RYDE FLORA and FAUNA STUDY 2007 - City of Ryde - NSW ...

RYDE FLORA and FAUNA STUDY 2007 - City of Ryde - NSW ...

RYDE FLORA and FAUNA STUDY 2007 - City of Ryde - NSW ...


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Biosphere Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd<br />

<strong>Ryde</strong> Flora <strong>and</strong> Fauna Survey <strong>2007</strong> 84<br />

Thysanotus tuberosus C<br />

Tricoryne simplex C √<br />

LOMANDRACEAE Lom<strong>and</strong>ra cylindrica S √<br />

#Lom<strong>and</strong>ra filiformis ssp.<br />

correacea<br />

Lom<strong>and</strong>ra filiformis ssp.<br />

filiformis<br />

S √<br />

Lom<strong>and</strong>ra glauca S<br />

Lom<strong>and</strong>ra gracilis S √ √<br />

Lom<strong>and</strong>ra longifolia C √ √ √ √<br />

Lom<strong>and</strong>ra micrantha S<br />

C<br />

Lom<strong>and</strong>ra multiflora ssp<br />

multiflora<br />

Lom<strong>and</strong>ra obliqua C √<br />

ORCHIDACEAE Acianthus fornicatus C √<br />

Cryptostylis erecta C √<br />

Cryptostylis subulata S<br />

Glossodia minor<br />

Microtis unifolia (s.lat.)<br />

Prasophyllum sp<br />

Prasophyllum brevilabre R<br />

Pterostylis acuminata S<br />

Pterostylis concinna S<br />

Pterostylis longifolia U<br />

Pterostylis nutans C<br />

PHILESIACEAE #Eustrephus latifolius √ √ √<br />

#Geitonoplesium cymosum<br />

POACEAE Anisopogon avenaceus C √<br />

Aristida ramosa var ramosa<br />

Aristida vagans C<br />

Austrodanthonia pilosa<br />

Austrodanthonia racemosa<br />

Austrostipa pubescens C √ √ √<br />

Austrostipa ramossissima<br />

Austrostipa rudis ssp<br />

nervosa<br />

S<br />

#Bothriochloa macra<br />

Cymbopogon refractus S<br />

Deyeuxia quadriseta S<br />

Dichelachne crinita U<br />

Dichelachne micrantha<br />

Dichelachne rara √<br />

#Digitaria parviflora √ √ √ √<br />

Echinopogon caespitosus C √ √<br />

#Echinopogon ovata<br />

Entolasia marginata S √ √ √ √<br />

Entolasia stricta C √ √ √<br />

Eragrostis brownii<br />

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