A Bibliography of Philippine Linguistics - SIL International

A Bibliography of Philippine Linguistics - SIL International

A Bibliography of Philippine Linguistics - SIL International


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A <strong>Bibliography</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

Compiled by<br />

Rex E. Johnson<br />

Summer Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

With Foravor-d by<br />

Andrew B. Gonzalez, FSC<br />

Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Manila<br />

1996<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Special Monograph Issue, Number 39<br />

The <strong>Philippine</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> is the <strong>of</strong>ficial publication <strong>of</strong> the Linguistic<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. It publishes studies in descriptive, comparative, historical, and<br />

areal linguistics. Although its primary interest is in linguistic theory, it also publishes papers<br />

on the application <strong>of</strong> theory to language teaching, sociolinguistics, etc. Papers on applied<br />

linguistics should, however, be chiefly concerned with the principles which underlie specific<br />

techniques. Articles are published in English, although papers written in Filipino, an <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

language <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s, will occasionally appear. Since the Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s is composed <strong>of</strong> members whose paramount interests are the <strong>Philippine</strong> lan-<br />

guages, papers on these and related languages are given priority in publication. This does<br />

not mean, however, that the journal will limit its scope to the Austronesian language family.<br />

Studies on any aspect <strong>of</strong> language structure are welcome.<br />

Manuscripts for publication, exchange journals, and books for review or listing should<br />

be sent to the Editor, Brother Andrew B. Gonzalez, FSC, De La Salle University, 240 1 Taft<br />

Avenue, Manila, <strong>Philippine</strong>s. Manuscripts from the United States and Europe should be sent<br />

to Dr. Lawrence A. Reid, Pacific and Asia <strong>Linguistics</strong> Institute, University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii, 1980<br />

East-West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, U.S.A.<br />

Editorial Board<br />

Co-Editors: Andrew Gonzalez, FSC, Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista<br />

De La Salle University<br />

Associate Editors: Fe T. Otanes, <strong>Philippine</strong> Normal College<br />

Bonifacio P. Sibayan, <strong>Philippine</strong> Normal College<br />

Lawrence A. Reid, University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii<br />

Emy M. Pascasio, Ateneo de Manila University<br />

Review Editor: Araceli C. Hidalgo, De La Salle University<br />

Managing Editor: Teresita Erestain, De La Salle University<br />

Business Manager: Angelita F. Alim, De La Salle University<br />

Copyright 1996 by the Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

All rights reserved.<br />

ISBN: 97 1 - 1059-29-0<br />

1096 3.0~<br />

Cover Artist: Darwin Bayani<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

A <strong>Bibliography</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Contents<br />

Foreword ......................................... vii<br />

Introduction. ....................................... viii<br />

...<br />

........................................<br />

Abbreviations x<br />

......................<br />

<strong>Bibliography</strong> Alphabetically Listed by Author 1<br />

...................<br />

Index Alphabetically Listed by Language Name 327<br />

.............................<br />

List <strong>of</strong> Source Bibliographies 355<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Foreword<br />

The expanding list <strong>of</strong> scholarly publications on tile <strong>Philippine</strong> languages makes it<br />

necessary that serious researchers ha1.e easy access to iI bibliography in this fascinating<br />

subspecialization in'the field <strong>of</strong> Austronesian lir~guistics.<br />

Ch.er the years. such bibliographies ha1.e fortunatel!- been a~.ailablc. thanks to the<br />

~vork <strong>of</strong> dedicated compilers <strong>of</strong> scholarly materials. One thinks <strong>of</strong> compilations <strong>of</strong> Ward.<br />

Asuncio~~-Lande. the Surnrner Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> for its onn publications. Makarcnko.<br />

and <strong>of</strong> course. the Nenbern Libran (Chicago's) list <strong>of</strong> its olvn holdings in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Irrrguistics. C. Hidalgo's and N. C~ibar's compilations <strong>of</strong> lexicographic and grarnnlatical<br />

studies <strong>of</strong> the Spanish period likewise need mention.<br />

Hone\ er. since Makarenko's b~bllograph! ( I98 I ). there has not been an update GI\ Ln<br />

the rapd Increase in publicat~ons I felt that an update cornb~n~ng and ehpand~ng the l~sts<br />

\\as narranted nith the aid <strong>of</strong> solneone fa111111ar n~th cortlputer s<strong>of</strong>inare to be able to<br />

cornpile an updated llst and to set up the nccessan program to keep th~s l~st updated ,IS<br />

ncv publicat~ons appear<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics has bee11 blessed with such talent in the person <strong>of</strong>Rex Johnson<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Su~nrner Institute <strong>of</strong> Linpistics. ho was persuaded by his colleagues at the Summer<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> (<strong>Philippine</strong>sj to undertake this diflicult pro-ject in cooperation<br />

\\ it11 the Ling~istic Societ! <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.<br />

Rex Jolmson has not only put together pre\.ious bibliographies on Plulippi~le linguistics<br />

and added net\. ones up to 199 1 but he has likewise provided \,aluable clues for each entn<br />

to gi\c the beginning student <strong>of</strong> Pl~ilippine language an idea <strong>of</strong> the kind <strong>of</strong> ~vork the<br />

publication belongs to as a categon ivitllin linguistic studies. whether it be a stud! <strong>of</strong><br />

grammar. lexicon. tests. socioli~~guistics. Often. titles are not inforrnati1.c enough to gi\.e<br />

tlie researcller a clue as to \\.hat the!- contain. Tlle present compilation does an efficient<br />

job at identifjing the categon <strong>of</strong> study in lvhich an itern falls. On behalf <strong>of</strong> the Linguistic<br />

Societ! <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s and the PI7ilippinr ./o~1r.r7nl r!f'l.it~giii.vtic.v. I would like to pa!<br />

tribute to Rex Johnson for this painstaking work <strong>of</strong> coinpilation and would like to thank<br />

the Su~nmcr Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> (<strong>Philippine</strong>s) for sponsoring the preparation <strong>of</strong> tile<br />

inanuscript. .~l Rihlioprqdy o/'/~hilippitir Lirip~~i.sri~.s (152 1-1991). We in the Lirlguistic<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s are happy to present this work as Nu~nber 39 in our <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

Monograph Series.<br />

Andrew Gonz.ale~. FSC<br />

Linb~~istic Socieh <strong>of</strong> tile <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

1996<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Introduction<br />

This bibliography is, in fact, a combination <strong>of</strong> several earlier bibliographic works:<br />

Doris Barner Welsch's Checklist <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> in the Newberry Library, Jack<br />

H. Ward's A <strong>Bibliography</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> and Major Languages, Nobleza C.<br />

Asuncion-Lande's A <strong>Bibliography</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, Nelly I. Cubar's The Philip-<br />

pine Linguistic Landscape: 16th-19th Centuries. Vladimir A. Makarenko's A Preliminary<br />

Annotated <strong>Bibliography</strong> <strong>of</strong> Pilipino <strong>Linguistics</strong> (1604-1976), C. Richard Gieser's Bibliog-<br />

raphy <strong>of</strong> the Summer Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, <strong>Philippine</strong>s 1953-1988, Marlies Salazar's<br />

European Studies <strong>of</strong> PhiIippine Languages and Gail R. Hendrickson and Leonard E.<br />

Newell's A <strong>Bibliography</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> Language Dictionaries and Vocabularies.<br />

Since this editor used other bibliographies as source materials and not the actual works<br />

themselves, a number <strong>of</strong> discrepancies were found between different sources which cited<br />

the same work. With the help <strong>of</strong> Dr. Andrew Gonzalez, FSC, an attempt was made to find<br />

out which has the correct information. However, any errors found within are the sole<br />

responsibility <strong>of</strong> the editor.<br />

Some authors have entries under more than one name (i.e. maidenlmarried or reaYpseu-<br />

donyrn), or they were a secondary author. So there is cross-referencing to these entries. Each<br />

entry has a number set <strong>of</strong>f in the right column and the range <strong>of</strong> entry numbers for a given<br />

page are found in the header to make finding an entry easier.<br />

Not all bibliographies agreed on how to list authors, particularly Hispanic names. In<br />

this work names like Pedro de la Cruz Avila are listed as Avila, Pedro de la Cruz. However,<br />

Lorenzo Hewas y Panduro is listed as Hewas y Panduro, Lorenzo. Names like Georg von<br />

der Gabelentz are listed as Gabelentz, Georg von der.<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> the size <strong>of</strong> the bibliography, the index by languages only lists the entry<br />

numbers from the bibliography. Because many languages have a large number <strong>of</strong> works<br />

about that language, each language section <strong>of</strong> the index is further divided into subcategories<br />

according to the kind <strong>of</strong> material each work covers.<br />

1. GRAM - Grammar<br />

2. PHON - Phonemics (including morphophonemics)<br />

3. MOR - Morphology<br />

4. SYN - Syntax<br />

5. LEX - Lexical (including dictionaries, word lists and vocabularies)<br />

6. DIS - Discourse<br />

7. SEM - Semantics<br />

l~ull publication information <strong>of</strong> source bibliographies can be found on page 355.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

8. HIST - Historical<br />

9. COMP - Comparative<br />

10. SOC - Sociolinguistics<br />

1 1. TEXT - Text (including text analysis)<br />

12. WRIT - Orthography and alphabets<br />

13. PED - Pedagogical materials<br />

14. THE0 - Theoretical<br />

15. GEN - General or unknown topic<br />

Some uorks col.cr Illore than oric <strong>of</strong> these categories. therefore. that entq numbcr ~ 111<br />

be listed under each subscct~on.<br />

In most cases, the language name is in the title, so the entry is listed in the index under<br />

that name. In cases in which the name does not appear in the title, the editor attempted to<br />

find out what language was studied. The ones identified are listed under that language. Those<br />

not identified are listed in the section under general language study. Any errors in this also<br />

belong to the editor.<br />

Languages that are a part <strong>of</strong> a family <strong>of</strong> languages are grouped by thc family name (i.c.<br />

Central Caga! all Agta is listed as Agta: Central Cagayan). in some cases. it is known what<br />

the language filliiily is but not the dialect. thus Agta: Unidentified.<br />

Some languages are cross-referenced with another language name. This was done<br />

because there may be some who believe that these are in fact the same language, while others<br />

may disagree. The editor does not wish to take sides, but only give the reader another place<br />

to look. The reader can decide for himself.<br />

In cases where it is clear that there are various names (or spellings) for the same<br />

language, they are listed with the name in current use (i.e. Ivatan [Batanes, Ibatan]).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Journals<br />

Abbreviation<br />

AAOJ<br />

AFLS<br />

AIA<br />

AJP<br />

AL<br />

AmAnth<br />

ArAnth<br />

AnLat<br />

ANTHR<br />

AsiaPer<br />

AU<br />

Aus<br />

BNI<br />

BolFil<br />

BPES<br />

BSLP<br />

BSOAS<br />

CF<br />

CurAnth<br />

DayMir<br />

DisAbs<br />

EAMil<br />

EdQ<br />

EM<br />

ENSM<br />

FEQ<br />

FEUFJ<br />

FT<br />

GFS<br />

HistBul<br />

HJAS<br />

IAE<br />

I JAL<br />

J A<br />

JAOS<br />

JEAS<br />

JHUC<br />

Journal title<br />

Abbreviations<br />

American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal<br />

Asian Folklore Studies (formerly Folklore Studies)<br />

Archivo Ibero-Americana<br />

American Journal <strong>of</strong> Philology<br />

Anthropological <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

American Anthropologist<br />

Archiv Air Anthropologie<br />

Annali Lateranensi<br />

Anthropos<br />

Asian Perspectives<br />

Afrika und ijbersee<br />

Ausland-Kurier<br />

Bijdragen tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde<br />

Boletim de Filologia<br />

Bulletin Palestine Exploration Society<br />

Bulletin de la Societk de Linguistique de Paris<br />

Bulletin <strong>of</strong> the School <strong>of</strong> Oriental (and Afiican from 1939) Studies<br />

Cultura Filipina<br />

Current Anthropology<br />

The Daily Mirror (Manila)<br />

Dissertation Abstracts<br />

East Asia Millions (later: China Millions; then: The Millions)<br />

Educational Quarterly<br />

Ethnomusicology<br />

Evening News Saturday Magazine (Manila)<br />

Far Eastern Quarterly<br />

Far Eastern University Faculty Journal<br />

Filipino Teacher<br />

Graduate and Faculty Studies<br />

The <strong>Philippine</strong> Historical Association Historical Bulletin<br />

Harvard Journal <strong>of</strong> Asiatic Studies<br />

<strong>International</strong>es Archiv Atr Ethnographic<br />

<strong>International</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> American <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

(Nouveau) Journal Asiatique<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> the American Oriental Society<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> East Asiatic Studies<br />

Johns Hopkins University Circulars<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Abbreviation Journal title<br />

JIA<br />

JPS<br />

JRAI<br />

JSBRAS<br />

JSO<br />

JrBResSoc<br />

KAD<br />

KonSacGesWis<br />

LAMP<br />

Lang<br />

LCCP-A<br />

LL<br />

LSPM<br />

LSPSM<br />

MagWikP<br />

MSTEQ<br />

NLing<br />

NTr<br />

OL<br />

OLSP<br />

OPTAT<br />

Pa<br />

PIPL<br />

PD<br />

PE '<br />

PeBa<br />

PEduc<br />

PFP<br />

PhilEdFor<br />

PhilEdMag<br />

PJE<br />

Pn<br />

PJLSM<br />

PJLT<br />

PJS<br />

PL-A<br />

PL-c<br />

PM<br />

PMASAL<br />

PQCS<br />

PR<br />

PracAnth<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> the Polynesian Society<br />

The Journal <strong>of</strong> the Royal Asiatic Society <strong>of</strong> Great Britain and Ireland<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> the Straits Branch <strong>of</strong> the Royal Asiatic Society (Malaya)<br />

Journal Societe Oceanistes<br />

The Journal <strong>of</strong> the Burma Research Society<br />

Kadipan<br />

Kaniglich-SSLchsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften<br />

Little Apostle <strong>of</strong> the Mountain Province<br />

Language<br />

Linguistic Circle <strong>of</strong> Canberra, Publications Series A<br />

Language Learning<br />

Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s Monograph<br />

Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s Special Monograph<br />

Magasin ng Wikang Pilipino<br />

Manila Secondary Teachers English Quarterly<br />

Notes on <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

Notes on Translation<br />

Oceanic <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

Oceanic <strong>Linguistics</strong> Special Publication<br />

Occasional Papers in Translation and Textlinguistics (now Journal<br />

<strong>of</strong> Translation and Textlinguistics)<br />

Panorama<br />

Papers in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

Pacific Discovery<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Education<br />

Pembina Bahasa Indonesia<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Educator<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s Free Press<br />

The <strong>Philippine</strong> Educational Forum<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Education Magazine<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> Education<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> Special Monograph<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Journal for Language Teaching<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> Science<br />

Pacific <strong>Linguistics</strong>, series A<br />

Pacific <strong>Linguistics</strong>, series C<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Magazine<br />

Publications Michigan Academy <strong>of</strong> Science, Arts, and Letters<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Quarterly <strong>of</strong> Culture and Society<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Review<br />

Practical Anthropology<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Abbreviation Journal title<br />

PrM Primitive Man<br />

PS <strong>Philippine</strong> Studies<br />

PSR <strong>Philippine</strong> Sociological Review<br />

PSSHR<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Social Sciences and Humanities Review<br />

PSSR <strong>Philippine</strong> Social Science Review<br />

QJMS Quarterly Journal Mythic Society<br />

RazFe Razon y Fe<br />

RIPL Readings in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

<strong>SIL</strong>WP<br />

Summer Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> Work Papers<br />

SIPL Studies in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

SLQ<br />

SMJ<br />

Saint Louis Quarterly<br />

Sarawak Museum Journal<br />

SMM Saturday Mirror Magazine (Manila)<br />

STM Sunday Times Magazine (Manila)<br />

SWJA Southwestern Journal <strong>of</strong> Anthropology<br />

TBT The Bible Translator<br />

Tch Jr The Teachers Journal<br />

TeReo<br />

TITLV<br />

Te Re0<br />

Tijdschrift voor Indishe Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde<br />

TNI Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie<br />

TransNYAcadSci Transactions <strong>of</strong> the New York Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences<br />

TWM This Week (Magazine)<br />

VerBerGesAnth Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft Alr Anthropologie, Ethnologie<br />

und Urgeschichte<br />

WG<br />

Welt als Geschichte Zeitschrift fir Universalgeschichthiche Forschung<br />

WP Wikang Pambansa<br />

ZE Zielprache English<br />

ZEthnol Zeitschrifi Alr Ethnologie<br />

Institutions<br />

Abbreviation Institution<br />

CPU<br />

DECS<br />

ILT<br />

INL<br />

IPL<br />

LSP<br />

MEC(S)<br />

PNC<br />

<strong>SIL</strong><br />

UCLA<br />

Central <strong>Philippine</strong> University<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Education, Culture and Sports<br />

Institute for Language Teaching<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> National Language (now Komision sa Wikang Filipino)<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages (formerly Institute <strong>of</strong> National<br />

Language, now Komision sa Wikang Filipino)<br />

Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education, Culture (and Sports)<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Normal College (now <strong>Philippine</strong> Normal University)<br />

Summer Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

University <strong>of</strong> California, Los Angeles<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Abbreviation Institution<br />

UP University <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

UST University <strong>of</strong> Santo Tomas<br />

General<br />

Abbreviation Equivalent<br />

comp(s)<br />

ed(s)<br />

et a1<br />

Impr<br />

Lit<br />

I I<br />

mirneo<br />

nd<br />

"P<br />

P/PP<br />

prepub<br />

SSSR<br />

Tip<br />

k(s)<br />

vol(s)<br />

(1<br />

[ 1<br />

compiler(s)<br />

edited or edition or editor(s)<br />

various<br />

Imprenta<br />

Litografia<br />

leaves<br />

mimeographed<br />

not dated<br />

no publisher named or not published<br />

pagelpages<br />

prepublication<br />

USSR<br />

Tipografia<br />

translator(s)<br />

volume(s)<br />

additional publication information<br />

translation <strong>of</strong> title<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Anonymous<br />

nd<br />

nd<br />

<strong>Bibliography</strong> Alpha betically Listed by Author<br />

"Diccionario Espaiiol-Tagalo. " Np.<br />

"A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> some Tagalog and English<br />

structures." Ateneo de Manila University. Mimeo.<br />

"A pilot book for Bisayan." Ateneo de Manila. Mimeo.<br />

"Agta (Casiguran Valley)-English dictionary." Np.<br />

369 lvs.<br />

"Anciens alphabets des Philipines." Np.<br />

"Arte de la lengua (Ibanag) de 10s ipdios de la Nueva<br />

Segovia. " Np.<br />

"Arte de la lengua Pampanga." Np.<br />

"Arte de la lengua Tagala." Np. 4 Ivs<br />

"Arte de la lengua Tagala." Np. (Different than the<br />

previous title).<br />

"Arte Tagalo en verso Castellano." Np.<br />

"Arte Tagalo en verso Latino." Np.<br />

"Ata dictionary." Np. 163 lvs.<br />

"Ateneo Tagalog lessons." Quezon City: Ateneo<br />

Language Center.<br />

(Bamboo rolls in Mangyan). Np.<br />

(Bamboo rolls in Newberry Library, in Tagbanua). Np.<br />

"Binukid morphology." Manila: Ateneo de Manila<br />

Graduate School, Department <strong>of</strong> Languages and<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong>.<br />

"Binukid phonemes." Manila: Ateneo Graduate School.<br />

"Botolan Samba1 storybook." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 199 lvs.<br />

"Bucabulario Yloco." Np.<br />

"Coleccion de palabras que la emperatriz de Russia<br />

mando traducir en 10s diferentes idiomas de estas islas."<br />

NP.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

lld<br />

"Diccionario Cebuano-Espaiiol. " Np<br />

"Diccion,lno Espafiol-Ilocano-Calasiao ' In '4 (;u~c/o to<br />

the Iloitnro .\I~~I*IL aIKottza~lcc.~, Juan T Burgos<br />

Pangasinan lmprenta Calasiao<br />

"Drills in Tagalog pronunciation. " Quezon City:<br />

Ateneo de Manila. Mimeo.<br />

"Gramatica Tagala. " Np<br />

"Grammatica en lengua Batanes." Np. 4 Ivs.<br />

"Kapampangan-Tagalog-English dictionary. " Np.<br />

21-42 1 Anonymous<br />

"Lists <strong>of</strong> 154 English words, mostly printed, with their<br />

equivalents in dialects <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s added in<br />

manuscript." Np. 51 1vs.<br />

"Maranao." Washington, DC: Peace Corps. 2 vols.<br />

Mimeo.<br />

"Moro manuscript fragments." Np. 25 + 26 Ivs<br />

"Paranan language lessons." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong><br />

"Phonemic analysis <strong>of</strong> Capiznon." Manila: Ateneo de<br />

Manila Graduate School. 11 lvs.<br />

"Photographs <strong>of</strong> three ancient manuscripts antedating<br />

the Spanish occupation: Old stories <strong>of</strong> the Bisayans."<br />

NP.<br />

"Reglas para aprender urbanidad. Nachinananan du<br />

mapia dadacay: Aumana urbanidad." Np. 15 Ivs.<br />

"Sorsogon Bicol lessons." Np. 43 Ivs<br />

"Spanish loan words common to Tagalog, Subanun,<br />

Iloko, Hiligaina, Sulu, and Bikol." Np. 102 lvs. Mimeo<br />

"Tagalisches worterbuch. " Germany: np. 401 Ivs.<br />

"Tagalog terminology with English equivalents." Np.<br />

"Talatinigang Nippon-go-Pilipino" [Japanese-Filipino<br />

dictionary]. Np. 234 Ivs.<br />

"The English-Maranaw dictionary." Np. 75 + 8 Ivs.<br />

"Visayan field manual." Ateneo de Manila. Mimeo.<br />

"Visayan grammar. " Np.<br />

"Vocabulario Castellano, Bicol e Ingles." Np. 32 lvs<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Anonymous / 43-62<br />

(Alcina manuscript). Madrid: Library <strong>of</strong> the Royal<br />

Palace.<br />

"Arte de la lengua Pangasinan." Np. 134 lvs.<br />

"Arte de la lengua Pampanga." Np.<br />

"Vocabulario Tagalo." Np. 320 lvs<br />

"Arte Tagalog. " Np.<br />

"Vocabulario de la lengua Camarina o Bicol." Manila:<br />

np. 919 lvs.<br />

"Arte de la lengua Tagala compuesta por un religioso<br />

del orden de Predicadores." Manila. 4 lvs.<br />

"Arte Tagalog. " Np.<br />

"Gramatica Isinay." Np.<br />

"Tesauro de la lengua de Pangasinan." Np. 200 lvs.<br />

"Vocabulario Castellano-Calamiano." Np.<br />

"Dictionarium Hispano-Tagalicum. " Np. 335 lvs<br />

"Tables <strong>of</strong> the Tagala, Pampanga, Javanese, Balinese,<br />

Korinchi, Bugis, Lampong, Batta and Dijang Alphabets;<br />

with Keys, etc. on 3 1 sheets." Np. 32 lvs.<br />

Arte de la Lengua Zebuana. Sampaloc, Manila.<br />

616 + 16 pp.<br />

"Arte de la Lengua Zebuana, de 10s naturales Bisayas<br />

en Filipinas." Np. 79 lvs.<br />

Arte de la Lengua Zebuana, sacado del que escribio el<br />

P. F. Francisco Encina. Manila: Imprenta de J. M.<br />

Dayot, por T. Oliva. 168 + 8 pp.<br />

"Arte del idioma Gaddang en la mision de Paniqui." Np.<br />

Diccionario Espaiiol-Ibanag. Religiosos Dominicos.<br />

"Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der<br />

Wissenschaften. " Philosophische-historische Klasse<br />

50(3):3 18-326.<br />

Diccionario Espaiiol-lbanag; o sea, tesauro Hispano-<br />

Cagayan. Manila: Imprenta de Ramirez y Giraudier.<br />

511 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Arte del Idioma Visaya de Samar y Leyte. Binondo,<br />

Manila: Imprenta del Bruno Gonzalez Moras. 2d ed<br />

Ensayo de Gramatica Hispano-Tagala. Manila:<br />

Establecimiento Tipografico Ciudad Condal de Plana y<br />

Compaiiia. 72 pp.<br />

"Diccionario Batan-Castellano. " Np. 198 lvs.<br />

Para zrn Diccionario de la Administracion, del<br />

Comercio y de la Vida Practica en Filipinas. Manila<br />

420 pp.<br />

"Sanskritsche Moorden in het Tagala." Leiden,<br />

Netherlands. 564 111s.<br />

Diccionario Bisaya-Espaiiol y Espaiiol-Bisaya. Manila:<br />

Tipografico de Amigos del Pais.<br />

Cartilla Moro-Castellana para 10s Maguindanaos.<br />

Manila: Imprenta y Litografia de M. Perez. 55 pp.<br />

Exposicion de Filipinas (Colleccion de articulos<br />

publicados en El Globo, Diario illustrado politico,<br />

cientifico, y literario). Madrid: El Globo. 220 + 2 pp.<br />

Compendio de Historia Universal desde la Creacion<br />

del mundo rasta la Venida de Jesuscristo Y un Breve<br />

Vocabulario en Castellano y en Moro-Maguindanao.<br />

Singapore: Tmprenta de Koh Yew Hean. vi + 146 pp.<br />

Colleccion de Refranes, Frases y Modisrnos Tagalos,<br />

Traducidos y Explicados en Castellano por 10s Padres,<br />

Fr. Gregorio Martin y Fr. Mariano M. Cuadrado.<br />

Manila: Imprenta del Asilo de Huerfanos de Nuestra<br />

Seiiora de la Consolacion. 231 pp.<br />

"Diccionario Tiruray-Espaiiol." Np.<br />

"English-Sulu-Malay vocabulary. " In Epistolario<br />

Rizalino 4: 1 185. London.<br />

"Dos palabras sobre el idoma Isinay." La Politica de<br />

Espaiia en Filipinas 5:2 1.<br />

Vocabulario Castellano-lngles, (el mas completo que se<br />

ha publicado seguido de un pequeno diccionario<br />

Castellano-Tagalo-Ingles). Manila: Tipografico de J.<br />

Marty. 107 + 60 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Manual de Conversation en Castellano, Visaya e Ingles<br />

(con la pronunciacionfigurada). Cebu: Imprenta del<br />

Seminario de San Carlos. 25 pp.<br />

"Orthography <strong>of</strong> place names in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s."<br />

Geographical Journal 18:620-62 1.<br />

"Sulu Vocabulary. " In The <strong>Philippine</strong> Islands, 1493-<br />

1803, by Emma H. Blair and James A. Robertson,<br />

xxxiii-xxxiv. Cleveland: A. H. Clark Co.<br />

Diccionario Espaiiol-Ibatan. Manila: Tipografico de<br />

Santo Tomas. 574 pp.<br />

"Sambali folklore, social customs and beliefs." Np.<br />

Dictionary-vocabulary: Pilipino-English-Japanese-<br />

Ilocano-Tagalog. Honolulu: Juan de la Cruz Bookroom.<br />

2d ed. 146 pp.<br />

"Bisayan Grammar. " Np. 62 lvs.<br />

Vocabulario Triliiigue en Castellano, Bisaya, y Ingles<br />

Mandurriao, Iloilo: La Panayana.<br />

Vocabulario lbatan-EspaEol. Manila: Imprenta de la<br />

Universidad de Santo Tomas. 260 pp.<br />

Paraan ng Pagsulat ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: The<br />

San Juan Press.<br />

"Sa pagbuo ng isang ortographyang panlahat ng wikang<br />

Tagalog. " Mabuhay (November 13).<br />

BokabuEario nga Binisaya, Kinastila kag Iningles<br />

Iloilo: Makinaugalingon. 10 1 pp.<br />

"A Tagalog-English dictionary." Tokyo: np. 146 lvs.<br />

English-Tagalog-Spanish Dictionary for Catholic<br />

Schools. Manila: Philippinc Book Co.<br />

"National language: Literature vs. grammar. " STM 2: 3.<br />

Pampaaralang Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila:<br />

M. E. Anatalio. 4 vols.<br />

"Taosug exercises." Np. 62 lvs.<br />

"Ifbgao-Dutch dctionary. " Mountain Province: np<br />

364 lvs.<br />

"Wastong pangungusap" WP 1(3):36-37.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

96-1 11 / Anonymous<br />

"Kasaysayan ng Mga Salita." WP 1(3):14; 1(4):33; 96<br />

1(5):35; l(7): 16.<br />

"Panukalang talatinigang Ingles-Tagalog. " WP 97<br />

1(3):21-28; l(4): 19-30; l(5): 17-32; 1(6):20-27;<br />

1(7): 17-28.<br />

"Banghay ng aralin sa wikang pambansa (para sa una at 98<br />

ikalawang baitang)." WP 7:3 1-38.<br />

Mohammedan Tongues. Pampanga: Community Press. 99<br />

Isang L~bo 't Isang Bugtong, Tlnlpon, Innaa yos, at 100<br />

\ ilrrro~~ rri~ i7i. 7hp \ 7(' Pole~fnr ' nnrify<br />

Pngkallmbag Malabon, R~zal NTC Press. 124 pp<br />

"An aid to the learning <strong>of</strong> the Visayan language for 101<br />

those with English speaking background." In Visayan<br />

Field Manual. Np.<br />

"Visayan Field Manual: An aid to the learning <strong>of</strong> the 102<br />

Visayan language for those with English speaking<br />

background." Np.<br />

"Files <strong>of</strong> linguistic material on Mindoro Mangyan 103<br />

languages. " China Inland Mission. Mimeo.<br />

Rizal Kundiman (Printed in the ancient Tagalog script 104<br />

with a "Preface" by Rufino Alejandro, and an<br />

'Introduction" by Tage U. H. Ellinger). Manila:<br />

Carmelo and Bauermann Inc.<br />

"Vocabulary list <strong>of</strong> Bikol words for Grades I and 11. " 105<br />

Np.<br />

"Pampango consonants and vowels and their influence 106<br />

on English as spoken by Pampangos in Tarlac." PJLT 2.<br />

"Ateneo Tagalog course." Quezon City: Ateneo de 107<br />

Manila. Mimeo.<br />

Hiligaynon: An Intensive Course for Beginners. Hilo: 108<br />

Peace Corps Training Center.<br />

"Archaic Tagalog words." SMM (July 25): 32. 109<br />

"Report on work among the Negritos <strong>of</strong> Pampanga 110<br />

during the period from April 5 to May 31, 1908." Asia<br />

Std 2(1): 105-130.<br />

"Maugnaying talasalitaang pang-agham Ingles-Pilipino. " 1 11<br />

Maynila: Lupon sa Agham. 185 lvs. Mimeo.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Abella / 112-125 7<br />

1972 "English-Agusan Manobo dictionary. " Np. 83 lvs.<br />

1975-1977 "Tagarogu-go nyiimon" [An introduction to Tagalog]<br />

Filipinas 1:41-42; 2:46; 3:46; 4:47; 5:6; 6:6.<br />

1977 "Tagarogu-go no ky6kasho ni tsuite" [On textbooks <strong>of</strong><br />

the Tagalog language]. Filipinas 6:5.<br />

Abadiano, Balbina - See also 116<br />

1988 "Functions <strong>of</strong> rhetorical questions in the Kinaray-a<br />

language. " NTr 2(1):40-47.<br />

Abadiano, Ted and Balbina Abadiano<br />

nd "Kinaray-a phonemics and morphophonemics. " Manila:<br />

TAP. 25 lvs.<br />

Abasolo-Enriquez, Lorenza - See 1195, 1196<br />

Abbott, Shirley<br />

1959 "Three major sentence types in Amganad Ifigao."<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 7 lvs.<br />

196 1 "Amganad Tfugao marking particles." Mii;lila: <strong>SIL</strong><br />

1 l lvs.<br />

1963 "Phrase Description (Ifugao)." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 5 lvs<br />

1963 "Queries or points to ponder (Ifugao)." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

3 Ivs.<br />

1963 "Verb stem classes (Amganad Ifugao)." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

I0 lvs.<br />

1966 "Independent verbal clauses <strong>of</strong> Ata Manobo." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. ii + 16 lvs.<br />

Abbott, Shirley and Patricia M. Hartung, comps<br />

nd "Ata Manobo texts." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 24 Ivs.<br />

Abbott, Shirley and Robert E. Longacre<br />

1968 "Discourse and paragraph structure <strong>of</strong> Ata Manobo."<br />

Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 24 lvs.<br />

Abella, D. Venancio Maria de<br />

1882 El Secretario Filipino, manual espistolar Espafiol-<br />

Tagalo. Manila: Ch<strong>of</strong>rk y Compafiia. 2d ed. 197 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

8 126-139 1 Abella y Cesariego<br />

Abella y Cesariego , Venancio Manuel<br />

1868 Vademecum Filipino o Manual de Coizversacion<br />

Familiar Espanlol-Tagalog: vocabulario de modismus<br />

Manilenlo. Binondo: Imprenta de Amigos del Pais.<br />

415 pp. (Other eds, 1876. Manila: Mirables. 116 pp;<br />

1882. Binondo: Imprenta de Amigos del Pais. 415 pp).<br />

Abrams, Doris - See 139<br />

Abrarns, Norman - See also 3390-3392<br />

nd "Bilaan text with literal and free translations." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 71 lvs.<br />

nd "Some Proto-Malayo-Polynesian reflexes in Bilaan."<br />

Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 4 ivs.<br />

1953 "Ifugao <strong>of</strong> Hapao. Lexico-statistic list." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong><br />

4 lvs.<br />

1953 "lfugao <strong>of</strong> Hungauan. Lexico-statistic list." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 4 lvs.<br />

1954 "Wordlist in Mansaka. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong><br />

1961 "A short list <strong>of</strong> Mansaka flora and their uses." PJS<br />

90:25-36.<br />

1961 "The verb complex in Bilaan." Unpublished MA them,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Washington.<br />

1961 "Word base classes in Bilaan." L~rzgrta 10(4):391-402.<br />

1963 "Historical development <strong>of</strong> Bilaan vowrels and sonie<br />

consonant reflexes in Bilaan and related dialects." PSR<br />

1 l(1-2): 147-54.<br />

1963 "Vowel quantity in Mansaka. " PJS 92(2): 195-204<br />

1967 "A summary <strong>of</strong> paragraph and discourse types in<br />

Bilaan." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 58 lvs.<br />

1970 "Bilaan morphology." Papers in <strong>Philippine</strong> Lingzristics<br />

3: 1-62. (PL-A 24).<br />

Abrams, Norman and Doris Abrams<br />

1967 "Bilaan sentences." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. i +33 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Aebersold / 140-151 9<br />

Abubakar, Norma M.<br />

1969 "The segmental phonemes <strong>of</strong> Tausug and English: a 140<br />

contrastil e study." Unpublished MA thesis. Silliman<br />

University, Dumaguete City.<br />

Abundo, Amelia P.<br />

1976 "Diyalektolohiyang Tagalog sa lalawigan ng Bataan. " 141<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, PNC.<br />

Acidre, Soledad Balintong<br />

1974 "Proposed basis lists in Pilipino for Waray-speaking<br />

grade-one learners. " Unp~~blished MA thesis, UP.<br />

140 lvs.<br />

142<br />

Acosta, Juan Facundo, OESA<br />

nd "Arte Bisaya." Np.<br />

Acosta, Rafael<br />

1906 "Diversity <strong>of</strong> Filipino languages. " The Filipino<br />

1(2):16-17.<br />

Adelung, Johann Christoph<br />

1806- 18 17 Mithridates, Oder Allgemeine Sprachenkunde. Berlin: 145<br />

Vossischen Buchhandlung. 3 parts, 4 vols.<br />

Adriani, Nicolaus - See also 3230<br />

1893 "Sangireesch texten. Met Vertaling en Aanteekeningen." 146<br />

BNI 8:321-440. (Reprinted, 1894. BNI 44: 1- 168;<br />

386-449; 46 1-524).<br />

1893 Sangireesche Spraakkunst. Leiden: A. H . Adriani. 147<br />

xiii + 288 pp.<br />

1903 "Taumata." In Album Kern. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 420 pp. 148<br />

1928 Lijst van de Geschripen van Dr. N. Adriani. Leiden: 149<br />

E. J. Brill. 12 pp.<br />

Aebersold, Walter E. - See also 3358<br />

1952 "Het vertaal van Himbawo, een Sangireesch<br />

heldendicht." BNI 108:265-297.<br />

1959 "Sasahola Laanang Manandu-De Lange Sasahola. " 151<br />

BNI 115:372-389.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

10 152-161 I Afdal<br />

Afdal, Eden G.<br />

1965 "A Descriptive-Contrastive Analysis <strong>of</strong> English and 152<br />

Maguindanao Consonants and Vowels." Unpublished<br />

seminar paper, UP. 75 lvs.<br />

Afenir, Juan 0.<br />

1949 Dlccionario Dagiti Tallo a Pegsasao. Dagupan City: 153<br />

Gonz.alo H Mcndo1.a. 135 pp.<br />

1949 "Dictionary in three languages: English-Ilocano- 154<br />

Spanish. " Dagupan City, <strong>Philippine</strong>s. 132 lvs.<br />

Afenir, Juan 0. and Reynaldo de Dios<br />

1967 English-Tagalog-I!okano Pocket Dictionary. Manila: 155<br />

Manalili Booksellers. 378 pp.<br />

Agagas, Pascual, Margaret Schuster and Hella E. Goschnick<br />

1978 "Tina Sambal: Text 1 (folktale texts)." S/PL 2(2):32-34. 156<br />

Agayoc, Maxirno, Jr. - See also 2877<br />

Agayoc, Maxirno, Jr., cornp<br />

1981 "Sa rnababa ha diksyunari hu haepat ha inikagiyan 157<br />

(A short four-language dictionary: English-Binukid-<br />

Cebuano Visayan-Pilipino). " Np.<br />

Agbayani, A.<br />

1943 "It \\.as not alw;~!.s '<strong>Philippine</strong>s."' I'K l(2): 15-18, 158<br />

Agee, Walter<br />

1959 "Ilocano equivalents <strong>of</strong> the comparative 159<br />

Malayo-Polonesian-English word list." <strong>SIL</strong>WP 3:45-46.<br />

Agoncillo, Fe S.<br />

1962 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Cebuano." 160<br />

California: UCLA project for Speech 103K.<br />

Agoncillo, Maria R.<br />

1922 "Some influences <strong>of</strong> the English language on the 161<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s." Unpublished MA thesis, UP.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Aguilar / 162- 176<br />

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. - See also 203<br />

1936 "The use <strong>of</strong> 'Ng' and 'Nang' in Tagalog." Torch<br />

(March): 12-15.<br />

1940 "Idiomatic and metaphoric expressions and slang."<br />

Mag WikP (November).<br />

1940 "Pag-aaral sa salitikan." Mabuhay Extra (September 25).<br />

1941 Tagalog-English Vocabulary. Manila: INL. 176 pp.<br />

1943 "The dilemma <strong>of</strong> the national language. " PR l(5): 1 5- 1 8.<br />

1952 "The development <strong>of</strong> the Tagalog language and<br />

literature." FEUFJ 1:70-89.<br />

1953 "How the Filipino national language is actually being<br />

developed." PE 8(4):41-44.<br />

1953 "Magandang pananagalog." KAD (March).<br />

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. and Gregorio F. Zaide<br />

1941 Ang Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas. Manila: M. Colcol. 372 pp.<br />

Aguas, Estrella Floro<br />

1964 "English composition errors <strong>of</strong> Tagalog speakers and<br />

implications for analytical theory. " Unpublished EdD<br />

dissertation, UCLA. 304 Ivs.<br />

Aguilar, Jose Nieto<br />

1893 ( 'ol(~ti~:ni 1017 (Jt' l.~lrp~nn~ Madrid A Alonso<br />

Aguilar, Jose V.<br />

1952 "The significance <strong>of</strong> bilingualism in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

education." PJE 30:391-392.<br />

1955 "Vernaculars and English as tools <strong>of</strong> value structure."<br />

PJE 33:438-440.<br />

Aguilar, Teopisto and Edward Ruch<br />

1978 "Calamian Tagbanwa: Text 1 (Folktale texts)." SIPL<br />

2(2):44-52.<br />

1978 "Calamian Tagbanwa: Text 2 (Folktale texts)." SIPL<br />

2(2):53-61.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Agulan, Roque<br />

nd "English-Tagalo-Ilocano vocabulario kon Castilla<br />

Filipina. " Np.<br />

Ahern, George Patrick<br />

1901 "Classification <strong>of</strong> woods." In <strong>Philippine</strong> Islands, 35-40<br />

Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.<br />

(Bureau <strong>of</strong> Forestry Special Report).<br />

1901 "Tree species <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong> Islands." In <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Islands, 1 - 16. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Forestry.<br />

1902 "List <strong>of</strong> species <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong> Islands." In Annual<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Bureau <strong>of</strong> Forestry, 478. Manila.<br />

1902 "The species <strong>of</strong> timber <strong>of</strong> southern Bataan." In Annual<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> the Bureau <strong>of</strong> Forestry, 495-496. Manila.<br />

1904 "Native tree species." In <strong>Philippine</strong> Islands, 51-52.<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Forestry.<br />

Aichele, W.<br />

1954 "Sprachforschung und Geschichte im indonesischen<br />

Raum. " Oriens Extremus 1 : 107- 122.<br />

Aiyar, M. S.<br />

1934 "Hindi influences in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s." QJMS<br />

25:103-113.<br />

Ajero, Rogerio R.<br />

11 d Hilinga; Poonan Pagbasa. Manila: Materials Production<br />

Center, Bureau <strong>of</strong> Public Schools. 26 pp.<br />

1956 Sa Aro-aldaw; Poonan Adlan. Manila: Materials<br />

Production Center, Bureau <strong>of</strong> Public Schools. 100 pp.<br />

Alafont, Mariano, OESA<br />

nd "Arte facil para aprenderel Espafiol y Pampango." Np<br />

1786 "Arte de la lengua Espaiiola para uso de 10s naturales<br />

de la provincia de la Pampanga." Np.<br />

1889 "Notas y adiciones a1 arte Pampango del Padre 189<br />

Vergaiio. " Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Alejandro I 190-203 13<br />

Albano, Virginia G.<br />

1961 "A study <strong>of</strong> the chief pronunciation difficulties <strong>of</strong> 190<br />

Ilokano learners <strong>of</strong> English." California: UCLA term<br />

project for Speech 103K.<br />

Albas, Pablo Y.<br />

1964 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Magindanao 191<br />

verbs." Unpublished MA thesis, CPU.<br />

Albuquerque, Agustin de<br />

1570- 1580? "Arte de la lengua Tagala." Np<br />

Alcazar, Antonio V.<br />

1921 Diccionario Visaya-Espaiiol. Manila: Imprenta y<br />

Litografia de Santos y Bernal.<br />

Alejandro, Rufino - See also 1210, 3789<br />

1946 Everyday Tagalog. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 2d ed. 194<br />

149 pp. (Other ed, 1950).<br />

1948 "A study <strong>of</strong> Tagalog verbs." Unpublished PhD 195<br />

dissertation, UST.<br />

1949 "Mga parnantayan sa balarila." Paruparo serial. 196<br />

(EP 17:31).<br />

1951 "Ang paghahanay ng mga salita sa Tagalog. " WP 197<br />

l(5): 1-4.<br />

1952 "Basic plan for the simplification <strong>of</strong> Tagalog grammar." 198<br />

NP.<br />

1952 "Mga pamantayan sa pananagalog." WP 1(7):6-7. 199<br />

1963 A Handbook <strong>of</strong> Tagalog Grammar with Exercises. 200<br />

Manila: University Book Supply. xiii + 22 1 pp. (Other<br />

eds, 1947; 1954).<br />

1964-1965 "Meeting the national language problem." FEUFJ 201<br />

9(2):50-58.<br />

1964-65 "For a new Tagalog grammar." FEUFJ 9(3):47-52. 202<br />

Alejandro, Rufino, T. A. Agoncillo and P. R. Glorioso<br />

1954 Vocabulary List for Teaching Various Subjects in the 203<br />

Filipino Language. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 12 pp.<br />

(INL paper 1).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

14 204-213 i Alejandro<br />

Alejandro, Rufino and Amparo R. Buhain<br />

1962 A Word Building Tagalog-English Dictionary. Manila: 204<br />

Abiva Publishing House. 110 pp.<br />

Alejandro, Rufino, et al.<br />

1951 Pagsasalita at Pagsulat. Maynila: Bookman Inc.<br />

Alejandro, Rufino and I. Pineda<br />

1950 Ang Ating Panitikan. Maynila: Bookman Inc<br />

Alejandro, Rufino and Ismael Santos<br />

1947 Gintong Aklat, 0, mga Pusong Dakila at mga Pusong<br />

Bayani. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. vii + 114 pp.<br />

Aleman y Gonzales, Jacobo<br />

I890 "L'lle de la Paragua (<strong>Philippine</strong>sj." Bulletin <strong>of</strong> La<br />

Societe Academique Indo-Chinois 2(3):328-335.<br />

Alijera, Natalia Fedorovna<br />

1963 "0 prinEipach sostavlenija slovarej jazykov 209<br />

indonezijskoj gn.lppy7' [On the principles <strong>of</strong> compilation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Indonesian languages dictionaries]. Narody Azii i<br />

Afriki 2: 149- 152.<br />

1963 "SootnoSenije slovoobrazovatel'nych i sintaksicheskich 210<br />

funkEij glagol'nych affiksov v indonezijskom jazyke"<br />

[The relationship between word formative and<br />

syntactical functions <strong>of</strong> verbal affixes in the Indonesian<br />

language]. Voprosy Jazykoznanija 2: 103- 1 1 1.<br />

1965 "lndonezijskij tip agglutinaEiiW [Indonesian type <strong>of</strong><br />

agglunatiori]. In Lingvisticheskaja Tipologija i<br />

Vostochnyje Jazyki. Materialy Sovesc'aniia [Lrnguistic<br />

Typology and Oriental Languages], 293-296. Moskva:<br />

Nauka.<br />

211<br />

"Nekotorije osobennosti indonezijskoj agglutinaEii9' 212<br />

[Some special features <strong>of</strong> Indonesian agglutination]. In<br />

Mor-ologicheskaja Tipologija i Problema Klassifikaci'i<br />

Jazykov. [Morphological Typology and Language<br />

Classification Problems], 292-297. Moskva: Nauka.<br />

Indonezijskij Glagol. Kategorija Perekhodnosti [The 213<br />

Indonesian Verb. Category <strong>of</strong> Transitivity]. Moskva:<br />

Nauka. 142 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Allison / 2 14-224 15<br />

Alip, Eufronio M.<br />

1948 "Balangkas ng balarila ng Wikang Pambansa." Np. 214<br />

Alisjahbana, S. Takdir, ed<br />

1970 7he lfocle~n~zatron oj Lancguapec rn A.cra Paper&<br />

Pre\eiiled at the Conference <strong>of</strong> the AlaIa,vcran Socretv<br />

<strong>of</strong> Orrental~ct\ held rrz Kurrla Lunipur from Sept 29 to<br />

Ocr 1 1967 Kuala Lunlpur Malaysian Societj <strong>of</strong> Aslan<br />

Studies 35 1 pp<br />

215<br />

Allen, Janet L.<br />

1978 "Kankanaey adjuncts." SIPL 2(1):82- 102.<br />

1978 "The limiting glottal infix in Kankanaey." SIPL<br />

2(1):73-76.<br />

1989 "Definiteness as it affects participant introduction."<br />

PJL 20(1):20-43.<br />

Allen, Lawrence P.<br />

1975 "Distinctive features in Kankanaey." PJL 6(2):23-30. 219<br />

1977 "Reduplication and cyclical rule ordering in Kankanaey 220<br />

morphophonemics. " SIPL 1(2):280-95.<br />

1980 "The interaction <strong>of</strong> reduplication and phonology in 221<br />

Kankanaey. " PJL 1 1(2):27-43.<br />

Allin, Benjamin Casey<br />

1909 Allin's Standard English-Visaya Dictionary Containing 222<br />

More than Five Thousand English Words. Cebu,<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s: Falek's Printing. 260 pp.<br />

Review: Merton L. Miller. 19 11. .PJS 6:28 1<br />

Allison, E. Joseph<br />

1974 "Proto-Danao: A comparative study <strong>of</strong> Maranao,<br />

Magindanao, and Iranon. " Unpublished MA thesis,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Texas, Arlington.<br />

1977 "Discourse analysis <strong>of</strong> a Southern Samal text:<br />

'Abunan as and the beautiful widow."' SIPL<br />

l(2): 143-69.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

16 225-237 / Allison<br />

1979 "Proto-Danaw: A comparative study <strong>of</strong> Maranaw,<br />

Magindanaw, and Iranun. " Papers in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> 10:53-112. (PL-A 55. Published version <strong>of</strong><br />

1974 thesis).<br />

1979 "The phonology <strong>of</strong> Sibutu Sama: A language <strong>of</strong> the<br />

southern <strong>Philippine</strong>s. " SIPL 3(2):63- 104.<br />

Allison, Karen J.<br />

1977 "English-Sama index." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 119 lvs.<br />

Allison, Karen J., comp<br />

1979 English-Pilipino-Sama Sibutu: Basic Vocabulary<br />

Manila. STL 2nd MEC. sii +I10 pp.<br />

Alojado, Alejandria<br />

1955 "A comparative study <strong>of</strong> Hiligaynon and English<br />

idioms. " Unpublished MA thesis, CPU.<br />

Alter, Franz Carl, SJ<br />

1803 Uber die Tagalische Sprache. Wie: Johann Thomas Ed1<br />

von Trattnern. 80 pp.<br />

1981 "A Comparative Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Tagalog," tr by Marlies<br />

S. Salazar. Np.<br />

Alvaro, Francisco<br />

1800? Arte Panzpango. Madrid<br />

Alverne, Macario I,.<br />

1930 Manual for the Progressive Laborer, with Translations<br />

in Ilokano and Visayan. Honolulu. xxiv + 120 pp.<br />

Alvero, Aurelio S. - See also 3273-3275<br />

1936 "Ang pangalan sa salitikan. " Mabuhay (August 14).<br />

1938 "Ang halaga ng kudlit sa wikang Tagalog." Mabuhay<br />

(June 10).<br />

1938 "Ang halaga ng pang-abay." Mabuhay (September 4).<br />

1938 "Ang ~nga dalubhasa at 'Dalubwika. '" !\4ahuhq<br />

(June 19).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Anacleto / 238-250<br />

