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<strong>2011</strong><br />

Rise of the Planet of<br />

the Apes’ digital magic<br />

puts a new face on a<br />

sci-fi classic

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Editor<br />

Jennifer L. Johnson<br />

Designer<br />

Tim Vienckowski<br />


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Stephen Andrews<br />


Movie Programming<br />

Infl ight Productions Inc.<br />

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Infl ight Productions Inc.<br />

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Play is published on behalf of<br />

United Airlines by Ink, 68 Jay St.,<br />

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Tel: 888-864-1732<br />

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contents<br />

04 ANIMAL ATTRACTION Beasts may<br />

rule the screen in Rise of the Planet of<br />

the Apes, but they couldn’t have done it<br />

without some ingenious humans<br />


what’s playing and which languages<br />

are available on your fl ight<br />


Catch up on your TV watching<br />

with our lineup<br />


Figure out what to watch on<br />

U.S. fl ights<br />


Learn about the top-notch<br />

programming on international fl ights<br />

14<br />



14 FILM DESCRIPTIONS Get the skinny<br />

on this month’s movies<br />

20 PREMIUM SERVICES Learn about<br />

new on-demand entertainment and<br />

premium-service seat features<br />

24 SEATING CONTROLS Get comfortable<br />

in United First Suite and Business on 777s<br />


Peruse fi lms by language, and get the<br />

lowdown on each one<br />

32 AUDIO PROGRAMMING Tune in<br />

to the latest and greatest radio<br />

programming<br />

34 QUIZ Join the “Culture Club” and<br />

test your pop culture IQ<br />

UNITED.COM • NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> 3


Beasts may rule<br />

the screen in Rise<br />

of the Planet of<br />

the Apes, but it<br />

took visual-eff ects<br />

wizards like Dan<br />

Lemmon Lem to bring<br />

them to life.<br />

(Score (Sco one for<br />

the e hhumans.)<br />

A N I M A L A T T R A C T I O N<br />


ACK IN THE EARLY DAYS of moviemaking, the great<br />

W.C. Fields famously advised his fellow actors,<br />

“Never work with children or animals.” Yet while<br />

many actors have no choice but to share the screen<br />

with such unpredictable co-stars, some are fi nding<br />

that today’s visual-eff ects technology has made<br />

at least part of Fields’ mantra obsolete. Just ask<br />

Rise of the Planet of the Apes star James Franco,<br />

who spends much of his screen time opposite a<br />

chimpanzee so realistic you forget the creature isn’t real.<br />

Franco’s computer-generated co-star, Caesar, is the creation of<br />

Weta Digital, the Oscar-winning visual-eff ects company behind the<br />

Lord of the Rings trilogy, King Kong and Avatar, and he represents a<br />

UNITED.COM • NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> 5

Kong-sized leap forward in movie magic. More than 500 visualeff<br />

ects artists, guided by Weta Digital supervisor Dan Lemmon, joined<br />

forces to invest Caesar and his rebellious kin with layers of neverbefore-seen<br />

