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Inspiring business and travel in Europe<br />

b.flex economy+ or<br />

b.light economy<br />

Choose how<br />

you fly with<br />

Brussels Airlines<br />

Youth speaks<br />

Fresh thinking<br />

from the Obamas<br />

of tomorrow<br />

Flavour of<br />

the month<br />

It’s carnival time<br />

in Andalucia<br />

plus Fashion + Food & drink +<br />

Nightlife + Music + Film +<br />

Motorsports + City guides<br />

FEBRUARY<strong>2010</strong><br />

39<br />

European network<br />

inflight magazine<br />

Please take me,<br />

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It’s all about you!<br />

At Brussels Airlines, service and low prices go hand in hand<br />

Notre cœur bat pour vous ! U staat centraal!<br />

Avec Brussels Airlines, service de qualité et tarifs<br />

avantageux vont de pair<br />

Le mois dernier, vous avez pu bénéfi cier d’un magnifi que début d’année ! Afi n de<br />

vous prouver notre volonté d’offrir les meilleurs tarifs, nous avons proposé des<br />

billets aller-retour vers une large sélection de destinations européennes au prix<br />

de 99€, tout inclus. Plus de 300.000 billets ont trouvé preneur ! Attendez-vous à<br />

d’autres magnifi ques offres dans le courant de l’année.<br />

Les récentes conditions météorologiques ont causé de nombreux<br />

désagréments dans différents aéroports européens. Brussels Airlines, en<br />

tant que transporteur IATA, n’a pas abandonné ses passagers bloqués à Brussels<br />

Airport. Notre personnel et notre management n’ont pas lésiné sur les moyens<br />

pour s’occuper de l’ensemble des passagers dans l’attente de leur départ.<br />

Nous avons également fourni plus de 2.000 chambres d’hôtels aux passagers<br />

bloqués pour la nuit. C’est au cours de ces conditions extrêmement diffi ciles<br />

qu’un passager se rend compte des avantages offerts par une compagnie<br />

aérienne IATA.<br />

Dernièrement, nous avons également ouvert une nouvelle liaison entre<br />

Bruxelles et Londres Heathrow. Les fréquences de nos vols vers Newcastle et<br />

Bristol ont également été augmentées. Plus d’informations vous sont fournies à<br />

ce sujet en page 83 de votre magazine.<br />

Enfi n, nous vous souhaitons un excellent mois de février, rempli d’amour et de<br />

tendresse. Bon vol !<br />

Bernard Gustin et Michel Meyfroidt Co-CEOs<br />


Last month, we gave you a wonderful start to <strong>2010</strong>. As proof of our commitment to low prices, we offered return tickets to European destinations<br />

at only €99, all-in. More than 300,000 tickets were snapped up! Watch out for more fantastic deals throughout <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

In Europe, the recent weather conditions caused several airports to close temporarily. When this happened at Brussels Airport, as an IATA<br />

carrier, we did not let passengers down. Our staff and management worked round the clock to ensure that all passengers were well looked after<br />

until they could continue their journey with us. We provided over 2,000 hotel nights to accommodate our passengers. It is during such diffi cult conditions<br />

that passengers realise the benefi ts of fl ying with an IATA carrier.<br />

Also, we have opened a route from Brussels to London Heathrow, and increased our frequencies to both Newcastle and Bristol. For more information,<br />

refer to page 83.<br />

Finally, we wish you a wonderful month of love ahead. Enjoy your fl ight!<br />

Bernard Gustin and Michel Meyfroidt Co-CEOs<br />

Bij Brussels Airlines gaan service en lage<br />

prijzen hand in hand<br />

Vorige maand zorgden we voor een fantastische start van <strong>2010</strong>. Om te<br />

bewijzen dat wij lage prijzen in het vaandel dragen, boden wij heen- en<br />

terugtickets in Europa aan vanaf € 99, alles inbegrepen. Meer dan<br />

300.000 tickets vlogen de deur uit! Maak u klaar voor nog meer van die<br />

verbluffende acties in <strong>2010</strong>!<br />

De slechte weersomstandigheden van afgelopen weken zorgden<br />

ervoor dat verschillende luchthavens in Europa tijdelijk moesten<br />

sluiten. Toen dit ook het geval was voor Brussels Airport lieten wij, als<br />

IATA luchtvaartmaatschappij, onze passagiers niet in de kou staan.<br />

Ons personeel en ons kader werkten de klok rond om ervoor te zorgen<br />

dat alle passagiers de nodige zorg kregen totdat zij hun reis met ons<br />

konden verderzetten. Aan meer dan 2.000 passagiers die niet konden<br />

vertrekken, gaven we een hotelovernachting. Het is precies in dergelijke<br />

moeilijke omstandigheden dat passagiers zich rekenschap geven van de<br />

vele voordelen van het reizen met een IATA maatschappij.<br />

Daarnaast hebben we ook een route opgestart tussen Brussel en<br />

Londen Heathrow en hebben we onze verbindingen naar Newcastle en<br />

Bristol opgedreven. U vindt hierover meer informatie op pagina 83.<br />

En tot slot wensen wij u een liefdevolle maand vol tederheid.<br />

Prettige vlucht!<br />

Bernard Gustin en Michel Meyfroidt Co-CEOs<br />



The low fare you can trust<br />

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Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


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a r c h i media<br />


Features<br />

INSIDE<br />

28 Who’s the boss?<br />

Nina Lamparski dives into the Belgian indie<br />

music scene, and discovers that success is<br />

harder to come by than people might think<br />

34 My Athens<br />

Yianni Vassiliou, director of the Bernier/Eliades<br />

gallery, shares his secrets on what to see, where<br />

to be seen and where to go while you’re in Athens<br />

40 Fiesta of flavours<br />

With Lent approaching, Heidi Fuller-love takes<br />

a Carnival-themed journey around Andalucia<br />

to taste the finest foods on offer<br />

34<br />

Your free copy<br />

to take away<br />

44 Milano moda<br />

From catwalk chic to bustling bars, Simon Gage<br />

mixes with Milan’s beautiful people and enjoys<br />

the glamourous style of this Italian city<br />

50 Piano man<br />

He only spent one winter on Mallorca, in 1838,<br />

but the great composer Chopin left his mark on<br />

this Mediterranean jewel, says Adrian Mourby<br />

56 Sloping off<br />

The season may be nearly over but Matt Barr has<br />

uncovered five ski breaks that are ideal for some<br />

last-minute snow and just a short transfer away<br />

62 Business trends<br />

Get up to speed with our industry news – from<br />

electric cars in Berlin to the cost of climate<br />

change and paying your restaurant bill by phone<br />

68 Tomorrow’s world<br />

Sheridan Winn examines the<br />

One Young World Summit,<br />

a new conference giving<br />

the under-25s<br />

a voice<br />

on global 62<br />

issues<br />

ISSUE 39 FEB <strong>2010</strong> CONTENTS<br />

FR Résumés des articles en français<br />

NL Samenvattingen in het Nederlands<br />

28 56<br />

Cover image Getty Images<br />

40<br />

44<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


6<br />

CONTENTS ISSUE 39 FEB <strong>2010</strong><br />

Incoming<br />

8 In the diary<br />

Events and exhibitions across our network<br />

for the month of February and beyond<br />

10 In person<br />

Belgian director Jaco Van Dormael shares his<br />

inspirations, locations and experiences of<br />

making Belgium’s most expensive film ever<br />

12 In out<br />

Thankfully, Valentine’s Day comes<br />

just once a year, but if you must<br />

go all out, do it in style with our<br />

selection of romantic bars<br />

14 In bed<br />

Put some wind in your sails at<br />

Belgium’s new luxurious d-hotel,<br />

or soak up the dramatic chic<br />

of the Centurion Palace on the<br />

banks of Venice’s Grand Canal<br />

16 Indulge<br />

Indulge in old-school fine dining<br />

on London’s Dean Street and enjoy<br />

waterside delights in Brussels<br />

18 In vogue<br />

Hugo Boss and Lacoste bring<br />

head-to-toe denim back from the<br />

dead, Chanel relaunches its Rouge<br />

lipstick and there’s a new line at<br />

Delvaux, as well as the latest news<br />

from the world of fashion<br />


74 Route maps 80 Menu 83 In the news 85 In partnership 88 Choose how you fl y<br />

90 Miles & More 92 Safety 94 Comfort 96 Relax 98 In the air 100 Airport info<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

18<br />

Check out this issue online<br />

btheremag.com<br />

From ballet in Moscow to romance in Vienna and nights on a Venice canal,<br />

your essential guide to what’s on where in February starts on page 8<br />

20 In session<br />

Tom Ford of Gucci fame directs his<br />

first feature film starring Colin Firth<br />

and Julianne Moore, Disney/Pixar’s latest<br />

Princess takes to the big screen and we’ve<br />

been listening to the new albums from<br />

Ringo Starr and Corinne Bailey Rae<br />

22 In gear<br />

Michael Schumacher is back in F1, Audi has<br />

a new electric supercar and the VW Scirocco<br />

is put through its paces, as well as the latest<br />

news from the world of motoring<br />

24 In Canada<br />

Travel tips and enticing images from Toronto<br />

Brussels Airlines fl ies from 104 Brussels to the following destinations: 108 Barcelona<br />

109 Bilbao 110 Bologna 111 Catania 112 Florence 113 Lisbon 114 Marseille<br />

115 Milan 116 Newcastle 117 Nice 118 Oslo 119 Seville 120 Tel Aviv 121 Toulouse<br />

122 Turin 123 Venice 124 Vienna 125 Vilnius<br />

8<br />

airline section<br />

10<br />

Get the lowdown on cities from our local writers across the<br />

network, plus check out our guides online at btheremag.com<br />

and start booking your fl ights at brusselsairlines.com<br />

Keep up to date with all the latest news<br />

and information from Brussels Airlines<br />

14<br />

Next time<br />

don’t forget to<br />

check in online<br />


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8<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


6–16<br />

Venice<br />

Carnival <strong>2010</strong><br />

The world-renowned Carnival is one of the highlights<br />

of the Venice season – watch as the city goes crazy<br />

with events, processions and parties. Keep an eye<br />

out for this year’s additions, including burlesque<br />

shows, tango nights in the Piazza San Marco and<br />

drag queen beauty contests. carnevale-venezia.it<br />

Image The Degas Sculpture Project LTD (Athens)<br />

From party time in Venice to fl amenco<br />

dancing in London, February starts here<br />

All month<br />

Brussels “If I Can’t Dance Tonight…” exhibition<br />

If your February is in need of some sparkling inspiration, head down to the Elaine Levy Project, where the Goa-based designer and artist Yahel Chirinian is exhibiting<br />

her fi rst Belgian show. A series of glittering rocks colliding with the wall will take the spectator on an exciting journey of creation and illusion, while mixing reality<br />

and an eternal sense of fragility. elainelevyproject.com<br />

9, 10<br />

Moscow<br />

Esmeralda, Bolshoi Ballet<br />

If you’re a ballet virgin, you can do no better than<br />

going to see the ultimate masters of the art as they<br />

pirouette and twirl through this dramatic retelling of<br />

the story of Esmeralda. A premiere for the Bolshoi<br />

Theatre, this is a unique performance that’s sure to<br />

sweep you off your feet. bolshoi.ru<br />

9–13<br />

Stockholm<br />

Stockholm Furniture Fair<br />

With Sir Paul Smith as guest of honour, you can bet<br />

your Broberg and Ridderstråle Wimbledon chair that<br />

this is going to be one of the best furniture fairs yet.<br />

Over 650 exhibitors will be displaying furniture,<br />

design and textiles at the world’s biggest meeting<br />

place for Nordic design. stockholmfurniturefair.se


10–14<br />

Oslo<br />

Mr Gay World <strong>2010</strong><br />

The search for Mr Gay World moves to the winter<br />

wonderland of Oslo for <strong>2010</strong>. The competition sees<br />

24 men compete in a series of events designed to<br />

identify a leader who will inspire those around him<br />

to fi ght for equality. Watch out for Belgium’s entry,<br />

25-year-old Cédric Fiévet. worldwidemrgay.com<br />

17–21<br />

Madrid<br />

ARCOmadrid<br />

ARCOmadrid is one of the world’s major art market<br />

happenings, turning Madrid into an exciting capital<br />

for global contemporary work. This year’s focus<br />

on Los Angeles, one of the epicentres for art<br />

right now, makes an exciting change from ARCO<br />

events of the past. ifema.es<br />

11–21<br />

Berlin Berlinale International<br />

Film Festival<br />

Celebrating its 60th anniversary, this renowned<br />

festival will be hosting a series of events including<br />

an art installation and public screening at the<br />

Brandenburg Gate, as well as an exhibition of star<br />

portraits around town. If you’re a fi lm buff, you<br />

should be nowhere else this February. berlinale.de<br />

Book your tickets Forthcoming events<br />

13 March Barcelona Florence & the Machine, Bikini (ticketmaster.es)<br />

11 April Stockholm Andrea Bocelli, Ericsson Globe (worldticketshop.com)<br />

31 May Bologna The Gossip, Estragon (getmein.com)<br />

4–5 June Tel Aviv, Joan Armatrading, F. Mann Auditorium (hadron.co.il)<br />

From 20 February<br />

Florence Gerhard Richter and<br />

Disappearance of the Image<br />

Lose yourself in some true modern art, as selected<br />

works from Richter (as well as Antony Gormley<br />

and Roger Hiorns) challenge us to consider the<br />

authority of image in contemporary art and the<br />

diffi cult relationship between the object and its<br />

representation. palazzostrozzi.org<br />


13–27<br />

London Flamenco Festival at<br />

Sadler’s Wells<br />

Put some Spanish fl air in your step and watch some<br />

of the world’s fi nest fl amenco dancers as they spin<br />

and twirl to the emotion of the Andalucian beat. If<br />

you’re in town for the end of the festival then don’t<br />

miss the Gala Flamenca, featuring some of the most<br />

important new fi gures in fl amenco. sadlerswells.com<br />

€99 *<br />



Brussels Airlines flies to 60<br />

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brusselsairlines.com<br />

All month<br />

Athens The Complete<br />

Sculptures of Edgar Degas<br />

All 74 of the bronze sculptures on display at the<br />

Herakleidon Museum were cast from recentlydiscovered<br />

plasters made from Degas’ waxes during<br />

his lifetime and with his consent. Peruse this unique<br />

display and look out for the most famous statue,<br />

‘The Little Dancer, aged 14’. herakleidon-art.gr<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


10<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


Billed as the wunderkind<br />

of world cinema, Jaco Van<br />

Dormael has impressed<br />

both critics and audiences<br />

worldwide with awardwinning<br />

fi lms such as<br />

Le Huitième Jour and<br />

Toto le Héros. His latest,<br />

Mr. Nobody, had a €37m<br />

production budget,<br />

making it the most<br />

expensive Belgian fi lm<br />

ever made. From his<br />

home in Uccle, Van<br />

Dormael talks to b.there!<br />

about making Mr. Nobody,<br />

and what inspires him<br />

I was born in<br />

Belgium. My mother<br />

is French-speaking and my father is<br />

Flemish-speaking, but I grew up in Germany<br />

until I was seven years old. The mixing of<br />

cultures, styles and languages feels normal<br />

for me, especially here in Brussels. This is<br />

probably one of the reasons Brussels has<br />

many talented painters, dancers, musicians<br />

and photographers – all kinds of artists.<br />

When casting for<br />

Mr. Nobody, I chose<br />

the child actors before<br />

I found my main actors.<br />

Surprisingly, I discovered my child actors<br />

right away. That’s because our child actors<br />

were from England; in England there is<br />

a strong foundation and tradition in theatre<br />

and the arts. Then Jared Leto was on tour in<br />

Europe, and he read the Mr. Nobody script<br />

and said he was very interested in playing<br />

the leading role. My fi rst meeting with<br />

Jared was at one of his concerts, held in<br />

Amsterdam. I was quite surprised by this<br />

initial meeting because I knew him as an<br />

actor – I didn’t know he was a full-time<br />

musician. I was shocked to see these<br />

thousands of women collapsing, crying,<br />

falling and screaming all over him!<br />

Half of Mr. Nobody<br />

was shot in Belgium.<br />

In Brussels we had fi ve working sets<br />

available to use simultaneously. We<br />

also fi lmed in a neighbourhood called<br />

Watermael-Boitsfort – it’s an area where<br />

Text Sheridan Becker<br />

Images Kris Dewitte, Rex Features, L. Denruyter, Cinematek.be<br />

Above: Van Dormael<br />

feels right at home in<br />

Brussels, with its mix of<br />

cultures and languages<br />

Jaco Van Dormael<br />

I shoot all my fi lms because, for me, this<br />

part of town represents a childhood village.<br />

The neighbourhood encompasses about<br />

50 streets where every house looks similar.<br />

Everything is green, with pink trees. All the<br />

gardens connect with their neighbour’s

Jaco’s Belgium<br />

The director shares his favourite cinemas,<br />

restaurants and watering holes<br />

■ Favourite area<br />

Watermael-Boitsfort – the Brussels<br />

neighbourhood that features in several<br />

of my films. The ‘happiness for all’ image<br />

is what clearly comes to mind here, and<br />

neighbours seem to appreciate and share<br />

each other’s space.<br />

■ Favourite restaurants<br />

In Uccle, Le Comptoir d’Antoine (48 Rue<br />

Victor Allard, tel. +32 (0)2 377 2267) does<br />

great food, while I also like Italian restaurant<br />

Caffè al Dente (87 Rue du Doyenné, tel. +32<br />

(0)2 343 4523), which offers simple and<br />

friendly service. I admire the enormous<br />

collection of Italian wines this place has!<br />

Situated near Lake Genval in the south-east<br />

of Brussels, La Métisse (2 Zilverbeekdreef,<br />

tel. +32 (0)2 654 1875) is without a doubt<br />

the best place in town for inventive African<br />

food in a friendly atmosphere.<br />

■ Favourite bars<br />

Brussels’ Café Belga (18 Place Eugène Flagey)<br />

is always lively. I’ve also been a frequent<br />

visitor for years and years of the classic<br />

L’Archiduc (6 Rue Antoine Dansaert).<br />

■ Favourite cinemas<br />

I like to go to Cinematek (9 Rue Baron Horta)<br />

in Brussels because you can see films here<br />

that aren’t screened anywhere else in town.<br />

I also like what’s probably considered the<br />

last ‘family owned’ film theatre in Belgium,<br />

Ciné Centre (91 Avenue de Mérode) in<br />

Rixensart. These folks are still going, and<br />

that’s because they love what they do –<br />

show great-quality films. And Brussels’<br />

classic ‘Eldorado’ (38 Place de Brouckère)<br />

is marvellous, with a huge African art-inspired<br />

art deco screening room.<br />

■ Favourite museum<br />

Musée de la Photographie in Charleroi<br />

(11 Avenue Paul Pastur, museephoto.be).<br />

It contains an enormous collection of both<br />

modern and old photographs. I appreciate<br />

the skill and craft of Léonard Misonne,<br />

a photographer from the beginning of the<br />

20th century who used a unique procedure<br />

to paint on photographs.<br />

■ Favourite place to<br />

visit when in Brussels<br />

Bois de la Cambre: it’s quite literally a forest<br />

located in the middle of a metropolitan city.<br />

garden, so children end up running around<br />

from one garden to another. The area is<br />

like a social utopia from the last century.<br />

Another asset here is that every street<br />

looks like every other street, so when<br />

there was a problem with the sun we just<br />

changed the street!<br />

I met Christophe<br />

Beaucarne, my<br />

cinematographer, when<br />

he was 18 years old.<br />

He was one of my students at fi lm<br />

school. We have known each other for<br />

over 30 years. We have a great chemistry<br />

working together, and we have a lot of fun<br />

pushing and upgrading each other’s ideas.<br />

When I was a child<br />

I was fascinated by<br />

a film called Intolerance:<br />

Love’s Struggle Throughout<br />

the Ages. An American fi lm that was<br />

directed by DW Griffi th, it’s considered to<br />

Clockwise from above:<br />

Jared Leto looking<br />

dapper in a still from<br />

Van Dormael’s latest<br />

cinematic outing, Mr.<br />

Nobody; The director<br />

likes to watch arthouse<br />

movies at Brussels’<br />

stylish Cinematek;<br />

The pictures on display<br />

at the Musée de la<br />

Photographie in<br />

Charleroi have caught<br />

Jaco’s educated eye<br />


be a masterpiece of the silent era. There<br />

are fi lms that try to simplify the world and<br />

provide answers, and then there are fi lms<br />

like Intolerance that try to say the world<br />

is very complex and that we don’t have<br />

answers. I’m interested in making fi lms that<br />

make people ask questions, rather than<br />

providing answers. I think we have to leave<br />

the simple answers to advertising and, say,<br />

politics. It’s important to remember that<br />

our world is complex. Perhaps we don’t<br />

have all the answers.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


12<br />


INOUT<br />

February may be derived<br />

from the Latin verb februare,<br />

meaning to purify, but InOut<br />

made sure any detoxing and<br />

purifi cation was done in<br />

January – so we can enjoy<br />

February where we’re most<br />

at home, on the bar scene<br />

For most of us, February is best known<br />

for Valentines Day, which has been<br />

turned into an over-commercialised,<br />

slightly nauseating celebration that we’d<br />

rather avoid. In the interests of good taste,<br />

we’ve singled out three bars from around the<br />

network where you can express true love<br />

without drowning in a sea of sickening red roses<br />

and heart-shaped tinfoil balloons – and without<br />

the risk of being shot at by a midget dressed in a<br />

loincloth holding a bow and arrow, otherwise<br />

known as Cupid.<br />

Palma de Mallorca<br />

A city that lends itself to romance thanks to<br />

its harbourside position, balmy evenings and<br />

eternally sun-kissed residents, Palma de<br />

Mallorca is the ideal spot for an amorous<br />

moment. They say that true love can be hard<br />

to fi nd, and you will have to work hard to<br />

fi nd the exceptional Abaco Bar, situated in<br />

the La Lonja district on Calle Sant Joan.<br />

What was once a working 16th-century<br />

palace has now been converted into a<br />

museum-cum-bar, open to the public while also<br />

doubling as an exclusive cocktail bar in the<br />

courtyard. Embellished with magnifi cent and<br />

exceptionally opulent fl ower and fruit displays,<br />

you can pretend you’re king of the castle before<br />

whisking your princess or prince off to your<br />

tower for a night of passion.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

Seduce a date in<br />

Vienna’s decadent<br />

Tanzcafe Jenseits<br />

3 of the<br />

best…<br />

romantic<br />

hideaways<br />

Vienna<br />

Austria may not be known as<br />

a nation full of people of overly<br />

romantic persuasions, but as the<br />

saying goes, it’s always the quiet<br />

ones you have to watch out for.<br />

Hidden away behind the frontage of what<br />

appears to be a regular Vienna townhouse,<br />

you have to ring a bell to be allowed in to the<br />

decidedly seductive Tanzcafe Jenseits<br />

(3 Nelkengasse, tanzcafe-jenseits.com).<br />

Once inside, embrace this dimly lit, red-velvet<br />

curtained hangout for its kitsch, camp and<br />

entirely decadent atmosphere. Sip on a scotch,<br />

soak up the sexy lounge music and stare<br />

lovingly into the eyes of your one and only.<br />

This is romance on a super-cool scale.<br />

Brussels<br />

While one of the oldest professions in the<br />

world might be utterly devoid of true romance,<br />

this doesn’t stop one of its former hostelries<br />

from being the setting for some 21st-century<br />

love stories. Tucked away just off Brussels’<br />

Grand’Place, Goupil Le Fol (22 Rue de le<br />

Violette) is an eccentric bar whose walls are<br />

covered with old paintings of nudes and lurid<br />

Image Scott Adams<br />

Looking for love in all the wrong places? Chris Peck<br />

fi nds the perfect bars for a tryst this Valentine’s Day<br />

Cocktail corner<br />

Heavenly Hibiscus<br />

Woo your Valentine in the<br />

opulent surroundings<br />

of Palma’s Abaco Bar<br />

landscapes (just try to forget the fact that the<br />

three-storey bar looks like a cross between<br />

an opium den and a 1970s porno set). Order<br />

a couple of fruit liqueurs (a house speciality),<br />

curl up in one of the cosy and romantic corners,<br />

listen to the French music blaring from the<br />

jukebox and let love take hold – with absolutely<br />

no infl uence from that vertically challenged,<br />

bow and arrow-wielding Cupid.<br />

Predictions on the cocktail circuit<br />

suggest that hibiscus will be a big<br />

fl avour this year, putting InOut back<br />

at the bar experimenting.<br />

Add two measures of vodka, half a<br />

measure of Grand Marnier, a dash of<br />

fresh lime juice and three quarters of a measure<br />

of Hibiscus syrup* to a mixing glass, add ice and<br />

shake before straining into a chilled Martini glass.<br />

Garnish with an edible orchid or hibiscus fl ower.<br />

*Hibiscus syrup: Add two hibiscus teabags to<br />

one cup of freshly boiled water and let steep<br />

for 10 minutes. Remove teabags and add one<br />

small cup of superfi ne (not powdered) sugar.<br />

Stir until all the sugar dissolves. Refrigerate<br />

until ready to use.

Tahiti Collection - Info + 32(0)9 2800 666 - www.hulchibelluni.com

14<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

INBED<br />

d-hotel KORTRIJK<br />

1 Abdijmolenweg, tel. +32 (0)5<br />

621 2100, d-hotel.be<br />

Don’t let the large windmill that presides over<br />

the d-hotel fool you into thinking that this is a<br />

traditional place. Rather, be prepared for a guest<br />

room that seemingly fl oats in one of the boxy<br />

pavilions that comprise the accommodation and<br />

meeting facilities of this hotel. Situated in the<br />

fi elds of Flanders to the east of Brussels, in the<br />

village of Marke near Kortrijk, the d-hotel is an<br />

assured blend of the historic and the modern.<br />

Looking across cobbled courtyards, the<br />

farmhouse and windmill are both refl ected in<br />

the vast planes of glass of the new constructs,<br />

which are reached via a tunnelled walkway.<br />

The pure Flemish sky that attracted the<br />

Renaissance artists is the backdrop, and today’s<br />

designers have had a hand in creating the hotel’s<br />

d-XL and d-XXL suites. Edouard Vermeulen<br />

of the boutique fashion house Natan has<br />

prepared a fashion suite and fl orist Geert<br />

Pattyn a horticultural-inspired suite, while<br />

diamond jeweller Hulchi Belluni has created<br />

a suite featuring examples of his craft.<br />

Standard guest rooms are of a good size,<br />

Centurion Palace VENICE<br />

173 Dorsoduro, tel. +39 041 34281, sinahotels.com<br />

with their white volumes fl ooded with natural<br />

light; don’t forget to draw the blackout curtains<br />

at night! The d-mixx spa, meanwhile, is a<br />

highlight, where the treatments are delivered<br />

with passion. Try a soapy hammam-style scrub,<br />

a shiatsu massage or a lymphatic drainage<br />

treatment to cleanse the system.<br />

Contrasting sharply with the modernity of<br />

the sleeping accommodation are the original<br />

Sumptuous style on<br />

the Grand Canal at<br />

the Centurion Palace<br />

From funky boutique hotels to extra-special romantic<br />

escapes, Guy Dittrich discovers where to sleep in style<br />

At Venice’s newest hotel, the drama<br />

starts before you even step into the<br />

lobby – a glowing ‘chandelier’ of<br />

raw, frosted-white glass looms<br />

from the high ceiling. Its striking,<br />

art installation style is enough to<br />

fool you into thinking you’ve arrived<br />

at the nearby Peggy Guggenheim<br />

museum. You can step into the<br />

lobby straight from a gondola, too,<br />

as this 50-bedroom hotel is on<br />

the Grand Canal. Just across from<br />

St Mark’s Square, in the arty<br />

Dorsoduro quarter – less tourist<br />

tat, more cool galleries cashing in<br />

on the Guggenheim crowd – this<br />

is the place to be in Venice.<br />

The surprises continue in the<br />

bar adjacent to the lobby, as<br />

sweeps of red velvet and blue<br />

ostrich-leather upholstery contrast<br />

with the intimate feel of the<br />

Antinco restaurant. Antinco is<br />

all glamour and all white, with<br />

white-on-white wall reliefs and<br />

tables that glow under their<br />

Get some wind in your<br />

sails at the trad-meetsmodern<br />

d-hotel<br />

features of the historic buildings. Here, under<br />

the exposed beams of the chapel-like, gabled<br />

farmhouse roof, is where breakfast is served.<br />

But while the hotel does have a lounge bar,<br />

d-drinxx, complete with summer terrace, what<br />

it lacks from the leisure traveller’s perspective<br />

is a restaurant. There are many nearby options<br />

recommended by the hotel, however. Double<br />

room with breakfast from €109.<br />

tablecloths. Continuing upstairs,<br />

each guestroom is a unique<br />

combination of modern furnishing<br />

and artwork. Rooms on the ‘noble’<br />

fl oors have incredibly high ceilings,<br />

with decorative wood panelling<br />

or ornate walk-in fi replaces, while<br />

the exposed wooden beams in<br />

rooms on the top fl oor offset the<br />

bold interior design. This boldness<br />

stretches not only to rich colours,<br />

brocade fabrics and leatherwork,<br />

but also to all-gold leaf bathrooms.<br />

If it all sounds a bit extravagant,<br />

that’s because it is. Venice certainly<br />

isn’t a place to scrimp and save.<br />

But with its striking design and<br />

a young, enthusiastic crew (whose<br />

dress code is more casual than that<br />

of counterparts in the grande dame<br />

hotels of the Venetian archipelago),<br />

the Centurion Palace makes for<br />

a refreshing dose of modernity in<br />

a city that trades on its antediluvian<br />

heritage. Double room with<br />

breakfast from €230.

16<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


Dean Street Townhouse<br />

LONDON<br />

69-71 Dean Street, tel. +44 (0)20<br />

7434 1775, deanstreettownhouse.com<br />

We’re usually condemned to just pressing our<br />

noses up against the window of Nick Jones’s<br />

starry Soho House members’ dens. But no longer.<br />

The king of clubs has teamed up with legendary<br />

restaurateur Richard Caring (Le Caprice, The Ivy,<br />

J Sheekey and Scott’s) to create a very snazzy<br />

stable for keeping Gwyneth and proles like you<br />

and me fed and watered. And boy is it a good ’un.<br />

Housed in a whitewashed Georgian building,<br />

cosy and comfy best describes the 39 bedrooms<br />

at this hotel. There are old-fashioned Roberts<br />

radios by the bed, simple light switches<br />

rather than computer-controlled panels,<br />

and a real key on a brass fob. Lovely stuff.<br />

Downstairs in the restaurant, meanwhile, it’s<br />

slick Sheekey-style professionalism all over,<br />

with starched tablecloths, silver cutlery and<br />

a menu that deftly rides the current wave for<br />

nostalgic comfort food. Clubby but not exclusive,<br />

Chalet Robinson BRUSSELS<br />

1 Sentier de l’Embarcadère, tel. +32 (0)2 372 9292,<br />

chaletrobinson.be<br />

Candles light a path through the<br />

woods to the ferries that shuttle<br />

guests across the lake to the magical<br />

Chalet Robinson, a chalet-style<br />

restaurant in the heart of Brussels’<br />

Bois de la Cambre. The Cambre woods<br />

are landscaped gardens adjacent to<br />

the Soignes Forest that stretches out<br />

from the south of the capital, and the<br />

Contemporary furnishings<br />

at the newly restored<br />

Chalet Robinson<br />

you’re instantly made to feel like you’re part<br />

of the pack, which is itself a rare achievement.<br />

So grab a high chair at the buzzy bar and get<br />

stuck into a stiff cocktail before settling down<br />

to not-too-pricey dishes like fi sh and chips or<br />

island and restaurant are named after<br />

Robinson Crusoe. Unlike Crusoe,<br />

though, visitors won’t fi nd this island<br />

deserted. For a start there’s Gérard le<br />

Canard, a friendly duck who’s the<br />

restaurant’s mascot, to welcome you.<br />

Then there are the Brusseloise<br />

returning to repeat an experience<br />

they probably last had with their<br />

Eat like a local and dine at one of these stylish<br />

restaurants on the Brussels Airlines network<br />

parents; the original restaurant<br />

burned down some 19 years ago.<br />

The new experience is mostly<br />

a celebration of simple, luxurious<br />

Belgian cuisine, with croquettes aux<br />

crevettes (prawn croquettes), fi let<br />

Américain (steak tartare) and the<br />

ice-cream dessert, Dame Blanche,<br />

sitting alongside more cosmopolitan<br />

fare such as Caesar salad and sashimi.<br />

The chalet itself is a similar mix of the<br />

traditional and modern; a sturdy<br />

wooden building in a rustic style with<br />

contemporary furnishings, including<br />

glamorous mirror-ball lamps by Tom<br />

Dixon. A visit can turn into an all-day<br />

affair, with afternoon tea followed<br />

by cocktails on the terrace, and you<br />

can work off the waffl es with a row<br />

around the island in the all-new<br />

fl eet of boats.<br />

Getting to Chalet Robinson isn’t<br />

that straightforward (although the<br />

minute-long ferry ride couldn’t be<br />

more effi cient), but the experience<br />

of tranquillity so close to the city<br />

makes it so worthwhile. A meal<br />

will come in at around €40 a head,<br />

excluding drinks. Guy Dittrich<br />

Dean Street Townhouse: just<br />

the place to tuck into a plate<br />

of mince and boiled potatoes<br />

chicken, bacon and leek pie (€12.50/£11.50).<br />

You’ve got to love a restaurant that makes its<br />

no-nonsense signature dish mince and boiled<br />

potatoes. Just like Granny used to make.<br />

Richard Bence<br />

Foodie corner<br />

My Favourite Ingredients<br />

by Skye Gyngell (Quadrille,<br />

€17, quadrille.co.uk,)<br />

This year, leave your<br />

shopping trolley behind,<br />

pick up your wicker basket<br />

and start exploring your<br />

local markets for the<br />

season’s freshest produce.<br />

It may be Brussels sprouts<br />

and celeriac now, but<br />

you’ve courgettes and<br />

cucumbers to look forward<br />

to, and you’ll be able to<br />

whip up<br />

a storm<br />

with My<br />

Favourite<br />

Ingredients.<br />

Its brimming<br />

with recipes<br />

made with<br />

seasonal<br />

produce,<br />

from raw white asparagus<br />

with porcini to frito misto<br />

of artichokes and lemon<br />

with mint and anchovy<br />

vinaigrette. So wherever<br />

you find yourself this<br />

year, head for the market<br />

– you may never look<br />

at a supermarket again.

18<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


The world of<br />

Branquinho<br />

From purses to shoes<br />

New kid on<br />

the block<br />

Arrondissement AQ1<br />

debuts in Berlin<br />

The name of the label may be<br />

diffi cult to remember, but<br />

Christina Arend’s clothes are<br />

sure to linger in your mind. The<br />

German designer prefers clean<br />

cuts, geometrical shapes and<br />

subdued colours, which result in an<br />

impressively pure collection. The<br />

only distraction she allows<br />

is accessories: a mix of trompe<br />

l’oeil effects, layered chains<br />

and supple leather. This<br />

month, Christina shows at<br />

the Berlin Fashion Week<br />

for the very fi rst<br />

time, and we<br />

predict she’ll<br />

catch the eye<br />

of fashion lovers<br />

and editors<br />

around the world.<br />

Accessories<br />

average about<br />

€300, tops €150 and dresses<br />

start from €375. arr-aq1.com<br />

Last year, Veronique Branquinho sadly<br />

had to unplug her namesake prêt-à-porter collection, but that doesn’t mean<br />

she’s leaving the fashion world. Spring sees Branquinho present the fi rst<br />

collection under her creative direction for Belgian leather label Delvaux<br />

– it’s the perfect way for the 180-year-old company to translate history<br />

and tradition to a modern line. Prices start from €850.<br />

Branquinho was also invited by Spanish shoe label Camper to design<br />

a special collection under the Camper To&ether umbrella. She created three<br />

inventive Derby men’s shoes, combining leather with fabric and introducing<br />

a mule-type heel. The shoes with leather cost €320, while the linen costs €300.<br />

delvaux.com; camper.com<br />

Stéphanie Duval gives us the inside scoop<br />

on the latest trends from planet fashion<br />

The return of<br />

the lipstick<br />

Say goodbye to<br />

sticky gloss<br />

After years of sultry pouts<br />

enhanced by gloss to look<br />

10 times more voluptuous,<br />

Chanel now thinks it’s time to<br />

acknowledge the superiority of<br />

lipstick. The very gesture of<br />

applying lipstick is a symbol of<br />

luxury and femininity – which is<br />

the main reason why the brand<br />

doesn’t believe in long-lasting<br />

formulas. Peter Philips,<br />

creative director of Chanel<br />

make-up, feels that wearing<br />

lipstick even changes your<br />

attitude: “You hold yourself<br />

differently. Lipstick is<br />

accompanied by delicate poise.”<br />

The Rouge Coco lipstick exists<br />

in 20 shades, comes in iconic<br />

packaging inspired by the<br />

N°5 spray perfume and costs<br />

€29. Available from March.<br />

chanel.com<br />

Multitasking<br />

marvel<br />

Surface to Air<br />

accesses all areas<br />

Surface to Air is a creative<br />

agency based in France that<br />

has worked with a range of<br />

interesting labels, from<br />

Tsumori Chisato to Uniqlo<br />

and Louis Vuitton. But the<br />

company also has its own<br />

clothing and accessory brand,<br />

increasingly popular with the<br />

hip crowd: after debuting last<br />

season, its buckle shoes have<br />

already turned into a fashion<br />

staple. Prices start at €50 for<br />

a top, €140 for a dress and<br />

€290 for the buckle shoes.<br />


Trend: Headto-toe<br />

denim<br />

We’ve got the blues!<br />

Remember the 1980s? Well<br />

those acid-washed jeans<br />

combined with an equally<br />

bleached denim jacket can<br />

stay safely in your memory.<br />

Thankfully, the head-to-toe<br />

denim trend takes a more<br />

sophisticated stance in <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

Hugo Boss and Lacoste showed<br />

how it’s done on the catwalks:<br />

a dark, lightweight denim fabric<br />

adds a note of refi nement to an<br />

otherwise fairly casual look. But<br />

it doesn’t always have to match.<br />

Part of the fun in this trend is<br />

mixing different shades of blue;<br />

once a big fashion don’t, but<br />

now all the rage. Add another<br />

layer of intrigue to your outfi t<br />

by combining different styles<br />

as well. A sharp blazer with<br />

a pair of heavily distressed<br />

jeans? You’re good to go!<br />

hugoboss.com; lacoste.com<br />

Quirky accessories from<br />

Coppens’ new collection<br />

Take denim<br />

inspiration<br />

from Boss<br />

Orange (left)<br />

and Lacoste<br />

Grand hotel Coppens<br />

Designer is inspired by digs<br />

Belgian accessory designer Christophe Coppens<br />

has turned to features from his favourite hotels for<br />

inspiration, resulting in a summer collection that<br />

echoes luxurious bath towels, heavy key-chains and<br />

cocktails by the side of the pool. His parrot-print<br />

and raffi a hats, big corsages and bamboo necklaces<br />

are ideal for invoking tropical temperatures before<br />

summer is actually here. Prices start from €110 for<br />

a hat, €60 for a scarf and €65 for a corsage.<br />

christophecoppens.com<br />


Diamond geezers<br />

Baunat’s innovative<br />

online jewellery shop<br />

Baunat is audaciously changing<br />

the way we think of jewellers. By<br />

asking reputable Belgian designers<br />

(such as Anne Zellien and Wouters<br />

& Hendrix) to create special<br />

collections and then selling them<br />

exclusively through an online shop,<br />

the company can hardly be called<br />

traditional. But Baunat has thought<br />

its tactics through. Shoppers can<br />

safely send back jewellery they’ve<br />

ordered but don’t like, or they can<br />

make an appointment to see the<br />

collections up close in the Baunat<br />

showroom. And we haven’t<br />

mentioned the best part yet: the<br />

prices are as friendly as the service.<br />

You’d be hard-pressed to fi nd<br />

jewellery of this quality for such<br />

a fair price anywhere else. Rings<br />

and earrings start from €460,<br />

necklaces from €640. baunat.com<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


20<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


The Princess and the Frog<br />

Directors Ron Clements, John Musker<br />

Voices Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos,<br />

Jennifer Cody, John Goodman<br />

Such has been the success of Disney’s association with (and acquisition of)<br />

John Lasseter and the Pixar team that it’s easy to forget that essentially,<br />

the company abandoned its roots. After a decade of declining quality and<br />

revenues since the 1994 high watermark of The Lion King, Disney decided<br />

that the future lay in three dimensions. It was only when Lasseter became<br />

chief creative offi cer of the new Disney/Pixar studio that it returned to<br />

A Single Man<br />

Director Tom Ford<br />

Starring Colin Firth, Julianne<br />

Moore, Nicholas Hoult<br />

The feature fi lm debut of former Gucci creative<br />

director Tom Ford, A Single Man follows a day in<br />

the life of an English professor, George, whose<br />

partner of 16 years has suddenly passed away.<br />

Images Rex Features, Allstar<br />

Matt Bochenski rounds up the top fi lms, music<br />

releases and books heading your way this month<br />

Pucker up: fairy tale<br />

conventions are subverted<br />

in Disney’s latest outing<br />

hand-drawn animation – and The Princess and the Frog is the result.<br />

But far from going all out to please traditionalists, a whiff of radicalism<br />

has hung over the project since the announcement that the fi lm’s titular<br />

princess, Tiana, was to be the company’s fi rst black heroine, in a fi lm<br />

set in the swamps of jazz-age New Orleans.<br />

This fi lm’s real boldness, however, lies in its quirky, Shrek-esque<br />

rewriting of a classic fairy tale: Tiana kisses her frog prince only to<br />

fi nd that it is she who is transformed . Throw in a couple of classic<br />

comic sidekicks, a proper boo-hiss bad guy and a raft of Louis<br />

Armstrong-inspired tunes, and The Princess and the Frog will soon<br />

have you convinced that 2D is the future after all.<br />

Firth leaves frothy<br />

rom-coms behind<br />

with A Single Man<br />

Complicating this scenario is the fact that it’s<br />

1962 and his partner was a man. Despite the<br />

stirrings of sexual revolution on George’s<br />

Los Angeles campus, he exists in a world of<br />

antediluvian academia in which his grief dares<br />

not reveal its true nature.<br />

As George seeks solace in professional<br />

routine and pills, he begins to question whether<br />

his new life is worth living. Vivacious divorcée<br />

Charley (Moore), George’s best friend who has<br />

succumbed to the hedonistic temptations of LA,<br />

offers him an unsteady crutch, while a wide-eyed<br />

student (Hoult) sees the truth of his professor’s<br />

personal crisis. But it is Firth who carries<br />

the fi lm. He offers a master class in quiet<br />

devastation, his careful mannerisms opening<br />

on to an ocean of grief behind those blue eyes.

