October - Mopar Club of San Diego
October - Mopar Club of San Diego
October - Mopar Club of San Diego
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Greed. Personal greed. Corporate<br />
greed. What greed can buy was on<br />
display this month in and around <strong>San</strong><br />
<strong>Diego</strong>. At the SpeedFest at North<br />
Island Naval Air Station during Fleet<br />
Week, there was a ton <strong>of</strong> what greed<br />
can get you. Some <strong>of</strong> these race cars<br />
were museum pieces, but there they<br />
were, out on the track, being driven<br />
hard. Some <strong>of</strong> ‘em blew up. Some<br />
even crashed. But their owners don’t<br />
worry much about that. Their greed<br />
has resulted in fat wallets that can fix<br />
almost any damage.<br />
Most <strong>of</strong> these cars were brought in<br />
from places far from <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>. And<br />
the transporters that brought them<br />
put on quite a show <strong>of</strong> greed in their<br />
own right. Representing corporate<br />
greed more than anyone was the Vic<br />
Edelbrock setup. His race car transporter<br />
was outdone only by his product<br />
display transporter. Both, in matching<br />
color schemes, gleamed in the sunlight.<br />
And Vic’s Camaro and Chrissy’s<br />
Mustang were both out there, lookin’<br />
fine and runnin’ hard in the fast Trans<br />
Am category.<br />
Then at the show in the Gaslamp<br />
Quarter, greed was conspicuously<br />
on display once again. This was not<br />
racing, but a turnout <strong>of</strong> local cars from<br />
a wide range <strong>of</strong> types. There was a<br />
rare Jaguar SS100, a ‘40 Caddy with<br />
a V-16 engine, an Isotta Fraschini from<br />
the ‘20’s<br />
that was<br />
probably<br />
owned by<br />
royalty.<br />
While I<br />
was gawking<br />
at the<br />
engine, I<br />
overheard<br />
a guy saying that the owner spent a<br />
million bucks to make a new cylinder<br />
head for it. I can’t imagine that’s true,<br />
but if it is, I have a couple <strong>of</strong> bridges<br />
for sale that I’d like to talk to him about.<br />
Hey, I have a certain amount <strong>of</strong> greed,<br />
too! Then there were the new Ferraris<br />
and Maseratis. In spite <strong>of</strong> what we<br />
hear about the Euro financial crises,<br />
it seems the Italians are smitten with<br />
their share <strong>of</strong> greed, also.<br />
Well anyway, this display <strong>of</strong> what<br />
wealth can buy caught the attention<br />
<strong>of</strong> some members <strong>of</strong> the local Occupy<br />
<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> protest. They marched<br />
through the show, chanting slogans<br />
and waving their signs. Scruffy<br />
lookin’ group.<br />
Personally, I preferred<br />
the greed side.<br />
-Bob Gough, Y’r ‘umble Ed’tr<br />
The Newsletter <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong>/<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><br />
www.moparclubsandiego.org OCT 2011<br />
On the Island & In the Gaslamp!!!<br />
Fleet Week SpeedFest, Sept 24-25 NASNI<br />
Volunteers from The <strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong> handled the<br />
traffic flow, ticket sales and Car Show judging<br />
<strong>of</strong> the 1000 or so cars that on Saturday<br />
and Sunday entered thru the Car Corral Gate.<br />
For several years now, this has been a major<br />