realism; the result has le audiences and critics goggling.<br />

How did Weta manage to pull it off ? What does it mean for future<br />

visual-eff ects breakthroughs? And what, exactly, is a “hair pipeline”?<br />

Play tracked Lemmon down to fi nd out.<br />

Play: Everyone seems to agree your<br />

apes look like the real deal. Good job!<br />

Lemmon: That was certainly one of<br />

the big things for this fi lm—we knew<br />

we had to make the apes look totally<br />

believable. Since this story is set in<br />

the present day, you can’t get away<br />

with saying, “There’s been 10,000 years<br />

of evolution and now they’re more<br />

anthropomorphized.” Everybody<br />

knows what chimpanzees look like.<br />

Does that mean ape-making is more<br />

diffi cult than, say, creating the aliens<br />

in Avatar? You’re defi nitely more<br />

constrained because people are so<br />

familiar with the subject. You can’t<br />

really deviate from reality. Whereas<br />

if you have a fantastic creature and<br />

its legs end up a few centimeters<br />

shorter than in the concept illustration,<br />

nobody’s going to be the wiser,<br />

because they don’t know what that<br />

creature should look like.<br />

Weta also provided the visual eff ects<br />

for 2005’s King Kong. Did your experience<br />

on that fi lm make it easier to do<br />

Rise of the Planet of the Apes? It was<br />

very helpful to have worked on that,<br />

because it gave us a library of ape<br />

references, mostly gorilla. We already<br />

had an idea of the musculature, and<br />

we’d spent some time experimenting<br />

with ways of articulating the face,<br />

which is quite diff erent on apes when<br />

compared with humans. But we also<br />

had a lot of new things we wanted to<br />

try. Plus, much of our technology had<br />

moved on. We had a whole new fur<br />

system, for example, and new systems<br />

for muscle and tissue simulation.<br />

So, we had a head start in terms of<br />

research, but when it came to actually<br />

building our apes, we pre y much<br />

started from scratch.<br />

It also must’ve helped to be working<br />

with actor Andy Serkis again, who<br />

6 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

provided the motion-capture performance<br />

for Kong and now Caesar. He’s<br />

a pleasure to work with, and a really<br />

talented actor, too. He’s got the ability<br />

to communicate so much without<br />

even speaking, just by his facial<br />

performance. And every character<br />

he makes is diff erent. You look at<br />

the way he played King Kong and<br />

the way he played Caesar, and even<br />

though they’re both apes, they read<br />

completely diff erently emotionally.<br />

In preparing for Rise of the Planet of<br />

the Apes, did you put in time with<br />

actual chimpanzees? There’s a great<br />

zoo here in Wellington, New Zealand<br />

[where Weta is based], which has a<br />

fantastic troupe of chimps, and we<br />

spent a lot of time ge ing video of<br />

the way they moved. Also, the zoo<br />

occasionally has to put the chimps<br />

under anesthesia to do medical<br />

procedures, so when the staff went to<br />

draw blood or do a scan, we got to go<br />

in and take castings of the hands and<br />

feet, which we used when we built<br />

the digital apes.<br />

“ If you don’t<br />

do a CGI character’s<br />

facial<br />

animation well,<br />

the audience<br />

won’t buy the<br />

fi lm at all. It’s not<br />

just that they<br />

won’t like the<br />

character; they<br />

won’t like the<br />

What was the biggest challenge you<br />

faced on this fi lm? Creating Caesar.<br />

He has to emote and connect with the<br />

audience in a visceral way without<br />

using dialogue. So, ge ing the facial<br />

animation to the level where it<br />

matched what the actor—in this<br />

case, Andy Serkis—was doing was an<br />

enormous challenge. If you don’t<br />

do it well, the audience won’t buy<br />

the fi lm at all. It’s not just that<br />

they won’t like the character;<br />

they won’t like the movie. It was<br />

hugely important that Caesar’s<br />

facial performance be as<br />

convincing as possible.<br />

Did anything prove particularly<br />

tricky in creating the<br />

rest of the apes? Ge ing their<br />

hair to look and move naturally is<br />

defi nitely a challenge, but we’ve spent<br />

a lot of time since King Kong developing<br />

our hair pipeline.<br />

Er, hair pipeline? That’s what I call the<br />

suite of so ware tools we use to render<br />

the hair. One of them is a specifi c<br />

tool that we wrote, called Barbershop.<br />

It’s got brushing and combing features<br />

that allow our modelers to sculpt the<br />

hair to a precise level. And then that<br />

goes through a simulation process<br />

where we’ll run “wind” through it—if<br />

the ape’s bouncing around, the hair<br />

will react accordingly.<br />

Sounds like a lot of science went into it.<br />

Were you into physics in high school?<br />

Yes, I had a good time with it. I had<br />

diffi culty with math when it was<br />

abstract, but when I started seeing<br />

how it applied to the real world, that<br />

was pre y exciting. I try to bring<br />

that to the work I do in visual eff ects.<br />

People—OK, me—often confuse visual<br />

eff ects with special eff ects. Can you<br />

break it down for us? Sure. Typically<br />

when we talk about special eff ects,<br />

we mean something physical that<br />

happens in real time on the set. Visual<br />

eff ects tend to be the things that have<br />

to be added a er the fi lm’s already<br />

been exposed.<br />



Got it. Maybe the visual-eff ects<br />

(LEMMON),<br />

industry needs a better publicist?<br />

Well, it’s all just terminology. If you’re LEDERER<br />

movie.” in the movie business, you make the<br />

JOE<br />




From top, Apes’<br />

visual-eff ects<br />

supervisor Dan<br />

Lemmon; the<br />

fi lm’s computergenerated<br />

star,<br />

Caesar; actors<br />

Freida Pinto and<br />

James Franco<br />

distinction, and if you’re not, it doesn’t<br />

really ma er. If I’m talking to my<br />

grandmother about what I do, she<br />

still thinks I do special eff ects, and<br />

that’s fi ne.<br />

Some PETA activists showed up at the<br />

Rise of the Planet of the Apes premiere<br />

with signs like “Thanks for not using<br />

real apes!” Clearly, some are hoping<br />

that visual eff ects can put animal<br />

actors out of work. How about you?<br />

Yeah, it was a treat to see those guys<br />

at the premiere in their gorilla suits!<br />

Certainly, when it comes to apes, I<br />

don’t think it’s right to use them for<br />

fi lms. And just from the perspective<br />

of acting, you can get a much be er<br />

performance if you use a human<br />

actor and make a digital aid than if<br />

you try to use a trained chimpanzee.<br />

But I think some animals that are<br />

accustomed to living with humans<br />

still make sense—like, I don’t have a<br />

problem with dogs being in fi lms if<br />

they’re being properly cared for.<br />

Do you get to goof off with visual<br />

eff ects at all while you’re working?<br />

Please tell me you made footage of<br />

apes doing the Saturday Night Fever<br />

strut. There wasn’t a lot of opportunity<br />

to blow off steam on this fi lm<br />

because it was on a really compressed<br />

schedule. But, particularly when<br />

you’re sleep-deprived, you start<br />

fi nding things unexpectedly funny.<br />

And occasionally you’ll have happy<br />

accidents where something will<br />

fail on one of the simulations—for<br />

instance, the ape’s skin will walk off<br />

and leave the hair behind.<br />

Hilarious. Say, have you ever attempted<br />

to re-create yourself using your visualeff<br />

ects skills? I’ve never done that, but<br />

everywhere I go—especially when I’m<br />

working on a particular problem—I<br />

see things that are related to that<br />

problem. When we were doing King<br />

Kong, I’d be pu ing my daughter to<br />

bed and looking at her hair and seeing<br />

the way the light bounced off it. I’d be<br />

looking at the dog and noticing the<br />

skin underneath the hair and trying to<br />

fi gure out how they’re related to each<br />

other. My work is fun—but it can also<br />

be a curse sometimes.<br />

You obviously worked intimately with<br />

Andy Serkis on this fi lm, but did you<br />

get to hang with James Franco? We<br />

were very present on set. We had a<br />

whole performance-capture [setup]<br />

there, and that was a new thing for<br />

us. We were basically taking the same<br />

technology that we put together for<br />

Avatar and bringing it to a live-action<br />

fi lm set. There were about 15 of us<br />

running around and trying to stay out<br />

of people’s way. James Franco and [costar]<br />

Freida Pinto were great to work<br />

with, although we didn’t interact with<br />

them too much. We focused mostly on<br />

the actors playing the apes.<br />

Did the rest of the crew refer to you<br />

guys as “the nerds”? I’m sure they did.<br />

Everywhere we go, we get referred to<br />

as “the nerds.”<br />

UNITED.COM • NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> 7

International<br />

Entertainment<br />



1 Rise of the Planet of the Apes Larry Crowne<br />

2 Life in a Day Monte Carlo<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Horrible Bosses<br />

Discretion advised<br />

Harry Potter and the Deathly<br />

Hallows: Part 2<br />

Discretion advised<br />

Friends With Benefi ts<br />

Discretion advised<br />

Planet of the Apes (1968)<br />



Bad Teacher<br />

Discretion advised<br />

The Help<br />

Discretion advised<br />

The Hangover 2<br />

Discretion advised<br />

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s<br />

Stone<br />

Discretion advised<br />

7 The Lion King Toy Story<br />

8<br />

9<br />

Nurse Jackie<br />

Discretion advised (See page 13)<br />

Television<br />

(See page 10 for route-specifi c listings)<br />


Editor’s picks. Turn to page 14 for descriptions.<br />

Intra-Asia fl ights off er fi lms on channels 1-6, listed above, and television channels 7-9, listed on page 10.<br />

8 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

Dexter<br />

Discretion advised (See page 13)<br />

Television<br />

(See page 10 for route-specifi c listings)<br />


Email play@united.com.

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and Continental Connection.

Domestic<br />

Entertainment<br />




1 Larry Crowne Rise of the Planet of the Apes<br />

2 Monte Carlo Life in a Day<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Bad Teacher<br />

Discretion advised<br />

The Help<br />

Discretion advised<br />

Horrible Bosses<br />

Discretion advised<br />

Harry Potter and the Deathly<br />

Hallows: Part 2<br />

Discretion advised<br />


The Big Bang Theory<br />

Suburgatory<br />

Suits<br />

30 Rock<br />

The Middle<br />

Inside the Actors Studio: Jennifer Aniston<br />


Mythbusters<br />

Gold Rush Alaska<br />

Cash Cab<br />

Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations<br />

Pricing the Priceless: The Eiff el Tower<br />

Treks in a Wild World<br />


7 Circus LENNONYC<br />

8<br />

9<br />

12 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />


Nurse Jackie<br />

Discretion advised<br />

Dexter<br />

Discretion advised<br />


Good Luck Charlie<br />

Phineas and Ferb<br />

Wizards of Waverly Place<br />

Fish Hooks<br />

Shake It Up<br />


on fl ights of three<br />

hours or longer.<br />

Shake It Up<br />

Phineas and Ferb<br />

Good Luck Charlie<br />

A.N.T. Farm<br />

Wizards of Waverly Place

Dexter<br />

[T][L]<br />

Nurse Jackie<br />

[T][L]<br />

08<br />

08<br />

SM<br />

[L] Coarse language<br />

[T] Adult themes<br />

[V] Violence<br />

[S] Sexual situations<br />

In carrying out his dark errands, Dexter has always relied on his father’s “code” to protect him from<br />

exposure. But after making a serious error in the fi rst episode, Dexter begins to wonder if the code might<br />

have been designed to protect him from something even more dangerous: human emotion. In the second<br />

episode, fellow serial killer Arthur (a.k.a. Trinity) kidnaps a youngster from a video arcade, and Dexter<br />

realizes Arthur has started his deadly cycle again. Available on westbound fl ights.<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

