ALLELUIA! REJOICE! - St. Wendelin Church -
ALLELUIA! REJOICE! - St. Wendelin Church -
ALLELUIA! REJOICE! - St. Wendelin Church -
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Tri-Parish Cluster of Pearl Lake, Rockville and Luxemburg Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013<br />
Holy Cross—Pearl Lake (Marty)<br />
10651 County Road 8 Kimball, MN 55353 320-398-3900<br />
Financial Blessings<br />
For the week of Mar 24, 2013<br />
Adult (38) $1494.67<br />
Loose 74.53<br />
Flowers 140.00<br />
Interment Fee 150.00<br />
Total $1859.20<br />
YTD total $58,955.13<br />
YTD budget $66,518.00<br />
Shortage ($7,562.87)<br />
Thank you for your offerings.<br />
Liturgical Ministries:<br />
Saturday, April 6, 4:00 pm<br />
Servers: Michael Donnay,<br />
Emily Haus<br />
Ushers: Larry Krippner,<br />
Ryan <strong>St</strong>eichen<br />
Lector: Brad Donnay<br />
Amanda <strong>St</strong>eichen<br />
Euc Min: Marian Haus<br />
Ethel Donnay Helen Krippner<br />
Sunday, April 7, 8:00 am<br />
Servers: Ellie Ruhland, Nick Heying<br />
Ushers: Rich Schlangen,<br />
Dale Kloskin<br />
Lector: Mark Loch<br />
Euc Min: Elaine Leither<br />
Kathy <strong>St</strong>eichen Diane Ohmann<br />
Parish Council Members<br />
Donna Gregory 398-7312<br />
Al Haus 259-4287<br />
Leanne Donnay 398-5362<br />
Helen Krippner 398-8893<br />
Ann Donnay 398-2545<br />
Jeana Meyer 252-1332<br />
Greg Mueller 398-7786<br />
Len Voigt 398-2922<br />
Cindy Voigt 253-6228<br />
Parish Office/Secretary, Marian Haus, 320-398-3900<br />
Office Hours: Mon Thru Thurs 8:30—noon<br />
Prayer Line, 320-398-6101<br />
Deacon, Andy Kunkel, 320-398-6101<br />
Musician, Julene Faber-Andrusick, 320-685-7211<br />
Celebrating the Sacraments<br />
Baptism: 320-398-3900<br />
Anointing of the Sick: 320-398-3900<br />
Weddings: Contact the parish office at least six months in<br />
advance<br />
Holy Cross Catholic School<br />
Preschool to Grade 6<br />
Principal-Amanda <strong>St</strong>eichen<br />
Office manager: Jeana Meyer<br />
Telephone: 320-398-7885<br />
Email:<br />
Fax: 320-398-7873<br />
Parish News<br />
7th Annual Dinner/Auction: Holy Cross School’s 7th Annual Dinner & Auction will be<br />
held Saturday, April 13th, 2013. “A Night in New Orleans” will be a fun night with a silent<br />
and live auction, dinner and drinks. This year your dinner choice with be jambalaya<br />
or chicken and pasta. If you’d like to join us in supporting Holy Cross School, RSVP’s<br />
can be picked up and dropped off at the school. If you’d like to an invitation and RSVP,<br />
please call Jeana Meyer at the school, 320-398-7885, and she will mail one out to you.<br />
Just a reminder, if you cannot make it for the dinner, you are welcome to join us for the<br />
auction!!<br />
Rice Bowls: Please turn in your rice bowls so we can send the collection to the Diocese.<br />
Thank you.<br />
Pearl Lake Rec Club: meets Tuesday, April 2nd at 8:00 pm in school following the festival<br />
meeting.<br />
School News<br />
The students and staff participated in a Seder Meal this last Tuesday which starts Passover.<br />
Passover is the Jewish feast of thanksgiving for their deliverance from slavery. Even<br />
though we are not Jewish, it helps us learn what went on during the time of Jesus.<br />
The meal we shared is similar to the night that Jesus gathered his disciples for the Last<br />
Supper (Holy Thursday) where He changed the bread and wine into His Body and Blood.<br />
On this day Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist.<br />
During the past six weeks, our parish/school community has prayed, fasted, and given<br />
alms with a special focus on the poorest members of our global community. Our lives<br />
were touched by stories from Burkina Faso, East Timor, Lesotho, Dominican Republic,<br />
Pakistan, and the United <strong>St</strong>ates. Through our Lenten prayers and donations, we have<br />
touched the lives of millions of people served by Catholic Relief Services, our representative<br />
to the poorest communities in the world. Please return your Rice Bowl in the Sunday<br />
collection or to the school. Thank you for your generosity.<br />
Everyone at Holy Cross School wishes you and your family a Joyous Happy Easter!<br />
Alleluia! Jesus has risen! —Amanda <strong>St</strong>eichen<br />
Community Events<br />
Beginning Experience (BE)… is providing a weekend program for divorced, widowed, or<br />
separated adults on Apr. 12-14 at Luther Crest in Alexandria. BE is designed to facilitate the<br />
grief resolution process . Those who attend should be beyond the initial feelings of anger and<br />
despair. Call 888-565-078 or visit<br />
Marriage Encounter Weekend...Give your relationship with your spouse an extra spark by<br />
attending an exciting and inspiring weekend together . Next weekend is April 6-7.<br />
Call 252-3220 or visit