Prince William County Virginia Death Records 1853 - 1896 ...

Prince William County Virginia Death Records 1853 - 1896 ...

Prince William County Virginia Death Records 1853 - 1896 ...


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<strong>Prince</strong> <strong>William</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong><br />

<strong>Death</strong> <strong>Records</strong><br />

<strong>1853</strong> - <strong>1896</strong><br />

Copyright 1993<br />

Ronald Ray Turner<br />

9901 Greenview Lane<br />

Manassas, VA 20109<br />

Printed in the United States of America

Abbott, John Thomas died 9 May 1873, brain fever, 24 years, s/o Benjamin Abbott,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Abbott, Margaret A. died 31 Jan 1873, measles, 18 years, d/o Benjamin Abbott, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Abel, Catherine died 12 Oct 1870 <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, 70 years old, information by consort -<br />

John Abel<br />

Abel, Female died 2 Jun 1869, cause not known, 1 day old, d/o Charles F./Emma Abel,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Abel, John died 24 Jan 1872, dropsy, 84 years old, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Clara Abel, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, a widower, information by Martha A. Abel - daughter<br />

Abel, Levi died 00 00 1857, fever, age 31 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm<br />

Abel, Martha died 15 Mar <strong>1896</strong> near Dumfries, dropsy, age 48 years, d/o Louis/Betsy<br />

Henderson, information by Walter H. Abel - husband<br />

Abel, Sarah died 14 Jun 1870, dropsy, age 35 years, unmarried, information by Willis<br />

Cornwell<br />

Abel, T. died 00 Apr 1854, dropsy, age 17 years, d/o Levi/Julia Able, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father Levi Able<br />

Abel, Thomas J. died 30 Sep 1870, cause unknown, age 7 months, s/o T./Jane Abel,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Abel, Venelope died 16 Sep 1890, childbirth, age 46 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Edith Norvell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by R.S. Abel - husband<br />

Akers, H.B. died 21 Apr 1893, heart disease, age 1 year 6 months, s/o Littleton/Mamie<br />

Akers, born Whittichen Farm, information by parents<br />

Alexander, H.F. (colored) died 4 Jul <strong>1896</strong>, cholera inflammation, 6 months old, parents<br />

- Jas/S.J. Alexander, born near Wellington, information by parents<br />

Alexander, Harriett died 00 Oct 1878, brain fever, 2 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Alexander, Harriett C. died 22 May 1856, age 32 years, d/o Andrew/Alice ____, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by husband Thomas P. Alexander<br />

Alexander, Robert died 24 Feb 1866, brain fever, age not known, s/o Robert/Eliza<br />

Alexander, born Fairfax, information by Edgar Weir<br />

Allen, Benjamin died 7 Sep 1878, diarrhea, 54 years, parents unknown, born England,<br />

information by Newton Sears - son in law<br />

Allen, Cloe died 1871, old age, 116 years old , born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Thomas<br />

Newman<br />

Allen, Edward died 17 Mar 1865, consumption, s/o Benjamin/Harriett Allen age 3<br />

months, information by Ann Allen<br />

Allen, Francis died 30 Aug 1856, bilious cold, age 6 months, s/o Jerry/Caroline Allen,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jerry Allen - father<br />

Allen, Harriett died 9 Apr 1865, consumption, age 33 years, d/o Thomas/Elizabeth<br />

Penn, born England, information by Ann Allen<br />

Allen, Mary died 4 Mar 1859, dysentery, age 35 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Rebecca Knapton,<br />

born England, Benjamin Allen - consort, information by Edward King -physician<br />

Allen, Mary E. died 22 Jun 1890, consumption, age 24 years, d/o George/Mary Allen<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Allen, Mary died 6 Oct 1865, diphtheria, age 84 years, d/o Benjamin/Mary Allen, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Ann Allen<br />


Allen, Roma M. died 30 Nov 1869, 15 days old, s/o George W./Mary E. Allen, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Allensworth, Josephine died 3 Jul <strong>1896</strong>, cholera inflammation, born Manassas, d/o<br />

W.F. Allensworth, information by parents<br />

Allison, Male died 1 Dec 1891 Stone Castle, kidney trouble, 2 months old, s/o A.M./I.V.<br />

Allison, born <strong>Virginia</strong><br />

Anderson, Edward (colored) died 1 Aug 1876, dropsy, age 6 years, s/o Jackson/Lucy<br />

Anderson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Annis, Male died 12 Nov 1855, age 25 days, s/o John/Elizabeth Annis, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Annis, Sarah E. died 13 Jul 1872, cause not known, 42 years old, d/o <strong>William</strong> L./Lucy<br />

Brawner, information by Richard A. Annis - husband<br />

Annis, Thomas died 00 Apr 1857, fever, and age 28 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by John A. Annis - brother<br />

Annis, <strong>William</strong> B. died 28 May 1873, bilious fever, 23 years, s/o Richard A. Annis, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Apple, Male died 6 Oct 1855, inflammation of bowels, age 6 days, s/o Thomas/Mary<br />

Apple, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Applebie, John died 7 Mar 1857 age 68 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Lydia<br />

Applebie - consort<br />

Appleby, Lydia died 00 Nov 1858, age 70 years, information by Lawrence Cole - friend<br />

Arnold, Dorcas died 15 Jul 1865, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, age 60 years, information by Jas<br />

Arnold - husband<br />

Arnold, Franklin P. died 6 Jan 1875, heart disease, 22 years, s/o Bernard Arnold, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Arnold, Jane died 10 Feb 1866 <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, 51 years, d/o James/Dorcas Arnold, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Arnold, John died 28 Sep 1871, cancer, 70 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Elizabeth Jewell<br />

Arnold, Julia died 17 Apr 1890 Woodbridge, dropsy, age 40 years, d/o ___ Hamilton,<br />

born State of N.Y., information by George Arnold - husband<br />

Arnold, Rose died 20 Jul 1875, cause not known, 2 years old, s/o Benoni/Amanda<br />

Arnold, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Arrington, Caroline died 25 Jun 1858, fever, d/o John R./Pauline Arrington, information<br />

by John R. Arrington - father<br />

Arrington, Cath died 00 Sep 1854, age 1 year, d/o Francis/S.A. Arrington, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Arrington, D.T. died 7 Mar 1891 near Manassas, from Lagrip, age 74 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Arrington, Female died 16 Aug 1856, 3 days old, d/o F.C./Sophia Arrington, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Francis C. Arrington father<br />

Arrington, Jas died 00 Oct 1854, croup, age 2 months, s/o Albert M./J., born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by his father<br />

Arrington, Jas died 24 Dec 1858, age 9 months, s/o A.M./Sarah Arrington, information<br />

by father<br />


Arrington, John R. died 00 Nov 1869, consumption, age not known, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by T.T. Arrington<br />

Arrington, Lucinda J. died 19 Jul 1854, diarrhea, age 7 days, d/o David/Zeresh<br />

Arrington, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Arrington, Male died 25 Dec 1873 Fairfax, age 1 month 10 days, s/o <strong>William</strong> H./S.H.<br />

Arrington, born Fairfax, information by father<br />

Arrington, Pauline A. died 00 Sep 1859, consumption, age 36 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Nancy<br />

Windsor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, d/o John R. Arrington - consort<br />

Arrington, Sarah died 13 Jan 1865, croup, age 1 year 21 days d/o David T./Nancy C.<br />

Arrington, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mildred Arrington<br />

Arrington, Simon Peter died 00 Jul 1864, typhoid fever, age 5 years, s/o Albert<br />

M./Sarah Arrington, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Arrington, Verlin died 22 Dec 1858, pneumonia, age 52 years, s/o A.M./Sarah<br />

Arrington, information by father<br />

Arrington, <strong>William</strong> Washington died 25 Aug 1864, typhoid fever, age 17 years, s/o<br />

Albert/Sarah Arrington, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Arrington, Zeresh died 26 Sep 1856, in labour, age 40 years, d/o Solomon/Margaret<br />

Beach, born Fairfax, information by husband David T. Arrington<br />

Ashby, Ashby (Female) died 00 00 1858, information by A.P. Lynn - son in law<br />

Ashby, Benjamin died 00 Aug 1858, old age, age 85 years, information by A.P. Lynn -<br />

son in law<br />

Ashby, George died 1 Nov 1874, croup, age 5 years 8 months, s/o George/Bettie<br />

Ashby, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm<br />

Ashby, Nancy died 00 Nov 1858, old age, age 70 years<br />

Ashford, Female died 20 Dec 1857, childs bed, age 3 days, d/o John/Mary Ashford,<br />

information by grandfather<br />

Ashford, Mary R. died 20 Dec 1857, childs bed, age 24 years, d/o Martin/Elizabeth<br />

Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, John Ashford - consort, information by M. Davis - father<br />

Ashford, Nancy R. died 17 Dec 1856, child bed, age 29 years, d/o Martin/E.B. Davis,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Martin Davis father<br />

Atkinson, Joseph died 16 Jan 1856, consumption, age 72 years, born England,<br />

information by a daughter Ruth A. Atkinson<br />

Atkinson, Ruth Ann died 00 00 1857, only information given<br />

Austin, Catherine died 15 Oct 1890 near Bristoe, thrown by horse, age 36 years 3<br />

months 8 days, born Fauquier, information by John Huff - brother<br />

Austin, Eleanor died 00 Sep 1857, dysentery, age 17 years, d/o John H./Ann Austin,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, unmarried house cook, information by father<br />

Austin, John H. died 1 Nov 1879, consumption, 69 years, s/o Benjamin/Harriett Austin,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Ann Austin - consort, information by Redmon Austin - son<br />

Austin, Margaret died 27 Mar 1854, paralysis, age 61 years, born Ireland, husband<br />

was Benjamin Austin, information by son <strong>William</strong> G. Austin<br />

Austin, <strong>William</strong> G. died 24 Dec 1857, gravel, age 26 years, s/o Benjamin/Margaret<br />

Austin, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Harriet Austin - consort, information by John H. Austin -<br />

brother<br />

Avery, Elvia died 5 Feb 1854, consumption, age 48 years, d/o Benjamin/Prudence,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by husband Thomas R. Avery<br />


Avery, Nancy R. died 6 Jul 1859, paralyzed, age 72 years, born New York, information<br />

by W.C. Avery - son<br />

Ayres, Daniel died 15 Sep 1856, shot, age 41 years, s/o Samuel/Mary Ayres, born<br />

Fauquier, information by wife Amanda Martin<br />

Ayres, Female died 1 Sep 1873, 24 days old, d/o Peyton/Ellen V. Ayres, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Ayres, Ruthford L. died 2 Nov 1877, inflammation of bowels, 9 months 20 days old, s/o<br />

Charles L./Mildred Ayres, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Baggott, Mary C. died 29 Jan 1879, pneumonia, 4 years old, d/o James/Lucy Baggott,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Bailey, Frances (colored) died 15 Oct 1875, congestion of the brain, 31 years old, d/o<br />

Henry/Frances Chapman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Addison Bailey -<br />

husband<br />

Bailey, Mary D. died 29 Sep <strong>1896</strong>, paralysis, age 71 years, d/o ___ Snyder, born<br />

Baltimore Md. information by G.W. Baily - friend<br />

Baker, B.V. died 30 Jun 1892 Buckhall, dysentery, age 1 year 6 months, parents were<br />

J.T./C.E. Baker, born Rose Hill Farm, information by parents<br />

Baldwin, Harriet died 20 Jun 1890 Manassas, age 64 years, born New York State,<br />

information by I.P. Baldwin - husband<br />

Ball, Albert (colored) died 20 Feb 1887 Gainesville, brain fever, 3 months old, s/o<br />

David/Sallie Ball, born Gainesville, information by father<br />

Ball, C.H. (colored male), died 17 Mar 1895 near Haymarket, La Grippe, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by widow<br />

Ball, Bakey? died 15 Aug 1869 , typhoid fever, 15 years, d/o Jas F./Mary Ball, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mary Jane Ball<br />

Barbee, Elijah W. died 26 Apr 1854 consumption, age 27 years, s/o W.H./Elizabeth<br />

Barbee, born Fauquier, information by his mother Elizabeth<br />

Barbour, I.M. (colored) died 27 Mar 1892 Falkland, convulsions, age 9 days old,<br />

parents were M./E. Barbour, information by parents<br />

Barnes, E.S. died 26 Feb 1891 near Manassas, congestive chills, age 81 years, born<br />

New York, information by H.P. Dodge<br />

Barnes, Jane (colored) died 20 Sep <strong>1896</strong> Independent Hill, old age, 85 years, born<br />

Maryland, information by Eppa Barnes - son<br />

Bates, Creasy died 22 Sep 1873, 57 years old, d/o Lucy Payne, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

widow of <strong>William</strong> Bates, information by Zeal <strong>William</strong>s - brother<br />

Bates, Female (free colored) died 00 00 1855, age 1 month, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, parents<br />

were <strong>William</strong>/Lucinda Bates, information by her father<br />

Bates, Jesse (colored) died 8 Oct 1878, brain fever, age 59 years old<br />

Bates, John A. (free colored) died 30 Apr 1854, age 7 months, parents were Robert/<br />

Parmelia Bates, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father Robert Bates<br />

Bates, Lucretia (colored) died 14 Apr <strong>1896</strong>, consumption, age 22 years, d/o<br />

George/Martha King?, born near Dumfries, information by Noel Bates - husband<br />

Bates, Mary died 22 Mar 1890, LaGrippe, age 1 year, d/o Jess/Mary Bates, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by mother<br />

Bates, Mary (colored) died 1 Aug 1877, age 1 month, d/o Robert/Ellen Berry, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Bates, Robert died 10 Feb 1856 paralyzed, age 60 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Edward Shipman<br />

Bates, <strong>William</strong> (free colored) died 00 Jul 1859, consumption, age 40 years, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, occupation - boatman, information by Fanny Bates - widow<br />

Bauder, Ezra died 00 00 <strong>1896</strong> Manassas, heart failure, age unknown, information by<br />

J.B.T. Thornton - son in law<br />

Beavers, Candis died 22 Feb 1873, burned, 14 years 2 months 14 days, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Fallis Beavers, information by <strong>William</strong> Beavers<br />

Beavers, Joseph B. died 7 Sep 1875, cause unknown, 8 years old, s/o Samuel<br />

Beavers, information by father<br />

Beavers, Lucy E. died 21 Sep 1869, cause not known, 3 months old, d/o<br />

Samuel/Sophia Beavers, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Beavers, Sophia died 20 Jan 1890, brain fever, age 2 years, d/o Samuel/Sophia<br />

Beavers, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Beavers, <strong>William</strong> died 21 Jul 1890, dyspepsia?, 58 years old, s/o Samuel/Ann Beavers,<br />

born Stafford Co., information by Sallie Beavers - wife<br />

Beavers, Willis A. died 00 00 1865, age 7 months, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Sarah Beavers<br />

Beckham, John Grigsby died 13 Sep 1887 near Nokesville, heart disease, 80 years old,<br />

information by James M. Beckham - son<br />

Belcher, Male died 13 Jan 1874 Maple Spring, still born, s/o Richard/Frances Belcher,<br />

information by father<br />

Bell, Mary F. died 10 Jun 1891 near Gainesville, age 56 years, born <strong>Virginia</strong>,<br />

information by J.W. Bell - head of family<br />

Belt, Emmett E. died 00 00 1859 Bull Run Mountain, summer complaint, s/o George<br />

W./C.V. Belt, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Bennett, C.B. (female) died 2 Aug 1871 Manassas Twp., 30 years old, parents<br />

unknown, born Canada, information by Charles Bennett - husband<br />

Bennett, C.G. died 26 Jun 1892 Buckhall, chronic diarrhea, age 72 years, born State of<br />

New York, information by M.C. Bennett - relative<br />

Benson, M.A. died 19 Oct <strong>1896</strong> Groveton, consumption, age 73 years, information by<br />

daughter<br />

Berkeley, Mary Lawson died 17 Oct 1891 Evergreen, paralysis, age 64 years, d/o<br />

Thomas L./M. <strong>William</strong>s, born Knoxville Tn., information by Col. E. Berkeley<br />

Berry, John (colored) died 5 Sep <strong>1896</strong> Snow Farm, brights disease, age 43 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jane Berry - wife<br />

Berry, Marshall died 15 Aug 1893 Washington DC, 19 years, s/o John/Jane Berry, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by parents<br />

Berry, Mary (colored) died 23 Jan 1887 Gainesville, old age, 63 years 5 months, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Thomas Churchwell - father<br />

Berry, Thomas (colored) died 2 Jun 1873, fever, age 1 year 3 months, s/o John/Jane<br />

Berry, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Hancock - doctor<br />

Berryman, <strong>William</strong> A. died 19 Mar 1854 by accident, age 17 years 3 months 19 days,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Alex Berryman - his father<br />

Bettis, Robert died 11 Oct 1887, croup, age 1 year 6 months, s/o James L./Mary Bettis,<br />

born Nokesville, information by father<br />


Beverly, H. (colored) died 20 Dec <strong>1896</strong> near Manassas, old age, 87 years, information<br />

by son<br />

Bevier, <strong>William</strong> C. died 00 Jun 1856, age 14 days, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Susannah Bevier, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Birkete, Ellina H. died 18 Oct 1874, disease not known, age 37 years 3 months 13<br />

days, born Scotland, information by <strong>William</strong> E. Birkett - husband<br />

Blackburn, Clara (colored) died 22 Aug 1887, consumption, 20 years, born Buckland,<br />

wife of Cornelius Blackburn, information by <strong>William</strong> Johnson - brother in law<br />

Blackburn, Claud (colored) died 2 Apr 1887, measles, age 1 year 1 month 5 days, s/o<br />

Cornelius/Clara Blackburn, born Buckland, information by <strong>William</strong> Johnson -<br />

brother in law<br />

Blackburn, Levia (colored) died 1 Jun 1874, age 1 month 19 days, parents were Robert<br />

L./Levia Black, born Fauquier<br />

Blackwell, Ann (colored) died 7 May 1892 near Brentsville, consumption, age 16 years,<br />

d/o Robert/Lethia Blackwell, born near Brentsville, by parents<br />

Blackwell, Cyrus (colored) died 18 Jan 1879, typhoid fever. age 1 year, s/o James/Julia<br />

Blackwell, <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Blackwell, Louisa (colored) died 24 Dec 1871, age 2 months, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Louisa Blackwell<br />

Bland, Benjamin F. died 15 Sep 1855, age 5 years, s/o Robert/Nancy Bland, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Bland, John died 00 Nov 1857, old age, age 76, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mrs.<br />

Love - daughter<br />

Bland, Milton died 20 Jun <strong>1896</strong> Washington DC, age 23 years, s/o Edward Bland, born<br />

Neabsco VA, information by Wesley Bland - brother<br />

Blue, Mitchell (colored) died 00 Feb 1873, Vaccination, age 14 years, s/o<br />

Sandy/Malinda Blue, information by <strong>William</strong> Hancock - doctor<br />

Bodine, Francis died 31 Oct 1866 consumption, age 47 years, born New Jersey,<br />

information by Catherine Bodine<br />

Bodine, <strong>William</strong> F. died 21 Jun 1895 Hartford Farm, killed, 42 years, s/o Theodore/M.<br />

Bodine, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mary Bodine - wife<br />

Boley, John W. died 26 Jan 1872, fever, 67 years, information by Hartwell A. Boley -<br />

head of family<br />

Boley, Mary died 23 May 1887 Haymarket, child birth, age 21 years 1 month 5 days,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Cyrus Boley - husband<br />

Boley, Miranda died 12 Sep 1858 Pageland, age 1 year 9 months, d/o Beverly/Sarah J.<br />

Boley, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Boling, Female died 15 Jun 1871, still born, d/o John/Mildred Boling, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Bombay, Fannie (colored) died 13 Oct 1869, old age, 76 years, d/o Jas/Lydia Bombay,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mary Jane Ball<br />

Bomount, Francis died 7 Oct 1866, consumption, age 25 years, s/o James/Frances<br />

Bomount, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Bonnel, Edgar died 13 Mar 1877, croup, age 4 years, s/o <strong>William</strong> A./Mary E. Bonnel,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Boorman, Evangeline died 10 Jun 1890, malaria, age 6 months 23 days, d/o F.W./M.E.<br />

Boorman, born Manassas, information by father<br />

Boswell, Joseph W. died 20 Mar 1856 of typhoid fever, age 22 years, s/o<br />

Joseph/Almira Boswel, born Lowel Mass., information by father<br />

Boswell, Mrs. died 00Nov 1857 Dumfries, of old age, age 69 years, information by<br />

Thomas H. Speaks - friend<br />

Botts, Mary Ann (colored) died 12 Jun 1878, consumption, 30 years old, d/o<br />

Anthony/Louise Botts. born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Boughannon, Jas D. died 16 Sep 1854 of natural causes, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by son Jas R. Boughannon<br />

Bowles, James died 25 Dec 1872, old age, 72 years, parents unknown, born Fairfax,<br />

information by Matthew Priest - friend<br />

Bowling, Willis died 1 Jun 1871, brain fever, age 1 year, s/o John/Mildred Bowling, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Bradfield, George died 7 Jun 1866, congestive fever, age 46 years, s/o George/Opha<br />

Bradfield, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Eliza Bradfield<br />

Bradfield, John M. died 24 Dec <strong>1853</strong>, scarlet fever, age 01y-02m-20d, s/o George<br />

and Eliza Bradfield, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm., by George Bradfield father<br />

Bradfield, Lucinda died 12 May 1869, consumption, age 67 years, information by Basil<br />

Bradfield - husband<br />

Bradley, Sarah C. died 00 Oct 1854, age 12 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, d/o Thomas/S.<br />

Sanders? , information by her mother Sarah Sanders<br />

Brady, Ann died 2 Jul 1877, typhoid fever, 35 years old, d/o Matthew/Eliza Mayhugh,<br />

born Fairfax <strong>County</strong>, information by Edward T, Brady - husband<br />

Brady, C.S. died 3 May 1871 Greenwich, fever, age 1 year 9 months, parents were<br />

Charles E./Elizabeth Brady, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Brady, Lydman G. died 00 Mar 1865 Fort Delaware, chronic diarrhea, age 28 years,<br />

s/o Thomas/Sarah Brady, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Brady, Male died 24 Dec 1892 Gainesville, age unknown, s/o A.M./S.O. Brady, born<br />

Gainesville, information by parents<br />

Brady, Phillip J. died 24 Oct 1878, fracture of skull, 25 years old, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Eveline<br />

Brady, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Jane Brady - consort, information by father<br />

Brady, Thomas died 7 Oct 1871, burned debility, age 71 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Edwin Brady - brother<br />

Bramell, John died 27 Apr 1875, old age, 87 years, information by James Bramell - son<br />

Brawner, Female died 13 Sep 1872, cause not known, age 1 day, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Emett<br />

Brawner, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Brawner, Female died 18 Aug 1854 of cramps, age 8 days, d/o F.P.B./Sarah Brawner,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Brawner, Female died 00 Sep 1859, age 1 month, d/o John/Catherine Brawner,<br />

information by father<br />

Brawner, Henry C. died 31 Oct 1873, consumption, 55 years, s/o Joseph Brawner, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Elizabeth Brawner - wife<br />

Brawner, Jane died 20 Sep 1887, paralysis, 75 years, parents unknown, John A.<br />

Brawner - consort, information by Mary V. Brawner - daughter<br />


Brawner, John C. died 00 Jul 1855, killed by cars, age 23 years, s/o John C./Jane<br />

Brawner, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, unmarried, information by father<br />

Brawner, Lucinda died 2 Nov 1855 cancer in stomach, age 72 years, d/o<br />

Thomas/Joice Cockrell, born Fairfax Co., John Brawner consort, information by<br />

her son F.P. Brawner<br />

Brawner, Mary J. died 15 Mar 1854, labour, age 34 years, d/o Augustus/A. Gaines,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, <strong>William</strong> B. Brawner - spouse, information by sister in law Susan<br />

Gaines<br />

Brawner, Male died 19 Jul <strong>1853</strong>, 4 days old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm., s/o <strong>William</strong> and E.<br />

Brawner, by father - <strong>William</strong> Brawner<br />

Brawner, Male died 00 Feb 1858, age 5 months, s/o H.C./E. Brawner information by<br />

Henry C. Brawner - father<br />

Brawner, Milton died 12 Jul 1879, diarrhea, age 1 year 6 months, s/o Charles<br />

W./Fannie Brawner, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Brawner, Thomas E. died 10 Nov 1872, whooping cough, 6 years, s/o Thomas/Lucy<br />

Brawner, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Breeden, S.C. died 27 Jul 1892 Buckhall, consumption, age 43 years, information by<br />

N.B.Breedon - head of family<br />

Brenner, Charles died 8 Feb 1873, chills and fever, 5 months, s/o <strong>William</strong> F.T. Brenner,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Brenner, Frank A. died 00 May 1873, spinal meningitis, age 8 years, s/o <strong>William</strong> F.T.<br />

Brenner, information by father<br />

Brent, Jefferson (colored) died 16 Oct 1864, diarrhea, age 2 years, s/o Adam/Frances<br />

Brent, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by James Howison - friend<br />

Brent, Richard H. (colored) died 17 Feb 1877, pneumonia, 7 months old, s/o<br />

Alfred/Mollie Brent, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Brent, Walter (colored) died 20 Jun 1891 Mayfield Farm, pneumonia, 4 months old, s/o<br />

John/Annie Brent, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by parents<br />

Brent, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 13 Oct 1878, pneumonia, age 1 year 1 month, s/o<br />

Alfred/Mollie Brent, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Brenton, Gustavous died 7 Feb 1876, dropsy, age 18 years, s/o Hampton/Lucy<br />

Brenton, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Brenton, Susan died 15 Mar 1890, paralysis, age 80 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by R.H. Renoe - friend<br />

Bridge, F.P. died 8 Apr <strong>1896</strong> Evergreen, cholera inflammation, age 8 days, information<br />

by parents James and E. Bridge<br />

Bridgett, James (colored) died 30 Nov 1894 Waterfall, brights disease, age 76 years,<br />

information by Catherine Bridgett - relative<br />

Bridgett, Robert (colored) died 15 Jul 1891 Mountain View Farm, heart disease, age 6<br />

months, s/o Joseph Bridgett and Jane Cole, information by parents<br />

Brill, Mary E. died 30 May 1895 Maphis Farm, inflammation of bowels, age 72 years,<br />

information by L.P. Maphis - relation<br />

Britt, Douglas (colored) died 1 Jun 1871, deformed from birth, 9 years old, s/o Malinda<br />

Britt, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Britt, Laren (colored) died 30 Jun 1871, age 1 year, mother was Malinda Britt, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />


Brooks, Female (colored) died 10 Feb 1894 Walnut Hill, age 2 days, d/o Anderson<br />

Brooks, information by parents<br />

Brooks, Nettie (colored) died 1 Mar 1894 Walnut Hill, consumption, age 17 years, d/o<br />

Anderson Brooks, information by parents<br />

Bronaugh, John and Sidney died 00 Mar 1871, 5 days old, s/o John C./Susan<br />

Bronaugh, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Brown, A. Minnie died 9 Jul 1887 Buckland, dysentery, 9 years old, d/o T.G./Clara V.<br />

Brown information by father<br />

Brown, Clara V. died 29 Sep 1894 Buckland, tuberculosis meningitis, age 5 years 6<br />

months, d/o Thornton/Clara V. Brown, born Maryland, information by parents<br />

Brown, Ella (colored) died 29 Jan <strong>1896</strong> Fairview, age 29 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, d/o<br />

W.H. Brown, information by father<br />

Brown, Ellen (colored) died 25 Feb 1895 Pleasant View, consumption, age 37 years,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, <strong>William</strong> Brown - consort, Jacob Butler - relative<br />

Brown, Henry (colored) died 12 Mar 1895 Pleasant Hill, dysentery, age 3 months, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Ellen Brown. born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jacob Butler - relative<br />

Brown, Henry (colored) died 13 Sep 1893 Thoroughfare, typhoid fever, age 20 years,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by N.Brown - husband<br />

Brown, J.A. died 1 May 1893 Falkland, LaGrippe, age 9 years 11 months, information<br />

by parents - J.B./R. Brown<br />

Brown, John died 1 Jan 1891 Waterview, typhoid fever, age 42 years, s/o Jos C.<br />

Brown, born Fairfax, information by head of family<br />

Brown, Joseph (colored) died 11 Feb 1887 Greenwich, pneumonia, age 1 year 7<br />

months, s/o Charles/Luvenia Brown, born near Nokesville, information by father<br />

Brown, Mary died 27 Jun 1890, paralysis, 44 years, d/o Henry/Betsy Cole, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by husband<br />

Brown, Mary Priscilla died 23 Jul 1866, consumption, age 34 years, d/o John/Harriett<br />

Kincheloe, born Fairfax , information by Joseph Brown<br />

Brown, R.M. died 11 Mar 1893 Waterview, typhoid fever, age 13 years, father was J.W.<br />

Brown, information by parents<br />

Brown, Rose (colored) died 29 Jul 1893 Throughfare, heart disease, age 60 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by N.Brown - husband<br />

Brown, Susan (colored) died 1 Aug 1877, diarrhea, d/o John H./Emma Brown, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Brown, W.H. (colored) died 8 Jan <strong>1896</strong> Fairview, heart trouble, age 3 months, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father - W.H. Brown<br />

Bruse, Jacob (colored) died 17 Jul 1875, dropsy, 70 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Delena<br />

Bruse - consort, information by Joseph Roy - friend<br />

Bryant, Thomas W. died 1 Jun 1879 <strong>William</strong>sburg Va., drowned, 17 years old, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong> A./Mary E. Bryant, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Buckley, Albert died 13 Nov <strong>1896</strong> Oak Hill, cancer, age 71 years, information by<br />

daughter<br />

Buckley, George W. died 11 Apr 1878, typhoid fever, 26 years old, s/o Albert/B.<br />

Buckley, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Bullitt, Male died 00 00 1854, age 6 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by his father<br />

Benjamin C. Bullitt<br />


Burdge, Edith died 8 Dec 1892 Manassas, typhoid fever, age 21 years, d/o S.W./Hattie<br />

Burdge, information by parents<br />

Burgess, Female died 1 Oct 1892 Waterous Farm, age 1 day, d/o M.F./A. Burgess,<br />

information by father<br />

Burgess, Moses died 5 Apr 1858, spasms, age 49 years, s/o John/Charlotte Burgess,<br />

s/o Fauquier, Caroline Burgess - consort, information by wife<br />

Burk, Female (free colored) died 8 Apr 1859, spasms, age 7 days, d/o Gusty/Mary<br />

Burk, information by father<br />

Burk, Hattie (colored) died 14 Dec 1872, whooping cough, 19 days old, d/o<br />

Charles/Mary Burke, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Burke, Fannie (colored) died 10 Jul 1894 Manassas, old age, age 84 years, information<br />

by John Robinson - friend<br />

Burke, George died 8 Feb 1866, 5 days old, s/o George/Jane Burke, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by John Howard<br />

Burke, Hester (colored) died 9 Apr <strong>1896</strong> Rose Hill, heart trouble, age 24 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, d/o Jacob Butler, information by parents<br />

Burke, Lewis (colored) died 21 Jul 1895 near Antioch, heart trouble, 25 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Robert Burke - father<br />

Burke, Mary C. died 1 Oct 1874, dropsy, 1 year, d/o John C./Edmonia Burke, born near<br />

Gainesville, information by father<br />

Burkley, Edmonia C. died 6 Sep 1858 Evergreen, lockjaw, age 8 days, d/o<br />

Edward/Mary Berkeley, born prince Wm, information by father<br />

Burnham, Lucy died 30 Feb 1859, consumption, age 19 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/S.W.<br />

Burnham, information by father<br />

Burrell, Lucy (colored) died 11 Sep 1879, old age, 80 years old, parents not known,<br />

information by James Burrell - husband<br />

Burwell, Sallie M. died 14 Oct 1871, tumor, 62 years, born Mass. d/o Levanehe<br />

Burwell, information by ____ Thomas - son in law<br />

Butler, Homer E. died 18 Dec 1872, 6 months old, s/o Willis E. Butler, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Butler?, Harriett W. died 18 Jan 1971, dropsy, 76 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by Allen Howison brother in law<br />

Butler, Lewis P. died 10 Dec 1879, diabetes, 62 years 8 months old, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Susan<br />

Butler, born prince Wm, information by Susan Butler - wife,<br />

Butler, Lucy died 00 Nov <strong>1853</strong>, typhoid fever, age 44 years, d/o Jos/Eliza Butler, born<br />

Fairfax VA, by father - Jos Butler<br />

Butler, Mary (colored) died 6 Nov 1893 Falkland, old age, 79 years, d/o John/N. Ford,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jos Withers - son in law<br />

Butler, <strong>William</strong> died 24 Nov 1858 of old age, age 74 years 8 months 2 days, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Elizabeth Butler, born <strong>Prince</strong> wm, Susan Butler - consort, information by<br />

John H. Butler - son<br />

Byrne, Eliza R. died 12 Sep 1854, spasms, age 3 years, d/o Thomas W./Cath A., born<br />

Fauquier, information by her father<br />

Caisey, Male died 00 Nov 1857, 2 days old, s/o John/Mary F. Caisey, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />


Caisey, Mary F. died 29 Dec 1857 of heart disease, age 39 years, d/o Ed/Jane<br />

Harding, information by John Caisey - consort<br />

Calvert, Henna died 00 Sep 1854, age 17 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Nancy Cornwell, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Cornwell- a friend?<br />

Calvert, James O. died 28 Dec <strong>1853</strong>, scarlet fever, age 10y-16m-00d, s/o Henry/Mary<br />

A. Calvert, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm., by father- Henry Calvert<br />

Calvert, Jane A. died 17 Feb 1854 of scarlet fever, age 3 years 3 months, d/o<br />

Henry/Mary A. Calvert, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Calvert, Male died 00 Apr 1854, mother was Mary Calvert, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by Rhoda Calvert- head of family<br />

Calvert, Mary E. died 00 Sep 1855, summer complaint, age 8 months, d/o John/Sarah<br />

J. Calvert, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Calvert, Nancy died 9 Oct 1856 from a fall, age 70 years, d/o Susan Benton, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by husband Peyton Calvert<br />

Campbell, Kaziah died 15 Jul 1856 dysentery, age 77 years 7 months, d/o<br />

Stephen/Nancy Lynn, born New York, Stephen Lynn - consort, information by<br />

son in law M.S. Lindsley<br />

Cannon, Lewis A. died 23 Jan 1855 spasms, age 7 days, s/o F.J./Cath Cannon, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Francis J. Cannon - father<br />

Cansellor, Elizabeth C. died 00 -00 - 1858, apoplectic, age 79 years, information by<br />

John M. Payne - friend<br />

Canty, Mike died 24 Nov 1892 Meadow Farm, old age, 92 years, born Ireland,<br />

information by Richard Sweeney - head of family<br />

Carney, Elizabeth died 5 Mar 1875, 3 days old, d/o James A./Margaret Carney,<br />

information by mother<br />

Carrico, Female died 8 Jul 1856, age 1 day, d/o John W./Martha V. Carrico,<br />

information by father<br />

Carrico, Jane died 00 Aug 1873, consumption of bowels, 40 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Harrison Carrico - husband<br />