PICK<br />

Nurse Jackie’s life gets a little more complicated in the fi rst episode, thanks to an inconveniently<br />

positioned security guard at the hospital; meanwhile, Dr. O’Hara’s longtime aff air comes to light. In<br />

the next two episodes, Jackie must contend with her former fl ame, Eddie, and eventually fi nds herself<br />

reconsidering their aff air. But family issues are also on Jackie’s mind in episode 4, as her daughter,<br />

Grace, attends her fi rst therapy session. Available on eastbound fl ights.<br />

UNITED.COM • NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> 13

Film<br />

Descriptions<br />

Eastbound International Flights<br />

03<br />

Horrible Bosses<br />

FEATURING Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman,<br />

Jamie Foxx<br />

DIRECTED BY Seth Gordon<br />

R<br />

[L] [V]<br />

[S] [T]<br />

For three friends who long to quit their jobs but can’t aff ord to be jobless,<br />

the only thing that would make the daily grind more tolerable would be<br />

getting rid of their obnoxious bosses. Armed with some dubious advice<br />

from a hustling ex-con (Jamie Foxx), they set out to do exactly that.<br />

01<br />

Rise of the Planet<br />

of the Apes<br />

FEATURING James Franco,<br />

Freida Pinto, Andy Serkis<br />

DIRECTED BY Rupert Wyatt<br />

14 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

1 hr.<br />

38 min.<br />

Harry Potter and the<br />

Deathly Hallows: Part 2<br />

FEATURING Daniel Radcliff e, Rupert Grint,<br />

Emma Watson<br />

DIRECTED BY David Yates<br />

[L] Coarse language<br />

[T] Adult themes<br />

[V] Violence<br />

[S] Sexual situations<br />

PG-13<br />

[L] [V]<br />

[T]<br />

In the fi nal installment of the Harry Potter series, the struggle between<br />

good and evil in the wizarding world escalates into all-out war. The<br />

stakes have never been higher, and in his climactic showdown with<br />

Lord Voldemort, Harry may have to make the ultimate sacrifi ce.<br />

“The action scenes are inventively spectacular, and the story at the movie’s core is<br />

evocative and engaging.” —New Yorker<br />

Medical researchers unwittingly set off an epic battle between man and beast<br />

when one of their genetically enhanced test subjects, a chimp named Caesar<br />

(performed by Andy Serkis, The Lord of the Rings’ Gollum), uses his heightened<br />

intelligence to lead other apes in a fi ght for freedom.<br />

04<br />

#<br />

#<br />

#<br />

#<br />

Drama<br />

Comedy<br />

Action/Adventure<br />

Other<br />

Channel number<br />

2 hr.<br />

4 min.<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

PICK<br />

1 hr.<br />

45 min.<br />

PG-13<br />

[L] [V]<br />


TURN TO PAGE 8 to<br />

see what’s playing on<br />

international fl ights; the<br />

domestic lineup is on 12.<br />

02<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

PICK<br />

Life in a Day<br />

DIRECTED BY Kevin Macdonald<br />

CUSTOMERS ARE WELCOME to view their own<br />

video entertainment aboard a United aircraft as<br />

long as they are able to show that the programming<br />

has an MPAA rating of “R” or less. Most<br />

fi lms have been edited for airline use; however,<br />

customer discretion is still advised.<br />

“[The fi lmmakers] toggle between, say, an extended, poignant scene of an Asian<br />

man tending to his young son in their chaotic apartment, and rapid-fi re shots of<br />

people making their morning visit to the bathroom. The imagery is fascinating and<br />

dizzying by turns.” —Boston Globe<br />

Created from some 4,500 hours of footage submitted by YouTube users, this<br />

remarkable documentary helmed by Oscar-winning director Kevin Macdonald<br />

(Touching the Void, One Day in September) chronicles July 24, 2010, as it was experienced<br />

by individuals living in nearly 200 countries around the globe. Exhilarating,<br />

moving and funny, Life in a Day is the story of our world—told by us.<br />

1 hr.<br />

30 min.<br />

PG-13<br />

[T]<br />

UNITED.COM • NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> 15

Film<br />

Descriptions<br />

05<br />

Friends With Benefi ts<br />

FEATURING Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis,<br />

Patricia Clarkson<br />

DIRECTED BY Will Gluck<br />

The Lion King<br />

VOICES BY Matthew Broderick,<br />

Jeremy Irons, James Earl Jones<br />

DIRECTED BY Rob Minkoff and<br />

Roger Allers<br />

R<br />

[L][S]<br />

[T]<br />

Dylan (Justin Timberlake) and Jamie (Mila Kunis) think it’s going<br />

to be easy to hop into bed without ruining their friendship. Try as<br />

they might to avoid the clichés of Hollywood romantic comedies,<br />

however, they soon discover that getting physical really does always<br />

complicate things.<br />

07<br />

16 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

1 hr.<br />

49 min.<br />

Planet of the Apes (1968)<br />

FEATURING Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall,<br />

Kim Hunter<br />

DIRECTED BY Franklin J. Schaff ner<br />

NR<br />

[L][V]<br />

[T]<br />

In this iconic science-fi ction movie—which spawned four sequels,<br />

a Tim Burton remake and this summer’s blockbuster prequel, Rise<br />

of the Planet of the Apes—an astronaut crew crash-lands on a planet<br />

where talking apes are the dominant species, while humans are<br />

oppressed and enslaved.<br />

Deft storytelling, gorgeous animation and award-winning music combine to<br />

create this 1994 Disney classic. Driven from his late father’s kingdom by a jealous<br />

uncle, lion cub Simba joins up with a hilarious meerkat and a warmhearted<br />

warthog for some freewheeling adventures. But as he grows up, Simba realizes his<br />

destiny and ultimately returns home to claim his place in the “Circle of Life.”<br />

