ANNUAL ACTIVITY REPORT - Instituto de Biologia da UFRJ

ANNUAL ACTIVITY REPORT - Instituto de Biologia da UFRJ

ANNUAL ACTIVITY REPORT - Instituto de Biologia da UFRJ


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<strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>ACTIVITY</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong><br />

ISSN 2177-918X<br />

National Institute of Science and Technology<br />

Antarctic Environmental Research

General Coordinator<br />

Yocie Yoneshigue Valentin – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Vice-coordinator<br />

Rosalin<strong>da</strong> Carmela Montone – IO/USP<br />

Thematic Area 1 (Antarctic Atmosphere) – Team Lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Neusa Paes Leme – INPE<br />

Thematic Area 2 (Antarctic Terrestrial Environment) – Team Lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Antonio Batista Pereira – UNIPAMPA<br />

Thematic Area 3 (Antarctic Marine Environment) – Team Lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Helena Passeri Lavrado – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Thematic Area 4 (Environmental Management) – Team Lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Cristina Engel <strong>de</strong> Alvarez – UFES<br />

Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Expedient<br />

Editors Yocie Yoneshigue Valentin – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Adriana Galindo Dalto – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Helena Passeri Lavrado – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Production Editora Cubo<br />

Management Rafael Mozeto and Larissa Orlandi<br />

Proofrea<strong>de</strong>r Yocie Yoneshigue Valentin – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Adriana Galindo Dalto – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Geyze Magalhães <strong>de</strong> Faria – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Caio Amitrano <strong>de</strong> Alencar Imbassahy – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Collaboration Geyze Magalhães <strong>de</strong> Faria – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Caio Amitrano <strong>de</strong> Alencar Imbassahy – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Photograph Courtesy Adriana Galindo Dalto (Backgrounds: Cover, Expedient, Summary, Presentation,<br />

Introduction, Science Highlights, Thematic Area 3, Facts and Figures)<br />

Andre Monnerat Lanna (Background: Thematic Area 1, Thematic Area 4,<br />

Education and Outreach Activities, Publications, Email)<br />

Luiz Fernado Wurdig Roesch (Background: Thematic Area 2)<br />

The editors express their gratitu<strong>de</strong> to the INCT-APA colleagues that contribute to this edition.<br />

This document was prepared as an account of work done by INCT-APA users and staff. Whilst the document is believed to<br />

contain correct information, neither INCT-APA nor any of its employees make any warranty, expresses, implies or assumes<br />

any legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process<br />

disclosed within. As well, the use of this material does not infringe any privately owned copyrights.<br />

<strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia<br />

Antártico <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais (INCT-APA)<br />

INCT-APA Headquarters <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Biologia</strong>, Centro <strong>de</strong> Ciências <strong>da</strong> Saú<strong>de</strong> (CCS)<br />

Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (<strong>UFRJ</strong>)<br />

Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373 - Sala A1-94 - Bloco A<br />

Ilha do Fundão, Ci<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Universitária - CEP: 21941-902<br />

Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro - RJ, Brazil<br />

Telephone/ Fax +55 21 2562-6322 / +55 21 2562-6302<br />

E-mail inctapa@gmail.com<br />

Home Page www.biologia.ufrj.br/inct-antartico<br />

Management Committee<br />

Support<br />

Collaborations<br />

Production<br />

Education and Outreach Activities – Team Lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Déia Maria Ferreira – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

International Scientific Assessor<br />

Lúcia <strong>de</strong> Siqueira Campos – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Project Manager Assessor<br />

Adriana Galindo Dalto – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Executive Office<br />

Carla Maria <strong>da</strong> Silva Balthar – IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Finance Technical Support<br />

Maria Helena Amaral <strong>da</strong> Silva – IBCCF/<strong>UFRJ</strong><br />

Marta <strong>de</strong> Oliveira Farias – IBCCF/<strong>UFRJ</strong>

National Institute of Science and Technology<br />

Antarctic Environmental Research

I59a<br />

Cataloguing Card<br />

National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research<br />

Annual Activity Report / National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic<br />

Environmental Research = <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico <strong>de</strong><br />

Pesquisas Ambientais (INCT-APA). – 2009– . – Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro : INCT-APA, 2010–.<br />

240 p.<br />

ISSN 2177-918X<br />

1. Environmental research. 2. Antarctica. I. Title.<br />

CDD 363.7

4 Presentation<br />

10 Introduction<br />

13 Science Highlights<br />

228 Education and Outreach Activities<br />

232 Facts and Figures<br />

234 Publications<br />

238 E-mails<br />



National Institute of Science and Technology –<br />

Antarctic Environmental Research<br />

<strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia – Antártico <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais (INCT-APA)<br />

e importance of Antarctica Research<br />

Antarctica is the most preserved region of the planet and<br />

one of the most vulnerable to global environmental changes.<br />

For this reason, alterations in the Antarctic environment,<br />

natural or caused by humans, has the potential to provoke<br />

biological, environmental and socio-economic impacts,<br />

which can a ect the terrestrial system as a whole. Because<br />

it is an essential part of the global environmental system,<br />

the Antarctic region not only sends out climate signals that<br />

a ect global climate, but also absorbs global climatic signals.<br />

Anthropic environmental impacts occurring on the planet<br />

are re ected in Antarctica, including those that emanate<br />

from South America.<br />

For this reason, the scienti c research in the Polar<br />

Regions is of great environmental and economic importance,<br />

since it contributes to the comprehension of climatic and<br />

environmental changes observed in these regions.<br />

e monitoring of terrestrial, marine and atmospheric<br />

systems is fun<strong>da</strong>mental for the evaluation of such changes,<br />

which means collecting environmental <strong>da</strong>ta on a continuous<br />

basis, with quality control and for a long period of time,<br />

registered in a long temporal series, thus permitting a more<br />

precise evaluation of future implications, o ering support<br />

to <strong>de</strong>cision-making.<br />

e protection of the environment of Antarctica is<br />

one of highest priorities of all the nations that operate<br />

on the Antarctic continent. For this reason the region<br />

should continue to be the most preserved of the planet,<br />

harmonizing the presence of man and the atten<strong>da</strong>nce of<br />

mankind’s needs related to the mitigation of environmental<br />

impact of an ecosystem which is highly fragile.<br />

In 1991, the concerns over the consequences of human<br />

activity in the Antarctic environment became a reality<br />

through the Protocol of the Treaty of Antarctica for the<br />

4 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Protection of the Environment, which came into force in<br />

1998. is protocol established directives and procedures,<br />

which should be adopted in the un<strong>de</strong>rtaking of activities in<br />

Antarctica. e monitoring of the environmental impact of<br />

Brazilian activities in Antarctica is a commitment assumed<br />

by the Brazilian Government through the rati cation of the<br />

Madrid Protocol.<br />

What is the INCT – Antarctic<br />

Environmental Research?<br />

The National Institute of Science and Technology -<br />

Antarctic Environmental Research (abbreviated as INCT in<br />

Brazilian Portuguese used in this document as INCT-APA<br />

hitherto) were created by the Brazilian Ministry of Science<br />

and Technology (Ministério <strong>de</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia<br />

(MCT) in search of excellence in scienti c activities at an<br />

international level in strategic areas <strong>de</strong> ned by the Action<br />

Plan 2007-2010 of the Science Programme, Technology and<br />

Innovation for Antarctica, by means of programmes and<br />

instruments ma<strong>de</strong> operational by CNPq and by FAPERJ<br />

(Research support Foun<strong>da</strong>tions at di erent levels). e<br />

referred initiative has the view to implement a network<br />

of atmospheric, terrestrial and marine monitoring, in the<br />

Antarctic region.<br />

Who are we?<br />

INCT-APA consists of more than 70 researchers who<br />

in an integrated manner evaluate the local and global<br />

environmental impacts in the atmospheric, terrestrial<br />

and marine areas of Maritime Antarctica systems and<br />

in addition are involved in the related educational and<br />

scienti c outreach of their activities. e research <strong>de</strong>veloped

y INCT-APA will contribute to influence initiatives<br />

concerning biological diversity and environmental<br />

protection of Antarctica, principally in the scope of the<br />

Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of<br />

the Environment. Furthermore it assists in educational<br />

processes with the purpose of divulging Antarctica research<br />

to the public in general.<br />

Mission<br />

To valorise the region of Antarctica as an opportunity for<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of transdisciplinary scienti c investigations,<br />

promoting education and divulging information and<br />

environmental management.<br />

Aims<br />

To be an institute of reference in Antarctic environmental<br />

research and in the preservation of this continent as an<br />

asset for humanity.<br />

e purpose of INCT-APA:<br />

• To <strong>de</strong>velop scienti c investigations in marine, terrestrial<br />

and atmospheric environments in the Antarctic region;<br />

• To structure and operate a local and global environmental<br />

management system; and<br />

• To promote the education and the diffusion of<br />

information committed to the construction of a global<br />

environmental conscience.<br />

Presentation |<br />


6 | Annual Activity Report 2010

e activities of this institute will contribute to in uence<br />

initiatives concerning biological diversity and protection of<br />

the Antarctic environment, especially in the sphere of the<br />

Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of the<br />

Environment, including the <strong>de</strong>velopment of educational,<br />

formative and informative processes directly related to<br />

Antarctica.<br />

See more at: www.biologia.ufrj.br/inct-antartico<br />

Contact: inctapa@gmail.com<br />



Prof. Yocie Y Yoneshigue<br />

Y Valentin V (IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong>)<br />

Prof. Rosalin<strong>da</strong> Carmela Montone (IO/USP)<br />

General team lea<strong>de</strong>r of INCT T – A PA P<br />

Vice-team lea<strong>de</strong>r of INCT – APA<br />

Dr. Neusa Paes Leme (INPE)<br />

Thematic Area 1 - Team Lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Prof. Antonio Batista Pereira (UNIPAMPA)<br />

Thematic Area 2 - Team Lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />



Prof. Lúcia <strong>de</strong> Siqueira Campos (IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong>)<br />

Coordination Executive Office and International Science<br />

Dr. Adriana Galindo Dalto (IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong>)<br />

Project Manager Assessor<br />

Prof. Helena Passeri Lavrado (IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong>)<br />

Thematic Area 3 - Team Lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Prof. Cristina Engel <strong>de</strong> Alvarez (UFES)<br />

Thematic Area 4 - Team Lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Prof. Déia Maria Ferreira (IB/<strong>UFRJ</strong>)<br />

Outreach and Education Assessor<br />



INCT- Antarctic Environmental Research<br />

(INCT- Antártico <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais)<br />

INCT-APA is based at the Fe<strong>de</strong>ral University of Rio <strong>de</strong><br />

Janeiro — Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (<strong>UFRJ</strong>),<br />

Institute of Biology, un<strong>de</strong>r the coordination of Professor<br />

Yocie Yoneshigue Valentin (Botany Department - Institute<br />

of Biology/ <strong>UFRJ</strong>). e team consists of approximately<br />

200 people, amongst them fully certified researchers,<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rgraduation and graduate stu<strong>de</strong>nts, belonging to 16<br />

Presentation |<br />


universities and other research institutes distributed in eight<br />

Brazilian states: Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Rio<br />

Gran<strong>de</strong> do Norte, Goiás (Brasília), Paraná, Santa Catarina<br />

and Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do Sul.<br />

INCT-APA – Objectives:<br />

1. To know and monitor Antarctica’s atmosphere and its<br />

environmental impact on South America;<br />

2. To know and monitor the impact of global changes on<br />

Antarctic terrestrial environment;<br />

ematic Research Areas<br />

Adriana G. Dalto Adriana G. Dalto<br />

ematic Area 1<br />

8 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Antarctic Atmosphere and<br />

Environmental Impacts in<br />

South America<br />

Operated through the knowledge and monitoring of<br />

Antarctica’s atmosphere and its environmental impacts<br />

on South America<br />

Objectives:<br />

1. To monitor and evaluate:<br />

• e regions of movement of Antarctic Cold Fronts<br />

as far as South America, especially Brazil;<br />

• e greenhouse e ect perceived in Antarctica;<br />

• e chemical alterations of the atmosphere and their<br />

in uence on the climate, involving: the interaction<br />

Sun - Earth, the temperature of the mesosphere and<br />

the hole in the ozone layer;<br />

2. To o er supporting information to numeric mo<strong>de</strong>ls<br />

of climate and weather forecasting.<br />

3. To know and monitor the impact of human activities<br />

on Antarctic marine environment;<br />

4. To <strong>de</strong>velop an integrated management mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

for monitoring and evaluating local and global<br />

environmental changes;<br />

5. To valorise Antarctic science for Brazilian society,<br />

promoting education and outreach.<br />

e objectives of INCT-APA related to Environmental<br />

Research are portrayed in the thematic modules <strong>de</strong>scribed<br />

below:<br />

ematic Area 2<br />

Global Changes on Terrestrial<br />

Antarctic Environment<br />

Operated through the study and monitoring of the<br />

impact of global, natural and anthropogenic origins in<br />

the Antarctic terrestrial environment.<br />

Objectives:<br />

1. To measure the alterations to vegetation cover<br />

and the alteration to the diversity of vegetation<br />

communities;<br />

2. To evaluate the fluctuation and distribution of<br />

seabird populations.

Marcio M. B. Tenório<br />

Adriana G. Dalto Andre M. Lanna<br />

ematic Area 3<br />

Impact of Human Activities<br />

on the Antarctic Marine<br />

Environment<br />

Operate in the study and monitoring of the impact<br />

of global, natural and anthropogenic origins in the<br />

Antarctic marine environment.<br />

Objectives:<br />

1. To study the e ects of the environmental impact<br />

(natural and anthropogenic) on the comprehension<br />

of the ecosystemic processes which require longer<br />

temporal series, by means of monitoring of the<br />

marine environment;<br />

2. To supplement the processes and environmental<br />

management instruments, following the example<br />

of Admiralty Bay Management Plan (Plano <strong>de</strong><br />

Manejo <strong>da</strong> Baia do Almirantado), with information<br />

acquired from studies <strong>de</strong>scribed in objective 1 of<br />

this module.<br />

3. To i<strong>de</strong>ntify the presence of exotic marine species<br />

and <strong>de</strong> ne possible en<strong>de</strong>mic species.<br />

ematic Area 4<br />

Environmental Management<br />

Operated through the <strong>de</strong>velopment of integrated<br />

environmental management for the Antarctic region,<br />

especially for the Admiralty Bay. Furthermore, in the<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of tools to valorise Antarctic science for<br />

Brazilian society, promoting education, dissemination<br />

of scienti c information.<br />

Objectives:<br />

1. To <strong>de</strong>velop an environmental management system<br />

for the Antarctic region, especially Admiralty Bay,<br />

encompassing diagnostic, planning, <strong>de</strong>cisionmaking,<br />

implementation, accompaniment and<br />

permanent evaluation of the Antarctic environment;<br />

2. To organize a system with the existing environmental<br />

indicators and integrate them in the form of a mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

DPSIR (Drive Forces)<br />

3. To operate a permanent monitoring and evaluation<br />

system.<br />

Marcio M. B. Tenório Andre M. Lanna<br />

Presentation |<br />



Antarctica Environmental Research:<br />

Global Approach<br />

Yocie Yoneshigue Valentin – General Coordinator<br />

e central focus of the activities of the National Institute<br />

of Science and Technology-Antarctica Environmental<br />

Research (INCT-APA) is the Antarctica Biocomplex<br />

Ecosystem. e concept of “Biocomplexity” incorporates the<br />

study of several biotic compartments of the Antarctica and,<br />

principally, its structural and functional inter-relationships,<br />

as well as the actions of abiotic factors (wind, temperature,<br />

salinity, ti<strong>de</strong>s, ultraviolet radiation, ozone layer, solar<br />

interaction, the earth, etc) which act positively or negatively<br />

on the biota. To complete the framework of inter-relations<br />

between the biota and the environment, the atmospheric<br />

variables should be analysed concomitantly, as well as the<br />

anthropic activities. us, it is a question of investigating<br />

the complex network of inter-relationships in this important<br />

and peculiar biome of our planet, basing ourselves on a<br />

conceptual mo<strong>de</strong>l which will be presented in continuity in<br />

a simpli ed form (Figure 1).<br />

The biocomplexity will be subject of study in the<br />

terrestrial and marine environments, with a view to<br />

studying the inherent communities. The vegetation<br />

and the top pre<strong>da</strong>tors, as well as the seabirds, make up<br />

the two axis of the terrestrial community studies. eir<br />

relationships will be investigated, together with the<br />

increase of ultraviolet radiation, which might possibly<br />

cause harm to the chlorophyll molecules of algae and<br />

plants. Furthermore, the UVB radiation represents 1.5%,<br />

of the total spectrum that reaches the terrestrial surface.<br />

is radiation is the most <strong>da</strong>maging, being able to cause<br />

negative e ects alike to aquatic organisms as to terrestrial,<br />

including human activity in the Antarctica region, by<br />

means of the introduction of contaminants such as<br />

petroleum hydrocarbons, present in the surroundings<br />

of the Antarctica Research Bases. e receding of the<br />

glaciers is another relevant factor to be consi<strong>de</strong>red,<br />

10 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

since the increase of ice free areas, exposing rocks and<br />

soil, favours the colonization of these areas by small size<br />

vegetation, such as, mosses, lichens and some angiosperms,<br />

which in turn contribute to the formation of new areas of<br />

nidi cation of seabirds, such as the Brown Skua, penguins<br />

and others seabirds.<br />

In the marine environment, two systems and their<br />

relationships shall be consi<strong>de</strong>red, the Pelagic and the<br />

Benthic. e Pelagic consists of plankton (phytoplankton,<br />

zooplankton) and nekton (fish and other swimming<br />

organisms) and the benthic system consi<strong>de</strong>ring the<br />

phytobenthic (micro and macroalgae) and zoobenthic.<br />

e marine ora and fauna are well a<strong>da</strong>pted to the extreme<br />

climatic conditions with very low temperatures (including<br />

below zero) the e ect of the ice, prolonged freezing of<br />

expanses of sea, and the extreme variations in the periods<br />

of solar radiation between summer and winter. Studies<br />

concerning the vital processes of some abun<strong>da</strong>nt animals<br />

and species of vegetation in the circumpolar region of<br />

Antarctica are being un<strong>de</strong>rtaken with the purpose of<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the survival of these organisms in relation<br />

to freezing, melting, and consequently, the reduction of salt<br />

in the water. It is known that natural alterations in relation<br />

to climate a ect biological communities and forms, as well<br />

as those stemming from human activity. ese factors<br />

are of fun<strong>da</strong>mental importance for the conservation and<br />

preservation of these environments.<br />

To give due credit to Antarctica Science it is necessary<br />

to promote education on the subject and to disseminate<br />

scienti c information by means of tools which have a<br />

broad capacity of propagation throughout society. e<br />

multi-disciplinary themes investigated by INCT-APA<br />

promote the formation and consoli<strong>da</strong>tion of human<br />

resources directed to research in the Polar Regions. All

these activities converge on the integrated environmental<br />

management of Admiralty Bay and the surrounding<br />

regions, being the principal areas of study of this Institute.<br />

With the <strong>de</strong>velopment of this set of research studies<br />

articulated around the biocomplexity of the Antarctic<br />




MARINE<br />



NECTON<br />


ecosystem, we intend to achieve an integrated vision of<br />

the processes that lead to how this environment functions<br />

and to how it is structured, which in essence is the overall<br />

objective of INCT-APA.<br />



Figure 1. Conceptual mo<strong>de</strong>l of the inter-relations between biota and environment. (Illustration: Edson Rodrgues).<br />


<strong>ACTIVITY</strong><br />




(Ex. Birds)<br />

Introduction |<br />



14 ematic Area 1<br />



54 ematic Area 2<br />



100 ematic Area 3<br />



200 ematic Area 4<br />






20 Monitoring of Atmospheric Changes Related to Sun-Earth Interactions<br />

27 Studies of Gravity Waves at Ferraz Station (62° S) and Recent Observations<br />

33 Infl uence of the Antarctic Ozone Hole Over the South of Brazil in 2008 and 2009<br />

38 Atmospheric SO Measurements at the Brazilian Antarctic Station<br />

2<br />

44 Monitoring Greenhouse Gases in Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Antarctic Station, King George Island<br />

48 Consi<strong>de</strong>ring New Parameters in the Study of Atmospheric Impacts at Admiralty Bay<br />

14 | Annual Activity Report 2010

Introduction<br />

The monitoring of the Antarctic atmosphere and its<br />

influence on South America is being built using solid<br />

foun<strong>da</strong>tions from the studies that for <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s have been<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rtaken by Brazilian researchers in the Antarctic region.<br />

e proposal is to continue these studies, which require<br />

long term series of <strong>da</strong>ta for a greater un<strong>de</strong>rstanding and<br />

monitoring of environmental changes. e information<br />

obtained also o ers support to numerical mo<strong>de</strong>ls of weather<br />

and climate forecasts, which can thus become more reliable.<br />

In all, the research already un<strong>de</strong>rtaken and presently<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rway represents more than two <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s of continuous<br />

research of the in uence of cold fronts from the Antarctic<br />

on Brazilian climate, monitoring of the ozone hole, variation<br />

of UV radiation and other highly relevant studies.<br />

e monitoring of the impacts of solar phenomena<br />

in the Antarctic atmosphere is <strong>de</strong>signed to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the<br />

contribution of activity and changes in the medium and<br />

long term (solar cycle) in the upper atmosphere. us<br />

we can establish the connection between changes in<br />

the interplanetary medium and the terrestrial climate,<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>ring the sociological and coupling of the various<br />

layers of the atmosphere.<br />

e observations of chemical emissions on top of the<br />

Antarctic mesosphere (80-100 km altitu<strong>de</strong>) are used in<br />

studies of the dynamics of atmospheric waves that propagate<br />

toward the upper atmosphere. Accompanying these<br />

movements will allow greater un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the e ects<br />

of the Antarctic polar vortex and the transport of energy<br />

into the upper atmosphere. is issue stands out as one of<br />

the main topics in un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the processes responsible<br />

for global climate variations.<br />

Coordinator<br />

Dr. Neusa Maria Paes Leme – INPE/CRN<br />

Vice-Coordinator<br />

Dr. Emília Correia – INPE/CRAAM<br />

The increase in greenhouse gases (carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong>,<br />

methane, etc.), at the bottom of the atmosphere (up to 30 km<br />

altitu<strong>de</strong>) can cause a drop in temperature of the mesosphere<br />

between the 80 and 90 km altitu<strong>de</strong>. e <strong>de</strong>cline in the<br />

concentration of the ozone layer causes the temperature<br />

of the stratosphere (between the 15 and 50 km area) to<br />

<strong>de</strong>crease. us temperature measurement is an important<br />

parameter to monitor changes on the long term.<br />

A new issue has arisen with the temperature change<br />

in the region of the ozone layer. What will happen to the<br />

connection between the layers and the equilibrium with<br />

the lowering of the temperature of the upper atmosphere<br />

and increased temperature on the ground? e variations<br />

of temperature and UV radiation will produce changes in<br />

both the chemistry and the dynamics of the layers of the<br />

atmosphere.<br />

e atmospheric aerosols play an important role in<br />

global radiation balance and their importance on the sub-<br />

Antarctic is not yet completely un<strong>de</strong>rstood. e Antarctic<br />

Peninsula region is strongly in uenced by di erent sources<br />

of aerosols, such as aerosols of marine origin due to the<br />

high primary productivity of ocean regions adjacent to the<br />

Patagonian <strong>de</strong>sert dust, volcanic activity of the southern<br />

An<strong>de</strong>s and long distance transport from urban areas and<br />

forest res in South America. For this reason, there is the<br />

intention to simultaneously monitor aerosols in two seasons<br />

in Patagonia (Punta Arenas) and King George Island.<br />

Furthermore, the e ect of local anthropogenic pollution<br />

resulting from human settlement areas in the Antarctic<br />

region as well as the contribution of bio-aerosols is still<br />

unknown. Thus, monitoring of aerosols will have two<br />

purposes: to diagnose the impact of local human presence,<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


mo<strong>de</strong>l the dynamics of plumes of pollutants from local<br />

sources, and investigate the long-distance transport, with<br />

emphasis on the in uence on South America.<br />

Goals<br />

Monitor and evaluate<br />

• e region where cold fronts move toward Brazil and<br />

16 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

the respective changes and variations to the climate;<br />

• e greenhouse e ect seen in Antarctica;<br />

• Changes in chemistry and physics of the atmosphere<br />

and its in uence on climate, involving: the interaction<br />

Sun-Earth, the temperature in the mesosphere and<br />

Figure 1. Thematic Area 1 fl owchart. (Illustration: Edson Rodrigues).<br />

the region of the ozone layer, especially during the<br />

occurrence of the “hole in the ozone layer.”<br />

• e impact of solar radiation on the environment.<br />

• Mo<strong>de</strong>lling the spatial atmospheric impact due to local<br />

sources to study the atmospheric transport between<br />

South America and Antarctic Peninsula.<br />

O er subsidies to numerical mo<strong>de</strong>ls of weather<br />

and climate<br />

Over the past 65 years, average annual air temperatures<br />

in Admiralty Bay show an average warming of +0.23 °C.<br />

However, one must consi<strong>de</strong>r that in this region climatological<br />

measurements were only stan<strong>da</strong>rdized in the last 30 years

and the <strong>da</strong>ta from this period does not indicate a warming<br />

climate. Over the past 14 years, the average annual air<br />

temperatures recor<strong>de</strong>d in EACF showed a downward trend<br />

(≈ –0.6 °C / <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>, Setzer et al., 2009). According to these<br />

researchers from the weather team, the winters of 2007<br />

and 2009 were very severe, freezing the two lakes that feed<br />

EACF and the expanse of ice covering Admiralty Bay peaked<br />

with frozen sea to the vicinity of the Polish station, near the<br />

entrance to the Bay. January and February 2010 were the<br />

coolest summers on record at EACF in 37 years (mean air<br />

temperature +1.0 °C + 0.2 °C in January and February).<br />

Measurements of ozone concentration obtained by Brazilian<br />

researchers, from 1990 to <strong>da</strong>te have shown a large variation<br />

in annual gures for Keller Peninsula region (King George<br />

Island, Antarctica). e latter, ranging from 70% in 2006<br />

to 55% in 2010 compared to the normal concentration,<br />

before 1980, when observations were rst ma<strong>de</strong>, by which<br />

time the ozone layer was <strong>de</strong>clining over the South Pole.<br />

Furthermore the time of ozone recovery has also changed<br />

showing reductions in the month of December, which due<br />

to high temperatures the atmosphere is already showing<br />

a scenario of normalizing the previous <strong>de</strong>struction. e<br />

ozone hole occurs only in very cold atmosphere (typical of<br />

the south pole) and every year when summer arrives in the<br />

Antarctic, the hole recovers (in December), but not on par<br />

with the year of 1980 which is the benchmark for what we<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>r as normal.<br />

One consequence of this <strong>de</strong>crease in concentration of<br />

the ozone layer is increased UV radiation. is increase in<br />

radiation is con rmed by extreme events over Antarctica<br />

and South America, including southern Brazil where in<br />

2010 we observed a reduction of 25% of the concentration<br />

of ozone. The southern region of Brazil is subject to<br />

reductions of ozone in October and November, which<br />

could be called si<strong>de</strong> e ects of the Antarctic ozone hole. is<br />

shows that there is still a lot of chloro uorocarbon (CFC)<br />

in the Antarctic atmosphere, and its annual variability<br />

is due to the temperature in the stratosphere (the region<br />

between 15 to 50 km altitu<strong>de</strong>s) in the Antarctic winter.<br />

e monitoring of the ozone layer has also shown that<br />

the <strong>de</strong>crease of the same causes change in temperature of<br />

the stratosphere and a ects the chemical makeup of some<br />

greenhouse gases like CO and ozone surface forming a line<br />

2<br />

to the Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> South excessively increasing the inci<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

of UV-B radiation and contributing to the increase in the<br />

number of cases of glaucoma, skin cancer and <strong>da</strong>mage to<br />

DNA in this region of the country, as well as <strong>da</strong>mage to the<br />

chlorophyll molecules in plants and algae. In large urban<br />

areas increased UV radiation alters the photochemistry of<br />

the atmosphere enhancing the e ect of greenhouse gases<br />

at ground level.<br />

e studies of the dynamics of the Sun-Earth system<br />

and monitoring of ultraviolet radiation and ozone on the<br />

Antarctic Peninsula, Punta Arenas (Chile) and in southern<br />

Brazil have shown the influence to wind patterns and<br />

intensity of UV radiation that reaches the earth’s surface,<br />

cloud cover and precipitation. Continuous measurements<br />

of UV-A and UV-B in these regions have shown an increase<br />

in radiation during the occurrence of the ozone hole. In<br />

2009 and 2010 in the terrain around EACF an increase<br />

in UV radiation above 150% compared to the normal<br />

concentration was recor<strong>de</strong>d, without the presence of the<br />

ozone hole.<br />

From 11 to 30 November 2009 the Antarctic vortex was<br />

located just south of the southern tip of South America<br />

rather than at its climatological position over Antarctica.<br />

Analysis of 30 years of assimilated total O column and<br />

3<br />

UV in<strong>de</strong>x measurements shows that this 20 <strong>da</strong>y event was<br />

unique in the history of the ozone hole for these latitu<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

During this period, small total O columns and large<br />

3<br />

UV in<strong>de</strong>x values were observed over the southern tip of<br />

South America. Comparison of ground based and satellite<br />

measurements of total O columns and satellite based<br />

3<br />

calculations of the UVI in<strong>de</strong>x – never <strong>de</strong>signed nor vali<strong>da</strong>ted<br />

for such extreme Southern Hemisphere conditions – show<br />

excellent consistency. (<strong>de</strong> Laat et al., 2010 ).<br />

e e ect of UV and its potentially harmful e ect to<br />

marine life may also enhance the toxic e ects of some<br />

contaminants such as petroleum hydrocarbons, commonly<br />

present in the vicinity of research stations. A recent study<br />

has <strong>de</strong>monstrated that the mortality of marine amphipod<br />

crustacean Gondogeneia Antarctica, submitted to the e ects<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


of anthracene, increased signi cantly in the presence of UV<br />

(Gomes et al., 2009), reinforcing the importance of knowing<br />

the biological responses of species to the synergistic action<br />

(the various natural and anthropogenic environmental<br />

factors).<br />

e variability observed in the ozone layer and in the<br />

ground intensity of the UV-A and UV-B radiation, in the<br />

last years, was accompanied by changes in the ionized layer<br />

of our atmosphere, the ionosphere. Study of the ionosphere<br />

behaviour done in the Brazilian Antarctic Station in the last<br />

six years con rmed it is controlled by the solar radiation,<br />

showing variations in close association with the <strong>de</strong>creasing<br />

activity of the 23rd solar cycle. Furthermore, during<br />

the local wintertime (April to October in the southern<br />

hemisphere), the ionosphere behaviour was strongly a ected<br />

by meteorological processes from below in all of the years.<br />

e dynamic processes of the lower-lying atmospheric levels<br />

are associated with the generation of waves, particularly<br />

the gravity waves (period of minutes/hours) and planetary<br />

waves (period of <strong>da</strong>ys), amongst others. is study showed<br />

that during the wintertime the planetary waves can strongly<br />

a ect the lower ionosphere (Correia, 2011), evi<strong>de</strong>ncing<br />

the coupling between the di erent atmospheric layers.<br />

In addition to the effect of the planetary waves in the<br />

References<br />

18 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

lower ionosphere, the study also suggested an interannual<br />

behaviour, which has been observed in physical atmospheric<br />

parameters, and is attributed to the interaction between the<br />

atmospheric waves and winds.<br />

One of the most important properties of the atmosphere<br />

is its ability to withstand movement of waves. e gravity<br />

waves are well known to play an important role in Earth’s<br />

atmosphere, for example, their in uence on the thermal state<br />

and the atmospheric circulation. Observations of gravity<br />

waves have been performed on a large scale in regions of<br />

low and mid latitu<strong>de</strong>s. However, at high latitu<strong>de</strong>s, as in<br />

Antarctica, these observations are sparse and little is known<br />

of the characteristics of waves. Studies are being conducted<br />

on them in the Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Antarctic Station<br />

(62° S and 58° W), with campaigns of observations with<br />

airglow imagers at di erent latitu<strong>de</strong>s (Bageston et al., 2009).<br />

e study of planetary waves and gravity waves can i<strong>de</strong>ntify<br />

and better assist with the un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the dynamics<br />

of the neutral upper atmosphere (mesosphere) and their<br />

interaction with the other layers of the atmosphere. e<br />

observation of the dynamics from Antarctica to Ecuador will<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntify the various processes of transport and connection<br />

and how it a ects the atmosphere.<br />

<strong>de</strong> Laat, A.T.J.; van <strong>de</strong>r A., R.J.; Allaart, M.A.F.; van Weele, M.; Benitez, G.C.; Casiccia, C.; Paes Leme, N.M.; Quel, E.;<br />

Salvador, J. & Wolfram, E. (2010). Extreme sunbathing: Three weeks of small total O 3 columns and high UV radiation<br />

over the southern tip of South America during the 2009 Antarctic O 3 hole season, Geophysical Research Letters, 37,<br />

L14805, doi:10.1029/2010GL043699.<br />

Bageston, J. V.; Wrasse, C. M.; Gobbi, D.; Tahakashi, H. & Souza, P. (2009). Observation of mesospheric gravity waves at<br />

Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Antarctica Station (62°S). Annales Geophysicae, 27: 2593-8.<br />

Correia, E. (2011). Study of Antarctic-South America connectivity from ionospheric radiosoundings. Oecologia Australis,<br />

15: 10-17.<br />

Gomes, M. S. (1999). Determinação <strong>de</strong> elementos metálicos em sedimentos <strong>da</strong> Baía do Almirantado, Ilha Rei George,<br />

Península Antártica. Dissertação <strong>de</strong> Mestrado. 193 p. Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> São Paulo.<br />

Gomes, V.; Passos, M.J.A.C.R.; Leme, N.M.P.; Santos, T.C.A.; Campos, D.Y.F.; Hasue, F.M. & Phan, V.N. (2009). Photo-induced<br />

toxicity of anthracene in the Antarctic shallow water amphipod, Gondogeneia antarctica. Polar Biology, 32(7): 1009–21.<br />

Setzer, A.; Villela, F.N.J. & Deniche, A.G.P. (2009). Antarctic Metereology. Annual Activity Report of National Institute of Science<br />

and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research, p. 20-21.

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />





20 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Emília Correia 1,2,* , Jean Pierre Raulin 2 , Pierre Kaufmann 2 , Fernando C.P. Bertoni 2 , Juliano Moro 1<br />

1 <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil<br />

2 Centro <strong>de</strong> Rádio Astronomia e Astrofísica Mackenzie, Escola <strong>de</strong> Engenharia,<br />

Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: ecorreia@craam.mackenzie.br<br />

Abstract: Our upper atmosphere is a ected by solar forcing, whose main sources are the ionizing radiation and space weather. e<br />

solar ionizing radiation changes in association with the 11-year solar cycle, 27-<strong>da</strong>y rotation and solar ares. VLF soundings have<br />

con rmed the solar Lyman-alpha as responsible through the formation and maintenance of the ionized layer of our atmosphere,<br />

the ionosphere, which shows variations in close association with the 11-year solar cycle. Excess of X-ray radiation produced<br />

during the solar ares, when the solar radiation can increase in or<strong>de</strong>r of magnitu<strong>de</strong>, strongly disturbs the lower ionosphere.<br />

Ionosphere studies using VLF technique have i<strong>de</strong>nti ed that even very weak solar ares (B2 as X-ray classi cation from GOES<br />

satellite) can be enough to a ect the ionosphere during the minimum of solar activity, but this limit increases as the Sun becomes<br />

more active. e ionosphere is also a ected by forcing coming from the lower-lying atmospheric layers. e in uence of the<br />

planetary waves of neutral atmosphere origin has been observed, and it is dominant during the local wintertime. e studies<br />

have shown the in uence of the Sun-earth interaction in the chemistry and dynamics of our atmosphere, and also the exchange<br />

of energy between the di erent atmospheric layers, which might a ect the terrestrial and marine environment, especially in the<br />

polar region.<br />

Keywords: atmosphere, sun-earth interaction, atmospheric radio sounding<br />

Introduction<br />

e earth´s upper atmosphere is basically controlled by<br />

solar forcing from above, the solar ionizing radiation being<br />

responsible through the formation and maintenance of the<br />

ionosphere, the atmospheric layer being between about<br />

60 km and 1000 km in height. e variability of the solar<br />

ionizing radiation is mainly due to the 11-year solar cycle,<br />

27-<strong>da</strong>y rotation and solar ares. e lower ionosphere<br />


e ionosphere is also disturbed by forcing from below,<br />

which is mainly due to the upward propagating gravity and<br />

planetary waves originated in the neutral atmosphere. e<br />

e ects of the neutral atmospheric waves in the ionosphere<br />

have been observed particularly during the wintertime<br />

(Lastovicka, 2006). e low ionosphere presents a complex<br />

and extremely variable behaviour due to these two external<br />

competitive forcings (Lastovicka, 2009), of difficult<br />

characterization. e base of the ionosphere (~60-70 km) is<br />

not accessible to in situ measurements, being only accessible<br />

by rockets or by ground-based soundings, which results in<br />

the ionospheric region being less un<strong>de</strong>rstood.<br />

e upper atmosphere is maintained and controlled<br />

by solar forcing from above, but it is also a ected by the<br />

wave activity from the lower-lying layers, which shows<br />

a coupling between the di erent atmospheric layers in a<br />

wi<strong>de</strong> range of heights (30 km to 300 km) from troposphere<br />

to the mesosphere. is coupling between the di erent<br />

atmospheric layers shows the Sun-Earth interactions that<br />

a ect the upper atmosphere, can also indirectly/directly<br />

a ect the lower atmosphere. us, the monitoring of the<br />

upper atmosphere is important to <strong>de</strong> ne the in uence of<br />

the solar forcing on it, and how that can a ect the lower-<br />

lying layers, which can help us to un<strong>de</strong>rstand how they can<br />

a ect the terrestrial and marine environment, especially in<br />

the polar region.<br />

To improve our un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the external forcing in<br />

the ionosphere, simultaneous and integrated observations<br />

are <strong>de</strong>sirable to evaluate the coupling processes with the<br />

magnetosphere, as well with the lower-lying atmospheric<br />

layers. The atmospheric studies at higher latitu<strong>de</strong>s are<br />

especially important because there the signatures of the<br />

interplanetary space processes are footprinted. In the<br />

following we present the current capabilities for probing<br />

the ionosphere at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic<br />

Station (EACF) and in South America, and some recent<br />

scienti c results showing the response of the ionosphere<br />

to external forcing.<br />

Material and Methods<br />

e ionosphere at EACF (62.11° S and 58.41° W) has been<br />

probed by various radio sounding techniques, which give<br />

information about the ionospheric disturbances.<br />

VLF technique is used to study the lower ionosphere,<br />

D-region, which is between 60 and 85 km. It consists in<br />

<strong>de</strong>tecting signals at frequencies between 1 and 50 kHz,<br />

propagating over long distances insi<strong>de</strong> the earth–ionosphere<br />

wavegui<strong>de</strong>. e conductivity gradient and the reference height<br />

changes in the low ionosphere can be <strong>de</strong>tected as amplitu<strong>de</strong><br />

and phase variations of the VLF signals. Since 2006, the VLF<br />

measurements at EACF have been done with an Atmospheric<br />

Weather Electromagnetic system for Observation, Mo<strong>de</strong>lling<br />

and Education receiver - AWESOME (Scherrer et al. 2008),<br />

which <strong>de</strong>tects the VLF amplitu<strong>de</strong> and phase with 20 ms time<br />

resolution of <strong>de</strong> ned stations, as well as broad-band <strong>da</strong>ta in<br />

all frequency ranges. e VLF measurements at EACF are<br />

complemented with measurements done at Itapetinga Radio<br />

Observatory in Atibaia/SP (23.21° S and 46.51° W) using<br />

another AWESOME receiver, and by the South America VLF<br />

Network (SAVNET, Raulin et al., 2009) that is operating with<br />

six receivers in South America, three of them in Brazil. e<br />

most powerful VLF transmitter stations tracked are from<br />

US Navy, which permits the study of di erent ionospheric<br />

paths, some of them insi<strong>de</strong> the South Atlantic Magnetic<br />

Anomaly (SAMA).<br />

e Total Electron Content (TEC) of ionosphere can be<br />

obtained from GPS measurements done with dual frequency<br />

receivers. is technique is based on the property that dual<br />

frequency radio signals (L1: 1.6 GHz and L2: 1.2 GHz)<br />

propagating through the ionosphere are subjected to a<br />

di erential phase change due to the dispersive nature of<br />

the plasma. As a rst–or<strong>de</strong>r approximation the di erential<br />

phase shi s is directly proportional to the TEC, which is<br />

<strong>de</strong> ned as the line integral of the electron concentration<br />

along the path from a satellite to a receiver. e ionosphere<br />

has been monitored at EACF since 2004 using a dual<br />

frequency Javad GPS receiver with best time resolution of<br />

1s. e GPS measurements at EACF are complemented with<br />

<strong>da</strong>ta from the Brazilian GPS network (Re<strong>de</strong> Brasileira <strong>de</strong><br />

Monitoramento Contínuo, RBMC) of the <strong>Instituto</strong> Brasileiro<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


<strong>de</strong> Geogra a e Estatística (IBGE), which nowa<strong>da</strong>ys has<br />

more than 60 operational receivers covering almost all the<br />

Brazilian territory (IBGE, 2010), and permits the study of<br />

the latitudinal extension of the ionospheric disturbances,<br />

from Antarctica to equatorial regions.<br />

e lower ionosphere has being also probed using a<br />

relative ionospheric opacity meter (riometer) that monitors<br />

the background cosmic radio noise at 20-50 MHz received<br />

on the ground a er crossing the ionosphere. At EACF,<br />

since the beginning of 2009, three 1-channel riometers<br />

at 30 and 38 MHz are operating. ey consist of a simple<br />

dipole antenna that receives cosmic radio noise with a broad<br />

beam (>60o ), two are for measuring intensity and one for<br />

polarization. is technique is based on the comparison of<br />

the received signal with a Quiet Day Curve (QDC) obtained<br />

during geomagnetically undisturbed <strong>da</strong>ys, which gives the<br />

attenuation of the signal and hence the cosmic radio noise<br />

absorption (CNA) at the monitored frequency. Most of<br />

the absorption occurs in the D-layer due the variations<br />

of the electron <strong>de</strong>nsity produced by external forcing. e<br />

riometers at EACF are elements of the South America<br />

Riometer Network (SARINET - an International Scienti c<br />

Cooperation between Japan, Brazil, Argentina and Chile)<br />

that is operating with an array of 11 riometers (1-channel<br />

and imaging) in operation in South America, four of them<br />

in Brazil.<br />

We also used one ionoson<strong>de</strong> that consists of one<br />

transmitter at frequencies between 1 and 20 MHz, and one<br />

receiver that <strong>de</strong>tects the re ected signals. e echoes of the<br />

signal re ected by the F and E regions of the ionosphere<br />

provi<strong>de</strong> a pro le of re ection frequency versus virtual<br />

height (ionogram), which gives the electron <strong>de</strong>nsity (directly<br />

related to the re ection frequency) pro le as a function of<br />

actual height (Piggott & Rawer, 1972). e vertical sounding<br />

plays a crucial role in un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the temporal and<br />

spatial evolution of the ionosphere, as well the study of the<br />

coupling between di erent atmospheric layers. At EACF,<br />

in March 2009, a Canadian Advanced Digital Ionoson<strong>de</strong><br />

(CADI), (MacDougall, 1997) with dri ing measurements<br />

started to operate, which produces ionograms every<br />

5 minutes and dri measurements every 2.5 minutes.<br />

22 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Results<br />

e in uence of the solar forcing in the ionosphere during<br />

the last long minimum of solar activity (2006-2008) was<br />

analyzed from the sud<strong>de</strong>n phase anomalies (SPAs) of the<br />

VLF signal <strong>de</strong>tected by the SAVNET network. SPAs are<br />

produced by the excess f the X-ray emission produced<br />

during solar ares. is study showed that 100% of the<br />

solar X-ray events with peak ux above 5 × 10 –7 W/m2 in<br />

the 0.1-0.8 nm wavelength range produce a signi cant SPA,<br />

but a weak X-ray event with ux of about 2.7 × 10 –7 W/m2 can be enough to a ect the lower ionosphere in 20% of the<br />

cases (Figure 1), (Raulin et al., 2010).<br />

e solar forcing in the ionosphere was also studied<br />

using preterit <strong>da</strong>ytime VLF amplitu<strong>de</strong> from 2003 to 2009.<br />

e study consi<strong>de</strong>red the VLF signal from NPM transmitter<br />

<strong>de</strong>tected at EACF. is <strong>da</strong>ta analysis, which covered the <strong>de</strong>cay<br />

of the 23rd solar cycle, showed an overall <strong>de</strong>crease of about<br />

–0.63 dB/year in the VLF amplitu<strong>de</strong> in close association with<br />

the Lyman-alpha emission <strong>de</strong>crease (Figure 2a), similarly<br />

the behaviour found during the <strong>de</strong>cay of the 22nd solar cycle<br />

( omson & Clilverd, 2000). is behaviour during the<br />

<strong>de</strong>cay of solar activity is explained by the reduction of the<br />

ionizing solar Lyman-alpha radiation, which ionizes the<br />

nitric oxi<strong>de</strong> (NO) molecules (Nicolet & Aikin, 1960). e<br />

<strong>da</strong>ytime VLF amplitu<strong>de</strong> also shows an annual variation,<br />

Figure 1. Solar fl are probability <strong>de</strong>tection P, as a function of the soft X-ray<br />

peak fl ux Px for the long NPM - ATI VLF propagation path, and for solar<br />

zenith angle greater (<strong>da</strong>shed line) or lower (full line) than 40 <strong>de</strong>grees.<br />

Figure a<strong>da</strong>pted from Raulin et al. (2010).

Figure 2. a) NPM Daytime VLF amplitu<strong>de</strong> as received at EACF from 1/1/2003 to 31/12/2008 (NPM trace) compared with 27-<strong>da</strong>y smoothed solar Lyman-alpha<br />

radiation (Ly-alpha irradiance trace) and the stratosphere temperature measured at southern midlatitu<strong>de</strong>s (temperature trace). b) Wavelet analysis of <strong>da</strong>ytime<br />

VLF amplitu<strong>de</strong> for 2007.<br />

<strong>de</strong>creasing from April to October, which can be explained<br />

by the reduction of solar illumination during the wintertime<br />

in the southern hemisphere (Figure 2b). During wintertime<br />

of all the years, the VLF amplitu<strong>de</strong> showed pronounced fast<br />

increases, which in 2007 had a well <strong>de</strong> ned 16-<strong>da</strong>y period<br />

(Correia et al., 2011a, b) as obtained from a wavelet analysis.<br />

is periodicity is typical of planetary waves of neutral<br />

atmosphere origin as observed by Day & Mitchell (2010)<br />

during the same period, and is in agreement with previous<br />

works (e.g. Lastovicka, 2006).<br />

e impact of space weather in the ionosphere was also<br />

studied during the geomagnetic storm of 4 September 2008.<br />

During geomagnetic storms the magnetic eld lines of the<br />

Earth changes and allows an increase in energetic particles,<br />

which can increase the radiation belts population, and in<br />

turn, in special conditions can precipitate and a ect the<br />

ionosphere. e e ects of these precipitating particles in<br />

the ionosphere were studied using the imaging riometer<br />

operating at Southern Space Observatory in São Martinho/<br />

RS. is riometer is an element of the SARINET network,<br />

which consists of 4 × 4 antenna dipoles at 38 MHz covering<br />

an area of 330 × 330 km at a height of 100 km, and is insi<strong>de</strong><br />

the South Atlantic Anomaly. e geomagnetic storm had<br />

an intensity of about –51 nT, which is consi<strong>de</strong>red to be<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>rate intensity, and was accompanied by increases in<br />

the Auroral Electrojet (AE) in<strong>de</strong>x of about 1500 nT (box<br />

in Figure 3a). The QDC was obtained consi<strong>de</strong>ring the<br />

geomagnetically quiet <strong>da</strong>ys of September. Figure 3b shows<br />

the <strong>da</strong>ily intensity of the cosmic noise (blue) from 3 to 8 for<br />

one central antenna of the array and the QDC curve (red)<br />

which shows an increase of absorption of cosmic noise<br />

during the geomagnetic storm. e preliminary results of<br />

the absorption imaging are in Figure 3c, which shows that<br />

the cosmic noise absorption started in the main phase of<br />

the geomagnetic storm, becomes stronger on 5th September,<br />

and suggests a northeastward dri during the recovery<br />

phase (Moro et al., 2010). is ionospheric absorption can<br />

be attributed to the precipitation of energetic electrons in<br />

the SAMA region during the geomagnetic storm, which is<br />

in agreement with past riometer observations (Abdu et al.,<br />

1973), as well from observations using ionoson<strong>de</strong> (Batista<br />

& Abdu, 1977) and VLF technique (Abdu et al., 1981).<br />

ese recent studies con rmed that the ionosphere is<br />

controlled by the 11-year variation of the solar ionizing<br />

radiation, by the space weather impacts, as well as by the<br />

forcing from below of lower-lying atmospheric layers.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


Discussion and Conclusion<br />

e Sun is our main source of energy, and is responsible for<br />

life on Earth. But, it is also true that if the atmosphere did<br />

not exist, life conditions here would be very di erent. e<br />

atmosphere is responsible for ltering the solar radiation<br />

that is nocive to terrestrial and marine life, especially the<br />

X-rays and ultraviolet. e solar radiation changes following<br />

24 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

a b<br />

Figure 3. a) Geomagnetic indices for September 2008 (http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/wdc/Sec3.html). In the black box is shown the geomagnetic storm that<br />

disturbed the ionosphere as observed by imaging riometer at SSO/RS. b) Comparison of the <strong>da</strong>ily intensity of the cosmic noise (blue) with the QDC curve<br />

(red) during the geomagnetic storm. c) Time series of the absorption images at every 2 hours for 3-7 September 2008.<br />

the 11-year solar cycle, so it is <strong>de</strong>sirable to un<strong>de</strong>rstand how<br />

our atmosphere responds to solar variations.<br />

e ionospheric studies done during the <strong>de</strong>cay of the<br />

last solar cycle improved our un<strong>de</strong>rstanding about the main<br />

drivers a ecting our atmosphere. ey con rmed that solar<br />

ionizing radiation is the main driver of the ionosphere<br />

changes on an 11-year scale. Variations in shorter time<br />


scales (minutes to hours) occur in close association with<br />

the solar ares, when the excess of X-ray emission strongly<br />

a ects the lower ionosphere. As the Sun becomes more<br />

active, the stronger are the solar ares and they can be<br />

accompanied by particle events, which increase the impacts<br />

in our atmosphere a ecting lower heights especially in the<br />

polar region. On the other hand, the wave activity of the<br />

troposphere and stratosphere can also propagate upward<br />

and a ect the ionosphere.<br />

ese results show there is a strong coupling between<br />

all atmospheric layers. So it is <strong>de</strong>sirable to simultaneously<br />

monitor all the atmospheric layers to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the<br />

energy exchange from the upper to the low atmosphere<br />

to characterize the in uence of Sun-Earth interaction in<br />

the actual climate changes, which a ect the terrestrial and<br />

marine environment. In the next few years, this monitoring<br />

References<br />

will be very important because the Sun has just started to<br />

become active a er a long minimum. e actual solar cycle<br />

is the 24th , which really started in January 2008, and some<br />

strong solar ares have been reported (SolarCycle24, 2010).<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

This work was partially sponsored by the Brazilian<br />

Antarctic Program (PROANTAR/MMA, CNPq process<br />

nº.: 52.0186/06-0), SECIRM, INPE and INCT-APA<br />

(<strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico <strong>de</strong><br />

Pesquisas Ambientais, CNPq process nº 574018/2008-5<br />

and FAPERJ process n° E-16/170.023/2008). EC would<br />

like to thank CNPq (Procs: 300710/2006-2) for their partial<br />

support, and the technicians Armando Ha<strong>da</strong>no and José<br />

Roberto Chagas from INPE, for the support in Antarctica.<br />

Abdu, M.A.; Ananthakrishnan, S.; Coutinho, E.F.; Krishnan, B.A. & Reis, S. (1973). Azimutal Drift and Precipitation of Electrons<br />

into the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly and SC Magnetic Storm. Journal of Geophysical Research, 78:5830-36.<br />

Abdu, M.A.; Batista, I.S.; Piazza, L.R. & Massambani, O. (1981). Magnetic storm associated enhanced particle precipitation<br />

in the South Atlantic anomaly: Evi<strong>de</strong>nce from VLF phase measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 86: 7533-42.<br />

Batista, I.S. & Abdu, M.A. (1977). Magnetic storm associated <strong>de</strong>layed sporadic E enhancements in the Brazilian geomagnetic<br />

anomaly. Journal of Geophysical Research, 82(29): 4777-83.<br />

Correia, E. (2011a). Study of Antarctic-South America connectivity from ionospheric radio soundings. Oecologia Australis,<br />

15: 10-17.<br />

Correia, E.; Kaufmann, P.; Raulin, J. P.; Bertoni, F. C.; Gavilán,H. R. (2011b). Analysis of <strong>da</strong>ytime ionosphere behavior between<br />

2004 and 2008 in Antarctica. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73: 2272-2278.<br />

Day, K.A. & Mitchell, N.J. (2010). The 16-<strong>da</strong>y wave in the Arctic and Antarctic mesosphere and lower thermosphere. Atmospheric<br />

Chemistry and Physics, 10: 1461-72.<br />

IBGE – <strong>Instituto</strong> Brasileiro <strong>de</strong> Geografi a e Estatística (2010) - Available from: accessed in <strong>de</strong>cember, 2010.<br />

Lastovicka, J. (2006). Forcing of the ionosphere by waves from below. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,<br />

68: 479-97.<br />

Lastovicka, J. (2009). Lower ionosphere response to external forcing: A brief review. Advances in Space Research, 43(1): 1-14.<br />

MacDougall, J.W. (1997). Canadian Advanced Digital Ionoson<strong>de</strong> Users Manual. University of Western Ontario, Scientifi c<br />

Instrumentation. Ltd. 90p.<br />

McRae, W.M. & Thomson, N.R. (2004). Solar fl are induced ionospheric D-region enhancements from VLF phase and amplitu<strong>de</strong><br />

observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 66: 77-87.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


Moro, J.; Correia, E.; Denardini, C.M.; Abdu, M.A.; Makita, K.; Schuch, N.J.; Resen<strong>de</strong>, L.C.; Almei<strong>da</strong>, P.D. & Guizelli, L.M.<br />

(2010). The analysis of ionospheric absorption of galactic radio noise in three geomagnetic disturbed periods using<br />

imaging riometer. Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), The Meeting of the Americas, Suppl., Abstract SA33A-08.<br />

