />
determined that [LAGB/GB/Sleeve Gastrectomy] is the best option for [him/her]. Additionally,<br />
[he/she] has agreed to monthly support group meetings for at least one year postoperatively.<br />
I most strongly request that you clear your annuitant for coverage. [His/Her] diseases are<br />
progressive <strong>and</strong> life threatening. I am asking for an efficient <strong>and</strong> timely review of this case. I am<br />
requesting from you in writing a pre-authorization for inpatient surgery.<br />
Sincerely,<br />
[Physician name]<br />
1<br />
Wadden TA. Treatment of obesity by moderate <strong>and</strong> severe caloric restriction: results of clinical research trials. Ann Intern Med<br />
1993;229:688-693.<br />
2<br />
Rosenbaum M, Leibel RL. Pathophysiology of Childhood Obesity. Adv. Pediatr 1988;35:73-137.<br />
3<br />
Byers T. Editorial: Body Weight <strong>and</strong> Mortality. NEJM 1995;333:723-724.<br />
Page 3 of 3 © 2012 <strong>Ethicon</strong> Endo-Surgery, Inc. All rights reserved. DSL: 12-0352.LR