06<br />

#<br />

#<br />

#<br />

#<br />

Drama<br />

Comedy<br />

Action/Adventure<br />

Other<br />

Channel number<br />

[L] Coarse language<br />

[T] Adult themes<br />

[V] Violence<br />

[S] Sexual situations<br />

1 hr.<br />

52 min.<br />

1 hr.<br />

27 min.<br />


TURN TO PAGE 8 to<br />

see what’s playing on<br />

international fl ights; the<br />

domestic lineup is on 12.<br />

Westbound International Flights<br />

01<br />

Larry Crowne<br />

FEATURING Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts,<br />

Sarah Mahoney<br />

DIRECTED BY Tom Hanks<br />

PG-13<br />

Having lost his job to corporate downsizing, amiable Larry Crowne<br />

(Tom Hanks) heads to a local college to start over. There, he discovers<br />

camaraderie among a colorful group of outcasts—and a romantic<br />

interest in the form of his teacher (Julia Roberts).<br />

06<br />

Harry Potter and<br />

the Sorcerer’s Stone<br />

FEATURING Daniel Radcliff e,<br />

Rupert Grint, Emma Watson<br />

DIRECTED BY Chris Columbus<br />

CUSTOMERS ARE WELCOME to view their own<br />

video entertainment aboard a United aircraft as<br />

long as they are able to show that the programming<br />

has an MPAA rating of “R” or less. Most<br />

fi lms have been edited for airline use; however,<br />

customer discretion is still advised.<br />

1 hr.<br />

38 min.<br />

[T]<br />

Monte Carlo<br />

FEATURING Selena Gomez, Katie Cassidy,<br />

Leighton Meester<br />

DIRECTED BY Thomas Bezucha<br />

After embarking on their dream vacation to Paris, three young<br />

Americans become entangled in a case of mistaken identity and<br />

soon fi nd themselves leading the high life—and falling in love—in<br />

glamorous Monte Carlo.<br />

“[This] is a red-blooded adventure movie, dripping with atmosphere, fi lled<br />

with the gruesome and the sublime, and surprisingly faithful to the novel.”<br />

—Chicago Sun-Times<br />

In this 2001 kickoff to the Harry Potter fi lm series, the eponymous hero (Daniel<br />

Radcliff e) learns on his 11th birthday that he’s the orphaned son of two powerful<br />

wizards, and that he possesses unique magical powers of his own. Invited to<br />

attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry begins the adventure<br />

of a lifetime with new friends Ron and Hermione.<br />

02<br />

1 hr.<br />

49 min.<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

PICK<br />

1 hr.<br />

43 min.<br />

PG<br />

[T]<br />

PG<br />

[L][V]<br />

[T]<br />

UNITED.COM • NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> 17

Film<br />

Descriptions<br />

03<br />

Bad Teacher<br />

FEATURING Cameron Diaz, Justin Timberlake,<br />

Jason Segel<br />

DIRECTED BY Jake Kasdan<br />

The Hangover 2<br />

FEATURING Bradley Cooper,<br />

Ed Helms, Zach Galifi anakis<br />

DIRECTED BY Todd Phillips<br />

R<br />

[L][S]<br />

[T]<br />

Foul-mouthed and ruthless, Elizabeth (Cameron Diaz) can’t wait<br />

to marry her meal ticket and escape her job as a teacher. When her<br />

fi ancé dumps her, she sets her sights on a rich, handsome substitute,<br />

and her wild and outrageous schemes give her students, her<br />

coworkers and even herself an education like no other.<br />

05<br />

18 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

1 hr.<br />

32 min.<br />

The Help<br />

FEATURING Emma Stone, Viola Davis,<br />

Bryce Dallas Howard<br />

DIRECTED BY Tate Taylor<br />

PG-13<br />

[L][V]<br />

[S][T]<br />

Set in 1960s Mississippi, The Help centers on three extraordinary but<br />

very diff erent women who build an unlikely friendship around a secret<br />

writing project that breaks society’s rules and puts them all at risk.<br />

Starring Easy A’s Emma Stone and Oscar nominee Viola Davis (Doubt),<br />

the fi lm is based on the bestselling 2009 novel by Kathryn Stockett.<br />

The gang from The Hangover is back, as Phil, Stu, Alan and Doug travel to exotic<br />

Thailand for Stu’s wedding. After what happened in Vegas, Stu is taking no<br />

chances and opts for a safe, subdued pre-wedding brunch. However, things don’t<br />

exactly go as planned.<br />

04<br />

#<br />

#<br />

#<br />

#<br />

Drama<br />

Comedy<br />

Action/Adventure<br />

Other<br />

Channel number<br />

[L] Coarse language<br />

[T] Adult themes<br />

[V] Violence<br />

[S] Sexual situations<br />

2 hr.<br />

15 min.<br />

1 hr.<br />

41 min.<br />

R<br />

[L][V]<br />


TURN TO PAGE 8 to<br />

see what’s playing on<br />

international fl ights; the<br />

domestic lineup is on 12.<br />

07<br />

Toy Story<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

PICK<br />

VOICES BY Tom Hanks,<br />

Tim Allen, John Ratzenberger<br />

DIRECTED BY John Lasseter<br />

CUSTOMERS ARE WELCOME to view their own<br />

video entertainment aboard a United aircraft as<br />

long as they are able to show that the programming<br />

has an MPAA rating of “R” or less. Most<br />

fi lms have been edited for airline use; however,<br />

customer discretion is still advised.<br />

“A winning animated feature that has something for everyone on the age<br />

spectrum.” —Newsweek<br />

As this 1995 animated tale opens, little Andy’s favorite toy, Woody (Tom Hanks),<br />

is confi dent in his role as room leader. But after Andy’s birthday party, newcomer<br />

Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), a fl ashy space ranger sporting lasers and pop-out<br />

wings, crash-lands into Woody’s world and shakes up the status quo.<br />

1 hr.<br />

20 min.<br />

G<br />

UNITED.COM • NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> 19

Premium<br />

On-Demand<br />

B767/B747/B777* UNITED FIRST<br />


*on select aircraft<br />

Movies<br />

See some of the hottest releases:<br />

• Bad Teacher<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, J, C, A)<br />

• Friends With Benefi ts<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, J, C, A)<br />

• The Hangover 2<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, R, J, K, C, A)<br />

• Harry Potter and the Deathly<br />

Hallows: Part 2<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, R, J, K, C, A)<br />

• The Help<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, C, A)<br />

• Horrible Bosses<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, R, J, C, A)<br />

• Larry Crowne<br />

(E, F, G, S, P, R, J, K, C, A)<br />

• Life in a Day<br />

(E, G, S, J, K, C, A)<br />

• The Lion King<br />

(E, G, I, C)<br />

• Monte Carlo<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, R, J, K, C, A)<br />

• Rise of the Planet of the Apes<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, J, C, A)<br />

• Toy Story<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, J, C, A)<br />

TV<br />

Catch primetime hits<br />

and HBO favorites, including:<br />

• 30 Rock<br />

• Anthony Bourdain:<br />

No Reservations<br />

• Band of Brothers<br />

• Better With You<br />

• The Big Bang Theory<br />

• Bugatti Super Car<br />

• Cash Cab<br />

• Churchill’s German Army<br />

• Dexter<br />

• Everybody Loves Raymond<br />

• Extras<br />

• Family Guy<br />

• Fearless Planet<br />

• Frasier<br />

• Friday Night Lights<br />

• Friends<br />

• Glee<br />

• Gold Rush Alaska<br />

• House<br />

• How Do They Do It?<br />

20 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

• Aliens<br />

(E)<br />

• Attack the Block<br />

(E)<br />

• Avatar: Special Edition<br />

(E, F, G, S, P, R)<br />

• Black Swan<br />

(E)<br />

• The French Connection<br />

(E)<br />

• The Guard<br />

(E)<br />

• Hall Pass<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, R, J, C)<br />

• Inception<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, R, J, K, C)<br />

