Working together for a brighter future - Breckland Council
Working together for a brighter future - Breckland Council Working together for a brighter future - Breckland Council
Dereham money fair Breckland Council is organising a Money Fair to provide members of the community with the opportunity to get information and advice on various aspects of housing, Council tax, benefits, debt advice and related money concerns. The first event will be held at the Memorial Hall, Dereham on 27 January, 1pm to 7pm. All attendees will be entered into a free prize draw to win a luxury hamper! Photographic Studio-Crafts Art Gallery-Framing Georges Road, Dereham Norfolk NR19 2DA 01362 690969 (20% Discount on Christmas Portraits with this Advert!) COME MEET SANTA AT... ALL MONIES COLLECTED GOES TO LOCAL CHARITIES Audit Commission Act 1998 Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003 Notice is given that: (1) the audit of accounts for Breckland Council for the year ended 31st March 2008 has been concluded; and (2) the statement of accounts is available for inspection by any local 5TH DECEMBER THETFORD TOWN CENTRE LIGHTING CEREMONY 8TH DECEMBER MACKENZIE ROAD, MAIN STREET & CANNONS CLOSE 9TH DECEMBER NIGHTINGALE WAY, NUNNERY DRIVE & NUNSGATE 10TH DECEMBER ICKNIELD WAY & FULMERSTON 11TH DECEMBER - CLOVERFIELDS 15TH DECEMBER CLOVERFIELDS (TESCOS SIDE) 16TH DECEMBER WOODLANDS DRIVE, FAIRFIELDS & HIGHLANDS 17TH DECEMBER LADIES ESTATE & HILL HOUSE 18TH DECEMBER - ADMIRALS CARPET CLEANING 1 Household Carpet – £45 2 Carpets – £55 3 Carpets – £65 Your 3 Piece Suite and Lounge Carpet cleaned – £85 Call Mike at Clean Tech 01485 609223 Credit & Debit cards welcome Sustainable Communities free training events 008 – 009 The Sustainable Communities Team will be holding and facilitating a number of training sessions and workshops aimed at members of the community, volunteers and town and parish councillors to help them gain information and advance their existing skills for their local community projects. All of the training sessions listed are free of charge to those who live in Breckland or contribute their time to community projects within the district. There are limited spaces available so please book quickly to avoid disappointment. If you are interested in participating in a training event, or would like to know more, please contact Cat Lang on 01362 656870 or email 8 December 2008 How to be Successful with Funding Applications Wayland House, Watton 13 January 2009 Parish Planning Wellspring Family Centre, Dereham 21 January 2009 Village Hall and Community Building Maintenance Planning Thetford Guildhall Complex 18 February 2009 Child Protection Swaffham Community Centre 24 February 2009 Getting Started Attleborough Enterprise and Community Centre 25 March 2009 Using Church Buildings as a focus for Community Projects Wellspring Family Centre, Dereham Property to let Many people don’t know that Breckland Council is also a commercial property landlord and can offer commercial properties for lease. These can range from 600 to 5,000 sq ft factory units to office accommodation in our business centres. We can provide flexible lease terms to suit all needs and if we haven’t got anything ourselves to suit your needs we usually know someone who has. With approximately 200 tenants in property throughout the Breckland district, we offer accommodation to ensure businesses flourish and provide employment opportunities for our residents. We have all sorts of organisations renting property - from a beansprout grower to a gymnasium. We also partner large developments such as the Thetford Enterprise Park and the Ecotech Business Park in Swaffham. We also purchase and sell BELA boost for Breckland businesses Just as politicians are highlighting the importance of small businesses in the national economic picture, the Breckland Partnership has launched a new scheme that will enhance workforce skills and provide grants for small businesses and start-ups. Following on from the success of Phase 1 Breckland Enterprise and Learning Account (BELA), the Breckland Partnership has approved funding of £21,500 to support a new BELA 2 project. A small sum of grant money can make a big difference to a small business with limited funds; a grant from the original BELA 1 scheme helped Beeston Brewery, a small independent concern, to purchase a labelling machine resulting in a doubling of production and increased profitability. An increasing number of requests have come from businesses for support with online projects, and BELA 2 offers 50% grants up to a maximum of £500 property, buy and sell land, assist the private sector by helping to advertise their property and even manage property on behalf of other landlords. We have a good understanding of the local commercial market place and can help you start up a new business or grow your existing business into new accommodation. Obviously there are some uncertainties in the present economic climate, banks are being more cautious, cutting costs, debt recovery and credit control are becoming increasingly top of the management agenda. Practical measures like reviewing tax implications with your Accountant and using the BusinessLink business health check tool at www.businesslink. can help, or calling our Economic Development department on 01362 656870 to find out what business support is available. to assist small businesses and startups with the purchase of ICT related equipment and training. Skills for the workplace and language training will also be on