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Pages 1-80 - Springfield-Greene County Library

Pages 1-80 - Springfield-Greene County Library


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The machlnery In the power house<br />

has been given a new coat of palnt.<br />

Dr. J. E. Byrnes, was a vlsitor at<br />

this shop, February L Dr. Byrnes ham<br />

just reiurned from a trip to Chicago.<br />

We understood that Merrell De-<br />

noon, brass molder, had purchased a<br />

new Marmon car. but on inveatigat-<br />

ins we find he had only been riding<br />

in 3. new Chevrolet, whlch wits being<br />

demoustrated to him.<br />

Mr. A. Kerns, blacksmlth. has been<br />

nurslng an injured fool the past few<br />

weeks. We hope he wlll be able to<br />

return to work soon.<br />

Sir. H. D. Green, well known at-<br />

torney of West Plains, and forlnrrly<br />

attorney for the Frisco, dled February<br />

1. at the Burjie hospltal In Sprinn-<br />

field. Mr. Green was better known to<br />

the older members of the Frisco<br />

familv.<br />

Sam Fowler, machlnlst apprentice.<br />

spent Sunday. February 12, wlth hls<br />

parents at Forsyth on White Rlver.<br />

LOCAL No. 17<br />


-<br />

E. F. BEATTY, Reporter<br />

Mr. Ira Smlth. rlp track box gacker.<br />

is the proud father of a baby boy,<br />

born January 16. Luck to the future<br />

railroader.<br />

Marion N. Allen, safety appliance<br />

man. has just returned from a 15-day<br />

visit in Thayer. 330.. and vlclnity. He<br />

reports having a good tlme.<br />

Caaper Oaks, cook on the wrecker.<br />

has resumed hls dutles after a slxty-<br />

day leave of absence account of be-<br />

ing Injured.<br />

Mr. A. L. Sasser. division chairman,<br />

made a buslness trlp to Oklahoma City.<br />

January 19.<br />

Otls -E. Dlckerson, car carpenter. In<br />

spending a thlrty-day leave of absence<br />

in Arkansas.<br />

John Powell. car carpenter. was off<br />

the job several days last week account<br />

of sickness.<br />

Mr. Frank Junkins, system chair-<br />

man. met wlth Local No. 17. ~Monday.<br />

February 6, and gave a very interest-<br />

ing and entertalning talk.<br />

Ambrose Rlce. extra Inspector. 1s on<br />

the slck llst at this wrltlns.<br />

Local No. 17 has adopted a new at-<br />

tendance Plan. Each member must at-<br />

tend at least once each three months<br />

In ord'er to remain In good stand in^.<br />

Each member Is assessed 60 cents<br />

every quarter as dues. Thls monev<br />

Is to be used for soclal events or any<br />

other expense whlch may arise.<br />

THEON STRACK. Reporter -<br />

Hello, everybody! Thls Is our flrst<br />

lime to be represented In the Magashe.<br />

Very glad to be here and wlll<br />

attempt to gather news from now on<br />

for each Issue of the Magazine.<br />

Our congenial foreman. Mr. Larson.<br />

Is now nlcely located In hls new of-<br />

Ace whlch was flnlshed some tlme ago.<br />

Our monthly accldent prevent1011<br />

meeting was held during February.<br />

wlth all members present. lncludlng a<br />

few risitors.<br />

The water sewlce department has<br />

Installed a new water llne and crane<br />

here. which Is of great help to the<br />

shopmen as well as the englne crews.<br />

The new wheel lathe whlch was<br />

shipped here from Sprlngfleld, has been<br />

Installed and we are very thankful for<br />

this piece of machlnery.<br />

Ralph Paschel. of Sprlxlgfleld, has<br />

been worklng here for several days.<br />

helping out on motor car work.<br />

Sam Johnson has been transferred<br />

from Poplar Bluff here and later wlll<br />

so to Kennett to do some repalr work<br />

In connection with motor cars.<br />

Walter Shanks, bollermaker. haa<br />

moved hIa family here from Oran.<br />

Page 41<br />

Norman ' Kay, machinist apprentice. with the Frlsco to accept one wlth<br />

has been transferred to this polnt from the Stnclalr Oil Company as drlver of<br />

