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<strong>BURNING</strong> <strong>TREE</strong> <strong>ELEMENTARY</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />

PTA BACK TO <strong>SCHOOL</strong> UPDATE<br />

September 2, 2011<br />


2nd School Spirit Day 12th SAC Parent Get Together 7:00-8:30pm<br />

5th No school - Labor Day 12th Dine Out - Ledo River Road<br />

6th<br />

Volunteer Fair and PTA Mtg 7:00pm 13th Dine Out - Ledo River Road<br />

8th Committee Chair Training 9:30 am 13th Back to School Night Grades K-2<br />

8th Room Parent Training 10:15 am 15th Back to School Night Grades 3-5<br />

9th PTA New Parent Coffee 9:30 am 19th International Coffee 9:30am<br />

9th Back to School Picnic (Rain date-9/16) 28th Early Release 12:55pm<br />


Welcome to the 2011-2012 school year at Burning Tree! I hope you all had an enjoyable summer and found some<br />

time to relax despite the record heat! It’s always hard to see the summer end, but it’s also nice to reconnect with the<br />

staff and friends we haven’t seen over the summer.<br />

We are so lucky to have such wonderful and dedicated staff and generous and involved parents at Burning Tree.<br />

PTA President-elect Kristen Farren and I want to thank everyone for their generous support of the PTA this last year<br />

through their countless volunteer hours and/or financial contributions. You should know that your PTA dollars were<br />

responsible for continuing the technological upgrade in the classroom. The school purchased additional Promethean<br />

White Boards to install in each K-2 classroom, which will help promote more interactive learning for our students.<br />

This is in addition to the six Promethean boards and several ELMOS purchased last year. To learn more about<br />

additional projects planned for the upcoming year, be sure to attend the first PTA meeting on Tuesday, September<br />

6 th at 7:00pm (see the article below for more information on the first PTA meeting). We encourage you to join the<br />

PTA so your vote can be counted on many important matters that affect you and your children. Our PTA meetings<br />

are held the 1 st Tuesday of almost every month - please come and share your ideas and any concerns you may have.<br />

New this year:<br />

After (and Before) School Activity registration and payment is available online only. Register at<br />

www.Pay4SchoolStuffOnline.com. Create an account and follow the easy steps to register your child. Select your<br />

child’s name and begin registration.<br />

A few reminders:<br />

While you are online at www.Pay4SchoolStuffOnline.com, you may also sign up for PTA membership or donate to<br />

the Fill Our Pond campaign by credit card online.<br />

The 1 st Friday of every month is School Spirit Day! Tell your kids so they can wear their Burning Tree clothes or<br />

anything BT green!<br />

Check out the PTA website, www.BurningTreePTA.org. It offers a wealth of information - from PTA contact info<br />

and events, to parenting classes, to lunch menus! Plus almost every PTA form you need can be found on the<br />

website.<br />

Finally, I would like to thank the following parents who devoted many hours to the PTA this summer:<br />

-Risa Bender, Monica Grasso, Kelli Richardson Lawson, Cathy Schupak and Vicki Herson for putting together such<br />

an outstanding list of After School Activities and delivering the packet with the school summer mailing,<br />

-Ellie Abramowitz and Delia Tetelman for creating the PTA calendar,<br />

-Nancy Sandler and Amy Eisner for setting up the Dine Outs for the year,<br />

-Lisa Lerner for setting this year’s Cultural Arts assembly schedule,<br />

-Darrin Hartzler, Katherine McQuay and Laura Weiss for auditing the PTA’s financial records,<br />

-Beth Martino for organizing the Drive For Supplies,<br />

-Alexa Claybon and Kristen Truitt for running the Family to Family outreach programs,<br />

-Dawn Gontkovic, Beth Martino and Anne Ruskowski for organizing the back to school staff luncheon,

-Lisa Segert for organizing the SchoolKidz school supply program,<br />

-Vicki Herson and Cindy Campbell for coordinating the painting of the computer, art, speech and reading initiative<br />

rooms,<br />

-Delia Tetelman for using her technology skills to create our online volunteer sign up and instructions to download<br />

the PTA calendar on our smart phones,<br />

-Vicki Herson and Bruce Tetelman for providing and cutting tennis balls to minimize sound in the classroom,<br />

-Cindy Campbell for hosting the community meet and greet for Dr. Lewis and Mrs. Lowndes,<br />

-Anne Marie O'Donoghue for running the Open House School Spirit Shop and Ellie Abramowitz for updating the<br />

