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BTTLLETIN 25<br />






?FP 89 m-6


Announcement<br />

Introduction, liy Edward Everett Hale<br />

'^'<br />

Abbreviations<br />

'^^<br />

Natick-English vocabulary<br />

-<br />

- -<br />

\<br />

-^<br />

English-Natick vocabulary .-<br />

Additions and corrections<br />

'<br />

Page.<br />



III 1S7T the. United States Geogi'aphieal and Geological Survey of<br />

the Rocky Mountain Region (J. W. Powell, Director) began the issue of<br />

a series of ethnologic reports in quarto form under the title Contributions<br />

to North American Ethnology. Several of the volumes were<br />

printed under special authority conferred by Congressional resolu-<br />

tions: and in March, 1881, the publication of volumes vi, vii, Aiir,<br />

IX, and X of the series was authorized by the Congress through a<br />

concurrent resolution. This authorization was superseded by the law<br />

providing for the jjublic printing and binding and the distribution of<br />

public documents, approved January 12, 189.5. Up to this time there<br />

had been published eight volumes of Contributions (including one<br />

bound in two parts), numbered i-vii and ix.<br />

After the United States Geographical and Geological Surve}' of the<br />

Rocky Mountain Region was merged in the United States Geological<br />

Survey, the Congress made provision for continuing the ethnologic<br />

researches and publications; and in conformity with this law the Bureau<br />

of Ethnology was founded. The Director of the new Bureau (J. AV.<br />

Powell) began the publication of annual reports in royal octavo form<br />

with that for the fiscal j-ear 1879-80, and at the same time continued the<br />

issue of the Contributions to North American Ethnology. Until 1895<br />

the annual reports were specially authorized by the Congress, usually<br />

through concurrent resolutions; since 1895 they have been issued under<br />

authority of the public printing law. Of these reports nineteen have<br />

been pulilished and othei-s are in press; the Fourteenth, Seventeeth,<br />

Eighteenth, and Nineteenth are each in two parts or volumes.<br />

In August, 1886, the Director of the Bureau was authorized by a<br />

joint resolution of the Congress to begin the publication of a series of<br />

bulletins, which were issued in octavo form; and in July, 1888, the<br />

continuation of the series was authorized by a concurrent i-esolution.<br />

When the public printing law was drafted this series was omitted, and<br />

the issue terminated in 1891. Up to this time there had been published<br />

twenty-four bulletins, each undrra spiMial title.


Ill tlie law making appropriation for the ethnologic work, approved<br />

June 4, 1897, the title was changcnl to "Ameriean Ethnology"; the<br />

designation of the Bureau was inoditied conforinubly, and the Sixteentli<br />

report (for lS94-'.t5, issued in 1807) and those of later date l)ear the<br />

modified title. From 1895 to 1900 Init a single series was issued l)y<br />

tiie Bureau of Ameriean Ethnology, viz, the annual reports.<br />

In 1900 the Congress authorized the resumption of publication in<br />

l)ulletin form by a concurrent resolution, adopted by the House of<br />

Representatives on April 7 and ))y the Senate on April 27. This<br />

resolution is as follows:<br />

liesolved by the House of RepreHentaiires {the Senate concun-iiiij), Tliat tliere be i.T-intrd<br />

at the Govermnent Printing; OflBce eight thousand copies of any iimtter furiiishuil liy<br />

the Director of the Bureau of American Ethnology relating to icsrarches and discov-<br />

eries connected with the study of the American al>origincs, the same to be issued as<br />

bulletins uniform with the annual rejjorts, one thousand tive hundred of which shall<br />

be for the use of the Senate, three thousand for the use of the llcjnse of Representatives,<br />

and three thousand five hundred for distribution by the Bureau.<br />

rursuant to this authority the manuscript of the late Dr J. H.<br />

Trumlmirs Js'utick-English and English-Xatick Dictionary was trans-<br />

mitted to the Puolie Printer on May 1l'. 1'.»(H). wilh th(> ivcpiest that<br />

the same be printed and l)Ound and issued as a IjuUetin imiform with<br />

the annual reports of the Bureau of American P^thnology. The eom-<br />

position was at once taken up; V)ut by reason of the teehni(uxl character<br />

of the matter and unforeseen difficulties in proof reading, the issue of<br />

tiiis initial numl)er of the new series lias been unexpectedly delayed.<br />

It is a pleasure to ticknowledge the courtesy of tl»j American Anti-<br />

quarian Society and of its president. Honorable Stephen Salisbury,<br />

in intru.sting Dr Trumbuirs unique manuscripts to this Bureau: and<br />

it is especially gratifying to express appreciation of the scholarly<br />

interest and aid of Dr Edward Everett Hale, who not only efi'ected<br />

the arrangement for publication but contributed an introduction<br />

to the work. While this introduction was written from the stand-<br />

point of the general literary student rather than the specialist in<br />

Indian languages and characteristics, it pays a just tribute to the memory<br />

of the eminent philologist whose latest, and perhaps greatest,<br />

work was that of compiling and comparing the acompanying vocabu-<br />

laries from the Eliot Bible. James Hammond Trumbull was 1)orn<br />

in Stonington, Connecticut, December 20, 1821: he was a student<br />

at Yale, and held important public offices in Hartford during the<br />

l)eriod 1847-1861. He was an original meml)er of the American<br />

Philological Association in 1869, and its president in 1874 and lS7o;<br />

a member of the American Oriental Society, of the American Ethno-<br />

logical Socii>ty, and of several other learned societies, including the<br />

National Academv of Sciences. In 1873 he was chosen lecturer on


nati\ u hmguaoe.-. of Noith America at Yale Universitv, though faikire<br />

of health soon compelled his resio)iation; and from Yale, Harvard,<br />

and Columbia he was the reciijientof degrees in recog-nition of notable<br />

reseai-ehes and publications. In addition to his linguistic knowledge<br />

he possessed great learning and skill as a bibliographer. During his<br />

later years he was a valued correspondent of the Bureau, and his wide<br />

knowledge of both aboriginal tongues and l)ibliographic methods,<br />

freely conveyed to the officers of the Bureau, proved of great service.<br />

He died in Hartford, Connecticut, August 5, 1S07.<br />

Dr Hale pays a merited tribute also to John Eliot, the pioneer student<br />

of aboriginal languages in the New England region, pointing out<br />

that Eliot was not merely a translator of the native tongues but an<br />

original investigator of their structure. Naturally the opinions concerning<br />

the aborigines and their languag-es based on the limited knowledge<br />

of the middle of th(! seventeenth century were much less definite<br />

than those resting on the numerous records extant at the beginning of<br />

the nineteenth century; yet it is noteworthy that the early view of<br />

Eliot, voiced by Dr Hale, as to the widespread grammatic corresjMndences<br />

among the native tongues, possesses a meaning well worth<br />

the interest of the pioneer student and his later interpreters. Truml)ull<br />

and Hale. The place and date of John Eliot's J)irth are not recorded,<br />

but he was baptized in Widford. Hertfordshire. England. August 5,<br />

1604:. He matriculated at Cambridge in 1619, and took a degree in<br />

1622: he subsequently took orders, and, accepting a call to Roxbury,<br />

Massachusetts, emigrated in 1631. He remained at Roxbury in pas-<br />

toral work throughout the remainder of his life: he died Mav 21,<br />

WM. As indicated l)y Dr Hale, his enduring reputation rests chiefly<br />

on his records of aboriginal languages; yet it would seem that he exer-<br />

cised a still more important influence on his own and later generations<br />

through his sympathetic eftorts to educate the tribesmen of New Eng-<br />

land and to raise them toward the plane of self-respecting citizenship.<br />

In this work, too, he was a pioneer; and undoul)tedly he did much to<br />

prepare the minds of statesmen and philanthropists for the huinanitarian<br />

views of primitive men which chai'acterize modern policies toward<br />

the Nation's wards. Thus it is particularly fitting that Eliot, the pio-<br />

neer in sympathetic and systematic study of the aborigines, no less<br />

than Trumbull, the direct contributoi'. should receive from the Bureau<br />

of American Ethnology ^uch honor as this publication may confer.<br />

As has been noted l)y Dr Hale, the Trumbull manuscript and proof<br />

passed through the hands of Dr Albert S. Gatschet and received the<br />

benefit of his extended acquaintance with the native languages of the<br />

Algonquian stock. The manuscript was not, however, edited crit-<br />

ically; it was. on the other hand, aimed to pi'int the matter substan-<br />

tially as it left the author's hands, with only those minor changes in


punctuation, alphabetic ai'rangement, cro.sM refei'ences, etc., which the<br />

author would necessarily have made had he lived to revise the copy;<br />

and a list of abbreviations was prepared. Still, the task of proof<br />

revision proved arduous, and much credit is due Mr F. W. Hodge,<br />

who began, and Mr H. S. Wood, who completed, this work. Grateful<br />

acknowledgment is made to ~Mv Wilberforce Eames, of the New<br />

York Public Library, for aid in interpreting abbre\iations.<br />

July lU, 19U2.


Bv Edward E\'ekett Hale<br />

Dr Trumbull's vocabularies constitute the most important contribution<br />

to tlie scientitic study of Eliot's Indian Bilile which has V)een made<br />

since that wonderful book was published.<br />

To the prepai'ation of these vocabularies James Hammond Traml)ull<br />

gave most of his time throughout the closing years of his diligent and<br />

valuable life. The work was so nearly finished when he died that, as<br />

the reader will see, it is clearly best to print it as he left it, and to leave<br />

it to the careful students of the future for completion by such work as<br />

he has made comparativelv easy. By her generous gift of the beau-<br />

tiful tinished manuscript to the American Anticjuarian Society, his<br />

widow, Mrs Sarah Robinson Trumbull, has made its immediate publication<br />

possible. The officers of the society at once consulted Major<br />

Powell, the Director of the Bureau of American Ethnology, as to the<br />

best plan for its publication. The Bureau placed the uianuscript in<br />

the hands of Dr Albert S. Gatschet, of the ethnologic staff; and the<br />

book has had the great advantage of his extended acc^uaintance with<br />

Algonquian languages as it passed thi'ough the press.<br />

It is hoped that the l)ook will form the first volume in a series of<br />

vocabularies of the native languages. Such a series, under such<br />

supervision as the Bureau will give to the selection and editing of the<br />

works contained in it, M-ill be of great value to students of language;<br />

but it will contain no book more valuable in itself or more interesting<br />

from its history than Dr Trumbull's Dictionaiw.<br />

Even in circles of people who should be l)etter informed, we fre-<br />

fjuently hear it .said that the Bible of Eliot is now nothing but a liter-<br />

ary curiosity, and hardly that. Such an expression is unjust to Eliot's<br />

good sense, and it is (juite untrue. Reverend J. A. Gilfillan, whose<br />

work of education among the northern tribes is so remarkable, found<br />

that his intelligent Chippewa companions were greatly interested in<br />

the Bible of Eliot, and readily caught the analogies of the language<br />

with their own when the system of spelling and of vocalization was<br />

explained to them.<br />

With great good sense, Eliot used the English letters with the<br />

sounds which Englishmen oave tiiem. When the American Home

X BTTREAU OF AMERICAN ETH]Sr(.)LO«Y [bill. 25<br />

Mifssionaiy Society tirst undertook its translations of the Bible, it<br />

adopti'd. after some question, the vowel pronunciation of the Latin<br />

nations. The wadtchu (mountain) of Eliot becomes in Mr. Sherman<br />

Hall's translation uijiuii, the one letter >i being the onl_y letter which<br />

is the .same in both words; 3'et both mean to express the same sound.<br />

It seems now a great pity that the translators in our century did not<br />

use in any way the diligent work of Eliot.<br />

In the spring of 1S99 I 2)laced before a Chippewa boy in the Hamp-<br />

ton (Virginia) school thirty words of the Massachusetts Indian lan-<br />

guage. He recognized at once fifteen of them, giving to them their<br />

full meaning; and with a little study he made out almost all of the<br />

remainder. In the course of two and a half centuries the uses of<br />

words ditfer as much among Indians as among white men, but it<br />

would seem that they do not differ more.<br />

Such careful study as Dr Trumbull and Duponceau and Pickering<br />

and Heckewelder have given to the Algonquian languages shows<br />

be_yond a doubt that John Eliot was one of the great philologists of<br />

the world. His study of the remarkable grammatic construction of the<br />

Indian languages proves to be scientitic and correct. The linguists<br />

of the continent of Eurojie took it for granted, almost, that Eliot's<br />

statements regarding the grammar of the Indian tribes could not<br />

be true. It seemed to them impossible that languages so perfect in<br />

their systems and so cai-efully precise in their adaptations of tho.se<br />

.systems could maintain their integrity among tribes of savages who<br />

had no system of writing. All study of these languages, however,<br />

through the century which has just passed, has proved that the elab-<br />

orate system of grammar was correctly described by Eliot, and, to the<br />

surprise of European philologists, that it is fairly uniform through<br />

many variations of dialect and vocabulary.<br />

It is much to be regretted that a careless haliit of thougiit takes it<br />

for granted tliat a good Indian word of one locality is a good Indian<br />

word of another, and that names may lie transferred from North to<br />

South or from South to North at the free will of an innkeeper or of a<br />

poet. Such transfers of words, which in the beginning amount almost<br />

to falsehood, cause more confusion and more as time goes by.<br />

Mr Filling's valuable bibliography of the Algonquian languages<br />

shows us that there are now existing fourteen complete copies of<br />

Eliot's Bible in the first and second editions. Besides the complete<br />

text we have the New Testament printed in a separate volume in 1061,<br />

and in the Eliot Primer or Catechism, which has been reprinted in the<br />

present generation, we have the Lord's Prayer and some texts from<br />

the Bible, as well as a translation of the Apostles' Creed into the<br />

Massachusetts language. The number of books printed as part of his<br />

movement for the translation of the Scriptures and the conversion of<br />

the Indians is nearlv fortv. For the use of all these books Dr Trum-


bull's diftioiuiry will be of the veiy tir.st value. Is it perhaps just<br />

possible that the publication of this book ma}'- awaken such attention<br />

to the subject that some of Eliot's lost manuscripts may still be<br />

discovered?<br />

Of Eliot's place as a scholar and an educator Dv DeXormandie,<br />

who now fills his pulpit in Roxbury, speaks in the highest terms. It<br />

would seem that we owe to Eliot the establishment of the first proper<br />

Sunday school in America, and perhajjs one may say in the English<br />

realm. On October 0. 1674. the record of his church says:<br />

Tliis day we restored our primitive practice for tlae training of our youtli. Fiist<br />

our male youth, in fitting season, stay every Sabbatli after tlie evening exercise in<br />

the public meeting house, where the elders will examine their remembrance that day<br />

of any fit poynt of catechise. Secondly, that our female youth should meet in one<br />

place (on Monday) where the elders may examine them on their remembrance of<br />

yesterday about catechise and what else may be convenient.<br />

"The care of the lambs," says Eliot, '" is one-third part of the, charge<br />

over the works of God.'"<br />

Dr DeNormaudie ascribes to Eliot the general establishment of<br />

''grammar schools" among the institutions of Massachusetts. He<br />

sa5's: '"One day all the neighboring churches were gathered in Boston<br />

to ' consider bow the miscarriages which were among us might be jjre-<br />

vented," Eliot exclaimed with great fei'vor, 'Lord, for our schools<br />

everywhere among us! That our schools may flourish! That everj'<br />

member of this assembly may go home and procure a good school to be<br />

encouraged in the town where he lives! That before we die we may<br />

be so happy as to .see a good school encouraged in every plantation in<br />

the countr}'!'" Bj' "plantation" Eliot meant separate village.<br />

Cotton Mather says: "God so pleased his endeavors that Roxbury<br />

could not live quietly without si free school in the town." Roxbury was<br />

the town of which P^liot was the minister. ""And the issue of it has been<br />

one thing which has made me almost put the title of ' ScJtoln Illusfj'is''<br />

upon that little nursery; that is, that Roxbury has afforded more<br />

scholars, first for the college and then for the publick, than any town<br />

of its bigness, or if I mistake not, of twice its liig-ness, in all New-<br />

England."<br />

John Eliot was quite willing to accejjt the responsibilities of making<br />

laws and even a constitution for his " praying Indians." As he found<br />

the; Indian tribes, government among them seemed at best absolutely<br />

minimum; he was unable to perceive that they had any government.<br />

Eliot made for them a working constitution for a democracy, on principles<br />

which are so absolutely democratic that they frightened even<br />

the Puritan emigrants around him, the coadjutors of Cromwell and<br />

Sidney. Poor Eliot was even obliged to recall his words in a public<br />

recantation. The democratic constitution which he wrote for his<br />

people is well worth the study of an\' faithful student of government


today. On much the same plan were his settlements founded where<br />

the colonies of " praj'ing Indians," with the government of the people<br />

by the people and for the people, and with the o^'ersight of a l)ene\'o-<br />

lent judge in Israel, were his coadjutors and pupils. It is, alas,<br />

impossible to tell what would have been the outcome of this remarkable<br />

experiment, for the outbreak of King Philip's war in the year<br />

1GT.5 broke it up before it was fairly tested.<br />

Eliot's first religious service among the Indians was on Octooer 28,<br />



Englander. The Guy Head Iiidiiins, on Marthu.s Vineyard, a ln'ave<br />

and spirited set of men, retained a knowledge of their own language<br />

later perhaps than did any other of the Indians of southern New<br />

England, but it has died out among them. In the eastern part of<br />

Maine, however, the Passamaq noddy and ilicmac Indians, whose<br />

range extends into the British provinces, still use their dialects of the<br />

Algonquian stock. Vocabularies of the related dialect spoken l)y the<br />

Abnakis, prepared by the faithful Catholic minister, Sebastian Rasles,<br />

still exist; of these the most important was printed liy the American<br />

Academy as edited by the distinguished scholar ]\lr John Pickering.<br />

RoxBURT. Mass., July 19, 1901.<br />

B. X. ]•:., I'.i-LL. 25 II

Abn.=Abnaki.<br />




Barton, Barton's Compar. Voc.=Bartou, Benjamin Smith. New viewa of the origin<br />

of the tribes and nations of America. Philadelphia, 1797, 1798. Contains<br />

comparative vocabulary of a number of Indian languages.<br />

Beverley=Beverley, Robert. The history and present state of Virginia, in four<br />

parts . . . III. The native Indians, their religion, laws, and customs, in<br />

war and peace. London, 1705, 1722; Richmond, ISoo. References are to<br />

the second edition.<br />

Bloch=Bloch, Mark Elieser. Several works on ichthyology, 1782-1801.<br />

Bonap.=Bonaparte, Charles Lucien Jules Laurent. American ornithology. Philadelphia,<br />

1S25-33.<br />

Bopp=Bopp, P'ranz. Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin,<br />

Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic languages. Translated from<br />

the German [Berlin, 1833-52, 1857-61, 1868-71] by E. B. Eastwick.<br />

London, 1845-50, 1856.<br />

3 vols.<br />

Brebeuf=Brebeuf, Jean de. Relation de ce qui a'est passe dans le pays des Hurons<br />

en Tannee 1636. With Le Jeune, Paul, Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la<br />

Novvelle France en I'ann^e 1636, Paris, 1637 ; in Relations des Jesuites, vol. i,<br />

Quebec, 1858; The Jesuit relations and allied documents . . . edited by<br />

Reuben Gold Thwaites, vol. x, Cleveland, 1897. The Quebec edition was<br />

the one used.<br />

C, Cott., Cotton=Cotton, Josiah. Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Natick)<br />

Indian language. In Massachusetts Historical Soc. Coll., ser. 3, vol. ii, Cam-<br />

bridge, 1830 (editedby John Pickering); issued separately, Cambridge, 1829.<br />

Cald w. =Caldwell, Robert. Comparative grammar of the Dravidian or South Indian<br />

family of languages. London, 1856.<br />

Camp. =Cami)anius, Johan. Lutheri catechismus ofwersatt pa Americaji-Virginiske<br />

spraket [followed by] Vocabularium Barbaro-Virgineorum. Stockholm,<br />

1696. The vocabulary was reprinted with some additions in Campanius<br />

Holm, Thomas, Kort beskrifning om provincien Nya Swerige uti America,<br />

Stockholm, 1702. The latter work was translated as, A short descrijition<br />

of the province of New Sweden . . . Translated . . . By Peter S. Du<br />

Ponceau, in Penn.sylvania Historical Soc. Mem., vol. in, pt. 1, Philadel-<br />

phia, 1834; issued separately, Philadelphia, 1834.<br />

Cant. =Canticles (The song of Solomon).<br />

Cass=Cass, Lewis. Remarks on the condition, character, and languages, of the<br />

North American Indians. From the North American Review, no. i. [vol.<br />

xxii], for January, 1826.<br />

Catechismo Algonchino=Catechismo dei missionari cattolici in lingua algonchina,<br />

pubblicato per cura di E. Teza. Pisa, 1872.<br />

caus., causat.= causative.<br />

cf. =confer, compare.<br />

Chald.=Chaldaic, Chaldee.<br />

Charlevoix =Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier de. Histoire et description g^nerale<br />

de la Nouvelle France, avec le journal historique d'un voyage fait par ordre<br />

du roi dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. Paris, 1744; London, 1761, 1763;<br />

Dublin, 1766. There are other editions not containing the linguistic<br />

material.<br />

Chey. =Cheyenne.<br />

Chip. =Chippewa.<br />

Gr. Trav. =Grand Traverse band.<br />

Mack. =Mackinaw band.<br />

Sag.=Saginaw band.<br />

St Marys=St Marys band.<br />

1 Chr.=The tirst book of the chronicles.


2 Chr. =The second book of the chronii-les.<br />

C. M., C. Math., C. Mather= Mather, Cotton.<br />

Family religion excited and assisted. Indian headimj: Teashshinninneongane<br />

jieantamooonk wogkouunumun kah anunumwontamun. Boston, 1714.<br />

Notit. Ind.=Notitia Indiaruni, in India Christiana. A discourse, delivered unto<br />

the Commissioners, for the propagation of the ( iospel among the American<br />

Indians. Boston, 1721.<br />

AVussukwhonk en Christianene asuh peantamwae Indianog, eti". Second (Me:<br />

An epistle to the Christian Indians, etc. Boston, 1700, 1706.<br />

Col. = The epistle of Paul to the Colossians.<br />

comp. =compound.<br />

compar. =eoniparative.<br />

condit. =conditional.<br />

conj. =conjunction.<br />

Conn. Rec. =Public records of the colony of Connecticut. Vols, i-in, 1636-89,<br />

edited by J. H. Trumbull; vols, iv-xv, 1689-1776, edited by C. J. Hoadly;<br />

appendix, 1663-1710. Hartford, 1850-90.<br />

constr. =construct state,<br />

contract. =contracted form.<br />

1 Cor. =The first epistle of Paul to the Corinthians.<br />

2 Cor. =The second epistle of Paul to the Corinthian.*.<br />

Cott., Cotton. SeeC.<br />

Cotton, John. See Rawson; El. (I. P.).<br />

Cuv.=Cuvier, Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic DagoViert, Baron. Several works<br />

on zoology.<br />

Dan.=The book of the prophet Daniel; Danish.<br />

Danf. =Danforth, Samuel.<br />

Masukkenukeeg matcheseaenvog wequetoog kah wuttooanatoog uppeyaonont<br />

Christoh kah ne yeuyeu teanuk, etc. Trandaiion: Greatest sinners called and<br />

encouraged to come to Christ, and that now, quickly, etc. Boston, 1698.<br />

Oggus. Kutt. =The woful effects of drunkenness, etc. Address in Indian begins<br />

on page 43 with the words "Oggussunash kuttooonkash." Boston, 1710.<br />

Also a manuscript vocabulary of the Massachusetts language, in the library of<br />

the Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.<br />

Daw.son=Dawson, Sir John AVilliam. Acadian geology. Fdinliurgh, 185."); ;Mon-<br />

treal, 1860; London. lSt8.<br />

Del.=Delaware.<br />

derog. =derogatory.<br />

Descr. X. Netherland, 1671. See Montanus.<br />

Deut. =Deuteronomy.<br />

De Vries=Vries, David Pietersz. de. Voyages from Holland to America, A. Ii. 1632<br />

to 1644. . . Translated from the Dutch [Hoorn, 1655] . . . liy Henry C.<br />

Murphy. New York, 1853; in Xew York Historical Soc. Coll., ser. 2, vol.<br />

Ill, pt. 1, Xew York, 1857.<br />

diet, ^dictionary. See Bar. ; Grav. ; Rasles.<br />

dimin. =diminutive.<br />

Duponceau=Duponceau, Peter Stephen.<br />

Corresp. See Hkw.<br />

Notes on El. Gr. See El.<br />

east. =eastern.<br />

Eccl., Eccles. =Ecclestiastes.<br />

Edw.=Edwards, Jonathan. Observations on the language of the Muhhekaneew<br />

[Jlohegan] Indians . . . Communicated to the Connecticut Society of Arts<br />

ami Sciences, and published at the request of the society. New Haven,


Ed \v. = Edwards, Jonathan—continued.<br />

1788; London, 1788, 1789; New York, 1801; in llassacliusetts Historical Soc.<br />

Coll., ser. 2, vol. x, Boston, 1823 (with notes by Pickering); in "Works of<br />

Jonathan Edwards, with a memoir of his life and character, by Edward<br />

Tryon (2 vols.), Hartford, 1842. References are to the edition of New-<br />

Haven, 1788, ami that in the Ma.ssachusetts Historical Society Collections.<br />

Egyi'- =Kgyptian.<br />

El., Eliot=Eliot, John.<br />

Bible=The holy Bible: containing the Old Testament and the New. Translated<br />

into the Indian language, anil ordered to be printed by the Conmiissii>ners<br />

of the United Colonies in New-England, at the charge and with the consent<br />

of the CoriJoration in England. Second title: Mamusse wunneetupanatamwe<br />

up-biblum God naneeswe nukkone testament kah wonk wusku testament,<br />

etc. Cambridge, 1663 (also with Indian title only), 1685, (with Indian title<br />

only). Eeferences are to the 1685 edition.<br />

Cir., GBam. =The Indian grammar begun: or. An essay to liring the Indian language<br />

into rules, for the help of such as desire to learn the same, etc. Camliridge,<br />

1666; in Massachusetts Historical Soc. Coll., ser. 2, vol. i.x, Boston,<br />

1822 (with notes by P. S. Duponceau and an introduction and supplementary<br />

observations by John Pickering); issued separately, Boston, 1822.<br />

I. P., Ind. Prim.=Indiane primer asuh negonneyeuuk. Ne nashpe mukkiesog<br />

w( ih tauog wunnamuhkuttee ogketanunmate Indiane unnontoowaouk. Kah<br />

Meninnunk wutch mukkiesog. SmmiJ tith': The Indian primer; or The first<br />

book. By which children may know truely to read the Indian language.<br />

And Milk for babes. Boston, 1720, 1747. This is a revised edition, probably<br />

by Experience Mayhew, of Eliot's Primer of 1654 (?), 1662, 1669, 1687(?),<br />

printed with Rawson's translation of John Cotton's Spiritual milk for babes<br />

(also somewhat revised). Parts of the edition of 1720 were reprinted in<br />

Massachusetts Historical Soc. Coll., ser. 2, vol. it, Cambridge, 1830.<br />

Man. Pom., Manit. Pom. =Manitowompae pomantamoonk: sampwshanau<br />

Christianoh uttoh woh an pomantog wussikkitteahonat God. Translation:<br />

Godly living: directs a Christian how he may live to please God. Cam-<br />

bridge, 1665, 1685.<br />

N. T. =The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Translateil<br />

into the Indian language, and ordereil to be printed, etc. Sfcoml til/r: Wusku<br />

wuttestamentum nul-lordumun Jesus Christ nuiipoquohwussuaeneuuum.<br />

Cambridge, 1661 (also with Indian title only), 1680 (with Indian title only).<br />

References are to the 1680 edition.<br />

S. Q., Ramp. Quin., Samp. Quinnup. =Sarapwutteahae quinnuppekompauaenin<br />

. . . mache wussukhiimun ut English-mane unnontCDwaonk nashpe . . .<br />

Thomas Shephard, quinnuppeniimun en Indiane unnontoowaonganit nashpe<br />

. . . John Eliot. Kahnawhutcheutaiyeuongashoggussemeseontcheteauun<br />

nashpe Grindal Rawson. Translation: The sincere convert . . . M'ritten in<br />

J^nglish liy . . . Thomas Shepard, translated into Imlian by . . . John<br />

Eliot. And in some places a little amended by Grindal RawS(.in. Cam-<br />

bridge, l(i89.<br />

Also several other translations.<br />

E. M., Exp. Mayhew =Mayhew, Experience.<br />

Mass. Ps.=Massachusee psalter: asuh, Ukkuttoohomaongash David weche<br />

wunnaunchemookaonk ne ansukhogup John, ut Indiane kah Englishe<br />

nei)atuhqnonkash, etc. Second title: The Massaohuset psalter: or, Psalms of<br />

David with the Gospel according to John, in columns of Indian and EnglLsh,<br />

etc. Boston, 1709.


E. M., Exp. Maylie\v = JIayhe\v, Experience—continued.<br />

Xe kesukod Jehovali ke.ssehtunkup. Kekuttoohkaonk papaume kuhquttuniniooonk<br />

kah nanawelitoonk ukkesukoduni Lord, etc. Second tillc: The day<br />

which the Lord hath made. A discourse concerning the instituticui and<br />

observation of tlie Lords-day, etc. Boston, 1707.<br />

A manuscript letter to Honorable Paul Dudley on tlie Indian languafre of Connecticut<br />

colony, 1722. Contains a translation of the Lord's prayer. When<br />

E. M. alone is used this letter is referred to. It was printed in the New-<br />

England Historical and Genealogical EegLster, vol. xx.xis, Boston, 1885<br />

(communicated by John S. H. Fogg, M. D. ). Reprinted as follows:<br />

Observations on the Indian language . . . Now published from the original<br />

ms. by John S. H. Fogg, etc. Boston, 1884.<br />

It is probable that the Indiane primer of 1720 and 1747 (see El., I. P.) was<br />

revised liy JIayhew.<br />

Engl. = English.<br />

£ph. =The epistle of Paul to the Ephesians.<br />

Esth. =The book of Esther.<br />

Etch.=Etchemin.<br />

Eth., Ethiop. =Etliiopian.<br />

Ex.=Exodus.<br />

Ezek.=The Ijook of tlie propliet Ezekiel.<br />

fern. =feminine.<br />

Forbes' Dahomey=Forbes, F. E. Dahomey and the Dahomans; two missions to<br />

king of Dahomey in 1848-1850. 2 vols. London, 1851.<br />

Force Tracts=Tracts and other papers relating principally to the origin, settlement,<br />

and progress of the colonies in North America, from the discovery to the<br />

year 1776. Collected by Peter Force. 4 vols. Washington, 1836-46.<br />

Fr.= French.<br />

freq. =frequentative.<br />

Gal.=The epistle of Paul to the Galatians.<br />

Gallatin =Gallatin, Albert.<br />

A synopsis of the Indian triljes within the United States east of the Rocky<br />

mountains, etc. In American Antiquarian Soc. Trans. (Archwlogia .\niei'i-<br />

cana), vol. ii, Cambridge, 1836.<br />

Hale's Indians of north-west America, and vocabularies of North America; with<br />

an introduction. In American Ethnological Soc. Trans., vol. ii, New York,<br />

1848.<br />

Gen. =Genesis.<br />

gen. =genitive.<br />

Gen. Reg. =New England historical and genealogical register. Publislied imder<br />

the direction of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Vols.<br />

i-Lvi, Boston and Albany, 1847-1902.<br />

Gerard's Herbal=Gerard, John. The herbal!, or Generall historic of jilantes.<br />

London. 1597, 1633, 1636.<br />

Germ. =German.<br />

Gookin=Gookin, Daniel.<br />

Historical account of the doings and sufferings of the Christian Indians of New<br />

England. In American Antiquarian Soc. Trans. (Archa?ologia Americana)<br />

vol. II, Cambridge, 1836.<br />

Historical collections of the Indians in New England. In JIassachusetts His-<br />

torical Soc. Coll., ser. 1, vol. i, Boston, 1792, 1806.<br />

Goth.=Gothic.<br />

Gr.=Greek.<br />

gr., gram.=grammar. See Bar., El., Howse, Maill.. Zeisb., and others.<br />



Grav.. ( ;ravier=(travier, James. A iiianusioript dictionary of the Illinois language,<br />

belonging to Dr Trumbull.<br />

Hab. = Habakkuk.<br />

Hag.=Haggai.<br />

Harmon = Harmon, Daniel Williams. A journal of voyages and travels in the inter-<br />

iour of Xorth America, between the 47th and 58th degrees of north latitude,<br />

extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific ocean, etc. Andover, 1820.<br />

Contains Cree linguistic material.<br />

Hayclen=Hayden, Francis Vandever. Contributions to the ethnography and phil-<br />

ology of the Indian tribes of the Missouri valley. In American Philosoj)h-<br />

ical Soc. Trans., n. s., vol. xii, Philadelphia, 1863; printed separately, Phila-<br />

delphia, 1862.<br />

Heb.=Hebrew; The epi.'^tle i.if Paul to the Hebrews.<br />

Hib. =Hiberno-Celtic.<br />

Higginson = Higginson (or Higgeson), Francis. New Englands plantation; or, A<br />

short and true description of the commodities and discommodities of that<br />

country. -London, 1630; in Massachusetts Historical Soc. Coll., ser. 1, vol.<br />

I, Boston, 1792, 1806; Force Tracts, vol. i, Washington, 18.36; Young, Alexander,<br />

Chronicles of the first planters of the colony of Massachusetts bay,<br />

Boston, 1846.<br />

Hkw. = Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus.<br />

Corap. Voc.=Comparative vocabulary uf Algonquin dialects. From Hecke-<br />

welder's manuscripts in the collections of the American Philosophical Society,<br />

Philadelphia. Printed for the "Alcove of American Native Languages" in<br />

Wellesley College library, by E. N. Horsford. Cambridge, 1887.<br />

Corresp. =A correspondence between the Rev. John Heckewelder, of Bethlehem,<br />

and Peter S. Duponceau, esq., etc. In American Philosophical Soc,<br />

Trans, of the Historical and Literary Committee, vol. i, Philadelphia, 1819;<br />

Pennsylvania Historical Soc. Mem., vol. xii, Philadelphia, 1876.<br />

Hist. Ace. =An account of the history, manners, and customs of the Indian<br />

nations, who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighbouring states. In<br />

American Philosophical Soc, Trans, of the Historical and Literary Com-<br />

mittee, vol. I, Philadelphia, 1819; printed separately Philadelphia, ISIS;<br />

also in Pennsylvania. Historical Soc. Mem., vol. xii, Philadelphia, 1876.<br />

Also manuscript vocabularies of Chippewa, Delaware, Mahicanni, Nanticoke, and<br />

Shawanese languages, in the library of the American Philosophical Society,<br />

Philadelphia, and .several other works containing Delaware linguistic<br />

uiaterial.<br />

Hos. = Hosea.<br />

*<br />

Howse=Howse, Joseph. A grammar of the Cree language, with which is coml.iined<br />

an analysis of the Chippeway dialect. London, 1844, 1865.<br />

i., intr., intrans. =intransitive.<br />

i. e. =id est, that is.<br />

111., Illin. = Illinois.<br />

3IS Diet. See Grav.<br />

imp. =impersonal.<br />

imper., imperat. =imperative.<br />

inan.=inanimate, inanimate object.<br />

indef. =indetinite.<br />

Ind. Laws, Indian Laws = The hatchets, to hew down the tree of sin, which ))eare the<br />

fruit of death. Or, The laws, by which the magistrates are to punish offenses,<br />

among the Indians, as well as among the English. Boston, 170.5.


Ind. Prim. See El.<br />

infin.=infinitive.<br />

inten.'^. =intensive.<br />

interj. =interieotioii.<br />

interrog. =interl•ogat^e.<br />

intr., intrans. See i.<br />

introii. =introdiiotion.<br />

I. P. See El.<br />

I.«. =The book of the prophet Isaiah.<br />

J. =Jones, John, and Jones, Peter.<br />

John=The Gospel according to St. John. Translated into the Chippeway<br />

tongue by John Jones, and revised and corrected by Peter Jones, Indian<br />

teachers. London, 1831; Boston, 1838 (with Indian and English title).<br />

Also several other translations into Chippewa l)y both authors.<br />

Jeff.=Jefferson, Thomas.<br />

A vocabulary of the language of the Unquachog Indians, who constitute the<br />

Pusspatock settlement in the town of Brookhaven, south side of Long island.<br />

Manuscript in the library of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia.<br />

Copy in the library of the Bureau of American Ethnology.<br />

[Vocabulary of the Mohican, Long Island, and Shawnoe languages. ] In Gallatin,<br />

A., Synopsis of Indian tribes, American Antiquarian Soc. Trans. (Archa-o-<br />

logia Americana), vol. ii, Cambridge, 1836.<br />

Several other manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society.<br />

Jer. =The book of the prophet Jeremiah.<br />

John=The Gospel according to St John. For Chippewa Bible quotations see J.<br />

Josh. =The book of Joshua.<br />

Josselyn=Josselyn, John.<br />

Ear., N. E. Rar.=New England's rarities discovered; in birds, beasts, fishes,<br />

serpents, and plants of that country. London, 1672; Boston, 1865; in<br />

American Antiquarian Soc. Trans. (Archa?ologia Americana), vol. iv,<br />

Boston, 1860.<br />

Voy.= Account of two voyages to Xew England [1638, 1663]. London, 1674,<br />

1675; Boston, 1865; in Massachusetts Historical Soc. Coll., ser. .S, v(jI. hi,<br />

Cambridge, 1833.<br />

Judd=Judd, Sylvester.<br />

Gen. Reg. = Article on the fur trade on Connecticut river, in New England His-<br />

torical and Genealogical Register, vol. xi, Boston, 1857.<br />

Hadley, Hist, of Hadley= History of Hadley. Northampton, 1863.<br />

Judg. =The book of judges.<br />

1 K.=The first book of the kings.<br />

2 K. =The second book of the kings.<br />

K. A. See Osunk.<br />

Keat., Keating=Keating, William Hypolitus. Narrative of an expedition to the<br />

source of St. Peter's river, etc. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1824; London, 1825.<br />

Contains vocabularies of Sauk and Chippewa languages.<br />

L. =Linn6 (or Linna?us). Karl von. Several works on botany.<br />

Lah., Lahontan=Lahontan, Armand Louis de Delondarce, Baron dc. New vo3-ages<br />

to North America, containing an account of the several nations of that vast<br />

continent ... To which is added, a dictionary of the Algonkine language,<br />

which is generally spoke in North America. 2 vols. London, 1703, 1735.<br />

Various editions in French, Dutch, and German.<br />

Lam.=The lamentations of Jeremiah.<br />



1. c, loc. cit. =loco citato, in the place cited.<br />

Lechford=Lecliford, Thomas. Plain dealing: or, News from New Englaml. London,<br />

1642; Boston, 1867 (with introduction and notes by J. H. Truniljnlli; in<br />

Massachusetts Historical Soc. Coll., ser. 3, vol. in, Cambridge, 18.33.<br />

Le Jeune=Le Jeune, Pere Paul.<br />

Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Novvelle France en I'annee 1634, etc. Paris,<br />

1635; in Relations de Jesuites, vol. i, Quebec, 1858; The Jesuit relations and<br />

allied documents . . . edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites, vols, vii-viii,<br />

f'leveland, 1897. Quoted in Gallatin, A., Synopsis of tribes, American<br />

Antiquarian Soc. Trans. (Archa^ologia Americana), vol. n, Cambridge, 1836.<br />

Lescarbot=Lescarbot, Marc. Histoire de la Nouvelle France, etc. Paris, 1609, 1611,<br />

1612, 1618, 1866; London ( translated by P. E[rondelle] ), 1609, [1612?].<br />

LeSueur=LeSueur, Charles Alexander. Several -works on zoology.<br />

Lev. =Leviticus.<br />

Lit., Litu.=Lituanian. Lithuanian.<br />

loc. cit. See 1. e.<br />

,Long=Long, John. Voyages and travels of an Indian interpreter and trailer . . .<br />

To which is added a vocabulary of tlie Chijipeway language . . A list of<br />

words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawanee, and Esquimeaux tongues, and a<br />

table, shewing tlie analogy between the Algonkin and Chipi>eway languages.<br />

London, 1791.<br />

McK., McKenney=McKenney, Thomas Lorraine. Sketchesfif a tourto thelakes . . .<br />

Also, a vocabulary of the Algic, or Chippeway language, formed in part, and<br />

as far as it goes, upon the basis of one furnished l)y the Hon. .\l)iert (Jallaf'n.<br />

Baltimore, 1827.<br />

Mah.=Mahicanni, Mohegan.<br />

Maill., Maillard=Maillard, Anthony S.<br />

Grammar of the jMikma^iue language of Nova Scotia, edited from the manuscripts<br />

of the Abb(5 Maillard l>y tlie Rev. Joseph M. Bellenger. New York, 1864.<br />

.A.lso a numljer of manuscripts, preserved chiefly in the library of the Arch-<br />

bishopric of Quebec, and several jmblished letters I'ontaining Micmac words.<br />

Mai. =Malachi.<br />

Man. Pom., Manit. Pom. See El.<br />

Mar. Yin. Rec. = Manuscript deeds, etc., in the Imlian language of Massachusetts,<br />

formerly in possession of Reverenrl 1). \V. Stevens, Vineyard Haven, ilartlias<br />

Vineyard (?). Or, possibly, manuscript records of Marthas Vineyard<br />

in the custody of the town clerk at Eiigartown, Massachusetts.<br />

Martius=Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von. Beitriige zur ethnographie und<br />

sprachenkunde Brasiliens. Wiirtersammlung bi-asilienischer sprachen.<br />

Erlangen, 1863; Leipzig, 1867.<br />

Ma'*on=>Iason, Maj. John. Brief history of the Pequot war. Boston, 1736; in<br />

INIassaehusetts Historical Soc. Coll., ser. 2, vol. viii, Boston, 1819 (with an<br />

introduction by Thomas Prince).<br />

Mass. = Massachusetts.<br />

Mass. Hist. Coll. See M. H. C.<br />

Mass. Ps., Mass. Psalter. See E. M.<br />

Mather. See C. M.<br />

Matt. =The Gospel according to St Matthew.<br />

Mayhew. See E. M.<br />

Megapolensis=Megapolensis, Johannes. A short sketch of the Mohawk Indians in<br />

New Netherland . . . Revised from the translation [from the Dutch, Alk-<br />

maer [1644?], and Amsterdam, 1651 (in Hartgere, J., Be.schrijvinghe van<br />

Virginia, Nieuw Nederlandt, Nieuw Engelandt, etc. )] in [Ebenezer] Haz-

TRiMBVLi.] abbrp:viations xxiii<br />

Megapolengis=]\IeKai)nlensis, Johannes—continued.<br />

ard's Historieal cciUection.s [Philadelphia, 1792], with an introdurtinii ami<br />

notes, bj- John Ronieyn Brodhead. In New York Historical Soc. t'cilL, ser.<br />

2, vol. Ill, part 1, New York, 18-57.<br />

Menom. =Menomini.<br />

Mex. =Mexican.<br />

M. H. C, Mass. Hist. Coll. =Ci:)llection.s of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Ser.<br />

1 (1 M. H. C), 10 vol.s., Boston, 1792-1809. Ser. 2 (2 M. H. C), 10 vols.,<br />

Boston, 1814-1823. Ser. 3 (3 M. H. C), 10 vols., Boston and Cambridge,<br />

1825-1849. Ser. 4 (4 M. H. C), 10 vols., Boston, 1852-1871. Ser. 5, 10<br />

vols., Boston, 1871-1888. Ser. 6, 10 vols., Boston, 1886-1899. Ser. 7, vols,<br />

i-iii, Boston, 1900-1902.<br />

Mic. =Micah.<br />

Micm.=Micmac.<br />

Mitch. =Mitchell, Samuel Latham. Several works on the fishes of New York.<br />

mod.=modern.<br />

Moh.=Mohecran.<br />

Montagn. =!Montagnais.<br />

Montanus=Montanus (van Bergen or van den Berg), Ariioldus. Description of<br />

New Netherland. 1671. In Documentary history of the state of New York,<br />

arranged . . , l>y E; B, O'Callaghan, vol, iv, Albany, 1851 (translated from<br />

De nieuwe en onbekende weereld; of, Beschryving van America en't Zuid-<br />

land, Amsterdam, 1671),<br />

Morton, N. E. Canaan=Morton, Thomas. New English Canaan; r,r New Canaan, containing<br />

an abstract of New England. Composed in three bookes. Amsterdam,<br />

1637; Boston, 1883 (Publications of Prince Society) ; in Force Tracts,<br />

vol. 11, Washington, 1838.<br />

MS=manu8cript.<br />

Muh. =Muhhekaneew, Mohegan.<br />

mut.=mutual.<br />

M. Y. Rec. See Mar. Vin. Rec.<br />

n=noun.<br />

n. agent., n. agentis=nomen agentis, noun (or name 1 of the agent.<br />

Nah.=Nahum.<br />

N. A. Review=North American review. Yols. i-ci.x.vv. Boston and New York,<br />

181.5-1902.<br />

Narr. =Narragansett, or, in citations from Roger Williams, more properly Cowweseuck<br />

or Cowesit.<br />

Nash, Men. See Rawson.<br />

Nav. Col. =Navarrete, Martin Fernandez de. Coleccion de loa viages y descubri-<br />

mientos, que hicieron por mar los Espaiioles desde fines del siglo xv, etc.<br />

5 vols. Madrid, 1825-37.<br />

neg., negat. =negative.<br />

Neh,=Thebook of Nehemiah,<br />

N. E. Plantation. See Higginson.<br />

Nipni. =Nipmuc.<br />

Norwood=Norwood, Col. Richard. Yoyage to Yirginia, 1649. In Churchill, Awnsham<br />

and John, Collection of voyages and travels, London, 1732, 1744, 1746;<br />

Force Tracts, vol. in, Washington, 1844; The Yirginia Historical Register,<br />

vol. II, Richmond, 1849 (abridged).<br />

Notit Ind. See C. M.<br />

N. T.=New Testament. See El.<br />

Num. = Numbers.<br />

Nuttall=Nuttall, Thomas. The North American sylva. :; vols. Pliil;'delphia,<br />



N. Y. II. S. Coll.=Colleotions of the New York Historical Society. Ser. 1, 5 vols.,<br />

New York, 1811-30. Ser. 2, 4 vols.. New York, 1841-59. Publication fund<br />

ser., 2,7 vols., New York, 1868-94.<br />

Obad.=Obadiah.<br />

obj.=obiect, objective.<br />

Oggus. Kutt. See Danf.<br />

Ojib. =Ojibwa, Chippewa.<br />

Onond. =Onondaf;a.<br />

Osunk.=Osunkhirhine (or Wzokhilain), Peter Paul.<br />

K. A. =Wobanaki kimzowi awighigan, P. P. Wzokilhain, kizitokw [Spelling<br />

and reading book in the Penobscot dialect of the Abnaki language, includ-<br />

ing a number of vocabularies, Indian and English], Boston, 1830.<br />

Also several translations into Abnaki.<br />

Palfrey=Palfrey, John Gorham. History of New England during the Stuart<br />

dynasty. 5 vols. Boston and London, 1859-90.<br />

part., particip. =partici[)le.<br />

pass. = passive.<br />

Peq. =Pequot.<br />

pers.= person.<br />

1 Pet.=The first general epistle of Peter.<br />

2 Pet.=The second general epistle of Peter.<br />

Phil.=The epistle of Paul to the Philippians.<br />

Phileni.=The epistle of Paul to Philemon.<br />

Phil. Tran.s See Winth.<br />

Pickering= Pickering, John.<br />

Introd. to El. Gr. See El.<br />

Pier., Pierson=Pierson, Abraham. Some helps for the Indians, shewing them how<br />

to improve their natural reason, to know the true God, and the true Christian<br />

pl.=plural.<br />

religion, etc. [Catechism in Quiripi]. Cambridge, 1658; Hartford, 1873<br />

(from Connecticut Hi.storical Soc. Coll., vol. in; with an introduction bv<br />

James HammonrI Trumbull); in Connecticut Historical Soc. Coll., vol. in,<br />

Hartford, 1895.<br />

poss. =possessive.<br />

Powh.=Powhatan.<br />

Prayer9= [Sergeant, Rer. John. ]<br />

pres. =present.<br />

pret. =preterit.<br />

translateil into Mohegan], [Boston? 174-?]<br />

prog. =progressive.<br />

proh., prohib. =prohibitory.<br />

Pro v. = Proverbs.<br />

A morning jirayer [and a number of other prayers,<br />

Ps. =The book of psalms.<br />

Quinney = [Quinney, John.] The As.sembly's catecliism [in Mohegan]. Stock-<br />

bridge, 1795. Contains also a translation


Rand=Kanil, Silas Tertius—continued.<br />

Also many translations into IMicmac, an. See El.<br />

Sansk. =Sanskrit.<br />

Sax.=Saxon.<br />

Say=Say, Thomas. Several works on .\merican zoology.<br />

S. B. (Chip.) =James, Edwin. Ojibue spelling book. 2 parts. Boston, 1846. Ear-<br />

lier editions (in one volume), Utica, 1833; Bo.ston, 183-5.<br />

S. B. (Del.). SeeZeisb.<br />

sc. =scilieet, namely, to wit.<br />

Sch., Schoolcraft=Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe.<br />

Ind. Tribes=Historical and statistical information, resj^ecting the history, con-<br />

dition, and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States, etc. 6 parts.<br />

Philadelphia, 1851-18.^7; 1860; 1884 (partial reprint; 2 vols. i.<br />

Also sever.al other works containing Indian (chiefly Algonquian ) linguistic<br />



Shawn. = Shawnee.<br />

sing. =singular.<br />

Smith, Capt. J.=Smith, ^Viptaw John.<br />

Descr. N. England, 1616=A description of New England; or, The observations<br />

and discoveries of Captain John Smith, etc. London, 1616; Boston, 1865;<br />

Birmingham, 1884 (in The English scholars library. Capt. John Smith . . .<br />

Works. 1608-1631 . . . Edited by Edward Arber); in Massachusetts Historical<br />

Soc. Coll., ser. ?,, vol. vi, Boston, 1837; Force Tracts, vol. ii, Wash-<br />

ington, 1838.<br />

Virginia, Hist, of Va. =The generall hi.storie of Virginia, New-England, and the<br />

Summer isles, etc. London, 1621, 1626, 1627, 1631, 1632, 1705 ( in Harris, J.,<br />

Collection of voyages, vol. i), 1812 (in Pinkerton, John, A general collection<br />

of voyages and travels, vol. xiii); Richmond, 1819 (The trve travels . . .<br />

of Captaine John Smith, etc., vol. ii) ; Birmingham, 1884 (.Arber edition;<br />

see above).<br />

1631:=Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of Xew England, etc.<br />

London, 1631; Boston, 1865; Birmingham, 1884 (Arber edition; see above);<br />

in Massachusetts Historical Soc. Coll., ser. 3, vol. in, Boston, 1833.<br />

Smith, Fishes of Mass. =Smith, Jerome Van Crowninshield. Natural history of the<br />

S. Q. See El.<br />

fishes of Massachusetts. Boston, 1833.<br />

St., Stiles=Stiles, Ezra.<br />

Peq. =A vocabulary of the Pequot, obtained b}' President Stiles in 1762 ... at<br />

Groton, Conn. Manuscript in the library of Yale University. Copy in the<br />

library of the Bureau of American Ethnology.<br />

Narr. =A manuscript vocabulary obtained from a Narragansett Indian, Septem-<br />

ber 6, 1769. In the library of Yale University.<br />

Storer, Kept, on Fishes of Mass. =Storer, David Humphreys, and Peabody, William<br />

Bourne Oliver. Report on the fishes, reptiles, and birds of Massachusetts.<br />

Boston, 1839 (Report of Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey<br />

of the State).<br />

Stour. Misprint. See Storer.<br />

Strachey=Strachey, William. The historie of travaile into Virginia Britannia, etc.<br />

London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1849.<br />

gubi.=subject.<br />

suff. =suflfix, suffix form.<br />

Sum.=Summerfield, John. Sketch of grammar of the Chippeway language, to<br />

which is added a vocabulary of some of the most common words. By John<br />

Summerfield, alias Sahgahjewagahbahweh. Cazenovia, 1834.<br />

suppos. =suppo8itive.<br />

Sw. =Swedish.<br />

s. V. =sub voce, under the entry ; also same verse.<br />

Syr. =Syriae.<br />

t., trans. =transitive.<br />

1 Thess. =The first epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians.<br />

2 Thess. =The second epistle of Paul ' j the Thessalonians.<br />

1 Tim.=The first epistle of Paul to Timothy.<br />

2 Tim. =The second epistle of Paul to Timothy.<br />

Tit. =The epistle of Paul to Titus.<br />

Tocqueville=Tocquevi!le, Alexis Charles Henri C'lerel de. De la democratie en<br />

Amerique. 2 v. Bruxelles, 1835. Several other editions.<br />

trans. See t.<br />

v.= verse. See also s. v.<br />

v., vb. =verb.

.<br />


vbl.= verbal, verbal noun.<br />

Vespuciu8=Vespucci, Amerigo (Lat. Vegpiu'ius, Aniericus).<br />

Nav. Col. =Navarrete, ilartin FernanSee Mar. Vin. Rec.<br />

Virg. = Virginian.<br />

voc. = vocabulary<br />

Von Martins. 8ee Martins.<br />

Watts' Cat. See Quinney.<br />

Weber= Weber, Albrecht Friedrieh. Several works on East Indian language and<br />

literature.<br />

Webst., Webster= Webster, Noah. Dictionary ot the English language. Many edi-<br />

tions and revisions.<br />

White=White, Andrew. A relation of the colony of the lord baron of Baltimore, in<br />

Maryland, near Virginia; a narrative of the voyage to Maryland, by Father<br />

Andrew White, etc. In Force Tracts, vol. iv, Washington, 1846.<br />

Williams. See R. W.<br />

Wils. = Wilson, Alexander. Several works on American ornithology.<br />

Winslow, Relation=W[inslow], E[dward]. Good nevves from New-England; or A<br />

true relation of things very remarkable at the plantation of Plimoth, etc.<br />

London, 1624; partly reprinted in Purchas, Samuel, His pilgrimes, vol. iv,<br />

London, 1625; also in Massachusetts Historical Soc. Coll., ser. 1, vol. viii,<br />

Boston, 1802, and ser. 2, vol. ix, Boston, 1822, 1832, and in Young, A.,<br />

Chronicles of the Pilgrim fathers, Boston, 1841, 1844.<br />

\Vinth = Winthorp (=Winthrop) [Adam?]. The description, culture, and use of<br />

maiz. In Philosophical Transactions, no. 142, for December, January, and<br />

February, 1678 [-79]. London, 1679.<br />

Wood (N. E. )=Wood, William. New Englands prospect. A true, lively, and<br />

experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called New<br />

Englami, etc. London, 1634; 1635; 1639; 1764; Boston, 1865 (in Publica-<br />

tions of Prince Society).<br />

Wood (L. I. ), S. Wood=Wood, Silas. A sketch of the first settlement of the several<br />

towns on Long island, with their political condition, to the end of the Amer-<br />

ican revolution. Brooklyn, 1824; 1826; 1828; 1865.<br />

Wun. Samp. See Rawson.<br />

Zech. =Zechariah.<br />

Zeisb. =Zeisberger, David.<br />

Gr., Gram. = A grammar of the language of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware<br />

Indians. Translated from the German manuscript of the author by Peter<br />

Stephen Du Ponceau. With a preface and notes by the translator. Published<br />

by order of the American Philosopnical Society in the third volume<br />

of the new series of their Transactions. Philadelphia, 1827; in American<br />

Philosophical Soc. Trans., new ser., vol. iii, Philadelphia, 1830.<br />

S. B., Spelling Book=Essay of a Delaware-Indian and English spelling-book,<br />

for the use of the schools of Christian Indians on Muskingum river. Phila-<br />

delphia, 1776; reprinted with additions and omissions, Philadelphia, 1806.<br />

A'oc. = Vocabularies by Zeisberger. From the collection of manuscrifits presented<br />

by Judge Lane to Harvard University. Nos. 1 and 2. Printed for the<br />

"Alcove of American Native Languages" in Wellesley College library, by<br />

E. X. Horsford. Camliridge, 1887.<br />

Also several translations into Delaware, and otlier works containing Delaware<br />

hnguistic material.


Zeph. =Zephaniah.<br />

Zig. = (Germ.) Zigeuner, tfyiisy.<br />

*In tlie Natick-English part this sign indicates tliat tlie words it precedes do not<br />

Iselong to the Naticli dialect proper. In tlie English-Naticli part it apparently<br />

indicates that the words it precedes represent ideas foreign to the aboriginal<br />

thought. Its use seems to have been discontinued soon after the commencement<br />

of this part of the dictionary. ,


*Abbainoclio. See *chepy; *Hobhamoco.<br />

*abockqu6sin-asli (Narr. ), n. pi. 'the<br />

iiiatf of the house' (with which the<br />

wigwam was covered), R. W. See<br />



adtashaii, v. t. an. he hides (himself, or<br />

another), Jer. 23, 24; Lulie 1, 24; wut-<br />

tdttash-uh, she hid them. Josh. 2, 4. See<br />

adtahtou.<br />

[Cree kdht-ow, he hides it; kdht-layoo,<br />

he hides him. Abn. ne-kai'idaSan, ne-<br />

kair-StaSaR, je le lui cache; ne-kaiidSn,<br />

je cache cela.]<br />

adtoail, adtauaii, attdaii, v. t. he acquires<br />

possession of, makes his own;<br />

(used by Eliot for) he buys; imperat.<br />

adldash, buy thou (it), Jer. 32, 7, 8;<br />

adldagk, buy ye, Is. 55, 1; suppos. 7ioh<br />

adtdadt, . . . noh maguk, he who buys,<br />

... he who sells. Is. 24, 2; adt mt»h-<br />

dadtik, 'of great price', 1 Pet. 3, 4;<br />

anoadtu rxibisash, she is of price above<br />

[is W'Orth more than] rubies, Prov. 31,<br />

10; vbl. n. adtodonk, purchasing, acquir-<br />

ing, Jer. 32, 8; adj. and adv. adtu&e, of<br />

or relating to purchase, Jer. 32, 11, 12,<br />

16. Cf. oadtuhkau, he pays (him).<br />

[Narr. kut-tattauam-ish aUke, I will<br />

buy land of you. Abn. net-odai'iSe,<br />

i'achete, je traite; net-atanman, j'achete<br />

de lui; ataSeSangon, achat, traitement.<br />

Cree at-dwdyoo [ahd-ahird, Chip.], he<br />

exchanges, barters, Howse. Chiji. atd-<br />

ineyidii, be sells (him). Bar.]<br />

adtoekit, suppos. of hohtoekin (.?),sheis<br />

) , ;<br />

next in growth (?) ; noh adtoekit, she who<br />

comes next, a 'second daughter', Job<br />

42, 14. Cf. hohtdeu.<br />

[Abn. Sd-^kanar, son frere cadet.]<br />

adtonkqs, as n. a kinsman, or kinswoman;<br />

pi. -sog; kadionkqs, 'thy cousin',<br />

Luke 1, 36; nu tonkqs, ' my kinswoman '<br />

Prov. 7, 4; vmdtunkqus-oh, ' her cousins '<br />

Luke 1, 58; tvadionkqsin, a cousin, C.<br />

One who is akin to or in some sense<br />

belongs to another. Cf. adtoaii; oh-<br />

lunk; iogquos (a twin).<br />

[Narr. nafdricfe, my cousin; vatdnrk.'i,<br />

a (his) cousin; wat-tonksUtuock (v . mut.<br />

they are cousins. Abn. nnadangSs, pi.<br />

-Sssak, mon cousin, sen le fils des pa-<br />

rents de ma mere (dicit vir vel mulier)<br />

nnadaiigSseseskSe [i>' dai'igmses (dimin.)<br />

and squa (fern.)], ma cousine, la fllle<br />

du parent de ma mfire (dicit vir);<br />

nadai'igS, dit-on a la femme de son frfere,<br />

dit le pere an mari de sa fille, etc. Cree<br />

tdIik(io-iiiii)/oo, he is related to him.<br />

Chip, nindaugci.ihi', my mother's liroth-<br />

adtonkqs—continued.<br />

er's daughter, or my father's sister's<br />

daughter (dicit mulier).]<br />

adtuhtag^, supjios. when (it was) in order,<br />

or seasonable (?) ; irenaminneash, at<br />

'the time of grapes', Num. 13, 20.<br />

aetai, aeetaue, aeetawe, ehta'i, adv. at<br />

lioth sides, Ezek. 47, 7, 12; Ex. 25, 19:<br />

seep, on lx)th sides of the river,<br />

Rev. 22, 2; ehtdi-kenag, sharp on both<br />

sides, 'two-edged', Prov. 5, 4.<br />

[Abn. eidaSiSi, ou epemaiSi, au liout,<br />

aux deux bouts de quelque chose.]<br />

agkemut, suppos.'of ogkemaii, v. t. an. he<br />

counts. See ogkemdnat.<br />

agqueneunkquok, suppos. as n., like-<br />

iie.ss, resemblance, Deut. 4. 16, 17, 18.<br />

See ogqvi; ogqueneunk.<br />

SLgqvdt, Squt, suppos. of hogkco, he is<br />

covered or clothed with, he wears (as<br />

clothing) ; ne agquit, ne Aqnt, that which<br />

he wears. Gen. 37, 23; 1 K. 11, 30.<br />

Adv. agwee, for wear; 'to put on', Gen.<br />

28, 20. See hogkco.<br />

ag'ushau, v. t. he goes under (it)—for<br />

shelter or concealment is implied—<br />

2 Sam. 18, 9; pi. dgqshoog. Job 24, 8.<br />

Cf. ogkmchin.<br />

agTwe. See ogtcu.<br />

ag-nronk, under a tree, 1 Sam. 31. 13.<br />

From agiru and -tiiik, formative. See<br />

mehtug.<br />

ag^ini, agwe, ogvni, (it is) underneath,<br />

below, Deut. 33, 27; Josh. 15, 19; Ex.<br />

20, 4. The contracted form of ohkeiyeu,<br />

e.irthward (El. Gr. 21); ohkeieu, C.<br />

[Del. equiiri, Zei,«b.]<br />

ahamaquesuuk ( ? I , ahamogq (supijos.<br />

as n.), a needle, Mark 10, 25; Luke l-S-<br />

25; ohhomaquesuuk, C. Adj. and adv.<br />

-ogqueme, made by the needle, of<br />

needlework, Judg. 15, 10. Ct.adhkeomm.<br />

[Abn. tsatiiakS, aiguille pour faire des<br />

nattes ou des raquettes; tmnkkandi,<br />

aiguille francoise. ]<br />

ahanehtam, v. t. he laughs at (it^. See<br />

hahanehtniii.<br />

ahanu, v. i. he laughs. See liahdnu.<br />

ahaosukqueu. See hdsekoeu.<br />

*a'liawgwut (Peq.), a bear, Stile-s.<br />

ahcheu. See


ahchevrontam— cuntinuecl.<br />

injiitiimmk, nivet ye Itlie bes^t gifts),<br />

1 Cur. 12, 31; imperat. of prohibition,<br />

ahcheimntukon, thou shalt not covet, or<br />

'desire' it, Deut. 5, 21; suppos. ahche-<br />

wontog, he who is covetous; pi. -gig, the<br />

covetous, Luke 16, 4. Vbl. n. tam-<br />

oonk, coveting, covetousness, Hab. 2, 9<br />

{ahhahchuwonk, Man. Pom. 86) . Cot-<br />

ton has nut-ahchuueehteom (?) , I pro-<br />

cure; nuttahdmelttea, I get (?).<br />

ahchu, ahcheu, v. i. he is diligent,<br />

makes effort, exerts himself (cf. adcArtii,<br />

he hunts). Used by Eliot only<br />

as an adverb, in the sense of diligently,<br />

earnestly, exceedingly, very much, etc.<br />

ahchu analcausuog, they ' had a mind to<br />

work '<br />

' (worked with a will '<br />

, Neh. ) 4, 6<br />

ahdiue taphekon (prohib. ), 'labor not to<br />

comfort me', Is. 22, 4; ah


ahque—cuntiuuiMl.<br />

able fc mil]; alujlnik [alKjuc-mkl, refrain<br />

ye, Prov. 17, 14. Cf. vJiquae; vltqiie.<br />

[Narr. aquie, leave off, do not ; (iquic<br />

(issokish, be not foolish, R. W. 39, 41.<br />

Quir. matta eakquino, it ceaseth not,<br />

Pier.15,40. Cree"

ahtuk—cont i nued<br />

.<br />

(liyomp, ayimp, i:iiiiiini>, 'luirt', 'roe',<br />

is Abn. dianhe, the male of Jeer or<br />

deerkind, a buck. Narr. hiltiomp [kehteiyomp},<br />

'a great buck'; and so, pau-<br />

cottduwaw, -iciAwal, a buck. Del. ayapeii,<br />

Zeisb. East. Chip, ayarbey awaskesh,<br />

male deer, Long.<br />

eiyompAemese, pi. -sog, 'young hart'.<br />

Cant. 8, 14; 'young roes'. Cant. 4, 5;<br />

dimin. of eiyomp.<br />

qunnegk, pi. -gqudoy, -quoog, ' hind '<br />

Gen. 49, 21; Cant. 2, 7; a doe, the female<br />

deer. Narr. aunan, qunneke (the former<br />

term corresponding to Abn. hi'rar, female<br />

of deer-kind); qurmequ&wese, a<br />

young doe.<br />

mmsuog, 'fallow deer'. See 7«(»s.<br />

ahtiishkouwau, pi. -waog, 'noble.s',<br />

principal men, Num. 21, 18.<br />

[Narr. alauskawauog, -kowaug, rulers,<br />

lords. R. W. 120, 13.3.]<br />

ahunou. See hmiiai'i.<br />

*aiaiiiiau, v. t. an. he imitates (him);<br />

nuitiamxdu, I imitate, C. See 6mt6h-<br />

konaucmat; unneit.<br />

*aianne, C. See eiydne.<br />

*alontogkom.p, n. a knave, C.<br />

a'i'jpauehteau, v. cans, he maketh<br />

calm (inishittaihineuh, the storm), Ps.<br />

107, 29. See imwipin.<br />

ait, suppr>s. of ayett, q. v.<br />

aiulikontOTwaonk. See auwakijntovAonk.<br />

aiuskoiantam, v. i. he repents, is sorry;<br />

iiut-aimkokirdam, I repent, Jer. 18, 10;<br />

imperat. 2d sing, aiuxkoiantamaali, re-<br />

pent thou, be sorry for, Acts 8, 22.<br />

aiyomp, a buck. See ahtuk.<br />

*akesu-og (Narr.), they are cnunting.<br />

See ogkelamunat.<br />

akodchu, v. i. he is ashamed; md-aknilj<br />

(iiiit-dgkodcli, C. ), I am ashamed, Luke<br />

16, 3; matia akodchuog, they were not<br />

ashamed. Gen. 2, 25 (nut-dgkodchehlk-<br />

qun, it ashameth me, C). Vbl. n.<br />

-chumik, shame, Prov. 18, 13 [ogkodchuonk,<br />

C. ). Caus. an. akodchehheau, he<br />

shames (him), makes him ashamed;<br />

ktd-a-kodchehhioog, thou puttest them to<br />

shame, Ps. 44, 7. Imperat. 2d-!- 3d<br />

pers. (ihque akodjheh, put me not tn<br />

shame, Ps. 119, 31-<br />

,<br />


amaeii, amaei, v. i. he departs, goes<br />

away, withdraws himself, Job 27, 21;<br />

Gal. 2, 12 (without reference to the<br />

mode or to the act of going, but simply<br />

to the separation or removal of one per-<br />

son or thing from another); imperat.<br />

2d pers. sing, anidiih, depart, go away;<br />

suppos. amdlt, amdiit, when he went<br />

away; with an. obj. anidei'iau, he goes<br />

away from him; amaeuoh, amayeoh,<br />

he went away from him, Judg. 6, 21 (?),<br />

more commonly, amaeJdauau, he departs<br />

or goes away from (him), 1 Sam.<br />

16, 14; imperat. 2d -f- 1st sing, amaeih-<br />

tah, depart thou from me, Luke 5, 8;<br />

suppos. part, aiiieldauont, when he de-<br />

parts, when departing, from (him), Jer.<br />

17, 5.<br />

-Smag, -§,inaug, pi. dmagquag, n. gen.<br />

for 'fish taken by the hook.' See<br />

*mimaui.<br />

[amakompau, v. i. he stands away;]<br />

imperat. -paiiish, stand thou away, C.<br />

amaoolikauau, V. t. an. he drives (him)<br />

away; pi. -kauAog, they drive away.<br />

Job 24, 3.<br />

-g,maug. See -dmag.<br />

amaunum, v. t. he takes (it) away. Job<br />

20, 19; Judg. 8, 21; imperat. amaiwsh,<br />

take thou (it) away, Prov. 25, 4. From<br />

amdeu, with characteristic (-num) of<br />

action by the hand. Cf. *aumai'd.<br />

[Narr. amdtinsh, take it away.]<br />

amaushau, v. i. he departs secretly or<br />

with evil purpose, or the like; he 'slips<br />

away', 1 Sam. 19, 10. From amAei'i,<br />

with sh of derogation.<br />

amayeuonk [^amaeuonkl, vbl. n. de-<br />

parture, going away, 2 Tim. 4, 6.<br />

*amisque [=un!(sg], Muh. a Vieaver,<br />

Edw. Cf. titmmnnk, a name which was<br />

apjilied properly only to the living<br />

adult animal. (Abn. tevia'kSe, castor<br />

vivant. ) Amisk, a generic name for<br />

beaver-kind, has been retained in the<br />

principal Algonquian dialects: Abn.<br />

pepSn-emeskS, nipen-emeskS, winter<br />

beaver, summer beaver; kemesks, great<br />

Ijeaver, or beaver skin; alsimeskS (or<br />

naiib-imeskS) , male, nSsemeskS (or skfmeskS),<br />

female beaver. Cree umUk.<br />

Chip. amU-. Hhawn. amixhwah. Miami<br />

mahkwaw. Del. (Minsi) amochk, Zeisb.


*amniiat, perhaps, it may be, C.<br />

amomau, v. t. an. he warns (him); gives<br />

(him) warning; pi. -&og, Ps. 19, 11;<br />

kut-amm6moh, thou warnest him, Ezek.<br />

5, 18; ii')il-am6mu}i., he warned him.<br />

Acts 10, 22; suppos. amammtt, if he<br />

warn, Ezek. 33, 3. Vbl. n. (pass. ) am6n-<br />

tuonh, warning, Ezek. 33, 45.<br />

^a'mucksh. (Peq. ), .n. a weasel, Stiles.<br />

See *mns


anaquahaii—continued.<br />

trade, v. 21 {unkesJielo, will you truck?<br />

Wood). N. agentis anaqushaen; pi.<br />

-cnuog, traders, 1 K. 10, 14.<br />

[Narr. anaqushauog (they trade),<br />

'traders'; mmumaqushauoij or mouna-<br />

qushdnchici, 'chapmen ' ; anarjushento,<br />

let us trade, R. W.]<br />

anaskham, ^•. i. he digs, hoes, breaks<br />

the earth, Luke 16, 3 {-hamun, as infin-<br />

itive).<br />

[Narr. anaskhommin, to hoe, or break<br />

up; pi. anashk-homwog, they hoe. Abn.<br />

Sdererke lumen, il le beche.]<br />

*anaskig (Narr.), n. (a digging instrument,<br />

) a hoe, pi. -ganash, R. W.<br />

[Abn. arakih'igan.']<br />

*anauclieniineash. ( Narr. , n. pi. acorns,<br />

)<br />

R. W. ; animchiiii, nut, pi. -minash, C.<br />

[Del. wunachrjuim, Hkw. Abn. anes-<br />

Icemen, pi. -nar, glands; anaskamesi,<br />

chene qui porte des glands. ]<br />

-ane, of the kind of, etc. See un)ie.<br />

anea, adv. further, Luke 24, 28 [=o)!^-<br />

koue (?)]. Cf. dnue, more than.<br />

[Narr. e)iiii;k, further; n' neickomdsu,<br />

a little further.]<br />

*an6qus ( Narr. ) , n. the ground or striped<br />

squirrel, or chipmunk (Taniiaslysteri).<br />

Cf. annuneks (ant).<br />

[Abn. anikwsens. Cf. Abn. naiinan-<br />

kr.vum, il est linger.]<br />

aneiiham, v. i. he has advantage, gains<br />

[giies beyond, aneu-mm']. With inan.<br />

obj. hamaiXaii, he profits or is profited<br />

by (it); toh unne aneuhamau-un<br />

wosketomp, what is a man profited, etc..<br />

Matt. 16, 26; suppos. (t. inan.) aneuhamauadt,<br />

if he gain (it), ibid.; suppos.<br />

pass, or inan. subj. aneu-hamuk, what<br />

is gained; pi. yeuus aneuhamug-hh,<br />

these things are gained, Phil. 3, 7; nut-<br />

tdniiwun, I overcome or conquer, C.<br />

Ybl. n. aneu-mau&onk, gain, advantage,<br />

profit; and pass, aneti-mdadtuonk, 1<br />

Tim. 6, 6.<br />

aneupae. See dntipde.<br />

anin, anun, v. i. (1) it exceeds, goes beyond,<br />

is more than. (2) it rots, corrupts.<br />

From dnue, more, beyond, with the<br />

formative of verbs of growth: it goes beyond,<br />

exceeds (the good or normal);<br />

with an. subj. aniimii, anunnco, he rot.s<br />

('stinketh', .Tohn 11, 39), }>1. nninvug,<br />

dniu, anun—continued.<br />

'they are corrupt', Ps. 14, 1; Is. 50,<br />

2; u-uskaniurii anil nt agive pnhqiwlikit,<br />

'the seed is rotten tinder the clods ' , .Joel<br />

1, 17; suppos. inan. ne aneilk, 'a cor-<br />

rupt thing', Mai. 1, 14; 'rottenness',<br />

Prov. 12, 4; suppos. an. noh unit, he<br />

who is rotten or is corrupt; corrupted<br />

or putrefied flesh or an. being (sometimes<br />

used by Eliot for aneiik, after an<br />

inan. substantive, as Prov. 10, 7 ) . VbL<br />

n. annooonk, decay, rottenness, Pnjv. 14,<br />

30; annunoooyik, rottenness (of flesh,<br />

or an. obj.), putrefaction. Lev. 22, 2.5;<br />

Job 17, 14; su^jpos. pass. (inan. subj.)<br />

animnamuk, when it is rotted, rotten-<br />

ness, Hos. 5, 12.<br />

The primary signification, it will be<br />

observed, is to exceed, to pass beyond;<br />

hence noh unit, he who exceeds or goes<br />

beyond (the natural, the common, or<br />

the normal) designates any an. being<br />

of supernatural, imcommon, or abnormal<br />

qualities or powers; and with the<br />

indef. prefix instead of the demonstrative,<br />

m'anit (somebody or something<br />

that exceeds), became the name of<br />

supernatural lieing or agency, which is<br />

usually translated ' Ciod '<br />

[Del. alett, rotten, Zeisb.]<br />

[Note —It was the intention of the com-<br />

piler to rewrite the foregoing definition.]<br />

aninnulika), it is a help or support<br />

{-uhk marking continuance or permanence);<br />

as n. a .support, 'a stay', 1 K.<br />

10, 19.<br />

aninnum, v. t. he gives (with the hand),<br />

he hands (it), presents (it). From<br />

annmnaiX (q. v. ), with the characteristic<br />

(mim) of action of the hand. Imperat.<br />

2d pi. aninnummk metsuonk, give ye<br />

(them) food. Matt. 14, 16. With an.<br />

2d obj. aninnumau, he gives (it) to<br />

(him); imperat. 2d-|-lst sing, anin-<br />

niiinrh. give thou (it) to me. Matt. 14,8<br />

(aiiiNiiiimeli, help thou me, Ps. 22, 19;<br />

38, 22; keti ununiimah, give thou me, C )<br />

amnmimaii, he gives (him) assistance,<br />

helps (him); -maiiaji mitlamwogsissoh,<br />

he helped the woman. Rev. 12, 16;<br />

kut-aninum-ousJi, I help thee. Is. 41, 10.<br />

See annumaii.<br />

[Narr. kut-dnnum-mi , will you help<br />

nie?; (inuneina, help me.]<br />

.<br />



*anishaniog, )ilfish, C. fiee* jxiuffn-<br />

anisheau. See diiKxsi'hlncdi.<br />

-anit, ill i-oinpos. for iminit, iimnitto, q. v.<br />

anitchewan, anutchuan lanuc-utrJiKo(i],<br />

V. i. it overflows, flows abundantly,<br />

Ps. 78, 16, 20. See dnnjide; dnuwulchii-<br />

anittue, mlj. cornipteil; pi. -lugh, Ps.<br />

Ss. 5; Prov. 25, 26. See oh m.<br />

*anna, n. a shell, C. ; shell-fish. See hogki.<br />

[Narr. (pi.) anuumick, shells. Abn.<br />

fs, pi. ('ssrti, coquilles; ne.-manese, j'amasse<br />

coquillage pour manger.]<br />

*annachim, n. a nut, C; an acorn. See<br />

*,n,d,irhnnnin,sh; mm.<br />

anneganuhtuk, n. a fish spear. Job 41, 7.<br />

annimmung'quot, n. a stench. Is. 3, 24;<br />

liad i^niell (smell of corruption or<br />

putridity, anni+ nmngquot, the forma-<br />

tive of verbals of smelling, or emitting<br />

Odnri.<br />

annin. Sn- (imiini.<br />

anninnoaonk, annun-, vlil. n. corrup-<br />

tion. Job 17, 14; Lev. 22, 25.<br />

annoke. See (nmhke.<br />

annoOsu, annooosu, v. i. he hopes,<br />

tru.-Jts, is hopeful, 1 Cor. 13, 7 {noh<br />

axHudsu, C); imt-uimdiis, I hope, 2 Cor.<br />

1, 13; suppos. annoosit, when, or if , he<br />

hopes. Vbl. n. annddsuonk (annoaus-,<br />

rtHHOOMS-, etc.), hoping; hope, expecta-<br />

tion of good, Rom. 8, 24; Ps. 62, 5.<br />

anno3, unnaii, v. t. an. he says to, tells<br />

(him). See miruiit and cf. noodnat.<br />

Pret. iinaiop, anmwop, he said to him,<br />

he told him; ne dnim, what is commanded<br />

(.said), Ex. 34, 11; suppos. noh<br />

anotil, he who tells or says to, 'commands',<br />

or directs; loh anont, -what he<br />

commands (may command), 'his commandment',<br />

Prov. 8, 29. With inan.<br />

oil], annumau (q. v.), he gives (command)<br />

to, commands (it) to (him).<br />

In tile verse last cited three forms of<br />

the primary verb occur in the suppos-<br />

itive: anummaont, when he gave (his<br />

decree) to; toll anotil, 'his commandment',<br />

i. e. his commanding, word-<br />

giving; Anmirodl, 'when he appoints',<br />

commands (it).<br />

Eliot's use of the several forms and<br />

derivatives of this verli does not enable<br />

us to distinguish tlieni accurately. The<br />

anuoo, unnaii—continued.<br />

primary signification of tlie rout is, per-<br />

liaps, to send (cf. aiuicotam, rimKoimi'i);<br />

to commission, to direct, to tell.<br />

[Cf. Abn. iied-droi'i, j'ai coutume de<br />

lui dire; arSs, fleche [i. e. a missile].<br />

Del. allunm, go along; alluns, arrow,<br />

liullet; allummahen, to throw; ptuk-<br />

(ihiiis [round missile], bullet, Zeisb.]<br />

anncDnaii, v. t. an. (1) he commands,<br />

directs (him); nut-annam, I command<br />

or tell (them), 1 K. 17, 4; suppos. nean-<br />

nmiKMi, that which I command you,<br />

Deut. 4, 2. (2) he hires, employs (him)<br />

imt-aniimn-uk, he hires me, Judg. 18, 4;<br />

suppos. iw)h annmnoiit, he who liires.<br />

Matt. 20, 1; suppos. pass, aiinooni;, when<br />

he is hired, Neh. 6, 1.3. (3) he sends<br />

(him), Ex. 24, 5; nut-annmn, I send,<br />

.Matt. 11, 10; imperat. 2d + 1st pars,<br />

send thou to me, Is. 6, 8. N. agent.<br />

annoaden, one who serves for hire, Ex.<br />

12, 45; one sent, a messenger, Prov. 17,<br />

1 1 ; anconnumaen, a commander. Is. 55, 4.<br />

[Narr. (indce {= annd)s), hire him;<br />

kat-avnmnsh, I hire you.]<br />

annooosu. See uiinddm.<br />

anncotag: (?), suppos. inan. (that which)<br />

is ripe, or seasonable, Hos. 9, 10; Jer.<br />

24, 2. Cf. adiuhtag; kesanoliteau.<br />

annootam, v. t. inan. he sends (it), Lam.<br />

1, 13; imper. 2d pi. -tammk, -teanimk,<br />

send you, 2 Sam. 17, 16. Vbl. n. -teammonk,<br />

a sending, a command, 2 John 4.<br />

annumau, \-. t. an. (1) he gives word to,<br />

coiiimanils ( him) : anakausiwiik ne nnu-<br />

manoiil, the task which he (suppos.)<br />

giveth (to them) to do, Eccles. 3, 10;<br />

aniimaont, when he gives (to the sea)<br />

his decree, Prov. 8, 29. See annco. Cf.<br />

aninnum. (2) he helps, assists (him):<br />

wiil-niiiiihiia-oh, he helped them. Acts<br />

IS, 27; kut-annum-nnkqun, he helps us,<br />

1 Sam. 7, 12.<br />

annun, annin, \. i. he lays hrild of,<br />

puts hands on, seizes; with au. obj.<br />

annu (?). In either form the verb sig-<br />

nifies to take hold of an an. object; in<br />

the inan. form, to seize (him) by a i^art,<br />

a limb, the dress, etc. (inan. obj.): iculaiiniili<br />

viiii-iiiitchegan-it,he took her by<br />

the hand, Mark 1, 31; kut-anneli, thou<br />

boldest me up, Ps. 73, 23; inut-aiiiiun<br />

iruivieet-iit, she t'autrht him bv the feet,<br />



annun, annin—oontinued.<br />

L'K.4, 27; iniperat. aiiin wussukqun-af,<br />

take (him ) liy the tail, Ex. 4, 4; suppos.<br />

noh anum-moh anunont wehtaiiog-iU, he<br />

who a dog takes by his ears, Prov. 26, 17.<br />

annuneks, n. an ant, pi. -sog, Prov. 6, 7;<br />

30, 2-5. Cf. *anequs (Abn. anikoosess),<br />

chipiiumk.<br />

[Del.<br />

(' /( 0'«, pismire, ant, Zeisb.<br />

]\Iii(l. Abn. a?-;t-M',s, pismire.]<br />

annunnooonk. See a)iniiniajoiik.<br />

*aiinuonk, vlil. n. sneezing, C. Cf.*<br />

iiiniii'jkiooid; 'siKirting', C.<br />

anogku, v. i. he paints (beautifies?) him-<br />

Sf If, 2 K. 9, 30 ; knt-aiiogkeiii, thou paintest<br />

thyself, Ezek. 23, iO [nut-annogBnum, I<br />

paint, C ) . (Vb. adj . an. anogkem, anog-<br />

quesii, he is painted, appears fine.)<br />

[Narr. (v. adj. an.) amakesu, he is<br />

painted; pl. aunakesuck, they are<br />

painted. Abn. eraghinansS, il le faut<br />

matacher, peinturer, etc. ; ned-eraghr, je<br />

me matache; hagS, il se matache.]<br />

andg'qs, n. an. a star; pl. anogqsog, El.<br />

Gr. 9; 1 Cor. 1.5, 41; Job 22, 12; 7Hi>-<br />

hAnogkus [mishe anoggs, great star], the<br />

morning or day star, 2 Pet. 1, 19. For<br />

andgqusm, he appears, shows himself.<br />

In distinction from the sun, which rises<br />

or comes forth {])aspishau) and 'seta<br />

(goes away, wayau), the stars appear<br />

in their places wlien the absence of the<br />

sun and moon makes them visible.<br />

[Xarr. anockqus, pl. anocksiwk; mis-<br />

hdunock, morning star. Chip, andng,<br />

Bar.; (St Mary's) (ni-ooiip. Del. ardnck<br />

(Camp. ) ; alaiik (Zeisb. ). Modern Abn.<br />

,,1-nkw.s, K. A.]<br />

anohke, annoke, n. ordure, dung, Job<br />

20, 7; Zeph. 1, 17 {annohke, C.)<br />

[Abn. arikkan, d'une odeur forte,<br />

ciinnne de pourri.]<br />

anonie, (it is) within, it is inside of, Neh.<br />

6, 10; Ps. 122, 2: m nn6nu\ in the innermost<br />

parts of, Prov. 26, 22, =en<br />

anoomut, Prov. 18, 8; suppos. (or<br />

locat.?) anomut, when it is within or<br />

inside; 'adv. of place', within. El. Gr.<br />

21 {unnommlyeu, adj. (?) within, C);<br />

vmtt innom hog, the "inwards, entrails<br />

(within his body) , Lev. 1, 9. In other<br />

dialects the primary meaning of an&me<br />

is 'telow', 'under'.<br />

[Abn. aranmek, dessous; arai'tmo' k»'-<br />

andme—continued<br />

.<br />

iiiek, sous I'arbre. Chip, (nnhn'tii or<br />

andm' ,<br />

under, underneath, below. Bar.<br />

460 {pindjaii, pindf, in, within, inside<br />

of ) . Del. allami, -iyeij, therein, in there,<br />

Zeisb. Gr. 17.5.]<br />

anoohom, v. t. he sings (a song); imperat.<br />

2d pl. nnoahomcbk . . . ancohomaonk,<br />

sing ye a song, Ps. 149, 1. With an.<br />

2d obj. -homaii, he sings to (him); .sup-<br />

pos. -Iiomont, when he sings, he singing,<br />

Prov. 25, 20. Cf. ketmhomom. From<br />

onro { (^r/iHw), he tells, and mm, he goes on<br />

telling, he narrates.<br />

anobhque, a defective or unipersonal<br />

verb used as an adverb or auxiliary,<br />

does not admit of exact translation. It<br />

signifies, primarily, to correspond with,<br />

to be like in form, degree, extent, dura-<br />

tion, etc. (cf. ne-ane, to be like in kind,<br />

of the same kind.) As an adv. it is<br />

variously translated 'as much as', 'as<br />

far as', 'as large as', 'in like manner',<br />

etc. : ne anoohqui . . . ne noohque, as<br />

much as, . . . so much, Rev. 18, 7;<br />

Doh ne anoohque umt, he who so does<br />

('hath so done this deed', 1 Cor. 5, 3);<br />

vesahteagk ne anoohque kishkag, the<br />

length of it corresponds with the<br />

breadth, 2 Chr. 3, 8; suppos. inan. ne<br />

anukkenuk, pasuk ne anukkenuk, 'of one<br />

size', one in extent, 1 K. 6, 25. See<br />

nogque.<br />

[Narr. tou nnArkquaque, how big?; yb<br />

c.nuckquaque, so far; dim. yd anurkqua-<br />

7itt.se, so little way (hence); tounuckqna-<br />

que, how far? Abn. enaSiSl, 'avec ressemblance<br />

d'une chose a une autre'.]<br />

anoDtail (?), v. i. he revengeth himself,<br />

takes revenge, Nah. 1, 2; with an.<br />

obj. -lawni, he takes revenge on ( him),<br />

ibid. Vbl. n. anwiaonk, revenge, 2 Cor.<br />

7, U.<br />

ancotauwanshteunk, suppos. of -xhiili-<br />

tenii, when he takes revenge (by blood )<br />

anavengerof bloo.l. Num.35, 19, 21,24.<br />

anODtauwanshuhteaen-in, n. agent, an<br />

avenger, he who revenges (by blood);<br />

anmto&n-, Rom. 13, 4.<br />

-antam, the characteristic and forma-<br />

tive of verbs expressing mental .-states<br />

and activities. See an&ntam. [In the<br />

Delaware, -elendam, in verbs which<br />

"express a disposition, situation, or<br />

operation of the mind", Zeisb. Gr. 89.]<br />



antcDshau, \. i. he falls backward, vio-<br />

lently "1- by mischance; pi. -0017, Is. 28,<br />

]:-!. See oiitmnu.<br />

anuchuwan. See anitchewan, it over-<br />

flowf-.<br />

anue, (it exceeds, surpasses) as adv.<br />

'more, rather', El. Gr. 21; the sign of<br />

the comparative degree: anue wumiegen,<br />

(it is) better. Matt. 18, 8, 9; anue onk nen<br />

(object. ), more than me, Matt. 10, 37.<br />

[Quir. arwe, arche, artche, Pier.;<br />

iirche mesl, the greatest, p. 40; arche,<br />

'chiefly', p. 40; in compos, arwe, artretingiiot,<br />

more noble; arwenungesee, more<br />

excellent, p. 10; anii-l-Ulaintiiichdsko,<br />

mostmerciful, p.41. l)cl. nllnuiui, ZeisVi.<br />

and for the superl. degree Juhi, most.]<br />

anuhkau, v. t. he is superior to, better<br />

than, surpasses, Nah. 3, 8; »an hut ,<br />

art thou better than?, Nah. 3, 6.<br />

[Quir. arrookawah and arrmkawau.<br />

Pier. 10.]<br />

anlim, n. a dog; pi. anrlmwog. Matt. 7, 6<br />

(Narr. ayim; Nipm. aliim; Quinnip.<br />

artmi. El. Gr. 2; R. W. 107). From<br />

annumau, he holds with his mouth<br />

{annu-n, with -maii the characteristic of<br />

action performed by the mouth ) . [The<br />

Feq. ahteah (Abn. atie), is related to<br />

adchu, he hunts. Cf. Engl, hound<br />

(Gothic, hunda) and hunt.]<br />

[Abn. atU, pi. at'iak; aremSs, -Sssak.<br />

Peq. n'ahieah, (my) dog, Stiles. Etch.<br />

(tllomoos. Del.allum. Chip. (St Mary's)<br />

(in'emoosh; (Sag.) aw nee mmich, dog<br />

( Sch. ) ; anim, ' mean dog , Bar. Miami<br />

'<br />

lain irali. Menoni. ali naim.'\<br />

anumwussukup, -sikkup, -kuppe, n.<br />

a willow tree, Ezek. 17, .5; Ls. 44, 4;<br />

Jol) 40, 22 {-sukuppe, Mass. Ps.).<br />

anun. See dnin.<br />

anupae, aneu-, as adj. and adv. overflowing.<br />

Is. 28, 18; with sokaiion, an<br />

'overflowing shower', Ezek. 13, 13; noh<br />

pish anupadto, 'he [it] .shall overfloM"',<br />

Is. 8, 8. See anifcheiran.<br />

anussehheau, anisheau, v. cans. an.<br />

lie Cdrrupts, makes corrupt. From<br />

anue, or anin (q. v.), it rots, becomes<br />

corrupt, with -sh of derogation: Anusheaog<br />

wuhhogkauJt, they corrupt them-<br />

selves, Ex. 32, 7; suppos. 2d pi. dnis-<br />

hedg, when you are corrupted, corrvipt<br />

yourselves, Deut. 4, 24. With inan.<br />

anussehheau, anisheau—continueii.<br />

sulij. iinistniu, (it) corrupts (it), 1 Cor.<br />

1.5, :«.<br />

aniitchuan. See anitchetran.<br />

anuwodt, as adv. too much, morejhan<br />

enough, Ex. 36, 7, =dnue woh arJt, Ex.<br />

36, .5.<br />

anu'wutchuwan [==anuchxiwan'\ , it over-<br />

flows, Ps. 78, 20. See anitchetcan.<br />

anwohliou, u. a staff, 1 Sam. 17, 40; Is.<br />

10, 15; pi. -lummash, 1 Sam. 17,43.<br />

[Narr. wuttdnho, (his) staff. Abn.<br />

ai'ihadehSn, bAton {ned'anhadehSi, je<br />

m'appuie sur (quelque chose) en marchant).]<br />

an-wohsin, v. i. he rests himself, takes<br />

re.?t, Ex. 20, 11; 31, 17 [nutl'annuwos-<br />

sumivehnuhhog, I rest myself, C. (bad)];<br />

imperat. 2d pi. -sina)k, rest ye, Mark 6,<br />

41; uttoh adt anwosik {anppos.) , whereon<br />

he resteth, Job 24, 23. Vbl. n. -sindlink,<br />

resting, rest, a resting place. Num. 10,<br />

33.<br />

[Abn. uriSessin, il se repose, aiant<br />

travaillc.]<br />

a(5hk8omOD[s], n. a hornet. Josh. 24, 12;<br />

adhkfaummuit, bee, Ps. 118, 12 (but<br />

'hornet' is transferred, Deut. 7, 20, and<br />

'bces-og', Judg. 14, 8, etc.); ohkeom-<br />

ma>s-og, bees, C. ; aohkeomuas, Mass. Ps.<br />

Cf. ahdmafjuemuk (ohhomaqueguuk, C. ),<br />

a needle or pin.<br />

[Del. amoe, a bee, wasp, Zeisb.]<br />

adhsuhqueau. See hosekdeu.<br />

aongkoue. See ongkoue.<br />

aooque, acohque ( ?), v. i. he is against, or<br />

opposed; he is an adversary; hoivan<br />

acoque, who is my adversary? Is. .50, 8;<br />

suppos. noli ayeuqueuk, he who is ad-<br />

verse, an adversary; pi. -queagig, Jfeh.<br />

4, 11. See ayewhteau; ayeuuhkonau.<br />

apehtunk. See appohtean, it remains or<br />

rests in.<br />

*apbine (Narr.), n. the thigh; pi. -mash.<br />

See mehquau; mobpee.<br />

[Chip. (St Mary's) bwaum; (Mack.)<br />

Ihiii-ui, Sch. II, 458. Del. /'( uch poa me,<br />

the middle of the thigh, Zeisb.]<br />

appahquosu. See uppnliqudsu.<br />

appappin, ah.p-, v. i. he sits upon (it);<br />

uutiihpappin, she sits on it, Lev. 15, 20;<br />

suppos. ne appapit, that whereon he<br />

sits, Lev. 15, 22, 23, 26. Augm. of appin.<br />

[Chi]), (t)ipahbeu-ln, a saddle. Sum.]


appeh., ahpeh (-haii),n. a trap, a snare;<br />

Is. 8, 14; 24, 17; Job 18, 10; pi. -hanog,<br />

-heonog, 2 Sam. 22, 6; Job 22, 10.<br />

From pahlieaii, it waits for ('!){n'uppaih,<br />

I wait for him, Ps. 130, 5) . Cf. ohppeh.<br />

[Narr. ape; pi. apJ/ia»a, traps; wusk-<br />

iipehana, new traps. Cf. Oree appit,<br />

'<br />

tobacco bag ' . ]<br />

appesettukqussin (? , he kneels; caus.-j-<br />

)<br />

hruli, he made them kneel. Gen. 24, 11;<br />

(v. i. ) rest on their knees; to kneel on<br />

his knees, 1 K. 8, .54; 2 Chr. 6, 13, etc.<br />

appesetukqussin, (-un), v. act. intr. he<br />

kneels, bows the knee; imperat. 2d pi.<br />

ajipesetul-qusmncoi, bow the knee. Gen.<br />

41, 43.<br />

appin, n. a bed (a place to sit or rest on).<br />

Lev. 15, 26; Is. 28, 20; vml-appin, his<br />

bed. Cant. 3, 7 (as a verb, na wiU-appin,<br />

he sits down there, Ruth 4, 1). See<br />

appappin, dppu.<br />

[Abn. thsdkSabSn, lit, eleve de terre;<br />

apSn, lit qui ne Test pas. Chip.: "To<br />

each person who is a member of the<br />

lodge-family is assigned a fixed seat, or<br />

habitual abiding place, which is called<br />

abbinos." —Sch. ii, 63. Del. achpi ney,<br />

a place to sleep on, Zeisb.]<br />

appohteau, it remains or rests in.<br />

[Note.—It was the intention of tlie com-<br />

piler, judging from his reference under apf;fitu7ik,<br />

to complete the definition of the term<br />

appnhteau, but aside from a marginal note in<br />

pencil no reference to it is made in the manu-<br />

script.]<br />

appcosu, apwosu, op-, v. i. he roasts,<br />

bakes: pass, it (an. subj.) is roasted,<br />

Prov. 12, 27; Is. 44, 16; 1 K. 19, 6<br />

{apvdi»i, roasted; appmsish treyaug,<br />

roast the meat, C. ). See ap^con.<br />

[Del. achpussi, Zeisb.]<br />

appu, V. i. (1) he sits; nut-a]}, I sit, Ezek.<br />

28, 2; pi. appuog, they sit, Ps. 119, 3;<br />

suppos. ken apean, thou that sittest, Jer.<br />

22, 2. (2) he rests, remains, abides<br />

{pevsi), Ps. 10, 8; 1 John 3, 14; im-<br />

perat. apsh, pi. apek, apegk, Gen. 22, 5;<br />

1 Sam. 19, 2; Matt. 10, 11; suppos. uoh<br />

apit, he that abideth, who remains<br />

(6 nsvoov), 2 John 9 (matta apei, 'he<br />

is not at home,' Prov. 7, 19). (3) he<br />

is, he continues to be, lives, in a state<br />

where rest or inactivity is implied: toh<br />

htldjiiu, where art thou? Gen. 3, 9: 7ia<br />

k-utapph}, thou art there, Ps. 139, 8; im-<br />

appu—continued,<br />

perat. na apgh, 'lie there' (remain<br />

there), Ex. 24, 12; cf. 1 Sam. 19, 3; .sup-<br />

pos. ne apit, where he was, Ex. 20, 21;<br />

pi. part, neg apitcheg, they whoare, were,<br />

Ex. 7, 18, 21; Luke 5, 7; malta 2nsh nutdppu,<br />

I shall not be. Job 7, 21. With<br />

dppu (he is at rest, or inactive) cf. ayeu<br />

(he is in place, posited), ahteau (he has<br />

himself, or is in possession; habet, se<br />

habet; see ohtauwiAl) ,<br />

ussu (he acts, is<br />

doing, agit),and unnixn, wut-iinniin (he<br />

is such as, or of the sort of) : the verbs<br />

by which Eliot translates, with .sufficient<br />

accuracy, the substantive verb of exist-<br />

ence.<br />

[Narr. yo dppitch ewo, let him sit here;<br />

mat-apeii, he is not at home. Abn. ned' -<br />

dpi, je suis assis; 3d sing. apS. Cree,<br />

dppu, (1) he sits; (2) he remains. Del.<br />

vfdappiii, achpin, he is there in a par-<br />

ticular place; suppos. epit, Zeisb. ; achpo,<br />

he is at home, Zeisb.]<br />

appuhquassumoD (?), n. a pillow; pi.<br />

-mmunash, Ezek. 13, 18; uppuhquas»u-<br />

mmun-it, on a pillow, JIark 4, 38. See<br />

[Abn. pS'kSesimSn, coussin de tete;<br />

p^kSesin iS, ai cela pour coussin.]<br />

appuliquau, v. t. he puts over (it) as a<br />

covering (e. g. of a floor, side, or roof)<br />

he ceils (it) with: appuhquati anom.ukkomuk<br />

mehtugquash, 'he covered the<br />

walls on the inside with wood', 1 K.<br />

6, 1.5.<br />

appuhqudsu, appah-, v. i. he covers,<br />

puts on that which covers; naslipe<br />

cedar, he covers [the house] with cedar,<br />

and, pass., it is covered, etc., 1 K. 7,3;<br />

suppos. inan. ne dbuhquosik, its cover-<br />

ing. Cant. 3, 10. Hence uppohquos,<br />

obhohquos, aboliquos, n. a tent, the cov-<br />

ering of a tent, a covert, Ex. 40, 19; Is.<br />

4, 6.<br />

[Narr. abockqudsinash (inan. ]>1.), the<br />

mats with which the wigwam was cov-<br />

ered. Chip. ali-p6k-we, covering for a<br />

lodge.]<br />

appuminneonash, n. pi. parched corn,<br />

1 Sam. 17, 17; (up-) 2 Sam. 17, 28.<br />

From apwdu, he bakes or roasts, and<br />

min-neash, kernels or fruit.<br />

[Narr. auptimmineanash, parched<br />

corn; aHpihninta-naw-saumj), jiarched<br />



appuminnednash—continued.<br />

meal Ijoiled with water. Abn. abimin-<br />

a'nnar, ble groule; nrd'abimme, ried^-<br />

ofcimis?, jefaisgriller ilu ble d'Inde; j'en<br />

groule.]<br />

appunnonneonash, n. pi. 'parched<br />

pulse', 2 Sam. 17, 28.<br />

appuonk, vbl. ii. sitting, a seat, Rev. 4,<br />

41 {iijiphonk, a chair, C).<br />

apsin, V. t. he lie.s upon (it); suppos. ne<br />

ii/isiil:, that whereon he lies. Lev. 15, 20.<br />

*apwonnali, an oyster, C. See *oppone-<br />

ufnihock.<br />

apwosu, it is bake

ashkoshqui, -ki; oshkoski, (v. i. it is)<br />

green; as adj. green, Ps. 37, 2; Jer. 17, 8<br />



askootasq—eontinueil.<br />

[Narr. askutaj«/ii(i>sh, "their vine ap-<br />

ple, which the English from them call<br />

squashes, about the bigness of apples,<br />

of several colors," R. W. Chip. (Gr.<br />

Trav.) ashkehthmo, melon; (Saginaw)<br />

esli-ke-tah-mo, Sch. n, 462. Shawn.<br />

yeske'elahmdiket; melon [cf. ohhoskeidm<br />

uk, C. supra] . Del. ehaskitamanh (pi. )<br />

watermelon.'!, Zeisb.]<br />

askuhhum, v. t. he waits (and watches)<br />

for (it), pi. -humvng, John 5, 3; ira-<br />

perat. 2d pi. -hinnaik. watch ye (it "I,<br />

Ezra 8, 29.<br />

askuhwheteau, v. i. he keeps watch,<br />

watches, 1 Sam. 4, 1.3; nut-askuhvheteam<br />

(-askwHeam, Ps. 102, 7), I watch;<br />

imper. 2d pi. -ieagk, watch ye, Mark 13,<br />

35, 37. Adj. and adv. -leae, of watch-<br />

ing (with komuk, a watch tower), Is.<br />

21, 5. Vbl. n. -leaonk, watching, a<br />

watch. N. agent, -leaen, a watchman,<br />

Ps. 90, 4; Judg. 7, 19.<br />

*askun (Xarr. ), it is raw. See aske.<br />

askunkq, askkuhnk, n. a green tree,<br />

Ezek. 17, 24; 20. 47; cf. kishkunk; mus-<br />

smunk.<br />

askuwhekonali, v. t. an. (with charac-<br />

teristic of continued action )<br />

he habitu-<br />

ally watches or is a spy upon (him).<br />

asookekodte3,inoo, v. i. he is a de-<br />

ceiver, (habitually) deceives; suppos.<br />

noh asaokekodteamwil, he who deceives,<br />

Job 12, 16. {nut-assaokekodteam, I<br />

cheat, C. ) Vbl. n. -ammonk, -aumuonk,<br />

deceiving, deceit, craft. N. agent.<br />

-ammen, a deceiver, one who is crafty,<br />

Job 5, 12; 15, 5.<br />

me.]<br />

[Xarr. kuti axsokakdmme, you deceive<br />

ascDkekomaii, v. t. an. he deceives,<br />

cht-ats I him), John 7, 12; suppos.<br />

null a.idjkfkuinoni, he who deceives<br />

(another), Prov. 26, 19; pass, noh<br />

a.saokekomil, he who is deceived, Job<br />

12, 16.<br />

asootu, V. i. he is foolish, ignorant, sim-<br />

ple, Prov. 14, 15, 18; 17, 7; pi. -iiog,<br />

Is. 56, 10. Vbl. n. ascotuonk, folly.<br />

[Narr. assdiu and assSko, a fool. Abu.<br />

azSgSaiigan, folie; (isSghi, il est fou, il<br />

n'a point d'esprit.]<br />

aspuhquaeii. See ushpuhquaeii.<br />

,<br />

asq, ashq, asquam, not yet, before that,<br />

Jer. 1, 5; 1 Sam. 3, 7; Luke 22, 34.<br />

(Apposed to dnue, further, more than.<br />

It is the base of aske, *riRkun, it is raw<br />

or not prepared for food: ashkoshki,<br />

green; nniKke, young, new. In compo-<br />

sition it serves as the n. generic for<br />

whatever is eaten or otherwise used<br />

when green or immature; not yet ripe;<br />

pi. i(.ifjuml(, whence our 'squash.' See<br />

askwlfisq.<br />

[Narr. atiqucnn, not yet; ax pumnuwi,<br />

he is not gone by; fiKkfoi, it is raw.<br />

Abn. cskilami'k Sa'saSe, melon d'eau,<br />

qu'on ne fait pas cuire. Micm. echl:,<br />

lorsque, pendant que; echkSmenahh, au-<br />

paravant. Cree numma cskva, not yet.<br />

Del. esquo, esquota, not yet, Zeisb. 111.<br />

escSa, not yet.]<br />

*asqliuttooch.e, whilst, C*. =asq-utlfoclie.<br />

assa[au(?)], v. i. to tuni back: matta<br />

niil-ii>ii]>, I did not turn back, Is.<br />

50, 5. See assoushaii.<br />

[Chip, nind ajeta, '1 draw (move)<br />

backwards,' Bar.]<br />

assamau, v. t. an. he feeds (him), gives<br />

(him) to eat, Ps. 136, 25; imperat.<br />

2d pi. ossammk, feed ye (the flock),<br />

Zech. 11, 4; 2d -(-1st sing, aggameh, give<br />

me to eat; sohkomau [== assohkomau'],<br />

he goes on feeding, habituall)' feeds<br />

or provides food for (him); nus-sohkomon<br />

(suppos. when) I feed (the flock),<br />

Zech. 11, 7; imperat. 2d sing, solikom-<br />

mcDS niit-shepsemesog, feed my lambs,<br />

John 21, 15. From assamau, with char-<br />

acteristic (ohk) of continued action.<br />

[Narr. assdmme, give me to eat. Abn.<br />

ned'n'samaii, je lui donne a manger;<br />

ned'a'sar, je donne a manger. Micm.<br />

eshemSey, je donne a manger. Cree<br />

Asgamayoo, he gives him food; dssamissoo,<br />

he gives himself food, serves him-<br />

self.]<br />

assau. See fiA


assishquttauaog'—continut'il.<br />

ptarfi in the l.ielt of Orion, and this if'<br />

nicire prohalily correct, the name .signifying<br />

'three fires', or a long wigwam<br />

in which there are three fires; shvAsh-<br />

cuttow, JR. \V. 47, 80. See (Xarr.) chiji-<br />

jit'tp'iock under chipappn.<br />

assoeposu, os-, v. i. he .slides or slips<br />

harkward, Ho.s. 4, lii.<br />

assompamukquodt, asamp-, (suppos.<br />

where he hides, ) n. a hiding-place, a<br />

place of concealment: hit, 'in a<br />

secret place,' 1 Sam. 19, 2; Jer. 2.3, 24;<br />

'in a den,' Heb. 11, 38. Adj. and adv.<br />

nxsompamuigue: . ayeuonh, hiding<br />

])lace, covert. Is. 32, 2.<br />

[Abn. .vMSaiigan, cache, espece<br />

d'arnioire dans un arbre, etc.]<br />

assdushaii, v. i. he goes backward; nut-<br />

amiusliam, I go backward. Job 2.3, 8;<br />

hit-, thougoeth backward, Jer. 1.5, 6; as-<br />

soiUhaog, they go backward, Jer. 7, 24<br />

{asxulishaog, John 18, 6).<br />

[Cree assiche, backward. Abn. ase-<br />

'taiiiSl, d'une fafon directement op-<br />

jjosee; ned-ase'tai'ise, je niarche a reeu-<br />

Ions.]<br />

a'ESOwnch. See *ausouiicli.<br />

assootamooonk, n. a kingdom, Dan. 7,<br />

27; Obad. 21; =^tahsa>ta)»a>onk, q. v.<br />

C"f. ketrissmt.<br />

assuhshaii. f^fefissiiiUliaii, he goes back-<br />

ward.<br />

assun. See hassun, a stone.<br />

assunekoaz. See assinnekoiis.<br />

asuh, conj. disj. or (El. Gr. 22); a»uhmal,<br />

nor. Gen. 21, 23; Matt. 5, 34, 3.5. Its<br />

primary meaning is 'after' or 'behind.'<br />

Perhajjs related to neese, two.<br />

[Cree ache, Ache, else, other, alias;<br />

iyiih. or. Chip. ishl-wA-, in comp.<br />

'after, or the end of something';<br />

ajavyiH, behind. Del. schi, schita, or,<br />

Zei,-1..]<br />

asuhkaiiaii, v. t. an. he goes after ( him)<br />

j)nrsnes, follows, Deut. 1, 36; pi. -biii-<br />

dog; imperat. pi. asuhhek, follow nie,<br />

1 Cor. 4, 16; suppos. noli asukiil, he<br />

who follows, comes after, Eccl. 2, 18.<br />

Witli inan. subj. amlikoiii, he goes after<br />

(it); jil. asuhkomvog, Jer. 2, 8.<br />

asuhkaue, (it comes) after; as prep, and<br />

adv. after; ni'gonne onk neii . . . amihhnie<br />

onk rien, before me . . . after me,<br />

B. A. E., Bull. 2.5 2<br />

,<br />

asuhkaue—continued.<br />

Is. 4.3, 10. From iisii.h and an, with<br />

characteristic of continuing action or<br />

jirogres.' (-'^').<br />

asumungquodt, ussu-, it smells of, has<br />

the smell or odor of; pi. inan. -quodtash,<br />

they smell of, Ps. 45, 8; suppos. iie<br />

asiiimingquolc, what it smells of, its<br />

smell or odor. Cant. 4, 10; 7, 8; with an.<br />

subj. viit-is»umungqussu, he smells of.<br />

Vbl. n. -qussuonk, his smell; manonlemi<br />

lie osumungqiiok hogkmonk, 'he smelled<br />

the smell of his raiment,' Gen. 27, 27.<br />

Cf. matchenninguot, weetimungquot.<br />

at. See a,Jt.<br />

*atauntowasli (Narr.), imi^er. 2d sing,<br />

clinil) (it); ril'auntawem, I climb. See<br />

U'litlontai'iaii.<br />

*atauskawaw ( Xarr. ) , pi. -vd nog, -u'ciug,<br />

lords, rulers, R. AV. See ahti'islikouiraii.<br />

*attaboaii (Quir. ) , to pray. Pier. 59 ; attubhomurunk,<br />

prayer, ibid. 58, 59.<br />

*attitaash (Narr. ), n. pi. 'hurtle-ber-<br />

ries, of which there are divers sorts,<br />

sweet like currants,' R. W. 91. See<br />

saut&iithig.<br />

[Abn. sa'tar, bluets frais, sans etre<br />

sees (sing, m'te); lorsqu'ils sont sees,<br />

sikisa'tar {afsitar, les fruits sont murs;<br />

bons a manger). Narr. sautaash, 'are<br />

these currants [these berries are] dried<br />

by the natives.']<br />

attdaii. See ndtuaii.<br />

attuk. See ahtuk, a deer.<br />

attumunnum, v. t. he receives (it);<br />

takes, as his own, from another; lit.<br />

takes in his hand {-nnwn), Gen. 26, 12;<br />

suppos. noh altumunuk, he who re-<br />

ceiveth, Prov. 29, 4; pass. inan. ne attumimvmuk,<br />

that which is received,<br />

2 K. 5, 26. With an. 2d obj. attumunmmmiiau,<br />

he receives (it) from (him).<br />

[Cree ootinum, he takes it.]<br />

aU, Su, V. i. he goes thither (to or toward<br />

a person or place); opposed to<br />

vmm, mm, he goes thence (from a person<br />

or place), Geiv. 26, 1; 3.3, 17; Ex.<br />

4, 18 {aiii, he is gone, Prov. 7, 19); pi.<br />

auog ('they journeyed', i. e. went on<br />

their way. Gen. 35, 5), Hos. 7, 11; im-<br />

perat. 2d sing, uush; Igt pi. ofttuh {otuh,<br />

aonotuh, Mass. Ps. ), let us go to; 2d pi.<br />

ongq, go ye, Matt. 21, 2; Josh. 2, 16; sup-<br />

pos. v.ttoh ai/6i (adi, JIass. Ps. ), ^\hither


aii, au— contimu-tl.<br />

1 (luiiy) jju, John 14, 4; may ne ayui,<br />

the way in which I go, Job 23, 10 (but<br />

a(5dri, as 1 go, as I went to, Acts 20, 12;<br />

6&n uUoh woh dot, going whither I may<br />

go, 2 Sam. 15, 20; ai'wn, if I go to, Ps.<br />

139, 8); toh dijdan, where thou goest;<br />

ne aydan, 'in thy way', as thou goest,<br />

Ex. 23, 20; suppos. 3fl sing, and part.<br />

ayont {aiont, a6nt), when he goes, he<br />

going, Jer. 41, 6; John 12, 35; 2d pi.<br />

a6(')y, when you go, Deut. 4, 5; 11, 8;<br />

3d pi. ne aahettit, 'as they went', when<br />

they were going, Luke 10, 38 (with<br />

inan. subj. auoma; uttoh auomm-uk,<br />

'whither it goeth', Mass. Ps., John 3,<br />

8). From the root of this verb is<br />

formed, by prefixing »*' (preteritive?),<br />

m'ai, may, a path; i. e. where there has<br />

been going (old Engl. gang).<br />

aii or vwin was used when going to<br />

or from a place which was spoken of<br />

without reference to the locality of the<br />

speaker; peyaii (he comes) and monehii<br />

(he goes) to or from the place of the<br />

speaker, or in which the speaker assumes<br />

to be; antAeii, he absents him-<br />

self, takes himself away, without refer-<br />

ence to the act of going.<br />

[Narr. yd kult duiian, go (you) that<br />

way; yd ai'inta, let us go that way.<br />

Chip, nind-ezhah, I go (John 11, 11);<br />

pret. keezhdh, he went to (2, 12); sup-<br />

pos. azit&hyou, whither I go (8, 14; 14,<br />

4); azhahwahnan, whither thou goest<br />

(14, 5). Abn. nemaii neda, je vas 14;<br />

nemanlsi, je vas, je m'en vas. Del. eu<br />

or waeu, he goes (thither, to a place);<br />

sttppos. aane, if I go; ate, if he goes;<br />

part, eyat, going; iraperat. oak; go ye.]<br />

*aucup (Narr.), a little cove, or creek,<br />

R. \V. See kuppi.<br />

audchaonk. See adchai'i.<br />

audta. See autah.<br />

*auhaqut ( Narr. ) , a mantle. See hoiikai.<br />

*aukeeteamitch (Narr.), spring or seedtime,<br />

K.W. m.<br />

*aumanep (Narr.), a fishing line, pi.<br />

-napea.'ili, R. W. 104.<br />

[Del. a ma na lac, Zeisb.]<br />

*auniaui (Narr.), he is fishing, 'is gone<br />

to fish'; pi. aumauog, they fish; nt au-<br />

vu-n, I am fishing; suppos. pi. aumacli-<br />

ick (omdcheg. El.), they who fi.sh, fishermen.<br />

(N. agent. 6maen, pi. -e.nuog,<br />

*aumaui—continued.<br />

fishermen. El.) This verb signifies to<br />

fish with hook and line. It is not used<br />

by Eliot except in the participial 6ma-<br />

chey, and the derived n. agent. (Cf.<br />

naiktmdgquam, I go a fishing.) Its<br />

base is 6m (awn), a fishhook (Matt.<br />

17, 27), primarily a verb signifying 'he<br />

takes fish,' or simply 'he takes' (cf.<br />

amdunmn, he takes, with his hand<br />

etc.), which in the suppos. hasdmaik<br />

(dmmdg, 6mmdg), 'when he takes,' and<br />

pass, 'what is taken'; pi. dnu'uj


aunchemookaii, unnaunch.—cont'd.<br />

2 Sam. 18, 20. With an. ubj. -oalMiUii'i,<br />

he hears tiihiiLTs to, telU news to (him):<br />

niittuiniiiicl,, ,tnnl:nii,,niiiih wunnauwhc-<br />

mo-jkniniiik, I tolil tliem good news, 'I<br />

communicated to tliem the gospel',<br />

Gal. 2, 2. Vbl. n. -cokaonk, -cokauoitk,<br />

news, tidings, 2 Sam. 13, .30; IS, 25, 26<br />

(achmmwonk, news, C. ). Continiiative<br />

of aunchemaii (-mai), he tells, gives in-<br />

formation.<br />

[Narr. auncJiemokav; tell me your<br />

news; awwin mesh aunchemokau, who<br />

(has) brought this news; tockete-dunchiiii,<br />

what news (do you tell)? Cree<br />

acht'inoo, he relates. Abn. kegSi aritan-<br />

gSat, quelles nouvelles dit on? Sritaugial,<br />

bonnes nouvelles; antse.mS, il en<br />

dit, il en raconte.]<br />

*aunckuck (Narr.), pi. -quduog, 'heath<br />

cocks', R.W. Pinnated grouse, prairie<br />

hen (Tetrao cupido, Wils.?), formerly<br />

common in Massachusetts. From<br />

anogku {aunakesu, R. W. ), he paints<br />

himself, or is painted(?).<br />

auohquaeu, at the end, or extremity,<br />

i^ee uliijimeu.<br />

auskomuwail, auusk-, v. t. an. he<br />

chide.?, reproves, scolds (him). Vbl.<br />

n. act. auuskomuwaonk, chiding, re-<br />

proof given; pass, auuskontuonk, being<br />

reproved, reproof received, correction,<br />

Prov. 1,5, 10; 27, 5.<br />

*ausounch, a'ssownch, (Peq. ) n. a<br />

skunk, Stiles. See squnck.<br />

[Abn. segaiikS, bete puante.]<br />

*ausup (Xarr. ), pi. -pdnnog, the rac-<br />

coon, R. ^y.<br />

[Abn. (ssebanes, 'chat sauvage',<br />

Ragles; modern Abn. ashan," raccoon,<br />

K. A. Del. nachenum, raccoon; but es-<br />

panni-minschi, 'raccoon wood, yellow<br />

wood', Zeisb. S. B. 66. Chip, asseeban,<br />

Long; als'sehuii, Sch.; ndsdmn, Sum.]<br />

*autali, audta, auta^^rhun ( Xarr. , the<br />

)<br />

apron or covering worn in front, R. \V.<br />

ior adtau, he hides; and (caus. ) adtali-<br />

heau-un (adtahivliun), hidden. Cf. ad-<br />

lafUou. Eliot has nish umt-cuUahwhunuhkonnaoash,<br />

(of) these they made<br />

aprons, Gen. 3, 7; i. e. things which con-<br />

tinue til Inr permanently, uh-k-), hide.<br />

auvrakompanaonk, vV)l. n. torment<br />

(endured or suffered), Rev. IS, 7. See<br />

onkapiiniinUludiik.<br />

;<br />

auwakompanau, v. i. he suffers torment,<br />

is tormented. Adv. and adj.<br />

i(iiinikuiiipiii(d)_'<br />

torment.<br />

iitfciioiik, the place of<br />

au'wrakompunnassu, v. i. (a


*a'waun (Xarr, ), someone; intern ij;. who?<br />

^hijiniii, (]. V.<br />

*awausseus (Peq. ), a bear, Stiles.<br />

[Abn. (iShsS-'i. Menem, ah va;/ sha.<br />

Del. ciu ire sis, a beast, Zeisb. Chip, nh-<br />

iraysee, a wild beast, S. B.]<br />

aTJsrossu. See autmnim.<br />

''a^wwusse (Xarr. ), adv. farther; mriras-<br />

.v,V, 'a little further', R. W.<br />

[Cliip. (St Mary's) waua'suh, far off;<br />

(Mack.) im.i-sau {ivdssa, Bar.). Cree<br />

v'dlhoir, afar off. Abn. aSassiSi, plus<br />

avant, derriere; nanSat, c'est loin;<br />

tiiai'idii iKiiiSatii, ce n'est pas loin. (See<br />

iii'kkII: iii'ii'ilileauufiiat. ) Del. auvssi, -iyen,<br />

lieyonil. over, the other side, Zeisb.]<br />

ayeu, v. i. ( 1 ) he is here, or there; he is in<br />

a place, is located. (2) he dwells; noh<br />

ayeu kali appii, he dwells and abides,<br />

Job 39, 28; mill ai, nvtt atli, I dwell (in<br />

or at), Ps. 23, 6; Ezek. 43, 9; hiU ai,<br />

thou dwellest; pi. ayeuog, they dwell,<br />

Dan. 4, 12; Is. 30, 19; negat. matta<br />

ayevaxjy, they do not dwell, do not<br />

have place, 'they were not', Jer. 31,<br />

15; pret. nutt ai-up, I was (there). Acts<br />

11, 5 [indef. na mo nutt ain, I was there,<br />

Prov. 8, 27; toh kuttain, toll kutt ai-in,<br />

where dwellest thou? John 1, 38]; im-<br />

perat. ayish, dwell thou; suppos. 1st<br />

pers. vttoli dyee (dei), where I may<br />

dwell. Is. 49, 20; Ezek. 43, 7; 2d pers.<br />

dyean; 3d pers. nohityit, he who dwells,<br />

Is. 8, 18; nc ayig, where he dwells. Job<br />

15, 28; pi. (particip. ) neg ayegig, neg im<br />

ayitcheg, the inhabitants, they who<br />

dwell there, Ezek. 38, 11; Mic. 7, 13.<br />

Vbl. n. ayi-iionk, a place, Gen. 18, 24;<br />

Dent. 12, 21; dwelling place, Xum. 24,<br />

21.<br />

[Mull, (suppos.) oieel, he 'who lives<br />

or dwells in a place', Edw. Chip.<br />

aliydli, he is (in a place), John 6, 9; 8,<br />

35, 40; tub aliydh, he shall be (there),<br />

John 12, 20; {ahneende aindahyuv , where<br />

dwellest thou? 1, 38); suppos. dhydyon,<br />

while I am (here), 9, 5; ahy-od, (where)<br />

he is, 7, 11. Cree, net ian, 'I am being<br />

or existent'; i-dii', i-aoo, he is, etc.;<br />

inan. i-dir, it is, etc.; suppos. i-i-dn, or<br />

i-a-ydn, if I am, etc.; i-dt, if he is, etc.<br />

(i-d-tliil, if he is, in relation to another).<br />

Howse (136, 198) regards this as "the<br />

verb substantive in its absolute form,"<br />

ayeu—continued,<br />

and Schoolcraft (u, 436—141) gives the<br />

whole conjugation of the corresponding<br />

Chip, verb, "i-e-mi, to be," as a sub-<br />

stantive verb.]<br />

ayeuhteau, ayeuwehteau, v. i. he<br />

make.^ war, engages in war, tights; im-<br />

jierat. ayeulitediiash, make war, do bat-<br />

tle, fight, Prov. 20, 18. Vbl. n. ayeith-<br />

teiKiiik, iryeiiinil-, war, a battle; pi.<br />

-uiigitsli, Joli 10, 17. N. agent, ayeu-<br />

teani, -in, one who fights or makes war,<br />

Josh. 17, 1; 1 Sam. 16, 18. Cf. .Sanskrit<br />

yudh (pret. dyutsi), pugnare; cum<br />

aec, impugnare; dyudhn, arma.<br />

[Narr. (imperat. 2d jil.) juhetteke,<br />

fight; (1st pi.) jdheltittea, let us fight.<br />

Mull, (suppos.) oioleet, the man who<br />

fights, Edw. Abn. aiSdSak, ils combattent;<br />

ned-aiidSarimaii , je combats<br />

contre lui. Cree ooleetendyoo, he attacks<br />

him.]<br />

ayeuqueiik, \)]. -qi'eagig, he who is op-<br />

posed, an adversary. See druqiie.<br />

ayeuteaontrowaonk, \1j1. n. an alarm<br />

of war, Jer. 4, 19. (From ciyeuhleau,<br />

and ontrovMonk, calling out, shouting.)<br />

[Narr. iivmii'hadlowawdnamit, "tis<br />

an alarm'; vaimrhairloivdvog, they halloo,<br />

shout, R. W.]<br />

ayeuiihkonaU, v. t. an. he goes against,<br />

makes war on (him), Ps. 18, 34; 144, 1.<br />

With inan. subj. vnin-nutcheg ayeuidi-<br />

koneau, his hand is against, opposes<br />

(him). Gen. 16, 12; suppos. an. aymihkoiiohl,<br />

when he goes to war with<br />

(him), Luke 14, 31. Adv. and adj.<br />

iiyeinihkoiie, against, in opposition, Prov.<br />

17, 11; Luke 10, 11; (mutual) ayeimh-<br />

kiDiittvv, in mutual or reciprocal op-<br />

position, reciprocally against, Matt.<br />

10, 35.<br />

ayim, ayum, v. t. he makes (it), Ex.<br />

37, 1; Ps. 78, 16; pi. ayimirog, they<br />

make ()i»// iyain, I niake,C.); with an.<br />

obj. uymaXi uhtompeh, lie makes a bow<br />

(but ayim konhqiiodtash, he makes arrows);<br />

.suppos. noli ayik, ayig, he who<br />

makes (it), the maker. Pa.ss. inan.<br />

ayimoa, it is made; pret. ayima)-ii]i, it was<br />

made, 'it became', John 1, 14; particip.<br />

ayima>un, made, built. Dent. 13, 16. [Is<br />

this, in fact, a v. t. inan. corresponding<br />

to ayeu, he places it?]


Ch<br />

[Eliot did not use tlie letter o, "siiving in rh, of which there iSi frequent use in the language," and<br />

he gave to ch the name of dice (with the sound of cli. in cheat, eheese), lir. 2, ;). Words written by<br />

R. Williams with c hard will be found under k.]<br />

chachepissue. See *rli(iicliipis.iut;<br />

ttildly.<br />

chadchabenum, v. t. he divides (it),<br />

,Ii)b L'O, 12. Frei). oi ch!ppinum,q.v.<br />

chadchabenumdonk, chacha-, vlil. n.<br />

;i I perniant'iit (ir iMiitiiiuingl divisidii,<br />

a Wound-mark, IIos. 5, 10.<br />

chadchapenuk, (when) lie divided (to<br />

the nations) , i. e. set the bounds, etc.,<br />

])eut. i2. ,S.<br />

chadchekeyeuau, v. i. he spealis veliemently;<br />

(used liy Eliot for) lie sweans.<br />

['The word we make for swearing<br />

signiiieth to sjieak vehemently," Gr.<br />

21.] More exactly, to be vehement;<br />

the freq. or augment, of chcke-yeu, it is<br />

violent, vehement. Iniperat. -yeimsli,<br />

swear thou, Deut. 10, 20; suppos. cIkuI-<br />

rlu'ketjeuadt, if he swear, Lev. 5, 4. Vbl.<br />

n. -ynimcwiik, swearing, an oath. Lev.<br />

5, 4"<br />

See clu'kee.<br />

chagohtag, chik-, sujipos. of rliit:olilniii,<br />

it burns.<br />

cbagwas, chaug-uas, pron. interrog. and<br />

relative, what, Matt. .5, 4(); (i, 25. See<br />

l,ayw_,s; l.;,y„r.<br />

[Quir. rhiiyii-Kii, that which; pi.<br />

cluavywiiihili, I'ier. .\bn. kiyS

cheke, checheke—lontinued.<br />


night), Ps. 127, 2. V. i. chekeu, cheku,<br />

it is late, a long time: newuich cheku,<br />

'after a long time'. Matt. 25, 19. See<br />

chequnappv ,<br />

etc.<br />

[Narr. vnssaume tatslia, it is too late<br />

(in the clay or night).]<br />

chekee, adv. violently, Hab. 1, 9; Is. 22,<br />

18 {chekeyeu, v. i. it is violent, vehement,<br />

forcible; frequent, and intens. chadche-<br />

keyeu; with an. subj. -keyeau, q. v.];<br />

chekee usseonk, doing violently, an act<br />

of violence, Is. 59, 6; (chekewae, forci-<br />

bly, C. ) See cheqimaii.<br />

[Abn. (siganSiSi, malgre, :\ eontre-<br />

cceur; par force.]<br />

chekeenehtuonk, vbl. n. pass, for -i!tu-<br />

onk, violence (suffered), Hab. 1, 3 {che-<br />

keittmne-at, to be compelled, C.?).<br />

chekeheaii, v. cans. an. (1 ) he forces, uses<br />

force with oron (him). (2) he ravishes<br />

(her) , 2 Sam. 13, 22; icut-chekehe-uh, he<br />

forced her, 2 Sam. 13, 14 {nut-chekeyev-<br />

wae, I compel, C. ).<br />

*chekesu (Narr.), the northwest wind;<br />

suppos. chi'kesitch, when it blows north-<br />

west, R. W. Cf. vmt-chekstiau, northwestward.<br />

From chekeyeu, it is violent.<br />

*Chekesuwand, n. pr. 'the [north-]<br />

western god ' , R. W.<br />

cheketamcDonk (?), vbl. n. rebellion,<br />

Prov. 17, 11 (cheketamde, rebellious, C. ).<br />

chekham, v. t. he sweeps (it); mit-chekham-un,<br />

I sweep it, Is. 14, 23 (nut-<br />

jeeskliam, I wipe, C. ). Suppos. inan.<br />

chekhikmik, (it sweeps, ) a broom. Is. 14,<br />

23 checonnachatoonk, ( C. ) . Seejiskham<br />

[Abn. tsikkehigan, balai; ne-tsikekihem-<br />

en SigSam, je balaye la cabane. Chip.<br />

niii tcliigaliiige, I sweep; tchigatdigai><br />

broom. Bar. Del. tschikhanimen, to<br />

sweep; tschikhikait, broom, Zeisb.]<br />

chekhaiisu, -osu, v. i. act. an. he sweeps,<br />

is sweeping; pass, it is swept, wiped,<br />

Luke, 11, 25; Matt. 12, 44.<br />

cheku, 'after a long time', Matt. 25,<br />

19 [V].<br />

chemau, v. i. he paddles or rows (a<br />

boat); menuhke chemdog, they paddle<br />

hard, with exertion; 'toil in rowing',<br />

Mark 6, 48; suppos. noh chemdit, pi. neg<br />

chemacheg, they who paddle, who 'han-<br />

dle the oar', Ezek. 27, 29.<br />

[Narr. chhnoah (imperat. 2d sing.),<br />

paddle, row; pi. chhneck. Chip, che-<br />

, .<br />

chemau—con tinuei 1<br />

.<br />

mat, he paddles; imperat. 2d sing, chi-<br />

iiiinii [rliiiiiiina, a canoe), Sch. ii, 3S7;<br />

tiiiiiiiin,. canoe, Bar. Del. tschimacan,<br />

a paddk-, Z.-isb.]<br />

*chenau6siie, adj. (an.) churlish, cross,<br />

Cott.<br />

chenesit, (suppos. of clienesu'!) a dwarf.<br />

Lev. 21, 20.<br />

cheouash. See cheaomisJi.<br />

chepaiyeuonk, vV)l. n. freedom, Act.s 22,<br />

28. See iliipj>e.<br />

*ch.epeck (Narr.), a dead person. See<br />

*('hepy.<br />

*chepessiii (Narr. ), the northeast wind,<br />

R. W. See tmtchepwoiyeu ( in the east)<br />

vutchepwosh (the east wind). The<br />

cold northeast was perhaps assigned to<br />

Ch'epy and the spirits of evil, as was<br />

sotmniu, the pleasant southwest, to<br />

Kautdntowit.<br />

*chepewaukitauog' (Narr.), v. pi. 'they<br />

fl\- northward' [i. e. to the northeast],<br />

R. W.; = clirpiroi-uhk-it anog.<br />

chepiohke [chippi, ohke'\, n. the place<br />

apart, place of separation; chepioh-<br />

komuk, the inclosed place [koinukl of<br />

separation, hades, hell, Deut. 32, 22;<br />

Rev. 6, 8; 20, 13; Is. 14, 9. With locat.<br />

affix, cheptohk-it, chepiohkomuk-gut.<br />

[Del. tschipey-achgink, 'the world of<br />

spirits, spectres, or ghosts', Hkw.]<br />

chepiontup [chippi, ontupl, n. a skull,<br />

Matt. 27, 33. Cf. mishkonSritiip.<br />

[Abn. tsipanaiitep, tete de mort.]<br />

chepisk. See chippipsk.<br />

chepshaii, v. i. he is astonished, amazed,<br />

frightened, Dan. 4, 19 (chepshi, Is.<br />

50, 7); pi. -dog, Mark 5, 42; Job 32, 15;<br />

Dan. 5, 9. Adv. chepsde, in astonishment,<br />

in amazement, araazedly, Ezra<br />

9, 3; Ezek. 4, 16. Vbl. n. chepshaonk,<br />

astonishment, Deut. 28, 37; 2 Chr. 29, 8.<br />

[Abn. isibaghinaiigSat, cela est effroy-<br />

able.]<br />

chepshontam, v. t. he fears or is amazed<br />

at (it); pret. nuk-chepslioniamup, I was<br />

astonished at (it), Dan. 8, 27.<br />

*chepy, cheeby (Peq.), 'evil sijirit, or<br />

devil,' Stiles. "Abbamocho or Cheepie<br />

many times smites them with incurable<br />

diseases, scares them with apparitions<br />

and panic terrors," etc., Josselyn's<br />

Yoy., 133. From a letter of Hecke-<br />

welder's (quoted in 2 Mass. Hist. Coll.,<br />



*chepy, cheeby—continued.<br />

X, 147) it appears that the corresponding<br />

Delaware word {tschipey) "had been<br />

made use of, even by missionaries, who<br />

knew no better," for "the soul or spirit<br />

in man"; a use, he adds, which "none<br />

of our old converted Indians would<br />

suffer." The word is, in fact, only<br />

another form of chippe (q. v. ), it is sep-<br />

arate, or apart; cliippeu, (1) he separates<br />

or goes apart; hence, (2) he is dead or<br />

separated (from the living); pi. chij]peog<br />

(Xarr. chipeck), they are separated,<br />

the dead; (3) a specter, ghost, or apparition<br />

of one deceased; something<br />

separated, and preternatural, as manit<br />

(from dnue) is something supernatural.<br />

[Jsarr. chipeck (pi.), the dead; c/ie^-<br />

assotam, the dead sachem; chep-asqudiv,<br />

a dead woman. Abn. UehiSi, separ^ment,<br />

Rasles {chibdi, ghost, K. A. ) . Del.<br />

tschipey. Nanticoke, tsee-e-p, ghost,<br />

dead man.]<br />

chequit. See *cIhti/iiI.<br />

chequnappu, v. i. ( 1 ) he sits still, is at<br />

rest; (2) he keeps .silence, he is quiet; pi.<br />

-puog, Judg. 16, 2; Ex. 15, 16; 2 K. 7, 4;<br />

imperat. 2d sing, cliekunapsh, be still,<br />

Mark 4, 39; 2d pi. -appek, be ye still,<br />

Ps. 46, 10; nmiejMushadt chequnappu,<br />

'the moon stayed'. Josh. 10, 13; and<br />

nepnuz chequnappeup, 'the sun stood<br />

still', ibid, {nul-chequnnap, I am silent,<br />

C. ) From cheke and dppu.<br />

[Abn. ne-t-i^ikajii. je me tais, taceo;<br />

/.i»/(,V(, Kins rien dire, en silence.]<br />

chequnaii, chechequnaii, v. t. an. he<br />

takes by violence from (him), he robs<br />

(him): neg chechekqunukqueaneg pish<br />

chechequnaog (pass.), 'they that prey<br />

upon thee will I give for a prey ' (they<br />

who rob thee shall be robbed), Jer.<br />

30, 16.<br />

[Narr. aqiile chechequnmmmsh, do not<br />

rob me; suppos. pi. chechequnnuivdchick,<br />

robbers; pass, chechequnniltm, there is<br />

a iiibbery ciimmitteil. Abn. iHgaiiSiSi,<br />

par fcjrce, malgn''.]<br />

chequmkompaii, v. i. he stands .still;<br />

pi. -paog, -poog, 2 Sam. 2, 23; imper. 2d<br />

sing, chequnikompaush, stand thou still,<br />

Josh. 10, 12; and indie, chequnikompan,<br />

(he) stood still, v. 13 [where it was<br />

mistaken for the preceding substantive,<br />

nepauz, 'sun,' by Adelung, wlio in tlie<br />

chequnikompail—continued.<br />

Mithridates (3 Th., 3= Abth., p. 3S8)<br />

has given a place among words of the<br />

"Naticks, nach Elliott" to 'chequikom-<br />

pu/i, Sonne.' Cf. nanepauahadt chequnappu,<br />

' the moon stayed ' , v. 13] . From<br />

(7i(7,c and -kompai'i.<br />

chequnussin, v. i. he lies still; noli<br />

nutchequnussin, I would lie still, Job<br />

3, 13.<br />

chequodwehham, v. caus. inan. he<br />

shaves (it ) off, cuts (it) off (makes clean<br />

by cutting; caus. of chekodtam, v. t.<br />

inan. ; cf. chekham, he sweeps or wipes)<br />

chequodicehhwmvog up-puhkukoash, they<br />

shave their heads (withnegat., Ezek. 44,<br />

20). With an. obj. chequodttceijaheau<br />

naslipe chequodtwegaheg, he shaves (him<br />

with a razor, Is. 7, 20 {chequddweehquog,<br />

razor, C. )<br />

.<br />

cliequttum.ma), v. i. he roars (as a lion<br />

or wild beast); pi. -umwog, Jer. .51, 38.<br />

[Abn. zaskadimS, (le chien) jappe.]<br />

chetaeu, v. i. it is stiff. As adj.<br />

) ;<br />

misiiitlupuk, a stiff neck, Ps. 75, 5. Caus.<br />

inan. chelauwehteau, he stiffens, makes<br />

(it) stiff, 2 Chr. 36, 13. Intr. (adj. an.<br />

chelaiiesu, he is stiff, unyielding {nul-<br />

chelaues, I am stiff, C. ).<br />

chetanunaii, v. t. an. he supports (him )<br />

imperat. 2d pi. chetanunmk iicochutnvmdcheg,<br />

'support ye the weak', 1<br />

Thess. 5, 14.<br />

chetimaii, v. t. he compels (him), 2 Chr.<br />

21, 11; wirf-c/irt/m-o-jt/i, they compelled<br />

him. Matt. 27, 32 {nut-chetimiiwam, I am<br />

urgent, C. ).<br />

dietuhquab, n. a crown, Cant. 3, 11;<br />

Is. 28, 3.<br />

[Abn. tsitokkScbi'ii; parures, soit de<br />

cou, soit de tete. ]<br />

*cliicliauquat (Xarr. ), it is


chikkup— idiitinufil.<br />

[Chip, jiiiytrdk, pine tree, Bar.; xliin<br />

(jimnk, Sell.]<br />

chikohteau, v. i. it burns, as a tire or a<br />

torch, Kx. -.',, 2; Deut. 5, 23; Jer. 7, 20;<br />

pret. iKfAtm cldkohtop, the fire burned,<br />

Psi. 39, 3; suppos. «c ch&gohtag, that<br />

which l)urns, Gen, 15, 17. From chekee<br />

and okteaa, it is (by nature, inherently)<br />

violent, it rage.s, is fierce.<br />

[Xarr. rhkkol {rlukkoht, C), fire.]<br />

chikosum, chikkohsum, v. t. he burns<br />

(it), Ex.40, 27; Is. 44, 16; withan.obj.<br />

-saii; uiU-chikoss-oh, he burned (him),<br />

Lev. 9, 1 1 . From chekee, with the formative<br />

(sum, a.n. -sail) of verbs denoting<br />

the action of heat. Vbl. n. act. chik-<br />

konuonk, a burning. Lev. 10, 6; Is. 9,5;<br />

vbl. n. pass. eliikko-tinitlHonk, being<br />

burned, a burn, Ex. 21, 25.<br />

chipappu, V. i. (11 lie remains apart,<br />

separate, I'mv. 19, 4; from chippi and<br />

('iji/iii. (2) he is free, at liberty (i. e.<br />

sejiarated or apart from any tribe, not<br />

the subject of any sachem); chipappu<br />

mweiauomonat, she is at liberty to<br />

marry, 1 Cor. 7, 39. Cf. *chepy. .<br />

[Narr. chipp&puock, the Pleiades, i. e.<br />

thev sit apart, form a group bv them-<br />

seh-es.]<br />

chipohke, n. lan^l not occupied;, en<br />

chipijhk-it, 'into alaiKl not inhabited',<br />

Lev. 16, 22. From Chippe and ohke,<br />

separate or free land.<br />

*chippachausin, it divides (as a path<br />

wIktc it fortes), R. W. From chippeu.<br />

chippe, -pi, (it is) .separated, apart;<br />

chippe aijeuonk, the separate place, Ezek.<br />

41, 13. Adv. and adj. cMppiyeue, Ezek.<br />

41, 12; 42, 1, 10, 13. [For derivatives<br />

see chepy, chepiohke, chepioniup, etc.]<br />

Vbl. n. chipaiyeuonk, separation, freedom.<br />

As n. a part, a portion; piukqne<br />

chippi, a tenth part, Ex. 16, .36. Cf.<br />

clioncldi>pe.<br />

[Abn. txehiSi, tmUehiSi, tzatzchiSi, sep-<br />

arenicnt. Del. tK/iiiri, iKpat, separately;<br />

l.-«li,l!i(h-j:)i, asunder, apart, Zeisb.]<br />

chippehtam, v. t. he makes (it) separate,<br />

keeps (it) apart. Num. 6, 2; with an.<br />

obj. -chtaiiau; suppos. chapehtailont,<br />

Het). 7, 26.<br />

chippesu. See chippissti.<br />

chippeu, v. i. he sepai-ates himself, goes<br />

apart, Num. 6, 12; (ial. 2, 12; suppos.<br />

chippeu—continued.<br />

iioh. cliapil, he who separates himself;<br />

]il. neg chapccheg, Ezra 6, 21; Jude 19;<br />

freq. chdilchapeii; with inan. subj.<br />

-/leiiii/), it divides, marks separation<br />

(or i)ass. is divided, Hos. 10, 2); im-<br />

perat. chadchapemmiidj, let it divide<br />

(one thing from another, Gen. 1, 6).<br />

As adv. wut-chadchauhe })oniimim, he<br />

put it dividingly or for separation. Gen.<br />

1, 4. Perhaps this last form should be<br />

referred toafreq. oraugm. of chipappu,<br />

i{. V. See *cliejiy.<br />

chippi. See chippe.<br />

chippinehteau, v. cans. (inan. sul>j. ) it<br />

causes or effects separation. Vbl. n.<br />

chippinutunk, that which separates, a<br />

wall, Ezek. 42, 20 (a hedge, C).<br />

chippinetu, v. i. he is born free; nut-<br />

chijipnieUji, I was born free, Acts 22, 28.<br />

chippinnin, n. a free man. Rev. 6, 15:<br />

-i)niiiiiiii, he is a free man; mmnummaUa<br />

iiut-chijipiiininnu-o}, am not I free? 1<br />

Cor. 9, 1; suppos. pass, chapitiinnumit,<br />

when he is freed, 'being free', 1 Cor.<br />

7, 22. Lit. a man apart, not subject to<br />

any sachem or master. Cf. inissinnin,<br />


chippohteau, v. i. he i;- (liabitually,<br />

by custom) separate; he keeps apart.<br />

Vbl. n. cliijipmlaonk, a keeping apart,<br />

separation, Lev. 12, 5.<br />

chipwuttcDnapwaii, v. t. an. lie kisses<br />

^liiiu); chipiiudldiii, v. t. inan. lie kisses<br />

(it); init-chipvmUmnap-o}i, he kisses<br />

him, Gen. 27, 27; wut-cliipwodtamunkquoh<br />

tcusseetash, she ki.ssed (to him)<br />

his feet, Luke 7, 38 {nut-chipvmttconap,<br />

I kiss, C).<br />

[Abn. Sl.fi'damei), il le liai.«e.]<br />

chishkham. See jixkhdii), he wipes<br />

(it).<br />

chiskenitchohhou, ii. a towel, Jolin 13,<br />

5; tliat whieh wipes the hands, or<br />

with whicli the hand is « iped. From<br />

(liinhkhaui and nulch, with the inan.- in-<br />

strum. formative -ohhaa.<br />

*chdgaii (Narr. ), a blackbird; jil. rhoganeuck,<br />

R. W.<br />


[Peq. aucJiiKjiji'se; niasxoiri/iih, Stiles.<br />

Abii. tsSgheres; tsSgJierexkS, etourneau,<br />

Rasles; modern Abn. choy-lhskii; K. A.<br />

Del. tschofjuali, blackbird, Zeisb.]<br />

chog-q, n. a spot, a bit, a small piece (for<br />

'farthing', Matt. 5, 26). For chohki.<br />

or chuhki, (it is) like a point or spot.<br />

Cf. kodclntki. Suppos. inan. chohkag, a<br />

spot, a blemish; vmnpe cliolikag, a bright<br />

spot, Lev. 13, 4, 19.<br />

\Cree,cha-chdchngorr,\t is striped.]<br />

Chogqussuog'. See *Chok


eiyane—continued,<br />

or kinds; all sorts of; of every kind;<br />

maiche eiyane unne, 'store of all sorts of<br />

wine', Neh. 5, 18; wame eiyane, all<br />

kinds of, Dan. .3, 15; iydn-askehtuash,<br />

many (divers kinds of) medicines, Jer.<br />

46, 11. See unne.<br />

eiyomp, n. a male deer, a buck. See<br />

alilii!:.<br />

en, prep, to, toward (after verbs of mo-<br />

tion), Lev. 21, 6; Acts 10, 32.<br />

-en, -enin, the formative of verbals denoting<br />

the active subject, male (nomen<br />

agentis), represents -ninnu {nnln, en'in,<br />

R. W. ), a male, man. The second<br />

{-enin = -en-unne) is the general or in-<br />

definite form, e. g. adcha-u, he hunts;<br />

adcha-en, he who is hunting, as dis-<br />

tinguished from one who may be hunt-<br />

ing or who habitually hunts (suppos.<br />

an. noh adcha-nont) game; adchaenin<br />

(pi. -rtimnu-ojr), anyone who ia hunting,<br />

some hunter; unse-u, agit; suppos. noh<br />

dse-it, qui (quum) agit, oraget; n. agent.<br />

riKxf-a-en, ille agens. usseam-in, qui<br />

agens. See *nnhi.<br />

hahanehtam, v. t. he laughs at (it). Job<br />

41, 29; -elilaiinii, he laughs at (him).<br />

Job 9, 23; suppos. nhanehtauont, when<br />

he laughs at or mocks (him), Prov. 30,<br />

17.<br />

hahanu, ahanu (-nou), v. i. he laughs.<br />

Gen. 17, 17; 18, 12; Ps. 2,4; matla nut-<br />

ahanu, I do not laugh; pret. hit-ahdnup,<br />

thou didst laugh, Gen. 18, 15; loh-<br />

wutch hahanit { suppos. ) , wherefore does<br />

she laugh? v. 13; iihquompi adl ahani-<br />

miik (suppos. inan. or supine), 'a time<br />

to laugh', Eccl. 3, 4.<br />

[Narr. ahdnu, he laughs; pi. -uork:<br />

lairhitch ahdnean (suppos.), why dost<br />

thou laugh? Menom. ah-y-ah-nen, to<br />

laugh. Shawn. ah-yai-he.'\<br />

hahanuonk, ahan-, vbl. n. laughing,<br />

laughter, Job 8, 21; Eccl. 7, 3 {ahhaniioiik,<br />

ahansJiilonk, C).<br />

hasbabp, hashab, n. (1) a net, Micah<br />

7, 2; Luke 5, 5; pi. hashabpog, Ezek.<br />

47, 10; Hab. 1, 16 {dshdp, pi. -appog,<br />

C. ). (2) vegetal fiber or fibrous ma-<br />

terial used for making thread or cord<br />

;<br />

E[<br />

*enada (Narr.), seven (emilla talixlu-, M.<br />

V. Rec).<br />

*enewashim (Narr.), a male (beast).<br />

See ninnu; nomposhini.<br />

*enin (Narr.), a man. See *mun.<br />

enneapeyau (unne-), v. i. he sujourns.<br />

C'f. iitnDxhjici/ati: imperat. iiinciipeyaush<br />

III II iiliLr, 'sojourn in this land', Gen. 26,<br />

S: »)(H«(/)f!/o)io/, tosojourn (here). Gen.<br />

47,4; suppos. part, (pi.) Aneapeoncheg,<br />

who are) strangers, ( sojourners, Lev. 25,<br />

45; (sing. ) anyeapeont, v. 40"; anea-, v. 47.<br />

enninneaonk, vbl. n. a pestilence, con-<br />

tagious or infectious disease; Lev. 13,<br />

44, 46; Num. 11, .33; Jer. 29, 17 {en<br />

ninnu-og, ini Sfjuoi, an epidemic?).<br />

See wesauah&onk, the pestilence or yellow<br />

disease.<br />

*ennomai. See unnomiii, a reason.<br />

*eteaussonk(?), pi. -hash, knives, C. Of.<br />

*eiaimnck.<br />

*e'wb (Narr.), pron. 3d sing, he, she;<br />

au'Aun etro, who is that? ewo manit,<br />

this God; ewb nckqualiAnchick, they who<br />

fear him, R. W. See yeuoh; noh; -co-.<br />

It is properly a demonstrative.<br />

basbabp, basbab—continued.<br />

liiisIii'ilijHifi, 'flax' (the plant, when in<br />

the tiekl), Ex. 9, 31; hashahp, flax (pre-<br />

pared), Judg. 15, 14; 'tow,' Is. 43, 17;<br />

hashabjie tuttuppun, a tow' thread, Judg.<br />

16, 9; hashabp-onak, linen cloth, Mark<br />

14, 51 (hashaponag, Ex. 35, 25). (3) a<br />

spidei-'s web, i. e. net. Job 8, 14; Is. 59,<br />

5.<br />

" Les sauvages racontent que ce fut<br />

Michabou qui apprit a leurs ancStres a<br />

pecher, qu'il inventa les Rets, et que<br />

ce fut la toile d'araignee qui lui en<br />

donna I'id^e."—Charlevoix, iii, 282.<br />

[Narr. ashop, 'their nets;' aahdppock,<br />

hemp; masaunock, flax (Canada net-<br />

tle?), R. W. Abn. rhape, filets, rets;<br />

setagSk, espece de chanvre dont on fait<br />

des rets [taghenank, le chanvre). Chip.<br />

assab, pi. -Wpr, nets.]<br />

basbabubtugq, -bpubtug'q(?) {hash-<br />

abpiililiigij, flax-wood), n. stalks of<br />

flax. Josh. 2, 7; a distaff, Prov. 31, 19.<br />

basbconukco, n. a hat; pi. haslimnukm-<br />

^iniuh, their hats, Dan. 3, 21.<br />

[Narr. asliSnaquo, or saunket'ippo, a<br />

cap or hat, R. W.]