Nicolet, M. & Aikin, A.C. (1960). The Formation of the D-Region of the Ionosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 65(5):<br />

1469-83.<br />

Piggott, W.R. & Rawer, K. (1972). U.R.S.I. Handbook of Ionogram Interpretation and Reduction,World Data Center A for<br />

Solar-Terrestrial Physics. NOAA, Boul<strong>de</strong>r, CO. 90p.<br />

Raulin, J.-P.; Abe Pacini, A.; Kaufmann, P., Correia, E.; Apareci<strong>da</strong>, G. & Martinez, M. (2006). On the <strong>de</strong>tectability of solar X-ray<br />

fl ares using very low frequency sud<strong>de</strong>n phase anomalies. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 68: 1029-35.<br />

Raulin, J.-P.; David, P.; Ha<strong>da</strong>no, R.; Saraiva, A.C.V.; Correia, E. & Kaufmann, P. (2009). The South America VLF NETwork<br />

(SAVNET). Earth, Moon and Planets, 104: 247-61.<br />

Raulin, J-P.; Bertoni, F.C.P.; Gavilán, H.R.; Guevara-Day, W.; Rodriguez, R.; Fernan<strong>de</strong>z, G.; Correia, E.; Kaufmann, K.; Pacini,<br />

A.; Stekel, T.R.C.; Lima, W.L.C.; Schuch, N.J.; Fagun<strong>de</strong>s, P.R. & Ha<strong>da</strong>no, R. (2010). Solar fl are <strong>de</strong>tection sensitivity using<br />

the South America VLF Network (SAVNET). Journal of Geophysical Research, 115: A07301, doi:10.1029/2009JA015154<br />

Scherrer, D.; Cohen, M.; Hoeksema, T.; Inan, U.; Mitchell, R. & Scherrer, P. (2008). Advances in Space Research, 42: 1777-85.<br />

SolarCycle24 (2010) – Available from: , accessed in <strong>de</strong>cember, 2010.<br />

Thomson, N.R. & Clilverd, M.A. (2000). Solar cycle changes in <strong>da</strong>ytime VLF subionospheric attenuation. Journal of Atmospheric<br />

and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 62: 601-8.<br />

26 | Annual Activity Report 2010



José Valentin Bageston 1,* , Paulo Prado Batista 1 , Cristiano Max Wrasse 2 , Delano Gobbi 1 ,<br />

Neusa M. Paes Leme 1 , Robert Hibbins 3,4 , David Fritts 5<br />

1 <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil<br />

2 Vale Soluções em Energia, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil<br />

3 British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, United Kingdom<br />

4 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway<br />

5 Colorado Research Associates, Boul<strong>de</strong>r, United States of America<br />

*e-mail: bageston@gmail.com<br />

Abstract: In this study we will present a brief review of mesospheric gravity waves that have been observed at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte<br />

Ferraz Antarctica Station, EACF (62.1° S and 58.4° W). First, we will show the main results of a campaign conducted from April<br />

to October of 2007, with more than 230 events. e main characteristics of the gravity waves are presented as follows: horizontal<br />

wavelengths between 10 and 65 km; periods between 5 and 35 minutes, and phase speed ranging from 5 to 120 m/s. Later, we<br />

will show the recent advances related to the observations of temperature, winds and gravity waves in the Mesosphere and Lower<br />

ermosphere (MLT) over Ferraz station. In this sense, examples of temperature and wind <strong>da</strong>ta will be presented. Finally, we will<br />

show the partial conclusions and future prospects.<br />

Keywords: airglow, gravity waves, temperature, winds<br />

Introduction<br />

The middle atmosphere is a region rich in chemical<br />

interactions and with a large variability in terms of<br />

dynamics. A wi<strong>de</strong> variety of structures are found in this<br />

region, amongst which can be pointed out the airglow<br />

layers, metals layers and, at high latitu<strong>de</strong>s a special type of<br />

phenomena known as noctilucent clouds. Recent studies<br />

suggest that the increase in the concentration of CO and<br />

CH during this century can result in signi cant changes in<br />

temperature, <strong>de</strong>nsity and composition of the atmosphere.<br />

us, the middle atmosphere has received consi<strong>de</strong>rable<br />

attention mainly due to the circulation system and global<br />

climate change (Gardner, 1995). Consi<strong>de</strong>rable progress has<br />

been ma<strong>de</strong> in the last <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s in the study and un<strong>de</strong>rstanding<br />

of the phenomenon of gravity waves in the middle<br />

atmosphere (Fritts & Alexan<strong>de</strong>r, 2003). Gravity waves are<br />

found primarily in the lower atmosphere, and can propagate<br />

through the atmosphere until they reach the region of<br />

the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (70-100 km<br />

height). ese waves occur as a result of a displacement<br />

of air masses, caused by cold fronts, winds blowing over<br />

mountains or by jet streams in the stratosphere. Gravity<br />

waves are well known and studied in the meteorology eld.<br />

However, this phenomenon has received great attention<br />

due to its important role in the transporting of energy<br />

and momentum from the lower to the upper atmosphere,<br />

varying the thermal structure and general circulation in<br />

the middle and upper atmosphere (Takahashi et al., 1999).<br />

Among the several techniques available for the observation<br />

of gravity waves in the middle atmosphere, we can mention<br />

meteoric and medium frequency ra<strong>da</strong>rs, laser techniques,<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />

2<br />


in-situ observations by rockets, optical measurements from<br />

the ground and from satellites. However, each technique<br />

has its own limitation related to the observation of gravity<br />

waves and only a fraction of the spectrum of these waves can<br />

be solved within a wi<strong>de</strong> spectrum of frequencies and wave<br />

number (Nakamura et al., 1999). us, the combination of<br />

observational methods is very important in or<strong>de</strong>r to study<br />

the characteristics of gravity waves (Taylor & Gardner,<br />

1998). is paper presents results from a campaign of<br />

atmospheric gravity waves conducted in 2007 at Ferraz<br />

station (62.1° S, 58.4° W). We will also show and discuss<br />

brie y some examples of temperature and winds observed<br />

at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz station.<br />

Data and Methodology<br />

e main <strong>da</strong>ta used in this study was from the airglow<br />

images, from which it was possible to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the gravity<br />

wave activity in the atmosphere at the altitu<strong>de</strong>s where the<br />

airglow emissions occur. In this study, the observed airglow<br />

emission is the hydroxyl in the near infrared spectrum<br />

(OH NIR, 715-930 nm), with emission peak around 87 km<br />

high. Recently, a meteor ra<strong>da</strong>r that operates at a frequency<br />

of 36.90 MHz was installed at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz station<br />

with the aim of observing and studying the wind eld over<br />

the King George Island in the MLT altitu<strong>de</strong> range. e<br />

installation and operation of this ra<strong>da</strong>r is a collaborative<br />

e ort between National Institute for Space Research (INPE),<br />

Brazil, and Colorado Research Associates (CoRA), United<br />

States of America. Simultaneous observations of wind<br />

and gravity waves will be valuable to better un<strong>de</strong>rstand<br />

the dynamics of the MLT region on King George Island,<br />

and consequently in the Antarctic Peninsula region.<br />

Furthermore, the temperature structure in the Mesopause<br />

region (~87 km high) has been monitored at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte<br />

Ferraz station since 2002. Since 2005 an airglow CCD camera<br />

that observes the OH(6-2) emission through an annular eld<br />

of view of 22.6° centred at the zenith has been in use.<br />

28 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

e methodology used to extract the wave parameters<br />

was based on analysis of the airglow all-sky images. is<br />

analysis uses the well established Fast Fourier Transform<br />

(FFT) technique, but prior to the application of this analysis<br />

it was necessary to see the images in an animation (“.avi”<br />

le format) to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the gravity waves occurrence, and<br />

subsequently select a time interval and a spatial region on<br />

the images where each wave was i<strong>de</strong>nti ed. Furthermore,<br />

a er this pre-visualization, it was necessary to apply a<br />

pre-processing of the images before the application of the<br />

FFT. e pre-processing basically consists of a rotation in the<br />

images in or<strong>de</strong>r to align the top to the geographic north, and<br />

then mapping the image at the height of the airglow emitting<br />

layer to correct the e ects of distortion in the images due<br />

to the optical system e ects. is process is known as<br />

linearization, and the corrected images are called unwarp<br />

images. e next step is the removal of the stars, followed by<br />

a ltering in the images, and nally the FFT analysis can be<br />

applied to a chosen region on the image, portion on which<br />

a gravity wave event is occurring (i<strong>de</strong>nti ed previously in<br />

the “.avi” animation). e <strong>de</strong>tails of this methodology can<br />

be found in the thesis work of Bageston (2010) and in the<br />

pertinent references.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

The main results already obtained are related to the<br />

characterization of gravity waves for those observed in<br />

2007. We will also show some recent observations of winds<br />

and gravity waves. e waves characteristics observed at<br />

Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz during 2007 were obtained from the<br />

analysis of the images observed trough the NIR OH airglow<br />

emission, including a total of 234 wave events. Figure 1<br />

shows the observed parameters, that is, the horizontal<br />

wavelength, period and phase speed for these waves. e<br />

intrinsic parameters were also inferred and showed a<br />

similar behaviour to the observed characteristics, but with<br />

a maximum occurrence slightly shi ed due to the wind<br />

e ect (Doppler shi ).<br />

The horizontal wavelengths were distributed from<br />

10 to 65 km, with a maximum occurrence between<br />

20 and 40 km. e observed periods were mainly distributed<br />

between 5 and 35 minutes, but the maximum concentration<br />

was between 5 and 15 minutes. e observed phase speed<br />

has a distribution that extends from 5 to 120 m/s. e<br />

majority of the waves had velocities between 10 and 70 m/s.

e results presented in Figure 1 are very similar to<br />

the observations reported in the literature, especially<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>ring the results of observations conducted at other<br />

Antarctica stations: Halley (76° S and 27° W) (2000-2001)<br />

and Rothera (68° S and 68° W) (2002-2003) (Nielsen,<br />

2007; Nielsen et al., 2009). e horizontal propagation<br />

directions showed an anisotropic behaviour during the<br />

winter (Bageston et al., 2009), with similarities to the<br />

observations conducted at Rothera and Halley, i.e., with<br />

preferential propagation direction to southwest and south<br />

(Nielsen, 2007).<br />

Temperature in the MLT region has been monitored<br />

at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz since 2002, and from 2005 with a<br />

airglow camera, in or<strong>de</strong>r to study e ects of gravity waves in<br />

this parameter and also to investigate, in the future, the long<br />

term variability in the Mesopause region. Figures 2 (a) and<br />

(b) shows one example of temperature and airglow intensity,<br />

respectively, during one entire night during 2007. e small<br />

scale variability in the temperature and OH intensity during<br />

a b<br />

Figure 1. Histogram plots of the gravity wave characteristics observed at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz station in 2007. The panels show, from top to bottom, the<br />

horizontal wavelength, observed period and horizontal phase speed.<br />

c<br />

the night could be related to small scale gravity waves. e<br />

large and abrupt <strong>de</strong>crease in the OH(6-2) intensity and<br />

temperature, <strong>de</strong>noted by the arrows, were related to the<br />

passage of a mesospheric wall (extensive gravity wave event)<br />

above Ferraz (Bageston et al., 2011).<br />

Recently, gravity wave and wind observations at<br />

Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz station are registering good quality<br />

recordings, and this <strong>da</strong>ta will be used soon for a <strong>de</strong>tailed<br />

investigation of the dynamics of the MLT region over<br />

Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz. However, this <strong>da</strong>ta, including<br />

temperature <strong>da</strong>ta, are still in Antarctica, and will be<br />

sent to Brazil by the end of this year. Fortunately, some<br />

examples of winds <strong>da</strong>ta were obtained remotely from<br />

Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz. Figure 3 shows one example of winds<br />

observed during two <strong>da</strong>ys, 12-13 September 2010. e<br />

main characteristic observed from Figure 3 is the well<br />

<strong>de</strong> ned semi-diurnal ti<strong>de</strong>, that is, oscillations in the zonal<br />

and meridional wind components over a period of about<br />

12 hours. In addition, it is possible to i<strong>de</strong>ntify that the winds<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


Figure 2. Temperature and OH(6-2) airglow intensity observed at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz by an imaging spectrometer on 16-17July 2007.<br />

in the upper altitu<strong>de</strong>s (94 km) are more intense than at lower<br />

altitu<strong>de</strong>s (85 km).<br />

Gravity wave activity observed last year, by analysing<br />

some observed nights, seems to be similar to the activity<br />

observed in 2007, but with less useful <strong>da</strong>ta in 2010 in<br />

comparison to the observations carried out in 2007.<br />

Conclusions and Future Prospects<br />

In summary, the present study has shown the main<br />

characteristics of the gravity waves observed at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte<br />

Ferraz station in 2007, which were consistent with<br />

previous observations in Antarctica, in particular to<br />

the wave parameters obtained from the observations at<br />

Rothera. Currently, three instruments are in operation<br />

at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz with the objective of studying the<br />

30 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

dynamics and the thermal structure of the mesosphere and<br />

lower thermosphere over the King George Island. e most<br />

recent instrument installed at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz, at the<br />

beginning of last year, was the meteor ra<strong>da</strong>r that is currently<br />

in operation through a collaborative e ort between the<br />

Colorado Research Associates (CoRA), from United States,<br />

and National Institute for Space Research (INPE), from<br />

Brazil. e primary objective of this ra<strong>da</strong>r is to observe the<br />

wind structure between 80 and 100 km altitu<strong>de</strong>. Besi<strong>de</strong>s the<br />

ra<strong>da</strong>r, other two airglow cameras (which belong to INPE)<br />

are in operation with the aim of monitoring the gravity<br />

wave activity in the mesosphere, and then characterize these<br />

waves, and observe the mesopause temperature structure. By<br />

using temperature observations it is possible to monitor the<br />

long term variability of the thermal structure, and conduct<br />

a<br />


Figure 3. Examples of winds observed on 12-13 September 2010 by the meteor ra<strong>da</strong>r installed at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz station in March 2010.<br />

studies to i<strong>de</strong>ntify signature of waves of di erent scales in<br />

the temperature and in its <strong>da</strong>y-to-<strong>da</strong>y variability. Future<br />

investigation will inclu<strong>de</strong> the use of local winds, as observed<br />

by the meteor ra<strong>da</strong>r, to study the wave ltering process due<br />

to the background winds. Moreover, these winds also will<br />

be useful in investigations of the gravity wave sources with<br />

the reverse ray tracing mo<strong>de</strong>lling.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

J. V. Bageston thanks to FAPESP for the post-doctorate<br />

fellowship un<strong>de</strong>r the process nº 2010/06608-2. is work<br />

was partially sponsored by the Brazilian Antarctic Program<br />

(PROANTAR/MMA, CNPq process nº: 52.0186/06-0), and<br />

INCT-APA (CNPq process n° 574018/2008-5 and FAPERJ<br />

process n° E-16/170.023/2008).<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


References<br />

Bageston, J.V. (2010). Caracterização <strong>de</strong> on<strong>da</strong>s <strong>de</strong> gravi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> mesosféricas na Estação Antártica Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz. Tese<br />

em Geofísica Espacial, <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais. Available from: <br />

Bageston, J.V.; Wrasse, C.M.; Gobbi, D.; Tahakashi, H. & Souza, P. (2009). Observation of mesospheric gravity waves at<br />

Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Antarctica Station (62°S). Annales Geophysicae, 27(s/n): 2593-8.<br />

Bageston, J.V.; Wrasse, C.M.; Hibbins R.E.; Batista, P.P.; Gobbi, D.; Tahakashi, H. Fritts, D.C.; Andrioli, V.F.; Fechine, J.;<br />

& Denardini, C.M. (2011). Case study of a mesospheric wall event over Ferraz Station, Antarctica (62° S). Annales<br />

Geophysicae, 29(s/n): 209-19.<br />

Fritts, D. C. & Alexan<strong>de</strong>r, M.J. (2003). Gravity wave dynamics and effects in the middle atmosphere. Reviews of Geophysics,<br />

41(1): 1-46.<br />

Gardner, C. S. (1995). Introduction to aloha/anlc-93 - the 1993 airborne li<strong>da</strong>r and observations of the Hawaiian airglow airborne<br />

noctilucent cloud campaigns. Geophysical Research Letters, 22(20): 2789-92.<br />

Nakamura, T.; Higashikawa, A.; Tsu<strong>da</strong>, T. & Matsushita, Y. (1999). Seasonal variations of gravity wave structures in oh airglow<br />

with a CCD imager at Shigaraki. Earth Planets Space, 51(7-8): 897-906.<br />

Nielsen, K. (2007). Climatology and case studies of mesospheric gravity waves observed at polar latitu<strong>de</strong>s. PhD Thesis,<br />

Utah State University.<br />

Nielsen, K.; Taylor, M.; Hibbins, R. & Jarvis, M. (2009). Climatology of short-period mesospheric gravity waves over Halley,<br />

Antarctica (76°S, 27°W). Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71(s/n): 991-1000.<br />

Takahashi, H., Batista, P.P.; Buriti, R.A.; Gobbi, D.; Tsu<strong>da</strong>, N.T. & Fukao, S. (1999). Response of the airglow OH emission,<br />

temperature and mesopause wind to the atmospheric wave propagation over Singaraki, Japan. Earth Planets and Space,<br />

51(7-8): 863-75.<br />

Taylor, M. & Gardner, C.S. (1998). Observational limits for li<strong>da</strong>r, ra<strong>da</strong>r, and airglow imager measurements of gravity wave<br />

parameters. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103 (D6):6427-37.<br />

32 | Annual Activity Report 2010


SOUTH OF BRAZIL IN 2008 AND 2009<br />

Damaris Kirsch Pinheiro 1,* , Neusa Paes Leme 2 , Lucas Vaz Peres 1 , Elenice Kall 1<br />

1 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Ciências Espaciais <strong>de</strong> Santa Maria – LACESM, Departamento <strong>de</strong> Engenharia Química,<br />

Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral <strong>de</strong> Santa Maria – UFSM, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil<br />

2 Centro Regional do Nor<strong>de</strong>ste, <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais – CRN/INPE, Natal, RN, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: <strong>da</strong>maris@ufsm.br<br />

Abstract: e Antarctic Ozone Hole is a cyclical phenomenon which occurs over the Antarctic region from August to November<br />

each year. e polar vortex turns it into a restricted characteristic dynamics for this region. However, when the polar vortex<br />

begins to weaken in October, air masses with low ozone concentration could escape and reach regions of lower latitu<strong>de</strong>s. is<br />

study presents the in uence of the Antarctic Ozone Hole over the South of Brazil in the years 2008 and 2009. To verify the events<br />

of in uence, <strong>da</strong>ta of ozone total column from Brewer Spectrophotometer installed at the Southern Space Observatory (29.42° S,<br />

53.87° W), in São Martinho <strong>da</strong> Serra, South of Brazil was used, and OMI Spectrometer overpass <strong>da</strong>ta for the same location. In<br />

addition to Brewer and OMI <strong>da</strong>ta, potential vorticity maps using GrADS (Grid Analysis and Display System) generated with<br />

the NCEP <strong>da</strong>ta reprocessed, and backward trajectories of air masses, using the HYSPLIT mo<strong>de</strong>l of NOAA, were analysed. Ozone<br />

total column for the <strong>da</strong>ys with lower ozone were compared with the climatological average of twenty years for September and<br />

October. For statistical reasons, only the <strong>da</strong>ys with ozone total column lower than climatological monthly average minus 1.5 times<br />

the stan<strong>da</strong>rd <strong>de</strong>viation, were analysed. Consi<strong>de</strong>ring only the <strong>da</strong>ys with less ozone, increased absolute potential vorticity and<br />

backward trajectories indicating the origin of polar air masses, 3 events in 2008 and 2 events in 2009, with an average <strong>de</strong>creased<br />

about 9.7 ± 3.3% when compared with climatological means, were observed.<br />

Keywords: mid-latitu<strong>de</strong>, potential vorticity, backward trajectories, Antarctic ozone hole<br />

Introduction<br />

In the Antarctic continent, a signi cant <strong>de</strong>crease in total<br />

ozone content has been <strong>de</strong>tected from August to November<br />

each year. is <strong>de</strong>crease is known as the Antarctic ozone<br />

hole (Farman et al., 1985; Solomon, 1999). e atmosphere<br />

in the southern hemisphere at high latitu<strong>de</strong>s has un<strong>de</strong>rgone<br />

marked changes over the past recent <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s. According<br />

to Hansen (2010), a record of the Antarctic Ozone Hole<br />

area occurred during the spring of 2006, reaching a size of<br />

10.6 million square miles. Because of the polar vortex, this<br />

is restricted to the region. However, when the polar vortex<br />

begins to weaken in late September and October, ozonepoor<br />

air masses can escape and reach regions of lower<br />

latitu<strong>de</strong>s (Prather & Ja e, 1990; Semane et al., 2006). ese<br />

events of the Antarctic Ozone Hole which have an in uence<br />

on the South of Brazil were rst observed by Kirchho et al.<br />

(1996). e study <strong>de</strong>veloped here presents the events for the<br />

years of 2008 and 2009.<br />

Methodology<br />

To verify Antarctic ozone hole influence over South<br />

of Brazil, ozone total column <strong>da</strong>ta from Brewer MKIII<br />

Spectrophotometer #167 installed at the Southern<br />

Space Observatory - OES/CRS/CIE/INPE - MCT<br />

(29.42° S and 53.87° W), in São Martinho <strong>da</strong> Serra, Brazil<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />

3<br />


34 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

a<br />

Figure 1. Event of 26 October 2008. a) Maps showing of the increase of the absolute potential vorticity at the level of 620 K from 24 to 26 October,<br />

b) backward trajectory generated with the HYSPLIT mo<strong>de</strong>l showing the polar origin of the air mass over Southern Space Observatory and c) image generated<br />

using <strong>da</strong>ta from OMI spectrophotometer.<br />

and OMI Spectrometer overpass <strong>da</strong>ta for the same location,<br />

were used. To verify the Antarctic influence, potential<br />

vorticity (PV) maps on isentropic surfaces generated using<br />

GrADS, with NCEP reanalysis <strong>da</strong>ta, were used. Danielsen<br />

(1968) found a good correlation between ozone mixing<br />

ratio and potential vorticity (PV) and <strong>de</strong>monstrated that<br />

PV can be used as a tracer of stratospheric ozone. Similar<br />

methodology using ozone and PV correlation was used<br />

by Semane et al. (2006) and Narayana Rao et al. (2003),<br />

over the Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere,<br />

respectively. In this study, analysis of atmospheric backward<br />

trajectories of air masses, using the HYSPLIT mo<strong>de</strong>l (Hybrid<br />

c<br />


Figure 2. Event of 05 September 2009. a) Maps showing of the increase of the absolute potential vorticity at the level of 620 K from 04 to 05 September,<br />

b) backward trajectory generated with the HYSPLIT mo<strong>de</strong>l showing the polar origin of the air mass over Southern Space Observatory and c) image generated<br />

using <strong>da</strong>ta from OMI spectrophotometer.<br />

Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) <strong>de</strong>veloped<br />

by NOAA and Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, was also<br />

used. Ozone total column for the <strong>da</strong>ys with lower ozone was<br />

compared with the climatological average of twenty years for<br />

September and October. For statistical reasons, only the <strong>da</strong>ys<br />

with ozone total column lower than climatological average<br />

minus 1.5 times the stan<strong>da</strong>rd <strong>de</strong>viation for the years 2008<br />

and 2009, were analysed.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />

a<br />

c<br />


Table 1. Events of the Antarctic ozone hole infl uence over Southern Space Observatory with corresponding reduction of ozone.<br />

Results<br />

Climatological averages of ozone total column measured by<br />

Brewer Spectrophotometer at Southern Space Observatory<br />

from 1992 to 2009 were 295,6 ± 10,2 DU for September<br />

and 291,5 ± 8,9 DU for October. e <strong>da</strong>ys of 2008 and 2009<br />

with ozone total column lower than these climatological<br />

averages minus 1.5 times the stan<strong>da</strong>rd <strong>de</strong>viation was<br />

analyzed according to the methodology <strong>de</strong>scribed above.<br />

e examples of 26 October 2008 and 05 September 2009<br />

are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively, where an<br />

increase of absolute potential vorticity at the level of 620 K<br />

(a), the backward trajectories of air masses poor of ozone<br />

(b) and OMI <strong>da</strong>ta (c) are represented showing the in uence<br />

of Antarctic Ozone Hole over South of Brazil. Consi<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

only the <strong>da</strong>ys with <strong>de</strong>creased ozone measured at Southern<br />

Space Observatory, increased absolute potential vorticity<br />

shown at GRADS maps and HYSPLIT backward trajectories<br />

indicating the origin of polar air masses, it was observed<br />

3 events in 2008 and 2 events in 2009 presented at Table 1,<br />

References<br />

36 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Events <strong>da</strong>ys Ozone (DU) Reduction (%)<br />

28/09/2008 275.2 6.9<br />

12/10/2008 267.8 8.1<br />

26/10/2008 266.5 8.5<br />

05/09/2009 261.2 11.6<br />

06/09/2009 249.9 15.5<br />

01/10/2009 270.2 7.3<br />

Average 265.1 ± 8.8 9.7 ± 3.3<br />

with an average <strong>de</strong>creased about 9.7 ± 3.3% when compared<br />

with climatological means.<br />

Conclusion<br />

e analysis of all <strong>da</strong>ys with <strong>de</strong>crease of ozone total column at<br />

Southern Space Observatory showed the in uence of Antarctic<br />

Ozone Hole over South of Brazil. 3 events in 2008 and 2 events<br />

in 2009, with an average <strong>de</strong>creased about 9.7 ± 3.3% when<br />

compared with climatological means, were observed.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

e authors would like to express their thanks to ATMANTAR<br />

Project for International Polar Year, process n° 52.0182/2006-<br />

5, PROANTAR/MCT/CNPq, <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência e<br />

Tecnologia Antártico <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais, CNPq process<br />

n° 574018/2008-5 and FAPERJ process n° E-16/170.023/2008.<br />

Acknowledgements also to PIBIC/UFSM-CNPq/MCT and<br />

PIBIC/INPE-CNPq/MCT for fellowships and NASA/TOMS<br />

and NCEP/NCAR for use of the <strong>da</strong>ta.<br />

Danielsen, E.F. (1968). Estratospheric-tropospheric exchange based on radioactivity, ozone and potential vorticity. Journal<br />

of Atmospheric Science, 25: 502-18.<br />

Farman, J.C.; Gardiner, B.G. & Shanklin, J.D. (1985). Large losses of total ozone in Antarctica reveal seasonal ClOx/NOx<br />

interaction. Nature, 315: 207-210.<br />

Hansen, K. (2010). 2008 Ozone Hole Maximum Announced. (Accessed: 05 sep. 2010).

Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H.; Schuch, N.J.; Pinheiro, D.K.; Harris, J.M. (1996). Evi<strong>de</strong>nce for an ozone hole perturbation at 30º south.<br />

Atmospheric Environment, 33(9):1481-8.<br />

Narayana Rao, T.; Kirkwood, S.; Arvelius, J.; von <strong>de</strong>r Gathen, P. & Kivi, R. (2003). Climatology of UTLS ozone and the<br />

ratio of ozone and potential vorticity over northern Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D22): 4703,<br />

doi:10.1029/2003JD003860.<br />

Prather, M. & Jaffe, H. (1990). Global impact of the Antarctic ozone hole: chemical propagation. Journal of Geophysical<br />

Research, 95: 3413-92.<br />

Semane, N.; Bencherif, H.; Morel, B.; Hauchecorne, A. & Diab, R.D. (2006). An unusual stratospheric ozone <strong>de</strong>crease in<br />

Southern Hemisphere subtropics linked to isentropic air-mass transport as observed over Irene (25.5º S, 28.1º E) in<br />

mid-May 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6: 1927-36.<br />

Solomon, S. (1999). Stratospheric ozone <strong>de</strong>pletion: a review of concepts and history. Reviews of Geophysics, 37(3): 275-316.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />





38 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Ericka Voss Chagas Mariano 1,* , Neusa Maria Paes Leme 2 , Plinio Carlos Alvalá 3<br />

1 Programa <strong>de</strong> Pós-Graduação em Geofísica Espacial,<br />

<strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil<br />

2 Centro Regional do Nor<strong>de</strong>ste, <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais – CRN/INPE, Natal, RN, Brazil<br />

3 Centro <strong>de</strong> Ciência do Sistema Terrestre – CCST, <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: erickavoss@gmail.com<br />

Abstract: For a better comprehension of the atmospheric chemical and radiative properties, it is necessary to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the<br />

behaviour of trace gases and aerosols; some of these gas types have not been <strong>de</strong>eply studied. Sulphur dioxi<strong>de</strong> (SO ) is found in<br />

2<br />

the troposphere, as a result of both natural and anthropogenic emissions. To study the behaviour of this gas in the Antarctic<br />

continent, the <strong>da</strong>ta collected by the Brewer Spectrophotometer installed in the Brazilian Antarctic Station Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz<br />

(62° 05’ S and 58° 24’ W) was used. With this ground-based instrument, the total column of SO was measured from the<br />

2<br />

beginning of springtime, to the start of summer, during the years 2003 to 2009. It was possible to observe that the total columns<br />

of SO did not show any di erences in the time of the <strong>de</strong>velopment of the ozone hole, as compared to other periods. e main<br />

2<br />

sources of anthropogenic SO pollution in this region are the generation of energy, the operations with ships, and the burning<br />

2<br />

of garbage, being a punctual impact. e natural generation of SO in this region is mainly related to the conversion of DMS<br />

2<br />

(dimethyl sul <strong>de</strong>) emitted by the ocean. In a few <strong>da</strong>ys, the SO total column excee<strong>de</strong>d the values consi<strong>de</strong>red normal for remote<br />

2<br />

regions (>2 UD), and these high concentrations must have their sources i<strong>de</strong>nti ed and monitored.<br />

Keywords: atmospheric chemistry, sulfur dioxi<strong>de</strong>, Brewer Spectrophotometer<br />

Introduction<br />

Antarctica is the col<strong>de</strong>st, windiest, and driest continent on<br />

Earth, with a remote location far from the major centres<br />

of population. Yet as one of the two heat sinks in the<br />

global climate system it plays a crucial role in the general<br />

circulation of the atmosphere and has a profound e ect on<br />

the atmospheric and oceanic conditions across the Southern<br />

Hemisphere (Turner, 2003).<br />

The study of the changes in the atmospheric SO2 concentration is important because this gas has e ects<br />

in the atmospheric chemistry and in the radiation eld,<br />

with climatic consequences. In this case, the climate and<br />

atmosphere research requires continuous SO observations<br />

2<br />

(Fioletov et al., 1998). SO is emitted in the atmosphere as<br />

2<br />

a result of natural phenomena as well as anthropogenic<br />

activities, such as fossil fuel combustion, volcanic eruptions,<br />

biomass burning and the oxi<strong>da</strong>tion of organic materials<br />

in soil and of dimethyl sul <strong>de</strong> (DMS) over oceans. e<br />

sulfur dioxi<strong>de</strong> (SO ) found in the Antarctic region is<br />

2<br />

mostly originated from DMS. SO also plays an important<br />

2<br />

role in cloud formation physics, leading to clouds of high<br />

re ectivity. In the stratosphere SO is also oxidized and<br />

2<br />

combines with water to form sulfate aerosols (Bekki, 1995).<br />

ese aerosols scatter solar radiation and absorb long-wave<br />

radiation, causing heating in the stratospheric region and<br />

net cooling at the Earth’s surface (Georgoulias et al., 2009).

In regions where the air pollution is small, the SO 2<br />

concentration is lower than 2 DU, whereas in polluted<br />

regions this value reaches 4 to 6 DU (Fioletov et al., 1998),<br />

and in extreme cases reaching 20 DU or higher, as in the<br />

case of volcanic eruption events (De Muer & De Backer,<br />

1992). Cappellani and Bieli (1994) state that SO 2 in the air<br />

vertical column is concentrated in the low troposphere,<br />

mainly trapped in the mixture layer. De Muer & De Backer<br />

(1992) say that, occasionally, higher amounts of SO 2 in<br />

the stratosphere, resulting from volcanic eruptions, may<br />

be observed. However, the conclusions presented by these<br />

authors work show that, in general, almost every SO 2 in the<br />

vertical is found in the lower troposphere.<br />

Several methods have been <strong>de</strong>veloped for measuring<br />

not only near surface concentrations but also the total<br />

atmospheric content using ground-based instruments<br />

(Georgoulias et al., 2009). e Brewer spectrophotometer<br />

was <strong>de</strong>veloped at the beginning of the 1980s to precisely<br />

measure ozone (O 3 ) (Kerr et al., 1981), and also measures<br />

sulphur dioxi<strong>de</strong> (SO 2 ), nitrogen dioxi<strong>de</strong> (NO 2 ) and spectral<br />

irradiance in the ultraviolet band. is instrument is wi<strong>de</strong>ly<br />

used by the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) program of<br />

the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to measure<br />

the O 3 columns. To<strong>da</strong>y, there are more than 180 instruments<br />

installed around the globe (Fioletov et al., 2005).<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

Brewer spectrophotometer<br />

The Brewer spectrophotometer is a ground based<br />

instrument which makes measurements of solar radiation,<br />

allowing the measurement of the total column of the<br />

following atmospheric gases: ozone (O 3 ), sulphur dioxi<strong>de</strong><br />

(SO 2 ) and nitrogen dioxi<strong>de</strong> (NO 2 ). It can also measure the<br />

solar global radiation in the band ultraviolet B (UVB). is<br />

instrument uses the Dobson unit (DU) to express the total<br />

columns of O 3 , NO 2 and SO 2 .<br />

e Brewer spectrophotometer is totally automated and<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> up of three parts: tripod, tracker (a system that traces<br />

the sun) and the spectrophotometer itself. e instrument<br />

contains a microprocessor, responsible for the equipment’s<br />

internal operations. is microprocessor is connected to a<br />

computer that, through the Brewer so ware, controls the<br />

functioning of the instrument, and the <strong>da</strong>ta reduction and<br />

storage. e ve wavelengths of operation are located in the<br />

ultraviolet band of the O and SO absorption spectrum,<br />

3 2<br />

which have a strong and variable absorption in this region:<br />

306.3; 310; 313.5; 316.8; 320 nm.<br />

e measurement of the total column of an atmospheric<br />

gas ma<strong>de</strong> by a ground based instrument is based on the<br />

principle of absorption of radiation that penetrates a<br />

quantity of matter. Surface based methods use radiance<br />

measurements of an external source, such as the Sun or<br />

the moon, a er the radiation had been extinguished, as a<br />

result of atmospheric absorption, molecular scattering and<br />

aerosol (particle) scattering, all of them <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>da</strong>nt on the<br />

wavelength (Whitten & Prasad, 1985).<br />

Data collection and treatment<br />

The Ozone Laboratory, that belongs to the National<br />

Institute for Space Research, has a network of Brewer<br />

Spectrophotometers in South America. e <strong>da</strong>ta presented<br />

here was obtained in the Brazilian Antarctic Station<br />

Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz, from 2003 to 2009 through the Direct<br />

Sun method, using the direct solar beam as a radiation<br />

source. e <strong>da</strong>ta collected by the Brewer required reducing<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to be evaluated. This process is un<strong>de</strong>rtaken<br />

by an analysis program <strong>de</strong>veloped specially for the<br />

instrument - the Brewer Spectrophotometer B Data Files<br />

Analysis Program. is program reads the Brewer les<br />

according to the calibration <strong>da</strong>ta of each instrument. Since<br />

each instrument has a distinct calibration, this stage of<br />

the <strong>da</strong>ta treatment takes longer to be completed. For the<br />

analysis of the <strong>da</strong>ta collected for this research, techniques<br />

of Descriptive Statistics were used.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

It is possible to notice a great variability in the <strong>da</strong>ta<br />

(Figure 1), including negative results, which are due<br />

to the Brewer SO algorithm and must be consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

2<br />

corresponding to very low total columns. When the total<br />

column increases, on isolated <strong>da</strong>ys, it is not likely that this is<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


Figure 1. Daily average of the SO 2 total column for the Brazilian Antarctic<br />

Station from August to December, from 2003 to 2009.<br />

Table 1. Annual average of the SO 2 total columns for the Brazilian<br />

Antarctic station.<br />

associated with an increase of SO 2 in the stratosphere, unless<br />

when this is related to volcanic eruptions, which is not the<br />

case in this study. In the Antarctic region, the main natural<br />

contribution to the maintenance of the SO column (even<br />

2<br />

in low concentrations) is the conversion of organic material<br />

from the soils, and the oxi<strong>da</strong>tion of DMS over the ocean.<br />

It was possible to observe an increase in the average<br />

total SO column over the years for each annual period<br />

2<br />

evaluated (Table 1). From 2006, the average turned positive.<br />

is coinci<strong>de</strong>s with the beginning of the construction of the<br />

expansion of the station, which may indicate an increase<br />

in the emission of pollutants. As the Antarctic region is a<br />

remote location, total columns above 2 DU can already be<br />

40 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Year Average<br />

2003 –0,9<br />

2004 –1,7<br />

2005 –0,9<br />

2006 0,9<br />

2007 2,5<br />

2008 1,6<br />

2009 3,0<br />

Figure 2. Number of <strong>da</strong>ys with SO 2 total column higher than 2 Dobson<br />

Units DU for the period studied.<br />

Figure 3. Correlation between the SO 2 total column and Wind speed for<br />

the studied period.<br />

Figure 4. Correlation between the SO 2 total column and solar radiation<br />

for the studied period.

Figure 5. Correlation between the SO 2 total column and the O 3 total<br />

column for the studied period.<br />

Figure 6. Predominant Wind direction for the <strong>da</strong>ys with SO 2 higher than<br />

2 Dobson Units.<br />

Figure 7. Map of the King George Island, showing the main stations. A<strong>da</strong>pted from http://hs.pangaea.<strong>de</strong>/Images/Maps/King_George_Island/King_George_<br />

Island_Map.pdf.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


consi<strong>de</strong>red relatively high, taking into account the level of<br />

local natural pollution. e maximum value of 9.9 DU was<br />

observed in 2007, a rate comparable with that seen in cities<br />

like Cubatão, known for its high levels of pollution.<br />

It is possible to see in Figure 2 the increase in the<br />

number of <strong>da</strong>ys with total column higher than 2 DU from<br />

the year 2006. In all years, 145 <strong>da</strong>ys were observed with<br />

total column above this value, and in 2006 the number of<br />

<strong>da</strong>ys was more than three times higher than the previous<br />

year. In Antarctica, the most signi cant anthropogenic<br />

contributions are related to power generation, operations<br />

with ships, and waste burning, being a punctual impact.<br />

When analyzing the graph with the number of <strong>da</strong>ys with<br />

SO higher than 2 DU (Figure 2), it is possible to see that<br />

2<br />

from 2006 this number increased dramatically, possibly due<br />

to the expansion of the Antarctic Brazilian station.<br />

With respect to wind speed (Figure 3), a correlation of<br />

0.08 between the observed <strong>da</strong>ta was found, i.e., no signi cant<br />

correlation. e same was seen for solar radiation (Figure 4),<br />

with a correlation coe cient of –0.10, indicating a weak<br />

correlation. Also, for O , no signi cant correlation was<br />

3<br />

found (Figure 5).<br />

Evaluating the wind direction when the total column<br />

exceeds 2 DU (Figure 6), it is possible to note that the<br />

preferred directions of wind are west, north and east, in<br />

that or<strong>de</strong>r. Looking at the map with the positioning of<br />

the weather station and the Brewer spectrophotometer<br />

with respect to the Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Antarctic Station<br />

(Figure 7), it is possible to see that the increase in the<br />

total column of SO occurs when the wind blows from the<br />

2<br />

Keller Peninsula, the Brazilian station, and the Martel inlet,<br />

References<br />

42 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

respectively. e energy generator is adjacent to the station,<br />

and the contribution coming from the Martel inlet may be<br />

related to operations with ships.<br />

Few studies on the SO total column were carried out in<br />

2<br />

Antarctica. Chakrabarty and Peshin (2007) found a pattern<br />

in the total column of SO di erent from that found in<br />

2<br />

this study. In the case of the Brazilian station Coman<strong>da</strong>nte<br />

Ferraz, the <strong>da</strong>ta appears more scattered, while at Maitri<br />

(70.7° S and 11.7° E) the distribution is approximately<br />

normal. ey also found a correlation with UV-B radiation,<br />

which was not shown by this study.<br />

Conclusions<br />

SO total columns present a somewhat scattered behaviour,<br />

2<br />

which indicates the source as being anthropogenic activities.<br />

No correlation was found between SO total column with<br />

2<br />

solar radiation, wind speed and O total column. Wind<br />

3<br />

direction indicates contribution from the Martel Inlet and<br />

the Brazilian Antarctic station. is work is a previous<br />

treatment as part of an e ort to establish a methodology for<br />

the use of SO <strong>da</strong>ta from the Brewer Spectrophotometer .<br />

2<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

This work was partially sponsored by the Brazilian<br />

Antarctic Program (PROANTAR/MCT/CNPq process<br />

nº.: 52.0182/2006-5), SECIRM, INPE and INCT-APA<br />

(<strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico <strong>de</strong><br />

Pesquisas Ambientais, CNPq process nº 574018/2008-5 and<br />

FAPERJ process n° E-16/170.023/2008 and the technicians<br />

Armando Ha<strong>da</strong>no and José Roberto Chagas from INPE, for<br />

the support in Antarctica.<br />

Bekki, S. (1995). Oxi<strong>da</strong>tion of volcanic SO 2 : a sink for stratospheric OH and H 2 O. Geophysical Research Letters, 22(8): 913-6.<br />

Cappellani, E. & Bielli, A. (1994). Correlation between SO 2 and NO 2 measured in an atmospheric column by a Brewer<br />

spectrophotometer and at ground-level by photochemical techniques. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,<br />

35(2): 77-84.<br />

Chakrabarty, D.K. & Peshin, S.K. (2007). Effect of stratospheric O 3 <strong>de</strong>pletion on tropospheric SO 2 column in Antarctica.<br />

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 69(12): 1377-87.<br />

De Muer, D. & De Backer, H. (1992). Revision of 20 years of Dobson total ozone <strong>da</strong>ta at Uccle (Belgium) - Fictitious Dobson<br />

total ozone trends induced by sulfur dioxi<strong>de</strong> trends. Journal of Geophysical Research, 97(D5): 5921-37.

Fioletov, V.E.; Griffi oen, E.; Kerr, J.B. & Wardle, D.I. (1998). Infl uence of volcanic sulfur dioxi<strong>de</strong> on spectral UV irradiance as<br />

measured by Brewer spectrophotometers. Geophysical Research Letters, 25(10): 1665-8.<br />

Fioletov, V.E.; Kerr, J.B.; McElroy, C.T.; Wardle, D.I.; Savastiouk, V. & Grajnar, T.S. (2005). The Brewer Reference Triad.<br />

Geophysical Research Letters, 32(20): 1-4.<br />

Georgoulias, A.K.; Balis, D.; Koukouli, M.E.; Meleti, C.; Bais, A. & Zerefos, C. (2009). A study of the total atmospheric sulfur<br />

dioxi<strong>de</strong> load using ground-based measurements and the satellite <strong>de</strong>rived Sulfur Dioxi<strong>de</strong> In<strong>de</strong>x. Atmospheric Environment,<br />

43(9): 1693-701.<br />

Kerr, J.B.; McElroy, C.T. & Olafson, R.A. (1981). Measurements of ozone with the Brewer spectrophotometer, In: London, J. (ed.).<br />

Proceedings of the Quadrennial International Ozone Symposium. Natl. Cent. for Atmos. Res., Boul<strong>de</strong>r, Colo. pp. 74-79,<br />

Turner, J. (2003). The Antarctic climate. In: Holton, J.R.; Curry, J.A. & Pyle, J.A. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences.<br />

Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Press.<br />

Whitten, R.C. & Prasad, S.S. (1985). Ozone photochemistry in the stratosphere. In: Whitten, R.C.; Prasad, S.S. (eds.). Ozone<br />

in the free atmosphere. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. p. 81-122.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />



44 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />



Luciano Marani 1,* , Plínio Carlos Alvalá 1,**<br />

1 <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil<br />

e-mail: * lmarani@gmail.com; ** plino@dge.inpe.br<br />

Abstract: is document presents the results of the monitoring of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) at Brazilian Antarctic Station<br />

Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz (EACF). e samples were taken near the Ozone and Meteorology Modules, weather conditions, such as<br />

direction and intensity of the wind, being annotated. For measurements of the concentration of GHG, a collection system that<br />

used a diaphragm pump, with samples of air being stored in stainless steel cylin<strong>de</strong>rs, was used. Concentrations of gases of interest<br />

in the samples collected were <strong>de</strong>termined by the ozone gas chromatography laboratory, in São José dos Campos/SP. Furthermore,<br />

a continuous infrared monitor (mo<strong>de</strong>l LI-820 Licor Gas Analyzer) was installed in the Ozone Module. ere was great stability<br />

of the concentration values obtained by liquor, in that the average for these records were 378.8 ± 2.0 ppm (parts per million by<br />

volume), very close to that reported at NOAA’s (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) polar station (385 ppm).<br />

Analyses of nitrous oxi<strong>de</strong> (N O) collected in the cylin<strong>de</strong>rs in the months of January to March 2010 resulted in an average of<br />

2<br />

334.7 ± 2.0 ppb (parts per billion by volume), very close to that reported by NOAA as a global average (323 ppb), however it<br />

was noted that this value was virtually constant in all samples, which re ected in low stan<strong>da</strong>rd <strong>de</strong>viation, revealing an o set<br />

in our pattern to be given in subsequent samples. Samples collected in cylin<strong>de</strong>rs in the same period and analyzed for methane<br />

showed an average 1,791.4 ± 38.0 ppb. is value is higher than expected for the region (1,750 ppbv). However there was a wi<strong>de</strong><br />

variability in the samples (represented by the stan<strong>da</strong>rd <strong>de</strong>viation) re ecting local sample point, mainly in the samples collected<br />

near the station. CO <strong>da</strong>ta did not pass in the vali<strong>da</strong>tion tests, mainly due to their long storage time. As the CO is reactive and can<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rgo alteration insi<strong>de</strong> the cylin<strong>de</strong>r through other compounds, the storage time led to reactions insi<strong>de</strong> the cylin<strong>de</strong>rs, causing<br />

the invali<strong>da</strong>tion of the samples for this gas.<br />

Keywords: greenhouse e ect, carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong>, carbon monoxi<strong>de</strong>, methane, Antarctica<br />

Introdution<br />

e Earth can be consi<strong>de</strong>red a body in thermal equilibrium,<br />

so the radiation absorbed by the surface must be distributed<br />

by it so that the balance is maintained. e Earth’s surface,<br />

heated, re-emits the absorbed radiation through wavelengths<br />

greater in the infrared range, called planetary radiation. On<br />

its way into space, some of this radiation is absorbed by the<br />

atmosphere, warming it. Only 6% of the radiation emitted<br />

from the surface escapes directly into space, especially in<br />

the spectral region known as the “atmospheric window”<br />

between 7 and 14 µm, where the absorption by CO and 2<br />

water vapour is weak (Vianello & Alves, 1991). e heated<br />

atmosphere emits radiation in all directions and a fraction of<br />

this radiation is absorbed by the surface again, contributing<br />

to further warming, the greenhouse e ect.<br />

Among the various greenhouse gases, the main ones are<br />

carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong> (CO ), which is responsible for more than<br />

2<br />

60% of the increase of temperature, methane (CH ), nitrous<br />

4<br />

oxi<strong>de</strong> (N O), and CFCs 11 and 12. e GWP of a gas is an<br />


in<strong>de</strong>x that expresses how e ective this is for the greenhouse<br />

e ect. It is measured in terms of the e ect of the introduction<br />

of a molecule in the atmosphere (or gram) of gas over<br />

the e ect of the introduction of a molecule (or gram) of<br />

CO 2 , calculated for a certain time period (integration<br />

period). is calculation also takes into account indirect<br />

e ects, such as chemical reactions that act as sink for gas, but<br />

that generate other greenhouse gases. For carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong>,<br />

GWP is set to 1. us to say that the GWP of CFC-12, for<br />

an interval of 100 years, is 10,600, is equivalent to saying<br />

that the addition of a molecule of CFC-12 is equivalent to<br />

adding 10,600 molecules of CO 2 .<br />

e increase in the concentration of the gases responsible<br />

for global radiation absorption, called greenhouse gases, is<br />

causing a further rise in temperature, which can lead to an<br />

environmental imbalance. It is estimated that the increased<br />

concentrations of some gases (such as carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong>,<br />

methane, nitrous oxi<strong>de</strong> and CFCs) is responsible for a rise<br />

of about 0.3 °C in average global temperature per <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong><br />

(with an uncertainty of 0.2 to 0.5 °C per <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>), maintained<br />

their current growth rates (Cotton & Pielke, 1995).<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s the natural variations of the atmosphere,<br />

there are variations in the concentrations of certain gases<br />

by interference of man. e most typical example is the<br />

case of the stratospheric ozone layer and the increase of<br />

Greenhouse gases. Arti cially produced chemicals and<br />

greenhouse gases emitted in the industrial era just reacting<br />

and dramatically a ecting the chemistry and dynamics of<br />

the atmosphere, producing environmental impacts such<br />

as a slow and progressive reduction of the concentration<br />

of ozone at all latitu<strong>de</strong>s and the increase of the surface<br />

temperature of the Earth.<br />

However, in the current frame of Global Changes,<br />

other complementary information about the variation<br />

of atmospheric parameters is necessary to measure the<br />

impact of these changes in the atmosphere and so that the<br />

environment can be assessed and quanti ed.<br />

e Antarctic environment is in the region of lowest<br />

global human impact. Due to its condition and its remote<br />

low-impact feature, this region is taken as reference for<br />

studies of global dispersal of pollutants and products from<br />

the earth’s crust, oceans and volcanic eruptions. Thus,<br />

maintenance of natural conditions in this region is of vital<br />

importance for un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the impact of large scale<br />

impacts occurring in various continents and potentially<br />

those that have an in uence on the Antarctic region.<br />

e gases CO, CH , N O and CO are greenhouse gases<br />

4 2 2<br />

and their monitoring is essential over time. Moreover, these<br />

gases may be used for monitoring environmental pollution<br />

produced in the region of Antarctic Station Coman<strong>da</strong>nte<br />

Ferraz (EACF).<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

For the measurements of concentration of greenhouse gases,<br />

which began in November 2009, a system of collection<br />

with a diaphragm compressor pump was used, with air<br />

samples being stored in stainless steel cylin<strong>de</strong>rs using an<br />

electropolishing procedure. Figure 1 shows the process of<br />

collections in the vicinity of EACF (62.11° S and 58.41° W).<br />

e frequency of sampling was weekly and the sampling<br />

was done in pairs, with two cylin<strong>de</strong>rs being pressurized in<br />

sequence. e pairs of samples collected were consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

valid only when the di erence in the mixing ratios between<br />

the two cylin<strong>de</strong>rs was at most 5%. At the time of sampling,<br />

the weather conditions, like the wind direction and intensity,<br />

were recor<strong>de</strong>d. e <strong>de</strong>tailed meteorological <strong>da</strong>ta at the<br />

time of collection, such as wind speed, temperature and<br />

humidity were obtained through the address www.cptec.<br />

inpe.br/antartica.<br />

e samples were brought to the Ozone Laboratory<br />

at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) to<br />

be analysed. To <strong>de</strong>termine the mixing ratio of methane a<br />

chromatograph Shimadzu GC-14A equipped with a ame<br />

ionization <strong>de</strong>tector (FID) and two columns of stainless<br />

steel 1/8 inch in diameter, were used. e rst column,<br />

2.5 m, was lled with silica gel and was used to minimize<br />

the total analysis time for the retention of water vapour,<br />

CO and carbon compounds heavier than methane. e<br />

2<br />

second was a column packed with zeolite 5Å molecular<br />

sieve (5 angstrom), 3.0 m in length, which was responsible<br />

for the gas chromatographic separation of the sample. e<br />

stan<strong>da</strong>rd gas used was purchased from NOAA (National<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


Figure 1. Collect the air samples using stainless steel cylin<strong>de</strong>rs with electropolishing internal pressurized to 2 atm, near (left, on the beach) and far from the<br />

station (right).<br />

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), and showed a<br />

concentration of 1749.4 ± 4.5 ppbv. e sample was injected<br />

through a sampling loop of 2.2 mL. e speakers operated<br />

at 100 °C and the <strong>de</strong>tector at 120 °C. e chromatographic<br />

gases used for the FID(H , N and synthetic air) had a high<br />

2 2<br />

purity (99.999%). e relative accuracy obtained in the<br />

analysis of three aliquots of each sample was 0.7% or better<br />

(Alvalá et al., 2004; Marani & Alvalá, 2007). A <strong>de</strong>tector of<br />

oxi<strong>de</strong> of mercury was used for <strong>de</strong>termining the mixing ratio<br />

of CO, with a relative precision of 3.5% or better for analysis<br />

of three aliquots (Kirchho et al., 2003). To <strong>de</strong>termine the<br />

mixing ratio of N O and CO a gas chromatograph equipped<br />

2 2<br />

with electron capture <strong>de</strong>tector (ECD), with relative accuracy<br />

of 0.7% or better, was used. All stan<strong>da</strong>rd gases used were<br />

obtained from NOAA.<br />

In addition, a continuous infrared carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong><br />

monitor (mo<strong>de</strong>l LI-820 Gas Analyzer) was installed near the<br />

ozone module (100 m distant from EACF), which provi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

instantaneous concentrations of gas and that should<br />

remain at the station performing the monitoring of the<br />

concentration of atmospheric CO . e Licor <strong>de</strong>termines the<br />

2<br />

concentration of CO every second, but for this monitoring,<br />

2<br />

the <strong>da</strong>ily averages were chosen.<br />

46 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Results and Conclusions<br />

Because it is monitoring work, its continuation is necessary<br />

so that the behaviour of greenhouse gases can be duly<br />

studied. e monitoring is important because it may give<br />

indications of the impact of human presence in this region of<br />

Antarctica. In terms of results already obtained, we observed<br />

a greater stability of CO concentration values obtained<br />

2<br />

by the Licor, and the average for these observations were<br />

378.8 ± 2.0 ppm (parts per million by volume), very close<br />

to that observed in polar station NOAA (385 ppm). ere<br />

were problems with pump parts in June 2010 and a new<br />

pump was planned to reach EACF by November 2010 for<br />

monitoring to continue. Figure 2 shows the <strong>da</strong>ily averages of<br />

CO obtained in EACF using cylin<strong>de</strong>rs (between December<br />

2<br />

2009 and January 2010), while in April, May and June, the<br />

<strong>da</strong>ta corresponds to <strong>da</strong>ily averages obtained using the Licor<br />

equipment.<br />

e analysis of nitrous oxi<strong>de</strong> (N O) in the cylin<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

2<br />

collected from January to March 2010 resulted in an average<br />

of 334.7 ± 2.0 ppb (parts per billion by volume). is value<br />

was found to be 10 ppb above the global average of NOAA<br />

(323 ppb), but observed that this value was almost constant<br />

in all samples, which resulted in low stan<strong>da</strong>rd <strong>de</strong>viation,<br />

revealing a shi in our pattern to be given for the next<br />


Figure 2. CO 2 (March 2009 to January 2010), obtained from samples<br />

collected in drums (purple) and those obtained by continuous monitoring<br />

(blue).<br />

The samples collected in cylin<strong>de</strong>rs in the same<br />

period and analyzed for methane exhibited an average of<br />

1791.4 ± 38.0 ppb. is value is higher than expected for the<br />

region (1750 ppbv). However there was a large variability in<br />

References<br />

the samples (represented by stan<strong>da</strong>rd <strong>de</strong>viation) re ecting<br />

the local sampling, mainly in samples collected near a station<br />

with favourable wind.<br />

e CO <strong>da</strong>ta did not pass the vali<strong>da</strong>tion tests, mainly due<br />

to long storage time. As the CO is reactive and can un<strong>de</strong>rgo<br />

alteration insi<strong>de</strong> the cylin<strong>de</strong>r through other compounds,<br />

the storage time led to reactions insi<strong>de</strong> the cylin<strong>de</strong>rs,<br />

characterizing the samples as invalid for this gas. As a result,<br />

one of the di culties was to perform the analysis of samples<br />

in smaller time intervals. Delays and changes in ight <strong>da</strong>tes<br />

to support the work and di culty in dispatch, resulted in<br />

cylin<strong>de</strong>rs being collected from São José dos Campos at<br />

shorter intervals, particularly during winter.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />


Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental<br />

Research), FAPERJ (process n° E-16/170.023/2008), CNPq<br />

(process nº 574018/2008-5) and ATMANTAR/IPY/ MCT/<br />

CNPq, (process n° 52.0182/2006-5). We would also like to<br />

thank Dr. Neusa Paes Leme and technicians José Roberto<br />

Chagas, and William Jose Ferreira of Ozone Laboratory<br />

(INPE) for their support in Antarctica.<br />

Alvalá, P.C.; Boian, C. & Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H. (2004). Measurements of CH 4 and CO during ship cruises in the South Atlantic.<br />

Atmospheric Environment, 38(27), 4583–8.<br />

Cotton, W.R. & Pielke, R.A. (1995). Human impacts on weather and climate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 288p.<br />

Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H.; Aires, C.B. & Alvalá, P.C. (2003). An experiment to <strong>de</strong>termine atmospheric CO concentrations of tropical<br />

South Atlantic air samples. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.129(B), 1891–903.<br />

Marani, L. & Alvalá, P.C. (2007). Methane emissions from lakes and fl oodplains in Pantanal, Brazil. AtmosphericEnvironment,<br />

41(8): 1627-33.<br />

Vianello, R.L. & Alves, A.R. (1991). Meteorologia básica e aplicações. Viçosa: Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral <strong>de</strong> Viçosa, Imprensa<br />

Universitária. 449p.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />



48 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />



Eduardo Delfi no Sodré 1 , Heitor Evangelista 1,* , Lavínia Brito 1 , Sergio Machado Corrêa 2<br />

1 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Mu<strong>da</strong>nças Globais e Radioecologia –DBB, <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Biologia</strong> Roberto Alcântara Gomes –IBRAG,<br />

Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Estadual do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro – UERJ, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ, Brazil<br />

2 Departamento <strong>de</strong> Química e Ambiental, Facul<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Tecnologia,<br />

Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Estadual do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro –UERJ, Resen<strong>de</strong>, RJ, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: evangelista.uerj@gmail.com<br />

Abstract: e purpose of this research is to <strong>de</strong>epen the investigation of atmospheric impact as a result of aerosol and gas emissions<br />

at Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic Base (henceforth EACF). As a consequence of a campaign during 2009/2010 summer<br />

and re-analysis of 1998 lters (whereby there became available an annual set of continuous samples), levoglucosan (the product<br />

cellulose pyrolysis) as an indicator of burning of organic material by the Brazilian Station was veri ed. e numeric mo<strong>de</strong>l of<br />

atmospheric dispersion used for Admiralty Bay was suitable for study of the impact on the atmosphere in Admiralty Bay and<br />

in zoned areas of biological importance within the Antarctic Specially Managed Area of King George Island, using a simulation<br />

with stations and ships operating simultaneously. e preliminary results of the chemical analyses for carbonyls and BTEX have<br />

shown that the direct atmospheric impact zone of EACF, due to these chemicals, is restricted to a radius of a maximum of 400 m,<br />

falling sharply in all directions<br />

Keywords: King George Island, atmospheric impact, air polution, levoglucosano, BETEX<br />

Introduction<br />

An Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA) of greater<br />

interest for the Brazilian Antarctic Programme has been<br />

<strong>de</strong>lineated around Admiralty Bay and covers the location<br />

of 2 permanent research stations: EACF (Brazil) and<br />

Arctowski (Poland) and 2 of a smaller size, which operate<br />

only during the austral Summer: Machu Picchu (Peru) and<br />

Pieter J. Lenie-Copacabana (U.S.A), (Weber & Montone,<br />

2006). All these stations have power generating systems<br />

operated on the basis of the burning of fossil fuels (with<br />

the exception of Copacabana) and also incinerate organic<br />

waste. ese operational pattern make the stations sources<br />

of research related to local pollution. e Brazilian base is<br />

the one which sustains a greater amount of human activity<br />

due to the great number of research scientists and technical<br />

support professionals, who are based there every year,<br />

together with their logistical maintenance support systems,<br />

personnel transport carriers, and materials. Admiralty Bay<br />

also receives several tourist ships that contribute to the<br />

increase of the local atmospheric pollution. e orography<br />

of the region is characterised by fjords surroun<strong>de</strong>d by<br />

mountainous areas, which results in a large basin area<br />

making di cult the dispersion of pollutants generated there,<br />

especially during periods of high atmospheric stability. In<br />

this research work, we present the results of new simulations<br />

using the mathematical mo<strong>de</strong>l of atmospheric dispersion<br />

presently in use, ISCST3 (Industrial Source Complex -<br />

Short Term Version 3), and the employment of chemical<br />

markers (levoglucosan, total BTEX and total carbonyls)<br />

representative of the anthropic activities at ASMA.