Carrico, John W. died 8 Dec 1877, typhoid fever, 30 years old, s/o Robert/Susan<br />

Carrico, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Mary E. Carrico - consort, information by John T.<br />

Geasling - friend<br />

Carrico, <strong>William</strong> died 11 Mar 1856 consumption, age 74 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Mary<br />

Carrico, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm. or Fairfax, Elizabeth Carrico - wife, information by<br />

Lewis B. Carrico - son<br />

Carrico, <strong>William</strong> died 13 Nov 1859, typhoid fever, age 35 years, s/o ____/Elizabeth<br />

Carrico, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Naomi Carrico - consort, information by Lewis B.<br />

Carrico - brother<br />

Carr, Female died 00 Jun 1858, 60 years,<br />

Carr, John died 00 Nov 1856, age 2 months, s/o A./C. Carr, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by C.A. Carr- father<br />

Carr, John died 00 Aug 1856, hurt, age 23 years, s/o Perry Carr, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

Carroll, Harriett Ann died 4 May 1870, age 12 years, mother was Julia Ann Cornwell,<br />

information by W.E. Carroll<br />

Carter, Aaron (colored) died 14 Jul 1875, dropsy, 60 years, s/o Thomas/Mary Carter,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Lewis Carter - son<br />


Carter, Abigail died 8 Nov 1856, liver complaint, age 50 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Nancy<br />

Carter, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John Carter - brother<br />

Carter, C.S. died 11 Jul 1877 Fauquier Co., pneumonia, 37 years old, s/o John H./Mary<br />

J. Carter, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Louisa Carter - consort, information by <strong>William</strong> F. Hite<br />

- friend<br />

Carter, Eliza E. died 13 Aug <strong>1896</strong> near Voy, inflammation of stomach, age 68 years,<br />

d/o PHIL/Sallie Carter born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by M.A. Stork - friend<br />

Carter, Eveline died 10 Dec 1890, paralysis, 68 years, d/o Thomas/Betsy Jones, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Carter - son<br />

Carter, Lucy died 4 Sep 1857, whooping cough, age 4 years, d/o George/Mary E.<br />

Carter, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Carter, Lucy Ann died 00 Apr 1869, measles, age unknown, Mason Carter - consort,<br />

information by father<br />

Carter, Male died 00 Oct 1854, age 3 days, s/o Solomon/Eliza Carter, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Carter, Male died 00 Feb 1856, age 1 month, s/o W.L./Maria Carter, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Carter, Male died 12 Jan 1874, 83 years, s/o Samuel/Ruthy Carter born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Carter, Maria A. died 6 Jun 1875, heart disease, 62 years old, information by J. Carter -<br />

son<br />

Carter, Sarah died 10 Dec 1892, Pittsylvania, cataract, 70 years, born <strong>Virginia</strong>,<br />

information by E.L. Carter - relative<br />

Carter, Sarah Catherine died 00 Apr 1869, measles, age not known, Mason Carter -<br />

consort, information by father<br />

Carter, Thomas (free colored) died 1 Mar 1857, age 72 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by E. Haislip - friend<br />

Carter, Winston E. died 24 Dec 1874 Mill Park, lockjaw, 17 years old, s/o Winston<br />

L./Maria Carter, information by mother<br />

Cary, Male (colored) died 6 Sep <strong>1896</strong> near Forrestburg, 5 days old, s/o Jas/Mary<br />

Carey, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by James Cary - father<br />

Catoe, Elizabeth P. died 20 Oct 1872, deep cold, 65 years old, d/o John/Elizabeth Adie,<br />

born Stafford, widow of L. Catoe, information by James H. Catoe - son<br />

Caton, E.M. died 10 May 1895 Locust Grove, 5 days old, parents were E.M./A.F.<br />

Caton, information by mother<br />

Chamberlain, Ruel died 29 Aug 1890, flux, age 32 years, s/o Jas/Mary Chamberlain,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Robert Waters - step father<br />

Chamberlain, Seth died 8 May 1859, consumption, age 21 years, s/o Oliver/M.<br />

Chamberlain, information by father<br />

Chambers, Jesse (colored) died 25 Aug 1893 Manassas, cholera inflammation, age 1<br />

year, s/o M.W. Chambers, born Manassas, information by parents<br />

Champ, Robert (colored) died 15 Mar 1877, pneumonia, age 5 months, s/o<br />

Robert/Emily Champ, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Champ, Robert (colored) died 18 Feb 1878, pneumonia, 5 months, s/o Robert/Emily<br />

Champ, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Champ, Robert (colored) died 15 Sep 1887 Bristoe, malarial fever, 61 years,<br />

information by Emily Champ - head of family<br />


Campbell, Raymond died 5 Sep 1895 near Fairfax C.H., s/o W.P./A.E. Campbell, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by parents<br />

Chancellor, Jane died 00 Oct 1878, old age, 94 years old, information by brother in law<br />

Matthew Priest<br />

Chancellor, Martha died 28 Mar 1873, old age, 80 years old, d/o Cooper A./Mary<br />

Chancellor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by niece<br />

Chapman, Aggie (colored) died 9 Oct 1875, cause unknown, 90 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Addison Chapman - friend<br />

Chapman, Ephram (colored) died 25 Oct 1874 Manassas Twp., cause unknown, s/o<br />

Addison/Fannie Chapman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Chapman, Fannie (colored) died 8 Nov 1874 Manassas Twp., consumption, age 31<br />

years, d/o Willis/Jane Thompson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Addison<br />

Chapman - friend<br />

Chapman, John died 4 Dec 1866, lunacy, age 31 years, s/o George/Susan Chapman,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Mary Chapman - consort, information by John Chapman<br />

Charity, Rebecca (colored) died 18 Dec 1875, pneumonia, 19 years, d/o Willis/Martha<br />

Charity, born Fauquier, information by Scott Tucker - friend<br />

Cheshire, John died 23 Nov 1859, fever, age 28 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Ellen<br />

Cheshire - consort, information by brother<br />

Cheshire, Jane died 22 Feb 1872, consumption, 67 years old, d/o James Austin, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by George W. Cheshire - husband<br />

Chew, Bladen died 5 Jul 1876, pneumonia, age 1 year, s/o Thomas J./Rosa R. Chew,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Chew, Bayton B. died 17 Aug 1890 Throughfare, tumor, 48 years, s/o Robert/S.<br />

Beverly, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by Thomas J. Chew - husband<br />

Chew, Rosa died 17 Apr 1879, consumption, 25 years old, d/o Bladen/Caroline<br />

Delaney, born prince Wm, information by Thomas J. Chew - husband<br />

Chichester, Catherine died 11 Feb 1872, 62 years old, d/o George B. Chichester,<br />

information by father<br />

Chichester, Male 00 Aug 1872, age 1 month, s/o Charles R. Chichester, information by<br />

George B. Chichester - head of family<br />

Childs, Ann died 28 Nov 1856 consumption, age 25 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Sam B.<br />

Childs- husband, information by Hector Kincheloe - friend<br />

Chinn, Ben___? (Henry?) (colored) died 24 Jul 1873, 24 years, s/o Thomas/Mary J.<br />

Chinn, information by father<br />

Chinn, Charles D. (colored) died 14 Feb 1876, pneumonia, age 1 year 1 month 7 days,<br />

s/o Charles E./Ella Chinn, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Christian, Ashton (colored) died 5 Jan 1890 Gainesville, croup, age 1 year 13 months,<br />

s/o Robert/Margaret J. Christian, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

Churchwell, Elias (colored) died 15 Nov 1874 near waterfall, strangulated hernia, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, age 50 years old, information by Jesse Ewell - physician<br />

Churchwell, Enoch (colored) died 8 Jun 1895 Gainesville, dropsy, age 75 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> wm, information by S. Churchwell - wife<br />

Churchwell, Enoch (colored) died 9 May 1876, pneumonia, age 8 years, s/o Enoch<br />

/Martha Churchwell born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Churchwell, Harvey (colored) died 13 Apr 1887 Gainesville, malarial fever, age 7 years<br />

3 days, s/o Thomas/Fannie Churchwell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Claggett, Sallie C. died 15 Nov 1895 Baldwin Ridge, age 67 years, born Fauquier,<br />

information by C.H. Claggett - son<br />

Claggett, Thomas L. died 30 Mar 1870, paralysis, age 60 years, unmarried, information<br />

by Henrietta D______<br />

Clark, A.M. died 18 Nov 1857, age 63 years, s/o Thomas/Nancy Clark, born <strong>Prince</strong> wm,<br />

John Clark - son<br />

Clark, Catherine died 00 00 1857, fever, age 7 years, s/o W.L./Lucy Clark, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by W.L. Brawner - friend<br />

Clark, Earle died 30 May 1893 Mayfield, brain fever, age 7 months, s/o W.A./E.V.<br />

Clark, information by parents<br />

Clark, Eli W. died 00 Mar 1871, Fauquier, consumption, age 51 years, s/o Joel Clark,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o Charles Thomas - brother in law<br />

Clark, George H. died 8 Nov 1857, liver complaint, age 2 years 6 months, s/o<br />

John/Sophia Clark, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Clark, James F. died 00 Sep 1872, pistol shot wound, 27 years, s/o Eldon John Clark,<br />

information by C.C. Barbour - physician<br />

Clark, Laura died 00 Sep 1854, age 10 months, d/o Francis/A. Clark, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Clark, Lucretia died 18 Feb 1874, consumption, 35 years, d/o Mary Kincheloe, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Thomas Clark - husband<br />

Clark, Susan W. died 6 Mar 1875, consumption, 53 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by <strong>William</strong> A. Clark - husband<br />

Clark, <strong>William</strong> S. died 00 Mar 1857, age 27 years, s/o Elias/Catherine Clark, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by W.L. Brawner - father in law<br />

Cline, Charles died 12 Aug 1858 Maple Springs, apoplexy, age 73 years, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Mary Cline, occupation carpenter, Harriet Cline - consort, information by<br />

Thomas Cline - son<br />

Clutz, Susanna died _00 Aug 1854 dysentery, age 1 year 6 months, mother was<br />

Nancy Clutz, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Patrick Kincheloe - head of family<br />

Coats, James H. (colored) died 23 Dec 1875, age 2 years, cause unknown, s/o<br />

James/Mildred Coats, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cockrell, Elbany A. died 17 Mar 1874 Manassas Twp, pneumonia, 62 years, d/o<br />

Richard Weedon, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Joseph A. Cockrell - husband<br />

Cockrell, Lucelia died 00 Oct <strong>1853</strong>, age 6y-4m-00d, d/o Jos J./E.A. Cockrell, by father<br />

Joseph Cockrell<br />

Colbert, Frances died 2 Mar 1887 Manassas, paralysis, 36 years 7 months, information<br />

by <strong>William</strong> H. Colbert - husband<br />

Colbert, George died 15 Oct 1866, congestive fever, age 20 years 8 months 12 days,<br />

s/o Henry/Mary Colbert, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Colbert, Peyton N. died 20 Sep 1864, apoplectic, age 70 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Catherine<br />

Colbert, information by <strong>William</strong> Colvert - son<br />

Coldwell, Caroline A. died 13 Aug 1857, consumption, age 33 years, d/o<br />

Cuthbert/Elizabeth Owens, born Fauquier, information by John Coldwell -<br />

husband<br />


Coldwell, Caroline A. died 13 Aug 1857, dysentery, age 9 months, d/o John/Caroline<br />

Coldwell, born Bristoe, information by father<br />

Cole, Amandy (black) died 00 Jul 1865, thrush, age 12 days, d/o Harrison/Marey J.<br />

Cole, born Alexandria, information by father<br />

Cole, Caroline (colored) died 15 Aug 1871, enzoipulas, infant, parents not given<br />

Cole, Elizabeth died 16 Sep 1872, consumption, 48 years, d/o Daniel/Milly Carter, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Benjamin Cole - husband<br />

Cole, Female (colored) died 9 Dec 1873, age 1 month, d/o Mary Cole, born<br />

Washington DC, information by Henry Cole - grandfather<br />

Cole, Female (colored) died 00 Jul 1865, age 1 month, d/o Arthur/Harriett Cole,<br />

information by Hugh M. Davis - friend<br />

Cole, Frank (colored) died 20 Jan 1893 Catharpin, scrofula, age 1 year 7 months born<br />

Catharpin<br />

Cole, George W. died 22 Nov 1870, cause not given, 10 days old, s/o J./Susan V. Cole,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jas Cole<br />

Cole, Hampton O. (colored) died 25 Feb 1864 Alexandria, typhoid fever, age 4 years,<br />

s/o Hampton/Lydia Cole, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cole, Henry (colored) died 8 Dec 1878, old age, 79 years old<br />

Cole, Lucretia (colored) died 6 May 1873, consumption, 37 years, d/o Jane Barnes,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by husband<br />

Cole, Lydia E. (colored) died 28 Feb 1864 Alexandria, typhoid fever, age 35 years, d/o<br />

Ronert Brown/Caroline Pinn, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Hampton Cole -<br />

husband<br />

Cole, Male died 00 Sep 1859, flux, s/o H./M. Cole, information by Horace Cole - friend<br />

Cole, Mary (colored) died 24 Apr 1877, unknown cause, 3 days old, d/o Mary Cole,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Addison Chapman - head of family<br />

Cole, Mary F. (colored) died 25 Aug 1890 Wellington, dyspepsia?, age 52 years, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by Hampton Cole - husband<br />

Cole, Mary J. (colored) died 24 Apr 1877, consumption, 34 years 12 months, d/o<br />

Alfred/Amanda Murphy, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Harrison Cole - husband<br />

Cole, Roland died 00 Aug 1856 cholera infection, age 4 years, s/o Basil/Rebecca Cole,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cole, Rlucher (colored) died 10 Apr 1870, age 1 year 1 month, s/o John/Matilda Cole,<br />

born Manassas Twp., information by George Primm<br />

Cole, Sarah E. (free colored) died 22 Jan 1858, typhoid fever, age 11 years, mother<br />

was Mary Cole, information by Lydia E. Cole - Aunt<br />

Cole, Violette (free colored) died 23 May 1857, age 26 years, information by H. Hill<br />

Coleman, Charles (colored) died 17 Apr 1891 Mayfield, consumption, age 50 years,<br />

born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by Roberta Coleman - widow<br />

Colvin, L. died 26 Feb 1891 Hazelwood, croup, age 8 months, born <strong>Virginia</strong>,<br />

information by parents - J.C./L.M. Colvin<br />

Comedy, Female (colored) died 8 Jan 1879, disease not known, 1 month 11 days old,<br />

d/o Bragg/Susan Comedy, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Compton, Anna died 10 Jun 1866, consumption, age 17 years, d/o Alexander<br />

Compton, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by A.H. Compton<br />


Compton, Eliza died 7 Jun 1859 Greenville, bronchitis, age 16 years, d/o Alex/Eletia<br />

Compton, information by father<br />

Compton, Felishia died 13 Nov 1865, sudden, age 53 years, d/o Reubin/Elizabeth<br />

Beach, born Richmond City, information by Jesse Ewell - friend<br />

Compton, Lillie C. died 10 Jan 1890 Wellington, consumption, age 33 years 8 months,<br />

born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by A.H. Compton - brother<br />

Conner, Mary died 11 Apr 1876, old age, 90 years old, parents not known, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Elias E. Conner - son<br />

Conner, Mary E. died 00 Aug 1873, cause unknown, age 4 years, d/o E./M. Conner,<br />

information by Robert Allen - grandfather<br />

Conrad, John S. MD died 7 Dec <strong>1896</strong> Neabsco, paralysis, 58 years old, s/o Nelson<br />

Conrad, born Fairfax C.H., information by Thomas Conrad - brother<br />

Conrad, M.J. died 10 Jun <strong>1896</strong> Fairview, pneumonia, age 77 years, information by M.V.<br />

Conrad - brother<br />

Conrad, M.M. died 12 Mar 1892 Fairview, pneumonia, age 55 years, information by<br />

M.V. Conrad - relative<br />

Conway, Maggie (colored) died 27 Sep 1875, unknown cause, 18 years old, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Julia Conway, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by James Blackwell - friend<br />

Coon, Nathaniel died 00 Aug 1856, age 3 days, s/o John/Rosannah Coon, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Cooper, George died 20 Dec 1869, cause not known, 17 years, s/o Henry/Susan<br />

Cooper, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cooper, Male died 15 Apr 1895 Oak Grove, 15 days old, s/o A.B./V.C. Cooper, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by parents<br />

Cooper, Male died 15 Mar <strong>1896</strong> Latimer Farm, 21 days old, s/o Thomas J./V. Cooper,<br />

information by parents<br />

Copen, Emma J. died 5 Feb <strong>1896</strong> near Independent Hill, consumption, age 28 years,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by G.W. Copen - husband<br />

Copen, Moses died 14 Sep 1858, diphtheria, age 60 years 2 months 20 days, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Sally Copen Nancy Copen - consort, information by daughter<br />

Copen, Sally died 00 Nov 1858, aplitic, age 70 years, information by Peyton Keys - son<br />

in law<br />

Corbin, Alex died 30 Jul 1857, flux, age 2 years 6 months, s/o Wilford/Harriet Corbin,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Corbin, Mary R. died 4 Jul 1857, whooping cough, age 16 days, d/o Wilford/Harriet F.<br />

Corbin, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Corbin, Samuel T. died 6 Feb 1856, croup, age 4 years, s/o Wilford/H.S. Corbin, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cornwell, Alice A. died 4 Jul 1865, information by M. Cornwell - husband<br />

Cornwell, Andrew J. died 28 Sep 1873, diphtheria, age 14 years, s/o Peter/Lucretia<br />

Cornwell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cornwell, Ehirma died 9 Nov 1857, child bed, age 17 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Ann Bruin,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Luther Cornwell - husband<br />

Cornwell, Emma died 24 May 1858, fever, age 23 years, Luther Cornwell - consort,<br />

information by Willis Cornwell - brother in law<br />


Cornwell, Female died 11 Jul 1873, 2 days old, d/o Montreville/Ann C. Cornwell, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cornwell, Female died 00 May 1859, age 1 day, d/o John /V. Cornwell, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Cornwell, Female died 1 Oct 1865, age 1 month, d/o Elisha/Eliza Cornwell, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Cornwell, Geo. died 00 Oct 1855, diarrhea, age 9 months, s/o Willis/Eliz Cornwell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,, information by father<br />

Cornwell, John died 00 Dec 1855, dropsy, age 70 years, information by Luther<br />

Cornwell - son<br />

Cornwell, John died 20 Dec 1874, 53 years, consumption, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by James Clark - friend<br />

Cornwell, John died 3 Jul 1872, unknown cause, 18 years old, s/o James/Cordelia<br />

Cornwell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cornwell, John B. died 7 Mar 1865, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jas Cornwell - son<br />

Cornwell, Josephine died 26 Jul 1890, found dead alone, age 38 years, d/o<br />

Simon/Fannie Cornwell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Autencia Davis -<br />

landlady<br />

Cornwell, Josephine died 00 Oct 1854, diarrhea, age 4 years, d/o John/Mary Cornwell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cornwell, Lucretta died 25 Jun 1858, fever, age 7 months, d/o Luther/Emma Cornwell,<br />

information by Willis Cornwell - brother in law<br />

Cornwell, Lucy Etta died 14 Jun <strong>1896</strong> near Token , age 19 years, d/o Nimrod Cornwell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cornwell, Luther died 00 Oct 1855, diarrhea, age 8 months, s/o Willis/Eliz Cornwell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cornwell, Luther died 28 Jun 1858, fever, age 25 years, s/o Luther/Emma Cornwell,<br />

information by Willis Cornwell - brother in law<br />

Cornwell, Margaret died 14 Sep 1872, old age, 65 years, d/o Peter/Elizabeth Cornwell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by son<br />

Cornwell, Marlinda died 22 Apr 1854 scarlet fever, age 5 years, d/o S.K./M.F. Cornwell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Simon K. Cornwell - father<br />

Cornwell, Mary died 1850s, age 9 years 4 months, d/o Thomas Cornwell, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Cornwell, Mary E. died 6 Jul 1875, cause not given, 35 years old, born prince Wm,<br />

information by James Cornwell - husband<br />

Cornwell, Mary Jane died 00 Mar 1866, age 30 years, d/o Simon/Fanny Cornwell, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Montville Cornwell - relation<br />

Cornwell, Matthew died 9 Aug 1854 diarrhea, age 2 years, s/o John/Mary Cornwell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cornwell, Nancy died 6 Oct 1878, cause unknown, age 16 years<br />

Corum, Amanda V. died 13 Dec 1869, age 6 months, d/o Albert/J.C. Corum, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Costello, R.L. died 24 Apr 1895 near Milford, consumption, 17 years old, s/o V.B.<br />

Costello, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Coulter, Female (free colored) died 3 Dec 1859, age 6 years, d/o Alex/M. Coulter, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Counsellor, Richard (colored) died 13 Jul 1874, scrofula, 6 years old, s/o Harrison/Mary<br />

Counsellor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Cromedy, Male (colored) died 4 Oct 1873, age 1 day, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o Brag/Susan<br />

Cromedy, information by father<br />

Crosen, Bessie died 15 May 1891 Vanpelt Farm, diphtheria, 2 months old, d/o E.F./B.<br />

Crosen, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by parents<br />

Crosen, Catherine died 15 Apr 1854 consumption, age 16 years, d/o Caroline Crosen,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Walter Woodyard - friend<br />

Crosen, Elizabeth died 29 Jul 1890 near Bristoe, brain trouble, 72 years old, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by John H. Crosen - husband<br />

Crosen, I. died 5 Jun 1894 Lee Farm, childbirth, age 25 years, information by husband<br />

Crosen, Thomas died 29 May 1891 Van Pelt Farm, diphtheria, age 3 years, s/o E.F./B.<br />

Crosen born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by parents<br />

Crosen, <strong>William</strong> died 20 Apr 1859, rupture, age 11 months, s/o John H./Elizabeth<br />

Crosen, information by father<br />

Cross, A.F. died 21 Oct <strong>1896</strong> Woodville, consumption, age 43 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by son<br />

Crouch, Joseph died 00 Sep 1856 paralyzed, age 70 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Fanny<br />

Crouch - wife, information by <strong>William</strong> Crouch - son<br />

Crouch, Rudolph died 11 May 1858, age 27 days, s/o J./Ann Crouch, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by - father<br />

Cultz, Sophia C. died 11 Nov 1858, fever, age 47 years, information by Mason Clutz -<br />

husband<br />

Cundiff, John Y. died 5 Nov 1874 Gainesville, apoplexy, 54 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Elizabeth<br />

Cundiff, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by P.G.Douglas - nephew<br />

Curtiss, Catherine died 1 Nov 1857, fever, age 41 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/S. Hammill, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mason Curtiss - husband<br />

Curtis, Catherine died 00 Apr 1869, measles, Mason Curtis - consort, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Curtiss, Thomas died 00 Mar 1856 of old age, age 70 years, born Stafford, information<br />

by Robert Curtis - son<br />

Cushing, Female died 10 Oct 1855, chills and fever, age 4 months, d/o C./Sarah C.<br />

Cushing, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Crawford Cushing - father<br />

Cushing, Henry F. died 6 Oct 1873, congestive fever, age 18 years 6 months, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o Crawford/S.C. Cushing, information by father<br />

Cushing, Margaret died 00 Sep 1857, whooping cough, age 4 years, d/o<br />

Crawford/Susan Cushing, information by father<br />

Dade, Charlotte (colored) died 28 Jul 1890 Manassas, female trouble, 23 years, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by Albert Dade - husband<br />

Dailey, Frances died 27 Feb 1855 consumption, age 23 years, d/o Dan/Mary Kennedy,<br />

born Ireland, information by <strong>William</strong> Dailey - spouse<br />

Dane, Henry died 16 Nov 1878, dropsy, age 84 years, s/o John/Deborah Dane, born<br />

New York, information by father<br />

Davis, Aaron died 8 Jul 1870, old age, 75 years, parents unknown<br />


Davis, Alice R. died 22 Jul 1872, consumption, 25 years, d/o A.J./Margaret Davis, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, Archie died 15 Jul 1876, cause not known, 5 months 10 days, s/o R.M./Ann<br />

Davis, born prince Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, Catherine died 25 Aug 1856 dysentery, age 45 years, d/o John/Sarah Lynn,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Isaac W. Davis - husband<br />

Davis, Catherine died 12 Sep 1856, age 1 month 27 days, d/o I.W./Catherine Davis,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, Catherine died 22 Sep 1873, fever, 32 years old, d/o <strong>William</strong>/C.C. Davis, born<br />

Penn., information by father<br />

Davis, Charles died 16 Jul 1871, scarlet fever, 9 years, s/o J.L./Mary Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, Cordelia (colored) died 26 Oct 1874, age 65 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Davis, Duglas died 10 Aug 1873, consumption, age 24 years, s/o Resin Davis, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by Pembroke Reid - father in law<br />

Davis, Elizabeth died 17 May 1875, old age, 80 years old, information by J. Davis - son<br />

Davis, Ella died 19 Jan 1873, croup, age 5 years, d/o Francis C./Sally Davis, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Doctor M.A. Ish<br />

Davis, Eugenna C. died 00 Sep 1873 Manassas Twp., 26 days old, d/o Charles/Julia<br />

Davis, information by A.L. Davis - grandfather<br />

Davis, F.J. died 12 Sep 1895 Brentsville, typhoid fever, 33 years, s/o Landy Davis, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Ada Davis - widow<br />

Davis, Female died 13 Jul 1875, cause unknown, 2 months, d/o John H./Sarah M.<br />

Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, Francis C. died 00 Oct 1864, 30 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o<br />

Warren/Catherine Davis, information by father<br />

Davis, French L. died Jul <strong>1896</strong> Brentsville, cholera inflammation, 3 months 14 days, s/o<br />

F.J./Ada Davis, born Brentsville, information by parents<br />

Davis, Geo.? C.? died 22 Sep 1873, unknown cause, 1 month 1 day old, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/C.C. Davis, information by father<br />

Davis, George T. died 00 Sep 1873, 3 months, thresh, s/o R.S./Nancy H. Davis, born<br />

Fairfax, information by R.S. Davis - father<br />

Davis, George W. died 10 Mar 1869, consumption, 26 years, s/o B.P./Elizabeth Davis,<br />

born Fairfax <strong>County</strong>, information by Joseph Reid<br />

Davis, Georgiana died 00 Aug 1856 of typhoid, age 13 years, d/o Vernon/Amanda<br />

Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, H.V. (female) died 7 Dec 1890, childbirth, 28 years, d/o Leroy/Amanda<br />

Mayhugh, born Fairfax, information by neighbors<br />

Davis, Harriett died 7 Feb 1858 Manassas Station, age 7 years, d/o R.P./Elizabeth<br />

Davis, born Fairfax, information by John French - uncle<br />

Davis, Harriett L. died 00 00 1864, age - forgotten, d/o Jas R./R. Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, Hattie died 00 Aug 1865, flux, age 2 years, d/o Jas R./R. Davis, information by<br />

father<br />

Davis, James M. died 11 Sep 1875, cause not known, 6 years old, s/o J./Josephine<br />

Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Davis, Jinsey died 2 Jul 1876, consumption, 21 years, d/o A.J./Margaret Davis, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, John L. died 15 Mar 1890 pneumonia, 61 years, s/o Jess/Catherine Davis, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by ___ Copen - neighbors<br />

Davis, John W. died 4 Aug 1890, abscess of liver, 81 years, s/o Thomas/Catherine<br />

Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Autencia? Davis - wife<br />

Davis, Julia died 23 Jul 1874, thrush, 6 months old, d/o James M./Annie Davis<br />

Davis, Louis C. died 00 Jul 1873, brain fever, 18 months, s/o Rufus/Julia Davis,<br />

information by father<br />

Davis, Lucian died 21 May 1887 Brentsville, diliaum tremens?, 49 years 5 months,<br />

information by F.J. Davis - son in law<br />

Davis, Lucy died 2 May 1875, pneumonia, 75 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Henry Davis - husband<br />

Davis, Male (colored) died 21 May 1875, cause unknown, 10 days old, s/o<br />

James/Fannie Davis, information by father<br />

Davis, Male died 17 Feb 1856, age 2 months, s/o Isaiah/Frances, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Davis, Male died 17 Nov 1854, age 2 days, s/o Isaiah/Frances, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Davis, Male died 30 Jul 1869, cause not known, 22 days old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong> E./Henrietta Davis, information by father<br />

Davis, Martha died 8 Jan 1869, cause not known, age 10 years, d/o John H./J. Davis,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, Martha died 00 00 1870, no other information given<br />

Davis, Martha W. died 1 Sep 1855, croup, age 1 year 8 months, d/o John/Mary C.,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, Mary died 8 Jan 1870, cause unknown, 2 days old, d/o J.H./J. Davis, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Davis, Mary A. died 13 Jun 1870, 2 years 16 days old, d/o J.R./R.A. Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm.<br />

Davis, Mary F. died 2 Jan 1875, croup, age 3 months, d/o <strong>William</strong> E./Henrella F. Davis,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, Mary W. died 13 Jun 1870, cause unknown, age 2 years 5 months 6 days, d/o<br />

James R./R.A. Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Davis, Matthew died 8 Jun 1875, cause unknown, 71 years old, born Fairfax <strong>County</strong>,<br />

information by Sarah Davis - wife<br />

Davis, Mildred died __ Feb 1856, syhonia, age 25 years, d/o ___ Mayhugh, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, Benson Davis - husband, information by brother in law Matthew Davis<br />

Davis, Minor F. died 2 Sep 1872, rheumatism, age 25 years, s/o Samuel/Elizabeth<br />

Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Davis, Newman W. died 8 Dec 1859, paralyzed, age 54 years, Nancy Davis - consort,<br />

information by John W. Davis - son<br />

Davis, Oscar D.F. died 4 Jul <strong>1853</strong>, dysentery, age 14 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.,<br />

s/o Matthew/Sarah Davis, by father- Matthew Davis<br />

Davis, Presly died __ Oct 1854, drowned, s/o Hugh/Jane Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Benjamin Davis - relative<br />


Davis, Randolph died 13 Nov 1857, pneumonia, age 9 months, s/o Thomas/Martha A.<br />

Davis, information by father<br />

Davis, Richard died 8 Jul 1871, scarlet fever, 7 years old, s/o J.L./Mary Davis, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Davis, Sarah E. died 26 Jan 1876, heart disease, 75 years old, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Rebecca<br />

Mayhugh, born Fairfax <strong>County</strong>, information by Joseph Florence - head of family<br />

Davis, Sophia died 27 Jan 1857, pneumonia, age 57 years, d/o Isaac/Sarah Milstead,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Davis - husband<br />

Davis, Susan V. died 19 Jul 1865, diarrhea, age 12 years, d/o Nathan/Mary Davis,<br />

information by mother<br />

Davis, Vernon died 28 Mar 1869, consumption, age 60 years, parents not known, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jas B. Davis<br />

Davis, Warren died 8 Jul 1870, old age, age 75 years, parents unknown<br />

Dawson, Catherine died 22 Mar 1877, old age, 87 years old, parents unknown,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> Fragins - head of family<br />

Dawson, Female died 26 Apr 1869, cause not known, 9 months 5 days, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, d/o Jas/Louisa Dawson, information by mother<br />

Dawson, Maria died 00 Aug 1858, age 65 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>, born Throughfare,<br />

information by Burr Powell - nephew<br />

Day, M.L. died 18 Jan 1893 Manassas, paralysis, 78 years, born Maryland, information<br />

by W. Longwell - relative<br />

Dean, Ann (colored) died 23 Jun <strong>1896</strong> near Sudley Mill, 68 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by David Christan - friend<br />

Dean, James T. died 00 Jan 1854, age 4 years, s/o Jas A./Ann Davis, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Dean, John died 28 Jun 1854, diarrhea, age 19 months, s/o James A./Ann Davis, born<br />

Stafford Co., information by father<br />

Dean, Maria (colored) died 12 Aug 1876, pneumonia, age 2 years, d/o James/Mahala<br />

Dean, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Delaplane, Charlie died 11 Dec 1856, age 5 months, s/o Thomas H./Sarah M.<br />

Delaplane, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Dellaplaine, Frank died 10 Aug 1873, brain fever, age 3 years 6 months, information by<br />

Patrick Dellaplain - father<br />

Delaplain, Frank R. died 16 Aug 1872, brain fever, age 4 years, s/o Patrick/E.V.<br />

Delaplain, information by father<br />

Delaplane, Mary C. died 15 Feb 1874 Buckland, age 48 years, d/o Jacob/Catherine<br />

Delaplane, born Buckland, school teacher, information by brother<br />

Dell, Eliza died 14 Apr 1858, dropsy, age 52 years, d/o Thomas/Catherine Davis, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jas M. Davis - son in law<br />

Dent, Susan died 28 Jul 1874, fits, age 18 years, d/o Alfred/Angeline Dent, information<br />

by James Clark - guardian<br />

Develin, Mary died 1 Dec 1875, typhoid fever, age 17 years 10 months, d/o<br />

Bernard/Martha Develin, information by father<br />

Dewey, Mary E. died 8 Nov 1866, a cold, age 9 months, d/o <strong>William</strong> H./Mary E. Dewey,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Dewey, <strong>William</strong> died 20 Apr 1873, cause not known, 36 years, born England,<br />

information by R.M. Davis<br />

Dickens, Lionel died 3 Nov 1892 Locust Grove, croup, 9 days old, s/o E./M. Dickens,<br />

born Locust Grove Farm, information by parents<br />

Diggs, George S. died 25 Jul 1870, age 1 month 17 days, s/o George W./Mary F.<br />

Diggs, born Manassas Twp., information by father<br />

Diggs, Henry (colored) died 25 Nov 1873, fever, 67 years old, information by Eliza<br />

Diggs - wife<br />

Diggs, Randal (colored) died 25 Apr 1877, consumption, 60 years old, parents<br />

unknown, information by Mary Diggs - wife<br />

Dodd, James M. died 25 Sep 1856, killed by the mill, age 32 years, s/o George/Rosa<br />

Dodd, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Elizabeth F. Dodd - wife, information by a son James H.<br />

Dodd<br />

Dodd, Kate died 15 Jan 1874 Haymarket, heart disease, d/o <strong>William</strong> H./Catherine<br />

Dodd, born Haymarket Va. information by father<br />

Dodd, Roslar V. died 28 May 1865 Spotsylvania, croup, s/o Joseph F./Mary C. Dodd,<br />

age 1 year 5 months, 5 days, born Spotsylvania, information by - father<br />

Dodd, W.H. died 15 Mar 1891 Haymarket, unknown cause, 5 years 6 months, s/o<br />

W.H./Kate A. Dodd, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by parents<br />

Dogan, Female died 3 Aug 1891 Paradise, strangulation, 1 day old, d/o J.F./M.E.<br />

Dogan, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by parents<br />

Dogan, <strong>William</strong> H. died 16 May 1854, diseased heart, age 59 years, s/o Henry/Mary<br />