hasinnekous. See n.flnnekdug.<br />

hassun, n. a stmie: linxxmi, pi. -nash, El.<br />

Gr. 10; dim. haxxiuihiif.i, a little stone,<br />

ib. p. 12; pi. -sash, little stones, 'gravel',<br />

Prov. 20, 17. From a word signifying<br />

to pierce, to cut (?).<br />

)<br />

[Chip, assin, pi. -»»/ I<br />

inan. ), Bar.;<br />

ossin, assin, pi. (an.) -ureii, Sch. Cree<br />

ass'mnee; dimin. asshmis. Del. achmn,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

hassunekSaz. See assinvekous.<br />

hassunnek, -negk, n. a cave, Gen. 23,<br />

17,20. (That which covers? Qi. hashm-<br />

nuhai, a hat.<br />

hassunneutunk, n. a (stone) wall, Jer.<br />

.=il, 44; Ezek. i:?, 12.<br />

*liawunshecli ( Xarr. ), farewell, R. W.<br />

hennaii, hennou, ahunou, v. t. an. he<br />

calls him (by a name or appellation;<br />

appellat. Cf. ussoirenaii, he calls him<br />

by his name, nominat); pass, he is<br />

called: pish hennou Ishah, 'she shall be<br />

called Woman', Gen. 2, 23; pish hennau<br />

magmhiin, ' he shall be called Bountiful<br />

(i. e. the Giver), Is. 32, 5; suffix form<br />

vnittimih, appellat eum, he addresses<br />

him, he calls him: David nagum wut-<br />

';<br />

tinuh l=u-ut-henna-uh'!'\ mi.m-Manittmm,<br />

'David himself calleth him [my]<br />

Lord', Mark 12, 37; ioh kuUehenit, 'what<br />

art thou called?' Gen. 32, 27; noh ahhenit<br />

{ahhunut, Mass. Ps. ) he who is called,<br />

John 9, 11; suppos. Ahnnont, when he<br />

calls, when calling (him), 1 Pet. 3, 6.<br />

Mutual or reciprocal heltuog, they call<br />

one another, they address one another,<br />

Gen. 11, 3. Vbl. n. hettcowonk, hettu-<br />

onk, mutual address, language, speech,<br />

Gen. 11, 1. See ahenit.<br />

[Narr. tahma l=^toh hennau'], 'what<br />

is his name?' how is he called?]<br />

hettam, v. t. inan. he calls (it); pass.<br />

hettamun, it is called [cf. tissmiveltam, he<br />

names (it) ; iissmirettamim, it is named]<br />

pi. hettamwog, they call (it), Ps. 49, 11;<br />

pass, mwesuonk hettamun, his name is<br />

called, Luke 2, 21 ; hettamun, it is called,<br />

Gen. 2, 11, 14; Is. 56, 7.<br />

[Xari'. tahHtamen [^toli hettamun'],<br />

what is this called?]<br />

-hk. See -'A--.<br />

*Hobbanioco, n. 'their evil God,' Lech-<br />

ford's PI. Dealing, .52. "That we suppose<br />

their Devil, they call Hahantouk,"<br />

Capt. J. Smith (1631). '• Aliamorho or<br />

*Hobbainoco—continued.<br />

Cheepie," Josselyn Voy. (See chepy.)<br />

"In the night . . . they will not budge<br />

from their own dwellings for fear of<br />

their Abamocho (the Devil) whom they<br />

much fear."—Wood's N. E. Prospect,<br />

pt. 2, ch. 8. "Whom they [the Indians<br />

near Plymouth] call Hobbamock,<br />

and to the northward of us, Hobbamo-<br />

qui; this, as far as we can conceive, is<br />

the Devil."—E.Winslow's Rel. (1624).<br />

-hog, -hogk, n. (1) body, corpus, that<br />

which is external or which covers the<br />

living man or animal. For hogki (it<br />

covers), or hogkm (he covers himself,<br />

wears as covering). With impers. pre-<br />

fix, muhhog, the (any) body; pi. ??iM/i-<br />

hogkmog. El. Gr. 9. (2) the person;<br />

with the prefixed pronouns it has the<br />

force of ipse; nuhhog [^ti'hog], my body,<br />

or myself, ego ipse; kuhhog, thy body,<br />

thyself; louhhog, his body, himself.<br />

[Narr. nohock, my body; vuhock, the<br />

body (i. e. his body). Abn. nhaglie,<br />

Shaghe, mon, son corps. Del. hackey,<br />

Zeisb. Cree weydui, the body; ne-yow,<br />

my body, myself.]<br />

hogki, V. i. it covers, or serves as a cov-<br />

ering; as n. wuh-hogki, pi. uiih-hogkiash,<br />

the scales (of a fish). Job 41, 15; suppos.<br />

umh-hogkiit, if it have (that which<br />

has) scales; pi. negwuh-hogkiitcheg, they<br />

which have scales. Lev. 11, 9 ( with inan.<br />

or impers. subj. wuhhogkiegig, v. 10).<br />

So, vmh-hogki, a shell (v.'ohhogke, C. ).<br />

Cf. Engl, shell, scale; Germ, schale;<br />

Greek xoXeoi, SkvXoj'.<br />

[Narr. suckaiihock [sucki-wuhhogki],<br />

black-shell money, E. W. Abn. Sara-<br />

haghi; ecaille de poisson.]<br />

hogkcD, V. i. he clothes or covers him-<br />

self; with inan. subj., it is a covering, it<br />

clothes; sometimes v. t. he wears (or<br />

is covered by) it, Prov. 23, 21; Ezek.<br />

9, 2; Ps. 93, 1; imperat. 2d pi. hogkmk,<br />

'put ye on', clothe yourselves with,<br />

Eph. 6, 11; suppos. an. hogqut, dqut,<br />

agquit, when he wears, or is clothed<br />

with, Ps. 109, 18; 68, 13; Dan. 12, 7; 7ie<br />

dqut, agquit, that which he weal's, which<br />

'is on him'. Gen. 37, 23; 1 K. 11, 30.<br />

Vbl. n. hogkmonk, clothing, a garment.<br />

Num. 31, 20; Prov. 30, 4; pi. -ongash<br />

(aukmonk, C. ). With a subst. express-<br />

ing the thing worn or [lut on, hogkiin-<br />

ninii. V. t. he puts (it) on.


hogkoo—((intiiiued.<br />

[Narr. nroh, 'their deer skin', which<br />

serves for clothing [ = /iO

liovran<br />

—<br />

con t i n uecl .<br />

adv. form is used: homu' miitminirimuty,<br />

-any people.<br />


[Xarr. mnUni, 'thi_-iv is somebody';<br />

ainiun ewd, who is tliat? pi. awanick, \<br />

'some come.' Peq. TCaunnKjruA-, 'Eng-<br />

lishmen', Stiles, i. e. 'some men', or<br />

'who are these?'; owanux, Mason's<br />

Narrat. of Peq. War. Micm. Sen, quel-<br />

qu'iin. celui qui, etc. Abn. aSbon, quel-<br />

-i, postpo.sitive, gives to the indicative<br />

present, which is in fact a preterit, tlie<br />

definite and Hmited force of the truly<br />

present or actual; e. g. aii, he goes;<br />

o((V, he is going, is now on his way,<br />

Prov. 7, 19; sokanon, there is rain;<br />

sokenoiii (nmkenonn!, C), it is now rain-<br />

ing. Though this limited present is<br />

not noticed by Eliot in his Grammar,<br />

and is not often to be found in his<br />

translations, it unquestionably had<br />

place in the Massachusetts, as well as<br />

in otlier dialects of the same group.<br />

[Abn. (, postposit. significat actualitatem<br />

actionis; sSgheraiine, il pleut<br />

actuellement; psan, il neige; psaiine, il<br />

neige actuel lenient, etc.]<br />

ianauwTissu, v. adj. an. he is lean; pi.<br />

-.fiovf/, Gen. 41, .3; suppos.pl. (particip.<br />

-.tilcheg, V. 4. See 6nouims>^>i.<br />

iane. See eiyane.<br />

ianussuog', suppos. pi. iami.isitcheg, for<br />

'swarms of flies', Ex. 8, 21, 24, 29;<br />

they are of divers kinds (?), all sorts of<br />

creatures {?).<br />

in, (in fine comp. -he», -xnine) of the<br />

kind or manner of; yen in kali yi'ii in, of<br />

this manner and of this, 'thus and<br />

thus', 2 Sam. 17, 1.5.<br />

jishontam, v. t. he despises, rejects,<br />

hates (it); nux-ifekeneam kah nut-jishon-<br />

tam, I hate and despise (it), Amos 5,<br />

21; I abhor, Ps. 119, 163; Amos 6, 8;<br />

suppos. jishantog, when he despises, he<br />

despising, hating, Prov. 15, 10. With<br />

an. oh], juhanumaii, he despises or hates<br />

(him); suppos. nohjighamtmm^t, he who<br />

despises; pa.ss. noh jishamanit, he who<br />

is despised, .Tol) 12, .5. Vbl. n. jishan-<br />

'umavonk; pass, jislniiiittuoiik, hatred,<br />

Ps. 25, 19.<br />

)<br />

ho'wan—continued,<br />

qu'un; aScmmi'Kjii, quel Immme esi-ce<br />

qui, etc. Del. auin'i'n; pi. miirenik, who<br />

are they? Zeisb. Gr. 176. Cree ov/enS,<br />

]>1. oinnekee, who? whosoever; indef.<br />

o«/ruk, someone, anyone. Chip, awcnen,<br />

who? pi. -\-ag; aunia, one, some-<br />

Ijody, anybody; avtegrvm, whoev-er,<br />

whosoever, I don't know who; pi.<br />

iogkosishomoo, v. i. oiialuli m't'cliip-<br />

jKig-ii-ut, it 'distils as the dew'. Dent.<br />

'.VI, 2; it moistens (?). Cf. ogqnsltki.<br />

*islikauaussue, (he is) envious; iskou-<br />

(wssiie, enviously, C.<br />

ishkont, conj. lest (El. Gr. 22), Gen.<br />

38, 9; Luke 22, 46. For ashqunuk,<br />

nahqunh, there remains (ne ashqshimk,<br />

what remains, is left)?<br />

ishkouanatuonk, vbl. n. envy, Prov. 14,<br />

.30. Cf. jltiliaiiiltiioiik, hatred, under<br />

jixhiiiilini).<br />

ishpuhquaeu. See iishpvliqudrii, he<br />

looks upwaril.<br />

ishquanogkod, -kot, (after a numeral)<br />

a cubit's length; suppos. isliquanogkok,<br />

measured by cubits, by cubits' length;<br />

with an. subj. -ogkussu, 2 Chr. 2, 11,<br />

12. Xean ishqaanogkok; nequt-ishqiia-<br />

liogkod ne nequt ishquanogkod, etc.,<br />

(measured) by cubits; the cubit is a<br />

cubit, etc., Ezek. 43, 13. From misquan<br />

{meesk, C, q. v.), the elbow, and -ogk,<br />

the base of verbs of counting or num-<br />

l)ering: so many times the length to<br />

the elbow.<br />

jiskham, jishkham, chishkhain, v. i. he<br />

wipes(it); iiiil-jislikam,lv:\\>e{it); suppos.<br />

onatiili iroxketomp jishkog wunnonk,<br />

as [when] a man wipes a dish, 2 K. 21,<br />

13. With an. attributive, jiskliamau,<br />

he wipes (it) for (him); chiskhamaiiSp<br />

wusseetash, she wiped [to him] his feet,<br />

John 11, 2. Cf. chekham, he sweeps.<br />

[Abn. ne-ka-ishaii, je I'essuie; ne-kas-<br />

sesitthan, je lui essuie les pi4s; kasselintK,<br />

qu'on I'essuie. Del. tschiskham-men, to<br />

wipe off, Zeisb. ]

)<br />


-'k-, -hk-, in composition, denotes tlie<br />

continued or progressive action of tlie<br />

verb; a going on, or continuing to do:<br />

e. g. assamau, he gives him food; sohko-<br />

mail l=assohkamau'\, he supports, or<br />

continues to give him food; petau, he<br />

he puts (it) into; piiuUhm, he goes<br />

into; aindeij, he departs; dmamhkau, he<br />

drives (himi away, lieeps him going,<br />

etc. See k(il(.<br />

*cachauxet (Peq.), the name of a fish;<br />

'limner'. Stiles. Tlie 'chogset', Lab-<br />

rus chogset, Mitch. (Ctenilabrus burgall,<br />

Stour. ) For (hohclioJikesii, marked<br />

with spots, spotted, or striped.<br />

kachemoo, kahchemoo, v. i. inan. it<br />

conies (and continues coming) out<br />

from: nmhm kdchhnco, 'a fiery stream<br />

issued', etc., Dan. 7, 10. See kutche.<br />

kacheu, v. i. he goes or comes out of:<br />

kaclieog, they went out of (the ship),<br />

went ashore, Luke 5, 2.<br />

kadshik, wlien it begins; the beginning<br />

of. See kutchisslk.<br />

kadtupwut, when, or if, he is hungry,<br />

suppos. of kodtuppw.<br />

kah, copulative, and 'k, progressive, in<br />

its simple separable form, "it goes on'<br />

or 'continues'. Cf. Greek iVz; Sansk.<br />

'1^', according to Weber, from root at,<br />

'to go', i. e. 'a going farther.' Sansk.<br />

iji'i, to go; gu, going, or rha, 'et, que';<br />

Greek ks, ts, xai.<br />

[Narr. k(>. Peq. quah, E. M. Chip.<br />

ijaie (postpositive, prepositive, and separable),<br />

Bar. Micm. uk [=aM].]<br />

kahche. maita h'trhe, 'no doubt', it<br />

is not doubtful. Acts 28, 4 [kuhche,<br />

Danf.<br />

kakenumunne, the first-ripe (fruit),<br />

Mic. 7, 1. See keneumunne-mli.<br />

kakenupshont, (when) going very<br />

swiftly; suppos. of Iryhmipshaii. See<br />

kenupshaii.<br />

*kakewau, v. i. he is mad, Mass. Ps.<br />

See koyktiui.<br />

[kasenussit, suppos. a churl, Is. 32, 5, 7. ]<br />

*kask6hat, n. a sturgeon, C See *kau-<br />

jtosli.<br />

K<br />

*cauk6anash (Xarr. ), n. pi. stockings,<br />

R. \V.<br />

[Abn. keiit'sSn-nar, chausses, bas.<br />

Peq. cungoiounlch, a stocking, Stiles.<br />

Del. kail kon, legging, Sch. ii, 472; ga<br />

yiin, Zeisb.]<br />

*caudmpsk (Narr.), a whetstone, E. W.<br />

*kauposh (Narr. ), a sturgeon; pi. -sha&og,<br />

R. \V. {kdpposJiiLndkaskuhatjC.) From<br />

kuppi {nn. adj. knppesu, he is) shut up,<br />

inclosed, protected, i. e. ijy his hard<br />

scales or plates (?).<br />

[Aljn. kabaxKc, pi. -sak. Chip, nam at',<br />

nattgh mwj [i.e. the fish; nwiiohs, El.,<br />

or ii'dtnag'i. Menom. nah mawe, sturgeon<br />

{nahmaish, fish) . PoWh. kopotone,<br />

J. Smith (= close-mouthed?).]<br />

*causkashunck (Narr.), the skin of a<br />

deer, R. AV.<br />

*Kautantowwit (Narr.), "the great<br />

Southwest God, to whose house all<br />

souls go and from whom came their<br />

corn, beans, etc., as they say," E. AV.<br />

Cf. Keihtanit [Kehtaniti, the great God,<br />

Gen. 24, 7.<br />

kechequabinau, v. t. an. he hangs (him)<br />

by tlie neck. Gen. 40, 22: pish kukkecliequabinuk,<br />

he will hang thee, Gen.<br />

40, 19; ahhut kechequaheniitimuk (suppos.<br />

pass. inan. ), that which he is himg<br />

upon, a gallows, Esth. 5, 14; 7, 9 (>!?(X-kehchlquabes<br />

jxminneat, I am choked<br />

with a halter, C. It should be nushpe<br />

])emunnfal).<br />

kechequanaii, v. t. an. he takes him by<br />

tlic throat; with pron. affixes, ukkirheqitaii-iih.<br />

Matt. 18, 28; hence, he<br />

embraces (him), (nuk-kehclifkquan, I<br />

embrace, I hold by the throat, C.<br />

[Abii. ne-keskedSiihian, je lesuffoque. ]<br />

kechisu. See kehchissu.<br />

keechippam, kehch-, keihch-, on the<br />

shore, Jusli. 11, 4; Judg. 5, 17; John<br />

21,4; kehl'ihhiiiiif,tm the sea.shore,<br />

Gen. 22, 17.<br />

*keegsqua'wr (Narr.), a virgin nr maid,<br />

E. W.<br />

[Chip, gigangou-i, she is a virgin.<br />

Del. kikochquees, a virgin; kickoch que u,<br />

a single woman, Zeisb. ; kigape-v, Camp.<br />

Abn. kiganbt'; a young man unmarried.]<br />



keesaqushin. (Xarr. ), it is high water,<br />

R. AV., i. e. it is at its fall height, full<br />

grown. Cf. h'siikidi.<br />

*Keesuckquaiid (Xarr.), the Sun God,<br />

a name of the sun, R. W. IKemkrjttdeanit,<br />

God of Day or of the Sky]. See<br />

kHmk:<br />

ke'hche, kehcheu, v. i. (it is) chief, prin-<br />

cipal, superior (because, ex principio;<br />

cf. ko, kutche); hence, superior by<br />

reason of age, old, ancient; an. pi. keh-<br />

chiog, kuicliiog, the old (collectively),<br />

the ancients, i. e. those who are from<br />

the beginning, Ps. 119, 100; 148, 12;<br />

Esth. 3, 13; kehchiog waantamwog, the<br />

old are wise, ' with the ancients is wisdom',<br />

Job 12, 12. In the sing, kehche<br />

aymonk, the chief place, 2 Sam. 23, 8;<br />

kehcheu umtmshinneunk, the chief fathers<br />

[i. e. fatherhood, n. collect.], Num.<br />

31, 26. Cf. keht-; kehiauail<br />

kehchemugqwomp, n. chief captain.<br />

See mugquoinp.<br />

kehchesonksq \_= kehche-mnksqua], a<br />

queen, E.sth. 1, 9, 11. See sonkfKj.<br />

kehchesuonk, vbl. n. a boil, a sore; pi.<br />

-oiigash, Job 2, 7. See kehkecht'su.<br />

kshcliippam. See keechippam.<br />

kehchisqua, kutchisqua, an ohl woman,<br />

Ruth 1, 12; 1 Tim. 4, 7; jil. -quaog,<br />

Zci'h. 8, 4; 1 Tim. r,, 2.<br />

kehchissu, kechisu, kehchis, v. adj.<br />

he is old, superior by age; as n. an<br />

aged person, Gen. 44, 20; Lev. 19, 32;<br />

nuk-kechisu, I am old, Job 15, 10 {nuk-<br />

kechimi, Luke 1, 18); kuhchlsu-lt,<br />

'when he is old', Mass. Ps., John 3, 4.<br />

Like the Latin senex, senectus, kehcJim<br />

denotes old age entitled to respect,<br />

without associating with it the ideu of<br />

decrepitude or senility. Cf. mahldntam.<br />

" Chise is an old man, and kkh-<br />

c/ii.«ca man that exceedeth in age."—E.<br />

Winslow's Relation (1624).<br />

[Narr. kilchize, an old man; pi. -ziick;<br />

kulchinnu, a middle-aged man (i. e. he<br />

is growing old). Micm. kijigS, vieux;<br />

kljigSiiik, les \ieux. Del. kika/, old,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

kehcUthau, v. i. he forbears or lefrains<br />

from doing (?): niix-xdumiumup<br />

kehchithijii (inlinit.), ma/ta nuk-kehchil-<br />

iohhou (causat. ), 'I was weary w^ith<br />

forbearing, I could not stay', Jer. 20, 9;<br />

kehchithaii—continued.<br />

supi)os. kehchithaaii, if I forliear. Job<br />

16, 6.<br />

kehkechai, n. a sore, 'botch', Deut. 28,<br />

kehkechesu, v. adj. an. he is sore, ' full<br />

of sores', Luke 16, 20 (augm. of keh-<br />

chem). Vbl. n. kehkechesuonk, a (running)<br />

sore, a boil, Ps. 38, 11; 77, 2; Job<br />

2,7.<br />

[Narr. li'chesammam, I am in pain;<br />

ncMsamam n'sHe, my foot is sore.]<br />

kehketoDhkau, v. i. he goes on talking,<br />

talks much. Freq. of kuttm, he speaks,<br />

with 'k progressive. Vbl. n. kehketmh-<br />

kdonk, keketwk-, talk, loquacity, Prov.<br />

14, 23; Eccl. 10, 13; pi. -oiigash, 'bab-<br />

blings', 1 Tim. 6, 20. N. agent, -kaeii,<br />

a great talker; pi. -kamuog, Tit. 1, 10.<br />

See kiitlm.<br />

kehkomaii, kekomaii, v. t. an. he talks<br />

about (him), slanders, or speaks re-<br />

proachfully of: nuk-k6muk-quog, they<br />

slander me, Ps. 31, 14. Vbl. n. kehko-<br />

mailen, -mwdeii, a talebearer, a slan-<br />

derea-, Prov. 18, 8.<br />

[Cree kiegamaijoo, he scolds him (?).]<br />

keht-, keiht-, in comp. words chief,<br />

principal, (relatively) greatest. As a<br />

prefix to nouns inan. corresponding to<br />

kehche- before nouns an. See httche.<br />

[Del. kilta, great. Abn. "maassa vel<br />

kette, in antecessum," Rasles.]<br />

k^tadtau, v. caus. inan. he makes<br />

sharp, sharpens, whets (it) , Ps. 7, 12;<br />

with inan. subj. -tauomco, it sharpens<br />

(it), Prov. 27, 17; -tauun, he sharpens<br />

it; pass, it is sharpened, made sharp,<br />

Ezek. 21, 9; suppos. kehtattauon, if I<br />

whet (my sword), Deut. 32, 41 [ketoHiig,<br />

a whetstone, Wood). Cf. *cau6mp.ik.<br />

[Abn. ne-kittad8n, je I'aiguise; (ikit-<br />

tadSn, il I'aiguise; kkladangan, pierre d<br />

aiguiser.]<br />

Kehtanit, Keihtannit [keht-( iii)anit, the<br />

chief or greatest manit], for 'the Lord<br />

God', Gen. 24, 3, 7. With the verb<br />

subst. kehlaiiUoo, keihlannitto, he is (or<br />

it is) the greatest manitto; and with the<br />

locative suffix, kehtanito-ut, the place of<br />

the great manlto, or where he is:<br />

hence, probably, Katttdntoinnl, 'the<br />

groat Southwest God,' (R. W.), or<br />

rather his home in the Southwest.<br />

[Del. getnnnitoint, Zeisb. Gr. 37.]


kehtauau(?), v. t. an. he is chief among<br />

or superior to; as n. a chief man; pi.<br />

kehtauaog. 'lords', Dan. 5, 23. Rarely<br />

used and of questionable propriety. X.<br />

agent. Milniitmen. pi. -luijog, 'nobles',<br />

Trnv. .S. IS.<br />

kehtequanitch, kehtcoq- \J:eht, uhrjuae,<br />

-nutch, great, end of, hand], n. the<br />

thumb, Ex. 29, 20; pi. -tchetif:!!, Ju.lg.<br />

1. i\ 7.<br />

[-\.bn. oghHkStrreigi, pollex.]<br />

kehtequaseet [keht, uhquae, -seet, great,<br />

end of, foot], n. the great toe: uk-kehte-<br />

quaseet, his great toe, Ex. 29, 20; Judg.<br />

1, 6, 7.<br />

[Abn. meghitkStsit, ne-ghitkStsil, inon<br />

gros orteil.]<br />

kehtimaU, v. t. an. he appoints (him)<br />

over, appoints (him) to office or command,<br />

2 K. 11, 18; nuk-keitim, I ap-<br />

point (him to rule over, etc.), 1 K. 1,<br />

3-5; kuk-kehtim quoahodtumu-aenuog, thou<br />

appointest prophets, Xeh. 6, 7. From<br />

keht-, with 'm-au, the formative of an.<br />

verbs of speaking, or of action performed<br />

by the mouth; literally, 'he<br />

trreat-speaks him.'<br />

kehtippittenab, n. an armlet; pi.<br />

-dpta^Ji, Is. 3, 19; 'the bracelet that<br />

was on his arm', 2 Sam. 1, 10; kehtup-,<br />

Gen. 24, 30; kihteupeteti/ipew'h, Ex. 35,<br />

22. From keht-, {m)uhpittin (arm),<br />

appt-u (it remains, or is permanent).<br />

iehtoh, keihtoh, n. the ocean, 'sea'.<br />

Gen. 1, 10; P.s. 78, 13; Hag. 2, 6; with<br />

indef. affix, kehtohhan, knhtahhan, any<br />

sea; pi. -hannmh, seas, oceans, Xeh. 9, 6;<br />

with locat. affix, noeit kehtahhannit, in<br />

the midst of the sea, Xum. 33, 8; Prov.<br />

23. 34; kishke kehtahhannit, b\- the sea,<br />

on the seashore, 1 Sam, 13, 5; Deut.<br />

1. 7. Adj. and adv. kehtahhwie, of the<br />

sea: kehlahhan-nuppog, the water of i<br />

the sea, Ex. 14, 21. For kehteau, it is<br />

very great, vast; = 'k-ahteau, it is going<br />

on, or is indefinitely extended.<br />

[Xarr. kitihan and uechekum, the sea,<br />

R. W.: kikhonnohk [?], Stiles. Deh<br />

killan, a great river (?); kitahkan, the<br />

great ocean, Zeisb. (The Del. Indians 1<br />

calleil the great river (Delaware) and<br />

bay Killan (Kilhanne, Kkw.); ^kidhan<br />

niink. in the main river', Zeisb. ) Chip. I<br />

^Sag. ) keechegnhma, lalae; keeche-keeche- I<br />

']<br />

'<br />

kehtoh, keihtoh—continued.<br />

gamaa, great lake, sea; (Mack.) gitche-<br />

gmnee, sea. Shawn. Vclnkitiiiii'. sea.]<br />

kehtohlianiioiauk, n. 'the sand of the<br />

sea', Ps. 78, 27 (kehtahhauomuhk,<br />

Jer. 33, 22;) kehtahhanomitk, 3Iass. Ps.<br />

[=beach(?), 'where the sea goes' (?K].<br />

kehtotan, keiht-, n. a great town. Gen.<br />

10, 12; Rev. 21, 1.5 (keht-, olan)<br />

[Del. kilaUnai. Zeisb.]<br />

keMoonog, kuht-, n. a ship, Prov. 30,<br />

19; Is. 33, 21; Jonah 1,3; i)\. -ogijuash;<br />

keht-mnog, great vessel (or carrier): cf.<br />

pe-mnog. [From verb 'todigout', 'hollowed';<br />

see Ragles under 'crever.']<br />

[Xarr. kilunuck; dim. kilonurkqnese.<br />

Abn. ketSrakS, navire. Menom. kah-<br />

taynemoon. Del. ki tonl te itall (pi.)<br />

ships, Zeisb.]<br />

kehtooquanich. See kehleqiianilch.<br />

keihchippam. .'^ee keechippnm.<br />

keiht-. See keht-.<br />

Keihtannit. See Kehlanit.<br />

keihtoh. See kehtoh.<br />

kekomaii. See kehkomai(.<br />

kekuttoo, V. i. he speaks habitually, has<br />

the faculty of speech. Freq. of kiillo).<br />

kemeu, i it is) secret, private; as adv. 'in<br />

secret ^IMatt. 6, 4, 6 {kemeyeue, secretly,<br />

C. ; -ut kemeayeu-ut, in a secret place,<br />

Job 40, 13); pi. kemeojgish, secret<br />

things, Deut. 29, 29. With verb subst.<br />

kemeyeucD; suppos. kemeyeuanik, or<br />

-yeiiuk, when it is secret; as n. a .secret,<br />

Prov. 2r>, 9; Dan. 4, 9, See kommmto.<br />

[Abn. kimiSi. en cachette. Del. kimi,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

*keniineiacliick (Xarr. i, n. pi. murderers;<br />

kuk-kemineantin, you are the murderer,<br />

R. W.<br />

ken, pron. 2d pers. sing, thou; sun ken<br />

noh u'oh paont, art thou he who shall<br />

come? Matt. 11, 3; pi. kenafiail, vou, ve<br />

(El. Gr. 7).<br />

[Xarr. ke^n; pi. keenouui n .]<br />

kenai, keneh, (it is) sharp, keen, Prov.<br />

25, IS; in comp. ki'nc-, ken-: e. g. kenompsk,<br />

a sharp stone, Ex. 4, 25; keneh-<br />

quog, a sharp knife, Ezek. 5, 1; kiike-<br />

neuhquayaogish (freq. pi.), sharppointed<br />

things. Job 41, 20 {keniyeue,<br />

sharply, C. ) ; suppos. kenag, when it is<br />

sharp, that which is sharp, Is. 5, 28;<br />

Rev. 14,14; vu^setunk, . . . kenag, the<br />



kenai, keneh—oontinued.<br />

haft . . . the blade (of a knife), Judg.<br />

3, 22; ehtdikenag, on-both-sides sharp,<br />

two-edged, Prov. 5, 4.<br />

[Illin. nikintS, j'aiguise, j'apointis<br />

(Grav.); kinta, kinte, kinIS, dans la com-<br />

position marquent souvent aiguiser,<br />

apointir. Abn. kaiiSis, kaiiSiak, ^pine;<br />

kanSHo, cela. est ^pineux, aigu. Del.<br />

kincu, it is sharp, Zeisb. Voc. 18; Hhnsu,<br />

he is sharp (harsh, jealous, etc. ), Zeisb.<br />

Gr. 167.]<br />

kenaiheau, v. caus. an. he forms (him),<br />

gives him shape. Gen. 2, 7, 19. See<br />

kuhkenauv;ehean (augm. ).<br />

kenam, n. a spoon; pi. -moog, 1 K. 7,50<br />

(kuimdm, quonnam, a spoon or ladle,<br />

C. ). Cf. kem'in; kimumuk; koiinum.<br />

[Xarr. kunam-mduog. Abn. emkSaiin.}<br />

Tienau. See kem'm.<br />

ienauwameonk, vbl. n. [an arraying or<br />

putting in array (?),] an army, Joel 2,<br />

self, a Ijoiirl or obligation. Num. 30, 3.<br />

keneiimunne-ash, n. pi. first-fruits, Lev.<br />

2, 12, 14; augm. kdkeneumunneash,<br />

Num. 18, 12, 13; b'lkeniim-, Ex. 22, 29.<br />

See kdkemtmutiiir.<br />

kenogkeneg, -koneg, n. a window,<br />

Gen. 6, 16; Judg. 5, 28; pi. -gaxh, Dan.<br />

6, 10 [kenag'kinivg, kunnatequankk,C).<br />

kenomp, keenomp, n. 'a captain', John<br />

18, 12; a 'brave', a valiant man {kenom-<br />

pae, valiant, valiantly {-paonk, valor,<br />

C). [Cf. Chwathi (Caribs), 'magna;<br />

sapientije viri', Vespucius, 1497, Nav.<br />

Col., 3, 233.]<br />

[Narr. keinomp, captain or valiant<br />

man, E. AV. Abn. kinai'ihi; kiminhoS<br />

homme courageux; ne-kiiiai'ihni, je suis<br />

brave, genereux, etc.]<br />

lienompattam, v. t. iiian. he look.« at, ob-<br />

serves (it), 1 Sam. ](i, 7.<br />

B. A. E., Bull. 2.5 3<br />

keuompsquab, n. an anchor; pi. -a7;('o^,<br />

Acts 27, 29. See kenuhquab; *kunn6mep.<br />

kenoonaii, v. t. an. he speaks (with au-<br />

thority, or as a superior to an inferior)<br />

to (him), he counsels, advises, instructs,<br />

Ex. 33, 9; Deut. 5, 24; 2 Sam.<br />

17, 15; imperat. 2d sing, kencos; pi.<br />

kencoimk. Vbl. n. kenaonudonk; pa!3S.<br />

kenmnilluonk, counsel, advice, Prov. 20,<br />

18. N. agent, kenaotmaen, a counselor;<br />

pi. -enuog, Job 3, 14 (and kenmsmwa-<br />

enin, Is. 9, 6).<br />

kenugke, 'among'. Gen. 17, 10; Lev.<br />

11, 2; kummke, Mass. Ps. (Vbl. n. ken-<br />

ngkiyeiLonk, a mixture, C.) The primary<br />

signification is 'mixed' or 'inter-<br />



kenun, kinun—contiimtd.<br />

kanun woshetomp, I ciirrv ;i man, C. )•<br />

See kriimum.<br />

[Narr. hniii'ihli, I will carry yuii,]<br />

kenunkquab. See !:< niiliijimli.<br />

kenuukwhonk, kin-, ii. a [liii; pi. -o«gaxh:<br />

Ex. 27, 19; .'!8, 20, 21. From<br />

ArH'f/aiiil iihrjiKir, sharpenedat the point.<br />

kenunnaii, kin-, v. t. an. he carries (an<br />

an. obj. ) in his haiul or arms; sup-<br />

pos. konunnuiit, when he carries (him),<br />

when carrying: uhlomprh, a<br />

bow, Amos 2, lo; miikkiesoli,<br />

a child, Nnm. 11, 12. With pronom.<br />

affixes, iik-kiiiiiii-6li, she bears them,<br />

Deut. 32, 11. See keiiiUi.<br />

kenunnum, v. t. lie carries or liears<br />

(it) by hand [and therefore improp-<br />

erly used in Is. 53, 4, 11], Mark 14, 13:<br />

kiiniiiiiiiim-up, 'he bare it', Ma.ss. Ps.,<br />

.lolin 12,<br />

kenuppe, swiftly, in haste, Dan. 3, 24;<br />

t.i. Cf. kenun, koiinnm.<br />

Is. 5, 26; as adj. -peyeu; with verbsubst.<br />

-pi'i/eum, there is haste, it 'requires<br />

haste', 1 Sam. 21, 8.]<br />

kenuppetu, v. i. he grows fast. Gen. 21,<br />

8, 20; pi. -Itioci, Gen. 25, 27. From<br />

kenuppe, with the formative of verbs of<br />

an. gi'owth.<br />

kenupshaii, v. i. he makes haste, lie goes<br />

quickly, Eccl. 1, 5; 1 Sam. 17, 48;<br />

iniperat. kennjisliaiish, go thou quickly,<br />

make haste, 1 Sam. 20, 38; 23, 27; sup-<br />

pos. ktmnpulioiit, keimpxhoni. Job 9, 26;<br />

Prov. 7, 23. Adj. and adv. kenupshde,<br />

swift-going: kuhloanogquash , 'swift<br />

ships', Job 9, 26; kenuppe kenupshAe<br />

pei/aog, ' they come with speed swiftly ',<br />

Is. 5, 26 {konupwhae, very swiftly, Dan.<br />

9, 21). Augm. and intens. kogkenup-<br />

shai'i, he goes swiftly; suppos. kakenup-<br />

sliont, (when) going swiftly, 'swift of<br />

foot', Amos 2, 15; neg kakenupshonit-<br />

cheg, they who are swift, Amos 2, 14;<br />

Jer. 46, 6.<br />

[Abii. ne-ki'rhtag, that which<br />

is ripe. Is. 18, 5; pi. nisli kesanrntagish,<br />

Jer. 24, 2 (ki'mnnailii, ripe, C. ).<br />

kesantam, v. i. (and t. inan.) he has a<br />

purpose, purposes, intends: mikkeson-<br />

tam, I purpose, 1 K. 5, 5. Vbl. n.<br />

-lanioonk, purposing, a purpose, Eccl.<br />

3, 17; 8, 6. kesi-, kes- (or k-ussi-, kus-) in<br />

comp. words haa the force of 'fully',<br />

' completely ', or sometimes simply augment.,<br />

'very much.'<br />

[Abn. kesi, tres. Del. ghchl, kisrhi,<br />

done, ready, Zeisli.]<br />

kesittae, adj. and adv. cooked, jirepared<br />

for eating (i. e. completed or finished;<br />

see kesleau<br />

)<br />

: kesittae weijaus, ' boiled<br />

meat', 1 Sam. 2, 15 (kestde u-eymis, C).<br />

[Narr. mntteHg keesit/mnno, is there<br />

nothing ready boiled?; imssdume vekissu,<br />

too much boiled or roasted. Aim.<br />

kisede eto, cela est-il cuit? Dt'l. kixrhi-<br />

toon, to make (it) ready, Zeisb.]<br />

kesittu, v. i. he is full grown, lie has<br />

finished growing, Gen. 38, 14; pi. -iing,<br />

Judg. 11, 2. (With inan. suhj. kistikun,<br />

q. v.) Cf. kedeau, it is finished.<br />

kesteau [kcsitteaii], v. i. it is finished,<br />

completed, made complete: niKikinixii-<br />

onk kestedu-un, the work is finished, 1<br />

K. 7, 22 (sometimes used as v. t. inan.;<br />

kesteciH-un, he finishes it, he creates it,<br />

Jer. 31, 22; kesteaunat wut-anakausuonk,<br />

to finish his work, John 4, 34) ;<br />

suppos.<br />

noli kesteunk, he w'ho makes complete,<br />

'the creator'. Is. 40, 28. With an.<br />

obj. kezheitl'i, q. v. {kestoiifmal, to fin-<br />

ish, C.)<br />

[Abn. nc-kcsi'tSn, j'acheve quelque<br />

chose. Cree keesetou; he finishes it.<br />

Narr. inwkeesitin irequdl, he made the<br />

light; awaun keesiteduuin keesuck, who<br />

made the heavens? Del. gi schi toon, it<br />

is done, finished, Zeisb.]<br />

kesteauonk, -teoonk, vM. n. a luaking<br />

comiilete, 'creation', ^lark 13, U).<br />

kesteausu, v. adj. an. it is made com-<br />

plete, 'it is finished', John 19,30; sup-<br />

pos. kesteaiixtk, made complete, a 'crea-<br />

ture', Rom. 1. 25.

kesuk, n.(l) the visible heavens, thesky,<br />


keteau—continued.<br />

39, 1: nag pish keteaog, they shall re-<br />

cover, Mark 16, 18; asq kongketeau<br />

(augni.), is he well?; Mq keteau, he is<br />

well, Gen. 29, 6; su"^ n-oh nuk-keteam,<br />

shall I recover? 2 K. 8, 8. 9. Adj. and<br />

adv., keteae, of life, in life: matug,<br />

'tree of life', Prov. 13, 12; tohke-<br />

kom, 'fountain of life', Prov. 13, 14;<br />

'quick'. Num. 16, 30. Vbl. n. ketea-<br />

onk, living or being alive; the life prin-<br />

ciple or vital force; 'the soul' (i. e. the<br />

life). Job 12, 10; iik-keieaonk wei/aus<br />

vrusqueheonganit, 'the life of the flesh<br />

[is] in the blood'. Lev. 17, 11. See<br />

*kltunckquei.<br />

[Narr. nic-kreteni, I am recovered;<br />

koukertrdvg, they are well. Abu. kighe,<br />

il ,se redonne la vie.]<br />

ketoohomom, v. i. he sings, recites in<br />

song; uuk-keta)liov>om, I sing, Ps. 57, 7;<br />

with an. obj. kctoohomaiiaii, he sings to<br />

(him) or tells by song; pi. -amaiidog,<br />

they sing to (him), 1 Chr. 16, 33; sup-<br />

pos. kodtwhamont, pi. -OHc/iep, Eccl. 2, 8.<br />

Adv. and adj. ketcuhomae, -liamwae, of<br />

singing, of song, 2 Sam. 19, 35; Neh.<br />

7, 67. Vbl. n. kelcohom&onk, a singing,<br />

song: wame ketmhom&e uk-ketwhomaon-<br />

gash (pi.) Ddi-id, all the p.salms (sing-<br />

ing songs) of David [title of the psalma<br />

in meter]. N. agent, ketmhomirden<br />

(indef. -ivahiin), a singer, 1 Chr. 6, 33.<br />

Cf. kuttco, he speaks; keimkau, he goes<br />

on speaking, he talks. See anmhoin.<br />

[Abn. kiSahadS, il chante.]<br />

ketookau, v. t. an. he tells (him), he<br />

goes on speaking to (him), 2 Sam. 20,<br />

18; imperat. 2d sing, ketookasli, 1 Sam.<br />

3, 10; suppos. pass, ahquompi ne adt<br />

kekelwkomuk (freq. ), a time for speak-<br />

ing [when it is to bespoken], Eccl. 3, 7.<br />

From kutto), he speaks, with 'k progres-<br />

sive.<br />

[Narr. kehitto kdunta, let us speak<br />

(talk) together; kuttdkash, speak.]<br />

kezheaii, v. t. an. he perfects, completes,<br />

finishes (him), 'creates'. Gen. 1, 27;<br />

5, 1: nuk-kezeh, nuk-kezheeh, I create<br />

him; pret. nuk-kezheomp, Is. 54, 16; suppos.<br />

noh kezlieunt, he who makes complete,<br />

who creates. Gen. 5, 1. With<br />

inan. obj. kesteau (q. v.).<br />

[Cree kirnehayon, he finishes him;<br />

ki-erhehay, he begins him. (See in<br />

[BULLETIN 25<br />

kezheaii—continued.<br />

Howse, Cree Gr., pp. 19, 20, and 84,<br />

verbs of 'making' in -kdyoo, -kaldyoo,<br />

and -knsou. ) Abn. ne-kisitSn, j'acheve<br />

quelque chose; (with an. obj.) ne-kisi-<br />

hafi. Del. /.w/n7o»,he makes, prepares<br />

(something) ; /.i.sc/i/, ready, done; kischi-<br />

toon, to make something ready; kischi-<br />

echen, it is ready, d(jne, finished, Zeisb.]<br />

kinou. See keni'in.<br />

*kinukkinuin, v. t. he mixes or mingles<br />

(one thing with another), C. ; suppos.<br />

kinukkwiik, \\hen he mixes it; and sub-<br />

stantively, a mixture, the kinnikinnic<br />

and killikinnic of western tribes, —tobacco<br />

mixed with the bark of the red<br />

osier (Cornus sericea) or leaves of bear-<br />

berry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi). Cf.<br />

kcnugke.<br />

[Del. gli eke iii rmi, anything to mix<br />

with, mixture, Zeisb.]<br />

kinun. See kenun.<br />

kinunnau. See kenunnaii.<br />

kishke, ( it is) by the side of, near to, by:<br />

kishke may-id, l)y the wayside. Gen. 38,<br />

14, 21; ktshke-iuk, by the riverside,<br />

Num. 24, 6; Ezek. 47, 6, 7; kishke peyaii,<br />

he came near to, etc., Dan. 8, 17.<br />

[Abn. kikatsisi, contre quelque chose,<br />

joignant quelque chose, lelongdu bord<br />

de la riviere; ^r/.s/.?/, tout proche. Del.<br />

giechgi. Chip, ichigah or tchig. Cree<br />

chceke, close by, near, nigh, by.]<br />

kishki, (it is) broad, great from side to<br />

side: keitotan missi kah kishki, the city<br />

(was) large and great, Neh. 7, 7; mishe-<br />

ki-shkde, broad, wdde (absolutely, or as<br />

opposed to aiarrow). Is. 33, 21; Matt.<br />

23, 5; suppos. ne kishkag {koshkag, kos-<br />

kag), the breadth of it, its breadth or<br />

width from side to side. Job 37, 10;<br />

Ex. 26, 2, 8 ( = ne anoolique-kishkag, Ex.<br />

25, 10).<br />

[Abn. Ssainni-keskegS, il est trop large,<br />

trop ample (e. g. a garment); keske,<br />

large, cela Test.]<br />

kishkunk, n.: nt kislikunk, under a tree.<br />

Gen. 18, 4, 8. See mehtug.<br />

kishpinum, kusp-, v. t. he ties (it)<br />

firmly, binds close, makes fast. From<br />

hippi (close, fast), with the formative<br />

(-nuni, with an. obj. -naii) of verbs denoting<br />

action of the hand; imperat. 2d<br />

sing, kispimish, kusp-, Prov. 6, 21; pi.<br />

ki.ihpincok, 1 Sam. 6. 7; with an. obj.


kishpinum, kusp continued.<br />

iik-kislipiii-ihili, they tieil them, 1 Sam.<br />

6, 10. ( Vbl. n. ki.^lipiiiuoiil; binding, C.<br />

kishpissu, -ussu, v. i. he ties or fastens,<br />

make."? fast; and pass, he is tied, made<br />

fast. Matt. 21, 2; pi. -suo(/, they are tied,<br />

2 K. 7, 10. Vbl. n. kishpissuonk, pi.<br />

-ongash, bonds, Ezek. 3, 25; Job 38, 31.<br />

[Narr. ksjjunsh, pi. kspunemoke, tie it<br />

fast. Cree kerhepissoo, he is girt.]<br />

*[kissittasliau, v. i. he sweats;] nuk-<br />

klssittaghom, I .sweat, C. See Liissilteau.<br />

*Kitan (for Krhlimil). the great god<br />

( nuvill). See *Kiiiilaiiln,nrit, Ki'htdnil.<br />

kitchewewes [krlirhe urins], n. the great<br />

owl, Lev. 11, 17; =k(hrhe kcohkmkhauK,<br />

Dent. 14, 16. (Strix virginiana?)<br />

kitchisahshau (?), v. i. he falls into the<br />

tire, Matt. 17, Li.<br />

*kitonckquei (Narr.), v. i. he is dead;<br />

suppos. 2d sing, kitonckquian, when thou<br />

diest [shalt die] ; 3d pi. -qufheltit, when<br />

they die; pret. (intens.) kakitonckque-<br />

ban, 'they are dead and gone'; pausa-<br />

wul kiionckqunra, 'he can not live long'<br />

[he is near dying], R. W. Apparently<br />

from ketedonk (vbl. n. from ketean,<br />

q. V. ), the life, with the formative of<br />

verbs of going; ketexwnkq&eu, life goes.<br />

In the Abnaki, a verb adj., from the<br />

same base, ketaitSsS, signified both a<br />

dead person and a specter or the appari-<br />

tion of the dead (answering to chepy,<br />

q. v.); "un qui est mort, si on parle de<br />

lui, dicitur ke'tahSsSa; un mort qui<br />

reviens apres sa mort, kelaiiSuS, '<br />

' Rasle.s.<br />

kitshittau, = kiitcliti^sittau, he washes<br />

(it I. See kiililii-

38 BUREAT OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

kod—continued.<br />

indirative, vif-kod-imnnlaiii, ' I will l)e<br />

wise', Eecl. T, 23; suppog. koduan,<br />

(when) 'thou seekest to go', 1 K. 11, 22.<br />

[Narr. hatou eneechmi; 'she is falling<br />

into travail', i. e. is about to be deliv-<br />

ered. Abn. kndaSi, inan. subj. kedaSi,<br />

"nota futuri, vel potius ad exprimen-<br />

(luni je veux, afin que, sur le point de,"<br />

Rasles. Del. n'gatta, I will (from rjat-<br />

tamen, to w'ant, will, desire); gotta, he<br />

willeth, Zeisb. Gr. 162. In the Chip,<br />

and Cree kil (before a vowel, kad) or ga<br />

has apparently lost its desiderati ve force<br />

and beconje a prefix or auxiliary of the<br />

simple future indicative. See Baraga,<br />

88; Howse, 199.]<br />

kodchuki, (it is) apiece, or a part of (it),<br />

.Tudg. 9, .53; Dan. .5, 5, 24; 'a morsel'<br />

(of food), Prov. 23, 8: kodchukishk<br />

{kodcliuki-wisq), 'a potsherd'. Job 2, 8<br />

{kodchi'ihki meijaus, a piece of meat, C).<br />

kodsheau, v. i. inan. subj. it falls out (of<br />

it), as a sword from its sheath, 2 Sam.<br />

20, 8. (jf. kodtinnum, hejiulls (it) out.<br />

kodtautam, v. t. he desires, longs for,<br />

wishes (it). From kod, with the form-<br />

ative of verbs of mental state or disposition;<br />

iiuk-kodtantam,l desire (it), Job<br />

33, 32; imperat. 2d sing, ahgue kodtan-<br />

tash, do not desire, Prov. 23, 3. Vbl. n.<br />

kodtnntamcooiik, desire, will, Prov. 18, 1;<br />

Rom. 7, 18. With an. obj. kodtanumai),<br />

he desires or longs for ( him ) ; suppos.<br />

kodtdnumadi, 'if thou liast a desire unto<br />

her', Deut. 21, 11.<br />

[Xarr. iinillatiiitiim or ncatlileani, I<br />

long forit. Del. gottataine)!, he desires.]<br />

kodtantupont, kodto-, n. the top or<br />

crown of the head. Gen. 49, 26; Deut.<br />

33, 16, 20; Job 2, 7.<br />

[Abn. SsskUan'tebi, au-dessus de la<br />



kodtumwohkom—lont i nued<br />

{-Jiknm), 1)0 goes from year to year;<br />

(with a miineral or indefinite quantita-<br />

tive) he is years old: nabn-npese<br />

Icodtumvxihkom, she is twelve years old,<br />

Mark 5, 42.<br />

[Narr. loh huUeaxhe l.-odtnnnrohkom,<br />

how many years old are you?]<br />

kodtuppcD, V. i. he is hungry, Is. 44,<br />

12; ilatt. 4, 2; pret. 7iuk-kodlup [for<br />

-upup (?)], I was hungry. Matt. 25, 35,<br />

42; suppos. kadtupwut, kodt-, when he is<br />

hungry, Mark 2, 25; Is. 58, 10. .From<br />

kod, desiderative, and -uppco (v. ge-<br />

neric), he eats, he longs to eat.<br />

[Narr. n'cdthip, I am liungry; im'in-<br />

nancattup, I am very hungry. Del. kat<br />

to pti i, to hunger, Zeisb.]<br />

*kog'kaliqutteau, v. i.: nvk-koghiliqut-<br />

team, I counsel or advise, C. ; with an.<br />

obj. kogkohkooioaii, he gives counsel (to<br />

him^C.<br />

kogkeau, kogkewau, v. i. he is mad,<br />

in.«ane, Ijeside himself, 1 Sam. 21, 14;<br />

John 10, 20 (kakewau, Mass. Ps. ): kuk-<br />

kogke'i (pres. actual), thou art beside<br />

thyself; matla nuk-kogke-oh (negat. ), I<br />

am not mad. Acts 26, 24, 25; suppos.<br />

7ioh kogkeuH, he who is mad; pi. -edcheg,<br />

Matt. 4, 24; suppos. pass. inan. as n. kagkeamnk,<br />

madness, being mad, 1 Sam.<br />

21, 13. Vbl. n. kogkeaniik, madness.<br />

K. agent, kogkeaen, imlrf. -'n jiin. a madman.<br />

Ady. kogki', kiHjL,, [Lfighm-, C.),<br />

madly, of madness. Vb. adj. kogkeesu,<br />

he does madly, he is actively mad,<br />

'lunatic'. Matt. 17, 15.<br />

*kogkeliodp6nat, v. i. (infin.) to be<br />

drunk [?], C.<br />

[Cree krexkynypai/oo, lie is drunk.]<br />

kogkeissippannwau, -amou, v. i. he is<br />

drunk, Ps. 107, 27 (suppos. kakesup-<br />

padt, W'hen he is drunk, Mass. Ps. ) ; imperat.<br />

cihgue kogkesupwmvish, don't be<br />

drunk, C. Vbl. n. -ammonk, drunkenness,<br />

Deut. 29, 19. N. agent, -amwahi,<br />

a drunkaril, Prov. 26, 9.<br />

kogkeusquau (v. i. she is a mad woman )<br />

a harlot. Is. 23, 15, 16; pi. -squAog,<br />

Prov. 7, 10. Vbl. n. kogkeusquawoiik,<br />

harlotry, 'lasciviousness', Mark 7, 22.<br />

kog'kewau. See kugki'au.<br />

kogkohsum, kogoxum, kogkohkussum,<br />

kuhkussum, v. t. he cuts in<br />

.<br />

,<br />

kogkohsum, etc.—continued.<br />

shape, carves, engraves, fashions 1 ly cut-<br />

ting (it), Zech. 3, 9; (infin.) Ex. 31,5;<br />

35, 33; suppos. luih ndlUoe kohkubhisit,<br />

he who skilfully cuts, who has 'skill to<br />

grave', 2 Chr. 2, 7. Vbl. n. biijornni-<br />

coonk, carving, 'graving', Zech. 3, 9.<br />

Adv. and adj. kogo.nimwe, kogoksumve,<br />

by carving or graving, carved, graven,<br />

2 Chr. 34, 4, 7; Jer. 51, 47, 52.<br />

kog'kopsau, (he is) deaf, Lev. 19, 14; Is.<br />

29, 18; suppos. kokohsoni, kogkobsont,<br />

Ex. 4, 11; Ps. 38, 13; pi. -oncheg, Is.<br />

43, 8 [kogkopsde mehtauog, a deaf ear,<br />

0. ): kohkobsahtauog, pi. -ogash, deaf<br />

ears. Is. 35, 5, =vmhtauogash kuppiyetiash<br />

(closed ears), Mic. 7, 16. From<br />

kuppi, closed, fast, with augm. redupl.<br />

and intr. an. formative, 'su ko-kup'm,<br />

he is shut close. See kuppoliosu.<br />

[Narr. n\-upsa, I am deaf. Abn. ne-<br />

gaglwjmi. Del. gegepclioat, a deaf i)er-<br />

.son, Zeisb.]<br />

kog'kouequaU, -quaou, v. i. he sleeps<br />

(lightly), he slumbers, Ps. 121, 3, 4.<br />

Vbl. n. -qudonk, slumber, light sleep,<br />

Prov. 24, 33.<br />

kSgkounogoliquolihou, -og'kaliquoh.hou,<br />

n. a thistle, 2 K. 14,9; 2 Chr. 25, 28.<br />

Ci.kdnukkelilahiuhaii, he pierces, pricks.<br />

kogkounum, v. t. he withholds (it);<br />

with an. 2d obj. he withholds (it) from<br />

(him); kiik-kogkouiiiunai'i, thou withholdest<br />

(it) from him. Job 22, 7. From<br />

kSuni-iin.<br />

kogkussohkoag, n. a high place; pi.<br />

-gish, 1 Sam. 13, 6. Augm. of kitssoh-<br />

koag, suppos. of kussohkdi, high.<br />

kogoxum. See kogkolmtm.<br />

kogsuhkoag, n.; pi. +'is/!, 'hills', Luke<br />

23, 30 (for kogkmsohkuaglsh)<br />

koh. See bi.<br />

kohkatoon, kohketcon. See kiihkuttmn.<br />

kohkodhumau, v. i. he chews the cud;<br />

negat. nmltit bilikodhummoa, he does<br />

not chew the cud, Deut. 14, 8, =matta<br />

oiirliifliniiiutrn. Lev. 11, 7; suppos. bih-<br />

kodhinnoiit, Deut. 14, 6, =(inrhitU>iiiont,<br />

Lev. 11, 3; pi. -imcheg, Deut. 14, 7.<br />

Cf. onrhlttamau.<br />

kohkdnooau, v. t. an. he denies (him).<br />

See qih'iiajirdi'i.<br />

kohkuhquag' [suppos. of hilikuhqueu, it<br />

goes up], n. the toji (of a hill orascent).<br />



kohkuhquag'—con t i n ue< 1<br />

a .>iuiiimit, Deut. 34, 1; a lieap (of<br />

Avaters), Jo^h. 3, 13.<br />

kohkuttoon, = kuhkutloan, he thirsts.<br />

kohnkan, (there i.«) drought, v. impers.<br />

as n. Deut. 8, 15; en neepunne kuiikanit,<br />

in the drought of summer. Cf. kuhkiittmi)<br />

Iktilik-, iruttcon, dry, mouth], he<br />

thirsts.<br />

*koliunk (Peii.), a goose, Stiles. See<br />

kommcDto, kummcoto, v. i. and t. inan.<br />

he steals, Gen. 31, 19; Matt. 6, 20; pi.<br />

-touvg, Mutt. 6, 20; imperat. of prohib.<br />

2d pi. kominmtuhkon, do not steal, Ex.<br />

20, 15; Mark 10, 19; suppos. pass. inan.<br />

ne koininmtumuk, that which is stolen,<br />

Gen. 31, 39 {nuk-kmnmcot, I steal, C. ).<br />

Vbl. n. kommootou-onk, stealing, theft,<br />

Ex. 22, 3; Hos. 4, 2. N. agent, kommwtowaen<br />

(indef. -aenin), a thief.<br />

From krmeii, secretly, bj' stealth.<br />

[Narr. kuk-kummml, you steal; ka-<br />

moutakirk (suppos. pi. ), thieves. Chip.<br />

kemoodeshkeh , he is a thief; suppos.<br />

chegemoodid, he who steals, John 10, 1,<br />

10. Abn. kfiTiSlene, il derobe. Del.<br />

kii)iocliii-eii, to steal awav privately,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

komuk (?), n. a building, an (artificial)<br />

inclosure. The primary signification is,<br />

perhaps, that which is built, for other<br />

use than for a dwelling place (wek),<br />

Acts 5, 23: iroskeche komuk, the top of<br />

the house. Is. 22, 1; axkiiJucetede kniniik-<br />

qiit, in the watch tower. Is. 21, 5; tjim-<br />

nunkque-komuk, high building, ' tower '<br />

.<br />

) ;<br />

meechumee-komuk, food-house, a barn,<br />

Luke 12, 24 (maayeu-komuk, meetinghouse,<br />

C).<br />

[Narr. ininnauchi-c6mock,Si chimney,<br />

R. W. ilicm. cdme, a harbor, Rand.<br />

Cf. Abn. -kamigS, in kelakamigS, the<br />

mB.mla.n(\]pcp(imkaruighek, univers (pe-<br />

/»on»ji.S/, par tout); mesagSigumigS, 'cabane<br />

do pieux, Ala franfaise,' Rasles;<br />

Micm. iiiiikliamigueS, terre, Maill.]<br />

kongketeaii, v. i. he is in good health,<br />

is well. Gen. 29, 6. Intens. of keteau.<br />

*konkitchea (Narr.), as, often (?).<br />

konkont, konkontu, n. (onomatope) a<br />

crow, 'raven'. Cant, o, 11; kutrltikkonkont<br />

[hhrhe konkont], Deut. 14, 14, and (pi.<br />

kihchikkong6ntuog, raven, ravens, Luke<br />

konkont, konkontu—continueh.<br />

koshkag', koskag', width >n- lircudth.<br />

Sec khiiki.<br />

koshki. See kusliki.<br />

kosittag-, kasittag, when it is hot: su|i-<br />

pos. of kn!


koueu, kou'weu—continued.<br />

18, 27); tuik-kouem, I sleep, Cant. 5, 2;<br />

suppos. 2d sing, kaean, when thou sleep-<br />

est, Eph. 5, 14; 3d sing, noli hii.t, Iriwit,<br />

he who sleeps; pi. Icaecheg. Vbl. n.<br />

koueonk, sleeping, sleep, Prov. 24, 33;<br />

mishe-koiieoiik, a deep sleep. Gen. 15,<br />

12. N. agent, koui-uen (indef. -(•nin), a<br />

sleeper, Jonah 1, 6.<br />

[Narr. (pre.s. defin.) cowu-ewi, he is<br />

asleep; cowin'icock, they sleep; yd coiv-<br />

uh, lodge here; (suppos.) cdirit, while<br />

he slept. Abn. nc-kaSi, je dors; kaS, il<br />

dort. Del. gmiiriu; participle pres.<br />

(suppos.) geit), sleeping; gauvin, to<br />

sleep, Zeisb. ; n'gduui, Hkw. (n'gSive,<br />

Cass), I sleep.]<br />

kouhquodt, kouhquod, kounkq-, n. an<br />

arrow, Ps. 11, 2; Prov. 25, 18; Job 41,<br />

28; pi. -task, 2 K. 13, 15, IS. From<br />

kd'us, a thorn, idiq- (rad. of uhqude, at<br />

the point or extremity), pointed, and<br />

ohteau (suppos. inan. ), that which has<br />

a sharp point or is sharp at the end.<br />

[Narr. pi. kauquatmh. Peq. keeguum,<br />

khegunl, Stiles. Abn. kafiSHo,<br />

cela est ^pineux, aigu (arSs, fleche<br />

sans iAte;pdk8e, fleche a tete); kunksk-<br />

orS^, fleche oft il y a des plumes, etc.<br />

Cliiji. (Sag.) keenouxiwkoyn.']<br />

kounum, v. t. he carries, supports, holds<br />

in hand; suppos. kounuk (ne kounuk,<br />

what he carried, 'his carriage', 1 Sam.<br />

17, 22); pi. qnnvhttikquasli. koimukeg,<br />

they who carry spears, 'spearmen'.<br />

Acts 23, 23; freq. kogkounum, he holds<br />

or carries (it) habitually, continues to<br />

hold or carry (it), as a distaff, Prov.<br />

31, 19; with an. obj. kounau, kogkou-<br />

naii, Gen. 19, 16; Ps. 1.39, 10; Rev. 20, 2.<br />

koiis, n. a thorn, a briar. Is. 55, 13; 2 Cor.<br />

12, 7; Mic. 7, 4; a bramble, Judg. 4, 14,<br />

15: kishke kdus-sehtu, by the (thorn)<br />

bushes. Job 30, 4. See asinnekoits.<br />

The radical is iihq, pointed (see uh-<br />

qucw.u), with perhaps the vb. adj. form-<br />

ative -ussu, he i.s sharp pointed (pi.<br />

-sog), which gives the noun the animate<br />

form.<br />

[Abn. kaiiSis, epine.'\<br />

kouweu. See koiieu.<br />

kco. See kmu'a.<br />

kcDche. See hxtche.<br />

koocliteau, v. t. he adds to or increases<br />

by progression; primarily a causative,<br />

he makes it progre.ss or go on; infin.<br />

-eaunat, 'to add' (i. e. to go from) one<br />

thing to another, Deut. '29, 19; with<br />

an. 2d obj. nuk-koachte-oh, I add to liim<br />

(years to his life, 2 K. 20, 6). From<br />

kfxjchf (krdclie). See kmlnau.<br />

kcohkrakliaus, n. (onomatope) an owl,<br />

Deut, 14, 15, 16; Lev. 11, 16; pi. -xog,<br />

Job 30, 29; kehche (and inhhe) kmlikmkhaus,<br />

the great owl, Deut. 14, 16;<br />

Is. 34, 15; dimin. koohkcokhomwem, thelittle<br />

owl, Deut, 14, 16, =aihmmous,<br />

Lev. 11, 17. Cf. imwes (screech owl).<br />

[Xarr. kokikehom, ohomous, an owl.<br />

Abn. kSkSkasS, chat-huant (and kSkuifsS,<br />

le coucou) .<br />

Chip, o-ko-ko-o, ko-ko-ko-o.<br />

Del. gokhoos, owl; gokhotit, a little owl,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

kookcokanogs, n. a bell, Ex. 39, 25, 26<br />

[-ogqut!»u, owl-like (?)].<br />

kcon, n. snow, Ex. 4, 6; Job 6, 16; Ps.<br />

148, 6. Cf. muhpco, sochepo.<br />

[Narr. cone (and sdcJujw). Del. gun,<br />

guhn, Zeisb. Chip, kon, mn-kone. Menom.<br />

koon.']<br />

kcotnau, kootnehteau, v. t. lie makes<br />

an addition to (it), increases (it) by<br />

adding (cf. ko:)chteau) : ahque koalnwh,<br />

thou shalt not [do not] add to it, Deut.<br />

12, 32; matta uk-kootnau-6-un, he did<br />

not add (anything or more), Deut. 5,<br />

22; ttk-kootnehieau-un, he addeth to it.<br />

Gal. 3, 15; imperat. 2d pi. kojlmhtenn-<br />

mk, add veto (it), 1 Pet, 1, 5.<br />

koo'wa, koD, n. a pine tree, 'fir', Hos.<br />

14, 8; pi. kroiniog. From the same<br />

root as kdiis, the tree, like the English<br />

pine (pin tree), taking its name from<br />

its pointed leaves, epines, or its general<br />

shape.<br />

[Narr. koirair, a pine tree; dimin.<br />

kowau-huck (pi.), young pines. Abn.<br />

kHe, pin; kafiSia, 6pine, Rasles; modern<br />

.\bn. ko-ira, pine tree, K. A. Del. cn-u-e,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

kuhhog, thy body, thy jjerson, thyself.<br />

Malt. 22, 39. See -liog.<br />

kuhkenauwehJieau, v. cans. an. (augm.<br />

of kenniliht'iuj ) he shapes, fashions,<br />

gives form to (an an. obj.). Job 26,.<br />

13; suppos. kiilikewimciheont, he form—


kuhkenauTvelilieau—continueil.<br />

ins; (when lir Inriiis), Is. 44, 10; pass.<br />

kiihki'iKiilieltiiiti, lie i.-J formed; pret. m(i-<br />

hdikenaihetleap, I was shapen, Ps. 51, 5.<br />

Adv. kuhkenavwe, shapely, in order,<br />

order!}', Luke 1, 1,3. With inan. obj.<br />

hilikenautrehteou, he shape.* or fashions<br />

( it ) ; pret. tiuk-kiihl.rnmnrehteop, I formed<br />

(it), Is. 4.T, 7. C'f. kenawmmeonk.<br />

kuhkham, kuhham, v. t. he marks (It)<br />

out; iik-J.-iiIikJiiiiii-iDi. he marks it out<br />

(naslijxjii iiiiiiiiii'iil, ]>y a line. Is. 44, 13);<br />

suppos. instr. [k)ilikheg'\ kuhheg, that<br />

which serves to mark with, a line; pi.<br />

nuk-kuliheganasli, my lines, Ps. 16, 6:<br />

kuhhegnn-ehtu, within the lines, 'gates',<br />

Deut. 15, 7; freq. and augm. kuhkuhlieg,<br />

a (land-) mark, bound, limit, Ex.<br />

23, 31; Prov. 23, 10; Matt. 25, 4; line,<br />

Is. 2S, 10 (kuhkehheg, a rule; adj. kult-<br />


kukkehtau, kukkeihtaii, v. t. an. he<br />

gives attention to, liearkens to, observes<br />

(him). From tuhkham, he marks (?).<br />

Imperat. 2d sing, kukkeitaxh, Vs. 45, 10<br />

lahchusutash, Mass. Ps.] ; ( 2d -f- 1st sing.<br />

kukkehtah, hearken to me, Num. 23, 18;<br />

2d pi. noh kiikkeitok, to wlioni, hearken<br />

ye, Deut. 18, 1.5.<br />

[Narr. kikkita, hearken thou to me.<br />

Abn. ne-kikl.am, je suis attentif, j'^coute;<br />

imperat. kita, kekSittanmi, je t'ecoute,<br />

je t'obeis.]<br />

kukkonashquaeC?), adv. and adj. :<br />

missonkquaminneash, 'full eai's of corn<br />

in the husk', 2 K. 4, 42.<br />

kukkow. See kiijimk.<br />

*kumma, adv. lately, C. See kiitlmnma.<br />

kummooto. See knmmmto, he steals.<br />

*kunam (Narr. ), a spoon; pi. -imiiiog, E.<br />

W.; kunndin, qiionnum, C. See, kenam.<br />

kunkohteadteae, adv. and adj. of dryness,<br />

dry: olike, dry (i. e. parched<br />

liy drought) land, Jer. 50, 12. See<br />

kolDikaii, (there is) drought.<br />

*kunnatequanick, n. a window, C'.<br />

kenogkeneg.<br />

See<br />

*kunndsuep (Narr. ), n. a killoek or<br />

anchor, R. \V. See kenuhquah.<br />

kuppadt, kuppad, n. ice. Job 6, 16; 38,<br />

29. From kuppi-ohlemi; lit. 'when it<br />

is covered' or 'closed up.'<br />

[Peq. kupjMt, Stiles. Narr. rapdt,<br />

R. W. Del. k'patten, it (e. g. the river)<br />

is frozen up, Zeisb.]<br />

*kuppaquat ( Narr. ) , 'it is overcast ' , i. e.<br />

wlien it is cloudy, = kuppohqaodt<br />

kuppi, (1) (it is) close, shut in, inclosed.<br />

(2) thick, close together. (3) as n. a<br />

thicket (a place where trees grow close<br />

together), a 'wood', Eccl. 2, 6; 'grove'.<br />

1 K. 16, 33; 2 K. 21, 3; kuppahlu, in<br />

covert, Job 38, 40; 'in thickets', Jer. 4,<br />

29; Is. 9, 18; pi. kuppiyeuaxh, 'groves',<br />

2 Chr. 31, 1. (Sansk. kumb or kuh,<br />

tegere; Greek ki'ttoj, 6Ke7roo; Engl.<br />

keep, coop.)<br />

[Narr. cujjji-,-„iarhaiig. thick wood, a<br />

swamp, R. W.]<br />

kuppogki, (it is) thick: kuhpogkii poh-<br />

kenai, (there is) thick darkness, Deut.<br />

4, 11; pasuk menutclteganit unnukkuhque<br />

huppogki, (it is) a hand's breadth thick,<br />

2 Chr. 4, 5; suppos. ne kiilijiogok, the<br />

thickness of it (guhpogok, Ezek. 41, 9).<br />

Adv. kiippogke, Ezek. 41, 26.<br />

.<br />

)<br />


kuppogki—continued.<br />

[Aim. kijii'ighe, (bois) ^pais, en plat;<br />

suppos. kepaghck. Del. kopachkan; an.<br />

kopaclikisso, Zeisb. ]<br />

kuppohliam, kuppuhham, \. t. he<br />

stops, stays, closes (it), 2 Chr. 32, 30;<br />

pi. 2 K. 3, 25; Heb. 11, 33; suppos. kohliog,<br />

when he stops (it) : noh kobhog, he<br />

who stops (it), Job 38, 37; pi. neg kob-<br />

liogeg, 2 Chr. 32, 4; pass. (Lnan. subj.<br />

kohhamuk, when it is closed, when it<br />

closes, Josh. 2, 5; Titus 1, 11; with an.<br />

ol)j. kiippohhau, kuppuhhoii, he stops<br />

(him). Vbl. n. kiippohhainmimk, -moiniiik,<br />

a stopping (place), a 'haven',<br />

Acts 27, 12. From kuppi + a»n (ohham )<br />

he goes, [nuk-kupham, I shut, C]<br />

[Narr. kujjhoDimm, to shut the door;<br />

kuplaish, shut the door, R. W. Abn.<br />

ne-kephdmeii, je le bouche (un trou).<br />

Del. kpa-hi, shut the door; kpa-lioon, a<br />

door, Zeisb. Voc. ]<br />

kuppohkomuk [kuppi-komuk}, n. (1) a<br />

I'lacc inclosed, shut in; (2) a place<br />

which is thick-set, where trees are close<br />

together, Deut. 16, 21.<br />

[Narr. cappacommock, "which sig-<br />

nifies a refuge or hiding-place, as I con-<br />

ceive." R. \V.]<br />

kuppohosu, kuppuhhausu, v. adj. he<br />

is stiijiped, stayed, shut in, 1 Sam. 23, 7;<br />

Rom. 3, 19; and v. i. he stops or closes.<br />

Cf. kogkopsau, (he is) deaf.<br />

[Narr. ri'eupga, I am deaf. Abn. ke-<br />

bahai'isS, il bouche cela; gagh"p:

ii BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bi'lletin 5'?<br />

kushki, lit is) rough (it scratches, is<br />

hursli): hogkmonk, a rough gariiieiit,<br />

Zech. 13, 4; mayaKh, rough<br />

ways, Luke 3, 5; with an. subj. (v. adj.<br />

kushkesu, he is rough.<br />

)<br />

[Cree, kowiasu, he is rough; kaskaskahum,<br />

he scrapes it. Abn. kakhigan,<br />

la gratte, instrument a gratter les<br />

peaux.]<br />

kuspinum. .'^ee l.islipiimni.<br />

kussa-, kusso-, in conip. words, hot,<br />

warm. See innlikussa.<br />

kusse-, kes-, (augm.) in comj>. words,<br />

very much, fully, compiletely. See<br />

kcf!(iiitaiit.<br />

[Abn. kesi (partic. ) tres.]<br />

kusseh, interj. lo, behold, El. Gr. 22.<br />

[Del. .^che, grluhi. see there! Zeisb.]<br />

kussehtanip[pe], -tanup, n. a stream,<br />

a current, Ps. 124, 4; Is. 30, 28; pi.<br />

-peash, Is. 34, 9. For knssehtan-nippe,<br />

flowing water. Is. 30, 25. Hence (adv.<br />

kussehkume sepuese, the stream of a<br />

brook. Job 6, 15; anumUchuwane kus-<br />

t^ehtanii}!, an overflowing stream, Is.<br />

?,0, 2.S.<br />

kussitchuan, -uwan Ikusse-ntclman^,<br />

V. unipers. it flows in a rapid stream or<br />

current, it continues flowing; as n. a<br />

rapid stream, a current, Ps. 46, 4; 78,<br />

16, 20; pi. -»((.«/!, Cant. 4, 15.<br />

[Abn. ke«i (partic.) tres; kestre, il<br />

va tres vite; kesitsSaiin, kesitann, elle<br />

(la riviere) est rapide.]<br />

kussitteau, -tau, v. i. it is hot; as n.<br />

heat (ot the sun, or natural heat), Job<br />

24, Ul; 30, 30; Is. 49, 10; suppos. kdsil-<br />

tay, kosiltng, when it is hot, in the heat<br />

of the day. Gen. 18, 1; 1 Sam. 11, 11.<br />

For kusK-ohieau (pajeh Jcussohtd-ut, 'till<br />

the sun be hot' , Neh. 7, 3) ; suppos. kos-<br />

ohtag, Ex. 16, 21. (With -sh, of invol.<br />

action or of derogation, kissittashau, he<br />

sweats, C.)<br />

[Narr. hussAitah, it is hot; kdmitUks,<br />

hot weather; nick-qussitldunum, I sweat.<br />

Abn. ke.iidc, vel kesahede, celaest chaud.<br />

Del. ksckiOel:, warm, hot, Zeisb. Gr. 42;<br />

kscliiltea. warm, hot (it is); v.adj.,ibid.<br />

163.]<br />

kusso-. See kmsa-.<br />

kussolikdi, n. a summit, point of rock<br />

or earth, a crag, 'high hill', Ezek. 6,<br />

13; kassohkoi-oiiipsk, 'a sharp rock',<br />

.<br />

kussohkoi—continued.<br />

1 Sam. 14,4; kussohkoiyeue ayeuouganit,.<br />

'in the top of high places', the highest<br />

place, Prov. 8, 2; k~iissohk6iyeue wad-<br />

chii-iit, 'into a high mountain', Is. 40,9'<br />

{kuaxKlikoe imdchu, high hill, Mass. Ps.,<br />

Ps. 104, 18). Cf. tohkmtiiuaog kunsampsk-<br />

ki'ii-yi'ii-iif, 'they climb upon the rocks',<br />

Jer. 4, 29.<br />

kussompskussum, v. t. he heats or<br />

makes hot (an oven, furnace, etc.);<br />

infjnit. -umunat, Dan. 3, 19; suppos.<br />

kussrimpskussuk, when he heats (it),<br />

Hos. 7, 4. From kussa, onqjsk (a stone),<br />

with the formative of verbs denoting<br />

action of fire {-'ssum): he makes the<br />

stones hot (for cooking in the Indian<br />

'<br />

manner )<br />

[Abn. kesiipskidi; pierre chaude.]<br />

kussopitteau, v. i. it is very hot, heated<br />

(by fire, or beyond natural heat); sup-<br />

pos. kussopittag, koi.soptttag, when it is<br />

very hot; as n. great heat, Deut. 29, 24;<br />

2 Pet. 3, 10; Job 6, 17. Adv. and adj.<br />

-pittde, -petde, hot (by the action of fire,<br />

etc. ), 1 Sam. 21, 6; Ps. 6, 1 : ague,<br />

for 'fever', Deut. 28, 2. (Ybl. n. kis-<br />

soptilenlidrmk, fervency, heat, C.<br />

kussoppussu, -pissu, v. adj. an. he is<br />

hot; pi. -snog, Hos. 7, 7; snppos. kusso-<br />

jjosuk, when he is hot: nepauz kussojxmuk,<br />

when the sun is hot (?), 1 Sam.<br />

11, 9 [rruk-kissdpis, I am hot, C. ). Vbl.<br />

n. kussoppissiionk, heating, heat, inflammation,<br />

Deut. 28, 2. From kussa and<br />

appcosu.<br />

*kussunuasliaouk, n. 'fever', Mass. Ps.,<br />

Jolm 4, .'12<br />

( irisaushaonk, El.).<br />

kutamungineaeaix, v. t. an. he pities<br />

(him), Joel 2, IS. Cf. kllteamonteanu-<br />

mai't.<br />

kutclie, koache [k'aii-lie, k' ii-utchel signifies,<br />

primarily, it ])roceeds or makes<br />

progress from ; hence, it begins, has its<br />

origin or source; but while ncoche is<br />

used with reference to a beginning or<br />

starting point, present or past, kmche<br />

or kulche connotes progression or the<br />

going on from a beginning or origin in<br />

the past to the present or future, or the<br />

relation of a cause to its effect in the<br />

present or future. Eliot does not appear<br />

to have made this distinction in<br />

all cases; e. g. kitchu, he began { tocurse,.<br />



kutclie, kooche—lontinueil.<br />

etc.), Matt. 26, 74; but nwrli,: in the<br />

corresponding verse, ilark 14, 71. .Yf<br />

vutche Icuiche, 'then began', i. e. therefrom<br />

went on, Gen. 4,26; ?!« . . . kmch,<br />

therefrom (will he gather you together),<br />

Deut. 30, 4; ijeu kmche omohkinunun,<br />

ior this cause I raised thee up, Ex. 9,<br />

16; kcoche-kekondn, kooche-mamonchanan,<br />

koochu wulohkinaan, kcoche-kinnean, 'in<br />

him [from him] we live, we move, we<br />

have our being ... we are his off-<br />

spring'. Acts 17, 28. {hdche, begun;<br />

kmche, more, C. ) Cf. k'; kacMmco<br />

{suppos. kahche-mamk) ; kehche; keht-.<br />

[Narr. nen kUche, I begin, or mik-<br />

kitcheftssetn. Abn. kette, in antecessum,<br />

avant, auparavant. Micm. kicli et klyi<br />

[_^=kitche'\, servent a former des tems<br />

ant^rieurs; kick repond aussi a notre<br />

oui, ou d^ja, pour le temps passe, ^laill.<br />

Cree keeche-tou; he begins it; h'ltche<br />

(conj. causal), that, to the end that.<br />

Chip, k'rja, in advance, beforehaml;<br />

kitchi [after, in time], Bar.]<br />

*kutcliinnu (Xarr. ), a middle-aged man,<br />

K. W . See kehchissu. Eliot has keiJichenuog,<br />

'the aged men', i.e. those who<br />

are growing (-innuug) old. Tit. 2, 2.<br />

kutchiog, pi. old men, Ps. 148, 2; keh-<br />

chelo:/. Estli. 3, 13. See kehche.<br />

*kutcliishin, v. i. (inan. subj. ) it begins,<br />

^lan. Pom. 88; opjiosed to vohkvkquo-<br />

shiii, it ends.<br />

kutchisqua. See k^lu'liitijiKi.<br />

kutchissik, kadshik [snpp(js. of kuichis-<br />

sia or -isliin], when it begins; as n. the<br />

beginning (of that which continues to<br />

be or to act): weske kutchigsik, in the<br />

(very, or new) begmning. Gen. 1, 1;<br />

wutche kutchissik onk yean vehqshik, from<br />

the beginning to the end, Eccl. 3, 11;<br />

kAdshik inutlaok, the beginning of the<br />

world. Is. 64, 4. Cf. kehchissii.<br />

kutchissumau, v. t. an. and refi. he<br />

washes himself or another, 2 Sam. 12,<br />

20; John 9, 7; nuk-kutchessum, I wash<br />

myself, John 9, 11 (nuk-kitisum, I<br />

wash, C. ) ; pi. -marjg vui-hashabprnoh<br />

(an.), they wash their nets, Luke 5, 2;<br />

imperat. 2d sing, -mtish, wash thyself,<br />

2 K. 5, 10; suppos. ktttchessumog nuhhog<br />

nippe, if I wash myself with water.<br />

Job 9, 30. Vlil. n. kulchistmiiidoiik, wash-<br />

I [Xarr.<br />

I kutshamun.<br />

I<br />

kutchissumaii —continued.<br />

ing one's sell nr another, Eph. 5, 26;<br />

Tit. 3,5. With inan. obj. kutchis.nttau,<br />

kilshitlau, he washes (it). Gen. 49, 11;<br />

1 K. 22, 38; imperat. 2d sing, kiitchis-<br />

sit/aush, 2 Sam. 11, 8; pish kuk-kitshil-<br />

tav-jm, thou shalt wash it. Lev. 6, 27.<br />

Vbl. n. kutchusittoonk, Neh. 4, 23.<br />

[Abn. ne-ke»lg8d, je me lave le visage;<br />

ne-kesiretsa , les mains; ne-keneseg-<br />

henaii, ( v. g. une chemise). Del.<br />

kschiechsu, v. adj. clean; kschiechem,<br />

wash him; /.«7i


kuttco—continued,<br />

)<br />

speech, talk, narration; hellmtronk (see<br />

hennaiX), unnonlajitaouk, language, mu-<br />

tual speech. ( Sansk. gad (dicere, loqui<br />

and hilh (loqui) ; repet. gadgada (lallans,<br />

balbutiens.<br />

[Abn. ketSangan, parole. Chip. ikUo,<br />

he says; gigilo, he .speaks, Bar. (i'kidoo,<br />

J.). Cree kcl(k), he speaks; suppos.<br />

ketool.'i<br />

kuttumma, kit-, adv. very lately, El.<br />

Gr. 21 {kummii, C. ).<br />

[Narr. kitttimmdy, even now; kitttim-<br />

y&i tokcan, as soon as I wake.]<br />

m' (or, as written by Eliot, m followed<br />

by a short vowel ) is an indeterminate<br />

and impersonal prefix which may be<br />

translated by 'some,' 'any,' or occasionally<br />

by 'a,' 'an,' or 'the.' Duponceau<br />

(notes to Eliot's Gr. xiv)<br />

mistook this prefix for 'a definite article',<br />

as Howse (p. 245) has shown.<br />

It is found with substantives signify-<br />

ing the body and its parts, with the<br />

names of a few objects which were<br />

regarded as specially belonging to the<br />

person, and with some concrete and<br />

material nouns, e. g. m'a^keht, grass<br />

(from askehteuu, it is green) ; m'ay, path,<br />

way (from du, he goes); m'in, a fruit<br />

(from -in, formative of verbs of grow-<br />

ing), etc. In all these it retains its<br />

primary signification as a negative or<br />

its secondary as a preteritive particle<br />

(see mo). It negates the personal re-<br />

lation or appropriation which the pronominal<br />

prefixes affirm, e. g. nut-toh<br />

{n'laJt), my heart; ktitiah (k'tah), thy<br />

heart; mclah (m'iah), heart, not mine<br />

or thine, but some or any heart. It has<br />

in no case a definite or determinate<br />

fon-e, but always the opposite.<br />

machemohtae, lasting, enduringly. See<br />



maliclie ( nearly related to if not identical<br />

with )/irt///s/ieo«, it passes away, is gone),<br />

( 1 ) after, in time, Luke 6, 1 ; mahcliC<br />

(juinnuppekompauean, after thou art<br />

(mayest be) converted, Luke 22, 32.<br />

(2) it serves as the auxiliary of the perfect<br />

and past perfect tenses, and, com-<br />

bining with the verb, receives the pronom.<br />

prefix: um-mahche ugnen, he hath<br />

done it, Is. 44, 23; ne mahche, that which<br />

hath been, Eccl. 3, In; mahche irunnamunuh,<br />

(he) had blessed them. Gen.<br />

24, 1. Cotton, strangely enough, asso-<br />

ciates this word with "ahtmi'mat, to<br />

have, to be had," and gives "num-<br />

mahche, I have or had; kum-mahclie,<br />

thou hast, thou hadst," etc.<br />

he departs; Xarr. 7tuiw.<br />

Cf. amdeii,<br />

[Narr. mauch or miah: (ashin mesh<br />

com-ma&g, how much have you given?<br />

Cree ghee (auxil.), have. Chip. he. or<br />

ge, J. ; U- (suppos. lea-), sign of the per-<br />

fect and pluperfect, Bar.; masht, yet<br />

[i. e. until now]; ka mash!, not yet.<br />

Del. ma-tschi, already, Zeisb. Voc]<br />

mahchekussum, -kissumcomCD, v. t.<br />

(fire) consumes, burns (it) up, 1 K. 18,<br />

38; 2 Chr. 7, 1; with an. obj. mahchekumvau,<br />

(fire) consumes (him), Job<br />

1, 16; um-malichekiisw-oh, it consumed<br />

him, 2 K. 1, 10; with an. subj. (v. adj.<br />

mahchikkiissu, he is consumed (by fire<br />

or heat); pi. -ixsiuog, Deut. 32, 24.<br />

From mahche, kussa.<br />

mahchepoo, v. i. (1) he has eaten, has done<br />

eatint:: (2) he makes an end of eating,<br />

eats (it) up, Ex. 13, 32; infinit. -inni-<br />

neal, Luke 17, 9; imperat. 2d sing. 77(a/j-<br />

chipmish, eat it up, Rev. 10,' 9 («u»i-<br />

mahchip, I devour, C. ). With an. obj.<br />

mahi-hipuxm [inahcheppaiaii], he devours<br />

(him), i. e. eats him up, makes<br />

an end of him, Ezek. 19, 6. From<br />

mahche and -uppco, formative of verbs<br />

of eating.<br />

[Xarr. mtn'ichepn-ut, when he hath<br />

eaten; maucheptrei'an, after I (shall)<br />

have eaten.]<br />

mahchi. See mohchi, (it is) empty.<br />

mahchinau, v. i. he la sick, Gen. 48, 1;<br />

2 Sam. 13, 1; num-mahchinam {nen<br />

mairhinam. Cant. 5, 8), I am, or was,<br />

sick. Matt. 2.5, 36 {num-mahcheem, C. );<br />

)<br />

mahchinau—continued.<br />

suppos. mahchinadi, Lev. 15, 33; jil.<br />

-hidcheg, the sick. Matt. 9, 12. \'1)1. n.<br />

mahchindonk, sickness, 1 K. 8, 37.<br />

[Xarr. num-mauchnem, I am sick;<br />

maurhhini'ti (pres. defin. ), he is sick<br />

{,„ohchi„nw,C.).-\<br />

mahchishq, n. an empty vessel [mohchi-<br />

iiishq); pi. -quash, Judg. 7, 16; 2 K. 4, 3.<br />

See vhliq.<br />

mahchumoo, -ummu, v. i. (inan. subj.)<br />

it is waste, barren, deserted, Nah. 2,<br />

10; Ezek. 29, 9 (machimoci, Is. 19, 5).<br />

Adv. and adj. mahchumme, mohchiimoae,<br />

of waste, of barrenness, waste, barren.<br />

Is. 52, 9; 61, 4; Zeph. 1, 15. Vbl. n.<br />

-mmmonk, a waste, desolation, Jer. 49,<br />

13. See mchchi'hi; mohchi.<br />

mahchumwehtau, v. cans. inan. he<br />

wastes (it), makes (it) waste; pi. -ehtuog,<br />

Jer. 2, 15: num-mahchxmucehl-oh, I make<br />

thee waste, Ezek. 5, 14. Vbl. n. mah-<br />

chinmcehtoonk, wasting, a making waste,<br />

Is. 59, 7.<br />

mahmuttattag. See mohmultahiag.<br />

mahshagquodt, n. (a time or season of)<br />

famine, (Jen. 12, 10; 26, 1. From maht-<br />

.iliraii. Adv. mahshogque, Ps. 17, 19.<br />

mahshetahshik, suppos. of mishelashin,<br />

there is a tempest, a great wind.<br />

mahtantam, mohtantam, v. i. he is<br />

old, implying decreiiitudc, senility,<br />

and decay. Cf. kehchmu. From maht-<br />

[iiiahche) and -antam, the formative of<br />

verbs of mental activity, he is pastminded<br />

or failing-minded: num-mah-<br />

iantam, I am old, Ps. 37, 25; suppos.<br />

mahtamdog, when she is old, Prov. 23,<br />

22; 'full of days', Jer. 6, 11; 'stooping<br />

for age', 2 Chr. 36, 17. Vbl. n. mah-<br />

tantamdonk, (infirm) old age.<br />

[Narr. matlaCintam, 'very old and de-<br />

crepit.']<br />

mahtohqs. See matok'/s, a cloud.<br />

mahtcD, V. i. he ceases, is done, makes<br />

an end (of speaking); suppos. asq maht-<br />

ajog, 'before he had done speaking'.<br />

Gen. 24, 15; asqmahtmaon, before I had<br />

done speaking, v. 45 [iium-mrihleaim (?),<br />

I cease, C.].<br />

mahtshanco, mohtshanoo, v. i. it grows<br />

less, gradually fails or wastes away,<br />

1 K. 17, 14, hi.


mahtshanoo, mohtshanoD—continued.<br />

[Del. .ichauwuiteii, it is faded, Zeisb.<br />

Gr. 164.]<br />

rnahtsheau, v. i. (inan. subj.) it passes<br />

away, fails, perishes, comes to an end<br />

(as the grass or a fiower), James 1, 10,<br />

11; (man's life,) Job 14, 10; (his<br />

strength) decays, Neh. 4, 10; suppos.<br />

ne mahtshunk, 'that which is past',<br />

Eccl. 3, 15; nippe mahtshunk, when the<br />

water fails. Job 14, 11. Adv. and adj.<br />

mahtsh&e, John 6, 27. See mahche;<br />

*)nicliokat.<br />

znalitug'. See melting.<br />

Tnahtupaliteau. See mohluppeau.<br />

mai. See may.<br />

majish, adv. at the last: ne kesukok,<br />

in the last day, John 6, 39, 40, 44; 7, 37;<br />

ogguhsemese majish, 'yet a little while',<br />

John 13, 33 {majjisheyeue, 'lately', C. ).<br />

Intens. maumajish, maumachish, at the<br />

very last, last of all—a sign of the second<br />

future, when it shall have been.<br />

From nialielie. with which cf. pish.<br />

Tnamahche (augm. of vialiche), a sign of<br />

the pluperfect: • vmehkomop, he had<br />

called (them) together. Acts 10, 24.<br />

mamahciie kesuk, the air, the atmos-<br />

phere, 1 Cor. 9, 26; Rev. 9, 2; Prov. 30,<br />

19. [For iiwmehcheu (intens. of j?7('/i-<br />

clieeu), it is empty, void(?).]<br />

*mainaskishau-i (Narr. ), v. i. he has the<br />

(small-?) pox [redness(?)]. Vbl. n. mamisk-ishattonck,<br />

the [small-] pox, R. W.<br />

raamatchenaii, intens. of maicheiiaii.<br />

mamatcheu. See maicheii.<br />

mameechumit, n. the mole. Lev. 11,30.<br />

From ma-meechu, intens. of meechu, he<br />

eats(?).<br />

mameesashques, n. the swallow. Is. 38,<br />

14 ( iniiHi-sdslKjiiifih, 'swallow', Prov. 26,<br />

2, but ic(iine.-


manit, manitto—continued.<br />

Ex. 6, 3; and in the "th v. neen Jehovah<br />

kiun-Mnniltromirn), 'I am the Lord your<br />

God' (lit. 'I the Lord am your God'),<br />

and neen kum-Manitlmmwco, 'I will be<br />

to you a God' (lit. I am your God),<br />

ibid.; 7ien ManiHo, 'I am God', Ls. 43,<br />

12; pi. maniltmof/, 1 K. 20, 23; 2 K. 18,<br />

33; with hrht-, Keihtannit, 'the Lord<br />

God', Gen. 24, 7, i. e. the great manit.<br />

From aneu or an-v, he exceeds, i.s beyond,<br />

superior to, or more than (I'tnue)<br />

another person or thing; suppos. anil,<br />

when he is superior to or more than,<br />

etc. (cf. dnin; suppos. aneiik, that<br />

which exceeds, hence that which rots<br />

or becomes corrupt); with the inde-<br />

terminate and impersonal prefix, jn'anit,<br />

he who (or that which) exceeds or<br />

passes beyond the common or normal,<br />

the preternatural or extraordinary.<br />

manitto is the verb subst. form, he or it<br />

is manit: They "cry out Manittoo, that is,<br />

It is a god," "at the apprehension of<br />

any excellency in men, women, birds,"<br />

etc., R. W. 111. Possessive form, nnmnianittmm,<br />

my god; him-manittwm-vm,<br />

your gods, etc., the suffix mm denoting<br />

that "the person doth challenge an in-<br />

terest in the thing", Kl. Gr. 12.<br />

[Narr. iinanll; ]il. matiittowocl: Peq.<br />

mundtii. Stiles. Chip, mdn-e-do, mune-do;<br />

Kitchi Manito, Great Spirit, Lord<br />

God (Bar.); kesha-munedoo, J. Del.<br />

mani'tio, god, spirit, angel, Cam)!.; ma-<br />

nitto, get-anniito, Zeisb. !Muh. mamiito,<br />

'a spirit or spectre', Edw.]<br />

manitowompae, adj. and adv. [godman-ly,]<br />

jiious, religiou.'j. U.«ed with<br />

pomantainoonk (living, life), as the title<br />

of Eliot's translation (166.5) of "The<br />

Practice of Piety", holy living.<br />

manittowomp [manittoe-omp'], man of<br />

< iod, godly man, 2 K. 4, 7, 9.<br />

' *inannotaubana ( Xarr. ) , embroydered<br />

mats which the women make' to line<br />

thewigwam, 'hangings', R. W. 47. Cf.<br />

maiia,!.<br />

manontam, munn-, v. t. he smells (it),<br />

Gen. 27, 27; Job 39, 25 {meuontam, he<br />

smells; num-mindntam, 1 smell; muii-<br />

7Mtintamooonk, [the sense of] smell. C).<br />

See -mwH/quol.<br />

B. A. E., Bill. 2.') 1<br />

I treaty<br />

manoutam, munn coiitinue


mansk, manslik, n. ;i fort, Is. 25, 11';<br />

Micah 7, 12; tnenuhh' nxinf-lrisli, 'stronj:-<br />

holds', Lam. 2, 5.<br />

[NaiT. (mmdnsl:, a fort, R. AV. Del.<br />

imc-nachl;, a fence, a fort, Zeisb. ; Men-<br />

iirhthik (the Delaware name of Pitts-<br />

Imrg), 'at the fort', likw.]<br />

manumuhkemoouk, j^uppos. of hikiihmuhbiiim,<br />

it rushes. Is. 17, 12, 13.<br />

manunnappu, v. i. he remains quiet<br />

(_ir patient, he sits patiently: tiihkmoij<br />

mdnunappuog, the waves are still, are<br />

quiet, Ps. 107, 29, 30.<br />

manunne, litis) slrjw, soft, gentle; adv.<br />

slowly, patiently, .softly (man'mne,<br />

gently, C. ) : iicen nianunne nuttaon kali<br />

manunne neeiian, I a.ii slow of speech<br />

and slow of tongue, Ex. 4, 10. Adj.<br />

manunniyeu. X. agent, -yeuenin, one<br />

who is slow or patient, a patient one,<br />

Eccl. 7, 8. Vbl. n. -;iniuiik, patience,<br />

Heb. 6, 12.<br />

[Abn. mrnnl, liellenient.]<br />

manunnoliteau, v. i. he is quiet (i. e.<br />

has (juietness"), is undisturbed, Prov.<br />

1, 33.<br />

manunnussu, -nissu, \. adj. an. lir is<br />

(i. e. acts) patient, gentle, slow; ini-<br />

perat. 2d pi. manunnussek, -nissegk, he<br />

patient, Rom. 12, 12; 1 Thess. o, 14.<br />

Vbl. n. -nussuonk, (the exercise of)<br />

patience, Luke 8, 15; Rom. 5, 4.<br />

[Narr. tnati ij iixJii'i^h {ior mann nshi'sji'j)<br />

go thnu gently, slowly.]<br />

*raanunusliae nippe, 'still water', Mas.s.<br />

Ps., Ps. 23, 2.<br />

*inanusqussed-ash ( N'arr. ), n. pi. lieans,<br />

R. A\'. ; kehiohleaf nuinasqulsseil, an Indian<br />

bean, C C'f. tuppuhrjuam-ash.<br />

[Peq. musliquisscdes, beans. Stiles.<br />

Chip. (St Marys) miskode'dmin; (Gr.<br />

Trav. ) nish-ko-de-ce-min, Sch. Menom.<br />

ma7ish-ko-che-shock. Shawn. 7n'skochebthah.<br />

Chey. monisk, pi. moniski, Hay-<br />

den, 295. (Abn. mcskSsitiar, gros<br />

comme feves de terre. ) Del. (pi. ) ina-<br />

lachxiquall, Zeisb.]<br />

*inaquaimttiiiiyew, (from) the west,<br />

Mass. Ps. , Ps. 107, 3. C'f. pnhtadhmii/eu,<br />

(friini) the west, ibid., 75, 6.<br />

*inasaunock (Narr. ), flax, R. AV. See<br />

tnaifaijiiog.<br />

masegik, suppos. of missegen {missekin),<br />

it bears or produces much.<br />

,<br />

)<br />

mashesliashques (?), n. the swallow,<br />

Jer. 8, 7. See mameeKaxliijui'.i.<br />

mashq. See mosg.<br />

xaash.quanoii, n. a hawk. Job 39, 26.<br />

Cf. o>r6hshaog; quanunon.<br />

[Del. meechgalanne, hawk, Zeisb. ( i. e.<br />

broad-tail).]<br />

maskeht. See moskeht, grass.<br />

maskehtu. See moskrlifK.<br />

maskoacheg-, suppos. pi. they who boast<br />

b.iasters, Ps. 49, H; Rom. ], 30. See<br />

niuftkoaii.<br />

maskog, suppos. of viiskoni, q. v.<br />

mascotamauut, suppos. of musa>tamni'i<br />

he picrres (him). See muswaii.<br />

masq, mashq. See mosq.<br />

massouog', n. 'nettles', Prov. 24, 31; Is.<br />

34, 13; but 'nettles' is transferred ia<br />

Job 30, 7, Hos. 9, 6, and Zeph. 2, 9.<br />

Comparing (Narr.) masafinock, 'flax',<br />

R. W., the name may probably be assigned<br />

to Urtica canadensis, the Canada<br />

nettle or 'Albany hemp', the fibrous<br />

stalk of which was used by the Indians<br />

for baskets, mats, and nets. From<br />

»« H.wo), it pricks. See musailam ; muswaii.<br />

[Chip, imis-zdn, muhzdn, nettle; gerhe<br />

muhz6n. (great nettle), thistle, Sch. ir;<br />

maxi'iii, nettle. Bar.; malizaJiii, thistle.<br />

Sum. ]<br />

*massowyan (Peq.), a blaird [?],<br />

Stiles.<br />

masugkenuk, (he who is) mighty, powerful,<br />

very great, Luke 22, 26: Manit<br />

wiiiiu; masugkenuk, God Almighty, Ex.<br />

6, 3; suppos. of missagken.<br />

masugkenutclie, (participial l adj. chief<br />

('eldest'. Gen. 24, 2).<br />

mat. See matta.<br />

*matasquas, n. a mat [bat?], C.<br />

matcliaog', 'adv. of denying', no. El.<br />

Gr. 21 : aliloou matchaog, he has noth-<br />

ing, Prov. 13, 7, =ohtoun mo Ifag, v. 4.<br />

See matta.<br />

matche, (it is) bad; as adj. and adv.<br />

bad, badly: matche meman, 'a naughty<br />

tongue', Prov. 17, 4; matche anamaenin,<br />

a wicked messenger, Prov. 13, 17; sup-<br />

pos. machuk (as n. ), that which is bad,<br />

evil, Prov. 17, 13: na machuk ohteau,<br />

there is an evil, Eccl. 6, 1 [matchet,<br />

'adv. of fiuality'. El. Gr. 18]. Intens.<br />

of matta. (Cf. Etigl. n(jt, nought.,<br />

naughty.<br />


matclie—continued.<br />


[Narr. maichit, ' naught, or evil. ' Aim.<br />

10, 15; Matt. 26, 11 {imitckekiie, poor;<br />

noh matchekoo, he is poor, C. ). Vbl. n.<br />

matcliekiionk, poverty, Prov. 13, 18. X.<br />

agent, matchckuen (indef. -cnm), a poor<br />

man, Ex. 2.3, 3.<br />

[Narr. num-machcke, I am poor.]<br />

matchemuhgquot, n. a bad smell, Ps.<br />

38, 5; Ex. 7, IS. For matchemimgquohieau,<br />

it smells badly; from mafclii; with<br />

formative of verbs of smelling (nmclmmonquat,<br />

'a stink', C).<br />

[Narr. muchcmi'iqui, it stinks. Aim.<br />

matsimai'igSat, cela sent mauxais. Del.<br />

mochtschimaqfiot, Zeisb.]<br />

matcheniuiikqussu, v. adj. an. he smells<br />

1 ladly. Yl.il. n. -quxsuonk, making a bad<br />

smell, Joel 2, 20 (num-niatchimunkqwk, -toimnk, badness [of heart<br />

matchetou—continued.<br />

or purpose (inactive)], Prov. S, 7; Ecd.<br />

malsighemS, cela est mal, cela n'e:


mattamog', mattamag— idiitiimeil.<br />

fn.ilislidy), Prov. 17, iV VK. adj.<br />

iiialliimagqiu'uxsit, -iiKujinxn, he iloes<br />

foolishly, is foolish (actively ).<br />

Vlil. u.<br />

maUamagcoonk, folly (abstractly ), Piov.<br />

15, 14; 1 Cor. 3, 19; maUaina.<br />

-que^lmeonk, foolish doing, f'll<br />

Trov. 14, 17, IS; 1 Cor. 1, IS.<br />

mattanittuonk, vM. ii. i>as><br />

rnnk,<br />

rU-d.<br />

lifino<br />

cursed, a curse, (ieii. 27. 12, IM; N'eh.<br />

10,29; Trov. 26,2 {i,iall„,niiillini„k.C.).<br />

From vintlaniimiti't.<br />

*niattannauke (Xarr. ), pi. -(Diknnaxh, 'a<br />

line siirt of mats to sleep on', R. W.<br />

[Abn. nniikaiin, iiatte, pean, etc.; snr<br />

quoi on s'assoi; nnlwui k/; j'ai une<br />

natte sur qnoi, etc., Rasles. Del. n iin<br />

mil, mat, Zeis!).]<br />

mattannit, n. the liad spirit, tlie devil;<br />

pi. -luo(j, Kl. h,, Sch. ii,<br />

458). Abn. ki'tsiiiiSi'Kk,'^, dien, le grand<br />

g^nie; malslniSc-skS, dial)le. Del. iiial-<br />

Kclii (or iiiiiclitsrlii) niamiiito or inach-<br />

laiiih,, Ilkw.]<br />

mattantam, v. i. ami t. inan. be grudges<br />

(it), is unwilling. From iii-illn and<br />

-iiiiUiiii, he is nut-miniled; adv. iiiut-<br />

linitiniiiri, 'grudgingly', 2 Cnr. !i, 7.<br />

mattanum (?): iiiiiii-iiinlldiiiiiii, I am unworthy<br />

('to unloose', etc., Mark 1, 71;<br />

elsewhere, iiiil-liipiiiiiiii.<br />

mattanumaii. v. t. an. he cin-.ses ihini),<br />

speaks evil to (him); iniperat. 2d jil.,<br />

.<br />

maUanuiiinok, curse ye (Meroz), Judg.<br />

5, 23; 3d sing, iiialtunuiiiaj, let him be<br />

cui'sed, Deut. 27, 14; matdnuinire winu-<br />

naeli, let (him) be as cursed, Jer. 20, 15;<br />

ull(imunac)i, let ( it ) be cursed. Cf.<br />

niatche; malcheiinii<br />

^mattapeu (Xarr. ), 'a woman keeping<br />

alone in her monthly sickness', R. W.<br />

[= iiiiil-Kpeu, 'she is not at home', R.<br />

W., or iiialliipiiii, she sits aiiart i'?).]<br />

mattappasquas, n. a bat, Lc\. II. 19;<br />

iiiiillalKiKlirjtH'is, Is. 2, 20; mal(i}ipiiiujiifg,<br />

Deut. 14, IS. Sei^ mishahohjuax.<br />

*mattappu, v. i. he sits down; pixli inal-<br />

liippniy, they shall sit, Ind. ],aws, .xvi,<br />

xii. Cf. iiiimmalappiiii'ni. i<br />

[Xarr. iin'illapiili i/iitci;, sit by the tire.] |<br />

niatteag, nothing. See inntta.<br />

mattompog, suppos. as n. war: qnag-<br />

i/iifisliiniiiiiiimmk mallonipug, prepare ye<br />

war, Joel 3, 9; irrbmlngig iiiatlvmpog,<br />

they who delight in war, Ps. 6S, ,30.<br />

Adv. and adj. niiilliiiiijuigiir b'xiikn,!, day<br />

of war or battli-, .lol, :;s, 23.<br />

[Abn. iiKilldi'ibi'kS, la guerre; matlaii-<br />

higSi-areiiaiibak, les guerriers. iMicm.<br />

iiKiUuk, 'to beat'; indllole, 'I beat thee';<br />

malunagii, 'I tight'. Rami. Del. macJi-<br />

lapi'fk, bad time, wartime (mnrlitapau,<br />

bad morning weather), Zeish.]<br />

mattuhquab, n. skin (of a human being),<br />

Lev. 13, 34-38; Ezek. 37, 8; iiattiih-<br />

qitab, my .skin; wadlidir/nah, his skin.<br />

For in'aill-nlupu'ie and t'ippn, that which<br />

is (permanently) upon the outside.<br />

*[mattuhteau, v. i. he (juarrels;] vmn-<br />

jiiiilhililfiiiii, I quarrel, C.<br />

matug. See ini-Iitiig, a tree.<br />

matukkencD. See iiiniikiiim.<br />

*[inat-wakau, v. i. he dances;] aluine<br />

iiiiitirdkiKh, don't dance, C. Vbl. n.<br />

iiiitUinikkd(jiik, dancing, C.<br />

matwati, (he is) an enemy, V.k. 15, 9;<br />

Is. .59, 19; pi. inaliniog.<br />

[Xarr. iinilivm'iog, 'soldiers.']<br />

*inat'wauonck (X'arr. ), vlil. n. a Ijattle.<br />

maii, v. i. he cries, weeps, 2 Sam. 13, 19;<br />

J^l. iiiiiiiiii/, V. 3(5; suppos. noh mauiig, he<br />

who weeps, Ps. 12B, 6; suppos. pass.<br />

niinimuk, when there is weeping, Eccl.<br />

3, 4; suppos. pi. ( particip. ) neg maugig,<br />

they who wee[s 1 Cor. 7, 30 (neg mogig,<br />

^latt. 5, 4 ; frei|. iiiiiii,niiia (he mourns).<br />

)<br />

Adj. and adv. ntanire, Xum. 25, 6 {tiiiim;<br />

2 Sam. 3, 16). Vbl. n. mnuonk, weeping.<br />

[Xarr. iiiduo, 'to cry and bewail.'<br />

Abn. inai'iSi', il pleure a cause, etc.; ne-<br />

maSighi; je pleure. Chip, ke-inalnve<br />

(pret.). be wejit, .Tohn 11, 35; sup|ios.<br />

maliirid, when she wejit. .lohn 20, 11<br />

(.1.).]<br />

*mauch.auhoin [he has gone], "thedead<br />

man'; pi. inani-liauhninimg, the dead,<br />

R. \V. For mnhche-miii.<br />

*inaucliepwut (Xarr.), when he hath<br />

eaten; rmmchepirfiau, after 1 (shall)<br />

have eaten, R. W.; suppos. of mitlir/i,--<br />

jiai, he has eaten.<br />

mauemau, v. t. an. (freq. of maii) he<br />

mourns for (him), (ien. 37, 34; pi.<br />

-iimiig, they mourn, Xum. 20, 29; im-


mauemaii—inntuiued.<br />

perat. prohili. maueiiiahkon, nidurn tlmu<br />

not, Ezek. 24, 17. Vbl. n. iiiinicmmunk,<br />

mourning, Zeeh. 12, 11.<br />

[Abn. iie-m«Siman, je le pleure.]<br />

naaumachl (?1 is put for 'household<br />

Ptuf, property, Oen. 31, 37, but more<br />

often in thepUiral, matiniachiagh, goods,<br />

effects, movables, Nah. 2, 9: leaguash<br />

asuhmaumachiasit, ' money or stuff ', Ex.<br />

22, 7. The primary meaning is perhaps<br />

'things taken.' Cf. maumunni, it is<br />

taken (as spoil, 1 Sam. 4, 17, 19).<br />

[Narr. moumadduaxli, goods; au-<br />


54 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

meesunk, etc.—continueci.<br />

ken [of. vrshai/ai). El.], hair iir wool,<br />

Zeiab.]<br />

meetsu, metsu, v. i. he eats, he takes<br />

food, 1 K. 19, 6. Active intraiis. form<br />

(or verb adj. an.) of meech-n, as if<br />

meech-esu. Imperat. )H«to'«/!, eat thou;<br />

pi. meetsel;- suppos. noh meelsit, he who<br />

eats, 'the eater', Is. 55, 10. Vbl. n.<br />

meetmionk, food ('meat'. Matt. 6, 25).<br />

Cf. rneechu, mminhau (v. t. an.).<br />

[Narr. ascumflesimmis {=^asi] kilmmetesimmu)<br />

, have you not yet eaten?<br />

kom-melesimmin, your eating (iniinit. 2d<br />

sing. ) . Abn. ne-mitsesi, je mange. Micm.<br />

migichi, je mange. Cree mechesoo, he<br />

eats; iriMiesoosu, he eats a little. Chip.<br />

vemi, he eats. IMenoni. inee-ti'f-^hlii.<br />

Del. mItKu, Zeisb.]<br />

meetwe, metwe(?), n. a 'poplar'. Gen.<br />

30,37; Hos.4, 13.<br />

*meeun, meun(?) (Peq., Groton, 1762),<br />

n. tlie sun, Ptiles.<br />

mehcheeu, mahcheyeu, (v. i. .she is)<br />

barren. Gen. 25, 21; 11, .'50; Luke 1, 7<br />

{mehchiycue, barren; mohchiyi-ue, empty,<br />

C. ). Vbl. n. mehchhjnionk, barrenness,<br />

sterility. 2 K. 2, 21. See inithchuiiim;<br />

miilirjii.<br />

melimehshandm ('.'') , v. i. he pants; iminmfhmi'hshan6m-v.p<br />

(pret. ) I panted, Ps.<br />

119, 131. Cf. sauuhkissv..<br />

[Abn. iiiamantsrrc jieri'Sai'iffan, le<br />

coeur me bat.]<br />

mehquantam, -oantam, v. t. he re-<br />

nieniber.s (it); nmn-, I remember, Gen.<br />

41, 9; imperat. 2


mekonaii—continued.<br />

[Narr. ium-inecaiildi, y(ju are a i.iuar-<br />

reler.]<br />

mekonteau, v. i. he contenils, makes<br />

war, James 4, 2 (with ayeuimhieau, he<br />

fights).<br />

[Narr. mecaunlitea, let us fight; me-<br />

rai'itea, a fighter.]<br />

menadchu, n. the left hand; um-menad-<br />

chu, his left hand, Dan. 12, 7 {menalche<br />

?nmjte7ie5i, the left hand, C. ). Adv. and<br />

adj. menadcMe, left, of the left:<br />

wusseet, hia left foot. Rev. 10, 2; of inan.<br />

obj. menadcheinniyeu, (it is) on the left,<br />

Zech. 4, 3, 11.<br />

[Narr. yo nmumialch, (there, to) the<br />

left hand (of the path or way).]<br />

menadtam, v. t. he vomits (it) up, Lev.<br />

IS, 2.5; Jonah 2, 10. Vbl. n. me-nnd-<br />

tamooonk, menatammoni:, vomitini;, .ler.<br />

48, 26.<br />

[Narr. n' munnddiommin, I vomit, R.<br />

AV. Del. me/o?)(/am, he vomits, Zeisb.]<br />

menan, n. the tongue; pi. menanaeh,<br />

James 3, .5, 6; Acts2, 3; wman [iveenan),<br />

his tongue. [Related to annoo, unnaii,<br />

he speak.s, commands (?).]<br />

[Narr. weenat (misprint for veemm'!).<br />

Aim. mJrarS; 3d pers. SirarS.}<br />

"*ineninnunk, n. inilk. In the title of<br />

the Indian translation by Grindal Rawson<br />

of Cotton's "Milk for Babes." In<br />

the quotation from 1 Peter 2, 2, on<br />

the title-page, the adv. and adj. menin-<br />

iiunnue (of milk, milky) is substituted<br />

for Eliot's sogkodlungane. Participial<br />

or suppos. inan. from noanaii, he sucks,<br />

with m' prefixed, that which he sucks<br />

[cf . sogkodtunk; or is it ' what is given<br />

(jnenin-)?]. See noononlamundt; naon-<br />

unAl.<br />

[Narr. munnunnug, (woman's) milk;<br />

Mmnnunbgan, a breast. Abn. merenakSs,<br />

du lait; nenSni, je tete; iiSnanman, je<br />

la tete.]<br />

menogkus, n. the belly. Job 3, 11; the<br />

b.iwels, 2 Chr. 21, 1.5, 18; kenogkus, thy<br />

belly; wunnogkus, his belly, Lev. 11, 42<br />

{mumiogs, bowels, C. ). Cf. wonogfj, a<br />

hole, a pit.<br />

[Narr. wunndks. Abn.«am(/a?i, (mon)<br />

ventre. Del. ivach tey, Zeisb.Voc. 12.]<br />

"*menontain, C. See manontam, he smells.<br />

meniihkequog', n. 'steel', Jer. 1.5, 12<br />

'<br />

menuhkequog'—continued.<br />

(with wissehchuog, 'iron' ), butnotel.'.'ewhere.<br />

It signifies a very hard knife<br />

or cutting instrument. Cf. cliohqubg;<br />

kenehqvbg (under kenai).<br />

menuhketeou, v. cans. inan. he makes<br />

(it) hard or strong; pi. -teoog, Jer. 5, 3<br />

{num-menehketeo, I fasten, C).<br />

ineiixihkeu, -ke, -ki, (it is) strong, firm,<br />

hard {'menuhke or menuhku, adv.<br />

strongly'. El. Gr. 21), Ex. 6, 1 ; 1 K.<br />

19, II; Ezek. 3, 9; suppos. meimlikehik,<br />

when it is hard, Job 37, 38; with an.<br />

subj. (v. adj. an.) menuhkexii, he is<br />

strong. Is. 40, 26. N. agent, menuhkesuen,<br />

a strong man; pi. 'mighty men<br />

of valor', 2 Chr. .32, 21. Vbl. n. in^tnih-<br />

kesuonk, strength, might.<br />

[Narr. minikesu, strong; iniiiio-jiteKu<br />

[dimin. little strong], weak. Abn. ne-<br />

merkasani, je me sers de force, j'emploie<br />

la force. Micm. menakii, je suis jiresse<br />

(adv. vienakS); melkei, je suis dur (adv.<br />

melki).'}<br />

menuhkinnum, v. t. he takes a strong<br />

hold of, holds (it) fast; i)l. -uiairog, Jer.<br />

8, 5; imperat. 2d sing, menuhkenish,<br />

hold (it) fast, Rev. 3, 3, 11. From<br />

menuhkeu, with formative of verbs of<br />

action performed by the hand.<br />

[Abn. ne-merkenan, je le tieiis fortement,<br />

fermement; (with inan. obj.) ne-<br />

merkfiiemcii.]<br />

menuhkonog-, n. a stronghold; pi. -og-<br />

50 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNdLOOY [bulletin 25<br />

menutcheg—continueii.<br />

etr.:jiiilliibjniiilcli{=pelukqiii-iriiniiiilrli,<br />

round-hand), tlie fl8t, Ex. 21, 18; tmo.n-<br />

anntcheg {im6irie, within), the inside of<br />

the hand, the palm, the hollow. Lev. 14,<br />

15, 26. Seemult'mnolilioii, therighthand;<br />

menadcliu, the left hand (iiu'iiilrhitj, ('.;<br />

iinmiilrlick, my liand, E. M.).<br />

[Narr. ininiiirjidy, (his) hand; pi.<br />

-clieya III lull. Al)n. iierdsi, ma main; 3d<br />

pers. Srrfxi. ("Iiip. ni-mmij, my hand,<br />

Bar. l>i-l. iiiirJik, my hand, Zeis!).]<br />

menwee, n. the navel; kemvee, thy n&ve\,<br />

Prov. :i. S; Cant. 7, 2; loeenwee, his<br />

navel, Jnli 40, 16. For m'n6'e, the mid-<br />

dle (?).<br />

[Abn. Sii-i, nombril; imi'iSiSi, milieu. ]<br />

mepit, meepit, n. atnipth; jil. -Inxli, V.\.<br />

Gr. 10; -leaxli, Cant. 4, 2; inrp'il, knjiil.<br />

iriepil, my, thy, his' tooth.<br />

[Narr. nrplt; pi. -Ii-iisli. Peq. iii'eljiil,<br />

(mv) tooth, Stiles. Abn. 3d j)ers.<br />

.^;/,;v.]<br />

mequau. See nuJiipiati.<br />

mequn, n. Ilia feather; (2) a pen, 3 John<br />

13; pi. -iiiioii: inn-miyunoy, his feathers,<br />

I's. 91, 4. Adv. and adj. mequnne,<br />

feathered, Ps. 78, 27; uiii-iiinjiiiiur. Ezek.<br />

39, 17; iiiftichrki'qimaii. iiiislinjiinnii, (he<br />

is) mn.-li fcatluM-cd, full ..f feathers,<br />

Ezek. 17. ::. 7.<br />

[Chi]., im'tjiriiii. Sluiwn. iii,-rk ,, iiiVl.<br />

Del. )„,;/"". /-ei.-l..]<br />

metah [m'tah], n. the heart, 1 K. 3, 12;<br />

Is. 1, .'i; |.l. Iiiisli. Rev. 2, 23; nidtah,<br />

kiilliili, iriilliili, my heart, thy heart, his<br />

heart [niiii'-ns. (my) heart. Wood].<br />

Adj. and a


mianaii, moUnaii—a mtinued.<br />

\it1i lia-^ the fcirinativeof action l)y the<br />

hand, and perliaps Eliot -was wrong in<br />

using it in the sense of calling together<br />

or causing to assemble. In the same<br />

sense Ragles (as Abn. below) employs<br />

the cans. an. form.<br />

[Aim. ))(-iiiw'(/liiiii(ii'it, j'as.^iemble<br />

(le.-hnmmes).]<br />

*micliachuiick (Narr. ), tlie soul. R.<br />

Williams (113) says this word "is of<br />

affinity with a word signifying a look-<br />

ing glass, or clear re.semblance, so that<br />

it hath its name from a clear sight<br />

or discerning." Pierson's Catechism<br />

in the Quinnipiac dialect has milta-<br />

chonkq, soul. The word has no discoverable<br />

affinity with either of the two<br />

names {kaul-aklneamuck and jjebmoch-<br />

irhaufjudnickf) which AVilliams gives<br />

(]). 136) to 'looking gla,ss'. Elsewhere<br />

(]). 116) Williams writespl. inichirhoiirk-<br />

[Chip. >r,tl,nu,t


*inisliaimeke—continued.<br />

[Aim. mi'kSe, ^cureuil; jjrhiikS, mes-<br />

I'lnihS, 'ces deux ont un beau poll';<br />

mnki'isesn (dimin.), Suisse [chipmunli].<br />

Etch, mehoo, red squirrel. INIiami vehmirh,<br />

squirrel. Shawn, mi-ci-k-irali.<br />

Del. hnnicquai, Camp.]<br />

mishanog'qus [=mishe-anogqs, great<br />

star], n. the morning star, 2 Pet, 1, 19;<br />

Kev. 2, L'S.<br />

mishantam, missantam, v. i. and t.<br />

inan. he thinks much, meditates, is in-<br />

tent upon (it); Jer. 49, 30; Dan. 6, 3.<br />

Vbl. n. -tainwwonk, much thinking,<br />

meditation, Ps. 119, 97.<br />

mishantoowau, -ontcowau, v. i. he<br />

shouts, cries out with a loud voice, Jer.<br />

2.1, 30; impers. (?) mkhonlanm. Is. 30, 7;<br />

imperat. 2d sing, minliantrnwasli, cry<br />

aloud, 'lift up thy voice', Is. 40, 6, 9.<br />

Adv. and adj. mishanlmwde, with loud<br />

voice, loudly, Ps. 150, 5; Prov. 27, 14.<br />

Vbl. n. mishanlmwaonk, -ontaowaoiik, a<br />

shout, a loud noise {mishontoaonat, to<br />

roar, C. ). From mislie and -ontcowau<br />

(he utters). See*mishonta)ah}nihsu, he<br />

howls.<br />

[Xarr. ininlmi'iiiloira.'ili, speak out.]<br />

mishashq, misashq [^ mislie-m'askehl or<br />

iiiixlir-iisJi(j. great grass], n. a rush. Job<br />

8,11; pi. -(/!«/(/, rushes, 'flags', Ex. 2, 3.<br />

Adj. and adv. miihaslique, of rushes,<br />

'of bulrushes', Ex. 2, 3. Ci.wekinasfj;<br />

inissliash'jnohok.<br />

mishasketomp, n. 'cliampion', 1 Sam.<br />

17, 4, 23, 51.<br />

^mishaupan (Narr. ), a great wind, R.<br />

W., i. e. it blows greatly; inislic-irai'ijiaii.<br />

See 11'dhan.<br />

mishe. See in'igsd, great.<br />

mishe-abohquas. See mishabohquaK.<br />

mishe-adtoau. See mixlioadlue.<br />

mishe-adt-uppco. See iiii!


mishkouwutchinnoo-we k6us, a prick-<br />

iii.s; l)riar, Ezek. 28, 24.<br />

mishdadtue, adv. of great price, precious;<br />

suppos. mishoadtik, 1 Pet. 3, 4. From<br />

mishe-adtdau. Reemagdadlik; mogoadtue.<br />

mishonogod, (it is) wide, broad; suppos.<br />

-";/'"'. (of a gate or way, Matt. 7, 13).<br />

*raishontCDahpulisu, v. i. he howls;<br />

num-mishonicoahpuhs, 1 howl, C. See<br />

mishantcowau, he shouts.<br />

mishontoowau. See mishantcowau.<br />

*misli0Dn, n. a chin, C.<br />

mishoon, n. a boat. See musham.<br />

*mishquammag, pi. -mauquock (Narr. ),<br />

n. salmon, red-fish, R. W. 103 (=mishqui-dmaug).<br />

[Abn. meskiamcgS; pi. -r/Sak.}<br />

*mishquas]iim (Narr. ), a red fox, R. "W.<br />

iiiislKjiiixfiiijt.i, a fox. Stiles.<br />

*inisliquawtuck (Narr.), a (red) cedar<br />

tree, R. W. { = mishqui-uliiiig).<br />

[Del. me hok ho cus, Zeisb.]<br />

mishqui, (it i.s) red. See musqui.<br />

*mishquslikou, n. a trout, C.<br />

[Abn. (\).\.) skStam-Sk. Bel ineschil-<br />

iriiirek, a trout, Zeisb.]<br />

[mishuntug-kcD, it is much wooded, a for-<br />

est?] -koaoo, 'it is a wood', Josh. 17, 18.<br />

miskaiiau, mussuhkaiiau, v. t. an. it<br />

happens to or befalls (him), it is found<br />

by or comes by chance to (him) : mah-<br />

cliukish . . . pish um-miskaiX6uh, evils<br />

shall befall them, Deut. 31, 17; suppos.<br />

mussuhkunk, Gen. 42, 4.<br />

miskom, mishkom, v. t. inan. hehappens<br />

upim, finds (it); ivoh kummishkom, thou<br />

shall find (it). Matt. 17, 27; suppos.<br />

maskog, when he finds (it), Ps. 119, 162;<br />

Matt. 13, 44.<br />

[Abn. ne-meskamen, je trouve ce que<br />

j'avois perdu (with an. obj. ne-meskaSaii);<br />

ned-askamesi, j'ai fais une bonne<br />

trouve, Rasles. Cree miskum; with an.<br />

obj. miskawayoo. Chip, mikahwon, (he)<br />

found him, J.]<br />

missantam. See mislianlam.<br />

missegen, mussegen [v. i. it grows or<br />

produces abundantly, = inigsekin], it is<br />

plenteous, abundant. Gen. 41, 29, 31;<br />

suppos. ne masegik, that which yields<br />

abundance, plenty, i. e. plenteous har-<br />

vest. Gen. 41, 30, 34. Adv. and adj. ut<br />

misnegene ohke-ii, to a plentiful land,<br />

Jer. 2, 7; 48, 33.<br />

;<br />

missehchuog, n. 'iron', Josh. 8, 31; 2K.<br />

6, 6; Job 28, 2; missehchuog kah menuh-<br />

keqiwg, iron and steel, Jer. 15, 12; mls-<br />

si-hchuogque, made of iron, Deut. 28,48;<br />

1 K. 6, 7. In other places mmoshog (or<br />

mmishag), q. v., is used for 'iron.' Cotton<br />

has missehchmog, mines.<br />

*missesu (Narr.), v. adj. an. he is whole<br />

(the whole of him). See mussi.<br />

*misshat, n. belly, C. Probably 'gros<br />

ventre' ;<br />

for mishe-ohteau, it is great(?).<br />

missi, mishe, misbeu, missiyeu, (it<br />

is) great, Ezek. 17, 3; 1 Chr. 16, 25;<br />

pi. missiyeuash kiU-onkqualunkannsh,<br />

your rewards are great, Matt. 5, 12;<br />

liAiio migsi, it is more and more great,<br />

'it increaseth', P,s. 74, 23; Job 10, 16;<br />

suppos. molisag, when it is great, a great<br />

thing, Ex. 15, 7; Deut. 4,32; Matt. 23,<br />

17, 19; amie itiohsag, (that which is)<br />

more great, the greatest, Matt. 22, 36.<br />

[Narr. mishe, inimi. Abn. mesi:;<br />

nemeseghikSi'tSn, je le fais plus grand.<br />

Cree missow, it is large. Chip, mitcha,<br />

it is big, large. Bar. Del. m'cheii, big,<br />

large (it is), Zeisb.]<br />

missm, mussin, (he is) a captive. Is. 49,<br />

24; 51, 14; 2 K. 5, 2: missinndou, mis-<br />

sinno, he is taken captive, becomes a<br />

captive. Gen. 14, 14; Lam. 1, 3; pi.<br />

-nocoog, Lam. 1, 5. Vbl. n. mi.mnn6co-<br />

onk, captivity.<br />

[Narr. missinnege, num-missinndm<br />

[-nmml ewb, this is my captive.]<br />

missinnin, n. (from missin, with indef.<br />

affix) a man, homo, i. e. any captive<br />

or tributary, in which classes were in-<br />

cluded all men other than those of the<br />

speaker's nation or race (viri). Cf.<br />

wosketomp, omp. PI. missinninniiog,<br />

people, oi iroXXol, Ex. 24, 2, 3; Deut. 4,<br />

33; Num. 22, 5; missinnin kah puppinashim,<br />

man and beast, Gen. 6, 7; howae<br />

missinnin ken, of what people are you?<br />

Jonah 1, 8; lit. what kind of slave are<br />

you? [missinnin or missinninnuog, a<br />

people; tounnissue missiymin, a pretty<br />

fellow, C).<br />

[Narr. nhmuock, ninni-missiiiiiwvock,<br />

men, folk, people.]<br />

missinohkau, v. t. an. he carries (him)<br />

away captive. See 2 K. 15, 29.<br />

missinum. See mussinum.


missippano sokanunk (?1, it [a cloud]<br />

rains laiu, Is. o, 0. Cf. musguppeg, a<br />

tear. See -xijijiarn.<br />

*missippuskunnicheg, ii. the wrist, C.<br />

For iiiiif^sij)sl;iiiilr}ii:g, the bone next<br />

t(i (jciiningl the hand. Cf. iimssipsk.<br />

-missis, -musses. See iim-inisscs-oh.<br />

missishin, v. i. it touches. See mussinuin.<br />

*mississikkoshk, n. a shin (bone), C.<br />

missittipuk. See miisxitlij/uk, a neck.<br />

missiyeu. See m'tssl.<br />

missoliham, v. t. he announeesi, inake.s<br />

pubHc (see }»(i.ss/.s.v( ); imperat. 2d — 1st<br />

pers. sing. missnli


mo—continued.<br />

transitive verbs when their subject is<br />

inanimate, is nearly related to the impersonal<br />

prefix m'—for example, nmkeu,<br />

he descends; ncoke-moo, it descends or is<br />

letdown; com, he goes; covim, it goes.<br />

[Micni. mS, point; maScii (de wS et<br />

Sen, quelqu'un), personne.]<br />

moae. See miae, together.<br />

*moamitteaiig (Narr. ), "a little sort of<br />

fish, half as big as sprats, plentiful in<br />

winter."—E.W.105. Perhaps the smelt<br />

(Osmerus eperlanus), but the name<br />

may be applied to any species which<br />

'goes in shoals' or 'a great many<br />

together.' It has been corrupted to<br />

niummychaug and inummnchog, by which<br />

name several species of small fish are<br />

popularly known, especially the ornamented<br />

minnow (Hydrargyra omata,<br />

LeSueur). From iiinhiiiueau: pass, and<br />

mutual form, iiKiliiiiollleaiiug, they go<br />

gathered together or in great numbers.<br />

*inoatt6qus (Narr.), 'a black wolf, R.<br />

W. 9.5. See mukquoshim; nattcohgus.<br />

mobpee , (?) n. the hip, the upper part of<br />

the thigh, the ham, Gen. 32, 32; pi.<br />

-pidog; 2d pers. kobp-, kupp-, Num. 5,<br />

21, 22; 3d pers. icobpee (tinpvns, a hip,<br />

C. ). Cf. nu'hfjiiiiii, thigh; mohpegk,<br />

shoulder.<br />

[Narr. apome, thigh.]<br />

moehteomaj, v. inan. (pass.) cans, it is<br />

made to be together, it is put together;<br />

suppos. moelitcomuk, when it is 'framed<br />

together', 'knit together', Eph. 2, 21;<br />

Col. 2, 19.<br />

moeu. See mide, together.<br />

moeuwehkomaii, v. t. an. hecalls(them)<br />

together, he assembles. Vbl. n. -koiiioiik,<br />

an assembling, assembly. Num.<br />

20, 6.<br />

[Quir. mauirewht'kormcnk, the church,<br />

Pier. (13, fi4.]<br />

mogki, mogke, mogge, (it is) great (of<br />

its kind or comparatively). Adv. and<br />

adj. great; mogke (pismkrjnanash, great<br />

stones. Josh. 10, 11; 1 K. 5, 17;<br />

weluomash, great houses, Amos 3, 15;<br />

mogkiyeii, it iS" great; pi. -yeitanh, Gen.<br />

41,5 (of ears of corn, they are 'rank');<br />

suppos. pi. mdgngisli, magagisli, great<br />

things.<br />

mogki, mogke, mogge—continued.<br />

[Del. umangi, great, big, large, Zeisb.<br />

(xr. IfiS; mochvrii, great, large, Zeisb.<br />

Voc]<br />

mogdadtue, adj. and adv. precious, of<br />

great price, 2 Clir. 20, 25. See inagt'xid-<br />

tlk; iiiinhodiiliif.<br />

mogquan, -quon, n. the heel; pi. -nash,<br />

Job 13, 27; 3d pers. wogquwi, tuogqiwnn,<br />

his heel. Gen. 3, 15; 25, 26; 49,' 17.<br />

[Abn. mtigSai'in, nagSaiin, mon talon.<br />

Menom. vahqtioiin, (his) heel. Shawn.<br />

okirani'e. Del. ikiii qiioii, the [my?]<br />

heel, Zeisb.]<br />

mogqueen, -quen, ii. a boil, a swelling,<br />

2 K. 20, 7; Is. .38, 21; Lev. 13, 10, 19.<br />

From mogqueinnu, it grows large, en-<br />

larges {mogqvivnoo, 'it became a boil',<br />

Ex. 9, 10).<br />

[Abn. magSiii, enflure. Del. mach-<br />

quin, swelled, Zeisb.]<br />

mogquein, -quen, v. i. it swells, en-<br />

larges, Num. 5, 27; inogquehimi, it becomes<br />

large or swollen, Deut. 8, 4; with<br />

an.sul>j. Diiigquesu, he .swells, is swollen<br />

[noli viogqtieiiui, he swelleth; ninii-inok-<br />

ques, I swell, C. ).<br />

[Narr. mocquexui, he is swelled; mim-<br />

mdckquese, I have a swelling. Del.<br />

maclitreil, great, large, Zeisb. Voc]<br />

mohclii, (it is) empty, unoccupied {moh-<br />

(hiyeue, C. ; mohchoi kmsh week, is there<br />

)<br />

room in thy father's house? Gen. 24,<br />

23. Cf. mehclichi.<br />

mohchumcD. See miihrlmmm, it is waste,<br />

liarrcn, made desolate.<br />

*moliewonck (Narr.), a raccoon-skin<br />

coat, R. W.<br />

[Abn. mdiSak, robe de peau de cerf,<br />

de chat-sauvage, etc.]<br />

mohkas. See mulikoK, a nail, a claw.<br />

*mohkodtaen-iii, a widower, (',<br />

mohkont. See niiijikonl, a leg.<br />

mohkussa, moh.kos, mukos, n. a ( burn-<br />

ing) coal; pi. -ndiLih, Is. 44, 12; 'coals of<br />

tire', Prov. 26, 21; vl mohkoKsaltlu, upon<br />

[among] hot coals, Prov. 6, 28; Is. 44,<br />

19; anue mml mik tie molikon, blacker<br />

than a coal. Lam. 4, 8. For m'kussa,<br />

the hot (n. concrete)? or if Rasles'<br />

translation of the corresponding word<br />

in Abnaki be correct, from inroi and<br />

kucm, black-burned (?), or (Abn. mknse)<br />

merely 'it is black' (?). Cf. kimiiilkaa,


mohkussa, eto.—coiitimied.<br />

etc.; " mocassa, the black of tlie nail",<br />

Wood.<br />

[Abn. iiikmc; eharbon eteint (?);<br />

mkasc-skstai, eharbon ardent. Del. me<br />

linckachtey, a coal, Zeisb.]<br />

mohmoeog', freq. of moeog { = mideog,<br />

q. V. ), they go often, or habitually, to-<br />

gether, 'they often met'. El. Gr. 17.<br />

mohmoskuhteas, n. a frog (obj. pi.<br />

-letwii, Pi*. 78, 45, a misprint? Mass.<br />

Ps. has 7nahmoskohteaseuh). Elsewhere<br />

Eliot has linor/kukquasu-og, frogs. Cf.<br />

Peq. A-.,y,/,„(.w.<br />

mohmounum, frei]. of nwimmv, he gath-<br />

ers together.<br />

mohmuttahtag-, mamuttattag-, mah.-,<br />

(suppos. as) n. lead, l->,ek. 22, IS, 20;<br />

27, 12; Ex. 15, 10; Zech..5, 7; 'tin'.<br />

Num. 31, 22, but not elsewhere.<br />

mohpanag, muh-, -og, n. the breast<br />

[nianinia-], Joel 2, 16; Hos. 9, 14; nohjiniKiii,<br />

:ny breast. Cant. 1, 13; wohpanag,<br />

milip-, her breast, 'bosom', Prov. 5, 20<br />

(iiiolipdnneg, C. ).<br />

[Narr. mapannog, the breast; umn-<br />

nurinogan-ash, breasts. Menom. oh-<br />

jKtiiii. Sluuvn. opaJi la.]<br />

mohpegk, muhp-, -peg, n. theshoulder,<br />

Lev. 8, 2.'); 9, 25; oftener without the<br />

impers. prefix, uhpegk, Num. 6, 19;<br />

18, 18; Ezek. 24, 4; nauwdnau uhpequanah<br />

(accu.s. pi.), 'he bowed his shoul-<br />

ders', Gen. 49, 15; naahaue ohpequan-H,<br />

between his shoulders, Deut. 33, 12.<br />

Cf. multugk.<br />

[Narr. uppHr, shoulder; pi. uppe-<br />

ijiiixk. Chip, pekwun, pikqun, the (up-<br />

per part of the) back. Del. ho pi quon,<br />

the fore shoulder, Zeisb.]<br />

mohsag-, suppos. oimhsi, great.<br />

mohshequssuk, n. a 'flinty rock', Deut.<br />

.';2, 11! ( = inwohshi-qusstik) . See qussuk.<br />

mohshipsq, n. fiint stone, Is. 50, 7 (=raa)-<br />

('ilislii-j)isk, iron stone).<br />

mohtantam. See iiialilunlam, he is old,<br />

decrepit.<br />

*[mohtanuhkussu, ] num-molitanuhkus,<br />

I finish or conclude, C. [?]<br />

*molitcliinau = mahchinau], \_ he is sick;<br />

ntiin-riiiililcliinam, I am sick, C.<br />

mohtompan, (it is) morning, Ezek. 7, 7;<br />

snpjios. -timpog, wlien it is morning; as<br />

n. Gen. 1, 5, 8, etc.; en {or pajeh) moh-<br />

molitompan—continued.<br />

loiii/Kiu-it, till morning, till the morrow,<br />

Kx. 23, 18; Zeph. 3, 3.<br />

[Narr. iiij> (pret. ), I was dumb,<br />

Ps. 39, 2, = mat nak-kaketoop, v. 9.<br />

mokus, mokis, (indef. ) -sin, a shoe<br />

(moccasin); pi. mokussinash, moxinash,<br />

Amos 8, 6; Matt. 10, 10; um-mokis {-us),<br />

his shoe, Deut. 25, 9, 10; pehto.vinasli, put<br />

on your shoes, Ezek. 24, 17; nukkOnok-<br />

kusainash, old shoes, Josh. 9, 5.<br />

[Narr. mocAssinass and mockiissin-<br />

chass, shoes which ' they make of their<br />

deerskin worn out', R. W. Peq. mx'ick-<br />

asons, Stile.". Abn. mkesxen, pi. -j!or;<br />

ne-mckicn, mini Soulier; ne-makseneke,<br />

j'en fais. Micm. m'ki'.ihen, pi. -nel.<br />

Chip, (pi.) muki.fiiian { mi'kmniked, shoemaker),<br />

Bar.; milkesiii, pi. -nun, Howse.<br />

Cree mi'iskeifin, pi. -es'hiii.]<br />

momanch, moomansh, adv. at times,<br />

now and then, often, Prov. 7, 12; Judg:<br />

13, 25; Matt. 17, 15; at intervals.<br />

[Cree mummdin, here and there one.]<br />

momonchu. See mamonchu, he moves<br />

about.<br />

momone, (it is) 'freckleil"; mom67ie<br />

rliohki, 'it is a freckled spcjf. Lev. 13,<br />

39.<br />

momonelitaUau and momontaii, v. t.<br />

an. he makes sport of, mocks at, de-<br />

rides (him), Neh. 4, 1; pi. -tauAog, 2<br />

Chr. 36, 16; suppos. momoiitauont, when

momonehtauati, etc.—continued.<br />

he mocks at, mocking, Gen. 21, 9; Job<br />

12, 4.<br />

mdmdnesu, v. adj. an. he is spotted, is<br />

black or dark colored here and there, in<br />

spots or stripes. Freq. distnb. of mmesu,<br />

he is black; pi. mOmdnesuog, they<br />

are 'grisled'. Gen. 31, 12; suppos. m6-<br />

ynonesil; pi. part, -sitcheg, 'speckled',<br />

Gen. 30, 32, 39 {wicnu momoeeml, when<br />

he is round-about dark-marked, 'ring<br />

streaked'. Gen. 31, 8). Cf. mumaieclioh-<br />

kem.<br />

momonowantam, mamonau-, v. i. ho is<br />

scornful, a ."corner, Prov. 9, 7, 8; 1.5, 12.<br />

Adv. -lamur, 2 Chr. 30, 10.<br />

momdntuunum, mamdnt-, v. t. he puts<br />

it in motion, moves (it) about:<br />

nippe, he 'troubled the water', John<br />

5, 4; suppos. mainonlmmk wussissitlw-<br />

nash, when he moves his lips, Prov.<br />

16, 30.<br />

momdunog', n. pi. the eyebrows; 3d pers.<br />

luniiiiimoimixj (accus. -oh, Lev. 14, 9),<br />

lii.s eyebrows.<br />


[Abn. manmahn, sourcil, le iinil,etr.<br />

Del. mammvon, Zeisb. ]<br />

momooechohkesu, v. adj. an. he is blacksi)otte


monchanamukqussu—continued,<br />

to (him); whence, n. agent, -qusxuaen,<br />

a 'wonderful one', Is. 9, 6. From mon-<br />

rhrumnnik, suppos. Oi monchanamiii'i (t.<br />

:in. form nf iiiiiiiclniiKitdiii), and iisau.<br />

monchanatam, -um, v. i. (and t. inan.<br />

he is astoni.shed, lie wonders (at it), he<br />

i.s surprised. Is. 59, 16; pi. -amwog,<br />

Matt. 22, 33 ( = chepslmog, Mark 11,18);<br />

monclxiiUasli, 'marvel (thou)', John 3,<br />

7 ( = muhchanl(Viii, Mass. Ps.). Vbl. n.<br />

-tammonlc, wonder, amazement. Acts 3,<br />

10; and causat. -tamwahuwaonk, caus-<br />

ing wonder, a marvel, a wonder, Deut.<br />

13, 1, 2. From monch-u, he moves,<br />

witli fiinnativf of verbs of mental ac-<br />

tivily. he is startled or disturbed in<br />

iiiiiid.<br />

monchanaii, V. t. an. (1) he moves (him),<br />

carries (him) away. Gen. 31, 18; with<br />

affixes, 1 Sam. 30, 2. (2) he conducts or<br />

guides (him): um-monchan-uh en may-<br />

tii, he guided them in the way, (ien.<br />

IS, IH.<br />

[Xarr. maucliu.te, be my guide (ini-<br />

perat., = monchumsli, from moiichuxnu,<br />

v. i. act. he acts as guide, he guides);<br />

him-7nal'ichan-wh, 1 will conduct you.]<br />

moiichu, v. i. he goes, se movet (denoting<br />

merely the act of going, without<br />

reference to its end or aim); hence, he<br />

departs, goes away, removes. Matt. 25,<br />

18; Gen. 24, 10: num-ti,\.-ehtuash,<br />

Dan. 4, 25, 32, 33; 'pasture', 1 Chr. 4, 39,<br />

40; moskehiuash, 'hay'; woskoithkelitiiiish<br />

{= itmske-oskehiuash), 'tender gra,ss',<br />

Prov. 27, 25; mish-ashkehliiai iie ohl.e.<br />



moskeht, maskeht—continued.<br />

; .<br />

'tlierewas much grass in that place',<br />

John 6, 10 (oskosk, grass; mosketuash,<br />

hay, C.)- Vlil. su.bst. moihehtuco, he<br />

is grass, Is. 40, 6. Dim. mosMiiuemeK,<br />

El. Gr. 12. From askehteav, it is (lit. it<br />

makes, caus. inan.) green, with the<br />

indetei-m. prefix, that which is green.<br />

See aske.<br />

[Narr. maskituash , grass or hay. A bn<br />

nmkCkSar, herbes. Del. masr/ik, Zeisb.]<br />

moskehtu, mask-, n. (the same word<br />

as the preceding) is used for medicine,<br />

physic, i. e. herbs; owtltih moskehlu-ut,<br />

like a medicine; iyan-aakeliluash, many<br />

(kinds of) medicines, Jer. 46, 11.<br />

[Narr. maskit, physic. Chip, mmh-<br />

k!k! [-keke], Bar.]<br />

mdsogque, adv. and adj. adhering, sticking<br />

to [v. i. it sticks close, adheres],<br />

Prov. 18, 24; Jer. 42, 16. Cf. miminum,<br />

he touches; mississin, it touches.<br />

mdsogquehteau, v. caus. inan. he makes<br />

it adhere, joins it to; imperat. mosogijiietixnish,<br />

j(,in them together, Ezek.<br />

."7, 17.<br />

mosogqunntuu, v. t. ( inan. obj. ) he joins<br />

or puts together; suiipos. mosogqunuk,<br />

when he joins together. Matt. 19, 6.<br />

See riiumuhkomco.<br />

mosq, masq, mashq, n. a bear, Prov.<br />

17, 12; Amos 5, 19; 1 Sam. 17, 34, 36<br />

{moshq, C). The base is the same as<br />

that of ncosquodtamundt, to lick, and the<br />

name signifies 'the licker,' from the<br />

bear's habit of licking his forepaws<br />

(see the Abnaki below) ; [or is it from<br />

(Cree) mdkrm-num, he squeezes (hugs)?<br />

(Howse 93).] Cf. ^aiiviisseus; ^pauk-ilnawaw.<br />

[Narr. mosk, or jMukunavxiu: Muh.<br />

mquoh, Edw. Del. machk, Zeisb. Abn.<br />

aSessSs, ours; n>S8k8aSirtseh3f!S l — mSs-<br />

kSa-SretsiarJ, il se Igche les pattes; mes-<br />

kSi; peau d'ours. Chip, makwd (niAk-<br />

u-ah, Howse). Cree mihhwah.'\<br />

mdiinau. See mianau.<br />

mduuum, v. t. he gathers together (inan.<br />

obj.); kum-mdunum, thou gatherest.<br />

Matt. 25, 24. Freq. mohmounum. Vbl.<br />

n. mounumdonk, mouunHumcoonk, (a<br />

gathering, ) tribute, custom, 1 K. 9, 21<br />

Matt. 17, 25. With an. obj. mianaii,<br />

([ V. Cf. mukkinnum.<br />

B. A. E., Bill. 25 5<br />

mounum—continued.<br />

[Narr. mowinnee, he gathers i fruit, or<br />

inan. obj.); mmmnnai'iog, they gather.<br />

Abn. maiisisi, ensemble; ne-itmiiSrn,'men,<br />

je les mets ensemble; imi.sijn', il<br />

cueille, il ramasse. Del. inainnil, as-<br />

sembled, Zeisb.]<br />

mdushag'. See hhdusIuvi. iron.<br />

moxinash, n. pi. See >i)oku>!, a shoe.<br />

moyeu. See imvi, ordure.<br />

moyeu, moeu. See miae, together.<br />

mroche, as an auxiliary of the future<br />

tense, expresses obligation or necessity<br />

(=moi colche); mmche nuitahuUanlamaudmun<br />

God, 'we are bound to thank<br />

God', 2 Thess. 1, 3; mmche kenpannupumshmn,<br />

'thou art [must] pass over',<br />

etc., Deut. 2, 18 (cf. nmche mos, it must<br />

needs be, Matt. 18, 7) ; mmche ?nos 7m(ahqmntamav.,<br />

(how often) must I for-<br />

give him? Matt. 18, 21. Cf. mos; mche.<br />

[Quir. m6uche, there must be, Pier.]<br />

mcDcheke, "a word signifying more,<br />

much," used to express degrees of<br />

comparison. El. Gr. 15; anue mmcheke,<br />

much more, Rom. 5, 9; 'more<br />

exceedingly'. Gal. 1, 14; nam mmcheke,<br />

more and more, Mark 15, 14; mmcheke<br />

mmcheke, exceedingly, very much, Gen.<br />

17, 2, 6, 20; mmcheke onk, more than.<br />

Matt. 10, 37 {mwchekeyeuuk, excessively,<br />

C).<br />

moochekohtau, v. t. he has more, adds<br />

to his possession of (it); noh mmche-<br />

kohtunk (suppos. ) wahtemwnk, inmche-<br />

kohtaii unkqumnunmoiik, he who increas-<br />

eth knowledge increaseth sorrow, Eccl.<br />

1, 18.<br />

mcDee. See mmi, ordure.<br />

mooi, (it is) black, El. Gr. 13; dark<br />

colored. Matt. 5, 36; Esth. 1, 6; pi.<br />

mmiyeuash, Jer. 4, 28 (not mmeseuash,<br />

as in El. Gr. 13, by typographical<br />

error probably ) . With an. subj. mmem<br />

[v. adj. an. he is] black or dark colored;<br />

pi. mmesuog. El. Gr. 13.<br />

[Narr. m6wi, siicki, black; mowesu, a<br />

black man.]<br />

mcoi, mooee, moyeu, n. ordure, dung,<br />

Ezek. 4, 12; 1 K. 14, 10; um-moyeu,<br />

their dung, 2 K.I8, 27; um-vxme. Lev.<br />

4, 11; 8, 17.<br />

moomansh. See momamh.