Figure 1. A mo<strong>de</strong>lled scenario of atmospheric dispersion using multiple<br />

sources in the interior of Admiralty Bay/King George Island.<br />

Preliminary Results<br />

Atmospheric dispersion mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

The mathematical atmospheric pollutant dispersion<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>ls are important tools for un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the<br />

behaviour of some gaseous and particle pollutants<br />

using <strong>da</strong>ta from the study of topography, emissions<br />

and meteorology. These mo<strong>de</strong>ls estimate the impact<br />

of one or more sources on the air quality of a certain<br />

region. The dispersion mo<strong>de</strong>l used in this research was<br />

the ISCST3 (Industrial Source Complex - Short Term<br />

Figure 2. (Upper) seasonal average of global fi re spots; (bottom) inter-annual concentrations of Levoglucosan in 1998 measured at EACF.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


Figure 3. Back-trajectory mo<strong>de</strong>l (Hyspit/NOAA), during the the increase of Levoglucosan levels over the King George Island in January 1998.<br />

Version 3), a Gaussian Plume Mo<strong>de</strong>l in a steady-state<br />

condition that can be used in the evaluation of pollutant<br />

concentrations and/or in the <strong>de</strong>position fluxes from a<br />

great variety of complex sources (Vi<strong>da</strong>l, 2008). In this<br />

study, the plume mo<strong>de</strong>l was configured for a critical<br />

scenario whereby 3 scientific stations and 4 ships were<br />

operating simultaneously in Admiralty Bay. The result is<br />

shown in Figure 1 and consi<strong>de</strong>rs an average distribution<br />

of local wind, topoghaphy and the predominant classes of<br />

stability. It can be observed that in these circumstances,<br />

50 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

apart from local impacts, an important part of Admiralty<br />

Bay receives the combined atmospheric impact of these<br />

pollutants sources.<br />

Chemical tracers: Levoglucosan<br />

Levoglucosan (1,6 anhydro-β-D-glucopyranose), the<br />

product of cellulose pyrolysis, has been studied as a forest<br />

and agricultural biomass burning tracer due to its resistance<br />

to weathering and its dispersion in the atmosphere during<br />

occurrences of slash-and-burn. Another potential source<br />

of levoglucosan in Antarctica is the practice of organic

Figure 4. Spatial distribution of the atmospheric samples during the fi rst phase of the 2009/2010 summer at EACF. The dotted contour line indicates where<br />

signifi cant increases of BTEX and Carbonylic compounds were observed. The lower square close up <strong>de</strong>tail, to the right, shows EACF and the reserve fuel<br />

tanks.<br />

waste incineration by the research stations. An analysis<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rtaken concerning the lter samples in 1998, whose<br />

monitoring spanned a complete annual sequence, showed<br />

that the level of greater concentration of levoglucosan<br />

coinci<strong>de</strong>d with the period of greatest human activity at<br />

EACF, at which moments the incinerator is used with greater<br />

frequency. From the seasonal point of view, the peaks of<br />

Levoglucosan di er from the occurrence of peaks of the<br />

forest slash-and-burn, not only in South America/Africa,<br />

but also in terms of worldwi<strong>de</strong> slash-and-burn, according to<br />

the <strong>da</strong>tabase of the European Space Agency – ESA, Figure 2.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring that the displacement time of the plumes of<br />

smoke from slash-and-burn between South America and<br />

the Antarctic Peninsula occur in approximately 7-15 <strong>da</strong>ys,<br />

the time lag observed does not justify a continental origin<br />

for the levoglucosan, making the incineration of organic<br />

waste at EACF the most probable cause.<br />

Trying to corroborating the hypothesis concerning<br />

the relevance of the local sources related to levoglucosan,<br />

regarding long distance displacement, the Hysplit/NOAA<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l was used with in or<strong>de</strong>r to investigate the nature of the<br />

back-trajectories of the air masses, referring to the sample<br />

<strong>da</strong>tes that show high concentrations. A typical structure<br />

is shown in Figure 3, calculated for January 2008. In this<br />

case, it was veri ed that during the periods of high level of<br />

Levoglucosan, the air masses that prevailed over the King<br />

George Island were basically from polar-oceanic nature,<br />

justifying, in principle, the in uence of forest slash-andburn<br />

over that region.<br />

Carbonylic and monoaromatic hydrocarbons<br />

In general the main carbonylic compounds in the<br />

troposphere are formal<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong>, acetal<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong> and acetone,<br />

and the first is consi<strong>de</strong>red carcinogenic by IARC. The<br />

monitoring of these compounds is an American regulatory<br />

ruling by USEPA. In the vicinity of EACF, 14 air samples<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />


Figure 5. a) Total BTEX and b) Total Carbonyl. The colored rectangles distinct the samples with higher values and the environmental levels. The i<strong>de</strong>ntifi cation<br />

of the samples refers to Figure 4. Sampling station A19 was set close to the emission point.<br />

were collected and analysed according to USEPA(1997)<br />

methodology. e results showed the presence of these<br />

compounds, mainly insi<strong>de</strong> a 200-400 m radius from EACF<br />

(Figures 4 and 5). e same occurred for BTEX, aromatic<br />

hydrocarbons present in diesel and with high resistance<br />

to environmental <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion and and high volatility. In<br />

sub-polar environments the latter form becomes more<br />

persistent, since the low temperatures <strong>de</strong>lay their <strong>de</strong>grading<br />

process. Among the 21 air samples analysed for BTEX, an<br />

analogue spatial distribution behaviour for the carbonylic<br />

compounds was observed.<br />

A cluster analysis between the results of the atmospheric<br />

chemical pollutants and meteorological <strong>da</strong>ta obtained<br />

in situ (in the case, pressure, humidity, wind intensity, air<br />

temperature and solar radiation), indicated the presence of<br />

3 groups when a tolerance limit of 0.35 was adopted; that<br />

is, a rst group that relates pressure and relative humidity<br />

52 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

b<br />

Figure 6. Cluster analysis of Carbonylic Compounds and meteorological<br />

<strong>da</strong>ta for the 2009 summer around EACF.<br />


which illustrates the dynamism of the frontal systems in<br />

the region, which carry oceanic humidity to King George<br />

Island. A second group that relates the air temperature and<br />

global solar radiation, as a result of heating up of the local<br />

atmosphere through the direct e ect of solar radiation, and a<br />

third group that concentrates the greater part of its chemical<br />

compounds (with exception to propional<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong>) grouped<br />

together with wind intensity which is a meteorological<br />

modulating parameter of the air concentrations. e result<br />

of the cluster (Figure 6) indicates the nature of the local<br />

emissions.<br />

As a nal remark, the EACF is potentially a source of<br />

fugitive emissions from fuel tanks. ese refer to uninten<strong>de</strong>d<br />

release of gases from <strong>de</strong>fective, vents, connections and<br />

pressure valves, the latter being a big problem for the<br />

petrochemical industry. eir control is usually associated<br />

to maintenance. In the case of storage and fuel supply, the<br />

question refers to the escape of gases through the vents and<br />

fuel tank entrances. In many European countries there is an<br />

environmental requirement that at the time of fuel transfers<br />

the saturated gases in the storage tanks shall be collected.<br />

References<br />

e fuel transfer into the storage tanks at EACF occur<br />

between the end of spring and the beginning of summer.<br />

Conclusion<br />

e samples analysed up to the present, clearly <strong>de</strong>monstrate<br />

an existing impact due to the use of fossil fuel and<br />

incineration of organic waste. However, this impact, from<br />

the atmospheric point of view, seems to be restricted,<br />

signicantly, to the occupational and infrastructure zones<br />

(~200-400 m around EACF). e reason is probably the<br />

persistent strong local winds and the atmospheric stability<br />

pattern, important in the process of dispersion of gases and<br />

particulate material emitted by the EACF.<br />

Aknowledgments<br />

We kindly thank the <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência<br />

e Tecnologia Antártico <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais<br />

(INCT-APA) and the grants CNPq/574018/2008-5 and<br />

FAPERJ/E-16/170.023/2008 that ma<strong>de</strong> possible this work.<br />

Also Dr. Neusa Paes Leme/INPE for her great help in the<br />

logistics and invitation to join INCT-APA.<br />

USEPA. Compendium Method TO-11A. (1997). Determination of Formal<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong> in Ambient Air Using Adsorbent Cartridge<br />

Followed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). EPA-625/R-96/010b. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Environmental<br />

Protection Agency.<br />

Vi<strong>da</strong>l, C.M.C. (2008). Descrição <strong>da</strong> Metodologia do Cálculo <strong>da</strong> Dispersão <strong>de</strong> Plumas Aplica<strong>da</strong> a um Complexo industrial -<br />

Dissertação <strong>de</strong> Mestrado- <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> Química - UERJ.<br />

Weber R.R. & Montone, R.C. (2006). Gerenciamento Ambiental <strong>da</strong> Baía do Almirantado, Ilha Rei George- Antártica - Re<strong>de</strong> 2<br />

– MMA.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |<br />





58 Plant Communities from Ice-Free Areas of Demay Point, King George Island, Antarctica<br />

63 Global Patterns in Soil Bacterial Community Composition Across a Continental Scale<br />

68 Conservation Status of Plant Communities at Ulmann Point and Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Antarctic<br />

Station Area, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica, Based on the In<strong>de</strong>x of Ecological<br />

Signifi cance<br />

73 Insectici<strong>da</strong>l Effects of Antarctic Algae Prasiola Crispa Extract in the Adult Fruit Fly Drosophila<br />

Melanogaster<br />

78 Penguin Colonies and Weather in Admiralty Bay in a Col<strong>de</strong>r Year<br />

82 Distance Associations Among Antarctic and Subantarctic Seabirds<br />

87 Topographical Characteristics Used by Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes Giganteus at Stinker<br />

Point, Elephant Island<br />

91 Factors Infl uencing Brown Skua Reproductive Success at Elephant Island – Antarctica<br />

95 Nest Atten<strong>da</strong>nce of Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes Giganteus) on Elephant Island<br />

54 | Annual Activity Report 2010

e thematic module “Global Changes Impact on Antarctic<br />

Environment” was proposed with the aim of researching<br />

Antarctic ice-free areas through the study of biologic<br />

communities looking for relationships among plants,<br />

seabirds and soil microorganism communities. We intend<br />

to implement an environmental network to monitor ice-<br />

free area communities through the study of the entire<br />

ecosystem. Monitoring terrestrial ecosystems as a whole<br />

is essential to <strong>de</strong>tect and comprehend how global changes<br />

a ect the Antarctica Continent, particularly the plants and<br />

the seabirds, as they are the most representative populations<br />

and also the most susceptible to global changes.<br />

Since vegetal communities are closely related to seabird<br />

colonies, it is important to <strong>de</strong>velop studies that take into<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>ration this previous association. Some vegetal<br />

species are classified as ornitocoprophilous and some<br />

as ornitocoprophobous. In the same way that seabirds<br />

and plants are found to be interconnected, plants can be<br />

associated to soil microorganisms, hence, it is also important<br />

that they are studied and un<strong>de</strong>rstood.<br />

To achieve our goals we will focus our research on:<br />

1 - Plant cover; 2 – Biodiversity; 3 – Seabird reproductive<br />

colonies distribution; 4 – Seabird colonies size variation<br />

and distribution; 5 – Seabird reproductive success. All those<br />

research branches will be investigated in relation to global<br />

climatic changes, ice-free areas and anthropogenic impact.<br />

Here we present a group of studies <strong>de</strong>veloped at<br />

Admiralty Bay, South Shetlands, with ice-free areas<br />

biological communities. In or<strong>de</strong>r to obtain vegetation<br />

and microorganism community <strong>da</strong>ta, field work was<br />

simultaneously un<strong>de</strong>r taken. us, the study “Plant from ice-<br />

free areas of Demay Point, King George Island, Antarctica”<br />

Coordinator<br />

Antonio Batista Pereira<br />

Vice-coordinator<br />

Maria Virginia Petry<br />

was written taking into consi<strong>de</strong>ration soil and seabird<br />

populations as crucial factors for the presence or absence<br />

of certain plant populations which characterize vegetation<br />

communities.<br />

e study “Conservation status of plant communities<br />

in Ullmann Point and Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Base Area,<br />

Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica based on<br />

the in<strong>de</strong>x of ecological significance” is one of the first<br />

studies written based on Antarctic plant population and<br />

is important because it brings together relevant <strong>da</strong>ta,<br />

which will be <strong>de</strong>cisive to evaluate environmental impacts,<br />

in complementation of seabird and soil microorganism<br />

communities.<br />

e study “Global patterns in soil bacterial community<br />

composition across a continental scale” is new in the way<br />

that its aim is to put together information that enables<br />

checking the methodology of soil microbial community<br />

studies in ice-free areas compared to what has been carried<br />

out in Brazil.<br />

Over the length of millions of years of isolation,<br />

Antarctic organisms have evolved particular characteristics<br />

as a response to environmental pressure. ose characteristic<br />

variations are registered in their genes, which can<br />

be consi<strong>de</strong>red an Antarctic treasure. With the study<br />

“Insectici<strong>da</strong>l e ects of Antarctic algae Prasiola crispa extract<br />

in the adult fruit y Drosophila melanogaster” we aim to<br />

obtain better comprehension of Antarctic plant species and<br />

explain the fragility and peculiarity of this environment’s<br />

populations.<br />

Seabird breeding colonies annual variation is evaluated<br />

through mapping all species breeding colonies year<br />

upon year. The study “Penguin Colonies and Weather<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />


Figure 1. Thematic Area 2 fl owchart. (Illustration: Edson Rodrigues).<br />

Suzana Seibert<br />

Figure 2. Petrel in carpet moss communities.<br />

56 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Suzana Seibert<br />

Figure 3. Prasiola crispa communities in a Penguin colony.

Rodrigo Machado<br />

Figure 4. Skua in carpet moss communities.<br />

in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, in a Col<strong>de</strong>r Year”<br />

exemplifies such an approach. By making area and<br />

distribution measurements every year we are able to <strong>de</strong>tect<br />

ne variations in population <strong>de</strong>nsity. It will be possible to<br />

correlate those variations to environmental <strong>da</strong>ta (mainly<br />

climatic variables and the annual sea-ice caps) through long<br />

term <strong>da</strong>ta sampling.<br />

Antarctic seabird population parameters can also be<br />

a ected by local factors. e local landscape parameters<br />

are in uential in the <strong>de</strong>cision of where the birds will place<br />

their nests. e paper “Topographical characteristics used by<br />

the Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus in Stinker<br />

Point, Elephant Island” makes a preliminary evaluation of<br />

the Southern Giant Petrels nest distribution by application<br />

of GIS and exploratory analyses. The comparison of<br />

topography between nests and random points <strong>de</strong>monstrated<br />

that the choice of nesting is not random. On the other hand,<br />

the paper “Factors in uencing Brown Skua reproductive<br />

success at Elephant Island – Antarctica” evaluates the<br />

in uence of inter- and intra-speci c interaction over the<br />

breeding success, thus, exemplifying the importance of<br />

biotic local factors for seabird <strong>de</strong>mography. e paper titled<br />

“Nest atten<strong>da</strong>nce of Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes<br />

giganteus) on Elephant Island” applies a tracking method<br />

with radio transmitters to monitor the nest atten<strong>da</strong>nce of<br />

Southern Giant Petrels. e nest atten<strong>da</strong>nce <strong>de</strong>pends on<br />

the environmental factors. Years with climatic extremes<br />

and low food availability in uence the <strong>de</strong>cision of birds on<br />

when to begin and eventually when to abort breeding. We<br />

expect di erences in parental investment between gen<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

in species such as the Southern Giant Petrel whose sexual<br />

dimorphism is marked, being able to shi as a response to<br />

climatic conditions as well.<br />

Since local factors can in uence population breeding,<br />

furthermore oceanic factors during the non-breeding<br />

season are important to <strong>de</strong>termine survival and returning<br />

rates of the breeding colonies. Seabirds are a ected in the<br />

open ocean by productivity, temperature and weather<br />

fronts. Such in uences can be driven by the interaction<br />

among species. Seabirds interact to optimize their food<br />

<strong>de</strong>tection by a constant monitoring of each other’s<br />

behaviour in the sea. e paper “Association distances<br />

among Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic seabirds” measures<br />

such associations. is is a rst e ort to evaluate seabirds<br />

and environmental interactions in the open ocean. Seabird<br />

species are sampled every year at the beginning and end of<br />

their breeding seasons of Antarctic and Brazilian waters, so<br />

we will be able to <strong>de</strong>tect wi<strong>de</strong> interactions of non-breeding<br />

seabirds with weather conditions and ocean productivity<br />

during their non-breeding movements, and thus make<br />

inferences of how much such interaction is <strong>de</strong>terminant<br />

on breeding seasons.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />


1 PLANT<br />



58 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Antonio Batista Pereira 1,* , Márcio Rocha Francelino 2 , Valdir Marcos Stefenon 1 ,<br />

Adriano Luis Schünemann 1 , Luiz Fernando Wurdig Roesch 1<br />

1 Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Pampa – UNIPAMPA, São Gabriel, RS, Brazil<br />

2 Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Rural do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro – UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: anbatistape@gmail.com<br />

Abstract: is research presents the study of plant communities in ice-free areas of Demay Point, which is located at the south<br />

of the Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. e aim of this research was to collect <strong>da</strong>ta about the plant coverage,<br />

classi cation and distribution of plant communities, contributing with the evaluation of possible environmental impacts of<br />

anthropogenic or natural origin, following the evolution of such communities over the length of time. e study started with the<br />

classi cation and <strong>de</strong>scription of the plant communities based mainly on the plant physiognomy, biodiversity and the relation<br />

with local abiotic factors. Each community was mapped with an Astech Promark II DGPS and the <strong>da</strong>ta was processed using<br />

AstechSolutions so ware to obtain sub-metric accuracy. Seven plant communities were i<strong>de</strong>nti ed and <strong>de</strong>scribed as: 1 Grass<br />

and cushion chamaephyte formation; 1.2 Deschampsia and mosses subformation; 2 Moss carpet formation; 3 Moss hummock<br />

formation; 4 Moss tu formation; 5 Fruticose lichen and moss tu formation and 6 Fell eld communities. ese plant communities<br />

are shown in a map, with their <strong>de</strong>scription.<br />

Keywords: vegetation, plant coverage, King George Island, Antarctica<br />

Introduction<br />

Demay Point is an ice-free area located in the south of<br />

Admiralty Bay, within the SSSI 8, being <strong>de</strong>limited by the<br />

Baranowski Glacier to the North and by Windy Glacier<br />

to the South. Since it is located within an area of scienti c<br />

interest, very important for preservation and rich in plant<br />

communities, it constitutes an excellent ecosystem for<br />

monitoring plant communities.<br />

Regarding the study of plant communities of Antarctica,<br />

one of the rst attempts of <strong>de</strong>scribing the plant populations<br />

occurring in ice-free areas of this continent was ma<strong>de</strong> by<br />

Skottsberg (1912), who i<strong>de</strong>nti ed and classi ed some lichens<br />

and moss communities, based mainly on the physiognomy of<br />

the plant formations. A further piece of research <strong>de</strong>scribing<br />

the plant formations from Antarctica – performed by<br />

Allison and Lewis-Smith (1973), using mainly quantitative<br />

characters from the populations – was completed just six<br />

<strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s a er the work of Skottsberg. Lewis-Smith (1988)<br />

was one of the rst to present a classi cation for population<br />

groups of the plant communities of Antarctica, clustering<br />

them in formations and sub-formations. Pereira and Putzke<br />

(1994) presented a study of the plant communities of Stinker<br />

Point, Elephant Island, Antarctica, in which they classi ed<br />

the plant communities based mainly on the work of Lewis-<br />

Smith and Gimingham (1976). Putzke and Pereira (1998)<br />

presented a study of the moss communities of the Rip Point,<br />

Nelson Island, Antarctica, using the quadrat method.<br />

In addition to these studies, there is the work of<br />

Pereira et al. (2007), presenting a map with the <strong>de</strong>scription

and distribution of the plant communities of the Keller<br />

Peninsula, King George Island, and the work of Victoria et al.<br />

(2009), about the composition and distribution of the<br />

moss formations in ice-free areas near the Polish Station<br />

Arctowski, King George Island, South Shetlands.<br />

e present study had the purpose of collecting and<br />

registering <strong>da</strong>ta about the diversity and the plant coverage<br />

of ice-free areas in Antarctica, given that these aspects are<br />

outstanding indicators of environmental changes. Because it<br />

is an area of environmental protection, this <strong>da</strong>ta is important<br />

for an evaluation of the environmental impacts of both,<br />

anthropogenic and natural origin.<br />

Material and Method<br />

e study of the vegetation of ice-free areas in Demay<br />

Point started with the i<strong>de</strong>ntification of the most<br />

representative populations (Figures 1 and 2). e studies of<br />

Putzke and Pereira (2001) and Ochyra (1998) were used for<br />

Figure 1. Location of study area.<br />

the i<strong>de</strong>nti cation of moss and the research work of Øvste<strong>da</strong>l<br />

and Lewis-Smith (2001) and of Redón (1985), for the<br />

i<strong>de</strong>nti cation of lichens. In some areas, the quadrat method,<br />

modi ed from Braun-Blanquet (1964), was employed. Based<br />

on the <strong>da</strong>ta collected, the plant communities were i<strong>de</strong>nti ed<br />

and classi ed according to Pereira and Putzke (1994) and<br />

Lewis-Smith and Gimngham (1976).<br />

The plant communities were geo-referenced and<br />

mapped utilizing the Astech Promark II® DGPS, which<br />

is able to obtain sub-metric accuracy a er processing the<br />

<strong>da</strong>ta with Astech Solutions® so ware, based on <strong>da</strong>ta from<br />

the active GPS station of the Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Brazilian<br />

Antarctic Base.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

is is the rst study on vegetation cover and distribution<br />

of plant communities at Demay Point, hence there is no<br />

historical <strong>da</strong>ta to be discussed and compared for this area.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />


Figure 2. Spatial disitribution of vegetation communities in Demay Point, King George Island, Anarctica.<br />

Based primarily on the biodiversity and physiognomy, it<br />

was possible to recognize six plant formations and one<br />

subformation (Figure 2), which can be clearly i<strong>de</strong>nti ed<br />

and <strong>de</strong>limited:<br />

Grass and cushion chamaephyte formation<br />

ese formations were present in two areas situated close<br />

to the beach. In these communities, the soil is usually<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep, originating mainly from the sediments carried by the<br />

water from the melting process. e oristic composition<br />

is formed mostly by <strong>de</strong>nse populations of Deschampsia<br />

antarctica Desv. (Poaceae) and rare grass turf of Colobanthus<br />

quitensis (Kunth.) Bart. (Caryophylaceae). The moss is<br />

represented by small and rare populations of Sanionia<br />

uncinata Hedw. Loeske. Populations of Bryum spp. occur<br />

in wet places, mostly along the drainage lines.<br />

60 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Deschampsia and moss subformation<br />

These subformations were represented by a small,<br />

discontinuous formation located near the beach, in the<br />

central part of the studied region (Figure 2). is is an area<br />

with relatively well-di erentiated soil, originated mostly<br />

from the <strong>de</strong>composition of sediments carried by the water<br />

from the <strong>de</strong>frosting process. e vegetation is composed<br />

of Deschampsia antarctica associated with Colobanthus<br />

quitensis. e moss populations are more representative<br />

than in the Deschampsias communities. Among the moss<br />

species, Sanionia uncinata, Bryum spp. and Polytrichastrum<br />

alpinum (Hedw.) G.L.Sm. represent the higher biomass.<br />

Moss carpet formation<br />

e moss carpet formations were usually located in fairly<br />

at areas, in the coastal region, formed by jackstone or by

small rock fragments. In this substrate, the species with<br />

higher biomass are mainly Sanionia uncinata, with rare grass<br />

turf of Deschampsia antarctica. In sites where there is soil or<br />

<strong>de</strong>posit of thin sediments, the most abun<strong>da</strong>nt populations<br />

are formed by Polytrichum juniperinum in areas without<br />

the in uence of guano. Where guano is present, the most<br />

common Politrichaceae is Polytrichastrum alpinum, both<br />

associated with Bryum spp. and Syntrichia spp..<br />

Moss hummock formation<br />

ese communities were very similar to the Deschampsia<br />

and moss communities. e main di erence is the higher<br />

biomass and higher biodiversity of moss associated with<br />

flowering plants. The most frequent moss populations<br />

were of Polytrichastrum alpinum, Polytrichum juniperinum<br />

Hedw. and Syntrichia princeps (De Not.) Mitt. Populations of<br />

Bryum spp. occured in wet areas and along drainage lines.<br />

ese communities can be found frequently in areas with<br />

soil, represented by large formations along the beach in the<br />

central region of Demay Point.<br />

Moss tu formation<br />

e moss tu formations are characterized primarily by a<br />

oristic composition where moss populations predominate,<br />

without forming carpets or cushions, since the populations<br />

usually are isolated in small, more or less discontinuous<br />

spots. e biodiversity <strong>de</strong>pends mainly on the presence<br />

of soil and the in uence of guano. While Polytrichastrum<br />

alpinum, which is ornithocoprophilic, occurs primarily<br />

in areas near the bird colonies, Polytrichum juniperinum,<br />

which is ornithocoprophobous, grows in regions distant<br />

from the guano. Other moss species like Syntrichia spp.<br />

and Bryum spp. are frequent. Deschampsia antarctica and<br />

Colobanthus quitenses are represented by small and rare<br />

grass turf. In Demay Point, this community is represented<br />

in the north extremity, by a small area.<br />

Fruticose lichen and moss tu formation<br />

The Fruticose lichen and moss tuft formations are<br />

characterized mainly by the predominance of Usnea<br />

aurantiaco-atra (Jacq.) Bory and Usnea antarctica Du Rietz.<br />

populations. Other species of fruiticulous lichens usually<br />

associated with lichen communities of the region are less<br />

representative in these areas. ese communities occur in<br />

areas with predominance of big blocks of rock or of rocky<br />

outcrops, without soil formation. Moss populations are<br />

less frequent. Populations ma<strong>de</strong> up of representatives of<br />

the genus Pohlia can appear in wet locations among the<br />

rocks with soil <strong>de</strong>composition. Populations of Sanionia<br />

uncinata and Polytrichum juniperinum can occur in other<br />

places. Polytrichastrum alpinum can happen in places of<br />

bird nesting.<br />

Fell eld communities<br />

In Demay Point, fell eld communities occupy the biggest<br />

areas in terms of extension. In these areas, the substrate<br />

available for the plant populations are areas with <strong>de</strong>position<br />

of rock fragments or coarse non-consoli<strong>da</strong>te sediments<br />

frequently moved and washed by the water from the<br />

<strong>de</strong>frosting process. e vegetation is usually represented<br />

by rare and small grass turf of Colobanthus quitensis and<br />

Deschampsia antarctica. e most representative mosses<br />

are small populations of Sanionia uncinata, Syntrichia spp.<br />

and Bryum spp., among others.<br />

Conclusion<br />

e vegetation of Demay Point is apparently a continuity<br />

occurring in the region of Copacabana and in the coastal<br />

areas of Punta omas. However, it di ers from the last ones<br />

by the little in uence of the guano, since the population<br />

of birds is much smaller. Since it is located at the entrance<br />

of Admiralty Bay, the vegetation is different from the<br />

vegetation occurring in other areas with lower in uence of<br />

the guano, like the Keller Peninsula and Hannequim Point,<br />

due to the fact that these areas face towards the interior of<br />

the bay, free of the action of the humidity from the winds<br />

of the open sea.<br />

The total vegetation cover on the studied areas is<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribed as follows: Glass and cushion chamaephyte<br />

formation represents 2.43%, Deschampsia and moss subformations<br />

0.09%, Moss carpet formations 2.52%, Moss<br />

hummock formations 1.69%, Fruticose lichen and moss<br />

tu formations 11.53% and Fell eld communities 81.73%.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />


Acknowledgements<br />

is work was supported by the Brazilian Antarctic Program<br />

through the CNPq (process nº. 574018/2008), FAPERJ<br />

(process E-26/170.023/2008), Ministry of Environment –<br />

MMA, Ministry of Science and Technology – MCT and<br />

CIRM.<br />

References<br />

Allison, S.E. & Lewis-Smith, R.I. (1973). The vegetation of Elephant Island, South Shetland Island. British Antarctic Survey<br />

Bulletin, 33-34: 185-212.<br />

Braun-Blanquet, J. (1964). Plant Sociology: The study of plant communities. New York, McGraw-Hill.<br />

Lewis-Smith, R.I. (1988). Classifi cation and ordination of cryptogamic communities in Wilkes Land, Continental Antarctica.<br />

Vegetatio 76: 155-66.<br />

Lewis-Smith, R.I. & Gimingham, C.H. (1976). Classifi cation of cryptogamic communities in the maritime Antarctic. British<br />

Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33-34: 89-122.<br />

Ochyra, R. (1998). The moss fl ora of King George Island Antarctica. Polish Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences. Cracow, 198 p.<br />

Øvste<strong>da</strong>l, D.O. & Lewis-Smith, R.I. (2001). Lichens of Antarctica and South Georgia – A gui<strong>de</strong> to their i<strong>de</strong>ntifi cation and<br />

ecology. Studies in Polar Research. Cambridge University Press. 411p.<br />

Pereira, A.B, & Putzke, J. (1994). Floristic composition of Stinker Point. Elephant Island, Antarctica. Korean Journal of Polar<br />

Research, 5(2): 37-47.<br />

Pereira, A.B.; Spielmann, A.A.; Martins, M.F.N. & Francelino, M. R. (2007) Plant Communities from ice-free areas of Keller<br />

Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Oecologia Brasiliensis, 10(1): 14-22.<br />

Putzke, J. & Pereira, A.B. (1998). Moss communities of Rip Point in Northern Nelson Island, Antarctica. Pesquisa Antártica<br />

Brasileira, 3(1): 104-15.<br />

Putzke J. & Pereira, A.B. (2001). The Antarctic Moss with special reference to the Shetland Island. Canoas. Ed. ULBRA.<br />

Redón, J. (1985). Líquenes Antárticos. <strong>Instituto</strong> Antártico Chileno (INACH), Santiago <strong>de</strong> Chile. 123p.<br />

Skottsberg, C.J.E. (1912). Einigi Bemerkung über die Vegetationsverhaltnisse <strong>de</strong>s Grahamlan<strong>de</strong>s. Wissenchaftliche Ergebnisse<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Schwedischen Südpolar Expedition - 1901-1903, 4(13):1-16.<br />

Victoria, F.C.; Pereira, A.B. & Costa, D.P. (2009). Composition and distribution of moss formations in the ice-free areas adjoining<br />

the Arctowski region, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Iheringia Série Botânica, 64(1): 81-91.<br />

62 | Annual Activity Report 2010



Leandro Nascimento Lemos 1 , Afnan Khalil Ahmad Suleiman 1 ,<br />

Antônio Batista Pereira 1 , Luiz Fernando Wurdig Roesch 1,*<br />

1 Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Pampa – UNIPAMPA, Campus São Gabriel, São Gabriel, RS, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: luizroesch@unipampa.edu.br<br />

Abstract: Although patterns of variation regarding macroorganisms have been studied extensively, the links between microbial<br />

biogeography and the environmental factors that shape microbial communities are largely unexplored. Here we tested the Baas<br />

Becking hypothesis for microbial community distribution by analysing the soil bacterial community from the Brazilian Pampa<br />

and King George Island, Antarctica. e genetic community structure was assessed by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer<br />

analysis (ARISA ngerprint). Bacterial patterns were quanti ed by using hierarchical clustering and by the <strong>de</strong>tection of the<br />

shared taxonomic unities between the environments. Geographical patterns in bacterial community structure were <strong>de</strong>tected by<br />

broad-spectrum (between samples from di erent geographic locations) and speci c-spectrum (within samples from di erent<br />

geographic locations), suggesting that microbial communities exhibit biogeographic patterns at di erent scales and that, at least,<br />

some taxonomic unities have a wi<strong>de</strong> distribution. ese preliminary results support the i<strong>de</strong>a that “everything is everywhere, but,<br />

the environment selects”.<br />

Key words: Antarctica, Brazilian Pampa, biodiversity, culture-in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt technique<br />

Introduction<br />

Biogeography is the study of the distribution of biodiversity<br />

over space and time, which <strong>de</strong>scribes general trends<br />

and location of populations and their attributes into a<br />

geographic context (Lomolino et al., 2006). Although<br />

patterns of variation with respect to macroorganisms<br />

have been studied extensively, the links between microbial<br />

biogeography and the environmental factors (e.g. vegetation<br />

cover, latitu<strong>de</strong>, climate, temperature, and animal abun<strong>da</strong>nce)<br />

that shape microbial communities are largely unexplored.<br />

Some research studies support the i<strong>de</strong>a that microbial<br />

communities di er in di erent places and the extent of<br />

this spatial variation is due to contemporary environmental<br />

factors and historical contingencies. is is the so-called Baas<br />

Becking hypothesis for microbial community distribution:<br />

“everything is everywhere, but, the environment selects”<br />

(<strong>de</strong> Wit & Bouvier, 2006; Martiny et al., 2006). It implies that<br />

di erent contemporary environments maintain distinctive<br />

microbial assemblages but also implies that microorganisms<br />

have such enormous dispersal capabilities that they rapidly<br />

erase the e ects of past evolutionary and ecological events.<br />

This is especially important for monitoring and better<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the impact of global changes on the Antarctic<br />

terrestrial environment.<br />

Our un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the spatial distribution patterns<br />

of microbial diversity is narrow because most studies are<br />

limited to local scales (for example, Chow et al., 2002;<br />

Hackl et al., 2004; Lamarche et al., 2007; Yergeau et al.,<br />

2010). In this work we tested the Baas Becking hypothesis<br />

by analysing the bacterial community across a broad<br />

continental scale. Soils from two sites across the southern<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />

2<br />


hemisphere were chosen and samples inclu<strong>de</strong>d from<br />

two continents, Antarctica (King George Island) and the<br />

Americas (Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do Sul, Brazil).<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Samples were collected from three distinct environments<br />

across a broad geographical scale and inclu<strong>de</strong>d a well-<br />

preserved gallery forest and anthropogenic grassland un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

severe <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion in the Brazilian Pampa and soil samples<br />

from ice-free areas located in the northwest si<strong>de</strong> of the Keller<br />

Peninsula at 1,300 m from the Brazilian Antarctic Base at<br />

King George Island, Antarctica (Table 1).<br />

64 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Bacterial community composition was assessed by<br />

ARISA, a culture-in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt technique for constructing<br />

bacterial community fingerprints based on the length<br />

heterogeneity of the intergenic transcribed spacer region of<br />

bacterial rRNA operons (Fisher & Triplett, 1999). A set of<br />

21 soil samples (Table 1) were collected from the top 10 cm<br />

of the surface and microbial DNA was extracted directly<br />

from the soil samples using the MoBio Power Soil extraction<br />

kit (MoBio, Carlsbad, CA, USA). PCR was performed<br />

with the GoTaq PCR core system (Promega, Madison, WI,<br />

USA). e mixtures contained 5 ml of PCR bu er, 200 mM<br />

dNTPs, 100 mM of each primer, 2.5 U of Taq polymerase<br />

and approximately 100 ng of DNA template in a nal volume<br />

of 50 µL. e primers used were S-D-Bact- 1522-b-S-20<br />

and L-D-Bact-132-a-A-18 (Ranjard et al., 2001). Reaction<br />

mixtures were held at 94 °C for 3 minutes, followed by<br />

30 cycles of ampli cation at 94 °C for 45 seconds, 55 °C for<br />

1 minutes and 72 °C for 2 minutes and a nal extension of<br />

72 °C for 7 minutes.<br />

e ampli cation product fragments were then resolved<br />

on a 2% agarose gel. Size stan<strong>da</strong>rds were also resolved in<br />

separate wells to estimate the size of each PCR product.<br />

e Bray–Curtis similarity in<strong>de</strong>x was calculated to assess<br />

the <strong>de</strong>gree of similarity among the samples and produce<br />

a similarity matrix. e resulting matrices with pairwise<br />

similarities were used to group samples that represented<br />

similar bacterial community composition. Hierarchical<br />

clustering was calculated by using complete linkage<br />

algorithm and the results were represented by a <strong>de</strong>ndrogram<br />

with the x axis representing the full set of samples and the<br />

y axis <strong>de</strong> ning a similarity level at which two samples were<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red to have fused. All <strong>da</strong>ta analyses for the ARISA<br />

bands were conducted using the so ware PRIMER 6 version<br />

6.1.9 (PRIMER-E Ltd, Luton, UK). e overall fraction of<br />

taxonomic unities shared between the microbiome <strong>de</strong>tected<br />

in the Brazilian Pampa and the Antarctica was <strong>de</strong>termined<br />

by assessing the presence/absence of speci c ARISA bands.<br />

Results<br />

Table 1. Origin of the soil sample, location, elevation and number of samples collected in each environment analyzed.<br />

e rst step in assessing habitat distributions for bacteria<br />

was to <strong>de</strong>termine the <strong>de</strong>gree of similarity among samples<br />

and group them based on the communities composition.<br />

e <strong>de</strong>ndrogram <strong>de</strong>picting this cluster analysis is shown<br />

in Figure 1a. Bacterial communities were more similar<br />

within the Brazilian Pampa and Antarctica sites and least<br />

similar between both environments. Nevertheless the<br />

samples presented a high overall variability clustering<br />

at low similarity even within the samples from the same<br />

geographical location. Cluster III ma<strong>de</strong> up of ve samples<br />

collected from Antarctica was fused at 30% similarity while<br />

Cluster I ma<strong>de</strong> up of most of the samples from the Brazilian<br />

Origin of soil Latitu<strong>de</strong>/longitu<strong>de</strong> Elevation Number of samples<br />

Gallery forest, Brazilian Pampa<br />

Grassland, Brazilian Pampa<br />

King George Island, Antarctica<br />

30° 24’ 09.3” S<br />

53° 52’ 59.1” W<br />

30° 24’ 08.9” S<br />

50° 53’ 05.9” W<br />

62° 03’ 51.1” S<br />

58° 24’ 47.5” W<br />

140 m 10<br />

230 m 5<br />

32 m 6

Pampa was fused at 25% similarity. is result indicates a<br />

large spatial variability even between samples from similar<br />

environments. On the other hand, the <strong>de</strong>ndrogram also<br />

shows a single cluster (Cluster IV) with 40% similarity<br />

among samples ma<strong>de</strong> up of representatives from each<br />

environment analysed <strong>de</strong>noting that there is a link between<br />

bacterial community composition.<br />

e cluster analysis encouraged us to examine bacterial<br />

diversity more directly using the ARISA bands to <strong>de</strong>tect<br />

taxonomic unities that were in common between the<br />

Brazilian Pampa and the Antarctica samples. e results<br />

of this analysis are summarized in a Venn diagram, which<br />

presents the fraction of taxonomic unities that are unique<br />

and shared between both environments (Figure 1b). Several<br />

taxonomic unities were distinct to habitats (14.3 and<br />

42.8% found only in Antarctica and the Brazilian Pampa<br />

respectively), while 42.8% of the taxonomic unities appeared<br />

to be shared between environments.<br />

Discussion<br />

a b<br />

Figure 1. a) Dendrogram illustrating the arrangement of the clusters based on the presence/absence of ARISA fragments using DNA samples from gallery<br />

forest and grassland soil samples from the Brazilian Pampa and soil samples from <strong>de</strong>frosting areas in the King George Island, Antarctica. b) Venn diagram<br />

showing overall overlap of taxonomic unities between two microbial communities Antarctica and the Brazilian Pampa. The numbers are expressed in<br />

percentage of taxonomic unities.<br />

Since microbial composition affects ecosystem<br />

processes (McGrady-Steed et al., 1997), the motivation<br />

for un<strong>de</strong>rstanding microbial biogeography extends<br />

beyond drawing and interpreting a map of microbial<br />

diversity. Even un<strong>de</strong>r similar environmental conditions,<br />

microbial communities from di erent environments might<br />

function di erently. erefore, a better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of<br />

microbial biogeography is essential to predict such e ects<br />

(Martiny et al., 2006).<br />

In this study, ARISA profiles were assumed to be<br />

indicative of bacterial community composition, and<br />

differences in ARISA profiles were assumed to reflect<br />

variation in the composition of the respective bacterial<br />

communities. Although this technique lacks resolution and<br />

can bias the i<strong>de</strong>nti cation of potentially important groups<br />

across the environment, the <strong>da</strong>ta collected allowed us to<br />

map the co-occurrence of microbial groups within two<br />

distinct environments separated by more than 3,700 km<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />


and presenting distinct vegetation cover and climate. On<br />

the other hand, examples of bacterial en<strong>de</strong>mism have been<br />

found among many research studies. Fulthorpe et al. (1998)<br />

found regional en<strong>de</strong>misim of 3-chlorwobenzoate <strong>de</strong>grading<br />

soil bacteria sampled from six geographic regions at the level<br />

of REP genotype (whole genome ngerprinting), but not at<br />

the ARDRA (16S rRNA) level. Cho & Tiedje (2000) used the<br />

same soil collection to isolate wi<strong>de</strong>ly dispersed uorescent<br />

Pseudomonads, and also found no geographic pattern at the<br />

ARDRA level, some at the ITS level, but strong en<strong>de</strong>micity<br />

at BOX genotype level. More recently, Wawrik et al. (2007)<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrated the distinctiveness of New Jersey versus<br />

Uzbekistan actinomycete populations by looking at their<br />

polyketi<strong>de</strong> synthase (PKS) genes.<br />

ese studies <strong>de</strong>monstrate that geographic location and<br />

environmental conditions exert strong selection pressure on<br />

species composition. However the Taxonomic units found<br />

in our work were not extant and ubiquitous; at least 40% of<br />

them were in fact present in the 21 samples tested.<br />

Conclusions<br />

Geographical patters in bacterial community structure were<br />

<strong>de</strong>tected at broad-spectrum (between samples from di erent<br />

geographic locations) and specific-spectrum (within<br />

References<br />

66 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

samples from di erent geographic locations), suggesting<br />

that microbial communities exhibit biogeographic patterns<br />

at different scales and that, at least, some taxonomic<br />

units have a wi<strong>de</strong> distribution. ese preliminary results<br />

support the i<strong>de</strong>a that “everything is everywhere, but, the<br />

environment selects”. Larger sampling and more powerful<br />

approaches would help to resolve the biases in studies<br />

involving molecular methods to <strong>de</strong>termine the diversity<br />

of microorganisms and better un<strong>de</strong>rstand the importance<br />

of the environmental and spatial factors in driving the<br />

composition of microbial communities.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

is work was supported by the Fun<strong>da</strong>ção <strong>de</strong> Amparo a<br />

Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do Sul – FAPERGS<br />

(grant number 0901855) and the <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong><br />

Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais<br />

- INCT-APA (CNPq process no. 574018/2008-5, FAPERJ<br />

E-26/170.023/2008, the Ministry of Science and Technology,<br />

and the secretariat for the Marine Resources Interministerial<br />

Committee (SECIRM). LFW Roesch and LN Lemos receive<br />

research fellowships from the CNPq (process number<br />

503370/2009-6).<br />

Cho, J.C. & Tiedje, J.M. (2000). Biogeography and <strong>de</strong>gree of en<strong>de</strong>micity of fl uorescent Pseudomonas strains in soil. Applied<br />

and Environmental Microbiology, 66(12): 5448-56.<br />

Chow, M.L.; Radomski, C.C.; McDermott, J.M.; Davies, J. & Axelrood, P.E. (2002). Molecular characterization of bacterial<br />

diversity in Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) rhizosphere soils from British Columbia forest soils differing in disturbance<br />

and geographic source. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 42(3): 347-357, 2002.<br />

<strong>de</strong> Wit, R. & Bouvier, T. (2006). ‘Everything is everywhere, but, the environment selects’; what did Baas Becking and Beijerinck<br />

really say? Environmental Microbiology, 8(4): 755-8.<br />

Fisher, M.M. & Triplett, E.W. (1999). Automated approach for ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis of microbial diversity and<br />

its application to freshwater bacterial communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 65(10): 4630-36.<br />

Fulthorpe, R.R.; Rho<strong>de</strong>s, A.N. & Tiedje, J.M. (1998). High levels of en<strong>de</strong>micity of 3-chlorobenzoate-<strong>de</strong>grading soil bacteria.<br />

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64(5): 1620-27.<br />

Hackl, E.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Bodrossy, L. & Sessitsch, A. (2004). Comparison of diversities and compositions of<br />

bacterial populations inhabiting natural forest soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70(9): 5057-65.

