Menopausal - Dr. Manuel Neves e Castro
Menopausal - Dr. Manuel Neves e Castro
Menopausal - Dr. Manuel Neves e Castro
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<strong>Menopausal</strong> Medicine:<br />
The past, the present and the future.<br />
Where are we now?<br />
by<br />
<strong>Manuel</strong> <strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong>, MD<br />
(Lisbon, Portugal)<br />
1 st Postgraduate Academic Course on Menopause<br />
EMAS<br />
November 2001<br />
To know how to suggest<br />
is the art of teaching<br />
Organotherapy<br />
History: The Past<br />
Egipt<br />
Greece<br />
Rome<br />
France (1888)<br />
Germany (1899)
1896: the Begining of HRT<br />
Three german groups reported<br />
that treatments with “ovarian<br />
powders” relieved symptoms<br />
related to the menopause.
The devopment of Estrogens(1)<br />
Internal secretion :Theophile de Bordeu ,1755<br />
Hormones :Baylis, Starling<br />
Estrogenic effects:<br />
Claude Bernard ,1885<br />
William Hardy (UK)<br />
- Vagina - Stockard and Papanicolaou 1917<br />
- Uterus - Allen and Doisy 1924
The devopment of estrogens(2)<br />
Estrin(Parkes and Bellerby, 1926)Hormone<br />
extracted from the ovary with fat solvents.<br />
Estrone (Butenandt ,1929) isolated in pure<br />
form from the urine of pregnant women.<br />
Estriol (Marian) isolated from the urine of<br />
pregnant women.<br />
17ß-Estradiol (1940) isolated from the urine<br />
of pregnant women and from the placenta.
“The therapeutic use of<br />
amniotin in the menopause”<br />
“For hot flashes, sweating,<br />
irritability and libido”<br />
SH Geist and F Spillman<br />
The pioneers: the Industry<br />
Schering (Germany)<br />
Organon (The Netherlands)
The first medicines for HRT<br />
Progynon ( Schering)<br />
Premarin (Ayerst)<br />
Estradiol (Implants)<br />
Primolut (Schering)<br />
Norlutin (Parke Davies)
<strong>Menopausal</strong> Osteoporosis<br />
Fuller Albright, 1940
“Feminine for ever”<br />
Robert Wilson 1966
The Pioneers<br />
Robert B .Greenblatt (USA)<br />
Wulf H Utian (South Africa and<br />
USA)<br />
Pieter van Keep (The Netherlands)
The Present ...
« Health is a condition of physical,<br />
mental and social wellbeing and not<br />
only the absence of disease. »<br />
The assessment of health is<br />
far more difficult than the<br />
diagnosis of disease.<br />
M.N.C. 10/99
A menopausal woman is a<br />
middle-aged woman
As a menopausal woman:<br />
She is hypoestrogenic and will<br />
suffer, at various levels, from<br />
its consequences.<br />
MNC 04/00
As a middle-aged woman:<br />
She will suffer from the<br />
process of natural aging, both<br />
from a biological and a<br />
psychological perspective.<br />
MNC 04/00
<strong>Menopausal</strong> Hormonal<br />
Treatments (MHT)<br />
The more physiologic (if<br />
not contraindicated)
HRT is indicated for:<br />
- Relief of symptoms<br />
- Maintenance and improvement of<br />
health<br />
- Prevention (primary and secondary) of<br />
Pharmacologic interventions<br />
- Symptomatic<br />
- Preventive<br />
- Primary<br />
- Secondary
“The compression of<br />
morbidity”<br />
J F Fries et al 1981
Pharmacologic interventions<br />
- hormonal<br />
- non hormonal
PEPI Trial<br />
Not all progestagens are<br />
“The pharmacokinetics and<br />
efficacy of different estrogens<br />
are not equivalent”<br />
R.Ansbacher –<br />
Breast Cancer
“1: 397 women taking ERT<br />
over 10 yr would develop a<br />
breast cancer that would<br />
not have ordinarily<br />
occurred if ERT were not<br />
used”.<br />
Santen RJ et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001; 86:16-23
Breast Cancer and HRT<br />
CGHFBC-Lancet 1997;350:1047-59<br />
Cumulative incidence/1000 women<br />
(starting at age 50)<br />
5 years 2 new cases<br />
10 years 6 new cases<br />
15 years 12 new cases
HRT and Breast Cancer link<br />
