Summer 2011 - Lourdes College

Summer 2011 - Lourdes College

Summer 2011 - Lourdes College


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<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

T H E M A G A Z I N E o f L O U R D E S C O L L E G E<br />

Coming to <strong>Lourdes</strong> this Fall:<br />

New Dining Hall &<br />

Baseball Field!

President’s<br />

Message…<br />

On behalf of the <strong>Lourdes</strong> community, I congratulate those of<br />

you who have made the successful transition from student<br />

to alumnus during the 2010-<strong>2011</strong> year. Be proud of your<br />

accomplishments and keep us informed of your progress.<br />

During summer session, <strong>Lourdes</strong> is preparing for its own transition –<br />

from college to university. On Friday, August 19, at 2:30 p.m.,<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> will officially begin the new academic year at our Convocation<br />

ceremony. Join faculty, staff, students and trustees as we process in as<br />

members of <strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong> and recess out as the <strong>Lourdes</strong> University<br />

community.<br />

In this edition of At<strong>Lourdes</strong>, learn about the most recent installments of<br />

our academic lecture series made possible by faculty, discover the look<br />

of the new dining hall and read about the latest alumni, student and<br />

athletic news.<br />

I encourage you to visit campus this summer to connect with friends<br />

and to watch the progress of the new dining hall. Take the time also to<br />

learn about our newest graduate programs.<br />

Enjoy your summer!<br />

Robert C. Helmer, PhD, JD<br />

PResiDent<br />

3<br />


4<br />

2010 - <strong>2011</strong><br />


Jack J. Altenburger<br />

Carol Howell Anderson<br />

Patricia J. Appold<br />

Richard L. Arnos<br />

John Bachey<br />

William J. Carroll<br />

Bruce C. Carver<br />

Larry B. Dillin<br />

Ernest C. Enrique<br />

Thomas B. Geiger Jr.<br />

Michael C. Gibbons<br />

John Hayes Harris III<br />

Jim A. Haudan<br />

Robert C. Helmer<br />

Sandra M. Hylant<br />

Dennis G. Johnson<br />

Deborah Knight<br />

Robert W. LaClair<br />

Richard G. LaValley Jr.<br />

Michael P. McAlear<br />

Ann L. Meier<br />

OffIcERS<br />

Christie Swiczkoski<br />

President<br />

Lois Hinkleman<br />

Vice President<br />

Deb Olejownik<br />

Secretary<br />

Ryan Tomkinson<br />

Treasurer<br />


Mary Arquette<br />

Vice President for Institutional Advancement<br />

Liz Boltz<br />

Assistant Director of <strong>College</strong> Relations &<br />

Web Content Manager<br />

Tim Broud<br />

Graduate student<br />

Kelly Dilworth<br />

Assistant Director of Development<br />

Jennifer Drouillard<br />

Publications Designer, <strong>College</strong> Relations<br />

Aileen Meyer<br />

Director of Development & Alumni Relations<br />

Shannon Polz<br />

Alumni Relations Officer<br />

Keith Ramsdell<br />

Director, Graduate Admissions<br />

Manda Rice<br />

Director of Corporate, Foundation & Government<br />

Relations<br />

Erin Palmer Szavuly<br />

Chair, Department of Art<br />

Carla Woodell<br />

Publications Designer, <strong>College</strong> Relations<br />


Helene Sheets<br />

Director of <strong>College</strong> Relations<br />

Sr. Brigid O’Shea<br />

Merriman, OSF<br />

James M. Murray<br />

Joseph T. Nachtrab<br />

Sr. Rachel M.<br />

Nijakowski, OSF<br />

Randall D. Oostra<br />

Larry C. Peterson<br />

William D. Rudolph<br />

Ann Anderson Stranahan<br />

Larry D. Ulrich<br />

Sr. Mary Jon Wagner,<br />

OSF<br />

David F. Waterman<br />

Trustee Emeriti<br />

Dolly Flasck<br />

Kevin J. Kenney<br />

W.G. Lyden III<br />

Martha Mewhort<br />

Robert E. O’Brien<br />


Robert C. Helmer, PhD, JD<br />

President<br />

Mary Arquette<br />

Vice President for Institutional Advancement<br />

Sr. Ann Carmen Barone, OSF<br />

Vice President for Mission & Ministry<br />

Roseanne Gill-Jacobson<br />

Vice President for Student Life<br />

Michael Killian<br />

Vice President for Finance & Administration<br />

Janet H. Robinson, PhD<br />

Vice President for Academic Affairs<br />

2010-<strong>2011</strong> alUmNI aSSOcIaTION<br />

EDITOR<br />

Heather Hoffman<br />

Media Coordinator, <strong>College</strong> Relations<br />


Carla Leow<br />

Publications Coordinator, <strong>College</strong> Relations<br />

at s<br />

the DePaRtMents<br />

President’s message .................................. 3<br />

Goldberg lecture ....................................20<br />

Student focus ...........................................28<br />

Students in the news .............................30<br />

Gray Wolves spirit .................................38<br />

Featured alumni .....................................42<br />

Alumni news & notes ...........................46<br />

Printed on recycled paper.<br />

the featURes<br />

6 10<br />

New master’s<br />

programs<br />

Business Administration<br />

Liberal Studies<br />

Nurse Anesthetist<br />

U M M e R 2 0 1 1 • V O L U M e iX • n U M B e R 2<br />

Appold Planetarium<br />

Award-winning planetarium<br />

celebrates anniversary<br />

Faculty focus ...........................................50<br />

Faculty/Staff kudos ...............................54<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> crossword ................................57<br />

Campus news briefs ..............................58<br />

Benefactor news .....................................61<br />

Coming events ........................................64<br />

Coming soon ...........................................67<br />

12<br />

Academic lectures<br />

Broadening students’ perspectives

22 24 26 Alumni<br />

Luminations<br />

10th anniversary a glowing success<br />

New dining hall<br />

Opens fall <strong>2011</strong><br />

16<br />

53rd Commencement<br />

Recognizing the class of 2010-11<br />

Taking risks<br />

pays off<br />

Allen Haley, ‘88, BA,<br />

Human Resource<br />

Management<br />

42Focus<br />

Kelly Mehallow, ‘05,<br />

BA, History<br />

5<br />


6<br />

Graduate school<br />

launches three new programs<br />

As <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

completes the<br />

final stages of<br />

its transition to a<br />

university, the institution<br />

continues to increase<br />

the number of master’s<br />

degree programs with<br />

the addition of a Master<br />

of arts in Liberal studies,<br />

a Master of Business<br />

administration and<br />

a Master of science<br />

in nursing: nurse<br />

anesthesia Program.<br />

Master of arts in Liberal studies<br />

“Students and graduates with a love for the liberal arts have been asking<br />

for a degree of this kind for some time – and we are thrilled to be able<br />

to meet this desire by launching the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies<br />

(MALS) at <strong>Lourdes</strong>,” shares Katherine Beutel, PhD, MALS Program<br />

Director.<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>’ MALS program recognizes that real world issues are often too<br />

broad and complex to approach from a single perspective and is therefore<br />

designed to enrich students’ personal and professional lives and the quality<br />

of their service with multi-disciplinary perspectives. Students in the MALS<br />

program will develop analytical, creative and research skills needed to<br />

confront questions, solve problems and face challenges in a number of<br />

fields.<br />

“The emphasis of the program will be on interdisciplinary learning<br />

that moves students beyond the isolated perspectives of any individual<br />

discipline,” notes Dr. Beutel. “Building on <strong>Lourdes</strong>’ foundations of liberal<br />

learning, the MALS will encourage creativity in teaching and learning as<br />

well as collaboration among students and faculty.”<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>’ MALS program is an excellent choice for those who want to<br />

engage the liberal arts on a graduate level; the expansive and deep scope of<br />

the program will truly enhance lives and a vast array of careers.<br />

Building on <strong>Lourdes</strong>’ foundations of liberal<br />

learning, the MALS will encourage creativity in<br />

teaching and learning as well as collaboration<br />

among students and faculty.<br />

Katherine Beutel, PhD, MALS Program Director

7<br />


8<br />

Master of<br />

Business<br />

administration<br />

The Master of Business<br />

Administration (MBA) is <strong>Lourdes</strong>’<br />

first full-time, daytime masters<br />

degree program. Graduates of the<br />

MBA will be prepared to enter a<br />

wide variety of careers in all areas<br />

of business.<br />

“The MBA will really round out<br />

our degree offerings in business<br />

and leadership. We have the MOL<br />

program, which is an excellent<br />

option for mid-career professionals<br />

in both the for-profit and nonprofit<br />

sectors, and now the MBA<br />

will give those who are early in<br />

their career path the ability to<br />

build their credentials before<br />

entering the workforce,” shares<br />

Dean Ludwig, PhD, Chair of<br />

Business & Leadership Studies.<br />

“<strong>Lourdes</strong>’ program is innovative in<br />

that it’s designed to be completed<br />

in one year – half the time of many<br />

traditional MBA programs.”<br />

Another unique component<br />

of <strong>Lourdes</strong>’ MBA is that<br />

students will participate in two<br />

immersion experiences (similar<br />

to a co-op or residency) as part<br />

of the coursework. Through the<br />

immersion experiences, students<br />

will learn the ins and outs of the<br />

business world through handson<br />

learning in a real-world<br />

atmosphere. Additionally, the<br />

MBA cohort will travel to a foreign<br />

country for one of the immersion<br />

experiences. “We’re really excited<br />

about this component because it<br />

will open new vistas for <strong>Lourdes</strong>’<br />

study abroad options,” adds Dr.<br />

Ludwig.<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>’ program is innovative in that it’s<br />

designed to be completed in one year –<br />

half the time of many traditional MBA<br />

programs.<br />

Dean Ludwig, PhD, Chair of Business & Leadership Studies

Master of<br />

science in<br />

nursing:<br />

nurse anesthesia<br />

Program<br />

Like the MALS, the Master<br />

of Science in Nursing: Nurse<br />

Anesthesia Program (MSN:<br />

NAP) is also being introduced as<br />

a result of demand. “There is a<br />

great interest from the anesthesia<br />

community for a program of this<br />

kind in the region,” says alumna<br />

Jill Liebnau, Nurse Anesthesia<br />

Program Administrator. “Nurses<br />

who hold this type of advanced<br />

practice degree are needed in order<br />

to fill the Certified Registered Nurse<br />

Anesthetist (CRNA) positions in<br />

area clinical agencies now and in the<br />

future.”<br />

The MSN: NAP will be the only<br />

program of its kind in northwest<br />

Ohio and the first advanced clinical<br />

practice concentration in the MSN<br />

program at <strong>Lourdes</strong>.<br />

“We feel that the competitive<br />

admissions criteria and intense<br />

nature of the program will attract<br />

high quality candidates,” adds<br />

Professor Liebnau. “Once admitted<br />

into the program, these students<br />

will be challenged with rigorous<br />

classroom instruction and clinical<br />

practicum curriculum.”<br />

Upon completion of the program,<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> MSN: NAP graduates<br />

will be fully prepared to take the<br />

national certification exam and<br />

practice as a CRNA.<br />

For more information on <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

graduate degree programs, visit<br />

gradschool.lourdes.edu or contact<br />

Keith Ramsdell, Director of<br />

Graduate Admissions, at<br />

419-517-8881. ®<br />

There is a great interest from the anesthesia<br />

community for a program of this kind in the<br />

region.<br />

Jill Liebnau, Nurse Anesthesia Program Administrator<br />

9<br />


10<br />

award-winning<br />

appold Planetarium<br />

celebrates anniversary

n June, the Appold Planetarium recognized its fifth anniversary – a<br />

celebration imbued with even more meaning on the longest day of the year,<br />

the summer solstice. For half a decade, the planetarium has entertained and<br />

educated thousands of guests.<br />

“In a very short time, the planetarium has raised interest in science and<br />

astronomy in our region,” points out Laura Megeath, PhD, Coordinator.<br />

“The planetarium is an invaluable teaching tool. The movements of the<br />

Earth, Moon and Sun are much easier to understand when they’re spinning<br />

around you rather than motionless in a book.”<br />

Through the generosity of benefactors James and Patricia Appold, over<br />

10,500 visitors have traveled to Sylvania to view a spectacular line up of<br />

shows featuring engaging lessons in astronomy, as well as biology, history,<br />

math and physics.<br />

As Dr. Megeath shares, “Lots of kids want to be astronauts but in the<br />

planetarium everyone gets to be one! Science fiction surrounds us, so people<br />

of all ages come to the planetarium to hear the facts – facts which can be just<br />

as dramatic.”<br />

SciDome, a single projector fulldome video system powered by Starry<br />

Night, allows real-time 3D sky simulation, fulldome shows and multi-media<br />

presentations. Starry Night is the world’s most comprehensive astronomy<br />

software. Its starfield quality allows astronomical detail and teaching<br />

capabilities that surpass any other digital planetarium system available.<br />

The programming and services provided by the Appold Planetarium have<br />

not gone unnoticed. The planetarium was named the “Best Place to See the<br />

Stars” by Ohio Magazine. The planetarium also is proud to be affiliated with<br />

both the NASA Museum Alliance and the official NASA Space Place which<br />

has honored the planetarium for its outreach programs.<br />

To learn more about the Appold Planetarium, visit www.lourdes.edu/appold<br />

or call 419-517-8897. ® astronomy<br />

trivia<br />

# of visitors ...........<br />

10,500 and<br />

counting<br />

# of shows .....247<br />

# of NASA<br />

affiliations ......... 2<br />

# of awards<br />

received ............. 2<br />

# of planetariums<br />

in Ohio ............. 29<br />

# of planetariums<br />

in the US ........619<br />

# of extra<br />

solar planets<br />

discovered since<br />

2006 .......324 and<br />

counting<br />

# of space shuttle<br />

missions since<br />

2006 ................. 17<br />

# of total solar<br />

eclipses since<br />

2006 ................... 4<br />

# of planets to<br />

lose their status<br />

since 2006 ......... 1<br />

11<br />


12<br />

Broadening students’<br />

perspectives During spring semester,<br />

three academic lectures<br />

brought respected experts<br />

to <strong>Lourdes</strong> to address<br />

ecumenical, art and<br />

historical topics of interest.<br />

ecumenical Lecture<br />

Catholic and Muslim dialogue was in the forefront of the annual ecumenical<br />

lecture established by Sr. Shannon Schrein, OSF, PhD, Theological Studies Chair.<br />

Sandra Keating, PhD, Associate Professor of Theology at Providence <strong>College</strong> in<br />

Rhode Island, addressed “Overcoming our common past of quarrels and hostilities:<br />

reflections on current relations between Catholics & Muslims.”<br />

sr. Jane Mary sorosiak Lecture<br />

Artist and former professor Sr. Jane Mary Sorosiak, OSF, was the speaker at the<br />

newly formed lecture series named in her honor to celebrate and address topics<br />

related to the arts. Established by alumnus George Brymer (’10, MOL, Leadership<br />

Studies; ’08, BA, Individualized Studies) and his wife Vicky, this lecture series<br />

organized by Art Chair Erin Palmer Szavuly allowed the well-known and soughtafter<br />

artist to share her passion for ceramic and mural works.<br />

Distinguished Lecture in american History & Culture<br />

American Historian Mary Beth Norton, PhD, provided a scintillating lecture for<br />

the fifth installment of the Distinguished Lecture in American History & Culture<br />

program established by Mary Stockwell, PhD, History, Political Science &<br />

Geography Chair. Students and historians alike enjoyed learning about “The<br />

Salem Witch Trials,” a controversial time in our country’s history and a topic still<br />

popular today.<br />

Each of the lectures was well attended and offered insightful dialogue that left a<br />

lasting impression on students. ®

ecumenical Lecture Reflections<br />

“The lecture was extremely<br />

effective, especially in light of the<br />

growing turmoil in Egypt and<br />

Libya. Dr. Keating advocated<br />

that real change can only occur<br />

when there is a willingness<br />

for open dialogue between<br />

different religious groups, be<br />

they Catholic-Protestant, Judeo-<br />

Muslim, etc.<br />

As a member of the Vatican<br />

Commission for Religious<br />

Relations with Muslims, Dr.<br />

Keating readily attested that the<br />

healing process brought on by<br />

the aforementioned dialogue has<br />

already begun. Unfortunately,<br />

there is still much more work yet<br />

to be accomplished, hampered no<br />

doubt by the past indiscretions<br />

of war, oppression, racism and<br />

discrimination.<br />

However, Dr. Keating fittingly<br />

advised that we, as Christian<br />

witnesses, should seek to become<br />

‘building blocks’ of a new<br />

generation, practicing the peace,<br />

love and patience that come from<br />

a transformation of the heart.<br />

It is only then that we can all<br />

live in the Kingdom of God; a<br />

Universal Kingdom where one’s<br />

individual religious beliefs hardly<br />

matter.”<br />

Robert Russo, Theology major<br />

“I was so happy to see so many<br />

turn out for this important<br />

topic. I thought Dr. Keating did<br />

a great job speaking and helped<br />

open others’ eyes about Muslim-<br />

Christian relations.”<br />

Natalie Darah,<br />

Interdisciplinary Studies major<br />

Vice President, <strong>Lourdes</strong> Arab<br />

American Student Association<br />

“The lecture was very<br />

educational. It made me proud<br />

when she pointed out that<br />

starting the Arab American<br />

student association was a step<br />

in the right direction towards<br />

positive dialogue between<br />

Muslims and Christians.”<br />

Chelsea Aiello,<br />

Nursing Assistant to BSN major<br />

“The students enjoyed the<br />

presentation and it was such<br />

a great event. Dr. Keating is<br />

amazing and we really enjoyed<br />

her presentation.”<br />

Ali ElMokdad,<br />

Nursing Assistant to BSN major<br />

President, <strong>Lourdes</strong> Arab<br />

American Student Association<br />

13<br />


14<br />

art Lecture Reflections<br />

“The lecture itself answered many questions that I have wondered about.<br />

It also showed me a rich history of the artist who provided the beautiful<br />

artwork on campus. The artwork was one of the many reasons why I<br />

chose to attend <strong>Lourdes</strong>. Sr. Jane Mary’s artwork and devotion to her<br />

creative process showed me that it is possible to do great works in the<br />

art world; however, it takes dedication and hard work. I also took from<br />

Sister that I can always do just a little bit better which has become a<br />

hallmark of <strong>Lourdes</strong> that I have come to appreciate.”<br />

Ashley Cappelletty, Art major<br />

Erin Palmer Szavuly, Vicky Brymer, Sr. Jane Mary Sorosiak and George Brymer<br />

