Leica ADS-40

Leica ADS-40

Leica ADS-40


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Lecture 7<br />

<strong>ADS</strong> <strong>40</strong> Camera and Imagery

<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong><br />

• <strong>ADS</strong> – Airborne Digital Scanner<br />

• Used in the current , province wide, aerial imaging for the primary purpose of creating<br />

the forest resource inventory.<br />

• Succeeded first <strong>ADS</strong>-80.<br />

• CCD lines having 12000 pixels each.<br />

• Detector (pixel) size: 6.5 μm<br />

• Dynamic range CCD chain<br />

(radiometric resolution): 12 bit<br />

• Spectral bands (in nm)<br />

o Panchromatic 465 – 680<br />

o Red 610 – 660<br />

o Green 535 – 585<br />

o Blue 430 – 490<br />

o Near-infrared 835-885<br />

• Field of View (swath angle): 64⁰

<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong><br />

• The pushbroom scanner takes seamless panchromatic images from three different<br />

angles (allowing for stereo viewing), creating three separate scenes:<br />

•The fact that each point is scanned three times, from three different angles, also helps in<br />

stabilizing the image geometry, since the pushbroom scanned images have inherently poor<br />

geometry (each strip represents an independent image!) (Mikhail et al. 2001).

• <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong> CCD sensor contains several lines, i.e.,<br />

the sensor can simultaneously take several<br />

seamless image strips.<br />

• Image strips are taken at different angles to<br />

allow for stereo viewing.<br />

• Angles and spectral makeup of the imagery<br />

can be customized for specific project needs.<br />

• Camera can be set to take image strips at<br />

different angles. eFRI imagery is captured in five<br />

different image strips: RGB & NIR at 16⁰<br />

backward and at nadir, panchromatic at 14⁰<br />

backward, and at 2⁰ and 27⁰ forward.<br />

• Each line has 12000 pixels along it.<br />

• Panchromatic lines pixels are staggered<br />

laterally by 0.5 pixels, halving the resolution –<br />

panchromatic resolution for eFRI is 20 cm and<br />

RGB & NIR resolution is <strong>40</strong> cm.<br />

<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong><br />

-16⁰<br />

RGB<br />

NIR<br />

-14⁰<br />

0⁰<br />

PAN RGB<br />

NIR<br />

2⁰<br />

27⁰<br />


• A trichroid beam<br />

splitter ensures that the<br />

RGB colours from the<br />

same place,<br />

represented by a pixel,<br />

are separated into RGB<br />

components.<br />

<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong>

<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong><br />

From Paternaki (2006).

In the eFRI system, there are several separate product levels created from<br />

the <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong> imagery.:<br />

Level 0: raw imagery<br />

Delivered by the MNR:<br />

<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong><br />

Level 1: stereo image strips – georeferenced but not ortho-rectified.<br />

o A single band panchromatic image strip , 16 bit and a ground<br />

resolution of 20 cm at forward, nadir and backwards view angles.<br />

o A four band multispectral (R, G, B, NIR) image strip, 16 bit and a<br />

ground resolution of <strong>40</strong> cm at nadir and backwards angles.<br />

Level 2: ortho-rectified (planimetrically correct imagery -- true horizontal<br />

distances, such as on topographic maps) strips and 5x5 km tiles.<br />

o A single band, panchromatic, 16 bit, 20 cm ground resolution.<br />

o 4 band (R, G, B, NIR), 16 bit, <strong>40</strong> cm ground resolution.<br />

Digital Surface Model (DSM), points with surface elevations, at 5 m<br />

ground resolution.<br />

Classified DSM – points classified in vegetation (trees), water and<br />

ground.<br />

Level 0<br />

Level 1<br />

Source: Paternaki<br />


<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong><br />

• The camera itself is part of a complex computer and navigation system.<br />

1 - Sensor (Camera) Head<br />

with:<br />

• Digital Optics<br />

• IMU (Inertial<br />

Measurement Unit)<br />

2 – Control unit with a<br />

position and attitude<br />

computer POS (Position<br />

and Orientation System).<br />

3 – Mass Memory<br />

4 – Operator Interface<br />

5 – Pilot guidance Indicator<br />

6 – Mount PAV30 (gyro<br />

stabilized mount).<br />

Source: Fricker (2001).<br />

Two other systems can be defined as part of the aerial<br />

photo flight operation:<br />

• Flight and Sensor Control Management System<br />

(FCMS)<br />

• Attitude and Position Measurement System

<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong><br />

Camera Head<br />

Source: Pateraki (2006)<br />

• The focal plane module<br />

consists of four CCD<br />

housings: two of them<br />

contain single lines and<br />

two contain triple lines.<br />

• Each CCD line consists of<br />

two linear arrays, each<br />

with 12000 pixels, size<br />

6.5μm, but staggered by a<br />

0.5 pixel shift.<br />

• The panchromatic lines<br />

make use of the staggered<br />

arrangement, whereas the<br />

colour lines (RGB, NIR1,<br />

NIR2) do not (Sandau et al.<br />


<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong><br />

Gyro-stabilized camera mount PAV30<br />

• Compensates angular aircraft<br />

movements<br />

o Pitch and roll -- within ± 5°<br />

o Crab -- within ± 30°<br />

• This allows for taking true vertical<br />

imagery.<br />

• As a result, simplified<br />

aerotriangulation.<br />

Source: Lecia PAV30 http://www.leicageosystems.com/downloads123/zz/airborne/gener<br />