Lamarche, J.; Bradley, R.L.; Hooper, E.; Shipley, B.; Beaunoir, A.M.S. & Beaulieu, C. (2007). Forest fl oor bacterial community<br />

composition and catabolic profi les in relation to landscape features in Quebec’s Southern Boreal Forest. Microbial<br />

Ecology, 54(1): 10-20.<br />

Lomolino, M.V.; Riddle, B.R. & Brown, J.H. (2006). Biogeography. Third edition. Sinauer Associates.<br />

Martiny, J.B.H.; Bohannan, B.J.M.; Brown, J.H.; Colwell, R.K.; Fuhrman, J.A.; Green, J.L.; Horner-Devine, M.C.; Kane, M.;<br />

Krumins, J.A.; Kuske, C.R.; Morin, P.J.; Naeem, S.; Ovreas, L.; Reysenbach, A.L.; Smith, V.H. & Staley, J.T. (2006). Microbial<br />

biogeography: putting microorganisms on the map. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 4: 102-12.<br />

McGrady-Steed J.; Harris, P.M. & Morin, P.J. (1997). Biodiversity regulates ecosystem predictability. Nature, 390: 162-5.<br />

Ranjard, L.; Poly, F.; Lata, J.-C.; Mougel, C.; Thioulouse, J. & Nazaret, S. (2001). Characterization of bacterial and fungal soil<br />

communities by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis fi ngerprints: Biological and methodological variability.<br />

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67(10): 4479-87.<br />

Wawrik, B.; Kudiev, D.; Abdivasievna, U.A.; Kukor, J.J.; Zystra, G.J. & Kerkhof, L. (2007). Biogeography of actinomycete<br />

communities and type II polyketi<strong>de</strong> synthase genes in soils collected in New Jersey and Central Asia. Applied and<br />

Environmental Microbiology, 73(9): 2982-9.<br />

Yergeau, E.; Bezemer, T.M.; Hedlund, K.; Mortimer, S.R.; Kowalchuk, G.A. & Van Der Putten, W.H. (2010). Infl uences of space,<br />

soil, nemato<strong>de</strong>s and plants on microbial community composition of chalk grassland soils. Environmental Microbiology,<br />

12: 2096-106.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />


3<br />






Introduction<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the physiognomy and the oral composition<br />

of plant communities of the Admiralty Bay ice-free areas<br />

(62° 03’ 40” – 62° 05’ 40” S and 58° 23’ 30”– 58° 24’ 30” W),<br />

evi<strong>de</strong>nce has been found that these communities are very<br />

di erent from those i<strong>de</strong>nti ed in other islands of Maritime<br />

Antarctica. In Antarctica, summer is short and cold,<br />

with a maximum temperature around zero °C. During<br />

this period, permanent rainy periods and strong snow<br />

precipitations are common (Rakusa-Suszczewski et al.,<br />

1993). For Pereira and Putzke (1994), these conditions,<br />

along with those imposed by a long <strong>da</strong>rk winter, also create<br />

limitations for the occurrence of plant species in the region,<br />

68 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Filipe <strong>de</strong> Carvalho Victoria 1,* , Margéli Pereira <strong>de</strong> Albuquerque 2 , Antonio Batista Pereira 2<br />

1Plants Genomics Center, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral <strong>de</strong> Pelotas – UFPel, Capão do Leão, RS, Brazil<br />

2Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Pampa – UNIPAMPA, São Gabriel, RS, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: fi lipevictoria@gmail.com<br />

Abstract: e aim of this study has been to research the conservation status of the plant communities in ice-free areas of Ullmann<br />

Point and Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Antarctic Station vicinities, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. e study started<br />

with the classi cation and <strong>de</strong>scription of the plant communities based primarily on phytosociological and biodiversity <strong>da</strong>ta.<br />

e coverage <strong>de</strong>gree and frequency of each species found was used to calculate the in<strong>de</strong>x of ecological signi cance. At Ullmann<br />

Point 12 plant species were found in higher frequency, when at Ferraz beach only 9 highly frequent species were found. e most<br />

important species in both studied areas were Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske. Syntrichia princeps and Bryum pseudotrichetrum<br />

were found associated with the most important species at Ullmann Point and Ferraz Station beach respectively. ese results have<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrated the fragility of plant communities in Maritime Antarctica, based on the low frequency and coverage of moss species<br />

known in this area.<br />

Keywords: Antarctic mosses conservation, ice-free areas, plant communities<br />

especially owering plants, since such conditions inhibit<br />

the reproductive cycle. For this reason, only two species<br />

of owering plants are known in Antarctica, Deschampsia<br />

antarctica Desv. and Colobanthus quitensis Kunth. On the<br />

other hand, moss and lichen species are more a<strong>da</strong>ptable, so<br />

much so that they have <strong>de</strong>veloped well in polar conditions<br />

being the main representative plants of Antarctica (Putzke<br />

& Pereira, 2001). e moss formations are most expressive<br />

and complex in ice-free areas, occurring mainly in tu s<br />

and carpets at lower levels such as beach and drainage lines<br />

(Victoria et al., 2009), but moss cushion species can be<br />

observed on rocky outcrops of marine emerged tablelands

(Schae er, 2004) as well on rocks next to bird colonies<br />

(Pereira & Puztke, 1994).<br />

In or<strong>de</strong>r to complement the knowledge of plant<br />

communities in the ice-free areas of Admiralty Bay,<br />

communities of lichens and mosses observed during a<br />

phytosociologic study of the region are <strong>de</strong>scribed. A status<br />

of conservation of these species based on the coverage<br />

and frequency of most representative species sampled are<br />

presented.<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

During the 2004/2005 austral summer, plant communities<br />

in the vicinities of Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Station, besi<strong>de</strong> the<br />

Cousteau Whale’s, and at Ullmann Point beach were studied.<br />

This study started from the phytosociological survey,<br />

using Braun-Blanquet (1932) quadrats method, a<strong>da</strong>pted<br />

to Antarctic conditions (Kan<strong>da</strong>, 1986). A er throwing c.a<br />

160 quadrats of 25 × 25 cm, within an altitu<strong>de</strong> gradient<br />

varying from sea level up to about 150 m high. Whenever<br />

possible, samples of lichens with highly <strong>de</strong>veloped ascomas<br />

(presence of apothecia or perithecia) were ma<strong>de</strong>. Saxicolous<br />

species were collected with the help of a geologists’ hammer,<br />

and muscicolous and/or terricolous species, with the help<br />

of a knife, to guarantee that individuals would collect<br />

them with some substrate. High coverage moss species or<br />

dominant lichen species were also sampled. I<strong>de</strong>nti cation<br />

of the species was based on the work of Redon (1985),<br />

Ochyra (1998), Pereira and Putzke (1994) and Putzke and<br />

Pereira (1990). e in<strong>de</strong>x of ecological signi cance (IES)<br />

was calculated based in the Lara and Mazimpaka (1998), as<br />

follows: IIE = F(1 + C), where: F is the relative frequency of<br />

the species in the area or habitat (generated by the number<br />

of occurrences (x) divi<strong>de</strong>d by the total number of samples<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red (n): F = 100x/n. C is the average coverage of<br />

the specie in the samples: C = Σ(ci)/x; where ci is the cover<br />

class and x, the number of sampling points in which the<br />

species occur.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

It was possible to verify the occurrence of 4 moss species in<br />

the adjoining area of Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Station (Table 1)<br />

and 9 moss species at Ullmann Point beach (Table 2) such<br />

as the most frequent species consi<strong>de</strong>ring the 58 moss species<br />

found in Admiralty Bay. e lichen Psoroma cinnamomeum<br />

Malme was veri ed as being the most frequent lichen. e<br />

two owering plants know in Antarctica were observed at<br />

lower frequencies when compared with the most frequent<br />

species found in both studied areas.<br />

However with the IES of each species it was possible to<br />

verify that most of them can be easily seen in the area, in<br />

<strong>de</strong>spite of the lower coverage (IES > 50). Compared with<br />

other initiatives these two areas are less complex, with a<br />

lower number of species in higher abun<strong>da</strong>nce and coverage<br />

(Ochyra, 1998; Victoria et al., 2009). ese results can be<br />

representative of the sensibility of these plant communities<br />

to environmental changes, since this species was found in<br />

Table 1. The most frequent species found in Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Antarctic Station vicinities. C = average coverage. F = frequency for each species in all<br />

samples. IES= In<strong>de</strong>x of ecological signifi cance.<br />

Species C ( * ) F (%) IES<br />

Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) Schwaegr. 1 68.18 136.36<br />

Hennediella heimii (Hedw.) Zand. 0.28 22.72 27.89<br />

Syntrichia saxicola (Card.) Zand. 0.09 9.09 9.91<br />

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske 3.59 95.45 438.22<br />

Deschampsia antarctica Desv. 0.36 36.36 49.58<br />

Colobanthus quitensis Kunth. 0.09 13.63 14.87<br />

Leptogium sp. 0.02 4.54 4.64<br />

Psoroma cinnamomeum Malme 0.18 18.18 21.48<br />

*Coverage classes - 1(1-10%), 2(11-25%), 3(26-50%), 4(51-75%) and 5(75-100%).<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />


Table 2. The most frequent species found at Ulmann Point. C = average coverage. F= frequency for each species in all samples. IES= In<strong>de</strong>x of ecological<br />

signifi cance.<br />

small patches and populations, indicating lower resistance<br />

and resilience. Whenever the relationships within the<br />

organisms was reduced (Schaefer et al. 2004), the impacts<br />

in these species were subject to irreversibility (Victoria &<br />

Pereira, 2007).<br />

For example, we can cite the most frequent Bryum<br />

species found. Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) Schwaegr.<br />

and Bryum orbiculatifolium Card. Et Broth. Depends<br />

on ice melting found in the water lines in the austral<br />

summer (Allison & Lewis-Smith 1973; Kan<strong>da</strong> 1986).<br />

B. pseudotrichetrum showed a high abun<strong>da</strong>nce in our<br />

samples and can be consi<strong>de</strong>red a lower <strong>de</strong>gree threatened<br />

species compared to B. orbiculatifolium. The size of<br />

B. pseudotrichetrum population provi<strong>de</strong>s a better response<br />

in the case of fast environmental changes, perhaps indicating<br />

better a<strong>da</strong>ptative success related of a higher coverage level<br />

(Lewis-Smith 2001).<br />

Ochyra (1998) reports Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske<br />

and Polytrichastrum alpinum (Hedw.) G.L.Smith as the most<br />

abun<strong>da</strong>nt moss species in the Maritime Antarctic, being<br />

at lower risk of threats compared with other moss species<br />

in this area. For Ullmann Point and Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz<br />

beach the latter was also observed only for rst species. S.<br />

uncinata occurred in higher frequency and coverage, in the<br />

70 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Species C (*) F(%) IES<br />

Bryum dichotomum Hedw. 0.03 5 5.18<br />

Bryum orbiculatifolium Card. Et Broth. 0.15 15 17.25<br />

Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) Schwaegr. 0.63 32.5 53.21<br />

Brachythecium austrosalebrosum (C. Muell.) Kindb. 0.05 5 5.25<br />

Polytrichastrum alpinum (Hedw.) G.L.Smith 0.27 17.5 22.31<br />

Syntrichia princeps (De Not.) Mitt 0.91 60 114.75<br />

Syntrichia saxicola (Card.) Zand. 0.17 10 11.75<br />

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske 1.82 70 197.75<br />

Deschampsia antarctica Desv 0.57 40 63<br />

Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw 0.07 7.5 8.06<br />

Colobanthus quitensis Kunth. 0.21 22.5 27.28<br />

Psoroma cinnamomeum Malme 0.41 30 42.37<br />

*Coverage classes - 1(1-10%), 2(11-25%), 3(26-50%), 4(51-75%) and 5(75-100%).<br />

proximity of Ferraz this species being the most frequent<br />

in the plant communities, occurring in 95% of samples<br />

and having an average of 50% coverage in each sample. At<br />

Ullmann Point this species occurs with a 70% frequency<br />

and has a mean coverage of 25% per sample. For this<br />

reason this species can be consi<strong>de</strong>red the most important<br />

in studied plant communities (IES/Ferraz = 438.22;<br />

IES/Ullmann = 197.75). ese results were also encountered<br />

by Victoria and Pereira (2007) for the Arctowski region<br />

and Hennequin Point (IES = 215.20 and IES = 153.54,<br />

respectively). P. alpinum was found in other areas of<br />

Admiralty Bay being the second most important species<br />

(Ochyra, 1998; Victoria & Pereira 2007; Victoria et al.,<br />

2009), but in the present study the latter did not occur, in<br />

that these species were encountered only at Ullmann Point<br />

in a lower frequency (17%). B. pseudotrichetrum, for Ferraz<br />

beach, and Syntrichia princeps (De Not.) Mitt, for Ullmann<br />

Point were recor<strong>de</strong>d as the second most important species<br />

for each area (IES = 136.36 and IES = 114.75, respectively),<br />

perhaps because of the lower complexity of these two plant<br />

communities sampled, whereby these communities consist<br />

mainly of fell eld species, like these two species mentioned<br />

(Victoria et al., 2004).

The others frequent moss species were found as<br />

important species for the plant communities at Hennequin<br />

Point and in the Arctowski region (Victoria & Pereira,<br />

2007), except for Hennediela heimii (Hedw.) Zand, which<br />

was encountered in higher frequency in Ferraz beach in the<br />

present study compared with other areas.<br />

All moss species, as well as the land biota found<br />

in Admiralty Bay, were directly and indirectly a ected<br />

by human presence. e maintenance of scientists and<br />

military personnel insi<strong>de</strong> and outsi<strong>de</strong> of research stations,<br />

shelters and camps, involves a high consumption of fossil<br />

References<br />

combustibles and produces high amounts of residues,<br />

creating unclear impacts in Antarctica wildlife (ATCPs<br />

1993; Olech 1996).<br />

is study <strong>de</strong>monstrates the fragility of moss formation<br />

in the in ice-free areas of Maritime Antarctica. A <strong>de</strong>scriptive<br />

<strong>da</strong>ta bank can collaborate towards the continued monitoring<br />

of plant communities, contributing to the conservation of<br />

plant species in Admiralty Bay area. e phytossociological<br />

studies can contribute to the management of scienti c<br />

activities related to the Brazilian Antarctic Program.<br />

Allison, J.S. & Lewis-Smith, R.I. (1973). The vegetation of Elephant Island, South Shetland Islands. British Antarctic Survey<br />

Bulletin, 33-34: 185-212.<br />

ATCPs. (1993). Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, with Annexes. Polar Record, 29(170): 256-75.<br />

Braun-Blanquet, J. (1932). Plant Sociology: The study of plant communities. New York, McGraw-Hill.<br />

Kan<strong>da</strong>, H. (1986). Moss communities in some ice-free areas along the Söya Coast, East Antarctica. Memoirs of Natural.<br />

Institute of Polar Research, Special Issue. 44: 229-40.<br />

Lara, F. & Mazimpaka, V. (1998). Sucession of epiphytic bryophytes in a Quercus pyrenaica forest from Spanish Central<br />

Range (Iberian Peninsula). Nova Hedwigia, 67: 125-38.<br />

Lewis-Smith, R. I. (2001). Plant Colonisation Response to climate change in the Antarctic. Folia Fac. Sci. nat. Univ. Masarykianae<br />

Brunensis, Geográica, 25: 19-33.<br />

Ochyra, R. (1998). The moss ora of King George Island Antarctica. Polish Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences. Cracow.<br />

Olech, M. (1996). Human impact on terrestrial ecosystems in West Antarctica. Proccedings of NIPR Symposium on Polar<br />

Biology, 9: 299-306.<br />

Pereira, A.B. & Putzke, J. (1994). Floristic composition of Stinker Point. Elephant Island, Antarctica. Korean Journal of Polar<br />

Research, 5(2): 37-47.<br />

Putzke, J. & Pereira, A.B. (1990). Mosses of King George Island. Pesquisa Antártica Brasileira. 2(1): 17-71.<br />

Putzke, J. & Pereira, A.B. (2001) The Antarctic Mosses with special reference to the Shetland Island. Canoas, Ed. ULBRA.<br />

Rakusa-Suszczewski, S.; Mietus, M. & Piasecki, J. (1993). Weather and Climate. In: Rakusa-Suszczewski, S. (Ed.) The<br />

Maritime Antarctic Coastal Exosystem of Admiralty Bay, Departamente of Antarctic Biology, Polish Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences.<br />

Redón, J. (1985). Líquenes Antárticos. <strong>Instituto</strong> Antártico Chileno (INACH), Santiago <strong>de</strong> Chile.<br />

Schaefer, C.E.G.R.; Dias, L.E.; Albuquerque, M.A.; Francelino, M.R.; Costa, L.M. & Ribeiro, J.R.E.S. (2004). Monitoramento<br />

ambiental e avaliação dos impactos nos ecossistemas terrestres <strong>da</strong> Antártica Marítima: Princípios e aplicação. In: Schaefer,<br />

C.E.G.R.; Simas, F.N.B.; Filho, M.R.A. (Eds.). Ecossistemas costeiros e monitoramento ambiental <strong>da</strong> Antártica Marítima.<br />

Baía do Almirantado, Ilha Rei George. Viçosa, NEPUT.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />


Victoria, F.C. & Pereira, A.B. (2007). Índice <strong>de</strong> valor ecológico (IES) como ferramenta para estudos fi tossociológicos e<br />

conservação <strong>da</strong>s espécies <strong>de</strong> musgos na Baia do Almirantado, Ilha Rei George, Antártica Marítima. Oecologia Brasiliensis,<br />

11(1): 50-55.<br />

Victoria, F.C.; Pereira, A.B. & Costa, D.P. (2004). Characterization of plant communities in ice-free areas adjoining the Polish<br />

Station H. Arctowski, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctic. Actas <strong>de</strong>l V° Simposio Argentino y I° Latinoamericano<br />

sobre Investigaciones Antárticas 2004, Resúmen Expandido N° 202BB.<br />

Victoria, F.C.; Pereira, A.B. & Costa, D.P. (2009). Composition and distribution of mos formations in the ice-free areas adjoining<br />

the Arctowski region, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Iheringia Série Botânica, 64(1): 81-91.<br />

72 | Annual Activity Report 2010


ALGAE Prasiola crispa EXTRACT IN THE ADULT<br />

FRUIT FLY Drosophila melanogaster<br />

Thaís Posser 1,* , Betina Kappel Pereira 2 , Ana Paula Pegoraro Zemolin 1 , Cháriston André Dal Belo 1 ,<br />

Antonio Batista Pereira 3 , Jeferson Luis Franco 1<br />

1 Centro Interdisciplinar <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas em Biotecnologia, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Pampa –UNIPAMPA, São Gabriel, RS, Brazil<br />

2 Colégio Cristo Re<strong>de</strong>ntor, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Luterana do Brasil –ULBRA, Canoas, RS, Brasil<br />

3 Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Pampa –UNIPAMPA, São Gabriel, RS, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: thaisposser@unipampa.edu.br<br />

Abstract: In the present study, we aimed to investigate the toxic e ects of Prasiola crispa extract on a fruit y (Drosophila<br />

melanogaster) mo<strong>de</strong>l. Toxicity was assessed as % mortality, negative geotaxis behaviour and acetylcholine esterase (AchE),<br />

glutathione S-transferase (GST), catalase (CAT) activities as well as glutathione content (GSH) and hydroperoxi<strong>de</strong> formation.<br />

Administration of algae extract (2 mg/mL) to ies for 24 hours resulted in a massive increase in mortality (7.6 fold increase,<br />

compared to control). A signi cant increase in climbing performance, indicating an alteration in negative geotaxis behaviour,<br />

was also observed. e AchE activity was unchanged a er algae extract treatment for 24 hours. However, GST activity was<br />

signi cantly increased a er Prasiola crispa administration. e CAT activity was signi cantly diminished in ies that received<br />

algae extract for 24 hours. Glutathione levels and hydroperoxi<strong>de</strong> formation remained unchanged. Our results show for the rst<br />

time the toxic e ects of an Antarctic algae extract in Drosophila melanogaster. e insectici<strong>de</strong> action of Prasiola crispa may be<br />

related to changes on vital antioxi<strong>da</strong>nt systems. Further studies are necessary to eluci<strong>da</strong>te the exact mechanisms of toxicity of this<br />

Antarctic alga to Drosophila melanogaster.<br />

Keywords: Prasiola crispa, toxicity, Drosophila melanogaster, Antarctica<br />

Introduction<br />

e insectici<strong>da</strong>l properties of a number of plants have been<br />

investigated for thousands of years, and some of the plants<br />

can substitute many synthetic means of control (Sujatha,<br />

2010). In this respect, it is important to emphasize that<br />

natural agents are environmentally less harmful than<br />

synthetic pestici<strong>de</strong>s. Moreover, natural agents can act in<br />

many insects in di erent ways (Sujatha, 2010).<br />

Prasiola crispa is a terrestrial eukaryotic green alga<br />

from Antarctica continent. Although there are no studies<br />

targeting the biological e ects of this algae, interesting<br />

characteristics, like adhesive properties has been <strong>de</strong>scribed<br />

for plant of the genus Prasiola sp. (Mostaert et al., 2006),<br />

highlighting the biotechnological importance of this<br />

organism. A study carried out with three Antarctic plant<br />

species (Deschampsia antarctica Desv., Colobanthus quitensis<br />

(Kunth) Bartl., and Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw), have<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrated low toxic e ects for mammalian and nonmammalian<br />

cells, associated with protective e ects against<br />

UV-induced <strong>da</strong>mage (Pereira et al., 2009).<br />

It has been recognized that organisms living in Polar<br />

Regions, are subject to extreme environmental conditions.<br />

is fact has led to the <strong>de</strong>velopment of natural strategies<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />

4<br />


that enable the survival of these organisms un<strong>de</strong>r the most<br />

extreme environmental conditions on Earth. Among these<br />

strategies of a<strong>da</strong>ptation is the production of photoprotective<br />

compounds, such as mycosporine-like amino acids,<br />

scytonemim secreted by cyanobacteria and flavonoids<br />

secreted by plants (Pereira et al., 2009). is fact emphasizes<br />

the importance of studies concerning the biological e ects<br />

of these organisms, which may present in its constitution a<br />

combination of chemical compounds normally not found<br />

in other organisms.<br />

74 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

In this respect, the main aim of this study was<br />

to evaluate the effects of the extract of the terrestrial<br />

eukaryotic green alga from Antarctica, Prasiola crispa on<br />

survival of adult D. melanogaster, and in parallel, to verify<br />

a possible modulation of antioxi<strong>da</strong>nt enzymes activity<br />

and locomotor performance in response to the exposure<br />

of this organism to the Prasiola crispa extract. e fruit<br />

y Drosophila melanogaster, belongs to the or<strong>de</strong>r Diptera<br />

and family Drosophili<strong>da</strong>e. is mo<strong>de</strong>l is recognized for its<br />

high sensitivity to toxic substances, thus being consi<strong>de</strong>red a<br />

bioindicator for <strong>de</strong>tection of pollutants and also to test the<br />

biological action of natural substances.<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

Plant material<br />

Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Kützing (1843) was collected<br />

in the ice-free areas near Arctowski Polish Base Region,<br />

Admiralty Bay, King George Island (61° 50’ - 62° 15’ S and<br />

57° 30’ - 59° 00’ W), Antarctica. e plants were dried in<br />

a <strong>da</strong>rk chamber with circulating air at 40 °C and stored<br />

in <strong>da</strong>rk bags in a freezer. e dried and pow<strong>de</strong>red plant<br />

material (about 100 g) was submitted to extraction using<br />

methanol (pow<strong>de</strong>r/solvent ratio = 1:10 w/v) by maceration<br />

at room temperature. A er 24 hours of extraction the sample<br />

was ltered through Whatman number 1 lter paper and<br />

the same plant material was extracted again with another<br />

1000 mL of methanol. is procedure was repeated for<br />

3 <strong>da</strong>ys, a er which the methanolic solutions were combined<br />

and evaporated to dryness un<strong>de</strong>r reduced pressure by rotary<br />

evaporator at 40-50 °C to obtain the methanolic extracts.<br />

Drosophila culture and Prasiola crispa extract<br />

treatment<br />

Flies were maintained at 25 °C on a stan<strong>da</strong>rd diet<br />

(Golombieski et al., 2008). For P. crispa extract exposition<br />

experiments, 60 male adult flies were placed in a vial<br />

containing cotton wool soaked in 2 M sucrose with or<br />

without dissolved Prasiola crispa extract (2 mg/mL). e<br />

ies were maintained un<strong>de</strong>r these conditions up to 24 hours.<br />

Finished the period of treatment, 15 individual ies were<br />

submitted to behavioural test and a total of 45 ies were<br />

homogenized for biochemical analysis. Each experiment<br />

was repeated 3 times using di erent y cultures.<br />

Flies mortality<br />

Finished the treatments, the number of <strong>de</strong>ad ies were<br />

counted and plotted as percent of total ies.<br />

Negative geotaxis and response to ight test<br />

Locomotor ability was <strong>de</strong>termined though the negative<br />

geotaxis assay as <strong>de</strong>scribed by Bland et al. (2009), with some<br />

modi cations. For the assays, 15 adult ies were anesthetized<br />

and placed separately in a vertical glass column (length,<br />

25 cm; diameter, 1.5 cm) (Jimenez-Del-Rio et al., 2010). e<br />

assays were repeated three times at 1 minute intervals. A er<br />

30 minutes recovery, individual ies were gently tapped to the<br />

bottom of the column and the time required to reach 8 cm<br />

in the columns was registered. To test the response to ight<br />

of the insects, the ies were gently tapped to the bottom of a<br />

glass ask. A er 30 seconds, the numbers of ies remaining<br />

in the base and in the top of the ask were counted.<br />

Biochemical measurements<br />

Flies were homogenized in 0.1 M phosphate buffer<br />

pH 7.0 and centrifuged at 1000 g for 5 minutes (4 °C).<br />

e supernatant was isolated and an aliquot separated for<br />

<strong>de</strong>termination of acetylcholinesterase activity, glutathione<br />

and hydroperoxi<strong>de</strong> content based on protocols previously<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribed (Franco et al., 2009). e remaining supernatant<br />

was then centrifuged at 20,000 g for 30 minutes. e resulted<br />

supernatant was used for <strong>de</strong>termination of glutathione<br />

S-transferase (GST) and catalase (CAT) activity according<br />

to methods <strong>de</strong>scribed earlier (Franco et al., 2009).

Table 1. Enzyme activities, glutathione and hydroperoxi<strong>de</strong> levels.<br />

Results<br />

Treatment of ies with 2 mg/mL of Prasiola crispa extract<br />

resulted in a substantial increase (7.6 fold increase, p < 0.05)<br />

in mortality a er 24 hours (Figure 1a). An increase in<br />

neurolocomotor activity, assessed by negative geotaxis<br />

behaviour was also observed. In this task, ies that received<br />

algae extract were signi cantly more e cient (p < 0.05) in<br />

climbing performance (Figure 1b). Fly response was not<br />

altered by algae extract administration during 24 hours<br />

(Figure 1c).<br />

Acetylcholine esterase activity (AchE), glutathione<br />

levels (GSH) and hydroperoxi<strong>de</strong> formation (LPO) was<br />

not changed a er Prasiola crispa extract administration to<br />

Drosophila melanogaster for 24 hours (Table 1). However,<br />

it was possible to observe a signi cant increase (p < 0.05)<br />

in glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity while catalase<br />

(CAT) was signi cantly inhibited (p < 0.05) in ies treated<br />

with 2 mg/mL of algae extract (Table 1).<br />

Discussion<br />

AchE<br />

(mU/mg protein)<br />

GST<br />

(mU/mg protein)<br />

Commercial insectici<strong>de</strong>s and repellents with lower<br />

mammalian toxicity are <strong>de</strong>sirable and studies focusing the<br />

CAT<br />

(mU/mg protein)<br />

GSH<br />

(µmol/mg protein)<br />

Hydroperoxi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

(nmol/mg protein)<br />

Control 30.1 ± 5.0 92.9 ± 15.5 159.4 ± 8.3 0.20 ± 0.03 0.26 ± 0.001<br />

Extract 27.2 ± 0.4 141.1 ± 13.3* 128.2 ± 12.8* 0.23 ± 0.001 0.24 ± 0.004<br />

Statistical signifi cance was assessed by Stu<strong>de</strong>nt’s t-test. *p

76 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Glutathione S-transferase is an important antioxi<strong>da</strong>nt<br />

enzyme and is involved in phase II <strong>de</strong>toxi cation systems<br />

(Sau et al., 2010). e observed increased GST activity<br />

in Drosophila melanogaster exposed to Prasiola crispa<br />

extract may be related to an a<strong>da</strong>ptive response related<br />

to an increased elimination of toxic plant <strong>de</strong>rivatives.<br />

e inhibition of CAT activity may also be an important<br />

mechanism of toxicity of the extract, since this enzyme has<br />

a crucial role in the clearance of hydrogen peroxi<strong>de</strong> from<br />

cells (Aebi, 1984). e disruption of cell <strong>de</strong>fence antioxi<strong>da</strong>nt<br />

systems has been pointed out as a central mechanism<br />

of action in a variety of mo<strong>de</strong>ls of investigation of drug/<br />

compound toxicity (Franco et al., 2009).<br />

Conclusion<br />

In conclusion, our results show preliminary <strong>da</strong>ta on the<br />

insectici<strong>da</strong>l e ects of Prasiola crispa extract in a Drosophila<br />

melanogaster mo<strong>de</strong>l. e exact mechanisms of toxicity<br />

References<br />

Aebi, H. (1984). Catalase in vitro. Methods in Enzymology, 105:121-6.<br />

still remain to be eluci<strong>da</strong>ted, however, interaction with<br />

antioxi<strong>da</strong>nt systems may be pointed out as a clue in further<br />

studies.<br />

is study comprehends part of the work of Brazilian<br />

researchers from the “<strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência<br />

e Tecnologia Antártico <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais -<br />

INCT-APA” related to Antarctic plant chemistry and its<br />

biotechnological applications. It is believed that knowledge<br />

on the biotechnological potentials of Antarctic plants, in<br />

addition to research on plant/communities biology and<br />

evolving processes are essential to the preservation of these<br />

natural resources.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Authors acknowledge the “<strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência e<br />

Tecnologia Antártico <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais - INCT-APA”,<br />

CNPq (574018/2008-5) and FAPERJ (E-16/170.023/2008).<br />

Bell, A.E.; Fellows, L.E. & Simmonds, S.J. (1990). Natural products from plants for the control of insect pests. In: Hodgson,<br />

E. & Kuhr, R.J., (Eds.). Safer insectici<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>velopment and use. Marcel Dekker. USA.<br />

Bland, N.D.; Robinson, P.; Thomas, J.E.; Shirras, A.D.; Turner, A.J. & Isaac, R.E. (2009). Locomotor and geotactic behavior<br />

of Drosophila melanogaster over-expressing neprilysin 2. Pepti<strong>de</strong>s 30:571-4.<br />

Franco, J.L.; Posser, T.; Mattos, J.J.; Trevisan, R.; Brocardo, P.S.; Rodrigues, A.L.; Leal, R.B.; Farina, M.; Marques, M.R.;<br />

Bainy, A.C. & Dafre, A.L. (2009). Zinc reverses malathion-induced impairment in antioxi<strong>da</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>fenses. Toxicology Letters,<br />

187:137-43.<br />

Golombieski, R.M.; Graichen, D.A.; Pivetta, L.A.; Nogueira, C.W.; Loreto, E.L. & Rocha, J.B. (2008). Diphenyl diseleni<strong>de</strong><br />

[(phse)2] inhibits Drosophila melanogaster <strong>de</strong>lta-aminolevulinate <strong>de</strong>hydratase (<strong>de</strong>lta-ala-d) gene transcription and enzyme<br />

activity. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 147(2):198-204.<br />

Jimenez-Del-Rio, M.; Guzman-Martinez, C. & Velez-Pardo, C. (2010). The effects of polyphenols on survival and locomotor<br />

activity in Drosophila melanogaster exposed to iron and paraquat. Neurochemical Research, 35(2):227-238.<br />

Kiran, S.R.; Devi, P.S. & Reddy, K.J. (2007). Bioactivity of essential oils and sequiterpenes of Chloroxylon swietenia DC against<br />

the Helicoverpa armigera. Current Science, 93:544-8.<br />

Mostaert, A.S.; Higgins, M.J.; Fukuma, T.; Rindi, F. & Jarvis, S.P. (2006). Nanoscale mechanical characterisation of amyloid<br />

fi brils discovered in a natural adhesive. Journal of Biological Physics, 32(5): 393-401.<br />

N<strong>de</strong>mah, R.; Gounou, S. & Schulthess, F. (2002). The role of wild grasses in the management of lepidopterous stem-borers<br />

on maize in the humid tropics of Western Africa. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 92(6): 507-19.

Pereira, B.K.; Rosa, R.M.; <strong>da</strong> Silva, J.; Guecheva, T.N.; Oliveira, I.M.; Ianistcki, M.; Benvegnu, V.C.; Furtado, G.V.; Ferraz,<br />

A.; Richter, M.F.; Schro<strong>de</strong>r, N.; Pereira, A.B. & Henriques, J.A. (2009). Protective effects of three extracts from antarctic<br />

plants against ultraviolet radiation in several biological mo<strong>de</strong>ls. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology,<br />

96(2):117-29.<br />

Sau, A.; Pellizzari, T.F.; Valentino, F.; Fe<strong>de</strong>rici, G. & Caccuri, A.M. (2010). Glutathione transferases and <strong>de</strong>velopment of new<br />

principles to overcome drug resistance. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 500(2): 116-22.<br />

Sujatha, S. (2010). Essential oil and its insectici<strong>da</strong>l activity of medicinal aromatic plant Vetiveria zizanioi<strong>de</strong>s (L.) against the<br />

red fl our beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2(3):84-8.<br />

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78 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />



Maria Virginia Petry 1,* , Rafael Gomes <strong>de</strong> Moura 1 , Lucas Krüger 1<br />

1 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Ornitologia e Animais Marinhos – LOAM, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS,<br />

São Leopoldo, Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do Sul, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: vpetry@unisinos.br<br />

Abstract: Climate change will a ect many species in the next <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s. Antarctic seabirds are of special concern given their<br />

<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce on the balance of sea ice-caps. e objective of this paper is to present information about weather and penguin<br />

colonies in the last extreme cold summer of 2009/2010. We veri ed the average temperature in November (beginning of seabird<br />

breeding) which was lower than for most years since 1987 with a slight ten<strong>de</strong>ncy to <strong>de</strong>cline, and thus the number of snow <strong>da</strong>ys<br />

was also high in relation to the period average, with a ten<strong>de</strong>ncy to increase in time. e A<strong>de</strong>lie Penguin has the biggest colony<br />

area followed by Chinstrap Penguin, while Gentoo Penguin has the smallest area. As seabirds breed on ice-free areas, the joint<br />

e ect of lower temperatures and enhanced precipitation in Spring can a ect habitat availability for nesting, potentially disrupting<br />

reproduction timing and the future breeding population and success.<br />

Keywords: air temperature, climate change, ice-fre areas, Pygoscelids genus<br />

Introduction<br />

Climate change may a ect a great number of species in<br />

the next <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s (Walther et al., 2002; Thomas et al.,<br />

2004). Antarctic seabirds may be particularly sensitive to<br />

climate change since they rely on sea ice cap dynamics,<br />

which is the factor behind the Antarctic food web balance<br />

(Smetacek et al., 1990). e penguins remain on the edge<br />

of sea ice caps during the winter months, <strong>de</strong>pending on<br />

the Antarctic resources even then, thus they are still more<br />

a ected by severe weather variations (Ballerini et al., 2009;<br />

Dugger et al., 2010) more than ying Antarctic Seabirds<br />

(Santora et al., 2009). In the last 2009/2010 summer, the<br />

temperature conditions and ice-free areas were limiting<br />

factors for most penguin colonies in Admiralty Bay. e<br />

enhanced snow accumulation, as a consequence of a<br />

rigorous winter registered by the <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong><br />

Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE, 2010), lasted until mid-February,<br />

when most areas were expected to be ice-free. is weather<br />

phenomenon was characterized by the lowest temperatures<br />

in the last 40 years (INPE, 2010). e aim of this study is to<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribe this phenomenon and evaluate its potential e ect<br />

on the area of penguin colonies at Admiralty Bay.<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

The study was conducted in all the ice-free areas of<br />

Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetlands in<br />

the 2009/2010 summer. e summer was characterized by<br />

lower temperatures than the average for previous years. e<br />

average summer temperature in Admiralty bay between<br />

1987 and 2009 was 1.7 °C, while the average in 2009/2010<br />

was 0.6 °C (INPE, 2010). e average temperature at the<br />

beginning of seabird breeding (November) was even lower<br />

than in most years (Figure 1a), and also snow <strong>da</strong>ys were<br />

relatively high (Figure 1b). e e ect of higher precipitation<br />

with lower temperatures was the reason for late snow

accumulation. e areas were visited by boat or on foot,<br />

and all the periphery of penguin colonies were mapped<br />

through GPS receivers.<br />

Figure 1 shows that there has been a slight <strong>de</strong>clining<br />

trend in average temperature since the 80’s, and a slight<br />

trend of enhancement in the number of <strong>da</strong>ys with snow<br />

precipitation, <strong>de</strong>spite the greater annual variation below<br />

the average.<br />

Results<br />

We found a total of 10 colonies of the three Pygoscelis species:<br />

Gentoo (P. papua, Figure 2a), A<strong>de</strong>lie (P. a<strong>de</strong>lie, Figure 2b)<br />

and Chinstrap (P. antarctica, Figure 2c) (Table 1). A<strong>de</strong>lie<br />

Penguins showed the greatest amount of occupied area<br />

in Admiralty Bay, while Gentoo Penguins occupied the<br />

smallest amount of area. We found colonies of Gentoo and<br />

A<strong>de</strong>lie only at Point omas, while Gentoo occurred in two<br />

points, Chabrier Rock and Demay Point (Figure 3).<br />

Discussion<br />

Our results aim only to <strong>de</strong>scribe the colonies during<br />

the especially cold weather event without assuming any<br />

trend, but the distribution of colonies and their analyzed<br />

dimensions in the last summer have provi<strong>de</strong>d strong<br />

indications of how penguins will answer to predicted<br />

weather in Admiralty Bay. e ice-free lands are the most<br />

Temperature on<br />

beginning of season (°C)<br />

Snow <strong>da</strong>y on<br />

beginning of season<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

–1<br />

–2<br />

–3<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

1987<br />

Figure 1. Weather at the beginning of the seabird breeding season<br />

(November) in Admiralty Bay: monthly average temperature (a) and<br />

cumulative number of <strong>da</strong>ys with snow precipitation. The average<br />

temperature in these years is –0.1 °C ± 1.2, and the average snow <strong>da</strong>ys<br />

are 11.9 ± 5. Thus, 2009/2010 summer was a relatively cold season<br />

(–2.2 °C) with snow <strong>da</strong>ys above average (17).<br />

a b c<br />

Figure 2. Pygoscelids species that breed at Admiralty Bay: (a) Gentoo P. papua, (b) A<strong>de</strong>lie P. a<strong>de</strong>liae, and (c) Chinstrap P. antarctica.<br />

1989<br />

1982<br />

1984<br />

1989<br />

1988<br />

2000<br />

Year<br />

2002<br />

2004<br />

2006<br />

2008<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />

a<br />

b<br />

2010<br />


used locations by these species, and the joint e ect of greater<br />

precipitation and lower temperatures has an immediate<br />

disrupting e ect on the future reproduction of these species<br />

of penguin. We can not justify the e ects of temperature on<br />

population trends, but the e ect of weather is indicative,<br />

veri ed by climate research (Doran et al., 2002; Turner et al.,<br />

2005), related to penguins. e several research studies<br />

Table 1. Number of Breeding Groups and total colony areas of each<br />

Pygoscelis species at Admiralty Bay in the 2009/2010 breeding season.<br />

Penguin<br />

species<br />

80 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Number of<br />

breeding groups<br />

Total area<br />

(m 2 )<br />

Chinstrap 7 2469<br />

A<strong>de</strong>lie 1 7704<br />

Gentoo 2 47<br />

Figure 3. Penguin Colonies at Admiralty Bay in the 2009/2010 breeding season.<br />

indicate a cooling in Antarctica in di erent seasons, and<br />

although the peninsula tends to warming, South Shetlands<br />

average temperature, in particular, is showing a slight <strong>de</strong>cline<br />

in Spring. is season is fun<strong>da</strong>mental for breeding seabirds<br />

as it is the moment they start reproduction, choosing nesting<br />

places and re-establishing their colonies. Seabirds rely on the<br />

ice-free areas available at this time and lack of availability<br />

can <strong>de</strong>lay the start of reproduction lowering the average<br />

success of a colony (Barbraud &Weimerskirch, 2006). Also,<br />

late snow-storms and cold fronts can cause greater egg loss<br />

and nest abandonment by adults (Mallory et al., 2009),<br />

as observed in our eld samples at Admiralty Bay and in<br />

Elephant Island as well. Other studies provi<strong>de</strong> evi<strong>de</strong>nce of<br />

the negative e ect of enhanced cold for penguins, a ecting<br />

success, adult survival and size of the breeding population

(Croxall et al., 2002; Ballerini et al., 2009; Lescröel et al.,<br />

2009; Dugger et al., 2010).<br />

Conclusion<br />

Extreme weather events can potentially affect seabird<br />

population parameters and colony dynamics. As is expected<br />

by weather in Admiralty Bay, the possible scenarios are not<br />

favourable in an a priori assumption. Our analysis must in<br />

the future inclu<strong>de</strong> the timing between ice-free areas and<br />

penguin breeding, plus the variation of colony areas and<br />

References<br />

breeding populations to ice and temperature variation as<br />

well; in this way enabling that our expectations can be tested.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Brazilian <strong>da</strong>ta sampling received support from INCT-<br />

APA (CNPq Process no. 574018/2008-5, FAPERJ<br />

E-26/170.023/2008), WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society)<br />

and supported by the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of<br />

Science and Technology, and the Secretariat for the Marine<br />

Resources Interministerial Committee (SECIRM).<br />

Ballerini, T.; Tavecchia, G.; Olmastroni, S.; Pezzo, F. & Focardi, S. (2009). Nonlinear effects of winter sea ice on the survival<br />

probabilities of Adélie Penguins. Oecologia, 161: 253-65.<br />

Barbraud, C. & Weimerskirch, H. (2006). Antarctic birds breed later in response to climate change. PNAS, 103: 6248-51.<br />

Croxall, J.P., Trathan, P.N.; & Murphy, E.J. (2002). Environmental change and Antarctic seabird populations. Science,<br />

297:1510–14.<br />

Doran, P.T.; Priscu, J.C.; Lyons, W.B.; Walsh, J.E.; Fountain, A.G.; McKnight, D.M.; Moorhead, D.L.; Virginia, R.A.; Wall,<br />

D.H.; Clow, G.D.; Fritsen, C.H.; McKay, C.P. & Parsons, A.N. (2002). Antarctic climate cooling and terrestrial ecosystem<br />

response. Nature, 415: 517- 20.<br />

Dugger, K.M.; Ainley, D.G.; Lyver, P.O´B.; Barton, K. & Ballard, G. (2010) Survival differences and the effect of environmental<br />

instability on breeding dispersal in an Adélie Penguin meta-population. PNAS, 107: 12375-80.<br />

INPE (2010) <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais. www.antartica.cptec.inpe.br; accessed in: 04/27/2010.<br />

Lescroël, A.; Dugger, K.M.; Ballard, G.; & Ainley, D.G. (2009). Effects of individual quality, reproductive success and<br />

environmental variability on survival of a long-lived seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78: 798-806.<br />

Mallory, M.L.; Gaston, A.J.; Forbes, M.R. & Gilchrist, H.G. (2009). Infl uence of weather on reproductive success of northern<br />

fulmars in the Canadian High Arctic. Polar Biology, 32: 529-538.<br />

Santora, J.A.; Reiss, C.S.; Cossio, A.M. & Veit, R.R. (2009). Interannual spatial variability of krill (Euphausia superba) infl uences<br />

seabird foraging behavior near Elephant Island, Antarctica. Fisheries Oceanography, 18(1): 20-35.<br />

Smetacek, V.; Scharek, R. & Nöthig, E. M. (1990). Seasonal and regional variation in the pelagial and its relationship to<br />

the life history cycle of krill. In: Kerry, K.R. & Hempel, G. Antarctic Ecosystems: ecological change and conservation.<br />

Springer-Verlag, Berlin.<br />

Thomas, C.D.; Cameron, A.; Green, R.E.; Bakkernes, M.; Beaumont, L.J.; Collingham, Y.C.; Erasmus, B.F.N.; Siqueira, M.F.;<br />

Grainger, A.; Hannah, L.; Hughes, L.; Huntley, B.; Van Jaarsveld, A.S.; Midgley, G.F.; Miles, L.; Ortega-Huerta, M.A.;<br />

Peterson, A.T.; Phillips, O.L. & Williams, S.E. (2004). Extinction risk from climate change. Nature, 427: 145- 148.<br />

Turner, J.; Colwell, S.R.; Marshall, G.J.; Lachlan-Cope, T.A.; Carleton, A.M.; Jones, P.D.; Lagun, V.; Reid, P.A. and Iagovkina, S.<br />

(2005). Antarctic climate change during last 50 years. International Journal of Climatology, 25: 279-294.<br />

Walther, G.R.; Post, E.; Convey, P.; Menzel, A.; Parmesan, C.; Beebee, T.J.C.; Fromentin, J.M.; Hoegh-Guldberg, O. & Bairlein, F.<br />

(2002). Ecological responses to recent climate change. Nature, 416: 389-95.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />


6 DISTANCE<br />

82 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />



Maria Virginia Petry 1,* , Elisa <strong>de</strong> Souza Petersen 1 , Lucas Krüger 1<br />

1 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Ornitologia e Animais Marinhos – LOAM, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, RS, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: vpetry@unisinos.br<br />

Abstract: Seabirds seek environmental cues for nd food at sea. One of the cues is the behaviour of other seabirds. e present<br />

study aims to <strong>de</strong>monstrate through spatial correlation analysis, the distance at which species of seabirds are able to associate.<br />

Seabird counting was conducted onboard the Brazilian Polar Ship NPo Almirante Maximiano between Southern Argentina and<br />

South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Birds were counted during 10 minutes censuses at intervals of one and half hours during<br />

the whole <strong>da</strong>y. Abun<strong>da</strong>nces of Daption capense, Macronectes giganteus, alassarche melanophrys, Petrels and Albatrosses in<br />

spatial correlations were used. We tested if there were any intra-speci c associations (autocorrelation) and/or any inter-speci c<br />

associations (cross-correlation). e coe cients of auto and cross-correlation were used in linear regression with average distance<br />

lags to estimate the distance at which seabirds in uence each other. All the Autocorrelation coe cients of the evaluated species<br />

were negatively related with lag average distance, that is, the further away the seabirds are the less they are able to <strong>de</strong>tect each<br />

other. Even so, there were marked di erences among species, since R² varied from 0.3 (all petrels ad<strong>de</strong>d together) and close to<br />

0.9 for Southern Giant Petrels. But the inter-speci c association does not appear to be related with distance, since from the nine<br />

possible pairs, for only three, were the spatial cross-correlations related with the distance.<br />

Keywords: Antarctic seabirds, environmental cues, feeding behaviour<br />

Introduction<br />

Seabirds <strong>de</strong>velop mechanisms to overri<strong>de</strong> the di culty for<br />

food <strong>de</strong>tection imposed by the homogeneity of the sea.<br />

e mechanisms rely on <strong>de</strong>tection using olfactive cues<br />

(Nevitt, 2008), and sight cues, <strong>de</strong>spite the apparent absence<br />

of <strong>de</strong>tectable spatial heterogeneity on the ocean surface<br />

(Silvermann et al., 2004). Seabirds use morphological and<br />

physiological mechanisms to search for odours at over<br />

great distances (Nevitt, 1999; Nevitt, 2008; Van Buskirk &<br />

Nevitt, 2008). Greater and more aggressive seabirds may<br />

<strong>de</strong>tect odours that indicate foraging by other seabirds,<br />

while smaller species <strong>de</strong>tect the krill foraging upon<br />

phytoplankton (Nevitt, 2008). Seabirds respond to low<br />

prey visual <strong>de</strong>tectability by monitoring other individuals<br />

for optimizing food <strong>de</strong>tection. Veit (1999) veri ed that<br />

Cape Petrels Daption capense and Southern Giant Petrels<br />

Macronectes giganteus change ight pattern when they<br />

nd food spots, they continuously change ight direction<br />

and they land on the water. Hence individuals associate<br />

to enhance their individual capacity for food searching<br />

on wi<strong>de</strong> and homogenous landscapes (Silvermann & Veit,<br />

2001).Both the sensorial strategies (olfaction and sight)<br />

are simultaneously applied (Nevitt, 2008). Despite the<br />

evi<strong>de</strong>nce for such multimo<strong>da</strong>l hypothesis for foraging,<br />

the olfaction strategy is more testable to test. Diome<strong>de</strong>a<br />

albatrosses, however, o en use visual searching, since they<br />

are less attracted to odours than other species (Nevitt et al.,<br />

2004; Mardon et al., 2010). Silvermann et al., (2004)<br />

points out there is a lack of information <strong>de</strong>scribing seabird

association feeding flocks, and <strong>da</strong>ta of how seabirds<br />

search for prey at sea is scarce. Hence, the present study<br />

aims to <strong>de</strong>monstrate the distances that seabird species are<br />

able to associate, and <strong>de</strong>monstrate the distances <strong>de</strong>tected<br />

when seabirds are involved in intra and/or interspeci c<br />

associations. e way seabirds are engaged in associations<br />

have consequences on distribution, food <strong>de</strong>tection and,<br />

hence, on adult survival, an important <strong>de</strong>mographic<br />

parameter for seabird populations.<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

Seabird counting was conducted aboard the Brazilian Polar<br />

Ship NPo Almirante Maximiano in October 2009. Seabirds<br />

were counted during the ship’s <strong>de</strong>ployment between southern<br />

Argentina and South Shetlands, Antartica, including here<br />

Drake Passage. Birds were counted during 10 minutes<br />

censuses at intervals of one and half hours during the whole<br />

<strong>da</strong>y, using the ship’s si<strong>de</strong> opposed to the sun. Ship-Following<br />

birds were exclu<strong>de</strong>d from the analysis. Abun<strong>da</strong>nces of<br />

Daption capense (Cape Petrel), Macronectes giganteus<br />

(Southern Giant Petrel), alassarche melanophrys (Black<br />

Browed Albatrosses), Petrels and Albatrosses were used<br />

in spatial correlations. Additive Ln transformations were<br />

conducted before running the spatial correlations. We tested<br />

if there were intra-speci c association (autocorrelation)<br />

and inter-specific association (cross-correlation). The<br />

coe cients of auto and cross-correlation were used in linear<br />

regression with average distance lags to estimate the distance<br />

seabirds in uence one another.<br />

Results<br />

All the Autocorrelation coe cients of the evaluated species<br />

were negatively related with lag average distance, that is, the<br />

farther the seabirds are from each other the less they are able<br />

to <strong>de</strong>tect each other. Although there were marked di erences<br />

among species, since R² varied from 0.3 (all petrels ad<strong>de</strong>d<br />

together) and close to 0.9 for Southern Giant Petrels<br />

(Table 1, Figure 1). e Southern Giant Petrels seems to be<br />

the species that is able to <strong>de</strong>tect its own species behavior at<br />

long distances, followed by Albatrosses, and Cape Petrels<br />

who seem to be limited to smaller distances (Table 1).<br />

But the inter-speci c association does not appear to be<br />

related with distance, since from the nine possible pairs,<br />

the spatial cross-correlations related with the distance<br />

only for three species. ey were Cape Petrels and Black<br />

Browed Albatrosses, Cape Petrels and Albatrosses, Black<br />

Browed Albatrosses and Petrels (Figure 2), all pairs with<br />

low R-squares (Table 2). is indicates seabirds may opt<br />

for use of their own species as sight cues when foraging at<br />

greater distances, while they may use other species as cue<br />

when they are near available.<br />

Discussion<br />

Greater associations occur among individuals from the<br />

same species, which has also been established in other<br />

studies (Silvermann & Veit, 2001; Silvermann et al.,<br />

2004). Silvermann et al., (2004) showed that albatrosses<br />

are indicators of environmental cues for other species by<br />

their conspicuousness. e latter has not been entirely<br />

discar<strong>de</strong>d from our results since the greater inter-speci c<br />

correlations were those in which Albatrosses were involved.<br />

Table 1. R², P and equation parameters (a and b) of linear regression Between Autocorrelation coeffi cient and estimated average lag distance, for each<br />

seabird species between Argentina and South Shetlands Island.<br />

Especies R² P A B<br />

Cape Petrel 0.34 0.018 0.902 –0.108<br />

Black Browed Albatross 0.551 0.001 1.123 –0.132<br />

Southern Giant Petrel 0.857

The association between Cape Petrels and Albatrosses<br />

suggests the Black Browed Albatross is a major contributor,<br />

mainly due to its abun<strong>da</strong>nce in the sampled region. On the<br />

other hand, some cross-correlation ten<strong>de</strong>d to be negative<br />

(however non-signi cant), and an indication that there is<br />

a certain level avoi<strong>da</strong>nce between some species, i.e. Cape<br />

Petrel and other Small Petrels do not seem to interact<br />

with Giant Petrels, a potential pre<strong>da</strong>tor, in accor<strong>da</strong>nce<br />

with the available literature (Silvermann & Veit, 2001),<br />

Figure 1. Spatial Autocorrelation coeffi cients in response to estimated<br />

average lag distance for species. Cape Petrels (CP), Black Browed<br />

Albatrosses (BBA), Southern Giant Petrel (SGP), Sum of Albatrosses<br />

(ALB) and sum of Petrels (PTR).<br />

Table 2. R², P and equation parameters (a and b) of linear regression Between cross-correlation coeffi cient and estimated average lag distance, for each<br />

pair of seabird species between Argentina and South Shetland Island. The equation parameters presented are from signifi cant regressions with R² greater<br />

than 0.2.<br />

84 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

which is even found in the olfactory strategies adopted by<br />

smaller species (Nevitt, 1999; Nevitt et al., 2004).Although,<br />

available literature about sight association between seabirds<br />

sampled mainly marine areas close to breeding colonies<br />

within the breeding season when the birds are engaged in<br />

breeding activities (Silvermann et al., 2004), our sample<br />

was ma<strong>de</strong>at the beginning of breeding season when<br />

most birds were just starting to breed. e energy inputs<br />

required at the peak of reproduction justi es a change in<br />

Figure 2. Spatial cross-correlation coeffi cients in response to estimated<br />

average lag distance for pairs of species. Cape Petrels and sum of<br />

Albatrosses (CP-ALB), Cape Petrel and Black Browed Albatrosses<br />

(CP-BBA), Black Browed Albatrosses and sum of other Albatrosses<br />

(BBA-ALB).<br />

Pairs R² P A B<br />

Cape Petrels and other Petrels 0.054 0.195 - -<br />

Cape Petrels and Southern Giant Petrels 0.04 0.265 - -<br />

Cape Petrels and Black Browed Albatrosses 0.297 0.001 0.476 –0.039<br />

Cape Petrels and Albatrosses 0.351

the foraging habits of seabirds (Markones et al., 2010). e<br />

interaction di erences may also exist as intrinsic factors<br />

of the communities as a response to abiotic gradients in<br />

the hydrographic, bathymetric and climatic characteristics<br />

(Woehler et al., 2010). Yet our responses suggest similarities<br />

with Silvermann et al. (2004).<br />

Due to restrictions in segregation of sampling space<br />

and time, in or<strong>de</strong>r that our mo<strong>de</strong>l could be vali<strong>da</strong>ted it is<br />

necessary to inform that in the span of a short time interval<br />

(up to 24 hours), one individual remained in a similar<br />

latitu<strong>de</strong>, that is, its position being able to vary longitudinally,<br />

just because our samples were spatialized in a latitudinal<br />

gradient. Hyrenbach et al. (2007) <strong>de</strong>monstrates that between<br />

a set of spatial variables, there is an association of many<br />

species with longitudinal gradients.<br />

Associations may therefore be an important process<br />

in the foraging behaviour, and so the effect on the<br />

foraging success is obvious. e successful <strong>de</strong>tection of<br />

food will allow a bird to ful l its energy requirements<br />

(Markones et al., 2010) and survive. Adult survival is the<br />

most important <strong>de</strong>mographic parameter driving population<br />

dynamics of seabirds (Rolland et al., 2009).<br />

By accepting that seabirds are strongly associated with<br />

productive ocean currents (Bost et al., 2009), our mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

References<br />

can be consi<strong>de</strong>red valid. In this case, the area we sampled is<br />

crossed by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, suggesting<br />

the longitudinal movements of the seabirds.<br />

Conclusion<br />

e association between birds in open sea is a sparsely<br />

explored eld of research in ornithology. ere are few<br />

evaluations of seabird species association related to sight,<br />

principally in the pelagic environment, and the e orts on the<br />

theme are justi ed. On the other hand, the relation of birds<br />

regarding weather and productivity as a response to climatic<br />

changes is an actual and expanding topic in marine ecology.<br />

Further research on the <strong>de</strong>viation of bird associations as a<br />

response to the biotic and abiotic environment would allow<br />

a broa<strong>de</strong>r un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the changes on the Antarctic<br />

Environment.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Brazilian <strong>da</strong>ta was provi<strong>de</strong>d through projects nanced by<br />

INCT-APA (CNPq Process no. 574018/2008-5, FAPERJ<br />

E-26/170.023/2008), and supported by the Ministry of<br />

Environment, Ministry of Science and Technology, and<br />

the Secretariat for the Marine Resources Interministerial<br />

Committee (SECIRM).<br />

Bost, C.A.; Cotté, C.; Bailleul, F.; Cherel, Y.; Charassin, J.B.; Guinet, C.; Ainley, D.G. & Weimerskirch, H. (2009). The importance<br />

of oceanographic fronts to marine birds and mammals of the southern ocean. Journal of Marine Systems, 78: 363-76.<br />

Hyrenbach, K.D.; Veit, R.R.; Weimerskirch, H.; Metzl, N. & Hunt, G.L. (2007). Community structure across a large-scale<br />

ocean productivity gradient: Marine bird assemblages of the Southern Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research I, 54: 1129-45.<br />

Mardon, J.; Nesterova, A.P.; Traugott, J.; Saun<strong>de</strong>rs, S.M. & Bonadonna, F. (2010). Insight of scent: experimental evi<strong>de</strong>nce of<br />

olfactory capabilities in the wan<strong>de</strong>ring albatross (Diome<strong>de</strong>a exulans). The Journal of Experimental Biology, 213: 558-63.<br />

Markones, N.; Dierschke, V. & Garthe, S. (2010). Seasonal differences in at-sea activity of seabirds un<strong>de</strong>rline high energetic<br />

<strong>de</strong>mands during the breeding period. Journal of Ornithology, 151: 329-36.<br />