66 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

mcomcoskoniaU [= mcomcosl-mauf'i: um-<br />

)»(/:i//((Tjsi'o)/i-(/H/i, they murmured against<br />

liiiii. Ex. 15, 24 {)mm-mo3mmskoav:wn, I<br />

iiiuniinr, 0. ).<br />

moomooskcDau, -kco'wau, v. t. an. he<br />

murmurs at (hun); pi. -kmwaog, they<br />

murmur, Ps. 106, 25; suppos. pi. nag<br />

mainicDskcowacheg, they who murmur,<br />

\i>. 29, 24. Vbl. n. mcamoaskanoaonk,<br />

-rjtieyeuoiik, a murmuring, John 7, 12<br />

(iiimDiinnki-iimnaonk, Ex. 16, 7).<br />

moomcDskquenau [= incomcoskaKiul^:<br />

iiKmncosquendog, they murmur at (him),<br />

Ex. 17, 3 {mwmmsquenmwonat, to mutter,<br />

C).<br />

[Abn. ne-mSskSerdam, je gronde, suis<br />

fache; ne-mSskSirman, je le gronde.]<br />

mcomcDsqlieau, freq. nr intens. of mms-<br />

(jlii'iii'i. he jirovokes (him) to anger.<br />

VI il. n. i>ass. mcomcDsqueUuonk, provo-<br />

cation (received), 1 K. 21, 22.<br />

moomoosqueuttam, v. i. he murmurs,<br />

mutters, grumbles. Perhaps not rightly<br />

used in John 6, 61; cf. um-momoskkeetaii-ouh,<br />

'he gnasheth upon him with<br />

his teeth', Ps. 37, 12, and num-maumuskelunkquog,<br />

'they gnash upon me',<br />

etc., Ps. 35, 16.<br />

[Abn. ne-mai'nnmkigSHassi, je fais des<br />

grimaces.]<br />

moanae. See inmae.<br />

*mo3naeech. (?), a dish or tray, C.<br />

mconaeu. See mwndi<br />

mosnak. See m&nak, cloth.<br />

mconoi, -naeu, (it is) deep, Ps. 140, 10;<br />

Eccl. 7, 24; Lam. 3, 55; as n. the deep,<br />

Gen. 1, 2; a gulf, Luke 16, 26; depth,<br />

Eph. 3, 18; mconM onk, it is deeper than,<br />

Job 11, 8. Adv. and adj. mconoe nippe-<br />

a*/t, deep waters, Ezek. 34, 18; suppos.<br />

moonoag, when it is deep; pi. (with<br />

intens. redupl.) mamoonoagish, (very)<br />

deep places, Ps. 135, 6. In compound<br />

words sometimes mnoi-, amou-.<br />

mconokoi, n. a valley, Deut. 8, 7. See<br />

anii'inhki'ii.<br />

*racDnopagwut, in deep waters, !Mass.<br />

Ps. , Ps. tiit, 2.<br />

mcoohshog. See moaosliog.<br />

*incoonk, vlil. n. weeping, C. See mail.<br />

mcooshog, mcoohshog, moushag, n.<br />

iron, Num. 31, 22; Is. 60, 17; 1 Tim. 4, 2.<br />

Adj. and adv. -shogque, -sliagque, of iron,<br />

Deut. 8, ; 9 Is. 45, 2, etc. Cf . missehch nog;<br />

mOhah'qisq.<br />

mcooshog, etc.—continued.<br />

[Narr. mowdshuck. Abn. san'ghere,<br />

cela est dur; cf. siogke, soggohtunk (the<br />

name apparently signifies black metal;<br />

cf. * wompohshog) . Del. suck-achsun,<br />

[black stone,] iron, Zeisb. Voc. 29.]<br />

moDosketomp, n. a black man [?], El.<br />

Gr. 15. Cf. iroskclomp.<br />

moopau, -p6, -paog (?), n. the cater-<br />

pillar, 1 K. 8, 37; 2 Chr. 6, 28; Joel 1, 4;<br />

2, 25; a.ssamau mrnpoh (accus. ), he gives<br />

food to the caterpillar, Ps. 78, 46 [mm-<br />

paui, jMass. Ps. ).<br />

moos, n. The name of the moose ( Cervus<br />

alces, L. ) is used by Eliot in the pi.<br />

yarasGog for 'fallow deer', 1 K. 4, 23;<br />

"moos, a beast bigger than a.stag, "etc.,<br />

Smith's Descr. of N.E. (1616). "Which<br />

the salvages call a njoss", Morton's N. E.<br />

Canaan. "The beast called a moose",<br />

Wood's N. E. Prospect. The plural<br />

indicates mmsro, or mrnsu. as the orig-<br />

inal form of the singular, a name given<br />

to the animal from his habit of stripping<br />

the lower branches and bark from<br />

trees when feeding; mms-u, 'he trims'<br />

or 'cuts smooth', 'he shaves.' See<br />

maisnm.<br />

[Narr. mods; pi. -soog. Abn. mSs;<br />

pi. -sak. Chip, mons (Bar.) ; moz, mooze<br />

(Sell. 11,464). Cree monipai(, he is quite bald, his head is<br />

bare). Vbl. n. -ontujipaonk, baldness,<br />



moDsontupau, -ppcD—tontimifd.<br />

Jer. 47, 5; Mic. 1, Iti [musantlp, a l)al

68 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulleiik 25<br />

muhkos, muhkas—continued.<br />

^l\r. 4. lo; Ilorsese-koasog, horses' hoofs,<br />

Jmlg. 5, 22. See mukqs and uhqude.<br />

[Xarr. wokassuck, nails. Abn. mekas;<br />

pi. -sak; 3d pi. Skdsar. Del. muckoos,<br />

awl. nail, Zeisb.]<br />

muhkos. See mohkussa, a coal.<br />

muhpanag. See mohjxinag, breast.<br />

muhpegk. See mohpegk, a shoulder.<br />

muhpeteog, -eag, n. a rib, Gen. 2, 22<br />

( mehpcteak, C. ) ; 3d pars, wuhpeleog and<br />

uhpeieog, Gen. 2, 21; pi. -^as/i, Dan. 7, 5.<br />

[Narr. peteadgon, petedgon. Abn. ne-<br />

pigdigan, ma cote, mon c6te; 3d pers.<br />

Splgdigan.']<br />

jnuhpit, u. an arm {mihpU, C) ; pi.<br />

-pillcniifh, El. Gr. 10; 2d pers. kuhp^i;<br />

3d pers. wuhpit; pi. -ittenash, Gen. 49, 24.<br />

[Narr. wuppittenc, -enash, (his) arm,<br />

arms. Abn. pedin, bras; ne-piedin, mon<br />

l.ras.]<br />

muhpoo, V. impers. it snows {mmvpaw,<br />

Wood); pres. def. muhpm'i, it is snowing<br />

{mithpmtvi, it snows; sun muhpco,<br />

does it snow? C. ). Adv. and adj.<br />

muhpme kesukod, a snowy day, 1 Chr.<br />

11, 22. Cf. *s6chepo.<br />

[Cree mixpoon; suppos. mispook.l<br />

taulipuhkuk. See muppuhkiik, a head.<br />

muhpulikukquaiiitcli, -nutch, n. a<br />

linger or finger's end; vlip-, the tip of<br />

his finger, Luke 16, 24; pi. -nitcheash,<br />

fingers, Dan. 5, 5. For muppuhkukquewunnutch,<br />

head of (his) hand.<br />

mulipuhkukquaseetasli, n. pi. the toes,<br />

Dan. 2, 41, 42; .3d pers. iippuhk-, his<br />

toes, 1 Chr. 20, 6. For imippuhkukquewusseei-ash,<br />

head of (his) foot {muppuh-<br />

kukquaset, C. ) . See kehtequaseet, the great<br />

toe.<br />

muhpuhkukqut, (upon the head, as n.<br />

a helmet or covering for the head ; more<br />

often with prefix of 3d pers. uppuhk-,<br />

Is. 59, 17; Ezek. 27, 10; muppiM-ukqut<br />

ohtag ( that which belongs on the head )<br />

'mitre', Ex. 28, 39; pi. uppuhkukqut<br />

ahhohlagisli. 'bonnets', v. 40; Lev. 8, 13.<br />

mukkatchouks, mukkut-, n. a son, 'a<br />

man child', 1 Sam. 1, 11; Job 3, 3.<br />

[Narr. num-muckqudchucks, my son;<br />

muckqnachuckquemese, a little boy. Peq.<br />

muckachux, boy, Stiles. L. Island, maclmchan,<br />

boy; mcwhaiveeskt [=mukkUse,<br />

El.], a little boy, S. Wood.]<br />

) ,<br />

mukkee, n. r. scab, Lev. 13, 7, S.<br />

[Abn. meglii, gale.]<br />

mukki, n. a (male) child; pi. mukkiog,<br />

Ps. 148, 12; 2 K. 2, 24; Gen. 33, 5; dimin.<br />

miikkies, a little child, Prov. 20, 11<br />

Matt. 18, 4; 'babe', Ex. 2, 6 {mukkoies,<br />

C); pi. -sog, Matt. 18, 10. Vb. adj.<br />

mnkklmt, he is a child; suppos. mog-<br />

kiesueon, when I was a child, 1 Cor. 13,<br />

11. Vbl. n. mukkiesumonk (mukkoiennonk,<br />

C. ), childhood, Eccl. 11, 10. [From<br />

iiiukukki. This word has been displaced<br />

hynaumov, etc., in theCree, Chippewa,<br />

and western Algonquian.]<br />

[NaiT. nian-muckiese, my son].<br />

mukkinnum, magk-, v. t. he collects or<br />

gathei's(inan. objects); infinit. -umunat<br />

herbs-ash, to gather herbs, 2 K. 4, 39;<br />

mukkinummk, gather ye ( the tares. Matt.<br />

13, 30); mukkhiitrh, let him gather<br />

(the manna, Ex. 16, 16); suppos. noh<br />

inagumik, he who gathers up. Num. 19,<br />

10. Cf. mdunum.<br />

[Abn. ne-meghencman, je le trie.]<br />

mukkoshqut, n. a plain. Gen. 11, 2; 13,<br />

10; miikoshkui, Gen. 19, 25. From inogki<br />

and oshk { = ashkoshki, green; m'oskeht,<br />

grass), with the locative suffix, the<br />

great grass place; mukoshqutde, plain<br />

(as adj.), Jer. 48, 21.<br />

[Narr. micuckaskeete, a meadow. Abn.<br />

meskikSikS, place where grass is. Micm.<br />

m' skeegooaicadee, meadow.]<br />

mukkookin, v. i. he bares himself, un-<br />

clothes; imperat. 2d pi. mukkmkek, -eg,<br />

be bare, 'strip yourselves'. Is. 32, 11;<br />

with an. obj. mukkmkinaiX, he strips,<br />

makes (him) bare; imperat. prohib.<br />

ahque mukkcokin matcheku, do not [strip]<br />

rob the poor, Prov. 22, 22; suppos. mng-<br />

gmkinont; pi. -oncheg, 'spoilers', Jer.<br />

51, 48. N. agent, mukkaokinnuwaen, a<br />

plunderer, a robber; pi. -enuog, 'extortioners'.<br />

Is. 16, 4 (suppos. mukkookwnuwaenuit,<br />

'if he rob', i. e. if he be a<br />

robber, Ind. Laws, xvi).<br />

[Abn. ne-megSgnaii, je le pille.]<br />

miikkukkontup, n. a bald head. Lev.<br />

13, 42 (lucat. -^ijuiiil).<br />

mukkukkontupau, v. i. he has a bald<br />

head, Lev. 13, 40, 42. Vbl. n. -ppdonk,<br />

baldness. Is. 3, 24. Cf. mmsontupaii.<br />

mukkutchouks. See mukkatchoiikt.<br />



mukkuttuk, n. the knee, Is. 45, 23; pi.<br />

-nhinng, .Joli .S, 12; Is. 35, 3; 3d pers.<br />

xikkulluk, hiti knee. For m'f/iiituk (from<br />

quttuv-ni, or rather from the same base),<br />

that which sinks down or goes down.<br />

[So, Ang. Sax. cneow, Goth, hneigan,<br />

Engl, knee, and Ang. Sax. hnig-an, incli-<br />

nare, incurvare.] Nish noh mukkulluk<br />

nmwaeu, every knee bows, Phil. 2, 10.<br />

[Abn. nekedekS, nion genou. Del.<br />

guigi', Zeisb.]<br />

mukos. See inohkiutKa.<br />

mukqs, n. an awl, Ex. 21, 6; Deut. 15,<br />

17. From ithqunen. it is jwinted. Cf.<br />

malikos.<br />

, [Narr. (pi.) miickssuck, awl blades.<br />

Del. muckoos, awl, nail.]<br />

mukquoshim, n. a wolf (El. Gr. 9),<br />

Is. 65, 25; Jer. 5, (i; mummugquo>:hia)i,<br />

Gen. 49, 27; inukr]iiisslium,C. (who has<br />

alsii iiattcoliqiixsuoij, wolves). For miik-<br />

qaoMiii the ilass. Rs. (John 10, 12) has<br />

nattoahqus. From mcohwhau, he eats<br />

live flesh, with {-oshijn) the generic de-<br />

terminative of the names of beasts.<br />

[Narr. muckquash'mi, pi. -rnwock;<br />

moattdqus, a black wolf; mttdqus, a wolf;<br />

natoquashunck, a wolf-skin coat. Peq.<br />

mucks, Stiles. Chip, mah ing gun, me m'<br />

gun, mawekan (maheengun, J.), Sch.<br />

II, 464. Menom. manh-tvawe. Shawn.<br />

in'wdi U'ah. Mex. mayaquen lqu = k'\.<br />

Otomi muhii.]<br />

mukquttunk, n. the throat; kuh-quttunkan'it,<br />

to thy throat, Prov. 23, 2. From<br />

the same root as mukkuttuk; m'qutiunk,<br />

the going down (the swallow? or the<br />

bending of the head?).<br />

[Narr. gutluck. Abn. mekSlaiigan,<br />

gosier; 3d pers. akSdangan. Del. gunta,<br />

'swallow it', Zeisb.]<br />

mukukki, (it is) bare, bald, destitute of<br />

covering, Jer. 48, 37.<br />

[Narr. iniickucki, bare (without nap,<br />

said ul rloth).]<br />

mummishkod, n. abundance, 'great<br />

store'; meechum, 'store of victual',<br />

2 Chr. 11, 11. From miB»>; augm. ma-<br />

inissi, very great.<br />

-mung-quot, -quodt, suppos. -mungquok,<br />

the generic determinative of verbs of<br />

smell. See asuhtmmgquodt; maichemungquot<br />

(it smells badly); weetemung-<br />

quot (it smells sweetly), etc.<br />

*niunnannock (Narr.), a name of the<br />

sun and of the moon, R. W. 79. From<br />

anogqs, star (or from its radical), with<br />

a prefix of which the significance is not<br />

clear [or from muiinijh, island (?).]<br />

*munnaonk, n. the throat, C. (?) Cf.<br />

iHfmajuaij.<br />

*inunnawhatteaug (Narr.), "a fish<br />

somewhat like a herring," R. W.<br />

Probably Alosa menhaden, 3Iitch.,the<br />

'bony fish', 'hard head', or 'munhaden'<br />

of the fishermen; called also<br />

in the northern jmrts of New England,<br />

pauhagen. Both names have reference<br />

to the use of this and otlicr species of<br />

herring as fertilizers; rniiiiiinhiinnlilKvi,<br />

he manures or enriches the earth, and<br />

Abn. " pakkikkann, on engraisse la<br />

terre," whence "pSkangan, petit pois-<br />

son."<br />

munnequomin, n. corn or grain when<br />

growing or in the tield, Hos. 14, 7; pi.<br />

-minneajih, -munneash, green earsof corn,<br />

Lev. 2, 14. (Cf. missunkquaminneash,<br />

-mwnash, ftill ears, ears of com, Gen.<br />

41, 5, 7, 22.) [Manured corn (?).]<br />

*inunnog's, bowels, C. See menogkus.<br />

muunoh, n. an island. Acts 28, 1; Rev.<br />

(), 14; with the locative affix, 'inunnohhannit<br />

(menoli-, munnah-) , to, at, or on<br />

the island, Acts 13, 6; 27, 26; 28, 7, 9,<br />

11; pi. -dhhanash, Ps. 97, 1; Is. 41, 5.<br />

Adj. and adv. munnuh-lunuie, iif an is-<br />

land. Is. 13, 22; 34, 14.<br />

[Abn. menafian, lie; -luaiSk, dans<br />

I'ile. Chip, min is, riw niss. Menom.<br />

may nainsh. Shawn, mei) n thl'f. Del.<br />

mun cLh Idhe, Sch. ii, 402, 47-i; nw na hi/<br />

(and -te u), Zei.sb.]<br />

munnohquohteau, v. t. he enriches the<br />

land, fei'tilizes, manures; pajeh munnd-<br />

quohteiian, until I dung it, Luke 13, 8.<br />

munndntam. Seemanonlam, hesmellsit.<br />

*niunnucks (Narr.), the brant goose<br />

(Anser hernia); pi. -suck, R. W.<br />

[Peq. a'kobyeeze, brants. Stiles. Mass.<br />

menuks, a brant, C]<br />

*munnuimug (Xarr. ), milk. See me/tmnunk.<br />

munumulikemco, v. i. it rushes (makes<br />

a rushing sound?); suppos. inan. subj.<br />

iiKDnniiidikemmuk, when there isarush-<br />

ing ( of mighty waters). Is. 17, 12. Vbl.<br />

n. nmnnmuhbujuk, a rushing, ibid.

70 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHN()L(»Gy [BlLLlillN 25<br />

*[m.uiiuiiiieet (?), n. the bladder;] adj.<br />

-toe ijiimtil-, stone in the bladder, Man.<br />

Pom. 8,s.<br />

[.\lin. manSiteli, manSe, les fesses.]<br />

muppuhkuk, muhpulikuk, n. a head,<br />

Is. 1, .5; Amos 8, 10. Rarely used with<br />

the impers. prefix; more commonly<br />

(3d pers. ) uppuhkuk, (his) head, Lev.<br />

1,4; .3,2; Job41, 7; Ps. 68, 21 ('scalp')-<br />

See -ordup.<br />

[Narr. iippaguonlup, the head; mup-<br />

pacucl; a long lock.]<br />

muppusk, -pisk, n. the back, Rom. 1,<br />

30; .Ter. 18, 17; nuppisk, my back; 2d<br />

pers. kup-; 3d pers. vppM, uppmhk;<br />

uppisqiianll, at, on, or to the back, Prov.<br />

10, 13; 19, 29; anaqiudieh kah nuppis-<br />

quanit, before and behind me, Ps. 138, 5.<br />

Fron\ poske, bai'e, uncovered.<br />

[Narr. uppusqmn, the back. Abn.<br />

peskSan, son dos; ne-peskSdnek, derriere<br />

mon dos; ne-paiki-peskSan-enait, je d^couvre<br />

hii, le milieu des 6paules. Chip.<br />

pek u'un', pe quoji nong, pik v'iin.'\<br />

*inuschundaug: (Peq. ), a lobster. Stiles.<br />

See *a>!haunt.<br />

*inushoshketoinp, n. [great man], 'a<br />

nolik- man', :\Iass. Ps., .Tohn 4, 46.<br />

mushoon, mishcon, n. "an Indian boat,<br />

or canow made of a pine or oak, or<br />

chestnut-tree," R. W. 98; a boat, John<br />

6, 22; Act^i 27, 30; pi. -nash, John 6, 23;<br />

ut lun-mishmn-ttt, into the [his] boat,<br />

John 6, 22; kcovisham, thy boat, Samp.<br />

Quinnup. 156; musshoan, boat or canoe,<br />

and pwntaem, C.<br />

[Narr. mishoon; dim. -memese, a little<br />

canoe. Abn. amasSr; pi. -Srar, canot<br />

de bois. Peq. meshire, Stiles. Chip.<br />

chemaun, Sch. ; tchiman, Bar. Del. amo<br />

chool, Zeisb.]<br />

mushqun, n. the liver: nushqun, my<br />

liver. Lam. 2. 11; irusqim, ^mtshqun, his<br />

liver, Prov. 7, 23.<br />

[Chip, koon, quoon, oquoyn, Sch. ii,<br />

4.5S. Miami hav> ko nc. Shawn, o/i<br />

muskesuk, n. (1) the eye, El. Gr. 10;<br />

Job 10, 18; Matt. 18, 9; pi. -ukquash.<br />

(2) the face, Ezek. 10, 14; nusk-, kusk-,<br />

vmskesuk, my, thy, his face or eye.<br />

(Sansk. iksh, videre; aksha, oculus.<br />

[Narr. n-uskeesuck (his) eye. Peq.<br />

skee:uck)i, eyes. Stiles. Muh. hkeesque,<br />

)<br />

muskesuk—continued,<br />

eye. Abn. ne-siser/Hk, ma face; Ss-, .aa<br />

face; )ie-ti

musquanumau—continued.<br />

ahqiie iKits/jtianum, do not fret thyself,<br />

Ps. 37, 1, 7, 8; ahque musquantiiiieh, do<br />

not be angry with me, C.<br />

[Narr. him-musquauiiani-i.ih, I am<br />

angry with you.]<br />

*niusquash, the muskrat (Fiber ziljethicus);<br />

rintskquash, Josselyn's Toy. and<br />

N. E. Rar. 53; musqiuismf. Smith's<br />

Desor. of N. E.; nmskewashe, Morton's<br />

N. E. Canaan; 'civet scented musquash,'<br />

Wood's N. E. Prospect. Imiisqui-oshim,<br />

red animal (?) ormcoskoii (?).]<br />

[Abn. mSskSessS. Del. damascus,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

musqueheonk, msq-, vbl. n. [from<br />

causat. musquehheau, it makes him I'ed,<br />

it reddens,] blood, Deut. 12, 16, 23;<br />

Acts 17, 26; 28, 8; nmqh-, my blood;<br />

kcoiqli-, thy blood; vrusq- or msq-, his<br />

blood. Adj. and adv. musquelieongane,<br />

bloody. Cf. *neepuck.<br />


[Narr. mishqui and neepuck, the blood;<br />

misqu'magh, the veins. Chip, mis'kwe,<br />

blood; uskwaiaub, (his) vein. Shawn.<br />

misk vjie, blood; in'sliks mah, vein.<br />

Menom. mainh kee, blood. Abn. mesig-<br />

SaghesS, il est tout convert de sang.<br />

Del. mlmk, blood, Zeisb. Gr. 104.]<br />

musqui, mishqui, msqui, and -que, (it<br />

is) red, Ex. 15, 4; Josh. 24, 6; Esth. 1, 6;<br />

suppos. mosqmig, moshquag, when it is<br />

red. Gen. 25, 30; Ex. 25, 4. In comp.<br />

words, musqu-, msqu-; msquonagk, -ak,<br />

red cloth or clothing. Matt. 27, 28, 31<br />

(see inAnak). With an. subj. (v. adj.)<br />

nnisquesu, (he is) red. Gen. 25, 25; Zech.<br />

1, 8.<br />

[Narr. msqui. Peq. mesKpiou [scar-<br />

let?] , Stiles. Abn. mkSighen iS, cela est<br />

rouge. Cree mlthkw&io, it is red; m'tth-<br />

koo, blood. Chip, misqua, misquoze (an. )<br />

radix, misk, Sch. ii, 466. Shawn, m'sh-<br />

iivh ire. Menom. mamh kiew. Del.<br />

iiinrlikeil, v. adj. red (it is), Zeisb.]<br />

musseet, n. a foot; pi. -lash, El. Gr. 10;<br />

71US-, kus-, vms-seet, my, thy, his foot;<br />

wusseetmoash, their feet. Josh. 3, 15<br />

{mlsseet, a foot, C).<br />

[Narr. u-itssite. Peq. kuzseet, (thy)<br />

foot, Stiles.]<br />

mussegan, -ekon, n. the loins, Ezek. 23,<br />

15; Nab. 2, 10; nnsseganijlitogq-iit, in my<br />

loins, Ps. .38. 7; (inis .wkdiiolilogq. my<br />

;<br />

mussegan, -ekon—continued.<br />

reins, Prov. 23, 16); A'«.5-, in or from<br />

thy loins, Gen. 35, 11; timssekonnhtogqul<br />

msholi, in the loins of his father, Heb.<br />

7, 10.<br />

mussegen. See missegen.<br />

mussegon, v. impers. it hails; as n. hail,<br />

Ps. 148, 8; 78, 48; inissegun. Rev. 16,21;<br />

suppos. mlssegog. Is. 32, 19.<br />

[Abn. sikSrdi, il grfele. Chip, sessegan,<br />

Bar. Cree seyseykuii. Miami me<br />

ze ktuaw.']<br />

musses. See um-misses-oh.<br />

mussi, whole; suppos. (?) nuk-keteaonk<br />

rish mussit, ' my life is yet whole , 2 Sam.<br />

'<br />

1,9. ( Not found elsewhere. The primary<br />

meaning is 'great'. Seemissi.)<br />

m.ussin. See ?ni.«;».<br />

mussinum, mis-, mussunnum, v. t. he<br />

touches (it) [he smooth-handles it;<br />

from moosi, with the formative of verbs<br />

denoting action performed by the<br />

hand]; suppos. noh masunuk, he who<br />

touches it, Lev. 15, 7, 12; Amos 9, 5;<br />

freq. mohmmsunnum, he touches (it)<br />

often, he handles (it). Vbl. n. mvssun-<br />

nunuDonk, touching, touch (missinummonk,<br />

C). With an. obj. mussu-<br />

nail (mis-), he touches (him); suppos.<br />

noh ma.mnont, he who touches him,<br />

Lev. 15, 11, 19; with inan. subj. missis-<br />

sin {-ishin, vius-), it touches, adjoins,<br />

reaches quite to; missishi>i. kesukqvt, 'it<br />

reached unto heaven', Dan. 4, 11; mis-<br />

sussin sussipponkomuk, it reached to the<br />

wall of the house, 2 Chr. 3, 11, 12; mii-<br />

sishin kiihlamog, the ship touches, ia<br />

aground. Acts 27, 41.<br />

mussippeg. See musmipjpeg.<br />

mussipsk, n. the ankle; -kul, to the<br />

ankle, ankle deep, Ezek. 47, 3; 3d pers.<br />

wmsupskon, his ankle bone. Acts 3, 7.<br />

(Strictly the back and sides of the ankle<br />

joint; mussi-poske-oskon, where the<br />

bones touch behind. So, Abn. "ne-<br />

dapskS'kSe, mon cou derriere, metabskS-<br />

'kSe, le derriere et les deux c6t4s du<br />

cou." Cf. missippuskunnicheg, wrist<br />

(the back of the wrist, C. ).<br />

mussisse, adv. in public, publicly (?),<br />

Matt. 1, 19. Cf. mdmusse, mussi.<br />

[Micm. m'shei, tous; m'sheda, tous<br />

ensemble. Narr. mis.sesu, adj. an. the<br />

whole. Abn. messiSi, nifselsdiSi, tout


mussisse—continued.<br />

entier. Del. memssu, whole; nvsitfch''-<br />

iji-ii, wholly, entire, Zeisb.]<br />

mussissittcDn, n. a lip (mmustmn, C. );<br />

pi. -/(o.s/i. El. Gr. 10; 3d pers. vmsm-,<br />

his lip, Prov. 12, 19; 17, 4. For nwfmsi-muttmn,<br />

it is close to the mouth.<br />

[Del. u-itche ton, lip, Zeisb.]<br />

mussittipuk, n. a neck, Ps. 75, 5; Is. 30,<br />

28 {iimsitteippey, C. ); pi. -kanash, Judg.<br />

5, 30; kussiUijnik, thy neck, Cant. 7, 4;<br />

urns-, his neck, 1 Sam. 4, 18; mussi-t-<br />

muhpe;/ {uppH-e, E. W.\, joining the<br />

shoulders.<br />

[Narr. fUchipnek.}<br />

mussohquam[in], missoh-, mussunk-,<br />

n. an ear of ripened corn, Lev.<br />

2, 14; ilark 4, 28; pi. -mrtnneash, -minneasJi,<br />

Gen. 41, 5, 7; 2 K. 4, 42. From<br />

tmissoo (dried), with the formative of<br />

verbs of growth, -qumn; mussoliquamin,<br />

it grows

)<br />

muttasonitch, n. the little linger; iiion-<br />

iiKi/-. my little finger, 1 K. 12, 10; 2 Chr.<br />

10, 10. For matla-asuh-nutcli (inenutcheg),<br />

the last of the hand [no hand<br />

after ( ? ) ; last ( or least ) of the hand ( ? ) . ]<br />

muttasons, n. the youngest son. Gen.<br />

42. 13; 2 Chr. 21, i?; 22, 1; -oh, Judg.<br />

9, 5. From raut-asuh , not after ( ? ) . See<br />

the Abnaki below.<br />

[Abn. ne-medesmi'inSi, je suis le cadet<br />

de tons, 'posito quod nullus alius sit.']<br />

muttinnolikou, muttinuhkdu, n. the<br />

right hand; ludtimwhkuu, my right<br />

hand, Ps. 73, 23; wut-, his right hand,<br />

Dan. 12, 7; (unninuhkoe menltchey, the<br />

right hand, C.<br />

muttinnuhkouneiyeue, adv. on the<br />

right hand, to the right, 2 Chr. 23, 10.<br />

[Narr. yd mti'mnock, to the right!<br />

Abn. arenakaiSl, la main droite. ]<br />

muttinwhunutch, n. a finger. See iniU-<br />

tinwhiinitch.<br />

muttompeuk (?), -pek, n. the jaw; 3d<br />

pers. wiittompeak, -pek, his jaw, Judg.<br />

na, demonstrative particle, there: lUx \it<br />

(and 7und), thereat, therein, thereon.<br />

Is. 42, 11; Luke 13, 6; na wutche, therefrom,<br />

thence, hence, Ex. 11, 1; na<br />

ohteau, there is, Eccl. 6, 1; na mo, there<br />

was, 2 Sam. 2, 17; Gen. 1, 3. Cf. He,<br />

nenan, noh, nan.<br />

[Del. ma, 'there it is', Zeisb.]<br />

nabo, nab, a particle which, "from 10 to<br />

20, they add before the numeral '<br />

' : nabo<br />

neqnl, eleven; nabo neese, twelve, etc..<br />

El. Gr. p. 14 {nobo nes, twelve, Mass.<br />

Ps. ). Cf. napanna and Chip, nabino-<br />

taiixin, 'he repeats his words'; nabaan,<br />

'he fastens it (or puts it) to the end of<br />

something,' Bar. [From neepau (?) .]<br />

[Narr. piuck-7iab-naguit, eleven; piiick-<br />

nab-mese, twelve. Peq. piug-naubut-<br />

nuquut, eleven, Stiles. Abn. -negSd-<br />

annkao, eleven; nk-annk&o, twelve.<br />

Chip, midassui ashi bejig, eleven ;<br />

ashi nij, twelve, Bar. Cree melatat-<br />

pcyakoo-sdup, eleven; neeslioo-sdup,<br />

twelve, etc.]<br />

nabohteai, n. dry land, Hag. 2, 6. Cf.<br />

numiobolitedou.<br />


^<br />

muttompeuk (?), -pek—continued.<br />

15, 15, 16, 19. Adj. and adv. inilom-<br />

jiiikoiu; Prov. 30, 14.<br />

[Del. ta<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

V(im pi can, the jawbone,<br />

muttcon, n. the mouth, EI. Gr. 10; ««(-,<br />

knt-, u'ultmn, my, thy, his mouth; pi.<br />

-nmh; 3d pi. wuttconcowdash, their<br />

mouths, Ps. 78, 30; Heb. 11, 33.<br />

[Narr. wuUdne, (his) mouth. Peq.<br />

kultoneege, (thy) mouth, Stiles. Abn.<br />

ne-dSn, ma bouche; SdSn, sa bouche.<br />

Chip, niridon, my mouth (Bar.). Del.<br />

icdooit, (his) mouth, Zei.^b.]<br />

muttoounnussog, n. pi. the kidneys, Ex.<br />

29, 13; Lev. 3, 4; the reins, Jer. 17, 10;<br />

nut-, my reins, Ps. 26, 2. Cf. vunniif-<br />

sooog, testes.<br />

muttug-k, muttukki, n. the shouMers<br />

(upper part of the back); ut nntlnko I,<br />

on my shoulders, Job 31, 36; kuHuijk.l,<br />

on thy shoulders, Josh. 14, 5; wuttuijkil,<br />

on his shoulders, Luke 1.5, 5 (wuitul.U,<br />

Judg. 16, 3); mitik, a shoulder, C.<br />

nadtauwdmpu, natt-, v. i. he looks ( for<br />

the purpose of seeing some object,<br />

looks for or at an object; cf. nuhqualnat,<br />

to direct the eye or look in that or<br />

this direction), 1 K. 18, 43; 19, 6 {nataxi-ompu);<br />

pi. -puog, they look, 2 Sam.<br />

22, 42. See uvmpu. With inan. obj.<br />

nadtauwompadtam, he looks for (it);<br />

suppos. 2d pi. nadtauivompadtamdg ue-<br />

quai, while ye look" for the light, Jer.<br />

13, 16. With an. obj. nadtauirompumau,<br />

he looks for or at (him).<br />

[Abn. nederanbaddmen; (with an.<br />

obj. ) -bamal), je le regarde.]<br />

nadteoh, nedteuh, as prep, since. Dent.<br />

4, 32: ne ke.ntkok, since that day<br />

when, 1 K. 8, 16; nadteoh paoon, since<br />

when I came. Gen. 30, 30; kddshik<br />

muttaok, since the beginning of the<br />

world. Is. 64, 4 {nateah, lately, since, C. ).<br />

[Abn. nCihjhi:, niaga, netsi, potir lors,<br />

lorsque.]<br />

nadtippaeu. See nehfippaeu.<br />

nadtuppcD, natuppu, v. i. he feeds (aa<br />

an animal, other than man): pigsug<br />

natappuog ut v:adchu-ut, swine feed uiion


nadtuppcD, natuppu—continued.<br />

thf mouiitiiin, Luke 8, 32; ke-netassu-<br />

11101/ pish nadluiipaiog, thy cattle shall<br />

feed, Is. 30, 23; with inan. obj. nadiiippmwantam,<br />

he feeds on (it), Jer. 50, 19;<br />

with an. obj. Dadtuppoovjaii, -jnvaii, he<br />

prepares food (?) for or feeds (?) him;<br />

imperat. 2d + 3d sing. nadtupweh, 'dress<br />

him meat', 2 Sam. 13, 7; of. v. 5, timn-<br />

iwhieauUch meelsuonk, let her dress the<br />

meat [food]. See -uppoo, determinative<br />

generic of verbs of feeding.<br />

[Xarr. nati'ipirock, (animals) feed.]<br />

naehtau, v. I. Lcausat. inan. from na-um,<br />

he sees (?)], he appears, shows himself<br />

to (him): monchu naihtaumat (intin.),<br />

he went to show himself to, 1 K. 18, 2;<br />

pret. iifii'Iitaomp, he appeared to, 2 Chr.<br />

3, 1: with affixes: ke-nne.ihiunkoo, I appear<br />

to you. Lev. 9, 4. Cf. iiaht'inaii, he<br />

shows (it) to; nahtus»u.<br />

nag, suppos. of v6-nni, he sees, when he<br />

sees (it).<br />

nag. See ner/, they.<br />

nagont, nagunt (?), n. sand, Heb. 11, 12;<br />

1 K. 4, 20; naguniu, -rnitu, in or on the<br />

sand, Deut. 33, 19; Matt. 7, 26. See<br />

kehlohhonndmuk, 'sand of the sea' (kehtahhannomuhk,<br />

Mass. Ps. ), Ps. 78, 27.<br />

[Abn. ncgdkS, sable. Del. le kau,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

nagum, pron. 3d sing. an. he, El. Gr. 7<br />

( = iioh, q. v.); pi. nagoli ( = nahoh),<br />

they.<br />

[Narr. niifigoin, his own. Del. neka<br />

or lukiimii, he, Zeisb. Gr.]<br />

nagTsrutteae, adv. continually, all the<br />

time, always. Job 7, 16; 27, 10; Prov. 17,<br />

17; 19, 13.<br />

[Abn. nekSleiiii, quelques jours ensuite<br />

(in posterum).]<br />

nagwutteaeyeuooonk, vbl. n. continu-<br />

ance, 'perseverance', Eph. 6, 18.<br />

nagwutteohteau [iiagvmU&e-ohieau'\,\ . i.<br />

it ciintinues to be, it is continual,<br />

1 Sam. 13, 14.<br />

nahen, adv. almost. El. Gr. 21; Judg.<br />

19, 9; nearly, nigh to, Phil. 2, 27, 30:<br />

nen nahen 7iun-nup, ' I am at the point<br />

to die', Gen. 2.5, 33; nahen nuppm, 'he<br />

is at the point of death', Mark 5, 23.<br />

Cf. n&i; nrmu.<br />

[Narr. iieeni (of a dying man), 'he is<br />

nahen—continued,<br />

drawing on.' Abn. nehini, tot, Ijien-<br />

tot. Cree ni-ee, 'exactly.']<br />

nahnagkiae. See nohnagkide.<br />

*nahnaiyeumooadt(?), a horse, C. See<br />

vain'iiiiitik; nayeutam.<br />

nahnashali (freq. of nashail), v. i. he<br />

breathes; 3d pers. infinit. u-umialmash-<br />

onal, to breathe. Josh. 11, 11; -oneat,<br />

V. 14; suppos. nanrishont {nahnashant,<br />

Deut. 20, 16) and nanashonit, when he<br />

breathes; pi. (part. ) neg nanashonilcheg,<br />

they who breathe, Josh. 10, 40 {nen<br />



naihaue, nauwae, adv. in tlie middle,<br />

Cant. 3, 10. See n6en.<br />

*naiin (Nan-.), by and by; (suppos.<br />

iiaiintcli, R. W.<br />

naicomau. See ndyimmau.<br />

naioomuk. See nayeumuk, [when he is<br />

carried.] when he rides.<br />

naj, 3d pers. sing, imperat. of nano, it is<br />

the same, it is so. See nan.<br />

nameheaii, namheaii, v. t. an. lie finds<br />

(him), discovers (him) [makes him<br />

visible; causat. an. form from nai'i, he<br />

sees him; cf. nahlinau, naehiau]: ne-<br />

iiamheh, ne-namehheh, I find him {-narn-<br />

meh, Hos. 9, 10) ;<br />

kenamheh, thou finde.st<br />

me; ke-namhesh, I find thee, 1 K. 21,20;<br />

suppos. nnmehi'ont, when he finds, he<br />

finding, Prov. 18, 22; negat. nen mnfta<br />

namJieoh, 1 did not find him, 2 Cor. 2,<br />

13; with inan. olij. namehteaii, he finds<br />

(it), Prov. 18, 22; 17, 20; suppos. na-<br />

mehieunk. Ijuke 15,9 {mm-ndmeehteo, I<br />

find, C).<br />

[Abn. ne-iiami'll8n; (an. obj.) ne-na-<br />

mihaii, je decouvre, je vols; ne-namihSe,<br />

je vols.]<br />

namohkaeibheau, v. t. [causat. form of<br />

vmnohkau'], he lends to (him); -kaaih-<br />

huau, Ps. 112, .5; -kohhniu, Prov. 19,<br />

17; imperat. 2d pi. namohkaeihuugk,<br />

lend ye, Luke 6, 35; namakouhe (?),<br />

lend it to me, Luke 11, 5. See nogkoh-<br />

k&eihhuim&t.<br />

[Abn. ne-nemekaSihan, je lui prete;<br />

imperat. nemekaSi or kaSihi.]<br />

namohkau, v. t. he borrows (from or of<br />

another) ; imperat. -kaush, borrow, 2 K.<br />

4, 3; suppos. n&mohkauonmit, when he<br />

borrows, Ex. 22, 14. Cf. nogkohkouunat.<br />

namohs, n. a fish (ndmds, C. ); pi. -mg,<br />

El. Or. 9, iMatt. 17, 27; Ex. 7, 18, 21;<br />

dimin. namolishnes, pi. -mesog, Matt. 15,<br />

34. [The first letter does not belong to<br />

the root, but represents the determinative<br />

particle. It is not found in compound<br />

words (see -dniag). The base is<br />

the same as in aum; trans, amn-au, he<br />

fishes. In the Old Algonkin and in<br />

some modern dialects the determinative<br />

prefix is given to the sturgeon as the fish<br />

par excellence. The final .« represents<br />

the an. adj. form -esu, or what is equiv-<br />

alent to it, («(a,9, animal, animate being.]<br />

[Narr. nruninui'ius, pi. -suck. Abu.<br />

)<br />

namohs—continued.<br />

nanii's, pi. -sak. Old Alg. kicons {nn-<br />

maiii, sturgc. Ill ). Chip, ke'gfi {nam ai',<br />

vanqliiii't;!. sturgeon). Menom. nahniiiixli<br />

(iiiiliiiiaire, sturgeon). Del. na<br />

mei'x, pi. -sak. Powh. noughmass, J.<br />

Smith. Micm. nemesh, Maillard.]<br />

nampcoham, v. i. he answers, replies:<br />

. kah nmvMu, he answered and said.<br />

Job 15, 1; 16, 1; with an. obj. -hamau,<br />

he answers (him), Gen. 41, 16. Vbl.<br />

n. -hamaonk, an aaswer. Gen. 41, 16;<br />

2 Sam. 24. 13. From nompe, in turn,<br />

reciprocally.<br />

namshpeyau, v. i. 'he .sojourns' [visits,<br />

remains for a time (?)], Gen. 20, 1. Cf.<br />

enneapeyau.<br />

nan, a particle denoting likeness or<br />

identity, the same as, or such as: noh<br />

nan, the same person, Heb. 13, 8; Ps.<br />

102, 27; ne nan, the same thing, Dan.<br />

5, 5; John 4, 53 {nenan, nnih, nonl nee,<br />

'the same', C.) ; ne nan qussuk, that<br />

same stone. Matt. 21, 42; pi. inan.<br />

nanoash, such (things), James 3, 10;<br />

with verb subst. ne nano, it is the same,<br />

it is so: noh vnnn (niioh), he is the same<br />

or such; niniin /,, ».;//(), it is not so. Acts<br />

10, 14; yeiifili innftu iroh nanoash, these<br />

things ought not to be so, James 3, 10;<br />

imperat. 3d sing, ne naj, let it be so,<br />

'even so'. Matt. 11, 26; Luke 11, 2;<br />

Rev. 22, 20; ahque ne naj, 'not so',<br />

Acts 11, 8; suppos. ne nag, if it be so,<br />

Dan. 3, 17; malta nanmg, if it be not<br />

so, v. 18. Cf. dunag, neane, nnih. [All<br />

these have the same base, and it is impossible<br />

to distinguish always the forms<br />

of each under Eliot's varying notation.]<br />

[Narr. ma( endno, mat edno, it is not<br />

true.]<br />

nanaanont, pi. {neg) nanadnoncheg; sup-<br />

pos. of nanawunnaii,, they who rule,<br />

rulers, Ex. 18, 21; Is. 52, 5.<br />

nanadnum. See nanawunnum, he bears<br />

rule, he rules over (it).<br />

nanabpi, -peu, ( it is) dry. See nunobpe.<br />

*nanagkcoonk, vbl. n. 'snorting', C.<br />

nanahkineg, (as n.) a sieve. Is. 30, 28.<br />

See nmhkik; nvnnohkrnnmn.<br />

nana[li]konchiyeu-ut, in a narrow<br />

way (passage), Num. 22, 26; in a strait<br />

(place). Job 36, 16: mo adt nanakon-<br />

chanatg, 'where there is no straituess',


nana[h]konchiyeu-ut—cuntinued.<br />

iliiil.; [iinn-]ii(iiioliho>ikip, I am in a<br />

strait (betwixt two), 1 Pliil. 1, 23.<br />

nanamunnum qunuhtug, lie liran-<br />

(lislies ('shakes') a spear, Job 41, L'9.<br />

nanaseu, adv. one by one, Mark 14, 19;<br />

Is. 2", 12; nandse, John 8, 9. Freq.<br />

from riiixsii, iiunxey, alone.<br />

nanashont, suppos. of ini}iitat:)iai'i, he<br />

breatlies.<br />

nanashwu, v. i. he prepares, makes<br />

ready; imperat. 2d sing, -imh, prepare<br />

thyself, be ready, Jer. 46, 14. With<br />

an. obj. mmaslm-eau, he prepares or<br />

makes (him) ready; with inan. obj.<br />

nanashinetam, he makes (it) ready; snp-<br />

pos. nanaahrretbg, when he prepares<br />

(it), Prov. 8, 27; with inan. obj. and<br />

an. ending, -wetamau oaweUionk, he pre-<br />

pares a habitation for (him), Ex. 15, 2.<br />

nanashwunnum, v. t. he prepares (it);<br />

niniiiana.ilncuiiiium, I prepare it. Matt.<br />

22, 4. (With formative of verbs denoting<br />

action of the hand.)<br />

nanaunum. See nanammnuni.<br />

*naiiawehteou, he keeps [safely, makes<br />

safe] ; miii-inhidueehtoo, 1 keep, C. See<br />

nannoive, iiaiii'»iHea.<br />

nana'wuiinuin, -aanum, -aunum, v. t.<br />

[primarily to keepsafely,] he rulesover,<br />

governs (it), Dan. 4, 17; 5, 21: ke-nanaumtm,<br />

thou rulest (it), Ps. 89, 9. With<br />

an. obj. nanawumiau, -aunnaiX, he rules<br />

over orgoverns (him), Ps. 59, 13; Rom.<br />

7, 1: pish ke-nanauwunuk, he shall rule<br />

over thee, Gen. 3, 16; suppos. nana-<br />

(runont, nanadnont, he who rules; pi.<br />

-uncheg, they who bear rule, rulers, Ex.<br />

18, 21; Is. 52, 5 (nananuacldg, magistrates,<br />

rulers; title-page of Indian Laws).<br />

N. agent, nanuvimnxiaen, iiananuwahi,<br />

vananuaen, a ruler, Num. 13, 2; Ex. 22,<br />

28; Jer. 51, 46; 'a nobleman', John 4,<br />

46, = mushdshkelomp, Mass. Ps. (nan-<br />

auonnuonat, to rule or govern; ndndvanumeeh,<br />

keep thou me, C. )<br />

[Narr. neen nanowwunnemun, I oversee,<br />

I look to or keep; naunduwheant<br />

(and nanoimrtea), a keeper or nurse, an<br />

overseer and orderer( of their worshiiO,<br />

R.W. 52, 112.]<br />

nanepaushadt, -pauzshad, n. the<br />

moon. Gen. .33, 14; ,37, 9; Josh. 10, 12,<br />

. 13;<br />

itepdiizshad, Ps. 148. 3. Cf. nrpdiis,<br />

the sun; also a (lunar) month.<br />

.<br />

nanepaushadt, -pauzshad—continued.<br />

[Xarr. iiniiijuiunltdl, the moon, the<br />

moon god (and inmiiidnnork, a name of<br />

lioth the sun and the moon). Abn.<br />

kizSs (le soleil ou) la lune; nibankhSs,<br />

la lune (nibaii-kizSs, nibaniSi, de nuit;<br />

ne-nibaiise, 'je marchede nuit'). Chip.<br />

kee zis (Sag.), (/i'zis (St Marys), {gisiss.<br />

Bar.), sun; te be ke sis, diV ik ge' zis<br />

(night sun), moon, Sch. Del. ni pa<br />

hum, the moon; nipahwi, by night; nipavouchwen,<br />

to go, to travel, by night,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

nannahkinnum. See minnohkinnum.<br />

nannowe, nanouwe, adv. freely, Matt.<br />

10, 8; Rev. 21, 6; safely; nanoiviyeue,<br />

in safety. Lev. 25, 19 {nanamve, free;<br />

-(mwiyeue, safely, C. ); vamiove, volun-<br />

tary, of free will, Deut. 16, 10.<br />

naunukshondt. See numtnkkushondf.<br />

nannumit, n. the north wind. Cant. 4, 16.<br />

[Narr. mmummalin and suimddin.'\<br />

nannummiyeu, -mau, adv. at the north,<br />

northward, Gen. 13, 14; Is. 14, 31,<br />

w)ileii miiinuminau, from the north, Ps.<br />

107, 3.<br />

[Del. loinineii, v. adj. northerly,<br />

Zeisb. Gr. 164; lo iixin a cht^ii, north wind,<br />

Zeisb. Voc. 44.]<br />

nand, (it increases) more and more, increasingly;<br />

used as an adverb of com-<br />

parison: nano missi, it increases (becomes<br />

more and more great). Job 10,<br />

16; nano ?n(Bna(as/i, they (inan.) increase<br />

in number, are more, many, Ezra 9, 6;<br />

nano waantam, he is more and more<br />

wise, increases in wisdom, Luke 2, 52<br />

{ndnd, moreover, C. ); nanomu-onhpiaeii<br />

nano nunkfpiaash, 'heaps upon heaps',<br />

Judg. 15, 16.<br />

*nan6ckquttin (Narr.), the southeast<br />

wind, R. W. Cf. iniiinukciuodtul.<br />

nanohkinum,v.t. he seethes (it), boils (?)<br />

it; imperat. and suppos. nanohkinu-<br />

maik toh woh yen ndnohkiinumig, 'seethe<br />

ye that ye will seethe', Ex. 16, 23.<br />

nanomonkquodtau, v. t. (freq. ) he continues<br />

to heap up, he piles (it) up, Job<br />

27, 16. See noinunkqudy; numnvDk-<br />

quail.<br />

*nanompanissuonk, vlil. n. idleness, C.<br />

See the following:<br />

nanopassumau, he supplicates of, en-<br />

treats (him). See namuiipai


*nan6wetea, nandu- ( Narr. ) , a nurse or<br />

keeper, an overf^eer and orderer (of<br />

their worship). For nanawehteau, lie<br />

uvei'sees or directs. See aanrnnmnum.<br />

*iiandwussu (Narr.), vbl. adj. an. it is<br />

lean. See Onouwuaw.<br />

*nanpeh, very (used in the comparison<br />

of adjectives): nanpeh peissism, (he is)<br />

very small; nanpehne, 'mostly'; nan-<br />

jyehyeu, 'especially', C.<br />

[Cree ndspich, very, Howse.]<br />

nSnukquok, when there is danger; sup-<br />



nashaue—continued.<br />

iiKiijnsh, between the ways, 1 Sam. 14, 4;<br />

naiutshime nenaivun kali ken, between u.s<br />

and you, Luke 16, 25; nanohkonlap nashaue<br />

neeninash, I am in a strait betwixt<br />

two, Phil. 1, 23; ne penoioomdi nashaive<br />

uminittamiimmn kah penomp, there is a<br />

difference between a w ife and a virgin,<br />

1 Cor. 7, 34; nashaue ken kah nayum,<br />

between thee and him, Matt. 18, 15;<br />

Cf. ndeu, in the middle, and nkkwe or<br />

nanhxve, third. To the latter (nashwe)<br />

nashaue is nearly related, as are both<br />

these to neese, two.<br />

[Chip, ndssawaii, between. Bar.; ne-<br />

sahwahyee, J. (Cf. Del. lechawwaak, a<br />

fork; l,echeu)on, breadth.).]<br />

nashauonk, vbl. n. [from nashai'i, freq.<br />

iialinaKhaii (q. v.), he breathes]: (1) a<br />

breathing, breath, Gen. 2, 7; Ezek.37,<br />

9,10; ?)(w/(((0)/A-, Job 4, 9; nushaonk, Job<br />

41, 21. (2) the spirit of man, Prov. 18,<br />

14; IThess. 5, 23; a disembodied spirit,<br />

1 K. 22, 21; 2 Chr. 18, 20; Job 4, 15.<br />

[Abn. ne-nt'sse, je respire.]<br />

nashin, [v. i. it is between or contained,]<br />

it makes an angle or corner; yaiiut<br />

nashin, it is 'four-square', Rev. 21, 16,<br />

= yauut nasun, Ezek. 43, 16, =yauut<br />

nashinit, v. 17; suppos. nashik, where it<br />

makes a corner; as n. a corner or included<br />

angle: adt nashik, at the comer,<br />

Mark 12, 10, =adnahshik, Ps. 118, 21;<br />

Acts 4, 11; j/rt?H(( nashik ohke, in the<br />

four corners of the earth, Ezek. 7, 2.<br />

Adv. and adj. nashinne, of or at a cor-<br />

ner: qussiik, corner-stone. Job 38, 6;<br />

sqiumiam, corner gate, Jer. 31, 38.<br />

Cf. nai.<br />

nashomuk, suppos. pass, of mishan, he<br />

kills, f^ee nushdnat.<br />

nashpe, prep, by means of, by, with (an<br />

inan. agent, instrument, etc.), Ps. 78,<br />

28; 1 Chr. 12, .33-37; Eccl. 2, 1.<br />

[Quir. xpe, Pier. Del. nachpi, Zeisb.]<br />

nashqunanum, v. t. (with nmtau) he<br />

kindles (a fire). Lam. 4, 11: nunnashqtmdnmn<br />

nxDleau, I kindle a fire, Jer. 21,<br />

14; 43, 12; 49, 27; suppos. noh nashqun-<br />

naiiiiy, he who kindles (a fire), Ex. 22, 6.<br />

nashquneau, v. i. it burns: najlannash-<br />

quneau, a fire burns, ' is kindled ', Deut.<br />

32, 22; Jer. 15, 14. Adv. -mi&e, burn-<br />

ing: nashquuae naiiau, burning fire,<br />

nashquneau—cc mtinued.<br />

Dan. 7, 9; mohkossaash, burning<br />

coals, Ps. 140, 10; missechttog, red-<br />

hot iron, Indian Laws, i.<br />

nashqussum, v. t. he lights (a lamp,<br />

candle, torch, etc.), he sets it on fire<br />

(kindles a fire, Jer. 17, 27) pret. -unmp<br />

;<br />

lamps-ash, he lighted the lamps, Ex.<br />

8, 3; suppos. nashqiissuk wequananteg,<br />

when he lights a candle, Luke 8, 16.<br />

nashqutteau, v. i. it burns, it is burning:<br />

nmnoimie iiaghqi(tl


natinneham—continued.<br />

he yeeks (him), Matt. 18, 12; suppos.<br />

< noh nalinnewlio'iit, lie who seelis (liim),<br />

Lam. 3, 25.<br />

[Narr. natinnelms, search (thou); tia-<br />

qna \. iieg nammukqutcheg, they who


nayeumuk, naicomuk—coiitinueil.<br />

ride upon I asses), Judg. 10, 4; horsmwi-<br />

oij natieiimiik(pitch);(j horses-oh, 'horsemen<br />

[when] riding upon horses','<br />

Ezek. 23, 6; sing, noli nnmmulcqnt horsen-<br />

oh, he who rides horses, Amos 2, 15<br />

{hence nahnahjeumooadt, 'a horse or a<br />

creature that carries', C. ).<br />

[Narr. kun-ii'iish, I will carry you ( on<br />

my back); naynayoAmeivot, a horse:<br />

vunnia naynayottmewot, he rides on<br />

horseback. Abn. ne-nahSmah, je le<br />

porte sur mes epaules; 3d sing. SnahJman;<br />

ahassS, cheval; ne-nahSmSlcS<br />

ahassS, j'y vais; -iiSihSmaii ou. ne-nanhSmah,<br />

je charge I'enfant, je le porte (sur<br />

le dos). Del. nech na yv.n gees, a horse;<br />

na yu mau, he is carried; iia yu muk, he<br />

carries me; na yvn dam, he carries a<br />

load, Zeisb.]<br />

nayeutam, v. t. he beare or carries (it")<br />

on his person (on his breastplate, Ex.<br />

28, 29): pish nayeutam anveanun, he<br />

shall bear his own burden, Gal. 6, 5;<br />

suppos. part. pi. nayeutogig, they who<br />

bear [are 'laden with'], Is. 1, 4. [From<br />

nauiiiaeu, nauwaehtam, he bends or<br />

stoops to it(?).]<br />

[Narr. nidulash, take it on your back;<br />

nidutamirock, 'they are loden'. i.e. carry<br />

burdens.]<br />

ne, demonstrative and directive particle<br />

or pron. inan. (El. Gr. 7) this, that;<br />

pi. nish, these, those: ne teag, this thing.<br />

ne adt, thereat, at that place, Ezek. 6, 13.<br />

neane, neyane(l) [»« unne, like this, of<br />

this kind, such as this], so, such, in the<br />

same manner as. as. El. Gr. 22; Luke<br />

22, 27, 29; Mark 4, 26; suppos. nedunak;<br />

-ag ( when it is so, or such as ) , according<br />

to, in accordance with, like: neaunak<br />

utit-anakausuonk, according to her work,<br />

Jer. 50, 29; unnaumatuonk, accord-<br />

ing to the law, Ezra 10, 3 [ne/timg, such,<br />

C. ). (2) as n. the appearance of a thing,<br />

its likeness: /i

neekin, nekin—tontinuefl.<br />

the growth of inanimate l]eing, a? does<br />

-etu tliat of animate: netii, he grows;<br />

iiekin, it grows; but from Eliot's use of<br />

these two forms it apiiears that nekin<br />

had the force of an an. passive, he<br />

is born, he is grown ; netu an. in-<br />


which we may nearly translate<br />

trans. ,<br />

by ' ,<br />

he has birth ' he grows. ' See both<br />

'<br />

forms in the same verse, .John 3, 4]:<br />

indch nekin-nedt (infin. ), from birth,<br />

Hos. 9, 11; ntkri}, (a tree) grows, is<br />

grown, Ezek. 17, 6; Dan. 4, 3.3; (of the<br />

hair), Judg. 16, 12; suppos. nekik, negik,<br />

when it grows or is grow'n, Dan. 4,<br />

33 {nekuk, Matt. 13, 32); pi. an. -kig:<br />

nikeekifj, Rom. 9, 11; pi. inan. -khh:<br />

nehtikish, 2 K. 19, 29; (pass, form) nekit,<br />

when he is born, John 3, 5, 6; pi. ney<br />

nekitcheg, John 1, 13. Cf. adlamugen;<br />

sonkin; tannegen, etc.<br />

[Abn. nigS, un enfant est n4, il est<br />

sorti; IzanigS (cf. tannegen, EL), il cesse<br />

de croitre.]<br />

neempau, v. i. it thunders; as n. thun-<br />

der, Ps. 81, 7 (nimbau, thunder, C. ):<br />

ken-neempomog, 'thy thunder', Ps. 104,<br />

7; 77, 18.<br />

[Narr. neimpduog, thunder.]<br />

neemskom (?), v. t. he brings (it, i. e.<br />

f' lod or drink?) : nunneemskom petukqun-<br />

ueg, I fetch bread. Gen. 18, 5; imperat.<br />

1st pi. neemskomunuh, let us fetch (it),<br />

1 Sam. 4, 3. With an. 2d obj. neemskomah<br />

nippemes, bring me a little water,<br />

1 K. 17, 10.<br />

neen, nen, pron. 1st sing. I; pi. inclus.<br />

keuawun, exclus. neencnimii, we. El.<br />

Gr. 7: nen nnoh, I am he (who). Is.<br />

41, 4; tianoihaue netwtrun kah ken, between<br />

us (exclus. pi.) and thee, Luke<br />

16, 26; but nanashaue kenaumn, Isetween<br />

us (all of us, inclus. pi.), Judg. 11, 10.<br />

The pronoun in the singular has the<br />

form of the noun agent, with n' direc-<br />

tive or demonstrative as the base.<br />

[Del. ni, I; niluna, we (exclus.); ki-<br />

luna, we (inclus.), Zeisb.]<br />

*neepanoii, n. a shower, C.<br />

neepattau, -padtau, v. t. inan. (1) he<br />

stands (it ) upright , erects ( it ) , e. g. a post<br />

or column, 2 Chr. 3, 17. (2) he boils or<br />

cooks over a tire, i. e. .sets up the pot<br />

for boiling: neepatiiu sdbaheg, he 'sod<br />

B. A. E., Bull. 25 6<br />

neepattau, -padtau—continued.<br />

l)iittage'. Gen. 25, 29; imperat. tupa-<br />

liiti.'li nabaheg, 'seethe jjottage', 2 K. 4,<br />

38, and with an. obj. nejja-s [= nepaunh']<br />

m!.'!hc ohkvlik, 'set on the great pot',<br />

ibid. (nej>ntloJiknlirjii6)iat, to lioil the<br />

pot(?),C.).<br />

[Abn. nihadenl:, leve cela; ne-niliade-<br />

nakSn, je leve un pieu. Del. nipachton,<br />

he raises or sets up (e. g. a post, a pole),<br />

7.t'i^]i. Gr. IHO.]<br />

neepattunkquonk, nepattuhquonk,<br />

n. a post or stake, 1 Sam. 1, 9; Is. 33,<br />

20; a pillar, 1 K. 7, 2, 17, 20, 21; an<br />

image (statue), pi. ii'un-neepatlunkrjnonk-<br />

anog, their images, Ex. 34, 13 [nepntnh-<br />

rpionk-ash, (printers') 'columns'. Mass.<br />

Ps. title-page].<br />

neepau, neepoh, v. i. ( 1 ) he stands, holds<br />

himself erect; and, as implying a change<br />

of posture. (2) he rises, erects himself,<br />

Ex. 2, 4; 24, 13; pi. -poog, Ex. 32, 6;<br />

imperat. 2d sing, nepaush, 'up', stand,<br />

Judg. 8, 20; pi. -peak, -piik, stand ye,<br />

1 Sam. 12, 16; Nah. 2, 8; suppos. noh<br />

neepauit, he who stands, Deut. 1, 38<br />

(mm-neepco, I stand, C. ). [Cf. Chip,<br />

and Alg. niha, nipma, he sleeps, and<br />

ISIass. niippm, ( he is ) dead.<br />

[Narr. yd niepoitsh, stay or stand<br />

here. Del. ni pu, he stands; pret. ni<br />

poop; imperat. 2d sing, ni pa v:i!, Zeisb.<br />

Cree nepowoo, he stands.]<br />

*neepuck (Narr.?), blood, R. W. Perhaps<br />

the Pequot (Muh. ) name. See<br />

vmsqueheonk.<br />

[Abn. nebakkanSm, mon sang; 3d<br />

pers. abdkkanSm, hdgakkann, sang.<br />

Miami ne pe kon u-e, blood.]<br />

neese, num. two, El. Gr. 14; an. pi.<br />

neesuog, Deut. 22, 30; inan. pi. nee-<br />

sinash, Cant. 7, 3; suppos. neesit iwmpe,<br />

when it is two times, when it is<br />

doubled. Gen. 41, 32 (neese lahshe,<br />

twice as much. Job 42, 10).<br />

[Narr. neesse. Peq. naez, neese. Del.<br />

ni schi, Zeisb.]<br />

^neeshauog (Xarr. ), eels, R. W. ; neeshuongok,<br />

Stiles. [Neese-aiiog, they go<br />

by twos or in pairs, they couple; cf.<br />

Abn. nissSSak, ils sont mari^s. See<br />

nequitteconnml-og.'] The name of 'neshaw<br />

eel' is yet retained by the fishermen<br />

of 3Iartha.s Vineyard and perhaps<br />



*iieeshauog—continued.<br />

elsewhere in Massafhusetts fm- tlie sil-<br />

ver eel (Manena argentea, Le Sueui').<br />

I am inclined to Vielieve that it origi-<br />

nally belonged to the lampreys ( Petromyzon<br />

americanus, Le Sueur), which<br />

may appropriately be called 'pairera'<br />

or 'couplers' in distinction from the<br />

'single going' eel.<br />

[Peq. iieesh, pi. neei

nehuekikom, -ekugkom—(Continued,<br />

ivna (it),H(is. i:!, S. With an. obj.<br />

lu'huclaikkaii, ]ie tears or rends (him),<br />

as a wild beast his prey; with affixes<br />

vjnn-nehni'kukknii-oli, he tears him, Luke<br />

9, 42; suppos. iioh nehnekukauont, he<br />

who tears (when tearing), 1 K. 13, 26.<br />

Intens. from a primary nekaen, with<br />

the characteristic {-uhk) of continned<br />

action. From the same primary are<br />

formed nek-ussosn, he cuts or gashes;<br />

)ieh-nekshaeii, it rends or tears; neh-nek-<br />

iiniiii, he tears (it) by hand, etc. See<br />

the following.<br />

nehnekikdsu, v. i. act. he goes on tear-<br />

ing, continues to tear; infin. -I'mnheat,<br />

Jer. 15, 3; pass, he is torn; suppos. neh-<br />

negikaugik, when he i." torn, Ezek. 4, 14.<br />

See nehiukibmi.<br />

nehnekinum, v. t. he rends or tears (it)<br />

ill pieces; with an. obj. -kinau: nunlulim'kiuuk,<br />

he pulls me in pieces (as a<br />

lion tears his prey), Lam. 3, 11 (nunnegimum,<br />

I tear, C. ). From ixek-aeu,<br />

with formative {-nnun, -inau) denoting<br />

action performed by the hand, and<br />

intens. reduplication.<br />

nehnekshaeu, v. i. it tears; from neh-<br />

iirkaeii, with characteristic of involun-<br />

tary or violent action. As n. a rent. Is.<br />

3, 24.<br />

nehnekugkom. See nehni'kiko)n.<br />

nehneteapcD (? I. v. i. lie devours, Dan. 7,<br />

VI; IV. t. ) imperat. lu'lnirrteapsh weijaws,<br />

devour thou flesh, v. o.<br />

nelineyai (?), 'cloven'. Acts 2, 3.<br />

nehteau (?), v. i. [he procures food by<br />

hunting or fishing, etc.?]: vanne teay<br />

iicliteau-co-og (pi. neg. ), they caught<br />

nothing (by fi.shing, John 21, 3). Cf.<br />

ncotamogqu&eu, ' I go a fi.shing ; nntin-<br />

'<br />

neham, he seeks for.<br />

[Abn. ne-natehikn, je vais chercher<br />

de'la mangeaille.]<br />

nehtippaeu, natip-, v. i. it is covered<br />

with water; jil. -jxiasli, they (inan.) are<br />

covered, etc.. Gen. 7, 19, 20; [suppos.<br />

luiippog, =neechippog, dew?].<br />


[.Marginal note.— " Wrong; sec aciriueh-<br />

rlii:'' [fioffkn of/fiunvedt'!) .]<br />

nehtde, adv. and adj. skilful[ly], 2 Chr.<br />

2, 8; n6ht6e and ni'ihloc, v. J, intens.<br />

nunnehtde, 1 K. 5, 6. The base (related<br />

to ii'alili'nu, he understands) signifies<br />

nehtoe—continued.<br />

knowledge or skilhici|uirril l)y practice.<br />

The primary verb (lu/itfaii, iiolitouu'.')<br />

I have not found in Eliot.<br />

neht6nuin, v. t. he handles (it) dexter-<br />

ously or skilfully, he is practiced in<br />

the use of (it); pi. -umwog, they han-<br />

dle, i. e. know how to use (swords,<br />

Ezek. 38, 4); suppos. noh nohtonuk, he<br />

who handles (a sickle, Jer. 50, 16); pi.<br />

neg nohtonukeg, they who (know how<br />

to) handle (shields, spears, etc.), 1<br />

Chr. 12, 8; 2 Chr. 25, 5. From nohloe,<br />

with skill, and the formative (num) of<br />

action of the hand.<br />

[Del. iiltii, I can, Zeisb. Voi'. 10.]<br />

nehtiilitau. See ni'tuhlou.<br />

*iieimpauog- (Xarr. ), tliunder, R. AV.<br />

See ncempnii.<br />

neit [lie, with locat. affix], then, at that<br />

time, Judg. 8, 21, 22; Luke 22, 36.<br />

nek. See neck.<br />

nekiu. See neekiii.<br />

nekittomasliik (?), suppos. wliere it<br />

parts or divides: adt neekitlomaxhik may,<br />

' at the parting of the way ' , Ezek. 21 , 21.<br />

Cf.. adt ueesinash nogkishkanadtmnmuk<br />

mayasli, 'where two ways met', Mark<br />

11, 4. [From nequtta, where they become<br />

one (?).]<br />

*nekus, adv. there (?), C.<br />

nemehkuh., 'adv. of likeness', so, El. Gr.<br />

22; but in his translation it is used as a<br />

conjunction: nemekeh, so (accordingly).<br />

Gen. 37, 14; nemehkeh neit, so then,<br />

1 Cor. 7, 38.<br />

nemompaai (?), v. i. 'he has taken a liag<br />

of money with him', Prov. 7, 20.<br />

nemunnum, v. t. he takes (it) in or with<br />

his hand, Ex. 24, 6; Is. 40, 15; Matt.<br />

14, 19; pi. -luiiirog, they take (it). Josh.<br />

4, 8; imperat. 2d sing, nemimush; pi.<br />

-nummk; with an. obj. nemunau, he<br />

takes (him). Josh, 2, 4. Cf. maumunni,<br />

it is taken away; lohq-unnum, he catclies<br />

or takes hold of it, etc. The formative,<br />

-unimm fan. obj. -uiKii'i), denotes, generally,<br />

action performed by the hand;<br />

more exactly, physical action performed<br />

directly upon the object witli-<br />

out the intervention of an instrument<br />

or agent.


ne naj, let that be so, si> he it. See nan.<br />

[^iirr. enntch oreridtcli kehi anawayean,<br />

[let it be as yon (•ommand,] 'your will<br />

shall bf law.']<br />

nenan, the same ( thinjj; I, Phil. 2, 2. See<br />

iiatt.<br />

ne nogque, 'that waj-wani', El. tin 21;<br />

toward that. See nogque.<br />

*nencDhque, adv. so, C. Cf. aiirjjhqin'.<br />

See,/..,'/7i".<br />

nepattuhquonk. See neepatlnnkqiKink<br />

nepaus, -pauz, n. (1) the sun, Gen. 19, 23;<br />

87,9; .Josh. 10, 12, 13; Ps. 89, 36. (2)<br />

a month, Ex. 12, 2; Kev. 22, 2; pi. (an.)<br />

-:aog, -zmog: neesvog nepauzaog, two<br />

months, Judg. 11, 37. Cf. keituk, »(n)f-<br />

paushadl.<br />

[Narr. nippaiiw, -pdwus, the sun;<br />

paiisiick npauuK, one month. Abn.<br />

k-izSi!, le soleil; nibadSsse, il ^claire, il<br />

iiiarche.]<br />

nepauzshad, n. the moon. See ncwe-<br />

p„„sh,„l,.<br />

nepeunk, n. a l)ush, Ex. 3, 2, 3; vt ne-<br />

2X-vnkqitini}it. in a bush, Acts 7, 30; Luke<br />

20, 37.<br />

nepun, :i. (the latter part of) summer.<br />

Gen. 8, 22; Jer. 8, 20. Cf. sequan. "The<br />

earing of their corn [the Virginians<br />

call] nepmough, the harvest and fall of<br />

the leaf, tnquitock."—Capt. J. Smith's<br />

Virginia, b. 2, p. 28. Adv. and adj. nepiinii6e,<br />

in or of summer.<br />

[JJarr. neepun and quaqusquan, sum-<br />

mer. Abn. nipene, I'ete pass6; nipen,<br />

r^t4 present; nlpeghe, I'^t^ prochain;<br />

m;)«i/,S/, pendant I'et^. Creeji^m; sup-<br />

pos. II t'peek. Chip. Ji

neteag— ci mtinued<br />

.<br />

ter, fact I, Deut. 4, ML' (hdaiij iii„jk,,,lth-<br />

iiink, a thing left, C. 172).<br />

[Del. iiieiUuwle, 'matter', Zeisb.]<br />

netomp, my friend. See weetomp.<br />

netompas, njy sister. See vectompas.<br />

netuhtou, nehtiihtau, v. caug. inan. he<br />

learus (it), acquires skill in (it): nimneti'ihtou-un,<br />

I learn it. Gen. 30, 27; mim-<br />

maliche netulilop (pret. ), I have learned<br />

(it), Phil. 4, 11; pi. nehtuhtauog, Deut.<br />

31, 12; -tdog, they learn, are skilled<br />

in, Dan. 1, 17. Vbl. n. -toonl; -tnuonk,<br />

learning, .skill, Dan. 1, 17; John 7, 15.<br />

X. agent, -tuen (indef. -tuenin), a skil-<br />

ful man, 2 Chr. 2, 13.<br />

neuantam, v. i. and t. inan. he grieves, is<br />

sorrowful, he grieves for (it), 1 Sam.<br />

20, 34; imperat. of prohib. ahque neuan-<br />

lam/vk, do not grieve. Gen. 45, 5; pret.<br />

-anmp, -mnop, I was grieved. Vbl. n.<br />

-amoonk, grief [grieving], sorrow, Prov.<br />

15, 13; Is. 53, 3. See nohtimwinneat.<br />

yen, for this cause, because of this,<br />

Eph. 3, 14 (iiauwitch, thence, 0. ). Cf.<br />

niiivhutclie, therefrom.<br />

[Del. netrentKchi, Zeisb.]<br />

*neyanat, last year, C.<br />

neyane. See neane.<br />

*neyliom (Narr.), a turkey; pi. -vm-<br />

iiidiiog.<br />

[Aim. nrlti'mi' (and ehhnS), coq.]<br />

*nick6mmo (Xarr. ),a (solemn) feast or<br />

dance.<br />

nikktimme, nuk-, easily, James 3, 17;<br />

with an. subj. nikkmnem. Matt. 11,<br />

30; suppos. (?) nukkuminal : amie nukkurnmat,<br />

more easily, 'sooner', Luke<br />

16, 17; utioh ne nnkkummat, 'whether it<br />

is easier' (to say, etc.), Mark 2, 9; nak-<br />

kwnmathi, 'rather than', (this) 'and<br />

not' that, preferably to, Prov. 8, 10.<br />

ninyeu, nunneyeu, n. urine, 2 K. IS,<br />

27; Is. 36, 12.<br />

nippe, nuppe, n. water, Deut. 23, 4;<br />

Judg. 5, 25; Ps. 78, 16, 20; pi. -pnish,<br />

Ps. 105, 29. From a root 'pe, 'pi (not<br />

found separate), with the directive and<br />

determinative m: In comjiound words<br />


nippe, nuppe— continued,<br />

tlie sujipos. 'poij is employed, as in sun-<br />

/ippog [iuiujut-pogl, cool water, i. v.<br />

water when cool. See -pog.<br />

[Peq. impp, nupph, Stiles. Quir.<br />

nip'p', Pier. 22. Xarr. nip. Abn. vehi,<br />

eau; W-e6J, eau froide. Cree nippce (in.<br />

comp. -appvooy, ' liquor ' , liquid ) . Chip.<br />

>ubeh,J.; yi'i'hi, Sch. Del. rii'bi, Zeisb.<br />

(and vie ni'ip peek, a lake or pond).]<br />

nippisse, nips (dim. of nij^pe, small<br />

water), a pool or pond, John 5, 2, 4, 7,<br />

as adj. and adv. nuppisse nippie, water of<br />

the pool; nijjpecish, waters of the<br />

pool. Is. 22, 9, 11; pi. -no.'ih, ponds, Is.<br />

19, 10 (nippis, Mass. Ps., John 5,-2).<br />

[Narr. niphoese, 'some water' (for<br />

drinking); n't2)s, a pond.]<br />

nippissepog, nup-, n. a pond or small<br />

lake, Neh. 3, 16: en nnppi&'iepag-init,<br />

'into a standing water', Ps. 107, 35;<br />

'into the lake', Luke 8, 33. From 7i!p-<br />

pisse and -pog.<br />

[Narr. n'nowantam, I am grieved for nips. See nippisse.<br />

you.]<br />

nevrutche [iie inilrlir, that from], adv.<br />

nish, pi. of ne, these or those (inan. ), El.<br />

Gr. 7; Luke 15, 16.<br />

for, from, because, El. Gr. 22; there- nish. See nislnre, three.<br />

fore, Eccl. 2, 1; because, Is. 7, 5; nishkeneunkque, -unique, (it is) un-<br />

clean, filthy. Lev. 5, 2; 1 Tim. 3, 3, 8;<br />

suppos. -unkquok, when it is unclean,<br />

Lev. 5, 2; ne , that which is un-<br />

clean, filthy, 'abominable', Jer. 44, 4;<br />

Lev. 7, 21. With an. subj. nishkenennk-<br />

qwsii, V. adj. an. he is unclean, (one<br />

who is) imclean, etc.. Lev. 11, 5; 12, 2;<br />

Job 15, 16; suppos. -uss'tt, Lev. 5, 3.<br />

Vbl. n. -ussuonk (an.), uncleanness.<br />

Lev. 5, 3; Col. 3, 5. With inan. subj.<br />

mshkeneunkquodiau, it is unclean or<br />

filthy. Adj. and adv. -odtde, Zecli. 3, 3, 4.<br />

[Del. nis ksu, nasty, Zeisb.]<br />

nishkenon [v. imp. it drizzles], as n.<br />

fine rain, drizzle, 'mist'. Acts 13, 11;<br />

'vapor', James 4, 14. N. collect, nish-<br />

kemink, 'small rain', Deut. 32, 2. Cf.<br />

sokanon, it rains.<br />

[Chip, niskddad, the weather is very<br />

bad. Bar. 532. Del. niskelaan, foul,<br />

rainy weather, Zeisb.]<br />

nishketeau, v. caus. inan. obj. he makes<br />

(it) unclean, defiles (it); pi. -eaiiog,<br />

Jude 8.<br />

nishketeauunat, v. act. to defile, to make<br />

unclean: ?tiViAv/


nishketeauunat—cont i mied<br />

Jude S; ali'jiic nishkliil-mk, do not de-<br />

file yourselves, Lev. 18, 24; i/euxh viin-<br />

m)s/iAiU'7Mnn^/i, these things defile (him ),<br />

Mark 7, 15.<br />

[Del. niskiton, 'he tlirties, bewrays<br />

(it),' Zeisb. Gr. 160.1<br />

nishnoh, each one, everyone (an. ), Lev.<br />

11. l.">; Is. 6, 2: (inan.) Ps. 119, 101.<br />

*nishquekiniieat, to rage, C. 206; nun-<br />

nighqiiel, I rage, ibid. 20.5. Cf. iidslyjuttiii,<br />

a tempest.<br />

*nisliquewain : nen ninniisJtquiwam, I<br />

cliide iir scold; iiitliijiniiiittinnmt, to be<br />

(hill, C. ISo. See (inskoinnwau.<br />

nishwe, nish, num. three, El. Gr. 14;<br />

Ex. 21, 11; nisJnmi, 1 Cor. 13, 13; pi.<br />

an. nishuog; inan. nishuinash, shvnnash,<br />

1 Chr. 21, 10. More exactly nigh, three;<br />

nishii-e, adj. (inan.) the third. Rev. 6, 5;<br />

2 K. 19, 29; (an.) Dan. 5, 7; Rev. 4, 7;<br />

and adv. thirdly, 2 Cor. 12, 28: nashwe<br />

kodtumm, the third year, Deut. 26, 11;<br />

nishu'u, "adv. of order", thirdly, El.<br />

Gr. 21; suppos. (an.) nashmit, when he<br />

is third, he who is third, Rev. 16, 4, =<br />

nashmut, Rev. 14, 9, =nasheucDvi, Matt.<br />

22, 26; tilshwudt nomjv% three times, at<br />

the third time, Ex. 23, 14, 17; Ezek.<br />

21, 14. Cf. iiashaue, between.<br />

nisohke, adv. all the while, so long as,<br />

= }!(' solike, 1 Sam. 25, 7: riisohlce pomanlog,<br />

'all the days of his life' (so long<br />

as he may live), 2 K. 25, 30; tohsahke<br />

ohkemk; 'while the world standeth',<br />

1 Cor. 8, 13.<br />

[Cree soke, extremely, very greatly;<br />

muoM;, always, Howse.]<br />

nissim, I say. See ussinat.<br />

n naj , let it be so. See nan.<br />

nnih, v. i. it is so, it is like or the same<br />

as (with an. subj. neanusm, q. v.): neanussit<br />

wosketomp, nnih um-menukesu-<br />

onk, as is a man so is his strength, Judg.<br />

8, 21; monko nnih, it was so, Gen. 1, 7;<br />

nnih, 'it came to pass', Gen. 6, 1; 38, 1;<br />

Matt. 7, 28; ne yeuijeu nnih, that now is<br />

(so), Eccl. 3, 15; uttoh woh yeush en<br />

nnih, how can these things be (so)?<br />

John 3, 9; suppos. nnag: nnih mahche<br />

yen nnag, 'it came to pass after this',<br />

i. e. it was so after this was so, 2 Sam.<br />

13, 1; pret. nniyeup, it was so, Eccl. 3,<br />

15; pi. yeush nnitjeupash, these things<br />

.<br />

nnih—continued.<br />

were so. Is. 66, 2; ne mus imili, it must<br />

needs be so, Mark l.'i, 7. See neane,<br />

vniie.<br />

[Del. leii, 'true', Zeisb. < Jr. 173; 'it is<br />

.so', Zeisb. Yoe. 9.]<br />

[Note.—"nnih not separable from iinni."]<br />

nnih, (it) 'was so', Gen. 1, 7; 'it came to<br />

pass'. Gen. 6, 1; 38, 1; Matt. 7, 28; 'is',<br />

Eccl. 3, 15; =unne, q. v. Apparently<br />

a verb substantive from nan or neane,<br />

literally 'it (was) so', or 'it (is) so':<br />

nmii'dog nennih, they said these things<br />

were so. Acts 24, 9; xMoh urjli yeush en<br />

nnih, how can these things be (so)?<br />

John 3, 9; nnih mahche yen, nnag, 'it<br />

came to pass after this' (it was so after<br />

this was so), 2 Sam. 13, 1; ne mahche<br />

dnagkup, ne yeuyeu nnih, that which<br />

hath been is now, Eccl. 3, 15; ne pish<br />

dnak mahche nniyeup, that which is to<br />

be hath already been, ibid.; yeush<br />

nniyeupash, these things have been. Is.<br />

66, 2; nniyeup, 'it came to pass' (was<br />

so), Neh. 4, 12; ne mos nnih, it must<br />

needs be so, Mark 13, 7; voh nniyeuash,<br />

(all things) 'are possible' (may be so)<br />

Mark 10, 27 [nenih, that is, C. 181; ne<br />

ennih or nemehkuli ne (conj. ) so that, C.<br />

234). See dunug.<br />

[Narr. etu or nniit, is it so? R. AV. 29;<br />

nni, eiu, it is true, ibid. 63.]<br />

[This second definition of nnih appears in<br />

the unrevised portion of the manuscript between<br />

the term nishk and P, and, although it<br />

repeats to some extent the references contained<br />

in the first (revised) definition, it is here inserted<br />

in full. The first definition of nnih occurs<br />

in the revised manuscript, where it follows<br />

the terra *nick6mmo.]<br />

*nnin (Xarr. ), man; pi. nn'mnuog, R. W.,<br />

who also writes en'in, man, and pi. nin-<br />

nuock, a "general name belonging to<br />

all natives". Related to ne, neen (I),<br />

nanwe, and mine (of the kind or spe-<br />

cies), the radical meaning of nnin or<br />

nnlnnu is, 'he is like myself, or 'of<br />

the same kind'. This word could<br />

properly have no place in Eliot's trans-<br />

lation. It is, however, once or twice<br />

introduced, as in IMark 10, 6: ninnuoh<br />

(accusat. ) kah squa, 'male and female',<br />

i. e. man and woman. The Indians<br />

restricted its application to men of their<br />

own race or like themselves. (See<br />

nanwe.)<br />


*niiin—fontinued.<br />

) .<br />


[Quir. ren, pi. rinawairk. Abn. nreu-<br />

ai'iht-, homme; ned-aren-aikJSc, je jiarle<br />

Abnaqui. Chip, inini, Bar. ; eninriee, 3.<br />

Cree elh'mu, homo, an Indian. Shawn.<br />

ie ten ee, man; len ah vai, an Indian.<br />

Micui. InSi, homo. Del. lenno, man;<br />

lendpe [=Abn. arenaiibC], a Delaware,<br />

vir; lenni, a man, Zeiab. (see namve);<br />

lin ni le na pe, 'Indians of the same<br />

nation', Zeisb. S. B. 70.]<br />

no (?), adv. and demonstr. pron. (?) at<br />

that (place), that; yen uhqu&en, . . . no<br />

%ihqi«ieu, on the end on this side, . . .<br />

on the end on that side, Ex. 37, 8; n6<br />

pajeh, until (that), Matt. 11, 13; 18, 22;<br />

= noh pajeh, Is. 5, 8 {nd pajeh, until,<br />

C. 2.34). Siier>6a>sukomunneat,nmliqHei.i..<br />

*n6, adv. far off. (The idea of motion is<br />

associated, going far off or to a distance;<br />

noadt, at afar off, at a distance, is used<br />

when distance in time or place is expressed<br />

absolutely.<br />

*n6, for noli, nahoh, or nagoh (?), Luke 23,<br />

28; no aush, go (to him). Matt. 18, 15.<br />

noadt, noadtit, ncoadt, adv. afar off,<br />

Ex. 2, 4; 24, 1; in old time, Josh. 24, 2;<br />

Neh. 12, 46; Ezra 4, 15; Mic. 7, 14:<br />

noootahtah, remove it far from me, Prov.<br />

30, 8 (;nauwut, noadt, far, C. ; noadtit, a<br />

great way off, ibid.). See nmhqueu.<br />

[Narr. nai'iirol, agreat way; nawwatick,<br />

far off at sea, R. W. 76. Del. Jawat, long<br />

ago, Zeisb.]<br />

noadtuck, adv. a long time (El. Gr. 21).<br />

ndahtuk, nddhtuk {^ndeu-tukl, the mid-<br />

dle of the river, Josh. 12, 2; 13, 9, 16.<br />

noappit, nSahpit, the Highest, the<br />

Mt)st High, Ps. 18, 13; 46, 4; (he who<br />

is) afar off, Prov. 27, 10; suppos. vocat.<br />

pi. ndapipeoyish, ye that are [dwell]<br />

afar (.ff, I,-. 33, 13.<br />

nde. .'^ee nueu.<br />

noetipukok, nouttipukok, n. mid-<br />

night, 1 K. 3, 20; Ex. 11, 4; pajeh<br />

ndeutipukkok, till midnight, Judg. 16, 3;<br />

noetipukodaeu, at midnight, Judg. 16,<br />

\_n6eu-poh-kenae-kod, the middle of the<br />

dark hours or time]<br />

[Narr. nanasliowatippocat, E. W. 67.<br />

Del. la v.'it pi kat, Zeisb. Voc. 44. Abn.<br />

nai'imitehikot, Rasles.]<br />

n6eu, noe, adj. in the middle, the midst,<br />

Ex. 15, 8; Judg. 16, 29: en mwii, in the<br />

3<br />

noeu, noe—continued.<br />

midst, Prov. 23, 34; Matt. 10, 10, =ut<br />

iioeii, Ps. 78, 28; noeukommuk, 'in the<br />

midst of the hall' (i.e. inclosed place),<br />

Luke 22, 55; vmshou ndeu Samaria kah<br />

Galile, went through the midst of Sa-<br />

maria and Galilee, Luke 17, 11; wutch<br />

noeu asinnekoussehtu, from the mid.st of<br />

the bush, Ex. 3, 2; «( n6eu adtanohke-<br />

ieamuk, in the midst of the garden,<br />

Gen. 2, 9. See nashaue.<br />

[Abn. naiiSiSi, le milieu, au milieu.<br />

Del. lelavi, half way (?), Zeisb. Gr. 176;<br />

the middle, half, Zeisb. Voc. 20. Chip.<br />

nawagam, 'in the middle of a lake,<br />

bay, of a river, etc.'; nawaii, center, in<br />

the center, middle, in the middle;<br />

miieaiitrayi, it is the middle, the center;<br />

natrakira, 'in the midst of a forest';<br />

navakire (from naokire), 'it is mid-day<br />

or noon'; ndwabik, 'in the midst of an<br />

object of metal'; now, ndiva, ndwi, "in<br />

composition, signifies in the middle, in<br />

the midst of". Bar.]<br />

nogkishkauonat. See nogkmhkaudnat.<br />

[nogkolikaeihhuunat, v. t. to lend:]<br />

nantolikfiflJiIiiiunat '])i.ih kenogkoh kou-<br />

weh, thou shalt lend to, Deut. 15, 6<br />

{-ogguhkoue, Deut. 28, 12); noh nogoh-<br />

kouheoncheh, that which is lent to, 1<br />

Sam. 2, 20. Vbl. n. nogohkoonit, -kouhxi-<br />

adt (after noh), he who lends, a lender.<br />

Is. 24, 2; Prov. 22, 7. See namohkaeik-<br />

heai'i.<br />

[nogkohkouunat, v. t. to borrow:] nog-<br />

ohkou. he Ijoryoweth, Ps. 37, 21; matta<br />

pisli kenogkohkoatli, thou shalt not borrow,<br />

Deut. 15, 6; nogkohkauimah, it was<br />

borrowed, 2 K. 6, 5; nogkohkoiiaen-in,<br />

a borrower. Is. 24, 2, =nogkulikau-<br />

waen-in, Prov. 22, 7. See namohkaii.<br />

nogkus. See inendgku.'i, the belly.<br />

nogkushkaudnat, nogkusk-, nogkishk-,<br />

V. t. an. to meet (anyone),<br />

Jer. 51, 31; Matt. 25, 1; kenogskunkqunat,<br />

to meet thee, 2 K. 5, 26; wun-<br />

nogskauonal, to meet him, 2 K. 5, 21; 2<br />

Sam. 19, 24; u'unnogskauoh, he met him,<br />

1 K. 18, 7 {lounne nogkishkoadluonk,<br />

'well met' (as a salutation), C. 225).<br />

[Narr. nokuikduatees, meet (thou)<br />

him; nockuskauatUea, let us meet; neenmeshndckugkaw,<br />

I did meet. "They<br />

are joyful in meeting of any in travel.

88 BT'RKAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [evi.letin 25<br />

nogkushkauonat, tjlr.—cuutinueil.<br />

and will strike fire either with stones<br />

or sticks, to take tobacco, and discourse<br />

a little together."—R. W. 75. Cree<br />

iiur/dr-skowdi/oo, he meets him. Chip.<br />

iif'ilii/rxJilrjiMl/ihdeii'ur/, they meet one another,<br />

HowseSo.J<br />

nogque, (prep.) toward. Cant. 7, 4: i/eii<br />

iioyque, hither, 2 K. 2, 8 (see yo&i); en.<br />

nogque, toward (the east, Zech. 14, 4).<br />

From nauon&t, to see (?) : nOk, behold<br />

ye; >nuskesnk nogqueon, 'when the eye<br />

saw nie'. Job 29, 11; neh nogqut,<br />

the eye which saw him, 20, 9; noh nog-<br />

queh, who seeth me [whom I am in the<br />

presence of]. Gen. 16, 13; mi'i^-<br />

qunin, when he seeth thee, E.\. 4, 14;<br />

nogqueon, when it sees me. Job<br />

29, 11; hmrau kenogkutnun, who seeth<br />

)is. Is. 29, 15; matta kendgkmvn, he sees<br />

us not, Ezek. 8, 12 ( wunmmmamn,<br />

9, 9) ; matta nogkco, it docs not behold<br />

him, Job 20, 9. Hence, "to the sight<br />

of." It can hardly Vje the contracted<br />

form of lie ogqiii: See iie nogque; nuh-<br />

qnainal.<br />

[Del. loqiifl, see thou; pi. Joqiieek,i^ee<br />

ye. Zeisb. (ir. 174.]<br />

nogquenumunat, v. t. to yield or de-<br />

liver up (inan. olij.): ahqve nogquenu-<br />

mcok, do not ye yield up (inan. obj.),<br />

Rom. 6, 13.<br />

nogqueonat, v. t. an.: nogquegk, yield<br />

yourselves uji (to him), Rom. 6, 13.<br />

* nogquissinneat, v. i. to appear, C.<br />

ISO: iiiniit'igqiiis, I a'ppear; + siimun,<br />

we appear, ibid.; ne ogguhse nogquok,<br />

which appeareth for a little time, James<br />

4, 14. See aiiogkemU; anmhque; aniik-<br />

qUok.<br />

nogqussuonk, n. ajipearance or looks,<br />

C ISO; iioskirlit' iiogquMiioiik, apretem'e,<br />

ibid.<br />

[Cree nok-onKii, he is vi.sible; nok-irim,<br />

it is visilile, Howse 114.]<br />

noh, nagum, i)ers. pron. 3d sing, he, she,<br />

him, her (El. Gr. 7); /io/t is also, and<br />

perhaps in strictness always, a demonstrative<br />

pronoun: this (man), he who<br />

(El. Gr. 7). See *naliog. In Luke 3,<br />

2.3-38, it is used for the Greek rov ( with<br />

v/o!? understood), 'the son of; ?)enmio/t<br />

{iicn ne-noh or nan-noh), I am he (that<br />

or the same he). Is. 41,4; utnoh, in him.<br />

noh, nagum —continued.<br />

C. 17S; niishpe ndgum, with liim; id<br />

iiihiiifii. to him, ibid. 178, 2.31.<br />

*nohhamuniunat, v. t. to sail to (to go<br />

by water?) = iiohhiiiiinii'il: cii linhhiiiiinn,<br />

to sail to. Acts 20, 16; nuUinlutinniiiun,<br />

-hiiiniininn, we sailed to, Acts 27, 4, 7;<br />

imhhamuog, they sailed to. Acts 13, 4;<br />

kod uiihlmg, he was about to sail to.<br />

Acts 20, 3; mdnunnohhomog, when we<br />

sailed slowly.<br />

[Del. nahhnen, to go dijwn tlie Mater<br />

(river, creek); niili.ihiUixii., to sail down<br />

the water; naUahhemen, to sail up (the<br />

water, river), Zeisb. Gr. 242.]<br />

nohkog l^nukonde'], by night, in the<br />

night. Job .5, 14: ne nohkog, in that<br />

night, Dan. 5, 30. See noelqnikok; mik-<br />

koiidi'ii; mikon.<br />

nohkondnat. See nrnkoin'iiint.<br />

nohkdu, n. the right hand ( noh korinuk,<br />

that which carries (?); from kennmiinii-<br />

ndl ). See initlinnohki'ni: allie


nohtdnukqus, n. a brother (?): nunnoli-<br />

tonugqus, my brother, Gen. 20, 13; ini-<br />

nolitonuffcjusoh, her brother. Gen. 24, 53,<br />

55; noli icumiohlonnkrjnuoh (constr. ),<br />

whose brother. Acts 11, 2; yiohldniihjim,<br />

my brother, v. 21; Iriiohtdnukqus, thy<br />

brother, v. 23. [Employed only by<br />

females or t


*nont—lontinued.<br />

sins), p. 252; nexmy kimwiit kiismmpoo-<br />

aiitamunanonate, 'we must therefore<br />

acknowledge', C. Math. Notit. Ind. 55;<br />

so, in title to Ind. Laws, ni.ih nnshpe<br />

vmmmmdieeg I'usnmit sax,<br />

thou art not far from (it), Mark<br />

12, 34; nacomkonqueog, (it) is far from<br />

us. Is. 59, 9; nuaisukongqush, be it far<br />

from thee, Matt. 16, 2; ndamikdk, 'get<br />

ye far from (him) ', Ezek. 11, 15; ayeuonk<br />

wussaiime namsukoman (and 7mmmkongquean),<br />

'if the place be too far<br />

from thee', Deut. 12, 21; 14, 24. See<br />

noahquexi. {anuckquaque, R. W.).<br />

noGOsukomunneat, etc.—continued.<br />

[Del. n

ncoche—continued.<br />

began to mock him, Lulie 1-i, 30, 29;<br />

yeu nujche uxxi-uaout, tliis they began<br />

to do. [matta ncoche peyoh, 'lam not<br />

come', Matt, 9, 13; nmchi Jchorah, 'I<br />

am the Lord's' (i. e. I proceed from<br />

the Lord), Is. 44, 5, in which places<br />

ncoche is perhaps used for nen mch.]<br />

See tdhnwche, causelessly, ' in vain ', and<br />

hitche.<br />

[Del. nutschi, at the beginnina, Zeisl).<br />

Gr. 177.]<br />

*noochuni, I blame; from vutchumonate,<br />

to blame, ('. 1S2.<br />

ncDchumwesuonk, n. tenderne.ss, weak-<br />

ness, Dent. 28, .56.<br />

ncDchumwetancDwaonk, n oj c h u m -<br />

wehtahwhuttuonk, n. a wound; j)l.<br />

-ijiigash, Prov. 26, 22; 27, 6.<br />

nGDchumwi, adj. weak (El. Gr. 13), Num.<br />

13, 19; ]5rimarily, weak, because in its<br />

beginning (from ncoche): ncochumn-e<br />

mmnepog, moskehtue, the tender<br />

herb, Deut. 32, 2; Job 28, 27; pi. nm-<br />

chumwiyeuash; an. ncochuimresu, (he is)<br />

weak (El. Gr. 13), tender. Gen. 33, 13;<br />

1 Chr. 22, 5; iwh ncochmmresit, he that<br />

is tender, Deut. 28, 54, 56; he that is<br />

lame, Prov. 26, 7; pi. Matt. 11, 5 {nmchtmwe,<br />

maimed, C. 172; nmchimuii,<br />

tender, ibid. 175; noocMmooe, weak, ibid<br />

176).<br />

[ncodsquaonat, v. act. an. to seduce, to<br />

commit fornication with:] ncodxquao-<br />

nont, 'seducing', Ex. 22, 16. See nan-<br />

vmnncodsqimaii.<br />

*ncohchuniwesue, adv. weakly, C. 2.30.<br />

ncDhki, ii03kiyeue, adj. soft, Prov. 25,<br />

15; Job 41, 3; pi. inan. ncokkiyeuash,<br />

Ps. 55, 21; an. ncohkem, tender (soft,<br />

a.s a yomig animal). Gen. 18, 7 (nooh-<br />

keshakatmsh, soft wool, C. 175; noohkie<br />

monag, limber cloth, ibid. 172).<br />

noohkik [that which is softened or made<br />

soft]: "Xocake, as they call it, which<br />

is nothing but Indian corn parched in<br />

the hot ashes; the ashes being .sifted<br />

from it, it is afterwards beat to powder."—Wood.<br />

It is used by Eliot for<br />

'meal' (1 Chr. 12, 40), 'fiour' (Lev.<br />

2, 4, 5, 7; 24, 5), and 'ground corn'<br />

(2 Sam. 17, 19). natkhikanehteush,<br />


nashkik—continued.<br />

'grind thou meal'. Is. 47, 2.] See<br />

nanahkineg; 'ininrKjhkiiiiium.<br />

[Marginal note.—" From ii word which<br />

means 'to .sift', siftefi. Cf. sieve. From<br />

[Narr. "ndir/iirf, parched meal, . . .<br />

which they eat with a little water, hot<br />

or cold", R. W. 33; pishquehirk, unparched<br />

meal, p. 36. Del. lo-cal, flour,<br />

meal, Zeist). Voc. 9 (cf. lo ka hel la, to<br />

let it drop, p. 44).]<br />

noohqueu, noohque [no vliquueu. See<br />

no; ndcosukomunneat]: unncohrjueu, so<br />

far as, at such a distance, Acts, 28, 15;<br />

na noohque, so far distant, Ps. 103, 12;<br />

wussaume ndohk, if it be too far dis-<br />

tant, 'if the way be too long for thee',<br />

Deut. 14, 24 (uttoh unnuhkUhquat, how<br />

far? C. 228). Cf. ancohqite; nuhquainat;<br />

wehque.<br />

[Narr. tou nuckquaque, how far? R. AV!<br />

72 (how- much, 137) ; lou aniickquaque,<br />

how big?; yb aniickquaque, so far, ibid.]<br />

ncokeontamunat, v. t. to descend to or<br />

upon: ncokeontam, (he) came down<br />

(upon the mount), Ex. 19, 20; wunnmkeontamun,<br />

he descended on (it), Ex.<br />

19, 18; ncokontauoog, they descended<br />

(upon it, i. e. a ladder). Gen. 28, 12.<br />

ncDkinat, v. i. to descend, to go down:<br />

ncokeu, he descended, Ex. 34, 5; (from<br />

heaven) Matt. 28, 2; she went down,<br />

Gen. 24, 16; ncokcop, he descended<br />

(pret. ), Eph. 4, 9; nconcokeog, they shall<br />

descend, John 1,51; ncach nmkemkegukqut,<br />

'I came down from heaven', John<br />

6, 38; noh ricokit, he who descends, or<br />

descended, Ps. 133, 3; Eph. 4, 10; noa-<br />

kemo, -ma>, (pass. ) it was let down, Acts<br />

10, 11; 11, 5; Rev. 21, 10; noakitch, let<br />

him descend or come down, Mark 15,<br />

32; ncokinuk wunnutchegash, when he<br />

let down his hands, Ex. 17, 11. From<br />

ncokinwn.<br />

[Del. nahik, nahiwi, down, below;<br />

(whence) nahoochu-en , to go down or<br />

below, Zeish. Gr. 180.]<br />

nrokinumunat, v. t. to pull down, Jer.<br />

18, 7; to lower (inan. obj.) with the<br />

hand, to pull down; nmkinum, she let<br />

it down. Gen. 24, 18; p>ii


iWDkohteauunat, to soften or make ^oft:<br />

nrokohteim, he softens (it), Job 23, 16.<br />

See iimhhi.<br />

nrokompanonat, v. t. an. to let or lower<br />

(one) liown, as l>y a cord, etc.: iimn-<br />

lunkoiiipiiiMh, slie let them down (by a<br />

ford). Josh. 2,15; [jmnlnmkompanit, I<br />

was let down (from the wall), 2 Cor.<br />

11, 33.<br />

nookononat, nohk-, v. t. an. to cast<br />

down, til throw down (an. ob].): !''(((-<br />

Iliiiidhbiinih (ilik-eil, he east him down<br />

to the •rnmnd. Pan. S, 7; inmnmhuh-<br />

/..,/,»/(, li

nooinat, nojw^onat— tontiiiUL'd.<br />

anidrjue, ne niixsiri, he said . . . 'What<br />

the Lord saith [may say] to me, that<br />

will I speak', 1 K. 22, 14 (cf. Num. 24,<br />

13); nmwaa, he said. Gen. 27, 35; 1 K.<br />

8, 15; ncoirop, he said, 1 K. 8, 12; 2 Sam.<br />

13, 28 {anoaimp, he said to, 2 Sam. 13, 35;<br />

unnau, he said to, or saith to, ibid. )<br />

ncowaog, they say or said. Is. 41, 7;<br />

nmcash, say thou, Pro v. 20, 22; Luke<br />

7, 7; ncowagk, say ye, Lev. 11, 2 (nnnok,<br />

speak ye to, ibid. ) ; riliquehitche ncowagk,<br />

do not begin to .say, Luke 3, 8; natadi, if<br />

he say. Gen. 24, 14; natwaan, if thou<br />

.«ayest, Prov. 24, 12 {unncowSnat, to sav,<br />

C. 207).<br />

[Quir. ruwan, to speak, Pier. 52. Del.<br />

ht-e-H, he says, Zeisb. Voc. 9, 20; lu-eep,<br />

he said (pret. ); hi-e, say on, tell.]<br />

ncosh, my father. See mshe.<br />

noDsquodtamunat, noosquat, v. t. to<br />

lick: pish iimsipifittativrog, they shall lick<br />

(thy blood), 1 K. 21, 19; ncosqiiodtog,<br />

when he licks (grass). Num. 22, 4;<br />

ncodsquaniAog wame, they lick up all.<br />

Num. 22, 4; freq. nnmcosquodtamun&t,<br />

-quatamundt, to lick often or habitually;<br />

pish nammsquadtaimrog {-xquatamwog)<br />

piippissai, they shall lick the dust, Mic.<br />

7, 17; Ps. 72, 9; Is. 49, 23; (nootmi)<br />

nmnmsquodtam nippe, the fire licked up<br />

the water, 1 K. 18, 38. See vwsq.<br />

noosukauonat [=asukau6ndt (?); cf.<br />

(isiihkaiinii], v. t. an. to follow, to pursue:<br />

viinttwsukaiioh, he followed them, Luke<br />

22, 54; nmmkauont, pursuing, Judg. 4,<br />

22; mil tvoh nimnmmkau, shall I pursue<br />

(them)? 1 Sam. 30,8; ncosukau, pursue<br />

thou (them), ibid.<br />

ncDsuttahhcDwadnat. See nmswuttah-<br />

irhinioiiat.<br />

noosuttahwhaudnat. See naammttah-<br />

irhauonrit.<br />

*noosweiiat, v. i. to yield; mtnncosweem,<br />

I yield, C. 216.<br />

noDsweonk, n. yielding, submission,<br />

Eccl. 10, 4.<br />

ncDswetamajonk. See nomiehtamoonk,<br />

obedience.<br />

noDswetaudnat, v. t. an. to yield to, to<br />

serve. See noittueetaudnat.<br />

noosw-uttahhouwaen-in, n. a pursuer,<br />

Lam. 1, 6.<br />

;<br />


ncosvnittahwhaudnat, ncosuttali-,<br />

ncDSuttahhcDwadnat, etc., v. t. an. to<br />

follow alter, to jiursue: riaj.iKll/ihirhnu,<br />

he pursued after (him), 2 Sam. 2, 19;<br />

ncDnuilahhmwaog, they pursued, Judg.<br />

8, 4; iiunnoosnhtahxrhoog, I will pursue<br />

them, Ex. 15, 9; ncg ncomruttahukqueo-<br />

gig, they which pursue (are pursuing)<br />

you. Is. 30, 16; kenmswuttahikqiinat,<br />

(he) to pursue thee, 1 Sam. 25, 29. Cf.<br />

omskauonat.<br />

ncDt. See manail, a basket.<br />

nootamogquaen, ncDtamogquomaen,<br />

n. a fisher, one who fishes, pi. -xiog,<br />

Is. 19, 8; Ezek. 47, 10; Luke 5, 2; nmtamagu-aenuog,<br />

Jer. 16, 16 (cf. onmenuog,<br />

Ezek. 47, 10); ponashahpaenuog,<br />

fishers (with nets). Matt. 4, 18; unltmh-<br />

quinnuaenin, pi. -\-iwog. t'. 159. See<br />

*auma(d.<br />

ncotamdgrquaeu, adj. of or belonging to<br />

a fisherman: hogkcoonk, 'fisher's<br />

coat', .John 21, 7.<br />

ncDtamog-quam, "I go a fishing', .John<br />

21, 3: nag pi.tli irunnmtamdgquoriouh,<br />

they shall fish them [take them by<br />

fishing], Jer. 16, 16.<br />

nootamdgquaonk, n. a draught of fish,<br />

Luke 5, 9.<br />

ncotamog-quomaen. See nmtamogqiiaen.<br />

ncDtamcoonk, n. hearing, 2 K. 4, 31;<br />

tidtche najtamuonk, a quick hearing,<br />

C. 163.<br />

ncDtamunat, v. t. to hear, Ezek. 12,<br />

2: mehtauogiixiih najlamwrnaivt, ears to<br />

hear with, Deut. 29, 4; nunnmUxm, I<br />

hear, 1 Sam. 2, 23 (C. 194); nmtam, he<br />

hears or heard, v. 22; nmtnmvnap, he<br />

heard, Ps. 78, 21; nwtamwog, they hear<br />

or heard, Matt. 11, 5; iniperat. nmtash,<br />

hearthott, Deut. 33, 7 (nootah, hear thou<br />

me, 1 K. 18, 37; ken nmtah, C. 194);<br />

ncotamcok, hear ye, Is. 42, 18; Deut.<br />

6, 4 ; najtiegk, hear ye me, 2 Chr.<br />

29, 5; hearken ye, 2 Chr. 18, 27<br />

{kenaAamfanira), ye hear, C. 194; nm-<br />

toadtiiineaf, to lie heard, ibid. ) ; with an.<br />

obj. nmtonat, to hear a person (.see examples<br />

in imperative above); kenaitah,<br />

thou hearest me, Ps. 17, 6; mehlavog<br />

nmtiit (subj. ), when the ear heard or<br />

hears me, Job 29, 11.


ncotau, noDteau, n. fire, Ps. 105, 39;<br />

Prov. 30, 16; (ien. 22, 6. See i-lnWna-<br />

suog.<br />

[Quir. ronf and yoiti, Pier. 22. Narr.<br />

mAUapsh yoieg, sit by the fire, R. W. 30;<br />

note, ybte, chickot, squtta, fire; notawese<br />

and chickautawesc, a little fire, ibid. 47,<br />

48. Peq. yeu't, Stiles. Abn. skStdi,<br />

skStar, feu, Rasles. Del. luteil, it burns;<br />

an. n'lussi, I burn, Zeisb. Gr. 162, Voc.<br />

20.]<br />

ncDtimis, n. an oak tree, 2 Sam. 18, 9;<br />

Ih. 44, 14.<br />

[Xarr. paugdiitemiitk, R. W. 89.]<br />

ncotinat, v. i. to lift or take up a burden,<br />

nootindnat, v. t. an. to lift as a burden;<br />

an. ol)j. n(X)tin6x) nippekonta, I drew him<br />

out of the water, Ex. 2, 10.<br />

[Narr. niAutaah, 'take it on your<br />

bark', R.W. 51. [Cree ne natow, I<br />

fet(_-li him, Huwse 52.]<br />

noDwantamdje. ^^eenei'inntam, he grieves.<br />

ncowaonk, n. a saying (that which is<br />

said. Dent. 1, 23; 1 Sam. 18, 8): mttlin-<br />

iimimonk, my saying, Gen. 4, 23; nuttinnmwaonganash,<br />

'my commandments',<br />

E.x. 16, 28.<br />

nCDwesuonk, my name. Is. 42, 8. See<br />

ncowonat. See nmonat.<br />

*nquittaqunnegat ( Narr. ) , one day.<br />

See iiiijiil: -(jiiimu<br />

.<br />

nulilxog', nuhog', my body. Matt. 26, 36;<br />

myself, i^ee ninhhog {nt'ltog).<br />

nuhJiogkat, unto me. Is. 6, 6; Cant. 7,<br />

10.<br />

nuhkuhkauonat, v. t. an. obj. to come<br />

upon, to overwhelm, Ex. 14, 26; pw/i<br />

nulikiilikauau sonthnoh, 'he shall come<br />

upon princes'. Is. 41, 25.<br />

nuhkuhkomunat, v. t. to cover over, to<br />

enveloji, to overwhelm: nnhkulikoin, it<br />

covered, Ex. 14, 28; 40, 34; ifunni'ih-<br />

kukkomuii, it covered it, Ex. 24, 15, 16.<br />

From iimkiiittt.<br />

nuhog'. See iihIiJhh/.<br />

nuhquainat, unuhquainat, v. i. to look,<br />

to direct the eye, without reference to an<br />

object (cf. nadtauiudmpu, he looks for a<br />

purpose, he looks in order to see some-<br />

thing which is or is not within sight):<br />

nuttirmliquain nogque, I look toward (it),<br />

Jonah 2, 4 (cf. iiogijin'); nuhquafog, they<br />

)<br />

nuhquainat, etc.—continued,<br />

looked or faced ( to the north, etc. ) , 1 K,<br />

7, 25; trih wutch nuhquaeog kesukqnifu,<br />

why do you look toward heaven? Acta<br />

1,11. V. t. noli nogqneh, he who sees me,<br />

(ien. 16, 13; iinnhqiidcii, ahaosiikqin'ii,<br />

'he looked this way and that way',<br />

Ex. 2, 12. The compounds are numerous,<br />

as oiiipamuhquaenat, to lookjjack<br />

or behind; mhhmquainat (sonkmhq-), to<br />

look out from, to look forth; ushpiUi-<br />

qudinat (asp-, ishp-, sp-), to look up-<br />

ward, etc. From [naumunat) naum, to<br />

see; -nhqme, to that side, in that direc-<br />

tion (?). See n6, n6adt; *p

nukkone—coutimiecl.<br />

nikhiiinisi, devant, par avance; ncnik-<br />

kaiinSm', je marche devant, Rasles, 558,<br />

559. Del. n'chowiiiei/ii, it is old, Zeish.<br />

Gr. 165.]<br />

nukkononat, v. t. an. to leave, to go<br />

away fmm, to abandon, to forsake,<br />

Dent. IL', 19; pa.«s. }ioh nus&n nukkonau,<br />

he alone is left, (len. 44, 20; pixh nukkonmi,<br />

he shall leave (them), Mark<br />

10, 7; Eph. 5, 31; iinkkoiiog, if ye turn<br />

awaj-, Num. 32, 15; foh wutch nukkdnog,<br />

why have ye left (him), Ex. 2, 20;<br />

ahque nukkosseh (an. suffix), do not<br />

thou leave me, Ps. 27, 9; nukkonant<br />

(part.), leaving. Gen. 2, 24; 'depart-<br />

ing from', abandoning, Jer. 3, 20 (see<br />

mikkodtumundt) ; nukki'mittuoy, they de-<br />

parted from each other. Acts 15, 39<br />

(nukkonittinneai, to be left, C. 199).<br />

[The Narragansett fonn appears to<br />

have been (nukkodUhonat) nickatshdnat<br />

for the v. an., though the first of the<br />

following example.s may be traced to<br />

nukkondnat: mat kunnlckansh, I will not<br />

leave you; ahquie kitnnickkaishash, do<br />

not leave me; tmoh'itch nickatshUan,<br />

why do you forsake me? R. W. 75.<br />

(This form has the characteristic sh of<br />

disastrous or imdesirable action.) ]<br />

nukkukquiinneat, v. i. to be old, with<br />

reference to a measure of duration or<br />

existence: kconenukkukquiinncat, to be<br />

in a full (good old) age, Job 5, 26 (see<br />

-gidmie a.nd kodiumwohkom); toh unnuk-<br />

koohquiyeu noh nonksq, how old is that<br />

girl? C. 240.<br />

nukkukquiyeuonk, age: unttin , 1<br />

K. 14, 4.<br />

nukkummat: uttoh lu: nukkumi/iat,<br />

'whether it is easier' (to say, etc.),<br />

Mark 2, 9,<br />

nukkummatta (?), 'rather than' (it), in<br />

preference to (it), 'and not', Prov. 8,<br />

10. Cf. kuttumma, unless. See nik-<br />

ki'immf.<br />

nukkiimme. See nikki'imme.<br />

nukoh. See ko.<br />

nukon, n. night. Gen. 1, 5, 16; pi. nuko-<br />

nash, nuhkonash, Job 7, 3; nukkon -\-<br />

ash, C. 164. From nmkinat, to descend,<br />

to go down; or from nukkononat, to<br />

leave, to go away from (?) the sun, gone<br />

down or having left (?). See noltkoij.<br />


nukquodtut. See nunnukquodtut.<br />

nukquttegheim, an only child, son or<br />

daughter: inninukquttegheonuh okasoh,<br />

the only one of her mother, Cant. 6, 9;<br />

nunnukquttegheun, my only child, Luke<br />

9, .38.<br />

nummatappinneat, v. i. to seat one's<br />

self, to sit down: nummatuppii, he sat<br />

down, Ruth 4, 1; Luke 14, 28; num-<br />

matappuog, they sat down, Ruth 4, 2;<br />

Luke 22,' 55; niummitapsh, sit do'mi, Is.<br />

52, 2 {nnmmattdpunat, to sit; nunnummdltap,<br />

I sit ; appii, he sits, C. 209) . See<br />

apipin; cf. Almaki (Rasles, 'asseoir',<br />

p. 388).<br />

num-meech. See mtechii.<br />

nummekitclionont, (one) having a flat<br />

nose. Lev. 21, 18 {noieque nnitrhan, flat<br />

nose, C. 170).<br />

nummislie,! . . . greatly, IThess. 3, 10;<br />

Heb. 12, 21; =miiihe, with jirelix of 1st<br />

person.<br />

numxnisses, -ssis, my sister. See tim-<br />

m !'.?.?'< s.<br />

iiunimittani'wros, -wns, my wife. See<br />

mitlaniiriix.<br />

*nuininontuhquah'wrhuttuonk, n. a<br />

debt, C. 203.<br />

*nurQmoohqu6nat, ' to suji uji pottage',<br />

etc., G. 211; pish nummuhquaog, they<br />

shall sup up pottage, Hab. 1, 9.<br />

num-muttuminashum may, 'I run in<br />

the way' ('of thy commandments'),<br />

Ps. 119, 32, = iMin-iHuKuiiiiiKK/niuKjion-<br />

titin may, Mass. Ps.<br />

numpakou. See nompakon, a jewel.<br />

numwabpanumunat (?), v. t. to fill (one<br />

thing with another): num)i:dban hdas-<br />

kon pummee, till thy horn with oil,<br />

1 Sam. 16, 1; numwahpanumriik, fill ye<br />

(barrels with water), 1 K. 18, 33;<br />

num>ixipogkunnumioog umnnonkash, they<br />

filled the troughs (with water), Ex. 2,<br />

16; numwuquom uppmthonchcomnt, she<br />

filled her pitcher, Gen. 24, 16.<br />

num.wae, adj. full of, filled with, Num.<br />

22, IS; 24, l:;; Judg. 6, 28; fully, C. 228.<br />

*numwainechimehk6nat, to fill [to<br />

make full with food (?)],C. 191 :»("(()(«««vamecJiimchleam,<br />

I fill [I am filled, I become<br />

full of food(?)], ibid.<br />

numwameechum, I am full, lie is full<br />

(of food), Prov. .30, 9.


numwapagod, (a jiUice) full oi water,<br />

L' K. ;;, ]7.<br />

numwap[piiiiieat (?)], v. i. to till up, to<br />

make full (of an. ob].): nag i»sh num-<br />

vx'ipuof/, they shall till (thy houses, i. e.<br />

thy houses shall be full of them), Ex.<br />

10, 6.<br />

numwolitauuiiat (numuvJitinal, 1 Thess.<br />

2, l(i), V. t. and i. to fill up, to make<br />

full, to be full (inan. . subj.): num--<br />

viililniii, it filled (the whole earth),<br />

Dan. 2, 35; it is full, Ps. 26, 10; ;jt.?/i.<br />

wninroliimn, he shall fill (the world),<br />

I^. 27, 6; ri'unniimn'ohtauun naotau, he<br />

tilled it witli fire, Bev. 8, 5; numwohtnii^li.<br />

fill thou (thy hand), Ezek.10,2;<br />

(irsiiiiiiiii iiiniiinjlitano, it is not yet full,<br />

(ien. Iri, Ki; mnmnohtajAet (it) be filled,<br />

C. 191.<br />

numwonkquau, n. a heap. From naniiiiiir,fiik'iiiiu-ii.<br />

See nomunkqudg.<br />

numwonkquttauunat, v. t. to heap up,<br />

Etrl. 2, 26; iiumwonkquoitou, he heaps<br />

up, Ps. 39, 6; freq. nandmongquodtauunal,<br />

to heap up abundantly or to make<br />

great heaps, Ps. 39, 6; Job 27, 16. See<br />

noiniiiikquag.<br />

nunae, adj. dry (?).<br />

Found only in Eliot<br />

in compound words. See nunobpe.<br />

nunassenat, v. t. to make dry, to dry<br />

(froiu nini('u:-ut:sen&t): pish nummnas-<br />

.iiiin. I will dry up (the waters), Is. 42,<br />

l.'i; 44, 27; niinndhsum sepuath, he drieth<br />

up the rivers, Hag. 1, 4. Cf. wunninab-<br />

pelitau-tm, he niaketh it (the sea) dry,<br />

Hag. 1, 4. See nunobpe; nurmobohteat-<br />

nunkane, nonkane, adj. light (not<br />

heavy). Num. 21, 5; 2 Cor. 4, 17; (nun-<br />

kon) Matt. 11, 30; aniie nunkinwog onk,<br />

'they are lighter than', Ps. 62, 9<br />

{nonkke u-ednun, a light burden; nongamu,<br />

lightly, C. 172, 228).<br />

[Narr. ndukon, light; kunnauki, you<br />

are light, R. W. 55, = kunnaukon, p. 75.<br />

Del. langan, Zeisb. Gr. 173.]<br />

nunkomp, n. a young man. El. Gr. 9; pi.<br />

niinkcniijiaog, Is. 40, 30; dim. nunkom-<br />

piien, niiKhoiiijiittniiit (El. Gr. 12): ash<br />

nnnkoiniii'uiiii. when thou wast young,<br />

John 21, IS [iii'iiikiip or nonkumpMS, a<br />

boy, C 156). Cf. vmsken.<br />

nunkquaash l=numwonkquash~\, heaps;<br />

sujipos. nana (?), q. v. Cf. miUtdnn.unk,<br />

ete.<br />

nunksqua, nuaksq, n. a girl (El. Gr. 9),<br />

a young woman. Gen. 24, 14, 16; Deut.<br />

22, 15, 28 {nonkkishq, tvisskisqva, a girl,<br />

C. 157 ) ; penompae nunkqn, a virgin, Deut.<br />

22, 23 (see penomp) ; pi. nunksqunog, Ps.<br />

14S, 12; vunmmksquomog (obj. -moh),<br />

her maids, Ex. 2, 5; nnnksqniiliellil, 'in<br />

their youth' (subj.), when they were<br />

girls, Ezek. 23, 3; dim. nunknqnaes,<br />

nunksquaemes (El. Gr. 12).<br />

[Del. long-ochque'u, a bri.sk young<br />

woman, Zeisb. Yoc. 43.]<br />

*nunnapi. See nunobpe, dry.<br />

nunnaumon, my son: ken nunnaumon,<br />

iji'ii kf'xiihik nojnaumon kuhhog, 'Thou<br />

art my Son, this da)' have I begotten<br />

thee,' Heb. 1, 5. See wunnaumonvli.<br />

*nunne nogkishkoadtuonk, 'well met'<br />

(as a salutation I, C. 225. See nogknsli-<br />

kaiionat.<br />

nunneukontunk, nunnuk-, n. an ini-<br />

ageoridol, 2Chr. 34, 4, 7; ^lie. 1, 7 (nln-<br />

inib'nilonk, C. 155).<br />

nunneyeu, n. urine. See ninyeit.<br />

nunnippog, -ipog, 'freshwater', James<br />

3, 12. See nippe; -pog.<br />

nunnobohteaou [^nanabpiC?)]: nunno-<br />

bohledouut, on dry ground, Ex. 15, 19,<br />

i. e. made dry (?), or dry by nature (?);<br />

Josh. 3, 17, —nabohteauAut, Ex. 14, 16,<br />

22 {mmnapohteaiyeuut, 'in dry places',<br />

Mass. Ps., Ps. 105, 41); wutch nminoboh-<br />

teaduut, 'from the dust of the earth',<br />

Gen. 2, 7 {nnnnopohteai, dry ground,<br />

Mass. Ps., Ps. 107, 35). See nunobpe.<br />

nunnobohteateou, -teaiyeuteop, he<br />

dried up (the waters), made dry land.<br />

Josh. 4, 23; 5, 1 (nunnoppohleaiyeuehieau<br />

tuhkekanmanh, he dries up the springs,<br />

Mass. Ps., Ps. 107, 33). See nunobpe;<br />

minansendl.<br />

nunnohkinnum, nannah-, v. t. he sifts<br />

(it), I.s. 30, 2.-^: nunnininalikinnuni, I<br />

sift (it), Amos 9, 9; nannohkinumuk,<br />

when it is sifted, ibid.; nanalikineg, a<br />

sieve. Is. 30, 28. Cf. ncohkik, from primary<br />

nolikeii (?).<br />

nunnukkunumunat, v. t. to shake<br />

(inan. obj.): nunnukkununi, (he or it)<br />

shook (it), made it shake, Heb. 12, 26;<br />

pass, imnnukkemoo, it was sliaken, Ex.<br />

19, IS (niikbrmo), Ps. 18, 7).<br />

nunnukkushonat, nannukshonat,<br />

nunnukqushonat, v. i. to tremble, to<br />

shake: nnnnnnnukku-ihoni, I quake (for


nunnukkushonat, eU\—continued,<br />

fear), Heli. 12, 21; nuniiukk-Hshomp, I<br />

trembled, Hab. 3, 16; nuniuikalwaii, it<br />

trembled, 2 Sam. 22, 8; nannukshaog,<br />

they trembled, Ex. 19, 16; 1 Sam. 14, 15;<br />

nunnukshau mishenuksJidonk mmcheke,<br />

'he trembled very exceedingly'. Gen.<br />

27,33; nunnukkushoni, -cjuslvjiit (part.),<br />

trembling, Mark 5, 33; Acts 9, 6;<br />

matta troh nmmkktishonog (?), 'which<br />

can not be moved' (7), Heb. 12, 28 {nttn-<br />

nukkisshOnat, to tremble or tingle, C.<br />

213; nunnukklshshom, I shake, p. 208;<br />

-kishom, I tremble; iiaoineyaus nunnukis-<br />

shau, my flesh trembleth, p. 213).<br />

[Del. nun gach tsclii, I shake for cold,<br />

Zeisb. Voc. 25.]<br />

nunnukontunk. See mmneuknluuk.<br />

nunnukquappineat, v. t. to be in danger:<br />

iiniuiiikijuiippii en, he is in danger<br />

of, !Matt. 5, 21, 22, =nitk


*iiuppoopassinneat, 'to wither or pine<br />

away (as a tree)', C. 216; mehtuk nup-<br />

pmta, a tree withers, ibid.<br />

nuppunat, v. i. to die, Eccl. 3, 2; 1 Cor.<br />

!t, 15 ( nuppunat, C. 237). The literal or<br />

liriiuitive meaning of this verb is per-<br />

hap.s to go away, or, rather, to sleep. It<br />

is probably allied to nuppoh, a wing or<br />

wings. The Indian languages abound<br />

in euphemisms for expressing death,<br />

"so terrible is the King of Terrors to all<br />

natural men. '<br />

' "They abhor to mention<br />

the dead by name, . . and amongst<br />

States, the naming of their dead Sachims"<br />

is one ground of war, R. W. 161.<br />

nuppco, nup, he dieth or died, Job 14,<br />

10; 21, 23; Is. 59, 5; Gen. 23, 2; Ezek.<br />

24, 18; nen nuptip, I died . . . Gen.<br />

30, 1; 48, 21; Rom. 7, 9; pish nvp,he<br />

shall die, Ezek. 18, 4, 20; kenup,<br />

thou shalt die. Gen. 2, 17; nuppun, he<br />

dieth, Eccl. 3, 19; nuppuk,nupuk, when<br />

he dies or is dead, he may die, Eccl. 3,<br />

19; Rom. 7, 2; 2 Sam. 3, 33; 7ioh neit<br />

nupuk, who died there, 2 Sam. 10, 18;<br />

napukeg, nupukeg, pi. the dead, Eccl.<br />

4, 2, =napunutelng, Num. 16, 48 {pish<br />

nunnup, I shall die; nont wame neniippumun,<br />

we must all die, 0. 188).<br />

[Alg. nipai-. Chip, niba, he sleeps<br />

( Bar. ) ; nibd, he dies. (The Chip, prefix<br />

ni (Bar.) denotes a 'going away',<br />

change (?) of place or posture; cf.<br />

nepau, to rise up. ) Narr. : Roger Williams<br />

usually employs the verb kiionck-<br />

(jwi[iial] (q. v.), to die, and has nipwl,<br />

maw [iiuppm, ain&eii (?)], 'he is gone';<br />

nippitch ew6, let him die [a sentence:<br />

let him be put to death]; niphittUch,<br />

let them die, R. AV. 122; micheme-<br />

sh&wi, he is gone forever, p. 160; yo<br />

dpapav, he that was here; mauchauhom,<br />

the dead man; pi. mauchm'ihomu'ock,<br />

= chipeck; chepassOtam, the dead sachem;<br />

chfpasqudw, a dead woman; sa-<br />

chimaiipan, 'he that was prince<br />

[sachem] here', p. 161. Cree nippu,<br />

he is dead ;<br />

nippua; he sleeps, Howse 31.<br />

Del. mboiui, mortal; mboagaii death,<br />

Zeisb. Gr. 104.]<br />

nupweshanonat, v. t. an. to persuade:<br />

v'liniiejiti'eshanuh, he persuaded him, 2<br />

Chr. 18, 2; sunnummatta . . . kenupweshanukwm,<br />

doth not (he) persuade<br />

nupweshandnat—continued,<br />

you, 2 Chr. 32, 11; nupweshandmun, we<br />

persuade, 2 Cor. 5, 11 (nupweshasJiscoonat,<br />

to persuade, C. 204; nunnup-<br />

'weshan, I persuade, p. 203).<br />

nupweshassowaonk, n. persua,sion,Gal.<br />

b, 8 (iiiijiiresltdssmwaonk, C. 204).<br />

nupwoaonk (?), n. a riddle, Judg. 14,<br />

12-15; a proverb, Prov. 25, 1 {nupu'u-<br />

waonk, C. 163) ; 'a mystery', 1 Cor.<br />

13, 2. See napu-ojaclirg; siogkionaunk.<br />

[nupwoshwonati?),] tucluike: niipimsli-<br />

w6(ig, they are choked (with cares),<br />

Luke 8, 14; nish uhpmsummmmash, these<br />

(inan. ) choke (it), Mark 4, 19 {niippashoon<br />

wutche weyaus, I am choked<br />

[with flesh], C. 185; pusshodnuiinndl,<br />

to be choked, ibid.; nukkehchhjunl/es<br />

peminneat, I am choked with a halter,<br />

ibid.). See kechequabinau.<br />

nushae, adj. slain, killed (dead by vio-<br />

lence). Is. 22, 2.<br />

nushaonk, n. slaughter. Is. 27, 7; Jer.<br />

12, 3; a killing, Heb. 7, 1; Is. 22, 13.<br />

nushehteaen, n. a murderer, Deut. 35,<br />

28; 1 John 3, 15; shehteden, 'liloody<br />

man , Ps. 5, 6.<br />

'<br />

[Narr. keniineiacliick, pi. nuirderers,<br />

R. W. 117.]<br />

nushehteaonk, n. murder (abstract),<br />

Luke 23, 19; killing, Hos. 4, 2; pi.<br />

-ongash, Matt. 15, 19; Mark 7, 21; slieh-<br />

tnvink, Rom. 1, 29.<br />

nushehteauunat, v. i. to connnit nuir-<br />

der, to be a murderer: noli nashtmhp,<br />

'who had committed murder', Mark<br />

15, 7; nmhehteaog ut mayut, they commit<br />

murder in the way, Hos. 6, 9;<br />

kenushteomum, you commit murder,<br />

Jer. 7, 9; nushehleuhkon, -ieahkon, thou<br />

shalt not kill, Deut. 5, 17; Matt. 5, 21;<br />

'thou shalt do no murder', Matt. 19, 18<br />

[nunnishteam, I kill; nunnishleap, I did<br />

kill, C. 196).<br />

[Narr. kemineantuock, they murder<br />

each other. R.W. 76.]<br />

nushdnat, v. act. an. to kill, Deut. 9, 28;<br />

Esth. 3, 13; Acts 9, 24 {nunishonal,C.<br />

196) ; pass, nushiuinneal, to be killed,<br />

Esth. 7, 4; but nushau, nushaog (3d<br />

pers. sing, and pi.), are used indiffer-<br />

ently for the active or passive voice,<br />

he or they slew or were slain (see nashuhkbnat):<br />

naiinuah, I slew him, 1 Sam-


nushdnat—continued.<br />

17, 35; 2 Sam. 1, 16; mish, kill thou,<br />

Judg. 8, 20; Acts 10, 13; nwhon (?),<br />

he murders (them), Ps. 10, 8; he slew,<br />

Judg. 15, 15; nmhcok, kill ye, Luke 15,<br />

23; nushehleuhkon, -ahkoii, thou shalt<br />

not kill, Deut. 5, 17; Matt. 5, 21; pish<br />

nunnush, I shall slay, Gen. 27, 41; nush-<br />

ont, nashonl (part.), slaying, Gen. 4,<br />

15; Ex. 21, 14; nushau, nusheaii, he<br />

slew, 1 Sam. 17, 36; Ex. 2, 12; 2 Chr.<br />

25, 3; he was slain, Dan. 5, 30; u'unshouh,<br />

(it) slew them, Dan. 3, 22, = nah<br />

xnmnushoh, Luke 13, 4; piish nushau,<br />

he shall be put to death, Ex. 21, 12,<br />

15, 16, etc.; mos nnsheau, he must be<br />

killed. Rev. 13, 10; nushaog, they slew.<br />

Gen. 49, 6; Judg. 3, 29; pish nushoog,<br />

they shall be slain, Ezek. 26, 6; nush-<br />

oog (as part. pL), slain, they who are<br />

slain, Ezek. 26, 6; 32, 21, 23-25; Is.<br />

22, 2; noh nashomtik, who was slain,<br />

Judg. 20, 4; pass, pish nunnusliil, I shall<br />

be slain, Prov. 22, 13; aosqheonk nashit,<br />

the blood of the slain, Ximi. 23, 24; neg<br />

nushitcJieg, the slain, Ezek. 32, 20.<br />

[Narr. niss, kill him; pi. ni-isoke, E.<br />

W. 122.]<br />

nushuhkonat, v. act. i. to kill, to<br />

make slaughter {nishehkonat, to kill,<br />

C. 196): togkodfeg kodtinniinimiun nush-<br />

uhkonat, 'the sword is drawn . . . for<br />

the slaughter', Ezek. 21, 28 (to go on<br />

killing, to kill as a business, k' pro-<br />

gressive).<br />

nussequnneat [nussu-seqimneal], v. i.<br />

to remain alone: nen wehe nussequnit,<br />

'I only remain', 1 K. 18, 22; nen u-ehe<br />

misseqtmneanit, 1 only am left, 1 K. 19,<br />

14. See sequnau.<br />

nussin, nuttin, I say. See ussindl.<br />

nussu, nusseu, adj. an. alone (solus),<br />

Ex. 18, 18; 24, 2; Deut. 33, 28; Matt.<br />

18, 15; nose, Job 9, 8: mmmisse, I alone.<br />

Is. 63, 3; nahse . . . nusseu, alone ... by<br />

myself. Is. 44, 24; nohmit, if she be<br />

'desolate ' (as, a widow), 1 Tim. 5, 5<br />

{nunndnsiup, I was alone; nomsiycue<br />

(and 'umkse'], all alone, C. 167; wm-<br />

siijeu, ibid. 232).<br />

[Narr. kunnishislicni, are j'ou alone?<br />

mMiishem, I am alone; paiisuck nai'ml<br />

manll, 'there is only one God'; nai'igom<br />

naunt. He alone (made all things, etc. ),<br />

nussu, nusseu—contimied.<br />

R. W.. :!1. 114, 115. Del. lavhoha, adv.<br />

alone, Zeisb.]<br />

[unjnussu, (he is) shaped, etc. See<br />

unrler U.<br />

nutcheg, hand. See jncnulrhig (jii'nul-<br />

rheg).<br />

nuttaihe, pi. an. nuttaiheog; inan. niit-<br />

tailiensh, mine, (is) mine. Gen. 26, 20;<br />

Mai. 3, 17; Ezek. 35, 10. See itmttailw.<br />

nuttaihein, ours, (is) ours. See u-ut-<br />

tiiihe.<br />

nuttin, nussin, I say. See iitlmonat.<br />

nuttiniin: nen nuUinniin nen nuUinniin,<br />

for 'I am that I am', Ex. 3, 14; nc-<br />

ivutche ne nuttiniin {' nc nuttunniin',<br />

Mass. Ps.), 'for so I am', John 13, 13;<br />

qui matla ne mittinniein, 'but it is not<br />

so with me'. Job 9, 35; yeu mo nuUin-<br />

aiin, thus I was. Gen. 31, 40; yeu mUtin-<br />

aiin, thus I have been (and am), v. 41;<br />

ico/t nuttinni onatuh nc matla dniyeii, 'I<br />

should have been as though I had not<br />

been'. Job 10, 19 (nen nutlinne-aiin nen<br />

nutlinne-aiin , 'I am such as such as I<br />

am', or 'I myself remain or continue to<br />

be such as I myself remain' [nuttinneaiin^l<br />

am such as (I)]; nulllnni, I am<br />

become; Inuttin7u2yumun, we are become;<br />

unniinat, to become, C. 181 ) . See<br />

unnaiXnneal. Cf. wuttinnihi.<br />

[Del. n'telli, I (do, say, etc.) thus<br />

or so; k'telli, thou (dost, sayest, etc.<br />

thus or so; u^telli, he, etc., Zeisb. Or.<br />

177.]<br />

nuttinne, even I, Neh. 4, 13; ego ipse,<br />

Ezek. 38, 23.<br />

nux, adv. yea, yes, verily (El. Gr. 21);<br />

verb subst. nuxyeuwutch, let it be yea,<br />

James 5, 12; nuk, yes. Stiles (Narr.).<br />

"nu.r, as it is commonly written, but<br />

should rather be nnkkies, in two sylla-<br />

bles", Exp. Mayhew. See *u.<br />

[Micm. (>, 'oui'; lok {=nok), 'bien',<br />

Maill. 29. Abn. 'ga signif. affirmita-<br />

tem: niga, oui, c'est cela', Rasles 553;<br />

nikki, c'est cela meme, p. 555. Chip.<br />

e nange ka, yes, certainly; e nange, O<br />

yes. Bar. 476. Del. ekee, ay! Zeisb.<br />

Illin. "Rad. naga, nagata, vox feminis<br />

propria, assurement, vraiment; nissi<br />

naga, oui vraiment, je le dis."— Gray.<br />

MS.]<br />



*5, 66 (o nasal ) , yea, yes ; '<br />

' but there being<br />

another Indian wonl of the same signi-<br />

fication, viz., rm.r, ... the former is<br />

scarce ever used in writing."—Exp.<br />

Mayhew. (ok, well, it is well, C. 227.<br />

63.as, daus, howaas, n. an animal, a<br />

living creature. Gen. 2, 19; 7, 4; Lev.<br />

11, 47 {doas [odfM], C. 171); pi. owa,(si-<br />

rieg, Is. 13, 21; odxineg, Ezek. 1, 14; -oa-<br />

dniniy, V. 19 {odasiveg, creatures, C. 171;<br />

(iiiiniiixiiity, p. 56): nishnoh oavs wimiitihuch (forth, out of);<br />

coshi; father; vvj/ans, flesh. Largely used<br />

in compound words, especially in the<br />

names of animals. The termination<br />

-('.Sit of the animate form of adjectives<br />

(El. Gr. 13) is derived from oaas; so nompaas,<br />

male { = ne-omp-oaas, man-ani-<br />

mal); mukquosh (mofifJ-edaas) , great ani-<br />

mal, wolf; musipKiiiifits, imisqiiosh, red<br />

animal, niuskrat.<br />

[.\l)ii. KSaaniik, les aniinaux, Rasles.<br />

Del. '/" "/' .

ogketamunat—con tinned.<br />

ne adfaJi.tik, let him count the number<br />

of, Rev. 13, 18; o(/kcliiiii, he has num-<br />

bered, Dan. 5, 26. (2) to read (C. 20(i);<br />

ogkelani, he read. Josh. 8, 34; ogketamup<br />

matin, lie read not, v. 35; ogketash, read<br />

thou, Jer. 36, 6; hoIi oyketof/, he who<br />

read.s. Matt. 24, 15.<br />


[Narr. akrtadi, pi. akctlamdke, count<br />

,<br />

or reckon ( it ' tell my money ; akesuog,<br />

)<br />

'<br />

'they are telling of rushes'; natkesimin,<br />

I am telling or counting; "for their<br />

play [gaming with rushes] is a kind of<br />

arithmetic"; ntaqme nkesamen, I will<br />

leave play [I cease counting], E. W.<br />

136, 145, 146. Del. wh.kiii


og-qunneat—cnntimied.<br />

[Nam («vy»((., 46; ofiqiwU-hiiaii. wadchuul,<br />

'he went uji into a mountain'. Matt.<br />

5, 1.<br />

ogquodtum, v. t. 'he garnished', 'over-<br />

laid' (n-ctu, the house) with (it), 2 Chr.<br />

3, 0, 7; iriit-oi/quodluiii-iiii, he overlaid<br />

it with, V. 4. ."i.<br />

ogquoukquag-, n. 'rust'. Matt. 6, 19.<br />

ogquonkshae, adj. moldy; pi. -shaash,<br />

.Tosh. 9, b; verb subst. ogquonJcsheau, it<br />

was moldy, v. 12.<br />

og-quonkshunk, n. 'mildew', 1 K. S, 37;<br />

lit. mold. (Elsewhere than here 'mildew'<br />

is transferred.)<br />

*og'quos, togquos, a twin; pi. -\-siiog, V.<br />

1 76.<br />

[Xarr. tarkqUnvock, twins, R. W. 45.]<br />

og-qushki, adj. wet, moist (by dew or<br />

rain, 0(j), Dan. 4, 33: wenomineash . . .<br />

ni ogquslike, grapes . . . moist. Num.<br />

6, 3. Verb subst. ogqushkaj, let it be<br />

wet. I>an. 4, 15; iogki'isishomoo, it 'dis-<br />

tills' (like dew), Deut. 32, 2 (cf. og-<br />

quehchippnnukquog, they are wet (with<br />

showers), .Tob 24, ,S); kutogqutchippan-<br />

vkqiioq. they wet thee ( with dew), Dan.<br />

4, 2.'>. C"f. inirliipji,„i. See iriillagki;<br />

*orkqiiU:]iiiii,i.<br />

[Peq. irulli'iggit), wet (i. e. it is wet);<br />

ii'(iiiglili'iggiir)ii/, 'deer, i. e. wet-nose',<br />

Stiles.]"<br />

*og-wantainuiiat ( ? ,<br />

) to perceive : ogquon-<br />

tiDiiwiniltiiiiiini. to be perceived, C. 203;<br />

lyqudiiiiiiiiiiiKii, to suppose or imagine,<br />

ibid. 211.<br />

*ogwliau (Xarr. ), a boat adrift, R. W. 99.<br />

og^Piru. See agim.<br />

ohguhsheoog, he niinisheth them,<br />

makes them few, Ps. 107, 39.<br />

*olilioniaquesuuk, a needle or jiin, C.<br />

161 [for „/,/.„,„- (•.')].<br />

olihontseonat. See ontsni.<br />

.<br />

ohkas, =(5fo(S, mother.<br />

ohke, n. the earth, land, Gen. 1, 10; Ps.<br />

78, 69: ut ohkeU, on the earth, Lev.<br />

11, 2 {ohkt\ ground, 0. 160); a country,<br />

region, 2 K. 3, 20; n.t ohkeil, in the land,<br />

I K. 8, 37; nulohkei, to my country.<br />

Gen. 24, 4; kutok, thy land, Ex. 34, 24;<br />

pi. ohkeash, countries. Gen. 26, 3, 4;<br />

iveenohke, the grave, Prov. 30, 16.<br />

From the same radical as otes(mother),<br />

mshe (father), icddii (an egg), etc. ;<br />

' that<br />

which produces' or 'brings forth'.<br />

Like okas (q. v.), the form is passive.<br />

Cf. Greek, yea, yy)\ Egyp. kind (fern.);<br />

ku, a bull; km, the phallus (?).<br />

[Narr. adke and sanaukamuck, earth<br />

or land; n'lttauke, nissawiidirkfiniuck, my<br />

land; iriiskdukamuck, new' ground, R.<br />

W. 89. Del. hacki, Zeisb. Voc. 8.]<br />

ohkehteaen-in, n. a sower, one who<br />

sows. Matt. 13, 3, is.<br />

ohkehteaunat, ahkehteaunat, v. t. to<br />

plant, Eccl. 3, 2; olikehteau tanohket-<br />

eaonk, he planted a garden. Gen. 2, 8;<br />

ohkeieaog ohteuhkSnash, they sow the<br />

flelds, Ps. 107, 37; pish weoiondnneoh-<br />

keteauauog, they shall plant vineyards,<br />

Is. 65, 21 ( =piM ohkehteaog weenomin-<br />

neohtekonash, Zeph. 1, 13); pwh kutoh-<br />

keteam, thou shalt sow, Mic. 6, 15; ne<br />

ahketeaop, that which thou sowest, 1<br />

Cor. 15, 36, 37; pass, ne ahketeamuk up,<br />

that which was planted, Eccl. 3, 2;<br />

ahketead(t), subj. when he sowed. Matt.<br />

13, 4; noh ahketeadl, he that sows, v. 37<br />

( ohkeehkonat, to sow or plant; mUlohkeehteam,<br />

I sow or plant; ahquompl kullohketeam<br />

kuttanni, when do you sow your<br />

rye? C. 209). See ohtmhkonal.<br />

[Narr. aukeeteai'inirn (and quttdwie-<br />

iiuin), to plant corn; aukeeteaumitch,<br />

' plantingtime ' (let him plant) ; aukeeled-<br />

heltit, 'when theysetcorn'; iiuiiiiiiaulaK-<br />

keeteainnen, 'I have done planting',<br />

R. W. 91-92.]<br />

*olikeieu, adj. below, C. 168.<br />

ohkeiyeu, adv. toward the earth (El. Gr.<br />

21 ) ; ohkekontn, out of the ground, Gen.<br />

2, 9. See


ohkeonogk lohke-wonog, earth hole], n.a<br />

rave: ohkeonogkqut, in cavesof the earth,<br />

Heb. 11, 38, =ohkeonogquehtu,3ohZO,ei.<br />

ohkcDn, 1). a skin (dressed or prepared<br />

for u.se; cf. nskon, osh'm, vniskmi), Lev.<br />

13,46,48, 56; 15, 17. Fn.iii ,„,,,„ in„;U.<br />

to cover, to clothe; cf. In„,l:,n. lit-cLith.';'<br />

himself; vuxkon, i. e. irtiski:uhkojii, a<br />

new or undressed skin. ) Cf. monak.<br />

ohkoonie, adj. made of skins: badgerde<br />

ohkoonie, made of badger skins. Num. 4,<br />

10, 12, 14; ne league maltagunne idskq,<br />

'anything (vessel or bottle) of skin'.<br />

Lev. 13, 59, == league hohkoonie wiskq,<br />

V. 58, = ohkoonie wiskq, v. 57, =teag-<br />

quodlag, v. 48, = matlagune imshq, v. 49,<br />

= wame ne ohkmnayeumk, v. 51; hohhm-<br />

nie auwohteaonk, all that is made of<br />

skins. Num. 31, 20. See ogqunnedt.<br />

ohkooununk, n. collect, skins; skins of<br />

badgers, Ex. 35, 23; cf. nheepgogkunk,<br />

goatsoskunk, sheepskins, goatskins, Heb.<br />

11, 37.<br />

ohkq, n. a worm. See aihk.<br />

ohkuk, ohkuhk, ahkxihq, n. an (earth-<br />

en) pot or vessel. Job 41, 20, 31; 2 K.<br />

4, 39, 40, 41; pi. +quog, Mark 7, 4:<br />

nippee hasmne ahkuhquog, water-pots of<br />

stone, John 2, 6 (ohkuke, a kettle, C.<br />

161).<br />

[Narr. ai'tnirk, a kettle; mishquockvk,<br />

a red (ciijiper) kettle, R. W. 36. ]<br />

ohkukquteaen-iu, n. a i)otter, a maker<br />

of pots, Jer. 18, 6.<br />

ohpantu, 'he treadethon' ( walk.supon),<br />

inan. obj.. Job 9, 8.<br />

ohpequan, shoulder. See mohpegk.<br />

•olippeh, 'I may cast a snare'; (or sup-<br />

pos.?) matla woh ohjipeli, 'not that I<br />

may cast a snare', 1 Cor. 7, 35. Cf.<br />

appeh.<br />

[Marginal note.—"Wrong."]<br />

•*ohquae, C. 235, = uhquae (on the other<br />

end), q. v.<br />

ohquanumdnat, v. i. an. to forsake. See<br />

ahquanuiiiau.<br />

ohquanumunat, v. i. to be loathsome.<br />

See t'lliqiKiiiumuiial.<br />

ohquanupam, on the shore or margin of<br />

the .lea, Ex. 14, 30, =ohqmiiiv kelilali-<br />

liaimil, Mark 2, 13; ohke . . . ohquanshin<br />

may kelahhmmil, 'land by the way<br />

of the sea'. Matt. 4, 15.<br />

Shquassoaeu, -eniu, 'an austere man',<br />

Luke 19, L'l, 22.<br />

ohqueneunkqus, adj. terrible. See vnk-<br />

qm'i„;,iikq>,s.i,u:<br />

ohquontamoonk, indignation, 2 Cor. 7,<br />

II.<br />

-ohtae, -ohtag-, -ohteau, in compound<br />

words, that which is of (or which has)<br />

the quality or nature of, or belonging to.<br />

ohtaeu, 'he croucheth ', Ps. 10, 10.<br />

ohtauunat, ahtauunat, \-. t. to possess,<br />

to have (in possession). Gen. 23, 9;<br />

Judg. 18, 9; Neh. 9, 15; Amos 2, 10<br />

(ahtourmat, to have, C. 194; ahteauii-<br />

nal, to spare or preserve, ibid. 210;<br />

ohto, he hath (it), Mass. Pa.): noh<br />

wadchanont wunnaumoniineuh, olitau<br />

pomnvlamoonk, 'he that hath the Son<br />

hath life', 1 John 5, 12; noh . . .<br />

matla ohtoou pomanlamdonk, 'he hath<br />

not life', ibid.; neg ohlunkeg ohke,<br />

'who were possessors of lands'. Acts 4,<br />

34; nutahtomun . . . wete, we have . . .<br />

a house, 2 Cor. 5, I; ohtauunn&l ohke, to<br />

inherit the land, Ex. 23, 30; noholitunk,<br />

the owner (suppos. ), Prov. 1, 19; hoivan<br />

ohiunk, who hath? Prov. 23, 29; Ex. 24,<br />

14; neieaguas ohtunk kelatleamimg, 'anything<br />

which is (belongs to) thy neigh-<br />

bor', Ex. 20, 17. It is this verb in the<br />

intransitive form {ohteau) which Eliot<br />

has most frequently employed to supply<br />

the want of the verb of existence<br />

(see Du Ponceau's notes to Eliot's<br />

Grammar, xxi-xxix, and Pickering's<br />

Supplem. Observ., xxx-xliv). Thus,<br />

ai/euonk . . . ohieau vmltat Kirjalli-jea-<br />

rim, 'the place is behind Kirjath-jea-<br />

rim', Judg. 18, 12; ohteau, it is, it was,<br />

Ex. 40, 38; Matt. 6, 30; pi>


ohtauunat, ahtauunat—lontimied.<br />

iiiiiii, we liave; knHahlomicoa, ye have;<br />

nn,j ahtoug, they had, C. 194, 226).<br />

[Del. olhatton or vmlatton, he has-or<br />

possesses, Zeisb. Gr. 158; hcittan, 'he<br />

has, it has, it is there', ibid. 162; hnlteu,<br />

Zeisb. Voc. 18.]<br />

*oliteak. See *olileiik.<br />

-ohteau. See -ulitae.<br />

ohteoonk, ahtoonk, u. a possession:<br />

iriihililiiniil:, their pos.session, Gen. 47,<br />

II; iriiirh itlili'iiink, 'for a possession',<br />

Lfv. 14, ;i4; mdi-lieiitolitag ohtoonk, an<br />

everlaiJtiiij; jiossession, Gen. 17, 8.<br />

ohteulikonat, v. i. to sow or plant a field,<br />

Matt. 13, 3; Lev. 26, 5; Is. 28, 24:<br />

ohteuhkaunu, is sown, 1 Cor. 15, 43, 44.<br />

See oJiki'lilrainint.<br />

ohteuk, ohteak, ii. a field. Matt. 13, .38,<br />

44; land which is cultivated or inclosed,<br />

or to which the idea of ownership or<br />

individual possession attaches (from<br />

olitauundt oro/i(dc, and ohke) pi. ohieuh-<br />

;<br />

konaxh, Ps. 107, 37; John 4, 35 {ahteuk-<br />

knfi(isl(, C. 160); mit ohte.akonit, in his<br />

field. Matt. 13, 31; nt ohleakonil, in the<br />

field, Ex. 23, 29; ntwskecheohteakonit, in<br />

the open field, Num. 19, 16; Lev. 14, 53<br />

{nlitfuk, soil, a field, C. 160). See ohke.<br />

ohtohtosu, ( is ) removed. Job 14, IS. See<br />

iiiilniiUiiniiial.<br />

ohtomp, ahtomp, n. a bow, 2 K. 13, 16;<br />

Ps. 78, 57: ironkinnau wutolitompe, he<br />

bends his bow (hath bent, Lam. 2, 4)<br />

kulalitomp, thy bow. Gen. 27, 3; ohiomp<br />

kah kimhr/uodtasli , bow<br />

and arrows, 2 K.<br />

13, 15; pi. vmlolitonipi'h, irulahlompeoooh,<br />

their bows; Jer. 51, 56; 1 Sam. 2, 4; ohtompeilchefj,<br />

those who carry bows, bowmen,<br />

Jer. 4, 29; noh konunnont ahtompeh,<br />

he that handleth the bow, Amos.<br />

2, 15; noh nohlulilittikcg kah jjailunkanoncheg<br />

ohlompeh, who handle and bend<br />

the bow, Jer. 45, 9. [olilaf-omp, that<br />

which belongs to a man (?)]. See om-<br />

palcgaftli; ironkiiiowil.<br />

[Abn. Iiti'ihi. Pcq. iiHeump, nulttiiiH/jxh,<br />

(my) Imiw: Toiidunnemaudno<br />

iniinh/iiiiiiiii ii'l: itiiip iiiiijnii iiuckkegunt;<br />



omolik[inat?], v. i. to rise up, to rise<br />

from sleep (omuhkenate, to arise, C.<br />

180): omohkeu nompodeti, he rose early<br />

in the morning, Ex. 24, 4; omohku, 1<br />

K. 3, 20; omohkeog nompoiie, they rose<br />

early, Ex. 32, 6; 1 Sam. 29,11; omohkeon<br />

(subj.), when I arose, 1 K. 3, 21; iwh<br />

omokkit nompdae, he who rises early,<br />

etc., Prov. 27, 14; oinkkh, arise thou.<br />

Gen. 19, 15; oniokenim kah nepomm, it<br />

arose and stood upright (pass, form,<br />

'was arisen' and 'was stood'). Gen.<br />

37, 7 {nuUomuhkem, I arise; nuttomukkemun,<br />

we arise, C. 180).<br />

[Abn. iihmikkS, je me leve, a<br />

sonnio.]<br />

— ;<br />

omohkindnat, v. t. an. to raise up, an.<br />

obj.: omohkhu'h, rai.se thou me up, Ps.<br />

41, 10.<br />

[Abn. Sdarimikenaii , je le fais lever,<br />

je le leva de terre. ]<br />

omp, n. man. This word is nowhere<br />

found by itself, and perhaps was already<br />

obsolete when Eliot's acquaintance<br />

with the language was commenced<br />

but its recurrence in compound words<br />

suffices to fix it as the dialectic name<br />

appropriated, in accordance with Indian<br />

usage, to the favored race, whose men<br />

were all viri, while those of other tribes<br />

or nations were contemptuously regarded<br />

aa even less than homines<br />

miisiunuog, or captives. (See misdn;<br />

misKinnin.) From this root come, apparently,<br />

nompaas (ne-omp-6da«, the<br />

man animal), a male; woHkHomp {ivos-<br />

keliuae-omp, hurtful or bloody man), a<br />

warrior, or 'brave', one who bears<br />

arms (see note below); mugqiiomp<br />

(mogke-omp, great man), a captain;<br />

nunkomp (nunkon-omp, light man?), a<br />

young man, not grown up; penomp<br />

{penowe-omp ?, a stranger to man, nes-<br />

cia viri ?), a virgin; omskauonai (for<br />

omp-), to conquer, to put to flight;<br />

and, perhaps, ompehtedonk {omp-ohtde,<br />

that which belongs to man or to the<br />

conqueror), tribute.<br />

[Note.—Regarding woskdomp tbe compiler<br />

notes: "This is wrong, but I can notfl.x the<br />

' true meaning of tcoskct-. This is followed by<br />

a note in pencil: " Perhaps not wrong. 1883."]<br />

ompacliissin, 'the top of it [a ladder]<br />

reached' (to heaven), Gen. L'8, 12.<br />

] iiKiIiloiiipiiUiiiiiunai,<br />

ompamuhquaenat, v. i. to turn one's self<br />

aniund, tn turn back, to look behind<br />

one: uinpainuhquaeu, ' he turned back',<br />

2 K. 2, 24; ahque ompamuhquaish, do<br />

not thou look behind thee. Gen. 19, 17;<br />

ompdmuhquaeoh, she looked back, v.<br />

26; niatta ompamuhquaeog, they look<br />

not back, Jer. 46, 5; ompamnquai-hlinuin,<br />

v.t. he looked back at, Jer. 13, 16. See<br />

niiliquainat.<br />

*oinpana[enat?], v. i. to lift one's self<br />

up, to rise up (as opposed to nauvxwnat,<br />

to bow down): ompandeu, he lifted<br />

himself up; ompanaoop (pret. ), Mass.<br />

Ps. , John 8, 7; ompandit, when he lifted<br />

himself up, v. 10.<br />

*ompateg, jil. +asli, weapons, Mass.<br />

Ps., John 18, 3, = (mwohimongadi (?),<br />

FA. See auirohteau.<br />

*ompattainunat, 'to wear clothes out';.<br />

to wear out; num-<br />

iiiiihi'h' niiipdtlani, I did wear; nag iroh<br />

iiiii/i'iti'miir,,,!, they would wear, C. 215.<br />

ompatussinat, to lean upon {ompalisgiiin'uiat,<br />

C. 199 ) : noh ompatussin u-ek, he<br />

leans on his house, Job 8, 15; ompa-<br />

tussintfog, they lean on (him), Mic. 3,<br />

11; ompatiixsuk, if he lean (or leaning)<br />

on it, 2 K. 5, 18; 18, 21; John 13, 23;<br />

ompatissunm kah anwohhou, 'the stay<br />

and the staff'. Is. 3,1; ompntismnnaiDnk,<br />

the stay, ibid.<br />

ompeliteae, ompeteae, adj. of trilmte;<br />

-teitgiKwh, tribute money, !Matt. 17, 24.<br />

ompehteaonk, ompwet- {ompdcaonk,<br />

C. 203), n. tribute, Gen. 49, 15; Num.<br />

31, 28; Matt. 17, 24, 25; 'toll', Ezra,<br />

4, 20: oirip-olitae, omp-ohtedonk, that<br />

which belongs to men, i. e. masters (?).<br />

See omp. ["oiiipeht . . . doiik, an old<br />

Indian word that signifies obedience<br />

by giving any . . .", C. 155 (partly<br />

illegible in his manuscript I.] See diii-<br />

u'unndonk.<br />

ompenat, v. i. to be loose, unbound,<br />

free, 1 Cor. 7, 27: ompkni, if thou he<br />

loosed (or free) from, ibid.; noh ompeneau<br />

wutch, she is loosed from (the<br />

law), Rom. 7, 2.<br />

ompeneausu, adj. (was) loo.sed, Mark<br />

7, 35; pi. an. - og, Dan. 3, 25.