"Ang paghiram ng mga salitang dayuhan." Mabuhay<br />

(July 24).<br />

"Ang wikang Tagalog at ang makabagong wastuan."<br />

Mqbuhay (June 5).<br />

"Anong uri ng Tagalog ang dapat ituro." Mabuhay<br />

(June 26).<br />

"Ilang pag-aral ukol sa salitikan." Mabuhay (August 7).<br />

"Ilang tuntunin sa wika." Mabuhay (July 17).<br />

"Isang pag-aaral ukol sa panghiyas." Mabuhay<br />

(September 11).<br />

"Mga wariwari ukol sa pangtayo." Mabuhay<br />

(August 3 1).<br />

"Ngalan, pangalan, at palangalanan. " Mabuhay<br />

(August 31).<br />

A Matter <strong>of</strong> Nomenclature; Tagala. Muntinlupa, Rizal: New<br />

Bilibid Prison. vii + 16 pp.<br />

Alzate, Ismael<br />

1887 "Maipaay cadaguiti a quinputar 'noy nga libro." In<br />

Cronica de la Exposicion de Filipinas, ed by A. Flores<br />

Hernandez and R. Piquer y Martin Cortes. Madrid:<br />

Manual Gines Hernandez. 179 pp.<br />

Amil, Amil Kawi' and Charles Walton<br />

1978 "Sama Pangutaran (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2): 129-44<br />

Amil, Dayya - See 3704<br />

Amurrio, Pidel, OFM, CAP<br />

1961 Some Basic Aflxes to Form New Stems in Malayan<br />

Languages. Tagaytay City, <strong>Philippine</strong>s: Our Lady <strong>of</strong><br />

Lourdes Seminary. 12 pp.<br />

Anacleto, Elenita M.<br />

1960 "Talahuluganang Tagalog-Ingles." Np. 362 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

18 251-26 1 / Anacta<br />

Anacta, Fidel E.<br />

1960 "A study <strong>of</strong> the chief pronunciation difficulties <strong>of</strong> some<br />

Eeyte learners <strong>of</strong> English." California: UCLA term<br />

project for Speech 103K.<br />

Anceaux, J. C.<br />

1960 An English-Tagalog Dictionary. Manila: INL. 412 pp.<br />

Anchemang, Apo<br />

1987 "Nan chamon si tilin" [The origin <strong>of</strong> the rice birds]. Np.<br />

Anderson, Barbara<br />

1958 Preliminary Report on a Survey <strong>of</strong>Bikol Dialects.<br />

Chicago: <strong>Philippine</strong> Studies Program, University <strong>of</strong><br />

Chicago. 24 pp.<br />

1960 "Report on some lexico-statistical counts on languages<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Mountain Province, <strong>Philippine</strong>s." Chicago:<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Chicago. 14 Ivs.<br />

1961? "Contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> Ilongo and English." Ateneo<br />

de Manila.<br />

Anderson, James Nelson<br />

1964 "K~nship and property in a Pangasinan barrio."<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA.<br />

Anderson, Tommy Ray<br />

1962 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> Cebuano Visayan and<br />

English. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA.<br />

692 Ivs. (Abstract in DisAbs 25(7253)).<br />

1964 "A case for contrastive phonology." IJAL 2:219-230<br />

Andrada, Evelyn A.<br />

1984 "Waray-Waray-Pilipino." Unpublished MA thesis,<br />

PNC. 207 lvs.<br />

Andres De Castro, Pedro<br />

1930 Ortografia y Reglas de la Lengua Tagalog Acomodadas<br />

a sus Propios Caracteres. Reproduccion del Manuscrito<br />

Ordenada por Antonio Graiiio, Segun el Ejemplar de su<br />

Coleccion Hispano-Ultramarina. Madrid: Libreria<br />

General de Victoriano Suarez. 96 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Aquino-Buhain / 262-270 19<br />

Ang, Gertrude R. - See 2905<br />

Angeles, Epifania G. - See 2824<br />

Angos, Julian, Don, W. Murray and Mary E. Murray<br />

1978 "Tagakaulo Kalagan: Text 2 (folktale texts)." SIPL 262<br />

2(2):77-79.<br />

Antworth, Evan L.<br />

1979 A Grammatical Sketch <strong>of</strong> Botolan Sambal. Manila: LSP. 263<br />

ix + 136 pp. (PJLSM 8).<br />

1984 "Samba1 reflexes <strong>of</strong> Proto-Austronesian phonemes." In 264<br />

Studies on <strong>Philippine</strong> Minor Languages, ed by<br />

Consuelo J. Paz and Anicia del Corro, 134-4. Quezon<br />

City: Cecilio Lopez Archives <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages<br />

and UP.<br />

Ap-apid, Dinig-as, Donna Hettick and Judy Wallace<br />

1978 "Northern Kankanay: Text 1 (folktale texts)." SIPL<br />

2(2):24-28.<br />

Aparicio, Jose, OSA<br />

1894 Arte de la Lengua Bisaya-Hiligayna. Tambobong: 266<br />

Tip-litografico de Asilo de Huerfanos. iv + xviii + 270<br />

+ 6 pp. (Revised ed <strong>of</strong> Arte de la Lengua Bisaya-<br />

Hiligayna de la Isla de Panay, by A. de Mentridas).<br />

1896 "Diccionario Bisaya." Madrid.<br />

Apolonio, Romulo - See 1190<br />

Aquino, Ferderico C.<br />

1955 "An examination <strong>of</strong> the linguistic future <strong>of</strong> the 268<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, UST.<br />

Aquino, Simeon<br />

1954 "Life in Payeo. " JEAS (supplement) 3(4):561-6 1 1. 269<br />

Aquino-Buhain<br />

1957 Wikang Pilipino. Saligang aklat para sa ikalimang 2 70<br />

baitang. Sinuri ni R. Alejandro. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Book Co. 436 pp. (Other ed, 1960. Saligang aklat para<br />

sa ikaanim nu baitang. 277 pp).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

2 0 271-278 / Aquino<br />

Aquino, Rafael B. - See 1194<br />

Arakin, Vladimir Dmitrievich<br />

1964 "TipologiEeskije osobennosti slovoobrasovatel'noj 271<br />

sistemy v nekotorych jazykach indoneezijskoj gruppy"<br />

[Some pecularities <strong>of</strong> the word formation system in<br />

several Indonesian languages]. In Konferenc'ija po<br />

jazykam Jugo- Vostocitoj Azii v in-te Narodov Azii,<br />

49-50. AN SSSR Moskva.<br />

Indonezijskije Jazyki [Indonesian Languages]. Moskva: 272<br />

Nauka. 151 pp.<br />

"TipologiEeskije osobennosti slovoobrazovatel'noj 273<br />

sistemy v nekotorych jazykach indonezijskoj gruppy"<br />

[Typological features <strong>of</strong> word building systems in some<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Indonesian languages]. In Jazyki Jugo-Vostochnoj<br />

Azii [Southeast Asian Languages], 193-212. Moskva:<br />

Nauka.<br />

Arandilla, Purita A.<br />

1959 "A Contrastive Analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Hiligaynon." 274<br />

California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.<br />

Araneta, Francisco<br />

nd "The Agta and the Tagalog dialects compared." Manila: 275<br />

Ateneo de Manila. Mimeo.<br />

Araneta, Francisco and Miguel Anselmo Bernad<br />

1960 "'Bisayans' <strong>of</strong> Borneo and the 'Tagalogs' and 2 76<br />

'Visayans' <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s." SMJ 9(15- 16):542-564.<br />

Araiiador, Cerdy J.<br />

1979 "Determining the pronunciation problems <strong>of</strong> Kinaray-a 277<br />

speakers learning through contrastive analysis."<br />

Unpublished MA thesis.<br />

Arce, Alejo<br />

1955 "An approach to the standardization <strong>of</strong> writing Bicol." 278<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, University <strong>of</strong> Nueva Caceres,<br />

Naga City.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Arriola-Koizumi / 279-289<br />

Arce-Cacdac, Fausta - See 737, 738<br />

Arconada<br />

nd "Diccionario manual Espaiiol-Tagalog y<br />

Tagalog-Espaiiol. " Np.<br />

nd "Gramatica Tagala." Np.<br />

Arellano, Florentina<br />

1901 La Enseiianza del Idioma Tagalog: discurso Ieido en la<br />

apertura annual de estudios el dia 10 de Julio de 1901.<br />

Manila: Establecimiento de Modesto Reyes. 24 pp.<br />

Arent, Julian<br />

196- "Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Samar-Leyte Bisayan, Calbayog dialect."<br />

Np. 4 vols.<br />

Areonada, Martin, OESA<br />

nd "Gramatica Tagala." Np.<br />

Ariz del Corazon de Jesus, Javier, ORSA<br />

nd "Gramatica comprimida Cuyona. " Np.<br />

nd "Vocabulario Cuyono-Espaiiol y Espaiiol-Cuyono. " Np.<br />

Armour, Malcolm S. - See also 1945<br />

1984 "A comparison <strong>of</strong> narrative and hortatory discourse in<br />

Tausug." Unpublished MA thesis, University <strong>of</strong> Texas,<br />

Arlington. xiii + 197 lvs.<br />

Aroma, Juan<br />

186 1- 1862 "Compen&o de la gramatica Hispano-Ilocana,<br />

publicada por afios." Np.<br />

Arquelles, Lydia<br />

1966 "A methodology for writing verb definitions for<br />

English-Tagalog or English-English dictionary for<br />

Filipino users. " PNC.<br />

Arriola-Koizumi, Lenny<br />

1989 Firipin-go Kaiwashii [Japanese-English-Filipino<br />

(conversation)]. Tokyo: Tairyiisha. Metro Manila:<br />

National Book Store Inc. 1 16 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

2 2 290-300 1 Arrue<br />

Arrue, L.<br />

1896 Adalan sa mga Cristianos nga Insulat sa Cuyonon ig 290<br />

Quina Chila sa Isarang Padre Agustino Recoleto.<br />

Malabon: Tipo-Litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos de<br />

Nuestra Seiiora de Consolacion. 71 pp. (2d ed, 1904).<br />

Artigas y Cuerva, Manuel<br />

1894 Diccionario Technico-Historico de la Administracion 291<br />

de Filipinas. Manila.<br />

Artiguez, Bartolome<br />

1786 "Arte de la lengua de Batanes." Np.<br />

Asahi, Shimbun<br />

1942 Tagarogugo-Firippingo (Nichiy6 Namp6-go Sosho: 2) 293<br />

[Tagalog-<strong>Philippine</strong> language (A series <strong>of</strong> la~guage<br />

books <strong>of</strong> the South Seas Area: 2)]. Tokyo?: Asahi<br />

Shimbun. 108 pp.<br />

Asai, Erin<br />

nd "Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> Zambales Aeta, with Villar, Botolan,<br />

and Abalan." 22 lvs. Typewritten.<br />

1937 "Sambaresu Negurito no gengo to dozoku: I"<br />

[Linguistic and ethnological notes on the Zambales<br />

Negrito]. Namp6 Dozoku [The Ethnological Journal <strong>of</strong><br />

the South-East Asia, Oceania and Taiwan] 4(3):223-33.<br />

Ashley, Lois - See also 300, 301, 302, 1593, 3434<br />

1963 "Tausug substantive phrases." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 5 Ivs. 296<br />

Ashley, Seymour - See also 1593, 3434<br />

1964 "A descriptive analysis <strong>of</strong> Tausug." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 18 Ivs. 297<br />

1973 "A case classification <strong>of</strong> Tausug verbs." Sulu Studies 298<br />

2:70-85.<br />

1973 "Notes on Tausug orthography." Sulu Studies 2:86-94. 299<br />

Ashley, Seymour and Lois Ashley<br />

1963 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Tausug." In Papers on <strong>Philippine</strong> 308<br />

Languages I, ed by Elmer Wolfenden, 7- 17. Manila:<br />

ILT and <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Asuncion / 301-313<br />

1963 "The relationship <strong>of</strong> dramatis personae to voice and<br />

focus categories <strong>of</strong> verbal inflection in Tausug."<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 14 lvs.<br />

1971 "Outline <strong>of</strong> sentence types <strong>of</strong> Tausug." PJL 2(1):44-91.<br />

Asperilla, Saturnino Pobre<br />

1924 Vocabulario Ilocano, Castellano, English, Pangasinan.<br />

Manila: Forum Press. 100 pp.<br />

Aspillera, Paraluman S.<br />

1950 "A study <strong>of</strong> the basic words in Tagalog." Unpublished<br />

MA thesis, Centro Escolar University.<br />

1950 "Basic words in Tagalog." GAF'LS 1 : 100- 135.<br />

1952 Pagtuturo ng Tagalog. Ika-apat na Paghahambing.<br />

Manila: Manlapaz Publishing Co.<br />

1958 Improve Your Tagalog. 100 Pratica! Lessons. Manila:<br />

Advocate Book Supply. 2d ed. 172 pp. (1st ed, 1957;<br />

also Manila Times (serialized September-November<br />

1957)).<br />

1959 Lessons in Basic Tagalog for Foreigners and<br />

Non-Tagalogs. Manila: Phil-Asian Publishers. 3d ed.<br />

xiv + 233 pp. (Other eds, 1956; 1957).<br />

1959 "The varieties <strong>of</strong> Tagalog." STM (March 8). (Also in<br />

OR 2:112-115).<br />

1964 A Common Vocabulary for Malay-Pilipino-Bahasa<br />

Indonesia. Manila: St. Anthony Book Service.<br />

vi + 98 pp.<br />

1965 Ang Pagtuturo ng Tagalog sa Mababa at Mataas na<br />

Paavalari. Manila: Alemar's<br />

1969 Basic Tagalog. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Co.<br />

256 pp.<br />

Review: Donald Bowen. 1972. JAOS 92(1): 164-166.<br />

Review. John A. Pollock, SJ. 1960. PS 8(3):447-448.<br />

Asuncion, Amparo R. - See 3 149, 3 150<br />

Asuncion (Asumpcion), Diego de la, OSF<br />

nd "Arte del idioma Tagalog. " Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

24 314-323 / Asuncion<br />

1680 "Obras predicables en idoma Tagalog. " Manila. 314<br />

131 lvs.<br />

1685 "Diccionario Tagalog. " Np. 315<br />

Asuncion, Medina A.<br />

196- "Ilocano Lessons." University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii Peace Corps 316<br />

Training Center. Mimeo.<br />

Asuncion, Nobleza C.<br />

1956 "A study <strong>of</strong> English sounds difficult for Filipino 317<br />

students." Unpublished MA thesis, Michigan State<br />

University.<br />

1960 "The phonological problems in improving the oral 318<br />

English <strong>of</strong> Iloko speakers." Unpublished PhD<br />

dissertation, Michigan State University.<br />

1963 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> Iloko and English Phonemes, 319<br />

with application to language teaching. " Paper read at<br />

the eighth annual National Conference <strong>of</strong> the Linguistic<br />

Circle <strong>of</strong> New York.<br />

Asuncion-Lande, Nobleza C.<br />

"Dialect differences in the production <strong>of</strong> English 320<br />

phonemes by some Filipino speakers." Revised paper<br />

read at the twenty-seventh annual convention <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Speech Association <strong>of</strong> America, Denver, Colorado.<br />

1969 "Theoretical and methodological models in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

linguistics research: trends and prospects." In Papers<br />

j?om the Fourth Annual Kansas Linguistic Conference.<br />

October 24-25, 1969, 1-19. The <strong>Linguistics</strong> Student<br />

Association and the Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Kansas (1970). (Also in AL<br />

12(6):208-225).<br />

1973 "A comparative phonology <strong>of</strong> the eight major 322<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s languages." In Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez,<br />

8-14. (PJLSM 4).<br />

Atherton, Ruth - See 13 19<br />

Atherton, William - See also 13 19<br />

nd "Binukid personal pronouns. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 7 Ivs. 323<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Avila / 324-335<br />

nd "Some minimal grammatical pairs in ~inukid." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 8 Ivs.<br />

1953 "Binokid phonemes." In Papers on <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> (Folklore Studies 12), 101- 104. Tokyo.<br />

1963 "Binukid verb morphology." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 3 lvs.<br />

Auas, Estrella Floro<br />

1964 "English composition errors <strong>of</strong> Tagalog speakers and<br />

implications for analytical theory." Unpublished PhD<br />

dissertation, UCLA. 304 lvs.<br />

Auspitz, Don - See 815<br />

Austin, Virginia Morey<br />

1964 "Distributional restrictions on co-occurrence <strong>of</strong> aspect<br />

and focus morphsmes in Ata verbs." OL 3(1):69-86.<br />

1966 "Attention, emphasis, and focus in Ata Manobo. "<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, Hartford Seminary Foundation,<br />

Hartford, Connecticut.<br />

1966 Attention, Emphasis, and Focus in Ata Manobo<br />

(Hartford Studies in <strong>Linguistics</strong> 20). Hartford,<br />

Connecticut: Hartford Seminary Foundation.<br />

x + 149 pp. (Published version <strong>of</strong> 1966 thesis).<br />

Austin, Virginia Morey, comp<br />

nd "Ata Manobo dictionary." Quezon City: <strong>SIL</strong>. 270 lvs.<br />

Typescript.<br />

nd "Ata Manobo texts." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 30-163; 16P-269 lvs.<br />

Austin, Virginia Morey and Ursula Post<br />

1964 "The phonology <strong>of</strong> Ata Manobo." Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 25 lvs.<br />

Austria-Tamondong, Medalla<br />

c 1946 Easy Tagalog Lessons; Vocabulary, grammar and<br />

lesson plans and songs. Dagupan, Pangasinan: Llamas<br />

Press. 144 pp.<br />

Avila, Pedro de la Cruz, OESA<br />

nd "Arte de la lengua Ilocano." Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

2 6 336-350 i Avila<br />

nd "Vocabulario Ilocano. " Np. 336<br />

1600 "Arte, vocabulario y catecismo Ilocano." Np. 3 vols. 337<br />

Awid, M. - See 1082, 1878<br />

Ayora, J. de<br />

nd "Arte Ilokano. " Np.<br />

nd "Arte Panayano. " Np.<br />

nd "Arte Pangasinano. " Np.<br />

nd "Vocabulario Ilokano. " Np.<br />

nd "Vocabulario Panayano. " Np.<br />

nd "Vocabulario Pangasinano. " Np.<br />

Ayub, Hadji Abdullah - See 1275<br />

Azanza, Ramon V.<br />

1962 "In defense <strong>of</strong> Tagalog words." PFP 55:72<br />

Azipitarte, Alipio, OESA<br />

1888? "Addiciones al diccionario Bisaya del P. Mentrida. " Np. 345<br />

1888 "Proyecto de una gramatica Bisaya." Np. 346<br />

Azores, Fortunata<br />

1967 "A preliminary investigation <strong>of</strong> the phenomenon <strong>of</strong> 347<br />

language change in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s." Unpublished MA<br />

thesis, Ateneo de Manila University.<br />

Azpitarte, Alipio<br />

1888? "Addiciones a1 diccionario Bisaya del P. Mentrida 348<br />

project0 de una gramatica Bisaya." Np.<br />

Ba'ul, Jualul, Dietlinde Behrens and Betty Hooker<br />

1978 "Yakan: Text 2 (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2):207- 10. 349<br />

Bacani, Lyda S.<br />

1965 "A study <strong>of</strong> cross-cultural differences based on the 350<br />

analysis and comparison <strong>of</strong> Thai, American and Filipino<br />

contexts <strong>of</strong> situation." TJnpublished MA thesis, Ateneo<br />

de Manila University.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Ballano / 351-359 2 7<br />

Bacatan, Juan<br />

1933 Vocabulario Binisaya Ininsik. Cebu: Gacura Mailaing 351<br />

Store. 35 pp.<br />

Baer, G. A.<br />

1907 "Contribution a l'etude des langues de inhgenes auz 352<br />

iles <strong>Philippine</strong>s. " ANTHR 2:467-49 1.<br />

Baessler, A.<br />

1890 "Vocabular von Negrito-Worten. " ZEthnol 22500-501. 353<br />

Baguingan, Gloria, M. Camacho, E. Ceniza, H. Francisco, R. Hernandez<br />

and C. Leonen<br />

1983 "On Ilokano linguistic interaction." Saint Louis 354<br />

University Research Journal 14(1-2): 197-205.<br />

Baguingan, Gloria<br />

1980 "A comparative-contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> Madluyaong 355<br />

and Balangao phonemes with some reference to Pilipino<br />

and Ilokano. " Unpublished MA thesis, Saint Louis<br />

University, Baguio.<br />

Balagtas, Francisco (pseud <strong>of</strong> Francisco Baltazar)<br />

1933 "Florante at Laura" (Sinulat ng dakilang makatang 356<br />

Tagalog,. . . sinalin sa matandang katitikang Tagalog ni<br />

Gui. Y. Santiago-Cuino.. .). Manila. 87 lvs.<br />

Balbi, Adrien<br />

1828 Atlas Ethnographique du Globe. Paris: Chez Rey et 357<br />

Gravier, Libraires. 50 pp.<br />

Balbin, Victorino D.<br />

1940 Gramatica Ilocana Fundamental: 0 Jenio y Filos<strong>of</strong>ia 358<br />

del Idioma Samtoy. Manila: Commonwealth Press Inc.<br />

266 pp.<br />

Baldwin, James<br />

nd Traduccion Castellano- Visaya de Baldwin's Reader. 359<br />

Manila: Ch<strong>of</strong>r6 y Compaiiia. 101 pp.<br />

Ballano, Jamila - See 1071<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

28 360-376 / Ballano<br />

Ballano, Jamila - See 1071<br />

Ballard, Arlene S. - See 373<br />

Ballard, D. Lee, Jr.<br />

nd "A tagmemic analysis <strong>of</strong> Inibaloi independent clauses. "<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 42 lvs.<br />

nd "Appendix I: Grammar summary. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 11 lvs.<br />

nd "Inibaloi I: phonemes." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 24 Ivs.<br />

nd "Inibaloi morphophonemics. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 3 1 Ivs.<br />

nd "Inibaloi sentence types." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 158 lvs.<br />

nd "Pseudo-allophones and morphophonemics in Ibaloi."<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 24 Ivs.<br />

1966 "Inibaloi onomatopoeia. " PJLT 4(1-2):72-74<br />

1970 "English-Inibaloi glosses." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong><br />

1974 "Inibaloi metaphors. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 1 I lvs.<br />

1974 "The semantics <strong>of</strong> Inibaloi verbal affixes." Lingua<br />

34:181-218.<br />

1977 "The semantic component realization in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

languages." PJL 8(1-2):47-51.<br />

1978 "'Tnibaloi metaphors. " NLing 7:21-28.<br />

Ballard, D. Lee, Jr., comp<br />

nd "Ibaloi-English dictionary. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong><br />

x + 130'7 + I1 lvs.<br />

Ballard, D. Lee, Jr. and Arlene S. Ballard<br />

nd "Inibaloi III: Word analysis." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 33 Ivs.<br />

Ballard, D. Lee, Jr., comp and Sherri-Lyn Brainard, ed<br />

1989 Ibaloi-English Dictionary. Quezon City: <strong>SIL</strong>. 1376 pp.<br />

Ballard, D. Lee, Jr., Robert J. Conrad and Robert E. Longacre<br />

1971 More on the Deep and Surface Grammar <strong>of</strong><br />

Interclausal Relations. Santa Ana, California: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

vi + 59 pp. (Language Data: Asian-Pacific Series 1).<br />

197 1 "The deep and surface grammar <strong>of</strong> interclausal<br />

relations." Foundations <strong>of</strong> Language 7170- 118.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Balmaceda, Julian C.<br />

1934 "Ang mga paningit na la, li, lo sa Tagalog ayon kay 377<br />

Louis B. Wolfenson." Mabuhay (March).<br />

1935 "Ang titik na 'al' sa wikang Tagalog." Mabuhay 378<br />

(February).<br />

Balsingam, Dr. E.<br />

1927 "Mga tul;~ nl Kikong Balagtas (Slnulat ni Dr. Pablo<br />

Ver~osa sa Matandang Titik Tagalog)." Np.<br />

379<br />

Baltazar, Francisco - See Balagtas, Francisco (pseud)<br />

Banayad, Lino F. and Walter B. Hogan<br />

nd "First aid for beginners in Tagalog." Np.<br />

Banker, John<br />

nd "The development <strong>of</strong> the consonant cluster gl in 381<br />

Subanun. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 3 lvs.<br />

1958 "Subanon lesson series and some observations about 382<br />

Subanon grammar." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 18 lvs.<br />

Banks, Sir Joseph<br />

1770- 1780 "A collection <strong>of</strong> the vocabularies <strong>of</strong> the languages <strong>of</strong> 383<br />

Tahiti, New Zealand, Savu, Prince Island, Samarang,<br />

Sulu, Madagascar, the Malngos, the Eskimos.. . " Np.<br />

50 lvs.<br />

1780 "Vocabularies <strong>of</strong> the languages <strong>of</strong> Tahiti, Prince Island, 384<br />

Sulu, New Holland, Samarang, Savu, etc." Np. 47 lvs.<br />

Bansalaw, Tuangimang and Kenneth R. Maryott<br />

1978 "Sangir6 (or 'Sangil') (folktale texts). " SIPL<br />

2(2): 145-5 1.<br />

Bantug, Jose P.<br />

1914 "Revising the ancient Filipino alphabet." PR<br />

1(11):30-34.<br />

1930 "The system <strong>of</strong> writing among the ancient Filipinos." 387<br />

In Estudios Sobre Historia y Prehistoria de Filipinos.<br />

Manila. 12 pp. (Also in <strong>Philippine</strong> Herald (August 7)).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1937 "Hubo imprenta en Filipinas con caracteres nativos 388<br />

movibles." La Vanguardia (December 11): 4. (Also in<br />

PFP (December 18): 63).<br />

Barbian, Karl-Josef<br />

1977 English-Mangyan (composite) Vocabulary. Cebu City: 389<br />

University <strong>of</strong> San Carlos. 130 pp.<br />

1977 "The Mangyan languages <strong>of</strong> Mindoro: a comparative 390<br />

study <strong>of</strong> phonology and morphology." Unpublished PhD<br />

dissertation, University <strong>of</strong> San Carlos, Cebu City.<br />

Barham, R. Marie<br />

1955 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> the Buhid (Mangyan) language <strong>of</strong><br />

eastern Mindoro. " Oceanic <strong>Linguistics</strong> Monographs<br />

3:4-9.<br />

1957 Onak and the Talking Box. Chicago: Moody Press<br />

189 pp.<br />

Barlaan, Rodolfo R.<br />

1975 "Isneg verbal clauses, stem classes, and affixes." PJL 393<br />

6(1):90- 127.<br />

1977 "Fact and fiction in Isneg narrative discourse." SIPL 394<br />

l(2): 1 10-42.<br />

1986 "Some major aspects <strong>of</strong> the focus system in Isnag." 395<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, University <strong>of</strong> Texas,<br />

Arlington. xiii + 249 lvs.<br />

Barlahan-Dagdagan, B., comp<br />

1980 Trilingual Dictionary (part I): Iloko-English-Pilipino.<br />

Manila: National Book Store. 264 pp. Tr into Pilipico<br />

by Jose 0. Bautista.<br />

396<br />

1982 Trilingual Dictionary (part 11): English-Iloko-Pilipino.<br />

Manila: National Book Store. 3 14 pp. Tr into Pilipino<br />

by Jose 0. Bautista.<br />

397<br />

Barnard, Myra Lou - See also 1320- 1325<br />

nd "Dibabawon regular verbs. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, 398<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 33 Ivs.<br />

nd "Restatement <strong>of</strong> Dibabawon morphophonemics. " 399<br />

Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 4 Ivs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Barnard / 400-410 3 1<br />

1965 "Dibabaon nonverbal clauses." Abstracts from the H.<br />

Otley Beyer Symposium (July 12- 13), Abelardo Hall,<br />

UP. 17 lvs.<br />

1965 "Dibabaon transient verbs." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1967 "Dibabawon nonverbal clauses." In Studies in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Anthropology, ed by Mario D. Zamora,<br />

559-66. Quezon City: Alemar-Phoenix.<br />

Barnard, Myra Lou, Vivian Forsberg and B. Dawson<br />

1955 "Wordlist in southern Cotabato Manobo." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

Barnard, Myra Lou and Jannette Forster<br />

nd "A survey <strong>of</strong> Dibabawon clause structure." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 4 Ivs.<br />

1954 Dibabawon Mandayan-English Vocabulary. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>,<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Public Schools and INL. 67 pp.<br />

1954 "Introduction to Dibabawon sentence structure." JEA4S<br />

3:227-31.<br />

1964 Dibabawon-English Dictionary/English-Dibabawon<br />

Index. Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 627t 298 pp<br />

Barnard, Myra Lou and Jannette Forster, trs<br />

1969 "Dibabawon texts." In Discourse, Paragraph, and<br />

Sentence Structure in Selected <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages,<br />

ed by Robert E. Longacre, 3:269-302. Santa Ana,<br />

California: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

Barnard, Myra Lou, Alice Lindquist and Vivian Forsberg<br />

1955 "Cotabato Manobo survey. " PSSHR 20(2): 12 1-36.<br />

Barnard, Myra Lou and Robert E. Longacre<br />

1968 "Lexicon versus grammar in Dibabawon procedural<br />

narrative discourse." In Discourse, Paragraph, and<br />

Sentence Structure in Selected <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages,<br />

ed by Robert E. Longacre, 1:193-223, part 3. Santa<br />

Ana, California: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

3 2 41 1-421 1 Baron Castro<br />

Baron Castro, Rodolfo<br />

1972 "Hispanismos en el Tagalo." Thesaurus 27(1 j: 1-66.<br />

(Also Madrid: Oficina de Educacion Iberto Americana.<br />

632 PP).<br />

Barrantes y Moreno, Vicente<br />

1869 Apunfes Interesantes Sobre las Islas Filipinas. Madrid:<br />

Imprenta de la Iberia.<br />

1869 "Dialectos, puntos donde se hablan." In Apuntes<br />

Interesantes Sobre las Islas Fibipinas, 95- 104. Madrid:<br />

Imprenta de la Iberia.<br />

1889 "<strong>Linguistics</strong> Filipina." In El Teatro Tagalo, 167-169.<br />

Madrid: Manual Gines Hernandez.<br />

Barreiro<br />

1912 Estudio Psicologico y Antropologico de la Raza Malaya<br />

o Filipina Desde el Punto de Visfa de ru Lenguaje.<br />

Valladolid, Spain.<br />

Barrios, Pilar V.<br />

1946 "A comparative study <strong>of</strong> Bicol and Tagalog words."<br />

E. A. Manuel Collection (August 26). 46 lvs.<br />

Barritt, C. Westbrook - See 3364<br />

Barrows, David Prescott<br />

1904 "Varieties <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong>s languages." In US <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Commission 1900-1916, 7 14-77 1. Washington, DC: US<br />

Government Printing Office.<br />

1907 "Languages <strong>of</strong> the Malayan people." In Hisfor]) on the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s, 90-97. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. 2d ed.<br />

1909 "The future <strong>of</strong> native dialects." In US <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Commission 1900-1916. Washington, DC: US<br />

Government Printing Office.<br />

1910 "The Ilongot or Ibilao <strong>of</strong> Luzon." Popular Science<br />

Monthly 77:521-537.<br />

1925 "Systems <strong>of</strong> writing among the Filipinos (with<br />

specimens)." In History <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s, 69-72.<br />

Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York: World Book Co.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Barton 1 422-433<br />

Bartlett, Harley Harris<br />

1940 "The geographic distribution, migration, and dialectal<br />

mutatlon <strong>of</strong> certain plant names in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s and<br />

Netherlands India, with special reference to the materia<br />

medica <strong>of</strong> a Mangyan mediquillo." Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Sixth Pacific Science Congress <strong>of</strong> the Pacific Science<br />

Association, Berkeley and Los Angeles 6(4):85-110.<br />

Bartolome, Artiguez, OP<br />

nd "Arte de la lengua Batanes." Np.<br />

Barton, Roy Franklin - See also 505<br />

19 10- 19 16 "A vocabulary <strong>of</strong> the Ifugao language as spoken in<br />

Kiangan and vicinity." Kiangan, Ifugao, Mt. Province.<br />

190 lvs.<br />

1919 "Ifugao Law. " University <strong>of</strong> California Publications in<br />

American Archaeology and Efhnology 15: 1- 186.<br />

1938 "How marriage prohibitions arose: on the significance<br />

In Mala! languages <strong>of</strong> the kinship term 'Tulang.'" 1511<br />

35:380-381, 394.<br />

1940 "Numputol - the self-beheaded." PM 37(10):384-386,<br />

394-396.<br />

1940 "Unpublished collection <strong>of</strong> ritual texts." Chicago:<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Anthropology, University <strong>of</strong> Chicago<br />

1941 "Reflections on two kinship terms <strong>of</strong> the transition to<br />

endogamy. " AmAnth 43:540-549.<br />

1942 First Ijiugao-English Wordbook: four thousand roots,<br />

wordbases and afixes. Baguio: Baguio Internment<br />

Camp; Chicago: <strong>Philippine</strong> Studies Program, University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Chicago. 102 pp.<br />

1946 The Religion <strong>of</strong> the Ifugaos. Philadelphia: American<br />

Folklore Society. 219 pp. (Memoir <strong>of</strong> American<br />

Anthropological Association No 65, 48(4), part 2).<br />

Review: Francis Lambrecht. 1956. Anthropos 5 1:3 1 1-3 19.<br />

1949 The Kalingas, Their Institutions and Custom Law.<br />

Chicago: University Press. 275 pp.<br />

1955 The Mythology <strong>of</strong> the Ifugaos. Philadelphia: American<br />

Folklore Society. 244 pp. (Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Folklore Society 46).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

3 4 434-443 / Bartter<br />

Bartter, Frances E.<br />

1918 "A grammar <strong>of</strong> the Iloko language." In <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Ethnographic Series, ed by H. Otley Beyer. (Set 7,<br />

vol 3(71):302).<br />

192 1 Vocabulary English-Samal. Zamboanga: Sulu Press.<br />

74 PP.<br />

Bas, Nazario D. - See also 1535, 1536<br />

nd Cebuano Pronouncing Dictionary with Meanings in<br />

Pilipino and English. <strong>Philippine</strong>s: Liwayway Publishing<br />

Inc. 462 pp.<br />

Bassilan, Jean Baptiste Mallat de<br />

1843 Archipel de Soulou.. .Suivie d 'un Vocabulaire<br />

Fran~ais-Malais. Paris: Imprenta de Pollet et<br />

Compagnie.<br />

1843 Les iles <strong>Philippine</strong>s Considerees au Point de vue de<br />

I'hydrographic et de la Linguistique. Paris: Imprenta de<br />

Pollet et Compagnie. 108 +60 pp.<br />

1846 "Idiomes des Iles <strong>Philippine</strong>s." In Les <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

2:163-238. Paris: A. Bertrand.<br />

Bat-ao, Durung and Patricia M. Hartung<br />

1978 "Manobo: Ata: Text 1 (folktale texts). " SIPL 2(2):9 1-99.<br />

Batalha, Graciete Nogueira<br />

1960 "Coincidencias corn o dialect0 de Macau em dialectos<br />

Espanhois das ilhas Filipinas. " BolFil (Lisboa).<br />

19:295-303.<br />

Batungbacal, Jose<br />

1948 Selected Tagalog Proverbs and Maxims. Manila:<br />

University Pub Co. 182 pp. (Revised and enlarged ed).<br />

Baura, Betty<br />

1967 Cebuano para sa mga Peace Corps Volunteers. Manila:<br />

Peace Corps.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Behrens / 444-453<br />

Bautista, Jose A. - See 1201<br />

Bautista, Juliano and Hella E. Goschnick<br />

1978 "Tina Sambal: Text 2 (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2):34-43.<br />

Bautista, Loida V.<br />

1967 "Pagsusuri sa tagunang impluwensiya ng diin ng<br />

pantig-at kahulugan ng salita sa paggamit ng KA AN sa<br />

pagpapahayag." Unpublished MA thesis, Manuel Luis<br />

Quezon I lnlversity. Manila<br />

Bautista, Ma. Lourdes S.<br />

1977 "The noun phrase in Tagalog-English code switching."<br />

SIPL l(1):l-16.<br />

Bauza, Humberto<br />

1962 "The morphology <strong>of</strong> Ibanag pronouns." Manila: Ateneo<br />

de Manila Graduate School. Mimeo.<br />

1962 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Ibanag." Manila: Ateneo de Manila<br />

Graduate School. Mimeo.<br />

Bayabao, Hadji Pambaya - See 1577<br />

Baylon, Gloria Villarin<br />

1967 "A study <strong>of</strong> morphophonemic changes in Tagalog<br />

(Pilipino)." Unpublished MA thesis, PNC. 23 1 lvs<br />

Beauregard, M. Oliver<br />

1886 "Les dialectes de l'archipel Indien et du monde<br />

Oceanien." Bulletin de la Societe d'dnthropologie de<br />

Paris 9(3):520-527.<br />

1887 "Anthropologie et philologie: Aux <strong>Philippine</strong>s."<br />

Bulletin de la Societe d'dnthropologie de Paris<br />

10(4):482-5 15.<br />

Beck, Ken<br />

nd "An amateur looks at Hiligaynon structure." Igbaras,<br />

Iloilo. 15 lvs. Typescript.<br />

Behrens, Dietlinde - See also 349, 1898, 2656<br />

nd "Some features <strong>of</strong> hortatory discourse in Yakan."<br />

Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 24 Ivs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

3 6 454-466 / Behrens<br />

1972 "Non-verbal clauses in Yakan. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 18 lvs.<br />

1975 "Yakan phonemics and morphophonemics. " Papers in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s <strong>Linguistics</strong> 7: 13-28. (PL-A 44).<br />

Behrens, Dietlinde and Austin Hale<br />

1986 "Demonstratives and the plot in Yakan." SIPL<br />

6(1):94- 199.<br />

Belcher, Sir Edward<br />

1846 "A brief vocabulary <strong>of</strong> languages." In Narrative <strong>of</strong> the<br />

P-oyage <strong>of</strong> H. M.S. Samarang During the Years 1843-44<br />

2:533-571. London: Reeve. Benham and Reeve.<br />

Belen, Alfredo B.<br />

nd "Bicol dictionary." Legaspi, Albay, <strong>Philippine</strong>s:<br />

Sanghirang Bikol.<br />

1957 "Gamot kan Bikol. " Legaspi, Albay, <strong>Philippine</strong>s: np.<br />

76 lvs.<br />

Belloxin, Juan, OESA<br />

nd "Gramatica de la lengua Isinay o de Itui." Np. 3 vols.<br />

Benavente, Alvaro de<br />

1700? Arte y Diccionario Pampango. Madrid: Succesora de<br />

M. Minuesa de 10s Rios. 3 vols.<br />

1700 Diccionario Poetico Tagalo. Madrid: Succesora de M.<br />

Minuesa de 10s Rios. 3 vols.<br />

Bencuchillo, Francisco<br />

nd "Arte Tagalog." Np.<br />

1700 "Diccionario poetic0 Tagalo." Np.<br />

1759 Arte Poetico Tagalog ... Prologo de toda la obra a1<br />

celoso Ministro Evangelico y Curioso de Saber. Manila.<br />

32 pp. (Also 1895. Bibli<strong>of</strong>ilo Filipino 1:185-210).<br />

Bencuchillo, Francisco and Guillermo Bennasar, SJ<br />

1893 Diccionario Espafiol-Tiruray. Manila: Tipografico<br />

Litografia de Ch<strong>of</strong>r6. 2 vols. 201 pp, 175 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.<br />


Benton 1467-479<br />

Benfey, Theodor<br />

1869 Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und Orientalischen<br />

Philologie. Muenchen.<br />

Benitez, Conrado - See 979, 3355<br />

Benn, Keith<br />

1979 "Hortatory discourse in Central Bontoc with a<br />

justification theme. " SIPL 3(2): 1-19.<br />

1980 "Running 'theme' to ground - in the Bontoc declarative<br />

clause." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 53 lvs.<br />

1980 "The logical semantic and schematic structures <strong>of</strong> a<br />

Bontoc exhortation." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1982 "The logical semantic and schematic structures <strong>of</strong> a<br />

Bontoc exhortation." PJL 13(1):23-60. (Published<br />

version <strong>of</strong> 1980 paper with the same title).<br />

1983 "Discourse approaches to cohesion: A study <strong>of</strong> the<br />

structure and unity <strong>of</strong> a Central Bontoc expository text."<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, De La Salle University,<br />

Manila. 540 Ivs.<br />

1985-86 "Discourse analysis as an aid to language evaluation."<br />

PJL 16(2)-17(1):3 1-60.<br />

Bennasar, Guillermo, SJ - See also 466<br />

1892 Obsewaciones Gramaticales Sobre la Lengua Tiruray.<br />

Manila: Imprenta y Litografia de M. Perez, hijo.<br />

54 + 2 pp.<br />

1892- 1893 Diccionario Tiruray-Espaiiol, Espaiiol-Tiruray. Manila:<br />

Ch<strong>of</strong>r6 y Compaiiia. 2 vols. 201 pp, 175 pp.<br />

Benton, Richard A.<br />

1970 "A concise learner's hctionary <strong>of</strong> Pangasinan." Np.<br />

366 lvs.<br />

1970 "A reference grammar for learners <strong>of</strong> Pangasinan." Np.<br />

284 lvs.<br />

1970 "Makasalita kay Pangasinan. " Np. 7 18 lvs.<br />

1971 Pangasinan Dictionary. Honolulu: University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii<br />

Press. 260 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

38 480-490 1 Benton<br />

1972 "Phonotatics <strong>of</strong> Pangasinan." Unpublished PhD<br />

dissertation, University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii.<br />

Bera, Roman Maria de<br />

19-- Gramatica Pangasinan. Salasa, Pangasinan. 70 + 2 pp.<br />

Bergaiio, Diego, OSA<br />

1736 Arte de la Lengua Pampanga, Compuesto por el R. P.<br />

Lector Fr. Diego Bergaiio ... Nuevamente aiiadido,<br />

emendado, y reducido a menthodo mas claro ...<br />

Sampaloc: Convento de Nuestra Sefiora de Loreto.<br />

30 +219 +3 pp. (2d ed <strong>of</strong> 1729 work; 3d ed, 1916).<br />

1860 Vocabulario de la lengua Pampango en Romance y<br />

diccionario de Romance en Pampango. Manila:<br />

Imprenta de Ramirez y Giraudier. 343 pp. (Reprint <strong>of</strong><br />

original 1732).<br />

19 16 Arte de la Lengut~ Pampanga, Manila: Tipografico del<br />

Colegio de Santo Tomas. 23 1 pp.<br />

Berger, Kenneth W.<br />

1967 "A study <strong>of</strong> printed Pilipino usage." Phonetics<br />

17(1):3 1-37.<br />

1967 "An introduction to Pilipino phonetics and<br />

pronunciation. " Phonetica 17(1):24-30.<br />

1969 "The most frequently found words in printed Pilipino."<br />

The Dilirnan Review 17(2): 133- 162.<br />

Bergh, J. D. van den<br />

1958 Analysis <strong>of</strong> the Syntax and the System <strong>of</strong> AfJixes in the<br />

Bisaya Language from Cebu. Surigao: Sacred Heart<br />

Missionaries. 174 pp.<br />

Bergsten, Goldie<br />

nd "Pampanga dictionary and grammar. " Np. 1 15 Ivs<br />

Bermejo, Julian<br />

nd "Comparison <strong>of</strong> speech sounds in English and in the<br />

dialect spoken in Virac, Catanduanes." Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Public Schools, Division <strong>of</strong> Catanduanes. 2 Ivs. Mimeo.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Bewsher / 491-501<br />

1800? "Arte de la lengua Zebuana, de 10s naturales Bisayas en<br />

Filipinas. " Np. 79 lvs.<br />

1800? "Bocabulario de la lengua Gaddang." Np. 201 Ivs.<br />

1836 Arte de la lengua Zebuana, sacado del que escribio el<br />

r. pf. Francisco Encina ... Manila: Impreso en la<br />

imprenta de J. M. Dayot por T. Oliva. 168 + 8 pp.<br />

1894 Arte Compendiado de la Lengua Cebuana. Tambobong:<br />

Pequeiia Tipo-litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos.<br />

180 + 6 pp.<br />

Bernable, Emma - See 3309<br />

Bernabie, Emma and Virginia Lapid<br />

1970 "Ilokano lessons." Np. 470 lvs<br />

Bernad, Miguel Anselmo - See 276<br />

Bernal, Rafael<br />

1963 "Mexican influence in Filipino languages." Unitas<br />

36(2):3 1.2-3 15.<br />

Bernardo, Gabriel A.<br />

1937 "'Sungka' - <strong>Philippine</strong> variant <strong>of</strong> a widely distributed<br />

game." PSSR 9:l-36.<br />

Bernardo, Pilar<br />

nd "A comparison <strong>of</strong> speech sounds in English and<br />

Chabacano. " Zamboanga City: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Public<br />

Schools. 3 lvs. Mimeo.<br />

Berzina, Majia Janovna and Solomon Il'ich Bruk<br />

1962 Naselenije Indonezii, Malaji i Filippin. Prilozhenie k<br />

karte Narodov [Population <strong>of</strong> Indonesia, Malaysia and<br />

the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. Supplement to the maps <strong>of</strong> the people].<br />

AN SSSR Moskva. 93 pp.<br />

Beurms, Charles J.<br />

1929 "Sacrifices among the Bago-Igorot." PM 2(1-2):27-32.<br />

Bewsher, R. A.<br />

1956 "Bisayan accounts <strong>of</strong> early Bornean settlements in the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s recorded by Father Santaren." SMJ 7:48-53.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

40 502-513 / Beyer<br />

Beyer, H. Otley - See also 3355<br />

nd "A brief vocabulary <strong>of</strong> the Tagbanua dialect as spoken 502<br />

at the village <strong>of</strong> Limanukong on Bakuit Bay, Island <strong>of</strong><br />

Palawan." <strong>Philippine</strong> Ethnographic Series. 94 lvs. (Set<br />

12, paper 29).<br />

nd "<strong>Philippine</strong> dialects and abbreviations." Np. 503<br />

1913 History and Ethnography <strong>of</strong> the Igorot Peoples. Manila. 504<br />

5 vols. 500 pp.<br />

Beyer, H. Otley and R. F. Barton<br />

nd "Miscellaneous data on the Ifugao language (Text, 505<br />

Grammatical Notes, and Vocabularies)." Np.<br />

Beyer, William<br />

1947-1948 "Wordlist in Ifugao." Np. 39 + 14 Ivs.<br />

Biad, ALifio - See 3461<br />

Bickford, Angelina - See 507<br />

Bickford, Sam and Angelina Bickford<br />

1985 Pilipino-English, English-Pilipino Dictionary. Manila: 507<br />

Merriam and Webster; New York: Hippocrene Books.<br />

389 pp.<br />

Bigelow, A. E.<br />

1914 "Visayan Grammar." lloilo City. Mimeo. 508<br />

1915 "Outline for the study <strong>of</strong> Pan-Ayanon Visayan." Np. 509<br />

Billiet, Francis<br />

1930 "Kalinga riddles." PrM 3(3-4):71-74.<br />

1934 "A Kalinga legend: the origin <strong>of</strong> unpounded rice." PrM 511<br />

7(1): 14-16.<br />

Binder, Wolfgang<br />

1980 "Phonology <strong>of</strong> Paranan." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 3 lvs.<br />

Biso, Juan<br />

nd "Compendio del arte Tagala. " Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Blake / 514-526 4 1<br />

Bite, Illuminada B.<br />

1961 "An attempt to discover the speaking difficulties <strong>of</strong> 514<br />

Bicol learners <strong>of</strong> English." California: UCLA term<br />

project for English 103K.<br />

Black, Helen W.<br />

1942 "Tense aspect and mode in the Aklan dialect."<br />

PMASAL 27(4):497-504.<br />

Blackburn, Barbara - See 2539, 2564, 2565<br />

Blackburn, Barbara and Betty McLachlin<br />

1960 "Phonemic statement, Sarangani Bilaan." Nasuli, 516<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 13 Ivs.<br />

Blackburn, Barbara and Betty McLachlin, trs<br />

1969 "Sarangani Bilaan texts." In Discourse, Paragraph, and 517<br />

Sentence Structure in Selected <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages,<br />

ed by Robert E. Longacre, 3:67-109. Santa Ana,<br />

California: SE.<br />

Blagden, C. 0.<br />

1905 "Dr. Brandstetter's Malayo-Polynesian researches. " 518<br />

JSBRAS 42:211-216.<br />

1916 Introduction to Indonesian <strong>Linguistics</strong>. London. 519<br />

Blake, Frank Ringgold<br />

nd "Tagalog accent. " Np.<br />

nd "The Tagalog ligature in other languages <strong>of</strong> the 521<br />

southern <strong>Philippine</strong>s." Np.<br />

1902 "Study <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> languages at Johns Hopkins 522<br />

University. " AmAnth 4:793-794.<br />

1903 "Analogies between Semitic and Tagalog." JHUC 523<br />

22(163):65-66.<br />

1903 "Sanskrit loanwords in Tagalog. " JHUC 22(163):63-65. 524<br />

1904 "Differences between Tagalog and Bisayan." JAOS 525<br />

25(1): 162-169.<br />

1905 "The Bisayan dialects." JAOS 26: 120-136. 526<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

42 527-540 1 Blake<br />

1906 "Contributions to comparative <strong>Philippine</strong> grammar. I.<br />

General features, notes on phonology, pronouns." JAOS<br />

27(2):317-396. (Also in Readings in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong>, A. B. Gonzalez, 83-142).<br />

Review: William Egbert Wheeler MacKinlay. 1908. In<br />

"Notes on F. R. Blake's 'Contributions to comparative<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Grammar'." Np. 5 lvs. Typescript.<br />

"Expression <strong>of</strong> case by the verb in Tagalog." JAOS<br />

27:183-189.<br />

"Contributions to comparative <strong>Philippine</strong>s grammar. 11.<br />

The numerals. " JAOS 28(2): 199-255. (Also in Readings<br />

in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, A. B. Gonzalez, 143- 188).<br />

"The Tagalog ligature and analogies in other<br />

languages." JAOS 29:227-23 1.<br />

"Expression <strong>of</strong> the ideas 'to be' and 'to have' in the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages. " JAOS 30(4): 375-391.<br />

"<strong>Philippine</strong>s languages. " In New <strong>International</strong><br />

Encyclopedia 15:727-728. New York. (2d ed, 1930.<br />

18:501-503).<br />

1911 "<strong>Philippine</strong> literature. " AmAnth 13:449-457<br />

1911 "Tagalog verbs derived from other parts <strong>of</strong> speech."<br />

AJP 32(4):436-440.<br />

1916 "Construction <strong>of</strong> coordinated words in the <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

languages." AJP 37(4):466-474. (Also in Readings in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, A. B. Gonzalez, 188-194).<br />

1917 "Reduplication in Tagalog." AJP 38(4):425-43 1<br />

19 17 "The Tagalog verb." JAOS 36(4):396-414.<br />

1921 "A new method <strong>of</strong> syntactical arrangement." JAOS<br />

40:25-70.<br />

1921 "The present status <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics." Paper<br />

read at :!! - 133rd anni~:~I meeting <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Oriental Society in Baltimore, Maryland. (Also in JAOS<br />

41:176).<br />

192 1- 1925 "Instructions for <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistic workers." Np.<br />