Dogan, information by John D. Dogan - brother<br />

Doleman, Cora (colored) died 22 Jun 1887 Bristoe, consumption, age 17 years 5<br />

months 8 days, information by Joseph Hanes - friend<br />

Donohoe, George died 20 Feb 1869, congestive chill, 62 years, s/o Sarah Donohoe -<br />

consort, information by Crawford Cushing<br />

Donohoe, Lewis R. died 17 Jan 1865 Point Lookout, consumption, age 24 years, s/o<br />

George/Sarah Donohoe, born Fauquier, information by father<br />

Dorsey, Female died 3 Dec 1895, age 1 day, d/o Frank/S. Dorsey, information by father<br />

Dorsey, <strong>William</strong> H. died 00 00 1870, enzsipelas, 43 years 11 months, s/o __ /Frances<br />

Dorsey, born England, information by Mary E. Dorsey - wife<br />

Douglass, Emma died 3 Jul <strong>1853</strong>, croup, age 1month 27 days, d/o George A./A.<br />

Douglass, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm., by George A./A. Douglass<br />

Douglass, George A. died 3 Oct 1855, typhoid fever, age 36 years, s/o Gilson/Lucinda<br />

Dunlap, born Kentucky, Augustus Douglass - spouse, information by James D.<br />

Tennille - uncle<br />

Dowell, Landy died 00 Feb 1865, age 59 years, s/o Jesse/Mary Dowell, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Willie Dowell - son<br />

Dowell, Sarah died 16 Nov 1859, paraplegic, age 49 years 6 months, d/o Thomas/Ann<br />

Turner, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Landy Dowell - consort<br />

Dowell, <strong>William</strong> D. died 00 Sep 1857, consumption, age 67 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Z.A. Kankey - friend<br />

Downs, Archie died 17 Sep 1887, indigestion, age 2 months 4 days old, s/o <strong>William</strong><br />

H./Susan Downs, born Catharpin Va., information by father<br />


Downs, Causie? died 16 Sep 1878, brain fever, age 1 year 4 months old, child of<br />

<strong>William</strong> B./Mary F. Downs, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Downs, O.F. died 18 Nov 1892 Hickory Grove, pneumonia, age 3 months, information<br />

by J.E./R.S. Downs - parents<br />

Downs, Rose died 6 May 1894 Hickory Grove, pneumonia, age 32 years, information<br />

by J.E. Downs - husband<br />

Doyle, Patrick died 24 Jul 1873, unknown cause, age 3 months old, s/o M./H. Doyle,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mikiel Doyle<br />

Drake, Mary died 00 Aug 1857, age 60 years, information by R. Mayhugh - S.I.L.<br />

Dulaney, Male died 15 Oct 1892 Edgewood, age - infant, s/o R.L./A.R. Dulaney,<br />

information by parents<br />

Dulin, A.W. died 20 Jan 1892 OakDale, LaGrippe, age 66 years, born <strong>Virginia</strong>,<br />

information by B.P. Dulin - head of family<br />

Dulin, B.P. died 26 Apr 1895 near Greenwich, old age, 81 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, A.M.<br />

Dulin - consort, information by J.B. Dulin - son<br />

Dulin, Edward J. died 2 Nov 1877, congestive fever, age 24 years old, s/o Burr<br />

P./Amanda W. Dulin, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Dulin, Lucy M. died 15 Jun 1869, age 2 years 13 days, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, d/o __<br />

P./Amanda Dulin, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Dunaway, Julia died 16 Dec 1876, childbirth, age 39 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by J. Dunaway - husband<br />

Duncan, Male died 20 Jun 1869, cause not known, died day of birth, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

s/o John/Mary C. Duncan, information by father<br />

Dunham, James died 22 May 1854, fits, age 50 years, s/o James/Eliza Dunham, born<br />

New York, information by P. Monday - step father<br />

Dunn, Alice E. died 20 Aug 1877, bilious fever, age 21 years, d/o Henry/Elizabeth<br />

Golden, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John W. Dunn - husband<br />

Dunn, Male died 25 Nov 1876, pneumonia, age 18 years, s/o John W./Alice Dunn, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Dunn, Mary died 24 Dec 1874, age 50 years, d/o Martin/Emily Jasbaugh?, born New<br />

York, information by husband<br />

Dutee, Ann E. died 17 Nov 1869, consumption, 74 years, born Germany, a widow,<br />

information by Jo Dutee<br />

Duty, Alfred D. died 7 Oct 1858, age 10 days, s/o Henry/Adalade Duty, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Duvall, E.M. died 3 Apr 1856, age 62 years, d/o Jesse/Sarah Evans, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by husband <strong>William</strong> D. Duvall<br />

Duvall, Marion died 9 Mar 1856 dysentery, age 1 year 9 months, d/o <strong>William</strong> H./M.<br />

Duvall, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> H. Duvall - father<br />

Duvall, Mary Jane died 11 Jul 1873, cause unknown, age 54 years, d/o John/Winifred<br />

Reeves, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Davis - husband<br />

Duvall, Sarah C. died 00 Oct 1855, consumption, age 65 years, d/o James/Nancy<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by a son<br />

Duvall, <strong>William</strong> H. died 20 Sep1873, age 84 years, died of old age, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Nancy<br />

Duvall, a widow long time, information by Henry A. Duvall - son<br />


Edmonds, A.B. died 00 Sep 1895 near Greenwich, heart trouble, 68 years, s/o<br />

Thomas/L. Edmonds, born Fauquier, information by D.P. Edmonds - brother<br />

Edwards, James H. died 29 Oct 1865, diphtheria, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Lucy Edwards, age 5<br />

years, information by Silas Manwell<br />

Edwards, John H. died 10 Nov 1865, diphtheria, age 1 month, 2 days, information by<br />

Silas J. Mannwell - uncle<br />

Edwards, Lucy died 31 Aug 1857, age 84 years, born Northumberland Co., information<br />

by Edwin Carter - nephew<br />

Edwards, Mary E. died 29 Oct 1865, diphtheria, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Lucy A. Edwards, age 3<br />

years 7 months, information by Silas Mannwell - uncle<br />

Edwards, Martha J. died 4 Nov 1865, diphtheria, age 2 years 10 months, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Lucy Edwards, information by Silas A. Manwell - uncle<br />

Elliott, Female died 3 Aug 1891 Bushy Park, age 1 month, information by Nelson Elliott<br />

- father<br />

Elliott, Female died 1 Jul 1876, cause not known, 1 month old, d/o Nelson/Martha<br />

Elliott, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Elliott, Male (colored) died 25 Apr 1869, cause not known, 10 days old, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, s/o Nelson/Martha Elliott, information by father<br />

Ellis, C.K. died 1 Jan 1857, age 33 years, s/o Vespicia? Elis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by John Underwood - friend<br />

Ellis, Catherine died 18 Apr 1879, tumor, age 19 years, d/o <strong>William</strong> H./Emma Ellis, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Ellis, <strong>William</strong> died 1 Jun 1858, age 90 years, old age, s/o <strong>William</strong> Ellis, born Mayfield,<br />

Elizabeth Ellis - consort, information by Hezekiah Ellis - son in law<br />

Ellis, <strong>William</strong> F. died 13 Apr 1864 Gordensville, small pox, age 28 years, s/o<br />

Hezekiak/Malinda Ellis, information by father<br />

England, Mary A. died 18 Jul 1873, consumption, age 73 years, d/o Andrew/Catherine<br />

England, information by <strong>William</strong> F.T. Brenner - perhaps a son in law<br />

Ennis, Chas M. died 4 Jun <strong>1896</strong> Near Bristol Church, cholera inflammation, age 4<br />

months, s/o Charles/Lillie Ennis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Evans, A.N. died 5 Jul 1893 Oak Hill, croup, age 3 months, s/o W.A./D.A. Evans,<br />

information by parents<br />

Evans, Prisa died 7 Oct 1876, cancer, 76 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by A.<br />

Conner - son in law<br />

Eveling, Cornelia (colored) died 20 Jul 1879, scrofula, age 30 years, d/o Lewis/Amanda<br />

Raney, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Parker Eveling - consort<br />

Eveling, Levi (colored) died 15 Oct 1876, pneumonia, age 7 months, s/o<br />

Parker/Cornelia Eveling, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Ewell, Adelade (colored) died 16 Jul 1876, pneumonia, age 1 year, d/o Nelson/Sarah<br />

Ewell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Ewell, Charlotte died 29 Jun 1855 of measles, age 17 years 8 months 10 days, d/o<br />

Jesse/M.L. Ewell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Ewell, Clara (colored) died 14 Aug 1877, diarrhea, age 50 years, parents unknown,<br />

information by Elizabeth Ewell - daughter<br />

Ewell, Ellin M. died 7 Jun 1890 Hickory Grove, old age, 90 years 2 months 15 days,<br />

born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by Jesse Ewell - husband<br />


Ewell, Frances (colored) died 00 Aug 1873, fever, age 28 years, d/o Elizabeth Ewell,<br />

born Fauquier, d/o Daniel Hagerman - step father<br />

Ewell, Hellen died 19 Sep 1854, inflammation of stomach, age 25 years 17 days, d/o<br />

Marth M./Susan E. McGregor, born Fredericksburg, John L. Ewell - spouse,<br />

information by Dr. Ewell - father in law<br />

Ewell, Jesse died 25 Jan <strong>1896</strong>, old age, 95 years old, parents not given, information by<br />

John S. Ewell - son<br />

Ewell, Robert (colored) died 9 May 1876, lock jaw, age 11 years, s/o Nelson/Sarah<br />

Ewell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Ewell, Sallie (colored) died 15 Sep 1879, typhoid fever, age 15 years, d/o Nelson/Sarah<br />

Ewell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Ewell, Sarah (colored) age 3 years, d/o John/Sarah Ewell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by father<br />

Ewell, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 1 Jul 1879, bronchitis, 23 years old, s/o Jess/Mahaley<br />

Ewell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Amanda Johnson - friend<br />

Fair, James Edward died 00 00 1855, age 15 years, s/o James/Jane Fair, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Fair, James E. died 2 Dec 1854, flux, age 11 years, s/o James/Jane Fair, information<br />

by James Fair - father<br />

Fair, Michael died 00 May 1856, old age, age 80 years, born New Jersey, information<br />

by <strong>William</strong> Fair - son<br />

Fairbanks, Rufus died 18 Dec 1875, paralysis, age 60 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by John F. Thornberry - friend<br />

Fairfax, M.F. died 00 Feb 1864, killed in war, age 24 years, parents were Wright/Mary<br />

Fairfax, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Fairfax, Male died 00 Apr 1854, age 5 days, s/o Miner/V. Fairfax, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Miner Fairfax<br />

Fairfax, Robert died 14 Aug 1858, flux, age 9 years<br />

Fairfax, Uriah J. died 22 Jan 1874, pneumonia, age 59 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Lettie Fairfax,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mary F. Fairfax - wife<br />

Farnsworth, A. died 30 May 1895 near Manassas, consumption, age 43 years, father<br />

was W.A. Ketchem, information by father<br />

Farnsworth, Amanda died 16 Jul 1876, consumption, age 35 years old, d/o H.B./Eliza<br />

Wood, born Penn., information by E.M. Farnsworth - husband<br />

Farron, Joseph S. died 00 Feb 1855, bronchitis, age 33 years, s/o Benjamin/Lucy<br />

Farrow, born Fauquier, information by James Howison - brother in law<br />

Fetzer, E.H. died 4 Sep <strong>1896</strong> Sudley Mill, consumption, age 69 years 2 days,<br />

information by M. Cross - friend<br />

Fields, Kate (colored) died 4 Jun 1887 near Brentsville, tumor, age 40 years old,<br />

information by Edward Fields - husband<br />

Finch, Nancy died 9 Jul 1855, dropsy, age 50 years, d/o Benjamin/Sarah Wood, born<br />

New York, information by John Finch - husband<br />

Fisher, Sally (colored) died 1 Aug 1871, fits, was infant, parents not given<br />

Fisher, Sarah A. (colored) died 8 Sep 1870, age 8 months 23 days, d/o Sarah W.<br />

Fisher, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm<br />


Fitzgerald, Daniel died 10 Mar 1866, cause not known, 7 months old, s/o<br />

John/Catherine Fitzgerald, information by father<br />

Fitzgerald, Edward died 00 Feb 1873, croup, age 5 years 2 months, s/o John/Catherine<br />

Fitzgerald, born Manassas Twp., information by father<br />

Fitzgerald, Hallena died 00 Mar 1873, croup, age 10 months, d/o John/Catherine<br />

Fitzgerald, born Manassas Twp., information by father<br />

Fitzhugh, Fanny G. died 20 Sep <strong>1853</strong>, croup, age 2 years, d/o Milton/M.C.Fitzhugh,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Milton Fitzhugh - father<br />

Fletcher, Greenwich (free colored), died 15 Jun 1859 Carter Green, scrofula, 60 years,<br />

born Fauquier, information by Josiah Carter - friend<br />

Fletcher, Kate (colored) died 9 Jul 1890 Throughfare, consumption, age 19 years, d/o<br />

Frank//Catherine Fletcher, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by mother<br />

Fletcher, Laura May died 5 Feb 1887 Buckland, dysentery, age 2 years old, d/o<br />

Westwood/Laura Fletcher, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm., information by father<br />

Fletcher, <strong>William</strong> died 20 Nov 1874, age 13 years 4 months, s/o J. Washington/Ann E.<br />

Fletcher, born Fauquier Co., information by father<br />

Florence, Female died 00 00 1857, age 2 days, d/o W H/Mrs Florence, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by W.H. Florence - father<br />

Florence, J.J. (male) 20 Jul <strong>1896</strong> Warring Farm, consumption, 55 years, s/o<br />

Isaac/Florence, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jas W. Florence - brother<br />

Florence, Nancy died 12 Oct 1855, age 74 years, d/o Peter/Frances Cockrell, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Rowland Florence - consort, information by Jas Florence - son<br />

Florence, Nancy died 1 Oct 1866, old age, 75 years, parents not known, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Florence<br />

Florence, W.L. died 15 Aug 1892 Manassas, spinal affection, 6 months, W.J. Florence -<br />

consort, information by parents<br />

Florence, <strong>William</strong> H. died 00 Jun <strong>1896</strong> near Voy, age and parents not given, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by a friend.<br />

Foley, Julia died 00 May 1856, age 3 days, d/o John/Mary Foley, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Mary Foley - mother<br />

Foley, Lulie died 9 Apr 1874 Mount Atlas, typhoid fever, age 14 years, 6 months, d/o<br />

Richard A./Mildred Foley, born Mount Atlas, information by father<br />

Foley, Nancy died 25 Aug 1857, age 71 years 4 months 16 days, d/o Clemmons/Nancy<br />

Mallory, born Fauquier, information by Willis Foley - husband<br />

Foley, Susan died 22 Nov 1855, age 11 months, d/o Richard A./Mildred J. Foley, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Foley, Willis died 00 00 1850s , croup, age 1 year, s/o Cassius/Ann Foley, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Cassius Foley - father<br />

Foote, Fannie died 00 Jun 1858, whooping cough, age 2 months, d/o Fred./Fannie<br />

Foote, information by father<br />

Forsyth, Cecelia B. died 29 Dec 1890 Hickory Grove, 79 years, bronchitis, a widow,<br />

born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by C.W. Forsyth - son<br />

Forsythe, Mary C. died 19 Jul 1877, diarrhea, age 2 years 3 days, d/o Charles<br />

W./Fannie Forsythe, information by father<br />

Forsythe, Mary E. died 16 Jul 1877, diarrhea, age 2 years old, d/o Charles W./Fannie<br />

Forsythe, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Foster, Elizabeth died 19 Jan 1825, cause unknown, parents unknown, age 75 years,<br />

information by W. Lynn - friend<br />

Foster, Elizabeth died 14 Sep 1857, dysentery, age 1 year 6 months, d/o<br />

Redmond/Jane L. Foster, born Moore Green, information by Redmond Fosterfather<br />

Foster, James died 5 Oct 1856, old age, age 76 years, s/o James/Elizabeth Foster,<br />

information by widow Elizabeth Foster<br />

Fountain, John died 27 Mar 1857, typhoid, 49 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Mary Fountain -<br />

consort, information by John H. Fountain - son<br />

Fountain, Rhoda died 2 Jan 1876, scarlet fever, age 12 years old, d/o B.B./Rebecca<br />

Fountain, born Pennsylvania, information by father<br />

Fox, Allis died 1 Nov 1865, bilious fever, age 10 years, d/o Jacob/Margaret Fox, born<br />

Loudoun, information by Newton Fox - brother<br />

Fox, Amanda died 00 00 1856, age 1 year, d/o Joseph/Jane Fox, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Joseph Fox - father<br />

Fox, Chase died 00 Jun 1857, age 5 months, s/o E. Fox, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by Samuel Fox - grandfather<br />

Fox, Female died 26 Apr 1858, age unknown, d/o Jacob/Margaret C. Fox, information<br />

by father<br />

Fox, Henry died 00 00 1856, age 4 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm<br />

Fox, Jo died 20 Oct 1869, old age, 70 years, parents not given, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, died<br />

while in the poor house<br />

Fox, Joseph died 00 00 1878, unknown cause, age 70 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Francis, Britannia died 00 Feb 1858, consumption, age 60 years, information by E.B.<br />

Francis - son<br />

Frankenburg, Adolphus died 28 Feb 1869, burned to death, age 4 years, s/o F.H./C.<br />

Frankenburg, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Frankenburg, Frank died 12 Sep 1878 Potomac City, congestion of brain, age 1 year 6<br />

months, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, by F. Frankenburg father<br />

Franklin, Emily died 17 Jul 1873, afflection of the heart, age 62 years old, born<br />

Germany, widow of Doctor T.L. Franklin, information by A.H. Tucehsel - son in<br />

law<br />

French, Caroline F. died 18 Jan 1869 Fauquier, paralysis, 61 years 11 months, d/o<br />

Jackson/Lucy Brawner, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Daniel French - consort<br />

French, Charles E. died 8 Oct 1854, age 1 day, s/o John L./Jane French, born Fairfax,<br />

information by John L. French - father<br />

French, George died 2 Dec 1890, heart disease, 3 years old, s/o H.T./F.C., born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

French, Male died 00 Oct 1855, age 20 days, s/o John J.L./Jane C., born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Furguson, Female died 00 Aug 1858 Rippon Lodge, age 6 months, d/o Thomas/Eliza<br />

Furguson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Gaines, Ann died 25 Apr <strong>1853</strong>, pneumonia, age 67 years, d/o Basil/Mary Brawner, born<br />

Maryland, Augustus Gaines - spouse, information by Edwin Gaines - son<br />

Gallaher, Walker died 25 Nov 1887, railroad accident, age 23 years, s/o B.L./S.<br />

Gallaher, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Galleher, Thomas died 26 Feb 1859 Locust bottom, age 66 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Hannah<br />

Galleher, born Loudoun, information by Sidney Galleher - wife<br />

Gant, <strong>William</strong> (free colored), died 12 Jan 1859 Locust Grove, inward Cancer, age 45,<br />

s/o Chas/Milly Gant, born Loudoun, information by Harriett M. Rose - friend<br />

Gardner, Presly George died 14 Nov 1866, inflammation of brain, 63 years, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Sarah Gardner<br />

Gardner, Rosy died 5 Oct 1870, age 6 months 13 days, d/o George/Sarah Gardner,<br />

information by father<br />

Garner, Elizabeth died 20 Apr 1875, burnt to death, age 5 years, d/o Isaiah Garner,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Garner, Joseph died 12 Sep 1856 typhoid fever, age 28 years 1 months, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Nancy Garner, <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Manisa Garner - widow<br />

Garner, <strong>William</strong> died 28 Dec 1873, dropsy, age 75 years, parents unknown, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John Garner<br />

Garnett, Mabel died 14 Mar <strong>1896</strong> Haymarket, age 10 years, d/o F.E. Garnett, born<br />

Haymarket, information by father<br />

Garnett, Robert died 15 Mar <strong>1896</strong> Haymarket, pneumonia, age 9 years, s/o F.E.<br />

Garnett, born Haymarket, information by father<br />

Garrison, Ellor died 28 Dec 1871, pneumonia. age 13 years, d/o David/Elizabeth<br />

Garrison, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Garrison, Female died 00 Aug 1858, suffered, age 68 years, Rufus Garrison - consort,<br />

information by A. Garrison - father<br />

Garrison, Thomas died 00 Aug 1858 Dumfries, fever, age 28 years<br />

Gaskins, Female (free colored) died 10 Jan 1856, age 2 days, d/o John/Eden Ann<br />

Gaskins, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Gaskin, Kizza died 31 Mar 1865, 84 years, paralyzed, d/o M./Mary Grimms, born<br />

Fairfax, information by Mary Colbert - daughter<br />

Gaskins, Male (free colored) died 00 Sep 1857, whooping cough, 20 days old, s/o<br />

Oliver/Elizabeth Gaskins, information by father<br />

Gaskins, Male died 10 Jul 1859, age 3 months, s/o <strong>William</strong> A./S.A. Gaskins, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Gaskins, Mary C. (colored) died 5 Mar 1892 Hornbakers Farm, pneumonia, 32 years,<br />

born Milford, Mary Diggs - mother, information by daughter<br />

Gaskins, Mary J. (colored) died 16 Oct 1890 Haymarket, consumption, 28 years 11<br />

months 4 days, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by Robert Gaskins - husband<br />

Gaskins, Nelly (free colored ) died 12 Mar 1855, spasms, age 72 years, d/o Catherine<br />

Gaskins, born Fairfax, information by David Rundal - friend<br />

Geesling, Male died 10 Jul 1875, cause unknown, age 18 days, s/o Robert/F. Anna<br />

Geesling, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by James W. King - friend<br />

Geesling, Robert died 4 May 1875, consumption, age 26 years, s/o Alexander/Martha<br />

Geesling, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Texanna Geesling - consort, information by James<br />

W. King - friend<br />

German, Henry (colored) died 7 Mar 1895 Brentsville, Brights Disease, 76 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Charles German - son<br />

Gheen, Male died 1 Jan 1875, age 2 days old, s/o John T./Dorothy A. Gheen born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Gibson, Francis B. died 00 May 1873, pneumonia, age 83 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Gibson, John J. died 21 Dec <strong>1853</strong>, burning, age 33 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Elizabeth<br />

Gibson, born Orange Co., information by Frances B. Gibson - Aunt<br />

Gill, Elizabeth died 3 Mar 1870, from giving birth, age 31 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by J. Gilb/Gill?<br />

Gill, Lettie died 1 Aug 1879, old age, age 80 years, names of parents unknown,<br />

information by John Gill - son<br />

Glascock, Burr died 3 Apr <strong>1896</strong> Near Bethel Church, old age, 87 years, s/o Hez<br />

Glascock, born Fauquier, a widower, information by M.J.Glascock - son<br />

Godfrey, Jane E. died 14 Apr 1893 Aspin Hill, brain fever, 51 years, born Fauquier,<br />

information by husband<br />

Godfrey, <strong>William</strong> died 00 00 1858, pneumonia, age 32 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Jane Godfrey,<br />

information by Charles Godfrey - brother<br />

Golden, Sarfeta died 2 Jun 1876, cancer, age 44 years, parents unknown, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by John W. Dunn - head of family<br />

Golding, Jane E. died __ __ 1856, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm<br />

Golding, Thomas died __ Oct 1856 s/o Thomas/Catherine Golding, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Gollyham, Withers died 20 Mar 1870, choking, age and parents not given, born Stafford<br />

<strong>County</strong><br />

Gollyham, Withers died 26 Mar 1870, choking, age and parents unknown, born Stafford<br />

<strong>County</strong><br />

Goods, Annis died 22 Aug 1870, dropsy, age 6 years, d/o Margaret Goods, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by mother<br />

Goods, Sallie Ann (colored) died 9 Oct 1874, croup, age 4 months, d/o Richard/Louisa<br />

Goods<br />

Goodwin, Lewis Everett died 00 Jul 1873, dysentery, age 9 months, s/o John/Sarah<br />

Goodwin, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Goodwin, Mary V. died 00 Sep 1857, typhoid fever, age 19 years, d/o John/M.A.<br />

Goodwin, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Goodwin, Thomas died 2 Apr 1876, heart disease, age 63 years, parents unknown,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by George M. Goodwin - son<br />

Gough, Alvina died 6 Nov 1859 near Buckland, by a burn, age 7 years 6 months, d/o<br />

Travice/Mary E. Gough, born Fauquier, information by Mary E. Gough -mother<br />

Gould, John A. died 7 Jul 1876, diarrhea, age 1 year 1 month 23 days, s/o W.W./Lynn<br />

A. Gould, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Gossom, Thomas E. died 17 Jun <strong>1896</strong> Hoadley, 49 years, s/o W./Ruth Gossom, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by widow<br />

Graham, Howard B. died 9 Apr 1887 Haymarket, cholera, age 2 months, s/o John<br />

R./Bridgett Graham, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Graham, John died 27 Jan 1854, old age, age 81 years 27 days, s/o James/Judith<br />

Graham, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Frances Graham - spouse, information by R.R.<br />

Graham - son<br />

Grant, Matilda (colored) died 15 Nov 1892 Bristoe, heart disease, age 82 years,<br />

information by Thomas Payne - friend<br />


Gray, Female died 2 Jun 1859, age 3 months, d/o Jas/Harriett Gray, information by<br />

Father<br />

Gray, Harriett died 7 May 1874, age 37 years, d/o Thomas/Ann Catoe, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by James Gray - husband<br />

Gray, Lucian died 29 Jun 1875, age 4 months 9 years, s/o C./E. Gray, information by<br />

father<br />

Grayson, Female died 25 Mar 1874 Haymarket, heart disease, age 1 month 10 days<br />

old, d/o Alsinda Grayson, information by Sallie Grayson - grandmother<br />

Grayson, Female died 00 May 1859, age 1 month, d/o H./Fanny Grayson, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Grayson, John B. Jr. died 31 Aug 1855, age 11 months 25 days, s/o John B./Mary A.<br />

Grayson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Grayson, Male (free colored) died 00 Jun 1858, age 4 months, s/o Frank/Fanny<br />

Grayson, information by father<br />

Grayson, Mary A. died 19 Sep 1856, diarrhea, age 34 years 9 months 11 days, d/o<br />

W.B./Mary E. G. Tyler, born Loudoun , information by John B. Grayson -<br />

husband<br />

Grayson, Rachel (free colored) died 00 Nov 1856, dysentery, age 35 years, born<br />

Stafford, information by Henry Grayson - husband<br />

Grayson, Wileman (free colored) died 00 Nov 1856, dysentery, age 1 year 1 day, s/o<br />

H/R. Grayson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o Henry Grayson - father<br />

Green, Charles (colored) died 10 Apr 1876, cold, age 60 years, parents unknown,<br />

information by Dewitt Alexander - friend<br />

Green, George E. died 24 Dec 1856, killed by servant, age 54 years, s/o James/Sarah<br />

Green, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by James C. Green - brother<br />

Green, Jonas died 1 Oct 1873, typhoid fever, age 58 years, s/o Jonas/Eunice Green,<br />

born Manassas Twp, Louisa Green - consort, information by J.W. Green - son<br />

Green, Lewis died 00 00 1857, consumption, age 73 years<br />

Green, Lydia (colored) died 26 Jan 1874 Near Waterfall, old age, age 73 years 6<br />

months, born Fauquier Co., a widow, information by Jane Green - daughter<br />

Green, Mary (colored) died 30 Dec 1876, heart disease, age 45 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Andrew Green - husband<br />

Green, Rose (colored) died 1 Jun 1894 near Antioch, old age, age 89 years,<br />

information by John Grigsby - relation<br />

Green, Sarah (colored) died 28 Aug 1879, pneumonia, age 2 years, d/o John/Sarah<br />

Green, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Green, Susan (colored) died 21 Aug 1879, pneumonia, age 2 years, d/o John/Susan<br />

Green, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Green, <strong>William</strong> F. (colored) died 1 Sep 1873, typhoid fever, age 19 years, s/o<br />

Sandy/Sarah Green, information by Sarah Pinn - mother<br />

Gregg, Female died 8 May 1857, age 5 days, d/o M.E./M.V. Gregg, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by M.E. Gregg - father<br />

Gregg, Martha V. died 22 May 1857, consumption, age 22 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Mary<br />

Warden?, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Myren E. Gregg - husband<br />

Grigsby, Rosa died 1 Nov 1870, age 15 years, d/o Henry/F.C. Grigsby, born Manassas<br />

Twp, information by John Leachman<br />


Griffith, A.E. died 5 Nov 1895 Throughfare, typhoid fever, 56 years, information by<br />

John M. Griffith - relative<br />

Griffith, George died 17 Nov 1895 Throughfare, typhoid fever, 79 years, information by<br />

John M. Griffith - relative<br />

Griffin, Harry (colored) died 20 May 1894 Stokes Farm, brain fever, 18 months, s/o Jos<br />

D./Griffin, information by parents<br />

Groves, Mary died 17 Oct 1872, congestive chill, age 65 years, parents unknown, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, widow of Henry Groves, information by <strong>William</strong> H. Groves - son<br />

Haislip, Anna died 30 Dec 1859, old age, age 85 years, d/o Benjamin Cooper, Nathan<br />

Haislip - consort, information by Henry C. Haislip - son<br />

Haislip, Anna died 20 Jul 1870 Flint Hill, typhoid fever, age 23 years, d/o Samuel<br />

Haislip and wife, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Henry Haislip<br />

Haislip, Female died 28 Oct 1877, unknown cause, age 1 day, d/o Samuel M./Silent<br />

Haislip, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Haislip, Henry C. died 28 Mar <strong>1896</strong> Flint Hill, old age, 88 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.,<br />

information by John W. Hall - son in law<br />

Hall, Martha (colored) died 26 Mar 1877, pneumonia, age 17 years, d/o Priscilla Hall,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Charles R. Brown - friend<br />

Hall, <strong>William</strong> T. died 26 Mar <strong>1896</strong> Flint Hill, old age, 89 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by John W. Hall - son<br />

Hammelle, Benjamin died 1 Aug 1875, drowned, age 4 years, s/o Edward/Lucy<br />

Hammill, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Hammill, Edward died 00 Sep 1873, cause unknown, age 3 months, s/o Edward/Lucy<br />

Hammill, information by father<br />

Hammill, Elizabeth died in spring 1864, old age, 75 years, d/o Hugh/Jane Hammill,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Hugh Hammill - son<br />

Hammill, Female died 00 Jun 1859, age 11 days, d/o Stephen/Julia Hammill, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Hammill, Hugh died 00 00 1870, age 5 years, s/o E./Lucy Hammill, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm<br />

Hammill, John W. died 20 Aug 1871, dropsy, age 18 years, s/o Stephen/Julia Hammill,<br />

born prince Wm, information by mother<br />

Hammill, Lizzie (free colored), died 00 Dec 1857, old age, age 80 years, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, d/o James Fair - friend<br />

Hammill, Reuben died 00 Mar 1864, typhoid fever, age 22 years, s/o Hugh/Jane<br />

Hammill, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Hanes, Hannah (colored) died 1 Mar 1879, consumption, age 49 years 6 months, d/o<br />

Charles/Katty Doleman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Anthony Hames -<br />

husband<br />

Hanes, Julia L. (colored) died 22 Feb 1887 Bristoe, croup, age 1 year 3 months, d/o<br />

Joseph/Sarah E. Hanes, information by father<br />

Hanes, Sarah (colored) died 18 May 1878, consumption, 24 years old, d/o Joseph/<br />

Betsy Hamus, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Hanes, <strong>William</strong> K. died 17 Jul 1869, cause not known, 12 days old, s/o B.W./Emily<br />

Hanes, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Hanover, Robert C. died 14 Sep 1878, pneumonia, age 3 months 27 days, s/o<br />

Hiram/Ruth Hanover, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Robert Deats - grandfather<br />


Harding, Charles died 10 Nov 1871, dropsy, age 36 years, s/o Mary Harding, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Melinda Harding - wife<br />

Harding, E. died 00 May 1859 poor house, old age, age 75 years<br />

Harley, Francis died 15 Jul 1869, cause unknown, 9 months old, s/o Richard/<strong>Virginia</strong><br />

Harley, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Harrington, James died 15 Aug 1869, croup, 9 months, s/o Daniel/May Harrington, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Harris, Betsy died 2 Apr 1890, old age, 79 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Robert McIntosh, supt. of ___<br />

Harris, Catherine (free colored) died 11 Nov 1857, cold, age 13 years, d/o John/Mary<br />

Harris, information by Martha A. Harris - sister<br />

Harris, Charles E. (colored) died 15 Sep 1871, brain fever, age 3 years, s/o Arthur/<br />

Harriett, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Harris, Emanuel (colored) died 6 Sep 1895 Haymarket, consumption, 45 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jane Harris - consort<br />

Harris, John (free colored) died 1 Oct 1857, age 49 years, born prince Wm, s/o<br />

Samuel/Agga Harris, Martha Harris - wife, information by Martha Harris - dau.<br />

Harris, Susan ( free colored) died 1 Nov 1864, age 50 years, d/o Richard/Mary Crats,<br />

born Fairfax, information by Jesse Harris - husband<br />

Harris, <strong>William</strong> died 00 00 1857, fever, age 35 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm<br />

Harris, Willie (colored) died 1 Aug 1876, cause unknown, age 2 years, child of J./Emma<br />

Harris, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Harrison, Catherine died 26 Mar 1865, paralyzing?, 61 years, d/o Peyton/Mary Norvill,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by B. Harrison - husband<br />

Harrison, Francis died 10 Mar 1866, consumption, 29 years old, d/o Charles/Sarah<br />

Franklin, born Stafford, information by James Harrison - husband<br />

Harrison, James died 00 Aug 1854, dropsy, age 13 years, s/o James/__ Harrison, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Harrison, John B. died 25 Dec <strong>1853</strong>, croup, age 5 years 2 months, s/o John A./M.<br />

Harrison, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Harrison, Joseph died 11 Dec 1876, consumption, age 48 years, parents unknown,<br />

information by Susannah Harrison - wife<br />

Harrison, Martha died 12 Feb 1893 Near Waterfall, old age, 83 years 10 months 25<br />

years, d/o Enoch/Mary Foley, born Fauquier, information by John A. Harrison -<br />

husband<br />

Harrison, Martha died 12 Feb 1894 Harrison Farm, old age, 84 years, information by<br />

John A. Harrison - husband (same as above?)<br />

Hawley, Male died 6 Aug 1876, cause not known, age 1 day, s/o Gordon/Sara Hawley,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Heath, Francis Ann died 27 Oct 1866, dropsy, age 54 years, d/o Isaac/Sarah Heath,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John Heath<br />

Heath, Sallie died 29 Oct 1857, old age, 84 years 22 days, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Frances Rogers,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Isaac Heath - consort, information by Charles H. Heath - son<br />

Hedges, Elizabeth died 8 Jul 1875, cause not known, age 2 months, d/o J.J./Catherine<br />

Hedges, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />


Hedges, Phillip died 21 Nov 1873, old age, 60 years old, s/o Isam, born Dumfries,<br />

information by H. Duty<br />

Helms, James E. (colored) died 25 Apr 1895 near Waterfall, ulcer, 41 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Alice Helms - wife<br />

Henderson, A. (female) (colored) died 6 Aug 1893 Blooms Grove, age 1 year, d/o John<br />