ompenednat, v. t. an. to loose or unbind<br />

an. obj. (ompmne6nat, to release, Luke<br />

23, 20); = punanaudnat (see p07ianau):<br />

wutdmpinneuh, he loosed him (from<br />

bonds), Ps. 105,20 [-neouhioT-neuh{'!)']\<br />

Acts 22, 30; ompinneau, hi- Innsctli (the<br />

prisoners), Ps. 146, 7; (imiiiinh hI:. loose<br />

ye him, Matt. 21, 2; kiilfiiiipdiiiniinu-<br />

naout, 'I (to) release unto you', i.e.<br />

I to cause to be unbound to you.<br />

Matt. 27, 21; ompin (?), loose thyself.<br />

Is. 52, 2.<br />

•ompenumunat, v. t. to loose, to unbind,<br />

Rev. 5, 2: miipeneum, he looseth (the<br />

bonds). Job 12, 18; ompenim nuppevmnneat,<br />

he has loosed my cord. Job<br />

30, 11; ompinimunash, they are untied,<br />

loosed, Is. 33, 24.<br />

[Narr. aumpanish, untie this; aumpaniimmin,<br />

to undo a knot, R. W. 54.]<br />

ompetag, -ak, adv. afterward, after<br />

that. Josh. 24, 5; Ps. 73, 24; Neh. 6,10;<br />

Mark 4, 28: wutch ompetak; for the time<br />

to come, the future. Is. 42, 23 ( ' shortly '<br />

C. 2H0).<br />

ompeteae. See nmpehleiic.<br />

ompeteaonk. See oinjielili'dimk:<br />

ompontinnumunat magooonk, to send<br />

an iiffering ( or tribute, homage), 1 Sam.<br />

6, 3: itish ompontinumauogish wutch<br />

magcoonk, which things ye return him<br />

for an offering, 1 Sam. 6, 8.<br />

ompcDchanuinunat {omjimrhennt, v. i.?<br />

to roll, C. 206): wuioinpmchaiMtnaont<br />

qus»id; to roll away the stone. Gen.<br />

29, 8 [i. e. to remove the obstruction(?),<br />

omjicinijiiiniat and wutche (?)].<br />

*ompcDclienat, v. to roll, C. 206.<br />

*omppuwussueonknuiikquat, n. vice,<br />

C. 165.<br />

ompsk, ompsq, in compound words, a<br />

stone or rock; equivalent in some cases<br />

, ,<br />

to qussuk, in others to has-nm. See kenompsq<br />

(a sharp stone, under kcnai),<br />

vanashquompskqut (the top of a rock),<br />

fogwonkanompsk (a millstone, under<br />

togguhwonk), kussohkoi-umpsk (a high<br />

pointed rock), etc. Not used in Eliot's<br />

Bible except in compound words; but<br />

iiiiitxitcheompsqut (obj.), ' a great stone '<br />

is in Samp. Quinnup., p. 156. The primary<br />

meaning seems to be an upright<br />

(omput) rock or stone (^^'sA-). Eliot has:<br />

ompsk, ompsq—continued.<br />

pa.upskkodt-ut Ipahm-p' sk'], 'in a cleft<br />

of therock ', Ex. 33, 22; agwepassompsko-<br />

(Mldu, 'under the [cleft upright] rocks',<br />

Is. 57, 5; v-'oskeche piskuttu, (from) 'the<br />

top of the rocks', Num. 23, 9; ut attm-<br />

che pishkodtut, 'on a crag of the rock',<br />

Job 39, 21; kenugke pumipskquehtu, (of<br />

river courses) 'among the rocks'. Job<br />

28, 10; kussampskoiiieiivt, 'on (high)<br />

rocks' (or on a high rocky place), Jer.<br />

4, 29; chippipsk-ut, 'upon a rock' under<br />

water, Acts 27, 29; inamossompsquehtu,<br />

in 'gravel' (?), Is. 48, 19; wutch woske-<br />

chepiskquttu, 'from the top of the<br />

rocks'. Num. 23, 9 {sing. ivoskechepiskq,<br />

on the top of a rock, Ezek. 24, 7).<br />

ompskot, n.: nequt-ompskol, 'a penny',<br />

M-M. 22, 19; Mark 12, 15; Kev. 6, 6<br />

{oiiipskod, a penny, C. 203; ompskoiash,<br />

pence, Ind. Laws, ii, p. 3). Cf. nequt-<br />

ompskinaushettit, 'of a span long' (pi.);<br />

nequl omskinausu ne mhteag, 'a span<br />

shall be the length of it', Ex. 28, 16.<br />

[Narr. nequiitoinpscat, 1 penny (that<br />

is, a penny's worth of ludmpan; prob-<br />

ably a measure of length); neesaAmscat,<br />

2 pence; yowomscut, 4 pence; qutta-<br />

lashaumscal, 6 pence { = quitauatu, quat-<br />

iuatu; neeti =2 qu&Uualiieit, =12 pence,<br />

or a shilling); jjiiickquat (10 qvattuatues),<br />

60 pence, = qutlatashincheck aum-<br />

scat, =nquUt6>nj}eg, or nqxdtnishcadsu,<br />

1 fathom of their stringed money;<br />

Heesaumpaugaliiil:, 2 fathoms = 10 shil-<br />

lings, etc.; ii'i^'iiiiiis^iNs^,ii/i, 2 spans of<br />

wAmpan; ymnjuijisciMsihii, 4 spans, etc.,<br />

R. W. 128, 135.]<br />

ompsq. See ompuk.<br />

[-ompu: en uvmpu, he looks. Ci. Chip.<br />

(lilt waub, to see.]<br />

*ompuwussuonk, n. : aiuntogkoin onipu-<br />

misxiiont, craft cjr guile, C. 165.<br />

ompweteaenu-in, n. a tributary. Lam.<br />

1, 1; pi. umpeleaenuog, Judg. 1, 30.<br />

ompweteaonk. See ompehtedonk.<br />

omp-wunnaonk. See oimnoniAonk.<br />

ompwunnit: (/"// timpnintnit, 'a raiser<br />

of taxe!

ompw-unnonat—continued.<br />

vuldiiipiimikmuh, they were tributaries<br />

to them, Judg. 1, 33; wiitompwunuh,<br />

(he) gave him presents, paid tribute,<br />

2 K. 17, 3.<br />

omskaudnat, v. t. an. to prevail over,<br />

to put to flight: pish omskautr('tO(j, they<br />

shall chase, put to flight. Lev. 26, 8;<br />

omslcom, he prevailed in battle, was<br />

the conqueror, Ex. 17, 11; vutoinsltuuoh,<br />

he chased him, Judg. 9, 40.<br />

om-wrunnaonk, ompw-, n. triVjute (paid<br />

or referred to the payer). Num. 31, 37,<br />

38, 39. See ompehteaonk.<br />

dnag^. See Aunag.<br />

•6nat, auonat, v. t. to go to a place or<br />

object, Eccl. 7, 2; Jer. 37, 12. See examples<br />

under aii., to which add ontuh,<br />

let us go to, 1 Sam. 11, 14; Luke 2, 15;<br />

ongq, go ye, Matt. 21, 2; Josh. 2, 16.<br />

Cf. comundt.<br />

•onatuh, adv. as, like, Ps. 78, In, 27, 65;<br />

onaluh . . . nelatuppi; as . . . so,<br />

Prov. 26, 9 (construed with thesuppos.<br />

mood for unne toh, as though, as when).<br />

Caus. verb subst. onatuheyeum ( ' he took<br />

on him'), he made himself like, Heb.<br />

2, 16.<br />

onch, conj. yet, notwithstanding that,<br />

Ex. 9, 17; Eccl. 1, 7; Hos. 9, 16; olm-<br />

chikoh, but yet, Rom. 5, 7; ohnch, Is.<br />

14, 1 {=^onk, with form of imperat. 3d<br />

pers. singular or absolute participle).<br />

See gut.<br />

oncheteau. See onrhtemi.<br />

•oncheteauun, 'revised' or 'corrected'<br />

(as used in title-page of Rawson's revision<br />

of Eliot's translation of Samp.<br />

Quinnup., 1689): oncliheaog u-uthashahpoauh,<br />

they mended their nets, Mark<br />

I, 19; onchteauunat irek, to repair his<br />

house, 2 Chr. 24, 12; 34, 10; oncheteau-<br />

unat, 2 Chr. 24, .5. See onchteun.<br />

•onchittamauonat (?), v. i. to chew the<br />

cud(?); cLkohkodhumai'i. onchiltamau,<br />

it chews the cud, Lev. 11, 4, 5, 6; on-<br />

chittamont, jiart., cheweth the cud, Lev.<br />

II, 3, =kohkodhumont, Deut. 14, 6;<br />

mnchittamoncheg, pi. they which chew,<br />

etc.. Lev. 11, 4,=kohkodhunwncheg,<br />

Deut. 14, 7; matta onchittamauco, he does<br />

not chew, Lev. 11, ~,=matla kohkodhimCou,<br />

Deut. 14, 8.<br />


oncliteau, oncheteau, he amends (it);<br />

suppos. 2d pi. oneheleaog, if ye amend<br />

(your ways), Jer. 7, 5; onchteomk, amend<br />

ye (yourways), V. 3; onc/irtoc, amended,<br />

title-page of second ed. of Indian Bible.<br />

See oncheleiiHiii).<br />

onchtedouk, n. a repairing, repair: onch-<br />

teoorik iirk, tlie repairing of the house,<br />

2 Chr. 24, 27.<br />

onchteunk, part.: olichtcunk pokgshimk,<br />

the repairer of (he who repairs) the<br />

breach, Is. 58, 12.<br />

ongkome, og-komai, prep, on the other<br />

side of, Josh. 24, 2, 3 (its adversative is<br />

sometime i/od i, 2 Sam. 2, 13 ) : ogkomae,<br />

on the other side (of the way), Luke<br />

10, 31, 32; ogkom&e punnneneulunkanil,<br />

on the other side of the wall, Neh. 4,<br />

13 ('behind the wall'); nag ogkonmt<br />

sepuuf, (to) those beyond the river,<br />

Neh. 2, 7. See acawmeii{6akit). ogkomiik<br />

l = Acconmc^ Jordan, (that which<br />

is) beyond Jordan, Matt. 4, 15.<br />

[Abn.flin5r.9nH (net, en dela. Quir. akkOmmuk<br />

kathmu, over the seas. Pier. 10.<br />

Cree akdmik, across, on the other side.<br />

Del. gamunk, over there, the other side<br />

of the water; achgameu, over against,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

ongkoue, prep, beyond (El. Gr. 21), 1<br />

Sam. 20, 37: mutuhahame . . . ongkoue,<br />

on this side . . . on that side or beyond<br />

(the river), Josh. 8, 33; aongkoue, ut-<br />

most, farthest off, Deut. 30, 4; Jer. 9, 26;<br />

25, 23; mmup aongkouoh komuf, 'come<br />

from the uttermost parts of the earth',<br />

Matt. 12, 42; en aongkoue, to the furthest<br />

( ' utmost ' ) , Deut. 34, 2 {onkkdue, C. 1 68 )<br />

ongkoue, behind, 1 Sam. 21, 9. See<br />

inuttihfihnnu'.<br />

ongquomdnat. See onkquommommmonk.<br />

onk, conj., a particle which nearly answers<br />

to the Greek 5?), and is commonly<br />

used in the continuation of a re-<br />

cital or for connecting parts of a propo-<br />

sition or members of a sentence less<br />

closely and directly than by kah. It is<br />

sometimes put for 'and', Gen. 20, 12, 13;<br />

Matt. 18, 5; elsewhere for 'so', 'so<br />

that', Ps. 78, 20,29. anue onk wame,<br />

more than all, 1 Chr. 16, 20; anue mhmken<br />

onk neen, he is more great thau I,<br />



onk— continued.<br />

Mark 1, 7; missi onk, greater than,<br />

Murk 4, 32 {onkne, besides, C. 234).<br />

[Wa^^ it originally the same as ironh ?]<br />

onkaeese, adv. (dimin. of ongkoue), a<br />

little farther, Acts 27, 2S.<br />

[Narr. uirwa-isi'm', R. W. .5.5.]<br />

onkapunanittuonk, n. torment (endured;<br />

referred to the subject), Rev.<br />

9, .5; Ex. 1, bS, 14 {'rigor'). See cm-<br />

iriikiiiii/)it)i('iiiiik.<br />

onkapunanonat, onkapunnonat, v. t.<br />

an. to torment, to torture: mUonka-<br />

punnoridoiil, to torment them. Rev. 9,<br />

5; alupie nnkapnnaneh, torment me not,<br />

Luke 8, 28. Pass, onkapunnandog, they<br />

were tortured, Heb. 11, 3.5. Cf. nuwa-<br />

l.o,u,H,„„ass„.<br />

onkapuunanittue, adj. and adv. cruel,<br />

severe, Heb. II, :ii> (with reference to<br />

the .subjei-t i>r victim).<br />

onkapunnaonk, n. torment, torture,<br />

cruelty [inflicted; referred to the<br />

agent]. Rev. 9, 5 (3d pers. pi.).<br />

onkatog, adj. another, Deut. 28, 30: pnauk.<br />

. . . oiikaloij,one . . . the other, Deut.<br />

21, 15; krtaKsml ayeuhkonont vonkatogeh<br />

kHassmtoh, a king going to war against<br />

another king, Luke 14, 31 (here -on-<br />

katog has the prefix of 3d pers., 'his<br />

other' (?), and objective afHx); pi. oii-<br />

katogig (uiikatnk, Pier. 14). From onk<br />

nr ,n,i,k.<br />

*oukatoganit, conj. otherwise, C. 2.34.<br />

*onkatuk, onkne, conj. besides, ('. 234.<br />

onkauoht, onkanohteau, onkauwoht,<br />

n. ai-lia:krt.<br />

onkquotteonat, v. t. an. ( 1 ) to recom-<br />

]iense (a person ) : oukquotteaii, he recompensed<br />

(them), Prov. 26, 10; neh pfs/i<br />

irntonkqualniwh, he will recompense<br />

her, Jer. 51, 6; hippapasku otikqiiiil(Jii!


onkquotteonat—eontiniied.<br />

minmeinsh, 'I will give you your<br />

money?', p. 135.]<br />

onkqussoliliou, n. the cover or 'lid' (of<br />

a chest, 2 K. 12, 9).<br />

onkup[pe], n. strong drink, Is. 5, 11, 22;<br />

Prov. 20.1, = manuhkntj wullaUamoonk,<br />

Lev. 10, 9, =menuhke iruttaltninoonk,<br />

Num. 6, 3; onkuppe, Prov. 31, 4, 6.<br />

[Abn. a'kslii, boisson forte, Rasles.<br />

Del. aclieimii, .strong, spirituous, Zeisb.<br />

Gr. 167.]<br />

onkwheg, n. = onkwhonk; pi. -\-asli, cov-<br />

ers to dishes, etc.. Num. 4, 7.<br />

onkwhongane, adj. covering, Num. 4, 5.<br />

onkwhonk, n. a covering, Num. 4, 6,<br />

10, 14; a screen or curtain, v. 25, 26;<br />

wulch mishelttash, a covert from the tem-<br />

pest,' Is. 32, 2; 1)1. onkwhongash, cover-<br />

ings, Prov. 31, 22. See piitlocihaiii.<br />

onkwhosuonk, n. that which makes a<br />

cover or covers; pl.-ongauli, Ex. 25, 29.<br />

*onn6hquat (?), 'raining', C. 222. C'f.<br />

u'uniwitqiiudt, fair weather.<br />

[Narr. anaqual, rain, R. \V. 83. Del.<br />

alhacquot, 'it rains a general rain (over<br />

a large surface of country)', Zeisb. Gr.<br />

161; 'stormy, rainy weather", Zeisb.<br />

Voc. 14.]<br />

onoquesuonk, ana-, n. a joint; pi. -on-<br />

yash, Ca.i\i. 7, 1; Eph. 4, 16.<br />

6nouwussu, adj. lean, Ezek. 34, 20 [from<br />

ainou-weyaus, low [hollow] fie.sh (?)]:<br />

a>weei/auseeweespl«h (')iiauiciis,-


ontapinneat, eU:—continued.<br />

[Cree at-Hp-u (an.), 'he other-sits,<br />

changes his seat', Howae 156. Chip.<br />


dscDw^nnumunat, v. t. to change, Dan.<br />

7, 25; Jer. 2, 36: Oscowimum umihogkwun-<br />

(ish, he changed his clothes, Gen. 41,<br />

14; matta vMtoscovmnoh, he does not<br />

change it. Lev. 27, 10 {dsaatmnont, if he<br />

change, an. obj.. Lev. 27, 10); malla<br />

nutoliCme ussu, ' I change not' , Mai. 3, 6;<br />

6Kcowema}, it changes, it is changed,<br />

Lam. 4, 1.<br />

ossoeposu, he slideth back, Hos. 4, 16;<br />

assOeposue, adj. Ijaeksliding, Hos. 4, 16.<br />

Cf. assoi'ishau, he goes backward.<br />

otan, n. a town, a 'city', Gen. 4, 17;<br />

Josh. 8, 19, 21; pi. +ash, Gen. 19, 29;<br />

2 Pet. 2, 6. See kehlotan, a great town.<br />

[Narr. olAn, the ti.iwn, jil. oldnash;<br />

olanick, to the town, K. "\V. 120. Del.<br />

u te nei/ {>i tf luird; in town), Zeisb.<br />

Voe. 31.]<br />

otanemes, n. dim. for (//a», a village.<br />

Matt. 21, 2; pi. +asli, Is. 42, 11; Lnke<br />

13, 22.<br />

*dteshem (Nam): v:etu6muck m'llenhem,<br />

I came from the house; acdicmuck noleshem,<br />

I came over the water; imwwa-<br />

tucknoteshem, I came from far; iuckd-<br />

teshana, whence came you? R. W. 28;<br />

iunna wulshaXiock, whence come they?<br />

ibid. 29. See mtshoh; wadchhiat.<br />

*6u, well (it Is -n-ell), C. 227. See *d.<br />

ouwau, 11. mist, vapor. Gen. 2, 6; Job<br />

3'i, 27.<br />

[Abn. aSanis, il fait brouillard; aSa-<br />

nehegai, sur la riviere. Chip, awani-<br />

bissa, it drizzles. Bar. 533; moan, it is<br />

foggy, ibid. 532. Del. awonn, fog, Zeisb.<br />

Yoc." 7.]<br />

ouwassu, he warms or w'armed himself,<br />

Is. 44, 16. See amraxsn.<br />

owanux. See liowari.<br />

0"wohk6ntco&u. See auirohkoiitiTMiii.<br />

owohshaog, n. the hawk, Dent. 14, 15.<br />

See tiiaxJujiianon; quanunon.<br />

owonogkuog', V. i. 3d pers. pi. they<br />

'have holes', they burrow^ Matt. 8,20,<br />



CDcliiiuneat, \. p. tci lie advantaged (ir<br />

profited (iridcliUnneiit, Is. 47, 12): teug<br />

ncDchnn, what advantage will it be to<br />

we? what am I profited? Jol> 35, 3;<br />

nuMu nmchli-iii, it profited me not, Joli<br />

83, 27; leaguuit kmchiyimirai, what are<br />

you profited? Hab. 2, 18; mchiin, (it) is<br />

profitable, Eecl. 10, 10; woh cochihi, it<br />

may profit. Job 35, 8; vii.v/t miiUa p'ikIi<br />

/.•u»7(i('/)j«.s/i, these things sliall not profit<br />

thee, Is. 57, 12; li/.s/i mtttla in„lrhiiini-<br />

»mi'i's/i, things which eaii not profit (be<br />

profitable), 1 Sam. 12, 21; ii-nnni: It-iuj<br />

viitchieii, it profiteth nothing, Joli 34, 9.<br />

C'f. ojtcltfun, he made from (it).<br />

oohk, cohkq, ohkq, n. a worm. Job 17,<br />

14; 24, 20; 25, 6 (=ai,kajk, Ps. 22, 6);<br />

pi. ujJiijiuK/ij, Is. 14, 11; mhqoii, it bred<br />

worms, Ex. 16, 20; askka)k!nassog,v;orms,<br />

Beut. 28, 39 {askooksc, dimin. askak, Is.<br />

41, 14); klioiiiii;'ii,, Dent. 14, 16! See<br />

krolikcokhnuii.<br />

[Narr. uhomous, an owl. R. \V, 85.]<br />

CDhquaeu. See vliquui:<br />

CDkas. See ('iknu.<br />

comsinneat, annussinneat, v. i. to go<br />

cir come down, to move downward.<br />

See U'a}mf


oonoi, ODnoe— oontinueil.<br />

aibly the Indian who taught him the<br />

word, having misunderstood his ques-<br />

tion, gave him tlie name' of tiie object<br />

to which his attention was called in-<br />

stead of its color. Cotton gives jii-sliai,<br />

blue (168); uppmhou, a flower (160);<br />

peshdnndqual, blue color (168). Ci.<br />

Arab, zahr, a flower; a:' ml:, blue.]<br />

oonou, oondi, adj. dee]). Except in compound<br />

words, it has always the defini-<br />

tive prefix, ni'f/mdi, probably to dis-<br />

tinguish it from coniii, blue ( the color of<br />

deep water); and for the same reason<br />

the m' is retained in such compounds<br />

valley, Gen. 14, 17; en mm'iuhkoiyeuut,<br />

to the valley, Num. 32, 9; en amouh-<br />

koiyeue, into the valley. Josh. 7, 24;<br />

conouohkoiyetie, adj. 'of the low country',<br />

2 Chr. 26, 10 [ajimi-ohke, hollow<br />

land]; pi. (jjii6Hhlii(i.iJi, ixiii6)ihkoiyeimsli,<br />

Ezek. .36, 4, 6.<br />

•CDnouwusse, lean. See ('iiiniiiriixxe.<br />

oncDuat, V. i. 'to yell' as a wild animal,<br />

'to howl': conwog, 'they yell' (as lions'<br />

whelps), Jer. 51, 38 [from anum, a<br />

•iogC?)]; nishno pamk pish mnco, every<br />

one shall howl. Is. 15, 3; viaush ka'h<br />

mmh, 'cry and howl', Ezek. 21, 12;<br />

concok, howl ye, Zech. 11, 2.<br />

[Chip. ira]i-„-,„_,. he howls, Spelling<br />

P.o„k.]<br />

j<br />

OJncDouk, n. howling, Is. 15, 8; Zeph. I<br />

1, 10.<br />

CDucDwaonk. See wunnajin\


p'. f^eey"?-.<br />

pS,, a particle which, prefixed to a verb<br />

iu the indicative, gives it the sense of<br />

the 1st pers. imperative: nanimantnm,<br />

I am wise; pu-nwivuantam, let me be<br />

wise. El. Gr. 25.<br />

)<br />

[Cree pa, indecl. particle, prefixed to<br />

the root of the verl), has the force of<br />

'stioiild' or 'would' conditional: nf jid<br />

iiipan, I should or would sleep.]<br />

pa, applied to extension in time, an<br />

indefinite going-on. It has the force of<br />

'yet' in such phrases as 'while he was<br />

yet speaking' . Indie, ash pamekesukok,<br />

while it was yet day, 2 Sam. 3, 35;<br />

pimiiiu, 'upward' in age or time: 'from<br />

twenty years old [kcih, paamit] and upward',<br />

i. e. passing. Num. 26, 2,4,^<br />

pa&me, 2 Chr. 31, 16, 17. Suppos. mh.<br />

pamfoadt, while he yet spoke, Job 1,<br />

16, 17; Matt. 14, 43. Pass. (inan. sub-<br />

ject) pnmanm, it is passed, Ps. 18, 12.<br />

luijierat. 3d pers. would be, regularly<br />

formed, pa] or pajeli (q. v.) [or pame-<br />

jeh (?)], let it go on or continue (until).<br />

Cf. pomantum (suppos. pamuntog), he<br />

lives; pomushau, he walks; pdnixhemi,<br />

itispa.st, etc. (Cf. alsoSansk. pumh, ire,<br />

se movere.<br />

[Abn. piiiil i=iiiupt^i und anptsi), in<br />

' compos. 1 ^endant, vel encore ; il est a<br />

'<br />

(with verb in infinitive), Rasles. Del.<br />

jjeni mi, yet, to this time, Zeisb.]<br />

pa-, pe-, pu- [p'], prefixed to words<br />

which signify motion, denotes indirec-<br />

tion in the act or agent. In verbs of<br />

motion it signifies 'all about', 'in one<br />

direction or another', or without direc-<br />

tion. Cf. pu-nne, 'out of the way',<br />

'astray', and pu-mmoh, the sea; pit-<br />

mmsaj, he swims; jm-muinpnyin, it<br />

creeps; pamUchuan, (water) runs, etc.<br />

[For the Cree, Howse (84) has pim-<br />

mildclwmoo, ' he moves himself horizontally,<br />

crawls', and perhaps this may be<br />

the primary signification.]<br />

paamu, adv. past, upward (in age or<br />

time). Num. 26, 2, 4. See pdme.<br />

paanonteg-, as n. a (winnowing) fan,<br />

Is. 30, 24, i. e. that which blows away.<br />

i^ee piiniuiulitunk.<br />

'<br />

P<br />

.<br />

pabahtanum Ipa-hdl-nn-timl. v. t. he<br />

trusts: pahalitaniiiiKin, he trusts in<br />

(him), has confidence in; inan. pahah-<br />

lantam, he trusts (it), depends on (it).<br />

Adj. and adv. pabahtanum nv, -uw, faith-<br />

fully (pdpiihtantdinirf, C. ).<br />

padahquohhan. See jKiiltnluiiKilil^ni.<br />

padteateamin-asli, ii. )>1. nuts, (len.<br />

43, 1 1<br />

padtippashiu, padtapashin, v. i. it<br />

drops, there is dropping; freq. papadtijipdnldn,<br />

there is a shower; verbal pd-<br />

pddtinunk, 'showers', Deut. 32, 2.<br />

[Del. pankpechen, a drop; popankpechen,<br />

it drops (cf. popelelan, it is showery,<br />

'rains by showers'), Zeisb. Abn.<br />

aiipeterann, il est encore h pleuvoir, il<br />

pleut encrjre. ]<br />

padtohquohlian, padahquohhan, \ . i.<br />

it thunders {{jadloliqnoli'taii and pidtoli-<br />

quohhdmii, it thunders, C. ) ; as a n.<br />

thunder. [From a verb which signifies<br />

'to hear', 'to be heard' (?). Pierson's<br />

Catechism (Quiripi) has padak, he<br />

heareth. Cf . Cree peytow-ayoo, he hears<br />

him; peylurn, he hears it. But see the<br />

next following verb.]<br />

[Note.—The bracketed part of this detinition<br />

is marked "omit" in the mamiserijit.]<br />

[Abn. pklai'ujhiijiiS. Ic foudre. tcm-<br />

nerre. Qvai-.pdddahiiiinldiinii.Vwr. Del.<br />

peelliacqunn, it thunders, llkw., which<br />

Cass corrects to paathoc'quon, 'it begins<br />

to thunder' (from pao, 'tocoiue', and<br />

hoc'quon, 'thunder'). [Is either cur-<br />

rect?] Zeisb. has ped hoc quon, it tluui-<br />

ders; pen da qtiot, it is lieard, Yoc. 26.]<br />

padtuhkuhnteau, \. t. he smites (it)<br />

into (it), 1 Sam. 19, 10, of a dart or<br />

spear thrown from the hand.<br />

pagkodtantam. See pukodtanldin.<br />

paguanau, v. t. an. he destroys (him);,<br />

inan. pagnutan, jMgwodtau, he destroys<br />

(it); v. i. jiaguateau, pagwohteau, he<br />

is destroying, or is a destroyer; pi.<br />

paguaioog, they destroy, are destroyers.<br />

(This was the name given to the<br />

Muhhekans of eastern Connecticut by<br />

neighboring tribes: Pequalluog, Pequots,<br />

' destroyers ' . ) Verbal paguanuonk, de-<br />

stroying, destruction, Prov. 15,11; 18,.

pag'uanau—continncd<br />

7; Is. 59, .7; ' pestilenoe", I'm. 91, li.<br />

From pohi- (pogk--), to break, to iliviiic.<br />

See pohqui.<br />

.<br />


[Narr. panquann, 'there is a slaiifjh-<br />

ter'; pequUt'mg pauquanan, 'the Peqiits<br />

are slain', K. W. 151. Cree pi'tckivalit-<br />

ai/nii, 'he hates' (hiinV.]<br />

paguodche, pagwodche, ailv. 'it may<br />

be', perhajis. El. ( ir. L>2 (poyqiidlrhc, C. ).<br />

[Alg. 7artridge', Jer. 17,<br />

11, =y,„/,/„,/,/.«.«». I Sam. 26, 20. Cf.<br />

p(olipiii]niiilt,„n pi. I, ' quails ',Ps. 105,40.<br />

See iii


pakodtantana, pogk-, pagk-, v. i. ami<br />

t. iiuui. he cletermines, resolves, pur-<br />

iK.scs, L' riir. 32, 2; Lam. 2, 8. Act.<br />

vhl. p'iktiilldiitdmmonk, determination,<br />

scttlt'd pnrpiise. From jidkodclif and<br />

-iiiiliiiii, ciiniplctelv-minded. Cf. kod-<br />

IdiihiiH, lie intends or wishes.<br />

*pakonii6tain, n. a eodfisli, C.<br />

[Narr. ])iiii pimmU'linnm, it flows, as water,<br />

IIowse4i).]<br />

paimnoli. See juiiiniioli, the sea(?)_.<br />

paniompagin, v. i. unipers. it creeps<br />

or crawls (tmp-punmiSotasliom, I creep,<br />

CI. -\s adj. (also pomompiagfe) creep-<br />

ing, crawling. Suppos. oinUis nolt pdiii-<br />

onipdiiit, an tuiiinal which creeps or<br />

crawls; pi. iinj jiiiiniiiiijiiikcrheg. Freq.<br />

ji(ijiaiii(iiiijiii(/iii, jiiilijii'iiiinii)pri(/in (and<br />

j/i'iju'diKiili-lin/, Ts. 14S, lOi. fiee pop6m-<br />

oiiijiiikcclirij.<br />

[Cn'cphmiiilaclirmoo, ' he moves him-<br />

self horizontally, crawls', Howse 84.<br />

pamompagin—continued.<br />

Abu. iii-ji, iiiiijSxi. je rampe. je marche<br />

siirle ventre. WA.jiliniicIikliiixii iv.adj.<br />

an.), stirreii. moved, Zeisb. (ir. 166;<br />

piiiiiiiitinrh.ni, it cree])s, Zeisb. Voc.<br />

27.]<br />

pS,inontog, sujipos. of puiiiuntdin iq. v.),<br />

he lives: /»,// i„\iiiviit,ui. lie who liveth,<br />

1 K. .1, 2;!, 2.i; Ltini. .S, .'W; pi. paiiionto-<br />

ijiij, ' the livint;'.<br />

pamcostD, pamwSscD, pumosoa, v. i. he<br />

swims, iiiovi'S liimself liy swimming<br />

[imp jiintiij.sajirrnii, I swim, C. ); .suppos.<br />

iioh pdmooiKDirit, he who swims. Is. 25,<br />

11. F«r pame-coxKO). Ci.ajsumi'himl.he<br />

swims.<br />

[.Villi. ii,-p,iiiak^iitsiii. •jenage'.]<br />

pamsheau, pamusheau, v. i. inan. it<br />

jiasses, goes on. See pomtixjiaii.<br />

pamutchuwan. See pnmilchiiiui.<br />

pamwosco. See pamaoam.<br />

*panikqua l^pannuhgtiaeii], 'squint-<br />

eyed', ('. From j)(i>if)(' and vhipn'if, he<br />

looks contrary or jierversely.<br />

panne, pannu, out of the way, [ler-<br />

versely, contrary: panmi ii'nlthi, 'the<br />

wind was contrary', Matt. 14, 24; Acts<br />

27, 4; ail jKiinirii, 'he went another<br />

way', 1 K. 13, 10. Cf. the prefix jia-;<br />

al.^o j/t'/dJc'i , strange, inreign; pnia'fii, it<br />

is spread about.<br />

[Del. pidVivi, elsewhere, otherwise;<br />

pidliiiiii. he goes away, goes wrong,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

panneaii, v. i. he errs, goes out of the<br />

way, goes wrong, Prov. 10, 17; sujipos.<br />

part. /j'n/i(('o)i(, going astray, 'perverse',<br />

Prov. 14. 2; verbal pdmici/euonk {pan-<br />

iif-ii-iiiik } , wrong-going, ' perverseness '<br />

Prov. 15, 4.<br />

panneiissu, v. i. an. he does wrong, com-<br />

mits a fault; sujipos. nuh jniiiiitiiit {pan-<br />

neihsi'it) , he who does wrong, who goes<br />

astray, Xmu. 5,12,29; verbal jiiDiiieiis-<br />

I'liiiik. wrong-doing, error, Prov. 17, 9;<br />

,Jude 11: agent, vb. jiiiiniriismini, a<br />

wrong-,lo,.r i<br />

'tlie unjust', 1 Pet. 3, 18).<br />

panncowau, v. t. he deceives, speaks<br />

falsely to (liimi. Imperat. 2d -- 1st<br />

jiers. aliijiii' juiiiinninili, ilo not lie to me,<br />

2 K. 4, lii. Adj. and adv. jiaimanvae,<br />

falsely, deceitfully. X. verbal pamicovaonk<br />

[a.\v\ -wayeiionk) , wrong saying,<br />

a lie, Ps. 7, 14; Rev. 21, 27; agent, vb.<br />



panno3wau—continued.<br />

pann(Bvrieii-i)i, a Vi-di: Vrom jxutiii^, and<br />

nojii'aii, he sjieaks.<br />

pannu. See ihiiiih-.<br />

panuppu, panuppe, thrciuj.'hout, thoroughly;<br />

as V. i. paiiUji/M iramr, [he) is<br />

through all, Eph. i, 6; prep., Rom. 1,8;<br />

adv.. Gen. 11, 3; Rom. 15, 19; intens.<br />

}>iip(iniiuppe, throughout, 2 t-hr. 34, 7;<br />

wholly, Jer. 2, 20.<br />

[Abn. papanmiSi, 'par tout'.]<br />

panupwushati, v. t. he goes throughout:<br />

jiininpii'Hshaoij otanauli, 'they went<br />

through the cities', Luke 9, 6; 2 Chr.<br />

It!, 9 ( paiumpshdnat hehtoh kali, ohke,<br />

'to compass sea and land', C. ; but<br />

l;iip-pannupwnsln>ne(iii, etc., 'you com-<br />

pass', etc.. Matt. 23, Lt). From jinii-<br />

iippi-t.<br />

papadtinunk, n. coll. tine rain, 'show-<br />

ers', Dent. 32, 2. See padlippasldn.<br />

papahtantam, v. i. and t. inan. he trusts.<br />

See pahalitnr, Stiles.]<br />

papekq, n. a flea, 1 Sam. 24, 14; 26, 20<br />

{poppek, C. ). Cf. palipoltkniiiaii.<br />

[Abn. hahikS, puce; habu, ciron dans<br />

les mains, etc.; pS'kSc, vers dans la<br />

chair, sur viande. Del. acliji'


*paponaumsu—continued.<br />

' plfnt y tisir in any Algonquian dialect.<br />

Fnmi jiiijiiiii-de and auinsu, diniin.<br />

[Al)n. (iiiS}nii'imt-fS-al:, 'petits [pois-<br />

sonij] de la nier'.]<br />

*pap6iie (Narr. ), winter, U. W. (W. See<br />

],nj,i,ii.<br />

*pap6netin (Xarr. ), v. unipers. (it<br />

blows from the west, or it blows wintery),<br />

the west wind, R. W. 83. From<br />

pfipi'iiie (popon, EL), winter.<br />

papske. See piipiski:<br />

papukuanne. See papaquanyie.<br />

papumunont, jil. -onclieg, suppos. part.<br />

of ju'piiiiiiniti, flying: pdhpumunoiil<br />

psukscs, flying bird (i. e. bird when<br />

flying), Ps. 148, 10.<br />

pasau. See jHixaxiii.<br />

*paslianne, :id\-. fully, C. Seepohsliane.<br />

pash.ksheau, v. i. it bursts asunder,<br />

bursts with violence, explodes; intens.<br />

of jxisiskau (it bursts) by the incorpo-<br />

ration with the root of sJik, marking vio-<br />

lence and disaster.<br />

pashkuhkom. See paxkiilikmn.<br />

pashpehtahheau {-tiihirhnii, El. (ir. ),<br />

V. t. and i. an. he makes (it) pierce<br />

through (him), he 'smiteth through'<br />

(him). Job 26, 12.<br />

[Old .\\^.patchip:kanontaiiure, in<br />

extreme hunger, Lam. 2, 19.<br />

[Abn. jx'skarandamSsse, il a faim marchant<br />

[?], Rasles. Of. Abn. ],rxk(iiil,<br />

'creu'.]<br />

paskoogun tahshe, mnn. nine; i>l. an.<br />

paskaxjmt talisuoii; inan. tahsliiiuisli.<br />

(or fitlimash), El. Gr. 14 (paaukmffun,<br />

Luke 17, 17): naho paskcogtm, nineteen<br />

(as an adj. varied by talmhi (or tohsu)<br />

in ]il. an. and inan.. 2 K. 25, 8); pnskoj-<br />

paskoDgun tahshe—continued.<br />

gun. tiihxhiurhdf/ (pi. an. -kodlog, -kod-<br />

tash), nine hundred. El. (Jr. 15.<br />

[Xarr. paikiigit {paskcogit, C. ), as adj.<br />

pi. with tasuog and tash'masli, R. W.<br />

Del. (Unami) jirxrhkonk, Hkw.]<br />

paskuhkom, pashk-, v. t. he bursts (it)<br />

asunder or in i>ieces (Nah. 1, 13; Jer.<br />

2, 20; 5, 5; 30, 8: api)lied to the burst-<br />

ing of bonds or fetters). Cf. umliqkuh-<br />

koin. See *peskhom>niii.<br />

pasoo, pahsu, v. i. (it is) near. Adv.<br />

near by. Gen. 19, 20; Matt. 24, .33.<br />

[Chip, hhho, near by, Bar. Abn. ph-<br />

sSl, c'est proche. Del. peschol, Zeisb.]<br />

pasooau, pasau, v. t. an. he brings (him)<br />

to: up-pasoo-uh, he brings him, Luke<br />

10, 34; imperat. 2d pi. pascok, bring ye<br />

hither, Luke 14, 21. This is tlie primary<br />

(and perhaps the only) signitica-<br />

tion of the verb: 'near them', bring<br />

them near. From pdsoj, near.<br />

[Abn. ne-phSaii, je I'apporte.]<br />

pasooche [=pid!


paspishau—continued.<br />

pa.ipishont, (when rising,) sunrise, Eccl.<br />

1, 5; Num. 21, 11; Ps. 50, 1; and of<br />

the rising of the 'day-star', 2 Pet. 1, 19<br />

(up-poshpishaonk nepaz, the sunrising,<br />

C. ) ; freq. papashpishau, he passes<br />

through (a place or country) pi. ; -aoff,<br />

2 Sam. 2, 29. Freq. orintens. oipeshaui,<br />

it blossoms, bursts forth.<br />

[Narr. pdshisha, it is sunrise, R. W.]<br />

pasquag, suppos. inan. (when it is)<br />

made tine, in powder: pusquag nmkhik,<br />

fine flour. Lev. 23, 13, 17, etc. Cf.<br />

sohqui, powder.<br />

[Abn. pesai, poudre. Xarr. pixliijn!-<br />

hick, unj>arched meal.]<br />

pasquodtam, v. t. inan. he chews (it)?;<br />

su]i|)os. i>ass. inan. jKisquodlnmoamuk,<br />

(when it is) chewed, Num. 11, 33.<br />

passipskodtut (for paxsoiitpskudtut) , 'in<br />

the clefts of the rock', Jer. 49, 16;<br />

Obad. 3; pasipskodtwl, Ex. 33, 32: pas-<br />

sompskodchtn, (among) the clefts. Is.<br />

57, 5. From pahshe (pohshe), broken<br />

or divided, and -ompsk, n. gen. for rock.<br />

See ])apokquog.<br />

passishau. See pasisJiau.<br />

passohtham, -ahtham, v. i. he digs a<br />

pit iir trt-ncli, Jer. IS, 20, 22; cf. Ps. 94,<br />

13; p(U!eliiluua{\. t. ), he digs or 'cleaves'<br />

into (it), Judg. 15, 19. Vbl. n. pas-<br />

sohlheg, -ahtheg, a ditch, a pit, Prov.<br />

22, 14; Is. 22, 11 (pohsahleg, Ps. 40, 2);<br />

pi. -gagh, Gen. 14, 10 [passehtan-ash, pi.<br />

'file channels' (of the waters), Mass.<br />

Ps. ,Ps. 18, 1.5]. a. pissagk; pisd.<br />

passukossaii, v. i. he parts the hoof.<br />

Lev. 11, 7. From poligu, divided, and<br />

iitossa, (its) hoof. Seemi«Mo.i; uhqaae.<br />

[Chip, pezhiki, a buffalo. ]<br />

pasuk, num. one; Ex. 12, 46; Judg. 9,<br />

2; Eccl. 4, 8, 10. (In his Grammar,<br />

Eliot gives as the numeral adnoun<br />

'one', netjut, only. ) -pasukm, it is one;<br />

pi. -koomog, they are one, 1 John 5, 7.<br />

Verbal, pasukcoonk, being one, unity,<br />

oneness. -pasukmog, inan. -kajaali,<br />

with nequt prefixed, one hundred. El.<br />

Gr. 15; nequt pasukwe, a hundred times,<br />

Eccl. 8, 12. See Pickering's note on nequt<br />

SLudpasuk in the reprintof Eliot's Grammar<br />

(2 Mass. Hist. Coll. ix), p. xlv.<br />

Cotton made this distinction: "nequt, a<br />

thing that is past; pasuk, a tiling in<br />

pasuk—continued,<br />

being. '<br />

' This Heckewelder considered<br />

a mistake, yet it was not without some<br />

foundation. jMsuk denotes unity and<br />

completeness, one by itself, and with-<br />

out reference to a series; nequtta (its<br />

ordinal is tiegonne, first) appears to ha\'e<br />

the .same base as nukko)me, old, discarded,<br />

left behind [cf. nukkonau, he<br />

leaves (him) behind], and so first in<br />

order of time; but if this distinction<br />

was not already obsolete in the time of<br />

Eliot and Williams it does not appear<br />

to have been observed by either.<br />

[Mah. : "^xtsc/iM^isthetrueMahicanni<br />

word for one", Hkw. Narr. pdwsuck,<br />

R.W. (whogivesalso )igt«/, one). Abn.<br />

phekS, inan. pi'zekSii, one (but iieqvt or its<br />

equivalent is found in nekSdaiis [ = ne-<br />

qutta taltslie}, six; negSdannkdn, eleven;<br />

negSddtegSe, one hundred, etc. ), Easles.<br />

Chip, ba-shick and nin-god-judh (or ning<br />

dwa), Sch. ii, 211, 213, 216. "Be-<br />

fore substantives signifying measure of<br />

time or other things, . . . instead of hejig<br />

\bashick'], we say w'ni/d. "—Bar. Gr. 433.<br />

p&zhig, one; pdzhegoo, he is one, Jones.<br />

Cree piyak, peyakoo, he is one or alone;<br />

peyakooiow ( inan. ,<br />

) he uniteth, Howse. ]<br />

pasukqut, num. once, Gen. 18, 32; Josh.<br />

6, M.<br />

paswauwatiiog', v. i. (pi. ) tliey are near<br />

of kin, 'they are her near kinswomen'.<br />

Lev. 11, 17. From pdsm and weetauoog,<br />

they are related, lit. they live to-<br />

gether.<br />

pas'woh.teau, v. i. (inan. subj.) it is near,<br />

P.S. 22, 11; Zepli. 1, 7. From yxi-sco and<br />

ohieau, se habet.<br />

paswoppu. See pasaitappu.<br />

paswu, adv. lately. El. Gr. 21; 'for a<br />

season', Acts 13, 11: onk paswese<br />

'<br />

( dirain. ,<br />

) some days after , Acts ' 15, 36<br />

(piisiirsi:, SI Kin, C. ). f^ee pdsco.<br />

*pattohquohanni, v. i. it thunders, C.<br />

See padtuhquohhini.<br />

pauanontam, v. t. he fans (it); v. i.<br />

paudiifDitussd, he fans; cf. Jer. 4, 11; 15,<br />

7; Is. 41,1(1.<br />

pauanuhtunk, paan-, pauunon-, n.<br />

a fan (for winnowing), Luke 3, 17; cf.<br />

Matt. 3, 12; Jer. 15, 7. See j)amionteg.<br />

pauchau. See paliclum.


paudtaii, v. t. he liriiiirs (itl. 1 K. S, 82;<br />

Ks^tli. 8, (t \i«i1fii. 1r. liriii;.';^, ('.I; 'he<br />

cciiiieth witir, 2 i^\x\u. is. l'7; iiiipenit.<br />

pdmhamh, hrhig thou, Aiiiofi. 4, 1 {jtnl-<br />

(inish, C. ); t^uppns. p'lii.lhiiik. wlicu he<br />

liriniip, Ps. 12t), (1 •j„uilu„k, Mat^^. IV. ).<br />

VI il. jiiiinllooiik, a briuffinj: in, Heb. 7,<br />

r.t. Ci. /iiixitjau. ( Cf. also Sansk. ;(«Y,<br />

ire; /«»/, ire, aiiire.<br />

[Narr. piiHtniix. l)ring hither, R. AV.<br />

Aim. iijii'fSii, il apporte; nepilSii. j'ap-<br />

jii.rte; with an. obj. ne-phSai'i, je I'ap-<br />

porte. Chill. o hrloon, he brings it.<br />

Cree, inan. ju'iihin-, an. pajshoohai/ooC!),<br />

Howse 41 . l>el. jnioii. he brings, Zeisb.<br />

Gr.lo2.]<br />

-paug, n. gen. in eonipnund words, signi-<br />

fying water. See -p'li/-<br />

*pauganaut (Xarr.l, n. ccultish, pi. -la/n-<br />

inirL; li. W. See *pabjlinnl,n,l.<br />

*paugauteniisk ( Xarr. i, n. an nak tree<br />

{jiiilikiihliiniK, white oak; irisullii/ih'i, reil<br />

[yellow] oak, C. ); jKiiii/antciiussiii'iiiil,<br />

an oak canoe, K. W.<br />

*pauishoons ( Peq. ), meadow lark (Stur-<br />

nella Indoviciana, Bonap. ), Stiles.<br />

*paukunawaw (Xarr."), a Viear; also the<br />

name of the constellation 'the (ireat<br />

Bear, or Charles Waine', R. W. [For<br />

pohkenaimn, he goes in tlie liark or at<br />

night (?).]<br />

*Pauinpag'ussit (Narr. ), n. 'the sea<br />

god . . . that deity or godhead which<br />

thev conceive to lie in the sea.'—K. W.<br />

IIS, 11(1.<br />

paumushaii, v. i. he walks. See /mmu-<br />

sha,,.<br />

*pauociiauog (Narr. I, v. i. "tliey are<br />

playing or dancing', R. W. 14"); /


peantam—cnntiimeil.<br />

which jiiinitttiii was funned, and is perhaps<br />

identical with jiuninm (q. v.);<br />

peaiommgaii, 'hoUness', Pier. 51. See<br />

(dtahoan.1<br />

.<br />

peantcowau, v. i. he has a small voice,<br />

speaks luw; pass, with inan. subj. permtamomaj,<br />

it has (or there is) 'a small<br />

voice', 1 K. 19, 12. From pe and ontrowau.<br />

Cf. miisliovlcDvmmco, 'it roareth'<br />

(Job 37, 4), has a great voice. See<br />

mkhantanavi<br />

peasin, v. i. it is (very) small; n. a small<br />

thing, Nmn. 16, 13: wmsunme peaxin,<br />

it is too small, 2 K. 6, 1. Double dimin.<br />

peamesanl-in}, a very small thing, Ex.<br />

16, 14. Suppos. inan. peasik, peegik;<br />

and peyitsik, when it is small, a small<br />

thing. Josh. 17, 15: amie peii'.isik onk ne<br />

moteag, 'less [more little] than noth-<br />

ing', Is. 40, 17. Intens. ^«(/«(l.sil' dj. v. ).<br />

See peii.<br />

*pea'we, pewe, adj. little: pcwe miikkoie-<br />

sog, little children; peakonuik, a little<br />

house, C. See jieii.<br />

pechehquogkunk, -givonk, n. the<br />

sheath or scabbard of a sw(jrd. From<br />

pet-au, he puts in. and rliolifiitdi/, a knife;<br />

with the terminal of the sujjiios. inan.<br />

concrete, that which a knife is put<br />

into.<br />

*peeg'hain, v, i. he shaves (himself);<br />

riiip-}ieegham, I shave, C. See chemwd-<br />

iivliliam; nico^tim.<br />

peeksq, peeskq, n. the 'niiiht hawk'.<br />

Lev. 11, 16; Dent. 14, 15.<br />

[Abn. pipigSs, ' uiseau de proie ' (?).<br />

Del. jjischk, Zeisb, Voc. 6 (cf. pvtgeu,<br />

it is night; pingeke, at night, ibid.).]<br />

peeu. See peii.<br />

pegskiyeue (?), adj. 'narrow' (of 'windews'),<br />

Ezek. 41, 26.<br />

pehcheu, adv. unawares, unintentionally,<br />

Nmn. 3o, 11; Gal. 2, 4. Perhaps<br />

related topetsliau (q. v. ), he goes into it<br />

by mischance, he falls into it.<br />

[Abn. jjisSiSi, vel paisi (by mistake,<br />

unintentionally ) . Del. pitschi, acciden-<br />

tally, by chance; as v. he blunders acci-<br />

dentally, Zeisb. Gr. 183.]<br />

pehteau, v. i. it foams; n, foam, Hos.<br />

10, 7; 'the .«cnm' (of a boiling pot),<br />

Ezek. 24, 6, 11, 12 (pehtum): pelnuullw-<br />

pehteau—con t i n ued<br />

,<br />

iiiiii [pi_lilciii (an.) -}nMajn-iil]. he foani-<br />

eth (at the mouth), Mark 9, l.s. Cf.<br />

pexhaui.<br />

[Abn. j^i'ltr or pitt,\ f.iau], froth<br />

(ecume); pitlaSio, it foams: pi'tU'ili<br />

SilSii, he foams at the mouth.]<br />

pehtehennitchab. See pdehtiinitcliiiii.<br />

pehtoxinau, v. i. he puts on his shoes<br />

(moccasins); imperat. pe/(/o.rt)?.((.s/i, put<br />

on your shoes, Ezek. 24, 17. From<br />

pelau and {m)okfis.


[pemsqunnum, V. t. he wreaths, twines,<br />

I<br />

twiHt> (it ;] adj. -numwde, 'wreathed',<br />

Ex. 2S, \-i,=pepemgqunnv.mv:u, v. 22.<br />

[Del. pimochqueii, vbl. adj. turned,<br />

twisted, Zeisb.]<br />

pemsquoh, n. a whirlwind, Job 37, 9;<br />

I.-. 40. 24. For pemgqudil, it winds<br />

al"iiit, twines (?). Ct. pepemsqne.<br />

pemunnealit, -unneat, n. a cord, a<br />

strinj:. Is. -50, 2; Mark 7, 35; pi. ~^ash<br />

and -ronash, Judg. 15, 13; 16, 11, 12.<br />

Suppos. of pemunohU'au (it is twisted<br />

or plaited), 'when twisted' {j)emin-<br />

neiiht oine, a tishing line; pedmenyaht,<br />

a cable, C). The primary meaning<br />

seems to be plaited or braided; that<br />

which is made by putting one (strand<br />

or thread ) across another. Cf. pummee-<br />

che. See tuttuppun.<br />

[Abn. pemaiSi, il va de travers. Cree<br />

pim-icli, crasswise. Del. pimenatan,<br />

thread; ;>im«/, slanty, Zeisb. Cree peeme-num,<br />

'he awryeth it'; phnme-num,<br />

'he twists it', How.se 93. Powh.:<br />

"Their women use to spin ... a kind<br />

of gras.^ they call peinmenau; of these<br />

they make a thread very even and<br />

readily."—J. Smith, Hi.'^t. of Va.]<br />

penaekinnu, v. i. it grows and spreads,<br />

spreads as it grows (of a vine, Ezek.<br />

17, 6). ¥ro\iipenn?u, with k progressive,<br />

and -iiinu, the characteristic of verbs of<br />

growth and production :<br />

' it goes on<br />

growing and spreading , or ' it continues<br />

'<br />

tu spread as it grows.'<br />

penaeu, v. i. it is spread about, as a<br />

growing plant, tree, or vine. Cf. pa«n?,<br />

out of the way.<br />

[Xarr. penayi, 'crooked', E. W. 56.]<br />

penohkonau, v. t. an. he casts or throws<br />

(him) down: kvp-petnthkon-eh, thou<br />

easteth me down, Ps. 102, 10 ( penohkonal,<br />

to throw down, C. ). From nmhkonau,<br />

he throws (to the ground); with<br />

the prefix pe-, he throws from a height,<br />

casts down (to the ground). See na>kondnat<br />

and its cognates, and penuhkau.<br />

[Abn. ne-penakann or 7)e-nesakkan,<br />

'je le jette du haut en bas.']<br />

*penoht, n. soot, C. 161.<br />

[.\bn. plratdl.^<br />

penomp, n. a virgin, (ien. 24, 16; Is. 7,<br />

14; pl.-/>aojr, Esth. 2, 19. From penotie,<br />

strange, in its secondary or privative<br />

penomp—ton t i n ued<br />

.<br />

.^ense. and -omji, n. gen. for 'man', nes-<br />

cia viri (?). Cf. *keegsq>iaw; *ipiaui

penCDwohteau, v. i. he is strange or un-<br />


like l)y nature. From pKnuweandohti'H'i<br />

he is a stranger or foreigner.<br />

penoowomai, n. a difference, Ezek. 22,<br />

2(5; 44, 23.<br />

penuanumau. See penajiratuimau.<br />

penug-quekontu. See piuiukqwkoiiiu.<br />

penuhkau, v. t. an. ami inan. he ca.sta<br />

(it j down upon (him) ; up-pmuhkau-oh,<br />

'he cast (it) down upon them', Josh.<br />

10,11. Ci. penohkonaii.<br />

penuhteau, v. t. inan. it casts ( it ) down,<br />

he casts (himself) down upon the<br />

ground, 1 K. 18, 42; Dan. 8, 10. Caus.<br />

he makes it fall (?).<br />

penushau, v. i. he falls; inan. subj. pe-<br />

luishenii, it falls (as a flower, 'fadeth'.<br />

Is. 40, 7, 8; nup-pinlsshom, I fall, C. ).<br />

Vbl. n. penushuoiik, falling, a fall. Cf.<br />

jietshau, he falls into; pjoijkishin, an.<br />

pogkusgu, he drops, falls inanimately;<br />

chuuopsheau, he falls into the water;<br />

kilchisahshau, he falls into the fire; kep-<br />

shau, he falls by stumbling or by reason<br />

of an obstacle, etc.<br />

[Abn. pemn; il tombe d'en haut.<br />

The corresponding primary verb is not<br />

found in Eliot. From it penushau is<br />

formed by adding sh (marking mischance<br />

I to the root. Old Alg. pnnkmn,<br />

to fall.]<br />

penuwohkomuk. See penmwohkomuk.<br />

penuwot. See pencDwohl.<br />

pednog'ok. See pemaogok.<br />

*peoiitaeni, a boat or canoe, C.<br />

*peCDnog', n. a little ship, Mass. Ps., John<br />

21, 8. Cf. kehla/nijg (kehte-dnog), a ship.<br />

So, peawe-Onog, the small conveyance.<br />

These names were framed for English<br />

and foreign boats, as distinguished from<br />

the canoe (musliaon) or Indian boat.<br />

They do not appear to have been widely<br />

used.<br />

[Abn. kelSrakS, a ship; saiirSpeSragS,<br />

a barque.]<br />

pepemsque, ailj. and ailv. (badly) contorted.<br />

Intens. or freq. form of pem-<br />

squau (Sa.Tr. pemisqudi, q. v.), of the<br />

serpent, 'crooked'. Job 26, 13; Is. 27, 1.<br />

Frompt'm (twisted) with squ l = skow'],<br />

the mark of badness, violence, or mis-<br />

chance. Cf. pemsquoh.<br />

[Xarr. jtendyi, crooked; ]iemisqudi,<br />

crooked or winding, R. W. 56. ]<br />

,<br />

123<br />

pepemsqunnumcDonk, vbl. n. a wreath,<br />

2 Chr. 4, 12, 13.<br />

pepemsqusliau, v. i. "it whirleth about'<br />

(of the shifting wind), Eccl. 1, 6.<br />

pepenam, v. t. inan. he selects, chooses<br />

(it). Gen. 13, 11; Is. 40, 20; v. an. pe-<br />

penaii, he chooses (him). Adj. pepe-<br />

naue, chosen, selected, Jer. 49, 19.<br />

From penuire, 'he differences it'.<br />

[Del. pipinamen, to choose, Zeisb.]<br />

pepenautchitcliunkquonk, -uhquok,<br />

II. a mirriir, Ex. 38, H; i' ('..r. 3, IS;<br />

James 1, 23; (pi.) Is. 3, 23.<br />

[Narr. pebenochichauquiinick (?), a<br />

looking-glass, R. W. Del. pepena<br />

Zei.sb.]<br />

pepummu, v. t. {-mm, v. i. ),<br />

he shoots<br />

often, continues shooting. Freq. of<br />

pummu, q. v.<br />

[Narr. pi'pemCii,<br />

or fowl', R. W.]<br />

'he is gone hunt<br />

pepuinwaeii(u), n. agent, one who<br />

shoots often or habitually; pi. -nuog,<br />

'archers', Judg. -5, 11; 'sIkk iters', 2<br />

Sam. 11, 24.<br />

*pequa-wrus (Narr. i, n. a gray fox, R. W.<br />

95; pequas, a fox. Wood.<br />

peshaui, v. i. (1) it blossoms, puts out<br />

flowers: pis/i peshauau, it (for an. he)<br />

shall blossom. (2) n. a flower, James<br />

1, 10; pi. -aonash, 2 Chr. 4, 5. Commonly<br />

with prefix of 3d pers. See up-<br />

pisliau. Cf. (freq. ) paspishan, ( intens.<br />

pasishau, and pashksheau.<br />

[Abn. abasiar (pi. ), ils bourgeonnent;<br />

pi''ltfr.'!S abai'in, le pain enfie.]<br />

*pesliaui (Narr. ), blue;pes/iajtiuas/i (pi. ),<br />

violet-leaves, R. W.; peshai, blue, C.<br />

[Abn. titiens, blue paint; pdidiem,<br />

violet. Chip, api.s.?;, violet; apissin, it<br />

is of a violet or dark-blue color, livid,<br />

black-blue. Bar.]<br />

*pesklionimiii (Narr.) v. i. (1) it thun-<br />

ders (<br />

'to thunder', R. W.). (2) it ex-<br />

plodes, as a gun; 'to discharge a gun'.<br />

Suppos. inan. concrete peskunck, that<br />

which thunders, agun. Cf. pnnkulikoni,<br />

he bursts (it); pashkshma, it bursts<br />

asunder.<br />

[Abn. ne-pcskam, I fire a gun; aSenni<br />

peskak, who shoots?; paskS'KuS, (the<br />

gun) bursts. Cree pa-fkei-imoisoo, he<br />

shoots himself; pooskoopulhu, it bursts<br />

(from within), likeagun; pdske-ptiihu,<br />



*peskh6inmin—continueil.<br />

it bursts (from without), as a bladder;<br />

puii,ttikee-putJiu, it splinters; paskesiggun,<br />

a gun. Old Alg. paski.iigan. Del. poak<br />

sac(m and pai tichk hi am, gun; pat ach<br />

hull iiicii, to fire a gun, Zeisb.]<br />

*pesupouck (Narr. ), n. 'an hothouse',<br />

"ii kind of little eell or cave . . . into<br />

[wliieh] frequently the men enter after<br />

they have exceedingly heated it with<br />

store of wood, laid upon an heap of<br />

stones in the middle," etc. "Here do<br />

they sit round, . . . sweating togeth-<br />

er."—R. \V. loS. Verbal from *jii'siij>-<br />

pau.<br />

*pesuppau-og' ( Xarr. I, v. i. (pi.) they<br />

arc swcatinir, K. \V. l.iS.<br />

[Cree mi'-iiiipuiiiisiii, 1 sweat. Chip.<br />

nnid-ahiirs. Bar.]<br />

*petacaus (Xarr. ), n. 'an English waist-<br />

coat'; diniin. jirliirdirsiuiiirnt; 'a little<br />

waistcoat', li. \V. 107. From piitlog-<br />

qiKii. he hides himself (?). Cf. piitlog-<br />

ijniijnohhoii, a veil.<br />

petau, n. a quiver, Jol) 39, 23; Is. 22, G.<br />

From jh'Iiiii.<br />

[Ahn. pilaraiu,.]<br />

petashqushaonk, petaoshq-, vbl. n. an<br />

outside iraniicnt, 'cloak', Is. .59, 17;<br />

J.uke (), 29; 'vesture', Ps. 102, 26.<br />

*petasinna (Narr.), 'give me some to-<br />

liacco', K. \V. 35.<br />

petau, V. t. he puts (it) into, Ex. 37, o,<br />

3s, 7. Impcrat./wtotsA, put thou (it) into<br />

(it), (ien. 44, 1. Suppos. inan. con-<br />

crete pilunk (that which is put into),<br />

a bag or jiouch ; petoggc, Wood. Intens.<br />

(involuntary action) j3d.


petutteau, \'. t. he enters, jjoes into,<br />

Gen. 24, 32; Ex. 24, 18; imperat. 2d<br />

pers. sing. pHnttensh, come thou in,<br />

enter in, Gen. 24, 31. From jirlaii.<br />

[Narr. petitees, 'come in', R. \V. 30.<br />

Abn. pctaSighr, he enters.]<br />

peii, peeu, or peTveu, v. i. it is httle, it<br />

is small; ph'u onk, (it is) less than,<br />

Ezra 9, 16. This primary verb (rep-<br />

resented by Cotton's peawe) is rarely<br />

found in Eliot by itself, but to it must<br />

be referred a gieat number of modal<br />

and derivate forms. Caus. peeheau, he<br />

makes (him) small, causes him to be<br />

small; pa.ss. he is made small (or 'low',<br />

James 1, 10): kuppch-esh, I make thee<br />

small, Jer. 49, 15; Obad. 2. Imperat.<br />

peuh, 'bring (thou) him low ', Jo))<br />

40, 12. See pedsiii.<br />

^pe'we. vSee *peauv.<br />

peweu. See pt-ii.<br />

peyau, v. i. he comes hither; imperat.<br />

peyaush, come thou; peynnk (-onk,<br />

-onch), come ye; suppos. part, payont,<br />

when coming; v. t. an. peyauau, he<br />

comes to (him): knp-peijaunsh, I come<br />

to thee, Ex. 18, 6.<br />

[Narr. peydu, he is come; peeyduog,<br />

they are come, R. AV. 48, 49. Abn. iie-<br />

6a, jeviens; iS


pissogqsheau, v. i. it sticks, cleaves fast,<br />

l>y niisc'hanie. Lam. 4. 4; suppos.<br />



pog'kesu—continued,<br />

tive-aniniate'), as in Ps. 43: tohwhutch<br />

pogkesean, why dost thou cast me off?<br />

[Abn. iKibilsiSi, 'loin de nous; a,<br />

I'ecart'.]<br />

pog-ketam, v. t. inan. he casts (it) away,<br />

puts (it) from him {/lakctum, C):<br />

iinp-p(,fjkfUi,ii, I cast off, 2 K. 23, 27;<br />

inipcrat. jMy,-hi.sl,. cast thou (it) out,<br />

Matt. 7, "); su|ip(is. jxu/keloff, when he<br />

casts (it) off.<br />

[Narr. n'pakctaiii, I will ]iut her away;<br />

aquie paketash, do not put away; n'pa-<br />

kenaqun, I am put away, R. W. 126.<br />

(In the first two examples he has used<br />

the ina.n. pogkelam for the an.jiogkencm.<br />

Old Alg. packihin, I abandon or forsake,<br />

Lah. Abn. tie-baghUamm, j'abandonne<br />

eela. Del. pakiton, he throws (it)<br />

away.]<br />

pogkodantam. See pakodtamtan.<br />

pog-kohham. See poggohham.<br />

pog-komunk, n. a rod, a stick (carried in<br />

the liand 1, Ex. 21, 20; Prov. 29, 15: pog-<br />

koinaiikipiuiik, a stake. Is. .54, 2; -7?iM/i-<br />

quonk, a pillar. Gen. 28, 18, 22; 31, 45.<br />

[Cree puckamoggun, a club or cudgel,<br />

Howse.]<br />

pogkussu, V. i. act. an. he drops, falls<br />

(as an inan. body, or without external<br />

cause. See peniislmu); suppos. homin<br />

woh pogkussit, 'whoever shall fall',<br />

Matt. 21, 44. AVith inan. subj. pogk-<br />

ishm{ni), it falls; pi. -iieash, Nah. 1, 12;<br />

suppos. ne pogshuuk, it (when) falling.<br />

Is. 34,4. See pirohkelichtiaii.<br />

[Cree jMlikeKtn, he falls (as in walking),<br />

Howse 80. Alg. pafigiKln, il tombe<br />

(un objet inan. ).]<br />

pohchanutch, -nitch., n. a linger; 3d<br />

pers. ujijKili-. his finger. Y. subst. pah-<br />

chanilchiiH, he has fingers (is fingered),<br />

2 Sam. 21, 20. From pohshe, divided,<br />

and -miich {menutcheg) , hand. Cf.<br />

pmhchmit, toe, from pohshe and -sit, foot.<br />

*polichatuk, ])!. +qu1nmh, a bough, C.<br />

See/-o/.-.?/,a».<br />

pdhchau, v. i. he turns aside, ileviates.<br />

i^ve jiiilirhau.<br />

pohkeai, -nai, v. i. it is dark; adj. dark;<br />

n. darkness, Gen. 15, 17; Is. 5, 20; 45, 7;<br />

Amos 5, 18: pohken-ahtu, in darkness,<br />

Eccl. 2, 14. Adv. and adj. pokenae,<br />

darkly, obscurely, Job 22, 13; 1 Cor.<br />

)<br />

pohkeni, -nai—continued.<br />

13, 12. Intens. pohpohkeni, .lob 24, 15.<br />

Related to pohki, clear, open, as Incus<br />

to lucendo, etc. See paupak'inanik; pi'ig-<br />

ketium; cf. kuppogki.<br />

[Narr. pnukiinmim, dark, R.W. Abn.<br />

pekenem, pekeneghe. Del. pdckemun, very<br />

dark, Hkw.]<br />

pohkenittipukook [ pohken i-tipiikwk] ,<br />

'in the dark night', Prov. 7, 9. See<br />

*tuppaco.<br />

[Xarr. poppakunndch, 'dark night'<br />

{ = P'i-pohkcnil, when it is verv dark),<br />

R.W.]<br />

pohki, pahke, v. i. (1) it is clear, trans-<br />

parent, that may be seen tlirough,<br />

pervious, Rev. 21, 11, 18. (2) Adj.


pohki, pahke—continued.<br />

up' (i. e. the sky dears), R. W. 82.<br />

Abn. paiKjSiSi, purement, sans melange<br />

(pdi'iijSiSi Sios, I eat clear meat ) ; pdhSi;<br />

an arrow; pikai'm, thread.]<br />

pohkohquodtae, adv. when clear, in a<br />

cU-:ir (lay, .Vnios 8, 9. See poliLi.<br />

pohkshau. See jtokghan.<br />

*pohkuhtimis, n. white oak, C. See<br />

*j,a,„yniln„i.d:<br />

pohpohkussu, n. a partridge, 1 Sam. 26,<br />

20. >^vt' piilipahksha^; ci. pmhpmhquHog,<br />

quails.<br />

pohpcoquesit, suppos. part, (one who is)<br />

hiiue; )il. -If)ifij, Acts 8, 7. See poh-<br />



pohqussittont, having a Ijroken foot,<br />

Lev. 21, 19. Freq. pohpmquesit, one<br />

who is lame (pi. -tcheg, Acts 8, 7).<br />

From poh'jiii and m'seet (musseet).<br />

pohsahteg, a ( iiiirv?) pit, Ps. 40, 2. See<br />

pnsxAhtlian,; pi.isuffk:<br />

pohshaue, adv. fully, completely, thoroughly.<br />

Col. 1, 25. See pUkodche.<br />

pohshe, pahshe, it halves, divides in<br />

two, is severed; a half, a part of, some<br />

of (as opposed to wame, the whole of),<br />

Ex. 24, 6; 37, 1; Deut. 12, 7; Luke 19, 8;<br />

Rev. 8, 1; 11, 9, 11. See poh^ui. (Cf.<br />

San.sk. paksha, a side, half (a month).<br />

Zend, pas, yeh-p&sh, one half (Engl,<br />

piece). Tamul pag-ir, to divide; pxil, a<br />

part.<br />

)<br />

[Narr. paushe, 'some'; poqv^su, half<br />

(of an. obj.), R. W. Abn. pS'kSies<br />

(inan.), -ii, la moietie en large. Del.<br />

parhsiiri (an.?), half, Zeisb.]<br />

pohsheau, v. i. it divides in two, cleaves<br />

asunder, halves itself, Zech. 14, 4. Cf.<br />

pokshau, he breaks (by violence); pa.s-<br />

ishav, it bursts; pohqici, it breaks,<br />

pohshequae, puhsh-, adv. at noonday,<br />

Jul) ,5, 4 { puhsharpm-ut, Acts 10, 9).<br />

From pohshe, half the day or sun's<br />

course.<br />

[Narr. paushaqiiau; pdireshaquav; R.<br />

W. 67. Abn. paskSe. Del. pachhacqueke,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

pohshinau, v. t. an. he divides (him) in<br />

two, halves (him): pishitp-])uJ>sliin-6i(h,<br />

tlicy shall divide it (an animal), Ex.<br />

21, :».<br />

pohshinum, v. t. inan. he divides (it),<br />

halves (it); pi. +u'og, Ex. 21, .3.5. Cf.<br />

pasinnum.<br />

[Narr. pamhinum-min, to divide (into<br />

two). Ahn. ne-psikassi, 'je fens'. Del.<br />

jxichsenum-men (infin. ), Zeisb.]<br />

pohshittahliam, v. t. inan. he cuts (it)<br />

in two, Is. 45, 2; Zech. 11, 10.<br />

poke. See pooki:.<br />

pokshau, pohksliau, v. t. he breaks<br />

(an. obj.) with force or violence; with<br />

inan. subj. poksheau, it breaks, is<br />

broken; with inan. obj. jyokshadtau, he<br />

breaks (it), Ps. 107, 16; Jer. 28, 4.<br />

Suppos. an. part, pokshont, when break-<br />

ing, 2 Sam. 22, 35. Adj. and adv.<br />

pokshAe, broken, Jer. 2, 13. Vbl. n.<br />

pok.^hdonk, a breaking, a breach, Prov.<br />

B. A. E., Bull. 25 9<br />

pokshau, pohkshau—continued<br />

15, 4; Is. 30, 13. See pohsheau, it<br />

divides in two; pohqui, it breaks.<br />

['Savr. pokesha, -shawwa, 'itis broke';<br />

poki'slidttouwin, to break, R. W.]<br />

poksunkquonk, n. a saw, Is. 10, 15. See<br />

tussonkquonk.<br />

[Abn. pslpodaSoiigan, ieniipodai'igan.<br />

Del. pachkschican, a knife; ]}achschach-<br />

quoacan, a board-saw, Zeisb.]<br />

pomahhom. See pomohhom.<br />

pomantam, v. i. he lives, Gen. 5, 10, 16,<br />

19, etc.; suppos. pomantog, when he<br />

lives (or lived). Gen. 5, 12, 13, 15, 18,<br />

etc. ; part, (indie. ) pamontamunutch , liv-<br />

ing, 1 K. 3, 26. Adj. and adv. -tammae,<br />

living. Vbl. n. pomantamoonk, living,<br />

life. From j^dme (or pamco), it con-<br />

tinues, with -antam, the formative of<br />

verbs of mental and emotional activity.<br />

Seepdme. An earlier derivative, pometu<br />

{ pom-ohteau) , he 'continues to be', is<br />

not found in Eliot, but he has its<br />

verbal, pometuonk (q. v. ).<br />

[Narr. as-n'paumpmaunlam, I am very<br />

well (am yet alive); taubutpaump mauniaman,<br />

I am glad you are well, R. W.<br />

Abn. nSri-pemanSsi, je suis en bonne<br />

sante. Cree pemoot-ayoo, he walks;<br />

pemdt-issu, he is aXive; pemooi-aymagun,<br />

it goes (as a watch), Howse 36, 80.<br />

Del. pommauchmi, he lives; part. {s\i^-<br />

pos.), pemauch-tit, Zeisb. Gr.]<br />

pometuonk, n. vbl. (from pomelu; see<br />

pomantam) a generation, Eccl. 1, 4;<br />

Deut. 32, 5.<br />

pomitchuwau (it flow.s, goes on), 'running<br />

water'. See pamitchuan.<br />

pomohhom, pomah-, v. i. he goes by<br />

water, sails, Acts 27, 9. Yhl. n. -moonk,<br />

going by water, a voyage. Acts 27, 10.<br />

Agentivej3!(»imo/i/(a»i«'aen(M),pl.-nMo^,<br />

'mariners' (Jonah 1, 5), those going<br />

(habitually) on the sea. From piimmoh<br />

or ])dme (q. v.) and wmm, he goes.<br />

[Creepimasu, he sails.]<br />

pomompagee, adj. creeping, crawling,<br />

Lev. 11, 44, 46. See pamompagin.<br />

pompasuhkonk, n. vbl. a ball (to play<br />

with). Is. 22, 18.<br />

pompu, pohpu, V. i. he plays, is playing<br />

(puhpu, he plays, C); p\.+og, they<br />

play, Ex. 32, 6; Zech. 8, 5; t. an. poihpau,<br />

he plays with or for (him): sun<br />


130 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

pompu, pohpu—ooiitinued.<br />

inth ji'iiiipdi, wilt thou play with him?<br />

Jol) 41, 5 (piihpuog, they play; puhpinneal,<br />

to play, C. ) Vbl. n. pompuonk,<br />

play, sport, Judg. 16, 25 {puhp&onk,<br />

playing; pompoonk, recreation, C.<br />

piiluiipmoiik, Ind. Laws, iv).<br />

[Xarr. pauorhcn'toy, they are playing,<br />

R. W. Cree pdpu, he laughs; intens.<br />

p&pdpu; freq. pdpisku. Chip. (St<br />

Marys) pau-pe, (Sag.) pah-pa, he<br />

laughs, Sch. ii, 469. Del. papahy (for<br />

jiapah;/?), to play, Zeisb.]<br />

pompuhchai, n. a member, organ, limb,<br />

or part ..f the body, 1 Cor. 12, 14, 19, 26;<br />

pi. -i-iieuasli, 1 Cor. 6, 15; ukkosucpom-<br />

puhcli/ii, the virile organ, Deut. 23, 1.<br />

N. collect, pompnhchainnc-unk , all the<br />

members or organs collectively, 1 Cor.<br />

12, 26.<br />

pomushau, v. i. (1) he walks. (2) he<br />

journeys, goes a journey, 1 K. IS, 27;<br />

2 K. 10, 31; but in this sense the freq.<br />

popomushmi is more commonly used.<br />

(3) he goes or passes by. Suppos. poiiiHshadt<br />

(and pamumshadt), when he<br />

walks, if he walk, Ex. 21, 19; Gen. 3, 8;<br />

noh pomiitihadi, he who walks, John 12,<br />

35. With inan. subj. pdmsheau, pam-<br />

ushau, it goes on, passes, is pa.st; pass,<br />

inan. {pdrnxlieomo)) paumushoma), it is<br />

passed by or over. Is. 40, 27; Jer. 6, 4.<br />

N. agent, jiommhaen, one who is walk-<br />

ing, a traveler; pi. -nnog, Job 31, 32.<br />

Vbl. n. pomushaonk, a journey (Gen. 24,<br />

21; 1 K. 19, 7), a walk. Freq. pojxj-<br />

vnixhati, -tvusluiu, he walks much, goes<br />

about, travels, journeys, Acts 10, 38;<br />

Matt. 9, 35 (papaum-); imperat. popdni-<br />

Khagk, walk ye, John 12, 35; with inan.<br />

subj. popomsheau, it moves about.<br />

From pdme (piunmm). The primary<br />

form of this verb appears to be pom-<br />

nssH (see Muh. and Abn. equivalents<br />

below), the act. intrans. form (he con-<br />

tiimes doing), as pom-antam is the sim-<br />

ple intrans. or neuter form (he continues<br />

feeling or thinking, he lives ) , and<br />

pomohhom (or pdm-wa>m), the inact.<br />

intrans. (he continues going, passively<br />

or without action of his own, he sails<br />

or goes by boat). This primary form<br />

is energized in pomushmi, by the aspi-<br />

rate, as in the intens. usskhaa for ux-<br />

;<br />

pomushau—continued.<br />

nssu. See iissendt; m'seet (mtisseet), a<br />

foot. Cf. Sansk. parnb, ire, se movere.<br />

[Narr. as pummUsin, 'he is not yet<br />

departed' (he lives yet); nowecontum<br />

puinmixhem, I have a mind to travel;<br />

as-pnmi)uiii, he is not gone by; pi. as-<br />

pummi'iirirk, R. W. This last is an earlier<br />

form, which I do not find used by<br />

Eliot* [pjom-dil, he continues going or<br />

travels to a place (see aii), goes onward,<br />

pa.«se8 by], corresponding nearly to the<br />

V. i. inan. subj. (and impers. ) puinmeii,<br />

paamu, it goes on, passes. Abn. nepemSme,<br />

je marche; pemSsse, il marche.<br />

Muh. ii'puinseh, I walk; paumseet, he<br />

who walks, he walking. Micm. pemi'ei,<br />

I walk. Cree pemoot-ayoo, he walks.<br />

Chii). (St Marys) pbit-d-ml', he walk.s,<br />

(Sag.) jH'mussay. Del. pomaii; suppos.<br />

pnnsit, Zeisb. Gr.]<br />

[*XoTE.—The compiler afterward wrote the<br />

following ill pencil on the margin: "Correct<br />

this. Eliot has the verb ash pamiomlt, Luke<br />

J'2. 47, while he wa.s going on. and puinmeii is<br />

V. i. inan. .subj."]<br />

ponam. See jitiuiiin.<br />

ponanau, v. t. an. he lets loose, sets<br />

free (an an. obj. ) : pish ponanau psnhes-<br />

iih, he shall let loose the bird, Lev. 14, 7;<br />

ijunnegk pananau (pass.), a hind (is)<br />

let loose. Gen. 49, 21. From aiuimnait,<br />

he sends (him) away, with jia indefi-<br />

nite or indirective prefixed.<br />

ponashabpaen, n. agent, one who sets<br />

nets, a fisherman; p\. -± "og, Matt. 4,<br />

18. From pdiuim and axhah (haxhaliji),<br />

he sets a net.<br />

ponasketuwosuen, n. agent, one who<br />

administers medicine, a physician, Jer.<br />

8, 22; Col. 4, 14. From //r//!-fo/i, (m)a-<br />

ske.hta {moskehlu), and nsstndt, he ap-<br />

plies or administers medicine.<br />

[Narr. maskit pmiamiin, 'give [put<br />

on] me a plaister', R. W. 1.59.]<br />

*poilgqui, shallow, ('. See ;


ponquag, n. a fording place, Gen. 32, 22;<br />

poiiiiqui, shallow, C. See tmskeonk.<br />

[Ahn. pankSk-Kt, il y a peu d'eau dans<br />

la riviere; pakdiSi, peu; ne-hi'kagan-<br />

sSffhe, je passe la riviere au guet,<br />

Rasles. Mod. Abn. po'^gua, shallow;<br />

po"^guaso, very shallow, Osunk. 46, 5.'5.<br />

Chip, bdgw'i, Bar.]<br />

ponteam (? ,<br />

) v. t. with prefix : ponhponieain<br />

li(t.i.mnni'ttonk, he digs through the wall,<br />

Ezek. 12, 7; nag pmmup-ponleaog, they<br />

dig (quite) through (the wall), v. 12.<br />

ponum, ponaiu (pamuin, C. ), v. t. he<br />

. 356."<br />

jilaoe^, i)uts(it) by hand (Lat. pon-it),<br />

PjX. 4, 6; 40, 22, 24: nup-ponam, I put<br />

(it), 1 Sam. 28, 31. Imperat. po»,s/),<br />

put thou. Gen. 24, 2; 47, 49; poniU'h,<br />

let him put, Rom. 14, 13. Suppos. pon uk,<br />

he who puts, (and part. ) putting. V. t.<br />

an. ponnu, he puts or places (him):<br />

itp-pon-uh, he put him. Gen. 2, 5; Is.<br />

14, 1; poneh, put thou me, 1 Sam. 2, 36.<br />

V. t. inan. and an. ponamauau, he puts<br />

(it) on (him): up-ponamau-un, he puts<br />

it on (him), Gen. 39, 4; up-ponuni-iin-<br />

mii, he puts (it) on (it). Gen. 29, 3.<br />

I'Ssirr. ponmmtuta, (let us) lay it on;<br />

poneu-lmxh, lay down your burthens;<br />

(lukuck pi'mamuii, to lay in the earth,<br />

R. W. Abn. ne-pSnemen, je le mets;<br />

iie-p8nmaSan, je mets dans lui. ]<br />

*pooke, poke, ' a small kind [of tobacco]<br />

with short round leaves', used by the<br />

Indians in New England, Josselyn,<br />

N. E. Rarities, 54. Wood's vocabulary<br />

gives 'pooke, coltsfoot.' Prof. Tuckerman,<br />

in a note to Josselyn, loc. cit.,<br />

makes thisinferior kind of tobacco, '<br />

' not<br />

colt's foot, but Nicotiana rustiea, L., the<br />

Yellow Henbane of Gerard's Herbal, p.<br />

But he is unquestionably right<br />

in his inference that "the name poke<br />

or pooke was perhaps always indefinite."<br />

It signifies merely 'that which<br />

is smoked', or 'which smokes'. See<br />

pmkeu, and cf. ptikit.<br />

[Corvado (Brasil?) bob', tobaccij;<br />

Vuri poke; see Martins. ]<br />

popdmompakecheg', vbl. n. pi. 'creeping<br />

tilings'. Acts 10, 12. See painompagln.<br />

popomshaonk, vbl. n. from popomshau,<br />

freq. of //oiniishmt, a going to and fro.<br />

Is. 33, 4.<br />

,<br />

popdn, V. i. it is winter; n. winter, Cant.<br />

2, 11; Ps. 74, 17 (pret. puppoau-vp, it was<br />

winter, Mass. Ps. ). Adj. and adv. po-<br />

ponae, of \yinter, in the winter. Cf.<br />

tohkoi.<br />

[Narr. papi'iiie; papoitn-h'csinisli, winter<br />

month; pupapocnp (misprint for pa-<br />

pocup), last winter, R. W. 69, 70. Quir.<br />

pahduks, in winter. Pier. 28. Abn.<br />

pebSn, I'hiver; pebSne, le passe; pebSghe,<br />

le prochain. Cree pepoon, it is winter;<br />

]}epoon-oop' un, it was winter; kuttd<br />

pejtoon, it will be winter; suppos. pe-<br />

pook, when it is winter; pepook-oopun,<br />

when it was winter; pepooke, when it<br />

shall be winter, Howsc 191, 192. Chip.<br />

peebon, last winter; peebonoong, next<br />

winter; peebong, Si-h. Old Alg. pi-<br />

po'in.]<br />

*poponauinsuog' (Narr. ), winter fish.<br />

See *paponaumJ


posekinau, -num—cijntinued.<br />

wlien liuryiiig, lie who buries, and<br />

(pa?s. j>!irt. ) liurieil. Vbl. n. act. pow-<br />

kindonk, a Ijurying; pass. -niUedonk, a<br />

being-buried, burial, Matt. 26, 12. Adj.<br />

and adv.: posekhiiUude ohke, a burying<br />

place, Gen. 23, 4 (nup-pmsukin, I bury,<br />

C. ). [From poskinau, he strips naked,<br />

makes bare (?), or the derivative<br />

m'pusk {nittppusk), the back, 'he places<br />

or is laid on his back' (?).]<br />

[Narr. posakunnamun, to bury, R. W.<br />

Abn. 7>e-p8skenan, je I'interre.]<br />

poske, adj . naked<br />

: nup-poske, I naked, Job<br />

1,21; ndv.jjoskeu. Adj. an. (v. i.act.),<br />

poskissu, he is naked, Ex. 32, 35; suppos.<br />

part. pi. poskissi{ni)tcheg, the naked,<br />

2 Chr. 28, 5; Ezek. 18, 7. Cans, poskissiheau,<br />

he makes (him) naked, Ex.<br />

32, 25; 2 Chr. 28, 19; and, with sh<br />

privative, up-posqushdhed-uh , they make<br />

(him) go naked, hurtfuUy, Job 24, 10.<br />

V. i. inan. subj. poskohteau; with the<br />

aspirated sibilant (privative), poshkohleau,<br />

it is naked, Job 26, 6. Cf. mup-<br />

pusk.<br />

poskinum, v. t. inan. he bares ( it) , makes<br />

bare or naked: jioskinum wuhpit, he<br />

makes bare his arm. Is. 52, 10. An. pos-<br />

kinau, he makes (him) naked, bares<br />

(him) : nup-poskin, I strip (him) naked,<br />

Hos. 2, 3. Imperat. pof:kmusli kehqiiau,<br />

uncover thy thigh. Is. 47, 2.<br />

poskissu, V. i. he is naked: nup-ponkis<br />

I am naked, i. e. by my own act<br />

(this is the intransitive active form, or<br />

'adj. an.' of Eliot; seeposke). Imperat.<br />

poskis kuhkont, make bare thy head. Is.<br />

47, 2; pi. 2^oskissegk, make yourselves<br />

bare. Is. 32, 11. Vbl. n. poskisseuotik,<br />

nakedness, Rom. 8, 35; Ex. 20, 26.<br />

[Narr. nip-pdskiss, I am naked; paus-<br />

kesu, naked. Abn. ne-paskenaii, 'je le<br />

mets a nud', je le depouille.]<br />

posksin, v. i. he lies down naked, 1 Sam.<br />

19, 24.<br />

pdtab, a whale. See pcotii.op.<br />

pdtantam. See pcotau.<br />

*powwaw (Narr.), 'a priest', R. W.<br />

See jiiniiirni.<br />

poochenau, n. the bosom, the breast:<br />

up-poochenaout, in his bosom, Lam. 2, 12<br />

(up-pmcltinau, hosoai, C.). From poh-<br />

shinde, divided in two (?).<br />

)<br />

poahpcohquttog', n. pi. 'quails', Ps. 105,<br />

40. See clirodimirdor/ ; palipahk.'^has;<br />

*paiipock. (Cf. Cree pi'i-patdyoo, it is<br />

spotted; chd-chdehagoa; it is striped,<br />

Howse 73.<br />

pookeu, v. i.. is used by Eliot to translate<br />

' he is puffed up ' (Or. (pixjioi); pl.pcoke-<br />

U'og, they are puffed up, 1 Cor. 4, 18; sup-<br />

pos. pookit, when he is puffed up. Col.<br />

2, 18; pi. neg pookecheg, they who are,<br />

etc., 1 Cor. 4, 19 {6i itKpvOiocoi.tsvoi).<br />

Caus. an.pmkhuwdhuau, it puffeth(him)<br />

up, 1 Cor. 8, 1. Cf. piikit, smoke, which<br />

is perhaps identical with the suppos.<br />

pookit. vp-pookmnk (kehtoh) 'the swell-<br />

ing (of the sea)', Mass. Ps., Ps. 46, 3.<br />

poonampau, -pamau, he looks away<br />

from (him), Is. 22, 4. From -and<br />

wompu, he looks.<br />

pcopootauonk, vbl. n. (continued) blow-<br />

ing, a blast of air, Ex. 15, 8 (for 'nees-<br />

ings', Job41, 18). See paitaw, he blows.<br />

poosampu, pos-, v. t. he looks in or into<br />

(it), John 20, 5, 11; 1 Sam. 6, 19. See<br />

voihpii.<br />

they entered<br />

into a shij)', John 6, 17 (pret. pmsupa-<br />

pcDsu-og' kuhtcDnogqut, '<br />

neg, Mass. Ps. ).<br />

[Abn. pSsS, he emljarks. Chip, hosi,<br />

Bar.]<br />

pODtaop, pcDtab, potab, n. a whale,<br />

Gen. 1, 21; Job 7, 12; Matt 12, 40. From<br />

pa)tau (he blows) l-pog (water)?].<br />

[Narr. poloj). Peq. podumhaug, pu-<br />

dumbaug, Stiles. Abn. pSdebe (i. e.<br />

p8da8-'bi). Del. 'mhiachk, Zeisb.]<br />

pCDtau, V. i. he blows, breathes strongly.<br />

(Not used in this form by Eliot, who<br />

has instead the transitive pmtantam.<br />

T. inan. pojlaiitam, he blows (it) or upon<br />

(it). Imperat. pcotantash, Ezek. 37, 9;<br />

pi. -amcok, blow ye upon (it), Cant. 4,<br />

16. Freq. pcopaAau, he continues blowing;<br />

part, noli paopa>tauont(og), he who<br />

bloweth, Is. 54, 16. Cf. poukeu; pmpoo-<br />

iauonk; pcotoemo).<br />

[Narr. potduntash, blow the tire.<br />

Cree pootdlum, he bloweth (it). Abn.<br />

ne-p8daSe, je souffle le feu; pSdaSaiigan,<br />

soufflet a feu {popcopcolauimn&nmk, bel-<br />

lows, C. ); ne-p^iaSaiimaii, je souffle<br />

contre lui.]<br />

pcDthonsli, -ansh, n. a 'pitcher', vessel<br />

for carrying water, Gen. 24, 15, 20;<br />



pcothonsh, -ansh—continueJ.<br />

jiwIlnmcJoi, 'Imrket', Is. 40, 15; pmlhonclute<br />

nippe, a pitcher of water, Mark<br />

14, 13. From paudlaii, he brings. Cf.<br />

quomphunJc, a dipping instrument.<br />

[Abn. pulaiHsS, poOwitsS, 'espece de<br />

cruehe d'ecorce, ronde en haut, pour<br />

aller querir del'eau'; 2J


puhpuhki, puppuhke—continued.<br />

[Aim. II piks/'jlii'ii, 'cela est creu j<br />

decUuis.' Del. jiurli txclie sii, hollow,<br />

Zei.-b.]<br />

puhpuhkitteau, V. t-aus. inan. he hollows<br />

(it), nuikes it hollow, Ex. 38, 8.<br />

puhquohka, n. a clod of earth; \i\.-eash,<br />

1 !/ni.<br />

*puhtantani, v. i. he mistakes (?),C.<br />

pukit, pukut, II. smoke; suppos. form<br />

of V. i. puk-kntteau (Rev. 9, 2), there is<br />

snujke. From pohk-eni, dark (?), it<br />

blinds (?). Ct. pcoJceu. Adj.-adv. /)i(i--<br />

kutiae, smoky, of smoke. Is. 14, 31 ; Joel<br />

2, 30. Dimin. pukkuttaemes, 'vapor',<br />

Ps. 148, 8. (Cf. Sansk. panka, lutum,<br />

pulvis; Tamil, jmg-ei, smoke.<br />

[Narr. puck, smoke: nip-pucku,<br />

'smoke troubleth me', R. W. 48;<br />

2mkilta, smoke, Wood. Abn. ne-pekesi,<br />

'je suis comme aveugle de la fum^e';<br />

pekediii', il fume.]<br />

pukquee, n. ashes, Gen. 18, 27; 'mire',<br />

2 Sam. 22, 43. The primary signification<br />

is dust; like pvkit, that which<br />

darkens or blinds (?).<br />

[Abn. ]irkkS, cendre. Chip, pinggivis,<br />

dust, ashes. Del. pkindeii, light ashes,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

pukqui, V. i. it goes through, continues<br />

{-nlik) going through; hence n. a hole,<br />

Ex. 28, 32; 39, 23; suppos. nepukquag,<br />

pi'iijiiiig, or pohquag, that which is<br />

through, a hole, Ex. 28, 32; 39, 6, 18,<br />

23; 'the eye of a needle', Mark 10, 2.5.<br />

See pohki; puhpuhki.<br />

[Narr. puckMim-min, to bore through;<br />

(pucliirliegavash for) puckii'hi g anixsh<br />

(pi.), awl blades (for boring .shell<br />

money), R. W. 130, 131. Del. pku schi<br />

kan, a gindet, Zeisb.]<br />

pukqussum, v. t. he bores through (it),<br />

makes a h..le through, 2 K. 12, 9.<br />

pum. See jnunmoh.<br />

puniipsk, pi. -nquanh, for 'rock,' Job 29,<br />

ti; kcii'igke fiiimijixqueMu, among the<br />

rocks, Job 2,s, 20; pi. pumupsquehluash,<br />

rocks, 1 K. r,i, 11. From pummeu{'?),<br />

and fliiiji.ik. rock.<br />

)<br />

*pumnaumpiteuiick (Narr.). n. the<br />

toothaclie, K. \V. 59; iijiiuii-. my teeth<br />

ache, ibid. 15ti.<br />

*puininechesham, he slides, C. (in 1st<br />

pers. nnp-pinni)ii'clit'sliii).<br />

pummee, n. oil, Ezek. 45, 14; Luke 10,<br />

34 {pummee or sammee, C. ).<br />

[Abn. pemi, huile, graisse; jtemikan,<br />

6tant fondue, on la tire (de dessus<br />

I'eau). This last word, or, rather, the<br />

passive participle of the same form,<br />

jiemikan ('fat skimmed' or 'dipped'<br />

from the surface of the boiling water in<br />

which it was melted, to be poured over<br />

fine-chopped meat), gave a name to<br />

the preparation so much jirized by the<br />

northern tribes and by Canadian voy-<br />

ageurs.* Old Alg-pimiVc, fat.Lah. Del.<br />

psemi/ii, fat. Camp.; pomi, Zeisl).]<br />

[Note.— " Same root with pminnen ?".]<br />

pummeeclie may, a crossway or path,<br />

Obad. 14.<br />

pummeneutunk, n a wa'n or rampart,<br />

2Sam. 20, 15; 22,30.<br />

pumraetonkupunnaonk, vbl. n. (from<br />

pininni'-vl and iiiil-rijiiniiiau, he tortures<br />

(him) on the cruss), is used by Eliot<br />

for the crucifixion; the cross of Christ,<br />

Hel). 12, 2; John 19, 19. Elsewhere,<br />

jmmelshhi; as (to take up) his cross, up-<br />

putiietnlnn-eum, Luke 14, 27.<br />

pummeii, v. 1. it crosses, traverses, goes<br />

across, passes (?) from side to side. Cf.<br />

pdme, it passes onward or along. Only<br />

found, in Eliot, in derivatives. See<br />

piomiiKhmt.<br />

[Qa\v. pumiwan, 'to walk' (in their<br />

own ways). Pier. 37. Abn. jJ^xMiSi, il<br />

va de travers; pemelsintS, met cela . . .<br />

de travera. Cree phnmich, crosswise.<br />

Del. fihneil, pimiecheu (v. adj.), oblique,<br />

Zeisb. Or. 164; 'slanty ', Zeisb. Voc]<br />

pumminnum. See pummtmnvm.<br />

pummoli, pum, a name of the sea, or<br />

ocean, which had perhaps become obso-<br />

lete, or superseded by kehloh, before the<br />

coming of the English, but was still re-<br />

tained in compound and derivative<br />

words. It seems to be derived from the<br />

diffusive particle ^xt-, and mmuncit, the<br />

verb of motion—that which goes all<br />

about, is everywhere in motion, without<br />

course ordirection. [kehloh (El. ), k'ltthan<br />

(R.AV. ), from the inan. adj. kehtc, means


pummoh, pum— continued.<br />

that wliich is chief or greatest, relatively<br />

great, vast.] Among the words<br />

preserved by Eliot and R. Williams,<br />

into the composition nf which this<br />

name of the ocean enters, are the fol-<br />

lowing: paiimpijr/ussit (Narr. ), the sea<br />

god, K. W. 98; punimunat, pummunumunat<br />

(?), to offer, to consecrate; pu?;i-<br />

upsq, pumipsq, a rock (in the sea?);<br />

pwnmdhhamwaenuoy, mariners, Jonah<br />

1,5 {pummoh-mmundi, those who go on<br />

the sea; pummultshoUoevhiuog {pamushadtaen-inuog'!'],<br />

C. 183); ohqmmupam<br />

[ohrjumm pum'], on the shore or border<br />

of the sea, =ohquanu kehtahhannit, Mark<br />

2, 13; pdmosooweneat, to swim (pumosoo-<br />

cncit, C. 212) ; cf. oklcultdsanuhiaout [uk-<br />

keihiohsanvhiaoutl, to cast themselves<br />

into the sea, to plunge into the sea.<br />

Acts 27,43; uvsketupam [woskeche pum],<br />

the surface of the sea. Is. 18, 2 (cf. Gen.<br />

1,2); kehcMppom,-pam [kehche=kutche,<br />

pum], on the shore, John 21, 4, etc.;<br />

keechepam, Gen. 22, 17.]<br />

[Note.—The above definition was not transferred<br />

from the rough draft of the manuscript<br />

to the revision, seemingly through oversight.]<br />

pummdhham, v. i. (1) he goes inactively<br />

or without exertion (?). From pdme<br />

and com. See under po»a(.


*puinponi—continued.<br />

sliiin."— K. \V. 144. From jO!«mmmnMni<br />

(fix'q. punijmiinnanrntm), he habitually<br />

or by custom offers (it); part. pass.<br />

pumpum-munim, '<br />

offered '.<br />

*Punachmonog' { pi. ), the French, (".<br />

pung'womuhq-uash, n. pl.'(iuicksjind.s',<br />

Acts 27, 17.<br />

*punnetunck (Xarr. ), n. a knife, R.<br />

W. 51. See clioliqiio;/: *Clit(am).<br />

puppinashim, n. a beast (El. Gr. 9), Kx.<br />

23, 29; Kev. 4, 7; pi. +wo


puttukqunutch, -nitch, n. the fist, Ex.<br />

21, IS. Frcin prluhiiii and lacnutch(eg),<br />

'I'dUiid-liiuiil '.<br />

puttukquobpissegk, V. iinperat. pi. 'gird<br />

youm-lvcs', L«. 8, 9 (see Kx. 29, .5).<br />

puttukquobpus, -obpis, -oppis, ete.,<br />

n. a girdle, U. 8, 24; .Ter. 1,'!, 1 ; Ex. 28,<br />

4; 29, 5. Properly a contracted form<br />

of V. i. an. liultukrpiobpeim, he is girdled,<br />

bound about (the loins): nup-puttukqvobhesin,<br />

I am girdled, 'it bindeth me<br />

about'. Job 30, 18; puttagrjuohpmu vmt-<br />

toffkodteg, 'had his sword girded by his<br />

side', Neh. 4, 18; pi. -pminujih, Rev.<br />

15, 6. From puttogr/ue-au (it covers)<br />

and mobpee (hip), with the intransitive<br />

active or simple animate affix -ussu.<br />

quadhog', quadhuk, suppos. .3(1 sing, of<br />

ipith'ililiiiiii, he measures.<br />

qua^washwetam. See quaqiioahwetam.<br />

quah, interj. 'of disdaining', El. Gr. 22<br />

{rhah, tie upon it! 0.).<br />

quahtinnittimuk (suj)[)0S. pass. part, of<br />

ipu)ilr)itiiiii.), forbidden; for 'common',<br />

Acts 10, 14, 1.5. See queiMinnuh.<br />

*quanoowask, a bottle, C. See qunn-<br />

(iMisq.<br />

quanukquesit, suppos. .'Id pers. of qun-<br />

iiiihqiiiKii, he is lame.<br />

quanunkquaean, suppos. 2d pers. sing.<br />

of qiiiiiiiii'ikijiiiiyei}, he dwells high, in a<br />

high place, Obad. 3. See qunnuhqutayeu.<br />

quanunon, n. a hawk. Lev. 11, 16; but in<br />

the same connection, in Deut. 14, 15,<br />

owdhsliaog stands for 'hawk'. See<br />

mashquanon. Cf. qunnuwD, 'lion' (panther),<br />

and qimhqiinomni, 'greyhound'.<br />

From qunni, long, and , tail (?).<br />

Cf. Del. qiien-schuckuney (long-tail)<br />

'panther'; chau wa Ian ne, 'an eagle<br />

with a forked tail', Zeisb.<br />

quaquadlxum, v. frecj. of qiilliihhani, he<br />

measures.<br />

quaquequeshont, n. gra.sshopper, J^ev.<br />

11, 22; Judg. 0, 5; pi. +atjg, Ps. 105, .34;<br />

Is. 33, 4 ('locusts'). Suppos. part, of<br />

quequeshau, he goas leaping. Cf. chwisompif;<br />

mcDpau.<br />

Q<br />

puttukquobpus, etc.—continued.<br />

[AliM. prdegSabiisSn, ceinture. Virg.<br />

liiilliiii/irfipiKHijii^ 'a cap or hat', IStra-<br />

.•hey.]<br />

pwog'keU, v. i. he ili|is or immerses himself,<br />

2 K. .'), 14. Sv.i- J,ii,yl.-;„i,,i,i,.<br />

pwog-kusheau en nippekontu, 'it fell<br />

into the water', 2 K. 0, 5.<br />

pwohkehchuau, v. i. he sinks, disastrously<br />

or by mischance: nup-pwohk-<br />

ehchuauani, I sink (in the mire), Ps.<br />

69,2. See pogkus,iu.<br />

pwohkijlihowau, v. i. she hatches eggs,<br />

Is. .->4, I."): maUd pwohkoyeog (from<br />

piror/b'ii V), 'does not hatch ', Jer. 17, 11.<br />

[Abn. pSkShS, reuf edos.]<br />

quaquoshwetam, quagwash-, frecj. of<br />

qii(i.iliiiiiir/litarii, he prepares.<br />

quashinum. See quoshinum.<br />

quashke'ik, suppos. of qushkeu, he goes<br />

back.<br />

*quattuliqu6hqua, afternoon, C. From<br />

qallauiii, he (i.e. the sun) sinks, goes<br />

downward.<br />

[Narr. qultukquaquav, 'after dinner',<br />

R. W. 67.]<br />

*quausse8 (Peq. ), 'a virgin girl ', Stiles.<br />

See pf /lomyv; *Hqudimm {nndur aqua).<br />

quehsh.au. See qucshau.<br />

quehtam, v. t. he fears (it), stands in<br />

fear of ( it) ; suppos. Tioh quohtag, he who<br />

fears, Ezek. 9, 2; Heb. 11, 27. Cf.<br />

quUidnumau, he honors, shows respect<br />

to (him). See qitxhau; wabesendt.<br />

[Del. 71(1 ta men, to fear something,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

quehteau. See ahquehteau.<br />

quehtianumau, he honors. See qullid-<br />

queihtinnuh, quiht-, quht-, \. t. an.<br />

he forbids (him), he threatens (him):<br />

itk-qullilin-iiiili, he forbade him, John<br />

3, 14; imperat. 2d sing, queihtna, forbid<br />

thou; 2d pi. quihtinnwk, forbid ye;<br />

sujjpos. part, quohlinont, forbidding.<br />

Acts 16, 6; 'when he had appeased<br />

(them)' [i. e. caused them todesist(?)].


queihthinnuh, etc.—continued.<br />

Acts 19, 35 (Gud qiwhtehchaj, God for-<br />

bid, C. ). V. t. inan. and an. queihti'liteau,<br />

qui-, he forljids (it) to (him):<br />

n-oh howan qutehtean n/;)/)*', ciin any man<br />

forbid water? Acts 10, 47 {nuk-queehtltl,„„i,<br />

1 forl)id, C).<br />

queishontam. ^^ee qiifsluidlfnii.<br />

qxiekscD, v. i. he hisse.s. iSee quequsm.<br />

quenappu, v. t. he sits or rests upon (it)<br />

snp})us. noh quenapit, he who sits upon<br />

(it). Is. 40, 22 {quenobpuuncke [^queuappuonh;<br />

vbl. n.], a stool, Wood).<br />

quenau, -nae, adv. as soon as, Mark 5,<br />

:{(i; .Tosli. S, 19; Deut. 8, 9; 'scarcely',<br />

(icu. 27, ;50. Cf. *quenauet.<br />

*quenauet, v. impers. it is wantint;.<br />

Kxp. Mayhew; nmmtt ov quenauat, ' tu<br />

be wanting or defective'; adv. queiuui-<br />

a'lli; 'necessarily', C.<br />

[.\1in. c'skaSana, j'ai besoin de.]<br />

quenauhikoo, v. i. he wants, is in need;<br />

or iuijjers. it is wanting to him: jMs^ik<br />

kuk-quenauliik, ' one thing thou laclcest '<br />

Mark 10, 21; 1st pars, nuk-quenmihik, I<br />

am in want of, it is wanting to me; Ist<br />

pi. nuk-quenauhik-umun, Jer. 44, 18; 3d<br />

pl. quenaiihlk-quorj. Suppos. 3d pers.<br />

sing, qiioialmk. Vbl. n. quenauhikm-<br />

onk, qiiemiiiiivliikcoonk, lack, want (of<br />

anything) Job 4, 11; 38, 41. Y. an. i.<br />

quenauv'usm, he is wanting, is lacking<br />

(as, to make up a prescribed number<br />

of men. Num. 31, 49). Caus. quenau-<br />

vwlinan, lie causes (it) to be wanting,<br />

Judg. 21, 3. Augm. quequenauamnn,<br />

he i.-i in great want, need, or privation,<br />

1 Sam. 13, 6 ('in a strait'). Vbl. n.<br />

-mcoonk, difHculty, want, 'distress',<br />

Neh. 2, 17.<br />

[Narr. matta nick-queliick, I want it<br />

not; tau'hitch qiienaw&yean, why com-<br />

plain you?; (/HcHofctfityj/, they complain,<br />

R. W.53, 66.]<br />

quenikkompau, v. t. lie stands upon<br />

(it I, AlllnS 7. 7. C'f. qlll'sikkOllljXIII.<br />

quenohtau, v. t. he lays a foundation<br />

for, he founds (it), places (it) upon:<br />

qu(ii(jhi(w-un, he founded it (and pass,<br />

it is founded or rests on), Luke 6, 48;<br />

pret. -unap, ibid. Suppos. quenohhink,<br />

when lie places or supports (it); quenohliiiikiriiiiiiiitcli<br />

hijssiinnutonganit, 'if he<br />

loaned his hand on the wall', Amos 5,<br />

, ;<br />

quenohtau—eon t i nued<br />

19. With inan. subj. quenohteau, it<br />

stands or is founded on, 2 Chr. 4, 4;<br />

suppos. lie quenohlag, that which it<br />

stands on. As n. a foundation, ,Tudg.<br />

16, 29; 2 Sam. 22, 8 ( = ,«--/»•» o}dari, that<br />

which i.s under, IV. IS, 7).<br />

quencowaii, v. t. an. he denies (him),<br />

makes denial to (him), Mark 14, 68,<br />

70 {queenmwo-nat, to deny; nuk-quenwviini,<br />

I deny, C. ). Elsewhere kolMn-<br />

maii, as in Luke 22, 57; Titus 1, 16; koh-<br />

koiiiwoiraa God, he denies God, Ind.<br />

Laws II. [From nlique and naiiran, he<br />

refrains from .speaking (?).]<br />

[Cliip. ahf/imjinivatuni, he denied (it),<br />

.T(.)liii 18, 25. Cree dyooanu-etmn, lie de-<br />

nies it (which Howse analyzes 'he<br />

strong-back-hears it').]<br />

quensin, v. i. he supports liimself, leans;<br />

pl. -)l"V);/, Is. 48, 2.<br />

quentamcD, v. i. (inan. pass. ) it is wanted,<br />

is mi.ssed; mo-tmij queiUumm, nothing<br />

was missed, 1 Sam. 25, 21; cf. v. 15.<br />

quequan, v. impers. it shakes, it trem-<br />

bles, Ps. 18, 7; as noun, an eartlKjuake,<br />

Is. 29, 6; pl. +as!i, Matt. 24, 7.<br />

[Abn. kS'igSan, tremble-terre. Cree<br />

kwiku'un, it (the earth) trembles.]<br />

*quequecum (Narr.), n. a duck; pl.<br />

-]-mdii(ig, R. W.; quequeetum, Stiles.<br />

Peq. quauqaauinps, 'black ducks'; quaqueekum,<br />

'ducks', Stiles. Onomatopo-<br />

etie, but the form is that of a verb, 'he<br />

quack-quacks'. Cf. Cree 'hah-ha-wa>j,<br />

the olil-wife or long-tailed duck (Anas<br />

glacialis) , and Peq. vrujoivA-nms (Stiles),<br />

for the same species. See *sesep.<br />

[Abn. kSikSimesS, canard. Del. qid-<br />

qu'mgus, the gray duck, Hkw.; 'large<br />

ducks', Zeisb. S." B. 28.]<br />

quequeshau, v. i. he goes leaping. Freq.<br />

of qiirKhiin.<br />

*quequisquitch ( Peq. ), n. a robin. Stiles.<br />

quequssu, queksoo, v. an. i. he quacks,<br />

he lii.-*ses; itug qiiekswog, 'they hiss'.<br />

Lam. 2, 16. \. t. an. quequssumau,<br />

q>iekqmmau, he hisses at (him) or for<br />

(him), Is. 7, 18; Jer. 49, 17.<br />

[Abn. kSikStiseiit, il siffle; iii'-kSlkSi

queshadtam, queishontam, v. t. inan.<br />

he leaps over (it); nuk-rjueshadtam, I<br />

leap over, 2 Sam. 22, 30; Ps. 18, 29.<br />

queshau, quehshau, v. i. he leaps,<br />

jump.s, Luke 1, 41 ; John 21, 7; Acts 3, 8<br />

( chdiiwpsquajsliaii, agrasshopperjumps;<br />

inikrjiKexhshom, I leaped, C. ). Freq.<br />

quequhhcm, he goes leaping, Cant. 2, 8;<br />

Acts 14, 10; 'skips', Ps. 114, 6. Re-<br />

lated to quogqum, he nins, the substi-<br />

tuted esh denoting sudden or violent<br />

motion. See quaqiiequeshont.<br />

[Abn. iie-kesirra, ou ne-kes8s8e, 'je<br />

cours, je vas vite.' Cree kwosgetoio, he<br />

jerks it; kicdskwdskoo-piUhu, it moves<br />

by leaps or jumps.]<br />

quesikkompau, quesuk-, v. t. he stands<br />

upon (it), Amos 9, 1; kuk-quesikkompau<br />

qusmk, thou standest upon the rock,<br />

Ex. 33, 21. Cf. qiifnikkompaii.<br />

quhtinnuh, quiht-. See qm iluinnuh.<br />

quinahsinnunk : (ii'islipe) qninahfdnnunk,<br />

'(with) a pestle'. Pro v. 27, 22. From<br />

qunni, quirme, and hadsun, assin, 'long<br />

stone'.<br />

-quinne and (suppos.) -quinogok, after<br />

a numeral or an indefinite quantitative<br />

('few', 'many', etc.), is used for ke.mkorltaah,<br />

days, or (suppos.) kextikok, on<br />

the day; or, more exactly, for nukonash<br />

(nights), suppos. nohkog. It is formed<br />

from koueu, he sleeps. "Their age<br />

they reckon by moons, and their actions<br />

by sleeps, as, if they go a journie, or<br />

are to do any other business, they say<br />

three sleeps me walk, or, two or three<br />

sleeps me do such a thing, that is, two<br />

or three days."—Josselyn's Voy. pa-<br />

»uk kesuk . . . asuh piogtukqninne, one<br />

day ... or ten days, Num. 11, 19;<br />

nequtta tahshikquinne, for six days, Ex.<br />

24, 16; suppos. nhluk-qmnogok, on the<br />

third day, Hos. 6, 2.<br />


[Isarr. nees-qiinnagat, 'two days';<br />

shuck-qun6ckat, 'three days', R. W. 69.<br />

Abn. kate'kSniSi or nekStSgheniSi, une<br />

nuit; nisSgniSi, deux nuits, etc. Del.<br />

guto-kenak, one day, Hkw. ; nguUokuni,<br />

one night, nischogunak, two nights, etc.,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

quinnuppe, (it is) roimd about, all<br />

around; it turns. As adv. and prep.,<br />

q\dnuuppe kouiog %i:eekit, 'they lodged<br />

quinnuppe—continued,<br />

round aVjout the house', 1 Chr. 9, 27.<br />

With an. subj. quinnuppu: an qiiinnuppu,<br />

he went about (Galilee), Matt.<br />

4, 23. It is, in fact, an intransitive verb:<br />

quinnuppu, he turns, changes his course;<br />

with inan. subj. -pen; suppos. noh<br />

quinnupit, he who turns or is turned.<br />

Lev. 20, 6; imperat. 2d pi. quinnuppegk,<br />

turn ye, 2 K. 17, 13. Vbl. n. quhi-<br />

nuppeonk, a turning, conversion (as in<br />

Acts 1.5, 3). V. t. inan. qiiinnuppmum,<br />

he turns (it) about, 1 K. 8, 14; suppos.<br />

noh quanuppinuk, Prov. 28, 9. V. i.<br />

refl. quinnuppehtau, he turns himself<br />

about, Mark 5, 30. V. t. an. quinnuppunau,<br />

he turns (him) about, 'converts'<br />

him; suppos. part, quanupplnont, when<br />

turning, 'converting', Ps. 19, 7; James<br />

5, 19. V. i. inan. subj. quinnupsheau,<br />

it (e. g. a path, a trail, a boundary)<br />

turns about, Josh. 19, 12. V. t. inan.<br />

subj. quinnuppohtran, it encompasses,<br />

surrounds, turns itself about.<br />

quinnuppekompau [ = quinnuppuompau']<br />

V. i. he stands turned about, is<br />

(and remains) converted; pi. +017, they<br />

are converted. Is. 60, 5. N. agent. -/)au-<br />

ac»( i" ), one who is converted, a convert,<br />

Luke 22, 32. 'Sanipmiileiihae Quinnuppekompauaenin'<br />

is the title given by<br />

Eliot to his translation of Shepard's<br />

'Sincere Convert'.<br />

quinnuppohke, as adv. 'everywhere',<br />

Acts 17, 30. For quiniiuppe-ohke, round<br />

about the country.<br />

quinnupshau, -pwushau, v. t. he goes<br />

round alKiut (itl; pi. -."hdo;/, Ps. .59, 6;<br />

imperat. jjI. -pwsliak, go ye round alx)ut<br />

(it), Ps. 48, 12: ne quonupishunk, (the<br />

river) which encompasses (it). Gen. 2,<br />

11, 13.<br />

-quinogok. See -quinne.<br />

qukqunuksheau. See qunnukquegu.<br />

*qunnamaug- (Narr. ), a 'lamprey'; pi.<br />

-i-6-(((A-. "The first [fish] that come in<br />

the spring into the fresh rivers", R.W.<br />

102. (^=qunni-amaug, long 6sh.) Cot-<br />

ton gives<br />

' qurmammag, bass' [?]. See<br />

*missiifkeke.<br />

*qunnannonk, n. a blanket, C.<br />

qunnassin. See quinalmnnunk, a pestle,<br />

i. e. 'lung stone'.


qunnegk, n. a hind, a female deer, Gen.<br />

4St, 21 ; ]il. -iiqulXo'j, Job 39, 1; Cant. 3, 5.<br />

See aliliilc.<br />

[Narr. aunArir quunike, a doe; qnnnc-<br />

(judwese, a little young doe, R. W. 96.]<br />

qunni, v. i. it is long; as adj. long, El.<br />

(Ir. I.'); Mark 16, h: qunni onk, longer<br />

than, .If)b 11,9 {anfqunna(i [=anw qitn-<br />

na.ff'], 'longest', C). With an. subj.<br />

gumicsii.<br />

[Abn. kSn,'; kSuisS, kSnagSat, il est<br />

long, free kUiwon; it is long; an. kin-<br />

ivooxn, he is long, i. e. tall. Del. guneu,<br />

Zei."!). Illin. kinmacatmi, bois long,<br />

arbre haut; kincoaccoanaM, habit long;<br />

kiiiiiiium, kincoaki, long, Gravier.]<br />

qunnonoo, n. a 'lion'. Is. 5, 29; pi. -f 0(/,<br />

Cant. 4, 8; a panther (?). Cf. quolt-<br />

qnnonon, ' greyhound '<br />

;<br />

quammon,<br />

'hawk'. The name signifies 'long-<br />

tailed'. ('i.*l:aHa„h.<br />

[('hi|i. ,iniiraiio,rr, it lias a long tail,<br />

liar.]<br />

qunnuhqutayeu, w i. hedwellscm high,<br />

Is. :!:;, r^<br />

qunnukque, n


quogquohteau—contiiHicil.<br />

eninp, threat*, Acts 4, 29. Cf. r/iieihtin-<br />

niili.<br />

quohquuonou (?), for 'greyhound',<br />

Prov. 30, 31. See quanunon; ifminonm.<br />

quohquohquoanetdu (?), n. an ass; pi.<br />

-{-"I/, (icii. 12, 1(1. Klsewhere the Knfj-<br />

lisli word !.< transforrcil without traiis-<br />

latif)n.<br />

quohtinont, forbidrling (him); part, of<br />

f/nfilillmtiili ((). V. j.<br />

quompham, v. t. he dips (it) up; infin.<br />

qiinmphamun-al nippe, to dip up water.<br />

Is. 30, 14. In Gen. 25, .30, the imperat.<br />

2d .sing, qnompaldsh is used, from a form<br />

qu.(iiiq>haliim, he dips (it)?<br />

[NarF. quamphaali , qiuimphom'dnnea,<br />

(take thou uj); and) 'take up for me<br />

out of the pot ' , R. W. 36. (Jree kw/'/ppa-<br />

Jmin, he scoops or lades it out, Howse.]<br />

quofnphippau [^quompham n%ppe'\, v. i.<br />

he dijis up water; pi. -aog, 'they drew<br />

water', 1 C'hr. 11, 18. Cf. vnttluhppau,<br />

he draws water.<br />

quoinphunk, (inan. part, of quompham,<br />

that which dips or takes by dipping), a<br />

net. Ailj. quiyihphdnf/ane anahausuonk,<br />

network, 1 K. 7, 17, 41.<br />

[Chip, kwaubahwii, he fishes with<br />

scoop net, Sch.; ahkwahiwihgun, a seine;<br />

kiM hv a gim, a scoop net, S. B. 2, 18; a<br />

ffua hi nn ijrii, ibid. 2, ID; a gvxi hi na<br />

gan, I'ar. ]<br />

quonooasq, n. a gourd, Jonah 4, fS, 10<br />

{qii/inmira«k, 'a bottle', C.; i. e. made<br />

from a gourd?). From qunni, long,<br />

and n. gen. «*/(pl. anquanh.) ,<br />

thatwhich<br />

may 1 le eaten raw. Cf . (inka/tanq; mon-<br />

aKkajlimq.<br />

quoshae, -6e, -aue, it is l)eforehand, in<br />

anticipation of; it goes before, in time;<br />

as adv. quosh6e naum, he foreseeth,<br />

Prov. 27, 12: quoglide mixsohhaiinriig,<br />

they prophesy. Num. II, 27; qauHlu'mu<br />

jvort'a", he ])romises, Heh. 12, 2*).<br />

quoshappu, v. i. he is (remains) ready;<br />

imperat. 2i\ \i\. qtiDHhnjrpr.gk, Luke 12, 40.<br />

quoshauweheau, v. t. laus. he makes<br />

(him J ready, prepares (him); more<br />

common in the freq. form, quaquaxhwcheau<br />

and fpiagquash-,aji in Jonah 4, 7.<br />

AVith inan. obj. (pioHhauwi'Mnm, he<br />

makes (it) ready, prepares (it), and<br />

freq. quaquoxhwehtam, quagquoshvxhtam,<br />

quoshauvr^lieau— continiUMl.<br />

Jonah 4, (>; Prov. 30, 2."). See quoslivx-<br />

niik.<br />

quoshinum, quash-, v. t. he takes (it)<br />

beforehand, has (it) in readiness:<br />

qtiiiKliiiiiiiiiirng uk-ki'iunkquwjtii}l , 'they<br />

make ready their arrow', Ps. 11, 2.<br />

quoshkinnum, he turns over (see titlepage<br />

of Indian Bible); 'translated'.<br />

quoshoau, \ . i. he promises; infin. qun-<br />

nlio6nat, to 'vow' (to say beforehand),<br />

Eccl. .5, 5.<br />

[Abn. rif-ketleSe, je promets, je lui dis<br />

jiar avance.]<br />

quoshodtum, v. i. lie .lays beforehand,<br />

predicts, prophesies; imperat. quoshod-<br />

tmh, -odish, prophesy thou, Ezek. .30, 2;<br />

34, 2. Vbl. n. quoshodtuohk, a prom-<br />

ising, i. e. the subject of a jiroriiise, the<br />

thing promised; j)l. -Diignnh, 'the prom-<br />

ises', Heb. 6, 12. N. agent, quoshodtutnv)aen-in,<br />

one who predicts some-<br />

thing, a prophet. Dent. 13, 1; Matt. 13,<br />

57. Cf. kOimkquom, 'a witch'.<br />

[Cf. Abn. kSmgaiin, divination,<br />

' fausi3es obsen'ations de futuro ' , etc.<br />

see Rasles under jongleur, .ioxglerie.]<br />

quoshde. See qu.oshdi:<br />

quosliohteau, v. i. inan. subj. it is made<br />

ready, prepared, or provided, Matt.<br />

22, 8: vxime quoshalitaunh, 'all things<br />

are ready', ibid. v. 4.<br />

quoshomau, v. t. an. he says beforehand<br />

to (him), promises (it) to (him): kukqiiDitliom,<br />

thou promisest or hast prom-<br />

ised (him), 2 .Sam. 7, 28; I Chr. 17,<br />

26; suppos. part, quoshomont, vowing,<br />

promising, Mai. 1, 14; Heb. 6, 13; iwh<br />

quoshomont, one who is pledged, 'be-<br />

trothed'. Lev. 19, 20; Deut. 20, 7. Vbl.<br />

n. qiwsh/imdonk {-muvMonk), a promis-<br />

ing, saying Vjeforehand, Acts 1, 14;<br />

2 Pet. 3, 9; pa-ss. part. inan. nc quo-<br />

sh/nnuk, that which is i)romised, being<br />

promised.<br />

quoshquechin. See q^iosquechin.<br />

quoshquodchu, v. i. he feels cold, suffers<br />

from cold [shakes with cold?] (quos-<br />

quatrliw, C. ); infin. -nhinal, as noun, 2<br />

Cor. II, 27.<br />

[Narr. nMei-7M87Hate/i,Iamcold,E.AV.<br />

Chip. 7iiii gikadj, I am cold. Bar.]<br />

quoshqussausu (?), v. adj. an. he is circumcised,<br />


quoshqussausu—continued.<br />


quthum, =ijiillnhliam, he measures or<br />

weighs (it).<br />

*quttauatu (Xarr. ), sixpence or its value<br />

in bead money; otherwise quttatashanm-<br />

scat, six-penny's-worth, R. W..128, 129.<br />

quttaueu, kuttauweu, v. i. he sinks, goes<br />

down (in mire, Jer. .38, 6; in water,<br />

Luke 5, 7; in a pit, Ps. 9, 15) : ahque l-ul-<br />

tav-eti, let me not sink, Ps. 69, 14. Cf.<br />

-qiiHunk, the throat; quUiihham, he<br />

weighs; quttidmimau,'he shows respect;<br />

m'kuttuk {muhkultuk) , the knee.<br />

[Abn. ne-ghedahamen, 'je I'enfonce<br />

dans I'eau, et vaaufond'; (jhedurra, il<br />

enfonce dans I'eau.]<br />

*quttauneinuii, 'to plant corn', R. W.<br />

91. Fitv prmqultdimemun (?).<br />

quttaushau, quttuhshau, v. i. he sinks<br />

disastrously or liy mischance; he is<br />

drowned, Amos 9, -t; pi. qullahshauog<br />

onatuh qusmk, they sank to the bottom<br />

like a stone, Ex. 15, 5, —quttauushaog,<br />

V. 10. From qiittmieu, with sh of mis-<br />

chance. With inan. subj. quUausheau, it<br />

sank, 1 Sam. 17, 49; ' qutonkamaomxD<br />

kannshmm' , it sinks thy boat. Samp.<br />

Quinnup. 156.<br />

quttiantam, v. t. inan. he honors, shows<br />

respect to (it).<br />

quttianumau, v. t. an. he honors, shows<br />

respect to (him), Dan. 11, 38: nitkqtichtMnum<br />

kelassoat, I honor the king,<br />

Dan. 4, 37; imperat. qiMi&num kmdi,<br />

honor thy father, Ex. 20, 12; suppos.<br />

part, noh quUlanumont, he who honors,<br />

shows respect to, Prov. 14, 31. Vbl.<br />

n. quttianumoonk, (showing) respect,<br />

honoring; pass. qutOAnittuonk, being<br />

honored, respect or honor, as referred<br />

to its object. Cf. quchtaru, he fears,<br />

and see quttaiiHi, he sinks.<br />

quttompag'hooteg, n. a balance, a weigh-<br />

ing instrument, Jer. 32, 10; Deut. 25,<br />

*rame (Quir.), within, in, Pier. 48, 49,<br />

and passim.<br />

*rainuk (Quir. ) , as postposition and prep-<br />

osition for under: nippe ramtik okke,<br />

waters under the earth, Pier. 46. Cf.<br />

ranie.<br />


R<br />

quttompaghcoteg;—continued.<br />

l."; qnitoiiijKiiiIifotdii. he weighed (it) in<br />

a balance, 2 Sam. 14, 26. Vbl. n. quttompaghmtoonk,<br />

weighing, C. See omp-<br />

xkot, a penny, and examples there-<br />

under.<br />

*quttO'w, n. a log (?), C.<br />

quttuhham, quthum, v. t. he measures<br />

or weighs (it), Ezek. 40, 28, 32; Job<br />

28, 25; suppos. noh quadhnk, he who<br />

measures; pass. part. man. qiitluhumuk,<br />

quthumnk, measured, Jer. 31, 37; an.<br />

qiittnhhiil, qiUwInit, (he is) measured,<br />

Dan. 5, 27; freq. qn

)<br />

144 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

sabae. See smipde.<br />

sabaheg (suppos. inan. of saupahhiau)<br />

iiiaile soft, softened (by water?); n.<br />

'pottage', 2 K. 4, 38; sobaheg, Gen. 25,<br />

29; sebaheg, Judg. 6, 19, 20; adj. sabah-<br />

hegane, 2 K. 4, 40; neepalaush sahihcg,<br />

'seetlie pottage', v. 38. See smip&e.<br />

sdbasum, v. t, he melts (it); infin.<br />

-umunat, Ezek. 22, 20; suppos. inan. or<br />

part. pass, sabastimuk, when it is melted,<br />

Ezek. 22, 22. Vbl. n. sabassumoaonk,<br />

a melting, a furnace for melting; and<br />

supijos. instr. gab

sampvri, -we— continued.<br />

ire )iiini-iit, in a straiglit way, Jer. :-il, 9;<br />

in tlie right way, Ps. 107, 7; suppos.<br />

(rarely used) sampoi, if it he right,<br />

Prov. 20, 11 [?]*. Suj)pos. inan. ne samj)img,<br />

that which is right, 2 K. 22, 2.<br />

Adj. inan. gampwe yeu, Ezek. 45, 11.<br />

V. adj. an. sampwesu, he i.-* ^^traight,<br />

upright, 'an upright man', Job 1, 1<br />

suppos. iioh samjnvesit, he wlii> is up-<br />

right, Micah 7, 4. V. adj. inan. stnn-<br />

poldeau, it is straight, upright; cans.<br />

sampwehteau, he makes (it) straiglit:<br />

sampwehteaunh kum-may, make thy<br />

way straight; part, sampwehleau-un,<br />

straightened. V. adj. an. act. aamp-<br />

u-emsei'i, he does straight, uprightly.<br />

Adj. and adv. -usseae, doing justly,<br />

uprightly, 2 Pet. 27, 7; righteous, Ps.<br />

11, 7. Vbl. n. sampweusseoiik; up-<br />

rightness (in doing), justice, righteous-<br />

ness, Deut. 24, 13; Ps. 11, 7. N. agent.<br />

-unseaen, he who does right or justly, a<br />

just man. (Cf. Sansk. samd, (1) similis,<br />

sequalis; (2)8equus; (3) integer; sorn(;)drf,<br />

perfectio, felicitas. Lat. similis; Engl,<br />

same.)<br />

[*NoTE.—Marked "No!" by the eumpikT in<br />

the manuscript.]<br />

;<br />


[Narr. .munipi, straight. Quir. soin-<br />

pdiij, (it is) riglit. Pier. Abn. sanhiSl,<br />

'francliement, .sans feinte', but the examples<br />

given show that the word was<br />

used in the sense of fairly, justly. Cree<br />

s'nnmuiz, perpendicular; s'lininutiiium, he<br />

erects it.]<br />

sampwushanau, sampshanau, v. t. an.<br />

he guides (them); ken i«impiriishaii-op,<br />

thou didst guide, lead, Ps. 10, 1. Part,<br />

suppos. sampshanont, pi. -oiiclteg, they<br />

who guide, guides, Is. 9, 16. N. agent.<br />

sampiriisliaen, a guide ( = sampwoslids-<br />

sean, Ps. 55, 13).<br />

*sanaukainuck (Narr. ) n. land; nissaumdtrkamuck,<br />

my land, R. W. 88.<br />

( Prol)ably land inclosed and cultivated,<br />

a field: from and komuk, inclosed<br />

place. See sonkin, it grows, and cf.<br />

Abn. SsaiikanSr, 'la terra produit'.<br />

Perhaps the same as sowanohkomuk<br />

(Josh. 15, 19), 'south land', a field<br />

with southern exposure (see sow'a)t(i/CTi).<br />

Cf. *ohieuk.<br />

B. A. E., Bull. 25 10<br />

*sauuegkcooiik (?), 'to sneeze', C. ; but,<br />

liy its fiirin, a verbal noun, sneezing (?).<br />

PerhajiS for naiwifjkaxmk, 0.<br />

[Abn. iieiiikkSanmS, I sneeze.]<br />

sanukkuhkau. See minnukkuhkan<br />

sasamatahwhutteaonk, vbl. n. pa.ss.<br />

punishTiifiit rei'civeil; being punished,<br />

(ien. 4, 13: pi. -migasli, 'scourgings',<br />

Hell. 11, .36.<br />

sasamatau, v. t. he chastises (him):<br />

nus-sa,iamat-oh, I punish him, Jer. 23,<br />

24; I chastise (him), Luke 23, 16, 22<br />

(iinx-xohsamatoh, I chastise; nus-fdsainit-<br />

/iihlimam, I jjunish, C. ). Cans, .yisci-<br />

iiKilalnf'hau {-ahhwau), he punishes<br />

(them), causes (them) to be chastised;<br />

suj^pos. pass, sasamatahwlnil, when he<br />

is punished, Prov. 21, 11.<br />

[Narr. sasaumitai'ivhilcli , let liini )je<br />

whipped, R. W. 122. Abn. iiS-sfn'niit-<br />

ie/idfi, je le l)ats (leg^rement ).]<br />

*sasauiickaparauck ( Xarr. ),n. 'tliesas-<br />

safras tree', R. W. 90.<br />

[Abn. sasangSbemakS, 'bois puaut<br />

pour faire vomir'; iiia'kSani), Imn d<br />

manger.]<br />

*sasemin-easli (Narr.), pi. cranberries,<br />

R. W. 90.<br />

*saslikontcD'waonk, n. 'a shrill tune, or<br />

voice', C.<br />

sasiogokish, pi. ditficult (very hard)<br />

things, Ex. 18, 26. Suppos. ]iL oi<br />

sasiogke, freq. of siogke, it is hard, diffi-<br />

cult.<br />

sassadt, n. 'a crane'. Is. .38, 14. Cf.<br />

taanag, crane, Jer. 8, 7. See Cree<br />

tluitlikke, tears, rends; and cf. lunnogki.<br />

*sassakussue puppinashimwog-, ' wild<br />

beasts', Mass. Ps., Ps. .50, 11 (for louoh-<br />

kijmukrpie })upp>iim!


saup—oontiiiue. Xbn. seba. Micm.s/'"-<br />

?)(7/, tv matin; shahonSk, deraain. Cree<br />

(riijijiak-i'. tciuiorrow {wi'puch, soon).<br />

Cliiji. in'ihaiKj, iomoTTOw, jeba{shaiba),<br />

in tlie morning. Del. sedpolc, tomorrow<br />

mcirning, Zei.sb.]<br />

saupae, sabae, it is .softened, made soft<br />

by water; as adj. 'miry', Dan. 2, 43;<br />

saupde manmnsk (softened clay), 'mor-<br />

tar', Gen. 11, 3. Suppos. concrete, sA-<br />

baheg, that which is made soft, 'pot-<br />

tage', boiled food (perhaps from a<br />

cau.sative form, saupahMau, he makes<br />

it soft); hence sappaen (modern suppawn,<br />

sepanii, sfpan, Webst. ) for saupd-<br />

un, softened. "The crushed corn is<br />

daily boiled to a pap called by them<br />

siip/Kieii."—Descr. of X. Neth., 1671.<br />

Cf. Kdbasniii, he melts, softens by heat.<br />

[Narr. nasaump, "a kind of meal pottage,<br />

unparched; from this the English<br />

call their samp", etc., E.W. 33. Abn.<br />

ntsailbann, sagamit^; ntsanbe, fais-en;<br />

kesahbS, Sios-mi'ibS, bouillon de chair;<br />

names-saiibS, bouillon de poisson, etc.<br />

Chip, nis-sdhawe, lam wet (with rain),<br />

Bar.]<br />

*saupuck (Narr. ), n. gmipowder, R. AV.<br />

149; mbiirh, C.<br />

[Abn. xaiuiiibir/Sak, il fait des eclairs.<br />

Del. cn.tiijipiirnk, lightnings; sapieditite,<br />

when it lightens, Zeisb.<br />

saushkisashaii, siashk-, v. t. an. he<br />

scares, frightens (him): kus-siashkisaslieli,<br />

thou scarest me (by dreams). Job<br />

7, 14.<br />

sauskshanittuonk, vl)l. n. being terri-<br />

tied, terror, fright; pi. -ongmh iiukko-<br />

iideii, terrors by night, Ps. 91, 5.<br />

[Abn. ne-si'ffhesti, je suis ^pouvant^.]<br />

sauuhkissu, v. i. (adj. an.) he pants<br />

(is viTy weary, exhausted) (sauuhkis-<br />

ainncat, to pant; nii.i-S((i(n]ikis, I pant,<br />

C. ) ; sui)pos. xdiikiisxil, when he jiants,<br />

Ps. 42, 1.<br />

[Abn. saiikStcstic, il tombe en di^fail-<br />

lance de marcher; saiikStesi, de<br />

chaleur, etc. Del. schanxsin, to be<br />

weak, Zeis)). Ur. 104.]<br />

sauuuum, v. i. he is weary, ' his .strength<br />

faileth', Is. 44, 12; niLi-sauunum, I am<br />

weary. Gen. 27, 46 {pogkodche nud-soufimim,<br />

I am very weary, C. ); suppos. noh<br />

]<br />

sauunum—con tinned.<br />

.iiiiiHiiiik, he W'ho is weary. Job 22, 7.<br />

V. t. an. sauunumau, he wearies (him).<br />

Vbl. n. sauunumoonk. weariness, faint-<br />

ness, Lev. 26, 36.<br />

[Narr. uii'-t'i'iiriniix. I am weary. Abn.<br />

ne-sai'-.ii'ii. je suis las ile marcher; ue-saS-<br />

iirokkr, je suis fatigue du travaille ', etc.<br />

snSiSi, lassement. Del. schmiwewi, tired,<br />

W'eak, Zeisb. Gr. 104; schauwiissv, he is<br />

weak, Zeisb. Voc. 28; schamvalaim', to<br />

faint with hunger, ibid. 55.]<br />

*sawlioog ( Narr. ) , loose, unstrung beads<br />

or shell money, R. W. 131. (For seah-<br />

ii-'hoog, they are scattered. SeesealiJuim.)<br />

[Cf. Abn. miSt, ' nonchalamment,<br />

.sans I'accommoder, sans le lier', etc.]<br />

seahham, seoh-, v. t. he scatters (it),<br />

sprinkles (it), Prov. 20, 8; P.«. .53, 5;<br />

Lev. 3, 2. Freq. Sfsealihcim, Prov. 11,<br />

24 (with iiian. suffix). With an. obj.<br />

siiiliiiJidii. .


see—continued.<br />

29, 30, (of drinkj Ho?. 4, IS. C'f. suMjke,<br />

it is hard, difficult.<br />

[Cree shn sm, he is sour or salt; s(vappwooy,<br />

sour liquor, i. e. vinegar.<br />

Chip. (St Marys) she wun, (Sag. ) seeivan.<br />

Menom. shwjwon. Del. shu won, Sch. ii,<br />

478; xchiron, Zeisb.Voc.fi.]<br />

seep. See -vpu, a river.<br />

seepsin, sepsin, v. i. (he extends him-<br />

self,) he lies down, Buth .3, 7; Jonah 1,<br />

5; imperat. 2d sing, sepsinh, lie down;<br />

suppos. se}}sinon, when I lie down. Job<br />

7, 4.<br />

[Abu. mi'isadSbiii (etendn) or .mii-<br />

sdlS. Del. mpsin, to be naked; xopsu,<br />

he is naked (?), Zeisb.]<br />

*seg'auo (Narr. ), a widower, R. W. See<br />

sekousq.<br />

[Del. schihuiral: (pi. I, widowers,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

segenam, v. i. he is indolent, slothful.<br />

More common in the freq. and intens.<br />

sesegenam, he is habitually idle, lazy:<br />

nag gesegenamwog, they are idle, Ex.<br />

5, 8. Cf. with ahque segenamoak; be not<br />

slothful or remiss ( in a particular matter),<br />

Judg. 18, 9; ahqi-tt' seaegenammk, be<br />

not slothful (by habit), Rom. 12, 11.<br />

Adj. and adv. -amife, Prov. 10, 4; Matt.<br />

20, o, 6. Vbl. n. segeneamoaonk, and<br />

saseg- (gdsekeneanmonk, C. ) , slothful-<br />

ness, idleness.<br />

[Narr. kus-sdsaqus, you are slow.<br />

Abn. akSahik, le dernier (?) , or me'glare,<br />

'il n'est pas ceinture, 11 va a la negli-<br />

gence'.]<br />

seip. See sepu.<br />

sexppog' \,seepog'], n. 'salt water', James<br />

3, 12. Elsewhere in Eliot's translation<br />

the English word 'salt' is transferred.<br />

sekeneam, sekenam, v. t. (1) he re-<br />

fuses, rejects; (2) he manifests aversion<br />

to; (3)he hates (it), Gen. 37,35; Jer.31,<br />

15; Prov. 13, 5. Suppos. >U)h sekenog,<br />

he who refuses, hates, Prov. 15, 27.<br />

With an. obj. sekeneau, he refuses,<br />

rejects, hates (him), Gen. 27, 41: nus-<br />

sekeneau, I hate him, 1 K. 22, 8; 2 Chr.<br />

18, 7; suppos. noh sekeneait, pi. -itcheg,<br />

they who hate (him) , Prov. 8, 36.<br />

Vbl. n. act. sekeneaudonk, hating,<br />

hatred felt, 2 Sam. 13, 15; sekeneausuonk.<br />

sekeneam, etc.—continued.<br />

hatred in exercise, active hatred; pass.<br />

nekeneadlaonk, -eoadtuonk, being hated;<br />

hatred received, Gen. 3, 15; Eccl. 9, 1;<br />

recipr.ormutual, sekeneniltuimk, enmity,<br />

mutual hatred, Prov. 10, 12.<br />

[Narr. sekineam, I have no mind to it;<br />

iiix-sekinmg, heUkes not me; sekinneauluttaurk,<br />

they hate each other. Abn.<br />

nc-sigahdam, je ne le veiix pas. Del.<br />

srldnglnamen, to hate something; -


sepe—fontiniKMl.<br />

to draw fnrtli; 6ni'C,iir. 67rivS-fiT<br />

(6TtsiS-£ii'), t.u pour out a liquid; Goth,<br />

and Aiii).<br />

sepham, v. t. he offers, be sacrifices (it);<br />

V. t. an. m/ilKimiiu, he offers or sacrifices<br />

(it) to ihini). 1 Cor. 10, 20.<br />

sephausu, v. i. lie sacrifices, offers sac-<br />

rifice; j)l. -not/, Hos. 4, 13. Vbl. n.<br />

-uonk, a sacrificing, an offering, Ezra 9,<br />

4; Ps. lis, 27; pi. -uongash {sephausu,<br />

it is offered or sacrificed, C. ) .<br />

IST. agent.<br />

sephmisuaen, one who offers, a priest.<br />

Lev. 1,9. N. collect, sephaumeneuaamik,<br />

priests collectively, the priesthood, 1<br />

Pet. 2, 5. [See Rasles under joxc;leuk,<br />

JONGLERIE. ]<br />

sephausuau, v. t. he offers or sacrifices<br />

to (liini).<br />

sepohtaeu, v. i. he is, or continues, long<br />

(in a place?); suppos. noh sepohiadt,<br />

'when he had been there a long time',<br />

Gen. 26, S. Adj. and adv. sepohtde,<br />

(long) contiuuing, Jer. 30, 23. Par-<br />

ticijiial nijiajitau-un, long continuing,<br />

'durable'. Prov. 8, 18.<br />

*seppag:ham, he sails, C. (i. e. sepag-a>m,<br />

he goes l)y spreading out, by a sail).<br />

See sepaglivnk.<br />

sepsin. See seijisin.<br />

sepu, seip, seep, n. a river, Dan. S. 3, 7;<br />

Gen. 2, 10, 14; pi. -uasli, Ezek. 47, 9.<br />

Literally, 'it extends, stretches out, is<br />

long', a continuing stream. See sepe.<br />

The inseparaljle generic name for river<br />

used in all compound words was -tuk<br />

(q. v.), from tukkm, fluctuat, nndat. vt<br />

,iepii-nt, by the river; nnxlinm .^, j,iiiirhlv,<br />

in the midst of rivers, I'.zi-k. L".i, M; sepu-<br />

]>o(/, a river of water, Ps. 119, 136; Rev.<br />

22, 1 . Dimin. sepuese, sepuwus, pi. -hash,<br />

'brooks', Job 20, 18.<br />

[Narr. seip, R. AV.; sepe, sebe, Stiles;<br />

dimin. sepoese, a little river; sepoeinese,<br />

a little rivulet, R. W. 88. Old Alg.<br />

fipim, a river {sibikinan, to pour out),<br />

Lah. \]m.sipS, \>\. sipSar. Cree seepee,<br />

sepu, seip, seep—continued.<br />

pi. -^- I'l. t'hip. srlii: seepee, j)l. + vrun.<br />

Del. .npu, Zeisb.]<br />

sequan, (it is) summer, Ps. 74, 17; Matt.<br />

24, 32; rather, early summer {sequan,<br />

spring, C. and R. W. ). Cf. nepun.<br />

Adv. and adj. sequane, of summer, in<br />

sunmier, Dan. 2, 35; Prov. 26, 1. The<br />

radical perhaps signifies 'dry ' ; cf. Abn.<br />

sli/San, with sikkaaiisS, 'le ruisseau est<br />

tari'. In the Catechismo Algonchino,<br />

p. 22 (iiu. 2S),sdkv)aninik (in the spring)<br />

is translated 'diffluente arborum humore',<br />

Fr. 'quand la seve coule'. But<br />

there is no 'arbor' in the synthesis.<br />

It means probal)l>' 'when water runs'<br />

(i. e. when it thaws'.' ).<br />

[Quir. sequoks, in summer, Pier. 28.<br />

Abn. sigSiin, le printemps. Cree sek-<br />

n'lDi, it is spring. Chip, segwun, spring.<br />

Del. .