Nevitt, G. A. (2008). Sensory ecology on the high seas: the odor world of the procellariiform seabirds. The Journal of<br />

Experimental Biology, 211: 1706-13.<br />

Nevitt, G.; Reid, K. & Trathan, P. (2004). Testing olfactory foraging strategies in an Antarctic seabird assemblage. Journal of<br />

Experimental Biology, 207: 3537-44.<br />

Nevitt, G. (1999). Olfactory foraging in Antarctic seabirds: a species-specifi c attraction to krill odors. Marine Ecology Progress<br />

Series, 177: 235-41.<br />

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Rolland, V.; Nevoux, M.; Barbraud, C. & Weimerskirch, H. (2009) Respective impact of climate and fi sheries on the growth<br />

of an Albatross population. Ecological applications 19: 1336-46.<br />

Silvermann, E.D.; Veit, R.R. & Nevitt, G.A. (2004). Nearest neighbors as foraging cues: information transfer in a patchy<br />

environment. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 277: 25-35.<br />

Silvermann, E.D. & Veit, R.R. (2001). Association among Antarctic seabirds in mixed-species feeding fl ocks. Ibis, 143:51-62.<br />

Van Buskirk, R.W. & Nevitt, G.A. (2008). The infl uence of <strong>de</strong>velopmental environment on the evolution of olfactory foraging<br />

behavior in procellariiform seabirds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 21: 67-76.<br />

Veit, R.R. (1999). Behavioral responses by foraging petrels to swarms of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. Ar<strong>de</strong>a, 87: 41-50<br />

Woehler, E. J.; Raymond, B.; Boyle, A.; & Stafford, A. (2010). Seabird assemblages observed during the Broke-west survey<br />

of the Antarctic coastline (30°E-80°E), January – March 2006. Deep-Sea Research II, 57: 982-91.<br />

86 | Annual Activity Report 2010


SOUTHERN GIANT PETREL Macronectes giganteus<br />


Maria Virginia Petry 1,* , Lucas Krüger 1 , Rafael Gomes <strong>de</strong> Moura 1<br />

1 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Ornitologia e Animais Marinhos – LOAM, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS,<br />

São Leopoldo, Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do Sul, Brazil<br />

* e-mail: vpetry@unisinos.br<br />

Abstract: e choice of breeding site is important for a seabird with consequences on the successful raising of its chicks. Seabirds<br />

may choose a breeding site taking into account many environmental and biological factors. is study aims to test the association<br />

of Southern Giant Petrel nests with topographical parametersat Stinker Point, Elephant Island. 33 Southern Giant Petrel nests<br />

were i<strong>de</strong>nti ed using a GPS receptor, and generated 33 random points. e points were plotted on a raster DEM and variables<br />

were extracted. We veri ed the nests were associated with terrain slope and altitu<strong>de</strong>, and that Petrels were using the intermediary<br />

elevations (below 90 m) in plain terrains at Stinker Point. As there are also other variables that can in uence habitat use, further<br />

analysis is nee<strong>de</strong>d to establish the exact role of topography on nesting habitat selection.<br />

Keywords: digital elevation mo<strong>de</strong>l, habitat selection, habitat use, nesting<br />

Introduction<br />

Habitat selection is a hierarchical process of behavioural<br />

responses that result in the disproportional use of one or<br />

few habitat attributes in relation to others, such di erences<br />

in use may positively a ect the breeding success (Jones,<br />

2001). Decisions on which habitat is preferable for a<br />

bird are in uenced by many parameters of the chosen<br />

location itself and by parameters of the populations and<br />

communities occupying them, habitat inclu<strong>de</strong>s as broad<br />

parameters as size, quality, structure, accessibility, resource<br />

availability and so on, while population and communities<br />

impose that birds make choices to avoid competition and<br />

pre<strong>da</strong>tion (Guthrie & Moorhead, 2002). For a seabird, the<br />

choice of nesting ground plays a fun<strong>da</strong>mental role on the<br />

reproductive success, most species breed in colonies with<br />

a hundred to a thousand individuals, but the only resource<br />

for wich they compete in colonies is area. Choosing a good<br />

place for nesting implies in occupying places protected from<br />

wind, snow, from excessive or insu cient insulation, and<br />

protection from pre<strong>da</strong>tors (Danchin & Wagner, 1997). Birds<br />

may use the information of conspeci c success for choosing<br />

their own nesting site, it is, the presence of an experienced<br />

bree<strong>de</strong>r in one site is the indicative that this site can provi<strong>de</strong><br />

suitable habitat for reproduction (Forbes & Kaiser, 1994),<br />

so, thus, enhancing the importance of local characteristics<br />

from the analytical point of view.The objective of the<br />

present paper is to evaluate topographical characteristics to<br />

which Southern Giant Petrels are nest-associated at Stinker<br />

Point, Elephant Island, in an attempt to un<strong>de</strong>rstand factors<br />

explaining colony distribution.<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

e study was conducted at Stinker Point, Elephant Island,<br />

South Shetland Island on the austral summer of 2009/2010.<br />

At Stinker point there are two main colonies of Southern<br />

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7<br />


Giant Petrel (SGP), and during this season 931 breeding<br />

pairs were counted. We accompanied 33 nests of SGP which<br />

adults were incubating in December 2009. We marked the<br />

georreferences of the 33 nests with a GPS receptor. Random<br />

points were generated through random function using<br />

Microso O ce Excel 2007. e random points were used<br />

for accessing the entire variation of topography a priori<br />

available to birds. A Digital Elevation Mo<strong>de</strong>l (DEM) was<br />

elaborated from an altimetry satellite image through Arc-<br />

Gis So ware (Figure 1). e DEM allowed us to extract the<br />

following topographical parameters: Elevation (meters),<br />

Slope (terrain inclination), and Aspect (direction of terrain<br />

inclination). To evaluate the association of nests with the<br />

topographical parameters we used Principal Component<br />

Analysis.<br />

88 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Results<br />

Figure 1. Stinker Point DEM, Elephant Island, classifi ed in elevation intervals, with sampling points plotted.<br />

e SGPs nested at Stinker Point in areas from 13 to 86 metres<br />

above sea level with terrain face directed from South (180°)<br />

to Southwest (240°) and Slope variation between 0.006° and<br />

0.021° (Table 1). e Principal Component Analysis resulted<br />

in three components (Table 2), both Component 1 and<br />

Component 2 explained 76% of <strong>da</strong>ta variance. Component<br />

1 is explained by Elevation and Slope, while Component 2<br />

is explained by Aspect (Table 3). e PCA shows that the<br />

SGPs were breeding in a habitat that was a fraction of the<br />

potentially available area at Stinker Point, that is, the nests<br />

represented only a small group in the middle of the random<br />

points (Figure 2).<br />

Two distinct groups existed within the nests, however,<br />

one occupied the South face (negative association

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Topographical parameters.<br />

Parameters Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation<br />

Elevation (m) 72.40 13.77 86.17 45.38 18.96<br />

Slope (°) 0.02 0.006 0.021 0.013 0.01<br />

Aspect (°) 59.04 180.00 239.04 209.78 23.02<br />

Table 2. Eigenvalue and percentage of variance explained by the three<br />

Principal Components (PC).<br />

with Component 2), and the other Southwest (positive<br />

association with Component 2). Component 1 revealed<br />

that both groups were established at lower Elevations and<br />

Lower Slopes, however, South groups ten<strong>de</strong>d to occur in<br />

small numbers athigh elevations and ata fewer number of<br />

the smaller slopes than the Southwest group (Figure 2).<br />

Discussion<br />

PC Eigenvalue %<br />

1 1.26 42.06<br />

2 1.03 34.18<br />

3 0.71 23.75<br />

Table 3. Correlation of each topographical variable with the Principal<br />

Components.<br />

Variable PC1 PC2 PC3<br />

Aspect –0.14 0.96 0.26<br />

Elevation 0.81 –0.13 0.58<br />

Slope 0.77 0.31 –0.56<br />

Southern Giant Petrels seems to be a<strong>da</strong>pted to nest at a<br />

very speci c habitat in Stinker Point, at Elevations below<br />

90 m on almost at terrains. e direction to which these<br />

at areas were pointed (Aspect) was not selected by the<br />

SGPs, it seemedonly to be a consequence of the topography<br />

selected by SGPs than for any other reason, while Elevation<br />

and Slope played a more explicit role in in uencing nest<br />

position at Stinker Point. However, there were a lot of other<br />

Figure 2. Principal Components plot with the two fi rst components<br />

explaining 76% of the <strong>da</strong>ta variation. Blue circles are the Southern Giant<br />

Petrel nests, and green circles are the random points. Component 1 is<br />

explained by Elevation and Slope, while Component 2 is explained by<br />

Aspect.<br />

non-measured factors that could contribute to the presence<br />

of seabird colonies in a given place, such as solar inci<strong>de</strong>nce,<br />

wind exposure, ice-free land, distance from pre<strong>da</strong>tors<br />

(Brown Skuas in Stinker Point), inter- and intra-speci c<br />

competition, <strong>de</strong>nsity and parasites (Rönkä et al., 2008).<br />

Potentially, there are others places where a colony was<br />

expected to be seen, mainly areas of Glacier retraction (MVP<br />

pers. comm.), which could be placed among those speci c<br />

reliefs used by SGP. One explanation is social attraction<br />

(Danchin et al., 1998; Parejo et al., 2006), that is, the previous<br />

observation of conspeci c success being indicative of site<br />

quality for breeding. In other words, where one experienced<br />

bird chose to breed would probably be a good location,<br />

hence younger birds and rst bree<strong>de</strong>rs would tend to use<br />

such places through this socially available information.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />


Conclusion<br />

More profound analyses are still nee<strong>de</strong>d to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the<br />

observed trend. GIS is a very useful tool for the <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

of mo<strong>de</strong>ls for explaining the colonies distribution.<br />

Incorporating a wi<strong>de</strong> range of topographic, abiotic and<br />

biotic information can cause the emergence of a coherent<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of why SGPs at Stinker Point are using at<br />

areas below 90 m from sea level, and if there is any e ect of<br />

those characteristics on tness, so they can be seen as true<br />

Habitat Selection parameters.<br />

References<br />

90 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Brazilian <strong>da</strong>ta was provi<strong>de</strong>d through projects nanced by<br />

INCT-APA (CNPq Process no. 574018/2008-5, FAPERJ<br />

E-26/170.023/2008)], and supported by the Ministry of<br />

Environment, Ministry of Science and Technology, and<br />

the Secretariat for the Marine Resources Interministerial<br />

Committee (SECIRM).<br />

Danchin, E. & Wagner, R. (1997). The evolution of coloniality: the emergence of new perspectives. Trends in Ecology and<br />

Evolution, 12:342-7.<br />

Danchin, E., Boulinier, T. & Massot, M. (1998). Conspecifi c reproductive success and breeding habitat selection: implications<br />

for the study of coloniality. Ecology 79(7): 2415-28.<br />

Forbes, L.S. & Kaiser, G.W. (1994). Habitat choice in breeding seabirds: when to cross the information barrier. Oikos, 70: 377-84.<br />

Guthrie, C.G. & Moorhead, D.L. (2002). Density-<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt habitat selection: evaluating isoleg theory with a Lotka-Volterra<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l. Oikos, 97:184-94.<br />

Jones, J. (2001). Habitat selection studies in avian ecology: a critical review. The Auk, 118(2): 557-62.<br />

Parejo, D., Oro, D. & Danchin, E. (2006). Testing habitat copying in breeding habitat selection in a species a<strong>da</strong>pted to variable<br />

environments. Ibis, 148: 146-54.<br />

Rönkä, M., Tolvanen, H., Lehikoinen, E., Numers, M. & Rautkari, M. (2008) Breeding habitat preferences of 15 bird species<br />

on South-western Finnish archipelago coast: applicability of digital spatial <strong>da</strong>ta archives to habitat assessment. Biological<br />

Conservation, 141:402-16.



Suzana Seibert 1,* , Adriando Duarte 1 , Maria Virginia Petry 1<br />

1 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Ornitologia e Animais Marinhos – LOAM, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS,<br />

São Leopoldo, Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do Sul, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: suzanaseibert@gmail.com<br />

Abstract: e objective of the present study is to evaluate how some variables could in uence breeding successes of Brown Skua<br />

(Catharacta lonnbergi) at Stinker Point, Elephant Island, Antarctica. Variables measured were Intra-speci c Nearest Neighbour<br />

Distance (NND), Penguin Colony Distance (PCD) and egg laying <strong>da</strong>te per breeding pair. Variables that could in uence Chick<br />

Survival Probability were analysed through logistic regression (forward). Data was collected during the 2009/10 austral summer.<br />

e studied population consisted of 37 breeding pairs, from which 23.7% (n = 9) successfully raised chicks to edging. NND and<br />

PCD signi cantly a ected chick survival (Nagelkerke R2 = 0.21, p < 0.001 and Nagelkerke R2 = 0.54, p < 0.05, respectively),<br />

showing that chicks have lower survival probability among closer nests and among the nests that are near penguin colony. ere<br />

is a positive and signi cant relation between NND and PCD (Linear R2 = 0.38, p < 0,001). ere was no signi cant relationship<br />

between the chick survival and egg laying <strong>da</strong>te. Analysis showed di erent ten<strong>de</strong>ncies from those presented in other studies where<br />

chick survival probability was lower in nests near the penguin colony and an early egg laying <strong>da</strong>te did not re ect a higher chick<br />

survival probability as expected. e last one probably caused by severe weather during the beginning of the studied breeding<br />

season and many nests were covered by snow, which caused the loss of many eggs resulting in very low reproductive success.<br />

Keywords: Catharacta lonnbergi, chick, near neighbour, spatial distribution<br />

Introduction<br />

Brown Skua (Catharacta lonnbergi) is a top-pre<strong>da</strong>tor seabird,<br />

mainly found in the Southern Oceans and the Antarctic<br />

Continent (Watson, 1975). Reproductive success is one of<br />

the measures used to monitor bird populations. Finding<br />

out how many breeding pairs have successfully raised their<br />

chicks and knowing what factors can be <strong>de</strong>termining for<br />

some specific population’s reproductive success, offers<br />

information whether a population is growing, <strong>de</strong>clining or<br />

stable and what forces can gui<strong>de</strong> one or other condition.<br />

Researchers have suggested some factors influencing<br />

breeding success, such as distance from the nest to the<br />

nearest breeding penguin group (Pezzo et al., 2001), egg<br />

laying <strong>da</strong>te (Phillips et al., 2004), hatching <strong>da</strong>te (Hahn &<br />

Peter, 2003; Ritz et al., 2005) and adult quality (Phillips et al.,<br />

1998; Ritz et al., 2005). In some populations, Brown<br />

Skua individuals <strong>de</strong>fend feeding territory in a penguin<br />

colony. Hagelin and Miller (1997) suggested that Skuas<br />

breeding near penguin colonies select their territories to<br />

be su ciently close to penguin colonies to have accessible<br />

resources, but su ciently far from penguin colonies to<br />

avoid egg and chick loss due to penguin <strong>de</strong>ployments and<br />

to avoid other skua territories and intra-speci c pre<strong>da</strong>tion,<br />

but not evaluating if this habitat selection could in uence<br />

breeding success. e number of near neighbours and<br />

the distances from them can play an important factor on<br />

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8<br />


chick body-condition, which in uence breeding success<br />

(Phillips et al., 1998).<br />

One biological characteristic that many studies show to be<br />

very important for reproductive success is egg laying <strong>da</strong>te<br />

and hatching <strong>da</strong>te. Breeding pairs that lay their eggs earlier<br />

have higher chick survival probability (Phillips et al., 2004),<br />

which is a common characteristic in bird reproductive<br />

ecology (Pezzo et al., 2001). e potential advantage of<br />

individuals occupying di erent nest locations within the<br />

colony and their individual biological characteristics can be<br />

studied by comparing the characteristics of successful and<br />

unsuccessful nests. e objective of the present study is to<br />

evaluate the e ect of conspeci c nearest neighbour distance,<br />

distance from breeding pairs to the nearest penguin colony<br />

and, egg laying <strong>da</strong>te on breeding successes of Brown Skua<br />

population (Catharactalonnbergi) in Elephant Island,<br />

Antarctica.<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

e eld work was carried out at Stinker Point (61° 13’ S<br />

and 55° 22’ W), Elephant Island, South Shetland, Antarctic<br />

Peninsula during the 2009/10 austral summer. Brown<br />

Skua population consisted of 37 breeding pairs. Variables<br />

measured for each breeding pair were the mean of three<br />

conspeci c Nearest Neighbour Distance (NND), Penguin<br />

Colony Distance (PCD) and egg laying <strong>da</strong>te. To access the<br />

breeding success and egg laying <strong>da</strong>te, the nests were visited<br />

every three <strong>da</strong>ys. Chicks were assumed to have edged<br />

if they had survived until the end of the study period<br />

(age ± 34 <strong>da</strong>ys). Nest positions were recor<strong>de</strong>d with a hand-<br />

held GPS receiver (60CSx, Garmim). e parameters NND<br />

and PCD were calculated by means of GIS so ware ArcView.<br />

Logistic regression (forward) was used in or<strong>de</strong>r to analyze<br />

the in uence of variables over Chick Survival Probability.<br />

Results<br />

From the 37 Brown Skua breeding pairs 24.3% (n = 9)<br />

successfully raised chicks to fledging, which meant<br />

0.24 chick edged per breeding pair. Mean Skua Nearest<br />

Neighbour Distance (NND) was 51 ± 71 m (ranging from<br />

3.1 to 407.3 m). Variables in uencing Chick Survival<br />

92 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Probability were NND (Nagelkerke R 2 = 0.52; P < 0.001)<br />

and PCD (Nagelkerke R 2 = 0.22; P < 0,01). Results indicate<br />

that the further nests are from each other, the higher is<br />

chick survival probability (Figure 1). e same ten<strong>de</strong>ncy<br />

was con rmed for PCD. A positive relationship was found<br />

between NND and PCD (Linear R2 = 0.38, P 0,05) (Figure 2), which<br />

ranged between 13 December of 2009 and 5 January of<br />

2010.<br />

Figure 1. Distance to near neighbour – Catharacta lonnbergi chick<br />

survival predicted probability in relation to the mean distance of three<br />

nearest conspecifi c neighbours, Elephant Island, Antarctica.<br />

Figure 2. Egg laying <strong>da</strong>te – Catharacta lonnbergi chick survival predicted<br />

probability in relation to egg laying <strong>da</strong>te, where <strong>da</strong>te 0 is time (t) of fi rst egg<br />

recording, Elephant Island, Antarctica.

Discussion<br />

One of the causes of breeding failure in Brown Skua<br />

populations is conspeci c pre<strong>da</strong>tion (Osborn, 1985), what<br />

can be higher within closer nests. e mean distance from<br />

one nest to three nearest neighbours informs how <strong>de</strong>nse or<br />

spread is the nest distribution around each studied breeding<br />

pair, so that, the greater the nest <strong>de</strong>nsity, the greater chicks<br />

chances of conspeci c pre<strong>da</strong>tion, which may be one of the<br />

causes of higher chick <strong>de</strong>ath among closer nests (Figure 1).<br />

Skuas are known to be a territorial species, hence<br />

establishing and maintaining a territory usually inclu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

costs for the owners in terms of <strong>de</strong>fence e orts, such as being<br />

alert to <strong>de</strong>tect and expel intru<strong>de</strong>rs (Hahn & Bauer, 2008).<br />

Furthermore this behaviour results in energy wasting and<br />

consequently tness loss. Individuals whose nests are far<br />

away from others will not have to waste so much energy<br />

on holding territory as individuals that have closer nests.<br />

In this way, adults that have distant nests are supposed to<br />

spend more energy on feeding than protecting chicks. On<br />

the other hand, closer nests were also those located closer<br />

to a penguin colony, a fact that could add some bene ts to<br />

parents and chicks. Pezzo et al. (2001) also found a higher<br />

nest aggregation around penguin colonies, and states that<br />

the key factor for successful breeding in their study seemed<br />

to be the proximity to penguins, since mean edging success<br />

was higher in nests located less than 15 m from penguins.<br />

According to Young and Millar (1999), the opportunity to<br />

gain food quickly (having a territory near a penguin colony)<br />

has important implications for skua breeding, it bene ts the<br />

chicks in two ways: rst, through higher nest atten<strong>da</strong>nce,<br />

they should be better protected against other skuas; and<br />

second, chicks are less likely to su er intense hunger than<br />

those with parents foraging at sea or among few penguins<br />

- a ecting survival directly or through stimulating sibling<br />

aggression.<br />

Despite these arguments, analysis showed an opposite<br />

ten<strong>de</strong>ncy whereby nests near the penguins showed lower<br />

probabilities of fledging chicks successfully. This may<br />

happen because, nests close to penguins are <strong>de</strong>nsely<br />

distributed, which increases the potential competition<br />

among breeding skuas and potentially increases intraspeci<br />

c pre<strong>da</strong>tion. Many studies show a high relation of<br />

chick condition, or probability to survive, to egg laying <strong>da</strong>te<br />

and chick hatching (Pezzo et al., 2001; Hahn & Peter, 2003;<br />

Ritz et al., 2005; Phillips et al., 1998). Egg laying <strong>da</strong>te and<br />

hatching is o en an in<strong>de</strong>x for adult quality (including age,<br />

experience, structural size and condition) rather than a <strong>da</strong>te<br />

hatching factor in uencing chick growth (Ritz et al., 2005).<br />

e egg laying <strong>da</strong>te analysis was not signi cant (Figure 2),<br />

but it does not reveal inexperienced adult population<br />

because there are many other facts involved, such as climate.<br />

ere is evi<strong>de</strong>nce that worsening environmental factors<br />

within a season are responsible for a <strong>de</strong>creasing chick<br />

growth performance and survival. Severe weather occurred<br />

during the beginning of the studied breeding season and<br />

many nests were covered with snow, which in itself caused<br />

the loss of many eggs or later as a consequence of snow<br />

melting. e loss of eggs is revealed through the very low<br />

number of edged chicks (0.24 chick edged per breeding<br />

pair), which is much below the gures recor<strong>de</strong>d in studies<br />

(Phillips et al., 2004; Pezzo et al., 2001), but has already been<br />

registered in a similar way in the study of Ensor (1979). is<br />

signi cant chicks loss can a ect Elephant Island Brown Skua<br />

population some years from now. If in the next few seasons<br />

the number of young skuas does not increase, the population<br />

could reach a limit of individuals below recoverable.<br />

Conclusion<br />

Analysis showed di erent ten<strong>de</strong>ncies from those presented<br />

in other studies. Chick survival probability was lower in<br />

nests near a penguin colony and an early egg laying <strong>da</strong>te did<br />

not re ect a higher chick survival probability as expected.<br />

Although those ten<strong>de</strong>ncies can be explained, there is a huge<br />

need for more eld <strong>da</strong>ta to monitor population trends in<br />

the coming years.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

We are very grateful to National Science and Technology<br />

Institute- Antarctic of Environmental Research (INCT-<br />

APA) (CNPq Process no. 574018/2008-5, FAPERJ<br />

E-26/170.023/2008) who nancially supported the project,<br />

to the Brazilian Ministry of Environment, the Ministry<br />

of Science and Technology, the Secretariat for the Marine<br />

Resources Interministerial Committee (SECIRM) and all<br />

friends who helped with eld work.<br />

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References<br />

Ensor, P.H. (1979). The effect of storms on the breeding success of South Polar Skuas at Cape Bird, Antarctica.Notornis 26:<br />

349-52<br />

Hagelin, J.C. & Miller, G.D. (1997). Nest site selection in south polar skuas: balancing nest safety and access to resources.<br />

Auk 114: 638-45.<br />

Hahn, S. & Bauer, S. (2008). Dominance in feeding territories relates to foraging success and offspring growth in brown skuas<br />

Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi. Behavior Ecology Sociobiology 62: 1149-57.<br />

Hahn, S. & Peter, H-U. (2003). Feeding territoriality and the reproductive consequences in brown skuas Catharacta antarctica<br />

lonnbergi. Polar Biology 26(8): 552-9.<br />

Osborn, B. C. (1985). Aspects of the breeding biology and feeding behavior of the Brown Skua Catharacta lonnbergi on Bird<br />

Island, South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 66: 57-71.<br />

Pezzo, F.; Olmastroni, S.; Crosolini, S. & Focardi, S. (2001). Factors affecting the breeding success of south polar skua<br />

Catharacta maccormicki at Edmonson Point, Victoria Land, Antarctica. Polar Biology 24: 389-93.<br />

Phillips, R.A.; Furness, E.W. & Stewart, F.M. (1998).The infl uence of territory on the vulnerability of Arctic skuas Stercorarius<br />

parasiticus to pre<strong>da</strong>tion. Biological Conservation 86: 21-31.<br />

Phillips, R.A.; Phalan, B. & Forster, I.P. (2004). Diet and long-term changes in population size and productivity of brown skuas<br />

Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi at Bird Island, South Georgia. Polar Biology 27(9): 555-61.<br />

Ritz, M. S.; Hahn, S. & Peter, H-U. (2005). Factors affecting chick growth in the South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki):<br />

food supply, weather and hatching <strong>da</strong>te. Polar Biology 29(1): 53-60.<br />

Watson, G.E. (1975). Skuas and Jaegers: Stercorarii<strong>da</strong>e. In: Birds of the Antarctic and Sub-Anterctic. Richmond: The William<br />

Byrd Press Inc.<br />

Young, E.C. & Millar, C.D. (1999).Skua (Catharacta sp.) foraging behavior at the Cape Crozier A<strong>de</strong>lie Penguin (Pygoscelisa<strong>de</strong>liae)<br />

colony, Ross Island, Antarctica, and implications for breeding. Notornis 46:287-97.<br />

94 | Annual Activity Report 2010


(Macronectes giganteus) ON ELEPHANT ISLAND<br />

Introduction<br />

Uwe Horst Schulz 1,* , Lucas Krüger 1 , Maria Virginia Petry 1<br />

1Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do Vale do Rio Sinos –UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do Sul, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: uwe@unisinos.br<br />

Abstract: According to expressive size dimorphism between Southern Giant Petrel gen<strong>de</strong>rs, di erences in foraging and nest<br />

atten<strong>da</strong>nce are expected between female and male petrels. is study aims to investigate di erences in nest atten<strong>da</strong>nce duration<br />

and frequency. 14 Adults were tagged with radio-transmitters, seven females and seven males, of which ve were breeding pairs,<br />

in Stinker Point, Elephant Island. e radio signals were registered by an Automatic Listening Station between December 2009<br />

and February 2010. Females attend more o en the nest than males (binominal test, Chi2 = 799.3; P < 0.001), although the mean<br />

number of <strong>da</strong>ys each gen<strong>de</strong>r atten<strong>de</strong>d the nest was not di erent (F = 0.01; P = 0.92). Our results suggest a higher breeding e ort<br />

in females while larger males may tra<strong>de</strong> o reproduction success in favor of own survival, at least in anomalous summers. Un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

severe climatic conditions like the austral summer of 2009/2011 males tend to abandon the nest earlier than females.<br />

Keywords: behavior, nesting, radio-transmitters, telemetry<br />

e Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus) is a<br />

circumpolar cold-water seabird of the southern oceans and<br />

the Antarctic (Onley & Sco eld, 2007). It is a long-lived<br />

species that un<strong>de</strong>rtakes long-distance migrations between<br />

the breeding periods (Harrison, 1983). e breeding period<br />

is a key element in the bird’s lifecycle. Several studies<br />

focus on the behavior of the parents during the breeding<br />

process. In species with sex size dimorphism di erences in<br />

provision frequency and duration of foraging trips between<br />

gen<strong>de</strong>rs can be expected. Gen<strong>de</strong>r related di erences in<br />

foraging behavior were reported for several albatross<br />

species (Weimerskirch et al., 1993; Phillips et al., 2004).<br />

Size di erences between female and male giant albatrosses<br />

are expressive. Males are up to 20% heavier than females<br />

(Gonzáles-Sólis et al., 2000a) and sex related di erences in<br />

foraging duration and frequency can be expected. Studies<br />

of Gonzáles-Sólis et al. (2000a,b) and Gonzáles-Sólis<br />

(2004) concentrated particularly on Northern Giant Petrel<br />

(Macronectes halli). ey found substantial segregation<br />

between males and females in relation to foraging strategies,<br />

foraging areas and feeding resources. Males ma<strong>de</strong> shorter<br />

trips than females, principally feeding on penguin and<br />

seal carrion on the beaches close to the breeding sites.<br />

Females were encountered more frequently in pelagic<br />

habitats than males and fed more o en on marine prey.<br />

Gonzáles-Solís et al. (2002) reported two types of trips<br />

by satellite tracking in Giant Petrels: pelagic with mean<br />

duration of 15 <strong>da</strong>ys and coastal trips of median durations of<br />

eight <strong>da</strong>ys. Unfortunately, the author’s do not di erentiate<br />

results nor for species neither for gen<strong>de</strong>rs. e objectives<br />

of our study were a) to perform a radio tagging pilot study<br />

to test the <strong>de</strong>ployment of unatten<strong>de</strong>d Automatic Listening<br />

Stations (ALS) in a pilot study on Elephant Island and b)<br />

investigate sex related di erences in nest atten<strong>da</strong>nce during<br />

the breeding period of Giant Southern Petrel and to <strong>de</strong>scribe<br />

presence / absence patterns of both sexes.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />

9<br />


Materials and Methods<br />

Study area<br />

e tagging experiment was conducted at Stinker point on<br />

Elephant Island, South Shetland Islands (Figure 1). 95%<br />

of the island is un<strong>de</strong>r permanent ice cover. All colonies<br />

of seabirds are concentrated on the remaining 5% which<br />

may be ice free at late Antarctic summer. Mean annual<br />

temperature is –2 °C, mean summer temperature 1 °C<br />

(<strong>Instituto</strong> Hidrogra co <strong>de</strong> la Arma<strong>da</strong> Chile, 1989). Even<br />

in the austral summer snowstorms and low visibility due<br />

to fog are frequent.<br />

Tagging<br />

For tagging digitally co<strong>de</strong>d transmitters (LOTEK; type<br />

MCTF-3A weight 16 g, 149 MHz) were used. Burst rate was<br />

Figure 1. Antarctic Elephant Island. The rectangle indicates the study area at Stinker Point.<br />

96 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

set to 5s, expected transmitter life 641d. Tagging procedure<br />

exten<strong>de</strong>d 7 <strong>da</strong>ys, due to the weather conditions with<br />

temperatures at –5 °C and gust winds of up to 35 miles h-1 .<br />

We tagged seven females and seven males on nine nests, of<br />

which ve were occupied by couples (Table 1).<br />

All individuals were tagged when sitting on the nest.<br />

One leg was gently exten<strong>de</strong>d without securing the body of<br />

the bird. e transmitter, glued on a piece of so foam, was<br />

attached to the tarsus-metatarsus by 3M Silver tape, the whip<br />

antenna extending in the direction of the foot (Figure 2).<br />

Some individuals, mostly males, had to be secured holding<br />

the body. When these individuals were released after<br />

tagging, they escaped ying. Usually they returned to nest<br />

in less than two minutes.<br />

The radio signals were registered by an Automatic<br />

Listening Station (ALS) which consisted of a SRX 400

Table 1. Tagging <strong>da</strong>te, digital transmitter co<strong>de</strong>, gen<strong>de</strong>r and nest number<br />

of tagged individuals. Note that nest number 1, 3, 5 and 14 were occupied<br />

by one tagged parent only.<br />

Date Hour Co<strong>de</strong> Female Male Nest<br />

04-DEC-09 11.00 102 X 1<br />

04-DEC-09 11.00 103 X 3<br />

04-DEC-98 12.00 105 X 5<br />

06-DEC-09 10.00 114 X 14<br />

04-DEC-09 11.00 101 X 2<br />

05-DEC-09 12.00 104 X 2<br />

03-DEC-09 16.00 107 X 7<br />

05-DEC-09 12.00 106 X 7<br />

03-DEC-09 16.00 108 X 8<br />

05-DEC-09 12.00 109 X 8<br />

03-DEC-09 16.00 110 X 10<br />

04-DEC-09 12.00 112 X 10<br />

06-DEC-09 10.00 111 X 11<br />

09-DEC-09 11.00 113 X 11<br />

receiver with <strong>da</strong>ta logger function (LOTEK, Cana<strong>da</strong>)<br />

equipped with a stan<strong>da</strong>rd omnidirectional whip antenna.<br />

Time partition was set to 30 minutes to optimize <strong>da</strong>ta<br />

logger memory capacity of 524288 bytes. e power was<br />

supplied by the internal batteries of the receiver, which were<br />

automatically recharged in a 12 hours rhythm by the electric<br />

generator of the research unit. Birds were tagged in two<br />

di erent breeding groups at 170 m distance to the receiver.<br />

e tracking period exten<strong>de</strong>d from 03 December 2009 to<br />

10 February 2010. Between 07 January and 10 February<br />

the equipment was le unatten<strong>de</strong>d. During this period<br />

power was supplied by a 300 Ah truck battery. Data from<br />

the ALS was downloa<strong>de</strong>d in three <strong>da</strong>ys intervals. During<br />

the absence of the research team <strong>da</strong>ta accumulated for<br />

approximately one month in the internal receiver memory.<br />

When necessary <strong>da</strong>ta were ln-transformed to meet the<br />

criteria of homogeneity of variances for ANOVA, tested<br />

by Levene´s statistic. Binominal test was used to test for<br />

di erences in presence <strong>da</strong>ta between gen<strong>de</strong>rs. Signi cance<br />

level in all tests was set to P < 0.05. e dispersion measure<br />

is the stan<strong>da</strong>rd error (s.e.).<br />

Figure 2. Leg mounted radiotransmitters on Southern Giant Petrel.<br />

Results<br />

During the three month period of tracking two technical<br />

problems occurred. The first was power supply, which<br />

acci<strong>de</strong>ntally disconnected and caused a <strong>da</strong>ta loss of two <strong>da</strong>ys.<br />

e second was related to false absence <strong>da</strong>ta. On several<br />

occasions the presence of a tagged bird was con rmed by<br />

visual observation but the ALS did not receive the signal.<br />

All tagged individuals remained in the study area and<br />

their signals were registered throughout the investigation<br />

period (Figure 3). A total of 8086 events of radio signals<br />

were registered by the ALS, of which 5314 were produced<br />

by the presence of females and 2772 by males. This<br />

di erence in presence of both gen<strong>de</strong>rs is highly signi cant<br />

(multinominal test, Chi2 = 799.3; P < 0.001). Of all 14 tagged<br />

petrels 11 resumed breeding activities a er tagging. ree<br />

individuals did not: a male without tagged partner (nest 1)<br />

and a couple (nest 11). e breeding individuals produced<br />

distinct presence/absence patterns (Figure 3, Table 1).<br />

Although females were present during 18 periods (min.<br />

3 <strong>da</strong>ys, max. 9 <strong>da</strong>ys) and males only 5 periods (min. 2, max.<br />

13 <strong>da</strong>ys) mean nest atten<strong>da</strong>nce (females 6.4 <strong>da</strong>ys ± 0.56;<br />

males 6.8 ± 1.3) was not signi cantly di erent in both sexes<br />

(F = 0.01; P = 0.92). All nests were abandoned during the<br />

study period. e rst was nest 8 on 18 December, the last<br />

nest 10 on 23 January. e atten<strong>da</strong>nce pattern of co<strong>de</strong>s<br />

110 (female) and 112 (male; Figure 3) show, that the male<br />

ceases breeding on 27 December. At this <strong>da</strong>te occurred a<br />

switch in nest atten<strong>da</strong>nce. e <strong>de</strong>parting male was registered<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />


Figure 3. Nest atten<strong>da</strong>nce periods of tagged Giant Southern Petrel. Co<strong>de</strong>s on the left refer to individuals of Table 1. Numbers on the left insi<strong>de</strong> the fi gure<br />

refer to nests.<br />

the last time at 12.30 hours and the arriving female at<br />

12.36 hours. Since then the female remained for a period of<br />

eight <strong>da</strong>ys on the nest and le for four. She le and returned<br />

three times, with <strong>de</strong>creasing periods of nest atten<strong>da</strong>nce until<br />

the nest was abandoned ultimately on 23 January.<br />

Discussion<br />

e results of our study showed, that the <strong>de</strong>ployment of<br />

unatten<strong>de</strong>d ALS is technically viable un<strong>de</strong>r the severe<br />

climatic conditions of Elephant Island. Signal reception<br />

problems may be reduced in future experiments by the<br />

use of directional antennas. Tagging <strong>da</strong>ta revealed that the<br />

signal count of tagged females is signi cantly higher than<br />

for males. is means, that female Petrel presence in the<br />

98 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

breeding colony is far more intensive. e higher number<br />

of uninterrupted atten<strong>da</strong>nce periods (18) reinforces this<br />

result, although mean atten<strong>da</strong>nce duration did not di er<br />

from males. ese results indicate a higher breeding e ort<br />

in females while larger males may tra<strong>de</strong> o reproduction<br />

success e ort in favor of own survival (Bijleveld & Mullers,<br />

2009). Adult survival is a principal <strong>de</strong>mographic parameter<br />

that drives the population dynamics in long-lived seabirds<br />

(Rolland et al., 2009). Further tagging experiments, which<br />

are planned for the season 2011/2012 have to con rm the<br />

present ten<strong>de</strong>ncy on a broa<strong>de</strong>r <strong>da</strong>ta base. De Villiers et al.<br />

(2006) documented high stress levels in congeneric<br />

Northern Giant Petrel when disturbed. is stress sensitivity<br />

may have caused the interruption of the breeding process in<br />

three individuals as consequence of the tagging procedure.

All other individuals initially continued breeding and<br />

abandoned the nests later. No chick hatched in nests<br />

where one or both parents were tagged. Most probably<br />

the unusual extreme weather conditions of the 2009/2010<br />

austral summer caused the reproduction failures. Heavy<br />

snow precipitation and gust winds of 90 km h –1 occurred<br />

frequently at the beginning of the tracking period. Snow<br />

cover exten<strong>de</strong>d until mid December. When the research<br />

team returned on 13 February, census <strong>da</strong>ta showed, that<br />

only 5.8% of pairs successfully raised a edge.<br />

Conclusions<br />

e <strong>de</strong>ployment of unatten<strong>de</strong>d ALS is technically viable<br />

for a period of up to ve weeks. ree out of 14 individuals<br />

References<br />

abandoned their nests probably as consequence of tagging<br />

stress. During the tracking period, female Giant Petrel<br />

displayed a higher breeding e ort than males. Un<strong>de</strong>r severe<br />

climatic conditions like the austral summer of 2009/2011<br />

males ten<strong>de</strong>d to abandon the nest earlier than females.<br />

Acknoledgements<br />

e study had nancial support from INCT-APA (CNPq<br />

Process n° 574018/2008-5), FAPERJ (E-26/170.023/2008),<br />

WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and supported<br />

by the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Science<br />

and Technology and the Secretary of Marine Resources<br />

(SECIRM).<br />

Bijleveld, A.I. & Mullers, R.H.E. (2009). Reproductive effort in biparental care: an experimental study in long lived Cape<br />

gannets. Behavioral Ecology, 20(4): 736-44.<br />

De Villiers, M.; Bause, M.; Giese, M. & Fourie, A. (2006). Hardly hard-hearted: heart rate responses of incubating Northern<br />

Giant Petrels (Macronectes halli) to human disturbance on sub-Antarctic Marion Island. Polar Biology, 29(8): 717-20.<br />

Gonzáles-Solís, J.; Croxall, J.P. & Wood, A.G. (2000a). Sexual dimorphism and sexual segregation in foraging strategies of<br />

northern giant petrels Macronectes halli during incubation. Oikos, 90: 390-98.<br />

Gonzáles-Solís, J.; Croxall, J.P. & Wood, A.G. (2000b). Foraging partitioning between giant petrels Macronectes spp. And its<br />

relationship with breeding population changes at Bird Island, South Georgia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 204: 279-88<br />

Gonzáles-Solís, J.; Croxall, J. P. & Briggs, D. R. (2002). Activity patterns of giant petrels, Macronectes spp., using different<br />

foraging strategies. Marine Biology, 140: 197-204.<br />

Gonzáles-Sólis, J. (2004). Sexual sixe dimorphism in northern giant petrels: ecological correlates and scaling. Oikos, 105:<br />

247-54.<br />

Harrison, P. (1983). Seabirds, an i<strong>de</strong>ntifi cation gui<strong>de</strong>. Boston: Houghton Miffl in.<br />

<strong>Instituto</strong> Hidrografi co <strong>de</strong> la Arma<strong>da</strong> Chile. (1989). Derrotero <strong>de</strong> la costa <strong>de</strong> Chile. 2 ed. Santiago, I.H.A pub. 3006, v. 6, 251<br />

pages.<br />

Onley, D. & Scofi eld, P. (2007). Albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters of the world. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.<br />

Phillips, R. A.; Silk, J. R. D.; Phalan, B.; Catry, P. & Croxall, J. P. (2004). Seasonal sexual segregation in two Thallassarche<br />

albatross species: competitive exclusion, reproductive role specialization or foraging niche divergence. Proceedings of<br />

the Royal Society of London - Series B - Biological Science, 271: 1283–91.<br />

Rolland, V.; Novoux, M.; Barbraud, C. & Weimerskirch, H. (2009). Respective impact of climate and fi sheries on the growth<br />

of an Albatross population. Ecological Applications, 19: 1336-46.<br />

Weimerskirch, H.; Salamolard, M.; Sarrazin, F. & Jouventin, P. (1993). Foraging strategy of wan<strong>de</strong>ring albatrosses through<br />

the breeding season: a study using satellite telemetry. Auk, 110: 325-42.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |<br />





108 Plankton Structure a in Shallow Coastal Zone at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctic<br />

Peninsula (Wap): Pico, Nano and Microplankton and Chlorophyll Biomass<br />

115 Plankton Structure a in Shallow Coastal Zone at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctic<br />

Peninsula (Wap): Chlorophyll Biomass and Size-Fractionated Chlorophyll During Austral Summer<br />

2009/2010<br />

121 Plankton Structure a in Shallow Coastal Zone at Admiralty Bay, King George Island West Antarctic<br />

Peninsula (Wap): Composition of Phytoplankton and Infl uence of Benthic Diatoms<br />

126 Effect of Temperature, Salinity and Fluori<strong>de</strong> on the Plasmatic Constituents Concentration of Antarctic<br />

Fish Notothenia rossii (Richardson, 1844)<br />

131 Arginase Kinetic Characterization of the Gastropod Nacella concinna and its Physiological Relation<br />

with Energy Requirement Demand and the Presence of Heavy Metals<br />

137 Arsenic, Copper and Zinc in Marine Sediments from the Proximity of the Brazilian<br />

Antarctic Base, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antartica<br />

141 Molecular Differentiation of Two Antarctic Fish Species of the Genus Notothenia (Notothenioi<strong>de</strong>i:<br />

Notothenii<strong>da</strong>e) by Pcr-Rfl p Technique<br />

145 Distribution of Sterols In Sediment Cores from Martel Inlet, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica<br />

150 Background Values and Assessment of Fecal Steroids Discharged into Two Inlets<br />

(Mackelar And Ezcurra) in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica<br />

155 The Role of Early Diagenesis in the Sedimentary Steroids around Penguin Island, Antarctica<br />

162 Occurrence of Microbial Faecal Pollution Indicators in Sediment and Water Samples at Admiralty Bay,<br />

King George Island, Antarctica<br />

167 Aspects of Population Structure of Nacella concinna (Strebel, 1908) (Gastropo<strong>da</strong> – Nacelli<strong>da</strong>e) at<br />

Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica<br />

171 Monitoring the Impact of Human Activities in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica:<br />

Preliminary Results of the Meiofauna Community<br />

176 Role of Meteorological Events on the Macrofauna Community and Sediment Composition of the<br />

Shallow Waters of Martel Inlet (Admiralty Bay, Antarctica)<br />

182 Monitoring the Impact of Human Activities in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica: Isotopic<br />

Analysis of C And N in the Summer of 2005/2006<br />

188 Associated Fauna of Prasiola crispa (Chlorophyta) Related to Penguin Rookery at Arctowski (King<br />

George Island, South Shetland Islands, Maritime Antarctic)<br />

194 Assessing Non-Native Species in the Antartic Marine Benthic Environment<br />

100 | Annual Activity Report 2010

The Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA #1) of<br />

Admiralty Bay encompasses the scienti c facilities of ve<br />

countries (Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Poland and U.S.A). e<br />

marine topography is similar to that of ords and has been<br />

subject to a strong impact from the global climate changes<br />

recor<strong>de</strong>d in the last <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

The importance of the continuous environmental<br />

monitoring of Antarctica became evi<strong>de</strong>nt with the approval<br />

of the Environmental Protection Protocol (Madrid<br />

Protocol) through the consultative parties of the Antarctica<br />

Treaty in 1991. e subsequent technical and scienti c<br />

meetings un<strong>de</strong>rtaken in the sphere of COMNAP (Council<br />

of Managers of National Antarctic Programs) and SCAR<br />

(Scienti c Committee on Antarctic Research) resulted in<br />

a technical manual with stan<strong>da</strong>rd methodologies for the<br />

physical and chemical monitoring of environmental factors<br />

(COMNAP, 2000). However, this protocol does not inclu<strong>de</strong><br />

the biota monitoring and its biological responses as a way of<br />

predicting natural and anthropic impacts on the Antarctic<br />

ecosystems.<br />

e rst long-term environmental monitoring initiative<br />

in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica, was<br />

conceived in the 70’s by the researcher Wa yne Z. Trivelpiece,<br />

of Seabird Research, U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources<br />

Division (Trivelpiece et al., 1987), with focus on the<br />

monitoring of bird populations in the region. In 2001,<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the title of “Environmental management of Admiralty<br />

Bay, King George Island, Antarctica (Network 2)”, the<br />

Brazilian Antarctic Programme (Proantar) implemented a<br />

broa<strong>de</strong>r proposal of environmental monitoring, supported<br />

by the National Council for Scienti c and Technological<br />

Development (CNPq) and the Brazilian Ministry of the<br />

Environment (MMA). e proposal inclu<strong>de</strong>d the addition<br />

Coordinator<br />

Dr. Helena Passeri Lavrado<br />

Vice-Coordinator<br />

Dr. Edson Rodrigues<br />

of biological information to the <strong>da</strong>ta generated from the<br />

physical and chemical monitoring of the marine, terrestrial<br />

and atmospheric environment. is initiative was recognised<br />

by the international scienti c community and rati ed the<br />

Brazilian commitment to the Madrid Protocol. With the<br />

creation of INCT-APA (National Institute for Science and<br />

Technology-Antarctic Environmental Research) by the<br />

Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), in<br />

2008, the monitoring programme originally proposed by<br />

Network 2 was broa<strong>de</strong>ned and consoli<strong>da</strong>ted.<br />

The Thematic Area 3 of INCT- APA is responsible<br />

for the long-term ecological programme of the ASMA#1<br />

marine environment and aggregates information of the<br />

atmospheric and terrestrial environments (Figure 1). Long<br />

term climate series with records of solar radiations (ultra-<br />

violet, for example), speed and direction of winds, air<br />

temperature and atmospheric phenomena (Correia et al.,<br />

2010; Marani & Alvalá, 2010; Pinheiro et al., 2010) have<br />

contributed to the comprehension of the climatic e ects in<br />

the behaviour of the terrestrial and marine biota. Data of<br />

the vegetation and the bird populations are also essential to<br />

evaluate the transfer of energy between the terrestrial and<br />

marine environments. Di erent from what occurs in the<br />

marine environment of tropical and subtropical regions, the<br />

seasonality of the photoperiod in Antarctica signi cantly<br />

reduces sea primary production during winter and imposes<br />

long periods of food restrictions (Brockington, 2001).<br />

However, during summer, the photoperiod is much longer<br />

o ering a true explosion of life in the Antarctic seas. e<br />

phytoplankton studies un<strong>de</strong>rtaken in the summer of the<br />

Brazilian Antarctic Expedition XXVIII (2009/2010) revealed<br />

that the benthic microalgae and diatoms have an important<br />

role in the primary productivity of the pelagic coastal region<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


of Admiralty Bay (Tenenbaum et al., 2010b), with some<br />

changes in phytoplankton community structure over the<br />

summer (Tenenbaum et al., 2010a) and with relatively low<br />

and spatially heterogeneous concentrations of chlorophyll<br />

(Tenório et al., 2010).<br />

102 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Di erently to subti<strong>da</strong>l zones, which present high thermal<br />

stability, the interti<strong>da</strong>l zones su er the direct seasonal e ect<br />

of the terrestrial climate. e frequent emersion of this<br />

region exposes the organisms to <strong>de</strong>siccation, solar radiation<br />

and to relatively high temperatures during the Antarctic<br />

summer. In winter, however, the challenges are of another<br />

nature, with the presence of foot ice and low temperatures<br />

favouring freezing conditions. e lixiviation of the volcanic<br />

rocks by melt waters transports high concentrations of<br />

heavy metals to the interti<strong>da</strong>l and shallow subti<strong>da</strong>l zones<br />

(Ahn et al., 1996). Besi<strong>de</strong>s the natural stress, the interti<strong>da</strong>l<br />

organisms are subject to pollution from the scientific<br />

stations, ships and small vessels used to load and unload<br />

material/personnel on the beaches (Naveen et al., 2001).<br />

e gastropod Nacella concinna is the most conspicuous<br />

macroinvertebrate of the interti<strong>da</strong>l zone and has been<br />

postulated as the sentinel organism for heavy metals<br />

monitoring (Ahn et al., 2002). Preliminary <strong>da</strong>ta of<br />

Figueiredo and Lavrado (2010) reveal that the Brazilian<br />

presence in the region apparently does not interfere in the<br />

population dynamics of this gastropod in Admiralty Bay.<br />

Figure 1. The connections (interrelations) of the long-term ecological programme on the marine environment of Admiralty Bay, King George Island,<br />

Antarctica (Thematic Area 3 of INCT-APA). The scientifi c activities <strong>de</strong>veloped in the sphere of the marine environment inclu<strong>de</strong>s information of the water column<br />

(hydrology, phytoplankton and zooplankton), the benthic system (phytobenthos and zoobenthos), the physical-chemical and microbiological composition of<br />

the sediment (POPs, MOPEs, metals, etc), the biological responses to natural and anthropic impacts (biochemical, cellular and histopathological biomarkers)<br />

and the trophic web. The information on the atmospheric environment is complementary to the marine environmental studies. The exchange of scientifi c<br />

information between the marine and terrestrial environments facilitates the comprehension of the energy transfer processes. Finally, the scientifi c <strong>da</strong>ta<br />

generated in the sphere of the marine environment offers support to the environmental management module. (Illustration: Edson Rodrigues).

e di erences found between the sampling sites seem to be<br />

related to natural causes and not with the pollution e ects<br />

of the Brazilian station. Studies about energy metabolism<br />

modulation of this gastropod, showed that L-arginine<br />

metabolism has a fun<strong>da</strong>mental role in the thermal stress<br />

recovery (Pörtner et al., 1999). In this respect, the arginases<br />

have been postulated as key-enzymes in the control of the<br />

cellular levels of L-arginine in non-ureotelic animals and<br />

in the extra-hepatic tissues of ureotelics (Jenkinson et al.,<br />

1996). Arginase kinetic characterization of the N.<br />

concinna foot muscle and gills was un<strong>de</strong>rtaken during the<br />

Brazilian Antarctic Expedition XXVIII, with specimens<br />

collected in the interti<strong>da</strong>l zone near the diesel oil tanks<br />

of the Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Antarctic Station (EACF) as a<br />

preliminary evaluation of the biomarker potential of this<br />

enzyme (Rodrigues et al., 2010b).<br />

Studies concerning the contamination of the marine<br />

environment around the Antarctic scienti c stations of<br />

McMurdo (Ross Island), Casey (East Antarctica), Rothera<br />

(A<strong>de</strong>lai<strong>de</strong> Island) and Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz (King George<br />

Island) revealed that the contamination by metals and<br />

hydrocarbons, <strong>de</strong>rived from human activities, can have a<br />

signi cant impact on the benthic communities. High levels<br />

of heavy metals and coliform bacteria have been <strong>de</strong>tected<br />

in sediments close to the sewage outfall. Several variables,<br />

including the composition of the marine sediments (total<br />

organic carbon, grain size, heavy metals, amongst others),<br />

have been correlated with the biological communities found<br />

in the region (Lohan et al., 2001; Montone et al., 2010;<br />

Stark et al., 2003).<br />

e <strong>de</strong>tection of high levels of the bacteria Escherichia<br />

coli and Clostridium perfringens in samples from EACF<br />

suggest that the contamination is persistent, with small<br />

impact and did not increase when compared to the results<br />

of the previous years (Ushimaru et al., 2010). Analyses<br />

of sterols present in the marine sediments of Admiralty<br />

Bay is also contributing to the comprehension of the<br />

environmental changes caused by natural and anthropic<br />

factors (Wisnieski et al., 2010). e ratio between stanol/<br />

stenol concentrations has been used to indicate the <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

of redox potential in anaerobic environments and in the<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of cycles involving the organic matter in the<br />

sediments (Ceschim et al., 2010). e low level of anthropic<br />

impact in Admiralty Bay also became evi<strong>de</strong>nt in the analysis<br />

of arsenic, copper and zinc in marine sediments of locations<br />

close to EACF (Ribeiro et al., 2010).<br />

e energy transfer of the water column productivity to<br />

higher trophic levels seems to be more e cient in the marine<br />

environments of high latitu<strong>de</strong>s. Although several ecological<br />

studies have revealed a high benthic biomass in the coastal<br />

region of Admiralty Bay, the rst estimate of energy transfer<br />

over the trophic web in that region, on the basis of isotopic<br />

analysis δ13C, was un<strong>de</strong>rtaken by Corbisier et al. (2004). In<br />

a recent study, concerning the benthic meiofauna in front<br />

of EACF, Corbisier et al. (2010b) veri ed a possible impact<br />

of human activity in the marine environment. However, the<br />

results of isotopic δ 13C, comparing the beginning and end of<br />

summer, did not indicate an increase of the sewage in uence<br />

on the structure of the trophic web (Corbisier et al., 2010a).<br />

On the other hand, it becomes important to monitor<br />

simultaneously the e ects of natural phenomena in the<br />

structure of benthic communities, in or<strong>de</strong>r to distinguish<br />

natural impacts from those caused by human activities. e<br />

e ect of strong and mo<strong>de</strong>rate winds on the hydrodynamics of<br />

this coastal region, for example, can change the composition<br />

of the sediment and cause a signi cant short-term variation<br />

in the <strong>de</strong>nsity of the macrofauna (Monteiro et al., 2010),<br />

masking the e ects of human activities in the region.<br />

e use of shes in monitoring programmes presents<br />

some advantages, such as easy species i<strong>de</strong>nti cation, the<br />

species distribution in di erent trophic levels and their<br />

long life cycle, which allows the generation of a long time<br />

series of biological <strong>da</strong>ta (Whit eld & Elliott, 2002). e<br />

Antarctic ichthyofauna is dominated by the subor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Notothenioi<strong>de</strong>i which is ma<strong>de</strong> up of eight families and<br />

101 <strong>de</strong>scribed species. e en<strong>de</strong>mism is high (88%) being<br />

at least three times greater than any other isolated marine<br />

environment (Eastman, 2005). e Antarctic sh Notothenia<br />

rossii and Notothenia coriiceps were selected as targetorganisms<br />

for biochemical and histopathological biomarker<br />

studies consi<strong>de</strong>ring their distribution and abun<strong>da</strong>nce in<br />

Admiralty Bay. However, the species N. coriiceps <strong>de</strong>scribed<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


y Richadson, in 1884, and Notothenia neglecta, <strong>de</strong>scribed<br />

by Nybelin in 1951, were consi<strong>de</strong>red the same species by<br />

DeWitt (1966) motivating systemic doubts. e study with<br />

mitochondrial DNA, conducted by Machado et al. (2010),<br />

using samples of these notothenioids collected in Admiralty<br />

Bay, con rm them to be one sole species. e i<strong>de</strong>nti cation<br />

of metabolic responses as potential biomarkers of natural<br />

and anthropic impacts in Antarctic sh in Admiralty Bay<br />

has taken into account the e ects of climate warming,<br />

low salinity and of the trophic uori<strong>de</strong> availability. In this<br />

respect, there exists evi<strong>de</strong>nces that the temperature increase<br />

leads to a reduction in the levels of chlori<strong>de</strong> and magnesium<br />

in the blood of Antarctic sh N. rossii, and the low salinity<br />

(20 psu) reduces in a signi cant way the plasmatic levels<br />

of calcium (Rodrigues et al., 2010a), which may have<br />

References<br />

104 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

signi cant e ects on the physiology and biology of this<br />

species over the time.<br />

Lastly, anthropic impacts may not be restricted just to<br />

local human activities. e risk of introducing exotic species<br />

in a pristine environment like Antarctica, with a high level<br />

of en<strong>de</strong>mic species, has increased in the last <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s. is<br />

is due t o not only the intensi cation of human activities in<br />

the Antarctic region, such as research and tourism, but also<br />

to an expansion of the geographic distribution of the species<br />

from slightly warmer regions, due to the gradual increase<br />

of the temperature in the Antarctic region (Frenot et al.,<br />

2005). Recent <strong>da</strong>ta shows that information on the benthic<br />

Antarctic biota which could allow an accurate risk analysis<br />

of bioinvasion (Bastos & Junqueira, 2011) are really scarce,<br />

indicating the urgency for an up-to-<strong>da</strong>te marine biota survey<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to i<strong>de</strong>ntify possible introduced species.<br />

Ahn, I.-Y.; Lee, S.H.; Kim, K.T.; Shim, J.H. & Kim, D.-Y. (1996). Baseline heavy metal concentrations in the Antarctic clam,<br />

Laternula elliptica in Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 32: 592-8.<br />

Ahn, I.Y.; Kim, K.W. & Choi, H.J. (2002). A baseline study on metal concentrations in the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna<br />

(Gastropo<strong>da</strong>: Patelli<strong>da</strong>e) on King George Island: Variations with sex and body parts. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44(5): 424-31.<br />

Bastos, A.C.F. & Junqueira, A.O.R. (2011). Assessing non-native species in Antarctic marine benthic environment, in: W.<br />

INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Brockington, S. (2001). The seasonal energetics of the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica (King and Bro<strong>de</strong>rip) at Rothera<br />

Point, A<strong>de</strong>lai<strong>de</strong> Island. Polar Biology, 24(7): 523-30.<br />

Ceschim, L.M.M.; Montone, R.C. & Martins, C.C. (2010). Role of early diagenesis in the sedimentary steroids around Penguin<br />

Island, Antarctica, in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

COMNAP (2000). Antarctic Environmental Monitoring Handbook. COMNAP and SCAR, Hobart Tasmania.<br />

Corbisier, T.; Petti, M.V.; Skowronski, R.P. & Brito, T.S. (2004). Trophic relationships in the nearshore zone of Martel Inlet (King<br />

George Island, Antarctica): d13C stable-isotope analysis. Polar Biol. 27, 75-82.<br />

Corbisier, T.N.; Bromberg, S.; Gheller, P.F.; Piera, F.E. & Petti, M.A.V. (2010a). Monitoring the impact of human activities in<br />

Admiralty Bay, King George Island: Isotopic analysis of C and N in summer 2005/2006, in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong><br />

Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Corbisier, T.N.; Gheller, P.F.; Ujikawa, M.C.U.; Bromberg, S. & Petti, M.A.V. (2010b). Monitoring the impact of human activities<br />

in Admiralty Bay, King George Island: Preliminary results of the meiofauna community, in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong><br />

Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Correia, E.; Raulin, P.J.; Kaufmann, P. & Bertoni, F.C.P. (2010). Studies of lower ionosphere response to external forcing, in:<br />

W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.