still unclear<br />
Bush TL et al -Hormone replacement<br />
therapy and breast cancer: a qualitative<br />
review. Obstet Gynecol 2001;98:498-508
“The evidence did not support the<br />
hypotheses that estrogen use<br />
increases the risk of breast<br />
cancer and that combined<br />
hormone therapy increases the<br />
risk more than estrogen only.<br />
Aditional observational studies<br />
are unlikely to alter this<br />
“HRT started at age 55 for 10 years<br />
can prolong life”.<br />
“One excess breast cancer case is<br />
likely to occur per 5-6 averted cases<br />
of first myocardial infarction or hip<br />
fracture”.<br />
Moerman CJ, Vanhout BA, BonneuxL, et al. J Intl Med<br />
Familial Breast Cancer<br />
“Collaborative reanalysis of individual data<br />
from 52 epidemiological studies including 58<br />
209 women with breast cancer and 101 986<br />
women without the disease”<br />
Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast<br />
Cancer (Oxford)<br />
Lancet 2001;358:1389-99
Familial Breast Cancer<br />
“1/9 women who develop breast<br />
cancer may have an affected<br />
mother, sister or daughter”<br />
Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast<br />
Cancer (Oxford)<br />
Lancet 2001;358:1389-99
Familial Breast Cancer<br />
Lifetime excess incidence of breast cancer:<br />
5.5% for women with one affected first degree relative<br />
13.3% for women with two affected relatives<br />
Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer<br />
(Oxford)<br />
Lancet 2001;358:1389-99
Familial Breast Cancer<br />
Estimates for death from breast cancer up to<br />
age 80:<br />
2.3% for no affected first degree relatives<br />
4.2% for one affected “ “ “<br />
7.6% for two affected “ “ “<br />
Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast<br />
Cancer (Oxford)<br />
Lancet 2001;358:1389-99
Physical Exercise Activities<br />
and Risk of Breast Cancer<br />
• 2 to 4 hours / week RR = 0.8<br />
• > than 4 hours / week RR = 0.4
Relative Risk of Breast Cancer<br />
and Body Weight<br />
• Weight (> 60 kg) and Age (>50 years)<br />
• increase the RR between 1.2 and 1.8
The Heart
HRT prevents a new<br />
cardiovascular event in 1:<br />
270 50 year old women<br />
taking HRT for 10 yr.<br />
Grodstein F et al. N Engl J Med.2000;335:453-461
“The risk for major coronary events<br />
was lower among current users of<br />
hormone therapy, including short-<br />
term users, compared with never<br />
users [(relative risk, 0.61 (95% CI,<br />
0.52-0.71)]”.<br />
Grodstein F. et al.Ann Intern Med 2000;133:933-41
“When are observational studies<br />
adequate evidence”?<br />
Grady D. and Hulley SB. Ann Intern Med<br />
The HERS trial<br />
Does HRT increase CVD<br />
he HERS Study, as interpreted by a<br />
practitioner, is nothing but a phase<br />
III Study of a particular product<br />
(0.625 mg of conjugated equine<br />
estrogens plus 2.5 mg of<br />
medroxyprogesterone acetate, in one<br />
tablet daily).<br />
<strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong> M. Maturitas 2001;38(3):235-237
It is not a study of<br />
estrogen/progestin replacement<br />
in postmenopausal women.<br />
<strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong> M. Maturitas 2001;38(3):235-237
he protocol of the study does not<br />
reflect good clinical practice.<br />
<strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong> M. Maturitas 2001;38(3):235-237
“The RH comparing risk of the<br />
primary CHD outcome in the<br />
hormone and placebo group was<br />
similar”.<br />
Hulley S, Grady G, Bush T, et al. JAMA 1998;280:605-13
“The discrepancy between the<br />
finding of HERS and the<br />
observational studies may also<br />
reflect important differences<br />
between the study populations<br />
and treatments”.<br />
Hulley S, Grady G, Bush T, et al. JAMA 1998;280:605-13
“For women who stopped taking<br />