Mimeo.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Blake / 541-550<br />

"Long-distance collection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistic<br />

material." Paper read at the 134th annual meeting <strong>of</strong><br />

the American Oriental Society in Chicago. (Also in<br />

JAOS 42:339.).<br />

"Construction <strong>of</strong> coordinated words in spoken Tagalog."<br />

Paper read at the 135th meeting <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Oriental Society in Princeton, New Jersey. (Also in<br />

JAOS 43: 170).<br />

"Collection <strong>of</strong> materials on the interrogative sentence<br />

in the <strong>Philippine</strong> dialects." Paper read at the 136th<br />

annual meeting <strong>of</strong> the American Oriental Society in<br />

New York City. (Also in JAOS 44:169-170).<br />

A Grammar <strong>of</strong> the Tagalog Language, the Chief Native<br />

Idiom <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong> Islands. New Haven,<br />

Connecticut: American Oriental Society. xxxi + 324 pp.<br />

Review: Julian Cruz Balmaceda (pseud Alma Filipina).<br />

1929. Sampaguita (January 6).<br />

Review: Otta Karl August Dempwolff. 1929. Zeitschrift<br />

fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen 19(4): 3 15-3 16.<br />

"The collection <strong>of</strong> materials illustrating indefinite<br />

pronominal ideas in the <strong>Philippine</strong> Islands." Paper read<br />

at the 137th annual meeting <strong>of</strong> the American Oriental<br />

Society in New Haven, Connecticut. (Also in JAOS<br />

48:363-364).<br />

"The study <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> languages at Johns Hopkins<br />

University and its bearing on linguistic science." Johns<br />

Hopkins Alumni Magazine 14(4):389-400.<br />

"The particle i in the <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." Paper read<br />

at the 141st annual meeting <strong>of</strong> the American Oriental<br />

Society in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (Also in JAOS<br />

49:362).<br />

"A semantic analysis <strong>of</strong> case." In Curme Volume <strong>of</strong><br />

Linguistic Studies, ed by James T. Hatfield, 34-49.<br />

Baltimore: Waverly Press.<br />

"The study <strong>of</strong> language from the semantic point <strong>of</strong><br />

view. " Indogermanische Forschungen 56:24 1-255.<br />

"Selected list <strong>of</strong> materials for the study <strong>of</strong> the Tagalog<br />

language." New York: Southeast Asia Institute. 13 lvs.<br />

(Johns Hopkins University, Language Series 4. Mimeo).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

4 4 551-563 1 Blake<br />

1950 "Tagalog noun formation. " JAOS 70(4):27 1-29 1<br />

Blanco, Gerardo, OSA<br />

nd "Vocabulario Hispano-Ilocano. " Np. 264 lvs.<br />

Blanco, Manuel<br />

1837 "Muchos nombres que se dan a 10s vegetales en estas<br />

islas con el genero a donde pertenecen." In Flora de<br />

Filipinas, 874-883. Manila: C. Lopez. 619 pp.<br />

1845 Flora de Filipinas Segun el Sistema Sexual de Linneo.<br />

Manila: C. Lopez. 2d ed. 619 pp.<br />

Review: Elmer Drew Merrill. 1905. Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Government Laboratories, publication 27.<br />

Blood, David<br />

1959 "The g phoneme in Isnag." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 3 lvs<br />

Blood, Doris<br />

1962 "The 'Y' archiphoneme in Mamanwa." AL 4(4):29-30.<br />

Bloomfield, Leonard<br />

1917 Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis. Urbana,<br />

Illinois: University <strong>of</strong> Illinois. Part I, 1- 133; part 11,<br />

134-3 16. (Other ed, 1964. 3 vols in 1).<br />

Review: Frank Blake. 1919. AJP 40:86-93.<br />

Review: Otta Karl August Dempwolff. 1923-24.<br />

Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen 14:3 16-3 17<br />

1933 Language. New York: Holt. 564 pp<br />

1942 "Outline <strong>of</strong> Ilocano syntax. " Lung 18: 193-200.<br />

Blumentritt, Ferdinand<br />

1833 "Vocabulario de la lengua Caboloana." Np. 900 lvs<br />

1882 "Ueber den Namen der Igorroten. " Aus 55(1): 17.<br />

1882 Vocabular Einzelner Ausdrucke und Redensarten<br />

welche dem Spanischen der Philippinischen Inseln<br />

Eigenthumlich sind. Leitmeritz: K. Pickert. 13 1 + 64 pp<br />

1884 "Begleitworte m meiner Karte der Insel Mindanao."<br />

Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft firer Erdkunde zu Berlin<br />

19:257-302.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Blumentritt / 564-576<br />

"Vocabulaire des locutions et de mots particuliers a<br />

1'Espagnol des <strong>Philippine</strong>s." In Extrait 12 du Bulletin<br />

de la Societe Academique Indo-Chinoise de France,<br />

233-315. Paris: Challamel aime de Ernest Leroux. 2<br />

serie, t 11.<br />

"Sitten und Brauche der Tagalen (Luzon). Nach dem<br />

'Folk-lore bulaqueiio,' nach, P. A. Paterno, de 10s<br />

Reyes, etc." Aus 58: 1016-1017; 59:281-284.<br />

"Sobre la lengua Tiruray." Np.<br />

"Vocabulario Tagalo-Aleman. " Leipzig'?.<br />

"Bemerkungen zu den Spanischen Angaben uber die<br />

verbreitungsgebiete etc. der Philippinischen<br />

landessprachen. " ZEthnol 22:89- 103.<br />

"Lenguas y razas de Filipinas." Revista de Geografia<br />

Commercial 48:552-557.<br />

"Alphabetischen verzeichnis der eingeborenen stamme<br />

der <strong>Philippine</strong>n und der von ihnen gesprochenen<br />

sprachen. " Zeitschrift d. Gesellsch. f. Erdkunde zu<br />

Berlin 25: 127- 146.<br />

"Die Maguindanaos." Aus 64:886-892.<br />

"Die Namensgebung bei den alten Tagalen." Globus<br />

62:253-254.<br />

"Die Tagalische Familie. Nach dem Spanischen des P<br />

A. Paterno." Oesterreichische Monatschrzyt fur den<br />

Orient 18:103-105.<br />

"Die transcription des Tagalog von Dr. Jose Rizal. "<br />

Bijdragen tot de Taal-land-en Volkenkunde van<br />

Nederlandsch-Indie 42:3 1 1-320.<br />

Katechismus der Katholischen Glaubenslehre in der<br />

Ilongoten-Sprache Verfasst von P. Fray Francisco de la<br />

Zarza in Druck Gelegt und mit Aequivalenten des<br />

Ilongot-Textes in Spanischer, Beziehungsweise<br />

Tagalisher und Maguindanauischer Sprache. Wien.<br />

30 PP.<br />

"Nachtrag zu dem 'Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der<br />

eingeborenen Stamme der <strong>Philippine</strong>n und der von<br />

ihnen gesprochenen Sprachen'." Zeitschrijit der<br />

Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin 28(2): 16 1- 166.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

4 6 577-589 / Blumentritt<br />

1894 "Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der bei den Philippinischen<br />

eingeborenen ublichen Eigennamen, welche auf<br />

Religion, Opfer, und priesterliche Titel und<br />

Arntsverrichtungen sich beziehen. " Zeitschrift J d.<br />

Kunde des Morgenlanoks, 43-58, 137-154, 224-238.<br />

1895 "Diccionario mitoldgico de Filipinas." Archivo del<br />

Bibli<strong>of</strong>ilo Filipino 2:335-454. (Also in 1896. La<br />

Politica de Espafia en Filipinas 7: 162- 167, 207-2 13,<br />

237-242).<br />

I895 "Ueber die Namen der malaiischen Stamme der<br />

Philippinischen Inseln. " Globus 67(21):334-337<br />

1896 "Des Padre Fr. Jose Castano Nachrichten uber die<br />

Sprache der Agta." BNI 46:434-436.<br />

1896 "Die Mangianeschrift von Mindoro." Globus<br />

69(11): 165- 166.<br />

1897 "Diccionario etnografico de Filipinas." La Politica de<br />

Espaiia en Filipinas 7:162-167; 7:207-213; 7:237-242.<br />

I898 "Diccionario de idiomas Filipinos." La Politica de<br />

Espaiia en Filipinas 8:77-80.<br />

1899 Verzeichnis Philippinischer Sachworter azts dem<br />

Gebiete der Ethnographic rrnd Zoologie. Berlin: R.<br />

Friedlander und Soh. 36 pp.<br />

190 1 "Lists <strong>of</strong> the native tribes <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s and <strong>of</strong> the<br />

languages spoken by them." In Annual Report <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Smithsonian Institution, 1887, 527-547. Washington,<br />

DC: Smithsonian Institute.<br />

1916 "<strong>Philippine</strong> tribes and languages." In <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Progress Prior to 1898, ed by Craig and Austin,<br />

107- 1 17. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Education Company Inc<br />

136 pp.<br />

Blust, Robert A.<br />

1969 "Some new Proto-Austronesian trisyllables." Working<br />

Papers in <strong>Linguistics</strong> 1(10):27-62.<br />

1971 "A Tagalog consonant cluster conspiracy." PJL<br />

2(2):85-91.<br />

1979 "Proto-Western Malayo-Poynesian vocatives. " BNI<br />

135:205-25 1.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Bordman / 590-598 4 7<br />

Bobadilla, Diego de<br />

1696 "Languages <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. " Relations de Divers 590<br />

Voyages Curieux 1 (30):4-5.<br />

Bocobo, Jorge<br />

1917 "Pag pag-uulitulit ng mga pantig salita sa wikang<br />

Tagalog at sa iba pang wika sa oceania." Np.<br />

Boller, Purification<br />

1962 "A study <strong>of</strong> the stress intonation difficulties in English 592<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Masbate South Elementary School teachers with<br />

suggestions for correction." Unpublished MA thesis,<br />

PNC.<br />

Bonet, Miguel, OP<br />

nd "Diccionario Gaddan-Espaiiol y Espaiiol-Gaddan. " Np. 593<br />

400 + 158 lvs.<br />

Bonifacio, Wenceslawa F.<br />

1960 "An analysis <strong>of</strong> the speech errors <strong>of</strong> four Tagalog<br />

pupils." California: UCLA term project for Speech<br />

103K.<br />

Bopp, Franz<br />

1816 Ueber das Conjugationssytem der Sanskritsprache in 595<br />

Vergleichung mit Jenem der Griechischen. Lateinischen<br />

und Germanischen Sprache. Frankfurt am Main.<br />

1833- 1852 Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Zend, 596<br />

Griechischen, Lateinischen, Litthauischen, Gotischen<br />

und Deutschen. Berlin. 6 vols.<br />

184 1 Ueber die Venvandtschaft der Malayisch-Polpesischen 597<br />

Sprachen mit de-; Indisch-Europaischen. Berlin:<br />

Ferdinand Durnmler. 164 pp.<br />

Bordman, J.<br />

1901 Manual de Dialogos en Tagalo, Ingles, y Castellano 598<br />

con la Pronunciation Figurada. Manila. 63 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

4 8 599-609 1 Borlaza<br />

Borlaza, Gregorio C.<br />

1970 "Ang makaagham at malikhaing pag-aaral ng Pilipino."<br />

Ang Supling (Lathalain ng Pambansang Samahan sa<br />

Lingwistika), no 1, 1-2.<br />

Botor, Pablo K.<br />

1966 "The basic structure <strong>of</strong> the Ilocano language. " Verge<br />

1(1):41-55.<br />

Bowen, J. Donald<br />

1960 "A pedagogical transcription <strong>of</strong> English. " LL<br />

lO(3-4): 103-1 14. (Also in 1962. Background Readings<br />

in Language Teaching, 70-84).<br />

1961 "English and Tagalog structures compared." PJLT 1-2.<br />

1962 "The value <strong>of</strong> contrastive analysis." In Background<br />

Readings in Language Teaching, ed by R. J. Hemphill,<br />

56-63. Quezon City: Phoenix Pub House. (<strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Center for Language Study, Monograph Series 1).<br />

1962 "The concept <strong>of</strong> pattern." In Background Readings in<br />

Language Teaching, ed by R. J. Hemphill, 21-26.<br />

Quezon City: Phoenix Pub House. (<strong>Philippine</strong> Center<br />

for Language Study, Monograph Series 1).<br />

1968 Intermediate Readings in Tagalog. Berkeley: University<br />

<strong>of</strong> California Press. 399 pp.<br />

Review: Vladimir Afanas'evich Makarenko. 1970.<br />

Narody Azii i Afriki 5:213-214.<br />

1971 "Hispanic languages and influence in Oceania. " In<br />

Current Trend in <strong>Linguistics</strong> 8(2):938-952. The<br />

Hague-Paris: Mouton.<br />

Bowen, J. Donald and Neonetta C. Cabrera<br />

1965 Beginning Tagalog: a Course for Speakers <strong>of</strong> English.<br />

Berkeley: University <strong>of</strong> California Press. 526 pp.<br />

Bowring, John<br />

1859 A Visit to the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. London. 114 pp. (Dutch<br />

version, 186 1. Een Bezoek aan de Philippijnsche<br />

Eilanden).<br />

1876 "I&omas." In Una Visita a las Islas Filipina, 201-222<br />

Manila: Ramirez y Girauher. xv + 460 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Brandstetter 1 610-620 4 9<br />

1876 Una Visita a las Islas Filipinas. Manila: Ramirez y<br />

Giraudier. xv + 460 pp.<br />

Brainerd, Sherri-Lyn - See also 374<br />

Brainerd, Sherri<br />

1985 "Upper Tanudan Kalinga dictionary. " Bagabag, Nueva<br />

Vizcaya: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

Brainerd, Sherri, comp<br />

1985 Upper Tanudan Kalinga Texts (SIPL Supplementary<br />

Series: <strong>Philippine</strong> Texts l), ed by Fe T. Otanes and<br />

Austin Hale. Manila: LSP and <strong>SIL</strong>. ix + 128 pp.<br />

Brandes, Carlos 0. and Otto J. Scheerer<br />

1927-1928 "On sandhi in the Ibanag language." The Archive, paper<br />

6. 42 lvs.<br />

Brandes, Jan Laurens Andries<br />

1884 Budrage tot de Vergelukende Klankleer der Westersche<br />

Afdeling van de Maleish-Polynesische Taal-familie.<br />

Utrecht: P. W. van de Weijer. 184 pp.<br />

1903 "Het infix 'IN' niet een infix 'UM' passieve vormen te<br />

maken." In Album Kern, 199-204. Leiden: E. J. Brill.<br />

420 pp.<br />

Brandstetter, Renward<br />

1893- 1908 Malayo-Polynesische Forschungen. Luzern: Geschw.<br />

Doleschal. 10 vols in 2 series.<br />

1901 "Die Stellung der Minahassischen Idiome zu dem<br />

ubrigen Spracheil von Celebes einerseits und zu den<br />

Sprachen der Philipinen anderseits." In Versuch Einer<br />

Anthropologie der Insel Celebes. Vol 5 <strong>of</strong> Materialen<br />

zur ~Vafurgeschichte der Insel Celebes, Paul Sarasin and<br />

Fritz Sarsin. Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel Verlag.<br />

1902 Tagalen und Madagassen. Luzern: J. Eisenring. 85 pp.<br />

1903 "Auslaut und Anlaut in Indogermanischen und<br />

Malaiopolyneischen. " In Album Kern, 349-35 1. Leiden:<br />

E. J. Brill. 420 pp.<br />

1905 "El Tagalog y el Malagasy. " The <strong>Philippine</strong> Historical<br />

Review (May-July): 14, 3 1-32, 45-47.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Bravo 1 630-643<br />

1916 An Introduction to Indonesian <strong>Linguistics</strong>. London:<br />

Asiatic Society. 351 pp. (Asiatic Society Monograph 15).<br />

Review: Shwe Zan Aung. 1917. ,'rBResSoc 7:94- 109.<br />

1917 Die Reduplikation in den Indianischen, Indonesischen,<br />

und Indogermanischen Sprachen. Luzern: Verlag E.<br />

Haag. 33 pp.<br />

1922 Der Intellekt der Indonesischen Rasse. Mit<br />

Indogermansichen Parallelen als Anhang. Luzern.<br />

1929 Wir Menshen der Indonesischen Erde. Luzern: Verlag<br />

E. Haag. 11 vols.<br />

1931 Das Sprechen und die Sprache im Spiegel der<br />

Indonesischen Idiome und Literaturen. Luzern: Verlag<br />

E. Haag. 35 pp. (Wir Menschen der Indonesischen<br />

Erde 7).<br />

1937 Die Venvandtschaft des Indonesischen mit dem<br />

Indogermanischen. Luzern: Verlag E. Haag. 29 pp.<br />

1938 "Root and word in the Indonesian language."<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> 2:48- 106.<br />

1956 Bahasa Indonesia Umum dan Bahasa Indonesia Purba.<br />

Djakarta: Pustaka Rakjat. 64 pp.<br />

1957 Akcr Kata dun Kata Dalam Bahasa Indonesia.<br />

Djakarta: Pustaka Rakjat. 64 pp.<br />

1957 Hal Bunji Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Djakarta: Pustaka<br />

Rakjat. 113 + 232 pp.<br />

1957 Katakerdja Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Djakarta: Pustaka<br />

Rakjat. 92 pp.<br />

Braiia, Miguel<br />

1769? "Diccionario Tagalo. " Np.<br />

Bravo, Antonio<br />

1857 Vade-Mecum Filipino o Manual de la Conversation<br />

Familiar Espaiiol-Pampango. Manila: C. Miralles.<br />

109 pp.<br />

1886 "Cuestiones grammaticales; sus contestaciones. "<br />

Candaba (August 10).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

52 644-656 1 Bravo<br />

1886 "Yslas Filipinas. Cuestionario y vocabulario de la 644<br />

lengua Pampanga dialecto." Candaba. 33 lvs.<br />

Bravo, Fr. Felipe - See 729<br />

Breau, Armand de Quatrefabes de<br />

1895 "Language <strong>of</strong> the Negritos." In The Pygmies, tr by<br />

Frederick Starr, 144-148. London: Macmillan.<br />

Brichoux, Felicia - See also 656, 657<br />

1984 "Intersecting functions <strong>of</strong> topic markers in Sindangan 646<br />

Subanun." SIPL 5(1):47-65.<br />

Brichoux, Robert M.<br />

nd "Sindangan Suhanun phonemics II." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 647<br />

10 lvs.<br />

1963 "Egibid bu egbuaya (Lizard and Crocodile)." <strong>SIL</strong>WP 648<br />

7:35-36.<br />

1970 "Sindangan Subanun phonemics." Papers in <strong>Philippine</strong> 649<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> 3 :7 1-77. (PL-A 24).<br />

1972 "Acoustic correlates <strong>of</strong> stress in Tagaiog: 6 50<br />

Spectrographic studtes <strong>of</strong> relative amplitude, relative<br />

frequency and length." Fullerton: California State<br />

College. 87 lvs. (Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> Seminar<br />

Papers Series 18).<br />

"Length in Sindangan Subanun." In Laboratory for<br />

Phonetic Research. Fullerton: California State College,<br />

11 Ivs. (Research Reports Series 5).<br />

1977 "Semantic components <strong>of</strong> pronoun systems: Subanon 652<br />

and Samoan." SIPL 1(1):163-65.<br />

1977 "Spelling Subanun style: A test <strong>of</strong> a phonemic-cultural 653<br />

orthography. " SIPL l(1): 151-62.<br />

1984 "Hortatory strategy in Subanun 11." SIPL 5(1):80-117. 654<br />

1988 "Subanen normative discourse: implications for 655<br />

translation." OPTAT 2(3):80-88.<br />

Brichoux, Robert M. and Felicia Brichoux<br />

1963 "Pattern congruity in Ilianen Manobo phonology." In 656<br />

Papers on <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages I, ed by Elmer<br />

Wolfenden, 40-49. Manila: KT and <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Buenaventura 1657-667 53<br />

1977 "A sketch <strong>of</strong> Ilianen Manobo inflection." SIPL 657<br />

l(1): 166-72.<br />

Brichoux, Robert M. and Austin Hale<br />

1977 "Some characteristics <strong>of</strong> hortatory strategy in Subanun." 658<br />

SIPL 1(1):75-92.<br />

Briones, Manuel C.<br />

1943 "The chief dialects as a vehicle <strong>of</strong> popular culture." PR 659<br />

1(8):22-24.<br />

Broad, Henry Philip (pseud for Mrs. Anne Broad)<br />

1929 'Thabacano." PM 26(3): 142, 160.<br />

1932 "Baptismal names among Filipinos." PM 29(1): 19.<br />

Brouwer, C. de<br />

1925-1926 "Bontoc legends." LAMP 2(1):20-21; 2(4):116-117;<br />

2(6):181-182; 2(10):225-226; 2(11):253.<br />

Brugmann, A.<br />

1941-1942 "Syntaktische probleme im Polynesischen, mit<br />

besonderer Berucksichtigung des Tonganischen. "<br />

ZEthnol 32(1): 1-30; 32(2):89-113; 32(3): 183-200.<br />

Bruk, Solomon Il'ich - See 499<br />

Buchler, Ira R. and R. Freeze<br />

1966 "The distinctive features <strong>of</strong> pronominal systems 664<br />

(Ilocano, Maranao). " AL 8(8):78- 105.<br />

Buell, William<br />

1962 "Comparative study <strong>of</strong> English and Ilocano."<br />

California: UCLA. Mimeo.<br />

Buenaventura, Amparo S.<br />

1962 "A syntactic analysis <strong>of</strong> basic sentence types in 666<br />

Tagalog." Unpublished MA thesis, Georgetown<br />

University. 71 lvs.<br />

1967 A Syntactic Analysis <strong>of</strong> Basic Sentence Types in 667<br />

Tagalog. San Carlos Publications, Series A Humanities<br />

6. (Published version <strong>of</strong> 1962 thesis).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

54 668-678 / Buenaventura<br />

Buenaventura, Ligaya C.<br />

1982 Diksipnaryong Pilipino-Pilipino. Manila: Goodwill<br />

Trading; Quezon City: JMC Press. 338 pp.<br />

Buenaventura, P. de<br />

1613 "Vocabulario Tagalog. " Np.<br />

Buffin, Katherine G. and Charles Lynch<br />

1914 JoIoano Moro. Manila: E. E. McCullough. 138 pp.<br />

Bugarin, Jose, OP<br />

nd "Gramatica del idioma Ibanag at diccionario<br />

Tbanag-Espafiol. " Np.<br />

1613? "Dictionary in Ibanag dialect." Np<br />

1854 Diccionario Ybnnag-Espaiiol. Manila: Amigos del Pais.<br />

xii + 280 + 72 pp.<br />

Buhain, Amparo R. - See also 204<br />

1958 "The Tagalog particle -Na."' PJS 87(4):473-478.<br />

1960 "A sequence <strong>of</strong> Tagalog structural patterns for speakers<br />

<strong>of</strong> English." California: UCLA term project for English<br />

370K.<br />

Bulabog, Praxedes P.<br />

1968 "A contrastive study <strong>of</strong> the phonological systems <strong>of</strong><br />

English and Cebuano Bisayan and how the differences<br />

affect the teaching <strong>of</strong> English as a second language to<br />

Cebuano Bisayan learners." Unpublished MA thesis,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> San Carlos, Cebu.<br />

Bulich, Sergei Konstantinovich<br />

1901 "Tagal'skij jazyk" [The Tagalog language]. In<br />

Enci'klopediceskij slovar' [Encyclopedic dictionary], ed<br />

by Brokgauza and Efrona, 469. SPb.<br />

1902 "Filippinskaja ili tagal'skaja gruppa malajskich<br />

jazykov" [<strong>Philippine</strong> or Tagalog group <strong>of</strong> Malayan<br />

languages]. In EnEiklopediceskij slovar ' [Encyclopedic<br />

dictionary], ed by Brokgauza and Efrona, 75 1-752. SPb.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Education 1 679-692<br />

Bulle, Emilio, OESA<br />

1890? "Notas y observaciones a la gramatica Tagal." Np.<br />

Bunye, Maria Victoria - See also 3881<br />

1962 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Kinaray-a." Manila: Ateneo<br />

Graduate School. Mimeo.<br />

Bunye, Maria Victoria and Elsa Paula Yap<br />

1970 "Cebuano for beginners." Np. 839 lvs.<br />

1970 "Cebuano grammar notes." Np. 115 lvs.<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Agriculture<br />

1903-1904 P. I. Bureau <strong>of</strong> Agriculture Report. 1903-1904. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Education<br />

1940 Course <strong>of</strong> Study in the National Language @or<br />

non-Tagalog speaking provinces). Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing.<br />

1940 Course <strong>of</strong> Study in the National Language Uor Tagalog<br />

speaking provinces). Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

vi +38 pp.<br />

1945 Bulitin Ukol sa Wikang Pambansa. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 6 vols.<br />

1946 A Manual for Teaching the Filipino National Language<br />

in Grade I. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 120 pp.<br />

1946 Bulitin Ukol sa Wikang Pambansa. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 8 vols.<br />

1946 LSpellrn,q the I)lphthongs 'in, ' 're, ' '10, ' and the<br />

nun-L)rphthon,os in the Frlrprno h'atronnl Lnt?quage<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 1 p. (Bulletin 8).<br />

1947 A Manual for Teaching the Filipino Language in the<br />

First Year. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 117 pp. (2d ed,<br />

1953).<br />

1947 A Manual for Teaching the Filipino National Language.<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

1947 "Additional lessons in the Filipino National Language."<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 16 lvs. Mimeo. (Bulletin 10).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

56 693-707 / Bureau <strong>of</strong> Education<br />

A Manual for Teaching the National Language in the<br />

Second Year High School (Non-Tagalog students).<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 89 pp.<br />

oyc rlrrtl l'trf oj rh~ I'evhal.4ffirr \ ~rrrr ' nnd /?tag<br />

Manlla: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Education. 16 pp (Bulletin 2)<br />

"Common errors in the National Language for remedial<br />

teachers. " Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 12 lvs. Mimeo.<br />

(Bulletin 3).<br />

"Correct pronunciation in the National Language."<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 16 Ivs. Mimeo. (Bulletin 13).<br />

A Course <strong>of</strong> Study in National Language for Grade III<br />

(for Tagalog provinces). Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

60 PP.<br />

Common Expressions and Functional Grammar in<br />

National Language. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Education.<br />

10 pp. (Bulletin 5).<br />

"Meaning and use <strong>of</strong> idoms in the National Language."<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 26 Ivs. Mimeo. (Bulletin 32).<br />

"Patnubay sa pagtuturo ng Wikang Pilipino para sa<br />

ikaanim na baitang." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

1 14 lvs. Mirneo.<br />

"Accentuation <strong>of</strong> Filipino language words not necessary<br />

in certain cases." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 1 If.<br />

Mimeo. (Memorandum 25).<br />

"Biyadiin." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 24 Ivs. Mimeo.<br />

"Mga sugilanan sa akean." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing<br />

25 lvs. Mimeo.<br />

"Omolok tana." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 22 lvs<br />

Mimeo.<br />

Patnubay sa Pagtuturo ng Wikang Pilipino para sa<br />

Ikatlong Taon ng Mataas nu Paaralan. Manila: Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Printing. 1 13 pp.<br />

"Pira-c tad don nat tabacu." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 20 lvs. Mimeo.<br />

"Tamtami, ululit ni bayag. " Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

27 Ivs. Mimeo.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Education / 708-723<br />

1956 Vocabulary Lists for Teaching Various Subjects in the<br />

Filipino Language. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 24 pp.<br />

(Miscellaneous publications).<br />

1956 "Y maservi nikamu. " Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

27 lvs. Mimeo.<br />

1957 "Pagadadan o magingod." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

56 lvs. Mimeo. (Community Education Series, book I).<br />

1957 The Family <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages and Dialects.<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. (Bulletin 37).<br />

1958 ,417 Koroc~rrg S~tCigon h~n<br />

Printing.<br />

:4usterrt?/ ' Manlla Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

"In haati sin 'Austerity."' Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

Mimeo.<br />

Kodigo ug mga Suron-danon hin Ka Tultol ngan<br />

Kamaupay nga Batasan. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

9 PP.<br />

"Maanano 'Austcrity. ". Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

Mimeo.<br />

Mga Kitab o Adat sa Kapagined. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 19 pp.<br />

Patnubay sa Pagtuturo ng Wikang Pilipino para sa<br />

Ikaapat nu Taon ng Mataas nu Paaralan. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 97 pp.<br />

"Community in action." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing, vol<br />

3(1). 4 lvs. Mimeo.<br />

"Course outline for Pilipino, grade III." Manila: Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Printing. 5 Ivs. Mimeo. (Memorandum 113).<br />

"Course outline for Pilipino, grade IV." Manila: Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Printing. 3 lvs. Mimeo. (Memorandum 113).<br />

Course Outline in Pilipino Language for Grade V.<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 206 pp.<br />

"Magtanum sing madamong kararuton. " Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 27 Ivs. Mimeo.<br />

"A composite vocabulary <strong>of</strong> principal halects spoken<br />

in the Mt. Province for the use in elementary grades."<br />

Baguio City. (Division bulletin 1).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

5 8 724-733 / Bureau <strong>of</strong> Education<br />

1964 "Ang tungkulin ng mga paaralan sa pagtuturo at 724<br />

pagpapalaganap ng Pilipino. " Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. (Memoradum 10 1).<br />

1964 "Filipino terms and expressions that may be used in 725<br />

commencement exercises and other programs." Manila:<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Education. (Bulletin 8).<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Public Schools<br />

1958 "Vocabulary List <strong>of</strong> Bikol Words for Grades I and 11." 726<br />

NP.<br />

Buschmann, Johan Carl E.<br />

1838 "Vergleichende Gramatik der Siidsee-Sprachen und 727<br />

Beilaufig des Malayischen Sprachstarnrnes Uberhaupt."<br />

In Ueber die Kawi Sprache auf der Insel Java, by<br />

Wilhelm Humboldt, 3:569-1028. Berlin.<br />

Bustillo, Don Arisclo F. Vallin<br />

1886 Gramatica na lsinawicang Tagalog Manila: Ang<br />

pinagawang Tipografico 'La Industrial ' 105 pp.<br />

Butuhasan, Madarsad - See 3704<br />

Buzeta, Manuel and Fr. Felipe Bravo<br />

1 8 50- 185 1 Diccionario Geogrrij?co, Estadistico, Historico de las 729<br />

Islas Filipinas. Manila: Irnprenta de Jose C. de la Peiia.<br />

2 vols. 567 pp, 467 pp.<br />

Buzeta, Manuel<br />

1850 Gramatica de la Lengua Tagala. Madrid: lmprenta de 730<br />

D. Jose de la Peiia. vi + 17 1 + 3 pp.<br />

18 50- 185 1 "Idoma. " In Diccionario Geogrrifico, Estadtstico, 731<br />

Histdrico de las Islas Filipinas 1:64-66. Manila:<br />

Iinprenta de Jose C. de la Pefia.<br />

Byrne, James<br />

1885 General Principles <strong>of</strong> the Structure <strong>of</strong> Language. 732<br />

London: Trubner and Co. 2 vols. 504 pp, 396 pp.<br />

Cabanon, L.<br />

1966 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> Ilocano and English count 733<br />

and mass nouns. " Manila: PNC. Mimeo.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Calderon 1 734-745<br />

Cabonce, Rodolfo, SJ<br />

1955? "Visayan-English dictionary. " Manila. 23 1 lvs.<br />

(Reprinted 1963 by the Peace Corps).<br />

1963 Visayan-English, English- Visayan Dictionary.<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s: Peace Corps. (Reprinted 1983).<br />

1983 An English-Cebuano Visayan Dictionary. Manila:<br />

National Book Store Inc. 1135 pp.<br />

Cabrera, Neonetta C. - See 607<br />

Cacdac, Bonifacio and Fausta Arce-Cacdac<br />

1960 Ilocano-English-Pilipino Dictionary. Manila: Mendoza<br />

Press.<br />

1960 Pagitarusan-Ilokano-Ingles-Pilipino. Agoo, La Union,<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s: Agoo Fashion Art School Inc.<br />

Cachero, Espirita - See 1 190<br />

Cacho, A.<br />

170? "Origen y costumbres de 10s Isinays, Ilongotes, Irulis e<br />

Igorrotes. " Np.<br />

Calagui, Jeremias D.<br />

1971 "A linguistic description <strong>of</strong> Pampango." Unpublished<br />

PhD dissertation, Centro Escolar University. 3 15 lvs.<br />

Calauian, Ma. Concepcion A.<br />

19-- "A linguistic description <strong>of</strong> Ibanag." Unpublished PhD<br />

dissertation, Centro Escolar University.<br />

Calderon, Baltasar Fernandez, OP<br />

nd "Diccionario de la lengua de 10s Batanes." Np.<br />

Calderon, S<strong>of</strong>ronio G. - See also 1068, 1069, 1257, 1433<br />

1907 Dating Pilipinas. Maynila: J. Martinez. 127 pp.<br />

1910 Mahalagang Pug-aural Ukol sa Wikang Tagalog.<br />

Manila: Renacimiento Filipino. 44 pp.<br />

1911 "Ang sagot sa aklatang bayan ni.. . " Taliba (October 9).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1914 Pocket Dictionary. English-Spanish-Tagalog. Manila: P<br />

Sayo vda. de Soriano. 343 pp. (Other eds, 1916.<br />

Manila: J. Martinez; 1930. Manila: Santos y Bernal.<br />

428 PP).<br />

1915 Diccionario Ingles-Espanlol-Tagalog. Manila: Libreria<br />

de J. Martinez. 654 pp.<br />

1916 Munting Diccionario na Ingles-Tagalog. Manila: P.<br />

Sayo vda. de Soriano. 279 pp.<br />

1939 Ang Yaman ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 33 pp. (INL Publications 4(14)).<br />

1939 Tagalog-English Vocabulary and Manual <strong>of</strong><br />

Conversation. Manila: M. Colcol and Co. 162 pp.<br />

(Other ed, 4th ed, 1947. Manila: M. Colcol. 163 pp)<br />

194 1 English-Tagalog-Ilokano Vocabulary. Manila:<br />

Metropolitan Publication. 152 pp.<br />

1947 Ang mga Kawikaan sa Larangan ng Pamumuhay.<br />

Manila: M. Colcol and Co. 97 pp.<br />

1953 Sayo's Dictionary, Tagalog-English. Manila: P. Sayo<br />

vda. de Soriano. 109 pp.<br />

1956 Talasalitaan ng Inang Wika. Manila: hang Wika<br />

Publishing Co. 119 pp. (2d ed, 1957).<br />

Calderon, S<strong>of</strong>ronio G. and Jose G. Katindig<br />

1947 Practical Self-vtudy <strong>of</strong> the National Language. Manila:<br />

M. Colcol and Co. 228 pp.<br />

Calimag, Estrella de Lara<br />

1965 "A Gaddang word list with English equivalents."<br />

Unpublished EdD dissertation, Columbia University.<br />

286 Ivs.<br />

Calip, Jose Resurreccion<br />

1938 Iloko Ornaments. Manila. 38 pp.<br />

1939 "Ilocano colloquialisms. " PM 36(2):70-7 1. (Also 1955.<br />

JEAS 4(1):59-61).<br />

Calip, Jose Resurreccion and Pena Calip<br />

1941 English-Tagalog-Ilokano Vocabulary. Manila:<br />

Metropolitan hblication. 152 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Campion / 760-769 6 1<br />

Calip, Pena - See 759<br />

Calleja, Jose, OESA<br />

1765? "Llave para escribir y leer el Pampango." Np. 1 vol. 760<br />

Camacho, Graciano<br />

1939 Ano ang Iklilat at Ano ang Kaugnayan Nito sa 761<br />

Suliranin ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 15 pp. (IN, Publications 4(21)).<br />

Camacho, M. - See 354<br />

Camacho, Socorro N.<br />

1964 "A contrastive study <strong>of</strong> some English Ilocano 762<br />

intonation patterns: an introduction." Unpublished MAT<br />

seminar paper, UP. 26 lvs.<br />

Cameron, Charles Raymond<br />

1917 Sulu Writing. Zamboanga: The Sulu Press. 161 pp. 763<br />

193- "Sulu notes. " Np. 764<br />

Camins, Bernardo S.<br />

1989 Chabacano de Zamboanga Handbook and 765<br />

Chabacano-English-Spanish Dictionary. Quezon City:<br />

Claretian Publications. 144 pp.<br />

Cammach, Floyd M.<br />

1962 "Bauan grammar. " Unpublished PhD dissertation,<br />

Cornell University.<br />

Campa, Buenaventura<br />

1894 "Los Mayoyaos y la raza Ifugao. El dialecto." La<br />

Poiitica de Espaiia en Filipinas 4:263.<br />

Campion, Juan Antonio, SJ<br />

nd "Vocabulario de la lengua Bisaya." Np.<br />

Campo, Antonio del, OP<br />

1740 "Proyecta un Nuevo Camino de Bagabag a Carig;<br />

construccion de iglesias y conventos; papel que da P<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

6 2 770-777 / Campo<br />

Marin, OP a Danao; gramatica y lccionario del P.<br />

Sierra en Gaddan. " Dominikaner-Archive der Provinz<br />

Philipppinen.<br />

Campomanes, Florencio - See 1421<br />

Campomanes, Jose Hevia<br />

1930 Lecciones de Gramatica Hispano-Tagala. Manila: UST. 770<br />

17th cd. 202 pp (1st cd, 1872. 2nd ed. 1877. 3rd ed.<br />

1883; 4th ed, 1888; 6th ed, 1901; 8th ed, 1909; 9th ed,<br />

1912).<br />

Canao, Mariano and Joanne Shetler<br />

1978 "Balangao (folktale texts). " SIPL 2(2): 1-5.<br />

Canseco, Mariano D. (pseud for Pr<strong>of</strong>. Quiro)<br />

1937 "Ang ating abakada (Inayos nang makatugon sa 7 72<br />

kayamanan at kasalukuyang kalusugan ng wika, at tuloy<br />

magamit sa mga bagong dagdag sa sariling talatinigan)."<br />

Manila. 15 Ivs.<br />

1943 Ang Dating mga Titzk sa Filipinas. Manila: Liberty 773<br />

Press Inc. 25 pp.<br />

Caiia, Norma D.<br />

1963 "An analytical survey <strong>of</strong> prepositional errors <strong>of</strong> 774<br />

Hiligaynon spealung students <strong>of</strong> English." California:<br />

UCLA term project for English 250K.<br />

Caiiamaque, Francisco<br />

1890 "Les Isles <strong>Philippine</strong>s." Bulletin de la Societe' 775<br />

Academique Indo-Chinois 3(2):299-327. (Tr by Evariste<br />

Pimpiterre).<br />

Caiion, Juan<br />

1956 Modo Practico de Aprender la Grammatica Castellana 776<br />

con Traduccion a1 Ingles y Bisaya. Cebu?: Bacalso<br />

Press. 60 pp.<br />

Capell, Arthur<br />

1933 "The structure <strong>of</strong> oceanic languages. " Oceania<br />

3(4):418-434.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Caroll / 778-788<br />

1938 "The word 'mana': a linguistic study." Oceania<br />

9(1):89-96.<br />

1964 "Verbal systems in <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." PJS<br />

93(2):23 1-249.<br />

Capell, Arthur and S. Wurm<br />

1958 Oceania Linguistic Monographs: Studies in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> by Members <strong>of</strong> <strong>SIL</strong>, Number 3. Sydney:<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Sydney. 82 pp.<br />

Carbonell, Jose<br />

1800? "Tesauro Ilocano. " Np.<br />

Carbonilla, Leopoldo<br />

1965 "The orthography <strong>of</strong> the Cebu-Visayan dialect." PJE<br />

44(6):420-42 1.<br />

Carlito, M.<br />

1985 "A cross-lingustic study <strong>of</strong> reflexivity in Spanish and<br />

Tagalog. " Np.<br />

Carlos, Lourdes Balderrama<br />

1966 "A comparative analysis <strong>of</strong> the structure <strong>of</strong> children's<br />

oral speech in Tagalog and English." Unpublished EdD<br />

dissertation, Indiana University. 166 lvs.<br />

Carmen, Jose Maria Learte del, ORSA<br />

nd "Aunario de Maria." Np.<br />

Caro, Domingo, OP<br />

1777 "Gramatica para que 10s PP jovenes pueden aprender.<br />

Isinay o Immear." Np.<br />

Carolino, Rhoda and Gary C. Persons<br />

1978 "Bolinao (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2):6-12.<br />

Caroll, John<br />

1960 "The word 'Bisaya' in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s and Borneo."<br />

SMJ 9(15- 16):499-54 1. (Formerly published in 1959 as<br />

"Notes on the Bisaya in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s and Borneo."<br />

JEAS 1(2):42-72).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

64 789-799 / Carpio<br />

Carpio, Trinidad R.<br />

1954 "A study <strong>of</strong> the infuence <strong>of</strong> the American language on 789<br />

Tagalog." Unpublished MA thesis, Arellano University.<br />

Manila.<br />

Carr, Denzel<br />

1973 "A note on Tagalog expressive." In Parangal kav<br />

Cecilio L

Castelo / 800-810<br />

Cascolan, Minda L.<br />

1960 "A study <strong>of</strong> pronunciation difficulties <strong>of</strong> Pangasinan<br />

speahng learners <strong>of</strong> English." California: UCLA term<br />

project for speech 103K.<br />

Casel, Leith B. - See 3872, 3873<br />

Casel, Leith B. and Michiko Yamashita, eds<br />

1983 Irokano-go Kaiwa Renshiicho [Maysa nga Pagpraktis ti<br />

Panagsao ti Ilokano / A Drill Book for Ilocano<br />

Conversation]. Tokyo: Daigakushorin. 152 pp.<br />

Casiiio, Eric<br />

1966 "Lunsay: song-dance <strong>of</strong> the Jama Mapun <strong>of</strong> Sulu." Asia<br />

Std 4(2):3 16-323.<br />

1967 "Jama Mapun ethnoecology: economic and symbolic (<strong>of</strong><br />

grains, winds and stars)." Asia Std 5(1): 1-32.<br />

Castaiio, N.<br />

nd "Dicccionario Espaiiol y Batan. " Np.<br />

Castaiio, P.<br />

1895 "Noticia del Bicol." Archivo del Bibli<strong>of</strong>ilo Filipino 1<br />

Castellao, Tomas, OP<br />

1595 "Pangasinan dictionary." Np.<br />

Castelo, Lutgarda Mendoza<br />

1962 "Structural differences between English and Tagalog<br />

verbs: a study designed to improve the teaching <strong>of</strong><br />

English to advanced Filipino students." Unpublished<br />

MA thesis, Columbia University. 97 lvs. (Also 1964.<br />

DisAbs 24:5398; 1964. PhilEdFor 13:39-43).<br />

1963 "Tense sequences - a problem for advanced Tagalog<br />

students in English." LL 13(34):211-216. (Also<br />

1964-65. FEUFJ 9(4):34-40).<br />

1963 "The relation <strong>of</strong> intra-cultural analysis <strong>of</strong> referents to<br />

linguistic reference in foreign language learning."<br />

FEUFJ 7(3):653-660.<br />

1963- 1964 "A study in Tagalo-English bilingualism. " FEUFJ<br />

8(2): 152-160; 8(3):263-268.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

66 811-821 / Castelo<br />

1964-65 "'Already' in Filipino speech." FEUFJ 9(1): 19-22. 81 1<br />

1966 "Compounds in Tagalog. " Phonetica 14:36-39. 812<br />

1966 "Derivation <strong>of</strong> abstract nouns from adjectives in 813<br />

Tagalog." Zeitsschriyt fur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaji<br />

und Kommunikationsforschung 19(4-5):373-378.<br />

Castillo, Emma S. and Rosita G. Galang<br />

1973 "Tagalog-English switching in the greater Manila area: 814<br />

a preliminary investigation. " Ateneo-PNC consortium.<br />

Castillo, Evelyn, Don Auspitz and Maurice Freedman<br />

1963 Waray-waray. Cebu City: Peace Corps <strong>Philippine</strong> 815<br />

Language Project. 2 vols. 119 pp, 66 pp.<br />

Castillo, Florencio M.<br />

1947 "Tagalog applied grammar and vocabulary. " 816<br />

Camalaniugan, Cagayan. 66 lvs.<br />

1948 Tagalog Simplgied Balarila with Vocabulary. Manila: 817<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Education. 63 pp.<br />

Castrillo, Maria Luisa Y.<br />

1955 "Pampango syntax." Unpublished MA thesis, UP.<br />

138 lvs.<br />

Castro y Amoedo, Pedro Andres de<br />

1930 Ortografia y Reglas de la Lengua Tagalog Acomodados<br />

a sus Propios Caracteres.. . Madrid: Libreria Gen. de<br />

Victoriano Suarez. ix + 95 pp.<br />

819<br />

Castro, Agustin Maria de, OESA<br />

1930 "Ortografia y reglas de la lengua Tagalog accomodadas 820<br />

a sus propios caracteres." Np. 98 lvs.<br />

Castro, Benito S. de<br />

1958 "Institute <strong>of</strong> national language bats for a nationally 821<br />

uniform orthography <strong>of</strong> all Filipino languages." PEduc<br />

13:215-217.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Cayari / 822-831 6 7<br />

Castro, Rosenda Alog de<br />

1965 "A methodology for writing adjective definitions for an 822<br />

English-Tagalog, Tagalog-English or English-English<br />

dictionary for use by Filipinos." Unpublished MA<br />

thesis, PNC.<br />

1970 "A computer-based methodology for a word count in 823<br />

Tagalog. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA.<br />

209 lvs.<br />

Catacataca, Pamfdo D.<br />

1962 Limit ng Paggamit ng mga Salita sa Limampung 824<br />

Kuwento ng Limampung Kuwentista. Manila: Surian ng<br />

Wikang Pambansa. 56 pp.<br />

1965 "Mga salitang lalong malimit gamitin." Diwa 1:34-38. 825<br />

Cataque, H. - See 1082, 1878<br />

Catedral, Esperanza M.<br />

1964 "A comparative study <strong>of</strong> English and Hiligaynon<br />

sentence structure patterns for the development <strong>of</strong><br />

materials for teaching English as a second language."<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, CPU. 240 Ivs.<br />

826<br />

1965 "The isolation <strong>of</strong> Hiligaynon statements." TchJr<br />

2(2):11, 12, 27-29.<br />

Catindig, Jose<br />

1947 Ang Pagtuturo ng Pagbasa ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: 828<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 17 pp. (INL Publications 4(2)).<br />

Cavada y Mendez, Vigo Agustin de la<br />

1876 "Lenguas." In Historia Geografica, Geologia y 829<br />

Estadistica de Filipinas I. Manila: Ramirez y<br />

Giraudier. 376 pp.<br />

Cayari, Remedios M.<br />

1956 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Tagalog." PJS 85(2):249-255. 830<br />

1963 "Tagalog time adverbs." Unpublished MA thesis, UP. 831<br />

xii + 118 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

6 8 832-842 I' Ceniza<br />

Ceniza, Riorita E.<br />

1968 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> the Cebuano and English 832<br />

verbal systems." Unpublished MA thesis, Silliman<br />

University, Dumagente City.<br />

Ceiia, R. R1.<br />

1979 "Double representations for some loan words in 833<br />

Tagalog." SIPL 3(1): 125-137.<br />

1979 "On resurrecting buried agents in certain Tagalog 834<br />

verbs." SIPL 3(1): 112-1 18.<br />

1979 "Tagalog counterexamples to the accessibility 835<br />

hierarchy. " SIPL 3(1): 1 19-124.<br />

Chai, Nemia hfelgarejo<br />

1960 "A descriptive analysis <strong>of</strong> Aklan syntax." Unpublished 836<br />

MA thesis, Pennsylvania State University. 157 lvs.<br />

Chamberlain, Alexander F.<br />

1900 "Etymology <strong>of</strong> the name Aeta (Eta, Ita)." AmAnth 837<br />

2:773-774.<br />

1900-1903 "<strong>Philippine</strong> Studies. I. Place names. 11. Folklore. III. 838<br />

The Tagal language. IV. The origin <strong>of</strong> the name<br />

Manila. VI. The American Indian element from plant<br />

names. VII. Placenames derived from piant-names. "<br />

AAOJ 22:393-399; 23:49-54; 23: 145-148; 23:203-206;<br />

23:333-334; 24:97-100; 251108-1 11.<br />

1902 "Notes on Tagal folklore." Journal <strong>of</strong> American ' 839<br />

Folklore 15: 196- 198.<br />

1959 "Notes <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. From the American 840<br />

Antiquarian. III. The Tagal Language." JEAS<br />

8(3-4):43-46.<br />

Chan, Sonja A.<br />

1977 "The syntactic-sernant~c representations <strong>of</strong> the Ilokano<br />

adverbial particle pay and its lexicalizations in English."<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, San Louis University, Baguio<br />

City.<br />

841<br />

"Beyond syntax and semantics via Ilokano." 842<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, San Louis Universiy,<br />

Baguio City.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

ChrCtien l 843-851<br />

Chan-Yap, Gloria<br />

1977 "Hokkien Chinese loanwords in Tagalog. " SIPL<br />

l(1): 17-49.<br />

Chandler, Donna<br />

1974 "Verb stem classes in Northern Kankanay. " Papers in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> 5: 1-21 (PL-A 41).<br />

Changale, Canuto - See 1372<br />

Charles, Mathew<br />

1974 "Problems in the reconstruction <strong>of</strong> Proto-<strong>Philippine</strong><br />

phonology and the subgrouping <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

languages." OL 13:457-509.<br />

Chaveli, Andres, OP<br />

nd "Comprendio del arte de la lengua Ibanag del P. Fausto<br />

de Cuevas. " Np. 150 lvs.<br />

Cheong, Loretta<br />

1945 "Chinese names <strong>of</strong> foods and culinary terms adopted in<br />

Tagalog. " Np.<br />

Chirino, Pedro<br />

1890 "De las lenguas de las Filipinas" and "De las letras de<br />

10s Filipinos." In Relacion de las lslas Filipinas, 52-55,<br />

58-59. Manila: hnprenta de Esteban Balbas. 2d ed.<br />

Chongalan, Dionic - See 1372<br />

ChrCtien, C. Douglas<br />

1951 "The Dialect <strong>of</strong> the Sierra de Mariveles Negritos."<br />

University <strong>of</strong> California Publications in <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

4(2):61-110.<br />

1962 "A classification <strong>of</strong> twenty-one <strong>Philippine</strong> languages."<br />

PJS 91:485-506.<br />

1965 "The statistical structure <strong>of</strong> the proto-Austronesian<br />

morph." Lingua 14:243-270.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

7 0 852-862 1 Christie<br />

Christie, Emerson B.<br />

1909 "The Subanuns <strong>of</strong> Sindangan Bay." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 12 1 lvs. (Also in Bureau <strong>of</strong> Science<br />

6(1): 1-121 j.<br />

Chua, Anacoreta A.<br />

196 1 "A brief contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Tagalog."<br />

California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.<br />

Chun, Ernest<br />

nd "Isneg phonemes. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 7 lvs<br />