DeWitt, H.H., (1966). A revision of the Antarctic and southern genus Notothenia (Pisces, Nototheni<strong>da</strong>e) Stanford University,<br />

Palo Alto, 469.<br />

Eastman, J.T. (2005). The nature of the diversity of Antarctic fi shes. Polar Biology, 28(2): 93-107.<br />

Figueiredo, M.I.S. & Lavrado, H.P. (2010). Aspectos of population structure of Nacella concinna (Strebel, 1908) (Gastropo<strong>da</strong><br />

- Nacelli<strong>da</strong>e) at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica, in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas<br />

Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Frenot Y, Chown S. L, Whinam J, Selkirk P. M, Convey P, Skotnicki M, Bergstrom D. M. Biological invasions in the Antarctic:<br />

extent, impacts and implications. Biological Reviews, 80:45–72.doi:10.1017/S1464793104006542 [PubMed] 2005.<br />

Jenkinson, C.P.; Grody, W.W. & Ce<strong>de</strong>rbaum, S.D. (1996). Comparative properties of arginases. Comparative Biochemistry<br />

and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 114(1): 107-32.<br />

Lohan, M.; Statham, P. & Peck, L. (2001). Trace metals in the Antarctic soft-shelled clam Laternula elliptica: implications for<br />

metal pollution from Antarctic research stations. Polar Biology, 24(11): 808-17.<br />

Machado, C.; Shima<strong>da</strong>, M.K.; Fragoso, S.P.; Fanta, E.; Kawall, H.G;, Rodrigues, E. & Donatti, L. (2010). Molecular differentiation<br />

of two Antarctic fi sh species of the genus Notothenia (Notothenioi<strong>de</strong>i: Notothenii<strong>da</strong>e) by PCR-RFLP tecnhique, in: W.<br />

INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Marani, L. & Alvalá, P.C. (2010). Monitoriamento <strong>de</strong> gases do efeito estufa na Estação Antártica Comte Ferraz, in: W. INCT-<br />

APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Monteiro, G.S.; Petti, M.A.V.; Santos, M.C.E.R.; Grotto, B.W.; Gheller, P.F.; Nonato, E.F. & Corbisier, T.N. (2010). Role of<br />

meteorological events on the macrofauna community and sediment composition at the shallow waters of Martel Inlet<br />

(Admiralty Bay, Antarctica), in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Montone, R.C.; Martins, C.C.; Bícego, M.C.; Taniguchi, S.; Albuquerque Moreira <strong>da</strong> Silva, D.; Campos, L.S. & Weber, R.R.<br />

(2010). Distribution of sewage input in marine sediments around a maritime Antarctic research station indicated by<br />

molecular geochemical indicators. Science of the Total Environment, 408(20): 4665-71.<br />

Naveen, R.; Forrest, S.C.; Dagit, R.G.; Blight, L.K.; Trivelpiece, W.Z. & Trivelpiece, S.G. (2001). Zodiac landings by tourist<br />

ships in the Antarctic Peninsula region, 1989-99. Polar Record, 37: 121-32.<br />

Pinheiro, D.K.; Leme, N.P.; Peres, L.V. & Kall, E. (2010). Infl uence of the Antarctic ozone hole over south of Brazil in 2008 and<br />

2009, in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Pörtner, H.O.; Peck, L.; Zielinski, S. & Conway, L.Z. (1999). Intracellular pH and energy metabolism in the highly stenothermal<br />

Antarctic bivalve Limopsis marionensis as a function of ambient temperature. Polar Biology, 22(1): 17-30.<br />

Ribeiro, A.P.; Figueira, R.C.L.; Martins, C.C.; Silva, C.R.A.; França, E.J.; Bícego, M.C.; Mahiques, M.M. & Montone, R.C. (2010).<br />

Arsenic, copper and zinc in marine sediments from the proximity of brazilian Antarctic station, Admiralty Bay, King George<br />

Island, Antarctica, in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Rodrigues, E.; Donatti, L.; Su<strong>da</strong>, C.N.K.; Rodrigues Júnior, E.; Feijós <strong>de</strong> Oliveira, M.; Carvalho, C.S. & Vani, G.S. (2010a).<br />

Effect of temperature, salinity and fl uori<strong>de</strong> on the plasmatic constituents concentration of Antarctic fi sh Notothenia rossii<br />

(Richardson, 1844), in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Rodrigues, E.; Lavrado, H.P.; Donatti, L.; Su<strong>da</strong>, C.N.K.; Rodrigues Júnior, E.; Feijós <strong>de</strong> Oliveira, M. & Vani, G.S. (2010b). Arginase<br />

kinetic characterization of the gastropod Nacella concinna and its physiological relation with energy requirement <strong>de</strong>mand<br />

and the presence of heavy metals, in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Stark, J.S.; Riddle, M.J.; Snape, I. & Scouller, R.C. (2003). Human impacts in Antartic marine soft-sediment assemblages:<br />

correlations between multivariate biological patterns and environmental variables at Casey Station. Estuarine, Coastal<br />

and Shelf Science, 56(3-4): 717-34.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


Tenenbaum, D.R.; Barreira-Alba, J.J.; Duarte, R.B. & Tenório, M.M.B. (2010a). Plankton structure of shallow coastal zone<br />

at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP): pico, nano and microplankton and chlorophyll<br />

biomass, in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Tenenbaum, D.R.; Lange, P.; Fernan<strong>de</strong>s, L.; Calixto, M.; Barreira-Alba, J.J. & Garcia, V.M.T. (2010b). Plankton structure of<br />

shallow coastal zone at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP): composition of phytoplankton<br />

an infl uence of benthic diatoms, in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Tenório, M.M.B.; Duarte, B.R.; Barreira-Alba, J.J. & Tenenbaum, D.R. (2010). Plankton structure of shallow zone at Admiralty<br />

Bay, King George Island: chlorophyll biomass and size-fractionated chlorophyll during austral summer 2009/2010, in:<br />

W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Trivelpiece, W.Z.; Trivelpiece, S.G. & Volkman, N.J. (1987). Ecological segregation of A<strong>de</strong>lie, gentoo, and chinstrap penguins<br />

at King George Island, Antarctica. Ecology, 68(2): 351-61.<br />

Ushimaru, P.I.; Nakayama, C.R.; Vilella, D. & Pellizari, V.H. (2010). Occurrence of microbial faecal pollution indicators in<br />

sediment and water samples at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica, in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional<br />

<strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

Whitfi eld, A.K. & Elliott, M. (2002). Fishes as indicators of environmental and ecological changes within estuaries: A review<br />

of progress and some suggestions for the future. Journal of Fish Biology, 61(Suppl. A): 229-50.<br />

Wisnieski, E.; Ceschim, L.M.M.; Aguiar, S.N. & Martins, C.C. (2010). Distribution of sterols in sediment cores from Martel<br />

Inlet, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula, in: W. INCT-APA (Ed.). <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas<br />

Espaciais (INPE), Natal - RN.<br />

106 | Annual Activity Report 2010

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


1 PLANKTON<br />





108 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Denise Rivera Tenenbaum 1,* , José Juan Barrera-Alba 1,** ,<br />

Renatha Barboza Duarte 1 , Márcio Murilo Barboza Tenório 1,***<br />

1 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Fitoplâncton Marinho, <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Biologia</strong>, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro – <strong>UFRJ</strong>, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ, Brazil<br />

e-mail: *<strong>de</strong>niser@biologia.ufrj.br; **juanalba@biologia.ufrj.br; ***marcio.tenorio@biologia.ufrj.br<br />

Abstract: e phytoplankton composition and biomass are being monitored in Admiralty Bay, Antarctic Peninsula since 2002 to<br />

<strong>de</strong>tect possible interannual changes on a long-term perspective. In this report, we present the preliminary results of the 2009/2010<br />

monitoring program regarding phytoplankton size-structure and biomass. Even if mean microplankton <strong>de</strong>nsities were similar<br />

between December 2009 and February 2010, diferent phytoplankton groups dominated each sampling period. Pennate diatoms<br />

showed highest contribution in December, whereas athecate dino agellates were the most abun<strong>da</strong>nt microplanktonic group in<br />

February. Pico and nanoplankton were only <strong>de</strong>tailed during the second sampling period, and results showed that phytoplankton<br />

were dominated by cells

y epi uorescence microscopy, and furthermore through<br />

a higher sampling frequency effort. Additionally, the<br />

composition of microphytobenthos species will be carried<br />

out to study the e ects of environmental changes on this<br />

community in the nearshore Antarctic ecosystem.<br />

In the present study we show preliminary results during<br />

the OPERANTAR XXVIII, between December 2009 and<br />

February 2010.<br />

Materials and methods<br />

Study area<br />

Admiralty Bay (62° 03’-12’ S and 58° 18’-38’ W), located at<br />

King George Island, is a <strong>de</strong>ep ord-like embayment with 500<br />

m maximum <strong>de</strong>pth at its centre (Rakusa-Suszczewski et al.,<br />

1993). e waters from the bay mix with the <strong>de</strong>ep oceanic<br />

waters from Bellingshausen and Wed<strong>de</strong>ll Seas at its southern<br />

opening, which connects to the Brans eld Strait (Rakusa-<br />

Suszczewski, 1980; Lipski, 1987). e maximum <strong>de</strong>pth<br />

varies between 60 m along the shores and 500 m in the<br />

centre of the bay. Deep currents generated by ti<strong>de</strong>s, frequent<br />

upwellings, vertical mixing of the entire water column and<br />

current velocities of 30-100 cm.s −1 in the 0-100 m surface<br />

stratum are characteristic of the bay (Rakusa−Suszczewski,<br />

1993). In the context of water column production, Admiralty<br />

Bay at nearshore can be consi<strong>de</strong>red as “high nutrient – low<br />

chlorophyll” (HNLC) Platt et al. (2003) showing high<br />

inorganic dissolved nitrogen (16.6-46.9 µM) and phosphate<br />

(0.2-9.9 µM) concentrations, while chlorophyll levels are<br />

lower than 1.7 µg.L –1 (Lange et al., 2007).<br />

Sampling<br />

The analysis of microplankton and chlorophyll was<br />

performed from aliquots of the 5 L water samples collected<br />

with a Van Dorn bottle from surface, middle water column<br />

and near the bottom (≈30m) at ve stations in December<br />

2009 and in February 2010. e fractionation analysis<br />

of pico- and nanoplankton was performed only at three<br />

stations (AR, MP and CF) in February 2010, when three<br />

surveys were done. e Admiralty Bay location and the<br />

position of the sampling stations are shown in Figure 1.<br />

At the same time, temperature and salinity<br />

measurements were carried out by the Laboratório<br />

<strong>de</strong> Química Orgânica Marinha (LabQOM), <strong>Instituto</strong><br />

Oceanográ co <strong>da</strong> Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> São Paulo ( e Marine<br />

Organic Chemistry Laboratory of the Oceanographic<br />

Institute of the University of São Paulo).<br />

Fixation and preparation of samples<br />

For microplankton (>20 µm), 1 L aliquots were xed with<br />

bu ered formal<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong> (2% f.c.). In the laboratory, samples<br />

were analysed using the settling technique (Utermöhl,<br />

1958) in an Olympus IX70® inverted microscope at 400x<br />

magni cation.<br />

For pico- (

Figure 1. Study area (modifi ed from Moura, 2009) with the position of the sampling sites: Ferraz Station (CF), Botany Point (BP), Machu Picchu (MP), Point<br />

Thomas (PT), Arctowski (AR).<br />

stations were tested by a One-Way ANOVA with a Kruskal-<br />

Wallis test (p < 0.05). Spearman’s correlation factor was also<br />

calculated.<br />

Results<br />

Microplankton and total chlorophyll biomass<br />

between early and late summer<br />

Although salinity showed little variation between sampling<br />

periods, values were on average lower in February<br />

2010 (33.9 ± 0.2) than in December 2009 (34.2 ± 0.1).<br />

During the early summer, the water was relatively col<strong>de</strong>r<br />

(–0.13 ± 0.11 °C) than during late summer (0.68 ± 0.25 °C).<br />

Although no great di erences in salinity and temperature<br />

between sampling stations during each period, on Machu<br />

Picchu (MP) the lowest salinity and temperature were<br />

observed in December 2009, while at EACF the lowest<br />

values for both variables were registered in January 2010<br />

(Figures 2a, b). Total chlorophyll biomass was on average<br />

110 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

higher in early summer (0.34 µg.L –1 ) than in late summer<br />

(0.20 µg.L –1 ), no significant differences were observed<br />

among sampling stations insi<strong>de</strong> each sampling period<br />

(Figures 2c, d).<br />

An average cellular <strong>de</strong>nsity of 3 x 103 ± 0.3 x 103 cells.L –1<br />

was observed for microplankton, with little variation<br />

between sampling periods (≈103 cells.L –1 ). e contribution<br />

is shared by the diatoms (mainly at the beginning of<br />

summer with 56%) and dino agellates (at the end of the<br />

summer with 68%). Among diatoms the pennate type<br />

was predominant (90% in December 2009 and 70% in<br />

February 2010). Athecate forms, especially heterotrophs,<br />

were more abun<strong>da</strong>nt among dinoflagellates during<br />

February (69%), while thecate forms representing ~70% of<br />

total dino agellates in December. Among sampling sites,<br />

microplankton registered maximum cellular <strong>de</strong>nsity at<br />

MP due to the predominance of pennate diatoms during<br />

December 2009 (Figure 2e).

Pico and Nanoplankton abun<strong>da</strong>nce and<br />

size-fractioned chlorophyll in late summer<br />

During February 2009 pico- and nanoplankton <strong>de</strong>nsitiy<br />

did not show signi cant di erences among sampling sites,<br />

but di erences were observed among sampling periods<br />

(p < 0.01). Chla concentrations varying between 0.18 and<br />

0.74 µg.L –1 were observed, with the size-fraction 75%) and 2-10 µm<br />

a<br />

b<br />

c<br />

Figure 2. Results of salinity (continuous line), temperature (dotted line), chlorophyll a concentration (µg.L –1 ) and microplankton <strong>de</strong>nsity (cells.L –1 ) at December<br />

2009 (a, b and c) and February 2010 (d, e and f).<br />

size-fraction, while the picoplankton was dominated by<br />

heterotrophs (~99%). Despite autotrophic cells represented<br />


1970s, 1980s and 1990s, when <strong>de</strong>nsities of 10 5 cells.L –1 were<br />

usually registered (i.e. Kopczynska, 1981; Brandini, 1993;<br />

Kopczynska, 2008). However <strong>de</strong>nsities were similar to those<br />

observed by Lange et al. (2007) in a study <strong>de</strong>veloped during<br />

the austral summer 2002/2003.<br />

Dominance of diatoms over dinoflagellates in the<br />

microplankton fraction has been usually observed for<br />

Admiralty Bay (Lange et al., 2007; Kopczynska, 2008),<br />

but a diminished percentage of contribution of diatoms<br />

in the phytoplankton assemblages was observed in a study<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloped in 2003-2005 (Kopczynska, 2008). Our results<br />

showed that the contribution of diatoms <strong>de</strong>crease especially<br />

during late summer, while at the same time heterotrophic<br />

dino agellates (i.e. Gyrodinium lachryma) became more<br />

abun<strong>da</strong>nt.<br />

Pico and Nanoplankton abun<strong>da</strong>nce and<br />

size-fractioned chlorophyll in late summer<br />

Phytoplankton community at Admiralty Bay during the<br />

late summer of 2009/2010 was dominated by pico- and<br />

112 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

a b<br />

c d<br />

Figure 3. Results at the different sampling periods during February 2010: a) salinity (continuous line) and temperature (dotted line); b) size-fractioned<br />

chlorophyll a concentration (µg.L –1 ); c) picoplankton <strong>de</strong>nsity (autotrophs in 10 7 L –1 cells; heterotrophs in 10 9 cells.L –1 ); d) nanoplankton <strong>de</strong>nsity (10 6 cells.L –1 ).<br />

nanoplankton, both in abun<strong>da</strong>nce and chlorophyll biomass.<br />

In previous studies the dominance of nano agellates and<br />

monads for this region had been observed (i.e. Kopczynska,<br />

1980; Kopczynska, 1981; Brandini, 1993; Kopczynska,<br />

2008). Maxima of agellates at Admiralty Bay in windless<br />

<strong>da</strong>ys and little variation in atmospheric pressure was<br />

reported, which resulted in an increase of water column<br />

stability (Kopczynska, 1981). Although Kopczynska (2008)<br />

showed the co-dominance of picoplankters from inverted<br />

microscope cell counting technique at Admiralty Bay, this<br />

was the rst attempt to quantify the real contribution of<br />

picoautotrophs to total phytoplankton <strong>de</strong>nsity and biomass,<br />

and <strong>de</strong>nsities were in the same range of those observed in<br />

other Antarctic regions (i.e. Umani et al., 2005; Delille et al.,<br />

2007). In the nearshore coastal waters along the Antarctic<br />

Peninsula, a recurrent shi in phytoplankton community<br />

structure, from diatoms to cryptophytes, has been<br />

documented due to high temperatures along the Peninsula<br />

increasing the extent of coastal melt-water zones promoting

seasonal prevalence of cryptophytes (Moline et al., 2004).<br />

e dominance of pico and nano-size cells in phytoplankton,<br />

which are not grazed e ciently by Antarctic krill, will likely<br />

cause a shi in the spatial distribution of krill and may<br />

allow also for the rapid asexual proliferation of carbon poor<br />

gelatinous zooplankton, salps in particular (Moline et al.,<br />

2004), and probably the dominance of heterotrophic<br />

dino agellates observed during the late summer period of<br />

this study.<br />

Conclusion<br />

In the context of the regional warming trend of WAP,<br />

preliminary results of the present study showed a shi<br />

in Admiralty Bay plankton community, with signi cant<br />

variability both in short- and medium-term scales, from<br />

<strong>da</strong>y to <strong>da</strong>y and months. Low microplankton <strong>de</strong>nsities,<br />

dominance of dino agellates, mainly heterotrophs, and high<br />

References<br />

contribution of autotrophs pico- and nanoplankton to total<br />

<strong>de</strong>nsity and biomass in late summer, suggest that changes<br />

could be occurring in Admiralty Bay food web. us, it is<br />

necessary to continue the long-term monitoring program<br />

and the implementation of microvariation sampling<br />

e ort to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the factors that are actually in uencing<br />

phytoplankton populations in this environment.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

To the <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico<br />

<strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais, contracts CNPq n° 574018/2008-5<br />

and FAPERJ n° E-16/170.023/2008, Laboratório <strong>de</strong><br />

Química Orgânica Marinha (LabQOM- USP), <strong>Instituto</strong><br />

Oceanográfico (USP), Ministério do Meio Ambiente<br />

(MMA), Ministério <strong>de</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT) and<br />

Comissão Interministerial para os Recursos do Mar (CIRM).<br />

Also to Rafael Ben<strong>da</strong>yan <strong>de</strong> Moura for Admiralty Bay map.<br />

Brandini, F.P. (1993). Phytoplankton biomass in an Antarctic coastal environment during stable water conditions - implications<br />

for the iron limitation theory. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 93: 267-75.<br />

Delille, D. (2004) Abun<strong>da</strong>nce and function of bacteria in the Southern Ocean. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 50(5): 543-51<br />

Delille D.; Gleizon, F. & Delille, B. (2007). Spatial and temporal variations of bacteria and phytoplankton in a subAntarctic<br />

coastal area (Kerguelen Archipelago). Journal of Marine Systems, 68(3-4): 366-80<br />

Kopczynska, E.E. (1980). Small scale vertical distribution of phytoplankton in Ezcurra Inlet, Admiralty Bay, South Shetland<br />

Islands. Polish Polar Research, 1: 77-96.<br />

Kopczynska, E.E. (1981). Periodicity and composition of summer phytoplankton in Ezcurra Inlet, Admiralty Bay, King George<br />

Island, South Shetland Islands. Polish Polar Research, 2: 55-70.<br />

Kopczynska, E.E. (2008). Phytoplankton variability in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands: six years<br />

of monitoring. Polish Polar Research, 29(2): 117-139.<br />

Lange, P.K.; Tenenbaum, D.R.; Braga, E.S.B. & Campos, L.S. (2007). Microphytoplankton assemblages in shallow waters at<br />

Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctica) during the summer 2002-2003. Polar Biology, 30(11): 1483-92.<br />

Lipski, M. (1987). Variations of physical conditions, nutrients and chlorophyll a contents in Admiralty Bay (King George Island,<br />

South Shetland Islands). Polish Polar Research, 8: 307-32.<br />

Marshall G.J.; Lagun V. & Lachlan-Cope T.A. (2002). Changes in Antarctic Peninsula tropospheric temperatures from 1956<br />

to 1999: a synthesis of observations and reanalysis <strong>da</strong>ta. International Journal of Climatology, 22(3): 291-310.<br />

Martinussen, I. & Thingstad. T.F. (1991). A simple double-staining method for enumeration of autotrophic and heterotrophic<br />

nano- and picoplankton. Marine Microbial Food Webs, 5: 5-11.<br />

Moline, M.A.; Claustre, H.; Frazer, T.K.; Schofi eld, O. & Vernet, M. (2004). Alteration of the food web along the Antarctic Peninsula<br />

in response to a regional warming trend. Global Change Biology, 10: 1973-1980, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00825.x<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


Moura, R.B. (2009). Estudo taxonômico dos Holothuroi<strong>de</strong>a (Echino<strong>de</strong>rmata) <strong>da</strong>s Ilhas Shetland do Sul e do Estreito <strong>de</strong><br />

Bransfi eld, Antártica. Dissertação <strong>de</strong> Mestrado, Museu Nacional, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro.<br />

Neveux, J. & Lantoine, F. (1993). Spectrofl uorometric assay of chlorophylls and phaeopigments using the least squares<br />

approximation technique. Deep-Sea Research I, 40(9): 1747-65.<br />

Platt T.; Broomhead D.S.; Sathyendranath S.; Edwards A.M. & Murphy E.J. (2003). Phytoplankton biomass and residual<br />

nitrate in the pelagic ecosystem. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 459: 1063-73.<br />

Rakusa-Suszczewski, S. (1980) Environmental conditions and the functioning of Admiralty Bay (South Shetland Islands) as<br />

part of the near shore Antarctic ecosystem. Polish Polar Research, 1(1):11-27.<br />

Rakusa-Suszczewski S.; Mietus M. & Piasecki, J. (1993). Weather and climate. In: Rakusa-Suszczewski, S. (ed.) The maritime<br />

coastal ecosystem of Admiralty Bay. Warsaw: Polish Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Science, pp 19-25.<br />

Umani, F.S.; Monti, M.; Bergamasco, A.; Cabrini, C.; De Vittor, C.; Burba, N. & Del Negro, P. (2005). Plankton community<br />

structure and dynamics versus physical structure from Terra Nova Bay to Ross Ice Shelf (Antarctica). Journal of Marine<br />

Systems, 55(1-2): 31-46.<br />

Utermöhl H. (1958). Zur Vervollkommung <strong>de</strong>r quantitativen Phytoplankton-Methodik. Mitteilungen <strong>de</strong>r Internationale Vereinigung<br />

für Teoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, 9: 1-38.<br />

114 | Annual Activity Report 2010





AUSTRAL SUMMER 2009/2010<br />

Márcio Murilo Barboza Tenório 1,* , Renatha Barboza Duarte 1 ,<br />

José Juan Barrera-Alba 1,** , Denise Rivera Tenenbaum 1,***<br />

1 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Fitoplâncton Marinho, <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Biologia</strong>, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro – <strong>UFRJ</strong>, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ, Brazil<br />

e-mail: * marcio.tenorio@biologia.ufrj.br; ** juanalba@biologia.ufrj.br; *** <strong>de</strong>niser@biologia.ufrj.br<br />

Abstract: Chlorophyll a concentration and size structure of the phytoplankton community were studied in Admiralty Bay in<br />

early and late summer of 2009/2010, using spectro uorometry chlorophyll analysis. Chlorophyll a biomass was generally low<br />


Materials and Methods<br />

Study area<br />

Admiralty Bay (62° 03’-12’ S and 58° 18’-38’ W), located<br />

at King George Island (Figure 1), is a <strong>de</strong>ep fjord-like<br />

embayment with 500 m maximum <strong>de</strong>pth at its centre<br />

(Rakusa-Suszczewski et al., 1993). e waters from the bay<br />

mix with the <strong>de</strong>ep oceanic waters from the Bellingshausen<br />

and Wed<strong>de</strong>ll Seas at its southern opening, which connects<br />

to the Brans eld Strait (Rakusa-Suszczewski, 1980; Lipski,<br />

1987). e maximum <strong>de</strong>pth varies between 60 m at the<br />

shores and 500 m in the centre of the bay. Deep currents<br />

generated by ti<strong>de</strong>s, frequent upwellings, vertical mixing<br />

and current velocities of 30-100 cm.s –1 in the 0-100 m<br />

surface stratum are characteristic of the bay (Rakusa-<br />

Suszczewski et al., 1993).<br />

Sampling<br />

e fractionate analysis of chlorophyll a was performed<br />

from splits of the 5 L water sample collected using a Niskin<br />

116 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

bottle from the surface, middle water column and near the<br />

bottom (≈30 m) at ve stations in December 2009 and in<br />

February 2010. At the same time temperature and salinity<br />

analyses were carried out by the Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Química<br />

Orgânica Marinha (LabQOM), <strong>Instituto</strong> Oceanográ co <strong>da</strong><br />

Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> São Paulo.<br />

Chlorophyll a and phaeophytin a<br />

Water samples (2 L) were ltered onto Whatman® GF/F<br />

(Ø 47 mm) for total pigment analyses, while 0.8-2 L were<br />

used for the size structure study. In the latter case, during<br />

late summer sampling at CF, MP and AR stations (Figure 1),<br />

water sampled at 3 <strong>de</strong>pths was fractionated by serial<br />

ltration on 10 µm and 2 µm polycarbonate lters and GF/F<br />

(Ø 47 mm). e lters were fol<strong>de</strong>d, placed into a 1.2 mL<br />

cryotube and immediately quick-frozen in liquid nitrogen<br />

(–196 °C) and stored at −80 °C. For pigment extraction,<br />

GF/F lters were dipped in 5.4 mL of 100% acetone ( nal<br />

concentration ≈90% acetone taking into account water<br />

retention by the lter (≈0.621 ± 0.034 mL) and ground<br />

Figure 1. Study area (modifi ed from Moura, 2009) with the position of the sampling sites: Ferraz Station (CF), Botany Point (BP), Machu Picchu (MP), Thomas<br />

Point (TP), Arctowski (AR).

with the freshly broken end of a glass rod, and le in the<br />

<strong>da</strong>rk at 4 °C for a 12 hours extraction. Polycarbonate lters,<br />

on the other hand, were just le in the <strong>da</strong>rk at 4 °C for a<br />

24 hours in 5 mL of 90% acetone. Following extraction,<br />

the tubes were centrifuged for 5 minutes at 3500 rpm and<br />

the extracted uorescence was measured with a Varian<br />

Cary Eclipse® spectrofluorometer. Concentrations of<br />

chlorophyll-a and phaeophytin-a were assessed using a<br />

modi ed version of Neveux and Lantoine’s (1993) method.<br />

e modi cations were as follows: 1) <strong>da</strong>ta acquisition was<br />

performed by recording the uorescence emission spectra<br />

for each of 15 excitation wavelengths (3-nm increments<br />

from 390 to 432 nm), emission spectra were recor<strong>de</strong>d at<br />

4 nm intervals from 659-715 nm, yielding 29 <strong>da</strong>ta points<br />

for each spectrum. Pigment concentrations were estimated<br />

from the resulting 435 <strong>da</strong>ta points, and 2) where the least<br />

squares approximation technique was constrained to discard<br />

negative solutions.<br />

Statistical analyses<br />

Di erences among surveys and sampling stations were<br />

tested using a One-Way ANOVA with a Kruskal-Wallis test<br />

(p < 0.05). Spearman’s correlation factor was also calculated.<br />

Results<br />

ermohaline structure<br />

During the sampling period, water temperature was<br />

characterized both by spatial and vertical homogeneity. Early<br />

summer presented col<strong>de</strong>r waters (0.09 ± 0.44 °C, n = 60)<br />

than those observed during late summer (0.81 ± 0.23 °C,<br />

n = 45). Negative values were observed during early summer<br />

and increased throughout the season (Figure 2a). Although<br />

salinity <strong>de</strong>creased during the sampling period, mean values<br />

were similar between early summer (34.2 ± 0.1, n = 60) and<br />

late summer (34.1 ± 0.2, n = 45) (Figure 2b). During late<br />

summer, inner sampling stations (CF, BP and MP) showed<br />

the greatest changes in surface salinity, mainly on 13th and<br />

19th February (Figure 2b).<br />

Chlorophyll a biomass and size structure<br />

Chlorophyll-a (Chla) biomass was often low, and varied<br />

from 0.34 µg.L-1 (± 0.07, n = 60) to 0.47 µg.L-1 (±0.21,<br />

n = 45) during early and late summer, respectively, with<br />

no great variability observed among stations and vertical<br />

profi les during each period. Values lower than 0.5 µg.L-1 were observed in 93% and 56% of the samples during late<br />

and early summer, respectively. Chla increased in both<br />

periods, especially during late summer, when biomass<br />

varied from 0.24 to 0.65 µg.L-1 (Figure 3a). The increasing<br />

in Chla biomass in late summer was positively correlated<br />

with water temperature (r = 0.39; p < 0,05). In late summer,<br />

picoplanktonic fraction (10 µm accounted on average for only 19%<br />

(± 8.6, n = 36); and this contribution <strong>de</strong>creased over 50%<br />

towards the end of the sampling period, mainly due to the<br />

a b<br />

Figure 2. Temporal variation of water temperature °C (a) and salinity (b) in Admiralty Bay during December 2009 and February 2010.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


increase of picoplankton contribution. As observed for total<br />

Chla biomass, the vertical and spatial variability of size<br />

fractionated Chla was not signifi cantly different.<br />

Discussion<br />

Hidrology<br />

Early and late summer values of temperature and salinity<br />

observed in the present study were similar to those reported<br />

in previous studies (Brandini, 1993; Lange et al., 2007). e<br />

greatest variability in surface salinity observed during late<br />

summer at the most inner stations (CF, BP and MP) was<br />

mainly due to the in ow of freshwater, which increased<br />

from melting snow and glacial ice as a consequence of the<br />

rise in temperature.<br />

Chlorophyll-a, an indicator of overall phytoplankton<br />

abun<strong>da</strong>nce and chlorophyll a size structure<br />

Low Chla biomass (10 μm<br />

represented only 19% of the Chla biomass. Previous studies<br />

in the same area have reported nano-size cell dominance<br />

on phytoplankton (Brandini, 1993; Kopczynska, 2008).<br />

Size-class distribution in the present study were similar to<br />

those observed in the vicinity of Elephant Island (Weber &<br />

El-Sayed, 1987), where the contribution to total Chla ranged<br />

between 39-98% for nanoplankton and between 5-74% for<br />

picoplankton. Moreau et al. (2010) also observed a piconanoplankton<br />

dominance and microplankton in very low<br />

abun<strong>da</strong>nces at Melchior Archipelago (Antarctic Peninsula)<br />

during a spring-season study.<br />

Phytoplankton biomass and growth in the water column<br />

at Admiralty Bay can be strongly in uenced by wind-driven<br />

turbulence (Brandini & Rebello, 1994). In coastal areas wind

driven turbulence may have a positive e ect, leading to a<br />

phytoplankton biomass accumulation as a consequence of<br />

benthic diatoms (generally larger than 10 µm) resuspension,<br />

and, consequently, a ecting secon<strong>da</strong>ry production. In this study<br />

they observed Chla increasing during a low wind and water<br />

column stabilization period a er an intense upwelling event<br />

promoted by wind stress. e low biomass and low contribution<br />

of cells >10 µm to Chla observed in the present study suggest<br />

a long low-wind period; however, this will need to be checked<br />

later in our studies.<br />

e temperature sensitivity of planktonic organisms<br />

suggests that Southern Ocean plankton communities may<br />

be particularly sensitive to global warming (Wright et al.,<br />

2009). In the nearshore coastal waters along the Antarctic<br />

Peninsula, a recurrent shi in phytoplankton community<br />

structure, from diatoms to cryptophytes, has been<br />

documented (Moline et al., 2004). A change in the size<br />

spectrum of Southern Ocean phytoplankton would be<br />

expected to have serious consequences for krill and<br />

other herbivores that are a<strong>da</strong>pted to a diet of nano- and<br />

microplankton, and would also a ect the dynamics of the<br />

microbial loop and the transport of carbon to the <strong>de</strong>ep<br />

ocean (Wright et al., 2009). ese observations highlight<br />

the importance of a long-term monitoring study of Chla<br />

size fraction <strong>da</strong>ta in this region.<br />

References<br />

Conclusion<br />

The preliminary results of the present study showed a<br />

relatively spatial homogeneity in chlorophyll a concentration.<br />

Temporal variation presented a significant variability<br />

between early and late summer and among the three<br />

samplings during late summer, highlighting that a shortterm<br />

temporal variation study is necessary to un<strong>de</strong>rstand<br />

the environmental e ects on phytoplankton organisms.<br />

Phytoplankton populations were co-dominated by nano and<br />

picoplanktonic cells, which represented more than 80% of<br />

chlorophyll a concentrations. Chlorophyll a biomass and<br />

size fractionated studies in the Admiralty Bay proved to<br />

be a good tool for monitoring the global e ect of changes<br />

on the region.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

To the <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico<br />

<strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais, contracts CNPq n° 574018/2008-5<br />

and FAPERJ n° E-16/170.023/2008, Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Química<br />

Orgânica Marinha (LabQOM- USP), <strong>Instituto</strong> Oceanográ co<br />

(USP), Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA), Ministério <strong>de</strong><br />

Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT) and Comissão Interministerial<br />

para os Recursos do Mar (CIRM). To FAPERJ/CAPES for the<br />

post-doctoral scholarship to M.M.B. Tenório.<br />

Brandini, F.P. & Kutner, M.B.B. (1986). Composition and distribution of summer phytoplankton in the Bransfi eld Strait, Antarctica.<br />

Anais <strong>da</strong> Aca<strong>de</strong>mia Brasileira <strong>de</strong> Ciências, 58: 1-11.<br />

Brandini, F.P. (1993). Phytoplankton biomass in an Antarctic coastal environment during stable water conditions - implications<br />

for the iron limitation theory. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 93: 267-75.<br />

Brandini, F.P. & Rebello, J. (1994). Wind fi eld effect on hydrography and chlorophyll dynamics in the coastal pelagial of<br />

Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 6(4): 433-42.<br />

Hewes, C.D.; Reiss, C.S. & Holm-Hansen, O. (2009). A quantitative analysis of sources for summer time phytoplankton<br />

Variability over 18 years in the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica) region. Deep-Sea Research I, 56(8):1230–41.<br />

Jacques, G. & Panouse, M. (1991). Biomass and composition of size fractionated phytoplankton in the Wed<strong>de</strong>lI-Scotia<br />

Confl uence area. Polar Biology, 11(5): 315-28.<br />

Kang, S. & Lee, S. (1995). Antarctic phytoplankton assemblages in the western Bransfi eld Strait region, February 1993:<br />

composition, biomass, and mesoscale distributions. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 129: 253-67.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


Kopczynska, E.E. (2008). Phytoplankton variability in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands: six years<br />

of monitoring. Polish Polar Research, 29(2): 117-39.<br />

Lange, P.K.; Tenenbaum, D.R.; Braga, E.S.B & Campos, L.S. (2007). Microphytoplankton assemblages in shallow waters at<br />

Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctica) during the summer 2002-2003. Polar Biology, 30(11): 1483-92.<br />

Lipski, M. (1987). Variations of physical conditions, nutrients and chlorophyll a contents in Admiralty Bay (King George Island,<br />

South Shetland Islands). Polish Polar Research, 8: 307-32.<br />

Marrari, M.; Kendra, L.D. & Hu, C. (2008). Spatial and temporal variability of SeaWiFS chlorophyll a distributions west of the<br />

Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for krill production. Deep-Sea Research II, 55(3-4): 377-92.<br />

Moline, M.A.; Claustre, H.; Frazer, T. K.; Schofi eld, O. & Vernet, M. (2004). Alteration of the food web along the Antarctic<br />

Peninsula in response to a regional warming trend. Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00825.x<br />

Montes-Hugo, M.; Doney, S.C.; Ducklow, H.W.; Fraser, W.; Martinson, D.; Stammerjohn, S.E. & Schofi eld, O. (2009). Recent<br />

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Moreau, S.; Ferreyra, G.A.; Mercier, B.; Lemarchand, K.; Lionard, M.; Roy, S.; Mostajir, B.; Roy, S.; van Har<strong>de</strong>nberg, B. &<br />

Demers, S. (2010). Variability of the microbial community in the western Antarctic Peninsula from late fall to spring during<br />

a low ice cover year. Polar Biology, DOI: 10.1007/s00300-010-0806-z<br />

Moura, R. B. (2009). Estudo taxonômico dos Holothuroi<strong>de</strong>a (Echino<strong>de</strong>rmata) <strong>da</strong>s Ilhas Shetland do Sul e do Estreito <strong>de</strong><br />

Bransfi eld, Antártica. Dissertação <strong>de</strong> Mestrado, Museu Nacional, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro.<br />

Neveux, J.; Tenório, M.M.B.; Jacquet, S.; Torréton, J.-P.; Douillet, P.; Ouillon, S. & Dupouy, C. (2009). Chlorophylls and<br />

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DOI:10.1155/2009/232513.<br />

Neveux, J. & Lantoine, F. (1993). Spectrofl uorometric assay of chlorophylls and phaeopigments using the least squares<br />

approximation technique. Deep-Sea Research I, 40(9): 1747-65.<br />

Platt T.; Broomhead D.S.; Sathyendranath S.; Edwards A.M. & Murphy E.J. (2003). Phytoplankton biomass and residual<br />

nitrate in the pelagic ecosystem. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 459:1063-73.<br />

Rakusa-Suszczewski, S. (1980). Environmental conditions and the functioning of Admiralty Bay (South Shetland Islands) as<br />

part of the near shore Antarctic ecosystem. Polish Polar Research, 1(1):11-27.<br />

Rakusa-Suszczewski S.; Mietus M. & Piasecki, J. (1993). Weather and climate. In: Rakusa-Suszczewski, S. (ed.) The maritime<br />

coastal ecosystem of Admiralty Bay. Warsaw: Polish Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Science, pp 19-25.<br />

Rodriguez, V. & Guerrero, F.J. (1994). Chlorophyll a size-fractionated summer phytoplankton blooms at a coastal station in<br />

Málaga Bay, Alboran Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 39(4):413-9.<br />

Weber, L.H. & El-Sayed, S.Z. (1987). Contributions of the net, nano- and picoplankton to the phytoplankton standing crop<br />

and primary productivity in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Plankton Research, 9(5): 973:94.<br />

Wright, S.W.; Ishikawa, A.; Marchant, H.J.; Davidson, A.T.; van <strong>de</strong>n En<strong>de</strong>n, R.L. & Nash, G.V. (2009). Composition and<br />

signicance of picophytoplankton in Antarctic waters. Polar Biology, 32(5): 797-808.<br />

120 | Annual Activity Report 2010






Denise Rivera Tenenbaum 1,* , Priscila Lange 1,3 , Luciano F. Fernan<strong>de</strong>s 2 ,<br />

Mariana Calixto-Feres 2 , José Juan Barrera-Alba 1 , Virgínia M. T. Garcia 3<br />

1 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Fitoplâncton Marinho, <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Biologia</strong>, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro – <strong>UFRJ</strong>, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ, Brazil<br />

2 Departamento <strong>de</strong> Botânica, Setor <strong>de</strong> Ciências Biológicas, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Paraná – UFPR, Curitiba, PR, Brazil<br />

3 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Fitoplâncton e Microorganismos Marinhos, <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> Oceanografi a,<br />

Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> – FURG, Rio Gran<strong>de</strong>, RS, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: <strong>de</strong>niser@biologia.ufrj.br<br />

Abstract: e phytoplankton composition and biomass are being monitored in Admiralty Bay, Antarctic Peninsula since 2002 to<br />

<strong>de</strong>tect possible interannual changes on a long-term monitoring perspective. In this report, we present the results of the 2009/2010<br />

monitoring program regarding the phytoplankton composition during the PROANTAR XVIII operation. e community<br />

was dominated by both planktonic and benthic diatoms. A total of 140 species were found, many of them awaiting further<br />

morphological studies to <strong>de</strong>termine their speci c i<strong>de</strong>ntity. A preliminary assessment of habitat preferences was ma<strong>de</strong>, showing<br />

that the diatoms in the Admiralty Bay came from distinct substrates like ice, rocks, sediments, plankton and macroalgae. ese<br />

results indicate that benthic microalgae, particularly diatoms, play an important role in primary productivity of the pelagic<br />

community in inshore waters. e next steps will be to re ne i<strong>de</strong>nti cation to analyse the whole water samples and to relate the<br />

results with the environmental and hydrographical features in Admiralty Bay.<br />

Keywords: phytoplankton, monitoring, Admiralty Bay, Antarctic Peninsula<br />

Introduction<br />

Phytoplankton is the main contributor to primary<br />

production in the Antarctic food web, making the<br />

organic carbon available to most of the higher trophic<br />

level consumers; for instance, the krill Euphausia superba<br />

(Knox, 1994). Summer phytoplankton blooms, are usually<br />

composed of diatoms (e.g. Fragilariopsis, Nitzschia, Porosira<br />

and Corethron), particularly when the preceding winter is a<br />

long one, and the ice cover is greater, o ering more substrate<br />

for diatoms apart from the water column, which is, in turn,<br />

dominated by Asteromphalus, Chaetoceros, alassiosira (El-<br />

Sayed & Fryxell, 1993). A er the <strong>de</strong>caying of diatom bloom,<br />

the prymnesiophyte Phaeocytis predominates. In warmer<br />

winters cryptophytes become also important a ecting small<br />

zooplankton consumers such as krill and microcrustaceans<br />

(Moline et al., 2004). e Antarctic phytoplankton, like<br />

other marine organisms, have been a ected by the recent<br />

global climate changes registered over the past three<br />

<strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s. e main physical and chemical consequences to<br />

the water column are: 1) the progressive <strong>de</strong>lay in ice covering<br />

during autumn and the earlier ice melting in Spring;<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />

3<br />


2) the warming of seawater southward; 3) the freshening<br />

of saltwater in neritic regions; and 4) alterations in nutrient<br />

concentrations. Moreover, the ozone <strong>de</strong>pletion has led to a<br />

dramatic increase of <strong>da</strong>maging ultra violet radiation, which<br />

has been shown to induce photoinhibition of photosynthesis<br />

in phytoplankton. erefore, the phytoplankton community<br />

can be used as indicator of global changes, especially when<br />

long term <strong>da</strong>ta is gathered in monitoring stations, providing<br />

more consistent results and allowing for the prediction<br />

of future negative effects from human interference.<br />

In<strong>de</strong>ed, some studies have already <strong>de</strong>tected a shi ing in<br />

phytoplankton communities due to climate changes along<br />

the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). In the northern<br />

region, phytoplankton is being replaced by temperate, ice<br />

avoiding non-diatom species, with a concurrent <strong>de</strong>cline<br />

of primary production, while in the southern sector the<br />

phytoplankton has increased in biomass contribution,<br />

becoming diatom based and displaying higher production<br />

(Montes-Hugo et al., 2009). These strong latitudinal<br />

shi s at the base of the food web can be the cause of the<br />

observed reorganization of the biota in the Northern<br />

region of the Antarctic Peninsula in recent years, especially<br />

the krill Euphausia superba and the Antarctic silver sh<br />

Pleurogramma antarcticum. A phytoplankton monitoring<br />

program was established in 2002 at Admiralty Bay, aiming<br />

to record the composition, biomass and its relationship<br />

with environmental parameters in shallow waters (

Figures 1-23. Common species found in Admiralty Bay, Antartic Peninsula: 1) Fragilaria striatula; 2, 3) Synedropsis recta; 4) Licmophora belgicae;<br />

5) L. antarctica; 6) Licmophora sp.; 7, 8) Achnanthes brevipes; 9, 10) Cocconeis sp.; 11) Cocconeis sp.; 12) Cocconeis "antiqua"; 13, 14) Cocconeis sp.;<br />

15) Cocconeis sp.; 16) Navicula sp.; 17) Navicula cf directa; 18) Pseudogomphonema kamtschaticum; 19) Amphora sp.; 20) Fragilariopsis obliquecostata;<br />

21) Fragilariopsis curta; 22) Fragilariopsis cylindrus; 23) Pseudo-nitzschia sp. Scale bar: 10 µm.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


Table 1. List of genera (number of species) and habitat preference of commonly found diatoms in Admiralty Bay during 2002-2010 monitoring program of<br />

phytoplankton.<br />

Achnanthes (4) B Diploneis (1) P,Ep,El Hantzschia (1) Ep Pinnularia (1) P Stauroneis (1) P<br />

Actinocyclus (2) P Entomoneis (1) Ep,El Haslea (1) E, B Plagiotropsis (1) P Stellarima (1) P<br />

Amphora (4) B, P Ephemera (1) P Licmophora (6) B Pleurosigma (2) Ep,El,P Surirella (10) El, B<br />

Asteromphalus (1) P Eucampia (1) P Manguinea (1) P Porosira (2) P Synedra (1) E, El<br />

Chaetoceros (7) P Fragilaria (1) Ep,Ep Melosira (2) P Proboscia (1) P Synedropsis (2) B<br />

Cocconeis (12) B Fragilariopsis (10) Ep Membraneis (1) P Pseudogomphonema (2) B Tabularia (1) B<br />

Corethron (2) Ep, P Gephyria (1) E Navicula (12) B,P Pseudo-nitzschia (2) P Thalassionema (1) P<br />

Coscinodiscus (3) P Gomphonema (3) B Nitzschia (7) B Rhizosolenia (2) P Thalassiosira (6) P<br />

Cylindrotheca (1) Ep Grammatophora (1) B Odontella (3) P Rhoicosphenia (1) B Thalassiothrix (1) P<br />

Dactyliosolen (1) P Gyrosigma (1) Ep,El Parlibellus (1) El Rhopalodia (1) B<br />

B: benthic anywhere; E: epiphytic; Ep: eponthic; El: epilithic; P: planktonic.<br />

all of them in the water column. During the phytoplankton<br />

analysis based on whole water samples used in the<br />

monitoring program, many species could not be i<strong>de</strong>nti ed<br />

(Lange et al., 2007). is problem was partially solved when<br />

light microscope sli<strong>de</strong>s were prepared. Even so, many species<br />

still remained uni<strong>de</strong>nti ed until more advanced techniques<br />

were used, like electron microscopy.<br />

Discussion<br />

A fairly high diversity of phytoplankton was found during<br />

the 2002-2010 monitoring, especially taking into account<br />

the contribution of benthic community to the water<br />

column. Usually diatoms dominated the composition<br />

and the biomass of the plankton community. Other<br />

research programs on phytoplankton monitoring, near<br />

the Polish Station have found similar results. Kopczynska<br />

(2008) reviewed the outcomes of plankton monitoring<br />

in Admiralty Bay and found the diatoms Fragilariopsis,<br />

Pseudo-nitzschia and alassiora to be abun<strong>da</strong>nt in inshore<br />

locations while Proboscia and alasiosira species were<br />

found at other sites. In our study, many microalgae (like<br />

Cocconeis and Pseudogomphonema) are known to live<br />

associated to a substrate in some way. It is becoming clear<br />

that they play an important role in the pelagic primary<br />

production during the austral summer. Several authors<br />

found that microphytobenthic diatoms were as important<br />

124 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

as the planktonic species, and even surpassed its biomass,<br />

in shallow areas and inlets around the Antarctic Peninsula<br />

(Ahn et al., 1994, 1997; Kang et al., 1997). e relevance<br />

of the origin of benthic diatoms as regards their substrate<br />

a nity has been emphasized, except for ice algae (s. review<br />

of Medlin & Priddle, 1990). ere are four recent studies<br />

that specifically focus on benthic species other than<br />

originating from ice (Everett & omas, 1986; Kloser, 1998;<br />

Al-Han<strong>da</strong>l & Wul , 2009a, b). e authors analyzed the<br />

composition of microalgae growing on di erent substrates<br />

such as sediments and various macroalgae species in Potter<br />

Cove, Antarctic Peninsula, recording some preference for<br />

substrate among the diatoms, as well the large dominance<br />

of some genera like Licmophora, Cocconeis, Pleurosigma<br />

and Pseudogomphonema. All these authors claimed that<br />

the investigations on taxonomy and ecology of diatoms<br />

are urgently nee<strong>de</strong>d, especially because they have become<br />

scarce, and they can provi<strong>de</strong> background <strong>da</strong>ta to evaluate<br />

the impacts of global changes over phytoplankton and<br />

microphytobenthos (Wul et al., 2009). In this preliminary<br />

examination of phytoplankton samples, some taxonomic<br />

and nomenclatural problems have been <strong>de</strong>tected, which<br />

will be <strong>de</strong>alt with through electronic microscopy and<br />

closer examination of the literature. Despite taxonomical<br />

di culties, it was possible in this research to un<strong>de</strong>rline the<br />

role of benthic diatoms in biodiversity and habitat ecology<br />

in the studied Antarctic environment.