HERS medication, the risk of<br />
primary CHD events was<br />
elevated in the first month after<br />
stopping use of the<br />
medication”?!<br />
Hulley S, Grady G, Bush T, et al. JAMA 1998;280:605-13
“HERS did not evaluate the effect<br />
of estrogens plus progestin therapy,<br />
in women without CHD, and it is<br />
not known whether our findings<br />
apply to healthy women. It is also<br />
not known whether the use of<br />
different progestin or of estrogens<br />
alone would have been beneficial”.<br />
Hulley S, Grady G, Bush T, et al. JAMA 1998;280:605-13
“The disappointing results of three<br />
recent trials indicate that clinicians<br />
should not use hormone therapy for<br />
prevention of coronary disease until<br />
this practice is supported by<br />
evidence from randomised trial”!<br />
GradyD, Hulley SB.Ann Intern Med 2000;133:999-1001
“Perhaps post-menopausal<br />
hormone therapy is beneficial in<br />
women who have not yet<br />
developed coronary disease but<br />
not in women who already have<br />
it”.<br />
Grady D, Hulley SB. Ann Intern Med 2000;133:999-1001
The findings of HERS should not<br />
discourage the use of hormone<br />
replacement therapy in the primary<br />
prevention of cardiovascular<br />
disease”.<br />
Tolbert T. and Oparil S. Circulation 2001;103:620-2
“Hormone Replacement Threrapy<br />
and Cardiovascular Disease”.<br />
A Statement for Healthcare Professionals<br />
From the American Heart Association.<br />
Mosca L et al;Circulation.2001;104:499-503
“Hormone Replacement Therapy and<br />
Cardiovascular Disease”.<br />
“There are insufficient data to suggest that<br />
HRT should be initiated for the sole (?)<br />
purpose of primary prevention on CVD”<br />
(Circulation 2001)
“Hormone Replacement Therapy and<br />
Cardiovascular Disease”.<br />
The majority of data available to make clinical<br />
recommendations are based on standard doses of<br />
oral CEE/MPA. Evidence is insufficient to determine<br />
whether different perparations, routes of delivery,<br />
doses, or different progestins have a more favorable<br />
or more adverse effect on clinical CVD end points”<br />
(Circulation 2001)
“Hormone Replacement Therapy and<br />
Cardiovascular Disease”.<br />
“In conclusion, recommendations such as<br />
these of the AHA (Circulation 2001),writen as they<br />
are, may be less helpful than intended, both<br />
for clinicians and women”.<br />
<strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong> M.The ImaginaryWoman, Maturitas 2001 (in press)
HRT and CVD<br />
“The Effect of Treatment with Estradiol<br />
and Norethisterone Acetate on Exercise<br />
Tolerance and on the the Frequency<br />
and Severity of Ischemic Attacks in<br />
Postmenopausal Women with Stable<br />
Angina Pectoris”.<br />
Sanderson JE et al.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2001;38(3):372-383
HRT and CVD<br />
“The total number of ischemic events/24 h<br />
during ambulatory electrocardiographic<br />
monitoring decreased by 0.82 events after<br />
treatment compared with an increase in the<br />
placebo group (0.94), a highly significant<br />
difference (p=0.006)”.<br />
Sanderson JE et al.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2001;38(3):372-383
The ERA Trial
Epidemiological Studies<br />
- How were they performed?<br />
- What similarities do they have<br />
with our clinical practice?<br />
- How to interpret them?
with<br />
Do not confuse…<br />
Relative Risk<br />
Absolute Risk!
with<br />
Do not confuse…<br />
Morbility<br />
Epidemiological Studies<br />
PLEASE!<br />
Do not read only the tittles<br />
Do not read only the abstracts<br />
Do read the full paper<br />
Be critical!<br />
Make up your own mind!<br />
MNC 11/01
HRT reduces the incidence<br />
of colon cancer
Epidemiological Studies<br />
- Observational<br />
- Clinical trials
What is<br />
a woman /year ?!