All at sea? Corinne<br />

Bailey Rae’s second<br />

album is melancholic<br />

Corinne<br />

Bailey Rae<br />

The Sea<br />

Timing has been everything<br />

for Corinne Bailey Rae. Having appeared on the<br />

British music scene just ahead of the deluge<br />

of female singer-songwriters, she’s remained<br />

removed from the chasing pack ever since, happier<br />

in the world of jazz and soul than the boozy pop<br />

hedonism of Lily Allen or Adele.<br />

The timing of her second solo album has been<br />

defi ned by more tragic circumstances, however.<br />

Ringo Starr<br />

Y Not<br />

Surprisingly,<br />

the title of<br />

Ringo Starr’s latest album isn’t<br />

a response to the question that<br />

most of us have asked at one point<br />

or another: why do you insist on<br />

infl icting these awful solo albums<br />

on us, Mr Starr?<br />

In fairness, though, the ex-Beatle<br />

has surrounded himself with<br />

an array of super-talented<br />

contributors for this latest effort,<br />

which at least ensures that the<br />

tiresome peace-and-love moralising<br />

The irrepressible<br />

Ringo Starr<br />

Following the death of her husband in 2008, Bailey<br />

Rae took a two-year hiatus, waiting for grief to<br />

pass over and reach the point of inspiration. It’s no<br />

surprise, then, that The Sea is melancholic, and<br />

at times mournful, and yet this isn’t an album that<br />

wallows in self-pity. Bailey Rae’s voice is too light<br />

for that, and as it spills like liquid across the title<br />

track it’s clear that she has returned as a more<br />

forceful and dedicated artist. The track names tell<br />

their own story – from ‘Are You Here?’ to ‘I’d Do It All<br />

Again’ – but that doesn’t change the fact that at its<br />

best, this is a soaring, soulful tribute to much more<br />

than her late husband.<br />

of the lyrics serves a decent musical purpose.<br />

The likes of Paul McCartney, Van Dyke Parks,<br />

Joss Stone and Dave Stewart have<br />

cameo roles, injecting a bit<br />

of pizzazz into proceedings<br />

and making the album go by<br />

with some swing.<br />

Produced by Starr himself,<br />

this is also his most personal<br />

statement to date. Songs like ‘The Other<br />

Side of Liverpool’ offer an insight into<br />

his early days on Merseyside, while<br />

his duet with McCartney, ‘Walk<br />

With You’, is a decent little ode to<br />

friendship. There certainly aren’t<br />

any fi reworks, but it’s not<br />

a complete washout either.<br />


Book club<br />

This month’s must-reads<br />

Gone Tomorrow<br />

Lee Child<br />

You’d be forgiven<br />

for thinking that<br />

Lee Child is simply<br />

a mechanised thriller<br />

machine, pumping out<br />

books at the touch of<br />

a button, but his latest Jack Reacher<br />

novel is another tense and exciting read.<br />

The Reacher character shouldn’t<br />

work: an ex-military policeman turned<br />

itinerant vigilante, he’s a sort of<br />

homeless James Bond, dishevelled<br />

rather than debonair. Likewise, Child’s<br />

writing style should grate, with his Rain<br />

Man-like fixation on numbers, physics<br />

and the inconsequential minutiae of<br />

Reacher’s life. But when you put the<br />

two together, it makes for an explosive<br />

combination. Witness the pitch-perfect<br />

opening scene of Gone Tomorrow,<br />

as Reacher uses his analytical skills<br />

to try to decipher whether one of the<br />

passengers on his subway train is<br />

a terrorist. It’s classic Child/Reacher<br />

– dramatic, exciting and just vaguely<br />

silly. You wouldn’t have either of them<br />

any other way.<br />

Take A Chance<br />

On Me<br />

Jill Mansell<br />

Jill Mansell has been<br />

a chick lit master for<br />

over a decade now,<br />

reliably pumping out<br />

stories of lovelorn<br />

20-somethings, mysterious hunks and<br />

kooky best friends since 1997’s Perfect<br />

Timing. Her latest effort sees Cleo<br />

Quinn (they’re always called Cleo or<br />

Poppy or Tilly) fall for a handsome<br />

Mr Right only to have sexy childhood<br />

nemesis Johnny LaVenture (seriously)<br />

reappear in her life to torment her.<br />

To further complicate matters, Cleo’s<br />

sister Abbie is having trouble in her<br />

marriage – a devastating secret looms<br />

in the distance. Can the two girls live<br />

happily ever after? Clue: yes.<br />

Occupying a moral and intellectual<br />

grey area somewhere between Glamour<br />

magazine and real writing, Mansell’s<br />

novel’s are aspirational tales of west<br />

London socialites flirting with disaster<br />

but ultimately finding redemption<br />

and happiness. That should sit<br />

uncomfortably in a bleak economic<br />

environment, but perhaps everybody<br />

needs a warm glow from time to time.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


22<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

INGEAR<br />

She’s electric<br />

Audi’s e-tron stuns with its stylish looks<br />

Schumacher forges<br />

what he hopes will be<br />

a winning partnership<br />

with Mercedes<br />

Proving without a shadow of a doubt that not all electric cars need<br />

to be small and staid is Audi’s recently unveiled e-tron, hailed as<br />

the world’s fi rst true electric supercar.<br />

With serious green credentials, gloriously fl ashy good looks,<br />

immense torque and a 0-100km/h sprint of just 4.8 seconds, this<br />

Audi is destined to be snapped up the instant that the order books<br />

open in 2012 – despite a likely €150,000 price tag.<br />

Briatore off the banned list<br />

Court overturns FIA ruling on race-fi xing scandal<br />

The indefi nite ban placed on former Renault team boss<br />

Flavio Briatore for his part in the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix<br />

race-fi xing scandal has been dramatically overturned.<br />

A French court made the ruling on the basis Briatore was not<br />

a Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile licence holder and<br />

therefore not subject to FIA rules, coupled with the fact that the<br />

governing body did not, in the court’s view, have the authority to<br />

impose such a ban. Pat Symonds’ fi ve-year ban was overturned<br />

for the same reasons. The FIA is considering appealing, stating<br />

that: “…until then, the World Motor Sport Council’s decision<br />

continues to apply. In addition, the FIA intends to consider actions<br />

to ensure that no persons who would engage in such dangerous<br />

activities are allowed to participate in F1 in the future.”<br />

Images Rex Features, Getty Images<br />

Lisa Curtiss drools over Audi’s e-tron, notes Schumacher’s<br />

return to F1 and takes the VW Scirocco GT for a spin<br />

Magnifi cent eight with Mercedes?<br />

Schumacher back and chasing World Champ title<br />

Seven-time Formula One World Champion Michael Schumacher is<br />

confi rmed to race for Mercedes alongside fellow countryman Nico<br />

Rosberg. The German car maker bought the 2009 title-winning Brawn<br />

GP team, renaming it Mercedes GP Petronas, and retained team principle<br />

Ross Brawn – who helped Schumacher to title glory at both Ferrari and<br />

Benetton. With the fi rst race of the <strong>2010</strong> season just weeks away, on<br />

14 March, Schumacher is looking to add to his impressive title tally.<br />

“Mercedes GP Petronas represents a new challenge for me both in<br />

a sporting and a personal context,” he said. “It is a new chapter in my racing<br />

career and I am looking forward to working with my old friend Ross Brawn<br />

and my companions from my days with the Mercedes Junior Programme.<br />

I am convinced that together we will be involved in the fi ght for the F1<br />

World Championship, and I am already looking forward to getting back<br />

to the race track. For me, this partnership closes the circle. Mercedes<br />

supported me for so many years when I began my F1 career, and now<br />

I can hopefully give something back to the brand with the star.”<br />

Best in show<br />

This year’s Motor Show in Geneva<br />

will see major new launches<br />

One of the world’s largest car events takes place<br />

next month – the 80th International Motor Show<br />

will run from the 4-14 March at the Palpexo<br />

Exhibition Centre, Geneva.<br />

Always one of the key shows to look to for<br />

signifi cant model launches, this year promises<br />

to be no exception with important debuts from<br />

most manufacturers including a stylish Coupé<br />

Cabriolet Mégane from Renault and a host of<br />

funky electric cars.<br />

Opening times: Mon-Fri 10am-8pm, Sat-Sun<br />

9am-7pm. For more information visit salon-auto.ch<br />

February diary Dates to look out for this month<br />

1-3 Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique, Monaco 7-10 Neige & Glace Historic Rally, Doubs and Jura, France 12-14 FIA World Rally Championship: Swedish Rally,<br />

Karlstad, Sweden 14 NASCAR Daytona International Speedway, Florida, USA 28 A1GP: South Africa


Don’t let prejudices stop you from checking out Volkswagen’s<br />

latest incarnation of this motor – it offers plenty to please<br />

VW does love a bit of retro. I’ve been<br />

subjected to more seats in tartan of<br />

dubious taste and golf ball-bedecked<br />

gearsticks than my delicate senses can<br />

comfortably endure. Little wonder, then,<br />

that the company progressed from<br />

scaring me with quirky 1980s styling<br />

to bringing an entire car back from the<br />

dead. Just a shame they picked the one<br />

named after a wind.<br />

A tad harsh? Well, maybe. But not to<br />

those who knew and loved its sister car,<br />

the Corrado – the fastest and most<br />

elegant model to come from the VW<br />

stable at the time and, despite being first<br />

launched just over 20 years ago, a car<br />

that manages to look relatively fresh<br />

on our roads even now. A VR6 Storm<br />

and a brace of G60s have graced my<br />

driveways, all paid for from my own<br />

coffers, and coming from a motor writer<br />

and lucky recipient of just about every<br />

car under the sun to drive, that’s<br />

testament indeed to their charms.<br />

So, after resisting a test drive for as<br />

long as I could without causing overt<br />

offence, I finally sampled my first<br />

Scirocco since 1988 – and I feel<br />

Spec<br />

VW Scirocco GT<br />

2.0-litre TSI<br />

Displacement<br />

1984cc<br />

Maximum<br />

power output<br />

146KW<br />

Maximum<br />

torque 280Nm<br />

Top speed<br />

234km/h<br />

0-100km/h<br />

acceleration<br />

7.2 secs<br />

The Scirocco GT:<br />

appealingly fi erce<br />

mightily sheepish, as I’m obliged to<br />

admit that it’s actually rather good.<br />

Low slung, sleek and purposeful,<br />

it’s appealingly fierce, with a deep<br />

grille and a sharky, menacing stare.<br />

The rear is chunky with a chromed,<br />

large-bored twin-pipe exhaust<br />

alluding to some decent sporting<br />

prowess. Inside, instead of cheesy<br />

retro references, it is restrained,<br />

comfortable and subtly bejewelled<br />

with chrome.<br />

Performance-wise this car is as<br />

sporty as it looks, its 2.0-litre petrol<br />

engine providing a handy helping<br />

of torque and a sprightly sprint of<br />

just 7.2 secs. The gearing is slick<br />

in manual guise, or you can opt for<br />

DSG, and it also handles remarkably<br />

neatly whatever twists and turns it<br />

encounters. This is thanks to its low<br />

stance and bespoke ‘Adaptive Chassis<br />

Control’ settings for its springs and<br />

dampers, and the front wishbone/rear<br />

four-link suspension arrangement,<br />

as found in the Golf.<br />

Ultimately, the Scirocco has<br />

surprised me – in a very good way.<br />

A car for<br />

all seasons.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Preferred partner of Brussels<br />

Airlines.<br />


24<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


Images Getty Images<br />

In words<br />

Above The<br />

Michael Lee-<br />

Chin Crystal<br />

Building, Royal<br />

Ontario Museum<br />

was designed by<br />

world-renowned<br />

architect Daniel<br />

Libeskind<br />

Left The<br />

Ontario Place<br />

Cinesphere,<br />

built in 1971,<br />

is the world’s<br />

largest IMAX<br />

theatre<br />

Right After a<br />

stormy morning,<br />

a flock of birds<br />

fly across the<br />

sky with<br />

Toronto’s CN<br />

Tower in the<br />


On the shore of Lake Ontario, Canada’s most populous city is also its most multicultural.<br />

Fly with Brussels Airlines in codeshare with Jet Airways to take in the sights<br />


Toronto<br />

special<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


26<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


Check in<br />

Le Meridien King Edward,<br />

37 King Street East Toronto,<br />

tel. +1 (416) 863 3131,<br />

lemeridien.com/kingedward<br />

Set on King Street, in the middle of the Financial<br />

District, the King Eddy as it is known to locals,<br />

is convenient not only for its proximity to<br />

the subway station (the Yonge line is about 3<br />

minutes from the front door), but also the King<br />

Street streetcar right outside. St. Lawrence<br />

Market is a 5 minute walk away and there are<br />

a couple of pretty exciting Mies van der Rohe<br />

buildings next door on the way to the CN tower<br />

which looks like it’s just next door, but it’s<br />

actually about 15 minutes’ walk away.<br />

The hotel is hard to miss, with its stately<br />

architectural details and huge, blue awning. Built<br />

at the turn of the century (last century), by an<br />

industrialist called Gooderham, it was originally<br />

both the tallest and the most easternmost<br />

building in the city – now of course it is dwarfed<br />

by the lofty skyscrapers that surround it.<br />

Drink out<br />

Tasting Canadian wine is a must<br />

It comes as a surprise to most Europeans that<br />

Canada, and Ontario specifi cally, has a thriving<br />

home-grown wine industry that even produces<br />

Canadian originals such as the aptly named ice<br />

wine – a wine whose grapes are picked only<br />

in February, and only when the temperature<br />

is between -8°C and -14°C. The actual winegrowing<br />

region is just across Lake Ontario and<br />

well worth a visit if you’re taking in the Niagara<br />

Falls as well. But if you don’t have the time you<br />

can get your tasting down at the Vineyard Estate<br />

Wines’ fl agship store, at the Harbourfront on<br />

Queens Quay West for the fi nest of Ontario’s<br />

wines, back vintages, rare releases and hard-tofi<br />

nd wine accessories. Call ahead to organise a<br />

tasting. vineyardestatewines.com<br />

Canada<br />

produces some<br />

fi rst-rate wines<br />

Grande dame<br />

style rules at<br />

the King Eddy<br />

The hotel itself is the epitome of grande dame<br />

style. Passing through the gigantic revolving<br />

door, the grand and airy lobby sports Ionic<br />

columns aplenty, and helpful, smiling staff eager<br />

to serve you.<br />

Rooms are quite big for North American<br />

standards, with the décor option a little quaint.<br />

Eat up<br />

St Lawrence Market is a haven for foodies<br />

James Kevin Mac Goris fi nds out what to do in<br />

Toronto before tucking into some local vino<br />

St Lawrence is one of the 25 best markets in the world, according to Food<br />

& Wine magazine – it’s certainly a foodie heaven with over 120 merchants<br />

and vendors proving why Toronto is considered one of the most culturally<br />

mixed cities in the world. Russia, China, South-East Asia, Greece, Italy,<br />

Ukraine, Central America, South America and even good old Ontario are all<br />

represented by the stalls that sell the best, freshest and most exciting mix<br />

of foods you’re likely to see. Check out the Carousel Bakery for a “pea-meal<br />

bacon on a bun” sandwich, a Canadian tradition. stlawrencemarket.com<br />

Fly to Toronto with Brussels Airlines in codeshare with Jet Airways. For more information visit brusselsairlines.com<br />

The beds, however, are sumptuous and a defi nite<br />

guarantee for a good night’s sleep. For afternoon<br />

tea afi cionados, the downstairs lobby is the<br />

scene of a sumptuous English-style afternoon<br />

event, complete with scones, jam and clotted<br />

cream, as well as about 15 different types of tea.<br />

Go for the house blend, it’s well worth it.<br />

An exciting mix of<br />

foods at St<br />

Lawrence Market<br />

Insider tip<br />

Bruce Bell is the man<br />

to know in Toronto<br />

It sounds like a<br />

cop-out, but in<br />

Toronto’s case<br />

you really are<br />

better off getting<br />

a guide to show<br />

you round – and<br />

Bruce Bell is the<br />

city’s selfappointed<br />

best.<br />

With so much<br />

history either<br />

buried under<br />

parking lots or<br />

confi ned to dusty<br />

history books<br />

hidden on the top<br />

shelves of<br />

libraries, Bell uses<br />

his wealth of<br />

knowledge and<br />

experience to show<br />

visitors what<br />

secrets are held in<br />

Toronto’s much<br />

overlooked<br />

colonial and 19th<br />

century past.<br />


Tombé amoureux de la truffe<br />

il y a plus de 20 ans,<br />

Luigi Ciciriello vous invite<br />

à venir partager sa passion<br />

dans un des endroits les plus<br />

exquis au monde, à travers<br />

sa Carte aux Trésors.<br />

Bienvenue à La Truffe Noire,<br />

dont l’excellence a été<br />

récompensée par une étoile<br />

au Guide Michelin <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

Une passion étoilée pour la truffe<br />

NOUVEAUX HORAIRES - Le restaurant La Truffe Noire est<br />

ouvert du lundi au samedi. Fermé samedi midi et dimanche,<br />

sauf réservation d’au moins 30 personnes.<br />

La Truffe Noire<br />

Bd de La Cambre 12<br />

1000 Bruxelles<br />

Tél. 02 640 44 22<br />



Who’s<br />

boss<br />

the<br />

?<br />

Belgium’s reputation as<br />

a hotbed for indie music<br />

is being gloriously upheld<br />

by its latest export, Milow.<br />

But as Nina Lamparski<br />

discovers, it can be tricky for<br />

the country’s independent<br />

artists to find the right path<br />

to take them to the top

At one point, 2004 looked<br />

like the year that would bring<br />

fame and fortune to Jonathan<br />

Vandenbroeck, more commonly<br />

known by his stage name, Milow. At just<br />

22, the fresh-faced musician had scored<br />

a final spot in Humo’s Rock Rally,<br />

Belgium’s largest contest for unsigned<br />

or independent local talents who haven’t<br />

released an official recording. Launched<br />

more than two decades ago by HUMO<br />

magazine, the biennial event holds cult<br />

status among aspiring artists because<br />

of its potential to kick-start careers.<br />

Notable names to ‘get their break’<br />

after making it to the last round of the<br />

competition include Antwerp band dEUS<br />

(whose fans include Radiohead and<br />

R.E.M.), Ghent electro outfit Das Pop<br />

and pianist An Pierlé.<br />

It’s easy to comprehend, then, why<br />

Milow had great expectations when he<br />

came fourth at Rock Rally; but these<br />

expectations were quickly dashed.<br />

“I hoped that agents would finally<br />

approach me for a deal, but there<br />

was no one on the Belgian circuit<br />

that wanted to work with me,” recalls<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


30<br />

Hot hangouts<br />

Catch the latest indie talent<br />

at these vital Brussels venues<br />

≠ Le<br />

Botanique<br />

Once housing<br />

the capital’s<br />

botanical<br />

garden, this<br />

neoclassical<br />

glass building<br />

is now an<br />

eclectic cultural hub featuring concerts,<br />

exhibitions and plays. botanique.be<br />

≠ Maison du Peuple Set in the boho<br />

neighbourhood of Saint-Gilles, this funky café<br />

also serves as a stage for up-and-coming<br />

musicians. The programme features all genres,<br />

from pop/rock to jazz, hip-hop and reggae.<br />

maison-du-peuple.be<br />

≠ Les Ateliers Claus One of the most<br />

‘out there’ venues in Brussels, this is pure<br />

underground heaven. Expect anything from<br />

mad Tokyo punk to hardcore Belgian jazz.<br />

lesateliersclaus.com<br />

≠ Ancienne<br />

Belgique A key<br />

cultural Flemish<br />

organisation, this is<br />

Brussels’ top concert<br />

venue both for big<br />

international acts and<br />

local independent<br />

bands. abconcerts.be<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

Previous page and<br />

above: Milow’s rise to<br />

fame hasn’t been easy,<br />

but he’s proud to have<br />

maintained autonomy<br />

Far right: Originally<br />

formed in the 1980s,<br />

Brussels band Vaya Con<br />

Dios have stood the<br />

test of time, releasing<br />

their latest album in<br />

October last year<br />

the singer, who has since become one<br />

of the country’s hottest exports thanks<br />

to his 2008 cover of US rapper 50 Cent’s<br />

‘Ayo Technology’. Milow continues:<br />

“It was frustrating, so in January 2006<br />

I brought out my first album, The<br />

Bigger Picture, on my own label,<br />

Homerun Records.”<br />

His second single, ‘You Don’t Know’,<br />

proved a breakthrough hit on Belgian<br />

radio stations, remaining in the national<br />

charts for 42 weeks, and won the artist<br />

Best Song, Best New Artist and Best<br />

Music Video at the 2007 Music Industry<br />

Awards. But it was only after he<br />

performed his hypnotic, stripped down<br />

version of ‘Ayo Technology’ (which<br />

originally featured Justin Timberlake<br />

and Timbaland) during a live radio jam<br />

session that he finally conquered the<br />

European market. The cover received<br />

20 million hits on YouTube alone, and<br />

has sold more copies than the original<br />

in countries from Austria to Sweden.<br />

His third album, Milow, is currently<br />

flying off the shelves in Germany, and<br />

is due for release in Canada this year.<br />

For Milow, though, the triumph didn’t<br />

come one second too soon. “I was 27<br />

and had been writing songs for a long<br />

time,” he says. “I thought that something<br />

really needed to happen, which it did,<br />

thankfully. Now I’m going to ride the<br />

wave for as long as possible.”<br />

Behind the scene<br />

The years of hardship, however, have<br />

left a slightly bitter taste regarding his<br />

compatriots. “I have mixed feelings<br />

towards the Belgian indie scene, largely<br />

because I was never really part of it,”<br />

Milow says. “At the same time, though,<br />

I believe that Belgium has one of the best<br />

musical educations in the world. We have<br />

very strong and critical music journalism,<br />

which sets the bar very high. Everyone<br />

who picks up a guitar here knows what<br />

they’re up against and that it’s not going<br />

to be enough to do something that’s<br />

already been done before.”<br />

It’s true that Antwerp, Ghent and<br />

Brussels have spawned numerous

well-known artists over the past<br />

30 years, predominantly in the<br />

alternative rock and techno/electro<br />

arenas. A heavily subsidised concert<br />

and festival circuit has helped artists<br />

such as Soulwax, Shameboy and<br />

Vaya Con Dios to catapult Belgium<br />

on to the international music stage<br />

and ensure the country’s reputation<br />

Being an indie<br />

artist is all about<br />

the way that you<br />

work… I’m my<br />

own manager<br />

as a breeding ground for indie talent.<br />

And although some such musicians<br />

end up signing with a major record<br />

label – dEUS, for instance, are part<br />

of the Universal stable – this doesn’t<br />

necessarily harm their ‘indie’ tag, so<br />

long as fans don’t feel that they’ve<br />

given up their autonomy.<br />

Still, Milow believes that his own<br />

interests are currently best served by<br />

cutting out the middleman. “For me,<br />

being an indie artist is all about the way<br />

you work,” he explains. “Before I had<br />

a lot of airplay, they called me an indie,<br />

folksy singer-songwriter. Now, they<br />

call my music ‘pop’ – but that’s just the<br />

label you get for being successful. I’m<br />

my own manager, I run my own company,<br />

and I maintain complete freedom. It’s<br />

funny when I go to a meeting and the<br />

agents are surprised to see me, and not<br />

some manager. And they don’t always<br />

like it, either...”<br />

Best of both worlds?<br />

Milow’s story is an “exception” in the<br />

Belgian music industry, according to<br />

Kevin McMullan, spokesperson for<br />

top Brussels concert venue Ancienne<br />

Belgique (AB). From Lou Reed and<br />

Madness to The Cure, Ramones and<br />

Blondie, some of the world’s greatest<br />

bands have performed at this site,<br />

which also heavily promotes budding<br />


FR C’est qui le boss ?<br />

La réputation de la Belgique comme foyer de la création musicale<br />

indépendante est largement confirmée par Milow, une de ses<br />

dernières gloires de l’exportation. Mais comme le constate Nina<br />

Lamparski, le parcours des artistes de la scène rock belge peut<br />

s’avérer tortueux. Pas facile d’arriver en droite ligne au sommet<br />

Après des années de galère, Jonathan Vandenbroeck, plus connu<br />

sous son nom de scène Milow, est devenu l’une des vedettes les plus<br />

exportées du pays en 2008 avec sa reprise du morceau ‘Ayo<br />

Technology’, du rappeur américain 50 Cent. Son clip a reçu plus de<br />

20 millions de visites rien que sur YouTube, et même si le chanteur a<br />

des sentiments mitigés vis-à-vis de la scène musicale belge, il est<br />

toutefois persuadé que son pays dispose d’un des meilleurs<br />

systèmes d’éducation du monde en matière de musique. Anvers,<br />

Gand et Bruxelles ont produit de nombreux artistes renommés au<br />

cours des 30 dernières années, comme dEUS par exemple, un<br />

produit de l’équipe d’Universal. Mais avoir un bon agent en Belgique<br />

est vital, explique Kevin McMullan, porte-parole de l’Ancienne<br />

Belgique, une des salles de concert les plus réputées de Bruxelles.<br />

« Le pays est tellement petit qu’après la sortie de votre premier<br />

album et une vingtaine de concerts sur la scène belge, c’est fini – il<br />

n’y a plus d’autres lieux où se produire. L’internet aide, mais je ne<br />

pense pas qu’il suffise d’exister sur MySpace. Nous recevons près<br />

de 200 démos chaque semaine et il est impossible de toutes les<br />

écouter, nous sélectionnons donc celles que nos agents ou les labels<br />

de confiance nous recommandent. »<br />

Scènes Hots<br />

Allez écouter les derniers talents de la scène musicale<br />

indépendante dans ces salles bruxelloises incontournables<br />

Ancienne Belgique: organisation culturelle clé flamande, cette salle<br />

de concert de premier ordre accueille à Bruxelles tant les grands<br />

groupes internationaux que les formations indépendantes locales.<br />

Le Botanique: ce bâtiment de verre néo-classique est un centre<br />

culturel éclectique proposant des concerts, des expositions et des<br />

spectacles de théâtre.<br />

Maison du Peuple: ce café funky sert aussi de scène aux jeunes<br />

musiciens prometteurs.<br />

Les Ateliers Claus: l’une des salles les plus branchées de Bruxelles,<br />

un vrai paradis « underground ».<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


32<br />


local talent. “Being a manager and a<br />

musician are two different skills and<br />

Milow is lucky to have both – most bands<br />

are useless at running their own show,”<br />

says McMullan, who, funnily enough, used<br />

to work for Universal prior to joining the<br />

Above right: The Oeno<br />

Tk wine bar has a tapasstyle<br />

menu, and it’s also<br />

a wine shop<br />

Right: Laurent Lardot<br />

and Grégory Castreuil,<br />

the owners of Oeno Tk<br />

NL Wie is de baas?<br />

De reputatie van België als broeikas voor muziek in eigen beheer wordt<br />

nogmaals bevestigd door het nieuwste exportproduct, Milow. Maar<br />

Nina Lamparski ontdekt dat het voor de Belgische onafhankelijke<br />

artiesten niet eenvoudig is de juiste weg naar de top te vinden<br />

Na jaren van tegenspoed werd Jonathan Vandenbroeck, beter<br />

bekend onder zijn artiestennaam Milow, in 2008 één van België’s<br />

populairste exportproducten met zijn cover van ‘Ayo Technology’<br />

van de Amerikaanse rapper 50 Cent. De cover werd meer dan 20<br />

miljoen keer alleen al op YouTube bekeken, maar alhoewel de zanger<br />

gemengde gevoelens heeft over de Belgische onafhankelijke scene,<br />

gelooft hij nog steeds dat zijn land één van de beste muziekopleidingen<br />

ter wereld heeft. Antwerpen, Gent en Brussel brachten de voorbije<br />

30 jaar talrijke bekende artiesten voort – dEUS bijvoorbeeld zit bij<br />

Universal – maar een goede agent in België hebben is van groot<br />

belang, zegt Kevin McMullan, woordvoerder van de Brusselse<br />

concertzaal Ancienne Belgique. “België is zo klein dat eens je een<br />

eerste album hebt uitgebracht en je 20 optredens hebt gedaan, je<br />

rond bent – je kunt nergens meer heen. Het internet helpt, maar ik<br />

denk niet dat op MySpace zitten voldoende is. Wij krijgen ongeveer<br />

200 demo’s per week en het is onmogelijk ze allemaal te beluisteren,<br />

dus we kijken meestal naar artiesten die ons werden aanbevolen<br />

door agenten of platenlabels waar we vertrouwen in hebben.”<br />

Populaire plekken<br />

Ga naar het nieuwste talent kijken op deze plekken in Brussel<br />

Ancienne Belgique: dit is een belangrijke culturele Vlaamse<br />

organisatie en dé concertplek voor zowel internationale acts als<br />

lokale onafhankelijke groepen.<br />

De Botanique: Dit neoklassieke glazen gebouw is een eclectisch<br />

cultureel centrum voor concerten, tentoonstellingen en voorstellingen.<br />

Maison du Peuple: Dit funky café biedt ook een podium aan de<br />

muzikanten van de toekomst.<br />

Les Ateliers Claus: Eén van de plekken waar de vinger aan de pols<br />

wordt gehouden in Brussel en de hemel op aarde voor liefhebbers<br />

van underground.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

Right: Arguably the most<br />

influential Belgian band<br />

ever, rockers dEUS are<br />

signed to Universal<br />

Below: Electro duo<br />

Shameboy have enjoyed<br />

international acclaim<br />

As a Flemish<br />

artist it’s hard<br />

to get gigs in<br />

Wallonia, and<br />

vice versa<br />

AB. In his opinion, having a good agent in<br />

Belgium is vital. He explains: “Not many<br />

bands here are able to actually live off<br />

their music, so in a way they are forced<br />

to be indie, whether they like it or not.<br />

The place is so small that once you’ve<br />

brought out a first album and done,<br />

say, 20 gigs around Belgium, that’s it<br />

– there’s nowhere else to go. The internet<br />

helps, but I don’t think it’s enough to be<br />

on MySpace. We receive around 200<br />

demos a week and it’s impossible to<br />

listen to them all, so we usually check<br />

out those recommended by agents or<br />

labels we trust.”<br />

War of words<br />

In addition to being in an extremely<br />

competitive market, Belgian musicians<br />

face another tricky obstacle: the<br />

rigid language divide between the<br />

French-speaking and Flemish<br />

communities. “As a Flemish artist<br />

it’s hard to get gigs in Wallonia, and vice<br />

versa – it’s bizarre,” comments McMullan,<br />

adding that bands who do manage to<br />

achieve fame across the country, like<br />

dEUS or Zita Swoon, remain rare.<br />

So what, if any, advice is there for<br />

bands wanting to make it big in Belgium<br />

and beyond? “If you have the options of<br />

signing with a solid independent label in<br />

Paris or a commercial label here, I’d<br />

choose the first one,” says McMullan.<br />

“Remember that the Belgian office<br />

of a corporate record company is<br />

competing with its branches in other<br />

countries – and that makes it a lot harder<br />

for Belgian artists to go abroad. Also, the<br />

person running a label is as important<br />

as the company itself, so make sure you<br />

know who you’re dealing with, and that<br />

you like their way of doing business.”<br />

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34<br />


Athens<br />

The Parthenon may be its celebrated centrepiece, but Athens isn’t<br />

all antiquities: cutting-edge art galleries, designer boutiques and<br />

late-night bars abound for those in the know. Yianni Vassiliou,<br />

director of the city’s Bernier/Eliades gallery, leads us on a two-day<br />

tour of dumplings, daiquiris and DJ sets<br />

The new Acropolis Museum, which<br />

finally opened last summer, has<br />

put Athens back on the map as<br />

a city-break destination. With<br />

300 days of sunshine a year, a 50km<br />

coastline and antiquities galore, there<br />

are plenty of reasons to visit this most<br />

modern of ancient cities.<br />

Day one<br />

10:00 Long-awaited and controversial<br />

(a strikingly modern building on an<br />

archaeological site), the Acropolis<br />

Museum (15 Dionysiou Areopagitou,<br />

tel. +30 210 900 0901, theacropolis<br />

museum.gr) is a must for both its<br />

vertiginous design – all three storeys<br />

have glass floors – and great restaurant.<br />

12:00 Walk along Dionysiou Areopagitou,<br />

the pedestrian boulevard below the<br />

Parthenon, to Thisseion. The Bernier/<br />

Eliades Gallery (11 Eptachalkou, berniereliades.gr)<br />

is a local institution that hosts<br />

a roster of global artists including Gilbert<br />

& George, Bob Wilson and Ed Ruscha.<br />

The neoclassical mansion was recently<br />

redesigned with a radical minimalist<br />

interior and library.<br />

13:00 At the entrance to the ancient<br />

Agora, Kouti (23 Adrianou, tel. +30 210<br />

321 3229) is a bistro with 1950s décor<br />

and an unparalleled view of the Acropolis.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

Far right: The stunning<br />

ruins of the Erectheum<br />

and its Caryatid porch<br />

on the Acropolis<br />

Right: Ancient meets<br />

modern at the new<br />

Acropolis Museum<br />

Below right: The library<br />

at the Bernier/Eliades<br />

Gallery is a triumph<br />

of minimalist design<br />

Image photolibrary.com<br />

14:00 Browse around Monastiraki<br />

flea market and the antique stalls of<br />

Abyssinia Square. Nearby, Mofu (28 Sari,<br />

mofu.gr) sells affordable and collectible<br />

vintage furniture selected with flair.<br />

16:00 A few blocks away is a hidden<br />

treasure of Athens: the Alex Mylonas<br />

Museum (5 Agion Asomaton Square,<br />

tel. +30 210 921 5173) holds an<br />

astounding collection of sculpture<br />

in a beautiful neoclassical building.<br />

17:30 Ktistakis (59 Sokratous, tel. +30<br />

210 524 0891) is synonymous with<br />

loukoumades: dumplings smothered in<br />

honey and walnuts, best ordered with

36<br />

FR Mon Athènes<br />

Le Parthénon est sans doute sa pièce maîtresse la plus célèbre, mais<br />

Athènes n’est pas qu’une ville d’antiquités. On y trouve aussi des<br />

galeries d’art pointues, des boutiques de designers et pour les<br />

connaisseurs, les bars de nuit sont légion. Yianni Vassiliou,<br />

directeur de la galerie Bernier/Eliades, dans la capitale, nous<br />

emmène dans un parcours de deux jours de « dumplings », de<br />

daiquiris et de plateaux de DJs<br />

Jour 1<br />

10:00 Le Musée de l’Acropole (15 Dionysiou Areopagitou) est un<br />

must tant pour son design que son fantastique restaurant.<br />

12:00 La Galerie Bernier/Eliades (11 Eptachalkou) est une<br />

institution locale qui abrite une impressionnante brochette<br />

d’artistes venus des quatre coins du globe.<br />

13:00 Kouti (23 Adrianou) est un bistrot avec un décor cool années<br />

50 doublé d’une vue incomparable sur l’Acropole.<br />

16:00 Le Musée Alex Mylonas (5 Place Agion Asomaton) contient<br />

une collection de sculptures d’exception dans un magnifique<br />

bâtiment néo-classique.<br />

17:30 Ktistakis (59 Sokratous) est synonyme de loukoumades: des<br />

boulettes de pâtes farcies au miel et aux noisettes.<br />

18:30 Les DJs se produisent régulièrement au Vinyl Microstore (34<br />

Didotou), où sont organisés des concerts last-minute et des<br />

lancements d’albums de style guérilla.<br />

20:00 Pour un apéritif raffiné, allez dans le Bar ultra-civilisé<br />

Alexander à l’Hôtel Grande Bretagne (Place de la Constitution).<br />

22:00 Les tables sont suspendues du plafond Chez Lucien (32<br />

Troon) chez Petralona. Petit, accueillant et amusant.<br />

01:30 Le Pop (10 Klitiou) et Baba Au Rum (6 Klitiou) sont deux bars<br />

nocturnes branchés où les clients s’assoient à l’extérieur et<br />

discutent au milieu de leurs Vespas jusqu’aux petites heures.<br />

Jour 2<br />

10:00 Pour le petit-déjeuner, faites un saut chez Jimmy, un ancien<br />

bar classique sur l’avenue Valaoritou bordée de cafés.<br />

11:00 Mastiha (Panepistimiou & Kriezotou) est un lieu idéal pour les<br />

cadeaux proposés dans des super packagings.<br />

13:30 Immuable depuis les années 1940, le Kafeneio (26 Loukianou)<br />

est mon restaurant favori pour un lunch un peu arrosé durant la semaine.<br />

17:00 Le quartier chaud de Keramikos a été colonisé par les galeries<br />

d’art, et parmi celles-ci la Galerie Breeder (45 Iasonos) se démarque<br />

par son cachet.<br />

18:00 Ouvert à tous moments du jour et de la nuit, Bios (84 Pireos)<br />

accueille des rencontres culturelles dans un immeuble défraîchi,<br />

joyau du modernisme.<br />

20:00 Un pâté de maisons plus loin se trouve Nixon (61b Agisilaou)<br />

où vous pourrez déguster un martini dry parfaitement dosé ou<br />

regarder un film d’art et d’essai dans le cinéma adjacent.<br />

22:00 Pour dîner, essayez la brochette de poulet géante libanaise au<br />

yaourt, au Canteen (8 Iakhou).<br />

02:00 Relax et bruyant à la fois, l’intrépide Fox (30 Triptolemou) est<br />

un bar enfumé où l’on swingue, avec une table de billard et un style<br />

de musique post-punk.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

Above: Head to Mofu<br />

if you’re after unique<br />

vintage furniture<br />

Right: Drink in the<br />

opulence as well<br />

as the cocktails at<br />

Alexander’s Bar at the<br />

Hotel Grande Bretagne<br />

local kaimaki ice cream. They are golden<br />

– as will be the silence until the last bite.<br />

18:30 DJs appear regularly at Vinyl<br />

Microstore (34 Didotou, tel. +30 210<br />

361 4544, vinylmicrostore.gr), whose<br />

mascot is Yuri, a hilarious white mutt.<br />

They do last-minute live sets and<br />

guerrilla album launches; sit in an<br />

armchair and listen for free while<br />

gorging on candy and popcorn.<br />

20:00 For a smart apéritif, go to<br />

Alexander’s Bar at the Hotel Grande<br />

Bretagne (Constitution Square, tel.<br />

+30 210 333 0000, grandebretagne.gr).<br />

This ultra-civilised watering hole boasts<br />

frescoes, a string quartet, and perfect<br />

carrot juice and blueberry juleps.<br />

It’s not far from Aristokratikon (9<br />

Karageorgi Servias, tel. +30 210 322<br />

0546), a marvellous Viennese-style<br />

chocolatier. I could live there!<br />

22:00 Tables hang from the ceiling at<br />

Chez Lucien (32 Troon, tel. +30 210<br />

346 4236) in Petralona. Tiny, friendly<br />

and fun, this family-run French<br />

restaurant has a very reasonable set<br />

menu and great wine by the jug. You<br />

can’t book, but you can hang out with the<br />

old guys in the café next door while you<br />

wait to feast on perfect dauphinoise<br />

potatoes at communal tables.<br />

00:00 Psira (19 Miaouli, tel. +30 210<br />

324 4046) was the first bar in Psyri, the<br />

Soho of Athens. The Hawaiian hippy<br />

interior is fantastically kitsch, but most<br />

people sit outside to people-watch the<br />

throngs any night of the week. Try<br />

rakomelo – warm local grappa-style<br />

spirit with honey and cloves, served<br />

in small glasses.<br />

01:30 There’s always a buzzing scene<br />

at Booze (57 Kolokotroni, booze<br />

cooperativa.com), a long, narrow bar<br />

with magazines lying about on wooden<br />

tables and an impromptu theatre<br />

upstairs. Hidden down a side street two<br />

blocks away are Pop (10 Klitiou, tel.<br />

+30 210 322 0650) and daiquiri mecca<br />

Baba Au Rum (6 Klitiou, babaaurum.