“Great start to the art lecture series! Sister Jane Mary’s awe-inspiring<br />

murals document the history of our Lord and Savior and add<br />

breathtaking splendor to our <strong>Lourdes</strong> campus. Her enthusiastic love of<br />

God and art were inspirational to all in attendance. Thank you to Sister<br />

Jane Mary for proving that the best ambassadors of Christ’s love are those<br />

who live and breathe it every day!”<br />

Tara Woodbury, Social Work major

History Lecture Reflections<br />

“Dr. Norton did a fabulous job at<br />

clearing up many of the myths that<br />

surround the Salem Witch Trials.<br />

The background information<br />

that she provided in regards<br />

to the victims gave me a better<br />

understandingof why they were<br />

targeted. The women involved<br />

were victims of a political<br />

agenda that involved fearof the<br />

natives, and a previous war with<br />

them in the surrounding area.<br />

The lecture was insightful and<br />

stimulating. Once again, Dr.<br />

Stockwell has done a great job in<br />

securing speakers for the History<br />

Department lecture series.”<br />

Alicia M. Murphy, History &<br />

Pre-Law major<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> students with Dr. Mary Beth Norton.<br />

“The Distinguished Lecture<br />

Series is a wonderful program<br />

that <strong>Lourdes</strong> offers to students<br />

and the entire community. I look<br />

forward to it all year long! When<br />

Dr. Mary Stockwell shared with<br />

me that Dr. Mary Beth Norton<br />

would be speaking on the Salem<br />

Witch Trials, I knew this was an<br />

event I couldn't miss! The lecture<br />

was everything I hoped for and<br />

more. Dr. Norton was an excellent<br />

speaker, knowledgeable and<br />

engaging. I thoroughly enjoyed it.<br />

I left the lecture with a renewed<br />

passion for my field and full of<br />

ideas of what would be my next<br />

step towards a career in history.<br />

I already cannot wait for next<br />

year’s lecture!”<br />

Natalie Eisel, History major<br />

15<br />


16<br />

53 rd Commencement<br />

Applause and cheer rang through the SeaGate<br />

Convention Center as graduates processed<br />

into <strong>Lourdes</strong> 53 rd Commencement ceremony.<br />

Their achievements were honored by the<br />

many faculty, staff, alumni, family and friends who<br />

came out to share in their milestones. James R.<br />

Findlay Sr. and W. Geoffrey Lyden, III were awarded<br />

Honorary Doctoral Degrees. Mr. Lyden also served<br />

as Commencement speaker. Prior to the ceremony,<br />

students gathered in the Queen of Peace Chapel for the<br />

institution’s Baccalaureate Mass.<br />

Entrepreneur James R. Findlay, Sr. is co-founder of<br />

the Canberra Corporation, Fresh Products, LLC and<br />

Impact Products, LLC. Though retired, he still works<br />

tirelessly supporting countless organizations throughout<br />

the region including the Boy Scouts of America, Flower<br />

celebrates <strong>Lourdes</strong> graduates<br />

Hospital and ProMedica, the House of Emmanuel,<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>, Lutheran Homes Society, Lutheran Social<br />

Services, Mom’s House, the Toledo Museum of Art, the<br />

Toledo Rotary Club and The University of Toledo.<br />

W. Geoffrey Lyden, III, Dr. Helmer and James R. Findlay, Sr.

W. Geoffrey Lyden, III is CEO of The Lyden Oil Company and<br />

Truenorth Management, LLC. Outside of his professional career, Mr.<br />

Lyden is dedicated to the community and has lent his time, talent and<br />

expertise to a number of organizations including Fifth Third Bank,<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>, St. John’s Jesuit High School and the Toledo-Lucas County<br />

Port Authority. Mr. Lyden was named a Trustee Emeritus after serving<br />

on the <strong>Lourdes</strong> Board of Trustees for 14 years.<br />

Marketing graduate John Rapp served as student speaker. He spoke<br />

about <strong>Lourdes</strong> values of community and learning.<br />

View the full list of 2010-<strong>2011</strong> <strong>Lourdes</strong> graduates on pages 18 and 19.<br />

®<br />

17<br />


18<br />

2010-<strong>2011</strong> <strong>Lourdes</strong> graduates<br />

Raja Camille Abdallah<br />

Aossey<br />

Angela M. Ackerman<br />

Jennifer L. Aiken<br />

Teresa Ann Albitz<br />

Melissa J. Anderzack<br />

Monica A. Arana<br />

Matthew C. Arehart<br />

Robert C. Arehart<br />

Edith Ncapsah Asah<br />

Heather G. Bae<br />

Melissa Anne Bailey<br />

Amanda N. Baker<br />

Mônica Baliú<br />

Pamela Shardease<br />

Banner<br />

Amanda Joy Barba<br />

Diane M. Barbee<br />

Delana Christianson<br />

Barnhart<br />

Brandi Janell Barrera<br />

Jamie Lyn Beavers<br />

Jessica Lynn Beaverson<br />

Gordon R. Bee<br />

Susan E. Behrens<br />

Katie L. Billings<br />

Tracy Anne Birchmeier<br />

Emily Marie Bishop<br />

Phyllis Marie Bixler<br />

Casandra Jo Black<br />

William B. Bland<br />

Emily A. Blodgett<br />

Lisa Marie Bond<br />

Alicia Bonnell<br />

Courtney T. Boose<br />

Dawn Marie Borgerson<br />

Jenna C. Bosma<br />

Lindsay L. Boss<br />

David L. Bowser<br />

Loretta S. Bradley<br />

Jennifer L. Branham<br />

Amanda Lynn Brennan<br />

Jennifer L. Brittian<br />

Raeann L. Brodbeck<br />

Michele Brown<br />

Susanne Hilfinger Brue<br />

George A. Brymer Jr.<br />

Luke William<br />

Buckenmeyer<br />

Jenna Nichole Buldas<br />

Janet Burtch<br />

Ashley Michelle<br />

Cappelletty<br />

Lindy S. Cherry<br />

Linda D. Choate<br />

Amanda M. Christ<br />

Anshea Mahrie Christian<br />

Sharon Teresa Christy<br />

Emily Eulala Clark<br />

Jamila N. Clark<br />

Karen K. Clear<br />

Dawn M. Clear<br />

Jaclyn Marie Close<br />

Kimberly A. Conger<br />

Scott A. Conrad<br />

Melissa A. Conrad<br />

Tasha J. Cook<br />

Kate Elizabeth Cook<br />

Phyllis Cook<br />

Angela Marie Cooney<br />

Anne French Copti<br />

Joni Lynn Corbett<br />

Kathryn L. Cotner<br />

Mary Patricia Couture<br />

Michael P. Coveney<br />

Heather Marie Cox<br />

Kathryn Louise Crabtree<br />

Abbie L. Crammond<br />

Katherine Crews-<br />

Heebsh<br />

Dorothy Jayne Crissman<br />

Amy L. Crist<br />

Michael Stephen<br />

Cropcho<br />

Dawn Cummings<br />

Katie Brockman Curby<br />

Robin Michelle Curley<br />

Jonathon M. Cypher<br />

Lekesha S. Davis<br />

LaShawn Monique<br />

Davis-Mullins<br />

Brittany Dean<br />

Amanda Terese DeAnda<br />

Danielle E. Decatur<br />

Kathryn Delph<br />

Mary K. Devine<br />

William James<br />

Dobrolenski Jr.<br />

Danielle Marie Doman<br />

Dennis Ernesto<br />

Dominguez<br />

Benjamin Hough<br />

Dougherty<br />

Thomas Edward<br />

Drummonds<br />

Ashlee L. Dubendorfer<br />

Melissa Marie Dunne<br />

Julie L. Durham<br />

Robin C. Eacott<br />

David Charles Eisenstein<br />

Caroline Tish Ellmaker<br />

Kathryn D. Emahiser<br />

Karl Evanoff<br />

Brittany Ann Eyre<br />

Jessica Mae Faber<br />

Thomas A. Fay<br />

Michelle L. Fifer<br />

Paula Firsdon<br />

Tonya M. Fisher<br />

Gary Fleitz<br />

Teresa Flores<br />

Taina Mati Flores<br />

Arlene J. Ford-Bond<br />

Anita S. Foreman<br />

Lindsey Nicole Fowler<br />

Michael Edward Francis<br />

Susan E. Frank<br />

Barbara L. Frankforther<br />

Carrie M. Franks<br />

Savannah Marie Frelin<br />

Sarah E. Fuller<br />

Nicholas Thomas<br />

Furlong<br />

Ashley Gage<br />

Kristie Noelle Gallagher<br />

Margaret Marie Garcia<br />

Dawn M. Garrett<br />

Chevelle Marie Garrison<br />

Monica L. Garton<br />

Timothy S. Gilbert<br />

Jill Gill<br />

Damian Gonzalez<br />

Cheri Marie Gorajewski<br />

Matthew Davis<br />

Gozdowski<br />

Robert Lee Grabowski<br />

Deborah J. Graham<br />

Robert Drue Gray<br />

Evie R. Gray<br />

Betty Jean Greer<br />

Tabitha Lorè Gregory<br />

Nichole Grime<br />

Christen E. Grime<br />

Elizabeth Jane Grimm<br />

Mallory Guerrero<br />

Modenia Rozetta Guy<br />

Sarah Elizabeth Hafner<br />

Annette Hager<br />

Brittany Elise Hahnlen<br />

Stacy Lynn Hake<br />

Dawn Marie Hardy<br />

Shasta L. Harlow<br />

Lindsay B. Harrigan<br />

Sarah Nicole Harrigan<br />

Jill Ann Harrington<br />

Sandy Nelson Harris Jr.<br />

Catashia R. Haskins<br />

Maurice B. Hawkins<br />

Lisa Marie Hawthorne-<br />

Price<br />

Lindsey A. Hefner<br />

Jessica Ann Heilman<br />

Eboni Hicks<br />

Samella Na’Cole Hill<br />

Amanda Hill<br />

John William Hinkle<br />

Cynthia Lynn Hohman<br />

Kyle Irene Hollis<br />

Angela Hooson<br />

Amber Howell-Dickson<br />

Diane Hsia<br />

Janice M. Hughes<br />

Kezia Rhodon Hughes<br />

Alexandra Hunter<br />

Elizabeth Jo Iagulli<br />

Laila A. Ibrahim<br />

Kristen M. Ickes<br />

James F. Inman<br />

Jeffrey D. Jackson<br />

Amanda Dorothy Jeakle<br />

Michelle Eileen Johnson<br />

Brandy Johnson<br />

Alesia L. Johnson-Prater<br />

Shaulonda D. Jones<br />

Lori Jones<br />

Natalie J. Jones<br />

Mary H. Jorgensen<br />

Terah A. Jude<br />

Heidi L. Kaczala<br />

Andrea Marie Katz<br />

Jessica Rose Kazmierczak<br />

Kelly M. Keith<br />

Cassandra Renèe Kieffer<br />

Amber Ann Kilpatrick<br />

Lesley Ann King<br />

Jennifer Elizabeth Kirby<br />

Mary E. Kirchner<br />

Jonah Abraham<br />

Koenigseker<br />

Barbara J. Koonce<br />

Amanda S. Korcsog<br />

Wendy Lynn Kovar<br />

Heather R. Kreilick<br />

Alexandra Nicole Kress<br />

Amy Melissa Krueger<br />

Jeri L. Krum

Nathan D. Kuehnl<br />

Monica Kim Kuhr<br />

Lesley Ann Kurtz<br />

Emily Therese Lada<br />

William J. Laney<br />

Jessica M. Lange<br />

Amanda J. Lanigan<br />

Paula K. Larsen<br />

Lindsay Louise Lashaway<br />

Danielle Lee Laurie<br />

Jessica LaValley<br />

Jessica Briann LaVigne<br />

Shari Lynne Laviolette<br />

Myles L. Leeper<br />

Michael S. Levy<br />

Jami R. Lewandowski<br />

Kristen M. Lewinski<br />

Courtney Ann Lewis<br />

Vanessa Link<br />

Buffy Lynn Lower<br />

Kenneth W. Lowery<br />

Patrick M. Lynch<br />

Sarah Mainzinger<br />

Fredisha L. Mallard<br />

Caitlin Bridget Malone<br />

MaryEllen Manders<br />

Catherine Sue Marinelli<br />

Rebecca L. Marshall<br />

Erin Devlin Martens<br />

Maribel C. Martinez<br />

Shelby Lynn Matson<br />

Kara Nicole Mavrides<br />

Teresa Y. McBee<br />

Monica Antoinette<br />

McCain<br />

Elizabeth McClendon<br />

Ashley Elaine McCoy<br />

Collins<br />

Ashley A. McGannon<br />

Deana McKown<br />

Julie Lynn McLean<br />

Kelly N. McMillan<br />

Erin J. McPartland<br />

Samantha A. Messmer<br />

Aileen G. Meyer<br />

Mackenzie L. Meyer<br />

Melani Miller<br />

M. Christine Miller<br />

LaChelle Monique<br />

Miller<br />

Elizabeth A. Miller<br />

Christopher Miller<br />

Molly Joy Miller<br />

Becky L. Mincheff<br />

Amanda Mitchell<br />

Megan Marie<br />

Mockensturm<br />

Tiffiney Nycole Mohn<br />

Sarah J. Montgomery<br />

DeShanna Capris Moore<br />

Alexandra Frances<br />

Moreno<br />

Keesha L. Mosley<br />

Samantha Lynne Muir<br />

Christina Marie Muir<br />

Sarah A. Murphy<br />

Megan Frances<br />

Naparstek<br />

Kimberley M. Natter<br />

Adrienne M. Navarre<br />

Carmalita Neiding<br />

Mari Lynn Ness<br />

Jessica F. Niese<br />

Kristen Elizabeth Niese<br />

Stacie Lynne Nowak<br />

Lisa Marie Nowak<br />

Sally Ann Oberski<br />

Carla O’Leary<br />

Kelly Lyn O’Leary<br />

Debra Olejownik<br />

Quinn Carrie<br />

O’Loughlin<br />

Heather Marie Orosco<br />

Oriana Orozco<br />

Melissa Dawn Owens<br />

Marypat Page<br />

Cynthia L. Patterson<br />

Michelle E. Pawloski<br />

Wendi Sue Paxson<br />

Katherine L. Peer<br />

Nicole Pennington<br />

Michelle Marie Perkins<br />

Allison R. Perry<br />

Caroline Marie Pheils-<br />

Coup<br />

Scott B. Phelps<br />

Aaron Phillips<br />

Tanya Sue Pickett<br />

Emily E. Pierce<br />

Stacie Pietrowski<br />

Stephanie Ann Power<br />

Katherine Mae Pratt<br />

Michelle Sue Provo<br />

Amanda J. Puckett<br />

Susan K. Quigley<br />

Jennifer Janine Rang<br />

Kelly Lynn Rankin<br />

John M. Rapp Jr.<br />

Stephanie Marie Rautio<br />

Jacqueline Suzanne Ray<br />

Brenda Rayfield<br />

Lynn Marie Recktenwald<br />

Leslie Reisner<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Nicole Repass<br />

