ALLELUIA! REJOICE! - St. Wendelin Church - stclouddiocese.net

ALLELUIA! REJOICE! - St. Wendelin Church - stclouddiocese.net

ALLELUIA! REJOICE! - St. Wendelin Church - stclouddiocese.net


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Tri-Parish Cluster of Luxemburg, Pearl Lake and Rockville Easter Sunday- March 31, 2013<br />

Saint <strong>Wendelin</strong>—Luxemburg<br />

22714 <strong>St</strong>ate Highway 15 * <strong>St</strong>. Cloud, MN 56301-9208 * 320-251-6944 * e-mail: stwencc@live.com * Fax: 320-654-9030<br />

Financial Blessings for the Week<br />

of March 24, 2013<br />

Adult (87) $2,636.07<br />

Youth (11) 13.25<br />

Loose 166.00<br />

Votive <strong>St</strong>ands 73.81<br />

Holy Land (1) 15.00<br />

Building Fund (3) 35.00<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Cloud Visitor (3) 54.00<br />

Keep the Heat On (1) 20.00<br />

Food Shelf (4) 70.00<br />

Rice Bowl (1) 10.00<br />

Easter (1) 10.00<br />

Total $3,103.13<br />

Last Week’s Regular $ 2,815.32<br />

Budgeted Amount 3,900.00<br />

Shortfall This Week (1,084.68)<br />

Shortfall Year to Date ($7,571.92)<br />

Thank You for<br />

Your Sacrificial Support!<br />

Altar Servers<br />

Wed., April 3 @ 7:45 am<br />

Nolan N. & Isaac M.<br />

Thurs., April 4 @ 7:45 am<br />

Courtney G. & Christopher T.<br />

Saturday, April 6th @ 6:00 pm<br />

Katelyn M. & <strong>St</strong>ephanie M.<br />

Sunday, April 7th @ 9:00 am<br />

Hannah K. & Sarah K.<br />

<strong>Church</strong> Cleaners: Group 1 ,Sat., Apr.<br />

6th @ 8:00 am: Hermie Albers, Kim<br />

Hansen, Cheryl Kraemer, Michelle<br />

Groinus, Barb Meemken, Sandy Paul,<br />

Doreen Mackedanz, Lori Buettner, Margaret<br />

Kremers, Erin Lommel, Mary Lou<br />

Meyer, Lisa Mullen, Dorothy <strong>St</strong>atz, Jean<br />

Vander Eyk, Tracy Dombrovski ***<br />

Prayer for the 7th Month of the Year<br />

of Faith: This month our <strong>St</strong>. Anne’s<br />

Christian Women invite us to pray<br />

daily with them a Glory Be to the<br />

Father, for our new pope, Francis I.<br />

Parish Office/Secretary, Char Volkmuth—320-251-6944<br />

> Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday, 8:30 am-12:30 pm<br />

Faith Formation/DRE: LeMay Bechtold, 252-8486<br />

Prayer Line: 320-251-5376<br />

Celebrating the Sacraments<br />

Baptism/Anointing of the Sick : Contact the parish office: 251-6944<br />

Marriage: Contact the parish office at least six months in advance.<br />

the wedding date. Marriage Course is required.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Wendelin</strong> Catholic School<br />

Preschool to Grade 6<br />

Principal: Lynn Rasmussen<br />

Telephone: 320-251-9175<br />

Email: stwend@mycitescape.com<br />

Fax: 320-654-9030<br />

Parish News<br />

A Blessed Easter to All...As we have walked faithfully with Jesus thru the forty<br />

days of Lent, we now rejoice with Him in the glory of His Resurrection and<br />

the joy and beauty of this Easter season! <strong>ALLELUIA</strong>, HE IS RISEN!!!<br />

Easter Flowers...Thank you for the memorial donations received for our Easter<br />

flower display. What a wonderful way to honor a loved ones memory while also beautifying our<br />

church. See insert with today’s bulletin for a list of donors and those honored.<br />

Bulletin Sponsorships...were started last December as a means to offset the printing costs of our<br />

tri parish bulletin. We are grateful to our sponsors and ask you to patronize them. See a list of<br />

those sponsors on insert page with today’s bulletin.<br />

Entered Eternal Rest...This past week, our parish bid fond farewell to Father Leon Slominski who<br />

passed away on March 22nd. He was pastor here for 14 years, from 1989-2003. His wake and<br />

funeral luncheon were held here Tuesday/Wednesday; per his wishes, he is buried in our<br />

parish cemetery. All who knew Father were well aware he had a special love for <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Wendelin</strong><br />

Parish and the Luxemburg community to the point he often referred to this as<br />

“Paradise.” We pray that the angels lead Father from his earthly paradise to the heavenly<br />

one! May today find him in that heavenly paradise in the presence of the risen Lord<br />

where forever he will enjoy the glory of the heavenly Kingdom. May he rest in peace! He will<br />

always hold a special place in the hearts and memories of this parish community.<br />

First Communion Rehearsal...for First communicants and their parents will be next Saturday,<br />

April 6th at 9:00 am. Please meet in Mary Hall.<br />

Food Share Thank You...This past week $303.89 and 235 pounds of food were taken to the<br />

Catholic Charities Food Shelf as a result of your awesome generosity with our March food drive.<br />

These dollars/food will be stretched this month due to incentive funds from MN FoodShare.<br />

Blessings to all for your sharing and caring for the needy in our area.<br />

Do You Enjoy Decorating? ...Just another reminder that we are forming a Decorating Committee<br />

(part of the Liturgy Committee) which would oversee church decorating for the various liturgical<br />

seasons throughout the year. If you have ideas to share and would like to be part of this group,<br />

please call Sue Weber at 654-8259.<br />

Spaghetti Dinner Benefit...for Bea Schmidtbauer, recently diagnosed with cancer, will be next<br />

Friday, April 5th at the American Legion in Waite Park, 5:00 to 8:30 pm. Evening also includes a<br />

silent auction, meat and afghan raffles. Mo<strong>net</strong>ary donations may be sent to Pine Country Bank of<br />

Royalton, Rice, Bowlus or Little Falls. Please keep Bea in your prayers.<br />

Flag Disposal...If you have old, worn and tattered flags, please place them in the receptacle in the<br />

church entry for proper disposal.<br />

School News<br />

Happenings...A week ago, our 5th and 6th graders spent the day at Cathedral High School giving<br />

them the opportunity to learn first hand about the school. This past Wed. of Holy Week, we continued<br />

our Lenten focus of walking the path to Jesus’ death and Resurrection. On Wed. we all did our<br />

weekly <strong>St</strong>ations in church and later that day our 4th-6th graders took part in a Seder meal.<br />

We look forward to our Easter break and wish all of you a joyous and Happy Easter!<br />

For Your Scrip Needs...please call Bonnie at 251-9175, Gina at 654-1587 or Julie at 252-7273.<br />

Thanks to all who support our school through use of the Scrip program.

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