PTA website, and<br />

-All the parents and students who attended the PTA/Teacher Set Up and helped the teachers get their bulletin boards<br />

ready for the 1 st day of school! The hallways look fabulous!<br />

Kristen and I look forward to working closely with Dr. Lewis, Ms. Lowndes, the staff and of course, you, to make<br />

this another productive and successful year at Burning Tree. Please do not hesitate to contact either one of us if you<br />

have a question, a concern or an idea to share! We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family<br />

and wish your child(ren) a terrific school year. -Yvonne VanLowe, PTA President<br />

2010-2011 PTA BOARD OF DIRECTORS<br />

President: Yvonne VanLowe<br />

President-Elect: Kristen Farren<br />

Treasurer: Barb Butrica<br />

VP for Fundraising: Vicki Herson<br />

VP for Volunteers: Delia Tetelman<br />

VP for School-Based Programs: Stacie Gould<br />

VP for Community Building Programs: Rachel Bottone<br />

Recording Secretary: Eileen Vermilye<br />

Corresponding Secretary/Membership: Karen Rosen<br />

MCCPTA Delegates: Sharon Tompkins and Elizabeth Padgett<br />

At-Large Representatives: Lisa Sanfuentes and Cindy Campbell (Cluster), Eric Cole (Students with<br />

Accommodations) and Els Wildenberg (International)<br />

Ex-Officio Members: Ellie Abramowitz, Cindy Campbell and Lisa Sanfuentes<br />


Please attend our first PTA Meeting and “Volunteer Fair” on Tuesday, September 6th. The Volunteer Fair<br />

will run from 7:00pm – 7:30pm and the PTA meeting will begin at 7:30pm. The PTA provides on- site<br />

babysitting for children age four and older but you MUST sign up ahead of time. (Please email Delia Tetelman at<br />

<strong>burningtreepta</strong>@gmail.com to register; please tell her how many children and their ages.) Come and learn about all<br />

of our PTA’s great programs and events. Tables will be set up in the All Purpose Room so that PTA Committee<br />

Chairs can share information with you and answer your questions, and you can sign up to help! The PTA meeting<br />

will include a report from Dr. Lewis, including information about new teachers joining our school, information<br />

about the PTA, approval of the 2011- 2012 budget and any issues that members would like to bring up during new<br />

business. Please sign up to join the PTA, as you have no voting rights if you are not a member. If you paid<br />

dues last year, thank you, but those memberships have expired, and it’s time to rejoin! When you pay your dues,<br />

you receive the invaluable Burning Tree Directory and will partner with other parents to become active, involved<br />

citizens in our community! A membership form is attached and can be found at www.BurningTreePTA.org, or join<br />

online at Pay4SchoolStuffOnline.com.<br />


Thank you so much to those of you who have already signed up to be a co-chair of one of our many amazing PTA<br />

programs and events. We still have a few committees that need either one or more co-chairs. It’s a lot of fun to be<br />

involved and allows you to meet other fabulous parents at our school! For more information or to co-chair, please<br />

contact this year's VP for the program or Yvonne at yvanlowe@gmail.com.<br />

VP for Fundraising, Vicki Herson (vickiherson@gmail.com)

• Plant Sale; two co-chairs needed<br />

VP for School Based Programs, Stacie Gould (istacie@yahoo.com)<br />

• International Night; one more co-chair needed<br />

VP for Volunteers, Delia Tetelman (<strong>burningtreepta</strong>@gmail.com)<br />

• Child Care at PTA Meetings; one co-chair needed<br />

• Landscape and Grounds; one more co-chair needed<br />

• Technology Officer; one co-chair needed<br />

VP for Community Building Programs, Rachel Bottone (rmbottone@gmail.com)<br />

• One Thousand Healthy Snacks; one more co-chair needed<br />

• Sister School Partnership, one more co-chair needed<br />

• Spring Fair; two to three co-chairs needed<br />


All parents new to Burning Tree are invited to meet with members of the PTA and administration at 9:30am on<br />

September 9 at the home of Kristen Farren, 7501 Westfield Drive. No RSVP necessary. We look forward to seeing<br />

you!<br />

BACK TO <strong>SCHOOL</strong> FAMILY PICNIC<br />

Friday September 9, 5:30-7:00 pm<br />

BTES Rear playground<br />

Jump start the new school year by attending Burning Tree's Back to School Family Picnic on September 9th! It's an<br />

opportunity to mingle with friends, classmates and teachers in a fun and informal atmosphere.<br />