bottleneck that has been a source <strong>of</strong> irritation<br />
to car owners’ whose rides have overheated<br />
while waiting in line. But this year, once the ticket<br />
scanning problem got solved on Saturday, and a<br />
third line for selling tickets was added on Sunday,<br />
the traffic flow was as smooth as a newly polished<br />
crank journal. <strong>Club</strong>members who gave up their<br />
weekends by showing up early were Clayton Garrett,<br />
Kurt Brown, Dick Miner, Jim Signorelli, Aaron,<br />
Joe and Tom Bourdage, Shannon Corkill, John<br />
Halpin, Jeff and Julie Walker (who qualified for<br />
a Purple Heart), Eric Reho, Cliff Cunningham,<br />
Jerry Keller, Nick Dreyfus, Dave Lancaster, Tom<br />
Ferreira and his nephew LJ, and Larry and Debbie<br />
Johnson. Your volunteer efforts were outstanding.<br />
On Saturday, Car Show winners from<br />
the <strong>Club</strong> were Marc Viau with his Demon and<br />
Shannon with his Superbird. Sunday’s winners<br />
from the <strong>Club</strong> were Larry and Debbie Johnson’s<br />
Challenger, Tom Ferreria’s Valiant, and the AAR<br />
<strong>of</strong> Woody Widman and Kurt Bogdan. After get-<br />
ting a plaque they took a Victory Lap around the track with all the other winners.<br />
The <strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />
on 5th Avenue<br />
Sean Ashcraft<br />
takes Best<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong> with<br />
his ‘71 Challenger<br />
R/T<br />
What the...?<br />
The Johnson’s<br />
Challenger<br />
Takin’ a well-deserved break:<br />
Jim, Kurt, Joe & Aaron<br />
John Halpin’s<br />
work on his Dart<br />
shows well.<br />
Kurt Brown showed the pretty<br />
Olds Cutlass owned by Keith<br />
3rd Annual 5th<br />
Avenue Auto<br />
Showcase,<br />
Sun Oct 9 Held<br />
in the Gaslamp<br />
Quarter for six<br />
blocks along<br />
5th Avenue<br />
were a wide assortment <strong>of</strong> cars from a<br />
concours ‘40 Cadillac V-16 and an Isotta<br />
Fraschini (!), to Italian supercars, to rods<br />
and customs, to muscle cars. Our own<br />
Larry and Debbie Johnson were organizers<br />
<strong>of</strong> the event and saw to it that The<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong> was there en force with awesome<br />
rides including Terry Ulmer, Steve<br />
Carter, Marc Viau, Sean Ashcraft, Rick Bobick,<br />
Carl Parrick, Cliff Cunningham, Mike<br />
Mattern, Dave Lancaster, Ben Giangiulio,<br />
Bill “HemiBoy” Baugh, Nick Dreyfus, Steve<br />
VanderSchaaf, Tom Ferreria, and Dan<br />
Harp. Heck, even the Occupy <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><br />
protest group liked the show.
ProFile<br />
a personal<br />
choice<br />
Chances are, if you’re in the <strong>Mopar</strong><br />
<strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>, you like <strong>Mopar</strong>s.<br />
Some <strong>of</strong> us even like Brand X and<br />
Brand F cars, but mostly, it’s Dodges,<br />
Plymouths and Chryslers, even the<br />
occasional Jeep, AMC or DeSoto,<br />
that you’ll find in our<br />
garages. And although<br />
we generally like all<br />
those <strong>Mopar</strong> brands,<br />
old and new, most<br />
<strong>of</strong> us have a favorite<br />
year and model. If<br />
you ask <strong>Club</strong>member<br />
Marc Viau his favorite,<br />
chances are he’ll<br />
answer that his favorite<br />
is the ‘64 Plymouth<br />
B-Body 2-door sedan.<br />
Marc built a real nice<br />