Chaffee. Mo.<br />

a tank wagon.<br />

Mrs. Joe Pryor, wife of the machln- J. C. Potts. gang foreman, who was<br />

Ifit, spent a recent week end wlth home confined with rheumatism in St. John's<br />

folks at Chaffee.<br />

hospital here for a few weeks, has<br />

The011 Strack, third class machlnlst. improved sufficiently to return to<br />

recently visited home folks at Benton work.<br />

and Cape Girardeau.<br />

Horse shoe pltchlng was such an<br />

Odis L. Powell, third class machin- alluring sport for some folks, that<br />

1st and family, are back from Hanni- when Klng Winter frowned upon the<br />

bal, Mo., where they attended the fun- pleasures of the Came. other ways<br />

eral _of Mrs. Powell's father.<br />

were devised to still enjoy the noon<br />

Bert Williams, car Inspector. is the hour sport. 50 Shoes of rubber beltproud<br />

owner of n new Chevrolet coach. ing were made especially for Indoor<br />

pitching, and the game goes on Inside<br />

the shop.<br />

John Haynes. laborer, who under-<br />

RECLAMATION PLANT went an operatlon at St. John's hos-<br />


pltal, expects to return to work SOOII.<br />

John C. Evans. sheet metal worker.<br />

has his home at 102.5 E. ~Monroe street<br />

T. 0, CHAPMAW. Reporter completed and will move into It soon.<br />

The building formerly occupied by<br />

Orval Beckor, blacksmlth hcl~er. has the store department Is ready to rerecovered<br />

from a severe siege of the ceive both the freight claim depart-<br />

"flu" and returrfed to hts Job.<br />

ment and the statlonery department.<br />

Porter Dorset, blacksmith hel~er. Pictures of reclamatlon plant emhas<br />

resigned his services with the ployes were made lately. Much en-<br />

Frisco and will farm near Pleasan. thusiasnl was shown over them ancl<br />

?. Mo.<br />

neveral hundred were sold among the<br />

Ch arles Mlkeswell- blacltsmitl~. - - -. . -. . Is .- in -.. men.<br />

the Frisco hosplt~l -in St. Loula.<br />

Rail Lnyer KO. 21 has 'been given a<br />

J. E. Kellosg. rnachinlst. was I11 dur- completc overhaullng In the gas motor<br />

ing much of-February. .<br />

department and sent to Holly Springs.<br />

Mrs. Ferba Norrla, wife of Edward Mlss. It wlll be in charge of Carl<br />

Norris. died early In February. Our Robinson, of <strong>Springfield</strong>.<br />

sympaihy 1s extended to the bereaved x fifty-ton, belt-drlven hydraulic<br />

husband.<br />

sprlng testing machine has been In-<br />

Homer Kerr. sheet metal worker. has stalled In the spring department Of<br />

purchased an ~Oldsmoblle slx coach. the forge shop. Locomotive springs<br />

Bud Hall, valve rnachinlst has re- are given a rigid and thorough double<br />

signed his job wlth the F ~ O . anti test before they are allowed to leave<br />

we have be& informed has movkd to the plant. There is such a big demand<br />

Oklahoma.<br />

tor springs for locomotives. that the<br />

Paul Preston. of the alr department. spring department of the reclamatbm<br />

has sold his Hudson sedan and Is In ~lant works day and night shifts Conthe<br />

market for a new Ford or an aero- tlnuously.<br />

plane.<br />

The E. I?. Houghton Laundry SUP-<br />

Curtis Blevins. switch stand bullder. ply Company of Chlcago, has sold to<br />

was lald up a few days In February the reclamatlon plant a complete set<br />

with an Injured foot, caused from be- of machlnery fot laundry work, which<br />

Ing Struck by a piece of casting. is expected to make a blg saving for<br />

Motor Car No. 2130 has been glven the Frisco In laundry bllls. The plant<br />

an overhaullng and returned to her is belng operated by Charles Spencer.<br />

run on the Hlgh Line. L. A. Tupin. x factory representative was here on<br />

gas motor supervisor, says he Is well a tour of Inspection and was so favpleased<br />