Acknowledgements<br />

To the <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico<br />

<strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais, contracts CNPq n° 574018/2008-5<br />

and FAPERJ n° E-16/170.023/2008. e Center of Electron<br />

Microscopy of UFPR for making available the laboratory<br />

References<br />

facilities and the electron microscopes. Ministério do Meio<br />

Ambiente (MMA), Ministério <strong>de</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia<br />

(MCT) and Comissão Interministerial para os Recursos do<br />

Mar (CIRM). M. C.- F. is supported by the UFPR/Botany<br />

graduate program and the REUNI system.<br />

Al-Han<strong>da</strong>l, A. & Wulff, A. 2009a. Marine epiphytic diatoms from the shallow sublittoral zone in Potter Cove, King George<br />

Island, Antarctica. Botanica Marina 51(5): 411-35.<br />

Al-Han<strong>da</strong>l, A. & Wulff, A. 2009b. Marine benthic diatoms from Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica. Botanica Marina,<br />

51(1): 51-68.<br />

Ahn, I.Y.; Chung, H.; Kang, J.S. & Kang, S.H. (1994). Preliminary studies on the ecology of neritic marine diatoms in Maxwell<br />

Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. The Korean Society of Phycology, 9: 37-45.<br />

Ahn, I.Y.; Chung, H.; Kang, J.S. & Kang, S.H. (1997). Diatom composition and biomass variability in nearshore waters of<br />

Maxwell Bay, Antactica, during the 1992/1993 austral summer. Polar Biology, 17(2): 123-30.<br />

El-Sayed, S.Z. & Fryxell, G.A. (1993). Phytoplankton. In: Friedmann, E.I. Antarctic Microbiology. New York: Willey-Liss p. 65-122.<br />

Hasle, G.R. & Fryxell, G.A. (1970). Diatoms: cleaning and mounting for light and electron microscope. Transactions of<br />

American Microscopical Society, 89: 469-474.<br />

Hasle, G.R. & Syvertsen, E.E. (1997). Marine Diatoms. In Tomas,C.R. (ed.), I<strong>de</strong>ntifying marine phytoplankton. Aca<strong>de</strong>mic<br />

Press a division of Harcourt Brace and Company, San Diego, USA, 2:5-385.<br />

Kang, J.S.; Kang, S.H.; Lee, J.H.; Chung, K.H. & Lee, M.Y. (1997). Antarctic Micro- and Nano-sized phytoplankton assemblages<br />

in the surface water of Maxwell Bay during the 1997 austral summer. Korean Journal of Polar Research, 8: 35-45.<br />

Kloser, H. (1998). Habitats and distribution patterns of benthic diatoms in Potter Cove (King George Island, Antarctica) and<br />

its vicinity. Berichte zur Polarforschung, 299: 105.<br />

Knox, G.A. (1994). The biology of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge University Press. 193: 220.<br />

Kopczynska, E. (2008). Phytoplankton variability in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands: six years of<br />

monitoring. Polish Polar Research, 29(2): 117-39.<br />

Lange, P.K.; Tenenbaum, D.R.; Braga, E.S.B. & Campos, L.S. (2007). Microphytoplankton assemblages in shallow waters at<br />

Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctica) during the summer 2002-2003. Polar Biology, 30(11): 1483-92.<br />

Medlin, L.K. & Priddle, J. (1990). Polar marine diatoms. British Antarctic Survey/NERC.<br />

Moline, M.A.; Claustre, H.; Frazer, T.K.; Schofi eld, O. & Vernet, M. (2004). Alteration of the food web along the Antarctic<br />

Peninsula in response to a regional warming trend. Global Change Biology, 10: 1973-80.<br />

Montes-Hugo, M.; Doney, S.C.; Ducklow, H.W.; Fraser, W.; Martinson, D.; Stammerjohn, S.E. & Schofi eld, O. (2009). Recent<br />

changes in phytoplankton communities associated with rapid regional climate change along the western Antarctic<br />

Peninsula. Science, 323: 1470- 73.<br />

Round, F.E.; Crawford, R.M. & Mann, D.G. (1990). Diatoms: Biology & Morphology of the genera. Cambridge University<br />

Press: 747pp.<br />

Utermöhl, H. (1958). Perfeccionamento <strong>de</strong>l método cuantitativo <strong>de</strong> fi toplancton. Comun. Assoc. Int. Limnol. Teor. Apl. 9: 1-89.<br />

Wulff, A.; Iken, K.; Quartino, M.L.; Al-Han<strong>da</strong>l, A.; Wiencke, C. & Clayton, M.N. (2009). Biodiversity, biogeography and zonation<br />

of marine benthic micro- and macroalgae in the Arctic and Antarctic. Botanica Marina, 52(6): 491–507.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


4 EFFECT<br />



OF ANTARCTIC FISH Notothenia rossii<br />

(Richardson, 1844)<br />

126 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Edson Rodrigues 1,* , Lucélia Donatti, Cecília N. K. Su<strong>da</strong> 1 , Edson Rodrigues Júnior 2 ,<br />

Mariana Feijó <strong>de</strong> Oliveira 1 , Cleoni dos Santos Carvalho 3 and Gannabathula Sree Vani 1<br />

1 Departamento <strong>de</strong> <strong>Biologia</strong>, <strong>Instituto</strong> Básico <strong>de</strong> Biociências, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Taubaté – UNITAU,<br />

Campus do Bom Conselho, Taubaté, SP, Brazil<br />

2 Programa <strong>de</strong> Pós-graduação em <strong>Biologia</strong> Molecular e Celular, Centro Politécnico,<br />

Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Paraná – UFPR, Curitiba, PR, Brazil<br />

3 Departamento <strong>de</strong> <strong>Biologia</strong>, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral <strong>de</strong> São Carlos – UFSCar, Campus Sorocaba, Sorocaba, SP, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: ro<strong>de</strong>dson@gmail.com<br />

Abstract: e Antarctic marine environment has unique characteristics such as isolation, low and even temperatures, as well<br />

as high levels of uori<strong>de</strong> in the trophic web. e objective of the present study is to verify the e ect of temperature, salinity<br />

and dietary uori<strong>de</strong> in the diet on the levels of plasma constituents of the sh Notothenia rossii. e sample collection and<br />

the bioassay were conducted at Antarctic scienti c station Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz. e sh were acclimated in an aquarium at<br />

temperatures of 0 and 4 °C; salinity of 35 and 20 psu, using feed with and without uori<strong>de</strong>. e combination of these variables<br />

resulted in 8 experimental groups. e calcium serum levels were reduced in hyposaline stress and temperature elevation reduced<br />

the plasmatic levels of magnesium and chlori<strong>de</strong>. e trophic uori<strong>de</strong> isolatedly was not capable of changing the non-protein<br />

electrolytes levels.<br />

Keywords: Antarctica, biomarker, blood, Nothothenia rossii<br />

Introduction<br />

e compiled ichthyofauna <strong>da</strong>ta of the south Antarctic<br />

Polar Frontier shows the existence of 322 species distributed<br />

in 50 families dominated by benthonic sh (70%) of the<br />

Notothenioi<strong>de</strong>i family (Eastman, 2005). Even though the<br />

marine sh are represented by approximately 16,764 species,<br />

the Antarctica ichthyofauna is only 1.9% of this species<br />

(Eschmeyer et al., 2010). e low Antarctic sh diversity has<br />

been correlated with, the tectonic events which physically<br />

isolated this region, low temperatures and the probable<br />

alterations occurred in the trophic structure during the<br />

Miocene (Eastman, 2005).<br />

e Antarctic <strong>de</strong>merso-pelagic sh Notothenia rossii<br />

is one of the four dominant species of the South Shetland<br />

Islands (Casaux et al., 1990) and can be easily captured<br />

using a sh hook. Its diet is very diversi ed and inclu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

sh, krill, gastropods, polychaetes among other organisms<br />

(Barrera-Oro, 2002). e vertical migration during summer<br />

permits its feeding through pelagic organisms (Casaux et al.,<br />

1990), especially krill, this explains the high levels of bone<br />

tissue uori<strong>de</strong>, even though the uori<strong>de</strong> tolerance is in<br />

study (Camargo, 2003). e thermal metabolic plasticity<br />

limit of Antarctic sh has raised questions about the high

temperature impact in the a<strong>da</strong>ptation of this ichtyofauna<br />

(Mark et al. , 2005).<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>red as the most pristine region of the planet,<br />

the increase in antrophic activity (scienti c and tourism)<br />

in Antarctica is a factor of questioning for the scientists.<br />

Admiralty Bay in the King George Island, South Shetland<br />

Islands Archipelago, has a narrow cove similar to ords<br />

(Barnes et al., 2006) with inshore surface water salinity<br />

values uctuating between 16.4 to 34.2 psu (Romão et al,.<br />

2001). Admiralty Bay is an Antarctic Specially Managed<br />

Area (ASMA) and shelters five countries scientific<br />

stations (Brazil, Ecuador, Poland, Peru and USA).The<br />

monitoring of Admiralty Bay ASMA is the main scope of<br />

the National Institute of Antarctic Science, Technology<br />

and Environmental Research (INCT-APA) of the Brazilian<br />

Antarctic Program. Using a long time series of the<br />

physical, chemical and biological processes, INCT-APA<br />

is interested in un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the natural and anthropic<br />

impacts on the region. The studies about biomarker<br />

responses to environmental pollution integrate the activities<br />

of INCT-APA. The biomarkers research for ASMA of<br />

Admiralty bay has the objective of i<strong>de</strong>ntifying su ciently<br />

sensible biological responses to di erentiate the natural<br />

impact for those caused by pollutants. e aim of the present<br />

study was to investigate how warming, salinity reduction<br />

and the wi<strong>de</strong> uori<strong>de</strong> distribution in the Antarctic trophic<br />

web will be inducing biochemical responses in the blood<br />

of N. rossii Antarctic sh.<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Animals<br />

Specimens of N. rossii were collected using sh hooks, in<br />

Punta Plaza (62º 05' 35.8" S and 58º 24' 11.8" W) and Glacier<br />

Ecology (62º 10' 11.9" S and 58º 27' 17.2" W), Admiralty Bay,<br />

King George island, Antarctica, at <strong>de</strong>pths of 10-20 m, during<br />

the summer of 2009-2010. A total of 8 experiments were<br />

carried out in the Comman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Antarctic Station.<br />

e control conditions were 0 °C, 35 psu and a uori<strong>de</strong><br />

free diet. e remaining experiments were done with a<br />

combination of conditions: temperature (0 °C and 4 °C),<br />

salinity (35 and 20 psu) and diet a with/without uori<strong>de</strong><br />

(15 mg/kg sh). Each bioassay was performed on eight sh<br />

specimens, all of similar size (475 g ± 350 g) (media ± SD)<br />

and kept in experimental conditions for 11 <strong>da</strong>ys. At the<br />

end of the experiment, the cau<strong>da</strong>l vein was punctured and<br />

the blood collected with heparin, centrifuged at 2000 rpm<br />

for 5 minutes and the plasma frozen in liquid nitrogen. In<br />

the same manner blood samples were collected from ve<br />

specimens of N. rossii, directly from Punta Plaza (PP) and<br />

Glacier Ecology (ECO), which are respectively, farther away<br />

and close to Arctowski Penguin Rookeries. In this case, the<br />

cau<strong>da</strong>l vein puncture was un<strong>de</strong>rtaken aboard boat as soon<br />

as the sh was taken from the water to register the closest<br />

physiological condition.<br />

Plasma assay<br />

e plasmatic electrolytes chlori<strong>de</strong>, magnesium, calcium<br />

and inorganic phosphate were assay spectrophotometrically<br />

by methods of the mercuric thiocyanate, xylidyl blue,<br />

O-cresolphthalein complexone, phosphomolyb<strong>da</strong>te,<br />

respectively (Burtis & Ashwood, 1994). The<br />

spectrophotometer reading was carried out in 384 wells<br />

micro plates using the micro plate rea<strong>de</strong>r Fluostar of BMG.<br />

Statistical analysis<br />

e di erences between the control (0 °C and 35 psu) and<br />

the experimental group as well as the nature controls were<br />

tested at 5% signi cance levels using t-test with Welch’s<br />

correction.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

e concentration of the plasmatic constituents of the<br />

specimens of N. rossii from bioassays, as well as for the<br />

control of the nature from Punta Plaza (PP) and the Glacier<br />

Ecology (ECO) are summarized in Figure 1.<br />

In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly, the uori<strong>de</strong> was not able to change<br />

the plasmatic levels of calcium, inorganic phosphate,<br />

magnesium and chlori<strong>de</strong>. Directly or indirectly all the<br />

Antarctic vertebrates consume krill, so consequently are<br />

exposed to high levels of uori<strong>de</strong> present in this euphausiid<br />

exoskeleton. e apparent lack of symptoms for uorosis,<br />

rouse questions about the protective a<strong>da</strong>ptive mechanisms<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


Figure 1. Plasma levels of chlori<strong>de</strong>, inorganic phosphate, magnesium, and calcium in the Antarctic fi sh Notothenia rossii subjected to thermal and salinity<br />

stress. Fluori<strong>de</strong> was supplied by trophic pathway. Results expressed as mean ± stan<strong>da</strong>rd error of the mean.<br />

against the toxic effect of fluori<strong>de</strong> (Yin et al., 2010).<br />

Di erences were also not observed between the means<br />

values of controls, experimental and nature (PP and ECO)<br />

groups. e choice of ECO and PP was taken into account<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>ring the probable e ect of uori<strong>de</strong> present in high<br />

concentrations in the soils and sediments near the Penguin<br />

Rookeries (Xie & Sun, 2003), on the plasmatic levels of<br />

non-protein electrolytes.<br />

The low salinity expressively <strong>de</strong>crease the levels of<br />

plasmatic calcium, whereas chlori<strong>de</strong> and magnesium levels<br />

were reduced by thermal stress. Fluori<strong>de</strong> was capable to<br />

induce reduction of chlori<strong>de</strong> plasmatic levels, only un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

thermal and salinity stress. It is well known that warming<br />

128 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

tends to reduce the blood osmolality of Antarctic sh,<br />

without an increase in cortisol or hematocrit, indicating<br />

that the acclimatization to warming is not mediated by<br />

stress response (Hudson et al., 2008). As the osmolality<br />

is principally maintained by NaCl (Dobbs III & DeVries,<br />

1974), chlori<strong>de</strong> reduction in the N. rossii blood should<br />

be expected by warming (Figure 2), even though studies<br />

with Notothenia neglecta showed that low salinity did not<br />

signi cantly change the levels of Na + and Cl- in the blood<br />

a er 10 <strong>da</strong>ys exposure to ≅ 16 psu (Romão et al., 2001).<br />

Calcium and magnesium have a key role in a large range<br />

of physiological processes. e renal tissue of Antarctic<br />

sh is capable of excreting magnesium and chlori<strong>de</strong> in the

Figure 2. Interrelation between hyposmotic acclimation, drinking ratio, osmolality and serum levels of calcium, chlori<strong>de</strong> and sodium. The metabolic answer of<br />

hyposaline and thermal acclimation effect of Antarctic fi sh Notothenia rossii is shown on the left. The warm acclimation effect on osmolality and drinking ratio<br />

of Trematomus bernacchii is shown on the right (<strong>da</strong>ta from Petzel (2005) and fi sh images from (Fischer & Hureau, 1985)).<br />

urine against a gradient concentration as part of control<br />

mechanisms evolved in maintenance of blood osmolality<br />

(Dobbs III & DeVries, 1974). In warm acclimation of<br />

Antarctic fish, Petzel (2005) observed that the blood<br />

osmolality reduction was accompanied by a rise in drinking<br />

ratio and reduction of chlori<strong>de</strong> and sodium serum levels<br />

(Figure 2).<br />

e calcium entrance to the blood in marine teleosts<br />

is basically through intestine (drinking). Gills and kidneys<br />

have a central role in calcaemia control and are capable of<br />

actively excreting this metallic cation (Pinto et al., 2010).<br />

e hypocalcaemia of N. rossii acclimated a 0 °C e 20 psu<br />

can be due to low calcium concentration in the seawater<br />

at 20 psu. Although in warm and hyposaline acclimation<br />

(4 °C e 20 psu), N. rossii calcaemia was maintained close to<br />

control levels (0 °C e 35 psu). In this case, the thermic stress<br />

(4 °C) could be causing reduction of blood osmolality and<br />

increase the drinking rate of N. rossii compensating the low<br />

calcium concentration in the 20 psu seawater through a rise<br />

in drinking volume (Figure 2).<br />

Conclusion<br />

e present study revealed that warming, hyposalinity<br />

and trophic uori<strong>de</strong> interfere with plasmatic non protein<br />

electrolytes levels of Antarctic sh N. rossi. Consi<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

the variables studied and blood parameters analyzed the<br />

plasmatic calcium stand out as an excellent biochemical<br />

biomarker of hyposaline stress.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

is study was sponsored by INCT-APA (CNPq Process<br />

No. 574018/2008-5, FAPERJ E-26/170.023/2008)], and<br />

supported by Environmental Ministry (MMA), the<br />

Secretariat for the Marine Resources Interministerial<br />

Committee (SECIRM) and Ministry of Science and<br />

Technology (MCT).<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


References<br />

Barnes, D.K.A.; Fuentes, V.; Clarke, A.; Schloss, I.R. & Wallace, M.I. (2006). Spatial and temporal variation in shallow seawater<br />

temperatures around Antarctica. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53(8-10): 853-65.<br />

Barrera-Oro, E. (2002). The role of fi sh in the Antarctic marine food web: differences between inshore and offshore waters<br />

in the southern Scotia Arc and west Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science, 14(4): 293-309.<br />

Burtis, C.A. & Ashwood, E.R. (1994). Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. Second. Saun<strong>de</strong>rs Company, Phila<strong>de</strong>lphia,<br />

Pennsylvania. 2326p.<br />

Camargo, J.A. 2003. Fluori<strong>de</strong> toxicity to aquatic organisms: a review. Chemosphere, 50(3): 251-64.<br />

Casaux, R.J.; Mazzotta, A.S. & Barrera-Oro, E.R. (1990). Seasonal aspects of the biology and diet of nearshore nototheniid<br />

fi sh at Potter Cove, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 11(1): 63-72.<br />

Dobbs III, G.H. & DeVries, A.L. (1974). Renal function in Antarctic teleost fi shes: Serum and urine composition. Marine<br />

Biology, 29(1): 59-70.<br />

Eastman, J.T. (2005). The nature of the diversity of Antarctic fi shes. Polar Biology, 28(2): 93-107.<br />

Eschmeyer, W.N.; Fricke, R.; Fong, J.D. & Polack, D.A. (2010). Marine fi sh diversity: history of knowledge and discovery<br />

(Pisces). Zootaxa, 2525: 19-50.<br />

Fischer, W. & Hureau, J.C. (1985). FAO Species i<strong>de</strong>ntifi cation sheets for fi shery purposes. Rome: FAO. 470p.<br />

Hudson, H.A.; Brauer, P.R.; Scofi eld, M.A. & Petzel, D.H. (2008). Effects of warm acclimation on serum osmolality, cortisol<br />

and hematocrit levels in the Antarctic fi sh Trematomus bernacchii. Polar Biology, 31(8): 991-7.<br />

Mark, F.; Hirse, T. & Pörtner, H. (2005). Thermal sensitivity of cellular energy budgets in some Antarctic fi sh hepatocytes.<br />

Polar Biology, 28: 805-14.<br />

Petzel, D. (2005). Drinking in Antarctic fi shes. Polar Biology, 28(10): 763-8.<br />

Pinto, P.I.S.; Matsumura, H.; Thorne, M.A.S.; Power, D.M.; Terauchi, R.; Reinhardt, R. & Canário, A.V.M. (2010). Gill transcriptome<br />

response to changes in environmental calcium in the green spotted puffer fi sh. BMC Genomics, 11: 476.<br />

Romão, S.; Freire, C.A. & Fanta, E. (2001). Ionic regulation and Na+,K+-ATPase activity in gills and kidney of the Antarctic<br />

aglomerular cod icefi sh exposed to dilute sea water. Journal of Fish Biology, 59: 463-8.<br />

Xie, Z. & Sun, L. 2003. Fluori<strong>de</strong> content in bones of A<strong>de</strong>lie penguins and environmental media in Antarctica. Environmental<br />

Geochemistry and Health, 25(4): 483-90.<br />

Yin, X.; Chen, L.; Sun, L.; Wang, M.; Luo, H.; Ruan, D.; Wang, Y. & Wang, Z. 2010. Why do penguins not <strong>de</strong>velop skeletal<br />

fl uorosis? Fluori<strong>de</strong>, 43: 108-18.<br />

130 | Annual Activity Report 2010





Edson Rodrigues 1,* ,Helena Passeri Lavrado 2 , Lucélia Donatti, Cecília N. K. Su<strong>da</strong> 1 ,<br />

Edson Rodrigues Júnior 3 , Mariana Feijó <strong>de</strong> Oliveira 1 , Gannabathula Sree Vani 1<br />

1 Departamento <strong>de</strong> <strong>Biologia</strong>, <strong>Instituto</strong> Básico <strong>de</strong> Biociências, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Taubaté – UNITAU,<br />

Campus do Bom Conselho, Taubaté, SP, Brazil<br />

2 Departamento <strong>de</strong> <strong>Biologia</strong> Marinha, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro – <strong>UFRJ</strong>, Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJ, Brazil<br />

3 Programa <strong>de</strong> Pós-graduação em <strong>Biologia</strong> Molecular e Celular, Centro Politécnico,<br />

Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Paraná – UFPR, Curitiba, PR, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: ro<strong>de</strong>dson@gmail.com<br />

Abstract: Arginases are metalloenzymes broadly distributed in nature. ese enzymes catalyze the L-arginine hydrolyses<br />

to L-ornithine and urea. e aim of the present work is to <strong>de</strong>termine the tissue levels of arginase, its kinetic properties and<br />

subcellular localization. In December 2009, specimens were collected in Admiralty Bay, King George Island near the Brazilian<br />

Research Station. e argininolytic speci c activity of foot muscle, gills and pool of other tissues was 87.0 ± 15.1; 9.8 ± 1.8 and<br />

3.8 ± 1.0 mU/mg protein, respectively. Mainly localized in the cytosol, gills and muscular arginase Km values for L-arginine<br />

were 57.0 ± 10.5 and 66.2 ± 14.6 mM, respectively. High arginase levels in gills could be related to the systemic control of<br />

L-arginine concentrations, which is vital for energetic metabolism of phospho-L-arginine and of polyamines in the control of cell<br />

proliferation though the probable physiologic metal cation is Mn2+ , some arginases are activated by Co2+ and Ni2+ . e muscle<br />

Nacella concinna arginases were activated by Mn2+ and Co2+ and inhibited by Cd2+ whereas; gills arginase was activated only<br />

by Mn2+ and inhibited by Cd2+ and Zn2+ .<br />

Keywords: Antarctica, arginase, Nacella concinna, heavy metal<br />

Introduction<br />

The organisms that inhabit the interti<strong>da</strong>l zone on the<br />

coasts of the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent Islands are<br />

periodically exposed to the thermal regime of the terrestrial<br />

environment as well as summer melt waters. e melt water<br />

creates micro environments with low salinity and elevated<br />

levels of heavy metals <strong>de</strong>rived from lithogenic sources<br />

(Ahn et al. 1999, 2002). In addition, microphytobenthos<br />

are consi<strong>de</strong>red the principal food source and are also an<br />

important natural source of heavy metals, particularly<br />

Cd2+ (Ahn et al., 2004; Keil et al., 2008). Interti<strong>da</strong>l zones<br />

are also most vulnerable to anthropogenic pollutants. e<br />

gastropod Nacella concinna, is the most conspicuous macro<br />

invertebrate in the Antarctic interti<strong>da</strong>l zone, which has been<br />

used in the biomonitoring, for example in the diesel fuel<br />

spill from the vessel, Bahia Paradise, in Arthur Harbour<br />

(Kennicutt II & Sweet, 1992).<br />

Arginases are metalloenzymes that need a divalent cation<br />

to attain maximum activity. e probable physiological<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />

5<br />


cation is Mn 2+ , though Co 2+ and Ni 2+ have the capacity<br />

to activate some arginases (Carvajal et al., 1995). In non<br />

ureotelic organisms, the central physiological role of<br />

arginases is the control of the levels of the amino acid<br />

L-arginine (Jenkinson et al., 1996).<br />

132 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

e metabolism of the essential amino acid L-arginine,<br />

has been studied in different classes of organisms. In<br />

general, the L-arginine participates as a substrate in various<br />

metabolic processes such as synthesis of nitric oxi<strong>de</strong>, protein<br />

and phospho-L-arginine, as well as, of polyamines indirectly<br />

through the non-protein amino acid L-ornithine (Figure 1)<br />

(Wu & Morris Junior, 1998; Pellegrino et al., 2004).<br />

In N. concinna a probable importance of argininolytic<br />

metabolism is the control of phospho-L-arginine levels.<br />

When this invertebrate is subjected to thermal stress, the<br />

phospho-arginine is used to produce ATP from ADP,<br />

followed by a reduction in the levels of L-arginine (Figure 1)<br />

(Pörtner et al., 1999; Ahn et al., 2004). In this case, the<br />

reduction in the L-arginine concentration could be related<br />

to tissue argininolytic activity, so studies about arginase<br />

are important for un<strong>de</strong>rstanding some of the physiological<br />

activities of this Antarctic invertebrate. Arginase had been<br />

used as biomarker of many mammal pathological processes<br />

(Mielczarek-Puta et al. 2008). e present study aims to<br />

characterize tissue distribution, subcellular localization<br />

and kinetic properties of N. concinna arginase as a potential<br />

biomarker of the interti<strong>da</strong>l zone pollution.<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

Specimens of N. concinna (n = 5) were collected on<br />

December 2009, in the Keller Peninsula, Admiralty<br />

Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. The tissues were<br />

homogenized in 20 mM bu er Tri-HCL, pH 7.4, containing<br />

1 mM trimethylamin-N-oxi<strong>de</strong>, 5 mM of potassium<br />

phosphate, 0.5 mM EDTA, 250 mM sucrose, sonicated for<br />

30 seconds and centrifuged at 14000 g for 10 minutes. All<br />

kinetic studies were conducted at 0 °C using supernatant.<br />

e L-ornithine formed in the reaction was measured using<br />

a spectrophotometer a er reacting with ninhydrin and<br />

the activity expressed in mmol of L-ornithine formed per<br />

minute. e reaction systems used for kinetic studies are<br />

Figure 1. Conceptual diagram illustrating the pathways of L-arginine<br />

metabolism and production of phospho-L-arginine and its utilization in<br />

thermal stress involving L-arginine pools.<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribed in the gures. e statistical di erences between<br />

the treatments and controls were obtained using one-way<br />

ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-tests.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

e argininolytic activity of the gills was 9 to 23 times higher<br />

than that of the foot muscle and the pool of the other tissues<br />

respectively (Figure 2a). At subcellular level, the cytosol<br />

concentrates most of the arginase activity, both in gills<br />

(99%) and foot muscle (86.4%). Carvajal et al. (2004) also<br />

veri ed that gill cells of Semele soli<strong>da</strong> had 91% of the arginase<br />

activity in cytosolic fraction. Most of the studies <strong>de</strong>alt with<br />

tissue levels rather than subcellular levels. e high levels<br />

of gills arginase activity could be related to the excretion<br />

of urea arising from the hydrolysis of L-arginine for the<br />

systemic control of this amino acid. e levels of arginase<br />

in the foot muscle could be related to the control of energy<br />

metabolism of phospho-L-arginine. As the presence of<br />

arginase in muscle tissue is uncommon, arginase in muscle<br />

tissue of Chiton latus has been associated with the removal of<br />

arginine to accelerate the utilization of phospho-L-arginine<br />

(Carvajal et al., 1988).<br />

e km values (Michaelis constant) for arginase in the<br />

foot muscle and gills were 57.0 ± 10.5 and 66.2 ± 14.6 mM,<br />

respectively. The L-arginine activity was inhibited by<br />

L-arginine concentrations above 80 and 100 mM in the foot<br />

muscle and gills, respectively (Figure 2b). e km values

and the inhibition by substrate L-arginine are similar to<br />

the arginase of polyplacophoran Chiton latus, which also<br />

has relatively high levels of arginase activity in the foot<br />

muscle and gills (Carvajal et al. 1988). Tormanen (1997)<br />

also observed arginase inhibition with high concentrations<br />

of substrate L- arginine in Zebra mussel.<br />

e e ects of heavy metals on the arginase activity<br />

in the foot muscle and gills are summarized in Figure 3.<br />

Similar to the arginases in other organisms, the gills and<br />

the foot muscle arginases of N. concinna, were activated in<br />

the presence of Mn2+ , con rming that Mn2+ is the probable<br />

physiological cation necessary for the activation of this<br />

enzyme. On the other hand, the foot muscle arginase was<br />

also activated by Co2+ , the same activation was not observed<br />

in gills tissue (Figure 3a, b). Cations like Co2+ have also<br />

been reported to activate some arginases, Carvajal et al.<br />

(1984, 1988) observed activation of arginase by Co2+ in<br />

gills and foot muscle arginase of Chiton latus, gills arginase<br />

of Concholepas concholepas, whereas Tormanen (1997)<br />

observed the same activation in arginase of Zebra mussel.<br />

a<br />

Figure 2. Tissue levels of arginase (a) and the effect of L-arginine concentration on the gills argininolytic activity of N. concinna (b). Results expressed as<br />

mean ± stan<strong>da</strong>rd error of the mean.<br />

Zn2+ is one of the metals released by the combustion of<br />

coal, oil and gasoline. is metal can also be released from<br />

lead battery. It is also present in soils near stations which<br />

have used brass, steel coated nails and paints (Claridge et al.,<br />

1995; Webster et al., 2003), leaching of volcanic rocks also<br />

results in high levels of Fe3+ and Zn2+ (Ahn et al., 1999;<br />

Weihe et al., 2010). Arginase activity in the presence of Zn2+ and Fe3+ alone or combined with Mn2+ in foot muscle did<br />

not show any signi cant alteration, whereas, gills arginase<br />

was inhibited by Zn2+ and Fe3+ alone or combined with Mn2+ (Figure 4a, b). Carvajal et al. (1984, 1988, 1994) observed<br />

inhibition of arginases by Zn2+ in gills and foot muscle of<br />

Chiton latus, gills of Concholepas concholepas and gills of<br />

Semele soli<strong>da</strong> whereas Tormanen (1997) observed same<br />

inhibition by Zn2+ in Zebra mussel.<br />

Foot muscle and gill arginase is also inhibited by Cd2+ .<br />

e same inhibition is not present in gills arginase of Semele<br />

soli<strong>da</strong> (Carvajal et al., 1994). High concentrations of Cd2+ in surface waters of the Southern ocean is referred to as<br />

“Cd anomaly”, during the austral summer the upwelling<br />

of waters favours uptake of Cd2+ by primary consumers<br />

b<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


Figure 3. Effect of metallic cations on the foot muscle arginase activity of N. concinna. The activities were <strong>de</strong>termined in 20 mM of Hepes buffer, pH 7.4,<br />

containing 30 mM of L arginine. The control activity (C) was <strong>de</strong>termined in a reaction system without the addition of metallic cations. The isolated effect of<br />

1 mM metallic cations (a) and combined effect of 1 mM Mn 2+ with a second 1 mM metallic cation (b). Differences between control activity of arginase and the<br />

arginase activity with metals were signifi cant for p < 0.05 (*) and p < 0.001(***).<br />

134 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

a b<br />

a b<br />

Figure 4. Effect of metallic cations on the gills arginase in N. concinna. The activity was <strong>de</strong>termined in 20mM of Hepes buffer, pH 7.4 containing 30 mM of<br />

L-arginase. The control activity (C) was <strong>de</strong>termined in a reaction system without the addition of metallic cations. The isolated effect of 1 mM metallic cations<br />

(a) and combined effect of 1 mM Mn 2+ with a second 1 mM metallic cation (b). Differences between control activity of arginase and the arginase activity with<br />

metals were signifi cant for p < 0.05 (**) and p < 0.001(***).

and high availability of this metal in the food chain. High<br />

concentration of this metal is found in digestive glands and<br />

kidneys of some Antarctic mollusks, this indicating binding<br />

of these metals with metallothioneins which are associated<br />

with <strong>de</strong>toxifying role (Bargagli et al., 1996; Lohan et al.,<br />

2001; Keil et al., 2008).<br />

Conclusion<br />

Gills and foot muscle of N. concinna express arginases with<br />

distinct kinetic properties. e presence of arginase in the<br />

foot muscle supports the hypothesis that argininolytic<br />

activity can be involved in control of phopho-L-arginine<br />

metabolism. e gills and muscular argininolytic activity<br />

of N. concinna is basically in the cytosolic faction. e<br />

References<br />

cations Mn2+ and Co2+ were capable of activating foot<br />

muscle arginase, where as Zn2+ , Fe3+ and Cd2+ did not inhibit<br />

signi cantly. e gills arginase showed a distinct behaviour,<br />

was activated by Mn2+ and inhibited by Zn2+ , Fe3+ and Cd2+ .<br />

e di erent behaviour of gills and foot muscle arginase of<br />

N. concinna can have a relation to the entry of heavy metals<br />

to these tissues.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

is study was sponsored by INCT-APA (CNPq Process No.<br />

574018/2008-5, FAPERJ E-26/170.023/2008), and supported<br />

by Environmental Ministry (MMA), the Secretariat for the<br />

Marine Resources Interministerial Committee (SECIRM)<br />

and Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT).<br />

Ahn, I.Y.; Chung, K.H. & Choi, H.J. (2004). Infl uence of glacial runoff on baseline metal accumulation in the Antarctic limpet<br />

Nacella concinna from King George Island. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49(1-2): 119-27.<br />

Ahn, I.Y.; Kang, J. & Kim, D.Y. (1999). Preliminary Study on Heavy metals in the Antartctic limped, Nacella cocinna (Strebel,<br />

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Ahn, I.Y.; Kim, K.W. & Choi, H.J. (2002). A baseline study on metal concentrations in the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna<br />

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Bargagli, R.; Nelli, L.; Ancora, S. & Focardi, S. (1996). Elevated cadmium accumulation in marine organisms from Terra Nova<br />

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concholepas. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 78(3): 591-4.<br />

Carvajal, N.; Kessi, E.; Bi<strong>da</strong>rt, J. & Rojas, A. (1988). Properties of arginase from the foot muscle of Chiton latus. Comparative<br />

Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 90(2): 385-8.<br />

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Molecular Biology, 112(1): 153-9.<br />

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Molecular Biology, 109(4): 683-9.<br />

Claridge, G.G.C.; Campbell, I.B.; Powell, H.K.J.; Amin, Z.H. & Balks, M.R. (1995). Heavy metal contamination in some soils<br />

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and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 114(1): 107-32.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


Keil, S.; <strong>de</strong> Broyer, C. & Zauke, G.-P. (2008). Signifi cance and Interspecifi c Variability of Accumulated Trace Metal Concentrations<br />

in Antarctic Benthic Crustaceans. International Review of Hydrobiology, 93(1): 106-126.<br />

Kennicutt II, M.C. & Sweet, S.T. (1992). Hydrocarbon contamination on the Antarctic peninsula: III. The Bahia Paraiso - Two<br />

years after the spill. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 25(9-12): 303-6.<br />

Lohan, M.; Statham, P. & Peck, L. (2001). Trace metals in the Antarctic soft-shelled clam Laternula elliptica: implications for<br />

metal pollution from Antarctic research stations. Polar Biology, 24(11): 808-17.<br />

Mielczarek-Puta, M.; Chrzanowska, A.; Graboń, W. & Barańczyk-Kuz´ma, A. 2008. New insights into arginase. Part II. Role in<br />

physiology and pathology. Postepy higieny i medycyny doswiadczalnej, 62: 214-221.<br />

Pellegrino, D.; Palmerini, C.A. & Tota, B. (2004). No hemoglobin but NO: the icefi sh (Chionodraco hamatus) heart as a<br />

paradigm. Journal of Experimental Biology, 207(22): 3855-3864.<br />

Pörtner, H.O.; Peck, L.; Zielinski, S. & Conway, L.Z. (1999). Intracellular pH and energy metabolism in the highly stenothermal<br />

Antarctic bivalve Limopsis marionensis as a function of ambient temperature. Polar Biology, 22(1): 17-30.<br />

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136 | Annual Activity Report 2010





Andreza Portella Ribeiro 1,* , Rubens César Lopes Figueira 1 , César <strong>de</strong> Castro Martins 2 ,<br />

Charles Roberto <strong>de</strong> Almei<strong>da</strong> Silva 1 , Elvis Joacir <strong>de</strong> França 1 , Márcia Caruso Bícego 1 ,<br />

Michel Michaelovitch <strong>de</strong> Mahiques 1 , Rosalin<strong>da</strong> Carmela Montone 1<br />

1 <strong>Instituto</strong> Oceanográfi co <strong>da</strong> Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil<br />

2 Centro <strong>de</strong> Estudos do Mar <strong>da</strong> Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Paraná, Pontal do Sul, Pontal do Paraná, PR, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: andrezpr@usp.br<br />

Abstract: Marine sediments collected, in March/2010, close to the Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Base, located in Admiralty Bay, Antarctica,<br />

were analyzed to <strong>de</strong>termine arsenic (As), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) levels, in or<strong>de</strong>r to indicate the impact of the Brazilian<br />

activities in the study area. Labile concentrations of As ranged from 6 to 10 μg.kg –1 , Cu and Zn content ranged from 80 to 91 and<br />

50 to 57 μg.kg –1 , respectively. e preliminary results indicated a slight increase of As with <strong>de</strong>pth. Nonetheless, no relevant trace<br />

element inputs were observed, according to the chemical analysis adopted in the present research study.<br />

Keywords: arsenic, metals, sediments, Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Base-Antarctica<br />

Introduction<br />

Brazilian activities in the Antarctic Continent are coordinated<br />

by the Brazilian Antarctic Program (PROANTAR), in which<br />

scientific researchers are concentrated at the Brazilian<br />

Antarctic Base “Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz” (geographical<br />

coordinates of 62° 08' S and 58° 40' W), Admiralty Bay,<br />

Peninsula Keller, King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula<br />

(Feitosa, 2009).<br />

Antarctica is linked to other regions of the world<br />

through the circulation of the atmosphere and the oceans.<br />

e huge di erence between the Equator distance and the<br />

temperature of this Continent drives the poleward heat<br />

transport and the general circulation of the air masses,<br />

turning Antarctica into the main heat sink of the Southern<br />

Hemisphere. Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the complexity of the air mass<br />

circulation, Antarctica plays an impressive role in the<br />

global climate system, as well as acts as a sink for persistent<br />

atmospheric pollutants (Bargagli, 2005). Moreover, local<br />

emissions from Scientific Stations and tourism also<br />

contribute to the dispersing of contaminants, thereby<br />

concentrating and accumulating pollutants in sediments.<br />

ere are few studies un<strong>de</strong>rlying chemical substances<br />

and trace elements present in sediments from the proximity<br />

of Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Base. For example, Santos et al.,<br />

(2005) investigated the heavy metal contamination in<br />

32 sediments and 14 soil samples. Total and bioavailable<br />

contents of 16 elements (including Cu and Zn) were<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined by ICP OES technique. According to the<br />

authors, the results showed an increase of bioavailability<br />

of soils in comparison to the sediments, probably due<br />

to the di erent redox properties of soils and sediments.<br />

e total average concentrations of metals in the samples<br />

presented no important temporal (during the summer<br />

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6<br />


2002/2003) and <strong>de</strong>pth-related variability. Total metals were<br />

extracted with an a<strong>da</strong>ptation of methods extensively used in<br />

literature, in which the sample is digested with aqua-regia<br />

and hydro uoric acid.<br />

138 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

A recent study with ve sediment pro les from the<br />

Admiralty Bay has suggested a slight increase of As levels,<br />

since 1985. According to the authors, the increase of As<br />

content may be associated with the Brazilian activities in the<br />

bay (Ribeiro et al., 2010). Otherwise, there is no evi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

of relevant impact to the ecosystem due to trace element<br />

sources in the region (Santos et al., 2005; Martins et al.,<br />

2005). Nevertheless, the studies that have been concerned<br />

with <strong>de</strong>termining inorganic contaminants, in Antarctica,<br />

are still scarce. Accordingly, this work was un<strong>de</strong>rtaken to<br />

evaluate the real anthropogenic impact of potentially toxic<br />

elements (As, Cu and Zn) in the Admiralty Bay, Antarctica.<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

Sampling<br />

Sediment samples were taken using a mini-box corer<br />

(MBC), especially <strong>de</strong>signed for sampling so sediments<br />

and benthic macrofauna (Filgueiras et al., 2007). MBC<br />

presents 0.0625 m 2 of sampling area, 25 x 25 x 55 cm box,<br />

55 kg weight (Filgueiras et al., 2007; Martins et al., 2010).<br />

Samples were placed into pre-cleaned recipients and stored<br />

at -20 °C. Sediments were freeze-dried; further, they were<br />

carefully homogenized in mortar and stored in polyethylene<br />

bags until laboratory analysis.<br />

ICP OES<br />

Sediment test portions of 500 mg were transferred into<br />

100 mL cleaned glass beakers and chemically digested using<br />

the reagent mixture of HNO 3 , H 2 O 2 and HCl, according to<br />

the Method 3050A (USEPA, 1996). Filtered digest solution<br />

were analyzed by ICP OES using a Varian spectrometer,<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l 710ES, for <strong>de</strong>termining As, Cu, and Zn. All reagents<br />

were of a comparable pure gra<strong>de</strong>. Geological certified<br />

reference materials SCP Science EnviroMat SS-1 and SS-2<br />

were analyzed together the samples to assess the quality of<br />

the analytical procedure for the chemical analysis.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

Certi ed reference materials (CRM)<br />

Experimental <strong>da</strong>ta for the CRM presented relative stan<strong>da</strong>rd<br />

<strong>de</strong>viation lower than 6%. The agreement between the<br />

observed and the certi ed concentrations of As, Cu and<br />

Zn were better than 9%f, indicating the precision and the<br />

accuracy for the methodology employed in the chemical<br />

analysis.<br />

Trace elements<br />

Table 1 shows the range contents of As, Cu and Zn<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined in 18 samples, representing the sediments<br />

collected close to the Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz Base, in Admiralty<br />

Bay, King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Table 1 also<br />

presents the <strong>da</strong>ta comparison with literature values available<br />

elsewhere for trace elements in Antarctic sediments.<br />

According to the results, the highest concentration<br />

values were observed for Cu and Zn (ranging from 80 to 91<br />

and 50 to 57 mg.kg –1 , respectively). In fact, high Cu content<br />

in Admiralty Bay sediments could be explained by the<br />

mineralogy of studied sediments, which were mainly<br />

produced by glacier erosion of volcanic rocks such as<br />

basalt and an<strong>de</strong>site. ese rocks are respectively composed<br />

primarily by olivine and pyroxene and by plagioclase and<br />

pyroxene (Fourca<strong>de</strong>, 1960). Salomons & Förstner (1984)<br />

Table 1. Trace element ranges (mg.kg –1 , expressed in dry weight)<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined in the Antarctic sediments and compared with literature<br />

values.<br />

Site As Cu Zn<br />

Admiralty Bay 1 6 - 10 80 - 91 50 - 57<br />

Ferraz Station 2 8 - 33 - 87 - 134<br />

Botany Point 2 4 - 6 - 81 - 95<br />

Ferraz Station 3 - 92 89<br />

Admiralty Bay 4 2-12 - -<br />

Mc Murdo Station 5 4 - 5 31 - 100 114 - 156<br />

Princess Regnheld Station 6 4 - 7 - 26 - 134<br />

Ross Sea 7 - 10 - 38 52 - 144<br />

Potter Cove 8 - 73 - 156 46 - 63<br />

1 This study; 2,3 Santos et al. (2007); 4 Ribeiro et al. (2010) ; 5 Negri et al.<br />

(2006); 6 Waheed et al. (2001); 7 Ianni et al. (2010); 8 Andra<strong>de</strong> et al.<br />


Figure 1. As contents (mg.kg –1 ) in the sediment from the proximity of<br />

Ferraz Station, Admiralty Bay.<br />

have reported that, during magmatic differentiation,<br />

Cu is incorporated – among others metals, such as Zn<br />

– into olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase. Copper mean<br />

concentrations in these mineral are 115 mg.kg –1 , 120 mg.kg –1<br />

and 62 mg.kg –1 , respectively. According to Machado et al.<br />

(2001), the high levels of Cu in sediments may be associated<br />

with the wi<strong>de</strong>spread mineralization of chalcopyrite in the<br />

area.<br />

e <strong>da</strong>ta comparison with literature indicated that the<br />

trace elements levels were in the same or<strong>de</strong>r of magnitu<strong>de</strong><br />

of previous contents already obtained in di erent periods<br />

and Antarctic regions. Moreover, contents of As, Cu, and Zn<br />

were in conformity with those <strong>de</strong>termined by Santos et al.<br />

(2005, 2007) in sediments from Admiralty Bay.<br />

Figures 1 to 3 show the mean contents with <strong>de</strong>pth.<br />

Likewise previous work (Ribeiro et al., 2010), the results<br />

indicated a slight <strong>de</strong>crease of As with <strong>de</strong>pth (Figure 1),<br />

suggesting that the human activities may be contributing<br />

to the As enrichment in the study site. e <strong>da</strong>ta set suggests<br />

the natural sources are the main inputs for Cu and Zn<br />

(Figures 2 and 3) in the Antarctic ecosystem. Even though,<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the geochemical distribution of<br />

the trace elements in the surface sediments, a study of<br />

geochemical partitioning of As, Cu and Zn is necessary and<br />

will be <strong>de</strong>veloped in the near future.<br />

Figure 2. Cu contents (mg.kg –1 ) in the sediment from the proximity of<br />

Ferraz Station, Admiralty Bay.<br />

Figure 3. Zn contents (mg.kg –1 ) in the sediment from the proximity of<br />

Ferraz Station, Admiralty Bay.<br />

Conclusions<br />

This work presented its preliminary results related to<br />

the As, Cu, and Zn in sediments from the proximity of<br />

Brazilian Antarctic Base, in the Admiralty Bay. e study<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>d some baseline information on trace elements of<br />

environmental interest for the Antarctic region. In general,<br />

chemical composition of sediments was in accor<strong>da</strong>nce<br />

with the literature values, thereby suggesting a low level<br />

of environmental contamination in the areas of human<br />

activities in the Admiralty Bay region. Continuous<br />

environmental monitoring, <strong>de</strong>termination of baseline levels,<br />

chemical speciation methods will be essential for controlling<br />

and preventing pollution in the Antarctic Continent.<br />

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Acknowledgements<br />

e authors would like to thank the <strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong><br />

Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais<br />

(CNPq no 574018/2008-5 and FAPERJ no 16/170.023/2008)<br />

and the Programa Antártico Brasileiro (PROANTAR) for<br />

the nancial support through the bursary provi<strong>de</strong>d by<br />

References<br />

140 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

the Conselho Nacional <strong>de</strong> Desenvolvimento Cientí co e<br />

Tecnológico (CNPq) and the logistical support from the<br />

Comissão Interministerial para Recursos do Mar (CIRM),<br />

Ministério <strong>da</strong> Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT) and Ministério<br />

do Meio Ambiente (MMA).<br />

Andra<strong>de</strong>, S., Poblet, A., Scagliola, M., Vodopivez, C., Curtosi, A., Pucci, A. & Marcovecchio, J. (2001) Distribution of heavy<br />

metals in surface sediments from an Antarctic marine ecosystem. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 66: 147-158.<br />

Bargagli, R. (2005) Antarctic Ecosystems Environmental Contamination: Climate Change, and Human Impact. Springer:<br />

Ecological Studies.<br />

Feitosa G.L. (2009). Brazil contributes to research in the Antarctic. Hobeco Lt<strong>da</strong> - Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro/Brazil, Available on:<br />

http://www.vaisala.com/fi les/Brazil_contributes_to_research_in_the_Antarctic.pdf.<br />

Filgueiras, V.L.; Campos, L.S.; Lavrado, H.P.; Frensel, R. & Pollery, R.C.G. (2007). Vertical distribution of macrobenthic infauna<br />

from the shallow sublittoral zone of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 30(11): 1439-47.<br />

Fourca<strong>de</strong> N. H. (1960). Estudio geológico y petrográfi co <strong>de</strong> Caleta Potter, isla 25 <strong>de</strong> Mayo, Islas Shetland <strong>de</strong>l Sur, <strong>Instituto</strong><br />

Antártico Argentino, Publicación N 8, 115 p.<br />

Ianni, C., Magi, E., Soggia, F., Rivaro, P. & Frache, R. (2010) Trace metal speciation in coastal and off-shore sediments from<br />

Ross Sea (Antarctica), Microchemical Journal, 96(2): 203-212.<br />

Machado A.; Lima E.F.; Chemale Jr. F.; Liz J.D. & Ávila J.N. (2001) Química mineral <strong>de</strong> rochas vulcânicas <strong>da</strong> Península Fil<strong>de</strong>s<br />

(Ilha Rei George), Antártica. Revista Brasileira <strong>de</strong> Geociências, 31(3): 299–306.<br />

Martins C.C.; Montone R.C.; Gamba R.C. & Pellizari V.H. (2005) Sterols and fecal indicator microorganisms in sediments<br />

from Admiralty Bay, Antarctica. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 53(1/2): 1-12.<br />

Martins, C.C., Bícego, M.C., Rose, N.L., Taniguchi, S., Lourenço, R.A., Figueira, R.C., Mahiques M.M. & Montone, R.C. (2010).<br />

Historical record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and spheroi<strong>da</strong>l carbonaceous particles (SCPs) in marine<br />

sediment cores from Admiralty Bay,King George Island, Antarctica. Environmental Pollution 158(1): 192-200.<br />

Negri, A., Burns, K., Boyle, S., Brinkman, D. & Webster, N. (2006) Contamination in sediments, bivalves and sponges of<br />

McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Environmental Pollution 143(3): 456-67.<br />

Ribeiro, A.P., Figueira, R.C.L., Martins, C.C., Silva, C.R.A., França, E.J., Bícego, M.C., Mahiques, M.M. & Montone, R.C. (2010)<br />

Arsenic content in fi ve sediment profi le from Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica., National Institute of Science<br />

and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research-Annual Activity Report, 1: 52-57.<br />

Salomons W. & Förstner U. (1984). Metals in the hydrocycle. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.<br />

Santos, I.R, Silva-Filho, E.V., Schaefer, C.E.G.R., Albuquerque-Filho, M.R. & Campos, L.S., (2005) Heavy metal contamination<br />

in coastal sediments and soils near the Brazilian Antarctic Station, King George Island. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50(2):<br />

185-94.<br />

Santos, I.R, Fávaro, D.I.T, Schaefer, C.E.R.G & Silva-Filho, E.V. (2007) Sediment geochemistry in coastal maritime Antarctica<br />

(Admiralty Bay, King George Island): Evi<strong>de</strong>nce from rare earths and other elements. Marine Chemistry, 107(4): 464-74.<br />

USEPA (1996). United States Environmental Protection Agency. Method 3050B. Acid digestion of sediments, sludges and<br />

soil. Revision 2. December.<br />

Waheed, S., Ahmad, S., Rahman, A. & Qureshi, I.H. (2001) Antarctic marine sediments as fi ngerprints of pollution migration.<br />

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 250(1): 97-107.