<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong><br />

Control Unit (Camera Computer) Within the System<br />

The Image Data Processing unit<br />

compresses the image data<br />

provided by the camera head in<br />

real-time. It does the<br />

compression at a rate of up to <strong>40</strong><br />

MB/s in two optional modes,<br />

lossless and JPEG.<br />

Source: Sandau et al. (2000)<br />

Stores all mission<br />

data – image,<br />

orientation and<br />

housekeeping<br />


Source: Sandau et al. (2000)<br />

<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong><br />

Flight and Sensor Control Management System (FCMS)<br />

• FCMS controls, coordinates and monitors individual subsystems and provides a graphical<br />

user interface.<br />

• The system can be used on <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong> but also on a number of other sensors made by <strong>Leica</strong><br />

Navigation System<br />

GNSS (GPS) supported navigation – navigation<br />

and graphical guidance is displayed during all<br />

phases of the survey flight.<br />

Flight & Error Data Log<br />

Data, e.g. flight track, start and stop of imaging<br />

sequences, sensor parameters, are stored for<br />

precise evaluation, optimization and<br />

maintenance.<br />

Flight Managemet<br />

• Different displays of suggested flight path, approach<br />

and turns for operator and pilot.<br />

• Keeps track of flown, not flown and lines that need to<br />

be re-flown (because of, e.g., clouds).<br />

• Vector data and ground control points as a backdrop<br />

for flight guidance.<br />

•Optimized guidance information for flight lines to be<br />

flown.<br />

Sensor Control<br />

• Interfaces the hardware and allows for different<br />

parameters to be transferred to the hardware and<br />

status information read back.<br />

• Automatic sensor release – starts and stops the sensor<br />

according to the flight plan.<br />

Test & Service Facility<br />

Allows service technicians to locate and replace faulty<br />

parts or update internal software.

IMU measures and<br />

reports on a plane’s<br />

velocity, orientation and<br />

gravitational forces by the<br />

use of accelerometers and<br />

gyroscopes.<br />

Relative orientation and<br />

velocity from IMU and<br />

absolute position and<br />

velocity from GPS are used<br />

to correct low-frequency<br />

errors in the navigation<br />

solution.<br />

POS generates both a realtime<br />

and post-processed<br />

position and orientation<br />

solution.<br />

<strong>Leica</strong> <strong>ADS</strong>-<strong>40</strong><br />

Attitude and Position Measurement System<br />

Source: Sandau et al. (2000)<br />

POS has the ability to control automatically the<br />

stabilised platform yaw, and to remove crab and<br />


FCMS Interfaces

Frame Array Digital Imagery vs. Linear Array Digital Imagery<br />

• Less time to mosaic (auto-triangulate, ortho-rectify) linear array digital imagery.<br />

Source: Pateraki (2006).

Frame Array Digital Imagery vs. Linear Array Digital Imagery

Source: Pateraki (2006).<br />

Digital vs. Analog Images

Source: Pateraki (2006).<br />

Digital vs. Analog Spectral Sensitivity<br />

• Non-overlapping bands are more suitable for controlled remote sensing analyses and<br />

displays, whereas overlapping, film-type, bands are more suitable for high-quality, true<br />

colour images.

References:<br />

Fricker P. 2001. <strong>ADS</strong><strong>40</strong> – Progress in digital aerial data collection. Photogrammetric Week 01,<br />

Institute of Photogrammetry. Heidelberg, Germany.<br />

Mikhail, E. M., J. S. Bethel, and J. C. McGlone. 2001. Introduction to Modern Photogrammetry.<br />

John Wiley & Sons, INC.<br />

Pateraki, M. 2006. Digital Aerial Cameras. International Summer School “Digital Recording and 3D<br />

Modelling”. Crete, Greece.<br />

Sandau, R., B. Braunecker, H. Driescher, A. Eckardt, S. Hilbert, J. Hutton, W. Kirchhofer, E.<br />

Lithopoulos, R. Reulke, S. Wicki. 2000. Design principles of the LH systems <strong>ADS</strong><strong>40</strong> airborne<br />

digital sensor. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 33:B1.

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