sequttahwhau, v. t. he remain!' (of a<br />

number), lie i.s left, of (them), Deut.<br />

3, 11. Otherwise written ashqueht-,<br />

asqueteah-, asqut-, mhqueht-, etc. Suppos.<br />

pi. neff sequttahwhutcheg, they who<br />

are left of, the remnant of, Deut. .3, 11<br />

(asqiitldlnnitcluy, 1 K. 9, 21).<br />

sequtteaumuk, ashqueteamuk, i)ass.<br />

suppos. inan., that whieh is left, the<br />

remnant; pi. ^ Ish, the leavings, Ex.<br />

12, 10; Matt. 15, 37.<br />

sesegenam, v. i. lie is habitually idle,<br />

.slothful; freq. of seyenum, q. v.<br />

sesegk. See sesSkq.<br />

[sesekeu, v. i. he stretches himself (in<br />

bed or when lying down) :] matta woh<br />

wuUit sesekein, he can not stretch him-<br />

self thereon. Is. 2S, 20. Cf. sesepdeu,<br />

he stretrhes himself land remains<br />

stretcheil).<br />

[Abn. lu'-sasaglu'sin, 'je m'etens,<br />

etant couche'. Del. schucliachgeu,<br />

straight along, Zei.sb.]<br />

sesekq, sesegk, n. a venomous serpent,<br />

•adder', tien. 49, 17; Pro v. 23, 32;<br />

'viper', Acts 28, 3; pi. -qudog. Perhaps<br />

this name was applied by the<br />

Indian.s only to the rattlesnake, and<br />

is onomatopoetic. Cf . sesekco, ' he jieeps<br />

(as a bird). Is. 10, 14; sausauag (suppos.<br />

), when it ' tinkles ', 1 Cor. 13, 1 ; and<br />

cf. a.ikmk, snake; queqnssK, he 'hisses'.<br />

(Cf. Greek diZsi; Tonga, sisi; Polish,<br />

hszi/k, to hiss.<br />

)<br />

[Narr. .ihek, rattlesnake, R. W.;<br />

seasicke, Wood. Abn. sisikSe, serpent a<br />

sonnettes; SsigSimi, la sonnette; sessegS,<br />

il orache.]<br />

*sesep, qunusseps, n. a duck, C. See<br />

*quequecum. This name perhaps signifies<br />

a diver. [Cf. Abn. twtsapi, 'je me<br />

plonge dans I'eau'; 3d pers. tmmpS,<br />

from which freq. lai^-tsaSapS or Ise-tsapS<br />

would be regularly formed.*]<br />

[*NuTE.— Murkert " rioubtful " in tlip margin."]<br />

[Cree seeseep, pi. ~nk. Chip, .iheesheep,<br />

pi. ~ug.^<br />

sesepaeu, v. i. he stretches himself,<br />

2 K. 4, 34; suppos. noh sesepanet, he<br />

who stretches himself; pi. nag sene.pauecheg,<br />

Amos 6, 7. From itepe {sepAeit, he<br />

extends), with augm. reduplication.<br />

'<br />


sesepaeu—continued.<br />

)<br />

Cf. hiu-en; mpsin; sesekeu. (Sansk. .i!.,<br />

jacere, dormire; snap, dormire, jacere;<br />

smjjiia, somnium.<br />

shehteaeu [for ntuhefilni,,,], n. agent, a<br />

murderer.<br />

shpun-au. See uspunwidndl.<br />

shuog, for nisliiuig, an. ].l. three, ,Ier.<br />

36, 23. See nlsliire.<br />

shwe, pi. inan. .«lnr:„a.-

150 BTREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bvi.letin 25<br />

siogke — (•( iiitinued.<br />

Greek o^vi; Lat. acerbus, asper; Ang.-<br />

Sax. suryhe; Eng. sour, sore, sorrow).<br />

See scmor/okifJi.<br />

[Narr. m'lckat, liard ; siuckimw;!, ' they<br />

;ire st(.>ut men , i. e. liard flghters. Cree<br />

'<br />


sogkodtunk—continued.<br />

Prov. 30, 33; Joel 3, 18 (mgkndunk, C. )<br />

pi. -nr/ciith, teats, dugs, Ezek. 23, 8, 21;<br />

Luke 23, 29. A verbal (suppos. ) from<br />

sohkodtintium, he draws forth, that<br />

which ia drawn out.<br />

[Abn. ne-sereghinihighf., je tiro \e luit<br />

(v. g. de la vache).]<br />

sogktmau, v. t. an. he catche.s hold of<br />

(him), 1 K. 2, 28.<br />

sogkussohhou, n. an earring. Job 42, 11;<br />

Prov. 25, 12; pi. +nash, Ex. 35, 22.<br />

[Abn. ne-saghesehi, pi. -hSiKir, meg<br />

])endants d'oreille.]<br />

sogkuttin, V. t. inan. (suV)j. and obj.),<br />

it catches hold of (it), 2 Sam. 18, 9;<br />

freq. sohsoghuttin; suppos. sohsogkiltik,<br />

that which catches hold of, as n. coll.<br />

'hooks', Ex. 26, 32; from which is<br />

formed solisogkittikeu, it hooks, Ex. 26,<br />

37.<br />

soh-, as a prefix, signifies forth from, out<br />

from, movement from the place where<br />

or in which the action of the verb<br />

begins. It is opposed to pe, pd, signi-<br />

fying approach to, or toward: pe-yau,<br />

he comes to; soh-ham, he goes forth, out<br />

from. (Cf. Sansk. su, se movere, effun-<br />

dere, and its derivatives; or st, sal. Lat.<br />

se-, sine, separative particle.<br />

sohham Isoh-mml. v. i. he goes forth.<br />

Matt. 13, 3; Is. 42, 13 {suhham, Mass.<br />

Ps. ) ; imperat. 2d sing, sohha.ih, go forth<br />

suppos. sohhog, if or when he goes forth<br />

inan. part. soMomjtri, gone forth. Vbl.<br />

n. Kohliamdxynk, a goingforth, departure,<br />

Heb. 11, 22.<br />

[Narr. sdwwhush, pi. .lavMke, go forth;<br />

iimssauhenmUa (?) , let us go forth, R.AV.]<br />

sohhcoquaeu, v. i. he looks forth, looks<br />

out (as from a door, or window), Judg.<br />

5, 28 [sonkmquaeu, Gen. 26, 8). See<br />

nuhguainat; uhquAe.<br />

solilioo'WTinau, v. t. an. he puts, brings,<br />

or thrusts (him) out; infin. -wun&nal,<br />

to bring (them) out. Is. 42, 7; Ex. 3, 8.<br />

With inan. subj. sohhcowultau,he brings<br />

or ))uts (it) out. Cf. sohmmum.<br />

[Xarr. kus-sawhdki, do you put me<br />

out of doors?; nis-savMcunckeivu (?) , he<br />

puts me out of doors. ]<br />

sohkau, sonqhuau, v. i. he overcomes,<br />

prevails, has the mastery: nus-sonqueh,<br />

1 have prevailed. Gen. 30, 8; kuiii-<br />

)<br />

; ;<br />


sohkau, sonqhuau—continued.<br />

vitrheiiie .mhkau, th(ju [jrevailest fori'ver,<br />

Job 14, 20; suppos. iioh noltkog, he who<br />

overcomes, has the mastery. Rev. 3, 21.<br />

With an. obj. aohkauau, soi'ujhuauau,<br />

he prevails over, has the mastery of<br />

(him); suppos. noh sohkauoni, he who<br />

overcomes, 1 John 5, 5; Luke 11, 22;<br />

pi. nag sohkauoncheg, Kev. 15, 2.<br />

[Cree s&koo-hayoo, he overcomes, subdues<br />

him; sAkoo-tow, he overcomes it,<br />

Howse 165. Chip, nin ge shdhgnoje-6g,<br />

I have overcome them, Jones in iV)id.]<br />

sohkeuum, sok-, scDk-, v. t. he ixjure<br />

forth, pours out; iiippe, he pours<br />

out water, Num. 24, 7 [scokunum, Mass.<br />

Ps.) ; imperat. 2d sing, and pi. sohkin-<br />

ush, -cnk, pour out; suppos. noh sohke-<br />

7mk, he who pours, 2 K. 3, 11. From<br />

sohkeu, it pours, with tlie formative<br />

'num, denoting action of the hand.<br />

See sokanon; *s6kenug, etc.<br />

[Abn. ne-sSgnemen, je verse, manu.]<br />

sohkenumau, v. t. an. and inan. he<br />

pours (it) out to (him). Job 16, 20.<br />

[sohkeu, V. i. it pours forth, emits. This<br />

primary verb is not perhaps used by<br />

Eliot; but he has its pass. (inan. subj. )]<br />

sokemoo, it is poured out, 1 K. 13, 5.<br />

From its base, sohk, sook, are formed<br />

t. inan. sohkinnum, he pours (by hand);<br />

sokanon, water pours, it rains; suhkou,<br />

.tuhquontam, he spits, urinates (expels<br />

water), etc. Cf. nonkin, it springs up<br />

(as a plant), it grows. (Cf. Sansk. m,<br />

effundere; mc, emittere, inspergere, hu-<br />

mectare, irrigare, perfundere; shtkdra,<br />

pluvia tenuis; Old Germ, seilijan, min-<br />

gere; seich, urina. ) Bee Kokanon.<br />

[Abn. sSgherann, il pleut.]<br />

sohkom, V. t. inan. he overcomes, j)revails<br />

over (it); otan, he took the city,<br />

Judg. 9, 45 ; mutlaok, he overcomes<br />

the world, 1 John, 5, 4; imperat.<br />

sohkash machuk, overcome evil, Rom.<br />

12, 21. See sohkau.<br />

sohkomaii, v. t. an. he feeds (him),<br />

provides food for. See assamau.<br />

sohkdsu, V. i. ^an. act.) he gains the<br />

mastery, prevails, conquers. Rev. 6, 2;<br />

is victorious, is prevailing; suppos. noh<br />

aohkausil, he who is victorious. Rev. 3, 5.<br />

Vbl. n. sohkdsuonk, -kausuonk, mastery,<br />



sohkunkquodt, as n. height; adv. in<br />

height (measureofaltitudeorelevation)<br />

ne sohkunk, ne sohkunkquok, its height,<br />

Kev. 21, 16; Ex. 25, 23 [i. e. suppos. that<br />

to which it has grown, gone up to?].<br />

From Honkiii (?). A great number of<br />

form,«, of several roots, are employed by<br />

Eliot to express 'height', 'in height',<br />

and 'high'. Besides those noted are<br />

ui' xolikonkog, the height of it, 1 K. 6, 2;<br />

ne (i.ihpohtag, Ex. 37, 1, ne ashpilhtag, v.<br />

10, and ne nhshpohtag, v. 25; ne kodlunk-<br />

qiioy (of a small object), Ex. 30, 2; ne<br />

aniDhqae spohtag, spwnogkog,<br />

spongok, its height from bot-<br />

tom tci top. Gen. 6, 15; Ex. 25, 10; 27, 1.<br />

[Atjn. spigaiinS, la cabane est haute;<br />

tii rspigiinnik, voilu de combien (elleest<br />

haute).]<br />

sohmagunum. .See suiiimdgiiiiHm, he<br />

stretrhes forth, holds out (his hand or<br />

siimething with his hand).<br />

sohq. See .tmkf/, saliva, spittle.<br />

sohqshanau, v. t. an. lie tears (him) in<br />

pieces (as a wild beast his prey), rends<br />

(him): ishkont aolikwuihonau, lest he<br />

tear (me), Ps. 7, 2; with inan. obj.<br />

.tohr/sIiadUnt, heteareth (it); sokshadtoh,<br />

Deut. 33, 20; suppos. sohqshadtunk,<br />

when he tears, 'rends it in pieces', Ps.<br />

7, 2; pass. inan. -adtau-un, it is (vio-<br />

lently) broken or t(_>rn in pieces. Is. 30,<br />

14.<br />

sohquennum. See xohqiinnain.<br />

sohquettahham. See mhquflahhain.<br />

sohqulikauau, scoquhk-, v. t. he continues<br />

tearing or rending (him); with<br />

the characteristic -uhk of continuing<br />

actiiMK<br />

sohqui, (it is) in small jiieces, tine, in<br />

dust or powder; adv. suhque puppksi,<br />

'small dust'. Is. 29, 5; suppos. ne soh-<br />

quag, that which is in small pieces, in<br />

dust or powder, Deut. 28, 24. Adj.<br />

inan. sukquiyeue, in powder, 2 Sam. 22<br />

43. See ptrnpiiig.<br />

sohqunnum, sohquen-, v. t. he breaks<br />

(it) in pieces, he pulls (it) to pieces,<br />

Mark 6, 41; Is. 5, 5; Jer. 1, 10. From<br />

soliqui, with trans, formative -imum,<br />

denoting action performed by the hand.<br />

*sohquompooo (?), a coward; -ompmonk,<br />

cowardice, C.<br />

;<br />

soh.qussuin, v. t. he cuts (it) small,<br />

makes it small by cutting: sohqsum-un,<br />

he cuts it in pieces, 2 K. 24, 13; 7MS-<br />

mliquK, I cut (her) in pieces, Judg. 20,<br />

6. From sohqui, with formative -xuin,<br />

denoting cutting, etc. (see Howse, free<br />

Gr. .S7).'<br />

sohquttahhani, sohquet-, v. t. he<br />

breaks (it) in small pieces, pounds (it)<br />

or beats (it) small The formative tah-<br />

huiii, according to Howse (Cree Gr. 86),<br />

"implies he beats or batters the object,<br />

after the manner of the root." Inan.<br />

pi. nohqaUahhamunash, they (grains of<br />

corn. Is. 28, 28) are broken; otherwise<br />

smliq-, sukq-. Adj. and adv. sohpMahhae,<br />

pounded; pi. xohqnllulihdsli, whence<br />

the adopted name sncrolaxli. Of. poh-<br />

qinuiiim.<br />

[Vix-f seekira-laln'ini, he beats it into<br />

smaller pieces.]<br />

sohqutteahhau, v. i. he is faint-hearted,<br />

cowardly (suhkutleahhune, adj. faint-<br />

hearted, C. ); pi. -hdog, they are fainthearte

sohsumoomoo— continued.<br />

from Eliot's Translation', incorporated<br />

into the index of Mr Pickering's edition<br />

of Eliot's Grammar.<br />

sohsumwae. See iDohsium'n: , adj. liright,<br />

shininfr.<br />

soh.teau [.'.•o/i-o/((m»], v. i. it extends,<br />

is extended, is long (relatively or by<br />

measure). Found only perhaps in the<br />

suppos. ne suhteag, the extending of it,<br />

its length : ne mhteag kah ne koskag Icah<br />

ne sohkunk, ' the length and breadth and<br />

height of it', Rev. 21, 16; ailaeu nesahteag,<br />

'on the two ends' (i. e. on both<br />

sides of the length of it), Ex. 25, 19.<br />

Vbl. n. sohteaonk, length, measure of<br />

length, Eph. 3, IS.<br />

sohTvunum, v. t. lie puts forth (his<br />

hand or something with or in his<br />

hand), (ien. 38, 28. Cf. miinmdgunum.<br />

sohwushau, v. i. it goeth forth, goes on<br />

(of a boundary line, Josh. 19, 11, 13).<br />

sohwutchuan, v. i. it flows forth, flows<br />

out from: tiipjie sohwiUckuan, water issued<br />

out, ran out, Ezek. 47, , 1 2. From<br />

soh and wviche-u, it proceeds from. Cf.<br />

pamitchimn.<br />

sokanon [it pours], it rains; as n. rain,<br />

ilatt. 7, 25 {sookunnon, Mass. Ps., Ps.<br />

105,32; scokenonni, it Tains; sunscokenon,<br />

does it rain?; onnnhquat, raining, C. );<br />

suppos. sokanonk, sokenunk, when it<br />

rains, Deut. 32, 2: iiashpe pahkontaut<br />

maliche sokanonk, 'by clear-shining<br />

after rain', 2 Sam. 23, 4. Cf. sokanon<br />

nwtau, it rained fire, Luke 17, 29, with<br />

sokanuni ncutau, he rained (poured out)<br />

fire. Gen. 19, 24. Cans, mknnfmieau,<br />

he causes it to rain, Ex. 9, 23. From<br />

gohk, sohkeii, it pours, with a formative<br />

denoting rain or water falling, as dis-<br />

tinguished from -pog, water at rest.<br />

This formativeol" generic is -'nan, -nnon.<br />

or -nncon (Abn. -'raiin; Del. -Ian). It<br />

is found, besides in sokanon, in mogkin-<br />

non (mogke-non) , it rains excessively;<br />

triMinnon, it rains much; nishkenon, it<br />

mist-uordrizzles; ahqunnon (ahque-non),<br />

the rain ceases, it holds up; and in its<br />

suppos. form in onnohqual, 'raining',<br />

(when it rains), C, =&naquat, 'rain',<br />

R.W. See sohkennni. (Cf. Sansk. m»«»?,(1,<br />

madidus (unrf, madidum es-se) ; ran, ire.<br />

Goth, rnnn, currere, fluere.)<br />

)<br />


sokanon—continued.<br />

[Narr. sokenim, dnaquat, rain; soke-<br />

nitcli, W'hen it rains; )mshunnan, a great<br />

rain, R. W. 81, 82. Abn. sSgherai'm, il<br />

pleut (probably from soli-kenmn, to<br />

pour forth; but cf. Sansk. itkAra, pluvia<br />

tenuis, from sic and stk, irrigare, hu-<br />

mectare; &


sonksq, ett-.—continued.<br />

sohkau, and aqua; cf. *sdc!iiiii.] Often<br />

written sunk-squaw and sunrh sijna.<br />

[Narr. saunks, the queen nr sachein's<br />

•wife; pi. sauncksquiiaog. R. W. IL'O:<br />

saunck squauh, Stile.s.]<br />

sonkun. See .toiikin.<br />

sonqhuau. See nohkau.<br />

sonqui, (it is) cold, cool, Matt. 24, 11';<br />

V. adj. an. xonquesu, he is cold {xoiik'jiii,<br />

-qiini, cold; olike sonkqui, the earth is<br />

cold; 7tus-so7ikqus, I am cold; annum<br />

sonkquesu, the dog is cold, C In the<br />

last example sonkquem is not apjiro-<br />

priately used; sonqui denotes, not the<br />

sensation, but a quality of the object<br />

which imparts sensation; being cold,<br />

not feeling cold). Cf. lohkaeu; tohkoi.<br />

[Narr. saunqni nip, is the water<br />

cool?R. W. 34.]<br />

sontim, n. master, Matt. 26, 18, 25; a<br />

prince. Cant. 7, 1: nus-sonlimom ketas-<br />

scat, 'my lord the king', 2 Sam. 13, 33;<br />

pi. -mdoff. Vbl. n. sontimoaonk, sover-<br />

eignty, C. See *si'ichiiii; solikau.<br />

sowaniyeu, s6anaiyeu, sowaniu, it is<br />

southward, to or at the south (or, more<br />

exactly, the southwest). Gen. 12, 9; 13,<br />

1, 14; Job 9, 9. Adj. and adv. souwte,<br />

southern, of the south. Matt. 12, 42; pi.<br />

sourtnish, soanish, things of the south,<br />

Ps. 89, 12; Is. 43, 6: sou-atiohke [sowane-<br />

ohke], the south country. Gen. 24, 62;<br />

souMnohkonivk [so van c-ohke-koimikj,<br />

'south land'. Josh. 15, 19 (i.e. inclosed<br />

land, field).<br />

[Narr. soiraniu, the southwest (see<br />

note to so^ransh-in) . Del. schau'aneii,<br />

southerly, Zeisb. Gr. 164.]<br />

sowansh-in, the wind blows from the<br />

' south ; sowatish (.suppos. when it<br />

blows'), as n. the south wind, Job<br />

37, 17; Cant. 4, 16.<br />

[Narr. touwuttin, the south wind;<br />

sou'w&n[shen, the southwest wind blows.<br />

"This is the pleasingest, warmest wind<br />

in the climate, most desired by the In-<br />

dians, making fair weather ordinarily;<br />

and therefore they have a tradition<br />

that to the southwest, which they call<br />

sounrainiii, the gods chiefly dwell; and<br />

hither the souls of all their great and<br />

good men and women go."—R. W. 83.<br />

sowansh-in—continued.<br />

Quir. j/erou kon sauanAiouk, ' in another<br />

country to the southward'. Pier. 28.]<br />

*sowwanand [soirane-(m' )dniQ, 'the<br />

southern goil ', R. W. 110. See note on<br />

si,ir(nixli-iii above.<br />

scohq, sohq, n. saliva, spittle, 1 Sam. 21,<br />

13; Jol) 7, 19. See .vk/iA-ow.<br />

scDhqkuhkom, v. t. inan. it bursts (it)<br />

ill pieces (as wine a l)ottle), Mark 2, 22;<br />

Luke 5, 37.<br />

scDkenum. See sohkenum.<br />

S03kussun-it (?), v. (when he began to)<br />

amend, recover from sickness, John 4,<br />

52, =smksehp, Mass. Ps.<br />

sooquhkauau. See sithqnhkauau.<br />

soowampagTjneheg, n. a sling, 1 Sam.<br />

17, 40; 111. -: ash. 2 Chr. 26, 14.<br />

spadtauwompaeu (for usp-), he looks<br />

upward. Is. 38, 14 (infin. -pinneat);<br />

imperat. spadtaaonxpsh, 'lift up thine<br />

eyes' (look up). Is. 49, 18. See mh-<br />

puliqii/'ilnat.<br />

spuhhoD. See usp/uhho).<br />

spuhhcDwae. See uspuhhcowde.<br />

spuhhoDwaonk, vbl. n. See usphaawdonk,<br />

a refuge.<br />

spahquaeu. See imhpuhquAinat, to look<br />

upward.<br />

spukquodt, as n. the taste or flavor of a<br />

thing, Ex. 16, 31: ne dshpukquok, the<br />

taste of it (when tasted), Num. 11, 8;<br />

Job 6, 6.<br />

[Narr. Icdqua aitphckquat, what does<br />

it taste of? Abn. Sri-p/8gSat, cela a bon<br />

gout; matsi-pSgSal, cela a mauvais gout.<br />

Cree metlio-spiickoosit, he is well-tasted;<br />

mutche-si>uckwun, it is ill-tasted. Del.<br />

inachtschtpoquot, it tastes ugly, Zeisb.]<br />

spunauonat. See Ujipunauonat.<br />

squa, female; as n. one of womankind,<br />

a female; pi. squaog, women, 1 Tim. 5,<br />

14 (where the prefix mink was probably<br />

omitted by error of the press); but<br />

rarely used by Eliot except in compound<br />

words. Vb. subst. squaiyeuoa,<br />

she is female. Gen. 6, 19. In comjx<br />

nunksquu, agirl ; sonksq{ua ) , aqueen, etc.<br />

(eshqua, C. ). With the termination<br />

denoting a living creature {-ds for odas) ;<br />

squdas, squdus, a woman (femina);<br />

as adj. female. Num. 5, 3; Deut. 4, 16;<br />

Matt. 19, 4. Cf. mitiamwus{sis) , mulier,<br />

uxor. See nompaas, a male.

squa—continued.<br />

[NaiT. sfyudit's, pi. -suck, woman,<br />

women; dimin. squAsese, a little girl<br />

(sryi(f(H/iscs, Stilei?). Cree iskwdyoo. Del.<br />

odifjiji'i'i, woman; och quelschitsch, girl,<br />

Zeis!..]<br />

'<br />

*Squantam. ' They acknowledge a God<br />

whii they call Sguaniam, but worship<br />

him they do not."—Josselyn's Voy.<br />

"The good god they call Tantum, and<br />

their evil god, whom they fear will do<br />

them hurt, they call Squantum."—Higginson's<br />

N. E. Plantation. The name<br />

is clearly the contracted form of mus-<br />

quantam, he is angry.<br />


" If it be but an<br />

ordinary accident, a fall, etc., they will<br />

say . . . musqudnlnm manit, God is<br />

angry."—R. W. 109.<br />

squashim, squoshim, a female quadru-<br />

ped, Deut. 7, 14; adj. nquAshimwe, Lev.<br />

4, 28, 32; 5, 6. Cf. nomposhiin, male<br />

quadruped.<br />

[Xarr. squashim, R. W. Del. ocltquwhum,<br />

Zeisb. In the Abnaki, Ra.sles<br />

says "the small animals (including<br />

the otter, the marten, etc.) were distinguished<br />

by nanbikikS, male, and<br />

skSekikS, female; the moose and both<br />

species of deer by aianbe, male; herar,<br />

female, and the lynx, 'lion' [panther],<br />

hare, and some others by naiibessem,<br />

male, and skSessem l = squAshim, El.],<br />

female."]<br />

squehtahwhau. See st^qultahwhau, he is<br />

left, remains of.<br />

sqTii. See musqui, red, bloody.<br />

*squnck (mod. skunk), Josselvn's Voy.<br />

82, 85.<br />

[Abn. siyankS, bete puante. Chip.<br />

(St Marys) slii kaug, (Gr. Trav. ) shegog.<br />

Peq. ausounch, Stiles.]<br />

squdntam, squout, squoant, n. a door,<br />

a gate, .Julin 10, 9; 1 Cor. 16, 9; Gen.<br />

21, 17 (usqin.nt, a d.M,r, C); pi. -ainash,<br />

Acts 16, 2() ( "^/^/». .»/,„„(,.,/!, Job 38, 10).<br />

Adj. and adv. -miiim:, the door of, or by<br />

the door: imtch squontame kek-it, from<br />

or out of the door of thy house. Josh.<br />

2, 19. Probably from the root of sequnnau,<br />

to be left (see sequnau). Cf. Chip.<br />

ishkwdti.dem, 'door', with iskkwdiithhi,<br />

'he leaves it'—the opening left in<br />

(building) the house.<br />

squdntam, etc.— continued.<br />

[Narr. fquauntdumuck, at the door,<br />

K. "W, .51. Chip, ishkwdndem. Bar.;<br />

(Sag.) squov (Jem, (St Marys) ish kiron<br />

dnim, Sch.]<br />

squdshim. See squashim.<br />

*squtta (Narr.), fire, R. W. 47 {squitia,<br />

a fire spark, Wood). Cf. nashqutteau;<br />

ncolau. (Sansk. osha, actio urendi,<br />

ardor; ush, urere.<br />

)<br />

. [Abn. skStai, -tar, feu; skStaSio, il y<br />

en a. Cree esk'oot&yoo, (there is) fire.<br />

Muh. stauulack shell.s. From sucki and andwsuck<br />

(R. ^\.), shells, i. e. shell-fish.<br />

*suckauliock (Narr.), 'black money'.<br />

"They break out of the shell [of the<br />

j)oquauhock] about half an inch of a<br />

black part of it, of which they make<br />

their suckmihock or blackmoney, which<br />

is to them precious."—R. W. 104, 1,30.<br />

From sucki, black, dark-colored, and<br />

hogki, shell [cf. movjhackees. Wood,<br />

from mwi, black, and hogki-ash (pi. )].<br />

*sucki (Narr.), black, dark colored, purple.<br />

V. adj. an. suckesu, he is black, a<br />

black man. "They call a blackamoor<br />

suckduUakunc, . . . for sucki is black, and<br />

wautacone, one that wears clothes."<br />

R. W. 60.<br />

—<br />

[Del. suckeii, v. adj. (it is I black,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

stthkou, v. i. he spits, Mark 7, 3.5 (suh-<br />

quinneal, 'spitting', C. ; but it is in the<br />

form of the so-called infinitive, to spit:<br />

nuli'eskduovs, I spit; nis-suke, I am mis-<br />

chievous, spiteful (?), C). The primary<br />

meaning appears to be to eject,<br />

discharge liquid; hence noh sdgket, noh<br />

sdgketog, qui mingit. See scohq, saliva.<br />

V. adj. an. suhkesu, he is a spitter, he<br />

ejects water {sukkissu, -og, C. ; sicki.mi,<br />

-og, R. AV., long clams, 'spitters').<br />

[Abn. sesseks, crachat; sessegS, il<br />

crache; nesesek8,sa.Uve; ne-seghi, mingo.<br />

Del. ii'sls silk, spit, Zeisb.]<br />

sukoshkodtaeu (?), adv. stooping,<br />

crouching. Gen. 49, 9.


sukquiyeue, adj. and adv. in fine pow-<br />

der, in small pieces. See sohqiii.<br />

sukqusha-og, v. i. they are broken, Dan.<br />

11, 22.<br />

sukquttahham, v. t. he heats lit) small.<br />

See siiliqiittubhani.<br />

*sumliup (Narr. ), n. pi. -^pai'iDij, hea-<br />

vers, R. AV. 95. Cf. *iiinisque; *n6osHp;<br />

iummunk. nSosup and »umhnp probably<br />

correspond with Abn. nSse-meskS, the<br />

female, and atfii-mi'skS, the male beit\'er.<br />

summag-unum, Bohm-, samogkin-, v.<br />

t. he stretches forth, holds out (his<br />

hand or something in or with his<br />

hand). Is. 5, 25; Gen. 22, 10; Ex. 15, 12<br />

{nus-summoglcinnitchaem, I stretch out<br />

my hands, C. ). Suppos. summaglnnk,<br />

when he held out (his hand. Josh. 8,<br />

19). Pass, menutdieg )ie S(nno(jkmnk,<br />

the hand which is held out. Is. 14, 26.<br />

"With inan. subj. (v. i. ) summagohteau,<br />

(his hand) is held out, Is. 14, 27.<br />

With inan. ol>j. and an. ending, mimiituijiitiuiiiiintin,<br />

he holds out (his hand)<br />

to or against (him). Is. 5, 25. From<br />

xiili- and iiiagro (he gives, presents),<br />

with formative {-num) denoting action<br />

of the hand.<br />

sun is called by Eliot (Gr. 21) an 'adverb<br />

of asking', signifying 'is it?': sunmimatta,,<br />

'is it not?'; sun vmnnegen vmnnesen,<br />

is it well to do good? etc., Mark<br />

3, 4; sun nen god, etc., am I a god? 2<br />

K. 5, 7; simnamatia yen . . . , is not<br />

this . . . ? Job 4, ti.<br />

[Cree iidli. Chip, iki.]<br />

sunkisq. See tnjuksq.<br />

sunk-squaw. See .s-ohA>(/.<br />

*sunnadm, nanummatiu (Narr.), the<br />

mirth wind, K. W. Fmm soiranc-adt<br />

{soiixin-it}, to or toward the south (?).<br />

*sunnuckliig (Narr.), a falling trap for<br />

wolves, loaded ' with a great weight of<br />

stones', R. W. 143; a crushing instru-<br />

ment. From the same root with the<br />

following words.<br />

*suniiucklug'—continued.<br />

[Del. »ill ki te he men, to squeeze close,<br />

til press, Zeiab. (cf. achsiin-hHtehican, a,<br />

steel trap (?), Zeisb.).]<br />

sunukehteau, sunugqueht-, sanuk-,<br />

v. cans, he crushes (by a weight), he<br />

causes to be crushed. Suppos. pass.<br />

(inan.) iie-sanukehtarauk, that which is<br />

crushed. Is. 59, 5. With an. obj.<br />

-tahhemi, -taJnvhan., he crushes (him),<br />

makes a weight to fall upon (him) ; stmtmyqiiftidivJuniiudii,<br />

fall (ye mountains)<br />

on us, Luke 23, 30. The primary verb<br />

(s«n«H-«t (?), it falls heavily, it oppresses<br />

or presses down ) is not found<br />

in Eliot.<br />

[Abn. nf-.vkkikk(imen, je le foule; ne-<br />

Krkeki'iieiiieii, je le serre, mann; nr-segSs-<br />

kikaSdii, je I'ecrase.]<br />

sunukkuhkau, sanuk-, v. t. he crushes<br />

(him) (by a falling weight [Jiassun,<br />

stone] is implied, or by force from<br />

al)ove): nuK-sunvkkiihknk, he crushes<br />

me, Jer. 51, 34.<br />

-sup. See -flip.<br />

*suppawn. See smijide.<br />

suppequash, n. pi. tears. See inits-<br />

siippiy.<br />

sussequnnum, v. t. lie anoints (it).<br />

Lev. 8, 10; t. an. siissiquniian, he anoints<br />

(him): niis-sussequn, I anoint (him),<br />

Ps. 89, 20. Vbl. n. sussequfonk, anoint-<br />

ing, ointment, Prov. 27, 9, 16; Ex. 40,<br />

15. Pass, -qunitiiionk, being anointed,<br />

1 John 2, 27. Cf. .so/ifomMn, hepoursout.<br />

[Cree sooskoomi, he is smooth; sooskivow,<br />

it is smooth.]<br />

sussippoeu, -poi, it is on one side of, on<br />

the border nf: sumppoeu Lebanon, on<br />

the side of Lebanon (Lebanon on-the-<br />

side), Is. 37, 4; nequt sussippoi, . . . og-<br />

komaev, on the one side, . . . on<br />

the<br />

other, Ezek. 41, 2; .tussippoe squonl, 'the<br />

sides of the door', ibid.<br />

sussipponkoniuk, n. the wall nf the<br />

house, Ezek. 41, ti; 2 Chr. 3, 11; .lus-<br />

supjivnkomiik, I^ev. 14, 37.


't. See adt.<br />

tabach, 'let it suffice', Ex.44, 6; imperat.<br />

3d sing, of h'lpi, ij. v. See ti-ami-.<br />

tabepcD. See tapepti.<br />

tabhum. See lajihinn.<br />

tabuttantam, \. i. he is tliankful, gives<br />

thanks, Dan. ti, 10; Luke 22, 17; with<br />

a.n.ohi.-lwi,aii, he thanks (him) [kut-ta-<br />

hotomish, I thank you, C. ) Adv. -tum-<br />

we, -lamwe, thankfully (lahaltdntamme,<br />

C. ). Vbl. n. -


tannog-ki—continued.<br />

ilrchire; tarokSl-sS, (le loup) hurlt'.<br />

lifl. '() lachit, cracked, split, Zeisb.]<br />

tannogkinnum, v. t. he tears (it), as<br />

cloth or a garment, 1 Sam. 15, 28.<br />

From tannogki, with the formative<br />

-niim, denoting action performed by the<br />

hand.<br />

[Xarr, l-itiii-niiirlif-tannakuniiani-ouK,<br />

I have torn it off for you. Abn. nc-<br />

dararaghinahadSn, I tear (my dress);<br />

ne-taraghenemen, je le creve de la<br />

main.]<br />

tanuog'sheau, v. i. it tears, is torn with<br />

violence or by force, 1 Sam. 15, 27.<br />

From tannogki, with sh, characteristic of<br />

forcible or violent action.<br />

tanohketeaonk, adtan-, vbl. n. a garden,<br />

Cien. 2, S, 10; Cant. 4, 12. From<br />

{ad)tmiohkete(m, he plants, cultivates.<br />

Suppo.i. inan. adtanohketeamnk, when<br />

planted, cultivated; used for 'garden',<br />

(ien. 2, U.<br />

tanohtdadtu, v. i. he casts lots, determines<br />

by lot, gives or takes by lot; pi.<br />

-j-og, Ps. 22, 18. \h\. n. -tiumk, determination<br />

by lot, Num. 26, 55; Prov. 18,<br />

18. See adtuaii, he buys.<br />

*Tantum. "The Penobscots call their<br />

god Tantum."—Ca.pt. J. Smith. "The<br />

good god they call Tantum, and their<br />

evil god, whom they fear will do them<br />

hurt, they t'all Squantum."—Higgin-<br />

son's N. E. Plantation. Probably con-<br />

tracted from keihtdnnMtmn, 'my great<br />

god', fivf Kiih'annit; manit; Srpmiitimi.<br />

tanuppogguhhamobonk, vlil. noun, a<br />

threshing floor, Jer. 51, 3.3. From ad-<br />

tau{im) and poggohham, a place approl^riated<br />

for or to threshing; =ahhut-<br />

linuuipjjogliamnk, 2 Sam. 24, 21.<br />

tapantam, v. i. he is satisfied, contented,<br />

lit. enough-minded, Dent. 33, 23; im-<br />

perat. 2d pi. -ina/k, be ye content with.<br />

Luke 3,' 14.<br />

[Del. Ii,„l,-ndam. Zeisb.]<br />

tapeneani, v. t. he accepts (it), receives<br />

(it) with satisfaction, Eccl. 9, 7; imperat.<br />

2d sing. tape.neash, Deut. 33, 11; 3d sing.<br />

tapeiienj, let him accept it, 1 Sam. 26, 19.<br />

With an. obj. tapeneauau, he accepts<br />

(him), is satisfied with (him); suppos.<br />

part, kipenmuonl, Esth. 6, 6. Vbl. n.<br />

tapeneani—continued.<br />

( pass. ) lapeneauincoonk, acceptance, being<br />

accepted.<br />

[Del. fepihilleu, it is enough, Zeisb.]<br />

tapenum, v. i. he is able, is sufficient,<br />

Dan. 3, 17; 2 Cor. 9, 8; suppos. noh ta-<br />

penuk, he who is able; pi. neg tapenuh'g,<br />

theywho are able, 'suchas had ability ',<br />

Dan. 1, 4; Ex. 18, 21. From /h, I bought (them), Luke 14,<br />

19.<br />

tt.pi, taupi, V. impei-s. there is enough,<br />

it suffices, Prov. 30, 15, 15; with pron.<br />

prefix nut-tapet, there is enough for me.<br />

Gen. 33, 9; imperat. 3d sing, lahnrh,<br />

' let it sufiice ' , Ezek. 40, 6. ( Cf . Sansk.<br />

tarp, satiare; Greek rdpTtoo.) See<br />

waine.<br />

[Narr. iaAhi, it is enough. Abn. tebat,<br />

c'est assez. Micm. tebia, assez, Maill.<br />

Del. tepi, Zeisb.]<br />

tapupwcD. See tapepu.<br />

*taquattiu (Narr. ), it freezes: .«"'/) taqudt-<br />

///), the river is frozen; ouke llia,<br />

the ground is frozen, K. AV. [togqaattln,<br />

it congeals, stiffens, Ex.15, 8). From<br />

tohkoi {lahki, R.W.), it is cold. (Cf.<br />

Sansk. (mr', tegere; Lit. dengiu.)<br />

[Abn. tagiaden, cela est gel^, fig^;<br />

iagSatiiS, il est gel^. Cree ia'k'Su; it is<br />

cold; awk'wutt'in, it is ivozen. Del. ta;i;<br />

rjuat till, frozen; ta tax can, thick, stiff,<br />

Zeisb. S. B. 29,30.]


*taqubnck (Narr. ), n. ' fall of leaf and<br />

autumn', R. W. Vbl. from tohkoi {tahti,<br />

K.W.), freezing, whvu frnst cuiiies.<br />

[Abn. higSiii'igS. C'lv,- Inrhr/il.-iu, it is<br />

autumn. Powh. Uupuhu-k, the harvest<br />

and fall of leaf, Smith's^ Virginia. Del.<br />

iachquoacu, Zeisb.]<br />

tashkuhkom, task-, v. t. he treads<br />

npon (it); freq. tattashhuhhcnn, Hos.<br />

10, 11 (infin.); suppos. tatiashkukog,<br />

when he treadeth out (the corn, Deut.<br />

25, 4; 1 Cor. 9, 9). With an. obj. tashkuhhauau;<br />

freq. taUashkuhkauau, he<br />

treads upon (him), 2 K. 14, 9; 2 Chr.<br />

25, 28; (infin.) Luke 10, 19.<br />

[Abn. ne-dakeskdmen, je le foule aux<br />

pieds. Cree tdkooskvm, he treads on<br />

it, -skum " implying with certain roots<br />

the use of the leg or foot", Howse, 87.]<br />

Hashpooonk, tasp-, n. a table, C. [This<br />

lias the form of an active vbl. n., and<br />

can not mean 'table', though it may<br />

signify a meal, eating what is held up;<br />

from tahslte-uppco.1 Eliot transfers the<br />

word 'table' without translation.<br />

•tashununi. See iahsliinum.<br />

*tatackoinmau-og (Narr. ), n. pi. por-<br />

poises, ll.W. 103. From fakigkom (he<br />

keeps striking), with -mdi'i, generic for<br />

'fish': the fish which keeps striking<br />

(the water).<br />

*tatag'g'anish (Xarr. ),v. t. (imperat.2d<br />

sing.) 'shake this', R. "\V. .54. Cf. tat-<br />

taiii'iiiiim.<br />

*tatag'g-oskituash (Xarr. ), n. pi. 'afresh<br />

meadow', R. W. [tataggii-oskeht-uash,<br />

shaking grass (?).]<br />

[Chip, totogan, 'a trembling jjiece<br />

of groiuid in a marsh or swamp'.<br />

Bar. Del. tutaxan, .«tiff, close (?).]<br />

tatta, I know not, I can not tell, John<br />

9, 12; 20, 1.3 {tatto, Mass. Ps.) . Augm. of<br />

toh, 'it may be', an adv. 'of doubting',<br />

as Eliot calls it (Gr. 22).<br />

[Narr. tattd. Abn. taiinega, je ne<br />

sais, qu'en sais-je? Del. taktdani, Hkw.<br />

laktani, 'be it who it may' (adv.); 'I<br />

don't know where'; otta, 'ia, no, not;<br />

iiKilla tiiiii, in no way, Zeisb. Gr.]<br />

tattagkomaii, v. t. an. (freq. of fogkomau)<br />

he strikes him repeatedly, beats<br />

(him): vfiU-tattagkorii/yith, they beat<br />

him. Acts 18, 17; suppos. tuitngkoinont,<br />

when he l)eats (him), Luke 12, 45.<br />

;<br />

tattagkomati—continued<br />

AVith iuan. obj. taUoykodliaii , he lieats<br />

(it); suppos. iioh tohtogkodtog, he who<br />

beats (it), 1 Cor. 9, 26. See togkodtam.<br />

tattamwolitau, v. t. (cans.) he incloses<br />

(it) with; Y>^. -tduog qiismkijuwKuh, they<br />

set in (it) stones; pass. inan. liassimash<br />

tattam trohtait-un-ash . . . ut poliquag,<br />

'stones inclosed in ouches', Ex. 39, 10,<br />

6. Vbl. n. tattamwohtauonk, setting, in-<br />

closing, Ex. 28, 20.<br />

tattauunum, v. t. he shakes (it), Acts<br />

18, 6. The formative -nnni implies<br />

action performed by the hand. Caus.<br />

lattauv:oldeau, he makes (it) shake,<br />

causes (it) to shake; tattauwohteash<br />

kuhhog, shake tliyself. Is. 52, 2.<br />

tatteoMaii menutcheg', he smites (him)<br />

with the fist. Is. 58, 4; suppos. (noli) idd-<br />

tcadt, he who smites (him) with, Is.<br />

3, 17.<br />

*tattuppuiinohkonat, v. i. (infin.), to<br />

spin, C. See luppinohteau; tidhipjmn.<br />

[tatuppagin, v. i. it rolls (on its axis<br />

or about itself) . ] From tatuppe, all the<br />

same, motion about a center without<br />

advance (?). V. adj. -ginauxu^ it is<br />

rolled together or on its axis; pi. -snash,<br />

things rolled uji. Is. 34, 4. With sh (of<br />

involuntary action or mischance ?),<br />

iai uppagsheau, it rolls itself or is rolled;<br />

suppos. -shunkj 'when rolled together',<br />

'a scroll', Rev. 6, 14. See tuppindhieau;<br />

tuHuppxm.<br />

[Abn. ne-datebipSilSn, je roule (v. g.<br />

pierre, arbre, etc. ) ; ne-datehenemen, je<br />

le roule. Cree tiilppe-put!in, it turns<br />

(on its axis).]<br />

*tatuppauntuock (Xarr.), v. i. pi. they<br />

are weighing (with scales or balances),<br />

R. w. m.<br />

tatuppe, V. irapers. it is equal; as adv.<br />

alike, equally. Job 21, 26: ne tatuppe, ne-<br />

tatup, 'like, so', El. Gr. 22 {latrippriien,<br />

just so; -j/fHc, equally, C). Adj. ^(//»;;-<br />

peijeu, pi. -yeuasli, equal (things), Is. 40,<br />

15; Rev. 21, 16. V. subst. tatappeyeum, he<br />

is (or it is) the same as, equal to: wame<br />

u'eyaus tatuppemoskeldum, all flesh is (the<br />

same as) grass, Is. 40, 6; pi. -yeucoog,<br />

they are equal to, the same as. Is. 40, 22;<br />

Luke 20, 36; suppos. -yeuoakish, things<br />

when equal, Ps. 17. 2. From tdpi, it<br />

suffices, by intens. reduplication.<br />



tatuppehteau, v. cans. inan. he makes<br />

(it) equal, equalizes (it), Ps. 33, 15.<br />

[Abn. tetebughenaSe, il le divise egalement.]<br />

tatuppequanum, v. t. he rolls (it) along,<br />

^latt. L'7, HO: L's. 2. Suppos. pass, tatuppe-<br />

,jiiuiiiiiiiiih. when rolled, that which is<br />

nilU-d; hence, as n. 'a wagon', Num. 7,<br />

3; pi. -iiiii(jixlrAUi\ -iiiinjfjiia.^h, ' i-hanoiii'<br />

Ex. 14, 9. SujiiMis. iiuui. trilnpjie/]uai, is now popularly given to the<br />

Labrus americanus Bloch ( Labrus tau-<br />

toga of Mitchell).<br />

tauumaog, taUm-, taucom- (?), n. a<br />

street, Dan. !t, 2.'i; Rev. 21, 21: tamim-<br />

muogijHi-ldu, into the street, Josh. 2, 19.<br />

[Narr. eatau-may would be ' old way<br />

or ' long used way ' (?). See eatavms.l<br />

taiiwohpahham. See touopham.<br />

teSg, as 11. tiling, object (chose): ne<br />

Inig . . . iiiatia frag, or matteiig. some-<br />

thing . . . nothing, Luke 22, 35; Prov.<br />

9, 13; »(' tciig peyasik . a very little thing<br />

(suppos.), Is. 40, 15.<br />

teaguas, pi. -assinish, n. things, matters,<br />

which are not tangible or material, Is.<br />

42, 9: lie teaguas, something (spoken,<br />

Luke 11, 54). Augm. tanteaguassinash<br />

(with vaiiie, all), things. Gen. 24, 1;<br />

Prov. 26, 10; Is. 44 , 24. The primary sig-<br />

nification of iedg seems to lie property,<br />

possession, something had: iic (ihtunl;<br />

what he hath; ne ohtag, what is (se<br />

habet). See ohtauvndt; olihuk.<br />

[Narr. te&qua, what is this?; ieaqua<br />

n aunt irk evh, what comes lie for?;<br />

teaqiia run-natinne, what look you for?;<br />

leag yo augirliattirk, what hangs there?;<br />

•iiit-leiiiignasli, my money, R.W.]<br />

teaguash, teauguash, pi. things, possessions;<br />

used by Eliot for 'money';<br />

Gen. 23, 13; Matt. 17, 27, etc.<br />

teagwe, teague, adj. and adv. 'any',<br />

Rev. 7, 1: teague, . . .ne league, of money,<br />

... of anything, Deut. 23, 19. As an<br />

interrog. what?: teagwe woi mishonim-<br />

wai, what shall I cry? Is. 40, 6. See<br />

chagii'as.<br />

teauuk, adv. presently. El. (ir. 21;<br />

quickly, immediately, Gen. IS, 7; Acts<br />

10, 29,' 33.<br />

[Narr. tedno, 'by and by'. ]\Iicm.<br />

temk, d'abord; temkeSei, premierement.<br />

Main. Quir. charague, quickly.]<br />

teaogku, adv. 'rather, untinished', El.<br />

Gr. 21 ['on the way to' an end not yet<br />

attained (?), or 'shortly'; cf. tlijhqiil].<br />

See nogqiie.<br />

teashiyeuonk, teateash-, vbl. n. a<br />

family, Deut. 29, 18; Jer. 33, 24<br />

{ehaxliiyeiionk, leashmnfiniieonk, C. ).<br />

tenogkequas. See tinogkukqiuix.<br />

tetequstin, V. i. it trembles, 'pants' (of<br />

the heart, Ps. 38, 10). From tatagkom<br />

(see tattugkoiiiai'i), he beats, with sh,<br />

characteristic of violent action.


tiadche, adv. unexpectedly, El. (ir. 22;<br />

1 Sam. 6, 9; suddenly' John 11, 7<br />

{vnohi'l, immediately, Mass. Ps., John<br />

13, 21).<br />

-tin, -tinne. P>liot calls these "supple-<br />

tive syllables of no signitieance", etc.<br />

See tcutllnne-{- ,<br />

iruUll^.<br />

*tinnog'kohteas, n. a toad; pL ^-suogjC<br />

tinogkukquas, tenogkequas, n. a frog;<br />

pi. +.viog, Ex. 8, 2, 10; Ps. 105, 30 (tin-<br />

nogkohquase, -mug, C). Cf. *k(ypiau»i;<br />

mohmoskuhteas. Frona a verb signi-<br />

fying to jump, with ds (udas), animal:<br />

the creature which moves by jumping.<br />

Seetm)7uig, crane ('croaker'?).<br />

[Abn. arikdaS, il saute.]<br />

tiohqui, tiuhque, it is short; adv. and<br />

adj. short, Num. 11, 23; Ps. 89, 47; Rom.<br />

9, 28 (nuUiohquem, 'in short', i. e. I am<br />

brief, I will speak briefly, C. ). V.<br />

adj. an. tiohqussu, he is short, of low<br />

stature. Y. caus. inan. tiohquehteau, he<br />

shortens (it), makes (it) short: kid-<br />

tiohquehte-6h, thou makest (it) short to<br />

him, Ps. 89, 45.<br />

[Narr. /i(:(7i(0)?(/",s.?»,he is .short, R.W.<br />

60. Quir. taioquiah, is' short (of life),<br />

Pier. 39. Abn. tadkSessS, il est court;<br />

taSdkSdi, cela est court. Del. laquetto<br />

(adv.), short, Zeisb.]<br />

tiohquonkque, (it is) low; suppos. tioh-<br />

quiikquodt, when it is low. Is. 32, 19.<br />

-tipimon (?): md-lipimon, my shoulder-<br />

blade, Job 31, 22. See mohpegk; miit-<br />

tugk.<br />

tipukok, suppos. when it is dark. See<br />

*tuppaco.<br />

tisasquodt: mohclte tisasqtiodi, after (the<br />

season of) mowing, Amos 7, 1.<br />

toanneu, v. i. he gapes, yawns {nut-<br />

toiv'umieevi, I gape, C. ); with an. obj.<br />

tCannehlon, he gapes at (him); md<br />

towinehtijitgqufig, they gape at me, Ps.<br />

22, 13.<br />

togguliTwhonk, toguli-, togwonk, vbl.<br />

n. (from toglium) the pounding (of<br />

corn, etc. ) ; hence a mortar or place<br />

for pounding: id togguhirovganil, 'in a<br />

mortar', 'in mills', Num. 11, 8. Adj.<br />

and adv. togguhwongane, of grinding, of<br />

a mill; togukwoiigandmpsk, togwonkanompnk,<br />

a millstone. Job 41, 24; 2 Sam.<br />

11, 21; Is. 47, 2.<br />

B. A. E., Bull. 25 -11<br />

togguhwhonk, etc.—continued.<br />

[Nan-. Idrkiiiirk or ircskwick, 'their<br />

pounding nmrtar', R. W. Abn. tagia-<br />

hai'igmi, la pile. Del. Iiicliijuonhnncan,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

toghum, togguhhum, V. t. he grinds (it)<br />

{tn,i,/,ildi,iiji-ii,i-,it, to grind, C); »»(tijghuMiiii-eijii,<br />

thfv ground it, Num.<br />

11, 8.<br />

)<br />

[Narr. tdckhfnmiiin, to griml corn, R.<br />

AV., i. e. to beat it in a pounding mortar.<br />

Abn. Sda khSdmen, il pile quelque<br />

chose dans la pile (ble, viande, etc.).]<br />

togkodtam, v. t. he strikes (it) with a<br />

stick or some implement, Ex. 7, 20;<br />

Num. 20, 11; suppos. noh togkodtog, he<br />

who strikes (he when striking). Is. 41,<br />

7; Ezek. 7, 9. Freq. tohlogkodtain, tat-<br />

tagk-, he .strikes repeatedly, beats (it);<br />

suppos. noh lohtogkodtog, he who beats<br />

(it), 1 Cor. 9, 26. Vbl. n. togkodtuonk,<br />

a blow, a striking, Ex. 21, 25; freq.<br />

todlogkodtuonk, iaiogk-, a beating, Deut.<br />

17, 8; 21, 5 (pi. tattagkodtuongash,<br />

'stripes', Ind. Laws). With an. obj.<br />

togkdinaii; he strikes (him) ; suppos. noh<br />

togkoinont, he who strikes or may strike,<br />

Ex. 21, 12, 15; freq. tattagkomau (q. v.),<br />

he beats him. Vbl. n. act. togkomco-<br />

waonk, a blow given, Ps. 39, 10; pass.<br />

togkomilteaonk, a blow received, a being-<br />

struck, Job 23, 2. See togku.<br />

togkodteg, n. (a striking instrument),<br />

a sword, Lev. 26, 6; 1 Sam. 17, 45; pi.<br />

-egash, -eganash, Ps. 59, 7. From tog-<br />

kodtam. (Cf. Sansk. tug, ferire, vul-<br />

nerare, tremere; tad, pulsare, ferire;<br />

tat, iiercutere, ferire. Hib. tathaiin, I<br />

kill; tathog, 'a slap'. Cf. Lat. tlgnum,<br />

with Ind. n. gen. -uhlug, wood, a beam,<br />

a stick.<br />

[Narr. ii' tatakcom-muckqun ewu, he<br />

struck (beat) me, R. W. 148. Abn. ?«?-<br />

dd'khSdmen, je pile (quelque chose);<br />

iii'-diigaman, je le bats (v. g. lapide);<br />

ne-taglietSn, je frappe avec cela. Cree<br />

tdkalum, he stabbeth (?) it; tdkd-chegd-<br />

yoo, he stabbeth; ootommahun, he beat-<br />

eth it; oolommaheggiin (a beating instrument),<br />

a hammer, tomahawk; but cf.<br />

tummehtam, tuiiimigquoliwhau. Micm.<br />

taktem, je frappe. Powh. tockahacks,<br />

pickaxes; lomahacks, axes, J. Smith.<br />

Del. tangamuk, he stabbed or pierced;


togkodteg— cciiitiiuu'il.<br />

hill i/ii iiii'iid, pierced; titiKjandlcan, tmi-<br />

i/iiiiiiriiii, a spear, Zeisb.]<br />

togkogku, V. i. it stops, stays, is staj'ed<br />

(of the progress of pestilence, 2 Sam.<br />

1'4, 5); uiU-io(;kdi/keiii, I stop, C. With<br />

/,'.;//, characteristic of sudden or violent<br />

actiiiii, totjkogquhau, it was stopped,<br />

stayed, Num. 16, 48, 50, =to(ikogqv.'

tohkaeu, ailv. 'in mid weathi-r', Pniv.<br />

25, 20. See IcjIiIy,!.<br />

tohkekom [^liilil:iii-'I:-miitai. it comes<br />

cool (?)], n. a f--pring (of water), a<br />

fountain. Lev. 11, 36; pi. -koiiDmia.ih,<br />

Josh. 1.5, 19. Adj. and adv. -l-om>iH(e,<br />

of fountains, Cant. 4, 15; Neh. 3, 15:<br />

tohiekommupoc/, springs of water {-pog),<br />

Xum. 19, 17; jo.sh. 15, 19.<br />

[Abn. tekcbi, eau froide; lekeplghe,<br />

fontaine. Cree id,ke-gumn, cold-liquid-<br />

is-it; it is cold (?). Chip. (Sag.) tach-<br />

kcehea, Sell, ii, 462; iakigami, spring<br />

water. Bar. ; tlikagnmi, the water is cold,<br />

S. B. Shawn. Ink-ee-kum-ce. Miami<br />

tntr-kcny-gair-mc. ]<br />

tohkequn, tuhkekun, v. i. it is heavy,<br />

Prov. 27, 3; Job 6, 3; 23, 2; pi. ^iish,<br />

ilatt. 23, 4: titkjcekhiikqunash, thej' are<br />

heavy (for me), Ps. 38, 4; suppos. tuh-<br />

kequog, when it is heavy, Ps. 38, 4; ne<br />

taliknjiiok, the weight of it, 1 K. 10, 14:<br />

viiiiltiiltki'qnanc, by weight, of the weight<br />

of; pi. -finagh, Num. 7, 86.<br />


[Xarr. qussiicgun, heav.v; kiik-qihsuck-<br />

qiii), you are heavy (cf. qussiik, a rock).<br />

Abn. tekigSr, il estpesant; iek'igSan, eela<br />

est pesant. Del. iak-achM'in (heavy<br />

stone), lead, Zeisb.]<br />

tohkoi, V. impers. it is cold, cold is; as n.<br />

cold, Job 37, 9; John 18, 18: ka>ne tohkoi,<br />

the cold of snow, Prov. 25, 13; suppos.<br />

(concrete) tohkcig, when it i.s cold, Job<br />

24, 7; pi. -gish, Nah. 3, 17 (nimcheke<br />

tohkoi, it is very cold (weather) , C. ) . The<br />

primary signification is, perhaps, con-<br />

gealed, stiffened, or made hard, solid (by<br />

cold). Ci.ln;iqii,lltni iy-drT.ttiq>ii'illin), it<br />

congeals, it Ini'zi-; hiqiidnk, and with<br />

these togkoglii, it is ."^topped, obstructed.<br />

[Narr. tahkl, tdlakki, 'cold weather';<br />

tahkieg, cold [cool, diinin. (?)]; tuki-<br />

tippoait, it is a cold night. AVjn. tag-<br />

Saden, tkdi, (la sagamit^) est froide,<br />

cela est gel^, fige; tekighen, la terre est<br />

froide; tekiteha'kat, il fait froid la nuit,<br />

etc. Cree tak'oii; it is cold. Del. tekek<br />

[suppos. =tohkag {"!)}, cold, Zeisb. Gr.<br />

42. Chip. Iti ka gu mi, 'the water is<br />

cold', S. B.]<br />

tohkokquok, suppos. when it is cold<br />

weather, in a season of cold, 'in the<br />

cool of the day', Gen. 3, 8.<br />

[Narr. taukocks, cold weather.]<br />

tohkonog-que, cunj. altliciugh, El. Gr.<br />

22: tul:-. J..1, i:;, ^n.<br />

*tohkcosin, v. i. [he raises liinisclf (?)]r<br />

he climbs; iiiil-tnliknis, I cliinl.; Inlikumii-<br />

iHvl, to climb, ('.<br />

tohkcotaau, v. t. he olimljs uiion (it)<br />

iiiftitg, he climbed the tree, Luke<br />

19, 4: pi. lolikcotauaog iceetudmehtu, they<br />

clind) up upon the houses, Joel 2, 9;<br />

kunsampskoii/ea-iit, they climb up<br />

upon the rocks, Jer. 4, 29. Vbl. n.<br />

tohkajtanoiik, a ladder, ( len. 28, 12 [t


tohsii, tohsheu, adj. or, as Eliot classes<br />

it, a '(listrihiitive pronoun', signifying<br />

li(i\v inuoh: "pi. tohsuog, tohsvnmli,<br />

how many", El. Gr. 8. Elsewhere<br />

( p. 14) he givea "tohm, or tahshe, which<br />

is varied [in the pi.] tohsuog, iohsuash,<br />

or toMiinash", as an 'additional' or<br />

'word suppletive, which signifieth<br />

nothing' added to the numerals from<br />

5 to 9 (inclusive), and 'which receiv-<br />

eth the grammatical variation of the<br />

thing.s juuribered, animate or inani-<br />

mate': mtpamia tahshe, five; an. pi.<br />

iKijuniiiii tiilntriog; inan. pi. napanna<br />

loIisMixli [or tahshinash'i; yea tohsheu,<br />

for so much?; nux, ne tohsheu, yes,<br />

for so much, Acts 5, 8; wunneese tah-<br />

she, twice as much. Job 42, 10; nequt<br />

pasukme tahshee, a hundredfold (times<br />

so much), Luke 8,8 {tohshe, so much;<br />

9i(' lohsliit, so often, so many times, C).<br />

n. an. tohsuog, how many (persons);<br />

inan. lolishhuish, iahshinash, tohsuash,<br />

how many (things); ne adtahshe, ne<br />

aJihiit talishe, [that which is to or at so<br />

many] so many as, the sum of, 2 Sam.<br />

2, 23; Mark 6, 56; 2 K. 4, 8; suppos.<br />

inan. ne adtahsil, the whole number,<br />

the sum. Rev. 13, 18 {ne audtahsimt,<br />

'the sum of the number', 1 Chr.21,5);<br />

suppos. an. pi. ne adtahshehellit, they<br />

being (when they were) so many, as<br />

many of them as, Judg. 3, 1; 1 Tim.<br />

6, 1. As a 'suppletive' to the numerals<br />

from 5 to 10, the signification of tahshe<br />

{tohsii) is obscure, though Eliot was<br />

certainly wrong in supposing it without<br />

significance. It may not improbaljly<br />

be related to tahshin, he lifts himself,<br />

raises up, and tahshinum, he holds up<br />

or raises (his hand or something in his<br />

hand). With an inan. subj. tahsltin<br />

Vjecomes tahsheu, it lifts, or is lifted up.<br />

The Algonquian system of numbers was<br />

quinary, and borrowed doubtless fnim<br />

the fingers of the hand. At five<br />

{napanna, nabo napajina, or sometimes<br />

napanna tahshe), one hand was put up<br />

{neepoa, neepan-nn, stood upright); at<br />

six, 5-f 1, one finger of the second hand<br />

was raised, nequtta tahshe, and so on.<br />

[Narr. tashin com-mesim, how much<br />

shall I give you?; pi. inan. tashinash.<br />

Abn. kt'ssSaknaSa, on taiin! kessSihidit,<br />

tohsii, etc.—continued.<br />

combien sont ils?; kessenSrnaSa, ou kis-<br />

Sf ((.yar, combien . . . de ces choses?; ni<br />

akesinaii, voilil tout, voila toutes (des<br />

poires); negSdaiis, six; p\. an. negSdaiu-<br />

ki-ssSak; inan. -kessenSr. Micm. tach,<br />

combien?; tachigek, combien sommes-<br />

nous?; tachigigik, combien sont-ils? etc.<br />

(comme un verbe) ; an. pi. ajSgom dPclti-<br />

gik, six; deck a'emploie ordinairement<br />

apres les nombres 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100, 1000,<br />

etc. Cree "from(d/ito, number (?), are<br />

formed it-ttissit-uk (an. i. ), they are, or<br />

number, so many; it-tahtin-tmh (inan.<br />

i.)", etc.; nickoot-wdssik, six. Del.<br />

tsrhitscli, more, again; /( tclieu, how<br />

much? Zeisb.]<br />

tohw^utch, toh'waj, adv. interrog. why?<br />

(El. Gr. 21), Job 3, 11, 12: tohinitch<br />

kouetjog, why sleep ye? Luke 22, 46.<br />

tohvaj is the indefinite and suppos.<br />

form. From toll and initche, what<br />

from? wherefore?<br />

[Cree tan'v'echr, what from? why?<br />

Xarr. tawhVrh.']<br />

tolnwuttintupanoh, 'he cared for<br />

(tliem)': mat . . . loliirullinlujHinooh, he<br />

'not . . . careil for (the poor)', John<br />

12, 6, =" inalta ii-utche tohen tupponumop"<br />

, Mass. Ps. (Eliot has matia lohhentupAnmnaum<br />

shepsoli, 'he careth not<br />

for the sheep', John 10, 13, =)ho^^) luppanumom<br />

sheepsoh, Mass. Ps. ).<br />

toraeii, v. i. he escapes, saves himself,<br />

goes clear (infin. tomun-ut, to escape,<br />

- Ezra 9,8). Cans. an. tomhkni, he causes<br />

to go clear, saves, delivers, 1 Sam. 23, 5;<br />

iniperat. 2d sing, -f 3d. pi. tomireh, save<br />

thou them, 1 Sam. 23, 2; suppos. noh<br />

tuns init-toiiililk, he can deliver me, 1<br />

Sam. 17, 37. Cans. inan. toiuuvhteau,<br />

he saves (it), 2 K. 13, 25.<br />

tomogkon, v. i. it is flooded, there is<br />

a flood. As n. a flood. Gen. 6, 17;<br />

Jol) 22, 16; Matt. 7, 25; the rising of<br />

water, flood tide {nippe tdmogkon, water<br />

flows, C; tominogkon, tommog, Ma.ss.<br />

Ps. ). PI. wadcJiuash sogkodt}ink tonwg-<br />

konasli, the mountains flow with milk,<br />

Joel 3, 18. Suppos. tomogkog, when it<br />

flows with, when there is a flood, Ex.<br />

3, 8.<br />

[Narr. tamocam, flood tide; taumacoks,<br />

upon the flood (i. e. when water


totuogkou—lontiiiued.<br />

is rising), R. W. 100. Abn. tamagaii,<br />

lamareenionte; tamagaijhi', mareemon-<br />

tante.]<br />

*toii(Muh. ),aconnei.'tive, and, moreover<br />

(between clauses); ./o/i, Ps. 19, 1, 2, 11,<br />

also AVatts' Cat. 25, ans. 3, and Lord's<br />

Prayer in [Quinney's?] Assembly Catechism<br />

5, 6.<br />

tonkqs. See mltonkqx, kinsman or kinswoman.<br />

toshkeonk(?), vlil. n. a 'crashing' noise,<br />

a crash, Zeph. 1, 10.<br />

touappu [timcn-appu, he remains soli-<br />

tary or deserted], v. i. he is deserted,<br />

abandoned: imn-neechanog touappuog,<br />

my children are desolate. Lam. 1, 16.<br />

toueu, touweu, v. i. it is solitary, de-<br />

serted, unoccupied: iil touweu, 'in the<br />

desert', Ps. 78, 40. Hence suppos. Um-<br />

wag, 'a gap' (place left open), Ezek.<br />

13, 5.<br />

[Del. tauwieclien, it is open (e. g. the<br />

way), Zeisb. Gr. 168.]<br />

toxiiesu, V. adj. an. he is solitary, de-<br />

serted; a.s n. [touimis, louih), an or-<br />

phan, a fatherle.ss child, Ex. 22, 22;<br />

Deut. 14, 29; 27, 19.<br />

[Xarr. I,»rniinjrl-, fatherless chil-<br />

dren, K. W. 4.1.]<br />

touishin, touwushiu, v. i. inan. subj. it<br />

is desolate, it Ues waste: olik-e pish toui-<br />

shin, the land shall be desolate, Mic.<br />

7, 13; suppos. ne twmhshik, that which is<br />

desolate or waste. Hag. 1, 9. Adj. and<br />

adv. iouishinne, touumshiiine. Job 15, 34;<br />

Is. 35, 1.<br />

[Del. tun icir clu^n, it is open, Zeisb.]<br />

tduntomuk. See 6ontomuk, the womb.<br />

touohkomuk [suppos. inan. or pass,<br />

part, of lonolikeu, from tnueu-olike, de-<br />

serted place, 'wild land' (?)], n. the<br />

desert, the wilderness, a solitary place,<br />

Ex. 5, 3; Ps. 107, 4; Is. 14, 7; 44, 23<br />

(touohkomuk, C. ) ; pi. -ukquash. Is. 48, 21.<br />

Adj. and adv. -ukque, of the wilderness,<br />

etc., not cultivated, Deut. .32, 10; 2 K.<br />

4, 39; Is. 10, 18.<br />

[Del. tachanigeij, woody, full of wooil,<br />

Zeisb. Gr. 165; Ic-kf-ue, the woods,<br />

Zeisb. Voc. 30.]<br />

toudhpeu, V. i. he goes in (or into) water,<br />

John 5, 7 {tauohpe, Mass. Ps. ); suppos.<br />

tauohpit, when he goes into water,<br />

ibid. V. 4.<br />

touohpuhteau, v. t. (cans.) he casts it<br />

into (the water); pi. -teaog en kehtahhihiit,<br />

they cast (it) into the sea, Jonah<br />

1, r,.<br />

touopham, tauwohpahham, v. t. he<br />

puts (it) in water, 'seethes' it, 12x. 29,<br />

31; Xum. 6, 19 [nuitauohpunukwh, he<br />

puts me into (the water), Mass. Ps.,<br />

John 5, 7). Cf. neepatiau.<br />

[Abn. tsaSapS, ilse plonge dans I'eau.<br />

Narr. toi(H'o;).'!^7idmniA-«'(imperat. 2d pi. ),<br />

ca,st anchor, i. e. throw the stone into<br />

the water.]<br />

t6uppuhhosu, V. adj. an. lie is i)ut into<br />

water; snijpot^. nolo tuuppiilihii.iil, he (or<br />

an. obj., as irei/aus, flesh) wlien jiut in<br />

water, 'sodden'. Num. 6, 19.<br />

touweu. See torn ii.<br />

touvnishin. See toiii.ililii.<br />

touwutchathamcoonk, 'a breach' (in a<br />

house), Amos 6, 11. See tdinnilchuxh-<br />

mik-ish.<br />

*tou'nruttin ( Xarr.<br />

the soutli wind (?),<br />

R. \V.<br />

*toyusk (Narr. ), n. a l>ridge, K. W.<br />

tmxkmnk.<br />

[Del. lu yach quoan, Zeis!).]<br />

tcoanneu. See ptoawu.<br />

tcohpu. See taijiu.<br />

ttnkeu, tcohkeu, v. i. he wake<br />

Cf.<br />

In mi<br />

sleep, Ps. 78, 65; pret. nut-taikrp, 1 did<br />

wake, Ps. 3, 5; Jer. 31, 26; imperat. 2d<br />

sing, icokish; suppos. taokeii, when he<br />

wakes, is awakened, Zech. 4, 1; tmktoti,<br />

when I wake, Ps. 17, 15. With the<br />

characteristic (xh) of suddenness or<br />

involuntary action, tmksheu. V. t. an.<br />

obj. toA'iHO", he wakes, awakens (him):<br />

uut-tmkiti-iik, he wakes nie. Is. 50, 4;<br />

Zech. 4, 1.<br />

[Xarr. tukiKh, wake thou, ])l. tukeke;<br />

kituini/ai [kittumma. El.] tokrau, as soon<br />

as I wake; v. t. tokinish, wake liim.<br />

Abn. ne-tSkiru, je m'eveille; nc-tskki-<br />

mai'i, 'je reveille, moi parlant', etc.]<br />

-toon. See niuttmu, the mouth.<br />

tconeque, it slips, is slippery; as adj. and<br />

adv. Jer. 23, 12; imperat. 3d sing, taine-<br />

ijiiuj, let it slip or be slippery, Ps. 35, 6.<br />

toDnequshin, v. i. inan. subj. (it) slips<br />

or slides, Ps. 94, 18; suppos. nuncet<br />

tmnukqwhik, when my foot slips, Ps.<br />

38, 16. With an. subj. tconequxsii, he<br />

slips, is slipping. (Toonukquexuf kup-


(<br />

toanequshiii— 'oi 1 1 i n urc 1<br />

jKil. slipiKTv ice, v.: I)ut the adj. shcuild<br />

lie liiiiii'ijiu' or lajneiliquslibine.)<br />

toonuppasog', n. the tortoise, Lev. 11, 29.<br />

[Al)ii. tSri'he; pi. -hak, tortue. Del.<br />

hioljie Ittiipe, Hkw.]; InIjik, turpa, Cani-<br />

panius (iinde deriv. terrapin); lul pi',n<br />

water or .«ea turtle, Zeisb. ]<br />

tcopu, taah.pu, (there is) a (white) frost.<br />

Gen. 31, 40; Ps. 78, 47; 147, 16 ('hoar<br />

frost'); icop, 'dew', Cant, fi, 2; suppos.<br />

Icohpuvndt, wlien there is frost, Ex. IG,<br />

14. Of. iiinlij„i,i, it snows (C).<br />

[Narr. lii/m, a frost; missHldpu, agreat<br />

frost. Del. /'. pan, frost, Zeisb. S. B.<br />

12; 'it freezes a white frost', Zeisb.<br />

(;r. 101,]<br />

tcoskeonk, v1il. n. a fording place (?): nl<br />

l,„.dynn;i>iiiit. at the ford. Is. 16, 2. Cf.<br />

*l(iiii'ixL; a l)ridge; see poi'iijimi/.<br />

[Narr. init-tocekemlu. to wade: tmr-<br />

h'tiirk, let us wade.]<br />

tcowu. Seeyjtoj(c», he ilies.<br />

-tugk. See iinittiigk, iii'tngk, the shoul-<br />

ders, i. e. tlie upper part of the back.<br />

tuhkekqun. See tohkequn, heavy.<br />

tuhkekun. See tohkequn.<br />

Huhkes, adv. by this time, Mass. Ps.,<br />

John 11, 39; =]li'v rtqiionipak, El.<br />

-tuk, n. generic for 'river'; found only<br />

in conipoinid words, as kishketuk, near<br />

to or liy tlie river, Ex. 2, 5; Ezek. 47,<br />

6, 7; Kuiilihik (ndeii-tuk), the middle of<br />

the river, .Josh. 12, 2; 13, 9, 6; krliteih-<br />

tiikqut, at tlie great river. Gen. 15, 18.<br />

So, qunni-ttik-vt (hodie, 'Connecticut'),<br />

at the long riv'er; inism-tuk ('Mystic'),<br />

the great river, etc. It is a contraction,<br />

or perhaps the suppos. form, of a verb<br />

lukkco, signifying it waves, flows in<br />

waves, fluctuatus est. The pi. tukkooog<br />

is used by Eliot for 'waves', Ps. 65, 7;<br />

89, 9; Mark 4, 37, etc. {keitoh wnllnk-<br />


tummuuk—foiitinueil.<br />

be sharjK' ami bnjad, witli which he<br />

cuts downe trees as thicke as a man's<br />

thigh, afterwards dividing them into<br />

lengths," etc., Wood. See *amisque.<br />

[Narr. tummdck, pi. -j- gun Hog; (also)<br />

noosup-pauog; sumhup-pmmj, R. W.<br />

Abn. teina'kSe; le mille, atsimeslS, fem.<br />

ncoehneskS. Del. fiimdque, Hkw.]<br />

tummussum, v. t. he cuts off; as used<br />

by Eliot it has the same signification as<br />

tumiiifliiiim, q. v.* "Withan. obj.tammM.s-<br />

sahwhau, with nearly the same signifi-<br />

cation as lummehtahwhim. Freq. iadfamswau<br />

wuhk-MsoJi, he cuts his nails,<br />

Deut. 21, 12.<br />

[*Margixal Note.—"The difference is that<br />

one is severed by repeated blows (-eliialmm),<br />

the other by simple cutting {-usmm). See<br />

Howse87 et seq."<br />

[Abn. iie-iemeseinen, ne-tciiii'iiSn, je le<br />

coupe. ]<br />

*tuniiock(Xarr. ), whither'.' Svv tnhiioh.<br />

*tuppaco (Xarr. ), 'toward night': ok- \<br />

mat'ippijnd (suppos. ), 'toward night';<br />

rianashoira-tlppocal, midnight, R.W. 67.<br />

Eliot does not employ this word in the<br />

present or indicative, but lias its suppositive<br />

(tipukaA; -ok) in thecompounds<br />

pohkeniuipukoak, 'in the darkness of the<br />

night' (when it is dark night), Prov.<br />

7, 9; pajeh noe-lipukkok, till midnight<br />

{iioiittipptilikoci, 'late at night', C);<br />

nodiptikoddeu, at midnight, tuppaco<br />

signifies it is dark, or the time of dark-<br />

ness, and lias the same base with j>oh-<br />

keni (q. v.), if not formed from it<br />

directly by tlie prefix ape-piilliii. it turns (


ubbuhkumun: iimtch uhhikunnmit, from<br />

tlif kernel (of the grape), Num. 6, 4.<br />


(iliquontamun^t, etc.—continued.<br />

viixh, they I iiian. ) shall be an abomina-<br />

tion to you, Lev. 11, 11); Ohijuonittam-<br />

woh, they abhor (it), Ps. 107, 18; i'lh-<br />

quontamof/, if you abhor (it), Lev. 26, 15.<br />

lihquosket, uukquasket, -quoshket,<br />

-keht, n. poison of stTpents, Ps. 140, 3;<br />

Peut.32, 33; poison of arrows. Job 6, 4:<br />

umlonkqiiosketneunnk, their poison, Ps.<br />

58, 4; unkque unkquoshket, 'the cruel<br />

venom' (of asps), Deut. 32, 33.<br />

lihshuaonk, uhsua-, ushuwa-, n. a custom,<br />

Judg. 11, 39; Jer. 32, 11; pi. -ongash,<br />

Acts 6, 14; 21, 21 [us-huwdonk, an<br />

example, C. 116; uhsJmwaonk, Danforth,<br />

Otrgii-s. Kutt. 52). See Ufgeonk.<br />

iihtappattauunat, to go out (as fire),<br />

to be quenched (see taJitippadtau):<br />

nmtau malla uhtappattoun , fire is not<br />

quenched, Mark 9, 44; matta ii-oh Ahtappattauumuk,<br />

it shall not be quenched,<br />

Mark 9, 43, 45, 46, 48; matta imh uhlappadiadmunoa,<br />

(it) can not (juench (it),<br />

Cant. 8, 7.<br />

uhtea: naotau uhtea, the fire goes out,<br />

Prov. 26, 20. See oidhamunal.<br />

-lihtug, in compound words, for mt'hhig,<br />

tree, wood.<br />

likkosue [uhq-usm ?], adj. pertaining to<br />

the organs of generation: ukkome jjom-<br />

puhchatiyeum, the virile organ, Deut.<br />

23, 1.<br />

ukkosuonk, n. the pudenda. Lev. 18, 7,<br />

8, 9: ukkomonganil, 'by the secrets',<br />

Deut. 25, 11. Perhaps from kezheamial<br />

(to give life to): kezheau, he created<br />

(Gen. 1, 21), gave life to.<br />

ukkutshaumun, n. lightning, Ex. 19,<br />

10; Ezek. 1, 14; Matt" 24, 27.<br />

[Xarr. culshdudia, R.W. 82.]<br />

ukkuttuk, (his) knee. See mukkuttuk.<br />

ukoh: nen tikuh, I am, Ex. 3, 14. See ko.<br />

ukquanogquon, n. a rainbow. Rev. 4,<br />

4; 10, 1.<br />

ukqunonukqudonk, n. (his) lock of hair;<br />

long lock. Num. ij, 5. See qiiiwnuh-<br />

ipuiaii.<br />

ukquttunk, (his) throat. See iiiukqut-<br />

luiik.<br />

ummanunnelitaunnat, v. caus. to appease,<br />

to make calm: itinmannunneh-<br />

tfiuii, he apjieaseth (strife), Prov. 15, 18.<br />

ummequnne, adj. feathered, Ezek. 39,<br />

17. See mequn.<br />


ummissies, ununisses, n. (his or her)<br />

sister: iiiiniiissicsin, our sister. Gen. 24,<br />

60; (constr. ) uiniuM-soh, his sister, her<br />

sister, Ex. 2, 4; kummmif!, thy sister<br />

(father's daughter). Lev. 18, 11; weem-<br />

mussoh, (his) younger sister, Judg. 15, 2.<br />

Cf. vieetompas, (his) sister, by father or<br />

mother; weetahtu, tceetuksquoh, sister.<br />

[Narr. weesummis (and vi'ticks), a sister,<br />

E. W. 45. Muh. nmase, an (my)<br />

elder sister, Edw. 91, = nmees, ibid. 87.<br />

Del. wis, eldest sister, Zeisb. Voc. 5.]<br />

ummittamwusseuat, v. i. to take a wife,<br />

ummittamwussoh, n. constr. the wife<br />

of; his wife, Gen. 11, 29. See niittum-<br />

?(•((.«; ifiism.<br />

ummittamwussu, he took a wife. Gen. 25,<br />

1: ummittamwusseheunt (part. ), taking<br />

a wife, Ex. 21, 10; wuske n mmittam-<br />

intfiKit, if or when he takes a new wife,<br />

Deut. 24, 5. See 'icetauomonal.<br />

ummittamwussulikauau, he took a<br />

wife for (his son, Gen. .38, 6).<br />

*uinmug:kconaittiiouk, n. permission,<br />

C. 203.<br />

*umukquinumunat, to rul), ( '. 207.<br />

*umukquompae, adv. valiantly, C. 234.<br />

Cf. kiitomp; mugquomp.<br />

uuantam. See nnx'iniam.<br />

*uiigowa-ums ( Peq. ), ' old wives '<br />

, Stiles;<br />

Fuligula glacialis Bonap., or long-tailed<br />

duck; old squaw. (Called '/i((/j-/(«-imy<br />

by the Crees;ci7caiice« by the Canadians.<br />

Nuttall, p. 45, represents the call of this<br />

duck by the syllables ' oijh-oiujh-egh,<br />

'oyh-ogh-of/h-ough-e/jh. Cf. unkque and<br />

derivatives.<br />

unkhamunat, v. t. to cover,<br />

'<br />

to jiut a<br />

covering o^er, or upon, Ezek. 38, 9:<br />

nnkhumwog, they covered (the ark), 1<br />

K. 8, 7; ne unkivhuk, for covering, that<br />

which may cover, Hos. 2, 9. See puttoghamunal;<br />

wuttunklmmun&t.<br />

unkquamonat, -anat, oucquomonat,<br />

V. i. to suffer pain, to feel jiain: iruh-<br />

hoij pish onkqimmomo), his body shall<br />

have pain. Job 14, 22; uutongquomom,<br />

I am in pain, I feel pain, Jer. 4, 19;<br />

nutonquomoiiiuimm, we are in pain, Is.<br />

26, 18. See kehkeclusu, sore.<br />

[Xarr. nchesammam, nchesaiiuiiaUatn,<br />

I am in pain, E. "\V. 156. Cf. Cree<br />

dwkoosu, 'he is sick'; dwkoohayoo, 'he<br />

hurteth him', Ilowse 79.]


unkquanumooonk, n. sorrow, Jol) 41,<br />

'22; EvtA. 1, IS {onkrjuaniimaioiik, Lain.<br />

1, 12): iiiisli-iiiikquomommongaiiil, in<br />

great extremity, Job 35, 15. See uii/:-<br />

tjiuiiiiiiiiaxitik; oiikiiiioniniommcoonk.<br />

unkquanumwinneat, v. p. to be grieved<br />

(ir afflicted, to be in affliction, Is. 14, 3:<br />

nag mishe unkguamiinuog, they are in<br />

great affliction, Neh. 1, 3; onkquanum-<br />

wil, when he was in affliction, 2 Chr.<br />

33, 12; cans. an. uhqnamimwehe6u


unnantamunat, eti'.—continuccl.<br />

tion anil perhaps was nut in use, but<br />

it serves in forming a great number<br />

of verbs expressing states of the mind,<br />

mental operations, passions and emotions,<br />

etc. Among the more important<br />

of these are the following: ahquountam-<br />

uni'il {kIiijii,-, not to think of), to for-<br />

give; kodliniidiiuiaat (.see hod), to de-<br />

sire; inalchciKinlamnnal (matchi-l, Ijad),<br />

to think evil of; inchquantamum'it (mehqunum,<br />

he finds), to remember; missantamun&t<br />

(hm'ssj, much, greatly), to<br />

think much, to meditate; monclianaiamimat,<br />

to be astonished; musquantamu-<br />

iiAt {musqui, red or bloody), to be angr\-;<br />

munkoimntaiiiuniil {niHiikoan, he<br />

boasts), to be boastful, to be very glad;<br />

natwontamundl, to devise, to meditate<br />

upon; neuantamun&l, to grieve, to be<br />

sorry; onquotantamunat, to recompense,<br />

to avenge; pabahtankiinu»dt {palxihtamtm,<br />

he trusts), to trust; pnkodldntamu-<br />

mit (paguodche, perhaps), to intend or<br />

have a mind to; peantammwt {pit, let<br />

me),toiiTa.y;poanatam.undt, to be mirth-<br />

ful, to make sport; talmtlantamundt<br />

{taupi, hip!, sufficient, enough), to be<br />

thankful, to give thanks (to be satisfied<br />

or to have enough ) ; unantamundt, to be<br />

"wise; u•a^lnnnluInundt{^vanne, negai.), to<br />

forget; weekontamundt {wceknne, sweet,<br />

pleasant), to be pleased, to be glad;<br />

wuttumantnmundt, to be troubled; wun-<br />

nantainimdt {irutine, good), to bless.<br />

From the same root appear to be de-<br />

rived the names given by the Indians<br />

to their gods. "They do worship two<br />

gods, a good god and an evil god. The<br />

good god they call Tantuin and their evil<br />

god, whom they fear will do them hurt,<br />

they call Squaiitnm."—Higginson's Jf.<br />

E. Plantation. The latter name, applied<br />

to the same evil deity who was called<br />

Habhamouh or Hohhamoco (Lechford's<br />

PI. Dealin'_' 'I'i), appears to be the con-<br />

tracted .111 \n\>. sing, indicat. present<br />

of iiiiisijiiiiiitiniiiiiii'il: 111^ xquantam, 'he is<br />

angry', or literally, 'bloody-minded'.<br />

The composition of Tantum is less obvi-<br />

ous.<br />

[XoTE.—The last paragraph of this definition<br />

is marlied "Xo" in the margin. It wa.s<br />

probably the compiler's intention either to<br />

rewrite or to omit it.]<br />

unnantamwe, adj. willingly. .Tudg. .5, 2;<br />

1 Chr. 29, (i,<br />

unnanumonat, v. t. an. to permit ( iin-<br />

iiininkkonut, to permit; umununeh, per-<br />

mit me, C. 20S): vnnanumit, if (he)<br />

permit, 1 Cor. 16, 7; nniiantog, if (he)<br />

permit (it), Heb. 6, 3; i. e. if he will.<br />

See iinniinltimi'indt.<br />

unnaunchemookaonk, aunch-, n. news,<br />

tidings, 2 Sam. V.',, .'^O; LS. 2."i, 26; ]il.<br />

-oiigd.tli, I Sam. 11, 6.<br />

unnaunchemookauonat, aunch-, v. t.<br />

an. to tell news to, to communicate<br />

new information: auncheinaokinionat, 'to<br />

carry tidings to', 1 Chr. 10, 9; nuttinaunchemmkmiotidoh<br />

v-unna u nclie »( co-<br />

kauonk, 'I communicated to them the<br />

gospel' (i. e. good news), Gal. 2, 2;<br />

mmchaiiifokauonti, let me bear tidings<br />

to (him), 2 Sam. 18, 19. V. i. mtnrhe-<br />

mcokaonat (?), aunckemaikaog , they tolil<br />

the tidings, 1 Sam. 11, 4; piUh kut-aun-<br />

chemaokom, thou shall bear tidings.<br />

2 Sam. 18, 20; padaunchemmonit Said,<br />

when tidings came of Saul, 2 Sam. 4, 4<br />

{unnonchimwinneat, to tell; iwttinOn-<br />

chim, I tell; imnoowomoo, we are told,<br />

0. 213). See annco; aunchemookau; hen-<br />

nail; unnoimt; iriiiiiiniiiirliiiiiinhiiiKk.<br />

[Narr. uamirlu uinLiur, ti-11 me your<br />

news; avncheiii


unne, etc.—continued.<br />

actual), that which is or may be so<br />

(see iiiinag); and with ne, neannak, the<br />

color, appearance, or other specific<br />

quality of an object; mine, 'that is',<br />

id est, Rom. 9, 8; uimaiinneat (q. v.),<br />

for Hime-ayinneat, to be so, i. e. of such<br />

kind or condition, -in or -en, as a<br />

suffix of animate nouns, has the same<br />

meaning, referring an individual to the<br />

species or kind, and constituting nouns<br />

general [?] or appellative [?], as »»(-<br />

taun-uh, his or her daughter, the daughter<br />

of; wut-taun-in, a daughter, any<br />

daughter; wut-taun-hmk (collective),<br />

the daughterhood, or the whole of the<br />

daughters; adchaen, a hunter, i. e. some<br />

particular hunter; ndchaea-iii, a hunter,<br />

i. e. any hunter, one of the hunter<br />

kind.<br />

unneapeyau. .'^ec iiDinilipeijiiii, he so-<br />

jiiurns, stays.<br />

unnehenat, uuhenat, v. i. to act, to<br />

conduct .me's self.<br />

unneheonat, unheonat (ueheonat?),<br />

V. t. an.*to conduct one'sself towardor<br />

with respect to another, to act toward,<br />

to do to or deal with: ne uncoiritdt irnttin-<br />

lii'uiiat iiiiunis-'--iii)iin»nin


unnohkdnat—continued.<br />

penvhkonth, tliou castej^t me down, Ps.<br />

102,10). Ct. )}inkiithjiiiit; penohkmaii.<br />

unn6hteainunat(?),uiinuht-, v. t. inan.<br />

to cast (it) down: mnidhteash, cast (it)<br />

down, Ex. 7, 9; l-iUtlnnuhteam, thou<br />

castest it down (to the ground) ,<br />

Pa. 89,<br />

4-1; unnohte.au uppogkommik, lie cast<br />

down his rod, Ex. 7, 10. Cf. nwkononat;<br />

penohkonau.<br />

unnohteaudnat, v. t. an. and inan. to<br />

cast or throw (an. obj.) to or into: mi-<br />

nohteaog motaut, they cast (them) into<br />

the fire, 2 K. 19, 18.<br />

unnomSi, a reason, the reason, 1 K. 9,<br />

15 [ennomai, Samp. Quinnup. ;<br />

mai, ennomaii/euonk, C. 158).<br />

tinndm-<br />

unnonat, v. t. an. to tell, to say to, 2 Sam.<br />

17,16; Matt. 28, 9. See annm; hennai'i;<br />

vnnaunchemmkauonat; uttindnal.<br />

unnontcowdonk, n. language (in its re-<br />

stricted sense, peculiar to a jieople or<br />

nation). Gen. 11, 1: kuttwe unnontcowaonk,<br />

' the voice of speech ' , Ezek. 1<br />

24; kuttinnimtwwaonk, thy speech (manner<br />

of speech), Matt. 26, 73.<br />

unnontukquohwlioiiat, v. t. an. to owe<br />

to another, to owe [unnohtukquahwhit-<br />

tinneal, to owe (to be in debt); kiilfin-<br />

nohtukquahe, I am in your debt, C. 20.S )<br />

ahque toh unnontukqudu-huiteg, 'owe no<br />

man anything', do not owe, Rom. 13, 8;<br />

toh kittinnontukquohlmk, how much dost<br />

thou owe to, Luke 16, 5; anuntukquoli-<br />

wonche, one who owes. Matt. 18, 24;<br />

rnT>namonti(kquohha)vaen, -in, a creditor,<br />

Luke 7, 41. See nmnamontukquohwhdnat.<br />

unncohamauonat, v. t. to sing (songs)<br />

to: unna>hama)k . . . wuske tinnmhom-<br />

aonk, sing ye to (him) a new song. Is.<br />

42, 10; anmhomont ketmhamaongash, he<br />

who sings songs (singing songs) to,<br />

Prov. 25, 20. Cf. ketmhomom.<br />

unncDhamunat (?), v. t. to sing (songs).<br />

See anaohomunnt.<br />

unncDhomaonk, n. a song, Is. 42, 10;<br />

Num. 21, 17. Cf. ketaihomaonk.<br />

unnoohqueu, so far distant, at such a<br />

distance, Acts 28, 15 {yftoh iinnuhkiih-<br />

qiiat, how far? C. 228, = Narr. tounuck-<br />

qmiqii,-, R. W. 74). See ncohqueii.<br />

unnoDwaouk, n. a commandment. See<br />

u-uttinnaiwaonk.<br />

, ;<br />

uuncDwonat, to speak to, to tell, to command.<br />

See niinco; noaonat.<br />

unnug'keni, (it is) sharp [speaking (?)]<br />

(of the tongue, Prov. 5, 4). Cf. kenai.<br />

unnvLhquainat, v. i. to look (toward or<br />

at), = nuhquninat, q. v.: nnnuhquash<br />

ketahhaniyeu, look toward the sea, 1 K.<br />

18, 43.<br />

unnukquominneat, v. i. to dream, Gen.<br />

41, 17; vnnukqtiijin, he dreamed, Gen.<br />

41, 1, .5.<br />

unnukquomoaonk, -muonk, n. a dream,<br />

Deut. 13, 1; Dan. 4, 5; 6 {-quam&onk,<br />

C. 163) ; nuttinmikquomwonk, my dream,<br />

Dan. 4, 7, 8; unmigquomoaonk, Gen. 41,<br />

15.<br />

unnukquomunat, v. t. to dream: nuttiunugquomun,<br />

I dreamed (a dream). Gen.<br />

41, 15. Cf. kodttd-quom-unat, to be<br />

sleepy, C. 209.<br />

unnukquomuwaen, n. one who dreams,<br />

a dreamer, Deut. 13, 1.<br />

[un]nussu, (he is) shaped or formed,<br />

made like, made such as [!«n));(s.s-u]:<br />

toll minussu, what form is he of? I Sam.<br />

28, 14; niatta iianvahteaou neanussit, 'I<br />

could not discern the form thereof<br />

(an. ), Job 4, 16; ne auussit God, in the<br />

form (likeness) of God, Phil. 2, 6; muh-<br />

hogkat nussu, 'in bodily shape', Luke 3,<br />

22. See neane; neaunak; nussu.<br />

[un]nussuoiik, n. form or shape (of an.<br />

obj.?): inittitmuiiimonk, his fonn, Is. 52,<br />

14; lit neheironche louttinnugmonganit, in<br />

his own image. Gen. 1, 27. Cf. neaunak.<br />

unuhquainat. See mihqnainat.<br />

*ununanum6e, adv. mildly, C. 229.<br />

*ununumauwonate, togive (to), C. 192.<br />

See aninnum.<br />

*uppaqudntup (Xarr.), the head, li.W.<br />

58; nuppaqu6}itup, my head, ibiil. See<br />

uppuhkuk.<br />

uppasq (?), n. 'the horse leecli', Prov.<br />

30, 15.<br />

uppeanashkinonog', n. pi. flags, rushes,<br />

Is. 19, 6.<br />

uppeshau, n. a flower, Ex. 25, 33; Job 15,<br />

33; Is. 40, 7 (vpjieshon, C. 168) ; pi. uppe-<br />

shauanash, uppishdonash, Ex. 25, 31, 34;<br />

37, 17: sonki7i uppishaanish , it bloomed<br />

blossoms. Num. 17, 8. From peshauonal,<br />

to blossom; 3d pers. sing, indie, pres.<br />

'it blossoms'; so phhau, a flower, James


uppeshau—coiitimieil.<br />

1, 10; peshuonmh, flowers (without the<br />

prefix), 2 Chr. 4, 5. See *peshai, bhie.<br />

uppisk, his bacli: uppisquanit, at his<br />

liuik, ln'hind him. See muppusk.<br />

uppohchanitch, n. (his-) finger, Ex. .H,<br />

]H. ^ef jKthrhiiiiiitch.<br />

upp6h.qu6s, obbohquos, n. a tent (awn-<br />

ing or eovering), Ex. 40, 19; tie dbiih-<br />

quosik, its covering. Cant. 3, 10; alioh-<br />

qunx Kokiimm, a covert from rain. Is. 4, 6.<br />

See (ipjiiiliijiii')f!u, he covers.<br />

upponat, uppunat, v. t. =apwon(tl, appiruiiiii'il,<br />

to lialvc or roast. See appmsn;<br />

iljiirnli: lllliltlipjKU.<br />

-uppCD. Sec iKiillnppco.<br />

uppoDSU. Sec ajijKOxu.<br />

uppcoteau. See ulipeafeau.<br />

uppojunneat, uppwunneat, a radical<br />

verl) meaning to feed one's self, to eat;<br />

it is not found in Eliot or Cotton, but<br />

from it many derivatives are made. See<br />



uspunauonat, etc.—continued.<br />

; ,<br />

tioii becomes the object. Occasionally<br />

the animate form (ushjMiKmal) is intro-<br />

duced, as in Eccl. 3, 19: ne ashpunahetlit<br />

. . . wosketomjxwg, ne wulwihpuno-<br />

veau pvppinashinmog, pasuk ushpundor/<br />

vxirne, 'that which befalleth . . . men<br />

[which men may encounter by chance]<br />

befalleth beasts, even nnc tliiiit; bcfidl-<br />

eth them [all] '; talnp/,, »>;,»,,,),„/ ,r,,,„r,<br />

' one event happeneth to them all , Eccl.<br />

'<br />

2, 14; nag wame . . . unhpiinaog, 'chance<br />

happeneth to them all', Eccl. 9, 11; ne<br />

ashpunadt mattamog, ne mittishpinon, 'as<br />

it happeneth to the fool so it happeneth<br />

to me', Eccl. 2, 15; lohwutch wame yen<br />

spimnaog, why is all this befallen us?<br />

Judg. 6, 13; matta wahtemun ntloh ash-<br />

pinai, not knowing what things shall<br />

befall me (may happen to me). Acts 20,<br />

22; shpuniujilli toh korl shpiiiUKii, 'let<br />

come on me what will', Job V.i, 13.<br />

Cf. mixkaihiu.<br />

[Xarr. tahmpundyi { = (oh asp-), what<br />

ails him?; tockeliispanem, what ails you?<br />

tockefiispumummafjiin, what hurt hath<br />

he done to you? R. W. 157.]<br />

usquesu wanne teag, he leaves nothing<br />

undone, Josh. 11, 15: uvh mo kussequeus-<br />

sumirw, you should not leave (it) imdone,<br />

Luke 11, 42. Cf. aske, it is raw<br />

(unfinished), and sequnau, he remains.<br />

*usquont, n. a door; pl.--((/H((s/(, C. 161.<br />

See s,p„;„lam.<br />

usquontosu. See iiKhqiioiiluxliiiiraf.<br />

usseaen-in, n. a doer, one who does,<br />

.James 1, 25.<br />

ussenat, asenat, v. t. to do, to per-<br />

fiirm, to accomplish, to execute, Ps.<br />

149, 7; ilatt. 6, 1; 5, 17: unseii, ussn, he<br />

does, or did, Esth. 4, 17; Prov. 14, 17;<br />

ne nuiussen, 'that do I', Rom. 7, 15;<br />

ultoh kodnsse matta 7iutussein, what I<br />

would (wish to do) that do I not, ibid.<br />

imeit, itsit, aseit, when he does, if he<br />

does. Matt. 7, 24, 26; toh asce, what I<br />

did (might be doing), Xeh. 2, 16; noh<br />

asit, he who performeth, or executeth<br />

(suppos.). Is. 44, 26; Ps. 146, 7; ussish,<br />

do thou, Ex. 20, 9; ne tissek, that do<br />

ye, James 2, 12; (negat.) ussekon, thou<br />

Shalt not do, Ex. 20, 10; (pass.) uttoh<br />

aseinit, whatever was done. Gen. 39, 22;<br />

ne asemuk, what is done, Eccl. 8, 17; pi.<br />

ussenat, asenat—continueil.<br />

asemukish, (things) done, Eccl. 8, 16-<br />

(nultissem. niaclmk, I commit evil, C.<br />

186).<br />

[Del. liisn,,, he doth; /ii.v.s-;, ,lo it,<br />

Zeisb. Voc. 9. Cree a'cheeoo, he moves,<br />

has the faculty of moving, Howse 32;<br />

is-puthu, it so moveth, ibid. 80.]<br />

usseonk, n. doing, dealing, Ps. 7, 16;<br />

an example, C. 166. See uhshudonk.<br />

usseu. See n.isi'ndt.<br />

ussinat, wussinat, v. i. to say, (o tell:<br />

n-nsnimit jiaslijie v."ussisseioaniil, 'to jn'onouncewith<br />

his lips'. Lev. 5, 4; mmin,<br />

I say. Gal. 1, 9; kussin, thou sayest.<br />

Matt. 27, 11; Mark 15, 2; itussin, he<br />

saith, Zech. 1, 3; nussim, if I say, when<br />

1 say, Prov. 30, 9; Ps. 78, 2;' kituim,<br />

when thou sayest. Job 22, 13; Is. 47, 8;<br />

n-oh mmim, shall I say? Heb. 11, 32;<br />

toh kussimwo), what say ye? Matt. 16,<br />

15; uttoh afean (?), whatever thou<br />

mayest say, Num. 22, 17; us, say thou,<br />

2 Sam. 13, 5; nag u.^,* say thou to them,<br />

tell them, Lev. 18, 2; Zech. 1, 3; nussiji,<br />

1 said, Eccl. 3, 17, 18; 7,23; {an.) kutfis-<br />

seh,* thou sayest to me, Ex. 33, 12 (?)<br />

{7iisdm, I say; nutiimumcap, I said;<br />

teagna kissim, what you say?; nissimun,<br />

we say; nimmunnmnp, we said, C. 207;<br />

toh kuttinnooircim or kussin, what do you<br />

say? ibid. 217) . [The examples marked<br />

with an asterisk are rarely, perhaps not<br />

at all, used except in the indicative,<br />

suppos. present, and imperative; namvndt<br />

and annmu-onat (unndnat) supply<br />

the other tenses and persons. ] Cf. nmdnat;<br />

vtthumat.<br />

ussin6nat(?), v. t. An. = ulti,umat, to say<br />

to, to tell: nssegk, tell (you) me. Gen.<br />

24, 49; unseh, tell thou me, 1 Sam. 14,<br />

43. (See examples (*) under ussindt.)<br />

ussisli[au]dnat, v. t. to run to, toward,<br />

into: usmshdtiat, to iiee to, Jonah 1, 3;<br />

woh nutmsishon, ' that I may run ( hasten,<br />

go quickly) to (him)', 2 K. 4, 22; ».«.«'-<br />

.s/m/i, he ran to (them). Gen. 18, 7, (him)<br />

1 Sam. 3, 5; ussishau imnnogskauoh,<br />

he ran to meet him. Gen. 29, 13; ahaosukque<br />

(ahauhsukqueu) tissishaog, they<br />

run to and fro, Joel 2, 9; nd wsishash,<br />

'escape (thou) thither', run to it. Gen.<br />

19, 22; ushfihish, flee thou to, Xum. 24,<br />

11; aliauhsukque ussishunk, run ye to^


ussish [ au] onat—cont iiiued<br />

and fro, .Ter. 5, 1; 49, 3; na ussishagh,<br />

run thou to, 'escape thither', Gen. 19,<br />

22; »(! m^mshau, (he) runneth into it,<br />

Prov. 18, 10; hitushishaumwm, ye run<br />

to (it), Hag. 1, 9; nussMum [nnsseu-<br />

itssishmi), he runs alone, 2 Sam. 18, 24,<br />

26; moushavog, they run together to,<br />

Acts .3, 11; negonshont {negonne-ussishoiil),<br />

running before (another), 2 Sam.<br />

18,27. Hee poinushau.<br />

[Cree ii-i.ts'emoo, v. i. he flees, speeds<br />

thither; if-lKK'au-aijoo, v. t. he dispatclies<br />

him tliitlier, Howse 172.]<br />

ussowenonat, ussco-, v. t. an. to name,<br />

or give a name to (an. obj.); pass. uf:so-<br />

irenitibmeal, to be named: vnitlissowenuh<br />

Israel, ' he called his name Israel', Gen.<br />

35, 10, 18; pisli kiiltissou-en Jesus, 'thou<br />

shalt call his name Jesus', Luke 1, 31,<br />

= imh htUussancen Jesus, Matt. 1, 21;<br />

nag kuttunsmwenuhquog, they named<br />

thee, Jer. 30, 17; pass, nntussmweiiitleomun<br />

kcjowesuonk, we are called by thy<br />

name, Jer. 14, 9.<br />

[Cree vi'etliai/oo, he names him,<br />

Howse46.]<br />

ussowen6iiat, v. t, to call by the name<br />

of, to give the name of to (an. and<br />

inan. ): u.imu:eneg, call you me by the<br />

nanieof, Kuth 1, 20; u-isoivenau, he called<br />

her name . . . , Gen. 3, 20. Cf. hettam.<br />

[Narr. iahma [toll hennau), what is<br />

his name?; tahossowetam {(oh ussowelamun),<br />

what is the name of it?; tahetla-<br />

vifu, what call you this? R. W. 30.]<br />

ussowessu, adj. (is) named, Gen. 27, 36:<br />

toh itssotvessu, what is his name? Prov.<br />

30, 4. The 3d pers. sing, of an irregular<br />

verb {ussoviesiUnnan), to be named or<br />

called: kiMhoww, kuttismces, thou art<br />

named, Gen. 17, 5; 35, 10; toh kidtisovis,<br />

what is thy name? Judg. 13,17; asmu-csil,<br />

when he is named, beingnamed. 2 Sam.<br />

13, 1, 3; ussowes, call his name, name<br />

him (v?), Hos. 1, 6, 9 (from ussov:ese6-<br />

7iat, V. t. an. (?): ussowesedog, if you<br />

should call me, Ruth 1, 21).<br />

[Narr. ninssauese, I am called; tocketussaweitch<br />

[toh kuiussoivis), what is your<br />

name? "Obscure and meane persons<br />

amongst them have no names", R. W.<br />

29. Hegives " matnou'esuonckane, I have<br />

no name; noivAnnehick nouvsuonck, I<br />

.<br />

ussowessu—continued.<br />

have forgot my name, which is common<br />

amongst some of them."]<br />

ussco-wessenat, v. t. an. to name, or give<br />

a name to ( inan. obj.) . Pass, ussoioenittitiiintt,<br />

to be named.<br />

usscowessenat, v. i. to be called, or to<br />

have the name of: iissou-exu Jakob, he<br />

is named Jacob, Gen. 27, 36; pish<br />

kuttissotres A., thy name shall be A.,<br />

Gen. 17, 5; pish kultissou-esu ./., thou<br />

.shalt be called J., Gen. 35, 10; pish us-<br />

sou-esu, his name shall be called. Is. 9, 6;<br />

knttiissoawesimn'co, ye are called, or<br />

named, 2 K. 17, 34 {assooxresit, called,<br />

C. 1S4). Cf. hettam.<br />

usscowetamunat, usso-, v. t. to name, or<br />

give a name to (inan. obj.), nominare:<br />

irulussou-etamun ne ohke, he called the<br />

name of that place (Peniel) , Gen. 32, 30;<br />

33, 20; nssowetamuk Babel, 'the name<br />

of it is called Babel', Gen. 11, 9 (toh<br />

katu.it, by the wayside,<br />

Gen. 38, 14, 21; nenne imikkies-vt, as<br />

(like to) a little child, Luke 18, 17;<br />

vt Dnmaskus, at Damascus; tit syna-<br />

gogs, in the synagogues. Acts 9, 19, 20.<br />

The vowel of the locative suffix is vari-<br />

able, as nt olanit. Acts 8, 8; ut kehtah-<br />

hannit, Is. 43, 16; en ivekit; en ohkeit<br />

(or ohket); xd manmtnt, Acts 9, 25; ut<br />

v'uhhogkat, Mark 5, 29. See n


uttindnat [= !o»((5»a( (?)], v. t. an. to<br />

tell, to fay to: millin, I say to (this<br />

man), Matt. 8, 9; l:,itllnsh, I say to thee,<br />

John 1.3, 38 {nUsIm, I say; nutthmcoxoap,<br />

I said, C. 207) ; wiMinuh, he said to him,<br />

John 8, 25; 9, 35 {u-uitunuh, Mass. Ps.,<br />

John 3, 4) ; he said to them, John 8, 39;<br />

vjutiinmh, they said to him, John 8, 25,<br />

39 {uvttonapah, he said unto him, Mass.<br />

Ps., John 3, 2, 3; hUiunush, 'I say to<br />

thee', ibid. 3, 5); nuiiinonash imdtaok,<br />

I say to the world (these things) , John<br />

8, 28; kiiUinnonmimuw, I say mito you,<br />

John 13, 20, 21; ^Uash, say thou to<br />

(them). Is. 40, 9; yeu hittinnunnunan,<br />

this we say unto you, Acts 4, 15.<br />

[Narr. teaqua ntuimawen, or ntemoem,<br />

what shall I speak? R. W. 64. Cree<br />

iUrayoo, he so says, Howse 42.]<br />

uttiyeu, adv. where (El. Gr. 21): vMyeu<br />

Ane, wherever, Deut. 28, 37.<br />

[Narr. tuckiu, iiyu, where, R. AV. 49;<br />

tuckiu sachim, where is the sachim?<br />

ibid. 48.]<br />

uttiyeu, 'pron. interrog. of things',<br />

which; pi. uttUjeuash (El. Gr. 7) : uttiyeu,<br />

which (who) of these, Luke 22, 24, 27;<br />

an. pi. utiiyeug, whom, Luke 6, 13.<br />

W. The inseparable pronoun of the 3d<br />

pers. sing, and pi. Before w it coalesces<br />

with that letter, and the sound of m is<br />

substituted. Before a vowel 'I or id is<br />

inserted for euphony, as ohtomp, a bow,<br />

irutohtomp, his bow.<br />

-waabe, adv. above. Is. 6, 2; Ex. 40, 19:<br />

u'utch waabe, from above, Ps. 78, 23.<br />

Prep, wa&be vmsmssittconit, above his lip,<br />

or to his lip above (?), Lev. 13, 45.<br />

•wraabe'iyeu, adw upward, Ezek. 41, 7.<br />

waabenat, waapenat, v. i. to rise, to go<br />

upward: waaheit, if or when he rises<br />

up. Job 31, 14; waapin, there arises or<br />

arose (a new king, Ex. 1, 8); oowaobenadut,<br />

infin. 3d pi. (they) to mount<br />

upward, Ezek. 10, 16; with inan. subj.<br />

u-aabpemanik, iraabemcouk, when it rises<br />

or mounts upward (as smoke), Is. 9,<br />

18; Num. 24, 17; na pish u-aapemm,<br />

there (it) shall be raised up, it shall<br />

rise up. Is. 15, 5; nippeash unapemmash, i<br />

B. A. E., Bull. 25 12<br />

TT<br />

\<br />

uttoh [ul-toh], adv. to what, wlicreunto,<br />

Matt. 11, 16; whither, Cant. 6, 1; to<br />

what, how: lUtoh en wunnegen, how<br />

beautiful! ibid. 7, 1; wherein, Gen. 21,<br />

23; how? Job 22, 13 [lUtoh missi, how<br />

great, C. 171; vtloh unni, what manner;<br />

ultokau amh ma«a, whether or no, ibid.;<br />

uUoh imulikfiliquat, how far? ibid. 228).<br />

[A curious analogy might be traced between<br />

ut-toh and Engl, whi-ther (Old<br />

Germ, hue-dar, Goth, hia-thm-; Slav.<br />

kotoril; Sansk. katara (Bopp. 69, 1-2),<br />

from ka, interrog., and tara; Greek<br />

-TEpo%, Lat. terminus, tram, tran-sgrcdi.<br />

Cf. tat, Bopp. 161.]<br />

[Del. enda, Zeisb.]<br />

uttcoche, adv. in due season, seasonably,<br />

Ps. 104, 27: u'utch ultojcheeu kah ahquompi,<br />

'for a season and a time', Dan.<br />

7, 12; papatime ahkuttmche wayont, at<br />

the time of the going down of the sun.<br />

Josh. 10, 27; no uttmche, as often as,<br />

1 Cor. 11, 25, 26; tohvttmche, how long,<br />

Num. 14, 11. V. subst. vltcoclieyeum,<br />

there is a season, tit time, opportunity,<br />

Eccl. 3, 2, 3, 4. Of. ahquompi; see mch.<br />

weabenat, waapenat—continued.<br />

the waters rise up, Jer. 47, 2 (^wus<br />

voppinnok. thin air, C. 176).<br />

waabese, adj. an. above. Lev. 14, 5, 6.<br />

waabeu, -waapu, it 'raised itself up',<br />

'went up', Dan. 7, 5; Gen. 2, 6: (with<br />

an. or inan. subj.) -noh waaheit, which<br />

goeth (may go) upward, Eccl. 3, 21<br />

(najwabeem, I arise, C. 180).<br />

waadjishadt, v. t. to couple, to fasten,<br />

join, unite one thing to another, Ex.<br />

26, 6.<br />

waadjishunk, n. a couplim.', j.iint, Ex.<br />

26, 4 et seci.<br />

waanegugish, pi. precious things. See<br />

u-aoiufjugish; wuniiegik.<br />

waantamcBonk, n. (El. Gr. 10) wi.'-dom,<br />

2^Chr. 1, 11, 12; 1 K. 4, 29; discretion,<br />

Ps. 112, 5: nmv


•waantamunat, v. i. to lie wit^e (conjugated<br />

in EI. Gr. pp. 25-27, as example<br />

of verb subst.) : nmwadntam, I am wise;<br />

kooimaniam, thou art wise; waantam<br />

noh, he is wise; vxmntam, 'iti his right<br />

mind', compos mentis, Luke 8, 35;<br />

triiinitftmirofi, they ai'e wise; mmiitnsh,<br />

lit- thou wise; waantaj, let him be wise;<br />

iraniilniniin, when I am wise (or if I am<br />

wise); waanlaman, if thou art wise;<br />

iraantof/, if he be wise; negat. iniiin-<br />

luinmiinat, not to be wise.<br />

waantamwe, adv. (El. Gr. 22) wisely, 2<br />

Gin-. 2, 12; Prov. 17, 2.<br />

waantamweyeuonk, pi. -iiiiiiniiiixh, a<br />

proverl), proverbs, Prov. 1,1. See mtji-<br />

iradoiil; xKji/Lrjjinioiik: iiiiiiiiiipin,aiiii);.<br />

waapenat. See irdi'ilnnnt.<br />

•waapenumunat, v. t. to raise up, to lift<br />

up: inmjiininiii po(/koiimnk, he lifted up<br />

the rod, Ex. 7, 20; waapiniik (i-iittlmioli-<br />

koii, when he held up his right hand.<br />

Dan. 12, 7.<br />

waapinonat, v. t. an. to raise up, to lift<br />

up, an. olij.: mini, in nnxkrn, rai.se thou<br />

up the lad, (ien. 21, LS.<br />

[Cree o'opahoo, he raises himself ( as a<br />

bird), Howse84.]<br />

waapu. See vaahrn.<br />

•waashanau, v. t. an. lie hangs (him):<br />

((( irddxlianajk, hang ye him thereon,<br />

Esth. 7, 9; roiraiishanouli, they hanged<br />

him, Esth. 7, 10; nah miradshanouh,<br />

they hanged them, 2 Sam. 21, 9. Witli<br />

inan. obj. u-dohsliadtoog, they hanged<br />

(it) upon,Ezek. 27, 10; vymhuhadto ohkr,<br />

he hangeth the earth upon (it), Job<br />

26, 7. See kirlieqiKihiiKin.<br />

waashau, woushau, \. i. he Iiangs, lie<br />

is hanging: iioh iroiislntn, he who hangs<br />

(on it). Gal. 3, 13; nag woushaog meh-<br />

iugqitt, they hang on the tree, Josli. 10,<br />

2fi; iroi'ishiDik, if it hung (on his neck),<br />

:Matt. 18, (i, =,radshnnk, Luke 17, 2;<br />

injliiroijhxltiiiik link irlii ink, 'hangings',<br />

Ex. 26, 36.<br />

waashRu, -waushpu, wowushpu, adj.<br />

an. delicate, effeminate: noh n-mixlipit,<br />

he who is (maybe) delicate, effeminate,<br />

Deut. 28, 54, 56. See mnniHjijiwnnk.<br />

waban, n. wind, Xum. 11, 31; 1 K. 18,<br />

45; Ps. 78, •i9i(n-dimn, G. 158); nnnrpin,<br />

the wind ceased; nn nn) mixhaotcepin,<br />

there was a great calm, Mark 4, 39.<br />

waban—contimied.<br />

[Xarr. minpi, pi. n-dnpcuinsli; inijfluin-<br />

pan, a gi-eat wind. "Some of them account<br />

of seven, some of eight, or nine<br />

[winds]; and in truth, they do . . .<br />

reckon and observe not only the four,<br />

but the eight cardinal winds", etc.,<br />

R.W. 83, 84. Pe(i. inilfun, wind. Stiles.]<br />

wabesenat, wabesinneat, v. i. to fear,<br />

to be afraid: uabr.ni, (he) feareth, is<br />

afraid, Prov. 14, 16 {nmn-dbes, I am<br />

afraid, or I fear; 'nroirabesnniini or nm-<br />

irrtpnntiimuiiinn, we fear, G. 179, 191);<br />

wahesnug, (they) were afraid. Is. 41, 5;<br />

wabsek, fear ye, Ex. 20, 20; nhijiii' ndbsek,<br />

fear not, Matt. 14, 27, = imhfxrlitmk, Is.<br />

44, 8. See (jui-htam; ijnxhti'i.<br />

wabesuonk, n. fear, 2 Gor. 7, 11 in-ap-<br />

snnntiiniooinik, 'afraid', G. 217). See<br />

nnnnnkipixsiininrjk.<br />

wabesuontamoaoiik, u. fear, fi-ight (u-iiji-<br />

snmildnnjoonk, 'afraid', G. 217).<br />

wabesuontamunat, v. t. to fear or be<br />

afraid of (inan. olij.). I»eut. 28, 58; 3d<br />

pers. mn-dlirxininldinnnnl, Is. 31, 4. Gf.<br />

quplikini.<br />

wadchabuk, wadchaubuk, wutcliaubuk,<br />

n.a r.i..t, Deut. 19, 18; Matt. 13,6;<br />

Rom. 11, 16, 18 (vnlchOppchk or iroWipp,<br />

G. 164); in compound words, -inlrhnn-<br />

bllk, -adclidhiik. V. sul>st. nnadrlidhiikaog,<br />

they shall take root, Is. 37, 31 ; nag<br />

ajii-ddcliabnkajog, they have taken root,<br />

Jer. 12, 3; /dsk nnu'jrlidbukod, it shall<br />

take root, 2 K. 19, 3C. See vmtckionqnom.<br />

[Narr. ndlh'i/j. a root of tree, R. \V.<br />

89. Abn.,s\('/((/yi,-(i/)'(A-, 'racine A canot'<br />

(petites, Sadahisar). ]\Ioil. Abu. vd-<br />

ddp, root to sew with. Del. tsi-hnpplr,<br />

roof, Zeisb.Voc. 12.]<br />

wadchanauonatC?), v. t. to have in keep-<br />

ing, to have pos.se.ssion of (an. obj.):<br />

wddchdiiau flocksog, 'he had possession<br />

of flocks'. Gen. 26, 14. See ohiauum'tt.<br />

wadchanittuonk, n. (the state of being<br />

kept), salvation, safety. Is. 59, 16.<br />

wadchanonat, v. t. an. to keep (a person<br />

or an. olij.), to keep securely, to<br />

protect (conjugated in El. Gr. 28-58):<br />

kcDiirtdcJiansh, I keep thee; 7imiiMdcha-<br />

iii'mg, I keep them; ncon-adchamikqiiog,<br />

they keep me (I am kept by them);<br />

negat. wadchanounat, not to keep, El.

wadchanonat—continued.<br />

(jr. 58; pass. imdchamtt(ina.l,U> be kept:<br />

wadchanounat, not to be kept, El. Gr.<br />

62,63; nmvadchanit,! am kept; wadchanau,<br />

he is kept; wadchanooy, they are<br />

kept; suppos. iradchaiiiUmon, when I<br />

am kept; mtdclianil iioh, when lie i^^<br />

kept,<br />

wadclianumuiiat, v. t. inan. to keep (it),<br />

tu own or possess (conjufjated in El.<br />

Gr. 2o, 27); to save. Matt. 18, 11: ucowculchanumun,<br />

I keep (it); kmwadchanumun,<br />

thou keepest it; cowadchanumun,<br />

he keeps it; kmicadchanuimimwco,<br />

ye keep it; wadchanmnwocj, they keep<br />

it; imperat. imdchnniili, keep thou (it);<br />

wndchamtrh, let him keep (it); luadchxmiimulluh,<br />

let us keep; wadchanumcolc,<br />

keep ye. Suppos. wadchammion,<br />

if I keep; wadchanuman, if thou keepest;<br />

wadchanuk, if he keep [noh waddianah,<br />

he who keeps or possesses; God wadchanuk<br />

kesuk kah olike, God the posses-<br />

sor of heaven and earth. Gen. 14, 19,<br />

22); ivadi-hanumog, if we keep; u-adchammmj,<br />

if ye keepr wadchanumaheltif,<br />

if they keep. Negat. ivadchanummn-<br />

nat, not to keep.<br />

, ,<br />

[Xarr. vadt-hanaainii, keep this for<br />

me, R. ^\. .52.]<br />

wadchanuwaen, -in, n. one who keej.s<br />

or saves, a .savior, Is. 4.5, 21.<br />

[Xarr. wcmrhaunat, a guardian (of<br />

a child); pi. ivauchaiuimachick, R. W<br />

126.]<br />

wadchaubuk. See wadchdbuk.<br />

[wadchinat] v. i. to come or proceed<br />

out or from: inushmnmh wutjuhaash,<br />

boats came from (Tiberias), John 6,23;<br />

mtihoh loh kod imtjishoiit, it 'bloweth<br />

where it listeth', John 3, 8; toh wad-<br />

chiit, whence he was (might come from )<br />

Judg. 13, 6 umketomp ( wachiUPharisemt,<br />

'a man of the Pharisees', Mass. Ps.,<br />

John 3, 1 ) ; ne imdchieh, ' whence I am ',<br />

John 7, 28; noh wajehayeuuf Godut, 'he<br />

which is of God', John 6, 46; ne^ ivad-<br />

cldilcheg Christ, 'theythatare Christ's',<br />

Gal. 5, 24; nidi wutchiyeuash Jehovah,<br />

these things 'are the Lord's', Dent. \(\<br />

14; ne . . . mtcheun miUamwossigs-oh<br />

(of) 'that made he a woman', i. e. that<br />

he from-ed a woman. Gen. 2, 22; irajhet<br />

mittamwosmsit, 'born of a woman', Gal.<br />


[wadchinat]—continued.<br />

4,4; howanivadchegit Godut, 'whosoever<br />

is born of God', 1 John 3, 9; 5, 4; noh<br />

wutchu . . . nixh wame, 'of him [as<br />

cause or source] are all things', Rom.<br />

11, 36; vmtchaiyeumo), it belongs to<br />

(hiui), in the sense of it proceeds fnjm<br />

or is caused by, Ps. 3, 8; menuhb-suonk<br />

vmlchaiyeumco Godut, power belongeth<br />

to God, Ps. 62, 11; mihhogkal tnutchai-<br />

yt'unwoash (nish), to me belong (these<br />

things), Deut. 32, 32; yeush wajehayeu-<br />

ugish, 'these things which concern'<br />

him, Acts 28, 31; kenaau kwchmimwo)<br />

wutch agwu, neen ncochai wohkumaicn, ye<br />

are from beneath, I am from aliove,<br />

John 8, 23. From u-ntrhr, ,„rh. Cf'.<br />

comundt.<br />

[Narr. lunna wutshanock, whence<br />

come they? R. W. 29, and see other examples<br />

under *6teshem. Del. vmnds-<br />

clium, -chen, the wind comes from (a<br />

particular quarter), Zeisb. Gr. 161, 182;<br />

uiitxrhihiUeii, it comes from (somewhere),<br />

ibid. 182.]<br />

wadchu, n. a mountain, Ps. 7s, (i,S; pi.<br />

+ ash. Job 9, .5 [imdrhii, , ash, ('. 1.58):<br />

mixhadchu, a great mountain. Rev. 8, 8;<br />

ininadchu kah tmdchti, mountain and<br />

hill, Luke .3, 5; wadchuekonlu, 'in the<br />

liill country'. Josh. 13, 6.<br />

wadchue, adj. mountainous: ni iradchue<br />

o/dril, 'to the hill country', Luke 1,39.<br />

wadchuemes, n. dim. a liill (small<br />

mountain), Is. 40, 4; ]>I. - ush. Is. 42<br />

15: uvdehuu-emexash. little liills, Ps<br />

114, 4.<br />

wadhuppa[enat]. See iniiinli/./Hilnint].<br />

wadohkinneat, v. i. tu dwell (in a<br />

place), to be an inhabitant of, Neh. 11,<br />

2: neg uaduhkilrheg, the inhabitants of,<br />

they who dwell in (a land, or country),<br />

(Jen. 26, 7; Is. 9, 2. See wutohkimieat'.<br />

wadsh, wadtch, n. a (bird's) nest, Ps.<br />

84, 3; Num. 24, 21: wutch a}n-adslud,<br />

from her nest, Prov. 27, 8.<br />

[Del. u-ai-h xcliie dwy, Zeisb. \'oc. SI.]<br />

wadtan, wodtan, n. the rump. Lev. 3,<br />

9; 7, 3; 8, 25. Cf. u-utlu„kin{unat), to<br />

bend a b(iw.<br />

wadtauatonkqussuonk, n. (the making<br />

a sound,) the voice. Is. 40, 6: wwadt'-,<br />

his voice, Is. 42, 2; -uoy, they make<br />

a noise (of the sea). Is. 17, 12; (of


-wadtauatonkqussuonk—contiuued.<br />

wheels), Ezek. 3, 13; vjuttauatonkqusme<br />

^vusseetash, the sound of her feet, 1 K.<br />

14, 6; 2 K. 6, 32; unkqii£)ieunkquo(Ue<br />

iratllamttunhjunintonk, a dreadful sound,<br />

Job 15, 21.<br />

wadtaumaogish, things which belong<br />

til, have iuriuence on, or concern, Luke<br />

lii, 4l': ric uvdlaumauncog wuhhogkat,<br />

tli;it which does not concern himself,<br />

I'rov. 2ij, 17. Cf. jnssainnatdouk.<br />

wadtch. See vndsh.<br />

wadtonkqs. See adtonkq.'!.<br />

wadtutchuan. See vuttitduiuan.<br />

waeenodtumunat, waeenot-, v. t. inan.<br />

olij. to praise or commend: waeenod-<br />

tKiiiirog, they praise (it), Ps. 89, 5; ivae-<br />

cnodtumuvhettich, let them praise (it),<br />

Ps. 148, 5; 149, 3; iraeenotum magugish,<br />

'it boasteth great things', James 3, 5.<br />

With an. obj. vaeenotumaunnog nag, 'I<br />

boa.st of you to them', 2 Cor. 9, 2<br />

(double transitive form); kcuwoweeno-<br />

tumaiioiiihtuiw, we commend (her) to<br />

you, Rom. 16, 1. See waeenomonat.<br />

waeenomonat, v. t. an. to praise, to<br />

commend, 1 Pet. 2, 14; freq. woweenomo-<br />

nat; waeenomcok, praise ye (him), Ps.<br />

150, 1, 2, 3; waeenomonch, let him praise<br />

(him), Ps. 150,6; woweenom6uh,[t'hey)<br />

commen the conjugation of<br />

the several f(irms of imJironal, wahteoxi-<br />

unol, milili:iiiiiri{lii'oii(it, etc.).<br />

[Xarr. luc'itta iinirdiniriin; matta no-<br />

vahi'ii, I knew nothing, R. W. 51 (cf.<br />

matta iirxiiraldidili. 'I know not', Gen.<br />

4, 9). Del. III! irna Idik, he knows me,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

waKheonk, n. knowledge (of persons),<br />

Phil. 3, 8.<br />

wahheuunat, v. i. tri lie known (by<br />

others), John 7, 4: iralanru-aii, he is<br />

kiiiiwn. Prov. 31, 23.<br />

wahsukeh. See vasukeh.<br />

wahteauonk. See imldeonk.<br />

wahteauunat, v. t. inan. to know or<br />

have knowledge of, to understand,<br />

Eccl. 1, 17; 7, 25 (-oimnat, C); 'to per-<br />

ceive', Deut. 29, 4: wahteouuii\_atl icancgik<br />

kali machuk, knowing (to know)<br />

good and evil. Gen. 3, 5; imhteoa, he<br />

knoweth, undenstandeth (it), 1 Chr.<br />

28, 9 (-ail, Ps. 104, 19); suppos. noh<br />

vaiitag. he that understandeth (v. i. ),<br />

Prov. 8, 9; matta tvalitmiioii, he does<br />

not know (it), John 15, 15; kmirah-<br />

tiuniiiuicau, ye know it, John 7, 28 {nag<br />

kmwahteoh<br />

vahfeoog, they know, C. 196) ;<br />

-iruttahhcoiroash, thou knowest their<br />

hearts, 1 K. 8, 39; noowahteouun, I know<br />

it. Gen. 48, 19; kcownhteoiin, thouknow-<br />

est it, Rev. 7, 14; ne irahteoinm, this<br />

thing is known, Ex. 2, 14; vahtrnnk,<br />

knowing, when he knew, Mark 5, 30,<br />

33; vahteauKli, know thou, Dan. 3, 18<br />

{nmirdteo, I know, I understand; najicdtcomini,<br />

we know; imhteouiiimt, to know;<br />

imhtouish, know thou; noli vahtcoitch,<br />

let him know, C. 196).<br />

[Narr. noiraiitam, I landerstand; co-<br />

vxiiitam, you understand [thou under-<br />

standest]; cowdlHam tmrhitchr nijjpceyaumen,<br />

do you know why I come? R.<br />

W. 31.]<br />

wahteauwaheonat, v. t. an. (cans.) to<br />

make one's self known to (another):<br />

vahteaiKralu'onl, making himself known<br />

to (them), Gen. 45, 1; nen pish ncoirdh-<br />

teauirah, I will make myself known to<br />

him. Num. 12, 6 {iralitcauwah, make<br />

him to know, C. 196).

wahteauwahudnat, v. t. inan. (caus. ) to<br />

make a thing known to, Is. 64, 2; Rom.<br />

9, 22 (piali, u-ithtcautrahuau, he shall<br />

make it known, Is. 38, 19): nmtcalUeauu-nhikqun,<br />

he made (it) known to me,<br />

Eph. 3, 3; waine nish ioowahteamcahunundoadi,<br />

I make all these things known<br />

to you, John 15, 15.<br />

wahteonk, wahteauonk, n. knowledge,<br />

2 Chr. 1,11, 12; I,'^. 40, 14; 44, 19; 1 Cor.<br />

8. 1.<br />

waiyont, .sun-setting. See n-ai/oiit.<br />

waj, wajeh l=wiitcJi, trutclu'l, for, be-<br />

cause of, Prov. 17, 14: ycu wajeh, for<br />

this cause, Jolin 12, 18; newajeh, there-<br />

fore (for that cause), John 12, 17, 19, 21,<br />

^neu-aj. John 13, 31; neinUehe yeu v-tij,<br />

'for, for this cause', etc., Rom. 13, 6<br />

{ne waj, for which cause, C. 234; u-aj,<br />

conj. for, ibid.). See intldie.<br />

wame, wamu, adv. all, wholly (El. Gr.<br />

21), full {irani(ji/ciic, usually, C. 230);<br />

with V. subst. wamut, there is enough,<br />

sufficient. Gen. 45, 28; Ex. 9, 28; Matt.<br />

6, 34: nam-amcil, I have enough, there<br />

is enough for me. Gen. 33, 11; inan. pi.<br />

rmmutmh, sufficient, Ex. 36, 7; ohke<br />

wamiii, there is land enough, Gen. 34,<br />

21; icamok, iiomold; when or if it is<br />

enough, if it suffice, 1 K. 20, 10; cimie<br />

ne woh adt womohk, more than (when<br />

it was) enough, Ex. 36, 5; wamach, let<br />

it suffice, Deut. 3, 26; tmmatitch, let<br />

them suffice, be sufficient, Deut. 33, 7;<br />

wamenau, he has enough; imitia phh<br />

wamenait, he has not enough, is not<br />

satisfied, Eccl. 1, 8; nmmmanittamnmnii,<br />

it sufficeth us, we have enough, John<br />

14, 8. Cf. k'lpi {tabach, let it suffice,<br />

Ezek. 44, 6). See imhshe.<br />

[Xarr. iruitinct iaupi, it is enough,<br />

R. AV. 35. Abn. egSami, tout entierement,<br />

Rasles 552. Del. n-emi, all, Zeisb.<br />

Gr. 178.]<br />

wamepwunneat, v. i. to be full, to have<br />

enough of food, to till one's self, Luke<br />

15, 16: uxunepmh, he is satisfied, Is. 44,<br />

16; wamepwog, they are satisfied, are<br />

filled, Deut. 14, 29; Mark 8, 8; wame-<br />

pcop, (she) was sufficed, had enough to<br />

eat, Ruth 2, 14; imilln jiixh kaiwamepmniwm,<br />

ye shall not be satisfied. Lev. 26, 26;<br />

neg woh mo iramepaogig, they which can<br />

never have enough. Is. 56, 11; iru-aiidnnm6uh, she may forget<br />

them. Is. 49, 15; wananiununon, if I forget<br />

thee, Ps. 137, 5; neg. aliqae wanan-<br />

!(»), do not (thou) forget, Ps. 10, 12; Prov.<br />

3, 1; wanantunoncheg, they who forget<br />

(him), Ps. 9, 17; nmwandnumukquog, I<br />

am forgotten (they forget me), Ps.<br />

31, 12.<br />

wanashque, wunnasli-, wannasq-,<br />

prep, on the top of, Gen. 28, 18: wan-<br />

ashque iriitanirohhoti, on the top of his<br />

staff, Heb. 11, 21; (of the scepter, ) Esth.<br />

5, 2; waiina.ique nppuongan'd, the top of<br />

the throne, 1 K. 10, 19; wanasliqiioinpsk-<br />

qid (objective), 'the top of a rock',<br />

Ezek. 26, 14. ( Rasles gives to the corresponding<br />

Abnaki word a more extended<br />

meaning: SanankgiSi, SanafkSi-<br />

iruKiskSk, le bout, an bout; Sanaskiiltan,<br />

le bout ilu ncz, etc.) See wiinnash.<br />

wanashquodtinnoog'ish, n. pi. mountaiti<br />

tops, Ezek. 6, 13; Gen. 8, 5: suppos.<br />

icanashqKodtinnu iradchmd, (when) on<br />

the top of the mountain, Ezek. 43, 12.


wanashquonk, n. the top (le bout); the<br />

to|, of the l>nus;li (tree), Is. 17, 6.<br />

waneemsquag Iniinne-mfisgui '!'}, crimson<br />

(clnth), Jer. 4, 30.<br />

wanegik. See vunne; vmnnegik.<br />

wraunantamoe, -coe, forgetful, James 1,<br />

25. See imnantamfoini.<br />

wannasque. See irdinishrjui:<br />

wanne, witliout,


wasukeh, i-tc.—cuntimied.<br />

kiit, she who hath a husband, Rom.<br />

7, 2 [noh asukkaiMU, he whom she follows<br />

after?]; collect, ouiessukkiinneunl;<br />

all husbands, collectively, Kjih. 5, '25.<br />

See wussukeh.<br />

[Narr. ii:dsick, an husband, R. W. 44.<br />

Peq. nehyu^hamug, my husband. Stiles.]<br />

*watannxre, adv. knowingly, C. 228.<br />

*watbncks (Nurr. i. a cousin, K. W. 4.i.<br />

Sec a.ltn„kqs.<br />

*wattap I Xarr. I , a root. See wadchdbuk.<br />

waunonulikauonat, v. t. an. to flatter<br />

{waunomihkcouvnat, C. 192): noh wdunonukumdnt,<br />

he who speaketh flattery,<br />

Job 17, 5 {nmwauwunmMkmwnm, I flat-<br />

ter, C. 191). See papannmiixiu. Cf.<br />

tvaecnomondl.<br />

*wauompeg. See *w(imjjaiii.<br />

wauonat, waonat, wauwdinat, v. i.<br />

to go astray, to go out of the way: nm-<br />

amvoin, I have gone astray, Ps. 119,<br />

176; onaluh aheepsiit waonit, as a lost<br />

sheep (as a sheep when it goes astray),<br />

ibid. ; woonu, he goes astray, Prov. 5, 23<br />

wSonuog, they go astray, Ps. 58, 3 {nepauz<br />

malla pish wayaum, the sun shall<br />

not go down. Is. 60, 20 (?)]; no w&dnit<br />

wulch mayiii, he who wandereth (if he<br />

wander) out of the way, Prov. 21, 16;<br />

wauonit, going astray (if he go astray),<br />

Deut. 22, 1; Matt. 18, 12; neg waiion-<br />

itcheg (obj.), they who go astray, ^Matt.<br />

18,12 {wdwdnchik (as adj.),' wandering,<br />

C 176; wawonn&og, they wander; xcowoot«o;j,<br />

I wander, ibid. 214). From^<br />

and auonat. See nanvAyeu; luayont.<br />

[Cree wunnissu, he errs; vunnesin,<br />

he loses himself, goes astray, Howse<br />

SI.]<br />

*waudntam (Xarr. i, n. a wi.se man or<br />

counselor; jil. wauuiUakick, wise men,<br />

K. "W. 120. See vxianlamimat.<br />

'nrauontamauduat, v. t. an. and inan. to<br />

bear witness of, or testify of (it) to<br />

(persons): ncoivauontamau, I testify of<br />

. . . to . . . Rev. 22, 18; kanvauonta-<br />

munkqunean, he testifies of (these<br />

things) to you, Rev. 22, 16.<br />

wauontamunat, v. t. to testify of (inan.<br />

obj. ) : nmiiduirftdntamnii, I testify of it,<br />

Jnbu 7, 7.<br />

waushpu. Sec miiixlijiii.<br />

;<br />

waussunimudnat, v. t. an. to worship,<br />

waussumoncheg-. See iri,inis.iiiiji

184 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

•wrauwonat, wrauwaonat—continued.<br />

things wliifh I testify to you, Dent. 32,<br />

46.<br />

*wau'wonnuonk, n. wandering, or going<br />

astray, C. 214. See iraaijriat.<br />

*wawaniek, n. a dress, C. 160.<br />

waweenwhatuonk, n. 'strife', Prov. 15,<br />

IS.<br />

wawTinonukoDae. See iniiiunuhlcujiraeH.<br />

*wa'W"whunnekesuog' ( Xarr.) pi. mack-<br />

,<br />

erel, R. W. lO::! [inii,ii go with: inrhmi, go<br />

thou with him. Matt. 5,41; ojiirechauoh,<br />

he went with them, Acts 10, 23; coweechauonh,<br />

they went with him, ibid.<br />

( = ajweecJiogquoh (?), Acts 20,4); vee~

trujibvll] NATICK-ENGLISH DICTIONARY 18^<br />

weechauonat, wechaonat—omtinued.<br />

fhaieitii, if tliou gu with nn\ Judg. 4, 8;<br />

koou'echaush, I go with tliee, v. 9; ivee-<br />

chauau, he went with (him), ibid.<br />

[Narr. cowechmish, I will go with you;<br />

coirechaw ewu, he wall go with you;<br />

uvchauatittea, let us accompany (go to-<br />

gether), R. W. 73.]<br />

weeche, prep, with, in comiMny with<br />

(a person, or an. obj.), Ex. 23, 1; Job<br />

1, 4: hcDweeche wamseumgh, I go down<br />

withthee. Gen. 46, 4; noh weecJiiyeumnk,<br />

he wag with me, Xeh. 4, IS. Cf. nashpe,<br />

with (inan. obj.).<br />

[Del. irUschi. Zeisb.]<br />

weechinnineuinraonclieg, n. pi. one's<br />

family or company, Lev. 25, 10. See<br />

teashiyeuoonk.<br />

week. See urk.<br />

weekinashq. See irekina.iq.<br />

weekittamun[neat (?)], v. i. to dwell in<br />

tents ur houses; courekittainuimaout, Ps.<br />

78, 5.5. See wekinneat.<br />

weekitteinat, v. i. to build a house (for<br />

one's self?), to pitch one's tent: vekil-<br />

teau, she builds her house, Prov. 14, 1<br />

he pitched his tent. Gen. 31, 25; vwche<br />

wekiltean, he began to build, 2 Chr. 3, 2;<br />

wekitleaog, they pitched their tent.s, Gen.<br />

31, 25; mattapish u-ekittecvoog, they shall<br />

not build houses. Is. 65, 22; wekMteagk,<br />

build ye the house, Hag. 1, 8; weekikash<br />

[for u-ekiiteash (?)], build thee a house,<br />

1 K. 2, 36. See adtannegcn.<br />

*week6hquat, fair weather, C. 158. See<br />

irunnohqiiadt.<br />

weekomonat. See welikomonat.<br />

weekon, wekon, adj. sweet, Prov. 20,<br />

17; 27, 7; Rev. 10, 9; pi. +ash, Prov.<br />

16, 24. (Strictly, perhaps, verbimpers.<br />

'it is sweet', 'they are sweet'.)<br />

[Del. win gan, sweet; win gal, tasting<br />

good; win gi, gladly, Zeisb. Voc. 12.]<br />

weekontamoonk, n. pleasure, gladness,<br />

Eccl. 2, 1; 2 .'^am. 6, 12; 1 Chr. 16, 27;<br />

joy, Prov. 14, 10; delight, Prov. 15, 8<br />

{u'ekontama>onk, gladness; taphettaonk,<br />

cheerfulness, C. 193).<br />

weekontamunat [ = wekon {unn) anlamunaQ,<br />

V. i. to be glad, to rejoice, to<br />

be pleased, Eccl. .3, 12; S, 15 (C. 192;<br />

to be willing, ibid. 215): nmiivkotiiayn,<br />

I am glad, Ps. 9, 2; tuekoiilam, he is<br />

;<br />

weekontamunat—continued,<br />

glad, Ps. 16, 9; pa.ss. form with inan.<br />

suljj. nekoiitammmm, (it) rejoices, ia<br />

made glad, ibid.; wekoniask, rejoice<br />

thou, be glad, Joel 2, 21; wekontammk,<br />

kah ahche nniskouantammk, rejoice (ye)<br />

and be exceeding glad, ilatt. 5, 12.<br />

See *wiissekitteahhnonat.<br />

[Narr. nowecdntam, I am glad, R. W.<br />

65. Abn. n8i.ghi)iamen, je le trouve<br />

agreable, a mon gre; n'Sigaiidam, je le<br />

veux. Del. v.-inginamen, to be pleased<br />

with ;<br />

wingelendam, to love or be pleased<br />

with something, Zeisb. (jr. 179.]<br />

weekontamwae, --we, adj. and adv.<br />

glail, joyful, merry, Num. 10, 10; Esth.<br />

5, 9; Prov. 15, 15; 16, 24 (uvkotilanioe,<br />

willingly; matwekontdmn-c, unwillingly,<br />

C. 230).'<br />

weekshik. See wehqshik.<br />

weematoh, n. (his) brother; constr. the<br />

brother of. Gen. 25, 26; Acts 12, 2;<br />

Mark 3, 17: nt-mfit, my brother, Acts 9,<br />

17; kemat, thy brother, Gen. 27, 35;<br />

neematog, my brethren, Matt. 12, 48;<br />

keinatog, thy brethren, Luke 18, 20;<br />

vxmaiog, his brethren, ibid. v. 19;<br />

kemattmwdog, your brethren, Xum. 32,<br />

6; kematou (v. subst. ), (I am) your<br />

brother. Gen. 45, 4. See n-edompas;<br />

veetnkiiqvoJi.<br />

weemattinneunk, n. collect, the breth-<br />

ren, the brotherhood. Acts 10, 23; 1 Pet.<br />

2, 17.<br />

ween, wein, ii. the marrow. Job 21, 24;<br />

Prov. 3, 8; Is. 25, 6; Heb. 4, 12.<br />

[Abn. Mn, Rasles.]<br />

weenan, his tongue. See iiiiiian.<br />

weenohke, n. a grave, Prov. 30, 16; Hos.<br />

13, 14: iroskeche treenohket, on her grave,<br />

Gen. 35, 20; weenohkeyeuco nek, the<br />

grave is my house, Job 17, 13. [waeen-<br />

ohke, earth all arotmd (?); waecnu-ohke,<br />

the winding up place(?).]<br />

weenominneasli [ ir c n o m i s - m i n neash,<br />

vine-fruit], n. pi. grapes. Lev. 19, 10;<br />

Matt. 7, 16: nrenom, a grape. Is. 18, 5.<br />

[Narr. venomeneash, grapes, R. AV.<br />

91.]<br />

weenomis, n. a vine, Ezek. 15, 2, =wee-<br />

noinc.tipijog, Ps. 128, 3. From inwenu,..<br />

roundabout (?).


weenom-wrussipog, -mesippag, n. a<br />

vine, Ps. SO, 8; pi. + Kns/i, Ps. 105. 33<br />

(lit. vine leaves: u'enoinh-inniiXjxM/, the<br />

vine in leaf).<br />

•weenojit, n. raven. Lev. 11, 15 (but<br />

'kite', Deut. 14, 13): kutdiikkonkoiit,<br />

'raven', Deut. 14, 14; rjiisMtkrjuainixh,<br />

'kite', Lev. 11, 14. Cf. hinkont.<br />

weenshonat, weeushauonat, v. t. to<br />

beg, to ask alms (from), Luke 16, 3:<br />

weiishaii, he was begging, Mark 10, 46;<br />

he begged (bread), Ps. 37, 25; wenshin-<br />

nitch, let them beg, Ps. 109, 10. See<br />

vrnshamauonat.<br />

weenu. See iirirrnii.<br />

•weenulikauonat, v. t. an.: ireeniilikaii-<br />

vaotj neg, they en

weetahtu, ii. a sister or half-sister, Lev.<br />

, 20, 17; 21, 3; John 11, 5 (strictly, one<br />

of the same household or family, a<br />

near relative), {uetiikkniiij, my si.ster,<br />

Luke 10, 40.) See utninlxtiies; iveetom-<br />

pas; weetuksquoh<br />

.<br />


[Narr. welicks, u'ehiimnils, a sister,<br />

R. AV. 4.5.]<br />

weetateamung-anin, n. a neifjhbor,<br />

Prov. 27, 10; Jer. 6, 21: kcUittcamuiig,<br />

thy neighbor, Ex. 20, 16, 17; weetatleamung,<br />

his neighbor, Ex. 12, 4; pl.+oi;,<br />

Luke 14, 12 [nehtohU'aviiiiih. my neigh-<br />

bor, C. Math., JSfotit. Ind. .54) . See<br />

ini-<br />

fiihtimohi; irutohtii.<br />

weetauadteaen, -in, ii. a bride, Jer. 16,<br />

ii; Joel 2, 16; Rev. 22, 17. Cf. ivessen-<br />

weetaudmog' (suj^pos. [ires. 1st and 3d<br />

pers. sing, 'if I marry her',) n. a be-<br />

trothed one, 'spouse'. Cant. 4, 9, 10, 11.<br />

weetauomonat, v. t. an. to take a wife<br />

or husband, to marry, Matt. 19, 10<br />

{ivetouddtiimale, to be married, C. 201):<br />

weetoomau, he took (her) to wife, Ex.<br />

2, 1 ; noh wetauadteadt, he who is (when<br />

he is) married, 1 Cor. 7, 33; wetauad-<br />

teaan, if thou marry, 1 Cor. 7, 28;<br />

ouweetauomdiih, 'they had her to wife',<br />

married her, Mark 12, 23; ^lass. sekousq<br />

noh wetauommiqj sephamuaeiiin, a widow<br />

who had a priest (for husband),<br />

Ezek. 44, 22; iretauomont, he or she<br />

marrying, Rom. 7, 3 (ncowHuuattam, I<br />

(a woman) am married; nummittxmi-<br />

ini,i!tis.tit, I (a man) am married, C. 201).<br />

Cf . inn m titu m inimfixit.<br />

weetauomwaheonat, v. t. an. to cause<br />

to marry, to give in marriage: ireeldimvi-<br />

nxiheau, he gave (her) to (him) as a<br />

wife, Ex. 2, 21.<br />

*weetauoog, they live together, Ind.<br />

Laws, XIII, 10. See pamcamvdt&og.<br />

[Del. tiileii, he goes with (somebody),<br />

Zeisb. Gr. 83; witawema, he stays with<br />

him, Zeisb. Voc. 60; iritnvvemuk, he is<br />

with me, ibid.]<br />

weetemuugquot, -quok (suppos.), n.<br />

perfume, Prov. 27, 9 {wechimcrxjnal,<br />

irelimunkfjiil, a sweet smell, C. 163).<br />

weetomonat, weto-, v. t. an. to dwell<br />

with (to live in the house with), Judg.<br />

17, 11; to be 'present with', 2Cor.5,8:<br />



weetuksquoh—cDntinued.<br />

11, 2 (ii;i,n,nIilnintl:ijnssolt, Eliot); »v-<br />

iiihliKjh, liis s-iis^terf, John 11, 3 [weesumkoh,<br />

Eliot) ; ivetahtu, the sister of<br />

(him), John 11, 39 (so Eliot) ;<br />

wetukuh-<br />

quoh, her sister, John 11, 1; 28, 5 (ti-ee-<br />

tukgquoh , veetdhiu, Eliot ) . So, -n'hen the<br />

speaker is a female, nctahl, my brother<br />



•wehquog, suppns. l)lunt: )ni.%'lunt, Eccl. 10,<br />

10.<br />

[Del. loiqaon, (it is) blunt, not sharp,<br />

Zeisb. Gr. 167.]<br />

*weliquohke [ivehque-ohke'], the end of<br />

the earth ('uttermost part'), Mass.<br />

Ps., Ps. 2, 8. See Jco/iAwK.<br />

wehquoshauonat, v. t. to go as far as:<br />

wehquoshdug, they went as far as, Acts<br />

11, 19.<br />

wehsue (?), adj. fat, Zeeli. 11, 10. See<br />

ii-refi; iriinnoijqui:.<br />

wehtauog, ( his) ear. See mehtduog.<br />

wehwepetu, he is lame (from birth.<br />

Acts 3, 2): loehwheepHu, he is a cripple,<br />

Acts 14, 8. See ncochumivesu.<br />

-rtrein. See veen.<br />

weis. See wcrs.<br />

wek, week, n. (his) house, tent, or<br />

dwelling, Ex. 20, 17; Prov. 14, 11: we<br />

ponamum u'eek, he pitched his tent<br />

there. Gen. 12, 8; ayimun icetu, he built<br />

a house, 1 K. 6, 9. See loetu.<br />

[Del. vi kit, his house; ivik he, to<br />

build a house; ici qiioam, house, Zeisb.]<br />

wekinasq, weekinashq, n. a reed. Is.<br />

42, 3; (sugar) cane. Is. 43, 24: pi.<br />

-\~uaBh, reeds. Is. 19, 6. Cf. mishashq.<br />

Perhaps from )i;i'k and ashq {mi-oskeht),<br />

house grass, with which the roofs of<br />

the W'igwams were filled in or covered.<br />

"Their houses are very little and<br />

homely, being made w-ith small poles<br />

pricked into the ground and so bended<br />

and fastened at the tops, and on the<br />

sides they are matted with boughs and<br />

•covered on the roof with sedge and old<br />

mats."—Higginson's N. E. Plantation,<br />

ch. 12. "The meaner sort of wigwams<br />

are covered with mats they make of a<br />

kind of bulrush."—Gookin, 1 Mass.<br />

Hist. Coll. I, 149.<br />

[Narr. loekinash, reed; pi. -}- quash,<br />

R. W. 90.]<br />

*wekineauquat (Narr.), fair weather:<br />

vekinnauquocks, when it is fair weather,<br />

R. W. 81 (weekGhquat, fair weather;<br />

roekeneankqiiat, warm weather, C. 158).<br />

See *dnndhquat; tminnohquudt.<br />

Tvekinneat, v. i. to occupy or live in a<br />

house, tent, or other dwelling place,<br />

Prov. 21, 9: na weekean, when ye dwell<br />

therein, Deut. 8, 12. See ueckiUamun<br />

IrieaQ.<br />

wekinneat—continued.<br />

[Narr. tuckoivekin, where dwell you?<br />

R. W. 29. Cree nrgeemayov , he tenteth<br />

with him, Howse 22.]<br />

' *weki-tippocat ( Narr. , ) it is a warm<br />

night', R. W.<br />

wekitteaonk, n. a building, 2 Cor. 5, 1.<br />

*wekoh.tea (?), as interj. 'O brave', C.<br />

234.<br />

wekomonat. See vehkomonal.<br />

wekon. Sec n-i-ekon.<br />

*wek6nche, adv. commonly, C. 227.<br />

[(!^uir. ni'ijiiiije, 'often'. Pier. .5.]<br />

wekshik. See irehqahik.<br />

wekuhkauoiiat, wekuhkonat, v. t. an.<br />

to build a house for (another person, ^<br />

etc.), 2 Chr. 2, 3; 6, 7; or, as in Gen.<br />

33, 17, vekikauau, ' he made booths for<br />

(cattle)': ivekuhkon, he went on build-<br />

ing, Neh. 4, 18; wekuhkau, build the<br />

house for (of the Lord), 1 Chr. 22, 11;<br />

nohpish neowekekunk, he who shall build<br />

me a house, ibid. v. 10; kcowekekauunimnanonut,<br />

to build thee a house, ibid.<br />

29, 16.<br />

wematin, n. appel. a brother, 1 C^or. 5,<br />

11; Mark 13, 12 (oowemuttiv, C. 162).<br />

See weetuksquoh.<br />

[Narr. iiematittuock, 'they are broth-<br />

ers', R. W. 45.]<br />

wenauwetu [ininne-irelul'l, adj. an. (is<br />

or was) rich, 2 Sam. 12, 1; pi. -j-og,<br />

Ruth 3, 10 [viumie wHu, a good house,<br />

C. 170): iimiauvxiuen, -in (indef. and<br />

general), any rich man, Prov. 28, 11.<br />

"A winnaytue, that is a rich man, or<br />

a man of estimation, next in degree<br />

to a sachem or sagamore."—Morton's<br />

N. E. Canaan, ch. 19. Cf. v:viineel>i-'r.<br />

wenauwetuonk, n. riches, Prov. 30, 8.<br />

*wenise (Narr. ), an olil woman; pi. weni-<br />

suck, R. ^\^ 44. See kehclmqua.<br />

wenom-in (?), n. a grape: seane wenom,<br />

the sour grape. Is. 18, 5. See min.<br />

[Del. (?) vi mi min, it is ripe, Zeisb.<br />

Yoc]<br />

wenshaen, n. a beggar, one who begs,<br />

Luke 16, 20, 22; obj. wenshahnih, 1 Sam.<br />

2, S.<br />

wenshamauonat, v. t. to ask (alms)<br />

from, (an. and inan. ) to ask for (alms)<br />

oairenshamuh ne teagtias, he asked an<br />

alms (something) from them. Acts 3, 3.<br />

See iceenshuniit.<br />



wenwe, weenwee, n. (his) navel, Job<br />

40, 16: kenwtf, kcenire, thy navel, Cant.<br />

7, 2; Ezek. 16, 4. See menu-ee (m'noe!).<br />

*wenygh ( Narr. 1, woman, Stiles; (Peq.<br />

iii:liili:ir(ili, my wife, ibid.<br />

wepamooe, wepamue, adj. of genera-<br />

tion: iruskannem, semen virile.<br />

Lev. l.S, 16, 17, 18.<br />

wepamuwaonk. See ireepainoe.<br />

*wepe (occurs in chap, x.xii of Roger<br />

^\'illiams' Key, prefixed to an accusa-<br />

tion, judgment, or sentence, or addressed<br />

to a delinquent): ivipe Imnnuhatmi'm,<br />

you killed him; jc?pe kuhkemia-<br />

eant'm, you are the murderer; u-epe cuk-<br />

ki'i mm fiot, you have stole, etc., 121, 122;<br />

ciipiiilldki'innamun w^pe warne, (he com-<br />

mands that) 'all men now repent', p.<br />

118 ( 'only •, Mass. Ps., Ps. 2, 12) . See<br />

»(•/«'.<br />

[Peq. ii-epi-, but (=qiit, EL), Exp.<br />

INLiyhew, Lord's Prayer.]<br />

•wepumauonat, wehpumonat, wepim-<br />

6nat, etc., v. t. to eat with, to share a<br />

meal with: irilipiimup, he did eat with<br />

(them). Gal. 2, 12; pish koourpimiiiiica),<br />

ye shall eat with me, 1 Sam. 9, 19; yemh<br />

'tmhncDineepemukqiHjy, they shall 'dine'<br />

with me, Gen. 43, 16; kcowelipumopanneg,<br />

thou didst eat with them. Acts<br />

11, 3 {wehpilliltid; let us eat together,<br />

Exp. Mayhew).<br />

[Del. irijtaiitiii (recipr.), to eat with<br />

each other, Zeisb. Gr. 133.]<br />

wepumawaonk, n. carnal connection<br />

(natural or unnatural), Lev. 18, 23.<br />

wequai, n. light. Gen. 1, 4; Zech. 14, 6,<br />

7; John 1, 5, 8: wequaiaj, let there be<br />

light, let light be; mo wequai, there was<br />

light. Gen. 1, 3.<br />

[Narr. wequdi, light; irequashim<br />

(dimin.?), moonlight, R. W. 68.]<br />

wequananteg, n. 'candle', Prov. 31, 18;<br />

lamp, light, (ien. 15, 17; Ex. 27, 20;<br />

Lev. 24, 2: chugohtxiij, a burning<br />

lamp. Gen. ].5, 17; vequdnaiitei/iuli,<br />

chikohtdiish, lamps burned. Rev. 4, 5<br />

{irasdquondnHick, a light or candle; «?-<br />

qiidiidnctekonnduhtuk, a candlestick, C.<br />

161). The word 'torch' is transferred<br />

by Eliot without translation, as in Zech.<br />

12, 6.<br />

[Narr. weqitanantig, a candle or light;<br />

pl.+«»!\.~diiog; and )rdm-<br />

paturk, pi. -j-quduog, R. W. 86.]<br />

*wequasliiin (Narr.), moonlight, R. W.<br />

68. .'^ee imjiial.<br />

wequtteamunat ( =inlnjiiiiiniiniidt),we-<br />

qutteamaudnat (<br />

wequtteamoa {<br />

=iri liijinhniiaiioitat),<br />

=iri hiiiiiliniKiu), v. i.<br />

she calleth, 'crieth', Prov. 8, 3: vehqut-<br />

teamu'eon, when I called, Is. 65, 12 {noowequUeam,<br />

I call, C. 183; ncoireqiitleamn-<br />

miiii, we call, ibid. 184). See irrlikoino-<br />

nai.<br />

*wequttinneat, to be called, (". 184.<br />

*wesattiniis, red oak; nisukkfiiik, oak<br />

wood, ('. 164. Sen */>angduli'misk.<br />

*wesattippog-, bitter water, C. 168.<br />

weshaganash, wlshagkinish., n. pi.<br />

hairs on the liod)' or limbs of man or<br />

animals, Ex. 35, 23; Is. 7, 20; Mark<br />

1, 6; Matt. 3, 4 (of. meesmk). Adj.<br />

oatveshaginnde, hairy, 2 K. 1, 8; pi.<br />

v:eshnhiiinnniash, Gen. 27, 23. V. subst.<br />

aiir, sluniniin. he was hairy, Gen. 27, 11<br />

(iikkiixhde nivskq, a hairy bear, C. 171;<br />

from kushki, rough?). [Mr Pickering<br />

in index to El. Gr. gives "weshagan,<br />

hair of animals." The meaning can<br />

not be thus restricted, as will be seen<br />

from the above examples. It is compounded<br />

from and hog, body, or<br />

hogkoa, it clothes, covers the body, a.s<br />

icceshittwn from tron, mouth.] See irigh-<br />

shinrussiioiik.<br />

*weslieck (Narr.), n. the hair, R. W.<br />

58. (Cf. Eth. iiha-kii, hair-doth; Sax.<br />

sceacga, hair, shag.<br />

•weske. See wuske, young, new.<br />

*weskuiick (Narr. ), a pounding mortar,<br />

R. W. 50. See loggiihtrhoiik.<br />

*wesogkeyeu, adv. bitterly, C. 227.<br />

wesogkon, adj. bitter, Prov. 27, 7; Rev.<br />

)<br />

10, 10. See veesogkinmonk, bitterness.<br />

Cf. ii-i-e.we, gall.<br />

[Del. iri sack can, Zeisb. Voc. 33.]<br />

*wesokkuiik, oak wood, C. 164. See ire-<br />

sattiiiuit.<br />

[Del. v'lMwhgak, black oak, Zeisb.]<br />

*wesonikuh, interj. ah! (of sorrow?), C.<br />

234.<br />

wesoshaonk. See iriexauitlidonk.<br />

*wesquaubenaii (Narr.), to wrap up a<br />

Viody fnr the grave, R. W. 161. See<br />



wessentamwaen, -in, n. a bridegroom,<br />

Jer. 16, 9. See wussentamn-den.<br />

wessukeh. See wasukeh, her husband.<br />

wesuonk, OJTve-, n. a name, Gen. 11, 4<br />

( = ]S^arr. nvmonck, R. W. 29): iicowhu-<br />

onk, my name, Is. 42, 8; kmwe.tiionk,<br />

thy name, Gen. 12, 2. From trussinC!)<br />

See uxxoyri'xxK.<br />

*wesuonkanehk6uat, to name: iimicesu-<br />

onkani'hkdntam, I name, C. 202.<br />

wetahtuoli. See weetuksquoh.<br />

*wetapiininiii (Xarr.), to sit down: u-et((inrdiiirira.


