It never rains here!!! - Mopar Club of San Diego

It never rains here!!! - Mopar Club of San Diego

It never rains here!!! - Mopar Club of San Diego


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Prius owner James Sikes is onto a<br />

good thing, Yeah, he’s had the daylights<br />

scared out <strong>of</strong> him. He thought for<br />

sure he was gonna die. But my advice<br />

to him is to turn this thing around. Find<br />

that silver lining in that blue Prius.<br />

Make lemonade outta that lemon.<br />

On Monday, Jim was on his way<br />

home to Jacumba via I-8 east. He’s a<br />

friend <strong>of</strong> the planet and has a custom<br />

license plate that brags about his car’s<br />

fuel efficiency. He figured that good<br />

things come to good people doing<br />

good things, like driving good cars.<br />

Well, the car gods have been frowning<br />

on Toyota, <strong>of</strong> late. Lots <strong>of</strong> dirty little<br />

secrets that were closely held by the<br />

company have been coming to the<br />

front. But Jim figured that these issues,<br />

especially the Jekell and Hyde accelerator<br />

pedal, was on other Toyota<br />

models. Not his green flagship, a Prius.<br />

Well, this day Jim depressed the<br />

pedal to pass a slower vehicle. Don’t<br />

you hate it when smug Prius drivers<br />

do that? Trouble was, when Jim got<br />

ahead, and lifted his foot <strong>of</strong>f the gas, or<br />

the electrons, or whatever these things<br />

use, the car didn’t slow down. In fact,<br />

it kept speeding up. And pretty soon,<br />

Jim was flying down the I-8 at over 90,<br />

in spite <strong>of</strong> Jim standing on the brake<br />

pedal. Yes, he insists he knows the<br />

difference. Well, this marvel <strong>of</strong> technology<br />

showed Jim who is in charge.<br />

<strong>It</strong> took <strong>of</strong>f, constantly accelerating,<br />

for 30 miles. (I know, 30 miles to go<br />

from 65 to 90. How scary can it be?)<br />

During that time Jim was thinking he<br />

was going to die. But he also thought<br />

<strong>of</strong> something else: he dialed 911 on<br />

his cell phone.<br />

Hey! That’s<br />

a ticket! But<br />

we’ll discuss<br />

that another<br />

day, Jim. The<br />

911 operator<br />

dispatched a<br />

CHP that was<br />

in the area,<br />

who caught<br />

up with Jim, and with his loudspeaker,<br />

told Jim how to slow the Prius down to<br />

under 60 and then had him shut <strong>of</strong>f the<br />

ignition. Er, pull the plug? Whatever.<br />

Our hero then got in front <strong>of</strong> that bad<br />

boy and safely brought Jim to a stop.<br />

But this is w<strong>here</strong> Jim is sitting on a<br />

gold mine. He needs to produce fake<br />

Toyota badges. He can sell them to<br />

owners <strong>of</strong> fast cars. And when you get<br />

pulled over for speeding, you just say<br />

“<strong>It</strong>’s not my fault, <strong>of</strong>ficer. I’m<br />

driving a Toyota.”<br />

-Bob Gough, Y’r ‘umble Ed’tr<br />

The Newsletter <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong>/<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><br />

www.moparclubsandiego.org MAR 2010<br />

<strong>It</strong> <strong>never</strong> <strong>rains</strong> <strong>here</strong>!!!<br />