Churchill, William - See also 1271<br />

1913 The Subanu: Studies <strong>of</strong> a sub-Visayan Mountain Folk <strong>of</strong><br />

Mindanao. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution <strong>of</strong><br />

Washington. 230 pp. (Publication 184).<br />

1916 Sissano: Mo~~ements <strong>of</strong> Migraizon within and through<br />

Melanesia. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution <strong>of</strong><br />

Washington. 18 1 pp. (Publicatior? 214).<br />

Clapp, Walter Clayton<br />

1904 "Trying to learn the Igorrotc language." Spirit <strong>of</strong><br />

Missions 69(12):890-897.<br />

1908 A Vocabular~v oj'the Igorot Langzrage as Spoken by the<br />

Bontok Igorots. Bureau <strong>of</strong> Science, ljivision <strong>of</strong><br />

Ethnology Publications 5:141-236, part 3. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 95 pp.<br />

Clardy, Catherine Jane<br />

1958 "Pampango phonology." Unpublished PhD dissertation,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Texas. 56 ivs.<br />

1959 "Pampango phonology. " Phonetica 3: 1 1 8- 144.<br />

(Shortened version <strong>of</strong> 1958 dissertation).<br />

Claudio y Fojas, Justo<br />

1901 Vocabulario Espaiiol-Ilocano-Ingles. Manila: Imprenta<br />

de Dionisio B. Claudio. 129 pp.<br />

1903 Gramatica de la Lengua Casfellana con Explicciones<br />

en Dialecto Ilocano. Ddgupan. 133 +68 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Colton / 863-871 7 1<br />

1911 Diccionario Espaiiol-Ilocano. Calasiao, Pangasinan: 863<br />

Imprenta de P. C. Justo Claudio. 3d ed. 94 pp.<br />

Cobb, Irvin D.<br />

1917 "Grammatical sketch <strong>of</strong> the Kuyonon dialect." BPES 864<br />

3:34. 18 pp.<br />

Cobb, Irvin D. and A. V. H. Hartendorp, comps<br />

1917 "A partial vocabulary <strong>of</strong> the Kuyonon dialect." Np. 865<br />

22 Ivs.<br />

Cohen, Hymen M. and Antonio Medalle y Zaguirre<br />

1900 Pocket Dictionary <strong>of</strong> the English, Spanish and Visayan 866<br />

Languages. Cebu: University <strong>of</strong> San Carlos. 204 pp.<br />

Cohen, Marcel - See 2371<br />

Cole, Fay Cooper<br />

nd "Wordlist in Kalagan and Kulaman." Np.<br />

1922 The Tinguian: social, religious, and economic life <strong>of</strong> a 868<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> tribe. Chicago: Field Museum <strong>of</strong> Natural<br />

History. 493 pp. (Publication 209, Anthropological<br />

Series 14(2)).<br />

Colin, Francisco<br />

1663 Labor Evangelica (Ministerios Apostolicos de 10s 869<br />

obreros de la Compaiiia de Jesus, y progresos de su<br />

provincia en las islas Filipinas). Madrid: I. F. de<br />

Buendia. xxii + 820 + 24 pp.<br />

Collins, Grace<br />

1970 "Two views <strong>of</strong> Kalagan grammar." Unpublished PhD 870<br />

dissertation, Indiana University. 121 Ivs.<br />

Colton, M. A.<br />

1901 "Languages (in northern and eastern Mindanao)." In 871<br />

US <strong>Philippine</strong> Commission, 1900-1 91 6 Report, part 2,<br />

539ff. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

7 2 872-886 / Conant<br />

Conant, Carlos Everett<br />

1903 "Kankanai word lists taken from eight Kankanai boys<br />

questioned separately: fifty words, chiefly numerals and<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> the body." Baguio, Benguet.<br />

1904 "A word list <strong>of</strong> the Kuyonon dialect." Manila.<br />

1904-1905 "A list <strong>of</strong> about 200 Batan words taken down from two<br />

natives in 1904 and 1905. " Np.<br />

1905 "A list <strong>of</strong> 75 English words with their equivalents in<br />

Yogad, Gaddang and Itawi taken from several natives<br />

in Northern Luzon in 1904 and 1905. " Np.<br />

1907 "Isinai-English word list. " Baguio, Benguet.<br />

1908- 19 17 "'F' and 'V' in <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages." In Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Science, Division <strong>of</strong> Ethnology Publications 5: 135- 141,<br />

part 2. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

1909 "The names <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." ANTHR<br />

4: 1069-1074.<br />

1910 "The Bisaya language: its evolution in the last decade."<br />

Ang Suga (Sugbu) (June 16): 1.<br />

1910 "The RGH law in <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." JAOS<br />

30(1):70-85.<br />

Review: F. R. Blake. 1910-191 1. JAOS 3 1(1):70-85<br />

(Also in .4mAnth 13(3):472-473).<br />

1911 "Monosyllabic roots in Pampanga. " JAOS<br />

3 1(4):389-394.<br />

1912 "The pepet law in <strong>Philippine</strong> languages. " ANTHR<br />

7:920-947. (Reprinted in 1938. Galang, 126- 138).<br />

1913 "Notes on the phonology <strong>of</strong> the Tirurai language."<br />

JAOS 33(2): 150-157.<br />

1915 "Grammatical notes <strong>of</strong> the Isinai language." JAOS<br />

35(3):289-292. (Reprinted in 1915?. New Haven,<br />

Connecticut?).<br />

"Notes on the phonology <strong>of</strong> the Palau language." JAOS<br />

35(1):1-15.<br />

"Indonesian 'L' in <strong>Philippine</strong>s languages." JAOS<br />

36(1): 18 1-196. (Also in Readings in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong>, A. B. Gonzalez, 233-245).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Conklin / 887-899<br />

Conant, Carlos Everett, Vicente Sotto and Juan Villagonzalo<br />

1906 "A Bisaya-English dictionary. " Cebu: np.<br />

Concepcion, Eduardo Abaurrea de la P., ORSA<br />

nd "Vocabulario Cuyono-Espaiiol y Espaiiol-Cuyono." Np.<br />

Concepcion, Florencio Elizalde de la<br />

1896 Adalan sa mga Cristianos nga Insulat sa Cuyonon ig<br />

Quinachila sa Isarang Padre Agustino Recoleto.<br />

Malabon: Tipo-Litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos de<br />

Nuestra Seiiora de Consolacion. 71 pp.<br />

Concha, Jesusa A. - See 3548<br />

Conklin, Harold C.<br />

nd "Ethnographic and linguistic data on Ifbgao." Np.<br />

1947 "Wordlist in Cagayan de Jolo (Sama Mapun)." Np.<br />

1948 "A short discussion <strong>of</strong> three elements <strong>of</strong> Tagalog<br />

speech with reference to other <strong>Philippine</strong> dialect. " Np.<br />

1949 "Bamboo literacy on Mindoro." PD 2:4-11.<br />

1949 "Preliminary report on field work on the islands <strong>of</strong><br />

Mindoro and Palawan, <strong>Philippine</strong>s." AmAnth<br />

5 1(2):268-273.<br />

1951 "Lexical checklist for <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." New<br />

Haven: Human Relations Area Files. 106 lvs. Mimeo.<br />

1952 "Outline gazeteer <strong>of</strong> native <strong>Philippine</strong> ethnic and<br />

linguistic groups. " Np. 13 Ivs. Mimeo.<br />

1953 Hanunoo-English Vocabulary. Berkeley: University <strong>of</strong><br />

California Press. Vol 9. (University <strong>of</strong> California<br />

Publications in <strong>Linguistics</strong>).<br />

Review: C. Douglas ChrBtien. 1956. Lang 32:395-400.<br />

Review: A. G. Handricourt. 1955. Word 2(3):496.<br />

Review: Richard S. Pittman. 1954. JAOS 74:175.<br />

1953 "Test vocabulary for <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." Np. 14 lvs<br />

Mimeo.<br />

1953 "Wordlist in Tawitawi Samal." Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

7 4 900-913 1 Conklin<br />

1954 "The relation <strong>of</strong> Hanunoo culture to the plant world."<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, Yale University. 47 1 lvs.<br />

1955 "Hanunoo color categories. " SWJA 1 1(4):339-244.<br />

1955 Hanunoo Music from the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. New York:<br />

Folkways Records and Services Corp. 466 pp.<br />

1955 "Preliminary linguistic survey <strong>of</strong> Mindanao." Chicago:<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Studies Program. 10 Ivs. Mimeo. (Paper<br />

presented at the Mindanao Conference).<br />

"Tagalog speech disguise." Lang 32:136-139. (Also in<br />

Readings in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, A. B. Gonzalez,<br />

280-287).<br />

Hanunoo Agriculture. Rome: Food and Agriculture<br />

Organization <strong>of</strong> the United Nations. (FA0 Forestry<br />

Development Paper 12).<br />

"Linguistic play in its cultura! context." Lang<br />

35(4):63 1-636.<br />

"<strong>Philippine</strong> languages." In Report on Southeast Asian<br />

Languages. New York: American Council <strong>of</strong> Learned<br />

Societies.<br />

"Lexical problems in the analysis <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

language: 'Water' in Ifugao. " Honolulu: Paper read at<br />

Tenth Pacific Science Congress. 19 lvs.<br />

"Ethnobotanical problems in the comparative study <strong>of</strong><br />

folk taxonomy." Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Ninth Pacific<br />

Science Congress, Bangkok, IV (Botany), 299-301.<br />

"Lexicographical treatment <strong>of</strong> folk taxonomies. " IJAL<br />

28(2.4):119-141.<br />

"Hiligaynon." In Explorations in Cultural<br />

Anthropology, ed by Ward H. Goodenough, 11:493.<br />

Chicago, London, Toronto: Encyclopedia Britannica<br />

"Ifugao ethnobotany 1905-1965: the 191 1 Beyer-Merrill<br />

report in perspective. " Economic Botany 2 1 :243-272.<br />

"Some aspects <strong>of</strong> ethnographic research in Ifugao."<br />

TransNYAcadSci, Series 11, 30:99- 12 1.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Constantino 1914-929<br />

Conrad, Robert J. - See 375, 376<br />

Constantino, Ernesto Andres - See also 3513<br />

1959 "A generative grammar <strong>of</strong> a dialect <strong>of</strong> Ilocano."<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, Indiana University.<br />

200 lvs.<br />

1960- 196 1 "Test words for <strong>Philippine</strong> languages. " Quezon City:<br />

UP.<br />

1962- 1963 "Equivalent sentences <strong>of</strong> ten major <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

languages." Np.<br />

1963 "Some problems in <strong>Philippine</strong>s linguistics." Asia Std<br />

1(1):23-30.<br />

1963 "Tagalog sentences illustrating voice affixes." Np.<br />

1964 "A structural and comparative study <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

dialects. " Np.<br />

1964 "Ilukano pluralizers. " PSSHR 28:408-4 15<br />

1964 "Sentence patterns <strong>of</strong> the ten major <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

languages." Asia Std 2(1):29-34.<br />

1965 "A generative grammar <strong>of</strong> Tagalog number names." Np.<br />

1965 "The sentence patterns <strong>of</strong> twenty-six <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

languages. " Lingua 15:7 1-124. (Conference on<br />

Linguistic Problems ... Indo-Pacific Linguistic Studies,<br />

ed by G. B. Milner and E. J. A. Henderson, 2:7-124;<br />

Also in Readings in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, ed by A. B.<br />

Gonzalez, 288-333).<br />

1966 "Construction markers <strong>of</strong> some <strong>Philippine</strong> languages."<br />

Tokyo, Japan: Paper read at the 1 lth Pacific Science<br />

Congress.<br />

1968 "Bloomfieldian and other models in the analysis <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages. " Np.<br />

1968 "Models for the description <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> languages. "<br />

Language and Literature <strong>of</strong> Hawaii l(2): 149.<br />

1968 "<strong>Philippine</strong> linguistic scene." Paper read at a<br />

lecture-discussion series by senior specialists. Institute<br />

<strong>of</strong> Advanced Projects, East-West Center (June 10).<br />

1970 "Ilokano dictionary." Np. 500 lvs.<br />

1970 "Ilokano reference grammar." Np. 150 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

76 930-945 / Constantino<br />

Constantino,<br />

1975<br />

"Tagalog and other major languages <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s."<br />

Current Trends in <strong>Linguistics</strong> 8. (<strong>Linguistics</strong> in Oceania).<br />

"The deep structures <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s languages."<br />

Quezon City: Otto Scheerer Research Center for<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s Languages and the <strong>Philippine</strong>s Linguistic<br />

Circle, UP. 15 Ivs. (Also in The Archive 1(2):64-79;<br />

Readings in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, ed by A. B.<br />

Gonzalez, 334-342).<br />

Ilokano Dictionary. Honolulu: University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii<br />

Press. 504 pp.<br />

Ernesto Andres, comp<br />

An English-Aklanon D~ctionary. Diliman, Quezon City:<br />

UP. 301 pp.<br />

An English-Bikol Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon City:<br />

UP. 292 pp.<br />

An English-Cebuano Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon City:<br />

UP. 296 pp.<br />

An English-Hiligaynon Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon<br />

City: UP. 327 pp.<br />

An English-Ilocano Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon City:<br />

UP. 290 pp.<br />

An English-Kapampangan Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon<br />

City: UP. 288 pp.<br />

An English-Kinaray-a Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon<br />

City: UP. 290 pp.<br />

An English-Pangasinan Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon<br />

City: UP. 294 pp.<br />

An English-Romblomanon Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon<br />

City: UP. 334 pp.<br />

An English-Samba1 Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon City:<br />

UP. 332 pp.<br />

An English- Waray- Waray Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon<br />

City: UP. 293 pp.<br />

A Tausug-English Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon City:<br />

UP. 332 pp.<br />

"A comparative dictionary <strong>of</strong> Tagalog. " Manila.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Corro 1 946-958 7 7<br />

Constantino, Ernesto Andres, et al.<br />

1967 "The personal pronouns <strong>of</strong> Tagalog, Ilukano, Isinai and 946<br />

Kapampangan. " In Studies in <strong>Philippine</strong> Anthropology,<br />

569-59 1. Quezon City: Alemar Phoenix.<br />

Constantino, Ernesto Andres, Consuelo J. Paz and Marietta N. Posoncuy<br />

1965 "The grammar <strong>of</strong> the pronouns <strong>of</strong> Tagalog, Ilukano, 947<br />

Isinai, and Kapampangan." The H. Otley Beyer<br />

Symposium (July 12- 13), Abelardo Hall, UP. 19.<br />

Cook, Albert<br />

1961 "The Mangyan <strong>of</strong> Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro<br />

(<strong>Philippine</strong>s). " ANTHR 56(1-2):280.<br />

Copet, Rene<br />

1957 Tausug Dictionary. Jolo, Sulu: Notre Dame <strong>of</strong> Jolo<br />

Press. 333 pp.<br />

Copin, Berchmans R., SJ<br />

nd A Pilot Book for Bisayan. Novaliches, Quezon City: 950<br />

Sacred Heart Novitiate. 65 pp.<br />

1961 A Bisayan Grammar <strong>of</strong> Classical Students. Novaliches, 951<br />

Quezon City: Sacred Heart Novitiate. 1 14 pp.<br />

Coria, Joaquin de<br />

1872 Nueva Gramatica Tagalog, Teorzco-practica. Madrid: J . 952<br />

Antonio Garcia. 552 pp. (English version <strong>of</strong> the 4th part<br />

(pp 4 11-430), in The <strong>Philippine</strong> Linguistic Landscape<br />

16th-I 9th Centuries, by Nelly I. Cubar, 397-470).<br />

Coronel, Francisco, OESA<br />

nd "Vocabulario Pampango. " Np.<br />

1617? "Arte de la lengua Pampanga." Np. 954<br />

1617 "Reglas para aprender el idioma Pampango." Np. 955<br />

1621 "Arte y reglas de la lengua Pampanga." Np. 33 lvs. 956<br />

1621 "Arte y vocabulario de la lengua Pampanga." Np. 957<br />

Corro, Anicia Del - See also 3874<br />

1984 "Kapampangan lexicography." Unpublished PhD 958<br />

dissertation, UP.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

78 959-975 1 Cosgaya<br />

Cosgaya, Lorenzo Fernandez and Pedro Villanova, OP<br />

1865 Diccionario Pangasinan-Espariol; Vocabulario<br />

Hispano-Pangasinan. Manila: Imprenta de Colegio de<br />

Santo Tomas. 2 vols in one. 330 pp, 121 pp.<br />

Costenoble, Hermann<br />

1938 "<strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. " Filipiniang: 2: 107- 125.<br />

1940 "Die Lautwandlungen des Tagalog. " BNI 99(1):65-87.<br />

1936 "<strong>Philippine</strong> language notes. " PM 33(10):495, 5 10.<br />

1937 "Monosyllabic roots in <strong>Philippine</strong> languages. " PM<br />

34(2):76, 82, 84, 86. (Reprinted in 1938. Galang,<br />

11 1-1 16).<br />

1937 "<strong>Philippine</strong> language <strong>of</strong> today." PM 39(1):24, 38-39.<br />

1937 "The <strong>Philippine</strong> verb. " PAM 34(4): 169- 170, 180.<br />

1937 "Tracing the original sounds in the languages <strong>of</strong> today."<br />

PM 34(24):38-39.<br />

1938 "Language notes. " filipiniana 2: 107- 1 1 I .<br />

1979 "Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Protc-<strong>Philippine</strong>." Np. (Cecilio Lopez, tr).<br />

Cotongco, Loreto<br />

1961 The Phoenix High School Reviewer in Pilipino<br />

(Balarila at Panitikan). Manila: Phoenix Publishing<br />

House Inc. 48 pp.<br />

Cottle, Morris 0.<br />

nd "A preliminary analysis <strong>of</strong> Ivatan Syntax. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1963 "Ivatan nonverbal clauses." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 15 lvs.<br />

1963 "Ivatan verbal clauses. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 17 lvs.<br />

1963 "Neutral voice predication <strong>of</strong> Ivatan." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

4 Ivs.<br />

Cottle, Morris 0. and Shirley J. Cottle<br />

1958 "The significant sounds <strong>of</strong> Ivatan." In Studies in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, 24-33. Sydney, Australia:<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Sydney (Oceania Linguistic<br />

Monographs 3).<br />

1963 "Morphophonemics <strong>of</strong> Ivatan." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 7 lvs. 975<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Criville 1 976-986<br />

Cottle, Shirley J. - See 974, 975<br />

Cowie, Andson<br />

1893 English-Sulu-Malay Vocabulary. London: British North<br />

Borneo Co. xlvii + 288 pp.<br />

Coyao, Virgina - See 1372<br />

Coyaud, Maurice<br />

1979 "Theme et sujet en Tagalog." Bulletin de la Societe de<br />

Linguistique de Paris 74(1): 1 13- 139.<br />

Craig, Austin<br />

1921 "Early Filipino literature." In The Filipinos' Part in the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s ' Past 1 :96- 107. Np.<br />

Craig, Austin and Conrado Benitez, eds<br />

1916 <strong>Philippine</strong> Progress Prior to 1898. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Education Company Inc. 136 pp.<br />

Crawfurd, John<br />

1848 "On the Malayan and Polynesian languages and races."<br />

JIA 2: 183-228.<br />

1852 Grammar <strong>of</strong> the Malay Language. London: Bradbury<br />

and Evans.<br />

1856 A Descriptive Dictionary <strong>of</strong> the Indian Islands and<br />

Adjacent Countries. London: Bradbury and Evans.<br />

459 pp.<br />

Crespo, Manuel Maria, OFM<br />

nd "Arte de la lengua Bicol." Np.<br />

1879 Arte del Idioma Bicol para la Enseiianza de este Idioma.<br />

Manila: Tipografia de Ramirez y Giraudier. 239 pp.<br />

Cristie, E. P.<br />

1909 The Subanus <strong>of</strong> Sindagan Bay. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 121 pp. (Bureau <strong>of</strong> Science, Division <strong>of</strong><br />

Ethnology Publications 4(1)).<br />

Criville, Antonio, OP<br />

nd "Gramatica para estudiar Batan." Np. 4 + 150 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

8 0 987-997 1 Cruz<br />

Cruz, Avila P. de la<br />

1600 "Arte, vocabulario y catecismo Ilocano." Np.<br />

Cruz, Beato A. de la<br />

1952 "A study <strong>of</strong> the contributions <strong>of</strong> the Aklan mind to<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> literature." Unpublished MA thesis, Far<br />

Eastern University.<br />

1958 Contributions <strong>of</strong> the Aklan Mind to <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Literature. San Juan, Rizal: Kalantiao Press.<br />

1958 "The Aklan language." Np.<br />

4<br />

Cruz, Beato A. de la and R. David Paul Zorc<br />

1968 A Study <strong>of</strong> the Aklanon Dialect. Kalibo, Aklan: Peace<br />

Corps. 213 pp.<br />

Cruz, Bernabela T.<br />

1964 "Descriptive-contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> Ilocano and<br />

English personal pronouns. " Unpublished MAT seminar<br />

paper, UP. 68 Ivs.<br />

Cruz, E. Aguilar<br />

1960 "Aln~ost-but not qu~te-Tagalog " .ST\ f 15 10<br />

Cruz, Ines C.<br />

1962 "An i~llroductlo~l lo a comparative stud!. <strong>of</strong> the lloko<br />

and Tagalog affixes. " Dahong pang-alaala Iinggo ng<br />

wika (Agosto 13-19): 27-34. INL. (From 1957 MA<br />

thesis, Northwestern Educational Institution, Dagupan<br />

City).<br />

Cruz, Leopoldo A. de la<br />

1957 Mga Bilisad-on ni Tente Undoy. San Juan, Rizal:<br />

Kalantiao Publications Inc. 37 pp.<br />

1958 Fables in Aklan. San Juan, Rizai: Kalantiao<br />

Publications Inc. 59 pp.<br />

Cruz, Manuel A. (pseud for Teodosio A. Lansang)<br />

1959 "Kratluj Ocherk Grammatiki Tagal'skovo Jazyka"<br />

[Short sketch <strong>of</strong> Tagalog Grammar]. In Priloienz'je<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Cuartero y Medina / 998-1005 8 1<br />

Tagal'sko-Russkomu Slovarju [Supplement to the<br />

Tagalog-Russian Dictionary], ed by M. Kruza and S. P<br />

Ignasheva, 33 1-382. Moskva: Gos. izd-vo Inostr i naE.<br />

slovarej.<br />

1967 "Jazyki i dialekty Filippin i ich rasprostranenije" 998<br />

[Languages and dialects <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s and their<br />

distribution]. In Jazyki Jugo-Vostochnoj Asii, 73-79.<br />

Moskva: Nauka.<br />

1967 "On Pilipino: a call for realism." STM (June 28 and 999<br />

July 2).<br />

Cruz, Manuel A. and Sergeii Petrovic Ignashev<br />

1959 Tagalog-Rusong Talatinigan [Tagalog-Russian<br />

Dictionary]. Moskow: GNS. 388 pp.<br />

Review: N. M. Il'chuk. 1962. Narody Azii i Afriki<br />

2:247-248.<br />

Review: Vladimir Afanas'evich Makarenko. 1959.<br />

Vestnik Akadernii Nauk SSSR 11:113-114. .<br />

1965 Talatinigang Ruso-Tagalog [Russian-Tagalog 1001<br />

Dictionary]. Moskow: Sovetskaya Ensiklopedya. 760 pp.<br />

Cruz, Manuel A. and L. I. Skarban<br />

1966 Tagal'skij Jazyk [Tagalog Language Grammar]. 1002<br />

Moskva: Nauka. 103 pp.<br />

Cruz, Verseley Mendoza de la<br />

1966 Diksiyunaryong Pilipino-lngles. Manila: House <strong>of</strong> 1003<br />

Everbooks. 303 pp.<br />

1969 Talahuluganang Pilipino-Ingles. Quezon City: Ocson 1004<br />

Publication. 128 pp.<br />

Cuadrado, Mariano Martinez - See 23 16<br />

Cuartero y Medina, Fr. Mariano<br />

1878 Arte del Idioma Bisaya-Hiligaino que se Habla en<br />

Panay y en Algunas Islas Adyacenfes. Manila:<br />

Establecimiento Tipografico del Colegio de Santo<br />

Tomas. 174 pp. (Other ed, 1890).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

8 2 1006-1012 / Cuarteron<br />

Cuarteron, Carlos<br />

1855 Spiegazione e Traduzione dei XIV Quadri Relativi Alle 1006<br />

Isole di Salibaboo. Roma: Tipografia della S. C. di<br />

Propaganda Fide. 227 pp.<br />

Cubar, Nelly I.<br />

1976 "An analysis <strong>of</strong> Joaquin de Coria's 'Syntax <strong>of</strong> Tagalog' 1007<br />

in his Nueva Gramatica Tagalog Teorico-practico." In<br />

The <strong>Philippine</strong> Linguistic Landscape 16th-19th<br />

Centuries. Quezon City: UP. 149 pp. (Reprint from<br />

1974. PSSHR 391321-470).<br />

Cue-Malay, Gonzalo<br />

1898 Frases Usuales para la Conversation en Espaiiol, 1008<br />

Tagalo, e Ingles. Manila: Ch<strong>of</strong>rc? y Compaiiia. 116 pp.<br />

(2d ed, 1904. Frases Usuales para la conversation en<br />

Espaiiol, Filipino e Ingles, con la pronunciation<br />

figurada) .<br />

Cuenco, Jose Maria<br />

1920 English- Visayan Dictionary. Cebu: Imprenta Rosario. 1009<br />

2d ed. 238 + 20 pp.<br />

1927 Diccionario Iningles-Binisaya, ng mga Balas nga 1010<br />

Binisaya ni Mariano A. Cuenco. Cebu: lmprenta<br />

Rosario. 238 + 20 pp.<br />

Cuenco, M. A.<br />

1908 Ejercicios Practices de Gramatica Castellana (con 1011<br />

traduccion a1 Bisaya-Cebuano y un pequeno<br />

vocabulario de dichos idiomas). Cebu: Establecimiento<br />

Tipografico de San Carlos. 2d ed. 142 pp.<br />

Cuesta, Antonio de la<br />

1890 Gramatica Iloco-Castellana (compendiada para que 1012<br />

aprendan mejor el castellano 10s habitantes de ambos<br />

Ilocos, Union, y Abra que ya tienen principio en dicho<br />

idioma). Manila: Establecimiento Tipografico de<br />

Ramirez y Cornpailia. 114 pp. (1st ed, 1868).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Daguio / 1013-1021<br />

Cuesta, Araceli<br />

1956 "A study <strong>of</strong> different types <strong>of</strong> errors in spelling in the<br />

Filipino language. " Unpublished MA thesis, Arellano<br />

University, Manila.<br />

Cuevas, Jose Maria Fausto<br />

1854 Arte Nuevo de la Lengua Ybanag. Manila: Imprenta de<br />

10s Amigos de Pais. 2d ed. 366 pp.<br />

Cunningham, Margaret C. - See also 1472<br />

1966 "Ifugao, <strong>Philippine</strong>s concordance and texts in four<br />

parts." Norman, Oklahoma: University <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma<br />

Computer Laboratory, project RS-00307.<br />

1967 "Another sketch <strong>of</strong> Ifugao grammar." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

28 lvs.<br />

Cunningham, Margaret C. and Joan E. Goetz<br />

1963 "Pronoun formatives in Amganad Ifugao." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 8 lvs.<br />

Cust, Robert Needham<br />

1878 A Sketch <strong>of</strong> the Modern Languages <strong>of</strong> the East Indies.<br />

London: Trubner and Company. 198 pp.<br />

Custodio, Andres - See 1565<br />

Cutiongko, R.<br />

1963 "A phonemic study <strong>of</strong> Sagada." Manila: Ateneo<br />

Graduate School.<br />

D'Almonte, Enrique<br />

1917 Formacion y Evolucion de 10s Sub-razas Indonesia y<br />

Malaya. Madrid: Imprenta del Patronato de Huerfanos e<br />

Intervention Militares. 379 pp.<br />

D'Andrade, Roy Goodwin - See 3023<br />

Daguio, Amador T.<br />

1963 "The harvest song <strong>of</strong> Aliguyon. " STM 18(29): 10- 15.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

84 1022-1033 / Dahl<br />

Dahl, Otto Christian<br />

1977 Proto-Austronesian. Copenhague: Scandinavian<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> Asian Studies. 132 pp. (Monograph 15)<br />

1981 Early Phonetic and Phonemic Changes in Austronesian.<br />

Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, Bergen, Tromso. 175 pp.<br />

Dalrymple, A.<br />

1849 "Essay towards an account <strong>of</strong> Sulu." JL4 3:5 12-567.<br />

Daluz, Eusebio Torres<br />

1904-19 13 "Alin ang lalong magaling na paraan sa pagtuturo ng<br />

wikang Tagalog, upang matutuhang madali at pag-aralan<br />

di lamang ng mga Tagalog, kundi ng mga iba pang<br />

kapatid lahi?" Taliba (November 19, 25; December 3,<br />

4, 12).<br />

1905 Manga Unang Hakbang sa lkadudunong Yari (a<br />

Tagalog primer). Manila: Limbangan ni Fajardo at<br />

Kasama. 95 pp.<br />

1913 "Sa ikayayaman ng wikang Tagalog." Taliba<br />

(November 19, 25; December 2, 4, 12).<br />

1915 Filipino-English Vocabulary with Practical Examples<br />

<strong>of</strong> Filipino and English Grammars. Manila. 2 vols.<br />

217 pp.<br />

Dango, Delia<br />

1958 "A brief contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Tagalog."<br />

California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.<br />

Darad, Juliano<br />

1948 "Chinese flavors in Tagalog stew." STM 3:22-23.<br />

Dato, Luis G.<br />

196 1 Vocabulario Ingles-Bikol-Castila. Naga City: Cecilio<br />

Publications. 68 pp.<br />

Daud, Faisal - See 1275<br />

Dawson, Francis B. - See also 403<br />

nd "Kalagan (Tagacaolo) sound system." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

11d "Voice and case relations in Kalagan." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong><br />

5 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1958 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Kalagan." In Studies in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong>, 47-58. Sydney, Australia: University <strong>of</strong><br />

Sydney. (Oceania Linguistic Monographs 3).<br />

1964 "Relation markers in Kalagan. " <strong>SIL</strong> WP 8: 16- 18.<br />

D'Asis, Sixto<br />

1956 "Folk music <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s (An Igorot folksong)."<br />

Pa 8(9): 11.<br />

De Abella, V. M. (see also Abella)<br />

1882 El Secretario Filipino, 6 Manual Epistolar<br />

Espanlol-Tagalog. Manila: Ch<strong>of</strong>rB. 2d ed. 197 pp.<br />

Dean, Gladys - See 1040, 1041<br />

Dean, James C.<br />

nd "Bilaan sentence structure." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1958 "Some principal grammatical relations <strong>of</strong> Bilaan." In<br />

Studies in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, 59-64. Sydney,<br />

Australia: University <strong>of</strong> Sydney. (Oceania Linguistic<br />

Monographs 3).<br />

Dean, James C. and Gladys Dean<br />

1955 Syllable Charts. Zamboanga City: Alliance Press.<br />

Dean, James C. and Gladys Dean<br />

1955 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Bilaan. " PJS 84(3):3 1 1-22.<br />

Delgado, Juan Jose<br />

1892 Historia General Sacro-pr<strong>of</strong>ana, Politica, y Natural de<br />

las Islas del Poniente. Manila: Imprenta de El Eco de<br />

Filipinas de Juan Atayde. 1009 pp.<br />

Dell, Francois<br />

1981 "On certain sentential complements in Tagalog. " PJL<br />

12(1): 11-28.<br />

1983-84 "An aspectual distinction in Tagalog." OL<br />

22-23(1-2): 175-206.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

86 1045-1055 / Demidjuk<br />

Demidjuk, L. N. and V. A. Makarenko<br />

1973 "Principy strojenija slovoobrazovatel'nych sistem imjon<br />

susEestvitel'nych v indonezijskom i tagal'skom<br />

jazykach" [Structural Principles <strong>of</strong> Word-Formative<br />

Systems <strong>of</strong> Substantives in Indonesian and Tagalog].<br />

Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. XIV.<br />

Vostokovedenije 1 :68-78.<br />

Dempwolff, Otto Karl August<br />

1920 Die Lautentsprechungen der Indonesischen Lippenlaute.<br />

Berlin: C. Boysen. 96 pp.<br />

1924- 1925 "Die L-, R-, und D- Laute in Austronesischen<br />

Sprachen." AU 15:19-50; 116-138; 223-238; 273-319.<br />

1925 "Die Lautentsprechungen der Indonesischen<br />

Lippenlaute in linigen anderen Austronesischen<br />

Sprachen." Zeitschriff fur Eingeborenen 15(2):507<br />

1926 "Ivatan als 'Test-Sprache' fur Austronesisches L.." ACT<br />

16~298-302.<br />

1927 "Das Austronesische Sprachgut In den Melanesischen<br />

Sprachen." Folia Ethnogiossica 3:32-43.<br />

1930 "Pater Schmidts Anwendung seiner Kulterkreislehre auf<br />

die Sprachwissenschaft. " ArAnth 22(1-2):72-77.<br />

1934- 1938 Vergleichende Lautlehre des Austronesischen<br />

Wortschatzes. Berlin: D. Reimer. 3 vols. (Beihefte zur<br />

Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen, 16, 17, 19).<br />

Review: Arthur Capell. 1937-39. BSOAS 9:459-462.<br />

Review: Cecilio Lopez. 1936. PSSR 8(2): 197-202.<br />

Perbendaharaan kata Dalam Berbagi Bahasa<br />

Polineisa. Diterdjemahkan oleh Sjaukat Djajadiningrat<br />

Djakarta: Pustaka Baru. 32 pp.<br />

Densmore, Frances<br />

1906 "The music <strong>of</strong> the Filipinos." AmAnth 8:6 11-632<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> City Schools<br />

1977 "The relative effectiveness <strong>of</strong> different bilingual<br />

programs in the elementary and secondary schools <strong>of</strong><br />

Manila 1976-77." PASSQ 8:2-3.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Diller / 1056-1067 8 7<br />

Desmond, Henry<br />

1935 Elements <strong>of</strong> Tagalog Grammar. Manila: Catholic Trade 1056<br />

School. 2d ed. 206 pp.<br />

Diaz Arenas, Rafael<br />

1850 "Idioma." In Menzorias Historicas y Estadisticas de 1057<br />

Filipinas y Particularmente de la Grande Isla de Luzon<br />

6(12), part 5. Manila: Imprenta del Diario de Manila.<br />

Diaz, Domingo L.<br />

nd Tagalog Home Study Course. Quezon City (PO Box 11). 1058<br />

1955 "A study <strong>of</strong> the principles and errors involved in 1059<br />

thought expression in the Filipino language."<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, National University, Manila.<br />

1957 "Our national language." Manila Chronicle (Columns 1060<br />

from July 25 to December 19).<br />

Diaz, Domingo L., Consorcia Manalastas-Laraya and Rosario J. Jimenez<br />

1959 Saligang Aklat ng Katha at Balarila. Quezon City: 1061<br />

Phoenix Publishing House. xxv + 604 pp.<br />

Diaz, Moises S.<br />

1959 "A comparative study <strong>of</strong> the lexicon <strong>of</strong> the six major 1062<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages. " Ang Wika 1 : 1.<br />

1962 "An anal! SIS <strong>of</strong> Ihc Kinaray-a prollou~i systcm-Its<br />

morpho-semantic components. " Unitas 35(4): 524-528.<br />

1063<br />

1964 "Base-final consonant cluster in Tagalog. " Unitas 1064<br />

37(3):442-447.<br />

Diego, Rafael de<br />

1968 La Lengua Filipina. Madrid: A. E. 0. (Also in Boletin 1065<br />

de la Asociacion Espanlola de Orientalistas 4(5):9-13).<br />

Diller, Timothy C.<br />

1970 "Case grammar and its application to Waray, a 1066<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> language." Unpublished PhD dissertation,<br />

UCLA.<br />

1975 "Imperative constructions in the Leyte-Samar 1067<br />

language." Leyte-Samar Studies 9(1):59-57.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

8 8 1068-1077 1 Dimalanta<br />

Dimalanta, Gavino, E. Fernandez and S. G. Calderon<br />

19-- Vocabr~lario Pampango-Tagalog-Ingles. Manila: J.<br />

Martinez. 239 + 745 pp.<br />

1068<br />

1916 Vocabulario Pampango-Castellano-Ingles. Manila: J . 1069<br />

Martinez. 337 pp.<br />

Dimayuga, Albino C.<br />

1939 Pagsulat at Pagbigkas ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: 1070<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 27 pp.<br />

Diment, Eunice - See also 1427<br />

Diment, Eunice and Jo Ann Gault<br />

1986 "Sama Balangingi dictionary." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1071<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

Diment, Eunice, Jo Ann Gault, Jamila Ballano and Attica Timbang, comps<br />

1980 Manga Bissara; Sama Bangingi, Pilipino, English 1072<br />

[ Vocabulary: Bangingi, Pilipino, English]. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

Ill pp.<br />

Dioko, Leonardo C.<br />

1961 "The irksome 'Kuwan."' PW 54(76):53<br />

Dios, Reynaldo de - See 155, 1535, 1536, 2256-2258<br />

Diringer, David<br />

1949 The Alphabet; the key to the history <strong>of</strong> mankind. 1074<br />

London: Hutchinson. 2d ed. 607 pp.<br />

Dizon, Anacleto I.<br />

1966 "Galing sa Bisaya ang Tagalog." Panitikan 2(8):38-43. 1075<br />

Dizon, Nicolas C.<br />

1947 Dictionary in English, Tagalog, Ilocano and Visayan. 1076<br />

Honolulu: Juan de la Cruz Bookroom. 182 pp.<br />

Dodd, John<br />

1882-1883 "A few ideas on the probable origin <strong>of</strong> the hill tribes <strong>of</strong> 1077<br />

Formosa." JSBRAS 1:69-77, 78-84; 10:195-203.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Dorotheo 1 1078-1087 8 9<br />

Doherty, David Jessup<br />

1902 Notes on Filipino Dialects. Chicago: David Doherty. 1078<br />

4 PP.<br />

1902 "The Tagalog language. " Educational Review 1079<br />

24:497-502.<br />

1903 "Essential unity <strong>of</strong> Filipino dialects." Gunton's 1080<br />

Magazine 24:25-27.<br />

Donato, Brother Rafael, AFLSC<br />

1956 "The pedagogical implications from the contrastive 1081<br />

analysis <strong>of</strong> Ilocano and English." Unpublished MA<br />

thesis, Columbia University.<br />

Dondanan, S., M. Awid, H. Cataque and B. Hall<br />

1989 Gusa Bu Susu' [The Snail and the Deer]. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong> and 1082<br />

DECS. 14 pp.<br />

Dongallo, Rosalia Almeda<br />

1954 "A study <strong>of</strong> typical Ibanag folklore, folksongs, poems, 1083<br />

proverbs, and riddles." Unpublished MA thesis, Far<br />

Eastern University.<br />

Dorado de S. Guillermo, Alipio<br />

1836 "Arte de la lengua Tagala (sacado de la del R. P.<br />

Totanes y otras corregido de todas las voces y<br />

composiciones ant~guadas)." Np. 306 lvs.<br />

Dorado, Atanacio 0.<br />

1962 "Pagpabuti ng pagtuturo ng mga sulatin sa Pilipino." 1085<br />

PJLT 3-4:24-27.<br />

Dorn, Louis<br />

1967 "<strong>Philippine</strong> language trends. " PracAnth 14: 174- 185. 1086<br />

Dorotheo, Paz Ruiz<br />

1963 "A bilingual structural analysis to justify theoretically 1087<br />

the Cebuano induced verb errors in English. "<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, University <strong>of</strong> San Carlos.<br />

vii + 206 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

9 0 1088-1098 1 Dorotheo<br />

1966 A Bilingual Structural Analysis to Justify Theoretically 1088<br />

the Cebuano Induced Verb Errors in English. Cebu<br />

City: University <strong>of</strong> San Carlos Publications, Series A<br />

Humanities 5. viii + 117 pp. (Published version <strong>of</strong> 1963<br />

MA thesis).<br />

Doty, Edith Aultman<br />

1958 "A glossary <strong>of</strong> 'Filipinismos' in the Spanish language 1089<br />

found in <strong>Philippine</strong> publications <strong>of</strong> the period, 1890-<br />

1920. " Unpublished MA thesis, University <strong>of</strong> Michigan.<br />

xlvi + 3 12 lvs.<br />

Doty, Steve<br />

1984 "Mitigation in a Tiruray sermon." SIPL 5(1):66-79. 1090<br />

1986-87 "Mitigation in Tiruray hortatory discourse." PJL 1091<br />

17(2)- 18(1):49-62.<br />

Dowling, Vincent B.<br />

1962 Visayan Grammar and Conversation. Davao City: 1092<br />

Maryknoll Fathers (PO Box 143). 141 pp.<br />

Draper, Marjorie<br />

1972 "Underlying case in Northern Kankanay." Asia Std 1093<br />

lO(1): 18-23.<br />

Drossard, Werner<br />

1984 "Kausativierung und transitivierung im Tagalog. " 1094<br />

Arbeiten des Koelner Universalien-Projekts 60.<br />

DuBois, Carl D.<br />

1973 "Connectives in Sarangani Manobo narratives." 1095<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> 1 10: 17-28.<br />

1976 Sarangani Manobo: An introductory guide. Manila: 1096<br />

LSP. x + 169 pp. (PJLSM 6).<br />

DuBois, Carl D., comp<br />

1974 "English to Sarangani Manobo dictionary. " Nasuli, 1097<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. iv +477 lvs.<br />

1974 "Sarangani Manobo to English dictionary." Nasuli, 1098<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. iv +458 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Duran / 1099-1 10g 9 1<br />

DuBois, Carl D. and Lauretta J. DuBois<br />

1964 "Phoneme statement <strong>of</strong> Sarangani Manobo." Nasuli, 1099<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 18 lvs.<br />

1970 English-Sarangani Manobo Dictionary. Quezon City: 1100<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1973 Sarangani Manobo Rhyming Dictionary. Quezon City: 1101<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 91 pp.<br />

1983 Sarangani Manobo-English Dictionary. Quezon City: 1102<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 268 pp.<br />

DuBois, Carl D. and Lauretta J. DuBois, comps<br />

nd "Sarangani Manobo texts." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1103<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 302 lvs.<br />

DuBois, Carl D., Anselmo Guiang and Charing Roque, comps<br />

1978 Diksyonaryo te Menobd: Sarangani Manobo, Cebuano 1104<br />

Visayan, Pilipino, Sarangani Blaan, English. Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 40 pp.<br />

DaBois, Carl D., John Upton and Kenneth L. Pike<br />

1980 "Constraints on complexity seen via fused vectors <strong>of</strong> an 1105<br />

n- dimensional semantic space (Sarangani Manobo,<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s). " Serniotica 29(3-4):209-43.<br />

DuBois, Lauretta J. - See 1099- 1103<br />

Dungo, Dolores T.<br />

1958 "Errors in Tagalog pronunciation and their<br />

explanations." California: UCLA term project for<br />

Speech 103K.<br />

Duran, C. G.<br />

1900 Manual de Conversaciones en Castellano, Tagalo e 1107<br />

Ingles (con la pronunciation Jigurada). Manila: Ch<strong>of</strong>rk<br />

y Compafiia. 80 pp.<br />

Duran, Ignacio<br />

1883 "Carta." In Cartas de 10s PP. de la Compania de Jesus 1108<br />

de la Mision de Filipinas, 218-222.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Dy, Felipe G.<br />

1964 "Isang pahambing na pag-aaral ng talasalitaang Tagalog<br />

at Hiligaynon." Unpublished MA thesis, Manuel L.<br />

Quezon University, Manila. 175 lvs.<br />

Dy-Liacco, Leonor Bojano<br />

1959 "Bikol syntax. " Unpublished MA thesis, University <strong>of</strong><br />

Nueva Caceres, Naga City. vii + 50 lvs.<br />

Dyen, Isidore<br />

1947 "The Mal,l\o-Polynes~an word for 'two."' Lcmg<br />

23:50-55.<br />

1947 "The Tagalog reflexes <strong>of</strong> Malayo-Polynesian D. " Lung<br />

23:227-238.<br />

1949 "On the history <strong>of</strong> the Trukese vowels." Lung<br />

25:420-436.<br />

1951 "Proto-Malayo-Polynesian Z." Lung 27:534-540<br />

1952 "Malay 'tiga' 'three': a further note." Lung 28:465-473<br />

1953 "Dempwolff s R." Lung 29:359-366.<br />

1953 "Subgrouping <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." Abstract <strong>of</strong><br />

Papers presented at 8th Pacific Congress <strong>of</strong> the Pac$c<br />

Science Association and the 4th Far Eastern Prehistory<br />

Congress, Quezon City, 5 17-5 18.<br />

1953 The Proto-Malayo-Polynesian Laryngeals. Baltimore:<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> Society <strong>of</strong> America. vii + 65 pp<br />

Review: Ward Goodenough. 1954. JAOS 74: 174- 175.<br />

Review: E. M. Uhlenbeck. 1955-56. Lingua<br />

5(2):308-3 18.<br />

"Language distribution and migration theory. " Lang<br />

32:611-626.<br />

"The Ngaju-Dayak 'Old speech stratum."' Lung<br />

32:83-87.<br />

"Some new proto-Malayo-Polynesian initial phonemes."<br />

JAOS 82(2):214-215.<br />

"The lexicostatistical classification <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Malayo-Polynesian languages. " Lang 38(1):38-46.<br />

Review: Alan Healey. 1969. <strong>Linguistics</strong> 52: 11 1-25.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Edmonds / 1123-1 133<br />

1963 "Lexicostatistically determined borrowing and taboo."<br />

Lung 39(1):60-66.<br />

1963 The Lexicostatistical Classification <strong>of</strong> the Austronesian<br />

Languages. New Haven: Yale University. 93 pp.<br />

(Reprinted in 1965. IJAL supplement to vol 3 1. i<br />

+ 64 PP).<br />

1963 "The position <strong>of</strong> the Malayo-Polynesian languages <strong>of</strong><br />

Formosa." AsiaPer 7:26 1-271.<br />

1965 "Formosan evidence for some new proto-Austronesian<br />

phonemes." Lingua 14:285-305. (Also in 1965. Indo-<br />

Pacific Linguistic Studies, Part I, ed by G. B. Milner<br />

and Eugenie J. A. Henderson, 285-305. Amsterdam:<br />

North Holland Pub Co).<br />

1970 "Maranao and Tagalic: Qualitative confirmation <strong>of</strong> a<br />

subgrouping hypothesis. " PJL l(1): 1- 1 1.<br />

1973 "Tagalog reflexes <strong>of</strong> Prot-Austronesian L." In Parangal<br />

kay Cecilio Lopez, 3-7. Quezon City: LSP. (PJLSM 4).<br />

Ebanghelista, Juan<br />

1914 Katatasang Tagalog. Maynila: Limbagang El Retono.<br />

117 pp.<br />

Echauz, Robustiano<br />

1894 "'Dialectos' y 'Nomenclatura' y traduccion de barias<br />

palabras empleadas en estos 'Apuntes."' In Apuntes de<br />

la Isla de Negros. Manila: Ch<strong>of</strong>rd y Compafiia.<br />

vii + 185 + 191 pp.<br />

Eck, Jerome<br />

1972 "Sketch <strong>of</strong> Magindanao phonology." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 45 lvs.<br />

1974 "Magindanao penultimate vowels." <strong>SIL</strong>WP 125- 13 1.<br />

Edmonds, Williams<br />

1914 Iloco-American Vocabulary for the Use <strong>of</strong> Schools in<br />

Ilocos. Manila: Amigos del Pais. 19 pp. (1st ed, 1901).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

9 4 1134-1145 / Edroza<br />

Edroza, Genoveva D. - See also 1395<br />

Edroza, Genoveva D. and Florencia del Rosario<br />

1950 Balarilang Pangkolehiyo. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co.<br />

211 pp.<br />

1950-1953 Balarilang Pampaaralan. Sa Ika-I-Iku-4 nu Tuon.<br />

Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong>s Book Co. 4 vols.<br />

1953 Ako 'y Pilipino (Integrative activities in the Filipino language).<br />

Manila: L. E. Santa Cruz. xiii +I96 pp.<br />

1960 PiIipino I (ukol sa unang taon ng mga dalubhasaan at<br />

pamantasan). Manila: Manlapaz Pub. 168 pp.<br />

1964 "Pampaaralang balarila." Np. 4 vols<br />

Educational Services<br />

1960 Tagalog: Language familiarization manual.<br />

Washington, DC: Department on Defense. iv + 6 1 pp.<br />

Eggan, Fred - See also 1337<br />

1954 "Some social institutions in the Mountain Province and<br />

their significance for historical comparative stu&es."<br />

JEAS 3(3):329-335.<br />

1960 "The Sagada Igorots <strong>of</strong> Northern Luzon." In Social<br />

Struct1rl.e in Southeast Asia, ed by George Peter<br />

Murdock, 24-50. Wenner-Gren Foundation for<br />

Anthropological Research Inc. (Viking Fund Publications in<br />

Anthropology 29).<br />

Elgincolin, Priscilla R. - See 1142<br />

Elgincolin, Sotero B., Hella E. Goschnick and Priscilla R. Elgincolin<br />

1988 English-Tina Sambal-Pilipino Dictionary. Manila:<br />

SII, and I1I:CS. 253 pp.<br />

Elkins, Betty - See 1178, 1179, 1180<br />

Elkins, Richard E. - See also 1563, 2846, 2847<br />

nd "An outline <strong>of</strong> the kinship system <strong>of</strong> Western Bukidnon<br />

Manobo. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong><br />

nd "Central Bukidnon Manobo phonemes." Np<br />

nd "Matig Salug survey." Np. 1145<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

"Notes on 'What my father taught,' with text." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 31 lvs.<br />

"Pepet in Manobo. " Np.<br />

"Problems <strong>of</strong> Ivatan phonology." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 4 lvs.<br />

"Semantic and grammatical properties <strong>of</strong> Western<br />

Bukidnon Manobo verbs: a pedagogical treatment."<br />

Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 125 lvs.<br />

"Syntactic structures <strong>of</strong> Central Mindanao Manobo."<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 7 lvs.<br />

"The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Southern Bukidnon Manobo." In<br />

Papers on <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> (Folklore Studies 12),<br />

108-1 10. Tokyo.<br />

"Phonemes <strong>of</strong> the Central Mindanao Manobo." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 5 lvs. Mimeo.<br />

Manobo Alphabet. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>, Bureau <strong>of</strong> Public<br />

Schools and INL. 18 pp.<br />

"Ifugao <strong>of</strong> Mayoyao. Lexicostatistical list." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 4 lvs.<br />

