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guthoma. Na nimokete tu ningetha meke atia? Maigwe. Magachoka makamaka makoria atiriri, Katiba yerwo<br />

niguteyo niki? Ati niya ageni? Na hau ningwenda mutumenyithie ni kuga atia. Ati yumete kuri ageni na riu nidaigwa<br />

muthuri uyu wa kuma kwa Ndung’u and Kwach athoma uria wothe twaigire.<br />

Riuri, ucio ni undu ucio. Igwetwo ya ageni niki? Na nitwaigwa ithui gutiri hando ugeni we ho. Arathoma agachoka<br />

agatwira na ucio niwarererio thiini wa Kenya yothe na nimwikiri thiini wa maratathi maria mi thiini wa katiba.<br />

Handu aria gwenda kumenya hanini, haha ari uhoro wegie national heroes day. Ndinamenya national heros day<br />

ndinamenya mwamiagera handu niki, thiini wa katiba. Tondu nyoniri thiguku ithatu. Imwe ni ya katiba riria igekerwo<br />

kirore, na iria ingi ni ya Madaraka day na Jamuhuri day. Ithatu. Thiguku ya andu aya mundu ugwetwo Gitu<br />

aragwetari, iyo marutiri wira munene muno, magethukio maguru, magethokangio na angi umothe matihotaga guthii.<br />

Thiguku ndikumenya gikatiba irorire niki? Ndiagirirwo ni kura. Tondu mandeko macio thinii wa ngathetini kana thini<br />

wa katiba ino irathondekwo ni Professor, noyo ingirira Kimathi Kamiti athii agathikwo kuria agererwo ni guthikwo.<br />

No riu ingetigwo orougwo, ona uria uguka no ariganero kana ni kware mundu wetagwo Kimathi, na noarehwo<br />

atwarwo kwao.<br />

Ngatheti nituoniri iria yoimete mweri ikumi na inyanya rira mwari Mombasa na tugichoka tukiona riu ino<br />

mwaturehere riu. Na nidona ino ndihanaini na iria. Na ningwenda kumenya niki kiratuma? Iria yari ya mbere ya<br />

mweri 18, nitarerie wega. Kai hari na utiganu uriko na ino I haha riu?<br />

Katiba niyatweka niyarutwo githakaini. Na yarutwo githakainiri, tinjega. Riuri, tondu bunge no igethogothanie<br />

o-riria yothe ingienderwo-re, twenaku? Kana ni wira wa bure twarutire?<br />

Wokabi Mungai: Hehandu hagwetwo heigii thina wa bururi uyu, percentage. Na yerwo ni around 60%, twe below<br />

poverty line. No kuringana na uria Kenyans me hard working. You find that, andu akuma unarenge 18 years guthii na<br />

iguru, me kundu marokaga every day. Na thutha wa close observation ya uhoro uyu, we have employers, either private<br />

employers na government employers. Na ungecharia muno niugukora these private employers are also very many and<br />

they have created a job or jobs to so many people in Kenya. But the question at hand, these people who are working in<br />

these areas, how much are they protected as far as their salaries are concerned? So as to reduce this percentage rate<br />

of poverty.<br />

It is not a wonder umuthe uyu turi, I will start my own school here, I am a teacher anyway by profession, though not<br />

employed. No, uguthii ukore ndajereria chukuru, na heyo go ahead, no ndihotete kuacesswo wega, kana mundu ucio<br />

gwandika, ningohota kumuriha, na nigetha akorwo agi-survive in that profession. Koguo, nii niingiuria thirikari,<br />

ikorwo ina way and means, cia kuprotect these workers because they are so many in this private area and they age<br />


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