Potomac Pizza will be selling pizza, subs, hot dogs and drinks. Or you can bring your own picnic dinner. Bring a<br />

blanket and, if you'd like, a dessert to share. We'll provide Popsicles and face painting.<br />

No pets please. We're anticipating a lot of people, including very young children.<br />

Questions? Contact Rachel Bottone at rmbottone@gmail.com.<br />


Please join us on Monday, September 12, 7:00pm - 8:30pm for the Students With Accommodations Parent Get-<br />

Together at Eric and Andrea Cole's Home, 4422 Clearbrook Lane, Kensington, MD 20895. RSVP to<br />

eric.cole@nih.gov or 301-919-2653.<br />

DINE OUT FOR <strong>BURNING</strong> <strong>TREE</strong><br />

Come join us on Monday, September 12th or Tuesday, September 13th for the 1st Burning Tree Dine Out of the<br />

year at Ledo's Pizza on River Road, next to Whole Foods. Enjoy great food, see friends and maybe even do a bit of<br />

shopping. Whether you dine in, or dine out, Ledo's will donate 15% of your tab to our PTA. Hope to see you there!<br />

Ledo's Pizza<br />

5245 River Road<br />

http://www.ledopizza.com/menu.cfm<br />

THE <strong>BURNING</strong> <strong>TREE</strong> DIRECTORY<br />

We are finalizing the Burning Tree Directory. In order for your child(ren) to be included in the directory please<br />

make sure to take the following steps:<br />

For students NEW to Burning Tree: Complete a NEW Student Information Form. The form was sent home with

the school information packet in the summer mailing. You can also find a form on the PTA website<br />

(<strong>burningtreepta</strong>.org). Please either return this form in an envelope marked “PTA Directory” or e-mail it to<br />

Karen.strause@gmail.com. Deadline is Friday, September 2.<br />

For children RETURNING to Burning Tree: If your child(ren) was/were not in the directory last year, but you<br />

would like information included this year, or you have corrections to last year’s information, please fill out a NEW<br />

Student Information Form.<br />

All parents whose students’ information was in last year’s Directory will receive an e-mail containing last year’s<br />

Directory information. Please verify this information online by Friday, September 16.<br />

Please Note:<br />

The August school mailing also included the MCPS request to Withhold Directory Information Form. If you<br />

complete this form, your child’s name will not appear anywhere in the directory.<br />

Only PTA members receive the directory.<br />

If you have any questions about the Directory, please contact Karen Strause at karen.strause@gmail.com.<br />

MAKE MONEY FOR <strong>BURNING</strong> <strong>TREE</strong> BY SHOPPING AT GIANT AND SAFEWAY<br />

Your grocery list just made money for Burning Tree!<br />

Registering your Giant and Safeway grocery discount cards can earn valuable fundraising dollars for Burning Tree<br />

and our sister school Broad Acres Elementary. If you use a discount card at either or both stores, please register that<br />

card again for this school year. You must reregister your card each year for your grocery purchases to count toward<br />

our fundraising dollars. Last year, we received nearly $2,500 from Giant for our registered cards.<br />

To register your card at Giant, either:<br />

1) go to www.giantfood.com, click on Our Stores, then click on A+, and finally click on Register Your Card,<br />

or<br />

2) fill out the Giant Card registration form in your school packet you received in the mail and return it to PTA<br />

mailbox at school and we will register your card for you<br />

Burning Tree school code is 00666. Our sister school (in Silver Spring) Broad Acres code is 0867.<br />

To register your card at Safeway, go to www.escrip.com and click on Renew Your Commitment or register your<br />

card for the first time. You can look up Burning Tree and Broad Acres by city, name or zip code.<br />

Don’t forget, your relatives and friends can register their cards for Burning Tree also, using the same school codes!<br />

Grandma can feel even better about making those cookies for her favorite grandchild. Contact Alana Aronin at<br />

abaronin@gmail.com with any questions.<br />


Please remember when using the BTNet List Serve this year that its sole purpose is to provide information<br />

relating only to PTA business, school affairs or educational advocacy issues. Note that the BTNet network is<br />

monitored by the Burning Tree PTA Special Monitoring Committee to insure its proper use. Messages sent to<br />

BTNet will be posted within 24 hours; inappropriate e-mails will be rejected. To sign up for BTNet, send your<br />

request to our BTNet Administrator, P.K. Kannan, at famkannan@yahoo.com. Please include your name,<br />

child(ren) name and grade and e-mail address(es).<br />

For all other issues, there is a "Community Update" published every week on BTNet for an exchange of<br />

information on topics such as tutors, child care, missing items, community performances, vacancies on sports teams,<br />

etc. Anh LyJordan prepares the Community Update. Anyone wishing to publish information in the BTNet<br />

Community Update should submit text to Anh at alyjordan@gmail.com by noon on Wednesday.