Cintia Machado 1 , Marcia Kiyoe Shima<strong>da</strong> 2 , Stênio Perdigão Fragoso 2 , Edith Fanta 1 ,<br />

Helena G. Kawall 1 , Edson Rodrigues 3 , Lucélia Donatti 1,*<br />

1 Departamento <strong>de</strong> <strong>Biologia</strong> Celular, Setor <strong>de</strong> Ciências Biológicas, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Paraná – UFPR, Curitiba, PR, Brazil<br />

2 Fun<strong>da</strong>ção Oswaldo Cruz, <strong>Instituto</strong> Carlos Chagas – ICC, Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil<br />

3 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Bioquímica, <strong>Instituto</strong> Básico <strong>de</strong> Biociências – IBB, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Taubaté – UNITAU, Taubaté, SP, Brazil<br />

*e-mail: donatti@ufpr.br<br />

Abstract: e Antarctic sh Notothenia rossii and Notothenia coriiceps were selected as target organisms for studies of biomarker<br />

responses of environmental monitoring research of Admiralty Bay, King George Island. In this case, molecular taxonomy<br />

analysis of the referred population became an important study subject in or<strong>de</strong>r to increase the knowledge of especies diversity.<br />

e taxonomy of Antarctic sh has been predominantly based on morphological characteristics rather than on genetic criteria.<br />

A typical example is the Notothenia group, which consists of N. coriiceps, N. neglecta and N. rossii. e Polymerase Chain<br />

Reaction and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique was used to <strong>de</strong>termine whether N. neglecta<br />

and N. coriiceps are di erent or whether they are the same species with morphological, physiological and behavioural variability.<br />

N. rossii was used as control. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was isolated from muscle specimens of N. neglecta, N. coriiceps<br />

and N. rossii, which were collected in Admiralty Bay, King George Island. e DNA was used to amplify a fragment (690 base<br />

pairs) of the coding region of the mitochondrial gene for NADH subunit 2. Further, the amplicon was digested with following<br />

restriction enzymes: D<strong>de</strong>I, HindIII and RsaI. e results showed a variation of the digestion pattern of the fragment ampli ed<br />

between N. rossii and N. coriiceps or N. neglecta species. No di erences were found between N. coriiceps and N. neglecta<br />

specimens.<br />

Keywords: Notothenia species, DNA mitochondrial, NADH-2, PCR-RFLP<br />

Introduction<br />

e Antarctic sh Notothenia rossii and Notothenia coriiceps<br />

were selected as target organisms for studies of biomarker<br />

responses of environmental monitoring research proposed<br />

in Module 3 INCT-APA (<strong>Instituto</strong> Nacional <strong>de</strong> Ciência<br />

e Tecnologia Antártico <strong>de</strong> Pesquisas Ambientais) for<br />

Admiralty Bay, King George Island (Rodrigues et al., 2009).<br />

In this case, molecular taxonomy analysis of the referred<br />

population became an important study subject to increase<br />

the knowledge of the diversity of this species.<br />

e species Notothenia coriiceps was rst <strong>de</strong>scribed by<br />

Richardson in 1844. Nybelin (1951) <strong>de</strong>scribed N. neglecta<br />

as a new species of the genera, contested in 1966 by DeWitt<br />

who consi<strong>de</strong>red N. neglecta a subspecies of N. coriiceps.<br />

Fischer and Hureau (1988) supported the hypotheses that<br />

N. coriiceps and N. neglecta are distinct species, presenting<br />

di erences in the number of n rays of the pectoral and<br />

second dorsal ns, interorbital width and head length.<br />

Nowa<strong>da</strong>ys, most authors consi<strong>de</strong>r that N. coriiceps and<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />

7<br />


N. neglecta are the same species (Kock, 1992; Eastman, 1993;<br />

Eastman & Eakin, 2000).<br />

142 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Mitochondrial DNA has been used in research at the<br />

population level as well as in studies on molecular taxonomy.<br />

e present work used Polymerase Chain Reaction and<br />

Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP)<br />

techniques of a region of NADH <strong>de</strong>hydrogenase subunit<br />

2 gene of the mitochondrial DNA (Meyer, 1993), with the<br />

purpose of analysing the polymorphism among Notothenia<br />

species to assess the existence of N. neglecta and N. coriiceps<br />

separate species.<br />

Methods<br />

Specimen collection and DNA extraction<br />

Specimens of Notothenia coriiceps Richardson, 1844,<br />

N. neglecta Nybelin, 1951 and N. rossii Richardson, 1844<br />

were collected at di erent localities near the Coman<strong>da</strong>nte<br />

Ferraz Brazilian Station (62° 05’ S and 58° 24’ W) in Admiralty<br />

Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Notothenia<br />

rossii, a phylogenetically close species was used as control.<br />

irty-six specimens were used for molecular analyses: 11<br />

N. coriiceps, 11 N. neglecta and 14 N. rossii specimens. Counts<br />

of meristic characters and morphometric measurements<br />

from the specimens examined in this study following<br />

procedures by Fischer and Hureau (1988) (Table 1).<br />

A fragment of muscle tissue (1 cm 3 ) of the tail region<br />

was collected and preserved in absolute ethanol until<br />

processing. The Easy-DNA kit extraction (Invitrogen,<br />

Carlsbad, CA) was used for DNA extraction, according to<br />

the manufacturer’s instructions.<br />

Ampli cation reaction<br />

e coding region of the mitochondrial gene for subunit 2 of<br />

the NADH (ND2) was ampli ed using the following primer<br />

pairs: ND2F (5’ - ACCACCCCCGGGCAGTTGAAG - 3’) and<br />


These primers were <strong>de</strong>signed from conserved regions<br />

obtained from the alignment of the sequences of the ND2<br />

gene of Antarctic sh <strong>de</strong>posited in GenBank (NCBI, 2004).<br />

PCR-RFLP technique<br />

e amplicons of the ND2 were digested with 5 U of the<br />

following restriction enzymes: D<strong>de</strong>I, HindIII and RsaI<br />

(New England BioLabs, Beverly, MA). e treated samples<br />

were subjected to electrophoresis in 10% acrylami<strong>de</strong> gel.<br />

Molecular size of restriction DNA fragments were estimated<br />

by comparison with 1 Kb Plus Lad<strong>de</strong>r (Invitrogen).<br />

Results<br />

Digestion pro les of ND2 ampli ed fragments showed<br />

that N. rossii does not possess a site for restriction enzymes<br />

HindIII and RsaI, whereas the amplicon of N. coriiceps<br />

and N. neglecta exhibited one restriction site for HindIII<br />

and RsaI (Figure 1b, c). e fragment patterns produced<br />

by digestion with restriction enzyme D<strong>de</strong>I indicated three<br />

restriction sites in N. rossii and two for N. coriiceps and<br />

N. neglecta (Figure 1a).<br />

e molecular di erentiation between N. rossii and<br />

N. coriiceps was possible using the NADH2 gene of the<br />

mitochondrial DNA by PCR-RFLP technique. However,<br />

no di erence was found within N. coriiceps and N. neglecta<br />

Table 1. Meristic counts and morphometric measurements of the Notothenia specimens (n = 36) captured from Admiralty Bay, with sample separated by<br />

species according Fischer and Hureau (1988). Numbers of specimens are 11 for N. coriiceps, 11 for N. neglecta and 14 for N. rossii.<br />

Characteristics Species<br />

N. rossii N. coriiceps N. neglecta<br />

N° of fi rst dorsal fi n rays 4 - 7 4 - 6 3 - 7<br />

N° of second dorsal fi n rays 32 - 35 35 - 37 37 - 40<br />

N° of pectoral fi ns rays 22 - 24 16 - 18 16 - 19<br />

N° of anal fi n rays 27 - 30 27 - 30 29 - 32<br />

interorbital width / head length 29 - 31 23 - 25 26 - 33

specimens, by the digestion pro le obtained for the D<strong>de</strong>I,<br />

HindIII and RsaI restriction enzymes (Figure 1).<br />

Discussion<br />

e species N. coriiceps, <strong>de</strong>scribed by Richardson 1844, is<br />

largely distributed in shallow waters of the Southern Ocean<br />

and found in high <strong>de</strong>nsities in Admiralty Bay. It presents<br />

a great <strong>de</strong>al of morphological variation. Nybelin (1951)<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribed N. neglecta as a new species of the genera. Fischer<br />

and Hureau (1988) consi<strong>de</strong>red N. coriiceps and N. neglecta as<br />

a b<br />

Figure 1. Digestion profi le of a fragment (690 base pairs) of the coding region amplifi ed of the mitochondrial gene of the subunit 2 of the NADH using<br />

PCR-RFLP technique. a) Amplicon digested by restriction enzyme D<strong>de</strong>I. Lines 1 and 2 corresponding to N. rossii specie. Lines 3 and 4: N. coriiceps.<br />

Lines 5 and 6: N. neglecta; b) Amplicon digested by restriction enzyme HindIII. Lines 1 and 2 corresponding to N. rossii specie. Lines 3 and 4: N. coriiceps.<br />

Lines 5 and 6: N. neglecta; c) Amplicon digested by restriction enzyme RsaI. Lines 1 and 2 corresponding to N. coriiceps specie. Lines 3 and 4: N. neglecta.<br />

Lines 5 and 6: N. rossii. M: 1kb Plus Lad<strong>de</strong>r (Invitrogen).<br />

a distinct species, showing di erences in the number of n<br />

rays of the pectoral and second dorsal ns, interorbital width<br />

and head length. In 1966, DeWitt consi<strong>de</strong>red N. neglegta as<br />

a subspecies of N. coriiceps justifying that Nybelin had used<br />

a small number of samples to present its classi cation (Gon<br />

& Heemstra, 1990).<br />

Conclusion<br />

c<br />

e results of the study presented here con rmed that<br />

N. coriicepsis genetically di erent to N.rossii, being two<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


distinct species, while there was no evi<strong>de</strong>nce of genetic<br />

divergence between N. neglecta and, N. coriiceps. However,<br />

additional information on in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt genetic loci (nuclear<br />

markers) will be required to reject the hypothesis of Nybelin<br />

that these two morphotypes are separate species.<br />

Also, in addition to the information from Meyer<br />

(1993), we have shown that the gene ND2 is a good gene<br />

to di erentiate the species of sh of the same genus. In the<br />

comparison between N. coriiceps and N. rossi, by the RFLP<br />

technique, the bands pattern was clear and presented good<br />

reproducibility.<br />

References<br />

144 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Eastman, J.T. (1993). Antarctic fi sh biology. San Diego: Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Press, 322 pp.<br />

e authors wish to thank the Conselho Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisa<br />

e Desenvolvimento (CNPq) for nancial support to the<br />

Projects nº 52.0125/2008-8 (API), 57.4018/2008-5 (INCT-<br />

APA) and a Productivity in Research stipend for L. Donatti<br />

nº 305562/2009-6; Fun<strong>da</strong>ção <strong>de</strong> Amparo à Pesquisa do<br />

Estado do Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro (FAPERJ) nº E-26/170.023/2008;<br />

REUNI/SESU for a Doctorate Stipend to C. Machado; the<br />

PROANTAR/SECIRM of the Brazilian Navy, and the sta<br />

of the Brazilian Antarctic Station Coman<strong>da</strong>nte Ferraz for<br />

all their logistical support.<br />

Eastman, J.T. & Eakin, R.R. (2000).An up<strong>da</strong>ted species list for notothenioid fi sh (Perciformes; Notothenioi<strong>de</strong>i), with comments<br />

on Antarctic species. Archive of Fishery and Marine Research. 48(1), 11-20.<br />

Fischer, W. &Hureau, J.C. (1988). Oceano austral. 1985. Vol II. Roma: Organizacion <strong>de</strong> lasNaciones Uni<strong>da</strong>s para Alimentacion<br />

e la Agricultura, 471 pp.<br />

Gon, O.& Heemstra, P.C. (1990). Fishes of the Southern Ocean.J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology. South Africa:<br />

Grahamstown, 462 pp.<br />

Kock, K.H. (1992). Antarctic fi sh and fi sheries; studies in polar research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 359 pp.<br />

Meyer, A. (1993). Evolution of mitochondrial DNA in fi shes. In: Hochachka and Mommsen, Biochemistry and molecular<br />

biology of fi shes, vol.2. Elsevier Science Publishers, New York, pp. 1-38.<br />

NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information (2004). Available from: . Accessed in August<br />

11 th 2004.<br />

Rodrigues, E.; Donatti, L.; Vani, G.S.; Lavrado, H.P.; Rios, F.S.; Su<strong>da</strong>, S.N.K.; Piechnik, C.A.; Machado, D.; Rodrigues<br />

Junior, E.; Oliveira, M. F.; Silva, F.B.V. & Cettina, L.B. 2009. Natural and anthropic impact assessment on biochemical<br />

and histopathological biomarkers of fi shes and invertebrates at coastal region of Admiralty Bay – King George Island.<br />

Annual Activity Report of Institute of Science and technology Antarctic Environmental Research. São Carlos, pp. 44-49.




Edna Wisnieski 1,* , Liziane Marcella Michelotti Ceschim 2 , Sabrina Nart Aguiar 1 ,César <strong>de</strong> Castro Martins 1,**<br />

1 Centro <strong>de</strong> Estudos do Mar, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Paraná – UFPR, Pontal do Paraná, PR, Brazil<br />

2 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Química Orgânica Marinha, <strong>Instituto</strong> Oceanográfi co, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> São Paulo – USP, São Paulo, SP, Brazil<br />

e-mail: * ednawisnieski@gmail.com; ** ccmart@ufpr.br<br />

Abstract: In the present study, sterols organic markers were applied to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the sources of organic matter in Admiralty Bay. For<br />

this purpose, sediment samples were extracted using a Soxhlet system, clean up with column chromatography and injected into a<br />

gas chromatograph. Measurable levels of all sterols analyzed con rm the multiplicity of sources of sedimentary organic matter. In<br />

BTN and STH,the most abun<strong>da</strong>nt sterol was the colest-5-en-3β-ol (cholesterol) with 2.24 µg.g –1 and 4.12 µg.g –1 , respectively, while<br />

in FER, itwas the 24-metil-colest-5-en-3β-ol (campesterol) with 1.83 µg.g –1 . e saturated sterols have smaller concentrations<br />

in relation to parental unsaturated, which may indicate a low rate of bacterial and hydrogenation processes. A generic pro le<br />

of the vertical distribution representing all 15 sterols studied was obtained by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In three<br />

cores, the vertical distribution pattern of organic material presented the smallest values in the bottom<strong>de</strong>pth layers, re ecting the<br />

organic matter already immobilized while in the upper layers values showed a gradual increase towards the top, representing the<br />

recent<strong>de</strong>position of organic matter.<br />

Keywords: sediments, sterols, organic matter, Antarctica<br />

Introduction<br />

Organic markers, such as sterols, are chemical compounds<br />

with characteristics of <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion resistance and speci city<br />

according to their origin. ey can be used as indicators of<br />

events and processes in the environment on a time scale<br />

(Colombo et al., 1989). Particularly, sterols have been<br />

wi<strong>de</strong>ly used as indicators of sources, bacterial reworking<br />

and diagenetic transformations of organic matter <strong>de</strong>posited<br />

in the marine sediment, such as an indicator of sewage<br />

introduction into the marine environment (Green &<br />

Nichols, 1995; Hughes & ompson, 2004; Volkman, 2005;<br />

Yunker et al., 2005).<br />

Sterols represent a small proportion of biogenic organic<br />

matter, however, they are essential to marine organisms,<br />

because they are key components of cell membranes<br />

and for the regulation of specific metabolic processes<br />

(Laureillard et al., 1997). Particulate organic matter, living<br />

organisms and sediment show the presence ofsterols, thus<br />

the <strong>de</strong>termination of these organic markers helps in the<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of sources and fate of organic matter into<br />

the marine environment, as well as ngerprints of primary<br />

production (Hudson et al., 2001).<br />

In marine organic matter the main sterols that can<br />

be found are:4α,23,24-trimetil-colesta-22E-en-3β-ol<br />

(dinosterol - photosynthetic dino agellates), colest-5-en-3βol,<br />

(cholesterol - to and zooplankton), 24-etil-colest-5-en-<br />

3β-ol (sitosterol), 24-metil-colest-5-en-3β-ol(campesterol)<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />

8<br />


(algae and bacteria) and 24-metil-colesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol<br />

(brassicasterol - diatoms). e saturated sterols such as<br />

5α-colestan-3β-ol (cholestanol), 24-metil-colesta-22E-en-<br />

3β-ol (campestanol) and 24-etil-colestan-3β-ol (sitostanol),<br />

are also present in di erent marine organisms and can<br />

be formed as result of diagenetic processes and bacterial<br />

hydrogenation of unsaturated sterols (Volkman, 2005).<br />

146 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Currently, the organic geochemical aspects related to<br />

the contribution and the conversion of sedimentary organic<br />

matter indicated by sterols in a given time scale in the<br />

Antarctic environment has been barely investigated. e<br />

distribution of these compounds in sediment cores may<br />

be useful for the un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the temporal and local<br />

environmental changes based on natural and anthropogenic<br />

events in the recent past.<br />

e aim of this research has been to study the temporal<br />

distribution of sterols as indicators of origin, input,<br />

40°<br />

50°<br />

60°<br />

70°<br />

80°<br />

Antarctico<br />

Bransfield Strait<br />

South<br />

America<br />

Map - 02<br />

Map - 01<br />

Map - 02<br />

62°<br />

4’<br />

5’<br />

6’<br />

7’<br />

8’<br />

9’<br />

10’<br />

11’<br />

12’<br />

13’<br />

14’<br />

15’<br />

16’<br />

N<br />

W E<br />

S<br />

preservation or <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion of marine organic matter in<br />

sediment cores of Martel Inlet, Admiralty Bay, Antarctica.<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Study area<br />

e study area was the Martel Inlet, in Admiralty Bay,<br />

King George Island located in the South Shetland Islands,<br />

Antarctic Peninsula (62° 02’ S and 58° 21’ W) (Figure 1).<br />

Admiralty Bay has an area of 131 km², reaches <strong>de</strong>pths of<br />

up to 530 m and has a coastline with many bays (Santos et al.,<br />

2007), the largest bay being at King George Island, one of<br />

the South Shetlands Islands. ere are three large inlets in<br />

Admiralty Bay: Martel, Mackelar and Ezcurra and each of<br />

them possesses a research station. e Mackelar and Martel<br />

Inlets form the northern part of the Bay while the Ezcurra<br />

Inlet is in the west (Bromberg et al., 2000). Coman<strong>da</strong>nte<br />

Macchu Pichu<br />

Station<br />

Thomas Point<br />

C<br />

Arctowski<br />

Station<br />

Ferraz Station Steinhouse<br />

(A) Martel Inlet<br />

(B) Mackelar Inlet<br />

(C) Enzcurra Inlet<br />

Hennequin Point<br />

Admiralty Bay<br />

Botany<br />

Point<br />

0 1 2 3 4 km<br />

40’ 38’ 36’ 34’ 32’ 30’ 28’ 26’ 24’ 22’ 20’ 18’ 16’<br />

58°<br />

Figure 1. Sampling stations at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. (1): Coman<strong>da</strong>nteFerraz Brazilian Antarctic Station (FER); (2): Steinhouse<br />

Glacier (STH); (3): Botany Point (BTN).<br />

B<br />

1 2<br />

A<br />


Ferraz Antarctic Station (EACF), the Brazilian station, is<br />

located in Martel Inlet.<br />

Sampling<br />

Sampling was carried out during the austral summer of<br />

2007/08, in three di erent points in Martel Inlet named:<br />

Ferraz Station (FER), Steinhouse Glacier (STH) and Botany<br />

Point (BTN). e cores were obtained from a box core<br />

sampler, and sub-sampled into sections of 1 cm.<br />

Analytical procedure<br />

e analytical method used for the analysis of sterols in<br />

sediments is <strong>de</strong>scribed in Kawakami and Montone (2002).<br />

Around 20 g of sediment from each site were extracted<br />

using a Soxhlet system for 8 hours with 70 mL of ethanol.<br />

The surrogate, 5α-cholestane was ad<strong>de</strong>d before each<br />

extraction. e ethanol extract was reduced to c. 2 mL by<br />

rotoevaporation and submitted to a clean up with column<br />

chromatography using 2 g of 5% <strong>de</strong>activated alumina and<br />

elution with 15 mL of ethanol. e extracts were evaporated<br />

to dryness and <strong>de</strong>rivatized to form trimethylsilyl ethers<br />

using BSTFA (bis(trimethylsilyl)tri uoroacetami<strong>de</strong>) with<br />

1% TMCS (trimethylchlorosilane) for 90 minutes at 65 °C.<br />

e mixture of TMS-sterols <strong>de</strong>rivatives was <strong>de</strong>termined by<br />

the injection of 2 µL into a gas chromatograph equipped<br />

with a ame ionization <strong>de</strong>tector (GC-FID). Instrumental<br />

<strong>de</strong>tails are <strong>de</strong>scribed by Montone et al. (2010).<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

The most abun<strong>da</strong>nt compound in BTN and STH was<br />

the colest-5-en-3β-ol (cholesterol) (2.24 µg.g –1 and<br />

4.12 µg.g –1 , respectively), producedby various organisms<br />

that inhabit the region, including seals, whales, phyto and<br />

zooplankton (Volkman, 2005).In FER, the 24-metil-colest-<br />

5-en-3β-ol (campesterol) (1.83 µg.g –1 ), biosynthesized by<br />

Prymnesiophycean algae (Phaeocystissp) and cyanobacteria<br />

(Volkman, 2005) was the most abun<strong>da</strong>nt sterol. The<br />

<strong>de</strong>tected concentrations of 15 di erent sterols analyzed<br />

are evi<strong>de</strong>nce of the variety of sources of composition of<br />

sedimentary organic matter in Martel inlet. e presence of<br />

saturated sterols in the sediment indicates the occurrence of<br />

diagenic process although they are not commonly found in<br />

signi cant abun<strong>da</strong>nce in organisms (Hassett & Lee, 1977).<br />

However, the lower concentrations of saturated sterols in<br />

relation to the unsaturated homologue may indicate low<br />

rate of bacterial and hydrogenation diagenetic processes.<br />

A generic profile of the vertical distribution of all<br />

sterols analyzed was obtained by Principal Component<br />

Analysis (PCA), using the concentration of each compound<br />

according to di erent <strong>de</strong>pth sections of sediment cores.<br />

a b c<br />

Figure 2. Vertical profi lesobtained by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to BTN, STH and FER sites.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


148 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

As expected, the general profile of the three sites<br />

(Figure 2) showed highest concentrations in the upper<br />

layers. e sterol levels <strong>de</strong>creased with <strong>de</strong>pth, suggesting<br />

<strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion a er <strong>de</strong>positional and little changes in sources<br />

of organic matter in the recent past (Hudson et al., 2001).<br />

In BTN (Figure 2a), a constant behavior can be visualized<br />

in <strong>de</strong>pth sections up to 10-11 cm, indicating the immobilized<br />

organic matter (Muri & Wakeham, 2006). e lowest value<br />

at ~10 cm suggesting <strong>de</strong>clines in productivity or uxes of<br />

poor-sterol material at this point (Hudson et al., 2001). A<br />

more signi cant peak can be seen between 15 and 16 cm and<br />

it may be associated with large inputs of organic matter to<br />

the bottom sediments of Martel Inlet as a result of natural<br />

events (period of increased melting, signi cant uctuations<br />

in populations of marine organisms or changes in sediment<br />

particle size) (Hudson et al., 2001). From sections 9-10 cm<br />

up to surface layers, the increased values are compatible with<br />

the recent organic matter <strong>de</strong>position, weakly transformed in<br />

the water column and by post <strong>de</strong>positional processes.<br />

In the cores STH (Figure 2b) and FER (Figure 2c), a<br />

similar distribution to BTN was found, except for a peak at<br />

2 and 3 cm (STH) and from 1 to 3 cm (FER), which may have<br />

been due to the presence of ne grained particles (visual<br />

observation) in these sections resulting in high organic<br />

matter accumulation and strong accumulation of sterols<br />

due to physical adsorption(Meyers, 1994).<br />

Conclusions<br />

Based on the results obtained from this work, a multiplicity<br />

of sources of marine organic matter to sediments of Martel<br />

Inlet could be veri ed, due to all sterols analyzed having<br />

shown <strong>de</strong>tectable concentrations in most of the sections of<br />

the three cores analyzed, <strong>de</strong>spite of evi<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion in<br />

down-core sections.<br />

e vertical pro les generated by PCA presented lower<br />

values in the <strong>de</strong>pth layers, re ecting the organic matter<br />

already immobilized while in the upper layers values showed<br />

increased concentrations, representing the recent inputs of<br />

organic matter.<br />

e results of this research can contribute to a better<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the processes related to contribution and<br />

the transformation of organic matter in Martel Inlet, serving<br />

as a basis for other environmental studies, in <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

in the region.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Edna Wisnieski expresses gratitu<strong>de</strong> forthe scholarship<br />

granted by (Fun<strong>da</strong>çãoAraucária – PR). Liziane M. M.<br />

Ceschim expresses gratitu<strong>de</strong> for the DTI-3 scholarship<br />

(CNPq 382434/2009-9) related to Brazilian “National Science<br />

and Technology Institute on Antarctic Environmental<br />

Research” (INCT-APA, CNPq 574018/2008-5 and FAPERJ<br />

E-16/170023/2008). C.C. Martins expresses gratitu<strong>de</strong><br />

for the PQ-2 Grant (CNPq 307110/2008-7). e authors<br />

thank the nancial support obtained from the Ministério<br />

do Meio Ambiente (MMA), Ministério <strong>de</strong> Ciência e<br />

Tecnologia (MCT) and Conselho Nacional <strong>de</strong> Pesquisa<br />

(CNPq - GEOLs Project 550014/2007-1) and the logistical<br />

support from Comissão Interministerial para os Recursos<br />

do Mar (CIRM).

References<br />

Bromberg, S.; Nonato, E.F.; Corbisier, T.N. & Petti, M.A.V. (2000) Polychaete distribution in the near-shore zone of Martel inlet,<br />

Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctica). Bulletin of Marine Science, 67(1): 175-88.<br />

Colombo, J.C.; Pelletier, E.; Brochu, C.; Khalil, M. & Catoggio, J.A.(1989). Determination of hydrocarbon sources using<br />

n-alkane and polyaromatic hydrocarbon distribution in<strong>de</strong>xes. Case study: Rio <strong>de</strong> la Plata Estuary, Argentina. Environmental<br />

Science Technology, 23(7): 888-94.<br />

Green, G. & Nichols, P.D. (1995). Hydrocarbons and sterols in marine sediments and soils at Davis Station, Antarctica: a<br />

survey for human-<strong>de</strong>rived contaminants. Antarctic Science, 7(2): 137-44.<br />

HassetJr, J.P.& Lee, G.F. (1977).Sterols in natural water and sediment. Water Research, 11(11): 983-9.<br />

Hudson, E.D.; Parrish, C.C. & Helleur, R.J.(2001).Biogeochemistry of sterols in plankton, settling particles and recent sediments<br />

in a cold ocean ecosystem (Trinity Bay, Newfoundland). Marine Chemistry, 76(4): 253-70.<br />

Hughes, K.A. & Thompson, A. (2004). Distribution of sewage pollution around a maritime Antarctic research station indicated<br />

by faecal coliforms, Clostridium perfringens and faecal sterol markers. Environmental Pollution, 127(3): 315-21.<br />

Kawakami, S.K. & Montone, R.C. (2002).An effi cient ethanol-based analytical protocol to quality fecal steroids in marine<br />

sediments.Journal of Brazilian Chemical Society, 13(2): 226-32.<br />

Laureillard, J.; Pinturier, L.; Fillaux, J. & Saliot, A.(1997). Organic geochemistry of marine sediments of the Subantarctic Indian<br />

Ocean sector: Lipid classes – sources and fate. DeepSea Research II, 44(5): 1085-108.<br />

Meyers, P.A. (1994). Preservation of elemental and isotopic source i<strong>de</strong>ntifi cation of sedimentary organic matter. Chemical<br />

Geology, 114(3-4): 289-302.<br />

Montone, R.C.; Martins, C.C.; Bícego, M.C.; Taniguchi, S.; Silva, D.A.M.; Campos, L.S. & Weber, R.R. (2010). Distribution<br />

of sewage input in marine sediments around a maritime Antarctic research station indicated by molecular geochemical<br />

indicators. Science of the Total Environment, 408(20): 4665-71.<br />

Muri, G. & Wakeham, S.G. (2006). Organic matter and lipids in sediments of Lake Bled (NW Slovenia): Source and effect of<br />

anoxic and oxic <strong>de</strong>positional regimes. OrganicGeochemistry, 37(12): 1664-79.<br />

Santos, I.R.; Fávaro, D.I.T.; Schaefer, C.E.G.R. & Silva-Filho, E.V. (2007). Sediment geochemistry in coastal maritime Antarctica<br />

(Admiralty Bay, King George Island): Evi<strong>de</strong>nce from rare earths and other elements. Marine Chemistry, 107(4): 464-74.<br />

Volkman, J.K. (2005). Sterols and other triterpenoids: source specifi ty and evolution of biosynthetic pathways. Organic<br />

Geochemistry, 36(2): 139-59.<br />

Yunk er, M.B.; Belicka, L.L.; Harvey, H.R. & Macdonald, R.W. (2005).Tracing the inputs and fate of marine and terrigenous<br />

organic matter in Arctic Ocean sediments: A multivariate analysis of lipid biomarkers.Deep Sea Research II, 52(24-26):<br />

3478-508.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />



150 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />





Sabrina Nart Aguiar 1,* , Liziane Marcella Michelotti Ceschim 2 , Edna Wisnieski 1 , César <strong>de</strong> Castro Martins 1,**<br />

1 Centro <strong>de</strong> Estudos do Mar, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Paraná – UFPR, Pontal do Paraná, PR, Brazil<br />

2 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Química Orgânica Marinha, <strong>Instituto</strong> Oceanográfi co, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> São Paulo – USP, São Paulo, SP, Brazil<br />

e-mail: * sabrina.oceano@gmail.com; ** ccmart@ufpr.br<br />

Abstract: Steroids are e cient geochemical markers of natural and anthropogenic environmental events, because they present<br />

stability and resistance to the <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion process, keeping a record of their signature origin, allowing interpretations about the<br />

organic matter sources. e Antarctic region is consi<strong>de</strong>red one of the best preserved environments in the world; however human<br />

activities have resulted in changes in this pristine location. Sampling was collected during the 2006/07 austral summer at three<br />

points: Refuge II (REF) (Mackelar Inlet), omas Point (PTH) and Barrel Point (BAR) (Ezcurra Inlet). A er Soxhlet extraction,<br />

clean up using adsorption column and <strong>de</strong>rivatization, steroids concentrations were <strong>de</strong>termined by gas chromatography with<br />

ame ionization <strong>de</strong>tector (GC-FID). Concentrations of fecal sterols (coprostanol and epicoprostanol) in all locations studied<br />


Bay environment is subjected to little human in uence<br />

and fecal steroids can be associated to marine mammals,<br />

the <strong>de</strong>termination of background values of these organic<br />

markers in di erent Antarctic regions are important for<br />

future studies, especially in places where scienti c stations<br />

are established (Montone et al., 2010). us, background<br />

values of fecal steroids, based on the concentration of these<br />

markers, were obtained from three short sedimentary<br />

columns, which were sampled at Mackelar and Ezcurra Inlet.<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Admiralty Bay is situated in King George Island, in the<br />

South Shetland Islands. Human occupation in the Bay is<br />

represented by the presence of three main stations and<br />

some refuges. Martel Inlet is the location of Brazilian<br />

Ferraz Station and two refuges; Mackelar Inlet is the base<br />

of the Peruvian Macchu Picchu station, located near Crepin<br />

Point, while the Polish Henryk Arctowski station is located<br />

at Ezcurra Inlet, on the western si<strong>de</strong> of the Admiralty Bay.<br />

Two cores were collected in Ezcurra Inlet, near the<br />

omas Point and Barrel Point; both at 30 m <strong>de</strong>ep, and the<br />

third core was collected on the opposite si<strong>de</strong> of Macchu<br />

Pichu station, near the Brazilian refuge, at 20 m <strong>de</strong>ep, in<br />

Mackelar Inlet. e sampling was un<strong>de</strong>rtaken using a box<br />

corer between December 2006 and January 2007. 25 mm<br />

diameter wi<strong>de</strong> aluminum tubes were introduced into the<br />

box, and cores of approximately 20 cm were sampled and<br />

sectioned at 1 cm intervals.<br />

Steroid analysis was based on a method <strong>de</strong>scribed by<br />

Kawakami and Montone (2002). More than 20 g of sediment<br />

from each site were extracted using a Soxhlet system for<br />

8 hours with 70 mL of ethanol. e surrogate, 5α-cholestane,<br />

was ad<strong>de</strong>d before each extraction. e ethanol extract was<br />

reduced to c. 2 mL by rotoevaporation. e concentrated<br />

ethanol extract was submitted to a clean up with column<br />

chromatography using 2 g of 5% <strong>de</strong>activated alumina and<br />

elution with 15 mL of ethanol. e extracts were evaporated<br />

to dryness and <strong>de</strong>rivatized to form trimethylsilyl ethers<br />

using BSTFA (bis(trimethylsilyl)tri uoroacetami<strong>de</strong>) with<br />

1% TMCS (trimethylchlorosilane) for 90 minutes at 65 °C.<br />

e mixture of TMS-sterols <strong>de</strong>rivatives was <strong>de</strong>termined by<br />

the injection of 2 µL into a gas chromatograph equipped<br />

with a ame ionization <strong>de</strong>tector (GC-FID). Instrumental<br />

<strong>de</strong>tails are <strong>de</strong>scribed by Montone et al. (2010).<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

e sedimentation rates used in this work to <strong>de</strong>termine<br />

the time scale indicated by the cores were calculated by<br />

Martins et al. (2010). BAR presented 0.13 cm.y –1 . For other<br />

cores (REF and PTH), we used a mean value between several<br />

sites in Admiralty Bay (0.22 cm.y –1 ).<br />

Among the most wi<strong>de</strong>ly used sterols, coprostanol and<br />

epicoprostanol (named fecal sterols) are found in sediments<br />

contaminated by sewage (Venkatesan & Kaplan, 1990;<br />

Venkatesan & Santiago, 1989), because they are associated<br />

primarily with human feces (Grimalt et al., 1990). However,<br />

feces of marine animals, such as some species of whales,<br />

seals, sea lions, contributes with large quantities of these<br />

compounds to the Antarctic environment (Venkatesan et al.,<br />

1986; Venkatesan & Santiago, 1989) and it is assumed as<br />

“natural contribution”. e same sources can be assigned<br />

to ketone coprostanone (Martins et al., 2002; Venkatesan<br />

& Kaplan, 1990). González-Oreja and Saiz-Salinas (1998)<br />

proposed limits to coprostanol in or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong> ne natural<br />

input or sewage contribution, where values below 0.50 µg.g –1<br />

may be related pristine environments.<br />

In REF, the coprostanol presented values between<br />

0.01 and 0.06 μg.g –1 and the epicoprostanol between<br />

0.01 and 0.04 μg.g –1 (Table 1). ese values are below the<br />

established limit, suggesting an introduction related to<br />

marine mammals, <strong>de</strong>spite of this point being located on<br />

the opposite si<strong>de</strong> to a research station (Macchu Pichu).<br />

To the PTH, the values of coprostanol and epicoprostanol<br />

were also below the limit, between 0.01 and 0.04 μg.g –1 and<br />

0.01 and 0.09 μg.g –1 , respectively (Table 1). As well as in REF,<br />

the maximum values for each fecal sterol are lower than<br />

the limit established by González-Oreja and Saiz-Salinas<br />

(1998). ese values suggest that although variations occur<br />

throughout the pro le, the introduction of these compounds<br />

seems to be from natural sources, <strong>de</strong>spite the proximity of<br />

these sites to human activities. As veri ed in other points,<br />

the coprostanol and epicoprostanol were also low in BAR<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


Table 1. Concentration (in µg.g –1 ) of fecal sterols and ketone coprostanone in cores collected at REF, PTH and BAR. Mean value and stan<strong>da</strong>rd <strong>de</strong>viation (SD) were calculated for all sections of each core.<br />

Refuge II<br />

14-15<br />

cm<br />

13-14<br />

cm<br />

12-13<br />

cm<br />

11-12<br />

cm<br />

Section 0-1 cm 1-2 cm 2-3 cm 3-4 cm 4-5 cm 6-7 cm 8-9 cm 10-11<br />

cm<br />

152 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Mean SD<br />

1939-<br />

1943<br />

1943-<br />

1948<br />

1948-<br />

1952<br />

1952-<br />

1957<br />

1957-<br />

1962<br />

1966-<br />

1971<br />

1975-<br />

1980<br />

1984-<br />

1989<br />

1989-<br />

1993<br />

1993-<br />

1998<br />

1998-<br />

2002<br />

Date 2002-<br />

2007<br />

Coprostanol 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.01<br />

Epicoprostanol 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.03

and associated to natural contribution. Values observed for<br />

these compounds are 0.01 to 0.02 μg.g –1 (coprostanol) and<br />

0.01 to 0.03 μg.g –1 (epicoprostanol) (Table 1).<br />

Concentrations of coprostanone also can be attributed to<br />

natural contribution, since it is assigned to marine mammal<br />

feces, such as fecal sterols. Higher values (>0.50 μg.g –1 ) in<br />

the most recent layers are found at REF (0.69 – 3.62 μg.g –1 )<br />

and PTH (0.32 – 0.52 μg.g –1 ). Coprostanone from sewage<br />

input in these sites was not expected as none of the stations<br />

located in the two inlets discharge sewage in the region<br />

(Martins et al., 2002).<br />

In or<strong>de</strong>r to minimize the ambiguity of sources for these<br />

compounds, the use of numerical ratio involving fecal<br />

sterols are important tools in the di erentiation of the<br />

sources of fecal organic matter. Venkatesan and Santiago<br />

(1989) have proposed speci c in<strong>de</strong>xes as the ratio between<br />

the concentration of coprostanol and epicoprostanol,<br />

as a way to distinguish the places studied in relation to<br />

the contribution of fecal sterols from human or marine<br />

mammals, speci cally to the Antarctic environment. Values<br />

below 2.50 may indicate natural contribution, while values<br />

above 2.50 are strongly related to sewage. REF did not show<br />

values exceeding 2.50 in any section (1.67 ± 0.71), suggesting<br />

that the main source of sterols are marine mammals. e<br />

same results occurred to the sediment cores from Ezcurra<br />

Inlet (1.24 ± 0.57 – PTH; and 0.86 ± 0.40 – BAR) (Table 1).<br />

The results of this ratio showed that the source of<br />

sedimentary fecal steroids is from natural contributions. At<br />

which point, background values can be <strong>de</strong>termined, which<br />

are useful to evaluate a hypothetical sewage discharge in these<br />

regions. In Martel Inlet, the background values related to<br />

natural sources of fecal sterols (coprostanol+epicoprostanol)<br />

have been established as 0.19 μg.g−1 (Montone et al., 2010).<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the mean value obtained for each three<br />

cores, the background values to the sum of coprostanol<br />

and epicoprostanol, the purpose of this study are:<br />

(0.06 ± 0.02) μg.g−1 (REF), (0.04 ± 0.03) μg.g−1 (PTH) and<br />

(0.03 ± 0.01) μg.g−1 (BAR). Coprostanone did not present<br />

a regular distribution according to the <strong>de</strong>pth, showing<br />

increased concentrations in the top layers and low levels<br />

in the bottom cores, in that it is difficult to establish<br />

background values to this compound. In this case, it is<br />

necessary to consi<strong>de</strong>r the <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion processes in top<br />

sections and unusual inputs in speci c layers of REF and<br />

PTH.<br />

Conclusions<br />

Concentrations of fecal sterols (coprostanol and<br />

epicoprostanol) in all locations studied were

References<br />

Colombo, J.C.; Pelletier, E.; Brochu, C.; Khall, M. & Catoggio, J.A. (1989) Determination of Hydrocarbon Sources Using n-Alkane<br />

and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Distribution In<strong>de</strong>xes. Case Study: Rio <strong>de</strong> La Plata Estuary, Argentina. Environmental<br />

Science & Technology, 23(7): 888-94.<br />

González-Oreja, J.A. & Saiz-Salinas, J.I. (1998). Short-term spatio-temporal changes in urban pollution by means of faecal<br />

sterols analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 36(11): 868-75.<br />

Green, G. & Nichols, P.D. (1995). Hydrocarbons and sterols in marine sediments and soils at Davis Station, Antarctica: a<br />

survey for human-<strong>de</strong>rived contaminants. Antarctic Science, 7(2): 137-44.<br />

Grimalt, J.O.; Fernan<strong>de</strong>z, P.; Bayona, J.M. & Albaiges, J. (1990). Assessment of fecal sterols and ketones as indicator of<br />

urban sewage inputs to coastal waters. Environmental Science & Technology, 24(3): 357-63.<br />

Hughes, K.A. (2004). Reducing sewage pollution in the Antarctic marine environment using a sewage treatment plant. Marine<br />

Pollution Bulletin, 49(9-10): 850-53.<br />

Hughes, K.A. & Thompson, A. (2004). Distribution of sewage pollution around a maritime Antarctic research station indicated<br />

by faecal coliforms, Clostridium perfringens and faecal sterol markers. Environmental Pollution, 127(3): 315-21.<br />

Kawakami, S.K. & Montone, R.C. (2002) An effi cient ethanol-based analytical protocol to quality fecal steroids in marine<br />

sediments. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 13(2): 226-32.<br />

Martins, C.C.; Venkatesan, M.I. & Montone, R.C. (2002). Sterols and linear alkylbenzenes in marine sediments from Admiralty<br />

Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Antarctic Science, 14(3): 244-52.<br />

Martins, C.C.; Montone, R.C.; Gamba, R.C. & Pellizari, V.H. (2005). Sterols and fecal indicator microorganisms in sediments<br />

from Admiralty Bay, Antarctica. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 53(1/2): 1-12.<br />

Martins, C.C.; Bícego, M.C.; Rose, N.L.; Taniguchi, S.; Lourenço, R.A.; Figueira, R.C.L.; Mahiques, M.M. & Montone, R.C.<br />

(2010). Historical record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and spheroi<strong>da</strong>l carbonaceous particles (SCPs)<br />

in marine sediment cores from Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Environment Pollution, 158(1): 192–200.<br />

Montone, R.C.; Martins, C.C.; Bícego, M.C.; Taniguchi, S.; Silva, D.A.M.; Campos, L.S. & Weber, R.R. (2010). Distribution<br />

of sewage input in marine sediments around a maritime Antarctic research station indicated by molecular geochemical<br />

indicators. Science of the Total Environment, 408(20): 4665–71.<br />

Venkatesan, M.I.; Ruth, E. & Kaplan, I.R. (1986). Coprostanols in Antarctic marine sediments: A biomarker for marine mammals<br />

and not human pollution. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 17(12): 554-7.<br />

Venkatesan, M.I. & Santiago C.A. (1989). Sterols in oceans sediments: novel tracers to examine habitats of cetaceans,<br />

pinnipeds, penguins and humans. Marine Biology, 102: 431-7.<br />

Venkatesan, M.I. & Kaplan, I.R. (1990). Sedimentary Coprostanol as an in<strong>de</strong>x of sewage addition in Santa Monica Basin,<br />

southern California. Environmental Science & Technology, 24(2): 208-14.<br />

154 | Annual Activity Report 2010



Liziane M. M. Ceschim 1,2,* , Rosalin<strong>da</strong> C. Montone 2 , César C. Martins 1,**<br />

1 Centro <strong>de</strong> Estudos do Mar, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Fe<strong>de</strong>ral do Paraná, Pontal do Paraná, PR, Brazil<br />

2 Laboratório <strong>de</strong> Química Orgânica Marinha, <strong>Instituto</strong> Oceanográfi co, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> São Paulo – USP, São Paulo, SP, Brazil<br />

e-mail: * lceschim@usp.br; ** ccmart@ufpr.br<br />

Abstract: e role of lipids in polar environments is of primary importance for un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the cycling of carbon organic<br />

and associated elements. us, the knowledge of the nature and quality of organic matter is necessary to evaluate the overall<br />

impact in this area and to mo<strong>de</strong>l the carbon cycle. e aim of this study was to <strong>de</strong>termine the transformations of organic matter<br />

in the marine environment by analysis of a speci c group of lipid biogeochemical markers, the sedimentary steroids. Sediment<br />

cores were collected during the 2007/08 austral summer in the vicinity of the Penguin Island (2 cores). In general, the cores<br />

were sectioned at 1 cm intervals and the steroids analyzed by gas chromatography with ame ionization <strong>de</strong>tection (GC-FID),<br />

a er Soxhlet extraction, adsorption column chromatography and <strong>de</strong>rivatization. e results showed that organic matter had<br />

been subjected to extensive <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion and transformation with <strong>de</strong>pth in the two corers and the general increase of the stanol/<br />

stenol ratio may have represented the progressive reduction of stenols to stanols within the <strong>de</strong>epest sediment layers. According<br />

to the linear regression (R2 ) applied, the process at Penguin Island is governed by a natural supply, and a random pattern in the<br />

concentration values with increasing <strong>de</strong>pth. ese results contribute to the un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the current processes of organic<br />

matter transformation in this important region of Antarctic environment.<br />

Keywords: steroids, sediments, organic matter, Antarctica<br />

Introduction<br />

Advanced studies about biogeochemical cycles in the<br />

relatively unpolluted areas of the world, such as Antarctica,<br />

have been of great interest. Thus, the Southern Ocean<br />

appears an attractive region due to the distance from major<br />

sources of human pollution, very cold average temperatures,<br />

a strong seasonality and the almost complete absence of<br />

higher plants (Laureillard et al., 1997).<br />

e role of lipids in polar environments is of primary<br />

importance for un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the cycling of carbon organic<br />

and associated elements. Knowledge of the nature and<br />

quality of organic matter, assemblages of organisms and<br />

relative rates of primary production for those communities<br />

in the ocean and its interactions with chemical and<br />

biological systems is important to evaluate the overall<br />

impact in this area and mo<strong>de</strong>ling the world carbon cycle<br />

(Mudge & Norris, 1997; Villinski et al., 2008).<br />

Based on this expectation, this work has the purpose<br />

to investigate di erent organic compounds in the marine<br />

sediments to <strong>de</strong>termine the transformations of organic<br />

matter in the Antarctic environment by analysis of a speci c<br />

group of lipid biogeochemical markers, the sedimentary<br />

steroids.<br />

10<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


Material and Methods<br />

Study area<br />

Penguin Island (62° 06’ S and 57° 54’ W; area 1.7 km 2 ) is<br />

situated on the southeastern si<strong>de</strong> of King George Island,<br />

South Shetland Islands, Antarctica (Figure 1). It lies within<br />

a belt of inactive volcanoes that <strong>de</strong>veloped in the Brans eld<br />

Strait (Birkenmajer, 1982).<br />

156 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

Almost all this island is dominated by species of birds<br />

and according to San<strong>de</strong>r et al. (2007) nine bird species<br />

nest on Penguin Island, among them Pygoscelis antarctica<br />

(chinstrap penguin) and Pygoscelis a<strong>de</strong>liae (adélie penguin).<br />

ese populations contribute signi cantly to a large amount<br />

of guano, in uencing strongly the physical and chemical<br />

properties of local soils, producing ornithogenic soil<br />

(Michel et al., 2006; Zhu et al., 2009).<br />

Sampling<br />

Sediment cores were taken by mini-box corer (25 × 25 × 55 cm)<br />

during the 2007/08 austral summer. In general, the cores<br />

were sectioned on board to a resolution of 1-2 cm prior to<br />

sub-sampling for chemical and physical characterization,<br />

and placed into pre-cleaned aluminum foil and stored at<br />

–20 °C until analyzed in laboratory.<br />

Extraction and fractioning of sterols<br />

In the present study, all samples were analyzed for<br />

17 di erent steroids, including 15 sterols and 2 ketones. e<br />

laboratory procedure was based on a method <strong>de</strong>scribed by<br />

Kawakami and Montone (2002). is consists of analysis<br />

by gas chromatography with ame ionization <strong>de</strong>tection<br />

(GC-FID), a er Soxhlet extraction, adsorption column<br />

chromatography and <strong>de</strong>rivatization with BSTFA/TCMS.<br />

Data was subject to quality control procedures, like<br />

the analysis of spiked samples (4 replicates), precision<br />

tests (4 replicates) and evaluation of the instrumental<br />

performance (response factors). Analysis of procedural<br />

blanks (6 replicates) indicated minor amounts of<br />

<strong>de</strong>hidrocholesterol and cholesterol, which were subtracted<br />

from the samples. Surrogate recoveries (5α-cholestane)<br />

ranged from 66-132%. Sediment and blank samples<br />

were spiked with a mixture of steroids and the stan<strong>da</strong>rd<br />

recoveries ranged from 99-139 %. Detection limits (DL)<br />

were < 0.01 µg.g –1 for all compounds analyzed.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

e ratio between stanol/stenol has been used to indicate<br />

microbial reduction in anaerobic environments. Studies<br />

about redox effects on organic matter <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion/<br />

preservation have shown that the resi<strong>de</strong>nce times for organic<br />

compounds present in marine sediments can vary as a result<br />

of environmental conditions such as bioturbation, physical<br />

mixing and the presence or absence of oxygen and other<br />

electron acceptors (Wakeham & Canuel, 2006).<br />

Stanols may be formed within the sediments by bacterial<br />

reduction of stenols in highly or permanently anoxic<br />

sediments (Nishimura & Koyama, 1977). Consequently,<br />

the stanol/stenol ratio has been used to <strong>de</strong>scribe the<br />

redox conditions of the sediments (Gagosian et al., 1980).<br />

Since stanols are synthesized by some plankton, notably<br />

dinoflagellates (Robinson et al., 1984) and diatoms<br />

(Barrett et al., 1995), changes in the distribution of marine<br />

phytoplankton through time may provi<strong>de</strong> an additional<br />

source of variability in the sedimentary stanol/stenol ratio.<br />

Sterols un<strong>de</strong>rgo a variety of chemical and microbial<br />

reactions in the surface layers of marine sediments. It is<br />

seems evi<strong>de</strong>nt that they have been subjected to <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion<br />

and transformation with <strong>de</strong>pth in the two corers (Figure 2),<br />

mainly PGI-2. e general increase of the stanol/stenol<br />

ratio may illustrate the progressive reduction of stenols to<br />

stanols within the <strong>de</strong>epest sediment layers (Shanchun et al.,<br />

1994; Fernan<strong>de</strong>s et al., 1999), showing that the rates of sterol<br />

<strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion in sediments are a group of several processes,<br />

which the hydrogenation appears to be relatively more<br />

important (Volkman et al., 1987).<br />

Once the most energetically favorable metabolic<br />

pathways for bacteria involve oxygen as the electron<br />

acceptor, the organic carbon <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion (and preservation)<br />

in sediments is strongly controlled by the average time that<br />

organic matter is exposed to oxygen (Wakeham & Canuel,<br />

2006). Hence, it is feasible that stanols are relatively less<br />

abun<strong>da</strong>nt at the surface than at the bottom sections of the<br />

PGI-1 and PGI-2 corers.

Figure 1. Location of sampling stations (PGI-1 and PGI-2) in the Antarctic continent and the South Shetland Islands.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


Figure 2. Mean value of four pairs of stanol/stenol rate in PGI-1 and PGI-2.<br />

158 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

is process occurs in opposition to the progressive<br />

input of stanols from potentially new sources of biogenic<br />

saturated molecules being i<strong>de</strong>nti ed by di erent studies,<br />

such as dinoflagellates, diatoms and some species of<br />

invertebrates, usually represented by low values in the ratio<br />

(Hudson et al., 2001; Ternois et al., 1998).<br />

According to Wakeham and Canuel (2006), values of the<br />

stanol/stenol ratio varied between 0.1 and 0.2 for oxic water<br />

columns and between 0.6 and 1.2 in sub-oxic and anoxic<br />

interfaces in the water column from the Cariaco Trench<br />

(Caribbean shelf) and Black Sea. In the present study, the<br />

ratio varied from 0.33 to 0.57 (0.43 ± 0.07) (PGI-1) and<br />

0.11 to 0.57 (0.39 ± 0.12) (PGI-2) indicating well oxygenated<br />

sediments. e results also show that the redox conditions<br />

of sediment appear to have been potentially modi ed,<br />

as is noted by the reduction and increase in the values at<br />

several <strong>de</strong>pths of both corers. is variation may re ect the<br />

change of water chemistry of the site at the time of sediment<br />

<strong>de</strong>position due to a general renewal of bottom water and<br />

thus its re-oxygenation (Pinturier-Geiss et al., 2002).<br />

Jeng et al. (1997) analyzing sediment cores of the coast of<br />

Taiwan, found that the rate of <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion of sterols follows<br />

a typical kinetic mechanism of 1st or<strong>de</strong>r reaction. To this<br />

evaluation, the linear relation between the natural logarithm<br />

(ln) of total sterols concentration and <strong>de</strong>pth (along the<br />

cores) was <strong>de</strong>termined. In or<strong>de</strong>r to complement the results<br />

obtained, graphs of linear regression (R2 ) for both cores<br />

(Figure 3) were done. It is possible to observe a <strong>de</strong>crease in<br />

the concentration of sterols toward the lower <strong>de</strong>pth layers,<br />

for most points in the sedimentary columns. ese results

Figure 3. Sterol <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion mo<strong>de</strong>l indicated by linear regression between Ln stigmasterol concentration vs <strong>de</strong>pth to PGI-1 and PGI-2 sediment cores.<br />

con rm the trend of <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion over the preservation of<br />

organic compounds and, consequently, of sedimentary<br />

organic matter, which is of fun<strong>da</strong>mental importance for<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the processes prevailing in this environment.<br />

In both corers, the linear regression values showed that<br />

the <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion occurs according to kinetic mechanism of<br />

1st or<strong>de</strong>r (R2 < 0.75). Fluctuations in the natural supply of<br />

sterols and over the years may change the regular pattern<br />

with increased <strong>de</strong>pth, which explains the absence of a perfect<br />

linear correlation, especially in PGI-1. e <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion can<br />

be <strong>de</strong> ned as the <strong>de</strong>crease of compound concentration by<br />

transformation into other molecules (such as conversion of<br />

stenols to stanols), <strong>de</strong>composition into smaller molecules, or<br />

incorporation into high molecular weight components. As<br />

all processes are related with removal of extractable sterols<br />

from the sediments (Jeng et al., 1997), the results suggest<br />

that the diagenesis of organic matter in sediments around<br />

Penguin Island is an important environment process of<br />

organic matter transformation.<br />

Conclusion<br />

According to the values found for the stanol/stenol ratio,<br />

the sediments around Penguin Island are well oxygenated.<br />

However, some changes were <strong>de</strong>tected along the sedimentary<br />

column and may have resulted by change of water chemistry<br />

related to the time-scale of sediments <strong>de</strong>position and the<br />

general renewal of bottom water and thus its re-oxygenation.<br />

Linear regression analysis con rmed the <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion trend<br />

over the preservation of sedimentary organic matter. is<br />

information helps a better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the processes<br />

related to contribution and the transformation of organic<br />

matter around Penguin Island.<br />

Science Highlights - Thematic Area 3 |<br />


Acknowledgements<br />

Liziane M. M. Ceschim expresses gratitu<strong>de</strong> for DTI-3<br />

scholarship (CNPq 382434/2009-9) related to Brazilian<br />

“National Science and Technology Institute on Antarctic<br />

Environmental Research” (INCT-APA, CNPq 574018/2008-5<br />

and FAPERJ E-16/170023/2008). C.C. Martins expresses<br />

gratitu<strong>de</strong> for the PQ-2 Grant (CNPq 307110/2008-7).<br />

References<br />

160 | Annual Activity Report 2010<br />

e authors thank the nancial support obtained from<br />

the Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA), Ministério <strong>de</strong><br />

Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT) and Conselho Nacional <strong>de</strong><br />

Pesquisa (CNPq - GEOLs Project 550014/2007-1) and the<br />

logistical support from Comissão Interministerial para os<br />

Recursos do Mar (CIRM).<br />

Barrett, S.M.; Volkman, J.K.; Dunstan, G.A. & LeRoi, J.M. (1995). Sterols of 14 species of marine diatoms (Bacillariophyta).<br />

Journal of Phycology, 31(1): 360-69.<br />

Birkenmajer, K. (1982). The Penguin Island Volcano, South Shetland Island (Antarctica): It’s structure and succession. Studia<br />

Geologica Polonica, 74(3): 155-73.<br />

Fernan<strong>de</strong>s, M.B.; Sicre, M.A.; Cardoso, J. N. & Macedo, S. J. (1999). Sedimentary 4-<strong>de</strong>smethyl sterols and n-alkanols in na<br />

eutrophic urban estuary, Capibaribe River, Brazil. The Science of the Total Environment, 231(1): 1-16.<br />

Gagosian, R.B.; Smith, S.O.; Lee, C.; Farrington, J.W. & Frew, N.M. (1980). Steroid transformations in recent marine sediments.<br />

In: Douglas A.G. & Maxwell, J.R. (Editors). Advances in Organic Geochemistry. Oxford: Pergamon, pp. 407-419.<br />

Hudson, E.D.; Parrish, C.C. & Helleur, R.J. (2001) Biogeochemistry of sterols in plankton, settling particles and recent sediments<br />

in a cold ocean ecosystem (Trinity Bay, Newfoundland). Marine Chemistry, 76(4): 253-70.<br />

Jeng, W.L.; Huh, C.A. & Chen, C.L. (1997). Alkanol and sterol <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>da</strong>tion in a sediment core from the continental slope off<br />

Southwestern Taiwan. Chemosphere, 35(11): 2515-23.<br />

Kawakami, S.K. & Montone, R.C. (2002). An effi cient ethanol-based analytical protocol to quality fecal steroids in marine<br />

sediments. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. 13(2): 226-32.<br />

Laureillard, J.; Pinturier, L.; Fillaux, J. & Saliot, A. (1997). Organic geochemistry of marine sediments of the Subantarctic Indian<br />

Ocean sector: Lipid classes – sources and fate. Deep-Sea Research. II, 44(5): 1085-108.<br />

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Journal, 70(1): 1370-76.<br />

Mudge, S. M. & Norris, C. E. (1997). Lipid biomarkers in the Conwy Estuary (North Wales, U. K.): a comparison between fatty<br />

alcohols and sterols. Marine Chemistry, 57(1-2): 61-84.<br />

Nishimura M. & Koyama T. (1977). The occurrence of stanols in various living organisms and the behaviour of sterols in<br />

contemporary sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 41(1): 379-385.<br />

Pinturier-Geiss, L.; Mejanelle, L.; Dale, B. & Karlsen, D.A. (2002). Lipids as indicators of eutrophication in marine coastal<br />

sediments. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 48(2): 239-57.<br />

Robinson, N.; Cranwell, P.A.; Finlay, B.J. & Eglinton, G. (1984). Lipids of aquatic organisms as potential contributors to<br />

lacustrine sediments. Organic Geochemistry, 6(2): 143-52.<br />