• Page One: Inside<br />

the New York Times (E)<br />

• Senna<br />

(E, G, I, S, P)<br />

• Transformers: Dark of the<br />

Moon (E, F, G, I, S, P, J, C, A)<br />

• X-Men: First Class<br />

(E, F, G, I, S, P, J, C)<br />

• And more!<br />

• It’s Always Sunny<br />

in Philadephia<br />

• Mad Men<br />

• The Middle<br />

• Mythbusters<br />

• NCIS<br />

• The Offi ce<br />

• Pricing the Priceless<br />

• Psych<br />

• The Real Housewives<br />

of Beverly Hills<br />

• Suburgatory<br />

• The Simpsons<br />

• Suits<br />

• Treks in a Wild World<br />

• Two and a Half Men<br />

• Ultimate Factories<br />

• Who Sank the Bismarck?<br />

• Wild Caribbean<br />

• Wishful Drinking<br />

And more…<br />



Feast your ears on Audio Mixes,<br />

CDs or your own playlist. Enjoy<br />

recent movies and TV programming,<br />

or play video games.<br />

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills<br />

Frasier<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

PICK<br />

Senna (E, G, I, S, P)<br />

In chronicling the exceptional life and tragic death of legendary Brazilian<br />

racing champion Ayrton Senna, this gripping documentary depicts a<br />

dynamic and complex public fi gure who could be both spiritual and<br />

ruthless, all while becoming a global superstar. Exclusively on VOD.<br />


Audio<br />

Sample from 21 Audio Mixes. Build your own<br />

playlist from individual CDs, or just press play<br />

on a preprogrammed jukebox playlist:<br />

• Ambient<br />

• Artist spotlight<br />

• Broadway<br />

• Classical<br />

• Country<br />

• C-pop<br />

• Dance<br />

• Easy listening<br />

• Jazz<br />

• J-pop<br />

• Latin<br />

• Modern rock<br />

Games<br />

Stimulate your mind. Pick from more<br />

than 20 games, including:<br />

• Animal Factory<br />

• Backgammon<br />

• Banana Pachinko<br />

• Bejeweled® 2<br />

• Berlitz® Word Traveler<br />

• Blackjack<br />

• Elephant Memory<br />

• In-Flight Bowling Tournament<br />

• In-Flight Bridge<br />

• In-Flight Golf Tournament<br />

• In-Flight Hold ’Em Poker<br />

• In-Flight Sudoku<br />

• In-Flight Tetris®<br />

• R&B<br />

• Rock ’n’ roll<br />

• Teen pop<br />

• Today’s hits<br />

• World<br />

• ’60s<br />

• ’70s<br />

• ’80s<br />

• ’90s and 2000s<br />

• In-Flight Trivia<br />

Tournament<br />

• Invasion<br />

• Kasparov Chessmate<br />

• Memory<br />

• Mutant Storm<br />

• Shanghai<br />

• Solitaire<br />

• Space Tripper<br />

• Super Scramble<br />

• Tik Rack Toe<br />

(E) English<br />

(Es) English subtitles<br />

(F) French<br />

(G) German<br />

(I) Italian<br />

(S) Spanish<br />

(P) Portuguese<br />

(J) Japanese<br />

(C) Chinese<br />

(K) Korean<br />

(A) Arabic<br />

(R) Russian<br />

UNITED.COM • NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> 21

Premium Services<br />



the comfort of a United First Suite. With fi ne food and wine,<br />

extensive on-demand entertainment options and an enhanced<br />

seat design, you’ll feel as if you’re in your own private<br />

hideaway. And when you’re ready to dream, recline on a truly<br />

fl at 6-foot, 6-inch bed. Your suite also features numerous<br />

storage compartments and a four-way lumbar support system.<br />


1 Foot Step for Overhead Bin<br />

Access<br />

2 Coat Hook<br />

3 Literature Pocket<br />

4 110V Power Port<br />

5 Tray Table<br />

6 Handset<br />

22 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

1<br />

2<br />

7 Audio Jack and USB Port<br />

8 Stowage Access<br />

9 Seat Reset Button<br />

10 Reading Light<br />

11 Adjustable Headrest<br />

12 iPod Port<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Takeoff /<br />

Landing<br />

Recline<br />

Lounge<br />

Lie Flat<br />

Leg-Rest<br />

12<br />

7<br />


Lumbar<br />

(25-minute cycle) Press once to activate; press again to freeze lumbar cycle in desired position.<br />

8<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />



the way you look at global travel. It all begins with the deep<br />

sleep that you’ll get with a fully reclining 180-degree fl atbed<br />

seat. In addition to the 6-foot, 4-inch bed, the seat off ers<br />

a six-way adjustable headrest as well as four-way lumbar<br />

support. The extensive on-demand entertainment selection,<br />

110-volt power port and USB port enable you to work or play<br />

at your convenience.<br />


1 Foot Step for Overhead<br />

Bin Access<br />

2 Reading Light<br />

3 Adjustable Headrest<br />

4 Literature Pocket<br />

5 Handset<br />

1<br />

2<br />

6 Audio Jack<br />

7 Tray Table<br />

8 110V Power Port<br />

and USB Port<br />

9 Coat Hooks<br />

10 iPod Port<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Takeoff /<br />

Landing<br />

Recline<br />

Leg-Rest<br />

Lounge<br />

Lie Flat<br />

5<br />

6<br />


Relax with United’s new lie-fl at international First<br />

and Business seats (available on select fl ights). Also,<br />

pick from a multitude of entertainment options.<br />

Whether you want to shut out the world or have it at<br />

your fi ngertips, United has you covered.<br />


Each seat control unit is split for two seats.<br />

Lumbar<br />

(25-minute cycle) Press once to activate; press again to freeze lumbar cycle in desired position.<br />

7<br />

8<br />

10<br />

9<br />

UNITED.COM • NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> 23

Premium Services<br />



777<br />

Using the United First Suite®<br />

1 Six-Way Adjustable Headrest<br />

2 Twist-Top Reading Light<br />

3 Phone<br />

4 Personal Storage Unit<br />

and Work Station<br />

5 Power Port<br />

6 Tray Table<br />

7 Dropping Side Armrest<br />

8 Lumbar Firmness<br />

Adjustment Button<br />

9 Lumbar Height Adjustment<br />

Button<br />

10 BackCycler® Motion System<br />

11 Leg-Rest Controls<br />

12 Seat Recline<br />

13 Bed Button<br />

(to lie fl at)<br />

14 Seat Reset Button<br />


777<br />

1 Six-Way Adjustable<br />

Headrest<br />

2 Twist-Top Reading Light<br />

3 Phone<br />

4 Audio/Video Jack<br />

5 Power Port<br />

6 Tray Table<br />

7 Bottom Cushion Adjustment<br />

24 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

1<br />

8 Lumbar Firmness<br />

Adjustment Button<br />

9 Lumbar Height<br />

10 BackCycler® Motion System<br />

11 Footrest Extension<br />

12 Leg-Rest Control<br />

13 Seat Recline<br />

9<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

6<br />

6<br />

9<br />

7<br />

2<br />

7<br />

3<br />

4<br />

8 10<br />

5<br />

5<br />

4<br />

8 9 10<br />

11 12 13<br />


Personal<br />

Video Tape System<br />

Midnight in Paris<br />

FEATURING Owen Wilson,<br />

Marion Cotillard, Rachel<br />

McAdams<br />

DIRECTED BY Woody Allen<br />

“Midnight in Paris is charming and clever, and at times wickedly astute and<br />