Intrepid Fox<br />

K44<br />

Benaki Museum<br />

Pireos Annexe<br />

200 metres<br />

GREECE<br />

Athens<br />

Canteen<br />

Bernier/<br />

Eliades Gallery<br />

Chez Lucien<br />

blogspot.com): hip late-night bars where<br />

everyone sits outside and chats between<br />

their parked Vespas until it gets light.<br />

Day two<br />

10:00 For breakfast, head to Jimmy’s<br />

(7 Valaoritou, tel. +30 210 361 0444),<br />

an old classic on café-lined Valaoritou<br />

Street, or the wonderful eatery in the<br />

Nixon<br />

Bios<br />

Filopappou<br />

Hill<br />

Below: Purchase some<br />

special jewellery for<br />

that special someone<br />

at Fanourakis<br />

Breeder Gallery<br />

Alex<br />

Mylonas<br />

Museum<br />

Monastiraki<br />

flea market<br />

Ktistakis<br />

Kouti<br />

Psira<br />


Ipeiros<br />

courtyard of the Numismatic Museum<br />

(12 Panepistimiou, tel. +30 210 361<br />

2519, nma.gr), where it’s surprisingly<br />

easy to spend half an hour admiring<br />

ancient coins in old-school cabinets.<br />

11:00 Stray dogs sleep outside the<br />

smart shop-fronts of Voukourestiou<br />

Street. Around the corner, Mastiha<br />

Shop (Panepistimiou & Kriezotou,<br />

mastihashop.com) is ideal for masticflavoured<br />

gifts, from digestifs to<br />

chewing gum, in cool packaging.<br />

12:00 Kolonaki is where locals go<br />

for shopping and coffee. Fanourakis<br />

(23 Patriarchou Ioakeim, tel. +30 210<br />

721 1762, fanourakis.gr) is a jeweller<br />

with poetic and amusing designs, such<br />

as earrings made of gold flies. De<br />

Toute Facon (21 Dimokritou, tel. +30<br />

210 360 2211), meanwhile, is an<br />

eccentric gentleman’s fashion store<br />

where you’ll find everything from<br />

bamboo umbrellas to badger-hair<br />

Map illustration Jason Pickersgill/<br />

Acute Graphics<br />

Booze<br />


Vinyl Microstore<br />


Acropolis Museum<br />


Jimmy’s<br />


Fanourakis<br />

Kafeneio<br />

Mastiha shop<br />

Alexander’s<br />

Bar<br />

National<br />

Garden<br />

North<br />

shaving brushes. The countless cafés<br />

along Skoufa are a great spot to people<br />

watch – and to be watched.<br />

13:30 Unchanged since the 1940s,<br />

with wood panelling and pictures of the<br />

musicians and thespians who frequent it,<br />

Kafeneio (26 Loukianou, tel. +30 210<br />

722 9056) is my favourite restaurant<br />

for a boozy weekday lunch. The charming<br />

maitre d’ has been wearing shades<br />

day and night for the past 40 years,<br />

and the suckling pig and taramosalata<br />

are unbeatable.<br />

15:30 The private Benaki Museum Pireos<br />

Annexe (138 Pireos & Andronikou, tel.<br />

+30 210 345 3111, benaki.gr) combines<br />

amazing architecture, an excellent<br />

bookshop and blockbuster shows.<br />

17:00 The red-light district of Keramikos<br />

has been colonised by art galleries,<br />

and the Breeder Gallery (45 Iasonos,<br />

tel. +30 210 331 7527, thebreeder<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />




38<br />


NL Mijn Athene<br />

Het Parthenon mag dan het meest bekende gebouw zijn, maar Athene<br />

is meer dan enkel antiek: avant-garde kunstgaleries, designerboetieks<br />

en bars in overvloed voor de kenners. Yianni Vassiliou, directeur<br />

van galerie Bernier/Eliades in Athene, is onze gids op een<br />

tweedaagse tour met knoedels, daiquiri’s en DJ-sets<br />

Dag één<br />

10:00 Het Akropolis Museum (15 Dionysiou Areopagitou) is een<br />

must, zowel voor het ontwerp als het fantastische restaurant.<br />

12:00 Galerie Bernier/Eliades (11 Eptachalkou) is een lokaal instituut<br />

dat onderdak biedt aan een heleboel internationale kunstenaars.<br />

13:00 Kouti (23 Adrianou) is een bistro met een gaaf interieur uit de<br />

jaren ’50 en een ongeëvenaard zicht op de Akropolis.<br />

16:00 Het Alex Mylonas Museum (5 Agion Asomaton Square) huist<br />

in een prachtig neoklassiek gebouw en heeft een<br />

verbazingwekkende collectie beeldhouwwerken in haar bezit.<br />

17:30 Ktistakis (59 Sokratous) is het synoniem voor loukoumades:<br />

knoedels met honing en walnoten.<br />

18:30 Bij Vinyl Microstore (34 Didotou) zijn vaak dj’s te gast die<br />

lastminute livesets brengen en er vinden ook vaak guerrilla<br />

albumlanceringen plaats.<br />

20:00 Ga voor een sjiek aperitief naar de oerdegelijke Alexander’s<br />

Bar in het Hotel Grande Bretagne (Constitution Square).<br />

22:00 De tafels hangen aan het plafond te bengelen bij Chez Lucien<br />

(32 Troon) in Petralona. Klein, vriendelijk en leuk.<br />

01:30 Pop (10 Klitiou) en Baba Au Rum (6 Klitiou) zijn twee hippe<br />

late-night bars waar iedereen buiten zit te praten tussen hun<br />

geparkeerde Vespa’s tot het weer licht wordt.<br />

Dag twee<br />

10:00 Ga voor ontbijt naar Jimmy’s, een oude klassieker in<br />

Valaoritou Street, waar je het ene café naast het andere vindt.<br />

11:00 Mastiha (Panepistimiou & Kriezotou) is ideaal voor<br />

cadeautjes in een leuke verpakking.<br />

13:30 Kafeneio (26 Loukianou) is nog steeds hetzelfde als in de<br />

jaren ’40 en is mijn favoriete restaurant voor lunch op een weekdag<br />

met veel drank.<br />

17:00 De rosse buurt van Keramikos is ondertussen ingenomen door<br />

kunstgaleries, waarvan galerie Breeder (45 Iasonos) een stijlvol<br />

voorbeeld is.<br />

18:00 Bios (84 Pireos) is dag en nacht open en biedt onderdak aan<br />

culturele symposia in een parel van een vervaagd modernistisch gebouw.<br />

20:00 Een blok verder ligt Nixon (61b Agisilaou) waar je de perfecte<br />

droge Martini kunt drinken of een arthousefilm kunt bekijken in de<br />

aangrenzende bioscoop.<br />

22:00 Probeer als avondmaal de gigantische Libanese kipbrochette<br />

met yoghurt bij Canteen (8 Iakhou).<br />

02:00 Ontspannen maar luid, dat is Intrepid Fox (30 Triptolemou): een<br />

rockbar met een doorrookte pooltafel en een postpunk soundtrack.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

Image Alamy<br />

Clockwise from left:<br />

Don’t forget to try<br />

a famous Greek kebab<br />

in-between seeing the<br />

sights; anything goes,<br />

day or night, at Bios;<br />

check out the capital’s<br />

art scene at the chic<br />

Breeder Gallery<br />

system.com) is a stylish example, set in<br />

a converted ice-cream factory. Ask to<br />

see the all-copper private bar at the top.<br />

18:00 Open any time of the day or<br />

night, Bios (84 Pireos, tel. +30 210 342<br />

5335, bios.gr) hosts unpredictable<br />

events, from electro DJ sets to cultural<br />

symposia, in a faded modernist gem<br />

of a building. In summer there’s a roof<br />

terrace, accessed through an unmarked<br />

door and someone’s kitchen!<br />

20:00 A block away is Nixon (61b<br />

Agisilaou, tel. +30 210 346 2077,<br />

nixon.gr), where you can drink a perfect<br />

dry martini while listening to Tom Waits.<br />

Alternatively, watch an arthouse film in<br />

the adjacent cinema while eating the<br />

best burgers in town.<br />

22:00 For dinner, try the giant Lebanese<br />

chicken skewer with yoghurt at Canteen<br />

(8 Iakhou, tel. +30 210 345 1508),<br />

brought to you at oak and stainless<br />

steel tables. Head upstairs after your<br />

meal and check out Swing – a top<br />

nightspot featuring live boogie.<br />

00:00 Gazi’s alleys buzz with bars<br />

and restaurants. Those in the know go<br />

to K44 (44 Konstantinoupoleos, k44.gr),<br />

a fresh project space with pop-up stores<br />

in an old warehouse. Decorated with<br />

1960s furniture, it feels like you’re in<br />

a friend’s loft.<br />

02:00 Laid-back and loud, Intrepid Fox<br />

(30 Triptolemou, tel. +30 210 346 6055)<br />

is a rocking bar with a smoke-filled pool<br />

table and post-punk soundtrack.<br />

05:00 Catch characters of the night<br />

sobering up and chefs shopping for prime<br />

cuts at Ipeiros (Athinas Street), one of<br />

several all-night restaurants in the meat<br />

market. Order patsas – a tripe soup<br />

that’s reputed to be a hangover cure…<br />

€139 *<br />



Fly to Athens from just<br />

€139* return all-in.<br />



flavours<br />

Fiestaof<br />

February is a month of feasting in Andalucia, as locals prepare<br />

for 40 days of fasting during Lent. Grab a fork and follow Heidi<br />

Fuller-love on a Carnival-themed culinary tour of Malaga and Seville<br />

T<br />

hought to be derived from<br />

the Latin carne vale, meaning<br />

‘farewell to meat’, this month’s<br />

Carnival envelops Seville and<br />

Malaga in a riot of food and music. The<br />

fun begins with fireworks on Jueves<br />

Lardero (Lard Thursday) and ends with<br />

the frenetic feast day of Mardi Gras (Fat<br />

Tuesday), and it’s a chance to sample<br />

some of the best flavours these cities<br />

have to offer. With the 40-day fasting<br />

period of Lent looming, it’s easy to<br />

understand why food takes centre stage.<br />

Sizzling on spits at street stands,<br />

bubbling in the cauldrons of backstreet<br />

bodegas or served up in sauces at<br />

sophisticated restaurants, pork often<br />

tops the menu. Dishes to try include<br />

relleno de carnaval, a dish of pork<br />

intestines stuffed with cured ham, garlic<br />

and saffron cooked over a slow flame,<br />

and chicharrón, a deliciously textured<br />

dish made with crispy fried pork rind.<br />

Then, during Lent – the penitential<br />

period before Easter – the region’s<br />

culinary creativity is further put to the<br />

test. Meat dishes give way to delicious<br />

vegetable and seafood dishes such as<br />

garbanzos y pimientos, a nourishing<br />

stew made with green peppers and<br />

chick peas, and bacalao con puerros,<br />

a succulent cod dish served with<br />

caramelised leeks. Follow these insider’s<br />

tips to ensure that you get to sample the<br />

best of both worlds…<br />

Sapid Seville<br />

In the city of lover Don Juan and sexy<br />

cigar-roller Carmen, Carnival tumbles<br />

from the skirts of the cathedral to the<br />

hems of the outlying districts in a riot<br />

of flamenco, Sevillanas and fine food.<br />

Feast<br />

Tapas are the perfect eat-on-the-hoof<br />

Carnival food, so beat your way through<br />

the fray to Bodega Extremeña (17 Calle<br />

San Esteban, tel. +34 954 417060).<br />

This atmospheric eatery opposite the<br />

Puerta de la Carne, where meat was<br />

brought into the city in medieval times,<br />

is the place to try pinchos morunos<br />

– spicy pork kebabs brought straight<br />

from the barbecue coals to your plate.<br />

If pork isn’t your thing, make a beeline<br />

for bars like Giralda, Modesto, Las<br />

Teresas and Casa Robles in the Santa<br />

Cruz quarter, where you’ll be served<br />

saucers brimming with huevos a la<br />

flamenca (eggs baked with chorizo),<br />

morcilla frita (fried black pudding) and<br />

rabo de toro (bull’s tail in spicy sauce).<br />

For more substantial fare, follow<br />

the frock-clad crowds to Bar La Eslava<br />

FR Saveurs de “Fiesta”<br />

Février est un mois festif en Andalousie, en préambule au jeûne de<br />

40 jours auquel les locaux se préparent pour le printemps. Suivez<br />

Heidi Fuller-love à Malaga et à Séville dans un parcours culinaire<br />

sur le thème du Carnaval.<br />

La fameuse méditation de Shakespeare selon laquelle la ‘musique est<br />

la nourriture de l’amour’ se prête étonnamment bien à Séville et à<br />

Malaga durant le mois de février – le mois de l’amour – au moment où<br />

ces deux villes débordent de nourriture et de musique, tous deux<br />

synonymes du Carnaval. Le Carnaval à Séville et à Malaga se déroule<br />

durant les trois semaines qui précédent le printemps, cette année, à<br />

partir du 17 février (Mercredi des Cendres).<br />

Exquise Séville<br />

Festin Les tapas sont de petits délices parfaits pour le Carnaval, car<br />

ils se mangent sur le pouce. Rassasiez-vous avec ces bouchées<br />

carnavalesques comme les pinchos morunos (brochettes de porc<br />

épicé) à la Bodega Extremeña (17 Calle San Esteban). Pour un repas<br />

plus substantiel, suivez la foule jusqu’au Bar La Eslava (3-5 Calle<br />

Eslava), où vous pourrez vous nourrir d’agneau braisé au miel et de<br />

filets de steak marinés dans une sauce riche au whisky .<br />

Carême Pour quelques délices sans viande, promenez-vous dans<br />

Séville après le Carnaval et dirigez-vous vers les étals de poisson<br />

dans le quartier de l’Arenal. Les consommateurs printaniers s’y<br />

rassemblent pour dîner de fritures de gambas légères comme l’air et<br />

de crevettes minutes saisies à la poêle.<br />

Appétissante Malaga<br />

Festin Faites un saut à la Bodega El Pimpi (68 Calle Granada), où l’on<br />

trouve à cette époque du carnaval des tapas comme les riñones al<br />

Jerez (rognons marinés au Jerez sherry) et les délicieuses flamenquín<br />

croustillantes (boulettes de viande panées). Non loin de là, La Posada<br />

de Antonio (33 Calle Granada) dont l’acteur Antonio Banderas est<br />

propriétaire, se spécialise en viandes grillées.<br />

Carême Dès que les carnivores ne sont plus de la partie, place au<br />

poisson dans les nombreuses tavernes alignées en bord de mer.<br />

Dînez de boulettes de poisson veloutées et de brochettes de sardines<br />

cuites sur les braises. De retour dans le centre, El Chinitas (4-6<br />

Calle Moreno Monroy) est un petit restaurant local qui offre des<br />

plats de poissons et notamment le gazpachuelo – une crème de<br />

soupe de poisson.<br />

Image Getty Images<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


42<br />


(3-5 Calle Eslava, tel. +34 954 906568),<br />

where you can feed on cordero con<br />

miel (honey-braised lamb) and solomillo<br />

al whisky (steak fillets soaked in a rich<br />

whisky sauce).<br />

For finer dining, flee those crowds at<br />

the swanky Taberna del Alabardero (20<br />

Calle Zaragoza, tel. +34 954 502721).<br />

In this celebrated eatery, favoured by<br />

Spanish royals, Carnival specials include<br />

ternera a la Sevillana (veal cooked with<br />

olives and white wine) and pringá (a rich<br />

blend of veal, bacon, chorizo, blood<br />

sausage and ham). End your meal with<br />

one of the restaurant’s homemade<br />

desserts: choose cortadillos (candied<br />

lemon cakes), pestiños (honey-coated<br />

pancakes) or yemas (candied egg yolk)<br />

– and calories be damned!<br />

Fast<br />

Linger in Andalucia’s lovely capital<br />

when the Carnival dust has settled and<br />

you’ll discover another culinary world,<br />

filled with meat-free delights.<br />

In the fish shops of the Arenal quarter,<br />

Lenten feeders gather for light-as-air<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

tortillitas de camarones (shrimp fritters)<br />

and gambas pil pil (flash fried prawns).<br />

Ideally situated near the Convent of<br />

San Lorenzo, Az-Zait (1 Plaza de San<br />

Lorenzo, tel. +34 954 906475) is another<br />

popular spot for penitents. Dishes to die<br />

for include vegetable gazpacho served<br />

with a crunchy shrimp carpaccio and<br />

melt-in-the-mouth revuelto de bacalao,<br />

made with cod and scrambled eggs in a<br />

velvet-smooth tomato sauce.<br />

Mouth-watering Malaga<br />

Spilling out from Picasso’s museum<br />

near the cathedral and on towards the<br />

painter’s birthplace on the Plaza de la<br />

Merced, Malaga’s Carnival is full of<br />

culinary delights, culminating with the<br />

Entierro del Boquerón – a ritual mock<br />

funeral of a large model sardine, followed<br />

by an alfresco sardine-tasting session.<br />

Feast<br />

Scour the streets of this southern city<br />

and you might come across one of the<br />

typical street lunches organised by<br />

various Carnival factions, where you<br />

Images Heidi Fuller-love<br />

NL Feest van smaken<br />

Februari is een feestmaand in Andalusië, waarin de Andalusiërs<br />

zich voorbereiden op de 40 dagen durende vastenperiode. We volgen<br />

Heidi Fuller-love op een culinaire tocht door Malaga en Sevilla met<br />

als thema carnaval<br />

Het beroemde mijmeren van Shakespeare over ‘muziek als het<br />

voedsel van de liefde’ lijkt vreemd genoeg van toepassing in Sevilla<br />

en Malaga tijdens de maand februari – de liefdesmaand – wanneer<br />

de steden een voedselgevecht ondergaan en wanneer ze baden in de<br />

muziek die typisch is voor carnaval. Carnaval in Sevilla en Malaga<br />

vindt plaats in de drie weken die voorafgaan aan de vasten, die in<br />

<strong>2010</strong> begint op 17 februari (Aswoensdag).<br />

Smakelijk Sevilla<br />

Feestmaal Tapas zijn de perfecte geïmproviseerde carnavalkost,<br />

dus overlaadt men bij Bodega Extremeña (17 Calle San Esteban)<br />

carnavalhapjes met gerechten als pinchos morunos (kruidige<br />

varkensspiesjes). Voor een steviger maal moet je de massa volgen<br />

naar Bar La Eslava (3-5 Calle Eslava), waar je kan genieten van in<br />

honing gebraden lamsvlees en rundsfilet in een rijke whiskysaus.<br />

Vasten Voor vleesvrij genot moet je in Sevilla blijven hangen na<br />

carnaval en gaan wandelen langs de viswinkels in het stadsdeel rond<br />

de Arena. Mensen die vasten komen er de luchtige garnaalbeignets<br />

en kort gefrituurde scampi nuttigen.<br />

Laat het water in uw mond komen in Malaga<br />

Feestmaal Duik in de Bodega El Pimpi (68 Calle Granada), waar men<br />

in de carnavalperiode tapas als riñones al Jerez (in Jerez-sherry<br />

gemarineerde niertjes) en heerlijk knapperige flamenquín (gebraden<br />

vleesballetjes) serveert. Verder in de straat vind je La Posada de<br />

Antonio (33 Calle Granada), eigendom van de acteur Antonio<br />

Banderas, dat gespecialiseerd is in gegrild vlees.<br />

Vasten Wanneer de vleesetende massa verdwenen is, zet je koers<br />

richting de visrestaurantjes die langs de kustlijn liggen. Geniet er<br />

van zachte kabeljauwballetjes en sardines die gebraden worden op<br />

spiesen die boven hete kolen gehangen worden. Terug in het<br />

centrum is El Chinitas (4-6 Calle Moreno Monroy) de plaatselijke<br />

hotspot waar je onder de belangrijkste visgerechten ook<br />

gazpachuelo – een roomsoep met zeevruchten – terugvindt.

Clockwise from above: Malaga’s street<br />

cafés serve up a plethora of Carnival<br />

delights; Head to the seafront during<br />

Lent for sardine espetos; The region<br />

becomes a riot of colour in Carnival;<br />

Make a beeline for Seville’s bars to<br />

tuck into sumptuous tapas<br />

When to go<br />

Catch the Carnival fun in <strong>2010</strong><br />

Carnival in Seville and Malaga<br />

takes place during the three<br />

weeks before Lent, which<br />

begins on 17 February in <strong>2010</strong><br />

(Ash Wednesday).<br />

≠ Did you know?<br />

During General Franco’s 40-year<br />

dictatorship, Carnival was<br />

prohibited in Spain.<br />

can sample everything from chorizo<br />

sausages to black pudding fritters. But<br />

if you don’t luck-out on street food,<br />

dive into the Bodega El Pimpi (68 Calle<br />

Granada, tel. +34 952 228990). In the<br />

dimly lit interior, favoured by visiting<br />

celebrities, Carnival-time tapas include<br />

riñones al Jerez (kidneys marinated in<br />

Jerez sherry) and deliciously crunchy<br />

flamenquín (breaded meat balls).<br />

Down the road and owned by the actor<br />

Antonio Banderas, La Posada de Antonio<br />

(33 Calle Granada, tel. +34 952 602123)<br />

specialises in grilled meat and is packed<br />

to the rafters during Carnival. Come here<br />

for cordero (lamb kebabs), fried cabra<br />

(goat) and conejo caldereta (rabbit stew),<br />

all washed down with a bottle of<br />

Malaga’s famed pedro ximenez wine.<br />

Finally, to really pile on the pounds<br />

in Banderas’ hometown, head for<br />

Cafeteria Anglada (1-3 Puerta del Mar,<br />

tel. +34 952 443952), where traditional<br />

home-baked sweets you should give up<br />

for Lent include borrachuelos (rum baba),<br />

polvorones (crumbly almond cookies),<br />

and bienmesabe (a syrupy cinnamon and<br />

almond cream cake).<br />

Fast<br />

When the meat-eating crowds have<br />

vanished, wend your way to the seafront.<br />

In one of the dozen tiny seafood eateries,<br />

you can sup on bolas de bacalao (fluffy<br />

cod fish balls in batter), sardine espetos<br />

(sardines cooked on skewers over hot<br />

coals) and boquerones (anchovies)<br />

marinated in vinegar.<br />

Back in the centre, El Chinitas (4-6<br />

Calle Moreno Monroy, tel. +34 952<br />

210972) is a local haunt where dishes<br />

include gazpachuelo – a creamy seafood<br />

version of the city’s signature soup.<br />

Filled with matadors during the<br />

bullfight season, Refectorium (8 Calle<br />

Cervantes, tel. +34 952 218990), located<br />

just behind the bullring, is another<br />

insider’s address. After enjoying the<br />

local speciality, ajo blanco con uvas<br />

(cold almond soup flavoured with garlic<br />

and garnished with muscatel grapes),<br />

you’ll need to whisper a few mea culpas<br />

before tucking into the feather-light<br />

sponge cake brazo de gitano, egg yolk<br />

and liquor ponche de yema, and other<br />

sinfully sweet delights.<br />

€99 *<br />



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Simon Gage parties<br />

with all the right people<br />

at Milan Fashion Week<br />

and discovers a city<br />

that’s oozing with<br />

glamour and intrigue

Far left, clockwise<br />

from top: Shoppers in<br />

the know head to Cruise<br />

for interior design to<br />

die for; Tram stationturned-boutique<br />

10<br />

Corso Como is crammed<br />

with gorgeous goodies;<br />

Dedicated followers<br />

of fashion stay at the<br />

ultra-chic Bulgari hotel<br />

Left: World-famous<br />

opera house La Scala is<br />

a must – take a guided<br />

tour while in town<br />


I’m at Dolce & Gabbana’s fashion week<br />

party, in a 19th century shopping<br />

arcade converted just for the event.<br />

The waiters look like models (they<br />

probably are models), the champagne is<br />

flowing, Signor Dolce (the shorter one)<br />

and Signor Gabbana are in attendance,<br />

Madonna’s model boyfriend has just<br />

bumped into me and Kylie’s model<br />

boyfriend is propping up the bar.<br />

Fantastic doesn’t even half cover it.<br />

Then I hear someone say: “Milan’s such<br />

a work town. There’s nothing here.” It’s<br />

one of those things that everyone loves<br />

to say, even though it’s patently not true.<br />

OK, Milan’s the industrial powerhouse of<br />

Italy, with all the working-week buildings<br />

a grown-up city needs, and it might have<br />

lost its looks a little, what with having<br />

been bombed during the Second World<br />

War. Besides, try naming a city that isn’t<br />

going to suffer in comparison with<br />

Florence or Sorrento. But to say that<br />

Milan is ugly, or boring, is to show that<br />

you just don’t know the city that well.<br />

It’s not a museum town like Florence,<br />

and hides much of its glory behind those<br />

forbidding palazzo walls, but there’s<br />

plenty to take in: from the magnificent<br />

Duomo (a cathedral so iconic that<br />

someone chose to smash a model of it<br />

in Berlusconi’s face at the end of last<br />

year) to art must-sees like Leonardo da<br />

Vinci’s Last Supper at the Santa Maria<br />

delle Grazie, and not forgetting the<br />

world’s finest opera house, La Scala.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


46<br />


But it’s Milan’s glamour that really<br />

makes it – which is what you’d expect<br />

from a city colonised by the world’s<br />

greatest designers.<br />

Designer dynamite<br />

Let’s start at Gold (Piazza Risorgimento,<br />

tel. +39 02 757 7771), a restaurant/bar/<br />

food shop concept dreamed up by Dolce<br />

& Gabbana themselves. With its metallic<br />

meets white-on-white décor, Barbarella<br />

styling and fabulous little gold bags,<br />

it sets the tone for a design dream<br />

weekend. The pair also own the Martini<br />

Bar Dolce & Gabbana (15 Corso Venezia,<br />

tel. +39 02 7601 1154), a more intimate,<br />

less fancy (if you ignore the massive<br />

Murano chandelier) but still gorgeous<br />

little place in the courtyard of the Dolce<br />

& Gabbana palazzo that attracts all the<br />

right people to linger over a cocktail.<br />

And it’s not just Dolce & Gabbana<br />

who’ve spread their wings from ‘what to<br />

FR Mode de Milan<br />

Elle ne possède peut-être pas la splendeur ostentatoire de Rome ni la<br />

beauté frappante de Florence, mais si vous avez les bonnes adresses,<br />

aucun autre endroit en Italie ne surpasse Milan pour un séjour mode<br />

et design. Un reportage de Simon Gage<br />

Même si Milan cache une grande partie de sa magnificence derrière<br />

les murs impressionnants de ses palazzos, plein d’autres merveilles<br />

s’offrent à la découverte: du somptueux Duomo jusqu’aux œuvres<br />

d’art immanquables comme la Dernière Cène de Léonard de Vinci à<br />

Santa Maria delle Grazie, sans oublier le plus bel opéra du monde, La<br />

Scala. Mais c’est le glamour de Milan qui donne réellement à la ville<br />

son caractère : c’est le moins que l’on puisse attendre d’une cité<br />

colonisée par les plus grands créateurs du monde.<br />

Commençons par Gold, un concept de restaurant/Coffee Bar/<br />

Boutique de gourmet imaginé par Dolce & Gabbana eux-mêmes.<br />

Avec ses plaques métalliques apposées aux murs dans un décor<br />

blanc sur blanc, le design de Barbarella et de fabuleux petits sacs<br />

dorés de la boutique, l’endroit donne le ton pour un week-end design<br />

de rêve. Le nouvel Hôtel 5 étoiles Boscolo en met plein la vue aux<br />

Bulgari avec un design intérieur époustouflant de couleurs, y<br />

compris des thermes qui ont l’air d’être sorties tout droit du film et<br />

de la série de science-fiction Logan’s Run.<br />

Question shopping, Milan est plus que célèbre. Tous les plus<br />

grands noms du design y sont présents, la plupart du temps avec la<br />

fine fleur des boutiques de mode et de stylisme. Tom Ford (3 Via<br />

Pietro Verri) est un immense espace sur plusieurs étages d’où<br />

émane cette sensation de club pour gentlemans, tandis que<br />

Burberry (7 Via Verri) s’impose avec une boutique massive mais d’où<br />

se dégage un grand raffinement. Un magasin que vous ne trouverez<br />

nulle part ailleurs est 10 Corso Como (10 Corso Como). Lancé par<br />

une ancienne rédactrice du Vogue Italien, ce lieu hors du commun a<br />

réussi à créer un phénomène dans l’univers de la distribution en<br />

transformant un ancien site industriel.<br />

Durant la Milan Design Week, un restaurant, Nobu (1 Via Gastone<br />

Pisoni), est bien souvent complètement pris d’assaut. Il est situé<br />

dans l’immeuble Armani, avec le club privé de Giorgio dans le soussol.<br />

Si par malchance toutes les places sont réservées, vous<br />

pourriez alors vous rabattre sur Giannino (6 Via Vittor Pisani), le<br />

rendez-vous favori des célébrités qui prétendent que c’est une<br />

trattoria ordinaire, mais c’est loin d’être le cas !<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

Right: Make a dazzling<br />

start at Gold, the<br />

restaurant/bar/food<br />

shop concept by D&G<br />

Bottom: Shop in style at<br />

Tom Ford’s sumptuous<br />

multi-storey store<br />

Dolce & Gabbana’s<br />

Gold sets the tone for a<br />

design dream weekend<br />

wear’ to ‘how to live’. Jewellers Bulgari<br />

are behind what is arguably Milan’s<br />

chicest hotel (7b Via Privata Fratelli<br />

Gabba, tel. +39 02 805 8051, bulgari<br />

hotels.com), a secluded affair with its<br />

own gardens. The rooms are splendid,<br />

with marble baths and sleek masculine<br />

glamour, while the bar and restaurant are<br />

the places to be seen and the basement<br />

spa – with gold pool – must be seen to<br />

be believed. The new five-star Boscolo<br />

Hotel (4 Corso Giacomo Matteotti, tel.<br />

+39 02 7767 9611, boscolohotels.com)<br />

gives the Bulgari a run for its money,<br />

however, with its jaw-dropping interior<br />

including a spa that looks like something<br />

out of Logan’s Run. Some straightforward<br />

glamour is provided by The Gray (6 Via<br />

San Raffaele, tel. +39 02 720 8951, hotel<br />

thegray.com), which – this being Milan –<br />

still doesn’t stint on designer loveliness.<br />

Shopping heaven<br />

As for shopping, Milan is famous for it.<br />

All the major designers are represented,<br />

usually with the very best outlets they<br />

can muster. Tom Ford (3 Via Pietro Verri,<br />

tel. +39 02 3652 9600) is a multi-storey<br />

affair with a gentleman’s-club feel, while<br />

Burberry (7 Via Verri, tel. +39 02 7608<br />

201) is massive but somehow feels bijou.<br />

Dsquared2 (4 Via Verri, tel. +39 02 8969<br />

1699) and D&G (7 Corso Venezia, tel.<br />

+39 02 7600 4091) are represented,<br />

as you might imagine, with in-your-face<br />

sexiness in shops that are huge and busy,<br />

never mind the recession.<br />

One shop you won’t find anywhere<br />

else is 10 Corso Como (10 Corso Como,<br />

tel. +39 02 9002 674). Run by a former<br />

Italian Vogue editor, it’s a retail<br />

phenomenon in a disused tram station.<br />

Huge white-on-white spaces are<br />

crammed with quirky one-offs and<br />

gorgeous things that you don’t need but<br />

can’t afford to be without. There is a<br />

gallery and bookshop, too, both in very<br />

much the same warehouse vein as the<br />

main store. And don’t forget to check out<br />

Cruise (9 Via Lambro, tel. +39 02 204<br />

6803), a little gem of a design store<br />

that’s a jump and a skip from Corso<br />

Buenos Aires. Run by a Brit with a keen

Feng Shui Collection - Info + 32(0)9 2800 666 - www.hulchibelluni.com

48<br />


Where to stay<br />

A luxurious haven in the fashion capital<br />

One expects near perfection from a hotel that’s<br />

part of The Dorchester Collection, and Milan’s<br />

Principe di Savoia (17 Piazza della Repubblica,<br />

tel. +39 02 62301, hotelprincipedisavoia.com,<br />

rooms from €199) doesn’t disappoint. Often<br />

thought of as the slightly fusty grande dame<br />

of the city’s five-star hotels, the Principe has<br />

undergone a design overhaul that now sees<br />

it rank alongside its more design-conscious<br />

competition – while retaining its old-world<br />

charm. We stayed in a new one-bedroom suite<br />

with a bathroom. The furniture is impressive;<br />

luxurious but not OTT, and modern yet still<br />

supremely comfortable.<br />

Everything in the hotel is beautifully styled,<br />

from the Thierry Despont-designed lobby<br />

and bar (filled on our visit with a terrifyingly<br />

chic fashion crowd) to the rooftop gym with<br />

panoramic views of the city. It was only the<br />

free limo service to Italy’s style capital’s<br />

shopping quarter, and a reservation at the<br />

hotel’s wonderful Acanto restaurant, that<br />

tempted us from our suite. Eliot Sandiford<br />

Right: The stunning<br />

interior of the new<br />

five-star Boscolo Hotel<br />

NL Milanese mode<br />

Het heeft dan misschien niet de voor de hand liggende pracht van<br />

Rome, of de verstommende schoonheid van Firenze, maar als je weet<br />

waar naartoe is er niets beters dan Milaan voor een verblijf in stijl.<br />

Simon Gage brengt verslag uit<br />

Terwijl Milaan veel van haar glorie verbergt achter de verboden<br />

muren van de palazzo’s, is er genoeg om in je op te nemen: van de<br />

prachtige Duomo tot kunstwerken die je moet gezien hebben zoals<br />

Leonardo da Vinci’s Laatste Avondmaal in de Santa Maria delle<br />

Grazie en, niet te vergeten, het beste operahuis ter wereld, La Scala.<br />

Maar het is de glamour van Milaan die de stad maakt tot wat ze is –<br />

wat je trouwens zou verwachten van een stad die gekoloniseerd<br />

werd door de beste modeontwerpers ter wereld.<br />

Laten we beginnen bij Gold, een concept met restaurant/bar/<br />

delicatessenwinkel dat door Dolce & Gabbana zelf werd bedacht.<br />

Met het metallic en wit-op-wit interieur, het Barbarella-ontwerp en<br />

de prachtige kleine gouden zakjes uit de delicatessenwinkel is de<br />

toon gezet voor een weekend met het design uit je dromen. Het<br />

nieuw vijfsterren Boscolo Hotel wil Bulgari overklassen met zijn<br />

adembenemend interieur, inclusief een spa die uit de science<br />

fictionfilm Logan’s Run lijkt te komen.<br />

Wat shoppen betreft, Milaan staat ervoor bekend. Alle grote<br />

ontwerpers zijn er vertegenwoordigd, doorgaans met de beste<br />

outlets. Tom Ford (Via Pietro Verri 3) lijkt wel een herenclub met<br />

meerdere verdiepingen, terwijl Burberry (Via Verri 7) een<br />

gigantische winkel heeft die toch klein en elegant aanvoelt. Een<br />

winkel die je nergens anders zult vinden, is 10 Corso Como (Corso<br />

Como 10). De winkel wordt uitgebaat door een voormalige<br />

redacteur van de Italiaanse Vogue, huist in een verlaten tramstation<br />

en is een heus fenomeen geworden.<br />

Tijdens de Milan Design Week is dit restaurant meestal volzet: Nobu<br />

(1 Via Gastone Pisoni), in het Armanigebouw en met de privénachtclub<br />

van Giorgio in de kelder. Als je er niet in raakt, kan je altijd Giannino’s<br />

(Via Vittor Pisani 6) proberen, een favoriet bij de sterren dat een<br />

gewone trattoria probeert te zijn, maar het allesbehalve is.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

eye for the best in design, it serves up<br />

an edited collection presided over by<br />

someone who actually knows what he’s<br />

talking about.<br />

When it comes to finding your own<br />

hidden gems, the Zona Tortona is where<br />

to go if it’s a designer vibe you are after<br />

– Armani and Zegna just moved their<br />

corporate HQs here. It’s especially big in<br />

April, around the time of the Salone del<br />

Mobile or, to bring it up to date, Milan<br />

Design Week; one of the most important<br />

furniture fairs in the world.<br />

Food of love<br />

During Milan Design Week, and the<br />

fashion weeks in February/March and<br />

September, one restaurant that’s usually<br />

booked out is Nobu (1 Via Gastone<br />

Pisoni, tel. +39 02 7231 8645, armani<br />

nobu.com). Based in the Armani building<br />

and with Giorgio’s private nightclub in<br />

the basement, its popularity comes as no<br />

surprise: as well as an international name<br />

for deliciousness, it boasts the best<br />

cocktails in town and probably the best<br />

service, in a temple of low-seated<br />

loveliness. If you can’t get in, or you fancy<br />

something a little more typical for dinner,<br />

you could always try Giannino’s (6 Via<br />

Vittor Pisani, tel. +39 02 6698 6998,<br />

giannino.it), a celebrity favourite that<br />

tries to pretend it’s a regular trattoria<br />

but is anything but. It may not be chic in<br />

the true sense of the word, but it attracts<br />

the right people, for good – if overpriced<br />

– traditional fare.<br />

For a neighbourhood Chinese, albeit<br />

with glam, modern décor and immaculate<br />

servers, hop over to Ta Hua (15 Via<br />

Generale Gustavo Fara, tel. +39 02 6698<br />

7042, tahua.it), with a contemporary vibe<br />

and up-to-the-minute Oriental delicacies.<br />

While you’re in the area, you could step<br />

into Ricci’s (27 Piazza della Repubblica,<br />

tel. +39 02 6698 2536). Once a very<br />

designer-y gay bar, it’s now a more<br />

relaxed, pricey but sophisticated<br />

drinking spot with a terrace looking up<br />

towards the gorgeous deco main station.<br />

So, while Milan may not have the<br />

obvious gorgeousness of Rome, or the<br />

smack-in-the-mouth beauty of Florence,<br />

if you know where you’re going there’s no<br />

beating this city for a stylish stay. And if<br />

you bump into Dolce or Gabbana – and<br />

you really might – tell them from me<br />

that they throw a great party.<br />

€99 *<br />



Fly to Milan from just<br />

€99* return all-in.<br />



Belgium is known for its jewellery industry and quality precious stones. Diamonds may be a girl’s best<br />

friend, but nothing says ‘I love you’ like a stunning hand-crafted piece from these Belgian jewellers<br />