Welcome back! Hope you all had a great summer and are ready to begin another exciting year at BT. With the<br />

school year about to get underway, I need to remind parents about the importance of signing in when you come into<br />

the building to volunteer or visit. This year, we are transitioning to a computer based sign-in. Until that time, please<br />

continue to use the sheets in the office to sign in and to sign out.<br />

This process will separate those who are just visiting the school from those who are actually volunteering in any<br />

capacity, i.e. classroom/field trips, media center, lunch room, recess, etc. We do keep track of these volunteer hours<br />

and actually report them to MCPS on a monthly basis, which is then reported back to the Board of Education.<br />

MCPS has a strategic plan in place for a system wide recognition of schools in our area and even presents top<br />

performing schools with awards at their Back to School Fair, which has approximately 8,000 in attendance. Since<br />

our parents are so generous with their time, it would be nice to get recognized for our service to BTES! Thank you<br />

in advance for all you do. You provide a tremendous impact by volunteering your time and it’s greatly appreciated!!<br />

-Delia Teteleman, VP of Volunteers<br />


Don’t Wait -- Sign Up Now!<br />

Your children are very excited about their new teachers and classes for the new school year. A rewarding and fun<br />

way to get involved in the classroom and in the school is to volunteer to be a Room Parent.<br />

For each class, we are seeking a Teacher/Classroom Liaison Parent, a Treasurer, a Halloween Party Coordinator, a<br />

Valentine’s Day Party Coordinator, an End of the Year Party Coordinator (for grades K-4), and a PTA Liaison<br />

Parent. The list of responsibilities for each of these positions is on the attached flyer. Parents may sign up for more<br />

than one position. Or sign up with a friend to coordinate a party! At Back to School Night, each family will be<br />

asked to sign up to help with (at least) one of the parties. This doesn’t mean the parent necessarily has to attend the<br />

party, but he/she will be asked to contribute by ordering party favors or purchasing snacks, etc. Please note, that if a<br />

class does not have a party coordinator for a particular party then there will not be a party for that class.<br />

You are not alone! There are resources to help you with these great jobs. Please join us for a Room Parent Meeting<br />

on Thursday, Sept. 8 th at 10:15am. We will have guidelines for each position, forms for Back to School Night signups,<br />

and you can hear tips from experienced room parents. Even if you are an experienced room parent, please join<br />

us for this training session to hear updates and new information on room parent responsibilities.<br />

To submit your name for one (or more) of these positions or if you have questions, please contact the Room Parent<br />

Coordinator for your child’s (or children’s) grade. For Grades K-2, contact Amy Squire Buckley at<br />

amysquirebuckley@yahoo.com or 301- 229-2633and for Grades 3-5, contact Kim Bayard at kbayard@frb,gov or<br />

301-469-0786. You may email the information or return the attached form in an envelope labeled “PTA Room<br />

Parents” to the PTA box in the school lobby or send it to school via your child’s backpack. Thanks for your help!<br />


We need your help at Recess, rain or shine. This is fun way to help our school and our kids love having us. Just<br />

show up!<br />

Sign in at the front volunteer desk, put a volunteer Apple sticker on, go out to the back of the school (or your child's<br />

classroom for indoor recess) and let the aides know you are there to volunteer. That’s it. If you would like to be a<br />

“regular volunteer” email jennifer.l.nair@gmail.com and I’ll put you on the schedule. Nannies and grandparents are<br />

welcome! Kindergarten parents, we ask that you wait until October to volunteer to give your child time to adjust to<br />

school. We welcome volunteers at lunch, too!<br />

12:05-12:35 -> Kindergarten and Grade 2 Lunch<br />

12:35-1:05 -> Grades 1 and 3 Lunch; Grades 2, 4 and 5 Recess<br />

1:05-1:35 -> Grades 4 and 5 Lunch; Grades 1 and 3 Recess<br />


Do you have an iPhone, Blackberry or Droid? Would you like to have the Burning Tree PTA Calendar at your<br />

fingertips? The PTA Calendar is available on Google Calendars. Email <strong>burningtreepta</strong>@gmail.com to sign up and

get instructions on how to subscribe to the calendar on your computer or phone.<br />