Henderson, born Blooms Grove, information by parents<br />

Henderson, Josephine (colored) died 9 Aug <strong>1896</strong> 9 Aug <strong>1896</strong> near Neabsco, cancer,<br />

44 years, d/o Richard/Martha Johnson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by W.W.<br />

Henderson - husband<br />

Henderson, Mary (colored) died 10 Mar 1873, hung herself, age 22 years, d/o Ellen<br />

Henderson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Richard Stonell - friend<br />

Henry, John died 15 Mar 1871, drowned, age 46 years, born New York, parents not<br />

known, information by Mary Henry - wife<br />

Hensey?, Henry died 00 Aug 1859, typhoid fever, age 32 years, information by ___<br />

Nash - friend<br />

Hereford, Emmetts died 17 Aug 1857, dysentery, age 1 year 15 months, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Lucy A. Hereford, born Mason Co., information by Caleb Simpson -<br />

grandfather<br />

Herndon, Diaden died 14 Mar 1890, rheumatism, 54 years, d/o D./Amanda Bridwell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by G.W. Herndon - husband<br />

Herndon, Female died 17 Apr 1890, inflammation, 10 days old, d/o T.A./S.C. Herndon,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Herndon, Jeremiah died 12 Dec 1874, wounded by Jesse Forkes, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, a<br />

widower, information by Leah J. Willet - doctor<br />

Herndon, Male died 6 Jun 1890, unknown cause, 6 days old, s/o George/Martha<br />

Herndon, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Herndon, Manda died 5 Apr 1869, cause not known, 3 months old, d/o Thomas/Sarah<br />

Herndon, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Herndon, Sina died 9 Dec 1874, age 65 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Jeremiah Herndon<br />

Herrell, Edward S. died 18 Feb 1876, pneumonia, age 2 years 6 months 9 days, s/o<br />

James E./Jane Herrell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Herrick, Malinda died 5 Apr 1873, pneumonia, age 83 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Hewit, Charles died 13 Dec 1879, diphtheria, age 14 years, s/o Margaret Hewit, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Hewit, Dinah died 21 Dec 1879, diphtheria, age 4 years, d/o Mollie Hewit, born prince<br />

Wm, information by mother<br />

Hewit, Mildred died 8 Dec 1879, diphtheria, age 16 years, d/o Margaret Hewit, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Hewit, Mollie died 18 Dec 1879, diphtheria, age 5 years, d/o Margaret Hewit, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Hickerson, Mary A. died 4 May 1890 Manassas, old age, 74 years, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, a<br />

widow, information by W.H. Francis - son in law<br />

Hickey, Byron B. died 13 Oct 1865, influenza, s/o John/Delilah Hickey, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, age 41 years 1 month 21 days, information by father<br />


Hicks, Daniel (colored) died 11 Jul 1895 Washington, brain fever, age 1 year 7 months,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> Hicks - father<br />

Hicks, Lizzie (colored) died 8 Aug 1895 Alexandria, bronchitis, 10 years old, information<br />

by <strong>William</strong> Hicks - father<br />

Hinegardner, Harvey died 29 May 1890 Nokesville, dysentery, age 3 years 4 months,<br />

s/o Abraham/Susan Hinegardner, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by - father<br />

Hixon, James E. died 15 Nov <strong>1853</strong>, typhoid fever, age 19 years, 7 months 20 days, s/o<br />

James/Ann Hixon, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Wm. H. Hixon - brother<br />

Hixson, John died 00 Aug 1858 Evans Park, fall from boat, age 47 years, information<br />

by E.Nelson - friend<br />

Hixson, Jonathan died 21 Sep <strong>1853</strong>, typhoid fever, age 63 years 3 months 3 days, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Eliz Hixon, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Priscilla Hixon - wife<br />

Hixon, Joseph died 01 Dec <strong>1853</strong>, typhoid fever, age 25 years 4 months 19 days, s/o<br />

James/Ann Hixon, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> H. Hixon - brother<br />

Hixson, Lizzie died 28 Sep 1869, diarrhea, age 1 year 1 month, d/o Levi H./Mary S.<br />

Hixson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Hixson, Mary died 00 Feb 1872, fever, age 26 years, d/o Thomas Jones, born N.J,<br />

information by Levi H. Hixson - father<br />

Hixon, Sarah E. died 31 Oct <strong>1853</strong>, typhoid fever, age 19 years, 7 months 5 days, d/o<br />

James/Ann Hixon, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> H. Hixon - brother<br />

Hixson, <strong>William</strong> H. died 17 Oct 1858, typhoid fever, age 35 years, s/o J./Ann Hixson,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Sarah A. Hixson - consort, information by Charles A. Hixson -<br />

brother in law<br />

Hixson, <strong>William</strong> H. died 6 Mar 1859, typhoid fever, age 32 years, born prince Wm, s/o<br />

James/Ann Hixson, Sarah A. Hixson - consort, information by Charles E. Butler -<br />

brother in law<br />

Hixson, Willie died 15 Oct 1869, diarrhea, s/o George W./Harriett Hixson, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by John W. Hixson<br />

Hoe, Nelly died 4 Oct 1865, bilious fever, d/o Robert H./Sally Hoe, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

age 2 years 5 months, information by father<br />

Hogan, Johannah died 13 Mar 1870, from giving birth, age 35 years, born Ireland,<br />

information by Thomas Hogan - consort<br />

Hogan, <strong>William</strong> died 3 Nov 1854, bilious fever, age 35 years, s/o Rich/Johannah<br />

Hogan, born Ireland, Mary Hogan - spouse, information Michael Dailey - friend<br />

Holmes, Catherine died 00 Jan 1858 near Bristoe, d/o T./Bridgett Holmes, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Holmes, Frances died 6 Dec 1858 Graisingview, chronic rheumatism, 64 years, d/o<br />

R./Lydia Colvin, born Fauquier, information by Thomas Holmes - husband<br />

Holmes, Georgianna died 3 Mar 1874, d/o Thomas/Margaret Holmes age 10 years<br />

Holmes, John died 00 Jul 1859, thrush, age 12 days, s/o Richard/Bridgett Holmes,<br />

information by father<br />

Holmes, Male died 18 Aug 1878, pneumonia, age 2 months 6 days old, s/o<br />

M.C./Fannie Holmes, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Holsinger, E. died 16 Dec 1895 near Manassas, age 64 years, information by T.S.<br />

Holsinger - husband<br />


Holsinger, Elizabeth died 16 Dec <strong>1896</strong> near Manassas, age 64 years, information by<br />

John Raush - friend<br />

Hooe, Frank (colored) died 11 Jul 1876, sunstroke, age 40 years, s/o Ned/Mary Hooe,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Joseph D. Taylor - friend<br />

Hopkins, Elizabeth died 28 Jan 1875, cause not given, age 57 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by friend<br />

Hornbaker, John H.W. died 28 Jul 1855, approplectic fits, age 61 years, born Warren<br />

Co. NY, Catherine Hornbaker - consort, John R. Hornbaker - son<br />

Hornbaker, Willard died 18 Aug 1894 Bristoe, bowel complaint, 27 days old, s/o<br />

E.L./S.J. Hornbaker, information by parents<br />

Horner, Barkly died 15 Jun 1890, cholera inflammation, 11 months old, s/o B.W./Emily<br />

Horner, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Horner, Serla died 5 Aug 1875, cause not known, age 4 months 7 years old, d/o<br />

Thomas E./Rosetta Horner, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Horton, Carrie C. died 3 Aug 1869, cause not given, age 7 months 8 days, d/o<br />

M.W./T.C. Horton, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Horton, Charles died 15 Apr 1874, age 2 years, s/o Henry M./Mary Horton, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm.<br />

Horton, R.W. died 16 Mar 1864, asthma, 61 years, s/o Benjamin/Ann Horton,<br />

information by M.W.Horton - son<br />

Hottenstein, Atherton C. died 11 Aug 1890 near Manassas, inflammatory rheumatism,<br />

21 years, parents were S.J./Rebecca Hottenstein, born New York State,<br />

information by father<br />

Hottenstein, S.J. died 23 May <strong>1896</strong> near Manassas, heart trouble, 52 years,<br />

information by Rebecca Hottenstein - wife<br />

Hottinger, M.A. (female) died 5 Feb 1893 Austin Farm, heart disease, 51 years,<br />

information by parents<br />

Hottle, Elizabeth S. died 27 Sep 1887 Manassas, typhoid fever, age 13 years 3 months<br />

7 days, d/o Joseph/Mary Hottle, born Rockingham Co., information by father<br />

Hottle, Tilden died 13 Oct 1887 Manassas, typhoid fever, age 11 years 1 month 17<br />

days , s/o Joseph/Mary Hottle, born Rockingham Co., information by father<br />

House, Hattie V. died 19 Dec 1890 Greenwich, croup, age 4 years, d/o Henry/Mary<br />

House, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

House, James died 2 Dec 1879, typhoid fever, age 18 years, s/o Nathaniel/<strong>Virginia</strong><br />

House, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Howard, Samuel died 10 Dec 1855, whooping cough, age 1 year 5 months, 16 days,<br />

s/o John E./Elizabeth Howard, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Howison, Amanda died 7 Sep 1866, typhoid fever, age 52 years, d/o Luganius/Lucy<br />

Farrow, information by James Howison<br />

Howison, James died 24 May 1874, pneumonia, age 70 years, born prince Wm, a<br />

widower, information by Allen Howison - brother<br />

Howison, Sarah F. died 00 Sep 1857, chills, age 6 months, d/o James/Frances<br />

Howison, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Hubback, Catherine A. died 25 Feb 1877, pneumonia, age 59 years, parents unknown,<br />

born England, information by Charles A. Hubback - son<br />


Hubback, Fannie died 17 Jan 1875, pneumonia, d/o Charles H./Banhardie Hubback,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Huett, James died 00 Feb 1855, shot, age 40 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Catherine Huett, born<br />

Fauquier, information by Elizabeth Huett - wife<br />

Hughes, Catherine (colored) died 11 Apr 1878, consumption, age 18 years, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Mary Hughs, information by Charles Coleman - head of family<br />

Hughes, Patsey (free colored) died 15 Feb 1856, child bed, age 15 years, d/o<br />

Catherine Hughs, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Charles Godby - friend<br />

Hughes, <strong>William</strong> (free colored) died __ Nov 1855, old age, age 75 years, information by<br />

Margaret Foster - friend<br />

Hughes, <strong>William</strong> died 15 Jul 1895 near Manassas, pneumonia, age 10 years, s/o B.F.<br />

Hughes, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Hunton, Eliza B. died 30 Sep 1854, dysentery, age 1 year 3 months, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

d/o Eppa/Lucy Hunton, information by father<br />

Hunton, Eugenia died 00 Apr 1854, consumption, age 19 years, d/o Charles/Hannah<br />

Hunton, born Fauquier, information by father<br />

Hurndon, Frances A. died 4 Jun 1854, age 55 years, d/o Isaac Bridwell, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Jeremiah Hurndon - husband<br />

Hutchison, Ann died 1 Nov 1857, pleurisy, age 70 years, d/o ____Lee, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, <strong>William</strong> Hutchison - consort, information by John Hutchison - son<br />

Hutchison, Annie L. died 12 Oct 1875, age 3 months 15 days, d/o Westwood/Marean<br />

Hutchison, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Hutchison, Charles died 13 Sep 1854, croup, age 12 years, s/o <strong>William</strong> F./M.L.<br />

Hutchison, born Fauquier, information by father<br />

Hutchison, E.T. died 24 Nov 1894 Egypt Farm, congestive lungs, age 1 year, parents<br />

were W./S. Hutchison, information by parents<br />

Hutchison, Frederick died 15 Aug 1874 North End, diarrhea, age 1 month 8 days, s/o<br />

Westwood/Susan Hutchison, information by father<br />

Hutchison, Gustavous A. died 00 Apr 1865, consumption, age 49 years, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Westwood Hutchison<br />

Hutchison, J.W. died 00 Sep <strong>1896</strong> Quantico, consumption, age 46 years, parents were<br />

John/Ella Hutchison, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Charles Stone - friend<br />

Hutchison, John died 10 Jun 1873, paralysis, age 64 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Elizabeth Hutchison - wife<br />

Hutchison, Male (twins) died 28 Oct 1871, cause not known, s/o John/Elizabeth<br />

Hutchison, information by father<br />

Hutchison, Sarah died 8 Nov 1872, age 6 years, d/o John/Elizabeth Hutchison, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by R.M. Clark - friend<br />

Hynson, Edgar R. died 15 Jan 1895, brain trouble, information by R.S. Hynson - father<br />

Hyde, Phillip died 15 Aug 1893 Throughfare, pneumonia, age 64 years, information by<br />

Ellen Hyde - relative<br />

Ish, Milton died 15 Dec 1890, heart disease, age 54 years, s/o John/Elizabeth Ish, born<br />

Loudoun, information by Sallie Ish - wife<br />

Jackson, Harrison (colored) died 30 Jul 1866, typhoid fever, 31 years old, s/o<br />

Isaac/Martha Jackson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Ann Jackson<br />


Jackson, Ida (colored) died 15 Jan 1890 Manassas, consumption, age 25 years, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Sarah C. Taylor, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, Nelson B. Jackson - husband<br />

Jackson, Joseph F. (colored) died 31 May 1873, liver complaint, age 3 years, s/o<br />

Andrew/Margaret Jackson, born Washington DC, information by father<br />

Jackson, Male (colored) died 8 May 1875, cause not known, age 8 days, s/o John<br />

V./Charlott Jackson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Jackson, Marie (colored) died 8 Jun 1866, consumption, age 11 years, d/o Dennis/<br />

Frances Jackson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Jackson, Mary (colored) died 00 Aug 1865, old age, 90 years, Gloucester, information<br />

by Robert Lewis - head of family<br />

Jackson, Harnet? (free colored), died 13 Jun 1865, mother was Julia Jackson,<br />

information by Nancy Davis - friend<br />

Jackson, Samuel (free colored) died 10 Mar 1856, typhoid fever, age 22 years, s/o<br />

Hannah Jackson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by David Jackson - brother<br />

Jackson, Webster (colored) died 15 Jul 1890 Haymarket, croup, age 11 months, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Lovenia Jackson, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

Jacobs, Laura M. died 14 Feb 1866, diphtheria, age 3 years, d/o Richard/Lucy A.<br />

Jacobs, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Jardins, Archibald died 26 Jul 1873 Manassas Twp, cause not given, age 53 years,<br />

Jane Jardins - consort, information by Isaac Jardins - son<br />

Jay, John died 16 Nov 1877, typhoid fever, age 75 years, parents unknown, born New<br />

York, information by Wallace Padgett - head of family<br />

Jeffries, Franklin died 15 Aug 1871 Manassas Twp, Rheumatism, age 17 years, s/o<br />

John W./Ellin Jeffries, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Jeffries, John W. died 12 Aug 1857, flux, 5 years, s/o John W./Margaret E. Jeffries,<br />

information by father<br />

Jeffries, Robert died 12 Aug 1857, flux, age 7 years, s/o John/Margaret Jeffries,<br />

information by father<br />

Jett, Lewis (colored) died 24 Apr 1873, consumption, age 24 years 1 month, s/o <strong>William</strong><br />

S./Lucy Jett, born Manassas Twp, information by Lucy Jett - mother<br />

Jett, Lewis (colored) died 28 Apr 1872, consumption, age 14 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

s/o Lucy Jett, information by <strong>William</strong> Carter - friend<br />

Jewell, John (free colored) died __ Dec 1855, colds, age 1 year 2 months, s/o Wm<br />

/Margaret Jewell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Jewell, Martha A. died 00 Aug 1873, croup, age 18 months, d/o Rock Reeves and<br />

Sarah J. Jewell, information by mother<br />

Jewell, R.V. died 1 Aug 1869, age 2 years, parents were Jo and Frances Jewell, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Jewell, Thomas died 20 Aug 1858 Brentsville, chronic diariah, age 42 years, s/o<br />

Jas/Margaret Jewell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Sarah A. Fewell - consort, information by<br />

John Leachman - brother in law<br />

Jewell, <strong>William</strong> died 22 Mar 1874, pneumonia, age 63 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o<br />

Fielding/Margaret Jewell<br />

Johnson, Catherine (colored) died 8 Apr 1876, pneumonia, age 3 days, d/o John/Ellen<br />

Johnson, information by James Mitchell - head of family<br />


Johnson, Henry (colored) died 15 Oct 1892 near Antioch, consumption, age 23 years,<br />

information by Charles Moors - relative<br />

Johnson, John (colored) died 28 Jul 1875, typhoid fever, age 10 years, s/o<br />

Peyton/Sinah Johnson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Johnson, John <strong>William</strong> died 10 Nov 1873, s/o <strong>William</strong> A./M.V. Johnson, age 4 months,<br />

information by father<br />

Johnson, Martha A. did 19 Nov <strong>1853</strong>, typhoid fever, age 21 years 3 months 11 days,<br />

d/o R./Mary Johnson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Wm. H. Hixon - cousin<br />

Johnson, Mary (colored) died 12 Aug 1875, scrofula, age 13 years, d/o Hawkin<br />

Johnson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Johnson, Mildred (colored) pneumonia, age 18 years, d/o John/Ellen Johnson, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by James Mitchell - head of family<br />

Jones, Edward died 00 Aug 1865, killed accidental, 25 years, occupation - waterman,<br />

information by - friend<br />

Jones, Elizabeth died 14 Mar 1854, scarlet fever, age 2 years 6 months, d/o<br />

Thomas/Martha Jones, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Jones, Franklin died __ Mar 1856, age 18 years, s/o James/E. Jones, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Jones, George died 20 Sep 1856, dropsy, born King George, Nancy Jones - consort,<br />

information by John M. Payne - friend<br />

Jones, Ida J. died 17 Jul 1872, age 4 months, d/o Shirley/Martha Jones information by<br />

father<br />

Jones, James died __ Feb 1856, age 60 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Elizabeth Jones -<br />

consort, information by Elizabeth Foster - friend<br />

Jones, Levi H. died 31 Sep 1870, age 5 years, s/o Thomas/Martha Jones born<br />

Manassas Twp, information by father<br />

Jones, Lucy died 9 Aug 1878, unknown cause, d/o George W./Alice R. Jones, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Jones, Richard F. (colored) died 4 Dec 1892 Lawnville, heart disease, age 44 years,<br />

information by M.E. Jones - relative<br />

Jones, Samuel Watters died 15 Jul 1871 Manassas Twp., cause not known, age 11<br />

months, s/o George B./Flora Jones, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Jones, Sarah died 12 Jul 1869, consumption, age 25 years, d/o John/E. Southerland,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Charles Jones<br />

Jones, Susan died __ Jul 1854, age 60 years, born St. Mary City, Jas Jones - spouse,<br />

information by Robert A. Bland - friend<br />

Jones, Thomas died 00 Apr 1869, paralyptic, age 63 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by G.W. Jones<br />

Jones, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 10 Nov 1874, gravel, age 62 years, parents not known,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mary Jones - wife<br />

Jones, <strong>William</strong> died 4 Apr 1854, scarlet fever, age 5 years 5 months, s/o<br />

Thomas/Martha Thomas, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Jordan, Udoxey (colored) died 26 Jun 1879, disease not known, age 35 years, d/o<br />

Anthony/Mary Hanes, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Jordan - husband<br />

Kankey, ___ died __ Aug 1855, premature, age 12 days, Z.A./A.M. - Parents, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Kase, Eliza died 30 Aug 1866, abortion, age 25 years, d/o John/Flora Graham, A. Kase<br />

- consort, information by John Graham<br />

Kase, Louisa died __ Sep 1856, dysentery, age 8 months, d/o E.L./Mary M., born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Elijah L. Kase - father<br />

Kehoe, ____ died 25 Oct 1855, age 2 days, parents were Patrick/Mary Kehoe, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Kelly, Annie P. died 27 Sep 1857, flux, age 1 year 7 months, d/o John/Mary E. Kelly,<br />

born Culpeper, information by father<br />

Kelly, Ester died 2 Nov 1855, bilious fever, age 39 years, d/o John/Mary Cockran, born<br />

Vermont, information by J.C. Kelly - husband<br />

Ketcham, Jason died 13 Nov 1874, bilious fever, age 51 years 2 months 17 days, born<br />

Pennsylvania, Ruth A, Ketcham - consort, information by Ensign Ketcham - son<br />

Keys, Cecelia died 16 Oct 1873, diphtheria, age 1 year 3 months, d/o Robert<br />

A./Margaret King, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Keys, Charles E. died 25 Jun 1871, cause not known, age 43 years, s/o Sandy/Jane<br />

Keys, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>Virginia</strong> Keys - wife<br />

Keys, Henry A. died 30 Jul 1878, dysentery, age 77 years, parents unknown,<br />

information by Henry Carter - nephew<br />

Keys, Jane died 20 Jan 1857, pneumonia, age 73 years, d/o Samuel/Jane Fielding,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Alex Keys - consort, information by Magruder Keys - son<br />

Keys, Jo died 14 Apr 1869, deep cold, 76 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Elizabeth ____<br />

Keys, John T. died 16 Mar 1866, age 2 days, s/o Thomas/Nancy Ann Keys, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Keys, Josephine died 14 Aug 1856, age 2 months 14 days, d/o James/Ann Keys, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Isaac Keys<br />

Keys, Leland died 8 Jul 1872, cause unknown, age 1 year, s/o J.M./Hannah Keys, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Keys, Lucy died 2 Feb 1859, neurology?, age 44 years, d/o John/E. Wright, born prince<br />

Wm, information by Thomas Keys - husband<br />

Keys, Ludwell died 15 Nov 1864, typhoid fever, age 17 years, s/o Amanda Keys, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Thomas Keys - uncle<br />

Keys, Male died 10 Sep 1890, unknown cause, 9 days old, s/o <strong>William</strong>/<strong>Virginia</strong>, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Keys, Male died 10 Sep 1890, unknown cause, 9 days old, s/o <strong>William</strong>/<strong>Virginia</strong> Keys,<br />

information by father<br />

Keys, Mason died 27 Dec 1855, pleurisy, age 40 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by G.H. Cockrill<br />

Keys, Maude Blanche died 8 Aug 1870, diphtheria, age 12 years, d/o M.J./Hannah<br />

Keys, born Stafford Co., information by father<br />

Keys, Mildred died 17 Sep 1857, flux, age 17 years, d/o John/Eliz Keys, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by John Keys - father<br />

Keys, Roberta died 22 Aug 1856, dysentery, age 7 years, d/o James/Ann Keys, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Keys, S.F. died 23 May 1869, age 43 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Henry A.<br />

Keys - husband<br />


Keys, Sallie Washington (colored) died 20 Jul 1894 Waterfall, old age, age 80 years,<br />

information by W. Keys - relative<br />

Keys, Verlinda died 4 Nov 1873, paralysis, age 68 years, d/o John/Nancy Keys, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Walter Keys - brother<br />

Keys, Wallace died 10 Mar 1890, consumption, 28 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/<strong>Virginia</strong> Keys,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Keys, <strong>William</strong> died 19 May 1876, typhoid fever, age 76 years, parents unknown, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Harriett Keys - consort, information by Isaiah Keys - son<br />

Kidwell, Josephine died 15 Aug 1869, old age, 90 years, parents not known, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Benton Kidwell - consort, information by John H. Pearson<br />

Kimball, Howard died 13 May 1878, burned, age 1 year 1 month, s/o A./E. Kimball,<br />

information by father<br />

Kincheloe, J. Luther died 5 Feb <strong>1896</strong> near Neabsco Mills, injury, age 48 years, s/o E.<br />

Thomas/Ann Kincheloe, information by E.J. Kincheloe - father<br />

Kincheloe, John Luther died 00 Aug <strong>1896</strong> near Independent Hill, consumption, age 48<br />

years, s/o Jas/Nancy Kincheloe, born near Independent Hill, information by a<br />

friend<br />

Kincheloe, Lucetta died 26 May 1869, 3 years old, d/o Jas W./Charlotte Kincheloe,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Kincheloe, Margaret died 00 Apr 1872, general debility, age 74 years, a widow,<br />

information by Lucien Hall<br />

Kincheloe, Sarah died 5 Dec 1858 Buckhall, paralysis, 78 years 8 days, d/o John/Milly<br />

Kincheloe, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> A. Kincheloe - nephew<br />

Kincheloe, <strong>William</strong> R. died 12 Jun 1891 Brentsville, heart disease, 12 years, s/o<br />

W.W./A.B. Kincheloe, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by parents<br />

King, Ann E. (colored) died 19 Oct 1873, typhoid fever, age 17 years 2 months, d/o<br />

Phillip/Rosetta King, born Manassas Twp, information by Phillip King - father<br />

King, Ashel died 23 Mar 1869, consumption, 41 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Alice King<br />

King, Beulah died 1 Jun 1873, pneumonia, age 3 years, d/o John/Martha King, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Dr. M.A. Ish - physician<br />

King, Buler S. died 10 Mar 1873, cause not known, age 4 months, s/o John/Martha<br />

King, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John L. King - father<br />

King, Cecelia (free colored) died 14 Jun 1857, cancer, 85 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by John Trone - friend<br />

King, Daniel died 00 Feb 1872, dropsy, age 55 years, unmarried, information by<br />

Matthew King<br />

King, Emma E. died 4 Aug 1877, diarrhea, age 10 years, d/o Frank/Sarah King, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

King, Female died 14 Apr 1875, cause not known, age 12 years, d/o Ashel/A.V. King,<br />

information by mother<br />

King, Female died 7 Oct 1870, croup, age 3 months 17 days, d/o Achill/Alice King, born<br />

prince Wm, information by father<br />

King, Female died 29 May 1873, age 4 days, d/o Ashel/Alice King, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

King, Female died 15 Jun 1871, still born, d/o Ashel/Alice King, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />


King, Frederick (colored) died 10 Aug 1875, cause not known, age 11 months 7 days,<br />

d/o Phillip/Catherine King, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

King, George W. died 5 Oct 1873, fever, age 8 years, s/o A./A.V. King, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Ashel King<br />

King, H.A. died 10 Dec 1892 Gainesville, typhoid fever, 30 years, information by<br />

A.A.King - husband<br />

King, John died 28 Dec 1858, shot accidently, s/o Craven J./<strong>Virginia</strong> King, information<br />

by father<br />

King, Julia Frances died 17 Mar <strong>1896</strong> Dumfries, croup, age 3 months, d/o Jas R./Julia<br />

E. King, born Dumfries, information by J. Robert King - father<br />

King, Marthy A. died 5 Apr 1879, apoplelexy, age 50 years, name of parents not<br />

known, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by James W. King - husband<br />

King, Mary Frances (colored) died 14 May 1872, consumption, 14 years old, d/o<br />

Phillip/Rosetta King, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

King, Onetta died 28 Jul 1876, cause not known, age 4 months, d/o James R./Julia<br />

King, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

King, Phillip (colored) died 17 Jan 1893 Charles Town, old age, 82 years, information<br />

by Charles Johnson - relative<br />

King, Rudolph died 9 Nov 1872, age 3 months, fever, s/o George/Catherine King, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

King, Samuel died 19 Feb <strong>1896</strong> near Token, old age, 83 years, born near Token,<br />

information by J.M. Beavers - son in law<br />

King, Sarah died 19 Jan 1879, consumption, age 28 years, d/o Isiah/Frances Davis,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Franklin King - husband<br />

King, Thomas J. died 6 Aug 1869, thrush, 1 month 5 days old, s/o Jas R./Julia F. King,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Kirby, Fred W. died 10 Mar 1873, inflammation of lungs, age 2 years 4 months, s/o<br />

John H./Josephine Kirby, born New York<br />

Koons, John C. died 12 Jun 1875, cause unknown, age 22 years, s/o Albert Koons,<br />

information by father<br />

Koontz, M.F. died 23 Oct 1892 Manassas, heart trouble, 40 years, parents were Jacob<br />

Koontz and Jane Crabill, information by A. F. Koontz - head of family<br />

Lacy, Almina died 25 Apr 1890, consumption, 39 years, parents unknown, information<br />

by Mary Selecman - adopted mother<br />

Lambert, Furlong (colored) died 00 Oct 1871, gunshot accident, age 25 years, s/o<br />

Odinisha Lambert, information by J.R. Shirley - overseer of poor<br />

Lambert, Gertie died 13 Aug <strong>1896</strong>, consumption, age 48 years, d/o C.H. Lambert, born<br />

Fairfax, information by father<br />

Lambert, John (colored) died 15 May 1894, gravel, age 56 years, s/o Polly Lambert,<br />

born near Milford, information by Lizzie Lambert - widow<br />

Lambert, Pendelton (colored) died 16 Oct 1878, diphtheria, age 5 years, s/o<br />

Pendleton/Annie Lambert, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Lambert, Thomas (free colored) died 00 Mar 1859 Langyher’s Mill, age 5 years,<br />

mother was Caroline Lambert, information by Robert Langyher - friend<br />

Lansdown, Frank (colored) died 8 Apr 1879, consumption, age 35 years, s/o<br />

George/Daphne Lansdown, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Annie Lambert - wife<br />


Lansdown, Mattie (colored) died 1 Jan <strong>1896</strong> near Waterfall, heart trouble, age 36<br />

years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, d/o Robert/M. Lansdown, information by parents<br />

Lang, Elenor died 23 Dec 1854, consumption, age 56 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, <strong>William</strong><br />

Lang - spouse, information by <strong>William</strong> Lang - son<br />

Langyher, Amanda W. died 28 May <strong>1853</strong>, consumption, age 29 years 4 months, d/o<br />

Thomas/Ann Larkin, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Robert M. Langyher -<br />

husband<br />

Langyher, John died 7 May 1879, apoplexy, age 59 years 10 months, s/o John/Judith<br />

Langyher, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mary Langyher - sister<br />

Langyher, Mary E. died 27 Aug 1890 Langyher’s Mill, paralysis, 75 years, born <strong>Virginia</strong>,<br />

information by W.S. Langyher - nephew<br />

Langyher, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 30 Mar 1876, consumption, age 37 years, s/o<br />

Henry/Mary Langyher, born N.C., information by Lucy Langyher - wife<br />

Lansdown, Male (colored) died 00 Aug 1865, 4 hours old, Lucinda Landsdown -<br />

mother, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by M. Foley - friend<br />

Lansdown, Thomas died 1 May 1891 Robinson Farm, pneumonia, 18 months old, s/o<br />

Robert Lansdown, information by parents<br />

Larkin, Charles F. died 29 Oct 1870, age 37 years 3 months 20 days, s/o Thomas<br />

D./Nancy Larkin, born Manassas Twp, information by Mary M. Larkin - consort<br />

Larkin, H.D. died 5 May <strong>1896</strong> Green Hill, apoplexy, age 66 years old, information by<br />

C.M. Larkin - nephew<br />

Larkin, Daniel died 19 Dec 1854, apoplectic, age 100 years 10 months, s/o<br />

Thomas/Leanna Larkin, born Fairfax, information by Mary Doake - friend<br />

Larkin, J. Elizabeth died 7 Nov 1895 Greenhill, old age, age 93 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, <strong>William</strong> Larkin - consort, information by C.M. Larkin - nephew<br />

Larkin, <strong>William</strong> died 15 Oct 1891 Liberia Farm, diarrhea, 8 months, s/o James/Sallie<br />

Larkin, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by parents<br />

Latham, Lucy M. died 3 Jun 1858 Greenville, 1 year 4 months 20 days old, s/o<br />

Thomas/Sarah R. Latham, information by father<br />

Latham, Thomas died 17 Mar 1875, cause not known, age 76 years, parents unknown,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Sarah Latham - consort, information by R.C. Latham - son<br />

Latimer, Howard L. died 25 Feb <strong>1853</strong>, croup, 11 months old, s/o Ed W./S? Latimer,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Latimer, Mary L. died 26 Oct 1857, croup, age 3 years 9 months, d/o E./Francenia?<br />

?Latimer, born Edgefield, information by father<br />

Latimer, Nannia? died 7 Sep 1856, dyhriaa, age 1 year 4 months, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, d/o<br />

Edwin W./Trasenia? , information by father<br />

Leache, Laura V. died 19 Oct 1890 Paris Va., heart disease, 54 years, born <strong>Virginia</strong>,<br />

information by J. Williett Leache - husband<br />

Leachman, Jos. S. died 8 Aug 1891 Near Bristoe, cholera, 2 years old, J.P./M.V.<br />

Leachman, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by parents<br />

Leary, <strong>William</strong> B. died 27 Nov 1890, heart disease, age 54 years, , born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by M.V. Leary - wife<br />

Ledman, Annie L. died 27 May 1870, thrush, age 14 days, d/o Wesley/Catherine<br />

Ledman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Ledman, Female died 9 May 1869, age 1 day, d/o L./Levina Ledman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Lee, Coleman died 00 Jul 1858, chicken pox, age 1 year, s/o Matthew A./Mary E.\Lee<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Lee, F.T. died 7 May <strong>1896</strong> Maple Spring, Brights disease, age 40 years, information by<br />

brother<br />

Lee, James died 26 Dec 1857, age 46 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Sarah A. Lee - consort,<br />

information by widow<br />

Lee, John T. died 3 Dec 1859, consumption, age 24 years, s/o Thomas/Verlinda Lee<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Lee, Margaret died 9 Jan 1869, typhoid Pneumonia, parents unknown, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, age 69 years, unmarried, information by Martha Lee<br />

Lee, Mary Alice died 18 Dec 1890 near Buckland, paralysis, age 54 years, birthplace<br />

unknown, information by Richard B. Lee - husband<br />

Lee, Mary E. died 15 Jul 1879, consumption, age 55 years, d/o Jackson/Mollie Lee,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> B. Lee - son<br />

Lee, Rebecca died 1 Apr 1892 near Antioch, consumption, age 44 years, information<br />

by George Donohoe - relative<br />

Lee, Thomas died 28 Dec 1871, old age. age 80 years, pauper, unmarried, s/o J.R.<br />

Shirley, information by overseer of poor<br />

Lennox, Mary died 29 Aug 1857, typhoid fever, age 8 years, information by father<br />

Lennox, Milly died 29 Aug 1857, typhoid fever, age 21 years, information by R. Lennox<br />

- husband<br />

Leonard, <strong>William</strong> died 10 Jun 1857, cancer, 83 years old, born Fauquier, Mary Leonard<br />

- consort, information by Robert Leonard - grandson<br />

Lewis, Amanda (colored) died 20 Feb 1873, scrofula, age 12 years, d/o Emila Lewis,<br />

born Fredericksburg Va., information by grandmother<br />

Lewis, Andrew (colored) died 16 Mar 1876, pneumonia, age 1 year 3 months, s/o Ella<br />

Lewis/Father not known, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Charles Lewis - head of<br />

family<br />

Lewis, C.A. (female) died 25 Dec 1890 near Hickory Grove, cancer, age 74 years, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by Robert M. Lewis - husband<br />

Lewis, Francis M. died 00 Nov 1857, age 1 year 3 months, s/o Henry/Elizabeth J.<br />

Lewis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Francis M. Lewis - uncle<br />

Lewis, Ida (colored) died 8 Jun 1876, diarrhea, age 11 months, d/o Charles/ Julia<br />