Tonya Lynn Rider<br />

Barbara L. Riebesehl<br />

Victoria A. Riehle<br />

Cristianna Elizabeth<br />

Rigazzi<br />

Ann Ritter<br />

Ashley Robarge<br />

Keith Louis Roberts<br />

Robin K. Rosipko<br />

Tracy M. Rosplohowski<br />

Candace Lee<br />

Rothenbuhler<br />

Joshua B. Rubin<br />

Jackie R. Ruttino<br />

Sarah D. Salatin<br />

Jason E. Samberg<br />

Susan Kaye Schindler<br />

Alaina Schirg Blakely<br />

Kimberly M. Schmidt<br />

Richard R. Schoenrock<br />

Patricia E. Scott<br />

Tamara M. Segrist<br />

Tanya Marie Seldon<br />

Kimberly Sue Sheehan<br />

Kara Cathleen Sherman<br />

Cortney Madeline<br />

Simmons<br />

Stesha M. Slates<br />

Erica Danielle Slavin<br />

Margaret M. Smith<br />

Laura M. Smith<br />

Joy Victoria Smith<br />

Brittany Lynn Smith<br />

Judith Marie Andrews<br />

Smith<br />

Amy Smith<br />

Ashley Smith<br />

Michael A. Smith<br />

Jaclyn R. Smith<br />

Kerry Smith-Emery<br />

Dawn L. Smrekar<br />

Kyle L. Snyder<br />

Rebecca A. Sova<br />

Jenna Lee Steele<br />

Sarah G. Stephens<br />

Desirae Nicole Stewart<br />

Miranda Lynn Strick<br />

Jocelyn Marie Sugg<br />

Brittni Sullivan<br />

Nicole Marie <strong>Summer</strong>s<br />

Dawn Marie Sutton<br />

Laura Elizabeth Sutton<br />

Laura Marie Swander<br />

Timothy James<br />

Swidorski<br />

Charlene Syeh<br />

Wade H. Taylor<br />

Pierre Daris Taylor<br />

Stephen Joseph Terry<br />

Amber Rose Thomas<br />

Molly Marie Thornton<br />

Tina M. Thornton<br />

Panna L. Thrash Rupp<br />

Barbara A. Tolson<br />

Collin Phillip Tong<br />

Brandon D. Tooson<br />

Cynthia L. Triplett<br />

Gwendolyn Helen<br />

Turner<br />

Brandy J. Tyburski<br />

Chad O. Vergara<br />

Kristen Nicole Vickers<br />

Keryn M. Viggiano<br />

Holly M. Waingrow<br />

Sarah Wagner<br />

Amanda Lenn Walker<br />

Kimberly H. Walls<br />

Nichole M. Walter<br />

Carrie Lynn Warnecke<br />

Amanda Reneè Warner<br />

Kristi Ann Washburn<br />

Loren Kayla Weiss-<br />

Heimrich<br />

Brandon E. Welever<br />

Michelle A. White<br />

William Randall White<br />

Linette Marie Will<br />

Myra Elaine Williams<br />

Abigail Elizabeth<br />

Williams<br />

Debbie L. Wilson<br />

Terri Lee Winters<br />

Kimberly Winzenried<br />

Nicholas E. Wohlfarth<br />

Stella Ann Wohlgamuth<br />

Brian Christopher Wolfe<br />

Ashley L. Wolniewicz<br />

Beth A. Wong<br />

Tara R. Woodbury<br />

Sarah Wrobel<br />

Megan Wroblewski<br />

Meridith R. Yarder<br />

Maloree Zalecki<br />

Nicole Zeigler<br />

Andrea Sue Zimmerman<br />

®<br />

19<br />


20<br />

Goldberg lecturer and<br />

Holocaust survivor to share his story in<br />

My Three Lives<br />

Philip Markowicz is known as a respected<br />

former businessman and lecturer on a variety of<br />

subjects including the Torah, the Bible and the<br />

Holocaust. A “self-educated individual,” Philip<br />

shares his life story in the autobiography My Three Lives.<br />

The Dr. Morton<br />

Goldberg Lecture<br />

Fund, presented<br />

by the Toledo Toledo<br />

Community<br />

Foundation<br />

and <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

<strong>College</strong>, offers<br />

the opportunity<br />

to meet Philip<br />

Markowicz and<br />

learn more<br />

about his life<br />

story and the the<br />

book. The<br />

event will<br />

take place<br />

on Sunday,<br />

September<br />

11, <strong>2011</strong><br />

at 4 p.m.<br />

in the sanctuary at Congregation B'nai<br />

Israel, 6525 Sylvania Avenue, directly behind the Jewish<br />

Community Center (JCC) in Sylvania.<br />

The book chronicles Philip’s life from a young boy<br />

in Poland during World War II, to today in Sylvania,<br />

Ohio. Born in 1924, Philip began his study of the<br />

Torah at the age of five from his father, a District<br />

Rabbi and follower of the Gur Hasidic sect. Known as<br />

a “Talmud Hochum” or Talmud prodigy, Philip was<br />

the youngest person ever invited to participate at the<br />

study table of the Gur movement’s patriarch, an honor<br />

reserved for only<br />

the most advanced<br />

scholars.<br />

During his time at<br />

Pzedborz Yeshiva,<br />

his progression<br />

to ordination<br />

as a rabbi was<br />

cut short by<br />

the invasion<br />

of the Nazis<br />

in Poland and<br />

the subsequent<br />

closing of the<br />

institution.<br />

In the Lodz Ghetto, his commitment to Hasidism never<br />

wavered during those first years of the war. However,<br />

he began to realize that all worthwhile knowledge and<br />

morality didn’t reside solely in the Hasidic movement or<br />

even just in the Torah and Talmud. From that moment,<br />

he put orthodox religious studies aside and devoted all<br />

of his non-working time applying his Hasidic method<br />

of learning to secular subjects including classic works of<br />

history, philosophy and political thought.<br />

During the war, Philip endured the Ghetto, the<br />

Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, a variety of other<br />

concentration camps, beatings, starvation and a death<br />

march before being liberated in the spring of 1945.<br />

His body emaciated, he spent time in a hospital and<br />

a Displaced Persons camp before being permitted to<br />

immigrate to the United States with his wife Ruth<br />

and son.<br />

In Toledo, he built a new life, rejecting the religious<br />

orthodoxy of his past and becoming affiliated with the<br />

Conservative Jewish movement at the urging of his

wife. While he never had the<br />

opportunity after the war to<br />

further his formal education, his<br />

television and electronics business<br />

required him to become a “selftaught”<br />

electronics expert.<br />

After a fulfilling business career,<br />

he gradually resumed his study<br />

of the Torah and Talmud. Since<br />

then, Philip has lectured on the<br />

Bible and Judaism at <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

<strong>College</strong> and various synagogues<br />

and is a sought after speaker on the<br />

Holocaust at universities and high<br />

schools. Currently, he is working<br />

on a book involving Torah exegesis<br />

(explanation) with commentary<br />

directed at both scholars and the<br />

general public.<br />

The Goldberg Lecture Fund<br />

was established at the Toledo<br />

Community Foundation in 1975<br />

in honor of Dr. Morton Goldberg,<br />

Rabbi Emeritus of Temple B’nai<br />

Israel. The fund supports an<br />

annual event to promote better<br />

understanding and positive<br />

relations among individuals from<br />

diverse racial, ethnic and religious<br />

backgrounds. Since 1996, the<br />

event has included a variety of<br />

speakers and other programs<br />

presented at various local public<br />

venues at no charge.<br />

For further information about this<br />

event, please call 419-241-5049. ®<br />

Jewish<br />

terminology<br />

Hasidism; Hasidic<br />

Hasidism is a religious renewal<br />

movement among Eastern<br />

European Jews that began<br />

in approximately 1750. It<br />

emphasizes worship of God<br />

through devotion, joy and<br />

love of the heart more than<br />

only that of the intellect. It is<br />

that fervent belief that widely<br />

attracted the masses to its basic<br />

precept.<br />

Talmud<br />

The Talmud is the most<br />

significant collection of<br />

the Jewish oral tradition<br />

interpreting the Torah.<br />

Gur<br />

Town located 10 miles from<br />

Warsaw, Poland. In his book,<br />

Mr. Markowicz describes the<br />

town as the location of the<br />

“dynasty and the court of<br />

the Gur Rebbe.” Today, the<br />

Gur Hasidic sect is based in<br />

Jerusalem and is considered one<br />

of the largest Hasidic sects. ®<br />

21<br />


22<br />

Honorary Chairs Trent & Lori Smith<br />

George ('10, '08) & Vicky Brymer<br />

This year, Luminations – <strong>Lourdes</strong>’ annual black tie gala –<br />

celebrated its 10 anniversary of raising funds for student<br />

scholarships. Support and praise for the event has never<br />

been higher! A record 600 guests helped raise $260,000,<br />

the most ever raised in the history of Luminations.<br />

Guests enjoyed a silent auction, music by the Maxx Band and<br />

vignettes by the Toledo Ballet, the Toledo Opera, the Toledo<br />

Symphony and Broadway’s Meredith Patterson. Regional<br />

President of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company Trent<br />

Smith and wife Lori served as honorary chairs and alumna<br />

Oriana Orozco (’10, Marketing) shared her story of being a<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> student with attendees.<br />

“Words cannot express<br />

the gratitude we have for<br />

our many friends and<br />

supporters who continue<br />

to make Luminations a<br />

yearly success,” remarks<br />

Mary Arquette, Vice<br />

President for Institutional<br />

Advancement. “Through<br />

their support we are better<br />

able to give our students<br />

one of life’s most precious<br />

gifts – the opportunity to<br />

earn a college degree!”<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong> Aumnus Nowell ('09) & Kari Hens<br />

Ernest & Carolina Enrique and Andrew & Lana Haliw from the Lakeshore/Toltest<br />


10 th anniversary a glowing success!<br />

Bruce Klinger ('08) of<br />

Northwestern Mutual<br />

Financial Network &<br />

wife Jayne<br />

Bob & Penny O’Brien<br />

Student speaker<br />

Oriana Orozco<br />

(left) with her<br />

fiance and<br />

mother.<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong> President Robert Helmer, wife Linda & Chrys Peterson<br />

sponsors:<br />

Platinum:<br />

Franciscan Services Corporation<br />

Northwestern Mutual Financial<br />

Network<br />

Gold:<br />

Comfortline, Ltd.<br />

Fifth Third Bank<br />

ProMedica Health System<br />

Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania<br />

Toledo Edison Company<br />

Silver:<br />

The Andersons<br />

The Blade<br />

Buckeye Cable System<br />

Dimech Services, Inc.<br />

Goodremont’s Inc.<br />

HCR ManorCare<br />

Hylant Group<br />

Key Private Bank<br />

Lewandowski Engineers<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong> Bookstore<br />

Kathy Magliochetti<br />

Medical Mutual of Ohio<br />

Nu Tek Steel<br />

Bob & Penny O’Brien<br />

Owens Corning<br />

Root Learning<br />

The Rudolph/Libbe Inc. and GEM Inc.<br />

Schumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP<br />

Thread Marketing Group<br />

Vito’s Pizza and Subs<br />

Entertainment:<br />

Findlay Business Partners<br />

Print:<br />

Muir Graphics<br />

23<br />


24<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>’ campus getting<br />

new dining hall to open fall <strong>2011</strong><br />

From bake sales to ice cream<br />

socials to shared meals during<br />

study sessions, anyone who<br />

has spent time on <strong>Lourdes</strong>’<br />

campus knows that food is a hallmark<br />

of the institution’s culture.<br />

Now, the bulldozers are out and<br />

construction is underway as <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

prepares to open its newest student<br />

life offering – a 9,500 square foot<br />

dining hall.<br />

“With the record growth that <strong>Lourdes</strong> has experienced,<br />

we really are at the point where we need a community<br />

dining space. The design we chose stays true to our<br />

student-focused atmosphere.”<br />

President Bob Helmer, PhD, JD

souped up<br />

Crafted and constructed by<br />

the Collaborative, inc. and<br />

Rudolph/Libbe, inc., the<br />

dining hall will feature:<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> previously partnered with The<br />

Collaborative in the design and construction<br />

of Delp and McAlear Halls, which were two of<br />

three architectural projects recognized at the<br />

2009 American Institute of Architects (AIA)<br />

Toledo Design awards program.<br />

Rudolph/Libbe has also completed a variety of<br />

building projects for <strong>Lourdes</strong> and the Sisters<br />

of St. Francis, including the award-winning<br />

Franciscan Theatre & Conference Center.<br />

The dining hall is scheduled to open fall <strong>2011</strong>. ®<br />

} Seating for 175<br />

} Full service gourmet kitchen<br />

} Food Court featuring various cuisines<br />

} Ála carte stations<br />

} Lounge/study space with widescreen TV<br />

} Outdoor dining patio<br />

25<br />


26<br />

taking risks pays off<br />

“<br />

Take risks. Be calculated and smart, but take<br />

risks,” advises Allen Haley (‘88, BA, Human<br />

Resource Management). “Be open to new<br />

ideas and offer those of your own. Spend time<br />

listening and when you identify a problem, have a<br />

solution.”<br />

Allen has built his career utilizing these skills. Born in<br />

Monroe, Michigan, he enlisted in the US Marine Corps<br />

after graduation and later obtained employment in the<br />

automotive industry in the manufacturing management<br />

and quality assurance fields. “When I decided it was<br />

time to enroll in college, I applied and was accepted<br />

into Eastern Michigan University,” recalls Allen.<br />

“Before attending, I thought it was in my best interest<br />

to take a couple of classes to get back in the swing of<br />

things and chose <strong>Lourdes</strong> since it was a small school and<br />

conveniently located. Well, those 2 classes turned into<br />

a 4 year education. I was so overwhelmingly impressed<br />

with the school. I became a full-time student in the<br />

second semester and never looked back.”<br />

Professional success<br />

Allen “never needed to look back” professionally either.<br />

His resume includes a wealth of sales and marketing<br />

experience and reflects the benefits of “taking risks.”<br />

For 10 years, he sold international logistics services<br />

for Emery Worldwide (now a part of UPS) to global<br />

companies and held positions in their offices in<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio; South Bend, Indiana; Atlanta,<br />

Georgia; and Japan. “It was a great experience as I<br />

was able to travel the United States and most of the<br />

industrialized world,” remembers Allen. “Over time,<br />

I was an account manager, a station manager, sales<br />

manager, area sales manager and director of sales.”<br />

From Emery Worldwide, he managed the national<br />

account program for Office Depot’s Business Services<br />

Group in Dallas, Texas, before working as Vice<br />

President of Sales for Norwood Promotional Products<br />

(now part of Bic) and NCR before becoming the<br />

Senior Manager, Commercial Division at DIRECTV<br />

for Business. Over the last 10 years, Allen says he has<br />

focused predominantly on managing “channel sales,”<br />

working with licensed partners who sell DIRECTV<br />

into commercial applications. “My responsibility<br />

is managing our sales and marketing efforts to<br />

sell programming to organizations such as hotels,<br />

universities, government agencies, prisons, restaurants<br />

and bars, private businesses and retailers.”<br />

His region covers the 14 Midwest and Plains states.<br />

He and his wife Maggie, a nurse manager, and their<br />

two cats Katy and Coco, call Indianapolis, Indiana,<br />

home base while DIRECTV’s Midwest headquarters<br />

are located in Chicago, Illinois. He credits Maggie for<br />

“what I do now and where I am at in my life. She is<br />

very supportive and is someone I can always talk with.”<br />

His education<br />

The <strong>Lourdes</strong> individuals who were instrumental in<br />

Allen’s education include his science teacher, the late Sr.<br />

Mary Marcelline, OSF; Father Ronald Mrozinksi;<br />

Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences Geoffrey<br />

Grubb, PhD; and former Dean of the Department<br />

of Business & Leadership Studies, the late Tom Wolf.<br />

Allen remembers Tom’s classes inspired him and pushed<br />

him to give his best. “I remember in the Business<br />

Communications class I tried so hard to get an A but<br />

he would always ding me for the little things or as he<br />

referred to them, ‘attention to detail.’ Finally, the last<br />

project, I worked tirelessly to make sure everything was<br />

perfect. In the end I received an A. I remember I was<br />

so proud I started to choke up. It wasn’t because I had<br />

earned the A; rather, it was I had earned Tom’s respect.”<br />

“A few years before Tom passed away, I visited him at<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>,” recalls Allen. “Much to my surprise, I found<br />

out that he used two of my case management papers<br />

from the Business Management class as examples of<br />

great case studies.”<br />

Community-focused<br />

Allen’s appreciation of <strong>Lourdes</strong> convinced his brother<br />

Chad (‘97, BA, Human Resource Management) to<br />

enroll. As alumni members, the brothers decided to

honor their father by endowing a business scholarship<br />

in his name. “Our father was very proud of our<br />

accomplishments,” adds Allen. “He knew how much<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> meant to us. When he passed away, we thought<br />

what better way to support our school and remember<br />

our father. It was a simple discussion and one we are<br />

very happy we made.”<br />

He chooses to assist many communities including<br />

various veteran’s organizations and projects that benefit<br />

the US Marine Corps Warrior Regiment. In addition,<br />

he is an active member of the Heritage Foundation and<br />

supports teaching students the US Constitution and the<br />

Bill of Rights.<br />

focusing on what’s important<br />

One who advocates taking risks, he and Maggie enjoy<br />

traveling throughout the summer following drivers and<br />

teams who take risks in the IndyCar Series. The devoted<br />

couple are self-described “big open wheel race fans” and<br />

he quickly points out, “and that’s not NASCAR.”<br />

In April, Allen enjoyed a once in a lifetime moment<br />

at the street circuit in Long Beach, California. As the<br />

winner of the IZOD IndyCar contest, he led the parade<br />

laps of the Long Beach race in a two-seater driven by<br />

two-time Indianapolis 500 winner Al Unser Jr.<br />

Whenever possible, Allen keeps in close contact with<br />

his brothers Chad and Brian who live in Sylvania, his<br />

brother Darin and his family in Adrian, Michigan,<br />

and his brother Eric and his wife who reside in Hilton<br />

Head, South Carolina. “We are a tight knit family and<br />

we know who and what’s important in our lives.” ®<br />

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28<br />

StudentFOCUS<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> student Maurice Hawkins has faced daunting challenges and has<br />

surpassed the expectations of colleagues and peers. To him, however, it’s a<br />

testament to his faith in God and in the individual’s belief in achievement.<br />