Big Dawg Car Show, Ramona High School<br />

Sat Feb 20 <strong>Club</strong>members Jim & Kay’s Brendon<br />

plays quarterback in Pop-Warner football, and<br />

this event raised some bucks for the team’s new<br />

equipment and travel expenses. In spite <strong>of</strong>f and<br />

on rain, mostly on, some 80 cars turned out<br />

including <strong>Club</strong>members, Steve Ramos, John<br />

Halpin, Bill Baugh, and Jeff & Julie Walker. Jim<br />

entered his two Dusters, one <strong>of</strong> which won Best<br />

Old Muscle. Say, maybe it was Jim who trophied.<br />

Big 3 Swap Meet, Qualcomm<br />

Stadium, Feb 26-28<br />

T<strong>here</strong> must be a<br />

local rule that car<br />

activities must have<br />

“Big” in their names<br />

during the month <strong>of</strong><br />

February. This year,<br />

the really big thing<br />

was the rain. And we<br />

got plenty <strong>of</strong> it at the<br />

swap meet, also. The<br />

rain on Saturday was<br />

biblical. But Sunday<br />

was beautiful as the<br />

puddles dried up, the<br />

sun came out, and the clouds morphed<br />

from angry gray scuds to puffy whites.<br />

<strong>Club</strong> members had a lot <strong>of</strong> stuff for sale<br />

in our space, and a lot <strong>of</strong> it sold, in spite<br />

<strong>of</strong> the rain. But the <strong>Club</strong> could have made<br />

some serious cash just by selling our<br />

spot under the trolley, which was nice and<br />

dry. But we didn’t. Breakfast was donuts<br />

and c<strong>of</strong>fee, lunch was dogs n’ burgers.<br />

Above: Brendon “Wrong Way”<br />

Signorelli. Left: the wet field<br />

included seven <strong>Club</strong> cars.<br />

Below: John Halpin can’t bear<br />

to watch as a perfectly good<br />

GM car (hey, it could happen!)<br />

goes under the sledge.<br />

The <strong>Club</strong> space was sheltered under the trolley tracks,<br />

keeping all the greasy old car guys and parts nice and dry.<br />

Hemi Boy’s brother, Rick, is thinkin’<br />

that high rise dual quad is made for<br />

his Hemi GTX.

ProFile<br />

a look<br />

back<br />

This <strong>Club</strong> has some impressive cars.<br />

And that’s due to the efforts <strong>of</strong> their<br />

owners. Rather than highlight a single<br />

car this month, <strong>here</strong> is a sampling<br />

<strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> those awesome <strong>Mopar</strong>s,<br />

their owners, a memorable April Fool<br />

lie, and a cool cruise activity that<br />

have been featured on<br />

these pages in past<br />

issues from<br />

the years <strong>of</strong><br />

2004-2006.<br />

This rare and pritine 4-speed ‘<br />

69-1/2, A-12 code Super Bee has been<br />

owned, raced, cruised, and shown by<br />

Bill Andrews since 1974, Feb ‘05<br />

The ‘64 4-speed Slant Six<br />

Dart has been updated<br />

by Aaron Bourdage with<br />

a rare factory HyperPak<br />

induction, Oct ‘05<br />

Below: Larry & Debbie<br />

Johnson own that ‘70<br />

Challenger 440/6 and<br />

were among the first to<br />

buy a Hemi Magnum,<br />

Nov ‘04 . Larry is The<br />

Prez these days.<br />

Above: Author Robert Genat<br />

organized a cruise <strong>of</strong> <strong>Club</strong> cars to<br />

Huntington Beach for a surprise<br />

unveiling <strong>of</strong> the Challenger prototype,<br />

seen next to Steve Vander-<br />

Shaaf’s ‘70 R/T, June ‘06. Right:<br />

on hand are Chip Foose 2nd from<br />

left, & the car’s designer, Micheal<br />

Castiglione with his son.<br />

Steve Carter hid<br />

a 426 Hemi under<br />

the hood <strong>of</strong> his ‘64<br />

Dodge 440, burying<br />

it beneath a supercharger<br />

and ducts to<br />

dual 4-barrel carbs.<br />

“HEMIFYD”, indeed,<br />

Sept ‘05<br />

Jan ‘05 The ‘60 D-100 <strong>of</strong> Joe Bourdage<br />

was t-boned and has been <strong>of</strong>f the road.<br />

Joe plans on fixing it, though. Joe is the<br />

<strong>Club</strong> liason the the Car <strong>Club</strong> Council, and<br />