Lewis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Lewis, Male (colored) died 10 Sep 1876, cause not known, age 7 days, s/o <strong>William</strong><br />

H./Lavania Lewis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Lewis, Mary M. died 15 Jun 1865, consumption, age 36 years 3 months, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Anna Lewis, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Benjamin F. Lewis<br />

Lewis, R.M. died 6 Jun <strong>1896</strong> Stepney, old age, age 77 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by R.B. Smith - friend<br />

Limbstrong, Female died 30 Dec 1874, cause not known, age 20 days, d/o Charley<br />

R./Mary Limbstrong, born Manassas Twp, information by father<br />

Lindsley, Luther C. died 19 Oct 1864 Seven Pines, killed in war, age 34 years, s/o<br />

M.L./Louisa Lindsley, born New York, information by father<br />


Lindsley, <strong>William</strong> died 19 Jun 1890, cholera inflammation, 4 months old, s/o Ernest/L.<br />

Lindsley, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Lint, Female died 25 Dec 1895 Brentsville, cause unknown, age 1 day, d/o S.S./F. Lint,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by parents<br />

Lipscomb, Robert Henry died 17 Jan 1864, diphtheria, 8 months old, s/o <strong>William</strong><br />

E./Henrietta Lipscomb, information by father<br />

Lipscomb, <strong>William</strong> died 00 Jun 1858 Elmwood, Apoplexy?, age 75 years, s/o<br />

Phillip/Jane Warder, born Spotsylvania, information by P.D. Lipscomb - nephew<br />

Lloyd, Eva M. died 20 Jun 1892 Page <strong>County</strong>, spinal affection, age 3 months, d/o<br />

G.H./M.E. Lloyd, information by parents<br />

Loest, Elizabeth died 6 Jul 1876, cause not known, age 5 years, d/o E./Elizabeth Loest,<br />

information by father<br />

Lolman, Mary died 13 Dec 1876, consumption, age 35 years, parents unknown, born<br />

Phil. Pa., information by Charles Lolman - husband<br />

Lomax, Sarah (colored) died 12 Sep 1890 Manassas, asthma, 52 years old, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by <strong>William</strong> Lomax - husband<br />

Long, Female (colored) died 31 Aug 1872, born dead, d/o George/Ellen Long, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Long, Mary E. (colored) died 8 Oct 1871, cause not known, age 8 days, d/o<br />

George/Mary E. Long, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Love, Alfred died 30 Nov 1875, cause unknown, age 3 months, s/o Phineas/Rebecca<br />

Love, information by father<br />

Love, Annie V. died 17 Aug <strong>1896</strong> near Dumfries, cataract of stomach, 18 years old, d/o<br />

Phenix Love, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Love, Eliza died 25 Feb 1859, intermitting fever, age 54 years, d/o John Bland, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by M. Cowe - husband<br />

Love, Rebecca died 4 May 1875, consumption, age 26 years, information by Phineas<br />

Love - son<br />

Love, Sally died 00 Oct 1854, diarrhea, age 1 year, d/o Leonard/A. Love, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Love, Samuel died 00 Aug 1856, consumption, age 22 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Edwin Nelson - friend<br />

Love, Samuel died 00 May 1857, age 21 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Leonard Love - brother<br />

Lovelace, Mary F. died 8 Dec 1855, consumption, age 43 years, d/o <strong>William</strong> Petty, born<br />

Stafford, information by Rhodaw Lovelace - husband<br />

Loveland, John R. died 25 Apr 1879, brain fever, age 24 years, s/o Henry L./C.<br />

Loveland, Lillie Loveland - consort, information by father<br />

Low, John died 12 Aug 1859 Greenwich, disease of heart, age 59 years, s/o John/Mary<br />

Low, born Herdeen Scotland, information by Eliza Low - wife<br />

Lowe, Sarah died 00 Nov 1878, whooping cough, age 6 months, d/o Samuel/Lucinda<br />

Lowe, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Lowe, Sarah died 00 Nov 1878, whooping cough, age 6 months, d/o Samuel/Lucinda<br />

Lowe, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Lucas, Charles (colored) died 14 Nov 1865, age 7 months, s/o Thomas/Malissa Lewis,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mary Richardson<br />


Lucas, Charles (colored) died 16 Feb 1877, old age, age 75 years old, s/o Benjamin /<br />

Nancy Christian, information by Charles Lucas - brother<br />

Lucass, J. (colored) died 16 Feb 1893 Manassas, old age, age 74 years , information<br />

by C.H. Berry - friend<br />

Lucass, Lettie (colored) died 25 Sep 1877, consumption, age 19 years, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, d/o Ann Lucass, information by Thompson Brown - friend<br />

Luckett, Elnora died 00 Jun 1858, age 3 years, d/o George W./Mary Luckett,<br />

information by father<br />

Lunsford, John died 7 Nov 1874, age 4 years 5 months, croup, s/o John/<strong>Virginia</strong><br />

Lunsford, born Stafford Co.<br />

Lydell, John died 17 Jul 1890, 2 days old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o R.H./Annie Lydell,<br />

information by father<br />

Lynch, Emma died 4 Jul 1890 Manassas, cholera, 1 year 2 days old, d/o<br />

Michael/Emma Lynch, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

Lynch, Hanna died 5 Sep 1878, pneumonia, age 8 days old, d/o Martin/Margaret<br />

Lynch, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Lynch, John died 5 Sep 1873, pneumonia, born N.Y.<br />

Lynch, Mary died 10 Sep 1973, diphtheria, age 6 years, d/o Martin/Margaret Lynch,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Lynn, Annie died 4 Jul 1878, cause unknown, age 1 year 3 months, d/o Ezekiel/Anne<br />

Lynn, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Lynn, Annie M. died 3 Jul 1872, consumption, age 21 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Cordelia Lynn,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Lynn, Augusta died 26 Jun 1872, heart disease, age 37 years 1 month, d/o Thomas<br />

B./Mary C. Gaines, L. Lynn - consort, information by Mary C. Gaines<br />

Lynn, Benson died 26 Dec 1858, consumption, age 79 years, Mildred Lynn - consort,<br />

information by A.P. Lynn - son<br />

Lynn, Elizabeth died 13 Apr 1875, consumption, age 78 years, a widow, information by<br />

E. Lynn - son<br />

Lynn, Harvey died 5 Oct <strong>1896</strong> Manassas, consumption, age 41 years, born Manassas,<br />

information by H.C.Linn - brother<br />

Lynn, Isaac died 24 Feb 1855, consumption, age 24 years 8 days, s/o Moses/Eliz Lynn,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Caroline Lynn - consort, information by father<br />

Lynn, L.L. died 1 Dec 1872, tumor, age 53 years, a widower, information by Robert<br />

Lynn<br />

Lynn, Lycurgus died 12 Aug 1873, age 42 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jane<br />

E. Lynn<br />

Lynn, Male died 25 Apr 1876, cause not known, age 1 year 10 days, s/o L.A./Catherine<br />

Lynn, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Lynn, Male died 00 00 1855, age 6 months, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o W.E./Susan A. Lynn,<br />

information by father<br />

Lynn, Martha M. died 28 Sep 1855, croup, age 2 years 8 months, d/o Leroy W./Malvina<br />

Lynn, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Lynn Mary C. died 11 Jul 1879, consumption, age 34 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Mary Fulton ,<br />

born Loudoun <strong>County</strong>, information by Robert Lynn - husband<br />


Lynn, Mildred died 13 Oct 1854, bloody flux, age 70 years, d/o Thomas Norman, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Benson Lynn - spouse<br />

Lynn, Robert died 9 Sep 1870, consumption, age 29 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Caroline Lynn,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Lynn, Salone died 16 May 1872, pneumonia, age 10 years, child of L.C./Emma Lynn,<br />

information by father<br />

Lynn, <strong>William</strong> W. died 7 Jul 1870, brain fever, age 56 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Ann Lynn - consort<br />

Maconanghey, Male died 15 Jul <strong>1896</strong>, unknown cause, 24 days old born near<br />

Manassas, s/o D.J./L.A. Maconaghney, information by parents<br />

Macrae, J.W.F. died 18 Oct 1874 Meadow Farm, old age, 77 years, parents unknown,<br />

born Dumfries, information by R.B.L. Macrae - son<br />

Maddox, Ann died 14 Feb 1856, old age, 80 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Addison Maddox -<br />

husband, information by Robert G. Maddox - son<br />

Maddox, Frances died 00 00 1857, whooping cough, age 4 years, d/o Thomas/<br />

Margaret Maddox, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Maddox, James died 00 00 1858 Gunston, brain fever, age 45 years, information by<br />

<strong>William</strong> Davis - brother in law<br />

Maddox, Margaret died 20 May 1874, consumption, age 55 years, d/o John/Nancy<br />

Hammill, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Thomas Maddox- husband<br />

Maddox, Martha died 00 Sep 1854, age 7 years, d/o Thomas/M. Maddox, information<br />

by father<br />

Maddox, Thomas died 00 Sep 1878, consumption, age 66 years s/o Isaac Maddox,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Maddox - son<br />

Maddox, Thomas died 25 Aug 1873, cause unknown, age 2 years, s/o L./H.P. Maddox,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Manuel, Catherine died 7 Oct 1858 Brentsville, pneumonia, age 6 months, s/o <strong>William</strong><br />

R./Emily Manuel, born Culpeper, information by father<br />

Manuel, Female died 00 Oct 1857, whooping cough, age 1 month 7 days, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, d/o <strong>William</strong> J./Sarah J. Manuel, information by father<br />

Manuel, Guile? died 28 Jul 1856, age 1 month 9 days, d/o Benjamin F./Emma Manuel,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Manuel, James R. died 17 Dec 1892 Flatbush Farm, cancer, 59 years 8 months, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o Anderson/Mildred Manuel information by J.H. Manuel - brother<br />

Manuel, Sarah J. died 10 Jun 1895 Brentsville, cancer, age 44 years, d/o<br />

Wesley/Frances Reid, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, d/o J.P.Manuel - husband<br />

Marders, M.F. died 12 Apr <strong>1896</strong> near Manassas, fever, 21 years old, information by -<br />

mother<br />

Marsh, J.W. died 4 Jun 1892 Water Hall, old age, 82 years, information by John H.<br />

Robinson - step son<br />

Marshall, Jane died 6 Nov 1855, consumption, age 56 years, d/o Jas/Nancy Simpson,<br />

born Fairfax, information by Robert Marshall - husband<br />

Marshall, L. Milton died 00 Nov 1865, s/o Westly/Margaret Marshall, information by<br />

father<br />

Marshall, Male died 00 Jun 1858, age 6 months, s/o W.B./Margaret Marshall, born<br />

prince Wm, information by father<br />


Marshall, Margaret died 4 Oct 1865, age 43 years, d/o Warren/Catherine Davis<br />

Marshall, Nicedemus died 00 Jun 1855, age 18 years, s/o Robert/Jane Marshall, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Marsteller, Cyrus C. died 7 Feb 1871, age 73 years, s/o Alexandria Va. information by<br />

Eliza Marsteller - wife<br />

Marsteller, H.B. died 27 Jun 1895 Cottage Farm, complication, 29 years, d/o E.V. Weir,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by S.A. Marsteller - husband<br />

Marsteller, Lela died 15 Mar 1866 <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, disease not known, age 1 month 15<br />

days, d/o Dalphus/Mildred Marsteller, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Phillip<br />

Marsteller<br />

Marsteller, M.E. died 25 Sep 1858, spinal dis., age 40 years, d/o Phillip/Susan Warder,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Samuel Marsteller - consort<br />

Marsteller, Newton died 30 Jan 1866, strain, 31 years, s/o Phillip F./Ann B. Marsteller,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Marsteller, Samuel A. died 19 May 1869, cause not known, 85 years old, s/o<br />

Phillip/Christian Marsteller, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Emily Marsteller - consort<br />

Martin, James died 31 Mar 1856, from fall, age 85 years, s/o Tillman/Eliz Martin, born<br />

Fauquier, Agnes Martin - consort, information by Rose Riley - daughter<br />

Martyn, Emily died 18 Jun 1869, consumption, 20 years old, d/o Samuel/M. Martyn,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Mashra, Corbon died 00 Jul 1854, dropsy, age 52 years, born London City, information<br />

by Richard M. Tanner - friend<br />

Mason, Amey (colored) died 16 Jul <strong>1896</strong> near Catharpin, locked bowles, 31 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by A. Mason - husband<br />

Masterson, Jane died 00 Sep 1859 Liberia, typhoid fever, age 76 years, d/o<br />

Jas/Margaret Blackburn, born Ireland, John Masterson - consort, information by<br />

Patrick Scanland - son in law<br />

Mathis, Christian died 28 Oct 1875, age 55 years, cause and parents unknown, born<br />

New York, information by Anna Mathis - wife<br />

Matthew, Ann died 6 Oct 1876, pneumonia, age 8 months 10 days old, d/o<br />

Martin/Martha Matthew, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Mathew, George W. died 10 Sep 1864 Point Lookout, age 34 years, s/o Elias/Ann<br />

Mathews, information by Mary A. Mathew - wife<br />

Matthew, Martin died 3 Jun 1895 Matthew Farm, old age, 78 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

M.A. Matthew - consort/wife<br />

Matthews, Elias died 00 Jan 1856, hemorrhage, age 76 years, Nancy Mathews -<br />

consort, information by George W. Mathews - son<br />

Matthews, Mary (free colored) died 00 Apr 1854, age 40 years, information by Jas W.<br />

Matthews - friend<br />

Matthews, Thomas (free colored) died 25 May 1856, dropsy, age 80 years, born<br />

Richmond City, s/o Samuel Haislip - friend<br />

Mattocks, Frances J. died 00 Jun 1858, spasms, age 35 years, d/o R./J. Mattocks, born<br />

New York, information by Robert W. Mattocks - brother<br />

Maxfield, Orvis died 11 Jun 1890, consumption, 50 years, s/o E./M. Maxfield, born<br />

State of N.Y., information by Nancy Maxfield - wife<br />


Mayhugh, Abigail died 4 Nov 1854, age 6 months, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Sidney Mayhugh, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Mayhugh, Female died 8 Aug 1895 Greenwich, cause unknown, 1 month old, d/o L./<br />

C.B. Mayhugh, information by Lewis Mayhugh - father<br />

Mayhugh, Isabella died 4 Mar 1891 Mount Hope, heart disease, 55 years old, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by George Mayhugh - husband<br />

Mayhugh, J.S. died 15 Oct <strong>1896</strong> near Waterfall, dypthira, 16 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by George Mayhugh - father<br />

Mayhugh, Matthew died 14 Aug 1871, fever, age 54 years, born Fairfax, information by<br />

Payton Mayhugh - son<br />

Mayhugh, Sarah died 7 Aug <strong>1853</strong>, by burning, age 11 years, d/o Thomas/Catherine<br />

Mayhugh, born prince Wm, information by father<br />

Mayhugh, <strong>William</strong> died 18 Oct 1870, paralysis, age 3 days, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by A. Rollins<br />

Maxfield, Female died 25 Aug 1875, cause not known, age 15 days, d/o Orvis/Louisa<br />

Maxfield, information by father<br />

Maxfield, <strong>William</strong> Ellmore died 00 Sep 1873, fever, age 5 years, s/o Orvin/Nancy<br />

Maxfield, born New York, information by father<br />

McCarty, Michael died 5 Sep 1855, spasms, age 1 year 6 months, s/o Dennis/Mgt.,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

McClain, Norman died 00 Feb 1873, s/o T.S./Mary McClain, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

McClanahan, E.N. died 29 Apr 1891, old age, 91 years old, information by John<br />

McClanahan - son<br />

McClish, John died 22 Dec 1876, consumption, age 16 years, born Germantown DC,<br />

information by Henry Colbert - friend<br />

McCrae, Columbia L. died 26 Dec 1876, paralysis, 73 years old, d/o R.B./Elizabeth<br />

Lee, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Collins S. Macrae - son<br />

McCuin, W.E. died 30 Aug 1894, brain fever, age 11 months, s/o <strong>William</strong> E./B.E.<br />

McCuin, born Manassas Va., information by parents<br />

McDonough, Eliza J. died 00 Feb 1855, chills and fever, age 11 months, d/o<br />

Jas/Jennett McDonough, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

McEwing, Edward died 27 Dec 1875, heart disease, age 54 years, information by<br />

Eveline McEwing - wife<br />

McEwing, James died 15 Aug 1875, disease not known, age 1 year, information by<br />

Eveline McEwing - mother<br />

McIntosh, Charles E. died 19 Sep 1865, diphtheria, age 1 year 8 months, s/o James<br />

W./Ann M. McIntosh, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

McIntosh, Emily F. died 29 Dec 1854, age 1 year 3 months, d/o James/Addell<br />

McIntosh, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

McIntosh, Female died 17 Jan 1875, cause not known, age 2 days, d/o R.E./Jane<br />

McIntosh, information by mother<br />

McIntosh, James died 24 Apr 1855, old age s/o Daniel McIntosh, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> L. McIntosh - son<br />

McIntosh, Jesse died 8 Feb 1855, age 28 days, s/o <strong>William</strong> L./Ann M. McIntosh, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


McIntosh, John H. died 19 Sep 1865 Buckland, diphtheria, age 4 years, s/o James W. /<br />

Ann M. McIntosh, information by father<br />

McIntosh, Levy A. died 11 Jan 1858 Buckland, croup, age 3 years 11 months, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

McIntosh, <strong>Virginia</strong> died 20 Feb 1893 Gaines Farm, pneumonia, age 30 years,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> McIntosh - husband<br />

McKee, Fanny (colored) died 10 Aug 1871, old age, age 73 years old, parents not<br />

known, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, never married<br />

McLain, Malvania died 14 Apr 1855. croup, age 5 years, d/o Thomas/Verlinda McLain,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by a brother<br />

McNeal, Charlotte died 19 Aug 1870, consumption, age 50 years, d/o Oscar, born N.Y.,<br />

Sarah McNeal - consort, information by Isiah McNeal<br />

McPherson, F.M. (colored) died 15 Jul <strong>1896</strong> Washington DC, burned, age 18 years,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John McPherson - brother<br />

Merchant, Alice died 6 Dec 1870, consumption, age 33 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Merchant, Elijah J. died 4 Feb 1872, age 6 months 8 days, s/o <strong>William</strong> C./Jane<br />

Merchant, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> C. - father<br />

Merchant, Elizabeth died 00 May 1858, age 9 months, d/o <strong>William</strong> C./Margaret<br />

Merchant, information by father<br />

Merchant, Henrietta died 8 Apr 1871, consumption, age 54 years, d/o Richard/Ann<br />

Speake, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Bayne Merchant - consort, information by Mary<br />

Merchant - aunt<br />

Merchant, Henry W. died 15 Aug 1858, age 10 months, s/o George W/Sally Merchant,<br />

information by father<br />

Merchant, Mary F. died 1 Nov 1878, consumption, age 60 years, d/o Richard Stonnell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by R.F. Merchant - son<br />

Merchant, Sarah F. died 12 Aug 1856, cholera infection, age 9 months, d/o W.C./M.A.<br />

Merchant, born prince Wm, information by father<br />

Meredith, Elizabeth died 11 Apr 1890 near Nokesville, old age, 76 years 10 months 7<br />

days, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by John F. Meredith - husband<br />

Mickey, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 15 Sep 1892 Gainesville, diphtheria, 20 years old, born<br />

near Gainesville, information by <strong>William</strong> Mickey - relative<br />

Mills, Reuben died 21 Jul 1865, age 4 days, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o Redman/Margaret<br />

Mills, information by father<br />

Miner, Eddie (colored) died 17 Feb 1876, diphtheria, 7 years old, s/o Strother/Harriet<br />

Miner, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Milnes, G.V. (female) died 25 Aug 1891 Manassas, pneumonia, age 7 months, d/o S.<br />

Milnes, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

Ming, Charles died 9 Feb 1855, old age , age 86 years, s/o John/Betsy Ming, born<br />

Philadelphia Pa., Victoria Ming - spouse, information by George B. Chickchester<br />

- son in law<br />

Minor, Mary died 26 Sep 1857, old age, 76 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

<strong>William</strong> G. Addams - daughter<br />

Mitchell, Elizabeth (colored) consumption, 49 years, d/o Jacob/Catherine Hornbaker,<br />

Pennsylvania, information by George W. Mitchell - husband<br />


Mitchell, Edgar J. (colored) died 25 Feb 1876, pneumonia, age 3 years, s/o<br />

James/Ellen Mitchell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Mitchell, H.F. died 20 Sep 1893 Bradley, typhoid fever, age 41 years, s/o George<br />

Mitchell, born New Jersey, information by E.R. Mitchell - brother<br />

Mitchell, Laura M. died 27 Feb 1873, diphtheria, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, d/o James/Ellen<br />

Mitchell<br />

Mitchell, Mary (colored) died 20 Dec 1876, consumption, age 40 years, d/o<br />

Jethrow/Maria Chapman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jessie Mitchell - son<br />

Mitchell, N.C. (colored) died 26 Oct 1893 Bradley, typhoid fever, age 6 years, d/o<br />

H.F./M.A. Mitchell, information by E.R. Mitchell - uncle<br />

Moffett, Male died 10 Dec 1856, age 4 months, born Fauquier, s/o Jas H./Mary F.<br />

Moffett, information by father<br />

Molair, Bessie died 29 May 1894, diarrhea, age 5 years, d/o Robert/B. Molair,<br />

information by parents<br />

Molair, George died 15 Sep 1856 Flux, age 30 years, s/o Heb. Molair, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Volanch - friend<br />

Molair, George W. died 16 May 1858, age 2 months, s/o John/Frances Molair,<br />

information by father<br />

Molair, Male/Female died 20 Jun 1876 More Green, unknown cause, 1/2 of a day,<br />

parents were Robert/M.V. Molair, information by mother<br />

Molair, John died 27 Aug 1872, pneumonia, s/o John/Frances Molair, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Molair, <strong>William</strong> died 00 Oct 1856, diarr., age 22 years, s/o Thomas/Balinda Molair, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Money, Armstead died 30 Jan 1872, abscess, age 52 years, s/o Enoch/Mary Money,<br />

information by Cora E. Money - wife<br />

Monroe, Adeline (colored) died 24 May 1972 Manassas, consumption, age 45 years,<br />

d/o John/Frances Jackson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Milton Monroe -<br />

husband<br />

Monroe, Charles (colored) died 20 Dec 1879, fits, age 1 month 9 days, s/o Milton/Ida<br />

Monroe, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Monroe, Jesse (colored) died 22 Jul 1875, cause not known, age 1 year 7 days, s/o<br />

Jesse/Maria Monroe, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Monroe, Male (colored) died 17 Jun 1876, pneumonia, age 16 days, s/o Jesse/Maria<br />

Monroe, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Monroe, <strong>Virginia</strong> died 00 Jun 1855, age 3 months, d/o John R./Ann, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Mooney, Samuel died 30 Nov 1858, old age, 76 years old, s/o Mich C./Jemima,<br />

Mooney, born Fauquier, information by John P. Roach - brother in law<br />

Moor, Jas Robert died 00 Nov 1865, age 1 month, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o Edward/Mary<br />

M. Moor, information by father<br />

Moore, E.S. died 22 Apr 1894 Buckhall, childbirth, age 30 years, born Washington City,<br />

information by T.B. Moore - husband<br />

Moore, Female died 00 Aug 1857, age 4 months, d/o Jas H./Harriet Moore, born<br />

Greenwich, information by Jas H. Moore - father<br />


Moore, H.C. died 13 Apr 1895 Greenwich, old age, age 78 years, born Fauquier,<br />

information by Jas H. Moore - husband<br />

Moore, Henry died 6 Jun 1874, consumption, age 16 years, s/o John/Caroline Moore<br />

Moore, M. (female) (colored) died 16 Apr 1893 Gravel Hill, diphtheria, age 1 year, d/o<br />

Charles/Sally Moore, born Gravel Hill, information by parents<br />

Moore, Rachel (colored) died 15 Apr 1874 Poplar Hill, general debility, age 74 years,<br />

born Fauquier, information by F.F. Whiting - friend<br />

Moore, T. J. (colored) died 22 Mar <strong>1896</strong>, Manassas, brain fever, age 48 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Hester Moore - wife<br />

Morgan, Ethel died 5 Oct <strong>1896</strong>, age 1 year, d/o George W./Morgan, information by<br />

father<br />

Morgan, Fannie (colored) died 19 Aug 1890 Thoroughfare, cancer, age 72 years, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by John Gilliam - nephew<br />

Moss, Charles died 00 Jul 1872, consumption, age 21 years, s/o Alfred/Mary Moss,<br />

born Fairfax, unmarried, information by Dr. Kerford<br />

Mountjoy, Catherine died 20 May 1874, cause not known, 67 years old, born prince<br />

Wm, widow of <strong>William</strong> Mountjoy, information by Wm. H. Mountjoy - son<br />

Mountjoy, Twins (male and female) died 16 Dec 1895 Waterfall, unknown cause, age 1<br />

day, children of W.E./C.S. Mountjoy, information by father<br />

Mountjoy, ____ died 6 Jul 1875, bilious fever, age 46 years, information by Caroline<br />

Mountjoy - wife<br />

Moxley, Arminta E. died 31 Dec 1858 Greenwich, poison, age 81 years 7 months, d/o<br />

Benjamin/A. Douglass, born Maryland, Gilbert J. Moxley - consort, information by<br />

B.D.G. Moxley - son<br />

Muddiman, Male died 29 May <strong>1896</strong> Manassas, premature birth, 1/2 day old, s/o<br />

A.N./J.E. Muddiman, information by parents<br />

Muddiman, Mattie died 29 May 1894 Mayfield, pneumonia, age 22 years, d/o H.C./E.V.<br />

Muddiman, information by parents<br />

Muddiman, <strong>William</strong> F. died 24 Feb <strong>1896</strong> Grant <strong>County</strong> Kentucky, pneumonia, age 34<br />

years, s/o D./L.V. Muddiman, information by father<br />

Murphy, A. (Colored) female died17 Nov 1895, Rose Cottage, age 78 years, Alfred<br />

Murphy - consort, information by C. Murphy - son<br />

Murphy, Amanda (colored) died 17 Nov 1894 Gainesville, old age, age 73 years,<br />

information by Cassius Murphy - son<br />

Murphey, Cora L. (colored) died 15 Jan 1876, cause not known, age 10 months, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong> H./Sarah C. Murphey, born prince Wm, information by father<br />

Murphy, Female (colored) died 6 Jul 1892 Rose Cottage Farm, age 14 days old, d/o<br />

R./M.C. Murphy, information by parents<br />

Murphy, Male died 00 Apr 1859, age 1 month, Mary Murphy - mother, information by<br />

Alfred Murphy - grandfather<br />

Murry, Mary (colored) died 24 Jul 1876, pneumonia, age 1 month 14 days, d/o Dallas<br />

/Malinda Murry, born prince Wm, information by father<br />

Mushett, Jas M. died 26 Oct <strong>1853</strong>, by drink, age 33 years, s/o Alexander/Lueran, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, <strong>Virginia</strong> M. Mushett - spouse, information by Frances Gibson - aunt<br />

Myers, George W. died 6 Apr 1873, consumption, age 50 years, born Penn.,<br />

information by Dr. M.A. Ish - physician<br />


Myers, Mariah/Martha died 3 Oct 1873, age 5 years, d/o George W./Susan F. Myers,<br />

information by Susan F. Myers -mother<br />

Nalls, Bladen D. died 7 Nov 1854, thrush, age 1 year 5 months, s/o Jas M./Mildred<br />

Nalls, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Nash, John (colored) died 15 Sep 1865, old age, 80 years, born Fairfax, by Benjamin<br />

F. Lewis - head of household<br />

Nash, Mary (colored) died 25 Dec 1871, age 36 years, d/o JamesUpton/Dolia John,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John Nash - husband<br />

Nash, Reuben (colored) died 28 Jul 1876, cause not known, age 1 month 7 days, s/o<br />

Reuben/Caroline Nash, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Reuben Nash - father<br />

Nash, S. (colored) died 16 Apr 1893 Oakhill, consumption, age 56 years, parents were<br />

P./S. Nash, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by M. Payne - daughter<br />

Nash, <strong>William</strong> H. (colored) died 18 Aug 1877, diarrhea, age 1 year 3 months, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong> H./Charlotte Nash, born prince Wm, information by father<br />

Nash, <strong>William</strong> M. died 00 00 1856, age 2 years, s/o Jas V./Rebecca, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Naylor, Amanda (colored) died 7 Jun 1890 near Manassas, dropsy, age 44 years, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by Phillip Naylor - husband<br />

Naylor, Lewis (colored) died 15 Oct 1872, pneumonia, age 20 years old, s/o<br />

Henry/Emily Naylor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Naylor, Nellie (colored) died 27 Feb <strong>1896</strong> near Manassas, old age, age 103 years,<br />

information by son<br />

Naylor, Rebecca (colored) died 15 Jun 1870, age 3 years, d/o Henry/Wainie Naylor<br />

Naylor, Samuel (colored) died 24 Dec 1872, rheumatism, age 70 years, s/o<br />

Phillip/Nellie Naylor, born prince Wm, information by Phillip Naylor - son<br />

Nekins, Abraham (free colored) died 00 00 1856, 60 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by acquaintance<br />

Nelson, Kate died 00 Aug 1872, age 2 years, fever, d/o Edwin/Bettie Nelson,<br />

information by father<br />

Newman, Catherine N. died 00 Jun 1855, inflammation of bowels, 67 years, d/o<br />

Thomas/Millie Newman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by C.C.Cushing - brother<br />

in law<br />

Newman, E. died 7 Jul 1892 Pugh Farm, consumption, age 65 years, information by<br />

W.W. Pugh - friend<br />

Newman, Edward died 9 Jun 1855, consumption , 70 years, s/o James/Sarah<br />

Newman, born Essex, Susan E. Newman - spouse, information by Berket<br />

Newman - brother<br />

Nickens, Abraham (colored) died 5 Oct 1873, cause not known, age 2 months, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Mary Nickins, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mary Nickins - mother<br />

Nickins, Alice (colored) died 16 Jun 1872, cause not known, age 2 months, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/ Mary Nickins, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Nickins, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 18 Oct 1869, scrofula, age 7 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Mary<br />

Nickins, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Nite, Laura (colored) died 7 Dec 1878, old age, 78 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Julia <strong>William</strong>s,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Sallie Grayson - head of family<br />


Norman, Martha died 7 Apr 1866, cancer, 70 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Wallace Tansill - friend<br />

Norvill, Sarah A. died 8 Dec 1854, heart disease, 63 years, d/o James/Sarah Reid,<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Peyton Norville - spouse, information by L.B. Norvill - son<br />

Norville, Washington H. died 18 May 1856, pneumonia, 60 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

Edith Norville - wife, information by Clinton P. Norville - son<br />

Norvill, <strong>William</strong> H. died 19 May 1858 Lagrange, consumption, s/o Peyton/ Sarah A.<br />

Norvill, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Margaret Norvill - wife, information by B.E. Harrison -<br />

brother in law<br />

O’Leary, Catherine died 11 Aug 1875, age 5 years, d/o Dennis/Ann O’Leary, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

O’Leary, Katie died 2 Aug 1874, diphtheria, age 4 years 5 months, d/o Dennis/Nancy<br />

O’Leary, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Owens, Charles died 00 Sep 1857, flux, 4 years 6 months, s/o Charles M./Susanna<br />

Owens, born Fauquier, information by mother<br />

Owens, Eliza C. died 00 00 1870, infant, d/o Samuel/Mary Owens, information by S.<br />

Owens<br />

Owens, Male died 1 Dec 1869 Fauquier, cause not known, died same day as birth, s/o<br />

John/Mary Owens, born Fauquier, information by father<br />

Owens, Susanna died 1 Sep 1858, in labour, 27 years old, d/o Jas/Elijah Waddle, born<br />

Fauquier, information by Charles Owens - husband<br />

Parsons, Male died 15 Nov 1874 Mill Park, still born, s/o James S./M.E. Parsons,<br />

information by father<br />

Parsons, Male died 15 Sep 1875, cause unknown, age 14 days, s/o James S./Mary<br />

Parsons, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Partlow, Earnest died 15 Aug <strong>1896</strong> Greenlevel, brain fever, age 6 months, s/o W.H./N.<br />

Partlow, information by parents<br />

Partlow, Jonas died 14 May 1894 Greenlevel, croup, age 8 months, s/o W.H./N.<br />

Partlow, information by parents<br />

Pate, V.M. died 9 Feb 1894 Miller Farm, pneumonia, age 8 months 9 days , parents<br />

were C.C./P. Pate, born Bedford Pa. information by parents<br />

Patterson, Arrington, died 6 Aug 1871, enlargement of the brain, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Patterson, Emmett (female) died 15 May 1869, cause unknown, age 26 years, d/o<br />

John/Sarah Brammill, born prince Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Brammill<br />

Patterson, Mary J. died 8 Feb 1869, pneumonia, age 53 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Augusta Patterson - wife<br />

Pattie, C.F. (female) died in 1873 Haymarket, age 4 months, s/o James<br />

Pattie, Oscar F. died 26 Jan 1873 Buckland, typhoid fever, age 45 years 5 months,<br />

born Fauquier, Emily Pattie - consort, information by James A. Pattie - brother<br />

Patton, L.E. died 5 Jan 1892 Catharpin, diphtheria, age 10 years, s/o L.E. Patton, born<br />

Catharpin, information by W.W. Pugh - head of family<br />

Patton, Mary L. died 28 Oct 1891 Collis Farm, typhoid fever, age 35 years, d/o John W.<br />

Patton, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by J. Printz - father<br />

Patton, <strong>William</strong> died 1 Jun 1857, appo..., 40 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Elizabeth<br />

Patton - consort, information by A. Selectman - friend<br />


Payne, Abner died 15 Oct 1874, cause unknown, age 24 days, s/o A.A./Sarah Payne,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Ann Speak - grandmother<br />

Payne, Agnes E. died 12 Nov <strong>1896</strong> near Manassas, consumption, age 54 years,<br />

information by Alice Payne - daughter<br />

Payne, Alice died 18 Nov 1879, typhoid fever, 28 years, d/o Henry/D. Bryant, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by George Payne - husband<br />

Payne, B.H. died 2 Jun 1874, cholera, age 10 months<br />

Payne, Caroline died 00 Aug 1855, liver complaint, 24 years, d/o Rich/Nancy Payne,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Henry Payne - husband<br />

Payne, Charles G. died 10 Jul 1871 Fauquier, brain fever, s/o Hugh/J.V. Payne, born<br />

Fauquier, information by father<br />

Payne, Charles M. died 8 Nov 1879, pneumonia, age 4 months 23 days, s/o John R./<br />

Martha Payne, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Pain, Charley Howsen (colored) died 10 Aug 1869, spasms, 11 months, s/o H./Mary C.<br />

Pain, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Howson Pain<br />

Payne, Dorcas (colored) died 25 Mar 1869 Fauquier, dropsy, age 10 years, d/o<br />

Robert/Fanny Payne, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Payne, Elizabeth died 20 Feb 1872, pneumonia, age 41 years, d/o Frances Spittle,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Barnett Payne - husband<br />