WALK-TO-<strong>SCHOOL</strong> DAY FOOTnotes<br />

This year, on Wednesday, October 5th, Burning Tree Elementary will participate, for its 11th year, in International<br />

Walk-to-School Day. Save the date and plan to join us as we get some exercise and celebrate healthy living, traffic<br />

safety and the environment. It's a great way to start the day and promises fun for everyone. Let's see if we can reach<br />

or exceed 300 walkers this year! More details to come.<br />

Elementary/Middle School PTAs<br />

PTAs serve as a type of forum where parents, teachers, administrators, and other concerned adults discuss how to<br />

promote quality education, strive to expand the arts, encourage community involvement, and work toward a healthy<br />

environment and safe neighborhoods. Join the Burning Tree PTA!<br />

If you have anything to include in the next PTA Update, please email Kristen Farren at farrens5@comcast.net by<br />

Tuesday, September 23 at noon.

Burning Tree Elementary School<br />

BACK-TO-<strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />


Friday, Sept. 9 th from 5:30-7:00 pm<br />

(Rain date on Friday, Sept 16 st from 5:30-7:00 pm)<br />

Mingle with friends, classmates, and<br />

teachers!<br />

Buy pizza, subs, hot dogs, and drinks from Potomac<br />

Pizza or bring your own picnic dinner.<br />

Bring a dessert to share.<br />

We’ll provide popsicles, face painting, and other fun<br />

activities.<br />

Volunteers needed!<br />

Contact Rachel Bottone at rmbottone@gmail.com

Room Parents Needed<br />

PTA Liaison Parent<br />

Role: To be a point of contact between the PTA and classroom parents and to lead parent involvement in Staff<br />

Appreciation Week and at the Spring Fair. The PTA Liaison is also responsible for recruiting parent volunteers to<br />

supervise the children when lunch is held in the classroom on the few days of the year when the All Purpose<br />

Room is not available, for example during the Science Fair.<br />

Teacher/Classroom Liaison Parent<br />

Role: To be a point of contact for the teacher and to coordinate the monthly roster of classroom volunteers. This<br />

parent may also be responsible for securing volunteers for class events such as concerts and field trips. For the<br />

Kindergarten classes, this parent is also responsible for coordinating the playground roster (parents from the<br />

classes of Ms. Merritt, Ms. Backenstoe and Ms. Choe rotate responsibility for supervising the playground during<br />

recess, each month).<br />

Treasurer<br />

Role: To collect and administer class funds for parties and teacher gifts. The Treasurer is also responsible for<br />

purchasing an end of year gift for the teacher - usually a gift card.<br />

Halloween Party Coordinator*<br />

Role: To take the lead in coordinating the contributions of all the parents who signed up to help with this party.<br />

This includes coordinating classroom decorations, party activities, snacks and party favors.<br />

Valentine’s Day Party Coordinator*<br />

Role: To take the lead in coordinating the contributions of all the parents who signed up to help with this party.<br />

This includes coordinating classroom decorations, party activities, snacks and party favors.<br />

End of Year Party Coordinator*<br />

Role: To take the lead in coordinating the contributions of all the parents who signed up to help with this party.<br />

This includes coordinating classroom decorations, party activities, snacks and party favors.<br />

(* Note: Each family will be asked to sign up at Back to School Night to help with (at least) one of the three parties.<br />

This doesn’t mean the parent necessarily has to attend the party, but he/she will be asked to contribute by ordering<br />

party favors or purchasing snacks etc.)<br />

To submit your name for one (or more) of these positions or if you have questions, please contact the Room Parent<br />

Coordinator for your child’s (or children’s) grade. For Grades K – 2 that will be Amy Squire<br />

Buckley (amysquirebuckley@yahoo.com or 301- 229-2633) and for Grades 3-5 it will be Kim Bayard<br />

kbayard@frb.gov or 301-469-0786). You may email the information, or if you prefer, drop this form off at school<br />

in the PTA Forms box or send it in via your child’s backpack. Thanks for your help!!!<br />

Please join us for a Room Parent Meeting – Thursday, September 8th at 10:15am<br />

YES. SIGN ME UP! Name: __________________________________<br />

Email: __________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________<br />

Child’s Name: _____________________________ Grade: _____ Teacher: ___________________________<br />

