Fray Letter

Fray Letter

Fray Letter


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Prof Paul Trummel<br />

PO Box 3692<br />

Chester<br />

CHi 9RH<br />

13 th September 2010<br />

Dear Prof Trummel,<br />

Seamus Dooley (11'isI1 Secl'etal'Y) Nicola Coleman (Irish OrganiseI')<br />

National Union of Journalists, 2nd Hoor, Spencer House,<br />

Spencer Flow, off Store Street, DulJlin 1,<br />

E-Mail: Info@nuj,ie Tel: 353 1 8170340 Fax 3531 8170359<br />

You have already been informed of a complaint against you by Barry<br />

Fitzpatrick, FoC Officials Chapel, lodged under Rule 24 of the NUJ Rule Book.<br />

At the request of the General Secretary Glasgow branch considered the<br />

matter. As you know, the branch referred the matter to the National<br />

Executive Council.<br />

The NEC set up a panel to investigate the complaint in accordance with<br />

Appendix C of the Rule Book. The members of the NEC panel are: Jeff Apter,<br />

Jim Boumehla, John Brophy and Barbara Goulden. The panel has now met<br />

and has elected Jim Boumehla as Chair of the panel. I have been appointed<br />

Servicing Officer and I will be assisted by Seamus Dooley, Irish Secretary.<br />

Having considered the documentation supplied, the panel has decided to hold<br />

a hearing in accordance with Appendix C (12).<br />

At this stage we are writing to both parties offering possible dates for a<br />

hearing. It is proposed to hold the meeting at llam in London on one of the<br />

following dates:<br />

Monday October 4th<br />

Tuesday October 5 th<br />

Thursday October ih<br />

For your guidance I am enclosing all material made available to the NEC panel<br />

by the Glasgow branch and by the Officials chapel.<br />

The basis of the NEC decision to set up a panel was the correspondence of<br />

14th June 2010 from Mr Matthews and Ms Cuddihy of Glasgow branch to<br />

Geneml Secretary: ,Jeremy Dear Deputy General Secretary: Michelle Stanistreet<br />

Headland I-louse, 308/312 Gmy's Inn Road, London WC1 X8DP<br />

Telephone: 0044,20-7843 3700 ICax: 0044 -20-7837 8143 E-Mail: Info@nuj,ort:j.uk

Jeremy Dear, General Secretary. This is contained in the pack. We note that<br />

the branch also advised you of the decision.<br />

You will note that the pack also contains the relevant extracts from the Rule<br />

Book, Rule 24 and Appendix C.<br />

Could you confirm your availability by emailing glasgow24@lluj.i

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