with his brother and their dad, Tom, assist<br />

with the All-American Car Show.<br />

The spectacular Hemi Orange 440/6<br />

Barrel, 4-speed Super Bird owned<br />

by Steve Berroth, Nov ‘05<br />

Right: When Paula<br />

Smith sold her pink<br />

AAR, we all thought<br />

she was nuts. The<br />

April ‘04 PentaGram<br />

had an April Fool<br />

story that said she<br />

used the money<br />

to buy the original<br />

Zippo Car, a ‘47<br />

Chrysler made into<br />

a promotional parade<br />

vehicle for the<br />

venerable lighter<br />

manufacturer.<br />

This green ‘73 Duster is owned by<br />

Jim Signorelli. Jim & Kay race, show<br />

& cruise it and Jim’s got it lookin’<br />

better and better, June ‘06 Marc Reiser’s black ‘65 Coronet is as beutiful as it<br />

is fast, and Marv has it goin’ even faster these days,<br />

Feb ‘04<br />

Joe Garrett loves big muscle cars. Among<br />

thos that he’s owned is this red ‘64 472 c.i. Hemi<br />

Plymouth Savoy, Oct ‘04<br />

Javier Gamala built this<br />

‘65 Plymouth beauty on<br />

a budget, Dec ‘04<br />

Below: Dave<br />

Lancaster’s<br />

sweet custom<br />

‘56 Plymouth.<br />

He’s dropping<br />

a 354 Hemi into<br />

it, soon, Mar ‘04<br />

Dave makes all<br />

the shows.<br />

Carolyn Mooney’s dad owned<br />

this ‘71 340 Cuda, July ‘04.<br />

She and Mark also own a new<br />

Challenger SRT/8 in matching<br />

Hemi Orange, Feb ‘10.<br />

Scott Harvey was the 1st Pro<br />

Rally Champ in this<br />

‘71 Colt. He rallied it at the<br />

Grand Canyon with y’r Ed’tr<br />

as navigator, April ‘05<br />

MAR 2010<br />

Upcoming Events<br />

Next <strong>Club</strong> meeting will be 7pm Wed.,<br />

April 14 @ Casa Machado. For events:<br />

www.socalcarculture.com<br />

•Temecula Spring Rod Run, Mar 12-13,<br />

951/243-9876, rodruntemecula.com<br />

•DIY Auto Detail Class Sat 3/13, 4/17,<br />

5/22, 9-4pm, The Total Pros, 230 Raymar<br />

Rd, Ste A Oceanside $69.95/person, inc.<br />

cont. brkfast & pizza lunch 800/903-1578<br />

•Dave Costa Car Show @ Pal Joeys,<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>, Sun Mar 14, 9am-2,<br />

5147 Waring Road, Info 760-440-0896<br />

•<strong>Mopar</strong>s At The Strip Mar 26-28<br />

mopars at the strip .com<br />

•10th Del Mar Nats Apr 9-11,<br />

www.good-guys.com, 925/838-9876<br />

•Spring Fling XXIV, Apr 17-18, Woodley<br />

Park, Van Nuys, www.cpwclub,<br />

818/759-1779 $30 by 4/1<br />

Call Bob for caravan info<br />

858/292-5344<br />

•Dyno Don Talk re: New<br />

Smog & Reg Laws for<br />

pre-75 cars, 9am Sat Apr<br />

17, 1365 N. Johnson, El<br />

Cajon, 619/987-5385<br />

•Jamul Hot Rod Chile<br />

Cook Off, Sat Apr 17<br />

10am Simpson’s Nursery<br />

619/337-5626<br />

•20th Main Street Coronado,<br />

Sun Apr 18, 8am,<br />

reg at coronadomain-<br />

street.com<br />

•25th Trueline Car<br />

Show, Sun Apr 18,<br />

8 am, 210 West Bradley,<br />

El Cajon, 619/258-1800<br />

•XII Heartbeat Happening,<br />

9am Sun Apr 25,<br />

Bates Nut Farm, 15954<br />

Woods Valley Rd, $25 pre/$30, heartbeatclassicchevys.com<br />

•<strong>San</strong>tee Lakes begins 4/2, 3pm, Fridays<br />

•Cruisin’ Grand, Escondido begins 4/2<br />

5pm, Fridays, <strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong> nite 6/18<br />

