Racin', showin' & partyin'!!! - Mopar Club of San Diego
Racin', showin' & partyin'!!! - Mopar Club of San Diego
Racin', showin' & partyin'!!! - Mopar Club of San Diego
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I’ve always looked forward to the days<br />
when my mailbox got stuffed with a<br />
new <strong>Mopar</strong> magazine. Not too long<br />
ago, there were several mags that my<br />
neighborhood postal carrier lugged<br />
to my mailbox, including High Performance<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong> (isn’t that an oxymoron?),<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong> Enthusiast, <strong>Mopar</strong> Action,<br />
and <strong>Mopar</strong> Muscle. These days, my<br />
postal carrier is happy because, alas,<br />
The Newsletter <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong>/<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><br />
only <strong>Mopar</strong> Muscle remains on my<br />
subscription list. l succumbed to the<br />
tough dilemma <strong>of</strong> balancing income<br />
with the need to read. And High Performance<br />
succumbed to the dilemma<br />
www.moparclubsandiego.org DEC 2010<br />
Racin’, showin’ & partyin’!!!<br />
<strong>of</strong> keeping bigger numbers from ads Hot Rod Reunion, Famoso Raceway, Joel spanks a Phord<br />
& subscriptions than the numbers for Bakersfield, Oct 15-17 The <strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
production and mailing.<br />
<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> had three representatives haul<br />
In spite <strong>of</strong> their all-<strong>Mopar</strong> content, up to the vintage racing: Pat Borovicka in<br />
they are all very different from each his ‘66 440/6 Coronet the “Red Sled”, Jerry<br />
other. Enthusiast is very upscale with Keller in his ‘63 440 Dodge, and Joel Miner<br />
only four issues/year. They also attended<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong>s At The Strip and made<br />
a large presence <strong>of</strong> themselves. <strong>Mopar</strong><br />
in the ‘64 Belvedere<br />
“Wedge<br />
Express”, as-<br />
Jerry tuning in some<br />
Mo Power.<br />
Muscle is there, too, sponsoring the sisted in the pits<br />
True Street Car Challenge, won last by Joe Bourd-<br />
March by <strong>Club</strong>member Marc Viau and age. Photos by Pat runnin’ low 11’s<br />
his Demon. High Performance <strong>Mopar</strong> Gary Shadoan.<br />
(RIP) and <strong>Mopar</strong> Muscle always<br />
Carl Burger Chrysler<br />
have/had decent articles on resto<br />
Dodge Jeep Car Show,<br />
and tech stuff. Muscle and Amsoil<br />
Sat, Nov 13 About 75<br />
have sponsored engine build-<strong>of</strong>fs<br />
very nice rods, cus-<br />
for a few years that have produced<br />
toms and restos showed up for<br />
jaw dropping horsepower from<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong> engines small and large,<br />
John Halpin’s Imperial<br />
this come one-come all event.<br />
No surprise, as the dealership<br />
along with dyno info and parts lists <strong>of</strong><br />
had free dogs/burgers/sodas on<br />
each. Great stuff. Somehow, though,<br />
hand. And some Hooter girls clad<br />
they’ve become a little too vanilla for<br />
in <strong>of</strong>ficial regalia brought along<br />
my taste.<br />
some Hooter wings! The <strong>Club</strong><br />
My favorite is <strong>Mopar</strong> Action. They<br />
Above: <strong>Club</strong>member was handsomely represent-<br />
are Don Rickles to the other mags’<br />
Ed Sullivan. Action is funny. They<br />
Kurt Brown drove<br />
Keith’s Olds<br />
ed with 18 cars owned by 17<br />
members. That’s not a typo<br />
aren’t happy unless they’ve insulted Terry’s ‘nice ‘70 Hemi/4-spd as Ed Koehler brought 2 cars. Others were John<br />
someone. No, that’s not right, they<br />
aren’t happy unless they’ve insulted<br />
everyone. And there content is more<br />
suited to my needs. Take a look at the<br />
table <strong>of</strong> contents from the June ‘97 is-<br />
Road Runner<br />
Gary’s Dart<br />
gets the<br />
chicks<br />
Marc’s<br />
Best<br />
Engine<br />
Halpin, Duster Diana,<br />
Dan Harp, Joe Bourdage,<br />
Pat Borovicka,<br />
Chris VonOlnhausen,<br />
Jim Signorelli, Mark<br />
sue: articles on a ‘70 R/T Challenger<br />
& Carolyn Mooney,<br />
clone, a pair <strong>of</strong> 9 second <strong>Mopar</strong>s in<br />
Chuck Edwards, and<br />
the form <strong>of</strong> a ‘64 Belvedere and a<br />
Gary Shadoan, who<br />
Duster, tech stuff on new gasoline<br />
did the photographs. A nice Hemi line up consisted <strong>of</strong><br />
formulas, factory hp ratings, engine<br />
Ed’s ‘64 Dodge, HemiBoy’s ‘66 Satellite, Terry Ulmer’s ‘70<br />
swap tips, and an article on <strong>Mopar</strong>s Road Runner and Dave Lancaster’s ‘39 Plymouth. Marc Viau’s new ‘64 Plymouth<br />
at the Summit Point road race course took Best Engine. That one<br />
with their “Green Brick” Valiant kicking had to upset a few hot rod<br />
butt. Dick Ehrenburg is the best. I gotta<br />
sign up again.<br />
guys with chrome engines.<br />
‘10 <strong>Club</strong> Xmas Party, Sun<br />
And the Putzler Prize winning Dec 5 Jim & Kay Signorelli<br />
PentaGram is still ticking along, now were gracious hosts, as al-<br />
in it’s 17th (!) year. It’s not making any ways, in spite <strong>of</strong> Kay with a<br />
money. But it’s not losing any, either. pain in the neck (no, a real<br />
And what makes it great aren’t the tech pain, not Jim, for once), to<br />
tips (?) or the cars in it. It’s<br />
about 100 <strong>Club</strong> members<br />
the owners <strong>of</strong> the cars.<br />
and guests for the pot luck format & gift exchange. Great<br />
-Bob Gough, Y’r ‘umble Ed’tr<br />
weather, great food, great friends. A great end to 2010!