A bright and talented person, he played football while simultaneously holding the<br />

honors of Student of the Month and Athlete of the Week at Springfield High School.<br />

After graduation, he enrolled in Biology at Bowling Green State University. His<br />

educational and career paths were set.<br />

Journey of faith; model of success<br />

Maurice Hawkins,<br />

interdisciplinary studies major<br />

Then, at the age of 19, Maurice’s life changed dramatically. He was on his way to<br />

campus for a final exam when he lost control of his car as it slid on an icy patch of road.<br />

When he awoke in the hospital, he learned the details of his ordeal. He had died at the<br />

scene, been brought back to life, taken by Life Flight to a regional hospital and treated<br />

for bleeding and swelling in his brain. Maurice knew his road to recovery would take<br />

determination and his strong belief in God.<br />

His injuries included the fracture of his C2 vertebrae, massive swelling on the right<br />

side of his body and poor circulation. His persevering spirit, positive outlook and<br />

unwavering faith never left him. “Yes, I had been through a tremendous trauma but I<br />

focused on all the blessings,” explains Maurice. “I was alive. My C2 vertebrae broke but<br />

I wasn’t a paraplegic. It had broken outward rather than inward. My doctors told me<br />

that I was a ‘medical and spiritual miracle.’”<br />

With a sooner-than-expected recuperation, Maurice returned to school that fall and<br />

finished the semester with a 3.4 GPA. Realizing he needed to make a change, he chose<br />

to follow in his brother Richard’s footsteps and attend <strong>Lourdes</strong> because “I felt the school<br />

would be a better fit for me.” While his brother has since gone on to The University of<br />

Toledo, Maurice is positive he made the right choice.<br />

He is thankful to the faculty and staff members who have provided him with an<br />

excellent education that suits his needs. His educational experience so impressed<br />

his brother Christopher that he is now enrolled. As a <strong>Lourdes</strong> student, Maurice has<br />

maintained a high GPA while working multiple jobs with the Frederick Douglass<br />

Center, Drs. Pero, Glinka & Voss, United Postal Service (UPS) and Big Lots. His most

ecent accomplishment was<br />

the establishment of his own<br />

business, Capital Painting.<br />

Now at the still young<br />

age of 25, Maurice has set<br />

two goals for himself after<br />

graduation. Gain entrance<br />

into the institution’s new<br />

one-year Master of Business<br />

Administration program and<br />

to become an entrepreneur.<br />

He has already proven his<br />

dedication and determination.<br />

Combined with his work<br />

experience, the future looks<br />

very bright indeed. ®<br />

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studentsintheNews<br />

nursing students<br />

inspired by professionals<br />

“Always be the best you<br />

can be and provide<br />

the best quality of care<br />

to your patients. It’s<br />

important to enjoy<br />

what you do and<br />

practice within your<br />

code of ethics.”<br />

Donna Todd, Director<br />

of the Toledo Public<br />

Schools’ Toledo School<br />

of Nursing program,<br />

offered these words of wisdom<br />

during a “lunch and learn” session<br />

allowing <strong>Lourdes</strong> students to learn<br />

from and interact with minority<br />

role models. Joining Ms. Todd<br />

were Daisy Smith, Executive<br />

Director and one of the founding<br />

members of the Toledo Council of<br />

Black Nurses, and Mary Gregory,<br />

nursing teacher and developer of<br />

the Med Tech program. These<br />

individuals were instrumental in<br />

assisting the <strong>Lourdes</strong> School of<br />

Nursing to receive a<br />

US Department of<br />

Health & Human<br />

Services grant<br />

designed to increase<br />

diversity within the<br />

nursing workforce.<br />

Known as the<br />

“Discover the<br />

Nurse Within”<br />

grant, this program will enable<br />

108 nursing students to receive<br />

scholarships and life skills<br />

preparation. Two goals of the grant<br />

are to increase the diversity of the<br />

nursing profession and increase the<br />

cultural competence of the nursing<br />

workforce.<br />

Nursing student Dionne Johnson<br />

was excited to meet Daisy Smith,<br />

someone she has admired for<br />

several years. After graduation,<br />

Dionne hopes to launch a nursing

clinic similar to the Daisy Smith Clinic, formerly<br />

known as the Cordelia Martin Health Center.<br />

Many of the students expressed disappointment when<br />

the one hour session came to a close. “It was obvious<br />

that the students learned so much from these talented<br />

professionals,” added Kathy Perzynski, Assistant<br />

Professor of Nursing and the Project Director. “We<br />

will definitely need to offer these types of programs in<br />

the future.”<br />

For more information on the program, call<br />

419-517-8919.<br />

“festival of One acts” honors winners<br />

Drama Society students entertained those gathered to<br />

enjoy the “Festival of One Acts” plays as determined by<br />

a national contest. “Our contest continues to expand<br />

in its reach,” offered Keith Ramsdell, Advisor. “We<br />

had 59 entrants this year and so many of them were<br />

outstanding.”<br />

The award-winning plays included A Tall Order, Fight<br />

Dreams, House of Cards, It Ate Houston, Off Campus,<br />

Petz Rocks, Post-Its and The Spot.<br />

Dakota<br />

Cousino<br />

and<br />

Morgan<br />

Rohan<br />

Megan Carter,<br />

Megan<br />

Mockensturm<br />

and Kelly<br />

Fandrey<br />

Bringing history to life<br />

Those enrolled in HST 320 History of France were<br />

able to recreate the French Revolution during class<br />

sessions this spring. The role-playing game introduced<br />

to the class by Mary Robinson, PhD, Instructor and<br />

Associate Professor of History, Political Science &<br />

Geography, allowed students to gain an appreciation<br />

for government and the views, thoughts and decisions<br />

made by individuals during the early years of the<br />

revolution.<br />

The students<br />

were<br />

assigned a<br />

character<br />

to play and<br />

were given<br />

a role description <br />

detailing<br />

their<br />

character’smotivations,background,<br />

writing and speaking assignments and victory objectives.<br />

“The goal was to have<br />

students utilize primary<br />

and secondary sources<br />

about their characters and<br />

then capture the moments<br />

in time,” shared Dr.<br />

Robinson. “At times, the<br />

students needed to play<br />

along as a ‘roll of the dice’<br />

would determine whether<br />

they would riot or not.<br />

The experience was not<br />

only fun but educational.”<br />

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studentsintheNews<br />

career preparation<br />

The office of Career<br />

Services once again<br />

offered the Backpack to<br />

Briefcase program to seniors<br />

preparing for graduation.<br />

Throughout the fall and spring<br />

semesters, students participated in<br />

the Employ-Net Job Fair and learned a variety of skills,<br />

including:<br />

l Search strategies for finding employment<br />

l Interview skills<br />

l Professional etiquette<br />

l Job Fair techniques<br />

l Transitioning to life after graduation – managing<br />

student loans, first day work jitters, managing a<br />

career<br />

florida residents are beneficiaries of<br />

Habitat initiative<br />

The <strong>Lourdes</strong> Habitat for Humanity team headed to<br />

Sebring and Lakeland, Florida, for spring break in their<br />

annual Campus Ministry-led initiative. More than<br />

20 students made the trek to Florida – so many, in<br />

fact, that the students were divided into two teams –<br />

providing homeowners with needed assistance.<br />

“I was looking<br />

forward to making<br />

friends with people<br />

who shared the same<br />

passion for helping<br />

others,” remarks<br />

Allison Walter, a<br />

pre-nursing major.<br />

“Previously, I traveled<br />

to New Orleans after<br />

Hurricane Katrina<br />

and gutted houses<br />

that needed to be repaired. I was really interested in<br />

going because I wanted to see how a house was built.<br />

It was an amazing experience and I hope to do it again<br />

someday.”<br />

<strong>2011</strong> <strong>Lourdes</strong> Habitat for Humanity student team<br />


Sam Arredondo, Adolescent to Young Adult Education<br />

Michelle Crawford, Pre-Nursing<br />

Karl Evanoff, Biology<br />

Louise Frederick, LPN to Pre-Nursing<br />

Jessica Harris, Health Care Administration<br />

Ben Jakeway, Pre-Physical Therapy<br />

Brittnie Kalucki, Management<br />

Courtney Loomis, Pre-Nursing<br />

Maurice McKitrick, Nursing Assistant to BSN<br />

Karl Meyer, Biology<br />

Allison Walter, Pre-Nursing<br />

Deidra Young, Integrated Business<br />


Chelsea Aiello, Nurse Aide to BSN<br />

Johnna Bankston, Art<br />

Stephanie Bohland, Nursing<br />

Tim Broud, Organizational Leadership<br />

Jonathan Brown, Psychology<br />

Nick Furlong, Art<br />

Nate Jackson, Pre-Nursing<br />

Laureen Knueven, Theology<br />

Anna Proshek, Nursing<br />

Francisca Rodriguez, Business Administration<br />

Danielle Rose, Nurse Aide to BSN<br />

Aileen Santry, Nursing<br />

Annessa Stahler, Early Childhood<br />

Anna Stoiber, Nursing

New student organizations<br />

established<br />

This spring, <strong>Lourdes</strong> announced its two newest student<br />

organizations – the <strong>Lourdes</strong> Arab American Student<br />

Association (LAASA) and the Gaming Society.<br />

LAASA is advised by Instructor and TRiO Academic<br />

Counselor Stephanie Quinn, PhD. Student leaders<br />

include President Ali ElMokdad, Vice President<br />

Natalie Darah and Public Relations Officers Sarah<br />

Bohland and Chelsea Aiello.<br />

Advised by Technology Services Manager Alisa Smith,<br />

the Gaming Society’s officers are President Jacob Vogel<br />

and Vice President Megan Carter.<br />

art students learn from a master<br />

During spring semester, art students were invited to<br />

the home studio of famed artist Bob Mazur for a mini<br />

lecture and to observe a demonstration of his creation<br />

process. Mr. Mazur shared his insight on gallery<br />

procedures, portfolio expectations and work ethic.<br />

Art Chair Erin Palmer Szavuly expressed the students’<br />

gratitude for the opportunity. “We spent over three<br />

hours with him and his gracious wife Lyn. It was a great<br />

experience for the students – one they’ll never forget.”<br />

History students publish 9 th edition of<br />

online journal<br />

Mary Stockwell, PhD, Chair of the Department<br />

of History, Political Science & Geography, proudly<br />

announced the publication of the 9 th edition of Tell<br />

Me A Story: <strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong> Online Narrative History<br />

Journal. The collection represents the best histories<br />

written in Spring <strong>2011</strong> by the HST 430 Historiography<br />

students.<br />

Selected authors and their works include:<br />

l “I Still Love Her: The Story of the Hip-Hop<br />

Nation,” by William White (<strong>2011</strong> Winner of Best<br />

Narrative in Tell Me A Story)<br />

l “Abigail Adams: Wartime Correspondent” by<br />

Benjamin Dougherty<br />

l “A Collision of Virtue and Vice in Victorian<br />

London” by Patti Coressel<br />

l “A Life Spent Too Close to the Sun: Understanding<br />

Alexander Hamilton” by Jerry Flowers<br />

l “Unmasking John Locke: The Path to Two Treatises<br />

on Government” by Richard Frelin<br />

Students travel to nation’s capitol to<br />

be “agents of change”<br />

Biology majors Laila Ibrahim and Kyle Snyder<br />

recently traveled to Washington, DC, with Sr. Marya<br />

Czech, SND, Assistant Professor of Biology & Health<br />

Sciences, for the National Center for Science & Civic<br />

Engagement’s (NCSCE) Symposium and Capitol<br />

Hill Poster Session. As representatives for <strong>Lourdes</strong>’<br />

GLISTEN grant, the students joined peers from across<br />

the US to be “agents of change” and share how they are<br />

improving STEM education for all students.<br />

GLISTEN is a project funded through a multiyear<br />

grant from the Corporation for National and<br />

Community Service awarded to the NCSCE at<br />

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. Laila<br />

and Kyle’s presentation focused on their Lower Maumee<br />

Watershed project.<br />

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studentsintheNews<br />

lourdes students converge<br />

at Ohio Statehouse to tout<br />

importance of education<br />

A delegation of <strong>Lourdes</strong> students traveled<br />

in March to Columbus, Ohio, as part of<br />

the Independent <strong>College</strong> Day sponsored<br />

by the Association of Independent<br />

<strong>College</strong>s and Universities of Ohio<br />

(AICUO).<br />

Students from private colleges<br />

throughout Ohio shared with state<br />

legislators from their home and school<br />

districts the importance of private<br />

education. Participants also enjoyed a<br />

tour of the Statehouse, heard an update<br />

on the current political atmosphere in<br />

Ohio, learned what a day in the life of a<br />

legislator is like and attended committee<br />

meetings.<br />

Representing <strong>Lourdes</strong> were Biology<br />

major Reggie Henderson, Health Care<br />

Administration major Ismael Bamba<br />

and Business Administration major<br />

Charles Jackson.<br />

art students decorate the region<br />

During spring semester, <strong>Lourdes</strong> art students decorated the northwest<br />

Ohio region with a multitude of fun projects!<br />

Ashley<br />

Cappelletty<br />

(right) was one<br />

of 300 Toledoarea<br />

artists<br />

participating<br />

in the<br />

Artomatic<br />

419! event.<br />

For three<br />

consecutive<br />

Saturdays<br />

in April, artists took over two vacant buildings in downtown Toledo,<br />

transforming them into one of the largest, most comprehensive and<br />

eccentric multi-media galleries in northwest Ohio. Art majors Alexis<br />

Lyman and Mia Pedraza were in attendance representing The Toledo<br />

Federation of Art Societies (TFAS). The <strong>Lourdes</strong> Art Department is a<br />

member of TFAS.<br />

Annette Fink was kept busy this spring with two commissions.<br />

She painted two flower pots as part of the Sylvania Chamber of<br />

Commerce’s “Pottin’ Pretty” program and a mural for Sylvania<br />

Southview High School’s afterprom event.<br />

Senior Anne Copti served as lead artist in March and April, painting<br />

a mural for Bethany House. The mural, a seascape, wrapped around<br />

three walls, was executed by students in various studio classes during<br />

spring semester. “Not all the students were art majors, but they all<br />

worked seriously and enjoyed the process,” reflected Erin Palmer<br />

Szavuly, Chair and Faculty Coordinator.