offer. Working with the Breckland Partnership, representatives from the new communities have identified the need for pre ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes. These will equip participants with the language proficiency needed to access services more effectively, increase employment opportunities and build up the confidence and skills needed to move on to more formal, accredited training. More information about the scheme to support businesses can be obtained from Lindy Warmer, Breckland Council Economic Development Officer on 01362 656870. The pre ESOL training is administered by the Local Area Partnerships and further information can be obtained from Rob Walker on 01362 656870. Breckland Voice 1 Working together for a brighter future Working together for a brighter future Breckland Voice 1 Untitled-1 1 21/11/2008 11:37:32 Council Tax – are you exempt or entitled to a discount? Council tax is based on the assumption that there are two adults living in a dwelling. The charge can be reduced by 25% if only one person occupies the property. Certain people can be disregarded for council tax purposes. Some properties are exempt from council tax. Both occupied and unoccupied properties may be council tax exempt whether they are furnished or not. For further information pick up one of our leaflets at any one of our customer service centres or call 01842 756495. Breckland Council Notice of Conclusion of Audit and Notice of Inspection Statement of Accounts government elector, in accordance with section 14 of the Audit Commission Act 1998, for the area of the above-named Council at Breckland House, St. Nicholas Street, Thetford IP24 1BT or Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham NR19 1EE on working days between the hours of 10 am to 4pm. Head of Finance
- Page 1 and 2: Merry Christmas! Feliz Natal! Sreta
- Page 8: Christmas message from the Brecklan
- Page 14: P&D Re-Upholstery - Parker Knoll Sp
Dereham<br />
money fair<br />
<strong>Breckland</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is organising a<br />
Money Fair to provide members of<br />
the community with the opportunity<br />
to get in<strong>for</strong>mation and advice on<br />
various aspects of housing, <strong>Council</strong><br />
tax, benefits, debt advice and related<br />
money concerns.<br />
The first event will be held at the<br />
Memorial Hall, Dereham on 27<br />
January, 1pm to 7pm. All attendees<br />
will be entered into a free prize draw to<br />
win a luxury hamper!<br />
Photographic Studio-Crafts<br />
Art Gallery-Framing<br />
Georges Road, Dereham<br />
Norfolk NR19 2DA<br />
01362 690969<br /><br />
(20% Discount on Christmas<br />
Portraits with this Advert!)<br />
SANTA<br />
AT...<br />
Audit Commission Act 1998<br />
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003<br />
Notice is given that:<br />
(1) the audit of accounts <strong>for</strong> <strong>Breckland</strong><br />
<strong>Council</strong> <strong>for</strong> the year ended 31st March<br />
2008 has been concluded; and<br />
(2) the statement of accounts is<br />
available <strong>for</strong> inspection by any local<br />
1 Household Carpet – £45<br />
2 Carpets – £55<br />
3 Carpets – £65<br />
Your 3 Piece Suite and<br />
Lounge Carpet cleaned – £85<br />
Call Mike at Clean Tech<br />
01485 609223<br />
Credit & Debit cards welcome<br />
Sustainable<br />
Communities<br />
free training<br />
events<br />
008 – 009<br />
The Sustainable Communities Team<br />
will be holding and facilitating a<br />
number of training sessions and<br />
workshops aimed at members of<br />
the community, volunteers and<br />
town and parish councillors to help<br />
them gain in<strong>for</strong>mation and advance<br />
their existing skills <strong>for</strong> their local<br />
community projects.<br />
All of the training sessions listed<br />
are free of charge to those who live<br />
in <strong>Breckland</strong> or contribute their<br />
time to community projects within<br />
the district. There are limited<br />
spaces available so please book<br />
quickly to avoid disappointment.<br />
If you are interested in participating<br />
in a training event, or would like to<br />
know more, please contact Cat<br />
Lang on 01362 656870 or email<br /><br />
8 December 2008<br />
How to be Successful with<br />
Funding Applications<br />
Wayland House, Watton<br />
13 January 2009<br />
Parish Planning<br />
Wellspring Family Centre, Dereham<br />
21 January 2009<br />
Village Hall and Community<br />
Building Maintenance Planning<br />
Thet<strong>for</strong>d Guildhall Complex<br />
18 February 2009<br />
Child Protection<br />
Swaffham Community Centre<br />
24 February 2009<br />
Getting Started<br />
Attleborough Enterprise and<br />
Community Centre<br />
25 March 2009<br />
Using Church Buildings as a focus<br />
<strong>for</strong> Community Projects<br />
Wellspring Family Centre, Dereham<br />
Property to let<br />
Many people don’t know that<br />
<strong>Breckland</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is also a<br />
commercial property landlord and can<br />
offer commercial properties <strong>for</strong> lease.<br />
These can range from 600 to 5,000 sq ft<br />
factory units to office accommodation<br />
in our business centres. We can<br />
provide flexible lease terms to suit all<br />
needs and if we haven’t got anything<br />
ourselves to suit your needs we<br />
usually know someone who has.<br />
With approximately 200 tenants in<br />