Payne, F.S. died 4 Oct 1891 Buckland, obstruction of bowels, 1 year old, information by<br />

John R. Payne - father<br />

Payne, Female (colored) died 28 Apr 1895 Oak Hill, cause unknown,10 days old, d/o<br />

A./M. Payne, information by mother<br />

Payne, Female (colored) died 29 May <strong>1896</strong>, consumption, 3 days old, d/o James R.<br />

Payne, information by father<br />

Payne, Jane died 6 Apr 1894 Oak Hill, consumption, age 5 years, d/o A.M./A. Payne,<br />

information by parents<br />

Payne, Julia Caroline died 13 Apr 1866, 8 years old, d/o John/Eliza F. Payne, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Payne, Male died 15 Jun 1872, pneumonia, age 3 months 25 days, s/o<br />

Barnet/Elizabeth Payne, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Payne, Robert (colored) died 25 Apr 1877, pneumonia, age 70 years, parents<br />

unknown, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Richard Payne - son<br />

Payne, Sanford died 18 Nov 1869, consumption, age 47 years, s/o Richard//Nancy<br />

Payne, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Jane Payne - consort, information by mother<br />

Payne, Smith died 23 Nov 1873 Manassas Twp, dropsy, 8 years old, s/o<br />

Barnett/Elizabeth Payne, information by father<br />

Payne, W.A. (colored) died 26 Dec <strong>1896</strong> near Catharpin, consumption, age 39 years,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Peak, Ann died 00 Nov 1856, consumption, age 72 years, d/o James/Conscious Peak,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Craven Peak - brother<br />

Pearson, Eliza A. died 29 Aug 1857, 9 days old, d/o Daniel/E. Pearson, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Pearson, George died 25 Aug 1873, sun stroke, age 36 years, s/o A./L. Pearson, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm<br />


Pearson, Julia died 28 Mar 1872, pneumonia, age 28 years, d/o Daniel/Nancy Bryant,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Robert A. Pearson - husband<br />

Pearson, L.H. died 10 Feb 1876, cause unknown, 29 years old, s/o Barnett/Jane<br />

Pearson, information by father<br />

Pearson, Male died 6 Dec 1859, consumption, age 10 days, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o<br />

John/R. Pearson , information by father<br />

Pearson, Martha died 29 Aug 1856, dysentery, age 1 year 10 days, d/o D./Elizabeth<br />

Pearson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Pearson, <strong>William</strong> H. died 7 Sep 1855, age 13 years 11 months, s/o A./L. Pearson, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o Alex Pearson - father<br />

Pendleton, Ella (colored) died 8 Feb 1895 Orange Farm, consumption, age 11 years,<br />

d/o Wash/L. Pendleton, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Pendleton, Ella died 8 Jan <strong>1896</strong> Buckhall, consumption, d/o W. Pendleton, information<br />

by parents<br />

Penn, E. (colored male) died 5 Aug 1893 Foston, heart disease, age 59 years,<br />

information by Anna Penn - wife<br />

Perry, John died 19 Jun <strong>1896</strong> Mt. Pleasant, cause unknown, age 65 years, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Henrietta Perry - wife<br />

Perry, Male died 1 Sep 1869, cause unknown, 9 days old, s/o John/Martha A. Perry,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Perry, Male died 4 Jul 1854, summer complaint, age 5 months, s/o John/Martha Perry,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Peters, B.A. (colored) died 5 Aug 1892 Peach Grove, whooping cough, age 5 months,<br />

parents were <strong>William</strong> T./Mary Peters, information by parents<br />

Peters, Male died 17 Feb 1895 near Haymarket, pneumonia, age 1 month, s/o<br />

Franz/E.J. Peters, information by father<br />

Peterson ( Paterson?), Thomas died 15 Oct 1875, hemorrhage of lungs, age 20 years,<br />

s/o Gusta<br />

Pettet, Ann died 20 May 1864, forgot age, d/o John/Arminta Pettet, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

Pettet, Edward died 15 Aug 1858, 24 years old, s/o Thomas/Jane Pettet, information by<br />

father<br />

Pettet, <strong>William</strong> Sr. died 13 SEP 1858, consumption, age 55 years, information by<br />

W.F.Pettet - son<br />

Petty, Mary L. died 00 Sep 1857, dysentery, age 2 years 2 months, d/o Lemuel/Ann<br />

Petty, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Phillips, Cecilia died 9 Dec 1877, old age, age 78 years, parents unknown, information<br />

by Ann Phillips - daughter<br />

Phillips, Sarah E. died 00 Jul 1856, cancer, 63 years 3 months, d/o John/Sarah H.<br />

Cannon, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, <strong>William</strong> F. Phillips - husband, information by John B.<br />

Cannon - brother<br />

Pickett, Elizabeth died 13 Mar 1873, consumption, age 66 years, d/o ___ Foley, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Sanford Pickett - husband<br />

Pickett, Sanford W. died 18 Aug 1877, diarrhea, age 77 years, s/o Sanford/Susan<br />

Pickett, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by George Pickett - son<br />


Pinn, Hattie P. (colored) died 9 Aug <strong>1896</strong> Wellington, old age, 100 years old,<br />

information by daughter<br />

Pinn, Howsen, (colored) died 23 Jul 1876, dropsy, age 67 years, s/o Jesse/Mary<br />

Withers, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Pattie Pinn - consort, information by Howson Pinn -<br />

son<br />

Pinn, Howison (colored) died 25 Jul 1872, fever, 3 years old, s/o <strong>William</strong> H./Anna M.<br />

Pinn, information by father<br />

Pinn, James (colored) died 25 Jul 1872, age 8 years, fever, s/o <strong>William</strong> H./Anna M.<br />

Pinn, information by father<br />

Pinn, Samuel (free colored) died 16 Mar 1858, typhoid fever, 7 years, Mary Pinn -<br />

mother, born Fauquier, information by Lydia E. Cole - aunt<br />

Pinn, Unknown died 12 Dec 1872, cause unknown, 6 days old, parents were Howison<br />

Pinn/Mary Pinn, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Pinn, <strong>William</strong> Sherman (colored) died 25 Jul 1872, 10 years old, fever, s/o <strong>William</strong><br />

H./Anna M. Pinn, information by father<br />

Polend, Female died 11 Aug 1891 Polend Farm, age 10 days old, d/o W.H./L.V.<br />

Polend, information by parents<br />

Polend, Harriet died 9 may 1890 Hickory Grove, old age, 79 years 10 months, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by Peter Polend - son<br />

Polend, John died 28 Aug 1872, General debility, age 69 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

husband of Harriet Polend, information by wife<br />

Porter, Martha died 12 Feb 1869, cause unknown, 35 years old, d/o George M./Mary<br />

Porter, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Porter, Sarah died 6 Jul 1875, New York, age 35 years, information by Eli Porter -<br />

husband<br />

Porter, Susan L. died 12 Oct <strong>1853</strong>, bya barn?, age 3 years 11 months, d/o Richard<br />

L./Ann M. Porter, born Culpeper, information by father<br />

Posey, Aley died 19 Feb 1874, age 6 months, d/o Thomas/Cordelia Posey, information<br />

by <strong>Prince</strong> Wm<br />

Posey, Jas H. died 00 00 1864, s/o Thomas/Ann Posey, information by John L. Reid -<br />

brother<br />

Posey, Mary A. died 28 May 1869, cause unknown, 7 years old, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Elizabeth<br />

Posey, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Posey, Mary A. died 27 May 1876, cause unknown, 7 years old, d/o J./Elizabeth Posey,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Posey, Thomas died 7 Apr 1890, lung fever, age 40 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Lucy Posey,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Cordelia Posey - wife<br />

Potter, Female died 1 Feb 1878, still born, d/o H.P./Phedella, information by son<br />

Powell, John died 00 Aug 1858, dysentery, age 74 years, s/o John Powell, born<br />

Fauquier, information by George W. Downs - friend<br />

Powell, Randolph died 5 Jul 1870, fever, age 4 months, s/o Oscar/Elizabeth Powell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Pridmore, Francis died 5 Aug 1870 Clover Hill, age 4 months, s/o John Pridmore and<br />

wife, born Clover Hill, information by Robert Haislip<br />

Priest, Fanny died 16 Jun 1876, old age, 76 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

M.A. Carter - friend<br />


Primas, Kate (colored) died 12 Jul 1893 Falkland, typhoid fever, age 1 year 6 months,<br />

d/o Thomas J./M. Primas, information by parents<br />

Primas, Male (colored) died 12 Aug 1873 Haymarket, age 12 days, s/o Thomas/Dilsy<br />

Primas, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Primas, Moses (colored) died 3 Dec 1895 Thoroughfare, cause unknown, age 1 day,<br />

s/o Thomas/M.S. Primas, information by father<br />

Primm, Mary (colored) died 15 Sep 1893 Mayfield, old age, 85 years old, information<br />

by George Primm - husband<br />

Printz, J.A. died 27 Nov 1891 Manassas, thrown from cars, 21 years old, born <strong>Virginia</strong>,<br />

information by father<br />

Printz, Jacob A. died 23 Nov 1890 Manassas, killed on railroad, age 20 years 11<br />

months 22 days, s/o J.P./Caroline Printz, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

Priscott, Lonzo died 25 May 1879, pneumonia, age 3 months, s/o Daniel/Maggie<br />

Priscott, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Pugh, Male died 30 Nov 1892 Pugh Farm, brain fever, s/o W./Laura Pugh, information<br />

by W.W. Pugh - head of family<br />

Purcell, John died 4 Apr 1875, consumption, age 54 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Emily Purcell - wife<br />

Queen, Rachel (colored) died 10 Sep 1875, age 50 years, cause unknown, parents<br />

unknown, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Edmund Berkeley - head of family<br />

Ralls, Sally B. died 20 Apr 1875, old age, 80 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

<strong>William</strong> H. Ralls - nephew<br />

Ramey, Andrew died 3 May 1872, age 17 years, s/o James/Nancy Ramey, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Ramey, Clinton died 11 May 1872, age 7 days old, s/o James/Nancy Ramey, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Randal, Daniel (colored) died 30 Nov 1866, congestive chill, age 77 years, parents<br />

unknown, information by John Randall - son<br />

Randall, Jo died 30 Mar 1869, bilious fever, age 62 years, parents unknown, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Randall, John (colored) died 12 Sep <strong>1896</strong> Manassas, killed by cars, age 30 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Enoch Harris - friend<br />

Randall, Male died 26 Jun 1870, unknown cause, age 7 days old, s/o Charles<br />

H./Selina, information by father<br />

Randall, Roberta (colored) died 15 May 1878, diarrhea, age 2 years, d/o<br />

Charles/Lizzie Randall, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Ransdell, Blanche died 14 Dec <strong>1896</strong> near Manassas, child birth, age 27 years, d/o<br />

Aylett/L.G. Nichols, born Brentsville, information by F.E. Ransdell - husband<br />

Ransell, Female died 13 Mar <strong>1896</strong> Clifton Farm, cause unknown, d/o E. Ransell,<br />

information by husband<br />

Ranie, Cath A. died 4 Jan 1854, scarlet fever, 28 years, d/o Rebecca Ranie, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Matilda E. Ranie<br />

Ratcliffe, Delia died 18 Dec 1866, drowned, age 54 years old, d/o Mathias/ Elizabeth<br />

Cole, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, a widow, information by Jas Ratcliffe - son<br />

Razin, Mary died 1 Jan 1871 Manassas Twp, consumption, age 71 years, parents<br />

unknown, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Moore - head of family<br />


Rector, Charlott died 1 Oct 1879, consumption, age 18 months, d/o John S./Martha<br />

Rector, born Fairfax, information by father<br />

Rector, Male died 21 May 1875, cause unknown, age 21 years, s/o Martin Rector,<br />

information by father<br />

Rector, Male died 5 Dec 1873, cause unknown, 10 days old, s/o Martin V./Mary E.<br />

Rector, born Manassas Twp, information by father<br />

Reeves, Delia died 5 Oct 1858, dropsy, 75 years old, information by Courtney Reeves -<br />

husband<br />

Reeves, Leroy died 19 Jul 1873, typhoid fever, age 40 years old, s/o <strong>William</strong> J. Reeves,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Reeves, Lycurgus died 18 Dec 1870, consumption, age 25 years, s/o <strong>William</strong> J.<br />

Reeves, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Reeves, Male died 00 00 1866, disease unknown, was an infant, s/o Leroy/Martha<br />

Reeves, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Reeves, Walter died 4 Jul 1876, diarrhea, age 10 months, s/o George C./Ida M.<br />

Reeves, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Read, Mary died 28 Aug 1857, flux, age 20 years, d/o Patsy Reid, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by John Jeffries - friend<br />

Reid, Ann (colored) died 00 Feb 1878, cause unknown, age 45 years, parents<br />

unknown, information by Henry Read - son<br />

Reid, Beulah S. died 14 Oct <strong>1896</strong>, age not given, d/o George/ Rebecca ___,<br />

information by Jas H. Reid - husband<br />

Reid, Laura died 1 Dec 1873, burned, age 2 years, d/o John L./Margaret Reid, born<br />

Manassas Twp, information by father<br />

Reid, Louisa died 00 Sep 1857, dysentery, age 9 months, d/o E.L./Mary M. Reid, born<br />

Meadowville, information by Elijah Reid - father<br />

Reid, Robert Lee died 12 Sep 1865, croup, s/o John/Mary E. Reid, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

age 1 month 2 days, information by father<br />

Reid, Pope? died 6 Jul 1864, killed in war, age 21 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Mary A. Reid, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John L. Reid - brother<br />

Reid, Willie (colored) died 1 Nov 1870, cause unknown, s/o d/o Caroline Reid, born<br />

prince Wm, information by mother<br />

Rennoe, George A. (colored) died 1 Apr 1875, pneumonia, age 26 years, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by George Ashby - friend<br />

Renoe, Ida J. died 6 Feb 1890 Brentsville, consumption, age 18 years 6 months old,<br />

d/o <strong>William</strong> F./Susan A. Renoe, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

Renoe, Minnie died 22 Oct 1873, diphtheria, age 2 years 5 months 2 days old, d/o John<br />

H./Mary Renoe, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Reynolds, F.S. died 18 Dec <strong>1896</strong> Woodbridge, asphyxia, age 3 months, s/o F.S./Nellie<br />

Reynolds, information by father<br />

Rhine, <strong>William</strong> H. died 19 Oct <strong>1896</strong> Lansdown, age 59 years, s/o Christopher Rhine/<br />

Lucinda Henderson, born Fauquier, information by Alice M. Rhine - wife<br />

Rice, M.B. died 15 Jan 1893 Edgefield, age 1 year 6 months, parents were W.M./R.L.<br />

Rice, information by parents<br />

Rice, M.S. died 12 Dec 1892 Edgefield, age 6 months, parents were <strong>William</strong> M./Rosa<br />

Rice, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Rice, W.H.L. died 27 Dec 1892 Edgefield, diphtheria, age 4 months, parents were<br />

<strong>William</strong> M./Rosa Rice, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Richards, John (slave) died 00 Mar 1858 Mayfield, consumption, mother was Julia,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John Hooe - owner<br />

Richardson, M. (colored) died 1 May 1894 Mill Park, heart trouble, age 16 years,<br />

parents were R./E. Richardson, born Mill Park, information by parents<br />

Riddle, Female Infant died 20 May 1870 Maryland, age 1 month 2 days, d/o<br />

Charles/Sarah Riddle, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Charles Riddle<br />

Riley, Ann E. died 2 Apr 1877, consumption, age 51 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, parents<br />

unknown, information by James W. Riley - brother<br />

Riley, Augusta died 12 Oct 1877, typhoid fever, age 39 years, parents unknown, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by James W. Riley - husband<br />

Riley, Elizabeth died 00 Apr 1872, old age, age 77 years old, information by Lucien Hall<br />

Riley, Emma died 25 Jun <strong>1853</strong>, dysentery, age 8 months, d/o George/Emelia Riley,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by George Riley - father<br />

Riley, Eppa died 20 Nov 1887 near Greenwich, pneumonia, age 24 years 1 month 8<br />

days, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by P.M. Boley - brother in law<br />

Riley, Male Infant died 8 Jan 1870, s/o George/Susan Riley, information by father<br />

Riley, John died 1 Dec 1856, old age, 80 years, Rachael Riley - wife, information by<br />

Winifred Riley - daughter in law<br />

Riley, John T. died 7 Dec 1865, pulmonary, age 37 years 8 months, s/o<br />

James/Elizabeth Riley, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Riley, Male died 4 Aug 1865, arrispliss?, s/o George/Lucy Riley, 8 days old, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Riley, <strong>Virginia</strong> died 00 Aug 1865, diphtheria, 3 years old, d/o George/Lucy Riley, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Rison, Thomas died 29 Jul 1875, drowned, age 27 years old, information by Nancy<br />

Rison - mother<br />

Ritenour, Ida died 16 Dec 1895 near Thoroughfare, typhoid fever, age 38 years old, d/o<br />

Frank Ritenour, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Roach, Margaret died 00 Jul 1858, dropsy, 60 years old, d/o George/Sarah Roach,<br />

born Fauquier, information by John W. Larkin - nephew<br />

Roach, Sarah died 5 Aug 1873, general debility, age 76 years, born Fauquier, <strong>William</strong><br />

Roach - consort, d/o Robert Swart - nephew<br />

Roach, <strong>William</strong> died 23 Jul 1858 Thoroughfare, 67 years old, s/o George/Sarah Roach,<br />

born Fauquier, information by Sarah Roach - wife<br />

Robbins, Caroline died 20 Jun <strong>1896</strong> Manassas, old age, 74 years old, information by<br />

R.H. Newton - son in law<br />

Robertson, Adaline died 24 Nov 1865, consumption, d/o Willis/Catherine Willis, 21<br />

years old, information by John Robertson - husband<br />

Robertson, James died 00 Oct 1858, spasms, 16 years, s/o Enoch/Sidney Robertson,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Robertson, Lucian F. died 00 Aug 1859, flux, age 14 years 3 months, s/o John/Adaline<br />

Robertson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Robertson, Margaret died 24 May 1856, paralyzed, age 57 years, d/o Oscar/Nelly<br />

Mason, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Francis Robertson - husband<br />


Robertson, Sidney A. died 00 Mar 1859, consumption, 40 years old, d/o G./___ Green,<br />

information by Enoch Robertson - husband<br />

Robey, Florence died 19 Sep 1876 Maryland, congestive chill, age 2 years 6 months,<br />

d/o Hezekiah/Sarah Robey, born Maryland, information by father<br />

Robinson, Edward (colored) died 00 Jun 1871, fever, age 54 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Spencer Robinson - brother<br />

Robinson, Irene G. died 14 Jan 1878, brain fever, age 1 year 3 months, s/o Basil/Sarah<br />

E., born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Robinson, James (colored) died 16 Oct 1875, heart disease, 76 years old, s/o<br />

Phillip/Susan Robinson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Susan Robinson - consort, information<br />

by Bladen Robinson - son<br />

Robinson, Julia (colored) died 18 Aug 1893 Broders Farm, congestive chill, age 25<br />

years, d/o Randall Robinson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by parents<br />

Robinson, Maggie A. died 2 Nov 1890 near Manassas, diphtheria, age 8 years, d/o<br />

John H./<strong>Virginia</strong> Robinson, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

Robinson, Male died 5 Feb 1876, croup, age 2 months, s/o David/Mary Robinson, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Robinson, Male (colored) died 25 Mar 1864, age 1 month 19 days, s/o Spencer/<br />

Margaret Robinson, information by father<br />

Robinson, Margaret Ann (colored) died 26 Dec 1872, pneumonia, age 45 years old,<br />

information by his children<br />

Robinson, Mary (colored) died 7 Jul 1894 Manassas, heart trouble, age 20 years,<br />

information by John Robinson - husband<br />

Robinson, Mattie died 27 Dec 1872, pneumonia, age 20 years, d/o Spencer/Margaret<br />

Ann Robinson, information by his children<br />

Robinson, Nellie (colored) died 20 Mar 1874 near Waterfall, old age, 72 years old,<br />

parents unknown, born Fairfax, information by Jesse Ewell - physician<br />

Robinson, Nellie (colored) died 17 Mar 1875, cause unknown, 75 years old, parents<br />

unknown, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by George P. Wise - head of family<br />

Robinson, Samuel (colored) died 11 May 1876, pneumonia, age 80 years, parents<br />

unknown, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Frances Robinson - consort/wife<br />

Robinson, Spencer (colored) died 23 Dec 1872, pneumonia, age 54 years, s/o Phillis<br />

Robinson, Margaret Ann Robinson - consort, information by his children<br />

Rogers, Jane S. died 12 Nov 1890 near Waterfall, heart disease, age 51 years, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by W.T. Rogers - husband<br />

Rogers, Robert W. died 15 Sep 1869 Loudoun Co., age 27 years old, s/o<br />

Sanford/Susan Rogers, born Loudoun, information by father<br />

Rollins, Ann died 9 Apr 1866, disease not known, 88 years old, d/o John/Rachel<br />

Rollins, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by George W. Riley<br />

Rollins, Laura May died 25 Feb 1887 Wellington, , cholera, age 3 days, d/o<br />

Addison/Mary E. Rollins, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Rollins, Lewis died 11 Sep 1858, dysentery, age 3 years 6 months, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

s/o Addison/Ann E. Rollins, information by father<br />

Rollins, Oscar died 14 Oct 1887 Wellington, typhoid fever, age 26 years, s/o<br />

Austin/Susanna Rollins, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Rorabaugh, Nettie M. died 00 00 1878, measles, age 3 years 1 month 3 days old, d/o<br />

Francis/Harriet Rorabaugh, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Roseberry, Kate died 21 Nov <strong>1896</strong> Manassas Va. age 45 years, information by A.H.<br />

Roseberry<br />

Roseberry, Michael M. 12 May 1877, dropsy, age 69 years, parents unknown, born<br />

New Jersey, information by Rachel Roseberry - wife<br />

Roseberry, P.P. died 1 Oct 1894 Young’s Farm, locked lungs, age 47 years,<br />

information by John Y. Roseberry - husband<br />

Round, <strong>William</strong> Maitland died 17 Jun 1890 Washington DC, cancer, age 7 months 12<br />

days, s/o George/Emily C. Round, information by father<br />

Roy, Agnes (colored) died 14 Mar 1874 Manassas Twp., consumption, parents<br />

unknown, information by Albert Roy - brother<br />

Roy, Agnes (colored) died 8 Mar 1875, cause unknown, age 1 year 1 month, d/o<br />

Joseph/Hattie Roy, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Runner, Media died 00 Aug 1890, erysipelas, 66 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Robert McIntosh - super. of __<br />

Russell, Addison (colored) died 29 Dec 1874, age 9 years 3 months, s/o Henry Russell,<br />

born Fauquier <strong>County</strong><br />

Russell, Addison (colored) died 12 Dec 1874, murdered by Jesse Foekes, age 11<br />

years old, s/o Henry/ Eugenia Russell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by J.Wills<br />

Leach - doctor<br />

Russell, Ann died 10 Jan 1854, 75 years, d/o John Russell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Thomas A. Carter - son<br />

Russell, Female (colored) died 1 Feb 1871, age 1 day old, d/o John/Hester Russell,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Russell, Female (colored) died 20 Jun 1875, cause unknown, age 1 month, d/o<br />

H.H./Gertrude Russell, information by father<br />

Russell, Female (colored) cause unknown, age 10 years, information by H.H. Russell -<br />

father<br />

Russell, Female (colored) born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by H.H. Russell - father<br />

Russell, Gertrude (colored) died 20 May 1875, child birth, 35 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by H.H. Russell - husband<br />

Russell, James W. died 25 Aug 1875, cause not known, age 5 months 2 days old, s/o<br />

James W./Mary F. Russell, information by father<br />

Russell, Male died 5 Oct 1891 Herndon, 21 days old, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, s/o Henry/S.<br />

Russell, information by parents<br />

Russell, Rustin died 11 Apr 1875, old age, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by daughter<br />

Rust, Sydnor B. died 25 Dec <strong>1853</strong>, from drink, 45 years, s/o Nat./Martha Rust, born<br />

Loudoun, information by Rebecca Davis - friend<br />

Saffer, E. died 17 Jun 1891 Woodlawn, cholera, 22 months old, parents were F.E./L.A.<br />

Saffer, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by parents<br />

Saffer, Henry F. died 16 Jul 1887 Wellington, cholera, age 1 year 9 months old, s/o<br />

Frank E./Laura A. Saffer, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Sandaal, <strong>William</strong> Henry died 27 Jul <strong>1896</strong>, unknown cause, 30 days old, s/o<br />

W.H./Louisa Sandaal, born near Fairview, information by father<br />


Sanders, G.W. died 20 Jan 1891 Mountain View, typhoid fever, age 1 year 15 days, s/o<br />

S.B./N. Sanders, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by parents<br />

Sanders, George W. died 8 Jun 1875, typhoid fever, age 44 years, s/o Larkin Sanders,<br />

information by Roberta H. Sanders - wife<br />

Sartin, Mary (colored) died 28 Sep 1869, consumption, age 58 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> L. B. ___.<br />

Sayrs, Owen died 28 May 1890, pneumonia, age 9 months, s/o F.T./Emma Sayrs,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by F.T. Sayrs - father<br />

Scanland, James died 00 Sep 1859 Liberia, typhoid fever, 9 years, born N.Y., s/o<br />

Patrick/ Ann Scanland, information by father<br />

Scisson, Cath died 1 Nov 1854, diarrhea, 2 years 3 months, d/o Jas/Mary Scisson,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by ___ Scisson - uncle<br />

Scisson, Mary E. died 18 Dec 1854, age 2 years, d/o Jas/Mary F. Scisson, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Scisson, Thomas died 23 Nov 1871, cause unknown, age 53 years, parents not known,<br />

information by Angeline Scisson - wife<br />

Scott, F.L. (colored) died 15 Aug 1895 Jacobs Farm, typhoid fever, age 18 months, s/o<br />

Arthur Scott, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Scott, James (colored) died 17 Mar 1872, consumption, age 15 years, s/o Bartlett/ Lucy<br />

Scott, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Scott, James M. died 11 Feb 1875, cause unknown, 17 days old, s/o Charley E./Susan<br />

V. Scott, information by father<br />

Scott, L. (colored male) died 6 Sep 1871, drowned, s/o Peter/Jane Scott, age<br />

unknown, born Fauquier, s/o Harriet Scott - aunt<br />

Scott, Lucy (colored) died 18 Sep 1876, pneumonia, age 35 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

parents unknown, information by Bartlett Scott - husband<br />

Scroggins, Lottie (colored) died 27 Jul <strong>1896</strong> Haymarket, dysentery, age 2 years, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong> Scroggins, information by parents<br />

Sears, Grace died 23 Nov 1891, cholera, age 20 months, d/o Newton/Anna Sears, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by parents<br />

Sears, Joseph died 15 Dec 1879, killed by cars, age 52 years, s/o Foster/Mary Sears,<br />

born Fauquier, information by Rebecca Sears - wife<br />

Seese, Isaac died 20 Sep 1893 Blossom Farm, typhoid fever, age 17 years, s/o C./E.<br />

Seese, born prince Wm, information by parents<br />

Selecman, A.A. died 20 Aug 1890, paralysis, age 65 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/E. Selecman,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mary Selecman - wife<br />

Selectman, Albert died 28 Sep 1857, croup, age 3 years, s/o A.A./Ms. Selectman, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Selecman, C.V. (female) died 10 Dec 1873, fever, age 14 years, d/o A.A./M.A. born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Selecman, Catherine died 20 Apr 1890, paralysis, age 77 years old, d/o <strong>William</strong>/E.<br />

Selecman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mary Selecman - sister in law<br />

Selecman, Cora E. died 20 Mar 1869, consumption, age 9 months, d/o <strong>William</strong><br />

R./Henrietta Selecman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Selectman, Emmett died 00 Nov 1864, age 16 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, s/o<br />

Thomas/Catherine Selectman, information by father<br />


Selecman, Joseph E. died 8 Apr 1873, inflammation of bowel, age 9 months, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/H.C. Selecman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Selecman, Marshall died 00 May 1874, consumption, age 28 years, s/o Henry<br />

Selecman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Selectman, <strong>William</strong> H. died 00 Jan 1854, 15 months, s/o Albert/Mary Selectman, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Shaeffer, F.M. died 9 Oct <strong>1896</strong> Nokesville, cause unknown, age 1 month 9 days old,<br />

s/o C.R./N.B. Shaeffer, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by parents<br />

Shaw, Henry died 14 Oct 1874, cause unknown, 43 years old, unknown parents, born<br />

New York<br />

Shaw, Hester died 00 May 1858, old age, 84 years old, parents were James/Mary<br />

Shaw, information by Charles Shaw - brother<br />

Shellington, Mary (colored) died 30 Dec 1890 Gainesville, consumption, age 22 years,<br />

d/o John/Emily Shellington, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

Shepherd, Edward died 27 Nov 1873, old age, 81 years, parents not known, born<br />

Loudoun, information by Sarah Shepherd - mother ?<br />

Shepherd, Sarah died 18 Nov <strong>1896</strong> Shepherds Mill, cancer of brain, age 96 years,<br />

information by Joseph Shepherd - son<br />

Shessys?, Lewis died 9 Dec 1879, pneumonia, age 60 years, parents unknown, born<br />

Penn., information by Thomas Davis - friend<br />

Shipman, Sarah E. died 4 Jul 1858 Washington City, summer complaint, d/o<br />

John/Margaret Shipman, born Washington City, information by father<br />

Shirley, Elizabeth died 13 Feb 1876, paralysis, 75 years old, d/o Thomas/Mary Bristoe,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by James M. Shirley - son<br />

Shirley, George died 27 Jan 1858, 75 years old, information by Rosanna Shirley - wife<br />

Shirley, James died 5 Dec 1869, cancer, age 74 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Elizabeth<br />

Shirley - consort, information by James Shirley<br />

Shirley, John R. died 14 May 1873 Gainesville, heart disease, age 34 years 1 month,<br />

s/o Richard/Susan Shirley, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Martha Shirley - consort, information<br />

by mother<br />

Shirley, Mary E. died 5 May 1859 Haymarket, consumption, 24 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/<br />

Jennet Doneal, born Fauquier, information by Thos. Shirley - husband<br />

Shirley, Richard O. died 12 Dec 1857, consumption, age 55 years 10 months, mother<br />

was Samantha Shirley, born near Haymarket, occupation shoemaker, Susan<br />

Shirley - consort, information by John R. Shirley - son<br />

Shirley, Thomas died 16 Oct 1864 Port Royal S.C., chronic diarrhea, age 41 years, s/o<br />

James/Elizabeth Shirley, born Fauquier, information by James M. Shirley -<br />

brother<br />

Simmons, Ann (colored) died 28 Aug 1875, pneumonia, 7 years old, d/o Wesley/<br />

Elizabeth Simmons, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Simms, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 26 May 1890, heart disease, 75 years old, s/o Lee<br />

Simms, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by sister in law<br />

Simpson, Mrs. C.A. died 15 Aug 1873, diarrhea, 57 years old, d/o Richard/Annie<br />

Arrington, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John W. Simpson - husband<br />

Simpson, Edward died 11 Sep 1857, 9 months, s/o Samuel/Ella A. Simpson,<br />

information by father<br />


Simpson, Julia F. (free colored) died 25 Sep 1855, croup, age 2 years 1 month, d/o<br />

Thomas J./Mary Simpson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Simpson, Male died 29 Aug 1865 Stafford, spasms, 1 day old, born Stafford, s/o<br />

Lemuel/Elizabeth Simpson, information by father<br />

Simpson, Samuel E. died 14 Jan 1856, diarrhea, 2 months 26 days, s/o Samuel/Ella A.<br />

Simpson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Simpson, Sherwood died 23 Aug 1895 Gainesville, 35 years old, s/o George A./Mary<br />

Simpson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Sinclair, James M. died 11 Oct 1890 Manassas, paralysis, 66 years, widower, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by W.M. Longwell - son in law<br />

Sinclair, Margaret died 28 May <strong>1853</strong>, measles, age 21 years 1 month 15 days, born<br />

Brentsville, d/o John/Jane <strong>William</strong>s, James M. Sinclair - consort, information by<br />

N.B. Sinclair - father in law<br />

Sinclair, Margaret died 8 Jun 1859 Brentsville, paralysis, 65 years, d/o Jos/Elizabeth<br />

Reid, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by M.B. Sinclair - husband<br />

Sinclair, Mary A. died 28 Jul <strong>1853</strong>, measles, 4 months, d/o J.M./M. Sinclair, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Jas M. Sinclair - father<br />

Sisson, Elsey died 00 Jun 1864, old age, 77 years, s/o Thomas L./C. Sisson,<br />

information by Thomas L. Sisson - son<br />

Sisson, Mary died 00 Sep 1870, consumption, age 62 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by John Scisson - consort<br />

Skillman, Thomas died 18 Apr 1876, teething, age 2 years old, s/o <strong>William</strong> F. Skillman,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Skillman, <strong>William</strong> F. died 15 Jun 1877, pneumonia, 2 years old, s/o <strong>William</strong> F./Lizzie<br />

Skillman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Skinner, Male (colored) died 20 Aug 1877, pneumonia, age 1month 2 days old, s/o<br />

Daniel/Lizzie Skinner, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Edward Butler - friend<br />

Slack, John died 00 Jul 1859, 1 day old, s/o <strong>William</strong>/A.M. Slack, information by father<br />

Slaught, Cornelius D. died 6 Mar 1858, heart disease, 60 years old, born New Jersey,<br />

information by John B. Slaught - son<br />

Slave, Alfred died 00 Sep 1854, age 9 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm., information by ____<br />

Robertson - owner<br />

Slave, Alfred died 3 Nov 1855, typhoid fever, age 28 years, mother was Hannah, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Benjamin Johnson - owner<br />

Slave, Alice died 00 Apr 1855, old age, age 80 years, information by Caroline B.<br />

Florence - owner<br />

Slave, Alma died 11 Nov 1856, water on the brain, age 1 year 6 months, mother was<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm., information by Allen Howison - owner<br />

Slave, Amstead died 00 Sep 1855, age 21 years, mother was Nancy, information by<br />

Sarah Ball - owner<br />

Slave, Andrew died 00 June 1857, age 1 year, mother was Milly, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Frederick Foote - owner<br />

Slave, Ann died 00 Oct 1857, dysentery, age 8 months, mother was Ninia, born Liberia<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, owner - <strong>William</strong> Weir, information by Robert Weir - young master<br />

Slave, Ann died 00 Dec 1857, whooping cough, age 4 months, mother was Ellen, born<br />

Hasel Plane <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, owner - C.A. Carter, information by Benjamin Chinn<br />


Slave, Anna died 00 Oct 1855, by burning, age 12 years, mother was Fanny, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John H. Carter Jr. - owner<br />

Slave, Annett died 00 Jun 1858 Woodlawn, consumption, was a child, mother was<br />

Jinny, Jas W.F. Mason - owner information by John W. Tyler<br />

Slave, Annia died 00 00 1858, old age, age 75 years, information by A.M. Horton -<br />

owner<br />

Slave, Armstead died 00 Mar 1859, consumption, 19 years, mother was Letty,<br />

information by George R. Tyler - owner<br />

Slave, Bartlett died 1 Apr <strong>1853</strong>, dropsy and jaundice, age 67 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Frances B. Gibson - owner<br />