Partial Neutralization <strong>of</strong> PMP Reflexes in Western<br />

Bukidnon Manobo. Fargo, North Dakota: University <strong>of</strong><br />

North Dakota, <strong>SIL</strong>,. 5 pp.<br />

"Implicit allotagmas in a verbal kernel matrix <strong>of</strong><br />

Western Bukidnon Manobo. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 7 lvs.<br />

"Partial loss <strong>of</strong> contrast between a and e in Western<br />

Bukidnon Manobo. " Lingua 12:205- 10. (Also in 1962.<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>WP 6:l-7).<br />

"A matrix display <strong>of</strong> Western Bukidnon Manobo<br />

kinship" PSR 12(1-2): 122-129.<br />

"Major grammatical patterns <strong>of</strong> Western Bukidnon<br />

Manobo. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, University <strong>of</strong><br />

Hawaii. vi + 136 lvs.<br />

"Morphophonemics <strong>of</strong> Western Buldnon Manobo. "<br />

Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. i + 14 lvs.<br />

"Three models <strong>of</strong> Western Bukidnon Manobo kinship."<br />

Ethnology 7:171-189.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

"Entailment rules for modal particles in Western 1162<br />

Bukidnon Manobo." PJL 1(2):79-84.<br />

Major Grammatical Patterns <strong>of</strong> Western Bukidnon 1163<br />

Manobo. (<strong>SIL</strong> Publications in <strong>Linguistics</strong> and Related<br />

Fields 26). Norman, Oklahoma: <strong>SIL</strong>. vi +76 pp.<br />

(Published version <strong>of</strong> 1967 dissertation).<br />

"The structure <strong>of</strong> some semantic sets <strong>of</strong> W. B. 1164<br />

Manobo. " NTr 4 1 : 10- 15.<br />

"Western Bukidnon Manobo sentence structure. " 1165<br />

Lingua 27:216-62.<br />

"Supposition rules for rhetorical questions in English 1166<br />

and Western Bukidnon Manobo. " NTr 44:2 1-24.<br />

"Pronominalization in Western Bukidnon Manobo 1167<br />

folktales. " In Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez, 1 12- 124.<br />

(PJLSM 4).<br />

"A preliminary Proto-Manobo word list." PJL 11 68<br />

4-5(1-2):23-40.<br />

"A Proto-Manobo word list." OL 13:601-41. 1169<br />

"Deep structure case, verb stem classes, and Western 1170<br />

Bukidnon Manobo lexicography." In Language<br />

Plaxnlng and the Building <strong>of</strong> a National Language, ed<br />

by Bonifacio P. Sibayan and Andrew B. Gonzalez,<br />

241-262. Manila: LSP and Language Study Center,<br />

PNC. (PJLSM 5).<br />

"Root <strong>of</strong> a language: How one Manobo word led to 1171<br />

another." In Filipino Heritage: The making <strong>of</strong> a nation<br />

2:523-27. Manila: Lahing Pilipino Publishing.<br />

"An extended Proto-Manobo word list." In Panagani, 1172<br />

ed by Andrew Gonzalez, 218-29. Manila: LSP. (PJL<br />

Special Issue 14:2 and 15: 1).<br />

"MatigSalug morphophonemics." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1173<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. i + 24 lvs.<br />

"MatigSalug phonemes." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1174<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. ii + 32 lvs.<br />

Prototype Theory and Its Implications for Lexicography. 1175<br />

Manila: IPL.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Encina / 1176-1 185<br />

Elkins, Richard E., comp<br />

1979 "Western Bukidnon Manobo folktales. " Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 63 lvs.<br />

1983 "Matig-Salug texts. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. ii + 152 lvs.<br />

Elkins, Richard E. and Betty Elkins<br />

1954 A Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> Central Mindanao Manobo. Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>, Bureau <strong>of</strong> Public Schools and INL. 94 pp.<br />

1966 Manobo-English Dictionary. Honolulu: University <strong>of</strong><br />

Hawaii Press. 37 pp. (1968. OLSP 3. University <strong>of</strong><br />

Hawaii Press. 355 pp. <strong>SIL</strong> and University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii)<br />

Review: Lawrence A. Reid. 197 1. Foundations <strong>of</strong><br />

Language 7:449-50.<br />

Elkins, Richard E., Betty Elkins and Melinda Laviiia, comps<br />

1979 Is Merara he Diksyunari te Heepat he Kinegiyan (A<br />

Short Four-language Dictionary: English- Western<br />

Bukidnon Manobo-Cebuano Visayan-Pilipzno). Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. vii + 106 pp.<br />

Elliott, Charles Winslow<br />

1913 "A Vocabulary and Phrase Book <strong>of</strong> the Lanao Moro<br />

Dialect." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. (Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Science, Division <strong>of</strong> Ethnology Publications, part 5 <strong>of</strong><br />

51303-328).<br />

Encarnacion, Juan Felix de la, ORSA<br />

nd "Gramatica Bisaya, segun el metodo de Ollendorf." Np.<br />

1851 Diccionario Bisaya-Espaiiol, Espaiiol-Bisaya. Manila:<br />

Imprenta de Arnigos del Pais. 2 vols. 634 pp, 537 pp.<br />

(2d ed, 1866. Binondo: Miguel Sanchez y Compaiiia.<br />

388 pp, 364 pp; 3d ed, 1885. Manila: Amigos del Pais.<br />

435 PP, 349 PP).<br />

Encina, Francisco<br />

1760 Vocabulario de la Lengua Bisaya-Zebuana. Sampaloc:<br />

Imprenta de J.M. Dayot. 6 16 + 15 pp.<br />

1836 Arte de la Lengua Zebuana. Manila: Imprenta de J. M.<br />

Dayot. 168 + 8 pp. (Other eds, 1760?; 1801?).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

9 8 1186-1 197 / Encina<br />

1856 "Extract0 del ydioma hisaya Cebuano. " Np. 13 1 lvs. 1186<br />

1885 Gramatica Bisaya-Cebuana. Manila: Imprenta de 1187<br />

Amigos del Pais. 160 + 44 pp.<br />

1894 Arte Compendiado de la Lengua Cebuana. Tambobong: 1188<br />

Pequefia Tipolitografico del Asilo de Huerfanos de<br />

Nuestra Sefiora de Consolacion. 2d ed. 180 pp.<br />

1633? "Bisayan dictionary. " Np. 1189<br />

Enero, Josephine, Romulo Apolonio, Josue Zuniega, Espirita Cachero, and<br />

Florence Ragma<br />

1963 Ilocano Intermediate Course. Lubuagan, Mountain 1190<br />

Province: Peace Corps Language Institute. Mimeo.<br />

English, Leo James, CSsR<br />

1965 English-Tagalog Dictionary. Australia: Wilke and 1191<br />

Company Ltd. 12 1 1 pp.<br />

1977 English-Tagalog Dictionary. Manila: National Book 1192<br />

Store Inc. 1211 pp. (Other eds, 1978; 1979; 1980; 1981;<br />

1982; 1983; 1984; 1985; 1986; 1987).<br />

1986 Tagalog-English Dictio~ary. Quezon City, <strong>Philippine</strong>s:<br />

Capitol Publishing House Inc. 1583 pp. (Other ed,<br />

1987).<br />

1193<br />

Enozawa, Hisashi and Rafael B. Aquino<br />

1942 Nichi-Ei-Tagarogu-go Kaiwa Jiten [Japanese-English- 1194<br />

Tagalog Conversation / Aklat nu Pananalita sa JTikang<br />

Nippongo, lnglis at Tagalog]. Tokyo: Okakura-shob6.<br />

190 pp.<br />

Enriquez, Jose T. and Lorenza Abasolo-Enriquez<br />

1952 National Language Lexicon. Manila: Jose C. Velo. 1195<br />

127 pp. (Ed by Julian C. Balmaceda. Reprinted in 1958<br />

as Filipino Language Lexicon).<br />

1958 Filipino Language Lexicon. Manila: Jose C. Velo. 1196<br />

127 pp.<br />

Enriquez, M. Jacobo<br />

1979 New Handy Webster's Dictionary: English-Tagalog. 1197<br />

Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 150 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Enriquez / 1198-1208<br />

1980 New Tagalog-English Dictionary. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Book Co.<br />

1985 Webster 's Dictionary in 3 Languages: English-Spanish-<br />

Tagalog. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 317 pp.<br />

1989 English-Tagalog, Tagalog-English Vocabulary. Manila:<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 168 pp. (Other ed, 1949?).<br />

Enriquez, M. Jacobo, Jose A. Bautista and Francis J. Jamolangue<br />

1949 Pocket Dictionary: English-Tagalog-Visayan,<br />

Cebuano-Ilongo Vocabulary. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book<br />

Co. 249 pp. (Revised eds, 1968, 1974; 1988. <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Book Co. 244 pp).<br />

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and Maria Rosario Enriquez<br />

1989 New Handy English Webster 's Dictionary: English-<br />

Tagalog, Tagalog-English. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co.<br />

329 pp. (Other ed, 1979).<br />

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and Maria Odulio de Guzman<br />

1949 A Pocket Dictionary: Tagalog-English Vocabulary<br />

Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 249 pp.<br />

1949 Pocket Dictionary: Tagalog-English; English-Tagalog<br />

Vocabulary. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 2 vols in one.<br />

135 + 129 pp.<br />

1967 Tagalog-English Vocabulary with Scientific Terms.<br />

Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 183 pp.<br />

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and Jose F. Llamas<br />

1952 Pocket Dictionary: English-Tagalog-Spanish-<br />

Pangasinan Vocabulary. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book. Co.<br />

249 pp.<br />

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and J. B. Quimba<br />

1949 Pocket Dictionary: English-Tagalog-Ilocano<br />

Vocabulary. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 190 pp.<br />

(Revised ed, 1968. 21 1 pp; 1989. <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co.<br />

190 PP).<br />

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and E. Santos<br />

1988 Tagalog-English Vocabulary. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book<br />

Co. 92 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

100 1209-1221 / Enriquez<br />

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and Jose Victoriano<br />

1949 English-Tagalog-Spanish Dictionary. Manila:<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 224 pp.<br />

Enriquez, Maria Rosario - See 1202<br />

Enriquez, S. R., R. Alejandro and M. E. Jacobo<br />

nd New Speak Filipino English-Filipino Yocabularies<br />

Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 287 pp.<br />

Epistola, Nieves B.<br />

195- "Notes on Pangasinan verbs." Transactions <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>International</strong> Conference <strong>of</strong> Orientalists in Japan<br />

5: 15-24.<br />

Epstein, Jonathan<br />

1963 Language Notebook. Manila: Peace Corps Volunteers<br />

Language Program. 64 pp.<br />

1963 "Maranao grammar." Zamboanga?: Peace Corps<br />

Language Program. 58 lvs. Mimeo.<br />

1963 "Maranao. " Zamboanga?: Peace Corps Language<br />

Program. 2 vols. Mimeo.<br />

1967 Bikol Lessons. Washington, DC: Peace Corps.<br />

1967 Bikol Potpourri. Washington, DC: Peace Corps.<br />

1967 "Standard Bikol." Washington, DC: Peace Corps.<br />

Mimeo.<br />

Errington, Ellen - See 1221, 1222<br />

Errington, Ross<br />

1979 "A transition network grammar <strong>of</strong> Cotabato Manobo."<br />

SIPL 3(2): 105-63.<br />

1979 "Discourse types and tense patterns in Cotabato<br />

Manobo." SIPL 3(2):218-22.<br />

1984 "Hortatory mitigation: the case <strong>of</strong> the camouflaged<br />

backbone." SIPL 5(1): 161-99.<br />

Errington, Ross and Ellen Errington<br />

1981 "Cotabato Manobo dictionary." Quezon City: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1222-1230 1 Eugenio<br />

Errington, Ross, Ellen Errington and Melinda Laviiia, comps<br />

1979 Ini sa Medoo Kagi Diyd sa Epat Balangan Kagi<br />

I('1crs.c r fictl 1 bcubolury Cotabato Manobo, Pilmino,<br />

Visayan, bnglish). Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. xix + 192 pp.<br />

Escobar y Lozano, Jaime<br />

1885 El Indicador del Viajero en las Islas Filipinas. Manila:<br />

Ch<strong>of</strong>r6 y Compaiiia. (Other ed, 1889).<br />

Escueta, Julita T.<br />

1965 "Predicting problems <strong>of</strong> Tagalog high school students<br />

through contrastive analysis." Unpublished MAT<br />

seminar paper, UP. 5 1 Ivs.<br />

Espejo, Zoilo<br />

1870 Cartilla de Agricultura Filipina. Manila: Ramirez y<br />

Giraudier.<br />

1870 "Correspondencia de 10s nombres Tagalog con que se<br />

designan las principales plantas de esta Cartilla en 10s<br />

dialectos 6 idioma siguientes: Tagalo, Camarines,<br />

Visayo, Pampango, Ilocano, Castellano." In Cartilla de<br />

Agricultura Filipina, 92-96. Manila: Ramirez y<br />

Giraudier. 2d ed.<br />

Estacio, Ceferina I. C.<br />

1961 "Problems <strong>of</strong> syntax <strong>of</strong> Filipino speakers <strong>of</strong> English."<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, University <strong>of</strong> the East, Manila<br />

1964 "English syntax problems <strong>of</strong> Filipinos and the<br />

principles <strong>of</strong> linguistic relativity. " In Proceedings, 9th<br />

<strong>International</strong> Congress <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, ed by Horace G.<br />

Lunt, 217-223. The Hague: Moulton.<br />

Estorco, Avelino<br />

nd "Cebuano-English dictionary." Np.<br />

Eugenio, Damiana L.<br />

1959 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Tagalog tense<br />

aspect." Unpublished term project for lingulst~cs, UP<br />

208 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

102 1231-1240 / Eustaquio<br />

Eustaquio, Gaudencio R.<br />

1961 Takigrapiyang Tagalog: Panimulang Aklat. Manila:<br />

Pioneer Printing Press. xxv + 187 pp.<br />

Evangelista, Ignacio<br />

1923? Balarilang Pilipino. Manila: Bulalakao's Printing Press<br />

326 pp.<br />

Evangelista, Jose F., Jr.<br />

1972 "The analytical study <strong>of</strong> the Chabacano verb. "<br />

Unpublished MA thesis.<br />

Everett, A. Hart<br />

1880 "Tagbanwa word list incorporated in Swettenllam's<br />

Comparative Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> the Dialects <strong>of</strong> the Wild<br />

Tribe inhabiting the Malay peninsula, Borneo." JSBRAS<br />

(June): 125- 156.<br />

Everett, H. D. and H. N. Whitford<br />

1906 Preliminary Working Plan for the Public Forest Tract<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Insular Lumber Company. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. (Bureau <strong>of</strong> Forestry Bulletin 5).<br />

Ewing, J. Franklin<br />

1955 "Notes on the Tausug <strong>of</strong> Siasi in particular and the<br />

Moros <strong>of</strong> the Southern <strong>Philippine</strong>s in general." In<br />

Mindanao Corlference, 78-79. Chicago: University <strong>of</strong><br />

Chicago.<br />

Eyestone, Maynard M.<br />

nd Pulong sa Pisara. Manila: Interchurch Language School.<br />

nd Sapatos para sa Bata: an Introduction to Tagalog<br />

Grammar. Manila: Interchurch Language School. 60 pp.<br />

1965 Tagalog Pronunciation and Memory Materials. Manila:<br />

Interchurch Language School. 71 pp.<br />

1967-1968 "Constants and variables in <strong>Philippine</strong> languages and<br />

their implications for the teaching <strong>of</strong> English." PJLT<br />

S(1): 1-14.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Ferguson 1 1241-1250 103<br />

Eyestone, Maynard M., ed<br />

1965 Ilocano Grammar and Vocabulary. Manila: Interchurch 1241<br />

Language School. 3 vols. 508 pp, 524 pp, 476 pp.<br />

(Other ed, 1967).<br />

Eyestone, Maynard M. and Rosa B. Soberano<br />

1964 Hiligaynon Lessons. Manila: Interchurch Language 1242<br />

School. 2 parts in 1 vol.<br />

Ezguerra, Dorningo P.<br />

nd "Estudios comparativos entre el Tagalo y el Sanscrito." 1243<br />

NP.<br />

1949 Arte de la Lengua Bisaya de la Provincia de Leyte. 1244<br />

Madrid: Liberia de General Victoriano Suarez. 88 pp.<br />

(Other ed, 1949).<br />

Fabicon, J. E.<br />

1965 "The Filipino child and multilingualism. " FT<br />

20(1):23-24.<br />

Faustino, Natividad<br />

1960 "A contl-a\tive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Tagalog." 1246<br />

California; UCLA term project for Speech 103K.<br />

1961 "A stud> <strong>of</strong> the mistakes in English composition made 1247<br />

by students <strong>of</strong> Tagalog language background."<br />

California: UCLA term project for Speech 370L.<br />

Fausto de Cuevas, Fr. Jose Maria<br />

1854 Arte Nuevo de la Lengua Ybanag. Manila: Imprenta de 1248<br />

10s Amigos de Pais. 2d ed. xxiii + 366 + 25 pp.<br />

Favre, Pierre Etienne Lazare<br />

1875 Dictionnaire Malais-Francais. Vienne: Imprimerie 1249<br />

Imperiale et Royale. 2 vols. 916 pp, 879 pp. (Other ed,<br />

1880).<br />

Ferguson, A. M.<br />

1883 "Notes illustrating the changes which consonants<br />

undergo in passing from one Malayan dialect to<br />

another." JSBRAS 12:233-244.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

104 1251-1258 1 Fernandez Luciano<br />

Fernandez Luciano, D. Eligio<br />

1876 Nuevo Vocabulario o Manual de Conversaciones en<br />

Espanlol, Tagalo y Pampango. Binondo: Imprenta de M.<br />

Perez. 80 pp. (Other eds, 1882. Manila: Imprenta del<br />

Amigos del Pais. 84 pp; 1896. 84 pp; 1901. Binondo:<br />

Libreria Tagala. 83 pp; 1914. Manila: Libreria Filipina.<br />

83 PP).<br />

Vocabulario Tagalo-Castellano. Manila: Imprenta de<br />

Amigos del Pais. 84 pp. (Other eds, 1883. Tipografico<br />

de Esteban Balbas. 118 pp; 1890. San Agustin, Iloilo:<br />

Tipografico de Colegio de Santo Tomas. 103 pp; 1894.<br />

Ch<strong>of</strong>rk y Compaiiia. 130 pp; 1906. 1 10 pp; 1920.<br />

Imprenta de Libreria de J. Martinez. 109 pp).<br />

1883 Diccionario Espanlol-Tagalo. Manila: Imprenta del<br />

Amigos de Pais.<br />

Fernandez, Acisclo - See 355 1<br />

Fernandez, Agustin, OESA<br />

nd "Diccionario de 10s idiomas de Filipinas." Np<br />

nd "Diccionario poliglota de 10s idiomas de Filipinas." Np.<br />

Fernandez, Evaristo - See also 1068, 1069<br />

1883 Vocabulario Tagalo-Castellano. Manila:<br />

Establicimiento Tipografico de Esteban Balbas. 118 pp.<br />

Fernandez, Evaristo and S<strong>of</strong>ronio G. Calderon<br />

1917 Vocabulario Tagalog-Castcllano-IngIes con Partes de<br />

Gramatica y Frases Usuales. Manila. 2d ed. 269 pp.<br />

(3d ed, 1921. Manila: Imprenta de J. Martinez. 109 pp).<br />

Fernandez, Miguel<br />

1867 Diccionario Espariol-Ibanag; o sea, tesauro Hispano-<br />

Cagayan. (Sacado de 10s manuscriptos antiguos y<br />

nuevamente corregido y aiiodido en gran parte por dos<br />

religiosos Dominicos ministros en aquella provincia).<br />

Manila: Imprenta de Ratnirez y Giraudier. 5 1 1 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Finck / 1259-1270<br />

Fernandez, Pedro R.<br />

1865 Diccionario Pangasinan-Espariol (Aumentado,<br />

ordenado y reformado por Pedro Villanueva) Manila:<br />

Establecimiento Tipografico de Colegio de Santo<br />

Tomas. 330 +I21 pp.<br />

1959 "Providing for a more hospitable Filipino language."<br />

PJE 38: 142-143, 174.<br />

Fernandez, Trinidad<br />

1919 "Kuyonon folktales. " Np. 16 lvs<br />

1920 "Kuyo legends." Np. 2d series. 13 lvs<br />

Ferrand, Gabriel<br />

1924 "Langues Malayo-Polynesiennes." In Les Langues du<br />

Monde, ed by A. Meillet and M. Cohen, 405-460. Paris.<br />

Ferrer, Fernando<br />

1907 Manual Iloco-Castellano (o sea metodo para aprender<br />

o ensenar el Castellano en 10s pueblos Ilocanos).<br />

Vigan. 328 pp.<br />

1908- 1909 "Habla el Sr. Retana sobre el uso de la K y de la W<br />

doble." El Renacimiento. (Articulos de y sobre Retana).<br />

Ferrer, Inocencio V.<br />

1962 "The case against Tagalog. " PFP 55: 14- 15.<br />

1962 "Why Tagalog?" Examiner l(22): 16-17, 24.<br />

Fetzer, Anne - See 3299<br />

Fierro, Vito del<br />

1959 "Techniques in vocabulary building in Filipino language."<br />

EdQ 7:68-75.<br />

Figueroa, Antonio<br />

1872 Arte del Idioma Visaya de Samar y Leite. Binondo:<br />

Imprenta de Bruno Gonzales Moras. 2d ed. 135 pp.<br />

Finck, Franz Nikolaus<br />

1923 "Die Sprachen der <strong>Philippine</strong>n." In Die Sprachstamme<br />

des Erdkreises, 48-50. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Finley, John Park and William Churchill<br />

1913 The Subanun (Studies <strong>of</strong> a sub-Yisayan mountain folk <strong>of</strong> 1271<br />

Mindanao). Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution.<br />

236 pp. (Publication 184).<br />

Fleischman, Eric<br />

1980 "Magindanaon verbal inflection." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1272<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 21 lvs.<br />

1980 "Phonemics and morphophonemics <strong>of</strong> Maguindanao." 1273<br />

Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SII,. 19 lvs.<br />

198 1 "The Danao languages: Magindanaon, Iranun, Maranao, 1274<br />

and Illanun." PJL 12(1):57-77.<br />

Fleischman, Eric, Nasrullah Glang, Makakena Solaiman, Hadji Abdullah<br />

Ayub, and Faisal Daud, comps<br />

1981 Vocabulary: Magindanawn-Pilipino-English. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 1275<br />

340 pp.<br />

Fleming, Dorothy<br />

1952 "A phonetic study <strong>of</strong> the speech <strong>of</strong> an English speaking 1276<br />

Tagalog." Unpublished MA thesis, Louisiana State<br />

University.<br />

Flordeliza, Fredesvinda P. - See 2283, 2284<br />

Flores, Francisco Gubaton<br />

1962 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> selected clause types in 1277<br />

Cebuano and English." Unpublished EdD thesis,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Michigan. 179 lvs.<br />

1964 "-4 comparison <strong>of</strong> selected grammatical categories in<br />

Cebuano and English." PSR 12(1-2):77-84.<br />

1278<br />

1966 "A tagmemic description <strong>of</strong> the Cebuano verb." Paper 1279<br />

read at the 1 lth Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, Japan.<br />

Flores, Frank - See 2365<br />

Flores, Imelda Y.<br />

1982 "Some comparative and synchronic notes on the 1280<br />

segment /V in four Bisayan languages: Cebuano,<br />

Hiligaynon, Aklanon, and Waraywaray." Likha 4:26-34.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Forman / 1281-1292 107<br />

Flores, Malu - See 3875<br />

Flores, Micaela<br />

1904 "Malamang ang ikinahahawig ng mga salita at<br />

pangungusap na Tagalog sa Ingles kay sa Kastila."<br />

Muling Pagsilang (March 4).<br />

Flores, S. and Florentino Jacobo<br />

1950 Aklat ng Paggamot at Pangangalaga sa Sakit. Manila:<br />

Philippi~~es Book Co. 106 pp.<br />

Floresca y Rimando, Romualdo<br />

1906 Vocabulary English-Ilocano. Vigan: Imprenta de la<br />

Nueva Era. 237 pp.<br />

Floreza, Lolita H.<br />

1962 "Phonetic analysis <strong>of</strong> the Bicol 'Naga' dialect." Ateneo<br />

de Manila Graduate School. 10 Ivs.<br />

Forfia, Kathleen<br />

1979 "Nonpast tense in Ga'dang narrative discourse." SIPL<br />

3(1): 10-16.<br />

Forfia, Kathleen and Sherilyn Moore<br />

1979 "Ga'dang grammar essentials. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 49 lvs.<br />

Forman, Michael L.<br />

1967 Preliminary Working Papers for the Study <strong>of</strong><br />

Zamboangetio Chabacano. Peace Corps, <strong>Philippine</strong>s.<br />

1970 "Notes on Kapampangan grammar." Np. 120 lvs.<br />

1971 Kapampangan Dictionary. Honolulu: University <strong>of</strong><br />

Hawaii Press. 258 pp.<br />

1972 "Zamboanga texts with grammatical analysis."<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, Cornell University<br />

Forman, Robin<br />

1976 "Phonemes <strong>of</strong> Mapun. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. i +27 lvs.<br />

1979 "Morphophonemics <strong>of</strong> Sama Mapun." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 12 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

108 1293-1306 / Forman<br />

Forman, Robin, comp<br />

nd "Sama Mapun texts." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 88 lvs.<br />

1976 "Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Mapun, Cagayan de Sulu." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. I1 1 lvs.<br />

Foronda, Sebastian, OSA<br />

1710 "Vocabulario Pampango. " Np.<br />

Forrest, Thomas<br />

1779 "Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> the Maguindanao tongue." In A Voyage<br />

to New Guinea and the Moluccas, 41 5-442. Dublin: np.<br />

(Other eds, 1780. London: J. Robson; French<br />

translation, 1780; German translation, 1782).<br />

Forsberg, Vivian M. - See also 403, 409, 2100, 2101<br />

nd "Case relations and pronouns in Tagabili. " Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SE. 16 lvs.<br />

1963 "Tagabili nonverbal clauses." Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 6 Ivs.<br />

1966 "Phrases in Tagabili. " Papers in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

1:21-32. (PL-A 8).<br />

1966 "Verbal clauses in Tagabili." Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>,. iv-+ 39 lvs.<br />

1990 "Pedagogical grammar <strong>of</strong> Tboli." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 179 lvs.<br />

Forsberg, Vivian M. and Alice Lindquist<br />

nd "Contrasting relations in Tagabili." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

nd "Preliminary study <strong>of</strong> Tagabili affixes." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1955 Tagabili-English Vocabulary. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>, Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Public Schools and INL. 160 pp.<br />

Forster, Jannette - See also 404-408, 2559, 2560, 3714<br />

nd "Dibabawon clause structure." Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 13 lvs.<br />

nd "Dibabawon static clauses." Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. I1 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Forster / 1307-1322<br />

nd "Dibabawon substantive phrases." Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 4 lvs.<br />

nd "Dibabawon transient clauses: A suggested analysis."<br />

Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 5 Ivs.<br />

nd "Dibabawon verbal clauses." Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 14 lvs.<br />

nd "Noun expressions in Dibabawon. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>,. 2 Ivs.<br />

1954 "Dibabaon texts." JEAS 3:232-236.<br />

1958 "Noun expressions in Dibabaon." <strong>SIL</strong>WP 2:27-28.<br />

1963 "Syllables and phonemes <strong>of</strong> Dibabawon." In Papers on<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Languages I, ed by Elmer Wolfenden, 18-25.<br />

Manila: ILT and <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1964 "Dual structure <strong>of</strong> Dibabawon verbal clauses." OL<br />

3(1):26-48.<br />

1964 "Selected rules for a Dibabawon grammar." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 16 lvs.<br />

1970 "Morphophonemic changes in Dibabawon. " Papers in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> 3:63-70. (PL-A 24).<br />

1983 "Use <strong>of</strong> dialogue in a Dibabawon narrative discourse."<br />

PJL 14(1):45-60.<br />

Forster, Jannette, comp<br />

nd "Dibabawon texts." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 100 lvs.<br />

Forster, Jannette, William Atherton and Ruth Atherton<br />

1954 "Wordlist in Dibaba'on and Binukid." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

Forster, Jannette and Myra Lou Barnard<br />

nd "Dibabawon sentences. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Buludnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 183 Ivs.<br />

nd "Phonemic statement and proposed orthography for<br />

Dibabawon." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 9 lvs.<br />

nd "Pronoun classes <strong>of</strong> Dibabawon. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 1 If.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

110 1323-1331 / Forster<br />

1954 Dibabaon-Mandayon Vocabulary. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>, Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Public Schools and INL. 2d ed. 66 pp.<br />

1968 "A classification <strong>of</strong> Dibabawon active verbs." Lingua<br />

20:265-78.<br />

Forster, Jannette and Myra Lou Barnard, comps<br />

1987 Dibabawon Manobo Texts (SIPL Supplementary series:<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> texts 3), ed by Fe T. Otanes and Austin<br />

Hale. Manila: LSP and <strong>SIL</strong>. viii + 131 pp.<br />

Forster, Jannette and Howard Paul McKaughan<br />

1952 "An adaptation <strong>of</strong> modern language teaching techniques<br />

to certain unusual situations." Joint unpublished MA<br />

thesis, Cornell University.<br />

iv + 230 lvs.<br />

Forster, Johann Reinhold<br />

1778 "Observations faites, pendant le second voyage de M<br />

Cook, dans l'hemisphere austral.. . " In Voyage Dans<br />

I'Hemisphere Austral 5. Paris: Hotel de Thou.<br />

Foster, Richard H.<br />

1948 "The Spanish in the Cebuano vocabulary <strong>of</strong> the Bible<br />

as a partial revelation <strong>of</strong> Spanish cultural, political and<br />

economic influence in the <strong>Philippine</strong> Islands."<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, University <strong>of</strong> California<br />

Berkeley.<br />

"The Spanish in the Cebuano vocabulary <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Bible.. .as a partial revelation <strong>of</strong> Spanish cultural,<br />

political, and economic influence in the <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

islands." Abstract <strong>of</strong> a University <strong>of</strong> California<br />

dissertation.<br />

Fowler, John A.<br />

1925 Lumber Industry <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong> Islands. Washington,<br />

DC: US Government Printing Office. 43 pp. (Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Forestry and Domestic Commerce. Trade Promotion<br />

Series, no 24).<br />

"The Pinatubo Negritos: Their useful plants and<br />

material culture." PJS. 81:3-4.173-414.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Frake / 1332-1342<br />

Fox, Robert B.<br />

1950 "A Tagbanua-English lexical list." Manila. Typescript.<br />

1953 "An Iloilgot Vocabulary collected by William Jones."<br />

NP.<br />

1954 "On the Bisayan syllabary." In The Robertson Text and<br />

Translation <strong>of</strong> the Povedano Manuscript on 1572, by E.<br />

Hester, 56-58. Chicago: Dept <strong>of</strong> Anthropology,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Chicago. 63 pp. (<strong>Philippine</strong> Studies<br />

Program Transcript Series 2).<br />

1954 "Religion and society among the Tagbanua <strong>of</strong> Palawan<br />

island, <strong>Philippine</strong>s." Unpublished MA thesis, University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Chicago. ix +383 lvs.<br />

Fox, Robert B. and Willis E. Sibley<br />

1953 "The application <strong>of</strong> glottochronology to the mountain<br />

province: Its implication for culture history." In Eighth<br />

Pacific Science Congress Abstracts <strong>of</strong> Papers, 5 18-5 19.<br />

Quezon City.<br />

Fox, Robert B., Willis E. Sibley and Fred Eggan<br />

1954 A Preliminary Glottochronology for Northern Luzon.<br />

Chicago: University <strong>of</strong> Chicago, <strong>Philippine</strong> Studies<br />

Program. 9 pp. Mimeo. (Reprinted in 1965. Asia Std<br />

3(1):103-113).<br />

Foy, Willy - See also 2397<br />

1901 "Uber he Echtheit einer angeblich Formosanischen<br />

Schrift (Anhang: Zur 'Mangianenschrift'). " Abh. und<br />

Ber, des Konigl. Zool. und Anthro. Ethnogr. Museums<br />

zu Dresden 9(6):23-26, part 3.<br />

Frake, Charles 0.<br />

nd "A linguistic analysis <strong>of</strong> Yakan. " Np.<br />

1953 "Wordlist in Subanun. " Np.<br />

1954 "Sindangan Subanun word list. " JEAS 3(3):321-324.<br />

1957 "The Subanon <strong>of</strong> Zamboanga, a linguistic survey."<br />

Paper read at the ninth Pacific Science Congress in<br />

Thailand.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

112 1343-1356 1 Frake<br />

1960 "The Eastern Subanun <strong>of</strong> Mindanao." In Viking Fund<br />

Publication in Anthropology, no 29, ed by G. P.<br />

Murdock, 5 1-64. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation<br />

for Anthropological Research.<br />

1961 "The diagnosis <strong>of</strong> hsease among the Subanun <strong>of</strong><br />

Mindanao." AmAnth 63(1): 113-132.<br />

1963 "Creole Spanish in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s." Report to the<br />

National Institute <strong>of</strong> Health.<br />

1966 "An investigation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> Creole Spanish." Np.<br />

1967 "Lexical origins and semantic structure in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Creole Spanish." Paper at the Conference on<br />

Creolization and Pidginization (April 9- 12, 1968),<br />

Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. 33 Ivs. Mi~neo.<br />

1967 "Struck by speech: the Yakan concept <strong>of</strong> litigation."<br />

Stanford University: np. 3 1 i 4 Ivs. Typescript.<br />

Francisco, H. - See 354<br />

Francisco, Juan R.<br />

1960 "Sanskrit loan-wcrds in the <strong>Philippine</strong> languages."<br />

Adyar Library Bulletin 24: 153- 172.<br />

1961 "Sri Vijaya and the Thilippines: a review. "PSSHR<br />

26:87-109.<br />

1963 "Indian influences in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s with special<br />

reference to language and literature." Unpublished PhD<br />

dissertation, University <strong>of</strong> Madras. xxv + 525 lvs.<br />

1963 "Indian influences in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s with special<br />

reference to language and literature. " PSSHR<br />

28(1-3): 1-310. (Published version <strong>of</strong> Francisco's 1963<br />

dissertation).<br />

"The new function <strong>of</strong> ancient <strong>Philippine</strong> scripts."<br />

PSSHR 28(4):416-423.<br />

"Field notes <strong>of</strong> work done with the Tagbanua and the<br />

Mangyan. " Np.<br />

"Script writing in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s." UP Research Digest<br />

3(3):6-8.<br />

"On the date <strong>of</strong> the coming <strong>of</strong> Indian influence in the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s. " <strong>Philippine</strong> Historical Review l(1): 136- 152.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Fritz / 1357-1368<br />

1966 "Notes on probable Tamil words in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

language." In <strong>International</strong> Conference - Seminar <strong>of</strong><br />

Tamil Studies, 1st (University <strong>of</strong> Malaya), 572-578.<br />

1966 "Palaeographic studies on the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. " SMJ<br />

13:417-426.<br />

1967 "A note on the Pagang: a Tagbanuwa bamboo musical<br />

instrument." Asib! SSf 5(1):33-41.<br />

1967 "A survey <strong>of</strong> paleographic relations between India and<br />

the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. " Historical Bulletin 11 (3):238-248.<br />

1967 "Sound and symbol in <strong>Philippine</strong> language and script."<br />

Paper read at the 27th <strong>International</strong> Congress <strong>of</strong><br />

Orientalists (August 13-19, 1967), Ann Arbor, Michigan.<br />

1968 "A note on the Dravidian origin <strong>of</strong> the Tagalog<br />

syllabary." In <strong>International</strong> Conference - Seminar <strong>of</strong><br />

Tamil Studies, 2d (Madras), 44 1-455.<br />

1968 "Further notes on Pardo de Tavera's El Sancrito en la<br />

Lengua Tagalog." Asia Std 6(2):223-234.<br />

1973 <strong>Philippine</strong> Palaeography. Quezon City: LSP. 135 pp.<br />

Franco, Manuel - See 3 134<br />

Frantz, Donald G.<br />

nd "A note on the Bilaan syntactic paradigm." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 7 lvs.<br />

Freedman, Maurice - See 8 15<br />

Freer, William Bowen<br />

1906 "List <strong>of</strong> Spanish and <strong>Philippine</strong> Terms." In The<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Experiences <strong>of</strong> an American Teacher,<br />

335-339. New York: C. Scribner's Sons.<br />

Freeze, R. - See 664<br />

Frei, E. J.<br />

1947 "Tagalog as the <strong>Philippine</strong> national language."<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, Hartford Seminary Foundation.<br />

430 lvs.<br />

Fritz, William Grant<br />

1901 Ingles at Capampangan a Munang Piakitan. Manila:<br />

YMCA Book Store. 91 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

114 1369-1379 / Fruto<br />

Fruto, Julita 0.<br />

1969 "English lexical errors induced by Cebuano 1369<br />

grammatical and lexical patterns." Unpublished MA<br />

thesis, University <strong>of</strong> San Carlos, Cebu.<br />

Fu kuda, Takashi<br />

1980 "Discourse features in Kadaklan." SIPL 4(1):7 1- 100. 1370<br />

1983 "A discourse-oriented grammar <strong>of</strong> Eastern Bontoc." 1371<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, University <strong>of</strong> Texas, Arlington.<br />

x + 231 Ivs.<br />

Fukuda, Takashi, Evelyn Labaro, Canuto Changale, Albert Layong, Dionic<br />

Chongalan, Abel Maingag, Francisca Nganmaya, Rita Layong, and<br />

Virgina Coyao, comps<br />

1981 A Topical Vocabulary in English, Pilipino, Ilocano, and 1372<br />

Eastern Bontoc. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 122 pp.<br />

Funes de la Virgen del Villar, Julian, ORSA<br />

nd '3iccionario Hispano-Ilocano. " Np.<br />

Funnell, Shirley<br />

1966 "Ang kuento nang matsing at pagong." <strong>SIL</strong> WP 10:56-6 1 . 1374<br />

G., J. M.<br />

1875 Arteng Tagalog na Macapagtuturo nang Wikang Castila. 1375<br />

Manila. 95 pp.<br />

G., P. R.<br />

1952 "Tighabol sa wika." WP 6:47-48.<br />

Gabelentz, Georg von der<br />

1861 "Die Melanesischen Sprachen nach ihrem grammatischen 1377<br />

bau und ihrer Verwandtschaft unter sich und mit den<br />

Malaiisch-Polynesischen Sprachen." KonSacGes Wis 3.<br />

1891 Die Sprachwissenschaft, ihre Aufgaben, Methoden und 1378<br />

Bisherigen Ergebnisse. Leipzig: T. 0. Weigel<br />

Nachfolger. 502 pp.<br />

1895 "Ueber die Formosanische Sprachen und ihre Stellung 1379<br />

in dem Malaiischen Sprachstamm." Zeitschrift der<br />

Seutschen Morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft 13.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Galang / 1380-1389 115<br />

Gabelentz, Georg von der and A. B. Meyer<br />

1883 "Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Melanesischen, 1380<br />

Mikronesischen und Papuanischen Sprachen. "<br />

KonSacGes Wis 8(4):373-541.<br />

Gabelentz, H. L. von der<br />

1861 "Uber das Passivum: Eine sprachvergleichende<br />

Abhandlung. " KonSacGes Wis 8(4):449-546.<br />

Gaces, Santiago - See 376 1, 3762<br />

Gagelonia, Pedro A.<br />

1962 "Evolution <strong>of</strong> the alphabet." FEUFJ 7(1):439-459. 1382<br />

Gaimushi5 Nan'yi5-kyoku Ministry <strong>of</strong> Foreign Affairs]<br />

1941 Hirippin Oyobi Hirippin-jin no Kako ni Tsuite [On the 1383<br />

History <strong>of</strong> the Filipino and the <strong>Philippine</strong>s]. Tokyo.<br />

85 PP.<br />

Galang, Ricardo E.<br />

1935 "Ethnographic notes on the Isinais <strong>of</strong> Nueve Vizcaya." 1384<br />

PJS 58:503-5 1 1.<br />

1935 "Ethnographic study <strong>of</strong> the Yogads <strong>of</strong> Isabella." PJS 1385<br />

56:81-90.<br />

1936 "Kinship usages among the Pampangos. " PM 33(9):452, 1386<br />

454-455. (Reprinted 1955. JEAS 4(1): 115- 117).<br />

Galang, Rosita G. - See also 814<br />

1977 "The acquisition <strong>of</strong> Tagalog verb morphology: 1387<br />

linguistic and cognitive factors." Unpublished PhD<br />

dissertation, Ateneo-PNC consortium.<br />

Galang, Zoilo M., ed<br />

1936 Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s 1. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> 1388<br />

Education Company Inc. (2d ed, 1950. Exequiel Floro.<br />

2 vols).<br />

1938 "Land and people" and "<strong>Linguistics</strong>." In Filipiniana 1389<br />

1-2. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Education Company Inc.<br />

xii + 21 + 413 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

116 1390-1398 1 Gallman<br />

Gallman, Andrew F.<br />

1974 "A reconstruction <strong>of</strong> Proto-Mansakan. " Unpublished<br />

MA thesis, University <strong>of</strong> Texas, Arlington. x + 85 Ivs<br />

1979 "Proto-South-east Mindanao and its internal<br />

relationships." Papers in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> 10: 1-52.<br />

(PL-A 55). (Published version <strong>of</strong> 1974 thesis).<br />

1983 "Proto East Mindanao and its internal relationships."<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, University <strong>of</strong> Texas,<br />

Arlington. xiii + 494 lvs.<br />

Gamboa-Mendoza, Virginia<br />

1940 "Phonological pecularities <strong>of</strong> Pampangan (based <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Or-Aus as constructed by Dempwolff)." In Publications<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Institute <strong>of</strong> National Language. Manila: Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Printing. (Bulletin 4).<br />

Gana, Rosario Bella - See also 1559<br />

1952 Sanayang Balarila. Manila: Inang Wika Publishing Co.<br />

2 vols. 191 pp, 190 pp.<br />

Gana, Rosario Bella and Genoveva D. Edroza<br />

1951 Balarilang Pandalubhasaan (Sinuri ni Lope K. Santos)<br />

Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 2 vols. 284 pp, 237 pp.<br />

Ganuelas, Susana<br />

19-- "Comparison <strong>of</strong> speech sounds in English and in<br />

Ilokano." Bacnotan, La Union: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Public<br />

Schools. 1 If. Mimeo.<br />

Garcia, Cenon<br />

1956 Diccionario Ingles-Espaiiol-Ilocano-Pangasinan.<br />

Dagupan City: Imprenta Gonzales B. Mendoza & Sons.<br />

273 pp.<br />

Garcia, Domingo E.<br />

1958 "A study <strong>of</strong> the conversational uses <strong>of</strong> some particles<br />

and words which are found in both the Cebu-Visayan<br />

dialect and the Filipino national language."<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, University <strong>of</strong> San Carlos, Cebu<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Gardner / 1399-141 1<br />

Garcia, Francisco and R. P. Ulpiano Herrcro<br />

1902 Mangn Unang Tzlro sa IJicang Wicang Manila: Colegio<br />

de Santo Tomas. 477 pp.<br />

Garcia, Mauro<br />

1934 "Secret dialects in Tagalog." PM 31(1):28, 30.<br />

(Reprinted in 1955. JEAS 4(2):299-300).<br />

1937 "Tagalog kinship terms and usages." PM 34:33-34.<br />

1939 "<strong>Philippine</strong> pseudonyms." Bulletin on the <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Library Association 1 :67-73.<br />

Gardner, Fletcher<br />

1905 (Mangyan songs). Np. 8 lvs<br />

1906 The Hampangan Mangyans <strong>of</strong> Mindoro. Fort Crook,<br />

Nebraska. 69 pp.<br />

1923 "Tagbanua alphabet." CF 14:24-26.<br />

1939 "Three contemporary incised bamboo manuscripts from<br />

Hampangan Mangyan, Mindoro, P. I." JAOS<br />

59(4):496-502.<br />

1939-1940 "Mangyan grammar and vocabulary." In Indic Writings<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Mindoro Palawan Axis 3:6 1-1 17. San Antonio,<br />

Texas: Witte Memorial Museum. 3 vols. ii and 123 pp.<br />

1940 "Bamboo writings from Mindoro and Palawan." JAOS<br />

60:27 1-272.<br />

1941 "Lingualization in austronesian languages: an unusual<br />

consonantal shift." PMASAL 2751 1-514.<br />

1943 <strong>Philippine</strong> Indic Studies. San Antonio, Texas: Palm<br />

Tree Press. 105 pp. (Witte Memorial Museum, Indic<br />

Bulletin 1).<br />

Review: Alfred Kroeber. 1944. JAOS 64:34.<br />

Gardner, Fletcher and Ildefonso Maliwanag<br />

1939- 1940 Indic Writings <strong>of</strong> the Mindoro-Palawan Axis. San<br />

Antonio: Palm Tree Press. 2 vols.<br />

Review: Horace I. Poleman. 1940. JAOS 60:275.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

118 1412-1422 1 Gardner<br />

Gardner, Mary Jane - See 2876, 2877<br />

Gardner, Rolland<br />

1906 Mechanical Tests, Properties, and Uses <strong>of</strong> Thirty 1412<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Woods. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

(<strong>Philippine</strong> Islands Bureau <strong>of</strong> Forestry Bulletin 4).<br />

Garduque, Catalino D.<br />

1955 Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> Identical Tagalog and Ilokano Words 1413<br />

with Identical Meanings, Translated into English.<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 23 pp. (INL paper 9).<br />

Garvan, John M.<br />

1913 Two Vocabularies from the Negritos <strong>of</strong> Tayabas. 1414<br />

Manila: BPES. 61 pp.<br />

1914 Negrito Vocabularies. Manila: Museum and Institute <strong>of</strong> 1415<br />

Archeology and Ethnology, UP. 240 pp.<br />

1915 "Negrito vocabularies with notes by E. E. Schneider: 1416<br />

five extensive vocabularies collected by other authors<br />

and comparative notes on the same." Manila: np.<br />

508 lvs.<br />

1931 "The Manobos <strong>of</strong> Mindanao." Washington, DC: US 1417<br />

Government Printing Office. iii + 265 lvs. (National<br />

Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences Memoirs 23(1)).<br />

1955 "Sulu proverbs. " JEAS 4(3):443-446. 1418<br />

1957 "On the relative tractability <strong>of</strong> morphological data." 1419<br />

Word 13:12-23.<br />

1964 The Negritos <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s, ed by F. Berger Horn. 1420<br />

288 pp.<br />

Garvin, Paul and Florencio Campornanes<br />

nd "Tagalog vowel system. " Np.<br />

Gasol, Jaime, OSA<br />

nd "Vocabulario Panayano del P. Mentrida." Np. 1422<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Gayacao / 1423-1 432<br />

Gatbonton, Elizabeth<br />

1962 "A phonemic analysis <strong>of</strong> the Kalinga dialect, as spoken<br />

by the Lubuagan central people <strong>of</strong> the Mountain<br />

Province." Manila: Ateneo de Manila Graduate School.<br />

15 lvs.<br />

Gault, Jo Ann - See also 1071, 1072<br />

1976 "Phonemics and morphophonemics <strong>of</strong> Sama Baangingi."<br />

Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 54 lvs.<br />

1979 Phonemics and morphophonemics <strong>of</strong> Sama Baangingi.<br />

Papers in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> 9:49-68. (PL-A 50).<br />

1986 "Focal content in Sama Bangingi narrative discourse."<br />

SIPL 6(1):200-15.<br />

Gault, Jo Ann and Eunice Diment, comps<br />

var. dates "Sama Bangingi texts." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 272 lvs.<br />

Gayacao, Juan<br />

1875 Nuevo Vocabulario o Manual de Conversaciones en<br />

Hispano-Ilocano. Manila. 70 pp. (Other eds, 2d ed,<br />

1879. Manila: Imprenta Ciudad Condal de Plana y<br />

Compaiiia. 70 pp; 3d ed, 188 1; 4th ed, 1884. Manila:<br />

Imprenta de Don Esteban Balbas. 80 pp; 5th ed, 1892.<br />

Manila: Imprenta Amigos de Pais. 79 pp; 8th ed, 1901.<br />

Manila: Libreria Tagala. 77 pp; 9th ed, 1907. Manila: J.<br />

Martinez. 77 pp; 10th ed, 19 14).<br />

1875 Nuevo Vocabulario y Guia de Conversaciones Espaiiol-<br />

Panayano. Manila: Imprenta de J. Martinez. 80 pp.<br />

(Other eds, 1879. Manila: Imprenta Cuidad Condal de<br />

Plana y Ca. 70 pp; 5th ed, 1881).<br />

1882 Nuevo Vocabulario Espaiiol, Tagalo y Pampango.<br />

Manila.<br />

1896 Manual de Conversaciones en Hispano-Bicol y<br />

Vice-versa. Manila: Establecimiento Tipolitografico de<br />

Ramirez y Compaiiia. 6th ed. 116 pp. (Other eds, 4th<br />

ed, 1873; 5th ed, 1881. Manila: Imprenta de 10s Amigos<br />

del Pais).<br />

1896 Vocabulario Ibanag. Manila: Ch<strong>of</strong>rd y Compaiiia. 72 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

120 1433- 1445 / Gayacao<br />

Gayacao, Juan and S<strong>of</strong>ronio G. Calderon<br />

19-- Vocabulario Ilocano-Hispano-Ingles con Partes de la 1433<br />

Gramatica y Frases Usuales. Manila: Librerias de J.<br />

Martinez. 228 pp.<br />

Geeroms, Henry, CICM<br />

1966 "Abbreviated Christian names in Iloko." Baguio: Saint 1434<br />

Louis University.<br />

Geeroms, Pater H.<br />

1943 "Over de derde persoon meervoud in het austronesisch." 1435<br />

BNI 102:41-79.<br />

Gendulan, Bedung - See 3542<br />

Gener, Teodoro E.<br />

19-- Taluntunan (balangkas ng balarila). Maynila: Arsenio 1436<br />

P. Afas. 87 pp.<br />

1938 "Ang pangalan ng wikang Tagalog." Diwang Silangan 1437<br />

(February).<br />

1938 "Bukas na liham sa Institute ng Wikang Pambansa." 1438<br />

Mabuhay (October 30).<br />

1944 "Ang kudlit at tatas ng wikang Tagalog." Np. 1439<br />

1944 Essentials <strong>of</strong> Tagalog. Manila: T. E. Gener. xii 4- 112 pp. 1440<br />

1944 Our National Language. Np. 1441<br />

Cenzor, Josef<br />

1969 "Spanish loanwords in Tagalog." Asian and A9ican 1442<br />

Studies 5: 17-25,<br />

1970 "Towards a typological characteristic <strong>of</strong> the Tagalog 1443<br />

language. " Asian and African Studies 6:5 1-56.<br />

Geoghegan, William<br />

1970 "Balangingi Samal address terminology: A formal study 1444<br />

<strong>of</strong> naturally occurring information processing systems."<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, Stanford University.<br />