Fashion label Bakwani 7 is launching<br />

a jewellery line. Jewellery designs<br />

will be based on the same 15<br />

African ancestral symbols used in<br />

the label’s T-shirt collection. Each<br />

piece of jewellery will be unique,<br />

reflecting the character and<br />

universal human message behind<br />

each symbol. For example:<br />

femininity, wisdom, discretion,<br />

strength, spirituality, honesty,<br />

solidarity, fidelity, justice, vocation,<br />

loyalty or morality... Bakwani 7<br />

Jewellery creates designs on a<br />

‘made-to-measure’ basis only.<br />

Give her a fabulous pair of earrings or a<br />

unique pendant set in platinum<br />

enhanced gold from the H&A Privilege<br />

Collection. A stunning piece of jewellery<br />

that she’ll wear and enjoy every day.<br />

Alternatively, ladies… why not treat<br />

yourselves? You deserve it.<br />

Master jewellers have fashioned the<br />

Your Star Pendant with an exquisite<br />

0.25 Carat G Colour diamond. H&A’s<br />

Shooting Stars Earrings are classy and<br />

elegant, set with two graceful 0.20<br />

Carat G Colour diamonds, and secured<br />

with the Alpa system.<br />

So go on, spoil yourself or the one<br />

you love – and Valentine’s Day will<br />

always be an occasion to remember.<br />

H&A Diamonds<br />

Schupstraat 1/7<br />

2018 Antwerp<br />

Belgium<br />

tel. +32 (0)475 587 525<br />

info@hadiamonds.com<br />

hadiamonds.com<br />

So pick the symbol that suits you<br />

best, the precious stone of your<br />

dreams and the colour that will<br />

make you shine..<br />

Bakwani 7<br />

Contact Rina Njoli (co-founder)<br />

Rue de la Limite 6<br />

B-1210 Brussels<br />

Belgium<br />

tel. +32 (0)473 342 962<br />

info@bakwani7.com<br />

bakwani7.com<br />


Your Star Pendant: €900<br />

Shooting Stars Earrings: €1200<br />

Pendant & Earrings Set: €2000<br />



If you’re looking for an original,<br />

personal gift for someone special,<br />

head to Stefanie Condes’ workshop<br />

in the design heart of Antwerp.<br />

Stefanie is a fresh, creative talent<br />

in contemporary jewellery design<br />

with her own unique style and vision.<br />

She creates and manufactures her<br />

own collections, and these are being<br />

recognised at home and abroad.<br />

Notably, she won the Flanders<br />

Design Award in Belgium, and has<br />

had great success in the Netherlands<br />

and Germany.<br />

Choose from stunning pieces in her<br />

exclusive collection of gold jewellery<br />

Whether you’re looking for a<br />

gorgeous Valentine’s gift, an<br />

engagement ring or a stunning<br />

necklace to celebrate a special<br />

anniversary, an expert’s advice<br />

is invaluable. Dayekh Jewellery<br />

stands for exquisite, quality<br />

diamond jewellery, beautiful<br />

gemstones and a large selection<br />

of certified diamonds.<br />

‘Beauty is not a need but an<br />

ecstasy… a heart enflamed and a<br />

soul enchanted. It is not the image<br />

you would see, the song you would<br />


with diamonds or precious stones,<br />

unique rings, special pendants and<br />

sparkling earrings.<br />

Find out more at her website,<br />

stefaniecondes.com, or visit her<br />

workshop near the diamond district<br />

and discover her creations in person.<br />

Stefanie Condes<br />

Goldsmith – Jewellery design<br />

Steenstraat 61<br />

2180 Antwerpen-Ekeren<br />

Belgium<br />

tel. +32 (0)473 208 447<br />

mail@stefaniecondes.com<br />

stefaniecondes.com<br />


hear, but rather a garden forever<br />

in bloom’<br />

–Khalil Gibran ‘On beauty’<br />

Dayekh Jewellery BVBA<br />

Empire Shopping Center<br />

Boutique 24<br />

Appelmansstraat 25 bus 24<br />

2018 Antwerp<br />

Belgium<br />

tel. +32 (0)3 226 11 91<br />

fax. +32 (0)3 226 21 57<br />

info@dayekhjewellery.be<br />


Mallorca was a safe haven for the high and mighty long before Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael<br />

Douglas dropped anchor. As Adrian Mourby discovers, this island hideaway was where Chopin, the<br />

great piano composer whose bicentenary falls this year, wrote some of his best-known masterpieces<br />

A<br />

teenager gets up from the<br />

bench on which she’s been<br />

sitting with some friends<br />

outside the Real Cartuja – the<br />

stone monastery that dominates the<br />

small, pleasant town of Valldemossa,<br />

shoehorned into one of Mallorca’s<br />

northern valleys. As the girl and her<br />

friends move on, she lets a hand trail<br />

idly over a grey metal bust that faces<br />

mournfully away from the Real Cartuja.<br />

Inevitably, she rubs the aquiline nose,<br />

which gleams in the midday sun. It is<br />

a very prominent nose. The girl doesn’t<br />

pause to wonder whose face she’s<br />

massaging for luck. People have been<br />

rubbing this nose for decades – and its<br />

owner would be mortified. For Frédéric<br />

Chopin was not only a most private man,<br />

but he was also very self-conscious<br />

about his nose. Nor did the composer<br />

find his time in Valldemossa easy – but<br />

then, he found life in general difficult.<br />

How one of the greatest pianistcomposers<br />

of the 19th century came<br />

to be on Mallorca in 1838 is a curious<br />

story, although this corner of the island<br />

seems to attract celebrities in search<br />

of a quieter life. Robert Graves bought<br />

a house near Valldemossa, in which he<br />

wrote I, Claudius; Andrew Lloyd-Webber<br />

and Tim Rice stayed not far from here<br />

while planning Evita; and Michael<br />

Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones<br />

currently keep a holiday home a few<br />

kilometres out of town, on the coast.<br />

Still, Chopin was the first star name to<br />

cross the Mediterranean in search of<br />

island peace and inspiration.<br />

The idea of visiting Mallorca was<br />

not the composer’s own, though; his<br />

mistress George Sand suggested it. In<br />

the 1830s, the flamboyant Sand was as<br />

well-known as her reclusive lover. The<br />

French novelist dressed in men’s clothes,<br />

smoked in public and had already taken<br />

six lovers since separating from her<br />

husband, without making much effort<br />

to be discreet. Chopin had met Sand in<br />

Paris, where he gave piano lessons to<br />

aristocratic patrons. At first repelled,<br />

he later succumbed to Sand’s desire<br />

and devotion. Nevertheless, he was<br />

uncomfortable with their relationship<br />

being talked about in public, so Sand<br />

proposed they spend the winter of 1838<br />

in Mallorca, away from Parisian gossip<br />

and in a climate warm enough to help<br />

the composer’s fragile health.<br />

Valldemossa on a sunny day seems the<br />

ideal place to hide away from a European<br />

winter. The monastery’s spacious cells<br />

look out on to a valley lush with poplars<br />

and dotted by the pan-tiled roofs of<br />

farm buildings, with palms for shade and<br />

bougainvillea for colour. Locals disagree<br />

Above: Chopin’s stay<br />

in Palma de Mallorca<br />

is commemorated,<br />

despite its brevity<br />

Left: A bust of the<br />

composer stands<br />

proudly outside<br />

Valldemossa’s<br />

Real Cartuja<br />


as to which cell was actually Chopin’s.<br />

When the monastery was appropriated<br />

by the state in 1835, various families<br />

bought up the cells that had hitherto<br />

been occupied by Carthusian monks.<br />

George Sand rented two – one for<br />

Chopin and the other for herself and her<br />

two children – but as no record of cell<br />

numbers was kept, cells two and four<br />

both claim that Chopin composed many<br />

of his best-loved pieces within their<br />

walls. Today, tourists go from one to the<br />

other. Both have pianos that are said to<br />

have belonged to the composer, which<br />

is just about possible, as Chopin rented<br />

a local piano until a Pleyel (his preferred<br />

type of instrument) was delivered from<br />

Paris. The Chopin Institute in Warsaw<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


52<br />


questions the authenticity of both<br />

pianos, however, not least because the<br />

composer was believed to be suffering<br />

from tuberculosis when on Mallorca;<br />

furniture belonging to a consumptive<br />

was always burned when the islanders<br />

could get their hands on it.<br />

Bad health dogged Chopin, which may<br />

explain his sensitive nature. Certainly he<br />

was very happy to let George Sand take<br />

care of all practical arrangements, while<br />

he wrote music or just read. The story<br />

of their time on Mallorca is hardly one of<br />

the devoted muse nurturing her genius<br />

composer, however, as the idyll soon<br />

turned sour. Sand’s reputation, as not<br />

only a writer but also a proto-feminist,<br />

preceded her in Palma de Mallorca,<br />

where the couple first took an apartment<br />

(in Calle Puigdorfila), and the local<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

aristocracy kept their distance.<br />

(Nowadays, people are much more<br />

comfortable with Chopin’s presence<br />

in Palma, and the couple’s sojourn is<br />

commemorated by another Chopin bust<br />

in the nearby Plaza de Frédéric Chopin.)<br />

Sand’s smoking and wearing of men’s<br />

clothing made her an alarming, eccentric<br />

figure, and she later complained (in her<br />

1855 memoir Un Hiver à Majorque, ‘A<br />

Winter in Mallorca’) that local families<br />

shunned them – but then, she had arrived<br />

with unrealistic expectations of being<br />

lionised, as she was in Paris. “There is<br />

a general ignorance of fashion,” she<br />

wrote of Palma’s aristocracy. “[They are]<br />

hedged in by their own apathy. Hence<br />

hospitality is in practice limited to<br />

courteous phrases.” When a marquis<br />

gallantly told Sand that his carriage<br />

Left: The stunning view<br />

from Valldemossa’s<br />

monastery shows why<br />

this area captured<br />

Chopin’s imagination<br />

Hear all about it<br />

Visit one of this year’s Chopin festivals<br />

■ Mallorca The Chopin Festival,<br />

Valldemossa Held annually over<br />

weekends in August, this festival uses<br />

the cloisters adjoining Chopin’s cell as<br />

a venue. The first concert in <strong>2010</strong> will<br />

be on 1 August and will feature pianist<br />

Ivan Martin with the Balearic Islands<br />

Symphony Orchestra.<br />

festivalchopin.com<br />

■ Warsaw Chopin’s Year at the<br />

Warsaw Philharmonic The Warsaw<br />

Philharmonic began its year-long<br />

celebration of the composer’s music on<br />

7 January. Featured artists will include<br />

pianists Lang Lang and Julia Kociuban,<br />

soprano Joanna Kozłowska, conductor<br />

Antoni Wit and the winner of the <strong>2010</strong><br />

National Chopin Piano Competition.<br />

There will also be a series of talks<br />

by the Fryderyk Chopin Institute.<br />

chopin<strong>2010</strong>.pl<br />

■ London Chopin at 200: Celebrating<br />

a Musical Imagination In 1848 Chopin<br />

left Paris for London, where he gave<br />

a number of concerts in great houses.<br />

He visited Scotland and then returned<br />

to London for his last public concert at<br />

the Guildhall. This year, the Southbank<br />

Centre hosts a sequence of Chopin<br />

concerts at the Royal Festival Hall,<br />

Queen Elizabeth Hall and Purcell Room,<br />

plus pre–concert talks focusing on<br />

Chopin as a musical innovator.<br />

southbankcentre.co.uk<br />

FR Le Pianiste<br />

Adrian Mourby nous emmène dans la retraite de Chopin sur l’île de<br />

Majorque, où le grand pianiste dont le bicentenaire sera célébré cette<br />

année, a composé quelques-uns de ses plus grands chefs-d’oeuvre<br />

C’est une bien curieuse histoire que celle qui a poussé l’un des plus<br />

grands pianistes compositeurs du 19e siècle à se rendre à<br />

Valldemossa, sur l’île de Majorque en 1838. L’idée de visiter<br />

Majorque n’était pas celle de Chopin, mais de sa maîtresse d’alors,<br />

George Sand, rencontrée à Paris. C’est elle qui avait suggéré ce<br />

voyage. En effet, Chopin n’était pas très à l’aise vis-à-vis de leur<br />

relation qui faisait jaser. Sand proposa donc qu’ils passent l’hiver de<br />

1838 à Majorque, loin des ragots parisiens et dans un climat<br />

suffisamment clément pour la santé fragile du compositeur.<br />

Bien qu’au début le couple séjourna dans une auberge de fortune à<br />

Palma (dans la Calle Puigdorfila), il posa ensuite ses valises au Real<br />

Cartuja, un ancien monastère de Valldemossa, lieu idéal pour se<br />

mettre à l’abri de l’hiver européen. Les cellules spacieuses de la<br />

Chartreuse donnent sur une vallée verdoyante, plantée de peupliers<br />

et parsemée des toits en tuiles rouges des corps de fermes. On y<br />

trouve également des palmiers pour l’ombre et des bougainvillées<br />

pour la couleur.<br />

Valldemossa apportait à Chopin une quiétude jusque là absente de<br />

son existence. “La poésie que chaque chose ici exhale et la<br />

coloration de ce paysage merveilleux restent encore préservés des<br />

regards extérieurs,” écrit-il dans ses lettres.<br />

Durant les cinq mois passés à la Chartreuse de Real Cartuja,<br />

Chopin commença à nourrir de sérieux doutes sur sa relation<br />

amoureuse avec Sand et il décida de mettre un terme à leur liaison.<br />

Il n’est donc pas étonnant que le couple quitta l’île plus tôt que<br />

prévu, en février 1839.<br />

Aujourd’hui, nombreux sont ceux qui estiment que ces cinq mois<br />

passés sur l’île de Majorque constituent l’une des périodes les plus<br />

fécondes de Chopin, produisant ce que l’on considère à ce jour<br />

comme ses plus célèbres nocturnes, études et polonaises.



54<br />


was always at her disposal, she took him<br />

at his word and made off with it, causing<br />

a scandal. Not sending her children to<br />

Mass was the last straw.<br />

Nevertheless, Chopin seemed to be<br />

enjoying the city, as his letters show:<br />

“I am in Palma, surrounded by palm trees,<br />

cedars, olive trees, orange trees and<br />

lemon trees, aloes and fig trees and<br />

pomegranates, etc. Everything that the<br />

botanical gardens have growing in their<br />

hothouses. A turquoise sky, emerald<br />

mountains and the air from paradise.<br />

The sun shines all day long, people are<br />

dressed as though this were the summer<br />

and it is hot; at night guitars and singing<br />

can be heard for hours on end.”<br />

Unfortunately, the noise of coopers<br />

hammering (they were in an industrial<br />

part of the city) and a lack of furniture<br />

for rent necessitated a move if Chopin<br />

was ever to compose in comfort. Sand<br />

relocated their ménage to ‘Son Vent’,<br />

a furnished villa in Establiments on the<br />

outskirts of Palma. She soon fell out with<br />

the owner, however, and after a few<br />

weeks they decamped to the recently<br />

emptied monastery in Valldemossa.<br />

Here, Sand considered the locals<br />

positively hostile, describing them as<br />

ignorant, superstitious, unfriendly,<br />

untrustworthy and living in squalor.<br />

Right: The interior<br />

of the neoclassical<br />

church of the Real<br />

Cartuja, built in the<br />

18th century<br />

NL Pianist<br />

Adrian Mourby onthult hoe het eiland Palma de Mallorca het<br />

verborgen plekje was waar Chopin, de geroemde pianocomponist<br />

van wie dit jaar het tweehonderdjarige jubileum gevierd wordt,<br />

enkele van zijn meest gekende meesterwerken schreef.<br />

Hoe één van de grootste pianocomponisten van de 19de eeuw in<br />

1838 in Valldemossa op het eiland Mallorca terechtkwam, is een<br />

merkwaardig verhaal. Het idee om Mallorca te bezoeken kwam niet<br />

van Chopin zelf, maar van George Sand, zijn toenmalige maîtresse<br />

die hij in Parijs had leren kennen. Omdat Chopin er zich<br />

ongemakkelijk bij voelde dat er in het openbaar over hun relatie<br />

geroddeld werd, stelde Sand voor dat ze de winter van 1838 in<br />

Mallorca zouden doorbrengen, ver weg van het Parijse geroddel en<br />

in een klimaat dat warm genoeg was om heilzaam te zijn voor de<br />

fragiele gezondheid van de componist.<br />

Hoewel het koppel eerst op een appartement in Palma (in Calle<br />

Puigdorfila) verbleef, verhuisden ze uiteindelijk naar Real Cartuja,<br />

een voormalig klooster in Valldemossa, de ideale plaats om te<br />

schuilen voor de Europese winter. De ruime vertrekken van het<br />

klooster keken uit over een vallei waar populieren weelderig<br />

groeiden en waarin men de daken van de boerderijen als stipjes kon<br />

zien liggen, en er waren palmen die voor schaduw zorgden en<br />

bougainvilles (Zuid–Amerikaanse plant) die het geheel kleur gaven.<br />

Voor Chopin vertegenwoordigde Valldemossa rust die tot dusver<br />

afwezig was geweest in zijn leven. “De poëzie die hier door alles wordt<br />

uitgeademd en de kleuren van het meest prachtige landschap zijn<br />

nog onaangetast door het menselijke oog,” schreef hij in zijn brieven.<br />

Tijdens de vijf maanden waarin ze in Real Cartuja verbleven, begon<br />

Chopin ernstig te twijfelen aan zijn relatie met Sand en besliste hij<br />

om hun seksuele relatie op te geven. Het is dan waarschijnlijk niet<br />

verwonderlijk dat het koppel het eiland vroeger dan gepland verliet,<br />

in februari 1839.<br />

Vandaag worden deze vijf maanden op het eiland Mallorca beschouwd<br />

als de meest productieve periode van Chopin, waarin hij enkele van<br />

wat nu zijn meest gekende nocturnes, etudes en polonaises neerpende.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

She even called them “monkeys”. But<br />

for Chopin, Valldemossa represented<br />

a level of tranquillity hitherto absent<br />

from his life, saying: “Tonight the moon<br />

is marvellous. Never have I seen it like<br />

this. The poetry which everything here<br />

exhales and the colouring of this most<br />

marvellous scenery still untainted by<br />

the eye of man.”<br />

In fact, during their five months at<br />

the Real Cartuja it wasn’t the island, but<br />

his relationship with Sand, that Chopin<br />

developed serious doubts about. He<br />

decided to return to the Catholic<br />

communion and renounced their sexual<br />

relationship – although he was willing<br />

to continue living with her and have her<br />

take care of his day-to-day needs.<br />

Bearing this situation in mind, then,<br />

it’s perhaps not surprising that Sand<br />

looked for a scapegoat for her<br />

unhappiness, and blamed the Mallorcans.<br />

The couple left the island earlier than<br />

they had intended, in February 1839,<br />

sailing on a French ship, much to Sand’s<br />

relief: “When we boarded this fine brig,<br />

as clean and elegantly kept as a drawing<br />

room, we jumped for joy on the bridge<br />

and cried from the bottom of our hearts.<br />

Vive la France!”<br />

Today, however, many people consider<br />

those difficult five months on the island<br />

to be Chopin’s most productive period.<br />

Back in Paris, on 26 April 1841, he played<br />

many of the works he’d composed in<br />

Valldemossa. The private recital, which<br />

included what are now some of his<br />

best-known nocturnes, etudes and<br />

polonaises, was a huge success. And<br />

what’s also curious is that among all<br />

the postcards and CDs on sale in the<br />

monastery of Valldemossa today you’ll<br />

find, in pride of place, George Sand’s<br />

blistering attack on Mallorca. The<br />

islanders actually keep it in print, which<br />

shows their sense of humour – and that<br />

they clearly bear no resentment towards<br />

their first celebrity visitors.<br />

€99 *<br />



Fly to Palma from just<br />

€99* return all-in.<br />


offThe<br />

importance of the January transfer<br />

window isn’t limited to European<br />

football managers: with powder falling<br />

until April, now is the time to book<br />

a late-season ski break. Matt Barr has<br />

the lowdown on resorts that combine<br />

incredible snow and a short airport-toresort<br />

hop to complete your dream trip

Morzine offers<br />

challenges for skiers<br />

and snowboarders<br />

of all abilities<br />

Right: Scenic Chamonix<br />

also boasts Europe’s<br />

highest cable car<br />

Geneva<br />

Morzine/Avoriaz<br />

The nearest ski area to Geneva airport<br />

also happens to be one of the biggest<br />

and best in the world. The incredible<br />

Portes du Soleil lift system spans the<br />

border between France and Switzerland,<br />

covering some 650km of runs. Experts<br />

will be challenged by the Chavanette<br />

area and famous ‘Wall’ run, snowboarders<br />

and freestyle skiers can enjoy the Croset<br />

funpark, and beginners have the Super<br />

Morzine area, with its crisscrossing<br />

gentle blue and green slopes.<br />

Morzine is the undoubted capital of<br />

the area, home to fantastic restaurants,<br />

such as Auberge La Chalande, and<br />

infamous nightclubs Dixie’s and the<br />

Buddha Cafe. Perched high above is<br />

Avoriaz, a purpose-built town that looks<br />

like the jagged cliffs that surround it and<br />

is home to an annual sci-fi film festival.<br />

Some love its ultra-modern buildings<br />

while others frown at the concrete, but<br />

there’s no denying its validity as a ski-in,<br />

ski-out destination with the best sunsets<br />

in the Alps. morzine-avoriaz.com<br />

Chamonix<br />

There are classic ski resorts, and then<br />

there’s the daddy of them all. Actually<br />

six different skiable areas linked by<br />


FR La neige Last minute<br />

Comme les chutes de poudreuse sont prévues jusqu’en avril, c’est<br />

le bon moment pour réserver un break de ski de fin de saison.<br />

Matt Barr a répertorié cinq stations qui combinent neige fantastique<br />

et courte distance de l’aéroport, de quoi vous concocter un voyage<br />

de rêve exemplaire<br />

Genève Morzine/Avoriaz<br />

Le domaine skiable le plus proche de l’aéroport de Genève est<br />

également l’un des plus grands et des plus illustres du monde. Sur<br />

une superficie de quelque 650km de pistes comprenant 80<br />

remonte-pentes, les Portes du Soleil avec son système de télésiège,<br />

abrite certaines pistes parmi les plus spectaculaires, des coins<br />

secrets et les pipes les mieux entretenus d’Europe.<br />

Genève Chamonix<br />

Six zones skiables différentes reliées par des pass télésièges qui<br />

parcourent toute la vallée, le terrain de Chamonix varie depuis des<br />

espaces abordables pour les débutants, Le Tour panoramique,<br />

jusqu’aux endroits strictement réservés aux experts (et<br />

accompagnés d’un guide), l’Aiguille du Midi. La meilleure station du<br />

monde – et à seulement une heure de route de l’aéroport.<br />

Lyon La Clusaz<br />

La Clusaz, qui a longtemps attiré les vacanciers pour son sens<br />

traditionnel français de l’accueil, est en train de gagner la réputation<br />

de capitale de la France du Freestyle et du Snowboarding. Ajoutez à<br />

cela des nuits de ski sous la brillance de la pleine lune, et vous<br />

comprendrez pourquoi cette station attire à la fois la jeune et<br />

l’ancienne génération de skieurs.<br />

Turin Sauze d’Oulx<br />

La station italienne réputée pour ses soirées attire une population<br />

de jeunes qui en veulent, depuis les années 80. Les pentes les plus<br />

audacieuses sont accessibles via de vieux tire-fesses, ailleurs, dans<br />

la station bordée d’arbres se trouvent la plupart des pistes, qui<br />

serpentent, souvent baignées du soleil des Alpes du Sud.<br />

Milan Pila<br />

Aussi petite qu’elle soit, Pila déborde d’énergie avec un lift qui<br />

culmine à 2 752m et la meilleure cuisine de montagne de la planète<br />

ski. C’est l’endroit par excellence pour se laisser doucement glisser,<br />

apprécier le paysage et se réserver de longs moments pour des<br />

pauses café.<br />

Image photolibrary.com<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


58<br />


a valley-wide lift pass, Chamonix’s<br />

terrain varies from the beginner-friendly<br />

and scenic Le Tour all the way to the<br />

expert-only (and guide-advisable)<br />

Aiguille du Midi – the cable car for<br />

which is Europe’s highest, and some<br />

would say scariest, lift. From the top<br />

of the Midi, the views over to Mont<br />

Blanc are as good as it gets, while the<br />

Vallee Blanche run back to the town<br />

rates as the world’s longest: a 22km<br />

meander through crevasse fields,<br />

glaciers, cliff-strewn corridors and<br />

gentle, tree-lined forest trails. Those<br />

taking it on often experience four<br />

seasons in the one descent.<br />

Chamonix’s status as the top<br />

resort is confirmed by the incredible<br />

architecture in the town. Dating from<br />

its heyday in the 19th century, the<br />

imposing granite apartment blocks<br />

remind us that this was a favourite<br />

Parisian hangout. Add to this the<br />

Rousseau-like charm of the rustic chalets<br />

and the ancient Montenvers railway<br />

chugging up to the Mer du Glace glacier<br />

and ice grotto, and you have the world’s<br />

best resort with a fabulous Victorian<br />

twist – and only an hour’s drive from<br />

the airport. chamonix.com<br />

Fly to Geneva with Brussels Airlines<br />

from just €99* return all-in.<br />

Lyon<br />

La Clusaz<br />

Gaining a reputation as the freestyle<br />

skiing and snowboarding capital of<br />

France, La Clusaz has long tempted<br />

holidaymakers with its traditional<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

French approach to visitors – fantastic<br />

local dishes and homely, budget-friendly<br />

accommodation. Add in the full-moon<br />

skiing nights (inspired by Thailand’s<br />

beach parties), when the resort opens<br />

the Crêt du Merle slopes from 9pm until<br />

1am, and it’s no wonder that the resort<br />

attracts both young and old skiers.<br />

La Clusaz’s terrain actually spans<br />

five mountains, with enough funparks<br />

to have produced Candide Thovex, one<br />

of the world’s most famous freestyle<br />

skiers. Check out the Telemix lift, too:<br />

it’s the world’s first chairlift and gondola<br />

hybrid, allowing users to choose how<br />

exposed to the elements they wish to<br />

be on the ride up. laclusaz.com<br />

Fly to Lyon with Brussels Airlines<br />

from just €99* return all-in.<br />

Turin<br />

Sauze d’Oulx<br />

Italy’s party resort has been attracting<br />

a young, up-for-it crowd since the 1980s.<br />

It’s popular with Brits due to its fantastic<br />

nightlife, largely intermediate-friendly<br />

terrain, easy-to-access slopes and great<br />

food stops – this is Italy, after all.<br />

The most challenging slopes are<br />

accessed by the older drag lifts, which<br />

may be off-putting to some, but perfect<br />

for those who don’t mind doing some<br />

work for those powdery rewards.<br />

Elsewhere, this is a tree-lined resort<br />

where most of the red and blue runs wind<br />

their way down the often sun-soaked<br />

Southern Alps. sauzeonline.com<br />

Fly to Turin with Brussels Airlines<br />

from just €119* return all-in.<br />

Images Alamy, Getty Images,<br />

photolibrary.com<br />

NL Lastminute sneeuw<br />

Met de dwarrelende vlokjes die aanhouden tot april is het nu tijd<br />

om je skivakantie voor het late seizoen te boeken. Matt Barr geeft<br />

de feiten over vijf resorts die fantastische sneeuw combineren<br />

met een korte afstand tussen de luchthaven en het resort voor<br />

jouw droomvakantie<br />

Genève Morzine/Avoriaz<br />

Het dichtstbijzijnde skigebied bij de luchthaven van Genève is<br />

toevallig ook één van de grootste en beste ter wereld. Met zo’n<br />

650km pistes en 80 zetelliften is het liftsysteem Portes du Soleil<br />

de thuis van enkele spectaculaire pistes, geheime plekjes en goed<br />

onderhouden pipes in Europa.<br />

Genève Chamonix<br />

In Chamonix worden zes verschillende skigebieden verbonden<br />

door een skipas voor de hele vallei. Het terrein varieert van<br />

het beginnersvriendelijke en panoramische Le Tour tot de<br />

Aiguille du Midi (enkel voor experts, gids aangeraden).<br />

Het beste resort ter wereld – slechts een uur verwijderd van<br />

de luchthaven.<br />

Lyon La Clusaz<br />

Met de reputatie als dé freestyle ski- en snowboardhoofstad<br />

van Frankrijk verleidt La Clusaz reeds jaren vakantiegangers<br />

met de traditionele Franse aanpak van bezoekers. Voeg hier<br />

de prachtige skinachten bij volle maan aan toe en het is niet<br />

verwonderlijk dat het resort zowel jonge als minder jonge<br />

skiërs aantrekt.<br />

Turijn Sauze d’Oulx<br />

Het feestresort van Italië trekt sinds de jaren ’80 een jong en<br />

enthousiast publiek aan. De meest uitdagende hellingen hebben<br />

oudere sleepliften, maar verder is dit een resort omgeven door<br />

bomen waar de meeste pistes naar beneden kronkelen tussen de<br />

vaak zonovergoten zuidelijke Alpen.<br />

Milaan Pila<br />

Het is dan misschien klein, maar Pila stijgt boven zichzelf uit met<br />

een lift die tot 2.752m gaat en het beste eten in de bergen ter<br />

wereld. Dit is de plaats om rustig te glijden, van het landschap te<br />

genieten en veel koffiepauzes nemen.

Above left and above: Great food<br />

and myriad red runs await on the<br />

slopes of the Aosta Valley<br />

Below: Get into the party spirit at<br />

the fun-filled resort of Sauze d’Oulx<br />

Milan<br />

Pila<br />

Small it may be, but Pila punches above<br />

its weight with a lift that tops out at<br />

2,752m and some of the best mountain<br />

food in the world. Experts tend to go<br />

elsewhere due to the paucity of black<br />

runs and steep terrain, but this is a place<br />

for cruising, enjoying the scenery and<br />

taking in breakfast, brunch, elevenses,<br />

lunch and an afternoon snack – allowing<br />

plenty of time for coffee breaks.<br />

The slopes of the Aosta Valley are<br />

famously suitable for improvers and Pila<br />

is king of the middle ground, with 20 of<br />

its 26 runs aimed at those who love reds.<br />

The terrain reflects the run colours, with<br />

wide, open spaces ideal for practising<br />

carves and fun turns. Beginners may be<br />

pleased to know that the famous low<br />

Italian prices stretch to the ski school,<br />

too, where tuition fees can be half that<br />

of their French counterparts. pila.it<br />

Fly to Milan with Brussels Airlines<br />

from just €99* return all-in.<br />

€99 *<br />



Brussels Airlines flies<br />

to Geneva, Lyon and<br />

Milan from just €99* return<br />

all-in, and Turin from just<br />

€119* return all-in.<br />





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62<br />

businesstrends<br />

Boyd Farrow rounds up what’s happening<br />

in the business world across Europe<br />

Climate change means<br />

an increase in weatherrelated<br />

catastrophes<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

Climate of fear<br />

Natural disaster figures are down,<br />

but climate change will still cost us<br />

Munich Re, a leading global reinsurance group based in<br />

Germany, has reported that natural catastrophes took fewer<br />

lives and caused much less damage in 2009 than during any<br />

other year in the last decade. In its annual look at the cost<br />

of such events, the company said: “Losses were far lower in<br />

2009 than in 2008 due to the absence on the whole of major<br />

catastrophes and a very benign North Atlantic hurricane<br />

season.” It put the 2009 death toll at “around 10,000,” well<br />

below the average of 75,000 in each of the preceding 10 years.<br />

In monetary terms, too, losses were much lower. The reinsurance<br />

giant estimated total economic losses this year at €35bn and<br />

insured losses at €15bn, compared with economic losses of<br />

around €140bn and insured losses of €35bn in 2008.<br />

Nonetheless, Munich Re’s head of geo risks research, Peter<br />

Hoeppe, warned that: “The trend towards an increase in<br />

weather-related catastrophes continues.” According to Munich<br />

Re, climate change probably already accounts for a “significant<br />

share” of weather-related economic losses. While there is no<br />

reference estimate for the phenomenon’s final cost, economists<br />

agree the bill is likely to be in the trillions of dollars.

Apple vs Nokia<br />

Smartphone makers are<br />

at each other’s throats<br />

Taxing dilemma<br />

Italian government reaping rewards from tax amnesty<br />


Apple may have just won a high-profile<br />

legal case (when a US appeals court<br />

ruled the company was not to blame if<br />

iPod owners damage their hearing by playing music too loudly), but it is likely to see the These rival phone<br />

companies are at<br />

inside of another courtroom in <strong>2010</strong>. Finland’s Nokia, the world’s top mobile phone maker,<br />

legal loggerheads<br />

has filed a complaint with the International Trade Commission, alleging that Apple’s<br />

iPhone, iPods and computers violate its intellectual property rights. The patents at issue<br />

relate to Nokia technology being used by Apple to create features in user interface, camera, antenna<br />

and power management technologies – technology that Nokia claims helps cut manufacturing costs,<br />

reduce gadget size and prolong battery life. The ITC will decide whether to pursue the case this month.<br />

Filing a complaint with the ITC is the latest step by Nokia to take on Apple in the US, where the company’s<br />

smartphones face tough competition from the iPhone and Research In Motion’s BlackBerry devices. Apple,<br />

which only entered the sector in mid-2007, overtook<br />

Nokia last quarter as the mobile phone maker generating<br />

the highest total operating profit. In October last year,<br />

Nokia sued Apple in the US state of Delaware over the<br />

iPhone, claiming it infringed 10 of its patents related<br />

to phone calls and Wi-Fi access. In December, Apple<br />

countered with its own lawsuit, saying Nokia had copied<br />

aspects of the iPhone in its devices.<br />

It seems Italians are even shadier than their leaders had supposed: a total of €95bn held illegally<br />

overseas has been declared under a tax amnesty, beating the government’s original forecasts. The<br />

amnesty, which allowed citizens to declare illegally held assets and pay a one-off tax of 5%, should<br />

have ended on 15 December last year, but Silvio Berlusconi’s government<br />

Berlusconi’s<br />

now says it hopes to raise an additional €30bn by extending it until the<br />

government<br />

end of April. The move has already sparked a row with Switzerland,<br />

now plans to<br />

after Italy claimed its neighbour was not cooperating; police and tax<br />

extend the<br />

inspectors even raided dozens of Swiss banks in Italy. The rewards,<br />

amnesty<br />

however, are considered to be worth the bother: the Italian<br />

government’s tax windfall currently exceeds €5bn (well in<br />

excess of the predicted €3.7bn), which is desperately<br />

needed to finance welfare spending and fiscal incentives<br />

to help small businesses. Italy’s economy expanded<br />

0.6% in the third quarter of 2009.<br />

Other countries are now advocating leniency<br />

for financial indiscretions. Poland’s economics<br />

ministry says it wants to reduce the maximum<br />

fine for tax avoidance, from PLN 12.2m/<br />

€2.97m to PLN 6.1m /€1.49m, claiming this<br />

will decrease barriers to entrepreneurship.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


64<br />


businesstrends<br />

Teens now spend<br />

more time gaming<br />

than watching TV<br />

Teenage clicks<br />

Survey of youngsters’ media use reveals new challenges for advertisers<br />

Teenagers in Europe spend more time playing video games than watching television or using the web, according to new research from Forrester. The<br />

research analyst surveyed 1,400 people aged between 12 and 17 in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK. It discovered<br />

that participants play video games for an average of 11.7 hours each week, compared with 10.3 hours spent viewing content on TV and 9.1 hours surfing<br />

the net. The survey also showed that some 44% of teens visit Facebook at least once every seven days, and 30% read blogs just as frequently – and that<br />

this demographic is twice as likely to comment on such material when compared with older netizens. Overall, however, streaming online video was the<br />

most popular reason for accessing the web, with YouTube the dominant portal in all countries except France, where Dailymotion was the leader. Even more<br />

challenging for advertisers is that simultaneous media use is also common among this group, with half of contributors listening to music and surfing the<br />

net at the same time, and 45% combining TV and the internet.<br />

Electric dreams<br />

Berlin tests innovative charging system for electric cars<br />

Germany is trialling a new service that allows electric car owners to add the cost of charging their vehicles to their home electricity bills. In a joint<br />

venture called e-mobility Berlin, Daimler and utility giant RWE have installed 500 “intelligent charging stations” across the German capital, which<br />

“communicate” with a fleet of new Smart Fortwo electric cars. Drivers can also use the charging stations to<br />

monitor rates, battery status and interior temperature using an iPhone or computer. There’s the flexibility<br />

to charge cars during off-peak times, and even turn on the air conditioning or heat remotely. Car owners<br />

participating in the trial get 18 months’ free electricity for charging, during which time e-mobility<br />

will monitor how well the system works. RWE chief executive Jürgen Großmann said: “Our<br />

technology is already creating the basis for even more climate protection in the future,<br />

Smart Fortwo cars<br />

are part of the<br />

especially the more efficient use of renewable energies.” While the first participants get to<br />

German trial<br />

drive the electric Fortwo, with a 114km range and 0-59km/h time of 6.3 seconds, Daimler<br />

will also test the technology on its new A-class E-Cell when it debuts later this year.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong>

Joe & The Juice is<br />

looking for fruity<br />

profi ts in the UK<br />

Not your regular Joe<br />

Danish coffee shop goes global<br />

Not only are coffee shop chains in Britain defying the recession by going<br />

on expansion sprees, but new players are also continuing to appear – such<br />

as London’s latest hit, Joe & The Juice, which sounds even more American<br />

than Starbucks. But while Joe is US slang for coffee and juice bars are more<br />

Californian than the Beach Boys, this high-street newbie is actually the<br />

first overseas venture by a well-known Copenhagen brand, which has<br />

franchises throughout Denmark offering sandwiches, coffee and juice in<br />

loud, beanbag-strewn premises.<br />

Hoping that enough surly Brits will be able to bring themselves to ask<br />

for a Tunacado sandwich and smoothies with names such as Sweet Kiss,<br />

Joe & The Juice plans to open 20 outlets in the UK by the end of 2011, in<br />

a bid to take on local champ Pret A Manger. It’s also close to opening<br />

premises in Gothenburg, and the Danish outfit harbours even bigger<br />

ambitions. Keen to capitalise on India’s rapidly growing branded juice<br />

segment, it’s planning a chain of outlets over the next 12 months, beginning<br />

with the Emporio Mall in New Delhi. The company is also talking to local<br />

fashion house Kimaya about a joint alliance, which could mean Joe & The<br />

Juice outlets in Bangalore and Mumbai, too. The move would see the Danes<br />

vault over everyone else in making headway in India – including Starbucks.<br />

Outlets from the<br />

Danish chain will<br />

soon appear in India<br />

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66<br />


businesstrends<br />

Phone in your bill<br />

New payment system has<br />

no need for cards or cash<br />

Ever ordered a round of cocktails for<br />

newfound holiday friends, only to<br />

realise you’ve left your wallet in your<br />

hotel safe? If so, you’ll be pleased that<br />

Texan company ATX Innovation has<br />

developed a tool designed to pay for<br />

food and drink without cash or plastic.<br />

In December 2009 the company<br />

released a test version of TabbedOut,<br />

which enables users to pay restaurant<br />

and bar bills using mobile phones.<br />

Software at an establishment’s<br />

point-of-sale terminal syncs with<br />

a customer’s smartphone and tracks<br />

what has been ordered. The customer<br />

can then add a tip before closing the<br />

tab from their phone, with ATX<br />

generating revenue through a €1<br />

convenience charge per transaction.<br />

As a prompt to ‘forgetful’ patrons,<br />

an upcoming version will include a<br />

feature that would remind customers<br />

to settle their bill if they stray too far<br />

from the point-of-sale terminal. Of<br />

course, if you have one too many<br />

margaritas you may have a problem<br />

remembering how to use your iPhone.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

Belgium wants<br />

to crack down on<br />

online gambling<br />

Weighing up the odds<br />

Belgium to restrict online gambling despite EC objections<br />

The Belgian government has defied the European Commission by pressing on with legislation to restrict<br />

online gambling licences to betting agents and casino operators already active in Belgium. Under the new law,<br />

Belgium could prosecute citizens who gamble at any foreign site. The EC objected to the proposal in June<br />

2009, claiming that it violated EU free movement of goods and services principles, while the European<br />

Gaming and Betting Association has vowed to consider all options, including legal action. Belgium isn’t the<br />

only European country causing the EC grief in this area, however. France recently introduced legislation that<br />

would make it very difficult for new operators to get a licence from the country, and Polish politicians – who<br />

recently passed several laws that greatly restrict gambling – are now targeting gambling-affiliated sports<br />

sponsors such as the online casinos that pump around €15m a year into the country’s football teams.<br />

It seems, though, that Belgium has more to be concerned about than online temptations: a new Belgian<br />

Government Centre for Research & Information report shows that more than 22% of citizens aged 10 to 17<br />

have participated in some form of gambling for money, with 40% regularly playing real-money poker.<br />

Bright future<br />

Solar power is big business in Israel<br />

Israel’s solar technology sector is going from strength to strength as foreign investors pile into the<br />

sun-blessed country. Last autumn, German engineering giant Siemens paid €290m for Solel Solar<br />

Systems, a thermal pioneer set up 40km from Tel Aviv by a group of Belgian investors. At around the<br />

same time, start-up company SolarEdge Technologies, just outside Tel Aviv, secured €16m of financing<br />

– the largest such infusion into Israel’s fledgling solar energy industry. Among its new funders is US<br />

giant General Electric, in its first direct investment in the local sector. And with the global renewables<br />

industry booming, there is growing interest in Israel as a source of cutting-edge technology. Around<br />

40 homegrown start-ups have joined the race to reduce the cost of producing electricity from the sun<br />

and more than €500m has been invested. Israel Cleantech Ventures, a Tel Aviv company that focuses<br />

on renewable energy and water technologies, has invested<br />

Rooftops across<br />

in three solar ventures and is looking at several more deals. the country have<br />

Israel had a head start in harnessing the sun’s energy<br />

solar panels<br />

through the widespread use of solar water heating: nearly<br />

every rooftop in the country is covered with the water-heating<br />

panels. President Shimon Peres’ pledge to decrease Israel’s<br />

greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020 requires setting<br />

up a substantial solar energy infrastructure, and in the<br />

next few months a decision is expected over the creation<br />

of a network of huge 40-60 megawatt plants.