hopeful.” —Denver Post<br />

An engaged American couple (Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams) visit Paris<br />

with the bride-to-be’s parents. But when the young man’s great love for the city<br />

leads him off alone, he has fantastical encounters that change his life forever—<br />

and he and his fi ancée are forced to confront the notion that a life diff erent from<br />

their own would be a better one.<br />

ABC Fall Preview Andalucia Arthur<br />

NR<br />

(E)<br />

Catch up on the latest from ABC, starting<br />

with “Once Upon a Time,” in which the<br />

unusual residents of a small Maine town<br />

are living proof that fairy tales are real.<br />

Then it’s off to the Hamptons for “Revenge”<br />

(pictured), the story of a newcomer, Emily<br />

Van Camp, who’s apparently blending into<br />

the town nicely. But the truth is that she isn’t<br />

exactly new to her posh surroundings: She’s<br />

returned to right an old wrong in the best<br />

way she knows how...with a vengeance.<br />

26 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

1 hr.<br />

26 min.<br />

PG-13<br />

(J)(Es)<br />

When Japanese diplomat Kosaku Kuroda<br />

crosses paths with two people deeply<br />

involved in an important Japanese investor’s<br />

death—the beautiful banker who discovered<br />

the body and the Interpol investigator who’s<br />

been assigned to the case—he begins to<br />

uncover clues to a shadowy international<br />

crime conspiracy.<br />

FEATURING Yuji Oda, Hideaki Ito<br />

DIRECTED BY Hiroshi Nishitani<br />

UNITED’S PERSONAL VIDEO TAPE SYSTEM places the power of<br />

the box offi ce in your hands. Start, stop or pause whenever<br />

you wish. Try a movie, change your mind—it’s up to you. Film<br />

selections are subject to change. Most fi lms are unedited;<br />

customer discretion is advised. The tape-based system is<br />

available in United First on select 777 aircraft.<br />

2 hr.<br />

5 min.<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

PICK<br />

1 hr.<br />

40 min.<br />

1 hr.<br />

54 min.<br />

PG-13<br />

(E)(F)<br />

PG-13<br />

(E)(F)(I)<br />

(P)(K)(C)<br />

(A)<br />

Irresponsible charmer Arthur Bach has always<br />

relied on two things to get by: his fortune and<br />

the good sense of his lifelong nanny, Hobson.<br />

Now he faces his biggest challenge: choosing<br />

between an arranged marriage that will ensure<br />

his lavish lifestyle or an uncertain future with<br />

the one thing money can’t buy.<br />

FEATURING Russell Brand, Helen Mirren,<br />

Jennifer Garner<br />


Band of Brothers<br />

Family Guy<br />

1 hr.<br />

50 min.<br />

TV-MA<br />

Planes carrying U.S. paratroopers into French<br />

airspace during WW II encounter heavy fi re,<br />

and must drop the troops indiscriminately<br />

in the Normandy countryside. Upon landing,<br />

Maj. Dick Winters fi nds he has lost his rifl e<br />

and supply bag. He teams up with another<br />

lost soldier and they set out to fi nd their units.<br />

FEATURING Damian Lewis, Ron Livingston,<br />

Donnie Wahlberg<br />

CREATED BY Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg<br />

1 hr.<br />

30 min.<br />

(E)<br />

TV-MA<br />

With the Griffi n family stuck at home during<br />

a blackout, Peter begins to tell a story, which<br />

leads to a Star Wars fl ashback—and provides<br />

the irreverent “Family Guy” writers a chance<br />

to give their twisted take on scenes from the<br />

sci-fi classic.<br />

VOICES BY Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein,<br />

Seth Green<br />

CREATED BY Seth MacFarlane<br />

(E)<br />

Battle:<br />

Los Angeles<br />

The French<br />

Connection<br />

1 hr.<br />

57 min.<br />

PG-13<br />

(E)(G)(F)<br />

(P)(K)<br />

When Earth is attacked by alien forces and<br />

people everywhere watch the world’s great<br />

cities fall, Los Angeles becomes the site of<br />

mankind’s last stand. It’s up to a Marine staff<br />

sergeant and his new platoon to draw a line<br />

in the sand as they take on an enemy unlike<br />

any they’ve ever encountered.<br />

FEATURING Aaron Eckhart, Michelle<br />

Rodriguez, Bridget Moynahan<br />

DIRECTED BY Jonathan Liebesman<br />

1 hr.<br />

44 min.<br />

The story of a pair of New York City narcotics<br />

cops who stumble onto a major drugsmuggling<br />

operation, The French Connection<br />

won a slew of Oscars (including Best Picture<br />

and, for Gene Hackman’s performance, Best<br />

Actor). The fi lm’s thrilling car chases are<br />

equally celebrated.<br />

FEATURING Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider,<br />

Fernando Rey<br />

DIRECTED BY William Friedkin<br />

R<br />

(E)<br />

(E) English<br />

(Es) English<br />

subtitles<br />

(F) French<br />

(G) German<br />

(I) Italian<br />

A Beautiful Life<br />

The Last Blossom<br />

(S) Spanish<br />

(P) Portuguese<br />

(J) Japanese<br />

(C) Chinese<br />

(K) Korean<br />

(A) Arabic<br />

2 hr.<br />

2 min.<br />

PG-13<br />

(C)(Es)<br />

She is a young, aggressive real estate agent<br />

who’s having an aff air with her married boss.<br />

He is an honest but overly rigid policeman<br />

in the midst of a midlife crisis, who remains<br />

single to take care of his autistic brother.<br />

When these two meet at a ritzy karaoke bar<br />

one night, it sets the stage for an unlikely<br />

love story.<br />

FEATURING Qi Shu, Ye Liu, Anthony Wong<br />

DIRECTED BY Wai-keung Lau<br />

2 hr.<br />

5 min.<br />

PG-13<br />

(K)(Es)<br />

The people in In-hee’s life have always taken<br />

her for granted. But when her family learns<br />

that In-hee, who they thought would always<br />

be there for them, has been diagnosed with a<br />

terminal illness and doesn’t have much time left<br />

to live, they come together for the fi rst time to<br />

give her the support she deserves.<br />

FEATURING Bae Jong-ok, Kim Kap-soo,<br />

Kim Ji-young<br />

DIRECTED BY Min Kyu-dong<br />

UNITED.COM • NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> 27

Personal<br />

Video Tape<br />

System<br />

Mr. Popper’s<br />

Penguins<br />

PG<br />

(E)(I)(J)<br />

(P)(C)<br />

(A)<br />

Jim Carrey plays Mr. Popper, a workaholic<br />

divorcé who’s clueless about what really<br />

matters, including family. But that all<br />