"wog-kauunonat—c(jntinued.<br />

/.niiiff'iiiin iiininiisrjuaniiinaonk, 'he was<br />

luiivcd witli choler', Dan. 8, 7.<br />

wogkoueonk, n. a stir, a tumult, commotion,<br />

Ho?'. 9, 14; Rom. 7, 5; Acts 20, 1.<br />

wogkouunumunat, v. t. to stir up, to set<br />

in motion, to excite (inan. obj.): noowogkouunum,<br />

I stir up (your hearts),<br />

2 Pet. 3, 1; icogkouunish, stir up (thy<br />

strength), Ps. 80, 2; pass, oian wog-<br />

kouwemoo, the city was moved. Acts 21,<br />

28; nippe wogkoxihncouk, when the water<br />

is troubled, stirred, John 5, 7.<br />

•woh, eonj. 'of possibility', may or can<br />

(El. dr. 22), a word usually employed<br />

to express the 'notion of possibility to<br />

be' or to form the potential mode of a<br />

verb ( El. Gr. 20) : woh kenmheh, ' intend-<br />

est thou to kill me?' Ex. 2, 14; utloh<br />

woh yeunh en nnih, 'how can these<br />

things be?' John 3, 9; matia voh wunnampcoliamauoli,<br />

he can not answer<br />

him. Job 9, 3.<br />

*-woh]iog'ke, (a body,) a shell, or anna<br />

((]. v.), C. 156. See hogki.<br />

wohkoeu, wolikde, adv. and adj. at the<br />

.^idc oi- sides, on the sides of, on the<br />

ends of: vofkcchi: kali uvJikoeu 'waeenu,<br />

on 'the top thereof and the sides<br />

thereof, round about', Ex. 30, 3; neese<br />

wohkoe, 'on the two sides thereof, Ex.<br />

37, 27; ut wohkoeu, 'in thy borders',<br />

Ps. 147, 14; ut aitohqiiaeu, on the two<br />

ends of (the breastplate), Ex. 28, 24;<br />

lit uhijuaeu, at the ends, v. 22; ne anaih-<br />

queu kishkag, its breadth (from side to<br />

side), V. 16; coquohlogquosh, the ends<br />

(of the chains), v. 25. See uhquae.<br />

-wohkuhquoshik, n. the end, conclusion,<br />

Prov. 14, 13: en wolikukcjuoshhiU, to the.<br />

end, to the utmost, thoroughly. Job 35,<br />

36; ut mohkukqushik, unto the end (of a<br />

matter, or in time), P.s. 119, 33, =no<br />

pajeh wohkukquashinil, Rev. 2, 26; noa-<br />

wohkukquoiyeum, my last end, Num. 23,<br />

10; asquam oahquaeu, 'the end shall not<br />

be yet',' Mark 13, 7. See wehqglrik.<br />

"wohkukquoshinat, v. i. to come to end,<br />

to lie ended: vohkukquosMn, (it) ends,<br />

is ended. Is. 24, 8; 40, 2; pish wohkuk-<br />

quushinanh, (they) shall be ended. Is.<br />

60, 20; u'ohkukquoshik, when it ends,<br />

ended, Jer. 8, 20; en imhkukquoshhiit,<br />

to the end, to the utmost, Job 35, 36.<br />

wohkukquoshitteauunat, v. t. ( inan.<br />

subj. ) to end, to make an end iif (inan.<br />

obj.), Dan. 9, 24.<br />

wohkummiyeu, adv. and adj. above,<br />

upward. Is. 37, 31: ut wohkmniyeu, at<br />

the top (of a dress, Ex. 28, 32); irutch<br />

. . . uiisscganit kah wohkuininhjeu,<br />

'from . . . his loins even upward',<br />

Ezek. 1, 27.<br />

wohpanag, his or her breast, Prov. 5,<br />

20: wohpandgimil, on the bosom, John<br />

13,23. See mohpanag; ci. pcochenau.<br />

*wohquatuinunat, v. t. to pronounce or<br />

emiihasize: samp-wohquatumunat, 'to<br />

]ironounce right', C. 243; uititin noh-<br />

qualuniooonkCmnco, 'their manner of<br />

pronouncing', ibid. 242.<br />

wohqut : uiitch wohqut, from above, Ps.<br />

IS, 16, ==wHlrh ivaabu, 2 Sam. 22, 17.<br />

wohshinumunat, v. t. to open, Ezek. 21,<br />

22; Rev. 5, 2, 3, 4 {woskwunnuniundt);<br />

to 'uncover', Lev. 18, 7-13: uiohshinuin,<br />

he opens (it). Is. 28, 24; wohshimim<br />

sqnont, he opened the door. Acts 5, 19;<br />

1 Sam. 3, 15; woshmmum, he uncov-<br />

ered. Lev. 20, 11; u'osMvunumaik kenog-<br />

kaneg, open you the window, 2 K. 13,<br />

17 (the plural is used, perhaps by mistake,<br />

for the singular number, 'open<br />

thou'); vmshwunnumun, he opened it,<br />

ibid.; noh woshwunuk, he who (may)<br />

open. Rev. 3, 8 {noouvshwunum, I open,<br />

C. 202) . See pohki and its derivatives,<br />

also irnsliiriidsliinc; trusliwohtag.<br />

wohshitanaumauouat, v. t. to open to<br />

(a person): nam'ohshitannwnau nms-<br />

squontamash, I opened my doors to<br />

(him), Job 31, 32.<br />

wohshitanurnunat, woshwetanuraunat,<br />

v. t. to open (a door or gate):<br />

ird/islilliimish, -nish, open the door, 2 K.<br />

9, 3; kmskquontash, open thy doors,<br />

Zech. 11, 1; wohshitAnwog squontamasli,<br />

when we opened the doors, Acts 5, 23.<br />

l = )rnhf:himnv-}relv, to openahouse (?).]<br />

wohsippahtae, wohsippohtae, wdsupohtae,<br />

woohsuppde, adj. and adv.<br />

bright, shining, glittering, Ezek. 27, 19;<br />

hence, wohsippahtde, adj. of copper, Ezra<br />

8, 27 (but in 2 Tim. 4, 14, 'coppere<br />

smith ' is transferred ) : vMsipp&e, bright,<br />

Dan. 12, 3; icusippohtae xvequai, bright<br />

light, Ezek. 32, 8; logkodteg, bright<br />

sword, Nah. 3, 3; glistering sword. Job


"wohsippahtae, etc.—continued.<br />

20, 25; qussukquanash, 'glLstering<br />

stones', 1 Chr. 29, 2; qunuhtug,<br />

glittering spear, Job 39, 23.<br />

[Del. sabbeleu, 'it sparkle.s, glitters',<br />

Zeisb. Gr. 164.]<br />

•wohsittae, wosittae, adj. bright. Cant.<br />

5, 14; 'glistering', Nah. 3, 3; ncotau<br />

trualttau, the fire was bright, Ezek. 1, 13.<br />

wohsumaudnat, v. t. an. to sliine upon<br />

(an. obj.), 2 Cor. 4, 6.<br />

'wdhsumoe, sohsum.'wae, adj. bright,<br />

shining, light-giving, Luke 11, 36 {ivussumBe,<br />

C. 168) : ivohsuinoe wequdi, a<br />

shining light, Prov. 4, 18, =sohsum-<br />

vxte weqvdi, John 5, 3.5.<br />

wohsumcoinumieat, sohsum-, v. i. to<br />

shine, to emit light: wequai sohsumajinco,<br />

the light shineth, John 1, 5; nukoa<br />

woJimimmmoo, the night shineth, is light,<br />

Ps. 139, 12; wohsumdmou, (it) shone,<br />

Matt. 17,2; inattawohsumaomunmut, (it)<br />

not to shine, Job 36, 32; woJisumaim-<br />

(outch, let (your light) shire. Matt. .5,<br />

16 (wohsumvimteat, to shine, C. 208).<br />

[Del. waseleu, woachei/i'ii, v. adj. clear,<br />

light, Zeisb. Gr. 16.5.]<br />

w^ohsuraoDonk, n. a shining forth, emit-<br />

ted light: anivhsiundonk wequananteg,<br />

the light of a candle. Rev. IS, 23;<br />

moohsummonganm, their shining (of<br />

the stars), Joel 2, 10. Cf. jiumohmmco;<br />

sohxdmmnico.<br />

wohsumunat, oowohsumunat, wosum-,<br />

V. t. (but for the most part used<br />

intransitively or without object ex-<br />

pressed) to shine upon, to give forth<br />

bright light, 2 Cor. 4, 6; Rev. 21, 23:<br />

oowohswnun, (it) did lighten it, Rev. 21,<br />

23; pish kmwosum, thou shalt shine<br />

forth, Job 11, 17; jnsh wOsumivog, they<br />

shall shine, Dan. 12, 3; wShsish, shine<br />

thou (give light), Is. 60, 1; wequai woh-<br />

sumwkitcli, let not the light shine on it.<br />

Job 3, 4 (ncmoossum, I shine, C. 208;<br />

nepdz wohw,m, the sun shineth, ibid.).<br />

See *squtta.<br />

[Abn. SasdkSre, lumiere; Sassenemaii-<br />

gan, -nar, ehandelle.]<br />

wohtamunat, v. t. to understand, to<br />

comprehend, Eph. 3, 18: num-mcocheke<br />

wohtam. onk, I have more understanding<br />

than . . . , Ps. 119, 100(H'o/iwohtam,<br />

v. 99) ; malta vahteauaiog<br />

B. A. E., Bull. 25 13<br />

wohtamunat—continued.<br />

aguli iriilihiiinriig, tliey have not known<br />

nor understood, Is. 44, 18; najwohtamunan<br />

{-un"?), we understand it, 2 K.<br />

18, 26; wohiamwk, understand ye, Prov.<br />

8, 5; wautaj, let him understand, Matt.<br />

24, lr>, = irahteimutch, Mark 13, 14. V. i.<br />

freq. wohipohtarimnat, to possess or exercise<br />

the understanding, to under-<br />

stand, Dan. 10, 12; woh katwahteomwrn<br />

. . . kmnainptiimifco . . . kmwohtamumwaj,<br />

ye may know, . . . believe me . . .<br />

(and) under^^tand. Is. 43, 10.<br />

wohtoh: ir,;ii/,,/i :ri:iiniitimadt, (when) he<br />

climlis up soini- othtT way, John 10, 1.<br />

*'wohwatCD-wau (as adv.), ho, halloo!<br />

C. 233.<br />

wohwayeoagish, pi. rings. See Mw/fyaj'.<br />

wohwohquianumcDog', 'they are at<br />

their wits' end', Ps. 107, 27. From<br />

wdhkoeu (?).<br />

•woh.wolitam.cooiik, n. understanding,<br />

Is. 40, 2.S; 44, 19.<br />

wohwohtam'we, adj. of undei'standing,<br />

Is. 40, 14.<br />

wohwohteauunat, v. i. to bark, as a<br />

dog. Is. 5t), 10; Diatta urjtiu'ohteaumog,<br />

they can not bark (a7iiim wohwdhteau,<br />

the dog barks, C. 181; wohwohkonat, to<br />

bark (at an. obj.), ibid.).<br />

woliwohtog, ( if he understand, ) he who<br />

is prudent, a prudent (man), or one of<br />

uuilerstanding, Prov. 14, 6, 15.<br />

wohwosliwolikossayeu, wohwdsh.-<br />

WTilikossae, adj. cloven footed, di-<br />

viding the hoof. Lev. 11, 7; Deut. 14, 7:<br />

vohii'tjuhu'ulikussaeu, (it) divides the<br />

hoof, Deut. 14, 8. From wohskinmnun&t<br />

and wuhkos; so, wohshwuhkossaecheg,<br />

irdhwoshukossaecheg, they who part the<br />

hoof, Lev. 11, 3, 4; Deut. 14, 7; vmhweoh<br />

wuhkosscDoh, they divide not the<br />

hoof, Deut. 14, 7. Cf. neesukossont<br />

pasmhosstiiX.<br />

woi, "adv. of wishing", 'Oh, that it<br />

were'!. El. Gr. 21; interj. 'of sorrow',<br />

El. Cir. 22 (O, wo! C. 234).<br />

womantamunat, womon-, v. t. to love,<br />

inan. obj.; nirjiromantam, I love (thy<br />

law),Ps. 119,113; iiummaicheke wonion-<br />

iam, I love (it) very much, Ps. 119, 97;<br />

womantdmaik wanegik, love ye that<br />

which is good, Amos 5, 15; kanuomantamuinwiD,<br />

ye love (them, inan.), Luke<br />



womantaniunat, v\r.— (-(pntimied.<br />

11, 42(mwr„m6iiUnu wnssukhuiik, \ love<br />

a book, C. L'OO).<br />

wometuaeu, ailv. kindly, Idvitif^ly: (i;>-<br />

iiiiliiiii'ii imiirliliciji/, if you deal kiiiilly<br />

with me. Gen. L'4, 49.<br />

•womiyeu,- wODmiyeu, adv. downward,<br />

Kzek. 1, 27: iriiiiiihini irdjiiili/rii, very<br />

low, I>eut. 2.S, -i:i. See inmiiniiiiwi'il, etc.<br />

*woinoausiniieat, \ . i. to love: inniKmiik-<br />

,jiilssiii,i,'nl. to lie loved, ('. I'OI). See<br />

iriimdlitdiiiiiiiul: in.iiiniiiit.<br />

womoausu, adj. an. (<br />

he is) kind, lovinjr,<br />

1 Cor. i:;, 4.<br />

womoausue, adj. of love, lovinjj;: hmiruiiininisih'<br />

kill, ',ni„, III, viillh'iioiik. thy<br />

lovinj.' kindness, I's. HI', 2.<br />

womompenat, v. i. to lon6(j, if yc love (them), Luke<br />

(i, :!2; »v,H(r»»/

*'wompain—contitmed.<br />

pnih, ami it is of two sorts; tlie one is<br />

wliite, tlieiitheris of a violet coloiire."—<br />

Morton's N. E. Canaan, I, ll'.<br />

wompan, from iniiii/m. Sei- ikIcIiuuvih-<br />

pni/; iitrliiiinim/iini, etc.<br />

*Wompanand [iriiin/iini-maint] (Narr. ),<br />

the Kastern (tO(1, K. W. 110.<br />

wompanne, -neu, adv. all night, Juflg.<br />

19,9; (»'


wompsikuk—continued.<br />

bald eagle, Zeisb.Yoc. 60 (from i/'oappS,<br />

wliite, and ii:o lanne, (a bird's) tail).]<br />

wompu, oihpu, he sees, he looks. This<br />

primary verb is not found separately in<br />

Eliot, but is employed to form numerous<br />

compounds, in the sense of to look (to<br />

see pm-posely), as vomompn {irmmiyeu),<br />

he looks down pmmiiipK, he looks into,<br />

;<br />

etc. It is found in other dialects of the<br />

Algonkin, as Cree wdppii, 'he sees'<br />

(Howse 43); Chip, oow&hhxmden, he<br />

sees it (Jones, John 11, 9). Cf. wmmunat<br />

and nuhquaeu. The three verbs<br />

signify: naum, he sees (voluntarily or<br />

involuntarily, without reference to pur-<br />

pose); nuhquaeu., he directs his eyes,<br />

looks (by accident or designedly);<br />

omjiu, he looks and sees. Cf. womjA,<br />

bright, white; vompag, bright light,<br />

'when he sees'; molitonipan (R. W.<br />

molnuban), break of day, etc. See nad-<br />

tauwoinjiii.<br />

[Cree wupim, it is daylight, Howse<br />

77. Abn. ioppa, 'voila' (Rasles, subst.<br />

part. nn). Old Alg. id-ouapaman, I see<br />

(him) ; ni-ouahateii, I see (it) , Le Jeune<br />

(Arch. Am. ii, 25); ouabemo, to see,<br />

Lah.]<br />

wompuhquont [»'ompi'-p!(/iti(/."] ,particip.<br />

having (wliite or) gray hair, having a<br />

gray head, 1 )eut. 32, 2.5 : luowompuhquom,<br />

I am gray haired, 1 Sam. 12, 2; wompo-<br />

quol, (when) I am gray haired, Ps.<br />

71, 18; wompuhquaog, (they are) gray<br />

haired, Job 15, 10 (noh vomppiihqua,'he<br />

is gray [headed], C. 232.) See *»''««-<br />

pishocki.<br />

[Del. wiKip hoc qua wou, gray hair,<br />

ZeisI,.]<br />

wompuhshog. See vompohshof/.<br />

•wompumus, n. a chestnut tree, pi. +<br />

.miKh, Ezek. HI, 8; Gen. 30, 37. See<br />



wonog'q—continued.<br />

the door'. Cant. 5, 4; ii-ijnogque pnnsah-<br />

thetj, the hole of the pit, Is. 51, 1; v:utch<br />

hassunonogqut, from the holes in the<br />

rocks, Jer. 16, 16; petshonat or/qunat, to<br />

fall into a pit, Matt. 12, 11.<br />

[Del. u'oa lac, a hole; tnil /»/(, he is<br />

digging a hole; u-ocil lieeii, to dig a hole,<br />

Zeisb.]<br />

wouteauunat, v. i. to dig a hole: iiw-<br />

ti-onteam, I have digged, 2 K. 19, 24;<br />

^mnteau ohkit, he digged in the earth,<br />

Matt. 25", 18; loanleasli, dig thou, Ezek.<br />

8, 8; tv6nteaon, when I digged, ibid.;<br />

' w6nteauh Icah uikuthdmim, he made a<br />

pit and digged it', Ps. 7, 15; vvnieaog,<br />

they dig pits, Ps. 119, 85. See kutta'h-<br />

ha,n.<br />

•wroohsuppae. See wolmppaldap.<br />

woonki, adj. and adv. (1) crooked, Prov.<br />

2, 15: woonki ayeuongash, crooked places.<br />

Is. 45, 2; ne woonkag, that which is<br />

crooked, Eccl. 1, lo; u-oonkagif:h, crooked<br />

things, Is. 42, 16. (2) perverse, wrong,<br />

Hab. 1,4; nashpewoonkagk, wrongfully,<br />

Jer. 22, 13. Cf. penaeu; pepemsqite.<br />

[Narr. wduki, crooked, R. \V. 54.<br />

Cree wdgow, it is crooked, Howse 71.<br />

Del. viiktsrliri'i, v. adj. it is criioked,<br />

Zeisb. Or. 164.]<br />

woonkitteauonat, v. t. (an. and inan.?)<br />

woonkitteau iiummayash, he makes my<br />

paths crooked (for me). Lam. 3, 9.<br />

woosuppahtumunat, v. t. to make<br />

bright, to furliish, Ezek. 21, 11: wooi


*woskeheuonat, to hurt : imxkeJtli illimifdl,<br />

to !«' liiirt, C'. 195; nmwoskheum , I hurt,<br />

ihi.l.<br />

woskehittuonk, ii. violence (suffereil),<br />

a wouuil, Kx. 21, lio; spoiling, Hah. ], 3<br />

(=,roxMniwa,mhC>), (ien. 6, 13; cf. v.<br />

11).<br />

woskehtinneat, v. t. inan. and v. i. to<br />

ilo harm to (inan. obj.), Rev. 7, 2,<br />

= irnxkiJiti'iiiiiniat: nmvtosketeoli, I per-<br />

secuted (it, the church), Phil. 3, 6;<br />

(iJkjiii' iroskehtmumk nh-ke, do not harm<br />

(ye) the earth. Rev. 7, 3; matla cowoske-<br />

Ienmwna6ut moskehtumh, (they) not to<br />

hurt the ffra-is, Rev. 9, 4.<br />

woskehuwae, adj. hurtful, harmful, 1<br />

Tim. 6, 9; mat imiikehuwde, 'innocent',<br />

Jonah 1, 14.<br />

woskehuwaen, n. one who hurts or<br />

•harms, 'the spoiler', Jer. 51^ 5(); pi.<br />

(obj.) V.53: iroskehinriH'iinoij, 'spoilers',<br />

2 K. 17, 20; 1 Sam. 13, 17.<br />

woskehuwaonk, ii. violcnre, hurt, (icn.<br />

(i, 11.<br />

woskehuwdnat. .'>ee iraskln'oiiat.<br />

woskesit, (he is) blemished, deformed.<br />

Lev. 21, 17, 18, 21. Cf. chohkhii.<br />

•wosketohteak : ut woskelohteakoii ,<br />

-on the<br />

open fields, Ezek. 29, 5.<br />

wosketomp, n. a man, vir; pi. wosketompiiiii/<br />

(cf. iiiisxliiiiin, a man of another<br />

race or nation, a captive): noeu iriiske-<br />

loiHjHiiilitu, among men, Ps. 78, 60;<br />

v'oxki'tompoao (v. subst. ), he is a man,<br />

he became a man (El. (xr. 12, 16);<br />

woskelonij) kuli jiilttdiinrosxissoli iikkez-<br />

hi'iili, 'male and female created he<br />

them'. Gen. .5, 2 (riiikko)ie icosk, an old<br />

man, C. 157; nawlmtche u'osk, some men,<br />

ibid. 175; onkalog woske, another man,<br />

ibid. 232; nanwi woske, any man, ildd. ).<br />

See omp.<br />

[Narr. skei'fomp, pi. xkeeloinjuiuog,<br />

man, men (also imhi, inihiiiiiog), R. W.<br />

44; iiiminiK-k, iiiiiniiiiissiiii'iirock, eniskee-<br />

t()ii)j)iii'nrog, "men, folk, people", ibid,<br />

pref. 19; eiuii or eiwxkretomp, a man,<br />

ibid. 11.5.]<br />

woskheonat, woskehuwonat, woskhonat,<br />

V. t. an. to hurt, to injure, to do<br />

harm to (an. obj.), Prov. 6, 18: iKjoirosk-<br />

hiikijini'il, to hurt me, (Sen. 31, 7; km-<br />

voxkhiimiimt, to do tliee hurt, v. 29;<br />

aimit^kheonanul wuskcloinjiidi, (they) to<br />

woskheonat, etc.—continued.<br />

hurt men, Rev. 9, 10; inatta nrnwosklieijunoiioij,<br />

we harm them not, 1 Sam.<br />

25, 7; iroskeheau, he wrongeth, injureth,<br />

Prov. 8, 36; irnh woskehenii, (it) may<br />

harm (him). Job 35, 8; woskeheuntj-par-<br />

ticip. harming, one who hurts, Rev. 11,<br />

5; ulloli v'oskeadt, ' whom thou j)ersecut-<br />

est', injure.st. Acts 9, 5; vogkhinniiiit,<br />

'thou that spoilest', Is. .33, 1; tmit y/i'.s/i<br />

kmwoakhukka), he shall not hurt thee,<br />

Acts 18, 10; matin oowoskheiili, hurt thou<br />

him not, Luke 4, 35; woskeheiihkon, do<br />

him no harm, Jer. 39, 12; nliqijie vonki'-<br />

heuk, do (them) no harm, Ps. 105, 15<br />

(woskehheaog vmhhogkwih, they hurt<br />

themselves (injure themselves), C.<br />

239) ; pa.ss. nmwoskhii, I am hurt, Jer.<br />

8, 21; koawoskiUeop, thou wast S])oiled,<br />

Is. 33, 1.<br />

wososhquit(?): ria nt vosoxlirjiiH, 'the<br />

marshes thereof, Ezek. 47. 11 { irassd.i-<br />

keltt, a meadow, C. 160).<br />

[Del. n.isiskitnu, v. adj. marshy,<br />

muddy, Zeisb. (ir. 164.]<br />

wossabpe, wassabbe, adj. and adv.<br />

thin, 1 K. 7, 29; Lev. 2, 4 (wits.'^ippi,<br />

C. 176) : vossdbpeiuhhamirog namikcg,<br />

they beat (it) into thin plates, Ex. 39,<br />

3; jiix}! immnppete.amm, (it) shall be<br />

made tliin, become thm. Is. 17. 4.<br />

mufMe; irun-ifipjn'.<br />

Cf.<br />

[Del. vsr}iii])p


wowussumonat, etc.—continued.<br />

(it), Is. 44, 1.5; noauvii'ussumomun, we<br />

worship (iutrans.), Gen. 22, 5; nai/<br />

wausmmoncheg, they who worship, Ps.<br />

97, 7 (nmwourussuivdmun, we worship,<br />

C. 216; wovjussum God, worship God,<br />

ibid.; wauumsgitiumeat, to be worshiiiped,<br />

ibid.). Of. nauvamim, he bows<br />

down; pciintdiii, lie prays.<br />

•wowussumonclieg, waus-, j)!. worshipers,<br />

they wliu worship, Ps. 97, 7; 2 K.<br />

to (a place), 1 Sam. 15, 12; Jonah 1,3;<br />

Ex. 2, 5; iL'oamsuog, they go down (to<br />

the gates), Judg. 5, 11; noh toomtsit, he<br />

wlio gueth down, Eccl. 3, 21; onatuh<br />

pnpphiiinhim oonmsgit, lie goeth down<br />

as a beast, Is. 63, U; kmweerhe ivcom-<br />

seutish, I go down with thee (into<br />

Egypt), Gen. 46, 4; neg immiissilcheg en<br />

passohtlieganit, they that descend into<br />

the pit, Ezek. 26, 20; 31, 16; ne uhhut<br />

womusdmuk, the descent, downward<br />

slope (of a mountain), Luke 19, 37;<br />

nwwomussin wadchuut, I camedown from<br />

the mount, Deut. 10, 5. See u-omiyeu.<br />

[Xarr. vmimsii lirannitu'], down hill,<br />

R. W. 76.]<br />

-woomsuonk, n. a ravine (?), a steep de-<br />

scent; khhke woamsuanganit, 'by the<br />

clift of (Ziz)', 2 Chr. 20, 16. Cf. tro-<br />

muhhdi'iij.<br />

*wucliechepuniiock (Narr.), "a great<br />

bunch of hair Ixmnd up l)ehiud."<br />

E. W. 5S.<br />

•*wuchickapeuck (Xarr.), "birching<br />

bark and chestnut bark, which they<br />

—<br />

dress iinely and make a summer cover-<br />

ing for their houses."—R. W. 48.<br />

wudchinat. See wadchinat.<br />

wulihog, (his) body, himself, Lev. 21, 4;<br />

Prov. 31, 22; Cant. 3, 9. See muhhdg.<br />

wuhhogki, that which covers the body;<br />

hence a shell, and in pi. vuhhogkiash<br />

(q. v.), scales (of fish), Job41, \h: inihhogUitcheg,<br />

(fish) having scales, Le\-.<br />

11, 9.<br />

[Xarr. mirkmihock, surk/ucJiock [.nicklu-uhhogkl,<br />

l)lack-shell], black money,<br />

wuhliog-ki—continued.<br />

R. W. 104; poquaCihock [ktipp(j;/ki-ii'iOi-<br />

liogki {?)], 'a little thick shell-fish',<br />

ibid., the round clam; metniuhock [<br />

and Tif/y/iw/A-/],' the periwinkle" (Pyrula<br />

carica or canaliculata), iliid.<br />

wuhhogkomminueasli, n. pi. husks,<br />

Luke 1.5, 1(>: inihhogkomnnit, to the<br />

husk, Num. 6, 4.<br />

WTihkds, cokes, n. a hoof (his hoof), his<br />

nails or claw, Dan. 4, 33; Deut. 21, 12.<br />

10, 19.<br />

See muhkiis.<br />

"wcom. .'-<br />

nimujui, I betray, Matt. 27, 4; noh mnas-<br />

scomoh, who betrayed him, Matt. 10, 4,<br />

= neh wnncmoomukqutcheh, Mark 3, 19;<br />

nmiche mmagsmmedg, ' if ye be come to<br />

betrayme', 1 Chr. 12, 17; conassmindnat,<br />

to betray him, John 13, 2 {wanassmmit,<br />

he was betrayed (?), C. 182 [when he<br />

was betrayed (condit.), as in 1 Cor. 11,<br />

23, whence Cotton probably to


•vsrunnag-kittuliliausuen, -in, a tarpen-<br />

trr, Is. 44, i:-!.<br />

wunnaiyeu, adj. ami a

wunuanumonat—rcmtinneil.<br />

thee, Gen. i'2, 17; nmnitiiinn, I bless<br />

(her), Gen. 17, li!; ininiKiniiiiiili, bless<br />

me, Gen. 27, 34; ii;i.>


wunneechanat, -onat, v. i. 3d pers. infinit.<br />

of iinrlifiijiiiil, to conceive, Heb.<br />

11, 11. Sfi_- inimjiiijiiauoiKit.<br />

wunneechaneunk, n. offspring, collec-<br />

tively, Kom. 9, S (all children).<br />

wunneechan I oh I , his child, constr.<br />

the rhilil iif, i. e. offspring, son or<br />

daughter, indeterminate of age or sex;<br />

pi. wunneechaneumoug, children, off-<br />

spring, as related to aicJieluongnnaouh,<br />

their parents. Matt. 10, 21. See lu'crhaii.<br />

wunneechanonat, v. t. an. to beget (a<br />

child): null iniiiccclnniit. lie who begets<br />

(a child), Dan. 11, 6.<br />

wunneetupanatamwe. In the title of<br />

Eliot's Bible, excellent, 'holy'; grace,<br />

' grace of God ' , Acts 1-1, 43 ; vbl. n. , holy<br />

man, i\lark6, 20. Cf. inatchetupanotam,<br />

'profaned', Ezek. 22, 2tj.<br />

•wunnegren, 'adv. of quality' (El. Gr. 22)<br />

and adj. (it is) good, pleasant (used by<br />

Eliot sometimes as the equivalent of<br />

wunne, but, strictly regarded, wiinne or<br />

u'lmni is applicable to the abstract, the<br />

possible or suppositive, or the subject,<br />

vimnegen to the conoete, the actual,<br />

or the object; yet Eliot was compelled<br />

to employ the latter form to express<br />

abstract good. See wunnegik*) : tcuti-<br />

iHiniinni . . . na<br />

en unmnegen, he saw<br />

. . . that it was good, Gen. 1, 4, 10, IS;<br />

ne wunnegeri ut v-nskemikqut, the thing<br />

was good in his eyes, Gen. 41, 37; 'he<br />

was content' with it, Lev. 10, 20; anue<br />

wunnegen, (it is) better, a better thing.<br />

Matt. 18, 8, 9; ut u'unnegen ohkeii, . . .<br />

uiinnegen nvtahtauonk, 'in pleasant<br />

places, ... I (have) a goodly heritage',<br />

Ps. 16, 6; (rare in) pi. wuniiegenush,<br />

good things, Matt. 12, 35; v. subst.<br />

negat. inalta wuniiiyciiiiinaj, -no, it is not<br />

good, (icn. 2, bS; 2 Sam. 17, 7; Matt.<br />

19, 10; ijiiciKiii ii-itiinc iniiinegenninoogk,<br />

thenceforth it is (will be) goodfornoth-<br />

ing. Matt. 5, 13; iranne irunnegennin-<br />

ncogk, no good thing will (he withhold)<br />

Ps. 84, 11.<br />

[Foot note,—' ' On reflection I am convinced<br />

that uninnegrn is. primarily, the contracted infinitive,<br />

or 3d pers. sing, indie, pres, of a verb<br />

wunnegendt, to be good, as wunnesenAt, to do<br />

good or well. From this verb trunneglk and<br />

(negat.) nmniiegennhinmg. etc, are regularly<br />

formed. No, it is the inanimate noun, or 3d<br />

pers. pres. indie, meaning -good thing'<br />

ibaiiiim or (caAoc) or • it is good'."]<br />

,<br />

wunneg-en—continued.<br />

[Aim. Srli/hiii, 'cela est bon, beau',<br />

Rasles, Narr. n-unnegin, comsh {kmieuhl,<br />

welcome, sleep here, R. W. 38. Del.<br />

vu lie rhen, it is good or well done,<br />

Zeis!.. V..C. 34.]<br />

*wunneg'enaue, adv. famously, C. 228.<br />

wunnegik, wauegik, -guk, that which<br />

is good, a good thing, 2 Tim. 1, 14:<br />

nishnoli vxuieguk, every good thing,<br />

Philem. 6; /!


WTinnepog—continued.<br />

14:,2, = umnnejxti]n(i!ili, Ps. 105, 35, =«'«(/-<br />

nepukquash, Mark 4, 32: wunnepogqne<br />

meetsuonk, 'a dinner of herbs', Prov.<br />

15, 17. Cf. weesadtippogquosh, bitter<br />

herbs, Ex. 12, 8; Num. 9, 11.<br />

[Narr. nmnrtipog, leaf, pi. -^guaiih,<br />

R. W. 89. Del. icu nipak, Zeisb. Voc. 35.]<br />

wunnesenat [wunne-ussen&t'\, v. i. to do<br />

good, to do well. Num. 24, 13; Mark<br />

3, 4.<br />

[Del. miUIissin, to be good; icuUsso,<br />

good, handsome, Zeisb. Gr. 166.]<br />

*wuiinetooahtauinat, v. t. caus. to make<br />

guild; 3d pers. abiietodithtdu'tnat, 'to<br />

make (it) good', C. 226.<br />

wunnetue, WTUinetu, adj. an. good,<br />

Ps. 112, 5; beautiful. Gen. 29, 1"; 1<br />

Chr. IB, 29 {wunneloue, good, bonus,<br />

C. 226) ;<br />

vmnnetuu, a good man, Ps. 112,<br />

5; Matt. 12, 35. Cf. ivenauwetu, rich.<br />

[Narr. uimnetu, ' proper and personal '<br />

R. W. 60; umnnetinillii, my heart is good,<br />

ibid.]<br />

^wuiiiietunat, to be good: kamcttinrit,<br />

{ thou ) to l)e good, C. 226.<br />

-wunnetuonk, rone-, n. goodness, Prov.<br />

20, 6; excellency, beauty. Job 14, 10:<br />

a/iidnonk, his beauty, its beauty, 2 Sam.<br />

1, 19; 14, 25; wutche kmneehionk, for thy<br />

good, Deut. 10, 13.<br />

*wunniish (or ueliuiiii.-unne-hogk,<br />

gddd-liiidicd or wtdl-covered], adj. fat,<br />

1 Sam. 28, 24; Ezek. 34, 20; as v. vunog-<br />

kcoog, they shall grow fat, Deut. 31, 20;<br />

mo ahche inmogkm, he was very fat,<br />

Judg. 3, 17.<br />

[Narr. wauirutiockdo, it is fat, R. W.<br />

143.]<br />

WTinnog'qutcheg', jil. they who are fat,<br />

the fat, Is. 10, 16; Ezek. 34, 16; =ini6)iog-<br />

qnlehey.<br />

wrunnohquodt: plxh umnohquodt, it will<br />

be fair weather. Matt. 16, 2 (weekdh-<br />

qwil, fair weather; wunnohqwU, pleasant<br />

weather; wekeneankquat, warm weather,<br />

C. 158). See oinioliqinil.<br />

[Narr. ii-ckineaiiquat, fair weather,<br />

R. W. 81.]<br />

wunnohteahuau, he maketh peace, Ps.<br />

147, 14.<br />

wunnohteauunat, \. t. to set up, to<br />

erect: wunnohtoog, they setup (towers).<br />

Is. 23, 13. See umnnash.<br />

WTinnompamukquok (after ndt), 'in an<br />

open place', (ten. 38, 14.<br />

WTinnompeuhkohteaonk, n. craftiness,<br />

Eph. 4, 14; iriiiiiioiiibeukanittuonk, a con-<br />

spiracy, 2 K. 17, 4. Cf. asoakekodtcdynco.<br />

wunnompeuhkonat, v. t. an. to beguile,<br />

to deceive 1 ly craft : umnnompeuhkonomp,<br />

he beguiled (Eve), 2 Cor. 11, 3.<br />

wunnompewessu, adj. an. 'subtile',<br />

Gen. 3, 1 (:=iie}itdmpuwkimenu, 2 Sam.<br />

13, 3): wunnompeitmssuieu, adv. subtilely,<br />

1 Sam. 23, 22; {-uwdeu) with<br />

guile, Ex. 21, 14; ti'mmompuwussmme,<br />

with subtlety, (tcu. 27, 35; 2 K. 10, 19.<br />

wunnompuwussinneat, v. i. to be<br />

crafty or subtle, to deceive by craft<br />

(with affix of 3d pers. pi. Eph. 4, 14).<br />

wrunnompuwnssuonk, n. subtlety (con-<br />

omp-. his subtlety, 2 Cor. 11, 3).<br />

wunnoni'wausseonk, n. righteousness,<br />

riglit-doing, I'rov. 11, 18; Matt. 5, 6.<br />

wunnomwayeuonk, n. truth (ab.stract),<br />

Ex. 34, 6; Prov. 8, 7; Rom. 1, 18. Cf.<br />

V'unnamuhquUee.<br />

wunnonk, n. a dish, 2 K. 21, 13: vxonon-<br />

giinit, in my


wunnonk— contimieil.<br />

[Xarr. h-iihik'hii/ [irininaii;/], 'a tray',<br />

R. W. 5(1; |,1. iniiiiKiiKjaiiaxli. Micin.<br />

Slab, , I, •nil plat', Maili. 10. Del. iilamniti,<br />

a ilish; iihicaitahcn, to make<br />

dishes; iilroverbs, Prov. 25, 1. See siogkoo-<br />

ii-iiiiiik; inKinlitiinrci/riiiiiik.<br />

wunnussoDog, n. pi. (his) testicles, Deut.<br />

23, 1: adj. «•»»/,».«»,-, Job 40, 17; r/i/iWi-<br />

(junnusiiatont, one who has his testicles<br />

broken, Lev. 21, 20. P>om neeauog, a<br />

pair (?).<br />

wunuutcheg, wunnutcli, ii. iliisi hand.<br />

See lllflliilrli.y.<br />

wunogkcoe. See iriiiiiiuijiiii,'.<br />

wunoDwhonat, v. t. an. to Hx a valua-<br />

tion on, to value (for ransom?): pish<br />

atiKjoirliali, he shall value him. Lev. 27,<br />

12; inan. irtinioliniiiiiiii'il: pixli irniwlia-<br />

mini, he shall estimate it, Lev. 27, 14.<br />

Cf. intiiimliain.<br />

wus, n. the brim or edge, (of a cup) 2<br />

Chr. 4,5: id witssadt, on theedge of (a<br />

curtain), Ex. 26, 4, 5; on the brim of,<br />

2 Chr. 4, 5; pi. icussasli, the borders of,<br />

2 K. 16, 17.<br />

[Narr. tmss, 'the edge or list' (of<br />

cloth), R. W. 134.]<br />

wusapinuk, wussapinuk [wus-appinuk,<br />

that which is on the edge of], n. the<br />



wusapinuk, vnissapinuk—continued.<br />

2,1.'); Dan. 12, 5: kishke 'unissdpenuk,'by<br />

the bank, Deut. 4, 48; umssdpinuk vl<br />

sepuut, on the bank of the river, Gen.<br />

41, 17; dniurutchiian vitusabanukquosh,<br />

(it) nverflowed its banks. Josh. .3, 15<br />


20(> Hl'REAU OF AMEKU'AN ETHNOLOGY [iin.i.ETiN iS'<br />

wuskodtuk, n, the fmvlirail, Ex.28, 88;<br />

Ezck. ;i, 9: A-".v/,„,//i,/.-, thy joreliwi.l, v.<br />

8; ut nttxko'itnii'iiil. c.ii liin fori'lieail,<br />

Rev. 14, 0. St'o ,uiisb„!l„k: ,n,sh;-]u'.<br />

[Narr. inxnUliirk, tlu- fdrfhcail, K. W.<br />

58.]<br />

wuskdn, n. (^liis) bone, Job 2, 5; Ezek.<br />

37, 7; pi. +«.?/(, Judg. 19, 29; Ezek.<br />

37, 1, 3: H)».iAv(H«*7), the bones, Prov.<br />

14, 30 (wlshbrn, iivshkecn, C. 157 [but<br />

perliaps iiiily of a broken bone]). See<br />

as/.;„i: niiish,,,.- ../,/,„)„,• ,,sku„.<br />

[Del. /',„•/, /,-,(„, h,,ne, '/ji-iAi.l<br />

wuskonontup, n. the skull, 2 K. 9, 35;<br />

.ruili:.9,."i:;; Mark \'t,22;=^u'Uf!kon-6nlup,<br />

bone-head; so, niixlikondnlup [=mi.s7ic-<br />

ini»koii-07iftip'], John 19, 17 {muKkoiioiillp,<br />

C. 157). Cf. chepiontup; iiiislikoiiotiliij).<br />

wuskoshim, wuskishim, a

Ri':Miiri.i.] NATICK-ENGLISH DICTK fNAKY 207<br />

wussenumonat—coiitiiiueil.<br />

king's son-in-law', 1 Sam. 18, 22; piah<br />

ken waseenuniukqucli, tlioii shalt be my<br />

son-in-law, 1 Sam. IS, 21; imnciMmnk-<br />

ijiilrhi, a sipii-in-law, .Inilg. 1.5, 6.<br />

wusshashquobok (? ) , n. the flag (a water<br />

plant), Job 8, 11. t'f. iiiiflKixlK].<br />

wussin, he saith, 'M pers. .^ing. indie.<br />

jireH. from iissini'il cir {I'limiiintt.<br />

*wussiuninueat, v. i. to ailorn (one's<br />

self I, t.j make handsome; /(.««(», 1<br />

adorn; noli irnss!iiiiii, he adoriieth, C.<br />

17i1.<br />

' *wussinnuontainunat, to be adorned '<br />

C. 17!l (to adorn one's self with, inan.<br />

ol>j. •.'!.<br />

wussisses, Tvussusses, (his) uncle (eon-<br />

sanguineus?), Esth. 2, 7; father's broth-<br />

er, Lev. 10, 4: nwsuKses, my uncle, Jer.<br />

1)2, 8; kiissusses, thy unele, Jer. 32, 7;<br />

wslies-oli, 1 Sam. 10, 14; 14, 50; uinmU-<br />

laimoussoh m.ihesoli, his uncle's wife.<br />

Lev. 20, 20 {oosluvin, an uncle, C. 162).<br />

) ,<br />



wussukliumunat, etc.—continued.<br />

[>'arr. vussuckquash, ' write a letter '<br />

iniAvu-kirheh; -tiimmi (?), write, 'make<br />

me a letter' [for vussAckrchonk oyimeh<br />

; (?) ] wussv,ckwhH-e, tnissuckwhonrk, alet-<br />

ter.<br />

'<br />

' From<br />

vmssack-whommi'n, to paint<br />

for, having no letters, their painting<br />

comes the nearest."—R. W. 66.]<br />

wussiikqun, n. a tail of an animal, Job<br />

40, 17; Is. 9, 14: nmtmkqunt, by the tail,<br />

Ex. 4, 4.<br />

[Narr. iimssuckgiw, a 'tail, R. W. lOo.<br />

Al>n. .Sni'i/ziiii; queue (de castor). Del.<br />

sv/, «,/,»'».•;/, Zeislx]<br />

*wussukquolilionk, n. a l)Ook, C. 216.<br />

*wussukwli6suoiik, n. writing, Ex. 32,<br />

16; ('evidence') Jer. 32, 14, 16, etc.:<br />

ut irHxnukiiiionyanit, 'in a book', Ex.<br />

17, 14, but elsewhere r(t hcokut viissiikvhonk,<br />

Dan. 5, 25. (On a blank leaf of<br />

the copy of Eliot's Bible which is before<br />

me a former owner has left his autograph,<br />

"«(>/! E/i.i!iii,iif>i iiossohfjiiohwonk"<br />

(my book), and underneath, in English,<br />

"I Elisha, this my hand.")<br />

wussumitteaonk, n. judgment or sen-<br />

tence ( incurred, referred to the object).<br />

Job 27, 2.<br />

wussuin6nat, v. t. an. to judge, to pass<br />

sentence on, to condenm, 1 K. 3, 9: (3d<br />

pers. sing.) mmmmiat, Is. 3, 13; kco-wm<br />

kuhhoij, thou condenmest thyself, Rom.<br />

2, 1; naumaiuonk (for koosittum'?),<br />

thou judgest the law, James 4, 11; ah-<br />

que a>mma>k, judge (ye) not. Matt. 7, 1;<br />

wdmmoid, indmfnimont, wasiimonf, particip.<br />

judging, he who judges, 2 Tim.<br />

4, 1; James 4, 11; Job 21, 22; (uto-)<br />

Prov. 29, 14; wuummau, he judges<br />

(them), Ps. 7, 11; mmimvh, he sentenced<br />

him ('gave sentence'), Luke 23, 24;<br />

msum&uh, they judge him, 1 Cor. 14,<br />

24; kcDSumomu'op, ye have condemned<br />

(him), James 5, 6; kmsitteamwo), ye are<br />

condemned, v. 9; matta mvakompande<br />

imigsunKiii, he is not condemned, John<br />

3, IS.<br />

wussusses. See vussisses.<br />

wut-, i)refixed to the name of a place or<br />

people, forms a gentile or ancestral<br />

noun, as vmt-Hehrew, the Hebrew, Gen.<br />

14,13; vmt-A7norite,i\)id.: so iikkananU,<br />

the Canaanites, v. 21; n


wutcheksuayeu, -iyeu—continued.<br />

[Xarr. chil.-rsi,, the nurthwest, E. W.<br />


210 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletix 25<br />

*wuttag'kesmneat, to be wet: nrntiiylces,<br />

I am wet; iimltKjki'niCunan, we are wet,<br />

C. 215. See initUujhi.<br />

wnttah, liis heart. See mitah (m'tah).<br />

wuttahhamonk, -unk, n. a well, Gen.<br />

21, 25, 30; 24, 11; John 4, 11: Jakob<br />

ailhomoiik, Jacob's well, John 4, 6; irut-<br />

tolilicimiiiik, 'the well', ibid. See knttah-<br />

ham, he Iwut-aeetaue, on each side<br />

(?l, or iretahlu-k/juosh, brothers or sis-<br />

ters (?)].<br />

wuttaite, liis, (is) his, belongs to liim.<br />

Lev. 27, 15, 19, 26: mittaiheh kah ncii<br />

icittiaiheuh, (he) is mine and I am his.<br />

Cant. 2, 16; nish wuttaiheash Cesar, the<br />

things which are Caesar's, Mark 12, 17;<br />

noh- v(tdfilti;it, 'he whose right it is', to<br />

whom it belongs, Ezek. 21, 27; mdtmhe,<br />

(is) mine, belongs to me, Ps. 60, 7;<br />

nippe nutaihen, the water is ours. Gen.<br />

26, 20; vame rie nmtman nuttaihe, all<br />

that thou seest is mine, Gen. 31, 43;<br />

ivame . . . riuHahiin, all . . . is ours, Gen.<br />

31, 16; ahioonk kuttahein, the inheritance<br />

shall be ours, Mark 12, 7; wame nutkii-<br />

heot), kuttuiheot/, all (an. pi.) mine are<br />

thine, John 17, 10.<br />

w^ttamantamunat, v. t. t(j be troubled,<br />

ti> liave care or trouble about anything<br />

{irnttiindntamiinal, to care, C. 184):<br />

kootrimdiitdiii, thou art careful, full of<br />

care, Luke 10, 42; wtUtamantam, he is<br />

or was troubled, Dan. 5, 9; nootamana-<br />

tam, I am troubled, Ps. 38, 6; wultamanatamcok,<br />

be ye troubled. Is. 32, 11.<br />

See wutlmanlamiinal.<br />

[Narr. niiop notammduntam, friend, I<br />

am busV, R. W. 49. Cree &them-mu,<br />

he is difficult (?); ehayoo, he perplexeth,<br />

embarrasseth him, Howse.]<br />

*-WTittam§,uog:, n. toViacco; iriiltuiiinu'isim,<br />

give na- t.ihaco, R. \V. 55; ,r,iti:,„n„.<br />

Peq. u'littuinmunc, a pipe, Stiles. Mass.<br />

«(n iroh kmtam, will you smoke? C. 241,<br />

=k(jjt(ilt(un (?), drink (?). [wuttam (he<br />

*vruttainS.uog—continued.<br />

smokes) is, I think, for vuttnmau, X. an.<br />

form of iruttaltam, he drinks. Cf. the<br />

Aim. Sdamaii, 'petun' (tobacco); Sdame<br />

{^widtamau, El.), il petune, Rasles.]<br />

See filijiiKoiikiixli; tiidtoohpocomireohisli.<br />

WTittamehednat, v. t. an. to trouble, to<br />

disturl.i, to discomfort, to hinder: ootam-<br />

I'lieimaooht, to trouble them, 2 Chr. 32,<br />

18; (ihqiie inittamheh, do not trouble me,<br />

Luke 11, 7; nhqnc inittdinlirli hihhiig, do<br />

not trouble thy.self, Luke 7, 6; howaii<br />

)riittaiiiliilikilrli, let no man trouble me,<br />

Gal. 6, 17 {inittamhuondt, to hinder;<br />

nmtamehhUicam, I hinder, C. 194).<br />

[Narr. cut&mmisli {kmtamelmh, C.<br />

194), I hinder you; cotammume, cutani-<br />

iiie, you trouble me, R. W. 49. Cree<br />

(lOtiiiiiiHi-lliOd, he is busy; ooliiinme-<br />

lidijoo, he interrupts him, Howse 82.]<br />

WTittaonk, n. a path: um-may-eue uiita-<br />

oiK/iniojdxli, 'the paths of their way',<br />

Job 6,18; vuttdonganit, 'in their paths',<br />

Prov. 2, 15; vndtaonganagh, her paths,<br />

Prov. 3, 17.<br />

[Abn. anSdi, chemin; (suppos. ) nnS-<br />

dik. {may is not found in Rasles. )]<br />

*-wuttap6hquot, wet (weather), C. 176.<br />

See inittiujki.<br />

w-uttash, pi. vuitdj, let it seethe (boil)?<br />

Ezek. 24, 5 (or is vmihtj for -cash, 2d<br />

pers. sing.?). Cf. intssue.<br />

vratt&t, adv. behind (El. Gr. 21), Judg.<br />

18, 12; behind all, hindermost, Gen.<br />

33, 2 {wuUate, after, behind, C. 235):<br />

wuttdt wagig, they who are last, Matt.<br />

19,30; uddtatohtdgish, 'things behind',<br />

Phil. 3, 13. See vutamiyeu.<br />

[Del. v-lnik, afterwards, Zeisb. Gr.<br />

172; at last, the last, ibid. 178.]<br />

wuttattamdonk, cotta-, n.


wruttattamunat, eti-.—fdiitinueil.<br />

the form of a vt-rl) transitive and fre-<br />

quentative. The earlier form of the<br />

intransitive is not found in Eliot. As<br />

meechhml means primarily to eat vegetal<br />

food, the radical verl) from which<br />

wullaiUimimal is derived signified to<br />

drinli water. This earlier form, without<br />

reduplication, may be traced in some<br />

of the phrases given liy Roger Williams<br />

and Cotton: aqiue^waumatouss (iihque ii'n-<br />

meatloush), do not drink all, R. W. 34;<br />

mill ivoh kcotam eyeu, will you smoke it<br />

now? [i. e. drink (?)], C. 241. There<br />

was another word, meaning to drink<br />

(intransitive), whose original form it is<br />

not easy to trace in its compounds.<br />

The radical appears to be nip, related<br />

perhaps to swipde, siibde (q. v.), siqipequash<br />

(tears); possibly to sepe, sep.<br />

kogkeissippamw&en, a drunkard (koghe-<br />

sip-, C. ; kakesup; Mass. Ps. ); tohneil<br />

wonk ohksippamwean, 'if you will leave<br />

off drinking', C. 240 [iihque-sip- (l)^,<br />

nuttanncotam matukqs iroh maltii inisfippano<br />

sokanunk, 'I will command the<br />

cloud that it rain no rain ujjon it'. Is.<br />

5, 6; IdptnppdmJieUH {IdpsuppamwehhiUit,<br />

Mass. Ps. ), 'when they have well<br />

drunk' {tapi-sippam-'] , John 2, 10;<br />

nup-pomgraualsum mweeksippaonk, the<br />

(sweet? wekonl) juice of my pomegran-<br />

ates, Cant. 8, 2. Cf. mussuppeg, a tear.<br />

[Narr. niccdivkatone, I am thirsty,<br />

R. W. 33 {=nuk-kohkuttoon) ; piiutons iio-<br />

tatdm, give me drink; iruttaUanh , drink,<br />

ibid. .34; tnittattinnulta, let us drink,<br />

ibid. 3.x]<br />

vruttattamwaitch, n. a spoon. Num. 7,<br />

62, 68; p\. + uash, v. 86; a cup, Jer. 2.5,<br />

15; 1 Cor. 10, 21; wuUaUaniwaklj , Gen.<br />

44, 2 [nmlatlamwaetch, my cup, C. 161).<br />

From w uti at t amw elie 6 na I , to give to<br />

drink, to cause to drink, 'let him (it)<br />

give drink to me'.<br />

[Narr. kumliii, a spoon; pi. kunnn-<br />

muaog, R. AV. 50.]<br />

wuttattashonat, v, t. an. to- hide (a<br />

person), Ex. 2, 3; iciiUatliiylnih, she hid<br />

him, Ex. 2, 2. [= u-ultat-altalishmmt, to<br />

hold tehind anyone (?) ; suffix an. form<br />

from nrf(a.sAoi(, he hides.] t'f. ]ViiiUti-<br />

coiie (?); mittunkhumuiidl.<br />

[Marginal note.—" Wrong."]<br />

wuttaun, -wnttaunoli, (his) daughter;<br />

appel. initlitiiiih, iiriilt(,niii, C. 162), a<br />

daughter, Matt. 10, 35; constr. miltint-<br />

noh, the daughter of, 1 Clir. 2, 49; ].l.<br />

wiitlaunog, u-uttiUKiij, ii-iill(iiii«ii/: iiiillnn-<br />

ttex {miU6nni'i'.i, ('. 162), my daughter,<br />

Deut. 22, 17; Judg. 11, 35; kuUaunes, thy<br />

daughter. Gen. 29, 18; imUnmindnog, our<br />

daughters. Gen. 34, 9; kiittiiiinaioog, your<br />

daughters, Gen. 34, 9; .ler. 29, 6; iritt-<br />

linoh ncokas, my mother's daui;hter,<br />

Gen. 20, 12; in,Wi„i,an,k, a. coll. the<br />

daughters, all the daughters, .fudg. 21,<br />

21. Cf. ireetiihlu: iirclmn/ifi.i. See ndloi-<br />

kll, second daughter.<br />

[Narr. nittai'inls, my daughter, K. W.<br />

45. Bel.wdan, daughter; n-ihi nail, liis<br />

daughter, Zeisb.]<br />

wuttaunaenat (?), to have (as fatlier or<br />

mother) daughters: hi)i uiuj/iiak inillij-<br />

neii, 'and afterwards she bare a daugh-<br />

ter', Gen. 30, 21; matta pisli koalmiuhjeti,<br />

thou shalt not have daughters, Jer. 16,<br />

2. Cf. u'uniiaiiioniieiuit.<br />

wuttenantamdonk, n. (his) will, wish,<br />

^Mark 3, 35; the will of, the purpo.se of:<br />

null asi'it n-nltendiifiniKMiiik iimsli, he who<br />

doeth the will of my father. Matt. 7, 21<br />

kultenanlamooiik n lunn-h, thy will be<br />

done. Matt. 6, 10 ( ne imj, Luke 11,<br />

2); iiialta nnttcnaiiliuiioonk, ijiU kiitlaihe<br />

nnrij, not my will but thine be done,<br />

Luke 22, 42. See unnuntanuDoiik.<br />

wuttin, wuttinne, he himself, she herself,<br />

ille ipse, the emphatic pronoun<br />

of the 3d pers. sing.: iiHuh iniUia loiias-<br />

Kiiimm, how has she become a desola-<br />

tion? Zepli. 2, 15. See utuiaiinui'tit.<br />

*wuttiniiiiiinekossinat, to serve: «•««/((-<br />

niumihknatliniii'iil, to be served, C. 208.<br />

vruttinneumuJikauaonk, n. his service,<br />

a serving (him), servii'e rendered to,<br />

Ezra 6, 18.<br />

•wuttinneiiiiiuhkaudnat, v. t. an. to<br />

serve (him), 2 Chr. 29, 11; 34, 33:<br />

wuUinnei'imohkauaog, they served (him ),<br />

Gen. 14, 4; kmtendmuhka&unup, I have<br />

served thee, Gen. 30, 26; caus. wuttinnetimuhkonimiuumiikup,<br />

thou wast<br />

made to serve, Is. 14, 3; iiuilta kcotin-<br />

ninneumuhkdiiuwahinna), I have not<br />

caused thee to serve, Is. 43, 23.<br />

wuttinniin (?), 3d pers. sing. pres. indie,<br />

from wuttinnaiinneat, = ini!-uiiite-aiin-<br />



•wuttinniin—lontinued.<br />

)((((/, ti ) 1 )e like (or such as) himself, to be<br />

of his (own) kind{?): nedne unnantog ut<br />

ti'ultahhut, ne umttinniin, 'as he think-<br />

eth in his heart, so is he', Prov. 23, 7;<br />

neauiil wultinneumin, ne wuttmniin wui-<br />

KoiititiKninm, 'as with the servant, so<br />

with his master'. Is. 24, 2; vMttinniin<br />

huirau. 'wliosoever'. Matt. 16, 24, 25<br />

(inilliiiiKiiiii /yo(TO?(, Prov. 6, 29); ne pish<br />

iriilliiiiiliii, 'so will be his manner', 1<br />

Sam. 27, 11. fien iniuaiimiedl.<br />

wuttinnohkoe, wruttinuh.koe, adj. and<br />

adv. rifiht (ilexter), Ex. 29, 20; Lev.<br />

8, 23, 24; Rev. 10, 2: mMinohkounit, in<br />

his right hand, Matt. 27, 29; Rev. 2, 1<br />

(unninuhkoe menUcheg, the right hand,<br />

O. 157). See iiintliiini>hk6u; nohkAu.<br />

•wuttinnohkou, (liis) right hand, Dan.<br />

12, 7: nnlt'nmuhkou, my right hand, Ps.<br />

73, 23; kuttimmhkou, thy right hand,<br />

Ps. 18, 35; vmtch muUinuhkduneiyeue,<br />

from the right .side (of the temple, etc.),<br />

L'C'lir. 2:!. 10. See muttinnohkdu; nohkdii.<br />

wuttinnoowaonk, n. (his) commandment.<br />

Acts 15, 5; the Word, John 1, 1<br />

( = kuttmwmik, ibid. ) : nuttincowaongash,<br />

my commandments. Gen. 26, 5. [unnoowaonk,<br />

from nnncowonat, annamau<br />


wuttitchuwan, eti;.<br />

—<br />


ociii tinned,<br />

nitely); xnhiriUrhudu, it flowed out of,<br />

forth from; nohk-hetduidii, it gushed out,<br />

burst out, Is. 35, 6; unnikhuan, it flowed<br />

to, ran to; uvireeijonchuan, it flowed<br />

round aljout, 1 K. 18, 35.<br />

[Ahn. (iri'lsgnnn, il coule, v. g. le<br />

sang.]<br />

wuttogki, n. moisture, Luke 8, 6. See<br />

oi/qiiithkl, wet, moist; *wuttap61iquot, wet<br />

weather; wuttagkesinneat, to become wet.<br />

[Peq. wuth'iggio eyhv-krezuk uvenugh,<br />

wet today, very; waughtugyaclu/, a' deer,<br />

i. e. wet nose', Stiles.]<br />

wuttogque. See oggit!^.<br />

*wuttolikoliko3miime6nash, jil. liLuk-<br />

berries, C. liU.<br />

wutt6huppa[enat]. See tvuttnlippalni-<br />

al].<br />

w-uttompek. See viitoinpeui:.<br />

wuttdntauunat, v. t. to climb to or into:<br />

wutiimtauadt, if he climb up (into it),<br />

John 10, 1; lutontauohtou, he climbed<br />

up, went by climbing (on his hands and<br />

feet), 1 Sam. 14, 13; nontaudheltit kemk-<br />

qiit, if they climb up to heaven, attain<br />

to by climbing, Amos 9, 2. See toh-<br />

kootauuitat.<br />

[Narr. atAuntowash, climb the tree;<br />

ntdimtawcm, I climb, R. W. 91.]<br />

wuttoohpooom-weonish, n. tobacco, C.<br />

2-11. See (Narr.) irv.ttamduog; uhpu-<br />

mnkafih.<br />

*'wrutto6nat, to complain: nmtanrain, I<br />

complain; imtowap, I did complain,<br />

C. 186; »Hn kailooicam nulihog, did you<br />

complain of me? ibid.<br />

*wuttotukkon : teackhe wnltotiikkon, 'it<br />

jerketh or suddenly twitcheth', C. 195.<br />

wuttooantamunat, v. t. to care about, to<br />

be careful (jf, inan. obj. {icuttanantamu-<br />

nat, to care, C. 186): viittaiaidam, he<br />

careth for, 1 Cor. 7., 32, 34. Cf. u'ultamantamumil.<br />

wuttoohuppa[enat]. See H-utiuhppa\_en-<br />

af].<br />

*wuttookummissin, a grandmother, C.<br />

162: kukiiinniiix, thy grandmother, 2<br />

Tim. 1, 5; {kokuurmes) thy aunt. Lev.<br />

18, 14.<br />

wuttoan, llii-iniouth,themouthof(him),<br />

Ex.4, 11; I'niv. 10, 31. See multoaii.<br />

*wuttoonautainoonk (?), u. 'valor',<br />

Man. Pom. 86, 1. 1.<br />

*wuttd6tcliikkinneasin, a grandfather,<br />

C. 162.<br />

*wuttoD'wosketoinpaog, pi. 'luciiof liigh<br />

degree', Ps. 62, 7.<br />

wuttug-k. See irnhtitk.<br />

wuttuhliuuk, n. a paddle, Deut. 23, 13.<br />

[Narr. wutkunck, a paddle or oar,<br />

R. \V. 99; pm'dous nendiehmick l=]}nudtaiixh<br />

nmttuhlmnk}, bring hither my<br />

paddle, ibid. Del. tahacan, paddle, oar,<br />

Zeisb.Voc. 29.]<br />

wuttulippa[enat (?)], wuttODhup-,<br />

wadhup-, wutt


wuttunkhumunat—continued.<br />

witli a cloth, 1 Sam. 19, 13. See also<br />

iiiikhiiiiiiiDi'il; of. * ]yimlacone.<br />

WTittuukin[6nat] ahtompeh, to bend<br />

a lidw: ikjIi iradliinkinoiit ahlompeh, he<br />

wlio bends a bow; wuttunkinonch iirntoh-<br />

lomju'h, let him bend his bow, Jer. 51,<br />

3; l)nt kenaau vonkinoghh ohtomp, )'0U<br />

tliat Viond the l:)Ow, Jer. 50, 14, 29; neg<br />

ya. See yo; yoal.<br />

yaneinn: iraiuu; yane'inno vvlch malta-<br />

iiiiiij, '\n not seemly for a fool', Prov.<br />

26, 1.<br />

yanequolilico, n. a veil. Gen. 24, 65,<br />

=puUogqtiequohhott, Gen. 38, 14, ^ong-<br />

qaequohhou, Ex. 34, 33; 2 Cor. 3, 14.<br />

yaneyeu: jtiiih yaneyhim, it shall be<br />

as, or like, Is. 17, 5 (circumstance to<br />

circumstance or fact to fact); ne wank<br />

yane, and likewise (in the same man-<br />

ner), John 6, 11.. Cf. neane; oiiatuh;<br />

f'll'ippi:<br />

yanitchan [iiaiiiUtmim-niiirhrg, he shuts<br />

the hand (?)], n. a handful, Lev. 2, 2;<br />

pi. +((.s7i, Kzek. 13, 19: nequlnutchan, a<br />

handful of, 1 K. 17, 12.<br />

yanittanumunat, yean-, v. t. to shut<br />

(a door, gate, etc.): ydiiitainnn aqnoiit,<br />

he shuts the door, Judg. 3, 23; yanil-<br />

tanumivog, they shut the gate, Josh. 2,<br />

7; yeaiiillanumau (v. i.), he shut the<br />

door, Gen. 19, 6; pisli keanittamtm,<br />

thou shaltshut the door, 2 K. 4, 4.<br />

yanunumunat, v. t. to shut: ydnunum<br />

irii!tke,tnk(]n(i.^li, he shuts their eyes. Is.<br />

44, 18; yanunwih, shut thou (their<br />

eyes). Is. 6, 10; noh yamuiiik, he who<br />

shuts (his eyes) Is. 33, 15.<br />

[ Xarr. i/r:h, pi. inan. four (things), Prov.<br />

30, 18, 21; yauut rxii, four square, Ex.<br />

38, 1 ; yauquinogkok, on the fourth day,<br />

2 Chr. 20, 26; nabo yau, fourteen;<br />

yauuHchag {-kodtog, -kodtash), forty.<br />

El. Gr. 14.<br />

[Narr. yi'ih, four, R. W. 41. Peq. y


yo, yS, adv. yonder, that way: yeit nog-<br />

que in kah yd in, hither and tliither, to<br />

this side and to that; y6 iiultdnan, we<br />

will go yonder, Gen. 22, 5 {wonk hi)<br />

kuppeyaunumun, we will come again<br />

[hither (?)] to you, ibid.); monchishyeu<br />

iciitch, yaintsh, go hence to yonder place,<br />

i. e. go hence, go to yonder (from yd-<br />

auonat), Matt. 17, 20.<br />

[Narr. yo nowi-kiii, I dwell here, R. W.<br />

29.]<br />

yoai, y6aeu, yoae [yu ayeu], adv. on<br />

that side, 2 Sam. 2, 13; Dan. 7, 5: iculch<br />

ydde kesukqut kah yen onk in aongkoue,<br />

from the one side of heaven unto the<br />

other, Deut. 4, 32; xriitcl( yade . . .<br />

nogque, on the one side ... on the<br />

other, 1 Sam. 14, 4; 2/daftt . . . nahohtoe<br />

ydayeucok, on the one side (of the ark)<br />

... on the other side, Ex. 37, 3; xd<br />

ydde, at the sides of ( the ark ) , v. 5 ; u-utch<br />

yoai, yoaeu, yoae—continued.<br />

yeddeu . . . ogkomae, out of one side<br />

. . . out of the other (of the candle-<br />

stick), v. 18; |>mm^ 2/o


a)}lior, uhquannmau; inan. vliqnniihiiii,<br />

he has an extreme aversion to; tilDjimn-<br />

vmaii, he is abhorred, is loathsome; nhqudnumukquoJc<br />

(when it is abhorred ) , an<br />

aliominable or detestable thing.<br />

abide, apjm; it al)ides in, appehhink-un.<br />

able, lapenum (Idpinnum), he is able,<br />

[lotest. From lApi, sufficient.<br />

abomination, vhrjuanuiinikijKok.<br />

abound, iiionat, when tliere is much or<br />

])lenty; imm-mcochekohtoh, I abound,<br />

rhil.4, 18.<br />

about, (concerning) papaunie; (round<br />

about) quinnuppe; imfemt {iraene, v:e-<br />

«-e)if, C. ).<br />

above, waahe, vohcpit ; iniU-h vohqut,<br />

mitch vuabu, from above; vdlihiiniiii'n,<br />

upward; kuhkuhque, higher up.<br />

abundance, ne masegik, when it is plenteous<br />

(missech&onk, C. ), an abounding;<br />

maunelash, mish&unekish, 'great store',<br />

R. W.; muiiniiUhkfid iiiecchiiii,, 'store of<br />

victuals'; nioiuilnxh, many things, abun-<br />

dance; monaonk, abundance; mmnaiit,<br />

when there is plenty.<br />

accept, lapeneam, he receives with satis-<br />

faction; tapeneaummonk, accej^tance;<br />

iapeneunkquol, that which is acceptable.<br />

From Idpi, sufficient, enough.<br />

accompany, wechau, he goes with, an.<br />

obj.; kam'echaugh {kotivchausli, R. W.),<br />

I go with you; wechauattittea, let us accompany,<br />

R. W. From weeche-au, he<br />

goes with.<br />

according: to, neaunak [oe aiinak, that<br />

which is so].<br />

acorn, pi. andticJieniineaaJi, R. W. See<br />

nut.<br />

across. See crossover.<br />

act (agere), ussenal, to do, to act; ».«.ianiniauxachick, R.W. );<br />

iiiaiii.iliqii(Hnts(ie)i-!ii, an adulteress. See<br />

fornication.<br />

advantag-e. See profit.<br />

adversary. See again.st; enemy; oppo-<br />

site.<br />

advice, kfrnonitlvonk, good advice re-<br />

ceived. See counsel.<br />

advise, kogkahtimmi, v. t. he gives advice<br />

to, advises {kogkahqultemt, he advises,<br />

C. ) ; weogquihtmajk knli keneetamook,' give<br />

your advice and counsel', Judg. 20, 7.<br />

affair (matter of business), umtiijt-uonk.<br />

affrighted, chepsluni, chepshontam, he is<br />

affrighted, startled, astonished {kitchee-<br />

gahteau, he affrights; kitchesshanittinneat,<br />

to be affrighted (?); kultijshnnUtuonk,<br />

fright, C).<br />

afraid, vxibesu, he fears, is afraid; nmirabes,<br />

I am afraid; qusliau wahemoneau,<br />

he is afraid of (him); queihtani, he is<br />

afraid (to do, to go)— not implying<br />

slavish or disgraceful fear {vesdssu, (he<br />

is) afraid; cowhassf are you afraid?; tawhilch<br />

xresdseanf why fear you?; mano-<br />

wemss, I fear none, R. W. ). See fear.<br />

after, adv. after that, afterward, jie mahche<br />

(see have, auxil. ); prep, amhkaue<br />

[asuhkaueu, it goes after, follows]: ne-<br />

gonne onk nen . . . asulikaue onk nen,<br />

before me . . . after me, next after<br />


220 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25-<br />

after—coiitinueil.<br />

(in order of time or place); nahohtueu<br />

(secundus, -a, -iim); )mh asuhkilt, lie<br />

who goes or comes after. Cf. asah, or;<br />

neese liu-essel, two.<br />

afternoon, qvdttuhqnbliqiu'i, C. ;<br />

panicom-<br />

paii; iiitinrdidrqdir, R. \V. ; ([iiUuhqua-<br />

qudir, after dinner, iliid. See day.<br />

afterward (in the future), (iinpetak.<br />

again, (a second time) nompe; (in addi-<br />

tion) iroiik {vonkanet, otik, or vonk,<br />

again, C. ).<br />

against, ayeuuhkonc; mutually opposed,<br />

iijlciiiiJikonlttue {ayeiikauntUe, C. ); ayeuii}iki>ii


animal—continued.<br />

sents the verb of animate agency, ua-gii,,<br />

he does, acts. The prefi.K is perhaps<br />

the inseparable pronoun of the 3d pers.<br />

sing, w' {eird, he, K. W. ), as in howan,<br />

awduu [t'lru-unrii, any he],<br />

ankle, mnsxijixt: irnsxiipskon, his ankle<br />

bone [»('.v».«i7'^)oi-(«/.ri/i,the8ide bone?].<br />

anoint, sussequnnau, lie anoints (him);<br />

sussequmim, he anoints (it) {nussisseg-<br />

quhi, I anoint, C. ); act. verbal susseqmonh,<br />

anointing, anointment; pass,<br />

verbal susscqunniituonl; being anointed.<br />

«,notlier, onkalog, another person, pi. onk-<br />

alogig, others; onkalog, another thing,<br />

pi. onkatoganash {onkcUuk, onkne, besides;<br />

onkatoganit, otherwise, C. ) . From<br />

oiik, ironk.<br />

answer, nampmham, he answers; namprohatiKin,<br />

he answers (him).<br />

ant, aiiniDH'kx.<br />

any, anybody, any person, howan {avd-<br />

un, K. W., whoso; Del. auven, who; au-<br />

won, /ioffwi, anybody, C. ) . nanwi, nanive:<br />

nanwe uvsketomp, any man, C. ; nanwe<br />

missinninnuog, common people, C. Adj<br />

inan. teagire: lit leagve mehiugkit, on any<br />

tree; ne teaguas, any thing.<br />

apart, chippi, cheppi (it is separate):<br />

chippeu, he separates himself; chippau,<br />

he separates himself to, 'consecrates<br />

himself.<br />

Appear, nunnogguis, I appear, C. ; dnukquok<br />

(when it appears), the appearance<br />

of a thing {nogqunmionk, appearance,<br />

liioks, C. ). See looks.<br />

appease, vui-manuinu'lilutin, he appeaseth<br />

(strife, Prov. 15, 18), from manunne,<br />

quiet, calm, moderate, mahtednum, he<br />

appeases or pacifies, C. ; mahieanndnaf,<br />

to quiet, ibid., from niaJilo), he makes<br />

an end, has done.<br />

appoint (a person to post or place), kehti-<br />

HKiil, he appoints (him); kuk-kehtim,<br />

thou appointest (him); noh nukkehtim,<br />

he whom I appoint.<br />

appoint or designate (a place or inan.<br />

oh}.), knJiqvtlum, he appoints (it). Adj.<br />

kuhqiilliDiniie, appointed.<br />

apron, aiilah, aiitau'hun, audtd, the apron<br />

or covering worn in front by the In-<br />

dians; 'a pair of small breeches or<br />

apron', R. W.<br />

.<br />

archer, pi'jnimirafn-m, one who .^limits<br />

habitually, pi. -innuog; pepii}iiiilclng<br />

(pi.), they who are shooting, actually.<br />

From puminu, he shoots, with frequentative<br />

reduplication.<br />

arm, muhpit (mehpit, C); wuhptl, his<br />

arm {u-uppUlene, pl.-nash, R. W. ). m'ap-<br />

peht, related to appih, a trap; suppos.<br />

appekit, (when) it holds fast or catches.<br />

around, waeenu, adv. and prep, it goes<br />

around, winds or curves around (waene,<br />

wewmte, about, C); quinmippe, adv.<br />

[qidn-appu, quinuppu, it turns about],<br />

about, around; quinuppohke [quinnup-<br />

pu-ohke], everywhere, all about.<br />

arrive, lUiauke wtishem, I come by land,<br />

R. W. 31. Cf. Cree tuckoo-mn, he arrives<br />

( by land) , Howse 50. For mitohke (?)<br />

Cf. aukeetfitshauog,' 'they go by land',<br />

R. W. vnmishoonhommhi, 'I come by<br />

water' (i. e. by boat, nmshoon), R. AV.<br />

31.<br />

arrow, kouhquorit, kdunkquodt (suppos.<br />

part, inan., having a pointed or sharpened<br />

end); pi. +o.?/i. cmlquatash, arrows,<br />

R. W. Peq. keeguum, arrow;<br />

nuckhegunt, my arrows.<br />

artful. See crafty.<br />

as, iwane [ns-imni, like that, of this or<br />

that kind], as, so, in like manner;<br />

onahih lunne-toh], as though, as if, as<br />

when, used with the suppos. mood;<br />

ivehque [au-uhquaeu, going to the extreme<br />

or limit] as far as; wutch . . .<br />

vehque (with verb of motion), from<br />

. . . io [yo wi-que, thus far, R. W. );<br />

adtahshe, alloache, iMooche, ahhut tahshe<br />

[for adt tolisu, =ut-tahshe\, as ranch as,<br />

as many as, as often as (ayalche, as<br />

often, R. W. ). See like; long as; such.<br />

ascend, kuhkiihqxieu, he goes up, denoting<br />

voluntary, progressive upward motion;<br />

imdpit, wadbeu, he rises up or ascends,<br />

denoting change of place, without re-<br />

spect to locomotion; with inan. subj.<br />

waape-mcD, it rises, ascends (is rai.sed),<br />

as smoke, the water in a river, etc.;<br />

ushpeu, ushpushau, he ascends into the<br />

air quickly or with swift motion, as the<br />

soaring of a bird, etc.; with inan. subj.<br />

ushpemm, iisspemco, it mounts aloft, is<br />

borne upward. See go.<br />



ashamed, akoih-liti, he is ashamed; ?»((-<br />

(ibidj {iiiit-dgkodch, C), I am ashamed;<br />

akiiilrliclihidn, he makes (him) ashamed,<br />

puts (liiui) to shame {nut-dgkitdi-heh'ikqun,<br />

it ashameth me, C).<br />

ashes, pubjuee. Cf. pHkit (Xarr. piick),<br />

"iniike; piikr/uee, mire, mud; pohqut<br />

(tluit which is broken off?), a brand.<br />

ash tree, monnnks, Is. 44, 14.<br />

ask, iKilmlomau, he asks (him) a question,<br />

questions; nalcotomifehteau, natmlonnth-<br />

icnn, he inquires, asks a question; natm-<br />

Uiiiii'thkitti, he makes inquiry of, he asks<br />

qiu'sfiiins I if (about anything) (natco-<br />

itiiiiiri-likitd. luitmiomuhkim, he asks, in-<br />

quires, C". ; n' nalotemuckauri , I will ask<br />

the way (inquire about it) , R. W. ; kiin-<br />

tidtoti'inif do you ask me? ibid.).<br />

ask for, irehqiietmi), he asks for (it); weh-<br />

qiiiiiiinaii, he asks (him) for (it) {ka>-<br />

veque.lummdush, I beseech you, C. ).<br />

Cf. trehkomau, wei-komaii, he calls (him).<br />

assemble, mmeog, maiyaeog, they assfiiilile,<br />

meet together; mukkinneonk<br />

iimnnm or mhjaemoo, the assembly meets<br />

(is gathered together) ; freq. mohmoeog,<br />

they meet often or habitually (mimvSiuck,<br />

let us meet; mkiiceheUit, when<br />

they meet, R. W.). From mide, miyae,<br />

moee {moyice, C. ), together. V. t. an.<br />

miariau, he assembles, causes (them) to<br />

assemble, gathers together (midvetie, a<br />

court or meeting, R. W. ).<br />

assembly, iiuMiiii-clikonionk, mlshfu'onk, a<br />

great many together; nnikkinneinik, a<br />

gathering.<br />

astonished, chcpuliau, he is astonished,<br />

amazed; monchanaiani, he wonders. See<br />

amazement; wonder.<br />

astray, /)f(H»p, outof the way; panneail, he<br />

goes astray; suppos. part. an. panneont,<br />

babe. See child; infant.<br />

back, iiiii]ipii>


'bad, match( (Lat. male) ; suppos. part,<br />

inan. matchit, when it is bad; concrete<br />

n. mcUchuk, machuk, evil, that which<br />

is bad; adj. matcheloa [matchetco, he is<br />

bad], bad, evil, wicked; tnalchesu [mat-<br />

clie-u.%w, he does badly], a bad person,<br />

i. e. (one, he, who) acts badly; vbl. n.<br />

of agency malcheseaen-in, an evil doer;<br />

act. vbl. matchetdonk, badness, wicked-<br />

ness (in disposition, purpose, or nature)<br />

pass. vbl. )iiiitrhni,'h,lhin„l:. wickrclness<br />

encountered or rciiTrcd to its (.liject;<br />

act. vbl. >ii


bear—I'on tinned.<br />

iiiijiwJi, Edw. ; Del. mak'hk, machk,<br />

Hkw. ). From m(»iii/wU| (mauytidu, R.<br />

W. ), he devours, eats, an. obj.(?).<br />

Peq. a'hawgimt, Stiles; Narr. honooh,<br />

ibid. See.wolf.<br />

Tbear ( v. ), kemnmimm, he bears or carries<br />

(it), takes it along; with an. obj. kenunau,<br />

konunau, he carries (him); with<br />

suffix xikkenvnuh, he carries or bears<br />

him; h'munoid (suppos. part. an. ), when<br />

he carries or bears: konunont ahlompeli,<br />

carrying a bow (see take), kdunum,<br />

he bears, sustains, holds up; suppos.<br />

part. inan. kouriuk, when it carries, it<br />

carrying, a carriage or anything used<br />

for carrying burdens; freq. kogkoumim,<br />

he supports, holds strongly or firmly.<br />

nayeutam, he bears (it) on his person<br />

as a burden; imperat. 2d pers. sing.<br />

tiniii'iifaxh. bear or carry it {nidulash,<br />

take it on your back, B. W. ) ; suppos.<br />

pass. part, nai/euinuk, naia/muk, (when<br />

he is) borne or carried on the back (of<br />

.a man or beast), hence nayeumuk, when<br />

he rides: nayeumukquog kamelsoh, 'they<br />

rode on camels', Gen. 24, 61; noh naatmukqul<br />

(nayeumukqut), he who rides, a<br />

Tiorseman; pi. neg nayeumukqutcheg,<br />

Tiders, horsemen. So nahnayoumewot,<br />

R. W.; nahnaiyeumdoadl, a horse 'or a<br />

creature that carries', C. ; T)e\.nayundam,<br />

to carry on the back or shoulders;<br />

nanayunges, a horse, 'the beast which<br />

carrieson its back', Hkw. Perhapsfrom<br />

nauicaeu, he bends down; nmiwaehtaiii,<br />

he bends or stoops to it. See horse.<br />

"bear children, neechau, nechau, she is in<br />

ti-avail or brings forth {ntechaw; paug-<br />

cSlche Ipakodchel nechainrav, she is<br />

already delivered, R. W.). See beget.<br />

bear fruit. See produce.<br />

beard, u-eeshittcon, =weshak-i(Oji, hair (of<br />

the) mouth (?). See hair.<br />

beast, puppinashim, p\.-i- icog (pennshim,<br />

pi. + v'ock, R. W. ). See animal.<br />

Jjeat, tadagkomau, he beats (him); suffix<br />

wui-tattagkomduh, they beat him;<br />

tallogkodlam,iohtogkodtam, he beats (it).<br />

Freq. from logkomau, he strikes (him),<br />

and hiykiidhiin, he strikes (it), pogguliham<br />

i jiiirkliniiiiiii)!, to beat out corn,<br />

R. W. ), he threshes or beats out corn.<br />

See grind; strike.<br />

beautiful, trannegeii (good, handsome,<br />

desirable, pleasing); wunnehhmu, he<br />

beautifies himself, makes handsome;<br />

wrnmdilesu, he makes (it) beautiful or<br />

pleasing.<br />

beaver, tumm&nk, pi. -\-quaog (tommunque,<br />

Peq.; tumunk, C. ; tummock, R. W. ).<br />

From Itunmigqitohhou, he cuts off (sc.<br />

trees)? Cf. Abn. tema'kSe, ]il. -kSak,<br />

castor vivant. ndosuppauog (pi.) and<br />

sumhuppai'iog, R. W. See *ami)ique.<br />

because, newutche, ne wutche (for this,<br />

from this). See cause; therefore;<br />

wherefore.<br />

become. Cotton gives 'I am become,<br />

nutlitini'; ' to become, tmniinat' . Eliot<br />

has the verb unnaiinneai, 'so to be' (1<br />

Cor. 7, 26), evidently from imni, such or<br />

of the kind, to be of the kind, to be<br />

such, to become such. In twc) or three<br />

instances this verb is employed as the<br />

representative of the verb 'to become',<br />

though it is not to be regarded as its<br />

exact equivalent; thus loh dniit, what<br />

may have become of him, Ex. 32, 1, 23<br />

( = li)h aolis, where he might be, Acts<br />

7, 40).<br />

bed (place for sleeping), appin; wuUippcn,<br />

his bed Iwuloppin, he sat there].<br />

bees, aohkmummussog (ohkeommmsog, G. ).<br />

beiore (in frontof), anaquohlag [when it<br />

is opposite, anaoquen-olitag], before (it);<br />

aHoqudbit [when he is opposite, atico-<br />

gueu-apit], before (him); anaquabeh,<br />

before me; anaquabean, before thee;<br />

anaquabheUit, before them (atidquabit,<br />

before him, C. ;<br />

(inaquoltlag wek, before<br />

his house, ibid. ) [ancoqueti, opposite,<br />

from nultquaeu, he looks toward] . negonuhkau,<br />

he goes before or in advance<br />

of, he leads; -riegonlcoau, he sends (i. e.<br />

in advance of himselt) to another. See<br />

lead.<br />

before (preceding mi\me) ,negonaeu; adv.<br />

negonne, formerly, before time; asquam,<br />

not yet; quoshde, beforehand, anticipa-<br />

tory.<br />

begr (ask alms), weenshau, he is beg-<br />

ging; n. agent, ueenshaen, a beggar;<br />

weenshaniav, he asks for (it) as alms;<br />

co-wensham-uh ne leaguas, 'he asked an<br />

alms from them'. Acts 3, 3.<br />

beget, v'unnci'climiau, he begets (a<br />

child or children, without reference to<br />

sex); wunnaumomeu, wunnanioniyen, he


beg:et—continued.<br />

begets (a son or sons) ; imttauniyeu, wutt6neu,<br />

he begets (a daughter or daughters).<br />

With a feminine nominative<br />

the same verbs signify to bear, to bring<br />

forth.<br />

begin, expressed by naiclie [uo ivutclie']<br />

or kooche [k6 wutche} in combination<br />

with a verb. The former regards the<br />

beginning only as a completed act or<br />

point of time without regard to ensuing<br />

or progressive action or to lapse of time;<br />

the latter (kmche, kuiche) indicates pro-<br />

gression from a starting point,beginning<br />

of action yet in progress or continuous.<br />

See 2 Cor. 8, 6: neyane nmche usdp, ne<br />

ko tatuppe kesteimkquneau, 'as he had<br />

begun, so would he [goon and] finish.'<br />

nmche wekilU'fin, lie began to build; yeu<br />

naoche usaenaout, this they began to do;<br />

neyane nmche tts»ip, as he began to do;<br />

kiitche ussean, kah wonk nuppakodche us-<br />

fein, 'when I begin [to do] I will also<br />

make an end' (do thoroughly), 1 Sam.<br />

3, 12; kthtchisuk, kddshik, (when it began)<br />

in the beginning. Gen. 1, 1; Is.<br />

64, 4; umtche kutchisgik onk yean wehq-<br />

shik, from beginning to the end {nen<br />

kitche or nuk-kitcheicssem, Ihegin; kutche,<br />

begun, C. ); kachemm, (it begins,) it<br />

starts from, issues from (as a stream,<br />

etc.). See come from.<br />

beguile. See deceive.<br />

behave. See conduct one's self; do to.<br />

behavior, imniyhionk. See business.<br />

behead, tummigquohw6u, he beheaded |<br />

(him) {t'unequassin, 'to cut off or behead',<br />

R. W.).<br />

behind, wuttat, wodtat {wiittate, C. ) : muHat<br />

tvagig (those who go behind), 'they<br />

who are last ' ; wodtat ohtagiah ... ne-<br />

^ond/itoi/is/i, 'things behind . . . things<br />

before', Phil. 3, 13. wuttamiyeu (it is<br />

behind), the hind parts or posteriors; 3d<br />

pers. mtamiyeu, his hind parts. See back.<br />

behold! (interj.), kusseh, lo! behold! see<br />

thou! Cf. Lat. ce, ecce ( = ce-ce), Fr.<br />

voici.<br />

believe, wunnamptam, he believes<br />

(it); wunnamptau, he believes (him);<br />

noanamptam, I Ijelieve {mmnamptamooonk,<br />

belief, faith; pi. vmnnampuhtogig,<br />

believers, C). "This word they use<br />

just as the Greek tongue doth that<br />

B. A. E.,BuLL. 25 15<br />

believe—continued,<br />

verb nt%ivciv, ior believing or obey-<br />

ing, and they say, coannamnatmis, I will<br />

obey you [or, I believe you]."—R. W.<br />

65.<br />

*bell, kwkmkanogs (onomatope).<br />

*bellows, popcopmtawoandmuk, C. [that<br />

which is blown with; from pmtauaeu,<br />

he blows].<br />

belly, menogkus {munnoys, bowels, C);<br />

wunnogkus, his belly (wunn&ks, R.W.),<br />

from wonogq, a hole (?). misshdt,<br />

C, for mishehit, suppos. part, from<br />

inishehheu, he is lifted up, made great,<br />

enlarged. See bowels.<br />

belong to, nultaihe, it belongs to me,<br />

is mine; kuttaihe, it is thine; vmttaihe,<br />

it is his; nuttaihein, nuttaihen, it is ours;<br />

nish imiUaihe-ash, the things which are<br />

his. ohtau ( he has ) , it belongs to ( him<br />

as a quality, attribute, or appendage;<br />

kut-ahtau-un kelassmtamoonh, 'thine ia<br />

the kingdom', Matt. 6, 13; noh ohlunk,<br />

he having, the owner, he to whom it<br />

belongs; ne teaguas ohtunk, anything<br />

which is (belongs to), Ex. 20, 17. Vbl.<br />

n. ohtoonk, ahtdonk, a having or lielonging,<br />

a possession. In compound<br />

words -ohfde signifies belonging to, of<br />

the nature or quality of. vmtchaiyeumm,<br />

it belongs to, in the sense of it pro-<br />

ceeds from, is caused by, or the like;<br />

menuhkesiwnk vmtchaiyeumm Godut,<br />

power belongs to God, Ps. 62, 11. See<br />

his; mine; thine.<br />

below, adv. and prep, ay we, agvm, ogwu.<br />

ohkeiyeu {ohkeieu, C. ), below, i. e. earthward,<br />

agwe, or agwu, the more common<br />

form, is apparently contracted from<br />

ohkeieu.<br />

bend, woonki {wduki, R. W.), it bends,<br />

is crooked; wonkinmnn, he bends (it)<br />

{wonkunum, C); ne woonkag, that<br />

which is bent; pi. woonkagish, bent or<br />

crooked (things). See crooked.<br />

bend one's self, nauwaeu, he bends<br />

down or stoops; nauwoau, nauvjuseu<br />

[nauwaeu-ussu], he performs the act of<br />

bending or stooping; nddusit, when he<br />

bends, bending; nauwanum uppuhkuk,<br />

he bends his head; nauwaehtam, he<br />

bends down to or before (it); nauwakompau,<br />

nauwosikompau, he bends or<br />

stoops.<br />


22n BUREAU OF AMEKICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

bent. See t-rooked.<br />

berry, in compound names, -niinne, pi.<br />

ndnneash, small fruit of any kind {wut-<br />

tAhimneanh. strawberries, R.W. ; wattahminneoh,<br />

a strawberry, C. ). See whor-<br />

tleberry.<br />

besides, onkne (more than that, further),<br />

C. ; wonk; as conjunction, chauhohkish,<br />

'except, besides', El. Gr.22; chonchippe<br />

(chippe, Mass. Ps.), he or it excepted,<br />

saving, excepting; kcotne, C. [for qui<br />

besiege, weenuhkauivaog neg, they besiege<br />

or encamp round about them; weenuh-<br />

/.o»i, he besieged (it) \_=u'aeenu-iihkom,<br />

lie f;oes round about].<br />

bestow. See give.<br />

betray, wimassoomau, he betrayed (him);<br />

wanascomit, when he was betrayed ( wa-<br />

'liassmmit, betrayed, C. ); nmmisamm, I<br />

betray; n. agent, unmassmmwaenin, a be-<br />

trayer, one dealing treacherously.<br />

betiveen, nashaue {nashdue,C.): nashaue<br />

iiiitiiusli, between the paths.<br />

beyond, ongkoue, aoiigkdue {onkkfjiie,C.):<br />

iniluhshame . . . ongkoue, on this side<br />

. . . beyond (a river, etc.); ongkome,<br />

oiigkomde, on the other side of: ydai . . .<br />

ogkomai, on this side ... on the other<br />

side {acdwmuck, R. W.; so, Acawmenda-<br />

kil, England, ibid., =agkome-en-ohke-ut,<br />

in the land on the other side or beyond<br />

Alg. gaamink, on the other side, Lah.).<br />

From onkhum, he covers or hides (it).<br />

bind, kishphtum, he binds, ties, makes<br />

(it) fast; kunlipinush (kspimsh, R. \V.),<br />

bind it or tie it fast; kishpinaii, he binds<br />

(him); v. i. act. kMpissu, he makes<br />

fast, and i>ass. lie is made fast or tied.<br />

togkiipjiiiKin, he binds, holds fast by<br />

bonds (him); freq. or intens. tohtogk-,<br />

tattagk-, tahtogkuppinau. wicshjmnnum,<br />

he binds up or together, =a,ssepinum.<br />

keneepinau, he binds (him), as by oath,<br />

imposes an obligation.<br />

birch bsirk. See bark (n.).<br />

bird, piijjpinslinas (pi. -j-og), a bird or<br />

fiiwl, avis {n'peshawog, pi., fowl, R.W.;<br />

jiiij)j)mu.'shaog, Ma.ss. Ps. ).- Cf. Chip.<br />

jjenaisi. psukses, 'a little bird', pi. -{-og<br />

(pussekeses^ik, R. W.; pissukaemesog,<br />

birds, C, i. e. very small birds, a dimin-<br />

utive of the 2d degree)<br />

.<br />

;<br />

birth, iieiiiioi)k, iieeknonk [from iii-lu,<br />

riekit, a bringing forth, and pass, a<br />

being brought forth] ; wunneetuonk, uninneekunnk,<br />

his birth. See bom.<br />

bit, rhogcj; rhohkag, a spot, spotted; kod-<br />

chuhki, a piece or fragment. See piece;<br />

spot.<br />

bite, sogki'pwan, he biteth; sogkep^mu<br />

(niissogkep&wam, I bite, C. ); suppos.<br />

noh sagkepwut, he who is bitten. Cf.<br />

sogkunum, he catches hold of, hooks<br />

into. See hook.<br />

bitter, vtesogkon; vbl. n. weesogkinoaonk,<br />

bitterness {weesogkeyeu, bitterly, C. ).<br />

Cf. weesive, the gall; weesSe, yellow.<br />

black, ma)i {inSiin, sucki, R. W. ) ; adj. an.<br />

iiKoesti, (he is) black; pi. inan. wm-<br />

eyeuaxh; an. mmemog {inmaMie voske,<br />

black man, C, ^mooosketomp, El. Gr. ).<br />

sucki, R. W.; an. suckesu: "hence they<br />

—<br />

call a blackamoor suckduttacone, a coalblack<br />

man; for sucki is black, and<br />

wadtacone, one that wears clothes," R.<br />

W.; but, strictly speaking, sucki was<br />

dark colored and not black. The dark<br />

purple shells from which the more valuable<br />

peag was made, and the dark<br />

peag itself—blue, purple, or violet<br />

were named from their color sucleau-<br />

hock.<br />

blackberries, n-nHoh kohk(j)>itiuned-<br />

misli (?), C.<br />

blackbird, chdgan; pi. -niuck, R.W. : "Of<br />

this sort there be millions, which are<br />

great devourers of the Indian corn",<br />

ibid. Teq.auchugyeze l=chohkes:ii, choh-<br />

kexitclip, spotted?], massoun/an, Stiles,<br />

the bolxilink, Emberiza oryzivora?<br />

bladder, mninmneetau: mmiunneeloe qtis-<br />

suk, stone in the bladder, Man. Pom. S8.<br />

blame, iriitchumonate, to blame; noachum,<br />

I blame,C. ; (?) vmtchimau, he is blamed,<br />

1 Tim. 3, 2; icutchimimeach, let me bear<br />

the blame; montrag vvtchimau, he is<br />

l)lameless (is nothing blamed). See<br />

condemn.<br />

blast (of air), pcopmtaudonk, a blowing<br />

strongly. From jjcopmtau, intens. from<br />

pcDtmi, he blows.<br />

blasting (of grain) pi.


*blanket, ;>M( «(/»(' ^


boil—continued.<br />

qiionchekomehteau iiipjiefi.th. Arc t-auseth<br />

the waters to boil, Is. 64, 2.<br />

bonds, l-ixhjilsxiionija.ih, pi. of kiKltplAm-<br />

iink, from kixhpis.iii, he ties.<br />

bone, muskon, his bone, the bone of;<br />

miskon {weshkeen, v;uhkon, C. ); pi. jniwkonash,<br />

bones; vuskonatth, his bones.<br />

Cf. dskon, a horn; askon, iwkoii, a hide<br />

(oskdn, C); vmtmkoii, his hide. •«'«-<br />

veen, a horn, C.<br />

*book, viHSSiiktrhonk ( wuasukquohhonk,<br />

C), vbl. n. from vyussukhtim, H'ussukkuhhum,<br />

he writes, continues writing.<br />

See write.<br />

bore, pukgusmm, he bores a hole (in or<br />

through), 2 K. 12, 9; jnickhummin, 'to<br />

bore through', R. W.; pukquag, (when<br />

it is bored) a hole, eye of a needle,<br />

Mark 10, 25; piickwheganafili, awl<br />

blades for boring the wampum beads,<br />

R. W. Cf. pithptihkc, hollow; papvkquarine,<br />

pajMquanne, thoroughly; poh-<br />

qiide, open; pohki, clear, transparent.<br />

piidhkuKsoJihug mukqs, he bores his ear<br />

(bores to him the ear), Ex. 21, t>.<br />

born, iieekit (when he is brought from);<br />

neetu (he comes forth, is born, primarily<br />

grows) : noh neekit ut neekit, 'one born in<br />

my house'. Gen. 15, 3. See birth.<br />

borrow, nogkohkou, he borrows; nogkoh-<br />

kouun, (it is) borrowed; n. agent, nog-<br />

kohkouaen, -mm, so -knhkamraeniii, a<br />

borrower, namohkau, he borrows; na-<br />

j}i()hkausJi irishquash, 'go borrow ves-<br />

sels', 2 K. 4, 3. The causatives of<br />

both verbs are used for the verb to lend<br />

naniohkaihlmau, mi mohkohheau, he<br />

lends; nogohkohheati, iiogolikoeihhiiau,<br />

he lends; suppos. iioli imgohkooiiit, a<br />

lender.<br />

bosom (pectus, sinus), pmrhenav, (uppcDcMnou,<br />

C. ): nppoocheneadvt, in his<br />

bosom [^i)oh»Mnaen, it is divided in two,<br />

is halved]. See breast.<br />

both, tieeswe, Matt. 13, 30; 15, 14 (mi-<br />

neesu-e, C. ?); neeae, two.<br />

bottle, quonooasq {quaiiaowask, C. ), i. e. a<br />

gourd; irisq, a vessel. From wq, a<br />

gourd (?).<br />

bottom, ohkeU; ut agwe; ohkeiyeu tie, the<br />

bottom of it; wutch woskeche onk yaen<br />

ohkeH, vutch wo.fkeche onk yime dgin:,<br />

from top to bottom. Matt. 27, 51;<br />

:<br />

bottom—continued.<br />

Mark 15, 38; ut iimtchomqid kehtahlian-<br />

7iil, ut agwe kehtahhannit, in the bottom<br />

of the sea [tuiumatuck, in the bottom,<br />

R. W.).<br />

bough, branch, wuttuhq, louttuk [init-uh-<br />

qiKii; at the ends or outermost parts ?].<br />

paui-hautaquiimsash, branches, R. W.<br />

pohchatuk, a bough, C. : pohchohkom pohchatuk,<br />

he breaks a limb, ibid, umd-<br />

tuckqim, a piece of wood, R. \V. ; pi.<br />

iimttoohqunash, wood, C. cheAoua-ih, cheouwh,<br />

branches (of a vine), Gen. 40,<br />

10, 12.<br />

bought, adtoadche. See buy.<br />

boundary, chadchabenumdonk, a bound<br />

mark, i. e. division; from chachaubenum<br />

{chadchapiinum, C ), he divides.<br />

kiihkuhhunk, a boundary (a marking<br />

out); hihkuhkeg, (that which marks) a<br />

bound mark, limit.<br />

bow, n. an. ahlomp, ohtomp: nutahtomp<br />

(Peq. n'teump, nutteumpub, Stiles), my<br />

bow; wutahtompeh, their bows; pmtonkunaog<br />

u-utahtompeuh, they bend their<br />

bows, Ps. 64, 3; ohtomp kah konhquod-<br />

tash, bow and arrows.<br />

bow down, nauwaeu, he bows down;<br />

nairosu, he makes a bowing or bending;<br />

nauwaehtam, he bows down to (it) ; nau-<br />

wnehtauau, he bows down to (him).<br />

See bend.<br />

bowels, mendgkus [munnogs, C. ) , the belly<br />

or the bowels, vmttinnomhog, the en-<br />

trails, = vmt-anome-hog, of the inside of<br />

the body. See belly.<br />

boy, mukkatclionks {iiii'iikqiiiirlnirks, R.<br />

W.; Peq. and Narr. hi".7,,(,//»/. stiles),<br />

a man child, a boy (iimiki'iji, iinnknm-<br />

paes, a boy, C. ; but nunkomp is rather<br />

a young man) ;<br />

nummuc.kqii4cMicks, my<br />

son, R. W. ; muckquacJmckquemene, a lit-<br />

tle lioy, ibid.<br />

bracelets, kehtippitteruipeash, kfMeitppete-<br />

ni'tpea.ih, from kehte, great, petauun, it is<br />

put on, appa (?) ; or is it from kelile and<br />

appeh (suppos. appehit), trap, gin, that<br />

which holds fast ?. See ring.<br />

brag, mishcovau, he bragS or swaggers,<br />

C., = iiiii'hehlieau (?), he makes himself<br />

great. See boast.<br />

brain, louttip, R. W. (where "their opin-<br />

ion is that the soul keeps her chief<br />

seat and residence"); ivaanlaui wiittiip,<br />


.<br />

brain—con t i n ued<br />

a wise brain, C. ; mcluppeoi


brook—continued.<br />

Dimin. from sepu, a river. Dimiu. of 2d<br />

degree xepohnme, a little rivulet, R. W.<br />

broth, pottage, subaheg, sebaheg, sahaheg,<br />

that which is made soft or thinned.<br />

From xiiiipn, , sabfti', goit, thin, melting.<br />

brother, imiial-itli, liis brother, the l)roth-<br />

er of (him); irrnnil-iii (mveiiiiitlhi^C),<br />

a brother, i. e. any brother, the brother<br />

of any; Keema/, my brother; tenia/, thy<br />

brother; pi. wanatog, his brothers (wee-<br />

iiialUliiDck, they are brothers, R. W. ).<br />

wedahtu-oh, her brother or sister, properly<br />

one of the same family or born<br />

in the same house {netat, a si.ster, C. ).<br />

nun-nohtdmikqus, my brother; kenohtdnukqus,<br />

thy brother; tnmnohtdnukqus-<br />

oh, her brother, the brother of (her).<br />



bury—continued.<br />

mun, to bury, R. W. ) ; ponekinit (wheahe<br />

is buried), his burial; posekinitieaonk,<br />

a burial, being-buried. From poskm,<br />

' he is naked; poskinaii, he strips (him)<br />

naked or is naked.<br />

bush., nepeunk; (}iippixhirnn'nhl\u)k.<br />

business, affair, uaniijlaonk [act. vbl.<br />

from unnaiinneal, to be so or in such manner],<br />

condition, case, circumstances:<br />

ponniyeue imniyetlonk, 'rude behavior,<br />

manner, way, state, condition', C;<br />

vmnnegen unmye\i(mk, a good cause,<br />

ibid.: iiiuirhiuiii, mink, 'fvil case', El.;<br />

iniltiDiiii/, iiiiiKj'isli, liis affairs, plssauvmUknik,<br />

pisxisln'toiik (j,iss,ii,ifii,mk, C),<br />

business, employment.<br />

but, conj. qut {qui, qid ouch, C. ); webe,<br />

wepe (only), but, Mass. Ps. ; qut onch,<br />

ohnchikoh, but yet.<br />

buy, adtdaii, he purchases from (him);<br />

noh adtuadt, he who buys, a buyer;<br />

call (v.), roehkomaii, irrckomaii, he calls<br />

(him) : wehkom kali.-


captain—continneil.<br />

parison ) . keenomp {kenompde , valiantly<br />

kenompaonk, valor, C. )•<br />

captive, inMsin, indef. iiiismnmn {missinnege,<br />

R. W. ; indii-iniKxiiiam ev'o, this is<br />

my captive, R. W. ). »/ii.ssHmi»i prima-<br />

rily signifies a man (homo) of any other<br />

(that is, inferior) nation, as distinguished<br />

from wosketomp, the trite-man (vir);<br />

literally it is '.one of the many', miisi-<br />

niiinii; \A. inl.i.iinninnnog, people {nin-<br />

i,iinix^un'nn,rl:, 'folk', R. W.), answer-<br />

ing t(i ( iivi-k oi TtoXXoi etymologically,<br />

but more exactly to ftdpfiapoi, 'barba-<br />

rians', in its applied use; musindou, mis-<br />

dnncD, he is a captive, an outside or for-<br />

eign barbarian.<br />

capture, mminohkonau, he takes or carries<br />

away captive (him or them);<br />

with suffix nah iimnmsi7i.ohkonuh, he<br />

took them captive. See catch; seize;<br />

take.<br />

care for, u-ulla>anlam, he cares for, is<br />

careful of (it); inittamantam, he is care-<br />

ful, or full of giit, one taking a dog by the<br />

ears.<br />

caterpillar, maipaog, mcopaucok.<br />



cattle, netassu {netan, C. ), pl- nettigsuog,<br />

any domestic or tamed animal.<br />

caught (by inan. obj.), upjju}tkuk Hogknt-<br />

tin, his head caught (in a tree).<br />

cause; causing. Efficient causality \va.s<br />

expressed by a special form of conjuga-<br />

tion of the verb, of which Eliot gives<br />

an example in his Indian Grammar,<br />

page 59, and of which frequent use is<br />

made in his translation of the Bible.<br />

Its characteristic is the insertion of<br />

-wah- or -eh- after the root of the verb,<br />

as pogkenumu'og they are blind, pogkenumwahedog<br />

they are made t(j be<br />

blind; nmtam he hears (it), ncotamwaheh<br />

cause thou me to hear; vahteau<br />

he imderstands, wahteamoaheh cause<br />

thou me to understand; noh pmrneoiil<br />

he who goes astray, noh panneidilifunl<br />

he who causeth (others) to go astray,<br />

etc. The formal cause and the material<br />

cause are expressed by wulch, alone and<br />

in compounds, entering into the compo-<br />

sition of nearly all verbs which include<br />

the idea of source, origin, production,<br />

or the like, as referred to the issue or<br />

thing produced, the animate or inanimate<br />

object proceeding from, issuing<br />

from, or caused by another. See be-<br />

cause; father; from.<br />

cave, cavern, hassunnegk.<br />

cedar, chikkup (utchukkuppemix, C. ; misliquwwluck<br />

l^=musqui-uhtug, red wood],<br />

R. W.).<br />

change, osmwunum wiUhogkmunash, he<br />

changes his garments; dsanvunont, if<br />

he change (beast for beast, Lev. 27,<br />

10) ; maila nid-6h6tme umit, I change not<br />

(I do not changeably); dsmtcemco, it is<br />

changed, it changes; pajeh dsmivemcDiik,<br />

till it is (shall be) changed.<br />

cheat, cumkekodteamm, he uses deceit,<br />

deceives intentionally {nvt-a.iscokekod-<br />

(aiTO, I cheat, C. ) ; imJi iixaikiliiilleamwit,<br />

the deceiver, he wli.> cli'icivrs (habitually);<br />

n. agent. asaikikudUmumen, one<br />

who deceives (actually). See deceive.<br />

cheek, manamau, m'nmnau; nannconau,<br />

my cheek; wannconan {wonnunou, C),<br />

his cheek [jtconau, he sucks?].<br />

cherish, nuisohkommoosinvam, I cherish<br />

or nourish (mmmoonittinneat, to be<br />

cherished or nourished, C. ).<br />

chestnut, ii-oiiip\iiiiui< (tivinpimisli, R.W. ),<br />

a chestnut tree; iroiiijjiiiuneaKh, chest-<br />

nuts, R. W.; iniumpmurich (Narr. ),<br />

Stiles; Del. tnipim, chestnut, Hkw.<br />

[wompi-mmmash, white fruit or nuts].<br />

chew, patsquodUiin, he chews (it)?; tis-<br />

(jiiiiin pdsqiKidlamminuk, before it was<br />

chewed. Num. 11, 13 [pmquag, tine, mi-<br />

nute; cf. pup-pissi, dust], onchittaman<br />

or kohkodhumau, it chews the cud;<br />

oncMttamont, kohkodhumont (suppos.<br />

part, an.), chewing the cud. nncheteaaun,<br />

'revised' or 'corrected', is used on<br />

title-page of Rawson's edition of Samp.<br />

Quinnup. (Sincere Convert), 1689.<br />

chief, kehche, kehte, kehtau, he is chief<br />

or relatively great. See old. mmag,<br />

laoJisag, relatively great or important;<br />

atiKf mohfiig, that which is more or<br />

most great; inhtsugke, great, powerful,<br />

important; mcmigkenuk, (when he is)<br />

very great, chief; wame mamgkennk,<br />

'the Almighty'. piahquUuk,piahqiittii-<br />

munutche, chief or principal (man, serv-<br />

ant, etc.). Gen. 40, 20, 22. See ruler;<br />

sachem.<br />

child, mukki, pi. -\-og; dimin. mukkii'-i, a<br />

little child (mukkoies,C.; num-muckiese,<br />

my child, R. W. ). nmnuk, (when he<br />

sucks) a sucking child; noonukde muk-<br />

kits iHiu'iiiiii.i, { noonsu, R. AV. ; Narr.,<br />

II II II III.'(f Stiles; Peq. nuzau.f, Stiles) a<br />

suckling, pemeg, peissiisu, (he is) very<br />

small [an. dunin. from pea-, little] pek-<br />

;<br />

sissit [suppos. part, from jiemissul , when<br />

he is very small; noh /jelsnimt, 'he who<br />

is least', Matt. 11, 11; pi. peksissitcheg.<br />

Intens. or dimin. of endearment, papeis-<br />

sesu, papei»msit,papeasek (inan., but ap-<br />

plied to children, 'little thing') (par<br />

poos, a child, R. W. ; nip-pdpoos, my<br />

child, ibid.; Peq., pouppoug Stiles; Lat,<br />

pupa, pusa). iinikkutchouks {miickqidi-<br />

chucks, R. W. ), a male child, a son.<br />

See boy. nunkomp {nunkup, C. ), a boy,<br />

a youth; dimin. nunkompaes, nunkompor<br />

ernes {nonkumpaes, C.) {^^nunkon {nauki),<br />

light, levis, and omp, man] . nunkgqua,<br />

nunksq (nonklshq, C. ), a girl, young<br />

woman [rmnkon-sqiKi']; dimin. nunh-<br />

squaes, nunkequaemes. See young, nee-<br />

chanog, pi. (they are born) children<br />

(without regard to age or sex), offspring;<br />

irnnneeftmn, his child (Muh.


child—continued.<br />

iniiThim, Edw.; henechdnog, your child-<br />

vmnneecMneunk, tlie children,<br />

ren, C.) ;<br />

as a body or class, collectively. See<br />

daughter; son.<br />

*ch.iinney, wanachikomuk [wunnachkemmnk,<br />

C; icunnauchic&mock, R. W.),<br />

^iniiuwhqi-a'-koinuk, on the top of the<br />

house.<br />

chin, inislimn, C.<br />

chogset. See cunner.<br />

choke, nuppashoon, I am choked, C.<br />

iiiijiintr:laruog, they are choked. El.<br />

choose, pijii'iKnn, pepeneum, he chooses<br />

(it); pejienash, choose thou; pepenau,<br />

he chooses or selects (him); mahche<br />

pepen&xionche, after having chosen<br />

him, C. From penmive, it is different;<br />

pe-penau, he differences.<br />

chosen, pepeitmwonche, -auoncJie. one who<br />

is chosen.<br />

circle. See round.<br />

circumcise, quoshqitssau, quosquguiau, he<br />

circumcises (him); quoshqussausu, (he<br />

is) circumcised; suppos. part, noh<br />

quoshqussuk, being circumcised.<br />

circumcision, vbl. n. qxioshqussawuonk.<br />

*city, bliloliin, keihtotan, great or chief<br />

town. See town.<br />

clam, poquauhock, R. V^.; Peq. "pouhquauhhaug,<br />

p' quaughhaug, Stiles; the<br />

round clam ( Venus mercenaria), from<br />

the black or, rather, dark purple margin<br />

of the shell, of which the Indians made<br />

the '.SKcA'oii/iocA'or black money', R.W.<br />

104. The first portion of the name,<br />

pooquaw, is retained in Nantucket; the<br />

last, quauhaug, in other parts of New-<br />

England. Rasles gives (Abn.) 'pekSe,<br />

pi. pekSahak, huitres'. The derivation<br />

is not clear. Perhaps pukquag,<br />

that which is bored, and hang (hogk),<br />

a shell; or pukquag (poquag) may be<br />

employed in its derived sense, an in-<br />

closure, with reference to the box-like<br />

character of the shell as contrasted with<br />

the gaping valves of the Mya. sickis-<br />

suog {sdkkissuog, C. ; Peq. si^cksmmug,<br />

Stiles), long clams, Mya arenaria<br />

[=:suhq-, soliq-vssuog, they spit or<br />

squirt].<br />

claws, talons, onkqunnhog; uvnkqimne-<br />

sog, their claws [iikquon-este, dim. a lit-<br />

tle hook], muhkos, pi. miihkossog, the<br />

;<br />

claws, talons—continued,<br />

nails, claws, hoofs \_in'uhkdm, a sharp<br />

point].<br />

clay, manmnsk, pi. manoonskog, 'bricks'.<br />

clean, pahke, pohki (pohkoiySue, C. ;<br />

pah-<br />

keyhw, cleanlily, ibid. ) ; pa/i/.rs», (he is)<br />

clean, made clean or pure; pahketeau,<br />

he cleans (it), makes clean.<br />

clear, pahke, pohki, (it is) clear (pahke-<br />

yeiie, C. pduqui, R. W. pohqude, open,<br />

; ) ;<br />

manifest, that may be seen through<br />

{pahkee, pohkiyeu, clearly, C. ); pdhkok<br />

(when it is clear, transparent) , the clear<br />

sky (pduqui, pdttquaqudt, 'it holds up',<br />

R. W., i. e. it is clear). Related to<br />

puhqui, it is hollow, bored through;<br />

pdquog, a hole; hence, that which may<br />

be seen through. Cf. Greek Sid, Sia<br />

ay 00, S£iH0D(6Eixvv/.i:), possibly Sazo),<br />

to divide.<br />

cleave, pohshinum, he divides, cleaves<br />

in two, literally he halves (it), from<br />

polishe, half, pahpassehtau, lie cleaves<br />

it, makes it divide Ipohshe, with redup.<br />

freq. and caus. inan. form].<br />

climb, kutdntauohtou, he climbed up,<br />

went by climbing; wutSntauau, he<br />

climbed up to or into a place {n't&untmvem,<br />

I climb; al&unlowash, climb<br />

thou, R. W. ); tohkmtaau, he climbs<br />

on (it), as a ladder, a rock, a tree<br />

{nut-tohkcoK, I climb, C).<br />

close, closed, kuppohham, he stops,<br />

shuts, closes (it); noh kohhog, he who<br />

stops or closes; kobhamuk, suppos. part,<br />

inan. pass, closed, when it is closed<br />

{kuppash, ' shut the door', R. W. ; kup-<br />

pdhhn»h hsquont, shut the door, C. );<br />

kuppi, thick, close, dense (cuppi-mach-<br />

Aug, a thick wood, a swamp, R. W.);<br />

kuppahlu, in a thicket or thick wood;<br />

kuppadt, knppdd (when it is close), ice<br />

(Peq., kuppat Stiles); kuppohhou (the<br />

instrument of closing), a door; koppomuk,<br />

kobhamuk, kobhog, a closed place, a<br />

harbor or haven; kuppiMam l=ktij>pi-<br />

tam, closed mouth,] a dumb person, etc.<br />

See shut.<br />

*cloth, monak (maiinek, R. W.; monag,<br />

C), m'dnag, m'onagk, in compound<br />

wortis -onagk: womponnk {wompinuit,<br />

R. W.), white cloth; msquonagk {mishquimdl,<br />

R. W. ), red cloth, comaunekun-<br />

nuo, have you any cloth? R. W., i. e.<br />

kum-maunek-unnuo. monak was often


cloth^continued.<br />

used for a garment, cloak, coat, or other<br />

clothing. That which is traded (?); of.<br />

hum man6haminfha.ve you bought? ; nummmianaquisli,<br />

I come to buy (of you);<br />

mOKwKKjiishmiog, chapmen, R. W. Or,<br />

with reference to its texture, monak,<br />

that which is many (?).<br />

clothe, hogJcm, he is clothed (with); hogkiath<br />

[ocquashj'R.'W.), 'ijuton', be thou<br />

clothed with; hogqut, agquit (when he<br />

pvits on), clothed with; ne ngquit, ne<br />

dqut, that which he is clothed with<br />

{squdus ai'chaqut, 'a woman's mantle',<br />

R.W. ) ;<br />

ogqiivnmt, hor/-. to wear clothes,<br />

to be clothed {iii/iiiiiinii-iit, to put on,<br />

C); iml-6g


command oMOHwai', (iimamim (bespeaks<br />

«ith authority to), he commands<br />

(him); annmndnish, I command thee<br />

{kut-annamnk, he commands thee; yiul-<br />

annoonuk, he commands me, C. ) ; ioh<br />

dnont, ne dnont, what he commands;<br />

suppos. part, noh dnont, he who commands,<br />

he when commanding; itiMinnanmonk,<br />

(his) saying, command. See<br />

say; think.<br />

commandinent, naumali(oiik,i[A. -nnga«h,<br />

law, commandment, annoateamcooiik:<br />

traltaniiojtcainaionk God, a commandment<br />

of God; act. vbl. from annmteam,<br />

annmtam, he commands (inan. obj. or<br />

intrans.) nmwao7ik, a saying (by a<br />

superior to an inferior), a commandment;<br />

from yimvau, he says. See say.<br />

hihkuhiraonk, ordering, an order or<br />

command [lit. a marking out, from<br />

hihkciiau, he marks out, sets in order].<br />

common, matchekeyeum, it is abundant,<br />

it is common; namr,- minsiinihinuog,<br />

common people; noun. /' hil;'jiiiiiii,coiTamon<br />

bread (namve ii-oskiiomji, any man,<br />

C ); 'nanwe umt-Epistleum Jitde', the<br />

general epistle of Jude.<br />

commonly, nrkon'-lir, 0.<br />

commotion, ifoi/binioiik (a .stirring up,<br />

iir setting in motion), a stir, tumult,<br />

(•(inimotion.<br />

companion, veetomnkqnU-h (he who goes<br />

with or accompanies) ; weetomp, a com-<br />

panion, comrade, friend. See friend.<br />

compare. See liken.<br />

compel, cJietdtiuiran, he compels (him),<br />

C. ; '•hctimiiii, El. See force, v.<br />

complain, giienoii)diwg, they complain,<br />

R. \V. (rather, they are in want, lack<br />

something); tahwhUch guenawdyeanf<br />

why complain you (sing.)? R. W.<br />

completely, pakodche (paucdtche, 'al-<br />

ready', R. W., atnd paugcotehc) : pakod-<br />

che iissenat, to do completely, to ac-<br />

complish ;<br />

freq. papogkodche, to the full<br />

or uttermost. See finish.<br />

conceal. See hide.<br />

conceive, wompeguau, irompequaeu,<br />

-fjutkiii, she conceives, is pregnant; wom-<br />

pequait, if or when she conceives;<br />

adj. wompequde (wompiqiio, C. ), with<br />

child, pregnant; vompequauonk (aconceivmg)<br />

, conception.<br />

concerning-, prep, papaume.<br />

condemn, pnkodchimmi, pogkodchimmi<br />

(he makes an end of, finally disposes<br />

of), he utterly censures or condemns<br />

{pogkodchumnmonat, to condemn, to<br />

convince (?), C. ). From pakodche,<br />

completely, utterly; lit. there is an<br />

end of it, he finishes it. wiisnmiau, he<br />

judges, sentences, or condemns (him).<br />

S(ee judge.<br />

condition, circumstances, ilnnli/nionk<br />

(his affairs, matters, res). See business.<br />

conduct one's self or behave toward,<br />

do or act toward, unncJihuati, ttnni;-<br />

heau, unheau, he deals with, treats,<br />

acts toward, does to (him); ne pish<br />

kutlinhen, that or thus thou shalt do<br />

to me; toh kittinheshf what am I doing<br />

to thee? how do I act toward thee?;<br />

ne unneheh, so deal thou with me,<br />

2 Chr. 2, 3; unnehhuk {unneheiik)<br />

nay, deal ye with them, deal with<br />

them; ne nuttinhetm. ne dnhit, I do to<br />

him as he hath done (as he may do,<br />

suppos.) to me, Prov. 24, 29. Tliis<br />

verb, of very frequent use, is a causa-<br />

tive from neane, such, so; unnehheau,<br />

he causes it to be so to him.<br />

coney, icadtuckqties, R. W. In the re-<br />

print 'the conck', but in the original<br />

'the conie'. mohtukqnaxog, conies, Ps.<br />

30, 26 [mihtukquasuog, Mass. Ps., Ps.<br />

104, 18).<br />

confess, sampmam, gampmnntam, lie ciin-<br />

fesses (it); sainpoaau {samjipmiran, ('. ),<br />

From mmpwe,<br />

he confesses to (him ) .<br />

sampuA, rectus.<br />

conjuror, pamcau {potcwdu; R. W.), a<br />

priest, conjuror, or sorcerer. See<br />

priest; wizard.<br />

conquer, soltkom, he conquers, overcomes,<br />

prevails over (it): nohkom olan,<br />

he took the town; sohka»h. mncluik,<br />

overcome (thou) evil, Rom. 12, 21; an.<br />

soJikau, he prevails over, conquers<br />

(him); suffix wug-sohkau-oh, he prevailed<br />

over him; noh sohkauont, he who<br />

prevails or conquers (suppos. when<br />

conquering); p\.neg sohkauoncheg, they<br />

when conquerors, the conquerors, dn-<br />

nfiau, dnnmmu, he overcomes or con-<br />

quers, C. (?).<br />

consider of, meditate on, devise,<br />

natwonlam, he considers of (it).


consume, mohtupohteati, mohtiippaeu (it<br />

Itasses away), it is consumed, wastes<br />

away, dissolves, vanishes, or the like;<br />

with a pass, signif., moMuppaimo, it is<br />

consmned, melted {mohtupaenate, to<br />

consume; num-mohtupaem, I consume or<br />

I am sick, C. ) With the sense of mis-<br />

fortune or disaster, mahtsheau, it wastes<br />

away, consumes; so, mahtsheau, mahsheau,<br />

it decays, it fails, it vanishes<br />

away. From jnac/ie. See decay; have;<br />

pass away; sick, nmtau mahchekmsiim,<br />

the fire consumed (it); noatau mahchekussuau,<br />

the fire consumed (him),=<br />

mahche-chiko8»um, made an end of burning,<br />

mohiutlano, it is consumed; mah-<br />

higquaah mohtutta-ash, the trees are consumed,<br />

i. e. burned up. mahlsuwae,<br />

mdhlmhhuae, consuming (as a fire).<br />

contempt, vbl. n. act. mishtmanumaonk,<br />

a despising or contemning; pass, inish-<br />


corn—fontiiiued.<br />

i-all their samp, which is the Indian<br />

corn beaten and boiled", R. W.; wtpumineaiKiwshump,<br />

'their parched meal<br />

boiled with water', ibid.; from mup('ie,<br />

sahde, softened by water, macerated<br />

(whence sdbaMy, pottage; wus-<br />

Kiibpe, thin): ne mupae {nawsaump,<br />

K. W. ), that which is boiled soft or<br />

macerated in water; hence, sappaen<br />

[Muppae-tui, pass. part, form], 'the<br />

crushed corn boiled to a j^ap ' , Montamis,<br />

De.scr. N. Netherland, 1671, = the<br />

suppawn, sepawn, of the Dutch (and<br />

pone of Pennsylvania and Maryland?).<br />

m'sickquatash, 'boiled corn whole', R.<br />

W., = mod. succota.sh Isohqutlahlmsh,<br />

inan. pi. from solicjutiahham, he breaks<br />

it to pieces, or, as applied to an ear of<br />

corn, he shells it; m' sohrjuttahhcu^h (sc.<br />

mimieash), the shelled corn boiled, in-<br />

stead of boiled ears].<br />

corner, nai.ijag, nayag, naJiimiyag, the<br />

external point where two lines meet, a<br />

corner or angle externally, a point [ndi,<br />

squared, angled; naihaue (noeu), in the<br />

middle or between two]: adt miiyag,<br />

to or at the corner; yaue naiyag (or<br />

naee) welii, the four corners of the<br />

house; freq. adt n/ihndiyag, at the four<br />

comers, i. e. at all the corners, iimhik,<br />

= naiyag [from naiihdiie, between]:<br />

yau-ut nashik ohke, at the four corners<br />

of the earth; adj. nashimte, of or at a<br />

corner; nasliinne qussuk, a corner-stone.<br />

pajchekeheg, pcotsai, pcochoag, pcochag,<br />

a retired place, out of the way, a<br />

recess, a corner: vi pcochoag, adt pm-<br />

chag, in a corner, Prov. 21, 9; 25, 24;<br />

aush pooisani, go into the closet, Matt.<br />

6, 6 [from pahchau, pauchaii, he turns<br />

aside, deviates; or from jiiili

.<br />


cover—continued<br />

my face; vbl. n. onkwltonk, a covering,<br />

a screen; n. concrete onkwheg, that<br />

which covers (as the cover to a disli or<br />

box) ; henca onkqueeklia)l=onku:hegm'],<br />

a hat. Cf . ogqunncai, to wear clothes, to<br />

becovered; w/J-co, he is clothed; oykome,<br />

ongkoue, beyond, on the other side of<br />

(covered), puttagham, puitugJmm, he<br />

covers up, he hides (it) : puttoghumunat<br />

poshkissuonk, to cover one's nakedness,<br />

C ; n. concrete, piMagwhrg, a covering<br />

wuttunk-<br />

\jputtqgtieii, he hides himself] .<br />

humun livui-onkhum-un'] monak, she<br />

covered it with a cloth. Cf . Wautacone,<br />

pi. Waiitaconiiaog, R. W. {imldhkcbguo,<br />

' C. , coat men ) ' ,<br />

' such as wear coats '<br />

a name given to the English, nuhkuhkom,<br />

it covers over, overwhelms, puts<br />

under (as a flood) ; an. ituhkuhkauau, it<br />

overwhelms, covers over (him); from<br />

nmkeu, it descends, comes down, with<br />

i' progressive, natippau, nehtippau, it<br />

is covered with water. Gen. 7, 19, 20.<br />

covering, onkwheg (see cover), vppuh-<br />

quos, obbohquos, a covering (awning,<br />

screen, or the like), something put over<br />

or above; ne ahuliquosik, its covering<br />

(of a chariot. Cant. 3, 10) (abockquo-<br />

simuh, pi., the mats used for covering<br />

the wigwams, R. W. ).<br />

covet, ahclieuvntam (he thinks very<br />

much of, desires exceedingly), he covets<br />

(it); pi. suppos. uhchewontegig, the<br />

covetous.<br />

cOTxraxd, sohquompimo, C. ;<br />

soliqiiontpuijonk,<br />

cowardice, ibid. (?); sniiqiilteiihhaue,<br />

faint-hearted, ibid. (?).<br />

crafty, wunnompewessu, wunnompuvmssu,<br />

nehtdmpmrmu, (he is) crafty, 'subtile'<br />

'with guile', (wimniipwowae kenosmwaonk,<br />

crafty counsel, C. ); vmnnom-<br />

peuhkuii, he beguiles, deceives by craft<br />

(him). Cf. nompatauunat, to .substitute<br />

one thing for another.<br />

crane, tannag (taunek, JiAX.), iromidniie,<br />

hoarse (?). sasmdi; ci. Aim. mssaghi-Sl,<br />

il est droit.<br />

crash, tai-likiimk, a crashing (noise?),<br />

Zeph. 1, 10.<br />

crawling, creeping-, p a m o mp a git.<br />

(when) it creeps; noli pritnompag, that<br />

which creeps; pi. pamompakecheg; an.<br />

,<br />

crawrliug, creeping—continued.<br />

pamoinpagin Mas, 'creeping tiling' (nuppinnmojliisltom,<br />

I creep, C. ); freq. and<br />

habit, pidpdmompag, pi. -pakecheg, and<br />

pupdincotcheg, creeping things.<br />

create. See make.<br />

creature. See animal.<br />

creeping. Sec crawling.<br />

crooked, u-oiniki (wdaki, R. W. ; wonkoi,<br />

C. ), crooked (lit. it bends); ne v;oon-<br />

kag, that which is crooked or bent;<br />

adj. an. ivooiikexii (ironkkend.in, C. ), he is<br />

bent or crooked; woankagk, (when it is<br />

crooked) error, transgression. w6nkinnum,<br />

he bends (it); woonkittemi, he<br />

makes (it) bent or crooked [related<br />

to waeemi, round about, bent or cur\'ed<br />

around?], peii/iiji, crooked, H.W. [pan-<br />

neaii, he goes out of the way, turns<br />

aside, errs], pemuqudi, 'crooked or<br />

winding', R. W. ; freq. pepemgque,<br />

crooked, tortuous; cf. penigquoh [])emg-<br />

queu, it whirls or twists], a whirl-<br />

wind.<br />

cross over, qnslikodtcau scip, he crossed<br />

over the river; sdp ne woh mo qmhkodteo7)iuk<br />

(pass, particip. ), a river that<br />

could not be crossed over or passed.<br />

crossway, pummeeche may, Obad. 14.<br />

crow, n. kcmkontu {kaukont, pi. -\-uog,<br />

R. AV.; kongkont, C. ); kutchikkonkont<br />

Ikehche konkont.}, 'raven'; elsewhere<br />

konkontu and weenont. Onomatopoetic.<br />

cruel, onkapimnde, Awakompanae (tor-<br />

menting, torturing), cruel, severe (of<br />

pain or torture); onkqueneiinkqiie, C.,<br />

vnkqi-inieiinkqiie, EL, grievous, terrible,<br />

extreme [from linkqne or uhqueu, at the<br />

extremity, extreme].<br />

crust (of bread), konhklttake, C. From<br />

bjshkl, rough (?), or kixlike-ojitag, that<br />

which is at the side of (?).<br />

cry (weep), mau {mou, C. ): nummmcheke<br />

mull, I weep much; nummauop, m,ummdp,<br />

{nuinmoup, C. ) I did weep; mauug,<br />

mauuk, when he weeps or cries; suppos.<br />

pi. neg mdugig they who weep;<br />

adj. mane, mainre, weeping {nuliio,<br />

'to cry and bewail', R. W.); freq.<br />

mauetiiaii, he cries or mtjurns. See<br />

mourn.<br />

cry aloud, cry out, miilionlmirini, he<br />

240 BUREAr OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

cry aloud, cry out—coiitinued.<br />

W. ), cry out; vbl. n. act. mishontmva-<br />

onk, a crying out, outcry, shouting.<br />

cuckoo, kit/urik, Lev. 11, 16; but in<br />

Deut. 14, 15, hikkmr is transferrer). It<br />

is not certain to \vhat species of bird<br />

tlie name nseii )iy Eliot belonged.<br />

cunner, chogset, or burgall (Labrus<br />

cliogset, Mitch.; Crenilabrus burgall,<br />

Storer), cachauj-et, Stiles (Peq. ) [choh-<br />

cliohh'Kil, spotted?].<br />

cure, heal, nt-rlxh'hhen'u, lie cures or<br />

lieals (liini) (causat., makes him well) ;<br />

neeUkehtemi, he cures or heals (it, as a<br />

fever, awound); neetske.ni,, (he is) cured<br />

or restored to health {nun-neetskeh, I<br />

heal, C. ); neetskehhuwaonk (a making<br />

well), a cure.<br />

current, bissitchuwan (it flows swiftly<br />

onward); iik-kisiitchuanncoonk (vbl. n.<br />

act., a flowing onward, a continuous<br />

flowing). See flow.<br />

curse, matt6num(iu, he curses (him);<br />

iiiiilj'imimwk, curse ye (him); maitcintom,<br />

indtlauitam, he cursed (it) {num-mattmtriitteam,v.<br />

{.("!), I curse, C. ; mattannuk-<br />

mat, V. t. an. (?), to curse, ibid. ) ; jnata-<br />

nittuonk (mattannuttuonk, C. ), a curse<br />

(pass. ) ; matunumdank, a curse (act.) ; cf.<br />

mnttamrit, devil, matchenaneteau, v. i.<br />

he curses; maicheiimitam (he thinks<br />

evil, is evil-minded), he curses (it);<br />

miilrheiKirieteaonk, cursing; mamatche-<br />

dance, puiiinkoii,, he dances; pummukonat<br />

(ptunukkonat, C), to dance; pummuka-<br />

onk, a dancing {jiauochauog, 'they are<br />

playing or dancing', E. W.;ahque mat-<br />

ii-dkesh, do not dance, ('. ; mattwakkdonk,<br />

dancing, ibid. This was probably the<br />

war dance. Cf. ninttirni, an enemy;<br />

iiiatiriu'ionck, a battle, R. W.).<br />

dangerous, ndnukquok (when there is<br />

need to beware), from nunmikqussu, he<br />

takes heed, is cautious {nen nunnukqua,<br />

I beware, C. ), which is from nuh-<br />

quiieu (?), he looks for, looks out, uses<br />

his eyes: imnnukque nquompiyeuash,<br />

curse—continued<br />

.<br />

7iOit, he curses (him) [intens. from<br />

mntchenaii].<br />

custom, uhshuaonk, ushuaonk, a custom<br />

(ushuwdonk, ussemik, an example, C.<br />

ulwhutraonk, example, Danf. ), =uxsed-<br />

T)<br />

perilous times; nannukquajijni, nukqiinppu,<br />

he is in danger.<br />

dark, pohkendi {pmi.kunnmn,


dark—continued.<br />

The name, as applieil to the constella-<br />

tion and the animal, was probably de-<br />

rived from pohkenai, signifying 'he<br />

goes when it is dark', or by night.<br />

daug'hter, vtit-l

.<br />


day—continued<br />

quindgok or qidnukok: pasuk kesuk, asuh<br />

neemik kenukqiiAe . . . asuh piogkuk-<br />

qiiiinir, 'one (lay or two days ... or<br />

ten days', Num. 11, 19; nequtte ke,suk<br />

asuh iifesequinnn, 'a day or two', Ex.<br />

21, 21; ogguhse-qidrme, few days; mai-<br />

chetikquinne, for many days. The sup-<br />

pos. form is used after an ordinal, as<br />

nishikquhiogok, on the third day {shuckqundckat,<br />

'three days', R. W. ; nishik-<br />

qunnohqudd, three days hence or ago,<br />

C.) ; yoiiqiihiiKikiik, on the fourth day<br />

[yomniiinrkiil. ' four days', R. W.'). So,<br />

mahchrjiimi-liclik-qnhiogiik, 'after many<br />

days' {nesiikquinogkod, two days ago,<br />

mamusse quhme kesukod, all the day<br />

C ;<br />

long, ibid., which last phrase points to<br />

the etymology, from quinne, long, the<br />

measure of duration).<br />

'<br />

' They are punctual in measuring their<br />

day by the sun, and their night by the<br />

moon and the stars", R. "W. 67. Be-<br />

sides the more obvious mode of indi-<br />

cating time of day or night, by saying<br />

that the sun or moon was 'so high'<br />

(go li))nit mpl'i-an, 'the sun thus high, I<br />

will come', R. W. 1, the seasons of<br />

light and darkness were subdivided,<br />

under significant names, to a degree<br />

that admitted of considerable accuracy<br />

in expressing time. The principal of<br />

these subdivisions or hours were as follows:<br />

adrhuwdmpag, (when it is) morn-<br />

ing watch, just before daylight lahchu<br />

vompag, he looks earnestly for daylight];<br />

kiioiiipog, (when it is) daybreak<br />

[keht-ii-(}iiiiiii(/ (? I, the beginning of day-<br />

light] {kitiiiiijiiiiiisha. break of day, R.<br />

W.; poalouwashd, C. ); c/(Oudea(c/i, about<br />

cock-crowing, R. W. ; wompag (bright<br />

light), full daylight (n-oinpan, niavldhoii,<br />

(liiclii'tiitjndt, it is day; uiupaldidxiii. it is<br />

broad day, R. AV.; Cree wdpmn, Howse<br />

77); mohtompan, it is morning (mauta-<br />

bon, R."" W. ) ; mohtompog, when it is (or<br />

was, or will be) morning, in the morning;<br />

nompodeii, early in the morning;<br />

nompuhkeik, 'on the morrow', i. e.<br />

when it W'as (next) morning; pAsh-<br />

pishont {up-poshpishao)ik nepaz, C. ;<br />

pd-<br />

shisha, 'it is sunrise', R. W.), sunrise<br />

[when he springs forth, suppos. from<br />

pishpeshau (freq. olj/eshau), he springs<br />

day—continued.<br />

forth, it blossoms; cf. uppeshau, a flow-<br />

er] pohsheqiidcu ( halfway , noon {pdire-<br />

; )<br />

shaquau', paushaqAaw, R.W. yahenpaw-<br />

;<br />

shaquan; almost noon, ibid.; pohshe-<br />



dead—continued<br />

.<br />

. separated']; iiianr/iai\h


deliver—continued<br />

.<br />

causes (another) to go free. So, pohqaawhns<br />

kuhhog and pohquohusli, ' escape<br />

thou', 'save thyself . ?0)/!/i«(h, he delivers,<br />

rescues, saves (him), makes him<br />

safe; caus. from tomeu, he saves himself,<br />

escapes; inan. tomwelUeau keitotaiidnh,<br />

'he recovered the cities', 2 K. 13, 25.<br />

See loose.<br />

deliverance, pohquohinhunnittunnk, tom-<br />

hiiliKiiik- (pass. vbls. ), the being save


devil, laattaiiit, pi. iiuitlxoiiiitooff, -coog<br />

[innt-amtto or matche-anitto, the negative<br />

or opposite of m'anitto, god, the notgod<br />

or evil god] (Muh. mtandou or maniiilo,<br />

devil. "The last of these words<br />

properly signifies a specter or anything<br />

frightfur', Edwards, 2 Mass. II. C. x.<br />

88. Del. inachtando or inatshbnimitiu,<br />

devil, evil spirit, Hkw.) . It is probable<br />

that this word was formed by Eliot or by<br />

his Indian converts. The devil or evil<br />

spirit of Indian mythology was called<br />

Habamoiik, Hobbamoco, Ahbamocho, or<br />

Chepie (Smith's Descr. of N. E. ; Jos-<br />

selyn; Lechford). " Abbamocho or Chec-<br />

pie many times smites them with in-<br />

curable diseases, scares them with his<br />

apparitions and panic terrors, by reason<br />

of which they live in a wretched con-<br />

sternation, worshipping tlie Devil for<br />

fear", Josselyn, 3 Mass. H. C. in, 300.<br />

"Another power they worship, whom<br />

they call Hobbumock, and to the northward<br />

of us, Hobbamoqai. This, as far<br />

as we can conceive, is the Devil '<br />

low's Relation (1624) .<br />

, Wins-<br />

'<br />

The etymology<br />

of this name is not apparent; but chepie<br />

(Peq. cheeby, chepy, Stiles) , is a form<br />

of cheppe or cMppe, separated, apart,<br />

that which is distinct or separated from<br />

us, that is, from the body 'or life.<br />

Heckewelder explains the Delaware<br />

"tschipey or tschHschank" (sometimes<br />

wrongly used for "the soul or spirit of<br />

man") as signifying a specter, spirit,<br />

or ghost, and having "something ter-<br />

rifyingabout it." "They call the place<br />

or world they are to go to after death<br />

Tschi-pey-ach-gink or TscMpeyhacking,<br />

the world of spirits, specters, or ghosts,<br />

where they imagine are varioas frightful<br />

figures", Hkw., 2 Mass. H. C. .x, 147.<br />

Eliot has chepl-ohke and chepioh-komuk<br />

for hades, hell (the place of separation<br />

or the land of spirits). So, cK&peck,<br />

'the dead', R. W. [chippeog, they are<br />

separated or apart]; fxee-e-p, 'ghost,<br />

dead man', Nanticoke Voc. in 2 Mass.<br />

H. C. X, 139. Squantuin, another name<br />

for the evil spirit (Josselyn ; Higginson )<br />

is clearly a contraction of musquantam,<br />

'he is angry'. Roger Williams says<br />

(109), "if it be but an ordinary accident,<br />

a fall, etc., they will say, 'God<br />

,<br />

devil—continued.<br />

wa.s angry and did it; masquantammand,<br />

God is angry.' " See spirit; God.<br />

devise. See consider.<br />

devote. See offer.<br />

devour. See eat.<br />

dew, iii,i-liij'/i'ig {mechipog, R. W.); iiee-<br />

rhipagii-e /jiittippeshineadi, dew-drops<br />

[7ieechati, it gives birth to or (pass.)<br />

is born of, -pog, water].<br />

dice, irunimiigonhdmmin, "to plity at dice<br />

in their tray" {iimnnonk, a dish, EL;<br />

iKumulug, a tray, E. W. ) ; asauanash,<br />

"the painted plum stones, which they<br />

throw", "a kind of dice, which they<br />

cast in a tray with a mighty noise and<br />

sweating", R. W., 145, 146.<br />

die, tiiippm, nnp, he dies or is dead;<br />

suppos. part, nupuk, when he dies,<br />

he dying; pi. nupukeg, the dead; insh<br />

kenup, thou shalt die (kiionckquH, he is<br />

dead, R. W.; nipwi, md,w [ = (wnaeM?],<br />

he is gone, ibid. ; nippitch e.w6, let him<br />

die, ibid. ;<br />

niphettitch, let them die, ibid.<br />

puh minnup, I shall die, C.) [related to<br />

neepan, he rises up, and nuppoh, a wing?<br />

or to ahpcoteau, uppmteau, lit. 'with-<br />

ers?']. See dead.<br />

difference, penmwomin, a difference or<br />

unlikeness. See contend.<br />

different, penwire, strange, foreign, dif-<br />

ferent, or unlike [related to j>mme, out<br />

of the way; panneu, he goes out of the<br />

way, errs, is astr^] ; penamvyenoj, it<br />

is strange, different, or unlike. See<br />

foreign; strange; stranger.<br />

siuckat, hard,<br />

R. W. ; ) suppos. siogkod, siogkok, when<br />

difficult, xlogke (stokke, C. ;<br />

or if it is hard or difficult; ne siogkok,<br />

that which is difficult, a difficult mat-<br />

ter. From see, seog, sour, bitter. See<br />

hard.<br />

difficulty, siiigkeyenorik (vbl. n. art. I, a<br />

hard matter, hard case, difficulty; in-<br />

tens. sasioguk, pi. + ish, difficult matters.<br />

dig, kiittahham, he digs into or through,<br />

or, he digs for or digs up (anything):<br />

kattdhh'Diiirog wetuomMh, 'they dig<br />

through houses'. Job 24, 16; v. i.<br />

itk-kulhamuneau, they digge


dig—continued,<br />

ging; cf. 2 K. 19, 24; Is. 37, 25) : w

'<br />


dog—continued.<br />

instances tiiis word, as Roger Williams<br />

had before done', as pronounced by the<br />

Indians of Massachusetts, ininm, with<br />

"inn produced"; by the Nipmucks,<br />

alum; by the Northern (and the Quinnipiac)<br />

Indians, arum, and, as Roger<br />

Williams states, by the Narragansetts,<br />

aybn (El. Gr. 2; R. W., Key, 9fi).<br />

Stiles gives ayimp, aujimp (Narr. ), and<br />

ri ahteah (Peq. ) . "The Delawares say alliim,<br />

tlie Algonliins alim, the Etchemins<br />

or Abenakis allomoos lalhi nt-uaas]".<br />

Barton's Compar. Voc. From a root<br />

signifying to take hold of (jr to hold<br />

fast, to hold on to. The animate form<br />

occurs not rareh' in Eliot's translation;<br />

• as, noh anum-woli anunoni irelUauog-ul,<br />

!one that taketh [suppos.] a dog by the<br />

ears', Prov. 26, 17; vut-anmm oa-weeshit-<br />

tmn-it, I caught him by his beard, 1<br />

. Sam. 17, 35.<br />

doing', action, ux.^eoiik- [vl)l. n. act. from<br />

nxseu'}.<br />

do not! ahqur [aijiiie, leave off, do not I<br />

R. AV. ), desist or refrain from, followed<br />

by a verb in the imperative; ahgue<br />

wabesisli, fear not, do not fear; more<br />

emphatically and authoritativel)' in the<br />

imperative of the negative form, v;abe-<br />

sehkon (aquie assokish, be not foolish,<br />

R. W. ; ahque amaiih, don't depart, C.)<br />

ahqueh, ' have patience with me ' (Matt.<br />

18, 26), where it is used as a verb in<br />

the an. suffix form. Eliot calls it an<br />

'adverb of forbidding', 'beware, do<br />

not' (Gr. 21). He uses it as a verb in<br />

the indicative in Gen. 17, 22; Ruth 2,<br />

20, for 'he desists, leaves off'. When<br />

compounded with the verli to form the<br />

imperative negative it has the form<br />

-dhkoii, -uhkou, or -'kou, as kmiimmt-<br />

uhkon, thou .shalt not steal (.steal not);<br />

ahchewaniim uhkou, thou shalt not covet;<br />

misheteohkon, thou shalt not kill, etc.<br />

The vowel sound variously written ah,<br />

-uh, -oh, -eh was probal)ly nearly like<br />

the German o.<br />

door, squdntaiii, xquonl, Kqiiouut (iisquoni,<br />

C. ), pi. -amash, door or gateway; appu<br />

vjusquonlam-ut lit wek-it, he sat in the<br />

door of his tent (sqvnuutdumuck, at the<br />

door, R. W. ); cf. o.«(V/»a)H, he sews (it)<br />

up; usquontOKu, he is sewing, kuppuh-<br />

;<br />

door—continued.<br />

hoa, a door [inan. cans, from kuijpi,<br />

close: that which makes close].<br />

do to, act or behave toward, -iinnehean,<br />

he does to (him), conducts him-<br />

self toward (another) ; ne uiuiehe, so<br />

deal thou with me, do this to me;<br />

unnihuk unnuk nag, so do ye to them;<br />

toh kiainheshf what have I done ( what<br />

do I) unto thee? ;<br />

lounneneheau, he does<br />

good to (him) or treats (him) well;<br />

ivnunenehmrifuh wame, let us do good<br />

to all men. Gal. 6, 10.<br />

double , pdpiske, papasku, papskeu, papske,<br />

pkken: papske ahtdonk, a double portion;<br />

kiiji-ZKijiiixlii imkquatonsh, I will render<br />

t" tlj louble, Zech. 9, 12; phh ueesit<br />

pi.tkiu (JadUlUiaa, he shall pay double,<br />

Ex. 22, 4, 7. Related to puihmke, pd-<br />

piuhsuke, over against or (reciprocally)<br />

opposite; or from pamik-m, it is one,<br />

by reduplication jia-pa-mk-ai.<br />

doubt, be doubtful, chanantam, he<br />

doubts; oliduimtamirug, they doubted<br />

(niit-rhdiidutam, I doubt, C. ; ahque chunantah<br />

(do not doubt me), 'you may<br />

take it for granted', ibid.).<br />

doubtless, walla kdhche, 'no douljf<br />

(uiatta kiihche, Danf.).<br />

dove, iruskuhirhau (?). See pigeon.<br />

down. See ca,st down; downward; go; let<br />

down.<br />

downward, ohkeiyeu {ohkeicu, helov,-,C.),<br />

toward the earth, downward (aukee-<br />

aaeia, downward, R. W.) [from ohke,<br />

earth], wmmiycu, downward; ummiyeu<br />

wmuihjeu, ' very low', Deut. 28, 43. nmkeu,<br />

he descends, goes or comes down<br />

[n' ohke-yeu]. wmmusau, voomsu, he goes<br />

downward; ncowomussin iradrhuut, I<br />

came down from the mountain; suppos.<br />

noh umnisH, he who goeth downward;<br />

vbl. n. act. iiwmsuoiik, a going<br />

down, a declivity or descent.<br />

draw out, kodlinnum, he draws or pulls<br />

(it) out; an. kndtlnnau, kodnaii, hedraws<br />

(him)out; kodncok indch nmlaulxit, draw<br />

(him) out of the fire; suffix mik-kodtiuuk<br />

wutch nlppekonlu, he drew me out of<br />

the water; kodtinnum wuttogkodteg, he<br />

drew his sword, kuhpinau ( =kodtinau7)<br />

ha»hah])oh, he drew the net.<br />

draw water, iruttuhuppan, tnduhpau, he<br />

draw.-i water; wuttuhuppaog, they drew

248 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

draw water—t-untinued.<br />

water {=quomphippaog, 1 Chr. 11, 18);<br />

nmthupau, ncotuhupau, I drew water for<br />

(him). See dip.<br />

dream, unnukquorn, he dreams; v. t.<br />

tiiittiiumgquomun unnugquomimjtd; I<br />

dreamed a dream.<br />

dress, lioykaionk (aukcoonk, C) , agarment<br />

or covering of skin {acoh, 'their deer<br />

skin', R. W.) ; monak, cloth {m6nak,<br />

C. ; maunek, 'an English coat or man-<br />

tle,' R. W. ), a garment, cloak, coat, etc.<br />

(irdwdmek, a dress, C. ) ;<br />

petashqushdonk,<br />

petaoshqushaonk, a cloak, outer garment.<br />

See clothe; clothing.<br />

drink (n.), onkuppe, oukup, ininulike<br />

inittiitlamdonk, strong drink.<br />

drink (v.), iimttdttam, he drinks; inithilta-fh,<br />

drink thou {ahque uuuniatous (=<br />

iinmeuttaifli), do not drink all, R. W.<br />

pdtUous notatdm, give me drink, ibid.;<br />

nmldttam, I drink, C. ) ; vbl. n. act. ivuttat-<br />

tainm^s] ; oliksijipaiinrrai,<br />



dry—continued.<br />

is not found except in composition.<br />

kunkohteddte&e, dry, implied a lack or<br />

deficiency of moisture: kunkohteAdteae<br />

ohke, dry land, i. e. parched by drought.<br />

From kunkan, kohnkan, there is dryness<br />

or drought. The same word, compounded<br />

with Ham, mouth, kohl-uttam,<br />

kuhkuttam, signifies thirsty, lit. 'he is<br />

dry-mouthed', mussai, (it is) dry, said<br />

only of a tree or plant, grain, fruit, etc.,<br />

and then only in compound words:<br />

musscDunk, a dry tree; pi. muxxohguamin-<br />

neash (nms»unkq-, misstinkg-), dry ears<br />

of corn [perhaps, as originally applied<br />

to a tree, from maosi, bare, stripped of<br />

its leaves]. See drought.<br />

duck, queqiu'cum. pi. -\-mduo


each, an and inan. nuhnoh, each, every,<br />

eagle, trompsiknk, u'omsikiil; wom]m,isikmk<br />

(wompissacuk, pi. -]rquduog,'R.'W .;<br />

woinpsnkook, C. ) [^irompi - psuk, white<br />

great bird]. The name is more appro-<br />

priately given to the fishhawk or<br />

osprey (Pandion halifetus) than to the<br />

bald eagle (Halisetns leucocephalus),<br />

but was possibly applied to both birds<br />

by the Indians of the coast,<br />

ear, inilitdnorj, pi. -^ quash; nehtauoff, my<br />

ear; kehtnnng, thy ear; wehtauog, his<br />

eB,r(v)utt6uwog,^\. -j-quaxh, R. W.; Peq.<br />

kuttuwavnege, (your) 'ear, or what<br />

you hear by', Stiles.) From vah-<br />

tenv, he knows, understands, perceives<br />

(?('(f ?co, C ; ) suppos. particip. vvihtennk,<br />

knowing, with termination marking<br />

inan. agent, and m' indefinite prefixed.<br />

Cf. Or. afsiv (aim), to feel, to perceive,<br />

to hear; Lat. audire; Fr. entendre, to<br />

hear, to understand.<br />

early, iiompodeu, vomjini'if, early (next)<br />

morning. See day.<br />

earn, tummuhhfmwi onkquatunk, he earns<br />

(and obtains) wages;. suppos. iioh iam-<br />

hmiiidt, he who earns (it).<br />

earring, sogkunmhou, pi. -j-yuish.<br />

earth, ohke {afike. E. W.; ohke, C), the<br />

earth, land, place, country (Ahn. ki,<br />

'terre', Rasles; Gr. yyj; Lat. terra).<br />

The primary meaning appears to be<br />

'that which produces or brings forth',<br />

corresponding to the an. ohkas l=(ihke-<br />

Odas}, the bringer forth, the mother.<br />

nunahpd, nunohpe, earth, dry land (as<br />

distinguished from water) . See dry.<br />

earthquake, qveqvan (there is a shaking<br />

or trembling), a shaking; pi. qiieqiian-<br />

ash : olike inikkeemo koh qiieqnan, 'the<br />

earth shook and trembled', Ps. 18, 7.<br />

east, inHchepv.'6iyeu, imitchepiroayeii, eastward,<br />

on or to the east; iimtehe wutchep-<br />

ii'oii/eti, from the east; irutchejivosh ( umt-<br />

chepwoshe udttin, C), the east wind.<br />

For toutehepwoijfeu the Massachusetts<br />

Psalter substitutes vompanniyeii, and<br />

Roger Williams has Wompanavd, 'the<br />

Eastern Ood' (i. e. god of the dawn or<br />

mornnig light), but iiopdiiii. the east<br />

E<br />

east—continued.<br />

wind, and rliepenrmn { = inil-riiepjir(ish<br />

of Eliot), the northeast wind (p. 83)<br />

liftit-chepioh-ijeit, belonging to Chejty,<br />

or the bad spirit, to whom the northeast<br />

region appears to liave been<br />

appropriated, as the west or northwest<br />

was to Chfkesiw;and or Kisukqnaml<br />

and the southwest to Kaufi'inlo>rit or<br />

the good god], immpannii/en (where<br />

the daylight is) appears to have been<br />

the more generally received word for<br />

'east' or 'to the east'. Its radical,<br />

wompan, irdpi (white, light, bright, of<br />

the dawn) , enters into the composition<br />

of the names of places and people, as<br />

Abenaki. ( ]Vapanachki) and Wampan-<br />

nag.i ( Wampan-ohke) . See north.<br />

easy, 7iikk&mme {nickuminat, R. AV.; nikknmme,<br />

nukkumme, ?mH*rt/no/, C), it is<br />

easy, not difficult or hard; suppos.<br />

nirkihnmat, when it is easy.<br />

eat, meetsti, he eats (v. i. ), he takes<br />

food; infin. metsinate, meetsimieate {vtetesimmhi,<br />

'R. W. ; Del., mitzin Hkw.),<br />

to eat; meet/fish, eat thon; meetfiHog, they<br />

eat (ascAmetedmmis [=n,

—<br />


eat—continued,<br />

what is eaten "required the use of the<br />

teeth", and guntammen when that<br />

which was eaten "needed no chewing,<br />

as pottage, mush, or the like." "If he<br />

has eaten of both kinds of provisions at<br />

his meal he will then use the generic<br />

term [intransitive verb?] and say n' dap-<br />

pi rnitzi, I have eaten" (correspondence<br />

with Duponceau). The distinction between<br />

the verVjs maybe more correctly<br />

expressed, at least so far as the language<br />

of Massachusetts is concerned,<br />

by stating that the intransitive verb<br />

'he eats' is expressed by metzu, the<br />

transitive inanimate by meech, he eats<br />

vegetable food (whence weatchiminne-<br />

nsh, eachimminneash [^m' eechum-minnectsh,<br />

eatable grain], corn, and meeckum-<br />

uonk, fruit, vegetable food), and the<br />

transitive animate by mmwhau, he eats<br />

that which has life, or an animate ob-<br />

ject; perhaps, primarily, hebites ortears<br />

with the teeth: nimhcoti-omm [uinirliaii-<br />

nioo'] og(fii; ngkaok-ut , 'it biteth like a<br />

serpent', Prov. 23, 32; suppos. noh<br />

7na)hhukqiie, 'he who eateth me', John<br />

6, 57; mhquaog ummaihwhoiiJi, the worms<br />

ate him, 'he was eaten of Avorms', Acts<br />

12, 23; mmu'haii, locusts, 'he did eat<br />

locusts', Mark 1, 6; but num-meech ivey-<br />

aus, I eat meat, flesh (as Deut. 12, 20),<br />

etc. These three verbs metzu, meech,<br />

mmv-hau—denote the act of eating<br />

or taking food. There was another<br />

and older verb, not fomid in Eliot ex-<br />

cept in compound words, which signi-<br />

fied to feed or to satisfy the appetite,<br />

namely iippao or upwou, (cf. Sansk. pd,<br />

'nourrir, soutenir', 'sustentare' , Bopp.<br />

Gr. Ttaoo; \M. p>a, m pii-ri, pd-hulum.)<br />

Its compounds and derivatives are<br />

numerous, as, nnliippco, iHidluppco, it<br />

(an animal other than man) feeds or<br />

grazes: pigs-og ncduppuog, the swine<br />

feed or were feeding, Luke 8, 32; nee-<br />

tasmiqg pish nadluppmog {nolupwock,<br />

R. W.), the cattle shall feed, Is. 30,<br />

23; V. t. inan. nadluppmwontam, he feeds<br />

upon; kodtuppm [kod-Uppao, he desires<br />

to feed], he is hungry; vanifpoo l^nameftppco,<br />

he feeds wholly or entirely], he<br />

is satisfied or fills himself; ti'ipiippm<br />

\t&pi-uppm, he feeds sufticieiitly], he<br />

;<br />

eat—continued<br />

.<br />

has eaten enough, has sufficient; "-».ssaumepco<br />

[wussaume-uppm, he eats too<br />

much], he is gluttonous; mighadtupj>m<br />

[mish-adt-tcppm, he eats when there is<br />

much], he feasts, partakes of a feast;<br />

weeladtiippoj lirrfii-adt-uppco, he eats in<br />

company with], he feeds with others;<br />

sogkepoo laogk-uppao], he bites; ntahchippco<br />

lmahrhe-tij)pco, he has com-<br />

pletely fed], he has done eating ( hkii'i-<br />

rheptrnt, -when he hath eaten; niai'irhep-<br />

micks, after meals, R. W.), hence, he<br />

eats up, devours, wholly consumes<br />

{nummahchip, I devour, C. ). vvhpillittuk,<br />

let us eat together, Exp. Mayhew.<br />

Cf. iiiejjil, tooth.<br />

ebb tide, maiioheton, R. W. See tide.<br />

edge, kenng (that which is sharp), vi- m<br />

ketuig. v'lis, the edge, border, brim, etc.<br />

{imiss, the edge or list of cloth, R. W. )<br />

pi. viissash; the borders of; id ini/Diadt,<br />

on the edge (of a garment, etc. ), on the<br />

brim (of a cuj) or vessel, etc. ).<br />

eels, neeshauog, sossammauqiiock, nquitle-<br />

connauog, R. W. ; Peq. neesh, neeshnaugx,<br />

Stiles; Narr. neshuongok, eels. Stiles;<br />

nequttika, an eel, C. Two of these<br />

names, nquitteconnauog and tii-ivldn'ing,<br />

are evidently compounded with the<br />

numerals neqtdfri, one, and iii'ei

252 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bui.letix 25<br />

egg—continued.<br />

from; ohie, earth; ohkas [=^olik-6d(ts],<br />

mother; Sontoimik (dtomiik, E. M.), the<br />

womb; Gr. mbv (aiov) ,eg^; a)oyEvf/i,<br />

produced from the egg; tooro^os, that<br />

lays eggs, etc. ; Lat. ovum.<br />

eight, )