<strong>2011</strong> Student<br />

art Show<br />

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studentsintheNews<br />

<strong>2011</strong> awards ceremony<br />

Each May, students are honored for their achievements by their individual academic<br />

departments and schools, Student Life and Mission & Ministry.<br />

St. Catherine Medal<br />

Nathan D. Kuehnl<br />

School of Arts & Sciences<br />

St. Luke Award in Fine Arts<br />

Annette Fink<br />

Sarah Stephens<br />

Outstanding Biology Student<br />

Award<br />

Danielle M. Doman<br />

Karl Evanoff<br />

Chemistry and Physical Sciences<br />

Excellence Award for Science<br />

Majors<br />

Elizabeth M. Gillen<br />

Chemistry and Physical Sciences<br />

Excellence Award for Non-Science<br />

Majors<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Repass<br />

Excellence in History Award<br />

Nathan D. Kuehnl<br />

Best Narrative in 9th Edition of<br />

Tell Me a Story<br />

William R. White<br />

Barbara M. Britsch, PhD<br />

Excellence in Literature Award<br />

Nathan D. Kuehnl<br />

Melissa R. Pompili<br />

Sister Lucilla Osinski, OSF, PhD<br />

Excellence in Writing Award<br />

Jon K. Stoll II<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong> Chorus Member<br />

of the Year Award<br />

Sam Mason<br />

Congratulations to these <strong>2011</strong> Awards ceremony recipients.<br />

G. Stanley Hall Psychology<br />

Student of the Year Award<br />

Wade Taylor<br />

Criminal Justice Major<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Repass<br />

Kimberly H. Walls<br />

Sociology Major<br />

James Inman<br />

Theological Studies Student<br />

Excellence Award<br />

Monica Baliu<br />

Theta Alpha Kappa Student<br />

Excellence Award<br />

Linda K. Otermat<br />

School of Nursing<br />

Spirit of Nursing Award,<br />

Prelicensure<br />

Nicholas E. Wohlfarth<br />

Spirit of Nursing Award, RN-BSN<br />

Karen Held<br />

School of Nursing Leadership<br />

Award, Prelicensure<br />

Damian Gonzalez<br />

School of Nursing Leadership<br />

Award, RN-BSN<br />

Jaclyn R. Smith<br />

School of Professional Studies<br />

Academic Excellence in Business<br />

Award<br />

Mary P. Couture<br />

Dana Martin Award<br />

Brandon Welever<br />

Business Student Leadership and<br />

Service Award<br />

Aaron Phillips<br />

Sister M. Agnes Micek, OSF Early<br />

Childhood Education Excellence<br />

Award<br />

Wendi S. Paxson<br />

Sister M. Rosaria Petra, OSF<br />

Middle Childhood Education<br />

Excellence Award<br />

Kelly N. McMillan<br />

Sister M. Remigia Kostick, OSF<br />

Adolescence to Young Adult<br />

Education Excellence Award<br />

William R. White<br />

Commitment to Social Justice<br />

Beth A. Wong<br />

Graduate School<br />

Excellence in Education<br />

Capstone Research, Teaching and<br />

Curriculum<br />

Delana Barnhart<br />

Excellence in Education Capstone<br />

Research, Reading<br />

Ashley E. Collins

Spirit of Education Award<br />

Victoria Riehle<br />

Pierre D. Taylor<br />

Spirit of Leadership Award<br />

Debra O lejownik<br />

Spirit of Nursing Award<br />

Linette M. Will<br />

School of Nursing Leadership<br />

Award<br />

Melissa Anderzack<br />

Alumni Association Scholarship<br />

Amanda Baker<br />

Brittany Gozdowski<br />

Lindsay Leonhard<br />

The Canticle of Praise Student<br />

Service Learning Award<br />

Shea DeVore<br />

Brian R. Enix<br />

Angela N. Haeck<br />

Laurentz Lewis<br />

Whitney M. McAfee<br />

Student Life<br />

Who’s Who Among Students in<br />

American Universities and <strong>College</strong>s<br />

Award<br />

Raja C. Aossey<br />

Stephanie M. Bohland<br />

Katie A. Bucher<br />

Mary F. Bukowski<br />

Jamila Clark<br />

Katie L. Coffey<br />

David C. Eisenstein<br />

Savannah M. Frelin<br />

Thomas M. French<br />

Laila A. Ibrahim<br />

Nathan D. Kuehnl<br />

Michael S. Lugabihl<br />

Tara Woodbury<br />

Annalisa E. Ziegler<br />

Student Government Association<br />

Award<br />

Michelle M. Perkins<br />

Nathan D. Kuehnl<br />

Student Organization<br />

Recognition Awards<br />

Admissions Ambassador<br />

Lily Chang<br />

Collegiate Middle Level<br />

Association<br />

James Jay Baumann<br />

Brian R. Enix<br />

Angela N. Haeck<br />

Kelly N. McMillan<br />

Ashley L. Wolniewicz<br />

Kimberly J. Winzenried<br />

Drama Society<br />

Megan E. Carter<br />

Thomas M. French<br />

Nathan D. Kuehnl<br />

Paula Larsen<br />

Annessa L. Stahler<br />

Orbis Ars<br />

Maria L. Loomis<br />

Student Nurses Association<br />

Lily Chang<br />

Damian Gonzalez<br />

Victoria P. Sklavos<br />

Chad O. Vergara<br />

Nicholas E. Wohlfarth<br />

Pre-Art Therapy<br />

Raja C. Aossey<br />

Ashley M. Cappelletty<br />

Jessica C. Czekala<br />

Mia M. Pedraza<br />

Miranda L. Strick<br />

Resident Assistant of the Year<br />

Award<br />

Thomas M. French<br />

Campus Ministry Awards<br />

L.I.N.K./Habitat for Humanity<br />

Award<br />

Chelsea J. Aiello<br />

Raul S. Arredondo<br />

Johnna M. Bankston<br />

Stephanie Bohland<br />

Timothy E. Broud<br />

Jonathan C. Brown<br />

Michelle N. Crawford<br />

Karl Evanoff<br />

Louise M. Frederick<br />

Nicholas Thomas Furlong<br />

Jessica S. Harris<br />

Nathan P. Jackson<br />

Benjamin J. Jakeway<br />

Brittnie L. Kalucki<br />

Laureen K. Knueven<br />

Courtney L. Loomis<br />

Maurice B. McKitrick<br />

Karl C. Meyer<br />

Karen M. Mohar-Wolf<br />

Oriana R. Orozco<br />

Anna C. Proshek<br />

Francisca C. Rodriguez<br />

Danielle N. Rose<br />

Aileen R. Santry<br />

Alisa A. Smith<br />

Annessa L. Stahler<br />

Anna Stoiber<br />

Allison L. Walter<br />

Deidra M. Young<br />

Student Volunteer of the Year<br />

Annette Fink<br />

Nicholas E. Wohlfarth<br />

TRiO Student of the Year<br />

Robert C. Arehart<br />

Athlete of the Year<br />

Brooke Darah<br />

Sr. Ann Francis Klimkowski<br />

Student Leader of the Year Award<br />

Alicia Murphy ®<br />

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38<br />

scoring success for<br />

Gray Wolves<br />

A<br />

winning team is<br />

comprised of players<br />

who have a desire to<br />

excel as a unit,” asserts<br />

Leroy King, a native of Muskegon<br />

Heights, Michigan, and one of<br />

7 assistant athletic coaches for<br />

the Gray Wolves. “Loyalty to the<br />

team and the proper attitude will<br />

overcome many obstacles on the<br />

road to becoming champions. As<br />

assistant coaches, we help build<br />

our athletes’ confidence and in<br />

turn this helps them achieve their<br />

goals and be the best students both<br />

on and off the playing field.”<br />

Having more than 12 years<br />

of men’s basketball coaching<br />

experience, Leroy assisted Head<br />

Coach Andre Smith in leading the<br />

Gray Wolves to a respectable 12-18<br />

record in their first season, one that<br />

ranks well among first-time teams.<br />

“As we plan for the next season, it’s<br />

important that we guide the team<br />

as it continues to improve and in<br />

time, make the <strong>Lourdes</strong> program<br />

nationally recognized,” adds Leroy.<br />

Olivia Terry brings a positive<br />

attitude and expertise that<br />

enhances the women’s basketball<br />

program. An Assistant Girl’s<br />

Varsity Coach and Head JV Coach<br />

at Bowsher High School for two<br />

years, the native of Richmond,<br />

Kentucky, is working closely with<br />

Head Coach Zareth Gray to<br />

recruit top student athletes who<br />

hope to bring a title to Sylvania.<br />

The women’s volleyball team made<br />

history bringing the first winning<br />

season to <strong>Lourdes</strong> with a 21-17<br />

record. Assistant Coach Mike<br />

Froehlich was a big reason for<br />

the team’s success. Hailing from<br />

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, his resumé

includes<br />

coaching<br />

The University of<br />

Toledo Women’s Volleyball Club<br />

to a third place finish in the 2008<br />

National Intramural Recreational<br />

Sports Association National<br />

Tournament.<br />

Mike and Head Coach Greg Reitz<br />

will hold these same positions for<br />

the men’s volleyball team scheduled<br />

to begin play in January 2012. The<br />

Gray Wolves will participate as a<br />

member of the NAIA but they also<br />

are looking to schedule NCAA<br />

Division I, II and IIII schools<br />

to bring top competition to<br />

the program.<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> alumnus and<br />

Maumee, Ohio, native<br />

Daniel Trombley<br />

(’06, BA, Business<br />

Administration) helped<br />

Coaches Scott Simon and<br />

Mike Killian tee up the first<br />

golf teams. As the Assistant Coach,<br />

he helped the student athletes<br />

reach their best scores during<br />

competition.<br />

Two seniors have taken on assistant<br />

coach roles for Head Baseball<br />

Coach Andy Ham. Nursing major<br />

Tim Berta (top right) from Ida,<br />

Michigan, is the team’s Bench<br />

Coach and Accounting major<br />

Stephen Herzog (bottom right)<br />

from Wadesboro, North Carolina,<br />

will develop pitching talent and<br />

strong defensive catchers “who<br />

will take control of the game<br />

and be top in all major defensive<br />

statistics.” The team’s third<br />

assistant coach, Tim Stoddard of<br />

Monroe, Michigan, brings a wealth<br />

of experience to the team and<br />

played under Coach Ham at Siena<br />

Heights University.<br />

Thanks to this talented group<br />

of assistant coaches, the <strong>2011</strong>-<br />

2012 Gray Wolves athletic season<br />

promises to be memorable and<br />

fun for the teams and fans. ®<br />

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40<br />

inaugural naugural baseball team<br />

The 2012 <strong>Lourdes</strong> Gray<br />

Wolves baseball team<br />

will have the luxury of<br />

playing their inaugural<br />

home games in a new stadium!<br />

“The assistant coaches and student<br />

athletes who have signed on are<br />

excited to begin this new era for<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>,” offers Head Coach Andy<br />

Ham. “To host our games in a<br />

state-of-the-art stadium shows how<br />

much the <strong>Lourdes</strong> Community<br />

supports us. We can’t wait to travel<br />

to Florida for spring break and<br />

return to host our home opener.”<br />

will christen a new stadium<br />

“<br />

To host our games in a state-of-the-art stadium<br />

shows how much the <strong>Lourdes</strong> Community<br />

supports us. We can’t wait to travel to Florida for<br />

spring break and return to host our home opener.<br />

The stadium is being built<br />

by friend Cleves Delp on the<br />

grounds owned by the Diocese of<br />

Toledo. <strong>Lourdes</strong> will lease the stadium<br />

and the Gray Wolves and Central Catholic<br />

Irish will share the facilities. “I couldn’t pass up on the<br />

opportunity to contribute to two quality institutions<br />

that have built their reputation on providing the<br />

best private education possible,” adds Mr. Delp.<br />

“The stadium will welcome high school and college<br />

communities from throughout the Midwest and<br />

showcase the best that our region has to offer.”<br />

Coach Ham is especially pleased because “the stadium<br />

will allow <strong>Lourdes</strong> to host NAIA conference and<br />

national tournaments. It will truly put the <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

name and the Gray Wolves in the forefront of<br />

intercollegiate athletics.”<br />

The stadium will offer the team and fans a fun ballpark<br />

experience with many amenities.<br />

} Dugout<br />

} Lights for night games<br />

} Locker room for up to 50 players<br />

} Shower room<br />

} Separate study area<br />

} Concession area<br />

} Elevated broadcast room, announcers room and suite<br />

For more information about the stadium, visit<br />

www.lourdes.edu/athletics. ®<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> athletics is<br />

a member of WHaC<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> is now a proud member of the NAIA<br />

Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference<br />

(WHAC). “On behalf of the <strong>Lourdes</strong> Gray<br />

Wolves athletic program and our coaches and<br />

student athletes, we are thrilled to represent the WHAC<br />

and to join our peers in proudly representing the<br />

NAIA,” commented Athletic Director Roseanne Gill-<br />

Jacobson.<br />

The WHAC is a partnership of student-focused<br />

institutions with a strong tradition and shared<br />

commitment towards academic achievement, service to<br />

community and developing life skills through characterdriven<br />

athletics.<br />

Established in 1992 from the previous NAIA District<br />

23, <strong>Lourdes</strong> joins 9 teams from Indiana, Michigan and<br />

Ohio. The Gray Wolves will regularly face off against<br />

the Aquinas <strong>College</strong> Saints, Concordia University<br />

Cardinals, Cornerstone University Golden Eagles,<br />

Davenport University Panthers, Indiana Tech Warriors,<br />

Madonna University Crusaders, Siena Heights<br />

University Saints, University of Michigan-Dearborn<br />

Wolves and the University of Northwestern Ohio<br />

Racers.<br />

For more information on <strong>Lourdes</strong> athletics, visit www.<br />

lourdes.edu/athletics and stay tuned for the new<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> athletics website launching in the fall. ®<br />