changes when he unexpectedly inherits<br />

six little penguins, who teach him some<br />

important lessons even as they turn his life<br />

upside down.<br />

FEATURING Jim Carrey, Carla Gugino,<br />

Angela Lansbury<br />

DIRECTED BY Mark Waters<br />

Quick<br />

PG-13<br />

(K)(Es)<br />

Three former members of the same notorious<br />

motorcycle gang have grown apart and work<br />

now as a motorcycle delivery man, a motorcycle<br />

cop and a pop singer, respectively.<br />

When one of them witnesses an explosion<br />

in a building, though, it sets in motion events<br />

that will bring them all together once more.<br />

FEATURING Lee Min-ki, Kim In-kwon,<br />

Kang Ye-won<br />

DIRECTED BY Jo Bum-gu<br />

28 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

1 hr.<br />

37 min.<br />

1 hr.<br />

55 min.<br />

UNITED’S PERSONAL VIDEO TAPE SYSTEM places the power of<br />

the box offi ce in your hands. Start, stop or pause whenever<br />

you wish. Try a movie, change your mind—it’s up to you. Film<br />

selections are subject to change. Most fi lms are unedited;<br />

customer discretion is advised. The tape-based system is<br />

available in United First on select 777 aircraft.<br />

The Music Never<br />

Stopped<br />

Senna<br />

1 hr.<br />

45 min.<br />

PG-13<br />

A brain tumor leaves Gabriel (Lou Taylor<br />

Pucci) unable to form new memories and<br />

makes his relationship with his estranged<br />

father (J.K. Simmons) even more diffi cult.<br />

But the two fi nd a surprising way to connect:<br />

through classic rock ’n’ roll, the music Gabriel<br />

remembers from growing up.<br />

FEATURING J.K. Simmons, Lou Taylor Pucci,<br />

Cara Seymour<br />

DIRECTED BY Jim Kohlberg<br />

1 hr.<br />

46 min.<br />

(E)<br />

PG-13<br />

(E)(G)<br />

(I)(A)<br />

Spanning Ayrton Senna’s years as a Formula<br />

One driver from 1984 to his untimely death<br />

a decade later, this documentary explores<br />

the life and work of the triple world champion,<br />

his physical and spiritual achievements<br />

on the track and the mythical status he has<br />

since attained.<br />

FEATURING Ayrton Senna, Alain Prost,<br />

Frank Williams<br />

DIRECTED BY Asif Kapadia<br />

Page One:<br />

Inside the New<br />

York Times<br />

Something<br />

Borrowed<br />

(E) English<br />

(Es) English<br />

subtitles<br />

(F) French<br />

(G) German<br />

(I) Italian<br />

NR<br />

In the tradition of great fl y-on-the-wall<br />

documentaries, this fi lm deftly gains<br />

unprecedented access to the New York Times<br />

newsroom. With the Internet surpassing print<br />

as a primary news source and newspapers all<br />

over the country going bankrupt, the media<br />

industry reaches its time of greatest turmoil.<br />

FEATURING Sara Ellison, David Carr,<br />

Bruce Headlam<br />

DIRECTED BY Andrew Rossi<br />

(S) Spanish<br />

(P) Portuguese<br />

(J) Japanese<br />

(C) Chinese<br />

(K) Korean<br />

(A) Arabic<br />

1 hr.<br />

28 min.<br />

1 hr.<br />

52 min.<br />

(E)<br />

PG-13<br />

(E)(G)<br />

After one drink too many at her 30th<br />

birthday party, perpetual good girl Rachel<br />

unexpectedly ends up in bed with the guy<br />

she’s had a crush on since law school—who<br />

just happens to be her best friend’s fi ancé.<br />

FEATURING Kate Hudson, Ginnifer Goodwin,<br />

John Krasinski<br />

DIRECTED BY Luke Greenfi eld

* Our fiestas always<br />

finish early<br />


Personal<br />

Video Tape<br />

System<br />

Extras<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

PICK<br />

FEATURING Ricky Gervais,<br />

Stephen Merchant, Ashley<br />

Jenson<br />

CREATED BY Ricky Gervais<br />

Star Watching<br />

Dog<br />

Best known as the original boss from hell in the British version of “The Offi ce,”<br />

Ricky Gervais created and stars in this biting sitcom. He plays Andy Millman,<br />

a frustrated Englishman in his 40s who gives up his day job to pursue acting,<br />

only to fi nd that—because of his age, average appearance and complete lack of<br />

experience—he just can’t land any juicy parts.<br />

PG-13<br />

(J)(Es)<br />

In Hokkaido’s countryside, the discovery of<br />

an unidentifi ed man’s body initially appears<br />

to be an open-and-shut case, but Kyosuke<br />

is intrigued when he also uncovers several<br />

receipts with a Tokyo address. He is led from<br />

one clue to the next, gains an assistant and<br />

fi nally learns the real story.<br />

FEATURING Toshiyuki Nishida,<br />

Tetsuji Tamayama, Umika Kawashima<br />

DIRECTED BY Tomoyuki Takimoto<br />

30 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

2 hr.<br />

8 min.<br />

UNITED’S PERSONAL VIDEO TAPE SYSTEM places the power of<br />

the box offi ce in your hands. Start, stop or pause whenever<br />

you wish. Try a movie, change your mind—it’s up to you. Film<br />

selections are subject to change. Most fi lms are unedited;<br />

customer discretion is advised. The tape-based system is<br />

available in United First on select 777 aircraft.<br />

Treasure Hunt X-Men: First Class<br />

1 hr.<br />

30 min.<br />

PG-13<br />

(C)(Es)<br />

Peggy (Cecilia Cheung) is an ad exec<br />

with more trouble than she can handle.<br />

Persuaded by her boss to shoot an ad on a<br />

deserted island with the “strongest man in<br />

the galaxy,” kung-fu master Mr. Big (Ronald<br />

Cheng), she’s left to handle the notorious<br />

womanizer on her own.<br />

FEATURING Cecilia Cheung, Liu Hu,<br />

Ronald Cheng<br />

DIRECTED BY Jing Wong<br />

(E) English<br />

(Es) English<br />

subtitles<br />

(F) French<br />

(G) German<br />

(I) Italian<br />

1 hr.<br />

40 min.<br />

TV-MA<br />

(E)<br />

PG-13<br />

(E)(G)(F)<br />

(I)(J)(P)<br />

(A)<br />

Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr took<br />

the names Professor X and Magneto, they<br />

were young men discovering their mutant<br />

powers for the fi rst time. In contrast to the<br />

archenemies they would become, the two<br />

were initially close friends working with other<br />

mutants to prevent nuclear Armageddon.<br />

FEATURING Michael Fassbender,<br />

James McAvoy, Kevin Bacon<br />

DIRECTED BY Matthew Vaughn<br />

(S) Spanish<br />

(P) Portuguese<br />

(J) Japanese<br />

(C) Chinese<br />

(K) Korean<br />

(A) Arabic<br />

2 hr.<br />

12 min.