Slave, Bartlett died 27 Dec 1858 Mayfield, apoplexy, age 93 years, born King George,<br />

information by John Hooe - owner<br />

Slave, Benjamin Gordon died 22 Nov 1856, age 5 years, mother was Anna, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Margaret Tolson - owner<br />

Slave, Betsy died 00 Nov <strong>1853</strong>, whooping cough, age 1 year 06 months, mother was<br />

Rachel, information by <strong>William</strong> J. Weir - owner<br />

Slave, Bill died 00 Sep 1856, chills, age 40 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, no other info.<br />

Slave, Carter died 00 May 1855, poisoned, age 19 years, mother was Philice, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John Hooe - owner<br />

Slave, Catherine died 00 Oct <strong>1853</strong>, dropsy, age 35 years, information by Robert<br />

Marshall - owner<br />

Slave, Catherine died 00 Nov 1855, dropsy, age 61 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Henry Selectman - master<br />

Slave, Cato died 00 Jan 1857, pneumonia, age 34 years, mother was Milly, born<br />

Fairfax, information by Josiah Willcoxen - owner<br />

Slave, Cecelia died 00 Jul 1855, pited sore throat, age 10 years, mother was Cecelia,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Thomas B. Gaines - owner, John Y. Cundiff - young master<br />

Slave, Cecelia died 18 Nov 1856, age 50 years, mother was Charity, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

Thomas B. Gaines - estate owner, Mary C. Gaines - mistress<br />

Slave, Charity died 00 Dec 1855, dropsy, age 60 years, born Montgomery Co. MD,<br />

information by P.L. Bussard - owner<br />

Slave, Charles died 28 Oct 1855, spasms, age 8 days, mother was Ellen, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Sanford Thurman - owner<br />

Slave, Charles died 00 Mar 1856, pneumonia, age 50 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Thomas B. Balch - owner<br />

Slave, Charles died 15 Sep 1857, dysentery, age 11 months, mother was Betsy, born<br />

Clover Hill, information by Zepheniah Brawner - owner<br />

Slave, Charles died 00 Nov 1858 Brentsville, old age, 80 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

Clarl B. Weir - owner, information by Eppa Hunton - young master<br />

Slave, Charles died 5 Feb 1859 Fleetwood, spasms, age 8 days, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

mother was Cora, information by Francis B. Gibson - owner<br />

Slave, Charlott died 00 May 1857, old age, born Westmoreland Co., occupation - cook,<br />

information by John Hooe - owner<br />

Slave, Charlotte died 15 Mar 1859 Meadow Farm, paralysis, age 90 years, born<br />

Westmoreland Co., information by Jas W. F. Macrae - owner<br />


Slave, Cora <strong>Virginia</strong> died 25 Mar 1856, 8 day spasm, age 8 days, mother was<br />

Amanda, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by R.F. Brawner - owner<br />

Slave, Cornelia died 1 Jul 1855, bilious, age 23 years, mother was Sinah, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Ann Kincheloe - owner<br />

Slave, Courtney died 00 00 1858, consumption, age 45 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Basil Cole - owner<br />

Slave, Courtney died 00 May 1859, consumption, age 44 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Basil Cole - owner<br />

Slave, Crewsaw died 28 Jul <strong>1853</strong>, dysentery, age 6 years, mother was Mary, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Matthew Davis - owner<br />

Slave, Daniel died 00 Aug 1857, typhoid fever, age 6 years 6 months, born Fauquier,<br />

information by Phillip Cockrell - owner<br />

Slave, Darkey died 00 Dec 1857, dropsy, age 60 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by Edwin Nelson - owner<br />

Slave, Dick died 14 Mar 1854, old age, 90 years old, born Fauquier, information by<br />

John Chapman - owner<br />

Slave, Edward died 00 Dec 1854, typhoid fever, age 25 years, mother was Hester,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Thomas T. Fewell - owner<br />

Slave, Eliza died 12 Dec 1854, typhoid fever, age 52 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Benjamin Johnson - owner<br />

Slave, Eliza died 28 Oct 1856, smothered, age 1 month 15 days, mother was Caroline,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Sanford Thurman - owner<br />

Slave, Emily died 1 May 1855, the effects of labour, age 38 years, mother was<br />

Daphney, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Sanford Thurman - owner<br />

Slave, Emily died 00 Sep 1856, smothered, age 2 months, mother was Jane, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jas W.F. Macrae - father<br />

Slave, Emily Jane died 00 Jul 1858, burnt, age 9 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, mother was<br />

Alaimda, information by Willis Foley - owner<br />

Slave, Enoch died 26 Sep 1857, typhoid fever, age 38 years, information by C.G.<br />

Howison - owner<br />

Slave, Enock died 00 Sep 1857, typhoid fever, age 36 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by C.G. Howison - owner<br />

Slave, Eve died 00 Nov 1859 Brentsville, croup, age 2 years, mother was Martha, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Robert Sinclair - old master<br />

Slave, Fannie died 31 Dec 1858 Frankland, child bed, age 42 years, mother was<br />

Annie, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John H. Carter - owner<br />

Slave, Fannie died 1 Apr 1859 Effingham, consumption, age 23 years, mother was<br />

Charlotte, information by A. Howison - owner<br />

Slave, Fanny died 00 Aug 1858, dropsy, age 96 years, born Maryland, occupation<br />

cook, Thomas Ewell - owner, information by Maria Roach - friend<br />

Slave, Farral died 00 Oct 1855, typhoid fever, age 17 years, mother was Mary, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Fred Foote - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Nov <strong>1853</strong>, spasms, age 8 days, mother was Matilda, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by B.F. Chinn - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Oct <strong>1853</strong>, spasms, age 1 year, mother was Caroline, Wm. M.<br />

Lewis - owner, information by Benjamin F, Lewis<br />


Slave, Female died 00 00 1854, smothered, mother was Ellen, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, John<br />

M.A. Murkett? - owner, information by C. S. King - hired<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Jun 1854, age 2 days, mother was Lucy, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

Francis Graham - owner, information by R.R. Graham - young master<br />

Slave, Female died 00 00 1854, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, mother was Nelly, information by<br />

John E. Catts - friend<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Nov 1854, dysentery, age 6 months, mother was Clara, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, <strong>William</strong> H. Dogan - owner, information by James McDonough - friend<br />

Slave, Female died 4 Mar 1854, smothered, age 8 days, mother was Maria, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, John Lewis - owner, information by Robert M. Lewis - young master<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Aug 1854, age 10 days, mother was Rosa, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by H.C. Haislip - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Nov 1855, age 3 months, mother was Nancy, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Roy W. Horton - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 15 Jan 1855, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by G. H. Cockrell -<br />

owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 May 1855, age 1 day, mother was Harriett, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by John B. Hunton - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 00 1856, age 1 month 15 days, mother was Julia, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by John Hooe - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 10 Mar 1857, age 7 days, mother was Amanda, information by R.<br />

Brawner - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Jul 1857, 1 day old, born Marble Hill , information by C.C.<br />

Cushing - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Sep 1857, born Clover Hill, age 1 month 7 days, mother was<br />

Mary, Sarah Johnson - owner, information by Emily Johnson<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Sep 1857, age 8 days, mother was Sidney, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by F.A. Weedon - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 5 Oct 1857, age 1 month 7 days, mother was Priscilla, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Joseph Ellis - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Jun 1858 Waterfall, age 6 months, mother was Eliza, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Cassius Foley - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Dec 1858, age 4 months, mother was Ann Maria, born<br />

Fauquier, <strong>Virginia</strong> Brooks - owner, information by John Poland<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Aug 1858 Liberia, spasms, age 10 days, mother was Lucy,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> Weir - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 29 Nov 1858, age 1 hour, mother was Sarah, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

Sarah Carter - owner, information by Edwin Carter - young master<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Mar 1858 Brentsville, age 3 days, mother was Mary, information<br />

by M.B. Sinclair - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 May 1858, James W. Ford - owner, information by R.W. Horton<br />

- employer<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Jun 1858 Meadow Farm, smothered, a child, mother was<br />

Caroline, information by Jas W. Mason - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 17 Jul 1858, eight day spasms, 8 days old, mother was Margaret,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John B. Cannon - owner<br />


Slave, Female died 00 Oct 1858, age 3 months, mother was Frances, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by B.E. Harrison - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 Jan 1859, fever, age 28 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Jas Purcell - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 May 1859, age 2 months, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

<strong>William</strong> Selectman - owner<br />

Slave, Female died 00 May 1859 , old age, age 72 years, information by C. Chancellor<br />

- owner<br />

Slave, Frances died 4 Mar 1855, pited sore throat, age 9 months, mother was<br />

Margaret, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Thomas B. Gaines - owner, information by John Y.<br />

Cundill - young master<br />

Slave, Frances died 00 Apr 1857, typhoid fever, age 15 years, mother was Mary, born<br />

Brownsville, information by <strong>William</strong> Lewis - owner<br />

Slave, Frances died 00 Nov 1857, scarlet fever, age 7 years, mother was Harriett,<br />

information by Alex McMullin - master<br />

Slave, Frederick died 00 Mar 1854, age 3 months, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, M.E. Tolson -<br />

owner, information by M.E. Tolson - mistress<br />

Slave, Frank died 00 Jan 1858, age 5 years, E. Chancellor - owner, information by<br />

C.A. Nelson - agent<br />

Slave, Frank Wood died 00 Jul 1858, 70 years old, John W. Fairfax - owner,<br />

information by J. Payne<br />

Slave, Gardner died 25 Dec 1858 Snow Hill, inflammation of bowels, age 70 years,<br />

information by Dr. Charles B. Stewart - physician<br />

Slave, Garrett died 2 Nov 1858, old age, 75 years, <strong>William</strong> Thompson - owner,<br />

information by John W. Fairfax<br />

Slave, Garrett Douglas died 00 Oct 1855, drowned, age 28 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Thomas Cannon - owner<br />

Slave, George died 00 Sep 1855, from teething, age 6 months, mother was Margaret,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Lucinda M. Dogan - owner<br />

Slave, George died 00 Apr 1855, affection of brain, age 5 months, mother was Louisa,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by James Howison - owner<br />

Slave, George died 00 Oct 1855, scrofula, age 50 years, born Essex Co., Sarah Weir -<br />

owner, information by Eppa Hunton - young master<br />

Slave, George died 00 Mar 1856, spasms, age 6 months, mother was Martha, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, M.B. Sinclair - old master, information by R.A. Sinclair - owner<br />

Slave, Georgianna Green died 18 Nov 1856, age 12 years, mother was Slave Charity<br />

Green, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information Margaret Tolson - owner<br />

Slave, Guty died 00 Nov 1856, smothered, age 6 months, mother was Caroline, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> J. Weir - owner<br />

Slave, Hannah died 00 Nov 1857, age 60 years, mother was Sarah, born Brentsville,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> Lewis - owner<br />

Slave, Harris died 00 Jun 1858 Woodlawn, apoplexy, age 60 years, John M. Tyler -<br />

owner, information by Randolph Tyler - young master<br />

Slave, Harry died 00 May 1857, lockjaw, age 60 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

George Weedon - owner<br />


Slave, Henrietta died 16 Oct 1855, scrofula?, age 13 years, mother was Mary, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Lucinda M. Dogan - owner<br />

Slave, Henry died 00 Apr 1855, age 11 years, mother was Masichil, born Culpeper,<br />

information by Jas H. Vowles - owner<br />

Slave, Henry died 00 Sep 1855, age 78 years, mother was Aggy, born Culpeper,<br />

information by Thomas Latham<br />

Slave, Henry died 00 Nov 1855, cold, age 45 years, mother was Sophia, born<br />

Fauquier, information by Ann Britt - owner<br />

Slave, Henson died 31 Mar 1857, pneumonia, age 20 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, May<br />

Chapman - owner, information by Mrs. Tolson - friend<br />

Slave, Hesty (free colored?) died 00 Aug 1857, age 50 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> Evans - owner ?<br />

Slave, Ida died 00 Feb 1857, consumption, age 14 years, mother was Caroline, born<br />

Brentsville, information by <strong>William</strong> M. Lewis - owner<br />

Slave, Ida died 9 Dec 1858 Rose Hill, age 3 months, mother was Sidney, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by F.A. Weedon - owner<br />

Slave, Isabella died 00 Sep 1857, born Liberia, age 3 years, mother was Louisa,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> Weir<br />

Save, Jackson Murphy died 00 Oct 1857, old age, age 100 years old, Mary Pridmore -<br />

owner, information by Benjamin P. Mitchell - young master<br />

Slave, James died 00 Mar 1857, dropsy, age 65 years, information by John D. Dogan -<br />

owner<br />

Slave, James died 9 Sep 1857, age 5 days, mother was Bettie, information by <strong>William</strong><br />

W. Thornton - owner<br />

Slave, Jammey died 00 Sep 1856, croup, age 3 months, mother was Janny, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Ann Lipscomb - owner<br />

Slave, Jane died 00 Mar <strong>1853</strong>, summer complaint, age 1 year 2 months, mother was<br />

Fanny, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Enoch Foley - owner<br />

Slave, Jane died 00 May 1856, consumption, age 24 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Elizabeth<br />

Chancellor - owner, information by C.A. Nelson - agent<br />

Slave, Jas Dixon died 00 Feb 1855, paralysis, age 70 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, W.H.<br />

Norvall - owner, information by Thos Cannon<br />

Slave, Jeney died 00 Sep 1854, paralysis, age 60 years, information by Emily E.<br />

Johnson - owner<br />

Slave, Jess died 24 Mar 1856, typhoid fever, age 16 years, mother was Lucy, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Sanford Thurman - owner<br />

Slave, Joe died 00 Jun 1856, chills, age 8 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Elizabeth<br />

Chancellor - owner, information by C.A. Nelson - agent<br />

Slave, Joe died 00 Jan 1859, consumption, age 27 years, information by A.B. Weedon<br />

- owner<br />

Slave, Joe died 00 Sep 1859 Frankland, dropsy, age 85 years, information by John H.<br />

Carter - owner<br />

Slave, John died 00 Oct 1855, by burning, age 21 years, born Fauquier, information by<br />

John H. Carter Jr. - owner<br />

Slave, John died 1 Oct 1856, age 3 years, mother was Amanda, born <strong>Prince</strong> wm,<br />

information by Ann G. Fitzhugh - owner<br />


Slave, John died 00 00 1859 Tudor Trail, of cold, age 1 year 2 months, mother was<br />

Adaline, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Sarah Cockrell - owner, information by Sarah E.<br />

Brawner - young mistress<br />

Slave, John died 00 Nov 1859 Brentsville, from a fall, 14 years, mother was Lucy, C.B.<br />

Weir - owner, Eppa Hunton - young master<br />

Slave, Joseph Henderson died 24 Apr 1856, consumption, age 50 years, born<br />

Fauquier, Elizabeth Chancellor - owner, information by John M. Payne -agent<br />

Slave, Juda died 3 Jul 1857, old age, age 85 years, information by Alex McMullin<br />

Slave, Julia died 1 Aug 1855, age 26 years, mother was Susan, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Lucinda M. Dogan - owner<br />

Slave, Layfatte died 00 Dec 1856, pneumonia, age 26 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Edmond McEwing - owner<br />

Slave, Lewis died 00 Jun 1857, dropsy, age 15 years, mother was Margaret, born<br />

Wellington, Harris Budd - owner, information by Thomas Budd - young master<br />

Slave, Lewis died 00 Oct 1857, hemorrhage, age 44 years, born Mayfield, occupation -<br />

blacksmith, information by John Hooe - owner<br />

Slave, Lewis died 15 Oct 1857, dropsy, age 70 years, John Tyler - owner, information<br />

by Randolph Tyler - young master<br />

Slave, Louisa did 00 Nov <strong>1853</strong>, whooping cough, age 4 months, mother was Louisa,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> J. Weir - owner<br />

Slave, Louisa died 15 Mar 1855, burned, age 4 months, mother was Sarah, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Henry E. Dogan - owner, information by Lucinda Dogan - mistress<br />

Slave, Louisa died 00 May 1859 Liberia, child bed fever, age 38 years 6 months,<br />

mother was Peggy, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> J. Weir - owner<br />

Slave, Louisa died 00 Oct 1859, consumption, age 20 years, mother was Lizza,<br />

information by Francis Lewis - owner<br />

Slave, Lucian died 15 Sep 1857, 9 months, mother was <strong>Virginia</strong>, born Effingham,<br />

information by Allen Howison - owner<br />

Slave, Lucian died 24 Nov 1857, age 1 month 14 days, mother was Caroline, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Lansford Thurman - owner<br />

Slave, Lucinda died 00 Sep 1858, typhoid fever, 26 years, information by H.T. Roe -<br />

owner<br />

Slave, Lucretia died 1 Apr 1858 Marble Hill, age 35 years, mother was Peggy,<br />

information by C.C.Cushing - owner<br />

Slave, Lucy died 00 Mar 1855, in labour, age 23 years, mother was Amey, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, John Graham - estate owner, information by R.R.Graham - young Master<br />

Slave, Lucy died 00 Oct 1856, old age, 75 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Phillip Cockrell - young master<br />

Slave, Luther died 00 Feb 1859 Effingham, consumption, 23 years, mother was Maria,<br />

information by A. Howison - owner<br />

Slave, Lydia died 00 Jun <strong>1853</strong>, cholera morbus, age 80 years, born Caroline Co.,<br />

information by James B.T. Thornton - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 15 Apr <strong>1853</strong>, spasms, age 3 days, mother was Milly, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Ed Fitzhugh - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Feb 1854, age 7 days, mother was Emily, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Mrs.<br />

L.A.Lewis - owner, information by Jas W. Dodd - friend<br />


Slave, Male died 00 Jul 1854, spasms, age 3 days, mother was Ellen Parker, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Samuel Thurman - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Aug 1854, smothering, age 3 months, mother was Celler, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> H. Ellis - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Apr 1855, catarrh, age 1 month, mother was Mary, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by James B.J. Thornton - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 May 1855, age 4 months, mother was Matilda, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> M. Lynn - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Jul 1855, spasms, age 8 days, mother was Louisa, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, J.M. Washington, information by Euphew? Washington - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Dec 1855, lockjaw, age 21 days, mother was Lucretia, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by C.C.Cushing - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 30 May 1856, thrush, age 18 days, mother was Lucinda, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Silas Butler - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Jul 1856, debility, age 8 days, mother was Hannah, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, Hannah Robinson - owner, information by Thomas Robinson - friend<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Jul 1856, age 10 days, mother was Nelly, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Fred Foote - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 29 Sep 1856, lockjaw, age 5 days, mother was Eliza, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, Ann Hutchison - owner, information by Gus Hutchison - young master<br />

Slave, Male died 21 Mar 1857, age 18 days, mother was Amanda, information by R.<br />

Brawner - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00Jul 1857, age 10 days, mother was Mary, born Marble Hill,<br />

information by C.C.Cushing - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 28 Sep 1857, age 30 days, mother was Priscilla, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Joseph Ellis - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Nov 1857, 8 day spasms, 8 days old, mother was Mary Ann,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> Lewis - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Dec 1857, age 2 months, born Bloom Hill, Sarah Cockrell - owner,<br />

information by Jas Cockrell - young master<br />

Slave, Male died 23 Dec 1857, age 6 days, mother was Jane, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by John B. Cannon -owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Apr 1858 Liberia, spasms, age 8 days, mother was Rachel,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> J. Weir - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 4 Dec 1859 Glennwood, age 5 days, mother was Susan, information<br />

by Moncure E. Nutt - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 6 Nov 1859, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, mother was Sarah, information by<br />

Elizabeth Hixson - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Mar 1859, age 2 months, mother was Fannie information by<br />

Thomas W. Turner - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Sep 1859 Waverly, smothered, age 6 months, mother was Kitty,<br />

information by Frederick Foote - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Feb 1858 Woodlawn, whooping cough, a child, John W. Tyler -<br />

owner, information by Randolph Tyler - young master<br />

Slave, Male died 00 Jul 1858 Meadow Farm, smothered, a child, mother was Caroline,<br />

information by Jas W. Mason? - owner<br />


Slave, Male died 12 May 1859, age 14 days, mother was Jane, information by John R.<br />

Cannon - owner<br />

Slave, Male died 29 Dec 1859, 2 days, mother was Betsy, information by Matthew A.<br />

Lee - owner<br />

Slave, Manuel died 20 Dec 1856, bronchitis, age 32 years, mother was Charlotte, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Jane L. Foster - owner, information by Redman Foster - master<br />

Slave, Margaret died 00 Oct <strong>1853</strong>, age 1 year, mother was Mahala, born Washington<br />

City, Sarah E. Mounts - owner, information by Jas W. Mounts - young master<br />

Slave, Margary died 00 Oct 1855, by burning, age 60 years, Nathaniel Tyler - owner,<br />

information by John H. Carter Jr. - hired<br />

Slave, Maria died 00 Apr <strong>1853</strong>, consumption, age 42 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by John W. Tyler - owner<br />

Slave, Maria died 1 Oct 1858, age 1 year, mother was Margaret, information by Ann B.<br />

Newman - owner<br />

Slave, Martha died 00 Nov <strong>1853</strong>, pleurisy, age 40 years, mother was Celia, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by George W. Tyler - owner<br />

Slave, Martha died 00 Jan 1854, scarlet fever, age 2 years 6 months, mother was<br />

Christanna, born Fauquier, Margaret Suthard - owner, information by Richard L.<br />

Porter - friend<br />

Slave, Martha died 21 Feb 1859 Fleetwood, child bed fever, mother was Pattie, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Francis B. Cook - owner<br />

Slave, Mary died 1 Sep 1854, scrofula, age 28 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Basil Brawner - owner<br />

Slave, Mary died 00 Sep 1854, inflammation of bowels, age 9 years, mother was<br />

Elenor, born Fairfax, information by Josiah Willcoxen - owner<br />

Slave, Mary died 00 Nov 1855, age 1 year, mother was Mary Ann, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Wilmer McLean - owner<br />

Slave, Mary died 5 Dec 1855, consumption, age 43 years, mother was Ann, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by A. Howison - owner<br />

Slave, Mary died 15 Dec 1856, 25 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

R.G.Maddox - owner<br />

Slave, Mary died 00 Oct 1857, flux, age 30 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Samp. Fitzhugh -<br />

owner, information by S. Fitzhugh<br />

Slave, Mary Alice died 00 Sep 1857, age 3 months, mother was Caroline, information<br />

by Thomas Holmes - owner<br />

Slave, Melinda died 5 Aug <strong>1853</strong>, pneumonia, age 8 months, born Loudoun, information<br />

by <strong>William</strong> Hutchenson - owner<br />

Slave, Milly died 00 Aug 1855, old age, age 100 years, born Fauquier, information by<br />

Lewis Rhine - owner<br />

Slave, Millie died 00 May 1857, old age, age 75 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

___ Carter - owner<br />

Slave, Milly died 00 Jun 1859 Brentsville, pneumonia, 7 months old, mother was<br />

Henrietta, information by Eppa Hunton - owner<br />

Slave, Morgan died 00 May 1858 Woodlawn, whooping cough, age 2 years, mother<br />

was Rosetta, John Tyler - owner, information by Randolph Tyler - young master<br />


Slave, Moses died 20 Aug 1857, dysentery, age 11 years, mother was Harriett, born<br />

Woodlawn, John Tyler - owner, information by Randolph Tyler - young master<br />

Slave, Moses died 00 Aug 1859 Effingham, from a fall, mother was Milly, information<br />

by A.Howison - owner<br />

Slave, Nancy died 00 Jan <strong>1853</strong>, age 9 years, mother was Maria, born <strong>Prince</strong> wm,<br />

information by W.L. Carter - owner<br />

Slave, Nancy died 00 Sep <strong>1853</strong>, fever, age 20 years, mother was Caty, born prince<br />

Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> J. Weir - owner<br />

Slave, Nancy died 00 Apr 1856, child bed, age 30 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by Roy W. Horton - owner<br />

Slave, Nelly died 00 Mar 1856, old age, age 70 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

M.B. Sinclair - owner<br />

Slave, Nelly died 00 Sep 1858 Haymarket, in labour, 36 years, mother was Eveline,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Thomas A. Smith - owner, information by Randolph Tyler -<br />

young master<br />

Slave, Nelly died 00 Aug 1859, age 60 years, information by George Tyler - owner<br />

Slave, Nelson died 00 00 1857, dropsy of heart, age 18 years, mother was Cecelia,<br />

born Tenn., information by E. Berkley - owner<br />

Slave, Newton died 00 Feb 1857, typhoid fever, age 3 years, mother was Caroline,<br />

born Brownsville, information by <strong>William</strong> Lewis - owner<br />

Slave, One Boy died 00 Jan <strong>1853</strong>, born Washington City, Sarah Mounts - owner,<br />

information by James W. Mounts - young master<br />

Slave, Phoebe died 00 Apr 1855, brain disease, age 9 months, mother was Fanny,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Ann Lipscomb - owner<br />

Slave, Phillip Henry died 25 Jul 1855, age 2 years, mother was Clara, born Jefferson,<br />

Rebecca L. Mead - owner, information by H.H. Hite - friend<br />

Slave, Peter died 5 Apr 1855, consumption, age 50 years, mother was Hannah, born<br />

Richmond City, information by Thomas B. Balch - owner<br />

Slave, Pinkney died 00 Jun 1855, age 3 years, mother was Mary Jane, born prince<br />

Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Roach - owner<br />

Slave, Priscilla died 10 Apr 1854, phthsick?, age 82 years, mother was Jenney, born<br />

Brunswick Co., information by Thomas Matthews (col) - friend<br />

Slave, Rachel died 00 Oct 1855, old age, age 80 years, Lucy Fountain - owner,<br />

information by Edmund Berkley - hired<br />

Slave, Rachel died 00 May 1859, old age, 85 years, born Westmoreland Co.<br />

information by Jas Howison - owner<br />

Slave, Randall Bank died 00 00 1857, consumption, age 30 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

Nancy Jones - owner, information by John M. Payne<br />

Slave, Rebecca died 00 Jul <strong>1853</strong>, typhoid fever, age 8 years, born Fauquier,<br />

information by Luther Lynn - owner<br />

Slave, Reuben died 00 Aug 1855, rupture, age 65 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by L.Cole - owner<br />

Slave, Richard died 1 Sep <strong>1853</strong>, dropsy, age 35 years, mother was Nancy, born Essex<br />

Co., Charles B. Weir - owner, information by Eppa Hunton - young master<br />

Slave, Robert died 00 Oct 1855, by burning, age 14 years, mother was Fanny, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John H. Carter Jr. - owner<br />


Slave, Rose died 10 Apr 1857, age 3 months, mother was Ellen, born Gainesville,<br />

information by Moses Bell<br />

Slave, Rosella died 21 Feb <strong>1853</strong>, age 2 years, mother was Lucy Ann, information by<br />

Frances Gibson - owner<br />

Slave, Sallie died 00 May 1856, died 13 years, mother was Mary, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Ed D. Fitzhugh - owner<br />

Slave, Sally died 2 Jun 1854, age 55 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, __ Utterback?,<br />

information by L. Green<br />

Slave, Samuel 1 Apr <strong>1853</strong>, croup, age 1 year 1 month, mother was Matilda, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Francis Walker - owner<br />

Slave, Samuel died 00 Feb 1856, lockjaw, age 10 years, mother was Milly, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by W.L. Carter - owner<br />

Slave, Samuel died 30 Oct 1857, dropsy, age 65 years, born Maryland, information by<br />

John Trone - owner<br />

Slave, Samuel died 00 Nov 1859, killed on Rail Road, age 35 years old, mother was<br />

Matilda, information by Margaret Foster - owner<br />

Slave, Sarah died 5 Dec 1855, dropsy, age 50 years, born Gloucester, information by<br />

Lewis A. Rhine - owner<br />

Slave, Sarah Gordon died 19 Nov 1857, age 7 years, mother was Anna, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Margaret Tolson - owner<br />

Slave, Simon died 00 Nov 1855, stricture of bowels, age 32 years, mother was Rachel,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Lucy Fountain - owner, information by Edmund Berkeley - hired<br />

Slave, Tapley died 00 Oct 1855, by burning, age 32 years, mother was Margary,<br />

Nathaniel Tyler - owner, information by John H. Carter - hired<br />

Slave, Tom died 00 00 1856, age 52 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Thomas<br />

Goulding - owner<br />

Slave, Washington died 10 Mar 1856, age 13 years, mother was Sophia, born<br />

Fauquier, information by Catherine L. Chichester - owner<br />

Slave, Wesley died 00 Dec 1857, consumption, was a carpenter, age 40 years,<br />

information by Thomas Hereford - friend<br />

Slave, <strong>William</strong> died 00 Jul <strong>1853</strong>, colds, age 3 years, mother was Jane, information by<br />

<strong>William</strong> Washington - young master<br />

Slave, <strong>William</strong> died 10 Aug 1855, spasms, age 8 days, mother was Ann, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Sanford Thurman - owner<br />

Slave, <strong>William</strong> died 00 Apr 1857, whooping cough, age 4 years, mother was Cloe, born<br />

Oak Grove, information by Charles W. Latimer - young master<br />

Slave, <strong>William</strong> died 00 Aug 1857, dysentery, age 2 years, mother was Catherine, born<br />

Campbell Farm, information by Richard Larkin - young master<br />

Slave, <strong>William</strong> Webster died 7 Jul 1858 Fleetwood, water on the brain, age 2 years,<br />

mother was Sarah, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Frances B. Gibson -owner<br />

Slave, Willie died 00 Sep 1856, summer complaint, age 9 months, mother was Maria,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Seymour Lynn - owner<br />

Slave, Willis died 00 Nov <strong>1853</strong>, age 71 years, mother was Bashaba, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Dr. Moxley<br />

Slave, Winifred died 12 Sep 1857, consumption, born Effingham, mother was Susan,<br />

age 15 years, information by Allen Howison - owner<br />


Slave, Winnie died 00 Feb 1854, old age, age 90 years, born Charles City Co.,<br />

information by John H. Carter Jr. - owner<br />

Slingerland, Alice O. died 15 Feb 1871, cause unknown, 9 months old, d/o <strong>William</strong>/M.J.<br />

Slingerland, information by father<br />

Sloper, M.H. died 14 Aug <strong>1896</strong> Cottage Farm, inflammation of bowels, age 4 months,<br />

parents were J.E./R.L. Sloper, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by parents<br />

Smallwood, Isabella died 17 Dec 1895 Gainesville, confinement, age 21 years, d/o<br />

George W./E. Smallwood, born prince Wm, information by father<br />

Smith, Andrew died 10 Oct 1864, age 6 years 5 months, s/o <strong>William</strong> A.B./Mary Smith,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Smith, Fannie (colored) died 31 Aug 1887 Manassas, cancer, 37 years old, born prince<br />

Wm, information by George Prim - friend<br />

Smith, Female died 20 Jul 1874, 4 days old, d/o James C./Adeline Smith, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm.<br />

Smith, George Milton died 24 Sep 1864, typhoid fever, s/o <strong>William</strong> A.B. /Mary Smith,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Smith, George W. died 25 Sep 1890 Sudley, old age, 82 years, Margaret Smith -<br />

consort, information by James W. Smith - son<br />

Smith, Heppestion? died 12 Sep 1887 Manassas, consumption, age 56 years, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Ella Smith - daughter<br />

Smith, Ida died 18 Jun 1890 near Manassas, consumption, 22 years, born <strong>Virginia</strong>,<br />

information by Ella Smith - sister<br />

Smith, John A. (colored) died 24 Aug 1895 near Throughfare, typhoid fever, 17 years<br />

old, s/o F.J./M.A. Smith, , born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Smith, Male died 10 Sep 1873, cause and age not given, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Susan Smith,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm., information by father<br />

Smith, Male (colored) died 14 Aug 1875, cause unknown, 9 days old, s/o<br />

Solomon/Jane Smith, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Smith, Margaret H. died 13 Apr 1878, pneumonia, 78 years old, d/o B./Catherine<br />

Swart, information by Phillip Smith - husband<br />

Smith, Mary F. died 00 Apr 1864, age 44 years 3 months, d/o George/Eliza Smith, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Eliza Smith - mother<br />

Smith, Mary J. (colored) died 26 Oct 1877, typhoid fever, 20 years 4 months 8 days<br />

old, d/o Sarah Green, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Cornelius Smith - husband<br />

Smith, R.B. died 9 Oct 1895 Waverly, typhoid, 22 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Joseph A. Smith - relative<br />

Smith, Thomas died 13 Jan 1855, age 6 years, s/o Thomas A./Sarah Smith, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm - information by Thomas A. Smith - father<br />

Smoot, Thomas died 11 Nov 1874 Woodbridge, pneumonia, 43 years old, parents<br />

unknown, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Snow, Laura E. died 2 Nov 1869, consumption, age 34 years, d/o Oliver/Louisa<br />

Whitney, born State of New York, C. Snow - consort, information by W.R.Snow<br />

Sneider, Isiah died 00 Aug 1856, age 7 months, s/o Jesse Sneider, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Jesse Sneider - father<br />

Snyder, Cora died 9 Jun 1876, cause unknown, 12 years old, d/o Jas/Josephine<br />

Snyder, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Ellis Lundy - friend<br />


Snyder, Elijah (colored) died 30 Jun 1890, unknown cause, 2 months, d/o T./Mary<br />

Snyder, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Snyder, Elisha (colored) died 8 Jun 1890, unknown cause, 1 month old, parents were<br />

T./Mary Snyder, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Snyder, Mary (colored) died 2 Jun 1890, heart disease, age 40 years, d/o<br />

Russell/Harriett Tibbs, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by T.E. Snyder - husband<br />

Soper, Ajheil died 30 Mar 1890 near Manassas, heart disease, age 64 years, Julia<br />

Soper - consort, information by J. Merritt - brother in law<br />

Sorg, M.F. died 21 Jun <strong>1896</strong> Buckhall, brain trouble, age 44 years, information by C.F.<br />

Sorg - husband<br />

Southard, Eppa died 00 Nov 1870, fever, age 6 months, s/o S.M./E. Southard, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Sowers, Lucy M. died 26 Apr 1872, 3 years old, d/o <strong>William</strong> D./<strong>Virginia</strong> Sowers,<br />

information by father<br />

Speak, Ann F. died 00 Jun 1878, consumption, information by R.B. Merchant - cousin<br />

Speak, Richard W. died 00 00 1857, age 5 months, s/o Thomas H./Ann, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

wm, infant, information by Thomas H. Speak - father<br />

Speaks, George W. died 19 May <strong>1896</strong> Hooe’s Mill, unknown cause, 20 years old, s/o<br />

E.W. Speaks, information by father<br />

Spencer, George Washington died 15 Jan 1866, strain, age 19 years, s/o John/Sarah<br />

Spencer, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Spencer, Jackson (colored) died 1 Jul 1876, consumption, 22 years old, s/o John W.<br />

/Fannie Spencer, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Henry Spencer - friend<br />

Spencer, Margaret E. died 13 Sep 1876, childbirth, age 23 years old, d/o J./Margaret<br />