100 woman/years = 100 women treated<br />
during 12 months<br />
is it the same as<br />
100 woman/years = 400 women treated<br />
during 3 months<br />
Women are not statistics!<br />
They must be treated<br />
<strong>Menopausal</strong> hormonal treatments<br />
are very good.<br />
but<br />
Treatments without hormones may<br />
also be very good for a woman’s<br />
“When hormone replacement<br />
therapy is not possible”<br />
<strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong> M in “The Management of the Menopause; The<br />
Millennium Review 2000” Ed.John Studd; Pathernon, NY 2000
HRT is not possible ...<br />
- When it is not wanted by women.<br />
- When women do not feel the need.<br />
- When there are contraindications.
Look for risk factors<br />
- Cardiovascular<br />
- Cancer<br />
- Bone<br />
- Tibolone<br />
- Serm’s<br />
New Molecules<br />
- Bisphosphonates<br />
- PTH<br />
- ERß ligands<br />
- New progestagens<br />
- Vitamin D3 derivatives
The analysis<br />
Benefit/risk<br />
“All medical interventions<br />
should be individualised to the<br />
specific woman’s age,<br />
characteristics and needs”.<br />
Genazzani AR, Gambacciani M. IMS Expert Workshop, Climacteric<br />
Monitor<br />
The efficacy of your interventions in<br />
regard to the predetermined<br />
For how long?
The Future ...
Life is not to live,<br />
but to be well.<br />
The first wealth is health.<br />
Hormones ?
“For a woman with high-risk<br />
profile, the gains in health are<br />
about twice as high as for her<br />
counterpart in the general<br />
population, and her risk-benefit<br />
ratio is also more favourable”.<br />
Moerman CJ, Vanhout BA, BonneuxL, et al. J Intl Med<br />
Those who only investigate HRT<br />
and never see a patient may have<br />
doubts about the enormous<br />
benefits of HRT in terms of<br />
quality of life.
“I believe that controlling hormone levels and<br />
improving their communication within the<br />
body will become the central focus of health<br />
care in the future. I also believe they are the<br />
key to reversing the aging process. And that is<br />
the real goal everyone desires”.<br />
Barry Sears-”The anti-aging Zone”. chap.29 Regan Books,NY.1999
HRT seems to be the best<br />
pharmacological available<br />
strategy to improve brain<br />
function and to prevent colon<br />
Vitamin D derivates convert<br />
colon cancer cells<br />
Alberto Muñoz et al.<br />
Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular<br />
Biology (Valencia, 18-19 September 2001)<br />
Lancet Oncology,2:593(October 2001)
Estrogens and Vascular System<br />
Estrogens protect the heart against<br />
coronary artery disease and they are<br />
now regarded as being as important as<br />
aspirin and antihypertensive drugs were<br />
in the past.
