Jan 06issue.pub (Read-Only)

Jan 06issue.pub (Read-Only)

Jan 06issue.pub (Read-Only)


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Inupiaq Names with help from Clara Oyoumick<br />

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Inupiaq Names In<br />

Unalakleet<br />

Ayyu– tundra tea (Edna Eakon)<br />

Nagchuk- (Thora Katchatag)<br />

Tuthrak (Sophie Nashalook)<br />

Agnahaq (Mrs. Tumgun)<br />

Iyaaguq (Ruth Pitmatalik)<br />

Iggailak (Agnes Ryan)<br />

Aligaq (Edna Paneok)<br />

Assittaun (John Utaman’s mom)<br />

Qakqauraq (Marion Gonangnan)<br />

Kamigaatchiaq-new/fancy boots Sarai Oyoumickmirage<br />

or heat wave seen in horizon<br />

Tayyaguq (Olga Eakon)<br />

Tuaquan (Joe Katchatag Sr’s mom)<br />

Qairuaq-one who has arrived (Carrie Paniptchuk)<br />

Qunnaliq-derived from reindeer (Elsie Soxie’s<br />

mom)<br />

Kasataq (Katchatag)<br />

Uyumiq<br />

Anugshook<br />

Soki (Sue Ryan-Wilfred’s mom)<br />

Ahhutamin-Arthur Soxie<br />

Jukki (Jesse Soxie)<br />

Abbi (<strong>Jan</strong>et Soxie)<br />

Ch’kuuluk (Edward Paneok)<br />

Doo shook (Abraham Takruk)<br />

Doov va chak –young ice (Nanny Anawrok)<br />

Niyalqhuq (Auchapaq’s wife)<br />

Auchapaq (Eric Achapaq)<br />

Ah nunq arhuck (Alexandria Tucker)<br />

Kooq look<br />

Ouy doyouk<br />

Etageak<br />

Volume 3 ,Issue 1<br />

7<br />

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14<br />

Napayunaq (Josephine Norman)<br />

Buni ha loruk (Susan Ryan)<br />

Ah hung oou look (Oliver Anwrok)<br />

Cow ni luck -no fat (? Norman-Shaktoolik)<br />

Apanauq-(Albert Koyoukluk-Mithell Ivanoff)<br />

Naugulguaq-straight<br />

Unalgusuk-mustache (Alex Pitmatalik)<br />

Apatnaiyaq (Wassilie Agibinik)<br />

Ikuugan-(Selma Lockwood)<br />

Tayaguq (Olga Eakon)<br />

Napaagilgia sister to Paniksaguk (Evan Eakon-<br />

Wasilie Eakon’s dad)<br />

Sikuaq-(Wasillie Eakon)<br />

Ikuutaq-skin scraper<br />

Oo kelack-(Clara Oyoumick’s aunt’name,Frieda<br />

Riley & Trisha Ivanoff)<br />

Bit choo (Esther Agibinik)<br />

Muktuk-(Helen Anawrok & Oswald Paneok)<br />

Ooloo huk (Alice Anagick)<br />

On hoo youk (Andrew Anawrok,Roger Nanouk,<br />

Herbert Paniptchuk Sr.)<br />

Igailuck- (Agnes Ryan)<br />

Ouk goo duk (Andrew Nakarak & Adrian<br />

Paniptchuk)<br />

Qiuyaq-northern lights (Grace Etageak, Heidi<br />

Erickson)<br />

Irgalik-one with glasses (AE Karlson, Axel Oyoumick,<br />

Ken Bailey, Axel Oyoumick, Axel Taage<br />

Erickson)<br />

Eskimo names were generally given to the next newborn.<br />

In some cases, another member of the community<br />

would come over to the parents (usually the<br />

mother), and ask what is the new child’s Eskimo<br />

Photo taken from Covenant Missions<br />

Thora’s Sunday School class: 1. Edna Eakon<br />

2. Thora Katchatag 3. Sophie Nashalook<br />

4. Agnahaq 5. Ruth Pitmatalik 6. Agnes Ryan 7.<br />

Edna Soxie 8. Ahsitdown 9. Kakahruk 10. Saria<br />

Oyoumick 11. Olga Eakon 12. Douk khon 13. Carrie<br />

Paniptchuk 14. Coo nellek<br />

name. If there is none and if it is okay with the<br />

mother, a name is given to her child. The name may<br />

also come from a previous member of another genertion.<br />

For example, Alluyunak was the father of the<br />

five brothers that migrated from the Kobuk valley and<br />

his name is given to a new-born or to one later in<br />

another generation. Allook is short for Alluyunak.<br />

Alluyunak is father to the 1st 5 brothers.<br />

Sometimes a name is given to someone who behaves<br />

like another person or an animal or a plant. Andrew<br />

Knolls (teacher in Shaktoolik), for example, was<br />

given the name Napaaqtuq by his father-in-law,<br />

Franklin Paniptchuk Sr.. He resembled a tall willow<br />

tree seen near the foothills of Shaktoolik. Or, the<br />

name Sicsic given to teacher in Kivalina by the local<br />

people. She moved like a squirrel.<br />

Many times a nickname is given in addition to their<br />

written name. First cousins or a family member has<br />

special names that is “the same” with the Eskimo<br />

culture. For example, Ilook refers to male first cousins.<br />

Oliver Anawrok always called his own children<br />

by a special name that no one else called. This is<br />

something special that many parents have with their<br />

own children. He even called his wife,,Nanny,<br />

DUKE. He called his son Nathan Nishgo, Helen<br />

Makarder, Esther Postie, Frieda Baby, Roger Gagick,<br />

Alice Doloochik. A special bondship is important to<br />

us.<br />

This is only a start. Please submit other names if<br />

you know them or yours to Henry Oyoumick.<br />

The Unalit, page 2

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