Tolson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by J. Tolson - brother<br />

Spencer, Robert (colored) died 10 Sep 1870, fever, age 2 years, s/o Lucinda Spencer,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Spencer, <strong>William</strong> H. died 15 Jun 1892 Rose Farm, died from LaGrip, age 64 years,<br />

information by M.E.F. Spencer - widow<br />

Spencer, <strong>William</strong> Mount died 16 Apr 1890 Hickory Grove, dropsy, age 30 years, born<br />

State of <strong>Virginia</strong>, s/o W.H./Elizabeth Spencer, information by father<br />

Spittle, Elizabeth died 20 Aug 1864, gravill, age 20 years 2 months, d/o Sarah Spittle,<br />

information by Mary Payne - friend<br />

Spittle, Henry H. died 18 Feb 1878 Maryland, paralysis, age 31 years, s/o <strong>William</strong><br />

F./Eliza Spittle, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Marion Spittle - consort, information by father<br />

Sprinkle, M.S. died 18 Jul <strong>1896</strong> Manassas, cholera inflammation, age 4 months,<br />

parents were B.B./M.E. Sprinkel, born Manassas, information by parents<br />

Stafford, Cl - -- (male) died 8 Jun 1876, age 9 months, s/o George/Louisa Stafford,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Steggler, Isabella died 00 Sep 1872, fever, 68 years old, information by George King -<br />

son in law<br />

Stewart, Elizabeth died 11 Mar 1858 Greenwood, heart disease, age 54 years 2<br />

months, d/o John Melick, born N.J., information by <strong>William</strong> K. Stewart - husband<br />

Stewart, Maria died 29 Oct 1855, typhoid fever, age 24 years, d/o Charles B./Maria<br />

Stewart, born Rappahannock, information by Charles B. Stewart -father<br />


Stewart, Mary A. died 00 Jan 1858 Greenwood, whooping cough, age 1 month 15<br />

days, d/o John/E. Stewart, information by father<br />

Stewart, <strong>William</strong> did 16 Jan <strong>1853</strong>, brain fever, age 3 years, s/o Charles/Elizabeth<br />

Stewart , born Penn., information by Charles Stewart - father<br />

Stokes, Francis (colored) died 5 Jun <strong>1896</strong> Wellington, consumption, age 49 years 11<br />

months, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, Sallie Stokes - wife<br />

Stoddard, Maria died 1 Jan 1854, consumption, age 23 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Nancy<br />

Windsor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Samuel Stoddard - husband<br />

Stoddard, Ann Maria died 00 Jun 1854, consumption, age 8 years, d/o Samuel/Maria<br />

Stoddard, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Stonnell, Jas P. died 00 Aug 1855, diaarea, age 1 year 6 months, s/o<br />

Richard/Catherine Stonnell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Stonnell, Richard Sr. died 17 Jan 1855/56, old age, age 66 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

Mary Stonnell- consort, information by R.F. Stonnell - son<br />

Stonnell, Thomas E. died 1 Feb 1873, consumption, age 23 years, s/o Richard<br />

Stonnell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Richard Stonnell - father<br />

Storks, <strong>William</strong> H. died 28 Aug 1856, bilious dysentery, age 1 year 5 months, s/o John<br />

S./Susa Stork, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John Serain - father<br />

Story, Nehemiah died 15 Aug 1874, old age, 75 years, s/o Abraham/Lucy Story, born<br />

New York, Abigail Story - consort, information by George F. Story - son<br />

Stover, Fannie died 12 Jan 1894, near Manassas, LaGrippe, information by J. Stover -<br />

husband<br />

Strilling, Male died 16 Jul 1864, cramp colic, 7 days old, s/o Newton H./Lucinda<br />

Strilling, information by father<br />

Stuart, Mary died 14 Feb 1875, pneumonia, age 53 years, d/o Charles B./Maria Stuart,<br />

information by George K. Stuart - husband<br />

Sullivan, Joseph H. died 10 Apr <strong>1896</strong> near Unionville, cause unknown, 10 days old, s/o<br />

J.H. Sullivan, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Sullivan, Mary V. died 16 Jun 1857, croup, age 2 years, d/o R./M.A. Selectman, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Zebulon Sullivan<br />

Summons, _____ (white female) died 1 Nov 1857,old age, age 75 years, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by John S. Storke - keeper house<br />

Suthard, Elizabeth died 00 Sep 1874, congestive chills, 50 years old, d/o <strong>William</strong> W.<br />

Suthard, information by father<br />

Suthard, Male died 8 Aug 1895 near Brentsville, unknown cause, age 2 months, s/o<br />

H.L./C.S. Suthard, information by father<br />

Suthard, <strong>Virginia</strong> A. died 5 Oct 1856, dysentery, age 21 years, d/o Benjamin/Susan<br />

Edwards, born Fauquier, information by John T. Suthard - husband<br />

Sutherland, John died 20 Oct 1875, cause unknown, 67 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Emerline Sutherland - wife<br />

Sutherland, Male died 2 Nov 1876, unknown cause, 30 days old, s/o J./Mary<br />

Sutherland, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Swain, <strong>William</strong> E. died 13 May 1855, spasms, age 8 days, s/o Jas T./Jane Swain, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Swan, Eli died 6 Oct 1855, age 52 years, born Maryland, information by Thomas Pettitt<br />

- father in law<br />


Swan, Male died 13 Feb 1854, dropsy, age 17 days, s/o E.H./J.A., born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by E. Swan - father<br />

Swann, Charles L. died 3 Jan 1869, bilious fever, age 15 years, s/o L.E./Julia F.<br />

Swann, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Swann, Elkannah died 27 Jul 1874, no other information given by L.E. Swann<br />

Swann, Julia A. died 4 Aug 1873, sore throat, age 3 years, d/o George/Catherine<br />

Swann, born Washington City, information by father<br />

Swart, Nancy died 12 Apr 1878, paralysis, age 87 years, d/o B./Catherine Swart, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Phillip Smith - head of family<br />

Syncox, Andrew J. died 5 Jul 1872 Penn. , fell from a bridge, age 24 years, s/o<br />

Thomas/Ann Syncox, information by father<br />

Syncox, Eliza died 22 Dec 1873, abscess, 68 years old, parents unknown, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by Jesse Patterson - neighbor<br />

Tabbs, C. died 00 Sep 1878, consumption, age 73 years, parents unknown, born<br />

North, information by a friend<br />

Taliaferro, Eliza died 7 Mar 1891 Pine Top, Lagrip, 69 years old, information by<br />

Richard Oddrick<br />

Taliaferro, Hennie (colored) died 10 Mar 1873 Manassas Twp., small pox, age 23<br />

years old, parents unknown, born Manassas Twp, information by Reuben<br />

Taliaferro - husband<br />

Tansill, Sarah F. died 23 Nov 1876, heart disease, age 50 years, parents not known,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by George W. Tansill - son<br />

Tansill, Susanna died 5 Jan 1854, old age, 105 years old, d/o John/Elizabeth Worthey,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, <strong>William</strong> Tansill - spouse, information by Phillip Carter - friend<br />

Tavender, Joseph H. died 00 Jun 1890, drowned, 24 years old, s/o Jas/D. Tavender,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Taylor, Annie (colored) died 15 Aug 1866, typhoid fever, 5 years old, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Sarah<br />

Taylor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Taylor, B.F. died 3 Aug <strong>1896</strong> Fairfax <strong>County</strong>, old age, 83 years old, information by<br />

R.W. Taylor - son<br />

Taylor, Benjamin (colored) died 20 Jun 1876, pneumonia, age 1 month, s/o<br />

Benjamin/Ella Taylor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Enoch Harris - head of<br />

family<br />

Taylor, C. (female) died 1 Aug 1878, dropsy, age 9 years 3 months, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Sarah<br />

Taylor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Taylor, Catherine died 15 Mar 1866, age 40 years old, d/o Thomas/Elizabeth Taylor,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Joseph D. Taylor<br />

Taylor, Clara (colored) died 6 Apr 1873, old age, 69 years old, born Fairfax <strong>County</strong><br />

Taylor, Frances died 16 May 1890 near Hickory Grove, old age, 80 years old, a widow,<br />

information by E.C. Gibson - son in law<br />

Taylor, John G. died 7 Oct <strong>1896</strong> Independent Hill, brights disease, age 61 years, s/o<br />

Joshua Taylor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Lucy C. Taylor - wife<br />

Taylor, L.B. died 25 Jun 1892 Coonsville, age 55 days old, parents were E.A./A.M.<br />

Taylor, born Coonsville, information by parents<br />

Taylor, Male died 23 Jun 1875, cause unknown, age 2 months 17 days, s/o John<br />

G./L.C. Taylor, information by father<br />


Taylor, Margaret (colored) died 12 Jun 1890 near Manassas, consumption, age 16<br />

years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Sarah Taylor, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

Taylor, Martha (colored) died 1 Nov 1865, lockjaw, 5 years 3 months, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Sarah Taylor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Chinn - uncle<br />

Taylor, Mary died 27 Jun 1859 Belt Farm, consumption, age 52, d/o John/Sarah Lynn,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Basil Taylor - consort, information by John H. Taylor - son<br />

Taylor, Mary died 13 Mar 1878, cause unknown, 45 years old, d/o John W. Davis, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John Taylor - husband<br />

Taylor, Nancy (free colored) died 7 Mar 1858 Bull Run Mountain, cancer, 57 years,<br />

Docia Lucas - mother, information by <strong>William</strong> Thomas - husband<br />

Taylor, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 8 Aug 1866, typhoid fever, age 4 years old, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Sarah Taylor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Tebbs, Jane (colored) died 8 Dec 1873, dropsy, age 8 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Martha<br />

Tebbs, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Terrell, <strong>William</strong> died 25 Apr 1870, age 9 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by<br />

Margaret Terrell<br />

Terrill, Maria (colored) died 00 Nov 1856, dysentery, age 2 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> Terrill<br />

Thomas, A. (colored female) died 19 Oct 1892 Mountview, childbirth, age 32 years,<br />

information by Jos Thomas - husband<br />

Thomas, A. N. died 19 Feb 1871, pneumonia, age 70 years, parents not known, born<br />

Fauquier, information by Eugenia ___ - niece<br />

Thomas, Catherine (colored) died 16 Apr 1878, brain fever, age 3 years, d/o<br />

John/Rebecca Thomas, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Thomas, Docia (free colored) died 4 Dec <strong>1853</strong>, fever, age 27, d/o Nancy Thomas, born<br />

Fauquier, information by <strong>William</strong> Thomas - father<br />

Thomas, Female (free colored) died 4 Jan 1855, d/o Betsy Thomas, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by Charles Gaskins - (said to be father)<br />

Thomas, Gertrude died 29 Oct <strong>1896</strong> Manassas, consumption, age 29 years, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong> R./Laura Fred?, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by L.B. Thomas - husband<br />

Thomas, James <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 1 Mar 1866, cause unknown, 11 months old,<br />

s/o Mary Jane Thomas, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Margaret Thomas -<br />

grandmother<br />

Thomas, John H. died 20 Mar 1890 Washington, 64 years 2 months old, born State of<br />

New York, information by Margaret Thomas - wife<br />

Thomas, Laura (colored) died 1 Mar 1877, dropsy, age 27 years old, d/o Lewis<br />

/Malinda Thomas, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Cornelius Thomas - friend<br />

Thomas, Laura (colored) died 5 Apr 1878, dropsy, age 28 years old, d/o Lewis/<br />

Malinda Dyson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Cornelius Thomas - husband<br />

Thomas, Laura died 00 Sep 1855, age 2 years 4 months, d/o John/Sally Thomas, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Thomas, Lucian died 00 Oct 1854, dropsy, age 6 years, s/o John/Sarah Thomas, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Thomas, Male (colored) died 6 Jan 1855, age 5 months, s/o Betsy Thomas, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />


Thomas, Male (colored) died 20 Nov 1892 Mountview, age 1 month, s/o Joseph/A,<br />

Thomas, information by father<br />

Thomas, Male (colored) died 12 Aug 1875, cause unknown, 2 days old, s/o<br />

Ross/Lucinda Thomas, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Thomas, Mary E. died 20 Feb 1873 Manassas Twp, typhoid fever, age 23 years, d/o<br />

C.W./Elpina Thomas, born Manassas Twp, information by C.W. Thomas - father<br />

Thomas, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 8 Jun 1895 Thomas Lot, heart trouble, 63 years old,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Boyd Thomas - son<br />

Thomas, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 2 Mar 1876, pneumonia, 82 years 6 months old, s/o<br />

Samuel/Betsy Thomas, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Richard Thomas - son<br />

Thornberry, Female died 30 Sep 1865, 2 days, d/o John F./Martha Thornberry, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Thornberry, Lucy died 26 Apr <strong>1853</strong>, nervous affection, 48 years, d/o Phillip/Susan<br />

Warder, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John Thornberry - husband<br />

Thornberry, <strong>William</strong> died 19 Oct 1876, hydrophobia, age 8 years 11 months, s/o John<br />

W./Martha A. Thornberry, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Thornburn, Jas died 26 May 1876, consumption, age 27 years, parents unknown, born<br />

Penn., information by Mary Thornburn - wife<br />

Thornton, Annis Ratcliff died 2 Jun 1866, congestive Chill, age 11 years 9 months 7<br />

days, d/o W.W./Mary Thornton, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> H.<br />

Thornton<br />

Thornton, Jas B.J. died 4 Sep 1857, dysentery, age 53 years, s/o Peter/Mary Thornton,<br />

born Caroline Co., Lucien Thornton - consort, information by <strong>William</strong> W. Thornton<br />

- son<br />

Thornton, L. W. died 27 Jan 1869, cause not known, age 3 years 9 months, parents<br />

were P.L.W./M. Thornton, information by father<br />

Thornton, Samuel H. died 24 Jul 1859 Lametta, diarrhea, age 2 months, s/o<br />

Thomas/Helen Thornton, information by father<br />

Thornton, Susan S. died 16 Feb 1877, pneumonia, age 47 years, parents unknown,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by H.G. Thornton - husband<br />

Thornton, Willie (colored) died 11 Nov 1890 Haymarket, croup, age 2 years 7 months,<br />

s/o John/Mary E. Thornton, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

Thatcher, Jacob C. died 19 Aug 1857, dysentery, age 1 year 6 months, s/o<br />

Charles/Mary Thatcher, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Thurman, Hanford died 1 Jun 1858 Redland, heart disease, 65 years, s/o Robert/Eliz<br />

Thurman, information by Fannie Thurman - wife<br />

Tillet, Male died 23 Mar 1866, eyncipelis, 1 day old, s/o Jas/Caroline Tillet, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by father<br />

Toler, Maria (colored) died 15 Feb 1887 Buckhall, consumption, age 70 years 3<br />

months 8 days, information by Peter Toler<br />

Toliver, Robert (colored) died 13 Dec 1890 Waterfall, pneumonia, 75 years old, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, Eliza Toliver - consort, information by George Toliver - son<br />

Tolson, James A. died 19 Oct <strong>1896</strong> near Dumfries, consumption, age 52 years old, s/o<br />

B./Tolson, born Stafford Co., information by James A. Tolson - son<br />

Tolson, Male died 18 May 1869, cause unknown, 3 days old, s/o Jas/Martha Tolson,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Tolson, Synthia died 2 May 1869, old age, 85 years old, d/o George/Sarah Tolson,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, George Tolson - consort, information by John Tolson<br />

Trainham, S.R. died 25 Feb <strong>1896</strong> near Manassas, bronchitis, age 1 year 2 days,<br />

information by parents<br />

Travis, Wash (colored) died 15 Oct <strong>1896</strong> Brentsville, croup, age 6 years, s/o Wash/E.<br />

Travis, information by parents<br />

Travis, Henry (colored) died 13 Aug <strong>1896</strong> Brentsville, cause unknown, 3 days old, s/o<br />

Wash/E. Travis, information by parents<br />

Travous, Boyd (colored) died 1 Jun 1895 near Brentsville, croup, age 4 years, s/o<br />

Wash Travous<br />

Travous, Robert (colored) died 1 Aug 1895 near Brentsville, born dead, s/o Wash<br />

Travous, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by parents<br />

Trone, Delila died 22 Dec 1876, pneumonia, 80 years 3 months old, d/o Joseph/ Letitia<br />

Thomas, born Maryland, information by John S. Trone - husband<br />

Trone, Sarah died 16 May 1857, old age, 87 years, d/o Stephen/Mary Howison, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Julia Weedon - daughter<br />

Trone, Sarah died 16 May 1857, old age, 87 years, d/o Stephen/Mary Howison, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Julia Weedon - daughter<br />

Tucker, Herman (colored) died 8 Feb 1895 Manassas, spasms, 4 days old, s/o<br />

Neale/S.J. Tucker born Manassas, information by father<br />

Tucker, Male (colored) died 15 Feb <strong>1896</strong> Manassas, 7 days old, s/o Neale/J. Tucker,<br />

born Manassas, information by parents<br />

Turner, Ludd (colored) died 1 Dec 1874, cold, 60 years old, parents not known, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Mary Turner - wife<br />

Turner, Madison (colored) old age, 75 years old, s/o George/Anna Turner, place of<br />

birth unknown, information by Henry Wilkerson - friend<br />

Turner, Male (colored) died 12 Oct 1874, 2 months old, s/o Robert H./Bettie Turner,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Turner, Martha (colored) died 2 Feb 1887 Throughfare, consumption, 14 years old, d/o<br />

John/Louvenia Turner, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by mother<br />

Turner, Mary E. died 13 Nov 1856, dysentery, age 4 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Margaret<br />

Turner, born prince Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Turner - father<br />

Twell, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 15 Oct 1873 Washington DC, parents not known, 32<br />

years old, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Margaret Twell, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Margaret<br />

Twell - mother<br />

Twine, Andrew (colored) died 12 Dec 1894 Oak Hill, pneumonia, 7 months old, s/o<br />

Augustus/L.A. Twine, born Oak Hill, information by parents<br />

Twine, Annie died 21 Nov 1890 Manassas, consumption, 33 years 3 months old, born<br />

England, information by Edward Tyler - husband<br />

Tyler, Charles T. died 16 Oct 1878 Washington DC, cause unknown, 31 years old, s/o<br />

John/Frances H. Tyler, information by father<br />

Tyler, Corbin died 29 Dec 1873, diphtheria, age 18 months old, s/o John/Sarah H.<br />

Tyler, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Tyler, Frances (colored) died 23 Jul 1890 Bristoe, bed fever, age 36 years, born<br />

<strong>Virginia</strong>, information by D.J. Tyler - husband<br />


Tyler, John Y. died 3 Dec 1878, lock jaw, 1 day old, s/o Robert H./ Sallie Tyler, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Tyler, Lewis (colored) died 12 Jul 1895 Philadelphia, unknown cause, 53 years old,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by D.J. Taylor - brother<br />

Tyler, Louis (colored) died 14 Aug 1890 Bristoe, brain fever, 1 month 6 days old, s/o<br />

D.J./Frances Tyler, born <strong>Virginia</strong>, information by father<br />

Tyler, Louisa died 9 May 1856, consumption, age 46, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Cilla Tyler,<br />

information by Grayson Tyler - nephew<br />

Tyler, Male died 12 Feb 1894 Buckland, pneumonia, 3 months old, s/o Jos. W. Tyler,<br />

born Buckland, information by J.W. Tyler - father<br />

Tyler, Mary L. died 16 Nov 1887 Buckland, typhoid fever, 54 years old, wife of J.A.<br />

Tyler, information by Fred A. Tyler - son<br />

Tyler, Susan S. died 3 Dec 1873, diphtheria, 4 years 4 months old, d/o John/ Sarah H.<br />

Tyler, born Spotsylvania, information by father<br />

Tyler, Virginous died 21 Sep 1854, pneumonia, age 19 years, s/o George G./Julia,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Underwood, Ann died 14 Aug 1875, tumor, 61 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information<br />

by Oliver Underwood - son<br />

Underwood, Louisa C. died 24 Aug 1869, apoplexy, 40 years old, wife of Oliver<br />

Underwood, information by husband<br />

Underwood, Sarah C. died 28 Mar 1873, in childbirth, 22 years old, d/o Henry<br />

Selecman, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by S. Underwood - husband<br />

Underwood, <strong>Virginia</strong> died 10 Dec 1873 Woodbridge, 25 years old, d/o Gus/Julia Ashel,<br />

born Stafford,<br />

Upton, John H. died 1 Aug 1871, unknown cause, s/o George/ M.F., information by<br />

father, was a boatman<br />

Upton, Walter died 10 Apr 1873, pneumonia, 14 years old, s/o <strong>William</strong> Upton,<br />

information by Dr. M.A. Ish. - physician<br />

Utterback, Nancy L. died 00 Mar 1871, croup, d/o Joseph Utterback and wife,<br />

information by father<br />

Utterback, Robert died 24 Mar 1866, diphtheria, 9 years old, s/o Joseph/Sarah<br />

Utterback, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Utterback, <strong>William</strong> French died 24 Mar 1866, diphtheria, 19 years old, s/o<br />

Joseph/Sarah Utterback, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Vancamp, Sarah V. died 00 Oct 1858, Quincy, age 5 years, d/o Garrett/Sarah A.<br />

Vancamp, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Vandenburg, Thomas A. died 31 Mar 1854, consumption, age 48 years 11 months, 28<br />

days, born N.Y., information by son<br />

Vandenburg, Wynot died 00 Oct 1857, consumption, age 24, s/o John/E. Vandenburg,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Vanpelt, Richard died 11 Apr <strong>1853</strong>, old age, 84 years, information by Polly Vanpelt -<br />

spouse<br />

Vaughan, Dallas died 21 Feb 1874, cause not known, 7 months old, s/o Wellington/<br />

Maria Vaughan, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Vessels, Margaret died 20 Apr 1877, pneumonia, age 2 years, d/o Lewis/Mary<br />

Vessels, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Vulp, Mary C. died 13 Nov <strong>1853</strong>, consumption, age 22 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Ann Winsor,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Aaron J. Vulp - husband<br />

Walker, Russell died 11 Feb 1894 Walker Farm, brain fever, age 16 months old,<br />

E.M./E. Walker, information by parents<br />

Wallace, Bettie (colored) died 23 Aug 1890 Throughfare, typhoid fever, age 18 years,<br />

information by Jack Wallace - husband<br />

Wallace, E. (female colored) 30 Nov 1895 Throughfare, age 22 years, d/o A./M.<br />

Wallace, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Wallace, Gordon (colored) died 27 Aug <strong>1896</strong> Washington DC, typhoid fever, age 16<br />

years, s/o Julius Wallace, born near Greenwich, information by parents<br />

Wallace, Maria (colored) died 27 Jun 1895 Throughfare, dysentery, age 60 years,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by A. Wallace - husband<br />

Wallace, Maria (colored) died 30 Oct 1895 Throughfare, age 24 years, d/o A./M.<br />

Wallace, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Wandser, Female died 12 Apr 1878, cause unknown, age 7 days, d/o Frank/Fannie<br />

Wandser, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Warren, Ellen died 1 Oct 1854, fits, age 66 years, born Maryland, information by M.S.<br />

Lindsey - friend<br />

Warring, Lydia died 1 Jun 1856, dropsy, age 75 years, d/o Nath./Cath. Milstead, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Thomas Warring - husband, information by Cyrus Warring - son<br />

Washington, Cornelia Lee died 00 Jul 1873, affection of bowels, age 10 months, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong> T./F.V. Washington, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Washington, Euphan M. died 16 Jun 1875, cause unknown, 72 years old, s/o John,<br />

information by <strong>William</strong> T. Washington - son<br />

Washington, Female (colored) died 1 May 1869, cause unknown, 15 days old, d/o<br />

David/Mary Washington, born prince Wm, information by father<br />

Washington, Jane died 7 Oct 1894 near Throughfare, pneumonia, age 2 years old, d/o<br />

John/J. Washington, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by parents<br />

Waters, Alice died 20 Aug 1877, disease unknown, age 5 days old, d/o Robert<br />

M./Anna B. Waters, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Wearing, Jane died 28 Feb 1854, scarlet fever, age 4 years, d/o John/Eliza Jane<br />

Wearing, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by grandfather<br />

Wearing, <strong>William</strong> died 28 Sep 1873, consumption, age 60 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by wife<br />

Webster, Female died 00 Dec 1856, whooping cough, age 1 month, d/o James/D.<br />

Webster, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by James Webster - father<br />

Webster, Richard H. died 30 Nov 1871, killed in a tunnel, age 27 years, s/o Jas/Matilda<br />

Webster, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Webster, <strong>William</strong> (slave) died 7 Jul 1858 Fleetwood, water on brain, 2 years, mother<br />

was Sarah, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Frances B. Gibson - owner<br />

Wedding, Landonia died 1 Oct 1871, cause unknown, age 4 months, d/o<br />

Lancenser/Dora Wedding, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Weedon, Austin B. died 26 Sep 1878, old age, 86 years old, s/o Augustus/Jane<br />

Weedon, born prince Wm, information by mother<br />

Weedon, Jane died 00 Jun <strong>1896</strong> near Orlando, softing of brain, age 78 years, d/o<br />

Austin Weedon, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Jos. M. ___’<br />


Weedon, Peter Trone died 6 Apr 1890 Brentsville, progressive paralysis, age 55 years<br />

3 months 6 days, information by L.M. Weedon - wife<br />

Weedon, George died 22 Dec 1872, old age, 85 years, parents unknown, born prince<br />

Wm, information by John M. Payne - son in law<br />

Weedon, Phillip died 23 Jan 1857, pneumonia, age 15 years, s/o John/E.A. Weedon,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by John C. Weedon - father<br />

Weeks, Albert died Oct 1878, unknown cause, age 9 months, information by Lawrence<br />

Weeks - father<br />

Weeks, Clara died 16 Dec 1890 Brentsville, old age, 80 years old, information by S.M.<br />

Suthard - son in law<br />

Weems, Sallie died 14 Jun 1876, diarrhea, age 4 months 7 days, d/o John/Rebecca<br />

Weems, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Weiler, James M. died 25 Aug 1876, typhoid pneumonia, age 14 years old, s/o<br />

Phillip/Sarah A. Weiler, born prince Wm, information by father<br />

Weir, A.P. died 25 Nov 1895, inflammation of bowels, age 33 years, information by<br />

E.W. Weir - husband<br />

Weir, Carter died 16 Feb 1856, from a broken thigh, age 20 years 11 month, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong> J./Harriett B./Weir, born Liberia, information by W.J. Weir - father<br />

Weir, John died 17 Dec 1879, age 3 years, s/o Richard M./Fannie Weir, information by<br />

father<br />

West, Jane died 00 Feb 1864, typhoid fever, age 10 years, d/o Uriah/H. West, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Thomas Hammill - friend<br />

Wheat, Elizabeth C. consumption, age 25 years old, d/o C.W.C./Catherine Dunnington,<br />

information by J, Frank Wheat - husband<br />

Wheat, Female died 27 Mar 1873, cause unknown, age 1 day, d/o J.F./Elizabeth C.<br />

Wheat, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by J.Frank Wheat - father<br />

Wheeler, <strong>William</strong> died 22 Aug 1892 Maple Vale, croup, age 4 years 6 months, s/o<br />

W.M./A.D. Wheeler, information by parents<br />

White, John died 2 Apr 1859, drowned, occupation fisherman, information by Coroner -<br />

friend<br />

White, Martha died 15 Sep 1887 Gainesville, consumption, age 18 years, information<br />

by Thornton Allen - friend<br />

Whiting, Frederick died 24 Sep 1876, fits, age 15 years, s/o Edgar/Mary Whiting, born<br />

<strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Whiting, Lydia (colored) died 26 Jul 1890 Catharpin, consumption, age 6 years 1<br />

month, information by Allen Thornton - Uncle<br />

Wigginton, Elizabeth died 17 Sep 1855, consumption, age 83 years, d/o John/Joanna<br />

Furgison, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Henry Wigginton - consort, information by Susannah<br />

Wigginton - daughter<br />

Wilkins, Drusilla died 00 Apr 1856, brain fever, age 13 years, d/o Thomas/E. Wilkins,<br />

information by a brother<br />

Wilkins, Thomas died 00 Apr 1856, old age, 85 years, s/o <strong>William</strong>/Darilted? Wilkins,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Elizabeth Wilkins - wife, information by son<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Annie V. died 23 Oct 1870, fever, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Annis F.<br />

<strong>William</strong>s<br />


<strong>William</strong>s, Asa S. died 5 Sep 1869, dropsy, s/o A./Sarah <strong>William</strong>s, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm,<br />

information by father<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Cam W. Jr. died 15 Oct <strong>1853</strong>, bilious fever, age 13 years, s/o C.W./Eliza<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, born Fairfax, information by father<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, David B. died 30 Oct 1891 near Manassas, croup, 18 months old, s/o B.S.<br />

<strong>William</strong>s - father<br />

<strong>William</strong>, Elizabeth died 17 Jan 1872, erysipelas, 65 years old, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, widow<br />

of Jas <strong>William</strong>s, information by George W. <strong>William</strong>s - son<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Elizabeth (colored) died 30 Nov 1873, heart disease, 68 years old, d/o<br />

Thomas/Lucy Payne, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, , information by Olly <strong>William</strong>s - husband<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Fannie A. died 29 Oct 1855, burn, 8 months, d/o Francis/Henly <strong>William</strong>s,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Grandmother<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Flora died 26 Nov 185_, dropsy, age 53 years, d/o George/Cath <strong>William</strong>s,<br />

information by Frances B. Gibson - friend<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Frank died 22 Sep 1872, whooping cough, age 8 months, s/o George/ Jane<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Jane died 25 Sep <strong>1853</strong>, in labour, age 40 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Mary Shaw,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, John <strong>William</strong>s - spouse, information by Jas M. Sinclair - son in<br />

law<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Lucy (free colored) died 00 Apr 1855, 80 years, information by John <strong>William</strong>s<br />

- son<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Lucy A. died 24 Jun <strong>1853</strong>, consumption, age 42 years, born Caroline, Robert<br />

<strong>William</strong>s - spouse, information by John L. Sinclair - son in law<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Olly (colored) died 20 May 1869, old age, age 73 years, parents unknown,<br />

information by Thomas <strong>William</strong>s<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Paul Yates died 19 Feb 1873, cold, age 3 years, s/o Ammis/Sarah <strong>William</strong>s,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Annis <strong>William</strong>s - father<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Sophia (colored) died 27 Jun 1892 Manassas, age 26 years old, d/o<br />

M.D./Kate <strong>William</strong>s, born Alexandria, information by parents<br />

<strong>William</strong>s, Sophia (colored) died 30 Oct 1878, unknown cause, 35 years old,<br />

information by Edward Lewis - head of family<br />

Wilson, Female died 3 Jul 1895 Pugh Farm, cause unknown, age 1 day old, d/o<br />

W.W./L.O. Wilson, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Wilt, Frances died 11 Jun 1871 Manassas Twp, typhoid fever, age 33 years, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong> H./Elizabeth Wilt, born Fairfax Co., information by Richard Brawner -<br />

head of family<br />

Wilt, Peter died 20 Apr 1876, consumption, age 21 years, s/o Henry/Elizabeth Wilt,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Richard H. Brawner - head of family<br />

Windsor, Christopher died 13 Nov 1864, 65 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Sarah Windsor -<br />

consort, information by Thomas Windsor - son<br />

Windsor, <strong>Virginia</strong> died 22 May 1873, measles, 18 years old, d/o John R./Martha<br />

Windsor, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by Dr. M.A. Ish - physician<br />

Wingfield, Sammy (colored) died 18 Feb 1877, consumption, age 40 years, parents<br />

unknown, information by Lucy Wingfield - wife<br />

Winsor, Jas T. died 3 Jul 1876, bilious fever, age 19 years old, s/o J.R./Mary Winsor,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />


Witt, <strong>William</strong> died 24 Aug 1865, bilious fever, age 52 years, s/o Peter/Catherine Witt,<br />

born Fairfax, information by Barbara E. Brawner - daughter<br />

Wolverton, Emma died 11 Oct 1858 Bradley, croup, age 2 years 8 months, d/o<br />

Samuel/Sarah Wolverton, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Wolverton, Levinia died 6 Oct <strong>1896</strong> Manassas, typhoid fever, 67 years old, born New<br />

Jersey, information by son<br />

Wolverton, Marcus L. died 20 Sep 1869, diarrhea, age 1 year 7 months, s/o Peter<br />

Levinia Wolverton, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Wolverton, Samuel died 7 Dec 1887 Manassas, apoplexy, age 67 years, information<br />

by A. Roseberry - son in law<br />

Woodyard, Adaline died 18 Nov 1870, age 12 years old, d/o Newton/Amanda<br />

Woodyard, born Manassas Twp., information by father<br />

Woodyard, Female died 00 Mar 1872, whooping cough, age 20 months, d/o Matthew<br />

/Isabella Woodyard, information by father<br />

Woodyard, Female died 5 Oct 1892 Brentsville, diarrhea, age 2 months, d/o J.R./M.V.<br />

Woodyard, information by parents<br />

Woodyard, Leland died 00 Oct 1873, consumption, age 26 years, s/o Matthew/Isabella,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm.<br />

Woodyard, Walter died 18 Sep 1872, cause not known, 73 years old, born Fairfax,<br />

information by Elizabeth Carrico - daughter<br />

Woodyard, Zera died 5 Sep 1878, pneumonia, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, age 2 years 3 months<br />

15 days old, information by Matthew W./Cordelia<br />

Woodyard, Zera died 24 Jun 1879, cholera, age 3 years old, d/o Matthew D./Cordelia<br />

Woodyard, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Wright, Elizabeth died 00 Aug 1858, 18 years, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Isaac Wright - consort,<br />

information by John Wright - father in law<br />

Wright, Ella died 3 Oct 1856, dysentery, 8 days old, d/o Thomas L./Mary J. Wright,<br />

born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by grandmother<br />

Wright, George died 2 Apr 1890 Greenwich, old age, 80 years old, information by<br />

Wallace Wood - cousin<br />

Wright, Gustavous B. died 18 Jun 1864, killed in war, 20 years old, s/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Margaret Wright, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by father<br />

Wright, Martha died 00 Sep 1859, chills and fever, age 6 months 1 day, d/o<br />

<strong>William</strong>/Jane Wright, information by father<br />

Wright, O....... (female) died 10 Sep 1856, dysentery, age 7 years, d/o <strong>William</strong>/Mary J.<br />

Wright, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, information by <strong>William</strong> Wright - father<br />

Wright, Thomas L. died 1 Oct 1856, dysentery, age 32 years, s/o Thomas/Nancy<br />

Wright, born <strong>Prince</strong> Wm, Mary J. Wright - consort, information by Jane Harrison -<br />

step mother<br />

Wright, <strong>William</strong> (colored) died 15 Feb <strong>1896</strong> Wright Farm, old age 78 years, born <strong>Prince</strong><br />

Wm, information by John L. Wright - son<br />

Wynn, Adeline died 11 Jun 1894 Aden, diabetes, age 66 years old, information by J.W.<br />

Wynn - husband<br />

Wynn, John F. died 12 Oct <strong>1896</strong> Aden, congestive chills, age 72 years, information by<br />

daughter<br />


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