Lipid-lowering therapy promotes<br />
clinically stable plaque<br />
- Prolonged intensive lipid-lowering therapy is<br />
associated with a markedly decreased lipid<br />
content in carotid atherosclerotic plaques<br />
- The clinical implication of this is that the low<br />
plaque lipid composition would predict greater<br />
plaque stability, and would thus reduce clinical<br />
ischemic events such as myocardial infarction or<br />
stroke.<br />
Zhao X-Q et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2001;21:1623-1629,1563-<br />
1564 (October)
“Nitroglycerin Therapy Is As<br />
Efficacious As Standard Estrogen<br />
Replacement Therapy (Premarin) in<br />
Prevention of Oophorectomy-Induced<br />
Bone Loss: A Human Pilot Clinical<br />
Study”<br />
Wimalawansa, SJ. J Bone Miner Res,2000 Nov, 15(11) p2240-2244
“This study showed for the first<br />
time that NG is as effective as<br />
estrogen in preventing bone loss<br />
in these surgically induced<br />
menopausal women.”<br />
Wimalawansa SJ
“Although estrogen decreased<br />
serum osteocalcin and bone-<br />
specific alkaline phosphatase<br />
levels, NG therapy significantly<br />
increased these two markers of<br />
bone formation.”<br />
In the future...<br />
Will phytoestrogens be<br />
usefull for breast<br />
protection ?<br />
MNC 3/01
In the future...<br />
Will hCG be used, in<br />
nuliparous women on<br />
HRT, to protect their<br />
breast from a cancer risk?<br />
(J.Russo)<br />
MNC 3/01
In the future<br />
Will progesterone medicated<br />
IUD’s replace oral<br />
progestagens in HRT?<br />
MNC 3/00
To give, or ...<br />
Not to give?...<br />
- The important issue, after all, is<br />
not HRT<br />
-What is important is the best<br />
possible approach to preventive<br />
medicine in a middle-aged<br />
woman<br />
MNC 3/01
Can side effects be minimized ?
First of all, there are many different<br />
post-menopausal hormone<br />
therapies: different estrogens,<br />
different progestins, different<br />
routes of administration, different<br />
regimens, which have different<br />
profiles.<br />
<strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong> M. Maturitas 2001;38(3):235-237
Second, there are those who know<br />
and those who do not know to<br />
tailor-make it to a particular<br />
woman and to monitor its efficacy<br />
in the targets that have justified its<br />
selection.<br />
<strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong> M. Maturitas 2001;38(3):235-237
Third, there are those who think<br />
that the menopause is a disease to<br />
be treated solely with sex hormones,<br />
and there are those who believe that<br />
the menopause is an event in a<br />
middle-aged woman’s life.<br />
<strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong> M. Maturitas 2001;38(3):235-237
The support of good health and<br />
- Aerobic exercise<br />
- Rational nutrition<br />
- Reduced smoking<br />
longevity<br />
- Reduced Alchool consumption<br />
- Develop Mental ocupations<br />
- Pharmacologic interventions
“<strong>Menopausal</strong>” Treatments<br />
for the future?<br />
Casper’s “continuous estrogen/intermittent progestin”<br />
(Endometrium protection)<br />
DHEA-S (Brain, Bone, CNS)<br />
Testerone + Estradiol (CNS, Bone)<br />
Melatonin (CNS, Cancer)<br />
Phytoestrogens (CNS, CV, Cancer)<br />
hCG (Breast protection)<br />
Estrogens only (Oral or Parenteral) + Progesterone medicated<br />
IUD’s (Breast and Endomentrium protection)<br />
MNC 11/01
What do we know today?
There are today in the<br />
World 470 million women<br />
over 50 years of age<br />
E.Barrett-Conor, 1993
Some<br />
concepts<br />
to remember ...
Health<br />
Is an essential wealth that<br />
must be enriched<br />
by all means
Health<br />
“Is a state of physical, psychic<br />
and social wellbeing and not<br />
only the absence of disease”<br />
This is the global (holistic)<br />
dimension of Health
The Science of<br />
- Diagnosing<br />
- Treating and<br />
Medicine<br />
- Preventing diseases
Preventive Medicine<br />
“The branch of medical science<br />
concerned with the prevention of<br />
diseases ,with with promotion of<br />
physical and mental health through<br />
study of aetiology and epidemiology of<br />
disease processes”<br />
Stedman’s Medical Dictionary
Gynaecology:<br />
What is it?
Gynaecology = gynaeco + logos<br />
i.e.<br />
the Science or the Study of the<br />
Woman, as a whole .
However, today<br />
Gynaecology = gynaeco-pathology<br />
i.e.<br />
the study and treatment of the<br />
diseases of women
Gynaecology:<br />
Is today more concerned with the<br />
organic pathology of women,<br />
without much consideration of<br />
their psychic dimension ,and<br />
even less with their physical and<br />
mental health.