property throughout the <strong>Breckland</strong><br />
district, we offer accommodation<br />
to ensure businesses flourish and<br />
provide employment opportunities<br />
<strong>for</strong> our residents. We have all sorts of<br />
organisations renting property - from a<br />
beansprout grower to a gymnasium.<br />
We also partner large developments<br />
such as the Thet<strong>for</strong>d Enterprise Park<br />
and the Ecotech Business Park in<br />
Swaffham. We also purchase and sell<br />
BELA boost <strong>for</strong><br />
<strong>Breckland</strong> businesses<br />
Just as politicians are highlighting<br />
the importance of small businesses<br />
in the national economic picture, the<br />
<strong>Breckland</strong> Partnership has launched<br />
a new scheme that will enhance<br />
work<strong>for</strong>ce skills and provide grants<br />
<strong>for</strong> small businesses and start-ups.<br />
Following on from the success<br />
of Phase 1 <strong>Breckland</strong> Enterprise<br />
and Learning Account (BELA), the<br />
<strong>Breckland</strong> Partnership has approved<br />
funding of £21,500 to support a new<br />
BELA 2 project. A small sum of grant<br />
money can make a big difference to<br />
a small business with limited funds;<br />
a grant from the original BELA 1<br />
scheme helped Beeston Brewery,<br />
a small independent concern,<br />
to purchase a labelling machine<br />
resulting in a doubling of production<br />
and increased profitability.<br />
An increasing number of requests have<br />
come from businesses <strong>for</strong> support with<br />
online projects, and BELA 2 offers 50%<br />
grants up to a maximum of £500<br />
property, buy and<br />
sell land, assist the<br />
private sector by helping<br />
to advertise their property<br />
and even manage property on behalf<br />
of other landlords. We have a good<br />
understanding of the local commercial<br />
market place and can help you start up<br />
a new business or grow your existing<br />
business into new accommodation.<br />
Obviously there are some uncertainties<br />
in the present economic climate,<br />
banks are being more cautious,<br />
cutting costs, debt recovery and credit<br />
control are becoming increasingly<br />
top of the management agenda.<br />
Practical measures like reviewing tax<br />
implications with your Accountant<br />
and using the BusinessLink business<br />
health check tool at www.businesslink.<br /> can help, or calling our<br />
Economic Development department<br />
on 01362 656870 to find out what<br />
business support is available.<br />
to assist small businesses and startups<br />
with the purchase of ICT related<br />
equipment and training.<br />
Skills <strong>for</strong> the workplace and language<br />
training will also be on offer. <strong>Working</strong><br />
with the <strong>Breckland</strong> Partnership,<br />
representatives from the new<br />
communities have identified the need<br />
<strong>for</strong> pre ESOL (English <strong>for</strong> Speakers of<br />
Other Languages) classes. These will<br />
equip participants with the language<br />
proficiency needed to access services<br />
more effectively, increase employment<br />
opportunities and build up the<br />
confidence and skills needed to move<br />
on to more <strong>for</strong>mal, accredited training.<br />
More in<strong>for</strong>mation about the scheme<br />
to support businesses can be obtained<br />
from Lindy Warmer, <strong>Breckland</strong><br />
<strong>Council</strong> Economic Development<br />
Officer on 01362 656870. The pre<br />
ESOL training is administered by the<br />
Local Area Partnerships and further<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation can be obtained from<br />
Rob Walker on 01362 656870.<br />
<strong>Breckland</strong> Voice 1 <strong>Working</strong> <strong>together</strong> <strong>for</strong> a <strong>brighter</strong> <strong>future</strong><br />
<strong>Working</strong> <strong>together</strong> <strong>for</strong> a <strong>brighter</strong> <strong>future</strong> <strong>Breckland</strong> Voice 1<br />
Untitled-1 1 21/11/2008 11:37:32<br />
<strong>Council</strong> Tax – are you exempt<br />
or entitled to a discount?<br />
<strong>Council</strong> tax is based on the<br />
assumption that there are two adults<br />
living in a dwelling. The charge can<br />
be reduced by 25% if only one person<br />
occupies the property. Certain people<br />
can be disregarded <strong>for</strong> council tax<br />
purposes. Some properties are<br />
exempt from council tax. Both<br />
occupied and unoccupied properties<br />
may be council tax exempt whether<br />
they are furnished or not. For further<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation pick up one of our leaflets<br />
at any one of our customer service<br />
centres or call 01842 756495.<br />
<strong>Breckland</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Notice of<br />
Conclusion of Audit and Notice of<br />
Inspection Statement of Accounts<br />
government elector, in accordance with<br />
section 14 of the Audit Commission Act<br />
1998, <strong>for</strong> the area of the above-named<br />
<strong>Council</strong> at <strong>Breckland</strong> House, St.<br />
Nicholas Street, Thet<strong>for</strong>d IP24 1BT or<br />
Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke,<br />
Dereham NR19 1EE on working days<br />
between the hours of 10 am to 4pm.<br />
Head of Finance