Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution

Bulletin - United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution


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palmar and plantar tubercles; no tarsal ridge or fold; the bent limbs<br />

being pressed along the sides, the knee and elbow overlap; the hind-<br />

limbs being adpressed, the heel reaches to between the eye and the<br />

nostril ; the hind limbs being placed vertically to the axis of the body,<br />

the heels considerably overlap; skin of upper parts fairly smooth,<br />

with some scattered glandules on the back, especially concentrated on<br />

the lumbar region and on the sides ; a faint dorsal ridge ; a heavy glan-<br />

dular dorsolateral fold not extending forward beyond the level of the<br />

axilla; a semicircular series of small glands over the ear and ending<br />

below and behind it; a diagonal lateral series of elongate glands beginning<br />

in front of the dorsolateral fold and extending downward<br />

and backward on the side to about one-third the distance from axilla<br />

to groin ; skin of throat and chest very faintly granular, of belly and<br />

lower posterior aspect of thighs heavily granular, the remaining skin<br />

of lower surfaces of legs and of arms being quite smooth ; an external<br />

vocal sac (in the male) at the center of the throat, the loose skin<br />

terminating in some transverse folds across the chest.<br />

Dimensions: Snout to vent, 47 mm.; width of head, 19 mm.; diameter<br />

of eye, 5.5 mm.; diameter of tympanum, 4.5 mm.; greatest width<br />

of shovel on snout, 3 mm.; foreleg from axilla, 30 mm.; hindleg from<br />

vent, 72 mm.; vent to heel, 44 mm.<br />

Color (in alcohol): Upper parts vinaceous-buff to olive-buff; a v/ide<br />

clove-brown interorbital bar; a sharply marked clove-brown streak<br />

along the canthus rostralis from nostril to eye; lower canthai region<br />

suffused with brown; a few brown bars on upper lip, a heavier one<br />

coming below the eye; a black crescentic mark above the ear, and a<br />

similar crescentic mark paralleling it above the shoulders on the back<br />

the dorsolateral fold and the short diagonal glandular lateral fold also<br />

marked with clove-broAvn ; back covered with large, roundish, dark<br />

spots, a pair of which are especially large and conspicuous on each side<br />

of the back just anterior to the lumbar region; limbs with very dis-<br />

tinct brown cross bars; the upper posterior aspect of the femur with a<br />

coarsely reticulate pattern of dark and light; lower part of liindleg<br />

suffused with brown; a light stripe bordered by an irregular dark<br />

stripe along the posterior tibia and outside of foot, and a similar dark<br />

stripe along the arm and hand ; skin of lower parts of body immaculate<br />

olive-buff.<br />

Variations.—In our series of 19 frogs there are no young individuals;<br />

hence I cannot say what variation occurs in the early periods. The<br />

adults are very uniform in color pattern, although in some cases a<br />

darker body color prevents the pattern from being so evident as in the<br />

light clay-colored ones. The only noteworthy deviation from the<br />

described specimen is in the amount of clouding of the ventral surface,<br />

which in a few of the specimens, males probably, extends over the chin<br />

and throat, to a lesser extent onto the bellj^ and very heavily on the<br />


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