one in metallic tan that he proceeded<br />
to thrash on vintage car<br />
rallies, like the No Frills Iron Bottom<br />
Tour, the Golden State 400,<br />
and the SoCal TT. Often, his wife<br />
Patty would come along.<br />
Well, that car did so well, that<br />
Marc rebuilt it again, adding<br />
enhancements to the brakes, the<br />
engine, and even new paint. It<br />
turned out so nice, in fact, that an Australian<br />
gentleman bought it when Marc<br />
took it to <strong>Mopar</strong>s At The Strip.<br />
That left Marc without a ‘64 to drive<br />
and enjoy. And his search for another<br />
was not turning up any suitable<br />
candidates. So Marc resorted, with<br />
the able assistance <strong>of</strong> <strong>Club</strong>member<br />
Aaron Bourdage, to converting a rust<br />
free, four door sedan Belvedere into a<br />
two door. There are folks who’ve been<br />
doing this kind <strong>of</strong> work, but Marc and<br />
Aaron went a step further and have<br />
Above: the color is red<br />
from the headliner to the<br />
carpet, door panels, and<br />
seats in factory original<br />
patterns with restored<br />
dash.<br />
Right: the upgraded 440<br />
with chrome air cleaner<br />
thoroughly researched<br />
and replicated the factory<br />
seams and locations. Two<br />
door components, such as doors and<br />
partial rear quarter panels must be<br />
Right: Marc, with his latest<br />
favorite Plymouth<br />
found from<br />
a donor car,<br />
and these<br />
came from<br />
a 2-door car<br />
that was purchased<br />
from<br />
<strong>Club</strong>member<br />
Tony Tricarico<br />
that beyond<br />
saving.<br />
After the<br />
sheetmetal<br />
modifications<br />
were<br />
completed,<br />
Marc decided<br />
to go with a<br />
striking color<br />
combination:<br />
Medium Gray<br />
Metallic paint,<br />
a color available<br />
from the<br />
factory in ‘64,<br />
over a bright<br />
red interior in<br />
the stock patterns.<br />
While the<br />
car was in the<br />
body shop<br />
Marc spent time<br />
restoring the aluminum,<br />
stainless and<br />
chrome trim. Parts<br />
were gathered to<br />
update and improve<br />
the braking, cooling<br />
and electrical<br />
systems, and a 440<br />
c.i. engine and 727<br />
transmission were<br />
also rebuilt and<br />
improved.<br />
Now that the Bel<br />
has been on the<br />
road for a while,<br />
Marc’s found that<br />
it runs strong. He’s<br />
taken a number <strong>of</strong><br />
significant trophies at car shows,<br />
attesting to the meticulous workmanship.<br />
With these cars, Marc has<br />
become quite educated on what it<br />
takes to build a ‘64 Plymouth. And<br />
he’s presently busy building a car,<br />
with Aaron’s assistance, that will be<br />
sure to garner even more attention.<br />
You guessed it.<br />
It’ll be a ‘64 Plymouth.<br />
Engine- 440, dressed as a 426 with chrome valve<br />
covers & air cleaner, 9.5:1 c.r., 91 octane, 6 Quart<br />
pan and windage tray, blueprinted oil pump, iron<br />
heads, open chamber, bowl blended & pocket<br />
ported, stainless valves Int-2.14”, Exh-1.81”,<br />
aluminum 1.6 ratio roller rockers, Hughes cam<br />
HEH3742BL Duration @ 0.050” lift, Int 237º, Exh<br />
242º, 1.6 rockers Int .584”, Exh .592”, Johnson<br />
Lifters, Manton push rods, Edelbrock Performer<br />
dual plane aluminum intake manifold, port<br />
matched with 4-BBL Holley, 830 cfm<br />
Ignition- All MSD- 6AL box, coil, and distributor.<br />