Audio<br />

Programming<br />

Audio Mixes<br />

Featuring songs by Roy<br />

Orbison, Cream, Fleetwood<br />

Mac and more<br />

Featuring a chronology of<br />

Michael Jackson songs<br />

Featuring songs by DJ Fresh,<br />

David Guetta, Duck Sauce<br />

and more<br />

Featuring songs by Johnny<br />

Pacheco, Sergio Mendes and<br />

more<br />

Featuring songs by Miley<br />

Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Selena<br />

Gomez and more<br />

32 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

Featuring songs by Meat Loaf,<br />

Toto, Cheap Trick and more<br />

Featuring compositions<br />

performed by orchestras from<br />

New York to Stuttgart<br />

Featuring songs by Joss<br />

Stone, Snow Patrol, Josh<br />

Groban and more<br />

Featuring songs by Paramore,<br />

Foo Fighters, Sublime With<br />

Rome and more<br />

Featuring songs by<br />

Adele, Beyoncé, Lady<br />

Gaga and more<br />

Featuring songs by<br />

Duran Duran, Tiff any,<br />

Starship and more<br />

Featuring songs by Martina<br />

McBride, Trace Adkins, Toby<br />

Keith and more<br />

Featuring songs by Ella<br />

Fitzgerald, Julie London,<br />

George Benson and more<br />

Featuring songs by Akon,<br />

Jordin Sparks, John Legend<br />

and more<br />

Featuring songs by Femi Kuti,<br />

Annie Trousseau, Balkan Beat<br />

Box and more<br />

GET READY TO ROCK with selections<br />

of classic and modern rock, or take<br />

it easy while listening to classical<br />

or ambient mixes. You’ve got a<br />

lot of sound options with United’s<br />

audio programming.<br />

Featuring songs by Brian<br />

Eno, Enya, Runestone<br />

and more<br />

Featuring Chinese popular<br />

music including cantopop<br />

and mandopop<br />

Featuring songs by<br />

Exile, AKB48, Sukima<br />

Switch and more<br />

Featuring songs by Elvis<br />

Presley, Bobby Darin,<br />

the Shirelles and more

Audio Channels by Aircra<br />

CHANNEL 777 767-300<br />

1<br />

Movie<br />

(English)<br />

Movie<br />

(English)<br />

2 Today’s hits Today’s hits<br />

3 R&B R&B<br />

4 Classical Classical<br />

5 Country Country<br />

6 ’60s ’60s<br />

7 ’70s ’70s<br />

8 ’80s Teen pop<br />

9<br />

From the<br />

fl ight deck<br />

From the fl ight deck, or ’80s<br />

10 Rock ’n’ roll —<br />

11 Modern rock —<br />

12 World —<br />

13 J-pop —<br />

14 C-pop —<br />

15 Artist spotlight —<br />

16 Jazz —<br />

17 Latin —<br />

18 Easy listening —<br />

19 Teen pop —<br />

20 Ambient —<br />

21 Dance —<br />

CHANNEL 9<br />

Listen for your fl ight<br />

number to hear live<br />

communication between<br />

the fl ight deck and<br />

FAA air traffi c control.<br />

This feature, unique<br />

to United, may not be<br />

available on all fl ights,<br />

including oceanic<br />

crossings with limited<br />

audio communication.<br />

Available at your<br />

captain's discretion.<br />

UNITED.COM • NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> 33

Quiz<br />

Culture Club<br />



1. In addition to inspiring this year’s prequel, Rise of<br />

the Planet of the Apes, the 1968 sci-fi fi lm Planet of<br />

the Apes spawned four sequels, including:<br />

A. Secret of the Planet of the Apes<br />

B. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes<br />

C. Return to the Planet of the Apes<br />

D. Planet of the Apes Forever<br />

2. Though best known for providing performances<br />

for CGI characters, Andy Serkis (Rise of the Planet<br />

of the Apes’) has also portrayed which real-life<br />

British rock star:<br />

A. Sid Vicious<br />

B. David Bowie<br />

C. Ian Gillian<br />

D. Ian Drury<br />

3. In Larry Crowne, Julia Roberts plays a teacher at a<br />

community college—a far cry from her character in<br />

Mona Lisa Smiles, who taught at which elite school:<br />

A. Wellesley<br />

B. Vassar<br />

C. Barnard<br />

D. Radcliff e<br />

4. The new comedy Monte Carlo showcases the<br />

famed French Riviera, which also was the backdrop<br />

for which of these Alfred Hitchcock classics:<br />

A. Notorious<br />

B. Strangers on a Train<br />

C. To Catch a Thief<br />

D. The 39 Steps<br />

5. Which British actor appears in both Rise of the<br />

Planet of the Apes and Harry Potter and the Deathly<br />

Hallows: Part 2:<br />

A. Tom Felton<br />

B. Emma Watson<br />

C. John Hurt<br />

D. Maggie Smith<br />

6. Horrible Bosses co-star Kevin Spacey also played yed<br />

the offi ce tyrant in the 1994 cult comedy Swimming ming<br />

With Sharks. Which of these is not one of that<br />

character’s memorable lines:<br />

A. “My bath mat means more to me than you.”<br />

B. “You’re happy. I hate that.”<br />

C. “Shut up, listen and learn.”<br />

D. “Details of your incompetence do not interest t me.”<br />

1.B; 2.D; 3.A; 4.C; 5.A; 6.D; 7.B; 8.C; 9.D; 10.C; 11.D<br />

34 NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong> • UNITED.COM<br />

7. In the Showtime series “Dexter,” the title<br />

character gives a nod to his secret life as a serial<br />

killer by naming his fi shing boat which of these:<br />

A. A Cut Above<br />

B. Slice of Life<br />

C. Dead Reckoning<br />

D. RIP Tide<br />

8. The actor who portrays Bad Teacher’s high school<br />

gym instructor, Jason Segel, got his fi rst big break in<br />

which TV show about high school:<br />

A. “Saved by the Bell”<br />

B. “My So-Called Life”<br />

C. “Freaks and Geeks”<br />

D. “Veronica Mars”<br />

9. What heroine does Emma Stone play in the next<br />

Spider-Man fi lm that one of her co-stars in The Help,<br />

Dallas Bryce Howard, has already portrayed:<br />

A. Mary Jane Watson<br />

B. Felicia Hardy<br />

C. Kitty Pryde<br />

D. Gwen Stacy<br />

10. By the end of the Harry Potter fi lm series, star<br />

Daniel Radcliff e had worn out 60-plus wands and<br />

gone through about how many pairs of glasses:<br />

A. 25<br />

B. 80<br />

C. 160<br />

D. 350<br />

11. “Nurse Jackie” star Edie Falco won $250,000 for<br />

charity when she appeared on which game show:<br />

A. “Deal or No Deal”<br />

B. “ Jeopardy”<br />

C. “Wheel of Fortune”<br />

D. “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”


©<strong>2011</strong> Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries<br />

Lifetime maps include up to four map updates per year for the useful life of your product or as long as Garmin receives map data from<br />

its supplier, whichever is shorter. Not transferable. Additional memory (purchase required) may be necessary for future map updates.<br />

Lifetime traffic applies for the useful life of your product or as long as Garmin receives traffic data from its supplier, whichever is shorter.<br />

Traffic and photoReal junction view not available for all areas. See www.garmin.com for lifetime maps and traffic details, coverage,<br />

terms and conditions.<br />

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To learn more, visit Garmin.com<br />

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© <strong>2011</strong> Samsung Electronics America, Inc. All rights reserved. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Screen images simulated. Battery life will vary depending on the product<br />

model, confi guration, power management settings, applications used, and wireless settings. The maximum capacity of the battery will decrease with time and use. Test results based on independent third party Mobile Mark 2007 tests. Specifi cations and designs are subject to change without notice.

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