Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible

Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible

Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible


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Genesis 36:23 31 Genesis 37:18<br />

sister was called Thimna.<br />

36:23 The children<br />

of Sobal were these: Alvan, Manahath, Ebal,<br />

Sepho and Onam. 36:24 These were the children<br />

of Zibeon. Aia and Ana, this was that Ana<br />

that found the mules in the wilderness, as he<br />

fed his father Zibeon’s asses. 36:25 The children<br />

of Ana were these. Dison and Ahalibama the<br />

daughter of Ana. 36:26 These are the children of<br />

Dison. Hemdan, Esban, Jethran, and Cheran.<br />

36:27 The children of Ezer were these, Bilhan,<br />

Seavan and Akan. 36:28 The children of Disan<br />

were: Ur and Aran. 36:29 These are the dukes<br />

that came of Hori: duke Lothan, duke Sobal,<br />

duke Zibeon, duke Ana, 36:30 duke Dison, duke<br />

Ezer, duke Disan. These be the dukes that<br />

came of Hori in their dukedoms in the land<br />

of Seir. 36:31 These are the kings that reigned<br />

in the land of Edom before there reigned any<br />

36:32<br />

king among the children of Israel. Bela<br />

the son of Beor reigned in Edomea, and the<br />

name of his city was Dinhaba. 36:33 And when<br />

Bela died, Jobab the son of Serah out of Bezara,<br />

36:34<br />

reigned in his stead. When Jobab was<br />

dead, Husam of the land of Themany reigned<br />

36:35<br />

in his stead. And after the death of<br />

Husam, Hadad the son of Bedad which slew<br />

the Madianites in the field of the Moabites,<br />

reigned in his stead, and the name of his city<br />

was Avith. 36:36 stood upright, and yours stood round about<br />

37:8<br />

and made obeisance to my sheaf. Then<br />

When Hadad was dead, Samla<br />

36:37<br />

of Masreka reigned in his stead. When<br />

Samla was dead, Saul of the river Rehoboth<br />

reigned in his stead. 36:38 When Saul was dead,<br />

Baal Hanan the son of Achbor reigned in his<br />

stead. 36:39 And after the death of Baal Hanan<br />

the son of Achbor, Hadad reigned in his stead,<br />

and the name of his city was Pagu. And<br />

his wife’s name Mehetabeel the daughter of<br />

36:40<br />

Matred the daughter of Mesaab. These<br />

are the names of the dukes that came of Esau,<br />

in their kindreds, places and names: Duke<br />

Thimma, duke Alua, duke Jetheth, 36:41 duke<br />

Ahalibama, duke Ela, duke Pinon, 36:42 duke<br />

Kenas, duke Theman, duke Mibzar, 36:43 duke<br />

Magdiel, duke Iram. These be the dukes of<br />

Edomea in their habitations, in the land of<br />

their possessions. This Esau is the father of<br />

the Edomites. 37:1 And Jacob dwelt in the land<br />

wherein his father was a stranger, that is to<br />

say in the land of Canaan. 37:2 And these are<br />

the generations of Jacob: when Joseph was<br />

n sonne<br />

o councell<br />

seventeen year old, he kept sheep with his<br />

brethren, and the lad was with the sons of<br />

Bilha and of Zilpha his father’s wives. And<br />

he brought unto their father an evil saying that<br />

was of them. 37:3 And Israel loved Joseph more<br />

than all his children, because he begat him in<br />

his old age, and he made him a coat of many<br />

colours. 37:4 When his brethren saw that their<br />

father loved him more than all his brethren,<br />

they hated him and could not speak one kind<br />

word unto him. 37:5 Moreover Joseph dreamed<br />

a dream and told it his brethren: wherefore<br />

they hated him yet the more. 37:6 And he said<br />

unto them hear I pray yow this dream which<br />

I have dreamed: 37:7 Behold we were making<br />

sheaves in the field: and lo, my sheaf arose and<br />

said his brethren unto him: what, shalt thou<br />

be our king or shalt thou reign over us? And<br />

they hated him yet the more, because of his<br />

dream and of his words. 37:9 And he dreamed<br />

yet another dream and told it his brethren<br />

saying: behold, I have had one dream more:<br />

me thought the son n and the moon and eleven<br />

stars made obeisance to me. 37:10 And when he<br />

had told it unto his father and his brethren, his<br />

father rebuked him and said unto him: what<br />

meaneth this dream which thou hast dreamed:<br />

shall I and thy mother and thy brethren come<br />

and fall on the ground before thee? 37:11 And<br />

his brethren hated him, but his father noted<br />

37:12<br />

the saying. His brethren went to keep<br />

their father’s sheep in Sichem, 37:13 and Israel<br />

said unto Joseph: do not thy brethren keep in<br />

Sichem? come that I may send thee to them.<br />

And he answered here am I. 37:14 And he said<br />

unto him: go and see whether it be well with<br />

thy brethren and the sheep, and bring me word<br />

again: And sent him out of the vale of Hebron,<br />

37:15<br />

for to go to Sichem. And a certain man<br />

found him wandering out of his way in the<br />

field, and asked him what he sought. 37:16 And<br />

he answered: I seek my brethren, tell me I pray<br />

thee where they keep sheep. 37:17 And the man<br />

said, they are departed hence, for I heard them<br />

say, let us go unto Dothan. Thus went Joseph<br />

after his brethren, and found them in Dothan.<br />

37:18 And when they saw him afar off before he<br />

came at them, they took counsel o against him,

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