NKG plugs, 8.5mm plug wires, Optima Red Top<br />
battery in trunk, dual field alternator<br />
Exhaust- JetHot Coated headers, Dynomax Hemi<br />
muffs and factory style turn down tips, no<br />
crossover<br />
Transmission- ‘65 727, deep pan, aux. external<br />
filter and cooler, Munsinger converter 2800 RPM,<br />
SFI flex plate<br />
Cooling- 4 row, high efficiency, 22” wide copper/<br />
brass radiator with shroud, direct drive fan<br />
Differential- 489 case with 3.55 SG<br />
Brakes- F-11 3/4” disc, R-10”x 2” drum, dual<br />
reservoir master cylinder<br />
Wheels- F-15x7”, R- 15x8”, steel, custom made<br />
with ‘64 centers on new 15” barrels to use OEM<br />
stainless poverty hubcaps<br />
Tires- F- Hankook 215/75R15 for smooth sidewall,<br />
R- 257/60R15 Mickey Thompson ET Street Radials<br />
Suspension - 0.990” torsion bars at front, 6 leaf<br />
XHD rear springs, KYB shocks all around, OEM<br />
rubber bushings throughout, rebuilt manual<br />
steering box<br />
Body- Factory seams duplicated, all new seam<br />
sealer and spray-on insulation replaced<br />
Exterior- 1964 Plymouth factory available color<br />
Medium Grey Metallic, Dupont ChromaBase/PPG<br />
Clear, all new glass/rubber/seals/weatherstrip, 426<br />
hood ornament, Belvedere 2-Dr stainless trim with<br />
sail emblems deleted<br />
Interior- Door panels & cloth/vinyl materials<br />
from SMS Auto Fabrics, seat covers & headliner<br />
by Henry & his son, Mark @ The Upholsterer’s.<br />
Tuxedo pattern carpet & floor mats from Auto<br />
Custom Carpets, insulation added to ro<strong>of</strong> & extra<br />
insulation added under carpet. Trunk sprayed in<br />
Zolatone stone grey color.<br />
Upcoming Events<br />
OCT 2011<br />
Next <strong>Club</strong> meeting will be 7pm Wed.,<br />
Nov 9 @ Casa Machado. For events:<br />
www.goodoleboyssandiego.com<br />
•RaceLegal at The Q, Oct 21, Nov 4 drags &<br />
concerts, $30/race, $8/watch<br />
•Barona Drags Sat Oct 22 5th Goblin Bracket<br />
Drags, diesels, test & tune, Sat Nov 5<br />
www.baronadrags.com<br />
•4th Alley Cat Art Fest, Fri Oct 14, 4-9p,<br />
$20 2119 E Madison El Cajon, 619-442-<br />
5129x115<br />
•Fall Fling XVI Sat Oct 15, Woodley Park,<br />
Van Nuys, $25 pre 10/7, $30 gate, the <strong>Club</strong><br />
will meet at Camp Pendleton rest stop on I-5<br />
at 6:00am to caravan, depart at 6:30 am, call<br />
Bob 858/292-5344<br />
•Road To Success Sat Oct 15, Viejas Casino,<br />
Alpine, 7-3, $25 pre 10/3, $30 gate<br />
•3rd Pal Joey’s Car Show, Sun Oct 16, 8-2,<br />
5147 Waring Rd, $30<br />
•6th US 80 Road Trip, Sat Oct 22, 9-3,<br />
start at Simpson’s Nursery 13925 Campo<br />
Rd, Jamul, $15-$25 pre or $20-$30 at start<br />
619/445-0180<br />
•3rd Car Lovers Car Show Sat Oct 22, 10-2,<br />
Escondido Elks Lodge, 2430 S Escondido<br />
Blvd,$25 pre 10/10, $30 gate,<br />
www.corvettes<strong>of</strong>sandiego.com<br />
•Borrego Springs Desert Run, Sun Oct<br />
23, 9-3, Xmas Circle, $10/10/19 inc. lunch,<br />
760-440-0896<br />
•9th Holiday Car Show Sat Nov 5, Bates<br />
Nut Farm, $15+unopened toy by 10/29,<br />
$20+toy after, inc breakfast 760-440-0896<br />
•Carl Burger’s Car Show Sat Nov 12,<br />
10a-2p FREE to enter! Cash awards! Hooters<br />
and BBQ food! 8355 Hercules Dr, La Mesa<br />
Register online www.carlburger.com, look for<br />
the Car Show Link<br />
•<strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Xmas Party @ Casa Signorelli<br />
Sun Dec 18, Pot Luck, Evil <strong>San</strong>ta Gift<br />