Tomorrow’s<br />

world<br />

With support from Bob Geldof, Kofi Annan and Archbishop Desmond<br />

Tutu, the One Young World summit offers a global platform for the<br />

voice of youth. Sheridan Winn reports<br />

If you’re under 25 and heading to<br />

London early this month, you may be<br />

on your way to the One Young World<br />

Summit (OYW, oneyoungworld.com).<br />

Fresh thinking on tough problems is<br />

expected as 1,500 young pioneers from<br />

192 countries gather to debate at the<br />

ExCeL centre in London’s Docklands<br />

from 8-10 February. Selected for their<br />

exceptional leadership potential and<br />

engagement in social works, delegates<br />

will discuss the issues that affect our<br />

world and generate resolutions for<br />

a better future. Bob Geldof, one of<br />

OYW’s counsellors, has said he looks<br />

forward to: “A great intellectual capacity<br />

being contained in one space<br />

– and being listened to, for a change.”<br />

Media coverage of the summit will be<br />

global, live-streamed on the internet,<br />

with various segments carried on the<br />

websites of BBC Worldwide and CNN.<br />

OYW is the brainchild of David Jones –<br />

global chief executive officer of Havas<br />

Worldwide and Euro RSCG Worldwide –<br />

and Kate Robertson, group chairman of<br />

Euro RSCG. Jones has a fundamental<br />

belief that the creative and<br />

communications industry has the power<br />

to effect positive change in the world<br />

today, saying: “It’s become my mantra<br />

that not only do we have an opportunity,<br />

but we also have an obligation.”<br />

Promoted to global chief executive at<br />

the age of 38, he was<br />

invited to take part in the Davos World<br />

Economic Forum’s group of Young Global<br />

Leaders. “I was lucky to have been<br />

promoted at a young age and was keen<br />

to find a way to give other young people<br />

a bigger voice,” says Jones. The idea was<br />

two years in gestation, and then Kate<br />

Robertson suggested the concept of<br />

creating an organisation that would bring<br />

young people together on a global scale.<br />

In July 2008, OYW was launched as a notfor-profit<br />

organisation. The inaugural<br />

summit in London was announced at<br />

Davos 2009, with the intention of holding<br />

annual summits in different world cities.<br />

Knowledge is power<br />

So, what does David Jones expect from<br />

the event? “We’ve seen the world leaders<br />

do a poor job at the United Nations<br />

Climate Change Conference in<br />

Copenhagen,” he says. “If the world<br />

leaders can’t get it right, maybe young<br />

people can help them.” He believes<br />

there is a dramatic difference between<br />

youngsters today and those of any<br />

previous generation – a difference<br />


FR Le monde de demain<br />

Avec le soutien de Bob Geldof, de Kofi Annan et de l’évêque<br />

Desmond Tutu, le sommet One Young World offre une plateforme<br />

globale d’expression aux jeunes générations. Un reportage de<br />

Sheridan Winn<br />

One Young World est le projet du chef exécutif à l’échelle<br />

internationale David Jones et de Kate Robertson, présidente du<br />

groupe Euro RSCG. En juillet 2008, One Young World a été lancé<br />

comme une organisation à but non lucratif.<br />

Jones défend l’idée selon laquelle il existe une différence notable<br />

entre les jeunes générations d’aujourd’hui et celles des décennies<br />

précédentes – une différence qui réside surtout dans le domaine de<br />

la connaissance. Il explique : « Vous pouvez vous trouver dans un<br />

village africain, assis derrière un écran d’ordinateur et avoir un<br />

accès à une somme incroyable de connaissances…un phénomène<br />

sans précédent, qu’aucune autre génération n’a connu jusqu’ici.<br />

L’éducation que j’ai reçue s’apparente plus à la formation que les<br />

individus recevaient il y a 400 ans d’ici qu’à celle dispensée aux<br />

jeunes à l’heure actuelle. »<br />

Le second grand changement concerne le pouvoir et l’influence<br />

conférés par le biais des médias sociaux. Jones ne cite que pour<br />

exemple le cas de l’activiste politique Oscar Morales, dont le site<br />

sur Facebook a rallié 12 millions de personnes dans 40 pays, pour<br />

participer à une marche de protestation contre les FARC, le groupe<br />

terroriste de Colombie : « Jamais auparavant, on n’aurait pu disposer<br />

d’un tel potentiel d’influence. »<br />

En vue d’être sélectionnée, la nouvelle génération des prochains<br />

leaders de moins de 25 ans a été invitée à soumettre une vidéo, où<br />

elle pouvait faire entendre sa voix, ses idées et ses revendications.<br />

L’un des quatre jeunes lauréats du Concours YouTube, une des<br />

initiatives dans le cadre du projet, est Opwonya Innocent, un<br />

étudiant originaire d’Ouganda. Des années durant, Innocent a été<br />

forcé de dormir chaque nuit dans un lieu différent afin d’éviter<br />

d’être capturé par l’armée rebelle. Il souhaite assister au Sommet<br />

pour pouvoir mettre son expérience de la guerre au profit de la paix.<br />

David Jones nourrit de grands espoirs pour OYW et les leaders de<br />

demain. « Certains de ces jeunes participants au Sommet inaugural<br />

sont exceptionnels, » dit-il. « Je pense que cela pourrait devenir le<br />

Davos pour les moins de 25 ans. »<br />

Illustration Nils Davey<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


Tomorrow’s<br />

world<br />

With support from Bob Geldof, Kofi Annan and Archbishop Desmond<br />

Tutu, the One Young World summit offers a global platform for the<br />

voice of youth. Sheridan Winn reports<br />

If you’re under 25 and heading to<br />

London early this month, you may be<br />

on your way to the One Young World<br />

Summit (OYW, oneyoungworld.com).<br />

Fresh thinking on tough problems is<br />

expected as 1,500 young pioneers from<br />

192 countries gather to debate at the<br />

ExCeL centre in London’s Docklands<br />

from 8-10 February. Selected for their<br />

exceptional leadership potential and<br />

engagement in social works, delegates<br />

will discuss the issues that affect our<br />

world and generate resolutions for<br />

a better future. Bob Geldof, one of<br />

OYW’s counsellors, has said he looks<br />

forward to: “A great intellectual capacity<br />

being contained in one space<br />

– and being listened to, for a change.”<br />

Media coverage of the summit will be<br />

global, live-streamed on the internet,<br />

with various segments carried on the<br />

websites of BBC Worldwide and CNN.<br />

OYW is the brainchild of David Jones –<br />

global chief executive officer of Havas<br />

Worldwide and Euro RSCG Worldwide –<br />

and Kate Robertson, group chairman of<br />

Euro RSCG. Jones has a fundamental<br />

belief that the creative and<br />

communications industry has the power<br />

to effect positive change in the world<br />

today, saying: “It’s become my mantra<br />

that not only do we have an opportunity,<br />

but we also have an obligation.”<br />

Promoted to global chief executive at<br />

the age of 38, he was<br />

invited to take part in the Davos World<br />

Economic Forum’s group of Young Global<br />

Leaders. “I was lucky to have been<br />

promoted at a young age and was keen<br />

to find a way to give other young people<br />

a bigger voice,” says Jones. The idea was<br />

two years in gestation, and then Kate<br />

Robertson suggested the concept of<br />

creating an organisation that would bring<br />

young people together on a global scale.<br />

In July 2008, OYW was launched as a notfor-profit<br />

organisation. The inaugural<br />

summit in London was announced at<br />

Davos 2009, with the intention of holding<br />

annual summits in different world cities.<br />

Knowledge is power<br />

So, what does David Jones expect from<br />

the event? “We’ve seen the world leaders<br />

do a poor job at the United Nations<br />

Climate Change Conference in<br />

Copenhagen,” he says. “If the world<br />

leaders can’t get it right, maybe young<br />

people can help them.” He believes<br />

there is a dramatic difference between<br />

youngsters today and those of any<br />

previous generation – a difference<br />


FR Le monde de demain<br />

Avec le soutien de Bob Geldof, de Kofi Annan et de l’évêque<br />

Desmond Tutu, le sommet One Young World offre une plateforme<br />

globale d’expression aux jeunes générations. Un reportage de<br />

Sheridan Winn<br />

One Young World est le projet du chef exécutif à l’échelle<br />

internationale David Jones et de Kate Robertson, présidente du<br />

groupe Euro RSCG. En juillet 2008, One Young World a été lancé<br />

comme une organisation à but non lucratif.<br />

Jones défend l’idée selon laquelle il existe une différence notable<br />

entre les jeunes générations d’aujourd’hui et celles des décennies<br />

précédentes – une différence qui réside surtout dans le domaine de<br />

la connaissance. Il explique : « Vous pouvez vous trouver dans un<br />

village africain, assis derrière un écran d’ordinateur et avoir un<br />

accès à une somme incroyable de connaissances…un phénomène<br />

sans précédent, qu’aucune autre génération n’a connu jusqu’ici.<br />

L’éducation que j’ai reçue s’apparente plus à la formation que les<br />

individus recevaient il y a 400 ans d’ici qu’à celle dispensée aux<br />

jeunes à l’heure actuelle. »<br />

Le second grand changement concerne le pouvoir et l’influence<br />

conférés par le biais des médias sociaux. Jones ne cite que pour<br />

exemple le cas de l’activiste politique Oscar Morales, dont le site<br />

sur Facebook a rallié 12 millions de personnes dans 40 pays, pour<br />

participer à une marche de protestation contre les FARC, le groupe<br />

terroriste de Colombie : « Jamais auparavant, on n’aurait pu disposer<br />

d’un tel potentiel d’influence. »<br />

En vue d’être sélectionnée, la nouvelle génération des prochains<br />

leaders de moins de 25 ans a été invitée à soumettre une vidéo, où<br />

elle pouvait faire entendre sa voix, ses idées et ses revendications.<br />

L’un des quatre jeunes lauréats du Concours YouTube, une des<br />

initiatives dans le cadre du projet, est Opwonya Innocent, un<br />

étudiant originaire d’Ouganda. Des années durant, Innocent a été<br />

forcé de dormir chaque nuit dans un lieu différent afin d’éviter<br />

d’être capturé par l’armée rebelle. Il souhaite assister au Sommet<br />

pour pouvoir mettre son expérience de la guerre au profit de la paix.<br />

David Jones nourrit de grands espoirs pour OYW et les leaders de<br />

demain. « Certains de ces jeunes participants au Sommet inaugural<br />

sont exceptionnels, » dit-il. « Je pense que cela pourrait devenir le<br />

Davos pour les moins de 25 ans. »<br />

Illustration Nils Davey<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />




that lies in knowledge. He explains:<br />

“You can be sitting in an African village<br />

at a computer terminal and have access<br />

to unbelievable knowledge, in a way<br />

that no previous generation has had.<br />

The education I received has more in<br />

common with how someone was<br />

educated 400 years ago than the<br />

education young people have today.”<br />

The second big change is the power and<br />

influence available through social media.<br />

An example, Jones cites the political<br />

activist Oscar Morales, whose Facebook<br />

website inspired 12 million people in 40<br />

countries to protest against the FARC<br />

terrorist group in Colombia.<br />

Supporting roles<br />

Morales will be one of the counsellors<br />

to chair the plenary sessions of OYW.<br />

In addition to Bob Geldof, Kofi Annan<br />

and Desmond Tutu, other members<br />

of this luminary group will include<br />

Professor Nick Haysom, United<br />

Nations director of political affairs;<br />

Zhang Deguang, first secretary-general<br />

of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation;<br />

Elio Leoni-Sceti, chief executive of<br />

EMI Music; Carole Stone, managing<br />

director of online market research<br />

agency YouGovStone; Martin Davidson,<br />

chief executive of the British Council;<br />

and Dr Santanu Das, founder of<br />

TranSwitch Corporation. Bob Geldof<br />

NL De wereld van morgen<br />

Met de steun van Bob Geldof, Kofi Annan en aartsbisschop<br />

Desmond Tutu, biedt de One Young World top een globaal platform<br />

voor de stem van de jeugd. Sheridan Winn brengt verslag uit<br />

One Young World is het geesteskind van global chief executive<br />

David Jones en Kate Robertson, group chairman van Euro RSCG. In<br />

juli 2008 werd One Young World gelanceerd als een nonprofitorganisatie.<br />

Jones is ervan overtuigd dat er een groot verschil is tussen<br />

jongeren vandaag en die van de vorige generatie – het verschil zit<br />

hem in kennis. Zijn uitleg: “Je kunt in een Afrikaans dorp aan een<br />

computer zitten met toegang tot een enorme hoeveelheid kennis,<br />

zoals geen enkele vorige generatie dit ooit had. Het onderwijs dat ik<br />

heb genoten had meer gemeen met het onderwijs van 400 jaar<br />

geleden dan met het onderwijs dat jongeren vandaag krijgen.”<br />

Het tweede grote verschil is de macht en invloed die via sociale<br />

media beschikbaar zijn. Als voorbeeld citeert Jones politiek activist<br />

Oscar Morales, wiens Facebookpagina 12 miljoen mensen verspreid<br />

over 40 landen ertoe aanzette een protestmars te houden tegen de<br />

terroristische groepering FARC in Columbia: “Vroeger was je er niet<br />

in geslaagd zoveel invloed uit te oefenen.”<br />

Om geselecteerd te worden, werden uitzonderlijke jongeren<br />

uitgenodigd een video in te sturen waarin ze praatten over hun ideeën<br />

en doelen. Eén van de vier winnende jongeren uit de aanverwante<br />

YouTube-wedstrijd is de Oegandese student Opwonya Innocent.<br />

Jarenlang was Opwonya gedwongen elke nacht op een andere plaats<br />

te overnachten zodat hij niet door het rebellenleger gevangen zou<br />

worden genomen. Hij wil de top bijwonen om zijn kennis van oorlog<br />

te gebruiken om de vrede te beïnvloeden. David Jones heeft grote<br />

hoop voor OYW en de leiders van morgen. “De top wordt bijgewoond<br />

door een aantal uitzonderlijke jongeren,” zegt hij. “Ik ben ervan<br />

overtuigd dat dit het Davos voor min-25-jarigen kan worden.”<br />

says of their roles: “Those of us who<br />

are conducting the workshops and<br />

seminars will probably find our own<br />

thinking dislodged.”<br />

David Jones is keen to stress that<br />

OYW is a grassroots organisation. “It’s<br />

not for us, the organisers, to say what<br />

it is that we want to be agreed,” he says.<br />

To ensure open debate, the opinions of<br />

30,000 young people from all over the<br />

world were polled through YouGovStone.<br />

This research identified six key issues<br />

for discussion: political leadership,<br />

global business, inter-faith dialogue,<br />

the environment, the media and the<br />

challenges surrounding global health.<br />

“The counsellors will chair the debates<br />

and resolutions will be passed,” explains<br />

Jones. “These resolutions will be passed<br />

into the global political system. For<br />

example, Bob Geldof will raise the<br />

resolutions at the G2, G10 and G20<br />

summits, and Nick Haysom will feed<br />

them in to the United Nations. OYW<br />

will have an impact in the real world.”<br />

So what does success look like<br />

for Jones? “We’d like to think that in<br />

10 years’ time, some delegates will<br />

run their countries, global companies<br />

or NGOs,” he replies. But both he and<br />

Robertson knew that OYW needed to<br />

think more broadly than expecting<br />

delegates to comprise only “smart,<br />

corporate 25-year-olds from Western<br />

multinationals”. To avoid such a skew,<br />

they decided to invite two delegates<br />

from each country in the world, plus<br />

proportionate representation from<br />


Illustration Nils Davey<br />

the bigger countries – so the greatest<br />

number of participants will come from<br />

China, India and Indonesia. “This is the<br />

first major event designed to reflect<br />

the world population,” Jones says.<br />

Sponsorship for the summit has also<br />

been approached from a grassroots<br />

perspective. Rather than being handed<br />

three cheques of €1m apiece from three<br />

multinational ‘official sponsors’, Jones<br />

and Robertson opted for a new business<br />

model. Companies were invited to<br />

sponsor the delegates, at a cost of<br />

€3000 each. “We’ve had to work much<br />

harder, but it means we preserve<br />

objectivity,” explains Jones.<br />

Leading the way<br />

To be selected for OYW, outstanding<br />

young people were invited to submit<br />

a video on which they talked about their<br />

ideas and aims. One of the four winners<br />

of the related YouTube competition<br />

is Opwonya Innocent, a student from<br />

Uganda. For years, Innocent has been<br />

forced to spend every night in a different<br />

place to avoid capture from the rebel<br />

army. He wants to attend the summit to<br />

use his knowledge of war to influence<br />

peace. David Jones has high hopes for<br />

OYW and its leaders of tomorrow. “There<br />

are some amazing young people attending<br />

the summit,” he says. “I believe it can<br />

become the Davos for under 25s.”<br />

€139 *<br />



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Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


72<br />


Reader offers<br />

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Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

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photo<br />


TASTE<br />



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À GAGNER<br />

PAGE 106<br />




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<br />

<br />

<br />

1direct fl ight to Toronto<br />

in codeshare with Jet Airways<br />

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Direct fl ight to Chicago and connections to<br />

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CANADA<br />

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CUBA<br />


27destinations in codeshare with American Airlines<br />

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HAITI<br />



<br />



Atlanta, Austin, Cincinnati, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Indianapolis,<br />

Kansas City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, Nashville, New Orleans, Oklahoma City,<br />

Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Ana, Seattle,<br />

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Direct fl ight to New York JFK and connections to10 US detinations<br />

DESTINATIONS SERVED VIA NEW YORK ONLY: Washington, Boston, Raleigh Durham, Puerto Rico<br />

(San Juan) and Montréal. DESTINATIONS SERVED VIA NEW YORK AND CHICAGO: Dallas, Los Angeles,<br />

Miami, San Francisco and San Diego<br />

Codeshare partners To give you the best choice of routes, we have codeshare<br />

agreements with a number of other airlines. This means that booking with Brussels<br />

Airlines gives you the opportunity to also fl y with our codeshare partners.<br />

60<br />

direct premium<br />

European destinations<br />

Perfect for one-day,<br />

weekend and<br />

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3<br />

fl igh<br />

and<br />

Bang<br />

in co<br />


direct<br />

ts to India<br />

nward to<br />

kok<br />

deshare<br />

Jet Airways<br />

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1 direct<br />

fl ight to the<br />

Middle East<br />

<br />

<br />

Direct service to<br />

the Gulf region<br />

in codeshare with<br />

Etihad Airways<br />

<br />

1 direct fl ight<br />

to China in codeshare with<br />

Hainan Airlines<br />

<br />

CHINA<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


74<br />



<br />

GAMBIA<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

there!<br />

<br />

GUINEA<br />


<br />

<br />

SIERRA<br />

LEONE<br />

<br />




IVORY<br />

COAST<br />

<br />

14 direct fl ights to Africa<br />

fl own in Airbus 330s<br />

MALI<br />


FASO<br />

GHANA<br />


TOGO<br />

BENIN<br />

<br />

and 9codeshare destinations<br />

Casablanca (with Air Maroc);<br />

Addis Ababa (with Ethiopian Airlines);<br />

Accra, Cape Town, Johannesburg,<br />

Kartoum and Libreville (with Lufthansa);<br />

Cairo and Luxor (with Egyptair)<br />

46<br />

direct connections per week<br />

Legend<br />

Brussels Airlines operated<br />

Codeshare operated<br />


NIGER<br />


<br />


CHAD<br />

ANGOLA<br />


ZAMBIA<br />



SUDAN<br />




<br />


<br />

EQUAT.<br />

GUINEA<br />

CONGO<br />

GABON<br />

UGANDA<br />


KENYA<br />


THE CONGO <br />

RWANDA <br />

<br />


<br />



<br />

<br />


<br />

<br />

<br />

MALAWI<br />



<br />


80<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

delicious<br />

DRINKS<br />


Coca-Cola 33cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 2.50<br />

Coca-Cola light 33cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 2.50<br />

Fanta 33cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 2.50<br />

Lipton Ice Tea 33cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 2.50<br />

Tao 25cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 3.00<br />

Low Glycemic index • No preservatives •<br />

No artifi cial colorants • Source of antioxidants<br />

Schweppes tonic 33cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 2.50<br />

Spa still water 50cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 2.00<br />

Spa sparkling water 50cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 2.50<br />

Minute Maid orange juice 25cl . . . . . . .€ 2.50<br />

mySmoothie 25cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 3.50<br />

100% fruit inside, no preservatives, no additives<br />


Nescafe coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 2.00<br />

Nescafe Capuccino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 2.50<br />

Nescafe Deca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 2.00<br />

Lipton Tea (yellow label) . . . . . . . . . . . € 2.00<br />

Hotcémel hot chocolate . . . . . . . . . . . . € 2.00<br />

Royco Minute Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 2.50<br />



Sweet Muffi n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 2.00<br />

vanilla or vanilla / chocolate<br />


The Cheesy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 4.00<br />

tasty triple deck sandwich with cheese<br />

The Tuna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 4.00<br />

delicious sandwich with tuna fl aces and egg<br />

b.light economy menu available on European network<br />

(except Moscow, Tel Aviv, Helsinki, Frankfurt and London Gatwick)<br />


Maes beer 33cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 3.00<br />

Carlsberg 33cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 3.50<br />

Grimbergen blond 33cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 3.50<br />

Gordon’s gin 5cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 4.00<br />

Johnnie Walker red label whisky 5cl . . . .€ 4.00<br />

Smirnoff vodka 5cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 4.00<br />

* + soft drink (Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Light, Fanta, Lipton<br />

Ice Tea, Schweppes Tonic, Spa sparkling water & Minute<br />

Maid orange juice) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 5.50<br />

WINE<br />

White 18,7cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 3.00<br />

Red 18,7cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 3.00<br />


Cava Segura Viudas 20cl . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 7.50



A sweet Muffi n (vanilla / chocolate)<br />

with a cup of coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 4.00<br />


A cheese or tuna sandwich<br />

with a softdrink. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 6.50<br />



Aïki Spirelli cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 4.00<br />


Muffi n (vanilla / chocolate) . . . . . . € 2.00<br />

Lotus waffl e XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 2.00<br />

Twix XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 2.00<br />

Côte d’or (milk chocolate) . . . . . . . . .€ 1.50<br />

Kinder Bueno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 1.00<br />


Pringles (hot&spicy or salt) . . . . . . € 2.00<br />


Chiquita Pineapple Stick. . . . . . . . . . .€ 1.50<br />

*Not available on our fl ights to Strasbourg<br />

Our apologies if your selection is no longer available<br />

minimum<br />

€ 5.00<br />

maximum<br />

€ 200<br />


All products are sold onboard at stated sizes and subject to availability. Prices are subject to change without notice. Passengers may not consume alcoholic<br />

beverages which they have supplied themselves, have purchased as duty free goods, or have been supplied by third parties. Customs regulations require<br />

passengers to declare all items purchased. Returned goods and enquiries should be made to: LSG Sky Chefs, Luchthavengebouw 53, 1930 B-Zaventem.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


UN<br />



in the news<br />


More connections between Belgium and the UK<br />

Brussels Airlines has optimised its fl ight off ers between the two countries, with a number of changes<br />

that allow passengers to make return day-trips. As from 10 January <strong>2010</strong>, there’s a greater frequency<br />

of fl ights to London, Newcastle and Bristol<br />

P<br />

assengers will be pleased to hear that Brussels Airlines has<br />

increased flight frequencies between Belgium and the UK,<br />

including a new route to London Heathrow.<br />

From early last month, Brussels Airlines moved its operations<br />

Brussels – London Heathrow<br />

Dep Arr. Days<br />

07:30 07:40 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

09:50 10:00 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

London Heathrow – Brussels<br />

Dep. Arr. Days<br />

06:50 09:00 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

08:30 10:40 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

from London Gatwick to London Heathrow, and there are more daily flights 09:55 10:05 M Tu W Th F S Su 10:50 13:00 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

between the cities, too. The airline now offers four daily flights on weekdays 19:15 19:25 M Tu W Th F S Su 11:15 13:25 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

between the two capitals, creating a suitable solution for passengers who<br />

21:25 21:35 M Tu W Th F S Su 20:15 22:25 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

wish to return on the same day.<br />

Additionally, Brussels Airlines has increased the number of flights<br />

between Brussels and Newcastle, and Brussels and Bristol. As part of<br />

a new codeshare with bmi, there are now three return flights every<br />

weekday between these two major UK cities and the Belgian capital.<br />

Passengers can also continue to connect between Brussels and other<br />

UK airports. There are five daily flights between Brussels and Birmingham,<br />

and four daily flights between Brussels and Manchester. Furthermore, in<br />

another codeshare with bmi, passengers are able to fly between Brussels<br />

and East Midlands, Leeds Bradford and Edinburgh.<br />

For a complete schedule of all flights between Brussels and the UK,<br />

visit brusselsairlines.com<br />

Thanks to more flights from Brussels<br />

Airlines, the sights of Bristol (left) and<br />

Newcastle are more accessible than ever<br />

Brussels – Newcastle Newcastle – Brussels<br />

Dep. Arr. Days Dep. Arr. Days<br />

09:35 10:05 M Tu W Th F S Su 06:25 08:45 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

15:30 16:00 M Tu W Th F S Su 12:05 14:25 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

20:00 20:30 M Tu W Th F S Su 16:30 18:50 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

Brussels – Bristol Bristol – Brussels<br />

Dep. Arr. Days Dep. Arr. Days<br />

09:35 09:45 M Tu W Th F S Su 06:30 08:45 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

15:55 16:05 M Tu W Th F S Su 12:05 14:25 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

19:35 19:50 M Tu W Th F S Su 16:40 18:50 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


84<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

in the news<br />

Davantage de connexions entre<br />

la Belgique et le Royaume-Uni<br />

Brussels Airlines a amélioré son off re de vols entre les deux pays,<br />

avec un certain nombre de changements à la clé permettant aux<br />

passagers de faire l’aller-retour le même jour. Depuis le 10 janvier<br />

<strong>2010</strong>, les fréquences ont augmenté à destination de Londres,<br />

Newcastle et Bristol<br />

Nos passagers seront ravis<br />

d’apprendre que nous avons<br />

augmenté nos fréquences de vols<br />

entre la Belgique et le Royaume-<br />

Uni, avec notamment une nouvelle liaison vers<br />

Londres Heathrow.<br />

Au début du mois dernier, Brussels Airlines a<br />

déplacé ses opérations de l’aéroport de Londres<br />

Gatwick vers Londres Heathrow. De nouveaux<br />

vols ont également été ajoutés entre Bruxelles<br />

et Londres, ce qui porte désormais les liaisons<br />

entre les deux capitales à 4 vols journaliers - un<br />

horaire parfait pour les passagers qui effectuent<br />

un aller-retour dans la même journée.<br />

Mais ce n’est pas tout ! Brussels Airlines a<br />

également augmenté ses fréquences entre<br />

Bruxelles et Newcastle, ainsi qu’entre Bruxelles<br />

et Bristol. Grâce à un nouvel accord de<br />

partenariat avec bmi (codeshare), 3 vols<br />

journaliers sont désormais assurés entre les<br />

deux villes britanniques et Bruxelles.<br />

Les passagers pourront aussi continuer à se<br />

rendre, au départ de Bruxelles, vers d’autres<br />

aéroports de Grande-Bretagne : 5 vols<br />

quotidiens vers Birmingham et 4 vols quotidiens<br />

vers Manchester. De plus, en partage de<br />

code avec bmi, les passagers pourront rallier<br />

East Midlands, Leeds Bradford et Edinburgh<br />

depuis Bruxelles.<br />

Pour les horaires de tous nos vols entre<br />

Bruxelles et le Royaume-Uni, veuillez consulter<br />

le site brusselsairlines.com<br />

Meer verbindingen tussen België<br />

en het Verenigd Koninkrijk<br />

Brussels Airlines heeft haar vluchtaanbod tussen beide landen<br />

geoptimaliseerd met een aantal wijzigingen zodat passagiers op<br />

ook dezelfde dag kunnen terugkeren. Vanaf 10 januari <strong>2010</strong><br />

werd de frequentie van de vluchten naar Londen, Newcastle en<br />

Bristol verhoogd<br />

Passagiers zullen verheugd zijn dat we onze frequentie tussen België en het VK hebben<br />

verhoogd, inclusief een nieuwe route naar London Heathrow.<br />

Begin vorige maand verhuisde Brussels Airlines haar activiteiten van London Gatwick<br />

naar London Heathrow. Er zijn ook meer dagelijkse vluchten tussen beide steden. Wij<br />

bieden nu op weekdagen 4 dagelijkse vluchten tussen beide hoofdsteden, zodat passagiers ook de<br />

mogelijkheid hebben dezelfde dag terug te keren.<br />

Bovendien heeft Brussels Airlines ook het aantal vluchten tussen Brussel en Newcastle en tussen<br />

Brussel en Bristol verhoogd. Door een nieuwe bmi codeshare vlucht zijn er nu elke weekdag 3 heenen-terugvluchten<br />

tussen de twee Britse steden en Brussel.<br />

Passagiers kunnen ook nog steeds een verbinding tussen Brussel en andere Britse luchthavens<br />

maken. Er zijn 5 dagelijkse vluchten tussen Brussel en Birmingham en 4 dagelijkse vluchten tussen<br />

Brussel en Manchester. Bovendien kunnen passagiers in een codeshare met bmi tussen Brussel en<br />

East Midlands, Leeds Bradford en Edinburgh vliegen.<br />

Voor een volledig schema van alle vluchten tussen Brussel en het Verenigd Koninkrijk, ga naar<br />

brusselsairlines.com<br />

Bruxelles/Brussel – London Heathrow<br />

Dép./Ver. Arr./Aan. Jours/Dagen<br />

07:30 07:40 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

09:50 10:00 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

09:55 10:05 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

19:15 19:25 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

21:25 21:35 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

London Heathrow – Bruxelles/Brussel<br />

Dép./Ver. Arr./Aan. Jours/Dagen<br />

06:50 09:00 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

08:30 10:40 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

10:50 13:00 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

11:15 13:25 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

20:15 22:25 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

Bruxelles/Brussel – Newcastle<br />

Dép./Ver. Arr./Aan. Jours/Dagen<br />

09:35 10:05 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

15:30 16:00 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

20:00 20:30 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

Newcastle – Bruxelles/Brussel<br />

Dép./Ver. Arr./Aan. Jours/Dagen<br />

06:25 08:45 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

12:05 14:25 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

16:30 18:50 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

Bruxelles/Brussel – Bristol<br />

Dép./Ver. Arr./Aan. Jours/Dagen<br />

09:35 09:45 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

15:55 16:05 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

19:35 19:50 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

Bristol – Bruxelles/Brussel<br />

Dép./Ver. Arr./Aan. Jours/Dagen<br />

06:30 08:45 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

12:05 14:25 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

16:40 18:50 M Tu W Th F S Su<br />

M = lun. / M. F = ven. / V.<br />

Tu = mar. / Di. S = sam. / Z.<br />

W = mer. / W.<br />

Th = jeu. / Do.<br />

Su = dim. / Zo.<br />


in partnership<br />

Book your flight and cruise<br />

in one package with a new<br />

Brussels Airlines partnership<br />

Brussels Airlines<br />

and MSC Cruises<br />

introduce Fly&Cruise<br />

Book your return fl ights and a cruise experience<br />

in one fantastic, fun-fi lled package this summer.<br />

This off er is valid for fl ights departing from<br />

Brussels Airport<br />

B<br />

russels Airlines is pleased to announce a new partnership<br />

with the world’s most modern cruise line. The airline has<br />

teamed up with MSC Cruises to offer an outstanding deal<br />

for this summer: passengers can now book a package that<br />

includes flights, cruise and transfers, all for a reasonable price.<br />

Imagine visiting six different cities in one week, spending your nights<br />

in a luxurious four-star floating hotel and waking up in a different port<br />

each morning. You can do this aboard an MSC cruise ship, where Italian<br />


design and cuisine come together to create an unforgettable holiday<br />

experience. While adults relax by the pool or on the massage table,<br />

the young ones can take part in activities organised by the Mini-Club<br />

or the Kids Club. You can rest assured that on an MSC cruise, everyone<br />

in the family will be pampered.<br />

What’s more, this combined flight and cruise deal ensures you<br />

a smooth connection. For example, a Fly&Cruise eight days/seven<br />

nights Mediterranean package aboard MSC Splendida would start<br />

with a Brussels Airlines flight from Brussels to Marseille. Passengers<br />

then sail from France to Spain, Tunisia, Malta, Sicily and Italy, returning<br />

finally to France, from where they fly back to Brussels. The whole<br />

package, including return flights, costs from just €899 per person.<br />

This Fly&Cruise offer is valid for cruise departures from Marseille<br />

or Venice on the ships MSC Splendida, MSC Fantasia, MSC Musica and<br />

the soon to be launched MSC Magnifica. Brussels Airlines return flights<br />

are valid from Brussels to Venice or Marseille. This offer is valid from<br />

March to November <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

For reservations and the brochure, contact your travel agent<br />

or download the Fly&Cruise brochure from msccruises.be<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


86<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

in partnership<br />

Brussels Airlines &<br />

MSC Croisières lancent<br />

Fly&Cruise<br />

Cet été, réservez une fantastique formule de<br />

vacances tout compris, qui combine un vol allerretour<br />

et une croisière. Cette offre est valable<br />

pour les vols au départ de Brussels Airport<br />

La première compagnie<br />

aérienne belge, Brussels<br />

Airlines, a le plaisir de<br />

vous annoncer son<br />

nouveau partenariat avec la flotte<br />

de navires de croisières la plus<br />

moderne du monde. Brussels<br />

Airlines et MSC Croisières<br />

proposent à leurs clients une offre<br />

extraordinaire pour cet été. Les<br />

passagers peuvent dès à présent<br />

réserver une formule qui comprend<br />

les vols, la croisière et les<br />

transferts pour un prix tout à fait<br />

avantageux.<br />

Imaginez que vous visitez 6 villes<br />

différentes au cours d’une semaine,<br />

en logeant dans un hôtel de luxe<br />

flottant 4-étoiles et en vous<br />

réveillant chaque matin dans un<br />

nouveau port. Désormais ce rêve<br />

est à votre portée, à bord d’un<br />

navire de croisière de MSC, où le<br />

design italien et la cuisine se<br />

marient pour vous apporter<br />

l’expérience d’un voyage<br />

inoubliable. Tandis que les adultes<br />

se relaxent le long de la piscine ou<br />

sur la table de massage, les jeunes<br />

peuvent participer à des activités<br />

organisées par le Mini-Club ou le<br />

Kids Club. Tout au long de la<br />

croisière MSC, laissez-vous aller<br />

les yeux fermés, avec la certitude<br />

que chacun sera choyé.<br />

Cette formule combinée vol et<br />

croisière vous garantit une<br />

transition en douceur. Ainsi, un<br />

forfait Fly&Cruise de 8 jours/7<br />

nuits en Méditerranée à bord du<br />

MSC Splendida, commence avec<br />

un vol Brussels Airlines, de<br />

Bruxelles à Marseille. Ensuite les<br />

passagers montent à bord du<br />

bateau qui va les emmener depuis<br />

la France, vers l’Espagne, la Tunisie,<br />

Malte, la Sicile et l’Italie, pour<br />

revenir en France, d’où ils<br />

reprennent leur vol de retour à<br />

destination de Bruxelles. Le forfait<br />

total comprenant le vol aller-retour,<br />

est proposé à partir de seulement<br />

899 € par personne.<br />

Cette offre Fly&Cruise est<br />

valable pour les départs de<br />

croisières de Venise ou de<br />

Marseille à bord des bateaux MSC<br />

Splendida, MSC Fantasia, MSC<br />

Musica, et MSC Magnifica dont<br />

l’inauguration est imminente. Les<br />

vols aller-retour Brussels Airlines<br />

doivent être opérés à partir de<br />

Bruxelles vers Venise ou Marseille.<br />

Offre en vigueur de mars à<br />

novembre <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

Pour les réservations et la<br />

brochure, contactez votre agence<br />

de voyage ou téléchargez la<br />

brochure Fly&Cruise sur le site<br />

msccroisieres.be<br />

Brussels Airlines & MSC<br />

Cruises introduceren<br />

Fly&Cruise<br />

Boek deze zomer uw vluchten en een cruise-ervaring<br />

in één fantastisch pakket. Deze aanbieding is geldig<br />

voor vluchten die vertrekken vanuit Brussels Airport<br />

De leidende Belgische<br />

luchtvaartmaatschappij,<br />

Brussels Airlines, kan u<br />

met trots een nieuw<br />

partnership aankondigen met de<br />

modernste cruisemaatschappij ter<br />

wereld. Brussels Airlines en MSC<br />

Cruises bieden klanten een<br />

uitzonderlijke deal deze zomer.<br />

Passagiers kunnen nu aan een<br />

voordelige prijs een pakket boeken,<br />

inclusief vluchten, cruise en transfers.<br />

Stel u voor: 6 steden bezoeken in<br />

één week, overnachten in een<br />

luxueus drijvend 4-sterrenhotel en<br />

elke ochtend in een andere haven<br />

ontwaken. Nu kan u dit ervaren aan<br />

boord van een MSC cruiseschip,<br />

waar het Italiaans design en de<br />

Italiaanse keuken zorgen voor een<br />

onvergetelijke vakantie-ervaring.<br />

Terwijl de volwassenen ontspannen<br />

aan het zwembad of op de<br />

massagetafel, kunnen de jongsten<br />

deelnemen aan de activiteiten die<br />

door de Mini-Club of de Kids Club<br />

worden georganiseerd. Wees<br />

gerust, iedereen wordt op een MSC<br />

Cruise in de watten gelegd.<br />

Deze deal, die vluchten en cruise<br />

combineert, verzekert u van een<br />

vlotte verbinding. Een Fly&Cruise<br />

van 8 dagen/7 nachten op de<br />

Middellandse Zee aan boord van de<br />

MSC Splendida start met een vlucht<br />

van Brussels Airlines van Brussel<br />

naar Marseille. De klanten varen<br />

vervolgens van Frankrijk naar Spanje,<br />

Tunesië, Malta, Sicilië, Italië en keren<br />

uiteindelijk terug naar Frankrijk, van<br />

waar ze naar Brussel terugvliegen.<br />

Dit hele pakket, inclusief vluchten,<br />

kan al vanaf €899 per persoon.<br />

Dit Fly&Cruise-aanbod is geldig<br />

voor vertrek van de cruise vanuit<br />

Venetië of Marseille op de schepen<br />

MSC Splendida, MSC Fantasia,<br />

MSC Musica en de nog in te<br />

huldigen MSC Magnifica. De<br />

vluchten met Brussels Airlines zijn<br />

geldig van Brussel naar Venetië of<br />

Marseille. Deze aanbieding is geldig<br />

van maart tot november <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

Contacteer uw reisagent voor<br />

reservaties en de brochure of<br />

download de Fly&Cruise-brochure<br />

van msccruises.be<br />

Relax on the luxurious<br />

MSC Splendida as part<br />

of the Fly&Cruise offer


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Van kleine keukenhulpen tot professioneel keukenmateriaal<br />

MA - ZA 09.30 - 18.00 UUR (opening hours)<br />

De Kookwinkel Soly<br />

Kasteelpleinstraat 65<br />

2000 Antwerpen<br />

de.kookwinkel.soly@pandora.be<br />

Tel/Fax 03 2320045<br />





The UK Border Agency uses<br />

new technologies to support<br />

our staff, combat fraud and<br />

secure the UK border.<br />

Electronic passport gates<br />

scan passports, make<br />

security checks and improve<br />

our service to customers.<br />

Fingerprint checks at<br />

the border<br />

verify the identities of non EEA<br />

nationals with biometric visas,<br />

entry clearance or ID cards.<br />

Probe and scanning<br />

technologies<br />

detect and prevent prohibited<br />

items from entering the UK.<br />

UK Border Agency staff<br />

use customs and immigration<br />

powers to combat fraud<br />

and tackle smuggling and<br />

immigration crime.<br />

Detector dogs<br />

at the border prevent illegal<br />

goods and people from<br />

entering the UK.<br />

Tougher checks can take longer.<br />

Your cooperation at the border is appreciated.<br />

www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk<br />

Please report any<br />

suspicious activity to<br />

an officer or call<br />

Crimestoppers on<br />

0800 555 111.