41<br />


42<br />

Featuredalumni<br />

Kelly Mehallow<br />

‘05, Ba, History

Giving horses a new<br />

lease on life<br />

Like St. Francis of Assisi, alumna Kelly<br />

Mehallow (’05, BA, History) has helped give<br />

animals new leases on life. Just as Francis<br />

befriended the wolf in order to show the people<br />

of Gubbio that the animal’s life had value and purpose,<br />

Kelly too has dedicated her time to such endeavors. In<br />

fact, she’s dedicated nearly her entire life to training and<br />

caring for horses.<br />

I was only<br />

2 years<br />

old the<br />

first time<br />

I ‘rode’ a<br />

horse.”<br />

“I was only 2 years old the first time<br />

I ‘rode’ a horse,” shares Kelly. “My<br />

Uncle had a pony named Spirit and<br />

the story is that I was literally bitten<br />

by the horse bug after he nibbled<br />

on me and I giggled.” By the age<br />

of 6, Kelly was taking professional<br />

riding lessons at Fox Meadow Farm<br />

and by 9, was riding her very first<br />

(leased) horse – a Thoroughbred<br />

named Ears.<br />

Kelly credits her relationship with Ears for her lifelong<br />

love of thoroughbreds. “I loved him, absolutely loved<br />

him and every memory I have of him is precious,” she<br />

reflects. It is this passion that eventually led her to care<br />

for and train three horses of her own:<br />

Angel, 21 year-old Thoroughbred mare<br />

Intimador de NFC (known as Señor Sancho),<br />

24-year old Paso Fino gelding<br />

Noproblemfor Dino (known as Dino), 9 year-old<br />

Thoroughbred gelding and grandson of US Triple<br />

Crown champion Secretariat<br />

alumna Kelly Mehallow is truly a<br />

friend to animals<br />

“Angel is my first horse – I got her as sort of a high<br />

school graduation gift. My parents met me half way<br />

on the cost,” notes Kelly. “Even though Angel is 21<br />

years old, I still see a lot of life in her. Her eyes are<br />

beautiful and bright and she’s still very interested in her<br />

surroundings.”<br />

It just goes to show Sounding just like a proud<br />

parent, Kelly adds, “Angel<br />

how intelligent is a very smart girl - she’s<br />

animals are – they my baby! She can get away<br />

can learn and with anything. All she has<br />

to do is give me a look and<br />

remember things<br />

she knows she’ll get her<br />

just like we can.” way.” And if Angel doesn’t<br />

get what she wants? Kelly<br />

says that she’s extremely intelligent. “Angel can learn<br />

anything. Once she watched me cross underneath a<br />

rope I had hung to section off an area of the barn and<br />

within minutes of me walking away, she was already<br />

doing the same thing herself. It just goes to show how<br />

intelligent animals are – they can learn and remember<br />

things just like we can.”<br />

(continued on page 44)<br />

43<br />


44<br />

Featuredalumni (cont.)<br />

After Angel, Kelly welcomed Señor Sancho to<br />

the family, who had a rather rough start to life.<br />

Before coming to Ohio, he was shifted around<br />

to at least half a dozen owners and was then<br />

badly injured during his trip up north. Seeing his<br />

injuries and how they had decreased his chances<br />

of going to a new owner, Kelly decided to<br />

purchase him herself. “Of course, at the time,<br />

being that I was only 20 – my parents didn’t<br />

know I was planning to get a second horse. One<br />

day, I just showed up with Sancho in tow and I<br />

just nursed him back to health.”<br />

Kelly says that many people thought Sancho<br />

would never heal enough to be more than<br />

a pasture ornament and boasts that he has<br />

“completely proven them wrong. He is a terrific<br />

and active horse. He still runs and plays like<br />

he’s only 12 and up until two years ago was still<br />

showing!”<br />

Her newest addition, Noproblemfor Dino’s life<br />

was truly saved the day that Kelly found him.<br />

“I’d been searching for about 2 years for a new<br />

horse and was getting frustrated that I wasn’t<br />

finding the right fit. Just when I’d nearly given<br />

up, I found Dino during a trip to Kentucky. My<br />

family and I visited the Maker’s Mark Secretariat<br />

Center and before we left I checked their list of<br />

available horses. My eyes immediately went to<br />

Dino and the adoption coordinator took me out<br />

to see him. As we stood at the fence talking, he<br />

walked right up to me and shoved his nose in my<br />

chest. I knew right then and there, that he was<br />

the one and before we left, I started the adoption<br />

process.”<br />

Like his forefathers Secretariat and Pancho<br />

Villa, Dino started his life as a race horse, but<br />

eventually fell down the ladder until he was<br />

racing in the bottom claimers at the Pinnacle.<br />

“Race horses who are non-winning or no longer<br />

wanted are often sent to auction houses where<br />

they’re sold to meat buyers,” explains Kelly.<br />

“Sadly, this is Dino’s story too. He was sent to

the Sugarcreek Auction House<br />

where a meat buyer purchased<br />

him. While awaiting his trip to<br />

the slaughterhouse, a rescue group<br />

decided to save him.”<br />

I want to show people that these horses<br />

are beautiful, intelligent animals and they<br />

deserve a second chance.”<br />

Unfortunately, being rescued<br />

from the slaughterhouse didn’t<br />

keep Dino from suffering a cruel<br />

future. Before finding Kelly, he was<br />

adopted into two abusive homes.<br />

“When I read about the abuse and<br />

neglect that he suffered, I literally<br />

had chills,” shares Kelly. “I actually<br />

knew his story because I’d read it<br />

a year before when it was making<br />

rounds on online blogs. To this<br />

day, I still don’t know what to<br />

make of my finding him. Was it<br />

merely a coincidence or fate that<br />

we found each other?”<br />

Asked about her passion for<br />

retraining horses, particularly<br />

thoroughbreds like Angel and<br />

Dino, Kelly shares that, “some<br />

horses are seen as damaged goods,<br />

especially<br />

thoroughbreds.<br />

The breed<br />

gets a bad rap.<br />

People think<br />

of them as<br />

being wild and<br />

difficult to train. I want to show<br />

people that this is not the truth.”<br />

Today, as a result of Kelly’s love<br />

and care, Dino along with Angel<br />

and Señor Sancho are happy and<br />

healthy.<br />

Tragically, not all horses are as<br />

lucky. According to the United<br />

States Department of Agriculture,<br />

statistics show that more than 92<br />

percent of horses slaughtered are<br />

in good condition and able to<br />

live productive lives. Of the more<br />

than 400,000 horses slaughtered<br />

in 2009, 368,000 could have<br />

gone on to live healthy and happy<br />

lives. “This is one of the reasons<br />

why I started my blog - The<br />

Ups & Downs of Retraining a<br />

Thoroughbred Racehorse,” shares<br />

Kelly. “I want to show people<br />

that these horses are beautiful,<br />

intelligent animals and they<br />

deserve a second chance.”<br />

Of her experience at <strong>Lourdes</strong>, Kelly<br />

shares that as a student, Mary<br />

Stockwell, PhD, History, Political<br />

Science & Geography Chair, left a<br />

lasting impression on her. “She was<br />

just so passionate about history,”<br />

recalls Kelly. “To see how much<br />

she loved teaching really inspired<br />

me and I always thought if I had<br />

half of her dedication and spirit, I<br />

would like to be a professor myself<br />

someday.”<br />

Maybe Kelly is more like Dr.<br />

Stockwell than she thinks – one<br />

need only read her blog and hear<br />

her inspiring story to see this same<br />

passion. As an alumna, Kelly is a<br />

shining example of the <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

mission being put to work beyond<br />

the campus border.<br />

To learn more about her life and<br />

care of Angel, Señor Sancho and<br />

Dino, visit her blog at http://<br />

retraininganottb.blogspot.com. ®<br />

45<br />


46<br />

alumniNews&Notes<br />

Phonathon brings<br />

in $21,000<br />

This year’s <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

Phonathon raised a<br />

staggering $21,000 for<br />

the institution – the<br />

most funds raised by<br />

the campaign to date.<br />

“It’s amazing to to see<br />

this type of of support support<br />

from the the alumni<br />

community,” boasts Shannon<br />

Polz, Alumni Relations Officer.<br />

“We could not continue our<br />

tradition of excellence without the<br />

generous support of our alumni!”<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> would like to extend a<br />

tremendous thank you to all who<br />

supported this effort. To make a<br />

secure online donation to <strong>Lourdes</strong>,<br />

visit www.lourdes.edu/donate.<br />

campus artwork takes<br />

spotlight at alumni<br />

art Walk<br />

From handmade ceramic murals to<br />

student-made paintings to largescale<br />

sculptures, the copious variety<br />

of artwork found on campus<br />

makes <strong>Lourdes</strong> a unique and<br />

special place.<br />

Led by Kristin Baldeschwiler<br />

(’03, BA, Art History), alumni and<br />

their guests had the opportunity to<br />

learn about the many pieces of art<br />

found throughout <strong>Lourdes</strong> during<br />

the annual Alumni Art Walk.<br />

alumni and students<br />

gather for a Walleye<br />

victory<br />

Last<br />

winter,<br />

alumni and<br />

students<br />

gathered to<br />

cheer on<br />

the Toledo<br />

Walleye as they defeated division<br />

rival Kalamazoo Kings 2-1. Before<br />

the game, everyone had a chance<br />

to connect and converse over Pizza<br />

Papalis’ famous Chicago style<br />

deep dish pizza. The event was a<br />

collaboration between the Alumni<br />

Office and L.E.A.P. (<strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

Events and Activities Planning).<br />

alumni make a splash<br />

at Great Wolf lodge<br />

Members of the <strong>Lourdes</strong> Alumni<br />

Association and their families<br />

enjoyed another terrific outing at<br />

the Great Wolf Lodge in Sandusky,<br />

Ohio. The outing included<br />

an alumni<br />

reception<br />

and special<br />

overnight<br />

rate which<br />

included<br />

passes to the<br />

water park.<br />

This year’s<br />

event also featured a “Wolfshake<br />

Break,” where <strong>Lourdes</strong> alumni<br />

and families could cool off with a<br />

milkshake during the day.<br />

“This event is a great opportunity<br />

for alumni and families to have fun<br />

while connecting with each other,”<br />

shares Shannon. “We were glad to<br />

be able to bring our <strong>Lourdes</strong> Gray<br />

Wolves back to the Great Wolf<br />

Lodge for a second year.”<br />

meet the <strong>2011</strong>-2012<br />

alumni Board<br />

A host of alumni and their guests<br />

attended the annual Alumni<br />

Dinner in May. During the event,<br />

participants enjoyed a catered<br />

meal, networked, enjoyed guest<br />

speaker Jason Daniels, President<br />

of Jay Ramon, LLC and honored<br />

Diane Keil-Roe, ‘90 (BA, Business<br />

Administration) as Alumna of the<br />

Year. The group also elected the<br />

<strong>2011</strong>-2012 slate of board members<br />

which includes:<br />

President:<br />

Deb Olejownik ‘08<br />

Vice President:<br />

Jeff Knaggs ’95, ‘09<br />

Secretary:<br />

Janice Walsh ‘07<br />

At Large members:<br />

Michelle Bauer ‘03<br />

Debbie Blair ‘96<br />

Patrick Clear ’00, ‘09<br />

Greg Evans ’05, ‘08<br />

Tim Galvin ‘07<br />

Diane Keil-Roe ‘90<br />

Brook Neptune ‘09<br />

Oriana Orozco ‘10<br />

Frank Reynolds ‘88<br />

Michele Stansley ‘08<br />

Brandon Tucker ‘09<br />

Adrianne Subleski '09<br />

Christie Swiczkoski '07<br />

Todd Williams '02

Leadership summit addresses<br />

economic recession<br />

The Leadership Alumni Branch hosted its second<br />

annual Leadership Summit in April. The summit, titled<br />

“Lessons Learned from the Great Recession,” featured<br />

leaders from various industries in the Toledo area who<br />

spoke about the lessons they learned.<br />

Speakers included Nu Tek Steel CEO and Chair<br />

Sarah Bates, Toledo Community Foundation Senior<br />

Program Officer Sarah Harrison and Libbey CEO and<br />

Chair John Meier. <strong>Lourdes</strong> Master of Organizational<br />

Leadership faculty also led breakout sessions during<br />

the event.<br />

47<br />


48<br />

alumniNews&Notes<br />

Join an alumni branch or become a<br />

mentor<br />

Those interested in serving their alma mater now have<br />

four exciting branches in which they can be involved:<br />

Business, Education, Leadership (MOL) and Nursing.<br />

Branches are designed to engage and reach out<br />

to alumni from various disciplines through<br />

communication and events. Events can be social,<br />

service related or professional development in nature.<br />

Alumni branches have already helped bring a variety<br />

of events to campus such as the “Honoring Nurses<br />

with Dance and Stories” performance by Verb Ballet,<br />

the Leadership Summit and workshops on sensory<br />

integration and use of the SMART board in<br />

classroom instruction.<br />

Alumni can also<br />

lend<br />

their expertise<br />

and advice<br />

to <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

students<br />

through<br />

a new<br />

mentor-ship<br />

program<br />

being offered<br />

through the<br />

<strong>College</strong> Central<br />

Network (CCN).<br />

Visit www.collegecentral.com/<br />

lourdes for more details and to register.<br />

Nursing art and law topic of branch<br />

cE event<br />

Last spring, the Nursing Alumni Branch held a<br />

continuing education (CE) event which included<br />

sessions titled “<strong>2011</strong> Ohio Nursing Law” and<br />

“Celebrating the Art of Nursing: Poetry &<br />

Storytelling.” Nursing alumni, students and members<br />

of the community came out for this unique and fun<br />

event. ®<br />

future alumni Events<br />

Saturday, July 9, <strong>2011</strong><br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Night at Mud Hens<br />

4 to 6 p.m. picnic at <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

7 p.m. Mud Hens game<br />

Bring your family out to enjoy a picnic on campus<br />

hosted by President Bob Helmer and wife Linda,<br />

followed by a fun night at the Toledo Mud Hens as<br />

they take on the Columbus Clippers. Tickets cost<br />

$10 per person – $1 of each ticket goes directly to<br />

the Alumni Student Scholarship Fund. Contact Alisa<br />

Smith at aasmith@lourdes.edu for more information<br />

and to reserve a ticket. Please indicate how many will be<br />

attending and that you are a <strong>Lourdes</strong> alumnus.<br />

Wednesday, July 13, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Alumni Ice Cream Social<br />

6 to 7:30 p.m.<br />

Assisi Hall lawn<br />

Family and friends are invited to help<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> celebrate celebrate the anniversary of Mother<br />

Adelaide’s vows with ice cream! There will be<br />

plenty of opportunity to connect with fellow<br />

alumni and enjoy some lawn lawn games as as well.<br />

Look for more details about upcoming events on the<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> alumni website and in the monthly Alumni<br />

eNews, including the Alumni Walk with Francis and<br />

Student/Alumni Networking event happening this fall<br />

and Alumni retreat coming in winter.<br />

If you are not receiving the eNewsletter, please send<br />

your name and email address to alumni@lourdes.edu. ®

class Notes<br />

1983<br />

Annette Garvin (AAS,<br />

Occupational Therapy) is working<br />

at Notre Dame Academy as an<br />

Office Administrator.<br />

2001<br />

Kris Gedeon (BS, Nursing) is<br />

now working at Communicare at<br />

Waterford Commons in Toledo,<br />

Ohio.<br />

2005<br />

Erica Goodwin (BA, Marketing)<br />

is currently working as a Sales<br />

Executive for Mail It Corporation<br />

in Toledo, Ohio.<br />

2007<br />

Melody Carmichael (Education<br />

Licensure) is teaching at Monroe<br />

County Community <strong>College</strong>.<br />

Alison Prielipp (BA,<br />

Interdisciplinary Studies) is<br />

completing her third year of<br />

apprenticeship at The Toledo<br />

Refinery (previously Sunoco<br />

Refinery) in plant operations and<br />

has acquired her Ohio Stationary<br />

Engineering license. She currently<br />

has two children and one niece<br />

attending <strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong>.<br />

What’s<br />

the latest<br />

news?<br />

2008<br />

April Gladieux (BA, Marketing) is the<br />

owner of a wedding planning/decor<br />

business called Your Perfect Day! She<br />

was recently on Fox 36 News and was<br />

interviewed by The Toledo Blade. Her<br />

business was created in Oct. 2008 and<br />

has grown rapidly. She now has six<br />

employees and can accommodate up<br />

to 60 weddings a year.<br />

Mytrice Sanders (BA,<br />

Management) was recently<br />

promoted to Property Manager at<br />

Andover Apartments in Toledo,<br />

Ohio.<br />

2009<br />

Doug Waldie (MOL,<br />

Organizational Leadership)<br />

works as Chief Operating<br />

Officer of Crum Manufacturing<br />

in Waterville, Ohio. Crum<br />

Manufacturing was recently named<br />

Waterville’s Business of the Year. ®<br />

Share your achievements and good news with<br />

the lourdes college community and fellow<br />

alumni association members.<br />

contact Shannon Polz, alumni Relations Officer,<br />

419-517-8971 or alumni@lourdes.edu<br />

49<br />


50<br />

facultyFOCUS<br />

Opening the mind to the world’s<br />

great thinkers<br />

“Where else can you find a decorated war hero, a descendent of a king and an<br />

Olympian but in philosophy,” effuses Mark Christensen, chair of the department.<br />

“Who were these great philosophers? In actuality, they were all one in the same<br />

person – Plato.”<br />

Mark Christensen<br />

associate Professor of Philosophy<br />

Ba, ma, University of Wisconsin-milwaukee<br />

Mark has enlightened and educated <strong>Lourdes</strong> students for more than 20 years. His<br />

goal when teaching is to bring the philosophers that are often “really quirky people<br />

yet absolute geniuses” to life. This style of teaching is what engaged student Ben<br />

Brockway (see page 53). From Mark, Ben learned that Plato “was of royal blood<br />

with lineage dating back to the last king of Athens.” An Olympic wrestler, he<br />

fought in three different battles and is today most known by his nickname rather<br />

than his given name of Aristocles.<br />

Mark’s father Arthur is one of the most influential people in his life. “My father<br />

loves books even more than I do,” he notes. “He loves ideas just as much as I do.<br />

Of the two of us, he is the better teacher.” Raised with “a particular world view,”<br />

Mark decided while attending college in Wisconsin that he would put that world<br />

view to the test to see if it would stand up to a challenge.<br />

“I switched colleges and majors,” continues Mark. “I thought that majoring in<br />

philosophy at a large state university would be the ultimate test of the belief system<br />

I was raised with. I also desired to be able to intelligently articulate and defend my<br />


Where else can you find a decorated war hero, a descendent of a king<br />

and an Olympian but in philosophy? Who were these great philosophers?<br />

In actuality, they were all one in the same person – Plato.<br />

“<br />

”<br />

51<br />


52<br />

facultyFOCUS<br />

While pursuing his education<br />

at the University of Wisconsin-<br />

Milwaukee, he learned from one<br />

of the best – Professor William<br />

Wainwright who Mark describes<br />

as “the philosophy professor.<br />

He is the standard by which all<br />

professors of philosophy should<br />

be measured. I was blessed to be<br />

mentored by him.”<br />

Professor Christensen apparently<br />

impressed the now Distinguished<br />

Professor of Philosophy Emeritus<br />

at the University. “Mark’s concern<br />

with central moral and social issues<br />

and with existentially important<br />

religious questions was exemplary,”<br />

comments Dr. Wainwright. “It<br />

was a pleasure to have him as our<br />

student.” The student obtained<br />

both his bachelor and master’s<br />

degrees in philosophy from the<br />

University.<br />

After his doctoral fellowship at<br />

Bowling Green State University,<br />

Mark began teaching at <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

in 1989. He also taught at Mercy<br />

<strong>College</strong> of Northwest Ohio and<br />

Adrian <strong>College</strong>. Throughout<br />

his career, Mark has pursued his<br />

academic interests of medical<br />

and research ethics. A member of<br />

Public Responsibility in Medicine<br />

and Research (PRIM&R) and<br />

the Collaborative Institutional<br />

Training Initiative (CITI), he also<br />

consults and speaks at national<br />

conferences in the area of animal<br />

ethics.<br />

For several years, he has also<br />

assisted universities across the<br />

country, acting as an advisor,<br />

ensuring that research and<br />

experiments adhere to the Animal<br />

Welfare Act. Animal rights in<br />

ethics address several questions<br />

including “what is morally alright<br />

to do to animals?” and “what is<br />

humanity’s moral obligation?” His<br />

work in this area has also garnered<br />

several speaking engagement<br />

requests including keynote speaker<br />

delivering the prestigious Henry<br />

Spira Memorial at PRIM&R’s<br />

annual national conference.<br />

Mark’s concern with<br />

central moral and<br />

social issues and with<br />

existentially important<br />

religious questions was<br />

exemplary. It was a<br />

pleasure to have him as<br />

our student.<br />

Professor William Wainwright,<br />

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee<br />

When not regaling students on the<br />

great philosophers or providing<br />

expertise in medical and research<br />

ethics, Mark enjoys time with<br />

his family (wife Amy, daughters<br />

Rebecca and Rachel and grandson<br />

Quinton) and spending time<br />

outdoors. He is “most comfortable<br />

on the water or in the woods<br />

backpacking and hiking.”<br />

Just as Mark was influenced<br />

by his professors, so too has he<br />

influenced <strong>Lourdes</strong> students.<br />

Alumnus Johnathan Bechtel (’99,<br />

BA, English) was inspired by<br />

Mark’s teaching. As a result, after<br />

graduation, he decided to pursue<br />

a graduate degree in philosophy.<br />

Needing just three additional<br />

philosophy courses, he worked<br />

with Mark. In the end, Marquette<br />

University was so impressed with<br />

John’s preparation and work that<br />

he was “mainlined directly into the<br />

PhD program.”<br />

Are you intrigued to learn more<br />

about “eccentric and brilliant<br />

philosophers” like John Stuart<br />

Mill, Jeremy Bentham, Aristotle<br />

and more? Do you know which<br />

philosopher was a champion of<br />

animal ethics, donated his remains<br />

and wealth to a university and<br />

is brought out for university<br />

functions when not displayed in<br />

a glass case? Then enroll in one of<br />

Mark’s classes – Introduction to<br />

Philosophy, Introduction to Ethics,<br />

Human Values, Philosophy of<br />

Religion or Bioethics. ®

an arts & sciences<br />

education in action<br />

Former student Ben Brockway proves the value of an arts &<br />

sciences education. He took the lessons he learned from a <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

professor and put them into action while serving in the US Navy.<br />

2010: <strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong><br />

Enrolled at <strong>Lourdes</strong>, Ben received word that he had been recalled to active<br />

duty and was deployed in Iraq. During his tour, he and fellow servicemen<br />

and women were able to have flags flown in honor of individuals they<br />

respected in the “face of the direct enemy.” These individuals were also<br />

permitted to carry the flags on their body during direct combat.<br />

Ben took advantage of this opportunity.<br />

<strong>2011</strong>: <strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong><br />