Exchange, save the date!<br />
•Cars & C<strong>of</strong>fee on the Mesa, Sun Nov 13,<br />
Dec 11, 8am, JBA Auto Center 5675 Kearny<br />
Villa Rd, www.greenspeedoco.com<br />
•Clairemont Cruisers, 4th Sat, 4-7p,<br />
4821 Clairemont Mesa Blvd<br />
•<strong>San</strong>tee Lakes ea Fri 3-7 thru Oct info<br />
www.MobileEventRadio.com<br />
•Cajon Classic Cruise thru Oct 27, 4-8<br />
•Jack’s La Jolla Classic Cruise, every Sun<br />
7am, 7300 Girard Ave<br />
•East County Cruisers 6:30p Tuesdays,<br />
Tyler’s Taste <strong>of</strong> Texas 576 N. 2nd, El Cajon<br />
•Ramona Cruise, Sun 4p-8, on Main St in<br />
Albertson’s pkg lot<br />
•Cruisin’ Italian Style, Pernicano’s, 1588 E.<br />
Main, El Cajon, ea. Thur nite<br />
•The Classic Malt Shop every Friday, 5p,<br />
3615 Midway Dr.<br />
•Home Town Buffet 1st Sat each month<br />
9am, 2nd/4th Tues 5:30pm, Main St, E.C.<br />
•Dalton’s Roadhouse sadly, the restaurant<br />
has closed its doors due to the economy<br />
•Good Ole Boys Breakfast 10am<br />
2nd & 4th Wed, Denny’s 2642 Jamacha<br />
•Coco’s Restaurant 11a-3p, 3rd Sun 16759<br />
Bernardo Center Dr, R’cho B’rdo<br />
•Ruby’s Diner Carlsbad Company Stores<br />
7- 9:30am last Sat 5620 Paseo Del Norte<br />
•Bonita Donuts, Bonita, Sat 8am, 4414<br />
Bonita Rd. Vons Shop’g Cntr<br />
•Fred’s Old Fashioned Burgers Alpine, 1st,<br />
3rd, 5th Sat, 5pm
Classifieds<br />
As a tangible benefit to being a member <strong>of</strong> The<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, you get free ads. Give Bob a fax<br />
858/292-5344 or better e-mail bobgough@san.rr.com<br />
Wanted: ‘70 Cuda project car, call<br />
John Signorelli 858/484-2421<br />
Trade: I need to get rid <strong>of</strong> my Lil Red Express<br />
and pick up a Dodge Ram <strong>of</strong> equal<br />
value in nice shape/low miles that you<br />
might want to trade.<br />
Steve Berroth (310) 864-4342<br />
<strong>Mopar</strong>s By Jack<br />
vintage car & truck restoration, repair,<br />
service<br />
1427 Pioneer Way<br />
El Cajon, CA 92020<br />
Jack E. Henton, Jr, Owner<br />
619440-9340<br />
15% <strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Discount on all<br />
Parts, Services & Labor<br />
8355 Hercules Drive, La Mesa<br />
619/463-9321<br />
For Sale: ‘08 Viper, metallic blue w/o<br />
stripes, 6k mi, 2-tone custom interior, $6000<br />
chrome wheels, $4000 s/s engine and body<br />
add on’s including the blue LED’s in the<br />
engine comp. Asking price $67,000, Bruce<br />
Browne, 619/477-1893, Cell 619/944- 6755<br />
esa<br />
Plumbing Company<br />
619-276-5275<br />
<strong>Club</strong>member Kerry Kohl Lic #515449<br />
OCT 2011<br />
For Sale: Like new/never abused wheels<br />
and tires <strong>of</strong>f 2009 Challenger R/T (13k<br />
miles; no TPMS sensors), great upgrade for<br />
modern Challenger SE or Charger with 17inch<br />
wheels: $800 set/OB0. Also, original<br />
‘09 R/T shocks and springs: $150/OBO. Jeff<br />
Walker: jc.walker16@gmail.com.<br />
Special Ed’s<br />
Speed & Customworks<br />
Panel Repair/Replacement, Classic Auto &<br />
Motorcycle Repair/Resto, Engine & Transmission<br />
Performance, Custom Body & Paint,<br />
Project Advisor & Parts Locating Service<br />
Lee Meyer-Shop Sultan 619-507-3160<br />
1488 Pioneer Way, #15, El Cajon<br />
Steve Williams<br />
Mobile Welding<br />
Frame Connectors<br />
Spring Relocating<br />
Rear Axle Bracing & Narrowing<br />
(619)988-0778<br />
email: aws1@cox.net