•Jack’s La Jolla Classic Cruise, every<br />

Sun 7am, 7300 Girard Ave<br />

•East County Cruisers 6:30p Tuesdays,<br />

Tyler’s Taste <strong>of</strong> Texas 576 N. 2nd, El<br />

Cajon<br />

•Ramona Cruise, Sun 4p-8, on Main St<br />

in Albertson’s pkg lot<br />

•Crusin’ <strong>It</strong>alian Style, Pernicano’s, 1588<br />

E. Main, El Cajon, ea. Thur nite<br />

•The Classic Malt Shop every Friday, 5p,<br />

3615 Midway Dr.<br />

•Home Town Buffet 1st Sat each month<br />

9am, 2nd/4th Tues 5:30pm, Main St. El<br />

Cajon<br />

•Dalton’s Roadhouse 1st Sunday each<br />

month 12-4p 775 Center Dr. <strong>San</strong> Marcos<br />

•Good Ole Boys Breakfast 10am<br />

2nd & 4th Wed, guys only Denny’s<br />

2642 Jamacha Rd<br />

•Coco’s Restaurant 11a-3p, 3rd Sun<br />

16759 Bernardo Center Dr, R’cho B’rdo<br />

•The Donut Derelicts Huntington Beach<br />

6:30am Sat, Adams Ave. @ Magnolia<br />

•Ruby’s Diner Carlsbad Company Stores<br />

7am - 9:30am last Sat ea. month 5620<br />

Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad<br />

•Bonita Donuts, Bonita, Sat 8am, 4414<br />

Bonita Rd. Vons Shop’g Cntr

Classifieds<br />

As a tangible benefit to being a member <strong>of</strong> The<br />

<strong>Mopar</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, you get free ads. Give Bob a fax<br />

858/292-5344 or better e-mail bobgough@san.rr.com<br />

For Sale: Pair 360 heads, LA mtr. $225<br />

obo, Tom 619/449-9167<br />

For Sale: 64 Plymouth Barracuda please<br />

call Chuck Edwards at 619 201-6312<br />

For Sale: 1969 B-5 blue Road Runner,<br />

383/auto w/ manual reverse valve body,<br />

3:73 S.G. diff from Randy’s + extra 3rd<br />

member. Lots <strong>of</strong> add’l parts. Car is in<br />

Cleveland but has no rust as it was a <strong>San</strong><br />

<strong>Diego</strong> car. $15k obo + shipping<br />

call Joe Sala, 216/581-7439 or cell<br />

216/990-4806<br />

For Sale: ‘65 Dodge, altered 10” in front<br />

& 15” at rear, A100 front axle & springs,<br />

roller; doors changed to post type, Lexan<br />

rear side windows, steel front fenders &<br />

hood, single headlights w/ added A/FX grill<br />

pieces, glass bumpers front & rear, new<br />

silver paint & body work complete, $14k<br />

OBO, John Elliott 760-/419-1091<br />

MAR 2010<br />

For Sale: Nice used Hemi A833 18 spline 4 speed trans from a Hemicuda-$1500; 426<br />

Hemi tunnel ram setup with 3310 750 Holleys & velocity stacks, all vintage $600; Factory<br />

Chrysler swivel bucket seat for 59-61 <strong>Mopar</strong>s very cool!-$750; 71 Barracuda body<br />

shell or project car, original CA car, minimal rust, price depends on what goes with it but<br />

around $10k; Lots <strong>of</strong> misc E- Body parts and stuff, call for needs; Lots <strong>of</strong> 440 engines<br />

and engine parts, 727 transmissions and the like, from good runners to core builder<br />

engines and bare blocks Give me a call, Lee 619-507-3160 Shop opening to the oublic<br />

soon! See ad below. Affordable rates for all! Please call for Inquiries or Appointments!<br />

Special Ed’s<br />

Speed & Customworks<br />

Welding, Panel Repair/Replacement,<br />

Resto Services, Classic Auto & Motorcycle<br />

Service & Repair/Resto, Engine & Transmission<br />

Performance, Custom Body & Paint,<br />

Project Advisor & Parts Locating Service<br />

Lee Meyer-Shop Sultan 619-507-3160<br />

Steve Williams<br />

Mobile Welding<br />

Frame Connectors<br />

Spring Relocating<br />

Rear Axle Bracing & Narrowing<br />

(619)988-0778<br />

email: aws1@cox.net

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