88<br />

Fares<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

choose how you fly<br />

Cancellation possibility<br />

Select your seat prior<br />

to travelling<br />

Check-in closure<br />

Luggage allowance<br />

Extra fast through<br />

security via fast lane<br />

Priority check-in<br />

Premium seating<br />

Newspapers<br />

Meal and drink service<br />

Access to Lounge<br />

Miles & More<br />

Change to an earlier<br />

flight at the airport the<br />

day of departure<br />

Change of booking<br />

Three great products in Business and<br />

Economy for flying around Europe<br />

Whether you want premium Business Class service, time-saving and total<br />

fl exibility, or the lowest fare guarantee† to 60 European destinations, Brussels<br />

Airlines has just the ticket for you. Check out which option suits you best...<br />

Economy class<br />

■ From €99 return all-in<br />

■ No refund possible<br />

■ Yes, for check-in online<br />

■ 40 minutes before departure<br />

■ 20kgs checked + 6kgs hand luggage<br />

(1 piece), ski equipment for free<br />

■ No<br />

■ No<br />

■ No<br />

■ No<br />

■ For sale on board (see menu card)<br />

■ No lounge access*<br />

The low<br />

fare you<br />

can trust<br />

■ 125 or 750 miles per flight depending<br />

on fare level<br />

■ No<br />

■ Subject to availability, €50 change fee +<br />

difference between old and new fare<br />

■ Flexible premium economy fares<br />

■ Fully refundable if cancelled prior to departure<br />

■ Yes<br />

■ 40 minutes before departure<br />

■ 20kgs checked + 12kgs hand luggage (1 piece),<br />

golfbag for free, ski equipment for free<br />

■ During peak hours in Athens, Birmingham,<br />

Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Frankfurt, Hamburg,<br />

Lisbon, London Gatwick, Manchester, Milan<br />

Malpensa, Moscow, Newcastle, Prague, Venice<br />

■ Yes<br />

■ Middle seat free if possible<br />

■ Free<br />

■ Free<br />

■ €15*<br />

■ 1,250 miles per flight<br />

The best<br />

economy<br />

class in<br />

Europe<br />

■ Free if seats available upon departure<br />

* Free for Miles & More Frequent Traveller and above, and Star Alliance Gold<br />

**If same fare category or lower is no longer available, then a fare differential is charged. Fully flexible fare category available<br />

■ Free subject to availability within the same<br />

fare category**

Business class<br />

■ Business Class return fares<br />

■ Fully refundable if cancelled prior to departure<br />

■ Yes<br />

■ 40 minutes before departure<br />

■ 30kgs checked + 16kgs hand luggage (2 pieces),<br />

golfbag for free, ski equipment for free<br />

■ During peak hours in Athens, Birmingham,<br />

Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Frankfurt, Hamburg,<br />

Lisbon, London Gatwick, Manchester, Milan<br />

Malpensa, Moscow, Newcastle, Prague, Venice<br />

■ Dedicated b.business check-in at Brussels<br />

■ Guaranteed middle seat free<br />

■ Free<br />

■ Gourmet dining service, champagne<br />

■ Free<br />

■ 2,000 miles per flight<br />

■ Free<br />

■ Free subject to availability<br />

The class<br />

that puts<br />

you first<br />


Keep up to date with our fantastic weekend<br />

sales and seasonal promotions. Subscribe<br />

to our e-newsletter at brusselsairlines.com<br />

Free upgrade from P1 to VIP Valet Parking at Brussels Airport. Call +32 (0)2 715 2123 to book,<br />

or see 'manage my flight' on brusselsairlines.com<br />

Next time<br />

don’t forget to<br />

check in online<br />

brusselsairlines.com<br />

Premium Business Class service for<br />

top segment business travellers<br />

Dedicated product for corporate<br />

travellers, offering best value for<br />

money (flexibility, time saving &<br />

onboard service)<br />

Our low fare leisure product. Fares<br />

starting from €99 return all-in<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


90<br />

i<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

loyalty programme<br />

Triple Miles promo on our<br />

six Spanish destinations<br />

Celebrate the Spanish Presidency of the European<br />

Union by flying to/from Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao,<br />

Malaga, Seville and Palma de Mallorca from 01.02.<strong>2010</strong><br />

to 30.04.<strong>2010</strong> and get triple miles on b.fl ex economy+<br />

and b.business. Sign up at miles-and-more.be<br />

Sky Shops, a new Miles & More<br />

partner in Belgium!<br />

Earn 1 mile for every euro* you spend at the 26 Belgian Sky Shops in both<br />

terminals at Brussels Airport. Simply show your Miles & More card at the<br />

time of payment and start earning miles with your favourite products<br />

*minimum total expenditure of €25 on the same day<br />

Sky Shops, le nouveau partenaire de<br />

Miles & More en Belgique!<br />

Cumulez 1 mile par euro* dépensé dans chacun des 26 Belgian<br />

Sky Shops des 2 terminaux de l’aéroport de Bruxelles. Présentez<br />

tout simplement votre carte Miles & More au moment du paiement<br />

et cumulez de précieux miles grâce à vos articles favoris<br />

*sur une dépense totale de minimum 25 € par jour<br />

Triple Miles sur nos six<br />

destinations espagnoles<br />

Célébrez la Présidence Espagnole de l’Union Européenne en<br />

voyageant de/vers Madrid, Barcelone, Bilbao, Malaga, Séville et<br />

Palma de Mallorca du 01.02.<strong>2010</strong> à 30.04.<strong>2010</strong> en b.flex<br />

economy+ et b.business. Enregistrez-vous sur miles-and-more.be<br />

Driedubbele mijlenpromotie op onze<br />

zes Spaanse bestemmingen<br />

Vier het Spaanse voorzitterschap van de Europese Unie, door te<br />

vliegen naar/van Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Malaga, Sevilla en<br />

Palma de Mallorca vanaf 01.02.<strong>2010</strong> tot 30.04.<strong>2010</strong> in b.flex<br />

economy+ en b.business. Schrijf nu in via miles-and-more.be<br />

Sky Shops, een nieuwe Miles & More<br />

partner in België !<br />

Verzamel 1 mijl per euro* bij uw aankopen in één van de 26<br />

Belgian Sky Shops in de terminals op Brussels Airport. Om<br />

mijlen te verzamelen voor de aankoop van uw favoriete poducten<br />

hoeft u enkel uw Miles & More kaart te tonen bij de betaling<br />

*minimum totale besteding van 25€ op dezelfde dag<br />

Become a Miles & More member now Sign up online on miles-and-more.be or ask our cabin crew for an application form

Set up your own username and<br />

password – it’s easy!<br />

If you don’t have your Miles & More card at hand with you all the time, but<br />

you use our online site regularly for transfers and operations, there’s an even<br />

easier way to log on thanks to the possibility of creating your own username<br />

and password. Just four simple steps, and you can log in to miles-and-more.be<br />

whether or not you’re carrying your Miles & More card<br />


1. Log in using your card number and PIN. 2. Click on “My profile” followed by the icon “Personal data”. 3. Enter the user name and password<br />

you would like to use. 4. Click on the “yes, save changes” button. The new data will be saved and your profile updated accordingly.<br />

Créer votre propre nom d’utilisateur<br />

et votre mot de passe : simplissime !<br />

Vous n’avez pas constamment votre carte Miles & More sous la<br />

main, mais vous vous connectez régulièrement pour faire des<br />

transferts et des opérations en ligne ? Découvrez alors une façon<br />

encore plus facile de vous identifi er, grâce à la possibilité de créer<br />

votre propre nom d’utilisateur et votre mot de passe. En quatre<br />

étapes seulement, vous pourrez vous identifi er pour accéder à<br />

miles-and-more.be, avec ou sans votre carte Miles & More.<br />

1. Identifiez-vous en utilisant votre numéro de carte et votre code PIN.<br />

2. Veuillez cliquer sur « My profile » (« Mon profil ») et ensuite sur l’icône<br />

« Personal data » (« Données personnelles »). 3. Entrez le nom<br />

d’utilisateur et le mot de passe souhaités. 4. Cliquez sur le bouton « yes,<br />

save changes » (« Oui, sauvez les modifications »). Les nouvelles données<br />

sont ainsi sauvegardées et votre profil mis à jour.<br />

Miles & More partners<br />

Airlines<br />

Adria Airways<br />

Aegean Airlines<br />

AII Nippon Airways<br />

Air Astana*<br />

Air Canada<br />

Air China<br />

Air Dolomiti<br />

Air India<br />

Air Malta<br />

Air New Zealand<br />

Asiana Airlines<br />

Austrian Airlines<br />

Blue1<br />

bmi<br />

Brussels Airlines<br />

Cirrus Airlines<br />

Condor<br />

Continental Airlines<br />

Croatia Airlines<br />

Egypt Air<br />

Ethiopian Airlines*<br />

Jat Airways*<br />

Jet Airways<br />

LOT Polish Airlines<br />

Lufthansa<br />

Lufthansa Italia<br />

Lufthansa Private Jet<br />

Lufthansa Regional<br />

Luxair<br />

Mexicana<br />

Qatar Airways<br />

Scandinavian Airlines<br />

Shanghai Airlines<br />

Singapore Airlines<br />

South African Airways<br />

Spanair<br />

Swiss International<br />

Air Lines<br />

TACA International Airlines<br />

TAM<br />

TAP Portugal<br />

Thai Airways<br />

International<br />

Turkish Airlines<br />

United Airlines<br />

US Airways<br />

* on selected routes<br />

Hotels<br />

Accor Group: Sofitel<br />

Hotels & Resorts/<br />

Pullman Hotels &<br />

Resorts/MGallery<br />

Best Western/Best<br />

Western Premier<br />

Global Hotel Alliance<br />

Hilton/Conrad<br />

Hotels & Resorts/<br />

Doubletree/Embassy<br />

Suites Hotels/Hilton<br />

Garden Inn/Hilton Grand<br />

Vacations/The Waldorf<br />

Astoria Collection<br />

InterContinental Hotels<br />

& Resorts/Crowne Plaza/<br />

Express by Holiday Inn/<br />

Holiday Inn Hotels &<br />

Resorts/Hotel Indigo/<br />

Staybridge Suites/<br />

Candlewood Suites<br />

Raffles Hotels &<br />

Resorts/Swissôtel Hotels<br />

& Resorts/Fairmont<br />

Hotels & Resorts<br />

Hyatt Hotels & Resorts/<br />

Andaz<br />

Innside Premium Hotels<br />

Stel uw gebruikersnaam en<br />

wachtwoord in – het is eenvoudig!<br />

Als u uw Miles & More-kaart niet steeds bij de hand hebt,<br />

maar u de website regelmatig gebruikt voor transfers en<br />

verrichtingen, is er een eenvoudigere manier om in te<br />

loggen door uw eigen gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord aan<br />

te maken. Slechts vier eenvoudige stappen en u kunt<br />

inloggen op miles-and-more.be, of u uw Miles & More-kaart<br />

bij hebt of niet.<br />

1. Log in met uw kaartnummer en PIN-code. 2. Klik op ‘My profile’ (‘Mijn<br />

profiel’) en vervolgens op het icoontje ‘Personal data’ (‘Persoonlijke<br />

gegevens’). 3. Geef de gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord dat u wenst te<br />

gebruiken in. 4. Klik op de knop ‘yes, save changes’ (‘Ja, wijzigingen<br />

opslaan’). Op deze manier worden de nieuwe gegevens opgeslagen en<br />

wordt uw profiel geüpdatet.<br />

Jumeirah<br />

Kempinski Hotels/<br />

Pan Pacific Hotels<br />

and Resorts<br />

The Leading Hotels<br />

of the World<br />

Marriott Hotels &<br />

Resorts/Courtyard<br />

by Marriott/Renaissance<br />

Hotels & Resorts/JW<br />

Marriott Hotels &<br />

Resorts/Marriott<br />

Vacation Club<br />

International/Fairfield<br />

Inn by Marriott/<br />

SpringHill Suites by<br />

Marriott/TownePlace<br />

Suites by Marriott/<br />

Residence Inn by<br />

Marriott<br />

Mövenpick Hotels<br />

& Resorts<br />

Mandarin Oriental<br />

Hotel Group<br />

NH Hoteles<br />

Orbis Hotel Group<br />

Radisson SAS/Park Inn<br />

Hotels/The Regent<br />

Hotels<br />

Ramada Worldwide/<br />

Wyndham Hotels &<br />

Resorts<br />

Sheraton Hotels &<br />

Resorts/Westin Hotels<br />

& Resorts/The Luxury<br />

Collection/Four Points<br />

by Sheraton/Le Méridien<br />

Hotels & Resorts/St.<br />

Regis Hotels & Resorts/<br />

W Hotels/aloft<br />

Shangri-La Hotels and<br />

Resorts/Traders Hotels<br />

WORLDHOTELS/Lindner<br />

Hotels & Resorts<br />

Taj Hotels Resorts<br />

and Palaces<br />

Car rentals<br />

Avis<br />

Europcar<br />

Hertz<br />

Sixt<br />

Others<br />

Anson’s<br />

ASSTEL<br />

Bank of America<br />

Barclays Bank<br />

buch.de<br />

Citibank Russia<br />

Clarima<br />

Cornèr Bank<br />

DenizBank<br />

Deutsche Bank<br />

Die Welt/Welt am<br />

Sonntag<br />

Diners Club Austria<br />

Financial Times<br />

Deutschland<br />

FOCUS<br />

Frankfurter Allgemeine<br />

Zeitung<br />

LOT/Citibank<br />

Lufthansa Miles & More<br />

Credit Card<br />


Piraeus Bank<br />

Porsche<br />

Sparkassen<br />

Süddeutsche Zeitung<br />

T-Home<br />

T-Mobile Deutschland<br />

Travel Value Duty Free<br />

TV Spielfilm<br />

VISA Austria<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


92<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

safety<br />

For your safety<br />

and comfort<br />

Welcome on board our fl ight today<br />

and thank you for choosing Brussels<br />

Airlines. Please read the information<br />

below regarding smoking and safety<br />

regulations on board. Should you<br />

have any questions, please ask your<br />

cabin attendant.<br />

Electronic devices<br />

No personal communications or radio<br />

emitting devices, such as portable<br />

telephones, radios, GPS locators,<br />

games or remote-control toys, may be<br />

used on board*. Please ensure that<br />

your telephone is switched off before<br />

and during the flight. Items such as<br />

personal computers and electronic<br />

games may be used during the flight,<br />

but must be switched off during takeoff<br />

and landing.<br />

Smoking<br />

In accordance with government<br />

regulations, smoking is not permitted<br />

on any Brussels Airlines flight.<br />

Passengers should be aware that there<br />

are smoke detectors in the aircraft’s<br />

toilets and that any breach of this rule<br />

may incur penalties.<br />

Safety procedures<br />

You will find an information sheet on<br />

safety procedures in your seat pocket.<br />

Please read it carefully and please listen<br />

attentively to all safety announcements<br />

and instructions from the crew.<br />

Alcohol<br />

Passengers are not allowed to consume<br />

alcohol they have brought with them<br />

or bought on board. Alcohol may be<br />

served on board, but our cabin crew<br />

will not serve any passenger who they<br />

feel has already had too much to drink.<br />

*For the complete list of items whose use<br />

is restricted, please see your safety card<br />

located in the seat pocket in front of you.<br />

Pour votre securite et<br />

votre confort<br />

Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue à<br />

bord de notre vol, et vous remercions<br />

d’avoir choisi Brussels Airlines. Veuillez<br />

lire les informations suivantes<br />

concernant les consignes de sécurité<br />

et l’interdiction de fumer à bord. Pour<br />

toute question, n’hésitez pas à vous<br />

adresser à notre personnel navigant.<br />

Appareils électroniques<br />

Aucun appareil de communication ou<br />

émetteur radio personnel, tel que<br />

téléphone portable, radio, système<br />

GPS, jeu ou jouet télécommandé ne<br />

peut être utilisé à bord*. Veuillez vous<br />

assurer que votre téléphone est bien<br />

éteint avant et pendant le vol. L’utilisation<br />

des ordinateurs et jeux électroniques<br />

est autorisée pendant le vol, mais ces<br />

appareils doivent être éteints lors du<br />

décollage et de l’atterrissage.<br />

Interdiction de fumer<br />

Conformément aux réglementations<br />

gouvernementales, tous les vols<br />

Brussels Airlines sont entièrement<br />

non-fumeurs. Nous rappelons aux<br />

passagers que les toilettes de l’avion<br />

sont équipées de détecteurs de fumée,<br />

et que toute infraction à ce règlement<br />

peut entraîner une amende.<br />

Procédures de sécurité<br />

Vous trouverez dans la poche de votre<br />

siège une fiche d’information concernant<br />

les procédures de sécurité. Veuillez lire<br />

cette fiche et écouter attentivement<br />

toutes les annonces et instructions de<br />

l’équipage en matière de sécurité.<br />

Alcool<br />

Les passagers ne sont pas autorisés à<br />

consommer l’alcool qu’ils ont emporté<br />

ou acheté à bord. De l’alcool peut être<br />

servi dans l’avion, mais notre équipage<br />

refusera de servir tout passager qu’il<br />

soupçonne d’avoir déjà trop bu.<br />

*Pour la liste complète des appareils dont<br />

l’utilisation à bord est interdite, veuillez<br />

consulter la fiche de sécurité rangée dans<br />

la poche du siège devant vous.<br />

Voor uw veiligheid en<br />

comfort<br />

We verwelkomen u graag aan boord<br />

van deze vlucht en danken u om te<br />

vliegen met Brussels Airlines. Lees<br />

aandachtig onderstaande informatie<br />

over roken en veiligheid aan boord.<br />

Als u vragen heeft, kunt u die stellen<br />

aan het cabinepersoneel.<br />

Elektronische apparaten<br />

U mag aan boord geen (communicatie)<br />

apparaten gebruiken die radiogolven<br />

uitzenden, zoals draagbare telefoons,<br />

radio’s, GPS-apparaten, spelletjes of<br />

speelgoed met een afstandsbediening*.<br />

Zorg ervoor dat uw telefoon is<br />

uitgeschakeld voor en tijdens de vlucht.<br />

Elektronische toestellen zoals personal<br />

computers en spelletjes mag u tijdens<br />

de vlucht gebruiken, maar moet u<br />

uitschakelen bij het opstijgen en landen.<br />

Roken<br />

In overeenstemming met de Belgische<br />

wetgeving is roken verboden op alle<br />

vluchten van Brussels Airlines. Wij<br />

wijzen u erop dat de toiletten aan<br />

boord zijn uitgerust met<br />

rookdetectoren. Een inbreuk op het<br />

rookverbod kan bestraft worden.<br />

Veiligheidsprocedures<br />

U vindt een informatieblad over de<br />

veiligheidsprocedures in het<br />

opbergzakje voor u. Lees het<br />

zorgvuldig en luister aandachtig naar<br />

alle veiligheidsmededelingen en<br />

instructies van het cabinepersoneel.<br />

Alcohol<br />

Passagiers mogen geen alcohol<br />

gebruiken die ze hebben meegebracht<br />

of aan boord hebben gekocht. Alcohol<br />

kan aan boord worden geserveerd,<br />

maar ons cabinepersoneel zal geen<br />

alcohol schenken aan passagiers die<br />

volgens hen al voldoende hebben<br />

*In het opbergzakje voor u vindt u uw<br />

veiligheidskaart met daarop de volledige<br />

lijst van apparaten met gebruiksbeperkingen.

92<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

safety<br />

For your safety<br />

and comfort<br />

Welcome on board our fl ight today<br />

and thank you for choosing Brussels<br />

Airlines. Please read the information<br />

below regarding smoking and safety<br />

regulations on board. Should you<br />

have any questions, please ask your<br />

cabin attendant.<br />

Electronic devices<br />

No personal communications or radio<br />

emitting devices, such as portable<br />

telephones, radios, GPS locators,<br />

games or remote-control toys, may be<br />

used on board*. Please ensure that<br />

your telephone is switched off before<br />

and during the flight. Items such as<br />

personal computers and electronic<br />

games may be used during the flight,<br />

but must be switched off during takeoff<br />

and landing.<br />

Smoking<br />

In accordance with government<br />

regulations, smoking is not permitted<br />

on any Brussels Airlines flight.<br />

Passengers should be aware that there<br />

are smoke detectors in the aircraft’s<br />

toilets and that any breach of this rule<br />

may incur penalties.<br />

Safety procedures<br />

You will find an information sheet on<br />

safety procedures in your seat pocket.<br />

Please read it carefully and please listen<br />

attentively to all safety announcements<br />

and instructions from the crew.<br />

Alcohol<br />

Passengers are not allowed to consume<br />

alcohol they have brought with them<br />

or bought on board. Alcohol may be<br />

served on board, but our cabin crew<br />

will not serve any passenger who they<br />

feel has already had too much to drink.<br />

*For the complete list of items whose use<br />

is restricted, please see your safety card<br />

located in the seat pocket in front of you.<br />

Pour votre securite et<br />

votre confort<br />

Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue à<br />

bord de notre vol, et vous remercions<br />

d’avoir choisi Brussels Airlines. Veuillez<br />

lire les informations suivantes<br />

concernant les consignes de sécurité<br />

et l’interdiction de fumer à bord. Pour<br />

toute question, n’hésitez pas à vous<br />

adresser à notre personnel navigant.<br />

Appareils électroniques<br />

Aucun appareil de communication ou<br />

émetteur radio personnel, tel que<br />

téléphone portable, radio, système<br />

GPS, jeu ou jouet télécommandé ne<br />

peut être utilisé à bord*. Veuillez vous<br />

assurer que votre téléphone est bien<br />

éteint avant et pendant le vol. L’utilisation<br />

des ordinateurs et jeux électroniques<br />

est autorisée pendant le vol, mais ces<br />

appareils doivent être éteints lors du<br />

décollage et de l’atterrissage.<br />

Interdiction de fumer<br />

Conformément aux réglementations<br />

gouvernementales, tous les vols<br />

Brussels Airlines sont entièrement<br />

non-fumeurs. Nous rappelons aux<br />

passagers que les toilettes de l’avion<br />

sont équipées de détecteurs de fumée,<br />

et que toute infraction à ce règlement<br />

peut entraîner une amende.<br />

Procédures de sécurité<br />

Vous trouverez dans la poche de votre<br />

siège une fiche d’information concernant<br />

les procédures de sécurité. Veuillez lire<br />

cette fiche et écouter attentivement<br />

toutes les annonces et instructions de<br />

l’équipage en matière de sécurité.<br />

Alcool<br />

Les passagers ne sont pas autorisés à<br />

consommer l’alcool qu’ils ont emporté<br />

ou acheté à bord. De l’alcool peut être<br />

servi dans l’avion, mais notre équipage<br />

refusera de servir tout passager qu’il<br />

soupçonne d’avoir déjà trop bu.<br />

*Pour la liste complète des appareils dont<br />

l’utilisation à bord est interdite, veuillez<br />

consulter la fiche de sécurité rangée dans<br />

la poche du siège devant vous.<br />

Voor uw veiligheid en<br />

comfort<br />

We verwelkomen u graag aan boord<br />

van deze vlucht en danken u om te<br />

vliegen met Brussels Airlines. Lees<br />

aandachtig onderstaande informatie<br />

over roken en veiligheid aan boord.<br />

Als u vragen heeft, kunt u die stellen<br />

aan het cabinepersoneel.<br />

Elektronische apparaten<br />

U mag aan boord geen (communicatie)<br />

apparaten gebruiken die radiogolven<br />

uitzenden, zoals draagbare telefoons,<br />

radio’s, GPS-apparaten, spelletjes of<br />

speelgoed met een afstandsbediening*.<br />

Zorg ervoor dat uw telefoon is<br />

uitgeschakeld voor en tijdens de vlucht.<br />

Elektronische toestellen zoals personal<br />

computers en spelletjes mag u tijdens<br />

de vlucht gebruiken, maar moet u<br />

uitschakelen bij het opstijgen en landen.<br />

Roken<br />

In overeenstemming met de Belgische<br />

wetgeving is roken verboden op alle<br />

vluchten van Brussels Airlines. Wij<br />

wijzen u erop dat de toiletten aan<br />

boord zijn uitgerust met<br />

rookdetectoren. Een inbreuk op het<br />

rookverbod kan bestraft worden.<br />

Veiligheidsprocedures<br />

U vindt een informatieblad over de<br />

veiligheidsprocedures in het<br />

opbergzakje voor u. Lees het<br />

zorgvuldig en luister aandachtig naar<br />

alle veiligheidsmededelingen en<br />

instructies van het cabinepersoneel.<br />

Alcohol<br />

Passagiers mogen geen alcohol<br />

gebruiken die ze hebben meegebracht<br />

of aan boord hebben gekocht. Alcohol<br />

kan aan boord worden geserveerd,<br />

maar ons cabinepersoneel zal geen<br />

alcohol schenken aan passagiers die<br />

volgens hen al voldoende hebben<br />

*In het opbergzakje voor u vindt u uw<br />

veiligheidskaart met daarop de volledige<br />

lijst van apparaten met gebruiksbeperkingen.

94<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

comfort<br />

Your personal<br />

wellbeing on board<br />

Nowadays, for many passengers, fl ying<br />

regularly is part of life. However, the body is<br />

sensitive to change and fl ying still isn’t part<br />

of a normal daily rhythm. Brussels Airlines<br />

cares about your comfort, so here are a<br />

couple of hints on how to keep your body<br />

happy and healthy in the air.<br />

Before<br />

■ Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive<br />

intake of alcohol, coffee and tea<br />

■ Take time to have a stroll around the<br />

terminal after check-in<br />

■ A light snack is fine, but avoid heavy meals<br />

before flying<br />

■ Dress in loose, comfortable clothing<br />

■ Apply moisturiser to keep your skin<br />

feeling fresh<br />

During<br />

■ Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive<br />

intake of alcohol, coffee and tea<br />

■ Exercise helps you avoid cramps and is<br />

good for circulation, even on short flights<br />

(see below)<br />

■ Don’t eat too much<br />

Exercises<br />

Stretch and flex your leg muscles, as well as<br />

your arms, shoulders and neck, from time to<br />

time. This will improve your general level of<br />

comfort and stimulate your circulation.<br />

Stretch and rotate your ankles and legs while<br />

sitting in your seat.<br />

Votre bien-être à bord<br />

De nos jours, il est de plus en plus courant de<br />

prendre l’avion régulièrement. Cependant,<br />

le corps est sensible aux changements, et<br />

voler implique toujours une modifi cation<br />

du rythme normal. Pour Brussels Airlines, la<br />

question de votre confort est une priorité.<br />

Voici donc quelques conseils pour garder un<br />

corps léger et équilibré jusque dans les airs.<br />

Avant<br />

■ Buvez beaucoup d’eau, évitez une consommation<br />

excessive d’alcool, de café et de thé<br />

■ Prenez le temps de vous balader un peu<br />

dans l’aérogare après l’enregistrement<br />

■ N’hésitez pas à prendre un en-cas léger, mais<br />

évitez les repas trop lourds avant d’embarquer<br />

■ Portez des vêtements amples et confortables<br />

■ Appliquez une crème hydratante pour<br />

garder une peau fraîche<br />

Pendant<br />

■ Buvez beaucoup d’eau, évitez une<br />

consommation excessive d’alcool, de café et<br />

de thé<br />

■ Faire de l’exercice permet d’éviter les<br />

crampes et est excellent pour la circulation.<br />

Essayez les exercices décrits ci-dessous<br />

■ Ne mangez pas trop<br />

Exercises<br />

Etirez et fléchissez de temps à autre les<br />

muscles de vos jambes, vos bras, vos épaules<br />

et votre nuque. Cela améliorera votre confort<br />

général tout en stimulant votre circulation.<br />

Etirez et dessinez de petits cercles avec vos<br />

chevilles et vos jambes lorsque vous êtes assis.<br />

Uw persoonlijk<br />

comfort aan board<br />

Vandaag maakt vliegen voor heel wat<br />

passagiers deel uit van het dagelijkse<br />

leven. Ons lichaam is echter gevoelig voor<br />

verandering en vliegen kan ons dagritme<br />

danig in de war brengen. Uw welzijn ligt<br />

Brussels Airlines nauw aan het hart. Daarom<br />

geven we u enkele tips om ook in de lucht uw<br />

lichaam fi t en gezond te houden.<br />

Vooraf<br />

■ Drink veel water en vermijd overmatig<br />

gebruik van alcohol, koffie en thee<br />

■ Neem de tijd om na het inchecken even<br />

door de terminal te wandelen<br />

■ Een lichte snack mag, maar eet niet te<br />

zwaar vóór u het vliegtuig neemt<br />

■ Draag losse, comfortabele kleding<br />

■ Gebruik een vochtinbrengende crème zodat<br />

uw huid fris aanvoelt<br />

Tijdens<br />

■ Drink veel water en vermijd overmatig<br />

gebruik van alcohol, koffie en thee<br />

■ Oefeningen voorkomen krampen en zijn<br />

goed voor de bloedsomloop. Probeer<br />

onderstaande oefeningen<br />

■ Eet niet te veel<br />

Oefeningen<br />

Strek en buig nu en dan uw benen, armen,<br />

schouders en nek. U zult er zich beter door<br />

voelen en het stimuleert de bloedsomloop.<br />

Strek en draai uw enkels en benen terwijl u in<br />

uw stoel zit.<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

Stretch and rotate your ankles and legs while seated 1 . Flex and stretch your calf muscles 2 , as well as your arms 3 , shoulders and neck 4 periodically. This<br />

will improve your general level of comfort and stimulate your circulation.<br />

Illustrations Kurt Parton/illustrationroom.com.au

94<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

comfort<br />

Your personal<br />

wellbeing on board<br />

Nowadays, for many passengers, fl ying<br />

regularly is part of life. However, the body is<br />

sensitive to change and fl ying still isn’t part<br />

of a normal daily rhythm. Brussels Airlines<br />

cares about your comfort, so here are a<br />

couple of hints on how to keep your body<br />

happy and healthy in the air.<br />

Before<br />

■ Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive<br />

intake of alcohol, coffee and tea<br />

■ Take time to have a stroll around the<br />

terminal after check-in<br />

■ A light snack is fine, but avoid heavy meals<br />

before flying<br />

■ Dress in loose, comfortable clothing<br />

■ Apply moisturiser to keep your skin<br />

feeling fresh<br />

During<br />

■ Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive<br />

intake of alcohol, coffee and tea<br />

■ Exercise helps you avoid cramps and is<br />

good for circulation, even on short flights<br />

(see below)<br />

■ Don’t eat too much<br />

Exercises<br />

Stretch and flex your leg muscles, as well as<br />

your arms, shoulders and neck, from time to<br />

time. This will improve your general level of<br />

comfort and stimulate your circulation.<br />

Stretch and rotate your ankles and legs while<br />

sitting in your seat.<br />

Votre bien-être à bord<br />

De nos jours, il est de plus en plus courant de<br />

prendre l’avion régulièrement. Cependant,<br />

le corps est sensible aux changements, et<br />

voler implique toujours une modifi cation<br />

du rythme normal. Pour Brussels Airlines, la<br />

question de votre confort est une priorité.<br />

Voici donc quelques conseils pour garder un<br />

corps léger et équilibré jusque dans les airs.<br />

Avant<br />

■ Buvez beaucoup d’eau, évitez une consommation<br />

excessive d’alcool, de café et de thé<br />

■ Prenez le temps de vous balader un peu<br />

dans l’aérogare après l’enregistrement<br />

■ N’hésitez pas à prendre un en-cas léger, mais<br />

évitez les repas trop lourds avant d’embarquer<br />

■ Portez des vêtements amples et confortables<br />

■ Appliquez une crème hydratante pour<br />

garder une peau fraîche<br />

Pendant<br />

■ Buvez beaucoup d’eau, évitez une<br />

consommation excessive d’alcool, de café et<br />

de thé<br />

■ Faire de l’exercice permet d’éviter les<br />

crampes et est excellent pour la circulation.<br />

Essayez les exercices décrits ci-dessous<br />

■ Ne mangez pas trop<br />

Exercises<br />

Etirez et fléchissez de temps à autre les<br />

muscles de vos jambes, vos bras, vos épaules<br />

et votre nuque. Cela améliorera votre confort<br />

général tout en stimulant votre circulation.<br />

Etirez et dessinez de petits cercles avec vos<br />

chevilles et vos jambes lorsque vous êtes assis.<br />

Uw persoonlijk<br />

comfort aan board<br />

Vandaag maakt vliegen voor heel wat<br />

passagiers deel uit van het dagelijkse<br />

leven. Ons lichaam is echter gevoelig voor<br />

verandering en vliegen kan ons dagritme<br />

danig in de war brengen. Uw welzijn ligt<br />

Brussels Airlines nauw aan het hart. Daarom<br />

geven we u enkele tips om ook in de lucht uw<br />

lichaam fi t en gezond te houden.<br />

Vooraf<br />

■ Drink veel water en vermijd overmatig<br />

gebruik van alcohol, koffie en thee<br />

■ Neem de tijd om na het inchecken even<br />

door de terminal te wandelen<br />

■ Een lichte snack mag, maar eet niet te<br />

zwaar vóór u het vliegtuig neemt<br />

■ Draag losse, comfortabele kleding<br />

■ Gebruik een vochtinbrengende crème zodat<br />

uw huid fris aanvoelt<br />

Tijdens<br />

■ Drink veel water en vermijd overmatig<br />

gebruik van alcohol, koffie en thee<br />

■ Oefeningen voorkomen krampen en zijn<br />

goed voor de bloedsomloop. Probeer<br />

onderstaande oefeningen<br />

■ Eet niet te veel<br />

Oefeningen<br />

Strek en buig nu en dan uw benen, armen,<br />

schouders en nek. U zult er zich beter door<br />

voelen en het stimuleert de bloedsomloop.<br />

Strek en draai uw enkels en benen terwijl u in<br />

uw stoel zit.<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

Stretch and rotate your ankles and legs while seated 1 . Flex and stretch your calf muscles 2 , as well as your arms 3 , shoulders and neck 4 periodically. This<br />

will improve your general level of comfort and stimulate your circulation.<br />

Illustrations Kurt Parton/illustrationroom.com.au

96<br />


relax<br />

What’s that noise?<br />

Aircraft, like any other form of motorised transport, are full of odd noises and<br />

movements that can be disconcerting when you’re not used to them. At Brussels<br />

Airlines we understand passengers’ concerns and are passionate about reassuring<br />

you, so we’ve prepared this short guide to set your mind at ease<br />

■ Just before or after start-up, the lights and air conditioning suddenly go off<br />

and back on.<br />

Don’t worry: This is a changeover of power source, from an external generator to<br />

an internal one.<br />

■ During taxi you see part of the wing moving down and backwards.<br />

Don’t worry: These are flaps extending to provide more lift during take-off. After<br />

take-off they will retract until just before landing.<br />

■ Immediately after take-off you hear a noise from below the floor.<br />

Don’t worry: This is the landing gear retracting into the body of the aircraft.<br />

■ During climb the sound of the engines diminishes.<br />

Don’t worry: The engines go to a lower power output after initial full throttle for<br />

take-off. They also go to ‘idle power’ just before descent.<br />

■ During climb you hear a whirring noise, changing in intensity or tone.<br />

Don’t worry: This is the sound of the flaps retracting. You’ll hear the same noise<br />

just before landing, when the flaps extend again.<br />

■ You see the wing-tips moving up and down during turbulence.<br />

Don’t worry: The wings are flexible and built to cope with heavy turbulence.<br />

■ You see a flashing light through the windows.<br />

Don’t worry: This is usually the strobe lights on the wing-tips reflecting off<br />

surrounding clouds. Lightning can also be seen at night, but this is no indication of<br />

the distance of the storm – the heart of the storm will usually be further away.<br />

■ After landing you hear a blowing sound (sometimes with increasing engine sound).<br />

Don’t worry: This is the engine’s thrust reversers, redirecting the airflow of the<br />

engines forward to slow down the aircraft.<br />

■ You experience heavy deceleration after touch-down, sometimes accompanied<br />

by a pulsating braking.<br />

Don’t worry: Braking can be heavier or softer depending on the length of the<br />

runway. The pulsation is from the anti-skid device (just like in a car), which<br />

prevents the wheels skidding on wet ground.<br />

If you have any questions that aren’t covered here, just ask your flight attendant. For<br />

those who need reassurance, Brussels Airlines, Brussels Airport and the University<br />

of Ghent have set up a special two-day course designed to help passengers get over<br />

their fear of flying. For further information, visit vliegangst.org<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

C’est quoi ce bruit?<br />

Comme tous les moyens de transport motorisés, un avion émet<br />

toutes sortes de bruits bizarres et effectue des mouvements,<br />

qui peuvent inquiéter si vous n’y êtes pas habitué. Chez Brussels<br />

Airlines, nous comprenons parfaitement le malaise que cela<br />

peut occasionner chez les passagers, et nous mettons tout en<br />

oeuvre pour vous rassurer. Voici donc un petit guide des bruits<br />

et des mouvements qui vous aidera à voyager l’esprit tranquille<br />

■ Juste avant ou après le démarrage de l’avion, les lumières et<br />

l’air conditionné s’éteignent et se rallument subitement.<br />

C’est tout à fait normal: Il s’agit d’un changement de source<br />

d’alimentation électrique: on passe d’un générateur externe à<br />

un générateur interne.<br />

■ Quand l’avion roule sur la piste, vous voyez une partie de<br />

l’aile s’abaisser et reculer.<br />

C’est tout à fait normal: Les volets se déploient pour offrir<br />

plus de portance lors du décollage. Après le décollage, ils se<br />

replieront jusqu’au moment de l’atterrissage.<br />

■ Juste après le décollage, vous entendez un bruit<br />

provenant du sol.<br />

C’est tout à fait normal: Ce n’est que le train d’atterrissage<br />

qui se replie dans le fuselage de l’avion.<br />

■ Le bruit des moteurs diminue pendant l’ascension.<br />

C’est tout à fait normal: Les moteurs diminuent de puissance<br />

après avoir fonctionné à pleins gaz lors du décollage. Ils<br />

passent également en mode ‘puissance réactive’ juste avant<br />

la descente de l’avion.<br />

■ Durant l’ascension, vous entendez un vrombissement dont<br />

l’intensité et la sonorité varient.<br />

C’est tout à fait normal: Les volets sont en train de se<br />

replier. Vous entendrez le même bruit juste avant<br />

l’atterrissage, quand ils se déploieront à nouveau.<br />

■ Quand l’avion traverse une zone de turbulences, vous voyez<br />

les extrémités des ailes bouger de haut en bas.<br />

C’est tout à fait normal: Les ailes sont flexibles et conçues<br />

pour résister à de très fortes turbulences.<br />

■ Vous voyez une lumière clignoter à travers les hublots.<br />

C’est tout à fait normal: Il s’agit généralement du reflet des<br />

lumières stroboscopiques qui se trouvent à l’extrémité des ailes<br />

de l’avion sur les nuages environnants. La nuit, vous pouvez aussi<br />

parfois voir des éclairs, mais ceux-ci n’indiquent en rien la distance<br />

de l’orage : le cœur de l’orage sera généralement plus éloigné.<br />

■ Après l’atterrissage, vous entendrez parfois un soufflement<br />

(pouvant être accompagné du bruit des moteurs qui va augmentant).<br />

C’est tout à fait normal: Il s’agit des inverseurs de poussée<br />

du moteur, qui redirigent le débit d’air des moteurs vers<br />

l’avant afin de ralentir l’avion.<br />

■ Après l’atterrissage, vous sentez une forte décélération,<br />

parfois accompagnée d’un freinage pulsé.<br />

C’est tout à fait normal: Le freinage peut être plus doux ou<br />

plus musclé selon la longueur de la piste. La pulsation<br />

provient du système antidérapant (comme dans une voiture),<br />

empêchant les roues de déraper sur le sol humide.<br />

Si des interrogations subsistent, n’hésitez pas à vous adresser au<br />

personnel de cabine. Pour les passagers souffrant d’anxiété, Brussels<br />

Airlines, Brussels Airport et l’Université de Gand ont mis sur pied une<br />

formation spéciale de deux jours, dont le but est d’aider à surmonter<br />

cette peur. Pour plus d’informations, voir vliegangst.org

“Regaining my hair is one of the best decisions I’ve made,<br />

I look and feel younger again; Thanks BHR Clinic!”<br />

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and large procedures for those with advanced hair loss.<br />

Hotel Gravensteen<br />

49 rooms<br />

Unique Hotel in<br />

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Book now online!<br />

www.gravensteen.be<br />

hotel@gravensteen.be<br />

Tel: 0032 23 44 71 78<br />


Email: medical@bhrclinic.com<br />

12a Avenue Brugmann, Brussels 1060 Belgium<br />


Voucher<br />

1. Free Breakfast buffet per person for each Luxury Room Reservation (*)<br />

2. One Welcome Drink (soft or hot drinks, wine and Belgian beer) per<br />

person for each Standard Room reservation (*)<br />

Hotel Gravensteen<br />

(*) Promotions can not be combined with other offers or promotions.