German, Alfredo B.<br />

1932 A Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> the Spanish dialect <strong>of</strong> Cavite ... Quezon 1445<br />

City: Alfredo B. German.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Gieser / 1446-1459 121<br />

1932 "The Spanish dialect <strong>of</strong> Cavite." Unpublished MA 1446<br />

thesis, UP. 233 lvs.<br />

Geronimo, Sr. Thomas de. (Cf. San Geronimo, Thomas de)<br />

nd "Arte de la lengua Bisaya y vocabulario Espaiiol-Bisaya 1447<br />

de la lengua Sugbuana." Np.<br />

Ghani, Bin Bugul A.<br />

1950 "Notes on the Bajau language." SMJ 5(2): 196-200. 1448<br />

Ghatage, A. M.<br />

1964 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Hiligaynon. " Indian <strong>Linguistics</strong> 1449<br />

(Poona) 25:77-82.<br />

Gieser, C. Richard - See also 1564, 3457<br />

nd "A preliminary analysis <strong>of</strong> Kalinga particles." Manila: 1450<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1958 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Kalinga. " In Studies in <strong>Philippine</strong> 1451<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong>, 10-23. Sydney, Australia: University <strong>of</strong><br />

Sydney. (OLM 3).<br />

1961 "A grammatical sketch <strong>of</strong> Kalingz." Unpublished MA 1452<br />

thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. vii + 92 Ivs.<br />

1963 "A grammatical sketch <strong>of</strong> Kalinga. " Nasuli, 1453<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. ii + 90 pp. (Published<br />

version <strong>of</strong> 196 1 thesis).<br />

1966 "Problems in Kalinga morphophonemics. " <strong>SIL</strong> WP 1454<br />

10:9-12.<br />

1968 "Notes on sentence structure <strong>of</strong> Guininaang (Kalinga)." 1455<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 81 1vs.<br />

1970 "Problem on case-marhng particles in Kalinga. " 1456<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>WP 14.<br />

1970 "The morphophonemic system <strong>of</strong> Guininaang 1457<br />

(Kalinga). " PJL 1(2):52-68.<br />

1972 "Kalinga sequential discourse." PJL 3(1): 15-33. 1458<br />

1972 "Phonemic and morphemic efficiency in Kalinga. " 1459<br />

Phonetica 25:216-46.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

122 1460-1469 1 Gieser<br />

Gieser, C. Richard, comp<br />

1984 "Guinaang Kalinga interlinear texts." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

104 lvs.<br />

1987 Guinaang Kalinga Texts (SIPL Supplementary series:<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> texts 4), ed by Fe T. Otanes and Austin Hale.<br />

Manila: LSP and <strong>SIL</strong>. xi + 128 pp. (Published version<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gieser 1984).<br />

Gieser, Ruth and Joseph E. Grimes<br />

1972 "Natural clusters in Kalinga disease terms." Asia Std<br />

10(1):24-32.<br />

Giganto, Bernardo, OESA<br />

1841 "Neuherausgabe des diccionario de las lengua Bisaya<br />

von P. Alonso de Mentrida." Np.<br />

1842 "Herausgabe des diccionario Hispano-Bisaya des P.<br />

Julian Martin. " Np.<br />

Gisbert, Mateo, SJ<br />

1892 Diccionario Bagobo-Espaiiol. Manila: Tipolitografico<br />

de Ramirez y Compaiiia. 64 pp.<br />

1892 Diccionario Espaiiol-Bagobo. Manila: Tipolitografico<br />

de Ramirez y Compaiiia. 188 pp.<br />

Glang, Nasrullah - See 1275<br />

Gleason, Henry A.<br />

1955 Workbook in Descriptive <strong>Linguistics</strong>. New York: Henry<br />

Holt and Co. 88 pp. (2d ed, 1961).<br />

Gloria, Rev. Manuel<br />

1939 "A visit to the negritos <strong>of</strong> central Panay, <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Islands." Pr M 12(4):94-102.<br />

Glorioso, P. R. - See 203<br />

Gobuyan, Erlinda A.<br />

1966 "A Descriptive-Contrastive Analysis <strong>of</strong> Ilongo<br />

Hiligaynon and English Personal Pronouns."<br />

Unpublished MAT seminar paper, UP. 40 Ivs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Gonda / 1470-1484 123<br />

Goetz, Joan E. - See also 1017<br />

1959 "A description <strong>of</strong> the subjective type sentence in 1470<br />

Amganad Ifugao." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 8 lvs.<br />

1963 "Amganad Ifugao phonology. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1471<br />

Bukidnon: SE. 28 Ivs.<br />

Goetz, Joan E. and Margaret Cunningham<br />

1963 "Amganad Ifugao mnrphophonemics. " Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 15 lvs.<br />

Gomez, Lourdes A.<br />

1958 "An outline <strong>of</strong> Tagalog phonology, Tagalog phonemics. " 1473<br />

Unpublished MS thesis, Georgetown University.<br />

Gomez, Trinidad M.<br />

1961 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Pangasinan." 1474<br />

California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.<br />

Gomez-Rivera, Guillermo<br />

1961 "Notes for 'Pilipino puristas'." PFP 54:67, 69, 143-144. 1475<br />

Gonda, Jan<br />

1942 "Inwendige nasaal -en liquida-verbindingen in 1476<br />

Indonesische talen." BNI 10 1: 14 1-206.<br />

1943 "Indonesische relativa." BNI 10250 1-537. 1477<br />

1948 "The comparative method as applied to Indonesian 1478<br />

languages. " Lingua 1 :86- 101.<br />

1949- 1950? "The functions <strong>of</strong> word duplication in Indonesian 1479<br />

languages. " Lingua 2(2): 170-197.<br />

1950 "Observations on ordinal numbers." Bingkisan Budi, 1480<br />

135-145.<br />

1950-1952 "Indonesian linguistics and general linguistics." Lingua 1481<br />

2:308-339; 3: 17-51.<br />

1952 Sanskrit in Indonesia. Nagpur: <strong>International</strong> Academy 1482<br />

<strong>of</strong> Indian Culture, xxix + 456 pp<br />

Review: Isidore Dyen. 1956. JAOS 76(1):50-55.<br />

1954 "Tense in Indonesian languages. " BNI 1 10:240-262. 1483<br />

1956 "Reply to I. Dyen's criticism." JAOS 76:229-231. 1484<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Gongon, Jovita C. - See 1897<br />

Gonzaga, Encarnacion J.<br />

1917 "Bisayan literature from the pre-Spanish times to 19 17. " 1485<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, UP.<br />

1917 "Ibanag-Spanish dictionary." Np. 348 lvs. 1486<br />

1917 "Indice de las raices anticuadas." Np. 1487<br />

Gonzales, Amelia F.<br />

1947 "Mga salitang Insik na ginagamit sa Kuyapo, Nueva 1488<br />

Ecija. " Np.<br />

Gonzales, Fausta L. - See 3655<br />

Gonzales, Lydia Fernando<br />

1962 "The active sentences and active verbs in Tagalog." 1489<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, UP.<br />

Gonzalez y Martin, R.<br />

1896 "I&oma de Filipinas." In Filipinas y sus Habitantes, 1490<br />

9 1-97. Bejar: Aguila:..<br />

Gonzalez, Andrew B., AFLSC<br />

1969 "Cases and topicalizers in Tagalog." UC, Berkeley. 1491<br />

1970 "Acoustic correlates <strong>of</strong> accent, rhythm, and intonation 1492<br />

<strong>of</strong> Tagalog. " Phonetica 22(1): 11-44. (Also in Readings<br />

in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, 542-56 1).<br />

197 1 "The Tagalog nasal ligature: a reinterpretation." PJL 1493<br />

2(1):28-43.<br />

1973 "'Classifiers' in Tagalog: a semantic analysis." In 1494<br />

Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez, 125-140. (PJLSM 4).<br />

1974 "<strong>Linguistics</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> Style." Linguistic Reporter 1495<br />

(November).<br />

Gonzalez, Andrew B., AFLSC and David Thomas, eds<br />

1981 <strong>Linguistics</strong> Across Continents: Studies in honor <strong>of</strong> 1496<br />

Richard S. Pittman. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong> and LSP. x + 234 pp.<br />

(PJLSM 11).<br />

Review: Austin Hale. 1982. PJL 13(2): 109-13.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Goulet 1 1497-1506 125<br />

Gonzalez, Encarnacion J. (Lydia Fer)<br />

1962 "The active sentences and active verbs in Tagalog."<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, UP.<br />

Gonzalez, Esperanza A.<br />

1963 "A comparative analysis <strong>of</strong> English speech difficulties<br />

in the eight major language areas <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s."<br />

California: UCLA term project for English 250K.<br />

1965 "<strong>Linguistics</strong> and the language teacher." In the Grade<br />

School 14(4):263-265.<br />

Gonzalez, Mary A.<br />

1965 "The Ilongo kinship system and terminology." PSR<br />

13(1):23-3 1.<br />

Gordon, M. Ruth and Heather J. Kilgour<br />

1986 "Sociolinguistic survey <strong>of</strong> Bantoanon." SIPL 6(2): 1-93.<br />

Goschnick, Hella E. - See also 156, 444, 2212, 2915, 3226, 3227<br />

1985 "Contribution towards the poetic conventions <strong>of</strong> Tina<br />

Sambal." Unpublished MA thesis, De La Salle<br />

University, Manila. 563 lvs.<br />

Goschnick, Hella E., comp<br />

1989 Poetic Conventions <strong>of</strong> Tina Sambal. Manila: LSP.<br />

viii + 452 pp. (Published version <strong>of</strong> Goschnick's 1985<br />

thesis). (PJLSM 27).<br />

1989 Tina Samba1 Songs and Poems. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong> and DECS<br />

294 pp.<br />

Goulet, Rosalina Morales<br />

196? "English, Spanish and Tagalog. A study <strong>of</strong><br />

grammatical, lexical and cultural interference. "<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, New York University.<br />

202 Ivs. (Also in 197 1. PJLSM 1).<br />

Review: Lourdes Ybiernas Varela. 197 1. PJL<br />

2(2): 109- 1 1 1.<br />

1973 "A comparison <strong>of</strong> conversation openers in English and<br />

Tagalog." In Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez, 255-264.<br />

(PJLSM 4).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

126 1507-1516 / Gbda<br />

Giida, Tii<br />

1977 "Bontokku-zoku no mura kiikan to d6butsu hanchii"<br />

[Village space and animal categories <strong>of</strong> the Bontok,<br />

Northern Luzon, Phil]. Jimbun Gakuhii [Humanities<br />

Research Report] 123 :23-44.<br />

"Bontokku-zuku no shinzoku-meish6 taikei ni okeru<br />

shiji-meish6 to s6sh6teki meish6" [Western Bontok<br />

kinship terminology: on referential and generic terms].<br />

Nampii Bunka [Tenri Bulletin <strong>of</strong> South Asian Studies]<br />

4:74- 100.<br />

"Hoikan to h6imei-Bontokku-zoku o megutte"<br />

[Direction and orientation view: the Bontok, Northern<br />

Luzon, <strong>Philippine</strong>s]. In Nihon Minzoku to Kuroshio<br />

Bunka [The Japanese People and the Black Current<br />

Cultures], 270- 8 1. Tokyo: Kadokawa-shoten.<br />

"Bontokku-zoku no tsiika girei46butsu hanchii no<br />

par6ru to shite" [Rites <strong>of</strong> passage <strong>of</strong> the Bontok Igorot:<br />

a par01 <strong>of</strong> the animal category]. TGna Ajia Kenkp-<br />

[Southeast Asian Studies] 16(4):555-9 1.<br />

"Kita-Ruson sanchi-shozoku no shinzoku-meisho<br />

taikei" [Kinship terminology system <strong>of</strong> some ethnic<br />

groups in Northern Luzon, <strong>Philippine</strong>s]. In Kuroshio no<br />

Minzoku, Bunka, Gerzgo [Peoples, cultures, and<br />

language <strong>of</strong> the Black Current], 11-64. Tokyo:<br />

Kadokawa-shoten.<br />

"Funi: Ifugao-zoku no y6jutsu to by6in-ron" [Funi:<br />

Ifugao witchcraft and causation <strong>of</strong> illness]. Kindai<br />

66:35-60.<br />

Kubi-gari to Kotodama-Firipin Boniokku-zoku no<br />

shakai-k6z6 to sekai-kan [Headhunting and Word Spirit:<br />

Bontok Social Structure and World-view]. Tokyo:<br />

K6bun-do. 392 pp.<br />

Grace, George W.<br />

1959 "Subgrouping <strong>of</strong> Malayo-Polynesian: a report <strong>of</strong><br />

tentative findings. " American Anthropologist<br />

57(2):337-339.<br />

"Lexicostatistical comparison <strong>of</strong> six Eastern<br />

Austronesian languages. " AL 3(9): 1-22.<br />

"Lexicostatistics and Austronesian subgrouping." Paper<br />

presented to tenth Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Green / 15 17-1527 127<br />

1964 "The linguistic evidence (movement <strong>of</strong> the Malay- 1517<br />

Polynesians 1500 B.C. to A.D. 500)." CurAnth<br />

5:361-368.<br />

1966 "Austronesian lexicostatistical classification: a review 1518<br />

article." OL 5(1): 13-3 1.<br />

Graiiio, Antonio<br />

1942 "Gramaticos y lexicografos de la lengua Tagala." AIA 1519<br />

2(2):186-194.<br />

Granco, Nelia<br />

1963 "Contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Tagalog verbs." 1520<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, University <strong>of</strong> Michigan.<br />

Grayden, Bruce - See also 2095<br />

1976 "The verb structure <strong>of</strong> Mallango Kalinga." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 1521<br />

78 lvs.<br />

1977 "Minallango morphophonemics." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 37 Ivs. 1522<br />

1979 "The Southern Kalinga /1/." Papers in <strong>Philippine</strong> 1523<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> 9:91-100. (PL-A 50).<br />

Grayden, Bruce, Judith Grayden, Pastor Guissob, Tomas Palongpong and<br />

Henry Tillao, comps<br />

1980 A Topical Vocabulary in English, Pilipino, Ilocano, and 1524<br />

Southern Kalinga. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 121 pp.<br />

Grayden, Judith - See 1524<br />

Green, Christine - See 1528<br />

Green, Peter<br />

1979 "Co-existent aspect-marking phenomena in Tagbanwa 1525<br />

<strong>of</strong> Palawan Island." Papers in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

9169-90. (PL-A 50).<br />

1983 "The semantic structure <strong>of</strong> Tagbanwa discourse." SIPL 1526<br />

4(2): 125-63.<br />

Green, Peter, comp<br />

1978 "Tagbanwa texts. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 127 Ivs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

128 1528-1537 / Green<br />

Green, Peter and Christine Green, comps<br />

1979 Inglis, Tagalog, Tagbanwa Classified Word List<br />

(Pinagbukud-bukod nu Bukabularyo: Inglis, Tagalog<br />

atsaka Tagbanwa. Ituy Ribru nga Tulung Ampang:<br />

Inglis, Tagalog baw Tagbanwa). Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 104 pp.<br />

Green, Peter and Austin Hale<br />

1977 "The interpretation <strong>of</strong> semi-vowels in Tagbanua <strong>of</strong><br />

Palawan Island." PJL 8(1-2):25-30.<br />

Grimes, Joseph E. - See 1462<br />

Griiio, Elisa Uy<br />

1967 "Hiligaynon pronouns." Southeast Asia Quarterly<br />

2(2):63-80.<br />

1969 "Types <strong>of</strong> sentences in Hiligaynon, a member <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> group <strong>of</strong> speech systems." Unpublished PhD<br />

dissertation, University <strong>of</strong> Michigan. 177 lvs.<br />

Guanco, Nelia Rivera<br />

1963 "A descriptive-contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and<br />

Tagalog verbs." Unpublished PhD dissertation,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Michigan. 18 1 Ivs.<br />

Guemple, D. Lee<br />

1959 "A preliminary glottochronology <strong>of</strong> southern Luzon and<br />

the eastern Bisayas." Chicago: <strong>Philippine</strong> Studies<br />

Program, University <strong>of</strong> Chicago. 9 Ivs.<br />

1959 "Phonemics <strong>of</strong> Waray-waray as spoken at Tanauan,<br />

Leyte. " Chicago: <strong>Philippine</strong> Studies Program,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Chicago. 18 lvs.<br />

Guerrero, Amparo T., Nazario D. Bas and Reynaldo de Dios<br />

1970 English-Filipino Visayan Vocabulary. Manila: Manalili<br />

Bookseller. 442 pp.<br />

1970 English-Pilipino Visayan (Ilongo-Cebuano) Dictionary.<br />

Presman Printers & Publishers Inc. 191 pp.<br />

Guerrero, Antonio J.<br />

1899 Metodo Teorico-practic~ y Compendiado para<br />

Aprender en Brevismo Tiempo el Lenguaje Tagalog.<br />

Barcelona: Casa provincial de Caridad. 134 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Guinther / 1538-1546 129<br />

Guerrero, Flavio Ma<br />

1939 "Tagalog proverbs." PM 36(1):25-26. (Also in 1955. 1538<br />

JEAS 4(1):62-65).<br />

Guerro, Angel - See 3762<br />

Guevarra, Maria C.<br />

1955 "Word count and vocabulary analysis in the national 1539<br />

language basic and supplementary readers used in grade<br />

one." Unpublished MA thesis, UST.<br />

Guiang, Anselmo - See 1 104<br />

Guiang, Evelyn<br />

1961 "A co~ltrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Tagalog<br />

Phonology." California: UCLA term project for Speech<br />

103K.<br />

Guico, Mauro F.<br />

1938 "Kinship terms among the Ilokanos. " PM 3 5: 35-3 1. 1541<br />

Guili, Bilhamin, Don W. Murray and Mary E. Murray<br />

1978 "Tagakaulo Kalagan: Text 1 (folktale texts). " SIPL 1542<br />

2(2):69-76.<br />

Guilingan, Isis, Merlinda L. Ridulla, Jesus S. Tomales and Cirilo A. Lonsido,<br />

comps<br />

1983 Gembaba' Diksyunari: Sindangan Subanun, Cebuano 1543<br />

Visayan, Pilipino, English. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 277 pp.<br />

Guillen de San Jose, Felix<br />

1898 Gramatica Bisaya para Facilitar el Estudio del 1544<br />

Dialecto Bisaya Cebuano. Malabon: Establecimiento<br />

Tipo-litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos. 157 + 2 pp.<br />

1898 Vocabulario Castellano-Ingles, seguido de un pequeno 1545<br />

diccionario Castellano-Tagalo-Ingles. Manila.<br />

Guinther, L.<br />

1956 "Barlig Bontoc dictionary." Manila: SE. 69 lvs. 1546<br />

Typescript.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

130 1547-1558 / Guinto<br />

Guinto, Rosalia Alhambra<br />

1959 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Tagalog verb 1547<br />

classification." Quezon City: Term project for<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> 208.<br />

1963 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> the Tagalog personal 1548<br />

pronouns with those <strong>of</strong> the other seven major <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

languages." Unpublished PhD dissertation, Centro<br />

Escolar University.<br />

1966 "Ang ponolohiya ng Wikang Tagalog. " PJLT 4: 1-2. 1549<br />

Guissob, Pastor - See 1524<br />

Gullas, Vicente<br />

1937 English-Visayan-Spanish Dictionary. Cebu City: Barba 1550<br />

Press. 461 pp. (3d ed, 1953. Cebu City: Los Prensa<br />

Press. 303 pp).<br />

Gunther, Adolf and J. H. Whitaker<br />

1902 "Sulu, Malay and Yakan vocabularies." Np<br />

Guzman, Domingo dc - See 1560<br />

Guzman, Maria Odulio de - See also 1203-1205<br />

1951 Tagalog para sa mga Daphan at di-Tagalog. Manila: 1552<br />

GOT Publishers. 76 pp.<br />

1966 English-Tagalog, Tagalog-English Dictionary. Manila: 1553<br />

GOT Publishers. 668 pp. (Other eds, 1967- 1988: 3d<br />

printing, 1988. Manila: National Book Store).<br />

1968 Bagong Talatinigan Pilipino-lngles, Ingles-Pilipino. 1554<br />

Manila: National Book Store Inc. 195 pp.<br />

1968 The New Filipino-English, English-Filipino Dictionary. 1555<br />

Manila: National Book Store Inc. 195 pp.<br />

1968 The New Tagalog-English, English-Tagalog Dictionary. 1556<br />

Manila: National Book Store Inc. 195 pp.<br />

1969 Diksiyunaryo Tagalog-Ingles-Tagalog. Manila: GOT 1557<br />

Publishers. 3 17 pp.<br />

1970 Diksiyunaryo Filipino-Ingles-Pilipino. Manila: National 1558<br />

Book Store Inc. 3 17 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Guzman, Maria Odulio de and Rosario Bella Gana<br />

c 1950 1001 Tanong at Sagot sa Balarila at Panitikan. Manila: 1559<br />

GOT Publishers. 144 pp.<br />

Guzman, Maria Odulio de and Domingo de Guzman<br />

1963 English-Tagalog-Spanish and Tagalog-English<br />

Vocabulary. Manila: Manalili Bookseller. 228 pp.<br />

Guzman, Maria Odulio de and Felix Macapinlac Manalili<br />

1963 English-Tagalog-Spanish and Tagalog-English<br />

(Vocabulary) Pocket Dictionary. Manila: Manalili<br />

Booksellers. 229 pp.<br />

Guzman, Videa P. de - See also 2921<br />

1970 "Syntactic comparisons <strong>of</strong> Tagalog, Maori and<br />

Chamorro." The Archive (June) 1(1):33-60.<br />

Hadjiran, Juriati - See 3704<br />

Hale, Austin - See also 456, 658, 1529, 1673, 1679, 2862, 3734<br />

Hale, Austin and Richard E. Elkins<br />

1980 "Si Makut: The footprints <strong>of</strong> plot and other discourse 1563<br />

systems upon the surface grammar <strong>of</strong> a Western<br />

Bukidnon Manobo folktale. " SIPL 4(1): 1-42.<br />

Hale, Austin and C. Richard Gieser<br />

1977 "Approaches to an explanatory discourse in Guinaang 1564<br />

Kalinga. " SIPL l(1): 133-47.<br />

Hall, Alton and Andres Custodio<br />

1911 Visayan-English Dictionary. San Jose, Antique: Alton 1565<br />

H. Hall. 357 pp.<br />

Hall, D. G. E.<br />

1964 Atlas <strong>of</strong> South-east Asia. London: MacMillan. 84 + 7 pp. 1566<br />

Hall, Lee - See 1575<br />

Hall, Robert A. Jr.<br />

1966 Pidgin and Creole Languages. Ithaca, New York:<br />

Cornell University Press. 188 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

132 1568-1 579 / Hall<br />

Hall, William C. - See also 1082, 1878, 3539<br />

nd "Morphophonemics. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 5 lvs.<br />

nd "Sentence structure <strong>of</strong> Siocon Subanon. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

55 Ivs.<br />

1967 "Segmental phonemes <strong>of</strong> Siocon Subanon." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 9 lvs.<br />

1969 "A classification <strong>of</strong> Siocon Subanon verbs." AL<br />

11(7):209-215.<br />

1973-74 "An outline <strong>of</strong> Siocon Subanon sentence structure."<br />

PJL 4-5(1-2): 1-22.<br />

1983 "Some aspects <strong>of</strong> formal speech among the Western<br />

Subanon <strong>of</strong> Mindanao. " Unpublished PhD dissertat~on,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. xv + 307 lvs<br />

1987 Aspects <strong>of</strong> Western Subanon Formal Speech. (<strong>SIL</strong><br />

Publications in <strong>Linguistics</strong> 81). Dallas: <strong>SIL</strong> and UTP..<br />

xii + 191 pp. (Published version <strong>of</strong> 1983 dissertation).<br />

Hall, William C. and Lee Hall<br />

nd "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Siocon Subanon (with special<br />

reference to gl cluster)." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 8 lvs.<br />

Halud, Nurhadan - See 1593<br />

Ham, Shirley and Virginia Morey<br />

1958 "Proto-Tagalo-Ilocanan. " <strong>SIL</strong> WP 2: 16-26.<br />

Harnm, David L., Batua A. Macaraya and Hadji Parnbaya Bayabao<br />

1952 The Dansalan Junior College Maranao-English<br />

Dictionary. Dansalan City, <strong>Philippine</strong>s: Madrasa Press.<br />

93 pp. (Other ed, 1975. Marawi City: Dansalan<br />

Research Center).<br />

Hamm, Margaret and Batua A. Macaraya<br />

1959 Maranao Alphabet. Manila: Lanao Committee on the<br />

United Church <strong>of</strong> Christ in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. 20 pp.<br />

Hanazono, Kanesada<br />

1938 "Hit6 hogen hikki" [Notes on the <strong>Philippine</strong>s dialects].<br />

Seikai Orai [Political World Correspondence].<br />

(Reprinted in 1939. YGgaku hyakka [Everything on<br />

Western Learning], 1 16- 128).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Hartendorp / 1580-1590 133<br />

1938 "Hit6 kodai mijik6" [On the ancient <strong>Philippine</strong> writing 1580<br />

system]. Kaiz6 [Remodeling]. (Reprinted in 1939.<br />

YGgaku Hyakka [Everything on Western Learning],<br />

76-94).<br />

1939 "Namban-kei gairaigo-shi" [History <strong>of</strong> loan words from 1581<br />

the early Europeans (from the South)]. In Y6gaku<br />

Hyakka [Everything on Western Learning], 157-73.<br />

Tokyo: Herald Zasshi-sha. ii + iv + 344 + 5 pp.<br />

1941 "Hyiiryrimin no Hit6 kiroku" [Written records <strong>of</strong> the 1582<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s dialects by the drifted Japanese people].<br />

Hirippin J6h6 [<strong>Philippine</strong>s Information] 50: 1- 17.<br />

Hanewald, Roland and Flor Hanewald-Guerrero<br />

1988 Tagalog fur Globetrotter. Bielefeld.<br />

Hanewald-Guerrero, Flor - See 1583<br />

Hanselman, Joy<br />

1965 Bago Bago Fag Famasa-an Buhid. Calapan, Mindoro?: 1584<br />

Overseas Missionary Fellowship. 3 vols. 26 pp.<br />

Hanselman, W.<br />

195- "Tagalog with joy." Np. Mimeo. (Earlier ed, "Tagalog 1585<br />

in tiers").<br />

Harmon, Carol Jean W.<br />

1977 "Kagayanen and the Manobo subgroup <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> 1586<br />

languages." Unpublished PhD dssertation, University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hawaii. 336 lvs.<br />

Harris, Sue<br />

1966 "Isang umaga, araw nang mayo." <strong>SIL</strong>WP 10:62-67. 1587<br />

Hart, Donn Vorhis<br />

1964 Riddles in Filipino Folklore, and Anthropological 1588<br />

Analysis. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University<br />

Press. 318 pp.<br />

Hartendorp, Abram Van Heyninger - See also 865<br />

1917 "Kuyonon folklore." Np. 22 lvs.<br />

1954 "<strong>Philippine</strong> languages." American Chamber <strong>of</strong> 1590<br />

Commerce <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s Journal 30(3):91- 93, 108.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

134 Hartung / 1591-1600<br />

Hartung, Patricia M. - See also 123, 440, 21 12<br />

1967 "Ata sentence structure. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. iii + 48 Ivs.<br />

1975 "Clause-modifying particles in Ata Manobo." Papers in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> 7:29-60. (PL-A 44).<br />

Hassan, Irene, Nurhadan Halud, Seymour Ashley and Lois Ashley<br />

1975 Tausug-English Dictionary (Kabtangan iban Maana)<br />

Quezon City: <strong>SIL</strong>. 789 pp.<br />

Haudricourt, Andre G.<br />

1954 "Les origines asiatiques des langues<br />

Malayo-Polynesiennes." JSO 10: 180-183.<br />

1958 "Connections et rapports entre les langues du sud-est<br />

Asiatique et celles de I'Oceanie." In Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Eighth <strong>International</strong> Congress <strong>of</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, 618. Oslo:<br />

Oslo University Press. 88 1 pp.<br />

1964 "Problemes de comparatislne austronesien (La<br />

Phonologie diachronique des correlations et la<br />

reconstruction du systeme consonantique). " Bulletin de<br />

la Societe de Linguistlque de Paris 59:107-118.<br />

1965 "Problems <strong>of</strong> Austronesian comparative philology. "<br />

Lingua 14:3 15-329. (Also in Indo-Pacific Linguistic<br />

Studies, Part 1, Historical <strong>Linguistics</strong>, ed by G. B.<br />

Milner and Eugeneie J. A. Henderson, 3 15-329).<br />

Hayase, Shinz6<br />

1989 "Bagobo vocabulary 1000. " Kagoshima Daigaku<br />

Kyoyoku S!ligakuka Hokoku [Reports <strong>of</strong>the History<br />

Division <strong>of</strong> Kagoshima University] 36:29-90. (Historical<br />

Science Reports).<br />

Hayman, W. J.<br />

1954 Tagclog in SREIT. Manila: Overseas Missionary<br />

Fellowship. vi + 149 pp.<br />

Haynes, Thomas Henry<br />

1885- 1886 "English, Sulu, and Malay vocabulary." JSBRAS<br />

15:321-384; 18: 193-239.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Headland / 1601-1615 135<br />

Haynor, H. O., comp<br />

1930 Practical Dictionary <strong>of</strong> the Tagalog Language, with<br />

Definitions in English, ed by A. D. Rosario. Rochester,<br />

New York: The Lawyers Cooperative Publishing<br />

Company. 340 pp.<br />

Headland, Janet D. - See also 1613- 1615<br />

1964 "Verbal affixes in Casiguran Dumagat." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

9 lvs.<br />

1965 "Substitutes in Casiguran Dumagat." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 4 Ivs.<br />

1966 "Case-marking particles in Casiguran Dumagat." PJLT<br />

4(1-2):58-59.<br />

1966 "Negatives <strong>of</strong> Casiguran Dumagat." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 2 lvs.<br />

1969 "Verb stem class constructions in Casiguran Dumagat."<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 34 lvs.<br />

Headland, Thomas N.<br />

1963 "Personal pronouns <strong>of</strong> Casiguran Dumagat. " Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 6 Ivs.<br />

1965 "Causative affixation in Casiguran Dumagat (Agta)."<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 3 lvs.<br />

1965 "Dependent clauses in Casiguran Dumagat." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 5 lvs.<br />

1965 "Morphophonemics <strong>of</strong> Casiguran Dumagat." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 10 lvs.<br />

1969 "Sentence structure <strong>of</strong> Casiguran Dumagat (Agta)."<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 80 lvs.<br />

1975 "Report <strong>of</strong> eastern Luzon language survey." PJL<br />

6(2):47-54.<br />

Headland, Thomas N. and Janet D. Headland<br />

nd Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Casiguran Dumagat. Quezon City: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

1965 Tu Aso Sakay tu Bakokol. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>, Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Public Schools and INL. 13 pp.<br />

1974 A Dumagat (Casiguran)-English Dictionary. Australian<br />

National University. Canberra: Linguistic Circle <strong>of</strong><br />

Canberra. 232 pp. (PL-C 28).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

136 1616- 1625 / Headland<br />

Headland, Thomas N. and Alan Healey<br />

1974 "Grammatical sketch <strong>of</strong> Dumagat (Casiguran)." Papers<br />

in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> 6: 1-54. (PL-A 43).<br />

Headland, Thomas N. and Elmer P. Wolfenden<br />

1967 "The vowels <strong>of</strong> Casiguran Dumagat." In Studies in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Anthropology, ed by Mario D. Zamora,<br />

592-596. Quezon City: ~lemar-phoenix. (Also in 1965.<br />

Abstracts, The H. Otley Beyer Symposium, 26. Quezon<br />

City: UP).<br />

Healey, Alan - See also 1616, 1696, 2101, 3458<br />

1958 "Notes on Yogad." In Studies in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>.<br />

77-82. Sydney, Australia: University <strong>of</strong> Sydney.<br />

(OLM 3).<br />

196 1 "Dyen's laryngeals in some <strong>Philippine</strong> languages. "<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>WP 5:53-64. (Also in 1973. Readings in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong>, ed by Andrew B. Gonzalez, Teodoro<br />

Llamzon and Fe Otanes, 363-373).<br />

Healey, Alan and Phyllis Healey, comps<br />

nd A Short Agta Dictionary. Melbourne, Australia: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

nd "Yogad dictionary." Np.<br />

Healey, Phyllis - See also 1620, 1621<br />

1958 "An Agta conversational text." In Studies in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong>, 65-72. Sydney, Australia: University <strong>of</strong><br />

Sydney. (OLM 3).<br />

1958 "An Agta grammar." Unpublished MA thesis,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Sydney, Australia.<br />

1960 An Agta Grammar. Manila: INL and <strong>SIL</strong>. vi + 103 pp.<br />

(Published version <strong>of</strong> 1958 thesis).<br />

Review: A. B. 1961. ANTHR 56:350, 1030.<br />

Heiland, Katherine L. von<br />

1963 "A tentative phonemic analysis <strong>of</strong> Jama Mapun. "<br />

Ateneo de Manila Graduate School. 19 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Hernandez 1 1626-1636 137<br />

Hemphill, Roderick J.<br />

nd "The relationship between language and culture: 1626<br />

English in the <strong>Philippine</strong> setting, local usage and<br />

related problems in teaching English." Np. 7 lvs Mimeo.<br />

1962 Background Readings in Language Teaching. Quezon 1627<br />

City: Phoenix Publishing House. iv + 120 pp.<br />

1962 "Comparing two languages-Tagalog and English." In 1628<br />

Background Readings in Language Teaching, 44-55.<br />

Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House. iv + 120 pp.<br />

1962 "How consonant sounds are made-articulation." In 1629<br />

Background Readings in Language Teaching, 36-43.<br />

Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House. iv + 120 pp.<br />

1962 "The analysis <strong>of</strong> a language: sounds." In Background 1630<br />

Readings in Language Teaching, 27-35. Quezon City:<br />

Phoenix Publishing House. iv + 120 pp.<br />

1962 "The nature <strong>of</strong> language." In Background Readings in 1631<br />

Language Teaching, 1- 10. Quezon City: Phoenix<br />

Publishing House. iv + 120 pp.<br />

1962 "The <strong>Philippine</strong>s language scene.".PSR lO(1-2):26-33. 1632<br />

Henderson, Eugenie J. A. - See also 2423<br />

1965 "The topography <strong>of</strong> certain phonetic and morphological 1633<br />

characteristics, <strong>of</strong> southeast Asian languages." Lingua<br />

15:400-434. (Also in Indo-Pacific Linguistic Studies,<br />

Part 11, Descriptive <strong>Linguistics</strong>, 400-434).<br />

Hendon, Rufus S.<br />

1964 "The proto-Malayopolynesian word for 'ladder,<br />

staircase.‘" ./.40S 84:258-262.<br />

1964 "The reconstruction <strong>of</strong> 1-ew/ in proto-<br />

Malayopolynesian. " Lang 40(3):372-380 (part I).<br />

Hendrickson, Gail - See 2009<br />

Hermosisirna, Tomas V. and Pedro S. Lopez, Jr.<br />

1966 Dictionary Bisayan-English-Tagalog. Manila: Pedro B. 1636<br />

Ayuda and Company. 648 pp.<br />

Hernandez, R. - See 354<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

138 Hernando 1 1637-1646<br />

Hernando, Horencio Ma<br />

1962 Ilocano Vocabulary and Aids in Ilocano Conversation.<br />

Manila: H. Ma. Hernando. 49 pp.<br />

Herre, Albert W. and Agustin F. Umali<br />

1948 English and Local Common Names <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> Fishes.<br />

Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office. 128 pp.<br />

(US Fish and Wildlife Service Research Report 14).<br />

Herrejon, Santos<br />

1882 Lecciones de Gramatica Bicol-Hispana. Binondo: M.<br />

Perez. 21 1 + 3 pp.<br />

Herrero, R. P. Ulpiano - See 1399<br />

Hershberger, Hank<br />

1959 "Tagalog equivalents <strong>of</strong> the comparative Malayo-<br />

Polynesian-English word list. " <strong>SIL</strong> WP 3.<br />

Hervas y Panduro, Lorenzo<br />

1785 Aritmetica. Madrid: Cesena.<br />

1800-1805 Catalogo de las Lenguas de las Naciones Conocidas y<br />

Numeration, Division, y Clases de Estas Segun la<br />

Diversidad de sus Idiomas y Dialectos. Madrid:<br />

Imprenta de la Administration del real Arbitrio de<br />

Beneficencia. 6 vols.<br />

1801 Vocabulario Poliglotto. Madrid: Cesena. 2 vols.<br />

Hester, Evett D., ed<br />

1954 The Robertson Text and Translation <strong>of</strong> the Povedano<br />

Manuscript <strong>of</strong> 1572 (with notes on Kabunian by Fred<br />

Eggan and on the Bisayan syllabary by Robert Fox).<br />

Chicago: Department <strong>of</strong> Anthropology, University <strong>of</strong><br />

Chicago. 63 pp. (<strong>Philippine</strong> Studies Transcript Series I).<br />

Hettick, Donna - See also 265, 1972, 1973, 2018<br />

1968 "Northern Kankanay sentences." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 63 lvs.<br />

Hettick, Donna and Carolyn Kent<br />

1966 "Northern Kankanay phonemes." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 17 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Himes / 1647-1656<br />

Heye, Jurgen B. and Cesar A. Hidalgo<br />

1967 "An outline <strong>of</strong> southern Ivatan phonology." General<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> 7(2): 105-120.<br />

Hidalgo, Araceli C.<br />

1970 "Focus on <strong>Philippine</strong>s languages." PJL 1(1):25-32.<br />

1978 "The connection between antecedent and consequence<br />

in Tagalog conditionals." Unpublished PhD dissertation,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Chicago.<br />

Hidalgo, Cesar A. - See also 1647<br />

1969 "Ivatan grammar. A tagmemic-transformational<br />

analysis. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, Georgetown<br />

University.<br />

Review: Elmer P. Wolfenden. 1972. PJL 3(2): 125-29.<br />

Hidalgo, Cesar A. and Virginia Larson<br />

1977 "Ivatan-English dictionary." Quezon City: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

Hidalgo-Flores, Paulina<br />

nd "Easy Tagalog lessons for Non-Tagalog pr<strong>of</strong>essionals. "<br />

NP.<br />

Hilario, Cenon<br />

1900 Kale~zdariong Tagalog ni Jose Rizal, 1901, na Mairong<br />

Vocabulario Tagalog, Americano at Castila, at<br />

mabuting basahin. Manila. 48 pp.<br />

Himes, Ronald S.<br />

1964 "The Bontok hnship system. " PSR 12(3-4): 159- 172.<br />

1967 "Cognitive mapping in the Tagalog area (II)." In<br />

Modernization: Its impact in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. IZ, ed by<br />

George M. Guthrie, Frank Lynch and Walden R. Bello,<br />

125-168. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University<br />

Press. 172 pp.<br />

1977 "Tagalog kinship terms: lexical variation and cultural<br />

change." Paper presented to the LSP, Manila.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

140 1657-1667 / Hirano<br />

Hirano, Takanori<br />

1976 "The glottal stop in Tagalog." Kitakyiishii Daigaku<br />

Gaikokugo-gakubu Ki,y6 [Research Report <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Foreign Language Division <strong>of</strong> Kitakyiishii University]<br />

31:87-116.<br />

"A comparison <strong>of</strong> three Bikol dialects." Kitakyiishfi<br />

Uaigaku Gaikokugo-gakubu Kiy5 [Research Report <strong>of</strong><br />

the Foreign Language Division <strong>of</strong> Kitakyiishii<br />

University] 32: 125- 143.<br />

"Tagarogu-go no akusento ni tsuite" [Accent in<br />

Tagalog]. Kyiidai Gengogaku Kenkp-shitsu HGkoku<br />

[Work Papers in <strong>Linguistics</strong>] 3:30-44. (Reports <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> Division <strong>of</strong> Kytishii University).<br />

"Tagarogu-go no seimon heisaon to boin no<br />

yugo-gensh6" [Glottal stop and vowel coalescence in<br />

Tagalog]. Bungaku-kaishi 33:115-28.<br />

"The fossilized prefix m- in Tagalog and its related<br />

problem." Kyiidai Gengogaku KenkyiLshi H6koku [Work<br />

Papers in <strong>Linguistics</strong>] 4: 14-26. (Reports <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong> Division <strong>of</strong> KFsh6 University).<br />

"Subject in Tagalog." Np. 20 lvs<br />

"Remarks on Tagalog subject." Kyiidai Gengogaku<br />

Kenkjtishi HGkoku [Work Papers in <strong>Linguistics</strong>] 7: 1-2 1.<br />

(Report <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Linguistics</strong> Division <strong>of</strong> Kytishii<br />

University).<br />

Hockett, Charles F.<br />

1955 A Manual <strong>of</strong> Phonology. Baltimore: Indiana University.<br />

246 pp. (Publications in Anthropology and <strong>Linguistics</strong>,<br />

Memoir 11).<br />

Hogan, Walter B. - See 380<br />

Hohulin, E. Lou - See also 1680, 1681<br />

nd "Keley-i Ifugao verb morphology. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 6 lvs.<br />

nd "Kiangan Ifugao phonology and morphophonemic<br />

statement." Manila: SJL. 24 lvs.<br />

nd "Tentative description <strong>of</strong> sentence structure in Antipolo<br />

Ifugao. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 77 Ivs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Hohulin 1 1668-1681 141<br />

1963 "The objective inflection in the morphology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Keley-i Ifugao verb." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 2 lvs.<br />

1971 "Complex predicates in Keley-i Kallahan. " Papers in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> 4: 19-32. (PL-A 32).<br />

1986 "The absence <strong>of</strong> lexical equivalence and cases <strong>of</strong> its<br />

asymmetry." Lexicographica 2:43-52.<br />

1987 "Concepts and categories: When is a tree not a tree?"<br />

NTr 122:l-25.<br />

1987 "Implicatures and inferences." NTr 122:25-43.<br />

Hohulin, E. Lou and Austin Hale<br />

1977 "Notes on Keley-i relational grammar-I." SIPL<br />

1(2):23 1-63.<br />

Hohulin, E. Lou and Michael Kenstowicz<br />

1979 "Keley-i phonology and morphophonemics." South-east<br />

Asian Linguistic Studies 4:241-54. (PL-C 49).<br />

Hohulin, Richard M.<br />

1963 "Independent objective clause types in Keley-i Ifugao."<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 4 lvs.<br />

1968 "Paragraph structures <strong>of</strong> Antipolo Ifugao." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

64 lvs.<br />

1971 "Cohesive organisation in Keley-i Kallahan." Papers in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> 4: 1- 17. (PL-A 32).<br />

1979 "Keley-i pronouns." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 7 lvs.<br />

Hohulin, Richard M. and Austin Hale<br />

1977 "Physical, temporal and cognitive location in Keley-i<br />

demonstratives. " SIPL 1(2):209-30.<br />

Hohulin, Richard M. and E. Lou Hohulin, comps<br />

nd "Keley-i Kallahan dictionary." Quezon City: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

294 lvs. Typescript.<br />

Hohulin, Richard M. and E. Lou Hohulin<br />

1964-65 "Phonemic data." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 14 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

142 1682-1 693 / Holle<br />

Holle, Karel Frederik<br />

1882 Tabel van Oud- en Nieuw-Indische Alphabetten (Bijdra<br />

e tot de Palaeographie van Nederlandsch-Indie).<br />

Batavia: W. Bruining and Co; 's-Gravenhage: Martinus<br />

Nijh<strong>of</strong>f. 20 pp. (Uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch<br />

Genootschap voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen).<br />

Review: H. Kern. 1882? BNI 30: 133-140.<br />

Holmer, Nils M.<br />

1967- 1969 "On diachronic classification within Austronesian and<br />

Austroasiatic (a study in typological evolution)." In<br />

Lunds Universitet. Seminariet for Slaviska Sprak.<br />

Arsbok, Lund.<br />

1968 "Two viewpoints bearing on linguistic affinity in<br />

southeast Asia." JPS 97(1):93-131.<br />

Hooker, Betty - See also 349, 1898<br />

nd "Some features <strong>of</strong> Yakan narrative discourse. " Nasuli.<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 50 Ivs.<br />

1972 "Cohesion in Ivatan." Asia Std 10(1):33-43<br />

1975 "Some nominal phrases in Yakan," Papers in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> 7: 1- 12. (PL-A 44).<br />

Houck, Charlotte - See also 2437<br />

nd "Morphophonemics <strong>of</strong> Botolan Samba1 (Aeta). " Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 21 1vs.<br />

nd "One sentence type in Aeta." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 6 lvs<br />

1988 "Botolan Samba1 dictionary." Quezon City: <strong>SIL</strong>. 1120<br />

Ivs. (Preliminary draft).<br />

Houck, Charlotte and Harriet Minot<br />

1965 "Phrases in Aeta Sambal." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 59 lvs.<br />

Howard, Joseph T.<br />

1955 "A functional Hiligaynon grammar." Iloilo: CPU.<br />

Mimeo.<br />

Howison, Nancy and Doris Porter<br />

nd "Tagabili sentences." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. i + 47 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Bussey / 1694-1704<br />

Huey, David<br />

nd "Phonemes <strong>of</strong> the Inibaloi dialect. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 7 lvs.<br />

1961 Dibshu III. Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>, Bureau <strong>of</strong> Public Schools and<br />

INL. 38 pp.<br />

Huey, David and Alan Healey<br />

1961 "A problem <strong>of</strong> morphemic alternation." <strong>SIL</strong> WP 5: 5- 1 1.<br />

Hufstetler, Charles<br />

nd "A Tagalog grammar." Np. 66 lvs.<br />

Humboldt, Wilhelm, freiher R. von<br />

1832 "Extraits d'une lettre de Msr. le Baron G. de Humboldt<br />

a Msr. E- Jacquet sur les alphabets de la polynesie<br />

asiatique. " JA 2(9):48 1-51 1.<br />

1836 Ueber die Verschiedenheit des Menschlichen<br />

Sprachbaues und Ihren EinJZuss auf die Geistige<br />

Enhvicklung des Menscheneschlechts. Berlin:<br />

Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. (1960.<br />

Facsimile reprint).<br />

1838 Ueber die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java. Berlin.<br />

3 vols.<br />

Hurlbut, Hope M.<br />

1984 "Verb morphology in Eastern Kadazan." Unpublished<br />

MA thesis, De la Salle University.<br />

Hussein, Ibno I. - See 3876<br />

Hussey, Jean - See also 1706, 1707<br />

1966 "Noun phrase markers in Aborlan Tagbanwa. " LCCP-A<br />

8: 33-3 8. Canberra: Australian National University.<br />

(PIPL 1).<br />

Hussey, Stewart C.<br />

nd "Aborlan Tagbanwa sentence structure." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong><br />

iv + 120 lvs.<br />

1963 "Verbal affix sets in Aborlan Tagbanwa." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

15 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

144 1705-1717 / Hussey<br />

1965 "Aborlan Tagbanwa, verbal system and related topics."<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, Hartford Seminary Foundation,<br />

Hartford, Connecticut. 62 Ivs.<br />

Hussey, Stewart C. and Jean Hussey<br />

1963 "Morphophonemics <strong>of</strong> Tagbanwa." Manila: SLL. 6 lvs.<br />

1963 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Tagbanwa." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 9 Ivs.<br />

Hymes, Dell H.<br />

1967 "Models <strong>of</strong> the interaction <strong>of</strong> language and social<br />

setting." Journal <strong>of</strong> Social Issues 23(2):8-28.<br />

Hymes, Dell H., ed<br />

1964 Language in Culture and Society: a reader in<br />

linguistics and anthropology. New York: Harper and<br />

Row. 764 pp.<br />

Ibaiiez del Carmen, Aniceto<br />

1865 Diccionario Espaiiol-Chamorro. Manila: Ramirez y<br />

Giraudier. 88 pp.<br />

Ibarbia, Zorayda Beltran<br />

1970 "An Ibanag-English dictionary. " Unpublished PhD<br />

dissertation, Texas A & M. 147 lvs.<br />

Ibones-Infante, Florencia<br />

1959 "A study <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> figures <strong>of</strong> speech in Cebuano<br />

vernacular poetry. " Unpublished MA thesis, University<br />

<strong>of</strong> San Carlos, Cebu, 119 Ivs.<br />

Icasiano, Jose M.<br />

1944 "On Tagalog and Greek articles." PR 2(7):46-50<br />

1944 "Tagalog could be better." PR 2:40-43.<br />

Ignacio, Rosendo<br />

nd "Vocabulario Ingles-Espafiol-Tagalog. " Np. 264 lvs.<br />

1917 Vocabulario Bilingue, Espariol-Tagalo, Tagalo-Espaiiol.<br />

Manila: Imprenta de J. Martinez. 212 pp.<br />

1918 El Moderno Vocabulario, Tagalo-Espaiiol, Espaiiol-<br />

Tagalo. Manila: Imprenta de P. Sayo vda. de Soriano.<br />

227 pp. (Other ed, 1941. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Ikehata / 1718-1730<br />

1921 Nueva Gramatica Hispano-Tagala (minuciosamente<br />

escrita con arreglo a1 use comun y de 10s modernos<br />

hablistas y escritores vernaculos). Manila: Imprenta y<br />

Lebreria de P. Sayo vda. de Soriano. 7 + 323 pp.<br />

1922 Diccionario Hispano-Tagalo. Manila: Bahay-<br />

Palimbagan ni P. Sayo. 540 pp. (Other ed, 1952.<br />

Manila: P. Sayo).<br />

1928 Vocabulario o Lecciones Practicas de Lenguaje Ingles-<br />

Espanlol-Tagalog. Manila: Imprenta de Sayo vda. de<br />

Soriano. 2d ed. 264 pp.<br />

1955 Tagalog Forms for Notaries Public with Legal Terms in<br />

Tagalog. Manila. 94 pp.<br />

1958 Diksiyonaryo ng Wikang Pilipino. Quezon City: Samar<br />

Publishing Co. 230 pp.<br />

1963 Mga Kinamihasnang Salitang Tagalog (Tagalog<br />

idioms-modismos Tagalos. May pagpapatibay ng<br />

surian ng wikang pambansa). Manila: MCS Enterprises.<br />

2d ed. 96 pp. (1st ed, 1954).<br />

Ignashev, Sergeii Petrovic - See 1000, 1001<br />

Ikari, Osamu<br />

1982 "Existential, possessive, attributive and identificational<br />

in Tagalog." PJL 13(1):9-22.<br />

1985-1986 "End-weight: Tagalog vs. Japanese." PJL<br />

16(2)- 17(1): 19-29.<br />

1986-1987 "Priority <strong>of</strong> object in Tagalog." PJL 17(2)-18(1):63-69.<br />

1987-1988 "Special semantic prominence and Tagalog syntax."<br />

PJL 18(2)- 13(1):29-44.<br />

1989 "Pluralization: Japanese and Tagalog." PJL 20(1):45-54.<br />

Ikegami, Yoshihiko<br />

1966 "Ilocano: I. Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> social relationship; 11.<br />

Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> clothing." Hand.outs for the class<br />

Anthropology 1356 (Harold C. Conklin). 6 lvs.<br />

Ikehata, Setsuho<br />

1975 "Firipino no kokugo" [<strong>Philippine</strong> national language].<br />

Filipinas 1 :40.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

lnstitute <strong>of</strong> National Language / 1741-1760 147<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> National Language<br />

nd "A list <strong>of</strong> useful terms and phrases with their equivalent 1741<br />

in Tagalog. " Np.<br />

nd "A partial list <strong>of</strong> Spanish-Cebuano vocabulary." Np. 1742<br />

nd "Building construction and allied terms<br />

(English-Tagalog). " Np.<br />

nd "Cebuano vocabulary that may be incorporated into the 1744<br />

Filipino language." Np.<br />

nd "English-Tagalog dictionary based on spoken English. " 1745<br />

NP.<br />

nd "Hiligaynon vocabulary that may be incorporated into 1746<br />

the Filipino language. " Np.<br />

nd "Homophonous forms with identical meanings: 1747<br />

Tagalog-Bikol-English." Np.<br />

nd "Identical words list: Ilokano-National Language. " Np. 1748<br />

nd "Identical words list: Pampango-National language. 1749<br />

2385 pairs. " Np.<br />

nd "Ilokano vocabulary that may be incorporated i11to the 1750<br />

Filipino language. " Np.<br />

nd "Kawikaang Tagalog." Np. 1751<br />

nd "Lexical checklist: National 1752<br />

language-Bikol(Naga)-English. 6640 words. " Np.<br />

nd "Lexical checklist-Pampango-National<br />

Language-English. 5055 words." Np.<br />

nd "Matatandang salitang Tagalog." Np. 1754<br />

nd "Mga katawagang pampanitikan. " Np. 1755<br />

nd "Mga salitang Tagalog na hiram sa Ingles. " Np. 1756<br />

nd "One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang batayan 1757<br />

Tagalog-Ilokano-Ingles" Np.<br />

nd "One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang batayan 1758<br />

Tagalog-Pangasinan-Ingles." Np.<br />

nd "One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang batayan 1759<br />

Tagalog-Bicol-Ingles." Np.<br />

nd "One thousand basic words or Ismg librong salitang batayan 1760<br />

Tagalog-Cebuano-Ingles." Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1761-1778 1 Institute <strong>of</strong> National Language<br />

"One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang<br />

batayan Tagalog-Hiligaynon-Ingles." Np.<br />

"One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang<br />

batayan Tagalog-Ilokano-Kastila-Ivatan-Ingles" Np.<br />

"One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang<br />

batayan Tagalog-Kapampangan-Ingles." Np.<br />

"One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang<br />

batayan Tagalog-Samar: Leyte-Ingles." Np.<br />

"Pangasinan vocabulary that may be incorporated into<br />

the Filipino language." Np.<br />

"Pormularyong panghukuman. " Np.<br />

"Prescribing Filipino language or Tagalog equivalents<br />

for English terminologies and expressions as enacted<br />

under executive order no 26." Np.<br />

"Proposed Cebuano words for inclusion in the National<br />

Language." Np.<br />

"Samar-Leyte vocabulary that may be incorporated into<br />

the Filipino language." Np.<br />

"Tagalog outline guide, part 11: word lists." Np. Mimeo<br />

"Tagalog-Bicol cognate words with cognate meanings."<br />

Pip.<br />

"Tagalog-Bicol cognate words with different meanings."<br />

NP.<br />

"Tagalog-Bicol cognate words with identical meanings<br />

(Based upon the one thousand basic words)." Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Cebuano cognate words with cognate<br />

meanings. " Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Cebuano cognate words with different<br />

meanings. " Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Cebuano cognate words with identical<br />

meanings (Based upon the one thousand basic words)."<br />

NP.<br />

"Tagalog-English-Cebuano vocabulary." Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Hiligaynon cognate words with cognate<br />

meanings. " Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Institute <strong>of</strong> National Language 1 1779-1796 149<br />

"Tagalog-Hiligaynon cognate words with different<br />

meanings. " Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Hiligaynon cognate words with identical<br />

meanings (Based upon the one thousand basic words)."<br />

NP.<br />

Tagalog-Hiligaynon Vocabulary. Manila: INL.<br />

"Tagalog-Ilokano cognate words with cognate<br />

meanings. " Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Ilokano cognate words with different<br />

meanings. " Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Ilokano cognate words with identical<br />

meanings (Based upon the one thousand basic words)."<br />

NP.<br />

"Tagalog-Kapampangan cognate words with cognate<br />

meanings. " Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Kapampangan cognate words with different<br />

meanings. " Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Kapampangan cognate words with identical<br />

meanings (Based upon the one thousand basic words)."<br />

NP.<br />

"Tagalog-Pangasinan cognate words with cognate<br />

meanings." Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Pangasinan cognate words with different<br />

meanings. " Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Pangasinan cognate words with identical<br />

meanings (Based upon the one thousand basic words). "<br />

NP.<br />

"Tagalog-Samar-Leyte cognate words with different<br />

meanings. " Np.<br />

"Tagalog-Samar-Leyte cognate words with identical<br />

meanings. " Np.<br />

"Talatinigang Mitolohika. " Np.<br />

"Technical terms in garment trade." Np.<br />

"Typescript <strong>of</strong> Tagalog dictionary.." Np.<br />

"Vernacular names in principal dialects <strong>of</strong> plants<br />

mentioned in the course <strong>of</strong> study in elementary science<br />

for grades 3 and 4." Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

150 1797-1810 / Institute <strong>of</strong> National Language<br />

Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> Eight Major <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

Mga Kapasiyahang Pinagtibay ng Surian Ukol sa<br />

Wastong Pananagalog. Manila.<br />

"Preliminary studies <strong>of</strong> the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages, letter K and k. " Manila: Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Printing. 46 lvs. (INL Publication l(3)).<br />

"Preliminary stules <strong>of</strong> the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages, letter b. " Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 55 lvs. (INL Publication l(2)).<br />

"Preliminary studies <strong>of</strong> the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages, letter a." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 29 lvs. (INL Publication 1!1)).<br />

Preliminary studies on the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. (INL<br />

Publication 1(1-11)).<br />

Ang Palapantigan ng Wikang Tagalog, ni Jose N.<br />

Seviila. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 62 pp. (INL<br />

Publication 4(12)).<br />

"Las particularidades de la pronunciacion Tagzla y su<br />

signalization ortografia" por el Dr. Ra. A. Reyes Jose.<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 17 Ivs. (WL Publication 4(9))<br />

"Preliminary studies <strong>of</strong> the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages, letter 1." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 67 Ivs. (INL Publication l(7)).<br />

"Preliminary studies <strong>of</strong> the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages, letter i and 1." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 20 lvs. (INL Publication l(6)).<br />

"Preliminary stu&es <strong>of</strong> the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages, letter g, y and h." Manila: Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Printing. 51 Ivs. (INL Publication l(5)).<br />

"Preliminary studies <strong>of</strong> the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages, letter D, d, d' and e." Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 38 Ivs. (INL Publication l(4)).<br />

Ang Anim na Panahunan ng mga Pangbadyang<br />

Tagalog, ni Jose Villa Panganiban. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 44 pp. (INL Publication 4(13)).<br />

Ang Palatitikan at Palabigkasang Tagalog. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 60 pp. (INL Publication 3(1)).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Institute <strong>of</strong> National Language / 181 1-1823<br />

Ang Yaman ng Wzkang Tagalog, ni S<strong>of</strong>ronio G.<br />

Calderon. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 33 pp. (INL<br />

Publication 4(14)).<br />

Ano ang Iklilat at Ano ang Kaugnayan nito sa Suliranin<br />

ng Wikang Tagalog, ni Graciano Camacho. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 15 pp. (INL Publication 4(21)).<br />

Pagsulat at Pagbigkas ng Wikang Tagalog, ni Albino C.<br />

Dimayuga. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 27 pp. (INL<br />

Publication 4(15)).<br />

"Preliminary studies <strong>of</strong> the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages, letter p" Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 63 lvs. (INL Publication l(9)).<br />

"Preliminary studies <strong>of</strong> the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages, letter m, n, ng." Manila: Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Printing. 24 lvs. (INL Publication l(8)).<br />

Sobre la "K" y "11: 'por Jaime C. de Veyra. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printir.g. 24 pp. (TNL Publication 4(18)).<br />

A National Language-English Vocabulary. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 180 pp. (Other eds, 2d ed, 1945; 4th<br />

ed, 1950. 176 pp).<br />

A Tagalog-English Vocabulary. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 180 pp.<br />

Ang mga Tagalog at ang Kanilang Palapahaman ng<br />

Buhay nu Ibinabadha ng Kanilang Panitikan, ni Bb.<br />

Guadalupe, B. ~itrada. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

37 pp. (INL Publication 4(27)).<br />

Ang mga Unang Kailangan ng Wikang Pambansa, ni<br />

Prim Arambulo. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 34 pp.<br />

(INL Publication 4(24)).<br />

Mga Silanganin ng Panitikan, ni Francisco Sugui. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 30 pp. (INL Publication 4(25)).<br />

"Preliminary studies <strong>of</strong> the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

languages, letters T, t, u, v, w, and y." Manila: Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Printing. 133 Ivs. (INL Publication l(11)).<br />

"Preliminary studies <strong>of</strong> the lexicography <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages, letter t." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 89 lvs. (INL Publication l(10)).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

152 1824-1840 / Institute <strong>of</strong> National Language<br />

1940 "Tagalog phonetics and orthography based on Ang<br />

Palatitikan at Palabigkasang Tagalog by Trinidad T<br />

Subido and Virginia Gamboa-Mendoza." Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 51 Ivs. (INL Publication 3(3)).<br />

1944 Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 462 pp.<br />

1947 Ang Pagtuturo ng Pagbasa ng Wikang Tagalog, ni Jose<br />

Catindig. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 17 pp. (LNL<br />

Publication 4(2)).<br />

Ang Wikang Pambansa at ang Paaralan, ni Antonio<br />

Jsidro, PhD. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 27 pp. (INL<br />

Publication 6(4)).<br />

"Mga pamamaraan sa pagtuturo ng Wikang Pambansa,"<br />

ni Bro. Antonio D. G. Mariano, OSB. Manila: Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Printing. 3 1 Ivs. (INL Publication 7(2)).<br />

Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila: Kawanihan ng<br />

Palirnbagan. 4th ed. 462 pp. (1st ed, 1944).<br />

Mga Katawagang Pampamahalaan. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. x + 57 pp. (Other eds, 1956; 1961; 1964).<br />

A Composite Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 139 pp.<br />

Arithmetical and Geometrical Terms. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 11 pp. (INL Paper 5).<br />

"Economic and allied terms." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing.<br />

"Geographical terms. " Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

"Legal terms. " Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

Mga Katawagan sa Pagsasaka. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. (INL Paper 8).<br />

"Parliamentary terms and usages." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing.<br />

Traffic Signs and Terms. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

(INL Paper 7; re-issued in 1961 and 1964).<br />

"Vocabulary lists for teaching various subjects in the<br />

Filipino language." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

"Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> identical Tagalog and Ilokano words<br />

with identical meanings." Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Institute <strong>of</strong> National Language / 1841-1855<br />

"Ang pagtuturo ng panitikan sa mataas na paaralan at<br />

sa kolehiyo." ni Genoveva Edroza-Matute. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

"Descriptive linguistics applied to Tagalog," by R. S.<br />

Pittman. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

hdpn S'(I/I/I .\a Tagalog np Ultlnro .4dro.r Manila: Bureau<br />

<strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

Saligang Batas sa Wikang Pilipino. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing.<br />

Tagalog nu Pansalitaan, ni F. L. Samonte. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

Terms and Expressions Having Reference to Teaching.<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 29 pp.<br />

Selected Vocabulary Lists (Arithmetical, biological,<br />

parliamentary, etc.). Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. (INL<br />

Paper 19).<br />

English-Tagalog Dictionary. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 4 12 pp. (Reprinted in 1974 as An<br />

English-Pilipino Dictionary).<br />

INL-IMC Dictionary English-Filipino. Manila: INL,<br />

Instructional Materials Corporation and DECS. 347 pp<br />

(2d ed, 1987. Sinangan ng mga Wika sa Pilipinas).<br />

Selected Vocabulary Lists (Arithmetical, biological,<br />

parliamentary, etc.) Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 17 1 pp.<br />

(Other ed, 1964).<br />

Spanish Loanwords in Tagalog Language. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 86 pp.<br />

"Background information on Pilipino for editorial<br />

writers, columnists, speakers, educators, teachers,<br />

students, enthusiasts." In Dahong Pang-alaala Linggo<br />

ng Wika (Agosto 13-19): 18, 19, 39. Manila. 39 pp.<br />

Dahong Pang-alaala sa Linggo ng Wika (Agosto 13- 19).<br />

Manila. 39 pp.<br />

Mga Katawagan sa Karunungang Pantahanan. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

"Biological terms." In Selected Vocabulary Lists, 9- 12.<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

154 1856-1874 1 Institute <strong>of</strong> National Language<br />

1964 "Government terms." In Selected Vocabulary Lists,<br />

1 17- 17 1. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

1964 "Literary terms." In Selected Vocabulary Lists, 61-68.<br />

Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

1964 Mga Piling Talasalitaan. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

17 1 pp. (INL Special Edition).<br />

1971 Pinaglakip na Talasalitaan (composite Vocabulary).<br />

Manila: INL. 21 1 pp.<br />

1974 An English-Pilipino Dictionary. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 412 pp.<br />

1985 "Monolingual dictionary." Np. 14 vols.<br />

Interchurch Language School<br />

19-- Cebuano Pronunciation and Memory Materials. Manila<br />

19-- Hiligaynon Pronunciation and Memory Materials.<br />

Manila.<br />

1962 Cebuano for Missionaries. Manila. 2 \.ols.<br />

1962 Ilocano for Missionaries. Macilla: Interchurch Language<br />

School. (Phase I: Getting Started; Phase 11: Enrichment).<br />

1963 Cebuano Outline Guide. Manila. 2 vols.<br />

1963 Ilocano Outline Guide. Manila. Part 1<br />

1963 Tagalog Outline Guide. Manila. 3 vols.<br />

1964-65 Hiligaynon for Missionaries. Manila. 2 vols.<br />

1964-65 Tagalog for Missionaries. Manila. 2 vols.<br />

1966 Ilocano Conversation Patterns. Manila. 616 pp.<br />

1966 Ilocano Pronunciation and Memory Materials. Manila.<br />

107 pp.<br />

Iiiiguez, Jose<br />

1720-1730? "Gramatica Ibanag." Np.<br />

Isalgo (pseud <strong>of</strong> Inocencio Salumbides)<br />

1938 "Ang pinagmulan ng wikang Tagalog." Mabuhay<br />

(January 9).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Jacquet / 1875-1884<br />

Isidro, Antonio<br />

1947 Ang Wikang Pambansa at ang Paaralan. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 27 pp. (INL Publication 6(4)).<br />

1953 "Pemakaian bahasa sendiri di Philipina dan soal<br />

mengadjarkan bahasa asing." Pembina Bahasa<br />

Indonesia 5: 13-233 Djakarta: Pustaka Rakjat N.V.<br />

Isip, Martin<br />

1960 "A simple analysis <strong>of</strong> the pronunciation difficulties <strong>of</strong><br />

Pampango learners <strong>of</strong> English. " California: UCLA term<br />

project for Speech 103K.<br />

Iyon, P. - See 1878<br />

Iyon, S., P. Iyon, M. Awid, H. Cataque and B. Hall<br />

1989 Bolabow Bu Koding [Why Rats and Cats are Enemies]<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong> and DECS. 18 pp.<br />

Izumi, Hirohisa<br />

1982 Firipin-go Ngiimon [Introduction to Pilipino]. Tokyo:<br />

Tairyii-sha. 221 pp.<br />

Jacobo, Florentine - See 1282<br />

Jacobo, Jorge<br />

1951 "El Castellano en Filipinas. " A.B.C. (December 12).<br />

Madrid.<br />

Jacobo, M. E. - See 1210<br />

Jacobson, Marc R.<br />

1979 "Phones in <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." SIPL 3(1): 138-64.<br />

Jacobson, Marc R. and Suzanne M. Jacobson<br />

1980 "Sama Abaknon phonology." PJL 11(1):32-44.<br />

Jacobson, Suzanne M. - See also 1882<br />

1980 "Morphophonemics in Sama: Abaknon. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

5 lvs.<br />

Jacquet, Eugene Vincent Stanislas<br />

1831 Considerations sur les Alphabets des <strong>Philippine</strong>s. Paris:<br />

Imprimerie Royale. 30 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

156 1885-1897 1 Jacquet<br />

1831 "Melanges Malays, Javanais, et Polynesiens." J A 8: 1-45. 1885<br />

1831 "Notice sur I'alphabet yloc ou ylog. " JA 8:3-3 1. 1886<br />

1832 "Additions a une memoire intitule 'bibliotheque 1887<br />

Malaye "' .Li 10 557-569<br />

1832 "Melanges Malays, Javanais et Polynesiens." JA 1888<br />

10:557-569<br />

Jagor, Fedor<br />

1873 Reisen in den <strong>Philippine</strong>n. Berlin: Weidmamsche 1889<br />

Buchhandlung .<br />

1875 "Languages and halects. " In The <strong>Philippine</strong>s and the 1890<br />

Filipinos <strong>of</strong> Yesterday, ed by Austin Craig, 102- 104.<br />

San Juan, Rizal: Oriental Commercial Co.<br />

1875 "Lenguas y dialectos." In Viajes por Filipinas, 45-47. 1891<br />

Madrid: Ariba y Cia.<br />

1875 Travels in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. London: Chapman and Hall. 1892<br />

(Other eds, 1875. Vzajes por Filipinas. Madrid: Aibau y<br />

Ca. xix + 400 pp; 1965. Manila: Filipiniaria Book Guild.<br />

276 PP).<br />

19 16 "Languages and dialects." In The Former <strong>Philippine</strong>s 1893<br />

Through Foreign Eyes, ed by Austin Craig, 53-54.<br />

Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Education Company Inc.<br />

1934 "Bicol language." In The <strong>Philippine</strong>s and the Filipinos 1894<br />

<strong>of</strong> Yesterday, ed by Craig Austin. San Juan, Rizal:<br />

Oriental Commercial Co. 201 pp.<br />

Jajiand A. Kemp Pallesen<br />

1978 "Central Sinama (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2):152-66. 1895<br />

Jakosalem, Dionisio<br />

19 19 "Los pueblos de la isla de Cebu, y 10s significados 1896<br />

etimologicos de sus nombres." In <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

Ethnographic Series, ed by H. Otley Beyer. 13 pp. (Set<br />

1 (Bisaya), vol 8, paper 183).<br />

Jamais, Juan F., Catalina M. Montecillo and Jovita C. Gongon<br />

1970 "The comprehensibility <strong>of</strong> modernized versus<br />

tradtional Tagalog. " Asia Std 8(2): 187- 195.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Jirnenez de la soledad 1 1898-1909 157<br />

Jammad, Maralil, Dietlinde Behrens and Betty Hooker<br />

1978 "Yakan: Text 1 (folktale texts). " SIPL 2(2):202-6.<br />

Jamolangue, Francis J. - See 1201<br />

Janse, Olov R. T.<br />

1944 "Notes on Chinese influence in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s in<br />

pre-Spanish times." HJAS 8(1):34-62.<br />

Javes, Jose<br />

1876 Gramatica Hispano-Ilocana. Manila: Imprenta de<br />

Amigos del Pais.<br />

Javier, Abdon, Andrea A. Tablan and Carmen B. Mallari<br />

1963 Wikang Pilipino. Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Company<br />

274 pp.<br />

Javillonar, Cely V.<br />

1961 "A study <strong>of</strong> English vs. Pampango sounds." California:<br />

UCLA term project for Speech 103K.<br />

Jenks, Albert Ernest<br />

1904 "Bontok Igorot clothing." AmAnthr 6:695-704.<br />

1905 "Language <strong>of</strong> the Bontoc Igorot." In The Bontoc Igorot,<br />

227-248. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Public Printing. 266 pp.<br />

1905 The Bontok Igorot. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 266 pp.<br />

(Department <strong>of</strong> Interior Ethnological Survey<br />

Publications 1).<br />

Jesus, Bernardino de<br />

1604 "Arte de idioma Tagalog." Np.<br />

Jimenes, Cristobal<br />

1610 Arte del Idioma Bisaya. Manila.<br />

Jimenez de la Soledad, Pedro<br />

1904 English-Bisaya Grammar in Twenty-eight Lessons.<br />

Cebu: Imprenta de El Pais. 158 pp.<br />

Jimenez, Consuelo<br />

1924 "On the influence <strong>of</strong> English on the Tagalog language."<br />

In The Archive, ed by Otto Scheerer. Manila:<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

158 1910-1921 / Jimenez<br />

Tipografico Pontifica de la Universidad del Santo<br />

Tomas. 13 pp. (Paper 5).<br />

Jimenez, Rosario J. - See 106 1<br />

Joaquin, Nick (Psued for Quijano de Manila)<br />

1963 "The language <strong>of</strong> the street." PFP 56:32-35, 63.<br />

Jocano, Felipe Landa<br />

nd "A Panay narrative: the people <strong>of</strong> Misi and the Epic <strong>of</strong><br />

Labow Donggon. " Np.<br />

1958 "Corn and rice rituals among the Sulod <strong>of</strong> central<br />

Panay, <strong>Philippine</strong>s." PJS 87:455-472.<br />

1958 "The Sulod: a mountain people in central Panay,<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s." PS 6:401-436.<br />

1963 "Kinship system and social organization <strong>of</strong> the Sulod <strong>of</strong><br />

central Panay, <strong>Philippine</strong>s." Unpublished MA thesis,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Chicago. vii + 307 Ivs. (Also in<br />

PhilEdFor 13(1): 13-21).<br />

1964 "Linguistic elements in socialization progress."<br />

PhilEdFor 13(3):3-9.<br />

1965 Epic <strong>of</strong> Labaw Donggo. Quezon City: University <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s Press.<br />

1968 "Language and socialization: some <strong>Philippine</strong> cases." In<br />

Language Problems in Southeast Asian Universities, ed<br />

by A. T. Tatlow, 20-21. Bangkok, Thailand: The<br />

Association <strong>of</strong> Southeast Asian Institutions <strong>of</strong> Higher<br />

Learning. 1 18 pp.<br />

Johnson, W. 0.<br />

I916 "Sulu-English vocabulary." <strong>Philippine</strong> Ethnographic<br />

Series, ed by H. Otley Beyer. (Set 10, vol 2(5)).<br />

Johnston, E. Clay<br />

1965 "The morphophonemics <strong>of</strong> Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 6 lvs.<br />

1967 "Cotabato Manobo clauses." Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 53 lvs.<br />

1967 "The descriptive phrase <strong>of</strong> Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 4 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Jonker / 1922-1934<br />

1967 "The numerical phrase <strong>of</strong> Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 4 Ivs.<br />

1967 "The predicate phrases <strong>of</strong> Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 35 lvs.<br />

1967 "The relator-axis phrase <strong>of</strong> Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 8 lvs.<br />

I<br />

1967 "The substantive phrases <strong>of</strong> Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. i + 32 lvs.<br />

1967 "The temporal phrase <strong>of</strong> Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 11 lvs.<br />

1968 Cotabato Manobo Dictionary. Quezon City: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

242 + 161 pp. Typescript.<br />

1975 "The verb affixation <strong>of</strong> Cotabato Manobo." PJL<br />

6(1):25-50.<br />

1976 "Cotabato Manobo first person narrative: Major<br />

features <strong>of</strong> discourse and paragraph. " Nasuli,<br />

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. i + 29 lvs.<br />

1979 "Cotabato Manobo first person narrative: Major<br />

features <strong>of</strong> discourse and paragraph. " Papers in<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong> 9: 1- 17. (PL-A 50). (Published<br />

version <strong>of</strong> 1976 paper with the same title).<br />

Johnston, E. Clay, comp<br />

1967 "Cotabato Manobo texts with back translations."<br />

Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 56 lvs.<br />

Johnston, Eugenia<br />

1960 "Ang kapanganakan nang aking manga pamangkin. "<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>WP 4: 1-4.<br />

Jonker, J. C. G.<br />

19 11 "Over de 'Vervoegde' werkwoord vormen in de<br />

Maleisch-Polynesische talen. " BNI 65:266-333.<br />

1914 "Kan men by de talen van den indischen Archipel eene<br />

westelijke en eene oostelijke afdeeling onderscheiden?"<br />

Amsterdam Verslagen en Mededeelingen Koninklijke<br />

Akademie von Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Litterkunde<br />

12(4):314-417.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

160 1935-1944 / Jonkergouw<br />

Jonkergouw, Hubert, MHM<br />

nd Principles <strong>of</strong> Visayan grammar. Np.<br />

Jonkergouw, Hubert, MHM and William Mierh<strong>of</strong>er, eds<br />

1971 "English-Visayan dictionary." Np. 446 lvs. Typescript.<br />

Jose, Ricardo A. R.<br />

1934 Investigaciones Sobre la Eufonia en el Idioma Tagalo;<br />

la sinfonia de las consonantes y la antigua classification<br />

de las letras Tagalas. Manila: Cecilio Press. 32 pp.<br />

1939 "Las particularidades de la pronunciation Tagalo y su<br />

signalization ortografia. " Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

17 lvs.<br />

Juanmarti, Jacinto, SJ<br />

1888 Compendio de Historia CJniversal Desde la Creacion<br />

del Mundo Hasta la Venida de Jesucristo (y un breve<br />

vocabulario en Castellano y en Moro-Maguindanao por<br />

un padre missioner0 de la Compania de Jesus).<br />

Singapore: Imprenta de Koh Yew Hean. 146 pp.<br />

1892 Gramatica de la Lengua de Maguindanao Segun se Habla<br />

en el Centro y en la Costa Sur de la Isla de Mindanao.<br />

Manila: Imprenta Amigos del Pais. 110 + 2 pp.<br />

1893 Diccionario Moro-Maguindanao-Espanlol and<br />

Diccionario Espaiiol-Moro-Maguindanao. Manila:<br />

Tipografico Amigos del Pais. 242 + 270 pp. (2 parts in<br />

one vol).<br />

1898 Manual de Conversaciones en Castellano, Tagalo e<br />

Ingles con la Pronuncacion Figurada. Manila: Amigos<br />

del Pais. 63 pp.<br />

1906 A Grammar <strong>of</strong>the Maguindanao Tongue (According to<br />

the Manner <strong>of</strong> Speaking It in the Interior and on the<br />

South Coast <strong>of</strong> the Island <strong>of</strong> Mindanao). Washington,<br />

DC: US Government Printing Office. 80 pp. (Tr by<br />

C. C. Smith from Spanish in 1892).<br />

Julia y Guerrero, Antonio<br />

1899 Metodo Teorico-practico y Compendiado. Para<br />

Aprender en Brevisimo Tiempo el Lenguaje Tagalog.<br />

Barcelona: Establecimiento Tipografico de la Casa<br />

Provincial de Caridad. 135 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Kaneko / 1945-1955<br />

Julpatta, Malangka and Malcolm S. Armour<br />

1978 "Tausug: Text 1 (folktale texts). " SIPL 2(2): 180-92.<br />

Juntado, Loreto Grajo<br />

1961 "Number concord in English and Hiligaynon. "<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, University <strong>of</strong> Michigan<br />

224 lvs.<br />

Jusen del Carmen, Juan, ORSA<br />

nd "Gramatica Cuyona. " Np.<br />

Kahler, Hans<br />

1950 "Untersuchung uber &e Entstehung Klassifikatorischer<br />

Prafixe in Austronesischen Sprachen." AU<br />

35(3-4): 162-190.<br />

1953- 1956 "Untersuchungen zur Morphologie Polynesicher<br />

Dialekte." .4U 36: 145-162; 37:35-48, 119-142;<br />

38:73-88, 165-186; 39:129-145.<br />

Kahlo, Gerhard<br />

154 1 Indonesische Forschungen. Eeipzig. 0. Harrassowitz<br />

51 PP.<br />

1941 Heines Vergleichendes Malayo-Polynesisches<br />

Worterbuch. Leipzig: 0. Harrassowitz. 78 pp.<br />

Kalaw, Teodoro M.<br />

1935 Cinco Reglas de Nuestra Moral Antigua; una<br />

interpretation.. . Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 155 pp.<br />

Kalibapi (Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas)<br />

1944 The Propagation <strong>of</strong> the Filipino Language. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 85 pp.<br />

Kamp, Randy S.<br />

1987-1988 "Intelligibility testing in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s: A progress<br />

report." PJL 18(2)- 19(1):45-63.<br />

Kaneko, Erika<br />

1956 "The numeral systems <strong>of</strong> the Formosan languages as<br />

compared with those <strong>of</strong> other Austronesian languages."<br />

Wiener Volkerkundliche Mitteilungen 4: 37-77.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

162 1956-1963 / Kano<br />

Kano, Tadao<br />

1941 "D6shokubutsu-mei yori mitaru KGt6sho to Batan-shot6 1956<br />

tono mien kankei" [Cultural affinities <strong>of</strong> the Batanes<br />

Islands and K6t6sho (Botel Tobago) as viewed from<br />

their names <strong>of</strong> animals and plants]. Jinrui-gaku Zasshi<br />

[Journal <strong>of</strong> Anthropology] 65:434-446.<br />

1946 "Bash$ kaiky6 o chushin to seru Taiwan to Firippin no 1957<br />

bunka kankei-Dlishokubutsu goi yori mitaru" [Cultural<br />

relation between Formosa and the <strong>Philippine</strong>s as viewed<br />

from animal and plant names]. In TCnan Ajia<br />

Minzokugaku Serzshigaku Kenk* [Studies in the<br />

Ethnology and Prehistory <strong>of</strong> Southeast Asia] 1 : 1 13- 16 1.<br />

Tokyo: Yajima Shob6.<br />

1546 "Firippin no gengo-bunrui to gengos6" [Classification 1958<br />

and stratification <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong> language]. In T6na<br />

Ajia Minzokugaku Kenkyu [Studies in the Ethnology and<br />

Prehistory <strong>of</strong> Southeast Asia] 1:332-343. Tokyo. Yajima<br />

S!l0bO.<br />

1946 "The linguistic classification <strong>of</strong> the language strata <strong>of</strong> 1959<br />

the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. " In T6na Ajia Minzokugaku Kenhcyii<br />

[Studies in the Ethnology and Prehistory <strong>of</strong> Soutizeast<br />

Asia]. Tokyo: Yajima Shob6. (Chapter 26).<br />

Kapili, Lily V.<br />

1060 "A study <strong>of</strong> common Hiligaynon patterns as an 1960<br />

approach to English." Unpublished MA thesis, CPU.<br />

Kasai, Shizuo<br />

1942 Hirippin Kaiwa Y6ketsu (Nippongo-go, Supein-go,<br />

Tagarogu-go) [Manual de conversacidn Japone's-<br />

Filipina (Japonks-Espaiiol-Tagalog) por Shizuo Kasai].<br />

Tokyo: Gaigo Gakuin Shuppambu. 3 + 3 + 245 pp.<br />

(Dait6a Kyi5eiken Kaiwa Slicho [Conversation Library<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere]).<br />

1961<br />

1944 Tagarogu-go Goi [Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> the Tagalog 1962<br />

Language]. Tokyo: Sanseidb. 180 pp.<br />

Kasman, Edward Salkiya<br />

1962 "Birth and death rituals among the Tausugs <strong>of</strong> Siasi." 1963<br />

Unitas 35:291-340.<br />

Katindig, Jose G. - See 755, 3656<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Kepner / 1964-1974<br />

Kaufmann, John, MHM<br />

1935 Visayan-English Dictionary. Iloilo: La Editorial. 1045 pp.<br />

1939 Principles <strong>of</strong> Visayan Grammar. Manila: Catholic Trade<br />

School Press. 415 pp.<br />

Keane, A. H.<br />

nd "Essays relating to Jndo-China." Np.<br />

1880 "On the relations <strong>of</strong> the Indo-Chinese and the<br />

inter-Oceanic races and languages." JRAI 9:254-289.<br />

1883 "Rapports ethnologiques et linguistiques des races<br />

Indo-Chinoises et Indo-Pacifiques. Traduit de l'anglais<br />

par Charles Gremiaua. " Annales de 1 'Extreme Orient<br />

5(56):238-250; 5(57):264-278.<br />

Kelz, Heinrich P.<br />

1981 "Sprachplanung auf den <strong>Philippine</strong>n und die<br />

Entwicklung einer Phi!ippineschen Nationalsprache. "<br />

Language Problems and Language Planning<br />

5(2):115-136.<br />

Kennedy, James<br />

186 1 Essays Ethnological and Linguistic. London: Williams<br />

and Norgate. vi + 230 pp.<br />

Kenstowicz, Michael - See 1674<br />

Kent, Carolyn - See also 1646<br />

1970 "Sentence in Northern Kankanay." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 62 Ivs.<br />

Kent, Carolyn and Donna Hettick<br />

1966 "Morphophonemic changes in Northern Kankanay. "<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 9 lvs.<br />

1967 "An introductory study <strong>of</strong> stem classification in<br />

Northern Kankanay. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 16 lvs.<br />

Kepner, William A.<br />

1905 "Observations on color perception among the Visayans<br />

<strong>of</strong> Leyte Island, P.I." Science 22:680-683.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

164 1975-1989 1 Kern<br />

Kern, Hendrik C.<br />

nd "De gewoonten der Tagalog op de Filippijen volgens<br />

Pater Plasencia." BNI 42: 103- 119.<br />

1876 "Over zoogenaamde verbindingsklanken in het Tagala<br />

en wat daarmee overeenkomt in 't Kawi." BNI<br />

23-24:138-157. (Also in Verspreide Geschriften 13:35-53).<br />

"Sanskritsche woorden in het Tagala." BNI 4(4):535-564.<br />

(Also in Verspreide Geschriften 10:252-278).<br />

"Sanskritsche woorden in het Bisaya." BNI 5(1):128-135.<br />

(Also in Verspreide Geschriften 10:280-287).<br />

"Over de taal der Philippijnsche Negrito's." BNI<br />

6:243-26 1. (Also in Verspreide Geschriften 10:289-306)<br />

"Eene bijdrage tot de kennis van 't oude Philippijnsche<br />

letterscrift." BNI 34:56-72. (Also in Verspreide<br />

Geschriften 10:308-323).<br />

"Over de verhouding van het Mafoorsch tot de<br />

Maleisch-Polynesische talen." Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Sixth<br />

international Congress <strong>of</strong> Orientalists 1883.<br />

6(4-5):215-272.<br />

"Klankverwisseling in de Maleisch-Polynesischen<br />

talen." BNI 5:333-343, 560-572.<br />

"Taalkundige gegevens ter bepaling van het stamland<br />

der Maleisch-Polynesische volken." TNI (series 3)<br />

6:270-287. (Also in Verspreide Geschriften 10:252-78).<br />

"Sprachvergleichende bemerkungen zum vocabulare. "<br />

In Die <strong>Philippine</strong>n, II. Negritos, by A. B. Meyer, 49-67.<br />

Dresden: Stengel and Markert. 92 pp.<br />

"Opmerkingen omtrent de taal der Agta's van 't<br />

Schiereiland Camarines (Filippijnen)." BNI 46:437-440.<br />

(Also in Verspreide Geschriften 1 1:78-82).<br />

"Spaansche bescheiden aangaande de Filippijnen." BNI<br />

46:720-726. (Also in Verspreide Geschriften 1 1 :84-90).<br />

"Een Spaansch schrijver over den godsdienst der<br />

heidensche Bikollers." BNI (series 6) 3:224-238. (Also<br />

in Verspreide Geschriften 11:92-106).<br />

"Austroneisch en Austroasiatisch." BNI 60: 166- 172<br />

"Het infix-prefix 'in'. " BNI 66:252-253. 1989<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Key / 1990-2005<br />

19 13- 1928 Verspreide Geschriften 's-Gravenhage: Martinus<br />

Nijh<strong>of</strong>f. 15 vols.<br />

1929 "Het verbaal-praefix si- in eenige Austronesische<br />

talen." In Verslag van he6 Zesde Congress-Oostersch<br />

Genootschap in Nederland, 29-30. Np.<br />

1956 "Anitu. " Journal <strong>of</strong> Austronesian Studies 1(2):5-7.<br />

1956 Pertukaran Bunji DaIam Bahasa-bahasa Melaju-<br />

Polinesia. Djakarta: P. T. Pustaka Rakjat. 32 pp.<br />

1957 Berbagai Keterangan Berdasarkan Ilmu Bahasa Dipakai<br />

Untuk Menentukan Negeri Asal Bangsa Melaju-<br />

Polinesia. Djakarta: P. T. Pustaka Rakjat. (1st ed, 1889).<br />

Kern, Rudolf Aernoud<br />

1930 "Deutung des -in- infixes in den Austronesischen<br />

Sprachen." Acta Or 9(1): 1-58.<br />

1932 "'t prefix ha-." BNI 89: 117-120.<br />

1934 "De partikel 'pa' in de Indonesische talen." BNI<br />

92(1):5-121.<br />

1339 "Het persoonlijk voornaamwoord aku." BNI 98:249-25 1.<br />

1942 "Gelijkheid en verschil in voor voegsels in<br />

Indonesische talen. " BNI 10 1 :34 1-394.<br />

1943 "Wortels en Grondwoorden in de Austronesische talen. "<br />

BNI 102:275-369.<br />

1948 "Tweeerlei prefix ka- in de Austronesische talen." BNI<br />

104:137-199.<br />

Kerr, Harland B.<br />

1965 "The case-marking and classifying function <strong>of</strong> Cotabato<br />

Manobo voice affixes." OL 4: 15-47.<br />

1988 "Cotabato Manobo grammar. " SIPL 7(1): 1- 123<br />

Kess, Joseph Francis<br />

1967 "Syntactic features <strong>of</strong> Tagalog verbs. " Unpublished<br />

PhD dissertation, University <strong>of</strong> Hawaii. 143 lvs. (Also<br />

in 1968. DisAbs 29(4): 1220-1221A).<br />

Key, Harold<br />

1965 "Some semantic functions <strong>of</strong> reduplication in various<br />

languages. " AL 7(3):88- 102.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

166 2006-2014 / Khensap<br />

Khensay, Felix<br />

1987 "Nan khotok nan enngengengelan nan komaw is 2006<br />

kakoweng [The reason why mosquitoes keep buzzing in<br />

our ears]. " Np.<br />

Kieckers, E.<br />

1931 Die Sprachstamme der Erde (mit einer anzahl<br />

grammatischer skizzen). Heidelberg: Carl Winter.<br />

257 pp.<br />

Kikuchi, Ky6ko<br />

1975 "Notes on the kinship system <strong>of</strong> the Kiangan Ifugao. " 2008<br />

Shakai Kagaku T6kyii [The Social Science Review!<br />

21(1):239-5 1.<br />

Kilgour, Heather J. - See aiso 1501<br />

Kilgour, Heather J. and Gail Hendrickson<br />

1984 "Bantoanon phonology and orthography. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 2009<br />

39 lvs.<br />

Kirk, May<br />

1899-1902 The Raldwin Primer (Tagalog Edition). New York: 2010<br />

American Rook Company. 133 pp.<br />

Kitasato, Takeshi<br />

nd "Kodai Nippongo to Hirippin-go tono hikaku kenkyu" 2011<br />

[A comparative study <strong>of</strong> Old Japanese and the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s Language]. Np. 3 + 155 Ivs. Mimeo.<br />

1927 "Ancient <strong>Philippine</strong> Alphabets." In Structure <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Japanese Language. Osaka, Japan: The Shien Kai<br />

Association. 241 pp and plates.<br />

Kiyosi, Edward R.<br />

1940 Mga Ilang Himatong sa Balarilang Pilipi~~o. Manila.<br />

266 pp.<br />

2013<br />

Klaproth, Julius Heinrich<br />

1823 Asia Polygotta. Paris: Gedruckt bei J. M. Eberhart. 2014<br />

384 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Kunting / 2015-2025 167<br />

Knowlton, Edgar C.<br />

1957 "<strong>Philippine</strong> and other exotic loan words in Paterno's 2015<br />

iVinqy.." Paper read at the Ninth Pacific Science<br />

Congress <strong>of</strong> the Pacific Science Association, Thailand.<br />

1963 "China and the <strong>Philippine</strong>s in El Periquillo Sarmiento." 2016<br />

Hispanic Review 3 1:4.<br />

1968 "The formation <strong>of</strong> the past-perfective in 2017<br />

Tagalog-Spanish." Romance Philology 22(1):22-24.<br />

Koway, Donna Hettick and Judy Wallace<br />

1978 "Northern Kankanay: Text 2 (folktale texts). " SIPL 2018<br />

2(2):28-31.<br />

Krieger, Herbert William<br />

1945 "Races and Peoples in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s." FEQ 4:95-101. 2019<br />

Kroeber, Alfred Louis - See also 2510<br />

1918 "The history <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> civilization as reflected in 2020<br />

religious nomenclature." Anthropological Papers <strong>of</strong> the<br />

American Museum <strong>of</strong> Natural History 19(2): 35-67.<br />

Ku, Un-San<br />

1945-1946 "A study <strong>of</strong> Tagalog." Chinese Commercial News<br />

(October 23, 1945; January 5, 1946).<br />

Kuizon, Jose Germano<br />

1962 "The Sanskrit loan-words in the Cebuano-Bisayan 2022<br />

language and the Indian elements in Cebuano-Bisayan<br />

culture." Unpublished MA thesis, University <strong>of</strong> San<br />

Carlos, Cebu. vii + 144 lvs.<br />

1964 "Sanskrit loan words in the Cebuano-Bisayan language." 2023<br />

AFLS 23(1): 11 1-158.<br />

Kunstmann, E.<br />

1841? Tagalisches Worterbuch. Berlin. 40 pp.<br />

Kunting, Hadji Yusop C.<br />

1981 Sinama-English Dictionary. Zamboanga City: New 2025<br />

Alliance Press. 363 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

168 2026-2037 ! La Gironiere<br />

La Gironiere, Paul Proust de<br />

1855 Aventures d'un Gentilhomme Breton aux Iles <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Paris: Lacroix-Comon. 458 pp. (Other ed, 1857).<br />

La U'all, Irene<br />

1939 "Lightning literacy." PM 36:330-331, 335, 337.<br />

Labaro, Evelyn - See also 1372<br />

nd "Limos Kalinga interlinear texts. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 58 lvs.<br />

Labberton, D. von Hinloopen<br />

1924 "Preliminary results <strong>of</strong> researches into the original<br />

relationship between Ni2ponese and Malayo-<br />

Polynesian. " JPS 33:244-280.<br />

Cabita, Avelina T.<br />

1967 Tagalog-Chinese Talatinigan. Quezon City: E. V<br />

Campomanes and Sons. Revised ed. 130 pp.<br />

Lacalle y Sanchez, Jose de<br />

1886 "Idiomas." In Tierras y Razas dci Archipelago Fillpino,<br />

24.5-247, 269-275. Manila: Colegio de Santo Tomas.<br />

Lackowski, Peter<br />

: 968 "Verb inflection in Cuyunon. " OL 7(2):92- 103<br />

Lacuesta, Geruncio<br />

1964 "Liberation <strong>of</strong> Filipino Language from Tagalog."<br />

DayMir (October 17): 14- 15.<br />

1967 "Rejoinder to Mr. Lansang: Purism is still the issue."<br />

STM (August 6): 28-29.<br />

1967 "The phonology <strong>of</strong> Filipino." Katas (July): 109-1 16, 141<br />

Lafeber, A.<br />

1928 "The grammatic value <strong>of</strong> constructions with E in the<br />

Polynesian dialects compared with similar cases in<br />

Indonesia." JPS 37:403-425.<br />

Lagman, Efigenia<br />

1963 "Segmental ang suprasegmental Bicol phonemes:<br />

Legaspi City dialect." Ateneo de Manila Graduate<br />

School. 39 lvs.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Landor / 2038-2054 169<br />

Lagorra, Blas<br />

1908 Subano Vocabulary: Subano- Visayan-Spanish-English. 2038<br />

Zamboanga. 281 pp.<br />

Lambrecht, Francis Hubert, CICM - See also 2456<br />

1928 "Ifugao tales. Of Amama and Unga." LAMP<br />

5(4):113-115.<br />

1929 Ijiugaw Villages and Houses. Washington, DC: Publication 2040<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Catholic Anthropological Conference 2(3).<br />

1930- 1932 "The Ifugao sagas or Hudhud." LAMP 7:7; 8: 11. 2041<br />

1932-1934 "The saga <strong>of</strong> the brave Aginaya." LAMP 9-10. 2042<br />

1932- 1958 "The Mayawyaw ritual." Washington, DC: Publication 2043<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Catholic Anthropological Conference 4(1-7).<br />

1933-1934 "The saga <strong>of</strong> Gumingin and Bugan, his sister." LAMP 2044<br />

10:177-183, 238-241, 269-272, 300-302, 309.<br />

1955 "Ifugao tales." AFLS 14: 149- 196. 2045<br />

1957 "Ifkgao epic story; Hudhud <strong>of</strong> Aliguyun at Hananga." 2046<br />

JEAS 6(3-4): 1-203.<br />

1857 "Ifugao tale, Banawe and Mayawyaw. " AFLS 2047<br />

16:107-184.<br />

1958 "Ikgao ballads." JEAS 7(2): 169-207. 2048<br />

1958 "Ifugao weaving." AFLS 17: 1-53. 2049<br />

1960-196 1 "Ifugao Hudhud." AFLS 19: 1-174; 20: 136-273. 2050<br />

1978 Ifugaw-English Dictionary. Baguio City: The Catholic 2051<br />

Vicar Apostolic <strong>of</strong> the Mountain Province; Quezon<br />

City: R.P. Garcia Publishing Co. 534 pp.<br />

Lambrecht, Godfrey<br />

1960 "Anitu rites among the Gaddang." PS 8:584-602. 2052<br />

Lande, Nobleza Asuncion<br />

1970 "Theoretical and methodological trends in <strong>Philippine</strong> 2053<br />

linguistic research: 1560- 1970. " AL 12(6):208-225.<br />

Landor, A. Henry Savage<br />

1904 The Gems <strong>of</strong> the East. New York and London: Harper 2054<br />

and Brothers. 566 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Lapid, Virginia - See also 495<br />

1969 "The Tagalog verb system and its inflectional<br />

morphology. " Unpublithed MA thesis, University <strong>of</strong><br />

Kansas. v + 63 lvs.<br />

Lara, Enrique Polo de<br />

1896 "Dialectos que se hablan en el archipelago." in Estudio<br />

Social y Politico de [as lslas Filipinas, 53-54. Sevilla:<br />

Imprenta de la Andlucia Moderna. (Part I, chapter 8).<br />

Laraya, Consorcia Manalastas<br />

1960 Aklat Pambalik-aral sa Wikang Pifipino. Manila:<br />

Liwayway Publications. vii + 107 pp.<br />

Larson, Donald N.<br />

nd Tagalog Lessons, Tagalog Outline Guide. Quezon City:<br />

Interchurch Language School.<br />

1962 "Tagalog for missionaries. " Manila. 3 vols<br />

1963 The <strong>Philippine</strong> Language Scene. Manila: Interchurch<br />

Language School. 86 pp.<br />

1965 "Toward a simultaneous multilingual grammar far<br />

Tagalog, Cebuano, and Ilocano. " Unpublished PhD<br />

dissertation, University <strong>of</strong> Chicago. 227 lvs.<br />

1968 "Modern Tagalog: a functional-structural description<br />

with particular attention to the problem <strong>of</strong> verification."<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, Georgetown University.<br />

Larson, Virginia - See a!so 1651<br />

nd "Sentence in Ivatan." Manila: SE. 90 lvs.<br />

1972 "Pronominal reference in the Ivatan narrative." PJL<br />

3(2):37-42.<br />

Larson, Virginia, comp<br />

1986 "Ivatan texts." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. viii + 428 lvs<br />

Laserna, Manuel<br />

1918 Sungkaan sa pagsueat, pagbasa ag paghambae it<br />

inakeanon. Manila: 'El 1916' May 12.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Lazaro / 2068-2077 17 1<br />

1935 English-Maranaw Dictionary, ed by Frank J. Woodward. 2068<br />

Dansalan City: Lanao Press. 273 pp. (Other ed, 1944;<br />

reprinted in 1948. David L. Hamm and Hadji Pambaya<br />

Bayabao, eds).<br />

1936 "Key method <strong>of</strong> teaching illiterates." <strong>International</strong> 2069<br />

Review <strong>of</strong> Missions 25:235-249.<br />

Laubach, Frank Charles and A. L. Zwickley<br />

1949 "A conversion to Maranaw-English <strong>of</strong> the English- 2070<br />

Maranaw dictionary." Np.<br />

Lavayna, Guillermo<br />

1963 "Diksyunaryong medikal Lavayna." Manila: np. 1 13 3 lvs. 2071<br />

1963 "Glosaryo ng mga katawagang pang atomo." Np. 2072<br />

Laviiia, Melinda - See 1180, 1222<br />

Laya, Juan Cabreros<br />

1949 Mga Banghay-aralin. Manila: Inang Wika Publishing 2073<br />

Co. 4 vols in 1.<br />

1950 "Ukal sa pagbabago ng kahulugan ng mga salita." 2074<br />

(Pansin sa isang bahagi ng ulat ng kasangguning<br />

Regalado noong ika-11 ng Oktubre, 1950 sa SWP).<br />

WP 1(4):45-47.<br />

Laya, Juan Cabreros and Silvina Cabreros Laya<br />

1947 Basic Tagalog Vocabulary: Tagalog-English, English- 2075<br />

Tagalog. Manila: Inang Wika Publishing Co. 128 pp.<br />

(2d ed, 1950. Manila: Inang Wika Publishing Co. 148 pp).<br />

Laya, Silvina Cabreros - See 2075<br />

Laygo, Abraham R.<br />

1939 "Tagalog proverbs." PM 36:334; 36:457<br />

Layong, Albert - See 1372<br />

Layong, Rita - See 1372<br />

Lazaro, Joaquin<br />

1889 Introduction a1 Estudio de la Lengua Castellana en 2077<br />

Isinay. Manila: Colegio de Santo Tomas a cargo de D.<br />

Gervacio Memije. 185 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

172 2078-2087 / Le Roy<br />

Le Roy, James Alfred<br />

1906 "Dialects <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s." In <strong>Philippine</strong> Life in Town<br />

and Country, 247-251. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons.<br />