This February, Ben came home for a short visit and reconnected with<br />

one of his professors - Mark Christensen, Chair of the Philosophy &<br />

Values Department. He brought with him a flag that he had dedicated<br />

to Professor Christensen for the lessons and skills he taught in Philosophy<br />

101. The flag was accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by<br />

two US Navy officers.<br />

Lessons learned<br />

Part of Professor Christensen’s lesson plan includes a military analogy of<br />

Plato, a decorated hero, and Plato’s use of ethics and critical thinking skills.<br />

“In Professor Christensen’s class, I learned to keep an open mind,” notes<br />

Ben, who holds the position of MA2 EXW. “We learned the importance<br />

of thinking outside of the box and looking at issues from different points<br />

of view. These philosophy techniques were pivotal in my time overseas and<br />

enabled me to complete my mission.”<br />

Currently stationed at Virginia Beach, Ben hopes to return to <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

either this summer or fall to continue pursuing a business degree. It is his<br />

hope to be a dog trainer of K9s in the military. “I want to be involved<br />

with helping servicemen and women who have PTSD otherwise known<br />

as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,” adds Ben. “It is one of the coolest<br />

things to see the transformation in the animals and help them to build<br />

their confidence.”<br />

“The flag symbolizes every human right I believe in, represents every act<br />

of courage and every moment of self-sacrifice ever made by men and<br />

women serving under it,” comments Professor Christensen. “Mr.<br />

Brockway knows honor and understands respect. He has shown me<br />

more of each than I deserve.” ®<br />

53<br />


54<br />

faculty/Staff Kudos<br />

appointments/<br />

Promotions<br />

Kate Beutel, PhD<br />

Barbara Masten, MEd<br />

Stephanie Quinn, PhD<br />

Susan Shelangoskie, PhD<br />

Master Judges<br />

The Power of the Pen Regionals<br />

Northwest Ohio<br />

Karen Biscay, MM<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Music Department<br />

Kelly Conkle, MS<br />

Co-Chair<br />

Programming Committee<br />

2012 Great Lakes Region<br />

Conference Planning Team<br />

National Academic Advising<br />

Association<br />

Judy Didion,<br />

PhD<br />

Professor<br />

Nursing<br />

Department<br />

Anjali Gray,<br />

PhD<br />

Professor<br />

Biology<br />

& Health<br />

Sciences Department<br />

Judge<br />

48th Annual Ohio Junior Science<br />

& Humanities Symposium<br />

Bowling Green State University<br />

Bowling Green, Ohio<br />

Julie Kruse, MSN<br />

Assistant Professor<br />

Nursing Department<br />

Paul Longenecker, PhD<br />

Member<br />

Research Committee<br />

National Hospice & Palliative Care<br />

Organization<br />

Todd Matteson, MFA<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Art Department<br />

Juror<br />

<strong>2011</strong> Award for Excellence in the<br />

Visual Arts<br />

Association of Independent<br />

<strong>College</strong>s and Universities of Ohio<br />

Liz Nims, PhD<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Nursing Department<br />

Keith Ramsdell, MEd<br />

Member<br />

Professional Development<br />

Committee<br />

National Association of Graduate<br />

Admissions Professionals<br />

Susan Shelangoskie, PhD<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Language & Literature<br />

Department<br />

Erin Palmer Szavuly, MFA<br />

Juror<br />

Ninth Congressional District Art<br />

Exhibition<br />

Ohio<br />

awards<br />

Elizabeth Boltz, MA<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong> Staff<br />

Excellence Award<br />

Michael French, PhD<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Scholarship Fellowship<br />

Anjali Gray, PhD<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Sabbatical<br />

Spring 2012<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong> Faculty<br />

Excellence Award<br />

Todd Matteson, MFA<br />

Student Organization<br />

Advisor of the Year<br />

Orbis Ars<br />

Patricia O’Connell, PhD<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Sabbatical<br />

Spring 2012<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong> Faculty<br />

Excellence Award<br />

Kathy Perzynski, MS<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Sabbatical<br />

Spring 2012<br />

Martha<br />

Mewhort,<br />

MA<br />

Trustee<br />

Emerita<br />

<strong>2011</strong> YWCA<br />

Milestones<br />

Education<br />


Sr. Shannon Schrein, OSF, PhD<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Sabbatical<br />

Spring 2012<br />

Deborah Schwartz, PhD<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Sabbatical<br />

Semester to be determined<br />

Mary Stockwell, PhD<br />

5th Distinguished Lecture in<br />

American History and Culture<br />

Grant<br />

Ohio Humanities Council<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Sabbatical<br />

<strong>2011</strong>-2012<br />

Barbara Walters, MEd<br />

Degree Training<br />

Spring 2012<br />

Linette Will, MSN<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong> Staff Excellence<br />

Award<br />

Elizabeth Wise, PhD<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Sabbatical<br />

Fall <strong>2011</strong><br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Scholarship Fellowship<br />

Presentations<br />

Mary Arquette, BS<br />

“Generations and Giving”<br />

Clark, Schaefer & Hackett<br />

Toledo, Ohio<br />

Alison Chamberlain, MSN<br />

Judy Didion, PhD<br />

“Finding their identity: personal<br />

accounts of minority adolescent<br />

mothers”<br />

35th Annual MNRS Research<br />

Conference<br />

Columbus, Ohio<br />

Donald Czarcinski, PhD<br />

Mary Robinson, PhD<br />

“How to survive (and thrive) as<br />

chair of the college curriculum<br />

committee”<br />

Quality in Higher Education <strong>2011</strong><br />

North Central Association (NCA)<br />

Higher Learning Commission<br />

(HLC) Annual Conference<br />

Chicago, Illinois<br />

Judy Didion, PhD<br />

Mallie Kozy, PhD<br />

Julie Kruse, MSN<br />

Kathy Perzynski, MS<br />

“Positive impact on student<br />

professionalism”<br />

58th Annual Congress for the<br />

American Association of Operating<br />

Room Nurses (AORN)<br />

Philadelphia, PA<br />

Sr. Valerie<br />

Grondin,<br />

OSF, MA<br />

“Using data<br />

to inform<br />

instruction”<br />

National<br />

Catholic<br />

Education<br />

Convention<br />

New Orleans, Louisiana<br />

Anna Jaso, MS<br />

Mallie Kozy, PhD<br />

Julie Kruse, MSN<br />

Kathy Perzynski, MS<br />

“<strong>2011</strong> LPN to BSN education:<br />

does it work”<br />

Ohio League for Nursing<br />

Education Summit<br />

Columbus, Ohio<br />

Dale<br />

Lanigan,<br />

EdD<br />

“Immigration:<br />

history,<br />

legislation,<br />

concerns and<br />

the future”<br />

“Levels of<br />

religious<br />

tolerance in a rapidly changing<br />

society”<br />

The State of the State Conference<br />

Rhodes State <strong>College</strong><br />

Lima, Ohio<br />

Jill Liebnau, MS<br />

Keith Ramsdell, MEd<br />

“Graduate admissions and faculty<br />

collaboration: the nurse anesthesia<br />

program development process at<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong>”<br />

Midwestern Association of<br />

Graduate Admissions Professionals<br />

Regional Workshop<br />

The University of Toledo<br />

Toledo, Ohio<br />

55<br />


56<br />

faculty/Staff Kudos<br />

Paul Longenecker, PhD<br />

“Ethical challenges of fundraising”<br />

Northwest Ohio Association of<br />

Fundraising Professionals<br />

Toledo, Ohio<br />

“Succession planning practices of<br />

hospice organizations: the keys to<br />

success”<br />

Ohio Council for Home Care and<br />

Hospice Annual Conference<br />

Columbus, Ohio<br />

Todd Matteson, MFA<br />

Art exhibit<br />

Artomatic419!<br />

Toledo, Ohio<br />

Amy Mergen,<br />

MOL<br />

“Get ready,<br />

get set, go:<br />

opening new<br />

markets in<br />

shrinking and<br />

competitive<br />

enrollment<br />

environments”<br />

National Small <strong>College</strong> Enrollment<br />

Conference<br />

St. Augustine, Florida<br />

Aileen Meyer, MOL<br />

“Strategies for taking annual funds<br />

of all sizes to the next level”<br />

Association of Fundraising<br />

Professionals<br />

Chicago, Illinois<br />

Susan Shelangoskie, PhD<br />

“Nerves of the empire: rhetorical<br />

and literary strategies in<br />

technological travel narratives”<br />

Travel in the Nineteenth Century:<br />

Narratives, Histories and<br />

Collections Conference<br />

University of Lincoln<br />

Lincolnshire, England, United<br />

Kingdom<br />

Mary Stockwell, PhD<br />

“The progressive era”<br />

Various lectures on President<br />

Theodore Roosevelt, President<br />

Woodrow Wilson, Frederick<br />

Jackson Turner and selected<br />

Supreme Court Cases (Lochner,<br />

Slaughterhouse Cases, and Plessy vs.<br />

Ferguson)<br />

Teaching American History Grant<br />

Event<br />

Louisiana State University<br />

Shreveport, Louisiana<br />

“The raid on Stony Point”<br />

Teachers of the State of New York<br />

West Point, New York<br />

Deborah Vargo, PhD<br />

“Factors influencing registered<br />

nurses’ judgments and decisions in<br />

medication management”<br />

35th Annual MNRS Research<br />

Conference<br />

Columbus, Ohio<br />

Publications/Exhibits<br />

Holly Baumgartner, PhD<br />

with Garrick Ducat<br />

“Empowering faculty communities<br />

for fostering and assessing student<br />

performance in virtual landscapes”<br />

Adaptation, Resistance, and Access to<br />

Instructional Technologies: Assessing<br />

Future Trends in Education<br />

Ed. Steven D’Agustino, <strong>2011</strong><br />

(Information Science Reference)<br />

Susan Shelangoskie, PhD<br />

“Spiritualism and the<br />

representation of female authority<br />

in Shaw’s Getting Married”<br />

Upstage: A Journal of Turn-of-the-<br />

Century Theatre<br />

Forthcoming<br />

Mary Stockwell, PhD<br />

“Lincoln’s bridge to the world:<br />

Woodrow Wilson”<br />

Lincoln’s Enduring Legacy<br />

Lexington Press, <strong>2011</strong><br />

“The international legacy of FDR”<br />

FDR: A Collection of<br />

Historiographical Essays<br />

Blackwell, <strong>2011</strong><br />

“Valley Forge”<br />

George Washington<br />

Blackwell, <strong>2011</strong><br />

“Most loyal but forgotten son:<br />

Anthony Wayne’s relationship with<br />

George Washington”<br />

Washington and His Protoges: Essays<br />

in Honor of Donald Higginbotham<br />

University of Virginia Press, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Beth VanRheenen, PhD<br />

“Autism awareness month,<br />

academics, and Franciscan values”<br />

Best Practices in Franciscan<br />

Education<br />

Association of Franciscan <strong>College</strong>s<br />

and Universities E-Newsletter,<br />

January <strong>2011</strong>

3<br />

13<br />

24<br />

6<br />

9<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Crossword<br />

17<br />

1 2<br />

4 5<br />

20<br />

28<br />

Across<br />

3. European war re-enacted by history students (two words)<br />

5. Leadership Summit topic<br />

6. Dining hall is being constructed by Rudolph/Libbe and The<br />

_________________<br />

7. Business student who started a painting business<br />

8. <strong>Lourdes</strong> baseball team will share new stadium with this school<br />

(two words)<br />

10. <strong>Lourdes</strong> society for those who have given for three consecutive years<br />

11. Theater Vision announced partnership with this Theatre<br />

13. Grandson of US Triple Crown champion Secretariat<br />

17. Owens students can earn this <strong>Lourdes</strong> degree partly on Owens’<br />

campus<br />

18. Goldberg Lecturer Philip Markowicz’s book (three words)<br />

23. International Business Instructor who served as mentor in the Middle<br />

East<br />

24. Art lecture named after this Sister of St. Francis (three words)<br />

28. Award-winning Appold Planetarium is powered by<br />

29. Student Ben Brockway flew US flag in this Professor’s honor<br />

30. NAIA athletic conference <strong>Lourdes</strong> belongs to (two words)<br />

25<br />

29 30<br />

8<br />

10 11<br />

14 15<br />

21<br />

18<br />

16<br />

7<br />

22<br />

19<br />

DowN<br />

1. WAVE celebrates Women, Artists, ___________ and<br />

Entrepreneurs<br />

2. <strong>Lourdes</strong> pilgrims “walked” 4,000 miles to<br />

4. Allen and Chad ______ established endowed scholarship in their<br />

father’s name<br />

9. Career services program Backpack to ___________ celebrated its<br />

2nd year<br />

12. New graduate program only one of its kind in region<br />

14. <strong>2011</strong> marked <strong>Lourdes</strong>’ ____________ Commencement ceremony<br />

15. NAACP President who spoke at the <strong>Lourdes</strong> Celebration of Black<br />

History Month<br />

16. Professor who had lasting impact on alumnus Kelly Mehallow<br />

19. Habitat for Humanity trip included builds in Sebring and<br />

_________, Florida<br />

20. New Legacy Society member<br />

21. Ecumenical lecture featured relations between Catholics and______<br />

22. Fundraising event that brought in $21,000 for <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

25. <strong>Lourdes</strong> is a member of the Committed <strong>College</strong> ________ project<br />

26. Distinguished Lecture on American _________ & Culture<br />

27. Findlay and Lyden are <strong>2011</strong> Honorary ________ Degree recipients<br />

23<br />

27<br />

12<br />

26<br />

57<br />


58<br />

CampusNewsBriefs<br />

lourdes pilgrims walk more than<br />

4,000 miles to assisi, Italy<br />

St. Francis walked from Assisi to Greccio, to Rome and<br />

most of the way to Damietta in Egypt to share the word<br />

of God. In honor of St. Francis and the many journeys<br />

of his life, <strong>Lourdes</strong>’ Office of Mission & Ministry<br />

launched a challenge to the campus community to<br />

collectively walk the 4,615 miles it would take to travel<br />

from Toledo, Ohio to Assisi, Italy.<br />

lourdes<br />

Sylvania, Ohio<br />

The initiative was aimed at encouraging<br />

people to get active and reconnect with their<br />

faith by taking a break from the hectic pace<br />

of the day to walk throughout the Sylvania<br />

Franciscan grounds. To learn more about the Walking to<br />

Assisi initiative, visit www.lourdes.edu/assisiwalk.<br />

Underground Railroad show opens<br />

Black History month celebration<br />

In honor of the <strong>2011</strong> US Black History Month theme<br />

“African Americans and the Civil War,” <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

brought back its unique live-action planetarium show<br />

The Conductor<br />

to kick off the<br />

institution’s monthlong<br />

celebration.<br />

Presented in<br />

partnership with<br />

the Metroparks of<br />

the Toledo Area,<br />

The Conductor<br />

shared the powerful,<br />

historic tale of the<br />

assisi<br />

Italy<br />

Underground Railroad and how those involved used the<br />

stars to guide them on their journey.<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>’ annual Celebration of Black History Month<br />

concert event followed and featured Reverend Kevin<br />

Bedford, Pastor of the Third Baptist Church and<br />

newly elected President of the Toledo Chapter of the<br />

NAACP. The David Carter Symphonic Choir, <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

