Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible

Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible

Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible


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Genesis 24:47 19 Genesis 25:16<br />

she made haste, and took down her pitcher<br />

from off her, and said: drink, and I will give<br />

thy camels drink also. And I drank, and she<br />

gave the camels drink also. 24:47 And I asked<br />

her saying: whose daughter art thou? And<br />

she answered: the daughter of Bathuel Nahor’s<br />

son, whom Milkah bare unto him. And I<br />

put the earing upon her face and the bracelets<br />

upon her hands. 24:48 And I bowed myself, and<br />

worshipped the LORD, and blessed the LORD<br />

God of my master Abraham which had brought<br />

me the right way, to take my master’s brother’s<br />

daughter unto his son. 24:49 Now therefore if ye<br />

will deal mercifully and truly with my master,<br />

tell me: And if not, tell me also: that I may turn<br />

me to the right hand or to the left. 24:50 Then<br />

answered Laban and Bathuel saying: The thing<br />

is proceeded even out of the LORD, s we can<br />

not therefore say unto thee, either good or<br />

bad: 24:51 Behold Rebecca before thy face, take<br />

her and go, and let her be thy master’s son’s<br />

24:52<br />

wife, even as the LORD hath said. And<br />

when Abraham’s servant heard their words, he<br />

bowed himself unto the LORD, flat upon the<br />

earth. 24:53 And the servant took forth jewels of<br />

silver and jewels of gold and raiment, and gave<br />

them to Rebecca: But unto her brother and to<br />

her mother, he gave spices. 24:54 And then they<br />

ate and drank, both he and the men that were<br />

with him, and tarried all night and rose up in<br />

the morning. And he said: let me depart unto<br />

my master. 24:55 But her brother and her mother<br />

said: let the damsel abide with us a while,<br />

and it be but even ten days, and then go thy<br />

ways. 24:56 And he said unto them, hinder me<br />

not: for the LORD t hath prospered my journey.<br />

Send me away that I may go unto my master.<br />

24:57 And they said: let us call the damsel, and<br />

wit what she saith to the matter. 24:58 And they<br />

called forth Rebecca and said unto her: wilt<br />

thou go with this man? And she said: Yea.<br />

24:59 Then they brought Rebecca their sister on<br />

the way and her nurse and Abraham’s servant,<br />

24:60<br />

and the men that were with him. And<br />

they blessed Rebecca and said unto her: Thou<br />

art our sister, grow into thousand thousands,<br />

and thy seed possess the gates of their enemies.<br />

24:61<br />

And Rebecca arose and her damsels, and<br />

sat them up upon the camels and went their<br />

s lorde<br />

t lorde<br />

u Ketura.<br />

way after the man. And the servant took<br />

Rebecca and went his way. 24:62 And Isaac was<br />

a coming from the well of the living and seeing,<br />

for he dwelt in the south country, 24:63 and was<br />

gone out to walk in his meditations before<br />

the even tide. And he lift up his eyes and<br />

looked, and behold the camels were coming.<br />

24:64 And Rebecca lift up her eyes, and when she<br />

saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel, 24:65 and<br />

said unto the servant: what man is this that<br />

cometh against us in the field? And the servant<br />

said: it is my master. And then she took<br />

her mantle, and put it about her.<br />

24:66<br />

And<br />

the servant told Isaac all that he had done.<br />

24:67 Then Isaac brought her in to his mother<br />

Sara’s tent, and took Rebecca and she became<br />

his wife, and he loved her: and so was Isaac<br />

comforted over his mother. 25:1 Abraham took<br />

him another wife called Ketura, 25:2 which bare<br />

him Simran, Jacksan, Medan, Midian, Jesback<br />

25:3<br />

and Suah. And Jacksan begat Seba and<br />

Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were Assurim,<br />

25:4<br />

Letusim and Leumim. And the sons of<br />

Midian were Epha, Epher, Hanoch, Abida and<br />

Elda. All these were the children of Bethura. u<br />

25:5 But Abraham gave all that he had unto<br />

Isaac. 25:6 And unto the sons of his concubines<br />

he gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac<br />

his son (while he yet lived) eastward, unto the<br />

east country. 25:7 These are the days of the life<br />

of Abraham which he lived: an hundred and<br />

seventy five year 25:8 and then fell sick and died,<br />

in a lusty age (when he had lived enough) and<br />

was put unto his people. 25:9 And his sons Isaac<br />

and Ismael buried him in the double cave in the<br />

field of Ephron son, of Zoar the Hethite before<br />

Mamre. 25:10 Which field Abraham bought of<br />

the sons of Heth: There was Abraham buried<br />

25:11<br />

and Sara his wife. And after the death<br />

of Abraham God blessed Isaac his son, which<br />

dwelt by the well of the living and seeing.<br />

25:12 These are the generations of Ismael Abraham’s<br />

son, which Hagar the Egyptian Sara’s<br />

handmaid bare unto Abraham. 25:13 And these<br />

are the names of the sons of Ismael, with their<br />

names in their kindreds. The eldest son of<br />

Ismael, Nevatoth, then Redar, Adbeel, Mibsam,<br />

25:14 Misma, Duma, Masa, 25:15 Hadar, Thema,<br />

Jetur, Naphis and Kedma. 25:16 These are the

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