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Geometridae). Bull. Fac. domest. Sci. Otsuma Worn. Univ. 8: 141-163.<br />

Inoue, H., 1977. Catalogue of the Geometridae of Japan (Lepidoptera). Bull. Fac. domest.<br />

Sci. Otsuma Worn. Univ. 13: 227-346.<br />

Inoue, H., 1978. New and unrecorded species of the Geometridae from Taiwan with some<br />

synonymic notes (Lepidoptera). Bull. Fac. domest. Sci. Otsuma Worn. Univ. 14: 203-<br />

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Inoue, H., 1979. Revision of the genus Eupithecia of Japan, part 1 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae).<br />

Bull. Fac. domest. Sci. Otsuma Worn. Univ. 15: 157-224.<br />

Inoue, H., 1980. Revision of the genus Eupithecia of Japan, part 2 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae).<br />

Bull. Fac. domest. Sci. Otsuma Worn. Univ. 16: 153-213.<br />

Inoue, H., 1982. Geometridae. In Inoue, H. et aI., Moths of Japan 1: 425-573, 2: 263-310<br />

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Inoue, H., 1985. The genera Ourapteryx and Tristrophis of Taiwan (Lepidoptera:<br />

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Inoue, H., 1986. Further new and unrecorded species of the Geometridae from Taiwan with<br />

some synonymic notes (Lepidoptera). Bull. Fac. domest. Sci. Otsuma Worn. Univ. 22:<br />

211-267.<br />

Inoue, H., 1987. Geometridae of eastern Nepal based on the collection of the<br />

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Society of Japan in 1963, Part III. Bull. Fac. domest. Sci. Otsuma Worn. Univ. 23:<br />

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Inoue, H., 1993. On nivea-group of Ourapteryx Leach and on the systematic status of O.<br />

yerburii Butler from Pakistan, with description of a new species from Korea<br />

(Geometridae, Ennominae). Tyo to Ga 44 (3): 107-116.<br />

Inoue, H., 2000. On the systematic status of Auzeoides(!) horishana Matsumura<br />

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(Ed), Geometrid Moths of the World, a catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). CSIRO<br />


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