98<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

in the air<br />

Brussels Airlines aircraft are a regular sight taking off and landing at Brussels Airport as well as at the<br />

70+ destinations we serve across Europe and Africa. Check our fl eet line-up to fi nd out more about the<br />

aircraft you’re fl ying on<br />

Airbus A319<br />

Number 4<br />

Destination Europe<br />

Seats 132<br />

Wingspan 34.09 metres<br />

Length 33.84 metres<br />

Height 11.76 metres<br />

Cruising speed 850 km/h<br />

Number 5<br />

Destination Europe<br />

Seats 142<br />

Wingspan 29.90 metres<br />

Length 33.40 metres<br />

Height 11.13 metres<br />

Max cruising speed 927 km/h<br />

Number 12<br />

Destination Europe<br />

Seats 97<br />

Wingspan 26.30 metres<br />

Length 31.00 metres<br />

Height 08.50 metres<br />

Cruising speed 755 km/h<br />

Airbus A330-300<br />

Number 4<br />

Destination Africa<br />

Seats 284<br />

Wingspan 60.30 metres<br />

Length 63.66 metres<br />

Height 16.91 metres<br />

Cruising speed 870 km/h<br />

Boeing 737-300 Boeing 737-400<br />

Number 5<br />

Destination Europe<br />

Seats 164<br />

Wingspan 29.90 metres<br />

Length 36.45 metres<br />

Height 11.13 metres<br />

Max cruising speed 927 km/h<br />

AVRO RJ100 AVRO RJ85<br />

Number 14<br />

Destination Europe<br />

Seats 82<br />

Wingspan 26.30 metres<br />

Length 28.30 metres<br />

Height 08.50 metres<br />

Cruising speed 755 km/h

98<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

in the air<br />

Brussels Airlines aircraft are a regular sight taking off and landing at Brussels Airport as well as at the<br />

70+ destinations we serve across Europe and Africa. Check our fl eet line-up to fi nd out more about the<br />

aircraft you’re fl ying on<br />

Airbus A319<br />

Number 4<br />

Destination Europe<br />

Seats 132<br />

Wingspan 34.09 metres<br />

Length 33.84 metres<br />

Height 11.76 metres<br />

Cruising speed 850 km/h<br />

Number 5<br />

Destination Europe<br />

Seats 142<br />

Wingspan 29.90 metres<br />

Length 33.40 metres<br />

Height 11.13 metres<br />

Max cruising speed 927 km/h<br />

Number 12<br />

Destination Europe<br />

Seats 97<br />

Wingspan 26.30 metres<br />

Length 31.00 metres<br />

Height 08.50 metres<br />

Cruising speed 755 km/h<br />

Airbus A330-300<br />

Number 4<br />

Destination Africa<br />

Seats 284<br />

Wingspan 60.30 metres<br />

Length 63.66 metres<br />

Height 16.91 metres<br />

Cruising speed 870 km/h<br />

Boeing 737-300 Boeing 737-400<br />

Number 5<br />

Destination Europe<br />

Seats 164<br />

Wingspan 29.90 metres<br />

Length 36.45 metres<br />

Height 11.13 metres<br />

Max cruising speed 927 km/h<br />

AVRO RJ100 AVRO RJ85<br />

Number 14<br />

Destination Europe<br />

Seats 82<br />

Wingspan 26.30 metres<br />

Length 28.30 metres<br />

Height 08.50 metres<br />

Cruising speed 755 km/h

100<br />

Brussels Airport, the home base of Brussels Airlines,<br />

is tailored to suit the needs of all passengers: business<br />

travellers who seek a full service product, holiday<br />

passengers and low fare seekers alike. Brussels<br />

Airport aims to be amongst the most welcoming and<br />

efficient airports in the world. Over the last few years,<br />

international surveys and ratings show that the airport<br />

comes very close to reaching this ambitious target<br />

Transport to/from Brussels Airport<br />

Car rental<br />

The car rental companies are located<br />

in the arrivals hall level 2. To return<br />

your car, follow the signage at Brussels Airport<br />

for Front Park 1. Returning your car is simple<br />

and should take no longer than 10 minutes. Avis<br />

is the preferred partner of Brussels Airlines, for<br />

preferential rates, see the Avis link on<br />

brusselsairlines.com<br />

At Brussels Airport over<br />

10,000 parking spaces are<br />

available within walking distance of the<br />

passenger terminal. All year round we offer a<br />

range of parking products tailored to the needs<br />

of each customer including promotions for city<br />

trips and holiday packages. Park in FP3 for 14<br />

days and pay less €7 per day. Brussels Airlines<br />

passengers are entitled to a free upgrade to VIP<br />

Parking when flying Business Class.<br />

Taxis<br />

Taxis are continuously available<br />

outside the arrivals hall, level 2. We<br />

advise you to use official taxis carrying a yellow/<br />

blue licence emblem. Wheelchair users can<br />

reserve a taxi with Taxi Hendricks via tel. +32<br />

(0)2 752 9800 or hendriks.be<br />

Buses<br />

The bus station is located at level 0 and<br />

provides bus services to many cities<br />

around Brussels Airport. For more information<br />

you can contact:<br />

■ De Lijn: tel. +32 (0)70 220 200 or delijn.be<br />

■ MIVB/STIB: tel. +32 (0)7 023 2000 or stib.be<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

at the airport<br />

■ Airport Express:<br />

Antwerp–Brussels Airport–Antwerp:<br />

tel. +32 (0)52 334 000 or<br />

airportexpress.be<br />

The Netherlands–Brussels<br />

Airport–The Netherlands:<br />

airportxpress.nl (stops at<br />

Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Breda)<br />

Trains<br />

The train station is<br />

located at Brussels<br />

Airport at level -1. The Brussels<br />

For more information please visit our website: brusselsairport.be<br />

LEVEL 2<br />

LEVEL 1<br />

Airport Express takes you up to<br />

four times an hour to the centre of LEVEL -2<br />

Brussels in 15 minutes. From there you can<br />

connect to the Belgian and international rail<br />

networks. For more information please contact<br />

NMBS/SNCB via tel. +32 (0)2 753 2440 or b-rail.be<br />

GATES A28-A39<br />

LEVEL 0<br />

Persons with<br />

reduced mobility<br />

Brussels Airport is fully adapted to<br />

the needs of persons with reduced mobility<br />

(PRM). PRM who are accompanied can borrow a<br />

wheelchair in the departures hall to go to their<br />

gate and may apply for special assistance at the<br />

airport to proceed from the car park, bus or train<br />

station to the gate or vice versa. Always inform<br />

your airline of your specific needs.<br />

Communication<br />

A wireless internet connection (Wi-Fi/<br />

Hotspot) is available throughout the<br />

airport buildings. Wi-Fi access cards can be<br />

purchased at the Communication Centre in the<br />

arrivals hall level 2, or through the vending<br />

wi<br />

fi<br />

wi<br />

fi<br />

wi<br />

fi<br />



Beside Gate T61<br />

GATES A40-A72<br />

GATES T61-T72<br />


LOUNGE<br />

A57<br />



Opposite Gate A40<br />

machines situated near the airline lounges, at<br />

the various Relay Shops and in the concourses.<br />

Lost, found and<br />

refused objects<br />

■ In the terminal: go to the<br />

information desk in the arrivals hall – level 2<br />

(opening hours 6am-9pm). For more information,<br />

tel. 0900-70 000 daily 7am-9pm<br />

■ Left on board: go to the Brussels Airlines desk<br />

in the baggage reclaim area<br />

■ Lost baggage: go to the Brussels Airlines<br />

desk in the baggage reclaim area,<br />

tel. +32 (0)2 723 3052

T-AREA<br />

LEVEL 4<br />

LEVEL 3<br />

LEVEL 2<br />

LEVEL 0<br />

LEVEL -1<br />



BUSES<br />

TO GATES A/T<br />








LOUNGE<br />

ATM (Cash machines)<br />

There are 8 ATMs at Brussels Airport:<br />

2 in the arrivals hall (level 2), 1 in the<br />

baggage reclaim area (level 2 airside), 2 in the<br />

departures hall (level 3), 1 on level 4 next to the<br />

Brussels Café, 1 at the beginning of Pier B and 1<br />

in Pier A shopping area (level 1).<br />

wi<br />

fi<br />

wi<br />

fi<br />

wi<br />

fi<br />

GATES B91-B98<br />







Beside Gate B16<br />

GATES<br />

B80-B86<br />


CHECK-IN<br />



Leaving or arriving at Brussels Airport?<br />

Passengers can enjoy the shopping experience<br />

featuring Esprit, River Woods, Puma and many<br />

other internationally renowned fashion brands<br />

at very competitive prices.<br />

wi<br />

fi<br />


GATES B01-B40<br />



Brussels Airlines<br />

Services<br />

Restaurants & Bars<br />

Shops<br />

Tickets & Airline services<br />

Airline lounges<br />

Relaxation Zone<br />

Wireless Internet Access Zone<br />

Check-in<br />

Baggage reclaim area<br />

Supermarket<br />

At arrivals level the supermarket<br />

offers a wide range of bakery<br />

products and fresh vegetables as well as a large<br />

assortment of non-food products. There is also a<br />

Post Office service available.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />




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NEW<br />

Versie/Version<br />

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Concentré de technologies (GPS, GPRS, GSM), Coyote permet en<br />

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conduite plus sereine et plus sécurisée. Rejoignez la Communauté<br />

Coyote. Adhérez à une nouvelle philosophie de la route, en toute<br />

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*<br />



BRISTOL *<br />

BILBAO *<br />


* WARSAW<br />

* PRAGUE<br />

VIENNA *<br />

* BUDAPEST<br />

*<br />

ATHENS *<br />

BERLIN<br />



* NICE<br />



*<br />

PORTO *<br />

LISBON *<br />

FARO * MALAGA*<br />

LONDON<br />

*<br />



* KRAKOW<br />

* MADRID<br />

* TURIN<br />

* ROME<br />

TOULOUSE *<br />

*<br />

SEVILLE *<br />





GENEVA<br />

LYON *<br />

*<br />


* NAPLES<br />

*<br />

FLORENCE *<br />


* BRUSSELS<br />

Get the lowdown on cities from across the Brussels Airlines network with<br />

our essential guides compiled by locally based writers. And don’t forget<br />

to look out for different destinations in next month’s issue of b.there!<br />

€99 *<br />




€99 *<br />



€119 *<br />



€139 *<br />





€99 *<br />



Brussels Airlines flies from<br />

Brussels BELGIUM 104<br />

to 60 European destinations including<br />

Barcelona SPAIN 108<br />

Bilbao SPAIN 109<br />

Bologna ITALY 110<br />

Catania ITALY 111<br />

Florence ITALY 112<br />

Lisbon PORTUGAL 113<br />

Marseille FRANCE 114<br />

Milan ITALY 115<br />

Newcastle UNITED KINGDOM 116<br />

Nice FRANCE 117<br />

Oslo NORWAY 118<br />

Seville SPAIN 119<br />

Tel Aviv ISRAEL 120<br />

Toulouse FRANCE 121<br />

Turin ITALY 122<br />

Venice ITALY 123<br />

Vienna AUSTRIA 124<br />

Vilnius LITHUANIA 125<br />

€99 *<br />



OSLO *<br />


Check out our city guides online at btheremag.com and start<br />

saving by booking your flights now at brusselsairlines.com<br />


Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

103<br />

MOSCOW/<br />



104<br />




In February, lovers can<br />

hop on a tandem bicycle<br />

(provelo.be) and visit<br />

some of Brussels’ most<br />

romantic vista points. If<br />

you’re in a less intimate<br />

mood, catch Tokio Hotel<br />

playing at Forest National<br />

(forestnational.be), or the<br />

El Greco exhibition at the<br />

Bozar (bozar.be). As Nina<br />

Lamparski discovers,<br />

there’s no such thing as<br />

boredom in this city<br />


Art galleries and restaurants rub<br />

shoulders on this pretty street, which<br />

links the pompous Justice Palace to the<br />

Sablon Square and was once inhabited<br />

by former mayor Jules Anspach. Come<br />

here if you want to experience Brussels<br />

from a more unconventional angle<br />

– without suffering people overload.<br />

Culture vultures Stretched across<br />

three floors, the intriguing Jewish<br />

Museum of Belgium (21 Rue des<br />

Minimes) showcases rare religious<br />

objects from the 16th century, as well<br />

as documents illustrating traditional<br />

Jewish home life. Until 21 February it<br />

also features an exhibition of the works<br />

of painter Arno Stern. The Schana B.<br />

Gallery (7 Rue des Minimes), meanwhile,<br />

is the permanent home of seven glass<br />

sculptures by artist Corneille, co-founder<br />

of the CoBrA movement launched in<br />

1948. And don’t miss the amazing<br />

Huelgas Ensemble & Bl!ndman concert<br />

inside the beautiful Minimes church<br />

(62 Rue des Minimes) on 10 February.<br />

Must eat Cheap and fresh, sushi at the<br />

L’Herbe Rouge (34 Rue des Minimes,<br />

tel. (0)2 512 4834) is among the best<br />

in downtown Brussels. For something<br />

more substantial, try L’Arrière-Pays (60<br />

Rue des Minimes, tel. (0)2 514 7707),<br />

which serves hearty Belgo-French fare.<br />

A highlight is the chicory gratin with<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

INFO<br />

The city is served<br />

by Brussels<br />

Airport, located<br />

in Zaventem.<br />

Train Trains from<br />

the airport run<br />

every 15 minutes<br />

at peak times.<br />

The journey takes<br />

20–25 minutes<br />

and trains go to<br />

Brussels’ three<br />

mainline stations.<br />

Tickets cost €5,05<br />

one way.<br />

Bus The no. 12 runs<br />

every 30 minutes<br />

between the<br />

airport and Rond-<br />

Point Schuman.<br />

The journey takes<br />

about 40 minutes.<br />

A one-way ticket<br />

costs €3.<br />

Taxi A taxi from<br />

the airport to the<br />

city centre costs<br />

about €38. The<br />

journey should take<br />

around 25 minutes.<br />

Tourist office<br />

The main office<br />

is on Grand’Place<br />

(tel. (0)2 513<br />

8940, brussels<br />

international.be).<br />

ham – a must unless you’re not a fan<br />

of the herb’s slightly bitter taste.<br />

Must drink Neither slick nor fancy,<br />

Chez Richard (2 Rue des Minimes) is the<br />

Sablon’s legendary ‘local’. This ain’t a joint<br />

for posh cocktails: people come here to<br />

sip Ricard, eat a few oysters, tell jokes<br />

and make peace with the world. Hot tip:<br />

come here on a Friday night around 11pm<br />

to get drunk with old-school Brusseleirs.<br />

Shop till you drop There are a wealth<br />

of antique vendors here. For ancient<br />

artefacts, visit Gallery Drees Archeo<br />

(22 Rue des Minimes), specialising in<br />

Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilisations.<br />


Use Brussels’ infamous landmark of the<br />

silly peeing boy as a starting point to<br />

get away from the Grand’Place and its<br />

tourist traps. Forget lace and chocolate<br />

– the capital’s true essence unravels in<br />

narrow alleys where underground and<br />

mainstream styles collide.<br />

Must drink Easy to miss in passing,<br />

Nüetnigenough (25 Rue du Lombard) is<br />

simply too good a place to not be shared<br />

with fellow bar flies. A bit art nouveau,<br />

a bit Bauhaus, a bit 1940s, this curious<br />

The Bozar Centre<br />

for Fine Arts is an<br />

art deco masterpiece<br />

modern-day brasserie celebrates an<br />

insatiable lust for the good life. From<br />

monk beers to proper Italian espresso,<br />

everything tastes better here. Open<br />

every day till late, the address also has<br />

soups and tapas. A serious favourite.<br />

Shop till you drop So hip it hurts, the<br />

fashion at Matinée (11 Rue du Lombard)<br />

targets urbanists who care about how<br />

they look without caring what others<br />

think. The winter collection includes<br />

red ankle boots, thick mohair scarves,<br />

Miss Sixty jeans and Desigual diaries.<br />

Hard up? Run to the second-hand<br />

clothes store at 64 Rue du Midi for<br />

original 1950s stuff. There’s no sign<br />

above the door but the display window<br />

features a wall covered in black and<br />

white photographs. Record fans,<br />

meanwhile, will want to take a spin to<br />

the Arlequin record store (7 Rue du<br />

Chêne). The facade’s graffiti features<br />

music icons such as Jimmy Hendrix<br />

and Bob Dylan.<br />

Must eat The charming corner<br />

bistro Les Gens Qui s’Aiment (corner<br />

Rue du Midi/ Rue de Lombard, no<br />

booking) is perfect for an intimate but<br />

laid-back Valentine’s date, especially<br />



St. John’s<br />

International School<br />

Drève Richelle 146, 1410 Waterloo, Belgium<br />

Tel. 02/352 06 10, admissions@stjohns.be<br />

www.stjohns.be<br />

Un<br />

Saut Tandem<br />


“St. John’s provides an<br />

environment for broad<br />

thinking, respect for<br />

others, importance of<br />

academic achievement<br />

as well as the benefi ts<br />

of involvement in sports<br />

and arts activities.”<br />

“St. John’s is a great<br />

school with lots of<br />

diversity in the teachings<br />

as well as the students<br />

and activities.”<br />

“Great education and<br />

wonderful support for<br />

family and parents and<br />

student groups.”<br />

“St. John’s lives up to<br />

its reputation.”<br />

These are some of the<br />

comments we received<br />

when we asked parents<br />

what they think about<br />

the school. St. John’s<br />

International School is<br />

widely regarded as one<br />

of the best international<br />

schools in Europe.<br />

We invite you to come<br />

take a look for yourself<br />

if this is the school for<br />

your family! Make an<br />

appointment to tour the<br />

school and speak to<br />

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106<br />




given that its name translates as ‘the<br />

people who love each other’.<br />

Sleep soundly Its amenities might not<br />

be the most modern, but no other hotel in<br />

Brussels can offer the views you’ll enjoy<br />

at the Saint Michel (15 Grand’Place, tel.<br />

(0)2 511 0956, atgp.be, rates for rooms<br />

with Grand’Place view from €105). Set<br />

right on the Grand’Place, certain rooms<br />

look directly over the stunning square.<br />

But make sure you ask, or you could find<br />

yourself faced with bleak house fronts<br />

on the other side of the building.<br />

Dance the night away Pull your loved<br />

one close and carve up the dance floor<br />

to Cuban rhythms at Montecristo (25<br />

Rue Henri Maus). Saturday nights can<br />

be jam-packed and a great laugh, if<br />

you’re not scared of human contact.<br />

Alternatively, Café Central (14 Borgval)<br />

has a solid DJ line-up playing soul and<br />

electro house – visit lecafecentral.com<br />

to find on what’s on now.<br />


A short hop across Brussels’ canal,<br />

this multicultural neighbourhood has<br />

become a hotspot for contemporary<br />

cultural events, cheap exotic food<br />

and some of the best furniture stores<br />

to be found in Brussels.<br />

Must eat Renowned for its warm<br />

atmosphere, good service and yummy<br />

food, the New Queue de Vache (198<br />

Rue Osseghem, tel. (0)2 410 1529) is<br />

a master of traditional Belgian cooking.<br />

Those who prefer a great piece of meat<br />

over glamorous décor will love it.<br />

Culture vultures Rivalling the<br />

underground arts culture of Berlin, the<br />

Event Brewery (58 Rue Delaunoy) is one<br />

of the city’s best kept secrets. Once an<br />

old bottling plant, the huge building now<br />

hosts contemporary theatre groups,<br />

a film school, music production<br />

companies and the insanely talented<br />

designer collective Addictlab. Call<br />

(0)2 410 7878 or email info@event<br />

brewery.com to visit. Also nearby is<br />

the superb Kaaitheater (20 Place<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

INFO<br />

Distances in km<br />

from Brussels<br />

Antwerp 47<br />

Arlon 187<br />

Bastogne 150<br />

Bouillon 156<br />

Bruges 96<br />

Dinant 93<br />

Ghent 56<br />

Hasselt 77<br />

Knokke 94<br />

Leuven 26<br />

Liège 98<br />

Mechelen 26<br />

Mons 56<br />

Namur 63<br />

Tournai 84<br />

For more info, go to<br />

visitbelgium.com<br />

Enough room for two<br />

in one of the luxurious<br />

tubs at Café Pacifi c<br />

Sainctelette), showcasing innovative<br />

theatre, dance and concerts.<br />

Shop till you drop A visit on a Sunday<br />

to the street market on Rue de Brabant<br />

is a fun and vibrant affair. The whole area<br />

turns into a noisy, bustling bazaar where<br />

you can buy anything from silk underwear<br />

and handbags to make-up, brooms and<br />

DVDs. Be sure to try the delicious<br />

Moroccan deserts on offer.<br />

Sleep soundly Sensual, playful and<br />

simply gorgeous, boutique hotel Café<br />

Pacific (57 Rue Antoine Dansaert, tel.<br />

(0)2 213 0080, hotelcafepacific.com,<br />

rates from €119) is the perfect<br />

Valentine’s hideaway. Located just<br />

across the canal, it features 13 themed<br />

rooms decorated by designer Valérie<br />

Barkowski. While the Deluxe Room<br />

lures with a naked woman’s body<br />

floating across the wall, the Duplex<br />

offers a more minimalist approach<br />

and has a fantastic bath.<br />

Dance the night away Although you<br />

need to get a cab to get there, the<br />

parties at Recyclart (21 Rue des<br />

Ursulines) are among the best in town.<br />

While the warehouse is not an official<br />

club per se, the venue hosts weekly<br />

events open to the general public. Visit<br />

recyclart.be to see what’s on in February.<br />



Although the general vibe is a tad posh<br />

and ‘suburban’, this commune also<br />

claims one of Brussels’ best swimming<br />

pools, great shopping and a unique<br />

bookstore. Grab a metro in central<br />

Brussels and, after a 10-minute ride,<br />

get off at the Tomberg stop.<br />

Culture vulture Seek shelter from<br />

the howling wind inside the heated pools<br />

of the Poseidon swimming complex<br />

(2 Avenue des Vaillants), which boasts<br />

Jacuzzis, a ‘water playground’ for<br />

toddlers and a solarium. By the way,<br />

the same building also hosts an ice rink.<br />

Must eat Food and literature are<br />

combined in most unexpected ways at<br />

Cook & Book (251 Avenue Paul Hymans,<br />

tel. (0)2 761 2600). This concept<br />

restaurant, launched in 2006, features<br />

outrageously decorated library spaces<br />

dedicated to different themes, such as<br />

travel, music, art de vivre or comics.<br />

Browse through books while you indulge<br />

in some delicious Italian food.<br />

Shop till you drop With more than<br />

130 stores, the Woluwe Shopping Centre<br />

(200 Rue Saint-Lambert) is a retail<br />

paradise. Alongside the usual suspects<br />

such as fashion stores Zara and Petit<br />

Bateau or furniture haven Habitat, you’ll<br />

also find underwear label Princess Tam<br />

Tam and shoe mecca 1001 Pattes.<br />

Dance the night away Don a glam<br />

outfit and grab a cab to the recently<br />

opened Martini Spirito Bar (18 Rue<br />

Stassart), located inside a converted<br />

church. The latest hotspot in town, it<br />

attracts the city’s beautiful people<br />

– expect to rub shoulders with PR<br />

girls and media professionals.<br />

€99 *<br />



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108<br />




As if the Catalans need<br />

an excuse to party,<br />

February brings Carnival<br />

(Carnestoltes) before Lent.<br />

On a more serious note,<br />

DocsBarcelona, the<br />

respected international<br />

documentary film festival,<br />

provides an edifying<br />

glimpse of real life. Judy<br />

Thomson attempts to find<br />

the best of both worlds<br />


Off-season is the perfect time for<br />

strolling down this tree-lined boulevard<br />

leading to the port, so you can enjoy its<br />

colourful flora and fauna and not miss<br />

the Miró mosaic under your feet.<br />

Sleep soundly A classic 19th-century<br />

hotel has recently morphed into the<br />

Internacional Cool Local Hotel<br />

(78-80 La Rambla, tel. 933 022566,<br />

hotelhusainternacional.com, rooms<br />

from €88), with chic minimalism in the<br />

rooms, a chill-out roof terrace and an<br />

unbeatable view of the Liceu opera<br />

house and La Rambla.<br />

Culture vultures The largest of the<br />

city’s 40 food markets, La Boqueria<br />

(89 La Rambla) is a feast for the senses<br />

– and more vibrant than ever with the<br />

stall holders dressed up for Carnival.<br />

Stock up your larder and get great gift<br />

ideas from the endless range of cured<br />

hams, olive oil, wine, dried fruits, nuts<br />

and handmade chocolates. Then, to<br />

feed your other senses, visit Arts<br />

Santa Mònica (7 La Rambla). This<br />

17th-century convent that’s born again<br />

as a cutting-edge arts centre always<br />

has something stimulating to see.<br />

Must eat Avoid the tourist traps<br />

selling ready-made paella and nip along<br />

a side street into the plazas of the Gothic<br />

quarter for a better selection. Taller de<br />

Tapas (9 Plaza Sant Josep Oriol, tel.<br />

933 018020) has an extensive range<br />

of succulent tapas you can sit down to,<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

INFO<br />

El Prat airport is<br />

about 12km from<br />

the city.<br />

Bus There are two<br />

Aerobuses, one<br />

from each terminal<br />

(A1 and A2),<br />

stopping in Plaça<br />

Espanya, Plaça<br />

Universitat and<br />

Plaça Catalunya.<br />

Tickets cost from<br />

€5 single and the<br />

journey is about<br />

30-40 minutes.<br />

Train Trains run<br />

from the airport<br />

to Sants and<br />

Passeig de Gràcia<br />

from 6.08am until<br />

11.38pm and take<br />

about half an hour.<br />

Tickets from €2,80.<br />

Taxi A taxi to the<br />

city centre is<br />

approximately €25,<br />

depending on the<br />

traffic and your<br />

amount of luggage.<br />

Tourist Office<br />

The main branch<br />

is beneath Plaça<br />

Catalunya (tel. 932<br />

853832, barcelona<br />

turisme.com).<br />

This 17th-century convent on<br />

La Rambla now houses the<br />

Arts Santa Mònica centre<br />

from grilled razor clams to chickpeas<br />

sautéed with squid, while Taxidermista<br />

(8 Plaza Reial, tel. 934 124536) gives<br />

a new spin to Catalan dishes in stylish<br />

surroundings in this majestic square.<br />

Must drink Start from the top with<br />

a coffee at legendary Café Zurich (1<br />

Plaza Catalunya), where clients have<br />

been people-watching for over 80 years,<br />

then wind up treating yourself to a caña<br />

(draught beer) at La Cava Universal<br />

(4 Plaza del Portal de la Pau), which is<br />

a suntrap, even in February.<br />

Dance the night away At Moog (3 Arc<br />

del Teatre) there’s techno and house<br />

daily from midnight to 5am, while nearby<br />

BLVD Boulevard Culture Club (27 La<br />

Rambla) is a popular club with a range<br />

of dance music in different spaces.<br />

GRÀCIA<br />

Until the late 19th century, this<br />

charming neighbourhood was a separate<br />

village. Now its narrow streets are<br />

brimming with boutiques and buzzing<br />

at night with a cool, young crowd.<br />

Culture vultures Gràcia is home to<br />

a lesser-known Gaudí house, the brightlytiled<br />

Casa Vicens (24 Carrer de les<br />

Carolines), as well as one of his best<br />

known creations – the Park Güell. And<br />

don’t forget to catch one of the films<br />

from the DocsBarcelona festival (2-7<br />

February, docsbarcelona.com) at<br />

arthouse Cines Verdi (32 Calle Verdi).<br />

Must eat Good-value food and<br />

atmosphere at Roure (51 Riera San<br />

Miquel, tel. 932 377490) – don’t miss<br />

their midday paella on Thursdays. If<br />

you’re on expenses, guzzle seafood at<br />

King Juan Carlos’ favourite, Botafumeiro<br />

(81 Gran de Gràcia, tel. 932 184230).<br />

Must drink Pretty squares such<br />

as the Virreina or Rius i Taulat have<br />

attractive terrace cafés, like local<br />

favourite Café del Sol (16 Plaza del Sol).<br />

Shop till you drop Find one-off<br />

original designs for women at El Piano<br />

Tina Garcia (20 Calle Verdi) and<br />

comfortable style in luscious colours<br />

at Instinto (17 Astúries).<br />

SITGES<br />

An easy 40-minute train ride away,<br />

this picturesque whitewashed resort<br />

with a cosmopolitan atmosphere<br />

makes a refreshing day trip or<br />

weekend seaside break.<br />

Sleep soundly An exquisite<br />

modernista villa with only 11 rooms<br />

set in a garden, El Xalet (35 Carrer Illa<br />

de Cuba, tel. 938 110070, elxalet.com,<br />

rooms from €60) is unbeatable value.<br />

Culture vultures Possibly the gay<br />

mecca of the Med, Rua de la Disbauxa<br />

is wild during Carnival. On 14 February,<br />

gay and straight revellers alike let their<br />

hair down at the Debauchery parade.<br />

Must eat Lunch overlooking the<br />

sea on the terrace of family-run hotel<br />

La Santa Maria (52 Passeig de la Ribera,<br />

tel. 938 940999) is an essential stop.<br />

Try Sitges’ own salad, xató – a delicious<br />

mix of escarole and salt cod in a unique<br />

nutty sauce.<br />

€99 *<br />



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BILBAO<br />


Bilbao in the tail-end of<br />

winter has plenty to keep<br />

you happy. In-between<br />

shopping for alternative<br />

fashions in the old town,<br />

refuel in a tapas bar with<br />

delicious seafood and<br />

local wine. This month<br />

also sees the pre-Lent (17<br />

February) Carnival take<br />

over the city, with parades<br />

and concerts for all the<br />

family. Scott Adams puts<br />

on his party hat<br />


This intriguing tangle of cobble-stoned<br />

lanes is home to bars, shops and<br />

restaurants that ooze Basque charm. As<br />

night falls, the action moves up a notch.<br />

Sleep soundly Perfect for the budget<br />

traveller, Hotel Sirimiri (3 Plaza de la<br />

Encarnación, tel. 944 330759, hotel<br />

sirimiri.es, doubles from €58) has clean,<br />

quiet rooms, along with a gym and sauna.<br />

Culture vultures The city centre<br />

comes alive throughout Carnival from<br />

10 to 16 February, with daily events<br />

including street parades, concerts and<br />

fireworks. For post-Lent entertainment,<br />

flamenco superstar Sara Baras performs<br />

at the Teatro Arriaga (teatroarriaga.com)<br />

from 16 to 21 of this month.<br />

Shop till you drop Funky, locally<br />

designed urban wear dominates<br />

Atakateak (2 Calle Somera), but you can<br />

also stock up on hand-crafted gifts.<br />

Dance the night away Bilbao’s<br />

nightlife explodes at the disco Conjunto<br />

Vacio (4 Muelle de la Merced). DJ Alberto<br />

Gabilán rocks the house over two dance<br />

floors with electro and modern Spanish<br />

beats. The trendy crowd dress to impress<br />

and know their moves.<br />


From early morning until late evening,<br />

the views along the peaceful Nervión<br />

River offer a panorama of beautiful<br />

INFO<br />

The stunning<br />

airport, designed<br />

by Santiago<br />

Calatrava, is 12km<br />

from the centre.<br />

Taxi A single<br />

journey for up to<br />

four passengers<br />

costs around €20<br />

and takes about<br />

15 minutes.<br />

Bus Bizkaibus<br />

A3247 leaves from<br />

in front of the<br />

arrival hall from<br />

6.15am to 12am,<br />

every 30 minutes.<br />

The route goes<br />

through Gran Via,<br />

in the centre of<br />

town, before<br />

arriving at<br />

Termibús, which<br />

connects with the<br />

metro and local<br />

trains. A one-way<br />

ticket costs €1,30.<br />

Tourist office<br />

You’ll find a tourist<br />

information stand<br />

in the departure<br />

hall of the airport<br />

and a larger<br />

office in the town<br />

centre (11 Plaza<br />

Ensanche, tel. 944<br />

795 760, bilbao.<br />

net/bilbaoturismo)<br />

Revel in contemporary<br />

luxury at the Palacio<br />

de Oriol Hotel<br />

images. Hire a bicycle from your hotel<br />

and cruise along at your own pace on<br />

two wheels while enjoying the urban<br />

and architectural sights.<br />

Sleep soundly The modern Barceló<br />

Nervion Hotel (11 Paseo Campo de<br />

Volantín, tel. 944 454700, barcelo<br />

nervion.com, doubles from €70) has<br />

stunning river views as well as a great<br />

restaurant serving local specialities.<br />

The bar does excellent daiquiris.<br />

Culture vultures Spend some<br />

time exploring the Museo Bellas Artes<br />

(2 Plaza Museoko) – you’ll find<br />

masterpieces by Spanish and Basque<br />

artists. Don’t miss the works by El Greco<br />

and Sorolla in the permanent collection.<br />

Must drink The open terrace of<br />

the café of the Guggenheim Museum<br />

(2 Avenida Abandoibarra) is the perfect<br />

place to sit with a mixed drink or glass of<br />

rioja wine while enjoying the views.<br />



In contrast to the old town, this area,<br />

with its wide, tree-lined streets and<br />

modern shops, is perfect for retail<br />

therapy. Take advantage of the end<br />

of the Spanish sales before indulging<br />

in some fine Basque food.<br />

Sleep soundly Treat yourself to the<br />

luxurious old-world accommodation at<br />

Hotel Carlton (2 Plaza Federico Moyúa,<br />

tel. 944 162200, aranzazu-hoteles.com,<br />

rooms from €105).<br />

Must eat Flavours of the sea entice at<br />

Getaria (12 Colon de Larreategui, tel.<br />

944 232527) – try spider crab, sea bass<br />

with goats’ cheese or the mouth-watering<br />

seafood and rice stews.<br />

Shop till you drop Join the throngs of<br />

shoppers looking for bargains along the<br />

elegant Gran Vía and Calle Rodríguez<br />

Arias, which are home to international<br />

brand outlets as well as smaller<br />

boutiques such as that of Spanish<br />

designer Adolfo Dominguez.<br />


THE PORT<br />

Get a taste of traditional Basque<br />

maritime life in this fishing village,<br />

a 15-minute train ride from Bilbao.<br />

Sleep soundly Situated in a stunning<br />

19th-century mansion, the Palacio de<br />

Oriol Hotel (27 Avenida Murrieta, tel.<br />

944 934100, nh-hotels.com, rooms<br />

from €70) offers contemporary designer<br />

elegance, a first-class restaurant and<br />

beautiful gardens.<br />

Culture vultures Take in the<br />

picturesque harbour scene, with<br />

colourful fishing boats presided<br />

over by the impressive statue of the<br />

Virgin of Carmen – the protector of<br />

Spanish fishermen.<br />

Must eat A popular haunt of local<br />

fisher-folk and their families is Cofradia<br />

de Pescadores (in front of the statue of<br />

the Virgin of Carmen, tel. 944 610211),<br />

which boasts delicious fish dishes. The<br />

rice and seafood stew is excellent,<br />

particularly when washed down with<br />

a glass of local rueda white wine.<br />

€119 *<br />



Fly to Bilbao from just<br />

€119* return all-in.<br />

brusselsairlines.com<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


110<br />




Bologna in February can<br />

be a wonderfully vigorous<br />

affair, with the city’s<br />

myriad bars and eateries<br />

full to bursting with lively<br />

locals putting the world<br />

to rights – in-between<br />

mouthfuls of tasty<br />

lasagna. For a raucous<br />

night out to remember,<br />

meanwhile, indie rockers<br />

Kasabian are in town on<br />

the 19th, playing the hip<br />

Estragon club (visit<br />

estragon.it for details).<br />

Oscar Xavier gets into<br />

the groove<br />



Wander the enchanting medieval<br />

patchwork of streets, in the shadow<br />

of the iconic two leaning towers.<br />

Shop till you drop Go for the classic<br />

Italian look at Zinelli (5 Piazza della<br />

Mercanzia), where you can pick up<br />

tailored shirts and bespoke suits. Or<br />

for a more modern take on the bella<br />

figura, Bang Bang 2 (also 5 Piazza<br />

della Mercanzia) stocks clothes and<br />

accessories for the discerning bag lady.<br />

Must eat Al Pappagallo (3c Piazza<br />

della Mercanzia, tel. 051 232807) is one<br />

of the city’s best-loved honey pots,<br />

where you can dine on classic local fare<br />

including guinea fowl breast with grapes.<br />

Culture vultures Head to the<br />

Museo Civico Archeologico (2 Via<br />

dell’Archiginnasio, closed Mon) – an<br />

intriguing treasure trove where you’ll find<br />

relics from prehistoric times, the ancient<br />

Greeks, Romans and Etruscans.<br />


A chic shopping street leading<br />

away from the centro and heading<br />

northwards, go here for some serious<br />

shopping and to mix with the glamorous<br />

beauties of Bologna.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

INFO<br />

Guglielmo Marconi<br />

Airport is 6km<br />

outside the city.<br />

Bus A shuttle bus<br />

runs from the<br />

airport to the train<br />

station every<br />

15 minutes. The<br />

journey takes<br />

about 20 minutes<br />

and costs €5.<br />

Other buses serve<br />

Modena and Siena.<br />

Taxi The journey<br />

to the city centre<br />

takes between<br />

20 and 30 minutes,<br />

and will set you<br />

back about €18.<br />

Tourist office<br />

The main office is<br />

in Piazza Maggiore<br />

(tel. 051 239660).<br />

Enjoy live jazz while<br />

you eat or drink at the<br />

lively Bravo Caffè<br />

Sleep soundly The Best Western<br />

Hotel Re Enzo (26 Via Santa Croce,<br />

tel. 051 523322. hotelreenzo.it, rooms<br />

from €79) is rather business-minded,<br />

but with a stylish edge and good value.<br />

Alternatively, San Felice (2 Via Riva<br />

Reno, tel. 051 557457, hotelsanfelice.it,<br />

rooms from €90) is a comfy bolt-hole.<br />

Ask for a top-floor room for added quiet.<br />

Must eat For traditional comfort food,<br />

the Trattoria Danio (50 Via San Felice,<br />

tel. 051 555202) is hard to beat: try<br />

the homemade pappardelle. Equally<br />

impressive is the Osteria del Cirmolo<br />

(86 Via San Felice, tel. 051 522432), with<br />

its lighter flavours, including aubergine<br />

parmigiana with scamorza cheese.<br />

Shop till you drop Find a number<br />

of contemporary designers under one<br />

roof at I Love Shopping (21 Via San<br />

Felice, closed Sun and Thurs afternoon),<br />

or stock up on cutting-edge undies<br />

at Ricamarte (45 Via San Felice),<br />

specialising in ‘intimate apparel’.<br />



If you yearn to live out your student<br />

days once again you could do a lot<br />

worse than hanging out in Bologna’s<br />

boho quarter, which is a great place<br />

for bar-hopping.<br />

Must drink If you fancy a bit of live<br />

music, a visit to the Cantina Bentivoglio<br />

(4b Via Mascarella) is a must, with jazz<br />

on offer most nights and a huge wine<br />

cellar to work your way through. And<br />

Le Stanze (1 Via del Borgo S. Pietro)<br />

is a wonderful old bar where you can<br />

have a leisurely drink by candlelight.<br />

Must eat A veggie restaurant in<br />

red-blooded Bologna? Centro Natura<br />

(6 Via degli Albari, tel. 051 235643) is<br />

hugely popular with the local student<br />

population, with an all-organic menu that<br />

includes a frittata of vegetables with<br />

ricotta cheese. The Bravo Caffè (1 Via<br />

Mascarella, tel. 051 266112, closed<br />

Mon) is a nice mix of trad décor and<br />

an innovative menu, including veal in<br />

barbera wine with puréed potatoes.<br />


Bologna is surrounded by a number<br />

of sights and museums, all easily<br />

reached from the city centre.<br />

Culture vultures The Museo Ducati<br />

(3 Via Antonio Cavalieri Ducati) is<br />

a suitably racy celebration of the big<br />

red motorbikes. The museum (and<br />

actual factory) is open for guided tours<br />

only, easily arranged via the website,<br />

ducati.com (which also has directions).<br />

Alternatively, get a bit of exercise with<br />

a stroll up the hill to the Santuario di<br />

San Luca (36 Via di San Luca). Don’t<br />

worry if the weather’s not looking too<br />

clever; you can walk the whole way from<br />

Via Saragozza under 4km of arched<br />

porticoes. The hilltop church dates from<br />

the 18th century and is the sanctuary of<br />

the blessed Virgin of San Luca, but this<br />

is really all about the view – looking out<br />

across the city and on towards the<br />

surrounding countryside.<br />

€139 *<br />



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Colourful, vibrant Catania<br />