.<br />

end (v. i. )—continued.<br />

ii-ehquoshau, with it' progressive, it<br />

moves onward to its limit.<br />

en.d(v. t.). See finish.<br />

enemy, matwau, (he is) an enemy; 7mmmalwom,<br />

my enemy; Jcummaiwomog, thy<br />

enemies; n. agent, mativaen, an enemy,<br />

one who acts as an enemy; nummatwainii,<br />

ut kummatwdmut, I am an enemy<br />

to thy enemies, Ex. 23, 22. Elsewhere,<br />

matwau, 'a soldier', i. e. an armed<br />

enemy. See soldier; war.<br />

Eng'lishman, WaiUacone, pi. Wni'itncorifi-<br />

aiii/, 'i-oat-men' or clothed, R. W. ( hv/N<br />

dhkooHoij, 'such as wear coats', C. ).<br />

Morton, in his N. E. Canaan (book 3,<br />

chapter v), says, "the Salvages of the<br />

Massachussets . . . did call the English<br />

planters Wotawquenange [for -auge ?],<br />

which in their language signifieth stab-<br />

bers or cut-throates ... a southerly<br />

Indian that understood English well<br />

. . . calling us by the name of Woto-<br />

quanaawge; what that doth signifle,<br />

hee said hee was not able by any dem-<br />

onstration to expresse." The writer<br />

confounded Wautacontiang, coat men,<br />

withC/ia«7«ag»oci(see below). Wauiacoimk,<br />

an English woman, R. W. ; dim.<br />

WaiiUironi'inese, an English youth, ibid.<br />

Airdiiiiagfxsuck, pi. English men, "as<br />

much as to say, these strangers", ibid.<br />

ananagus-antotranh, speak (thou) Eng-<br />

lish, ibid, [aivdim, R. W. (hx/imn, El.),<br />

somebody, anybody; awanick, '.some<br />

come', ibid.; awaun eu-d, who is that?<br />

ibid.] (Peq. Waunnuxuk, Englishmen,<br />

Stiles). Chduquaquock, 'that is, Knive-<br />

men ' , R. W. Chokquog, ( Oiogqussuog, C.<br />

Englishmansog or Chohkquog, title to<br />

Indian Laws, 1705) [rhohqubg (rhau-<br />

quock, H. W.), a knife]. EiigUKlinidiiviwk<br />

(pl.),R. \V.<br />

enmity, ni'kennhlluoiik, enmity, mutual<br />

hatred<br />

hates]<br />

[vbl. n. from .ifkoieum, he<br />

enough, Idpi, taupi, (it is) sufficient,<br />

enougti (tadbi, R. W.; tdpi, C. ); nut-<br />

lapet (?), I have enough, Gen. 33, 9;<br />

imperat. 3d pers. sing, inparh, let it<br />

suflBce, let it be enough. Perhaps from<br />

ut-appu, he rests at, sits down at. So, the<br />

English 'enough' has been referred<br />

to the Heb., Chal


especially, nanpehyev, C. See very.<br />

evening, iruimonkcoook, (when it is)even-<br />

ini;; (rurinonkou, (it is) evening; adj.<br />

)i-tiiinontrjuae, in the evening, at even-<br />

ing. See daj'.<br />

ever, forever, micheme {inkhane, R. W.;<br />

iiiiclii'iiie, v.; michcmeshaui, he is gone<br />

forever, R. W. ); inan. michemohtae,<br />

everla-sting; michempn, (he ii^) ever-<br />

lasting.<br />

every, /(is/)»o/i, each, every: ni»lmoh irut-<br />

tiuiicoii'aotik, (his) every word; nishnoh<br />

imxkeiomp, every man (nishnoh teng,<br />

everytliiiig, 0. ).<br />

everywhere, fjiiiniuijiolike \_qiiiii nn ppe<br />

(ilikf, aliout the land]; (juiiinnpjm mut-<br />

tiiiik. alioiit the world, in everyplace;<br />

nifliiiolt lit, at every place.<br />

evidence. See witne^^s.<br />

evil. See bad.<br />

exalt, niinhehemi, he exalts (him) [makes<br />

him great, cans. an. from minhe-u; cf.<br />

iiiiiihooiniu, he ' brags or swaggers ' , C,<br />

i. e. makes himself great]; mishelitewi,<br />

he exalts, increases, makes (it) great<br />

[cans. inan. from mmhe-u].<br />

example (pattern), iis-hinrdonk, C; nh-<br />

nhiiurtonk, Danf. See custom.<br />

exceedingly, ahche, very much, very;<br />

muWte {inwcheke, much; moachekeyeniik,<br />

excessively, C); wussaume, too nnicb;<br />

face, nuifskesuk, the eye, the face (Xarr.<br />

.^kieziip, face, Stiles). See eye.<br />

fade, fail, inuhuhi'iiii, inahslwau, it fails,<br />

fades, decays, passes away, comes to an<br />

end; inan. pi. mahtshaash, they (inan.)<br />

pass away; said of the loss of strength<br />

and health, the deca\f incident to<br />

sickness or old age, etc.; nipjK maht-<br />

xhiink, when the water fails; ne miiht-<br />

"hiiiik, that which is past (suppos. when<br />

it shall be passed); so, of the flight of<br />

time, '^iiahtshunk kesukodtash, 'at the<br />

end of the days', i. e. when they shall<br />

have passed away; pass, nipjic nmlilfhlmoo<br />

{mtihchimco), the water shall be<br />

wasted, made to fail. Cf. mahchinau,<br />

he is sick, from mahche or mahl- ( maut,<br />

R. W. ), expressing completed action or<br />

l)ast existence, the auxiliary of the per-<br />

fect tense. See old (iin/htiiiitaiii).<br />

F<br />

exceedingly—continued.<br />

iitattaf mmrheke, 'exceeding much', 2<br />

Sam. 8, 8. See very.<br />

except. See besides.<br />

excite, stir up, iroijkmnmau misKinii'lit-<br />

niiog, he stirs up, excites the people;<br />

v'ogkoueonk (vbl. n. act., a stirring up),<br />

excitement, commotion.<br />

exert one's self. See strive after.<br />

extinguish, iiiitliniii in/itiiii, he extin-<br />

guislies or puts out the fire; naAau pixh<br />

untliamun, tlie tire shall be put out;<br />

(iiiiha m img moh kussaash , they extinguish<br />

the coals [trans, inan. form, from oli-<br />

tmo, I'lhtea, it goes out, as fire or a light].<br />

See quench.<br />

extreme, ulnjin'ii, at the point or extrem-<br />

ity of; hence, at extremity, extreme,<br />

grievous, cruel, severe, etc. In the<br />

latter sense Eliot usually writes nnbiue,<br />

but sometimes I'lhqiie, nhqinn, etc.<br />

From uhk or u)iq, a point or sharp extremity.<br />

See end.<br />

eye, iniiKh'tiuk, the eye or the face; pi.<br />

muskcxukquaKli: nuskesak, my eye; viin-<br />

kesttk, his eye. {ivuskcesnck, R. W. ;<br />

Peq. skeezuckii, eyes, Stiles; Narr. iris-<br />

kezuenqunh, eyes. Stiles; Muh. likeesque,<br />

eye, Edw. ; muskesuk, the eye, the<br />

face, C.)<br />

eyebrows, iiioiiii'iiinng I jil. ).<br />

faint, be exhausted, kodtinnenu, he<br />

faint.«; kiiilliiiiiniog, they faint.<br />

faint-hearted, suhqiitteahaii, he is fainthearted;<br />

sup|)OS. noli nohqiiltcaliuiit, he<br />

who is faint-hearted {sohqiitteahliane,<br />

faint-hearted, C. ). C'ausat. from .«;//-<br />

qittlahham, he breaks in pieces or beats<br />

to powder (?). But 'ncipUloi, he is in<br />

black, i. e. he hath some one dead in<br />

his house', R. W., apparently from<br />

mi'icki, black or dark colored.<br />

fair wind, irtinnagehan or viinnegi'n<br />

iriii'ijii, fair wind; wunnegildi initlin,<br />

when the wind is fair, R. AV.<br />

faithful, jii'ihiihliiiiiiiiiiriU; -niwn, faithful,<br />

trusty (jiiiliiililniili'iiiiire, honestly, 0.).<br />

From /idhiilitiiiiiiiiniii, he trusts (him).<br />

See trust.<br />

fall, puniitii,' he falls down, prostrates<br />

himself (Luke S, 41; 30, 47; rarely

fall—continued,<br />

used), pi'nushau, he or it falls (acci-<br />

dentally or by mischance) {nup-pints-<br />

shom, I fall, C.) ; penushaoff, they fall;<br />

penushean, it fadeth (as a flower, Is. 40,<br />

7, 8) ; penushunk, when it falls; vbl. act.<br />

penushaonk, pinshaonk, a falling, a fall<br />

(El. and C); from punneu, which is<br />

nearly related to, perhaps identical<br />

with, panneu, he goes wrong, errs, goes<br />

out of the way. petshau, he falls (acci-<br />

dentally or by mischance) into, as petshau<br />

wunoghd, he falls into a hole;<br />

petshaog dpehhanit, they fall into the<br />

snare; suppos. peUhdnit, petshint, if he<br />

fall, when he falls; from pdutteau, he<br />

goes into, kepshau, he falls (by mis-<br />

chance) ,<br />


strictly he stumbles and falls,<br />

falls by an obstruction in the way, etc.<br />

kepshau ohkeit, he fell on the earth;<br />

kepshdoff, they fall; suppos. part, kep-<br />

shont, when or if (he) fall, when falling;<br />

kepshunk, when or if (it) fall; vbl. act.<br />

kepshaonk, a falling, a fall, poi/kiihaii , he<br />

or it falls, inanimately, drops down (as<br />

fruit frem a tree) ; inan. pi. jjogkwhinneash,<br />

they shall fall; pogslmnlc, when<br />

it falls, kodsheau, it falls out of, as toy-<br />

kodteg kodsheau, the sword fell out of<br />

(its sheath) ; from kodtiiiinnu, he draws<br />

(it) out. (-/(«». ,/,.s//,i», lir hills iiitn the<br />

water (c/i((»"',y)/i

256 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

farther—continued.<br />



father—continued.<br />

and irutshau ((icdinnnrk 7i6trshem, 'I<br />

came [from] over the water'; tunna<br />

ti-utshaTiockf whence come they?). The<br />

animate form i.s frequently employed<br />

in its primary signification—that is,<br />

without including the idea of paternity,<br />

or rather of the filial relation, a.s nco-<br />

chai wuhkumaiini, 'I am from above';<br />

kenami koachaiimica) wutclingwii, ' yeare<br />

from below', John 8, 23; iioh vmtcha<br />

. . . nkh ivame, ' of him [as original or<br />

source] are all things', Rom. 11, 36;<br />

noh vajhet mlttamvossissit, 'he who is<br />

[suppos.] born of a woman'. Gal. 4, 4;<br />

causat. suppos. noh wajehayemit Godut,<br />

' he who is of God', i. e. is caused to proceed<br />

from or to have his origin in, John<br />

6, 46; and in this form it is hardly sepa-<br />

rable from the so-called preposi;ion,<br />

which is in fact the primitive imper.sonal<br />

verb, mitche,}nitch, mteh {ii-iM:hc,'R.'W.),<br />

from, because of, etc. See begin; come<br />

or proceed from; from.<br />

[Marginal note.— " Since writing the above<br />

I see in Maillard's Gram. Milvmaque (page 17)<br />

that he has translated n'Stch, mon p6re, as<br />

derived from i:Sschimk, etre fils".]<br />

fathers (n. collect. ),«'!(to.57(iune(()/i-, the<br />

fathers, colkctively or as a class, the<br />

fatherhood.<br />

fear, (jhsIuiu, he fears, is afraid of<br />

(him); qusli, fear thou (him); qusheuk,<br />

qushcok, fear ye; vbl. n. act. qushaonk,<br />

fear (reverence, C); pass, qusliitteaonk,<br />

tear (referred to the subject), wabequshau<br />

[wdbe-qushau^, he stands in fear<br />

or awe of, greatly fears (him). V. i.<br />

wabesu, he fears, is afraid; ivabsek, fear<br />

ye; ahqae wabsek, fear ye not, do not<br />

be afraid {nm-ivabea, I am afraid, I fear,<br />

C. ); vbl. n. act. uxibesuonk, fear {ivap-<br />

suonUimcoonk, ' afraid ' , C. ) . vahesuon-<br />

tam, lie fears or is afraid of (it), quehtam<br />

(quUiam, C), he fears (it); kiikquehtammmvcD<br />

togkodteg, you fear the<br />

sword ; suppos. noh quohtog, he who fears<br />

(it). See affrighted; afraid; honor.<br />

feast, niinhddtupjifj), he feasts {inlsheadt-upfiiD,<br />

he eats where there is much]<br />

causat. mishadlupweheaii, he makes a<br />

feast; mishadtupumtteuh, let us keep<br />

a feaat; vbl. n. act. mishadtuppcoonk<br />

{mishodtuppooonk, C), a feasting, nick-<br />

B. A. E., Bill. 2.5 17<br />

;<br />

feast—continued.<br />

6mmo, 'a feast or dance', li. W.: "Of<br />

this feast they have public and private,<br />

and that of two sorts: first, in sickness,<br />

ordrought, or war, or famine; secondly,<br />

after harvest, after hunting," etc.<br />

feather, im'qun (penna), a feather, and<br />

(2) a pen; mrqiiime, unnnequiine, feath-<br />

ered; mi//chi'ki'qniiitii, iiiisJieqiiiKiii, (it is)<br />

full of feathers (meek, a pen, C. ).<br />

feeble. See weak.<br />

feed (v. i. ). See eat.<br />

feed (v. t.), assamau, he feedeth, giveth<br />

food to (him); assamuuh motski'Iiludsli,<br />

he feeds him with grass; ansamatk Jlock,<br />

feed ye the flock, Zech. 11,4; assameh<br />

{rMsamiia; R. W.), give me to eat, feed<br />

me (see Howse 83). sohkomau, he<br />

feeds, nourishes, continues to feed or<br />

provide food for, sustains (him); kas-^<br />

sohkoinconuk, he fed thee; iiussohkomon<br />

flock, I feed the flock, Zech. 11, 7; Kohkomm(mm«h<br />

meechum tie tapeiieunkquok,<br />

feed thou me with food which is .suita-<br />

ble ('convenient', Prov. 30, 8); sohkommaos<br />

w.it-i!he])>iemes-og, feed thou my<br />

lambs, John 21, 15. unnanumeh quoinjia-<br />

tdsh lie si'jbaheg, 'feed me with that<br />

pottage', Gen. 25, 30, lit. give to me<br />

( dip up ) that pottage, meetseheaog mdi-<br />

hogkuh, they feed themselves [caus.<br />

from metsv, he eats].<br />

feel. See touch.<br />

female, squdan, sqiias, squdus, of womankind,<br />

female; squaiyeum {=squaieu, she<br />

is female, Gen. 6, 19). See woman.<br />

sqnosJiitn {squdshim, R. W. ), a female<br />

quadruped; adj. squosldmve. In the<br />

Del. "the males of quadrupeds are<br />

called lemio 'luechum, by contraction lennochum;<br />

the females ochque wechum, by<br />

contraction ochquechum" , Hkw.<br />

fence, imnkdnous, wonkonms {uokmnnos,<br />

C), a fence (also, a fort, q. v.); from<br />

v!onki, woonki, it bends around, is<br />

crooked, qussiikqxianeutunk {quismkqmimiutonk,<br />

C. ), a stone fence, a wall.<br />

pummeneutunk, a wall or fence.<br />

fetch, nnn-neenskom (nun-neniskom, C),<br />

I will fetch, I fetch (it); neemskomah<br />

nipjicnies, fetch uie a little water;<br />

neeingkomunach pHukqunneg, let bread<br />

be fetched; neemskomidtuh, let us fetch<br />

(it). See bring.

258 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25-<br />

fever, in-csiiii.'iIi,hiiiJ:, nrx.hiiitoiil: (a pesti-<br />

k^ntial or iiilcctious ilisuuse), a fever,<br />

Juhii 4, oL' [iir.^iiiiiisliiii'iniirl; the plague,<br />

R. W.) ;<br />

wee.iushau, ivesohshau, he has a<br />

fever (but loesauashaAi, he hath the<br />

plague, R. W. ). This name is appar-<br />

ently derived from veesoe (iregaui,<br />

R.W. ), yellow, with the affix denoting<br />

bad or evil, -ish, and describes "the<br />

disease which they call the yellow<br />

vomit, which", as Heckewelder states,<br />

"at times carries off many of them"<br />

(Hist. Account 216). Eliot also translates<br />

'fever' by kussopitae nyne<br />

(Deut. 28, 2) [jamopitae, very hot].<br />

kusdnohsliau, he has a fever {ii-iniicknusopitanohock,<br />

my body burns, R. W.,<br />

i. e. warne kussSpitae nohock; ii' minotiiiiiii,<br />

I have a fever, ibid., i. e. nen n6te-esu,<br />

I am on fire). See pestilence.<br />

few, oyguhsuog (an.pl.), few {ogkossmog,<br />

C); inan. oggiiliS(ii(i.'l. -i-iiiiiiiiinog; neg iiycnhkniiiiiiit-<br />

cheg (and nyeiiinhteaenuhchi'g), war-<br />

riors (habitual fighters) (Jluh. oioteet<br />

(particip. ), he who fights, Edw. ).<br />

fill, numnvhteaii, it fills, it is filled<br />

(inan.subj.), he fills or makes (it) full;<br />

nurnwohtij'iish kciiidcheganll, fill thou thy<br />

hand {iiiimwuhtaj, let it be tilled, C);<br />

from inimiraeu (it is full) and uliteau.<br />

auinmippuog veiu, they (an. subj.) fill<br />

the house, i. e. the house is full of<br />

them, namwdpanum •iriilnskcii jniiiuiiee,<br />

he fills his horn with oil; luiminijHniiiiii-<br />

mk, fill ye (one thing with another, as<br />

barrels with water, 1 K. 18, 33). iium-<br />

wamccrlium InuDiirae-ineechum^, he is<br />

full of food, has filled himself (niimvxtmechimehleaiii,<br />

I fill, C, i. e. make<br />

myself full).<br />

fi.lth, filthiness, ni-'^hkeiieiirikqiiok (sup-<br />

pos. jiart. concrete, when it is filthy),<br />

filth, dirt; nishk,;,, ,i„hin,,i:,,„k, tlie do-<br />

ing of uncleanncss, lilthiucss in action.<br />

filthy, nisthkenonikque, unclean, filthy<br />

(inherently or by nature); nishki'iiciaik-<br />

quodt, when unclean or filthy (as a gar-<br />

ment, etc.); adj. an. n'lshkeneunkqussii,<br />

(he is) filthy.<br />

fin (of a fish), wpirekan (?); neg vapwi'-<br />

kaiiUfJicg, they which have fins. Lev.<br />

n, il; I lent. 4,


fine—continued.<br />

dust, Is. 29, 5. nulijiiiiiiiiif, in fine pow-<br />

der, finely pcjwdered ; cf. •ml-ijiittahham,<br />

be beats it to powder, >jrinils it small or<br />

fine.<br />

finger, jxijicli n ii iilcli i-ij. puhchardtch, pi.<br />

-('r/)islt; L-ii/i/iolii-Jtaiiiilrli, thy finger; iii-<br />

ijulht-tahslii' jMihrlKiiiilrluiii, he had six<br />

fingers, 2 Sam. 21, 20. From po/is/iecm<br />

(it divides oi' is divided) and nutcheg<br />

( hand I. iiiiilliiiirliiiiiiti'liepiiohl:iil:ipiniiitrl,l


fish (n.)—continued.<br />

ifHjgipiaeii-hi, nmtamagwaen-in (nattmhqainnuaenin,<br />

C. ), a fisiherman. omaen<br />

(pi. omaenuog), on§ who is fishing; sup-<br />

pos. pi. neg om&cheg {auindcliick, R.<br />

W. ), fishermen, i. e. they who fish<br />

liabitually "<br />

R. W.).<br />

{aumanep, a fishing line,<br />

fish, (v.), (with hook and line) uinaeu<br />

(muimui, R.W., he fishes); (with nets)<br />

n. agent, ponashabpaen, one who fishes<br />

with nets or sets nets; nootamogquaonk,<br />

a draft of fish, Luke 5, 9.<br />

fisher (Mustela canadensis), pekanc,<br />

Rat-les; lu-hui; wiillancag, valUmrg<br />

(mod. irooUdiiiiig, .Judd, in Ocn. Regis-<br />

ter, XI, 219).<br />

fist, ],lltlllkijllnliiilrli,-g, piltlllkqttnitrh<br />

[piitli(k'jiii-iiiili-li,ij, round hand].<br />

five, tKijiiiiiiiii tdlixlie (nap(\Hna,'R.'\\.; iiiijiiiiiiKi,<br />

C. ; Peq. nuppau, Stiles; Muh.<br />

Dinii'ii, Kdw. ; Del. (Minsi) nalan,<br />

(Unauii) pi


flow, tonwgkoii, it flow.'^, there is :i flowing<br />

or flood [nipiii' tiiiiioiikun, water flows,<br />

C. ); fo)nmoyA');»', fliiwing (abundantly,<br />

i. e. flooding). Itnpers. verb miititch-<br />

uan, uadtutrlnuin (or -oowan], it flows<br />

from: si'pupoij vntlichavan, 'rivers of<br />

water run down' (from), Ps. 119, 136;<br />

nuppe iruttitchuan-up, 'the water gushed<br />

out' (from the rock), Ps. 78, 20.<br />

SDliirutchuan [goh-miichuan'], it flows<br />

forth, issues from or out of; sohkhetchu-<br />

an, it continues to flow forth or issues<br />

continuously. Is. 3.o, 6. unnitr.hium, it<br />

flows to or toward; sepuash unnitchn-<br />

anasli kehtahhannit, the rivers flow to<br />

the sea, Eccl. 1, 7. (initchnan, tmuchu-<br />

v:an, , wussemuSiri, (he<br />

is) flying away, fled, C.) ; imperat.<br />

vussemaik, flee ye; suppos. umsseinoan,<br />

when thou didst flee; v. t. an. wasemumhteauoiit<br />

mo»'p.toli, when he flees from<br />

a bear. Huxishau, he flees to (a place or<br />

person) for refuge, he runs or goes<br />

quickly to; nd ussisluish or lishhn.fli, flee<br />

thou thither [from vssn, by the inser-<br />

tion of '.s/i to denote swift or violent action,<br />

he bestirs himself, exerts himself<br />

violently, does (agit) w'ith speed or celerity.<br />

Primarily ussisshau means simply<br />

he runs quickly or hastens], ushpuhhm<br />

(and spidihm), he fliestofor refuge;<br />

hiig apuhhajvxwg , they fled (for safety);<br />

vbl. n. act. nshpvhhann'ionk, ."pnhhco-<br />

ledonk, a refuge; nspuhhmmie ai/euonk,<br />

a refuge place, place of refuge.<br />



foain, jirlitcini fit foams), foam, froth;<br />

pildoiii, tin.- .--i-uni I (if a pot); pelihiuvt-<br />

tmiiiiii [jiililriiii-inillcoK}, he foams at the<br />

month, t'f. jiitdii, jiilildii, lie juits on<br />

tpv into.<br />

fog, iiixliL-fiKin, (when there is) mist, fog,<br />

tine rain; cf. wkcDon, rain, when it<br />

rains; n. coll. uislikoiuiik, 'small rain',<br />

drizzle, Deut. 32, 2. ouird;!, vapor, mist,<br />

steam. See vapor.<br />

follow, asuhkaiiau, he follows, goes<br />

after (him) ; suppos. voh asidiit, he who<br />

follows; suffix an. >rut-ashkau(jh, he<br />

followed him (a>uhkriiii' (as adj. and adv.), fol-<br />

lowing, going after; asuhkciii. he follows<br />

or goes after (inan. olij. ), lie jmr-<br />

sues (it) [aKiih-'k-dii, he continues to<br />

go after or behind; nsuh, the i-adical, is<br />

related t


foreig-n—continued<br />

.<br />

Ipenann'-ohteau, one who is different]<br />

pi. penoaivohte&og, strangers, foreigners;<br />

penimrohlcomitk, a strange place, a for-<br />

eign c(juntry. See different; strange.<br />

forest, tiiiiohkmnuk {louohkomuk, C. ; cf.<br />

Del. trkenulk, in the woods, Hkw. ), lit.<br />

a solitary place [toueu-kdmuk], the wil-<br />

derness, the forest, pi +qu(isli. In the<br />

index to Mr Pickering's edition of<br />

Eliot's (irammar(2 M.H.C., i.x), among<br />

the "select words from the translation<br />

of the Bible", the editor gave 'soh.ni-<br />

mdoii.k, forest' . This word (the active<br />

verbal of sohsumo), it shines forth)<br />

means a shining forth; in Eliot's trans-<br />

lation, 'glory'. Mr Pickering's mis-<br />

take is traceable, I suspect, to his er-<br />

roneous reading of Is. 10, 18: 'wuttouohkomuk-que<br />

sohmimoonk' , 'the glory<br />

of his forest', lit. 'his fureirt glory'.<br />

foretell. See predict.<br />

forever, niiclieine. See ever,<br />

forg-et, iriiiidtifam, he forgets (it); v:aiiiiiiKiiiiiii.<br />

he forgets (him); ahque<br />

u-iiiiniitiish. do nnt thou forget (it);<br />

tniiKiiitdtiimirj, iri(ii(iii((f((imi:og, they for-<br />

get (iiannhmntain, I forget, C); nmiravunniiiuhjuog,<br />

they forget me, I am<br />

forgot by them [muine-nntum, he is<br />

witliout thought oi. lias not in mind].<br />

vaiKintdiinn'iheiiii. lie causes (him) to<br />

forget.<br />

forgive, a/iqiio„„lsqifiiu.'

264 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

forty. See four.<br />

foundation, quenohtag, suppos. part.<br />

conori4e from quenohtau, he founds or<br />

lays a foundation; lit. that which is<br />

deep (?). Cf. qwmonteadt, 'when he<br />

had digged deep', Luke 6, 48; quenoh-<br />

tiiiiini, he founded it; pass, it is<br />

founded.<br />

four, //«», yauwe {yuh, R. W.; Peq.<br />

yauuh, Stiles; yau, C. ; Muh. nauwoh,<br />

Edw.; Del. neim, newa, Hkw.) ; yau-<br />

ut nai, four square; pi. an. yauog,<br />

yanooor/{y6irock, R.W.) ; inan. yauunash<br />

(ydiri'iiiiia.ili, E. W.; yauunash, C);<br />

yiiiiiit {i/aiiwut, C.),four times, naho<br />

yau (jiiiick-nah ybh, K. W. ; Peq. pinijg<br />

iiiiiihiit yini, Stiles), fourteen; naho<br />

yiiiiiritilt, iiabo ijauut, fourteen times;<br />

so, nabo yauwudt l-odtumirae, for four-<br />

teen years, i. e. to the fourteenth year;<br />

or, fourteen times one year, ytiinnii-liug<br />

{youinicheck; R. W.; yainriii,„rli,,l:,C.)<br />

forty ; pi. axi.yauuncli&ghodt'jy, ya uuiiclid-<br />

gottog; inan. yauunchagkodtash. yauimidt<br />

pasukmmog, four hundred (an.).<br />

fowl, jiiijiiiimtliaas. See bird.<br />

fox, iniiikqusnis, wonkfiis, pi. -\-aog; dim.<br />

voiikqiis.'liKsrmrH, a little fox ( iiequnints,<br />

a gray fox; iiii.':liqiiil-iliiiii, a red fox,<br />

R.W.; Peq. -('»v(///;/^«,f,,x, Stiles; »v,»A--<br />

9r,,«,-.v,c.).<br />

fragment, rlujgq, a lilt, a morsel; kod-<br />

cliuki, a piece or fragment of {cotchekun-<br />

nemi irtvyoh,i, cut me some (i. e. a piece<br />

of) meat, R. W. ). See spot; piece.<br />

free (adj.), chipappu Ichippe-appu, he<br />

remains apart or by himself], he is<br />

free; suppos. c/n'pi»in?)»mi7, when he is<br />

free, being free (clirppinnimiiu; ndu,<br />

(he is) free born, C. ); sunnummatta<br />

nid-chipi'yinnmnucuf am not I free? om-<br />

peu, he is free, unbound. See loose;<br />

man (omji).<br />

free (v.). See deliver; loose.<br />

freely, iiiniiidiiv, iiiiiionire, nanmnyeue,<br />

freely (ikiiiiiiiiit, iiitiiii('iiiice,C),=nan-<br />

tre, common, anybody's (?).<br />

freeze. See frost; ice.<br />

Frenchmen, Punachmonog (pl.),C.<br />

friehd, icetomp, a favorite or dear friend;<br />

pi. -\-&og; netoinp (lu-lop, R. W. ),my<br />

friend, a 'general salutation' between<br />

the Indians and English (R. W. 27)<br />

(pcyaush netop, come hither, my friend.<br />

,<br />

friend—continued.<br />

E. W.); kitomp, thy friend; iiectompnog<br />

(netompadog , R. W. ), my friends (Del.<br />

n'Uchv,, my friend; vUschutti, dear, be-<br />

loved friend; nitis, (my) confidential<br />

friend, Hkw.) \_iretii.-omj), house man,<br />

companion, of the same household or<br />

family; so, iceetompasgu, irelompas, a<br />

brother or sister], tonkqs, friend, cousin,<br />

kinsman {natoDcki!, my consin; mitbncks,<br />

a [his] cousin, R. W. ; vodtonkqsin, a,<br />

cousin, C. ): nuttonkqsog, 'sirs', Acts<br />

27, 25, i. e. friends; cf. (fem.) inetuk-<br />

nquoh, her sister; uetukkusq, my sister<br />

{viiicks, a sister, R. W. ).<br />

frog, tinogkukquas, tenogkequus, linogkco-<br />

qiia.i, pi. -sitog {tinnogkdhqnase, pi. -suog;<br />

liiiiKigkohteas, pi. -i-suog, a toad, C).<br />

molimo»kuhtcam\og'\, frogs {mtilnnoskohieaseog,<br />

Mass. Ps. ), Ps. 78, 45, but not<br />

elsewhere. Abn. inoskcke, a toad.<br />

Peij. kopkiuxx, kiipydx, frog. Stiles.<br />

from, initrln; njich, mch (mnchf, irulchi,<br />

R. W.; indrlw, C; Muh. ocheh, Edw.<br />

The ell is guttural, nearly equivalent tO'<br />

the German ch soft) . Primarily a de-<br />

fective or impersonal verb, vtitchcu<br />

{icutcJm, cotchu) , it proceeds from, comes<br />

from, hence as a preposition from, of,<br />

because of, etc. initch . . . yean, from<br />

... to (after verbs of motion); noh<br />

irntrhii, (it is) 'of him', as a source or<br />

cause, Rom. 11, 36; mi catch suhhaman,<br />

'there went forth from', Num. 11, 31;<br />

na mch qiish.ken, he returned therefrom<br />

(hence) yeu umtche (yb imchi, R. W. ;<br />

),<br />

from hence, from this place; ne vmiche<br />

(from that), for that cause, therefore.<br />

This root served to express the origin<br />

of motion or source of being, and is to<br />

be traced under various modifications<br />

of form in a great number of compound<br />

words denoting origin, source, motion<br />

(animate and inanimate), progression,<br />

cause and effect, production, etc. See<br />

come from; father; begin, aim, ii-mm,<br />

he goes or departs from. See go<br />

from.<br />

frost, tcohpu, (there is) frost (looh/i, Mass.<br />

Ps. ; topu, R. W.; missittopu, a great<br />

frost, ibid.; taquatt'ui, frost, ibid, (it<br />

is freezing—the effect of frost); auke<br />

Uiqii/ituhd, the ground is frozen, ibid. ; seip<br />

taquuttin, the river is frozen, ibid.; tog-

frost—cuntinueil.<br />

quttintwh nuhtauogash, I freeze uiy ears<br />

(my ears are frozen), C. ).<br />

froth. See foam.<br />

firuit, meechummuonk {-muoonk, C), pi.<br />

-ongash [vbl. n. act. from ineerhununa), it<br />

is eaten, used as food, the pass. inan.<br />

form of meech, he eats], fruit, perhaps<br />

all vegetable food. n.sg, (/.s7/./, ]>\.ii.ii/ii(ish,<br />

ashqi«isli,greei'i fruit or vci^ctalik'S. pri-<br />

marily anything green ur immature of<br />

vegetable growth, as wuskeasg, pi. jcus-<br />

keasquo-ih, ' tender grass ' , 2 Sam. 23, 4;<br />

Dan. 4, 15; from wuske, new, young, and<br />

asq; with the indef. particle, m'askeht<br />

(or by reduplication, oskotik, C. ), grass,<br />

that which is green. From the same<br />

root is aske, raw {askiin, it is raw, R. W.<br />

askin, C. ); vuske, new, young; asq,<br />

ashq, or osquam, not yet, a,nd ashkoshqni<br />

{askosque, C. ), green in color. The<br />

word asq was used especially to refer<br />

to the fruit of the Cucurbitacese, mel-<br />

ons, gourds, cucumbers, and what are<br />

now known by their Indian name,<br />

though the plural has been transformed<br />

to the singular, 'squash-es. askmtasq,<br />

pi. askattasquash, used by Eliot for 'cu-<br />

cumbers', !N'um. 11, 5, was "askuta-<br />

squasli, their vine apple, W'hich the<br />

English from them call squashes"<br />

(R. W.), and which Wood mentioned<br />

(X. E. Prospect), as "ixqiioterqxKidies,<br />

their best bread " ; from askrok, a snake,<br />

and asq: snake-like or 'crook-neck'<br />

squash, ^iiottcoasg, a gourd [from qunni,<br />

long]; hence qiidnoowask, a bottle, C.<br />

7nonaska)tasg, a melon (but by Cotton<br />

mamosketumuk, 'cucumbers'. So, qui-<br />

nosketiXmuk, 'muskmelon', and ohhosketiiinuk,<br />

'watermelon', C, 'or a raw<br />

thing'; from tiskehturrmn, he eats it<br />

raw), iitlnne, iniii, pi. mlrineash, ber-<br />

ries, nuts, small fruit, grain, etc., that<br />

which is produced by and is peculiar to<br />

each tree or plant Im'uiini, the kind<br />

of, the species of]. In the singular in<br />

compound words it denotes kind or<br />

species, the growing tree or plant; in<br />

the i)lural, the fruit, as iri-


gall, 11-eemre; noaveeswe, my gall. Cf.<br />

m'esoe {icesaui, R. W.), yellow; weesof/-<br />

kon, (when it is) bitter; so, AS. gealla,<br />

fiall; gc-iih've, yellow; Gr. x°^V, Wle;<br />

^Ao;/, X'^oa, greenish yellow; Arab.<br />

iiiin-f, bile, liitter.<br />

game (animals hunted), adcJiauonk, vl)l.<br />

n. from adchan {auchaiil, E. W.), he<br />

hunts. See hunt.<br />

game (gamble) . See play.<br />

gape, toaiiitai,_he gapes {loduendt, to gape;<br />

inil-tdiivfiinii'cm, I gape, C. ); v. an. toan-<br />

iirhtiiii, lie gapes at (him).<br />

garden, liinohketeaonk, pi. tanohketea-<br />

ongasli, cultivated plants. Is. 17, 10; vt<br />

nocu adtanohketeamuk, in the midst of<br />

the garden, Gen. 2, 9. Cf. tannettiidi/,<br />

they grow as plants, are produced; dtan-<br />

negi'ii, it yields or produces.<br />

garment, hogkmviik {aukoionk, C), a<br />

covering of skin; monak {mdiicik, C.<br />

inaunek, an Englisli coat or mantle,<br />

R. "W. ). See dress; clothe; clothing.<br />

gate, xqiiiiiit, iisquont. See door.<br />

gather (collect), v. t. an. inicmau, he assembles<br />

or gathers (them) together,<br />

he causes them to collect, migaeog,<br />

mahjaiog, they gather or collect (themselves<br />

together), they assemble; from<br />

miyae, moeu (mogwe,C.), together; freq.<br />

moh moeog [i. e. m' •mijaeog'] , they gather<br />

themselves togetheroften or habitually.<br />

See assemble, iiiuiniiiiii, he gathers or<br />

collects (it); /.lo/i-j/iiy/oHiw.thou gather-<br />

est (iiioinnitee, he gathers (fruit or the<br />

like); iiKiiiinneeauog, they gather, R.<br />

W. ); \-bl. n. mdurmmaorik, a gathering,<br />

i. f. a triliute, custom, toll.<br />

general, nature, common, q. v. (nanire<br />

voskftoiitp, any man, C. ): naiure iciit-<br />

Ejilstfeiiiii Jade, 'the general epistle of<br />

Jude' ( =Del. /««)(!, which Heckewelder<br />

translates 'original, common, plain,<br />

pure, unmixed' (Corresp. .412); more<br />

exactly, common, general, normal).<br />

generation, pometuonk (vbl. n., a living,<br />

i. e. a lifetime): iip-pummetiiongmth<br />

A(hiin, 'the generations of Adam', Gen.<br />

;<br />

a<br />

generation—continued.<br />

5, 1; pometuongash, Is. 41, 4. See coixi-<br />

late; couple.<br />

giant, magoshketom}!, mugosktlotiiji [oiogke-wosketomp,<br />

huge man].<br />

gift, magmonk, vbl. n. act. from imigon,<br />

he gives, a giving or offering; iiiiiiiiai/-<br />

a>6nk n-oskdomp, a man's gift, Prov. 18,<br />

16. See give.<br />

girdle, puttukquobpus, piitlakquobus (nup-<br />

pitttukqiwbbesin, 'it bindeth me about'.<br />

Job 30, 18; cf. puttogquegnoldion, a -^eil;<br />

puttogwhonk, a covering; pinltiigqiien, he<br />

hides; %i-obpp, the thighs); jil. jndtog-<br />

qnobj)igswash.<br />

girl, tiunksqiia, iiunk!


g'lad—con t i n ued<br />

.<br />

glad; wekontamwe, -tamwae (-tamde, C),<br />

gladly, willingly; muskouantam, he is<br />

very glad, he rejoices, lit. he is boast-<br />

ful: u-el;ontama)k kah ahche imiskouaiiUi-<br />

mcok, rejoice ye and be exceeding glad,<br />

Matt. 5, 12 [mis»i-v;eko7itn»i ?].<br />

glittering, vnlmppae, wohsippohU'if. See<br />

bright.<br />

glory, sohsumoonk [soh-irolixiiiiimonk, a<br />

shining forth; vbl. n. act. of sohsumo),<br />

it shines forth. See note on forest].<br />

gluttony, iimssaumepoaonk {vussomup-<br />

2>o6onk, C), vbl. n. act. from v:us-<br />

saumepoa \ii-ugsaume-uppm, he eats too<br />

much], he is gluttonous. See eat.<br />

gnat, sogkemas. From the same root as<br />

.wgkepai, he bites.<br />

go, mm, 6m, he goes from (a place<br />

other than that in which the speaker<br />

is) or proceeds from; cfjmwcD, it goes<br />

from; na mmun, he went thence; mm-<br />

u-og, they went on, proceeded on their<br />

journey (as in Gen. 33, 16); tohnoh<br />

kaimf whence dost thou come? {toh-<br />

luumm koom kekitf when did you come<br />

from home? C. ; tunna cnvxiCun f whence<br />

mmup, he did go or<br />

come you ? E. W. ;<br />

)<br />

come from; alifjue oomaogk, go ye not<br />

from. Acts 1,4; suppos. img, when he<br />

goes or proceeds from.<br />

ail, he goes to (a place other than<br />

that in which the speaker is); auog,<br />

they go to; nunli, go thou to; ontuh, let<br />

us go to {ijb a&iiUi, let us go that way,<br />

R. W.); hitton foh kod 6(m, 'thou<br />

walkedst whither thou wouldst [go<br />

to]', John 21, 18; ailon, if I go. The<br />

forms of this verb are more irregular<br />

than of perhaps any other of the<br />

primitive verbs. It is not always possible<br />

to distinguish its suppositive and<br />

participial forms from those of mm<br />

under the disguises of Eliot's phonography.<br />

This verb is often used intransi-<br />

tively, and its primary signification was,<br />

probably, to go: noadtit aui, 'he is<br />

gone a long journey' (afar off). Prov.<br />

7, 19; vttoh urimmuk, uitoh aommtik,<br />

'whence it cometh, whither it goeth',<br />

Mass. Ps., John .3, 8; ne ayoan, 'in the<br />

way' (when thou goest), Ex. 23, 20;<br />

suppos. littoh imh a6i or mjoi, whither I<br />

may go. Hence »i'ay, a path: may toh-<br />

go— continued.<br />

«o/i adhettit, 'the way wherein they<br />

must walk', Ex. 18, 20; vtt'njea mny<br />

ooog, by what way ye should go, Deut.<br />

1, 33. See path.<br />

ainaen, he goes away, he departs<br />

(without reference to the mode or act of<br />

going, but simply expressing the sepa-<br />

ration or withdrawal of one person or<br />

thing from another); amaish, go thou<br />

away (nuttamdeen, I depart; rimriennt,<br />

to depart, C. ); suppos. amrjiil, itmaiiit<br />

. . . amay'deh, if he depart ... let him<br />

depart, 1 Cor. 7, 15.<br />

moncha {mauclue, R. "VV. ), he goes<br />

(from the speaker or the place where<br />

the speaker is supposed to be; opposed<br />

to jjeytiu, he comes; see come); ?i!()»monchem<br />

{-eem,C.), I go; 7mm-mo»diip,<br />

I went; monckish (ma^cMsh, R. W. ), go<br />

thou; suppos. particip. noh •moiidiit, he<br />

who goes; freq. momonchu, he moves,<br />

i. e. continue.s to go; itlxhiioh oans . . .<br />

noh mcimonchit, every animal . . . that<br />

moveth, i. e. hath power of motion,<br />

Ezek. 47, 9.<br />

vadpeu, vdheti, he goes up (aljsolutely<br />

or without regard to the mode or act<br />

of going), he rises; imaj^emm, it goes<br />

up, i. e. it is raised up: nippewh vaaphnmadi,<br />

the waters rise up, Jer. 47, 2<br />

{nmvdheem, I arise, C. ). From vadhe,<br />

impers. verb, adv., and prep., it is<br />

above, above.<br />

!'.-com8w,icoHH(.s.si(, he goes down (absolutely);<br />

mmmog, they go down; vmvomussln<br />

vadchu-id, I came down from<br />

the mountain; suppos. part, noh womussd,<br />

noh vmmsit, he who goeth down;<br />

neg tromussitchfg, they who go down.<br />

From irmiiieit, vmmiyeu, impers. verb,<br />

adv., and prep., it is down or beneath.<br />

kuhkuhqueu, he goes upward, ascends<br />

by progressive motion. See ascend.<br />

iiroken, he goes downward, descends<br />

(from above to or toward the earth<br />

[ii' ohke-au']; cf. vmmfv, he goes down<br />

below the earth or the speaker)<br />

nmkmp, he descended, came down;<br />

nmch nmkeiii kesukqid, 'I came down<br />

from heaven', John 6, 38; suppos.<br />

noh nmkit, he who descends, goes or<br />

comes down; nmkiich, let him come<br />

down; iuan. subj. nmkeinw, it went<br />



go—continued,<br />

down or came down; v. t. inan. iioal'in<br />

111)1, he puts (it) down or lets ( it ) down.<br />

fjushkeu, he goes liack, returns. See<br />

return.<br />

aswushau, he goes liackwanl; imtassMsham,<br />

I go backward.<br />

I'utchittoushav , he goes forward, jiro-<br />

ceeds onward; iiiil--J:iti-liiltoiiiiliniii, I go<br />

forward; inan. suT)j. Intcliilloiisjitniiai, it<br />

goes forward [kutclwl. See begin.<br />

pascotshaii, hegoes near or comes near;<br />

Buppos. iioh jHismtshiidl, he who goes or<br />

comes near; pasmsukau, he is going or<br />

coming near, he approaches (imply-<br />

ing, by the incorporation of k' progress-<br />

ive, continued motion; pasattitluin ex-<br />

presses merely the act of getting near<br />

to, without necessarily including the<br />

idea of voluntary motion )<br />

petnknu, he goes in, enters (ingredi-<br />

tur), i. e. he is going in.<br />

petiittemi, he goes into or within (init,<br />

intrat); jiitntietiuli {pcetitteash, C. ; pfti-<br />

tei-s, R. AV. ), cf>me thou in, enter, go in.<br />

sohham [=.n, he goes by<br />

sea lpummoh-a>m']; n. agent, punimdhhamivaen,<br />

pi. -waenuoy, they who<br />

go by sea, mariners. See sea.<br />

.<br />

go—continued.<br />

keiiiiilikhom, he goes spying, or as a<br />

spy Ikemeu-oom, he goes secretly]<br />

panneau, he goes out of the way, goes<br />

wrong; suppos. part, iioh jmnneont, he<br />

who goes wrong [prnuteti, (he is) out<br />

of the way].<br />

vmwnu, wCoiiii, he goes astray, wan-<br />

ders; ncoauu'din, I go astray {ncowooivon,<br />

I wander; wmvonnuog, they wander,<br />

C. ); suppos. part, uxioiit, vat/ovt, going<br />

astray or out of the way, hence the<br />

setting of the sun, or his going out of<br />

the way. See sun.<br />

ndhmthguean, aiihttuliq-, ahdiiliankii-,<br />

he goes to and fro [niili.-oiliqtu', to and<br />

fro, 2K. 4, 35].<br />

igiiKhau, agqxhiiii, he goes belw,<br />

beneath, or under (it), 2 Sam. 18, 9;<br />

Job 24, 8 [_agu-e, below].<br />

Cree lloot-ayoo, he goes there; khv-<br />

ayoo, he goes back, returns; kdospu,<br />

he goes (from river or lake) inland;<br />

ridsep ui/oo, he goes to the river, etc.<br />

viilliaveeoo, he goes out, Howse 81.<br />

god, manit (mamt, pi. manhtduvck, R.AV.<br />

Peq. (HKJwfto, Stiles; Del. welsitmanniUo,<br />

the good spirit); v. sub.st. manittoo,<br />

manitto, (he is) a god; pi. innnittmog,<br />

monitoug, El. Gr. "We ay God is; the<br />

Indian of this is Mannitma. The two<br />

first syllables stand for God; the latter<br />

assert liis existence", Exp. Mayhew<br />

(MS). In his translation of the<br />

Bible Eliot has inmost instances trans-<br />

ferred the name of "God" and of<br />

"Jehovah" to the Indian text. He<br />

gives, however, .l/a(( (7 wane masugkenuk,<br />

'God Almighty', Ex. 6, 3, and nen<br />

MtuiUlo, 'I am God' Is. 43, 12, etc.;<br />

cf. ifaiilt, 'the Lord', Ps. 2, 4; JeJio-<br />

vah, 'the Lord', v. 7; God-ut, '(against)<br />

the Lord', v. 2. The possessive form<br />

vum-mamtmm, my god, Ps. 3, 7; 7, 1;<br />

kum-mamtmm, thy god, etc., is sometimes<br />

used. The word is derived either<br />

from dmii', above, with the suppos.<br />

part, form and indef. prefix: m'anit, he<br />

who is above or more than (all) (see<br />

more), or from anhean, suppos. anhit, he<br />

who does to or deals with. It is to be<br />

observed that the derivative has the in-<br />

definite and impersonal prefix w',<br />

'somethmg above all' or something<br />

.<br />



god—Continued,<br />

which deals with us (see conduct one's<br />

self ) . mattun it ( mal-an it), he who is not<br />

God, the not-God, the devil, or bad<br />

spirit; see devil.<br />

manittoaoy, inanitooij {inanittovjocl:,<br />

E. W. ), the gods of the Indian mythology.<br />

"They have given me the names<br />

of thirty-seven, which I have, all which<br />

in their solemn worships they, invo-<br />

cate", R. AV. 110. Kautdniovint, 'the<br />

great South AVest God', 'to whose house<br />

all souls go, and from whom came<br />

their corn, beans, as they say', ibid.,<br />

= CawtantowvAt, ' their great God '<br />

B. AV., Introd. ; cf. Jehomth Keihtannit<br />

[the great god, kehte-dnit^, 'the Lord<br />

God', Gen. 24, 7. "The Massachusetts<br />

call their great god Kichtan [A"/>Atan?],<br />

. . . the Penobscots, the god TimiHjji,"<br />

Capt. John Smith, 1631. "They worship<br />

Kitan, their good god, or Hohha-<br />

moco, their evil god '<br />

' ,<br />

, .<br />

Lechford, Plaine<br />

Dealing. Tdntiim was a contracted<br />

form of heihtanit-cam, my great god or<br />

our great god. "Kkhtnn . . . the<br />

i:irincipal and maker of all the re.st [of<br />

the gods] and to be made by n(.)ne . . .<br />

who dwelleth above in the heavens<br />

... far westward, whither all good<br />

men go when they die", Winslow's<br />

Relation, 1624; and in the margin:<br />

"The meaning of the word kiehtan, I<br />

think, hath reference to antiquity, for<br />

chise [kutchise ?] is an old man and<br />

kiehcfme a man that exceedeth in age '<br />

'<br />

(Del. Getaunitouit, God, Hkw. ) Squantam<br />

(=Klehtati, and Kaiitantowitl):<br />

"They acknowledge a god whom they<br />

call Squantam, but worship him they<br />

do not" (Josselyn, 3 M. C. H., in, 300).<br />

Contracted from mussquaiitam, he is<br />

angry; musquanlam Manit, God is angry,<br />

R. AV. "If it be but an ordinary<br />

accident, a fall, etc., they will say, God<br />

was angry and did it", ibid. Ilohbamock<br />

(Capt. John Smith), Ilobbamoco<br />

(Lechford), Abbamocho or Cheeple (Josselyn),<br />

'their evil god', 'that we<br />

suppose their devil'; see devil. Kee-<br />

.nwkquelnd [kestik-ojiit}, 'the Sun God',<br />

R. AA'., "a name of the sun, by which<br />

they acknowledge the sun, and adore<br />

for a god or divine power". Cheke-<br />

g-od—continued.<br />

Kiimhiii, 'the AA'estern God', R. AA^<br />

{rhikesii, the northwest wind, ibid.,<br />

from clu'kes, violent, fierce, with the<br />

animate active termination). ]V(impandnd,<br />

'the Eastern (rod', K. AV.<br />

Iwoinpan-anit, the god of the dawn<br />

or of daylight, Eds]. Wunmununennit,<br />

'the Northern God', R. AA'. \_immnanumau-anit,<br />

the god of blessing, or<br />

who blesses, confers benefits (?); imnumhjeu,<br />

the north]. Soimoandnd, 'the<br />

Southern God', R. AA''. [= sowan&yeu,<br />

sdaniyeu {souniniu, R. AA'. ), southward,<br />

to the south, in Eliot, but to the<br />

southwest according to Roger AA'illiams.<br />

"They have a tradition that to the<br />

southwest, which the}' call xonyunlniu,<br />

the gods chiefly dwell; and hither the<br />

souls of all their great and good men<br />

and women go", R. AV.]. AA'as »S'om'wanand<br />

[smuaniu-dnit] another name<br />

of Kiehtiin or KautdntouH'! Wetvo-<br />

manit, 'the house God', E. AA'. [irelu-<br />

com, my hou.se, -anif]. Squduaitit, 'the<br />

AA'omans God', R. AA'. [xqua, woman,<br />

-fmrt]. Muckquarliuckqiiini'l, 'the'Jhil-<br />

drens God', E. AA'. liiinckquacliurks,<br />

boy, ibid.]. Xnnepa-dshat, 'the moons<br />

God', R. AA'. I'awnpddussit, 'the Sea-<br />

God', R. AV; "that deity or Godhead<br />

which they conceive to be in the sea',<br />

ibid. ; see sea. Yotdanit, 'the fire God',<br />

R. AA'. [)/dte, fire, ibid.]; see fire.<br />

gold. "These Indians call gold vassa-<br />

dor, which argueth there is thereof in<br />

the country" (Archer's Account of<br />

Gosnold's Voyage, 1602, 3 M. H. C,<br />

VIII, 77). The Indians were those of<br />

the mainland near Elizabeths island<br />

(i. e. Cuttyhunk).<br />

good, irunne, triiuii' {irirri; viUi), (it is)<br />

good, (it is) well (in the abstract, the<br />

possible, or subjectively); wunncgen, (it<br />

is) good, a good thing, good, i)lea.sant,<br />

fair (in the concrete, the actual, or ob-<br />

jectively ) ; yt\. irtinnegenash, good things;<br />

suppos. part. inan. VMimegik, (when it<br />

is) good; a good thing, that which is<br />

good: vMhteomin tranegik kah machuk,<br />

to know (that which is) good and evil.<br />

Gen. 3, 5 {uimnegin, welcome! R. AA'.<br />

Del. irulik, the good, Hkw.). vuvne<br />

is largely used in the composition of<br />



good—lontiiuifd.<br />

wdnls t(i express goodue-s, liappines.-j,<br />


great—cuntimied.<br />

tivel y, great of its class or kind, of tilings<br />

inanimate: mohsag wetii, ' the greater<br />

house', 2Chr. 3,5; molmui iiinlrJu'snnik,<br />

'so great a sin', Ex. 32, 'Z\; nl minhikkomukqut,<br />

in a great house, 2 Tiui.<br />

2, 20; cf. Del. in'ckinf/uc, above.<br />

mogki, nioijkf, iiinkki, (it is) very groat,<br />

huge, ingens, iniinaiiis* i<br />

usually "f<br />

things inanimate); pi. iiin(jkiii,'iiii^li,<br />

(ien. 41,<br />

.'i (innmnrhiinrash iiy./ii,,,,,! i, Il-<br />

l/a, iiisli. 'great lights', i. e. the sun<br />

and moon, R. W.); as n. inoijtKjUli,<br />

iiiiii/(ii/(sli, great things; cf. mogkin-<br />

iiiiiii, iiiiikkinum, he gathers together;<br />

ogkc'tatn {Aketam, R. W.), he numbers,<br />

counts, adds up; see iiidt/kc kriUitnnanli,<br />

great cities, Dent, (i, 10. The<br />

root is k' progressive nr (iiiiiiilali\ e.<br />

mlmiiigb', Mfixiigke, great, |>ouiTful,<br />

mighty (of animate lieings, with rc'la-<br />

tion to |i(]sition, iniportance, iiciwer,<br />

etc., Iml lint to niagnituile) ; noli innxiig-<br />

ki'iiiik, he (who is) great; irnnir iiiii-<br />

suijknnik. the.Mmighty I<br />

IV(|. iikiiixsIiii-<br />

knt iiiiinillii, the greah'sl god, Stiles);<br />

]ires. iiarl. imh ,„ii«ii,/knii(l


grow—continued.<br />

shall grow . . . trees', Ezek. 47, 12.<br />

vi'kiii, vek-un, it grows, is grown, as a<br />

plant increases by growth: nooche iiekin,<br />

it began to grow; pajeh . . . vekik; until<br />

. . . (when it was) grown; nish nehe-<br />

wonche nekukish, things which grow of<br />

themselves spontaneously, 2 K. 19, 29.<br />

nekin means also he is born; suppos.<br />

iiekit, (when he is) born; infin. as subst.<br />

vmtch nekinneat, from the birth; see<br />

birth; born. adtanekin=nekm; adtwie-<br />

gek, Matt. 6, 28, =negil', Luke 12, 27.<br />

npftu, he or it grows, as a plant or an<br />

animal: iiiMasrj nedit, the rush grows<br />

Jobs, 11; narj n&'fuog, they grow {neetu,<br />

he i.i born, Prov. 17, 17; Job 5, 7); vbl.<br />

n. act. neeliionk, birth, =ni'i'kuouk. ke-<br />

iiuppetu, he grows, increases in stature<br />

(grows rapidly): miikkies kenuppctu,<br />

the child grew, kmttu, he is grown, has<br />

attained full growth, kesukk'inliieati],<br />

he is growing up, is attaining full<br />

growth; suppos. jMJeh . . . kcsukit, till<br />

he ... is grown up. Cf. keesaqilshin,<br />

high water, R.W. ; see produce; ripe;<br />

smi. nonkin, sonkiin, it springs forth,<br />

shoots up, as a plant. See spring up.<br />

guard. See watch.<br />

guide, moiiclKinau (he carries away, an.<br />

obj.), he guides (him); suffix an. uin-<br />

imiichanuh, he guided them {kiimino-<br />

had (auxil. ), malicJie, mamalwhe, aresoniettmes<br />

employed to form a pluperfect<br />

tense. See have.<br />

haddock, pdkoandlain, C. See codfish.<br />

hail, iiiiinKigou, Ps. 78, 48; 148, 8; rnis-<br />

xcgini. Rev. 16, 21 [iiiixxi-kaj)!, great<br />

snow '.'].<br />

hair, mcexunk, meiffiHiik, ineymmnik (me-<br />

siiiik, C; irhheck, R. W.), human hair<br />

of theliead, quaniahquoau, he has long<br />

hair, is long haired; pres. part, quam'ih-<br />

qiinciiil, iiiii'iuonahquoant, having long<br />

hair; vlil. ([lutiionukqnouiik {miippacuck,<br />

K. W.I, a (long) lock of hair. vi'sIiA-<br />

gaii, iiixhiigkin (ircsheck, hair, R. AV.),<br />

hair on the body or limbs of man or<br />

animals, wool {noohke shak&iiasli, soft<br />

H<br />

guide—L'ontinued.<br />

vrhaii-ish, I will conduct you; mafichase,<br />

be thou my guide; mouchatea, a guide,<br />

K. Vi'.). sampirushanau, sampshdiiaii,<br />

he guides (them), conducts (them)<br />

aright; suffix an. viisminipuhiiriiih, he<br />

guides them; n. agent, xiimjiirnxli^hxi'iui,<br />

aguide; part. pres. nnj xauijisliiiiiinii'ln'r/,<br />

they who guide, guides, leaders [mtnip-<br />

v.v, right].<br />

guilty, ke-idiittim, he is guilty; nnk-kesan-<br />

Uuiuiiii'iiiiin, we are guilty, kesohkuon-<br />

tam, he is guilty; suppos. kesohkoontog,<br />

when he is guilty (kesuhkotamcoonk,<br />

guilt, Danf. ; keesnntamOe, guilty, C.<br />

kemhkdadtaiiuiy, guiltily, ibid.).<br />

gull (a bird), Peq. ulipurkachip, Stiles.<br />

gun, phkurick, R. W. "Conceiving a<br />

similitude between our guns and thun-<br />

der, they call a gun phkunck, and to<br />

discharge jijfcsWiOHimin—that is, to thun-<br />

der", R. W. nfimpduog pcskdinivock,<br />

thmiderbolts are shot, ibid. Abn. ne-<br />

]M'skam, je tire du fusil sur quelqu'un;<br />

aSeimi peskak? qui tire?, Rasles. The<br />

root is the same as in pashkvheau, it<br />

bursts asunder with violence, through<br />

pohsheau, it divides in two, anA pdhshe,<br />

half. Cf. Cree p6oskoo-piUhu, it bursts<br />

(fn.im within), as a gun, Howse 146;<br />

p('ixki'sii/i/n», a gun, Howse 266-267.<br />

gunpowder, %iupuck, R. W. ; aahuck, C.<br />

hair—continued.<br />

wool, C. ); verb subst. miceshaganu, he<br />

is hairy; pi. vctlmkinnuooash, (his<br />

hands) are hairy. Cf. Sax. sceacga;<br />

Engl, shag, hair; Ethiop. sJin-kg, hair-<br />

cloth. Mr. Pickering, in his Iiijiex to<br />

Eliot's Granmiar, gives "vcshagdii, hair<br />

of animals". The meaning can not be<br />

thus restricted. See beard, wishsliu-<br />

viixfuioiik (?) , hair growing on the body,<br />

Lev. 19, 20, 21, 25, etc.<br />

half, jtohshe, pdhahe, pohque (poqiicsti,<br />

half [of an. obj.], R. W.; jmushe, some,<br />

opposed to vame, all, R. W. ). poh-<br />

ifhiimiii {paushinum, R. W.), he divides<br />

in two, he halves (it); pohsheau, it<br />

divides asunder, cleaves in two. Cf.<br />


tri'mbvll] ENGLISH-NATICK DICTIONARY 273<br />

half—continued.<br />

iSansk. pak-ihu, a side, a half; Zig. jinx,<br />

l/el'-paxh , one-half; Engl, piece.<br />

liand, m' niilcheg, menutcheg {menitcheg,<br />

C. ); viuiDutrheg, iimnnutdi {wunnlcheke,<br />

R. W. ), his hand; nun-nitchek, my<br />

hand, Exp. Mayhew; pi. vmrinutcheganash<br />

{wunniskegaimash (?), R. W.),<br />

his hands; ut wunnutchegnn-it, in his<br />

hand. From anit, primary form of<br />

anniilt; pi. neg anitcheg, they that<br />

take hold of; suppos. part, of aimnau<br />

or anau, he takes hold of (him), noh-<br />

kdii, the right hand; wnttinnohkoii {nuniiiiihkde<br />

menitcheg, C. ), his right hand;<br />

nuttinnohkSii, my right hand; see<br />

right hand. Perhaps for noh kounuk,<br />

he who carries, menadch h, the left hand<br />

{menatche memtcheg, C. ); ummenadehu,<br />

his left hand; idummenadcheanmont, in<br />

their left hands {yo nmihmatch, to the<br />

left hand (side of a path, etc. ), R. W. )<br />

menadrhue, -chee {)iu)n>naichn, C), lefthanded,<br />

puttukqiinltch Ipetukrjui-niitch,<br />

round hand], the fist; anomannlrh<br />

[ntiome-Diilrli, within the hand], the<br />

hollow of the hand; vogquamdch, the<br />

palm of the hand.<br />

handful, ydiutchan [iidiiiimrni-i(iitr)i, he<br />

shuts the hand; su|ipiis. iiihiilimtrh.<br />

when he shuts the hand].<br />

handle, moJiniussunnum, he handles (it);<br />

freij. from mussunnum, he touches (it).<br />

handsome, vunne, tvinne [wmsinnu, he<br />

makes handsome, adorns, C. ; ncrmii, I<br />

adorn, ibid. ). See good.<br />

hang, keclie'juahinau, he hangs (him);<br />

])ish kiikkcrlierptahiiiuk, he will hang<br />

thee (kiik-ki'echerpiaubenitch, you shall<br />

be hanged (I will hang thee), R. W.<br />

nnkkechl(ptabes peininneat, I am choked<br />

with a halter, C. ) ; suppos. part, concrete,<br />

iidt kerlierjitabfuitthinik, that upon<br />

which or by which (he) is hanged, a<br />

gallows, waashancm, he hangs (him);<br />

ne vaaslmnwk, hang ye (him) thereon;<br />

suffix an. mwadxhanmth, they hanged<br />

him. vadshau,he hangs or is hanging;<br />

iroh mtmdsliun, he may liang or be<br />

hanged; suppos. part. inan. v:aashuiik,<br />

tcooshunk, if it hang (upon him); hag<br />

voushaog mehtugqut, they hang on tlie<br />

trees, Josh. 10, 26. ogkwchiu,hogkmchiii,<br />

it hangs or is suspended, lie is sus-<br />

B. A. E., Bill. 2.5 18<br />

;<br />

hang—continued.<br />

pendeil from [itgnv-irnli-ln'ii']. n-ih'ixhod-<br />

tdii, he hangs (it) on (him); ur inniiiuh-<br />

shadtnnunat vis


haro (?)—continued.<br />

bigness of a pig and rooting lilie a<br />

pig', was probably the woodchuck<br />

(Arctomys monax).<br />

harlot, imnumnnmdxfjnaimen-lii, a harlot<br />

or prostitute; imninwnaxhqiinaiisHen-in,<br />

one who is a prostitute in aet, who<br />

acts the harlot [n. agent, from verb<br />

nan munnwd.'iquau-uss h ] .<br />

riiarmsquaom,<br />

mansquaosu, she commits fornication,<br />

acts the harlot. See fornication; adul-<br />

tery.<br />

harm. See hurt.<br />

harvest, h-iirinnn, he harvests or gath-<br />

kipciu'unmln, to gather<br />

ers the harvest (<br />

corn, R. AV.); b-pcmish, 'reap thou',<br />

Rev. 14, 15; vbl. n. act. h'/ienu-<br />

mcoonk, the harvesting, harvest; suppos.<br />

impers. and part. pass, h'pcnumuk<br />

(when it is harvested), the time of<br />

harvest {nunnowa, harvest time; anou-<br />

unt, at harvest, R. W.; from niinaev,<br />

it is dry(?); 'ninnmuruel, fall, autumn,<br />

C. ). See seasons.<br />

hasten, kennpahan, he makes haste; ke-<br />

niipajKiHsh, hasten thou, make haste;<br />

suppos. part. an. keDu/ixlioiit, when<br />

hastening; freq. kakeinijislinnl. making<br />

great haste, going very .-^wiftly; mii/<br />

hiki',nipsli,„iilrl„;i. the swift (poten-<br />

tially) [/,(/("/7""' it i" swift or quick,<br />

with the particle of violent action '.s//].<br />

wiipaiilam, he is in haste; nmirapi'tti-<br />

tnm, I am in haste, C.<br />

hat. See ca|i.<br />

hatch, jm-olikiilili(jir(iii,{ the bird ) hatches.<br />

See Is. 34, l.-i; Jer. 17, 11.<br />

hatchet. See ax.<br />

hate, sckeneaiii, sikt'iiam, he hates (it);<br />

an. sekeneauau, he hates (him); suffix<br />

missekenaMi, >nissekenmu6uh, they<br />

hate him; vbl. n. act. xekeneaiidoiik, a<br />

hating, hatred; sekeneausuonk, active<br />

hating, hating in exercise; vbl. n. pass,<br />

and recip. seke)ieaadt>imik, a being<br />

hat^d, reciprocity of hatred, enmity;<br />

vbl. n. inan. act. sekeneammonk, a<br />

hating of (inan. obj). Primarily sekeneaiii<br />

signifies he refuses, rejects, hence<br />

manifests an aversion to, hates. Cf.<br />

sniikoti, he spits (nis-snkc, I am spiteful<br />

or mischievous, C. ). Del. kschingdlel,<br />

I hate you, Hkw. jishajrtnm, he<br />

loathes, despises, hates (iint-jhliantaiii,<br />

hate—continued.<br />

I hate, 1 despise, C. ); an. jit:hiiinimfiii,<br />

he hates (him).<br />

haughtiness, qii nnhgunneunkqussuonk,<br />

by reduplication from qunnunkqui,<br />

high, and ws-f", verb of action, he acts<br />

very high ; vbl. in -onk, very high acting.<br />

See proud.<br />

have (auxil.), ma/ic/ii; (after, thereafter).<br />

A word which expresses completed action<br />

or the end of action, that which<br />

has been, was employed as an auxiliary<br />

to the verl) in forming the perfect and<br />

pluperfect tenses {maiit, maht-, mauch-,<br />

;/i('.s7(-, R. W.; nuin-ina]iche, Ihave; knm-<br />

tniiche, thiiu hast, etc., C. Cree ghee,<br />

'have'; Chip, kc or f/e): ne mahche,<br />

that which hath been, Eccl. 3, 1.5; tanmahche<br />

iissen, he hath done it. Is. 44, 23<br />

{tashbi mhh. commaugf how much have<br />

you given? R. W. ; 7t>at mesh-nawmOnash,<br />

I did not see those things; niim-maut-<br />

(ndreteai'iiiicii, I have done planting,<br />

R. \V. ). Cf. iDiililxheati, it decays, fails,<br />

comes to an end; vtajish, maiintadi'ish,<br />

at last {tiuinrlid nhom, a dead man,<br />

R. W. ) ; mahchiiuiii, he is sick, etc. See<br />

had.<br />

have (v.), dlitnu, he has, i. e. possesses<br />

or owns (nnlldlitu, I have, I possess (it)<br />

riidfddou, Ihave; kutnhtiinp, thou hadst;<br />

viih. ahton, he has; nay ahtong, they<br />

had, C. ); suppos. nohohtiink,he who<br />

has, the owner; neg uldnnkeg, the<br />

owners or possessors; vbl. n. ohteoonk,<br />

iilitoonk, a having, a possession; vbl. n.<br />

pass, or suppos. part. inan. ohteiik, posse.ssed,<br />

had, owned; hence a field, land<br />

cultivated, inclosed, or to which the<br />

idea of ownership attaches {alilfnk, soil,<br />

a field, C. ). See Vielong to.<br />

haven, harbor, knhpiog, kohpaonk, kiip-<br />

pdhkoinuk, kiilijidhkomtik, koppdmuk,<br />

kdhpddnk, etc., all derived from kuppdhham,<br />

kdbham, he shuts close, closes<br />

up, which is from kuppi, kuppiyeu, it is<br />

close, thick, dense; suppos. kobpog,<br />

when it incloses or closes up; act. vbl.<br />

kohpaonk, a closing or making close;<br />

kuppiohkomuk [kupp\-koinak'\, a closed<br />

place, a covert, etc.<br />

havrk, quanundn. Lev. 11, 16; ow6h,shnog,<br />

Dent. 14, I.t; maahquanon, Job<br />

39, 26 {imghoirnnan, R. W.). Cf. qim-<br />



hawk—fontinueil.<br />

huiiw, 'lion'; qimJiijiDinonoii, 'greyhound'.<br />

he, she, eird, R.W. (Muh. uwoh, Edw.);<br />

yioh, lie, she; inujiiin, him, her, EI. and<br />

C. (Del. nek-a, tielcama, Hkw. ). Strictly<br />

regarded, noh is a demonstrative and<br />

relative pronoun, corresponding to the<br />

inan. demonstrative ?ic; eioo [iio] is the<br />

proper personal, represented by iv' , u',<br />

or m' as a prefix, and 'oh or 'uh as a<br />

suffix, in the 3d pers. sing, of verbs,<br />

etc.: nen vnoh [nen ne-)ioh'], I am he,<br />

Is. 41, 4; noh anakaiisit, he who labor-<br />

eth \_anakausu (without prefixed pronoun),<br />

he laboreth] ;<br />

titlliicnuvJif where<br />

is he? John 7, 11; ualt neen, I am he,<br />

i. e. I am that man of whom }'ou speak,<br />

John 9, 9; hoiran nohf who is he? i. e.<br />

that he, v. 36 {ul noh, in him; nt ndgiim,<br />

to him; nashpe ndgum, with him,<br />

C. ;<br />

matta ne, matta no, not that (house),<br />

not that (man), ibid.; yo dppitch evd,<br />

let him sit there; moaim ewo? who is<br />

that? R. W. ; Del. na nipauvH, he that<br />

stands there, Hkw., =ntau,<br />

he hears (him) ; suppos. noatlit, when he<br />

hears; noh nwtiit, he who hears, may<br />

hear; vbl. n. neotamwonk (ncotainiionk,<br />

C. ),a hearing.<br />

hearken, knkkeitaii, kuhkeihtau, he<br />

hearkens to (him), he listens with at-<br />

tention to (him); suffix kukkehtnh,<br />

hearken thou to me; noh kiikkcitnk, to<br />

him ye shall hearken {nctop kikkita,<br />

friend, hearken to me, R. W. ; knhkehiani,<br />

he hearkens (to it, inan.), C).<br />

heart, inetnh [m'ta/t], a heart; iniUnh,<br />

my heart; ktittah, thy heart: imlttih,<br />

his heart {ii-iittdh, R. W.; Muh. uloh,<br />

Edw.; Del. 'H''rfee, Hkw. ; Minsi mc/(


lieath-cocks—ciintiiuit'il.<br />

nateil grouse, foniierly very cniumdii<br />

in New Englaml, thdugh now rare, but<br />

possibly Tetrao ninbellus, tbe ruffed<br />

grouse, pheasant, or 'partrklge' of<br />

Massachusetts and Connecticut. So<br />

named I'nr the lieauty of its phunage:<br />

iiiitiitki-ii. lie is painted, decorated with<br />

]iaint; ]•!. (iiiiinl-ciirk, they are painted,<br />

K. W.<br />

ieaven, l,cnnl: (kre-iiick, R. \V.; Poq. ie.psk,<br />

Stiles; Hkw. f/isrlmrh, Del. ), the visible*<br />

heavens, the sky: krxnk kdh (ihkc, the<br />

heaven and the earth, (Jen. 1,1. See<br />

sun.<br />

iieairy, tolikefjiiii, Inliki-ijuan, (it is) heavy;<br />

1n}iki'(in()(j, that which is lieavy {luhke-<br />

(jii(i)i, heavy, ('. ; kiick(jussaqun,kukgAs-<br />

iiiirk(jini, yon arc heavy; rjussdcqnii,<br />

heavy, R.W. ).<br />

lieed, iiiniiiuhjiissit, he takes lieed,<br />

acts cautiously (as if in danger); nun-<br />

^inkfjiixsixh, take heed to thyself, beware;<br />

luinniikijiittsilrh, let him take heed<br />

{}ieii n>iriiwkiiii!


hig'h place— uoiitimieLl.<br />

iriiih-hii-iif, on the top of the mount<br />

[kodt-uJih'! Cf. h(Mlt-vtihip, the top of the<br />

head], koyhmsohkoai/, ahigh place; pi.<br />

+ is/), 1 Sam. 1,3, 6 [suppo.s. redupl. of<br />

kussohl-6i]. binfiohk-oi, kiittrnhkohjeii, a<br />

(high) peak or point of rock or earth;<br />

kmsohkolompsk, 'a sharp rock', 1 Sam.<br />

14, 4; en kiissohkoii/eae imdchii-ut, into<br />

a high mountain, Is. 40, 9 [from k6m,<br />

ukqs, anything sharp or pointed].<br />

liill, wadchuemcs, pi. (r.s7(, -f [dimin. of<br />

wadcliu, mountain];


hold—coutinueil.<br />

kduminil, he liolils lialiitually or con-<br />

tinues t« liold (it), lie liolds (it)<br />

strongly, lays hold of it. mniulikhmm,<br />

he holds (it) fast, takes a strong hold<br />

of (it); nuiiinieiinlikiiinniii, I hold fast<br />

(I hold, C); menn)iken!sh, hold thou it<br />

fast Imcmihki, (it is) hard, strong,<br />

firm]. sinni)i(ji/iiiiiiiii inniiiiilrlieg, he<br />

holds out (.'Stretches out ) Ids hand; see<br />

stretch out. vxlipinniin u-uinnitcheg, he<br />

holds up (lifts up) his hand; suppos.<br />



hot, kussiltau(kussuttah, R. W. ), it is hot,<br />

with reference to the heat of the sun,<br />

the weather, or natural heat; kosittag,<br />

kdsittag, kusohtag (suppos. part, inan.,<br />

when it is hot), the heat of the day<br />

(kescomincat, to be warm; nuk-kesoaap, I<br />

am warm, C. ; kdasitteks, hot weather,<br />

R. W.). kussopdsit, -when it is warm<br />

[suppos. horn, kussopeam, dim. (?), a lit-<br />

tle hot]. An. subj. kussoppusxu l_kuss-ap-<br />

wosul, he is hot {nuk-kissi'ij)i!', I am hot;<br />

7iuk-kisseeppeis, I itch; kiissupjH ximu'il,<br />

to be hot, C. ); vbl. n. ki/K.-mjijiissinuik<br />

(a heating of the person), inflamma-<br />

tion, ktissopittaeu, it is hot, by the action<br />

of fire, made hot, heated, made very hot;<br />

as adj. ktiSfiSpittde, kussdpetde, hot; suppos.<br />

inan. kassoppng, (when it is) very<br />

hot (vbl. n. ktssopetteahdorik, fervency or<br />

heat, C. ; this is formed from a causat.<br />

verb kussopetteahhuau, he makes it to be<br />

hot), kussampskussum, lie heats or<br />

makes hot (a furnace, oven, or the<br />

like). The root in all these words is<br />

ohkus {okus), as in m'kussa, a burning<br />

coal, from which, too, in the suppos.<br />

an. form, may perhaps be derived kesuk,<br />

thesun; seesun. Cf.Gr. Kaioo;Kav6(i);<br />

Kav6ii; al'fioo, to burn; aiHi)p, the<br />

empyreal region, the sky; 'iXi), e'iXti,<br />

heat of the sun ; //Azos.<br />

house, tvHu, El. Gr. 11; nee.k, nek, my<br />

house; keek, thy house; meek, iiiek, his<br />

house: ut v:ekit, in his house; xd weeku-<br />

•wout or wekuwomui, in his (their)<br />

house; "hence we corrupt this word,<br />

wigwam", Kl. Gr. ll(ttv(((,ahouse; wetu-<br />

dmiiek nuteshem, I came from the house;<br />

wetuomuck, at home; nekick, my house;<br />

k(Mck, your house, R. W. ) ; weetu ne<br />

weetimuk, 'a tent to dwell in'. Is. 40, 22;<br />

pi. teetuomash; ut weeluomut, on the<br />

house, in the house or houses, tveiu is<br />

evidently the 3d pers. sing, indie, of a<br />

verb which can not be accurately trans-<br />

lated into English, but to which 'lie<br />

makes his home' approximates, and<br />

week [weeg) appears to be the supposi-<br />

tive form of the same verb. From this<br />

last comes 'weekinneati, he lives in or<br />

occupies a house; weekitleau, he builds a<br />

house; an. wekuhkau, he builds (is build-<br />

ingorconstructing) a housefor (any per-<br />

son or an. obj.); vbl. n. weekitteaonk, a<br />

house—continued.<br />

building. Nearly related are: weetomcm,<br />

he lives with (another); weetomp, a<br />

friend, kinsman; /'rc/o/i/if, a sister (leeeluiioog,<br />

they live ti>gether, Ind. Laws);<br />

ireelanoindii, he takes (her) as a wife,<br />

i. e. to his house; weetauadteog, they<br />

marry or are married {awetawAluock,<br />

they make a match, R. W. ) ; cf. neetu,<br />

he is bor;i, he is produced, he or it<br />

grows; neetuonk, birth; iiekit, (when<br />

he is) born, etc. komuk (an inclosed<br />

place) , an English house or building<br />

other than a dwelling house, rarely<br />

employed except in compound words:<br />

woskeche komuk, the top of the house,<br />

on the roof; qunnunkque komuk (a high<br />

building), a tower; maumackk komuk<br />

asuhmeechumeekomuk {meechimnkkom uk,<br />

C. ), 'store house or barn', Luke 12,24<br />

{maat/eakomuk, a meetinghouse; chlppi-<br />

komiik, a chamber, C. ).<br />

how, toll, tohlien: tlh kilte&shef toll kutteashishf<br />

how many times?; tohlien nohnompuf<br />

how often?; tohuttaachef how long?<br />

{touf R. W., a general interrogative,<br />

where? how? what? etc. : tou anuckqua-<br />

qae? tounuckquaquef how much?; tounilckquaque<br />

yb ivuchef how far from<br />

hence? R.W. ; uttoh unnuhkiihquat? how<br />

far? ; uttoh lul-lohlmissif how great? ; uttoh<br />

uii.nif what manner? C. ). tohsu? tahghef<br />

tolishe? how much?; pi. tohslilnaxh? tnli-<br />

shinashf tohsuaslif how many?; an. tnh-<br />

suog? how many persons? (lohshc, so<br />

much; nethlishit, so often; tohtohshinnash<br />

ke»&k6daslif how many days? C. ;<br />

tashinf<br />

how much?; tashlnash papouaslif how<br />

many winters?; an. pi. taMiinclieckf<br />

how many? R. W. ). uttoh [to what,<br />

«n(D, he howls<br />

or yells; comi-og, they howl; vbl. n.<br />

ajnijjonk, howling. See shout; roar.<br />

humble (adj.) , liohpdu, he is humble;<br />

liohpde (hohpooe, C), humble; n. agent.<br />

hohpdmu, one who is humble, suppos.<br />

part. pi. ling liolipacheg , hohhohpacheg,<br />

uhliolipdchcg, oliliolipdnntcheij, the hum-<br />

ble; vbl. n. holipaonk, humility.<br />


280 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

humble iv. l, hnhjuihi'/iliiaii, he makes<br />

( liiiii ) liuuililf, lie humbles (him).<br />

hundred, an. juinuhatog, inan. jxi-tHl:-<br />

raasli: tit'(ji(t jKiaiikcoog, one hun(!re


idle—coutiimed.<br />

mi IK III! j mil michick {p\.), idle persons, R.<br />

W.; \]A. n. nanomjxmisifuonk, idleness,<br />

C. [from nnnompamrau, he begs?].<br />

idol, nunneukontunk, itnnnukontuiik {nin-<br />

nukuiiionk, C. ), an image, an idol.<br />

if, tiilincit: tohneit nenag, if it bo so.<br />

image. See idol.<br />

imitate, iiuttiannuu, I imitate; aiaiuiau-<br />

onate, to imitate, C. ; cf. eiyune {aianne,<br />

C), kinds of, or of the kind ..f. See<br />

like; likeness.<br />

immediately, tciiunk (lidwi, K. W.),<br />

quickly, suddenl}', immediately.<br />

immerse, touopham, he puts (it) into<br />

the water, hence he soaks, he seethes,<br />

etc. {lomropskhommke, 'cast anchor',<br />

R. W. ) . Cf. chauopham ireyaus, he boils<br />

flesh {chouwi'jphash, cast it overboard,<br />

R. W. ) ; nepataush sahaheg, he seethes<br />

prittase.<br />

impossible. See possible.<br />

in.<br />

[Note.—Left unfinished. See '//.]<br />

increase, mishehteau, he increases (it),<br />

he makes (it) great; }}ish mishehteamin,<br />

it shall be increased, made great.<br />

nuDchekohteau , he increa.ses (it), he has<br />

very much of ( it) . More commonly in-<br />

crease is expressed by nano, signifying<br />

'more and more' (El. Gr. 15): nnno<br />

missl, it increaseth (is more and more<br />

great) ;<br />

wisdom (ij more and more wise); nano<br />

naiio ivaantam, he increaseth in<br />

majiiattish (inan. pl.l, they increase in<br />

number.<br />

indolent. See slothful; idle.<br />

infant, peisses [for ]jcississii , he is] very<br />

small, an infant (of either sex ;<br />

) intens.<br />

ixipeissu (papoos, R. W. ; Peq. poiqi-<br />

poug, Stiles); Buppos. pelssissii, papjelssit,<br />

when he is very small: noh jidssissit,<br />

the smallest child, 'he who is lea.st',<br />

Matt. 11, 11; peimissit ketompas, thy<br />

younger sister, Ezek. 16, 46; suppos.<br />

part, (pi.) nag papeississitcheg, infants,<br />

very small children. From peawe,<br />

peaeu, it is small; dim. pease, peasin<br />

(suppos. peasik), and papease (suppos.<br />

papeasick ) , it is very small ; papeaxe-ussii<br />

( eontr. papeissu ) , he is very small . See<br />

child, boy, girl, etc. (Del. jillairesis, a<br />

boy; pilairetit, a male infant babe; qnetit,<br />

a female infant bal)e, Hkw.<br />

)<br />

inform, militiiuiit, he shows (it) to ( him),<br />

he informs (him) of (it); nahtus,<br />

show thou (it); nahtusseh, show thou<br />

(it) to me (nunnohtin, I show, C. );<br />

causat. inan. from ndau (he sees): he<br />

makes him see it; cf. nehtau, show<br />

thyself to (him), 1 K. 18, 1. irahteau-<br />

iraluiaii [causat. inan. from irajiteau,b.e<br />

knows], he makes (him) know it {wah-<br />

lriniini)i, make him to know, C. ). kvh-<br />

kmlaiiHiii, l-iikhnlihiiiiitii, he informs<br />

ihiiu I i.f. See teach.<br />

inhabit. See ilwell.<br />

inhabitant, noh ni/il, pi. nog uijitcheg;<br />

noh iniiJohkit, pi. nog iroilohkitrheg. See<br />

dwell.<br />

inhabited, "like no n-oilolitinnik, a land<br />

inhabited ( i. e. where it was possessed or<br />

occupied); ohke inollo ""/o/i/.v/k, an un-<br />

inhabited land; olikf jii.-ili iiiiliiliki'ln, the<br />

land shall be inhabited ; chipohke \_chepi-<br />

ohke^, uninhabited land.<br />

injure. See hurt.<br />

inquire, notmloman, he inquires of<br />

(him), questions (him ) ; noltjjtomnhkau,<br />

he prosecutes inquiry, seeks informa-<br />

tion from (him); nadwnsldtteiiu, he in-<br />

quires into (it), investigates (it) {neen<br />

pitch nnadsitlainen, I will incjuire into<br />

it; ininnoilfiitfamutta, let us search into<br />

it, K. W. 1. See question.<br />

instead of, nom.pe, nohnonipn: sun nen<br />

noinpiii, am I in (his) stead? Gen. 30,2<br />

[noinpeo, it is in the place or stead of<br />

(it); iioinpcnaii, he is in the place or<br />

stead of (him)].<br />

instruction, kuhkmtainu-ehteaonk, in-<br />

struction, teaching. See teach.<br />

integrity, mmpundtahhaonk; sainpirehteaadonk,<br />

vbl. n. from sampv-i'hteau, he<br />

makes it straight or right.<br />

intend, unnantam, anantani, he wills,<br />

thinks, purposes, intends, has in mind:<br />

[moHfi?] lie anantam nen, gut ken ne<br />

anantaniaa (suppos.), 'notasi will, but<br />

as thou wilt'. Matt. 26, 39; ne anontag,<br />

according to his will (what he may<br />

will or intend). This verb expresses<br />

simple mental activity—volition, passion,<br />

thought. It is the primary and<br />

type of a large class of verbs (corresponding<br />

to Zeisberger's third form of<br />

conjugation, in the Delaware, "in elen-<br />

diiin, indicating a disposition of the-


intend—continued.<br />

mind" ) which EUot regards as "a sort<br />

of verl> substantives" formed from<br />

"adnouns of virtue and vice," etc.<br />

(Gr., p. 16), and of which he gives, as<br />

an example, a paradigm of the verb<br />

wdantnm, he is wise, regularly conju-<br />

cation from a more simple form, aiUdiii,<br />

which expresses mental and emotional<br />

activity, as iissu expresses physical<br />

activity, and is correspondingly employed<br />

in composition (see unnanta-<br />

miindt). kesontam, he purposes, in-<br />

tends, forms a resolution or resolves.<br />

jiakodtantam, he determines, intends.<br />

intention, unnantammonk {unantamoo-<br />

onk, C. ); vbl. n. from unnantam: an in-<br />

intention—continued.<br />

tending (n'teatammowonck, that is my<br />

thought or opinion, R. W. ).<br />

into. See put into.<br />

investigate. See inquire.<br />

iron, mmushog, mousluKj {nimri'iKliuck, R.<br />

W. ), from moal, black; cf. vompohshog,<br />

brass (?), from vompi, white, misseh-<br />

gated by affixing the verbal particles to<br />

the "adnoun" waantam; but iraantam<br />

chuoff, iron, from mixxi, great {iiiixst'h-<br />

is primarily a verb and not an adnoun<br />

c7i(B0(/, mines, C. ). See steel.<br />

or adjective. I have called tinwrntaw<br />

or anaiitam the primary, but strictly<br />

speaking it is a derivative by redupli-<br />

is, miif is it?; t^iiiiiiniiKitlii'! is it not? See<br />

nppii; ayeu; iin; nont; ohteau.<br />

island, mnnnoh, mvnnohhan {mtnuiohonk,<br />

C). Strictly miiinu'th signifies an<br />

island; munnohhan [iiiinnnili-aiiiil], any<br />

j&vr, wutompeuk, wuttompek, his jaws;<br />

ivutompeukanmooash, their jaws; mulom-<br />

peuk, a jaw, anyone's jaw.<br />

jealous, mcosmmnuam (?), (he is) jealous;<br />

.<br />

suppos. part. an. mcosumcmt, when he is<br />

jealous; vbl. n. pass. mmsiUeammonk,<br />

jealousy.<br />

jerk, tendche wuttotukkon, " it jerketh or<br />

suddenly twitcheth", C.<br />

join, mOsogqiieog, they join (lit. stick,<br />

adhere) {nummSsogeem, I join, 0. ) ; inan.<br />

pi. moaogqunhtaash, they are joined to-<br />

gether, adhere closely. See stick (v.).<br />

missussin, (it touches) it adjoins, reaches<br />

or extends to. See touch.<br />

joint, anaqvestionk, ovoquesuonk, pi. -(mg-<br />

ash, joints.<br />

journey. See ilay's journey; go; walk.<br />

judge, vMissnin, he ju

justify—continued.<br />

the point of view of, the object of the<br />

verb. Elsewhere (as in Rom. 5, 16,<br />

18) Eliot employs the causat. form of<br />

keep, wadchanum, he keeps (it); ooiraiichanum-un,<br />

he keeps it; suppos. noh<br />

wadchanuk, he who keeps ( it) , a keeper;<br />

wadchanish, keep thou (it). See paradigm<br />

of this verb in El. Or. 24-27. It<br />

signifies not merely to keep, but to keep<br />

safely, to preserve, to save, vxidchau,<br />

he keeps (hjm), protects, keeps safe<br />

( him) ; suffix an. mivadrhamth , he keeps<br />

him; Hcoicadc/ianui-, he keeps me; wad-<br />

chaneh, keep thou me; iradclianumeh,<br />

keep thou it for me (vanchammmn, R.<br />

W. ) See paradigm in El. Gr. 28-63.<br />

This verb is largely employed by Eliot<br />

in the composition of words new to the<br />

language, but not the less intelligible to<br />

his Indian hearers; as, vbl. n. pass.<br />

wadchnnitiuonk, a being kept safe, 'salvation';<br />

n. agent, wadchuwaen-in, one<br />

who keeps safe, a sa\'iour {wduchaunat,<br />

a guardian, R. W. ). ndndvxhteouunat,<br />

to keep (?), C. ; mm-ndnaueehtat, I keep,<br />

ibid, nandwanumeli, keep thou me, C.<br />

nun-nanauwimut,! am kejit, ibid. See<br />

protect.<br />

kernel, umtch uhhuhkumuuil yean vuh-<br />

hogkomunit, 'from the kernels even to<br />

the husk', Xum. 6, 4.<br />

kettle, ohkuk, ohknhk, ahkiihq (aucuck,<br />

E. W. ; olikuke, C.),a.n (earthen) pot or<br />

vessel, a kettle; pi. -i-quog [from ohke,<br />

earth], mishquockuk, a red copper ket-<br />

tle, R. W. Imishq'-ohkuk, red earthen].<br />

See dish.<br />

kick at, tDfjkixhkoiii, he kicks at or<br />

against (it); kut-togkishknmiin, thou<br />

kickest against it (contract, togskom);<br />

from togku, he strikes, with 'sh of violent<br />

action. V. i. lilfinnogshau, he<br />

'kicked', Deut, 32, l.i.<br />

kidneys, mnttcouiniswg (pi.), the kid-<br />

neys, the reins; nuUmwmussog, my reins,<br />

Ps. 26, 2.<br />

kill, nushau, he kills (him); nummsh, I<br />

kill or killed (him); suppos. noh mish-<br />

;<br />


K<br />

justify—continued.<br />

the vbl. n. pass, mmpvienehittuonh, being<br />

made just or right, from sampweneh-<br />

heau, be makes (him) to lie just.<br />

kill—continued<br />

.<br />

out or rifishoiil, he who kills; nush (niss,<br />

R. W.I, kill thou; nughmk {nigsoke,<br />

R. W. I, kill ye; pass, nushau, nusheau,<br />

he is killed; pish nun-nushit, I shall be<br />

killed; nng nnshitchejj, the slain (Gr.<br />

veKpS), rsKvi; Lat. nex, tiecis; necor,<br />

neci). iiiishnhkau (he goes on killing,<br />

continues to kill), he daughters {nisheh-<br />

konat, to kill, C.) [iivshau, with 'i- progressive].<br />

V. i. nushehteav, mighteau, he<br />

kills, he is a murderer {nuii-nlshteam,<br />

I kill, C. ) : mishehteaog id imD/ut, they<br />

commit murder in the way, Hos. 6, 9;<br />

negat. imperat. rnishehteuhkon, thou<br />

shalt not kill.<br />

kind (adj.), u-omonausa [immonau-usm,<br />

he acts lovingly], he is kind to; vbl. n.<br />

tromonaumoiik (love in exercise), kind<br />

acting, kindness. See love.<br />

kind (n. ), unni (aianne, C. ; iane, Mass.<br />

Ps. ) , erijane, of the sort or kind of ; as a<br />

suffix -in, -e.nin, -ane, etc., marking the<br />

relation of an individual to a species or<br />

of species to genus, familv, or class; as<br />

in neane, neijane, such as, of this or that<br />

kind Ine-unni']: suppos. inan. neannak<br />

{lifCinag, such, C. ), when it is of the<br />

kind, like; and as substantive, likeness<br />

(see like), unnaieu, unnwjeu, it is such<br />

or so, it is of the kind of \^unnc-cuien']:<br />

iie u'unnegen unnaiinyieat (infin. ), 'it is<br />

good so to be', 1 Cor. 7, 26, i. e. to be in<br />

such a state or condition (ageiionk).<br />

An analysis of this verb furnishes the<br />

key to Eliot's translation of Ex. 3, 14,<br />

which proved so inexplicable a jiuzzle<br />

to Mr Pickering and ilr Duponceau,<br />

and which Heckewelder concluded,<br />

after long research, must, "if it means<br />

anything, be either 'I am a man, I am<br />

a man ' or ' I do so, I do so '<br />

,<br />

" and which<br />

his correspondent, Dencke, thought<br />

might be a new verb formed by Eliot,<br />

but "not genuine Indian" (Notes on


kind in. )—coutiuued.<br />

Eliot's (irammar, 2 M. H. C. 9, xxiv-<br />

xliv). Mr Pickering, at the puint<br />

where his investigations promised suc-<br />

cess, was misled by Cotton's vocabulary,<br />

where the verb unniimit is given<br />

with the translation 'to become' and<br />

" iiiiltiiwi, I am become". This tran.s-<br />

lation was perhaps suggested to Cotton<br />

by some such use of the verb as in<br />

John 1, 12: mnnaumoni'mneat God<br />

[iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiinifiiiineat'], 'to become<br />

the sons of (Jod', to be of or such as<br />

sons ( if ( iod. Eliot himself contributed<br />

to the misunderstanding by stating<br />

that til. till, tiiiiic were syllables of "no<br />

sitrniflcaticm, hut for ornament," and<br />

only "in way of an elegancy" received<br />

the affix of the verb, "as niiltinnr. kut-<br />

tlniie, wiUtlniie." The manner in wtiich<br />

these augments are employed in Eliot's<br />

translation makes it clear that, while<br />

the f may I)e interposed for euphony<br />

merely, the additional syllables are<br />

always significant, though not always<br />

translatable to English, and that the<br />

compound pronouns are equivalent to<br />

mit-niinl, htl-iimu, inii-nnni, marking<br />

the contrast or relation of 'such as' I,<br />

thou, or he to or with those of another<br />

kind or class. This significance attaches<br />

to the verbal forms: nut-tinniin, I am of<br />

the kind of, I am such as; nc nnttlmmn<br />

{lie iiii'tiiiiniiii, Mass. Ps. ), I am such<br />

as that, I am of that kind or class, 'so I<br />

am ', John 1.3, 13; yen nuttiiiiin (yen nnt-<br />

tiiiiKiiiii. 'thus 1 have been'. Gen. 31,<br />

4H, thus T am; mn mittiniiini iieii init-<br />

tiiiiiiiii. 1 am such as I myself am sucli<br />

as, I am of my own kind, 'I am that<br />

[which] I am', Ex. 3, 14. So with the<br />

pronouns of the 2d and 3d persons:<br />

iiednc uuiKnitay . . . ne n-uttinniin, 'as<br />

he thinketh . . . so is lie'. Pro v. 23, 7;<br />

viifliiiiiiii liiiii-iin, whosoever, i.e. of what<br />

kind sncViT, he be. Matt. 16,24, 25; ne<br />

pi.ili initliiiiiiiii, 'so will be his manner',<br />

1 Sam. 27, 11; iienniil irnlfinncumin, ne<br />

iniltiiiiiiiii iru.t.i(iiitiiiioiiiuii, 'as with the<br />

servant so with his master', Is. 24, 2.<br />

neanussii {neahheiiissil, 'such a one',<br />

C. ), 'after its kind', suppos. from<br />

neanusitn [iie-unni-u.'^su], the an. form<br />

of necme; suppos. neaunak, of the an.<br />

kind (n. )—continued.<br />

kind or s]iecies of, resembling, like.<br />

inline liyiiiie. all kinds of (inan. obj.).<br />

See like.<br />

king;, A•(•/(^t.«'"^ pi. krtassirjtiiinii-iiii. kings<br />

{ =lali.', 11 ). The first<br />

syllable is kehte, great or chief, which<br />

is occasionally omitted, as above, and<br />

also in the verbal hetassmtniiKDunk<br />

(sometimes anscolamnoonk, as in Dan. 5,<br />

28, 31, and tfiln^mtammoiik, Zeph. 3, 8;<br />

Matt. 4, s, etc. ), a kingdom. 'I have<br />

not met with the verb form n.iismtdtiL<br />

or tahsi/jtiiin, and can not with certainty<br />

determine its primary signification.<br />

See sachem.<br />

kinsman, iiii'tniiiji. my friend, my kinsman;<br />

pi. "",'/; le.etniiij,. his friend or<br />

kinsman; imtiHii/iiiiii, a friend, a kinsman,<br />

i. e. the kinsman of anyone. I'ul-<br />

tiiuuijikiniii'iiii, a kinsman of a female,<br />

Kutli 3, 12; 4, 1; mittinotikumdog, my<br />

kinsman. Acts 9, 3. irnttonkqs-oh, his<br />

kinsman; nutorikej.^, 'my kinswoman',<br />

Prov. 7, 4 {iiatoncks, my cousin, R. W.;<br />

imcUrmkqsIn, a cousin, C. ).<br />

kindred, C. See cousin.<br />

oinnithiiiik,<br />

kiss, e!iipiriiltii)iiiii)irfiii, he kisses (him);<br />

init-rliijiinitliiiiiii/iiili, he kisses or kissed<br />

him; eliijiiriiltaiiii'iiureh. kiss me (»»(-<br />

chijiiiiitliDiiiiii. I kiss, C. ); reciprocal<br />

eliipiiiittiuiii'iiiiiiilti'iii;/. they kiss each<br />

other; vl>l. n. rliifjinittroiiiipienonk (a<br />

kissing), a kiss [rhijijie-wuttoan, sepa-<br />

rated mouth]. ,<br />

kite, fjiiA'^iikrjiKinii.i/i. Lev. 11, 14; »..•/».///,<br />

Deut. 14, 13; but inrinuil, a raven. Lev.<br />

1 1 , .^.<br />

knave, nioiilniikoniji, a knave; pi. —aor/,<br />

C. (?).<br />

knee, ninkkiillnk [ iiiiikknlliik, C. ), a knee;<br />

pi. —ijiiiii/ iri'iike ( kitlnk. a crooked<br />

knee,C.) [»(•./«//'/»»/., that which .sinks<br />

down, from ijulliiihii. it sinks down,<br />

goes down]. Cf. Engl, knee; AS.<br />

cneoie; Iniiytui, incurvare, inclinare, to<br />

boW', to bend, to incline.<br />

knife, chohquoy {rhaiiij[u](irk, R. W.;<br />

"whence they call Englishmen rVuic-<br />

qiKiquock, that is, Knive-men"; see<br />

Englishman); keiwliqiioy (keeneehquog,<br />

C. ), a sharp knife [from kenai, it is<br />

sharp] (eheqiKidireeliqiKiy, a razor, C).<br />

vUi-ieek, rnocutick, pnnnetiinck, eiasiunck^


knife—contiimeil.<br />

chauguorl; akniie, R.W. ; cledussonkash<br />

(pi.), knives, C. ; Peq. punneedunk,<br />

vnyrmzzege, knife. Stiles; Del. pachtschican,<br />

a knife. "All words ending<br />

in -lean, -Mean, or -ksrhinii) denote a<br />

sharp instrument for euttinsr", Hkw.<br />

Corresp. 413.<br />

knock, chithchunkqultahlidm, he knocks<br />

(at the door); nidchohchunkqiHlahham,<br />

I knock.<br />

know, iraliraii, he knows (hhn); suffix<br />

kirjii-dliiisli, I know thee; hmcahcnnurii),<br />

ye know me; suppos. part, noli, vah-<br />

eonl, he who knows; pi. nag n-ahe-<br />

oncheg, they who know (an. obj.);<br />

pass, waheau, he is known (kmwahhish,<br />

I knowthee; nmvaeh noli, I know him;<br />

nanrahik, he knows me; kcoirahik, he<br />

knows thee, C. Cotton devoted more<br />

than three jiages of his Vcicabulary to<br />

labor. See bear children; wfirk.<br />

lack. See want.<br />

ladder, tohkmtauonk {talikmmvontuk, C. ).<br />

From tohkmtaoii, he climbs upon; luh-<br />

km-iii, he dim lis.<br />

ladle. See spoon.<br />

lake. See ponii ; water.<br />

lame, (putqiienukquliau, hikijnnnkslian, he<br />

halts or is crippled, freq. from qnnniikquexii,<br />

he is lame (nirkqiUmqit'i, I am<br />

lame, R. W. ), denoting temporary or<br />

casual lameness; suppos. part, noh<br />

qiMuiukesit, qnhinukqiiesit, he who is<br />

lame; jil. nag quainikessitrheg, the lame<br />

{quinnukqucsiikcki'shkhmwae doas, a lame<br />

creature (animal), C). kelikcrhan, he<br />

halts. Gen. 32, 31; suppos. part. pi. nag<br />

kehkechirhatcheg, they who halt, rceh-<br />

irepHii, he is lame, is a cripple (from<br />

birth. Acts 3, 2; 14, 8). nmchumwesu<br />

[an. from ncochunnri, it is weak], lie is<br />

weak, impotent, lame, etc.: naichum-<br />

v:esn lit viiKxeetit, he is 'imjiotent in his<br />

feet'. Acts 14, 8; he is lame, 2 Sam.<br />

4, 4; noh nmchunnreml, he that is lame,<br />

Prov. 26, 7.<br />

lamprey, qiinnamaug, jil. --xurk, 'lam-<br />

pries, the first that come in the spring<br />

know—continued.<br />

examples of the forms, an. and inan.,<br />

of the verb waheau, irahli-nii ); vlil. n.<br />

vahheonk, knowledge (of persons), u-ah-<br />

tftiii, he knows, perceives, under.standa<br />

(it); with inan. obj. or intrans. >i'ah-<br />

li'Duiiii, he knows it; iralitmuog, they<br />

know (it) (nag iralili'oiig, 0.); iimvah-<br />

li'oiiiin, I know it {iioinnVaiii. I understand,<br />

R.W. ; noairalai, I know, Iimder-<br />

stand, C. ); suppos. part, null traliteunk,<br />

he when knowing, he who knows;<br />

vbl. n. wahteonk, wahteauonk, knowledge<br />

(of things). Caus. an. -imhteouwahean,<br />

he makes (him) known to (him), he<br />

makes (him) know (him), wahteau-<br />

vahhiian, he makes (it) known to (him).<br />

tatta, I know not (netop tattd, my friend,<br />

I know not, R. W. ; tattd pitch, I can<br />

not tell, it may so come to pass, iljid.<br />

mat iiojmihleooo. I can't tell, C. ). See no.<br />

lamprey—continued.<br />

into the fresh rivers'. R. "\V., but

28fi BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

last, iimjiiih, iiKifliixli, at the last, lastly:<br />

7najish ne kesuko};, in the last day; og-<br />

guhsemese majkli, 'yet a little while' (to<br />

the end), John 13, 33; peissit mojhh-<br />

yeuoo, ' there remaineth the youngest '<br />

1 Sam. 16, 11; from mahchc (see have,<br />

aux. ;<br />

) it denotes time future, maumachi.ih<br />

[redupl. from maehish'], the very<br />

last, at last: nen maumachisli, I am the<br />

last ( lit momCiush ne hemkok, at the last<br />

day, John Cotton; momncMsheue, lastly,<br />

C ; inoiiiachisheyeue, Danf. ).<br />

lasting', michemohtau, machemohtau (it is<br />

for ever), michemolitae, machemohtae,<br />

everlasting [miclieme, forever, and ohtaal;<br />

suppos. inichemQhtag {micheme<br />

ohtag, Vs. 145, 13), that which is (when<br />

it is) everlasting.<br />

late (in the day or night), cheke, checlieke<br />

(slow), inissdanie tatsha, it is too late,<br />

R. W.<br />

lately, jkixii-u (paswese, soon, in a short<br />

tUne, C; panu'u, nateah, kumma, lately,<br />

ibid. ) Ipaswo), pasmoa, it is near], knitumma,<br />

kittumma, very lately. El. Gr.<br />

21 {kittwnmdyOT-mdish,even-now] kittumydi<br />

tokhin, as soon as I wake, R. W. ).<br />

laugh, iiIkiiiii, hiihiiiiii [ahdnu, R. W.;<br />

ahhdiiii, C. ), he laughs; ahanuog, they<br />

laugh; kenaaii lialianmgish, ye who<br />

laugh {ahdnuock, thej' laugh; lairhitcli<br />

ahdnean? why do you (dost thou) laugh?<br />

R. W.); vbl. n. ahan&onk, hahanuonk<br />

{ahhaiimink, C), laughing, laughter<br />

(irinne talmnsha or ahanshdonk, a pleas-<br />

ant laughter, C. ) .<br />

ahanehtam, he laughs<br />

at (it); (ihiiiiehtauau, he laughs at<br />

(him).<br />

law, ninumiltioiik, pi. -ongash. See commandment.<br />

lazy, segenani, intens. S'iscgenam, sesege-<br />

nearii, he is haViitually or liy disposition<br />

idle, he is slothful (s,,/, ii,(i,,:nr imsxiiiiiiii,<br />

lazy folks, C. ). iidiiiiinjijinsi'ii-. lazily,<br />

C. See slothful.<br />

lead(n.,'>-a metal), niolnniillahtag, mdimiltattag.<br />

In Xum. 31, 22 the same word<br />

is used fur tin, l)ut perhaps not elsewhere.<br />

lead (v.), sagkompanau, sagkompagtmau,<br />

he leads (them) ; suffix sm.missagkompa'<br />

nopoh, he did lead them; ahqiie mgkompagunarinnean<br />

{sogkoiirpriginnean, Luke<br />

11, 4; .lagkompagiitiiinnean, Ind. Prim. ),<br />

,<br />

lead (v.)—continued.<br />

do not lead us, ' lead us not', Matt. 6, 13;<br />

suppos. part, iioh sagkoinpagutiont, one<br />

W'ho leading; n. agent. sagkomp


leave (to take), ironkomau, he embraces<br />

(him). See embrace; farewell.<br />

leave (v. i.), amaKii, he leaves, departs.<br />

See depart.<br />

leave (v. t. ), nnkkonan, he leaves, for-<br />

sakes, abandons ( him ) ; suppos. nukkn-<br />

nonl, when he leaves, when leaving<br />

[mat kunn'wkansh, I will not leave you)<br />

recipr. nukkdmltuog, they leave or for-<br />

sake one another. See forsake. V. i.<br />

or inan. obj. nukkodtum (nukodtiim, C. ),<br />

he leaves {nlckattash, leave thou, depart;<br />

nickdtlainmoke, leave ye, R. W.;<br />

ne teag nogkudtuinnk, a thing left, C. ).<br />

See remain.<br />

leave o£f, ahqne, he leaves off, desists,<br />

refrains from.<br />

left (participle), nakkudtiimuk; see leave.<br />

sequnan, sequnneau, he is left, remains;<br />

suppos. part, noh sequnit, he<br />

who remains; pi. luig seqtmutcheg {nag<br />

asqunutrheg, Neh. 1, 3), they who are<br />

left, ' the remnant that are left ' ; sup-<br />

pos. part. inan. ne f:i'qunuk, ne ashqunnk,<br />

that which is left; vbl. n. pass, sequnit-<br />

liifiiik, being left, a remainder, that<br />

which is left; see remain, sequttah-<br />

ii-haii, (isqiittnhirhav, ufihquehtainnhau,<br />

etc., he is left or remains (with regard<br />

to others who are not left or are gone)<br />

matta pasiik usquehtahwhoun, not one is<br />

left; suppos. part. pi. nag sequttnhwkutcheg<br />

{asqnt-, anhqueht-, etc. ), they who<br />

remain; suppos. part. inan. ne sequtted-<br />

niiik, what is left; pi. nish seqnttedmuk-<br />

islt, the remnants, the leavings.<br />

left hand, menadchii, the left hand; lunmenadchu,<br />

his left hand {mendtche menitcheg,<br />

the left hand, C. ; nummatehu,<br />

left-handed, C. ;<br />

; :<br />

yo nmunnatch, to the<br />

left hand, R. W. ); menadchue, lefthanded;<br />

menadchee imsneet, his left foot;<br />

menadchtinniijeu, on the left, to the left.<br />

See hand.<br />

leg^, muhkonl (niohkonl, R. W.), a leg; pi.<br />

-\-agh; u-uhkonl, his leg.<br />

leg'g'ings (?), niuttdsnsh, metaxash, 'san-<br />

dals', Mark 6, 9; 'greaves', 1 Sara. 17, 6;<br />

'hosen', Dan. 3, 21 {niattd.


lie down, seepsh), sfpsln, he lies down;<br />

niis-seepsin, I lie down; sepsish, lie<br />

down; from sepe, long, extended, and<br />

ussu, verb of an. activity: he makes<br />

himself long, sesepdeu, he lies stretched<br />

at full length, he stretches himself;<br />

freq. from sepe, (it is) long, extended.<br />

lie with. See couple.<br />

life, keteaonk, living, the life principle,<br />

life; pomantamcoonk, living, life as a<br />

.state of being; pometuonk. a lifetime,<br />

a generation. See live.<br />

lift up, nxhpiiiMin, vnapiiiain, he holds<br />

or lifts (it) up; see hold, lahshinuin,<br />

he lifts (it) up, he raises (it); nuttiihxhiiiiiiii<br />

iiiiiiiiiilcheg, I lift up my<br />

hand; Inhxliiunxli (or tohshinush) kentit-<br />

rliiii. lift up thy hand; suppos. tah-<br />

sliiiiiik, wlien he lifts it up; inan. subj.<br />

kiiltdh talishoiim, thy heart is lifted up.<br />

Iiilisliiiiiiii, he lifts (him) up, ral.ses<br />

(him); tnliKhin kuhhog, lift up thyself;<br />

ntij-tahxhiu, I lift up myself.<br />

light (adj.), viirikinnu, nonkaneu, he is<br />

light ikiin-ii'ifiki, you are light, =kint-<br />

luiiikn,,, „n,ih„), light, R. AV.; wmkkt'<br />

iixihiiiii, a light burden, G. ); diiin'<br />

nankinimt/ oiik, they are lighter than,<br />

Ps. 62,9; nil Ilk II III II, a yoimg man<br />

\_m.inkanf-omp'\, dimin. niinkompnes<br />

[ndiikup or iioitkumpaes, a boy, C. ).<br />

light (n.), iiuypiiii (veqndi, B. W. ; nrqna-<br />

sliiiii (dimin.?), moonlight, ibid.), it is<br />

li;_'ht; iiii'i iri'ijiiai, there was light; im-<br />

perat. 3tlpers. sing, iretjuaiaj, let there T)e<br />

light, tivmpag, (when it U) light, bright<br />

light, daylight; opposed to pohkenahfu,<br />

in darkness [suppos. inan.from wompieii<br />

it is white or bright] ; see day. treqitananteg<br />

{wequanantig, R. W. ; vnndquond-<br />

ni'lick, C. ), a light, candle, lamp, torch,<br />

etc. {iri'kiiiaii, a light fire, R. AV. ; ire-<br />

qiidiiiiiiiiiirkiiiiiiuiililiik. candlestick, C. ).<br />

lightning, iikkiilshiiiiiiiiin (it lightens),<br />

'<br />

lightning; infin. as noun kutshamuna),<br />

lightuing, Zech. 9, 14 (ciitshdiisha, R. W.<br />

Abn. .iii'siiiUiigSdk, I'eclair, Rasles).<br />

like, ogqit!', (igqur, initngqiie (ogqueu),<br />

like to, resemliling; nr ogqne, like it or<br />

like that. See liken; likeness, ininfii,<br />

it is of the same kind as, it is of like<br />

kind (see kind, n.); suppos. auuak,<br />

diinag, vnaij, etc., (when it is) of the<br />

kind, (when it is) like, neaiie. nei/amie<br />

, ;<br />

like—continued.<br />

(as. El. Gr. ), nr tnnieu, that kind of,<br />

such as that, in that manner, so, such,<br />

like; veyanneyeu, neiiwiiien,itis like, he<br />

is like; suppos. neaunak, ve dunag,<br />

(when it is) like that, in the likeness of,<br />

'according to' :<br />

n'naj neaunak tinnauma-<br />

fiionk, let it be done according to the<br />

law,. Ezra 10, 3; nedunag yeu muttaok,<br />

' the fashion of this world ' , 1 Cor. 7, 31<br />

iieniinak inemitcheg, in the form of (like)<br />

a hand, Ezek. 10, 8; with verli of an.<br />

activity iicaniixxH, neyaimssu, he is of the<br />

kind of or is like to, he is such as [?ie-<br />

riiiiieii-iixiiu'}; suppos. neanussit, neyhnn-<br />

n'lt, (when he is) of the kind of oris<br />

like to: neanussit . . . n'nili, as is . . .<br />

so is; -neanussit imsketonip, 'in the like-<br />

ness of man', Phil. 2, 7 {neahanissit<br />

uyjsketoiiip, such a man; ueahhenissit,<br />

such a one, C.) . See .so; likeness; such.<br />

netatnppe, that which is equal to or alike<br />

(like, so. El. Gr. 22); neane . . . nela-<br />

tuppe, like ... so {netdtup, it is all one,<br />

R. W.); from ne and tatuppeu, it is<br />

equal; see equal, tatuppeyeuw, it is<br />

like, i. e. it is equal to or the same as;<br />

1)1. tatiippeyeucoog, they are alike, ona-<br />

liih, as, like: onatiih . . . netatuppe, as<br />

... so (used only with the suppos.<br />

mood, for innirtnli, as though, as when,<br />

as if).<br />

liken, ui/qiiiuititiii, he likens or compares<br />

(it) to (it) (ugijiiantam, he supposes,<br />

C. ). ogipiiinumaii, he likens (him) to<br />

(him or it); ohqne ogqudinnn, ' count<br />

me not', do not compare me with or<br />

liken me to, 1 Sam. 1, 16; liou-an. ogquanumog<br />

Ood-ut, to whom will you liken<br />

God? Is. 40, l.S; sometimes in the<br />

causat. an. form nut-rjgqtu'heouau, I<br />

compare (them) to, make (them) like;<br />

el.sewhere ogqunneau. he compares or<br />

likens (him) to; vbl. n. ngqiieinieunk,<br />

likening, a likeness, ogquenneunkqusgu,<br />

he is like, resembles, he is made like to<br />

(by life or action [»«*»] ); inan. ogqueuneunkquodt,<br />

(when) it is like, is likened<br />

to; sometimes as n., a likeness or com-<br />

parison.<br />

likeness, ogqneimeuuk, agqueneunk, like-<br />

ness, resemblance; or suppos. form ogquenneunkquodt,<br />

agqueneuukquok, when<br />

(it) is like, veauussit (when he is like).<br />



likeness—continued.<br />

in the likeness cif. nninixxiionl;, a like-<br />

ness (of person to person), resemblance:<br />

ut neliewonche iimllinnussnonganit, 'in<br />

his own image', Gen. 1, 27; xnuUlnnus-<br />

suonk, his form, appearance. Is. 52, 14<br />

[vbl. n. from unni and hssh]. See like.<br />

line. See mark.<br />

lineag-e, nulnntseonk. See descent.<br />

linen, }i


look—continued,<br />

look—continued.<br />

looking and without regard to the ob- 104, 32), he looked on the earth; muneject<br />

or purpose ; nuitinuhquain nogque,<br />

) aumundt, monunneaumunat (infin. as<br />

I look toward (it); unuhqudeu, ahadmk- noun), sight, appearance, looks.<br />

queii, 'he looks this way and that way', naiinneham, he looks for (it); iiatin-<br />

Ex. 2, 12; uimuhquash ketahhaniyeu, look neiurhdti, he looks for (him). See<br />

thou toward the sea, 1 K. 18, 43; from search for.<br />

nogque, toward (?); cf. ncohqueu, ncoliqiie looking--glass, jiepenaulrliilcliti-nkqtionk,<br />

{n6 uhquaeu),fK> far as; lui noohque, so far pepenawidchitchnhquok, a mirror (pebe-<br />

distant {nencohque, so, C. ); anmhque, nochichauqudnick and kmtkakineriinvck,<br />

a looking-glass, R.W. ). Exp. Mayhew<br />

(MS) gives an Indian word of 61 letters<br />

so, thus; v:ehque (weqne, R. W. ), so far<br />

as, etc. The compounds are numerous;<br />

as, ompamuhquacu, he looks backward<br />

or behind; sohhmqnaeu, sonkm-<br />

quaeu, he looks forth; ushpuhquaeu,<br />

spuhqudeu, he looks upward {pdnikqud,<br />

squint-eyed, C, i. e. panne-uhquaeu,he<br />

looks wrong or astray).<br />

nadtaiiwompu, natawompu, he looks<br />

(in order to see something); neg nadlaxavompuog,<br />

they look; nadtauwompip,<br />

I looked; v. t. inan. nadtauwbmpattam,<br />

he looks for (it) ; an. nadtauwompwnaii,<br />

he looks for (him). The primary verb<br />

mnhpu or dmpu is not found by itself in<br />

Eliot, but is preserved in other Algonquian<br />

dialects; cf. Chip, oowdhhunden,<br />

he seeth it, John 11, 9; nin ge w&hbahmah,<br />

I have seen him, John 1, 34; Cree<br />

wdppu, he sees; ne wdppamou, I see<br />

him, Howse 43, 53. womdmpu, he<br />

looks down; womompish, womdmpsh,<br />

look thou down, wussampu, wussompu,<br />

he looks out from (a window or other<br />

opening): nmsamp nukkenogkeneganit, I<br />

look out from my window {wMsaumpatdmmin,<br />

to view or look about; itussaumpatdmoonck,<br />

a prospect, R. W.).<br />

pcDsampu,posainpu, he looks into or in:<br />

pmsampil, when he looked in (to the<br />

tomb), pconampu, he looks away; an.<br />

pmnampamau, he looks away from<br />

(him); poanampameh, look thou away<br />

from me. Is. 22, 4.<br />

monemi, he looks on or at (him);<br />

suppos. part, moneauont inittamivussissoh,<br />

(when) looking at a woman; monneali,<br />

look on me; pass, infin. wwmetu<br />

en moneauwoneaf, beautiful to look<br />

upon. Gen. 26, 7; intens. monimnean,<br />

he looks at with attention, he regards<br />

attentively (him) ; inan. moneam, he<br />

looks on or at (it); intens. monunaum<br />

ohke{Gen. 6, 12), moninneam ohke (Ps.<br />

signifying 'our well-skilled looking-<br />

glass makers' : nup-pahk-nuh-t6-pe-penau<br />

- im.d-ch.ut- chuh-qu6-ka-neh-cha-neh-<br />

chtt-e-nin-nu-mun-n6-n6k ( ! )<br />

looks (appearance), nogqUssuonk, appearance<br />

or looks; nunnogquis, I appear,<br />

C. dnukquok, noquok: onaliih noqiiok<br />

iicoleau, 'as the appearance of fire'.<br />

Num. 9, 15, ^nogquodt, v. 16; voskeche<br />

nokquok, (its) outward appearance, 2<br />

Cor. 10, 7. unnussuonk: voskeche unmts-<br />

suonk, (his) outward appearance, 1<br />

Sam. 16, 7. See look; like; likeness.<br />

loose, ompeii, oinpu, he is free, loose,<br />

unbound; infin. ompenat, to be free,,<br />

to be unbound, 1 Cor. 7, 27; suppos.<br />

ompean, if thou be free; v. t. an. ompeneau,<br />

ompinneau, he looses, unbinds,<br />

frees (him); ind-ompitweuh, he loosed<br />

him; ompinneuk, loose ye him; inan.<br />

ompenum,ompeneum, he looses, unbinds<br />

(it) {aumpaniimmin, to untie a knot;<br />

aumjxinish, untie this, R. W. ; ompene-<br />

)<br />

au»u, he is loosed, set free, unbound<br />

lomjienecm-^issii, denoting the act of<br />

loosing or unbinding], ponanau, he lets<br />

(him) loose, sets (him) free: puhponanau<br />

psuksesoh, he shall let loose the<br />

bird. Lev. 14, 7. See scatter.<br />

lose, wanneheau, he loses (him); suppos.<br />

noh. vxDntelieunt, he who loses (an.<br />

obj.). wannehteaUy wanteau, he loses<br />

(it); suppos. luanteunk, wannehteunk, if<br />

he loses (it); pass. part, ne wanteomuk,<br />

ne teanteamuk, that which is lost. Caus.<br />

from teanne (there is not), destitute of,<br />

without,<br />

lot (hazard), tanohtdadtuonk, determina-<br />

tion by lot, a casting of lots.<br />

loud, mishontcoimeit, inishontoaaeu (there<br />

IS a loud noise, lit. a great voice) ; mish-<br />

ant(Dv:ash, shout, cry out, speak loud-<br />



loud—continued.<br />

{miKliiiuntowash, speak cmt, R. W. ); as<br />

adj. iiiishontmivae, loud; iiaim niashdu-<br />

tooimtjk iiirDchehe{1), 'it waxed louder<br />

and louder', Ex. 19, 19. See noise.<br />

love, womanUim, he loves, he loves<br />

(it); noo-u-oiiuinlam, I love; womanta-<br />

mcok wanegih; love ye that which is<br />

good; ka>-wotiiantam-umwa), ye love<br />

{ncovmiidntam uiismkhoni, I love a<br />

book, C. ). An. womonau, he loves (him<br />

or her) ; naowomon, I love {nmwomon, or<br />

u-onws, miUaminis, I love a woman);<br />

kcowomomh {kooiimnonneish, C; cow&mmaunsh,<br />

R. W.), I love thee {cowam-<br />

niaun&ck, he loves you, R. W. ) ; vbl. n.<br />

act. ifomondonk, a loving, love (referred<br />

to the lover); pass, and recipr. vomo-<br />

nittuonk, being loved or loving one an-<br />

love—continued,<br />

strongly {memihki) loved one another,<br />

E. M.). An. act. ivomonannii, heactslov-<br />

ingly, is kind or loving {mniiiixiininit, to<br />

be kind; niuii-mahlche irumdiiiis, I have<br />

been kind; womoausinneaf, to love, C. )<br />

vbl. n. icdtnonaumionk, love in exercise,<br />

kindness, love acting. Duponceau, in<br />

Notes on El. Gr., x, derives this verb,<br />

as well as iiiiiiiiiniiim, he blesses, "from<br />

irunnegeii, good; Delawsire, iridieclini, it<br />

is good or well done." Perhaps from<br />

wainemilarii, he thinks all or wholly<br />

(of), he wholly regards.<br />

low {a.di. ),tiohqu!, tiuhque Itiahqiini, it i.s],<br />

short, low (tidhquohque wixkumukkomuk,<br />

a low barn, C). See short.<br />

low (adv.), wcomiyeu (it is down), downward;<br />

wmmiyeu wcomiyeu, verv low,<br />

other, love (referred to the loved object) Deut. 28, 43.<br />

or mutual love. Recipr. an. womonittUteiih,<br />

let us love one another; immonittegk<br />

(miiiwiiU'k, E. M.), love ye one another<br />

(muiuuhk-wamontcopaneg, they<br />

lower, nookiiiiiiii. he lowers (it), lets<br />

it down; pass. inan. ncokhmo, it is let<br />

down or lowered; ncokeii, he descends,<br />

goes down.<br />

M<br />

mackerel, wmvwhunnekesftog (pl.),R.AV.<br />

[irimni'-aunekesiiog, they are finely<br />

painted, they have handsome colors].<br />

mad, kogkeau, kogkei, (he is) mad {kogkeimu,<br />

John 10, 26; kogkeae, mad, C.)<br />

u. agent, kogkeunin , a. msLdman; suppos.<br />

noh kagkeadt, he who is mad pi. nag ; kagkedcheg,<br />

kogkeacheg, they who are mad;<br />

vbl. n. kogkeaonk, madness, furor. An.<br />

act. kogehu, (he acts) mad; lie is mad<br />

in action. This word is apparently<br />

derived from F progressive by redu-<br />

plication, k' k' denoting rapid or forcible<br />

progression. Cf. Gr. dvao, to move<br />

with rapid motion, to rush, to rage, or<br />

be furious; SrcJrs, a raging; Lat. furor;<br />

Gr. (pepfgOai, ferri. kogkeusquaivonk,<br />

harlotry, lasciviousness [kogke-squa,<br />

woman-madness] ; kogkeii-^ippammonk,<br />

ilrunkenness, drink-madness, etc.<br />

magistrate, nananuu-aeii, an overseer,<br />

ruler, magistrate (pi. nananuacheg, magistrates,<br />

Ind. Laws; nanauunmtaen-in,<br />

a justice, C. ; neen-nanovninmnemun, I<br />

oversee it, R. W.). See keep; over-<br />

seer; ruler.<br />

;<br />

maid, nKnksqiin, nunksq, a girl, jmclla<br />

(iioitkkishq, trisskisqua, a girl, C. ; Abn.<br />

naiikgkSe, dimin. nankskshsis, 'fllle,<br />

vierge', Rasles); penomp {kcegsqidtw,<br />

kilihtckqiiaw, R. W. ), virgo. See o-irlvirgin;<br />

woman.<br />

maimed, poh woskesit, he who is (sup-<br />

pos. ) maimed. See hurt.<br />

maize. See corn.<br />

make, ayini, ai/iuii, he makes (it);<br />

ayiimi-og, they made (luiUiyinn, I make;<br />

ayiintinat, to make, C); an. ayci'iiiu<br />

((hloiiijieh, he made a bow (but ((yim<br />

bjnltquoiUtixli, he made arrows); noh<br />

ayik, he who makes (it), the maker;<br />

teagkulayimf what makest thou? keait-<br />

tean, keslecrit, he produces, jierfec'ts,<br />

makes, creates; kestmuopnashaonk, 'he<br />

created the wind', Amos 4, 13; knkkesfc'oh<br />

imnii- ieanteaqiimmi.ih, 'thou<br />

hast created all things', Rev. 4, 11;<br />

elsewhere kestcaunat (kestoufmat, to<br />

finish, C. ), to complete, to perfect;<br />

ne kesteaioniik, that which is created;<br />

noh kesieunk, he who creates, a creator<br />

{nuk-keciliyj, I make; nag k


make—continued.<br />

make, G. ; h'cKittin Iceesuck, lie made<br />

the heavens; ivtikkexittiniies mime, he<br />

made all; umckee.iiHn tifike, he made the<br />

earth, R. W. ; ) with an. obj. kezheau, he<br />

made (him), created (him); nuk-kezeh,<br />

Icreatehim; niik-kezheop, nuk-kezheotiip,<br />

I did create (him); suppos. part, kez-<br />

heunt, creating, when he creates. Cf.<br />

heb'iiu, he comes to life, lives; kctenh-<br />

he.au, he gives life tn, 'cjuickeneth',<br />

causes to live.<br />

male, nompaax, male, a male (of the<br />

human species). noniposliuii, a male<br />

animal (other than man); adj. mnnpo-<br />

sliliiiire. enewasldiii, a male animal,<br />

R. W. "The males of quadrupeds are<br />

called lenno wechum, by contraction<br />

lennochum; thefemales, oc/i(/"p «'fc/)"m,<br />

by contraction urhqneehnni. With the<br />

winged tribe . . . leu no irelielle for the<br />

males, and


man—continued.<br />

[mogke-omp, great man], a captain;<br />

nunkomp [luaikon-omp, light man], a<br />

young man, not yet a warrior; penoinp<br />

[penaoe-omp, strange to man, nescius<br />

viri ?], a virgin; ompiilnjuxh [ump-ohtagish,<br />

belonging or appn.piiate to man],<br />

weapons, used in tlie Mass. Psalter,<br />

John 18, 3, where Eliot has amvah-<br />

teaongcwh; ahlomp [mll-onp, ahhut-omp,<br />

belonging to man], a bow; ompehtedonk,<br />

ompetedotik [vbl. n. from omp-<br />

ohteau, it belongs to man], 'an old<br />

Indian word', says Cotton, 'that sig-<br />

nifies obedience by giving any [tribute]<br />

' ; tribute or royalty, exacted by<br />

and paid to a superior (see tribute).<br />

The primary signification of the word<br />

omp is, perhaps, a freeman, independ-<br />

ent, owing no fealty; it is allied to<br />

ompeu, he is free, unbound, loose (see<br />

loose), ompenum, he looses, unbinds;<br />

but the.se last may be derivatives from<br />

the common root. Heckewelder states<br />

that in the Delaware the names of<br />

animals "walking in an erect posture"<br />

terminate regularly in ap or ape,<br />

"henceleitape,raan" (Corresp.411). A<br />

considerable class of words used by<br />

Eliot to express manner of standing<br />

and change of posture have apparently<br />

a similar origin, being compounds of<br />

a verb ompau, he stands; as sampmkompau,<br />

he stood upright; quenikompau,<br />

he stands upon (it); ohpikkompau<br />

[= oiiipik-oinpau'!], it stands upon, etc.<br />

(see stand). It may be that to stand<br />

erect is the primary and to be free a<br />

secondary signification of the same<br />

verb, ompau or ompeu. C'f. Del. nihiUa-<br />

peiri, 'I am free,' 'my own master,'<br />

Zeisb.; Abn. arenaiihe {yA. -[^ ak) , homo;<br />

sehuihhe (pi. +ak), vir, Rasles; kigaiibe,<br />

'jeune homme non marie,' ibid.; "les<br />

petitsanimauxdi'r. [dicitur] nahpekikS,<br />

skSekikS, du mdle et femelle", ibid.;<br />

Alg. uape, male; allsinape, man, Lahontan,<br />

11,294;<br />

ibid.<br />

najieiiia, a married man'<br />

mmht, indef. tni.^iiiimin, pi. missinninnuog,<br />

man, homo, or rather barbarus;<br />

in the pi. people, nations, race, etc.<br />

-Vpplicahle only to men of other tribes<br />

or races than that to which the.speaker<br />

man—continued.<br />

belongs; hence, used to signify captives,<br />

tributaries, etc. From misd and<br />

ninnu, corresponding exactly to the oi<br />

TCoXXoi of the Greek. Roger Williams<br />

\ia.ii rdnni mmMiirock {=nanui mminnuog,<br />

common men), 'folk or people.'<br />

mminniii. kah puppinashim, man<br />

and beast (only in Gen. 6, 7) ; hoirae<br />

iiikifinnin ken? of what people are you?<br />

manifest, jMlupiaeu, pohqude, open, clear.<br />

See open,<br />

many, tndnaog, (they are) many (persons)<br />

; inan. inunatash, muiiaaah, many<br />

(things) {mmsaurne maimdaog, 'they<br />

are too full of people', there are too<br />

many; nmunetaxh, 'great store,' abund-<br />

ance, E. \V. ) .<br />

tohsuog f how many (per-<br />

sons)?; inan. iolmlash, tohshinash, tahshiiimhf<br />

how many (things)? See how.<br />

ne adtaJishe, as many as; suppos. pi. an.<br />

neadtahshehettU (when they are counted<br />

or summed up), as many as.<br />

'aia,Tm.er,pumni6hhamu-ain-in, a mariner;<br />

pi. -waenuog {pummuhshottoeninuog,<br />

mariners, C.) [pumm6h-win, he goes<br />

by sea], kehtahlianrng (pi.), mariners,<br />

seamen \_keldoh-a>m., he goes by sea].<br />

mark, kulikitmcasu, he marks (it), dis-<br />

tinguishes (it) by a mark; vbl. n. kuh-<br />

kiniieasitoid; marking, a mark, a sign.<br />

knhkiimeain, he marks, distinguishes,<br />

notes (it), kuhkham, hemarks (it) out;<br />

suffix iikkuhkhamun, he marks it out (cf.<br />

kuhkulilieg, a bound or landmark; kuhkuhhiuik,<br />

a boundary; kuhkuhu-aonk,<br />

order, regularity),<br />

marrow, ((('•;», veen, the marrow (.Vim.<br />

Sin, graisse de moelle, Rasles.)<br />

marry, uiiKKnilain, he marries, C. ; 'he<br />

goes a wooing', R. AV. ; nooseenlam, I<br />

marry, C; wiimenetitock, 'they make a<br />

match ', E. \V. ; ybl. n. u-ussenlamSonk, a<br />

wedding (a marrying) ; n. agent, wnssen-<br />

tamwaen-in, one who marries, a bridegroom,<br />

noh ^vusso, she is married.<br />

Gen. 20, 3; she 'who is another man's<br />

wife', Ind. Laws xi, p. 8. wetauomau,<br />

veetdomau, he marries (her), he takes<br />

(her) as a wife {weelamg, they live to-<br />

gether, Ind. Laws xiii, p. 10) ; suppos.<br />

noh n-eiauadteadt, he who is married, a<br />

married man pi. neg ; wetauadteacheg, the<br />

married; vbl. n. welandtuonk, marrying.


marry—continued.<br />

takin^awife; n. agent. miaiiniUeiu'ii-in,<br />

a bride (one marrying); recipr. irc-<br />

iauadleog, they marry one another<br />

{airclairdiiiock, 'tliey make a match,'<br />

R. W.). See husband; wife.<br />

marsh. See meadow.<br />

marten (iMustela aniericana), umppen-<br />

iiiKjh, openoch, Gen. Reg. xi, 219 (marte,<br />

jii'pinial-esuS; peaude marte, qKinakessS,<br />

Rasles; openocJi and unppenrmk, Judd,<br />

Hist, of Hadley, 355; Del. woap elms,<br />

Zeisb. Voc. 13)".<br />

master, souihn, master (governor, C. ),<br />

poi-a. nus-soi)tim-om [-cow], my jnaster;<br />

nussonthnom ketasscot, 'my lord the<br />

king', 2 Sam. 13, 33; pi. sontlnioog, son-<br />

timosog (vbl. n. HDiitimawiik, sovereignty,<br />

C).<br />

mastery, sohkaiisiionk, xolikiiIi'


Tneasures of length— continued.<br />

aumsgussdyi, two spans (of wampum);<br />

shivaumscussdiji, three spans; youvmpscmsayi,<br />

four spans, R. W.). Cf. ompskot<br />


296 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

messeng-er—continued.<br />

he sent a messenger to (him). See<br />

send.<br />

metals. See gold; iron; lead; steel.<br />

middle, ti6en, naihaueu, in the middle,<br />

in the midst; en niien, ut n6eii, in the<br />

midst of; n6ahtuk, noohtuk [iii'ii'ii-1ii];'\,<br />

in the middle of the river; ni'ictijinknk,<br />

noeutiptikkuk [nueu-tippaco'], midnight.<br />

mighty, missugke (great, powerful); suiipos.<br />

masugkenuk, (when he is) powerful<br />

wame masugkenuk, the Almighty, Ex.<br />

6, 8.<br />

milk, sogkodtunk {wgkodonk, C. ) [suppos.<br />

part. inan. from soh-kodtinnum: that<br />

which is drawn forth; pi. sogkodhmga»h<br />

teats, dugs, mammse]. meninnunk,<br />

woman's milk: Meninnunk ivutch Muk-<br />

kiemg, 'Milk for Babes', is the title<br />

of Cotton's catechism ; and in the quota-<br />

tion from 1 Pet. 2, 2, menbinuanue is<br />

substituted for the sogkodtungane of<br />

Eliot's version [munnimnug, a woman's<br />

milk, R. W. ) [from noonau, he sucks;<br />

suppos. part, inan., that which is<br />

sucked].<br />

millstone, tognlnnonganompsk, togwonka-<br />

nompuk. See grind; mortar.<br />

mind (to have in), unnanlam, he thinks,<br />

purposes, wills, etc. See think.<br />

mine, nnttaihe, it is mine (it belongs to<br />

me); \>\. an. inilliillu-ng, inan. nuttaihe-<br />

ash, they are mine; iinttailicin, it is ours.<br />

See lielong to.<br />

mingle, mix, kenukshau, it is mingled or<br />

mixeil with; kenukshaog jieninrahted-ut,<br />

they are mingled among the heathen,<br />

Ps. 106, 35 {nuk-kinukklnum, I mingle<br />

or mix, C. ; uunnickshan, to mingle;<br />

u'uunlckshaas, mingled, E.W.); from<br />

keintgke, (it is) among.<br />

minister, nohtompenntog [noldomp-pean-<br />

liiij, (uie who leads in prayer).<br />

mink (Putorius vison) , notlomag (?), Judd,<br />

in N,^ E. (Ten. Reg. xi, 219 (=mikM,<br />

^cureuil, of Rasles ?).<br />

mire. See mud.<br />

mirror. See looking-glass.<br />

mirth, puanatam, he makes mirth, Ezek.<br />

21, 10;vbl. n.pdanittamaionk, mirth; neg<br />

poarheg, they who make merry, Jer.<br />

30, 19. mislie nnixkovantam, he makes<br />

great mirth, Neh. 8, 12. wekontammonk,<br />

, :<br />

mirth—continued.<br />

gladne.«s, mirth [wekontani, he is glad].<br />

See glad; merry; play.<br />

miry, saupaeu, sahaeii, it is soft (softened<br />

by water?); saupae, sabae, soft, miry.<br />

Cf. KCim/i; niijipnirn.<br />

mischief, iniskildiinuuik, hurt, injury<br />

ilnne; ii-nskrli itt ii on k , troskehtowonk,<br />

hurt, injury suffered. See hurt.<br />

miserable, kittiimongkeneankqniit, miser-<br />

able (pitiable), C. ; kuttunwnkei' yrne,<br />

miserably, ibid. See pity.<br />

mishap, mussuhkauau, miskatnui, it happens<br />

to (him); applied only to the encounter<br />

of evils or mischance. See haj]-<br />

pen.<br />

miss. See want.<br />

mist. See fog; vapor.<br />

mistake, niip-iiiihldntitm, I mistake, C.<br />

vlil. n.jiiilitiiiiliiiiiajiink, mistaking, ibid.;<br />

cf. jtuttahhdin, he is caught, ensnared,<br />

trapped, jxtnncii, he errs, goes wrong<br />

or astray. See astray.<br />

mistress, sonkisq, mnkusg, sonkufj, mis-<br />

tress, queen; kehclie sonksq (great mis-<br />

tress), queen, Esth. 1, 9, 11, 1.5, =kehchis-<br />

sunkisq, v. 12 (Xarr. miinks, the queen,<br />

or sachem's wife; pi. simncksguiinog, R.<br />

AV. ; saunck sijikiiiIi, queen, Stiles; sunck<br />

squa, Conn. Rec. ii, 289) [lanitlin-squa,<br />

master-woman, or mnkqium (iiiihkau),<br />

she prevails or has the mastery].<br />

mock, mnmontauau, momonehtauau, he<br />

mocks, derides, makes a mock of<br />

(him); suppos. part, nnh nioinontiinimt,<br />

one who mocks; suflSx innniomanlnu-<br />

(hdi, they mocked him; inan. moinnn-<br />

ehtatn, momontam, he mocks (it),<br />

he makes a mock of (itl; v. i. act.<br />

iiiniiiiiiiliiJisii, momontussK, he mocks,<br />

is n locking; n. agent, ni'imoiitnhsuen,<br />

inuiiujnililiixiicn, a mocker. Mntohkon-<br />

auau, he mocks at, derides (him)<br />

(elsewhere, 66tuhk-, eiontuhk-, elontogk-,<br />

udntogk-, etc.); vnM6ont6hkonOuh, they<br />

mock him; kuttdoniohkrmeh, thou mock-<br />

est me; v. i. act. 66t6hkossu, Aontogkkoxsii,<br />

he mocks, is mocking; n. agent. 6i'intbhkiiimoau'aen,<br />

a mocker.<br />

moist, iigqnxhki, (it is) moist, wet. See<br />

wet.<br />

moldy, ogijiKjiikKliaen, ogqiionkslieau, it<br />

is moldy; adj. ogqnoiikshi'w; vbl. n. og-<br />

quoiiksJtutik, mold, 'mildew'. Cf. OQ-<br />



moldy—CDiitinued.<br />

(jUonkrjiKiff, 'ru^^t', JIatt. Ii, Id; og(/iixh-<br />

ki, it is wet.<br />

mole, mameechiiinif, Lev. 11, 30.<br />

money. "The Indians are ignorant of<br />

Europe's coin; }'et they have given a<br />

name to ours, and call it moneosh, from<br />

the English money", R. W. Eliot<br />

translates money by ledgmtsh, Icatigumh<br />

(pi. of li'ug, thing, object), res; and<br />

Roger AVilliams gives nnl-leangun^h,<br />

'my money'. See wampum.<br />

month, ncpauz (the sun), a month {pau-<br />

suck n'pai'ius, a month; nquit pawsuchen'paum,<br />

one month; nees pawsxick<br />

n'pm'ms, two months, etc., R. W. ).<br />

See sun; moon.<br />

moon, nepauzshad, nanepaiizsJi((d, iiniiepaushadt<br />

[nanepaiishat, the moon, the<br />

moon god ; munndnnock, a name of the<br />

sun or moon, R.W. ; Peq. weyhan, moon.<br />

Stiles); vuske iiepauzme, new moon (go<br />

urqtiitteunk, a new moon; paushesui, a<br />

half moon; irerpiashirn, a light moon,<br />

R.W. ). Dimin. from nep&uz, the sun,=<br />

nepauzese(l).<br />

moose, riKDS, pi. mcosoog (for 'fallow<br />

deer', 1 K. 4, 23) ("Tlie Elke, which<br />

the Salvages call a J/o.«« ", Morton, N. E<br />

Canaan. "Moon, a beast bigger than a<br />

Stagge", Smith, Descr. of N. England,<br />

1616. mods, Y)\. moosuog, 'the great ox,<br />

or rather a red deer', R. AV. Abn.<br />

mSs, pi. jnSsSk, 'orignal', Rasles.<br />

more, dnue (the sign of the compara-<br />

tive): dnue wiinnegen, better; dnue onk<br />

nen, more than me; dnue onk vnme,<br />

more than all. aneu, anueu, he is more<br />

(than another), he is superior (nidtiin-<br />

nuiinii, I overcome or conquer, C. );<br />

suffix an. progr. wut-anenkouh, he is<br />

better than he, i. e. superior to him,<br />

Prov. 12, 9. From the euppos. aneit<br />

(noli aneit, he who is above or superior),<br />

with the indefinite prefix, comes, perhaps,<br />

manil [m'one((], a god, something<br />

superior. "There is a general custom<br />

amongst them at the apprehension of<br />

any excellency in men, women, birds,<br />

beasts, fish, etc., to cry out Maniitdo,<br />

that is, it is a god, as thus if they see one<br />

man excel others in wisdom, valour,<br />

strength, activity, etc., they cry out<br />

MamUdo, a god", R. W. 111. The<br />

)<br />

more—continued.<br />

.<br />

progr. form inUaneukouh, he is better<br />

than he, is used in Prov. 12, 9, meaning<br />

he is superior, is better off. Compounds:<br />

dtiiiiroill l^dmif-irolt-adQ, more<br />

than enough, too much; dnupde, over-<br />

flowing; amnmttchutmn, anitchumi, it<br />

overflows, najio (a sign of the comparative<br />

) , more and more.<br />

moreover, v:onk, again, moreover, also.<br />

morning', molilomjifni (mautdhon, R.W. ).<br />

See day.<br />

morro'w, .foHyi (soi'iop, R. W. ; sniiji, C.<br />

Abn. seba, Rasles) , tomorrow. nompodeu,<br />

on the morrow (i. e. early next<br />

morning); suppos. nompnk, nnmpuhkeik,<br />

11(1 ndmpnnk, (when it was) morn-<br />

ing, next morning [from nompe, again].<br />

morsel, chogq, kodchuhki. See piece; spot.<br />

mortar, toggnliwhunk, togukwonk, togwonk<br />

(Idcunck or tivsknnck, their pounding<br />

mortar, R. W.), a mortar or place for<br />

pounding corn; ul toggnliwhorignnit, in<br />

a mortar, in mills. Num. 11, 8. From<br />

tackhummin, to grind corn, R.W. ; toggultlinm,<br />

he grinds, C. [ingkan, he<br />

strikes, pounds]<br />

mother, dkasoh, his motlier, tlie mother<br />

of (okdxn. and irilcJurliinr, a mother,<br />

R. W. ; initcliehinni, her mother, C. );<br />

ndkas, nmkas, my mother (nokace, nichwhmi;<br />

R.W.) ; kdkas, konkas, thymother;<br />

wame okasuoli, she was the mother of<br />

all (living), Gen. 3, 20; indef. wutokasin<br />

(n-nttookdnin, C. ), a mother, i. e. any<br />

mother, the mother of anyone; collect.<br />

okasiiiiieiink, mothers, collectively or as-<br />

a class, all motherhood. From the<br />

same root as dlike, the earth, compounded<br />

with odas, animal, animate<br />

being, or with -us-ni, the verb of animate<br />

activity, the producing animal,<br />

the animate producer; but the form is<br />

that of the verb dkasii, she produces;.<br />

dkasoh, she produces him or her; dkasuoh,<br />

she produces them. Cf. asm, he<br />

goes or proceeds from; wutcheu, he be-<br />

gins, comes from or out of; wshoh,<br />

dshoh, father, etc. vutchehwau is evidently<br />

the cau.s. an. (imlrhehhuati) from<br />

wulcheti, he proceeds from or orieinates<br />

from.<br />

mountain, innl


mountain—continued.<br />

/,(//( innk-hu, 'mountain and hill', Luke<br />

S, 5; pi. vndchudsh; dimin. iradchue-<br />


murmur—tontinued.<br />

lie murmurs at (it); vbl. n. mcomcoskmtniiink,<br />

a murmuring; nimmmskoinmaorik,<br />

muttering, murmuring.<br />

musical instrument, pulipequon, pi.<br />

^nsh; p((/tpt'^»rti(, he makes music; monopuhpeg,<br />

a trumpet ( puhpeeg, a trum-<br />

pet or music, C. ). Cf. puhpeg, a dance,<br />

an instrument of music, Ps. 14-t, 9.<br />

From puhpuhki, hollow.<br />

muskrat, musc/uush (musquassus (pi.),<br />

Smith'sDescr.of N.England, 1616. "The<br />

niuskewashe is a beast that frequenteth<br />

the ponds", Morton's N. E. Canaan.<br />

Abn. mSskSessS, Raales), Fiber zibethi-<br />

cus [musqui-6das, red animal].<br />

must, 7nos, shall or must, auxil. Eliot<br />

gives "mos, pish, shall or will", as<br />

words "signifying futurity, added to the<br />

indicative mode to express the time to<br />

come", El. Gr. 20; but, strictly speak-<br />

ing, mos expresses obligation or necessity,<br />



nation, ii-iitohtiiiinin (iriittohtuiunii, C)\<br />

pi. -muneash; ii. rcillect. wutoldimoin-<br />

iieank, the natiuns, nillectively or cor-<br />

porately.<br />

naught. See bad; no.<br />

navel, menwee; weemree, his navel [in'in<br />

nueu, the middle or center].<br />

near, jxwm, pdhsu, (it is) near (jxisu-u,<br />

'lately', El. Gr. 21; paewese, soon, in a<br />

short time, C. ) ; pascoche, a little way<br />

off ( after verb of motion ) [pa-sco-coc/i c]<br />

monchu pasmrhe, he went to a short<br />

distance, a little way off. pasirohteim, it<br />

is near, it draws near; pasmtnppu, he i.s<br />

near, i. e. he remains near; suppos. noh<br />

pasa/Uippit, noh paswopit, he who is<br />

near; pi. neg pascotapntcheg, neg pasuo-<br />

pitchcg, they w'ho are near, pascotshau,<br />

he comes near (quickly, suddenly, or<br />

with violence) ; pasmtuhnush, come thou<br />

near. /otscosiUyoi, he is going near; noh<br />

paxukog, he who is coming or going<br />

near; pascosnkiitrh, let him come near,<br />

let him approach, pasoaau, he brings<br />

(him) near to; .suffix up-pai!a)-uh, he<br />

brought him near to him; pasaik, liring<br />

ye (theiri) near; cf. jiaiidtan, he brings<br />

it near.<br />

nearly, ihi1ii;ii, ahnii.