ProFile<br />
for the<br />
fun<br />
<strong>of</strong> it...<br />
(Part 2)<br />
Our all-consuming interest in<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong>s has resulted in<br />
restorations <strong>of</strong> classics,<br />
cruisers, beaters, and even<br />
new cars. Some <strong>of</strong> these<br />
cars even get raced every so<br />
<strong>of</strong>ten. But there is a special<br />
category <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mopar</strong>s that we all<br />
appreciate, even if we don’t<br />
own one: dedicated race cars.<br />
Here’s another look at just<br />
some <strong>of</strong> the single-purpose<br />
cars that are owned, driven<br />
and/or built by members <strong>of</strong><br />
The <strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>.<br />
<strong>Club</strong>member Javier Gamala has always loved to spin wrenches on a <strong>Mopar</strong>.<br />
And the faster the <strong>Mopar</strong>, the more he loves it. Sometimes, as in the case <strong>of</strong><br />
this small-block Duster, Javier has to take it <strong>of</strong>f the street. But that’s pretty<br />
much ok with Javier.<br />
Jim Signorelli has raced <strong>Mopar</strong>s ever since he was a<br />
teenager. He still talks about his small-block Valiant<br />
and the records he set with it. These days, you’ll find<br />
him in the staging lanes <strong>of</strong> Barona in this 440 powered<br />
Duster.<br />
Below: <strong>Club</strong>member John Boville is know for his attention<br />
to detail and his ability to work the combination<br />
<strong>of</strong> carb, cam, gears and tires to get the most out <strong>of</strong> his<br />
race machines. He built the stroked small-block Duster<br />
now owned by Ted Montano, and can be seen wrenching<br />
for him and also <strong>Club</strong>member Bill Ruhlman. Here’s<br />
John in his ‘65 Coronet with a 440 at Las Vegas.<br />
Below: Joel Miner is a young <strong>Club</strong>member who likes to go fast in<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong>s that are older than he is. When he’s not racing in vintage<br />
S/S in his lightweight ‘64 Belvedere “Wedge Express”, he can be<br />
found steering his other ‘64, a Savoy. Joel is assisted in the pits by<br />
<strong>Club</strong>members Joe Bourdage and his dad, Dick. They <strong>of</strong>ten trailer<br />
to Bakersfield twice a year for the Hot Rod Reunion races. As you<br />
can see in the photo at bottom, Joel’ <strong>of</strong>ten hauls home more than he<br />
started with.<br />
DEC 2010<br />
Upcoming Events<br />
Next <strong>Club</strong> meeting will be 7pm Wed.,<br />
Nov 10 @ Casa Machado. For events:<br />
www.goodoleboyssandiego.com<br />
•<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> International Auto Show<br />
Dec 30 - Jan 2, <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Convention<br />
Center info: sdautoshow,com<br />
•24th Burger Run Sat Jan 8, Pepper<br />
Tree Frosty 270 <strong>San</strong>ta Fe Ave, Vista $10<br />
pre/$15 day <strong>of</strong> show, info: burgerrun.info<br />
•RaceLegal at The Q Jan 7 & 21,<br />
Feb 4 & 11<br />
•Barona Drags Jan 22-23 Summit Series<br />
Test & Tune www.baronadrags.com<br />
•Cars & C<strong>of</strong>fee on the Mesa Sun Jan<br />
9 dawn-10a, JBA’s Performance 5675<br />
Kearny Villa Rd, jbaracing.com<br />
•University <strong>of</strong>f VARA Road Racing<br />
School Sun Jan 9 Buttonwillow raceway<br />
near Bakersfield $325/weekend inc. classroom<br />
& track instruction. helmets req’d<br />
vararacing.com<br />
• Auto Waste Recycling Event Sat Jan<br />
22, 9a-1p, Public Utilities Operations<br />
Cente, 5571 kearny Villa Rd @ Topaz,<br />
used oil & filters, coolant, batteries<br />
•Chickin’ Pie Diner, ???<br />
•<strong>San</strong>tee Lakes ???, 14727 Pomerado Rd<br />