Leano, Isabel<br />

1958 "The du'jeng as sung and practiced in Takdian." JEAS<br />

7(4):395-427.<br />

Leclerc, Ch., ed<br />

1878 Bibliotheca Americana. Histore, Geographie, Voyages,<br />

Archeologie etLinguistique des Deux Ameriques et des<br />

Iles <strong>Philippine</strong>s. Paris: Maisonneuveet Cie, Libraires<br />

Editeurs.<br />

Lee, Ernest W.<br />

1962 "On non-syllabic high vocoids in Maguindanao. "<br />

Studies in <strong>Linguistics</strong> 16(3-4):65-72.<br />

1964 "Maguindanao 111." General <strong>Linguistics</strong> 6(1):24-26.<br />

1964 "Non-focus verbs in Maguindanao. " OL 3(1):49-57.<br />

LekomEev Jurii Konstantinovich<br />

1964 "0 stepeni ralichija klassov slov (na materiale<br />

klassicheskogo tibetskogo, santali i tagal'skogo jazykov)"<br />

[On the level <strong>of</strong> lfference <strong>of</strong> word classes (based upon<br />

classic Tibenan, Santali and Tagalog materials]. In<br />

Kon ferenwa po Jazykam Jugo- Vostoc'noj Azii v Institute<br />

Narodov Azii, 47. AN SSSR (November 23-25). Moskva.<br />

"K tipologii razlichenija grarnmaticheslch klasssv"<br />

1011 the h pologp <strong>of</strong> d~fferentiation<br />

<strong>of</strong> grammar classes]<br />

Narodj? Azii i Afriki [People <strong>of</strong> Asia and Afiica] 6: 147-152.<br />

Lenches, Elsa P. Yap<br />

1977 "Cebuano case grammar: basic semantic and morpho-<br />

syntactic aspects." Unpublished PhD lssertation,<br />

Georgetown University. 2 vols. 515 Ivs.<br />

Lendoyro, Constantino<br />

1909 The Tagalog language: A Comprehensive Grammatical<br />

Treatise Adapted to Self-instruction and Particularly<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Designed for Use <strong>of</strong> Those Engaged in Government<br />

Service or in Business, or Trade in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.<br />

Manila: Juan Fajardo. 2d ed. cxvi + 448 pp. (1st ed,<br />

1902).<br />

Leon, Felipe Padilla de<br />

1966 "Ang musikang sarili sa ikalalaganap ng wikang<br />

Pilipino. " In Panitikan, 9- 13, Aklat 11.<br />

Leon, Jacinto R. de<br />

1943 "The national language has no dilemma." PR 1:27-3 1.<br />

1947 Talasalitaang Tagalog-Ingles. Manila: University<br />

Publishing Co. 72 pp. (Other ed, 1932).<br />

Leon, Joseph - See 3461<br />

Leon, Pedro M. de - See 2259<br />

Leon, Raymundo de<br />

1950? Mamangulon Liblurr Punbidbidan hi Kalin de Ifugao.<br />

Manila. 45 pp.<br />

Leonen, C. - See 354<br />

Leyba, Aurora A.<br />

nd "A comparative study <strong>of</strong> the intonation systems <strong>of</strong><br />

Pangasinan and English. " Department <strong>of</strong> Languages<br />

Teaching Files, UP.<br />

Leyden, John<br />

1886 "On the language and literature <strong>of</strong> the Indo-Chinese<br />

nations." In Miscellaneous Papers Relating to Indo-<br />

China 1 : 84- 17 1. London: Trubner and Co (Oriental<br />

Series). 318 pp. (Also in 1908. Asiatic Researches<br />

10:207-216.<br />

Leyos, Fidela de<br />

1939 "Tagalog riddles." PM 36:74.<br />

Liban, Elizabeth 0. and Bruce Grayden<br />

1978 "Southern Kalinga (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2): 13-23.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

174 2096-2106 1 Lightbody<br />

Lightbody, Arthur<br />

1984 "Eliminating the hocus-pocus <strong>of</strong> focus in Sangirk. "<br />

SIPL 5(1): 19-46.<br />

Lightbody, Arthur, comp<br />

1989 "Sangirk (Sangi1)-English dictionary." Np. 375 lvs<br />

Lightbody, Arthur and Kathleen Lightbody, comps<br />

nd "Sangirk word list." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 75 lvs.<br />

Lightbody, Kathleen - See 2098<br />

Linangan ng mga Wika sa Pilipinas<br />

1989 Diksyunaryo ng Wikang Filipino. Manila: National<br />

Book Store Inc. 969 pp. (Joint project <strong>of</strong> Linangan ng<br />

mga Wika sa Pilipinas [IPL], Kagawaran ng Edukasyon,<br />

Kultura at Tsports [DECS] and Instructional Materials<br />

Corporation).<br />

Lindquist, Alice - See also 409, 1302-1 304<br />

Lindquist, Alice and Vivian Forsberg<br />

1954 "Wordlist in Tagabili, Bilaan and Kalagan." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

Lindquist, Alice, Vivian Forsberg and Alan Healey<br />

1959 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Tagabili." PJS 88:225-43.<br />

Link, Francis L.<br />

nd "Tao-sug-English vocabulary. " Np.<br />

1917 "English-Sulu vocabulary. " Jolo, Sulu: np.<br />

1923 "The Sulu language. Part 11: Sulu-English vocabulary."<br />

Jolo, Sulu: np.<br />

1924 (Abstracts <strong>of</strong> a portion <strong>of</strong> the Sulu grammar contained<br />

in a typewritten draft entitled "The Sulu dialect" by<br />

Charles R. Cameron). Jolo, Sulu: np.<br />

Linterna, Sister Editha, PI<br />

1966 "A descriptive linguistic analysis <strong>of</strong> the Hiligaynon<br />

verb system." Unpublished MA thesis, Ateneo de<br />

Manila Graduate School.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Llamzon / 2 107-2120 175<br />

Linterna, Sister Edita, FI and Sister Nieves Segovia<br />

1962 "A phonemic analysis <strong>of</strong> llongo. " Manila: Ateneo 2107<br />

Graduate School. 46 lvs.<br />

Lisboa, Marcos de, OSF<br />

1728 "Diccionario del Idioma Bicol. " Np.<br />

1754 "Diccionario y vocabulario de el idioma Espafiol y<br />

Bicol. " Np.<br />

1865 Arte de Iidoma Bicol. Manila: Establecimiento<br />

Tipografico del Colegio de Santo Tomas. 3d ed. 417 pp.<br />

(Other eds, 1754; 1863).<br />

1865 Vocabulario de la Lengua Bicol. Manila: Tipografico 2111<br />

del Colegio de Santo Tomas. 417, 103 pp. (Other eds,<br />

1754; 1863; 1895. Sampaloc: Convento de Nuestra<br />

Sefiora de Lorto; 1912).<br />

Liway, Tony and Patricia M. Hartung<br />

1978 "Ata Manobo: Text 2 (folktale texts)." SIPL<br />

2(2):99- 102.<br />

Llamado, Librada C.<br />

1969 "An analysis <strong>of</strong> the basic structures <strong>of</strong> Cavite Chavacano." 2113<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, PNC. 169 lvs.<br />

Llamas, Jose F. - See 1206<br />

Llamzon, Teodoro A., SJ<br />

1957 Easy Tagalog. Woodstock, Maryland: Woodstock 2114<br />

College. 194 pp.<br />

1966 "A note on predication in Tagalog." PSR 14(3):150-155. 2115<br />

1966 "Main transient formations in Tagalog." PJS 2116<br />

95(1): 143-157.<br />

1966 "Tagalog phonology." AL 8(1):30-39. 2117<br />

1966 "Tagalog reflexes <strong>of</strong> PMP *e. " AL 8(3): 13-23. 2118<br />

1966 "The subgroupings <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." PSR 2119<br />

14(3): 145-150.<br />

1968 "Modern Tagalog: a functional-structural description 2120<br />

with particular attention to the problem <strong>of</strong> verification."<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, Georgetown University.<br />

3 12 lvs. (Also in 1969. DisAbs 29(9):3 121A-3122A).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

176 2121-2133 / Llamzon<br />

1968 Modern Tagalog: a Functional-structural description<br />

Manila: Ateneo Language Center. 312 pp.<br />

1968 The IPC Guide to Tagalog, Ilocano, Ibanag. Manila:<br />

Ateneo de Manila University Press. 86 pp.<br />

1969 A Subgrouping <strong>of</strong> Nine <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages. The<br />

Hague: Martinus Nijh<strong>of</strong>f. xi + 128 pp. (Verhandelingen<br />

van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-, en<br />

Volkenkunde, no 58).<br />

! 970 "A set <strong>of</strong> principles for the description <strong>of</strong> a language."<br />

PJL 1:12-24.<br />

1971 "Ang kayarian ng pandiwa sa Pilipino (Salin ni Fe<br />

Adalve-Yap). " PJL 2(1 j: 1 16-24.<br />

1973 "The four focus transformations <strong>of</strong> Tagalog." In<br />

Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez, 168-1 83. (PJLSM 4)<br />

1976 "A subgrouping <strong>of</strong> 100 <strong>Philippine</strong> laguages." Southeast<br />

.4sian Linguistic Studies 2:141-172. (PL-C 42).<br />

1978 Handbook <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> Language Groups. Quezon<br />

City: Ateneo de Manila University Press.<br />

Llanes, Jose L.<br />

1956 "A study <strong>of</strong> some terms in <strong>Philippine</strong> mythology."<br />

JEAS 1:1-14.<br />

1956-1957 "A dictionary <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> mythology." JEAS 5:1-8:1, 8:2.<br />

Lobo y Jimenez, Juan<br />

1894 Diccionario Juridico Filipino. Manila: Imprenta de la<br />

Rinsta Mercantil de D. Jose de Loyzaga. 191 + 3 pp.<br />

Lombos-Esquillo, Maria Teresita<br />

1978 "Contextualization <strong>of</strong> the language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency <strong>of</strong><br />

selected bilingual college students." Unpublished MA<br />

thesis, Ateneo de Manila University.<br />

Longacre, Robert E. - See also 124, 375, 376, 410<br />

1968 <strong>Philippine</strong> languages; Ciscourse, Paragraph and<br />

Sentence Structures. Santa Ana, California: <strong>SIL</strong>. 2 vols<br />

222 pp, 234 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Lopez 1 2134-2146 177<br />

Longacre, Robert E., ed<br />

1971 <strong>Philippine</strong> Discourse and Paragraph Studies in Memory<br />

<strong>of</strong> Betty McLachlin. Canberra: Australian National<br />

University. xv + 366 pp. (PL-C 22).<br />

Lonsido, Cirilo A. - See 1543<br />

Lopez, Alejandro, SJ<br />

nd "Grammatica y diccionario de la lengua Lutuaya." Np.<br />

Lopez, Andres, OP<br />

1960 "-4rte de la lengua de Pangasinan." Np.<br />

Lopez, Carmen B.<br />

1951 Bumasa at Sumulat. National Language for Grade I.<br />

Manila: <strong>Philippine</strong> Book Co. 98 pp.<br />

Lopez, Cecilio<br />

nd "Stules on comparative <strong>Philippine</strong> morphology." Np.<br />

1923-1924 "On the Boak Tagalog <strong>of</strong> the island <strong>of</strong> Marinduque."<br />

The Archive, paper 1. 25 lvs. (Also in 1970. The<br />

Archive l(2): 1-53).<br />

1924- 1925 "The Tagalog language <strong>of</strong> Marinduque." Np<br />

1928 Comparison <strong>of</strong> Tagalog and Iloko.. . Hamburg: J. J.<br />

Augustin. 188 pp.<br />

Review: F. R. Blake. 1929. Lung 5(3):190-192.<br />

Review: Marcel Cohen. 1928. Bulletin de la Socie'te' de<br />

Linguistique de Paris 40(120): 189.<br />

1930 "Das Verwandtschaftssystem der Tagalen und der<br />

Malaien. " ArAnthr 22(3): 132- 136 (Summarized in 1932.<br />

Anthropos 27:293-294).<br />

1931 The Language Situation in the <strong>Philippine</strong> Islands.<br />

Manila: Institute <strong>of</strong> Pacific Relations. 47 pp.<br />

1934 "Awan to kurkit a 'c' iti saot' Iluko." Ilocos Times 3:4.<br />

1936 "Tagalog words adopted from Spanish." PSSR<br />

8:223-246.<br />

Review: Marcel Cohen. BSLP 38.<br />

1936 "Theories on the origin <strong>of</strong> language." PM 33(10):492,<br />

511-513.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

178 2147-2158 / Lopez<br />

1937 "General features <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> languages. " PSSR<br />

9:201-207.<br />

Review: Marcel Cohen. 1939. PSSR 11:224-225.<br />

1937 Preliminary Study <strong>of</strong> Affixes in Tagalog. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 78 pp. (TNL Publications 2).<br />

Review: Marcel Cohen. 1938. Bulletin de la Socie'te' de<br />

Linguistique de Paris 39: 1 17, 2 14-2 15.<br />

Review: Marcel Cohen. 1939. PSSR 11:224-225.<br />

Studies on Dempwolff's Vergleichende Lautlehre dm<br />

Austronesischen Wortschatzes. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 63 pp. (INL Bulletin 1).<br />

A Comparison <strong>of</strong> Tagalog and Malay Lexicographies<br />

(on phonetic-semantic basis). Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 92 pp. (TNL Bulletin 2).<br />

The Tagalog Language: an Outline <strong>of</strong> its Psycho-<br />

morphoIogicaE analysis. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

23 pp. (INL Bulletin 5).<br />

A Manual <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong> National Language. Manila:<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing. 3d ed. 327 pp. (Other ed, 1940).<br />

Review: Pura Santillan-Castrence. 1940. PSSR<br />

12:385-387.<br />

Reduplication in Tagalog. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong> Printing.<br />

150 pp. (INL Bulletin 7). (Also in 1950. BNI<br />

106:151-311).<br />

Review: J. M. Echols. 1951. <strong>SIL</strong> 9(4):105. (Also in<br />

1950. BNI 106).<br />

Studies on Tagalog Lexicography #I. Manila: Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />

Printing. 29 pp. (INL Bulletin 6).<br />

"Foreign influences in Tagalog." PR 2(2):43-49<br />

"Studies on Sugbuhanon affixes. " PSSHR 14:29-55,<br />

183-226.<br />

"A comparative syntax <strong>of</strong> some <strong>Philippine</strong> languages."<br />

A Guggenheim Fellowship Grant Study.<br />

"Morphological-semantic cognates in <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

languages." Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Lopez / 21 59-21 73<br />

"The Spanish overlay in Tagalog. " Lingua 14:467-504.<br />

(Also in 1965. Indo-Pacific Linguistic Studies Part I,<br />

Historical <strong>Linguistics</strong>, ed by G. B. Milner and Eugenie<br />

J.A. Henderson, 467-504. Amsterdam: North Holland<br />

Publishing Co; Readings in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, ed<br />

by A. B. Gonzalez, 737-766).<br />

"A comparative <strong>Philippine</strong> word list." Np.<br />

"Certain non-productive infixes in Malayo-Polynesian. "<br />

Paper read at the Ninth Pacific Science Congress <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Pacific Science Association in Thailand.<br />

"Doublets in Ma1 ayo-Polynesian languages. " Np<br />

"Prolegomenon to comparative <strong>Philippine</strong> syntax." Np.<br />

"Spanish status in Tagalog. " Np.<br />

"Vergleichende lautlehre das Austronesischen<br />

wortschatzes, Studies <strong>of</strong> Dempwolff s wordlist."<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Oriental Languages and <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

Files, UP. Mimeo.<br />

"Ang balarila ni Rizal." Np.<br />

"Classifiers in <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." In Abstracts. The<br />

H. Otley Beyer Symposium 29. Quezon City: Diliman, UP<br />

"Contributions to a comparative <strong>Philippine</strong> syntax."<br />

Lingua 15:3- 16. (Also in 1965. Indo-Pacific <strong>Linguistics</strong><br />

Studies, Part 11, ed by G. B. Milner and Eugenie J. A.<br />

Henderson, 3- 16. Amsterdam: North Holland<br />

Publishing Co).<br />

"Classifiers in <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." PJS 96(1): 1-8.<br />

"Origins <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong> languages. " PS 15(1): 130-166.<br />

(Also in Readings in <strong>Philippine</strong> <strong>Linguistics</strong>, ed by A. B.<br />

Gonzalez, 389-4 16).<br />

"Some new morphemes in <strong>Philippine</strong> languages." The<br />

Archive 1(1):5-32. (Also in Readings in <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

<strong>Linguistics</strong>, ed by A. B. Gonzalez, 429-440).<br />

A Comparative <strong>Philippine</strong> Word-list. Quezon City: UP.<br />

165 pp.<br />

"The structure <strong>of</strong> Tagalog." In <strong>Linguistics</strong>. Leiden: E. J.<br />

Brill. (Handbuch der Orientalistik 4).<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Lopez, Cecilio, trs<br />

1943 Eztudios Sobre la Lengua Tagalog by Jose Rizal.<br />

Manila: INL.<br />

Lopez, Cecilio, et al.<br />

1953 Aklat ng Wika. Ikatlong Baitang. Manila: Macaraig<br />

Publishing Co. 247 pp.<br />

1954 Aklat ng Wika. Ikaapat na Baitang. Manila: Macaraig<br />

Publishing Co. 263 pp.<br />

Lopez, ELias B.<br />

1949 "Popular folk literature <strong>of</strong> the Manobos." Np. 11 lvs.<br />

Lopez, Francisco<br />

nd "Vocabulario de la lengua Yloca a1 Castellano." Np.<br />

n d "Vocabulario Iloko-Espaiiol. " Np. 294 lvs.<br />

1627 Arte de la Lengua Yloca. Manila: Imprenta del Colegio<br />

y Universidad de Santo Tomas de Aquino. 336 pp. (Other<br />

eds, 1792; 1793; 1865; 1888; 1895. Gramatica Ilocana).<br />

1690?<br />

"Arte de la lengua Pangasinan." Np.<br />

1792 Compendio y Methodo de la Suma de las Reglas del<br />

Arte del Ydioma Mocano. Sampaloc: Imprenta de Nuestra<br />

Seiiora de Loreto del Pueblo de Sampaloc. 238 pp.<br />

1792 "Gramatica y dccionario Ilocano." Np. (Other ed, 1793).<br />

1895 Gramatica Ilocana. Malabon: Establecimiento 'Tipo-<br />

litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos. 3d ed. 354 pp.<br />

Lopez, Franscisco, trs<br />

1621 Libro a Naisuratan Amin ti Bagas ti Doctrina Cristiana ...<br />

Manila: Imprenta en el convent0 de S. Pablo de Manila.<br />

283 pp. (Other eds, 1688; 1716; 1767; 1846; 1882; 1895).<br />

Lopez, M. H. (pseud M. H. Oelpz)<br />

1909 Dictionary English-Tagalog. Manila: Imprenta Libreria<br />

y Papeleria de J. Martinez. 135 pp.<br />

Lopez, Pedro S., Jr. - See 1636<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Lusted / 21 87-21 99<br />

Lopez, Sixto<br />

1900 The Tribes in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s. Boston: Anti-Imperialist<br />

League. 8 pp.<br />

Lopez, Urbano Alvarez, OESA<br />

nd "Gramatica Cebuana-Espaiiola." Np.<br />

Loukotka, Cestmir<br />

1946 Vpoj Pisma. Praha: Orbis. 226 pp.<br />

Loyola, Isidro<br />

1962 "Conflict <strong>of</strong> words." DayMir (November 3): 6<br />

Lozano y Megia, Raimundo, OSA<br />

1876 Cursos de Lengua Panayana. Manila: Imprenta del<br />

Colegio de Santo Tomas. 23 1 pp.<br />

1892 Gramatica Hispana- Visaya-Panayana y Diccionario<br />

Manual. Valladolid: Imprenta de Luis N. de Gaviria.<br />

278 pp.<br />

Lozano, Raimundo, OESA<br />

nd "Gramatica Tagala." Np.<br />

Lukban, Noemi V.<br />

1966-1967 "'Nang' and 'ng' - a preposition." FEUFJ 11(2):30-36.<br />

Lumauig, G. G. and J. A. Quirino<br />

1964 "The Hudhud. " SMM 20:32-33.<br />

Luna, Pura<br />

1968 "The development <strong>of</strong> actor and goal focus in the<br />

sentence structure <strong>of</strong> Nursery, Kindergarden, First<br />

Grade and Second Grade school children." Unpublished<br />

MA thesis, PNC.<br />

Lusted, Ruth - See also 3747<br />

nd "Impersonal pronouns <strong>of</strong> Atta." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 4 lvs.<br />

1964 "Morphophonemic statement: Atta Negrito." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 6 lvs.<br />

1967 "Sentence types <strong>of</strong> Atta Negrito." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 33 lvs<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

182 2200-2210 / Lusted<br />

Lusted, Ruth and Claudia Whittle<br />

1969 "Atta orthography." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 6 lvs.<br />

Lusted, Ruth, Claudia Whittle and Lawrence A. Reid<br />

1964 "The use <strong>of</strong> matrix technique in an analysis <strong>of</strong> Atta 2201<br />

personal pronouns." OL 3(1): 138-60. (Reprinted in<br />

RIPL, 562-577).<br />

Luyon<br />

nd (Nearly 200 essays written on bamboo in a dialect <strong>of</strong> the 2202<br />

Mangyan language spoken near Mansalay, Mindoro). Np.<br />

Luzares, Casilda E.<br />

1976 "The morphology <strong>of</strong> selected Cebuano verbs: A case 2203<br />

analysis.'' Unpublished PhD dissertation, PNC (later<br />

under Australia National University).<br />

1977-1978 "Cebuano verb morphology: an application <strong>of</strong> case 2204<br />

grammar." SIPL 1(2):73-109, part I; 2(1):49-72, part 11.<br />

Lyman, J. Thomas<br />

nd "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Bontoc. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong><br />

197 1 "Hierarchical phonological features <strong>of</strong> Cotabato 2206<br />

Manobo." The Archive 2(1):39-56.<br />

Lynch, Charles - See 670<br />

Lynch, Francis X.<br />

1948 "Some notes on a brief field survey <strong>of</strong> the hill people <strong>of</strong> 2207<br />

Mt. Iriga, Camarines Sur, <strong>Philippine</strong>s. " PrM 2 1 :65-73.<br />

1956 "Some speech-sound problems for Bicolanos learning 2208<br />

English." Paper presented at the Division Workshop on<br />

Teaching English as a Second Language, Naga Central<br />

School, Naga City. 3 lvs.<br />

Lynch, Ralph E., SJ<br />

1940 "Visayan-English dictionary." Np. 470 lvs.<br />

1948 "Wordlist in Bukidnon (Based on Conklin's lexical 2210<br />

checklist for <strong>Philippine</strong> languages). " Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Macabuhay, Perry and Hella E. Goschnick<br />

1979 "A Central Bontoc procedural discourse (activity type)."<br />

SIPL 3(1):86- 11 1.<br />

Macaraeg, Anastacio Austria<br />

1896 Vocabulario Castellano-Pangasinan. Manila: Ch<strong>of</strong>r6 y<br />

Compaiiia. 112 pp. (Other eds, 1898. Amigos del Pais;<br />

1904. Vocabulario Hispano-Pangasinan).<br />

1898 Vocabulario Pangasinan-Castellano. Manila: Amigos<br />

del Pais.<br />

1904 Vocabulario Hispano-Pangasinan, Manila: Imprenta<br />

Fajardo y Compaiiia. 3d ed. 104 pp. (2d ed, 1898).<br />

Macaraya, Batua A. - See also 1577, 1578, 2561, 2562<br />

nd English-Maranao Dictionary. Marawi City, Lanao<br />

1954 Maranao-English Dictionary. Dansalan City: Madrasa<br />

Press. vii + 93 pp.<br />

Macaraya, Batua A., cornp<br />

1979 Maranao t.'ocabulary and Phrase Book. Marawi City,<br />

Lanao: Mindanao State University. 200 pp.<br />

Macaspac, Jose Torres<br />

1938 "Pampango proverbs. " PM 35(7):340.<br />

Maceda, Generoso S.<br />

1935 "The Dumagats <strong>of</strong> Famy." PJS 57:235-251.<br />

Maceda, Jose Montserrat<br />

1958 "Chants from Sagada, Mountain Province, <strong>Philippine</strong>s."<br />

EM 2:45-55, 96-107.<br />

1963 "The Music <strong>of</strong> the Magindanao in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s."<br />

Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA. 2 vols.<br />

Maceda, Marcelino N. - See also 2906-2908<br />

1963 "Some medicinal plants known to the Mamanua <strong>of</strong><br />

northeastern Mindanao, <strong>Philippine</strong>s. " In Festschrisft Paul<br />

Schebesta zum 75. Geburtstag, 13 3- 136. Wein-Modling:<br />

Missionsdmckerei St. Gabriel. 568 pp.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Madale, Abdullah T.<br />

1963 "Preliminary study <strong>of</strong> Maranaw folk literature. " Marawi 2224<br />

City: Institute <strong>of</strong> Research and Filipino Culture,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Mindanao.<br />

Madlangbayan, Pedro A.<br />

1959 "Ang buong 'r~ang' at ang maikling 'ng. "' f'JE<br />

38:318-319.<br />

Madre de Dios, Sebastian de la<br />

nd "Arte de ia lengua Ilongota." Np<br />

Madre de Dios, Teodoro de Quiros de la, OP<br />

nd "Arte Tagalog. " Np.<br />

1662? "Arte y vocabulario de la lengua Tagala, doctrina 2228<br />

Cristiana, confesionario y catecismo." Np.<br />

Madrid, Angelina F.<br />

1980 "Four discourse genres in Amganad Ifugao." SIPL 2229<br />

4(1):101-43.<br />

Madrid, Helen - See 3741<br />

Magallona, hlagelende M.<br />

1964- 1965 "Articles as markers <strong>of</strong> singular count nouns." FEUFJ 2230<br />

9(4):56-66.<br />

Magat, Gil<br />

1915 Gramatica Qng. Sabing Castila, t, Capampangan. 2231<br />

Manila: Tipografico Linotype de Santo Tomas. 283 pp.<br />

Magdalena, Agustin de la<br />

1679 Arte de la Lengua Tagala. (Sacada de la que han Escrito 2232<br />

Diversos Autores). Mexico: Francisco Rodriguez<br />

Lupercio. 71 pp. (Another title, Arte del Idioma Tagalog).<br />

Magdamo, Priscilla Venturanza<br />

1957-1958 <strong>Philippine</strong> Folk Songs. Songs <strong>of</strong> the Visayas. Dumaguete 2233<br />

City: Silliman Music Foundation, Silliman University.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Makarenko 1 2234-2243 185<br />

Maglangit, Federico Randa<br />

1954 "The English pronunciation problems <strong>of</strong> the native<br />

speaker <strong>of</strong> Marauao." Unpublished MA thesis, Cornell<br />

University.<br />

Magno, F. H.<br />

1963 "Double fancy double talk." STM 18:30.<br />

Maingag, Abel - See 1372<br />

Makabenta, Eduardo A.<br />

1979 Binisaya-English, English-Binisaya Dictionary (Samar-<br />

Leyte). Quezon City: Edmandsonz. 518 pp.<br />

Makarenko, Vladimir Afanas'evich - See also 1045<br />

1964 "Some data on south Indian cultural influences in<br />

southeast Asia; the history <strong>of</strong> the origin and development<br />

<strong>of</strong> the old Filipino script." Tamil Culture (Madras)<br />

11(1):58-91.<br />

1965 "0 stepeni rodstva tagal'skogo i indonezijskago<br />

jazykov (s ispol'zovaniem metoda leksikostatistiEeskoj<br />

teorii M. SvadeSa)" [How cognate are Tagalog and<br />

Indonesian? (Application <strong>of</strong> Swadesh's theory)]. In<br />

Yoprosy Filologii Stran Jugo-vostocizoj Azii, 73- 103.<br />

Moskva: MGU.<br />

1965 "Tagal'sko-indonezijskije slovoobrazovatel'nyje<br />

paralleli . " [Word formational parallels between Tagalog<br />

and Indonesian]. In Voprosy Filologii Stran<br />

Jugo-Vostocitoj Azii, 25-26. Moskva: MGU.<br />

1966 "Morfologicheskaya struktura slova v sovremennom<br />

tagal'skom jazykd" [Morphological Word-formation in<br />

Modern Tagalog]. In 1965. Nauchnaja Konferenci'a<br />

'Lomonosovskije Etennija, ' Aprel, 57-64. Moskva: MGU<br />

(MGU Institut Vostochnych Jazykov).<br />

1966 "Morphological Word-formation in Modern Tagalog. "<br />

Unpublished thesis, Moscow, MGU.<br />

1966 "Tamil loan-words in some languages <strong>of</strong> South East<br />

Asia." The <strong>International</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> Tamil Research<br />

News. 10 IVS.<br />

1970 Tagal 'skoje Slovoobrazovanije [Tagalog Word Formation].<br />

Moskva: Nauka. 172 pp<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

186 2244-2254 1 Makarenko<br />

Review: L. N. Demidjuk. 197 1. Vostokovedenije<br />

2:85-86. (Vestnik MosLovskogo Universiteta, ser 14).<br />

1973 "General characteristics <strong>of</strong> Filipino word formation." In 2244<br />

Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez, 196-205. (PJLSM 4).<br />

1979 "Razivitije sovremengo Tagal'skogo jafzyka" [The 2245<br />

evolution <strong>of</strong> modern Tagalog]. Narody Asii i Afriki<br />

[People <strong>of</strong> Asia and Africa] 3 : 114-122.<br />

Malay, Paula Carolina<br />

1957 "Some Tagalog folkways. " JEAS 6(1):69-88.<br />

Maliwanag, ndefonso - See 141 1<br />

Mallari, Carmen B. - See 1901, 3414<br />

Mallat, Jan<br />

1843 Archipel de sol or^ ou Gescriptio~z des Groupes de<br />

Basilan, de Solou et de Tawi-Tawi. Paris.<br />

2247<br />

1843 Les Iles <strong>Philippine</strong>s Considerees au Point de Vue de 2248<br />

L'Hydrographic et de la Linguistique. Paris: Pollet.<br />

184b Les Plzilippines: Elistoire, Geographie, Moeurs. Paris: 2249<br />

Bertrand. 2 vols.<br />

Malumbres, Julian<br />

1911 Vocabulario en Castellano, Ingles y qugao del 2250<br />

Quiangan. Manila: Tipografico de Santo Tomas. 60 pp.<br />

1911 Vocabulario en Gaddan, Espafiol en Ingles. Manila: 2251<br />

Tipografico de Santo Tomas. 91 pp.<br />

1927 Vocabulario en Espafiol, Ytawes, Yogad, Gaddan, 2252<br />

Ybanag, Ysinay. Manila: Tipografico de Santo Tomas.<br />

34 PP.<br />

Maminta, Rosario<br />

1960 "A study <strong>of</strong> the speech difficulties in English <strong>of</strong> 2253<br />

Pangasinan speakers." California: UCLA term project<br />

for Speech 103K.<br />

Manacop, Carlos<br />

1955 "Pagsimula sa pagbasa at pagsulat." Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Manuel / 2255-2264<br />

Manalastas-Laraya, Consorcia - See 106 1<br />

Manalili, Bienvenido and J. P. Tamayo<br />

1964 English-Tagalog-Pampango Vocabulary. Quezon City:<br />

Pressman Printers and Publishers. 215 pp.<br />

Manalili, Felix Macapinlac - See also 156 1<br />

Manalili, Felix Macapinlac and Reynaldo de Dios<br />

1964 English-Filipino, Filipino-English Vocabulary. Manila:<br />

Manalili Bookseller. 209 pp.<br />

1964 English-Pilipino, Pilipino-English Vocabulary: Pocket<br />

Dictionary. Quezon City: Pressman Printers and<br />

Publishers. 125 pp, 83 pp.<br />

1964 English-Tagalog Vocabulary; Tagalog-English<br />

Vocabulary: Pocket Dictionary. Quezon City: Pressman<br />

Printers and Publishers. 2 vols in one. 430 pp. (Other<br />

ed, 1982. Manila: Manalili Bookseller. 430 pp).<br />

Manalili, Felix Macapinlac and Pedro M. de Leon<br />

1964 Tagalog-English Vocabulary. Quezon City: Pressman<br />

Printers and Publishers. 214 pp. (Other ed, 1963).<br />

Manalo, Isabelo<br />

1967 "Loss <strong>of</strong> a precious cultural heritage has created the<br />

Filipino language problem." The Filipino Educator<br />

1(1):41-44, 84.<br />

Manalo, Pascual<br />

1938 "Dapat pairalin ang ayos ng pagsulat ng wikang<br />

Tagalog." Diwang Silangan.<br />

Mancha, Juan de la<br />

1950 "Vocabnlario sa Pinulongan, Kinastila, Iningles ng<br />

Binisaya." Cebu: np. 38 lvs. (Mercer's Popular<br />

Series 10).<br />

Manuel, E. Arsenio<br />

nd "Salitalaan ng Tagalog-Tayabas," Np.<br />

1935 "On the new orthography <strong>of</strong> the Tagalog language by<br />

Jose Rizal." PSSR 7:3.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1948 Chinese Elements in the Tagalog Language (with some<br />

indication <strong>of</strong> Chinese influence on other <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

languages and cultures and an excursion into<br />

Austronesian linguistics). Manila: Filipiniana Publications.<br />

xxv + 139 pp.<br />

Review: Teodoro A. Agoncillo. 1950. WP 3<br />

Review: Maria Eugene Josef Ghislain Verstaelen. 1959.<br />

PS 7:245-248.<br />

"Origin <strong>of</strong> the Tagalog language and Chinese contribution<br />

to its growth." Fookien Times Yearbook, 33-36, 93-96.<br />

"Bicol Tagalog dictionary." Np.<br />

"An outline <strong>of</strong> the origin and development <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong><br />

languages and their relation with the Chinese language."<br />

Paper read at the Eighth Pacific Science Congress and<br />

Fourth Far Eastern Prehistory Congress in Manila. (Also<br />

in 1953. Fookien Times Yearbook, 103-108, 113-1 18,<br />

123-124).<br />

"Ang unlaping hin- o him- sa Tagalog - isang pag-aaral."<br />

KAD (Febmary).<br />

"Evidence relating to Chinese <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistic<br />

relations and its bearing on the possible dating <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> languages." Paper read at the Eighth Pacific<br />

Science Congress and Fourth Far Eastern Prehistory<br />

Congress in Manila.<br />

"A lexicographic study <strong>of</strong> Tayabas Tagalog."<br />

Unpublished MA thesis, UP.<br />

"Talasalitaan ng Tagalog-Tayabas." Unpublished MA<br />

thesis in Anthropology, UP. (Published in 1971 in The<br />

Diliman Review).<br />

"The maiden on the Buhong sky. A fragment <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Bagobo Tuwaang epic cycle." PSSHR 22(4):435-497<br />

"Tayabas Tagalog awit fragments from Quezon<br />

province." AFLS 17:56-97.<br />

The Maiden <strong>of</strong> the Buhong Sky (a complete song from the<br />

Bagobo folk epic Tuwaang. Recorded and translated with<br />

the assistance <strong>of</strong> Saddani Pagayaw). Quezon City: UP<br />

Press. 70 pp. (Summarized in Anthropos 54: 1050- 105 1).<br />

"Bagobo riddles." AFLS 21: 123-185.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Maiio l2277-2289<br />

1965 "Abbreviations in written Tagalog. " JEAS 8: 198-201.<br />

(Also in 1935. PM 32(8):387, 391-392, 394).<br />

1966 "Pre-proto-<strong>Philippine</strong>sian: the structural elements <strong>of</strong><br />

stems and words in some <strong>Philippine</strong> languages. "<br />

PhilEdFor 15(1): 1-26.<br />

1969 "Agju: The Ilianon epic <strong>of</strong> Mindanao." Unitas<br />

42(2): 1-104.<br />

197 1 A Lexicographic Study <strong>of</strong> Tayabas Tagalog <strong>of</strong> Quezon<br />

Province. Quezon City: UP. (Published version <strong>of</strong> 1954<br />

MA thesis, UP).<br />

1982 "On the etymology <strong>of</strong> the Tagalog word kaluluwa."<br />

Saint Louis University Research Journal 13(4):593-607.<br />

Manuzon, Lamberto C.<br />

1961 "Notes on the dialect geography <strong>of</strong> the Bicol Region."<br />

Manila: INL,.<br />

Manuzon, Lamberto C. and Fredesvinda P. Flordeliza<br />

nd Tagalog-Bikol-English Vocabulary. Manila: INL .<br />

1972 Tagalog-Bikol Cognate Words with Identical and<br />

Different Meanings. Manila: INL. 88 pp.<br />

Manza, Fe<br />

nd "A comparison <strong>of</strong> the sounds <strong>of</strong> Pangasinan with those<br />

<strong>of</strong> English." Division <strong>of</strong> Schools, Pangasinan Province.<br />

1 If. Mimeo.<br />

1960 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> Hiligaynon and English."<br />

California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.<br />

Manzano, Antonio<br />

1886 "Metodo para Aprender a Hablar el Idioma Castellano<br />

Dispuesto en Forma de Dialogo Hispano-Ilocano." Np.<br />

Manzano, Jose M.<br />

1964 "A contrastive analysis <strong>of</strong> English and Ilokano in the<br />

light <strong>of</strong> second language teaching." Unpublished MA<br />

thesis, UST. 287 lvs.<br />

Maiio, Toribia<br />

1961 "Zamboangueiio Chabacano." FEUFJ 6(3):52-57<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

1963 "The Zamboangueiio-Chabacano grammar." FEUFJ<br />

7:673-682.<br />

Marin, Esteban, OSA<br />

nd "Arte de la lengua Zambala y Espafiola." Np.<br />

1600 "Arte y diccionario de le lengua Igolota." Np. 53 lvs<br />

Marche, Alfred<br />

1884 "Quelques mots sur 1'Ile de la Paragua (Palaouan) et les<br />

iles voisines." Bulletin de la Soc. de Geogr. Commerc. de<br />

Bordeaux. 7(15):457-46 1 . (Also in Bulletin Soc. Geogr.,<br />

Marseille (December): 346-349).<br />

1887 Lucon et Palaouan. Six annees de voyages aux iles<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s. Paris: Hachette et Cie. vi + 406 pp.<br />

Marcilla y Martin, Cipriano<br />

1895 Estudio de 10s Antiguos Alfabetos. Malabon: Tipo-<br />

litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos. 107 pp.<br />

Maree, Judi - See also 2297, 2298<br />

Maree, Judi, comp<br />

1981 "Ibataan texts." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong><br />

Maree, Rundell and Judi Maree<br />

1980 "Some phonological features and some morphophonemic<br />

sequences in Ibataan <strong>of</strong> Babuyan Claro Island." Manila:<br />

<strong>SIL</strong>. 42 Ivs.<br />

Maree, Rundell and Judi Maree, comps<br />

1981 "A topical vocabulary in Ibataan. " Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 80 lvs.<br />

Mariano, Antonio D. G. - See 3247-3249, 3652, 3653<br />

Mario, Narciso de Jesus, ORSA<br />

nd "Diccionario Bisaya-Espaiiol. " Np.<br />

Maroma, Eladio<br />

1965 "A Sequel to Dila ni Amoram." Cabatuan, Iloilo: UP.<br />

170 lvs.<br />

1973 "Hiligaynon-English dictionary." Iloilo: UP. 1020 lvs.<br />

Typescript.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Marre / 2302-2313<br />

Marquez, D. T.<br />

1962 "Peculiar names and speeches <strong>of</strong> Marinduqueiios."<br />

DayMir (February 10): 6-7.<br />

Marquez, Ely Javillonar<br />

nd "Ilocano &alogues." Annapolis, Maryland: St. John's<br />

College.<br />

1967 A Workbook for Learning <strong>Philippine</strong> Languages.<br />

Washington, DC: Peace Corps.<br />

1967? Pampango Dialogues. Manila?: Peace Corps Language<br />

Program. 40 pp.<br />

1975 "A phonology <strong>of</strong> Tagalog. " Unpublished PhD dissertation,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin. 139 lvs.<br />

Marquez, Raniona Desiderio<br />

1919 Gramatikang Ingles-Tagalog. Maynila: P. Sayo. 183 pp.<br />

Marre, Aristide<br />

1885 "Apercu philologique sur les affinites de la langue<br />

Malgache avec le Javanais, le Malais, et les autres<br />

principaux idiomes de l'archipel indien." Proceedings<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Sixth <strong>International</strong> Congress <strong>of</strong> Orientalists,<br />

1883 6(4):55-81, sec 5.<br />

1885 "Vocabularie systematique, cornparatif des principales<br />

racines des langues Malgache et Malayo-Polynesiennes . "<br />

Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Sixth <strong>International</strong> Congress <strong>of</strong><br />

Orientalists, 1883 6(4):83-214, sec 5.<br />

1896 De I'Introduction de Termes Chinois duns le Vocabulaire<br />

des Malais. Leiden. 8 pp.<br />

1900 "Proverbs, maximes et conseils traduits du Tagalog,<br />

(langue principale des <strong>Philippine</strong>s). " Atti dell '<br />

Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 35:734-747.<br />

1901 "Grammaire Tagalog composee sur un nouveau plan."<br />

BNI 53:547-592.<br />

1901 "Madagascar et les <strong>Philippine</strong>s; Vocabulaire comparatif<br />

des principles racines Malayo-Polynesiennes, communes<br />

a la langue Malgache et a la langue Tagalog." Atti dell '<br />

Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 36:145-156.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

192 2314-2325 1 Martin Rojo<br />

Martin Rojo, Juan, OESA<br />

nd "Diccionario Hispano-Ilocano. " Np.<br />

Martin, Fabian, OP<br />

1916 Novena nu Maglorioso Patriarca S. Jo,~e. Manila: 2315<br />

Tipografico Linotype del Colegio de Sto. Tomas. 21 pp.<br />

Martin, Gregorio and Mariano Martinez Cuadrado<br />

1890 Collection de Refianes Frases y Modismos Tagalos. 2316<br />

Guadalupe: Pequeiia Imprenta del Asilo de Huerfanos<br />

de Nuestra Seiiora de la Consolacion. 231 pp.<br />

Martin, Jose, OSA<br />

1880 "Diccionario Tagalo-Castellano. " Np.<br />

Martin, Julian - See also 2378<br />

nd "Diccionario Tagalo-Castellano." Np.<br />

1842 Diccionario Hispano-Bisaya. Manila: Imprenta de 2319<br />

Manual y Felix Dayot. 367 pp.<br />

Martinena, Isidoro, OP<br />

1889 Grarnatica Espafiol-Gaddana, Calcada Sobra las Rectas 2320<br />

del P. Cuevas en la Suya Ibanag. Bayombong, Nueva<br />

Vizcaya. 12 pp.<br />

Martinez de la Madre de Dios, Ambrosio, OP<br />

nd "Ibanag dictionary. " Np.<br />

1605 "Arte y diccionario de la lengua Ibanag." Np.<br />

Martinez Vigil, Ramon<br />

1876- 1877 "La escritura propia de 10s Tagalos." Revista de 2323<br />

Filipinas 2(3):33-37.<br />

1879 Diccionario de 10s Nombres vulgares que se dan en 2324<br />

Filipinas a muchas plantas usuales y notables del<br />

mismo archipelago, con la correspondencia cientifica,<br />

la classificacion natural, y la indication de su uso.<br />

Madrid: Imprenta de la Viuda e Hijo de D. Eusebio<br />

Aguado. 50 pp.<br />

Martinez, Ambrosio, OP<br />

nd "Arte y diccionario de la lengua Ibanag." Np.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Maryott / 2326-2341 193<br />

Martinez, Francisco, OP<br />

nd "Arte y diccionario de la lengua Ibanag." Np.<br />

Martinez, Raimundo<br />

1832 "Neudruck des vocabulario de la lengua Tagala des P<br />

P. Juan Noceda. S.J." Valladolid: np.<br />

Maryknoll Fathers<br />

1962 Visayan Exercise Book. Davao City. 141 pp.<br />

Maryott, Alice Lindquist<br />

nd "Grammatical markers in Tagabili." Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 2 lvs.<br />

1963 "The nuclear predication in Sangir." PJS 92(1): 1 11- 120.<br />

Maryott, Alice Lindquist and Kenneth R. Maryott<br />

1985 "SangihB-E~glish dictionary." Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 150 lvs.<br />

Maryott, Kenneth R. - See also 385,2331<br />

nd "Regarding transforms in the analysis <strong>of</strong> Sangir. "<br />

Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 3 lvs.<br />

nd "The sentence in Sangir." Nasuli, Malaybalay,<br />

Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 62 lvs.<br />

"Verb stem classes in Sangir reference clauses."<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 48 lvs.<br />

"The phonology and morphophonemics <strong>of</strong> Tabukang<br />

Sangir." PSSHR 26(1):111-26.<br />

"The substantive phrases <strong>of</strong> Sangir." Papers on<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong> Languages 1:50-62. Manila: ILT and <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

"The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Sarangani Sangire." SIPL<br />

1(2):264-79.<br />

"The semantics <strong>of</strong> focus in Sangihe. " SIPL 1(1):93- 132.<br />

* * *<br />

"Pre-Sangir 1, d, r and associated phonemes, part I."<br />

SIPL 2(1): 115-38.<br />

"The sentence in Sangihe. " SIPL 3(1): 179-23 1.<br />

* *<br />

"Pre-Sangir *1, d, r and associated phonemes, part II. "<br />

NLing 34:25-40.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

194 2342-2350 1 Maryott<br />

Maryott, Kenneth R., comp<br />

nd "Sangi texts. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>. 33 Ivs. 2342<br />

Mas y Sans, Sinibaldo de<br />

1843 Informe Sobre el Estado de las Islas Filipinas en 1842. 2343<br />

Madrid. 3 vols.<br />

1845 "A notice <strong>of</strong> the alphabets <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong> islands," 2344<br />

tr by Henry Piddington. Journal <strong>of</strong> the Asiatic Society<br />

<strong>of</strong> Bengal 14:603.<br />

Maslog, Crispin<br />

1965 "Is there Filipino English?" The Asian Student 2345<br />

(April 10).<br />

Mason, 0. T.<br />

1901 Blumentritt's List <strong>of</strong> the Native Tribes <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s 2346<br />

and the Languages Spoken by Them, with Introduction<br />

and hTotes. (Reporf <strong>of</strong> Smithsonian Institution for I899).<br />

Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.<br />

1908 "Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> Malayan basketwork: a study in the 2347<br />

W. L. Abbott coliections." US National Museum,<br />

Proceedings 35: 1-5 1, including 18 plates, 41 figures.<br />

Mateos, Fernando<br />

1957 "Problemas linguisticos de Filipinas." RazFe<br />

155:47 1-480; 156:209-234, 333-350.<br />

Matsui, Takeshi<br />

1978 "Foku kategori no is6 mondai-Firipin Batan-to ni okeru 2349<br />

minsoku bunmi no kenkyii kara" [On eliciting process<br />

<strong>of</strong> covert categories: a commentary note on folk bio-<br />

taxonomy <strong>of</strong> Batan Island, <strong>Philippine</strong>s]. Minzokugaku<br />

KenkyG phe Japanese Journal <strong>of</strong> EthnologyJ 43(1):18-38.<br />

"Batan-to minzoku shokubutsugaku-esuno-saiensu no 2350<br />

hikaku kenkfl ni mukete" [Ethno-botany <strong>of</strong> Batan Island,<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s-a a preliminary essay <strong>of</strong> comparative<br />

ethno-science]. In Kuroshio Bunka no Kai [Society <strong>of</strong><br />

the Black Current Cultures] Kuroshio no Minzoku,<br />

Bunka, Gengo [People, cultures, and language <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Black Current], 52-87. Tokyo: Kadokawa-shoten.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Mayfield / 2351-2362<br />

Matsumoto, Nobuhiro<br />

1934 "Relation <strong>of</strong> the Japanese and the Austro-asiatic<br />

languages." In Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the Paci$c Science<br />

Congress, Canada, 1933 4:2863-2870. Toronto: The<br />

Un~vers~t\ <strong>of</strong> Toronto Press.<br />

Maxfield, Charles L., comp<br />

1913 English Visayan Dictionary and Grammatical Notes.<br />

Iloilo: <strong>Philippine</strong> Baptist Mission Press. 162 pp.<br />

Maxwell, William Edward<br />

1907 A Manual <strong>of</strong> the Malay Language (with an introductory<br />

sketch <strong>of</strong> the Sanskrit element in Malay). London: Kegan<br />

Paul, Trench, Trubner and Company Ltd. viii + 182 pp.<br />

Mayer, Audrey<br />

nd "Written explanatory discourse in Zamboanga<br />

Chavacano. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

i + 15 lvs.<br />

1967 "Transitivity in Batak clauses." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 6 lvs<br />

Mayer, Audrey and Rosemary Rodda, comps<br />

1981 "Chavacano linguistic texts." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. ii + 102 lvs.<br />

Mayer, Audrey and Rosemary Rodda, comps<br />

1985 "Batak-English dictionary." Quezon City: <strong>SIL</strong>. 375 lvs.<br />

Typescript.<br />

Mayer, Ray<br />

1963 Speaking Bikol. <strong>Philippine</strong>s: Peace Corps.<br />

Mayfield, Roy<br />

1959 "Vowel length and morphophonemic change in Agta."<br />

Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>. 8 lvs.<br />

1964 "The phonemes <strong>of</strong> Central Cagayan Agta." Manila: <strong>SIL</strong>.<br />

9 lvs.<br />

1972 "Agta sentence structure. " <strong>Linguistics</strong> 85:2 1-66.<br />

1983 "Some features <strong>of</strong> hortatory discourse in Central<br />

cagayan Agta." SIPL 4(2):88-124.<br />

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong> linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.<br />

Manila: Linguistic Society <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Philippine</strong>s.

Mayfield, Roy, cornp<br />

1987 Central Cagayan Agta texts (SIPL Supplementary 2363<br />

series: <strong>Philippine</strong> texts 2), ed by Fe T. Otanes and<br />

Austin Hale. Manila: LSP and <strong>SIL</strong>. x + 127 pp.<br />

Mayo, V. L.<br />

1938 "Ilang pag-aaral ukol sa wika." Mabuhay (October 2). 2364<br />

Mayurgas, Wilfredo, Rosa Soberano and Frank Flores; the ILS staff<br />

1967 Tagalog for Non-Filipinos. Manila: Interchurch<br />

Language School. (Vol 1 units 1-4).<br />

Medalle y Zaguirre, Antonio - See 866<br />

Medina, Isagani R.<br />

1978 "Mga diksyunaryo, bokabularyo, talasalitaan, atbp ukol 2366<br />

sa mga pangunahin at di-pangunahing wika at diyalekto<br />

sa Pilipinas, 1521-1914." Np.<br />

Medio, Pedro Nolasco de<br />

1892 Agguiguiammuan Tac Cagui Gasila o Gramatica 2367<br />

Ibanag-Castellana. Manila: Establecimiento Tipog'rafico<br />

del Colegio de Santo Tomas. 2d ed. 397 pp. (1st ed,<br />

1890. 317 pp).<br />

Meiklejohn, Kathleen - See 2368-2370<br />

Meiklejohn, Percy - See also 2563<br />

Meiklejohn, Percy and Kathleen Meiklejohn<br />

1953 Dictionary / Cebuano-English. Grand Forks, ND: <strong>SIL</strong>, 2368<br /