no, not—continued.<br />

I have no money, R. W. ; Narr. mul-<br />

tuku, no. Stiles; mdtla, no, not; vuil-<br />

nequt, not at all [not one, mat neqtiQ;<br />

mtUta xvebe, not only, C. ; Del. makhta,<br />

Uih, Zeisb. ; indtta, no; td, no (a lazy<br />

no); tagu, no, not; alia, ta, no, no; tnktani,<br />

taktdani, I don't know, Hkw.).<br />

wanne, without, destitute of: vanne<br />

nippeno, there was no water in it;<br />

wanne iimtmshe, without a father, having<br />

no father; wanne howane, there was<br />

no one (left), Num. 21, 35. ahque, do<br />

not (refrain from, leave off), 'adverb<br />

of forbidding'. El. Gr. 21. See do not.<br />

The negative verb is formed from the<br />

affirmative by interposing the diphthong<br />

CO betwee' the radical and the<br />

syllable following, as a)u-adchannmtin,<br />

he keeps it; oaioadclunminamn, he does<br />

not keep it. It is usually accompanied<br />

by mat or matta, forming a double negative.<br />

The 2d pers. sing, of the im-<br />

perative negative is formed in -dhkon or<br />

-uhkon (from ahque, do not), as kummwiuhkon,<br />

'thou shalt not steal', etc.<br />

Strictly this is the imperative of pro-<br />

hibition or dehortation ratlier than of<br />

simple negation.<br />

noise, vsadtauatonkqussuonk (vbl. n., the<br />

making of a sound, a voice), noise.<br />

See voice.<br />

noon, pohshequaeu, (it is) noon; polishe-<br />

qiide, at noon (paushaqiiaw, paweshaq&aw,<br />

E. W. ; jmhsheqiiae, C. ) . From<br />

pohshe, half. See day.<br />

north, ndnnmii/eu, 7ianmimmii/eu, nan-<br />

nniinnaii, to, from, or at the north,<br />

northward; nanumit, the north wind<br />

(naiit'iinmalhi and minnddin, R. W.).<br />

northeast wind, chepewessin, R. W. ; sd-<br />

chimoachepewh»in, a strong northeast<br />

wind, ibid. Is this from cheepie-tismi,<br />

caused by the evil spirit, as contrasted<br />

with sowanishev, the southwest wind,<br />

'the pleasingest, warmest wind in the<br />

climate', from sonmuniniu, the south-<br />

west, where 'the Gods chief! v dwell'<br />

(R. W. 83)?<br />

northwest, irittcheksiiau, northwestward.<br />

Acts 27, 12 (cWteu, 'the northwest<br />

northwest—continued.<br />

[wind]', R. W. ; rhekesitch, when the<br />

wind blows northwest, ibid.; Clickesiiwand,<br />

the Western God, ibid. puh-<br />

;<br />

tadtunii/eu and maquamittmniyeu, from<br />

the west, Mass. Ps. ) ; initrhekt^uiii/eii,<br />

westward, to or from the west, (jen.<br />

13, 14.<br />

nose, mutchan, a nose, the snout of an<br />

animal; kutchan, thy noae; wutchan, hia<br />

nose; pi. -\-ash (Peq. vmchatm, the nos-<br />

trils; kuchijage, [your] nose, Stiles;<br />

mutrliSii. a nose, C. ).<br />

not. See do not; no.<br />

notwithstanding, oiich, yet, notwith-<br />

standing. See yet.<br />

nourish, aasamau, he gives food to (lum)<br />

sohkomau, he nourishes, continues to<br />

feed (him). See feed.<br />

now, yeni/en (by redupl. from yen, this).<br />

number. See count.<br />

numerals.<br />

[Note.—Not completed. See one, two, three,<br />

etc.]<br />

nurse, nanovxtea, a nurse (a keeper, overseer),<br />

R. W. [ndndwehteoii, he keeps<br />

{nunndnaueehtoo, I keep, C )].<br />

nut, annar}iim,Yi\. -\-hiash, nut, nuts, C;<br />

cf. aiiihii-jiniiiiniensh, acorns, R. W.<br />

Del. qui III, 'a nut growing on atree'(?);<br />

u'unachquim, an acorn, Hkw., who fan-<br />

cifully derives it 'from wunipach [it'ioi-<br />

nepog}, a leaf, nach, a hand, and qiihn,<br />

a nut growing on a tree', meaning 'the<br />

nut of the tree the leaves of which resemble<br />

a hand' (Corresp. 407). pndteateaminasli,<br />

nuts. Gen. 43, 11. Ahn.pa-<br />

gaiin, p\.-iuir, noix, Ra.sles. Del. in'niin,<br />

hickory nut l_ma)si-rnin, smooth nut];<br />

ptucquim, walnut Ipetukqui-mln, round<br />

nut]; wapim, chestnut Iwompi-min,<br />

white nut]; schauwemin, beech nut<br />

[noshinne-min, angular nut?], Hkw.<br />

Virginian sagatamener, osam^ner, pummuckoner,<br />

'kind of berry like unto an<br />

acorn', used to make bread and for oil;<br />

sopuinmener, 'kind of berry like unto<br />

an acorn', 'of this sort they make<br />

bread'; mangummenauk, 'the very<br />

acorn of their kind of oak', boiled with<br />

fish or flesh. Tracts app. to Brereton,<br />

3 M. H. C. VIII, 120.<br />


302 BUREAU Oi" AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

o&k tree, iKOtiinlK pi. niotimlsitcaxh (piiit-<br />

;liiatrherintnij(jut^suonk, a bad smell proceeding<br />

from or caused by an animate<br />

being; so wuttis»umunkrpissuo)ik, 'his<br />

smell'. Gen. 27, 27.<br />

otteT, pummunum, pumminniiin, lie offers,<br />

devotes (it) to a superior; freq. paupaumunau,<br />

he offers or presents (him)<br />

suffix uppaupatiiiu'mih, he offers them.<br />

Eliot uses this word to express the<br />

offering or consecration of objects to<br />

(Sod, not sacrificial. Cf. "Pi'onpom,<br />

a trilmte skin when a deer is killed<br />

in the water. This skin is carried to<br />

the sachem or prince within whose<br />

territory the deer was slain", R. W.<br />

mngou, he offers; mnmagun, he offers<br />

it; see give, sephausu, he offers sac-<br />

rifice {seephaixsu, it is offered or sacri-<br />

ficed); sephauKineau, he offers (it) in<br />

sacrifice, he sacrifices (it); sephausauau,<br />

;<br />

o<br />

offer—continued,<br />

he sacrifices (him, an. obj.) to; mi//<br />

wphaiiscoog wnnnaiimnnaoh . . . mitl-<br />

trtnnittmh, they sacrificed their sons to<br />

devils, Ps. 106, 27; vbl. n. sephaumonk,<br />

an offering, sacrifice; n. agent, sepliaa-<br />

siiaen, one who makes offerings, a sacri-<br />

ficer, a priest; sephamauau, he offers<br />

sacrifice to, or he sacrifices (it, inan.<br />

obj.) to. ompontinnnm magmonk, he<br />

.sends an offering ( i. e. a gift or a tribute)<br />

[ompwwinan, he is tributary to].<br />

offspring, neeckanog (pi.); n. collect.<br />

wunneechdneunk, offspring collectively,<br />

all children, Rom. 9, 8. See child.<br />

often, nohnompil [when it is repeated;<br />

suppos. from uohnompii], oftentimes.<br />

mwcliekit nonipe, when it is many<br />

times [mcochikit, nGmpe, often, C; k6n-<br />

kitchea, ayatche {for adtahshe) , as often:<br />

ayatche nippeeam, I am (come) often<br />

here, R. W. ). adhishc, ahhut tahuhe, atlooche,<br />

ultcoche, as often as, as many<br />

times as [adt tahshe'].<br />

oil, puinmee (pummee or sminiie, C).<br />

From pumnioh, the sea, i. e. jiammae,<br />

of the sea.<br />

ointment, mssequeonk (anointing; vbl.<br />

n. from susgeqiin, he anoints).<br />

old, ki'hchiK, kiitchisKii, (lie is) old, an old<br />

man; jil. kelirliixng, kiiirliisog, old men,<br />

elders, seniores. Theinan. formissome-<br />

times, though rarely, used, as kehchi-<br />

yeue ketasKwi, an old king; pi. kihchiog<br />

(an. inactive), the old, the ancients<br />

{kitchize, R. W.; kelicMm, C; Del.<br />

kigeyi lenno, an aged man, Hkw. "Chixe<br />

is an old man, and kiehchise a man that<br />

exceedeth in age", E. Winslow's Relation,<br />

1624. kiitfliiiiiiii, a middle-aged<br />

man (?), R.W. ). krhdihipia, kutch'isqiia,<br />

an old woman (»'t'>(i>(', pi. -sMcA', R.W.<br />

Del. girhtochqueii, an aged woman;<br />

chauclifsclmia, a very old woman, Hkw. ).<br />

h/iine.i, pi. -suck, an old man, old men,<br />

R. W. mahtauntam, mohtantam, (he is)<br />

old; nummolitaiitam, I am old; suppos.<br />

iiiahlaiintog, when old (mattaAntam,<br />

'very old and decrepit', R.W. Del.<br />

inihilaitis, 'an old man worn out with<br />

age', Hkw.) This word has nearly<br />


, once,<br />

trtmbull] ENGLISH-NATICK DICTIONARY 303-<br />

old—continued.<br />

the same relation to kchchh ai> the<br />

Latin senium to senectuf: tnohlmitam<br />

primarily signifies he fails, decays,<br />

is passing away. (Ger. ein alter Greis;<br />

Fr. un vieillard, un barbon, Notes to<br />

El. Or. xvii; see fade; decrepit);<br />

kehchvtmi, an. of kehche, chief, superior,<br />

denotes age entitled to respect, a su-<br />

perior by reason of age. sepepomantam ,<br />

(he lives long, is long lived) he is<br />

grown old, 'stricken in years'. Gen.<br />

24, 1. nukkukqidyeu, he is old, with<br />

reference to a meas-ure of duration (toh<br />

unnukkoohqniyeu noh nonksq, how old is<br />

that girl? C. ). nuhkone {=negonne,<br />

first), old, ancient (of inan. obj.):<br />

nnkkone aeip, 'ancient river'; nukkone<br />

mayagh, theold ways; nenegonneayeucoh,<br />

'that which waxeth old'; yewsh nuk-<br />

kdneyeuukhh, 'these (are) ancient<br />

things'. Cf. nukkonau, he leaves, for-<br />

sakes, he is left, is forsaken. eutmirCis,<br />

'it is old' (cloth), R. W. ; eatauhana,<br />

old traps, ibid.<br />

old age, kehchiyeuunneat and kehchincunnmt<br />

(to be old; infinitive for noun ) , old<br />

age: ut kukkehchiyeuunneat, in thy old<br />

age; ut wunne kutchiseunneat, in a good<br />

old age. Gen. 25, 8. iii


opposite—contimu-il.<br />

(]}i(irii, lie looks towaril, fiu-es, =n'iiwli-<br />

or, iiiiuji.<br />

order | n. ), kuhhthiraonk (order of succes-<br />

sion or position ).<br />

order (v.)- See command; shape.<br />

orderly, in order, hohtdev, hohtiku,<br />

'from time to time', Ezek. 4, 10, 11;<br />

'in order', ex ordine. Acts 11, 4. kiili-<br />

kem(uire, kiihkoowae, in order, orderly<br />

[kuhkcnaihhe.au, freq. from kenaihheim,<br />

kenauiirhhean, he shapes, forms, fasli-<br />

ions].<br />

ordure. See dung.<br />

orphan, touies, toumies, tauviies \_lmi,eu-<br />

M.5si(, he is deserted, left alone; or<br />

dimin. from towc"]; pl- -\-og {toviiiwork,<br />

fatherle.s8 children, R. \V. 1. See de-<br />

serted.<br />

other. See another; other side.<br />

other side, ongkomai, ogkome, on the<br />

other side of (beyond): ogkomcie pummeneuiunkanil<br />

, on the other side of the<br />

wall {acdwmuck ndteshem, 'I came over<br />

the water', I came from the other side<br />

acawmendakit [ogkome-<br />

lvgkomut},'R.W. ;<br />

olikit] , ' from the land on the other side '<br />

England, ibid.), onkove {onkkoui', C),<br />

beyond, behind, on the other side of.<br />

otter, nkeke, pi. iikkpiock, R. W.; vki'-<br />

rpidshunck, an otter-skin coat, ibid.<br />

Alfr. nikik, Lahontan. From m-kikaii,<br />

III nekikini, he tears, scratches.<br />

ours, niiUaihiiii, it is ours (partic. pi.);<br />

kiitldilii'iii. it is ours (gen. pi. ) {neiiinnin,<br />

ours, C).<br />

out. See draw out; ]«iurout; jmtfortli;<br />

spread out; stretch out: \ve:ir out.<br />

out of, initrjir. Scefnirn.<br />

out of doors, jiiiliiiiinilrliit. See clear;<br />

open.<br />

outside, pohquodchiyeu, (it is) on the<br />

outside of, in an open place; see clear.<br />

v'oskeclte, withunt, outsiile of: iroskerlic<br />

. . . vmnorik. ijul niiiiiiinl, 'the outside<br />

of the dish, but within', Matt. 23, 25,<br />

26; and voxkeche . . . anmnul, outwardly<br />

. . . within, V. 28.<br />

, ;<br />

over. See al:)ove; other side.<br />

overcome, solikoin, he overcomes, con-<br />

(]uers (it); an. nohkau, he overcomes<br />

(him). See conquer.<br />

overflow, anuwiitchuv:an, anitchuan, it<br />

overflows; anitrhuwanve, overflowing.<br />

See flow.<br />

oversee. See overseer; govern.<br />

overseer, nanowetea, ' an orderer and<br />

ruler of their worship', R. W. ; neen-<br />

iKinoinruuiinnuii, I oversee it, ibid.;<br />

iiani'tmreten, 'a nurse or keeper', ibid.<br />

overwhelm, iiuhkuhkovi, it covers, overwhelms<br />

(it); vmn-nuhkukkom-un,\t cov-<br />

ered it, Ex. 24, lo, 16. From noakeii,<br />

it descends, goes down.<br />

owe, nmnamontukquohwhau, he owes<br />

(him), lit. he is owed, unnontukquah-<br />

v'hau, he owes, is in debt; suppos. part.<br />

anuntukquohuonche, one who owes; toh<br />

kin'mnontukquolihuk, how much dost<br />

thou owe to (him)? (kuttinnohtukquahe,<br />

I am in your debt, C. ; vbl. n. nummon-<br />

luhqnahirhuHuoiik, a debt, ihid.; vbl. n.<br />

pass. nohtiihqnnliwhiUuonk, debt, ibid.;<br />

kmnnmnainautuckquaush, I will owe it<br />

to you, R. W. ; nonamaiituckquaheginash<br />

(pi.), debts, ibid.). See debt.<br />

O'wl, cohmmaua {uhdmous, R. W. ), kcuhkmkhaus;<br />

kitcheireircs, kvhrlie kmlikmk-<br />

haus, a great owl (Strix virginiana?);<br />

vhoes, the screech owl.<br />

own, wadchanum, he owns (it), he pos-<br />

sesses, has in keeping. See keep.<br />

owner, suppos. imh in'iddclnimil iradchii,<br />

'the owner (f the hill', 1 K. 16, 24;<br />

tiuh vadtailiniiiitclie, he who owns (an.<br />

obj.); suppos. mill inidhlillii, imll inidll-<br />

hnt, the owner of (an. obj.); pi. img<br />

vadtihehcheg, the owner. See belong to.<br />

luih ohtnnk (he who possesses; suppos.<br />

part from olit.au), the owner of (it); pi.<br />

uir/ ohtinikcg, the owners. See have ( v. ).<br />

oyster, clu'inkro, aptconnah, C. ; opponeviiuhock<br />

(pi. ), oysters, R. W. ; Narr. whponuhpug,<br />

Stiles; Peq. a'punnyhaug,<br />

Stiles. From apwonau, he roasts, and<br />

hogk, shellfish: the shellfish which are<br />

for roasting.


paddle (n. ),v'iitiuhhnnk ( irutkitncl; R. W.<br />

pautous ne notehunck, l)ring hitlier my<br />

padflle, ibki., =pau(ltti.i!i naitdilihiink).<br />

paddle ( v. ), chemdu, he paddles or rows;<br />

menuhke chemAog, they were 'toiling in<br />

rowing' (rowing hard), Mark 6, 48;<br />

suppos. part. pi. vmme iioltl(ie cliemri-<br />

cheg, 'all that handle the oar ' (who are<br />

skillful rowers), Ezek. 27, 29 (imper.<br />

chemosh, paddle or row; pi. chhneck,<br />

paddle, R. W.).<br />

pain, onkguanumcoonk, unkfjuanummonk,<br />

vbl. n. from unkguanumau, he suffers or<br />

is in pain; elsewhere ongrjitontomco, he<br />

is in pain ;<br />

nut-onkquomom, I am in pain<br />

vbl. n. onkquommomaxmk, pain, torment;<br />

from unkque, sore, grievous, extreme.<br />

See extreme, ncliesamnunn, ncMsam-<br />

matkiiii, I am in pain, R. W. See sore;<br />

torment.<br />

paint (n.), wurmam, 'their red painting<br />

w^hich they most delight in', R. \V.<br />

From uimne, handsome.<br />

paint (v.), wussuekirhijiiimeii, to paint,<br />

R. W., whence "viissuckwhonck, a let^<br />

ter, for having no letters, their painting<br />

comes the nearest"; wussuckhdsu, (he<br />

is) painted, ibid. anogku, he is<br />

painted, he paints himself (aunah'isu,<br />

he is painted; pi. aiOKikt'iick, they are<br />

painted, R. W.; nut-aiiiiogkliiinit, I<br />

paint, C. ).<br />

pale, wompekushonat, to be pale; wompekttshau,<br />

he is pale^ tmmkegnk wompeku-<br />

slinno, his face grows pale {u-ompekifh-<br />

eede wosketomp, a pale man; nmvunippohkisham,<br />

I am pale; wompishbiuonk,<br />

paleness, C. ). From wompi, white,<br />

k' progressive, with -ish denoting a bad<br />

quality. Cf. gray.<br />

palsied, nanunkqiu'su, ndnunkkusmi, (he<br />

is) palsied, has a palsy; suppos. nok<br />

nanunksit; pi. iieg nanunksitcheg, thev<br />

who have the palsy. From mmnukktinnm,<br />

freq. of older form nukkunum,<br />

he shakes, with an. active usxh. Cf.<br />

riukkeiiia), it is >haken; ninniukshini, he<br />

trembles, quaki-s.<br />

pant, inehiitelishaiiuiiiau, he jiants; niimmehmehshandnntp,<br />

I did pant, Ps. 119,<br />

131.<br />

B. A. E., Bill. 2.5- -20<br />

; ;<br />

parched corn, tip/iiinnuinouiush (pi. ), vp-<br />

puiii- [aiipi'niniin,,.ii,,islf. \l. W.; aci'.s, part riilge;';/»)tes, quail, Wood;<br />

Del. jiithlifirkn, pheasant; popocust, partridge<br />

(i.e. quail), Hkw.).<br />

pass away, mahUheau, mahitheau, it fails,<br />

fades, passes away. See fade.<br />

pass by, pomsheau, it is passed, it passes,<br />

'is over and gone'. Cant. 2, 11; 'is<br />

past', Jer. 8, 20. paumushau, jiinnu-<br />

shau, he jjasses by; jmumukuu


path—continued.<br />

met/if where lies the way? R. W. )•<br />

From rt", he goes to, aui, he goes, with<br />

m' imlefinite. "From cian, 'to go', is<br />

" (Chip.)><br />

derived (•//((//((, ' whitherlgo'<br />

Schoolcraft.<br />

patient, manunni^u, he is patient; vbl. n.<br />

tiKiiiiinniyeuonk, patient, being patient;<br />

manmniimonk, patience in exercise,<br />

acting patiently. See slow.<br />

pay, oiidtuhkau, he pays (him); oad-<br />

liihhih, pay thou me {oadtuhkah eyeu,<br />

pay me now, C. ); inan. Sadtehtean,<br />

madtehteiiou, he pays (it), as money,<br />

tribute, a vow, etc., he makes payment<br />

of (it); (')(te/i




play—coiitinned.<br />

throwing painted plum stones (iisauanauli)<br />

into a tray {ii'uniidug), R. W.<br />

please (?), iriissilciltnilihnrmat, C. ; noosse-<br />

hilteah, I plrasc, iliid. ti-ekontam, he is<br />

pleased. See glad.<br />

Pleiades, (islxlujuttauog, Job 38, 31;<br />

Amos ), S; but Roger Williams gives<br />

tlii.s, shwinhciMoww&iiog, as the name of<br />

'the golden mete-wand' (i. e. the belt<br />

of Orion), and chippAptioek, 'the brood<br />

lien' (or Pleiades). The latter is more<br />

probably correct, since uliiiixliciUtiiii--<br />

it'i'iHog or asishquUaog geema to l>e de-<br />

rived from shwe, three, and .iqiitta, fire<br />

(xliivishcuUoii; a wigwam with three<br />

fires, R. W. 46), and clii.ppapuork<br />

( =chipappuog, El.) means they keep<br />

apart, are by themselves, are separate.<br />

plenteous, miissegen, missegen, (it is)<br />

plenteous, abundant: iwissej/fne ohke, a<br />

plentiful land; suppos. tie masegik, that<br />

which is plenteous or abundant, abundance<br />

or plenty (as of a har\est, etc. ).<br />

plenty. See abound; abundance.<br />

ploug-h, lUKixkhdiii, he digs. See dig.<br />

pluck, jMihiiiiKiiiiiiii misminkqunmlnneash,<br />

be plucks cars (if corn { polisinikqiuiinm,<br />

Matt. 12, 1 ). hidluhkoiii, be plucks;<br />

mik-kodirthkom, 1 pluck, C. (?). Cf.<br />

hidtiminm, he draws or plucks (it) out,<br />

an a sword from the sheath, etc. ; an.<br />

kodinneh, pull me out, Ps. 31, 4; kcidncok<br />

ncDtauut, pull ye (them) out of the fire,<br />

Jude 23.<br />

plunder. See rob.<br />

point, nhfjiiaen, idiqunr, at the point or<br />

extremity of; rad. nlik, iiIkj, a sharp<br />

extremity, a point, the ]inint of. See<br />

end; extreme, naiiiay (when it is an-<br />

gular or cornering), an angle, corner, or<br />

point (e. g. of land). See angle.<br />

poison, nliquoskeht, uhquoshket, unkqiiax-<br />

kii, poison (of serpents, Ps. 140, 3; of<br />

arrows, Job 6, 4): unkque mikquoshket,<br />

'cruel venom', Deut. 32, 33. From<br />

vnkqiir, iTuel, sore, grievous.<br />

pole, ipiiniiihhig [quiini-idiliu/, a long<br />

stick].<br />

polished, kuKnenau.tue, Is. 49, 2.<br />

pond, itippisfie, nips [dimin. of nippe,<br />

water], a small body of water, a pool or<br />

pond, often compounded with 'pog,<br />

Spring: nippissepog, nip2}issipr; pi. ifuitrlte-<br />

kuog {matcliik&e, poor; iwli iiuilt-liekco,<br />

he is poor; nvm-mntchek (num-inacheke,<br />

R. \V. ), I am poor, C. ; vbl. ) n. iiidlcliekn-<br />

onk, poverty. From malrliuk, when it<br />

is bad, or matrlic, bad, with 'A- iirogress-<br />

ive, he is going on badly (?).<br />

poplar tree, mfetwe, metwe.<br />

poigy, mislirtip, pi. miAcuppatiog,<br />

'bream', R. VV.. corrupted to 'scup',<br />

'scupjiaug', and 'porgy' or 'paugee'<br />

(Pagrus argyrops, Linn, and Storer).<br />

The name is derived from the large,<br />

close scales, rnishe-kup/ii.<br />

porpoise, talnckommdi'iog, porpoises,<br />

R. W. (tatagkom, he strikes repeatedly,<br />

keeps striking or beating; freq. from<br />

togkom, he strikes).<br />

possess, ohtau, he has. See have (v.).<br />

radchanum, he has in possession, he<br />

keeps (it). See keep.<br />

possible, v'oh unnag (if it may be so),<br />

if it be possible; wame teanteaqudsinash<br />

woh n' niln/ciMish, all things are possible<br />

(may be so), nosknnongquot, noshkonnnkquiidt.<br />

(when it is) impossible', an<br />

impossibility; iimlta noshkununkquodti-<br />

no, it is not jiossiWe.<br />

post, nepattuhqiionk, neepaUmkqitmik, a<br />

post, pillar, stake, standing upright.<br />

From iiipattau, it stands upright.<br />

See stand.<br />

posteriors. See behind; hind })arts.<br />

pot. See vessel.<br />

pottage, sobalug, sehahig, sahaheg [sup-<br />

pos. inan. from saupAeu, sahde, it is soft,<br />

thin, melting, when it is made soft or<br />

thinned].<br />

pound. See beat.<br />

pour out, sokenum, sokanum, he pours<br />

(it) out; tmssokin, nussokun, I jiour<br />

(it) out; sohkenush, pour thou; sokenmk,<br />



pour out—contiuued.<br />

pour ye; suppos. noh sohkenuk tdppe,<br />

he who poure water; suppos. part,<br />

inan. nokenug (that which is poured<br />

out), ' a heap of corn ' , R. VV.; soJcenip-<br />

pnsli. (for sukemish nippe), pour thou<br />

out water; an. sokenunmuau, he pours<br />

(it) upon (him). From sokaiion, it<br />

pour.s, it rains. See rain.<br />

poverty, matehekuoiik. See poor.<br />

powder, suhfjuag (suppos. inan. from<br />

sohqite), wlien it is made fine or lilie<br />

dust; sohijiili/en, xnkrjuiyi'ii, in powder,<br />

powdered. See fine. >iaupnck, B-.W.,<br />

sahuck, C, gunpowder.<br />

pox, iiKiiiuiskisliadi, he hath the (small?)<br />

piix, K. W. ; mamaskiiiha^innck, ihe'po'x.,<br />

iliid.; iiia»i(ixkl.'


prisoner—continued.<br />

iilrlu-ij, prisoners; vbl. n. pass, kohshag-<br />

kiiinitlnonk, imprisonment (being im-<br />

prisoned); vbl. n. act. intrans. kohshag-<br />

kineriiimonk, imprisonment (being pris-<br />

oner). From kuppogki, it is closed,<br />

thick, impenetrable, with 'sh of forced<br />

or violent action, i. e. he is forcibly<br />

shut up.<br />

proceed, iradchcii, inilchett, wutchiyeii<br />

he proceeds from, i. e. originates in or<br />

is caused by; inan. pi. nish wutekiyeu-<br />

ash Godiit, these things are God's, i. e.<br />

belong to him , proceed from him as their<br />

oriffin or source; suppos. iioh wajhit,<br />

11, ih »'( I. /i7i/iV, he who proceeds from (iioh<br />

iiiijh,! iiiitlaiiiuvitsissU, he that is 'born<br />

of a woman'. Gal. 4, 4). See from.<br />

ontseu, he proceeds from, is the offspring<br />

of: VKinne ontseu, he is ' without descent '<br />

Heb. 7, 3; nufonsem kah nmm Godut, 'I<br />

proceeded forth and came from God',<br />

John 8, 42; vbl. n. wut-omeonk, (his)<br />

descent or lineage. ohhonUeu, he pro-<br />

ceeds or moves nnward from one thing<br />

to another:


punish—oontinued.<br />

inli him (inixsolisamtUoh, I chastise; nus-<br />

msitiiiitiOiliniinii, 1 punish, C. ); vbl. n.<br />

pass. sasaiiidtahu'huHeaonk, punishment<br />

received, chastisement, being punished;<br />

n. agent. sasamatiihlDtiiyiei), one who<br />

punishes or inflicts punishment.<br />

pure, pohki, pahke(it is) clear, open, pure;<br />

an. act. pahkesu, he is pure. See clear.<br />

purify, pahkheaii, he purifies (him),<br />

makes himpm'e; jMhketeaii, he purifies<br />

(it) [caus. iroxn pidikt'].<br />

purple, .j((ci(, black, R. W. ; Peq. 'siujgyo,<br />

dark or black. Stiles; but the sackau-<br />

hock, 'black money' was in fact 'black<br />

inclining to blue', E. W. ('of a violet<br />

colour', Morton, N. E. Canaan), made<br />

friim tlie jiurple margin of Venus mercenaria,<br />

the numd clam.<br />

purpose, ki'si)iitijin,kcf;aiitam, hepui'poses,<br />

intends; nukkesoniam, I purpose; vbl. n.<br />

quahaug. See clam.<br />

quail, Peq. paaishooiis, meadow quails<br />

( meadow larks). Stiles. See partridge.<br />

quarrel, mekonau, he quarrels with<br />

(him); recipr. mekonithioy, they strive<br />

together, they quarrel; suppos. part.<br />

noh mekonont, he wiio strives or quarrels<br />

(meca&tea, a fighter; vepi kummecaiitch,<br />

you are a quarreller, R, W.).<br />

See fight, iniskimtiicaw, a quarrelsome<br />

fellow, R. W.<br />

queen, sonkisq, sonksq {saunks, R. W. ),<br />

kehche sonksq, kehchissunkisq. See mi.s-<br />

tress.<br />

quench, ontham nootau, he quenches, ex-<br />

tinguishes, puts out the fire; onthamun,<br />

it is quenched, extinguislied. Cf.<br />

nmtau uhtea, the fire goes out, Prov. 26,<br />

20. See extinguish, (ddappadtamunw,<br />

it is quenched, extinguished; pass. part,<br />

neg. maita woh uhtappaitauumuk, (the<br />

fire) shall not be quenched, Mark 9,<br />

Q<br />

purpose—continued.<br />

keswilaiii/jiink, purpose, umianlam, lie<br />

intends, thinks, purposes, wills. See<br />

think, pakodtantam, he purposes (re-<br />

solves, determines); vbl. n. pakodtanta-<br />

mcoonk, purpose, determination.<br />

pursue. See follow.<br />

put. See place (v.).<br />

put away. See cast away.<br />

put forth, sohiminum wuimutcheg, he put<br />

forth his hand; an. sohhmu-unan, he puta<br />

(him) forth, thrusts (him) out {kus-<br />

sawhoki, do you put me out of doors?<br />

tawh'iich, kiissawhokiean, why do you put<br />

me out? R. \V.). sonkehieau, it puts<br />

forth, springs out, as buds or leaves from<br />

a plant.<br />

put into, petav, he puts (it) in or into;<br />

suppos. inan. pctunk (when it is put<br />

into), a Viag.<br />

put to flight. See jjrevail over.<br />

quench—continued.<br />

46, 48; nmfaii matia uldapattoi'mri, th^<br />

fire is not quenched, v. 44 {lahtippad-<br />

tauunat, to quench; nuUahtiipipodtou , I<br />

quench, C. ; cf. tahtippadtou nenan, he<br />

cools my tongue, Luke 16, 24).<br />

question, mitwtomavau, he questions<br />

(him), asks him a question; iiafmlomuhkau,<br />

he continues to question,<br />

makes inquiries ['A- progressive]; vbl.<br />

n. natcolomuhlcaonk, a question (nattoa-<br />

li( mirehteaonk, C. ). See ask.<br />

quickly, tednuk. See immediately ; pres-<br />

ently.<br />

quiet, chequnappii, he is silent, he is still<br />

{nut chequnnaji, I am silent, C. ). wa-<br />

niinnappu, he is quiet, gentle, patient,<br />

still, etc. See silent; slow.<br />

quiver, petan; kuppetan, thy quiver; up-<br />

tironnt, in his quiver. From petau,<br />

petan iron ., _,<br />

he puts it into; cf. jietuti


rabbit, Peq. tupsads, Stiles. See coney.<br />

raccoon, di'imip (amupp, Wood), pi.<br />



recompense, repay, nnkquattantam,<br />

iiiikqiicKllinilain, he recompenses or<br />

rewards (it); an. oiikrptaltou, onkqriat-<br />

leau, he recompenses, rewards (him),<br />

he pays (him) wages or hire; kutonk-<br />

qualoush, I will give you hire; kiippapasku<br />

0}ikquatoush, I will render to you<br />

double (ktitlnihu'ckqiiHtauiicli, 1 will pay<br />

you, E. W. ) ; vbl. n. onqnalmik {cmqiiat-<br />

oiik, C. ), a recompense, a reward, wages.<br />

recover (from sickness), ketenii (he<br />

revives, is made to live), he recovers:<br />

sun woh nuk-ketemnf {pitch n'kteteemf<br />

R. W. ), shall I recover? asq kongketeauf<br />

is he (yet) well? mq ketenn, he is well,<br />

Gen. 29, 6 {nickeetcm, I am recovered;<br />

kongkeetedng, they are well, R. W. ) . See<br />

live; well.<br />

red, musqni, iiiMqiie, iiiKqiii, (it is) red;<br />

suppos. masqudfj, mashquai/, mishqiiag,<br />

when it is red {insqui, R. W. ; mishque,<br />

C. ; Feq.mesh'jjiou, Stiles) . Fromacaus.<br />

form, in'sqKehhemt, it makes red, comes<br />

the verbal noun munquiheonk, m'sque-<br />

heottk, blood.<br />

refrain, ahqueieau (ahquehtou, C), he<br />

refrains, leaves off, desists. See do not<br />

(aliqxie).<br />

refuge, usphmiHumk, mhphatu-aonk, spuhhaaicdonk,<br />

etc., a refuge (vbl. n. from<br />

rtspuhhoawcm, he files to for refuge);<br />

adj. ugpuhhmwae ayeuonk, a place of<br />

refuge. See fiy (v.).<br />

refuse, sekenam, sekeneam, (1) he refuses,<br />

rejects; (2) he hates, jlslianfam, {l)he<br />

despises, abhors; (2) he rejects, refuses.<br />

See hate.<br />

reins, mvttcounussog (pi. ), the kidneys,<br />

the reins. See kidneys,<br />

rejoice, vehmtam, he is pleased, he<br />

rejoices. See glad. muskouantam,muskauanatam<br />

(mishkouanlam, C. ), (1) he<br />

rejoices greatly, is very glad; (2) he<br />

boasts, makes his boast of (intrans. mus-<br />

kuau, he boasts; vbl. n. miskuaonk, boast-<br />

ing); )n»sA-oMa»!




ripe, kesanajhteuu (kesatiiuota, C), it is<br />

ripe (?); suppos. inan. kesmmhiag, h;-<br />

mnmtag,Y;\ien it is ripe; pi. nhh negonne<br />

kenanaitagish, those which are first ripe.<br />

annoatag [sujipos. inan. from annohtmul'],<br />

when it is ripe: figsash negonne<br />

annmtag, when figs are first ripe, Nah.<br />

3, 12. adtuhtag: negonne adtuhtag weno-<br />

mimieash, when first (was the season of)<br />

ripe grapes; kesadtihiaash, ripe (grapes),<br />

Gen. 40, 10. kdkenumunne meechuntmuonk,<br />

ripe fruit, Mic. 7, 1; kdkeneumuneagh,<br />

the first-ripe fruits, Num. 18,<br />

3 (cf. keneumunneash, first fruits. Lev.<br />

2, 12, 14). kepenumcoonk kesixkun, the<br />

harvest is ripe. Rev. 14, 1^, i. e. is fullygrown,<br />

mature. See grow, unnunnmwni,<br />

the harvest is ripe, Joel 3, 13;<br />

cf. niumou'ua, har\-est time, R.W., from<br />

nunaeu, it is dry (?).<br />

rise, imdpeu, ivdbeu, he rises, goes upward<br />

(without regard to the mode or act of<br />

rising); inan. subj. waapemm, it rises:<br />

nippemh waajiimmmh, the waters rise<br />

up (nrowabeem, I rise, C). omohl-u, he<br />

rises, gets up ( nuttomuhkem, I arise, C. >;<br />

•suppos. noh omiMit nompode, he who<br />

rises early; inan. subj. omohkemm, it<br />

arose, neepau, he rises to an erect posi-<br />

tion, stands up. See stand.<br />

rising sun. See sunrise.<br />

river, sep, seep, sHp, sepu, pi. sepua.ih [sepeu,<br />

it is long, extended] {seip, R. W.;<br />

Peq. sepe, sebe, Stiles) ; iit sepuut, at, to,<br />

or by the river; lui^haue sepnu-ehtu, in<br />

the midst of the rivers; sepupog, a river<br />

of water, Ps. 119, 136; Rev. 22, 1. tuk-<br />

kco, ink (not found in Eliot except in<br />

compound words), a broad river, as<br />

distinguished from a long river (sep).<br />

l\s primary signification nearly corre-<br />

sponds to the Latin fluctuosus, rising in<br />

waves, and the pi., lukkooog, is used<br />

by Eliot for waves. The radical verb<br />

tukko) may be translated by fluctuat,<br />

it flows in waves (so Rasles has<br />

UgS, pi. tegs' ak, flot, for the Abnaki).<br />

Heckewelder says that the Del. hittuck,<br />

' ' when placed at the end of a word<br />

and used as a compound", means "a<br />

rapid stream", as in Lmapeu-ihittuck,<br />

the river of the Lenape (Delaware<br />

river), and Mohicannitturk, river of the<br />

Mohicans (Hudson river), Hist. Ac-<br />

river—continued,<br />

count 33. noahluk, nodhtuk [nom-tnk],<br />

in the middle of the river; vt kinhketuk,<br />

at the bank of [kishke, by the side of]<br />

the river; kchteihtukrpa \_kehte-tuhd'], to<br />

the great river.<br />

roar, cheqidtummig, they roixr (as lions),<br />

Jer. .51, 38. onrjwmtrmraii, (igijHantmau,<br />

he roars (as a wild beast), mnm, he<br />

howls or yells (as a beast).<br />

roast. See bake.<br />

rob, mukkmkinnau, he rolis, spoils, plunders;<br />

ahque mukkmkm, do not rob<br />

(them); suppos. noh mukkmkinont, one<br />

who robs; pi. neg mukkaikinoneheg, maggmkinoncheg,<br />

they who rob, 'spoilers';<br />

n. agent. 7nukkcokinnuwaen-in, a robber<br />

(suppos. mukkcokinmvaenuit, 'if be<br />

rob', i. e. if he be a robber, Ind. Laws,<br />

XVI ). From mukkukki, he is bare,<br />

stripped bare; cf. mukkmkeg, strip your-<br />

selves. Is. 32, 11. chekeheuu, he uses<br />

force to (him), he compels (him) by<br />

violence (freq. impers. chechequniithi<br />

tlicre is a roliliery committed; an. aqiiie<br />

rh,,li,ijiiinni,nisl,, do not rob me; che-<br />

rJnyun iiuuv rl( Ick ( neg chechekunuacheg )<br />

robbers, R. W. ) ; neg chechekqunukquea-<br />

neg jjish chechequnaog, ' they that prey<br />

upon will r give for a prey' (they shall<br />

be preyed upon or despoiled) , Jer. 30,<br />

16. From chfkee, by force, violently;<br />

cf . chichigin, a hatchet, R. W.<br />

robin, Peq. quequisqiiitch, Stile.«.<br />

rock. See stone.<br />

rod, pogkomunk, a rod, a stick [suppos.<br />

inan. from pogguhhatn, j)ogham, he beats<br />

or threshesC?); cf. pockhommin, to<br />

thresh or beat out corn, R. W.]<br />

roll, unnequamim, he rolls (it), moves<br />

(it) by rolling: imMquanumcok mogke<br />

qitssiikiiihiiiasli, roll ye great stones.<br />

t,iliii,j„.,,i,i,inii,, he rolls (it); pass. part.<br />

taluj>ptquu)iionnk (that which is rolled),<br />

a wagon or cart, ompmchenal, to roll, C.<br />

room, tauhapimmin, there is room<br />

enough, R. W. [tdpi, taupi, there is<br />

enough] .<br />

mohchoi week, is there room<br />

in the house? Gen. 24, 23 Imohchiyeu, it<br />

is empty].<br />

root, wadchdbiik,uittchaubuk [vutch-appu]<br />

{initchappehk or teottapp, C; vattAp,<br />

R. W. ). In composition -adchdhuk,<br />

-adchauhiik: nnndchdbuknog, they take<br />



root—continued.<br />

root, I.s. 37, 31, =cowadchabuk(oog, Jer.<br />

12, 3; ]ilsh nakkodtahchahpuhkondog, I<br />

will pluck them up by the roots, 2 Chr.<br />

7, 20; kodohchabuhkohham, he roots (it)<br />

uji. irulrhuhqnoiii (and wutdionquom<br />

iiuttiKjiint, at the root of the tree, Matt.<br />

3, 10; Luke 3, 9; i. e. to the lowest part,<br />

the base \_wuich6mqu1, to the bottom].<br />

rotten, an'it (when it is corrupted, 'it is<br />

putrefied', R. W.); adj. anittue, cor-<br />

rupt, rotten. See corrupt.<br />

roug-h, koshki, kiishke, (it is) rough: kashke<br />

li.(igkroo:ik, urough garment (koshkeyiue,<br />

'roughly (a coat not soft),' C).<br />

round, juinkqiii, jietnltki, puttukqiii. El.<br />

and ('.<br />

round about. See around.<br />

row(n. ),7)Hmo/itoas/i (pi. ), inanimate objects<br />

in a row or rows; an. pumikkompoofj,<br />

( they stand in ) a row. See walk.<br />

row (v.). See paddle (v.).<br />

rub, umukqidnum-unat, to rub, C.<br />

rule (n.), kuhkehheg, pi. -j-n.s/t, a rule,<br />

rules, C. [kiihkuhheg, a bound, a limit;<br />

kuhkham, he marks (it) out].<br />

rule ( V. ), nanaanuin, he rules or governs.<br />

See govern.<br />

ruler, nanaaimwaen, nanuwimnmixu'n,<br />

iinnnnncuii, a ruler or governor; neg<br />

niinimnoncheij, niniawunonchcg, they<br />

who rule (nanannacheg, magistrates,<br />

rulers, Ind. Laws), atauskatvau; a lord<br />

or ruler, R. W. ; pi. ataihkawawog. See<br />

master; sachem.<br />

sachem, sagamore, siichim, a king; pi.<br />

+((i"«/, R. W.; sachimduonck, a kingdom,<br />

iliid.; Narr. saunchem, Stiles;<br />

Peq. suiijitiii, Stiles; Del. sakimau, he is<br />

a chief, Hkw. Related to sohkom, he<br />

has the mastery; sohkaii, sonkqhuau, he<br />

prevails over or has the mastery of<br />

(them); or to sagkompanau, he leads<br />

(them); n. agent, sagkompagunuaen, a<br />

leader. Cf. sonksqua, a queen, soh-<br />

kdiiiiiii and noiikciJiiKin are easily cor-<br />

rupted tn siii/diiiori an


.sail (n.)—continued.<br />

from sepaghcnii, he sails, lit. he goes by<br />

sprearling out, from sepe, suppos. sepak,<br />

whtn it is sjiread out or extended<br />

(.vpinithniiiiiuiniii, let US sail, R. W.<br />

seppaijhainunal, to sail, C. ).<br />

.sail (v. ), pumindhham, he goes by sea, as<br />

distinguished from going in a boat or<br />

by oars or paddles; hence n. agent, pi.<br />

pummdhhamwaenuog, mariners, Jonah<br />

1, 5, those who goon the sea {pummoh-<br />

(Din].<br />

«almon, tnishquammaitqtwck (pi.), red-<br />

fish, salmon, R. W. {musqui, red; o;?i-<br />

maugql; Abn. meskSamegS, pi. -\-ok,<br />

Rasles.<br />

salt. The English word is transferred<br />

by Eliot, the Indians not having then<br />

learned the use of salt. In a .single in-<br />

stance 'salt water' (James .3, 12) is<br />

rendered seippog, i. e. sour water [.s(%-<br />

'poglsame,<br />

?k(>i,- inan. nenan, ne >um, that<br />

same; pi. ne rvanoash; an. rtoh luxn, the<br />

same (person); neane, so, in the same<br />

manner as (nendn, nnih, nont ne, the<br />

same; mat nahnane, not the same, C. ).<br />

See as; like; such.<br />

samp. See soft.<br />

sand, n&guni, nagunt, sand, a sandy place;<br />

nngorilii, in the sand.<br />

sassafras tree, samunckpdnmck, R. \V.<br />

satisfy, t4pi, taupi, there is .«uflBcient,<br />

enough; tapaiUam, tapanatam [tdjii-<br />

antaml, he is satisfied, is satisfied with<br />

(it); tapehteau, he satisfies (him) with<br />

(it); tapheauau, he satisfies (him),<br />

makes (him) satisfied; suppos. noli<br />

taplieunt, he who satisfies; tapenemi, he<br />

is satisfied with (him). See accept;<br />

comfort; enough, tapepu, he is .sat-<br />

isfied with food, he eats enough. See<br />

eat.<br />

saucy, iiitiskegeue, saucily, C. ; mat qua-<br />

qtUtdmmco, (he is) saucy, ibid.(?).<br />

save, tomlleau, he saves (him); tom-<br />

wehteau, he saves, rescues, or delivens<br />

(it) [caus. an. and inan. from tomeu,<br />

he saves himself, escapes] . See deliver.<br />

wadchanum, he keeps (it) safe, he saves<br />

(it); an. wadchanan, he keeps or saves<br />

(him), pass, he is saved; n. agent.<br />

wadchanuwaen-iii, one who saves, a<br />

savior.<br />

;<br />

saw (n. ), poksimkqiionk, tussonkqaonk.<br />

say, wussin, he says, he speaks; nussin,<br />

I say; k-ussin, thou sayest; nusHm,<br />

if I say, when I say; lUtoh asean, what-<br />

ever thou mayest say {teagua hsslmf<br />

what do you say?; nissimun, we say, C. )<br />

nag us, say thou to thein, tell them;<br />

nussip, I said, I did say. See think.<br />

iruttinuli, he says to him; nuttiii, I say<br />

to (him); .=ufflx kuttinsh, I say to thee,<br />

I tell thee; vnittinmh, they said to him<br />

{nuttimmwap, I said, C. ; teagua n'tilnnawen<br />

or nteawemf what shall I speak?<br />

R.W. ). ncowaw, hesays; noDwaoy, they<br />

say; nooMicw/i, say thou; na)V!agk, sa.yye;<br />

na>adt, if he .say; nam


scatter—continued<br />

.<br />

beads), nasw&e, ncutwayeue scattered<br />

[ne st'ahwhau, or ne seaheull.<br />

scold, auuskomcm, he reproves (him);<br />

see reprove, nunnishquewam, I chide or<br />

scdlil; mmnishquet, I rage, C.<br />

scornful, mamanmmntam, he is scornful,<br />

a scorner Imomontauau, he mocks<br />

iliiiii)].<br />

scratch, i(i'lmihiii(ni,he tears or scratches<br />

(an. obj. ) as a wild beast; suflBx v:u>i-<br />

nehnekiii-uh, he tears him (iieehnelcm-<br />

nuoiiut, to scratch; nunmgimum, I t«ar,<br />

C. ). nukkitchkeem, I scratch, C. (?).<br />

scum, pehtom. See foam.<br />

scuppaug, inisliri'iji, pi. —jxniug. See<br />

l.c.r-v.<br />

sea, kelliluli, kcliluh, keitoh {kitthan and<br />

weeMkum, R. W.; Peq. kikhonnohk,<br />

Stiles; Del. l-itdhican, Hkw.) ; pi. keh-<br />

tahhanash; ndeu kehtahhannit, in the<br />

midstof thesea; kishke kehtahhannit, by<br />

the sea; kee.cliippam kehtahhannit, on the<br />

seashore ( = »f olujuamipam); kehtahhannuppog,<br />

the water of the sea [keli-<br />

tm, it is very great, vast]. See chief.<br />

pdmmoh, pdmrnoh, paumm, a name of<br />

the sea which is not found except in<br />

compound words. It is probably de-<br />

rived fromywJ, the particle of indefinite,<br />

undirected, or variable motion or activity.<br />

From it are derived pummohham,<br />

he goes on the sea; pummohhamu-aen, a<br />

mariner; woskechepam {wosketupam, Is.<br />

18, 2), the surface of the sea (cf. n-oskeche<br />

mojnol, Gen. 1, 2); ohquanupam,<br />

the shore or border of the sea [uhquae,<br />

on the edge or margin of] ; kehchippam,<br />

keecliepam, on the shore [kutche-pam,<br />

where the sea begins] , John 21, 4; Gen.<br />

22, 17; paumpdgusslt, 'the Sea God,'<br />

R. W. ; pummee, oil \_pumm&e, of or<br />

from the sea]; p^irnupsq, pumlpsk, a<br />

rock in the sea, a sunken rock, etc.<br />

tfechekum (R. W. ) w-as perhaps a name<br />

given py the Indians of the sea coast<br />

to the ocean as the great 'producer'<br />

(u-utcheken, it yields, produces) of their<br />

staple food, fish.<br />

search for, n&timieham, he seeks (it),<br />

searches for (it); mitinnehammk, search<br />

ye for (it) {nat'mnehas, search thou;<br />

teaqua cunndtinnef what do .you look<br />

for?; ntauhaunanatinnehdmmin, I can<br />

search for—oontinued.<br />

not look or search, R. W.; nun-nat-<br />

tlnneahteam, I search, C. ); an. nalinne-<br />

awhaii, he seeks for (him) ; vbl. n. nailnneahteaonk,<br />

search (for inan. obj. ). See<br />

look.<br />

season. See time.<br />

seasonably, uttmehr,


Beed—continued.<br />

nemuneash, skunnemutiash, seeds (seed<br />

corn, Gen. 47, 19, 23, 24). weepammuwae<br />

wiiskannem, semen virile.<br />

seek. See look; search for.<br />

seethe. See boil (v.); immerse,<br />

seize, tohqunum, he seizes, lays hold<br />

of (it); tnhqimau, he seizes (him); vbl.<br />

n. toh(jiiiiiiiNi'in)ik, prey, that which is<br />

caught . ir seized. See catch; stay; take,<br />

seldom, rlulccwi, C. (?).<br />

select. See choose,<br />

self, hog, body. See body; myself.<br />

sell, mnj^co, mrigoii (he gives), he gives<br />

in exchange for money or other things<br />

{num-mag, I sell;. indgiiiHif, to give or<br />

sell, C. ). See give. hiiUaniriiinpaxu,<br />

kodtauwompasu, he sells or 1 jarter.a; kodtmtwcmpash,<br />

sell thou (it); suppos. noh<br />

kndlauwompasit, he who sells; n. agent.<br />

kodtauompasuen-in, a seller {cuttattaila-<br />

tnish, I will buy this of you, R. W. ).<br />

See buy; trade.<br />

send, annmnau, he sends (him), i. e.<br />

gives him an order, command, or message;<br />

prim, he commands (him), employs<br />

(him); nut-annam, I send (him)<br />

annameh, send thou me; kut-nnnamumuw,<br />

I send you {kut-annamsh, I will hire<br />

you, R. W.) ; inan. annmtam, he sends<br />

(it). See command; hire; messenger.<br />

negontmau, he sends to (him); lit. he<br />

sends in advance or beforehand [ne-<br />

gcmne} {nekoncUuonat, to send; nun-<br />

Ttikonchuam, I send, C. ); cf. negonskau,<br />

he runs before or in advance; negon-<br />

shaen, a leader,<br />

sentence, doom, pogkodchimau, he sentences,<br />

condemns (him); suppos. noh<br />

pakodchimit, he who sentences. From<br />

pakodcheu, he finishes, makes an end of<br />

it. See condemn; judge.<br />

separate, chippi, cheppi, it is separate or<br />

apart; chipphmm, he divides or separates<br />

(it); V. i. act. rhippachdiisu, he<br />

makes a division or separation. See<br />

divide,<br />

servant, iOT^ttmnum (he serves), aser\'ant<br />

{imMinnundn, uiittinniniimin, a servant,<br />

C. ) ; raMinnineum, nutiinneum, my serv-<br />

ant, i. e. one who belongs to me; nuttinmim,<br />

my servant, i. e. one who<br />

serves me or does me service; umttinneum,<br />

constr. wuttinneumoh, his servant,<br />

;<br />

servant—eon t i n ued<br />

.<br />

the servant of (him), who belongs to<br />

him; wuttinnum, constr. mtttinnumoh,<br />

his servant, the servant of (him), who<br />

serves him {unUtmninn&moh, his serv-<br />

ant, C. ) ; anconden utittiimumun, a hired<br />

servant; n. collect, wutfinnumumiennk,<br />

the servants, collectively, Ex. 21, 7;<br />

wuttmneumunneunk, owned ser\-ants,<br />

collectively, Eph. 6, .5.<br />

serve, annammi [pass, of annmnan, he<br />

sends or commands or employs], he<br />

is employed, he is hired; n. agent, nn-<br />

nmnden-in, one who serves for hire.<br />

nwswetau, noswehtau, he obeys or serves,,<br />

primarily, he follows (him); nwswcet-<br />

ash, serve thou (him) ; ncosweetmk, obey,,<br />

serve ye. See obey. M-uffjn»m, he serves,<br />

he is a servant; vmUinnumunneat, infin.<br />

to be a servant; v. i. act. progr. viit-tinnumuhkaum<br />

(he continues to act a.<br />

a servant), he does service habitually<br />

(villi:,, Ininiirknsxliiat. to serve, C); vbl.<br />

u. iriiiin,,,, i'i„,,iIil.n,ii,onk, (his) service,<br />

a serxiug ( him ) ; nuUinnumuhkauituoiik,<br />

service performed, the doing of service.<br />

From n-uttinnum, (his) servant, he<br />

.serves (him).<br />

set free. See deliver; loose.<br />

seven, nesdusuk tahshe (nesasuk, C. ; enada^<br />

R. W. ; Del. nischoasch, nischasch, Hkw. ;<br />

Alg. n',ii!tmi,,Kf:(„i, ninshwassoo; Peq. nez-<br />

zitiiinixl:. .Utiles); an. nesaumk tahmoff<br />

{i'„iii/i'il,i.tihii/. R. W.). naho nesausuk<br />

iidtahshe, seventeen (piuck-nab enada,<br />

R. W. ; Peq. piugg-nauhiit shviansk,<br />

Stiles), nesausuk tahshinchag + -kudto^<br />

(an.), -kodtash (inan.), seventy.<br />

sew, asequamw, ushqtuimm, he sews; asequam,<br />

ushquam, he .sews (it); kut-ushquam,<br />

thou sewest (it) up (ushquamtl-<br />

nat monag, to sew one's clothes, C. );<br />

V. i. an. act. usquontosu, he is sewing;<br />

pass, usquosin, it is seweil; „,iill,i „xquo-<br />

sincoh, (it) was without seum, ji..t sewed,<br />

John 19, 23. Cf. mquoul, ,


shadow—continued<br />

.<br />

iis a covering or it is covered]. Cf. onk-<br />

quequohhou, a veil; onhivheg, a cover.<br />

shake, nukkunum, freq. nunnukkimuin,<br />

he shakes (it), causes it to shake or<br />

tremble; inan. subj. nukkemm, nunnuk-<br />

kemco, it shakes, it is shaken; derog.<br />

nunnuksheau, namiuksheaii , he shakes,<br />

trembles; vbl. n. nimnukshdoiik, trembling.<br />

See tremble. nenemuhkonau,he<br />

shakes (him); jyish kenenemuhkonish, I<br />

will [shake you, C. tattauunum, he<br />

shakes (it): iattawlnum wuthogkwonk,<br />

he shakes his garment; caus. inan. tai-<br />

taiiwoldeau, tadtauohteau, etc., he shakes<br />

(it), makes it shake; tattwiivohteash ktih-<br />

liog, shake thyself; tattauiwhteagk pup-<br />

pissi, shake off the dust, Mark 6, 11<br />

[=papauohteagk puppmi. Matt. 10, 14;<br />

Luke 9, 5) (tatdgganish, shake this,<br />

E. W.).<br />

shall, aux. mos. See must.<br />

shallop, vmnnauandunnck; dimin. iruii-<br />

nauanounuckqiiese, a skiff, R. W. "Although<br />

they themselves have neither,<br />

yet they give them such names, which<br />

in their language signifieth carrying vessels.<br />

"<br />

shallow. See ford.<br />

shape, ki-ihki'miini-elitmii, he shapes,<br />

fashions, forms ( it) ; kuhkenauwiheau, he<br />

forms (him). Caus. an. and inan. from<br />

kuhkhaiit, he marks it out, or kulikenmnn;<br />

placed in order: he causes (it or<br />

him) to be made in order or by rule.<br />

nussu, ummssti, he is shaped or formed.<br />

See form.<br />

sharp, kenai, keneh, (it is) sharp; suppos.<br />

kenag, (when it is) sharp, that which is<br />

sharp: nniKsetunk . . . kenag, the haft<br />

. . . the blade (of a knife), Judg. 3, 22;<br />

kenehquog (keenneehquog, C. ), a .sharp<br />

knife; kenompsk (keneh-ompsk) , a sharp<br />

stone. See edge; point.<br />

sharpen, kt'htarjtau, kehtattau, he sharp-<br />

ens; kfldadtatioma), it sharpens; pass.<br />

pa.Ti. 'kehladtainni, (it is) sharpened<br />

U'erkodtaiiwKil, to whet or make sharp,<br />

C).<br />

shave, nuomm (he smooths (it), makes<br />

(it) smooth), he cuts or shaves the hair:<br />

mmsum iimmesunk, heshavesoff his hair;<br />

nimsuk, when he shaves his head (tncosomunat,<br />

to shear, C. ); an. mconmu<br />

shave—continued.<br />

u'uhhogkuh, he shaves himself. From<br />

incod, it is smooth, peeghumimat, to<br />

shave; nuppeeghnm, 1 shave; sun v>oh<br />

hippeegivhitteamwco? will you be shaved?<br />

C. chequoddueyaheau [caus. an., che-<br />

quodtwahlieaul, he shaves (him); chequodwehham,<br />

he shaves (his head, his<br />

face, etc.) inan. obj.; suppos. inan.<br />

chequotweydaheg, that which shaves, a<br />

razor, Is. 7, 20 ( =


ship, kehlmiHy, ktihtajnof/ (kilunack,^.^' .;<br />

diinin. kUtinnckguese, a little ship, ibid. )<br />

From kehtoh-mn, kehtohhmii, he goes by<br />

sea; h'htohhan-u-cKj, when he goes by<br />

8ea(?). But see shallop. U kehie-oumik<br />

a great ' carrying vessel '?<br />

shoe, mokns, mokis, mokkussin; pi. mokkussinash,<br />

moxinash (mocAsnnags and<br />

mockuasinchass, shoes 'made of their<br />

deerskin worn out',E.W.; Peq. muckasons,<br />

Indian shoes, Stiles); ummohis,<br />

his shoe; kummohis, thy shoe.<br />

shoot (with a bow or gun), pummu,<br />

he shoots; freq. pepuinmu, he shoots<br />

often or repeatedly (pepemdi, 'he is<br />

gone to fowl', he is shooting, R. W.);<br />

pummuog, freq. pepumm uog, pepumwaoff,<br />

they shoot; pums/i (puinin, R. W. ),<br />

shoot thou; pummaok (pummoke, R.<br />

W.), shoot ye; noh pepemit, one who<br />

shoots; ncg pepemutcheg, they who<br />

shoot; n. agent, pepumioaen, pepummuwaen,<br />

a shooter, an archer; an. pepmnmuau,<br />

pepumwau, he shoots at (him);<br />

suffix up-pepumw6uh, they shoot at him.<br />

See fly (v.); gun.<br />

shore, bhrhippam, keechpam [kutche-<br />

pamifio/i], where the sea begins, the sea<br />

shore, ohtiiiaii iipani [ohr/itnnu-pummoh]<br />

the sea margin, the edge of the sea;<br />

ohquaiui kehtahhanit, on the sea shore,<br />

Mark 2, 13. See bank; haven,<br />

short, ti6hqui, thihque, (it is) short (tioh-<br />

kmsue, (he is) short, C.; liaquonkqusm,<br />

low and short, R. W. ).<br />

shorten tiohqiitleau, tioquehtleau, he<br />

makes (it) short, he shortens (it) [cans,<br />

inan. from (iohqiii, short].<br />

shortly, temmk, soon, quickly.<br />

shoulder, mohpegk, muhpeg, the shoul-<br />

der; iippegk, tihpegk, his shoulder (uppeke,<br />

pi. vppeqiidck, R. W.); uhpequan,<br />

Gen. 49, 15: nanashaue olipequanit, between<br />

his shoulders, Deut. 33, 12. nmt-<br />

iugk, m'tnk, the shoulders, i. e. the up-<br />

per part of the back: vt nuttukeel, vt<br />

nutlughl, on my shoulders; wuttugkit,<br />

vmtiukit, on his shoulders (miuik, a<br />

shoulder, C. ).<br />

shoulder-blade, tipimon (?): wutch nuttipimonil,<br />

from mv shoulder-blade Job<br />

31, 22.<br />

sliout, muhoiilin. winhoiilwinni. he shouts<br />

cries out with a loud voice; vbl. n.<br />

B. A. E., Bi-LL. 2.5 21<br />

"•<br />

,<br />

j<br />

shout—continued.<br />

miahontcoummk, a shouting, a loud<br />

noise {Mlnhaunknmsh, speak (thou) out,<br />

R. W. ; iiiishoiilowmat, to roar, C. ). "See<br />

liowl.<br />

show, iiohtinan, he shows (it) to (him);<br />

suffix wiinnohlm6uh, wunnohtmovh,<br />

he showed (it) to them; kenahtlnush,<br />

I show it to you; nohtus, show<br />

thou; natusseh, show to me {nunnohtin,<br />

I show; nahl.Ksseh keek, show me your<br />

house, C. ). Caus. from nawjH, he sees,<br />

n(?a!t, he sees him; ndehiinau, he causes<br />

him to see it; so, naehtau, show thyself<br />

to (him),<br />

teach.<br />

1 K. 18, 1. See inform;<br />

shower, lapihim, C. na timlllno),, 'there<br />

Cometh a shower', Luke 12, .54. pdpi'id-<br />

tinunk, showers, rain in showers (n.<br />

collect, droppings). See rain.<br />

shrill, sashkontmwaonk, a shrill tone or<br />

voice, C.<br />

shut, i/unlllinmin, he shuts (it), as a<br />

door, gate, or the like, to or together;<br />

often, he shuts the door (without .«y»/o?!^<br />

expressed): yanittanumwog, they shut<br />

the gate. Josh. 2, 7 {yeaush, shut the<br />

door after you, R. AV.). ydnunum,<br />

he shuts (it, as the hand, the eye,<br />

etc.): yanunush wuske-wkmoash . shut<br />

thou their eyes; hence, ydnequohhon, a.<br />

veil.<br />

shut up. See close.<br />

sick, mahchinau, he is sick (nuinmah-<br />

cheeni, niimmohtchtnum , I am sicknummatmmwua<br />

mohchinnai, my wife is<br />

sick, C; nvmmauchnem, 1 am sick;<br />

mauchinatii, he is sick, R. W. ) ; nummachinam,<br />

nen mmchinam, I am sick;<br />

suppos. mgmahchmacheg, the sick; vbl.<br />

n. mahchindonk, sickness. See fade;<br />

have (auxil.); old; pass away.<br />

side, muhjjHeog, rib, side; uppefeagiinlt,<br />

tippeteognnil, to his side, simippoen , aas-<br />

sippoe, (it is) on the side of: smsippoeu<br />

wadchu, on the side of the mountain;<br />

nequt sumppoi, on one side; kus-mssip-<br />

poiyeum, on thy side; sussipponkomuk,<br />

wssuppongkonmk ismaippoeu-kom iik']<br />

the side of the house, wutnhahame . .<br />

ongkoue, on this side of . . . beyond or<br />

on the other side of: wululishame aepiuit,<br />

on this side of the river {u-utloahiiwn-<br />

yii. on this side, C. ). ymien, yudi. yode.<br />



side—cuntinueil.<br />

nil line side of: punuk yoiieii . . . imka-<br />

liik •Kikomdeu, one on one siiif . . . an-<br />

other on the other, Ex. 17, 12. ttcaic-<br />

mendakil, 'from the land on the other<br />

side'; acdmimck nutesfiem, 'I came over<br />

the water', E. W. logkoiniii'u-o/iki'].<br />

See other side, aeetawe, acetane, flilAI,<br />

on both sides of; t'htdikenag, two-edged,<br />

sharp on both sides; aeetaue seep, on<br />

b(.ith sides of the river.<br />

sig-ht, lummaxmk, a seeing, sight; vlil. n.<br />

from iKiinn, he sees.<br />

silent, chcqimappH { he remains (jiiiet), lie<br />

is silent, he stands still; cheijitiiapnh, be<br />

thou quiet, be silent ( ii nti-hequimap, I am<br />

silent, C).<br />

ein, iiiutehuk (evil), nKili-hrttnuik (evil do-<br />

ing I. See bad.<br />

since, uddteuh (iii(teal(. lately, C): viid-<br />

teuli DC kesuk(jk, since tliat day.<br />

sinew, iimfchoJil. iuiiIcIkiIiI, a sinew; pi.<br />

+ ((.S/).<br />

sing, niiii(i)liain,


skin—cimtinued.<br />

kuniu'M, to be clotlied; ogkoo, he is<br />

clothed; vbl. n. ogkmonk, hogkmonk,<br />

clothing). N. collect, ohkmammk,<br />

skins.<br />

skull. See head.<br />

skunk, Peq. (lusounch,


smelt—continued,<br />

been transferred to another species.<br />

From mohmoeog, pass, and recipr. moh-<br />

moittedo;/, tliey are gathered together.<br />

smoke, jiiikiil, pulcit [pi'ick, R. W.); pii-<br />

kittmuo, (it) smokes; pukittauaiash, they<br />

(inan.pl.) smoke (kek p&kkuttduo, your<br />

house smokes, C. ) ; adj. and adv. pukut-<br />

/(ic, .smoking, of smoke; iiimm. X'ukkui-<br />

(neme-% vapor, fog. Cf. pukguee, ashes,<br />

mire; puhrjuohke, a clod of earth.<br />

smooth, mcoM, mcose, mmniyeu, ma>sm,(it<br />

is) smooth, bare (mmsi, bald, C. ); pi.<br />

iiKDnlnciids]!, tliey are smooth; but jocose<br />



son-in-law—contimieil.<br />

iriisi'ciiiiiiiiikqihh, tlidu r^lialt l)e my son-<br />

in-law, 1 Sam. IS, L'l; Huppos. part.<br />

wasenumukqutche, a son-in-law (noslnemticl;<br />

he is my son-in-law, 'R. W.).<br />

soon, Ifiiniik. quenau, rjuende, as soon as<br />

( kittiniiiiiiii, kittumijdi, E. W. ). See im-<br />

niediatt'ly.<br />

soot, jienoht, C. (?).<br />

sore, kchkerhiii (it is sore), a sore; an.<br />

kehkechemi, (he is) sore; vbl. n. kehke-<br />

chesuonk, kehchemonk, soreness, a sore<br />

{n'chcmmmam, n' chesaminattam, I am<br />

in pain; nr.hhammam n'sHe, my foot is<br />

sore, R. W.).<br />

sorrowful, uciiautani, he is sorrowful, he<br />

grieves; v. i. and v. t. inan. he grieves,<br />

he grieves for (it); vbl. n. neuaniamco-<br />

onk, sorrowing, sorrow. See grieve,<br />

sorry, (liustkoimdam, he is sorry; v. t. lie<br />

is sorry for (it). See repent.<br />

so soon as, ijuenau, qucn&e, as so(jii as,<br />

scarcely.<br />

soul, ketmhor/koii, (he is or it is) a living<br />

creature, a living self [kcteae-hotjk].<br />

This woril is used by Kliot for 'soul',<br />

(living) 'creature', a human being,<br />

etc. It is doulrtful if it was known to<br />

the language before he employed it.<br />

Cotton, however, has kelenlioi/kau, soul.<br />

cowwhj'onrk [=k(>ii.mnk'\, the soul," be-<br />

cause they say it works and operates<br />

when the Ijody sleeps \_koueu']. inicha-<br />

chwick, the soul in a higher notion,<br />

whicli is of affinity with a word signi-<br />

fying a looking-glass or clear resemsemblance,<br />

so that it hath its name<br />

from a clear sight or discerning."— i<br />

R. A\'. timhauoiik. the spirit of man,<br />

lit. breath, TTvFviia. See spirit.<br />

sound. See voice.<br />

sour, .««', (it is) sour; suppos. seof/ (when<br />

it is sour), that which is .sour: nfepetuk-<br />

ijumiuiik, leavened bread; ste wine,<br />

'vinegar'; adj. sedne [xt'e-unne, sour-<br />

like], sour: neane wenom, sour (unripe)<br />

grape. Is. 18, 5. Cf. nior/ke, hard, diffi-<br />

cult.<br />

south, xoiiyindyeii, sdnnaiyeu., .southward,<br />

to or at the south, but {smnoaiiuu) ac-<br />

cording to R. Williams, 'the South-<br />

west', where 'the Gods chiefly dwell'.<br />

sowanokke, the south country,<br />

southeast wind, nandckqattln, R. W.<br />

j Ji"W,-fMa)^-«m,<br />

south wind, wimnsh, smoanshin, thei'e is<br />

a .«outh wind, the south wind blows<br />

(wirwaiiisheu; the southwest wind; tou-<br />

wiUtin, the south wind, R. W. ).<br />

sow, oliketeau,<br />

plant,<br />

he sows or plants. See<br />

span, dmskinausii. See measures of<br />

length.<br />

sparrow. iiKimeesasliqiien is used for<br />

'swallow' and 'sparrow'; ntdinhhiish-<br />

qiihh, Ps. 102, 7 (mamessasliqiKits, JIass.<br />

Ps.).<br />

speak, kiitto), he speaks, he utters<br />

speech; vbl. n. kuttcaonk, kuUoowonk,<br />

speech (a word, C. ; theWord, 6 Xoyoi) ;<br />

with k' progressive ketmhm, lie talks,<br />

goes on speaking; kHmkash [kiitldbtsh,<br />

R.W.), speak thou (noh wiinne kekelm-<br />

knu, he speaks well or is fair-spoken;<br />

I speak, C. ). annmmni,<br />

(lutimirim, nimcowau, he speaks to (as<br />

a suj)erior to an inferior), he tells or<br />

commands (him); i(nndi-, speak ye to<br />

(them); noh aiiont, he who speaks to<br />

or commands; dndn, when I speak to<br />

(him) (nal-amiatnuk, he commands<br />

me; imncowotuit, to say, C. ). See say;<br />

tliink. kenmnmi, he speaks to (him),<br />

he talks with (him); teico/io//-, .speak<br />

ye to (ih.e\n)\' kenaoa, speak thou to<br />

(them); suffix kuk-kenconsh,\ talk with<br />

you, 1 speak to you (as a superior to an<br />

inferior ) ; n. agent, fenconuaen-i*/, a coun-<br />

selor.<br />

spear, qiiNiilifui/, pi. Squash [quinii-<br />

iihliujk, long stick]; ,nuH;j,iinihliik, a<br />

fish .spear, Job 41, 7 (Del. iiolanu'sli'icaii,<br />

Hkw.].<br />

species. See kind (n.).<br />

speckled, momdne, 'freckled'. Lev. 13,<br />

H9; iiiumoneau, (heoran. obj. is)speckled<br />

[mdmdnesein. Gen. 30, 33); suppos. ])art.<br />

pi. neg mdmdnesildieg, they which are<br />

speckled. See spot,<br />

speech, kultmwonk, speech, utterance;<br />

vbl. n. from kutlco, he speaks; keketoo-<br />

kmionk, continued speech, talk; vbl. n.<br />

from kckclmkau, he goes on sjieakiug;<br />

hettwirotik, vnnontcowaonk, speech, language.<br />

See language,<br />

spider, iiuirimnapit, mamunappeht.<br />

spill, quounhau, quodshau, it is spilled,<br />

Luke 5, 37; Mark 2,22; ne qiiouhk-amuk,<br />

that which is spilled, 2 Sam. 14, 14.


spin, liiij/HKdlilcmi, tiiliippenolitertii, (he) [<br />

spins, twists. See striii^;; twist.<br />

spirit, iiimliriaitiik, breath, the spirit of<br />

man {nvfvna. spiritns). Apparently<br />

a \erl)al from iian. 4, S, 9; 5, bS); iiash-<br />

aiiaiill. Matt. 4. 1 (cf. iiiattunit, the :ip(ii!


squirrel—CDiitimieil.<br />

squirrels are little animals resembling<br />

rats. The epithet of Suisse is bestow'd<br />

upon 'em in reganl that tlio hair which<br />

covers their boily is sticakM with black<br />

and white and resembles a Suisse's doub-<br />

let, and that these streaks make a ring<br />

on each thigh which bearsa great deal of<br />

resemblance toaSuisse'a cap."—Lahontan<br />

I, 235-236 (ed. 1703). mUhdnneke,<br />

R. W, ; mislidnnek, pi. +wog, C. ; m'ush-<br />

dnneege and s/iemieci^itc, a squirrel, Stiles<br />

[muhe-aul'qus, great squirrel].<br />

staff, aiuroJihoti {wut-dnjio, R. W.) , a walk-<br />

ing staff {aii, he stands, he rises up<br />

(erect); nintneepoh, I stand; riepaush,<br />

stand thou ('up' Judg. 8, 20); ne-<br />

paitch, let him stand; suppos. noh ne-<br />

pauit, he who stands (nunnepm, I stand,<br />

C; yd ii'riMiiish, sVav or stand here,<br />

R.W. ); iiKiii.Mil.j. ,/,,/„,//,„,,,. iH.pnmra,<br />

it stands; , //..// //, .y»;,„„„/.s/,, tliese things<br />

stand; inan. cans, nepadtau, nepattau,<br />

he makes (it) stand, he stands (it) up,<br />

and with inan. subj. it stands (i. e. it is<br />

made tf) stand up) : matta pish nepad-<br />

taucou.fli, they (inan.) .shall not stand<br />

up. Is. 27, 9; hence iiepat/nhqiifjiik, a<br />

post, a stake.<br />

kompaii, he stands erect, as a man<br />

stands. This verb, related to omp, man,<br />

is not found exre|pt in compounds, of<br />

which there an- M lonsi.li Table number.<br />

Heckewelder ol)s(r\c-s that in the Delaware<br />

'ap or ape, for walking in an<br />

erect posture', is one of the regular<br />

terminations of the-names of animals;<br />

'hence lenape, man', Corresp. 411.<br />

miHpmkompau [sampire, straight, upright],<br />

he stands upright, quenikom-<br />

pau, quesikompcni, he stands upon (it);<br />

pish kukquesikompdu qnssuk, thou shalt<br />

stand upon a rock, Ex. 33, 21. ohpikkompau<br />

rmaseelaah, he stands upon his<br />

feet, Dan. 7, 4; cf. ohpatitu, he walks<br />

or treads upon, Job 9, 8. rheqtinikom-<br />

stand—continued.<br />

jiiiK, be stands still, Josli. 10, I;;, w/-<br />

qiickdiDjiiiiiof/, they stand like nr in the<br />

manner of. Job 38, 14. pumihiiiij/nnot/,<br />

-pdog (they stand in a row), a row of<br />

men or animals; cf. pumdhtaash (they<br />

are in a row), a row of inan. otijects.<br />

nauwakompau, nawddkOmpau [iianii'aeK,<br />

nauwdm, he bends or stoops], he stands<br />

bent or stooping. waeenikompxiUdiiog,<br />

they stood round about (it); m-lnne-<br />

kompattanog, Gen. 37, 7 Iwaeenu, it is<br />

roundabout, around], quinnuppekompdii<br />

[ipi'nniiippii, he turns about], he<br />

stands turned about; hence 'he is C(jn-<br />

verted', and qninnuppekompauani, 'a<br />

convert'.<br />

qKeiiolitmit, it stands (is suiipurted)<br />

on; suppos. inan. 7HfHo///r/;/, a founda-<br />

tion.<br />

star, anogqs {andckqus, pi. aiiurksiu-k,<br />

.- R. VV.; o.ndgqs, C); p\. arwgqsog mislidnogqns<br />

{mishdnrwck, R. W. ). the<br />

UKjrning star {inlshe-anoqs'}.<br />

starve, paitkanontam, he suffers extreme<br />

hunger, he starves: noh nahen nuppeoe<br />

paskdnontaiii, he is like to die with<br />

hmiger, Jer. 38, 9; vbl. n. paskdnovUiinmonk,<br />

starvation, extreme hunger.<br />

stay, appu, lie stays or remains. See sit.<br />

iogkoghu, togkogqshau, it is stayed, is<br />

stopped: enninneaonk togkogqshau, the<br />

plague was stayed. Num. 16, 48, 50,<br />

=togkogquahomai. Num. 25, 8.<br />

steal, kommwto, kummmto, he steals;<br />

suppos. part. pass, kommmtomuk, (that<br />

which is) stolen; neg. imperat. kotn-<br />

mmtulikon, thou shalt not steal (nukkmnmmt,<br />

I steal, C. ; v^ejie cukkAmmcot,<br />

you have stole, R. W.) ; vl)l. n. komiiim-<br />

tow07>k, stealing, theft; ii. agent, koiii-<br />

ina)towaen-in , a thief.<br />

steel, iiiermhkequog, mimelu-linog. See<br />

iron.<br />

sterile, nu-hcheu, niehchhjeii, (it is) sterile,<br />

barren, empty. See emjity.<br />

stick (n.). See rod; wood.<br />

stick (v.), piuogipisheau, plssogqshfaH, it<br />

cleaveth, sticketh, it is adhesive or<br />

sticky; a

328 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [bulletin 25<br />

stick (V. )—contimieil.<br />

Una, I cleave to or stick to, C. ) ; from<br />

musxuniim, he touches (it).<br />

still (adj.), chequnapiiu, he is still, he<br />

remains quiet. See silent, chequnussu,<br />

•he is still (in action), he does or acts<br />

quietly, ahtotapagodtut {?), 'beside the<br />

still waters', Ps. 23, 2, =manumishae<br />

nippeil, Mass. Ps.<br />

still (adv. ) . See<br />

yet.<br />

sting, vbl. n. chohhmwarml;, a stinging<br />

[rli(ii/, sharj) ?] (chiilikuhJini, a sting, C)<br />

stir, momontunmuii, imi-, he stirs, moves,<br />

cau-ses motion in (it): momontunnnm<br />

nippeadi, he troubled the watens, John<br />

5, 4; mamunlonuk vnissismttai7iash, when<br />

he moved his lips, Prov. 16, 30.<br />

inamonchu, he stirs, he moves; mamonrhemm,<br />

it stirs. ontaMeav, ontohteau, it<br />

stirs, it is moved from its place.<br />

loogkauunau, he stirs up, incites, sets<br />

in motion (him); v:ogkouunum, he stirs<br />

(it) up, sets (it) in motion; inan.<br />

subj. olan wogkouwemcu, the city was<br />

moved (excited). Acts 21, 28; nippe<br />

wngkoui'mrmk, when the water is trou-<br />

l.iled, stirred, John 5, 7; vbl. n. wogkoueiiiik.<br />

stir, commotion. See move.<br />

stockings, ciiiikoiiiiiixli, K. \X.; Peq. c!(h-<br />

(jiiiriiiitrh, a stocking. Stiles. See leg-<br />

gings.<br />

stomach, muppmchhiau, C. See bosom.<br />

stone, qussuk, a rock, pi. qussukcjuanasJi<br />

i qitxxurk, a stone, R. W. ; qussuk, rock,<br />

C. ). Imssun, a stone, pi. +rish; dimin.<br />

hasmmemcK (so El. Gr. 10, 12; but the<br />

distinction is not uniformly observed<br />

in his translation), qussukquanehtu,<br />

among the rocks; qussukquaneutunk<br />

{quismkquanmitonk, C. ), a wall (Del.<br />

meechek arhsinink, at the big rock,<br />

Hkw.; qxisgucqim, it is heavy, R. W.).<br />

hassnniiegk, a cave; hiissunneuhmk, a<br />

stone wall, ompxk, ompsq, in compound<br />

words, an upright rock, a stone<br />

(not found separately in Eliot's Bible;<br />

but missitche otnpsqut, 'a great rock',<br />

occurs in Samp. Quinnup., p. 156):<br />

kenoiiipsq, a sharp stone [^keneh-ompsk'] ;<br />

vxinashquompsk, the top of a rock<br />

[hi a n a shque-ompskj ; tog u- onk a n-<br />

ompsk, a mill stone, etc. chepiskq, chip-<br />

.<br />

stone—continued.<br />

pipsk, in compound words, a rock [a<br />

iletached, separate (c/iippj) rock?];<br />

woskechepisk, the top of a rock, 2 Chr.<br />

25, 12; Ezek. 24, 7; ut rhippipsqnt, 'on<br />

the rocks' (on a rock). Acts 27, 29<br />

{machipscat, sl stony path, E.W., =may-<br />

chippiskqut!). pumijisk, pumupsq, pi.<br />

pumipsfpiash, a rock, rocks; kenugke<br />

pumipsquehtii, among the rocks. Job<br />

28, 10; pi. pumujjsquehtimsli (?), 1 K.<br />

19, 11.<br />

stoop, sukoslikodtaeu, sukoshkodtassun<br />

onatuh qurmonou, 'he stooped down,<br />

he couched as a lion'. Gen. 49, 9; wixhquossun,<br />

he couched (as a lion). Num.<br />

24, 9. See bend one's self; bow down.<br />

storm, misheldashin (it storms), a storm<br />

of wind, a tempest {inishitd.fhin, there<br />

is a storm, a storm, R. W. ; mishetdshin,<br />

winds, C. ) : waahin mhihshehtash, there<br />

arose a tempestuous wind. Acts 27, 14;<br />

suppos. viishihliishiiiit, when it storuLs:<br />

'iimti-lie iiiisjii: t'lhsliiiiil.innn the storm,<br />

Is. 25, 4 [mlslir-lalislilu, it is greatly<br />

lifted up, there is a great uplifting].<br />

luisliqulliii. (it destroys, it rages with<br />

violence), a violent and destructive<br />

tempest (nashqittm, uhquohquat, a<br />

northerly storm or a tempest, 0. ) ; sup-<br />

pos. iKIxliqail-. ci. iu(shqilll(li/.tirv. s(jHltll,<br />

R. W.<br />

story, uimelitongtjuiil. a storv; pi. • '(.s/i,<br />

C.<br />

straight, .lampiri. See right.<br />

strange, jitiimwi', different, unlike, for-<br />

eign ; jn iifDirolikomuk, a strange place.<br />

See different; foreign.<br />

stranger, jiencowohteau, he is strange or<br />

a stranger, he is different, unlike; con-<br />

tract, penaiu-olit, peiruimt, a stranger<br />

(pencou-ohtea, C. ); pi. ]H'.nwwijldedi)(/,<br />

strangers, 'the heathen', Ezek. 36,3,4<br />

{nippenowdnUiwvm, I am of another<br />

language; penoichnlowavliHtt'iock, they<br />

are of a divers language, R. W. ).<br />

strawberry, uutiahminne'jh, C; i)l., u-utl,V,i„i„


stretch out—continued,<br />

out ( his hand, a staff, etc. ) ; suppos.<br />

aitininagunak tcanniiichey, when he<br />

stretched out his hand; ne samogkmamuk,<br />

that which is stretched out; num-<br />

magohteau, it stretches out or is<br />

stretched out, extended {summogquissin-<br />

nuniiat, to lie along, C, i. e. to stretch<br />

one's self; nussummogqussin, 1 lie along,<br />

ibid. )<br />

[soh-magun, he offers or presents<br />

it forth], sesekeu (?) , he stretches him-<br />

self, sesepdeu, he stretches himself, lies<br />

at full length; suppos. part. pi. neg sese-<br />

paiu'cheg, they who stretch themselves,<br />

Amos 6, 7 [from sepe, sest-appu, extend-<br />

ed, at length] . See spread out.<br />

strife, penudnittuonk, contention, strife;<br />

vbl. n. recipr. from penuanumau, he has<br />

a difference with (him). See conten-<br />

tion.<br />

strike, togku, he strikes. This, the primary<br />

intransitiveverl), is rarely found in<br />

use. The infinitive ^jyiona/, 'to hurl'<br />

(stones), occurs in 1 Chr. 12, 2, i. e. to<br />

strike with, whence the suppos. inan.<br />

ioghink, an ax, an instrument to strike<br />

with (or to be hurled?), and vbl. n. togwoiik,<br />

toggahwhonk ]_^togkii,onk'], a mor-<br />

tar for pounding corn, lit. a striking.<br />

togkomau, he strikes (him); nutlogbiin,<br />

1 strike, El. and C. ; suppos. part, noh<br />

togkoniont, he who strikes; intrans. noli<br />

togkomit, he who strikes or smites (with<br />

a rod, etc. ),Is, 30, 31; freq. tattagkomiia,<br />

he strikes (him) repeatedly, he beats<br />

(him); sulKx vuHatlagkoiiwuh, they<br />

beat him {nnUathlgkom, I beat, C. );<br />

vbl. n. act. togkommwaonk, a blow; i:>ass.<br />

logkomltteaonk, a blow received, log-<br />

kodtam, he strikes (it); suppos. part.<br />

»io/i togkoiUog, he who strikes; freq. noh<br />

tohlogkodlog, he who strikes often, who<br />

beats; suppos. inan. togkodUg, that<br />

which strikes, when it strikes, a sword;<br />

vbl. n. togkodtuonk, a blow, a stroke; tut-<br />

logkodluonk,a,hea.ting{tattagkodlHoiigash,<br />

stripes, Ind. Laws). Irxtteoldiridt menu)-<br />

cheg, to strike with the hand; pisit Uid-<br />

teadt, he will smite with (it), Is. 3, 17.<br />

See shake.<br />

strings, pemunneohl, peinuntieat, a cord, a<br />

string (peminneahl orne, a fishing line;<br />

petimenyahl, a cable, C. ); pi. -\-ash,<br />

string—continued.<br />

oiiajih. Iidfitppan, taiuppin, a (spun<br />

or twisted) thread: nisqiii tultuppln, a<br />

scarlet thread. Josh, l', 21; adj. Intlup-<br />

piiiide, twined or spun.<br />

strip, poskiiiatt, he strips (him), uncovers<br />

(him). See naked, mukkwkinau, he<br />

strips, plunders, robs (him). See rob.<br />

strive, nukonau, he strives, contends,<br />

quarrels with (him) {wd-chekeayeuil-<br />

feam, I strive, C. ) ; recipr. from cheke-<br />

/iea«, he uses' force. See fight; q\iarrel.<br />

strive after, dhcJtu, he strives, exerts<br />

himself, is diligent: ahclme, 'do thy<br />

diligence', exert thyself, 2 Tim. 4, 9;<br />

ahchue tapaekon, 'labor not to comfort<br />

me', Is. 22, 4. See hunt.<br />

strong, menuhki, meimhkett (mimnuhke,<br />

Exp. Mayhew), it is strong, firm, hard;<br />

an. inenuhkesa {minikesu, R. W.), he is<br />

strong; n. agent, memihkesuen-in, a<br />

strong man, 'mighty man of valor', 2<br />

Chr. 32, 21; -vbl. n. menuhkesuonk, animate<br />

strength, might (dimin. minio-<br />

qm'xn, weak, R.W., i. e. a little strong).<br />

strong drink, onkuppe, onkup; menuhke<br />

inithitlamdoiik.<br />

stronghold. See fort.<br />

stuff, clieetham-unat, to stuff, C. ; cf.<br />

rhi'llinav, he compels (him).<br />

stumble, lugku.tittmi'U)), he stimibles<br />

{niilhigkisxlia.-^x;-,,, I stumble, C. ); logki'ssittiissniiili:ilit,<br />

when they stumble<br />



such, so.<br />

[Note.—Delii<br />

(iunat/; vaj: Vfi<br />

iiipleted. t>eitun


sweat—continued,<br />

are sweating, R. \V., i. e. they are tak-<br />

ing a sweat in the /n'stiinnicl:. ' liot<br />

house ' for vapor Itaths.<br />

sweep, chekhdiii, he sweeps (it); an.<br />

act. chekhauHU, chekhusu, he sweeps, is<br />

sweeping, and pass, it is swept; suppcs.<br />

inan. chekhihmk (when it sweeps"), a<br />

),ro,,Mi.<br />

sweet, nrkoii, irfrkmi, (it is) sweet: pi.<br />

swell, iiiini'/nm, moi/ijiiri'ii. it swells, rises<br />

his body is swelle

.<br />


tautog—continued<br />

has been retained for tlie singular<br />

and has given a name to the species<br />

Labrus tautoga Mitchell (Labrus americanus<br />

Bloch). Dr J. V. C. Smith<br />

says '<br />

' tautog is a Mohegan word mean-<br />

'<br />

ing black ' ! (Fishes of Mass. 255)<br />

teach, kuhkmtam, he shows (it), makes<br />

it known; an. kuhkootamau, he makes<br />

(it) known to (him) (cans. inan. hih-<br />

kwtumwehteaic, he teaches, C. ; »t«^--<br />

kuhkcotumwehteam, I teach, ibid.); n.<br />

agent. knJibntfiiiiitrhtraeii, a teacher;<br />

vbl. n. kiilil'iii, ,1111', lit, nonk, teaching,<br />

instruction. Si'i- inform; show.<br />

tear (n., lacrymal secretion), mnssippeg-<br />

ini.iii, innssuj}pe(]uash (pi.); iciL^sippf-<br />

qiiiish, his tears [m'sipuk, that wliich<br />

flows or drops down (?)]. See water.<br />

tear (v. ), nehnekimim, nenekunum he tears<br />

(it) {mmneguimm, Hear, C); nehneksliaeu,<br />

it is torn; as n. a rent; with<br />

'k progressive nehnekikkom, he tears<br />

(it) in pieces, i. e. goes on tearing it;<br />

V. i. an. subj. nehnekikusu, he tears<br />

to pieces (as a wild beast, etc.), and<br />

pass, it is torn in pieces; suppos. ne<br />

nehnegikausik, that which is torn (n«-<br />

nehkifs/isu, cutting, cut, C. ); an. suffix<br />

inmnehnekukkauoh, he tears him in<br />

pieces. soligsJiadtrnt, sSkshadtati, sohk-<br />

irunlKuHmi, he tears (it) in pieces, vio-<br />

lently or as a wild beast tears its prey;<br />

suppos. sohqshadtunk, when he tear.a;<br />

V. i. an. sohquhkausu, smkuhkausit, he<br />

tears, pass, it is torn {sokshau, it is torn,<br />

1 K. 13, 5); suppos. ne sauhquhkavsik,<br />

that which is torn in pieces (by wild<br />

beasts), Lev. 17, 15; 22, 8; v. t. an.<br />

sohqshanan, scokshmiau, he tears (him);<br />

an. progr. tsohquhknimu, scoquhkauau, he<br />

goes on tearing (him). The root is suk-<br />

qiiiev., sohquiyeu, it is in small pieces.<br />

Sec fine, tannogkinnum, he tears (a<br />

garment, a skin, cloth, etc.) (tandcki,<br />

taiiock.ilut, it is torn or rent, R. W.<br />

kiim-nxihrhe-tannakunamoiui, I have torn<br />

it off for you, ibid.); tannogsheaii, tan-<br />

iiij(jku.'air (•.').<br />

testimony, irnviraoiik, witnessing, bear-<br />

ing witness. From axiuimu, he testi-<br />

fies.<br />

than, iJiil: nilx.il i ink, grea.ter than.<br />

thank, Uilmttaiitdm, he is thankful, he<br />

gives thanks; an. tithntlnntanmuau, he<br />

gives thanks to (him), thanks (him)<br />

{kvttabotoiiiUJi, I thank you, C. ; tadbot-<br />

iicaiiawAyettv., I thank you, R.W.); vbl.<br />

n. t(diiitl

they, neg, nag (nahoh, iiagoh, El. Gr. 7;<br />

nag, naliog, or nagunum, C. ), they who;<br />

nagoh, them who, them.<br />

thick, hnppi, (it is) thick, close, dense<br />

(aippi-inachauy, thick wood, a swamp,<br />

R. W. ); htppahtu, in or among that<br />

which is thick or close, 'In thickets',<br />

'in covert'; knppohquodt {kuppaquat,<br />

E.W.), thick or cloudy weathej; kuppogk!<br />

(kohpoghi, C; koppdcki, R. W.),<br />

thick, dense. See close.<br />

thicket, kuppohkomuk (a place shut in or<br />

inclosed or a place where trees are thick<br />

or close). Ci. kuppahtu, 'in thickets'.<br />

thief, kommmtowam, -in, n. agent, from<br />

himmmto, he steals. See steal.<br />

thigh, iiiiiiijiiini, iiiifliquau; neehqiiau, my<br />

thigh; cf. iiiohpii, the hip. apjome, pi.<br />

apbmash, the thigh, thighs, R. AV".<br />

thin, saupae, sabae, thin, not hard or<br />

dense, in a liquid or semiliquid state,<br />

soft. See soft. wosKabpe,wosappe{imis-<br />

sdppi, C; wass&ppi, E. W.), thin; wos-<br />

sappehteau (inan. cans.), he makes it<br />

thin;' pass, it is made thin,<br />

thing, tedg; ne tedg . . . matta tedg,<br />

iiiatteag, something . . . nothing [ted,-<br />

qim, what thing, R. W.); pi. tedguash,<br />

teatiguash, 'money', movable property,<br />

teaguas, a matter or thing not<br />

material or tangible; pi. teaguassimsh,<br />

things, matters, res; with redupl. iimne<br />

teanleagiiassinish, all matters, all things.<br />

Gen. 24, 1 [teag and usm, a thing re-<br />

lated to or dependent on animate action].<br />

think, andntam, unnntam, he thinks,<br />

purposes, wills, supposes, has in mind;<br />

nuUenanlatii, I think; nuttenantomun, I<br />

think it, I will it; ne anantamup, that<br />

which I did think; matta ne aitanlam<br />

nen, qut km ne anantaman (suppos.),<br />

'not as I will, but as thou wilt'. Matt.<br />

26, 39; ne anoiitog, wha.t he may think<br />

or may will, 'according to his will',<br />

John 5, 21. In form this word is a<br />

frequentative or intensive from an ear-<br />

lier form, Antam, which is not found in<br />

Eliot. Roger Williams has n' tnnn&nlam<br />

or nedntam, I think (Chip, hiendam,<br />

he thmks. Bar., q. v.). This primary<br />

verb, which may be translated ' he is<br />

minded' or 'he has in mind', is used<br />

in composition of ail verbs which ex-<br />


I<br />

I<br />

' tmn,<br />

1 third.<br />

I mussantam<br />

think—continued,<br />

press mental states, conditions, and<br />

operations, the passions, emotions, etc.,<br />

and denotes mental activity, as usm<br />

denotes physical activity. The animate<br />

active form of andntam or vndntam<br />

would be andnaii, he wills (him),<br />

nearly corresponding with anmian, nnnunau,<br />

he commands (him); and a corresponding<br />

relationship appears to exist<br />

Ijetween ussu, he acts, ussmi, he does<br />

it, and vmssin, he says, nihmntnm,<br />

Imissi-antam], he thinks<br />

much or habitually, he is minded or<br />

disposed (mmdntam, he aims at, C. ).<br />

See three.<br />

thirst, kohketmn, kuhkittta>n, he is<br />

thirsty; nnkkohhitlrmi, I thirst (/t/ccb/'-<br />

katone, I am thirsty, R. \\.; nukkdhktt-<br />

C); suppos. kohkmttaig, when he<br />

thirsts; noh kohkuttmg, one who thirsts;<br />

pi. neg kohkuttcogig, they who thirst, the<br />

thirsty;vbl. n. kohhittmnmonk, kdnkutla)nmonk,<br />

thirst. From kohnkan, kunkan,<br />

(it is) dry, and loan, mouth.<br />

thirty, nishwinchag {shwincheck, R. W.;<br />

nishwinnechak, pi. -suog, C. ; Peq. neezunchaug<br />

nauhvt piaugg (twenty-ten) and<br />

srmtnchaug, Stiles); an. pi. +kodlog;<br />

inan. pi. -\-kodtash.<br />

this, yen, this (thing); an. yenoh, this<br />

(man); pi. inan. yeush, an. yeag (yd,<br />

R. W. ): yeu nepauz, this month; yen<br />

kemkok, this day, to-day; yen unne, yeu<br />

in [yeuunni, C), thus, in this manner;<br />

yeu tvaj, for this cause; yeu or yewjeu,<br />

at this time, now; yen, at this place,<br />

here; yeunugque (toward this), hither<br />

{yd iveque, thus far; yowa, thus; yd<br />

nowekin, I dwell here; yd uiirlie, from<br />

hence, R.W.). Of. we, that,<br />

thistle, kogkuunogohquohhou. Cf. kihnik-<br />

kehtahwhau, he pricks or pierces.<br />

thither, j/ra«, yaen [yd en, to yonder];<br />

yen nogqiie in kah yd in, hither and<br />

thither; monrhi-th yeu vrntch, yaaiinh, go<br />

hence [go] to yonderplace, Matt. 1 7, 20.<br />

See yonder.<br />

thorn, kuus, a thorn, briar, bramble;<br />

asinnekmis, assunnekuus [haxxune-ki'mti,<br />

stony (very hard) briar], a thorn,<br />

thorn bush. Cf. m'iti^.?, an awl; m'niikm,<br />

a nail; kouhquodl, an arrow.


thoroughly, puniipjK. iiii,i„. whcil-<br />

ly. tlKiroughly. See thn.uj:li. fuibul-<br />

flir, jiiijitykodche (pditn'itclu . juniiiriilrjii'.<br />

K.W.), completely, tothefull. entirely,<br />

thoruiiirhly. papivjucuini:. utterly, th(.)r-<br />

oiifihly, completely.<br />

thou, heii{kehi); (inseparable! /.' ; knh-<br />

ho(j, thyself; kuttinne. thou tliyself, tu<br />

ipse, such as thou (see kind, n. ); knt-<br />

livihe, it is thine, it belongs to thee.<br />

thousand, miitlnimnnfi. mutlrimunil': j>l.<br />

an. mnll


tire—continued.<br />

koilche nussouiinum, I am very weary,<br />

C. ); suppos. noh sammuk, he who is<br />

weary; an. sauunumau, he tires (him);<br />

cans, sauunnumwahliuau, he causes<br />

(him) to be weary, makes (him) tired.<br />

to, alter verbs of motion, is expressed<br />

by tlie directive and locative .suffix 'I.<br />

(-tit, -at, -it) when the object is inani-<br />

mate, and by -oh, -uh when it is ani-<br />

mate, though -ut sometimes takes the<br />

place of -oh. en is used after a verb<br />

(_if motion or an active verb the activity<br />

(if wliich is directed toward, and not<br />

immediately upon, the object: annoas en<br />

Joppa, send to Joppa, Acts 10, 5. yean<br />

(yd en, to yonder), to, as far as: umtch<br />

. . . yean, from ... to.<br />

toad, tinnogkohtea.i, C. ; Abn. maskeke;<br />

cf. Chip, omakiki, a toad; omamakistt,<br />

'he has the smallpox'. Bar. See frog.<br />

tobacco, muttaniduog, R. W.; wuttainmasim,<br />

give me tobacco; iimtt&mmaijon,<br />

a pipe, ibid. ;<br />

Peq. wuttummunc, a pipe,<br />

Stiles; wuttoohjioaimweonish, tobacco, C.<br />

(cf. u-uttcohiippan, he draws water);<br />

Abn. Sd'aman; Micmac. lomahouee and<br />

lomakan, a pipe. See pipe.<br />

toe, pahchaseet (ci. polichanulche(j, finger);<br />

kehtequaseet, the great toe.<br />

together, moeu, moae, miyae, moe ( mn.ywe,<br />

C. ), lit. there is a gathering or assem-<br />

bling. See assemble; gather.<br />

tomorro'w, snup {sauop, R. W. ; a sav<br />

upp. Wood). See morrow.<br />

tongue, menaii. El. and C. ; pi. -\-ash;<br />

wenan, his tongue {iceennt, R. W.; Pel.<br />

witano, Hkw.; Miami u-ehlaneh; Sauk<br />

nenraneweh, Keating).<br />

too, too much, umssaume {wussdmme, C. ),<br />

very greatly, extremely, too: imuisaume<br />

iioolik, 'if the way V)e too long', if the<br />

place be too far off, Deut. 14, 24; irnssaume<br />

peagin, it is too small (wusmume<br />

kusdpita, too hot; comume sokemimmis,<br />

you have poured out too much, R. W. ).<br />

tooth, meepit, El. and C. ; neepil, my<br />

tooth (Peq. neebut, Stiles); weepit, his<br />

tooth (irepU, R. W. ) ; pi. -i-teash. From<br />

iippo), he eats; nnitual inan. nppiltmsh,<br />

they eat together. See eat.<br />

toothache, pummaumpiteuiirk, 'which<br />

is the onely paine will force their stout<br />

toothache—continued.<br />

hearts to cry', R. \V.; Del. u' uijtitiiie,<br />

I have the toothache, Hkw.<br />

top, wanashque, on the top; vlil. n. n-an-<br />

ashqiionk, the top or .summit : innuixhqiie<br />

iriiltiiiirohhiin, (in the top of his staff;<br />

iraiiiisliijiiiiilfiiiiiii iiadchrmt, (when)<br />

upon the tup of the mountain, Ezek.<br />

wimachikomuk \_wanashque-koniuk']<br />

6, 13 ;<br />

the chimney. Lit. at the end of; see<br />

end. woskeche, on the surface of: ii-os-<br />

kechepiskq, on the top of a rock, Ezek.<br />

24, 7; see surface, kodtuhkoe [kodtuh-<br />

koeii^, in a high place, on the summit of<br />

(a mountain or hill) : ul kodtuhk6e vmd-<br />

chuut, on the top of the mountain; sup-<br />

pos. kodtuhkoag, koduhkoag, kodohkoag,<br />

(when it is at) the top, a high place; see<br />

high place, kuhkuhquug, kohkuhqnog<br />

[suppos. inan. from kiihkuhqueu, he goes<br />

up], the top or summit, also, a heap.<br />

torment, onkapunanau, he torments<br />

(him); ahque onkapimaneh, do not torment<br />

me, Luke 18, 28; pass, onkapu-<br />

nanoog, they were tortured, Heb. 11, 35;<br />

vbl. n act. onkapunnaonk, tormenting,<br />

torment inflicted; pass, onkapunanittu-<br />

onk, being tormented, torment endured.<br />

dwakomjKmaii, he suffers torment,<br />

is toruK'ntcd; act. he torments (him);<br />

vbl. n. iiinrakdiiijuiiKJoiik, torment; v. i.<br />

a.ct.diiukuiiipaunasu, he inflicts torture,<br />

torments.<br />

torn. See tear.<br />

tortoise, Imiaippnsog, Lev. 11. 29. See<br />

turtle.<br />

torture. See torment.<br />

totem. This word is a corruption from<br />

irntiililae, wutohtu. See "•»^.<br />

touch, mussinum, mitsunum, mussunum<br />

(mismmm, C), he touches (it); nummussinum,<br />

I touch; ahque mwsinuniaik,<br />

do not touch (it), touch ye (it) not;<br />

suppos. noh masunuk, he who touches<br />

(it); an. mutsunan, he touches (him);<br />

suppos. noh masunont, he who touches<br />

(him) (vbl. n. mwsimnntbonk, touch,<br />

C).<br />

tow, liashabp (n!t}idpimg, R. W, i. See<br />

flax.<br />

toward, nogque; ne nogquc, 'toward that<br />

way', El. Gr. 21; yen nnyque, hither;<br />

uuttinuhffuain nogque, I looked toward<br />



toward—continued.<br />

(it). From uuhqaani, he looks or turns<br />

his face to. See look.<br />

towel, cliisklienilcholihou. From chiskhant,<br />

jiakham, he wipes, and nutch, hand.<br />

town, otaii, pi. otaiuish (otAn, R. W. ; olan-<br />

ick, to the town, ibid. ; Del. othiink, to<br />

the town, Hkw.); dimin. otanemes, a<br />

small town, a village.<br />

he<br />

sells, barters, trades. See sell, anaqushmi,<br />

hetriuiea; cinaqushdhHtich, letthem<br />

trade, kodhtinrompaxii, kodtauompcmi ,<br />

trade {rinuqnshhito, let us trade; anaqushauog<br />

(they trade), traders; mouanaqu-<br />

shauog, chapmen, R. W. ; cf. anaquesu,<br />

)<br />

it is joined, he makes a joint, nuttommattimun,<br />

we bargain; mim-mahttmmnot-<br />

timun, we have bargained, C. ; cf. vnttottowam,<br />

I buy, ibid.; adtuau, he buys<br />

of (him). El.<br />

trap (n. ), appeh, ahpeh, appehhan, a snare,<br />

a trap (apihana, traps; V'uskapehana,<br />

new traps; eatauhana, old traps, E. W. )<br />

pi. appehhanog, appehe.onog. From pali-<br />

heau, up-paheaii, he waits for (him);<br />

suppos. noh pahhit, he who waits for;<br />

niippaih, I wait for ( him ) .<br />

minnuckhig,<br />

a. falling trap for wolves, R. W. 14.S.<br />

trap (v.), puUahhiim, he is taken in a<br />

snare, he goes into a snare or trap<br />

[petaw, he puts in, he is put in, and<br />

-mm, he goes ( verb of motion ) ] ; puttah-<br />

Immvog, they are ensnared or caught.<br />

Job .34, .30; an. puttahu-hav, he traps<br />

(him), ensnares (him), and pa.ss. he is<br />

entrapped; putlalt'irvhuog, they are<br />

caught in snares, are entrapped; iioli<br />

pidliilihik. he who is ensnared, trapped;<br />

vtil. n. iKittiililidmcoonk, entrapping,<br />

catching in a trap.<br />

travail. See bearV-hiliiren.<br />

travel. See walk.<br />

tray, iniK/imik, a dish, 'platter' {wmi-<br />

iiHiiij, tray; pi. ^anaah, R. W. ); wvii-<br />

iiongaiiit, in the dish. Cf. wdnogq, a<br />

hole; fyn-imogku, he digs a hole (hollows<br />

out?).'<br />

treachery. See betray.<br />

tread on, taskuhkom, freq. tattaskuJikoin,<br />

he treads on (it); snppos. tasknihkog,<br />

tathtslikukog, when he treads on (it);<br />

an. iKxknhkauau, he treads on (him)<br />

(mill vKltahtAskuhkauiih, he treads on<br />

;<br />

tread on—continued.<br />

him, C. ). ohpuntu, he treads on, sets<br />

his feet on (it), walks on (it).<br />

treasure, nompnkou, a precious thing, a<br />

treasure, a 'jewel'; pi. -iridiiiuli,<br />

tree, niehtiiij, mehtugq, malug (mintuck,<br />

R. W. ; mehtuk, C. ; Peq. a'tucknh, Stiles;<br />

Del. hittuck, Hkw.); pi. mehtugquash,<br />

matugquash; dimin. mehtugques, mehtugqiiemes,<br />

a small tree (timhtookoomes, a<br />

stick, C. ) ; pi. mehtiigkcDiiieMiah, twigs,<br />

'rods'. Gen. 30, 37. The radical is 'h'tug<br />

or 'Ktuk (the initial Hi' being the indefi-<br />

nite particle), as is apparent in the<br />

compounds, where 'tree' or 'wood' is<br />

expressed by -uhtug, and sometimes<br />

(terminally) by -unk or -iilmk: tnis-<br />

ncoimk, musscounk, a dry tree, Ezek. 17,<br />

24; 20, 47 [niussco, it is dried] (Abn.<br />

mesaks ab&si., arbre sec, Rasles) ; as-<br />

kunkq, ashkuhnk, a green tree [askq, ash-<br />

kosh, green] (Abn. aresksnkS, Rasles);<br />

agwonk, under a tree, 1 Sam. 31, 13<br />

\_agim, below]; and ut kishkimk, under<br />

[kinhke, beside, near to?] a tree. Gen.<br />

18, 4, 8. See ash tree; oak tree; pine<br />

tree; poplar tree; sassafras tree; walnut<br />

tree; willow tree.<br />

tremble, nunnukkushau, nunnukshau, he<br />

trembles (iiunnukktshom, I tremble,<br />

C. ) ; suppos. noh nanukshont, he who<br />

trembles; vbl. n. mmnukshdonk, trembling.<br />

From uimmikkviiiim, he shakes<br />

(it), with 'sh of derogation.<br />

tribe, cltippanmonk, chippdiKmronk. From<br />

cliippanan, he separates or divides<br />

(them); vbl. n. chippanmonk, a divid-<br />

ing, division, or separation, rhippisnuog<br />

(they separate themselves, they are sep-<br />

arated), a people, a tribe.<br />

tribute, ompwunnau, he pays tribute to,<br />

he is tributary to (him); suffix wntompiniiiah,<br />

he paid him tribute, he 'gave<br />

him presents', 2 K. 17, 3; vbl. n. ompirann&onk<br />

and oinpelttmonk, ompinet£aonk<br />

{ompehteaonk, C. ), tribute; n. agent.<br />

ompwetsaen, ompeteaen -in, a tributary,<br />

a payer of tribute; m6iintini


trifle, chogq. See sjjot.<br />

trouble, wuUamantam, he is troubled,<br />

disturbed, he has care or trouble; 7109-<br />

tamantam, I am troubled (nitop, notanimdimtam,<br />

'friend, I am busy', R. W. );<br />

caus. an. wuttainehhcau, he troubles,<br />

disturbs (him), he gives him trouble,<br />

makes him trouble (nmlamehhuimm, I<br />

hinder, C. ; kotammish, I hinder you;<br />

cotamme, cotammume, you trouble me,<br />

R. W. ) ; caus. inan. vmitamehteau, he<br />

troubles (it), makes (it) trouble or dis-<br />

turbance; wutamehpunaonk, trouble.<br />

trout, mishguskou, C.<br />

true, truth, wunnomumi, he speaks<br />

truth; nmnomwam, Ispeak truth, 1 Tim.<br />

2, 7; suppos. inmnomtmeet/an, if I speak<br />

truth {wunnamnwayemi, if he say true;<br />

tmnndiimtvagh, speak thou the truth;<br />

umnndumwaw ewb, he speaks true, R.<br />

W. ); vbl. n. wunnomwdyeuonk, a truth;<br />

? bidtogh {neemeecUck,<br />

R. W. ; Peq. iwezunchage or phigg nau-<br />

but pdugg (ten plus ten), Stiles; Del.<br />

it is true); adv. timnrmmuhqut, truly, >dscMnakhki; Abn. nmneski).<br />

verily; tounnamuhquttei/eum, (it) is true; twice, neesit ( when there are two ) : pasiik-<br />

pi. -yeuosh, (they) are true; vbl. n. imnqut asuh neesit, once or twice; neesoawudt '<br />

neesit nompe, when it was doubled twice,<br />

Gen. 41, 32; neese tahshe, suppos. 'jifewY<br />

tahshin, twice as much.<br />

twins, tagu'osu weechau, 'twins were in<br />

her womb', she bore twins, (Jen. 38,<br />

27; togqiioiisumog, there were twins.<br />

Gen. 25, 24 (fogquos, ogquos, a twin,<br />

pi. +siiog, C. ; tackquiuwock, twins, R.<br />

W.)<br />

twist, tuppinohteau, freq. tuttuppjennohteau,<br />

he spins or twists, caus. inan. from<br />

lattuppiinau , fatuppineau, it is twisted<br />

(turned or rolled around) ; tuttuppun,<br />

tatuppiii (spun, twisted), a twisted<br />

thread or string; sometimes tuttuppuno-<br />

ahlog, that which is twisted or made to<br />

twist. From taiupj)e, equal, alike;<br />

tatuppehteav , he makes it equal, equal-<br />

izes it, P.s. 33, 15. Cf. taluppeqvrnium,<br />

he rolls (it).<br />

twisted (tortuous), pepemsqiie (peniia-<br />

qudi, crooked or winding, R. W. ). See<br />

crooked.<br />

two, neese, nees, pi. an. neesuog, inan. twe-<br />

sinash (nehse, neise, nees, pi. an. neestmck,<br />

inan. neenash, R. W.; Peq. nah, neese.<br />

Stiles). See twice.


unable, nmnnm, nmnarnim, I am unable,<br />

I can not, and he is unable, he can not;<br />

nmnonamumun, we are notable (noiid-<br />

niim, nodnsliem, I can not, R.W. ; nconat,<br />

to be wanting or defective, C. )• Cf.<br />

nmchumun, weak; matUmum, he is unworthy,<br />

Mark 1, 7. I'mheau, he could<br />

not, Judg. 1, 19. matta tapenum, he is<br />

not able, he can not; matta iapenumm, it<br />

can not, it is unable; from tdpi, taupi,<br />

enough, sufficient; tapenum, he suffices<br />

for, can.<br />

unbind, ompenniii, he unbinds (him).<br />

See loose.<br />

uncle, v-ussissex, trussusses, his unrle<br />

( cosheshi, an uncle, C. ; wussese, R. W . )<br />

nwmsses, my uncle; ummittamvussuh<br />

(Dshesoh, the wife of his uncle (Muh.<br />

nsase, (my) uncle by the father's side;<br />

iiuchehque, (my i uncle by the mother's<br />

side, Edw. ).<br />

unclean, iiishkeneunkrpu; suppos. jiis/i-<br />

leneunkquodt, when it is unclean; an.<br />

nishkeneimkqussu, (he is) unclean; vlil.<br />

n. nishkeneunkqussuonk, (the doing of)<br />

uncleanness; cans. inan. mshketean, he<br />

makes (it) unclean, defiles it.<br />

uncover, wohsliiiiam, he uncovers<br />

(opens), poskinum, he lays bare.<br />

under, agivu, agive, it is below, underneath.<br />

See below.<br />

understand,<br />

See know.<br />

im/itmii, he understand.-.<br />

undesignedly, p ehchen ( ' unawares '<br />

Num. ?..5, 11; Gal. 2, 4).<br />

unexpectedly, tiadchu. See suddenly.<br />

unless, knttiiiiiiiiii (kittumma, C. ; kottutne,<br />

knttiimiua, C. Mather).<br />

until, pajeh; yeu pajeh, until now; no<br />

pajfh, toh pajeh {v6 pajeh, ndpaj, C),<br />

until that, until.<br />

, ;<br />

u<br />

unto (as far as), vehqiie (yb u-iqne.<br />

far, R. W. )<br />

See end.<br />

[wuhkoeu, at the end<br />

up. See go; lift up; spring up.<br />

upper, knhkukqiif, almve, upper,<br />

ascend; go.<br />

upper part, imskrrhr. See surface;<br />

thus<br />

of].<br />

See<br />

top.<br />

upright, .s'„y//

vainly, Inhnmclie.<br />

valiant, kenoiiipue, valiant, valiantly; ke-<br />

iiiiiiijK'iotil; vaXoi; keiKiiiijtdiiinihji'ixKHonk-,<br />

lioldness, C. Cf. keiiomji, a captain,<br />

John 18, 12; keenomp and inuckquonip,<br />

a captain or valiant man, R. W. See<br />

captain, meimhkesii, memihke ussti, he<br />

does valiantly (he is strong, powerful,<br />

in action); meniihkemeii, a "mighty<br />

man of valor', 2 Chr. .32, 21. n-ntlmnantamoonk,<br />

'valor', Man. Pom. 86.<br />

valley, mndahkm, amouohkoi, mconokdiyea<br />

{oonomi'ohkfxil, pi. -i-i/euash, C. ): en<br />

mnouhki'iriinw, into the valley, into the<br />

low country [ajiHii-nlikf, deep or low<br />

land].<br />

value, wuncoham, he values, fixes the<br />

value of (it); mumhainun, he values it;<br />

an. ininmhiiii, he values him, estimates<br />

his value (for ransom); vbl. n. ininaj-<br />

lumicooitk, a valuing, valuation, estimated<br />

value. See ransom.<br />

vanish, mohtiqwhteau, mohtuppaeu, it<br />

\-anishes, passes away. See consume;<br />

fade; pass away.<br />

vapor, oiiirdii, mist, vapor, mshkentui,<br />

collect, nishkenunk, mist, fog, tine rain.<br />

pukkuttaemes [dimin. from pvkkut,<br />

smoke], vapor, mist.<br />

vast. See great.<br />

veil, otikquerpiohhoii, -hm. a veil {onkqiieek-<br />

hm, a hat, C. ); vbl. n. caus. from onkvhav,<br />

he covers (him), he is covered:<br />

onquequoldtoii , 'he covered his face'<br />

{}icdttiler.im ireei/om, I long for venison,<br />

R. W.). See flesh.<br />

very, ahche, very much, exceedingly;<br />

muttae, mcocheke, much, very much;<br />

vussauiiie, too much, too, very [navprh.<br />

very; nanjiehpeatrag, least, very small;<br />

ahche and pefituh, very, C. ).<br />


A^<br />

vessel, irixkq, irisq, 7iiisJiq (irpaskq, C ), a<br />

dish, pot, or vrs.-^el: irishiiiiic jiiiiuiiice,a,<br />

pot of oil; iiii/.i.-,,inxli,iin,,lf, 'in old bot-<br />

tles' (when the vc^^scUh. ,1(1). Ci.ohkuk,<br />

earthen pot, kettle; qadnaoask Iqunni-<br />

wiskij, long vessel], bottle, wiskq or<br />

weaskq was the name for any dish or<br />

vessel made from a gourd or other<br />

of the Cucurl)itace!e, asq, (i.vpiash. See<br />

gourd; scpiasli.<br />

vessel (boat). See boat; shallop; ship.<br />

vex, nimxqKeheau, mcosqheau, he vexes<br />

him. Caus. an. from musquanumaii, he<br />

is angry with (him) (?). See provoke.<br />

victory, .solikmuiu, he prevailsover (him )<br />

lie obtains the victory; v. i. an. mhk6-ii(,<br />

he conquers, he has the victory; sup-<br />

pos. noh solikaasit, he who is victorious;<br />

vbl. n. sohkohsiionk, sohkauxKonk, viiv<br />

tory. See prevail over.<br />

vieiw, kuhkhmeam, kohkinnum, he ob-<br />

serves, notices, marks (it); kuhkinneasu,<br />

lie marks it (nukkeehkcneam, I view;<br />



voice, iradUiiKitoiikfjHssurnik vuttavatonk-<br />

qiissuonk [ the making a sound), a voice,<br />

noise, sound; a»radtauatonhjnssuoiik,<br />

his voice, [tut for the noise of the sea.<br />

Is. 17, 12; the sound of wheels, Ezek.<br />

3, 13, etc. mishonta/wati, he makes a<br />

loud nois6, lifts up his voice, shouts;<br />

adj. and adv. mishontrntiKie, with a loud<br />

voice, loud-sounding [mi!


wampum, wompam.—continued.<br />

English by the name wampum or wampumpeage.<br />

vjompam, the white beads<br />

'which they make of the stem . . .<br />

or stock of the periwinkle [Pyrula<br />

carica or P. canaliculata Say] which<br />

they call meteaHhock when all the<br />

shell is broken off', R. W. 128:<br />

irau6mpeg or wauompesichick-mesim,<br />

give me white (money), ibid. "A<br />

kind of beads . . . which they call<br />

immpam-peak ... of two sorts . . .<br />

white and ... of a violet colour",<br />

Morton, N. E. Canaan. Abn. Saii-<br />

baiihi, pi. -bialc, white beads; segan-<br />

hi^-hmk, black beads; Sanbigan, -nak,<br />

'canon de porcelaine', Easles. The<br />

primitive umpeag or ompek, 'that which<br />

pays tribute', may be traced in Eliot's<br />

translation in such compounds aa nemoinpaiil<br />

Inemunum-ompai], 'he hath<br />

taken a bag of money', Prov. 7, 20;<br />

oswwuiinompacheg, 'money changers'.<br />

Matt. 21, 12, etc. suckauhock (imir-<br />

Jiackus, Wood), 'their black [money],<br />

sdc/ri signifying black', R. W.; suckau-<br />

hock, nausakesacMck, ' the blackmoney '<br />

siickatianafmirk, the black shells; suck-<br />

(iiKi.-'h'.sKijiiiisji [xiicki-trnskesukquashl,<br />

the lilack eyes or that part of the shell-<br />

fish called poquauhock (or heiu) [(pui-<br />

huHg, round clam, Venus mercenaria],<br />

broken out near the eyes, of which<br />

they make the black [or rather dark-<br />

colored, purple, 'black inclining to<br />

blue'] money', ibid, nqnittompeg,<br />

' one fathom of their stringed money '<br />

nees-aumpaugatuck, two fathoms, etc.;<br />

enomph&mmin, 'to thread or string',<br />

' thread or string these ' ; iiatouwSmpUm,<br />

' a coiner or minter ' (a maker of wampum<br />

) ; natouwdmpitees, ' make money or<br />

coin', R.W. See scatter.<br />

wander, nammyeu, he wanders, goes<br />

astray {noh nanmusshau, he wanders,<br />

C), i. e. he goes at large (cf. nanwe,<br />

general, any, common) , he loses him-<br />

self, waudnit, uddmi, u-Oonv, he goes<br />

astray; neg wauonitcheg, they who go<br />

astray {wdwdncMck, wandering, C. ; u-a-<br />

inmnuog, they wander, ibid. ). Cf. iraee-<br />

»u, round about.<br />

want, ' ijuenmiat or namai, to lie wanting<br />

or defective'; quenaxixidte, necessarily<br />

; ;<br />

want—continued.<br />

(suppos., when it is wanting), C. ;<br />

que-<br />

nauet, 'impers. verb, it is necessary',<br />

Exp. Mayhew. An. pasukquemnurussu,<br />

one (man) is lacking; u-annequeii.a((inM-<br />

."«(/( ;)a.9MA-, not one (man) islacking,Num.<br />

31, 49; quenaim-ehik, quenaihhukqnoli,<br />

quenakuk, quenmiwdhik, he lacks, is in<br />

need or want of ( it) :<br />

wanne quenamo&hikm,<br />

he had no lack, 2 Cor. 8, 15; paswi<br />

kukquenauhik, one thing thou lackest,<br />

Mark 10, 21; Luke 18, 22; kukqumaUikumuw,<br />

ye lack (it), Phil. 4, 10 (luikquenauwihMk,<br />

I want, C. ; matta nickque-<br />

Mck, I want it not, R. W.); suppos.<br />

quenanhikqiiil, if helack (it) ;<br />

quenahnk-<br />

quehettit. when they were in want of,<br />

when they lacked (it), John 2, 3; vbl. n.<br />

quenauu-ehikmonk, quendhikmonk, a lack-<br />

ing, wanting, lack of (cf. matta teng<br />

nukquentamcomim, we missed nothing,<br />

1 Sam.25, 1.5; mo teag quentamm, nothing<br />

was missed, 1 Sam. 25, 21; quencaimn,<br />

he denies (him); quenaowantam, he<br />

denies (it); guejiOicdHoj', they complain,<br />

R.W. ; tdirhitchqueytau-dyea-nf why complain<br />

you? ibid.). Freq. quequenauanumau,<br />

he is in great want, need, or difficulty:<br />

quequeuananumdog, 'they were<br />

in a strait', 'were distressed', 1 Sam.<br />

13, 6; vbl. n. quequanaiidnumdonk, diffi-<br />

culty, 'distress', Ifeh. 2, 17.<br />

war, ayeuuhtedn, ayeuiLiMtau, he makes<br />

war, engages in war, tights; phh kuta-<br />

i/euwehteam, thou shalt make war;<br />

ayenhtedhitash, make thou war, Prov.<br />

20, 18 (Jiihetteke, fight ye; juhettltlea, let<br />

us fight, R. W. ; ) n. agent, ayndeaen-m,<br />

one who makes war, a fighter, a ' man<br />

of war'. Josh. 17, 1; vbl. n. ayeutcaonk,<br />

ayeiiimtti'ionk, warring, fighting, war.<br />

See fight, ayeuuhkonau, he wars<br />

against, makes war on (him); mut.<br />

ayeuuhkonlttiiog (they are mutually op-<br />

posed), they make war on each other;<br />

suppos. neg ayeuqueagig, they who are<br />

opposed, adversaries. See opposite.<br />

ayeuteaoiitmtriioiik [noise of war, ayeunlt-<br />

tede-ontma-aonk'], an alarm of war, Jer.<br />

4, 19 (irairirhaittov:ai.i:duatiyit, "tis an<br />

alami', R. W. ).<br />

warm. See hot.<br />

wash, kiitr)i!sxilt(iii. he washe.-* (it);<br />

kiitchuaittaif^h kugKeetash, wash thy feet;


wash—continued.<br />

vbl. n. ktitchissUtuonk, washing ( of inan.<br />

obj.); an. kutchissumau (-inco), lie<br />

washes (himself or another person )<br />

nuk-kutclnsnuiii, I wash myself (uiikkiti-<br />

SJHH, I wash, C); kutchissumuti^h (kiltmumwtsh,<br />

C), wa.sh thyself; vbl. n.<br />

kutchmum6onk, washing (of an. obj.).<br />

waste. See barren; empty; fade,<br />

watch, 'ixkuhfiniii, he watcheH or waits<br />

for (it); ankidilittmiroi/, they watch or<br />

wait for (it); v. i. askuhu-ehteau, mkuhwheteaii,<br />

he watches, waits; askuh-<br />

v'heteagk, watch ye; uidaskwHeam, I<br />

watch, Ps. 102, 7; n. agent, askuhwhete-<br />

aen-in, a watchman; vbl. n. askiihwhetaonk,<br />

watching, a watch; adj. and<br />

adv. (iskuhwheteae komuk, watcli tower.<br />

Cans, from iiskiiii,<br />

raw.<br />

it is not yet. See<br />

water, iiippe, nuppe; pi. nippeash {nip,<br />

R. W.; vupp, nupph, Stiles; matmippenof<br />

have you no water? R. W. ; Muh.<br />

nbey, Edw. ; Chip, nebhi, Edw. ; veehi,<br />

Sch.; nipi, Keating; Abn. nehi); matia<br />

nippeno, wanne nuppeno, there is no wa-<br />

ter; yen nippe, 'here is water'. Acts 8,<br />

36; viippeuiitchnippekonUi, 'water from<br />

[among the] w'ater'. Gen. 1, 6; dhnin.<br />

nippis^e, nips (niphrese, R. AV.; nij/pii,<br />

Mass. Ps. ), a small quantity or body of<br />

water, a pond or small lake: inippi&v<br />

iiippe, 'water of the pool'. Is. 22, 11; p].<br />

niippemah, ponds; double dimin. nip-<br />

peemcs, nippemes, a little water (as for<br />

drinking). The radical is 'pe or 'pi'i,<br />

to which is prefixed the «' demonstra-<br />

tive, n'pe, or, as Edwards gives if( for<br />

the Mohegan ) , nbey. This root is iden-<br />

tical with or related to appu, he sits,<br />

stays, remains, and distinguishes water<br />

at rest, standing water, or placed water,<br />


weary, .iiiiifniinii. lie is weary, tired. See<br />

tire.<br />

Peij. 'i'»i;(cts//, Stiles. See fisher;<br />

marten.<br />

weather, wunnuhquodt, (when it is) fair<br />

weather (tmnnohquat, pleasant weather,<br />

_ weasel,<br />

0.) [mmne, goodl. iiie.kineauq&at, fair<br />

weather; wekinnAuquocks, when it is fair<br />

weather, E. W.; wekeneankquat, warm<br />

weather, C. pohkohquodt, (when it is)<br />

clear, in a clear day [pohkok, the clear<br />

sky] {pduqui, pduquaqudt, ' it holds up '<br />

the weather clears, R. W. ) . tohkokquok,<br />

(when it is) cold (lahki, tdtakki, cold<br />

weather; iaukocks, cold weather, R. W. )<br />

uKttohquvdt, (when it is) cloudy weather<br />

( in&Uaqual or kuppaquat, it is overcast,<br />

R.W. ); matohquokish,' in aday of rain',<br />

Ezek. 1 , 28 [matokqs, a cloud] . onkquoh-<br />

quodt, 'lowering'. Matt. 16, 3 {onnoh-<br />

quat, raining, C. ; dnaquat, rain, R. W. ).<br />

>inxsi'i)tfiii), he marrie.s.<br />

weed, iiKiiiaskiiiiiit'iiiiiit, R. W. See hoe.<br />

weep. Sec cry; ii]')urn.<br />

weig-h, quUijinpijijIuvtau, lie weighs (it)<br />

(noh quttompaghcotoo nashpe qultooheg,<br />

he weighs by the pound, C. ; ) suppos.<br />

inan. qnttompaghcoteg, when it weighs, a<br />

balance, 'weights', Deut. 25, 13 (vbl. n.<br />

quttompaghaitoonk, weighing, C. ) . From<br />

quttaueu, it sinks down(?). Cf. qnttiih-<br />

hain, he measures,<br />

weig-hty, lohkequn. See heavy,<br />

welcome, koonepmm, (thou art) welcmie,<br />

C.<br />

well (adj.), kungketeau, he is well; ri.^y-<br />

kiiitgketeau? is he yet well? (kongkec-<br />

Ifdug, they are well, R. W.; mn imm-<br />

iinhkeleaonkcmiiu? is it a healthy time?;<br />

nultaniikkO vmnnikkeleam, I am pretty<br />

well; toll kuttinukkitgam/ how do you<br />

do?C.).<br />

well (adv.), wunne, winne, (it is) well;<br />

munneitu [ivunne-xtssuj, he acts or does<br />

. ,<br />


well—continued.<br />

well; wimneneheau, he does well to<br />

(him), treats (him) well (cans, an.,<br />

makes it well to him). See conduct<br />

one's self; good.<br />

well (n. ), uiMahhamonk, a well; isthamonk,<br />

his well. See wet.<br />

west. See northwest.<br />

west wind, papdnetin, R. W.; cf. papone,<br />

popon, winter. See northwest.<br />

wet, wuttogki, (it is wet) 'moisture',<br />

Luke 8, 6 (vnUtapdhquol, wet (weather);<br />

an. ncotagkes, I am wet; wuttagkesinneat,<br />

to be wet, C. ;<br />

Peq. wuttuggio eyew keezuk<br />

weenugh, wet today, very. Stiles), og-<br />

qushk-i, (it is) wet, moist; ogqvshkaj, let<br />

it be wet, Dan. 4, 15.<br />

whale, jxstdop, paotah, potab [pcotab, (_'.;<br />

poUjp, R. W.; Peq. podumbaug, jnidinii-<br />

haug, Stiles; Del. rn'bmk, Hkw.) [pa>-<br />



while—continued.<br />

pomantoij, 'all the days of his life', bo<br />

long as he may live, 2 K. 25, 30. agh<br />

('adv. of continuation', 'still'. El. Gr.<br />

21), while, during the continuance of:<br />

ashpdme, ashpummen, while yet, before<br />

the completion or termination of (as-<br />

pummeu'i, he is not gone by, R. W. ).<br />

See walk.<br />

whippoorwiU, Pecj. mvckko-irheesfe,<br />

Stile.':!.<br />

whirl, pepemsqushau, he or it whirls about<br />

(of the wind, Eccl. 1, 6); freq. from<br />

jit'insijKui. it is crooked or tortuous.<br />

whirlwind, pemsquoh, it twists about, it<br />

wliirls. See whirl.<br />

white, irompi, (there is) white; pi. wom-<br />

phjeuanh, white (things); vompiyeum, it<br />

is white. El. Gr. 16; v. i. an. wompesu,<br />

(he is) white; nootvompes, I am white<br />

(wompi, R. W. and C; Peq. wumbiow,<br />

Stiles; Del. wape, Hkw.; Alg. loabi;<br />

Abn. wapiyo; L. I. u-mnpayo; dimin.<br />

wompishocki, gray (whitish); wompe-<br />

Tchheeae, pale, C. ); suppos. inan. wmn-<br />

pay, when it is white, (that which is)<br />

white; brightness, bright daylight: ne<br />

vniiipin/ w66u, the white of an egg.<br />

whither, toll noh; uttoh, to what, where-<br />

unto, whither, how; toll nogqiieu, Ps.<br />

139, 7. See whence.<br />

who, relat. noh, he who; interrog. howa/i.<br />

[c)ri,-iiiinl, any he.] See any.<br />

wholly, papanuppe: papaquanne,v.tter\y<br />

; , ;<br />

completely; see thoroughly, wame<br />

(omnino); see all. mdmusse (ex toto;<br />

mamiisseySue, W'holly, C. ).<br />

whortleberry, aUitdash (pi.), R. W.<br />

.aniaash. ibid. (?).<br />

why (interrog.), toll irvtchf, toh waj.<br />

wicked, uiotchrton [iiiatclie-ohtau], he is<br />

wicked, inherently liad; matchesu [mal-<br />

i-Ih-iisxii}, lie if- wicked, acts badlv. See<br />

bad.<br />

wide, iiiishoiioyod, mishonogok, (w'hen it<br />

is) wide, broad. Matt. 7, 13(?).<br />

widow, sekousq, pi. sekousquaog (segousquaiv,<br />

R. W. ; sek&uishq, C. ). From<br />

sequnau, he remains behind, is left,<br />

or asiihkau, he goes after, and sqnn,<br />

woman.<br />

widower, srijano, R. W. [amihkauau ?]<br />

m„hkn,ll,thi-n,, V.<br />

width, III' koxlikag, the width or Vjreadth<br />

of it. See breadth.<br />

j wife,<br />

)<br />

iiiitliiiiiiiiis, iiiittiimiriissis, a woman,<br />

a wife (mulier, uxor); numndttatmims,<br />

my wife; kummittamums, thy wife; um-<br />

miltaminissoh, his wife, the wife of {m'd-<br />

tamus, R. W.; kommittamus or koinecmi,<br />

your wife; nummUtamus or nuUoymia,<br />

my wife, ibid. ;<br />

himmittumus, j'our wife,<br />

C. ; suppos. mittamttmgslt, if she be, or<br />

when she is, the wife of; indef. ummit-<br />

taiiiii^nssin, a wife, any wife, 1 Cor. 7,<br />

10; V. act. ummitlamwussu, ummittamicus-<br />

sissu, he takes to wife, takes as a wife<br />

(cf. noh nmsso, she is a man's wife.<br />

Gen. 20, 3; wussentam, he marries, R.<br />

W. ; wuskittamvms, a young woman<br />

[wuske, young] ). nequt mkauau, he has<br />

one wife, 1 Tim. 3, 2 (see Rasles, s. v.<br />

homme). vehco, a wife; noweewo, my<br />

wife, R. W. Narr. nehyewgh, my wife;<br />

wenygh, woman, Stiles. Abn. phdi-<br />

nf»i*, femme, Rasles.<br />

[•Compiler's note.—"Can this be a (-orrup<br />

tion of the French?"]<br />

wild, chachepism, (he is) fierce, R. W.,<br />

wild, C. See fierce, sassakusauc . . .<br />

puppinashimwog, wild beasts, Mass. Ps.,<br />

Ps. 50, 11; touohkomukque puppinashiin,<br />

wild beast, i. e. beast of the wilderness.<br />

El.<br />

wildcat, pjiissoiigh, R. W. ; pessoir, Judd,<br />

Gen. Reg. xi, 219.<br />

wilderness, /oMo/iA-o??H(l' (deserted or soli-<br />

tary place). See forest.<br />

will (auxil.), pwh, {pilch, H.W.) 'aword<br />

signifying futurity'. El. Gr. 20, which<br />

is prefixed to verbs in the indiciitive to<br />

form the simple future tense. Strictly<br />

regarded, it is a unipensonal or defec-<br />

tive verb, signifying 'there will be'.<br />

Cf . pd, ' let me be paj, pajeh, until<br />

' ;<br />

peyaush (imperat. ), come thou; as, pd<br />

nmivaantam, let me be wise, El. Gr. 25;<br />

pish nmvxiantani, I will be wise; pajeh<br />

nmwaantam, until I am (will be) wise.<br />

will (v.), unndntam, andnlam, he wills,<br />

purposes, intends, etc. See think,<br />

willingly, unnaniamwe.<br />

•willo'w tree, aninrnmissukuppe, anumums-<br />

sikkup {(mumussukuppe, Mass. Ps. ).<br />

win (v.), tummuhhouonat, 'to obtain', 1<br />

Cor. 9, 25 (?). Cf. attumunum, he re-<br />

ceives (it). See earn,<br />

wind, vahan {ii:dpan, C. ; loadpi, pi.<br />

vdupanaah, R. W.; Peq. ivuttun. Stiles;<br />

Old Alg. lootiii, Lahontan; Chip, no-<br />



wind—continued.<br />

fhu;, McK. ). Cf. wa&beu, wadpu, it rises<br />

up; ivoppinnok, air, C. misMupan<br />

[inishc-wdpan'], a great wind, R. W.<br />

mishaowrjiin, a greatealm; aawepin, the<br />

wind ceased, Mark 4, 39 \_co-ioaban or<br />

wmdban (the neg. form), there was no<br />

wind] .<br />

ii'unndgehan or wunnigm wm'ipi,<br />

(there is) a fair wind; wanncgitch tinit-<br />

tin, when the wind is fair, R. W. mat-<br />

tdgehan, a cross wind; mattagehatch,<br />

when the wind is cross, ibid. See<br />

driven by the wind; east; north;<br />

northeast wind; northwest; southeast<br />

wind; south wind; west wind.<br />

wind about, looweausiiin, it winds about,<br />

a winding about, Ezek. 41, 7. See<br />

around.<br />

window, kenogkoneg, kenogkeneg (kenag-<br />

Mnneg, a glass window; kunnatequa-<br />

nick, C. ).<br />

wing, timnnuppoh, (his) wing, the wing<br />

or wings of: pagukwunnuppoh, one w-ing<br />

of {viinnuppoh, pi. +whunash,C.; %vun-<br />

nup, pi. -\-pash, R. W. ) ; also n-unnuppohwhimoh,<br />

wunnupwkunoh, the wing or<br />

wings of: pasukwunnuppohtohunoh, one<br />

wing of; wunnuppuhmhunduh, their<br />

wings, the wings of (them); niippoh-<br />

u-tmau (he has wings), 'having wings'.<br />

Is. 6,2; yaidnne.puhvhunau, having four<br />

wings, Ezek. 1, 6. From neepoh, neepati,<br />

he rises up; cans, inan., it makes<br />

rise up; umnnuppuhwhun/mh, for inin-<br />

neep-uhhauun-ouh, they cause them to<br />

rise ('their wings').<br />

winter, pSpon {papdne, R. W.; Abn.<br />

pebSn; Old. Alg. pipomi, Lahontan; Ottawa,<br />

/»ip(5n; Chip. peebdn,pipoon; Muh.<br />

hpoon, Edw.). See seasons.<br />

wipe, chiskham, jiskham, he wipes (it);<br />

inan. pi. iimtchiskhftmunash, she wiped<br />

them, Luke 7, 28 {nut-jeeskham, I wipe,<br />

C. ).<br />

towel.<br />

From chekham, he sweeps. See<br />

wise, waantam, he is wise (tmuontam, a<br />

wise man or counselor; suppos. pi.<br />

wauontakick, wise men, R. W.); ncowaanlam,<br />

I am wise; loaantash, be thou<br />

wise; JWrtHtaj, let him be wi.se; suppos.<br />

waantog, if he be wise; noh waantog, he<br />

who is wise; vbi. n. widitiamouonk, wisdom,<br />

being wise. From vahruh, ircih-<br />

eau, he knows, and (iiumtam, he has in<br />

mind, is minded (?). Uiupoirnir, a wise<br />

wise—continued.<br />

speaker; pi. taupoimuog, their wi.se<br />

men, R. W. See priest.<br />

wish, iioiitux'cmtam, he wishes; iiua-<br />

liiinliiyijiititm, I wish, C. kodtantam,<br />

he wishes for, he desires (it). See de-<br />

sire; would that.<br />

viritch.,.k6sji.kquom, Deut. 18, 10. panwau, a<br />

wizard or witch, a sorcerer; fem. pau-<br />

wA^q, witch, 'sorceress', Is. 57, 3; see<br />

priest, mamoiitam, a diviner, a wizard;<br />

iiioiH'tiKink, 'divination', Deut. 18, 10;<br />

inamoiitumaioiik, 'enchantment' {inaa-<br />

neiu, a conjurer, R. W. ).<br />

with, nashpe, with, by, by means of (an<br />

inan. object) {ndshpe, hy, C). weeche,<br />

with, in company with (a person or an.<br />

object): kco-weeche ivcomf:eunsh, I go<br />

down with thee, Gen. 46, 4.<br />

wither, ahpcoteau, uhpooieau, it withers;<br />

(dries up?); pi. ahpmtaash, uppooiamh,<br />

they wither; an. uppmsuog, they<br />

wither; cf. appmsu, he cooks, he ia<br />

baked, roasted (ap'ifsumma, warm this<br />

for me, R. W.).<br />

withhold, kogk/hmum, he withholds<br />

(it); an. kogkdunumau, he withholds<br />

(it) from (him). See hold,<br />

within, andme (uniiommiyeu, C. ); en<br />

aiioiiie, en anoomut, in the inside of, in<br />

the inner part of; wutthmomhog, the entrails<br />

or inwards,<br />

without, u-oskeche. See outside; surface,<br />

poqandche, without, outside of (in<br />

the open air); suppos. pohgiuidckif,<br />

(when) outside, without, in open air<br />

{puckqi'ialchlck, R-W.). nxiiine, with-<br />

out (not liaving, destitute of). See no.<br />

witness, 'nnnmu, he bears witness,<br />

he testifies; (mmconaj, let it be a wit-<br />

ness or a testimony; suppos. neg ii-au-<br />

u-acheg, they who bear witness; vbl. n.<br />

wamvaonk, witnessing, testimony; n.<br />

agent. wamvaen-in,ii witness {wdwaenin,<br />

C. ); inan. obj. wauontam, wauwdontam,<br />

he bears witness to (it), he testifies to<br />

(it).<br />

wolf, mukquosMm, mummugquoshum<br />

{murkqiutshim, R. W. ; miikquXsshum, C;<br />

nattcohqiimiog, wolves, ibid.; nattmhgu.i,<br />

Mass. Ps., John 10, 12; natdqus, a<br />

wolf; moattdquit, a black wolf; natdqumhuiu-k,<br />

a wolf-skin coat, R. W.;<br />

Vi-q.. mueks, wolf, Stiles) {mogke-oaas,<br />

great animal]. Cf. Muh. mqiioli, bear.


woman, .s

write—ointinued.<br />

a book, etc. ; wusmikwMsiwnk, ( the act<br />

of) writing,<br />

wrong', parmeu, panneau, he is out of the<br />

way, perverae, he goes wrong; suppos.<br />

noh pannmnt, he who goes wrong;<br />

pannean, he erreth, Prov. 10. 17; v. i.<br />

yawn, toannehtau, he yawns or gapes at;<br />

nuUdaniiehtounkquog, they gape at me.<br />

Job 16, 10 (infinit. tdanidat, C. ; nuttoiwanneem,<br />

I gape, ibid. ; nuttddnemun, we<br />

gape, ibid.). Cf. toon, m'tam, mouth.<br />

yea. See yes.<br />

year, kodtumco; suppos. kOdtmncok, kddtumuk;<br />

pi. kodiummash (kodlummd, pi.<br />

-\-ash, C. ); adv. and adj. kodtumwae,<br />

yearly, of the year; kogkodtumwae,<br />

yearly, year after year, every year; yeu<br />

k6dtuma>k, this year (kakod, this year;<br />

tieyanat, last year, C. ); kodtumwohkom<br />

[kodtumm, with 'k progressive] he con-<br />

tinues or goes on for . . . years, he is<br />

. . . years old: Tuiboneese kodtumwohkom,<br />

she was twelve years of age, Mark<br />

5, 42 (toh kutteashekodtniiiiinhkoiji^ how<br />

many years old are you? <<br />

'. ; ii'/init, kmitummo,<br />

one year; neexi' knuU'iiiiiiKi, tun<br />

years; tahshe kautummof how many<br />

years? R. W.).<br />

yell, mnw, he yells; he howls; maush<br />

kah aathih, 'cry and howl', Ezek. 21, 12;<br />

mnwog, they yell, Jer. .51, 38 (of wild<br />

animals). Cf. anum, a dog.<br />

yellow, weesoe {wesaui, R. W. ). Cf. wee-<br />

sire, gall; ii:esogkon, bitter.<br />

yes, yea, 6 or 66, nasal; "but there being<br />

another Indian word of the same<br />

signification, viz, niir . . . the former<br />

is scarce ever used in writing", Exp.<br />

Mayhew. nux, yea, yes, verily, El.<br />

Gr. 21 (Narr. nuk. Stiles; nux, which<br />

"should rather be mikkies, in two syl-<br />

lables", Exp. Mayhew): nuxyeuooutch,<br />

let it be yea, James 5, 12.<br />

yesterday, wunnonkou, umnnonkoo (it was<br />

evening). See evening; day.<br />

yet, ouch, yet, notwithstanding; ohnchi-<br />

koh, but yet. qut, but, yet, liut yet {gut-<br />

onch, but, because, yet so, but also, etc.,<br />

C. ) .<br />


aaquiim, asq, aslig, not yet [asquam.<br />

Y<br />

wrong—con ti ii iieti.<br />

act. paniieussii, he does wrong; ship]iiih.<br />

>ioh pann^seit, noh panneait, lie \\\u><br />

does wrong; vbl. n.pauneyeuonk, wrong,<br />

error; panneusseonk, wrongdoing, trans-<br />

gression. See astray; perverse, t/mtrhf,<br />

nmtrhit, bad. See bad.<br />

yet—continued<br />

.<br />

not yet, R. W.; asqhuttmche [asq-ut-<br />

tmche], whilst, C. ); cf. askun, it is<br />

raw; aske, raw (not complete, unfin-<br />

ished, immature); asq, ashquosh, grass;<br />

wuske, young, new.<br />

yield, vbl. n. natsweonk, yielding, sub-<br />

mission; ncoswehtau, he serves, submits,<br />

yields to {mm-nmsweem, I yield; infin.<br />

iicoswenat; nmsfivetah nen, yield your-<br />

self to me, C. ). See obey.<br />

yield (bear fruit) . See produce.<br />

yonder, y6, yd, yonder, that way: yen<br />

nogque in kah yd in, hither and thither,<br />

to this side and that; ij6 nuU6nan, we<br />

will go yonder, Gen. 22, h. Ci. yeu,<br />

this; n6, afar off.<br />

you, h')„liuiil Ik.'innl, C. ).<br />

young, "'"x/.v, iriN/.,n viiung virgin; n. agent.<br />

wusken-in(wttskenin,C.; wuskhie,R.yV.),<br />

a young man; wuskenu, wuskeno), he is<br />

young; an. adj. (v. i. act.) wuskenesu,<br />

he is a yomig man, he is young; vbl.<br />

n. wuskenuaionlc, youth, the season of<br />

youth. See new; small, vruskittamivus<br />

[wuske-m' tamvMs'] , a young woman. See<br />

woman, wuskoshim, wuskishlm, a young<br />

animal (other than man): wushkoshim-<br />

u'us, a whelj^; pi. -\-so(j, Prov. 17, 2;<br />

Nah. 2, 12. See new. Cf. Abn. S.'

ige 4. agque. Hee ii(/ijii!:<br />


S. anantam. See niiiiiiiitaiiit'iiidt.<br />

16. asqueteahwhau, asquttahwhau. See seqiittalnvhau.<br />

19. aunchemcokaii. See iiiniaiinchi'ma)krin6viit.<br />

aune. See inim:<br />

auonat. See om'it.<br />

25. dtannegen. See acltdiiiiec/i'ii; tumiegen.<br />

26. *eshtoh. See *sloh.<br />

29. howan. See nnneii.<br />

35. ketassoot. See tahscotam.<br />

45. kuttauweu. See quttaaeu.<br />

77. *nanummatin. See *mmnddin.<br />

107. oncquomonat. See nnkqiiamonat.<br />

112. ookos. See v


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