<strong>College</strong> Chorus and Good Company Ensemble and<br />

the Scott High School Gospel Choir all gave musical<br />

performances.<br />

The institution’s recognition of Black History Month<br />

closed with a bus trip to the National Underground<br />

Railroad Freedom Center. The trip was sponsored<br />

by Accessibility Services, the Office of Diversity &<br />

Multicultural Services and TRiO.<br />

Instructor serves as family business<br />

mentor in middle East<br />

Last winter, <strong>Lourdes</strong> International<br />

Business Instructor Patti Skaff<br />

(’08, MOL, Organizational<br />

Leadership; ’93, BA, Business<br />

Administration) joined a<br />

delegation of small business<br />

owners on an educational and<br />

cultural exchange trip to Amman,<br />

Jordan, Abu Dhabi and Dubai in<br />

the United Arab Emirates.<br />

Hosted by the Great Lakes Consortium for<br />

International Training and Development (GLC) and<br />

sponsored by the US State Department Bureau of<br />

Educational and Cultural Affairs, the trip was a follow<br />

up to a previous visit by a group of Middle Eastern<br />

business owners who came to northwest Ohio and<br />

worked with the delegation. The group worked together<br />

to tour local family run companies, host and attend<br />

workshops and identify key issues for improving overall<br />

business functionality.<br />

“One of our goals was to serve as mentors for the<br />

younger generations who are taking over their family

usinesses in the Middle East,” shares Patti. “Many<br />

of these individuals have a desire to run their family<br />

business in a more progressive way and we wanted to be<br />

there to give them insight and assist them with their ideas.<br />

“It was an exciting experience to see how these young<br />

business owners continue trying to affect change by<br />

growing and developing their businesses in spite of the<br />

challenges they face in many of their countries,” reflects Patti.<br />

Visit http://gl-consortium.org/site/ for more<br />

information about the GLC.<br />

New partnership brings business<br />

program to Owens<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>’ newest<br />

partnership makes earning<br />

a bachelor’s degree even<br />

easier for students at<br />

Owens Community<br />

<strong>College</strong>. Beginning fall<br />

<strong>2011</strong>, Owens students<br />

can take <strong>Lourdes</strong> classes<br />

at Owens in<br />

pursuit of their<br />

Bachelor of<br />

Science Degree<br />

in business.<br />

“We are<br />

thrilled to bring this vehicle for pursuing a <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

baccalaureate degree to Owens,” expresses Janet<br />

Robinson, PhD, Vice President for Academic Affairs.<br />

“Our partnership is unique in that it connects a<br />

public institution with a private institution – but the<br />

connection is really a perfect match. Both <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

and Owens place a strong emphasis on affordability<br />

and personalized attention. We have a long history of<br />

working together to ensure student success and this is a<br />

terrific continuation of that effort.”<br />

Students who enroll in the program will take the<br />

majority of their credit hours at Owens and can<br />

choose between the eight business majors offered at<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>. To help make earning a bachelor’s degree more<br />

affordable, qualifying students will also receive Pathways<br />

scholarships – renewable merit-based scholarships<br />

providing up to $2,000 of tuition assistance per<br />

academic year.<br />

Women artists make WaVEs at annual<br />

festival<br />

In March, <strong>Lourdes</strong> celebrated National Women’s<br />

History Month by recognizing the diversity and vision<br />

of area artists and business women at the fourth annual<br />

WAVE (Women, Artists, Visionaries and Entrepreneurs)<br />

Festival.<br />

The festival featured an indoor exhibition and sale of<br />

fine arts and crafts such as ceramics, fiber arts, jewelry,<br />

pottery and paintings, as well as live entertainment.<br />

Proceeds from the event benefitted Harbor House.<br />

“<strong>Lourdes</strong> is the only higher education institution<br />

currently in northwest Ohio that began as a women<br />

only college,” shares committee member Kelly<br />

Dilworth. “We are proud to host this festival, which<br />

speaks to our history and the spirit in which we<br />

continue to recognize and honor women who not only<br />

have shaped our past, but will influence our future.”<br />

59<br />


60<br />

CampusNewsBriefs<br />

Theater Vision coming to Valentine<br />

Since its inception in 1984, <strong>Lourdes</strong>’ Theater Vision program has provided<br />

curriculum-based theater arts education to more than half a million students<br />

throughout the region. Each season, more than two dozen performances are<br />

presented by professional touring companies specializing in children’s theater.<br />

Historically, the program has been housed in <strong>Lourdes</strong>’ 850-seat Franciscan<br />

Theatre – however, through a new partnership, guests are now able to<br />

experience Theater Vision productions and Theater Vision Days at the<br />

Valentine Theatre as well.<br />

The partnership, which<br />

launches in fall <strong>2011</strong>,<br />

allows Theater Vision to<br />

present approximately<br />

40% of its season 27<br />

productions at the<br />

Valentine, with the<br />

remaining 60% at the<br />

Franciscan Theatre &<br />

Conference Center. More<br />

importantly, productions<br />

being presented at the Valentine will offer a special Saturday matinee for the<br />

general public.<br />

For details about Theater Vision season 27, visit www.lourdes.edu/theater.<br />

lourdes joins lucas<br />

county’s committed<br />

college coaches project<br />

With more than a dozen colleges<br />

and universities located in or<br />

around Lucas County, it may be<br />

surprising to learn that less than<br />

14% of residents currently hold a<br />

bachelor’s degree.<br />

In a new program known as<br />

Committed <strong>College</strong> Coach<br />

(CCC), Lucas County is<br />

striving to change the culture of<br />

northwest Ohio so that earning a<br />

college degree is a priority for its<br />

residents, particularly the younger<br />

generations.<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> has joined as a member<br />

of the project and has appointed<br />

alumna Oriana Orozco (‘10,<br />

BA, Marketing) to represent the<br />

institution as one of the coaches.<br />

“We’ll be working with students<br />

in fifth grade on,” shares Oriana.<br />

“As coaches, we’ll take students<br />

on tours of different colleges and<br />

universities, share career options<br />

with them and help them navigate<br />

things like achievement tests<br />

and the financial aid application<br />

process.”<br />

For more information<br />

about the CCC, visit www.<br />

committedcollegecoach.com. ®

BenefactorNews<br />

Committed to education<br />

Established in 1996, the<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> Legacy Society<br />

recognizes donors who<br />

have expressed their<br />

commitment to <strong>Lourdes</strong> through<br />

provisions in their estate plans.<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> is pleased to welcome its<br />

newest member – Norene Drewicz<br />

(’59, AA, Liberal Arts).<br />

“No person was ever honored for what he received.<br />

Honor has been the reward for what he gave.”<br />

A past president of the <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

Auxiliary and a former Sister<br />

of St. Francis, Norene has<br />

steadfastly supported <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

for over 20 years. Our students<br />

have benefited from Norene’s<br />

generosity through her volunteer<br />

efforts for scholarship fundraisers<br />

and through her financial<br />

contributions. Her years of<br />

financial support have<br />

earned her membership<br />

into the Evergreen and<br />

Franciscan societies.<br />

Calvin Coolidge, 30 th President, United States (1923-29)<br />

“<strong>Lourdes</strong> taught me to<br />

discover my inner hidden<br />

talents and to develop<br />

them,” notes Norene.<br />

“I instilled that same<br />

lesson in the students<br />

I taught. It’s important<br />

that individuals develop<br />

their talents and share<br />

them with the world.”<br />

During her career, she<br />

was employed at Bowling<br />

Green State University<br />

and retired from the<br />

Toledo Public Schools<br />

in 2002 after teaching<br />

special education at<br />

Oakdale School for<br />

35 years.<br />

One of Norene’s fondest memories<br />

as a novice and student at <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

(then known as St. Clare Academy)<br />

was gathering on the lawn with<br />

sparklers to celebrate Mother<br />

Adelaide’s birthday. Annunciation<br />

Lobby located just outside of Duns<br />

Scotus Library holds a special place<br />

in her heart. “This was my favorite<br />

place to study. I received a lot of<br />

inspiration when I came here. As<br />

a member of the Legacy Society,<br />

I am now making it possible for<br />

future generations to also benefit<br />

from a <strong>Lourdes</strong> education.”<br />

“We are grateful to Norene<br />

and all our Legacy friends who<br />

demonstrate their commitment to<br />

a <strong>Lourdes</strong> education,” notes Aileen<br />

Meyer, Director of Development<br />

and Alumni Relations. “One of the<br />

benefits of setting up a legacy gift<br />

is that the donor is acknowledged<br />

during his or her lifetime and in<br />

perpetuity while providing the<br />

opportunity of education for years<br />

to come.”<br />

To become a Legacy Society<br />

member, contact Aileen at<br />

419-824-3813 or ameyer@<br />

lourdes.edu. ®<br />

61<br />


62<br />

BenefactorNews<br />

Recognizing steadfast friends<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> is grateful to<br />

the donors who have<br />

demonstrated their<br />

commitment to our<br />

institution through an annual gift.<br />

We are indebted to those friends<br />

who have given annually for three<br />

years or more. These individuals<br />

are known as Evergreen Society<br />

members.<br />

Unwavering in their financial<br />

support to <strong>Lourdes</strong>, many of these<br />

members have generously increased<br />

their giving upon learning of<br />

the significance their gift plays<br />

in the lives of <strong>Lourdes</strong> students.<br />

Never to be taken for granted<br />

and continuously appreciated,<br />

Evergreen Society donors provide<br />

a reliable base of financial<br />

support which is critical to the<br />

sustainability and growth of the<br />

institution’s development program.<br />

In this edition, we would like to<br />

recognize a few of these steadfast<br />

friends – Pamela Hershberger,<br />

Lisa Syroka (’10, BA, Marketing)<br />

and Thomas and Susan<br />

Trumbull. ®<br />

Pamela Hershberger<br />

It’s important to give students the chance to<br />

expand their education and professional career when<br />

they otherwise would not have had the opportunity.<br />

From my own personal experience, I know how<br />

important aid is to furthering a college career. If I can<br />

help even one person achieve his or her education then<br />

my contribution is making a difference. It’s about<br />

paying it forward.”

Lisa syroka<br />

As an alumna, I am honored to<br />

now provide for students. <strong>Lourdes</strong> is<br />

truly a treasure. Whether as a student<br />

or an alumna, when I come to campus,<br />

I feel like a star! <strong>Lourdes</strong> instills a sense<br />

of belonging and support that encourages<br />

students. This place is amazing.”<br />

thomas & susan<br />

trumbull<br />

We are pleased to support <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

<strong>College</strong>. The strong academic programs<br />

and beautiful campus environment are<br />

so important to students and our region.<br />

Whenever possible, we enjoy visiting<br />

campus and walking the grounds.”<br />

63<br />


64<br />

Coming Events<br />

July<br />

Tuesday, July 5 through<br />

friday, July 8 and<br />

monday, July 11 through<br />

Thursday, July 14<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Reading Camp<br />

Sponsored by the Master of<br />

Education Program<br />

Sylvania Franciscan Academy<br />

9 to 11:30 a.m.<br />

$175 per camper<br />

Information: 419-824-3541 or<br />

419-824-3721<br />

monday, July 11<br />

through friday, July 15<br />

Life Lab <strong>Summer</strong><br />

Science Camp<br />

“Sustainable Science in Air, Land<br />

& Water”<br />

Life Lab in the Learning Center<br />

12:45 to 3:45 p.m.<br />

$95 per camper<br />

Information: 419-824-3691<br />

monday, July 18<br />

Registration Day<br />

Ebeid Center in Delp Hall<br />

9 a.m. to 2 p.m.<br />

Information: 419-885-5291<br />

monday, July 18<br />

Papalis Pizza and Mud<br />

Hens with First year<br />

students<br />

By invitation only<br />

Fifth Third Field<br />

5 p.m.<br />

419-885-5291<br />

monday, July 18 through<br />

Thursday, July 21 and<br />

monday, July 25 through<br />

Thursday, July 28<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Reading Camp<br />

Sponsored by the Master of<br />

Education Program<br />

Sylvania Franciscan Academy<br />

9 to 11:30 a.m.<br />

$175 per camper<br />

Information: 419-824-3541 or<br />

419-824-3721<br />

monday, July 18<br />

through friday, July 22<br />

Life Lab <strong>Summer</strong><br />

Science Camp<br />

“Sustainable Science in Air, Land<br />

& Water”<br />

Life Lab in the Learning Center<br />

12:45 to 3:45 p.m.<br />

$95 per camper<br />

Information: 419-824-3691<br />

monday, July 25<br />

through friday, July 29<br />

Life Lab <strong>Summer</strong><br />

Science Camp<br />

“Sustainable Science in Air, Land<br />

& Water”<br />

Life Lab in the Learning Center<br />

12:45 to 3:45 p.m.<br />

$95 per camper<br />

Information: 419-824-3691<br />

Saturday, July 30<br />

undergraduate<br />

Open House<br />

McAlear Hall<br />

1 to 4 p.m.<br />

Information: 419-885-5291<br />

aug.<br />

monday, august 1<br />

through friday, august 5<br />

Life Lab <strong>Summer</strong><br />

Science Camp<br />

“Sustainable Science in Air, Land<br />

& Water”<br />

Life Lab in the Learning Center<br />

12:45 to 3:45 p.m.<br />

$95 per camper<br />

Information: 419-824-3691<br />

Wednesday, august 17<br />

Fall Transfer Orientation<br />

Franciscan Center<br />

6 p.m.<br />

Information: 419-517-8946

Thursday, august 18<br />

Fall Graduate School<br />

Orientation<br />

Franciscan Center<br />

9 a.m. to 6 p.m.<br />

Information: 419-517-8881<br />

friday, august 19<br />

Convocation<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong> officially<br />

transitions to <strong>Lourdes</strong> University<br />

Franciscan Center<br />

2:30 p.m.<br />

Information: 419-824-3980<br />

Saturday, august 20<br />

First Year Orientation<br />

Franciscan Center<br />

Noon<br />

Information: 419-517-8946<br />

monday, august 22<br />

Fall semester begins<br />

Sept.<br />

Thursday, September 15<br />

“It’s a Surprise!”<br />

A very entertaining and<br />

humorous Auxiliary Luncheon<br />

presentation<br />

Noon<br />

Franciscan Center<br />

419-824-3969<br />

friday, September 16<br />

“Poetry Speaks: The voices<br />

of Ohio poets” with<br />

Joel Lipman<br />

A Lifelong Learning presentation<br />

Franciscan Center<br />

10 a.m.<br />

Information: 419-517-8897<br />

Tuesday, September 27<br />

State of the university<br />

Address<br />

By invitation only<br />

Franciscan Center<br />

7:30 a.m.<br />

Information: 419-824-3809<br />

Oct.<br />

Sunday, October 9<br />

<strong>Lourdes</strong>’ Night at<br />

5:30 p.m.<br />

$50 per person<br />

All proceeds benefit <strong>Lourdes</strong><br />

student scholarships<br />

Information: 419-824-3751<br />

Nov.<br />

Wednesday, November 16<br />

Donor Reception<br />

By invitation only<br />

Franciscan Center<br />

7 to 9 p.m.<br />

Information: 419-824-3980<br />

Saturday, November 19<br />

undergraduate<br />

Open House<br />

McAlear Hall<br />

1 to 4 p.m.<br />

Information: 419-885-5291<br />

Thursday, December 8<br />

Caroling with the Sisters<br />

and Christmas shopping at<br />

All Good Things<br />

Auxiliary Luncheon presentation<br />

Noon<br />

Franciscan Center<br />

419-824-3969 ®<br />

65<br />


66<br />

Watch the construction<br />

of the Dining Hall!<br />


Coming soon…<br />

Look for these stories in<br />

coming editions!<br />

lourdes college transitions to lourdes<br />

University and opens new Dining Hall<br />

meet the new athletic teams: baseball,<br />

women’s basketball and men’s volleyball<br />

a new look for www.lourdes.edu<br />

meet the nursing students who created<br />

an Emergency Room customer service<br />

program for The Toledo Hospital<br />

learn the latest news from President<br />

Bob Helmer at the State of the University<br />

address<br />

67<br />


Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis<br />

6832 Convent Boulevard<br />

Sylvania, Ohio 43560<br />

419-885-3211<br />

419-882-3987 fax<br />

www.lourdes.edu<br />

www.lourdes.edu<br />

Join us as we transition to lourdes University<br />

Convocation<br />

friday, august 19, <strong>2011</strong><br />

2:30 p.m.<br />

franciscan Center<br />

Non-Profit Org.<br />

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Toledo, Ohio<br />

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If you have a change of address or would like further<br />

information about <strong>Lourdes</strong> <strong>College</strong>, please contact the<br />

Office of Institutional Advancement at 419-824-3813.

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