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postion where the personal interest of the public officer conflicts with the duties and responsibilities of office or compromise,<br />

dishonesty, impartiality and integrity of the office. Ta riu uria mekete gutwara commission igotini na igotini riu niyo judges,<br />

na cira ni against the judges, iyo ni conflict of interest. Ithe tigwo? Matingethii gututhitaga angekorwo maratuthitaga<br />

kuri-u. Eh tondu nio menathina na noo meguthii gutwa. Kogwo tu-suggestete ati this code of conduct, uria<br />

utekwenda ku-retire, iroiga ati no muhaka makorwo first of all matari corrupt, ma-declare their wealth, na mundu<br />

a-declare wealth yake na ya ciana ciake iria itari married tondu ugwo nigwo indo ihithagwo. Ukaciregister na mwana<br />

uria wa miaka ikumi kana ikumi na iri. No angekorwo ni married tutiraki-follow tondu no magekorwo me na indo na<br />

family yake. But it is children who are below.<br />

O.K. so, uhoro wa judges ngweciria ni mwakeigwa uria tura-suggest. Na tithwe tura-suggest by the way. The only<br />

thing we are suggesting is how to deal with the judges because Kenyans are very unhappy about the judiciary. Na<br />

ninge judiciary ni very important tondu, tungegira na new constitution and we have a bad judiciary, it is going to be<br />

impossible to implement a new constitution. So that is why it is very important that we think about the judiciary.<br />

Now, nitwaretie uhoro wa land and property rights. uhoro wa migunda, na uhoro wa property, tondu in some parts of<br />

the country nitweragwo ati akorwo ni Kenyans, matiagererwo ni gukorwo na property everywhere and other Kenyans<br />

said they want property anywhere in this country. They are others who wanted to know what we do with the property that is<br />

owned by the foreigners; no uhoro wa migunda ngweciria nitwaretie muno muno all over the country. It is not just Central<br />

Province. Ta riu Rift Valley mena problems nyingi muno where andu amwe muoigaga migunda yao yoirwo ni andu mi<br />

district inge. Even the district boundaries themselves are a problem. Migunda tariu ya Coast Province, kwe migunda<br />

ya gurirwo, titles ituraga Saudi Arabia. Many many Kenyans are actually squatters at the Coast Province. So that is a very<br />

major issue and basically what we have done is to try to establish a constitutional office on the land commission which should<br />

continue the work, because these are things you cannot settle even at the national conference; but it is going to be a major<br />

debate during the national conference.<br />

We have also had a lot of information on the structures and systems of government and we have been saying we have been<br />

moving towards a presidential system where the president has all the powers and I talked about this a little. So what we have<br />

done, is to combine a presidential system with a parliamentary system so that it is not really a structure that is dominated by<br />

either and in this particular case, parliament is much stronger than the Executive who is the president and within that context, we<br />

have also abolished provincial administration. But that one we were just told by Kenyans we do not need provincial<br />

administration. Ati wira wa sub-chief riu urutagwo ni wazee wa vijiji. So they do not have a job. Nake chibu akoragwo e<br />

permanent na matimuthurete. So, either atigwo hau, na athurwo na atransferegwo, but they do not want a chief that is<br />

there athuretwo ni thirikari, because it is an extension of the executive, the presidential power. And also people felt the DO’s<br />

job was been duplicated they do not need a DO, and they do not see what the PC has to do with what is happening within the<br />

Province. So, what we have provided for under transitional provisions, tugite riu provincial administration I-abolish-wo,<br />


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