Child’s Name: _____________________________ Grade: _____ Teacher: ___________________________<br />

Child’s Name: _____________________________ Grade: _____ Teacher: ___________________________<br />

Preferred Position(s) (You may sign up for more than one position):<br />

PTA Liaison Parent _______________________ Teacher/Classroom Liaison Parent ___________________<br />

Treasurer _______________________________ Halloween Party Coordinator _______________________<br />

Valentine’s Day Party Coordinator ____________ End of Year Party Coordinator ______________________

Burning Tree PTA Membership Form<br />

Burning Tree PTA invites you to become a member for the 2010-2011 school year. Joining the PTA is one<br />

of the most important things you can do for your child at Burning Tree. Your $25 dues support<br />

educational programs for your children such as Science Fair, lunch with a scientist, the school library and<br />

cultural arts programs. Your contributions also support fun events for the entire family including<br />

International Night, Arts Festival, and the Spring Fair. Each membership comes with a free copy of the<br />

indispensable Burning Tree Directory, listing addresses and phone numbers of your children’s classmates<br />

and other valuable information. With your PTA membership you are also able to vote on PTA matters<br />

that directly affect our children and our school. Where else can you get so much for $25?<br />

Membership is voluntary, but it is required to vote at PTA meetings. PTA memberships need to be<br />

renewed every year. We gratefully accept and appreciate any additional donations. Please join today online or by<br />

returning the form below.<br />

The PTA is going GREEN this year. You can help us by using our online partner to join the PTA. Simply log<br />

on to www.Pay4SchoolStuffOnline.com, create an account and sign up by credit card. A nominal<br />

administrative fee will be added to your transaction. Thank you for your support!**<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

PTA Membership Application Form<br />

Enclosed is ___ a check (payable to BTPTA) or ___ cash for the following:<br />

_____ Family Membership @ $25.00 $___________<br />

Name______________________________________________<br />

_____ Extra Directories @ $5.00 each $___________<br />

_____ Additional Donation to Burning Tree PTA $___________<br />

Total Amount Enclosed $ ___________<br />

Your youngest child at Burning Tree (for sending home the school directory):<br />

Child's Name__________________________ Grade_____ Teacher________________<br />

Please return your completed form including dues in an envelope marked "PTA Membership" to the PTA<br />

Forms Box in the school lobby, send it in via your child’s backpack, or mail it to Karen Rosen,<br />

6309 Landon Lane, Bethesda, MD 20817. Questions? Please contact Karen at 301-312-6030.<br />

Please Note: PTA membership is open to all, regardless of ability to pay. If you would like to join at<br />

reduced or no fees, please contact Dr. Lewis confidentially to join. Consult your tax advisor regarding<br />

the deductibility of membership dues and donations.


2011 BACK TO <strong>SCHOOL</strong> EDITION<br />

Quantity Total ($)<br />

BTES T-Shirt Lime Green ($10)<br />

Youth Size Small _____ _____<br />

Youth Size Medium _____ _____<br />

Youth Size Large _____ _____<br />

Youth Size X-Large _____ _____<br />

PTA Calendar 2010-2011 ($5) _____ _____<br />

Burning Tree Sports Sack ($8) _____ _____<br />

Burning Tree Green Water Bottle ($2.50) _____ _____<br />

Burning Tree White Water Bottle ($2) _____ _____<br />

Burning Tree Tote Bag ($10) _____ _____<br />

Burning Tree Car Magnet ($5) _____ _____<br />

“Note to School” Memo Pad ($2 OR 3/$5) _____ _____<br />

Burning Tree Pencils (3/$1) _____ _____<br />

Burning Tree Bracelets (1/$2 or 3/$5) _____ _____<br />

TOTAL ORDER……………………………………………………………………………………………….$_____<br />

STUDENT NAME: ______________________ TEACHER: ____________<br />

CONTACT E-MAIL __________________________________________<br />

CONTACT PHONE NUMBER _______________________________________<br />

Print out and complete order form and send form and payment (cash or check made out<br />

to “BTPTA”) to school in an envelope clearly marked “Spirit Shop.” Items will be sent home<br />

in your child’s backpack. Orders typically take 2-5 school days after receipt for delivery<br />

to teacher’s mailbox. Out of stock items may take 2-3 weeks for delivery (you will be notified).<br />

Questions about Spirit Shop, in stock status or orders? Contact Anne Marie O’Donoghue at 301-879-2650 or at<br />

amc32@yahoo.com. Thank you!

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