wlth the performance of the orably Impressed that he m&de a reel<br />

Brill motor cars slnce they have been of motlon plctures of the plant In OPremodeled<br />

at the reclamatlon plant. eratlon.<br />

Charles Kelley has been undergo- A couple of representatives from<br />

ing treatment at St. John's hospltal the office of Robert Collett, St. Loufs.<br />

here for some time.<br />

fuel supewlsor for the Frlsco. were<br />

James Potts, tin shop laborer, re- here for a few days inspectlns and<br />

cently spent a month wlth hls mother, testing 011s. Thev report that our<br />

who has been 111 at her home In Mem- methods of handling fuel ail at this<br />

phis.<br />

piace are very satisfactory and com-<br />

Eugene Majbee has purchased the nlimented Mr. Nash, tln shop foreman.<br />

property at 1619 West Chestnut Btreet on the ellielent way In whlch he Was<br />

and moved lnto It.<br />

handling thls work.<br />

Ted McEwen of the swltch point Steve Blevlns has been second en-<br />

Rang, vlsited 61s slster In St. Louls plneer to "Chlee" Nicholson at power<br />

recently.<br />

house In the absence of Stephen<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sisael an- Smlth. who wae aonflned to his home<br />

nounce the birth of a seven-uound with the "flu" for a couple Of weeks.<br />

girl, Wand'a Lea.<br />

A quartet has been organized and<br />

Frank Todd. painter. Is under a doc- 1s comnosed of Joe Weddell. flrsr<br />

tor's care. We hope for hls speedy tenor: Howard Palmer, second tenor.<br />

remverv - - - - - - < .<br />

Wllllam Delo. baritone. and C. k Nash.<br />

Earl Hatmob. lplaner operator, was bass. These "boys" know thelr notes<br />

at St. Louls vislting and slght-seelnp; and their slnglng is much appreciated<br />

a few days thls month. He rode the and applauded at all of Our accldent<br />

"Bluebonnet" both way8 and says that prevention and net-together meetings.<br />

she sure Is A "hummer."<br />

held every Tuesday.<br />

Walter Cox, blacksmlth, 1s much Im- J. A. Taylor. speclal engineer, Who<br />

proved in health after a month's lav- has been assoclated with the reClamaon<br />

for recuperation. We are glad io tlon plant the Dart four vears. has<br />

see hlm hack on the job.<br />

been retlred. Mr. Taylor has been a<br />

John McCullou~h decided he could falthful and consclentlous worker, and<br />

get along better-without hls tonslls.<br />

so he submltted to havinR them rea<br />

booster for the Frlsco for the past<br />

forty vears. He Is a man who has<br />

movect. and Is back at hls job as shop rlsen from the ranks and deserves to<br />

mule - - - - - - "nkinnrr." - - - . . . be retlred end llve at ease In the<br />

Joe Weddell, our popular slnger and evenlng of life. after havlng spent<br />

entertainer, has served long and falth- more than forty years of the vrlme of<br />

fully as oiler and belt chaser. and has hls Ilfe In the kervlce and Interest of<br />

earned a ~romoilon to machine ou- the road we are all proud to be aserator.<br />

Andrew Long wlll have charge sodated wlth. A farewell meetlnp was<br />

Of the 0llln.e job.<br />

held In Mr. Taylor's honor on Feb-<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Malcomb Doran an- ruarv I. the day that he retired. and<br />

nounce the birth of a daughter. Nena a bill told was presented to hlm as a<br />

T,ennen - - - - - - - .<br />

token of the frlendshlp for hlm of the<br />

Fred Carr has reslgned hls posltlon employe. of the reclamatlon plant.

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