The attending physician must<br />
- adopt a holistic vision of the middle<br />
age woman who comes to him for<br />
support.<br />
- be concerned and involved in all the<br />
aspects that define health.<br />
M.N.C. 10/99
Attention!<br />
-The therapeutic support during the menopause is not<br />
confined only to drugs.<br />
-It is not the menopause that is going to be<br />
treated:<br />
-It is a woman,in a very special period of her<br />
life,with affective and hormonal imbalances,who<br />
needs to be supported and treated as a whole,as<br />
she is.<br />
M <strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong>
A modern gynecologist must ...<br />
know how to identify risk<br />
factors and to modify them in<br />
order to prevent diseases.<br />
M.N.C. 10/99
As physicians - gynaecologists:<br />
Our mission is:<br />
1. To preserve and to promote the<br />
physical and mental health of women.<br />
2. To identify and to modify the risk<br />
factors that may lead to diseases.<br />
3. To diagnose and to treat their diseases.<br />
MNC 10/99
Modern gynaecologists :<br />
must be:<br />
- “People”<br />
- Physicians<br />
- and ... Specialists<br />
MNC 10/99
A <strong>Menopausal</strong> Woman?<br />
or<br />
A Middle Aged Woman?
“The Menopause: an<br />
opportunity”<br />
Leon Speroff
“The Menopause: an alarm<br />
clock!”<br />
M <strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong>
Science ...<br />
is an art of probability<br />
Medicine...<br />
is an art of uncertainty<br />
Sir William Osler
Evidence based Medicine<br />
and<br />
Medicine based Evidence
HRT<br />
Hormone replacement therapy?<br />
or<br />
MHT<br />
Menopusal hormonal therapy?<br />
MNC 03/00
The take home message<br />
The prescription of long-term<br />
hormonal treatments must depend<br />
always on a benefit/risk analysis in<br />
comparison with other non-hormonal<br />
medications and strategies.
Every discussion about the<br />
Menopause (the Queen...) seems to<br />
implicate that there is nothing but<br />
HRT!<br />
<strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong> M. Maturitas 2001;38(3):235-237
The Queen... Is naked!<br />
<strong>Neves</strong>-e-<strong>Castro</strong> M. Maturitas 2001;38(3):235-237
It is very important that the woman<br />
understands what is being done and<br />
how the objectives are being fulfilled.<br />
This is the best way to ensure<br />
The physician must give advice.<br />
The woman must take the decision.
The physician must give advice.<br />
The woman must make the decision.
Preventing a woman from the<br />
benefits of a sound<br />
postmenopausal hormone<br />
therapy because of the fear<br />
of rare side effects does not<br />
seem to be satisfactory<br />
Medicine...<br />
MNC 3/01
White woman’s risk of death between<br />
the ages of 50 and 94 are:<br />
After Preventing all ...<br />
For a 10 year a woman long HRT from itthe<br />
“Only is benefits likely 20% that of women of one may a who avert sound start<br />
HRT Good 6 31.0% postmenopausal cardiovascular seem clinical from to continue heart judgement events disease hormone treatment per<br />
after 1 must therapy 2.8% diagnosed 4 years”. prevail! from because breast of cancer. cancer the fear<br />
of rare side effects does not<br />
2.8% from hip fracture<br />
seem to be satisfactory<br />
Medicine...<br />
Henderson BE et al.Arch Intern Med 1991;151:75-8<br />
Pilon D, Castilloux A, Le Lorier J. Obstet Gynecol<br />
MNC<br />
2001;97:97-100.<br />
MNC<br />
2001<br />
3/01<br />
Brinton LA, Schairer C. N Engl J Med.1997;336:1769-1775
<strong>Menopausal</strong> Medicine?<br />
Woman’s Medicine?<br />
A Woman<br />
in the autumn of her life<br />
deserves an indian summer<br />
rather than a winter of a discontent ...<br />
Robert B Greenblatt
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