•Jack’s La Jolla Classic Cruise, every<br />
Sun 7am, 7300 Girard Ave<br />
•East County Cruisers 6:30p Tuesdays,<br />
Tyler’s Taste <strong>of</strong> Texas 576 N. 2nd, El Cajon<br />
•Ramona Cruise, Sun 4p-8, on Main St in<br />
Albertson’s pkg lot<br />
•Cruisin’ Italian Style, Pernicano’s, 1588<br />
E. Main, El Cajon, ea. Thur nite<br />
•The Classic Malt Shop every Friday, 5p,<br />
3615 Midway Dr.<br />
•Home Town Buffet 1st Sat each month<br />
9am, 2nd/4th Tues 5:30pm, Main St, E.C.<br />
•Dalton’s Roadhouse 1st Sunday each<br />
month 12-4p 775 Center Dr. <strong>San</strong> Marcos<br />
•Good Ole Boys Breakfast 10am<br />
2nd & 4th Wed, Denny’s 2642 Jamacha<br />
•Coco’s Restaurant 11a-3p, 3rd Sun<br />
16759 Bernardo Center Dr, R’cho B’rdo<br />
•Ruby’s Diner Carlsbad Company Stores<br />
7- 9:30am last Sat 5620 Paseo Del Norte,<br />
Carlsbad<br />
•Bonita Donuts, Bonita, Sat 8am,<br />
4414 Bonita Rd. Vons Shop’g Cntr<br />
•Fred’s Old Fashioned Burgers Alpine,<br />
1st, 3rd, 5th Sat, 5pm<br />
•Donut Derelicts Huntington Beach, ea.<br />
Sat 6:30am Adam’s Ave. Donuts, Magnolia<br />
@ Adams<br />
•Cars & C<strong>of</strong>fee @ Ford PAG Mazda HQ<br />
7a ea Sat 7905 gateway Blvd, Irvine<br />
What can be said? Not much goin’ on this<br />
time <strong>of</strong> year.
Classifieds<br />
As a tangible benefit to being a member <strong>of</strong> The<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, you get free ads. Give Bob a fax<br />
858/292-5344 or better e-mail bobgough@san.rr.com<br />
For Sale: 4 wheels and tires for sale,<br />
14X5.5 SB wheels with P215/70R14 Goodyear<br />
tires. $250.00. Call Tom 619-449-9167<br />
For Sale: 1968 Dodge Dart GT hard top,<br />
with 360 auto, console, needs interior,<br />
8.25 rear, large bolt power disc brakes,<br />
new black vinyl top, water pump, rebuilt 4<br />
row radiator, new hoses, front end as rebuilt<br />
in 2003, painted dark blue by Maaco<br />
in 2003 Dale 858-349-0677<br />
For Sale: Attention race fans, 8 3/4 Diff,<br />
741 case, 4:56 gears, Sure Grip, no whine/<br />
howl, Larry 714-553-2971, asking $500.00<br />
JBA Performance Center<br />
Custom Engines • Dyno Tune<br />
Challenger Body Kits • Service & Repair<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong> Exhaust Systems<br />
Performance Parts • Consignment Center<br />
5675 Kearny Villa Rd, <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><br />
858-495-3395 www.jbaracing.com<br />
DEC 2010<br />
“FIND YOUR TOOLS FAST!” with Z-CALZ Magnetic & Decal Tool Kits! A<br />
Toolbox Label System. With Z-CALZ Magnetic and Decal Tool Kits there is no<br />
more frustration, shuffling through 3-4 drawers before finding your tools and<br />
3-4 more to put them back again! Great for Xmas!<br />
“FIND YOUR TOOLS FAST” and Get Your Tool Box Organized with Z-CALZ<br />
Magnetic and Decal Tool Kits. They are currently<br />
<strong>of</strong>fered in Black and Stainless Steel with a Red or<br />
Blue Pinstripe! The Decal line is mostly for stainless<br />
steel, plastic or aluminum toolboxes as they are<br />
nonmagnetic. Both the Magnetic and Decal Lines include<br />
70 Individual Magnets or Decals in each Kit for<br />
$39.99 for the Magnetic Line and $29.99 for the Decal<br />
Line! Check us out at www.ZCALZ.com Z-CALZ<br />
are designed by Micheal Castiglione designer <strong>of</strong><br />
the New Dodge Challenger! GO MOPAR!<br />
Special Ed’s<br />
Speed & Customworks<br />
Panel Repair/Replacement, Classic Auto &<br />
Motorcycle Repair/Resto, Engine & Transmission<br />
Performance, Custom Body & Paint,<br />
Project Advisor & Parts Locating Service<br />
Lee Meyer-Shop Sultan 619-507-3160<br />
1488 Pioneer Way, #15, El Cajon<br />
Steve Williams<br />
Mobile Welding<br />
Frame Connectors<br />
Spring Relocating<br />
Rear Axle Bracing & Narrowing<br />
(619)988-0778<br />
email: aws1@cox.net