celebrates her patron<br />

saint, Agatha, with<br />

processions and firework<br />

displays in February.<br />

Acireale and Sciacca are<br />

the hot spots for Carnival,<br />

while Sicily’s early spring<br />

is welcomed to the tune<br />

of folk music and dancing<br />

at the Almond Blossom<br />

Festival in Agrigento.<br />

Ellen Grady joins the fun<br />


Catania’s handsome Cathedral Square,<br />

a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will be<br />

packed with worshippers from 3-5<br />

February for the festivities in honour<br />

of St Agatha, martyred at the age<br />

of 13 in AD 251 after undergoing<br />

horrifying tortures. One of the most<br />

significant and emotional religious<br />

celebrations in the world, thousands of<br />

white-robed divoti carrying great wax<br />

candles follow their much-loved patron<br />

saint in a 24-hour procession through<br />

the streets of the city.<br />

Culture vultures The sumptuous<br />

Diocese Museum (Piazza Duomo Via<br />

Etnea) next to the Cathedral displays<br />

paintings, silverware and memorabilia<br />

of St Agatha.<br />

Sleep soundly Follow the celebrations<br />

from the luxurious Una Hotel Palace<br />

(218 Via Etnea, tel. 095 250 5111,<br />

unahotels.it, doubles from €102, special<br />

offers for St Agatha’s feast), which has<br />

a marvellous penthouse restaurant.<br />

The executive rooms have private dining<br />

rooms and windows overlooking the<br />

route of the procession.<br />

Shop till you drop You’ll find dainty<br />

St Agatha’s olives made with pistachio<br />

marzipan, and pastries called St Agatha’s<br />

breasts, at Nonna Vincenza (7 Piazza San<br />

Placido). These are inspired by the olive<br />

tree that sprang up on the spot where<br />

she stopped to fasten her sandal on her<br />

INFO<br />

Fontanarossa<br />

Airport is 5km from<br />

the city centre.<br />

Bus The Alibus<br />

shuttle service<br />

connects the airport<br />

to the city centre<br />

and the rail station<br />

with a 15-minute<br />

journey. Buses run<br />

every 20 minutes<br />

from 5am to<br />

midnight, and the<br />

ticket costs €2.<br />

Other services are<br />

available to all<br />

major Sicilian<br />

destinations,<br />

including Taormina<br />

and Palermo.<br />

Taxi The journey<br />

from the airport to<br />

the centre for up to<br />

four passengers<br />

costs €25, and takes<br />

about 20 minutes<br />

(tel. 095 330966,<br />

24-hour service).<br />

All major car-hire<br />

companies are<br />

represented at<br />

the airport.<br />

Tourist office 172<br />

Via Vittorio<br />

Emanuele (tel. 095<br />

7425518, comune.<br />

catania.it).<br />

Head to Cathedral Square in<br />

early February to join the<br />

festivities for St Agatha<br />

way to prison, and the fact her breasts<br />

were torn off during the martyrdom.<br />


A stone’s throw to the north of Catania,<br />

on a cliff at the foot of Mount Etna<br />

(Europe’s largest active volcano)<br />

surrounded by lemon groves, friendly<br />

Acireale is a great place to enjoy this<br />

month’s Carnival (see carnevaleacireale.<br />

com for specific dates), with parades of<br />

enormous satirical floats.<br />

Sleep soundly To get the most out of<br />

the Acireale Carnival experience, you<br />

should stay with a family. A good choice<br />

is the central Palazzo Leonardi (241<br />

Corso Savoia, tel. 095 891501,<br />

palazzoleonardi.it, doubles from €70),<br />

where they’ll regale you with information<br />

over a wonderful Sicilian breakfast. All<br />

rooms have private bathrooms, and<br />

there’s a lovely garden.<br />

Shop till you drop Very special<br />

Carnival confectionery can be found<br />

at Condorelli (26 Via Scionti).<br />


Bus your way down to Montallegro,<br />

a peaceful country village close to the<br />

sea. With lovely surroundings, a good<br />

hotel and the best restaurant in Sicily,<br />

it’s an ideal strategic base for getting<br />

your energy back while checking out<br />

the action in nearby Agrigento, with its<br />

magnificent Doric temples, and the<br />

ancient fishing village of Sciacca.<br />

Culture vultures Hop over to<br />

Agrigento to welcome spring at the<br />

Almond Blossom Festival (1-7 Feb),<br />

featuring music and dancers from all<br />

over the world and ending with a torch-lit<br />

Friendship Procession along the UNESCO<br />

World Heritage Site Valley of the<br />

Temples. And don’t miss Sciacca, where<br />

they’ll be celebrating the 110th edition<br />

of their quirky Carnival (11-26 Feb). It’s<br />

a mad party, during which Carnival King<br />

Peppe Nappa hands out wine and grilled<br />

sausages to the revellers in fancy dress.<br />

He goes out with a bang – the fireworks<br />

on the last day are worth the trip!<br />

Sleep soundly There are just seven<br />

comfy rooms at the Relais Briuccia<br />

(1 Via Trieste, tel. 339 759 2176,<br />

relaisbriuccia.it, doubles from €90),<br />

a beautifully restored old house, but<br />

they all have a Jacuzzi, and if you ask for<br />

the suite you’ll have a private terrace<br />

offering stupendous views.<br />

Must eat Capitolo Primo is the<br />

restaurant of the Relais mentioned<br />

above. This is where young Damiano<br />

Ferrara, Sicily’s most talented chef,<br />

unleashes his inventiveness, taking full<br />

advantage of the fresh local produce to<br />

create dishes to tickle your tastebuds<br />

and delight the eye. Try the bomba,<br />

a feather-light pastry ball with prawn<br />

stuffing, served with pistachio-toasted<br />

mackerel fillet, candied cherry tomatoes<br />

and lemon parfait.<br />

Shop till you drop For good local<br />

wines try Rizzuto Guccione (Contrada<br />

Piconello) – the syrah is simply superb,<br />

and they will ship.<br />

€139 *<br />



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112<br />




February is one of the<br />

best months to visit<br />

Florence: it may be cold,<br />

but the days are sunny<br />

and there are few tourists,<br />

leaving you space to enjoy<br />

the fine food, excellent<br />

shopping and culture.<br />

Visit the annual Artisan<br />

Chocolate Fair to fill up<br />

on chocolate goodies for<br />

Valentine’s Day, or live<br />

like a local and head to<br />

Sant’Ambrogio. Kamin<br />

Mohammadi takes a tour<br />



The magnificent Piazza del Duomo<br />

is now fully traffic-free, making<br />

wandering between the splendours<br />

of the square and other sites around<br />

the piazza more pleasant than ever.<br />

Sleep soundly The Four Seasons<br />

Hotel (99 Borgo Pinti, tel. 055 26261,<br />

fourseasons.com, rooms from €295) is<br />

set in the city’s largest private park, just<br />

10 minutes from the Duomo. With its<br />

frescoes and bas-reliefs restored over<br />

seven years, it’s like staying in a museum.<br />

Culture vultures The Medici’s<br />

magnificent Renaissance palace, the<br />

Palazzo Medici Riccardi (1 Via Cavour)<br />

houses stunning frescoes and important<br />

artists, as well as the unmissable<br />

Cappella dei Magi (the Magi Chapel).<br />

Must eat Occupying the covered<br />

courtyard of the magnificent Palazzo<br />

Tornabuoni, Obika (16 Via de’<br />

Tornabuoni, tel. 055 277 3526) is<br />

a mozzarella bar devoted to the best<br />

buffalo mozzarella available in Italy,<br />

serving it up in various tasty dishes.<br />

Must drink Newly reopened and<br />

refurbished, Colle Bereto (5 Piazza<br />

degli Strozzi) is once again the coolest<br />

watering hole in town, with great<br />

aperitivos and live DJ at weekends.<br />

Strut your stuff with Florence’s most<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

Caffè Rivoire serves the best<br />

hot chocolates in town<br />

INFO<br />

Florence Peretola<br />

Airport is 4km<br />

north of Florence.<br />

Bus The Vola in Bus<br />

service runs from<br />

the airport<br />

to Santa Maria<br />

Novella station<br />

every 30 minutes.<br />

Tickets cost €4,50.<br />

Taxi A taxi from<br />

the airport to the<br />

city centre takes<br />

25 minutes and<br />

costs about €20.<br />

Tourist office<br />

The main office is<br />

at 29 Borgo Santa<br />

Croce. There’s also<br />

one outside Santa<br />

Maria Novella<br />

station, and at<br />

1 Via Cavour<br />

(tel. 055 23320,<br />

firenzeturismo.it).<br />

fashionable crowd. And if it’s cold<br />

outside, Caffè Rivoire (5 Piazza della<br />

Signoria) serves the richest hot<br />

chocolates in town, a Florentine<br />

speciality with a mountain of<br />

whipped cream on top.<br />

Shop till you drop For out-ofthis-world<br />

menswear and accessories<br />

that require a second mortgage, check<br />

out Florentine designer Stefano Ricci<br />

(5 Via de’ Pescioni), if only to see the<br />

luxurious interior of his flagship store.<br />


This lively neighbourhood features<br />

narrow streets dotted with leather<br />

workshops, dominated by the imposing<br />

Santa Croce church.<br />

Sleep soundly The gorgeous Relais<br />

Santa Croce (87 Via Ghibellina, tel. 055<br />

234 2230, baglionihotels.com, rooms<br />

from €225) provides five-star luxury,<br />

with some rooms overlooking the church.<br />

Culture vultures Seek out Giotto’s<br />

frescoes of the life of St Francis in the<br />

huge Basilica of Santa Croce (Piazza di<br />

Santa Croce). This is also the burial place<br />

of Florence’s great and good, including<br />

Michelangelo and Galileo.<br />

Must eat Reliably good, Baldovino<br />

(22r Via S.Giuseppe, tel. 055 241773)<br />

serves up a modern take on traditional<br />

Italian dishes.<br />

Must drink Stop off at the café/bar<br />

and Wi-Fi hotspot Moyo (23r Via dei<br />

Benci), which also does one of the best<br />

aperitivos in town, served up to a young<br />

and lively international crowd.<br />

Shop till you drop The annual<br />

Artisan Chocolate Fair (4-7 Feb) fills<br />

up the Piazza Santa Croce with stall<br />

after stall of delicious handmade<br />

chocolates, many from artisan<br />

chocolatiers based in Tuscany.<br />


East of the centre, this is the<br />

neighbourhood in which to make like<br />

the locals at the fruit and veg market,<br />

pick up bargains at cheap clothes stalls<br />

and browse the flea market.<br />

Culture vultures The Tempio<br />

Maggiore (4 Via Luigi Carlo Farini) is<br />

one of the most beautiful synagogues<br />

in Europe.<br />

Must eat At acclaimed chef Fabio<br />

Picchi’s private member’s club and<br />

cultural centre Teatro del Sale (118<br />

Via dei Macci, tel. 055 200 1492) you<br />

can dine cheaply, canteen-style, on his<br />

delectable food, drink his own wine<br />

and take in an evening show for just<br />

€30 – plus a €5 membership fee.<br />

Must drink The most charming<br />

café and bar in Florence, Caffè Cibrèo<br />

(5 Via del Verrocchio) is unbeatably<br />

cosy in the winter with its wooden<br />

ceiling and comfy theatre seats. Come<br />

here for the best cappuccino in town,<br />

or great evening aperitivo.<br />

Shop till you drop If the Chocolate<br />

Fair has left you craving more, handmade<br />

chocolates in a variety of flavours are<br />

sold at Bottega del Cioccolato (50 Via<br />

de’ Macci).<br />

€99 *<br />



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LISBON<br />


Lisbon’s Atlantic<br />

neighbour Rio may take<br />

centre stage for Carnival,<br />

but there are some great<br />

parades in local Sesimbra.<br />

Also worth seeking out<br />

are the thought-provoking<br />

‘suspended time’<br />

installations by Jane<br />

and Louise Wilson at<br />

the Gulbenkian Museum<br />

(see museu.gulbenkian.pt<br />

for details). Matthew<br />

Hancock explores the<br />

city’s hidden treasures<br />

BAIXA<br />

This downtown riverside suburb is<br />

Lisbon’s commercial heart, which<br />

pulses with street life.<br />

Sleep soundly The Evidencia Tejo (2<br />

Rua dos Condes de Monsanto, tel. 218<br />

886182, evidenciahoteis.com, rooms<br />

from €80) offers affordable boutiquestyle<br />

rooms in the heart of the Baixa.<br />

Culture vultures Still evolving MuDe<br />

(24 Rua Augusta) is becoming one of<br />

Europe’s top museums of fashion and<br />

design, set in a former bank.<br />

Must eat The Casa do Alentejo (58<br />

Rua das Portas de Santo Antão, tel. 213<br />

469231) serves sumptuous southern<br />

Portuguese dishes, such as pork with<br />

clams, in a splendid tiled dining room.<br />

Must drink A powerful ginginha<br />

(cherry brandy) in the tiny A Ginginha<br />

(8 Largo de São Domingos) guarantees<br />

you a glowing view of Lisbon.<br />

Shop till you drop First-rate<br />

Portuguese flavours – from pungent<br />

cheeses to vintage ports – can be found<br />

at Manuel Tavares (1a Rua da Betesga).<br />

ALFAMA<br />

The city’s oldest quarter is an alluring<br />

tangle of back alleys that lead between<br />

the castle and the river.<br />

Sleep soundly With rooms abutting<br />

the castle walls, Solar do Castelo (2 Rua<br />

Take in work by modern artists<br />

from around the world at the<br />

Gulbenkian Museum<br />

INFO<br />

Lisbon (Portela)<br />

Airport is located<br />

within the city.<br />

Bus The Aerobus<br />

leaves every<br />

20 minutes from<br />

7.40am to 11pm<br />

for the city centre,<br />

terminating at<br />

Cais do Sodré.<br />

Tickets, which are<br />

valid all day, cost<br />

€3,50 and can be<br />

bought onboard.<br />

Taxi The 20-minute<br />

journey into the<br />

city centre costs<br />

about €15, with an<br />

extra charge for<br />

luggage in the boot.<br />

Prices increase<br />

by 20% at night,<br />

weekends and on<br />

bank holidays.<br />

Tourist office The<br />

Lisboa Welcome<br />

Centre is located at<br />

15 Rua do Arsenal<br />

(tel. 21 031 2700,<br />

visitlisboa.com).<br />

das Cozinhas, tel. 218 806050, heritage.<br />

pt, rooms from €175) is a small,<br />

tastefully furnished hotel that offers<br />

a breakfast to die for – served in the<br />

courtyard when the sun shines.<br />

Culture vultures Tune into distinctive<br />

Portuguese fado at the excellent Casa<br />

do Fado museum (1 Largo do Chafariz de<br />

Dentro), which explains all you need to<br />

know about this mournful musical style.<br />

Must drink Sink in the comfy sofas<br />

of Pois Café (93–95 Rua São João da<br />

Praça), where you could easily hole up<br />

all day over a steaming hot chocolate<br />

and a cake or two.<br />

Shop till you drop Little changed<br />

since it opened in the 1930s, quirky<br />

Conserveira de Lisboa (34 Rua dos<br />

Bacalhoeiras) specialises in tinned fish,<br />

with wooden cabinets stacked with<br />

canned sardines, squid and mussels.<br />

SANTOS<br />

Dockside Santos is known as the district<br />

of design, with fashionable cafés and<br />

bars serving a range of designer shops.<br />

Sleep soundly Recently renovated<br />

York House (32 Rua das Janelas Verdes,<br />

tel. 213 962435, yorkhouselisboa.com,<br />

Image José Manuel Costa Alves<br />

rooms from €120) combines the feel of<br />

a former Carmelite convent with ultra<br />

chic décor, overlooking a courtyard.<br />

Culture vultures Though this puppet<br />

museum mostly appeals to children,<br />

the Museu da Marioneta (146 Rua da<br />

Esperença) also has plenty for adults,<br />

including risqué shadow puppets and<br />

scary life-size satirical marionettes.<br />

Must eat Guarda Mor (8 Rua do<br />

Guarda Mor, tel. 213 978663) serves<br />

sublime prawns fried in lemon and<br />

wonderful salted cod cakes, as well<br />

as a range of warming soups.<br />

Must drink A popular bar with<br />

students, Peróla (25 Calçada Ribeiro<br />

de Santos) packs in the locals thanks<br />

to table football, inexpensive drinks<br />

and lively music.<br />

Dance the night away Club<br />

B.leza (50 Largo Conde de Barão)<br />

has hosted top African and Latin<br />

bands for over a decade in its fine<br />

16th-century building.<br />


An hour south, Sesimbra is a popular<br />

weekend retreat from the capital.<br />

A former fishing village with great<br />

beaches, it also hosts the region’s<br />

best Carnival parade in mid February.<br />

Sleep soundly Right on the seafront,<br />

the Sana Sesimbra Hotel (11 Av. 25 de<br />

Abril, tel. 212 289000, sanahotels.com,<br />

rooms from €95) comes with glass lifts,<br />

sauna and pool, restaurant and groovy<br />

rooftop bar.<br />

Culture vultures Hanging over the<br />

town is a battlemented Moorish castle<br />

that encloses a church and cemetery,<br />

offering dazzling views over the coast.<br />

Must eat It’s hard to resist the fresh<br />

fish and seafood straight from the<br />

Atlantic at Pedra Alta (13 Largo dos<br />

Bombaldes, tel. 212 231791) – but<br />

leave room for crêpes for dessert.<br />

€119 *<br />



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In February – which takes<br />

its name from the Latin<br />

verb ‘februare’, to purify<br />

– where better to cleanse<br />

the soul than Marseille?<br />

As the terraces start<br />

to fill with the peoplewatching<br />

population,<br />

Molly Simpson sticks<br />

on her shades and sets<br />

out in search of some of<br />

the more sun-drenched<br />

spots to while away<br />

an hour or two…<br />


Against a panoramic backdrop and<br />

adorned with spectacular yachts and<br />

crumbling fishing boats, Marseille’s<br />

harbour beautifully portrays its rich<br />

diversity of cultures and communities.<br />

Surrounded by cafés and restaurants<br />

both chic and sultry, this vibrant setting<br />

is a gateway – to the atmospheric<br />

quarters of Le Panier on the north side,<br />

and the boulevard of La Canebière<br />

that separates the convivial Belsunce<br />

quarter from the designer shopping<br />

streets to the south.<br />

Sleep soundly Steeped in history,<br />

the Grand Tonic (43 Quai des Belges,<br />

tel. (0)4 9155 6746), tonichotel.com,<br />

rooms from €85) is housed in a building<br />

from the early 1900s. But it offers<br />

contemporary style and modern<br />

comforts, including large flatscreen<br />

TVs and hydro-massage bathtubs.<br />

Culture vultures Musée<br />

d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne (2 Rue<br />

de la Charité) boasts a number of<br />

outstanding artefacts, including some<br />

beautiful pottery and glassware. The<br />

museum’s Egyptian collection is<br />

particularly notable.<br />

Must eat La Cuisine au Beurre (72<br />

Quai du Port, tel. (0)4 9190 9529) is<br />

the perfect place to people-watch with<br />

a plate of chunky chips and a bowl of<br />

steaming mussels. La Table de l’Olivier<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

Mingle with<br />

the cool crowd<br />

at Trolleybus<br />

INFO<br />

Aéroport de<br />

Marseille Provence<br />

is 20km north-west<br />

of the city centre.<br />

Bus A shuttle bus<br />

connects the<br />

airport to Marseille<br />

every 20 minutes<br />

or so, and the<br />

journey takes<br />

between 25 and<br />

30 minutes.<br />

Tickets cost €8,50.<br />

Taxi A taxi to the<br />

centre of Marseille<br />

from the airport<br />

costs about €40<br />

during the day and<br />

€50 at night. The<br />

journey takes<br />

around 30 minutes.<br />

Tourist office<br />

The main office<br />

can be found at<br />

4 La Canebière,<br />

close to Vieux Port<br />

(tel. (0)4 9113<br />

8900, marseilletourisme.com).<br />

(56 Rue Mazenod, tel. (0)4 9191 1704),<br />

meanwhile, serves up an explosion of<br />

east-meets-west flavours using local<br />

produce in sophisticated surroundings.<br />

Dance the night away Le Crystal (148<br />

Quai du Port) is a kitsch setting serving<br />

equally chintzy cocktails that’ll get you<br />

in the mood for late-night revelling, and<br />

Trolleybus (24 Quai Rive Neuve) draws<br />

the city’s in-crowd with acid jazz and<br />

hip-hop until the early hours.<br />


A train or car ride of less than 30<br />

minutes will find you in Carry-le-Rouet.<br />

This seaside town is the beginning of<br />

the lesser-known ‘La Côte Bleue’,<br />

offering pine forests bordering the<br />

sea that are ideal for coastal walks<br />

and laid-back living. Visit this quaint<br />

resort and imagine you are one of<br />

the town’s more famous residents,<br />

Nina Simone, who lived here until her<br />

death in 2003.<br />

Sleep soundly Should relaxation be<br />

on the agenda then family-run B&B Villa<br />

L’Oursinade (25 Allée de la Calanque,<br />

(0)4 4244 7077, provence-en-famille.<br />

com, rooms from €65) can provide the<br />

perfect escape, with its calm and<br />

picturesque setting overlooking<br />

the Mediterranean.<br />

Must eat Le Galion (3 Quai Prof Emile<br />

Vayssière, tel. (0)4 4244 5340) provides<br />

diners with port-side views while they<br />

wash down simple, freshly caught<br />

seafood with the finest local wine.<br />

And La Brise (Quai Emile Vayssière,<br />

tel, (0)4 4245 3055), perched on the hill,<br />

is perfect for slurping bouillabaisse.<br />

Panoramic views, rattan chairs and<br />

sublime service justify the price.<br />

Dance the night away Make a night<br />

of it at Casino Barrière (Avenue Aristide<br />

Briand) – if dinner and a dabble on the<br />

poker tables or slot machines doesn’t<br />

suit, catch a cabaret show instead.<br />


The iconoclast will adore this charming<br />

‘anything goes’ district, where Cours<br />

Julien and Place Jean-Jaurès offer<br />

boutique and trendy cafés that make<br />

up the commonly known ‘Le Plateau’.<br />

The arty, bohemian vibe creates<br />

the perfect setting for a day spent<br />

shopping or musing at the myriad<br />

galleries and workshops.<br />

Shop till you drop Oogie (55, Cours<br />

Julien), is a 400m2 collection of services,<br />

aptly named a ‘lifestore’. Comprising<br />

a hair studio, restaurant, café, bookstore,<br />

clothing stores and a gallery – the list<br />

goes on – this is one-stop shopping and<br />

dining at its quirkiest and most fun.<br />

Culture vultures Those who share<br />

a passion for canvasses and sculptures<br />

will adore the convivial surroundings<br />

of gallery Galerie Anna Tschopp (197<br />

Rue Paradis).<br />

Must drink L’Enoteka (28 Boulevard<br />

Notre Dame) is a place to linger – it<br />

offers over 70 different wines served<br />

by the glass, along with a tasty plate<br />

of charcuterie or cheese.<br />

€99 *<br />



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MILAN<br />


There’s plenty to see and<br />

do in Milan this month.<br />

If you’re in town on<br />

16 February don’t miss<br />

the annual Carnevale<br />

Ambrosiano – a huge<br />

street festival in honour<br />

of the city’s patron saint,<br />

Ambrogio, when most<br />

of the centro is taken up<br />

with floats and parades.<br />

Earlier on, you can still<br />

catch the sales (generally<br />

till the second week of<br />

February), so make sure<br />

you leave room in your<br />

suitcase for those extra<br />

purchases. Matt Barker<br />

tries to pick up a bargain<br />



Milan’s canal district is a hive of busy<br />

bars and restaurants, with plenty of<br />

small, independent shops to explore.<br />

Shop till you drop The shelves of<br />

La Vineria (4 Via Casale, closed Sun and<br />

Mon morning) are groaning under the<br />

weight of wine bottles and olive oil. Or<br />

for vintage fashions, try Renuns-Strascé<br />

(21 Ripa di Porta Ticinese), which sells<br />

clothes and accessories dating from the<br />

1940s to the 1970s.<br />

Culture vultures Dating from the<br />

5th century, the San Lorenzo Maggiore<br />

church (Corso di Porta Ticinese) includes<br />

16 Roman columns and the beautiful<br />

chapel of St Aquilino.<br />

Must eat Offering rustic charm in the<br />

heart of the city, Al Pont de Ferr (55 Ripa<br />

di Porta Ticinese, tel. 028 940 6277) is<br />

a proud flag-waver for northern Italian<br />

flavours; try the oven-roasted rabbit<br />

with potatoes. The Osteria dei Binari (1<br />

Via Tortona, tel. 028 940 6753, closed<br />

Sun) is another big favourite with locals,<br />

who are tempted by hearty Lombardian<br />

fare such as costoletta meat cutlet and<br />

excellent cheesecake.<br />

The sparkly new<br />

Prada store wins<br />

style points<br />

INFO<br />

Malpensa Airport<br />

is 48km from the<br />

city centre.<br />

Train The Malpensa<br />

Express runs from<br />

the airport to<br />

central Milan,<br />

taking around<br />

40 minutes and<br />

costing €11.<br />

Bus A shuttle bus<br />

runs from the<br />

airport to Centrale<br />

station. The<br />

50-minute journey<br />

costs €4,50, with<br />

buses leaving<br />

every 20 minutes<br />

between 4.30am<br />

and 12.15am.<br />

Taxi A taxi into<br />

central Milan takes<br />

about an hour and<br />

costs €75.<br />

Tourist office The<br />

main office is at<br />

19a Piazza Duomo<br />

(tel. 027 740 4343,<br />

milanoinfo.eu).<br />

Sleep soundly If you’re going to<br />

be basing yourself in the area, try the<br />

Hotel Milano Corso Genova (20 Via<br />

Conca del Naviglio, tel. 025 810 4141,<br />

hotelmilanocorsogenova.it, rooms<br />

from €90). Bright, modish and nicely<br />

understated, go for one of the<br />

Superior Rooms, which are huge.<br />


Small but perfectly formed, head to this<br />

celebrated cluster of shopping streets,<br />

with most of the action along Via della<br />

Spiga and Via Montenapoleone.<br />

Shop till you drop Every big-name<br />

Italian label has a flagship here, from<br />

Versace (14 Via Sant’Andrea) to Roberto<br />

Cavalli (42 Via della Spiga) and many<br />

more, including the new bespoke store<br />

from Prada (3 Corso Venezia).<br />

Must drink Caffè Cova (8 Via<br />

Montenapoleone) is the pit-stop of<br />

choice for discerning fashionistas,<br />

though mere mortals may find its<br />

po-faced chicness a tad ridiculous. For<br />

a more traditionally Milanese take on<br />

café culture, visit Pasticceria Sant’<br />

Ambroeus (7 Corso Matteotti) for<br />

a glass of red wine and a slice of cake.<br />


The city’s green heart, Parco Sempione,<br />

is the backdrop for a constant display<br />

of Milanese daily life.<br />

Must drink Overlooking the park,<br />

Living (2 Piazza Sempione) is a swanky<br />

lounge affair, while Freak (16 Via<br />

Agostino Bertani) is a lively bar (and<br />

a decent spot to eat), with late hours<br />

and a hip clientele.<br />

Must eat Still one of the city’s best<br />

restaurants, L’Altra Pharmacia (3 Via<br />

Rosmini, tel. 023 451300, closed Sun)<br />

is always a popular spot; it might be an<br />

idea to book in advance. Stick to the<br />

classics and order risotto alla Milanese.<br />

Fabbrica (2 Viale Pasubio, tel. 026<br />

552771), meanwhile, is a well-loved<br />

pizzeria. The house speciality is<br />

calzone peppina, made with fresh<br />

mozzarella and prosciutto.<br />

Culture vultures The mean and<br />

moody looking Castello Sforzesco<br />

(Piazza Castello) is home to a number<br />

of museums, including the Museum<br />

of Ancient Art, the Collection of<br />

Applied Arts and the Museum of<br />

Musical Instruments.<br />


One of the centro’s main thoroughfares,<br />

Magenta is an elegant parade of shops<br />

and bars. Head here for an authentic<br />

Milanese afternoon.<br />

Culture vultures The Teatro Litta<br />

(24 Corso Magenta) is worth a visit, even<br />

if you don’t intend to watch anything.<br />

A baroque jewel, it’s a classic piece of<br />

Lombard architecture – with a great bar.<br />

Must drink The Colonial Cafe (85<br />

Corso Magenta) is a great place for<br />

a leisurely coffee during the day, or<br />

a buzzy cocktail bar in the evenings.<br />

Biffi (87 Corso Magenta) is one of<br />

the city’s grand cafés, and an excellent<br />

spot for afternoon tea.<br />

€99 *<br />



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Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />


116<br />




What better way to<br />

shake off the winter<br />

blues than with a trip<br />

to the north-eastern<br />

jewel that is Newcastle?<br />

Marissa Carruthers<br />

dons her winter coat<br />

(unusually for a<br />

Newcastle lass) and<br />

heads out into the city<br />

for a taste of Geordie<br />

humour, serious shopping<br />

and top-class dining,<br />

before taking a sneak<br />

peak at the Chinese<br />

New Year celebrations<br />


With an endless selection of high-street<br />

shops, quirky boutiques, classy cocktail<br />

bars and cute cafés there’s plenty<br />

to keep you busy in the centre of<br />

Newcastle. Then catch up on the city’s<br />

culture with a stroll down historic<br />

Grey Street, lined with stunning<br />

Grade II listed buildings.<br />

Must eat If you enjoy Chinese and<br />

Thai food you should check out Stowell<br />

Street, where you’ll find an array of<br />

restaurants and cafés. If you’re there<br />

on 14 February, you’ll get to see the<br />

street come to life with a traditional<br />

parade, music and dancing to celebrate<br />

Chinese New Year.<br />

Must drink Try Collingwood Street<br />

if you’re looking to knock back some<br />

cocktails. Head to the tropical-themed<br />

Floritas (floritasbar.com) and tuck into<br />

the long list of drinks on the menu.<br />

Shop till you drop If it’s well cut<br />

cloth and designer chic you’re after then<br />

Cruise (15-17 Princess Square) offers<br />

an endless line of labels. Or for quirky<br />

boutiques, hit the cobbles of High Bridge.<br />

Sleep soundly Get a good night’s<br />

kip at the Royal Station Hotel (Neville<br />

Street, tel. (0)191 232 0781,<br />

royalstationhotel.com, rooms from<br />

€83/£75), set in the heart of the city.<br />

Brussels Airlines b.there! magazine<br />

February <strong>2010</strong><br />

INFO<br />

Newcastle<br />

International<br />

Airport is 11km<br />

north of the city.<br />

Taxi You can get<br />

a taxi from outside<br />

arrivals. The<br />

journey to the city<br />

centre will cost<br />

about €17/£15 and<br />

takes 10 minutes.<br />

Train The metro<br />

runs from the<br />

airport to various<br />

locations across<br />

the city centre.<br />

Trains depart every<br />

15 minutes until<br />

11.59pm. The<br />

journey from the<br />

airport to the city<br />

centre takes<br />

25 minutes and<br />

a single ticket<br />

costs €2,35/£2.90.<br />

Tourist office The<br />

Tourist Information<br />

Centre is at 8-9<br />

Central Arcade (tel.<br />

(0)191 277 8000,<br />

visitnewcastle<br />

gateshead.com).<br />

The award-winning Sage<br />

Gateshead, on the south<br />

bank of the River Tyne<br />


Escape the hustle and bustle of the city<br />

in this leafy quarter that’s home to<br />

a mix of restaurants, bars and shops.<br />

Sleep soundly For stylish sleeping,<br />

try the The Townhouse Hotel (1 West<br />

Avenue, tel. (0)191 285 6812, thetown<br />

househotel.co.uk, rooms from €83/£75)<br />

– a beautiful converted Victorian<br />

townhouse run by two friends who<br />

have a real eye for chic.<br />

Culture vultures View some of<br />

the finest contemporary art from<br />

established and upcoming artists<br />

before having a coffee in the café<br />

at Opus Art Gallery (West Avenue).<br />

Must eat For fine dining, Loch Fyne<br />

(West Avenue, tel. (0)191 255 9320) is<br />

a must. This spectacular restaurant, set<br />

in a former church, offers a menu packed<br />

with sumptuous seafood. Or for a bit<br />

of Mediterranean flair, try Adriano’s<br />

(90 High Street, tel.(0)191 284 6464).<br />



Wrap up and take a stroll along the<br />

Quayside. Take in the stunning views<br />

of Newcastle’s iconic bridges, enjoy<br />

a meal at one of the many restaurants<br />

or stop off and have a drink at a bar.<br />

Shop till you drop Meander in and<br />

out of the stalls, selling everything from<br />

art and crafts to locally sourced food,<br />

that line the Quayside at the Sunday<br />

market (10.30am to 4pm).<br />

Culture vultures For unparalleled<br />

views of the Tyne and award-winning<br />

contemporary architecture, visit The<br />

Sage Gateshead (St. Mary’s Square,<br />

Gateshead Quays). Enjoy a coffee and<br />

then stay for a show in the stunning<br />

concert hall.<br />

Must eat Soak up the smells of the<br />

delectable Indian dishes at the upmarket<br />

Raval Luxury Restaurant and Bar<br />

(Church Street, Gateshead Quays,<br />

tel. (0)191 477 1700). Or for classic<br />

cuisine, try renowned chef Terry<br />

Laybourne’s Café 21 (Trinity Gardens,<br />

Quayside, tel.(0)191 222 0755).<br />


This quaint suburb boasts a life of<br />

its own and is just a stone’s throw<br />

from the city centre.<br />

Shop till you drop Hit the quirky<br />

Clayton Road for a row of unique<br />

boutiques. Don’t miss trendy The<br />

Loft at number 12, for labels on the<br />

ground floor, a salon on the first and<br />

a juice bar in the loft.<br />

Dance the night away Take in<br />

the quirky clutter of As You Like It<br />

(Archbold Terrace) for a fun-filled<br />

evening of entertainment. From live<br />

bands to jazz, funk and soul, there’s<br />

something for everyone housed<br />

over three floors, with four bars and<br />

a garden terrace.<br />

Must eat Caffé Z (Goldspink Lane,<br />

Sandyford, tel.(0)191 230 4981)<br />

perfectly combines Italian romance<br />

with Hollywood glamour – and the<br />

linguine with mussels is delicious.<br />

€139 *<br />



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NICE<br />


It’s hard to escape the<br />

festivities when the<br />

French Riviera’s most<br />

prolific Carnival hits the<br />

streets on 12 February.<br />

This fortnight of flower<br />

parades, soirées and<br />

concerts attracts over<br />

a million spectators to<br />

party, until it draws to<br />

a close as the papier<br />

mâché giants from the<br />

processions dance their<br />

way to the beach and are<br />

ceremonially burnt in<br />

a flurry of fireworks on<br />

the 28. Nelly Brown,<br />

well-known party pooper,<br />

goes in search of some<br />

downtime options<br />



The charismatic heart of the city<br />

combines the glitzy façade of the<br />

Promenade – with its belle époque<br />

buildings lining the pebbled<br />

waterfront – and the old town, with<br />

its narrow and rambling streets.<br />

Culture vultures Wander your way<br />

through the cool alleys of the old town,<br />

constructed during the 17th and 18th<br />

centuries. In the Musée des Beaux Arts<br />

(33 Avenue des Baumettes), sculptures<br />

by Rodin and Degas vie for attention<br />

with paintings by Van Gogh and Monet.<br />

Must eat Snug and Cellar (22 Rue<br />

Droite, tel. (0)4 9380 4322) is Nice’s<br />

answer to the gastro pub, serving<br />

up delicious dishes such as scallops<br />

on a bed of puréed chickpeas and<br />

medallions of prime veal with a twist<br />

of local ratatouille.<br />

Dance the night away Le Ghost<br />

(3 Rue Barillerie) is the place to go for<br />

disco, electro and soul – hit this happily<br />

raucous haunt a block back from the<br />

Cours Saleya. Knock-out cocktails<br />

cost about €10 a throw.<br />

Join the fun at one<br />

of Nice’s vibrant<br />

Carnival parades<br />

INFO<br />

Nice Côte d’Azur<br />

Airport is 7km west<br />

of the city centre.<br />

Bus The 99 bus<br />

departs for Gare<br />

Routière, the<br />

central bus station<br />

just outside the<br />

old town, every<br />

20 minutes. Tickets<br />

cost €4 and the<br />

journey takes<br />

about 30 minutes.<br />

Taxi The journey<br />

from the airport<br />

to the city centre<br />

takes 20 minutes<br />

and will cost<br />

around €30.<br />

Tourist office<br />

The main office is<br />

at 5 Promenade<br />

des Anglais (tel.<br />

(0)8 9270 7407,<br />

nicetourisme.biz).<br />

Shop till you drop Maison Auer<br />

(7 Rue St François de Paule) is the spot<br />

to scoop up holiday gifts. And don’t worry<br />

about packing them into your luggage<br />

– the store offers international delivery.<br />

Stock up on Provençal truffles, as well<br />

as wine, chocolate and cheese infused<br />

by the fragrant tuber, at Chef Bruno<br />

Clément’s specialist shop, Terres de<br />

Truffes (11 Rue Saint François de Paule).<br />


The perfect retreat from the madding<br />

Carnival crowds is the medieval village<br />

of Eze. Simply hop on the 112 bus<br />

(every 20 minutes from Nice’s Gare<br />

Routiere) to unwind in historic<br />

natural surrounds overlooking<br />

the Mediterranean sea.<br />

Sleep Soundly The rooms at Château<br />

Eza (Rue de la Pise, tel. (0)4 9341 1224,<br />

chateaueza.com, from €180) are well<br />

worth splashing out on, not only for<br />

the magnificent panoramic views but<br />

also for the splendour of staying in<br />

a 400-year-old fairytale castle.<br />

Culture vultures The patrimony of<br />

this village is so vast that the list is<br />

endless. The good news is that<br />

everything can be visited simply by<br />

stumbling upon it. Sitting amongst<br />

the Jardin Exotique, for example, are<br />

the remains of a fortress steeped in<br />

history – visit the pictorial account of<br />

the castle’s life and fate.<br />

Shop till you drop Visit the perfume<br />

‘laboratory’ Fragonard (Eze-village,<br />

fragonard.com) for signature perfumes<br />

as well as soaps, lotions, cosmetics and<br />

antique jewellery, and linens, glass and<br />

wicker for the home.<br />

Must eat La Bergerie (3835 Avenue<br />

Diables Bleus, tel. (0)4 9341 0367)<br />

serves up its famous gigot (leg of lamb<br />

slowly braised in the open wood fire) in<br />

a handsome vaulted restaurant.<br />


THE PORT<br />

Admire the lights, trees and fountains<br />

covering the recently renovated Place<br />

Garibaldi or wander down to the port,<br />

where traditional wooden fishing boats<br />

outnumber the swanky yachts.<br />

Culture vultures The Acropolis<br />

Cinémathèque (3 Esplanade Kennedy)<br />